MUM Spring 2016 - The Mothers Union


MUM Spring 2016 - The Mothers Union
Mothers’ Union Matters
The Diocesan Team for 2016-18
in the Diocese of Chester
Spring 2016
Charity Number 221214
Wendy Sykes Macclesfield
Archdeaconry President
Rt. Revd Bishop Keith
Sinclair Suffragan
Bishop of
commissions Vivien
Ley as the new
President of
Mothers’ Union in
Chester Diocese.
Jackie Gibson Finance &
Central Services
Diana Bancroft
Chester Archdeaconry President
Viv Ley
Diocesan President
Rev’d Canon Chris
Humphries Diocesan Chaplain
Fundraising &
General Trustee
Judith Dewdney
General Trustee
& MUM Editor
Anne Hall
Di Waller
General Trustee
Derek Buckthorpe, Faith &
From the Diocesan President
Today my corner of Chester Diocese is bathed in
glorious sunshine. The greens and the golds of
the garden are highlighted and there is a real
sense that Easter is fast approaching. Are you,
like me, ready to put the dark, damp days of
winter behind you and embrace this most
glorious season?
Mothers’ Union is ready to mark its 140th
Anniversary this year with ‘A Celebration of
Faith’. In 1876 Mary Sumner was living out her Christian faith as she
committed herself to helping the young Mums of her and her
husband’s parish to care for their babies and young children and to
nurture their faith in a loving God. Her faith in God, just like our own,
has brought Mothers’ Union to this special anniversary and it is
indeed worthy of celebration.
We, like countless Mothers’ Union members over the years, have the
opportunity to make a positive difference to the world around us. With
God’s help, we can seek out ways of promoting and supporting stable
family life in our own communities and worldwide – and we can
encourage our church family to join us in this task. In my own church
a few weeks ago, we welcomed six new members of Mothers’ Union,
including our Vicar and his wife. When all our members came up to
celebrate with them, there were very few people left in the pews –
and next time, who knows?!!
Around the world, we see our Mothers’ Union members bringing
church and community together and making a really positive impact
on the lives of individuals and families, wherever they may be.
As Easter approaches, will you, like me, share with those around you
the joy you have through knowing God’s love and care for you?
With my love and prayers, Viv
Commissioning Service
A large congregation of members, family and friends went to Chester
Cathedral in January to support Vivien Ley as she was commissioned as our
Diocesan President for the next 3 years. Archdeaconry Presidents Wendy
Sykes and Diana Bancroft, Trustees and other Officers were also
commissioned, or re-affirmed, if continuing in their roles for the next
triennium. Bishop Keith presided and
commissioned Vivien.
A wonderful service had been
organised, with inspiring hymns and
beautiful solos before and during the
service from Macclesfield Community
Choir. It was a special occasion for
another reason as well, as it marked
the beginning of MU’s 140th
Anniversary year. Bishop Keith
Vivien Ley, with the Northern
Provincial President, Barbara Taylor right) alluded to this in his sermon,
which he based on the two
readings and in his talk given in Aru Diocese, on their 10th anniversary as an
independent Diocese in the N.E. of DR Congo. The readings, from Psalm 96
and from St Matthew’s gospel, Ch 16, verses 13-20, remind us that “our
God reigns” and that, is as Peter answered “you are the Messiah” in answer to Jesus’ question “Whom do you say I am?”,
we must never forget these facts and not be afraid
to acknowledge them in our lives.
He told us of Bishop Ande’s (Bishop of the Province
of Aru), talk on the development of MU in that area;
of its contributions to health, literacy and numeracy.
He especially mentioned the growing improvement
in the status of women which is resulting in a
reduction of violence towards them, as their
Handing over the baton.
potential contributions to society are recognised. Angela Klabou (left) and
Vivien Ley (right)
More memories from the Commissioning Service
A message from
Angela Klabou
Right Retiring President,
Angela Klabou, presents
Vivien Ley to
Bishop Keith.
Thank you for the
Thank you
I am speechless!!
Right Bishop Keith’s shirt of MU material,
made for him by members in Aru Diocese.
Members of
Macclesfield Community
Choir who led the singing.
