June - The Newfoundland Club of Northern California


June - The Newfoundland Club of Northern California
JUNE 2011
Presidential Notes
National - Welcome home from the 2011 Newfoundland National.
I hope all of you who traveled
to Frankenmuth, Michigan are home safe and are full of stories to share with your fellow NCNC
members. Congratulations to all who represented our club, I wish I could have been there to cheer
you on. Both Kathy and I had the chance to catch up with some of those who traveled to the National
and enjoyed hearing about the draft test, breed judging and how fun the, “Top 20” event was. I understand a few of our NCNC friends became part of the entertainment for the evening. We can always
count on our members and friends for a hearty chuckle.
Water Seminar - The Water Seminar takes place on June 4th and 5th.
I am looking forward to
seeing both old and new faces at the seminar. We are so lucky to have Judi Adler as our speaker/
instructor for the seminar and I for one have been doing my homework assignments to make the most
of my seminar experience. I am also doing the homework because Gabe, the wonder puppy, is oh so
good at humbling his mother. Thank you Gaby and Martin for hosting this event!
The NewfsPaper
Cart Building Seminar - I want to extend a huge thank you to Steve Brown for his hours of
preparation work to make the cart building seminar a great success. Steve had everything ready for
the 25+ eager cart builders who showed up at Brown’s house on a brisk Saturday morning at 8am.
Steve provided work stations for each step of the process. All of us, with some training and a watchful eye, partook in bending conduit, drilling, ratcheting, sanding, pipe cutting and assembly. When I
spoke to Steve about the daunting task of building 15 carts in one day he felt we would need 10 to 12
hours to complete all 15 carts. I think the crew blew Steve’s estimate out the door when all 15 carts
where completed by 3:30 that afternoon which included an hour lunch break. What a great group of
people! We laughed, told some horrible jokes, (which I greatly appreciated), and enjoyed each other’s
talents and company for the day. Thanks again Steve for your efforts and to both you and Cherrie for
sharing your home with us.
Picnic – Please don’t forget to send in your picnic registration. Our picnic is so much fun for both
the dogs and humans. We have interactive games, great food, and I promise, some wonderful laughs
are before you. I always look forward to this annual event because I simply get to enjoy the day with
our dogs and friends without the stresses of training, grooming, or test taking. Picnic day is all about
Newfy people being Newfy people; simply loving our dogs and enjoying each other. I look forward
to seeing you and your pups at the picnic.
Final note- I had the pleasure of speaking to our newest NCNC members. I enjoyed our quick
phone conversations and learning about your dogs and family members. Again, welcome to the club
and I hope we all get to personally meet you at our upcoming events.
~ Dawn Druge
Inside this issue:
Birthdays / New Members
Health & Rescue
Where Are They Now?
Summer Picnic Info & Registration
Cart Building Workshop
NCA BOD Bulletin Board
User name: webnewf
Password: gentlegiants
NCNC Board of Directors and Committee Chairs
Dawn Druge
[email protected]
John Bonnell
[email protected]
Vice President
Kevin Gallagher
[email protected]
Debbie Bridge
[email protected]
Rick Humphreys
[email protected]
Corresponding Secretary/Rescue Chair
June Gibson
[email protected]
Recording Secretary / Education Chair
Lynne Baker
[email protected]
Membership / The NewfsPaper Editor
John & Gina Bonnell
[email protected]
Recognition Chair
Summer Poris
[email protected]
Sunshine Committee Chair
Linda Maggy
[email protected]
Ways and Means
Patti & Buzz Sondgroth
[email protected]
Hazel Jacoby
[email protected]
Working Dog Chair
Dana Kuo
[email protected]
Advertising & Editorials
Half Page - $7.50
Quarter Page - $4.00
Business Card - $2.50
Articles/ photos must be submitted by the 20th
of each month for publication in the next issue.
Digital photos should be submitted in high
Send to: [email protected]
Advertising, commercial or otherwise, will be
accepted for publication in The Newf’s Paper
subject to the editor’s discretion.
The Newf’s Paper is a regular publication of
the Newfoundland Club of Northern California
(NCNC). Articles published are the opinions of
the authors and not necessarily those of the
board of NCNC or those of the board of NCA.
Articles published, which are of a medical na-
ture, are the opinions of the authors only.
Consult your veterinarian before attempting to
diagnose, medicate, or severely change the
dietary habits of your dogs.
