Volume 4—December 2012 - Villas Elementary School
Volume 4—December 2012 - Villas Elementary School
The Villas News Volume 4— 4—December 2012 Villas a Title I School 239●936 239 936•3776 936 3776 Our Mission is to ensure every student at Villas Elementary achieves his or her highest academic potential. Calendar 12-6 PTA Meeting 1 PM 12-7 PTA Family Movie Night 6:00 PM 12–10 / 12-14 PTA Holiday Gift Shop 7:30 AM— 2:00 PM “The Holidays are a time to remember what is most important to us.” Mr. Dobbins Welcome to the final edition of the Villas news for 2012. I don’t know where 12-18 4th-5th Grade Field Day Early Dismissal 12:10 PM 12-19 K-1st Grade Field Day 12:10 PM Early Dismissal 12-20 2nd-3rd Grade Field Day Early Dismissal 12:10 PM End of 2nd Quarter Chick-fil-A Night 5:00 - 8:00 PM 12-21 No School Professional Duty Day 1st Day of Winter time has gone but in the blink of an eye it was winter break. The staff at Villas would like to thank all of our families for your support over this past year, it 12-24 / 1-4 NO SCHOOL WINTER BREAK has meant a lot to us in so many ways. As we end 2012 and branch out into 2013 Calendario we encourage you to take advantage of every opportunity we offer from our extended day program starting in January 2013 for our 3rd, 4th, and 5th grade 12-6 Reunion de PTA a las 1:00 students, our English classes for our Spanish speaking parent, student Led- 12-7 PTA Noche de cine familia 6:00 PM conferences to our AR Blasts offered every quarter. In closing the Villas family wishes you the happiest of holidays. We look forward a very exciting 2013 school year. 12-10 / 12-14 PTA Tienda de Regalos 7:30AM2:00 PM 12-18 Dia de Campo para 4to y 5to grado Salida al Mediodia 12:10 12-19 Dia de Campo para K y 1er grado Salida al Mediodia 12:10 Mr. Dobbins & Staff 12-20 Dia de Campo para 2do y 3er grado Salida alMediodia 12;10 Termidia del 2nd Trimestre 12-21 Escuela Cerrada dia professional de maestros DISMISSAL CHANGES Please send a note with your child if they are going home in a different manner than usual. Also, please be sure to put your child’s first name, last name and the teacher’s name on the note. The school office needs to be notified no later than 1:30 p.m. of any last minute use our After School Program, please call Mrs. Hunt @ 936-3776. 12-24/1-4 ESCUELA CERRADA VACACIONES DE INVIERNO Title 1 update • changes. If something comes up and you need to • Currently 5 out of 6 sub-groups have met their AMO for Reading to FY 2015. Currently 5 out of 6 sub-groups have met their AMO for Math to FY 2015 Parent Resource Link CAFETERIA CORNER DECEMBER DECEMBER Breakfast & Lunch Offered Daily students. Breakfast begins at 7:25 am & is Free to all students Lunch for Students: Regular Status: Lunch $2.00 Reduced Status: Lunch $ .40 Free Status: Lunch Free Top Ten Ways To Enjoy Nuts Add to Steamed Vegetables. Toss pecans and steamed green beans in a bowl with olive oil and a seasoning blend such as minced garlic and onion with salt, pepper and dried parsley. Moms and Dads, this is a great link which will give you suggestions on how to help your child become more successful in school: http://intervention. leeschools.net/parent/ Parent%20Newsletter.htm Add Some Crunch to Your Mornings. Add slivered raw almonds to any of your favorite cereals and enjoy not only the added flavor but enhanced texture as well. Coat Your Proteins. Dredge your meat or fish in a liquid base first (such as lemon juice or olive oil and melted butter) and then cover it in chopped pecans and spices to make your proteins more exciting! Top Your Salads! Chopped walnuts or almonds add flavor and texture to any salad. StirStir-Up Your StirStir-Fry! Make an Asian-inspired stir-fry using chicken, snow peas, peppers, onion and raw, halved cashews. Toss in some mandarin oranges to add color and flavor! Saucy Sides. Wake up your traditional side dishes! Try this … add some pine nuts to your coleslaw for a different twist on a traditional favorite. Usted Necesita Mas Information? Si usted necesita una traduccion de este boletin escolar por favor contactar a la escuela de Villas de 8:15am– 1:30pm de lunes a viernes. Nutty Desserts. Hazelnuts have a delicious flavor and aroma that’ll add a whole new element to your cookies or ice cream. Wrap Them Up! Combine chopped almonds with