1 - Ingham Institute


1 - Ingham Institute
i n g h a m h e a lt h r e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e
Ingham Health Research Institute (IHRI)
Sydney South West Area Health Service, Western Zone
2009 Research Annual Report
ISBN 978 1 74079 130 4
SCientific Advisory Commitee
Ingham Institute
Research Groups
Research Groups in
South Western Sydney
Aged Care Research Unit, Liverpool
64. Aged Care & Rehabilitation Unit, Bankstown
13. Brain Injury Rehabilitation, Liverpool
66. Anatomical Pathology, Liverpool
17. Centre for Applied Nursing Research (CANR)
66. Anxiety Clinic, Bankstown
21. Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes, Research & 67. Cancer Therapy Centre, Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital
Evaluation (CCORE), Liverpool
30. Centre for Health Equity Training Research & Cancer Therapy Centre, Liverpool Hospital
73. Cardiology and Cardiovascular Research Unit, Liverpool
Evaluation (CHETRE)
78. Community Health, Liverpool
35. Community Paediatrics , Liverpool
79. Emergency Medicine Research Unit, Liverpool
37. General Practice Unit, Fairfield
81. Gastroenterology & Hepatology Services, Bankstown 40. Microbiology & Infectious Diseases, Liverpool
42. Pancreatic Research Group, Liverpool
83. Health Promotion Service
45. Psychiatry Research & Teaching Unit (PRTU), Liverpool
84. Immunology & Allergy Research Unit, Campbelltown
49. Centre for Research Evidence Management & 86. Infant, Child & Adolescent Mental Health Services Surveillance (REMS) , Liverpool
and Liverpool
(ICAMHS), Liverpool
53. Rheumatology Unit, Liverpool
89. Intensive Care Unit, Liverpool
56. Schizophrenia Research Unit, Liverpool
94. Karitane
59. Simpson Centre for Health Service Research
96. Multicultural Health Specialist Service
97. Neuroimmunology, Stroke and Immune Tolerance Laboratories, Liverpool
100. Nuclear Medicine and PET, Liverpool
102. Occupational Therapy Department, Bankstown
103. Oral Health including the Sydney Dental Hospital
108. Orthopaedic Unit- WORC- WJRC, Liverpool
111. Physiotherapy Unit, Bankstown
113. Rehabilitation Research Group, Braeside/Fairfield/
115. Renal Clinical Research Centre, Liverpool
122. Respiratory Medicine, Liverpool
126. Sexual Health Service Specialist
129. Toxicology Services - RPAH
131. Trauma Department, Liverpool
135. Upper GI Surgery – Bankstown – Lidcombe
137. Youth Health Services
As Chairman of the Ingham Health Research
Institute (IHRI) Board, it gives me great pleasure
to provide you with the ‘Inaugural’ Ingham Health
Research Institute, Research Annual Report.
I am delighted to lead the Board, comprising of
dedicated individuals who have kindly selected to sit
on the Board and offer their time, to achieving the
common goals set for IHRI, as we embark our research
engagements on both national and international level.
This report highlights the important work of all our
health and medical researchers and the benefits and
recognition it receives. The fundamental work of all
our researchers and research groups is most important,
as south west Sydney is an area of rapid population
growth and a major disadvantage.
I would like to thank our partners who include
Sydney South West Area Health Service (SSWAHS),
the University of New South Wales (UNSW) and
the University of Western Sydney (UWS) who have
contributed to the achievements mentioned in this
As the report shows IHRI has four broad foci of
activity consistent with its existing strengths and the
needs of the local population. These are:
health services research,
population health research,
clinical trials and clinical research, and
biomedical research.
The biggest credit needs to go out to all researchers
and research groups who have made this report a
success. IHRI is extremely fortunate to have such
wonderful researchers and research groups who have
dedicated their time to achieving some fine results as
listed within this report. I thank them all for marking
2009 a successful research year and further look
forward to working with all on our commitment to a
great cause.
IHRI continues work to reach its goals and is the
set to become the first research centre of its kind in
the south west of Sydney. The unique research facility
will provide essential services that will link clinical
and unique health services and universities to clinical
Mr Terry Goldacre
Ingham Health Research Institute
It is with immense pleasure that I can announce
that IHRI will receive $46.9 million from the
Health and Hospitals fund for the construction of a
multifaceted research facility to be located at Liverpool
Hospital. The building will consist of a four storey
purpose built research facility and will be linked to
the hospital as well as existing research facilities. The
facility will also have a Research linear accelerator and
a Clinical skills centre that will assist in the translation
of research findings into clinical practice. Construction
will commence mid 2010.
Currently there are research groups that are widely
dispersed throughout the south west of Sydney. The
research facilities will provide first class amenities for
them at Liverpool hospital
Ms Amanda Larkin
Bachelor Social Work (UNSW)
Ass Dip Environmental Science (Town Planning)
General Manager
Camden / Campbelltown Hospitals &
Queen Victoria Memorial Home
Mr Terry Goldacre ( Chairperson)
B App. Sci (Surv) BE
Managing Director
Harrington Estates (NSW) P/L
Dr Teresa Anderson
B.App.Sc (Speech Pathology)
PhD. E.S.P.A.A
Director Clinical Operations
Sydney South West Area Health Service
Mr Jim Marsden
B of Law
Senior Partner
Marsden Law Group
Mr Tim Bryan
B.Com, CA
BCP Group
Mr Tony Perich
Managing Director
Leppington Pastoral Company
Ms Glenda Cleaver
General Manager
Liverpool Hospital
Professor Peter Smith
Dean Facility of Medicine
University of New South Wales
Mr David Hazlett
Managing Director
Cameron Brae Pty Ltd
Mr Arnold Vitocco
Licensed Builder
Vaste Developments Pty Ltd
Mr John Hexton
Director Group Services
Inghams Enterprises Pty Ltd
Mr Mike Wallace
B.Sc. M.Sc.Soc
Chief Executive
Sydney South West Area Health
Ms Debbie Killian
BA in English, Dip Ed
Masters of Public Health
Professor Neville Yeomans
Foundation Dean of Medicine
University of Western Sydney
Liverpool Health Service
UNSW Research Centre for Primary Health Care & Equity
Professor Neville Yeomans (Chairperson)
Foundation Dean o edicine
University of Western Sydney
Professor C Soon Lee
Professor and Chair of Pathology,
University of Western Sydney.
Senior Pathologist,
Liverpool Hospital & Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Clinical Professor & Head
Cancer Pathology, Bosch Institute,
University of Sydney.
Dr Teresa Anderson
B.App.Sc (Speech Pathology), PhD, F.S.P.A.A
Director Clinical Operations
Sydney South West Area Health Service
Professor Michael Barton
Research Director
Collaboration for Cancer Outcomes, Research and
Evaluation (CCORE)
Liverpool Health Service
Interim Research Director
Sydney South West Area Health Service
Conjoint Professor
Faculty of Medicine, UNSW
Professor Patrick McNeil
Professor of Rheumatology
Department of Rheumatology
Liverpool Health Service
Professor of Rheumatology
Faculty of Medicine, UNSW
Ms Glenda Cleaver
B. Bus Adm
General Manager
Liverpool Health Service
Professor John W. Morley
BSc, MSc, PhD
Professor of Anatomy & Cell Biology
School of Medicine,
University of Western Sydney
Professor Ken Hillman
Area Clinical Director
Critical Care Services Stream
The Simpson Centre for Health Services Research
Sydney South West Area Health Service
Ms Glenda Rayment
Research Manager
Liverpool Renal Clinical Research Centre
Chair, Clinical Trials Group
Sydney South West Area Health Service
Associate Professor Bin Jalaludin
Acting Director
Centre for Research, Evidence Management and
Surveillance (REMS)
Sydney South West Area Health Service
Professor Derrick Silove
M.B.Ch.B (Hons I), M.D, FRANZCP
Professor & Director
Psychiatry Research and Teaching Unit
Liverpool Health Service
Professor Maree Johnson
RN., PhD (Epidemiology & Population Health),
Professor of Nursing, University of Western Sydney,
Acting Director,
Centre for Applied Nursing Research
(Joint venture SSWAHS & University of Western Sydney)
Dr Grahame Simpson
BSocStud, MA (Counselling), PhD
Research Officer
Senior Social Worker
Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit
Liverpool Health Service
Dr Lynn Kemp
Deputy Director
CHETRE (Centre for Health Equity Training Research &
Professor Jeremy Wilson
Executive Clinical Director
Sydney South West Area Health Service
Welcome to the Ingham Health Research Institute
Research Annual Report. This report highlights the
activities and efforts of more than 45 research groups
in South West Sydney during the calendar year of
Health Research Institute Research Infrastructure
Grants Program was very well received by our research
groups. Seven submissions were received in total and
$400,000 over a period of 2 years was awarded by the
IHRI Board. Grant recipients include Professor John
French, Cardiologist from Liverpool Hospital and Mr
Karl Schurr from the Physiotherapy Unit, Bankstown
Hospital. Their research studies are expected to be
completed by 2011. A special mention to Professor
John Morley from the University of Western Sydney
(UWS), who greatly assisted with the organisation of
application reviews.