Right. The Cathedral’s striking representation
of the visit of the Magi to the stable. (It was
still the season of Epiphany).
What a wonderful day we
had at November Council,
and for me very memorable.
I was absolutely taken
Vivien Ley presents Angela with flowers and a
aback by your generosity.
cheque from the members of Chester Diocese
Thank you so much for the lovely
at Diocesan Council .
flowers and the amazing gift.
It has indeed been a privilege to serve you all as Diocesan President these
last six years and I have really enjoyed it. But as I said at Council, I have not
been alone. We have a wonderful team of Trustees and office staff and
unfailing support from Deaneries and Branches. Thank you for your love,
support and many prayers. Through these, God has enabled me to do things I
never thought I could and we have achieved
much together. If you would like to see that
presentation again in your Branch or Deanery
please let me know.
But now Mothers' Union in Chester Diocese is
continuing to move forward with Viv at the helm
and her new Board of Trustees. I know you will
continue to support them in the same way; as you
reach out to give a touch of our loving God, to
those in need. Yours are the hands through which
he blesses all the world. (The hand is the Mothers' Union prayer) I shall keep
you all in my daily prayers. Much love Angela
York Provincial Service in Chester Cathedral
Before Angela Klabou’s retirement as our
President, MU in Chester Diocese was proud to
be chosen as the host for the York Provincial
Service of celebration for the end of the
triennium .
On an exceedingly windy day, members flocked
to the venue. Long queues, each person clutching
their tickets - necessary for safety purposes –
waited patiently to gain their seats.
As the Service commenced, a colourful
procession made its way down the nave, including
Bishop Peter, his chaplain, Bishop William Pwaisiho from Gawsworth,
followed by many other Bishops from all over the York Province.
Bishop Andrew Proud of Reading, the Central Diocesan Chaplain for
Mothers’ Union, was amongst them, as the main speaker for the occasion.
Diocesan Presidents followed, each with their banner, a most impressive
sight. Our Worldwide President, Lynne Tembey and our new CEO, Beverley
Julienn were also present.
Bishop Andrew spoke of seeing the work of Mothers’ Union at first hand in
Ethiopia when he was a missionary for the Society for the Propagation of the
Gospel. We must, he told us, never forget that we are united in prayer
around the world and should be like the persistent widow in the Gospel,
continually praying to God, as He is much more generous and ready to listen
and act than the judge in that parable.
We should all rejoice, because we have
so much to be glad about and grateful
Canon Barbara Taylor, the York
Provincial President reminded us that
we much accept change, although we
do not always like it, as it is a necessary way
forward to achieve the aims of MU. She gave
as one small example, the fact that the
Provincial banner had been processed for
the last time in
its current form,
because of the merger
of three Dioceses in West
Yorkshire and the Dales. This will result in a
new one having to be created.
There were lovely hymns of celebration and
praise, all very uplifting, with an MU choir
leading us in quieter ones during Holy
Communion. No less than seven points
around the Cathedral were necessary to
facilitate the receiving of the bread and wine,
an indication of the size of the congregation
from all over the North of England. All the
Above Beverley Julienn
Indoor Member record books and Lynne Tembey after the
from the Province were
presented, so that these
members were not
forgotten, although
unable to be physically
Left. Angela Klabou and Dawn
Colwell with the Chester Diocesan banner.
Right it was a VERY windy day!
A day to remember…….
Memories of MU from over 100 years ago
1..A view of the congregation
2.The IM records are presented.
3. Rt. Revd Andrew Proud, Bishop of
Reading and MU Central Chaplain, speaks.
4. A colourful procession leaves the
5…. And assembles outside after the service.
In our 140th year, this delightful old photograph has been sent in by a
member of Mossley MU. Taken in approximately 1900, it shows
MU members of St David’s Church Fleur Des Lis, South Wales, which is
now in the parish of Blackwood , Bedwellty . The sender’s Great
Grandmother, Grandmother and Great Aunt are in the picture.
Our Teddies really do make a difference!