VN Ch. Socorro's Sea Monkey (Briny) WRD, DD, CD, TDD
Jenni Lott
VN Ch. Socorro's Aukai Hokualohi (Sparkle) CD, TD, WRD, TDD, RN
Cherrie & Steve Brown
June Gibson
Tedi Bear CGC
Hazel Jacoby
Blueberryhills Forever "Henry"
Joy Alyea
Dancing Bear's Junior Brown CGC
Bari Halperin
Black Gold of Westgate (Russer)
Samantha & Robert Westgate
Ch Capriccio's DrkSide of the Moon (Dozer) CGC,TDD
John & Gina Bonnell
Capriccio's Point Me At The "Sky"
Pamela Rubio
Capriccio's Sally Forth
Donald & Nancy Hollister
CH. Cypress Bay Mt High Capriccio (Fling)
Pamela Rubio
Stephen & Jennifer Cyr
Soda Creek's Sock It To Me "Ruth" WD, WRD
Amy Ryan
Windhaven's Quiet Storm (Doolin)
Allana Kew/Michelle Rickmond
Elizabeth Stern/Daniel Zimmerlin
Royal Flush Kona Coast Showdown
Elisa & John Morozumi
Castle Rock's Tonka's Premiere Tot (Primo)
John & Susan Cross
Karableu's Benvoglia (Benny)
Amy Morris
Karableu's Wait-N-Sea
John & Monica Brennan
Windhaven She's the Real Cruz (Penelope)
Christine Legg/Aaron Kehoe
We are still looking for someone to be the
Ring Announcer / Status Board Updater
for this year’s Regional Specialty
(An almost front row
seat to all the action)
[email protected]
New Members
Chuck, Bonnie, Kelsey & Derek Englert
1289 Miller Ave
S. San Francisco, CAQ 94080
(650) 952-0276
[email protected]
Newfoundland Health & Rescue
NCNC Picnic – June 18, 2011
Help support NH&R at the Annual NCNC
Special Raffle
There will be a special raffle with two items
to win:
 A Danny Quest
statue of two Newf
puppies and a frog
at a pond. This
bronze sculpture
was created for
NCA, but similar
size and subjects sell for about $200
from Danny Quest Designs.
 A one of a kind, dou-
The NH&R annual raffle will be held at the
picnic June 18, 2011. Please contact Hazel
Jacoby at 510-582-9027,
[email protected], or June Gibson at
714-292-8461, [email protected] if
you have items to donate. NH&R appreciates your support by donating items and, of
course, by coming to the picnic and purchasing lots of tickets!!
We would like to thank and acknowledge the following for their donations:
Samantha Westgate
Joyce Taylor, in memory of Sweetie
Hazel Jacoby, in memory of Sweetie
Paul and Barbara Schwab,
for support of Sprocket
Sales Table
Check out the items for sale at the NH&R
table. Lots of goodies will be there!
NCA National Newfoundland Show
Thank you to all who helped at the NH&R
booth, either by purchasing or assisting.
And a huge “Thank You” to Michelle Alpern for her support by allowing NH&R to
sell her products. The Clair Carr puppy
raincoat was a big hit! Due to cooperating
weather and the support of many, we doubled our sales receipts over last year.
ble / queen size quilt
made by Summer
Poris, including unused ribbons. See
Tickets may be purchased by:
Dogs in Rescue
 Mailing your check to June Gibson, 3855
Here is a summary of rescue dog activity:
West Wise Rd., Lincoln, CA 95648,
 At the water seminar on June 4 & 5,
 At the picnic on June 18th.
Ticket prices:
Reina: Has been adopted.
Rocky: Being medically treated and will
be adopted when cleared.
Sprocket: A 6 year old black female,
vet checked and adopted.
Halo: An 18 month old brown female,
spayed, vet checked, and adopted.
 1 for $1,
 6 for $5,
 12 for $10,
 30 for $20, or
 100 for $50.
The drawing will be held at the picnic on
June 18 - you need not be present to win.
Health Tip:
It is foxtail season – spring and summer when the weeds begin to dry!! Foxtails are grass seeds that look like wheat and
can imbed themselves into various parts of the dog, especially the ears, between the toes, and the nose. Once in the body
they can migrate.
Of course, the best way to avoid having a "foxtail experience" is to keep your dog out of weedy areas. But reality says
you should check your dog's feet (especially between the toes) and in the hair near the ears after walking in any area that
has grass or weeds. If your dog suddenly starts sneezing very heavily, he/she may have one up the nose.
