life revealed life revealed


life revealed life revealed
where great theater lives
2013 - 2014
Life Explored, Life Discovered,
Board of Trustees
Dear Friends of Portland Stage,
Last season was the beginning of Portland Stage’s artful transition. While we continued
to provide high quality productions, educational programming, and support for the
creation of new works, Portland Stage realized that a major change was needed.
Some of these changes include incorporating social media, purchasing new software
programs, and redesigning our website to attract younger audience members, while
continuing to connect with loyal patrons. You have likely seen the scaffolding that
appeared in front of the theater this summer. This is part of an effort to revitalize
our physical appearance and stabilize our building. These changes will modernize
Portland Stage by improving our infrastructure and our ability to communicate in
multiple media.
As with any great play, to bring it to fruition requires a focused determination, a
creative process and a plan of action. Portland Stage is rising to the challenge.
Management has a focused determination to preserve this theater as the theater for
the State of Maine. This process involves a collaboration with our Board of Trustees,
supporters and audience members, who will guide Portland Stage to its next level of
impact for the community.
On the financial page of this Annual Report you will see that although there was a
decline in subscriptions and ticket sales, Portland Stage mitigated the loss by thoughtful
monitoring of expenses and fiscal management. Due to our practice of being fiscally
conservative and the community’s support of this transition, contributed income
continues to be robust. Lastly, our Educational Programs have been embraced by our
community and this is evident in the income that Portland Stage has received both
from grants and from individuals.
Thanks to all our supporters for your engagement with Portland Stage, support for this
transition, and trust in our future vision.
JUNE 2014.
Martin Lodish, Finance Director
Life Revealed
Creating a live theater production is a process that requires careful deliberation and a critical eye. From
selecting a play that will resonate for our community, to dissecting the audience reaction during a preview
performance and shaping the production in response, the process is one of learning, analyzing and growing.
We have a sense of direction dictated by the script, but it is through the process of collaborative creation that
we find the truth of the story, our life revealed.
Portland Stage itself is in the midst of an “artful transition” that requires the same careful deliberation and
critical eye that we bring to our individual productions. We have always worked to make our productions and
programs the best they can be. They, along with our mission, create our script, our sense of direction. As we
look to the future, it is clear that the next part of our story will be to discover how to reach out and share the
positive impact that our productions and programs have on our community and, in turn, to learn more fully
what our community needs from Portland Stage.
This year, two pieces of the artful transition are beginning. Through The Jamie Higgins Education Endowment,
we are building a legacy to support and sustain our education programs so that they can shape and build
creative thinkers for generations to come. The second transitional element is the Infrastructure Project designed
to provide Portland Stage the tools it needs by upgrading our communication and internal systems in order to
meet the needs of the theater and the next generation of audiences.
Bringing a play to life is challenging. With every production, every creative process, you seek the most
impactful way to communicate with an audience, and when you do it well, the result is palpable. The process
of the “artful transition” is similar—Portland Stage is looking for the most impactful ways to engage with our
community and we know that from working together, we will create magic.
Thank you for supporting great theater in Maine.
Anita Stewart
Executive & Artistic Director
Growth & Change
It is often said that an organization cannot just stand still—it must grow or lose its vitality. But growth
does not come easily. It involves becoming better, wiser, stronger, and more adept at change. It all
begins with the realization that change is needed to keep growing and growth is needed to keep
changing. It is like choosing a new play to perform, a new role to explore.
After 40 years, Portland Stage has come to a new season. Factors and ideas are converging that are
leading the organization in new directions. They are moving us to ask questions that will bring new
possibilities and a greater understanding of who Portland Stage is and what it might become.
Growth begins when we are willing to acknowledge what is valuable and worth keeping. Change
begins when we make room for what is new and necessary in a changing community. This is an artful
Asking the Questions
An artful transition requires asking hard questions.
Who are we?
What do we do well?
Are we creating good art?
Are we adding to the body of work for American theater?
Are we using the art to impact the community beyond entertainment?
Are we acknowledging the work of actors, artists, staff, board and audiences in a meaningful way?
Are we using resources wisely?
Who do we want to be?
What do we need to do better?
What are our priorities for the future?
How should we take a prominent leadership role in theatrical arts in the state of Maine?
How do we get there?
Only after the questions above have been answered clearly and succinctly, can Portland Stage explore
the question of how to move forward.
Fundamentals of an Artful Transition
l A clear vision with clear goals
l An honest evaluation of the organization
l Good analyses
l Good leadership
l A clear business plan
l A clear time frame
l Strong commitment of organization and community
l Avenues of collaboration and partnerships
l Committed resources
These fundamentals are essential for effective and relevant change—changes grounded in reality but
always with an eye to what is possible.
