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“We have a constitutional
duty to ensure equal protection of the law. .... If gay
and lesbian people must
submit to different treatment without an exceedingly
persuasive justification,
they are deprived of the
benefits of the principle of
equal protection upon which
the rule of law is founded.
(T)he language in Iowa Code
section 595.2 limiting civil
marriage to a man and a
woman must be stricken from
the statute.”
—The Iowa Supreme Court in
an April 3 ruling legalizing
same-sex marriage.
Starting just after 8am on Monday,
April 27, 2009, the first same-gender couples
started applying for marriage certificates in
Iowa. Shortly after, couples who received a
court waiver of the three-day waiting period
held hastily assembled wedding ceremonies
and completed the state’s requirements for
legal marriage.
Protesters were generally outnumbered
by couples seeking marriage licenses and
both groups appeared to be far outnumbered
by representatives of press from across the
Have Your Cake...
Laws Regarding Same-Sex Partnerships in the United States
Same-sex marriages
Unions granting rights similar to marriage
Unions granting limited/enumerated rights
Foreign same-sex marriages recognized
No specific prohibition or recognition of same-sex marriages or unions
Statute bans same-sex marriage
Constitution bans same-sex marriage
Constitution bans same-sex marriage and other kinds of same-sex unions
Tipping Points Happen... by Rex Wockner
Miss California, Carrie Prejean, being
interviewed by reporter Rex Wockner.
For the full text of the interview, see page 6.
National and
World News
Page 4
Tipping points happen, and don't stay
in Vegas
Either it is a nonstory that “the media”
made into a huge story. Or the U.S. gay
world hit some kind of tipping point, and
it's no longer possible to “get away” with
saying anti-gay things in many arenas -- just
as one can’t get away with saying sexist or
racist things.
At the Miss USA pageant April 19,
judge Perez Hilton, the gay blogger, asked
Miss California, Carrie Prejean, this question: “Vermont recently became the fourth
Interview with
Miss California
Page 6
state to legalize same-sex marriage. Do you
think every state should follow suit? Why
or why not?”
Prejean responded: “Well, I think it’s
great that Americans are able to choose one
or the other. Um, we live in a land that you
can choose same-sex marriage or opposite
marriage and -- you know what? -- in my
country and in my family, I think that I
believe that a marriage should be between a
man and a woman -- no offense to anybody
out there, but that’s how I was raised and
TTTIPPING POINT continued page 3
A Message from
One Iowa
Page 7
In ACCESSline’s all-new “WEDDING
read about the amazing cakes made
by Iowa’s own Tip Top Cakes, and see
advertisements for wedding service
providers in and out of Iowa.
Remember ACCESSline and our
advertisers as you are planning your
wedding ceremony. ACCESSline will
proudly be printing wedding and
engagement announcements.
Wedding Services & Resources
Page 16
More at
ACCESSline Page 2
Section 1: News & Politics
May 2009
May 2009
Copyright © 2009
ACCESS in Northeast Iowa
P.O. Box 2666
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-2666
(319) 550-0957
ACCESSline is a bimonthly publication
by ACCESS (A Concerned Community
for Education, Safer-sex and Support) in
Northeast Iowa, a registered non-profit
organization in the State of Iowa and
a federal non-profit organization under
Section 501(c)3 of the IRS Code.
Arthur Breur, Editor in Chief
Aaron Stroschein, Assistant Editor
Cory Tenney, Advertising Sales
Joshua Dagon
Brett Edward Stout
Sharon Malheiro, One Iowa
Lisa Schreihart (a.k.a IowaLisa)
Q Syndicate
Rex Wockner News Service
All rights reserved. Original material
printed in ACCESSline (with the exception
of information from other sources) may be
“lifted” for use in other publications so long
as proper credit is given.
Publication of the name, photograph or
likeness of any person, business or organization in ACCESSline is not to be construed as
any indication of sexual orientation. Opinions expressed by columnists do not necessarily reflect the opinions of ACCESSline,
ACCESS or the gay and lesbian community.
Letters to the editor may be published. We
cannot be responsible for errors in advertising copy.
We welcome the submission of original materials, including line drawings and
cartoons, news stories, poems, essays. They
should be clearly labeled with author/artist
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to submit original work.
Advertising rates and deadlines are
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editorial board.
Section 1: News & Politics
What’s Inside:
Section 1: News & Politics
US News.................................................4
World News ..........................................5
Gay Men Tortured in Iraq......................5
Interview with Miss California..............6
A Message from One Iowa....................7
Opinion & Commentary................... 7-9
Political IQ...............................................................7
Steve King, Creep of the Week..........................8
National Organization for Marriage................9
Health & HIV/AIDS News............ 10-11
Joshua Dagon.......................................12
Section 2: Community
Look Before You Leap.........................25
Chef deJon............................................26
Ask Auntie Emm..................................27
ACCESSline Page 3
ACCESSline Wants To Hear From You!
Send in photos and reports of your events... especially benefits
and conferences. Please send us information on any of the following:
Corrections to articles
Stories of LGBT interest, both in and outside of Iowa
Letters to the editor
Editorials or opinion pieces
Engagement and wedding ceremony announcements or
• Questions on any topic we print
Please email us at [email protected]. You may
also contact us at our regular address:
PO Box 2666
Cedar Rapids, IA 52406-2666
Comics............................................28, 29
Hemming and Hawing........................28
Q Crossword........................................28
ACCESSline reserves the right to print letters to the editor and
other feedback at the editor’s discretion.
Morals & Values:
The Evolution of a Sacrament....30
Out of Town: Hawaii.............................31
SScontinued from page 1
Music Reviews......................................32
Tipping Point
DVD Review.........................................32
that’s how I think that it should be: between
a man and a woman. Thank you.”
In reality, Americans can choose
same-sex marriage only in Connecticut,
Iowa, Massachusetts and, starting Sept. 1,
Vermont. One would think Miss California
might remember that tiny little battle over
Proposition 8, but whatever.
Prejean, who came in first runnerup, later said, “At that moment after I’d
answered the question, I knew that I was
not going to win because of my answer.”
Subsequent reporting revealed she
apparently is right about that, which suggests
that having “correct” gay positions has
become more important than many of us
might have assumed.
Yet, in a video blog, Hilton later opined:
“She lost not because she doesn't believe in
gay marriage. Miss California lost because
she's a dumb bitch. OK? ... If that girl would
have won Miss USA, I would have gone up
onstage — I shit you not — I would have
gone up onstage, snatched that tiara off her
head and run out the door.”
The boy does have a way with words.
Business Directory/Resource List......33
“Fun Guide”
Theater Ads
Civic Theater of Greater Des Moines
Bar Ads
Studio 13, Iowa City
Kings & Queens,Waterloo
Private Men’s Clubs
Hole-in-the-Wall Spa
Deep Inside Hollywood.......................13
IowaLisa’s List......................................13
Cocktail Chatter..................................15
The Outfield: Sherry McGregor.........21
AND RESOURCES................. 16-18
New Wedding Service Advertisers....16
Featured:Tip Top Cakes......................16
A Pull-Out Section to Keep!
Subscribe to ACCESSline
We are celebrating our 23rd year of publishing ACCESSline, Iowa’s
only LGBT newspaper. Our goal continues to be to keep the community informed about gay organizations, events, HIV/AIDS news, politics, national
and international news, and other critical issues, NOW MONTHLY!
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52406-2666 and we’ll send you ACCESSline in a plain brown envelope!
Good for special $24 annual rate!
Yet later, Hilton told MSNBC, “I called
her the b-word and, hey, I was thinking the
c-word, and I didn’t say it.”
One does not often hear “the c-word,”
even called just “the c-word,” on MSNBC.
At any rate, Hilton appears to believe
there is a way for a Miss USA contestant to
oppose gay marriage -- but that would be
some way other than the way Prejean did it.
All of this resulted in so many media
stories that Google News probably had to add
server capacity. But the interesting question,
actually, is: Was this a gay tipping point? All
Prejean did — albeit not particularly articulately — was say that she believes marriage
is between a man and a woman. Fifty-two
percent of California voters think that, too.
Or at least they did as of last Nov. 4.
But then there was Iowa. And Vermont.
And 8 million media stories and TV things.
The bottom line, I guess: If Miss USA can't
dis the gays and get away with it, then there
probably now are many, many arenas in
which one can't dis the gays and get away
with it.
If that's true, a “tipping point” is probably exactly what we observed, and the orgy
of media coverage may have been (sigh)
ACCESSline Page 4
Section 1: News & Politics
May 2009
US NEWS by Rex Wockner
Amazon blacklists gay books
Over Easter weekend, it was discovered
that had de-ranked and delisted
hundreds or thousands of books that touch
on gay topics.
When authors complained, they were
told: “In consideration of our entire customer
base, we exclude ‘adult’ material from
appearing in some searches and best seller
lists. Since these lists are generated using
sales ranks, adult materials must also be
excluded from that feature.”
The quasi-banned books included
titles such as “Running With Scissors” by
Augusten Burroughs, “Rubyfruit Jungle”
by Rita Mae Brown, “Fun Home: A Family
Tragicomic” by Alison Bechdel, “The
History of Sexuality, Vol. 1” by Michel
Foucault, “Bastard Out of Carolina” by
Dorothy Allison, “The Diving Bell and
the Butterfly” by Jean-Dominque Bauby,
“Maurice” by E.M. Forster and “Becoming
a Man” by Paul Monette.
News of the blacklist ricocheted across
cyberspace, particularly via Twitter, prompting Amazon to issue a second explanation:
“There was a glitch in our systems and it’s
being fixed.”
When critics then questioned how a
“glitch” could single out books that touch on
gay issues, Amazon issued a third explanation: “This is an embarrassing and ham-fisted
cataloging error for a company that prides
itself on offering complete selection. It has
been misreported that the issue was limited
to Gay & Lesbian themed titles -- in fact,
it impacted 57,310 books in a number of
broad categories such as Health, Mind &
Body, Reproductive & Sexual Medicine,
and Erotica. This problem impacted books
not just in the United States but globally. It
affected not just sales rank but also had the
effect of removing the books from Amazon’s
main product search. Many books have now
been fixed and we’re in the process of fixing
the remainder as quickly as possible, and we
intend to implement new measures to make
this kind of accident less likely to occur in
the future.”
At press time, some observers still
weren’t content with Amazon’s explanations.
Web, software and database geeks
writing online continued to theorize that
the “ham-fisted cataloging error” could not
have happened if Amazon algorithms had
not previously tagged books with positive
references to anything gay as “adult.”
N.Y. governor introduces bill to legalize
same-sex marriage
New York Gov. David Paterson introduced a bill in the state Legislature on April
16 to legalize same-sex marriage.
“We have a crisis of leadership today,”
Paterson said. “We’re going to fill that
vacuum today. (G)ay and lesbian New
Yorkers ... have been the victims of what
is a legal system that has systematically
discriminated against them.”
“For too long, the gay and lesbian
community have been told that their rights
and freedoms have to wait,” he said. “The
time has come to act.”
The bill should pass the Assembly
easily, as it did in 2007, but its prospects in
the Senate, where it died in 2007, remain
Hyatt boycott expanded
The nearly yearlong gay boycott of
San Diego’s Manchester Grand Hyatt hotel
was expanded April 14 when a coalition of
activists protested outside Hyatt’s Andaz
West Hollywood hotel.
The San Diego property, owned by
businessman Doug Manchester and operated by Hyatt, was targeted after Manchester
gave $125,000 to the campaign that resulted
in California’s re-banning of same-sex
marriage last November.
The activists who gathered at the West
Hollywood hotel said they hoped their move
would increase pressure on Global Hyatt
Corp. to deal with the “hypocrisy” of being
a gay-friendly corporation that also is in
business with Manchester.
“The coalition is not calling for a
boycott of the Andaz Hotel, but pledges to
hold the Andaz and its owner and operator,
The Hyatt Corporation, accountable for their
relationship to Manchester,” the group said
in a statement.
The group included veteran activist
Cleve Jones, Courage Campaign Chair Rick
Jacobs, West Hollywood City Councilman
John Duran, Los Angeles Stonewall Democrats President John Cleary, UNITE HERE
Local 11 President Tom Walsh, and Lisa
Powell of Organizing with America.
‘All but marriage’ law passes in Washington state
In a 62-35 vote, Washington’s House
of Representatives passed a bill April 15
beefing up the state’s domestic-partnership
law so it grants registered same-sex couples
every state-level right and obligation of
marriage. The measure had passed the Senate
30-18 in March.
Gov. Chris Gregoire intends to sign
the bill into law. “We have to respect and
protect all of the families that make up our
communities,” she said.
At present, Massachusetts, Connecticut,
and Iowa permit gay and lesbian couples
to marry and New York recognizes gay
marriages entered into elsewhere. Same-sex
marriage will become legal in Vermont on
September 1.
Eight states and the District of Columbia
legally recognize same-sex couples but do
not let them marry. California, New Hampshire, New Jersey, Oregon, Vermont and
D.C. extend all state-level rights and obligations of marriage to gay couples who enter
into a civil union or domestic partnership.
Maine, Washington and Hawaii grant registered gay couples some benefits of marriage.
Same-sex marriage also is legal in
Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands, Norway,
South Africa, Spain and Sweden (starting
May 1).
Vermont legalizes same-sex marriage
Vermont’s Legislature overrode Gov.
Jim Douglas’ veto of a bill legalizing samesex marriage April 7.
The Senate vote to override was 23-5
and the House vote was 100-49, the exact
number of House votes needed.
The law takes effect Sept. 1.
“The struggle for equal rights is never
easy,” said Vermont Senate President Pro
Tem Peter Shumlin. “I was proud to be
president of the Senate nine years ago when
Vermont created civil unions (and) I have
never felt more proud of Vermont as we
become the first state in the country to enact
marriage equality not as the result of a court
order, but because it is the right thing to do.”
Rea Carey, executive director of the
National Gay and Lesbian Task Force, called
the override “a significant turning point in
the struggle for the equal treatment of our
“Vermont is once again making history,”
Carey said. “Nine years ago it did so when it
became the first state to grant legal recognition of same-sex relationships through its
civil unions law; today, it became the first
state ... to pass and enact a marriage equality measure.
“The enactment of this bill affirms that
only marriage can provide the protections,
dignity and respect that the institution
bestows. This vote also recognizes that civil
unions simply fall short in ensuring same-sex
couples are treated equally under the law.”
Same-sex marriage also is legal in
Connecticut, Iowa and Massachusetts, as
well as in Belgium, Canada, the Netherlands,
Norway, South Africa, Spain and Sweden.
California’s Legislature has twice
passed bills legalizing same-sex marriage but
Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger vetoed them.
Later, the state Supreme Court legalized
same-sex marriage, with a ruling that took
effect in June 2008. Approximately 18,000
same-sex couples got married prior to Nov.
4, 2008, when voters passed Proposition
8, which amended the state constitution to
re-ban same-sex marriage. The constitutionality of Prop 8 and the status of the 18,000
marriages are now before the state Supreme
Court, with a ruling required by June 3.
Shannon Minter, NCLR
Shannon Minter, legal director of the
National Center for Lesbian Rights and
lead lawyer for the gay side in the California case, called the Vermont override “yet
another indication that Proposition 8 is out
of step with our nation’s movement toward
TTUS NEWS continued page 11
May 2009
Section 1: News & Politics
ACCESSline Page 5
World News by Rex Wockner
Polis: Iraqi GLBT executions have begun
Of the five or six members of Iraqi
LGBT who reportedly have been sentenced
to death in Baghdad for belonging to a
supposedly banned organization, one has
escaped custody and one has been executed,
says U.S. Rep. Jared Polis, D-Colo.
According to Polis, the “egregious
human rights violations” are “being carried
out by Iraqi government officials from the
Ministry of the Interior.”
“While I do not know if these executions
are being sanctioned at the highest levels
of the Iraqi government, it is nonetheless
disturbing that government officials and
state-funded security forces are involved in
the torturing and execution of LGBT Iraqis,”
Polis wrote to Patricia Butenis, the chargé
d’affaires at the U.S. Embassy in Iraq.
Polis said the U.S. government “appears
to be largely unaware that the executions
of gay and transgender Iraqis have been
able to occur in Iraq” and has expressed
an “unwillingness to seriously consider
these allegations and examine the evidence
(from) international human rights watchdog
Reports of the pending executions were
first brought to light by Iraqi LGBT founder
Ali Hili, who launched the group in London
after escaping Iraq.
In a recent phone interview, Hili said he
isn’t sure what statute might make belonging
to a banned organization a capital offense.
“That’s what they have been told by a
judge in a brief court hearing,” he said. “I
don’t think this is in the Iraqi constitution
as a death penalty (crime). The court is ...
kangaroo-style. It was brief and people
weren’t able to present legal representation
or defend themselves in that kind of court.
Our information is that these five members
have been convicted to death for running
activities of a forbidden organization on
Iraqi soil.”
Scott Long, director of Human Rights
Watch’s LGBT Rights Division, said: “We
are trying urgently to determine who they
(the condemned men) are and what has
happened. ... Together with other groups,
members of Congress and concerned activists, we’re doing everything we can to investigate and determine who’s jailed and what
their fates may be. The Iraqi government and
the U.S. government must both investigate
these charges immediately.”
At press time, Long was in Iraq attempting to learn more.
In addition to the uncertainty over
what death-penalty crime the condemned
men could have been charged with, it also
is unclear if gay sex is illegal in Iraq. Some
news reports have said it isn’t, some have
said the punishment is up to seven years in
prison, and some have said engaging in gay
sex is a capital crime. A lengthy Wikipedia
entry on the question reflects the confusion.
The International Lesbian, Gay,
Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association’s
quasi-definitive report “State-Sponsored
Homophobia - A world survey of laws
prohibiting same sex activity between
consenting adults” says: “Iraq reinstated
the Penal Code of 1969 after the American
invasion in 2003. The Penal Code does not
prohibit sexual activities between consenting adults of the same sex. However, as the
country is under war, and law enforcement
is not functioning properly, death squads
operate in the country, killing homosexuals.”
Hili called the question of whether gay
sex is illegal in Iraq “a very gray area.”
“They haven’t mentioned clearly (in
the law) about punishment or legalization
for homosexuality,” he said. “But from what
we hear and what we see on the ground, it
is clearly illegal.”
Gay flash mob hits St. Petersburg
A gay flash mob hit Nevsky Prospekt
in St. Petersburg, Russia, April 4 to mark
the culmination of the third Russian Week
Against Homophobia.
About 20 people from the group
Coming Out strolled along the city’s main
TTWORLD NEWS continued page 8
Bodies of 7 Gays in Baghdad Morgue [caution: graphic content]
The following is a translation of a
story from Alarabiya, a UAE-based media
network, which was published on its Arabic
website. While the International Gay
and Lesbian Human Rights Commission
(IGLHRC) has not verified all of the allegations, many are consistent with patterns
of human rights violations being reported
from within Iraq.
By Hayyan Neyuf - Dubai / Ali Al-Iraqi
- Baghdad
A prominent Iraqi human rights activist
says that Iraqi militia have deployed a painful
form of torture against homosexuals by
closing their anuses using “Iranian gum.”...
Yina Mohammad told that,
“Iraqi militias have deployed an unprecedented form of torture against homosexuals
by using very strong glue that will close
their anus.”
According to her, the new substance “is
known as the American hum, which is an
Iranian-manufactured glue that if applied to
the skin, sticks to it and can only be removed
by surgery. After they glue the anuses of
homosexuals, they give them a drink that
causes diarrhea. Since the anus is closed, the
diarrhea causes death. Videos of this form of
torture are being distributed on mobile cell
phones in Iraq.”
According to this human rights activ-
ist, for the past 3 weeks a crackdown on
homosexuals has been going on based on a
religious decree that demands their death;
dozens have been targeted. She says that the
persecution of homosexuals is not confined
to the Shiite clerics. Some Sunni leaders have
also declared the death penalty for sodomy
on satellite channels.”
63 People Tortured
According to Hassan from the Iraqi
LGBT group in London , attacks against
homosexuals have been abundant in Shiite
neighborhoods, especially poor regions and
remote areas such as the southern provinces
and the Hurriya, Sho’la and Sadr neighborhoods in Baghdad . So far, 63 members of
the group have been tortured.
Hassan also confirmed the use of
“Iranian Gum” in the torture process, adding
that, “I talked to many young men who have
been tortured by this method. They went to
the hospital for treatment and in some cases
they were refused treatment.” According
to Hassan, “all religious leaders, whether
Sunni or Shiite, call for the eradication of
homosexuals, but the Shiites are the ones
who are most involved in these attacks.”
Vigilante Groups
According to newspaper reports from
local news sources in Sadr City in East
Baghdad , a previously unknown group “Ahl
al-Haq (the followers of Truth) have stepped
up the persecution of Iraqi homosexuals
after the murder of a number of them in the
past few days. The news sources say that,
“3 lists, each with the name of 10 gay men
were circulated in Sadr City for a few hours.”
The lists included a quote saying, “You,
prostitutes, we will punish you!”
7 Bodies in Bagdad’s Morgue
The Alarabiya reporter, visited the
Baghdad Morgue in Bab-al-Moazaam in
central Baghdad , where the Neman Mohsen,
the medical examiner, confirmed that they
have the bodies of 7 homosexuals in the
morgue. He said, “We were not able to
identify the culprits who dumped the bodies
in front of the morgue and fled, without
being seen.”
He explained, “There were bodies with
gunshots in the head and chest and the rest
of the body without any obvious causes of
Khalaf Abdul Hussein, from the Legal
Affairs Office at the Police Station in Sadr
City, told Alarabiya: “the extra-judicial
killing of any citizen is a crime punishable
by law. No one has the right to become a
substitute for judicial authorities or executive authorities, and if there are complaints
against individuals, there is law and there are
police and there are government agencies.
No group or class has the authority to punish
people instead of the state.”
He said: “We, like everyone else, have
heard rumors about these cases, but we can’t
comment on something that is not evidence,
and there is no evidence for these crimes
either in terms of motivation or in terms of
the nature of the criminal acts. We do not
know the motives of the killers and we do
not know the intentions of those killed.”
“Son of a Bitch”
Officials and tribal leaders in Sadr City
are reluctant to provide details about the
murder of homosexuals. However, Sheikh
Hashem Mokhani, one of the tribal elders
in the city, said: “The people refer to these
sexual perverts as ‘son of a bitch,’ but most
of the victims were not residents of Sadr
City. They used to hang out in a [gay] cafe,
on Palestine Street in Baghdad .”