Foxtails that have gone up the nose or that have started a hole in the skin that's oozing usually have to be removed by
your veterinarian. Don't expect them to come out on their own - the sooner you get to the vet, the more likely the vet
will be able to find it and remove it without major problems.
Where Are They Now?
“Well, it was a bit of a tough year for me in
2009, being somewhat of a rowdy pup,
romping playfully with my bro', getting in
all kinds of what people called "trouble"
and we called "fun & games" ... when all of
a sudden, it all became too much to handle
and we had to leave town. I admit, I was
confused for awhile being on the run, moving from one safe house to another every
few days. During that time when the
NH&R "underground railroad" protected
me I heard many sad tales of hardship from
the other dogs I met but it seemed that they
all had settled in to pretty cozy situations ...
lots of good food, frequent brushing and
occasional outings to swim, I suppose that
being "rescued" is just the other side of
feeling "escaped". Just as I was settling in
under an assumed name (I went by "Jake"
for awhile) with Tedi and Chex, both bigger and more experienced around people
than me, two strangers appeared and followed me around the house for some time.
They kept staring and I became suspicious,
wondering if the law had finally caught up with me. When
they reappeared a few days
later I thought for sure that my
cover was blown and I got
really worried, but I thought I
scented a whiff of Labrador on
the young female so I felt
maybe I could trust her. She
was calm and tender and her
touch settled my nerves, so I buried my
snout in her lap as I like to do, and she held
me close and didn't push me away when I
drooled a bit (see picture). Those two then
took me for a car ride -- a car ride! -- my
favorite! -- but after awhile I wanted to go
back to my buddies who did such a good
job looking after me. I tried hard to maintain my best behavior but I was feeling
anxious, all the more so when they took me
into a house and I ran into the two black
cats. I kept my distance and looked for the
water bowl.
After a few days exploring the house and
yard (and showing off my leaping ability
(see picture) by clearing a bookcase and
making it right through a window screen) I
had done a good job leaving my scent, excess fur and drool everywhere
to mark my territory while
keeping a wary eye on those
cats. One day Chex appeared
at the front door! It was so
good to see an old friend but
after a romp he went away
and I had to stay alone. That
was tough for a few days and I made a
home for myself in the crate upstairs
(where the cats couldn't get in). Then a few
days later, more people came to stay in the
house, an adult female and a biped male
pup who liked to wrestle and chase! He
took me on leash walks down the hill to a
big field where I could run free with other
dogs. And a few days later an older male
appeared, brought out the leash, and ran
along with me on the road so fast I
couldn't keep up! For a week they
called me a slew of different names
and though I liked them all and tried
my best to respond, I never knew
when they were talking to me or to the
cats, but after awhile they all settled
on "Clifford" and that seems to fit.
I don't move from house to
house anymore, and since my
fur can be found in every corner it
seems to be my home for good. I
still like my crate for daily meditation and sleep after I make the
rounds to check that everyone is in
their bed. These people never feed me
enough wet food (how many times to I
have to boycott the dry stuff?), and don't
take me in the car enough, but they have
learned to respond to my leaning in for
affection. They all pet and play with me
and talk to me as if I understand every ad-
jective. Well, I do, mostly, especially the
ones preceding my favorite words, "food" ,
"out?", "walk" and "car ride". Every once
in awhile we ride up to the park for a swim
with the ducks in the lake, and I work hard
to bring back the tennis balls they keep
dropping into the water, but I only
bring them back within a yard of the
shore or they'll keep losing them.
The male pup still loves to wrestle
on the floor (see picture) and the
young female is always good for a
lap snuggle. The older male I miss
but he visits from time to time and
always takes me out for a run. The adult
female seems to understand better than
others about the need for wet food and
feeds me every morning. My daily job is to
chase Mr. Squirrel away from the bird
feeders which I do with a passion, even
bursting through the screen door in pursuit
when necessary, but I've never caught him
and he keeps coming back for more. There
is brushing and there are spray baths from
time to time to endure, and you know, I
never, ever can get quite enough affection,
but overall I think this is working out for
me. I'm still a frisky pup at heart and love
to play as much as I can, but there are also
pleasures to be found in curling up by the
fireplace on a rainy night, keeping one eye
on the cat padding by, and an ear alert for
any possibility that food might
be heading my way ...”