tomato, bell pepper, onion, chopped lettuce and cilantro then lightly toss in a vinaigrette dressing. Warm a wheat tortilla and fill with the ingredients. Add some sliced avocado and you’ve got yourself a delicious, healthy lunch! Perfect Pate! After soaking walnuts in water for 6-8 hours, chop them up in a food processor along with some parsley, onion, garlic, lemon juice and olive oil for a tasty spread to top whole-wheat crackers or flat-bread. Trail Mix, Naturally! Making a trail mix is a healthy and easy way to have a snack on the go! Just mix in peanuts (or your favorite nuts) with a variety of dried fruit (such as cranberries, raisins, pineapple, bananas or apricots), dark chocolate bits and whole-grain oat squares. Separate the mix into small plastic bags and you’re ready to go! If you would like a translation of this newsletter, please call Villas Elementary between 8:15am1:30pm Monday through Friday. Code Red Parent PickPick-Up Reunion Procedure If you are picking up your child after a Code Red/Lockdown is lifted, you will be directed to go through the parent pick-up line at the North end of school. The following procedures will be followed for all parent pick-up students and student walkers/bikers to ensure a safe reunion with their families: · As you pull up to the gate of the Parent Pick-up Ramp, you will need to display your parent pick-up card so school personnel can radio the office for your child. Parent Pick-up cards need to be displayed in the window until your child is in your vehicle· If you do not have your parent pick-up card with you, a staff member at the gate will ask for your Photo ID. They will check your ID to verify your name is on your child’s emergency form. Once your name has been verified, the staff member will give you a new parent pick-up card to display in your window until your child is in your vehicle. We understand this will be a lengthy process; however parents need to remain in their cars and follow the parent pick-up procedure outlined above. This process will ensure a safe and timely reunion with your child. Procedimiento para los padres recoger al estudiante Código Rojo (de Emergencia) Si usted está recogiendo a su hijo/a después que se termine un Código Rojo de emergencia, usted será dirigido/a a que pase por la fila para los padres recoger a su estudiante (en inglés – “parent pick-up line”) en el lado de la escuela situado hacia el norte. Se seguirá el siguiente procedimiento para todos los estudiantes que son recogidos y los que caminan o montan bicicleta para asegurar una segura reunión con sus familias. Mientras usted llega a la Rampa para recoger al estudiante mostrando su tarjeta para los padres poder recoger a sus hijos, el personal escolar llamará por radio para que manden a su hijo/a. La tarjeta para recoger tiene que estar mostrada en la ventana del auto hasta que se su hijo/a esté dentro del vehículo. El líder del equipo le dará permiso a su hijo/a para que valla al área de recoger “Parent Pick Up” y él/ella será colocado en su automóvil. Si no tiene su tarjeta consigo tendrá que mostrar una identificación con foto. Se revisará esa para asegurar que su nombre esté en el formulario de emergencia de su hijo/a. Cuando se verifique, se le dará una tarjeta nueva para poder recoger para que usted la muestre. Los padres tienen que permanecer en sus autos y seguir los procedimientos para recoger al estudiante cuando se termine el Código Rojo. Rojo Este proceso asegurará una segura y rápida reunión con su hijo/a. We are excited to announce a new project Villas PTA will be starting this year "Clothes For the Cold"! If you have been with Villas Elem for a few years like I have, you have probably seen students arriving at school during sometimes cold winter days wearing only a t-shirt & shorts, maybe jeans, but no jackets or long sleeve shirts. We are hoping to change that this year by asking members, staff and anyone you know to donate children's winter clothing - new or gently used - to Villas PTA. In conjunction with Villas Elem's upcoming Saturday "AR Blast" days, PTA will be at the school with tables set up in the media center to sell the "Clothes For the Cold" to families for 25 cents per item. Anyone with a student at Villas will be allowed to purchase the clothing. Money raised from this