Matching Workshop Utrecht.pptx


Matching Workshop Utrecht.pptx
Matching @ FASoS Patrick Bijsmans/Amanda Kluveld/Pia Harbers (UM) VSNU Matching Workshop, Utrecht, 1 April 2014 •  Achtergrond •  Voorbeelden •  Data AC/CW •  Data ES •  ReacOes studenten •  Conclusies Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
FASoS: AC/CW en ES AC CW ES FASoS ✔ ✔ ✔ PBL ✔ ✔ ✔ Engelstalig ✔ ✔ InternaOonaal ✔ ✔ Interdisciplinair ✔ ✔ ✔ Brede opleidingen ✔ ✔ ✔ SpecialisaOes ✔ ✔ Schrijven belangrijk ✔ ✔ Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
✔ © 2014
Waarom Matching? •  Student bewust maken van studiekeuze •  Uitval verminderen en rendement verhogen •  Instroom verlagen/stabiliseren (BA ES) •  ZelfreflecCe én zelfselecCe sCmuleren •  Studiesucces kunnen voorspellen vóór de start •  Meer informaCe verkrijgen over binnenkomende studenten Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
Proces AC/CW: Uitnodigt: 384 Ingevuld: 201 Gesprek: ± 50% Gestart: 184 ES: Uitnodigt: 861 Ingevuld: 475 Gesprek: ± 50% Gestart: 369 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
De Matching vragenlijst
Vooropleiding (inclusief resultaten) en werkervaring Extra-­‐curriculaire acCviteiten (werk, sport, etc.) Voorbereiding studiekeuze Studievaardigheden (PBL), Cmemanagement, taalvaardigheid MoCvaCe VerwachCngen Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
Het interview •  2 interviewers •  Duur: 20 minuten •  Inhoud: uitleg Matching procedure, bespreking vragenlijst, gelegenheid tot vragen stellen, advies •  Vergelijkbaar verloop gesprekken •  Gericht op zelfreflecCe Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
Voorbeeld 1 EducaOonal background and work experience Which programme are/were you enrolled in? Psychology Do you have a diploma in higher educaCon or a so-­‐called propedeuse? No, no diploma Please explain, in 100 -­‐ 200 words, why you have decided to quit that programme. Because I found out that I'm more interested in cultural relaCons, history and poliCcs. I did 3,5 years of Social Work at an HBO level, but I decided that it wasn't worth my Cme and effort to study something I'm not fully commihed to. The only part of the programme I really liked were 2 lectures about Cultural Anthropology and my minor: Social Work in Europe. We went to the Europian Union one day and that's were my interest for Europian Studies started. Study choice How did you hear about BA European Studies? UM website Which acCviCes did you undertake to gain informaCon? Checked info on UM website Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
Voorbeeld 2 ExplanaOon: We are curious to know why you have chosen European Studies in Maastricht. The quesCons below address your study choice. How did you hear about BA European Studies? UM website Which acCviCes did you undertake to gain informaCon? Checked info on UM website Please explain, in 100-­‐200 words, why you have applied for the Bachelor in European Studies. In the end of the year I will reCre and I would like to deepen my knowledge in a field that paassionates me Yes, another programme is also very interesCng Did you also register for another programme to me (but it has no numerus fixus and I do not this year? intend to do two programmes at the same Cme) Which other programme? Arts and Culture Please explain, in 100-­‐200 words, why you have applied for another programme. I am very interested in Arts When did you apply for this programme? 01-­‐11-­‐2013 Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
Voorbeeld 3 ExplanaOon: The quesCons in this secCon address your educaConal background and any work experience you may have already, as well as the skills you have acquired during the laher. Such skills may also be useful during your studies at university. Do you have any work experience (job, summer job, voluntary service, social service)? Yes Please explain in 50-­‐100 words what kind of work experience. I worked in my father's farm for someCme during my holiday. Also when I go to my village I have to help with the work there. Therefore I learned how to cut trees, Hunt and also how to plough the field.I also help voluntarily in the village guard. Also help the community cleaning group. Please explain in 50-­‐100 words what kind of skills you acquired during your work experience. I learned about how to plant trees and learned how to hunt animals. I learned how to keep the community clean.Also learned how to keep myself safe from dangers. Please explain in 50-­‐100 words how you think that these skills can help you during your studies. These skills are not the most helpful skills when it comes to studies but doing those things have definitely made me more paCent and hardworking in life.Doing those things have made me simple and understand that in order to achieve something big I have to study Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
