June 11,1956 RC - City of Surrey
June 11,1956 RC - City of Surrey
439 Municipal Hall, Cloverdale, B. C. June U, 1956, The Council met pursuant t o ad- journment, all of the members bebg present. ADOPITOB op' MINUTES: N o d by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Readman That the Minutes of the regular meeting held May 28 be adopted. Carried. Councillor Burrows referred t o the Minutes of May 1 4 and t h e matter of figures not being available f o r maintenance on a Ward basis. H'e quoted the previous Minutes concerning t h i s matter o f expenditure. He f e l t t h a t they could be made available. It was pointed out that no accurate figures f o r maintenance on a Ward basis were available and t h e previous funds authorized were f o r maintenance and projects combined pending forrnal approval of the 1956 Works Program, DELE;GA"!IONS : 1. Mr. H, A, Ernewein was present together with f i v e other persons representing residents of t h e Grosvenor Road area and t h e f a c t t h a t they had been without water recently during t h e prolonged dry s p e l l . Mr. Ernewein s t a t e d he had several questions t h a t he wanted answered and t h e Superintendent of Utilities was asked t o be present f o r t h i s discussion. The ouestions were then put and answered mainly by t h e Superintendent of Utilities 8 . d (a) Mr. Ernewein s t a t e d t h a t t h a t area had no water for approximatel y 1 2 hours and wanted t o know whether it was due t o t h e water being shut off o r insufficient pressure. The Superintendent of U t i l i t i e s s t a t e d it was due t o i n s u f f i c i e n t water pressure. (b) Mr. Ernewein wanted t o know why Bolivar Crescent w a s able t o have water when they could not. It was pointed out that they were a t a lower level, (c) Mr. Ernewein wanted t o know w h a t was being done t o assist os improve t h e s i t u a t i o n . The Superintendent of U t i l i t i e s s t a t e d t h a t they would be connected t o t h e main high pressure l i n e within a week. 4 I (d) M r , Ernewein had a sample of water showing considerable sediment i n it. The Superintendent of U t i l i t i e s s t a t e d t h i s was due t o d i r t g e t t i n g i n t o t h e main due t o t h e November floods and t h e d i r t moves each time t h e water is shut off. * . ( e ) Mr. Ernewein wanted t o know t h e cause of t h e lack of water. The Superintendent claimed t h a t the low pressure a t t h e bridge was due t o a l a r g e draw on the water by Vancouver, Burnaby, New Westminster and ourselves especially during t h e hot weather. (f) Mr, Ernewe'in clasmeci t h a t tho water system was rlo b e t t e r now t h a n 10 years ago and that, they were promised b e t t e r service a t t h a t t h e . The Superintendent of U t i l i t i e s s t a t e d t h a t no promise was m d e and i n f a c t people had been t o l d what pressure they could expect i f they i n s i s t e d on water. He realized t h e proklm existed i n t h a t ares and t h e y were working on i t . The matter was f i r t h e r discussed a t length with other members of t h e Delegation speaking and it was pointed out t h a t this new l i n e was befng l a i d i n the hope o f improving service. 2. Mr. Thompson was present representing t h e White Rock Sea Festival Association. He s t a t e d that t h e Society received a grant l a s t year of $200.00 towards the Sea Festival and they would l i k e between $500.00 and $l,OOO.oO t h i s year. He claimed that t h e Festival brought residents i n t o Surrey and White Rock particularly, each year. The Reeve f e l t t h a t t h e Festival should be able t o stand on i t s own f e e t a s they had indicated they would do so i n t h e past. Moved by Councillor Burrows Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That a grant of $ZOO.CO be m d e t o t h e Sea Festival. Carried. 3 . Mr. Aldersley and Mr. Skelton were present concerning t h e 1958 Centennial Celebration. They s t a t e d they were representing the Lower Fraser Valley Agricultural Association and s t a t e d t h a t t h e Agricultural Fair was t o be t h e centre of the F a i r celebrations of t h e Lower Fraser Valley i n 1958. They requested t h e Council t o consider centering as many celebrations a s possible i n Surrey around t h e Surrey F a i r and Exhibition i n 1958. No action was taken on t h i s matter a s a Committee t o des1 with t h e Celebration i s t o be appointed l a t e r on t h i s year. Miss C. A . Sutherland was present with her S o l i c i t o r concernt h e subdivision of her property on the Serpentine Road e a s t of the Coast Meridian, i n Section 30, Tp. 8. The subdivision had been s t a r t e d i n 1949. The S o l i c i t o r c l a b d t h a t the subdivision had been t r e a t e d a s a cont,inuing matter and t h a t t h e Municipality was doing the mad work f o r them and had not got it done before t h e new Zoning & l a w was passed making t h i s an Agricultural area with a 5 acre minimum l o t size. They planned t o subdivide i n t o 16 lots of approximately one acre each. The S o l i c i t o r claimed that they had done everything t h e Municipality required but had not got it finished f o r f i n a l approval p r i o r t o the new Zoning By-law. The Superintendent of Works was called i n and stated t h a t t h e road must be completed t o Municipal requirements t o t h e North boundary of t h e property and the property must be rezoned t o tlsuburbantlo r tlurbantt r e s i d e n t i a l , before t h e subdivision could be approved. Mwed by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor J.F. Johnston That t h e matter be referred t o t h e Town Flanning Commission f o r report as it i s a matter of rezoning. Carried. 4. 5 . Mr. V.R. Nesbitt was present concerning a cold storage plant planned on property he has under option on the Trans Canada Highway near Fry's Corner. He has approximately 88 acres there which he plans t o use as a mink farm and storage of mink food. He would possibly be s e l l i n g some of t h i s mink food f r o m t h i s plant. He did not f e e l that commercial zonine was necessary f o r t h i s c o l d storage plant on h i s property. ~ Moved by Seconded That t h e Manager and t h e Building Inspector f o r report as t o quired o r not. Carried ~ Councillor J.F. Johnston by Councillor W. H. Johnson matter be referred t o t h e whether rezoning was re- . 6. Mr. Bill pbilli~swas present concerning an application Is build a Trailer Court i n South Westminster adjacent to t h e Trans Canada Highway. The property is described as t h e East Half of Lot l l A t t . , Block "kll, West two-thirds of Sections 5 and 8, Range 2, Plan 5696. A l e t t e r f r o m t h e Sanitary Inspector and t h e Wlilding Inspector was read s t a t i n g it could be approved i f t h e property was raised a t least 1 2 inches t o provide proper drainage of t h e s e p t i c tanks. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Stewart That t h e application f o r t h e Trailer Court be approved subject t o complying with t h e Municipal By-laws and t h e additional requirement of t h e 1 2 inch f i l l . Carried . 