wbrhs bulls - West Boca Raton Community High School
wbrhs bulls - West Boca Raton Community High School
WBRHS BULLS West Boca Raton High School “A” School “HOME OF THE BULLS” West Boca Raton High School 12811 Glades Road Boca Raton, Fl. 33498 Ph 5616722000 Parent/Student Connection 2/19/2016 Parents, as we enter the testing season these are some things to keep in mind: During PSAT, FSA, EOC, and Midterm/Final Exams students are not permitted to leave campus while the test is in progress. Once the testing period has begun students must stay in their class until the end of the period. Please plan appointments accordingly. Thank you for your cooperation. Students may not have cell phones, smart watches or any other electronic devices near them during testing. These items will be collected and kept in a safe place until testing is complete. All students need to have a photo ID with them at all times so the Testing Administrators can verify their identity. Please bring headphones / earbuds for testing. Please make sure students are well fed and rested on testing days. State of the art software programs examine all testing results and can statistically pinpoint students who may have shared answers. If this occurs, student tests may be invalidated. Encourage your child to relax, do his or her best, and rely on the testing tips and preparation which has been ongoing within our classrooms. FSA Testing All 9th and 10th grade students will take the writing portion of the ELA FSA during the week of Feb 29th March 4th. FSA (Florida State Assessment) Practice Tests Contentspecific practice tests are available for students at http://fsassessments.org/studentsandfamilies/practicetests/. These Practice Tests are intended to familiarize students with the types of items that will make up the tests and with the tools that will be available to them. SAT Testing All juniors will take the SAT on Wednesday, March 2nd. The Testing and Education Reference Center recently updated their site to include practice tests for the new SAT. In addition, there are practice tests and study guides for the ACT, FSA, PSAT, various AP classes and more. There's also scholarship and college searches as well as help in creating resumes. To access the database go to: http://infotrac.galegroup.com/itweb/boca72467?db=TERC . The on site (at school) password is "westboca" and the remote (home) password is "bulls". All you need to do is create a free account. For more information, please stop by the media center. For parents and community members: The School District of Palm Beach County is working with the Metropolitan Center for Research on Equity and the Transformation of Schools to conduct an internal look at equity issues in the district. This includes surveying and community members. The survey asks questions about your experiences in and perceptions of the Palm Beach County School District and the school(s) your child or children attend. It should take about 10 minutes to complete this survey. Your participation in this survey is entirely voluntary and your responses are anonymous. Confidentiality of your research records will be strictly maintained. You have the right to skip or not answer any questions you prefer not to answer. Nonparticipation or withdrawal will not affect your standing with the Palm Beach County School District, and your responses will only be reported in the aggregate. No individual information about your responses will be shared with the school district. Parent and Community Survey https://nyu.qualtrics.com/SE/?SID=SV_3NJAkZl3IWpavdP Yearbook orders are being finalized and in order to be guaranteed a yearbook you need to order by February 29th. They are $100 and can be order in Ms.Lombard's room 6204 or through cashless schools. There are a few pages left for senior ad pages. If you are interested, please see Ms.Lombardi or a yearbook staff member. Attention Seniors: Class of 2016 prom will be held April 8th at 8:00 pm at the Pavillion Grille. Prom tickets will be going on sale during lunch starting Thursday, February 18th! Ticket will be sold at the box office and will be $100 per person. If you are bringing a guest that does not attend this high school please pick up a guest verification form in the guidance or student services office. Can't wait to see you there! Don't forget you need to have your virtual credit and Community Service hours in before Prom on April 8th. 2015/16 SENIOR DATES Friday, March 4 Senior Meeting Theater 7:45 am Wednesday, April 13 Distribute Senior Announcements Cafeteria Lunch Friday, April 8 Prom The Pavillion 8pm Friday, April 15 Grad Bash Orlando (Universal Studios) Tuesday, May 3 Senior Awards Night Theater 6:30 pm Monday, May 16 Senior Exams Cafeteria 7:30 am 11:20 am Room 12210 1:00 pm – 2:45 pm Tuesday, May 17 Senior Exams Thursday, May 19 Virtual Credit Due for All Seniors