Comment from the rest of the
family: “The lives of the Broque family (Barbara, Eric,
Brendan, Audrey and Geoffrey)
have all been blessed by the
presence of Clifford in our lives. We may
never know all of his pre-rescue adventures
but he still runs with grace and abandon,
swims with glee, and we see a peace and
contentedness in his eyes. Many thanks to
the many Rescue Heroines who eased his
path into our hearts.”
~ Clifford Broque
Need Water Work Help? Just Ask...
Vacaville - Laura Gallagher: (home) 707-447-9079, (cell) 415-806-9048, [email protected]
Lincoln - Gaby Cohen & Martin Vroegryk: 916-434-8837, [email protected]
Antioch - Rick Humphreys: [email protected]
San Jose - Lori Littleford: (cell) 408-859-3677, [email protected] (Put NEWF in the subject)
San Jose - John Pearson: [email protected]
Gilroy - Pam Rubio 408-847-1641, [email protected]
The NCNC Water Workshop is coming in June (4 & 5) 2011!
Don’t wait, register for the upcoming Water Work Workshop led by Judi Adler. This is a return engagement for Judi and her first workshop
here was a big hit! Newfs of all ages are invited – Saturday’s the day for beginners of all ages (puppy to adult) will have a great introduction to
the water, to water safety, and to the skills needed to work toward a water title. It’s also a great day for those who’ve had some introduction or
experience in the water, but who are still pretty new to the skills. Sunday’s the day to really work on Water Test Skills of all levels.
We hope you’ll all attend! Please call or email Gaby if you have any questions.
916-434-8837, [email protected]
Lex finished his CDX title today in Hayward
CA! There were 16 entries, 4 dogs qualified
and LEX wins FIRST Place!!!! Score 190.5! I
didn't think we had such a high score and
was surprised we won first, that fabulous
boy! With the CDX, Lex also completes his
requirements for NCA's Working Achievement title! WOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!
NCNC Raffle item brings in over
$1000.00 at the National Specialty
Summer Fun Picnic
Saturday, June 18, 2011 – 12 noon
Vasona Lake County Park
(Raintree Group Area)
333 Blossom Hill Road
Los Gatos, CA 95032
Parking Fee $6 Contact: Elisa Morozumi [email protected] 408-395-3075
2011 Summer Fun Picnic
Registration Form
BBQ Food Choice (Please indicate how many people for each)
For the Potluck, I will bring - (Please Check one)
(If you aren’t sure what to bring, contact Elisa Morozumi for suggestions)
# of NCNC members:
x $7.50 = $
# of Guests:
x $9.50 = $
Total Due: $
RSVP by June 17, 2011
[email protected] / 408-395-3075
Mail Registration & Payment to:
c/o Elisa Morozumi, 20157 Thompson Rd, Los Gatos, CA 95033
Righty Tighty… The 2011 Cart Building Workshop
Reminiscent of the Christmas Story movie,
I fantasized myself with ratchet in hand and
my cape flying in the wind, singlehandedly conquering the cart assembly
assignment to be the NCNC hero of whom
generations to come would talk. Yeah,
Because I enjoy
assembling precut furniture and
preparing drawings so people
understand how
a structure is
assembled, I was looking forward
to this seminar.
I later learned
my drawing
skills would not
be necessary,
but I could help
assemble carts
used for draft
work for our
fuzzy Newfoundland family members.
I was pleasantly humbled to be a regular
member of a few teams of men and women
who, with great proactive spirit, worked
alongside me to create several assemblies
that would make up each of fifteen draft
carts. Although there was no distinct order
or designated teams, the nearly 30 people
who braved the cool mid-May morning
developed into small groups as if drawn
together like magnets.
I expected there to be a tour of the yard
where different components in their raw
forms awaited manipulation into more
familiar, frame-like
shapes, but with so
many people eagerly
waiting, fabrication
began. With this my
first cart-building event, I may have been a
bit naïve about what to expect. That’s
okay; I liken it to coloring outside the lines
Steve Brown was very patient teaching me
and others how to use the tools at each station, several of which peppered the
Brown’s front yard. Later, there were other
patient teachers, as well as students. It was
a nice group of people with varying degrees
of expertise.
I am amazed how many women were getting in there and doing “dirty” work. Even
with fingernails! You rock, ladies!
