Jan 10, 2016 - Saint Maria Goretti Catholic Church | Westfield, IN
Jan 10, 2016 - Saint Maria Goretti Catholic Church | Westfield, IN
ST. MARIA GORETTI Catholic Church WESTFIELD, INDIANA T HE M ISSION C HURCH BY SHARING OF S T . M ARIA G ORETTI C ATHOLIC IS TO EXTEND THE G OD ’ S LOVE K INGDOM OF G OD IN THE CHURCH COMMUNITY THROUGH SPIRIT - FILLED LITURGIES , RELIGIOUS EDUCATION , AND SERVICE TO OTHERS . JANUARY 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord PARISH OFFICE 17102 Spring Mill Road Westfield, IN 46074 Phone: 317-867-3213 Fax: 317-867-3263 Hours: 8A-noon & 1-5P, M-F PARISH STAFF Pastor Fr. Kevin J. Haines 317-867-3213, ext. 1129 (Rectory) 317-867-5694 Associate Pastor Fr. Travis Stephens 317-867-3213, ext. 1148 Director of Discipleship Brad Sponhauer 317-867-3213, ext. 1151 Director of Adult Faith Formation Connie Anderson 317-867-3213, ext. 1203 Maintenance Supervisor Eddie Eberhardt 317-867-3213, ext. 1208 Coordinator of Children’s Faith Formation Kimberly Overmyer 317-867-3213, ext. 1139 Coordinator of High School Youth Ministry Scott Hudson 317-867-3213, ext. 1420 SCHOOL OFFICE 17104 Spring Mill Road Westfield, IN 46074 Phone: 317-896-5582 Fax: 317-867-0783 PARISH RELIGIOUS EDUCATION (PRE) Sunday: 8:30-9:45 AM Sunday: 11:30 AM-12:45 PM Monday: 4:30 PM-5:45 PM MASS SCHEDULE The Lord’s Day Masses Saturday: 4:30 PM Sunday: 8A, 10A & 5:30P Weekday Masses Monday: 7 AM, 5:30 PM Tuesday: 8 AM Wednesday: 8 AM, 5:30 PM Thursday: 5:30 PM Friday: 7 AM, 8 AM Saturday: 8 AM Holy Days: See bulletin. Coordinator of Junior High Youth Ministry Eric Gellenbeck 317-867-3213, ext. 1423 SCHOOL STAFF Principal Vince Barnes 317-896-5582, ext. 1201 Director of Finance & Operations 317-867-3213, ext. 1127 Coordinator of Confirmation Formation Leslie Mimms 317-867-3213, ext. 1421 Coordinator of Student Information & Enrollment Michelle Hanlin 317-896-5582, ext. 1202 BAPTISMS Bookkeeper Deb Perry 317-867-3213, ext. 1133 Director of Music Leslie Franzen 317-867-3213, ext. 1209 Administrative Assistant Cheryl Newkirk 317-896-5582, ext. 1100 the Parish Office with questions. Administrative Assistant Jen Downing 317-867-3213, ext. 1221 Athletic Director Pat Biddlecombe 317-867-3213, ext. 1226 PRESCHOOL Sue Tetrick 317-896-5582, ext. 1101 Deacon Steve Miller 317-574-1705 WEBSITE: www.smgonline.org TWITTER: @SntMariaGoretti (weekly, except during Lent): After 4:30 PM Saturday Mass & 10 AM Sunday Mass. Call SACRAMENT OF RECONCILIATION Saturday: 8:30-9:30 AM Saturday: 3-4 PM in the Church Reconciliation Chapel FACEBOOK PAGE: www.facebook.com/stmariagoretticatholicwestfield 22 || St. St. Maria Maria Goretti Goretti Catholic Catholic Church Church ·· Westfield, Westfield, IN IN November 25, 2012 Thirty-Third in Ordinary January 10, 2016Sunday The Baptism of the Time Lord A NOTE FROM FATHER KEVIN Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ, Pax et Bonum! Today we celebrate the Feast of the Baptism of the Lord. And with this celebration we conclude our Christmas season. It’s been a wonderful past few weeks. May the Christ Child reign in our hearts all year long! As we gather together today we welcome all of our guests and visitors who join us for Masses this weekend. It’s great to have you with us! We are also fully aware that several of our college students are with us for the last time for awhile this weekend, as they head back to colleges and universities across the country in the next few days, to start second semester. It’s been awesome having you guys home for Christmas break! Keep all of us back home in your prayers while you are away, and we promise that we will do the same for all of you, throughout this new semester! This weekend we are going to hear from our Parish Council representatives at all our Masses, about their upcoming “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” dinner. The annual “Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner?” dinner is going to be held Saturday evening, January 30, beginning at 6 pm in the Parish Hall. That’s in just three weeks, folks! Please mark your calendars now to come and join all of us for a fun evening of getting to know your