7. Rev. Warne was present concerning t h e Cloverdale Senior Citizens Housing Project. He s t a t e d that t h e development of the s u i t e s had be& s l i g h t l y a l t e r e d t o those previously submitted and copies of t h e Revised Plan were given t o t h e Council. He stated that it was proposed t o finance t h e project with a $10,OOO.00 grant from t h e Provincial Government, $20,000.00 f r o m t h e Dominion Government and donations of $5,000.00 #6,000.00. He s t a t e d that they had o r i g i n a l l y thought of asking f o r a grant f r o m t h e Council but would r a t h e r have the Council consider a reductim i n t h e water rates. Single Pensioners would be l i v i n g i n these u n i t s and i f the regular water rate of $2.50 per month was charged t h e i r r e n t a l would go from $26.00 $28.00 per month. It was also pointed out that a meter rate would be cheaper than a f l a t monthly charge o r perhaps t h e Council could make a grant i n order t o reduce the cost of water Moved by Councillor W. H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That t h e matter be referred t o t h e Utilities Committee meeting f o r discussion. Carried - - . . 8. '- 11 lid Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor J .F That Mr. Heady be heard. Carried. . Johns ton There i s a quarter of a mile of fence bordering h i s property which is on t h e mad allowance. The Municipality wants t o widen t h e road and move t h e fence back t o the property l i n e . Mr. Heady read a l e t t e r f r o m t h e Clerk i n 1944 s t a t i n g t h a t t h e Council would t a k e down h i s fence and re-erect it i n exchahge f o r obtaining t h e o r i g i n a l mad allowance. T h i s was done but t h e fence was nut re-erected on the property l i n e but l e f t on the road allowance. a42 I ._ He claimed t h a t it was s t i l l a Municipal responsibility t o e r e c t t h e fence on h i s property l i n e if it was taken dawn. In view of t h e l e t t e r from the Clerk t h e Council agreed on t h i s matter. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Stevens That M r . Lagos and Mr. Rahdick 9. be heard . Carried. Mr. Lagos was present concerning t h e i r arplication t o d i g ditches on t h e i r property on the New McLeUan Road East of the Boathrogd. They claimed they had received advice that t h e land could be drained by ditches, then limed and f e r t i l i z e d . They claimed they can only pay f o r ditching t h e property s e l l i n g t h e s p o i l from t h e ditches. Councillor Readman s t a t e d that the Council wanted some assurance that t h e property w i l l be famed and used for t h a t purpose and t h a t the spoil would not j u s t be removed and t h e land sold t o someone e l s e . A l e t t e r from t h e previous owner of t h e property was read s t a t i n g he had sold t h e property with t h e understanding that they would be given permission t o s e l l t h e s p o i l from the ditches. The property i n question is Lots 13, 14, 15, North-West Quarter, Section 1, Tp. 2, Map sui Moved kgr Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor Burrows That no removal of t h e s p o i l be pennitted unless they comply witti t h e conditions of t h e S o i l Removal &-law. Carried. REPORTS OF STANDING COMMITTEES: 1. FINANCE COMMITTEE: Moved by Councillor W. H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor J. F. Johnston That the statement of Receipts and Disbursements f o r t h e month of May be adopted. Carried. (a) Moved by Councillor W. H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That a Progress p a p n t of $32,893.13 be made on t h e Cloverdale Cammunity Centre Project out of By-law #1338 funds. Carried. 2. MUNICIPAL UTILITIES COPIMITTEE: (a) A P e t i t i d n from residents in t h e Ocean Park Crescent Heights area was received concerning t h e matter of lack of water and t h e f a c t that they were not permitted t o sprinkle. Councillor Stevens pointed out that t h e awners claimed t h a t watering is needed for vegetable gardens and it is a domestic use rather than a s t r a i g h t sprinkling use. They had sent a P e t i t i o n t o t h e Public U t i l i t i e s Commission on t h i s matter but they had ruled t h a t i t was undsr t h e j u r i s d i c t i o n of t h e Municipality. d Moved by Councillor Burrows Seconded by Counc i l l o r Stewart That t h e matter be referred t o t h e Municipal S o l i c i t o r tX, determine what constitutes domestic water use according t o t h e &-law. (b) The matter of water over t h e whole Municipality was discussed generally. It was pointed out that a meeting was being held i n Abbotsford on t h e 18th by the Fraser Valley Municipalities on t h i s problem. Councillor Kuhn claimed that Surrey would have t o look elsewhere f o r water rather than j u s t t o t h e Greater Vancouver Water Board. ( c ) Councillor Stevens s t a t e d that he was endeavouring t o get sprinkling regulations of same sort i n t h e Ocean Park Crescent Heights area. He was taking it up with t h e Ratepayers i n that area t o g e t sprinkling on the basfs of two nights per week with one hose only being permitted. However he s t a t e d tbat before he completed any arrangements he would request authority t o deal. w&tht h i s matter from our Superintendent of Utilities and t h e White Rock Water Works so that they would be auare of t h e problem and would agree t o t h e use of t h e water. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor W.H. Johnson T h a t the matter of sprinkling regulations i n t h e Ocean Park Crescent Heights area be l e f t i n t h e hands of Councillor Stevens t o arrange on a trial basis. Carried. (d) A letter from t h e Timberland Lumber Company was read s t a t i n g that they were anxious t o g e t a decision on t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n of t h e 10" water main to t h e i r new plywood plant. They hoped t o have this plant i n operation e a r l y t h i s f a l l . It was pointed out that the cost of Councillor i n s t a l l i n g t h e main t o t h e i r property l i n e would be $16,000.00. Stewart claimed t h a t the Council. must take some action t o a t t r a c t and keep industry i n t h e Municipality. Moved by Councillor Kutm Seconded by Councillor W.H. Johnson T h a t t h e Clerk write tbe Timberland Lumber Company a d d s i n g them of t h e cast of t h e main and asking what portion, i f any, they w i l l pay of i t s mst. Carried. (e) The Superintendent of Utilities' report on t h e possible water area on the Shepherd Road between King George Highway and Campbell River Road had not y e t been received. Also h i s report on water f o r t h e Coast Meridian Road between t h e Constable and Brown Road had yet t o be received together with a P e t i t i o n frornthe owners i n t h a t area agreening t o pay f o r the main. Moved by Councillor J.F. Johnston Seconded k y Councillor Readman That t h i s matter i s t o be referred t o t h e Municipal U t i l i t i e s Cormn$ttee meeting , Carried, beid Councillor J.F. Johnston Seconded by Councillor Readman Th& t h e water report f o r t h e month 0 4.44 m W ‘Irj 4 of May be adopted. Carried. Hoved by Councillor Stewart Seconded Councillor W.H. Johnson T h a t the Municipal Utilities Camnittee meet i n t h e C d t t e e Room a t 7:30 p.m. June 21. Carried (g) . ADJOURNMENT FOR LUNCH Moved by Councillor Burrows Seconded by Councillor Readman That t h e meeting be now adjourned f o r lunch, and reconvene at 1:45 p.m. Carried. 