I recall when I would finish a task of tubecutting, all I need do was turn around and
fill a void to help a team splicing a bent
frame using a pop-rivet tool with the
smaller diameter tubing pieces I had just
cut. I remember seeing such a tool when I
was younger but had no
idea what it was or how to
use it. It was one of several things I learned during
the cart-building event.
It was not my job to provide quality control, but
Dawn (Druge) will tease
me for having rejected a few pieces of conduit, the tubing that make up the frame of
the carts, because the holes were too far
off-center to suit my engineering mind. Oh
well, I feel better knowing the bolt will not
shear the frame and fail the joint.
Despite the lack of itinerary, the event was
orderly and if there was any slack, it was
quickly remedied. There was something
for everyone to do and if needed, opportunities to take a break. I helped with several
stations and few people chose to remain in
a single area.
When completed
around 3:30, the
group gathered in
front of the carts
lined up against the
wall of a large dog
run. There were
sixteen in all, including the club cart.
Because he had stations pretty well
supplied with tools and base material
nearby, the teams completed the carts
several hours earlier than Steve’s estimate.
Linda Kennard took the club cart for decorating. With the artistic skills of her Granddaughter already working on Linda’s personal cart, the club cart is sure to shine.
I’m sure we’ll all be proud to see it on display at the raffle for this year’s Regional
show in October.
I met people I hadn’t seen before and
learned the names of those I recognized. I
Photos by Merle Maggy
will try to remember your names but apologize in advance, should I forget.
Although I did not personally bend the
tubing or sand the plywood that make up
the floors of the carts, I learned some skills
that will likely assist me in the future, either by practical application or lesson.
If there is another cart-building event in the
future, and I’m able, I will be there to help
and hope to see you there.
~ Kathy Bracisco
The latest model of the small conduit cart
has shafts that adjust for the length of the
dog and can be flipped over for use with
a team. A new method was devised for
attaching the center shaft for a team, and
an adjustable height bar for hitching was
added. Also a new type of brake stop
was added.
Thanks go to Linda Maggy for chairing
the event, to Gina Bonnell for canvassing
the membership for interest, to Merle
Maggy for his photography and other
assistance, to Randy Schimm for helping
train and guide workers, to Bill Liley for
guiding workers and jumping in to help
out wherever needed, all the participants
( Elisa & John Morozumi, Susan Rouse,
Collen Cahill & Jerry Kinkade, Dean
Mancini, Lisa & Rick Pinguelo, Dawn
Druge & Kathy Bracisco, Emma Taylor,
Amy Ryan and her mother, Jackie & Carl
Hudson, Patti O’Brien & Edd
O’donoghue, Laura & Kevin Gallagher,
Lynn Baker, Patti & Buzz Sondgroth,
Jennifer Allen, Linda Kennard, Lori Littleford & John Pearson) and of course to
Steve Brown for organizing the workshop and preparing all the jigs and work
stations. NCNC also thanks Ace Hardware in Dixon for giving us a discounted
price for most of the supplies. There
were a lot of new people at the workshop.
Hopefully we will see all of them at the
next carting seminars and at the tests.
~ Cherrie Brown
NCA BOD, Face to Face Meeting (Bulletin Board) - May 1-3, 2011
This list is presented by the Board for your
information and is to be considered unofficial.
The complete official minutes of the meeting
will be published as soon as they are approved.)
NCA Board of Directors: Lynne AndersonPowell (LA), Jacqueline K. Brellochs (JB),
John Cornell (JC), Mary Lou Cuddy (MLC),
Roger Frey (RF), Sue Marino (SM), Kathy
McIver (KM), Mary L. Price (MLP),
Maredith Reggie (MR), Pam Rubio (PR),
Pam Saunders (PS) and Donna Thibault (DT).
At 6:11p.m., the meeting was called to order.
Pam Rubio moved and Kathy McIver seconded that the March 17, 2011 minutes as
amended. The motion passed unanimously.
1 Absent (JB)
Kathy McIver moved and Sue Marino seconded that all committees be required to hold
committee teleconference meetings as needed
to properly conduct business with a minimum
of one meeting per year. There must be a
quorum of said committee. All committee
actions must result from a teleconference or
face-to-face meeting with a quorum of said
committee. The motion passed unanimously.
1 Absent (JB)
Kathy McIver moved and Sue Marino seconded that the Board direct Mary W. Price,
AKC Delegate, to vote for four-year term
limits for the AKC Board of Directors. The
motion passed unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
Kathy McIver moved and Donna Thibault
seconded that Board accept the proposal from
the Electronic Publications Policy Committee
as follows:
Commercial/Vendor Advertising will be accepted for the NCA Electronic
Newsletter (e-Notes).