Sheik Salal Al-kaabi, one of the elders
of Sadr City says: “we have heard that the
tribes, to whom these perverts belonged,
declared their lives worthless and allowed
their death, but we have also heard that an
organization calling itself the followers of
Truth (ahl-al Haq) are responsible for the
murders and have written on the chest of
victim a sentence that reads: This is the fate
of a son of a bitch.”
Section 1: News & Politics
ACCESSline Page 6
May 2009
Interview with Miss California, Carrie Prejean by Rex Wockner
Sanctuary of the Rock Church
San Diego, April 26, 2009
Rex Wockner: Clearly, nobody would
ever get up there (at the Miss USA pageant)
and say, “I don’t think black people should
be able to marry white people” or something like that. Or nobody would get up
there and say something sexist. And people
are wondering if maybe we’ve gotten to a
moment in American culture where you
can’t really say something that’s interpreted
as anti-gay anymore, like you might have
been able to five years ago. Do you think
maybe that’s what could have happened, or,
if not, what do you think happened in Vegas
that led to all this media stuff?
Carrie Prejean: I think the key thing
is tolerance, and I think Perez Hilton had,
obviously, a hidden agenda, because of the
reaction immediately after the pageant. He
didn’t agree with what I said, therefore he
wanted to go out there and bash me and say
things that were very hurtful. So, I think
that this wouldn’t be happening right now
had he not have done that. So, it would
have just been me saying my own opinions,
which I’m entitled to, just as you are, and
I think it would have been over with. But
the fact that he went out there and attacked
me, you know, verbally, that’s why this is
all happening right now.
R: So, you think if you had just
expressed your opinion that marriage is
between a man and a woman, which 52
percent of the voters in California agree
with you on that -C: Right, I’m representing not only
the state of California but the majority of
people in our nation.
R: So, do you think the reason it became
such a big news story is because he called
you a bitch?
C: Um, I think that because of his
expression and his verbal attack on me
immediately after the pageant -- I mean, he
didn’t even wait one day to do this attack -so I do think there was a hidden agenda there.
R: I saw on his blog that he wants to
have coffee with you. Is that something
you would do?
C: Um, I’m not sure if I would have
coffee with him. If I did, I’d bring (the Rock
Church Pastor) Miles (McPherson) with me.
R: If you had it to do all over again,
would you do anything different at the
microphone at the pageant?
C: No, I wouldn’t do anything different.
I think that I was entitled to my own opinion.
He asked me, you know, how I feel about
a certain subject and I gave him my honest
opinion. So, no, I have no regrets.
R: Do you think that same-sex marriage
is just a matter of time, that clearly society
is evolving in that direction, and that we’re
going to look back on these days as the way
we look back on days when white and black
people couldn’t get married to each other,
or do you think it’s going to be a very long
fight to try to get Americans to accept that?
C: I definitely think it’s going to be a
very long fight. As you can see in California,
you know, we had already ruled that, you
know, with Proposition 8, that was already
discussed that marriage is between a man
and a woman. We voted on it. Um, so, I
think that it maybe will be a matter of time,
but I don’t see that coming anytime soon.
R: And, I guess, last question: What
would be so wrong with two women who
love each other getting married?
C: What would be so wrong with two
women that love each other?
R: What would be so wrong with that?
C: What don’t you see wrong with that?
R: I don’t see anything wrong with it.
C: Why?
R: Uh, why don’t -- oh, this is fun
-- why don’t I see anything wrong with it?
Uh, because they’re in love with each other,
and they want to spend their lives together,
and marriage is kind of the way that our
society recognizes that two people love each
other and want to spend their lives together
and make commitment and be financially
intertwined and be faithful and, you know,
permanent. So, why should that be something that gay people can’t do? There’s gay
people all around us all the time.
C: Exactly, and this is nothing against
gay people. I have a lot of friends that
are gay. This is not a verbal attack on gay
people. It’s just a matter of opinion, and
the way that I was raised, the way that I
was brought up, that was not an option. I
knew I was going to marry a man growing
up. And so, for me, it’s a biblical thing,
it’s something that I was raised believing,
um, that a marriage, you know, is between
a man and a woman. Barack Obama even
supports that. The majority of the people
in our nation support that. The secretary of
state supports that. So, I don’t see anything
wrong with it.
R: It’s hard to argue with. I mean,
you’re right that 52 percent of California
voters -C: Because Barack Obama doesn’t
agree with you, does that make him a bad
R: Uh, no, I kind of like Barack Obama
as a president, actually.
C: I do, too.
R: I understand that you were raised to
believe that marriage is between a man and
a woman, and I understand that you grew
up knowing that you were always going to
marry a guy, but you’re heterosexual. Um,
some people are born gay, maybe, you think?
C: No, I don’t think so.
R: OK, so now we’re getting somewhere.
C: I think it’s a behavior that develops
over time.
R: Why would someone choose it,
given that if you choose that, you get
discriminated against?
C: Um, because obviously Perez Hilton
doesn’t think that there’s anything wrong
with it.
R: No, but if being gay is a choice,
rather than something you’re born with, why
would you choose something that’s going
to lead to your being discriminated against?
What would be the motivation?
C: I’m not sure what the motivation
would be.
R: OK. Me either.
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May 2009
Section 1: News & Politics
A Message from One Iowa by Sharon Malheiro
Where were you when you heard the
news that gay and lesbians couples could
get married in Iowa? I was at work, and as
soon as I read the word “affirmed” on the
Supreme Court opinion, I called my partner
Sue Ackerman and asked her to marry me.
She accepted, and I couldn’t have been
happier! We’ve been together for 20 years,
sharing our lives and taking care of each
other and our family.
How did we know we wanted to get
married? Over the past 20 years, we’ve
talked about it. We’ve thought about it. It’s
a way to show our love, commitment, and
honor to the world. It’s a visible testament
to how much we love each other, and how
devoted we are to each other.
We aren’t getting married just because
it’s now an option; we’re getting married
because it’s the right choice for us. My
fiancée—I’m so proud to call her my fiancée
now, and I no longer have to explain that she
is not my business partner but the love of my
life—and I am ready for the responsibilities
of marriage.
I urge same-sex couples to take marriage
seriously. With this new right, we also have
a tremendous amount of responsibility. Sue
and I realize how significant this is, and hope
you do too.
Marriage is important to us - and it’s
important to all Iowans. Sue and I are so
proud to live in a state where all loving
couples are able to honor their commitments
through marriage. Let’s celebrate marriage
equality in Iowa, and honor all couples who
are ready to make the lifetime commitment
to marriage.
As Board Chair of One Iowa, I know
firsthand just how important the work of
One Iowa is. One Iowa continues to work to
protect marriage equality for all couples, for
me and my fiancée, and for same-sex couples
across the state. Please visit www.oneiowa.
org today to learn more and donate to support
this vital work. Everyone remembers their
wedding day as a special moment, and we
want to help make sure that marriage equality
is secure for all Iowan’s special moments.
Sharon Malheiro
Board Chair, One Iowa
ACCESSline Page 7
“The Supreme Court of Iowa, in
a unanimous decision, has clearly
stated that the Constitution of
our state, which guarantees equal
protection of the law to all Iowans,
requires the State of Iowa to recognize the civil marriage contract of
two people of the same gender. The
Court also concluded that the denial
of this right constitutes discrimination. Therefore, after careful
consideration and a thorough
reading of the Court’s decision, I am
reluctant to support amending the
Iowa Constitution to add a provision
that our Supreme Court has said is
unlawful and discriminatory. As
Governor, I must respect the authority of the Iowa Supreme Court, and
have a duty to uphold the Constitution of the State of Iowa. I also fully
respect the right of all Iowans to live
under the full protection of Iowa’s
—Gov. Chet Culver in an April 7
Political IQ: The Tide Isn’t Turning on Marriage by Diane Silver
The Real Meaning of
Vermont and Iowa
This is a reality check. From a hard,
crass, political point of view, our victories
in Iowa and Vermont mean very little.
For gay- and lesbian-headed households
in Vermont, and for couples like Lee and
Tony in outback Iowa, the victories mean
almost everything, of course. Starting on
April 27 in Iowa and Sept. 1 in Vermont,
same-sex couples can marry. They and
their children can finally take advantage of
the protections their states provide married
On the positive side of the political
ledger, Vermont pioneered a new path. By
first passing a marriage bill and then overriding the governor’s veto with a two-thirds
vote of the House and Senate, the Vermont
legislature proved equality can be won in
statehouses as well as courthouses.
This victory undercuts the religious
right’s longstanding claim that only lattedrinking, un-American, activist judges will
side with same-sex couples. In Vermont, it
was the duly elected representatives of the
people who declared our families to be equal.
Iowa was momentous because it was the
first victory in middle America. Better yet,
the Iowa Supreme Court’s unanimous vote
was an emphatic stand against discrimination.
Coming within days of each other and
doubling the number of states where samesex couples can marry, Iowa and Vermont
set off a flurry of excitement.
“I think we’re going to look back at this
week as a moment when our entire country
turned a corner,” Lambda Legal’s Jennifer
C. Pizer told The Washington Post.
Something important did happen, but
when it comes to marriage, the nation hasn’t
turned the corner; the tide hasn’t changed;
the momentum hasn’t shifted. Pick whatever
metaphor you like, but the politics of the
situation remain the same.
Politically speaking, there are two keys
to winning this battle: political muscle and
the hearts and minds of voters. GLBT political muscle remains flabby in the states and
clumsy on the national scene, despite the
inauguration of Barack Obama.
The passage of Proposition 8 in California showed us to be a tad out of shape,
even in a state known for liberalism. The $45
million that was pumped into the No-On-8
campaign couldn’t even seal a victory.
Among the reasons that campaign
stumbled was the lack of grassroots organization (i.e. political muscle). California’s
well-funded, long-established GLBT groups
fell flat, most likely because these community centers, statehouse lobbyists and nonprofit law firms were never intended to be
political campaigns.
Block-by-block outreach and get-outthe-vote efforts are the only ways to win at
the ballot box. GLBT Americans don’t have
that kind of grassroots depth in any state – at
least not yet. Given that the opposition comes
from socially conservative churches, we also
don’t have their advantages. GLBT America
doesn’t have tax exempt organizing centers
– otherwise known as congregations – in
every county of every state. Until we build
that kind of localized muscle, we won’t be
turning any corners.
Another sign of political weakness is
the fact that the federal Defense of Marriage
Act is still law. Because of DOMA, gay
and lesbian households in Massachusetts,
Connecticut and now Iowa and Vermont
face legal and financial hardships their
heterosexual counterparts never see.
The biggest obstacle we face, though,
is the hearts-and-minds factor. Proposition
8 passed because ignorance and prejudice
trumped the American inclination toward
fairness. Until voters get it in their guts that
GLBT people are not the predators portrayed
by the religious right, we will not be treated
Winning hearts and minds is hard. It
takes appealing ad campaigns, detailed
talking points, neighbor-to-neighbor conversations and a mass coming out on a scale that
even San Francisco has never seen. We’re
making progress. Even though polls continue
to show support for marriage equality to be
far below 50 percent, they also show that
number rising an astounding 10 percentage
points in just five years.
In politics, the turning of the tide can be
difficult to spot. Soon after the Iowa decision,
I thought I saw the signs in the Spencer Daily
Reporter, circulation 4,000. The northwest
Iowa newspaper wrote about Lee and Tony,
who have begun planning a 2010 wedding
to celebrate their 15th anniversary.
I was thrilled at the honesty of this
middle aged gay couple, who live in a small
town in Dickinson County (county population: 16,500). Then I realized the couple’s
last names were never mentioned. Not even
their town was revealed.
What happened in Iowa and Vermont
will change lives. It is already bringing hope
to people in places as unlikely as rural Iowa,
The tide will not have truly turned, though,
until DOMA is repealed and marriage equality has either arrived or is close to appearing
in dozens of states. Most importantly, we
will know change has come when people
like Lee and Tony no longer fear putting
their names in the newspaper.
Diane Silver is a former newspaper
reporter and magazine editor, whose work
has appeared in The Progressive,,
Ms, and other national publications. She can
be reached at [email protected].
ACCESSline Page 8
Section 1: News & Politics
May 2009
Creep of the Week: Steve King by D’Anne Witkowski
Iowa. Corn growing, homo loving Iowa.
Who would have thought?
Certainly not U.S. Rep. Steve King, an
Iowa Republican with glowing rating on the
joint Family Research Council Action/Focus
on the Family Action Congressional Scorecard. No, something tells me that corn-fed
farm boys exchanging “I do’s” is something
that keeps King up at night.
Needless to say, the Iowa Supreme
Court’s unanimous ruling in favor of letting
homosexuals marry – each other – didn’t sit
well with King, who immediately called for
a constitutional amendment banning samesex wedded bliss.
“This is an unconstitutional ruling and
another example of activist judges molding
the Constitution to achieve their personal
political ends,” King crowed. “Iowa law
says that marriage is between one man and
one woman. If judges believe the Iowa
legislature should grant same sex marriage,
they should resign from their positions and
run for office, not legislate from the bench.”
Something tells me that King wouldn’t
be demanding the judges’ resignations had
they ruled against letting same-sex couples
wed. This whole issue of “legislating from
the bench” is a red herring we hear a lot from
the anti-gay right. The issue is the separation
of powers – that whole checks and balances
thing. When things don’t go their way, folks
like King cry about the unlimited power
they don’t have.
“Now it is the Iowa legislature’s
responsibility to pass the Marriage Amendment to the Iowa Constitution, clarifying
that marriage is between one man and one
woman, to give the power that the Supreme
Court has arrogated to itself back to the
people of Iowa,” King said.
It’s as if King thinks the Iowa Supreme
Court is not part of the same government of
the people, by the people, for the people that
signs his paycheck.
Not only does King want to keep Iowa
homos from getting hitched, he wants to
keep out-of-state homos from getting hitched
in the state.
“Along with a constitutional amendment, the legislature must also enact
marriage license residency requirements so
SScontinued from page 5
attempt damage control as a result of actions
that we did not take.”
McFarlane chastised the boycott organizers for not getting approval from J-FLAG,
Jamaica’s leading gay organization, before
launching the action.
“We believe that any overseas entity or
organisation seeking to agitate for change
in a context with which it has only passing
familiarity should first do its homework
to ensure that it does not do harm ... to the
cause of the local community whose interest
it seeks to defend,” he said.
Boycott organizers responded that
J-FLAG doesn’t speak for ordinary gay
Jamaicans, and accused the group of being
aligned with elements in the U.S. that sometimes have criticized the work of grassroots
and street activists.
“For years, we have heard that the
status quo will make the situation better in
Jamaica,” said Wayne Besen, an organizer of
the New York arm of the boycott. “Yet, the
most recent human rights reports read like
pages from a horror novel. ... For their own
safety, J-FLAG members have no choice
but to come out publicly against all boycotts
-- as their former leader Gareth Henry (has
stated). We fully understand this -- but we
also believe that unless there is economic
pressure from the outside, nothing will
change in Jamaica.”
“Human Rights Watch, IGLHRC
(International Gay and Lesbian Human
Rights Commission) and MCC (Metropolitan Community Churches) are working
to undermine this boycott for political
reasons,” Besen charged. “They want
to unveil their own Jamaica campaign
in September -- which could include a
Besen quoted former J-FLAG Co-chair
Gareth Henry, who fled to Canada last year,
as saying: “J-FLAG can’t be seen to publicly
support a boycott ... but the gays, lesbians
and queers on the ground are supportive of
a boycott. ... We have to hit people where
it’s going to hurt, where they’ll feel it. In
the Jamaican context talk is cheap.”
Scott Long, head of Human Rights
World News
street for 90 minutes and distributed 1,000
brochures and 700 postcards.
Organized by the Russian LGBT
Network, the Week Against Homophobia
included workshops, discussions, debates,
movies and press conferences in Moscow,
St. Petersburg, Petrozavodsk, Arkhangelsk,
Tyumen, Omsk, Chelyabinsk, Kemerovo,
Krasnoyarsk, Kazan, Novosibirsk, Rostovon-Don, Tomsk, Khabarovsk and Naberezhnye Chelny, organizers said.
Jamaican GLBT group opposes boycott
The Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, AllSexuals and Gays issued a letter April 12
opposing the U.S.-based boycott of Red
Stripe beer, Myers’s Rum and tourism to
the island nation.
The boycott was launched by GLBT
grassroots activists in San Francisco on
March 28 and spread to New York City on
April 15.
The U.S. activists were responding
to a new U.S. State Department report
detailing the island’s gravely homophobic
atmosphere, which includes, among much
else, music by several internationally known
dancehall artists that promotes anti-gay
violence and murder.
J-FLAG Programs Manager Jason
McFarlane took particular exception to
the boycott of Red Stripe beer, saying the
brewer has “unequivocally distanced itself
from the hostility and violence typical of
Jamaican music towards members of the
LGBT community.”
“In April 2008, Red Stripe took the brave
and principled stance to cease sponsorship
of music festivals that promoted hate and
intolerance, including that against members
of the LGBT community,” McFarlane said.
“The naming of Red Stripe, therefore, as a
target of this boycott is extremely damaging
to the cause of LGBT activists in Jamaica.
... The boycott call has now left us not only
with our persistent day to day challenges
but with a need to engage Red Stripe and
that Iowa does not become the gay marriage
Mecca due to the Supreme Court’s latest
experiment in social engineering,” he said.
Ah yes, Iowa as the “gay marriage
Mecca.” It’s exactly what the gay agenda
had planned all along. States like California
and New York with their homo hot-spots
like San Francisco and New York City were
just “dazzle camouflage” to keep all eyes
Watch’s LGBT Rights Division, called the
notion that HRW, IGLHRC and MCC are
in cahoots with J-FLAG to undermine the
boycott “nonsense.”
“J-FLAG, with which we’ve worked
since 2004, asked folks to forward what they
wrote -- that’s all,” he said.
And, on April 16, Henry attacked the
boycott organizers for using words he wrote
last year “to support your boycott issues of
this year.”
“I was part of the Canada-based
attempts at a boycott last year,” Henry said.
“We learned numerous lessons from that
attempt, not least among which is the fact
that the lives of LGBT persons in Jamaica are
at risk. I have therefore changed my strategy
off of Iowa. But now we’re in. And we’re
taking over. Hello Gay Moines, Waterlez,
Dykenport and Homo Rapids.
And just what does King mean by this
ruling being “the Supreme Court’s latest
experiment in social engineering,” anyway?
When I think “social engineering” I think of
shows like “The Real World,” “Big Brother”
and “Wife Swap.” Either that or I think about
the Republican eagerness to completely
dismantle this nation’s social safety net by
gutting social security, rolling back welfare
and telling poor kids to ask Santa if they
want health care so bad.
Social engineering isn’t exactly what
I’d call letting two adults in a committed
relationship have legal protection and recognition for their families.
D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for
pay since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and
poet (believe it!). When she’s not taking on
the creeps of the world in her column she
reviews rock and roll shows in Detroit with
her twin sister and teaches writing at the
University of Michigan.
and will do nothing without the inclusion
of my colleagues in Jamaica. ... This call
for a boycott of Jamaica is outrageous and
counter productive. The attack on Red Stripe
is appalling and unacceptable.”
Besen then responded: “The J-FLAG/
MCC/Human Rights Watch/IGLHRC status
quo has failed. ... If Scott Long had expended
as much time on ending homophobia in
Jamaica as he has attacking our campaign,
there would have been no need to launch this
effort in the first place. (I)f people don’t like
our boycott, they don’t have to participate.
There are millions of people, however, who
don’t want to spend their hard-earned money
in the ‘most homophobic place on earth.’”
International gay human-rights activists have routinely named Jamaica as one
of the most homophobic nations in the
world, and several dancehall stars have been
blocked from performing in other countries
because of lyrics that promote the killing of
The Department of State’s “2008
Human Rights Report: Jamaica” says: “The
law prohibits ‘acts of gross indecency’
(generally interpreted as any kind of physiTTWORLD NEWS continued page 11
May 2009
Section 1: News & Politics
ACCESSline Page 9
National Organization for Marriage by D’Anne Witkowski
It’s no secret that anti-gay right wingers
are obsessed with sex. No doubt folks like
Tony Perkins, Don Wildmon and Maggie
Gallagher think about your sex life more
than you do (and yet gays are supposedly
the sex obsessed perverts).
So when the National Organization
for Marriage nicknamed their new Two
Million for Marriage initiative “2M4M,”
they received plenty of ribbing for being so
outside of the gay sex lingo loop.
As MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow said,
“If you don’t know what the abbreviation
M4M stands for, I do not want to spoil your
Googling fun, but here’s a hint: The related
search that Google suggests is for the Web
site Manhunt.” In other words, don’t Google
M4M at work unless you’re self-employed
or work for, say, a self-righteous anti-gay
marriage organization.
Even better than the initiative’s name,
however, is the commercial NOM produced
to spread the word. Dubbed “A Gathering
Storm,” the made-to-be-parodied ad features
actors (and I use that term loosely) expressing their fear about gay marriage whilst
standing amidst lightning and thunder clouds
in what I guess is supposed to be what heaven
will look like once gays can legally wed all
across this nation.
New York Times columnist Frank Rich
described the ad as what would happen “if
you crossed that creepy 1960s horror classic
‘The Village of the Damned’ with the Broadway staple ‘A Chorus Line.’”
Stephen Colbert said, “I love that ad.
It is like watching The 700 Club and the
Weather Channel at the same time.”
The ad opens with a blonde woman
saying, “There’s a storm gathering” then
cuts to some guy saying “The clouds are
dark and the winds are strong.” A woman
who bears a striking resemblance to Ugly
Betty says, “And I am afraid.”
After parading the multi-ethnic cast of
scaredy cats before us, the ad starts presenting real folks who’ve been discriminated
against. The thing is, they aren’t real folks,
and the discrimination they detail is just
hypothetical. There’s a tiny, tiny disclaimer
in the ad, but clearly folks are supposed to
watch the dumpy woman in the dark pantsuit say, “I’m a California doctor who must
choose between my faith and my job,” and
take it as fact.
The ad has inspired countless parodies
on YouTube, including a mash-up with the
video for “It’s Raining Men.”
The best one, however, comes from
faux-newscaster Stephen Colbert. Using a
cast of various ethnicities rotating from line
to line and a strikingly similar set, it’s far
better than the original. “There’s a storm
gathering,” it begins. “A giant gay storm.
With rough winds blowing in from the east.
And even rougher winds blowing from the
west. Before long, the winds will be blowing
each other.”
Granted, the ad campaign gets more
attention every time someone makes fun of
it, but I don’t think the increased exposure of
NOM’s original ad will do them much good.
