St. Dominic`s Catholic Church, Benicia
St. Dominic’s Catholic Church, Benicia Fifteenth Sunday of Ordinary Time July 10th, 2016 Today’s Readings: DT 30:10-14 Col 1:15-20 Luke 10:25-37 Intentions for the Week Mon 7/11 Tues 7/12 Wed 7/13 Thurs 7/14 Friday 7/15 Sat 7/16 Sun 7/17 7:00AM †Long Vo 8:15AM †Maryluice Clare 7:00AM †Anthony Kownacki 8:15AM George Reynolds (B) 7:00AM †Robert Wischer 8:15AM Deacon Errol Kissinger (B) 7:00AM †Dolly Kownacki 8:15AM Harris & Consuelo Ingle (A) 7:00AM †Bonifacio & Carmen Torres 8:15AM Elena Sanchez (B) 8:15AM †Jesus Quenga 5:30PM For the People of the Parish 7:30AM For the Roman Pontiff 9:00AM Symantha Telepak-Compton (B) 10:45AM †William Earp, Sr. 12:30PM †Javier Quiroz 5:30PM †Alex Rubang Legend: († ) Memorial (H) Health (A) Anniversary (B) Birthday (T) Thanksgiving Dominicans & Deacons Fr. Jerome Cudden, O.P. Pastor Fr. Corwin Low, O.P. Parochial Vicar Fr. David Farrugia, O.P. (In Residence) Deacon Errol Kissinger Deacon John Flanagan (Retired) Schedule of Masses Weekdays: Saturday: Saturday: Sunday: 7:00AM, 8:15AM 8:15AM only Vigil Mass 5:30PM 7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:45AM, 12:30PM (English/Spanish), 5:30PM (Youth) 1st Sunday of Month: 3PM (Vietnamese) Parish Office Hours Closed Mondays Tuesday-Friday: Saturday: Sunday: 9AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM 10AM-1PM 8:30AM-1PM In case of a priestly emergency after hours, call 707-747-7220 , listen to recording and connect directly with a priest. 475 East I Street - Benicia, CA 94510 (707) 747-7220 @STDOMBENICIA Pastor’s Corner Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, On Thursday, July 28th you are invited to a cruise and lunch with Fr. Jerome. We will leave St. Dominic’s at 9:30AM and drive to the Vallejo ferry station. The ferry is first come first serve, so we must line up early. Our ferry departs at 10:30AM from Vallejo and heads to the ferry building in San Francisco. Then we will take the “F” trolley to Pier 39. Once at the Pier we will lunch and take in the sights. Because we are not asking for sign ups or prepayment having all of us try to eat at the same restaurant and the same table will be impossible. As such, for lunch we will break into smaller groups. This is a nice opportunity to get to know someone you might not know at our parish. The return ferry departs at 3:30PM from Pier 39. Again, it is first come first serve, so we will want to be at the ferry by 2:45PM. Please budget $29.85 for an adult and $16.05 for seniors for transportation costs. Tickets will be purchased by individuals. Price does not include lunch. Due to legalities, children under the age of 18 must be accompanied by their parent. So I have an idea of who is coming, please RSVP to [email protected]. After last week's bulletin went to print, another $5,500 was received as dedicated gifts towards our Closing the Gap campaign. In addition, last weekend’s collection was above average. This means we raised $45,000 of our $47,000 goal! Since some of your gifts were deposited in the new fiscal year they are not reflected in the Financial Report in the lower right hand corner of this page. Thank you again for all your support for our parish. Just as a clarification to last week’s homily regarding Mass attire, casual dress is still acceptable for Mass here at St. Dominic’s. However, we ask for increased discretion for all family members and please reserve short shorts/skirts, bare shoulders or tight fitted clothing for recreational activities. God bless you, Fr. Jerome Announcements Chant Camp– Where Kids Learn to Sing Catholic Prayers, August 8-12th. Registration is Open Now! We are actively looking for Parent Volunteers to get involved in this special event and help plan the pizza night. Please email [email protected]. Stations of the Cross Now Every Friday Afternoon! The Seven Sorrows Rosary Group, which meets weekdays at 3:30PM in the Church to pray the Rosary are adding the Stations of the Cross to their prayers on Fridays, except during Lent. If a conflict arises with another group’s event in the church on a particular Friday they will begin with the Stations of the Cross and then complete their Seven Sorrows Rosary in the Siena Room. Join us for the way of the cross! Our LifeTouch Family Directories Are Here! Participating families can pick up their FREE copy of the new photo book in the Parish Office. Parish Events New Series: The Bible and The Virgin Mary Mondays, July 11th, 6:30PM In the Siena Room RCIA, New Class Introductory Meeting Tuesday, July 19th, 7-8PM In the Mary Magdalene Room Doors of Mercy, Session 3 of 6 