The research groups profiled within this report
include the units based in Bankstown, Fairfield,
Liverpool and Macarthur regions of the Sydney South
West Area Health Service, Western Zone.
The primary goal of the Ingham Health Research
Institute (IHRI) is to improve health outcomes
by generating evidence based solutions through
integrated programs of health research. The fulfilment
of this mission will not only lead to the improvements
in health of the people in the area, but it will also
contribute more broadly to the knowledge about
health, medicine and health services in Australia and
The Ingham Health Research Institute has continued
to maintain positive links with local, national and
international funding bodies as this report will
highlight; achieving some brilliant results. We
further look forward to collaborating and building
relationships with our affiliated Universities, both
UNSW and UWS and Sydney South West Area Health
I am pleased to confirm that our researchers have
managed to further sustain excellent results building
on last year achievements. We can all be very proud of
these results, as we work together on a common cause.
IHRI researchers had another successful year with
64 researchers achieving Higher Degrees and also
numerous publications including, 310 articles in peer
review journals, 12 books, 25 books chapters. There
have also been a significant number of conference
presentations both at national and at internationally
renowned conferences with various awards being
achieved by our research teams in total 406
Conference Presentations.
This report will provide you with an insight into:
research projects being conducted at IHRI
clinical trials undertaken
research income (including from both research
projects and clinical trials)
publications in the form of journal articles, refereed
journals, books & book chapters
conference presentations both in oral and poster
research awards received
higher degree students by research
In November 2009 IHRI ran a very successful
Research Showcase. The one day event was designed
for all researchers and research groups to unite and
celebrate their research achievements over the last
12 months. Key note speakers included IHRI grant
recipients, who provided guests with an insight into
their programs and the expected outcomes. Over 70
abstracts were presented on the day both in oral and
poster format, covering disciplines of health services,
bio-medical and nursing research findings.
2009 was another productive year for all our
researchers and research groups. Approximately
$11.5 million was received in research funding .Our
researchers have earned an $500,000 thousand in
clinical trial funding alone, continuing relationships
with local, national and international funding
pharmaceutical companies & sponsors.
Efforts have continued on developing IHRI’s
educational programs. During 2009 Ingham Health
Research Institute offered the Grants Preparation
Scheme (GPS) – a program to assist both novel
researchers and research groups with their applications
I am honoured to announce the Inaugural Ingham
to nominated Category 1 research schemes. The aim
of this program is to further develop IHRI’s capacity to
conduct high calibre research.
In 2009 IHRI received several submissions for the
GPS program, three groups were awarded support
grants. Of these groups Phillip Vial, Medical Physics
Unit, Cancer Therapy Centre, Liverpool Hospital was
successful in receiving a full grant from The Cancer
Council of NSW. We have continued with this program
with success. Once again we would like to give a
special mention and our appreciation to Dr Lynn Kemp,
Professors William Sewell and Grahame Simpson on
their tireless efforts in the review of applications and
provide mentorship to new researchers.
Please take the time to read this report and together
acknowledge and celebrate the splendid work of the
individual researchers and research groups of the
Ingham Health Research Institute.
On another positive note IHRI will receive $46.9
million from the Health and Hospitals fund for the
construction of a multifaceted research facility to be
located at Liverpool Hospital. The building will consist
of a four storey purpose built research facility and will
be linked to the hospital as well as existing research
facilities. The facility will also have a Research linear
accelerator and a Clinical skills centre that will assist
in the translation of research findings into clinical
practice. Construction will commence early 2011.
I would like to extend my congratulations to all
research groups and to those staff members who
assisted in making 2009 another successful research
year; and look forward to another vibrant and
successful year during 2010.
Professor Michael Barton OAM
Research Director
Sydney South West Area Health Service
South West Area Health Service
Aged Care
Research Unit (ACRU)
Liverpool Hospital
Dr David Conforti
Highlights during 2009 included:
Commencement of an NHMRC-funded grant on dementia in CALD communities and
employment of Dr Desiree Boughtwood as the Research Fellow coordinating this
Funding from the Clinical Excellence Commission to support the ongoing data linkage
project looking at patient outcomes following hospitalisation
Publication of several important papers establishing the validity of the Rowland
Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (developed at the ACRU)
Hosting of an Area-wide project to promote a more systematic approach to advance
care planning
Members of the research team during 2009 were Dr David Basic, Dr Desiree
Boughtwood, Dr David Conforti, Dr Angela Khoo, Dr Chris Shanley, Dr Tabitha Hartwell
and Margaret Morris.
Research Grants
Funding Body: Clinical Excellence Commission
Chief Investigator/s: Basic D, Khoo A, Conforti D, Shanley C
Funding Body: NHMRC
Project Title: Post-discharge outcomes of older patients
hospitalised with acute illness
Chief Investigator/s: Adams J, Rowland J, Shanley C
Project Title: Family care-giving for culturally and
linguistically diverse (CALD) people living with dementia: the
perspectives of family carers and health service providers.
Lay Description: Older persons discharged from acute
hospitals may have a number of adverse outcomes, including
death, re-presentation to the Emergency Department and
readmission to hospital. Information on such outcomes is
needed to determine whether and when discharged patients
suffer these; and whether demographic, medical or functional
status at the time of hospitalisation can predict these
outcomes. This study will look at 6,000 older persons who
were seen by Aged Care based at Liverpool between 2001 and
2005 and use the Centre for Health Record Linkage (CHeReL)
to link their baseline data to outcomes such as readmission to
hospital, presentation to ED, death and cause of death.
Lay Description: There will be an increasing number of older
people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD)
communities who develop dementia and they face difficulties
over and above the general population. This project will
look at how dementia is understood and approached in
four CALD communities in South Western Sydney – Arabic,
Spanish, Chinese and Italian-speaking. It will involve focus
groups with family carers and interviews with multicultural
workers, general practitioners and geriatricians. It is hoped
that findings from the study can contribute to improvements
in policy and service provision for dementia in CALD
Administering Institution: Liverpool Hospital
Administering Institution: University of Queensland
Research Groups
Aged Care
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Basic D, Khoo A, Conforti DA, Rowland JT, Vrantsidis F,
LoGiudice D, Hill K, Harry J, Lucero K, Prowse RJ. Rowland
Universal Dementia Assessment Scale, Mini-Mental State
Examination and General Practitioner Assessment of Cognition in
a multicultural cohort of community-dwelling older persons with
early dementia. Australian Psychologist. 2009. 44.40-53.
Basic D, Khoo A. Admission variables predicting short lengths
of stay of acutely unwell older patients: relevance to emergency
and medical short-stay units. Australian Health Review. 2009.
Basic D, Rowland JT, Conforti DA, Vrantsidis F, Hill K,
LoGiudice D, Harry J, Lucero K, Prowse RJ. The validity of the
Rowland Universal Dementia Assessment Scale (RUDAS) in a
multicultural cohort of community-dwelling older persons with
early dementia. Alzheimer Disease & Associated Disorders.
2009. 23.124-129.
Shanley C, Sutherland S, Tumeth R, Stott K and Whitmore, E.
Caring for the older person in the Emergency Department: The
ASET Program and the role of the ASET Clinical Nurse Consultant
in South Western Sydney, Australia. Journal of Emergency
Nursing. 2009. 35.2.129-133.
Shanley C, Whitmore E, Khoo A, Cartwright C, Walker A,
Cumming R.G. Understanding how advance care planning is
approached in the residential aged care setting: A continuum
model of practice as an explanatory device. Australasian Journal
on Ageing. 2009. 28.4.211-215.
Research Groups
Brain Injury
Rehabilitation Unit
Dr Adeline Hodgkinson
Research Department Profile
The Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit (BIRU) runs a research program with the broad mission of
alleviating the consequences of traumatic brain injury. BIRU staffs from all disciplines were actively
involved in the unit’s research activities. The research team is made up of 7 staff members (2.8 FTE)
comprising a 2 Research Fellows (one full-time, one part-time), a part-time Research Officer, a
part-time Research Assistant and three part-time Project Officers. The research team has developed
a number of key partnerships with both clinical and academic researchers and institutions, both
nationally and internationally. The research team monitored 29 projects in which either staff from
the research team and/or clinical staff were involved.