Rich claims that the ad marks “a historic
turning point in the demise of America’s
anti-gay movement.”
“What gives the ad its symbolic signifi-
cance,” Rich writes, “is not just that it’s
idiotic, but that its release was the only loud
protest anywhere in America to the news
that same-sex marriage had been legalized
in Iowa and Vermont. If it advances any
message, it’s mainly that homophobic activism is ever more depopulated and isolated
as well as brain-dead.”
For the first time in history, my friends,
it’s going to start raining M4M.
D’Anne Witkowski has been gay for pay
since 2003. She’s a freelance writer and poet
(believe it!). When she’s not taking on the
creeps of the world she reviews rock and
roll shows in Detroit with her twin sister
and teaches writing at the University of
“The video mockeries produced in
response to (the National Organization for
Marriage’s) hysterical, zombie propaganda
poo have made this past week one of the
most fabulous ever on the vast internets.
Thank you, Maggie Gallagher and Brian
Brown for awakening and entertaining the
movement for marriage equality (with your
‘Gathering Storm’ anti-same-sex marriage
ad). Because of your Night of the Living
Storm Troopers silliness, the whole world is
not only watching, it’s having a good laugh
at your expense.”
— Blogger Mike Tidmus, April 12.
ACCESSline Page 10
Section 1: News & Politics
Obama’s Domestic AIDS Proposal Disappoints
$45M for National HIV/AIDS Awareness Campaign—Obama’s First Official
Action on AIDS—Falls Far Short of Need;
Stepped-up HIV Testing, Linkage to Treatment Will Help Break Chain of Infection
US’ Largest AIDS Group Renews Call
on Government to Spend $200M for 10
Million HIV Tests
April 7, 2009
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF),
the largest non-profit HIV/AIDS organization in the US which currently provides
medical care and services to more than
100,000 individuals in 21 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/
Caribbean and Asia, expressed its deep
disappointment today regarding President
Obama’s proposal to spend $45 million—
over the next five years—only $9 million
per year—on a national communications
campaign on HIV/AIDS here in the United
States. The proposal—Obama’s first official
action on AIDS—falls far short of the need
to adequately address the growing domestic
epidemic and appears to be window dressing
of a potentially politically-charged issue.
The White House will partner with the
Department of Health and Human Services
(DHHS) and the Centers for Disease Control
and Prevention (CDC) in the campaign,
the first federally funded national domestic
HIV/AIDS campaign in almost twenty years
according to White House officials.
“There are approximately 1.2 million
people in the US living with HIV/AIDS
today. More than 300,000 of these individuals have never had an HIV test and
therefore do not know their HIV status. A
$45 million communications plan no matter
how well intended will do little to help
identify those 300,000 infected individuals
who may unknowingly be infecting others,”
said Michael Weinstein, President of AIDS
Healthcare Foundation. “In November, we
issued a statement reminding President-elect
Obama that AIDS remains a significant and
growing crisis in America, and we urged him
to prioritize this public health crisis by taking
simple, straightforward steps to address the
domestic HIV/AIDS epidemic upon taking
office in January. If this proposal is any
indication of how President Obama and his
Administration intend to address the AIDS
epidemic domestically or globally, we are
deeply disappointed.”
In September 2006, the CDC recommended that diagnostic HIV testing and
opt-out HIV screening become a part of
routine clinical care in all healthcare settings
(emergency units, community clinics, etc.)
for all those ages 13 to 64. To date, this CDC
guideline has not been widely-implemented
due to bureaucratic delays and conflict as to
who actually absorbs the costs of such public
health testing—the government or private
insurance companies.
In August 2008, the CDC released
stark new data showing an alarming 40%
increase in HIV infections in the US annually (56,000 new cases each year up from a
previous estimate of 40,000 cases annually).
Those numbers are an indictment of how
profoundly US and CDC HIV prevention
efforts have failed over the years.
“According to an Institute of Medicine
study, the lifetime cost of one HIV-infected
individual’s treatment and care is estimated
to be $600,000. The cost of an HIV test can
be under $20. Without an accurate picture
of the epidemic, which has been vastly
underestimated for the past ten years, we
have missed countless opportunities to intervene with effective public health strategies,”
added AHF’s Weinstein. “AIDS Healthcare
Foundation believes that President Obama,
HHS and the CDC should appropriate $200
million to test ten million people for HIV
over the next three years. Massive scale-up
of HIV testing is the only way to bring down
the growing HIV/AIDS crisis in America.
Identifying all those who are infected and
linking them to treatment is the only way to
break the chain of new infections and begin
to address the nation’s runaway epidemic.”
AIDS Healthcare Foundation (AHF)
is the nation’s largest non-profit HIV/AIDS
healthcare provider. AHF currently provides
medical care and/or services to more than
100,000 individuals in 21 countries worldwide in the US, Africa, Latin America/
Caribbean and Asia. Additional information
is available at
May 2009
“I’m very big on human
beings finding love, attachment and commitment and
being faithful to it, because
there’s more to benefit when
there is real true commitment
and faithfulness to it. I still
believe, as just every president
has, and all the people who
ran for office, that marriage
is a sacrament between a man
and a woman. So not calling
it marriage works for me. But
that two people would have
that sort of commitment to
me is very healthy and very
positive thing in their lives and
society as a whole. ... That’s
(same-sex relationships) a
beautiful thing and a healthy
—Laura Schlessinger (Dr.
Laura), singing a new tune
to CNN’s Larry King, April 8.
May 2009
Section 1: News & Politics
GSK and Pfizer merge to create new HIV
drugs company
GlaxoSmithKline and Pfizer, two of
the worlds largest drugs companies, are to
join forces to create a new venture that will
merge the HIV operations and resources of
both companies together.
GSK will own the majority of the new
business giving it more control of the HIV
market, putting the company in a more
powerful position to control drug prices
and patents. It is too early, however, to
know what effect this move will have on
the availability and price of AIDS drugs
in developing countries. What is critical is
the need for drug prices to be kept low and
to ensure affordable second-line therapy is
made available in all developing countries.
Annabel Kanabus, Director of AVERT
adds, “While the move does not have
any positive consequence for developing
countries as yet, it is vital that investment
in research and development is increased.
There is still a desperate need for new drugs
to be developed and GSK are now in a good
position to do this”.
The Guardian 4/16/2009
Study estimates 1.2 million AIDS deaths
have been averted in PEPFAR focus
A new study into the effects of PEPFAR
(the Presidents Emergency Plan for AIDS
Relief) funding has shown a 10% drop in
the death rate – equivalent to 1.2 million
deaths - compared to pre-2003 levels in
12 focus countries in sub-Saharan Africa.
Despite this, the number of AIDS cases in
the countries studied has continued to rise.
The number of deaths averted in these
countries is seen as a result of better treatment access for those living with HIV,
something the study attributes to the input
of PEPFAR funding. While PEPFAR has
undoubtedly had a positive impact, the
authors of the report acknowledge that
there are other contributing factors beside
PEPFAR, such as AIDS funding from other
organizations, which could explain the drop
in death rate for these specific countries.
Had PEPFAR chosen other focus countries at a different time the impact of interventions and subsequent results could have
been different. There is also a possibility
the epidemic was in differing phases among
the countries, affecting AIDS death rates
independently of interventions. Because of
this it is not possible to solely attribute the
results to PEPFAR.
What the study has shown is that as more
people are accessing treatment and living
longer, without sufficient prevention initiatives to reduce HIV incidence, the funding
gap between what PEPFAR can provide
and what is needed will increase. Without
a Global AIDS Coordinator in charge, the
future of PEPFAR and whether it can sustain
its program under the Obama administration
is yet to be known.
Annals of Internal Medicine 4/8/2009
SScontinued from page 4
ACCESSline Page 11
SScontinued from page 8
US News
World News
“If the California Supreme Court
upholds Proposition 8, California will be an
outlier in the ongoing history of equality that
is now exemplified by Vermont, Connecticut,
Iowa and Massachusetts, as well as many
nations around the world,” Minter said.
cal intimacy) between men, in public or in
private, which are punishable by 10 years
in prison. ... J-FLAG continued to report
human rights abuses, including arbitrary
detention, mob attacks, stabbings, harassment of homosexual patients by hospital
and prison staff, and targeted shootings of
homosexuals. Police often did not investigate such incidents.”
The report continues: “J-FLAG
members also suffered attacks on their property, home intrusions as people demanded
to know the number of persons and beds in
a home, and in one instance, a fire bombing
at the home of two men that left one of
them with burns on more than 60 percent
of his body. In addition homosexuals faced
death and arson threats, with some of these
directed at the J-FLAG offices. J-FLAG
did not publicize its location due to such
threats, and its officials reported feeling
unsafe having meetings with clients at the
organization’s office. ... Human rights NGOs
and government entities agreed that brutality
against homosexuals, primarily by private
citizens, was widespread in the community.”
To read the full gay section of the report,
go to and search for the
word “gay.”
San Francisco activists launched the
boycott March 28 at Harvey Milk Plaza at
the intersection of Market and Castro streets.
They dumped Red Stripe and Myers’s Rum
into the street.
City Supervisor Bevan Dufty attended
the kickoff and promised to get the two
Jamaican products out of all San Francisco
gay bars within a month. Several bars, restaurants and community leaders announced
support for the campaign.
For detailed information, visit J-FLAG’s Web site is
Nat’l Org. for Marriage hits HRC with
copyright complaint
Furious online sparring over the
National Organization for Marriage’s new
TV ad against same-sex marriage led to a
copyright complaint by NOM against the
Human Rights Campaign.
The spooky ad, “Gathering Storm,”
used actors to portray various Americans
who supposedly are profoundly alarmed at
the notion of gays marrying each other. To
view the ad:
HRC somehow got its hands on the
audition tapes for the ad and uploaded them
to YouTube.
NOM apparently was not amused and,
according to HRC Deputy Communications
Director Trevor Thomas, “filed a copyright
violation notice with YouTube” on April 9.
YouTube then deleted the videos, but not
before MSNBC’s Rachel Maddow snagged
them and broadcast them on her show.
NOM later got that clip from Maddow’s
show banned from YouTube as well,
YouTube reported.
On April 10, said “internet
rebels are reportedly saving the videos with, and then uploading them back
to YouTube when they’re pulled.”
Meanwhile, on April 10, Maddow
broadcast another segment tweaking NOM,
which is calling its new campaign against
same-sex marriage “2M4M,” which stands
for “2 Million for Marriage.”
NOM perhaps was unaware of the
longstanding use of “M4M” in the gay
online-cruising world.
Said Maddow: “Have you ever read
personals ads? Have you ever just browsed
through Craigslist? Ever, I don’t know,
googled ‘M4M’? For the anti-gay-marriage
group? If you don’t know what the abbreviation M4M stands for, I do not want to spoil
your googling fun, but here’s a hint: The
related search that Google suggests is for the
Web site Manhunt. You know, maybe these
folks should just join up with the teabaggers.” See
Maddow broadcast segments on April
9 and 10 about a new anti-tax movement
called “teabagging” -- founded, Maddow
assumes, by people who didn’t know about
the term’s sexual meaning (placing one’s
testicles in another’s mouth).
The April 9 Maddow clip, which
became an online sensation, is at tinyurl.
New GOP gay group forms
A new national Republican gay group
has been formed by people who think the Log
Cabin Republicans group has become too
liberal. Among the founders of GOPROUD
is former LCR Political Director Christopher
Barron, who told, “Log Cabin
... has simply moved way too far to the left
and is basically indistinguishable from any
other gay left organization.”
“If your main issue is hate crimes or
(ENDA) or marriage, you’re probably not
a Republican,” Barron said.
“The Jamaica Forum for Lesbians, All Sexuals, and Gays (J-FLAG)
continued to report human rights
abuses, including arbitrary
detention, mob attacks, stabbings, harassment of homosexual
patients by hospital and prison
staff, and targeted shootings of
homosexuals. Police often did
not investigate such incidents. ...
Human rights NGOs and government entities agreed that brutality
against homosexuals, primarily by
private citizens, was widespread in
the community.”
—From the U.S. State Department’s recent “2008 Human
Rights Report: Jamaica.” In
response, a group of San Francisco gay activists, including
city Supervisor Bevan Dufty,
launched a boycott of the
nation March 28.
ACCESSline Page 12
Section 1: News & Politics
May 2009
I Love a Parade by Joshua Dagon
One of the highlights of my summer
is attending some of the Gay and Lesbian
Pride events hosted by major cities, both
the festivals and parades. I’ve always made
every attempt to attend these gatherings for
a number of reasons. In my late teens, it
was because many of the bars were so busy
during the day they would inadvertently
sell beer to Miley Cyrus. In my very early
twenties, I went because there were lots of
other boys roaming around the street who,
because of all that free-flowing beer, were
often without major articles of clothing.
Today, my little bit of cultural experience
has given me even more reasons.
I usually begin preparing to attend
several weeks before I’ll even think about
why I should attend. One of the first things
I’ll do is purchase a strategic pair of pants.
This is important so that my butt still looks
good even while walking around with my
shirt hanging from my pocket. Obtaining
the right tan is also important. You want
enough exposure so as not to be pasty yet not
so much as to immediately require collagen
therapy. I learned the hard way in regard to
preparing my tan early. A couple of years
ago, I found myself just days before a festival
with no tan at all. That’s a terrible blunder,
especially if the Pride Parade happens to be
in Los Angeles, or Miami, or San Diego.
Something had to be done, of course. I did
the only rational thing: I went to an indoor
salon and set the bed on “cancer.”
Each year I also decide I should lose
a couple of inches off of my waist before
parade day. I can usually attain this with my
Code Red Diet, which consists of a week of
consuming only protein shakes and iceberg
lettuce. After which, I’ll perform a quick
home-liposuction using my Dirt Devil and
a bendy straw.
I’m much more relaxed about my
appearance once I’m actually at the parade
route. This is due to the fact that I always
make sure to have those mirror-type
sunglasses so I can watch people without
them knowing and determine if they’re
checking me out. In the same vein, I try to
make sure to attend in the company of no less
than five other people. This way, at least one
or two of them will be constantly getting lost,
and we’ll all have a legitimate reason to be
continuously scanning the crowd. The “My
Friend Just Wandered Off” look is highly
effective in covering for the “Scoping for
Shirtless Muscle Boys In Designer Pants
With No Underwear” look.
Some people like to get to the route
parade pretty early and stake out a good
place to watch. This is not feasible for my
friends and I in that we’re seldom sufficiently
recovered from the previous evening’s party
in time to make it before the parade begins.
Actually, we’re seldom sufficiently recovered from that particular celebration anytime
before the following Thursday. However, we
do manage a power nap, and are normally
able to make it for at least the last hour of
the parade. No one wants to miss seeing
some of our favorite marching groups, such
as “Parents and Friends of Dykes on Bikes
Who Support Cross Dressing Cheerleaders.”
So on parade day, we’ll usually arise
after approximately forty-five minutes of
sleep, slip into our special butt-titivating
pants, and drive to the parade grounds where
we spend the next several hours intensely
involved in a fundamental activity that traditionally unites the entire gay community:
searching for a parking space. After the
same amount of time it would have taken
to walk from Texas, we arrive at the route
and begin our day. Of course, it’s sometimes
unbearably hot, and we’ll naturally shed our
T-shirts. We do a quick body check: (Tans...
check. Ab muscles... check. Calvin Kleins
sticking out at least half an inch... check.)
...and head off down the street.
At festivals in a major metropolitan
area, the entire gay population of the city
always seems to converge on a little strip
of street for the Pride Parade event. Often,
there are many, many other people who are
topless in the heat, including women. But,
in spite of the temperature, there are also
several men in full drag wearing enough
makeup to disguise a small rhino.
To watch my friends and me you
would think the object of the day is to
wander around aimlessly from place to
place. However, each time we arrive at a
“random” destination, we immediately think
up a new place to go and a reason to go
there. “Hey, there’s Curtis! Let’s go make
fun of his pants!” is one reason to wander
the parade grounds utilizing our strategic,
Adonis-scoping, mirrored sunglasses. “Hey,
let’s go drink some beer by those scantily
clad muscular boys!” is another excuse to
roam. All the while we’re constantly turning
quickly toward the parade every time the
crowd cheers, trying to see what fabulously
interesting portion is currently moving past
our location. “Hey, there’s the Handicapped
Republican Tom of Finland Society!”
At some point, we normally manage
to get reasonably close to the curb, so we
might stand there for a while to watch the
next few groups march past. After all, there
are normally a copious amount of floats
and marching groups that are sprawling
with desirable men, especially in densely
populated coastal cities. We might as well
occasionally gawk in their direction.
Given a choice, though, I’d rather be in
the shade. Even so, sometimes it’s worth
it to bear the heat. Like when I see a group
of people marching proudly down the route
who are obviously not gay. They’re often the
parents of someone gay and I’m immediately
reminded of my own parents. Although not
quite ready to march in a parade themselves,
they’ve been as supportive as they know
how in the face of an issue that I know is
very difficult for them. So, I’ll cheer. I’ll
cheer for the parents marching past me, as
well as for my own.
Every year, it suddenly strikes me that a
Novelist Joshua Dagon is the author of
Into the Mouth of the Wolf, The Fallen,
and Demon Tears. Visit him at:
little bit of everything is marching by. I
catch frequent references to Stonewall. I
know the story, although vaguely. It was an
event that happened before I was born, and
one that’s difficult for me to connect to my
life today, even though it has everything to
do with my life today. I may be too young
to remember Stonewall, but not too young
to enjoy the progress it inspired.
At some point, the rainbow flag will go
by, accompanied by the pink triangle, which
stirs even more historical significance. It’s
the reminder that we are a culture, not just
an orientation, with a history and a future.
It’s the trophy for just how far we’ve come,
and a question as to how much I’m personally doing to insure we continue to advance.
It’s the highlighter of all the freedoms I take
for granted every day, and a marker for the
responsibility I have to insure that the next
generations enjoy the same, if not more,
Then I’ll remember. I’ll remember
Wayne, and Hadley, and John, who stood
with me watching the Pride Parade just a few
years ago and who are now only represented
by patches on The Quilt. I’ll remember
Mark, my mentor, who would have watched
with me and unquestionably shared the silent
understanding. He would have watched with
me if I hadn’t had to say goodbye to him so
soon. Far too soon.
All the real reasons for coming to the
parade will come flooding to me. All the
significance of the event will weigh upon
me as I stand there in the sun on a bright,
resplendent day with thousands and thousands of other people just like me. All the
years of alienation and guilty solitude will
become an insignificant memory in the
height of that moment and suddenly, right
then, there’ll be no question of right or
wrong, or of good or bad. We’ll be together
and we’ll be exhilarated and we’ll be proud.
The flags will go by, and I’ll wipe the little
streams of sweat and maybe tears from my
face. The flags will go by just as the years
do. Just as we all will.
This is the second edition of Joshua
Dagon’s article I love a Parade, which
was originally published in Circuit Noize
Magazine, Summer 1998, Issue Number 17.
ACCESSline’s fun guide
Deep Inside Hollywood by Romeo San Vicente
Mitchell takes Eckhart and Kidman down
the Rabbit Hole
Why is that so many hack directors
crank out movie after movie while the really
talented filmmakers make us wait? John
Cameron Mitchell took five long years after
Hedwig and the Angry Inch to get 2006’s
Shortbus into theaters, and he’s only now
getting rolling on his third feature, which
sounds both fascinating and mass-audience
friendly. Mitchell has been tapped to bring
the Pulitzer Prize–winning Broadway hit
Rabbit Hole to the big screen, and he’s
got Aaron Eckhart and Nicole Kidman in
the lead roles. David Lindsay-Abaire will
adapt his own play, which tells the story
of a married couple taking an emotional
journey after sudden tragedy strikes. Kidman
is producing and will play the role that won
lesbian actress Cynthia Nixon a Tony. Shooting starts in late May, so Rabbit Hole might
be finished in time for Oscar contention at
the end of the year. Or next. Or maybe the
one after that.
Nicole Kidman
(photo courtesy of 20th Century Fox)
Kristanna Loken rolls up to Janjaweed
Oh, Kristanna Loken, you may be
married now, but to Romeo you’ll always
be the loose-lipped bisexual who outed
her girlfriend in an Advocate interview
and set Shane’s hair salon–skateboard
park–clothing store–smoothie hut on fire
on The L Word. And now you’re reuniting
with your Bloodrayne director, the infamous
Uwe Boll, for another movie. And it’s about
Darfur. Because, really, who doesn’t want
to see a film about one of the great tragedies
of the modern era directed by the guy who
gave us grade-Z entertainment disasters
like Alone in the Dark and In the Name of
the King: A Dungeon Siege Tale? Joining
Loken on what promises to be a fascinating
journey are Billy Zane and the long-outof-the-spotlight Edward Furlong. Shooting
commences soon, but Boll’s got a very full
schedule (quantity, not quality, is this man’s
m.o.), so a release date is anyone’s guess.
Green Day’s American Idiot becomes a
Hit-making (and very pro-queer) poppunks Green Day are taking their multi-platinum 2004 concept album American Idiot
and turning it into a stage musical. (You’ll
recall the title song, in which lead singer
Billie Joe Armstrong reasoned, “Maybe I am
the faggot America/I’m not part of a redneck
agenda.”) American Idiot, like the album
that spawned it, is about coming of age in
an America rocked by 9/11, and it makes its
stage premiere in September at the Berkeley
Repertory Theatre in California. Running
the show is gay Broadway biggie Michael
Mayer, who won a Tony for putting together
Spring Awakening; his other credits include
the musicals Thoroughly Modern Millie and
the revival of You’re a Good Man, Charlie
Brown, so he knows what he’s doing. Don’t
be surprised to see this Idiot go all the way
to the Great White Way.
is to help out not only the people who go
before their cameras but also viewers who
might not think they know any queer folks
or who don’t understand the toll involved in
keeping a major part of one’s life a secret.
Look for a Way Out in late 2009 or early
Showtime goes Way Out
Every gay man and lesbian has his or
her own coming-out story, but the process
of disclosing your sexual orientation to
the world is about to become good TV.