Friday, July 22nd, 7PM In the Siena Room Day on the Bay with Fr. Jerome Thursday, July 28th, 2016 Details to come World Youth Day Sunday, July 31st Trinity Pines Retreat Center SDYG Teen Gym Night Sunday, July 31st, 7-10PM At the City Gym Mass on the Grass 2016 Celebrating the 800th Dominican Jubilee Sunday, August 7th, 9:30AM Benicia Community Park Fr. Corwin’s Chant Camp for Kids August 8-12th Registration Open Online St. Dominic School Back in Session Monday, August 15th 8:00AM Youth Pizza/Movie Night Friday, August 19th, 6-10PM In the Parish Hall Find Event Details in Parish Bulletin or Online h Wit win or Fr. C Registration is now open online! Kids receive interactive instruction all week by Fr. Corwin Low, O.P. and Mary Ann Carr Wilson, a trained music teacher and all conclude the week with a special Vigil Mass performance on Friday, August12th at 7PM followed by a Pizza and Ice Cream social. Confirmation & Teen Events This Summer YR I Confirmation Registration: Registration for YR I Confirmation for the 2016-17 school year is now open. Please contact Lisa Toomey in the Office of Faith Formation for registration information. Teens need to be in the 8th grade or older to begin preparing for the Sacrament of Confirmation. Save These Dates for Fun Social Events for Teens this Summer: July 27th- St. Dominic's ~ San Francisco Church Tour* July 31st– Gym Night from 7-10PM at Benicia City Gym Aug. 19th– Pizza/Movie Night 6-10PM Parish Hall Sept. 17th– Coastal Cleanup in Benicia Oct. 1– Leadership Children’s Festival *St. Dominic’s Benicia teens are invited to participate in a tour of St. Dominic's Parish in San Francisco followed by a picnic lunch on Wednesday, July 27th from 10am3pm. Please contact the Office of Faith Formation at 335-4697 for more information and/or to register for this event. Mass on the Grass Mark your calendar for Sunday, August 7th, Annual Mass on the Grass. Doors of Mercy: Exploring God’s Covenant with You Join us! For only the fourth time in Church history, the Pope has declared an Extraordinary Jubilee Year. And the focus? Mercy. Learn to give and receive forgiveness, to forgive others, to forgive yourself. We invite you to join us as we participate in a parish wide program, Doors of Mercy. This is not a bible study, there is no written homework, just eight simple sessions that will allow you to experience God’s hope, healing and loving mercy in this once-in-a-lifetime program. Meeting are 7:00-8:30PM in the Siena Room on the following dates: Friday, July 8th & 22nd Friday, August, 5th & 19th Friday, September 2nd Friday, September 16th & 30th Email Steve Williams at [email protected] for additional details and to get registered. *This class counts towards SDS catechism hours for stewardship. The celebration will begin with praise and worship at 9:30am, followed by Mass at 10am and lunch at 11:30am. Please remember to bring a lawn chair, umbrella or a pop up tent, sunscreen, and your appetite! Also a dessert or side dish to share at your table. Please note: The regularly scheduled 9:00AM, 10:45AM, and 12:30PM Masses will not take place on August 7th. Commemorative T-Shirts: Mass on the Grass t-shirts will be sold after each Mass the last two weekends in July. This year’s shirt will commemorate the Jubilee 800 of the Order of the Preachers. Golf Carts Needed! Each year, parishioners who need a ride from the parking lot to the grass area have been offered a shuttle service at the park. If you have a golf cart that you are able to share on August 7th, please contact Lisa Toomey at 335-4697. Thank you for considering assisting with this service! Adult Confirmation Begins this Summer! Each year, Bishop Jaime Soto extends an opportunity to receive the Sacrament of Confirmation to practicing, adult Catholics of the Diocese of Sacramento, who have received religious instruction, but for various reasons were never confirmed. The next celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation will take place on Saturday, November 5, 2016, at St. Mary's Church in Vacaville. This opportunity is presented for those informed, adult Catholics, who practice their faith in the parish community. Because it is appropriate that each parish offer formation for those who wish to be confirmed, classes will begin in late September. For further information, please contact Deacon Errol Kissinger at (707) 335-4674 or [email protected]. Classes will convene for six consecutive Sundays beginning September 25th and end October 30th, 2016. Classes will be held 2:00-3:30PM in the Mary Magdalene Room of the Ministry Center. To participate the candidate