3. WELFARE C O ~ ~ : A report from the Welfare Coamittee was received recommending the appointment of Mr. J. L. Sampson of King George Highway t o t h e position of Social Worker i n the Municipality provided h i s appointment has received the approval of the Department of Health and Welfare in Victoria. The report recornended t h e Committee be authorized t o confirm t h i s appointment when approval has been received from t h e Department. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councigor Stevens That the report be accepted and t h a t Mr. Sampson be appointed when approval is received from Victoria, on t h e usual three month probationary period w i t h h i s salary according t o t h e schedule for Social Workers i n t h e Municipality. Carried. 4. LAND AND INSURANCE COMMITTEZ: (a) A l e t t e r from N. Stangland was read requesting permission t o remove and sell spoil from h i s ditches on h i s property west of t h e King George Highway near t h e Nicomekl River. The Committee had studied t h i s application. Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor J.F. Johnston T h a t as t h e Camnittee f e e l s t h i s spoil i s necessary on t h e land no permit f o r t h e removal of the s p o i l be granted. Carried . (b) An applicatian from Fraser, Wilson & Co. t o remove s o i l and overburdm from Lots 6-9 and 12-15 of Section 36, Map 529A and part of Section 25, R 3 Map 7843 was received. Mr. Frazer was present and said that they hoped t o prove or disprove t h e presence of gravel an t h i s property. He claimed they would not ham the r e s i d e n t i a l value of the property. They want t o t a k e aut approxirmtely 40,000 yards of gravel. wmllil 445 Moved by Councillor ReaSeconded by Councillor Stewart That t h e matter be referred t o t h e Superintendent of Works f OF report. Carried. (c) An application from T. Bjerke was received t o purchase Lots 5-2, Block 6, Section 36, R 3, Map 529A. Moved & Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor J.F. Johnston That t h i s property not be sold. Carried. (d) A report from t h e Superintendent of Works was read on t h e possible s a l e of Lots 81, 82, 106, 107, U.0, and 111, Section 8, Port Mann, Map 2546. The Superintendent of Works s t a t e d t h a t they were canducting excavations by hand t o determine t h e gravel p o s s i b i l i t y of t h i s property and t h i s work was not yet complete. The Manager reported t h a t t h e purchaser was considering obtaining other property s u i t a b l e f o r gravel purposes i n exchange f o r t h i s property. Moved by Coucillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Stevens T h a t the matter be l a i d over u n t i l t h e next Council meeting Carried. 5. FIRE AND CIVIL DEWDICE COMMITTEE: (a) The Clerk requested authority for t h e Reeve and himself t o sign t h e contract f o r the LaFrance truck for t h e Cloverdale F i r e Department subject of course t o t h e passage of t h e necessary By-law. The u n i t - c o s t s $18,472.00 f.0.b. Cloverdale plus 5% Sales Tax. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That t h e sighing of t h e contract be approved with the understanding t h e contract is subject t o passage of t h e Bg-law . Carried. (b) A l e t t e r from t h e White Rock Waterworks Company w a s read s t a t i n g they w e r e prepared t b accept payment f o r maintenance of hydrants and standpipes in 1956 only a t t h e r a t e of $10.00 and $5.00 respectively with t h e payment being qbl,O00.00 f o r 1956. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Burrows That t h e White Rock Waterworks Company be w i d $1,000.00 for maintenance of hydrants and standpipes for the year 1956. Carried. (c) A l e t t e r from the White Rock-Sunnyside F i r e Deprtlpent was read concerning t h e Cauncills suggested o f f e r t o t h e White Rock Waterworks Company f o r payment of hydrants and standpipels f o r 1957 and future years a t t h e r a t e of #20.00 and $5.00 respectively. The l e t t e r f r o m t h e Fire Department d i d not give a d e f i n i t e answer whether they were agreeable t o this 446 offor being made t o $l,OOO.OO t h e Company. f o r t h e year 1956. They were o n l y agreeable t o paying Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Stevens That t h e Clerk write t h e Fire Department Committee again and ask f o r a d e f i n i t e answer on t h e suggested o f f e r to t h e White Rock Waterworks Company. Carried. Id11 (d) I n connection with t h e f i r e signal a t Melrose and P a c i f i c Highway i n Claverddle no c a s t s had been obtained and t h e Manager f e l t that it should be constructed i n our own shop. Moved by Coimcillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Burrows That the matter be referred t o the Manager t o take care of. Carriud . ( e ) The F i r e Department reported t h a t i n connection with t h e appointment of a F i r e Chief i n South Westminster they recamended M r . Cook be appointed Chief and t h a t he was prepared t o take Over h i s duties on August 1. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor S t e w a r t That Mr. J. L. Cook be appointed F i r e Chief f o r South Westminster a t a s a l a r y of $260.00 per month effective August 1 on a three month probationary basis. Carried . (f) The Civil Defence Planning C a m n i t t e e s t a t e d that t h e matter of leadership i n C i v i l Defence had improved recently and no f u r t h e r action was planned on t h e matter. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That the matter be dropped f r m the Agenda. Carried . (g) The Camnittee stated t h a t t h e C i v i l Defence wanted t o make a permanent f l o a t f o r use i n parades, etc. The cost wauld be approximately $200.00 with t h e Municipal share being one-quarter o f that. The problem of storing the f l a t when not i n use was a l s o discussed. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That t h e matter be referred t o t h e Civil Defence Control Committee with parer t o a c t pavided s u i t a b l e storage for t h e float Can be arranged. Carried . REPOATS FRCM REPRESENTATIVES ON VARIOUS BOARDS. A R Y HEALTH UNIT: 1. m Unit. The Reeve reported on the m e n t meeting held June 6 with t h e The report showed that t h e expenses f o r t h e last year were $92,474.00 I d 441 and t h a t t h e revenue came from Federal grants of $&3,796.00, Provincipl grants of $30,468.00 and Municipal grants from Delta, Langley and Surrey t o t a l l i n g $18,210.00 Moved by Councillor W. H. Jhhnson Seconded by Councillor Burrows That t h e repart on t h i s matter be accepted Carried. . I . 