Limousin wind farm projects face delays


Limousin wind farm projects face delays
Taittinger to make
bubbly in the UK
The renowned Champagne producer is to start
growing grapes in the UK for a British version of
the famously French tipple
>> Page 7
January 2016 - Issue #75
Limousin wind farm
projects face delays
A tribunal in Limoges has overturned
a prefectoral decree approving the
region's plans for the installation of
wind turbines. The move looks likely to
create significant delays for any future
wind farm projects across the Limousin.
that has gone up, there have
been vocal protest groups in
close attendance.
For some rural communities, agreeing to install
wind turbines on their land
can bring vital revenues
to ageing and decreasing
populations. For others,
though, they are a folly,
blighting the landscape,
denting house prices and
with grossly overstated financial benefits. This latter camp will have taken
great heart, therefore, from
a recent ruling by a Limoges administrative tribunal
which has effectively halted the region's future wind
turbine plans.
The tribunal followed
the conclusions of a recent
study and rejected a prefectoral decree which had
previously approved the region's future plans for wind
>> continued on page 4
NEWS - Famous
French Madame dies
Madame Claude, infamous
brothel keeper to the rich
and famous, has died in
Nice aged 92. Her client
list was believed to have
included JFK. >> Page 10
NEWS - New 20 euro
notes enter circulation
The latest note in the new
Europa Series has entered
circulation. The new currency looks slightly different and has enhanced security features >> Page 10
the Garden
It may be winter, but work
doesn't stop in the garden.
Our resident expert guides us
through the jobs we should be
doing this month >> Page 14
s the old
g o e s ,
t h e r e
are three
you should never talk
about at a dinner party:
politics, sex and religion.
Over recent years, you
could probably add wind
farms to this list of potentially incendiary topics of
conversation. Most people
are largely in favour of
renewable energy sources
and France has made huge
strides in this direction
(see page 8 for two such
examples), but wind power
has remained a controversial industry.
For a number of years, éoliennes have been steadily
popping up across the Limousin skyline, as they have
across the rest of France,
but for every wind turbine
INSIDE > > >
The Bugle Business
As dozens of cases are reported across
France, bird flu now appears to have
arrived in the Limousin >> Page 3
We all have bad habits.
Develop a healthy one that
actually saves you money!
8 pages of listings for local
English-speaking businesses
- your essential guide to
finding just what you’re
looking for >> Pages 17-24
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Welcome to
The Bugle
appy New
Year to all
our readers!!
you had a
relaxing Christmas and
that you managed to avoid
an appearance on Santa's
naughty list. Much of the
world may be wallowing
in a financial crisis, but
business is booming at the
North Pole if the environs
of our Christmas tree were
anything to go by. In what
can only be a complete
coincidence, my current
account has taken one hell
of a seasonal beating!
At what point did it
children to have literally
dozens of presents? And
we're not talking spinning
tops and skipping ropes.
Almost everything under
our tree could answer you
A very scary thing
happened to me during
December. I was out
afternoon (ah, the joys of
the self employed!) when
I looked down at my oneyear-old son to notice he
was really quite red. Further
inspection revealed that he
was also very swollen, and
a hasty examination of
his arms and legs showed
that his whole body was
covered in huge welts...
he was having a massive
reaction to something, fullon anaphylaxis! I say it was
scary, but that doesn't do it
justice. You can be scared
of heights and spiders, but
watching your child's body
literally inflate in front of
you needs a word of its
Fortunately, I live in
France and within 10
minutes my son was in
paediatrics, had a line in his
arm and was being given
the drugs he needed (I can't
praise the medical team
enough). It subsequently
transpires that he is allergic
to bananas... who'd have
thought it! I've never
heard of that one, but
apparently bananas, kiwis
and strawberries are quite
common allergies.
Personally, bananas are
one of my food phobias...
I can't stand the things. So
ridding the house of the
evil fruit was one happy
outcome of an otherwise
traumatic experience.
experience... the annual
visit by the in-laws! I say
annual, but they must be on
Mercury time as they seem
to be here every few months.
We had cunningly arranged
that it wouldn't be possible
to visit over Christmas,
but not to be deterred, they
just came at the start of the
month and insisted that
we do a dry-run; crackers,
turkey, stuffing, Christmas
pudding, the works. And
just to be traditional, the
odd family fall out!
I did have to stifle a grin,
however, when a small
accident occurred. The
family recently purchased
an iPad mini for “Grandpa”
as it allows him to video call
the various grandchildren.
But not only can he not
work the thing, he also
seems unable to operate its
clock as apparently there
is no unsuitable time to
call... I know there's a time
difference with the UK, but
it's only 1 hour!
(Un)Fortunately, he left
it on a coffee table while
he popped outside and
my little boy just couldn't
resist a quick play. The
inevitable happened and
my son had soon installed
the screensaver that never
disappears... you know the
one, it has a kind of broken
glass mosaic look! As fury
got the better of my fatherin-law and he looked around
for someone to blame, the
angelic face of a boy who
had only the week before
turned 1 looked back, and
even he had to admit that it
was probably his own fault
for leaving it there.
readers of this newspaper,
the cheese grater once again
disappeared. No really.
I'm going to give him the
benefit of the doubt and say
that he was being ironic,
but I'm not sure that was the
Hang on, if all it took
was a near-fatal allergy
to rid my house of foul
smelling bananas, is there
a way I could make my son
allergic to my father-inlaw... maybe I'll be buying
him eau de banane for his
next birthday!
Only kidding John...
Until next month!
Steve Martindale, Editor
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The vineyards of the Creuse! Case of bird flu
and Daniel Nairaud
already run a vineyard
at Châteaumeillant in
the neighbouring Cher
department; Wladimir
Lasareff is an organic
chicken farmer from
Malleret-Boussac; and
Geoffrey Estienne is
a blueberry producer
from Boussac-Bourg.
All four of them,
however, share the
same dream of creating commercially viable vineyards in the
First to move will be
Daniel Nairaud who
plans to plant 0.35
hectares of Savoie
grapes near Bétête this
spring. “They are a reliable grape in terms
of winter weather and
soil type, but I will
plant two or three varieties to compare their
potential,” explained
the winemaker, who
hopes to be picking grapes as early as
Geoffrey Estienne,
who intends to plant
1 hectare of vines in
2017, has not yet chosen which variety to
cultivate: “In our area,
you have to choose
Could you be a
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early varieties, but
also those that are resistant... and I'm also
looking at organic options,” explained the
farmer who already
has some experience
producing blueberry
It will certainly be a
number of years before
the first bottles appear
on the shelf, but vineyards will once again
be part of the Limousin landscape and
those of us who enjoy
a glass of wine will be
able to choose a local
vintage! ■
rance has been experiencing a worrying outbreak
of bird flu over recent
months. In the first outbreak of the virus since 2007, dozens of cases have been positively
identified across France, with
many of those occurring in the
neighbouring Dordogne department.
In December, the inevitable
news finally came that a farm in
northern Haute-Vienne was suffering from a “highly pathogenic”
virus. All 240 of the poultry on the
farm were destroyed and a disinfection plan was put into place for
the entire premises.
The government has created a
“restriction zone” across eight departments of south-west France:
all five of the departments which
make up the Aquitaine region, as
well as the neighbouring departments of Haute-Vienne, Gers and
Hautes-Pyrénées. Although no
cases have been found in Corrèze,
a number of communes which border the Dordogne have been added
to this restricted area.
Within the zone, the movement
of poultry - the most common
way for the virus to be spread is restricted. Authorities are also
implementing strict cleaning and
© JulienLanglois (WikiCommons)
in Haute-Vienne
© sabino.parente -
he Limousin
is famous for
many things:
breed of cattle; the masons that built many of
the country's famous
monuments; even the
number of centenarians that live here! One
thing that you will not
often hear, however,
is praise for its wines,
north-east of the region where the Creuse
soil and climate is not
conducive to a quality
This could soon
change, though, following the news that
four pioneering vintners have secured the
rights to plant vines
in the Creuse department over the coming
years. Currently, the
sum total of the area's
wine comes from a
tiny project at Clos
Bregeot, Dun-le-Palestel, where the Entente Cordiale maintains 800 vines - the
most recent vintage
produced 15 bottles.
Angélique Gabrielle
disinfection programmes for the
premises and equipment of all
poultry farms and there are minimum delays between hatchings at
breeding farms to halt the progress
of the virus.
Live animals and fertilised eggs
can not be moved outside the restriction zone and the sale of nonplucked poultry is also not permitted outside the zone.
The health and food safety agency (ANSES) has said that the main
identified strain of the virus in the
current outbreak is not transmissible to humans and, for its part,
the government has been at pains
to remind the public that consumption of poultry and foie gras currently carries no health risk. Despite this, a number of countries
around the world have already
introduced embargoes on French
poultry products. ■
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Plus Vite!
Moins Cher!
Future Limousin wind farm plans blocked
>> continued from pg 1
power projects. What will now follow is
a lengthy battle through the courts that
looks likely to put all future plans on
hold for a number of years.
“For all projects in the Limousin, it
will be necessary to undertake a detailed
environmental impact study and strictly
observe a process that will obviously
take a long time,” explained lawyer
Matthieu Gillet, representing a number
of associations.
“It's an invasion,” insisted Liliane
Guignard from a local environmental protection group. “Every commune
wants a wind farm, not to produce energy, but just for the money.”
“Wind turbines drive away tourists!”
added Sabine Cadart from a group in the
Haut-Limousin. “The British who have
bought a house in the region are now
preferring to sell!”
“In the Limousin, we should be focussing on the timber industry, which
would at least generate work for local
businesses,” added Matthieu Gillet.
Those opposed to wind turbines will
celebrate this recent decision - one that
will certainly put the brakes on many of
the region's planned projects - but the
fight looks set to continue. The highest administrative body in France, the
Conseil d'Etat, recently approved the
installation of 24 turbines in the Basse
Marche region in the Limousin and
Bilingual French Estate Agency in Creuse
many still see wind power as integral
to the region's future. “This project will
bring significant economic and tax benefits to the area, as well as creating five
permanent jobs,” the region insisted
through a spokesperson. “The financial
return for the communauté de communes
is estimated at around €315,000 per
year, and around €70,000 per year for
the communes in which the turbines are
For his part, the president of the
communauté de communes de la Basse
claims that he does not understand the
opposition to the project, describing
protests as coming “from another century”. “Yes, it is true that these wind tur-
We have over 200 properties ranging from €12,000
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Ref 1985 - €49,500. Semi-detached cottage
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dining room with a door leading to the front
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sink). Convertible attic. Cellar. Attached garden of 599m². Not far away,
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Ref 2010 - €71,500. Semi-detached village house with an attached barn and garden.
Ground floor: entrance, kitchen, lounge/dining room, bedroom with en suite shower room,
laundry room, utility room, shower room/wc,
access into the garden. First floor: four double bedrooms. Gas central fired heating plus electric radiators on the first floor.
Garden of 720m². Sunny terrace with three workshops underneath. DPE Vierge
Ref 2014 - €88,000. Habitable house of good
standards situated in a village with shops.
Ground floor: living room with an open
equipped kitchen and wood burner, a bathroom, separate toilet, utility room. First floor,
two bedrooms, sitting room with a wood
burner, a conservatory opening on garden level. Second floor two bedrooms. Small garden+parking space. DPE D 228,59 & C 15,97
Ref 2018 - €136,250. Fully renovated three bedroom house with a barn and garden close to Bourganeuf. Ground floor: large fitted kitchen/dining
room, lounge, another lounge with a mezzanine,
conservatory, a shower room/wc. First floor: three
bedrooms, shower room, separate toilet. Central
heating. Garden of 1003m². Large barn. Plot of woodland (3384m²). The house is
ʻmysteriousʼ with some unusual quirky features. DPE D 185 & A 2
23 rue Zizim, 23400 BOURGANEUF
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bines change the landscape, but so did
the roads and houses that these people
use when they were first built,” argued
Mr Guillemaille. “You have to move
with the times. For rural communities,
these green technologies offer an opportunity: they can fund digital access
projects, pay for the refurbishment of
schools and prevent communes from becoming rural deserts.”
Those opposed to wind turbines may
feel that they have won a battle, but with
so much support from local authorities,
the war looks to be far from over and
campaigners are urging residents to continue in their efforts to keep up the pressure. ■
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ered by a 4G mobile signal, there remain
pockets of rural France that are stuck in
the internet equivalent of the Stone Age
and are still using dial-up access.
“If they won’t connect us to the internet
so we can communicate with the rest of the
world just like everyone else, why should
we pay our taxes?” asked another resident.
So, two years later, are the residents of
the small town near Châteauneuf-la-Forêt
streaming movies over a silky smooth connection? Unfortunately not and they are
angrier than ever!
The commune's mayor, Thierry Muzette, lives in Bussy himself and knows
the problems all too well. “The telephone
and power lines have been upgraded and
buried, because we also had big problems
with those. That has helped very slightly
for some people's internet connection, but
it is still painfully slow. It is not possible
to download anything...”
When the government committed to provide everyone in the country with a reliable
broadband connection, Wimax was chosen
as the solution in areas that could not be
reached by more traditional means. Dorsal,
the company created to oversee this work
and install Wimax networks in rural areas,
is not always able to find a solution. “Unfortunately, there are some areas, such as
Bussy, where we just can't do anything.”
All of which leaves the town with three
options. Firstly, pay Orange the €220,000
it will cost to connect them, a sum far beyond the commune's modest budget. Secondly, residents can individually install
expensive satellite broadband. Or thirdly,
they can wait until 2022, the year that the
government has committed to providing
every household in France with high-speed
broadband, a proposition summarised by
one resident... “Fine words which we have
absolutely no faith in”. ■
Temporary logo for new super region
he New Year will see
the birth of a new region - the fusion of the
Limousin with Aquitaine and Poitou-Charentes. The
new super region is one of 13
that will be created by the re-organisation of the 22 regions that
previously made up France.
Despite the new regions being born on the 1st January, the
law currently gives authorities
until the beginning of October
2016 to find a name, so it is not
yet known what region we are
actually a part of. This makes
communicating with residents
something of a problem for the
region's recently elected officials and as such a temporary
logo has been unveiled that will
be used until an official name is
agreed upon.
This logo, diplomatically created by listing the three constituent regions in alphabetical order,
will appear on all official documentation that is sent out over
the coming months. Debates
and negotiations will now begin
in earnest to decide on our new
region's name, with among the
current favourites: Aquitaine,
Grande Aquitaine, Grand SudOuest and Sud-Ouest-Atlantique.
The main aim of the reorganisation is to remove layers from
France's complex, multi-tiered
administrative system. Prime
Minister Manuel Valls recently
told journalists that reducing the
number of regions to 13 could
save the country €25 billion in
administration costs and efficiency savings. ■
In 2014, the French government
adopted proposals as part of the
Hamon Law that introduced the
possibility of creating Indications
géographiques protégées (IGP) for
manufactured goods, and not just for
IGPs offer protected status to
guarantee that a product that carries a geographical name was in fact
made in a strictly defined area and
according to certain methods. Champagne and Roquefort are two wellknown French products protected in
this way and Champignons de Paris
famously are not – check the label,
your Parisian mushrooms are far
more likely to have been produced
With the IGP system now extended to also include manufactured
goods, it looks very likely that Aubusson tapestries could soon also
have protected geographic status.
Or more accurately, la tapisserie
d’Aubusson et de Felletin. Only
those tapestries made in a defined
area will be able to call themselves
Aubusson and Felletin tapestries.
“This is a very small industry, but
one with worldwide renown, so we
investigated how to gain accreditation and we have received very positive feedback,” announced Florence
Tessiot, the sub-prefect of Aubusson.
It is hoped that the famous tapestries
will be protected under European
law in the coming months. ■
05 55 41 17 76 - [email protected]
wo years ago, in January 2014, a
small town in the Haute-Vienne
hit the headlines when its residents announced that they would
not be paying any taxes until they were
given a high-speed internet connection.
With more and more government services
only available online, it is not an understatement to say access to a fast and reliable internet connection is essential in
today's world.
The 30 or so residents of the hamlet of
Bussy in the commune of Sainte-AnneSaint-Priest had been campaigning for
years to be connected to the internet.
“We are second-class citizens, forgotten
by everyone,” one angry resident told Le
Populaire newspaper at the time. “On the
other hand, when it comes to taxes they remember us well enough!”
