annual report - Veritas House
annual report - Veritas House
Annual Report ANNUAL REPORT 2011/12 CONTENTS 01 02 03 2 About Us Our Vision 4 Our Mission 4 Our Services 4 Who We Are Our Management Committee 5 Our Staff 5 Our Year From The President 6 From The Manager 7 CONTACTS 04 What We Do 05 Financial Reports VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 Donated prizes for the Veritas House Winter Wonderland charity auction Veritas House Youth Services 9 Early Intervention Placement Prevention(Youth 13 & Family and Adolescent & Family Counselling) Out of Home Care 15 Aboriginal Men’s Group – Gibirgu Mudgyigu 16 Treasurers Report 17 Financial Report 18 Veritas House Inc. Youth & Family Support Admin Office 95 Keppel St PO Box 941 Bathurst NSW 2795 Veritas House Inc. P/F: 02 6332 3882 Service M:Admin Office 0427 311 675 E: 95 Keppel St [email protected] PO Box 941 Bathurst NSW 2795 P: 6331 1567 F: 6334 2377 E: [email protected] Adolescent & Family Counselling Service 95A Keppel St PO Box 415 Adolescent & Family Counselling Bathurst NSW 2795 P/F: 02 6332 2277 95A Keppel St E: [email protected] PO Box 415 PO Box 941 Bathurst NSW 2795 Bathurst NSW 2795 P/F: 02 6332 2277 P/F: 02 6332 3882 Veritas House Youth Refuge Youth & Family Support E: [email protected] Veritas House Outreach Service M: 0427 311 675 Robin Hill PO Box 941 95 Keppel St E: [email protected] Bathurst NSW 2795 PO Box 941 PO Box 941 P: 6331 1567 Bathurst NSW 2795 Bathurst NSW 2795 F: 6334 2377 P: 02 6331 1675 P/F: 02 6331 2969 Veritas House Youth Refuge E: [email protected] Veritas House Outreach Service F: 02 6334 2121 M: 0407 902 054 Robin Hill 95 Keppel St PO Box 941 PO Box 941 M: 0407188877 E: [email protected] Bathurst NSW 2795 Bathurst NSW 2795 E: [email protected] P: 02 6331 1675 P/F: 02 6331 2969 F: 02 6334 2121 M: 0407 902 054 M: 0407188877 E: [email protected] E: [email protected] VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 19 FINANCIAL REPORTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Profit & Loss For the Year ended 30 June 2012 Profit & Loss For year ended 30th June 2012 2012 $ INCOME Recurrent Funding Support Recoveries Interest Other Income 2011 $ TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Admin/Office & General Staffing Costs Operational Costs TOTAL COSTS NET SURPLUS 550,555.32 0.00 3,807.08 619.82 1,440.19 7,901.36 16,665.59 574,969.40 113,533.04 112,263.54 356,129.35 366,583.54 95,040.20 564,702.59 7,367.02 85,223.14 564,070.22 10,899.18 INCOME Recurrent Funding Interest Other Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES Admin/ Office& General Staffing Costs Operational Costs 0.00 674.59 0.00 265.00 0.00 195,604.13 0.00 63,375.77 0.00 89,935.59 0.00 32,562.70 185,874.06 TOTAL COSTS 9,730.07 NET SURPLUS 0.00 78,161.87 INCOME DoCS Funding Received Interest / Dividends 91,042.81 396,277.45 Community Support Family First Credit Union Rotary Club Bathurst Day Break Dr Ben Gelin (Honorary Solicitors) Bathurst Bunning’s Warehouse AGL Warmth in Winter Charles Sturt University Bathurst RSL Bathurst Panthers Leagues Club Jim Buchan TAFE Bathurst Campus Bruce Bolam 0.00 2011 $ 750.00 735,360.83 4,262.56 17,501.22 96,662.69 109,091.04 785,212.97 19,011.36 382,414.76 77,180.12 305,234.64 Donations Other Income TOTAL INCOME EXPENSES 305,234.60 Department of Family & Community Services (Community Services) Department of Families, Housing, Community Services & Indigenous Affairs (Aboriginal Men’s Group) Office of Community Housing (CAP) 0.00 For year ended 30 June 2012 2012 $ 2011 $ 127,826.69 396,277.45 Our Funding Bodies th 304,252.89 96,204.75 VERITAS HOUSE INC. PROFIT & LOSS 364,655.51 474,373.70 2011 $ 194,664.54 th Current Assets Non Current Assets TOTAL ASSETS Total Liabilities ACCUMULATED FUNDS CURRENT YEAR SURPLUS VERITAS HOUSE INC. BALANCE SHEET For year ended 30 June 2012 2012 $ 2012 $ 563,548.43 572,069.61 The management, staff & clients of Veritas House would like to take this opportunity to sincerely thank our funding bodies, services partners, local businesses, community groups and the broader Bathurst Community for their interest and generous support of Veritas House in 2011/12. YOUTH AND FAMILY YOUTH SERVICES 898,234.19 860,022.73 228,122.28 77,112.36 305,234.64 Our Valued Service Partners Admin/ Office 36,929.70 Staffing Costs 550,081.80 Operational Costs Client Programmes 152,411.93 TOTAL EXPENSES NET SURPLUS 807,191.38 67,767.95 91,042.81 39,115.70 534,869.52 149,693.26 59,231.85 782,910.37 77,112.36 Reports taken from the audited Financial Statements provided by Graff, Paul & Parnell Accountants, Bathurst VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 18 Housing Plus Bathurst Women’s Housing Inc. Central West Care Bathurst Family Support Inc. Emerge Youth & Family Services Bathurst Emergency Accommodation Place Inc. Housing NSW Bathurst Bathurst Family & Community Services Youth Accommodations Association Youth Action Policy Association Enhance Consultancy & Training Anne Hopwood Bathurst PCYC Vinnies Salvo’s 3 ABOUT US TREASURER’S REPORT Our Vision Young People As always, this year has been both challenging and rewarding. We strive to be a centre of excellence dedicated to providing effective services to young