2. L O m MAINLAND REGIONAL PLANNING BOAED: Councillor Kuhn s t a t e d that he wished t o be relieved of h i s appointment t o t h i s Board due t o t h e recent statements made by Councillor Readman on t h e report of t h e Board on sprawl development i n t h e Municipality. Councillor Kuhn s t a t e d t h a t he f e l t t h e statements were unf'air and that t h e Board's Work was not being given a fair hearing. Under t h e circumstances he f e l t t h a t he should be relieved of s i t t i n g on t h e Board. Councillor Readman claimed he was only replying t o Press reports on t h e Board's report, not on t h e report i t s e l f . Councillor Kuhn claimed that t h e c r i t i c i s m was not l e g i s l a t i v e or constructive and d i d not r e f l e c t c r e d i t on Surrey's Council. The matter was b r i e f l y discussed and no actian taken. REEVE'S REPaRTS: The Reeve read a l e t t e r f r o m the Attorney-General s t a t i n g t h a t as t h e number of cases handled by the Magistrate had doubled since 1950, and as f i n e s and o o s t s had more than doubled, he recommended t h a t the salary of t h e Magistrate be raised from $200.00 t o $25O.OO per month. He pointed out of course that any increase was under the j u r i s d i c t i o n of t h e Council. M&ed by Councillor J. F. Johnston Seconded ty Councillor Burrows That the Mag3.strate's salary be raised t o $250.00 per month, e f f e c t i v e June 1, 1956. Carri ed . MANAGER'S REPCRTS: A. The Manager submitted h i s written r e p o r t under date of June 7 which was discussed and dealt w i t h as follows: 1. With regard t o the remodelling of the Old Jail Building in Cloverdale by t h e Kinsmen Club a s a Comfort Station, t h e Manager s t a t e d t h a t it would not be suitable a8 f a r as the gublic was concerned and t h e maintenance cost would be high. He f e l t t h a t it would be better t o have t h e Comfort Station placed on the Fair grounds. He had discussed it with other o f f i c i a l s but not w i t h the whole Committee a s they had been unable t o meet. Moved by Councillor W. H. Johnson ' Secomied by Councillor Stevens That t h e Clerk advise t h e Kinsmen Club t h a t t h e Council cannot find other quarters f o r t h e C i v i l Defence group w i n g t h e building a t present and that they had not approved t h e use of t h e building 0 448 a t z crj a s a Comfort S t a t i m . The Council suggested t h e Kinsmen Club contact t h e Fair Board and the Parks Board regarding establishing a Comfort Station on t h e F a i r grounds. Carried. 4 - 2. The Manager reported t h a t Richmond Bulldozing Co. was encroaching on the road allowance and taking gravel therefrom. The road allowance is called .Curfie Drive. Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor Burrows That the S o l i c i t o r be authorized t o take t h e necessary action t o stop Richmond Wllldozing Cmpany from encroaching on t h e Municipal road allowance. Carried. The Manager recollnnended t h a t an additional Clerk be employed i n t h e Assessor's Department t o help with the o f f i c e work there. Moved by Councillor J. F. Johnston Seconded by Councillor Stevens That t h e employment of a Grade C 3. Clerk in t h e Assessor's Department be approved. Carried. 4. The Manager s t a t e d t h a t i n t h e matter of additional gravel p i t s he urvlerstood t h e r e might be some available i n the Municipality of Langley but t h a t no action should be taken without obtaining the consent of the Langley CouncF1. Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor Stewart T h a t the Manager be authorized t o look i n t a t h i s m t t e r further. Carried. 5 . The Manager reported t h a t a meeting w i t h the Conmissioner of the Greater Vancouver WaterBoard had not been possible due t o his absence but we have met with t h e i r engineers. No d e f i n i t e conclusions had been reached and he f e l t t h a t a meeting with the Commissioner should s t i l l be arranged. b e d by Councillor J. F. Johnston Seconded by Councilla W. H. Johnson T h a t the Clerk arrange a meeting with Conmissioner Berry a s soon as possible. Carried . 6. The Manager reported t h a t in connection with t h e Port Mann Dyking area and t h e problem of stopping the flooding there he had been contacted by a member of the Provincial w i n g s t a f f and understood t h a t there might be Provincial Government assistance available i n connection with t h e c a p i t a l work t o relieve the flood situation. The first s t e p , however, is t o get permission f r o m t h e Canadian National Railway t o i n s t a l flood gates on the drainage o u t l e t s through t h e Ccnr~pany~s right-of-way. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Readman That t h e Manager be authorized t o take t h i s matter up to g e t the necessary permission f r o m t h e Canadian National Railway. Carried . i I. I 7. The Manager reported that i n connection with t h e paving of t h e Rankin Road on a contributory basis which does not appear t o be on t h e program f o r Ward I11 he had been advised t h a t one owner, an old Age Fensioner, would not be able to pay h i s share of $49.00. Moved by Councillor J. F. Johnston Seconded by Councillor Stewart That t h i s matter of t h e Rankin Road paving on a contributory basis be referred to t h e Board of Works meeting. Carried . 8. The Manager s t a t e d t h a t i n connection with the operation of the Colebrook P i t , the Garage Superintendent s t a t e d t h a t t h e power plant on the crusher would have to be overhauled next year which would be an expensive operation. It was f e l t t h a t it would be more desirable t o have e l e c t r i c power in t h e P i t t o operate t h e plant and use the present d i e s e l motor t o operate the cmsher. It would be necessary t o m n a short power l i n e across the property owned by Mr. Bray and t h i s parer l i n e m u l d cost no more than t h e overhauling of t h e d i e s e l motor. b e d by Councillor W. H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor J. F. Johnston That t h e Manager be authorized to look Further i n t o t h i s matter f o r consideration early i n 1957. Carried,. 9 . The Manager reported t h a t additional coverage had been placed on the Cloverdale F a i r grounds but t h a t t h e cost of the additional insurance was o n l y a p p r o x h t e l y $20.00 and recommended t h a t t h e increased insurance be approved. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Burrows That the increased coverage on the Cloverdale Fair grounds be approved. Carried . 10. The Manager reported t h a t various Policies of Insurance on Municipal property would f a l l due during t h e balance of t h i s year and these were listed i n h i s report. He did not h a w whether the Committee wanted t o s e t t l e t h e coverage of these various properties o r not. Moved by Councillor J. F Johnston Seconded by Councillor W. H. Johnson That the coverage on these various Insurance Policies be r e f e r r e d t o the C o d t t e e f o r study. Carried . . . Moved by Councillor W. H. Johnson Secorded by Councillor Reahan That the Water Works Department Purchasd Orders lk72C-1498C and General Purchase Orders 251D-400D be approved and authorized for payment. Carried. 