As more and more of the country is
hooked up to super-fast broadband or cov-
IGP protection
for Aubusson
Advertise your business in The Bugle
Still no internet for Bussy residents
Le Pub
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t has long been acknowledged that the UK produces some of the finest
sparkling wines, but now
British fizz will also have
a premium name on the label Taittinger. The Champagne giant,
founded in 1734, has teamed up
with British wine agent Hatch
Mansfield and private investors
to buy Stone Stile Farm near
Chilham, Kent. The farm has 69
hectares of farmland at a height
of 80 metres above sea level and
is said to be ideal for Chardonnay, Pinot Noir and Pinot Meunier vines.
“We have dreamt for a number of years of working with our
dear friends in the UK to create
a special Franco/British project,”
said Pierre-Emmanuel Taittinger,
president of Champagne Taittinger. “We believe we can produce
a high quality English sparkling
wine drawing on our years of
winemaking expertise. Our aim
is to make something of real excellence in the UK's increasingly
temperate climate, and not to
compare it with Champagne or
any other sparkling wine.”
The UK is Taittinger’s biggest
export market, accounting for a
quarter of its sales outside France
and Pierre-Emmanuel Taittinger
said the company wanted to “create something special to show our
appreciation of the UK support
for Champagne”.
Taittinger’s investment comes
amid a boom in English sparkling
wine production and there is already a high demand for brands
such as Nyetimber, Chapel
Down, Camel Valley and Ridgeview. The amount of land devoted to vineyards in the south of
England has doubled in the past
seven years, with a 43% rise in
wine production in 2014 alone.
Miles Beale, chief executive of
the Wine and Spirit Trade Association, which represents the UK
industry, said: “You cannot get a
much better seal of approval than
a Champagne house as renowned
as Taittinger recognising the
quality of the sparkling wine we
can produce on UK soil.”
The sparkling wine will be
named Domaine Evremond, after Charles de Saint-Evremond,
a bon viveur, soldier and essayist
who is buried at Westminster Abbey and is credited with fuelling
© Victor Grigas (WikiComons)
French to make British bubbly
the popularity of Champagne in
the court of Charles II.
Fans of British bubbly will
have to wait before they can taste
the wine, however, with planting due to begin once the viticultural team has found the right
rootstocks and settled on the best
areas for each vine. Ultimately,
Domaine Evremond is expected
to produce around 300,000 bottles of English sparkling wine a
year and the hope is that the first
grapes will be harvested in 2020
and the first wine released in
The British like a glass of fizz
and the UK is second only to
France in consumption of Champagne, with retailers shipping
32.7 million bottles in 2014. The
relatively cheap price of alternatives, however, saw those north
of the Channel spend more on
Prosecco than on Champagne for
the first time in 2014.
Despite the link with Taittinger, the sparkling wine produced
in Kent cannot be called Champagne because the name is protected under EU law exclusively
for wines harvested and produced
in the Champagne region of
France. ■
Diesel falls
below €1
For the first time since 2009, a
litre of diesel was widely available
across the country for less than 1
euro in December. The good news
will not last long, however, as a
new tax on the most polluting fuels comes into effect from the New
Fuel tax is to rise 3.5 centimes on
diesel and 2 centimes on unleaded
SP95 petrol from January 1. There
is no tax rise on SP95-E10, which
contains bio ethanol and is seen as
less polluting, which means that
one in three motorists will avoid
the tax rise.
Fuel prices have been tumbling
over recent months as the price of
oil has fallen 60% since a peak in
June 2014. A barrel of oil is currently around $35 per barrel and
experts believe that this could
could fall below $30 as demand
from China continues to slow
and oil-producing countries battle
cheap shale gas reserves from the
To track the cost of diesel and
petrol in your area, all the latest
prices are available on the government’s official price alert site: ■
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urope's largest solar power farm
has been officially unveiled
near Cestas in the Gironde. The
260-hectare site is larger than the
principality of Monaco and will produce
enough electricity to power a city the size
of Bordeaux. The 300 MW plant has been
successfully connected to the national grid
and is already producing electricity at a
cheaper rate than the latest generation of
nuclear power plants.
The facility is more than double the size
of France’s next largest solar farm, the 115
MW Toul-Rosières solar park and its output is roughly the equivalent of a coal-fired
generator and one-third of a medium-sized
nuclear reactor.
Developed by independent renewable
electricity producer Neoen for a cost of
€360 million, Cestas will produce solar
energy for a price of €105/MWh for 20
years, which is on a par with wind power
and cheaper than the cost of new nuclear
energy, confirmed Neoen chief executive,
Xavier Barbaro. EPR nuclear reactors produce energy at €114/MWh. Wind farms can
produce power for as little as €80/MWh,
although the environmental and aesthetic
impact of solar is far lower.
Not only is the electricity cheaper, but
the Cestas project has come in on time and
within budget; Europe's largest solar power
farm was completed and brought online in
little over a year! Stark contrast to the EPR
nuclear reactor currently under construction in Flamanville, whose budget has risen
from €3.3 billion to €10.5 billion and is
currently not due to start production until
2018 - six years late!
A subsidiary of French construction giant Eiffage performed the installation, although the solar panels themselves were
brought in from China, a fact that Neoen
were quick to defend. “To those who would
criticise us for not using a French producer,
I would say that none was able to provide
the number of panels we required,” said Mr
The giant facility will play its part in
pushing France towards its stated aim of 1
GW of new solar PV installations in 2015,
with the country on course to match that
figure in 2016 and 2017, according to projections from Bloomberg New Energy Finance (BNEF). ■
Europe's largest solar farm comes online
The cheese with a powerful punch
rance is investing heavily in both nuclear and renewable energies as it looks to service the country's thirst for electricity,
but could the answer to its energy needs lie in a less likely
source... cheese?! It may sound like a bad joke aimed at the
French and their fondness for fromage, but a power plant in the French
Alps is indeed feeding the national grid with electricity produced from
At the plant in Albertville in the Savoie department, a by-product
of Beaufort cheese - skimmed whey - is being used as a biofuel. By
adding bacteria to the whey, it is converted into biogas - a mixture of
methane and carbon dioxide. The gas is then used to generate electricity which is sold on to EDF.
“Whey is our fuel,” said François Decker of Valbio, the company
that designed and built the power station, which opened in late 2015.
“It’s quite simply the same as the ingredient in natural yoghurt.”
Beaufort is apparently the cheese that keeps on giving. When the
popular cheese is made from full-fat milk, whey and cream are created
as by-products. For many the existence of Beaufort is good enough,
but the cream is taken to make ricotta cheese, butter and protein powder, the latter being commonly used as a food supplement.
The residual skimmed whey is then placed in a tank with bacteria,
where natural fermentation produces methane in a process similar to
the one that occurs in a cow's stomach. The gas is subsequently fed
through an engine that heats water to 90 degrees and generates electricity.
The plant at Albertville is not the first in the world to convert cheese
waste into electricity, but it is certainly one of the largest: it will produce about 2.8 million kilowatt-hours (kWh) per year, enough electricity to supply a town of 1,500 people according to François Decker.
In the UK, a similar example of efficiently recycling “waste” can be
found at the family-owned cheese maker, Wyke Farms, in Somerset,
albeit on a smaller scale. The company, which has made significant
inroads into the French market, generate their own electricity from
cheese waste, cow manure and leftover crops, all of which are poured
into biodigester vessels that generate enough electricity to make the
cheese producer self-sufficient. ■
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Infamous French brothel keeper dies
rance's most notorious brothel
keeper, who was believed to have
supplied women to some of the
world's most powerful men, has
died aged 92. Madame Claude's clients
allegedly included the likes of former
American President John F Kennedy, deposed Libyan dictator Muammar Gaddafi
and Oscar winning actor Marlon Brando.
“She will take many state secrets with
her,” Claude Cances, a former Paris police
chief, told AFP news agency. “She was a
Madame Claude, whose real name was
Fernande Grudet, made a fortune during
her lengthy career, but lived out her final
years in a small apartment in the Riviera
city of Nice. She was at the height of her
power in the swinging sixties and despite
a few brushes with the law, managed to
evade prosecution for the majority of her
career by helpfully sharing with police
confidential information gathered by herself and her “swans” - the name she coined
for the call girls that worked for her.
“There are two things that people will
always pay for, food and sex,” she is once
reported to have said. “I wasn't any good
at cooking.”
Fernande Grudet claimed that she was
raised in a convent, worked for the French
Resistance and spent time in a Nazi concentration camp, although some of these
claims were later disputed in a 2010 docu-
mentary. What is known for sure is that after the war, she set up her high class brothel at 32 rue de Boulainvilliers in the chic
16th arrondissement of Paris and before
long her client list included prominent
politicians, police chiefs and gangsters.
In 2014, respected celebrity biographer
William Stadiem, who spent much time
interviewing Madame Claude in the 80s,
revealed some of her top secrets including
the names of several of her most illustrious or notorious clients. He alleged that
JFK was a regular and once asked for a
prostitute who looked like his wife Jackie... “but hot”.
Stadiem also claimed that the CIA hired
Claude’s “swans” to keep up morale dur-
ing the Paris peace accords of 1973, which
brought to an end US military involvement
in Vietnam.
As the tax authorities began to close
the net on her operation in the late 70s,
she fled to the US. Believing that the case
had been dropped, she returned to France
in the 80s, only be sentenced to 4 months
in prison for tax evasion. On her release,
she returned to her former profession, but
was eventually found guilty of procuring
in 1992.
Her story inspired many writers and has
been featured on the big screen, most notably in the 1977 film “Madame Claude”, directed by Just Jaeckin, and starring Françoise Fabian. ■
Upgraded 20 euro note enters circulation
o not be alarmed if
you find an unfamiliar €20 banknote in
your wallet over the
coming weeks and months, it is
perfectly legal tender! After the
updated €5 note was unveiled in
2013, followed by the €10 note
in 2014, last month saw the introduction of the new and improved
“Europa series” €20 note across
the Eurozone. The new notes are
the same size and very similar in
appearance to the existing ones,
which will remain legal tender.
The new Europa series notes,
which are being introduced in ascending order of denomination,
are so-called as they feature an
image of Europa - a figure from
Greek mythology and the origin
of the name of the continent which appears in the hologram
and the watermark.
The Europa series of banknotes
includes new and enhanced secu-
rity features which the European
Central Bank hopes will offer
better protection against counterfeiting. Their durability has also
been improved by virtue of a new
coating which has been applied.
Although the notes are more
secure, counterfeiting has not
proved to be a huge problem for
the Eurozone. Hundreds of thousands of counterfeit banknotes
are withdrawn from circulation
each year, but fake notes are incredibly rare: a recent statistic
showed that just 0.0017% of the
14.6 billion genuine banknotes
in circulation were fakes. The
ECB has been keen, however, to
introduce the newer, more secure
€20, as of the 353,000 counterfeit banknotes withdrawn from
service in 2013, three quarters
were either €20 or €50 denominations.
ECB president Mario Draghi
said the Europa series of notes
would be “more intelligent and
more secure than the first series”.
Mr Draghi also said that the euro
“has over the years become the
most visible symbol of European
integration”, adding that the new
notes “continue to reflect the
unity and diversity of our continent”. The notes include some
text in Cyrillic, following the arrival of Bulgaria in the European
and Monetary Union in 2007.
The image of Europa - who according to Greek mythology was
seduced and abducted by Zeus
disguised as a bull - is taken from
a famous vase on display at the
Louvre Museum in Paris. ■
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Food waste laws passed by parliament
rench MPs have voted unanimously to pass a bill banning
supermarkets from deliberately spoiling edible food
that has passed its sell-by
date. It is not the first time that the law
has been passed: a previous measure in
May 2015 was subsequently rejected by
the national constitutional court due to
procedural errors.
The new law will come into effect at
the end of January and will affect supermarkets with a surface area of more
than 400 square metres and require
them to donate unsold food to charities
or make it available for use as animal
feed. Those businesses that do not comply will face a €75,000 fine and up to 2
years in prison for those in charge.
“Throwing out a baguette is like
throwing out a bathtub full of water,”
said the Republican MP Jean-Pierre Decool. “Throwing out a kilogram of beef
is equivalent to wasting 15,000 litres of
Campaigners have long highlighted
the amount of perfectly edible food being thrown out by supermarkets, and
“dumpster diving” has become increasingly popular. In 2014, campaigner Baptiste Dubanchet cycled 3,000 kilometres
across Europe eating only discarded
food he found in supermarket bins.
In response, supermarkets now rou-
tinely dispose of food in locked warehouses or even pour bleach onto the otherwise edible food to discourage people
from going through the bins. “It’s scandalous to see bleach being poured into
supermarket dustbins along with edible
foods,” said the Socialist deputy Guillaume Garot, a former food minister
who proposed the bill. “There’s an absolute urgency - charities are desperate
for food,” said another MP, Yves Jégo.
“The most moving part of this law is
that it opens us up to others who are suffering.”
Under current rules, food producers
are legally obliged to destroy entire
batches of products that carried a supermarket brand name. “Today, when a
supermarket like Carrefour finds even
a tiny fault with a crate of its branded
yogurts, it sends the whole batch back
to the dairy producer, which is legally
obliged to destroy the lot even if it is all
of excellent quality,” explained Guillaume Garot. “This is a very regular
occurrence and we are talking about
huge volumes - several million yogurts
binned per year. Today, the law makes it
possible for manufacturers to give these
yogurts to charities without even asking
permission from supermarkets.”
It is not only the supermarkets that are
to blame for food wastage. According to
official estimates, the average French
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person throws away 20kg-30kg of food
a year, around a third of which has never even been opened. The value of this
wasted food is estimated to be as much
as €20 billion. Of the 7.1m tonnes of
food thrown away in France each year,
67% is binned by consumers, 15% by
restaurants and only 11% by shops.
The Fédération du Commerce et de la
Distribution, which represents big supermarkets, has criticised the changes.
“The law is wrong in both target and intent, given the big stores represent only
5% of food waste but have these new
obligations,” said Jacques Creyssel,
head of the organisation. “They are already the pre-eminent food donors, with
more than 4,500 stores having signed
agreements with aid groups.”
When the new laws were first announced, food charities were cautiously
optimistic. “Donations already work
very well in France thanks to tax break
incentives, but this text is a good thing
as it will enable us to gather even more
unsold produce,” said Gaëtan Lassale,
head of the French federation of food
banks. He did, however, raise the question of who would pay for the increased
infrastructure required. Speaking to Le
Journal du Dimanche, he said that the
proposed law could put charities under
financial strain as they would be forced
to invest in “cold storage, refrigerated
lorries or hangars” to store the food.
The EU is already looking into changes to “best before” and “use by” dates
on certain products in a bid to cut down
on food wastage. Many foods, such as
dried pasta for example, carry best before dates but are perfectly safe to eat
long after this date has expired. ■
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rench MPs have passed a law that
will require ultra thin models to provide a doctor's certificate confirming
that they are in good health. As part of the
same changes, magazines which Photoshop images of models to alter their silhouette must be label them “touched up”.
A previous version of the bill had suggested the introduction of a minimum
Body Mass Index (BMI) for models, a
move which prompted fierce protests from
modelling agencies across the country. The
final draft included a concession which allows doctors to decide whether a model
is too thin by taking into account their
weight, age and body shape.
The approved version of the bill stipulates that models must obtain a medical certificate stating that their health, “assessed in
particular in terms of body mass index, is
compatible with the practice of the [modelling] profession”. Employers found in
breach of the law will face a fine of up to
€75,000 or a six-month prison sentence.
An earlier version of the bill also made
encouraging excessive thinness an offence
punishable by up to a year in jail, a measure aimed at “pro-ana” websites that are
seen to promote anorexia or bulimia. This
amendment was also dropped from the text
finally adopted the National Assembly,
France's equivalent of the House of Commons.
Anorexia affects between 30,000 to
40,000 people in France, almost all of
whom are adolescents. It is believed that
90% of anorexia sufferers are women. ■
Ryanair U-turn on
Paris CDG airport
change in strategy at low-cost
airline Ryanair
has produced
a 66% leap in profits and
the airline has confirmed
it is now in talks with one
of the airports it insisted it
would never use - Charles
de Gaulle in Paris. The
low-cost giant had previously said there are three
airports in Europe that they
wouldn't use because costs
are too high and congestion makes it too difficult
to achieve its set-in-stone
25-minute aircraft turnaround: Heathrow, Charles
de Gaulle and Frankfurt.
In an apparent change
of heart, however, Ryanair
has said it may now reconsider. “We have been talking to Charles de Gaulle,”
confirmed Ryanair's chief
commercial officer, David
O'Brien. “There is no Uturn that we won't execute.
It's an expensive place, it's
a complicated place. We
talk to all airports.”
It is not yet known
which destinations, if any,
Ryanair will service from
Toll charges to rise
© Raboe001 (WikiComons)
Law targets
thin models
Paris Charles de Gaulle.
