Pits and Ponds in Norfolk (Gruben und Teiche in der Grafschaft
Pits and Ponds in Norfolk (Gruben und Teiche in der Grafschaft
10 Erdkunde Band XVI war eine komplizierte Natur mit sehr er be Aber Eigenschaften. widersprechenden sie alle mit seinem unbeugsamen herrschte zu erreichen, die sein um die Ziele Willen, ihm gesteckt ebenso hatte. groBer Ehrgeiz ?Ich habe meine Schiffe verbrannt und die Briicken hinter mir abgebrochen. So verschwendetman keine Zeit mit Ruckwartsblicken, denn man hat genug Nansen PITS AND PONDS Hugh damit %u tun, nach vorwarts %u schauen." Diesem er als Forschungsreisender und Prinzip folgte dieses brachte ihm seinen friihen Ruhm. Spater trat mehr und mehr die Pflicht in den Vorder im Leben fiir sich selbst grund, das bestmogliche und damit fiir die anderen zu tun. Diese Haltung beherrschte sein von alien bewundertes Rettungs werk. IN NORFOLK C. Prince With 7 Tables and 21 Figures Zusammenfassung: Gruben und Teicbe Norfolk in der Graf schaf t der Ordnance Von den in der neuesten Ausgabe Survey 27 015 Eintiefungen sind die gro Karten eingetragenen die auffallig Umrifi fien Steinbriiehe mit unregelmafiigem sten. Sie kommen in unregelmafiiger in der gan Verteilung zusammen zen Graf schaf t vor, machen jedoch nur 1,5% zu diesen verdankt aus. Zusatzlich eine un der Gesamtzahl der Ge kleinerer Vertiefungen Zahl bestimmte anderer, ihre Ent von Baumaterial und Strafienschotter winnung haben jedoch die meisten der Eintiefungen stehung. Weitaus im allgemeinen oder runden einen ellip regelmafiigen, in assistance for their valuable of Geography Department 1958 and spring carried out in the summer the field work who to the many landowners 1959. I am indebted kindly to the us to inspect their fields, and in particular, allowed and Dr. W. O. Hassall, his Librarian, Earl of Leicester, me for permitting F. S. Turner, his Estate Agent, Mr. and other records at Holk collection to consult the map the I owe thanks for drawing ham. To Mr. J. Bryant maps. of Among themost widerspread minor features theNorfolk landscape are the small hollows which tischenUmrifi und sind kleiner als ein acre (0,4 ha). Sie are to be found in almost from every field.Viewed entsprechen den ?S6llen** (Sing. hSoII**) der Grundmoranen a field theymay easily be or of the road the den fol edge des nordlichen Mitteleuropa. landschaften (Vgl. so von C. Troll.) Kessel for ornamental mistaken Diese sind oft in clump plantations, genden Aufsatz der Mitte von Feldern gelegen und dicht mit Eschen, Eichen well are they hidden by trees and shrubs. On closer ortliche Bevolke tiberwachsen. Die und Hagedorngestriipp of ash, oak, inspection the dense undergrowth des Flurnamen rung halt sie fiir ehemalige Mergelgruben. hawthorn and elder is seen to form a ring sur wahr die Annahme machen 14. Jahrhunderts 13. und often occupied by der Grafschaft in vielen Teilen ge scheinlich, dafi damals rounding a steep-sided hollow, water. Seen from the air or und eine erhebliche Zahl von Mergelgruben a clear of mergelt wurde, deep, pool des 16. und 17. Jahrhunderts sind auf Karten eingetragen. on a map they are sharply defined (Figs. 1 and 2). von Giitern beinhalten Die Eintragungen Buchhaltungen To describe briefly their form and pattern of von und Streuen unglaublicher iiber das Ausheben Mengen Landwirt distribution is the first object of this paper. des 18. und 19. Jahrhunderts. wahrend Mergel die er die wichtige Rolle, betonen schaftliche Schriftsteller Their mode of origin is not easy to discover. in den Ge von Schaf-Hutweiden fiir die Urbarmachung the variety of local topographic By observing Norfolk im westlichen bieten leichter Boden spielte. Am such as slope, geology, soils and the der conditions, Methode kam aber diese 19. des Jahrhunderts Ausgang record of human activity within a particular area, zum Erliegen und wird jetzt nirgends Bodenverbesserung simi mehr angewendet. alternative explanations formorphologically von Norfolk schei der Eintiefungen Eine gewisse Anzahl be lar hollows may suggested. Then, by studying zu entstanden des Bodens nen jedoch nicht durch Ausheben such as of particular processes, the operation so seicht so regelmafiig im Umrifi, sein. Sie sind entweder dafi sie natiir mineral working, marling, chemical weathering annehmen mochte, oder so grofi, dafi man to sind. Einige an attempt may be made davon, and periglaciation, Entstehung licher, nicht anthropogener wie die BrecklandMeere (Weiher)mogen als Erdfalle oder in terms of related hollows explain particular oder sehr kreide des Kreidedurch Losung ?sink holes" note that, apart from recent entstanden phenomena. We may reichen Moranenuntergrundes sein, andere, be bear obvious marks of few mineral workings, ?thaw im mittleren Norfolk, sonders mogen periglaziale von Boden records indicate that a sinks** (?Pingos**) historical sein, die durch Auftauen yet digging; kamen. Wei zustande in feinkornigem Material eislinsen have been dug in the past. It of number pits large und durch Losung entstanden tere mogen auf diese Weise form is due to feuchteren Verhalt may be that some, whose present unter kalteren und im Untergrund, on the sites of been have man's sein. nissen als heute, vergrofiert worden dug activity, as natural features. which originated depressions to University are due thanks in Norfolk may be formed by several My Hollows Acknowledgements: a grant towards field-work for London expenses College different natural processes but, in the absence of several who to Mr. A. R. H. Baker, and maps, provided of their formation, we of the members and other F. C. Green Mr. directly observed evidence photographs, Hugh C. Prince: Pits and Ponds inNorfolk 11 Plantation P/Cnngerhill ^ """" ' Extentof photograph Pond Wood * *| Scrub Heath 23 860 yards Fig. Aerial ref view of pits 125/788104 (Photo and looking J. K. S. St. Fig. 2: Map 1: ponds near north-east Joseph, Swaffham towards copyright from Grid Castle Acre. reserved) than suggest which areas offer, or formerly offered, favourable conditions for cer to operate. As a basis for further tain processes discussion it seems appropriate to consider some possible origins of pits, ponds and other enclosed set in relation to their geographical depressions an to is is exercise What present attempted ting. inmap interpretation. can do no more The form and distribution ofpits and ponds inNorfolk The current 1 : 25,000 Ordnance Survey maps mark 27,015 hollows of different shapes and sizes or other water-filled hollows, (Fig. 3). Ponds coloured blue on the Ordnance map, are distin from dry pits, indicated by hachures. guished Most pits and ponds are situated in areas where the cover of glacial drift is more than three feet thick (Fig. 4). If the areas of thin drift deposits in west Norfolk be included, the correspondence of pits and ponds shown on Fig. 1. between areas of hollows and glacial drifts is these limits the density almost exact1). Within of hollows varies considerably, and appears to differ from one soil region to another (Fig. 5)2). The number of pits and ponds and their density x) In discussing the drift deposits of Norfolk I have the terminology D. F.W.: followed Baden-Powell, and interpretations proposed The Chalky Boulder Clays Norfolk and Suffolk. Geological Magazine in of 85, 1948, and Adjoining C. P.: East Anglia 279?296; Chatwin, British Regional Areas. Survey. 2nd Geology. Geological R. G. and Donner, edit. London 1954; West, J.J.: The and the East Midlands. Glaciations of East Anglia Quart. R. G.: The Soc. West, 112, 1956, 69?91; Journ. Geol. in East Anglia. Pleistocene 3, Journ. Glaciology Epoch 1958, 211?216. Fig. 4 is based on theGeological Survey Quarter-Inch Drift Geology Sheets 12 and 16. 2) The regional divisions (Fig. 5) have been drawn with the aid of Arthur Young's Map of the Soil of Norfolk. of the County of Norfolk. General View of the Agriculture London map of the regions of 1804, and J. E. G. Mosby's 193. of Britain. Norfolk. London Land Norfolk. 1938, are described in Newman, L. F.: The Soils of Norfolk of the Transactions Soils and Agriculture of Norfolk. Naturalists' and Norwich Norfolk 9, 1914, Society F.: Soil H. H. and Hanley, and Nicholson, 349?393; in East Anglia. Book for the Excursion Guide Conditions Soil of International Britain. Third round Congress Science. Oxford 1935, 60?74. 