11 - 12. The Manager reported t h a t during t h e recent wage negotiations t h e Foreman of t h e Crusher crew had been apparently overlooked and he should be t r e a t e d as t h e other foremen. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Readman T h a t the wages of the Crusher Foreman be adjusted i n l i n e with t h e increases given t h e other foremen. Carrie d . 13. The k a g e r reported that he had received a l e t t e r from M r , Stanton, S o l i c i t o r for Mr. W i l l i a m I n g l i s s t a t i n g t h a t he would f i l e claim against t h e Municipality pursuant t o Section 395 of t h e Wunicipal Act" unless the Council made a suitable o f f e r to purchase Mr. I n g l i s ' water system. The Manager s t a t e d t h e matter should be referred t o our S o l i c i t o r t o t a k e whatever steps were necessary t o protect t h e i n t e r e s t s of t h e Municipal ity Moved by Councillor W. H. Johnson Seconded by Counc i l l o r Readman T h a t the Manager's action on t h i s matter be approved. Carried. . 11. The h a g e r brought up t h e matter of t h e recent report t h a t t h e S e a r l e Elevator Company was not receiving dredging assistance t h i s year and t h a t there might be a p o s s i b i l i t y of thean leaving t h e Municipality because of t h i s f a c t . They were a heavy tax payer i n t h e Municipality and e f f o r t s should be made t o r e t a i n them. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Ijtewart T h a t t h e Manager t a k e t h i s matter up with t h e Searle Elevator Company t o see what p o s s i b i l i t y there i s of them moving out due t o t h i s cost of dredging, Carried . 15, The Manager s t a t e d t h a t he had received a rep0.A fmm t h e Superintendent of Works on t h r e e matters which he wished to discuss a t t h i s time: (a) The Superintendent of Works recomnended the widening of t h e North bank of t h e Trites Road so t h a t the water main sould be i n s t a l l e d a t road level, The cost was estimated t o be $500.00. Moved by Councillor Stevens Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That t h i s work be done on t h e Trites Road with t h e cost being shared equally with t h e Works Wpartment and t h e U t i l i t i e s Department , Carried. (b) The Superintedent of Works recoxnuended that t h e h i l l be graded on Pacific Ave. between "El S t r e e t and Finlay before t h e sewer i s installed. The bulldozing would cost between $100.00 and $l.50.00. i U * - . 1' . ., I?. . Moved by Councillor Wlrrows Seconded by Councillor Stevens That t h e bulldozing on P a c i f i c Ave. between tlIT' Street md Finlay be done with t h e cost being shared emally between t h e Works Department and the U t i l i t i e s Department. Carried, (c) The Superintendent of Works reported t h a t the d i t c h on t h e East s i d e of t h e Bergstrom Road between Bentley and the North road should be done before t h e heavy r a i n s came. It i s an urgent matter and He pointed out that Ward I1 had placed it on i t s t h e cost i s $1,000.00. program but it had not been included i n t h e bard I program. It i s a boundary road and each Ward should pay 50% of t h e cost. Moved by Councillor J .F. Johnston Seconded by Councillor Stevens That the mtter be referred t o Councillor Stewart, Councillor Readman and the Superintendent of Works f o r report. Carried . 16. The Manager reported t h a t the SuMivision Comittee had had a meeting on Friday t o discuss t h e problems of sewerage, drainage and subdivision. They planned t o nake a report to the Council on this matter for t h e i r study. It is not a report on policy but only a report on the problems affecting the Municipality a s t h e Officials see them. He s t a t e d they would l i k e t o have t h e services of one man from the Lower Mainland Regional Planning Board t o a s s i s t on t h i s report and money f o r enployment of a Board member b d been provided f o r in t h e Wldget Moved l q Councillor W H Johnson Seoonded by Councillor Kuhn That t h e emplofient of a member of t h e s t a f f of t h e Bard i n connection with t h i s report by t h e Subdivision Approval Committee be approved. Carried. . .. 17 Moved by Councillor W.H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor wlrrass That t h e Manager's report be adogted. Carried. Hoved by Councillor W. H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor J.F. Johnston That the Minutes of the Subdivision Approval Comnittee meetings held May 29 and June 5 tie adopted tagether with t h e recommendations ccmtained therein. Carried B. -. C. The recommendations of t h e Co-ordinating Committee submitted with t h e Manager's report were considered dealt with as follows: 1. The C o d t t e e recommended the i n s t a l l a t i o n of an 811 water main from the high pressure line to that area of Whalley East of t h e Trans Canada Highway t o give b e t t e r water supply a t a cost of $8,000.00. 652 Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor J.F. Johnston That t h e i n s t a l l a t i o n of t h i s main be approved out of water works area No. 1 By-law funds. Carried . 2. The Comnittee recomnended t h e tender of Crane Ltd. f o r 10,0001 of type "K" w/411 copper pipe at $44.72 per 100' be approved. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor W .He Johnson T h a t t h e tender of Crane Ltd. as outlined above be accepted. Carried. 3. The Committee recomnended t h a t t h e Comfort Station f o r t h e W e s t &id of White Rock a t Washington Ave. and Oxford St. be proceeded with a t a cost of $550.00. Moved by Councillor Burrows Seconded by Councillor Stevens That the Comfort Station be constructed out of general Ward funds. Carried. 4. The Ccnmnittee recommendedthat the tender of Northern Ltd. far overhead l i f t type doors f o r variaus f i r e h a l l s except North Surrey as outlined i n the Minutes of June 6 be approved. Moved by Councillor J .F Johnston That t h e tender of Northern Asbestos and Construction Supplies (B.C.) Ltd. be accepted. Card ed Asbestos & Construction Eupplies (B.C.) . . 5. The Committee referred t o t h e Council t h e matter of n a t u r a l gas inspection and whether it shmld be.done l g t h e Municipality or the Provincial Government Moved by Councillor Stewart Sgcanded by Councillor Kuhn T h t a M u n i c i p l Inspector be employed f o r this work when necessary. Carried . . 6 . The Committee recanmended that t h e house recently purchased . a d jacent t o t h e Hall be rewired a t an approximate cost of $250.00, Moved by Councillor J .F Johnst on Seconded by Councillor W.H. Johnson Tht t h e rewiring be done as recarmended. Carried. 7. Moved Councillor Burrows Seconded by Councillor Stevens T h a t the Minutes of t h e Co-ordinating Committee meetings held May 31 and June 6 be adopted. Carried. " I. 453 . .. CLERK'S REPC%ITS: 1. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor J.F. Johnston T h a t the report of t h e Building Inspector for May be adopted. Carried 2. . Moved by Councillor Stevens Seconded by Councillor Wrrrows '.bat t h e Trade License Report f o r May be adopted. Carried. 3. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Kuhn T h a t t h e report of t h e Fire Chief f o r May be adopted. Carried. 4. The Clerk s u b i t t e d a Revised Copy of the proposed kreement regarding t h e construction of a Bawling Green i n Mann Park. Moved by Councillor W.H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor Readman That the Revised Agreement be approved. Carried. BY-LAWS: 1. "Cloverdale Fire Protection w - l a w , 1956, No. 1432". The Clerk reported t h a t he had phoned t h e Department of Municipal Affairs and he s t a t e d t h a t approval of t h e By-law i n writing was being forwarded under t h i s date. The By-law was then read a t h i r d t i m e . Mwed by Councillor W. H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That the "Cloverdale F i r e Protection By-law, 1956, No. 1432" be now passed subject t o the assmt of t h e Electors, and t o reconsideration. Carried. Moved by Councillor W.H. Johnson Seconded Councillor Kuhn That the vote of the Electors of that portion of the D i s t r i c t of Surrey t h e r e i n defined be taken on t h e s a i d By-law No. 1432 on Saturday, t h e 7th day of July, 1956, between the hours of 8:OO olclock a.m. and 8:OO o'clock p.m; t h a t Polls be opened at: Municipal Hall Surrey Centre School Store, New McLellan & L a t h e r Rds. Kensington Hall 0 rn w * w and t h a t Roger N. Chester be appointed Returning Officer t o take t h e votes of t h e s a i d R e c t o r s , with t h e usual powers i n t h a t behalf, a t t h e usual remuneration. Carried. U ilall 2. IUnds Purchase and Dedication By-law, 1956, No. 143311, was read and reconsidered. Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor Stewart That I%ands Furchase and Dedication &-law. 1956, No. 1433" be f i n a l l y adopted, signed by t h e Reeve and Clerk and sealed with t h e Corporate Seal. Carried unanimously . . . , 3 IIHighways Dedication By-law, 1956, No 1434" was read and reconsidered Moved by Councillor W.H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor Readman That "Highways Dedication By.-law, 1956, No. 143411 be finally adopted, signed by t h e Reeve and Clerk and sealed with t h e Corporate Seal. Carried unanimously. 4. llRegulation of Use and Sale of Fireworks By-law, 1956, No. 1435 . was read and reconsidered. Moved by Councillor J.F Johnston Secorded by Councillor Burrows T h a t "Regulation of Use and S a l e of Fireworks I3y-law, 1956, No. 1435t1 be f i n a l l y adopted, signed by t h e Reeve and Clerk and sealed with the Corporate Seal. Carried unanimouslv. llLands Purchase and Dedication E&-law, 1956, No. 143611was read f o r t h e f i r s t time. Moved by Councillor W.H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor Burrows That IILands Purchase and Dedication By-law, 1956, No. ~ 3 6 1 1pass i t s f i r s t reading. Carried. 5. The said w-law was then read f o r a second time. . By-law, &-law, Hoved by W n c i l l o r J .F Johnst on Seconded by Councillor Kuhn That "Lands Purchase and Dedication 1956, No. 143611 pass i t s second reading. Carried. The said By-law was then read f o r a t h i r d time. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Readman T h a t %ands Purchase and Dedication 1956, No. 143611 be passed subject t o reconsideration. Carried . Ulll 455 6. IIHighway Dedicatim By-law, 1%6, No. 143'711was introduced and read f o r the f i r s t time. Moved by Councillor Stevens Seconded by Councillor Readman That "Highway Dedication By-law, 1956, No. 1437 pass i t s first reading. Carried. The said By-law w a s then read f o r a second time. Moved by Councillor Stewart P' 'Seconded by Councillor Burrows i : k< * T h a t "Highway Dedication By-law, 1956, No. 1437" pass i t s secmd reading. Carried. The s a i d By-law was then read for a t h i r d time. Moved by Councillor J.F. Johnston Seconded b$r Councillor Stevens That "Highway Dedication By-law, 1956, No. 143Yn be p s s e d subject t o reconsideration. Carried. . 7 *#WhiteRock Sewerage Works Easements Acquisition Authorisation By-law, 1956, No. l l & Y t was introduced and read f o r t h e first time. Moved by Councillor Reachaan Seconded by Councillor Burrows That White Rock Sewerage Works Easements Acquisition Autharizaticn By-law, 1956, No. 1438" pass i t s first reading Carried . . The said Bg-law w a s then read far a second t i m e . Moved by Councillor J.F. Johnston Seconded by Ccuncillor W. H. Johnson That White Rock Sewerage Works Basements Acquisition Authorization By-law, 1956, No. 1438Il pass i t s second reading Carried. . The said Bg-law was then read far a th2rd'tw.. Moved by Councillrer Steums Seconded by C o b c i l l o r Knhn That "White Rock Sewerage Works Easements Acquisition Authorization Qr-I&, 1956, No. l2+3anbe passed s u b j e c t t o reconsideration. Carried . e and Dedication Carried. I 456; C 5b m crrcj (d MATTERS REFERRED FROM PREVIOUS MEETINGS FOR REFQ€iT OR R E C W N D A T I O N WERE CONSIDERED AND DEALT WITH AS FOLLOWS: 1. Negotiatims with D i s t r i c t of Langley, City of Langley and Delta, r e firemen's compensation referred t o S o l i c i t o r f o r report. A l e t t e r from t h e Building Inspector and also one from Tidy Welders were read concerning the recent complaints concerning t h e i r operations on t h e Trans Canada Highway. It was pointed out t h a t they were planning to build a new building f o r their operations across t h e road from t h e i r present location and t h a t most of the work would be done indoors a s a result The problem of f l a s h from welding, however, s t i l l existed when it was done outside t h e building. Moved by Councillor Burrows Seconded by Councillor Stevens That T i d y Welders be advised that acreens a r e required when welding is done outside i n order to reduce the f l a s h . Carried 2. . . . 3. I n connection with t h e paving of one block of P o r t Mann Road on a contributory basis, Councillor Readman stated t h a t there were no funds available f o r t h i s project t h i s year and t h e Clerk was instructed t o so advise t h e Petitioners. 4. Matter of flooding a t Port Mann referred t o Senior Governments. No renly yet. 5.. Councillor Stewart s t a t e d t h a t no meeting had been arranged yet with Mr. Allm of the Pacific Stages regarding t h e bus s h e l t e r i n Whalley and the matter was l a i d over. 6 . A l e t t e r from t h e Whalley Athletic Association was read s t a t i n g they were prepared to accept t h e Council's o f f e r of $6,750.00 f o r t h e i r property a n d improvements a s per our l e t t e r of May 29. Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor J .F Johnston That t h i s portion of property a t w h a l l e y Ball Park owned by t h e Whalley Athletic Association be purchased a s is f o r $6,750 .OO Carried. . . 