Showtime has brought on two producers of
the utterly addictive Intervention to create
Way Out, a weekly show that will follow
LGBT subjects on their journey out of the
closet. A nationwide search is currently
underway to find the subjects for the first
season; the creators say the goal of the show
NBC emerald-lights Dorothy Gale
If you’re an American gay man, it’s a
statistical likelihood (but not a metaphysical certainty) that you’re a fan of both The
Wizard of Oz and Ugly Betty. And if you’ve
been waiting for someone to put your Oz
chocolate into your Betty peanut butter, wait
no more. A new pilot for NBC called Dorothy
Gale transplants the plucky L. Frank Baum
heroine to the modern day. Our heroine
moves from her home in Kansas to the glittering city of Manhattan, where she gets
a job in the art world and has to contend
with a—wait for it—“wicked” boss. The
Oz mythos has survived everything from the
musical Wicked to that truly bizarre Tin Man
mini-series, so why not a weekly series? If
the network doesn’t put it to sleep with the
poppies, Dorothy Gale could land on TV
this fall. Quick, everybody click their heels
three times.
Romeo San Vicente takes no responsibility for outing that A-list actor. The
man in question should have picked a
hotel with better soundproofing. He can
be reached care of this publication or at
[email protected].
Are you and your same-sex partner
married, civil unionized, or have you
celebrated your bond with a commitment ceremony? We’re putting together a
collection of photos from these ceremonies
featuring couples from across the state, to
demonstrate the need for marriage equality
in Iowa. E-mail digital or scanned photos of
the ceremony to [email protected] with
partner names, address, city, and phone
For privacy purposes, we will only
share first names and City with the public.
By sending photos, you release the right
to use the images to One Iowa in promotional, educational, and other publications
or multimedia. For more info, contact Justin
Uebelhor at [email protected].
accessed on OutHistory through their group
titles: LGBT Employee Groups: A History;
LGBT Union Groups: A History; and LGBT
Professional Groups: A History. OutHistory.
org is a freely accessible, nonprofit, educational website produced by the Center for
Lesbian and Gay Studies. For more info,
e-mail Jonathan Ned Katz at outhistory@
The 2009 Iowa Women’s Music Festival
will be held on Saturday, September 12 in
Iowa City. A Friday night comedy show is
also in the works. The lineup is currently
coming together and looks to be another
great one! Check
for updates.
Knowledgeable members of the public
can create on-site histories of LGBT corporate employee groups, unions, and professional groups. Any logged-in users can
contribute to the site. The entries can be
All games are at Pearl Field, at the
corner of Hwy 6 and the Coralville strip,
Iowa City. Here are the rest of the spring
home game dates: 5/6, 5/8, and 5/9. Check
out for more info,
opponents, start times, and to confirm games
in case of inclement weather.
The 2009 forms for Parade, Volunteering, Sponsorship, and Pride Guide for the
Des Moines festival are at: http://www.
download the forms you need and send them
back to the P.O. Box listed on the form or
TTEVENTS continued page 14
IowaLisa’s List by Lisa Schreihart
Howdy folks!
This is a list of Iowa’s live music, arts,
social events and culture for, by, featuring,
and of interest to women and friends for
May through June. To submit events and
announcements, or to sign up a friend to
receive this list by e-mail, e-mail iowalisa@ To view this list on-line, go to
Check out
for blogs by and concerning women. The
html has a list of Iowa blogs of all different
sorts by women of all different sorts. For
feminist blogs, go to Check
it out!
Revving their engines soon! Moto
Posse is a group of LGBT motorcycle enthusiasts who go on bi-weekly organized rides
starting soon. For more info, or to get on
the mailing list contact Jewell at crazelefty@
Kimberli Maloy, host of the Acoustic
Idol concert at Daniel Arthur’s in downtown
Cedar Rapids, has openings for 10 more acts
for the current contest round. Call Kimberli
to sign up at 319-270-0975. You need only
20-25 minutes worth of material, a great
attitude and the ability to win over three
judges and as many audience members as
you can. The contest is held Monday nights
at Daniel Arthur’s Six Feet Under lounge,
but you must pre-register to compete.
ACCESSline Page 14
SScontinued from page 13
scan and email to info@capitalcitypride.
org. Email [email protected] with
any questions or needs.
Bridget Malone sends a comprehensive
monthly (and sometimes more often) listing
of GLBT events in the Cedar Rapids and
Iowa City area. To get on her list, e-mail
[email protected]. Bridget’s list
comes out twice per month, around the 1st
and the 15th. If you hear of GLBT related
events, please send them to her at malone.
[email protected].
The Lesbian Book Club is reading
books by or about lesbians. Non-lesbians
are welcome to attend. All meetings are held
at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 3707
Eastern Ave., Davenport, and meet the 4th
Saturday of each month from 7-8:30 p.m.
OUT (Our United Truth): A GLBT
Support Group meets every Tuesday evening
from 7-8:30 p.m., also at the Unitarian
Universalist Church (address above). For
more info, call 563-359-0816.
The GLBT Reading Group meets in the
conference room at Red Cross Building at
6300 Rockwell Dr. NE, Cedar Rapids at 7:30
p.m. on the fourth Thursday of each month.
The group is open to new members; please
contact [email protected] for
further info. Here’s the reading list for the
next couple months: March 26th, The Well
of Loneliness by Radclyffe Hall; April 23rd,
Adam by Anthony McDonald.
There is a new GLBT Spiritual Group
that will meet to socialize, discuss topics,
share stories, hang out and have fun! The
current plan is to meet alternating months
for dinner and get together to do a fun activity other months. To be included on future
e-mails and invitations, contact Susan at
[email protected]. Or sign up for the new
Google Group [email protected].
Generations of Change is a newly
formed intergenerational group of gay,
lesbian, bisexual, transgendered, questioning and allied (GLBTQA) community
members committed to bridging generational differences and encourage mentoring
in the Iowa City community. The group
is seeking recipes for an intergenerational
cookbook, the proceeds of which will benefit
the United Action for Youth GLBTQA Youth
Group (
A recipe submission form can be found
on-line at the UAY website or by request
to: [email protected]. Send the
completed form to: UAY GLBTQA Group,
c/o Amy Louis, 410 Iowa Ave, Iowa 52240.
The cookbook will be on sale in June 2009.
Indian Creek Nature Center is a
private, non-profit nature center providing
environmental education for all ages that
the fun guide
is funded by memberships, income from
programs, donations, and grants. The Center
features 210 acres with four miles of trails,
woodlands, prairies, wetlands, a butterfly
garden, riparian forests, an interpretive
center with exhibits, an auditorium, offices,
and gift shop, a maple sugar house, herb
garden, frog pond, bee hives, bat houses,
bluebird trail, sugarbush, and picnic areas.
Check out the ICNC at The ICNC is located at 6665
Otis Rd. SE, Cedar Rapids.
Prairiewoods, a quiet reflective space
where people of all faiths find opportunities for growth in health of body, mind and
spirit. The sisters have 70 acres of natural
beauty for retreats, workshops, meetings
and spiritual/holistic services. Come listen
to your own spirit as you connect with the
healing power of nature. Check out www. Prairiewoods is located at
120 E. Boyson Rd. in Hiawatha.
Iowa City’s own LGBT magazine, is
looking for volunteer photographers, copy
writers and advertising salespeople. Get
involved in our June edition. Great people,
great experience! Contact Scott Hoffman
for more information. Meetings starting
soon! [email protected].
The state’s largest LGBT advocacy
organization, is dedicated to supporting
full equality for lesbian, gay, bisexual and
transgender individuals living in Iowa
through grassroots education and advocacy.
Check out their website, donate, volunteer,
and become involved: http://www.oneiowa.
org/web/. There are many state-wide events
to learn about Marriage Equality and the
current Varnum v. Brien case listed on One
Iowa’s site, so go there for the scoop!
Iowa City is starting a roller derby
team and is recruiting new members. For
more info, contact: Sarah Carter (Huzzie
Lecher #FU), Coach, Asst. Team Manager
at 515-201-0161 or [email protected];
or Amanda Sergent (Kila Kaylola #H8),
Team Manager, Asst. Coach at 515-2014743 or [email protected]. Visit the Old
Capitol City Roller Girls at http://www. or
e-mail [email protected]. Practices are
Sundays 6-9 p.m. at Grant Wood Elementary
School (1930 Lakeside Dr. Iowa City) and
Wednesdays 9-10 p.m. at Robert A. Lee
Rec. Center (220 S. Gilbert St. Iowa City).
“The Lebed Method, Focus on Healing”
is a therapeutic exercise and movement
program designed to aid the physical and
emotional recovery of breast cancer survivors. The Lebed Method helps restore
range of motion -- as well as physical and
emotional balance -- and is especially helpful
in reducing the effects of lymphedema,
among the most common side effects of
breast cancer treatment. It is also beneficial
for people with other cancers and chronic
conditions, including arthritis, fibromyalgia, Parkinson’s, chronic fatigue, and other
disorders. For more info, and to view a short
demo, go to
Kathy Moon will be leading a Lebed Method
May 2009
class at the Iowa City Senior Center, Fridays,
1-2 p.m., room G13 from May 1 - June 5 (6
sessions), $45. You need not be a Center
member to participate, but registration is
required. Call to register, 319-356-5220.
Meanwhile, Kripalu YogaDance continues
at Heartland Yoga (Wednesday 7 p.m.) and
the Senior Center (Wednesday noon), and
drop-ins are welcome at both classes. More
info at
LGBT and Allied network of students and
Visit for the best
of women in music!
The ICSW has a new, updated website!
Visit to find resources and tools for women, ICSW initiatives,
and information for girls.
Silvia is creating a new series of speed
dating events in Cedar Rapids. To get on
Silvia’s list for future events in Cedar Rapids,
e-mail her at [email protected].
Find GLBT events of interest at
Lesbian Connection is the free worldwide forum of news, ideas, and information
for, by, and about lesbians, with info on
festivals, travel, conferences, retirement
communities, books, health issues, relationships, politics, and much more. Ambitious
Amazons have been publishing since 1974,
and they mail issues out every other month in
plain brown envelopes. If you’d like to start
receiving LC for free, all you need to do is
email [email protected] with your full name
and mailing address. LC’s official name and
address is Elsie Publishing Institute (EPI),
PO Box 811, East Lansing, MI 48826, ph
517-371-5257, fax 517-371-5200. EPI is
a tax-deductible 501(c)3 nonprofit charity.
If you want to know what’s going on in
neighboring states for women, check out Kai
Phillipi’s website
BETA SIGMA PHI... an international women’s friendship
network. It provides educational programs
to its members and opportunities for service
to others. It includes women of all ages,
interests, and educational and economic
backgrounds. It’s the largest organization of
its kind in the world. For more info, contact
Mackenzie Hootman at mmh52204@ or call 319-721-2105.
...the Iowa City organization that
provides social and networking opportunities for GLBT folks and friends with a range
of interests, is in full swing. Connections
offers it all (a nature group, a spiritual
group, a chess group, a movie night group,
a cooking group, and a sewing group, just to
name a few), and what it doesn’t offer can
be arranged! Check out the Connections
website at For
more info, e-mail queerconnections@yahoo.
com. At the General Membership meeting,
many expressed interest in doing an Outdoor
group again. If you would be interested,
contact Bridget at [email protected]
and she will connect you with the organizers.
If you are interested in getting more
involved and active in Iowa’s GLBTQ
community, focusing on safe schools and
LGBT student leadership and development,
check out the Iowa Pride Network’s new
website http://www.iowapridenetwork.
org. Register at to join this
Check out the happenings in Des
Moines and the surrounding areas that are
sponsored or supported by the Women’s
Cultural Collective (WCC) at www.
NOW through June 7, GIRLS ONLY
at the Prairie Meadows Temple Theatre, 10th
and Locust Sts., downtown Des Moines.
Girls Only is an original comedy that celebrates the honor, truth, humor and silliness
of being female. With a two-woman cast and
audiences full of raucous, laughing ladies,
the show has found quick popularity in its
unique examination of all things girly. For
tickets, visit
NOW through May 11, ALWAYS…
PATSY CLINE at the Old Creamery Theatre,
39 38th Ave., Amana. Tickets $26.50. For
more info or tix, visit
or call 1-800-35AMANA.
Friday, May 1, 5-8 p.m., KELLY
FRIENDS at a First Friday Coffeehouse
concert for Kelly’s birthday bash and a
benefit for the Iowa N.E.W. Leadership
Program, at Dawn’s Hide & Bead Away,
220 E. Washington St., Iowa City (across
from The Englert Theatre). $3 suggested
donation. For more info, call 319-338-1566.
Snacks and coffee available.
Friday, May 1, 11 a.m.-2 p.m., FIRST
LADIE’S TEA at CornerHouse Gallery,
2753 1st Ave. SE, Cedar Rapids. “First
Ladie’s Teas through American History”
is an exhibit which was designed for the
Herbert Hoover Museum. The exhibit now
travels by request and is presented by Rosemary Pracha (the Tea Lady) from Brighton,
Iowa. Rosemary will be at the gallery and
present commentary on the display. See
HOW IT’S DONE. Fine china, silver…The
ART of the table.
May 1-16, HAIR, presented by Theatre
Cedar Rapids, at TCR Lindale, 4444 1st Ave.
NE. For more info or tickets, call 319-3668591 or visit
Saturday-Sunday, May 1-2, 7:30 p.m.
(doors at 6:30 p.m.), LYNNE ROTHROCK
with Russell Davis and Ron DeWitte, in a
cabaret to celebrate Lynne’s new CD. At
ARA Gallery and Interiors, 4850 Armar Dr.
SE (behind Carlos O’Kelly’s). Tickets $25.
Call ARA Gallery for tickets at 319-3662520.
Saturday, May 2, 6 p.m., PUNKN at
The Straight Edge, 1130 16th St. SE, Cedar
Rapids. Iowa blues, all ages. From the listing, she looks like a solo
artist. Curious people, check it out.
Saturday, May 2, 6-11 p.m., VENUS
ENVY – QUAD CITIES, at the Bucktown
TTEVENTS continued page 21
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Cocktail Chatter by Camper English
A Drink By Any Other Name
Even if I enjoyed having a Sex on the
Beach (the drink), I would probably feel too
embarrassed to order one in public. Luckily
my aversion to peach schnapps precludes
me from asking the bartender for a cocktail
named after an uncomfortable erotic act.
Seriously, have you tried it?
The Sex on the Beach was popular in the
vodka-schnapps drink era of the 1980’s, as
were cutesy-sexy cocktail names you never
wanted to hear your parents order. We had the
Fuzzy Navel, the Freddy Fudpucker, and the
Slow Comfortable Screw. Sadly, these drinks
seem almost quaint now as many cocktail
names have become downright dirty. One
online drink database lists 327 drinks with
the word ‘sex’ in the name, and there are
probably seven cocktails named for every
position in the Kama Sutra.
Luckily, not many of these drinks make
it into popular circulation, and the ones
that do are generally served in nightclubs
where commanding the bartender to give
you a Reverse Cowgirl ends well whether
it’s served in a glass or in the back of the
coat check room.
Overly cute cocktail names are only
slightly better. One bartender friend makes
every drink a ridiculous pun that makes you
feel like a fool for requesting. The worst was
the Cardamom My Dearest. (If you don’t get
that reference you may not be this publication’s target audience.)
Some drinks have the wrong name
entirely, which only bothers cocktail dorks
like me. I get huffy when cocktails are called
a flavor of Martini- Chocolate Martini, Apple
Martini, Orange Martini, whatever. I have a
theory that this naming schema was popularized during the late 1990’s dot-com boom
when every job title changed to superlative
like ‘diva’ or ‘guru’ whether or not they were
deserved. You had the mailroom guru and
the accounts payable diva getting together
for a Death by Chocolate Martini.
These not-really Martinis are
usually vodka plus a flavored liqueur
with a splash of fruit juice and a slathering of sugar on the rim, so I suppose
they do belong in the same category
as each other - just not, in my opinion,
in the Martini category.
When I create cocktails, which
is more often than I’ll admit in polite
company, I try to name them sensibly so
I can remember what’s in them the next
day. I’ll make a Strawberry Mojito or a
Fizzy Lemon Daiquiri and be done with
it. But if my new drink doesn’t closely
resemble another one, I’ll try to use an
acronym for the ingredients - like the COP
with cognac, orange liqueur, and pear. The
problem with the Sex on the Beach is that
its ingredients - vodka, orange juice, peach
schnapps, and cranberry - don’t spell a word
no matter how you arrange the letters VOPC.
Then again, neither does LGBT, and
we all know what the ingredients are in
that. Maybe we should consider re-branding
ourselves like an easy-to-pronounce drink
instead - it could be a great PR move. People
will whisper, “Is it true that he’s really Pink
Building a Better Bloody Mary
You can tell a lot about a person from
his or her choice in a Bloody Mary. Some
people try a little too hard to butch up the
drink with seven kinds of hot sauce. Others
are all about flair, bedazzling the drink
with enough garnish to decorate Carmen
Miranda’s hat. And a certain segment of the
population just likes drinking at breakfast.
I suppose my style of Bloody Mary
reveals both trust and control issues. I
don’t trust the bartender to make the
drink for me most places; I’d prefer to
control the process at the make-your-own
Bloody Mary bar. I want the drink
to have a perfect combination
of savory flavors, with a dash
of olive brine and the tiniest
pinch of celery salt. I don’t like the
saltiness of a Dirty Martini or even
olives in the drink (“Can I get those
on the side?” I’ll ask,) but when
you add savory tomato juice to the
situation then all my issues are going
to come out.
These days savory cocktails are all the
rage in experimental bars. I’ve consumed
drinks with carrot juice, cucumbers, yogurt,
and even mustard - but those weren’t Bloody
Marys. Savory additions to that drink mostly
involve mixing meat into it, with beef bullion
and clam juice inside the cocktail and bacon
and shrimp on top as garnish. Some bartenders are infusing vodka with bacon, though
that often leads to gloppy vodka.
But that’s all recent history. The Bloody
Mary’s history goes back to 1920 or 1939
(or some other date) depending on whose
story you believe. Like most of the famous
cocktails of today, its origin is in dispute.
It may have been created in France; maybe
New York. It may have originally been made
with vodka, or maybe with gin.
Today some call the gin version a Red
Snapper; the tequila version a Bloody Maria;
sake in the Bloody Geisha, and so on. No
matter what you call it, there are plenty of
ways to adjust the recipe to your personal
taste. Within the vodka family, flavored or
infused vodkas go great in this drink - citrus
flavors like lemon and even lime can work,
and you can sometimes find special edition
chipotle flavored vodka, or the more readily
available pepper (Peppar) flavor.
Speaking of spicy, I love wasabi paste,
horseradish, and muddled jalapeno and red
bell peppers in the drink. You can also infuse
them in vodka overnight - I’ve tried them
all, and they were each differently delicious.
Ethnic hot sauces for Asian and Latin cuisine
are great in the drink, as are savory soy,
Worcestershire, and steak sauces. Outside
the glass, I say the more the merrier - more
olives, pickled green beans, celery stalks,
lemon wedges, cucumbers, tomolives, etc.
I even like salt and pepper and more celery
salt around the rim. Bring it on.
Now that I see my Bloody Mary drink
preferences all written down - hot and savory
and a whole salad as garnish - it’s clear I
don’t have control issues at all. I think I’m
just a big old glutton.
Camper English is a cocktails and spirits
writer and publisher of
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May 2009
Wedding Services and Resources
Rainbow Wedding Network has
been the trusted resource for gay and lesbian
weddings since its launch in September,
2000! Free Couple’s Webpages, Gift Registry, Ceremony Tips, Trends, Community
Connections and the most extensive directory of screened, gay-friendly businesses
online. Since 2003, Rainbow Wedding
Network has also been the proud producer
of many of the nation’s first gay and
lesbian Wedding Expos, and in 2006 began
publishing the nation’s first-ever Wedding
Magazine, dedicated to the gay and lesbian
The company’s sister campaign,, is a dynamic
force in legitimizing the issues of gay and
lesbian marriage rights - visit the site for
online forums, petitions, polls, blogs and
garters, first dances, etc. We talked about
garters and would they want the “frilly, lacey,
satiny” kinds of garters and they thought not.
So we got busy and GayGarters is what we
came up with. After all, love should be the
only criteria for marriage.
Thanks to the recent California Supreme
Court ruling, our dearest friends, were
getting married after being together 28
years. They asked us to stand for them so
we began planning their celebration. This
led to discussions about whether they would
do “traditional” wedding things like cakes,
Reverent Tizzy Hyatt
Tizzy Hyatt of Healing Journeys
( in Windsor
Heights is an Ordained Priestess of the
Goddess offering wedding ceremonies for
all couples. She has experience officiating at
same sex ceremonies and is thrilled to be able
to offer legal weddings to all her LGBTQ
sisters and brothers. She has many standard
ceremonies to choose from and can also help
you create your own personalized ritual.
She offers an open heart and open mind to
all who would like a ceremony created to
honor their love. She also offers spiritual
counseling, tarot readings & parties, and
shamanic journeying sessions. She sends
out loving blessings to all.
A Little to the Left Greeting Cards
“I am the mother of a gay son who has
been in a committed relationship for over 15
years. For 15 years I have been griping that
there are no appropriate greeting cards for a
mother to give to her son and son-in-law for
their anniversaries and holidays. So last year
I started my own small business designing
and selling just those kinds of cards.
“Please take a few minutes to visit my
site at so that you can
see what I have to offer. I think you will see
that my cards are subtle, tasteful and elegant.
They are something a mother would buy for
her son or daughter.
“To me, this is more than a business, it
is a passion. I am not just selling greeting
cards, I am making a political statement.
I am trying to get the message across that
we are all people who celebrate joyful
events together and there is no reason
why the LGBT community shouldn’t have
their straight friends and family members
celebrate with them.”
- Sandy Timberlake
Iowa State Center
Whether you’re planning for a few
dozen guests or a few hundred, we’ll make
your wedding celebration a memory to have
and to hold. You’ll adore our personal service
and delectable cuisine...and thanks to our
amazing attention to detail, you’ll even have
time to enjoy yourself.
Pastor John Chaplin
Pastor John Chaplin completed
LEARN, a lay ministry program of the
Iowa Conference of the United Church of
Christ (UCC) in June, 2000. In 2001 he was
licensed for pulpit supply by the Central
Association. He is authorized to officiate
at wedding locales throughout Iowa.
Lee, his partner of 23 years, passed
away in 2007 and John now shares a home
with one controlling feline known as Ms.
Kitty Windsor.
Glamour and Elegance and You Can Eat It Too! by Brett Edward Stout
“Hold your breath, make
a wish, count to three. Come
with me, and you’ll be, in a
world of pure imagination.”
— Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory
As the bells of marriage ring across the
state of Iowa for the first time for everyone, images of spectacle, ceremony, and
celebration fill our heads. None of these
images seems so closely associated with
the occasion as the elaborate and iconic
cake that forms the centerpiece of the first
meal a newly joined couple will have with
their friends. Eastern Iowa has perhaps, no
greater virtuoso of edible sculpture than
Adam, owner and baking extraordinaire of
Tip Top Cakes.
