EN_01-22 final.cdr - Lietuvos geležinkeliai


EN_01-22 final.cdr - Lietuvos geležinkeliai
Review of Commercial and Financial activities
Freight transportation
Passenger transportation
Technical Development and Investment policy
Traffic safety
Environmental protection
Information Technologies
International relations
Human resources
Management structure
Main events
Independent Auditor's report
Balance sheets
Income statements
Dear Readers,
The year 2007 was a successful year for AB “Lietuvos
Labour productivity in the Company rose by approximately 20 per
cent, the turnover exceeded LTL 1.4 billion, while investments made up
over LTL 400 million. The Company funds accounted for almost 64 per
cent of all investments.
The major share of investment – about 70 per cent – has been
allocated for railway infrastructure over the past five years. The largest
part of freight is being carried on International Transport Corridor IX;
that is why the main goals of the Lithuanian railway infrastructure
development include reconstruction of the tracks and structures on this
transport corridor, as well as modernisation of telecommunications,
signalling and power supply equipment. The use of modern
superstructure elements and advanced working technologies allowed ensuring a speed of 100 to 120 km/h on the
reconstructed sections, this being of utmost importance in view of the increasing traffic flows.
The modernisation of railway infrastructure is just one of the measures for the development of Lithuanian
railways. Modern track, advanced rolling stock and contemporary management – these are the trends taken in
developing Lithuanian railways.
During the period of 20042007, the Company modernised existing freight locomotives and repaired or
purchased new freight wagons.
AB “Lietuvos geležinkeliai” is investing quite a lot of funds in the passenger rolling stock fleet, i.e., in the
acquisition of new carriages, electric or diesel passenger trains.
The most important event in the year 2007 occurred in the autumn: the first modern freight locomotive
Eurorunner was delivered to the Company. A total of four new diesel electric locomotives were supplied by the
German company Siemens by the end of the year.
It is no coincidence that this publication contains illustrations demonstrating the history of Lithuanian railway
locomotives: from the oldest steam locomotive to the newest Eurorunner. Thus and so, we wanted to focus your
attention on the most significant event of the year.
Yours sincerely,
Stasys Dailydka
Director General of AB “Lietuvos geležinkeliai”
Assets and Liabilities
Assets (LTL million)
Equity (LTL million)
Total revenues LTL million
Revenues from core activities (sales) (LTL million)
Revenues from financial and investing activities (LTL million)
Other revenues (LTL million)
Total Costs LTL Million
Costs of core activities (LTL million)
Costs of financial and investing activities (LTL million)
Other costs (LTL million)
Profit before tax (LTL million)
Net profit (LTL million)
Financial Indicators
Liquidity (current assets/current liabilities), %
Gross profitability (gross profit/sales), %
Net profitability (net profit/sales), %
EBITDA (earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation and
amortisation) (LTL million)
Return on Assets (ROA) (net profit/assets), %
Return on Equity (ROE) (net profit/equity), %
Financial leverage coefficient (liabilities/equity), %
Investment (LTL million)
Company funds invested (LTL million)
Number of staff
Average monthly salary (LTL)
Sales income per employee (LTL thous./person)
In 2007, the assets of the Company went up by 13 per cent amounting to LTL 3,267.4 million. The longterm assets accounted for 90 per cent in the total asset structure, an increase of 10 per cent up to LTL 2, 940.7
million, compared to the 2006 figures. This was determined by an increase in the material assets of the Company
(new rolling stock acquired, investment, land plots received from the municipalities by trust). The financial assets
of the Company rose by 12 per cent due to the investments in subsidiary companies, up to LTL 109.0 million. The
current assets went up by 41 per cent to LTL 326.7 million and accounted for 10 per cent in the total asset
structure of the Company. A total of 30 per cent of the current assets accounted for money and short-term
During the year 2007, the shareholders' equity grew by 12 per cent to LTL 2,081.6 million and accounted
for 64 per cent of the total assets of the Company.
By the end of 2007, the loan portfolio of the Company had
reached LTL 259.4 million. It comprised the financial liabilities to
(LTL million)
credit institutions related to the infrastructure investment projects. In
2007, the Company repaid the full loan amount to Nordea Bank
Danmark A/S raised for the modernisation of telecommunications
equipment. On 14 December 2007 an amendment to the Agreement
with the European Investment Bank was signed for increasing the loan
amount to EUR 64.0 million for partial financing of the acquisition of
new freight locomotives, as well as for waiving the commercial bank
In 2007, the revenues of the Company increased by 15 per cent,
compared to 2006, up to LTL 1,433.2 million. The major part of
revenues came from freight transportations (cf. 87.8 % in 2006), this
IN 2007 (%)
determining the activity results of the Company:
per cent. Positive changes in freight transportation resulted from a
significant boost in transportation volumes and effective pricing. More
revenues were derived from transit freight, as well as from
supplementary services provided at stations (rolling stock handling, the
presence of private wagons and containers on the tracks, the use of
freight wagons, etc.);
· THE PASSENGER REVENUES accounted for 4.5 per cent
in the total revenue structure in 2007, a rise of 17 per cent over 2006.
This was determined by higher numbers of passengers on international
Other activities
lines and by an increase in traffic fares. Revenues earned from
Other supplementary services
passenger services and state subsidies did not cover the costs incurred,
Financial & investment activities
therefore, passenger services were making loss. A total of LTL 19.2
million subsidies were allocated for financing passenger traffic in 2007
to reimburse privileged passengers or to cover losses in domestic traffic;
· The revenues from rendering OTHER SUPPLEMENTARY
SERVICES (repair and maintenance of private rolling stock, lease of
own assets, wholesale trade, freight handling and storage services, and
other transport-related services) grew by 4 per cent. The major growth
in this group of revenues was from the increased volumes of freight
handling and storage services, as well as from customs intermediary
services. The revenues from other supplementary services made up 5.8
per cent in the total revenue structure;
for 1.0 per cent of the incomes earned, thus dropping by 2.5 times. In
previous years, more revenues in this group had been derived from the
sales of the assets unnecessary or ineffective for the Company's
ACTIVITIES accounted for 0.9 per cent of the total revenues, a rise by
IN 2007 (%)
2.6 times. The Company succeeded in managing the risk in the changes
in exchange rates, thus avoiding the loss in this field, and earned more
interest due to different short-term investment measures applied.