12 Erdkunde Band XVI Table I: Pits and Ponds inNorfolk Surface Number of Area Dry Region sq. mis. Fenland Pits Number Ponds 3 Number ofWet 212 of Pits & Density Density Pits Ponds of Dry Ponds 518 521 123192 1244 1436 1.5 10.1 11.6 2484 1701 4185 6.4 4.3 10.7 1125 224 754 1879 5.0 3.4 8.4 391 932 8616 9548 2.422.0 South Norfolk 279 600 6790 7390 2.124.3 Loam Region 339 645 1340 1985 1.9 3.9 5.8 Greensand Region Good Sand Region Breckland Mid-Norfolk 389 97 4328 Broadland Total Norfolk 2054 6009 21006 have been calculated for each region (Table I). In areas of light soils, particularly in the Good Sand are the hollows occasion generally large, Region, not as numer ally more than 100 feet across, but ous as in areas of heavy soils in mid-Norfolk and south Norfolk, where small pits and ponds In the densely pitted central districts, abound. where blue chalky boulder clay of the Lowestoft thickness and the level till attains a considerable of ground water is high, most hollows are perma nently water-filled. In the Fenland and Broadland there are notably fewer than elsewhere, for they are, in fact, absent in areas of deep peat and recent of Pits & Ponds 2.4 2.4 0.01 71 Density ofWet 24.4 26.4 0.30.4 0.7 2.910.2 27015 13.1 in the Fakenham district are somewhat in mid-Norfolk. To than those and deeper larger find what kind of material lies at the bottom of the hollows is far from simple. They are thickly downwashed, overgrown, partly filled with hollows Table II: and Shape size of pits in the Fakenham and ponds district Surface Shape Area alluvium. the summer of 1958 an attempt was During made to record the shape and size of the hollows on the or pond marked by visiting each pit six-inch map, Sheet 25, covering 24 square miles in north-west Norfolk (Fig. 6). around Fakenham To compare the hollows in an area of light sandy district with those in an soils in the Fakenham area of heavy soils in mid-Norfolk, another 6 square miles around Seaming was surveyed in the are circular, elliptical spring of 1959. The hollows or irregular in shape, except where two or three occur together at the same site as multiple hollows are less than 300 feet (Table II). The great majority across and few are more than 30 feet deep. The 3 -3 * u Gravel pits Other pits on arable 26 w 0 4 a 17 ? * 2 2 j 5 43500 ? ? .fr s 468 139 215 28 86 74 30 9 8 3600 6300 1500 land Other pits on nonarable Total 150 37 land 644 176 293 75 100 1200 3600 300 Hugh C. Prince: Pits and Ponds inNorfolk (more BZ?2z2(less the ^ " ^ than 3ft. surface) below '-1 / IIlcha,k "^^^-'^ 13 /== Ten mi/es J 4: Glacial drift inNorfolk. Based on Geological Survey XU"Drift Geology Sheets 12 and 16. JFig. weathered debris, and often contain a considerable of them have not been depth of water. Most disturbed for a long time. In the Fakenham district 619 of the hollows recorded on the six-inch map of 1904 can still be identified; and of those that have disappeared five have been filled in as refuse tips.With the exception of six recent gravel have only four other new hollows workings, appeared since 1904. The evidence of the six-inch shows that they cannot be map convincingly as craters or other twentieth bomb explained century phenomena. Mineral workings Of the pits and ponds shown on 1:25,000 maps, 404 are named and distinctively represented as chalk pits, lime kilns, gravel pits, sand pits or brick kilns. The map (Fig. 7) shows that, apart from the Fenland and Broadland, mineral work is almost ubiquitous. Its limits ing in Norfolk correspond closely with the limits of all types of hollows, but, unlike other hollows, quarries are not concentrated in south and mid-Norfolk. The* map also shows remarkably little differentiation in theworking of differentmaterials. Sand, gravel and brick pits are situated in every part of the county except in the Fens3) and the Broads. Chalk pits and lime kilns extend from the western edge of the chalk outcrop as far east as Southrepps near on the Neatishead Mundesley, edge of Barton Broad and Whitlingham cliffs below Norwich. Some deep pits such as those at Thorpe produce sand, gravel, clay and chalk at different levels, and adjoining pits at several places in mid-Norfolk, south Norfolk, the Good the Sand Region, Breckland and the Greensand Belt produce diffe are now rent materials. A variety of materials being extracted from all districts where hollows occur, and it is pertinent to ask whether other hollows, not named on maps, are the result of mineral working. Pits at present in use are not difficult to recog nize (Fig. 8). Most are dry or well drained. Those excavators are irregu being dug with mechanical at Terrington 3) A brick works on current maps. fen is marked St. Clement in the silt '^X^?-^^^^^^^^^^^^ & ) ^ vV;::::Nr:;::| ^ <or\^*^X/ T I'^'iy/SS ^ ^""'^^^ FTTH Alluvium,Peat -l and Fen K: -1 >f ^ ' j EastDereham! Kl ~ D c r> norfolk \ ^^^^ I/'Thetford' & Vk^%^^^-^?.\ Silts ^^^^^ r e g io / /<V;:^^^^W j-.::y::':y-.:yf loam FakenhaTn^ \\ i v f= f ^-'^ norwich south no r fo l >^ n^^^^^l ;C ^^^&. /P \ broari^and^ J-.-^^fE "^^s k^@^^ p J " / ^~"~^^_N^'/ /= Tenmiles I I_M Fig. 5: Soil regionsofNorfolk. Based on maps of ArthurYoung lar in shape and occupy large areas, the largest more than 100 acres. They are situated either at the side of public roads or are served by tracks. Fresh exposures of material quarried, or derelict remains of tramways, graders, sheds and kilns evidence of recently aban provide unmistakable a very doned workings. Modern diggings present from the great majority of different appearance situated in the small, regularly shaped hollows middle of fields (Fig. 9). account for day mineral workings all of and but barely 1.5% pits ponds, archaeology and historical records enable us to identify pits which were formerly dug for flints, building materials and road stone. Many were very small in the The earliest diggings scale workings. Breckland may be traced at least as far back as Neolithic times4). Until the end of the nineteenth from pits at century gunflints were obtained as well as from the Catton and Whitlingham in the Brandon district5). Subterranean workings chalk near Norwich at St. Giles Gate, Stone Hills Present R. R.: East Anglia. London 1960, 51?58. 4) Clarke, of Gun the Manufacture S. B. J.: On 5) Skertchly, Geol. Flints. Mem. 1879, 10, 14. Survey. London (1804) and J. E. G. Mosby (1938). on the Dereham road, Catton and Whitlingham probably provided much of the chalk and fresh jflintsused in themedieval buildings ofNorwich6). stone has also been obtained from the Building Lower Greensand, and since the thirteenth cen tury from the hard beds in the Lower Chalk in west Norfolk7). By the seventeenth century al most every village had its small pits for supplying and material for brick gravel for road making noted that many of the making. W. G. Clarke small disused pits, which are one of.the most characteristic features of commons and village existed at the time of enclo greens in Norfolk, are not reached by present day Others sure8). metalled roads. A survey of 1779 records hun 6) Woodward, Norwich. around 129?130. 28?30, H. B.: Mem. The Geology Geol. Survey. of the Country London 1881, in the walls of Marham founded nunnery, 7) The built of clunch thirteenth century, were almost certainly from the neighbouring F.: An derived pits. Blomefield, a Topographical of the County of towards Essay History London 1807. Vol. VII Norfolk. Parkin). (by Charles 392. 8) Clarke, actions Norf. The W. G.: Nat. Norw. of Norfolk. Commons Soc. 9, 1910, 52?70. Trans Fig. Pits 6: the district in ponds Fakenham f and showing ield their relation boundaries. to and roads Based field on survey in August 1958. ? 0> Pits Gravel 4* Other pits ponds and mile one 16 Erdkunde Band XVI + "j^FTT3?-; /f* + I I a+o+++ / oo ? * - fo \ + + V ^T^^3^ / VXo o?o0 o0O +o0o ->a\SS? OA +o W ty I u 0 j, + O o ? O a? a + + ? o o o o ? a o A +A +^ + + + - + Chalk and Lime a Gravel and Sand Brick-kiln / 7"e/?mi/es / a oo ? a ? a a A+ a H X a ^a ?+ a a a XZZZZZZZZZZZZ . XX a a o aa o\ a ? a + ? 8q?a \ ? ? a - - = ?+o \ \ V= Ao ? A ??o a0 : f r?A? a ?a o? ?^ 4 F +A A oo ++o o ^ b J? / r \ 0 a ^y^^/ fc= ^ ^A * EE ?^ ^ = +aa?a^>oA o a * .i? . Xa a o o ^ ?a ? o ? \-~?Q a a+ A ooOo / ?o? oa +o + o + aoa OA a aV +X - a r +o >^ ? ? Vjf >y X_ + a o J o ( ) aa+?a?+ a + +o \ + \ 0?? + a aa ??H + o ?o N 0 a o. 1 oo o >w o \= V /= ? a / ^y ~ .Fig. 7; Mineral Based on Ordnance workings Survey dreds of such pits in different parts of the Holk ham estate. It shows two small brick kilns and a lime kiln in the outlying parts of Great Massing ham, two gravel pits and a chalk pit inWeasen ham, and at least two gravel pits and a sand pit in Castle Acre9). are much less Many disused mineral workings than one acre in extent and cannot be distinguish ed from other hollows. A few can be recognized traces of by their somewhat irregular shape and tracks leading to them. Gravel and sand pits may be colonized by bracken, gorse, birch, oak and hawthorn, but rarely by ash (Fig. 10). Ponds and Pits The great majority of hollows in Norfolk are much smaller than one acre in extent and much modern mineral more regular in shape than hollows may be such In clay country workings. 1779 survey is contained 9) The Estate plans kept in the Holkham in a bound Office. volume of in Norfolk. 1 :25.000 maps. expected to collect water from ditches and field drains, and some may have been dug expressly for this purpose. But in sandy districts, where the soil is naturally well drained and artificial drainage is absent, there are some 10,000 hollows, half of them filled to within a few feet of the surface with water. Some, which are very shallow and lie within or close to farmyards or in fields of perma nent grass, are ponds used, or formerly used, for such as the stock. Some large ponds, watering as Brooke meres, may have been excavated reservoirs for water for cattle or even for the human population10). But more than 70% of the district are in the Fakenham pits and ponds situated in arable fields, about half of them in the middle of fields, away from roads or farm build near Faken ings. A farmer in Great Ryburgh ham has at least one pit in 20 of his 24 arable fields, one hole being over 80 feet deep. These are nor ponds. evidently neither drainage sumps 10) Woodward, Norfolk. History. H. Vol. B.: Geology. I. Westminster Victoria 20. 1901, County Hugh C. Prince: Pits and Ponds inNorfolk \ * .Q\\? r-^/V 17 \ ^~?