project will be reinvested back into the project to purchase more clothing. Bring your clothing donations to the PTA office in the media center. Our first sale date is Saturday, Dec 1st! Thanks for your support! Holly Beasley Our “Winter Performance” is on Saturday, Dec. 15th at 10am outside under the PE Pavilion for Kindergarten/1st grade/4th and 5th grade chorus. **Parents are invited** Third Annual Pajama . Drive Bring in new pajamas of any size or a new or gently used book to help us reach our goals! This year’s goal is: 200 pajamas and 300 books Class Prizes: Homework passes to highest donating class in each grade level overall for both pajamas or books. Weekly prizes: Highest Donating Class for PJ’s or Books Week of 12/3 = Ice Cream Party Week of 12/10 = Pizza Party Student with most donated PJ’s = $20 Toys ‘R Us Gift Card School Prize: School Wide Pajama and Movie Day It’s the Season It is that time of year when we are faced with the cold and flu virus. The germs that cause the cold and flu are spread from person to person through coughing, sneezing, or spread through touching something with the virus on it. Then that person will touch their mouth, eyes or nose and introduce it into their system. If you have the flu you are able to spread it beginning 1 day before you have symptoms and up to 5-7 days after becoming sick. Below is a chart on the differences between the flu and cold. Always consult your child’s doctor if your child becomes ill. Early treatment may make your child feel better and get better sooner. How can you protect your child against the flu? Get vaccinated against the flu and take everyday steps to prevent the spread of germs. *Cover coughs and sneezes with a tissue and throw away the tissue in the trash *Stay away from people who are sick *Wash hands often with soap and water or use alcohol-based hand rub *Avoid touching your eyes, nose and mouth When can a child come back to school? Keep your child home from school for at least 24 hours after their fever is gone (Fever should be gone without the use of fever-reducing medication). A fever is a temperature 100.0 or higher. What? Villas Elementary A/R Blast! When? Saturday, 12/1/12 from 10:00am-12:00pm Where? Villas Media Center Why? To allow children to read and test with their parents Villas Primaria A/R Blast! “Ayudar a su Estudiante ser Mejor Lector” Cuando: Sábado, 1 de diciembre 2012 Hora: 10:00 a 12:00 de la mañana Adonde: En la Biblioteca en Villas Primaria Propósito: Darle la oportunidad a los niños para leer su libro de AR, y tomar su examen en la computadora. After School Program If your child attends the program, payment is due every Monday or the first day your child attends. If you are paying with cash, please bring exact change. There is a $20.00 late fee if payment is not received the week your child attends. PickPick-up time is 6:00 PM, a $1.00 per minute late fee is added if you pickpick-up after 6:00 PM. The Lee County School District does not extend credit for payment of services. services Parent Resource Link Moms and Dads, this is a great link which will give you suggestions on how to make your child become more successful in school: http://intervention.leeschools.net/ parent/Parent%20Newsletter.htm Ronald McDonald House Pop Tab Collection Before School Program Reminder You must be registered to attend the Before School Program. Program The cost of this service is $10.00 weekly. Payment is due the first day your child attends. The program begins at 6:45 AM and ends at 7:25 AM. AM In order to avoid a charge for the program, drop your child off after 7:25 AM. Dear Families: If you have been collecting pop tabs, THANK YOU! We are still collecting them this year for our school donation. Of course you can send them in any time to your child’s teacher. Thank you for helping our school support the Ronald McDonald House! The front gate will be closed. The students will enter through the office door at 6:45am. Your child may not stand in front of the gate before 7:25am, please wait in your car. No fica on of the Presence of Asbestos-Containing Materials in the School To the Chairperson of the Parents Teachers Associa on and the Students of Villas Elementary School: This school has been recently inspected and certain asbestos-containing materials or assumed