Over the last year or so,
chief executive Michael
O'Leary has been busy
service to customers, introducing a range of passenger-friendly initiatives
with a view to attracting
more families and business
travellers. Central to this
strategy has been targeting
growth at primary airports
in Europe, a move which
has put Ryanair in more
direct competition with
airlines such as EasyJet,
Aer Lingus and Lufthansa.
O'Leary recently indicated that the airline is also
looking at projects at other
large French airports such
as Lyon, Toulouse and
Ryanair is rolling out
a range of additional revamps in the coming year,
including new cabin crew
uniforms, new aircraft
interiors, a new onboard
menu and a new website.
It's also trialling initiatives
such as Wi-fi and in-flight
entertainment services.
So will those of us
travelling to the UK soon
be able to fly into an airport closer to the capital
than “London” Stansted?
It seems not: “Heathrow is a very expensive,
complicated airport with
limited slots,” said Mr
O'Brien. “We have a tremendous airport in Stansted which has more than
enough capacity for the
moment. Heathrow, quite
frankly, is fantastically
overrated.” ■
Prices across the country's péage network are
set to rise from January following the announcement of increases of between 0.8% and 1.6%.
With inflation effectively at zero and with toll
price rises fixed at 70% of inflation, 2016 should
have seen no rise in the cost of using France's
extensive network of private toll roads.
However, with taxes on the toll operators due
to rise by 50% this year, an apparent agreement
has been reached to allow price increases, a
move that came of something of a surprise to
Ecology Minister Ségolène Royal: “I am not
aware of this and I will immediately be looking
into the matter. The commitment that had been
made was to not outpace inflation, given the bonanza that has been amassed by these companies
in recent years.” ■
Record cocaine bust
French customs officials have intercepted a ship
in the Channel carrying 2.4 tonnes of cocaine,
making it the largest ever haul in the country. The
75-metre-long boat was travelling from Colombia
and apparently destined for Gdansk in Poland.
“The ship was intercepted in the open sea and
was brought to the docks in Boulogne-sur-Mer
where the search operation began,” said Finance
Minister Michel Sapin. “The drugs were hidden
behind a metal partition.”
Sapin quoted the coastguard of the French customs office as saying the haul was “the most important ever carried out in metropolitan France to
date”. The 12 members of the crew, who are reported to be Turkish and Ukrainian nationals, have
all been detained.
The drugs are estimated to have a street value of
as much as €50 million. ■
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In the garden - jobs for January
by Michelle Pierce
t the time of writing this, late December, it is again evident that,
given recent weather patterns, it's
tricky for the average gardener to
plan ahead re the weather. We've had a handful of frosts (just enough to do for the dahlias
and last tomatoes) but no real cold, no real
rain to speak of during the month, with dry,
mild spring-like weather overall. And that
leaves me wishing I'd sown much more in
September/October. If I'd been more optimistic, I could now still be enjoying fresh salads,
spinach, carrots, even peas. So the lesson to
take is probably to give things a go, whilst being prepared for the cold, if it comes. And not
just to presume that the old seasonal patterns
are fixed in stone.
This prolonged growing season has many
advantages for us, clearly, but it also means
that we need to take good care of our soil.
If we ask it to do more, produce more, then
we need to be sure it's well fed, and ideally
that the micro organisms in it are flourishing.
This then leads back to mulching with organic
matter - compost, bracken, manure, leaves,
chopped flax/hemp, all have a vastly beneficial impact on soil life. Think of it like putting a blanket on a bed, insulating you from
the cold and damp (or the summer heat), and
draughts. It just makes everything cosy. And
the mulch gives a layer where increased soil
health means more activity of micro organisms, which is good for plants, and the ecosystem more generally.
The other thing that a longer growing season means, is that weeds continue to grow.
There are, of course, weeds and weeds! Some
are lovely little surface things, easily hoed off
(often edible and good in salads) but others
are more tenacious. Either via extensive seeding (thistles, etc.), very vigorous growth, root
tip layering (I'm thinking of brambles here)
or cunning root development, unseen til much
later (convolvulus, nettles...) So the ideal is to
go round your garden fairly frequently if you
can and prioritise the removal of the difficult
weeds. Don't let them get a hold. That said,
there may well be areas of your garden where
you want them for the wildlife, but just not in
the potager.
The start of the year is also a good time to
look round and see which shrubs and trees are
getting a bit crowded. Ideally they should all
be planted in the right place, with plenty of
space for growth, but often it's difficult when
planting that tiny twig or small container
grown shrub to imagine that they will get
big. So wander round, with a mental list and
decide what will need pruning this year, and
what will need it next year. Think how you
can utilise your prunings to maximum effect.
Try and avoid burning things in your garden.
Log up the bigger branches for your wood
store. Cut up the medium size ones also, or
use as stakes, beanpoles, etc. The tiny twiggy
ends can be stored for pea sticks, used in dead
hedges, bundled up to make faggots or kindling bundles, shredded for mulch, or simply
left to compost. There are an incredible number of uses, so there's really no reason to burn.
Whilst the weather is mild, wildlife activity
continues, and those creatures which should
be hibernating are not, and therefore needing
to be active and feed themselves. Making sure
your garden has edibles for them, and shelter, too, is important. Birds can most easily be
fed, but be choosy about fat balls, etc., as industrial ones can contain poor grade fats, and
ensure you leave some of your seed heads on
flowers and shrubs.
Leave fallen fruit on the ground for them,
Water is very important to wildlife, and
putting out large plant saucers of water is very
useful. Pond edges are all too often steep,
dangerous places for things like hedgehogs,
so put out an alternative, and if you do have
a steep sided pond, put some stones or bricks
at one edge so that if anything falls in, it may
have a chance to crawl out.
January is a very good month to start thinking about the gardening year. Projects, wish
lists, must-have plants, can all be thought
about, dreamed about, and planned now. The
internet is such a wonderful resource for gardeners, and often while surfing we see things
and say “Why didn't I ever think of that?”
Time spent now is time well spent if it helps
you later.
The same goes for seed catalogues, and
seeds generally. Turn out your seed box before ordering new seed, to ensure you don't
reorder 3 packets of beetroot that you already
have. Make a list to see what's missing. Think
about getting ready to sow seed at the end of
next month, so clean and disinfect the propagator.
And so the year turns full circle, and soon
we'll be back working outdoors in the garden.
How lovely that is to look forward to!
Good gardening! ■
Mon Jardin
Leave saucers of water for your garden wildlife - not everyone is hibernating yet!
Dead Hedge
In times past, when people were more thrifty, generally, than today, not everyone had
the means to plant new living hedges (or the time needed to wait until they matured).
However, one quick and cheap solution was to make a dead hedge. You bang in a double
row of stakes, parallel to one another in the place that you want your hedge to be - the
stakes should be roughly half a metre apart and the height of your stakes above ground
will dictate the final height of your hedge. In the gap between the two rows (about 50-60
cm is ideal) you stack your woody prunings, pressing them down lightly as you go. You
are not looking to make a compost heap, so avoid too much wet, green matter (except for
the leaves on the branches, which will dry off).
This is a particularly good solution for really prickly things like blackthorn, brambles,
hawthorn, etc., which are tricky to compost. As you have more material, add it to your
hedge, which will compact down over time, replacing posts which rot out eventually.
If you want your dead hedge to be aesthetic, weave long hazel or other pliable branches
through the uprights, to give a nice finished appearance to the sides. You can plant climbers on the sunny side to make it more attractive if you want. How about sweet peas, honeysuckle or clematis? Wild forms may well introduce themselves, too.
Gardening essentials and giftware
- Tools
- Garden Essentials
- Accessories
- Kids
- Seeds & Bulbs
- Gift Ideas
[email protected]
This is a virtuous circle - you get rid of garden waste usefully, make an effective wildlife habitat for free, create a windbreak for exposed or windy sites, make a structure really
quickly, cheaply and easily, and involve your kids in a gardening project. Perfect! ■
Individual/Group lessons, all levels - Skype lessons via the INTERNET also available
Free trial lesson!
Lessons in La Souterraine & Dun-le-Palestel (23)
OTHER SERVICES: Accompanying and interpreting - house purchase, arranging new utilities,
car registration, healthcare, liaison with French administration, etc...
I am always looking for new students in the English Library in La Souterraine!
Sophie Arsac -
05 55 89 15 74 - [email protected]
Time to sort out your estate planning - Blevins Franks
t’s a new year, so why not make a resolution to get your estate planning in
order? Inheritance in France is a complicated area, including in terms of tax,
and if you neglect sorting it out before
it is too late, your heirs may end up paying
more tax than they need to.
French succession tax is the equivalent of
the UK’s inheritance tax, but it works quite
differently. It always applies to French real
estate, regardless of whether you or the recipient is resident here.
If you are a UK national and resident in
France when you die, your worldwide estate will be taxable in France, not in the
UK. However, any UK assets you own may
be liable for UK inheritance tax as well as
French succession tax. If you are resident in
the UK, your French property will be subject
to French succession tax as well as forming
part of your estate for UK inheritance tax
There is a double tax treaty specifically
covering taxes on death (it does not cover
lifetime gifts), but situations can arise where
tax is due in both countries, on different
events, and must be paid. It is always best to
seek advice from a professional.
As in the UK, an asset cannot be transferred to the new owner until the tax is paid.
Since you cannot sell the asset to pay the tax,
this can be problematic for beneficiaries in
France, where tax must, generally, be paid
within six months of the death.
Closed: 19th December - 3rd January
Succession law
Besides succession tax, you also need
to familiarise yourself with French succession law. France has strict restrictions about
whom you can leave your assets to. Children
are “protected” heirs and may inherit up to
75% of your estate – spouses are not protected when there are children involved.
The new EU succession law, ‘Brussels IV’,
which allows you to choose which country’s
laws apply, does not cover taxation – you
cannot choose UK inheritance tax instead of
French succession tax. However, you do need
to be aware of any potential tax consequences of choosing UK law instead of French law,
and of using UK law to leave assets to distant
or non-relatives.
Who pays what
French succession tax is paid by each individual who receives assets, whether as a
lifetime gift or as a bequest (unlike the UK,
where the estate pays the tax, unless the will
directs otherwise).
Transfers between spouses and PACS
(Pacte civil de solidarité – civil) partners on
death are tax free, but lifetime gifts are not.
For everyone else, the tax rates and allowances vary according to their relationship to
you. The more distant the relative, the higher
the tax rate.
Tax rates for children (including adopted
but not stepchildren) and other direct-line
relatives start at 5% for inheritances under
€8,072 and rise progressively to 45% for inheritances over €1,805,677. The same rates
apply to spouses/partners in the case of gifts.
Your children will each receive a tax-free
allowance of €100,000 per parent. There is
also an exemption for outright cash gifts of
up to €31,865 per recipient where the gift is
made to a child, grandchild or, if there is no
direct-line descendant, niece or nephew. If
you make a lifetime gift to your spouse, they
receive an allowance of €80,724.
If you leave assets to a brother or sister,
they will pay succession tax at either 35% or
45%, depending on the amount – and their
tax-free allowance is just €15,932. However,
if a sibling has been living with you for the
past five years and is either over 50 or unable
to work because of a disability, they benefit
from the same rules as spouses.
Relatives to the fourth degree pay tax at
55%, with nephews and nieces receiving a
€7,967 allowance. If you leave assets to relatives beyond the direct line, or non-relatives,
they will have to pay very high tax rates, up
to 60%, and their tax-free exemption is a
mere €1,594. Unmarried partners who have
not entered into a PACS arrangement, stepchildren and god-children are all classed as
If a property is occupied as a main home
by your surviving spouse/partner or by one
of your children, its value can be reduced by
20% for succession tax purposes.
What about grandchildren?
Rates between grandparents/grandchildren
are the same as for parents/children, but the
allowance is limited to €31,865 and only applies to lifetime gifts. There are rules around
bequests to grandchildren and the potential
tax exemptions – such as the age of donor
and recipient, and whether or not the children or parents are still alive – and they can
be quite complicated. If you are considering
leaving something to a grandchild, it is best
to get advice from someone with knowledge
in this area.
French tax law is notoriously complicated
but there are measures you may be able to
take to minimise French succession tax. Ideally, you should start planning early to make
sure you do not miss out on any tax-saving
opportunities. Seek specialist advice so that
more of your money will go to your benefactors and less to the taxman. ■
Tax rates, scope and reliefs may change.
Any statements concerning taxation are
based upon our understanding of current
taxation laws and practices which are subject to change. Tax information has been
summarised; an individual is advised to seek
personalised advice.
The Bugle CLASSIFIEDS are brought to you in association with
Can you help us save the lives of several
cats? Kittens and adults. All have been
sterilised. Time is running out. They are
in urgent need of a safe home. Tel: 02
54 38 81 76
In need of a new home Please help
Gordon who has been in a refuge for
3 out of four years of his life. Gordon
is a very affectionate cross boxer
and is castrated, microchipped and
vaccinated. He is medium sized, about
25kg, loves cuddles and is waiting for
a loving family to come and take him
from the refuge. He is a dog who only
has good qualities and would make an
ideal family dog and gets on well with
male and female dogs (they are unable
to test at the refuge how he gets along
with cats). He walks well on and off
the lead. He is a loving dog who is
struggling in the refuge.If you can help
please email Annie who volunteers at
Gordon's refuge, SPA Cognac. Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: 2nd hand slate roof
tiles Dimension 30cm x 22cm.
Approximately 5750. 23 cents per tile,
any amount can be bought. Tel: 05 55
69 75 67 Email: rofesteven@yahoo.
FOR SALE: Almo electric motor Written
guaranteed Almo electric motor
0.75kw, 6 amp mono, speed 1350/
min, pulley 37/59 mm with belt.
Price new about €200. Light use only.
€50.00 Tel: 05 55 60 43 96 Email: slee.
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Pine doors 6 panel solid
'knotty' pine wood internal doors
(from B&Q), H 1982mm, W 762mm,
x35mm, can be hung left or right, use
your own fixings. 12 doors available - 5
unstained, 7 already stained light oak.
Unused, 40 euros each or nearest offer.
Tel: 05 55 62 25 18 (nr Gouzon, Creuse)
FOR SALE: Various New 2 panel arched
prepainted woodgrain unglazed
internal door. 1981mm x 762mm.
Unused. 25 euros; 700 400x400
Octagonal composite roofing tiles.
Unused. 350 euros; Velux Fitting Kit.
Velux EDN CK02 55cmx78cm. Unused.
40 euros; Velux Fitting Kit. Velux
EDN MK04 78cmx98cm. Unused. 40
euros; Acoustiplus - 3 rolls interior
wall insulation 100mm /032 /class F
1200x2700. 20 euros. Buyer to collect.
Tel: 05 55 80 84 65 or 06 72 20 35 34
FOR SALE: Silo for wood pellet boiler
Type 30. 7.4 tonne. 2.9m x 2.9m x 2m
high. €1,600.00 Tel: 05 55 63 89 23
FOR SALE: Light wood table Measures
105 cm x 105 cm but will extend to 135
cm x 105 cm. €60.00 Tel: 05 55 41 10 28
FOR SALE: Furniture Sliding doors
77x38x80 with one shelf inside 15
euros. Chest of drawers 90x44x90 15
euros. IKEA Bunk beds 102x200x180 or
left as 2 singles headboard height 107.
No mattresses 45 euros. Chair 65x75x70
10 euros. Electra tumble dryer 20 euros.
Agilo bath shower screen 74x138 fixing
on left hand side 20 euros. Contact
for photos. 87400. Tel: 05 55 37 68 38
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Various Selection of Old
Charm Tudor style oak furniture hand
crafted by Wood Bros of Ware Herts:
DISPLAY cabinet, 1 piece oak and
leadlight glass cabinet with 3 glass
shelves above oak cupboard with
shelf. 108Lx37Wx161H. Excellent
condition - 350€. OVAL oak drop leaf
dining table with turned legs and 4
ladder back chairs with traditional style
heavyweight fabric seats. Small ring
mark on top. Table top heat protector
pad included. 155Lx114Wx75H - 350€.
NEST of three rectangular oak tables
with turned legs. Sizes 60Lx32Wx45H,
44Lx26Wx43H and 32Lx21Wx40H. All
excellent condition - 125€. OCCASIONAL
rectangular oak table, with turned legs
and small shelf below top approx sizes
80Lx45Wx50H - 75€. SOFAS, two x two
seater modern chesterfield style sofas,
no buttons, 3 large scatter cushions
for each sofa. Dark blue removable,
washable brushed cotton covers for
that warm cosy feel - 200€. Photos
available on request. Location between
Aigurande and La Chatre. Tel: 02 54 30
71 01 Email: [email protected]
Bed frames - FREE to a good home
2 wooden bedframes: 1 x single, 1 x
super king (w 180cm - comes with 2
x 90cm sommiers). AR_starlings1@ Email: Tel: Louise 07 85
93 58 16
FOR SALE: Various - beds Single bed
mattress and divan base. Hardly used.