\ \B e *a \\ W \/ c o\\n abandoned sand and gravel pit at Hempton. Fig. 8: Recently Green south of Fakenham, Grid ref. 125/911286. (Photo A. R. H. Baker) The modern farmer regards them as a nuisance. in the 24 space; They occupy much valuable around Fakenham square miles they occupy 127 acres, or 0.8% of the surface area (Table III). Table III: Area ocupied by pits and ponds in the Fakenham district11) Pits and Ponds Surface_._._ Acres j^ble kncT Total Area a cres Percf"?f surface Number Per cent 10752 66.9 0.62 471 73.1 4608 59'8 1,29 173 26,9 0.82 644 15360 126.7 Pond area 100.0 ?3P _440 Fig. 9: The I? IWood WPit EZ1 Scrub I.I Heath Gravel pit contrast between yards_ small regularly shaped hollows in themiddle of fields at Beacon Hill and large irregular at Hempton Green near Fakenham. gravel workings on field survey in August Based 1958. is hindered by their operation of machinery presence in themiddle of fields, and as a result it is to plough impossible straight furrows or drill straight rows. The cover of trees casts its shade on land and harbours multitudes of surrounding are and rabbits. vermin, pests notably Crops stunted or severely depleted in an area which may extend ten or fifteen feet beyond the edge of a hollow. On the other hand, the task of filling The total area occupied represents lr) The by pits and ponds the sum of the areas of 644 ellipses whose lengths and on the ground breadths have been estimated and checked the six-inch map. The of arable land proportion against the total area of hollows represents by hollows occupied or growing in fields that were in arable crops ploughed as a percentage of the total area 1958, expressed August, on the current Ordnance of those fields shown Survey acres of arable includes land 10,752 1:2,500 plans. The occupied by hedges, ditched, footpaths, bridleways and also by pits and ponds themselves. Fig. 10: Old disused gravel pit elder at Hempton Green A. R. H. (Photo covered with near Fakenham. Baker) gorse and 18 Erdkunde Band XVI them is expensive and has not always proved successful. The thicket of trees and shrubs has first to be cleared; then several hundred cubic to be found and carried of material have yards across fields. When this is done, a wet patch may a normal crop remain incapable of producing (Fig. 11). have a vertical shaft penetrating to a depth of at least ten feet (Fig. 13). Ash, hawthorn and oak are the commonest trees, but elder, willow, black thorn, holly, alder, elm, sycamore, hazel and Scots pine are also frequently present (Fig. 14). Trees of all ages from young saplings to mature are found on the sides of many specimens pits, Fig. 11: Wet patch remainingafter a pit had been filled in near Colkirk. 3rd August taken on Photograph period of drought. Fig. 12: Pit (Photo 1958 after a prolonged A. R. H. Baker) on side of a hill covered with and oak near Raynham Park. Grid ref. 125/884276. Marl Fig. ashy hawthorn pits and marling In areas of flat arable land pits and ponds are regularly spaced in each field, except where two or three occur side by side as multiple hollows; on sloping ground they are generally situated near the highest point in a field. Some, cut into the side of a hill, are approached by a gentle incline which may look like a natural depression, backed by a steep face ten or twenty feet high (Fig. 12). Others, whose presence on a level surface is often revealed by a dense thicket of trees and shrubs, Fig. 13: Pit on level ground covered with near Great Ryhurgh. hawthorn (Photo A. R. H. Baker) 74: Pit Grid on level stony ground and elder neat Pudding ref. 125/935281. (Photo ash and Scots supporting Norton. A. R. H. Baker) pine showing how little they have been disturbed in recent times. Yet the reports of people now living and the records of marling activity up to the end of the nineteenth century suggest thatmany were dug formineral manures. For the present purpose the term "marling" is used to refer to the digging of any mineral sub stances from beneath the surface soil to correct soil acidity or to improve soil texture. Geologists define marl as a calcareous clay containing more than 10% calcium carbonate, but inNorfolk the term "marl" is generally reserved for soft white materials containing a very high proportion of Hugh C. Prince: Pits and Ponds inNorfolk calcium carbonate. Joshua Trimmer applied the term exclusively to almost pure calcium carbonate obtained from the Upper Chalk, transported or disturbed masses of chalk, or the intensely chalky In mid boulder clay of north-west Norfolk12). Norfolk and south Norfolk sandy substances rich in lime are also called "marl". The term "clay" is a lower lime applied to other substances with In its local meaning, "clay" includes content13). or blue till, some of which chalky grey, yellow contains more than 80% calcium carbonate and is pure enough to be burnt for lime14). It also includes sandy loam, as well as true clay from the formations. The value of Gault and Kimmeridge all these materials, except the true clays, for soils be attributed largely to may improving light their lime content. On the light sandy soils in west Norfolk "clay" or "marl" is used to reduce acidity, to increase thewater-retaining capacity, to retard the leaching of plant nutrients from the topsoil and to prevent soil erosion. On heavy soils the "marl" of south sandy calcareous material, to can used be Norfolk, improve soil texture. The sand fraction helps to break down stiff,tenacious clods by a mechanical process; while the lime fraction not only reduces acidity, but also imparts an easily worked crumb structure by a chemical process of flocculating the clay colloids. At least eleven different substances were used to improve in the mid different types of land in Norfolk nineteenth century but the method of obtaining them was much the same in all districts. The digging of mineral manures was practised over two thousand years ago. Pliny in England raised by such material was how described windlass from depths of as much as 100 feet. This method of sinking a deep shaft and excavating a bell shaped cavity below is described by many later observers and has been reported in the present century by several authorities15). On a as of Norfolk On the Geology Joshua: 12) Trimmer, of soils. Journ. Roy. illustrating the laws of the distribution Soc. 7, 1847, 444?485. Agric. these terms have different mean 13) In other counties as "marl" would in west Norfolk is described ings. What in Hertfordshire; be called "chalk" while much probably as in Norfolk be described would of what is called "clay" or Kent. in Hertfordshire "marl" of the Country H. B.: The Geology 14) Woodward, Mem. Surv. Geol. Wells and Holt. around Fakenham, London 1884, 23, reports that chalky boulder clay in a pit near Holt was calcium found to contain carbonate, 91% as to be readily a material so free from other detritus mistaken for pure chalk. of the Soil. London Sir E. John: The World 15) Russel, a passage from Pliny's Natural 1957, 172, quotes History from bell pits in of extracting marl the method describing two Russell the observed Britain thousand years ago. same method at of itinerant workmen used by a gang in 1915. The of agricultural Rothamsted observations are reviewed on this subject G. E.: writers by Fussell, 19 was occasionally sloping surface it possible to cut to reach the back into the slope far enough material by way of an inclined ramp and draw it out in carts with the aid of a capstan16). The first method would account for the depth and funnel shape of pits on level surfaces; the second would explain thewedge shape of the few pits on sloping surfaces. Raising material from a deep vertical shaft is a laborious operation, but less costly than opening a broad pit. The cost of digging and loading the material into carts is often no greater than the cost of carting and spreading it with or cumbrous carts. To carry it the wheelbarrows shortest distance, a pit should be situated in the middle of a field or at the top of a slope, so that loaded carts may run downhill. A further advan tage of digging a shaft is that a minimum quantity of "uncallow" overburden needs removing. The "uncallow" is generally spread on the land with the "callow" marl and not thrown back into ten or the pit after themarl has been taken. When more feet of overburden has to be removed to reach a productive bed, a vertical shaft is most appropriate. The shape, size and position ofmany present day pits correspond faithfully with these specifications. The earliest documentary evidence of marling in Norfolk is derived from medieval field-names and minor place-names which indicate the pres ence of marled land, marl pits, clay pits, loam pits or pit holes. One of the earliest references is a grant at of five acres of land, called Marlepitlond, in north-east in made Norfolk Saxthorpe 127717). In the sandy districts of west Norfolk the ferti lizing value of white chalk marl was known and widely exploited in the thirteenth, fourteenth and states that "land fifteenth century. W. G. Clarke which is now apparently primitive heathland was profitably cultivated" at that time18).Among other places he identifies the present Lambpit Hill in Thetford Warren as the Lampythowe referred to in 1338, in which the element "lam" means "loam". Another pit near Thetford is referred to in 1535 as Fryers Calkepitt. Place-names contain ing the element "cork", as in the present Cork mere Bottom, Wretham, or Corkes Pitte, on the an ancient manure. Nature One Marl, 183, 1959, 214?7. of the best twentieth is by Sherlock, century accounts R. L.: The Geology of the Country around Aylesbury and Hemel Mem. Geol. 1922, 55. Hempstead. Survey. London Arthur: of Agriculture. 