In a state where many are born and
leave, Adam and his partner Jeremy came to
Iowa from Colorado. The two met in 2003
while studying musical theatre at Mesa
State College. While at first their personalities seemed in conflict, they soon found
themselves a couple that was rarely apart.
After a change of major, the two of them
decided to come to Iowa City where Jeremy
had been accepted by the prestigious Physician’s Assistant school at the University of
Iowa. With job and schooling secured, the
two uprooted themselves and settled into
their new home.
Adam had always enjoyed cooking. He
Photo by Amy Andrews
started working at a Colorado bakery while
still in high school. Little did he know that
his steady hands and knack for detail would
lead him down the path of entrepreneurship.
While at the Cake Cottage, Adam recalls the
tireless work and sacrifice it took to keep the
business going. The bakery consisted of only
the Adam and the owner. Adam worked long
hours—sometimes without pay—mixing,
extruding, embellishing, and designing any
and every creation that customers commissioned from him. A combination hectic
scheduling and personal conflicts caused
Adam to leave the bakery and focus his
attention on his new career in banking.
When the couple first moved to Iowa,
Adam had lain down his mixing bowls and
piping bags for more than a year. Most of his
time and energy was devoted to his career
in banking and finance.
Then, chance intervened as chance
often does. To help pay for couple’s new
life together Adam also worked a second
job at Barnes & Nobel. One day he noticed
a woman walking through the store with a
wedding book in hand. Approaching her,
he introduced himself and inquired if she
might be interested his baking services.
She was and set up a meeting between
him and her soon-to-be-married daughter.
Adam’s creation proved to be the star of
the reception. The impressive design and
execution opened the door to more and more
opportunities, eventually gaining the attention of Iowa wedding planner Cynthia from His first creation for
one of Cynthia’s clients blew the doors of
success wide open. The enormous cake stood
five tiers tall from its 18” base. Each layer
was wrapped in white fondant sides, black
fondant ribbons, and silky fondant drapery
with red roses finishing off the masterpiece.
The designs Adam custom fashions
are like exquisite sandcastles. Beautiful
testaments to craft and creativity that dazzle
for a moment before being destroyed with
delight. His compositions baffle the mind
and border on fantastical. Silk drapery
made of thinly rolled fondant, creatures and
waves sculpted from dyed-white chocolate,
flowers squeezed of buttercream, royal icing
scrolls, and edible bouquets are all erected
into elegant columns, slanted mad-hats, or
TTTIP TOP CAKES continued page 24
May 2009
the fun guide
Happily Ever After
starts Here
Whether you’re planning for a few dozen guests or a
few hundred, we’ll make your wedding celebration a
memory to have and to hold. You’ll adore our personal
service and delectable cuisine...and thanks to our amazing
attention to detail, you’ll even have time to enjoy yourself.
To plan your memory, call 515-294-3347, toll-free 1-877-843-2368,
or visit
Fisher TheaterÊUÊScheman BuildingÊUÊStephens Auditorium
ACCESSline Page 17
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the fun guide
May 2009
the fun guide
May 2009
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© Littlestar
2 pM!
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Group discounts available. please call 515-246-2321.
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MaMMa Mia! original cast recording available on decca broadway
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May 2009
the fun guide
May 2009
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The Outfield by Dan Woog
Sherry McGregor:
The Out ‘Karate Kid’
Growing up in Florida, in a sixth-generation Southern family, Sherry McGregor
battled demons. While her mother worked
her way through serial marriages (she is now
on her eighth), Sherry felt uncomfortable
dating boys. Finally, in her senior year of
high school, she began a relationship with
a 25-year-old woman she’d met at church.
For the first time in her life, she felt free.
As a scholarship basketball player at a
South Carolina Baptist college, she thought
her life’s mission was to work in youth
ministry. She joined Fellowship of Christian
Athletes, and became a noted speaker. But at
the same time she continued her involvement
in martial arts – a passion since elementary
school – and over time that stereotypically
macho sport allowed her to realize who she
truly is: an out, proud “peaceful warrior.”
Her first exposure to martial arts came
in a six-week after-school karate class. Her
mother had just left an abusive husband,
and wanted McGregor to learn to take care
of herself.
“Remembering how hard it was as a
5-year-old to watch my mother being beaten
has ignited a special passion in me to teach
self-defense,” McGregor now says.
She has taken her teaching far and
wide. Currently the highest-ranking female
martial artist in the United States, she has
been featured in People Magazine and on
SScontinued from page 14
Center for the Arts, Davenport. This event is
a celebration of female creativity, empowering women through the arts of music, theatre,
visual arts, multimedia installations, written
and spoken word. The Venus Envy event
is intended for mature audiences only. The
Venus Envy Exhibit will remain on show
through May 22. For more info, go to www. or e-mail venusenvyqc@
Saturday, May 2, 9 p.m., JODIE
Saturday, May 2, 9 a.m.-Noon,
Indian Creek Nature Center, 6665 Otis Rd.
SE, Cedar Rapids. This event raises funds
for the ICNC. Vendors garden art, accessories, and plants such as wildflowers, prairie
grasses and flowers, hostas, geraniums, and
various perennials.
Saturday, May 2, 10:30 a.m.-Noon,
ACTION with Sara Sorensen, Watercolorist,
at the Cedar Rapids Museum of Art, 410 3rd
Ave. SE, downtown Cedar Rapids. This is a
collaborative effort between the CRMA and
local artists to reach and teach non-artists
about the artistic processes. Come learn from
the pros, see how work is done and what it
really takes to make great art. Free!
Saturday-Sunday, May 2-3, CHALK
THE WALK in Mt. Vernon. For more info,
e-mail Craig at [email protected].
Monday, May 4, 5:30-7:30 p.m.,
PLACES at The Bohemian Café and Pub,
the Discovery Channel and
for favors. They love that
the Learning Channel. She
is the only female member
Still, fearing their reacof a combat ki team (which
tion in so intimate an environemphasizes body and mind
ment, it took years before she
integrity) that travels the
came out to them. She began
world demonstrating how to
the process a decade ago, and
take kicks and punches to
grew “really bold” about it in
vital areas of the body without
the past five years.
injury. After women watch
Their reaction, she says,
her take strikes to her throat
is “great. They love it. They
by an NFL player, or see four
say we can girl-watch togeth200-pound men punch her
er.” However, she admits, “I
Sherry McGregor don’t know if it would have
neck, they’re inspired to take
up martial arts, too.
been the same if I hadn’t
McGregor has represented the U.S. in already had their respect from training.”
karate world competitions, and is a twoMcGregor believes there is a higher
time U.S. Open champion. She is a fourth percentage of lesbians in martial arts than
degree black belt or above in an astonishing gay men – perhaps half of the female
17 different styles of martial arts (including instructors she knows are gay. One reason
10th degree, the highest possible, in karate). might be that the first women attracted to
And she has been inducted into the Martial male-dominated martial arts were ardent
Arts Hall of Fame as both a competitor and feminists with the courage and willpower
a master teacher.
to assert themselves. Many were lesbians.
Throughout her 36-year career,
But whether gay or straight, McGregor
McGregor’s identity as a woman, and a says, martial arts is good for women. It builds
lesbian, has evolved.
confidence, provides fitness and offers entry
“As a kid playing backyard games, I into a community of supportive, like-minded
always saw myself as a boy,” she recalls. people.
“When I finally heard the word ‘gay,’ I
She describes her teaching technique
figured out what it all meant.”
as “high-energy and jovial. I’m not militaMartial arts is a male-dominated world. ristic, which makes me different from the
Even today, most of the athletes McGregor traditionalists. I think people learn better in
trains with are men. “They see me as one a fun environment.” Perhaps, she says, that
of the guys,” she says. “I’ve never asked attitude developed from her early introduc-
tion to martial arts, as a means to escape her
stressful life.
McGregor does not think being a lesbian
is relevant to her success. Martial arts, she
says, should appeal to all females, regardless
of sexual orientation. “I don’t know of any
other field, except maybe law enforcement,
that would accept me so easily as one of the
guys. I don’t have to be more feminine than I
am. That’s a very freeing feeling for anyone.”
Not long ago, McGregor fell in love
with a woman. She moved to Seattle live with
her. She is writing a book on self-defense
for “everyday people.” She travels far and
wide, offering seminars and private lessons
to individuals, groups and corporations to
help people of all ages and experience levels
learn focus, leadership skills, perseverance,
discipline, problem-solving and a strong
work ethic.
Now completely out, McGregor also
looks forward to using martial arts to help
gay youth. In some ways that is a long way
– and in others just a short hop – from her
college vision of “youth ministry.”
For more information on Sherry
McGregor, visit
or e-mail [email protected]
Saturday, May 9, 8 p.m., rising star of
African music, DOBET GNAHORE from
the Ivory Coast, at CSPS, 1103 3rd St. SE,
Cedar Rapids. For more info or tix, visit, call 319-364-1580, or
e-mail [email protected].
Saturday, May 9, 7 p.m., EGO LIKENESS, a female-fronted goth band, with
Bella Morte, at the Paul Engle Center Center
for the Arts, 1600 4th Ave SE, Cedar Rapids.
Sunday, May 10, 4 p.m., CLORIS
LEACHMAN presents her one-woman
show CLORIS! at the Civic Center of Des
Moines. For more info or tix, visit This performance benefits the
Roosevelt High School renovation project.
Tuesday, May 12, 5:30-7:30 p.m.,
PLACES at Monica’s Italian Bistro and
Pizzeria, in Walden Square Plaza, 749
Mormon Trek Blvd., Iowa City. PTDN is
a social group of like-minded professionals
in the Corridor area. Everyone is welcome
to meet, eat, socialize and network! To join
the PTDN listserv, contact Russ Novotny at
[email protected].
Thursday, May 14, 8 p.m., Chicago
folkster EMILY WHITE at Coffee Cat, 111
S. Delaware/N. Hwy. 65, Mason City. For
more info, visit,
or e-mail [email protected]. $3
suggested donation to the artist.
Friday, May 15, 7-9 p.m., Australian
rocker grrl MARTINE LOCKE in Concert at
Hamburger Mary’s, 1st Ave. and Glenbrook
Dr. SE, next to Home Depot and behind Taco
John’s in Cedar Rapids. Welcome Australian
(via San Francisco) Martine Locke back to
Eastern Iowa! She’s played twice at Iowa
Women’s Music Festival and rocks the house
TTEVENTS continued page 24
95 16th Ave. SW, Cedar Rapids. PTDN is
a social group of like-minded professionals
in the Corridor area. Everyone is welcome
to meet, eat, socialize and network! To join
the PTDN listserv, contact Russ Novotny at
[email protected].
May 5-7, 7:30 p.m., RIVERDANCE,
Farewell Performances, at the GallagherBluedorn Performing Arts Center, on the
campus of the University of Northern
Iowa, Cedar Falls. For more info or tix,
call 319-273-4TIX or visit
Wednesday, May 6, IOWA CITY
Theatre, Iowa City. For more info, visit
Thursday, May 7, 7 p.m., WOMEN’S
Noble Booksellers, 333 Collins Rd. NE,
Cedar Rapids.
Thursday-Saturday, May 7-9, PELLA
TULIP FESTIVAL in Pella. For more info,
Friday, May 8, 8 p.m., RICH & TINA
MOCK with JEN WHITE at Coffee Cat,
111 S. Delaware/N. Hwy. 65, Mason City.
For more info, visit www.coffeecatonline.
com, or e-mail [email protected].
$3 suggested donation to the artist.
Friday, May 8, 7 p.m., SCOTT &
MICHELLE DALZIEL at Java Creek Café,
corner of Boyson Rd. and C Ave., Cedar
Rapids NE side. For more info, visit www. Free!
Friday, May 8, 5-6 p.m., RAINBOW
GRADUATION, at the U. of Iowa LGBT
Resource Center, 125 Grand Ave Ct., Iowa
City. There will be short program at 5:15
p.m. Light refreshments will be served.
Graduating students (both undergraduate
and graduate) should RSVP to Bret Gothe,
[email protected].
Dan Woog is a journalist, educator,
soccer coach, gay activist, and author of the
“Jocks” series of books on gay male athletes.
Visit his Web site at He
can be reached care of this publication or
at [email protected].
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SScontinued from page 21
everywhere she goes with her flaming red
hair, high energy, and kickin’ music! Come
join us for an early show. Grab your friends
and get the party started! Hamburger Mary’s
regular drag show starts at 9 p.m. Cover
charge of $3 begins at 8 p.m., so come early
for the start of Martine’s show! Check out
Martine at Visit
Mary’s at
Friday, May 15, 9 p.m., DIPLOMATS
Burlington St., Iowa City. For more info,
visit or call 319-351-9529.
Cover: $7. Check out
Saturday, May 16, Noon, CAPITAL
CITY PRIDE VOLLEYBALL TOURNAMENT, at the Sands Volleyball Complex
in West Des Moines. 6 on 6 play with a
maximum of 8 people per team. At least half
of your team must consist of boys or girls
in full drag. Cost is $100 per team and all
proceeds go to Capital City Pride. Limited to
the first 16 teams. If you don’t have a team,
you can be added to another team. To sign
up or for more info, call Justin 515-669-0801
or Todd 515-979-4688.
Saturday, May 16, USHER’S FERRY
AUSTEN’S EMMA at the Ambroz Recreation Center, 2000 Mt. Vernon Rd. SE, Cedar
Rapids. Children 3-14 years $6, adults $12.
Saturday, May 16, ETTA MAY, the
Reigning Queen of Southern Sass, at the
Ohnward Fine Arts Center, Iowa City.
Saturday-Sunday, May 16-17,
downtown square.
Sunday, May 17, 1 p.m., SCOTT &
MICHELLE DALZIEL, at the Fireside
Winery, 1755 P Ave., Marengo.
May 18-24, CSPS/Legion Arts in
Cedar Rapids hosts the North American debut of DIVADLO Z PASAZE (or
Theatre from the Passage), from Banska
Bystrica, Slovakia. The 16 members of this
acclaimed ensemble are individuals with
profound mental disabilities, hired from
state institutions. The plays they create have
been described by critics as beautiful and
poignant, bridging the gap between art and
life. Visit for a list of
events during their visit.
Wednesday, May 20, SMART TALK,
the series of talks by amazing women,
continues at the Des Moines Civic Center.
This final talk is by actress Diane Keaton.
To purchase tickets, visit www.ticketmaster.
Thursday, May 21, 7 p.m., OPEN
MIC hosted by KIMBERLI at the Blue
Strawberry Coffee Company, 118 2nd St.
SE, downtown Cedar Rapids. Sign up
starting at 6:30 p.m. or e-mail Kimberli in
advance at [email protected].
Thursday, May 21, 6-8 p.m.,
JAZZ, features the Eddie Piccard Quartet,
at Vineria, 264 Blairs Ferry Rd. NE, Cedar
Rapids. Sample 20 wines from around the
Cheese and crackers will be served.
Please make your reservation in advance.
Cost is $25 in advance, $30 at the door. The
tasting glass is yours to keep. For more info
or to register, call 319-373-6141 or email:
the fun guide
[email protected].
Friday-Sunday, May 29-31, Des
TRIP (and Potluck). For more info, e-mail
Elaine at [email protected].
SLEEPS, at The Mill Restaurant, 120 E.
Burlington St., Iowa City. Anchored by
the tight playing of the Goodnight Sleeps,
Caroline Smith’s voice floats above these
songs like a hummingbird zipping from one
killer melody to the next. Free! Check out
Friday, June 5, 5:30 p.m., 2009
by members of the Des Moines Gay Men’s
Chorus, a keynote address by Chair and CEO
of Garden State Equality Steven Goldstein,
headliner Judy Shepard, and presenting
Iowa’s 2009 Matthew Shepard Scholarship
Recipients. Held at the HyVee Conference
Center, 5820 Westown Parkway, West Des
Moines. 5:30 PM Reception (Cash Bar),
6:45 PM Dinner and Program. Advanced
tickets available through March 31 for $65.
From April 1-May 15, tix are $75. From
May 15-June 1, the price goes up to $85.
To register or for more info, go to http://
June 10-14, MAMA MIA, at the Civic
Center of Greater Des Moines. For tickets,
DECISION with noted newspaper reporter,
Clarence Page, at the Iowa Historical
Building Auditorium, Des Moines. Mr.
Page is a Washington Bureau reporter
for the Chicago Tribune and is a staunch
supporter of marriage equality. For details
Friday-Sunday, June 12-14, CAPITAL
CITY PRIDE in Des Moines. For more
info, visit
Monday, June 15, 10:00am, GAY
Join all your friends for a family fun day
at our local amusement park. Each year we
all try to coordinate matching colors so we
can find one another.
This years color is Purple. If you havent
been before - Catch the wave! Disount
tickets available at the Capital City Pride
booth at the Street fest on June 13th and
the festival on June 14th or by emailing
[email protected].
Save $10 off the regular admission price
by purchasing through Capital City Pride
Saturday, June 20, CORRIDOR
PRIDE in Iowa City. The Cedar Rapids
Pridefest will combine this year with the
Iowa City Pride Festival. Mark your calendar and stay tuned for more info! You may
also get info by going to Pride’s Facebook
Friday-Sunday, June 19-21, annual
Indianapolis. For more info, visit www.
Saturday, June 27, 11 a.m.-9 p.m.,
“WINDS OF CHANGE” at Le Claire Park
in Davenport.
May 2009
Photo by Amy Andrews
SScontinued from page 16
Tip Top Cakes
staggered towers that defy gravity. “Usually
cakes either look good or taste good. They
should be both, so that’s what I do.”
Creating cakes is a personal endeavor
that comes deep from Adam’s soul. One
can only imagine what it must have been
like to make wedding cakes for others while
knowing that you yourself could not marry,
but when I asked Adam about this he said
it never bothered him. “Weddings are about
the celebration” and Adam says he never
felt excluded; rather, he felt privileged to
contribute to ceremonies of such joy. Recalling their commitment ceremony four years
earlier, his partner Jeremy interjected his
own feelings on the subject: “We’ve given
our vows already, should we jump for joy
that someone else finally approves? With
the war, the flood, and the economy I think
it is ironic that people are so worried about
gays getting married.”
But they do recognize the significance
and difference in having a legal ceremony.
Adam, who spends his time working as a
financial adviser when he’s not toiling in his
bakery has been attentive to ensure that the
couple’s home and assets are jointly owned
in the event of the unimaginable. As most
know, many have not been so prepared.
However, after the April Supreme Court
decision, such detailed preparations will
become a thing of the past.
Adam’s creations are not limited to
wedding cakes. His services are available
for all occasions. Consultations are available by appointment. Tip Top Cakes can be
reached at 970-270-3630 or 319-358-5736,
by email at [email protected], or
through his website
May 2009
Section 3: Community
ACCESSline Page 25
Look Before You Leap by Eddi Krug
Now that exuberance over the Supreme
Court’s unanimous ruling in the Varnum case
has abated somewhat, I’m reminded of the
saying, “watch what you wish for.” As the
dust settles and we get down to the technical
business of applying for marriage licenses
and arranging for wedding halls and caterers,
let’s stop for a minute and consider what all
of this means in the practical world. I also
need to add a caveat here since in my former
life, I was married to a woman. Thus, what
follows is commentary from my legal and
practical experiences.
For those of you contemplating, “popping the question,” read on very carefully.
First of all, marriage, whether performed in a civil context (by a judge) or in
a religious setting (by a minister or rabbi), is
in the truest sense a legally binding contract.
While love may be the reason for a marriage,
the contract exists regardless of whether both
parties, that is both spouses, remain in love.
Once two people are married, the only
way this “contract” can be broken is by way
of a divorce. By necessity, divorce involves
filing a petition with the court and ultimately,
unless the parties can agree between themselves, a judge makes a decision of how
marital assets should be split between the
parties. This gets far more complicated if
debt, alimony (also known as spousal support) or child support are involved. In other
words, it is far easier to get into a marriage
than it is to get out of one.
Some of you may have heard or understand that one spouse can become legally
obligated for the debts of the other spouse.
This is so true. For many of you used to
years of living alone and being responsible
solely for your own debts, this may be a huge
concept to get used to. The most common
form of joint debt is a home mortgage; if you
want to buy a house or condo, the mortgage
company or bank will require both spouses
to sign off on the mortgage. If you split or
divorce (see below), the bank will come after
both of you to pay the debt. The same is true
with credit cards; if you have a joint credit
card, both of you are responsible for paying
on the card, regardless of what happens with
your marriage.
And what if it doesn’t work out? Most
of us don’t know about child support and
alimony, those things that straight people
have been dealing with for years when they
For GLBT couples, children will become part of the equation in a couple of
different ways. For female couples, it is
likely that one of the spouses will carry the
child and give birth; under the new law,
the other spouse will in turn automatically
be considered the child’s parent. For male
couples, this will be different. Both men
will still have to adopt the child.
Regardless of whether the child is born
into the marriage or adopted, legal obligations are created once the birth or adoption
occurs. Most important of these obligations
is the requirement that the child be supported financially even if the parents stop
being married.
In Iowa, if the couple separate or divorce, support arises for the non-custodial
parent. Thus, the parent who moves out
without the child becomes obligated to pay
child support. And remember, child support
continues until the child is 18 and out of high
school. In many cases, the court will require
the non-custodial parent to pay a third of the
child’s college education. In other words,
we are talking about writing checks for a
long, long time.
The right to alimony arises when one
spouse has been placed at a financial disadvantage as a consequence of commitments
made during the marriage. The classic
example is where a college educated spouse
stays at home to raise the children, only to
find that after 15 years of marriage, the bread
winning spouse has decided to leave. In that
instance, the courts will award alimony for
varying periods of time to the stay-at-home
spouse. In fact, the spouse who leaves could
become obligated to pay both alimony and
child support.
Because of all these legal obligations,
one should seriously consider a few things
before saying “I do.” One of the most important considerations is the money habits of
the other person. One of the quickest ways
to divorce is when one spouse cannot control
their spending, which results in debt that both
partners become obligated to pay. Thus, if
your present partner or future fiancé always
seems to be out of money, don’t assume that
will change once the two of you get married.
Another important factor to consider is
the character of the person you are marrying.
This doesn’t mean his or her “personality,”
and whether they are funny or likable. Instead, “character” is something fundamental
to how the person operates in life. Are they
honest? Do they keep their word? Do they
sacrifice for others? Affirmative answers to
each of these questions help to ensure that
the person you are marrying will do the kind
of things to help a marriages endure. These
qualities also help to avoid the financial and
emotional issues that tear marriages apart.
