July 2016 - Madison County


July 2016 - Madison County
Madison County Extension
Homemakers Newsletter
July, 2016
October 8 & 9
Dear Extension Homemaker,
Hope you are staying cool and comfortable this summer,
but don’t let the heat discourage you from taking part in
Extension Homemaker activities.
Everyone should be gathering their best handmade and
homegrown items for the Madison County Fair.
Information about Open Division Floral Hall and the
category list are attached to this newsletter. Patsy Taylor,
859-302-3724, could still use help with check-in on
Thursday, July 28th and pick-up on Saturday, July 30th.
Please call if you are available.
I also want to brag about Lauren Tipton, winner of the
Extension Homemaker Scholarship. It seems that Lauren
won 6 other college scholarships. Way to go Lauren! After
meeting her at the annual meeting I knew she was an
exceptional young lady. After reading the recent article in
the Richmond Register about her, I am even more
impressed. Lauren is destined for great things!
Madison County Homemakers collected 40 lbs. of pop can
tabs this year. All proceeds from the tabs will be donated to
the Ronald McDonald House Family Emergency Fund, which
is used to buy food, clothing, medicine, gas cards and much
more. Thanks to everyone who contributed.
Club chairpersons, please don’t forget to turn in your
Program of Work Reports. They are due to county chairs
before July 15th. Thank you for taking a few minutes to
complete them.
Stay cool, see you at the county fair.
The healthiest weekend in Madison
County is fast approaching. Please mark
your calendars, spread the word and
plan to attend. We hope to have a few new activities
this year as well as the fun activities we have had in the
past. Our first planning meeting will be Tuesday, July
12th at 11:45. A lite lunch will be served to all those
who let us know you will be attending. If you can’t come
to the meeting, but would like to help, please call Barb
Saia, 859-314-1091, or Gina Noe, 623-4072.
Be there! Be Healthy!
The Madison County Extension
Center office will be closed
Monday, July 4th in observance
of Independence Day!
Save the Date…
Gina Noe
Madison County Extension Agent for
Family & Consumer Sciences
Cooperative Extension Service
Madison County
230 Duncannon Lane
Richmond, KY 40475
(859) 623-4072
Fax: (859) 624-9510
Extension Homemaker Board Meeting, Monday,
July 11, Dinner Bell, Berea, 5:00pm. Everyone
Bluegrass Area County Officer Training, Friday, July
29, Fayette County, 9:00 am.
Extension Homemaker Officer & Chair Training,
Thursday, August 25.
Seniors Day at Madison Co. Farmers’ Market,
Saturday, August 27th, 8-noon, Lowes’ parking Lot,
Continued on page 5
Specialty Club Notes
All Specialty Clubs meet at the Extension Education Center,
unless otherwise noted.
Gardeners of Madison County
Monday, July 18, 6:30pm: Dr. Doug Potter will be talking
about native pollinators here at the extension office. We
have the yearly schedule complete and may be able to
share that with you. Refreshments will be served. Guests
are welcome. For more information contact Jerry Cook at
859-623-2576 or [email protected].
need to work on any block you have missed, come join us
then. As always, everyone is welcome-please feel free to
bring your works in progress and join the quilters each
and every Thursday.
The Evening Quilt Block of the Month class will meet on
July 25, 5 to 8 pm, Room B.
Sew Much or Sew Little
Tuesdays, 9-12 noon: Bring your unfinished projects or
new ideas for sewing, knitting, crochet, quilting or any
other fiber arts. SM/SL meets in Room 3 of the annex
building each Tuesday. This class is for beginners and
Nifty Needlers
beyond. Serger Training is also available for those who
Mondays, 5:30pm: Guests and would-be members
would like to make better use of their serger. Bring your
interested in fiber arts, knitting or crochet, are always
serger, thread, accessories, and manual. And be sure not
welcome. Meetings are held at the Richmond Branch of the
to miss this fun upcoming class:
Madison County Library.