19. Bury Annals 16) Young, St. Edmunds 1793, 478. on the Mss. of the Mss. Comm.: 17) Historical Report at Blickling of Lothian London Hall, Norfolk. Marquess 1905, 50. The marlpit is also referredto in a grant of 1252 cited on p. 48. W. G.: 18) Clarke, revised and re-written 1937, 97. Cambridge In Breckland Wilds. by R. Rainbird-Clarke: 2nd. edit, Heffer, 20 Erdkunde Band XVI map of theManor of Farnworth Hall in Ashill, 1581, probably refer to the hard chalk of that name described by Arthur Young19). Many hundreds of early forms of place-names have yet to be studied before a geography of marling in medieval Norfolk can be written, but it is evident from the earliest farm and estate maps that marl feature of the landscape of pits were a widespread north-west Norfolk by 1600. Holkham and probably several others25). Marling Holkham was usually paid for by the tenant himself, except when new land was being enclosed and improved. Books The Audit Account of the Holkham Estate, which begin in 1707, record only the payments made by the landlord as a contribution to the initial cost of reclamation; the tenant, for his part, generally agreed to pay an increased rent26). A typical entry in the Audit Account, under "Holkham, 1712", referring to such an A remarkable collection of maps and plans of reads: estate dating back to 1575 show the Holkham agreement, "Allowed Thos Magnus for filling and spreading many marl pits and clay pits20). Most were located 500 load ofmarie laid upon 10 acres inHigh Close as in minutely subdivided fields and small closes of two or three acres immediately surrounding villag by agreementwhen he took thefarme which was part of es and hamlets, and itwould seem that before 1660 the considerationof his increase of rent... ? 7.10. Od" most marling in north-west Norfolk on lands that with together hedge planting and the Marling, were regularly under cultivation. It is not certain carried out on newly building of farms, was how extensive the practice was at this period in estate enclosed land in every part of theHolkham the rest of the county, particularly in the old the first of the half century during eighteenth enclosed districts of mid-Norfolk, although it is (Fig. 15). By 1750 marling on a large scale had not an was innovation of the early clear it come to be regarded as an essential step in the entirely reclamation of land from sheepwalks27). To more eighteenth century. In east Norfolk chalk shipped in Kent from Greenwich, Erith and Northfleet than one writer marling was the cornerstone of was carried as much as ten or fifteenmiles inland in west Norfolk hus the improvements made it was from the ports, where Defoe observed bandry during the early eighteenth century. One to asserted that "all the countryfrom Holkham eagerly sought by farmers "to lay upon their land, and that in prodigious quantities" 2iV).Although a was the wild spirit of Houghton sheepwalk before this trade may have contributed to the fertility of improvement seized the inhabitants.What has wrought it is unlikely the coastal fringe of east Norfolk, these vast improvements is themarling; for under the that imported chalk was used outside the Loam whole countryrun veins of a very rich soapy kind, which In other parts of the county marl was Region. theydig up and spread upon the old sheepwalks; and was used. it field in in the which generally dug then, bymeans of inclosure, they throw theirfarms into a regular course After 1660 it is evident that marling was of crops, and gain immensely by the an oversimplification to say improvement"2*). It is extensively practised on lands newly won from occurs the in under veins whole that marl It from and from county, "breaks", heaths22). sheepwalks but the effect of its application on many types of came to play a leading role in the reclamation of on the land was spectacular. "The fertility of this land is light sandy soils in west Norfolk, notably estates of Houghton24), Raynham23), great 19) Young, St. Edmunds 20) They Arthur: Annals 1803, 172. show, for example, of Agriculture that there were 39. no list of the Cholmondeley (Houghton) MSS. Bury less than 28 pits inTittleshall in 1596, 10 inLongham in 1580 and in 1575. Lexham A Tour and Daniel: through England 21) Defoe, 1927. Vol. London Wales I, 99. (1724). Everyman. are temporarily or "brecks" "brakes" 22) "Breaks", or heaths, which from sheepwalks enclosures cultivated to revert to are cropped for a year or two, then allowed are described in Saltmarsh, John, They rough grazing. a Nor H. C.: The Infield-Outfield und Darby, System on and Mosby, 30?44 Hist. Econ. folk Manor. 3, 1935. 4 inWest cit. 127?131. J. E. G.:op. at Rainham Estate Management H.W.: 23) Saunders, and 1706. Norfolk 1661?1686 in the Years Archaeology on the Rayn that marling shows began 19, 1917. 39?66 earlier than suggested ham Estate before by 1664, much Past and R. E. (Lord Ernie), English Farming Prothero, Present. London 1912, 174. and Norfolk Sir Robert Walpole 24) Plumb, J. H.: 2nd. Ser. 5, 1952. 86?89, Hist. Rev. Econ. Husbandry, G. A.: A Hand refers to marling 1701, p. 87. Chinnery, Cambridge the General Estate under lists marl Accounts, 3 vols. 1718?1745, in Norfolk. Gentle Tne state of Husbandry 25) ?N?. of Lyng man's Magazine 22, 1752. 453, credits Mr. Allen of Dereham, with north-east House, initiating large-scale as a means in west Nor heathland of reclaiming marling Arthur: op. cit. 1804. 365, adds the names folk; Young, to the list of pioneer and Mr. Morley of Lord Townshend 1953. improvers. 26) The in Parker, nature of these agreements is discussed, p. 165 and the Agrarian of Norfolk R. A. C.: Coke Econ. Hist. Rev. 2nd. Ser. 8, 1955. 156?166. Revolution, to on the demesne lands was charged normally Marling to in Rogers, A referred the Farm Account, J. E.T.: in England, Prices and of Agriculture vii, History Part I. Oxford 1703?1793. 1902, 646. soils reclamation of in the role of marling light 27) The at length the early eighteenth century is discussed during in Nor Revolution The Agricultural Naomi: in Riches, Hill of North folk. University 1937, Carolina, Chapel 152. 33, 77?81, 28) A Society of Gentlemen P., and Price, by Russell, :England Revised Displayed. London 1769. i, 318. Owen. C. Prince: Hugh Pits and Ponds 1729-30 ^.Queries + \ - Dunton Flitcham 1735-45 \S 1726-8 Southcreake 1734-5 "X 1 + \ + inNorfolk 21 ^>Ny >y Fulmodeston 1712-50 X I Massinghaml708-I4 + >. \ ,Wellinghaml738-9 _Q.?. Mn ^ _ .-^ yWeasenham 1738-50/ + \ + B.?..ngford .726-42 1742-50 V=? Tittles^ ^Xr^^^N^-^1 Castle Acre 1735-53 \ \ -?k' Holkham Audit Account Dates refer to entries Books f Ten miles Based in FE -^^^^^^-^ V_^-s_h _^ f > j i f^ / on the Holkham Fig. 15: Marling on Holkham Audit Account Books record de la wholly artificial", declared the young Due after visiting a prosperous farm Rochefoucauld atDunton in 178429). In the course of his visit he learned that this and many other farms in the district had been uncultivated waste fifty years earlier and owed their high state of cultivation "to the discovery ofmarl". On estate maps of the mid eighteenth century pits appear frequently in the midst of "breaks". In the 1750's a pit ismarked in Marl Break inGreat Massingham; in 1779 there is a New Marl'd Break in and a Claypit Rougham Break in Tittleshall, to name but three examples from maps of the Holkham estate. While newly reclaimed intakes inwest Norfolk were being marled possibly for the first time, the activity was being revived in the old enclosed lands in east Norfolk. William who Marshall, acquired a knowledge of the practice from two in England 29) Ed. Marchand, Jean: A Frenchman sur l'Angleterre of Francois de la 1784, being Melanges Rochefoucauld. with notes by Roberts, Translated S. C. on marling other observations 1933, 230; Cambridge on appear p. 172?173, 217, 218?219. estate between payments 1712 and for the initial 1756. improvement of land. in east Norfolk residence years' (1780-1782), made a careful study of the properties and mode of the marls of occurrence and clays used in different parts of the county30). Samples on the of chalk marl from Thorpe Market northern edge of the Loam region, clay marl in East Flegg, from Hemsby soft chalk from and hard chalk from Thorpe-next-Norwich, Swaffham on the borders of the Breckland and the Good Sand Region were analysed and all were found to contain a high proportion of calcium carbonate. But their usefulness also depended on the rate at which theyweathered and mixed with the soil; and on the nature of the soil itself. It was recognised locally that the presence of buddle or corn (Chrysanthemum segetum), smart marigold weed (Polygonum Hydropiper), quick or couch grass (Agropyron repens) indicated that the land needed marling. It was also observed that the 30) Marshall, William :The Rural Economy of Nor folk.London 1788. i, 16, 18?27, 150?157, 217; ii, 193, 363?364. 22 Erdkunde Band XVI 1804 - ^ s? r''s 111 . Pm 'i 1844 ?^_ e??? of the county was justly famous had been achieved by the institution of 21-year leases, by the enlarge ment of farms, by the enclosing of heathland, by strict adherence to regular rotations of crops and by marling, which he claimed to be "the most important branch of Norfolk improvements"^). In 1804 marling or claying was practised on a large scale in most parts of the county (Fig. 16), but the quantities used were no longer as great as in 1771, at the time of Arthur YoungV Tour33). was beginning to demonstrate the Experience In the smaller of country advantages dressings. between Warham and Holt where itwas customary to spread 60 loads34) per acre in 1771, good results were obtained with 25 to 30 loads in 1804; and that received 70 loads per land in Massingham acre in the 1770's derived no less benefit from 35 to 40 loads per acre 25 years later35). But there were still great differences between the amounts used in different localities. Much larger quantities were applied inwest Norfolk than in the east. In the west dressings of "clay" ranged from 40 to 140 loads per acre; in the Loam Region dressings were not more than 40 loads per acre, and the east Norfolk widely dug white chalk "marl" of was generally spread at a rate of 8 to 12 loads per acre. we appreciate the scale of these operations at a the field that reckon may clayed forty-acre rate of 60 loads per acre, which was quite typical forwest Norfolk, required 2,400 loads, or about this 3,200 cubic yards of material. To provide a hole 60 feet in diameter and over 30 quantity, feet