“I would like to say a huge thank you for providing the ambulance service
with teddy bears. My daughter Sophie , who is only 10 months old, had an
accident where she pulled a cup of hot coffee over her arm and chest. It was
an incredibly traumatic event for her and your teddy bear provided some
comfort both in the ambulance and in hospital. Such a kind,
generous and thoughtful gift made all the difference to her. I’m sure many
other babies have benefitted from your donations, so thank you, thank you ,
thank you.” Maria , in a letter to the Diocesan Office.
Welcome to our new
High Legh St John
Ann Hirons
Davenham St Wilfrid
Rainow Holy Trinity
Barbara Platts
Mary Meecham
Edgeley St Matthew
Winsford Over St Chad,
Indra Ghalley
Barry Underhill and Kenneth
Hughes (inadvertently missed from
the last edition—apologies,
gentlemen! Ed.)
Advent remembered ……
The Knutsford Deanery Advent
Carol Service was held at St. John’s Church, High Legh on 10th December. It
was compiled and conducted by Revd. Jane Parry,
Rural Dean, with 6 lessons- read by members- and
carols. Following the service a light lunch and raffle
to be allocated to the various funds. In addition
£49.20 was taken on the Enterprise Stall. On display
was their M.U. Christmas tree decorated by Branch
Leader Elaine Jones, and, with 21 others it joined in
the Christmas Tree Festival at the Church at the
beginning of December .
The 2016 Annual Meeting of MU
will be held in Winchester this year,
when we celebrate our 140th anniversary
Thursday 22 Sept
Celebration Service at Winchester Cathedral;
Friday 23 Sept
General Meeting at the Hampshire Court
Hotel, Basingstoke;
Other celebrations on Sept 24th to be confirmed
A very special birthday for an MU member….
Rhoda Bancroft of Broadheath St
Alban’s Branch, does not know the
meaning of the word “retirement””.
On November 18th last year, she
went to the church on her birthday and
was amazed to find all the MU
Branch members present , with her
family and the
Mayor of
Trafford. It
was no ordinary occasion, as she was celebrating
her 100th birthday. This remarkable MU member is
none other than the current Branch Leader of St
Wendy Sykes presented Rhoda with
flowers from MU Chester Diocese
Some SMAART work by Northwich members
Some of the handbell ringing
team SMAART (St. Michael and
All Angels Ringing Team) recently went to Holy Trinity Mothers' Union at Castle, Northwich
with our talk "Making Music with
They are from left to right Pam
Jackson, Marie Peace (Castle
MU) Joan Slobom and Beryl
Spruce (Castle MU).
Our Chaplain writes…...
The Parable of the Lost Credit Card
If Jesus was walking this earth today and immersed in our 21st
century society, I wonder what he would tell parables about ?
Some of his stories in the Gospels would translate quite easily.
How about this version of the lost coin:
“Or what woman, having lost her Barclays platinum credit card (other brands
available), and being concerned that she left it at the supermarket checkout,
does not hasten down to Tesco’s (other stores available) and
consult Customer services to see if one has been handed in. And when the
adviser tells her that it has indeed been held in safe-keeping, she is
delighted and texts her friends: “Rejoice with me, for I have found the credit
card that I lost. Just so, I tell you, there is joy in heaven over one sinner who
turns back to God.”
Some years ago, I was struck by the sketches and dramas produced by the
York-based actors and writers “Riding Lights” who had (and still have) a
particular gift for presenting the message of Jesus in a relevant way for our
times. Here’s one of them (abbreviated):
The Parable of the Good Punk Rocker
A man was on a train from London to York, and fell among football fans who
had just seen their team lose the cup. So they mugged the man and took his
wallet and his coat. Now on that train was a Vicar, but he was afraid and hid in
the lavatory. There was also a social worker, experienced with delinquents,
who decided to go to the bar and have a stiff drink. Lastly, there was a punk
rocker, leader of a group called “The Dregs”. He was the one who acted. He
stopped the train, phoned for an ambulance, and gave the victim fifty quid for
a new jacket. Now where that man came from there were no punk rockers.
However, there was a Vicar, and several social workers. But when it came to
the crunch...who was that man’s real next door neighbour?
What modern versions of parables could you come up with? It’s quite a good
exercise to re-read the Gospels and consider what they might be saying in the
context of the world as it is today. For starters, try Matthew chapters 7, 13
and 15; or Luke chapters 13 to 16.