These projects broke down into 20 internal (BIRU participants) projects, 4 external (non-BIRU
participants) projects, 3 Brain Injury Directorate projects, and 2 quality improvement/ registrar/ pilot
projects. Of the 20 internal projects, 12 were funded projects and 3 were multi-centre projects. The
20 internal projects could be broken down into the following six research areas: Health Services
(6), Clinical (functional) (5), Clinical (Psychosocial) (5), Cognitive Sciences (Neuropsychological
interventions) (3), and Population Health (1).
Research Grants
Funding Body: MAA
Chief Investigator/s: Baguley I, Nott M, Simpson GK, Brown,
Funding Body: LTCSS
Project Title: Long-term mortality trends following severe
traumatic-brain in jury (TBI)
Chief Investigator/s: Simpson G, Jones K.
Lay Description: This multi-centre epidemiological study
will investigate long-term mortality trends in patients with
severe TBI who have been discharged from three inpatientrehabilitation programmes within the NSW BIRS. This proposed
sample of approximately 2000 patients will be the largest
collective sample in international literature from which
life expectancy and mortality rates following TBI will be
established. The final outcome will be a database, stratified
by disability level, to explore the association between level
of disability and differences in life expectancy, mortality rate
and cause of death. Life expectancy tables may be constructed
from this database providing evidence for service planning and
medico legal decision-making.
Project Title: Building resilience: Equipping families to support
people with TBI / SCI’
Lay Description: To adapt a Resilience Skills program to assist
families providing long-term support to people with traumatic
brain injury and /or spinal cord injury. The intervention will
be trailed across 8 acute and post-acute rehabilitation and
community services in NSW.
Administering Institution: Brain Injury Rehabilitation Unit,
Liverpool Hospital
Research Groups
Brain Injury
Administering Institution: Brain Injury Rehabilitation Service
Research Team, Westmead Hospital
relationship between physical activity and fitness, and the
relationship between subjective (questionnaire) and objective
(accelerometer) physical activity data.
Funding Body: LTCSS
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Chief Investigator/s: McDonald S, Bornhofen C.
Book Chapters
Project Title: Emotion perception after brain injury
Simpson GK, Tate RL. Suicidality and suicide prevention
among war veterans with Traumatic Brain Injury. Suicide and
the Military.L Sher and A Vilens.1stNew York.Nova Science
Lay Description: To provide an empirically validated treatment
manual to clinicians to use in remediating emotion perception
difficulties in people with traumatic brain injury.
Administering Institution: School of Psychology - UNSW
Journal Articles/Refereed Journals
Funding Body: LTCSS
Anderson MI, Simpson, GK, Morey PJ, Mok MMC, Gosling
TJ, Gillett LE. Diferential pathways of psychological distress in
spouses vs. Parents of people with severe traumatic brain injury
(TBI): Multi-group analysis.Brain Injury200923.12.931-943.
Chief Investigator/s: Leung J, Moseley A, Harvey L, Khatri B.
Project Title: Multimodal treatment of ankle contracture
Lay Description: To conduct a study to assess the
effectiveness of an innovative approach of combining passive
stretch with electrical stimulation for managing contractures
of joints and limbs following a brain injury.
Arguedas, D & Batchelor, J.18q Deletion syndrome: A
neuropsychological case study. Neurocase200915.2.101-109.
Hassett LM, Moseley AM, Tate RL, Harmer AR, Fairbairn TJ,
Leung J. Efficacy of a fitness centre-based exercise programme
compared with a home-based exercise programme in traumatic
brain injury: A randomized controlled trial. Journal of
Rehabilitation Medicine200941.247-255.
Administering Institution: Royal Rehabilitation Centre, Sydney
Funding Body: Réseau provincial de recherche en adaptation/
réadaptation (REPAR), Montreal, Quebec, ,Canada
Hodgkinson, A. Gillett, L. Simpson, GK... Does Apolipoprotein
E Play a Role in Outcome after Severe Traumatic Brain Injury?
Brain Impairment200910.2.162-8.
Chief Investigator/s: Godbout D, Gagnon J, Drolet J, Kelly G,
Simpson G
Project Title: Translation of the OBS to French
Ke H, Koh E-S, Simpson GK, Whiting D... Screening for
Cognitive Impairment in Primary Brain Tumour: is the Montreal
Cognitive Assessment a more sensitive tool than the MiniMental State Examination? [Abstract].Journal of Clinical
Oncology20095.Supp 2.A173
Lay Description: Translate the English version of the Overt
Behaviour Scale to French and verify the translation by
translating back to English.
Administering Institution: Centre de Réadaptation LuceBruneau
McDonald S, Bornhofen C, Hunt C. Addressing deficits in
emotion recognition after severe traumatic brain injury: The
role of focused attention and mimicry. Neuropsychological
Rehabilitation: An International Journal200919.3.321-339.
Funding Body: The Menzies Foundation
Chief Investigator/s: Leanne Hassett
Project Title: Cardio respiratory deconditioning and physical
activity in people with traumatic brain injury
Conference Presentations/Poster
Baguley IJ, Nott MT, Howle A, Cotter R, Simpson G, Browne S,
Hodgkinson A, King AC. Determining factors affecting mortality
in those who have survived severe traumatic brain injury.
Proceedings Understanding Mortality Data Workshop, AMDIG
Scientific Meeting.Dec-09.Wellington, NZ.
Lay Description: This prospective descriptive study aims
to investigate fitness and physical activity in people with
traumatic brain injury. Fifty ambulant community-dwelling
people with severe traumatic brain injury will be invited
to participate. They will be required to complete a peak
fitness test with gas analysis, wear an accelerometer for
7 days, and complete two physical activity questionnaires
7 days apart. Correlations will be used to determine the
Dall’Armi L, Simpson GK, Forstner D, Simpson T, Kwa B.
Patterns of information needs and affective distress for people
with head & neck cancer and their family members. Australian
Research Groups
Brain Injury
and New Zealand Head and Neck Society 11th Annual
Scientific Meeting.6-8 August 2009.Freemantle, WA.
professionals? Australian and New Zealand Spinal Cord Society
16th Annual Scientific Meeting.25-27 November 2009.Perth,
Dall’Armi L, Simpson GK, Forstner D, Simpson T, Kwa B.
Patterns of information needs and affective distress for people
with head & neck cancer and their family members. Sydney
South West Area Health Service Research Showcase.27-Nov09.Liverpool Hospital, Sydney.
Simpson, GK & Simons M. Promoting positive sexual
development among children and adolescents with acquired
brain injury. 32nd Annual Brain Impairment Conference,
Life changes after brain injury: Structure, function,
participation.7-9 May 2009.Sydney, NSW.
Hassett LM, Moseley AM, Khatri B, Barry SC, Jones TM. Does
circuit class provide a fitness training stimulus for people with
a traumatic brain injury?. Australian Physiotherapy National
Conference: Neurological Conference; Sydney, Australia
October 2009.1-5 October 2009.Sydney.
Tate R, McDonald S, Simpson GK, Lane-Brown A, Schultz R,
Dunne R, Wilson BA.. Efficacy of two therapeutic procedures to
increase community participation after traumatic brain injury:
a randomized controlled trial... 6th Satellite Symposium on
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.3-4 August 2009.Tallinn,
Ke H, Koh E-S, Simpson GK, Whiting D, Wright, KW, Simpson
T... Screening for cognitive impairment in primary brain tumour:
Is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment as more sensitive tool
than the Mini-Mental State Examination? Sydney South West
Area Health Service Research Showcase.27-Nov-09.Liverpool
Hospital, Sydney.
Tate RL, Lannin N, Taylor C, Pfaff A, Wakim D, David P
Coward B, Whitty C.. The Functional Independence Measure
for people with traumatic brain injury: how good is the
Cognitive Scale for measuring neuropsychological impairments?
International Neuropsychological Society, .July-August 2009.
Helsinki, Finland.
Kelly G, Simpson GK.. Inappropriate sexual behaviour: Using a
sex corker to straighten things out.3rd Regional ABI Conference.
Transitions in Life: Skills, initiatives, and optimism.26-27
November 2009.Warrnambool, Vic.
Whiting DL, McLeod H, Ciarrochi J, Simpson GK. Can
Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) facilitate
psychological adjustment after traumatic brain injury? Sydney
South West Area Health Service Research Showcase.27-Nov09.Liverpool Hospital, Sydney.