deep would have to be dug; for a ten-acre field a hole 30 feet across and over 30 feet deep be required. Similar diggings might be would at intervals of twenty or thirty years, repeated or near the site of the original pit. at usually confirm that the pits are roughly Observations to the size of fields, that their proportional the very roughly with corresponds capacity and that amounts reported by Arthur Young, multiple hollows could have been produced by To 6 ^^V^~7oo^L^x> ^ w-^?,_^ I of marl Fig. 16: Quantities spread in Norfolk. to the number of loads of marl circles are proportional Young from Arthur derived spread per acre. Information (1844) and other accounts. (1771 and 1804) and R.N.Bacon The or disease "anbury" or "clubroot" "flnger-and toe" (Caused by the organism Plasmodiophora brassicae) in turnips and members of the cabbage occur on recently marled land31). family did not On the other hand, it was noted that coltsfoot thrived where marl lay close to (Tussilago Farfara) Marshall the surface.When William wrote, the extent and variety of workable deposits in east Norfolk was already well known from exposures in existing marl pits, and attention was being directed to using the material as effectively as possible. In the second half of the eighteenth century in still regarded as a west Norfolk marling was asserted that Young Arthur pioneering activity. the high standard of farming forwhich that part H. V.: H. W., and Garner, 31) More recently Gardner, 1953. London in British Agriculture. of Lime Use of a number indicators names reliable of other 28?31, are common in Britain, sheep's including acidity which sorrel arvensis) and {Rumex spurrey acetosella)y (Spergula knawel {Scleranthus annuus and perennis). The repeated digging. The benefits of marling were never so widely as theywere during the first half of the publicised nineteenth century. In 1811 claying was recom it was to improve fen peat, although mended from trenches rather than deep obtained generally of the Agriculture View General Arthur: 32) Young, 1804. 402. Other London of Norfolk. of the County 476. on pp. 364, 366, 402?412, to marling references the Tour Farmer's Arthur: The through 33) Young, 1771. ii: 17,31,40,152?156,161. London East of England. to place and from place in quantity varied 34) A "load" in the early nineteenth time to time, but inNorfolk century to be about 36 cubic reckoned it was generally feet, or 1% tons. iy3 cubic yards, or approximately Arthur: op. cit. 1804, 402. 35) Young, Hugh C. Prince: Pits and Ponds inNorfolk 23 the Withers advocated pits36). In 1826 William eredadequate. This view was supported by Barugh use of marl to promote the growth of trees on Almack who stated that itwas better to claymore poor light soils37). But these were small extensions frequently than to run the risk of putting on too a quantity at once41). But he weakened was strongly of a well-established which his large practice a the of writers "as foremost the argument by selecting, urged by agricultural favourable specimen and period and actively encouraged bywealthy improv of what has been done for the soil ofNorfolk, to account for its present productive state", a 287 Coke ing landlords such as Thomas William of Holkham38). acre farm at South Runcton on which no less farms in west Norfolk Most were occupied interests in than 54,055 loads of clay had been spread at one by tenants whose improvements were protected by long making dressing, an average of 188 per acre42). Again, at two farms inWest Lexham, light sandy soils were leases. During the period of a 21-year lease an initial outlay of less than fifty shillings per acre clayed at the rate of 40 or 50 loads per acre, and at return by ensuring high secured a handsome another near Swaffham, on the edge of the Breck land, at the rate of over 80. yields. In other parts of the county, where leases seem to have been The digging of marl ceased in most parts of granted for short periods, tenants were less certain of a return on their Norfolk before the First World War, after declin investment; but the existence of many thousands ing for about half a century. H. B. Woodward'j* of pits inmid-Norfolk and south Norfolk suggests report on the geology of the country around that farmers willingly ventured their capital in Fakenham, Wells and Holt discusses marling as if it were still practised there in 188 443); but marling enterprises with confidence. R. N. Bacon, writing in 1844, firmly advocated for other districts survey memoirs geological the use of marl or clay39). In his opinion, no leave no doubt that itwas almost discontinued44). If lime in some form was to be used at all, itwas county "has been indebtedmore, if so much, tomanures as a none its and has subsoils, Norfolk, obtainedfrom by evidently cheaper to bring it from a distance than larger quantity been used, or with greater increase of to dig it on the farm45). The practice of marling has now been entirely production"*?). The practice was evidently still a at extended. A of farm Castle Acre of improving soil map being superseded by other means texture and correcting (Fig. 20) containing 46 fieldsmarks 35 "new" and acidity, notably by the use 17 "old" marl pits; another of a farm atWeasen of pure lime or chalk. Since the passing of the ham (Fig. 19) containing 26 fields shows 25 "new" Agricultural Act of 1937, which authorised the and 10 "old" pits; yet another of a newly enclosed payment of subsidies on lime delivered to a farm, farm atMileham shows several new pits dug there much has been done to restore the losses caused in the course of improvements after 1814. In the more than half a century of neglect. The by Loam Region marl and chalk were being shipped subsidy, paying half the cost of the material and in small wherries from staithes near the pits, and its delivery but nothing towards the cost of in many areas farmyard manure was being com use the favours of light dressings of spreading, lime or chalk rather than heavy dressings of im posted with marl. The dressings of marl or clay recommended by farmers in the pure marl dug on the farm.Many are smaller than those at Bacon now district Fakenham obtain kiln-dried generally applied ground the beginning of the nineteenth century, partly as chalk fromWells; others use small lump chalk or a measure of economy, and lime waste from beet sugar factories. These ma partly because itwas then recognised that excessive applications were terials are light, easy to handle and can be spread harmful to the land. On light soils from 30 to 40, bymanure drill or rotary spreader. Moderate dress on not on soils than less and 40, heavy newly broken land upwards of 100 loads were consid Barugh: On the of R.: General View of the Agriculture of 36) Parkinson, of Huntingdon. the County London 1811. 299, cited in H. C.: The of the Fens, 2nd. edit. Darby, Draining 1956. 238. Cambridge to the A Memoir William: addressed 37) Withers, ... on the for the Encouragement of Arts Society Planting of Forest-Trees. and Rearing Holt 1826. 18. to by is frequently alluded 38) The marling activity and highly praised R. N., Young, Arthur, by Bacon, but Rigby, Edward: its Agriculture. Norwich Holkham, 1818, does not refer to the practice. on the R. N.: The Report of 39) Bacon, Agriculture Norfolk. on pp. 7, 94, London 1844, discusses marling 290?293. 267?273, 40) Ibid, 267. 41) Almack, Journ. Roy. Agric. 42) Ibid, 312. Soc. 5, 1845. Norfolk, Agriculture 307?357, esp. 307?313. H. B.: The Geology of the Country 43) Woodward, around Fakenham, Wells and Holt. London 1884. 21?22. H. B.: The Geology of the Country 44) Woodward, around Norwich. London 1881. 115; Reid, C.: The Geo around Cromer. 1882. 3, 132; London logy of the Country F. J.: The Geology of the Country around Attle Bennett, Watton and Wymondham. London 1884. borough, 9; The Geology of the Country around East Blake, J. H.: Dereham. London 1888. 51; Whitaker,W, Skertchly, S. B.J., and Jukes-Brown, A. J.: The Geology of the of the Wash. Borders London 1899. 74. Samuel: Ancient and Mo 45) Copland, Agriculture, dern :A Historical Account of its Principles and Practice, I. London 1864. 694?699, 774. 24 Erdkunde Band XVI more than three to eight tons per ings of not acre, depending on the acidity of the soil, may be ten years. expected to benefit the land for at least On light sandy soils with a pH value as low as 4.6, a single dressing of five tons of soft lump chalk is sufficient to ensure normal crops of sugar than beet and other sensitive plants for more In 1950 a total 17 years in this part of England46). of 228,156 tons of liming materials was consumed inNorfolk, or about 4% cwt. per cultivated acre, which was rather more than the average for and Wales47). England The evidence formarling in the eighteenth and nineteenth century is abundant and decisive. Estate accounts, surveys and the reports of contemporary show that many pits and ponds owe observers their present form to the digging of mineral manures. Shallow depressions The evidence for marling does not dispose of the problem of the origin of hollows. It does not tell us whether the pits we see are entirely man made or natural hollows deepened by digging. Several agricultural writers have noted that the surface of the ground was patterned with broad shallow hollows before marl pits were excavated. Thomas Hales writing in 1756 believed that such hollows marked the sites of former diggings and he instructs the reader, "When he hasfound any such Hollows let him mind theCourse wherein theyrun,for runs also"*8). thatWay probably theVein ofMarie Hales draws upon a wealth of oberservations made in theMidlands and southern England, but does not refer specifically to Norfolk. That Nor folk also had a pitted surface in the early eight eenth century is confirmed by an account of husbandry inNorfolk in 1752. It states, "we have an abundance of oldpits, and many of them have gone name the marie and inclosures have been by of pits, denominatedfrom them above two hundred years"**). It is clear that at least some eighteenth century marl pits were dug on a pitted not a smooth sur face, and because some of them were named marl pits it was assumed that they had been dug for that purpose at some earlier period. But a great many hollows bear names which do not tell us A. W., and Garner, H. V.: Light Land 46) Oldershaw, at Tunstall, Suffolk. Journ. Roy. Agric. Soc. Experiments and Garner, H.V.: 105, 1944. 