The costs of the Company, with taking into account the impact of
subsidies provided for passenger services, amounted to LTL 1,269.2
million in 2007, an increase of 15 per cent over 2006. The growth in costs
was determined by higher volumes of work and increased inflation; the
leap in prices for fuel and labour force resulted in higher costs for staff,
fuels and power supply. Staff-related costs accounted for 32.7 per cent
Depreciation (amortisation)
in the total cost structure, the costs for fuels and power supply made up
Energy resources
16.9 per cent and 1.8 per cent respectively.
In order to accumulate sufficient funds for the renovation of the
assets used by the Company the depreciation norms for long-term
material assets were adjusted to those economically grounded, this
resulting in the increase in depreciation costs.
In 2007, the growth in the Company's revenues exceeded that in
Repair work
Financial and investment costs
Other costs
costs due to the increased volumes of freight transportations, and the
profit of the Company before tax made up LTL 164.0 million (cf. LTL
141.8m in 2006). A higher than the previous year state subsidy allocated
to the Company for financing passenger services to reimburse the losses
incurred had also had an impact on the amount of profit.
The Company's profit after tax was LTL 133.6 million in 2007 (cf.
(LTL million)
LTL 111.7m in 2006).
AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” subsidiary companies are UAB
“Geleþinkelio tiesimo centras”, UAB “Gelmagis”, UAB “Vilniaus
lokomotyvø remonto depas”, UAB “Gelsauga”, and associated
company UAB “VAE Legetecha”.
Profit (loss) during the year
reported for (LTL thous.)
Core activity
UAB “Gelmagis”
UAB “Geleþinkelio tiesimo centras”
Railway construction
Railway construction
UAB “Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto depas”
Major overhauls to locomotives
and diesel trains
UAB “Gelsauga”
UAB “Legetecha”
Railway security services
Turnout manufacturing
The first steam locomotives that were in use in Lithuania on the lines St. Petersburg–Warsaw and Liepaja–Romnai
In 2007, AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” carried 53.5 million tonnes
of freight, a rise of 6.5 per cent over 2006.
Transit freight accounted for 19.8 million tonnes or 37 per cent of
the total freight. Compared to 2006, the volumes of transit freight went
down by 1.8 per cent (cf. 20.2 million tonnes in 2006). This was due to
the decline in the volumes of oil and oil products from 11.7 million
tonnes to 10.6 million tonnes, i.e. down 9.6 per cent.
The majority of transit rail freight was transported in Lithuania
on International Corridor IX D (line Kaiðiadorys–Kybartai, the CIS
freight) and on Corridor IX B (line Kena–Klaipëda, freight going to the
port of Klaipëda). IX B line is of exceptional importance to Lithuanian
railways, as it is quite complicated to attract freight flows to this
direction under the circumstances of fierce competition with the ports
of other countries. Freight to Klaipëda Port is transported under
especially favourable conditions, which are being constantly improved:
discounts on freight tariffs are provided, additional variable discounts
are available depending on the quantities of the freight to be carried,
and the technologies for freight carriage are being constantly improved.
Import freight showed a considerable increase from 11.7 million
tonnes in 2006 to 16.32 million tonnes in 2007. The volumes of oil and
oil products rose by almost 2.2 times (cf. 2.5 million tonnes in 2006 and
5.7 million tonnes in 2007). Optimum logistics conditions and
application of competitive tariffs boosted the carriage of mineral and
chemical fertilisers from Belarus to Klaipëda Port by 32.3 per cent. A
rise of 2.2 times was recorded in the transportation of plant products,
that of 28.2 per cent in timber and paper, 21.0 per cent in hard mineral
fuel, 16.3 per cent in chemical products, 14.0 per cent in foodstuffs, and
22.4 per cent in machinery, mechanical and electrical equipment. A fall
of 9.3 per cent was recorded in the transportation of mineral products, and
that of 8.6 per cent in ferrous metals.
Export freight amounted to 5.1 million tonnes in 2007, a rise of 1.0
per cent over 2006.Volumes of timber products went up by 22.0 per cent,
ferrous products by 61.8 per cent, and those of machinery, mechanical
and electrical equipment, or some other products by 26.3 per cent.
(LTL million)
Volumes of foodstuffs went down by 45.7 per cent, mineral products by 9.7 per cent, and those of oil and oil
products by 1.6 per cent.
Domestic freight showed a further decline due to the fall in the volumes of oil and oil products. A total of
12.3 million tonnes was transported on domestic lines in 2007. Compared to 2006, the transportation of oil and oil
products declined by 3.0 million tonnes or 42.5 per cent.
However, transportation flows of other commodities increased on domestic lines. Volumes of chemical
and mineral fertilisers rose by 18.7 per cent, plant products by 40.9 per cent, chemical products by 80.9 per cent,
and those of timber by 79.9 per cent.
Rail freight traffic in Lithuania was also determined by the tendencies dominating on the rail transport
markets of other countries. For instance, the increasing popularity of container- and combined traffic in Europe
had resulted in the growth of container flows in Lithuania, at the port of Klaipëda in particularly. In view of this,
Lithuanian, Belarusian and Ukrainian railway undertakings, ports and stevedoring companies launched the
Viking project of combined traffic in 2003. The train Viking operates on the line Klaipëda–Odessa–Klaipëda.
The freight is carried from/to Western and Northern Europe via railway ferry line Sassnitz–Mukran–Klaipëda
not only to/from Belarus and Ukraine, but also to/from Turkey, Georgia, and other Transcaucasian countries.