fellow parishioners. We will start out with appetizers and soft drinks at the Parish Hall at 6 pm. Then at 7 pm, we’ll divide up and head out to the host homes for a delicious dinner. By 9 pm, it is time to head back to the Parish Hall for coffee and desserts. And you know, and I know, that nobody does dessert better than this Parish Family! Get your reservations in today for this year’s event! The Ladies Candlelight Dinner is also coming up in the next couple of weeks, on Thursday, January 21. The time is now to get your reservations in and to plan on attending this fun event. An update from last week’s letter and the Diocese’s new “Safe and Sacred” programs for working with children and youth in the Church today: Many of you DID go online and complete the training in the last week. I am most grateful to so many of you for taking care of this important responsibility! There are still dozens and dozens of people, though, who haven’t taken the online training program yet. If you have not yet done so, PLEASE go online as soon as possible and complete the new protocol training! You can go to… safeandsacred-dol-in.org/. The training is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. A reminder that you must complete the course entitled “Protecting Children in the 21st Century,” to work with youth in the Church today. I would offer a reminder to all of us to continue praying for the sick and the suffering. We have a number of families now that are going through a lot with the care of a sick family member, as well as several families who have lost loved ones recently to sickness. It is a spiritual Act of Mercy to pray for the sick. In this Year of Mercy, how important it becomes to pray for the sick! So many times we hear that list of names that we read and pray at Mass, and after awhile we kinda tune it out. All of that changes when the name on that sick list is someone from OUR family, or even our own name! How important it is for all of us to keep praying for the sick all the time! The other reality that we are facing is that we have dozens of folks in the hospital and in nursing homes who have NO ONE praying for them. As Jesus’s Church, we have a special obligation to pray for those who have no one else to pray for them. Let us not forget this responsibility! Sometimes the very best thing that we can do for some one is to pray for them! We are blessed! God has been so good to all of us! Let us treasure all our gifts! In Christ, Fr. Kevin It is easier to get older than it is to get wiser. Welcome! For more than 20 years now, we have been building the Kingdom of God, not with a few people, but with everyone! Please accept my warmest welcome, and I pray you will come to know St. Maria Goretti as we all do—our Spiritual Home and Loving Community. We are glad you are here and look forward to meeting you! God Bless you. —Father Kevin Welcome: Jeffrey & Kristen Gater, April Mitchell, Brian & Megan Mulherin, John & Isidra Collins January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN | 3 FEATURE FAMILY David and Megan Meg ega an Foley y How did did you you hear hear about about SMG? SMG? How Once moving Westfield, decided Once m mov ovin ov ing in g to W Wes estf es tfie tf ield ie ld,, we d ld dec ecid ec ideed id ed tto find a Parish closer to home. We heard about SMG via word of mouth. After exploring more about SMG, we found out we knew a few families in the Parish and heard plenty of positive feedback. We decided it would be a great community for our growing family. Hobbies David and I enjoy almost all sports, but most of all m Irish Football and nd any h ke W jo working outhockey. We enjoy side on small projects for our home and spending time outside when at all possible. We try to stay spontaneous and enjoy new activities with each other and our family. We are looking forward to welcoming our first addition to our family this May 2015 and are positive that we will have many new hobbies and activities to keep us busy. What’s the best thing about SMG? We have enjoyed all the communication that we have received from SMG upon joining and even before, how welcome we felt each an every time we