98; Oldershaw, A.W., on Light at Tunstall. Land Journ. Liming Experiments Soc. 110, 1949. 89. Roy. Agric. Lime Depart 47) Statistics collected by the Agricultural ment of the Ministry of Agriculture, cited in Gardner, H. W., and Garner, H.V.: The Use of Lime in British London 1953. 197. Agriculture. Thomas: A Compleat of Husbandry. 48) Hales, Body London 1756. 46. in Norfolk. The state 0f Husbandry Gentle 49) ?N?. man's Magazine 22, 1752. 453. such as Hell Pit, they originated. Names Hole and Thief's Smokers Hole,Dunfer Pit, Hag's Pit tell us only that they have been landscape features since their names were first recorded. Early estate maps likewise show thatmany hollows existed in the sixteenth and seventeenth century, not how they came to be there. On the other hand, eighteenth and nineteenth century records fail to state precisely the location of the pits. state what quantities Account books generally were spread on a particular farm, but rarely from which field the material was obtained. Again, for less documentary evidence there is much areas in the in mid-Norfolk, densely pitted marling east of Attleborough, Dereham and Fakenham, than in west Norfolk. All that can be stated with certainty from available historical records is that many hollows of uncertain origin existed inNor how \ ^ 7%./ // Pits and ponds _440 ?^ Depressions AlethorpeHalL/5 Wood yards_j near and shallow depressions ponds Hall. Alethorpe on examination ref. 125/950310. Grid Based of air photograph Air Ministry taken in 1946 and field survey in August 1958. Fig. 17: Pits, Hugh Table IV: C. Prince: of pits marked Comparison GREAT MAS SINGHAM Cu on ^ o a Pt g 1946 H ~ ?.2 air photographs CASTLE s g c? \o c/)r-< cn o Pm g H S 9 3 0 1779 Pits 1 0 0 1 5 2 3 10 1844Old Pits 1 2 7 10 1844Old Pits 1884NewPits 24 1 1 26~ 1844NewPits 17 7 1 25 1844NewPits photographs 0 38 17 23 14 11 1946 early 33 photographs 20 S2 ^ a>2 81 Ii4 ag 1833NewPits 1946Hollows not shown on earlymaps Total shown on 1946 air ?a g ?? si 1728-44 Pits 1946Hollows not shown on earlymaps Total shown on 1946 air 0 a.'^wco\ow ^^O.v.TJc"^ g* 8g ag .s& g"3 si S ACRE ^ o ^^3Q.tJ^G ?| .SSg-3 ss ?-? a? c/}t-h c/} o on shown ?? ?1 SS I % "d 25 WEASENHAM .2 ^ Q.i those with early maps c&Sogsg a? inNorfolk Pits and Ponds (^th cfl o 3 2 ~~2 7" 3 6 20~ 17 10 8 35~ 15 16 46 31 1779 Pits Hollows not shown on maps Total shown on 1946 air photographs U Pt g H S folk at the end of the sixteenth century; and a are still hollows 12 pits steep-sided pits. Of marked on a map of 1728?1744, 9 are pits at the great deal of marl was dug from unidentified pits in west Norfolk during the eighteenth and nine present time, and the others can be recognised as teenth century. shallow depressions. If evidence for the other In north-west Norfolk close inspection of the two estates were as clear as thiswe might conclude reveals that that a large number of shallow depressions ground and recent air photographs origi in addition to steep-sided pits and ponds there are nated before eighteenth and nineteenth century is much less certain at many broad shallow depressions which are plough marling began. This ed over and cultivated shallow Weasenham of R. N. (Fig. 17). The (Fig. 19). A comparison to be rounder and Bacon'jin recent 1844 with air smoother, appear depressions map photographs shows that almost half the present pits are not generally larger than the steep-sided pits, which are occasionally situated within them or at their recorded in 1844, and 8 out of 35 pits marked on the 1844 map cannot be located on air edges. They may be explained in two different photo ways: either theymark the sites of man-made pits graphs. Digging during the past century may that have been abandoned and perhaps deliber account for some new pits on air appearing but how are the 8 missing nine ately filled in; or they are natural hollows. If they photographs, are filled-in pits we may expect to find some of teenth century pits to be accounted for? If we them marked as pits on early maps; dismiss the possibility that the surveyor errone indeed, all pits marked on early maps, except those obliter ously recorded non-existent pits,we must acknowl ated by buildings, embankments and cuttings, edge that not all hollows or traces of hollows either may be detected on air Some may ought to be discernible on air photographs photographs. as pits or as shallow be concealed by crops or woodland depressions. vegetation, Recent air photographs of parts of three west others may have been completely erased by filling Norfolk parishes show that steep-sided are and cultivation. At Castle Acre in, weathering pits about 50% more numerous than shallow depres (Fig. 20), 16 pits marked on early surveys are not sions (Table but whereas about three shown on air photographs, and nearly one-third IV); of the present pits are not quarters of the present pits can be identified on previously recorded. and Castle Acre over half early estate maps, only about two-fifths of the At both Weasenham are shallow depressions the present shallow depressions are not accounted represented. At Great are all for on early maps. Some, if not all these, may be Massingham present day pits (Fig. 18), recorded on previous surveys, but only 6 of the filled-in pits dug before the eighteenth century, are but some may well be the result of natural pro present 23 shallow depressions previously as pits or Some of the oldest cesses. mapped ponds. 26 Erdkunde Band XVI Sink Holes Solution or ice action may have contributed to the formation of depressions. The presence of sink holes due to solution of calcium carbonate by rainwater and other weak acids, and the col cavities is lapse of the surface into underground suggested by the fact that chalk lies beneath the most densely pitted parts of Norfolk. Pipes, subsidences and the Breckland meres are cited as visible evidence of the effect of chemical weath ering. have been described Enclosed depressions as the fundamental and essential units repeatedly of limestone topography and are also charac teristic of the English chalklands50). In Norfolk most hollows lie to the east of the chalk outcrop and are underlain by chalk at depths increasing to about from a few inches in the Breckland and Cromer. East of 100 feet between Norwich the chalk plunges beneath a thick cover Norwich and more recent crag formations to a of Eocene There almost 600 feet at Yarmouth51). of depth are very few hollows in the eastern coastal areas, but no less than 2000 in the west lie beyond the Belt. Many of edge of the chalk in theGreensand the latter are situated on intensely chalky boulder as much calcium carbonate clay containing almost as chalk itself and similarly subject to chemical The few hollows present on ex weathering52). and other non Lower Greensand of posures calcareous rocks older than chalk are unlikely to sink hole have been formed by solution. The claim to account for cannot therefore hypothesis all hollows. Again, if solution features are formed in solid chalk they should be most numerous in the Breckland where the chalk lies close to the effect of surface and is exposed to the maximum processes. or undoubtedly produced the vertical in quarries and other exposed pipes diagonal sections cutting through the chalk53). Varying in size from 6 inches to 100 feet across, they are filledwith material derived from overlying strata weathering Solution in Corbel, fullest recent account appears Jean : 50) The et de quelques de P Europe karsts du nord-quest Les 1957. Rhodan. Inst. Etudes. Lyon regions de comparaison, The and W. G. V.: and Balchin, origin Coleman, A., Hills. in the Mendip of surface depressions development reviews English Assoc. Proc. Geol. 70, 1959. 291?306, studies of karstic depressions. W.: Austin from under Water Supply 51) Woodland, district. Geological sources of Cambridge-Ipswich ground I?X. London Parts Wartime 20, Pamphlet Survey in south of well details borings 1942?1946, provides Norfolk. of the Country The Geology H. B.: 52) Woodward, 1881. London Mem. Geol. Norwich. around Survey. chalk of pipes in glaciated 120, 134, refers to an abundance and chalky boulder 53) Woodward, clay. H. B.: op. cit. 1881. 