25euros. 2 pine single bed headboards.
10euros each. Single mattress. Good
condition. 15euros. Tel: 05 55 76 10 36
FOR SALE: Dining room set with six
chairs Glass and wood table top. 90cm
x 140, good condition. Bellac. €90.00
Tel: 05 55 68 17 65
FOR SALE: Lovely Monks Bench/Chair
In good condition. €100.00 prieure23@
FOR SALE: Table 80cm square light
brown wooden table with heavy metal
pedestal base in very good condition.
St-Léger-Magnazeix. €30.00 Tel: 05
55 60 25 92 Email: malcolmwalden@
FREE BABY OAK TREES To give because
they grow too close to the house, are
10 cm high. Located 31 rue du Dépot,
quartier place de la Vernade, 63700
Saint Eloy les Mines (east of Creuse).
You are welcome any day, English
spoken. Tel: 04 73 52 46 68
FOR SALE: Lapeyre oak opening
window 120x140cm. (Bujaleuf/ St
Julien le Petit area). €95.00 Tel: 05
55 69 49 28
FOR SALE: Baby Items Cot 66x125x96
bought from John Lewis, no mattress
20 euros. Bike chair for children
Copilot 15 euros. Car chair 3 stage
up to 8yrs old 15 euros. Contact for
photos. 87400. Tel: 05 55 37 68 38
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Road line paint I have a 5
litre can of Dulux/ICI Road line paint
in white which I no longer need. It is
virtually full and in superb condition
(just needs stirring which I will do
before you use). This can currently
cost about £105 in England for the
full can (before transport). If you
have car parking or road marking to
do make me a crazy offer and save
yourself an absolute fortune. Full
usage instructions available on the
Dulux website. Tel: 05 55 60 43 96
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Cuisinière Rosières Good
working order. Near Confolens.
€170.00ono Tel: 05 45 29 69 95
FOR SALE: Various 15 solid oak
drawer fronts, 15 drawer box packs,
15 solid oak cupboard doors 500mm
- 60 euros the lot. Deville diesel
burner 80 euros. Parafin fire 50
euros. 6 farmhouse chairs 80 euros.
Freestanding electric jigsaw cutter
100 euros. 4' black and brass bed 40
euros. Tel: 05 55 66 22 92
FOR SALE: Cast iron grills & flue liner
2 cast iron fancy grills 90cm x 32.5cm
for a door, excellent condition 20
euros. 5 metres used flue liner size
20 cm diameter, good condition
50 euros. Tel: 05 55 76 09 82 Email:
[email protected]
FOR SALE: Professional Massage
Couch with Breath Hole L180cm
W70cm H70cm with carrying case
on wheels plus essential oil hard case
accommodating 32 oils & base oil +
various aromatherapy books, all in
V.G.C. €200.00 Tel: Tony or Marie 02
54 25 39 79
FOR SALE: Godin Log Burner Good
condition. 94cm H, 53cm W, 53 cm
D. Rear Flu 125 mm. Buyer to collect
(Nieuil). £250. Tel: 05 45 29 65 44
FOR SALE: Various 3 x Electric
Convector Heaters. V.G.C. 35 Euros
Each. 1 x Electric Convector Heater
with built in Fan. V.G.C. 45 Euro. 1 x
Electric Oil Radiator. V.G.C. 45 Euro. 1
x Intex Above Ground Swimming Pool
Ladder. Brand new. 50 Euro. 1 x Air
Conditioning Unit. V.G.C. 100 Euro. 1
x Silver Wooden Framed Mirror with
bevelled Glass 76x107cm. 50 Euro. 1
x White Porcelein Double sink. V.G.C.
30 Euro. Tel: Tony or Marie 02 54 25
39 79
FOR SALE: Schutz -1500 litre Oil
Fuel Tank/Container We have a large
1500 litre container that is in really
good condition that could be used
in a number of ways, you know how
creative we can all be..... Maybe,
when washed out a water butt, cut
in half a garden pond? Or simply as
a fuel container. Ready for collection.
Will need two people to move really
sturdy container. €85.00 Tel: 0845
860 5176 (UK)
FOR SALE: French Rosieres Cooker (oil
burning) Good condition - Height
84cms/ Depth 59cms/ Width 75cms.
Pick up from Bourganeuf, you will
need 2/3 people to help lift item as
it will be heavy. Ready for collection.
€150.00 Tel: 0845 860 5176 (UK)
FOR SALE: Large selection of antique
and vintage items suitable for
brocante/car boot. Items from 5euros
- 30euros. Tel: 05 55 76 10 36
FOR SALE: Men's Bike LeJeune VTT.
€30.00 Tel: 05 55 76 10 36
FOR SALE: Various - Clothing Ladies
winter coats. 2 navy blue wool
20euros each. Full length wool/
cashmere coat. Never worn. 35euros.
2 mens leather jackets 30euros and
20euros. Leather motorbike jacket.
Mercury Plus with back support. GB
size 44inches. Euro size 54inches.
60euros. Tel: 05 55 76 10 36
FOR SALE: "DRIZA-BONE" coat Longer
length genuine Australian 'DRIZABONE" wax coat - Medium - length
105cm. Worn three times. In good as
new condition. €95.00 Tel: 05 55 78
79 02
FOR SALE: Flat Screen TV Samsung
P2270HD HDTV Monitor 22 inch
screen plus LG Soundbox. €120.00
Tel: 05 55 66 18 31
FOR SALE: Nexpro 2500 HDMI Satellite
receiver for powered dishes Searches
and locks on to any available satellite.
Cost £168, brand new, never used,
will sell for 100Eu. If not connected
to a powered dish acts as a normal
Satellite receiver. Bussière-Poitevine
area. €100.00 Tel Chris 05 55 68 08 42
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Static Satellite dish with
mounting bracket Bussière-Poitevine
area. €10.00 Tel Chris 05 55 68 08 42
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Mirror 80 by 65cm - yellow
wooden frame with small decoration.
Matching wall lights, toilet roll
holder, shelf and soap dish holder.
St-Yrieix-la-Perche. Photo available.
€40.00 Please text 06 41 99 57 40
FOR SALE: Two Decathlon Forclas
Air 40 litre rucksacks Red. Very little
used. 20€ each. St-Yrieix-la-Perche.
Photo available. Please text 06 41
99 57 40
FOR SALE: Ice cream maker Philips.
Little used. St-Yrieix-la-Perche. Photo
available. €20.00 Please text 06 41
99 57 40
FOR SALE: Decathlon Domyos weights
machine - HG 050E (Similar to
present model HG 60-4). Little used.
St-Yrieix-la-Perche. Photo available.
€120.00 Please text 06 41 99 57 40
FOR SALE: Various 15 solid oak drawer
fronts, 15 drawer box packs, 15 solid
oak cupboard doors 500mm 60 euros
the lot; Deville diesel burner 80 euros;
Parafin fire 50 euros; 6 farmhouse
chairs 80 euros; Freestanding electric
jigsaw cutter 100 euros; 4' black and
brass bed 40 euros. Tel: 05 55 66 22
FOR SALE: Bread machines Silvercrest
machine with 12 programmes to
make loaves of 750g, 1000g or1250g,
delayed start of up to 15 hours. Used
very little so in good condition and
with handbook - 20€. Bluesky bread
machine with 12 programmes,
delayed start of 12 hours. Used very
little so in good condition and with
handbook - 15€. Both machines for
30€. To be collected from 87120.
Email: richardandjanrogers@gmail.
FOR SALE: Bikes 2 ladies, 2 mens,
1 youth. All owned from new and
only used when the family come to
visit at holiday time. All in excellent
condition. 40 euros each ono. Also
freestanding table football 35 euros
ono.(Lussac-les-Eglises 87360) Tel:
05 55 76 42 11
FOR SALE: Jigsaw Puzzles Large
quantity covering a variety of
subjects, all very good quality by
top makers. Mainly 1000 pieces,
some 500 and some 1500 and more.
GUARANTEED. 500 - 1,50 euros, 1000
- 2 euros, 1500 - 2,50 euros, 2000+ 3 euros. St-Léger-Magnazeix. Tel: 05
55 60 25 92 Email: malcolmwalden@
Mobile Home for Rent
8-person mobile home
on the 4-star Bonne Anse Plage campsite
at La Palmyre, 17570 Les Mathes
Call Karen for prices and more information:
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 09 66 03 52 89
FOR SALE: Footwear Pair of mens
black slip-on shoes. Size 10/44 hardly
worn and in very good condition.
Euros 25; Pair of mens black/white
trainers. Size 9/43 well worn but still
in decent condition. Euros 10; Pair
of mens brown leather slippers by
Clarks. Size 9/43 worn but condition
still good. Euros 10; Pair of mens
wooden shoe trees by Clarks. Large,
in perfect condition. Euros 20. StLéger-Magnazeix. Tel: 05 55 60 25 92
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Littlest Pet Shop house
accessories and animals Excellent
refrigerator. Bedroom area with fixed
twin beds. Chemical toilet/shower
cubicle. Motor mover, water heater,
television aerial, new tyres. No water
leaks or condensation. Good clean
condition but slight surface damage
on outside right hand side at rear and
gas fire not working. Used regularly
for touring but would also be suitable
for static use. Near Azérables dept 23.
€4,000.00 Tel: 05 55 63 22 06
FOR SALE: Rear seats for Renault
Espace mark 2 and 3 Make me a silly
condition. €25.00 Tel: 05 55 66 44 06
FOR SALE: 7 barbies + baby and
clothes Excellent condition. €20.00
Tel: 05 55 66 44 06
FOR SALE: Mercedes LHD C Class
Esprit Estate Diesel which is
suspected to have head gasket
problem as taking water. Body work
clean for age. Possible exchange for
tractor attachements, ride on mower,
child's motorbike e.g. pw80, or €500.
Contact for photos. 87400. Tel: 05
55 37 68 38 Email: daisthomas01@
FOR SALE: Hobby Prestige caravan
model 560 UF 4 berth 2004 Length
7.5m, width 2.5m, weight 1600
kg. Single axle, French registered,
European sockets, right hand side
entry door. Seating area, kitchen with
gas hob, sink, LG microwave, Thetford
offer to clear. Tel: 05 55 60 43 96
Email: [email protected]
FOR SALE: Pair of VW Golf Mark 5
headlights for UK driving (Available
following change of lights due to
registration of vehicle in France).
Buyer collects from Fresselines area.
Please contact for more details.
€75.00 Tel: 05 55 63 13 52 Email:
[email protected] for more
FOR SALE: Tow a Van Box Trailer
with roller shutter door Very
good condition. Contact for more
information. €900.00 Tel: 05 55 69
75 67 Email: [email protected]
WANTED: Rotavator Small petrol
rotavator for home use. Based in
Creuse (23). Tel: 05 55 51 19 67
WANTED: URGENT Isolated house
to rent or buy. No near neighbours
and no traffic. Consider anything in
regions Centre or Limousin. Tel: 02 54
38 81 76
Experienced shopfitters
Experienced shopfitters required for
installs all across France.
Joiners, electricians and labourers
also required.
Email: [email protected]
Business Directory
Your indispensable guide to finding local businesses & artisans
Animals & Pets
Auto Services
Building Services
Fosses Septiques
Animals & Pets
Chimney Sweeps
>> pg 17
>> pg 18
Food & Drink
>> pg 18
Garden Services
>> pg 18
>> pg 18-20 Gifts & Crafts
Handholding Services
>> pg 20
Health & Beauty
>> pg 20
>> pg 17
>> pg 17
>> pg 17
English Spoken - 30 years experience
Fully qualified - B.H.S.I.I.
Specialise in dressage and eventing
Based in dept. 87
Contact: Diane Smeaton
>> pg 20
>> pg 20
>> pg 20
>> pg 20
>> pg 21
>> pg 21
>> pg 21
>> pg 22
>> pg 22
>> pg 22
>> pg 22
Mobile: 06 40 07 47 78
siret: 813 001 708 00011
TEL: 06 30 96 02 02
E: [email protected]
siret: 799 169 479 00018
dog holidays
Small, friendly English-run
kennels in Bétête (23270).
Open 365 days a year.
Call Leanne on:
05 55 80 42 47
or email
[email protected]
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
Caring, quiet accommodation
just for cats
JUNCT 22 off A20, Arnac la Poste
Suppliers of Car & Van
Spares & LHD headlights,
anywhere in France
Antiques and Junk Shop
LCS 23 Autos
Car and Van Sales
European Transport
06 23 29 24 70 - see pg 16
SIRET: 520 896 671 00010
Tel: 07 80 00 46 23
UK Mob: +44 (0)7902 838 776
See Display Ad pg 19
Purpose built kennels - dept 16.
45 years animal care experience.
Fully insured and vet approved.
Individual kennels plus family pens.
Walking off lead 4 times a day.
Michael and Wendy Aldrich
05 45 66 14 62
Siret: 494 030 919 00018
The Orchard
Kennels & Cattery
(Farges, nr. Aubusson)
Small & friendly, English run.
Viewings welcome.
Certificat de capacité.
Also available: Pet foods, treats
& accessories.
Mon - Sat: 9.00 - 7.00
Contact Dave Grant: 05 55 67 58 87
siret: 504 584 228 00010
[email protected]
Vehicle Repairs
and Repatriation
Can, van & motorcycle
repairs and servicing
Vehicle transport undertaken,
both locally and from the UK
[email protected]
06 17 49 11 72
siret: 815 114 772 00016
RICS Chartered Surveyor
Registered Car Mechanic
Cats and Dogs
Boarding Kennels
Tel: 06 43 86 73 27
Tel: 05 55 60 27 83
[email protected]
>> pg 23-24
>> pg 24
Lovely French finds from the Limousin
Open most days
4 La Brauderie, 23160 St-Germain-Beaupré
Alison & Ray
>> pg 22
>> pg 22
>> pg 22-23
>> pg 23
>> pg 23
>> pg 23
35+ years experience, fully insured
- pre-purchase house surveys
- digital floor plans
- project monitoring
+44 (0)1377 255470
+44 (0)7830 170761
[email protected]
Email: [email protected]
House Clearance
Insurance & Finance
Language Services
Pest Control
Property Sales
Retail & Commerce
At we can help guide you
through your planning application in France.
From initial feasibility to completed dossiers.
We will compile all the relevant drawings and
complete the necessary paperwork to ensure
your application proceeds smoothly.
We are equally at home working with clients
here in France or those living abroad.
Tel: 05 55 80 72 83
Mob: 06 33 07 29 72
Email: [email protected]
Siret: 790 016 984 00011
Pre-purchase & Structural Surveys.
Verbal & written reports.
Structural calculations & drawings.
Redevelopment ideas & solutions.
Tim Haw B.Eng C.Eng M.I.Struct.E
FR: 0033 (0)6 05 56 42 81
UK: 0044 (0)7448 466 662
Email: [email protected]
Siret: 498 843 051 00018
Renovating your
French property?
New build?
Dossiers prepared
Permis de Construire
Déclarations Préalables
Tel: 05 53 52 36 05
[email protected]
SIRET: 493 770 358 00015
Septic tanks
systems designed with permissions &
paperwork included and independent
approval with certification.
concrete floors, concrete terraces,
concrete retaining walls, openings,
underfloor heating, insulation, steps.
bathrooms & kitchens
from design to completion, ceilings,
partition walls, drylining.
trading 7 years
see our portfolio at
registered and insured for all work we do
- Electricity
- Plumbing
- Air conditioning and heat pump
- Small renovations
(bathrooms, kitchens, etc.)
Dutch and English spoken
Creuse / Puy-de-Dôme
E-mail: [email protected]
A. Wright
Mob. 06 40 56 96 12
Tel. 05 55 67 57 64
Carpenter & Joiner
06 35 12 10 66
see main ad - pg 2
Siret: 753 054 030 00014
Wood Work
05 55 14 12 43
Available for all types of electrical work
Small jobs, new builds,
renovations, rewires
Consuel assistance and
certification service available
Fully insured with 10 year
workmanship guarantee
Based near Châlus (87230)
Please explore our website for more info:
Oradour Sur Vayres (87150) - siren 752 051 482
Tel: 09 72 35 74 73
Email: [email protected]
@iret: 794 282 368 00016
05 55 41 17 76
Lumiere Service
et Energie
Steven Rofe
20+ Years experience
• NICEIC approved Electrician for
8 years in the UK
• Wiring of new installations
(including liaising with EDF)
• Rewiring existing houses/barns
• External & garden lighting
• All aspects of electrical works
• Fully insured - (10 year Decennale)
• Departments covered 19,23 & 87 /
email: [email protected]
Siret No. 501.792.386.00010
Pink Electrique
Ruth & Geoff Kowalczyk
All electrical work, home automation & security.