came to Mass. We always left with a positive experience. Favorite Prayer: Peace Prayer of St. Francis of Assisi Favorite Saint: St. Anthony Prayer for the future We pray to bring a healthy child into this world and to extend our Catholic faith to her and continue to grow and learn together as a family. Welcome Foley Family! lly y! PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS GIFTS OF LIFE BRUNCH The Gifts of Life Mass will be celebrated January 10, 10 am. A brunch, sponsored by the Respect Life Ministry, will be available immediately following Mass in the Parish Narthex. All are invited. ♫ CHILDREN’S CHOIR NEWS ♫ We are so excited as we begin another year with our awesome Children’s Choir. We sing at one Mass a month and will practice every Thursday evening, on regular school days. Our first Mass is Saturday, January 23, 4:30 pm! All children in grades 1-8 are invited to participate. If they love to sing, we would love to have them join us! Our next practice is January 14, 6-7 pm, in the School Music Room. We look forward to seeing you there! If you are interested, e-mail Leslie Franzen, [email protected]. ATTENTION ITALY PILGRIMS! There will be an important informational meeting—Monday, January 11, 7 pm, in the St. Augustine Room—for all of those going on the 2016 Pilgrimage to Italy with Father Kevin. The Pilgrimage will take place June 15-28, 2016, and is full at this time. FAITH AND FROTH: PRACTICAL ASPECTS OF SHARING FAITH WITH OTHERS Bring your thirst (for learning of course!) and join other adults aged 21 and older to an adult formation opportunity each month at the Claddagh Irish Pub and Restaurant on 96th Street. Each month will feature an engaging topic and speaker and time for fellowship. The next gathering will take place January 12, 7-9 pm. Peter Doane, Coordinator of the New Evangelization at St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, will be our presenter. Contact Connie Anderson, 867-3213, ext. 1203, with questions. THAT MAN IS YOU—THE RESOLUTION Did you make a resolution to be a true spiritual leader for your family? Looking for a way to make that resolution a reality? Join other men as That Man is You begins its next session Thursday, January 14, 7 pm in the St. Augustine Room. St. Maria Goretti is very blessed to have a sister—Sister Maria Clare—in our Parish Family, and her birthday is January 28! If you’d like to send her birthday blessings, here is her address: Sister Maria Clare Smith; Franciscan Sister, TOR of Penance of the Sorrowful Mother; 369 Little Church Road; Toronto; OH 43964-4061. 4 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN PARISH ANNOUNCEMENTS YEAR OF MERCY Jesus spoke to St. Faustina about His Mercy as recorded in her diary. “Tell souls not to place within their own hearts obstacles to my mercy, which so greatly wants to act within them. My mercy works in all those hearts which open their doors to it.” 20TH ANNUAL LADIES CANDLELIGHT DINNER This year’s event is to take place Thursday, January 21, 6 pm, in the Parish Hall—mark your calendars! The $35/ each tickets are now available after Mass and online at smgonline.org. We need Raffle donations! To donate, contact Norma Miller, [email protected] or 690-8306. RESERVATIONS NOW OPEN FOR GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER Make your reservation NOW for Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner, Saturday, January 30. Appetizers will be served in the Parish Hall immediately following the 4:30 pm Mass. You will discover your dinner destination and be welcomed into your host’s home for food, faith, and fellowship. Everyone is welcome to return to the Parish Hall following dinner for dessert, coffee, and conversation. Cost is $15 per person (adults only and no cost for hosts). Reserve your spot or volunteer to host at SMG’s Website, smgonline.org. Reservation deadline is Monday, January 25. If you have any questions, send an e-mail to [email protected]. January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord RELIGIOUS FORMATION CConnie ONNIE AAnderson—Director NDERSON—Director of FaithEducation Formation of Adult Religious 867-3213, ext. 