people who require support as they transition through adolescence. We aspire to: End the cycle of youth homelessness Empower young people to reach their full potential and Strengthen interpersonal, family and community relationships. Adverse social factors impacting on young people or families may include an absence of a family support system; family breakdown; unemployment; abuse (neglect, sexual, physical); lack of safe affordable housing options; institutionalisation; mental illness, and problematic alcohol and other drug use. Our Services Veritas House Inc. operates four services and two projects, all of which are accountable to the management committee The positive financial result means that the Association has improved its financial position again this year. Most of this gain comes from the diligent management of our financial resources by our team. Particularly, Jody and Mary who have worked hard in setting and maintaining our budgets to ensure the greatest value was obtained from every dollar spent. In addition, particular thanks must go to Rebecca, Judy, Gay and everyone that assisted with the Winter Wonderland Fund Raising Ball ‐ it was a huge success. Thanks again to the people involved in making our grant money work hard every day of the year. While we are a not for profit entity, financial improvement is important to provide the capacity for the investment needed to support our people to continue their vital work with our kids at risk. In closing, I take this opportunity to extend my heartfelt thanks our all team for their passion and application, to my fellow Board Members for their genuine effort and support and to everyone who has supported Veritas this year and previously. This year also saw a simplifying of the financial accounting system via the consolidation of our programs into one accounting ledger rather than the separate ledgers we have had in the past. This consolidation provided economies of scale in that area and directly contributed to a reduction of administrative time and costs. Our funded programs are: Veritas House Youth Refuge Veritas Youth Outreach and Transitional Housing Program Adolescent and Family Counselling service Veritas Youth and Family Support service David Weekes Treasurer Our projects are Our Mission Out of Home Care (Residential) Veritas House is a community organisation that works together with children, young people and families. We provide holistic services which foster self‐ determination, security and growth. Through our dedicated team we strive to meet the needs of, and provide support for, children, families and young people. Our culture is focussed on: Strong team work Professional standards Modelling positive life skills Strengthening interpersonal, family & community relationships Growth & continuous improvement Bathurst Aboriginal Men’s Group (Gibirgu Mudgygu) 4 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 Veritas House main office located at 95 Keppel St VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 17 Aboriginal Men’s Group - Gibirgu Mudgyigu (Men & Mates) WHO WE ARE During 2012 Veritas House continued to support the Bathurst Aboriginal Men’s Group auspicing funds provided by Department of Families, Communities, Housing and Indigenous Affairs. week celebrations. The men themselves enjoyed social outings and a fishing trip to Ben Chifley Dam: occasions for storytelling and passing on cultural traditions. During the early part of the year the men met regularly to progress their project of making didgeridoos and to meet socially. In the latter part of the year meetings were not as regular but they still managed trips to local places of great cultural and historical interest. With the support of the Men’s group local Aboriginal children and their families were assisted in attending Family Fun Day and NAIDOC The Men’s group were also involved in the Smashed Arts Project quite recently and have recently moved their base to the Flannery Centre where they held a Smoking Ceremony at the time of the official opening of the Centre. Credit must be given to Jimmy Beale, Bill Allen Snr and Bill Jnr. for their commitment to the group and the many hours they give to help facilitate artistic, cultural and recreational initiatives. Our Management Committee (Year of initial membership) David Hill President (2010) Jacqueline Ashleigh Vice President (2010) David Weekes Treasurer (1996) Rebecca Nunan Secretary (2010) Tony Thurling Committee Member (1999) Judy Deighton Committee Member (2004) Kimberly Cole Committee Member (2010) Emma Schultz Committee Member (2011) Amelia Chapman Committee Member (2010) Bruce Cameron Ordinary Member (1983) Dr Ben Gelin Ordinary Member ( 1984) Mary Housler Ordinary Member (2010) Veritas House Winter Wonderland Ball 16 Veritas House Inc. Annual Report 2011-2012 Our Staff (year of initial appointment to staff) Service Manager Jody Pearce (2010) Bachelor Social Science Master of Human Service Management & Policy (current) A/Team Leader Sarah Luff (2009) Diploma Com. Services Work Bachelor of Social Science (Welfare) current Crisis Refuge Staff Sue Bowden (2008) Diploma Com. Services Work Greg Wilkinson (2011) Bachelor of Law Rachel Jones (2012) Diploma Com. Services