Project management.
See our website for more
French qualified and insured.
30+ years worldwide experience.
Departments covered: 23, 36, 87.
Tel: 05 55 63 10 68
Mob: 06 64 59 48 64
Email: [email protected]
SIRET: 788 709 871 00016
[email protected]
Tel: 05 55 64 94 20
Mob: 07 86 38 09 61
* Qualified electrician
* All types of electrical
works carried out
* Free estimates
* Fault finding
* Consuel certification arranged
* Temporary and permanent
EDF supplies arranged
* Departments 23 and 87
No Siret: 494 916 760 00015
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
email: [email protected]
Jeff Jones: 05 55 62 46 21
Mob: 06 38 25 74 62
siret: 810 322 123 00011
La Noneix
Double D
Renovations &
Home Improvements
All types of building work, groundwork,
renovations, decorating and maintenance
05 55 65 00 29 / 06 33 19 99 64
email: [email protected]
siret: 510 357 155 00017
Plant Sales
Steve Johns
La Coterie Entreprise
20+ years experience
All aspects covered:
Carpenter Builder
Portfolio available to view at
Mini diggers, backhoe
loaders, site dumpers, etc.
Groundworks, site clearance
and gardening services
Very competitive prices
Call Ant: 05 55 05 09 60
Mob: 07 50 44 76 27
Fosse Septique
Quality Workmanship Since 1986
& Property Services
Established, Professional and
Personal Building Services. Fully
registered with décennale
insurance covering all works.
●New builds ●Roofing
●Stonework ●Carpentry
●Ground works
Large or small projects undertaken
- please view our website.
Contact: Paul or Joanne Rands
[email protected]
SIRET: 501 144 596 00019
siret: en cours
Approved septic tank installer
See our main ad above
Paperwork and permissions arranged
Installations (full/part)
Upgrades (to current regs)
Digger and dumper hire
Groundworks, foundations, driveways, etc.
Building & Renovation services
Free devis and site visit
We guarantee to beat any like for like quote !
siret: 514 556 208 00015
05 55 41 17 76
06 49 66 44 25
▪ Emptying septic tanks
▪ Unblocking pipes
▪ Cleaning wells
▪ Group rates available
between neighbours
Call David - 24/24 7/7
87800 Jourgnac
Siret N° 750 725 780 00019
All Renovations and Constructions
Roofs constructed & repaired
Attic conversions & velux fitted
Chimney repairs
Kitchen & Bathroom fitting
Dry Lining
All work fully insured
Free Quotation
TEL : 05 55 69 24 82
E-mail : [email protected]
Siret No: 524 866 621 00013
Dave Cardwell - Builder
05 55 98 24 12
See our Display Ad - pg 12
Scaffold Hire
DIY or Full
Scaffold Service
See our website
or phone for details
05 55 89 69 46
[email protected]
Entreprise Hines Building Services
All Internal & External Works, completed to a high standard.
We also supply KWIKSTAGE scaffold for hire - either DIY or full scaffold service provided.
siret: 503 169 237 00016
See website for more info - - 05 55 89 69 46 - [email protected]
SIRET: 503 169 237 00016
“SolarVenti”- the solar solution to damp and humidity
How it works
The principle behind Solarventi
is simple: a small, built-in, solar cell powers a 12V fan that is
connected to an air vent, a control unit and an on/ off switch.
Whenever the sun shines, the
air in the solar panel is heated
and the fan, receiving power
from the solar cell, introduces
warm, dry air into your home at
the rate of 20 to 100 cubic metres per hour.
The initial models were more
than capable of keeping the cottages dry (and ventilated), even
with the limited sunshine hours
available in Denmark during
the winter season. Since that
time, the technology has really come along in leaps and
bounds. Now, more than 20
years later, the 3rd and 4th generation Solarventi have exceeded all expectations.
In Southern Europe, Solar-
simple solar energy system that runs on its own,
even when you are not
there! – And provides a free heat
supplement in winter.
The Solarventi air panel was
invented more than 20 years ago
by Hans Jørgen Christensen,
from Aidt Miljø, with the backing of the Danish government.
He wanted to use the sun’s energy for airing and ventilation of
the thousands of holiday homes
on the West coast of Jutland,
- houses that were left empty
and unheated for long periods
- houses with damp problems,
mould and bad odours - houses
that left their owners with discomfort, lots of work and expense. He wanted a system that
would be safe, simple, without
the need for radiators, water and/
or mains electricity. Slowly but
surely, the first Solarventi model
came together.
Max Huggett
Experienced and fully
registered builder with 10
year Décennale Insurance
Offering a broad selection of building
services in depts. 87, 19 & 23.
From one off installations to complete
renovations, construction,
landscaping and ground works.
E: [email protected]
T: 05 55 69 37 64
M: 06 80 92 23 82
venti is not only used for ventilation/dehumidification purposes;
with far more winter sunshine
hours, it also provides a substantial heating supplement. Several technical and governmental
studies show that incoming air
temperature can be increased by
as much as 40°C.
A DIY Solution?
The installation process is very
straightforward and should only
take two or three hours. All that
is needed is a drill, hammer
and chisel to make a hole in the
wall. Roof installations are also
possible. In fact, the Solarventi
was originally designed to be a
DIY product - in Scandinavia it
still is.
There are no electrical or
water connections and it can be
safely left running, even when
the property is empty. Solarventi requires no maintenance
Building & Renovation
● Roofing - New & Repairs
● Masonry
● Plastering
● Dry Lining
● Sand Blasting
● Equestrian Buildings
● Digger/Scaffold Hire
● ... and much, much more
28 years qualified experience
English & French spoken - Siret: 518 511 340 00011
RSW Entreprises
Fosse Septiques/Micro stations
[email protected]
French Lily
See our Display Ad - pg 8
Kitchens & Interiors
05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 15
Monte Sarginson
Double D
Inside & Out
Experience in Roofing, Tiling
Floors & Walls, Plumbing,
Fitting Kitchens & Bathrooms,
Stonework & Rendering,
Painting & Decorating
Tel: 05 55 63 88 70
Mob: 06 21 34 18 20
Renovations & Home
05 55 65 00 29 - pg 12
Paul Jones
Experienced and fully registered
artisan, offering a high quality
finish and service
Siret no 507 516 748 00013
• 10yr Décennale Assurance
• Full house/barn renovation
• Plasterboarding walls and ceilings
• Tape and Jointing • Kitchen Installation
• Roofing works • Carpentry • Patios/Decking
05 55 41 17 76
Tel: 05 55 69 28 12
Mob: 06 73 18 63 47
Email: [email protected]
siret no: 495 067 829 00020
Car Mechanic
05 55 81 31 85
(contrôle technique)
SIRET: 494 617 798 00017
■ ... much more
Dept. 23 & surrounding areas
SOLARVENTI - Available in the Limousin
From Harlequin Developments
Tel: 05 55 68 67 56
Mobile: 06 06 60 46 97
J Renovations
R & B Construction 30Tyears
experience in building trade
• House & barn renovations
• Garage/loft conversions
• Bathroom/shower rooms
• Doors/windows • Roofing
• Patios/decking
• Plumbing & Electrical
• 10 year Guarantee Insurance
See our website:
Tel: 05 55 37 74 06 (Dave)
Tel: 05 55 69 75 67 (Steve)
Full refurbishments undertaken
• Stone/Brickwork • Patios
• Repointing • Studwork
• General Repairs & Maintenance
All areas in the Limousin covered
Contact Tim
05 55 61 16 30 / 06 85 37 04 35
Email: [email protected]
Siret: 750 068 116 00011
Quality Workmanship Guaranteed
Internal/ External Developments
Barn conversions, loft conversions, new-build,
drylining, plastering, rendering, spray
rendering, tiling, installation of kitchens/
bathrooms, painting, carpentry, replacement
doors & windows, velux installation, groundworks, landscaping, decking & much more...
No job too big (or small). Give us a
call for a free competitive quote.
05 55 60 29 50 / 06 04 13 30 57
email: [email protected]
Based Arnac-la-Poste - Covering depts 87, 23 & 19
Siret: 498 203 652 00017
Maintenance Services
Qualified Tradesman 20+ years experience
Offering extensive handyman
and general maintenance services
Small jobs a speciality, able to work with
you on your renovation projects
Affordable & reliable, a quality job every time
Servicing 23 and surrounding areas. Call Jim:
05 55 66 23 97
06 27 25 07 78
Siret: 792 049 025 00010
All aspects of renovation
and refurbishment, big or
small, undertaken.
Harlequin Developments are
a Distributor and Installer
for Solarventi,
solar dehumidifying
and ventilating products.
Stephen Cullinane & Son
From the foundations to the roof
Established 9 years in France
05 55 81 00 53 - see pg 10
Davis & Davis [email protected]
30 years' Experience in Construction,
Renovation & Project Management
05 55 41 17 76
Paul Goldsmith
Interior Renovations
Registered for 8 years in France
High quality work,
excellent references available
• Kitchens • Bathrooms
• Tiling • Wood flooring
• Loft conversions • Pointing
• Windows • Plasterboarding
Covering Creuse and Indre
e: [email protected]
t: 09 66 03 52 89
[email protected]
SIRET: 494.501.067.00016
05 55 41 17 76
uPVC windows, doors,
porches & conservatories
Available in white or oak woodgrain.
Visit our website for more information.
email: [email protected]
siret: 503 133 159 00015
SIRET 494 123 847 00019
Steve Johns
Assainissement - see pg 14
Advertise your business here
[email protected]
no job too small - very competitive rates
30 Years’ Experience Joiner
Kitchens, Bedrooms & Bathrooms
Flooring & General 2nd Fix
Finishing, Joinery & Decking
Emergency Lock Services
Mike Christie
05 55 64 35 11 (Home)
07 87 38 58 88 (Mobile)
[email protected]
Siret: 802 265 728
■ Services
■ Brakes
■ MOT Prep
Units start from €630 TTC.
Several ex-demonstration
models available at reduced
prices, call for details.
(Depts 23, 87 & 19) siret: 501 792 386 00010
SIRET: 503 169 237 00016
House Renovations
- if the property is unoccupied
during the hot summer months,
then it can be left running at low
speeds for ventilation and dehumidification purposes or simply
switched off.
With a range of panel sizes,
and the option for wall or roof
mounting, Solarventi is suitable
for all types of buildings, caravans or even boats!! Following
the patenting of its design in
2001, Solarventi has only recently been actively commercialized. Over the last six years,
Solarventi units have been installed in more than 24 countries
and demand is increasing rapidly. From Greenland to Australia,
Solarventi is finally getting the
recognition it deserves. ■
A. Wright
Mini-Digger with driver
Carpenter & Joiner
06 35 12 10 66
[email protected]
see main ad - pg 2
Travaux Publics - pg 3
For more information
on advertising in the
Bugle Business
Directory, give us
a call or send us an
05 55 41 17 76
Scaffolding Hire
Large stock
Rapid response
Good rates for long & short term hire
Erected or self-erect
Delivery or collection
All areas covered
Call Dave:
06 42 73 83 37
siret: 795 207 067 00013
• house/barn/garden clearances
• dechetterie runs
• rubbish removal
• cash paid for scrap
• general labouring service
• mini digger - with/without driver
• Vehicle with 1.5 tonne crane
05 55 37 45 35
06 74 21 47 71
& More
General building
Renovation & maintenance
Reliable, good quality work
30 years exp
Based central 23 - will travel
Martin Sprague
05 55 61 93 07
SIRET: 531 768 182 00010
Painting and Decorating
Interior and Exterior
Colour Consultations
Room Re-designs
Kathleen Willis
05 55 63 53 06
[email protected]
siret 802 262 35200015
Simon Carter
Painter & Decorator
Qualified craftsman with over 25 years UK
siret 532 981 198 00015
See Main Ad below
experience, now based in Haute-Vienne.
Specialist services:
Interior & exterior painting &
decorating, wallpapering, plastering.
m: 06 29 97 50 16
siret: 517 848 826 00023
A genuine plasterer
French and English spoken
Traditional Plastering
Rendering, Stud partition dry lining
Lime mortar stone pointing
05 55 63 53 06
06 23 29 48 19
[email protected]
Le Bourg, 23360 Nouzerolles
SIRET: 504 612 441 00015
Quality Plasterwork,
Internal & External
Heating & Plumbing engineer
05 55 63 89 23
(18 Years Experience)
Email: [email protected]
Caught out last winter?
Don't worry!
We can now offer
winter checks, drain
downs, caretaking,
general DIY, key
holding, as well as
our usual friendly
plumbing services.
05 55 80 92 91
[email protected]
Siret: 534 396 908 00012
Roofing & Plastering/
Plasterboarding Service
25+ years roofing experience
All aspects of roofing, large or small
15+ years experience plastering/boarding
Fully registered and insured
Trading in France since 2007
Call Mark for a free quotation
06 78 60 96 16
[email protected]
Siret No. 493 159 412 00011
Sand and Blast
We provide a fully operated
service for wood, stone and metal.
Perfect for stripping away years
of grime or paint.
Contact us for a free quote, or see our website:
05 55 76 31 59 / 06 77 40 95 92
[email protected]
[email protected]
SIRET: 812 727 253 00013
Deadline for all
advertising is the
15th of the month
for the following
month's edition.
[email protected]
Siret: 527 736 326 00010
10 year guarantee.
Covering depts. 23 & 87.
Call Stuart on:
Mob: 06 42 38 54 22
Tel: 02 54 30 11 20
Martin Walters
Siret 522 804 723 00016
Tel: 06 45 18 86 10
All types of roofing
External insulation
Carpentry work
Dormer windows
Velux windows
Zinc guttering
Chimney repoints
Lead flashing, etc.
Contact Phil Andrews:
see pg 11
Tel 02 54 24 84 62
Plasterboarding, Partitioning,
Skiming, Solid Plastering,
Floor Screeding,Rendering: Mono
Couche/Coloured Render
Waterproofing Render Systems
siret: 509 180 410 00011
e: [email protected]
the Plasterer
Eurl Réno-Gén
Email: [email protected]
Installation, servicing & maintenance of all
types of boiler: wood, gas, fuel, pellet...
Solar panels installed and maintained.
Underfloor heating, bathrooms, kitchens, etc...
General electric works up to full house rewire.
Will travel.
Tel: 05 87 19 91 50
Mob: 07 81 26 88 65 Le Plâtrier du Limousin
The friendly
Email: [email protected]
siret: 792.130.932.00017
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
Benjamin Jourdan
[email protected]
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
Roofing Specialists
see main ad opposite
05 55 41 17 76
To advertise in The Bugle Business Directory, call 05 55 41 17 76
Mini Digger
with Driver for Hire
Landscaping, ditching,
land clearance etc.
Also general
Garden Maintenance
John Bonella
87440 Marval
05 55 78 62 29
siret no. 523 183 580 00019
[email protected]
50,000 sq ft of covered
showrooms & 2 large
external display areas
- All reclamation bought & sold
- Demolition undertaken
- Specialists in oak beams
- Metalwork & stonework
- Indian stone flooring
- Plywood, all in 8x4 sheets: internal, external and marine grade
Open Mon-Sat 8.30am to 6pm -
Only 1km from Confolens on the D952 Ansac-sur-Vienne road
Le Viaduc Bar-Restaurant
Le Bourg, 87250 Folles
Menu du Jour - 4 courses + wine for €12.90
Full à la carte menu - locally brewed beers - regular events
Opening times - Tue-Sun: 10h-14h30. Wed-Thu 18h-21h. Fri-Sun: 18h-22h. Closed Mon & Tue evening.
Dept 23 & surrounding areas
Tel: 05 55 62 05 61
Mob: 06 23 40 18 64
Email: [email protected]
siret: 453 067 910 00019
L'homme de l'ecosse
WordPress Business Solutions
and Website Designs
Chimney Sweep Service
* All types of chimneys cleaned
* Brush & Vacuum
* Smoke Tested * Fully Insured
* HETAS Approved and
member of NACS
* Official certificates of cleaning
issued (Certificat de Ramonage)
* Clean, tidy, professional
& friendly service
I specialise in designing and building
professional websites for individuals and
businesses of all sizes.
05 55 10 96 03
[email protected]
Le Viaduc - Bar/Restaurant
Le Bourg, 87250 Folles
see main advert above
Le Champsac
05 55 41 17 76
B&B Restaurant Bar
Tabac & Salle des Fêtes
Food &
good food!
good company!
good night out!
open all year
regular events
private parties
Prices start at only €249
for a personal website including
free domain name and first year hosting.