Monday, May 23 Graduation Practice Cap / Gown Distribution Cafeteria 7:30 am 11:20 am Gymnasium Theater 9:00 am 11:00 am Monday, May 23 Senior Academic Awards Dinner Boca Marriott 7:00 pm *by invitation only Wednesday, May 25 Graduation South Florida Fairgrounds 12:00 pm The PTA is selling Enjoy the City coupon books to benefit Project Graduation. These books have thousands of dollars of coupons including Panera, Rotelli's, Fresh Market (which can be used at Publix), Dick's (good at Sport's Authority) and so much more! The books are $20. To get yours, please email Nancy Shore at [email protected] or Marjorie Licht at [email protected] . BLOOD DRIVE DATES 20152016 THURSDAY MARCH 31, 2016 Grad Bash tickets will now only be on sale until Thursday, March 3rd. Tickets will be sold Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday during lunch. Grad Bash will be on Friday, April 15th and the cost of a ticket is $107. Please see Miss Dennis or Miss Dodaro if you have any questions. Progress reports will be handed on the following dates. Friday, April 22nd CLUBS National Honor Society – Executive Board Officer Elections th Applications for National Honor Society Executive Board Officers are available (for current 11 grade NHS members) on the West Boca NHS Facebook page (or from Mrs. Kline). Applications are due by Thursday, February 25, 2016 at 3pm (Room 5207). th Officer Elections will be held during the March 10th and 11 meetings. Questions? See Mrs. Kline. West Boca High Chapter of the National Honor Society –Selection of Members 20152016 Invitations for consideration for membership in West Boca High Chapter of the National Honor Society will be distributed to eligible students the last week of February . This chapter of the National Honor Society has been formed as the oldest and most prestigious honor organization at this school. Therefore, only those students displaying and maintaining outstanding attributes of scholarship, character, leadership, and service will be considered for membership in this most distinguished society. Selection of Members Membership in the chapter shall be open to eligible students following the completion of three semesters of work at West Boca High. Eligible students are defined as follows: (a) for first selection, those sophomores who have attained a minimum GPA/HPA average of 3.8 at the completion of three semesters of work. (b) for second selection those juniors who have attained a minimum GPA/HPA average of 3.8 at the completion of five semesters of work. Eligible students shall have completed at least 15 community service hours while in high school. Ping Pong club meets every Friday in room 4213. Spanish Club: meetings are on the second Wednesday of each month during lunch time in Mrs. Midttun's room # 12122. See you then! Chess Club will meet every Monday in room 12202 from 3 to 4:30. Bring your board and best strategies!!! Recycling club will meet every Tuesday during lunch and Thursday's after school at 3pm in Mrs. Steel's room 5107. If you have any questions come see Mrs. Steel in room 5107. French Club meetings will be on the 3rd Friday of every month, also at lunch the first meeting will be September 18th. Merci! A bientot The Computer Club will meet each Wednesday After School in The Technology Lab Room 6102. BULLS 2 0 1 5 S P O R T S ALL SCHEDULES SUBJECT TO CHANGE, CONTACT THE SCHOOL FOR UPDATED INFORMATION Congrats to the Girls Varsity Tennis Team on their victory versus Spanish River! Great singles and doubles wins by: Anna Bright Ally Nerf Jacara Gillis, and Eden Sela! Congratulations to the following wrestlers for their success at the John Raich Memorial Wrestling Tournament this past weekend: Dimitri Naimi took 2nd place at 152 lbs Alex Bordeau took 4th place at 170lbs Great job. Guidance Please keep in mind March 4th is the last day to register for the April 9th ACT without having to pay the late fee! Please see your counselor if you are eligible for a fee waiver! Thank you. Our schedule for course selection will be as follows: Tuesday 2/16 & Wednesday 2/17: Juniors Thursday 2/18 & Friday 2/19: Sophomores Monday 2/22 & Wednesday 2/24: Freshman Incoming freshman will be later when we visit the middle schools. Collection will be starting Monday 3/7 in the upstairs of the 5 building. Our AP and AICE night is one week from today, 2/18, at 6:30 pm and will start in the theater and continue in the cafeteria. Please encourage all to come that are interested. All presentations to students will be done through English classes on the dates mentioned above. Dear Parent or Guardian, As part of our commitment to your child’s education, we want to share with you information about the Florida Prepaid College Board’s Open Enrollment Period that ends February 29. College might seem like a long way off, but starting to save now means your child's tuition