Voorbeeld 4 ExplanaOon: The Bachelor in European Studies relies on Problem-­‐Based Learning. This means that small groups of students work together with a tutor on a parCcular assignment. The following statements apply to the study amtude and study skills that relate to this teaching environment. For each statement, select the answer that fits you best. I am good at Cme management and coping with deadlines Disagree partly I am able to work alone, unsupervised Agree partly I am able to disCnguish between essenCal issues and issues that are of a secondary importance Agree partly I collaborate well with others (in small groups) Agree partly I enjoy wriCng Agree partly I have no trouble speaking in public Agree partly I like to engage in discussions Agree fully I like to read Agree fully Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
Voorbeeld 5 ExplanaOon: What are your expectaCons of the first year of the Bachelor in European Studies? Please check our website for informaCon about the first-­‐year courses. Why are you seeking to study at university (use at least 60 words / at most 100 words)? first , the system in the university in maastricht is really good for me . I prefer when we are less in the cours , it's more easy to understand .I would like to try the university first . I'm not sure that the course is also good in an high school . this is a course with a lot of internaConnal relaCon , internaConnal culture , human Please indicate what you already know about relaCon , poliCc relaCon and all of this in the Bachelor in European Studies (Use at least Europe . we are going to study Europe in the 150 words / at most 300 words) past , now and in the futur .We are going to comparate all the countries in Europe . Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
Voorbeeld 6 ExplanaOon: In case of excepConal circumstances and/or health issues (such as a funcConal disorder, a chronic disease or excepConal family circumstances) the university may offer special arrangements and addiConal faciliCes. Are there any excepConal circumstances and/or funcConal limitaCons that may influence your study progress? Yes Would you like to discuss these during an individual appointment with one of the student advisors? No Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
ES (1): Matching en studieresultaten 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014* Status N Average GPA (SD) Average ECTS (SD) Intake OK 203 6,69 (1,50) 48,65 (18,48) Intake PENDING 65 5,81 (1,74) 41,53 (22,00) Intake NOK 105 5,36 (2,10) 35,03 (23,97) Empty 6 4,87 (3,10) 29,00 (28,50) Intake OK 118 6,62 (1,67) 48,11 (18,22) OK aper interview 105 6,23 (1,74) 46,05 (19,72) Intake PENDING 81 6,23 (1,63) 44,27 (19,70) NOK aper interview 62 5,51 (1,81) 37,74 (21,82) Intake OK 99 6,53 (1,74) 19,29 (6,87) OK aper interview 142 5,97 (1,66) 16,80 (7,75) Intake PENDING 52 6,36 (1,99) 18,70 (7,56) NOK aper interview 65 4,77 (2,23) 11,90 (9,23) Empty 3 1,00 (0,00) 0,00 (0,00) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
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* Aper 2 out of 5 course periods 7
ES (2a): voorspellende factoren 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014* Gender Gender Gender Country previous educaOon Country previous educaOon Country previous educaOon Average grade secondary educaCon (German students) Average grade secondary educaCon (German students) Average grade secondary educaCon (Belgian students) Final grade English (Dutch students) Average grade secondary educaCon (German students) Average grade secondary educaCon (Belgian students) Average grade secondary educaCon (Dutch students) Final grade English (Dutch students) Final grade English (German students) Previous enrolment in higher educaOon Self-­‐ranking compared to fellow students in secondary educaCon Final grade English (German students) Previous enrolment in higher educaOon Self-­‐ranking compared to fellow students in secondary educaCon Previous enrolment in higher educaOon Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
* Aper 2 out of 5 course periods ES (2b): voorspellende factoren 2011/2012 Wel/niet alleen de website van de UM bekeken voor informaCe over de studie EsCmated hours of self-­‐study outside of class EsCmated hours spend on acCviCes outside studies 2012/2013 EsCmated hours of self-­‐study outside of class Total length of answers to all open quesOons Self-­‐evaluaOon study skills (all answers combined) Self-­‐evaluaOon study skills (all answers combined) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
2013/2014* Wel/niet alleen de website van de UM bekeken voor informaCe over de studie EsCmated hours spend on acCviCes outside studies (only work siginficant) Total length of answers to all open quesOons Self-­‐evaluaOon study skills (all answers combined) European Studies first choice Intake ID (datum/CjdsCp van aanmelding in Studielink) © 2014
* Aper 2 out of 5 course periods 8
ES (3): niet-­‐voorspellende factoren 2011/2012 Average grade secondary educaCon (Dutch students)* 2012/2013 Average grade secondary educaCon (Dutch students)* Average grade secondary educaCon (BriCsh students) Final grade English (Dutch students) Yes/no aaendance Open Day Yes/no aaendance Open Day 2013/2014** Final grade English (Belgian students) VWO vs. other diploma (Netherlands) Yes/no aaendance Open Day Yes/no ahendance Open Day and/or Yes/no ahendance Open Day and/or Yes/no ahendance Open Day and/or Preview Day Preview Day Preview Day European Studies first choice European Studies first choice European Studies first choice Also registered for another programme Expected number of ECTS * Aper 2 out of 5 course periods Yes/no only website for programme informaCon Also registered for another programme Expected number of ECTS EsCmated hours of self-­‐study outside of class Also registered for another programme Expected number of ECTS Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