must be a baptized Catholic, who has received catechetical instruction at least up to receiving the Eucharist (First Communion), be either unmarried or in a marriage recognized as valid by the Catholic Church, have a recent copy of their Baptismal Certificate issued within the past 6 months, and have a Confirmation sponsor who must be a confirmed, practicing Catholic and at least 16 years of age. St. Vincent de Paul Check out our new Facebook Page! svdpbenicia Keep in touch and get informed about our meeting times, programs, and service opportunities. Please Help Stock the Pantry Please continue to help stock our pantry this spring and summer. We are always in need of paper towels, and food items: peanut butter, jelly, Hamburger Helper, Tuna Helper, pasta mixes, cereal, mayonnaise and tuna. Thank you. If you are in need of food or assistance with rent, temporary living arrangements and/or utilities, please call the SVdP Food Pantry at 707-746-1773 and leave a message. Sacrament Prep Reconciliation: Saturdays at 4:00-5:00PM in the church or by appointment. Adult Baptism, Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Communion Calls: Please call the Parish Office. Marriage: Please call 12 months in advance; family must be registered parishioners. Children’s Sacraments: We encourage parents to inquire about Baptism and attend two classes (offered monthly) before the birth of a child. Children at St. Dominic's are enjoying the Liturgy of the Word for Children; so much so, we are in need of more adult volunteers. All leaders are volunteers from our parish and we are always looking to expand our team. For Baptism & First Eucharist scheduling or to assist with CLOW contact Debi Thurin at 707-335-4688 or email her at [email protected]. New Series on Mary The Bible and the Virgin Mary, A Six-Part Series Mondays, July 11-Aug 15, 2016 6:30PM-8:30PM In the Siena Room The Bible and the Virgin Mary is a dynamic six-part video series that beautifully explains the Catholic truths about Our Lady showing how she has been a part of God’s plan to bring salvation to the world since the beginning of time. In addition to explanation of dogmas, answers to common objections, and demonstration of Mary’s presence in the Old and New Testaments, this study discusses Churchapproved Marian apparitions that play an important role in Catholic Tradition. It’s sure to help Catholics and nonCatholics alike grow in an understanding and appreciation of the Mother of God. Coursework includes readings from Scripture, the Catechism of the Catholic Church, and Hail Holy Queen by Dr. Scott Hahn, the book upon which this course is based. The book Hail Holy Queen should be purchased by participants in advance of the course and is available at your local bookstore or online sources and is the only cost to participants in the series. This course counts toward SDS Catechism Hours for 2016/2017 School Year. Bring Your Paperwork to be signed by Leader Rosary Confraternity You are invited to join in the mission of the Dominican Order by joining the Confraternity of the Holy Rosary. The Dominican Order has been praying this “sword of justice” for centuries, imitating Mary by contemplating the life of Mary’s Son. Please Come Adore Him "O marvelous Sacrament! How can I find words to praise you! You are the life of the soul, the medicament healing our wounds, our comforter when we are overburdened, the memorial of Jesus Christ, the proof of his love, the most precious precept of his testament, our companion in the pilgrimage of life, the joy sustaining us in our exile, the burning coal kindling the fire of divine love, the instrument of grace, the pledge of eternal bliss and the treasure of Christians," Louis of Granada (1505-1588) CURRENT ADORATION NEEDS: 5 AM TUESDAY (Weekly) Call Dennis Hirth @ 747-9609 5 AM WEDNESDAY (Weekly) Call Dennis Hirth @ 747-9609 2 PM THURSDAY (Weekly) Call Maggie Ruszel @ 747-0734 4 PM THURSDAY (Weekly or alternating weeks) Call Maria Brule @ 745-1032 Perpetual Adoration Hours: Open to the public 7 AM to 8 PM daily (the rest of the hours are by scheduled assignment) located in the Adoration Chapel next to the Church. If you are interested in becoming a Eucharistic adorer (assigned or substitute) or have questions about adoration, please call Shirley Cortez @ 208-2004 or Joji Holzwarth @ 704-8779. Eucharistic Ministers of Holy Communion The body of Christ needs you as an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion. Please pray for guidance from the Holy Spirit to be open to this rewarding ministry serving the precious Body and Blood of our Lord to your fellow