Currently, the train Viking carries contrailers and containers. The uniform competitive tariff has been set for
freight transportations on this train on the territories of all countries involved in the project. All countries
participating in the project have also assigned train operators. AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” operator is LG
Ekspedicija, a subdivision of the Company.
In 2007, a total of 40.1 thousand TEU containers were carried on this train, while in 2006 this figure was
23.5 thousand. This project is one of the most successful rail freight projects of the Company.
Lithuanian railways are linked with the EU railway system by European Transport Corridor I from the
Lithuanian border with Poland through Mockava, where the European gauge (1435 mm) tracks are interlaced
with the wide gauge (1520 mm) tracks. Liquid freight brought by European standard wagons is reloaded into the
wide gauge wagons or road transport vehicles at Mockava station, while other freight is reloaded at Ðeðtokai
railway station. On Corridor I, the freight is carried according to CIM, i.e., the rules applied in the EU countries.
Each year, the Company concludes over 100 contracts for freight traffic with the forwarders from
Lithuania and other countries. LG Ekspedicija, a subdivision of the Company, also provides forwarding services
by arranging rail freight traffic in Lithuania or other countries, selecting and adjusting optimum lines, organising
reloading operation at Šeštokai railway station or at the terminals of other countries, and by rendering other services
related to freight traffic.
On access roads of about 416 kilometres, the Company provides services to companies engaged in oil refinery,
production of fertilisers and building materials, as well as to Klaipëda Port stevedoring companies, etc.
In 2007, the Company's trains operated on 42 domestic lines and on 8
international lines:
131 trains on domestic lines, and
INDICES IN 2006-2007 (LTL million)
8 trains on international lines (to/from Moscow, St. Petersburg,
Minsk, Simferopol).
The revenues from passenger services went up by 17 per cent to
approximately LTL9.3 million, compared to 2006.
Passenger revenues including the State subsidies amounted to LTL
65 million.
Compared to 2006, the number of passengers decreased by 1 million
in 2007. Passengers on international lines showed a boost of 3 per cent;
however, those on domestic lines declined by about 20 per cent. A total of
4.1 million passengers were transported on domestic lines, 1.1 million on
Local transportation
international lines, and around 707.6 thousand were transit passengers.
International transportation
The Company's passenger train to St. Petersburg is going to start
operating daily from the end of May 2008. The negotiations with Polish
Railways are to be further continued on restoring the direct communication
between Vilnius and Warsaw. Later the train would operate on the new Rail
Baltica line.
In 2008, the Company is going to implement a new booking and
IN 2006-2007 (LTL million)
ticketing system: the single database will contain information on the
schedules of domestic and international trains, as well as tariffs. The new
system will ensure accessibility to information about the services provided
through all modern measures (the Internet, sales systems of other
companies, etc.), as well as creating favourable conditions for booking,
paying for and receiving the tickets (on the Internet at home or at work using
a simple printer or by text messages to mobile phones with the help of
electronic wallet for completing electronic transactions). The project aims
eventually at developing with other Lithuanian transport companies the
national electronic ticket system applicable for all public transport.
The company is planning to invest about LTL 520 million in the
modernisation of the passenger rolling stock fleet by the year 2013, of which
International haulage
Local haulage
LTL 28 million will come from the EU funds. The investments will be used
for acquiring 11 electric trains, 13 diesel trains, 2 railcars, and 33 passenger
coaches; in addition, LTL 12 million is to be allocated for developing the
booking and ticketing system.
Timely and qualitative preparedness of the rolling stock of AB
“Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” is one of the most important factors
determining traffic intensity, efficiency and traffic safety, as well as the
factor related to environmental pollution.
The traction fleet of the Company consisted of the following in
TRAINS (million gross tkm)
· 96 freight locomotives 2M62, of which 25 locomotives 2M62K
with internal combustion engine D49 and 25 locomotives 2M62M with
internal combustion engine Caterpillar;
· 41 freight locomotives M62, of which 2 standard gauge
locomotives and 16 locomotives M62K with D49;
· 9 passenger locomotives TEP60, 4 passenger locomotives
TEP70, and 4 passenger locomotives TEP70BS;
· 47 shunting locomotives TEM2, 40 shunting locomotives
ÈME3, 1 shunting locomotive ÈME3M, an 1 shunting locomotive
The locomotives are allocated to Vilnius or Radviliðkis
Locomotive Depots, or to their workshops at Kaunas, Klaipëda, and
Bugeniai. Traction rolling stock is registered within the Register of
Rolling Stock and Containers.
A total of LTL 122.0 million was invested in the traction rolling
stock fleet in 2007.
The performance of the traction rolling stock was 29,018 million
gross tkm in 2007, exceeding the figure of 2006 by almost 10.6 per cent.
The performance of the freight traction rolling stock was 27,571
million gross tkm in 2007, a rise of 10 per cent over 2006. On average,
60.5 freight locomotives were operated daily (cf. 54.8 locomotives in
2006). The average daily efficiency of freight locomotives was 1,248.9
thousand gross tkm, a rise of 0.7 per cent over 2006. The average daily
run of freight locomotives amounted to 520.8 km, a fall of
approximately 1.8 per cent from the 2006 figure. The average freight
train weight was 2,652 tonnes (cf. 2,621 tonnes in 2006), and the
operating speed grew from 45.9 km/h in 2006 to 46.3 km/h in 2007.
Diesel fuel consumption per 10 thousand gross km fell to 22.9 kg (cf.
24.2 kg in 2006). The total diesel fuel consumption went up by 3.1 thousand tonnes to 65.3 thousand tonnes (cf.
62.2 thousand tonnes in 2006).
The number of unscheduled repairs to freight locomotives fell by 6 (cf. 784 in 2006 and 778 in 2007).
In 2007, the plan for maintenance and repairs to freight locomotives was realised by 104.2 per cent.