Ad size will be 100 pixels high by 185 pixels
wide and may contain a company name, tag
line, one image or logo (up to 75px x 100px)
and a link.
Advertising Rates:
NCA Member - $25
Non NCA Member - $50
Regional Club - $12.50 (fundraiser, raffle,
A 10% discount is offered for vendors preordering 6 or more months in a
calendar year.
All ads will appear in the base of the right
column and will be separated from non paid
space by a horizontal bar.
A maximum of 4 ads will be accepted per
issue on a first come-first serve basis. If an
issue is full the vendor will be offered the
next available slot, or the advertising fee will
be refunded. The advertising deadline for
each issue is the 15th of the month. Ad space
in any given issue may be reserved up to six
months prior to the deadline date. Payment
must be received in order to reserve space.
Multiple ad spaces in the same issue will be
available only if all spaces are not reserved by
the advertising deadline. The NCA may reject any advertisement for inappropriate content. Advertisements for dogs or puppies for
sale will not be accepted.
Advertisements may be paid by check or
charge. Checks must accompany ads and
must be made out to the Newfoundland Club
of America. Checks from Canadian and international vendors must be in U.S. dollars,
drawn on a U.S. bank. Ads received without
payment will be returned.
A webpage will be available for online advertising submission, and a link will be provided
in the footer of each issue of the NCA Electronic Newsletter. (e-Notes).
The motion passed unanimously. 1 Absent
Lynne Anderson-Powell moved and Sue Marino seconded that the Board accept the proposed Purina Dog Library revisions as
amended. The motion passed unanimously.
1 Absent (JB)
Sue Marino moved and Pam Saunders seconded that the Board approve Balch Signs to
provide NCA decals at the price of $.43 each
per 1000 ordered. Updated art work will be
presented to the Board before the printing of
the decals. The motion passed unanimously.
1 Absent (JB)
Kathy McIver moved and Pam Rubio seconded that the Board approve the recommendation of the Newf Tide Policy Committee
that Newfoundlands that requalify for a title
may submit a photograph to the Annual of
Titlists and to the new titles section in Newf
Tide. The motion passed unanimously. 1
Absent (JB)
Kathy McIver moved and Pam Rubio seconded that the Board approve the recommendation of the Newf Tide Policy Committee
that the NCA’s agreement with the editor of
the Annual of Titlists be extended for the production of the 2010 Annual of Titlists. The
motion passed unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
Kathy McIver moved and Pam Saunders seconded that the Board approve the recommendation of the Newf Tide Policy Committee
starting with the 3rd Quarter 2011 issue of
Newf Tide, at an approximate cost of $375 per
issue, that the magazine be perfect bound.
The motion passed unanimously. 1 Absent
Donna Thibault moved and Kathy McIver
seconded that the Board approve the recommendation of the Newf Tide Policy Committee that a full page color ad category be established at a cost of $240 per full page ad subject to the existing policies governing ad submission. The motion passed unanimously. 1
Absent (JB)
Pam Saunders moved and Lynne AndersonPowell seconded that the Board approve the
recommendation of the Newf Tide Policy
Committee that starting with the 3rd Quarter
2011 issue of Newf Tide, all “business pages”
in the magazine be printed on 70 pound paper. The motion passed unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
At 7:48 p.m., Donna Thibault moved and
Kathy McIver seconded that the Board go
into executive session. The motion passed
unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
At 7:49 p.m., Donna Thibault moved and Sue
Marino seconded that the Board come out of
executive session. The motion passes unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
While in executive session, the Board approved the recommendation of the Newf Tide
Policy Committee that the NCA’s agreement
with the editor of Newf Tide be extended for
three (3) years. The motion passed unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
At 8:19 p.m., Kathy McIver moved and Pam
Rubio seconded that the Board go into executive session. The motion passed unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
At 9:28 p.m., Kathy McIver moved and
Donna Thibault seconded that the Board
come out of executive session. The motion
passed unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
While in executive session, the Board approved the Applicants Lists dated March 17,
2011 and May 1, 2011.
While in executive session, the Board
awarded the Member of the Year to Sue
While in executive session, the Board
awarded Honorary Memberships to Roger
and Barbara Frey.