1203; [email protected] 867-3213, ext. 1203 Barbour—Coordinator of Children’s Formation KKatie IMBERLY OVERMYER—Coord. Children’s Faith Formation 867-3213, ext. 1139 867-3213, ext. 1139; [email protected] REFLECTION FOR THE BAPTISM OF THE LORD In today’s reading from Isaiah we hear, “Comfort, give comfort to my people says your God.” Adult: What are some of the ways in which you have been comforted by God’s merciful compassion? Youth: Reflect on how God and others comfort you in life. How can you share this comfort and mercy with others? THIS WEEK’S RCIA TOPIC The RCIA topic for Monday, January 11 is “Jesus Christ— Divinity and Humanity.” All adults of the Parish Family are invited to attend any week of RCIA to learn more about our faith. RCIA meets in the Parish Narthex, 7-9 pm. ATTENTION 2ND GRADE FAMILIES! The preparation time for your child to receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation is rapidly coming to its conclusion. Our Reconciliation Parent/Child session will be held Tuesday, January 12, in the Parish Hall, 7-8 pm. Remember—at least one parent needs to attend and participate with your child. All baptismal forms must be submitted by this date for the children to participate in the Sacrament. YOUTH MINISTRY JANET THOMPSON—Youth Ministry Administrative Assistant 867-3213, ext. 1131; [email protected] ERIC GELLENBECK—Coordinator of Jr. High Youth Ministry 867-3213, ext. 1423; [email protected] SCOTT HUDSON—Coordinator of High School Youth Ministry 867-3213, ext. 1420; [email protected] LESLIE MIMMS—Coordinator of Confirmation Formation 867-3213, ext. 1421; [email protected] HOPE NEWS HOPE movie night is this Friday, January 15. All 6th, 7th, and 8th graders of the Parish Family are invited to join us 7-9 pm. Parents are welcome to sign up to help with chaperoning. TRUTH NEWS Destination Jesus registrations are due January 24. The fee for the weekend retreat is $85. DESTINATION JESUS—VOLUNTEERS The Destination Jesus 2016 retreat will be held at St. Theodore Guerin Catholic High School. AN ARMY of volunteers are needed. Go to vols.pt/mQbEbh to sign up. Every volunteer MUST be trained with the new online Safe and Sacred training. Questions? E-mail Sheryl Clifford, SMG’s DJ Team Member, [email protected]. January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN | 5 STEWARDSHIP DISCIPLESHIP Jesus whom God called, “my beloved Son,” is also the “servant” of whom Isaiah speaks in the first reading. We who are baptized in Christ must follow His example and use our time and resources in the service of God and neighbor. BRAD SPONHAUER—Director of Discipleship 867-3213, ext. 1151; [email protected] DECEMBER 26 & 27 COLLECTIONS Regular Contributions………………………….....$65,729.69 Weekly Contributions Budget ...................... $50,400.00 Overage (Shortfall) ....................................... $15,329.69 Fiscal Year Overage (Shortfall) ...................... $7,135.91 Christmas Flowers ............................................... $50.00 Christmas ..................................................... $49,698.98 Solemnity of Mary ................................................ $30.00 Immaculate Conception ...................................... $13.00 Retired Religious .................................................. $70.00 HELP ............................................................... $9,610.03 JANUARY 2 & 3 COLLECTIONS Regular Contributions………………………….....$93,604.59 Weekly Contributions Budget ...................... $50,400.00 Overage (Shortfall) ....................................... $43,204.59 Fiscal Year Overage (Shortfall) .................... $50,340.50 Immaculate Conception ....................................$175.00 Solemnity of Mary .......................................... $6,863.51 Christmas ...........................................................$655.00 Retired Religious .................................................. $60.00 HELP ...................................................................