A Crochet Gathering
Tuesday, August 23rd, 9am-noon (SM/SL)
Tuesdays, 3:30-5:30pm: Every Tuesday afternoon, meet
Learn how to convert a man’s tie to this small purse to
at Four Sisters Soap & Tea Emporium, 106 S. Third Street,
carry for special occasions. Perfect size for ball games or
in Richmond, from 3:30-5:30 p.m., to learn to crochet (also,
formal affairs. Cost $5.00. All supplies provided, including
knitting and tatting available), share tips and patterns, visit
tie. Bring basic sewing kit,
and have refreshments. Come join the fun! Young to old,
rotary cutter and small mat
female and male welcome. For information contact
if you have one, spool of
Marylene LeFurgy, 358-0185.
black and natural thread,
Happy Scrappers
ruler. Please preregister,
Wednesday, July 27, 10-3pm (Room B): How to use heat
623-4072, by August 16th
and dry embossing in your scrapbooks – come join us and
so enough kits will be
don’t forget to pack your lunch. Guests are always
welcome. Contact Ellen Willis (625-0462) or Donna Sewell
(369-5590) for more information.
Paper Kutz Card Club
Thursdays, July 21, 6:00-8:00pm - Paper & Card Crafting:
Paper Kutz meets the third Thursday of each month at the
Extension office from 6:00 - 8:00 pm. Guests are welcome.
If you are interested in coming to a meeting please call
Clarenetta Watters, president, 575-4072 to sign up so
enough supplies will be available.
Monday Night Sewing Salon
Mondays, 5-8pm: Through the summer we will continue
to make Alzheimer’s activity mats for various agencies and
individuals in Madison County. We will also start making
backpacks for Women's Recovery. Come help your
community, sew for yourself, get inspired or just get some
help for your projects. Have needle, Will sew! Note: No
class on July 4 or July 11th!
Happy Hands Quilt Club
Thursdays, 10-2pm: The Happy Hands Quilt Club meets
each Thursday, 10-2pm. The Block of the Month Class will
be taught on July 21 (Rooms 1&2 in annex bldg.) If you
Saturday, August 27, 10am-3 pm
Bessie Bain will present a pen & ink oil rouging project,
entitled “Yellow Floral.” To be taught Saturday, August
27th, 10am-3pm. Call to register and check on available
space 623-4072. Participants must register and prepay
by Monday, August 22nd. Cost will be $20, which will
cover all supplies. Checks
should be made payable to
“Bessie Bain,” and mailed to
the Madison County
Extension Service, P.O. Box
270, Richmond, KY 40476.
Please bring your snack or
bagged lunch.
Location: Project Room
(entrance is on the backside
of the annex building), at the
Madison County Cooperative
Extension Service.
Shine With Your Heart - Looking Back:
Becoming President will be a new and exciting experience
for me and I look forward to working with all present, and
new board members as well as all of our wonderful clubs
in Madison County. It's challenging and difficult to follow
the wonderful leadership that we have had in the past.
They have performed in an outstanding manner.
Homemakers and staff members are helpful and
We have experienced two years of wonderful leadership
of Madison County Extension Homemakers with Gerri
Dunaway serving as our President. She met every
challenge and led with distinction. Thank you Gerri for
your outstanding leadership.
Together we can and will accomplish many things in the
next two years. Homemakers sound like good music
composed in notes as each day goes by, a delight to the
heart, nice to the ears with actions writing the lyrics.
Thank you for all you do!
Several of our members attended the State KEHA meeting
in April held at the Convention Center in Northern
Kentucky. There were three full days of learning seminars,
dinner speakers, cultural arts exhibits, quilt squares, KEHA
Annual Business Meeting, vendors offering various
products including beautiful baskets. This gave a
wonderful opportunity to meet members from throughout
the state and spend quality time with members from
within our own organization. All members are welcome to
attend area and state meetings each year.
Floral Hall will be Thursday morning July 28th 8:30 to
noon. This is an opportunity we have to enroll new
Homemakers and enjoy the beautiful cultural arts
While we are enjoying summertime with the rainy
weather, flowers in bloom, sunshiny days and cool
breezes, remember TO BE SAFE, wear sunscreen, and drink
plenty of liquids.
Our annual meeting is now in the past. Thanks to all
individuals who helped organize and participated to make
our annual meeting a success. A lot of time and talent
from board members, extension office staff, and many
homemakers who volunteer their services made it happen.