Work A/Outreach Staff Ty Mostyn (2011) Bachelor of Clinical Practice (Paramedics) Out of Home Care Case Worker Gay Somerville (2009) Bachelor Education Youth & Family Graham Palmer (2002) Support B. Arch. Grad. Dip Counselling Gerry Kearney (2012) B. Philosophy Master of Pastoral Studies Relief Staff Crisis Refuge Sharon Jones (2011) & OOHC Trudy Flemington (2011) Peter Crockett (2004) Elise Rowe (2012) Mark Stevens (2012) Michael Fletcher (2012) Cecilia Maloney (2012) Lloyd Robinson (2012) Caity Whitelaw (2012) Bookkeeper Mary Housler (2009) Debbie Elsley (2012) Veritas House Inc. Annual Report 2011-2012 5 OUR YEAR from the President needs of our local communities: funding guidelines over‐rule all. It has been a good year for Veritas House Inc. As a relatively small not‐for‐profit service we are pleased to report that we continue to assist young people in our community as they cope with many complex needs and, building off this base, we look forward to an era of expansion in the future. It is knowing the vulnerability which comes with a single funding source, and the precarious nature of Government funding, which has driven Veritas to expand its offering. Fortunately, the NSW Government has been placing services at arm’s length to them and this has led to a successful application to provide a foster care service, something which the service is now gearing up for. I want you to know that it is a deep seated commitment to help others which underpins the success of this organisation. The Veritas team are dedicated and the volunteer steering committee is enthusiastic. With newly adopted, and greatly expanded, policies and procedures the Veritas Steering Committee is also readying itself for an even larger role in helping young people in need in our community. Unfortunately, the demand does not appear to slacken and nor should our resolve. Veritas prides itself as an organisation that does much with little. This year we have balanced the books, met our objectives, been a good employer and started on a path to growth. I want to acknowledge the effort of Jodie and the team in balancing these objectives and in managing the everyday demands as they come along in a very professional way. Thank you to everyone involved with Veritas, we move forward hands raised proudly to support the dreams and aspirations of our future generations. A great highlight of the year has been the Veritas Ball. This pushed the team into new project management territory as they cajoled sponsors and supporters into making this more than just a celebration of 30 years: it was also a success as a fund raiser and as a profile raiser. Thank you to the sponsors, the entertainers and the organising committee. It is becoming plain that small service organisations can face difficulties offering a non‐standard service. We faced off with the funding provider this year as we were told that Back Tracks was not to be funded. The cruel reality of organisations like ours is that we are given very little leeway in how we meet the individual OUR PROJECTS: Residential Out of Home Care David Hill In an ideal world children would be living in functional, secure and nurturing environments. This however is not an ideal world, and Family and Community Services play a vital role in protecting the basic human rights of children to grow up in an environment free from abuse and neglect. Ideally these children are placed in supportive homes within general foster care, however as children develop or their needs are deemed too high for general foster care, children and young people are left with a lack of options within the Out of Home Care sector. In early 2012, this issue regarding the lack of secure accommodation options for children in care manifested in our psyche and challenged Veritas’ thinking as how best can we assist and provide service to these marginalised young people. Taking on this issue Veritas raised concerns regarding a young person residing in a motel to the local Community Services office. Our concerns were heard and the assistance and experience Veritas House offered was seen as an appropriate solution to address the accommodation needs of this young person. In April of 2012, an out of guideline arrangement between Veritas House and Family and Community was reached and Veritas set about the task of providing an Out of Home Care residential unit, developing it from the ground up. Six months on and the Out of Home Care program has introduced 7 new casual staff members to the team at Veritas House. The young person has settled into the home like environment that has been provided while receiving the quality case management that has become synonymous with Veritas House. Gay Somerville 6 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 15 Supporting young people to get involved in local recreational and sporting activities. On‐going work is being undertaken in regard to improvements to the KTS referral system. This will enable better linking of families that do not meet the ROSH threshold to vital early intervention services such as ours. OUR YEAR from our Manager Dear Members & Supporters of Veritas House Inc., Annual reports are a great time for reflection. As I write this I realise that