“Why did I choose Portland Stage for my first play? Because Portland Stage is known for
memorable productions, powerful directors, and stellar actors. But beyond that—and more
important to me as a Maine writer—the debut of Papermaker requires a company that
understands and respects the Maine experience.”
– Monica Wood, Author and Playwright
Process of Change
Change is always a difficult process. When many things are changing, it is hard to live day to day in the
unknown. Board members and staff recognize that Portland Stage is in a period of significant change.
Navigating through this process takes energy, thoughtfulness, a positive attitude, and the willingness to
engage the future even as it develops.
Artful change includes recognizing all that is good within the organization even as we look forward to the
future. We need to value our current, loyal audience members and donors who provide the foundation
for what we do. We need to support and acknowledge our staff, artists, and board members who work so
hard to further the goals of Portland Stage.
Thank You!
In the uncertainty of transition we can lose sight of the future vision. We may wonder why it is worth the
effort to make changes. But, like a director in a rehearsal, Portland Stage recognizes that this is a pivotal
moment, when the actor finally becomes the character. When that happens, the audience ceases to see a
play but instead participates in Life Revealed.
At Portland Stage, life is revealed in many forms. Some pull us into entirely new directions and others
encourage us to work with what we have in new ways.
The Clauder Competition
Though many people are aware that Portland Stage regularly produces excellent new plays, not so many
are aware that they are the result of The Clauder Competition. Portland Stage has been the home of
this new play competition for nearly two decades. Sponsored by The Brooks Family Foundation, and
named in honor of a family member who loved theater, The Clauder Competition for New England
Playwrights has provided a much needed and treasured forum for playwrights in this corner of the
country. As a condition of hosting the competition, Portland Stage agrees to read, review, and provide
written feedback for every play that is submitted. In addition, a winning play from each of the New
England states is chosen, and one of those plays is selected for a full production in the following Portland
Stage subscription season.
In each competition at least three plays are chosen for workshop with professional directors and actors.
These plays are presented as staged readings to interested Portland Stage audience members. The
readings are followed by conversation among the audience members, artists, and the playwrights, often
resulting in additional changes to the plays. Together, artists and audiences help the playwright identify
the strengths and needed changes in the arc of the story and the conversational dialogue.
While this competition has been around for a while, we are taking it in a new direction by placing it
squarely in the public eye. Our commitment to supporting new work is creating a growing appreciation
for new play development by Portland Stage Company patrons. The most recent winner, Veils, produced
in the spring of 2014, is a prime example of how cultural issues and our changing world are reflected
and examined on the stage. Theater cannot continue to be relevant to modern audiences without the
injection of new life and ideas. New works help us to bring a new eye and perspective to existing works
as we are able to reexamine them in the light of today’s values. Some of the wide variety of plays
that have been produced by The Clauder Competition include Tom Coash (Veils), Laura Harrington
(Hallowed Ground), William Donnelly (Magnetic North), and Pulitzer Prize winner Quiara Alegria Hudes
(Yemaya’s Belly).
The Jamie Higgins Education Endowment
In the history of Portland Stage, FY14 may forever be known as the year that Bud and Cheryl Higgins fell
in love with the education programs at Portland Stage Company. As long-term supporters, they already
had an appreciation for the excellent work being done on stage. When they learned that the main stage
work also supports exceptional literacy-based education programs for children, they wanted to help. This
desire compelled them to take the leadership role in building an education endowment.
They realize that these programs use theater to promote literacy and critical thinking - skills that
all children need, regardless of their socioeconomic status. The programs are taught by a team of
professional actors and theater artists who work to bring out each child’s individual voice, help them
to understand the nuanced meanings of words, and then to use their physical bodies to express their
understanding of language. Not only do the children learn to discover their sense of self and express it,
but also to hear and respect the “self voices” of others. As they progress through twelve years of school
and these programs, the students continue to develop their own sense of self, an appreciation of the
views of others, and the ability to think critically from multiple perspectives. This creates good thinking
abilities and equips students to be engaged and thoughtful citizens – who also have an appreciation of
the importance of the role of the arts in life.
Theater artists, with their unique relationship with language, are particularly well positioned to work with
children in exploring language and how it shapes thinking. Bud and Cheryl want to ensure that children
will benefit from these education programs that have grown purposefully but organically from the
excellent work done on the Mainstage. To this end they are joining with Portland Stage to create
The Jamie Higgins Educational Endowment which will, when in place, provide sustainable funding.
This new direction in education is reflected in Portland Stage’s view of its mission.
A Vision in Transition
Over the past several years as the education programs have evolved, we have come to see more clearly
the important role that Portland Stage can and should play in the community, beyond the Mainstage.