(Continued on page 10)
(Continued from page 9)
At 9:54 p.m., the meeting was recessed until
Monday, May 2, 2011 at 8:30 a.m.
At 8:38 a.m., the meeting was reconvened.
At 9:08 a.m., Sue Marino moved and John
Cornell seconded that the Board go into executive session. The motion passed unanimously. 1 Absent (JB)
At approximately 11:30 a.m., John Cornell
moved and Pam Saunders seconded that the
Board come out of executive session. The
motion passed unanimously.
While in executive session, the Board heard
the matter of Bricknell & McFadden v. Heard
and found merit to the charge against Christine Heard and no merit to the charge against
Brad Heard. Mrs. Heard is suspended from
the Newfoundland Club of America, Inc. for a
period to six (6) months beginning May 2,
Pam Rubio moved and John Cornell seconded
that the Board direct the Treasurer to refund
$50 of the $100 grievance fee to the complainant in the matter of Bricknell & McFadden v. Heard. The motion passed unanimously.
At 1:12 p.m., Pam Saunders moved and John
Cornell seconded that the Board go into executive session. The motion passed unanimously.
At 6:14 p.m., Donna Thibault moved and
Lynne Anderson-Powell seconded that the
Board come out of executive session. The
motion passed unanimously.
While in executive session, the Board heard
the matter of Lambert v. Gerrits. The complaint consisted of six charges. The Board
found merit to one charge and no merit to the
remaining charges. No penalty was imposed.
Ms. Gerrits remains a member in good standing of the Newfoundland Club of America,
At 6:15 p.m., the meeting was recessed.
At 9:05 p.m., the meeting was reconvened.
Jacqueline Brellochs moved and Lynne
Anderson-Powell seconded that the Board
refer to the ad hoc Governing Documents
Review Committee for consideration the suggestions that the time between the Board election and the annual meetings be decreased
and the establishment of an investigative
committee as part of the grievance hearing
process. The motion passed. 11 Yes (LA,
DT; 1 No (MR)
Kathy McIver moved and Pam Rubio seconded that the Board refer the following recommendations from the Steering Committee
to the Regional Club Committee with a report
due back to the Board by August 18, 2011:
Identify through Regional Club listings those
regional club members who are not NCA
members but who are active and/or long-time
members at the regional level. Pull together a
group of people who will talk to these members and encourage them to join the NCA.
Have a Regional Club/NCA member available at Fun Days and Membership meetings
to talk about the NCA, its programs, the
Charitable Trust, and the membership process. For Annual Membership meetings, ask
for a five-minute spot on the agenda. For Fun
Days, set up a card table with NCA information and some copies of Newf Tide. For both,
have membership forms and other educational
and informative materials available.
Encourage Newfoundland owners who love
Newfoundlands to avail themselves of the
opportunity to participate in and work for the
parent club whose responsibility it is to preserve and protect this breed, since the NCA is
the only U.S. organization in existence with
this purpose.
The motion passed unanimously.
Mary Lou Cuddy moved and Donna Thibault
seconded that the Board request the Specialty
Show Coordinating Committee to develop a
procedure for nametags identifying NCA and
Board members at National Specialties. The
motion passed unanimously.
Pam Rubio moved and Sue Marino seconded
that the Board establish the goal that the regional clubs work towards having 50% of
their membership be NCA members. The
motion passed unanimously.
Sue Marino moved and Mary Lou Cuddy
seconded that the Board adopt the recommendations presented by the ad hoc Newf Ambassador Committee. The motion passed. 11
Yes (LA, JB, JC, MLC, RF, SM, MLP, MR,
PR, PS, DT; 1 No (KM)
Sue Marino moved and Pam Rubio seconded
that the Board refer the Newf Ambassador
program to the General Education Committee
for the committee’s opinion on making the
Newf Ambassador program a sub-committee
of the General Education Committee. The
motion passed unanimously.
At approximately 10:30 p.m., Sue Marino
moved and Pam Rubio seconded that the
Board go into executive session. The motion
passed unanimously.
At 11:02 p.m., Kathy McIver moved and John
Cornell seconded that the Board come out of
executive session. The motion passed unanimously.
While in executive session, the Board approved the payment for 2 days room charges
and a gift of a Dannyquest statue to Nancy
Aliff for her expertise and guidance in the
matter of the two grievance hearings.
While in executive session, the Board approved the attendance of Jenny Zablotny at
the Purina Parent Club Health Conference.