Koh E-S, Whiting D, Agar M, Krishnasamy M.. Cognitive and
Behavioural Impairment in Cancer: Reasons and Resources for
Management... Clinical Oncology Society of Australia, 2009
36th Annual Scientific Meeting.17-19 November 2009.Gold
Coast, Qld.
Simpson GK (invited keynote speaker). Goal setting in working
with people with ABI: Current research, new approaches and
old challenges. 3rd Regional ABI Conference.Transitions in
Life: Skills, initiatives, and optimism.26-27 November 2009.
Warrnambool, Vic.
Simpson GK, Hassett L (invited workshop). Goal setting
for people with ABI in rehabilitation and community based
practice. 3rd Regional ABI Conference.Transitions in Life:
Skills, initiatives, and optimism.26-27 November 2009.
Warrnambool, Vic.
Simpson GK, Koh E-S, Simpson T, Wright K, Firth R, Whiting
D, Younan K. The prevalence of behavioural sequelae in patients
with primary brain tumour and the development of information
resources. The 10th Quadrennial congress of the World
Federation of Neuroscience Nurses.23-27 May 2009.Toronto,
Simpson GK, Unger C, Jones K, Pfeiffer D, Oosthuizen H,
Francis J, Young D.. Developing a ‘Building Family Resilience
program’: What can we learn from family members and health
Research Groups
Brain Injury
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Deborah Arguedas
D. Psych (Clinical
Macquarie University
Olfactory Hallucinations –
a neuropsychological investigation
A/Professor Robyn Langdon MACCS
A/Professor Richard Stevenson
Lauren Gillett
D. Psych (Clinical
Macquarie University
The long-term effects of severe
hypoglycaemia on the
executive functioning of children with
type 1 diabetes
Dr Judith Homewood
Dr Jennifer Batchelor
A/Professor Pamela Joy
July 2006
Diane Whiting
A trial of acceptance and commitment
therapy to facilitate psychological
adjustment following TBI
Dr Hamish McLeod
A/ProfessorJoseph Ciarrochi
Dr Grahame Simpson
March 2009
Kate Hopman
Masters of
Medical Science –
University of Sydney
Clinical outcomes following
community-based TBI rehabilitation
A/Professor Robyn Tate
(Rehab studies unit Ryde)
Dr Annie McCluskey
(The University of Sydney)
May 2005
Research Groups
Centre for Applied
Nursing Research (CANR)
Liverpool Hospital
Professor Maree Johnson
Photo left to right:
Glen Pang-Network Manager, Home
Enteral Nutrition and Nutrition in
Hospitals NSW Agency for Clinical
Innovation (ACI)
Tanya Hazelwood-Dietitian Liverpool
Dr Jenny Ravens-Area Director
Nutrition and Dietetics EZ, Sydney
South West Area Health Service
Dr Diana Jefferies
Dr Hunter Watt CE NSW Agency for
Clinical Innovation
Research Department Profile
The CANR staff continues to work with key clinical staff and academics from the University of
Western Sydney to support new initiatives relating to nursing and midwifery practice, education and
Major research programs relating to midwifery initiated oral health and patient safety has been
the major focus of staff at CANR. New collaborative relationships have been formed with midwives
and dentists to provide appropriate expertise to progress this new initiative that expands the role of
midwives under the direction of Dr. Ajesh George.
Professor Johnson continues to work on developing an assessment tool to support registered
nurses to enhance patient safety, with major insights into clinical management, falls prevention and
management, and medication safety being analyzed and publications forthcoming.
Dr. Diana Jefferies and other CANR and clinical staff have undertaken several systematic reviews
resulting in policies relating to quality documentation in nursing and nursing support of adult
patients’ oral nutrition. Dr. Diana Jefferies is a member of the Nutrition in Hospital working party
that is developing a state wide approach to nutrition and food services in NSW. This is a collaborative
project with the NSW Agency for Clinical Innovation (ACI).
Research Groups
Centre for
Applied Nursing
Research Grants
mental health and drug and alcohol assessment
Funding Body: NSW Oral Health Promotion - Demonstration
Project Grants Scheme
Funding Body: University of Western Sydney Internal Grant
Chief Investigator/s: Dr. Ajesh George, Professor Maree
Johnson, Dr. Sameer Bhole, Dr. Shilpi Ajwani, Prof Anthony
Blinkhorn, & Sharon Ellis
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Daniel Nicholls, Prof Maree Johnson,
Project Title: Oral Health Program and Workbook for the
Midwifery Initiated Oral Health (MIOH) Service for Pregnant
Women in Sydney South West
Lay Description: This project examines how oral and written
communication in nursing impacts on the safety of the
patient. Nursing is described as a culture that predominantly
relies on oral forms of communication to transfer information
about a patient’s condition and care. The literature
demonstrates that patient safety improves when written
structures are developed specifically for healthcare support
oral communication. This project investigates how a balance
between oral and written modes of communication can be
achieved so that patient safety is improved
Project Title: Moving across cultures: exploring written and
oral cultures in nursing
Lay Description: As part of the development of the MIOH
service, this research will design an online education
programme to educate and train midwives about the
intervention. The education programme will contain guidelines
for midwives pertaining to: oral health education during
pregnancy; screening practices to assess the oral health status
of pregnant women; and referral procedures for necessary
dental treatment.
Administering Institution: University of Western Sydney
Internal Grant
Administering Institution: NSW Centre for Oral health Strategy
Funding Body: NSW Health Nursing & Midwifery Innovation
Funding Body: Australian Dental Association (NSW Branch)
Chief Investigator/s: Dr. Ajesh George, Professor Maree
Johnson, Dr. Sameer Bhole, Dr. Shilpi Ajwani, Prof Anthony
Blinkhorn, & Sharon Ellis Shilpi Ajwani, Prof Anthony
Blinkhorn, & Sharon Ellis
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Diana Jefferies, Prof Maree Johnson, Dr
Daniel Nicholls
Project Title: Improving nursing documentation with a wardbased writing coach
Project Title: Development of a midwifery-initiated oral health
(MIOH) service for pregnant women in SSWAHS
Lay Description: The aim of this project is to investigate
whether an intensive writing workshop and one-to-one
coaching of nursing and midwifery staff results in improved
nursing documentation and positive experiences for nurses.
Lay Description: This research is developing a midwiferyinitiated oral health service for pregnant women attending
antenatal clinics in Sydney South West. This service will
incorporate oral health guidelines into normal midwifery
practice and provide appropriate pathways where pregnant
women can be referred for prompt dental treatment Such
a service will facilitate a change and expansion of practice
for midwives to help improve health outcomes for pregnant
women and their children.
Administering Institution: NSW Health Nursing & Midwifery
Innovation Scholarship
Funding Body: National Council for the Professional
Chief Investigator/s: Gerard Fealy, Michelle Butler, Pearl Treacy,
Mary Casey, Jonathan Drennan, Catherine Griffin, Maree
Johnson, Martin McNamara, Richard W. Nugent.
Administering Institution: University of Western Sydney
Funding Body: North Coast Area Health Services
Project Title: National Nursing & Midwifery Clinical Leadership
Chief Investigator/s: Geraldine Antonio, Vince Carroll, Professor
Maree Johnson, Rachel Langdon.
Lay Description: This study used a mixed method of focus
groups and a national survey of nurses and midwives to
develop a clinical leadership framework and leadership training
requirements for nurses and midwives within the Republic of
Project Title: Evaluation of the APAT/SSDA Adult Assessment
Lay Description: This study evaluates the effectiveness of a
comprehensive approach to nursing assessment inclusive of
falls, cognitive assessment, pressure area care assessment,
Research Groups
Centre for
Applied Nursing
Funding Body: NHMRC grant
legal issues affect their practice. Australian Family Physician.
2009. 38.1-Feb.66-70.
Chief Investigator/s: Professor R. Griffiths, Dr. Ritin Fernandez,
Dr. McClaws, & Dr. G. Sussman and Dr. J. Rowlands.
Neubeck L Redfern J, Fernandez R, Briffa T, Bauman A,
Friedman, B. Telehealth interventions for patients with coronary
heart disease. European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention.
2009. 16.3.281-289.
Project Title: Randomised controlled trial comparing the
effects of tap water vs normal saline on the infection rates and
healing rates of wounds.
O’Baugh J, Sneesby K, Wilkes L & George A. Investigation into
the Communication that Takes Place Between Nurses and Patients
During Chemotherapy. Journal of Psychosocial Oncology. 2009.
Lay Description: Randomised controlled trial comparing the
effects of tap water vs normal saline on the infection rates and
healing rates of wounds
Administering Institution:
Rolley J, Davidson P, Salamonson Y, Fernandez R, Dennison
C. Nursing care for patients undergoing percutaneous coronary
intervention: a patient journey approach. Journal of Clinical
Nursing. 2009. 18.17.2394-405.