Portland Stage has always done excellent work on stage and continues to do so. It produces quality
productions and related programs, while being conservative in expenditures.
We are transitioning to an organization that recognizes its role as a community leader that uses theater
to address issues that are relevant to people who live and work in Maine. To build upon that role, we
must grow the organization to add necessary capabilities and meet our mission, while we manage the
organization in a financially sustainable way. Our goal is to engage our community as participants and
investors with a sense of ownership in the productions and programs created at Portland Stage.
From marketing our product well so that we grow our audience and donor base, to reaching out so
individuals understand the role Portland Stage can play in bringing issues to life, we will continue to
increase our relevance to our community. Times of transition are often challenging, always requiring
flexibility and patience, and absolutely dependent upon recognizing, locating, and using resources
Our Mission:
As the leading professional theater
in Northern New England, Portland Stage is
Committed to creating great art.
Passionate about using theater to educate.
Dedicated to enriching our community.
Needs and Resources
Any organization needs to have a strong foundation – good infrastructure. Among basic infrastructure
needs is a place to do the work. Portland Stage owns its building. These days another basic need is
good computer systems. At this point, Portland Stage needs to do a significant upgrade in its box office
and development software programming in order to meet today’s technological expectations and to
serve both audiences and donors well. This is also necessary in order to integrate effectively with social
media that is almost the sole means of communication used by the upcoming generation of theater
Beyond these physical and system needs, the greatest resource of any effective organization is its people
– staff, audiences, donors, board of trustees, artists. With the right combination of skilled and committed
people, Portland Stage can transition successfully into a bright future as the recognized theater leader in
the State of Maine.
But even as we talk about transition and future needs, Portland Stage cannot help but express its most
sincere thanks to all of those donors who have supported the theater through good times and bad, and
whose unfailing faith in the organization has brought us to this day.
To our donors...
Words are not adequate to express our gratitude.
Because of you...
We are here.
Thank you!
Our Responsibility - Stability, Transition, Change
CONTRIBUTED Grants and Foundations $ 136,500 Individuals $ 434,049
Corporations, Events, Bequest, Endowment $ 247,684
Single tickets/group sales$
Misc. (rentals, advertising, in-kind)$
TOTAL EARNED $1,398,376 TOTAL INCOME$2,216,609
PROGRAM ACTIVITY Actors / Guest Artists$ 385,404
Facilities / Occupancy$ 158,464
Royalties$ 71,258
Performance costs$ 167,781
Production costs$ 195,371
Education$ 300,763
Additional (In-Kind / Deprec.)$ 196,950
ADMINISTRATION Staff `$ 390,577
Administrative Costs / Benefits$ 178,384
Marketing$ 191,943
Additional/Development/Events/Facilities$ 23,810
($ 39,933) TOTAL NET GAIN (LOSS)
($ 84,020)
Statement of Financial Position FY14
ASSETS 30-Jun 14
30-Jun 13
Cash$ 55,018*
$ 373,406
Accounts/Pledges Receivable
$ 6,317
Prepaid Expenses
$ 10,875
$ 17,324
Bequest Portion
$ 39,000
$ 36,000
Property & Equipment $2,243,714
Less Accumulated Deprec.
($ 985,971)
($ 896,673)
$1,340,178 Other Assets (Bequest/Investments)
$1,119,568* $ 824,403
Notes Payable
$ 730,645
$ 778,246
Capital Lease
Accounts Payable/Accrued Expenses
$ 30,957
Deferred Revenue
$ 344,918
$ 340,528
Other Liabilities (Notes,Leases, deposits)
$ 10,233
$ 11,233
NET ASSETS $1,366,494
• Total expenses increased by 2.5% over last fiscal year.
• The majority of the increase was a result of the increased cost for health insurance, goods and services, and materials.
• In addition, we received designated gifts and therefore had corresponding expenses.
Committed to building
a cash to reserve of
New integrated
software costs
Hearing loop
anticipated cost.
over the next 3 years.
for box office & donor
*A generous donor gave us funds in 2009 to support PSC’s Theater for Kids programs with the restriction that in
2014 the unused balance be transferred to create a permanent endowment. Last year, we interviewed a number
of investment firms and selected RM Davis to manage the funds and in May 2014 we transferred $235,796 to set
up the account. On the statement of Financial Position, this moved these funds from cash to investments.