Call Stuart now on 06 37 82 56 67
to discuss your requirements.
Tel: 05 55 66 48 55
Mob: 06 31 59 81 08
[email protected]
For menus and venues:
Tel: 05 45 29 03 99
Follow us on facebook
e : [email protected]
E-mail: [email protected]
Chimney Sweeping
Approved Supplier
• Flue ways cleared
• Birds nests, vermin
& debris removed
• Smoke evacuation & gas
tightness tests
• Official certificates of cleaning
issued (Certificat de Ramonage)
Wi-Fi, Data Networks, CCTV
For sales, service or advice
call Mike G on:
05 55 09 15 73
We only use our own qualified staff
No call out charge
Free quotations
All areas covered
Quality work from qualified Staff
5 Place de la Republique Sauviat-sur-Vige 87400
05 55 63 78 72
Siren: 502 409 949
siret no 798 364 600 00014
& Satellites
For all your TV
and satellite
installations and repairs
(Sky TV, Internet etc.)
Call Patrice:
[email protected]
Fast dependable service
Based Séreilhac (87)
m : 07 70 39 12 23
Parties 20+ & events catered for
siret: 498 199 306 00016
Try Something Different
Chez Jacques
Marsac (23)
• Cosy atmosphere
• Speciality Crêpes
• Large burger menu
• Over 20 whiskeys
• Book corner, pool table
• Fish & chip night
(2nd Fri each month)
• Curry nights (by reservation)
05 87 40 02 83
Petticoat Lane
5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais
English groceries, Fresh British Beef &
Steaks (to order only), Gammon Steak,
Bacon, Sausage & Cheddar Cheese.
Wide range of frozen items
including vegetarian.
Traditional English beers, Sherries & Wine.
Cards for all occasions.
Opening hours: Mon - Sat 10am – 6pm
Visit us and compare our prices
Le Creusois
Les Genêts, Azerables
High quality British & French food
at reasonable prices.
Menu du Jour €12, Traditional Pub
Food, Vegetarian dishes, Childrens
& Snack menus also available
closed Wednesdays
siret: 353 613 227 00035
SIREN: 483 988 853
Cafe Bar
Big Dish Satellite Creusetec JJ’s
Some customer quotes:
Satellite Systems
05 55 78 72 98
05 55 66 60 21
see main ad - pg 7
High speed internet via satellite
from "tooway" & "SES Astra".
TV Satellite Sales, Service & Installations.
Dish alignments. Sky/Freesat/TNT/FTA.
Most of depts 23,03,63,87,36 covered.
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
[email protected]
SIRET: 510 117 328 00011
TEL : 06 28 28 04 63
[email protected]
Insurance guarantee on all work. 15 years’ experience.
Based St-Junien. Covering Depts 87-16-24.
Siret : 531 655 231 00011
‘...more than just a bar’
‘....a bit like Allo Allo and Cheers!’
Come and see for yourself - Open all week.
See our Notice Board events listings
39 Place du Champ de Foire
36140, Aigurande
02 54 06 30 77
[email protected]
SIRET: 508 754 314 00013
05 55 41 17 76
26, Ecurat 23150
Atelier d'Art du Jardin
tel: 05 55 81 31 85
email: [email protected]
2km from Chénérailles and the
Chateau Villemonteix.
British Corner Shop
British food, delivered worldwide
see main ad - pg 11
Restaurant AUX CEPES
LA veytiZoU, 87130
Tel: 05 55 69 33 38
see main ad - pg 4
Free range old
spot pork for sale
Antibiotic free
Available on demand in either
whole (approx 55-80 kg)
or half carcass
€3 / kg
tel (evenings):
05 55 65 13 45
Advertise your business here
Tel: 02 54 25 34 73
10 Route de Vilenne, 36200 Celon
Restaurant du soir by reservation.
Our menu changes monthly.
Special occasions
and parties welcome.
Fish and chips and mushy peas
€11,50 the last Friday of each month.
For more information:
UK & French Satellite TV
Dishes & Freesat boxes always in stock
Terrestrial digital aerial installations
From a single outlet to multi-point systems
SIRET: 534 351 754 00013
Excellent beef and lamb available
from our farm direct to you.
All are bred feed and finished
here in Vilenne.
All the lamb is free range
and naturally finished off grass.
A box of beef is 14-18 kg
at €10.90 per kg
12, Rue des Fontaines, 87230 Champsac
Mobile Curry Take Away
EARL Les Fromentaux
Le Restaurant Ecurat
Formerly Electrosat
[email protected]
[email protected]
mobile: 06 37 82 56 67
Siret: 79470615000016
Contact Barry Manning
Sue and Rob Manning
[email protected]
Home Chef
[email protected]
Event Catering
La Saunière (23000)
07 71 61 95 49
Cross Cut Tree Surgeons
for all your tree requirements
30+ years experience
Free quotes and advice
We will not be beaten on price or standard of work
Reliability guaranteed
Fully qualified arborist - Fully insured Covering depts: 87, 23, 86, 36, 19 & 16
[email protected]
Mon Chic Cottage
Le Dorat, 87210
Cross Cut Tree Surgeons
for all your tree requirements
[email protected] /
see main ad above
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
T.A.D. 23
(Travaux d'Accès Difficiles)
Tel: 05 87 77 95 59
Paint workshops, vintage style
paint, fabric & wallpapers
Valentine's and other
Greeting Cards
Gift vouchers
Jacket Potatoes, Cream Teas
& Home-Made Cakes
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
3D Puzzle Maker
Handmade, fully interlocking,
multi-layered 3D puzzles from just €9.
Keyrings €2 plus other unique gift ideas.
Customisation and personalisation possible.
Come and visit the workshop by appointment.
French lessons
& handholding services - pg 15
It's our business to shout about yours
All aspects
of garden maintenance
Les Bregères, 23150 St-Martial-le-Mont
[email protected]
• Tree Surgery
• Garden Clearance
• Strimming
• Pruning
Très Jolie
T: 05 55 81 14 51
M: 06 85 78 81 32
siret: 788 438 562 00019
Gifts &
Ladies fashion accessories
05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53
see main ad below
26, Ecurat 23150
Atelier d'Art du Jardin
for your
see main ad below
Dealing with utilities/banks
Permis de construire
Sourcing/supervising artisans
1-2-1 conversation classes
email: [email protected]
Quality product at affordable prices.
Customized, if required, especially for you.
Available blank or with either English or French greetings.
500+ DVD's now in stock
Email: [email protected]
We are not on the markets until
the beginning of March, so anyone requiring
cards, please contact us via e-mail
Send an email to sign up to the newsletter
Tel: 06 86 89 81 02
siret 528 539 448
Tue 2.30pm - 5pm
Thu, Fri 9:15-12 & 2:30-5pm
Sat 9 - 12
05 55 78 19 24
Foot clinic for
your chiropody
4 km from Auzances
10 years private practice in UK
07 71 18 01 39
[email protected]
SIRET 484 479 480 00010
siret: 801 941 022 00015
9 rue Dr Charles Poitevin
05 55 41 17 76
management advisers
See our main ad - pg 15
05 55 41 17 76
& Finance
Jenny Homer BA hons, PGCE
Sympathetic French Tuition
- Speaking and Understanding
for life in France
- Relaxed but purposeful
- Confidence-building
Free taster class (3hrs)
Funding possible if in/seeking work
Tel: 09 73 13 62 10
Email: [email protected]
87120 Eymoutiers
siret: 792 285 025 00013
tel: 05 55 81 31 85
The Exchange
see main ad - pg 12
Jonathan Critchley
[email protected]
2km from Chénérailles and the
Chateau Villemonteix
05 55 62 50 38
& Beauty
International tax and wealth
House Clearance Specialists
Sophie Arsac
siret: 530 840 958 00017
Tue-Fri 10h-18h / Sun 10h-13h
Ivan Petley /
Sophie Arsac
The Spectrum IFA Group
with over 20 years' experience
advising expatriates throughout
Europe on all aspects of financial
planning. Represented in Creuse
by Tony Farrell:
Tel: 05 55 89 57 94
Mob: 06 15 28 54 82
Email: [email protected]
TSG Insurance Services S.A.R.L. Siège Social: 34 Bd des Italiens, 75009 PARIS
"Société de Courtage d'assurances" R.C.S. Paris B 447 609 108 (2003B04384)
Numéro d'immatriculation 07 025 332 -
SIRET No.: 500 064 183 00014
International money transfer
French lessons
& handholding services - pg 15
Deadline for all
advertising is the
15th of the month
for the following
month's edition.
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
Très Jolie
Ladies fashion accessories
Mail order available
or find me at a local market
(see Notice Board for more details)
Paula Robinson
05 55 78 62 29
06 04 08 29 53
[email protected]
Facebook: search for “Tres Jolie Milhaguet”
siret 753 125 061 00014
Granulés du Limousin
Advertising in The Bugle Business Directory
Advertising your business couldn’t be easier. Text only, boxed listings are available in our Business Directory from just €11.20/month. Alternatively,
why not spotlight your business with an Advertorial, available from 1/6 Page (€50 HT) up to Full Page (€300 HT). Both Directory Adverts and Advertorials represent a cost effective way to put your brand in front of more than 30,000 pairs of eyes each month!!
For more information on any of our advertising options, please feel free to give us a call
on 05 55 41 17 76 or send an email to [email protected]
6-Month Contract
12-Month Contract
Small b&w Directory Ad
Large b&w Directory Ad
Small Colour Directory Ad
Large Colour Directory Ad
Large Directory Ad
46mm x 71mm
(Actual Size)
45 words max
Small Directory Ad
46mm x 46mm
(Actual Size)
30 words max
Directory Advertising is available either in black and white or colour, and in either small (30 words max) or large (45 words max) format.
Directory adverts may only contain text - no logos, images or artwork are allowed. The minimum contract length is 6 months.
Advertising is payable on publication. All prices are HT.
Limousin Spas
Ecole de Langue
Leggett Immobilier
All your
language needs
under one roof!
see main ad - pg 7
Agence Marche Limousin
02 54 31 12 55
Bilingual Estate Agency
All our spas are manufactured to
the highest standards & have
full manufacturers warranty.
These spas have relatively low power
requirements & are very economical.
Beaux Villages Immobilier
Prices start from €3,750.
Models seat 2 to 7 people.
For more information on our range
check out our website:
Freephone: 08 05 69 23 23
or telephone: 05 55 63 26 20
Pest Control
05 53 56 62 54
see main ad - pg 11
see main ad - pg 3
Cendrillon - Bourganeuf
Bilingual Estate Agent in Creuse
05 55 54 95 85 - see pg 4
Central France
Pest Control
Dératisation, Déinsectisation,
02 48 60 83 72 / 06 74 33 02 38
Email: [email protected]
Please mention
The Bugle when
responding to adverts
Retail &
Curative and preventative
Alongside the amazing "Rotospa"
spa range, we are now able to
supply the "Durasport" &
"Strong Spas" ranges of quality spas.
Numéro Siret: 752 157 610 00011
French Lily
Kitchens & Interiors
05 55 80 92 91 - see pg 15
See our Display Ad - pg 4
Moulin de Tintin
Furniture, interiors & gifts - see pg 3
rats, mice, moles, flies, woodworm,
bed bugs, fleas, wasps, hornets
Eco Entrepot
La Petite Barre, 18210 Bessais Le Fromental
87230 Bussière-Poitevine
Get down The Shed - see pg 7
SIRET No. 498 544 741 00024
Kitchens France
Finest quality bespoke kitchens
see main ad - pg 2
Depot Vente des Vêtements
Houses on Internet
See our Display Ad - pg 3
Dress agency and gallery, specialising in
designer and high quality pre-owned clothes
for women and children, together with
accessories, footwear, jewellery, gift items,
and hand made furniture.
8 rue Principale, St Mathieu, 87440
Email: [email protected]
Tel: 05.55 48.28.89
SIRET: 510 995 681 00010
06 31 17 25 60
see main ad - pg 10
& Storage
For more information
on advertising in the
Bugle Business
Directory, give us
a call or send us an
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
Central France
email: [email protected]
tel Steve: 05 55 64 83 58
mob: 07 80 38 56 63
Email: [email protected]
siret 518 323 357 00013
siret: 494 123 847 00019
DSD Removals
& Storage
The Removal Experts
France ↔ UK
• All risk insurance cover
• Full and Part load specialists
• Professional staff
& modern vehicles
• Every vehicle from a Luton
van to a full removals lorry
• Prices from £3.63 per sq ft
+44 (0)1274 724 545
[email protected]
Peugeot Boxer
Please call Mick for further info
UK: 0333 022 0359
FR: 05 55 71 73 87
E: [email protected]
"Official Transporter of The Bugle"
05 55 41 17 76
05 55 83 02 77 \ 06 30 90 58 90
International Removals
with 13.5 m3 Load capacity
[email protected]
• Man with a van service
• Friendly, Mature Service,
• Living in Limousin,
specialising in moves between
UK and France
• Competitive Rates
• Fully Insured
Watson European
Collections \ Deliveries \ Brico Runs
Transport and Small Removals
France - UK - Spain - NL
Monthly return UK trips available
Based Nr Aubusson, Dept. 23
Dry, safe & secure storage
to suit all needs
Vehicle storage also possible
Tel: 09 66 03 52 89
Bourganeuf (23400)
Siret No : 523 955 151 00015
86, Rue Nationale, 36400 La Châtre
see main ad - pg 2
& Storage
Man & Van
Local + Europe + UK runs
Now also available for
House/Barn clearances!
14m3 capacity
4.2m load length
French Spoken
09 82 12 69 73
87150 Oradour-sur-Vayres
Siret 530 213 644 00012
LCS 23 Autos
European Vehicle Transport
or see our ad - pg 16 ○ THE BUGLE ○ JANUARY 2016
Easy Parking & Storage
Secure indoor/outdoor parking
and furniture storage facilities.
Based in St-Junien,
just 20 mins from Limoges.
Competitive rates.
Park, drop off and pick up
service to Limoges airport.
Mob: 06 40 19 07 36
Tel: 09 86 27 14 14
Email: [email protected]
Affordable Moves Europewide
18m3 Van / 4.5m load length
29m3 available on request
Full loads/ part loads/ single items
Regular UK runs.
[email protected]
Full & Part loads
All size of vehicles,
from Man & Van
through to 18 tonne truck
Storage facilities in Sussex
UK free phone:
0800 840 3058
Mob: +44 (0)7808 338 386 (+33)
Siret : 532 526 001 00013
Transition Removals
Buggs Car Hire
see pg 8
(+33) 05 55 34 19 46
see main ad - pg 12
Help at home
We can help look after your
house, garden and animals
and even clean your house.
One off or regular service.
For more information call:
05 55 41 17 76
UK ↔ France ↔ UK
The Man
With A Van
07 81 31 45 47
Cash paid
for scrap
All Limousin covered
Anything considered
Any quantity
Tel: 05 55 37 45 35
Mob: 06 74 21 47 71
siret 532 981 198 00015
Bergerac & Limoges Airports
T: 06 74 66 45 26
E: [email protected]
see main ad - pg 12
[email protected]
05 55 41 17 76
Carrefour du
Bois Limousin
05 55 63 72 45 - see pg 22
To raise funds for the
SPA dog rescue centre in Guéret.
High chair, buggy, travel
cot (plus mattress/bedding),
changing mat, etc.
Each item will incur a hire charge
of 10 euros, plus a refundable
10 euros deposit.
For more INFO or to HIRE
Call Vanessa: 05 55 64 32 08
or email: [email protected]
SEARCHWORDOKU © - by Anthony Parson
Complete the alphabetical Sudoku grid to the left using
only the letters already shown, then use the result wordsearch grid to find: A bird of prey
How does it work...?
Complete the Sudoku grid in the
usual manner, using only the 9 letters
already shown. Once complete, you
will be left with a 9x9 wordsearch grid,
in which to find the final piece of the
See the completed example to the
right, the clue for which is "An English
Be careful not to jump to conclusions, as with the letters available,
the answer could be SURREY, SUSSEX, ESSEX, or as it turns out in this
case... SOMERSET.
Solution on page 27
The solutions to this month’s sudokus can be found on page 26
Mon Chic Cottage
NEW Premises at
21 Place Charles de Gaulle, Le Dorat
Home Decor & Gifts
Tea, coffee & home-made scones / cakes Official Stockist & Workshop for
Chalk Paint™ by Annie Sloan
& Neal’s Yard Remedies Organic Decorative Paint Workshops
To learn the basis of using Chalk Paint™ &
ask questions, join us on a workshop.
All materials included. To book contact Jay.
Opening hours:
Tue-Fri, 10h-18h & Sun, 10h-13h.