Okay, enough of the heavy thinking.
For those of you undeterred by this, I wish
you only the very best. Marriage can be a
wonderful thing between two people who
love each other. It can be the ultimate expression of one’s love. We are so lucky to have
a Supreme Court willing to speak the truth.
So, go take advantage of an opportunity
that so many others take for granted. And
just remember all of the responsibilities that
come with that opportunity.
Eddi Krug is an attorney in North
Liberty who has been practicing law for
27 years. She can be reached at: ekrug@
Waterloo’s Alternative Night Club
Section 3: Community
ACCESSline Page 26
May 2009
Chef deJon
for brunch or supper or little squares for
appetizers. They’re perfect for picnics, so
don’t pack a basket without one.
Southwestern Caesar Salad with
Chipotle Dressing
• 1/2 cup mayonnaise
• 1 1/2 tablespoon canned low-salt chicken
• 1 tablespoon soy sauce
• 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
• 1 1/2 teaspoon minced canned chipotle
chilies (in adobo sauce)
• 1 teaspoon brown sugar
• 1 large head romaine lettuce, cut into
bite-size pieces
• 2 medium tomatoes, seeded, diced
• 1/2 cup frozen corn kernels, thawed,
• 4 tablespoon freshly grated Parmesan
Whisk mayonnaise, chicken broth, soy
sauce, lemon juice, chipotles and brown
sugar in medium bowl to blend. Season
dressing to taste with salt and pepper. (Dressing can be prepared 1 day ahead. Cover and
Mix lettuce, tomatoes and corn in large
bowl. Add dressing and 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese and toss to coat. Sprinkle with
remaining 2 tablespoons Parmesan cheese
and serve.
Yield: Serves 4
• 1 1/2 tablespoons unsalted butter
• 1/3 cup thinly sliced shallots
• 1/4 cup turkey bacon
• Freshly ground black pepper, to taste
• 4 eggs
• 1/4 cup cheese
• 1/4 cup coarsely chopped arugula, for
1) Preheat the broiler.
2) Melt the butter in a l0-inch flameproof
skillet. When it has stopped foaming, stir in
the shallots, prosciutto, and pepper. Cook,
over medium-high heat, stirring, until the
shallots are golden and the prosciutto is
nearly crisp, about 2 minutes. Then stir in
the mushrooms, and cook 1 minute.
3) Lightly beat the eggs with the parsley
and season with pepper. Lower the heat to
medium-low and pour them into the skillet.
Stir quickly, incorpo­rating the mushroom
mixture. Cook just until the bottom is set;
the top should still be wet, 3 to 4 minutes.
Sprinkle with the cheese.
4) Place the skillet under the broiler and
cook just until the frittata is sizzling, puffed,
and set, 1 to 2 minutes. Serve immediately.
2 portions
San Diego Fish Tacos
Quick & Healthy Frittata with AppleMaple Chicken Sausage
Frittatas are to Italians what omelets
are to the French. In a frittata (or tortilla in
Spain) the filling is mixed with the eggs and
the whole mixture is cooked slowly in a skillet until set, then quickly browned under the
broiler. Frittatas are a bit drier than omelets,
not so fussy in their timing, and much easier
to make for a gang.
The filling ingredients are what make
the frittata so wonderful, but it’s the eggs
that bind everything together.
Frittatas can be served hot right in the
skillet or left to cool at room temperature.
They can be cut into pie-shaped wedges
1/2 cup canola oil
1 cup beer
1 large egg
3/4 cup all-purpose flour
1/2 teaspoon dry mustard
1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
1 teaspoon salt
Freshly ground black pepper
Two 8-ounce white fish fillets (such as
scrod, pollack, snapper, haddock, halibut,
and catfish), pin bones removed and each
fillet cut crosswise into 6 pieces (by the
fish monger, if possible)
• 1 small to medium sweet onion such as
Vidalia, 4 to 8 ounces
• 10 sprigs cilantro
• 1/2 cup light or regular mayonnaise
• 1/2 cup low-fat yogurt
• 1 small head green cabbage, 12 to 16
• 1 ripe but firm avocado
• 1 lime
• One 12-ounce jar medium-hot salsa
• 12 flour tortillas, 8 inches in diameter
1) Put the oil in a large heavy skillet
over medium-high heat. Combine the beer,
egg, and flour in a medium-size mixing bowl.
Stir in the mustard, cayenne, salt, and several
grindings of black pepper. Put 6 pieces of
fish in the batter, coat well, and add to the
skillet. Cook for 3 minutes, turn the pieces
over, and cook for 3 more minutes until
golden brown. Drain on a paper towel-lined
platter. Repeat with the remaining 6 pieces.
Reduce the heat if needed to prevent burning.
2) While the fish cooks, peel and quarter
the onion and remove the leaves from the
cilantro sprigs. Put the onion and cilantro in
a food processor and pulse several times, or
until coarsely chopped. (Or chop by hand.)
Add the mayonnaise and yogurt to the
processor and pulse just once or twice to
combine. Put the onion-mayonnaise sauce
in a small bowl.
3) Halve the cabbage lengthwise and
remove the core from each half. Place each
half on a cutting surface, flat side down.
Cut into thin shreds with a chef’s knife. (Or
shred using the large holes of a four-sided
grater or the grating attachment of a food
processor.) You should have about 4 cups.
Put the cabbage in a small bowl.
4) Halve pit and peel the avocados. Cut
each half lengthwise into six slices. Lay the
slices on a small plate. Cut the lime into 4
wedges and put in a small dish. Put the salsa
in a small bowl with a slotted spoon (so you
won’t get a lot of liquid in your tacos).
5) Bring all the ingredients for the
tacos to the table and allow diners to make
tacos one at a time as follows: Put a few
tablespoons of cabbage in the middle of
each tortilla. Top with 1 piece of fish, 1
tablespoon or so of the onion-mayonnaise
sauce, 1 tablespoon of the salsa, 2 avocado
slices, and a squeeze of lime. Fold and eat.
Makes 12 tacos, 3 per person.
Yield: Serves 4
Coconut Brownies
1 package fudge mix
1 C (8 oz) sour cream
1 C coconut-pecan frosting
2 eggs
1/4 C water
1 C semisweet chocolate chips
In a large bowl, combine the brownie
mix, sour cream, frosting, eggs and water just
until moistened. Pour into a 13-in x 9-in x
2-in baking pan coasted with cooking spray.
Bake at 350 degrees for 30 to 35 minutes
or until center is set (do not over bake).
Sprinkle with chocolate chips; let stand for
5 minutes. Spread chips over brownies for
frosting. Yield: 2 dozen.
Section 3: Community
May 2009
ACCESSline Page 27
Auntie Emm
Answers Your Questions
& Gives Advice As Only
Your Auntie Can!
Dear Auntie Emm:
My partner of several years and I
are going to get married, but I’m a bit
more traditional than she is: I think it is
important that we combine our names
so that we have one family name, but she
thinks that would just be a pain in the
neck. What do you think?
A Rose by Any Other Name in Oelwein
Dear Rose:
Oh, dear, but you have so many options: keep your own last names; make up
a new last name for both of you; combine
your names with hyphens (but which name
goes first?); tack on your partner’s name to
the end of your own (Rose Jones-Smith and
Mary Smith-Jones). Things are so different
than they used to be.
Married folks are keeping their own
names all the time nowadays, and it doesn’t
make them any less a family. And if your
fiancée doesn’t want to change her name,
then maybe you might want to think about
some good reasons NOT to.
Remember, little girls used to romanticize about some day becoming “Mrs.
What’s-His-Name”, but we’re not talking
about your father’s Oldsmobile anymore.
(Oh, dear, Auntie just dated herself, didn’t
she? Well, maybe no one will notice; let’s
move on.) Women used to change their
names because once they were married they
no longer belonged to their own family, but
instead to their husband. Hmph. We’ve had
quite enough of that.
First, you have to change ALL your
records and documentation: drivers license,
credit cards, mortgage papers, utility statements, and anything else you can think of
and all those things you haven’t thought of.
You might even have one of those “Twitter”
things going or a “FaceSpace” page, and
what are you going to do about those?
Then, you could end up at a completely
different place in the alphabet. You think this
is just a little thing until you find yourself
waiting through the alphabetical roll-call
because now you’re Auntie Zee instead of
Auntie Emm.
(That’s why—if your fiancée does agree
to change your names after all and despite
the little headaches that might come with
that choice—your Auntie likes the idea that
you add each other’s last name to the end
of your own with a hyphen. You each get
to keep your own name as part of your new
last name AND you get to keep your place in
the alphabet. And everyone who meets you
is reminded, each time you say your name,
that you’re part of a committed couple.)
Auntie Emm
Dear Auntie Emm:
I just came out to my family, and my
brother—who is very religious—keeps
telling me every time he sees me that I am
NOT gay and I can change if I want to,
and he keeps telling me I’m sinning and
I’m going to hell if I “choose to live a gay
lifestyle”. I started going to a different
church a while back, partly because I was
tired of my old church’s gay marriage
rants, and my new church even has had
gay union ceremonies. (Now it will get to
do gay weddings!)
Auntie, I’m old enough to know now
that this isn’t any “phase” I’m going
through. I love my brother very much,
but how can I get him to stop worrying
and to stop preaching – or at the very least
to shut his yap?
Badgered in Belle Plain
Dear Badgered:
Oh, it’s just silly how much fuss some
folks make about everyone else going to
Hell. Seems to me that people do a lot of
picking and choosing as to which verses
they’re reciting when pointing their fingers
at other people, and which verses they’re
conveniently forgetting about when it
comes to themselves. As for you: you let
your brother know how much it means to
you that he is so concerned about your soul
and which place it’ll end up at, and then tell
him he can come and pray for you every
Sunday… so long as he does it sitting next
to you at YOUR church. Maybe he’ll pick
up some sense while he’s there.
Auntie Emm
Dear Auntie Emm:
Our whole family is SO excited about
the fact that we can get married now, and
everybody we know—and I mean EVERYBODY: friends, family, co-workers—
is asking when the big day is. My partner’s
mom even started crying, talking about
how beautiful we’d both look in tuxes with
boutonnières. OK, sure we would, but
we’ve been together since the 1990s, and
we have thought of ourselves as married
for years now. Besides that, polo shirts
are about as formal as we ever get.
We just want to run down to the county recorder and get the license to finally
make what for years we have considered
our “marriage” a legally recognized thing
too. We really don’t want to have the
pressure that comes with a big wedding
day. What can we do to make everybody
Casual Couple in Altoona
Dear Couple:
Before I say another word, let me just
congratulate you on your long relationship.
Oh, it just tickles me all over to hear about
yet another happy, healthy couple.
Now you need to know that you can’t
just get the license and call it a day. Iowa
law REQUIRES that you have a marriage
ceremony within six months of receiving
your valid marriage license. For more on
this, read up on getting hitched at OneIowa.
org. Just know, that at the ceremony, “both
parties must be physically present with an
officiant and two witnesses, all of whom
must sign the marriage certificate. The officiant is then required to file your certificate
with the County Recorder within 15 days.”
Now let your Auntie tell you something
else: everybody is happy for you, and you
are darned lucky to have so many people
supporting you! You just be careful that
you’re not being ungrateful! A wedding
isn’t just for the lucky couple. A wedding
is so everybody can come together and let
you know how much you both are loved and
how many good wishes they have for you
and how much they will stand behind you
in the years to come.
Don’t go thinking that every wedding
needs to look like Charles and Di at St Paul’s
big ol’ London Cathedral. A wedding can
be anywhere you like, and you can wear
what you like, and you can invite as many
or as few people as you like. If you don’t
like all the froufrou that comes with it, do
your own thing.
On the other hand (and your Auntie has
two hands, so why not use them both?) when
you get married, you’re only supposed to do
it ONCE and that’s IT. If you don’t mind
the idea of a big to-do, but you just don’t
want to have to make all the arrangements
yourselves, hire a good wedding planner.
(Oh, let me tell you, the wedding planners
are practically dancing in the streets here in
Iowa right now!) So go ahead! Toss a couple
garters and get yourself a big fancy cake! Get
dressed to the nines, let folks pamper you,
and maybe even let your parents or siblings
or friends “give you away”!
(I attended a wedding where a widow
friend was marrying for the first time since
losing the father of her teenage son. I started
to get just the least little bit choked up when
her son walked her up the aisle, smiling and
looking like a prince; but, mercy me, I cried
like a baby when the pastor asked, not who
was “giving her away”, but, “Who presents
this woman to be married?” and that young
man proudly declared, “Her son.” Then he
went right up next to her and stood there
where the bridesmaids would usually be.
So you see, it was important to him to be
included that day, and I don’t see how his
mamma could have done it better!)
Really, the “traditional” ceremony and
reception is really just an option any more
these days. A couple cuties I know down in
Cedar Rapids have talked about starting their
own wedding tradition. They’re planning
to have a tiny little ceremony with just their
closest relatives, and then they’re going to
have two or three (or four or five!) big parties
spread out over a couple of months after (and
maybe even in a couple of different states!),
for all their friends and their big extended
family to show up when and where they can
and really kick up their heels. That way,
folks don’t have to all try to get together on
just one day, and the boys don’t have all that
pressure to get one big event totally perfect.
Auntie Emm
ACCESSline Page 28
Section 3: Community
May 2009
Hemming and Hawing
by Aaron Stroschein
Column #2:
Amazon, Podcasts, and The Importance of
Indie Marketing had a “glitch” labeling
LGBT literature strictly adult. Did they
issue a sincere apology? Were their actions
My response: big deal. Why should we
worry about it? There are plenty of other
ways to get word out about LGBT literature.
Maybe the word may not be spread in the
most public of ways, but how many of you
think we should rely on Amazon now they
have slighted the creative geniuses from our
niche of society?
When one gets a book published with
a big-name publisher, they are essentially
handing over 95 percent of the marketing
responsibilities to the company. The authors
can still go around and pass out business
cards and market their book themselves.
However, they are not the ones who contact
Borders and Barnes and Noble Booksellers
to line front windows with copies of their
bound masterpieces. Big name publishing
companies take charge of that aspect.
I say writers should turn to other marketing venues, such as podcasting or blogging,
as an alternative to get word out about their
LGBT literary works.
Don’t know what a podcast is? A podcast is a media file that is downloadable
via RSS (Really Simple Syndication) feed.
The file can be electronically written like a
1 Skedaddles, to Jim Nabors
5 Mapplethorpe’s flashers
10 Animal rights issue
14 “Tell me ___ haven’t heard!”
15 Type of queen
16 Coup target, to Cocteau
17 Haul ass
18 Part of a flight
19 Golda of Israel
20 Partner of 37-Across, who died in 2004
23 Decryption org.
24 Peninsula where the rain falls mainly on
the plain
25 Enters quickly
27 Prize money
28 Provincetown souvenir
31 Cause to have an orgasm
32 Puncture sound
33 Water slides
36 If not
37 Photographer Annie
39 Rights-defending org.
42 Bianchi’s tool
43 Putting your mouth on a stranger, perhaps
46 Brand of foamy heads
48 Cold War abbr.
49 Whoopi’s role in “The Color Purple”
51 Potatoes and such
53 Frasier’s ex
54 Workers under Dr. O’Malley
55 The “gay tax” that Annie and others have
to pay
59 Katharine’s Butch Cassidy role
61 Writer Wystan Hugh
62 “Aren’t ___ lucky one!”
63 Clairvoyant
Q-PUZZLE: “The Gay Tax”
64 Heyday
65 Coward of Blithe Spirit
66 One in bondage
67 The Autobiography of Alice B. Toklas
68 They may be split
1 Provides dirt for Casablanca
2 Evil spirit
3 Prick stimulators
4 Indian instruments
magazine article, audio like a radio show,
or visual like a filmed documentary. One
can find and subscribe to podcasts using
programs such as iTunes. The RSS feed
also updates your subscription each time the
creator of the podcast makes a new episode.
The podcast I recently created to help
LGBT literary voices is called AM Writing
Sessions With AMS. The show provides
LGBT writers with tips and inspiration for
writing literature. It also gives insight into
books already written pertaining to the gay
and lesbian community.
One other site called
is where one can research and download
independently-published books. It showcases a wide variety of works from many
authors from many different genres. There
are many other places on the Internet to look
for these types of resources, too. All one has
to do is explore.
What is the advantage to promoting
work yourself rather than relying on a bigger company to do it for you? Well, you
may not experience earth-shattering sales,
but it gives you a chance to build up your
credentials and get publicity. I am not saying
a large-name company should not pick up
the project eventually. Sometimes the best
literature carries its own weight without
much outside help.
5 Start of a dance name
6 Capable of performing
7 Lawrence of Arabia director David
8 George Michael, for one
9 Rat Bohemia author Schulman
10 Butch’s gal
11 Tool
12 Wrinkled fruits
13 Queer, literally
21 Dorothy, to Em
22 Sailor, slangily
26 Fed head
28 Marching band section
29 Water molecule threesome
30 “Over my dead body!”
34 Lush sound
35 Lady’s man
37 Tackle box item
38 Not spelled out
39 Fierstein, in Hairspray?
40 Poet Cullen
41 Maine course
43 Bill of “Don’t Ask, Don’t Tell” fame
44 Worked on the mound
45 Does a cobbler’s job
47 Hindu title of respect
50 Noble in government, once
52 Moves the ball between one’s legs
53 Stuff in a closet
56 Wounded
57 Falco of “The Sopranos”
58 Maria’s “Do-___”
60 Poodle’s bark
May 2009
SSHemming and Hawing, continued
Scott Sigler, a writer and podcaster, created the novel Ancestors and released it as a
PDF online. The book reached #7 in 2007 on the day it was released. Mur
Lafferty, an author based out of North Carolina, wrote a book called Playing For Keeps
published by Swarm Press, an independent
publisher, in August of 2008. It also rose up
the charts eventually hitting #1 on Amazon.
One book I would recommend people
read if they wish to market their literature is
Self-Publishing For The Creative Person by
Lee Silber. It gives many examples of how
now-famous stars started out with humble
beginnings. It also gives many different
strategies on how to market oneself in the
giant world of today. From simple things
like handing out promotions at a convention to touring the country with your prized
projects, there are a myriad of ways to
promote oneself.
While your efforts won’t necessarily
shut Amazon down from lack of publicity
or shoot the bejeezus out of their reputation,
you can break away from the norm and take
your work to your audience directly.
It may be hard to do at first and it may
not seem like you have the time, but in order
to gain an audience you have to be social and
make time to nurture the product you gave
life to in the first place.
Editor’s Note: Another avenue for getting books to the LGBT market is to work
directly with community bookstores. While
some bookstores will only do business with
large distributors, many will purchase directly from the author or from independent
publishers. Generally when working directly
with bookstores, the author or publisher will
be able to sell the books at a better rate.
(Amazon is known as one of the publishing
industry’s “800-pound Gorillas”, not compromising on the low wholesale rate they
pay authors and small publishers.)
Bookstores such as A Different Light
in West Hollywood, California (www., The Lavender Inkwell in
Syracuse, New York (www.lavenderinkwell.
com), Obelisk Bookstore in San Diego,
California (
and many others are often eager to work
directly with LGBT authors and publishers.
While it means a bit more effort (because
the shipping, billing, and bill collection
are not handled by someone else), there is
definitely a culture of support between our
community’s book sellers and its independent
publishers and authors.
Section 3: Community
ACCESSline Page 29
ACCESSline Page 30
Section 3: Community
The Evolution of a Sacrament
Interview by Paul O’Donnell
A biblical scholar and
Episcopal priest talks
about the spiritual
side of gay marriage
L. William Countryman is a priest in the
Episcopal Church and professor of Biblical
Studies at The Church Divinity School of
the Pacific in Berkeley, California. He is
the author of “Gifted by Otherness” and
other books on gay spirituality and sexual
ethics. We talked to him recently about the
sacraments and gay marriage.
The recent Texas sodomy decision by
the Supreme Court, Canada’s decision to
allow gay marriages and the movement
here for a constitutional amendment
banning gay marriage have framed the
question in strictly legal terms. What is
the spiritual component of gay marriage?
The spiritual component is basically the
same whether you are heterosexual or homosexual. The intimate sexual relationship in
a marriage or partnership is one of the most
important experiences human beings have in
transcending our individual limitations and
becoming part of a larger whole. Sexuality
is what makes that possible. Sexual love is
probably the most important door for people
into a way of speaking about and understanding our relationships with God.
Erotic imagery has been fundamental
for Christian spirituality from the very
beginning. In the Middle Ages you find
people writing commentaries on it left and
right, asking, How does this inform your
relationship with God? Later you have St.
John of the Cross, and English writers like
Henry Vaughn and Thomas Traherne. They
all draw very heavily on The Song of Songs.
Do you believe gay relationships are
ordained by God in the same way as heterosexual relationships are?
I can see no difference between the way
gay partnerships function in building that
bond of intimacy and the way heterosexual
marriage does. Neither group does it terribly
well. So yes, I’d say there are plenty of gay
partnerships that this is exactly how the
sexual partnership functions.
You say in your book, “Gifted by Otherness” that gay spirituality can improve
everyone’s spirituality in the Christian
community. Would you say that same
about gay marriage?
It helps in certain ways. In gay partnerships, the focus is on the relationship between
the partners, whereas in heterosexual marriage it’s so easy for that to be diffused by
social expectations. Gay partnerships, on
the other hand, don’t fufill much in terms
of social expectations--in fact they can get
you in trouble--so there has to be a pretty
powerful drive toward that kind of intimacy
with another person in order for gay relationships to work. Heterosexual people might
pay attention to the homosexual experience
of partnership. It could be helpful in rediscovering what marriage is about.
It’s intriguing, too, that a recent New
York Times article reported that not only
does gay parenting seem to work as well as
heterosexual parenting, it could even serve
as a model. That’s not because gay people
are better parents, but they have to focus on
what they’re doing because the social order
is not set up for us.
Many Christians cite Scripture, particularly Paul, to condemn homosexuality.
How do you respond?
I think Paul is almost invariably misread. What he does in Romans 1, which
is the relevant passage, is not announcing
that gay or lesbian sexual relationships are
wrong. He takes advantage of widespread
Jewish prejudice at the time to lure his audience into feeling superior. Having turned
the audience into that spot, he attacks them.
The unfortunate thing is that he lured the rest
of Christendom into feeling superior for the
rest of its history.
How do convince someone who
believes the Bible says homosexuality is
In my own experience, people become
free from that not from thinking but from
living life. People who get to know gay or
lesbian people and find they are pretty much
the same mix as any other group of people
eventually begin to think there is something
wrong with their system of thinking. Then
they may be able to go back to the Bible and
read it differently.