Donors 2013/14 Season
Producer ($50,000 +)
Backer ($1,000 - $2,499)
Acadia Insurance Company
Susie Konkel
Edwin F. Gamble Bequest
Producer ($25,000 - $49,999)
George & Cheryl Higgins
Mr. Harry W. Konkel
The Shubert Foundation
Executive Director ($15,000 - $24,999)
Beim Foundation
Jeb Brooks & Cherie Wendelken
National Endowment for the Arts
Gordon Russell
Samuel L. Cohen Foundation
Managing Director ($10,000 - $14,999)
AAA Travel
Brooks Family Foundation
Jebediah Foundation
L.L. Bean
Libra Foundation
Maine Arts Commission
Director ($5,000 - $9,999)
Edgerton Foundation
Fisher Charitable Foundation
Migis Hotel Group
Moriah Moser & Dan Morgenstern
Lenny & Merle Nelson
Darrell Pardy & Carolyn Hughes
The Robert & Dorothy Goldberg
Charitable Foundation
Anna Marie & John E. Thron
Wright-Ryan Homes
Production Manager ($2,500 - $4,999)
Drs. Susan & James Carter
Diversified Communications
Austin & Eileen Farrar
Jay & Lenore Friedland
Cynthia Frye-Macomber &
Robert Macomber
Edward & Janice Gerry
Helen and George Ladd Charitable
Margaret E. Burnham Charitable Trust
Judy Miskell
Hilary Rapkin & William Stiles
Anita Stewart & Ron Botting
Tracey & Verne Weisberg
Supporter ($500 - $999)
Tenney & Newell Augur
Apple Lane Foundation
Joseph Baldacci
Janice B. Alder
Sally & Ron Bancroft
Jonathan & Nancy Aldrich
Bangor Savings Bank Foundation
Tom & Diana Allen
James G. and Carolyn Birmingham
Margaret Curley Bacon
Denny & Camilla Barrantes
Drs. Pat & Carl Bredenberg
Ben & Judy Bertram
Jane Briggs
Patricia A. Clark
John & Dee Dee Bradford
Coffee By Design
Robert & Kristin Buckwalter
Kris & Ken Conant
Thomas & Pamela Carnicelli
Debra L. Coyman
Pamela Cleghorn
Doug & Carolyn Davis
Gerald & Susanne Colson
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph R.D. DeKay
Karen L. Day
Joe & Audrey Delafield
Beth De Tine
Paul & Linda Draper
Dan DiMillo
Ron & Donna Forest
James & Jean Drummond
Halsey & Eva Frank
Thomas L. Hinkle & Gary Duford
Valerie L. Gallin
David & Heidi Fitz
Leon & Lisa Gorman
Jim & Betsy Fitzgerald
Bob & Marge Healing
Barbara & Nicholas Fowler
John & Kathy Heye
Timothy Cloudman & Lori Garon
Brenda & Barry Holmes
David & Dorothy Glendinning
Stephen & Carolyn Jenks
David C. & Jane Weiman Good
David & Lynn Jourdan
Anne & Dick Jackson
Peter & Nancy Kaye
Jerry & Kit Johnston
John Keffer & Mary Jo Walters-Keffer Sheila & Philip Jordan
Sara Kingdon & Dmitry Opolinsky
Daisy Kaplan
Cornelia Kittredge
The Kresge Foundation
David & Nancy Kling
Hal & Brigitte Kingsbury
Kenneth Spirer & Joan Leitzer
Gale Kurtz
Peter & Kathleen Leslie
Lincoln & Gloria Ladd
M & M Consulting, LLC
Greg Lanou & Tracey Skillin-Lanou
Irv & Kathy Meeker
Ken & Lauren Lehman
Blaine D. Moores
Barbara Leonard & Daniel Marra
David & Betty Morse
Robert & Katharine Lynn
Marta Morse
Margaretmary McCann
Ann & Ted Noyes
Mary K. & K. Scott Morrison
John David Ober
Larry Nicks
Nancy & Kirk Pond
Nancy & Frank Read
Malcolm & Patti Poole
Karen Reiche
Harry & Anne Pringle
Dixon & Susan Myer Riley
Merilee Raines & Daniel Snow
Cornelia Robinson
Dan & Elinor Redmond
John Ryan & Jenny Scheu
Elaine Rosen
Peter L. Sheldon
Louis & Prudence Ryan
Joseph & Susan Spagnola
Maxine Sclar & Robert J. Yamartino
Dick & Penny Stevens
Stephen D. Sears & Cathy Sears
Wendy & Eric Suehrstedt
Mary Louise Seldenfleur & Ralph Perry Jennifer Tipton
Ann C. Slocum
Jane Wellehan
Phil Steele & Francesca Galluccio-Steele Linda Disston White
Maggie & Stacy Stevens
Gail & Melvyn Zarr
Texas Instruments Foundation
Elizabeth Wiley
Donor ($250 - $499)
Bryan Winn & Mauria Brough
Sue Yandell
John & Judy Adelman
Joy & Chip Ahrens
Frank & Carol Altman
Elizabeth & Ted Baker
Peter Bennett
John & Rose Bloom
Patricia Buckley
Linda Burns & Bruce Stone
Malcolm Burson &
Eleanor Goldberg
Maureen & David Butler
Lindsey & Andrew Cadot
Camp Waukeela, Inc.