asbestos-containing materials such as: fire doors or roofing materials that are tested prior to repairs or removal as needed, have been located in the school buildings. Please be aware that the School District of Lee County has an ac ve management plan designed to ensure that the building is maintained safely for all occupants. These materials are being controlled in accordance with the Asbestos Management Program for the School and following the limita ons and procedures of the policies and requirements of the Asbestos Opera ons and Maintenance Program of the School District of Lee County. The report lis ng the locaon, quan es, and condi on of all known materials and contains the details of the control procedures is available at the school office for your inspec on during normal school hours. Copies of the whole or parts of the school’s asbestos file can be supplied to you at a cost of $0.15/page. If you have any ques ons, please contact the school. (QR Code) Just scan the symbol above using your cell phone, and you will be taken directly to our Villas Website Code Red Parent PickPick-Up Reunion Procedure If you are picking up your child after a Code Red/Lockdown is lifted, you will be directed to go through the parent pick-up line at the North end of school. The following procedures will be followed for all parent pick-up students and student walkers/bikers to ensure a safe reunion with their families: · As you pull up to the gate of the Parent Pick-up Ramp, you will need to display your parent pick-up card so school personnel can radio the office for your child. Parent Pick-up cards need to be displayed in the window until your child is in your vehicle· If you do not have your parent pick-up card with you, a staff member at the gate will ask for your Photo ID. They will check your ID to verify your name is on your child’s emergency form. Once your name has been verified, the staff member will give you a new parent pick-up card to display in your window until your child is in your vehicle. We understand this will be a lengthy process; however parents need to remain in their cars and follow the parent pick-up procedure outlined above. This process will ensure a safe and timely reunion with your child. Procedimiento para los padres recoger al estudiante Código Rojo (de Emergencia) Si usted está recogiendo a su hijo/a después que se termine un Código Rojo de emergencia, usted será dirigido/a a que pase por la fila para los padres recoger a su estudiante (en inglés – “parent pick-up line”) en el lado de la escuela situado hacia el norte. Se seguirá el siguiente procedimiento para todos los estudiantes que son recogidos y los que caminan o montan bicicleta para asegurar una segura reunión con sus familias. Mientras usted llega a la Rampa para recoger al estudiante mostrando su tarjeta para los padres poder recoger a sus hijos, el personal escolar llamará por radio para que manden a su hijo/a. La tarjeta para recoger tiene que estar mostrada en la ventana del auto hasta que se su hijo/a esté dentro del vehículo. El líder del equipo le dará permiso a su hijo/a para que valla al área de recoger “Parent Pick Up” y él/ella será colocado en su automóvil. Si no tiene su tarjeta consigo tendrá que mostrar una identificación con foto. Se revisará esa para asegurar que su nombre esté en el formulario de emergencia de su hijo/a. Cuando se verifique, se le dará una tarjeta nueva para poder recoger para que usted la muestre. Los padres tienen que permanecer en sus autos y seguir los procedimientos para recoger al estudiante cuando se termine el Código Rojo. Rojo Este proceso asegurará una segura y rápida reunión con su hijo/a. Walkers • All Walkers will be dismissed and escorted by staff to their off campus location. Rainy Day Dismissal for Walkers and Hikers During rainy days if your child is a walker/biker, they will become parent pick-up. You will come through the Parent Pick-Up line and display your child’s PPU card in your window. Your child will be called to the PPU ramp. Your child’s safety is always our primary concern. Thank you for your cooperation. Los que caminan • Los caminantes serán despedidos y acompañados por el personal a su ubicación fuera de la escuela. Despido en Días de Lluvia para los Caminantes y Ciclistas Durante los días de lluvia si su