Congratulations to those who received recognition for
their participation in various areas.
Future Outlook:
This year there are many things that we look forward to.
We welcome Connie Howe as Vice President, from Silver
Creek Homemaker Club. I am looking forward to working
with her and feel that she will be an asset with insight and
new ideas.
We also welcome new board members, Joanne White,
Nancy C. Smith, Barbara Saia, Jennifer Boggs, and Angie
Elkins. Special thanks to outgoing board members Danella
Tate, Nancy Scarlett, Mary McCurdy, Nancy Lake and Sue
McAfee for a job well done.
Incoming and Outgoing board members attended a
luncheon to meet and share information. These ladies will
be looking for program ideas and help to implement them.
A Big Encouragement to Attend!
Joyce Cole, County President
REMINDER… Clubs should have turned in their 2016-17
Enrollment Forms (officer/chair information) to the
Extension Office by now. If you haven’t, please do so
Individual club member volunteer
hours are due to the Madison County
Extension Office on or before July 1.
Please drop off your reports today!
Attention Homemaker Clubs:
The county officer and chair training will be
Thursday evening August 25th at 5:30 pm. All
county chairs will be sharing their plans for the
2016-17 year. Please attend this training as it is the
only time all county leadership comes together to
share ideas and suggestions for the Madison County
Extension Homemaker Association. Keep Extension
Homemakers strong by showing your interest and
Small Steps to
Health and
Madison County Online Challenge
September 7- October 5
WHAT: A simple online
challenge to encourage
health and wealth
behavior change. 10
tasks will be reported
WHEN: September 7—October
5, 2016.
Anyone who needs reminders and
encouragement to improve health and wealth
behaviors (limit 40).
Sign-up at http://rutgers.ancc.net between
August 1 and September 5.
INCENTIVES: Registered participants may stop by the
Madison County Cooperative Extension Service, 230
Duncannon Lane in Richmond, during office hours, to pick
up an exercise band and
SSHW Workbook.
Home canning has changed a great deal since
the days of our ancestors. It can be a cost
saving way to preserve good tasting,
healthier food. Food borne illness from
improperly canned foods can be deadly.
Don’t count on an old family recipe to be a safe recipe!
Canning, drying and freezing methods will be shared.
Select one of three sessions available on the following
days to learn how to preserve all your beautiful fruits &
veggies safely: Wednesday, July 13th, 9-11am, or
Tuesday, August 9th, 9-11am or 5-7pm.
Cost is $5 for any class. It is suggested, but not required,
that you bring your own Ball Blue Book©. Call 623-4072
and specify the class you will be attending.
Before canning season really gets underway,
have your lid tested. Call 623-4072 to
schedule an appointment.
Our newest mission, School Supplies for Madison County
Kids, is ready to receive donations. We are working with
the Family Resource Center in each of our county schools,
Kindergarten thru Middle, to help provide school supplies
the children need. These items include:
2-pocket folders
Glue sticks
Index cards
Dry erase markers
Graph paper
Disinfecting wipes
Baby wipes
Band Aids (latex free)
Wide-ruled notebook
Pencil bags
Spiral notebooks
Colored pencils
Ear buds
Paper towels
Ziplock bags
Pump container of hand
A blue UK receptacle is located in the lost & found area, to
the left of the door, in the main Extension office building.
Donations can be dropped off anytime the extension
office is open.
Submitted by Connie Howe, Vice President
Cause I ain’t got a pencil
By Joshua T. Dickerson
I woke myself up
Because we ain’t got an alarm clock
Dug in the dirty clothes basket,
Cause ain’t nobody washed my uniform
Brushed my hair and teeth in the dark,
Cause the lights ain’t on
Even got my baby sister ready
Cause my mama wasn’t home.
Got us both to school on time,
To eat us a good breakfast.
Then when I got to class the teacher fussed at me,
Cause I ain’t got a pencil.
Parents Place
Upcoming Leader Lesson
Grandparents (or Grand-relatives) As
Parents (GAP) usually meets on the
first Wednesday of each month at the
Madison County Cooperative
Extension Center. However, during the
summer months we meet at a local
park for a picnic, play and craft time.