Workshops on Mon by appointment only.
05 87 77 95 59
[email protected]
Petticoat Lane
Please note we will be closed 1st to 11th
January, re-open 12th January
[email protected]
5 Rue Nationale – 16150 Chabanais
Tel: 05 45 29 03 99
JJ’s Café Bar
Music Club
Next event: 9th January, 8.30pm
Mild Sri Lankan Pork - €8 pp
(by pre-order before 8th January please)
JJ's Music Club is for music lovers and is now a members
only club with FREE MEMBERSHIP. This is to safeguard the
respect of musicians and those who appreciate music. The
first visit is open to non-members. It is easy to become a
member, you just need to sign the membership form to agree
to respect and adhere to the conditions of membership which
will be explained on your first visit.
JJ's Cafe Bar, 39 Place du Champ de Foire,
36140 Aigurande
Tel: 02 54 06 30 77
Email: [email protected]
26, Ecurat 23150
Le Restaurant Ecurat
Atelier d'Art du Jardin
2km from Chénérailles & the Château Villemonteix
La Veytizou
On the main road (D979), Between Limoges & Eymoutiers
JOHN MARTIN will be entertaining us with his wide
range of great music. There will be a great buffet so come and dance the night away with us. Rooms
available for those who want to have a drink or two.
For more info on any of the above, contact Sue:
email: [email protected]
or Tel: 05 55 69 33 38
Dates for the coming month
Weather permitting see updates on Website & Facebook
Gouzon, Chilled orders only! 3.30pm, (place de l'Eglise) - Wednesday 6th
Boussac, (place de l'Hôtel de Ville) - Wednesday 6th (6pm)
Aubusson, (place Maurice Dayras) - Thursday 7th (6pm)
Le Grand-Bourg, (place du marché) - Friday 8th (5.45pm-7.15pm only)
Marsac, (Chez Jacques) - Friday 8th (from 8.15pm)
Bourganeuf, (place Martin Nadaud) - Wednesday 13th (5.45pm)
Peyrat-le-Château, (place du Champ de Foire) - Thursday 14th (5.45pm)
Dun-le-Palestel, (place du Champ de Foire) - Thursday 21st (5.45pm)
Sardent, (Auberge du lac, Masmangeas) - Saturday 23rd (5.30pm)
Tel: 07 70 39 12 23
Email: [email protected]
We are not on the markets until the
beginning of March, but anyone requiring
cards can contact us via e-mail:
[email protected]
Traditional Irish band looking
for 4th member - Fiddler or Pipes
Groupe irlandais traditionnel (36/23)
cherche 4ème musicien - violon ou cornemuse
Tel: 05 55 89 07 69
mail: [email protected]
or [email protected]
"Official Transporter of The Bugle"
Now offering monthly return UK trips
Based Nr Aubusson, Dept. 23
05 55 83 02 77 \ 06 30 90 58 90
[email protected]
Très Jolie
Fashion Accessories
Where to find me this month:
Every Wednesday - Piégut Market
Items arriving daily, please see my
facebook page 'Tres Jolie Milhaguet' to see what's new.
Le Champsac
12 rue des Fontaines, Champsac 87230
Tina and Richard would like to wish everyone a
healthy and happy New Year. We hope you will join us
in 2016 for some of our regular and special events,
or just for a quiet meal and a drink!
Regular events:
2nd, 16th & 30th Jan - Pizza Night
4th & 25th Jan - Fish & Chip Night
Worried about driving home?
Rooms available from just 55€ per night
Use promo code "Bugle" and receive a 15% discount
Happy New Year to All from Alma & Bill
Restaurant du soir by reservation.
For more information, please contact:
For more information
Wishing all our customers a very
Happy New Year
Planning a party? Function room, restaurant and
gardens for hire, plus many catering packages available.
Fish and chips and mushy peas 11,50 euros
the last Friday of each month.
Roussis Maid
[email protected]
05 55 78 53 50
Mail order available, email for more details.
Most items now stocked at the 'Coeur et Etoile', St-Mathieu
05 55 78 62 29 / 06 04 08 29 53
[email protected]
Le Viaduc Bar/Restaurant
Le Viaduc restaurant will once again be
serving its home-made fish and chips 300g cod filets cooked in our own secret
beer batter.
We will be serving
midday and evening Friday 22nd January
booking is advised as limited
spaces are available.
Tel: 05 55 10 96 03
tel: 05 55 81 31 85
email: [email protected]
LCS23 Autos
We are now making weekly runs
to and from the UK with our LWB van, car
trailer and car transporter.
If you need anything transporting, from
cars, vans, motorbikes and tractors
through to household items and DIY
goods, get in touch for more information.
05 55 80 34 52 / 06 23 29 24 70
Managing Editor:
Steve Martindale
Editor-in-Chief: Steve Martindale
Registered Address: Les Quatre Chemins
23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois
SIRET: 514 989 748 00017
Printed by:
Charente Libre
16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac
Monthly circulation: 14,000 copies
All copyright, unless stated otherwise, is reserved to The Bugle. Reproduction in whole or
part of any text without permission is prohibited.
Dépôt légal à parution.
Steve Martindale
Rédacteur-en-chef: Steve Martindale
Les Quatre Chemins
23150 St-Yrieix-les-Bois
SIRET: 514 989 748 00017
Imprimé par:
Charente Libre
16340, L’Isle d’Espagnac
Tirage mensuel: 14,000 copies
Tous droits réservés. Toute reproduction, totale ou partielle, des articles et illustrations du
présent numéro est strictement interdite.
Dépôt légal à parution.
The Bugle cannot accept responsibility for the claims of advertisers or their professionalism. We strongly advise readers to verify that
the company you are dealing with is a registered trading company in France or elsewhere in the world.
Noah's Ark
Noah’s Ark is a French registered charity
run by Cindy and Lauren Maasik who
have spent the last five years rescuing
animals and caring for them on their farm
near Saint-Mathieu.
A warm welcome awaits you at their
shop and tea rooms in Rochechouart,
with home-made cakes, tarts, and quiches
followed by plenty of tea or coffee.
For more info visit or
Facebook: Noah's Ark
Tea Rooms and Brocante, 6, Rue de
Poitevin, Rochechuart. Open Tues - Sat
10h-17h. Tel: 05 87 41 26 16.
Farm visits for animal adoption are
welcome at La Ferme, Les Dognons,
87440 Maisonnais-sur-Tardoire. Tel: 05
55 70 64 76. Email [email protected]
Phoenix Association
Phoenix Association is a registered
charity that has existed since 2001 to deal
with the sad plight of the ever-increasing
number of abused and abandoned animals
in France.
Phoenix does not have a 'rescue centre'
as such. Sadly, many of the animals it
saves have only ever known confinement
and isolation, so instead, the animals are
placed in foster homes all over SouthWest France while they wait for their
loving and permanent forever homes.
This gives Phoenix a better chance of
assessing the animal in the normality and
comfort of a home which leads to the
virtually 100% successful adoption rate.
Phoenix is not state funded and so
relies on fund-raising and donations
to cover the very high re-homing and
veterinary costs. Phoenix is formed of a
committed but fun and positive team of
volunteers, and is always on the lookout
for more, so if you are interested in
adopting an animal, foster caring or
becoming a Member, please visit the
Contact page of the website at www. and www.facebook.
you. Tel: 05 55 71 09 04
The International Free Church in
The church presently meets at 10, La
Chaudronnière, a small hamlet mid-way
between Crozant and Eguzon. Sunday
worship meetings are held on the first
and third Sundays of the month at
10.30am. Fellowship meetings, for midweek prayer, bible study and discussion
are at the same venue every Thursday at
7.30pm. For further information contact
Eric Sutton tel 05 55 89 26 62
Church Notices
Anglican Holy Communion
Services are now being conducted by
Rev Robert Leone at 2:30 pm on the
1st Sunday of each month at the French
Protestant Church, Place du Temple,
Thiat (87) near Le Dorat (87) and
Montmorillon (86) until the Anglican
church is ready for use.
[email protected]
Monthly Worship in English
If your journey of life has brought you
here to France, why neglect your journey
of faith? We look forward to giving
a warm welcome to everyone from
whatever Christian tradition (or none)
on the 3rd SUNDAY of the MONTH at
3pm. Where? At the Temple in Thiat (in
the north of the Haute-Vienne) – we are
part of the Parish of the Basse-Marche
of the Eglise Protestante Unie de France.
The Temple is on the main road close to
the Mairie. After worship there is tea/
coffee and cake – and a chance to chat.
If you want to know more contact Rev
Derek Lawson on 05 55 68 53 03 or Rev
Stephen Sawyer on 05 49 84 33 86.
English-speaking church services
Come as you are... This is an invitation
to join us at our CHURCH SERVICE
IN ENGLISH. Whether you have a faith
or would just like to attend a church
service you are welcome at 3pm on
the 2nd Sunday of each month at the
Eglise Evangélique, 9b Place Bonnyaud,
Guéret, 23000.
We welcome all who want to join a group
of English-speaking Christians for a
time of worship and learning together.
Children are very welcome. For more
details contact Jim & Pat Scott on 05 55
67 54 78 / email [email protected] or
Ian & Becky Jefferies on 05 55 61 10 23 /
email [email protected]
Christians together in Limousin La
Souterraine Area
We hold a time of fellowship and Bible
study every Tuesday afternoon. Barbara
and Cedric look forward to welcoming
Fitness & Fun
Drawing and painting classes
At Saint-Junien with the CAPCC (art
club). All levels welcome, every Monday
and Thursday, English and French
spoken, friendly atmosphere, materials
provided by the club. 45€ / half-term.
Contact: [email protected] for
brochure with full details.
Keepfit (Bonjour La Forme)
Held at Saint-Sulpice-les-Champs in the
Salle Polyvalente: Mon evening at 19.4520.45 for cardiac and muscle exercises;
Thurs afternoon at 15.00-16.00 for gentle
All are welcome to join us. Contact
Jeanette 09 62 58 49 03 (Eng) or
Catherine 05 55 66 67 30 (Fr) for more
PENSOL Indoor Carpet Bowls
We meet on Wednesdays at 2.30pm5.00pm. Come along for a fun afternoon,
a warm welcome in a warm hall,
refreshments and equipment provided.
Ladies and Gents welcome. The venue
is the salle polyvalente at PENSOL 87440 on the D67 between Marval and
Dournazac, clearly indicated from the
village, or from Piégut-Pluviers take the
D91. Come and have a free trial, with our
slightly smaller Bowls and 33` carpet.
NO heavy lifting. Established club and
club Leader. Registered and insured.
Please phone Hilary for any enquiries on
09 72 23 13 20 or r.h.brayshaw@gmx.
Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong
Tai Chi, Pakua & Qigong classes
organised by the ACAMIES (association
culturelle d'arts martiaux internes et
d'exercices de santé). Wed: Jarnages,
18h30-20h, Salle Polyvalente. Thu:
Bétête, 19h-20h30, Domaine de
Tournessac. Individual classes, courses,
massage & treatments also available.
Contact: 06 48 00 02 07
Keep Fit
Amazing abs, breathtaking buttocks!
Come and join our group at the CAPE in
Pontarion. We are all ages, all sizes, men
& women, but are serious about keeping
Our “monitrice” is English and will
happily provide bilingual instructions.
We meet every Thursday at 8p.m. in
Pontarion Town Hall, for a one-hour
Come for a free trial, or call 05 55 64 98
87 or 06 32 42 95 68 for more details.
Indoor Bowling at Oradour-sur-Vayres
If you already play or have never tried
indoor bowling then come along to a
meeting. It's great fun and easy to play.
If you have never played it before we will
show you how. We meet every Monday
evening starting at 18.30 hrs at La
Chapelle, avenue des Chapelles, 87150
Oradour-sur-Vayres. Come and try it - it's
free. If you require further information or
directions to our venue please contact me
- Email: [email protected] or
telephone: 05 55 08 41 75
Regular zumba classes across depts 36,
18 & northern 23. For more info tel 06
58 37 17 04 - email evezumba36@gmail.
com and for details of classes visit www.
Indoor Short-mat Bowling at Cussac
87150....and now Outdoor too!
As the premier bowls club in the HauteVienne, we are going from strength to
strength with members seeking us out
and travelling great distances to continue
their love of bowls or simply to 'try us
out'. Our reputation as a "very friendly
and welcoming club" goes before us. If
you've never tried the game, just come
along and take a look; there is far more to
it than first appears!
We are a formally registered association
within the French system and benefit
from assistance from our local commune
by use of a wonderful indoor venue. AND
NOW...the use of a synthetic outdoor
court where Flat-green, Crown and
Short-mat can be played. Just imagine
the summer evenings with a drink in your
hand, watching fellow bowlers enjoying
the quiet of village, interrupted only by
the 'click' or 'tunk' of bowl against bowl!
Our regular sessions indoors are
Wednesday evening at 8pm and Thursday
Mornings at 10am. Outdoor sessions will
be arranged as the spring arrives so keep
in touch. Serious bowlers and beginners
are welcome - club bowls are available
for use.
For further information contact [email protected] or telephone 05
45 29 05 73.
Association Equilibre, le mouvement
du corps
Yoga for all levels: Tue 18:30 Aubusson,
Pied au plancher (Espace Philips);
Wed 18:30 Vallière, salle polyvalante.
Pregnancy/Post Natal: Tue 17:00
Aubusson, Pied au Plancher (Espace
Philips) For further information tel 06
83 24 62 72 or visit www.spaequilibre.
Chinese Gym & Karate
Mondays & Thursdays at the DOJO,
Allée Jean-Marie Couturier, Aubusson.
Chinese gym 17h-18h15 & 18h15-19h30
and karate 19h30-21h.
For more info tel 06 08 92 30 53
Tai Chi at Boussac and La Châtre
Tai Chi classes in Boussac (Tue 18.15
- 19.45) and La Châtre (Thu 18.15 19.45). The first two lessons are free, the
subscriptions are 36 euros per month and
members can go to both venues having
paid this fee. The style is that of Yang. All
ages and abilities welcome, but folk must
bear in mind that they will be on their
feet, doing the equivalent of what one
might classify as light exercise, for about
an hour and a half. For more information
contact 05 55 65 08 20.
Gym Bien-être
Would you like to be more supple?
Come to our gym class on Thursday
mornings from 10.30am to 11.30am,
where we do gentle exercises to help all
our muscles and joints. The classes are
held in Rochechouart in the Capitole
building, upstairs. Our group is part of a
National Federation of Gymnastics. For
information contact Pauline at pauline.
[email protected]
Learn to Meditate
Learn to meditate and meet other likeminded people. Simple mindfulness
technique. Dechen Choling, Le Mas
Marvent, St-Yrieix-sous-Aixe, 87700.
Also, ongoing regular group meetings
and events. Contact tel Christina 05 55
03 82 01
Les petits jardiniers du Limousin
Do you have a love of gardening and
a desire to learn more about growing
plants, flowers, fruit, vegetables and
trees in this region? If you do, then come
and join our friendly group to meet likeminded people. With a different topic or
visit each month there's something for
everyone. We meet on the third Thursday
of each month (excluding February) in
the Mairie at St-Amand-le-Petit (between
Eymoutiers and Peyrat-le-Château).
Meetings start at 2.30pm and everyone
is made very welcome. For more
information contact Carolyn at carolyn@ or Gerda at g_hoogenboom@
All meetings (unless stated otherwise) are
held on the third Thursday of the month.
Meetings start at 2.30pm and are held in
the Mairie, St-Amand-le-Petit. Starting
times and venues of visits tba.
Club Liseron – Gardening Club
Meets on the 2nd Mon evening of the
month at 19.30 at the Salle des Fêtes
in Massignac. We're a mixed bunch of
English & French, who are united by
a passion for gardens and gardening,
sharing plants, seeds and information.
The first meeting of the year is on
Monday 11 January at 8pm - The
garden in winter.
This year the President is Véronique
Granet and the Vice President is
Michelle Pierce. For further information
contact Michelle on 05 45 89 36 54 /
[email protected]
Aux Plantes, etc.
We are an association of independent,
ethically-minded and passionate plant
producers. Our aim is to encourage
consumers to know more about the
plants they buy, how they were produced
and their needs, thereby avoiding the
disappointments that so often come with
mass produced plants. It’s not just about
us selling you plants - we want them to
thrive and do well for you!
Current members include plantspeople
specialising in unusual shrubs & trees,
butterfly plants, heritage vegetables and
flowers, irises, perennials and droughttolerant plants.