$902.00 2016 UPCOMING PARISH EVENTS January 12: Faith & Froth, 7 pm January 12: First Reconciliation Parent Meeting, 7 pm January 12: NAMI meeting, 7 pm January 14: That Man is You, 7 pm January 16: Baptism Prep Class, 10 am January 19: First Reconciliation Service, 7 pm January 21: Ladies Candlelight Dinner, 6 pm January 21: That Man is You, 7 pm January 26: All Council Meeting, 7 pm January 26: NAMI meeting, 7 pm January 28: That Man is You, 7 pm January 29: Silver Angels Meeting, 9 am January 30: Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner January 31: Holy Name Society’s Bowling Night, 7 pm Ministry Spotlights ts Altar Rosary Society ty y The Altar Rosary Society is a service and fellowship group for women 18 years and older. All registered women of the parish are welcomed as members of ARS. This special group hosts an annual Ladies Candlelight Dinner (this year, January 21) and annual spring and fall flower sales. These fundraisers help to support the mission and various ministries of our parish. The Altar Rosary Society also helps with funerals here at St. Maria Goretti by offering to lead the Rosary at the funeral viewing. Regular meetings begin with the Rosary followed by a speaker or activity, dessert, drinks, and plenty of time for fellowship. We encourage all ladies of the parish to join this spirited and fun-filled group. Holy Name Society ty The Holy Name Society is a service group for men 18 years and older. This group is dedicated to helping the parish in any way possible and assisting other ministries when called upon. These men conduct two to three Fish Frys per year (this year, February 19, March 4, and March 18) and sponsor the Breakfast with St. Nick, Trunk ’R Treat for Halloween, and an Easter Egg Hunt (among other things). We meet one Sunday of the month for fellowship (usually with a guest speaker), an occasional Colts game, and faith formation. All men of the parish are already members of HNS, so please feel free to come to any or all events, particularly the upcoming bowling night at Bowl 32 in Noblesville, Sunday, January 31! See you there! 6 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord PLEASE KEEP IN YOUR DAILY PRAYERS SICK: Dolores Clarke, Gracie Gumino, Andrew Farrell, Jerry Kerkhof, Marsha & Jack Farrell, Tom Eviston, Rebecca Runo, Mary Andrews, Dann Lowe, Lisa Storms, Barb Weber, Ann Enderle, Benjamin Leising, Nancy deGraaff, Angela Bostrom, Bill Craig, Richard LaPorte, Patrick Breen, Katie McShane Slain, Len Cockman, Dan Cotton, Madeline Franki, Song Dube, Judy Roush, John Robinson, Ellyn Hill, Tom Kurker, Teresa Coccaro, Mike Mirande, Laurie Casey, Tom Kurker, Jack Arnold, Patricia Allemeier, Lou DeNardo, Jon Edwards, Julia Wood, Marie Croegaert, Lynne McClave, and Anne LaPorte DECEASED: John Ciano, husband of Sharon Ciano; John Farrell, father of Mike Farrell; Rick Jakupco, brother of Margie Bock; Gene Wood, father of Janie Richardt, Jayne Odle, aunt of Melissa Miller, and all the deceased of our Parish Family MASS INTENTIONS READINGS For the Week of January 10, 2016 Saturday, January 9 8:00 am 4:30 pm † Eleanor Scimeca † Anne Neville Sunday, January 10 8:00 am 10:00 am 5:30 pm † Art Blankemeier Int. Parish Family † Al & Kay Feltrup Monday, January 11 7:00 am 5:30 pm Communion Service † Karl Harford Tuesday, January 12 8:00 am † Bill Thomas Sunday: Is 40:1-5, 9-11/Ps 104:1b-4, 24-25, 27-30/ Ti 2:11-14; 3:4-7/Lk 3:15-16, 21-22 Monday: 1 Sm 1:1-8/Ps 116:12-19/Mk 1:14-20 Tuesday: 1 Sm 1:9-20/1 Sm 2:1, 4-8/Mk 1:21-28 Wednesday: 1 Sm 3:1-10, 19-20/Ps 40:2, 5, 7-10/Mk 1:29-39 Thursday: 1 Sm 4:1-11/Ps 44:10-11, 14-15, 24-25/Mk 1:40-45 Friday: 1 Sm 8:4-7, 10-22a/Ps 89:16-19/Mk 2:1-12 Saturday: 1 Sm 9:1-4, 17-19; 10:1a/Ps 21:2-7/Mk 2:13-17 Next Sunday: Is 62:1-5/Ps 96:1-3, 7-10/1 Cor 12:4-11/Jn 2:1-11 Wednesday, January 13 8:00 am NO Mass or Communion Service 5:30 pm † Jack & Mary Lentner Thursday, January 14 5:30 pm † Carrie Ward Friday, January 15 7:00 am 8:00 am Communion Service Int. Anita Bellflower Saturday, January 16 8:00 am Communion Service 4:30 pm † Elizabeth Walker Sunday, January 17 8:00 am 10:00 am 5:30 pm Int. Parish Family † Al & Kay Feltrup † Shirley Mimms PATRON SAINTS OF THE WEEK For the Week of January 10, 2016 Sun: William of Bourges (Died 1209) Known for his devotion to the Blessed