* Analysis suggests significance, but one or more subgroups have only limited N. **Aper 2 out of 5 course periods. AC/CW (1): Matching en studieresultaten 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014* Status N Average GPA (SD) Average ECTS (SD) Intake OK 59 6,78 (1,32) 6,78 (1,32) Intake PENDING 44 6,51 (1,22) 6,51 (1,22) Intake NOK 27 5,39 (2,57) 5,39 (2,57) Empty 14 5,78 (1,82) 5,78 (1,82) Intake OK 80 6,12 (1,93) 42,59 (21,09) OK aper interview 15 5,69 (1,99) 37,20 (22,08) Intake PENDING 81 5,73 (2,06) 41,63 (21,28) Empty 4 3,03 (1,87) 10,00 (8,16) Intake OK 59 5,99 (2,27) 18,66 (10,10) OK aper interview 71 5,84 (1,55) 18,54 (8,07) Intake PENDING 25 6,17 (1,70) 19,24 (8,77) NOK aper interview 10 5,28 (1,59) 15,50 (8,81) Empty 9 3,50 (1,86) 4,67 (8,77) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
* Aper 2 out of 5 course periods 9
AC/CW (2): voorspellende factoren 2011/2012 Geslacht Gemiddeld cijfer (GPA) op de middelbare school (Duitse studenten Verwachte aantal ECTS 2012/2013 2013/2014** Geslacht Geslacht Gemiddeld cijfer (GPA) op de middelbare school (Duitse studenten) ‘Inhoud van de studie’ als belangrijkste reden om voor CW/AC te kiezen Gemiddeld cijfer (GPA) op de middelbare school (Nederlandse studenten) ZelfevaluaCe cijfers Totaal aantal uren besteed aan acCviteiten naast de studie (sport, werk, uitgaan, etc.) Totale lengte van antwoorden op alle open vragen (Ook) ingeschreven voor een andere opleiding* Gemiddeld cijfer (GPA) op de middelbare school (Nederlandse studenten)* ‘Inhoud van de studie’ als belangrijkste reden om voor CW/AC te kiezen* Wel/geen bijzondere omstandigheden* Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
* Analysis suggests significance, but one or more subgroups have only limited N. **Aper 2 out of 5 course periods. AC/CW (3): niet-­‐voorspellende factoren 2011/2012 2012/2013 2013/2014* Land van vooropleiding VWO-­‐diploma vs. HBO-­‐propedeuse Land van vooropleiding Land van vooropleiding VWO-­‐diploma vs. HBO-­‐propedeuse Gemiddeld cijfer (GPA) op de middelbare school (Belgische studenten) Eerdere opleiding gedaan in hoger onderwijs Wel/geen Open Dag bezocht Gemiddeld cijfer (GPA) op de middelbare school (Belgische en Nederlandse studenten) Eerdere opleiding gedaan in hoger onderwijs Wel/geen Open Dag bezocht VWO-­‐diploma vs. Andere vooropleiding in Nederland Gemiddeld cijfer (GPA) op de middelbare school (Belgische en Duitse studenten) Eerdere opleiding gedaan in hoger onderwijs Wel/geen Open Dag bezocht Totale score ‘studievaardigheden’ Totale score ‘studievaardigheden’ Totale score ‘studievaardigheden’ Intake ID (datum/CjdsCp van aanmelding in Studielink) Intake ID (datum/CjdsCp van aanmelding in Studielink) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
Aantal uren besteed aan acCviteiten buiten de studie © 2014
* Aper 2 out of 5 course periods 10
AC/CW (4): samenwerking met CPB •  Doel: uitval terugdringen, nog meer inzicht eenduidige kenmerken risicostudenten •  Online extra opdracht op basis van eerste studieblok •  Aselect toegewezen aan alle studenten (groen, oranje en rood) •  Controle-­‐ en behandelgroep Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
ReacOes studenten ü  “[Judith] received an orange email, because she had made some mistakes in the English grammar. (…) So far, she has passed all her exams: ‘Except for one, (…) a 5.5 for my English skills’.” (university newspaper Observant, 2 February 2012) ü  “It was a good thing to ask yourself all those quesCons before starCng in Maastricht. You have to really think about your choice. (…) I’m 23; I already studied Graphic Design in Liège. I got my degree, but it was never a passion. Now with Arts & Culture I’ve found my passion. This is really my programme.” (Delphine in university newspaper Observant, 2 February 2012) ü  “Thank you again for advising us. [My son] will rapidly revert to you on [the English level required].” (email from father of prospecCve BA ES student, 9 May 2013) ü  “I enjoyed being asked quesCons to genuinely see if I was the right kind of student for this course. It puts me at ease to know that most of the students in my current programme were not dissuaded at all at the level of commitment and personal reflecCon they needed to provide in order to see if they belonged here as well.” (from anonymous evaluaCon, September 2013) Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014
FASoS: voorlopige conclusies •  Aanmeldingen worden in een vroeg stadium teruggetrokken •  Uitval na het eerste jaar is ongeveer gelijk gebleven, maar reden voor uitval is sinds invoering Matching vrijwel uitsluitend n-­‐BSA •  Variabelen die voor de ene opleiding voorspellend zijn, zijn dat voor een andere opleiding niet •  Met opleidings-­‐specifieke Matching kunnen we studiesucces goed voorspellen •  Gerichte adviezen in vroeg stadium en basisinformaCe voor mentoraat Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences
© 2014