John Cariani
Gregg & Emily Carville
Charles Stewart Mott Foundation
Jacqueline & Irvin Cohen Jr.
Madeleine G. Corson
Nancy Crowell
Ed & Kathy DiPhilippo
Mr. & Mrs. Charles W. H. Dodge
David Ellenstein &
Denise M. Young
Michael & Jill Epstein
Gordon & Donna Erikson
Karen & Fredric Farber
Jeannette & Alan Feuer
David Fluharty & Linda Hjortland
Georgia Froelich
Judy Gass
Dr. Jane Glass
Gorham Savings Bank
Philip H. Grantham
Mary Jane Hanneld
Peter & Judith Haynes
Laura Henderson & Will Rudy
Karen Herold & Mark Isaacson
Willard Hertz
Alison & Horace Hildreth
Barry Hilton
Robert & Barbara Hintze
William Holtzman
C. David Keith & Stephen Simpson
Bud & Wendy Kellett
Beth & Jamie Kilbreth
Dennis & Sandra King
Steve & Polly Larned
Mary Griffith Lynch
Emily & Dick MacKenzie
William and Paige Mangum
James Marra
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. McAfee
Rick & Debby Molander
Jeffrey & Rowan Morse
Nobuko Narita
Sandra & Richard Neiman
Robert & Susan Nielsen
Janet O’Toole & John Walker
James & Judith Parkhill
Mr. and Mrs. John Paterson
William & Dana Poole
Lloyd & Nancy Porter
Peggy & Lew Pusch
“Portland Stage has a long history of supporting and very successfully producing
new works... My goal, and, I believe Portland Stage’s goal, is not to tell people what
they should think but to pose questions; to not only entertain and enlighten but
also to open these important questions to examination and discussion with their
audience and community.“
Tom Coash, Playwright and Clauder Competition Winner
Paul Putnam
Norman & Lenore Rapkin
Charles W. & Melissa G. Redman
Patricia B. Rice
Patti & Dick Roderick
Bill & Mary Earl Rogers
Curtis & Cornelia Scribner
Sandra Scully
George & Anna Shaw
Rick & Celeste Shinay
Alan & Carol Sockloff
David & Heidi Spencer
Dennis Stepro &
Charlene Wolfe-Stepro
Deborah & Hall Thompson
Katherine Watson
Jane C. Wellehan & David Ruff
Natalie West & Robert Sellin
David & Susan Wheatland
Wendy Wolf & Mary Neal
Tom & Willo Wright
Investor ($100 - $249)
Christenia Alden-Kinne
Richard & Bonnie Anderson
The Babbling Brooks Fund
Peter & Lyn Ballou
Dawn Baumer & Rosie Hartzler
Judy Benoit
Thomas & Marjorie Berman
Jane V. & John F. Berry
Don & Diane Bessey
Constance & Peter Bingham
Kristin Bingham
Judith & Eric Blanchard
Bob & Edwina Boose
Joanne B. Booth
Jim & Sarah Bowie
Nona Boyink
Rebecca Brakeley & Jesse Wall
Emily & Norman Breitner
Bristol-Myers Squibb
Susan Bruce & Rick Hauck
Seth & Amy Bruning
Nan Butterfield
John & Judith Cameron
Peter & Gail Cinelli
Rae Clark-McGrath
Judith & Andrew Coburn
Cathy Cyrus & William Clark
Bill Daviero
Robert & Jolanda De Levie
Thomas Deford
Jonathan & Bonnie Dietz
Anthony Donovan
Mary C. Doughty
Mary Lou Dyer
Oakley Dyer
East Brown Cow Management
Susi Eggenberger & Doug Rogers
Jacqueline Ellis & Andrew Cook
Guy Emery
James & Diana Fallon
Mr. & Mrs. James M. Farr
Molly Felton
David N. Fisher
Dr. David Flavin &
Mrs. Catherine Casey-Flavin
Ann & Charlie Garland