9. or from the surface soil. Nests of gravel or coarse sand, known locally as "sand galls", are a distinc tive feature ofNorfolk pipes54). The surface above is sometimes level with the surrounding country but sometimes forms a circular depression several feet in diameter. Depressions may be smooth and or and fissured where in broken outline, regular recent subsidence has disturbed the surface. Sink holes may subside with dramatic sudden ness. H. B. Woodward reports many eye-witness accounts of hollows in the country appearing and similar incidents in other around Norwich, in past centuries are parts of Norfolk observed A "cave in" recorded byWilliam Whitaker55). a farm cart of the be may passing precipitated by or a heavy downpour of rain, and may be accom an eruption of water displaced by the panied by sudden fall of earth from the roof of a cavity. By contrast, the ground may subside slowly over a area. This is Mere is how Mannington wide to in Sub have 170456). originated reported sidence may be a result of human activity caused by the collapse of galleries of ancient flint mines and bell pits, producing a pitted surface like that at Grimes Graves near Brandon or Broom's Hill near Thetford57). The steep-sided circular or elliptical meres in have been described as "swallow the Breckland holes due to solution of the chalk, and possibly in some cases collapse of the surface intounderground cavities"58). The largest of these hollows are situated on a flat surface some 120 to 180 feet above sea level the chalk is very thinly covered with where of sand, flint gravels and yellowish deposits meres such boulder clay. Between the large chalky are of small de as Fowlmere hundreds (Fig. 21) one acre in extent, but similar pressions, less than an area of three square miles in form. Within lie 50 such hollows which are around Fowlmere 54) Woodward, 2nd. Edit. Wales. H. B.: London The Geology 1887. 422. of England and and Subsidences H. B.: Earthquakes 55) Woodward, Naturalists' and Norwich Trans. Norfolk in Norfolk. H. B.: Geology Woodward, 3, 1884. 637?643; Society 1912. London of Soils and Substrata. 64; Whitaker, Geol. of Norfolk. The Water William: Survey Supply 1921. 40. London Memoir. H. B.: loc. cit. 1884. 641. 56) Woodward, in the gravel of some cavities Sir John: On 57) Evans, Geol. in Norfolk. the valley of the Little Ouse 5, Mag. London East R. R.: 1868. 443?447; Clarke, Anglia. 1960. 51?58. in levels Water and Lewis, W.V.: O.T., 58) Jones, and other Breckland Fowlmere meres, Geog. Journ. 97, to the earlier work done by is made 1941. 158. Reference Phil. Proc. Camb. of Breckland, Marr, J. E.: The Meres that the meres which also concluded Soc. 17, 1913. 58?61, as solution depressions. originated Hugh Fig. 2l: Air view C. Prince: Pits and Ponds of Fowlmere. Grid ref. 136/879895. (Photo J. K. S. St. Joseph, copyright reserved) in also claimed to be sink holes59). Fluctuations the level of water in these meres are related to water in the long-term changes in the height of are presumed underlying chalk, from which they to be fedby pipes. Apart from the sink holes in the Breckland few in Norfolk hollows penetrate deeply into solid there is little evidence that any solution and chalk, took place in the long interval between the end times and the beginning of the of Cretaceous It has long been noted that pipes Pleistocene. examined in chalk quarries contain few traces of material derived from strata older than glacial the oldest solution features in drift60). Among are the tubular stacks on the coast at Norfolk Crag Sheringham, containing sand ofWeybourne was initiated age61). If the formation of hollows by solution we should expect to find evidence of and later times, the process at work in Eocene because the surface of the Upper Chalk appears not to have been bevelled, nor can it have lain below water throughout this period. Kettle holes and thaw sinks Almost all the hollows inNorfolk are situated in areas covered by glacial drift. They are most numerous where the drift attains a thickness of more than ten feet, least numerous where it is and Lewis, W.V.: loc. cit. 166. 59) Jones, O.T., :On Osborne the Denudations of Norfolk. 60) Fisher, Geol. Mag. 5, 1868. 546. T. P.: The Tubular chalk stacks of 61) Burnaby, Proc. Geol. Assoc. 61, 1950. 226?241. Sheringham, inNorfolk 27 thinnest. They occur infrequently on older forma tions, and are absent from areas covered by post glacial deposits of peat and alluvium. The pos sibility that they were formed under glacial or periglacial conditions cannot be ignored.. Under glacial conditions kettle holes may be formed by detached masses of stagnant ice em bedded within the drift melting slowly to cause a gradual of the surface62). Such subsidence are frequently larger in size than the hollows majority ofNorfolk hollows, and also irregular in are characteristic features of outwash shape. They not boulder clay plains such as those of plains Norfolk. They frequently follow the courses of buried pre-glacial valleys as kettle-chains; whereas the majority of hollows in Norfolk are situated on flat interfluves. In 1868 Osborne Fisher suggested a glacial meres on the some the for of Breckland origin an basis of his examination of Rockland Mere, enclosed depression about 8 feet deep, excavated in boulder clay63). The floor of themere is covered with unsorted masses of clayey gravel and large flints derived from the boulder clay, upon which lies a layer of peat. The validity of the glacial on two essential conditions: hypothesis here rests that the hollows are cut entirely into glacial drift; and that they have been produced during the last glaciation of the district because hollows formed during the deposition of older drifts would have been filled in or modified by erosion during sub sequent glaciations. It is now established that nei ther of these conditions is fulfilled in theBreckland, nor in other parts of the county. The floors of sev eral meres notch the surface of the chalk, below the level of theglacial driftwhich might have contained embedded ice masses. The meres also lie beyond the limit of most recent drift deposits in north are most Norfolk. Indeed, enclosed depressions numerous in areas of Lowestoft till and are pres ent in areas of yet older North Sea drift. If hollows were formed after the glacial drifts had been laid down, their presence in older as for. In well as newer drift might be accounted and France, Poland, Germany, Holland, Belgium situations in England, yet not in comparable hollows similar to those in Norfolk have a peri glacial origin ascribed to them64). In order to 62) Their mode of origin is discussed at length in F.T.: Outline of Glacial Madison Thwaites, Geology. and Thornbury, William D.: 1953, 47?49, Principles New York of Geomorphology. 1954. 392. loc. cit. 1868. 557?558. Osborne: 63) Fisher, are cited in Cailleux, to previous work 64) References Andre: Les mares du sud-est de Sjaelland, Danemark. S. R. S. de l'Acad. Sciences and 1074?1076; 245, 1957. Les A.: ferm?es de la region pari Pissart, depressions sienne. Rev. Geom. 9, 1958. 73?83. Dyn. 28 Erdkunde Band XVI ! ^1833^ 1728-44 "^^^^^^^^ ^^^^^^^^Oid Pits one mile i-. 1884 ^ C> Old Pits A New Pits Based * New Pits 1946 ' Pits O Depressions at Great Massingham. Fig, 18: Pits, ponds and shallow depressions on Holkham Estate maps 1759, 1779, 1833), Ordnance (1728-44, Survey and air photographs (1946). maps (1884) Hugh C. Prince: Pits and Ponds inNorfolk 29 ^^^^^^^^^^^^ j^^^^^^^^-^j ^-JJ I-Former Based on Holkham Based Depressions Fig. 20: Estate ^*-U inWeasenham. and air photograph (1844) o Depressions at Castle Acre. Pits, ponds and shallow depressions and air photographs maps map (1779), R. N. Bacon's (1844) data on in the drift disturbances superficial in the nineteenth has been century largely in recent re sutdies and might prove worth neglected in the light of present knowledge of periglacial examining a Such notes in Taylor, appear phenomena. J. E.: On of the chalk at Whitlingham. Geol. Mag. 2, displacement (1946). ^^19^ New Pits ^ * Pits ,_, Fences establish a relationship between the continental hollows and those inNorfolk we must determine their age. Stratified deposits of mud, fossil soils, peat containing appropriate flora and fauna have not yet been examined in this context, but evi dence for other forms of periglacial action in Norfolk is accumulating. Festooning and contor tions in the drift have been widely reported and . extensively discussed65). An explanation proposed 65) The collected ? | ^ ^1844^ * -Former on Holkham ' ' Fig. 19: Pits, ponds and shallow depressions Estate maps map (1779), R. N. Bacon's 1779 one mile Fences^^Lj (1946). a disturbance 1865. 324; Taylor, of the chalk J. E.: On at Geol. Mag. 3,1866.44; Fisher,Osborne: Swainsthorpe. On the Warp con its age and probable (of Mr. Trimmer), nection events. Quart. with the last geological Journ. a Geol. Soc. 22, 1866, 553?565; S. V., Wood, Jun: On at Litcham section evidence of land glaciation affording the earlier part of the glacial in England. during period Geol. S. V., 4, 1867, 78?79; Wood, Mag. Jun: and F. W.: The glacial structures of and post-glacial Harmer, Norfolk and Geol. Suffolk. 5, 1868. 452-456; Mag. a instance of interglacial Wood, S.V., Jun: On peculiar near Norwich. erosion Geol. 6, 1869. 226?227; Mag. On certain phenomena in the drift near Taylor, J. E.: Norwich. Geol. 6, 1869. 508?509; Woodward, Mag. a distrubance at Trowse near H. B.: On of the chalk Norwich. Geol. II 6, 1879. 380; Wood Decade Mag. in the chalk of Norfolk. H. B.: Disturbances Geol. ward, II 8, 1881. 93?94. Decade Mag. 30 Erdkunde Band XVI during the nineteenth century was that theywere formed by pressure and displacement by ice and Slater in drift, but George superincumbent 1926 demonstrated that this explanation failed to account for the whole structures and preferred to interpret them as features of "fossil glaciers"66). The "erratic warp" and "trail" of coarse materials filling throughs and hollows are now considered and others S. E. Hollingworth by G. G. Dines, to be solifluction of detached deposits composed and comminuted rocks rearranged after the thawing of ice67). Fossil ice wedges, polygonal structures and solifluction deposits are described in the Cambridge region68). Stone stripes are In other parts of observed in the Breckland69). southern England and theMidlands many com as parable surface features are now identified peri for The such condi evidence glacial phenomena. tions having existed inNorfolk is beyond reason able doubt. Circular or elliptical depressions ranging from 10 to 1000 feet across are characteristic of areas in Siberia and of perennially frozen ground Alaska70). They are most frequent on flat surfaces and are not known to occur on slopes of more are most numerous where than 5?. Depressions the top of the perennially frozen zone, the tjaele, lies between 10 and 75 feet below the surface; none occur where the frozen ground ismore than are observed in 100 feet below71). Depressions loams fine residual lake silts, soils, clay clays, deep and other fine-grained porous materials. They are not found in gravel. rarely occur in sands and Silt, which in its unfrozen state has a porosity of about 20?30%, may contain as much as 80% ice when volume frozen72). It is banded with by horizontal layers of clear ice, sometimes in the broken form of tabular or lenticular masses, as reflected in Glacial tectonics George: 66) Slater, Assoc. Proc. Geol. drift deposits. disturbed 37, 1926. 