Collaboration of the Czech information Society and the Institute of


Collaboration of the Czech information Society and the Institute of
Collaboration of the Czech information
Society and the Institute of Information
Studies and Librarianship in Prague
Radka Římanová, IISL, Charles University in Prague
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
CIS, branch by the National Archives
Facebook site
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
First chairman of CIS, Eva Sošková
direct in the 70s the State Technical Library,
antecedent of the National Library of Technology in Prague
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
History of Czech information brokering
State technical library:
• Headquater of information for science, technical and economic
• Specialists for searching in foreign scientific databases
• Publishing abstract journals of various specialilzation
• Document delivery document services – copy of full text of
• After change situation in 90s – knowledge of some experts use
in first commercial job of information industry (salesman of
databases, information consultant and advisers, creators new
information systém for bussiness)
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Second chairman of CIS,
Rudolf Vlasák
strong personality automation of
scientific information in the 70s and 80s
1994 – 2002 director of the Institute of
information Studies and Librarianshp
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Richard Papík,
deputy chairman CIS
90s disseminator idea change academic
librarianship education from public libraries to
impact of raising of informatic specialist,
informatic brokering
He brings in Czech librarianship language new
competitive intelligence,
Information broker
and also
supersonic reading
2002 – 2012 director of the Institute of
information Studies and Librarianshp
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Professional organizations and membership I.
• Fortunately, there is no longer an automatic lifetime membership,
• For example, a pioneer or young communists were becoming people
automatically at the beginning of secondary school or university
• There are professional associations - compulsory execution condition
of employment
• eg. Bar Association - working conditions lawyer
• eg. Medical Society for specialization - a condition of employment doctor
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
membership in clubs
• Short time and
informal –
Facebook group
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Popular Czech library Facebook
(Section of Experimental
• regular events,
• participants across all the
Czech Republic
• sharing experiences (eg. the
lessons of information skills
education, community
• no pass,
• no membership,
• definitely functional subject
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
The problems of some Czech clubs:
(based on my personal experience in some societies: Club of parents in secondary
schools, Associations inhabitants of one house – self-government, professional
associations - CIS ...)
• willingness pay for membership
Yes, I want to support this company
• willingness to be member of presidium
hmmm... somehow I do not much time ....
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Some reasons "passivity" of members of the Czech Information Society I.
• High workload of the citizens, often more than one job or project
• The offer of extracurricular activities in Czech society is well above the
• Formal education and lifelong learning provided by the employer are
frequent, thanks to the support of the projects are they often entirely
free (at this point I'm not going to evaluate the efficiency or
orderliness of education projects).
• Travel opportunities (in the early years of CIS were short professional
tours favorites events) opened so that it is no longer necessary to be a
member of a professional association, to be able to visit any country
or institution.
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Some reasons "passivity" of members of the Czech Information Society II.
• Due to globalization and the computerization of the possibility of
contacting other experts have expanded so that you can actually
"talk" (for example on Twitter) with anyone, anytime. It is not
necessary to dedicate an afternoon to go on a meeting. Even high-end
specialist can reached on the blog, by writing "Hi, Peter ....".
• Students are studying much longer than it was in the 80s. While
studying they often work. Student life time as non-binding and eager
knowledge becomes "old-time movie." Today's college student
contributes significantly to his/her own financial security, and
carefully considering what to do with what little free time he/she has
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Transformation of works
Special librarian (researcher) →→ Information Broker
• Currently consultant – one man/woman and computer (and
information of all World)
• Important – communication whith costumers,more interest of
education in shepre of new information in costumers bussiness subject
• Happy meeting whith another information specialists = leaving clients,
broken communication = reference librarians have similar problem
• Result of challenge = use to information and communication
technology = webinar (chat)
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
AND what abou CIS?
• Currently 80 individual members, 2 corporate member (the Institute of
Scientific Information 1.LF UK and VFN and the National Archives)
• was considered a merger with the Association of Library and
Information Professionals
• 900 individual and 449 corporate members
• Long-life trainings for librarians, social events, represent libraries during dealing
with goverment, copyright associations
• We decided – CIS has more aktivity in wide field of information world
and has distinctive role in Czech Republic
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Conference IKI - information, competitiveness, innovation
• each year from 2008 to the present
• Open platform for meeting of experts from different professions who
deal with information
• dramaturgical cooperation with Institute of Information Studies and
Librarianship in Prague
• PhD student lecture, contact to graduate
• favorite event - around 100 visitors
• program of individual years provides an interesting picture of the work
of information specialist in the Czech Republic
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
IKI 2008
Chemical engineer Miloslav Nič
Dislosure of scientific information for visually impaired
• Digitization of chemical formulas – picture
• Practical level base of research – case of blind students interested
study in Chemisty College
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
NIČ, Miloslav. Zpřístupnění vědeckých informací zrakově postiženým. In: IKI 2008 [online]. Praha:
Česká informační společnost, 2008 [cit. 2015-04-19]. Dostupné z:
Periodic Table of the Elements in the software for the visually impaired Chemists
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
IKI 2008
Information broker Richard Papík and doctor Vendula Papíková
Competitive Intelligence in medical and pharmaceutical environments
• Next image, that is familiar to most of the Richard Papík's students
• Many of them are now dedicated to the work of information specialist,
and some of them spoke at the conference IKI
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
PAPÍK, Richard a Vendula PAPÍKOVÁ.