Madeline & Terry Garmey
Peter & Mabel Gerquest
Rand & Susan Gesing
George & Martha Gilmore
Phyllis & Bernard Givertz
Matthew & Lynn Goldfarb
Carol Goloff
Gordon & Anne Grimes
Richard & Anna Hamilton
Peter & Janice Hanson
Marjorie M. Hassan
Lois Hatch
High Point Friends
Marsha Hilton-Kingdon &
Bruce Kingdon
Jamie Hogan & Marty Braun
Mark Horton & Peggy McGehee
Elizabeth & Christopher Hunt
Susan E. Hunter
J. Nicholas & Joan Hilton Hurd
Herbert & Kathleen Janick
Patrick & Valerie Kelly
Margery Kerr
David & Linda Kirstein
Paul M. Knight
Marilyn A. Lalumiere
Neil & Cathy Lamb
Denise LaRue & Bob Furman
Martha Leggat & Steve Barr
Richard & Nancy Lemieux
Mike & Meg LePage
M. Calien Lewis
Doug & Marianne Linder
Jane & John Lunt
Chris & Carson Lutes
Elaine McCarty
John & June McClean
Michelle McDonough
Susan & Frank McGinty
Roger & Latie McLean
James & Susan McMahon
Cristine McMurdo-Wallis
Sarah S. Meacham
Barbara & Steve Melchiskey
Joseph & Gloria Melnick
Frank & Nancy Miles
Ellie & Charlie Miller
Jim Millinger
Gene Moll
Anne C. Morham
Ronald P. Morrison
Mary B. Najarian
Kenneth & Mary Nelson
Sam & Bette Novick
Tonda L. Olson
Lincoln & Allison Paine
Richard & Carole Palmer
George Pavloff & Linden Thigpen
Victoria S. Poole
Robert Poole
Logan Poole
Hope Putnam
H. Edward Reed
Leslie Richfield & Scott Horton
RBC Foundation
Donald & Constance Rose
Larry & Robin Rubenstein
Stephen Ryan & James Bishop
Dr. & Mrs. Milton Ryder
Glenn & Sonnhilde Saunders
Tracy Schroeder & Ken Rotner
Mike & Pam Schwotzer
Elizabeth Scully
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Seabury II
Joan & Nick Semenuk
Orrin & Linda Shane
Mr. & Mrs. Paul Shiebler
John & Janice Siegle
Betty Bricker-Small & David Small
Mark & Judith Smith
Sarah Smith
Alan & Jonell Solander
Richard & Gail Spath
Mary & Scott Steidl
Frank & Carrie Strasburger
David & Kathleen Stuchiner
Judith & Peter Sullivan
Kristin G. Sweeney
Volney & Kathleen Taylor
Carrie Thomas
Nancy & Bruce Tindal
Jennifer & Adam Tuchinsky
Louise & Don Tuski
Meg Thompson Villarreal
Patty & Lyle Voss
Ann S. Waldron
Mrs. Charles Watts
Joel Cutler & Lucinda Wegener
Gretchen Wetzel
Kay White
Marcia White
Rob & Robin Whitten
The Wigobels
Robin and Les Wilkinson
Robert & Carol Witham
J.R. and Janet Wolf
Ella Wrenn
Kathryn Yates
Bill & Patty Zimmerman
A special Thank You
to Susie Konkel for
her support of
Theater for Kids, in
memory of her mother
Susan D. Konkel.
children participated
in Theater for Kids
Summer Camps
increased by
from last year.
Portland Stage
London Trip 2014
Joanna Chantal
Marvin Ellison & Frank Brooks
Joan Farrell
Carl & Jeannie Hamrin
Stephen & Carolyn Jenks
Linda LaRoche & James Hastrich
James & Catherine Masi
Margaretmary McCann
Carole Palmer
Giselle Paquette
John & Marsha Reynolds
Peter & Mary Catherine Rowan
Candace Scappator
Mary Louise Seldenfleur &
Ralph Perry
Robert Traill
Tracey Weisberg
The donors listed here have
generously given to our
Annual & Education Funds
during the 2013-14 Season.