hijo/a camina o monta bicicleta, se convertirá el estudiante recogido por los padres. Usted pasará por la fila para recoger al estudiante (en inglés Parent Pick-Up: siglas en inglés PPU) y mostrará su tarjeta en la ventanilla del automóvil para recoger al estudiante. Su hijo será llamado a la rampa de recoger al estudiante (en inglés PPU ramp). La seguridad de su hijo/a es nuestra primera preocupación. Gracias por su cooperación. Our Media Center is always in need of Volunteers to help shelve books! Drop by anytime and just jump in… Villas loves The School Board of Lee County Florida Mary Fischer, District 1, Chairman Don H. Armstrong, District 4, Vice Chairman Jeanne S. Dozier, District 2 Cathleen O’Daniel Morgan, District 3 Volunteers. Thomas Schott, District 5 CHECK IT OUT… THE NEW VILLAS WEBSITE Villas Elementary School WEBSITE: http://vls.leeschools.net District WEBSITE: http://leeschools.net________________________________________________ PTA NEWS: Target is running a special promotion for schools that began September 8th on Facebook. Target is giving gift cards to schools in $25 increments for every 25 votes a school gets. Villas has already qualified for one gift card! Your vote counts! Superintendent of Schools Joseph Burke, Ed. D www.leeschools.net Substitute Paraprofessionals Needed https://apps.facebook.com/givewithtarget ———————————————————————————————————————— The Florida Statue 1012.42 recognizes that teachers at times must be assigned duties in a class outside the field in which the teacher is certified. The following teacher, Wendy Coston, is certified but may be assigned one or more classes outside their areas of certification and are required to take appropriate steps to comply with the statutory regulation. Mrs. Coston will be completing her Endorsement in Autism. In addition, the following teachers are engaged in training to add the endorsement English for Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) to their certificate: Natalie Siler-Hercek, Katherine Almonte, Robert Schalmo, Darcy Neymeyer, Michele Cline, Kimberly Fisher, Lindsay Palmer, Heather Lainhart, Marci Landfried, and Lindsay Melione. If you are a parent and have the time to work occasionally at the school when an employee is absent, please contact Linda Hunt to discuss how you can begin the process. Substitutes are needed when an employee is absent in PE, Pre-K Paraprofessional, or ESE Paraprofessional. You need a high school diploma and/or GED, an Associates degree or higher, 48 hrs. of college credit hours and/or have passed the Para-Pro Test. Please call the school at 936-3776. A Special Thank You to Ruth Messmer Florist I would especially like to thank Ruth Messmer Florist for providing our office with fresh flowers on a weekly basis. The flowers are an absolute pleasure to look at, and we have received many compliments from our teachers and staff. Ruth Messmer is located at: 3366 Cleveland Ave. Fort Myers, Florida Website: [email protected] www.ruthmessmerflorist.com (239) 936-2131 * (800) 288-6571 Smith, Clete Barrett Aliens on Vacation Poor Scrub, all he wanted to do was go to summer camp. Instead he’s being sent to stay with his hippy grandmother in the middle of nowhere. She owns the Intergalactic Bed & Breakfast, which is decorated like a Star Wars movie set. Scrub can’t believe that his summer is going to be anything but dull until he discovers that each room is actually a portal allowing the guests, who are real aliens, to vacation on Earth. Scrub gets the job of disguising the visitors so they blend in. He quickly realizes that his summer won’t be so boring after all! West, Jacqueline The Shadows When Olive and her distracted parents move into an old furnished Victorian mansion, she soon notices that the creepy antique paintings cannot be taken off the walls. What’s more, she’s certain she sees people moving inside them. When she finds an old pair of glasses and tries them on; Olive realizes they allow her to enter the paintings and travel to Elsewhere, a strange and eerie world. Olive will need the help of three talking cats and one of the paintings inhabitance to solve the mysteries of the paintings before the evil that lurks there traps her in Elsewhere forever! Winston, Sherri President of the Whole Fifth Grade What Brianna wants more than