Competitive Intelligence v medicínském a
farmaceutickém prostředí. In: IKI 2008
[online]. Praha: Česká informační společnost,
2008 [cit. 2015-04-19]. Dostupné z:
IKI 2008
Information specialist Tomáš Vejlupek, president of company TOVEK
The extraction and mapping of Knowledge from text information
• TOVEK company – Czech company support information brokering
(founded 1993)
• TOVEK Tools – e.g. Use Czech Banks for management of internal and
external information resources and primary information
• Information system TOVEK is created by architecture ARMS (Analytics,
Research and Monitoring System)
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
VEJLUPEK, Tomáš. SW nástroje pro tvorbu
znalostní báze. In: Znalosti 2008 [online].
Bratislava, 2008 [cit. 2015-04-19]. Dostupné z:
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
IKI 2008
Librarian of Trinec Ironworks Jana Kocurová; information specialist Boris Škandera
Analysis of state of information services for iron and steel industry in Czech
Jana Kocurová‚s these: „Analysis of
state of information services for
iron and steel industry in Czech
Republic", which she defended at
IISL in 2007.
Co (možná) nevíte o svých spolupracovnících = What Co (maybe) do
not know about their colleagues. Třinecký / Trzyniecki / Hutník [online].
2013, / 26. června – 2. července 2013 [cit. 2015-04-19]. Dostupné
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Note of programme of IKI 2009
• Doctor Petr Forest and doctor Jan Vejvalka: „Classical and modern ontology to describe
medical algorithms“
• Teoretical issues of information science (PhD. students)
• Block of open source systems for libraries
• OJS , Dpubs (systems for publishing jurnals)
• Open Source software in medicine: opportunities and obstacles
• Evergreen
• Systém Koha (in Czech republic from about 2013)
• Presentations are many evidence od lst time when the phenomenon of open
source was slowly examined, observed
• In some sectors have already found their place
• In the Czech libraries is not yet clear opinion.
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
IKI 2010
Information advisors Petra
and Jakub Štogr:
Evaluation as a method of
improving the quality of
project management“
Jakub ŠTOGR. Evaluace jako metoda
zvyšování kvality řízení projektů.
In: IKI 2010[online]. Praha: Česká
informační společnost, 2010 [cit.
2015-04-19]. Dostupné
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
IKI 2010
Three engineers, PhD
students from the Czech
Univeristy of Life
Science: Use of open
source e-learning
Moodle for information
Knowledge and
education system in the
commercial sector
VOTRUBA, Zdeněk, Radim MATUŠŮ a Tomáš KOTEK. Využití nástrojů
elektronického vzdělávání v akademické i komerční sféře. In: IKI
2010 [online]. Praha: Česká informační společnost, 2010 [cit. 2015-04-19].
Dostupné z:
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Rarity of IKI 2011 programme
3 lectures – in every author team is
doctor Jiří Kofránek
• Smart cards against thieves – electronic
proof vehicle (J. K. + Miroslav Svítek,
• Hummod – large model of human
physiological regulation as a basis for
medical simulators (J. K. . + Marek
Matěják, mathematician-physicist)
• Schola Ludus for the 21st century - a
multimedia educational programs on
the Internet and the possibility of
cooperative creation
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
IKI 2011
Graduate of IILS,
information specialist
Štěpán Štepanovský
Information and
documentation services
as ousourced product in
the automotive industry
IKI 2012
Information advisor – police and crimilogy field
Roman Rak: Electronic traces
He presented the crime detection using electronic traces on
the example of acual crimes
• Emphasis on initial analysis of
the client's needs
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
IKI 2013
Graduates IILS - information specialists Tereza Praksová, Petr Hons and Hana
Heringová, IBM
Information support in IT Corporation
They work in support of trades:
„What sales need to know?
• Who are the potential clients and how high is their IT budget?
• Who has the client's authority to make a decision on whether to buy, how to contact him?
• How to establish a conversation with him, what problems it faces?
• Which product to offer?
Why is our product / service better than the competitor´s one?
How to demonstrate the value of our product?“
PRAKSOVÁ, Tereza, Petr HONS a Hana HERINGOVÁ. Informační podpora v IT korporaci. In: IKI 2013 [online].
Praha: Česká informační společnost, 2013 [cit. 2015-04-19]. Dostupné z:
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
IKI 2014
Graduates IILS - information specialist Martina Franklová
Problems farmakovigilancea and its solution using service STN International
• She works in company Medistyl, commercial
company specialist for medical and
pharmaceutical information
• During the production and implemantation of
a new drug to market is required to report all
the negative findings, which were recorded
during drug development
FRANKLOVÁ, Martina. Problematika farkmakovigilance a její řešení pomocí služeb STN International. In: IKI
Medica 2014[online]. Praha: Česká informační společnost, 2014 [cit. 2015-04-19]. Dostupné
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Have CIS chance to have larger membership base?
• I think that number of member will not be sharply growing
• About 4 persons is new member every year, about 4 person ended it (usually
when finish his/her professional life)
• I see important point in permanent interest of CIS events., e.g. conference
• Some time CIS helped some young people (usually student IILS) to realize
• I hope that it young people ripen in time for decision not only to go in the IKI
(visitors, lectors) but we also to work in the CIS board.
• But it is not urgent, currently presidium some has still enought energy
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015
Thank you for your attention,
Thank my collegues of the Czech Information Society for cooperation
Thank academics of the Institute of Information Studies and Librarianship
and also all people which create modern Czech information society
Thank organizers for invitation seminar „ Information brokers and new
entrants to the profession“
Radka Rimanova
E-mail: [email protected]
Information brokers and new entrants to the profession, international seminar,
Faculty of Management and Social Communication , Andrzej Frycz Modrzewski Krakow University, April, 23 2015