I am approaching the end of my third year as Manager of Veritas and I can honestly say that the organisation only ever seems to increase in value and vibrancy as the years go by. To that end, I think 2011‐ 2012 has been the most exciting and rewarding year I have spent with Veritas thus far. As always the extraordinary success of our organisation falls at the feet of our outstanding staff. The staff at Veritas House are our biggest asset. I would like to thank each of them for their commitment and hard work over the past year. Without them we could not offer the caring, high quality service for which Veritas House is known. Our on‐going success and sustainability can also be attributed to the commitment of our volunteer management committee. I firmly believe that the organisations solid position is a direct result of strong leadership and governance exhibited by the management committee past and present. I would like to thanks all members for their valuable contributions and reinforce what a vital role they play in the on‐going development of Veritas House. Below are highlights of our achievements over the past year….It’s been a busy year! To encourage family participation and cohesion the Youth and Family Support Service utilised skills enhancing and engaging activities. One family with two young sons were supported to construct seating for the family dining area. This was an empowering activity for these young men. Gerry Kearney Youth and Family Support Worker 14 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 Service Utilisation It is pleasing to report that our programs were highly utilised by children, young people and their families in the past year. The high utilisation rates can be linked to an increased focus on strengths based case management practices, positive changes in service culture and improved promotion and networking of our services to service partners and our target group. Successful Tender Outcome After years of attempting to grow the organisation and diversify our funding base Veritas was successful in securing Out of Home Care funding through Family and Community Services (Community Services). The tender will enable Veritas to deliver professional client centred foster care services to children and young people who are in statutory care and unable to live with their birth families. In the coming year the team at Veritas will work hard building our capacity to take on this growth in Out of Home Care. All stakeholders within the organisation are excited about this opportunity and look forward to expanding our role within the sector. Opening of Residential Out of Home Care Service at Eglinton At a local level Veritas also worked in collaboration with Community Services to establish an Out of Home Care 24/7 residential unit in Eglinton. This service operates under an out of guidelines arrangement and has provided vital accommodation and support services to a young person who is unable to live with his family. I wish to acknowledge Rosemary Hailstone from Community Services and Gay Somerville from Veritas for their efforts and support of this project. Website and Rebranded Promotional Material In January, after much planning and consultation, we launched our very cool new website. Our youth friendly website has created greater accessibility and community awareness of the organisation and the vital services we offer. You can now visit us at Veritas House Winter Wonderland Fundraising Ball To celebrate the organisation’s 30th Birthday we held a Fundraising Ball at the Carrington Function Centre and Theatre. The event was a very special night for our clients, staff and supporters of Veritas House. The generosity and good will of the Community was absolutely overwhelming with all goods, services, entertainment and food donated by locals within the Community. The event raised over $10,000 and attracted over 100 people. I must acknowledge and thank the many people who contributed to this event. VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 7 Staff development and training In order to work more effectively with our clients Veritas places a strong emphasis on ongoing training and development of our staff. In the past 12 months some members of staff have completed training in KTS, SHS data collection, case management and counselling. In addition, 4 staff members travelled to Brisbane to complete Teen Triple P and are now accredited facilitators in this evidence based positive parenting program. Community Partnerships Veritas places much importance in the nurturing and development of partnerships with local services that are sustainable and meet the needs of children, young people and their families. I would especially like to thank Housing Plus, Bathurst Women’s Housing, Family & Community Services (Community Services), Vinnie’s, Bathurst Family Support and Bathurst Emergency Accommodation for their on‐going partnership initiatives with Veritas House. As we move towards another year, I look forward to continuing our vital work with children, young people and their families. The coming year will also involve the exciting challenge of reaching children’s guardian accreditation and building the necessary infrastructure to deliver