Children join us for the summer
months. Each family brings a picnic meal. I provide water
and sunscreen. We hope to see you on July 6th for a great
time of support, resources, and friendship. Please call Pam
for July details.
Tuesday, August 30th @ 1:00 & 6:30pm
Keys to Great Parenting (KGP) is half way through the
spring session. Single parents, grandparents, expecting
parents and foster parents are also welcome. Children do
not attend classes. KGP gives parents educational support
with University of Kentucky research based materials,
positive encouragement, and peer accountability. This
class is free and covers many subjects for successful
parenting skills. Please call 623-4072 to register or for
more information prior to our summer starting date.
‘Small Friends’ is a parenting group for little ones from
prenatal to four years old and the ones who love and care
for them. Our meetings are from 10:30-11:30am on July
12 at the Madison County Cooperative Extension Service.
Our discussion will be on ‘Building Resiliency’ in our
children. Bring your little ones for a healthy snack, craft,
parenting tips, and a great play time with other ‘Small
Friends’. Making new friends is fun at ‘Small Friends’.
Come join us!
For more information on any of the Parent’s Place
activities, please contact Pam Francis, 623-4072.
Save The Date...
continued from page 1
Kentucky State Fair- August 18-28.
Walk to End Alzheimer's, September 24.
2nd Sunday Weekend, October 8-9.
Bluegrass Area Homemakers—Area Annual Meeting,
Friday, October 21, will be held in Scott County.
Bluegrass Area Fall Craft Festival @ Madison
County Extension Education Center, October 13-18,
catalog in office or http://madison.ca.uky.edu/
Eating right can help prevent
illness and chronic disease. It
can also provide you with more
energy so that you can be alert
and a better decision-maker.
Eating a Mediterranean lifestyle
includes a well-balanced diet and a healthy relationship
with food. Extension agents, Jennifer Austin, Clark County
FCS, and Whitney Hilterbran, Scott County FCS, will be
here to present this program. This program is free and
open to the public. Everyone is welcome, but you must
register so we know how many to prepare for. Please call
623-4072 to register.
*An evening session will be given only if at least six
people pre-register. As always, all attendees, leaders and
guests, are required to pre-register for this program.
The Berea Arts Council’s Quilt
Extravaganza on July 29-30 has
expanded to include all the fiber arts
from embroidery, cross-stitch, knitting,
crochet, to spinning and weaving.
Visitors can shop at the Vendors Market
full of booths selling quilt supplies, sewing machines,
hand crafts, and yarns of all types. There will be talks on
modern quilting, spinning demonstrations, and children’s
activities each day. The featured pattern is the Log Cabin
and its many variations such as Courthouse Steps, Barn
Raising, and the Pineapple Log Cabin.
Everyone in the Berea area is invited to enter quilts in the
Log Cabin show and the Community Show of quilts and all
other types of fiber work. Items will be accepted July 22
and 23 at the Berea Arts Council, 139 N. Broadway, in
We will also feature eight workshops! Information on the
workshops can be found on the Berea Arts Council’s
website - http://www.bereaartscouncil.org/eightworkshops-at-quilt-and-fiber-extravaganza/
Admission is $5 at the door. For more information, call
859-985-9317 or visit www.bereaARTScouncil.org.
All Madison County resident homemakers are encouraged to make at least one entry. Work on increasing both the
quantity and quality of fair exhibits. There is no fee to enter exhibits and you may win some premium money and
ribbons. The club with the highest percentage of paid homemaker members exhibiting in Floral Hall will receive $25.
Extension Homemakers who cannot make it to the fairgrounds Thursday morning, July 28, to enter their exhibits may
bring them to the Extension Center, Wednesday evening, July 27, 4:00 to 6:00pm. Only non-perishable, non-breakable
items will be accepted at the Center on Wednesday evening.
As in the past, Madison County Extension Homemakers will manage Floral Hall. If you can help with check-in on
Thursday, July 28, from 8:00 to noon, check-out on Saturday, July 30, from 2:00-4:00, or help host in the evening,
July 28-29th, please call Patsy
Taylor, 302-3724. Floral Hall
entries are listed here, or visit:
For a complete fair schedule visit
Com. Fair books and entry lists
will also be available at the
office, or call 623-4072 to
request a list.