Running repair ER–3 was carried out to 73 locomotive units. Overhaul repair KR–1 was done to two locomotives
TEM2, while that of KR–2 to two locomotives TEM2 and to four locomotives ÈME3. The major overhauls were
performed in cooperation with Daugavpils Locomotive Repair Plant and UAB “Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto
depas”, a subsidiary of AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai”.
The reengining of the old internal combustion engines 14D40 by the new D49 or Caterpillar engines on
locomotives 2M62 was continued in 2006. A total of 3 locomotives 2M62 and 4 locomotives M62 were
modernised (reengined by D49), 6 locomotives 2M62 and one locomotive ÈME3 were reengined by Caterpillar.
The modernisation amounted to LTL 46.9 million.
In July 2005, the contract for procurement of 34 new freight locomotives was signed between AB “Lietuvos
geleþinkeliai” and Siemens TS AG. The first locomotive ER20 CF was delivered in September 2007, while 3 more
were supplied by the end of the year. Currently, the trial tests are being performed to the locomotives; their
commissioning will follow soon.
The Company focuses its attention on the modernisation of freight wagons. Modernisation of freight
wagons is being conducted in two ways: (1) purchase of new wagons, and (2) overhaul repairs to existing wagons
with the aim to extend their life cycle.
The Company's wagon fleet consisted of 9,486 wagons with different purposes, of which 29 were standard
gauge wagons.
A total of 50 mineral wagons and 50 covered wagons were acquired in 2007. Scheduled repairs of freight
wagons – low-sided, flat, covered, tank wagons, etc. – are conducted at Radviliðkis Wagon Depot. A special
workshop is being constructed at the Depot for overhaul repairs of wagons (Wagon Modernisation Depot). The
new workshop will annually enable overhaul repairs to 200 wagons with extending their life cycle.
A total of 1,213 wagons were modernised in the period of 2001–2007, of which 699 flat wagons were
transformed into fitting flat wagons, 100 flat wagons were equipped with removable equipment for timber
transportation, 20 tank wagons for transportation of cement were upgraded for the transportation of oil
products, and 24 flat wagons were readjusted to a flat wagon unit for the transportation of refrigerating
Around 3,000 to 5,000 wheel sets for freight wagons are annually assembled at Radviliðkis Wagon Depot.
The Depot modernised 7,064 units of bogies type 18–100 during the period of 2004–2007.
The investments in the freight wagon fleet totalled LTL 82.23 million in 2007.
In 2007, the passenger rolling stock fleet of the Company consisted of the following:
144 passenger cars;
47 diesel trains;
15 electric trains.
In order to improve passenger rolling stock state, the following works were performed in 2006:
· 3 two-seat upholstered carriages of compartment type were purchased for the transportation of
passengers on international lines at a speed of 160 km/h;
· Modernisation of compartments of 2 electric trains;
· Replacement of the power units to 2 diesel trains;
· Modernisation of 14 carriages completed;
· Upon the order placed by the Company, ÈKD VAGONKA a.s. (Czech Republic) started the
construction of 2 double-deck electric trains in 2007.
In 2007, the contract was concluded with UAB “TMHB” for the purchase of 4 diesel trains and 2 trailer
coaches. The operation of these trains will start in 2008.
In 2007, the renovation of some passenger rolling stock maintenance units was completed (diesel train
maintenance workshop, electric train depot boiler-house, etc.).
A total of LTL 39.81 million was invested in the passenger rolling stock fleet in 2007.
Steam locomotive of series P at Radviliðkis Depot in 1930
Narrow-gauge steam locomotive at Šanèiai, Kaunas, in 1930
Four-axle railcar made at Kaunas Central Railway Workshop in 1935
Interwar. The train at Kaunas Tunnel
Interwar. Steam locomotive of series P hauling a train at Ðiauliai (approximately 1930–1935)
Narrow-gauge steam locomotive P4 1-D-1 operating on the line Panevëþys–Ðvenèionëliai in 1939
| STRATEGIC PROJECTS. The infrastructure modernisation work of the two International Transport
Corridors, I B and IX D, crossing the territory of Lithuania was continued in 2007. The tracks were reconstructed
and the station tracks extended (up to 1,050 metres at 7 stations), marshalling yards modernised (the
reconstruction of Radviliðkis Station completed and the reconstruction of Vaidotai Station started), the
reconstruction of Kaunas Tunnel started, signalling, telecommunications and power supply installations
modernised (295 km of fibre optic cable constructed on the sections Panevëþys–Radviliðkis–Tauragë–Pagëgiai
and Kaiðiadorys–Kybartai, 13 new telephone exchanges installed and tested), and the reconstruction of bridges
and viaducts continued (in 2007, 4 bridges were reconstructed).
The year 2007 saw the renewal of the project Lithuanian Railways Radio Communication System
Modernisation by GSM; the contract for construction work was signed. This is the largest infrastructure
modernisation project to be implemented by the Company amounting to LTL 186.9 million, of which LTL 156.4
million comes from the Cohesion Fund. The project is to be implemented within a period of 2.5 years.
Klaipëda railway junction was further developed using the assistance from the European Regional
Development Fund (the reconstruction of Anglinë, port, ferry line tracks started, the reconstruction of track
205/206 conducted, track 201 aligned), the passenger building at Kaunas Railway Station reconstructed, as well
as level crossings (the contract was signed and the design work started).
Special attention has been paid by the Company to the modernisation of automated control measures for
rolling stock, this being one of the most important projects related to traffic safety. In 2007, a total of 20 such
stations were installed. The value of the project is LTL 58.5 million, of which LTL 34.5 million accounts for the
EU assistance. The project is to be completed in 2008.