Clinical Trials
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: Tony Hecimovic, Professor Maree Johnson
Dr. Ajesh George.
Tran DT, Stone AM, Fernandez RS, Griffiths RD & Johnson
M, 2009. Changes in general nurses’ knowledge of alcohol
and substance use and misuse after education. Perspectives in
psychiatric care. 2009. 45.2.128-139
Project Title: Clinical trial of 48-72hour recannulisation
versus end of treatment approach to intravenous antibiotic
administration in community client caseloads
Tran DT, Stone AM, Fernandez RS, Griffiths RD & Johnson
M, 2009. Does implementation of clinical practice guidelines
change nurses’ screening for alcohol and other substance use?
Contemporary Nurse. 2009. 33.1.13-19.
Lay Description: This study uses a natural experiment
design to example patient outcomes and cost effectiveness
of replacement of peripheral cannulae at 48hours or until
completion of treatment (usually 5- 7 days).
Conference Presentations/Posters
Jirojwong S, Schmied V, Cioffi J, Johnson M, Griffiths R,
Dahlen H. Health literacy and self management of gestational
diabetes: a study among Vietnamese, Cambodian, Thai and
Laotian women in Sydney. UWS Research Forum. February 2009.
Feahy G, Butler M, Treacy P, Casey M, McNamara M, Drennan
J, Johnson M. National Nursing and Midwifery Clinical Leadership
Needs Analysis. Dublin.National Council for the Professional
Development of Nursing and Midwifery.2009
George A, Johnson M, Ajwani S, Bhole S, Blinkhorn A, Dahlen
H & Ellis S. The potential role of midwives in promoting oral
health during pregnancy. Sydney South West Area Health
Service Research Showcase. 27th November 2009.Thomas &
Rachel Moore Conference Centre, Liverpool Hospital.
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Butler M, Meehan T.C, Kemple M, Drennan D, Johnson M &
Treacy M, (pearl). Identifying research priorities for midwifery in
Ireland. Journal of Midwifery. 2009. 25.275-587
Fernandez R, Davidson P, Griffiths R, Juergens C, Stafford B,
Salamonson Y. A pilot randomised controlled trial comparing
a health-related lifestyle self-management intervention with
standard cardiac rehabilitation following an acute cardiac event:
Implications for a larger clinical trial. Australian Critical Care.
2009. 22.1.17-27.
Hudson P, Elkholm J, Johnson M, & Langdon R. Helping
Emergency nurses to act sooner: Identifying the deteriorating
adult and child. CENA National Conference. 7-10th October
2009. Gold Coast, Queensland.
Jefferies D, Johnson M. Invited Speaker: Developing quality
nursing documentation for the clinical setting and the courtroom.
Vascular 2009- Nurses Scientific Seminar.Hotel, 2nd October
2009. Shangri-La Hotel.
Fernandez, R & Tran, DT. The meta-analysis graph: clearing the
haze... Clinical nurse specialist. 2009. 23.2.57-60.
George A, Johnson M. Perinatal oral health care: Implications for
midwives. Midwifery Matters. 2009. 27.4.22-23.
Jefferies D, Johnson M. Improving the oral nutritional care of
patients in SSWAHS, SSWAHS. SSWAHS Research Showcase. 27Nov-09. Thomas & Rachel Moore Conference Centre, Liverpool
Nash L, Johnson M, Willcock S, Walton M, Tennant C, Walters
G, Van Ekert E. General Practitioners’ concerns about medico-
Research Groups
Centre for
Applied Nursing
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Martha Mansah
PhD, University of
Western Sydney
Safe Transfer of Elderly Patients (STEP) Across
Health Care Settings
Professor Rhonda Griffiths, Dr Ritin Fernandez
Tanya O’Connell
Masters by Research,
University of
Western Sydney
Quantifying and Assessing the Impact
of Palliative Care services on Quality
of Life for Patients and Carers
Professor Rhonda Griffiths,
Dr Ritin Fernandez
Danielle Tran
University of
Western Sydney
An epidemiological study of diabetes
related health outcomes among
the Vietnam-born Australians.
Professor Louisa Jorm,
Dr Hilary Bambrick,
Professor Maree Johnson
Research Groups
Collaboration for
Cancer Outcomes, Research
and Evaluation (CCORE)
Liverpool Hospital
Professor Michael Barton
Research Projects
Estimation of the Optimal Number of Radiotherapy Fractions for Cancer Patients. Dr Karen
Wong, Radiation Oncologist, has been enrolled in the PhD program at the University of New
South Wales since 2007 under the supervision of Prof Michael Barton and Prof Geoff Delaney.
The aim of this research is to construct an evidence-based model to estimate the optimal number
of radiotherapy fractions per cancer patient and per treatment course, building on the existing
optimal radiotherapy utilisation model. These data can provide a benchmark for services delivery
and for comparison with actual fractionation in practice. This model can also be applied to predict
future radiotherapy workload and hence aid in future radiotherapy services planning in Australia.
An estimation of the optimal endocrine therapy utilization rate in breast cancer: CCORE has
developed an optimal utilisation model for endocrine therapy in breast cancer, using current
Australian epidemiological data.
A comparison of breast cancer treatment rates in British Columbia, Scotland, and Western
Australia, and a comparison with models of “optimal” therapy: In an international collaborative
project with the British Columbian Cancer Agency in Canada, NHS Tayside in Scotland, and the
Royal Perth Hospital in Western Australia, CCORE is comparing breast cancer treatment rates in
these jurisdictions, and is comparing the optimal treatment utilisation models for radiotherapy,
chemotherapy, and hormone therapy with the original previously published theoretical models.
The use of wikis with clinical guidelines: a review: CCORE is collaborating with the University
of Sydney in the pilot of clinical guideline wikis in oncology. This is a background literature review
and analysis of the current published data. •
Patterns of retreatment by radiotherapy project: CCORE is involved in a three year study aimed
at describing patterns of radiotherapy retreatment by cancer type in order to develop methods of
modelling retreatment for better service planning and benchmarking.
Cancer survivorship and late effects of cancer therapy: (e.g. lymphoma and brain tumour
Hodgkin Lymphoma survivors:
Long-term follow up for Hodgkin Lymphoma survivors: Patterns of Care across Australia and
New Zealand completed with plans to develop ANZ guidelines for management of long-term
Brain tumour survivors:
Assessing new Screening tools for Cognitive and behavioural impairment in Primary Brain
Developing novel psychosocial interventions for managing changes to cognitive, emotions and
behaviour in Brain tumour survivors.
Touchscreen ‘Quality of Life’ project: CCORE collaborated with the Psycho-oncology Cooperative Research Group (PoCoG) School of Psychology, University of Sydney in a Cancer Institute
Research Groups
Cancer Outcomes
NSW funded project on development of an economic
evaluation model for use in cancer clinical trials
using Liverpool Hospital Cancer Therapy Centre
Touchscreen QOL data.
A review of the evidence of management of skin
toxicity during radiation therapy: A project aimed
at development of a protocol for evidence-based
management of skin toxicity during radiation therapy
through systematic literature review including metaanalysis and a survey of radiotherapy departmental
skin toxicity management practices in Australia and
New Zealand. (Accepted for publication in 2010)
Radiotherapy planning study for Non-Small Cell Lung
Cancer (NSCLC) using Positron Emission Tomography
(PET) (accepted for publication in 2010) - A
radiotherapy planning study assessing the Dosimetric
implications of the addition of 18FDG-Positron
Emission Tomography (PET) in CT-based radiotherapy
planning for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC)
Radiation Oncology Network: The Southern NSW
Radiation Oncology Training Network was initiated
with a pilot programme in 2008. The participating
hospitals include Prince of Wales, St George,
Liverpool, Campbelltown, Wollongong and Canberra.
Initially five registrars were appointed to the network
and these registrars are now in their 3rd year of
specialist training. During 2010, the number of
Network trainees is to be increased to 16. Successful
rotation of registrars to most of the participating
hospitals has taken place and the first Canberra
rotation is to be arranged for the beginning of 2011.
Professor Michael Barton, CCORE Research Director
was appointed:
Member, Radiation oncology implementation
committee (RORIC) Workforce subcommittee
Chair, Independent Review Committee, Clinical
Practice Guidelines for the Management of Locally
Advanced and Metastatic Prostate Cancer
Commissioned Reports
A formal evaluation of the Network was performed in
June 2009. This confirmed that the trainees and the
participating hospitals were happy with the progress
of the Network. It also raised issues which can now
be addressed over the next 12 months.