anything else is to run her own cupcake-baking business and have a cooking show on television. So when celebrity chef Miss Delicious visits her school and tells the students that her path to success began when she became president of her fifth grade class; Briana knows what she has to do! Things suddenly change when a new student decides to run too. Will Brianna stoop to running a dirty campaign in a race she feels she has to win? Thank you to the SSYRA Sponsors!! *The Lawhon Family *Molly Godley *The Miller Family *The Lippert Family *The Trebilcock Family *Hope & Carey Cliff *The Weidle Family *Seagate PTO *The Castillo Family *The Gurevitch Family If you are interesting in becoming an SSYRA sponsor please contact the SSYRA Chair, Laurie Arnez at [email protected] Guidelines Books nominated for the Sunshine State Young Reader’s Award program are chosen based on the following criteria: S U N S H I N E S TAT E YOUNG READER’S AWA R D P R O G R A M 2012-2013 GRADE 3-5 High degree of reader appeal. Representation of various genres. Favorable reviews. Theme, plot, and characters are appropriate for audience and purpose. Author’s use of language and its effect is appropriate to the intent and theme. Two lists of fifteen books are nominated each year. (One list for grades 3-5 and one list for grades 6-8.) Books are fiction only. The copyright of the books is within the last four years. Library Media Specialists nominate the titles. Students are encouraged to read at least three of the titles. Students who read or hear at least three of the books are eligible to vote for their favorite book. Voting takes place in the spring. The author of the book receiving the most votes is presented with an award at the annual FAME conference. In most cases, the Library Media Specialist at each school coordinates the program. The Sunshine State Young Reader’s Award Program is a statewide reading motivation program for students in grades 3-5 and grades 6-8. The program, cosponsored by the Office of School Libraries and Information Services of the Department of Education and the Florida Association for Media in Education (FAME), began in 1983. The reading motivation program was designed to entice students to read high interest, contemporary literature for personal enjoyment. The long term goal of the program is to nurture lifelong readers who will continue to read for information needs and personal pleasure. 2012-2013 Book Titles for Grades 3-5 Amato, Mary Edgar Allan’s Official Crime Investigation Notebook Edgar Allan doesn’t feel he has any talents. His older brother is great at playing the clarinet, but Edgar can’t think of anything he can do for the school Cabaret. However, as Edgar works to discover who has stolen Slurp, the goldfish, along with other classroom items. He discovers he may have a talent after all! Beaty, Andrea Attack of the Fluffy Bunnies You probably think that ‘bunny wabbits’ are so cute. As twins Kevin and Joules Rockman are about to learn; evil space bunnies, addicted to sugar and the joy of marshmallow fluff, are bent on taking over the world are a real problem! It’s even worse when the evil space bunnies take over the minds of all the adults at the summer camp. Kevin and Joules are the only thing standing between them and world domination. Told in a hybrid of prose, campy illustrations and brief comic strip interludes, the story of the twins versus the evil space bunnies will tickle your funny bone! Behrens, Andy The Fast and the Furriest Both Kevin and his dog Cromwell are real coach potatoes. Neither likes any type of sports or exercise, unless for Kevin it’s in the form of a video game. But one day, after watching a dog agility competition on TV, Cromwell becomes an obsessed dog. As Cromwell races around the garden and leaps through the tire swing he exhausts both himself and out of shape Kevin! Kevin soon realizes how much Cromwell enjoys it. In trying to find a way for Cromwell to go to training classes, he discovers a lot about himself and about the importance of team work. Cronin, Doreen The Trouble with Chickens Down on the farm, J.J. Tully is ready to enjoy his retirement from search-and-rescue work at his new home. But no sooner has he arrived then he finds himself taking on a case. A distraught hen persuades him, by promising a