In 2007, the Company started implementing a new project, Rail Baltica. The design work for Rail Baltica
up to Marijampolë is to be financed from the TEN–T Fund (the EU financial assistance for implementing the
Trans-European transport networks development projects) by 19.42 per cent, the rest amount coming from the
State budget. An application for financing the design and construction work of other sections on the territory of
Lithuania on the railway line Warsaw–Kaunas–Riga–Tallinn–Helsinki has also been submitted to the TENT–T
The 2000 –2006 projects financed from the Cohesion Fund will have been completed by the end of 2010,
the deadline for the Cohesion funds eligibility date, while those financed from the European Regional
Development Fund by the end of 2008, the deadline for said funds eligibility date.
| OTHER INVESTMENT PROJECTS AND WORKS. In 2007, a total of 20 investment projects
financed from the Company funds were implemented: the connecting railway lines restored and modernised, the
interlocking installation at Vilnius Station reconstructed, the pedestrian viaduct and boiler houses at Paneriai
Station renovated, Vilnius Station tracks and Pauostis tracks at Klaipëda Station fenced off, the track area
reconstruction started, telecommunications and security equipment acquired, design works completed, etc.
In 2007, the reconstruction of connecting lines Kuþiai–Maþeikiai–Bugeniai and Vilnius–Stasylos–State
Border was completed (the value of the project was LTL 113.0 million): overhaul repairs to 85 km of tracks
carried out, 92 turnouts replaced by new ones, of which 76 sets were turnouts with concrete or wooden sleepers of
new designing in line with the LST-EN standard. The work was performed by applying the new technologies and
using modern Western or Eastern superstructure materials, as well as high-performing and efficient heavy track
machinery. For the improvement of or overhaul repairs to the tracks, the Company utilised the funds provided by
the EBRD, as well as own funds.
The speed of 120 km/h was ensured on the reconstructed sections. This was of great importance to face the
increasing flows of trains.
The Company is planning to implement 18 railway infrastructure projects financed from the EU funds
(Cohesion, European Regional Development Fund, and TEN–T) in 2008, amounting to LTL 766.1 million.
These projects include the modernisation of signalling and telecommunications equipment, installation of the
GSM–R system, renovation of bridges and viaducts, reconstruction of Kaunas Tunnel, extension of station tracks
(up to 1,050 m), and the modernisation of marshalling yards.
The technical development strategy of the Lithuanian railways is based on the market research analysis,
feasibility studies, and research works performed. Its implementation will ensure reliable and fast
transportations of freight and passengers, running of heavy trains to the Klaipëda Port and Kaliningrad Oblast,
solve some overall transport problems, as well as decreasing the negative environmental impact caused by
In order to enhance competitiveness of the railway transport system on international and domestic service
markets, the railway lines are being further reconstructed. The rail infrastructure systems are being modernised
and the tracks repaired to reach a speed of 160 km/h for passenger trains and a weight of 6,000 tonnes freight
The Company makes considerable investment in the modernisation of rolling stock with an aim to have the
most modern fleet of freight locomotives in both the Baltic States and in Eastern and Central Europe. The main
projects on the renewal of freight rolling stock fleet having been completed, the 2009–2013 investment priority is
to be the establishment of contemporary passenger rolling stock fleet.
The Company aiming at providing diversified services to its clients (including handling of documents,
preparing delivery schedules, transportation, loading, unloading and reloading of freight, warehousing, customs
clearance, insurance, safeguarding, credit financing, cargo inspection, marketing and advertising) envisages to
develop freight terminals or logistics centres. Investments in the development of railway infrastructure of
terminals and in logistics services will create favourable conditions for boosting intermodal freight traffic and
help transfer road freight to railways.
One of the investment priorities is the development of IT. The increased flows of information require the
Company to develop the IT infrastructure, install backup server farm, replace obsolete hardware, acquire
systems software, and to further introduce new SAP (financial management system) modules.
The Company's Long-Term Investment Plan has been prepared in view of the development tendencies
specified in the Company's long-term strategy and is based on the Long-Term (by 2025) Development Strategy of
the Lithuanian Transport System approved by the Government of the Republic of Lithuania on 23 June 2005.
The Company's strategic investment trends in 2008–2013 are as follows:
· Modernisation and development of infrastructure on Railway Transport Corridors I and IX;
· Renovation of connecting railway lines;
· Development of Klaipëda railway junction;
· Modernisation of the fleets of freight and passenger rolling stock;
· Development of logistics centres;
· IT development.
Around LTL 4,404.5 million is to be invested in the revival and modernisation of Lithuanian railways in
2008–2013. Major part of investment will be the own funds (about 45 per cent).
In 2007, the Company invested in Lithuanian railways LTL 419.1
million, of which LTL 266.8 million was own funds, LTL 121.0 million
came from the EU funds, LTL 19.2 million from the State budget, and
LTL 12.1 million as loans with the State guarantee.
Over 62.5 per cent of investment was made in the modernisation
and development of infrastructure: 40.1 km of railways were repaired,
75 sets of turnouts replaced by new ones, about 150 km of
telecommunications networks laid, and 4 bridges reconstructed.
In 2007, the following investment projects were completed:
power supply modernisation on the Kaiðiadorys–Radviliðkis section,
modernisation of telecommunications on the Kaiðiadorys–Kybartai
section (123.5 km of cable constructed), reconstruction of bridges and
Own funds
Borrowed funds
viaducts on Corridor IX (the reconstruction of 47 bridges completed).
The feasibility studies were carried out for the following projects: (1)
Funds from State budget modernisation of Corridor IX B line Kena–Vilnius–Kaiðiadorys and
EU funds
Corridor IX D line Kaiðiadorys–Kaunas–Kybartai, and (2)
modernisation of Corridor I line Kaiðiadorys–Radviliðkis–
Ðiauliai–Joniðkis and that of Corridor IX B, except the line
The year 2007 saw the renewal of the project Lithuanian
Railways Radio Communication System Modernisation by GSM–R,
i.e., the global mobile communication system will be installed. As a
result, the functions of the radio communication system will be
expanded, the train traffic safety increased, and new communication
services will be provided to freight- and passenger carriers.
The investment in railway infrastructure resulted in an increase
of train speeds, line capacities and traffic safety.
In 2007, a total of 4 freight locomotives ER20CF were delivered
by Siemens (all 34 locomotives will have been supplied by mid-2009).