foster care services in our local Community. I am confident that the commitment and expertise of our team will make this new and challenging opportunity a reality. Jody Pearce Manager Service Realignment to Early Intervention Placement Prevention In the past 12 months we have successfully transitioned our Adolescent and Family Counselling Service and former Backtracks program to an Early Intervention Placement Prevention Program. The new program provides a range of early intervention, counselling and practical support services for children and young people aged 12‐18 years and their family members. Services have a focus on improving family relationships, reducing family conflict and stress. The service also regularly facilitates the Teen Triple P positive parenting program that has proved very popular in the Community. 2011/12 Annual Report Cake cutting at the Veritas House Winter Wonderland Ball 8 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 The Youth and Family Support service commenced OUR YEAR: Youth and Family Support & Adolescent and Family Counselling The Youth and Family Support service commenced operation in February 2012, a result of realignment of CSGP funding stream into Early Intervention Placement Prevention (EIPP).This service provides a range of early intervention, counselling and practical support services for children and young people aged 12 to 18 years and their family members. All direct services have a focus on improving family relationships, reducing family conflict and stress. This service aims to keep young people connected to and participating in their families and community. Support may be offered in areas such as health, education, culture, training, recreational activities and employment. The types of services available are:‐ • Adolescent & Family Counselling • Parenting Programs • Support for young people in education • Living skills development • Practical assistance and support • Mediation • Conflict resolution • Telephone counselling and support • Case management • Liaison with other services • Advocacy • Information and referral The Youth and Family Support service also assists parents with maintaining positive relationships with their children. This service offers the Teen Triple P , an evidence based parenting program. In March Youth and Family support workers travelled to Brisbane to take part in training to become accredited Teen Triple P facilitators. Triple P can help you as a parent/carer to: Encourage behaviour you like Create a stable, supportive family environment Teach your children the skills they need to get along with others Develop realistic expectations of your children and yourself Deal positively, consistently and children and yourself Deal positively, consistently and decisively with problem behaviour Take care of yourself as a parent The Youth and Family Support service has facilitated one parenting program which had 13 attendants. Advertising is on‐going so that we can hopefully provide this program as numbers dictate. Our Adolescent and Family Counselling service has provided counselling and support to 77 clients throughout the year. This has resulted in 658 sessions being conducted. The AFC offers a quick response crisis and medium term counselling/mediation service to families and young people – assisting them to find ways to improve communication and resolve difficulties. The AFC service is staffed by a fulltime Counsellor who works with young people & their families living in the Bathurst and is a free service Since February of this year the new Youth and Family Support worker has supported 33 clients through a range of activities, these have included: Advocacy with housing bodies Support in accessing appointments and viewing of rental properties Attendance with parent(s) at school meetings Meeting school counsellors on behalf of parents and young people, Provision of transport for ....medical and school ....appointments ....Assistance with navigating statutory systems. ....Referrals to other agencies ....Advice and consultation with individual ....parents around skills development and ....strategies for positive parenting VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 13 YOUTH OUTREACH CENTRE WHAT WE DO: Veritas Youth Refuge & Youth Outreach/ Transitional Housing Services The Youth Outreach Service has been in high demand this year. Changes to Housing NSW policy and greater networking has led to an increase in young people requesting support to access housing assistance. Supporting young people who are homeless (or at risk of homelessness) highlights the barriers and prejudice many young people face from the wider community. This prejudice when combined with a lack of support places strain on young people potentially leading to cycles of long term homelessness, relationship difficulties, legal issues and unemployment. When attempting to overcome these barriers quality individual focussed support can go a long way to assisting young people to recognise and build on their strengths. Empowering young people with knowledge and living skills to live as independent members of the community is an integral element to the Youth Outreach service. referrals to other