It seems like gay marriage has become
a pressing issue nearly overnight.
It became a major issue with the development of the AIDS epidemic. Gay partners
are significantly disadvantaged because, with
no equivalent of marriage, people found
TTSPIRITUAL continued page 32
May 2009
May 2009
Section 3: Community
ACCESSline Page 31
Out of Town: A Gay Travel Primer on Hawaii by Andrew Collins
A trip to Hawaii requires a greater
investment of time and money than to just
about any other U.S. destination, but when
planned carefully, the rewards are unrivaled.
The 50th state lies about 2,500 miles from
Southern California, its nearest major land
mass. The flora, fauna, and natural beauty
of this rugged archipelago are unique in
the Western Hemisphere, and each of the
four major islands that make up the Hawaiian chain varies tremendously in terrain,
diversions, and personality. Whereas most
mainland destinations can be enjoyed over
a long weekend, Hawaii is best explored
over at least a week two if you can possibly
manage it.
The creature least likely to enjoy a visit
to Hawaii is the gay single traveler with
high expectations of finding romance (the
gay single traveler with low expectations
of finding romance may have a terrific
time, however). While hooking up here
isn’t unheard of, it tends to happen more by
accident than by design. Honolulu (and its
resort community Waikiki), may buzz with
commerce, shopping, dining, and other bigcity diversions, but it has only a smattering
of gay bars. Waikiki has a handful of gay
bars, but overall the GLBT nightlife scene
here is far mellower than in most cities this
size. The island of Hawaii (or Big Island)
has a small gay bar.
Hawaii is most definitely a destination
geared toward couples, so romantics should
plan to bring along their own lover.
Oahu located in the state’s capital Honolulu, is home to about 900,000 people
(70 percent of the state’s population). Many
visitors base themselves here because of
the plethora of high-rise beachside hotels
in Waikiki, the dazzling variety of restaurants and shops, the ease of getting around
without a car, and the presence of Hawaii’s
major international airport. Waikiki has also
enjoyed a dramatic makeover during the past
decade, but it’s still a densely developed
neighborhood that lacks the elbow room and
mellow vibe common on neighbor islands.
Most of the big beachside hotels have undergone impressive renovations of late, greatly
increasingly the quality of accommodations.
But Waikiki still has a number of rather bland
high-rise properties, and if you visit only
this stretch of (albeit beautiful) sand, you
won’t really come away with a particularly
rich sense of the state of Hawaii.
The ideal time to see Oahu is during
the first few days of your visit, as Waikiki
is walkable and downtown Honolulu offers the kinds of cultural attractions Iolani
Palace, Chinatown, Doris Duke’s Shangri
La Foundation for Islamic Art, the Bishop
Museum you might be most in the mood
to appreciate having just arrived from the
mainland (once you experience the more
pristine and peaceful neighbor islands, you’ll
probably have considerably less interest
in urban diversions). No visit to Oahu is
complete without a drive around the island’s
splendid Windward Coast and North Shore,
which can be managed easily in a day (the
only day you might consider renting a car,
which is unnecessary unless you plan to
leave Honolulu and Waikiki).
The island of Hawaii (known most commonly as “the Big Island”) is about twice the
Diamond Head at Waikiki
size of the other islands combined. There’s
considerable resort development along the
western (Kohala) coastline, distinctive for
its arid and beautifully desolate terrain,
characterized by massive black fields of lava
rock. Ideally, you should try to spend at least
three days on the Big Island, one to drive to
the verdant tropical eastern coast, which is
anchored by the small, historic city of Hilo.
Dedicate another day to Hawaii Volcanoes
National Park, which comprises two active
(and occasionally flowing) volcanoes and
countless trails and campsites. And spend
your final day driving north into the upcountry ranching community of Waimea,
and beyond that to the breathtakingly rugged
Hamakua Coast.
In terms of scenery, the one Hawaiian
island that comes closest to living up to the
expectations of many first-time visitors is
Kauai, a relatively small but magnificently
lush isle of rainforests, towering seaside
cliffs, and secluded beaches. Hikers flock
to Na Pali Coast State Park, which is on
the remote northwestern tip of the island,
just beyond the picturesque village of Hanalei (which has been the setting for such
films as South Pacific, Indiana Jones and
Jurassic Park.
The eastern side is dominated by the
waterfalls of the Wailua River Valley (home
to several gay-friendly B&Bs), and the
southern side by Poipu’s beaches and grand
resorts. Kauai remains largely unspoiled and
slow-paced, an ideal spot for devotees of
the outdoors; loyal admirers often vacation
here exclusively and skip the other islands.
One island virtually any traveler could
encamp happily on for a full week or more is
diverse and dramatic Maui, the second-most
populated and developed of Hawaii’s islands.
Longtime visitors fret that the rate at which
tourism has boomed here has diminished
Maui’s appeal, but a quick glance at Waikiki
should convince anybody that development
could be far more intense. Maui’s resorts are
sophisticated and relatively new (most built
over the past two to three decades), and fine
restaurants and shops abound along the west
coast, which is also where you’ll find the best
and sunniest beaches. The island’s must-do
activities are a drive to the 10,023-foot Mt.
Haleakala, a dormant volcano whose peak
offers unrivaled views of the Pacific Ocean;
and an all-day drive to the sleepy village
of Hana, set in the richly verdant southeast
side of Maui.
Great Hawaiian Sleeps
Hawaii is rife with gay-friendly accommodations, from luxurious full-service
resorts to modest upcountry B&Bs. Distinguishing the duds from the winners can
take a bit of research, so spend a little time
perusing both gay and mainstream books and
websites before investing time and money
into your accommodations. Determine how
much you’re willing to spend, the intimacy
and clientele you seek, and the setting you
desire. And remember that many Hawaiian
hotels and inns require a significant portion
of the payment up front, so avoid committing
to a place you haven’t heard good things
about from at least three reliable sources the
differences between dreamy and dreary can
be extreme among Hawaiian hotels.
There are dozens of fine properties
across the archipelago, but here are a handful of the best:
Embassy Suites Waikiki, Oahu. This
well-run, twin-tower, all-suites property is
across the street from one of the prettiest
stretches of beach on Waikiki. Rooms are
spacious and reasonably priced, and many
upscale shops and eateries are within a
quick stroll.
Fairmont Kea Lani, Maui. Accommodations at this Moorish-inspired hotel at the
posh Wailea Resort are among the largest and
most beautiful in Hawaii, each with about
1,000 square feet of living space, Italian
marble baths, kitchen facilities, high-end
entertainment centers, and room for two
Four Seasons Hualalai, Big Island.
There are deluxe resort hotels in Hawaii,
and then there’s the Four Seasons Hualani,
which consists of spacious rooms set within
secluded three and four-unit clusters facing
either the ocean or golf courses. Private
entrances, expansive lanais, a state-of-the-art
health club and spa, and parklike grounds set
this compound apart from the competition.
Four Seasons, Maui. A stunning Ushape hotel with an incredible collection
of local, contemporary art, a fantastic spa
(treatments can be enjoyed in open-air hales
by the ocean), three superb restaurants, and
the most attuned and solicitous staff in all of
Hawaii make this the ultimate luxe getaway.
Grand Hyatt, Kauai. Built with native
Hawaiian materials and designs and furnished with a fascinating collection of native
art and antiquities, this elegant, gay-friendly
resort is head-and-shoulders above the rest
on Kuaui. The setting at Kauai’s fancy Poipu
Resort incorporates 5 acres of swimming
lagoons, a huge fitness center and spa, and
a multitude of fine restaurants.
Hale Ohia Cottages, Big Island. This
airy and cheerfully furnished seven-room
complex is nestled amid pine trees and
ferns in the shadows of Hawaii Volcanoes
National Park it’s one of the better values
on the Big Island. The elegant cottages and
suites sleep from two to five persons and
some have kitchen facilities.
Horizon Guest House, Big Island. This
super luxurious guest house offers amenities
and furnishings on par with any of Hawaii’s
top resorts but with the intimacy and seclusion of your own private ranch. Each of the
four units afford unparalleled ocean views, as
does the in-ground infinity pool and sweeping grounds on a 40acre mountainside high
above the Pacific.
JW Marriott Ihilani, Oahu. One of the
only resorts on the island that’s removed
from the busy Waikiki scene, the handsomely
appointed Ihilani sits along the sun-kissed
west coast, affording guests incredible sunsets. Rooms are swanky and contemporary.
If you’re planning to visit all four
islands, you might consider staying with
Hawaii’s gay-friendly Outrigger Hotels
chain, which has about 25 hotels and condos
throughout the state, most in Waikiki (the
beachfront Reef and Waikiki properties are
the best on Oahu, and the Outrigger Aina
Nalu on Maui is also a standout). With
one call to Outrigger’s central reservation
service, you can book comfortable and
moderately priced accommodations across
the state of Hawaii.
Andrew Collins is the author of
Fodor’s Gay Guide to the USA and
eight additional travel guides. He can
be reached care of this publication or at
[email protected].
The Little Black Book
-- Embassy Suites Waikiki
-- Fairmont Kea Lani
808-8754100 or 866-540-4456
-- Four Seasons Hualalai
808-3258000 or 8003323442
-- Four Seasons Maui 808-874-8000
-- Grand Hyatt Kauai 808-742-1234
-- Hale Ohia Cottages
808-9677986 or 8004553803
-- Hawaii Convention & Visitors Bureau
-- Horizon Guest House
808-3282540 or 888-328-8301
-- JW Marriott Ihilani Resort
808-679-0079 or 800-626-4446
-- Outrigger Hotels and Resorts
ACCESSline Page 32
SScontinued from page 30
themselves evicted from their residences and
their joint property claimed by the family of
the deceased, who may not have had much to
do with him when he was alive. So marriage
in terms of the legal right and responsibility,
that’s been an issue for quite some time.
In the church, gay Episcopalians have
long focused on his, because they perceived
that the alternative is toleration. The sense
ways, “You can come sit in the back pew,
but don’t expect to be thought of as a real
member of this congregation.” That sounds
political, but it’s a spiritual thing: we’re here,
this is who we are. Either get rid of us or
take us seriously.
Do some gays reject marriage as a
“straight” institution, not part of what
being gay is?
Part of the gay liberation movement was
Section 3: Community
a rejection of societal norms, which had been
entirely punitive to gay and lesbian people.
But gay people are as diverse as heterosexuals are, and some people have always been
couple oriented. There are those who are
experimenting with groups larger than two,
and those who don’t want to settle down.
That’s true of heterosexuals as well. The
main difference is that society doesn’t help
you come together as a couple if you are gay.
Do sacraments change?
I think they can certainly change.
Marriage wasn’t even defined as a sacrament until the 12th century. Celibacy was
considered the sexual ideal in the church
until the Reformation. There was a question
whether something as erotic as marriage had
any place in the church.
You can see how sacraments evolve
more easily in the other sacraments. Confirmation, for instance, is radically different in
the Eastern church, where it’s adminstered
by the priest at baptism, and the Western
church, where it’s been reserved to the
bishop.There have been times when no one
was supposed to receive communion without
being confirmed. There were times when
confirmation was rather rare.
Or take the sacrament of reconciliation.
There have been times when it was an entirely public process. It was the Irish monks
who converted it into private confession to
use it for spiritual direction. There were other
times when it was thought of primarily as
a deathbed process. So yes, sacraments do
change and develop over time.
Gay men are already getting married
in what are essentially church weddings,
in the form of blessings. Would you consider that marriage?
In the legal sense, no. The commitment
is the same, and that sense of taking on the
commitment publicly is the same. But when
you apply the word marriage, you are into
May 2009
realms of legislation that the act can’t create.
That is up to the larger society.
How do you define marriage?
Marriage is the union of two adult
people, the sharing of their entire lives
with one another. It’s the celebration of a
particular intimacy and the creation of a
household. I think that’s very important.
The celebration is not simply for them. We
don’t sanction them to be totally absorbed
in each other and retreat from the world.
Rather it’s a celebration of a new building
block in the community. It has to be open
to the community. It serves as a center of
hospitality, of generosity, of hope, of contribution to the larger community. If it’s not
that, it’s not worth celebrating and it should
be a sacrament. Because sacraments aren’t
inward looking. They are proclamations of
the gospel.
Paul O’Donnell is former Culture Editor of Beliefnet.
Hear Me Out: Yeah Yeah Yeahs, Pet Shop Boys Music Reviews by Chris Azzopardi
Yeah Yeah Yeahs, It’s Blitz!
R.I.P. Yeah Yeah Yeahs: Karen O and
Co.’s alt-rock sound has died – but the bohemian Big Apple-based band’s survived by
disco-strobed synths in a techy 2.0 sound
that’ll leave naysayers’ eyes rolling, and the
rest of us? Feet shuffling and heart murmuring. YYY’s third-album metamorphosis is
a whiplash jerk, but it puts a caterpillar to
shame with a transformation so beautifully
memorizing it’s whore-easy to get enveloped in the electroclash swooshes and O’s
expressive, best-to-date singing. “Zero,” the
first single, is aurally orgasmic, an electrocharged sonic mish-mash kicked up with a
pulsating synths-on-steroids chorus and O’s
high-flying yowl.
Glitter sheen slides into “Heads Will
Roll,” pleasuring with an irresistible pop
Fundamental and re-embracing mindless
heyday pep should help the “West End Girls”
hit-makers on their 10th LP. The gay-culture
mainstays, Neil Tennant and Chris Lowe,
wax on the candy-coated flamboyancy for
“Love etc.” and “Pandemonium” – the for-
mer love-over-looks mantra featuring their
eye for sly lyricism, and the be-bopping latter
so on-ecstasy you’ll want whatever they’re
on. And it doesn’t get deliciously weirder
– or gayer – than “All Over the World,”
where a Tchaikovsky sample spills over
fuzzed-out synths. Their lazy failings aren’t
totally indigestible, either – the “Vulnerable”
refrain recycles more than a tree hugger, and
“Beautiful People” works ’70s TV-show
theme nostalgia to a cheeseball effect. But
the disc’s embarrassing coda, “Legacy,”
contradicts its title, becoming insufferably
unmemorable with a meandering six-plus
minutes of nothingness. So when Tennant
asks on “Pandemonium,” “Is this a riot or
are you just pleased to see me?”, the answer
is mostly.
Grade: B-
looms – threats and an emotional goodbye
to his ex (played by James Franco in one of
many solid supporting roles) – the intensity
of Van Sant’s film swells, letting up only as
the credits roll and we’ve been simultaneously saddened and inspired.
The film is so good that skimping on
the special features – no commentary? – is
a let-down.
With only a few deleted scenes, and
three short featurettes – “Remembering
Harvey,” “Hollywood Comes to San Francisco” and “Marching for Equality” – that
are interesting but essentially all pay respect
to the real Harvey Milk, a scene-by-scene
commentary would’ve been a very welcome
addition. Especially from Dustin Lance
Black, who gave a heartfelt, misty-eyed
speech about his muse for the film when he
accepted his Oscar for Best Original Screenplay. Look for a double-dip DVD soon.
Grade B+
hook, but it’s the futuristic free-verse balladry that shows the grunge-rock group’s
finesse and maturation: melancholy Celticlined “Skeleton,” which builds to a heartstopping chorus, and euphoric lullaby “Little
Shadow” (both of which are performed
acoustically at the disc’s end). Call this
switcheroo a conformist move, but the YYYs
sell it like they own it.
Grade: APet Shop Boys, Yes
The electropop sound the Pet Shop Boys
helped revolutionize in the ’80s has more
than come back – it’s turned Lady Gaga into
a hyped record-breaking brand. The English
duo couldn’t have timed this better. Reclaiming Gaga’s glory is nearly impossible,
but lightening-up after 2004’s politics-heavy
Got Milk? DVD Review by Chris Azzopardi
“Milk” isn’t just a movie. When it was
released, during the discouraging passage
of California’s Prop. 8, it became an unassuming statement to right-wing bigots. But
because the biopic about Harvey Milk, the
gunned-down gay activist, dropped in the
midst of all the political madness, when
protests were being staged across the nation, it became more to LGBT folks than
filmmakers had probably intended.
On DVD March 10, “Milk” proves history does indeed repeat itself – then, in the
late ’70s, the first out-politician was fighting
against Prop. 6, which would banish gay
teachers. Two Oscars later (of eight nods),
the Gus Van Sant masterpiece is an intimate
portrait of a hero, a lively man who knew his
fate and kept fighting anyhow. It’s a testament to the change one person can muster.
As Harvey Milk, Sean Penn, who deservedly nabbed Best Actor at the Oscars,
might as well be a clone, capturing his fey
mannerisms so well – and his vigor for life,
for human rights, for the future – that it’s a
cinch to embrace him. And so when death
“[Iowa’s legalization of same-sex marriage] caught me, candidly, by surprise, proverbially flat-footed. It was around April
1st, so I thought, honestly, it was an April Fool’s joke. ... Now you
have four states that are legally sanctioning same-sex marriage,
and New York and California are not among them. Who could have
predicted that?”
—San Francisco Mayor Gavin Newsom to The New York Times, April 11.
May 2009
The ACCESSline directory is updated each issue.
The directory may also be found at
Information about new groups must
contain a phone number for publication and a contact
(e-mail address, land address, or
website) for our records.
For more information or to provide
corrections, please contact
[email protected] or
call (319) 550-0957.
Gay and Lesbian Victory Fund
1705 DeSales St NW, Suite 500
Washington, DC, 20036
202-VICTORY [842-8679]
Human Rights Campaign
National political organization, lobbies congress for
gay lesbian issues, political training state and local
Lambda Legal Defense & Education Fund
I I E. Adams, Suite 1008
Chicago, IL 60603-6303
Fax: 312-663-4307
National Gay & Lesbian Task Force (NGLTF)
1325 Massachusetts Ave NW, Suite 600
Washington, DC, 20005
www. /
National Organization for Women (NOW)
733 15th ST NW, 2nd Floor
Washington, DC 20005
P-FLAG National Offices
1726 M St. NW Suite 400
Washington, DC 20036
[email protected]
Equality Iowa
Call Sandy V., 515-537-3126
P.O. Box 286
Carlisle, IA 50047
Imperial Court of Iowa
Non-profit fundraising & social, statewide organization
with members from across the State of Iowa.
PO Box 1491
Des Moines, IA 50306-1491
Iowa Chapter of the National Organization for
Women (NOW)
David Steward, President of Iowa NOW
1010 Charlotte Ave.
Davenport, IA 52803
LGBT Youth in Iowa Schools Task Force
Contact Brad Clark, Project Coordinator
PO Box 1997
Des Moines, 50306.
Stonewall Democrats of Iowa
5661 Fleur Drive
Des Moines, IA 50321
515-244-7292 or 515-558-9580
Contact: Sharon Mahliero
[email protected]
Central Iowa Bisexual Social
Monthly meetings on Sundays at 5:30pm, call for
location. Open to bisexuals and their friends.
First United Methodist Church
6th & Kellogg
Contemporary worship Sat. 5:30; Sun at 8:30 and
Living with HIV Program
126 S. Kellogg, Suite 1
515-956-3312 ext 106 or I -800-890-8230
Ask for Janelle (Coordinator)
ISU LGBTA Alliance
GLBT Support, Activism, Social Events, Newsletter
G-46 Memorial Union, ISU
Ames, IA. 50014
[email protected]
Lord of Life Lutheran
2126 Gable Lane, Ames 50014
Call 515-233-2350
Services Sundays at 9:00a.m.; Wed. 7:00pm.
2nd Tuesday, 7pm
Youth and Shelter Services Offices
420 Kellogg Ave, 1st Floor.
Romantics Pleasure Palace
117 Kellogg Street
Ames, IA 50010
Section 3: Community
Stonewall Democrats of Ames
Contacts: Terry Lowman, 515-292-3279, or Mary
[email protected], or: [email protected]
United Church of Christ-Congregational
6th & Kellogg
Ames, 50010
Sunday Continental Breakfast, 9:00am; Sunday
School, 9:30am; Worship, 10:45am.
[email protected].
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Ames
1015 Hyland Ave.
Services: 9am and 11am, Sunday
Unity Church of Ames
226 9th St.
Sunday service and Sunday school 10:30am.
Wednesday mediation 6:30pm, class 7:15pm. Daily
dial-a-blessing 515-233-1613
Wilson Resource Center
An Iowa Great Lakes area gay-owned nonprofit
community based organization.
PO Box 486
Arnolds Park IA 51331-0486
F. [email protected].
HIV/AIDS Screening @ Des Moines County Health
Department in Burlington
522 N. 3rd
By appointment between 8:00am to 4:30
319-753-8217 Confidential.
PFLAG Burlington/SE Iowa Chapter
319-753-1058 or write
PO Box 480
West Burlington, IA 52655
[email protected]
United Church of Christ Cedar Falls
9204 University Avenue
Cedar Falls
Unitarian Universalist Society of Black Hawk County
3912 Cedar Heights Drive
Cedar Falls, IA
Adult Shop
630 66th Ave SW
Club Basix
Open 5pm to 2am M-F, Sat & Sun. 3pm to 2am
3916 1st Ave. NE
Cedar Rapids
Coe Alliance
Education, activism, & fun for GLBT and straight
students, staff, faculty and people from the
community. Regular meetings.
Call John Chaimov (contact) at 319-399-8594 for
time & place.
Coe College
1220 First Ave. NE
[email protected]
CSPS Legion Arts Contemporary Arts Center
1103 3rd St. SE
[email protected]
Faith UMC
1000 30th Street NE
Cedar Rapids, 52402
Call 319-363-8454 or Pastor Kathy Moore
Sunday services at 11:00am. Visit our web page www. for information.
Steve’s Place
852 Washington St
Black Hawk Co. Health Department
Free HIV testing (donations accepted); MW, 1:00pm
to 3:00pm; Thurs, 1:00pm to 4:45pm
1407 Independence Ave. (5th floor)
Waterloo 50703
319-291 -2413.
Cedar AIDS Support System (CASS)
Service, support groups & trained volunteers for
persons with HIV/AIDS in Waterloo/Cedar Falls area
call Elizabeth or Karla, 319-272-AIDS (2437).
[email protected]
Cedar Valley Counseling Services
Promoting personal growth and development in a
strengths-based environment
Joan E. Farstad, MA, Director.
[email protected].
Community AIDS Assistance Program (CAAP)
Funding for special personal needs, community
projects, and small grants that are AIDS related.