This 6-axle locomotive weighing 138 tonnes has been designed for
Lithuanian railways; it will be able to carry one third more freight than
the existing old locomotives. The 2000 kW diesel engine mounted on a
Siemens locomotive allows reaching a maximum speed of 120 km/h.
The year 2007 saw further modernisation of the freight rolling stock fleet: 10 engines on freight
locomotives 2M62 were modernised, and the modernisation of shunting locomotives ÈME3 started. The
modernisation of a locomotive resulted in a decline of about 30 percent in operating costs.
The Company purchased 100 freight wagons in 2007.
The Company also invested in the passenger rolling stock: the modernisation of diesel train DR1A was
started, the compartments of 2 electric trains modernised, 14 passenger coaches modernised, 3 new two-seat
upholstered carriages of compartment type purchased for transportation of passengers on international lines at a
speed of up to 160 km/h, and two diesel trains reengined. Upon the Company's order, ÈKD VAGONKA a.s.
(Czech Republic) started the construction of 2 double-deck electric trains. The first new comfortable electric
trains are to be put in operation already in 2008.
The increasing number of the systems in operation together with the increasing number of their users, as
well as the growth in information flows resulted in 2007 in the development of IT infrastructure, replacement of
obsolete hardware and acquisition of systems software.
The financial management system, SAP, was further introduced. In September 2007, the Company's
balance sheets and income statements for a period of 9 months prepared with the help of the SAP system were
presented; the SAP modules for the investment accounting and for the project management were installed.
Railway infrastructure
Freight transportation
Passenger transportation
Information technologies
LTL 262.1m
LTL 98.6m
LTL 46.0m
LTL 12.4m
LTL 419.1m
62.5 %
23.5 %
11.0 %
3.0 %
In order to ensure traffic safety on Lithuanian railways, modern technologies are being introduced, staff
training courses arranged, technical standard documentation drafted complying with the requirements of the
EU and other international railway organisations (UIC and OSJD), effective defectoscopy, diagnostic and
traffic safety control equipment used. Constant checks are being conducted on the compliance with traffic
schedules, work ethic and technological requirements.
A total of 59 traffic accidents were recorded in 2007, a rise of 18 per cent over 2006 (cf. 50 traffic accidents in
The growth in the number of traffic accidents was determined by the increased volumes of freight
transportations by Lithuanian railways in 2007. A total of 81 per cent of the reasons for all traffic accidents on
Lithuanian railways accounted for the human factor (cf. 69.5 per cent in 2006).
In order to avoid traffic accidents with the human factor involved, it is necessary to speed up the station
modernisation work and to train the staff to use new equipment.
The main reasons for traffic accidents involving the human factor were as follows: non-compliance with the
instructions, work technologies or job descriptions.
The main reasons for traffic accidents involving the technical factor were as follows: locomotive
breakdowns, heating of axle boxes on freight or passenger cars.
A total of 16 road accidents occurred at the level crossings in 2007 (vehicle drivers ignored restrictive
aspects and entered the level crossing area), during which 4 people perished and 5 were injured.
Service railcar in the 1950s
Children's railway train at Vingis Park in Vilnius in the 1950s
Steam locomotive that belonged to Kaunas Hydro-Electric Power Plant in 1962
At Vilnius Diesel Train Depot in 1975
Freight steam locomotive that was in use in Lithuania before 1979
1986 m., elektrinis traukinys ER29–1 Naujosios Vilnios traukiniø depe.
The Company has tended to focus particular attention on environmental protection and on the prevention
of pollution.
Air Protection. The inventory of air pollution sources, the maintenance of air cleaning equipment and
check measurements of stationary pollution sources were conducted at the Company in 2007.
Air pollution is reduced due to the acquisition of new rolling stock or the modernisation of the existing,
both passenger and freight rolling stock.
Water Resources Protection. While implementing the EU financed project on the modernisation of
Coridor IX marshalling yards (Vaidotai), the surface water cleaning installations at Vaidotai Station were
Waste management. The waste is sorted out (into secondary, communal, construction, hazardous, etc.)
and delivered to waste management companies. The costs of the delivery of communal and hazardous waste
amounted to approximately LTL 0.5 million.
Soil and Groundwater Protection. Groundwater monitoring programmes are being carried out at the
Noise Abatement. The Company's specialist staff are collecting information on the problems related to
railway noise. In 2007, upon the Company's request a study on the Measurements of Railway Noise and Vibration
was conducted specifying the train noise levels at the main railway tracks.
Pollution Taxes. As per existing regulations, the Company pays annual taxes on natural resources, air
pollution resulting from mobile and stationary pollution sources, taxable packages and items. The said taxes paid
by the Company in 2007 amounted to over LTL 2 million.
In 2007, the Company's main IT projects were related to the establishment of data communication
network, the design and installation of the cargo accounting systems, as well as ensuring information security.
The year 2007 saw further development and modernisation of the Company's data communication
network. The trunk segment was installed on sections Kaiðiadorys–Kaunas–Kazlø Rûda–Kybartai, Kazlø
Rûda–Marijampolë–Ðeðtokai, Ðiauliai–Gubernija–Joniðkis, Vilnius–Naujoji Vilnia–Kena, and Naujoji
Within the framework of said project, the data acquisition and distribution segment of the data
communication network was modernised on sections Pagëgiai–Ðilutë–Vilkyèiai–Rimkai–Klaipëda,
Mauruèiai–Kazlø Rûda–Pilviðkiai–Vilkaviðkis–Kybartai, Vilnius–Lentvaris–Vievis–Þasliai–Kaiðiadorys–
Pravëniðkës–Palemonas–Kaunas, and Akmenë–Maþeikiai aiming at ensuring data transmission between
cities/stations and connecting local data transmission networks and installations to the trunk segment (the trunk
segment aims at transmitting data flows between cities).
The infrastructure objects (entities) in Ðiauliai and Klaipëda regions were networked by special
communication equipment and connected to the trunk segment.