parishioners. Training only takes one hour. Contact the Parish Office and JoAnn Talken will coordinate training at 553-8084 for more information. Good News Reflection: 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time July 10th, 2016. Deuteronomy30:10-14 Ps 69:14,17,30-31,33-34,36-37 or Ps 19:8-11 Colossians 1:15-20 Luke 10:25-37 Enough love to heal the world The opposite of love is not hate. It's apathy: ignoring a need, not caring, and doing nothing when there is something we can do to relieve suffering. In this Sunday's Gospel reading, Jesus gives us the Parable of the Good Samaritan to explain that if we Homeless Jesus statue. Credit: Matt Hadro/CNA. love God with our whole heart, our whole being, our The bronze statues, created by sculptor Tim whole strength, and our whole mind, we naturally Schmalz, depicts Jesus as a homeless man lying care about other people, even those who are strangers, even on a park bench, covered in a blanket, with the those whom we're "not supposed to" like, and even when it crucifixion wounds on his feet. costs us something personally. Many of the problems that exist in our world today are allowed to continue because too many of us Christians -- we who through Christ have the power to change the world -do not care enough to sacrifice our time and personal agendas to get involved. Much of the suffering that's endured in our families and workplaces and parishes would be stopped or relieved if enough Christians loved God enough to care about others enough to risk the cost of intervening. How much do you love God? The answer lies in how much you're willing to sacrifice for the sake of loving others, which is the definition of love that Jesus taught us with this parable and with his life. None of us love God perfectly yet. Purgatory will be a time of painfully regretting our lack of love, while eagerly improving our love for others so we can enter into the fullness of God's love in heaven. Until then, we have daily opportunities, here and now, to purify our lives less painfully. Daily we're given tests to improve how well we love others. So daily ask the Holy Spirit, your teacher, your empowerer, your source of holiness, to help you become more like Christ. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you love all others as Christ loves them. By doing this spiritual exercise consistently, you will receive a new joy and an enlivened passion in dealing with others. You will feel greater love for God and you will experience his love for you much more intimately. Questions for Personal Reflection: Whom do you pass by and ignore when you see suffering? Is there anyone you've recently walked away from because you didn't want to give up something (perhaps your time, pride, prejudice, feeling of inadequacy, resentment or unforgiveness)? Take it to the Sacrament of Confession to receive God's grace and help in loving others more fully. Questions for Family & Community Faith Sharing: Name a "Good Samaritan" you know or have read about. What did this person give up to serve others? How do such people find the ability to love so well? Describe a situation you've witnessed where apathy has contributed to someone's suffering. How could love make a difference? 2016 Terry Modica, Catholic Digital Resources, Printed by permission. To view or subscribe to daily Good News Reflections, visit Please pray for the recovery of the sick listed in our Book of Intentions and the following: PARISH OFFICE (707) 747-7220 Pastor Fr. Jerome Cudden, O.P [email protected] Parochial Vicar Fr. Corwin Low, O.P. [email protected] Business Manager Teresa Stone [email protected] Music Director Francisco Ortiz [email protected] Communications Erin Jacobs [email protected] Bookkeeper Lori Telepak-Compton [email protected] Secretary Alisa Aquino, [email protected] OFFICE OF FAITH FORMATION (707) 747-7240 Director of RE Deacon Errol Kissinger 707-335-4674 Admin. Assistant Joy Urbina 707-747-7240 Teen Confirmation & Special Liturgies Lisa Toomey 707-335-4697 Children’s Sacraments Debi Thurin 707-335-4688 ST. DOMINIC’S YOUTH GROUP (SDYG) (707) 747-7220 Youth Minister Joe Lucero [email protected] All Ministry Contact list is available in the Parish Office. ST. DOMINIC SCHOOL (707) 745-1266 Principal Katie Perata, [email protected] ST. DOMINIC PRESCHOOL (707) 745-4430 Director Tanya Sanchez, [email protected] Larry Watson Louise Thibeaux Ana Menjivar Dan Macariola Barbara Everingham Andre Davis Teresa Winer Lisa Bowen Terry Irwin The Pines Family Ron Pearman Fr. Jim Cassin Siu Ming Lau Thom Clark Glenn Bliss Maura Yanner Johanna Abrera Lonnie Stone