During the pilot programme, the NSW Cancer
Institute provided a 12 month grant to support
a 0.6 FTE Education Support Officer position. The
evaluation highlighted the importance of this
position. NSW Health has since agreed to support the
continuation of this position as a 1.0 FTE for the next
3 years.
Barton MB. Report on the Tanzania expert mission
to assess future training capacity. E Rosenblatt, M
Barton, M El Ghantiry for the Program for Action on
Cancer Treatment. Vienna 2009. During February 2009, Professor Michael Barton,
Research Director, CCORE, travelled to Dar es Salaam,
Tanzania, at the invitation of The International
Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), and the Program
for Action for Cancer Therapy (PACT), Vienna, to
provide expert advice and assist in strengthening the
national cancer control capacity in a comprehensive
and sustainable manner in Tanzania and to assess
the availability of the trained domestic faculty to
become part of the desired degree programs.
Thompson S and Barton MB. Optimal utilization of
permanent seed brachytherapy for the treatment
of prostate cancer. CCORE. Sydney April 2009. On
behalf of: Statewide Services Branch, NSW Health.
Barton MB. Improving Radiotherapy Where to from
here? A roadmap for the NSW Government. NSW
Cancer Council May 2009
Simpson GK, Wright KM, Simpson T, Koh E-S, Firth R,
Whiting D, Younan K. Cancer Institute NSW NSWOG
Neuro-Oncology Project. Sep 2009. ‘Addressing the
Behavioural and Cognitive Sequelae of Adults with
Brain Tumour: Trialling a Behavioural Consultancy
Shafiq J, Barton M. Radiation therapy risks:
prioritizing patient safety. Talking Point. On-line
report - Medical Physics Web. 4 Aug 2009
Research Groups
Cancer Outcomes
Barton M, Shafiq J, Noble D, Lemer C. WHO
Radiotherapy risk profile. The French Nuclear Safety
Authority Review: Contrôle review n° 185: Safety in
external radiotherapy treatments (November 2009).
pp 88-89
Adult Gliomas’.
Invited Expert: Professor Michael Barton, Research Director, CCORE:
Barton M, Shafiq J, et al (ed). Radiotherapy risk
profile: Technical manual. Geneva. Available at:
World Health Organisation (WHO) | Risk reduction in
radiotherapy. Accessed 02 February 2009.
Invited panel member. International Atomic
Energy Agency, ICARO. International Conference
on Advances in Radiation Oncology, Vienna 2729 April, 2009. Round table discussion: Training,
Education and Staffing: Focus on Low and Medium
Income Countries. The main objective of the
meeting was to define the current role and potential
of clinical, technological and molecular/biological
innovations for incorporation into routine practice
in radiation oncology.
Invited panel member. Consultant’s Meeting –
Development of the Medical Physics and Radiation
Oncology/Biology parts of the NAHU (Division of
Human Health) Website - at the invitation of the
International Atomic Energy Agency, Vienna, 15
– 19 June 2009. The purpose of this meeting was
to develop a strategy to design a web site for the
Division of Human Health (NAHU) i.e. the Medical
Physics and Radiation Oncology/Biology Parts of the
NAHU Website.
Cancer Council SA Research Advisory Group, 19
May 09. Re: Research Innovation: A partnership
opportunity to strengthen cancer research in South
Invited Speaker
Barton MB. Research Director, CCORE. At invitation
of The French Nuclear Safety Authority (ASN).
International conference: ‘Modern Radiotherapy:
Challenges and advances in radiation protection of
patients’. Presentations: ‘Radiotherapy risk profile’.
‘Safety in External Radiotherapy’. Versailles, France. 2
– 4 December, 2009.
Barton MB. At invitation of Cancer Action Team,
Addenbrookes Hospital, Cambridge. Meeting
– ‘Modelling of Radiotherapy Demand’. London, 7
December, 2009 - to consider the clinical/scientific
evidence and the limitations of current modelling,
especially around locality differences in cancer
incidence, stage, co-morbidity and radiotherapy use.
Demand Modelling in Australia
Effectiveness and cost effectiveness of radiotherapy:
what is the impact of missed radiotherapy.
Comparison worldwide actual radiotherapy
utilisation rates
Simpson GK, Koh E-S, Wright K M, Simpson T, Firth R,
Whiting D, Younan K. Cancer Institute NSW Journal
Club - 28 October, 09. ‘Novel approaches to the
assessment and management of behavioural and
cognitive impairment in adults with primary brain
Barton MB. Clinical Oncology Society of Australia
Annual Scientific Meeting. Gold Coast Queensland.
November 2009. ‘Guidelines for the Management of
Barton MB. RANZCR Annual Scientific Meeting.
Brisbane, Queensland. October 2009. ‘Guidelines for
the Management of Adult Gliomas’.
Research Groups
Cancer Outcomes
Research Grants
implementing a national radiation oncology standards
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: Professor Phyllis Butow, University
of Sydney NSW 2006 Assoc. Investigators: MB Barton
CCORE, Diana Adams,Pavlakis, Josephine Clayton, Martin
Tattersall,Ronald Epstein,Patricia Davidson,Jane Young
Barton MB Hovey E. Clinical practice guidelines for
the management of adult gliomas: astrocytomas and
oligodendrogliomas. Australian National Cancer Network Adult
Brain Tumour Guidelines Working Party. Clinical Practice
Guidelines. Sydney. Cancer Council Australia. 2009 (August).
Clinical Practice Guidelines ISBN: 978-0-9775060-8-8.
Project Title: Improving QOL at the end of life: A randomised
controlled trial of a doctor/nurse/patient intervention.
Lay Description: To evaluate the effect of a combined cancer
patient-oncologist-health service intervention for patients
with advanced incurable cancer and a prognosis estimated
by their doctor to be 2-12 months. The intervention aims
to promote discussion and mutual understanding between
patient/care giver and clinicians about prognosis, end of life
issues and treatment goals in order to improve the quality of
remaining life.
Books Chapters
Barton MB, Delaney G. Chapter 9: The optimal provision of
cancer treatment services. Cancer Control. M Elwood and S
Sutcliffe. 2009. Australia. Oxford University Press. 2009
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Administering Institution: Sydney Uni
Batumalai V, Koh E-S, Delaney G, Holloway L, Jameson, M.
Variability In Clinical Target Volume Delineation For Tangential
Breast Irradiation: Comparison Between Radiation Oncologists
and Radiation Therapists Journal of Medical Imaging and
Radiation Oncology. 2009. 530. A101.
Funding Body: Cancer Institute
Chief Investigator/s: M King, MB Barton, W Ng, R Viney, P
Boxer M, Forstner D, Kneebone A, Delaney G, Koh E-S, Fuller
M, Kaadan N. Impact of a real-time peer review audit on patient
management in a radiation oncology department. Journal of
Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology. 2009. 530. 405411
Project Title: Development of cancer-specific multi-attribute
health states from the QLQ-C30 for use in economic
Lay Description: Development of cancer-specific multiattribute health states from the QLQ-C30 for use in economic
Chow E, Hird A, Velikova G, Johnson C, Dewolf L, Bezjak A,
Wu J, Shafiq J, Sezer O, Kardamakis D, Linden YV, Ma B,
Castro M, Arnalot PF, Ahmedzai S, Clemons M, Hoskin P, Yee
A, Brundage M, Bottomley A;. On behalf of the EORTC Quality
of Life Group. The European Organisation for Research and
Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life Questionnaire for patients
with Bone Metastases: The EORTC QLQ-BM22. Eur J Cancer.
2009. 450.1146-1152.
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Funding Body: Commonwealth of Australia
Chief Investigator/s: MB Barton, IHRI
Project Title: Ingham Health Research Facilities
Lay Description: For the construction of the Ingham Health
Research Facility, Liverpool Hospital
Harris K, Chow E, Zhang L, Velikova G, Bezjak A, Wu J, Barton
M, Eek R, Shafiq J, Sezer O, Yee A, Clemons M, Brundage M,
Hoskin P, van der Linden Y, Nguyen J, Johnson C, Bottomley
A. On behalf of the EORTC Quality of Life Group. Patients’ and
Health Care Professionals’ evaluation of health-related
quality of life issues in bone metastases Eur J Cancer. 2009.
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Funding Body: Radiation Oncology Section, Department of
Health and Ageing, Canberra/NATA
Chief Investigator/s: MB Barton, P Vial , L Cassapi
Jacob S, Ng W, Asgari R, Delaney G, Barton M. Estimation of
an optimal chemotherapy utilisation rate for colon cancer: an
evidence-based benchmark for cancer care. Eur J Cancer. 009.