At 11:03 p.m., the meeting was recessed until
Tuesday, May 3, 2011 at 8:30 a.m.
At 8:36 a.m., the meeting was reconvened.
Donna Thibault moved and Sue Marino seconded that the Board direct the Treasurer to
refund the $100 grievance fee to the complainant in the matter of Lambert v. Gerrits.
The motion passed unanimously.
At 8:41 a.m., Kathy McIver moved and Pam
Rubio seconded that the Board go into executive session. The motion passed unanimously.
At 9:02 a.m., Sue Marino moved and Lynne
Anderson-Powell seconded that the Board
come out of executive session.
While in executive session, the Board agreed
to support the decision of the Old West Newfoundland Club in regards to a rescue situation.
At 9:27 a.m., Pam Saunders moved and Sue
Marino seconded that the Board go into executive session. The motion passed unanimously.
At 9:42 a.m., Donna Thibault moved and Sue
Marino seconded that the Board come out of
executive session. The motion passed unanimously.
While in executive session, the Board agreed
to send a letter to the Austin, Texas Animal
Control and Shelter in regards to a Newfoundland that has been deemed aggressive
and is in possession of P.A.W.S. of Austin.
At 9:50 a.m., Pam Saunders moved and
Donna Thibault seconded that the Board go
into executive session. The motion passed
At 10:14 a.m., Kathy McIver moved and Sue
Marino seconded that the Board come out of
executive session. The motion passed unanimously.
While in executive session, the Board accepted a bid from Dogfish Software for Phase
III of the NCA Database in the amount of
$26,880.00. One-half of the amount has been
budgeted and approved for this fiscal year, the
remaining half will be budgeted for the next
fiscal year.
At 10:33 a.m., John Cornell moved and Sue
Marino seconded that the meeting be adjourned. The motion passed unanimously.
2011 Meeting and Event Calendar
NCNC Meeting Schedule (unless otherwise published)
Board - 10:30 AM ~ Potluck Lunch – 12:00 Noon ~ General Meeting – 1:00 PM
Please leave dogs at home for meetings unless host is contacted first.
May 28-30, 2011
June 4 & 5, 2011
Water Seminar
Lincoln, CA
June 18, 2011
Summer Picnic
Vasona Park, Los Gatos, CA
July 30 & 31, 2011
Water Tests
Lincoln, CA
September 10 & 11, 2011
Water Tests
Del Valle Park, Livermore, CA
September 17, 2011
Walnut Festival Parade
Walnut Creek, CA
September 25, 2011
General Meeting
Castro Valley, CA
October 28, 2011
Regional Specialty
Dixon, CA
November 12 & 13, 2011
Draft Tests
Lagoon Valley Park, Vacaville,
December 3, 2011
Holiday Parade
Pleasanton, CA
December 10, 2011
Christmas Party & Meeting
January 1, 2012
Annual Planning Meeting
9:30 AM
Rick Humphreys
(925) 757-6196 or [email protected]
Hayward, CA
January 15, 2012
General Meeting
Castro Valley, CA
February 25, 2012
Annual Banquet & Meeting
April 1, 2012
Draft Test
Christmas Hill Park, Gilroy, CA
Gaby Cohen
(916) 434-8837 / [email protected]
Elisa Morozumi
(408) 395-3075 / [email protected]
Dawn Druge / June Gibson
(707) 326-1308 / [email protected]
Pam Rubio
408-847-1641 / [email protected]
Walt Parsons
(925) 934-0775 / [email protected]
Hazel Jacoby
(510) 582-9027 / [email protected]
Pam Rubio / Gina Bonnell
408-847-1641 / [email protected]
Laura Gallagher
(707) 447-9079 / [email protected]
Walt Parsons
(925) 934-0775 / [email protected]
Linda Maggy
510-886-9385 / [email protected]
Hazel Jacoby
(510) 582-9027 / [email protected]
Pam Rubio
408-847-1641 / [email protected]
Old Member? New Member?
Get involved and support your club. No experience necessary.
We can’t hold these wonderful events without volunteers.
16730 Fountain Ave.
Morgan Hill, CA 95037
Phone: 408-779-2541
Fax: 408-779-2541
[email protected]
A Tradition
Of Excellence
Do I get more cookies because I’m a Veteran?
Capriccio’s Satin Doll
May 26, 2002
Gina & John Bonnell
& Pam Rubio