Doris Seitz Jim Schafer Rick Keller Glenys Hewitt Nellie Morgado Ramond Davena Dawn Altobell Dorothy Szabo Daniel Cooper Charlie Gallagher Amy Smith Ann Hansen Cyndi and Dan Wolke Carolyn McKay Susan Furey Henderson Family Leroy Howell Bernice Clark Aurora Bareng Brian Smith Fr. Kenneth Brown Cristina O’Brien Branson David King Jack Curran Michelle Christle Matthew Bidou Monica Jaime Tom Mitchell Gladys Haddad Al Rohleder Jeff Mues Mili McDermott Scott Dziuban Mary Carbullido-Anderson Charlie White Pete Raine Scott Reeder James Werder Please remember the following recently deceased parishioners (and their families) in your prayers: Remigio Balingit, Duncan McNiff, Sherilynne Gate, Carmela Patania-White, Diane Garcia, Millard Oracoy, Esther Preciado, Lawrence Gunn, Sr., Pat Scafa, Patricia Swan, Jan Tobias, Augusto Hocson, Harriet “Patty” Little, William “Bill” Earp, Sr., Lee Ann Darwood, Richard Lucas Sick and remembrances will be listed for a period of 3 months Please patronize the following businesses owned by members of our parish community. Their contributions each week underwrite our Parish Bulletin. Thank you! All About Beauty- (707) 747-1471 Eminence Organics & FHF Products e Facials & Eyelash Extensions James M. McVeigh Certified Public Accountant 707-746-5604 Richard Joyce, O.D. Optometrist Exams, Glasses, Contacts 874 Southampton Rd. 707-745-6266 A & S Chem Dry 707-748-7726 Anthony & Shelly Trevino Serving St. Dominic’s Parish for 18 years! Kindred Spirits Pet/HouseSitting Dorothy Doscher 707-334-3776 Rick Brown Construction All Phases Home Remodel 707-746-8596 707-246-9975 ATS Tax & Financial Solutions Tax Angels to your rescue! Returns/ QB 707-745-1040 Kristine Passalacqua Studio of Interior Design 707-746-7123 Sac’s Tasty Hot Dogs George & Karolyn Maichel 2445 Springs Rd, VJO 707-642-2442 Affordable Quality Cabinets Allan Lemone, Sales and Installation 707-745-2100 Law Offices of Randal M. Barnum Employment, Personal Injury Litigation 707-745-3747 Shutters and More Bill Simpson, Parishioner 707-746-8187 Luxury Lease Returns, Tony & Rita Nino 510-235-1500 Law Offices of Thomas R. Healy Wills/Trusts/Estate Planning/ General Practice 707-553-7360 George Schandelmier Landscaping 707-554-2722 Buddahful Salon Amy Pappas, Owner/Stylist 814 First St., 707-745-4409 Law Offices Robert A. Schroth Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning 707-745-0130 Spiritual Direction, Katrina Cooper 707-748-7581 Parishioner Trained at Bread of Life in Sacramento Care Network, LLC Home Care Services/Placement Referral 707-747-2720 / Carmen Haban Mr. Lawn Garden Service Landscaping, Maintenance and Installation 707-747-5273 Teresa Stone- Notary Public 707-330-0773 [email protected] Crane Station, Inc. Rex Sevilla–Crane and Electrical Services 800-891-3888 Napoli Pizza and Pasta Chris & Lisa Guerrera- Owners 707-746-8906 T&T Electric – Tim Wade Residential & Commercial 707-315-8285 Eagle Vines Realty-American Canyon Ron Banasik Broker/Owner (707) 373-3139 Lisa Guerrera Agent (707) 333-9656 Old Capital Lockshop Automotive Lock Specialist 707-746-Keys (5397) Tuolumne Street Auto Repair John McLaughlin, Parishioner 707-648-3434 Falkner Construction & Painting (707)-853-1038 Olson Realty, Inc. Kathleen McInerney Olson/Broker 707-745-3602 Up2Code Plumbing Owner Mike Pitta - 24 hour service 707-751-1714 Fregosi & Co. Paints– Mike Fregosi Concord, CA 925-609-9925 Passalacqua Funeral Chapel 707-745-3130 Vincent R. Maher, Attorney at Law 724 Texas Street, Fairfield, CA 94533 Tel: 707-427-2800 / Fax: 707-427-2220 Furniture Service & Repair Charlie H. White, Design/Shopworking 707-746-0169 Reyes Electric Co. & Design LIC#32877 Residential/ Commercial 707-747-6818 Warring & Assoc. Realtors Bill/Diane Brokers/Owners 829 First St. 707-746-6990 Gavin/Schreiner Insurance , Tom Gavin Chartered Financial Consultant 707-745-5626 For advertising opportunities here e-mail [email protected] Hamann Real Estate 513 First Street Tim and Jeannie Hamann/Broker-Owners 707-747-9300 If you are a ministry leader or organization that would like to promote a church event or catholic charity in the bulletin please submit your request online at… John Passalacqua/Greg Silva, Directors BULLETIN SUBMISSION GUIDELINES HTTP://WWW.STDOMBENICIA.ORG/BULLETIN-SUBMISSIONS/ Deadlines for submission are the Friday, one full week, before the Sunday you would like a promotion to run. All submissions are pending Pastor Approval. For questions email [email protected] 475 East I Street - Benicia, CA 94510 - Tel. (707) 747-7220 - Fax. (707) 745-5642
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