Sacrament Mon: Francisca Salesia (Died 1914) Opened homes and schools for working-class girls Tues: Marguerite Bourgeous (Died 1700) Patron Saint against poverty Wed: Hilary of Poitiers (Died 368) Doctor of the Church Thurs: Macrina the Elder (Died c.340) Patron Saint of widows and against poverty Fri: Maurus (Died 584) Patron Saint against gout Sat: Otto (Died 1220) Martyr—Sent by St. Francis of Assisi to evangelize the Moors of the West ABOUT THE BULLETIN To publish an announcement in the SMG bulletin, please use our online form at smgonline.org, or submit a Bulletin Announcement Form, no later than 3:00 pm two Fridays prior to when you’d like the announcement to appear. Forms are available just inside the doors near the Parish Offices. Please be concise. To Advertise: To advertise your business in the SMG bulletin, contact LPi at 800-950-9952. January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN | 7 MINISTRY CONTACTS & PHONE NUMBERS Adult Bible Study Altar Rosary Society (Women’s Club) Angel Employment Network (AEN) Baptism Preparation Basic Christian Community (BCC) Christ Renews His Parish (CRHP) - Men - Women Confirmation/FAITh Confraternity of Christian Mothers Cursillo Donuts and Coffee Elijah Cup Eucharistic Adoration Gabriel Project HELP Shepherd’s Gate Holy Name Society (Men of Service) Italian Festival Knights of Columbus Landscape Volunteers Librarian/Historian Liturgy Committee Decorating Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion Readers Training Readers Scheduling Ministers of Welcome Music Ministry Scheduling Liturgical Ministers Servers for Mass Marriage Preparation (Pre-Cana, sponsors) Meals Ministry Natural Family Planning - Creighton Model Sympto-Thermal Method Nursery Co-op during Mass Parish Religious Education (PRE) Protocol In-service (All adults working with minors) Respect Life Ministry Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Rite of Christian Initiation of Children (RCIC) ROCK (Reaching Out to College Students) Cub Scouts (www.smgpack152.org) Boy Scouts Girl Scouts Silver Angels (55 & Older) Sisterhood of Marietta Sports Ministry Spring Fling St. Francis Ministry St. Philip Neri Oratorio Technology Support Group Temple Knights of the Holy Eucharist Wedding Coordinator Welcome Committee Young Adult Ministry Youth Ministry HOPE Coordinator TRUTH Coordinator David Bain 575-8945 Carri O’Donnell 703-0817 Bill Lilegdon 814-5999 Gordon & Mary Ann Smith 843-1339 Melinda Brown 663-7654 Matt Fallin 587-2202 Karla Cockman 569-9447 Leslie Mimms 867-3213, ext. 1421 Molly Mirande 867-1848 Tom & Joan Scimeca 571-8510 Toby & Ashley Knott 607-8623 Ann Worcester 669-7095 Carol Alvarez 372-3713 Julie Larsh 896-9059 Jennifer Murphy 867-3213, ext. 1225 Tara Quirke 372-6275 Molly Klen (Scheduling) 590-9658 MaryAnn Davis (Donations) 574-274-2144 Dan DeCraene 414-2901 Jeff & Missy Hopp 867-4849 Ben & Erika Horan 564-8237 Joseph Marcheggiani 844-9937 Keltie Domina 569-1258 Joann Wack 773-8449 Jenny Sergio 269-267-5680 Carla Erickson 571-9662 Jolene McCann 566-1760 Kathy Lengerich 896-5898 Jeff Bowen 571-9035 Jim Wack 773-8449 Mark Worcester 753-0944 Leslie Franzen 867-3213, ext. 1209 Mary Cummins 501-0805 Jen Downing 896-9123 Kyle & Twyla Arnold 399-8038 Erika Haahr 402-2260 Fran Pawlowski 407-9674 Elizabeth Kauffeld 412-0705 Julie & Marc Weinkauf 669-7096 Jenny Muller 294-3107 Kimberly Overmyer 867-3213, ext. 1139 Connie Anderson 867-3213, ext. 1203 Sara Phillips 371-2130 Dan Dessauer & Joan Scimeca 770-7190 Connie Anderson 867-3213, ext. 1203 Daria Gabany 371-3465 Jennifer Weber 201-0087 Ward LaPaglia 896-9887 Jamie Degler 896-1027 Dan Breen 896-1487 Jenny Sherman & Julie Weinkauf 331-6532 Pat Biddlecombe 867-3213, ext. 1226 Tina Uhland Mike & Jill Lyons 439-7996 Joe & Keltie Domina Mike Treida 867-3213 ext. 1229 Corky Aiken 805-8149 Brian McDonald 867-3213, ext. 1218 Deacon Steve Miller 574-1705 Nancy Rumschlag 460-5565 Mike & Sue Treida 896-8000 Josh & Miranda Moriarity 260-235-0830 867-3213 Eric Gellenbeck 867-3213, ext. 1423 Scott Hudson 867-3213, ext. 1420 “Is there a place for me to serve here at St. Maria Goretti?” YES!! Contact Brad Sponhauer, Director of