hamburger in payment, to find her two missing chicks. Complications are caused by the arrival of a ransom note, and a villain by the name of Vince the Funnel. Will J.J. manage to find the chicks in time and claim his hamburger? Epstein, Adam & Jacobson, Andrew The Familiars In all the hubbub of wizard education, one very key component has been mostly overlooked until now. Familiars, animal assistants who sometimes have special powers of their own, have often been relegated to occasional comic relief, or even animal-indistress roles. But in The Familiars, when their humans are abducted and the fate of the entire kingdom is in doubt; it’s up to a bird, a frog and a cat hiding a secret to save them. Will they succeed in their quest? Jennings, Patrick Guinea Dog All Rufus wants is a dog. After all, his best friend has a dog, even his worst friend does too. Though Rufus thinks that a dog would be the coolest pet, his father doesn’t agree. Rufus’s mother likes to think outside the box; so one day she brings Rufus home a guinea pig. Neither Rufus or his father are thrilled. For a start, it’s a female guinea pig and besides, how much of a pet can a guinea pig be? However, it turns out that Fido is full of surprises. Maybe not getting exactly what he wanted will turn out to be the best thing to happen to Rufus after all! George, Jessica Day Tuesdays at the Castle Tuesdays are specials at Castle Glower… rooms magically move, and new ones appear or disappear. Princess Celie is the only one who has tried to map out the many rooms and hidden passageways in the Castle. When the King and Queen suddenly disappear, the Castle begins to use its special power to protect Princess Celie and her siblings against those who want to take over the kingdom. Marino, Nan Neil Armstrong is my Uncle : & Other Lies Muscle Man McGinty Told Me Tamara is lonely and unhappy. Her best friend from the foster home across the street has moved away suddenly and hasn’t even written. Now another foster child called Douglas has moved in. Douglas is constantly telling tall tales and Tamara can’t understand why no-one else “can see him for what he really is”. Will Tamara be able to see past her own problems to understand Douglas’s? Graff, Lisa Sophie Simon Solves Them All Sophie Simon is truly a gifted child. So when the only thing that stands in the way of her getting the new graphing calculator she wants is the fact that her parents won’t pay for it, she quickly devises a plan to get the $100 she needs. It seems that many of her classmates have problems of their own. For a price, Sophie will solve them. But along the way, it may turn out that Sophie will learn something she didn’t expect. O’Connor, Barbara The Fantastic Secret of Owen Jester Owen has captured the biggest and most beautiful bullfrog in Carter, Georgia. Though the bullfrog is fantastic, it is not the secret of this tale. The secret is something that Owen finds one night after investigating a strange nose from a train passing by. Owen and his friends try their best to keep the marvelous thing that fell off the train hidden, especially from Viola, the bossy know-itall neighbor. However, in order to make use of the marvelous secret, Owen realizes they may need Viola’s help after all. Can she be trusted with the secret? Holm, Jennifer Turtle in Paradise It’s 1935, and Turtle’s mother has been lucky enough to find a housekeeping job. But as her employer doesn’t want children in the house, Turtle gets sent to live with her aunt and cousins in Key West. Key West is very different from New Jersey and Turtle finds it hard to know where she fits in. But maybe the discovery of a treasure map will lead her to buried treasure and will enable her to be with her mother again. Selfors, Suzanne Fortune’s Magic Farm It never stops raining in Runny Cove. Isabelle, who was left at a miserable boarding house as a baby, works every day at the Magnificently Supreme Umbrella Factory labeling boxes. When circumstances allow Isabelle to run away from Runny Cove, she discovers she is not an orphan, but a member of a family whose job it is to tend the plants on the last magical place on earth - Fortune’s Farm. Will Isabelle be able to use the magic of Fortune’s Farm to help the people of Runny Cove?
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