will be covered when they need it. All Florida Prepaid College Plans are guaranteed by the State of Florida, and while the plans are designed to be used in state, if your child attends an outofstate or private college, the plan will pay the same amount as it would pay at a public college or university in Florida. The five Florida Prepaid Tuition Plans offer a variety of options starting at just $46 a month. The younger your child, the more years you have to save, and the lower the monthly payments for a Florida Prepaid Plan. It is never too early to begin investing in your child’s future. Multiple studies have found that students with college savings are more likely to attend and finish college and that having a degree greatly improves lifetime earning potential. For example, a Georgetown University study estimates that a student with a bachelor’s degree can earn $1.6 million more in their lifetime than a student with only a high school diploma. We are also pleased to offer promo code, SUP1516, for a free gift pack for families that purchase a Florida Prepaid Tuition Plan before Open Enrollment ends February 29. Open Enrollment runs through February 29, 2016. Learn more at www.myfloridaprepaid.com. Seniors: Palm Beach State College is coming to West Boca on February 22 at 9:35 for a scholarship meeting. Stop by guidance to sign up for a pass! Please go to class first and then come to the guidance career center for the meeting. Don't miss this awesome opportunity to win free money! ATTENTION ALL SENIORS ELIGIBLE FOR “BRIGHT FUTURES” TH STOP BY GUIDANCE AFTER 5 PERIOD ANY DAY. DON’T FORGET TO BRING YOUR SOCIAL SECURITY # TO SIGN UP FOR BRIGHT FUTURES. IT ONLY TAKES 5 MINUTES TO EARN $9,000 $12,000 TOWARDS COLLEGE! IT WILL MAKE YOUR PARENTS VERY HAPPY!!! AICE Biology students opting to sign up for the AP Biology test: the deadline to sign up will be Wednesday, February 17 and a list will be posted outside of Guidance on February 18. If you have any questions about any AP testing please see Mrs. Nullman. Details such as testing location will be given out closer to the exam date. FAFSA Toolkit Guidance recently met with seniors regarding Bright Futures and FAFSA. For further assistance with FAFSA as well as other valuable financial aid information, please check out this resource: Federal Student Aid (FSA) offers the Financial Aid Toolkit ( FinancialAidToolkit.ed.gov ), a website that consolidates FSA resources into a searchable online database intended for use by organizations and individuals who interact with, support, or counsel students and families on making financial preparations for postsecondary education. Palm Beach State News for Seniors Summer Quest Scholarship information out now! Get more information at www.PalmBeachState.edu/Recruitment or in Guidance Debt Free College Workshop February 25, 6 to 8 pm at the Lake Worth Campus Handouts available in Guidance. PBSC Scholarships : final deadline is 3.1.16; apply now! PalmBeachState.edu/FinancialAid First apply to PBSC and then complete the scholarship application Handouts available in Guidance. Please see the following website for local community scholarships: http://apps.palmbeachschools.org/ScholarshipSearch/?platform=hootsuite Juniors: Reminder: Wednesday March 2nd is the Free School Day SAT. Guidance will be providing procedural information about the test day shortly. PLEASE CHECK THE HOMEPAGE OF EDLINE FOR AN UPDATE ON SOME WONDERFUL SCHOLARSHIPS! PLEASE SEE YOUR SCHOOL COUNSELOR WITH QUESTIONS! Herff Jones Calendar for 2015/16 March April 10 13 Senior Cap/Gown orders in the cafeteria at lunch Delivery of Senior Announcements in the cafeteria at lunch Senior Cap/Gown orders in the cafeteria at lunch Free Tutoring Algebra 1 tutoring will be Even days during lunch from 12:15 to 1:00 in Room 3203 Geometry tutoring will be every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch from 12:15 to 1:00 in Room 3206 Algebra 2 tutoring will be every Tuesday and Thursday during lunch from 12:15 to 1:00 in Room 3201 After school tutoring on Wednesday in the Media Center from 3 to 4:30 all levels. Bonjour! French extrahelp and makeups are given every Monday, Tues and Weds. at lunch you may bring your lunch room 110 Bldg 12! The Spanish National Honor Society is providing Spanish tutoring on Mondays during lunch in room 12101. Students that are having difficulty can come and be helped by peers taking higher levels of Spanish. Students should bring their lunch to class and any materials / textbook needed to facilitate help and instruction. Don't wait until you fail the test to get help!
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wbrhs bulls - West Boca Raton Community High School
PBSC Scholarships
: final deadline is 3.1.16; apply now!
First apply to PBSC and then complete the scholarship application
Handouts available in Guidance.