Discipleship, at [email protected] COUNCIL CONTACTS & PHONE NUMBERS PARISH COUNCIL Patricia Bromberek Anne Marie Bigot Scott Callahan Charlie Clark Andy DeRyckere Karla Gonzalez Beth Hatton (President) Dave Smith Chris Weddige 617-9144 896-9823 281-9572 616-914-2131 843-1413 445-7863 752-3237 432-9341 289-4544 FINANCE COUNCIL Chris Bohn Jiyoung Crane Tyson Dean Rob Edwards Daria Gabany Amy Giesler Jeff Madden (President) Kevin Martin Brian Quick 804-9228 867-5279 846-6068 804-9238 371-3465 753-8345 460-9003 626-0688 804-5654 SCHOOL COUNCIL Doug Alexander Kathy Lilegdon (President) Kathy Norton Jeannette Paris Chad Scott Mike Shedlock Sarah Soukup Julie Spangler Lee Starr 580-1589 814-5999 428-7274 414-4987 867-5459 844-9382 804-2965 867-2646 508-2390 RELIGIOUS FORMATION COUNCIL Rob Bloss Bill Clifford Bret Clement Erika Horan (President) Maggie Hunckler Andre Maue Laura Murphy Julie Smith Paul Sweeney 270-3411 867-1273 908-5303 564-8237 581-9555 867-1500 569-0833 607-4102 344-0267 PARENT TEACHER ORGANIZATION Vicki Stauffacher, President Sara Preston, Vice President 690-0269 727-5515 289-4544 Missy Hopp, Treasurer 867-4849 797-2547 Tiffany Schumann 896-5613 Stacy Collins, Asst. Vol. Coord. 417-3637 Jennifer Murphy, Public Relations 403-1730 8 | St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord MONTHLY CALENDAR SUNDAY MONDAY TUESDAY WEDNESDAY THURSDAY FRIDAY SATURDAY 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:45 AM PRE 10 AM Mass 11:30A-12:45P PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM TRUTH 7 AM Communion Service 4:30-5:45 PM PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM RCIA 7 PM Pilgrimage to Italy Meeting 7 AM Angel Employment Network 8 AM Mass 7 PM Youth Bible Study 7 PM First Reconciliation Parent/Child Meeting 7 PM Faith & Froth 7 PM NAMI meeting 8 AM NO Mass or Communion Service 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM HOPE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM That Man is You 7 AM Communion Service 8 AM Mass 7 PM Movie Night 6th-8th graders 8 AM Communion Service 10 AM Baptism Prep Class 3-4 PM Confessions 4:30 PM Mass GIFTS OF LIFE BRUNCH immediately after 10 am Mass No AM Confessions 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:45 AM PRE 10 AM Mass 11:30A-12:45P PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM TRUTH 7 AM Mass 4:30-5:45 PM PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM RCIA 7 AM Angel Employment Network 8 AM Mass 7 PM Youth Bible Study 7 PM First Reconciliation 8 AM Mass 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM HOPE 5:30 PM Mass 6 PM Ladies Candellight Dinner 7 PM That Man is You 7 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:30 AM Confessions 3-4 PM Confessions 4:30 PM Mass 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:45 AM PRE 10 AM Mass 11:30A-12:45P PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM TRUTH 7 AM Mass 4:30-5:45 PM PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM RCIA 7 AM Angel 8 AM Mass Employment 5:30 PM Mass Network 7 PM HOPE 8 AM Mass 7 PM Youth Bible Study 7 PM All Council Meeting 7 PM NAMI meeting 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM That Man is You 7 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:30 AM Confessions 3-4 PM Confessions 4:30 PM Mass GUESS WHO’S COMING TO DINNER 31 1 2 3 4 5 6 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:45 AM PRE 10 AM Mass 11:30A-12:45P PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM TRUTH 7 AM Mass 4:30-5:45 PM PRE 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM RCIA 7 AM Angel Employment Network 8 AM Mass 7 PM FAITh class 7 PM Confirmation meeting 8 AM Mass 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM HOPE 8 PM Worship Music Holy Hour 5:30 PM Mass 7 PM That Man is You 7 PM Facing Tough Issues with Father Travis 7 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8 AM Mass 8:30-9:30 AM Confessions 12:30 PM HOPE Tubing Trip 3-4 PM Confessions 4:30 PM Mass HNS BOWLING NIGHT at Bowl 32 in Noblesville CATHOLIC TRUTH Super Bowl Pizza Fundraiser SCHOOLS WEEK January 10, 2016 The Baptism of the Lord SMG SPORTS MINISTRY