Project Title: Implementation of National Radiation Oncology
Standards Program
Lay Description: Study of the feasibility and costs of
Research Groups
Cancer Outcomes
Kang S, Koh E-S, Vinod SK Jalaludin, B. Cost Analysis of Lung
Cancer Management in South-Western Sydney. Journal of
Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology. 2009. 530.A148.
Esmaili N, Hensley M, Goldsbury D, Supramaniam R, Hui
A, Armstrong B.. No improvement in lung cancer care: the
management of lung cancer in 1996 and 2002 in New South
Wales. International Medicine Journal. 2009. 390.453-458.
Kao S, Shafiq J, Vardy J and Adams D. Use of chemotherapy at
end of life in oncology patients. Ann Oncol. 2009. 200.15551559.
Starmer DL, Barton MB. Advances in Cancer Management: At
What Cost to Medical Student Education? Journal of Cancer
Ke H, Koh E-S, Simpson GK, Whiting D. Screening for Cognitive
Impairment in Primary Brain Tumour:Is the Montreal Cognitive
Assessment a more sensitive tool than the Mini-Mental State
Examination? Asia-Pacific Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009.
Vinod SK. Quantitative evaluations for the optimal utilization
of radiotherapy in lung cancer. Asia Pac J Oncol Haem.
Vinod SK, Goldsbury D, Simonella L, Delaney GP, O’Connell DL,
Armstrong B. Underutilization of radiotherapy for lung cancer in
NSW, Australia. Cancer. 2009.0..
Koh E-S. Patients Behaving Badly. Asia-Pacific Journal of
Clinical Oncology. 2009. 50.A151
Vinod SK, Holloway L, Prasad S, Mckibbin C, Andrew K,
Blakeney S, Koh E-S, Fuller M. Dosimetric implications of
the addition of 18FDG- Positron Emission Tomography (PET)
in CT-based radiotherapy planning for Non-Small Cell Lung
Cancer (NSCLC). Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation
Koh, E-S, Kang S, Vinod SK, Jalaludin, B.. Comparison of Direct
Medical Costs in Managing Lung Cancer with Curative versus
Palliative IntentAsia-Pacific. Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009.
Luxford, T, Vinod S K, Koh E-S, Tran T, Baker K. Use of validated
assessment tool in lung cancer patients to Identify Symptom
Burden: the value of a nursing -led care coordination model. AsiaPacific Journal of Clinical Oncology. 2009. 20.A168.
Wright T, Simpson T, Koh E-S. Long Term Facilitation of a
hospital-based brain tumour support program. Asia-Pacific
Journal of Clinical Oncology.2009.50.A236.
Miller J, Fuller M, Vinod S, Suchowerska N, Holloway L. The
significance of the choice of Radiological (NTCP) models in
treatment plan objective functions. Australasian Physical &
Engineering Sciences in Medicine. 2009. 320.81-87.
Conference Presentations/Posters
Morgan G, Barton M, Crossing S, Bull C and Penman A. A
“Catch-up” plan for radiotherapy in New South Wales to 2012.
Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology. 2009.
534.419- 430.
Ball D, Fisher R, Burmeister B, Poulsen M, Graham P,
Penniment M, Vinod SK, Krawitz H, Joseph D, Wheeler G,
McClure B. (Presenter Dr David Ball).The complex relationship
between lung tumour volume to survival in patients with nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) treated by definitive radiotherapy.
(Trans-Tasman Radiation Oncology Group Study 9905).13th
World Lung Cancer Conference.31 July – 4 August 2009.San
Ng W, Delaney G, Jacob S, Barton MB. Estimation of an optimal
chemotherapy utilisation rate for breast cancer: Setting an
evidence-based benchmark for the best-quality cancer care.
European Journal of Cancer. 2009.0.
Barton MB, Development of Australian Guidelines (Brain
Tumours). Clinical Oncological Society of Australia (COSA) 36th
ASM. 16-19 November, 2009.Gold Coast
Ng W, S Jacob, G Delaney, M Barton. Estimation of an optimal
chemotherapy utilisation rate for head and neck carcinoma:
setting an evidence-based benchmark for the best-quality cancer
care. Eur. J Cancer. 2009. 450.2150-2159
Batumalai V, Koh E-S, Delaney, G, Holloway L, Jameson M.
Variability In Clinical Target Volume Delineation For Tangential
Breast Irradiation: Comparison Between Radiation Oncologists
And Radiation Therapists. RANZCR Combined Scientific
Meeting.22-25 October 2009.Brisbane.
Ng WL, Della-Fiorentina SA. The efficacy of oral ondansetron
and dexamethasone for the prevention of acute chemotherapyinduced nausea and vomiting associated with moderately
emetogenic chemotherapy – a retrospective audit. Eur J Cancer
Care (Engl). 2009.0..
Forstner D, Koneru S, Shafiq J, Ng W, Fowler A.
Implementation of an integrated electronic health related
quality of life (HRQOL) assessment tool into routine clinical
practice. 2009 Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian
and New Zealand Head and Neck Society. 6 – 8 August 2009.
Fremantle, Western Australia.
Shafiq J, Barton M, Noble D, Lemer C, Donaldson LJ. An
international review of patient safety measures in radiotherapy
practice. Radiother Oncol. 2009. 920.15-21.
Simonella L, O’Connell DL, Vinod SK, Delaney GP, Boyer M,
Research Groups
Cancer Outcomes
Fuller M, Fowler A, Vinod SK, Koh E-S, Holloway L. FDG-PET
directed radiotherapy dose escalation in non-small cell lung
cancer. ANZ Society of Nuclear Medicine ASM March 2009,
Sydney. 39873. Sydney.
Lemer, C, Noble D, Barton M, Shafiq J, Donaldson L.
Radiotherapy Risk Profile (Theme: Quality into Healthcare
Organisations). The International Society of Quality in Health
Care (ISQUA) Conference.11-14 October, 2009. Dublin,
Fuller M, Tattersall M, Fowler A, Vinod SK, and Koh E-S. FDGPET directed radiotherapy dose escalation in non-small cell lung
cancer. Poster, Australia & New Zealand Society of Nuclear
Medicine 39th Annual Scientific Meeting. 23–27 April, 2009.
Lin P, Vinod SK, Lin M, Ho-Shon I, and Seu S. Incremental
clinical value of a dedicated RT planning FDG PET-CT over
staging PET-CT in non-small cell lung cancer. Oral presentation.
Australia & New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine 39th
Annual Scientific Meeting. 23-27 April, 2009. Sydney
Houghton B, Shafiq J, Ng W. Does Palliative Chemotherapy
improve the quality of life in elderly patients with advanced
malignancy? Clinical Oncological Society of Australia (COSA)
36th ASM.16-19 November, 2009.Gold Coast
Luxford, T, Vinod SK, Koh E-S, Tran T, Baker K. Use of
validated assessment tool in lung cancer patients to Identify
Symptom Burden: the value of a nursing -led care coordination
model. Clinical Oncological Society of Australia (COSA) 36th
ASM.16-19 November, 2009. Gold Coast.
Kang S, Koh E-S, Vinod SK Jalaludin B. Cost Analysis of
Lung Cancer Management in South-Western Sydney.. RANZCR
Combined Scientific Meeting. 22-25 October 2009. Brisbane.
Morarji K,Fowler A,Vinod SK, and Ho-Shon I. Impact of
FDG-PET on delineation for radiotherapy in lung cancer. Oral
presentation. Australia & New Zealand Society of Nuclear
Medicine 39th Annual Scientific Meeting. 23–27 April, 2009.
Kang S, Koh E-S, Vinod SK, Jalaludin B. Cost analysis of Lung
Cancer Management in South-Western Sydney.. 13th World
Lung Cancer Conference. 31 July – 4 August 2009. San
Sidhom M, Vinod SK, Gabriel GS, Lee M, Delaney G. Guidelinebased recommended therapy in the management of lung cancer:
why are patients not treated according to guidelines? 13th
World Lung Cancer Conference. 31 July – 4 August 2009. San
Kang S, Koh E-S, Vinod SK, Jalaludin, B. Estimating the costs
of managing lung cancer in Sydney, Australia. 13th World
Conference on Lung Cancer. 31 July – 4 August 2009. San
Ke H, Koh E-S, Simpson GK, Whiting D. Screening for
Cognitive Impairment in Primary Brain Tumour: Is the Montreal
Cognitive Assessment a more sensitive tool than the MiniMental State Examination?.Clinical Oncological Society of
Australia (COSA) 36th ASM.16-19 November, 2009.Gold
Simpson GK, Koh E-S, Simpson T, Wright KM, Firth R,
Whiting D, Younan K. The Prevalence of Behavioural Sequelae
in Patients Diagnosed with Brain Tumours and the Development
of Information Resources.. World Federation Neurosurgical
Nursing. 23-27 May, 2009. Toronto, Canada.