Successful development and modernisation resulted in proper and safe access to the Company's
centralised information resources on the aforementioned sections and entities.
The trunk segment of the data communication network on the section Pagëgiai–Klaipëda–Ðiauliai–Vilnius
was completed (its installation was started in 2004); a total of 84 entities were networked to the data
communications trunk.
In order to ensure proper management and service of the data communication network, the necessary
software was acquired and installed.
In 2007, the information systems related to the computerisation of accounting freight transportations were
further developed.
· The Customer Service Module software was specified allowing customers to access all the cargo
accompanying documents within the information system “Krovinys”;
· The interface between “Krovinys” and Financial Accounting and Management System was completed;
· Since mid-October 2007, all customs clearance procedures have been handled only within the
information system “Krovinys”. The electronic cargo declarations and data exchanges with the Customs
Department information systems were tested;
· The formalisation of CIM consignment note was adjusted to the new requirements;
· Part of the information system “Krovinys” related to the application of the Tariff Book was edited; the
application of the Tariff Book was adjusted more to the calculation of charges in view of the exceptions in the
Tariff Book;
· The new module Application for Carriage was completed allowing the Company's forwarders to handle
freight shipping documents and financial specialists to control the compliance with the requirements related to
the application for carriage within the information system “Krovinys”.
· Basing on the OPKIS central database established on the data accumulated from wagon lists and freight
train movement notices, a new software was developed for accounting freight wagon flows (incoming, outgoing,
and transit) via border stations;
· A programming measure was developed for submitting information to the Kena railway station
weighing system;
· Wagon search task was improved;
· As of June 2007, the data is being received from Belarusian Railways about AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai”
wagons on the territory of Belarus, as well as the wagons loaded for Lithuanian railway stations or those carried by
transit to the Kaliningrad Oblast; therefore, a new note “Wagon Deployment on Belarusian Railways” was
developed in the OPKIS system;
· Additional functions were developed for gathering and control of information on locomotives.
With an aim to enhance the Company's information systems security, the following documents were
drafted in 2007:
· The procedure for coordinating information security: a working group was set up, a cooperation
agreement with other organisations signed, and organisations for cooperation in the field of information security
· The procedure for responsibility distribution: the owners of information systems were identified and the
scope of responsibilities for information systems maintenance staff defined;
· The procedure for planning the continuity of activities: a plan for the continuity of the Company's
information systems activity was developed applicable in the event of disturbance or emergency;
· The procedure for staff security: information security dissemination programme was developed and put
on the Company's intranet;
· The procedure for backup copies: backup and recovery procedure was developed to be used in all
Company's information systems, positions of recovery process participants specified, as well as their functions
and interconnection;
· The procedure for user access management and supervision: the registration and access rights
procedure for the users of information systems was developed.
AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” activities are noted for close cooperation with main international
organisations in Europe and globally, as well as with business partners from Eastern and Western Europe, and
Asia. The Company's representatives have been actively participating in international working parties,
conferences and seminars seeking to exchange experiences and information, this allowing us to maintain the
strategic partnership relations with our peers from other countries and to ensure the successful integration of the
Company into the European railway environment.
AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” is a member of the following international organisations:
· Organisation for Cooperation of Railways (OSJD)
The Company has been participating in the activities of OSJD since 1992. OSJD addresses the issues
related to transport policy, legal, economic and environmental aspects of rail transport, and develops principles
of the uniform international transport law.
· International Union of Railways (UIC)
The Company has been participating in the activities of UIC since 1992 m. UIC's mission is to foster
cooperation between railway companies at a worldwide level. With this mission, UIC's tasks include preparing
standards, regulations and recommendations to facilitate international traffic, carrying out projects for
international cooperation, fostering exchanges of information and experience between railways, and
international training initiatives.
· Intergovernmental Organisation for International Carriage by Rail (OTIF)
By joining the Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF) in 1995, Lithuania became
a member of OTIF the same year. OTIF's principal aim is to establish a uniform system of law applicable to the
carriage of passengers, luggage and goods in international traffic by rail.
· International Rail Transport Committee (CIT)
The Company joined CIT in 1995. CIT's main tasks include the uniform application and practical
implementation of the intergovernmental Convention concerning International Carriage by Rail (COTIF),
representation of the interests of CIT members in dealings with public and private institutions, and
standardisation of the legal relations between customers, railway undertakings and infrastructure operators, as
per COTIF.
· The Community of European Railway and Infrastructure Companies (CER)
The Company has been participating in the activities of CER since 2003. CER aims at coordinating the
activities of railway undertakings in the EU member states, i.e., developing of railway networks strategy, equal
conditions for the use of infrastructure, regulation of customs and rail traffic, and contributing to the
development of new transport-related EU regulations.
· Railway Transport Council of the CIS, Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania and Bulgaria
LG signed an Agreement with the direction of the CIS Railway Transport Council in February 1993. As
per this Agreement, LG participates in the meetings of the Council as an observer in a consultative capacity. The
main aims of the Council are regulation of carriage of passengers, luggage and goods, and dealing with the issues
related to settlement for the use of freight wagons.
In 2007, the Company organised a number of major international events.
The meeting dedicated to the Rail Baltica Project was held at the Company on 28 February 2007 with the
participation of Pavel Telièka, European coordinator for Rail Baltica project, James Pond, representative of the
Directorate-General for Energy and Transport, and the Company's specialist staff. The focus was laid on the
following issues: the maximum utilisation of EU funds allocated for the project, as well as attracting private
capital and financing from the Cohesion Fund and EIB for project implementation.
On 9 March 2007, the Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania and the
Minister of Transport and Maritime Economy of the Republic of Poland signed a Memorandum of
Understanding on the Rail Baltica Border Crossing Point.
Meetings of Lithuanian and Russian railway undertaking representatives were held on 29–30 March and
15 May 2007.
On 3–5 April 2007, the meeting of General Managers of Belarusian and Lithuanian railways was held at
the Company to discuss the 2006 cooperation effects and the prospects for 2007.