“By partnering with Portland Stage for Play Me a Story , our students have learned to
read with more expression, show off their presentation voice without hesitation and
have become more excited about reading.“
Heidi Nichols, Elementary School Teacher, Presumpscot School
Ushers, Greeters, Stitchers, Office Administrators & More
Greg Adams
Maddie Akeley
Deb Alford
Bonnie Amadei
Sue Andelman
Steven Andelman
Joan Anderson
Ro Anderson
Joan Anderson
Sherry Andre
Ro Anderson
Debbie Andrews
Priscilla Armstrong
Elizabeth Atwood
Steve Barmore
Wendy Barmore
Steve Bates
Kathy Beach
Lynne Beasley
Synawata Belanger
Dotty Bennett
Janet Bentz
Sue Bergoffen
Gene Bergoffen
Keith Powell Beyland
Vanessa Winfield Beyland
Pat Bittermann
Barbara Black
Eric Blanchard
Judith Blanchard
Linda Blanton
Steve Bourey
Lisa Bowe
Deborah Boyajian
Janice Boyko
Jim Boyko
Jim Braley
Meg Braley
Sharon Brobst
Rich Brobst
Meg Broderick
Shannon Broderick
Sandy Brooks
Bruce Brown
Diana Lee Brown
Danton Brown
Dottie Bruce
Sue Bryer
Connie Burns
Dianne Catalano
Jennifer Caven
Jan Chapman
Susan Chapman
Sara Cheney
Lou Christen
Patrick Christian
Kathy Clark
Pamela Cleghorn
Virginia Collins
Amber Collins
Sue Comyns
Michael Connolly
Bill Cook
Florence Cooley
Ruth Corbett
Johanna Corman
Anne-Marie Craven
Paul Craven
Lynne Cullen
Jim Czimbal
Judi Czimbal
Brain Daly
Laurel Daly
Pauli Daniels
Laurie Davis
Anne Demers
Noel DeYoung
Kim DiMillo
Josie DiPhillipo
Kathy DiPhillipo
Esphabad Dodd
Elizabeth Dodson
Paul Dodson
Priscilla Donahue
Norm Drucker
Ann Dugovic
George Dugovic
Alleen Eastwood
Carol Eisenberg
Sheila Emple
Richard Estabrook
Claire Feeney
Jody Fein
Linda Fenton
Mary Jane Ferrier
Susan Fine
Leslie Flemming
Robert Fowler
Adam Frederick
Sally Gaffney
Linda Gaumond
Buzz Gautreau
Daryl Geer
Madeline Gielow
Bob Geilow
Gaetane Gonyea
Shirley Grange
Jess Grasso
Benson Gray
Paula Greenlee
Mary Griffin
Andrea Handel
Tom Handel
James Hastrich
Laurie Hasty
Barb Hauke
Steve Hauke
Ann Havener
Ceci Haynsworth
Charlotte Herrick
Ted Herrick
Robb Hetzler
Luisa Hetzler
Sharon Hickey
Myrna Higgins
Rebecca Hitchcock
Ann Hitzrot
Richard Horton
James Hostrich
David Howe
Sally Howe
Heather Elizabeth Irish
Bob Irwin
Irish Irwin
Bob Islet
Sue Isler
Andy Jennings
Laurie Jensen
Sheila Jepson
Nora Johnson
Sally Johnston
Anita Jones
Spencer Jones
Susan Jones
Murial Kenderdine
Richard Kimball
Tirrell Kimball
Margaret Kimball
Karen Kirk
Mary Ann Kotros
“It is a privilege to meet designers and actors and to connect with PSC staff and
interns who stop by the shop or are pressed into sewing hems and buttons before
opening night.”
– Cheslye Ventimiglia, Costume Shop Volunteer
Photo credits: Page 2 Hend Ayoub*and Donetta Lavinia Gray* from Veils. Tom Bloom*, Tina Fabrique*, Corey Gagne, Warner
Miller* from Ma Rainey’s Black Bottom. Page 3 The cast of Tribes. Page 6 Hend Ayoub*and Donetta Lavinia Gray* from Veils.
Rachel Krawczyk
Sheera LaBelle
Bernie LaBreck
Denis Lachman
Bethany LaCroix
Ginny LaCroix
Jeanne LaJoie
Linda LaRoche
Barbara Larrivee
Ana Lazar
Livia Leigh
Carole Logan
Tom Logan
Frank Lorello
Jeremy Lota
Karen Luse
Rick Lynch
Susan Maccalous
John Maclaine
Emily Mahaffey
Linda Malaquist
Rick Malaquist
Paul Manoff
Ray Marcotte
Crystal Marshall
Rosemary Mason
Jane Ann McCabe
Marie McCann
Shaden M. McCann
Deborah McCoy
Martin McDonough
Sharon McHold
Maureen McHugh
Donna Melancon
Jean Meyer
Sarah Mills
Judith Mitchell
Bruce Moore
Brad Morrison
Betsy Morrison
Ann Morse
Joan Mueller
Louise Munsen
Pat Murray
Roberta Muse
Josephine Mussomeli
Reta Nappi
Julie Neuls
Sandy Nickerson
April Noonan
Dennis Noonan
Marcia Noyes
Elizabeth Oatley
Brian O’Connor
Linda O’Donnell
Jackie Olivieri
Terry O’Sullivan
Mary Palmer
Ruby Parker
Joyce Parker
Sandra Paul
Richard Peltier
Janice Peltier
Larry Perkins
Delene Perley
Jim Perley
Lenora Perry
Gay Peterson
Elaine Piccini
Jon Pomerleau Jr
Jim Price
Paula Proctor