PO Box 36, Waterloo, IA 50704-0036. (no phone)
LGBTA Support Group at Hawkeye Community
Call Carol at 319-296-4014 for time and location
of meeting
[email protected]
Iowa Legal Aid
Free civil legal service available to low income
persons who qualify under income/asset guidelines.
607 Sycamore, #708,
Waterloo, IA 50703
1-800-772-0039 or 319-235-7008
Kings & Queens Tap
304 W. 4th St.
Waterloo, IA
PFLAG Waterloo/Cedar Falls
317 Hartman Ave
Waterloo, IA
319-239-1096 or 319-234-6531
[email protected]
Stellas Guesthouse
324 Summit Ave
Waterloo, IA
Private B&B, Overnight accomodations for adults only.
St. Lukes Episcopal Church
2410 Melrose Drive
Cedar Falls, IA 50613
Sunday services 8:00 and 10:15, Thurs 11:30.
Together For Youth
233 Vold Dr.
Alliance-Student Organization
244A Bartlet Hall, University of Northern Iowa
Cedar Falls 50613
[email protected]
Adult Shop North
5539 Grain Lane
PFLAG Okoboji
Call F. Joseph Wilson
PO Box 486
Arnolds Park, IA 51331-0486
712- 332-5043
[email protected]
Cedar Valley Episcopal Campus Ministry.
Lutheran Center
2616 College St.
Cedar Falls, IA
[email protected]
All welcome!
Waterloo, IA 50703
Foundation 2 Crisis Counseling
24- hour telephone crisis counseling.
319-362-2174 or 800-332-4224
[email protected] or
1540 2nd Ave. SE
Cedar Rapids, IA
GLRC of Cedar Rapids
Support, social activities
[email protected] or, write to
P.O. Box 1643
Cedar Rapids 52406-1643
Call 319-366-2055 and leave a message -- all calls
will be returned.
Krug Law Firm
401 1st St SE Suite 330
Front Runners/Front Walkers
Walking/jogging club.
P.O. Box 4583
Omaha, NE 68104
Gilligan’s Pub and Grill
1407 Harney
Omaha, NE
Everyday 4pm-1am. Friday and Sat. After hours
GLBT Rainbow Outreach Omaha
Serving GLBT community in eastern Nebraska and
western Iowa. Excellent message and info.
Also office for Imperial court of Nebraska. www.
1719 Leavenworth St
Omaha, NE
Heartland Gay Rodeo Association (HGRA)
PO Box 3354
Omaha, NE 68103
HGRA serves both Iowa and Nebraska.
Imperial Court of Nebraska
P.O. Box 3772
Omaha, NE 68103
L.E.O. (Leather Engineers of Omaha)
Educational-social group for Gay Men with interest
in Leather Lifestyle. Meets 2nd Saturday at Gilligan’s
Pub at 7:00pm. Write L.E.O.
PO Box 8101
Omaha, NE 68108.
The Max
1417 Jackson at 15th
Omaha, NE 68102
6 bars
Call 402-346-4110.
MCC of Omaha
819 South 22nd
P.O. Box 3173
Omaha, NE 68103
Sun. 9 & 11 am.
Contemporary Worship Service, Sat 7PM
Mead Hall, First United Methodist Church
7020 Cass St. (Omaha)
2nd Thursday, 7, 6:30 Social time
River City Mixed Chorus
Gay/lesbian chorus
PO Box 3267
Omaha, NE 68103
Call Stan Brown, marketing
Youth Support Group for GLBT
Youth 13-21, meets twice monthly.
Omaha, NE
402-291- 6781.
Decorah Diversity Appreciation Team
Call Martin Klammer, Luther College
700 College Dr., 52101
Linn County Public Health
501 13th NW
Free confidential HIV testing,
Luther College Student Congregation
Contact Office for College Ministry
700 College Drive
Decorah, IA 52101
Rapid AIDS
Grant Wood Area Red Cross
3600 Rockwell Dr NE
Cedar Rapids, 52410
PFLAG Northeast IA (Waukon/Decorah)
St. Benedict’s Catholic Church
309 W Main St (Parish Center).
4th Monday, 7pm
PFLAG Cedar Rapids
3rd Monday, 6:30pm, 6 social
Faith United Methodist Church
1000 30th St, NE
PRIDE Luther College Diversisty Center,
700 College Dr.
Decorah, IA 52101
Contact Chris at 563-387-2145 or Melanie at 563387-1273
People’s Church Unitarian Universalist
A welcoming congregation.
600 Third Avenue SE.
11AM Sunday.
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship
Meets alternating Sundays at 10:30am, Decorah
Senior Center
806 River St.
Call Bill at 563-382-3458.
Stonewall Democrats of Linn County
Contact Roy Porterfield
[email protected].
AIDS Interfaith Network
100 N. 62nd
Omaha, NE
Call Br. Wm.. Woeger 402-558-3100
Citizens For Equal Protection
1105 Howard St, Suite #2
Omaha, NE 68102
[email protected]
Council Bluffs NOW
Write PO Box 3325
Omaha, NE 68103-0325
ACCESSline Page 33
First Friday Breakfast Club
Educational breakfast club for gay/bisexual men.
Meets first Friday of each month. Contact Jonathan
Wilson for meeting topic and place.
[email protected]
First Unitarian Church
1800 Bell Avenue
Services Sundays at 9:30 &1 1:00 a.m.
The Garden
112 SE 4th
Des Moines, IA
Wed-Sun. 8pm-2am
Gay & Lesbian AA & AI-Anonymous
Mon. 7 pm; Tues. - Thurs. 6 pm; Sat. 5:30 pm at Drake
Ministries in Ed. Bldg. 28th & University
Gay and Lesbian Issues Committee
4211 Grand Avenue, Level-3
Des Moines, IA 50312
Heartland Gay Rodeo
Midwest Division of the International Gay Rodeo
Impulse Night Club
508 Indianola Ave
Des Moines, IA
Open Wed - Sun 8pm - 2am; Fri 5pm - 2am.
Iowa Affirmation
Lesbian/Gay United Methodist
Thoreau Center, 35th & Kingman Blvd. Write
PO Box 1726
Des Moines, IA 50309
Java Joe’s
Gay friendly
214 4th St. 50309
Lavender Victory Fund
Financial assistance for women in need for medical
emergencies. Contact Bonnie at 515-244-7946
700 Rose Ave
Des Moines, IA 50315
Liberty Gifts
333 E. Grand Ave., Loft 105
Des Moines, IA
Gay owned specialty clothing, jewelry, home decor.
LGBT Community Center of Central Iowa
Information/advocacy for gay, lesbian, bisexual &
transgendered community. Open center and lending
library; newsletter and special programs.
3839 Merle Hay Road, Suite 227
Des Moines, IA 50310
(515) 277-7884
Lesbian Independent Press Service (LIPS)
Women’s monthly magazine. Contact Linda Smith.
[email protected].
PO Box 22233
Clive, IA 50325-4326.
MINX Show Palace
1510 N.E. Broadway
Des Moines, IA 50313
(515) 266-2744
Open 9am - 2am, M-Th; 9am - 4am, F-Sat. 10am
-9pm Sun.
National Association of Social Workers (NOW)
(Nat’1 Organization of Women in Des Moines)
North Star Gay Rodeo Association of IGRA, Iowa
Division of North Star
[email protected] or
Parents of Rainbow Teens (PORT)
Parent support group
Rainbow Union, Drake University
Contact Sara Graham
[email protected]
PFLAG Des Moines
Call Howard Eldrenkamp at 515-271-6718
[email protected] or write
3520 Grand Ave #51
Des Moines, IA 50312
AIDS Project of Central Iowa
Resources, buddy program, support groups, and
730 E. 4th St. Suite 100
Decorah, IA 50309
Call 515-284-0245.
Plymouth Congregational UCC
Church. and the Plymouth GLBT Community.
4126 Ingersoll Ave.
Services at 5:30pm Sat, 9am & I lam Sunday.
Buddies Corral
418 5th.
Des Moines, IA
Polk County Health Department
Free STD, HIV, and Hepatitis B & C testing. HIV.
Rapid testing also offered.
1907 Carpenter
Des Moines, IA
Church of the Holy Spirit-MCC
Pastor Pat Esperanza
Sunday service I0:30am at the 1st Christian Church
2500 University
Questions? email: [email protected] or
call 515-287-9787.
DC’s Saloon
610 S. 14th St.
Omaha, NE
Call 402-344-3103. Everyday 2pm to 1am,. western/
Des Moines Gay Men’s Chorus
PO Box 12269
Des Moines, IA 50312
[email protected]
Diamond Bar
712 S. 16th St.
Omaha, NE
Call 402-342-9595
10am - 1am, M-Sa, closed Sun
Family Practice Center
Safe, supportive LGBT health care.
200 Army Post Road, Ste 26
Raccoon River Resort
Accomodations for men, women, or mixed in
campgrounds, lodge, TeePees or Treehouses.
Reservations: 515-996-2829 or 515-279-7312
Rio’s Video and Patio Bar
1500 SE 1st
Des Moines, IA
Ritual Cafe
On 13th between Grand and Locust.
Women owned, great music, awesome food and
Section 3: Community
ACCESSline Page 34
Spouses of Lesbians & Gays
Contact Ruth Schanke,
St. John’s Lutheran Church
600 6th Ave
“A Church for All People.”
Services Sat 5pm, Sun 7:45, 8:45 & Ilam.
See web page for other services.
Monthly meetings for the female to male and male to
female transgender community and their significant
others. For location and info, email Jeff at frogestyie@ or call Jordan at 515-284-0245
Trinity United Methodist Church
1548 Eighth Street
Services Sundays at 10a.m.
Urbandale UCC
An open & affirming congregation.
3530 70th St.
Urbandale, IA 50322
Walnut Hills UMC
Join us at 8:30 or 10:30am for Sunday worship.
Sunday classes and group studies are at 9:30am.
12321 Hickman Rd.
Urbandale, IA 50323
Westminister Presbyterian Church
4114 Allison Ave.
515-274-1534. Sunday services 8:45 and 11am. Of
note is their Gay Lesbian Straignt Affirmation small
group ministry.
Word of God Ministries
Join us at 3:30 for Sunday Worship at
3120 E. 24th St.
Des Moines, IA
Mailing address:
PO Box 4396
Des Moines IA 50333
Women’s Culture Collective
A lesbian social group.
Des Moines, IA
Youth Alliance
Contact Sandy Vopalka
705 E. 2nd St.
Des Moines, IA 50309
Zanzibar’s Coffee Adventure
Open daily.
2723 Ingersoll
Des Moines, IA
Adult Warehouse
975 Jackson St.
Dubuque, IA
The Q
920 Main Street
Dubuque, IA
Open Mon - Sun, 7pm to 2am.
Dubuque Friends
(Quaker) Worship Group. An unprogrammed meeting
at 10am Sunday through September May. Meeting
at the Roberta Kuhn Center
1100 Carmel Drive
Dubuque, IA
563-556-3685 for info and directions.
Dubuque Regional AIDS Coalition
Direct services, education. HIV+/AIDS support
group and family/friends support group. Contact Kay
Auderer or Connie Sprimont, Mercy Health Center.
PFLAG Dubuque
St. John’s Lutheran Church
1276 White St.
3rd Thursday, 7pm
Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Dubuque
1699 Iowa St.
Dubuque, IA
“The uncommon denomination.” Adult religious
education meets Sunday at 9am before general
services at 10am.
Saints Ephrem & Macrina
Orthodox Mission. Welcoming worship in the Eastern
Christian liturgical tradition. Sunday services at 10am.
1226 Broad Street
Grinnell, IA
Aaffiliated with the Orthodox-Catholic Church of
Stonewall Resource Center
Open 4:30pm to 11:30pm, Sun through Thurs and by
Grinnell College
1210 Park Street
PO Box B-1
Grinnell, IA, 50112
[email protected]
Crossroads United Church of Christ (UCC)
Open and affirming congregation. Services: Sunday
I0:30am, Summer worship: June, July, Aug, @ 9:30
am. Currently worshiping at Smith Chapel, Simpson
College Campus, corner of Buxton and Clinton.
Mailing address:
P.O. Box 811
Indianola, IA 50125
Church office phone: 515-961-9370.
First United Methodist Church
307 W. Ashland Ave
Indianola, IA 50125
Day: 515-961-5317
PFLAG Indianola
Call 515-989-9218 or write
PO Box 137
Carlisle, IA 50047. or email:
[email protected]
Meetings Sundays 5 - 6pm at First Baptist Church, 500
North Clinton Street. For more info, call IC Intergroup
Answering Service, 319-338-9111
Congregational Church UCC
A registered “Open and Affirming Congregation,”
Sunday Worship 10:1 Sam
30 N. Clinton St.
(across from Ul Pentacrest)
Counseling Clinic
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender sensitive
and supportive counseling for individuals, couples,
families and groups. Sliding Fee.
505 E Washington St.
Iowa City, IA 52240
Counseling and Health Center
Client-centered therapy.
Les-Bi-Gay-Trans always welcome.
616 Bloomington St.
Iowa City, IA
Crisis Center
1121 Gilbert Court
Iowa City, 52240
Emma Goldman Clinic
227 N. Dubuque St.
Iowa City, IA 52245
319-337-2111 or 1-800-848-7684.
Faith United Church of Christ
1609 De Forest Street
Iowa City, IA
Services Sundays at 9:30 a.m.
Student support system and resource center, info,
activism, events, and other community involvements.
203 IMU, University of IA
Iowa City, IA 52242-1317
319-335-3251 (voice mail)
[email protected]
Hope United Methodist Church
Worship Service at 9:30am.
2929 E. Court St.
Iowa City, IA
Contact Rev. Sherry Lohman.
ICARE Iowa Center for AIDS Resources & Education
Practical and emotional support, youth programs,
information, referrals and support groups.
3211 E 1st
Iowa City, IA 52240-4703
Iowa City Bi-Group
A discussion and support group for bisexual people
and people exploring their sexuality. Meets bimonthly. Call WRAC, 319-335-1486
Iowa City Free Medical Clinic
Free and strictly confidential HIV Testing.
2440 Towncrest Drive
Iowa City, IA.
Call for appointment . 319-337-4459.
Iowa City NOW
PO Box 2944
Iowa City, IA 52244 for information & meeting
Iowa Women’s Music Festival
P.O. Box 3411
Iowa City, IA 52244
Men Supporting Men
HIV prevention program exploring issues that gay/
bisexual men deal with on a daily basis. Discussion
Groups, Educational Series, Safer Sex Workshops,
Book Club.Contact Andy Weigel, email:
[email protected]
319-356-6038 Ext 2
Women’s Resource Action Center (WRAC)
Leads & collaborates on projects that serve Uofl & the
greater community, offers social & support services,
including LGBT Coming Out Group.
University of Iowa
130 N. Madison
Iowa City, IA 52242
Adult Odyssey
[Adult Video]
907 Iowa Ave E
Domestic Violence Alternatives/Sexual Assult
Center, Inc.
24 hour Crisis Line: 641-753-3513 or (instate only)
Alliance Cornell College, 810 Commons Cir. #2035.
email: [email protected] Web site: www. contact person: Glynnis
@ 319-895-5874
Pride Committee
130 N. Madison
Iowa City, IA 52242
Bridget Malone
Charles Howes
Augie’s Tap
313 20th St.
Rock Island (IL)
Noon - 3am daily.
The Ursine Group
Bear Events in the Midwest.
P.O. Box 1143
Iowa City, IA 52244-1 143
The Vortex
211 E. Washington, downtown Iowa City
Rainbow Gifts
Venus News (Adult)
902 w. 3rd St.
Davenport, IA
AIDS Project Quad Cities
Info, education & support. Suite 360
1351 Central Park West
Davenport, IA 52804
United Action for Youth
A GLBTQA Youth Group providing support and
counseling for teenagers and young adults processing
sexual identity issues. Meets Mondays 7-9pm at
410 Iowa Ave.
Iowa City, IA
319-338-7518 or Teen Line, 319-338-0559.
Quad Cities Pride Chorus. MCC Church in D’port,.
3pm Sun @ MCC church Call Don at 563-324-0215
or [email protected]
PFLAG North Iowa Chapter
1st Presbyterian Church
100 S. Pierce.
1st/ 2nd Monday (alternating), 7pm
PFLAG Iowa City-Hawkeye Chapter
Call Craig Jarvie at 319-338-8487 or email:
[email protected] or write
PO Box 652
Iowa City, IA 52244-0652
Unitarian Universalist Society of Iowa City
Inclusive and free religious community nurturing
intellectual and spiritual growth and fostering ethical
and social responsibility.
10 S. Gilbert
Iowa City, IA
Sunday services: 9am & 10:45am.
Quad Citians Affirming Diversity (QCAD) Social &
support groups for lesian, bi, and gay teens, adults,
friends & families; newsletter.
Community Center located at
1608 2nd Ave, Rock Island.
T.R. Video
Adult books & video
3727 Hickory Grove Rd.
Davenport, IA
Common Ground (Central College) Support group
for GLBT students and allies. Contact: Student Life,
Tim Phillips
[email protected]
Uof I Lesbian, Gay & Bisexual Staff & Faculty
c/o WRAC
130 N. Madison
Iowa City, IA 52242
Prism (Augustana College)
Augustana Gay-Straight Alliance
Augustana Library
639 38th St. Rock Island, IL
Contact Tom Bengston
Cerro Gordo County Dept. of Public Health
22 N. Georgia Ave, suite 300
Mason City –Iowa 50401. Free confidential AIDS
testing. 641-421-9306
New Song Episcopal Church
912 20th Ave
Coralville, IA
Sunday services at 1Oam.
Rev. Elizabeth Coulter, Pastor
Rev. John Harper, Associate.
Studio 13
13 S. Linn St. (in the Alley)
Iowa City, IA
Open 7pm ‘til 2am, daily
May 2009
Black Hawk College Unity Alliance
Serving GLBT community at Black Hawk College.
6600 34th Ave.
Rock Island, IL
Connections Nightclub
822 W 2nd Street
Davenport, IA 52802
Phone: (563) 322-1121
DeLaCerda House. Provides housing and supportive
services, advocacy and referrals for people living
with HIV/AIDS.
P.O. Box 4551
Rock Island, Il. 61201
Holy Spirit Catholic Faith Community Meets one
Sunday per month for Mass at 5:30pm at
3025 N. Harrison St. IL
For more info, call 563-340-7488
Mary’s On 2nd
832 W. 2nd St. Davenport, IA
MCC Quad Cities. Services Sun. I0am and 12 noon.
Bible study Wed. 7 pm. Write to:
3019 N. Harrison
Davenport, IA 52803
Call 563-324-8281.
Men’s Coming Out/Being Out Group
Meets 2nd & 4th Thursdays, 7pm.
Call Dennis, 309-755-7346
[email protected].
Eldridge United Methodist Church
604 S.2nd St., (Eldridge)
1st Monday, 6:30 pm
“When all is said and done, we believe the only lasting question about today’s events will be why
it took us so long. It is a tough question to answer because treating everyone fairly is really a matter
of Iowa common sense and Iowa common decency. Today, the Iowa Supreme Court has reaffirmed
those Iowa values by ruling that gay and lesbian Iowans have all the same rights and responsibilities
of citizenship as any other Iowan.”
—Iowa Senate Majority Leader Mike Gronstal and Iowa House Speaker Pat Murphy affirming April 3
that they will fight any efforts by legislators to amend the state constitution to override the state
Supreme Court ruling that legalized same-sex marriage. Any proposed amendment would have
to pass two different sessions of the Legislature, then go to the voters in 2012, at the earliest.
PFLAG Shenandoah
712-246-2824 or write to
1002 South Elm Street
Shenandoah, IA 51601.
Am. Business & Professional Guild. Gay
Meets last Sat. of the month; ABPG
P. O. BOX 72
Sioux City, 51102
[email protected]
Grace United Methodist Church
1735 Morningside Avenue
Jones Street Station (Bar)
412 Jones St.
Nightly 6:00pm to 2:00am.
Mayflower Congregational Church. 1407 West 18th
Street, Call 712-258-8278.
Morningside College Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual Alliance
Contact Professor Gail Dooley, Advisor
Morningside College GSA
1501 Morningside Ave.
Sioux City, IA 51106-1717
[email protected]
Call 712-274-5208
PFLAG Siouxland
712-251-4157 or write
PO Box 1311
Sioux City, IA 51102
siouxland PFLAG
St. Thomas Episcopal Church
Service Sun 10:30am
406 12th St.
Waverly, IA
Rev Mary Christopher
Western Iowa Tech. GSA
[email protected] for info.
Cedar Valley Episcopal Campus Ministry.
717 W. Bremer, (St. Andrew’s Episcopal)
Waverly, IA
Gay, Lesbian Bisexual Student Alliance
Write to: Alliance
Wartburg College
Contact Susan Vallem 50677
St. Andrew’s Episcopal Church
717 W. Bremer
We welcome all to worship with us on Sunday at
I0:30am. Bible discussion Wed. 6:45. Rev. Maureen
Doherty, Pastor
May 2009
Section 3: Community
Friday June 12, 2009
7:30 p.m.
Sheslow Auditorium, Drake University
2507 University Avenue / Des Moines
For more information, call 515.953.1540 or email [email protected]
Order Tickets Online at:
Retail Ticket Outlet: Liberty Gifts, 333 E Grand Ave, Des Moines
ACCESSline Page 35
Awards Dinner
5:30pm reception
6:45pm dinner
des moines
hy-vee conference center
5820 westown parkway
In October 1998, Judy and Dennis
Shepard lost their 21 year-old son,
Matthew, to a murder motivated by
anti-gay hate. Matthew’s death
moved many thousands of people
around the world to attend vigils
and rallies in his memory.
Steven is Chair and CEO of Garden State
Equality. Steven and his partner Daniel
Gross were the first couple to have their
union covered by the New York Times.
Steven has owned a public affairs
consulting firm in New York and was
co-manager of Jon Corzine's successful
2000 campaign for the US Senate from
New Jersey.
Iowa’s 2009
Matthew Shepard
Sharon Malheiro was an expert witness
in Varnum v. Brien marriage equality case
and was instrumental in encouraging Lambda
Legal to successfully lead the case, which
resulted in victorious Iowa Supreme Court decisions.
Camilla Taylor is Senior Staff Attorney in the
M idwest Regional Office of Lambda Legal, and
led Lambda Legal’s successful effort in litigating
Varnum v. Brien in District Court and before the
Iowa Supreme Court.
Des Moines
Gay Men’s Chorus
& Mike
P a c e
buy tickets now!
tickets are only available
until monday june first.
Get yours Today online at