On 15 May 2007, the delegation of Berlin Senate Transport Department visited the Company. The
participants were familiarised with the strategy for company development.
On 12 June 2007, the Company hosted the meeting of LithuanianPolish WP on the Rail Baltica project to
discuss the project implementation plan.
On 23 July 2007, the plaque was unveiled at Mockava Station during the opening ceremony to
commemorate the start of Rail Baltica modernisation.
On 11-12 [trumpasis bruksnys?] September 2007, the 9th meeting of CIM/SMGS legal group was held at
the Company with the participation of representatives from Russian, Polish, German, Latvian, Austrian and
other railways to discuss possibilities for common use of CIM/SMGS consignment notes.
The Company employed 10,535 people in 2007.
In 2007, the following restructuring changes were made: a new
division Logistics Centre was established, a subsidiary company UAB
“Gelsauga” was set up after the Railway Security Centre had been
abolished, and a representative office of AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai”
was opened in Moscow (the Russian Federation).
EFFICIENCY (LTL thousand/worker)
The labour productivity went up to LTL 133.5 thousand of sales
income per employee, a rise of 20 per cent.
The costs for staff remuneration rose by 25.0 per cent in 2007.
The average level of monthly salaries increased by 28.8 per cent or LTL
548 and amounted to LTL 2,452, compared to the year 2006.
In order to manage effectively the human resources, to specify
the expedient needs for improving staff qualifications and developing
their competencies, to conduct career planning and to establish a
proper stock of employees, the Company is carrying out the project The
Evaluation of Social and Managerial Competencies of the Employees.
The number of staff with university education grew by 15 per
NUMBER (people)
cent, while that with non-university education by 29 per cent. In 2007, a
total of 160 employees accomplished extramural studies in universities
and colleges, 36 full-time students were employed in the Company after
they had graduated from their educational institutions.
The number of staff studying at the extramural departments of
universities and colleges is 546 (243 in universities and 303 in colleges).
The Company provides financing for university studies in railway
transport professions. In 2007, the Company allocated LTL 64.2
thousand for financing said studies, i.e., 1.5 times more than in 2006.
Every year, refresher- and retraining courses are conducted for
the staff. The Company's management and specialist staff participate in
strategic planning, investment management, managerial and other
In 2007, a total of LTL 4 million was allocated for staff training, of
which LTL 3 million was granted by the European Social Fund (ESF)
for partial financing of the Company's project Development of AB
“Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” Management and Staff Competencies and
Capacities. The project is being successfully implemented.
More than 80 training courses on different subject matter were organised for the Company's employees.
The courses attracted some 4,525 participants, of which 3,579 attended the training courses financed from the
European Social Fund.
The increasing financial standing of the Company allows an annual increase in the funds allocated for
meeting the social needs of its staff. In 2007, the Social Fund grew to LTL 5.0 million (cf. LTL 4 million in 2006).
The funds are used for paying benefits, financing studies, recreation, health care and cultural projects. More
funds are allocated to finance the leisure of staff and their children at summer camps.
In 2007, over LTL 13.0 million was spent on occupational safety and health care. This resulted in
establishment of or repairs to welfare spaces in production units, and in reduction to standard of professional risk
at 38 work places. Extensive medical examinations of the staff working in specific areas were performed at
specialised medical institutions; all staff members could have free vaccination against flue.
Professional feasts and mastery contests are being arranged for the staff.
State Railway Inspectorate
Freight Directorate
Railway Infrastructure
IT Centre
Passenger Directorate
Subsidiary Companies
Freight locomotive hauling a train in 1994
1435 mm gauge locomotive M62 made at Lugansk and received by LG in 1994–1995
Vienintelë Lietuvoje automotrisë AR2–02 (pagaminta Latvijoje)
Diesel train arriving in Vilnius
Passenger train at Ignalina in 2004
The new freight diesel locomotives of Siemens
· 8 January: AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai”, AB “Kauno tiltai” and UAB “Volker-Rail Lietuva” signed a
contract for design works for the reconstruction of Kaunas railway tunnel.
· 20 February: Passenger train Vilnius–Moscow–Vilnius started its first trip with a modernised 30-seat
restaurant car. The restaurant car was modernised by the Polish company Pesa.
· 28 February: The repair to the Vilnius railway station underpass was completed.
· 8 March: AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai”, “Belam Riga SIA” and UAB “Fima” signed a contract for the
modernisation of telecommunications systems on the railway section State Border with
Latvia–Panevëþys–Radviliðkis–Tauragë–Pagëgiai. The value of the project totalled LTL 27.9 million.
· 9 March: The Minister of Transport and Communications of the Republic of Lithuania and the Minister
of Transport and Maritime Economy of the Republic of Poland signed a Memorandum of Understanding on the
Rail Baltica Border Crossing Point.
· 13 June: The telecommunications modernisation project was completed on the section
Kaiðiadorys–Kybartai connecting to the Kaliningrad Oblast.
· 23 July: The plaque was unveiled at Mockava Station during the opening ceremony to commemorate the
start of Rail Baltica modernisation.
· 28 September: Extra-heavy cargo designed for Ignalina Nuclear Power Station – a transformer weighing
208 tonnes – arrived at Vaidotai Railway Station on a special wagon. It has been one of the heaviest cargoes over
the last years.
· 5 October: A modern freight locomotive Eurorunner of Siemens was presented at Vilnius Railway
· 12 November: The two new two-seat passenger carriages of compartment type made in Tver Rolling
Stock Construction Plant (the Russian Federation) were put into operation.
· 20 December: The first shunting locomotive modernised at UAB “Vilniaus lokomotyvø remonto
depas”, AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai” subsidiary, was presented.
AB “Lietuvos geleþinkeliai”
Mindaugo str. 12/14
LT-03603 Vilnius, Lithuania
Tel. +370 5 2692038
Fax +370 5 2692128
E-mail: [email protected]