Here’s one that I thought of after reading Matthew chapter 6, not strictly a
parable, where Jesus tells his disciples to beware of the hypocrites who
make sure everyone knows they are fasting, and fill up their lives with
religious ritual and meaningless observances. I had a heavy cold at the time,
so the idea of being clogged up with catarrh may have had something to do
with the desire for getting rid of the rubbish, and letting the clear air of the
Holy Spirit blow through! Here goes:
The Parable of Vick’s Vapours
There was once a woman who caught a cold. It was doing the rounds, so
nothing unexpected there. But this cold developed into a real stinker. She
found it difficult to breathe, and was up all night coughing and spluttering.
She went to see the doctor, who told her there was nothing he could do,
since it was not a virus; she would have to let it run its course. Friends
recommended various remedies, but nothing seemed to work. At last she
remembered that in her childhood her mother used to get a bowl of
boiling water, add a spoonful of Vick’s Vapours and inhale while holding a
tea-towel over her head. So she tried the well-tested method that she
remembered, and the relief she felt was immediate. The cold still
persisted a while longer, but at least she could breathe more easily.
And Jesus told the crowds: “Whenever your communication with God
seems to be bunged up and blocked by over-fussy religious ritual, or by the
cares and concerns of this world, pray for the wind of the Holy Spirit to
blow. Praying to your heavenly Father is not complicated, and the
obstacles we inflict upon ourselves can soon be shifted when we inhale the
refreshing spiritual vapours and medicine that God provides.”
Now, I hope that’s made you feel better!
Yours in Christ
Could you write a parable for today? We might produce a small
booklet from your updated versions of Jesus’ stories. Send them to the
Office (address on the back page) for consideration.
Out and About in the Diocese
A 'Favourite Recipes'
meeting at St James’, Gatley, saw
members bring along some
samples to taste. As this coincided
with the Harvest season, they had a
collection for the MU Harvest
Appeal and are selling recipe
booklets to raise more funds. The photo shows members eager to try Branch member Inez's Jerk Chicken!
St Matthew, Haslington and St Michael and All Angels, Crewe Green
Branch has been providing emergency toiletry bags to their local hospital,
Leighton, for the last 12 years. For this photo they had been invited back in
to meet the Assistant
Director of Nursing who thanked
them for all their efforts and the
innumerable bags . The photo
shows Ruth Wheeldon, Janet
Fallon, Jane McCombie (Branch
Leader), Jane Harley (Assistant
Direct of Nursing) and Rita
Calendar 2016
Tues 15 Mar 10am
Committee Day at St Peter’s Hale
Mo 4 April
Lady Day
Tue 3 May 2pm
Diocesan Festival at St George’s Stockport with
Bp Libby. Seats 900.
It would be hugely helpful if anyone travelling by car would use the Park
and Ride further up the A6 Buxton Road at Hazel Grove. The bus stops just
before the church, opposite the Bamford Arms. There is some parking for
the infirm or to unload items on North Avenue (cul-de-sac on north side of
church). There is restricted parking on Nangreave Road ( turn by the
Bamford Arms).
Mon 9-11 May
Leadership Conference, including WW Council
Tue 24 May 10am
Trustees Meeting at Church House
Tues 21 June 10am-1pm AGM and Diocesan Council at St John’s Church
Centre, Hartford
27 – 30 June
Clergy Conference at Swanwck
Mothers’ Union Diocesan Office
9 Abbey Square, Chester CH1 2HU
E-mail [email protected] Tel; 01244 400491
Diocesan website [email protected]
Text Giving
At the recent training session for Trustees held in
Manchester, Derek Buckthorpe (Faith and Policy
coordinator) constructed the winning paper
aeroplane for the Chester MU contingent. Here
he proudly displays his winning model, which
outflew the others by a considerable distance!
Theme: Celebration of Faith
dial MUCH22 to 70070
From the Editor Copy for the next edition should be
with the Editor, Judith Dewdney, by
Sat. 21st MAY
30 Henbury Rise, Henbury, Macclesfield SK11 9NW
Tel. 01625 439753 E-mail [email protected]
( please include “MUM” in the e-mail title so it does not end up in “junk”!)