St. Maria Goretti Catholic Church · Westfield, IN | 9 SCHOOL ANNOUNCEMENTS SMG SPORTS SPORTS MINISTRY MINISTRY SMG SMG School - 896-5582, ext. 1100 2013 National Blue Ribbon School of Excellence VINCE BARNES - Principal PAT BIDDLECOMBE - Athletic Director Pat Biddlecombe - Athletic Director [email protected] [email protected] TTina INA U HLAND -- Assistant Assistant Athletic Athletic Director Director Uhland [email protected] Use SMG’s Code, 194SMG-IN, when registering your athletes. NOW OPEN FOR REGISTRATION N In-house Boys/Girls Basketball 1st-3rd grades Cost: $75 Closes: 1/15/16 In-house Boys Wrestling K-4th grades Cost: $7 Closes: 1/31/16 In-house Girls Lacrosse 3rd-8th grades Cost: $95 Closes: 1/31/16 CYO Boys Wrestling 5th-8th grades Cost: $95 Closes: 1/31/16 To register, go to smgonline.org/sports And click on the “To Register Online” link. NOTE: Registering after a close date may incur late fees and cause your athlete to be on a waiting list. NEED SERVICE OR FISH HOURS? We need help in the gym! It’s easy, and you’ll see lots of friends! Contact Tina Uhland for Service Hours (6th grade and older) or FISH hours. Confirmation candidates, don’t forget to get those Service Hours! BOYS & GIRLS IN-HOUSE BASKETBALL This league is for boys and girls in grades 1-3. The teams will practice once a week, beginning at the end of January or early February, with games on Saturdays. The season concludes March 19 & 20. The teams are not co-ed. Teams will be a mix of 1st and 2nd graders, and all 3rd graders are together. Registration closes January 15! SMG GIRLS LACROSSE CALL OUT The SMG Girls Lacrosse Program is offering an information session and clinic January 23. All girls grades 3-8 interested in playing are welcome. Parents new to lacrosse interested in getting more info should attend. An info session will be followed by set-up drills based on the athlete’s experience level. (Lacrosse sticks will be provided if you don’t have one.) If you played before, bring your stick, eye protection, and mouth guard. Players and coaches from the Guerin Catholic Girls High School Lacrosse Team will demonstrate the game and provide info. Questions? Contact Greg Cradick, 514-9163, or cradickg@ gmail.com. IMPORTANT DATES 1/11 NWEA Testing Begins 1/12 First Reconciliation Parent Meeting, 7 pm 1/13 2nd Quarter Awards Celebrations 1/14 Charity Day PTO Meeting, 8 am Geography Bee, 3 pm 1/15 High Honor/Honor Roll recognized after Mass Q2 Report Cards Home Family Commitment Window Ends, 3 pm 1/18 Martin Luther King, Jr. Day—Flex Day (No School) 1/19 Open Enrollment Opens OPEN REGISTRATION FOR 2016-17 SCHOOL YEAR SMG Catholic School and SMG Preschool invite parishioners to register interested students for the 2016-17 school year during the Open Registration period, which runs Tuesday, January 19 through Friday, February 5. Please remember those students currently on the waitlist must re-register to maintain priority on the list. Registration will again be online. More information will be made available soon. These are necessary to register a child for Kindergarten: · child must be 5 years old by September 1 · a copy of the child’s Baptismal Certificate (unless Baptized at SMG) · a copy of the child’s Birth Certificate · $50 registration fee per family These are necessary to register a child for Preschool: · child must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1 (for the respective classes) · $50 registration fee per family 2016-17 FAMILY COMMITMENT Current SMG School families are required to register their children for the 2016-17 school year during the “2016-17 Family Commitment,” which is January 6-15. All families must complete the survey to let us know your intent to return, as well as any Kindergartners who will attend SMG next year as a sibling. Failure to complete the survey during this period will surrender your child’s position in his/her class. Incoming Kindergartners must be 5 years old by September 1. The survey was e-mailed to families January 6. Complete the survey and turn in your nonrefundable $50/ family fee to the school office by January 15, 3 pm.
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