Tracy Quadro
Susan Quimby
Joe Quinn
Vestay Rand
Sam Rapaport
Val Razsa
Marie Reidman
Jeffrey Roberts
Janet Roberts
Gail Robertshaw
Chris Robinson
Jack Rogers
Mary Rokosz
Stephanie Cooper Scherr
Sally Serunian
Tom Settlemire
Claire Shea
Marilyn Sherry
Jerry Sherry
Roy Shigley
Martha Simpson
David Simpson
Linda Skinner
Kiya Smith
Whitney Smith
Jerry Sherry
Geri Stiles
Kathleen Stokes
Marjorie Stone
Stephen Strand
Mary Ann Strand
Mary Stuart
Jonathan Swan
Lyn Swan
Tina Takacs
Audrey Tanner
Sondra Taylor
Audrey Tanner
Donna Thivierge
Ralph Thivierge
Maria Thompson
Kathy Tosney
Edie Tucker
Linda Twomey
Cheslye Ventimiglia
Pam Waite
Laura Waite
Liz Walsh
Cathy Walz
Norm Walz
Jean Wandel
George Watson
Linda Webb
Bruce Webb
Lesli Weiner
Deena R. Weinstein
Martha Welty
Lisa Wendler
Wolfgang Wendler
Bart Weyand
Tricia Weyand
Denver Rey Whisman
Ellen Elizabeth White
Rob Wood
Cheryl Worcester
Ginny Wright
Joseph Wrobleski
Liz Wyrick
Neil Wyrick
Ilse Yanis
Lynn Young
Brent Zachau
Mark Zema
Roberta Zuckerman
Barry Zuckerman
“Portland Stage is a tremendous asset to the community in which we live. They truly
offer something for everyone. A perfect evening out!”
Sarah Cameron, Rush 35 Steering Committee
Page 19 Wayne Barker* from Souvenir. Page 20 Matt Mundy*, Mary Jo Mecca*, Abigail Killeen* and cast from Brighton Beach
Memoirs. Photos by Aaron Flacke, Todd Brian Backus and Samara Yandell.
Executive & Artistic Director
Anita Stewart
Meg Anderson
Lizz Atwood
Emily Brill
Bekah Bryer
Megan Doane
Jessica Eller
Ted Gallant
Laurie Gingrich
Andrew Harris
Myles C. Hatch
Heather Elizabeth Irish
Emily Kenny
Gale Kurtz
Martin Lodish
Karen Lybrand
Carmen Mandley
Emily Mahaffey
Renee Myhaver
JJ Peeler
Eileen Phelan
Bonnie Ryan
Donald Smith
Susan Thomas
Adam Thibeau
Shane Van Vliet
Ella Wrenn
Samara Yandell
Vici Chirumbolo
Emily Golden
Emma McFarland
Lucy Walker
Patricia Garvey
Alex Kimmel
Jennifer Medina-Gray
Julianne Shea
Katelyn Williams
Kelsey Socha
Trade & Media Partners
Art House
Back Bay Tower
Bay Club Fitness
Bonobo Pizza
Broadsound Technologies
Capstone Handyman
Coffee By Design
DaPonte String Quartet
Empire Dine & Dance (defunct)
Good Cause Thrift Shop
Gorham Times
Gritty McDuff’s
Harmon’s & Barton’s
Maine. magazine
Maine Home+Design
Maine Lawyers Review
Maine State Music Theatre
Ogunquit Playhouse
The Olive Garden
Otto Pizza
POM’s Thai Taste
Portland Ovations
The Portland Phoenix
Portland Press Herald / Maine
Sunday Telegram
Portland Radio Group
Portland Symphony Orchestra
Pratt –Abbott Cleaners
Ricetta’s Brick Oven Pizza
Smith Atwood Video Services
Starbird Music & Piano Gallery
Xpress Copy
Looking Forward
Portland Stage stands on the threshold of its future. Transition is a time of change, a time of evolution,
a time of new thinking. In the midst of this process, we have no choice but to look honestly at our past,
taking what we have learned, and honing our skills for the future. This thoughtful analysis provides the
insight and wisdom to meet whatever challenges may lie ahead. Knowing who we are and where we are
going will bring us to a new, strong role as a leader in theater, a leader in education, and a promoter of
community dialogue about things that matter.
The aim of this transition is to build strong leadership and strong infrastructure systems which will propel
Portland Stage to its next phase of influence in the community. The building that houses the excellent
programs of Portland Stage should become a landmark which bears testimony to the vibrant arts culture
of the city. Looking forward, we see a building campaign that gives our theater a dominant street
presence with modernized internal amenities that support our gem of a performance space and brings
Portland Stage squarely into the 21st century as the Theater for the State of Maine.
Board of Trustees
where great theater lives
25A Forest Ave, Portland ME 04101 | 207.774.1043