392?400. S. E., Edwards, H. G., Hollingworth, W., 67) Dines, of head de F. B. A.: The Mapping Buchan, S., Welch, 77, 1940. 202?203. posits. Geol. Mag. and The T. T.: effects of frost action 68) Paterson, dis around Baffin Bay and in the Cambridge solifluxion Soc. 96, 1940. 99?130. trict. Quart. Journ. Geol. Norfolk. A. S.: Stone stripes in Breckland, 69) Watt, 173. Cours de Jean: Le Modele periglaciaire. reviews T. II, i. Paris n. d. 230?234, im the most of periglacial depressions, Thaw lakes and thaw M.: David portant being Hopkins, Alaska. sinks in the Imuruk Lake area, Seward Peninsula, 57, 1949. 119?131. Journ. Geol. a on Alaskan W. A.: farmlands, Pitting 71) Rockie, Rev. new erosion problem. 32, 1942. 134. Geog. in frozen Stephen: Perennially ground 72) Taber, Soc. America its origin and history. Bull. Geol. 54, Alaska, Geol. 92, Mag. 70) Tricart, geomorphologie. recent accounts 1943. 1518. 1955. by ice veins or wedges73). Horizontal tend to concentrate in the upper layers ground and may coalesce with the thick ice wedges. In fine-grained materials highly charged with ice any difference in the rate and depth of thawing may be expected to produce local in volume. subsidence from shrinkage Differences in the thermal conductivity of bodies of peat, silt, gravel, ice or water in the surface cause differences in the depth of layer would illustrates a hypothetical thawing74). Hopkins of frozen example ground initially blanketed by a well insulated layer of peat, in which a distur bance of the peat by frost heaving, exposes a patch of bare ground. The greater conductivity of the bare ground results in deep thawing and conse collects in this hollow quent subsidence. Water and further increases the extent of thawing. Small areas of exceptionally deep thaw tend to be self perpetuating and self enlarging and may even tually penetrate beneath the zone of permanently frozen ground to form thaw sinks of great depth and funnel like shape. Hopkins believes that the form of such hollows "could be achieved only by the removal of considerable material from thefloor" hy small streams carrying it into subterranean chan nels below the frozen zone75). If underground a drainage takes place the presence of permeable substratum below the frozen zone is assumed. in In shape and size the hollows observed in and those resemble Alaska Norfolk, closely hollows their situation is comparable. Norfolk on level or gently sloping are most frequent are absent on recent deposits of ground. They peat and alluvium and are densely concentrated on the retentive boulder clay soils of mid-Norfolk and south Norfolk. An appreciable number, how ever, occur in west Norfolk where the chalk is thinly mantled with sand. It is possible that the finely disintegrated frozen chalk, often described as disturbed or glaciated by Norfolk geologists some have would chalk, capacity for holding or clay. The under silt less than ice but ground a also provide permeable lying chalk would substratum into which thaw sinks might drain. to be almost as Many Norfolk hollows appear as those observed inAlaska; deep and steep-sided hollows are now being formed but the Alaskan vertically ice lenses of frozen ends of L.: Glaciation, depth of frost and ice 73) Wernecke, and vicinity, Yukon Hill veins of Keno Eng. Territory. and Mining Journ. 133, 1932. 41. in un Earth mounds A. E.: Porsild, 7i) Conversely, Rev. America. arctic northwestern 28, Geog. glaciated in the rate of ice that differences 1938. 46?58, suggests ice accumulation ground may cause upheaval, producing ice mounds or pingos. P.: Ground mounds Sharp, Robert adds that Rev. in the Tundra. 32, 1942. 417?423 Geog. accounts for the small ice mounds of ground the collapse of the tundra surface. characteristic pools David M.: loc. cit. 1949. 130. 75) Hopkins, C. Troll: "Solle" frozen by periodic thawing above perennially In ceased Norfolk the has ground long ground. to be deeply frozen and we must consider what as a result of changes may have taken place complete thawing. If fine-grained materials shrink and subside uniformly on thawing, the result of complete thawing may be to equalise the local differences initiated by uneven thawing. In other words, we should expect remnants of frozen silt eventually to subside to more or less the same over level as the original depressions. Only the of thaw sinks because may persist deepened streams their of floors by underground sapping to exist in a permeable substratum. presumed If thaw sinks initiated by mechanical processes under periglacial conditions survived eventual thaw of ground ice theymay have become greatly under colder enlarged by chemical weathering climatic conditions than those now prevailing76). Solution varies directly with the amount of water and carbon dioxide available, and these are pre sent in greater quantities under cold conditions than warm. Air within a snow bank is concen rain or meltwater trated with carbon dioxide; passing through snow is at the optimum tempera ture for absorbing it; and the ground beneath, while unfrozen, is likely to be nearly saturated. In Chemical 76) Williams, Joseph E.: Rev. 39, 1949. temperatures. Geog. op. cit. 1957. 11, 496. Jean: weathering 129?135; "SOLLE" Glacial and Periglacial at low Corbel, AND and "Mardelles" carbonate the solubility of calcium addition, increases very slightly with a decrease in tempera ture. Under the present warm dry climate of Nor than folk solution must operate less vigorously formerly, yet it is still evident. It is possible that many natural depressions originated under peri were enlarged by chemical glacial conditions and weathering. Conclusions and conjectures from the distinctive irregular modern Apart and quarries large circular Breckland meres, the and appear to be much ponds of Norfolk pits alike in shape and size. What distinguishes them is their uneven distribution: their presence upon glacial drifts, their absence from recent peat and on heavy land, their concentration alluvium; their sparseness on light land; their abundance on flat surfaces, their fewness on steep slopes. No accounts for all single explanation adequately in these different situations. It seems hollows certain from historial evidence thatmany pits owe their present form to man's activity, either as mineral workings or as marl pits. It may yet be proved thatmost marl pits have been dug on the sites or depressions which originated under peri or on hollows formed by the glacial conditions solution of underlying chalk or chalky drift. In that case it may be demonstrated that man has merely adapted these hollows for his own use. "MARDELLES" Phenomena Carl in der und ,,Solle" ,,Mardellen" Zusammenfassung: Glazialund des festlandischen Periglaziallandschaft Europa. Die meisten C. Prince der von H. im vorstehenden aus Norfolk Artikel beschriebenen Hohlformen ent den Sollen der nordmittel sog. sprechen (Sing. Soil) sie gibt Ober Grundmoranenlandschaften. europaischen es eine ausfuhrlichere altere Literatur, die von W. Ropke wurde. Von den Moglichkeiten (1929) zusammengefaBt waren der Erklarung zwei noch in neuerer Zeit iibrig die Solle als subglaziale Strudellocher oder als geblieben: Die Erklarung Toteiskessel. durch Toteis-Ausschmelzung war von zu Ropke der ?Intramoraneneis-Schmelz theorie" variiert worden. Der Toteistheorie steht entgegen, daB die in geschichte ten fluvioglazialen ein vorkommenden, Ablagerungen wandfreien Toteisformen meist verschieden und groBe vielfach Senken unregelmaBig sind, geformte, zerlappte wahrend die Solle immer kleine, kreisrunde oder ovale Kessel darstellen. Gerade dies kann eine neue ?Pingo-Theorie" erklaren. von Nach ihr sind die Solle die Reste Eis periglazialen die nach der (Eskimoname schwellungshugeln ?Pingo"), eine kreisrunde Mulde mit einem sie um Abschmelzung 31 in Continental Europe Troll flachen Ringwall also Austauseen hinterlassen, gebenden im Sinne vonD. M. Hopkins. Der Nach (?Thaw lakes") weis dieser Entstehung ist von Maarleveld und van den in hollandisch Toorn fiir ein Soil in der also Friesland, Altmoranenlandschaft Fiir die Mardellen gefiihrt worden. des Pariser Beckens, des Hohen der Landes und Venns, ist die neue Pingo-Theorie ebenfalls heran Lothringens Fiir die Solle worden. der Jungmoranenland gezogen in der Umgebung schaften der Ostsee mufite man bei dieser Erklarung dafi sich nach dem Ruckzug annehmen, des letzteiszeitlichen in das Ostseebecken Inlandeises noch Dauergefrornis gebildet habe. Most of the Norfolk pits and ponds described in the preceding paper are by H. C. Prince circular or eliptical basins of regular shape and little extent, usually smaller than an acre. They to the "solle" of the ground fully correspond moraines of Northern Central Europe, which are found all over the Netherlands, Denmark, Northern and Poland. "solle" The Germany