For more info contact Michelle Pierce 05
45 89 36 54 or visit:
Les Jardins de Sirius
Based in Pressignac, Charente, we are a
small association of people who are keen
on gardening. As well as finding plants an
endless source of interest, we believe that
the simple fact of gardening has numerous
positive benefits for health, stress, social
interaction - in other words, our daily
lives - and we’d like to encourage this
aspect. We run flower workshops on the
first Saturday afternoon of the month. If
you’d like to get involved, have more info
on the association or become a member,
please contact Michelle Pierce on 05 45
89 36 54 or at unjardinenfrance@gmail.
Les Franglais de Banize (23120)
French and English people meet every
Wednesday at 2-3 pm in the mairie in
Banize to share English and French
language and lots of laughter.
We all learn from each other, in both
languages and about aspects of both
cultures. In general the English try to
speak in French and vice versa. As far as
The meetings have been going on for
seven years now but new arrivals are
always welcome.
For more information please contact Anne
Chadwick at lesfranglaisdebanize@ or tel 05 55 67 53 60.
CONNECT is a group for English
speakers of any nationality in the area of
St-Yrieix-la-Perche. Our Objective is to
help people make friends and exchange
information. We hold fun events and a
Monthly Coffee Morning on the First
Friday of every month at Espace Ferraud,
rue du Docteur Lemoyne, St-Yrieix-laPerche. We are a non profit making group
and we are run by volunteers, there are no
membership fees.
For Further information visit our website or contact Nikki
Evans at [email protected] or on
05 53 55 09 83.
French Conversation Group at Les
Billanges (87340)
We are a small group who meet fortnightly
for an hour and a half on Tuesday evenings
during term time in Les Billanges,
87340, close to the Creuse/Haute-Vienne
border. We are accompanied by a retired
French schoolteacher and a current
French teacher of English. Discussion
is informal, loosely based on everyday
topics, including some grammar plus
general discussion. We need a few more
people to help keep it vibrant and to
cater for inevitable absences. The only
cost is yearly membership of the local
Association, about €20, which brings
with it other social opportunities. To find
out more please contact Peter Metcalfe at
[email protected]
Familles Rurales in Peyrat-le-Château
Association Familles Rurales now offer
assistance in English and Dutch to all
non-French speaking people (British,
Dutch, German, etc.) concerning all
kinds of administrative steps. The service
is available in Peyrat-le-Château and
surrounding communes. We will try to
provide information and help you find
your way in social and administrative
matters. We will also do our best to
help you with practical matters such
as language problems, payment of
bills, hiring workmen, etc. Find Heleen
Tichler-Botermans at the AFR office in
Peyrat-le-Château on Mondays from 9
am to 12 pm and Wednesdays from 9 am
to 1 pm. You are welcome to drop in or
make an appointment.
Telephone: 06 41 20 06 83
Office address: 19 avenue de la Tour,
87470 Peyrat-le-Château
Familles Rurales 2 in St-Yrieix-laPerche
Weekly courses in French for foreigners
(mainly English and Dutch) living in the
area. Held at five different levels, all with
the same native French teacher, so it is
easy to move from one class to another if
you feel out of place.
Level 1 (beginners) - Mon 10h30-12h;
Level 2 - Thur 10h30-12h; Level 3 - Tue
10h30-12h; Level 4 - Sat 10h-12h; Level
5 (top) - Weds 14h30-16h30.
All courses are held in Familles Rurales'
premises at 1 rue de la Piscine (former
swimming pool), 87500 St-Yrieix-laPerche. For more info tel 05 55 09 30 86,
or Mark GRIEVES (English-speaking
president) tel 06 76 64 89 94 will be
pleased to answer any questions you may
International Apero Reseau
Due to unforeseen circumstances we no
longer meet at Les Picards, Aubusson.
Meetings are continuing Saturdays 11.30
am at various cafes in Aubusson.
Due to the ambulant nature of our
meetings, should you like to join us,
please contact Catherine on 06 86 17
80 88 or email Jan at jansenior@yahoo. for location updates.
We continue to meet to exchange views,
make new friends, help and advise one
another and help integrate newcomers.
We are a friendly group of French and
English who enjoy conversation in both
Learning Together – Apprenons
We are a friendly club based in
Rochechouart and our aim is to promote
good relations amongst the local
French-speaking and English-speaking
community. We offer courses of tuition in
English and French as well as organising
social and cultural events including visits
to places of interest.
For further information please visit
our website www.learningtogether.,
[email protected]
telephone our President Alan Bretman
on 05 55 49 08 75. We look forward to
hearing from you.
The Melting Pot
Members of the Ambassador's Club of
the Welcome en Limousin Association.
We are a group of around 70 members,
both French and British, who meet with
the aim of sharing things and trying to
integrate with the French community. We
meet every week at the Ancienne Ecole
in Darnac, on a Wednesday morning
from 10am - 12noon, except for the first
Wednesday, when we meet in the evening
at 8pm. We hold information meetings,
plant swaps, BBQ's, games nights, visits
and have guest speakers about topics
relevant to living in France.
CLE is a not-for-profit organisation
whose members form a valuable resource
for the exchange of news, views, ideas
and information. We lobby and work
with key organisations to help protect
our members' best interests, particularly
when Government or other proposals
threaten to impact the well-being of
expatriate citizens. We organise a range
of events, workshops and seminars
throughout the year, plus social activities
including coach trips, activity days and
charity events. Our special interest groups
include a Fishing Group, a Pudding Club
and Gourmet Club which holds regular
lunches at some of the region's better
restaurants where we negotiate set menus
a cut above the typical 'plat du jour' but
still reasonably priced – all activities to
help members make new expatriate and
French friends.
Email: [email protected]
Tel: Barry Leech 05 49 87 19 85
Libraries & Books
Sale of Second-hand Books, La
On the 18th of every month, during
the monthly market at La Croisillesur-Briance (87130), there is a sale of
second-hand books (both English and
French) from 9am to 12 noon, at the
former restaurant in La Place, opposite
the bar/tabac. All proceeds go towards
the local school funds (for La Croisillesur-Briance and St-Méard RPI).
La Souterraine English Library and
Information Centre
Located in the historic Porte de Puy
Charraud, at 10 rue de Portail, La
Cancer Support France Haute-Vienne
would like to wish all our members and
supporters a very Happy New Year.
Many of you will know that we have disaffiliated ourselves from Cancer Support France National and we are
having to make a number of adjustments as a result. But there will be no change in the support and the help
that we offer English speakers affected by cancer who live in Haute-Vienne, Creuse, Corrèze or Indre. In 2015
we trained a further seven Active Listeners with our lead trainer Linda Shepherd, the founder of Cancer Support France. We are looking forward to another busy training year in 2016.
Here are a number of dates for your diary: Our AGM will be on Wednesday 2nd March at 2 pm
for a 2.30 pm start at the salle polyvalente at Videix; A Treasure Hunt is being organised probably
for the end of March/early April - dates still to be confirmed; Our usual fund-raising lunch at the lake at
Videix (or in the salle polyvalente if it is wet) is on Sunday 12th June. Please come and join us if you can.
If you would like to get involved we would be delighted to hear from you.
The Harmonics
This is our 6th season of singing as a group.
Our music is varied classical, madrigals,
spiritual, songs from the shows etc and we
sing in French, English, Swahili, Latin whatever the music demands. Our concerts are
in support of a variety of charities including
the British Legion, L'Oregon at Civray and
Retina and thus non profit making. We meet
Wed 14h – 16h in the Salle d'Annexe behind
the Mairie in Civray. Interested? We'd love to
see you so contact: David Lee tel 05 49 87 53
93 email [email protected] or Dolly Ait
Boualou email [email protected]
As we go into our fifth year, we have supported over 85 clients and we look forward to building on our
relationships with the hospitals and clinics in the departments we cover.
Our translators are welcomed by the medical staff when they accompany a client to an appointment and with
our new website we are hoping to reach more people across the departments.
Sue Ware, President, CSF Haute-Vienne
Cordiale website at or email us at library.
[email protected]
Music Club Boussac
The venue of the Club de Musique & Music
in Boussac "open mic" night has changed. We
welcome musicians of all levels and styles,
spectators and all music lovers to join us
for an evening of musical entertainment and
fun at L'Origan restaurant, 34 rue Vincent,
Boussac 23600 from 20h until midnight on
the last Saturday of each month. A PA system
will be available. For only 8€ Christophe,
the chef and proprietor, will be offering a
special formule of Fish & Chips or a small
pizza of choice from a Reine, Campagnarde,
4 fromages or Creusoise plus a drink. His
normal extensive menu is also available. Food
will be served until 22h.
For more info please email Dave and Bev at
[email protected] or phone
05 55 65 19 24 or Rosie and Mervyn 05 55 65
70 06 [email protected].
We look forward to greeting you all at this
new venue.
Open Mic Night
If you like music and have ever fancied getting
up and having a go, why not come along to
our Open Mic Night at “Le Loch Ness” in La
Souterraine town centre every Friday around
L'Orchestre Philharmonique de La
If you or one of your family are interested
in playing in an orchestra and think your
standard might be adequate do get in contact
with us. We meet weekly on Friday evenings
in La Souterraine (apart from the summer
holidays) to rehearse. Most of our concerts
are around Xmas or May-July. Our members
come from all over Limousin so lifts to and
fro may be possible if necessary. Contacts:
French language Marie-France Martinie 05
55 30 76 23 / English language Alan Kerr 05
55 56 34 52
This little angel is Gatsby, a
loving, affectionate and very
playful little boy. He loves his
squeaky toys and chasing
after rolling balls but, most
of all, he loves people. He
gets on well with other dogs
and is learning all about
“doggy etiquette” from his
foster carers' Border Collie who is like a big sister to him whilst teaching
him the rules of being a dog and keeping him in his place. It's a joy to
watch them play together!
He is being taught the basics, sit, stay, lie down, etc. and is a fast learner,
although cautious when faced with new unknowns. However the world is
his oyster! He is very cuddly and loves to curl up on a lap if you are sitting on
the floor. Gatsby needs human contact and likes to stay close to people and
he would need a fenced garden to run around in and play in safety.
Thank you again for your continuing support, we are so grateful and we wish you a very peaceful 2016.
Souterraine, we are a lively, well-stocked
English language library with almost 10,000
books and media available to borrow. We have
an attractive cafe which serves tea, coffee and
a range of home-made cakes. There is also a
regularly changing display of works by local
artists and an interesting brocante area on the
ground floor.
The Library offers classes in French for
English speakers with a professional teacher
and also organises Anglo-French conversation
groups in association with the Municipal
Library in La Souterraine. There are also a
number of thriving special interest groups,
such as the Gardening Group, Camera Club,
Friendship Group, etc.
We also provide support & assistance in
bureaucratic and administrative matters
for both existing British residents as well
as newcomers to the area. Whatever your
interests don’t hesitate to pay us a visit and
you will be made most welcome.
We are open from 09.30 until 12.30, Mon,
Thu, Fri & Sat. For more info tel 05 55 89
57 62 during opening hours or visit www.
The English Library, Dun-le-Palestel
The English Library, which has now been
established for over 5 yrs, is situated in the
Route des Rateries, beside the Bibliothèque
Municipale, Parc Benjamin Bord. The library
is a very welcoming meeting place, where you
can come and enjoy a cup of tea, or coffee,
whilst you browse through our collection of
around 7,500 books, DVDs and talking books.
Our opening hours are Thursdays, 10h00 –
16h00 and Saturdays 10h00 – 12h30.
Also, on the first Tuesday of every month,
10h00 – 12h00, you are invited to join us for
our Club Franglais, which welcomes people
from all nationalities, to chat in French,
English or any language you wish(!) whilst
enjoying a cup of tea, and a piece of homemade cake.
We host a range of other activities too,
including the Café Philo, and Club Scrabble.
More information can be found on the Entente
Gatsby - a 5-month-old
Spaniel x Pointer x Beagle puppy
Gatsby is chipped, vaccinated and wormed and will be neutered on adoption.
If you'd like to adopt Gatsby, or would like more information, please contact
his foster carer Eleanor on 09 60 17 24 68 and/or [email protected]
Alcoholics Anonymous
If you or someone you know has a drinking
problem, there are now English-speaking
meetings of Alcoholics Anonymous at
Limoges, Périgueux and the recently opened
meeting at Civray.
Alcoholics Anonymous is a Fellowship of
men and women who share their experience,
strength and hope with each other that they
may solve their common problem and help
others to recover from alcoholism. The only
requirement for membership is a desire to
stop drinking. There are no dues or fees for
A.A. membership and A.A. is not allied with
any sect, denomination, politics, organization
or institution. Our primary purpose is to stay
sober and help other alcoholics to achieve
For details of the meetings or other
information contact Roger 05 55 76 22 65
(Limoges), Ewen 05 53 05 76 62 (Périgueux)
or Angela 05 49 87 79 09 (Civray).
Other meetings in South-West France can be
located on our web-site at aafrancesud-ouest.
English-speaking council surgery
...for residents of the commune of St-LégerMagnazeix. Every 2nd Weds in the month,
an English-speaking council surgery with
councillors Manuela Stroescu and Patrick
Johnson will take place at the Mairie between
11am and 12pm.
Elizabeth Finn Care
Registered charity Elizabeth Finn Care is able
to offer direct financial assistance to British
and Irish nationals or residents who live
overseas. We ensure that our help does not
affect any means-tested payments.
For more information contact: Mary Hughes Case worker France, Elizabeth Finn Care - tel
04 68 23 43 79 or visit www.elizabethfinncare. and
L’Association France Alzheimer Dordogne
Charitable organisation offering Englishspeaking support and guidance to anyone
dealing with the day-to-day difficulties
affecting those with dementia, their families
and their carers and assistance with how to
access the best provisions of care.
English Helpline (available on Tuesday
mornings between 10am and midday): 09 64
21 40 86.
For more information email alzheimer.
[email protected]
Cancer Support France, Charente Plus
Offers free and confidential support to English
speakers affected by cancer in departments 16,
17 & 86. Our helpline number is 06 45 35 32
30. If you need any more information, please
get in touch via [email protected]
Cancer Support France, Haute-Vienne
(supporting Creuse, too)
We offer free and confidential support to
English speakers affected by Cancer in the
Haute-Vienne (87) and Creuse (23). Our
helpline number is 06 04 43 39 87. If you
would like more information or would like to
become a member or help in any other way,
please contact Sue Ware 05 55 00 31 15,
[email protected]
“Le Jeudi Meta Blues”...
A new initiative organised by the
association Nessgig that takes place
every 4th Thursday of the month,
from 19h30 to 22h at “La Petite Charrue”
pub, Le Bournazeau, Château-Chervix (87).
All music lovers who would like to share and
exchange information and stories around
blues, folk and rock, in French AND in English,
or who might like to jam a little, are welcome.
Free admission! For more information
email: [email protected]
or tel: 05 55 09 99 34.
Shakespeare's Richard III
Le Théâtre de l’Union, Limoges’ most important professional theatre is proud to announce the upcoming production of “Richard III, Loyaulté me lie”, an adaptation of William Shakespeare’s classic play.
And, for one show only, on Saturday 23rd January at 17h we will present the play with English subtitles.
In this original and imaginative adaptation, two actors perform all the roles: Jean Lambert-wild is the
Machiavellian King of England and Elodie Bordas all the other characters! All the world’s a stage for
this modern comic duo, as they invent a uniquely playful version of Shakespeare’s Richard III, set in the
colourful décor of a fairground carnival.
Come and discover our historic 350 seat theatre located in the heart of Limoges at 20 rue des Coopérateurs.
© Tristan Jeanne-Valès
Performances: Tue 19/01 at 20h30, Wed 20/01 at 20h30, Thu 21/01 at 19h, Fri 22/01 at 20h30, Sat 23/01
at 17h, Mon 25/01 at 20h30, Tue 26/01 at 14h, Wed 27/01 at 20h30, Thu 28/01 at 19h, Fri 29/01 at 14h.
Come with another person (family, friend...) and get a special price: 12€ each (instead of 19€)! To reserve your tickets, email [email protected] or tel 05 55 79 90 00.
For more information visit
Don’t miss this seven yearly event which is thought to be the biggest tourist
attraction in the region. The celebrations began in 1512, originally as an
expression of faith, and have developed into a series of events over two months
(they will take place from 28th March to 15th May in 2016). These include
a series of concerts and processions in a beautifully decorated Rochechouart,
finishing with a procession in medieval costume through the streets.
The Limousin septennial ostensions were inscribed in 2013 on the
Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity - other towns
in the region will have their own ostensions.
If you would like to know more, contact the Tourist Board on 05 55 03 72 73
or visit the website www.ostensions.rochechouart
If you would like to take part in the costumed procession on 15th May
contact: [email protected]
It is not too soon to start planning!
The Bugle
would like to
wish all our
readers the very
best for 2016 !!