services, information, transport, court support, access to material needs and support with parenting. Strong networks and partnerships have continued with Housing Plus, Bathurst Women’s Housing and BEAS. Youth Outreach clients have also been supported by the kind donations from, Central West Bargain Centre, The Salvation Army and St Vincent de Paul. This year The Outreach services has supported two young people accommodated in our transitional accommodation support program to complete their HSC, both these young people have gone on to full time employment and independent living. Another young person was supported to complete her hospitality traineeship whilst living in the transitional housing program. The Youth Outreach service has worked with many young single mothers and young families. These young parents have displayed a strong commitment to their children and have been willing to engage with other support programs to assist them to build on their parenting skills. We link young people with other resources and support agencies in the community to maintain and improve their situation and life skills. Specific services include support and advocacy in areas such as: Youth Outreach Service received 98 referrals, when broken down into gender 59 were female, 20 were male and 19 were children accompanying young parents. 12 of the young women who presented were pregnant. The Youth Outreach Service works with young people providing; emotional support, advocacy (with Housing NSW, Centrelink, Family and Community Services, TAFE, Schools, NGO’s, and many other entities), crisis intervention, referral & assessment supported accommodation case management counselling & emotional support support in dealing with personal & social issues such as family relationships finding & setting up a place to live education, training & employment health independent living skills recreational activities support in financial & legal matters Youth Refuge Support is available: 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 52 weeks a year WHAT WE DO: Veritas House Youth Sevices 3007 bed nights were provided in the transitional housing program far surpassing our performance targets. These statistics reinforce the high level of need for accommodation support. IN THE PAST YEAR We provided 4,785 bed nights to young people in our youth refuge and transitional housing programs. This is an average of 13 young people & children seeking a safe bed to sleep in each night. Sarah Luff Acting Team leader YOUTH REFUGE 12 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 This past year at the refuge has once again gone by so quickly. The refuge itself has received a colourful make over; the bright colours bring many positive comments from our residents and the new beds being far better to sleep in from those residents who have been here before. From a working perspective the refuge is very warm and inviting. Knowing the residents, who have so often come sleeping rough have a warm bed is a comforting thought to staff. Changes to the team have bought new strengths and experience. The culture is one of mutual respect and support as we head towards the end of 2012 still being uncertain as to the permanent nature of the current team. The team is flexible and understanding VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 9 offices. A sexual health talk was held, focusing on safe practices and encouraging the young people who attended to ask questions. This group of young people may not have received this sort of education due to interrupted schooling and family breakdown. One of the highlights of the year was PCYC giving a generous donation of gaming equipment for the entertainment of our residents. Youth Refuge lounge room of our situation and still the main focus is how best we can provide a service to the young people we accommodate. Working with these vulnerable young people takes commitment and compassion; it’s great to have staff who are up to the challenge! Over the last 12 months staff have provided a vast array of positive activities to young people residing at the refuge, these have included – Laser Skirmish, which is very popular with the kids, who always are keen to compete with staff and usually win. To encourage an appreciation of the arts and culture staff have accompanied groups of kids to a theatrical production by Charles Sturt University at BMEC. Veritas has also provided movies, the Golf Driving Range and drives out of town to Milthorpe as weekend trips for clients. To create a greater awareness of health and wellbeing regular workshops are held at the Keppel Street When the refuge had it’s make over we also gave a home to some fish – two of these fish are still alive and residents have enjoyed naming, re‐naming and feeding these fish. However young people always find cleaning the fish tank a challenging experience. The introduction of SHIP reporting has made our statistical recording easier for staff. All new staff have embraced this new technology. It is now easier to record the important work that we do. Sue Bowden Crisis Youth Worker 10 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 Veritas House Inc. Annual Report 20112012 VeritasHouseInc.Annual Report 2011-2012 11