7. Superintendent of Works t o report on cost of fencing Kells Road gravel pit. 8. L e t t e r t o be received from Pacific Coast Pipe Company r e work on Sandell and M a r t i m e r Roads. 9. Plan of ditching by M.D. Irvine Sawmills t o be received and approved by Council. kvll 10. Report on t r a f f i c count a t Hjorth Road and Trans Canada Highway t o be received from t h e Provincial C o v e m n t . 11. Reports by Town Planning Conmission on applications f a r rezoning to be received and considered:(a) Mrs. D. L. Sampson, conmercial ioning on King George Highway north of Bose Road. (b) Mr. John Nelson, comnercial lioning on Trans C a n a d a Highway between Liverpool and Sandell. ( c ) Mr. W. C. P h i l l i p s , for commercial zoning on Trans Canada Highway between Liverpool and Sandell. . (d) Mr. Fred Holt, Light I n d u s t r i a l zoning a t HOB and Nesbitt Roads ( e ) Mr, A. J. Ramsay, for conmercial zoning of Lot 1, 2 and 3, of SOW.&,Sec. 30, Township 2, Plan 456 a t Walden and Scott Roads . ( f ) Mr. Stephen Johnson for commercial zoning of 70t x 80' of Lot 7, Sec. 28, R. 2, Plan 1278 Sandell and Westminster Roads. - (g) Mr. Leslie Stone f o r RS zoning of SOW.* of S.E.$, Sec. 20, Tp. 8 P a c i f i c Highway near Fryts Corner. (h) Jens M. Andersen f o r commercial zoning of Sec. 27, R. 2, Plan 6540. pir. S o t of Lot 1, GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE: . 1, A P e t i t i a n f o r t h e paving of the North Road was received and read Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor J.F. Johnston That t h e P e t i t i o n e r s be advised t h e r e is no money f o r t h i s work t h i s year. Carried 2. . A l e t t e r fromthe West a l l e y Ratepayers was read concerning work on various roads i n Ward 11. b e d by CaunciUor Stewart Seconded by Councillor W.H. Johnson That t h e l e t t e r be referred t o Councillor Stewart and t h e Superintendent of Works fat. attention. Carried. 3. A l e t t e r fram t h e Johnston Heights Fire Brigade was read requesting that the front of t h e F i r e H a l l be p v e d when t h e Johnston Road is done. Hoved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor Stewart That t h e F i r e Department be advised t h a t t h i s p v i n g w i l l be done a t t h e i r expense when t h e Johnston Road is paved Carri ed . . l e t t e r from t h e l a d i s s of t h e 18NicholClub" was read requesting a sign a t Nichol and Newton Roads be placed horizontally; t h a t t h e speed limit on t h e Nichol Road be enforced and t h a t a l i g h t be i n s t a l l e d a t t h e corner of Nichol and Newton Roads. 4. A Councillor J.F. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Kuhn T h a t t h i s l e t t e r be referred t o Johnston and t h e Superintendent of Works f o r attention Carried. . A l e t t e r f r o m T. R. Elliott of 14.778 Gordon Avenue, White Rock, B.C. was read complaining a b m t h i s house sinking and claiming that it was due t o t h e sewer l i n e . The Manager stated t h a t work was done on h i s house a f t e r t h e sewer was i n s t a l l e d and t h a t a release f o r dl future r e s p o n s i b i l i t y had been obtained fran the owner and that no responsibility rests w i t h the Municipality. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Burrows T h a t t h e Manager look i n t o t h i s matter further and report t o Council. Carried 5. . Two P e t i t i o n s were received for the paving of Blackburn Road East and West of Nichol Road on a contributory basis. It w a s pointed a u t t h a t t h e r e were no funds available f o r t h i s work t h i s year. Moved by Councillor Burrows Seconled by Councillor Stevens That these Petitions be referred t o t h e 1957 Council. Carried. 6. An i n v i t a t i o n from t h e International City Manager's Association was read requesting t h a t t h e Municipal Manager attend t h e i r Conference in Banff September 16-20 Moved by Councillor W.H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor J.F Johnston That the Manager be authorized t o attend t h i s Conference a t Municipal expense. Carried 7. . . . 8. A l e t t e r from t h e B.C. Centennial Committee was read s t a t i n g t h a t t h e o f f i c i a l Booklet of t h i s Centennial would be published by t h e Sun Printing Company. The l e t t e r was ordered f i l e d . 459 A claim by R. Sutton for veterinary expenses incurred when one of h i s sheep was hurt by dogs was read. He f e l t he should be paid veterinary expenses amounting t o '#LOO. Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor Burrows That t h e Council cannot make payment for i n j u r y but only death caused by dogs. Carried. 9. 10. An application fmm the B, C., E l e c t r i c Company was read requesting permission t o l a y railroad tracks on 34 f t on the new 100 f t . Robon Road, road allowance i n South Westminster Moved by Councillor W,H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor Stewart That approval f o r the laying of t h e tracks be granted by the Council. Carried. . . ll. A l e t t e r fmm the Deputy Minister of K n i c i p a l i t i e s was read s t a t i n g t h a t under t h e "Milk Industry Act" a l l milk must be pasteurized before s a l e after July 2 unless a Municipality passed a By-law permitting the s a l e of r a w milk prior t o that date. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Readman T h a t t h e necessary By-law permitting t h e s a l e of raw milk be provided for passage by the Council, Carried . 12. An application for a water l i c e n s e far E. J . Jacobson of 19103 Campbell River Road was received from the Water Rights Branch. The water would be taken out of the river t o serve t h e East half, SEt, Section 9, Tp. 7. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Stewart That t h e Water Rights Branch be advised t h a t Council has no objection t o the granting of this license. Carried . 13. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Readman That the Munutes of t h e meetings on Mosquito Control held May 15 and 28th be accepted. Carried . 14. A request for payment of #l200.00 on Mosquito Cantrol Program f o r 1956 was received fmm t h e D i s t r i c t of Maple Ridge. It was understood t h a t if t h i s money was not in use t h i s year .St weuld be held f o r another year. Doubt was raised as t o whether t h e Council could m y t h i s money out unless the work was a c t u a l l y done. Nmed by Councillor W.H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor J .F Johnst on T h a t t h i s matter be referred t o the Manager t o look into and report. Carried. . . . . 15 A claim by F. Thys f o r loss of ducks k i l l e d by dogs was received. He s t a t e d 22 ducks had been k i l l e d and claimed $220.00. The report of Constable Douglas was read s t a t i n g t h a t 19 ducks had been k i l l e d and s t a t e d t h a t 50% of t h e i r meat value would be $26.60. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor W.H. Johnson That the claim be allowed under Bylaw 912 i n t h e amount of $26.60.. Carried 16. Letters from t h e UBCN t o the Government on the llCemeteries A c t f 1 t o t h e effect t h a t Cemeteries now cane under t h e Public U t i l i t i e s C a m a i s s i a were read. Council f e l t t h a t Municipal Cemeteries should be exempt f r o m Public U t i l i t i e s Comnissian Control. Moved by Councillor W .H. Johnson Seconded by Councillor &Irraws That a Resolution t o t h e UBCM Convention on t h i s matter be provided. Carried . 17. A Notice of a meeting of t h e Fraser Valley Municipal Association cn June 13 was received and ordered f i l e d . 18. A l e t t e r from t h e West Whalley Ratepayers was read concerning suegested amendments t o t h e Zonbg By-law. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Kuhn T k t t h i s l e t t e r be referred t o the Zoning By-law Amendment when it is considered by Council. Carried. 19. A l e t t e r f r o m the Canadian Federation of Mayors was read s t a t i n g that Resolutions for their Convention would have to be i n by July 1. Council stated t h e y had none t o submit t h i s year t o t h e Federation. 20. An i n v i t a t i o n f r o m t h e Fleetwood Community Association was received far Councillors of Nards I, I11 and I V and t h e Reeve t o attend t h e i r meeting on July 12. The Clerk was i n s t r u c t e d t o advise them t h a t these persons would attend i f a t a l l possible . L e t t e r s f r o m t h e R.C.M.P. were read s t a t i n g t h a t t h e Policing Agreement with. t h e M u n i c i p l i t y should be renewed and t h a t t h e cost per man would be $2385.00 from June 1, 1956 t o May 31, 1957. Noved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Readman That the contract with the R.C.M.P. be renewed u n t i l May 31, 1957 a t a cost of $2385.00 per man per year. Carried. 21. 22. The Minutes of meetings held by Surrey, Delta and Richmond '*all t o recomend t h e appointment of a m e m b e r t o represent them on the new Pollution Control Board were considered. The meeting had recommended that Robert Reynolds be appointed t o t h i s Board. Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor Stevens T h a t t h e Minutes of these meetings be adopted carried. . Moved Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor Readmn That the applications of J. Brooks f o r RU eoning of Lot 3, Lot 1, Blk 1, NE&, Sec. 35, Tp. 2, Plan 8354, except the South 33' and except the South 153' and application of George Scott on behalf of Margaret Pitman f o r comnercial zoning of t h e SW corner of Townline and Latimer Road8 be referred t o the Tom Planning Conmission f o r report. Carried. 23 I ANY OTHER COMPETENT BUSINESS: 1. The Council were advised that a meeting of the Dyking Conmissions t o Further discuss t h e problem of flooding of t h e lands between the.Nicomek1 and Serpentine Rivers would be held t h i s evening a t 7:30 p.m. - ~ 2. Councillor Stevens s l a t e d that he f e l t a l e t t e r of thanks should go to Mr. Gelfond f o r his recent Brief s u b i t t e d t o Council on t h e White Rock Airport, Moved by Councillor Stevens Seconded by Councillor Burrows That a l e t t e r of thanks te sent t o Mr. Gelfond on his recent A i r D o r t Brief. Carried. 3. Councillor Readman s t a t e d t h a t three roads i n the Municipality would require work on them this year and requested that they be placed on t h e program. Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor J.F. Johnston That t h e following work be referred t o t b Superintendent of Works f o r e8timt.e and placing on t h e plpgram f o r Ward I. Extension of the North end of the Westminster Road 100 f t . and gravelling t o be done. Grading The grading and gravelling of One Hundred Ave. t o Mr. Asa Douglas' property described 8 8 : Thc U e s t half, Block 9, Sec, 27, Range 1, Map 1057. This would be approximately 700 ft, of road t o be graded and gravelled . The covered drain f o r t h e Whalley bus stop which is t o be shared equally between Wards I and I1 a t a cost of $50.00 each. Carried, Councillor wlrrows s t a t e d t h a t the subdivision proceeding east of Stayte Road on Roper required a culvert on Roper a t Stayte. The subdivider f e l t t h a t t h i s should be done a t t h e expense of the Municipality. Moved by Councillor W.H.Johnson Seconded by Councillor Ehrrows That t h e matter of a culvert a t Roper and Stayte Roads be referred t o the Superintendent of Works f o r report. Carried 4. -. 5. A l e t t e r from the White Rock Boy Scout and G i r l Guide Building Comnittee was read requesting a Mile of Dime3 C o l l e d i m t o a i d t h e i r building fund on July 28. Moved by Councillor W.H.Johnson Seconded by Councillor Burrows That the Mile of Dimes Collection be approved. Carried 6 . A l e t t e r from . Epr. Warmerdam was read requesting comercia1 zoning t o provide f o r t h e s a l e of f r u i t and vegetables and nursery stock on Lot 38, Ellocks 2-7, NE*, Section 26, Tp. 2, Plan 24, Sketch 11680. Moved by Councillor Kuhn Seconded by Councillor Readman T h a t the a p p l i c a t i m be referred to t h e Town Planning Comnission f o r report. Carried. 7. A l e t t e r from t h e M i t e Rock Board of Trade was read requesting a Tag day on June 23 in connection w i t h t h e beach clean up. Moved by Councillor Burrows Seconded by Cauncillor Kuhn That the Tag day by t h e Board of Trade be approved. Carried. 8. A l e t t e r from the B.C. E l e c t r i c Railway Company was read s t a t i n g t h a t they plan t o construct a gas t u r b i n e plant i n the P o r t Mann area t o augmenb t h e i r hydro-electric generating units. The plant would u t i l i z e crude o i l and natural gas and would generate e l e c t r i c i t y f o r use i n t h e Lower Mainland. They requested that t h e area be zoned f o r manufacturing purposes and that part of t h e Alexander Fark property i n t h a t a r e a be sold t o them ED that t h e y could use it as prt of t h e i r s i t e . 9. A l e t t e r from t h e D i s t r i c t of Burnaby was read i n v i t i n g t h e Council t o the o f f i c i a l opening of t h e i r new Municipal Hall on June 22. Council took note of the date. 10. Councillor Stewart brought up t h e matter of mink farms and pig farms being established i n residential zones and requested that permits f o r t h e i r erection be suspended. It was pointed out that suspension f o r a period greater than 30 days could not be done and t h i s 30 days could only apply near t h e time of a Zoning By-law amendment. It was pointed out that opening of t h e Zoning By-law f o r Amendment would have t o be decided on by Council. Moved by Councillor Stewart Seconded by Councillor J.F.Johnston That t h e Zoning By-law be reopened for consideration i n September. Carried. ADJOURNlBNT : Moved by Councillor Readman Seconded by Councillor Kuhn T h a t the Council do now adjourn t o meet again a t t h e Municipal , H a l l , Cloverdale, B.C. on Monday June 25, 1956 a t 9:30 a.m. Carried. The Council meeting adjourned a t 6:15 p.m.
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