Simpson T, Wright K, Whiting D, Simpson G, Koh E-S, Firth
R, and Younan K. Managing challenging behaviour after brain
tumour: A resource for patients, carers and health providers..
3rd Quadrennial Meeting of World Federation of NeuroOncology.11-14 May, 2009. Yokohama, Japan.
Koh E-S. ‘Patients Behaving Badly’: Challenging Behaviour in
Cancer Patients. Workshop on “Cognitive and Behavioural
impairment in Cancer” at Clinical Oncological Society of
Australia (COSA) 36th ASM. 16 –19 November, 2009. Gold
Sithoeun S, Ho-Shon I, and Vinod SK. Investigating the
incremental time difference and radiation exposure in setting
up PET/CT scans in radiotherapy planning position. Oral
presentation. Australia & New Zealand Society of Nuclear
Medicine 39th Annual Scientific Meeting. 23-27 April, 2009.
Koh E-S. Overview - Dealing with patients with cognitive and
behavioural problems. Clinical Oncological Society of Australia
(COSA) 36th ASM.16 -19 November, 2009. Gold Coast
Koh E-S, Kang S, Vinod SK, Jalaludin, B. Comparison of Direct
Medical Costs in Managing Lung Cancer with Curative versus
Palliative Intent. Clinical Oncological Society of Australia
(COSA) 36th ASM.16 -19 November, 2009. Gold Coast.
Vinod S. Outcomes of Curative Radiotherapy for Lung Cancer in
South Western Sydney. Poster.RANZCR / AIR / FRO / ACPSEM
Combined Scientific Meeting. 22-25 October, 2009. Brisbane
Convention and Exhibition Centre.
Koh E-S, Simpson G, Whiting D, Wright K, Simpson T, Firth
R, and Younan K. Patient functional status is strongest correlate
of challenging behaviour after brain tumour.. 3rd Quadrennial
Meeting of World Federation of Neuro-Oncology. 11–14 May,
2009. Yokohama, Japan.
Vinod SK, Goldsbury D, Simonella L, Delaney GP, O’Connell
DL, Armstrong B. Underutilisation of radiotherapy for Lung
Research Groups
Cancer Outcomes
R, and Younan K. Multi-Tiered intervention study for patients,
carers and health providers to address challenging behaviours
after brain tumour.. 3rd Quadrennial Meeting of the World
Federation of Neuro-Oncology.11–14 May, 2009. Yokohama,
Cancer Radiotherapy in NSW, Australia. 13th World Lung Cancer
Conference. 31 July – 4 August 2009. San Francisco.
Vinod SK, Holloway L, Prasad S, Andrew K, Blakeney S,
Franzji I, McKibbin C, Shafiq J, Koh E-S, Fuller M. Dosimetric
implications of the addition of 18FDG-Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) in CT-based radiotherapy planning for nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLS).. RANZCR Combined Scientific
Meeting. 22-25 October 2009. Brisbane.
Wright T, Simpson T, Koh E-S. Long Term Facilitation of
a hospital-based brain tumour support program. Clinical
Oncological Society of Australia (COSA) 36th ASM.16-19
November, 2009. Gold Coast.
Vinod SK, Holloway L, Prasad S, Mckibbin C, Shafiq J, Andrew
K, Blakeney S, Koh E-S, Fuller M. Dosimetric implications of
the addition of 18FDG- Positron Emission Tomography (PET) in
CT-based radiotherapy planning for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer
(NSCLC).. RANZCR Combined Scientific Meeting. 22-25 October
2009. Brisbane.
Yap ML, Vinod SK, Ho-Shon I, Fowler A, Lin M, Gabriel
GS. The registration of Diagnostic vs Planning FDG PET-CT in
radiotherapy planning for Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer. 13th
World Lung Cancer Conference. 31 July – 4 August 2009. San
Vinod SK, Sidhom M, Gabriel GS, Lee M, Delaney GP. Why do
some Lung Cancer patients receive no Anti-Cancer Treatment?
Poster.13th World Lung Cancer Conference. 31 July – 4 August
2009. San Francisco
Yap ML, Vinod SK, Ho-Shon I, Fowler A, Lin M, Gabriel GS,
and Holloway LC. The accuracy of registration of 18FDG PET-CT
to radiotherapy planning CT for non-small cell lung cancer. Oral
presentation. Australia & New Zealand Society of Nuclear
Medicine 39th Annual Scientific Meeting. 23–27 April, 2009.
Whiting D, Simpson G, Koh E-S, Simpson T, Wright K, Firth
Best of the best oral abstracts - Neuro-Oncology Award
KE, Helen - UNSW ILP4 student.
“Screening for Cognitive Impairment in Primary Brain Tumour: Is the Montreal Cognitive Assessment a more
sensitive tool than the Mini-Mental State Examination?” Ke H, Koh E-S, Simpson GK, Whiting D. Helen gave an
outstanding oral presentation followed by Q&A from an international panel of judges, and was judged the best of
17 abstracts - amongst them many senior clinicians working in the field of neuro-oncology. Helen is an exemplary
example to supervise in every way and is also a credit to the Independent Learning Project (ILP) program and to
University of NSW. Helen was energetically mentored and supervised by Dr Eng-Siew Koh from Liverpool Cancer
Therapy Centre and Dr Graeme Simpson from the Brain Injury Unit who should also be congratulated on their efforts.
Clinical Oncological Society of Australia (COSA) 36th Annual Scientific Meeting 17-19 November, 2009
Research Groups
Cancer Outcomes
Awards Con’t
Best Abstract
SHAFIQ, Jesmin - Project Manager, CCORE.
Development of a bone metastases module to accompany EORTC QLQ-C30. Ingham Health Research Institute
(IHRI) - Research Showcase 2009 Friday 27 November, 2009
Best of the best oral lung abstract
Koh E-S, Kang S, Vinod SK, Jalaludin, B.
Comparison of Direct Medical Costs in Managing Lung Cancer with Curative versus Palliative Intent. Clinical
Oncological Society of Australia (COSA) 36th ASM Gold Coast, November, 2009
Hospira Withers and Peters Fellowship Award
FONG, Andrew - Clinical Research Fellow, CCORE/CTC.
The best research project undertaken by a recently graduated fellow of the Royal Australian and New Zealand
College of Radiologists, for: “A comparison of breast cancer treatment rates in British Columbia, Scotland, and
Western Australia, and a comparison with models of “optimal” therapy.” The Radiation Oncology Annual General and
Scientific Meeting, Brisbane, October 2009.
Combined RANZCR/ AIR/FRO/ACPSEM Combined Scientific Meeting 22 – 25 October, 2009, Brisbane:
Novartis prize for best clinical outcomes in breast cancer therapy
Abstract: Variability in Clinical Target Volume Delineation for Tangential Breast Irradiation: Comparison Between
Radiation Oncologists And Radiation Therapists. Batumalai V Koh ES, Delaney G, Holloway L, Jameson M
Wiley-Blackwell Best Exhibit Award for best poster SIDHOM, Mark
Abstract: Why are lung cancer patients not treated according to guideline recommended therapy? Sidhom M,
Vinod S, Gabriel G, Lee M and Delaney G
Hospira Withers and Peters Fellowship prize
FONG, Andrew
Project: A comparison of breast cancer treatment rates in British Columbia, Scotland, New Zealand and Western
Australia, and a comparison with models of “optimal therapy”. Supervisors: Delaney G and Barton M
Research Groups
Cancer Outcomes
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
Dr Susannah JACOB
PhD in Public Health,
Chemotherapy in Cancer Treatment: estimating
the optimal utilisation of chemotherapy in cancer
of the lung, brain, testes, prostate, lymphoma
and leukaemia from a review of evidence-based
clinical guidelines.
Professor Michael Barton
A/Professor Rosemary Knight
2007 – continuing
Dr Weng NG
PhD in Public Health,
The Role of Chemotherapy in Cancer
Treatment: Estimating the optimal utilisation of
chemotherapy in cancers of the breast, upper
gastrointestinal tract, gynaecological tract,
head and neck, genitourinary system (excluding
prostate and testicular), melanoma, thyroid and
unknown primary from a review of evidencebased clinical guidelines’.
Professor Michael Barton
A/Professor Rosemary Knight
PhD submitted
February 2010
Dr Karen WONG
Optimal fractionation patterns for radiotherapy
Professor Michael Barton
Professor Geoff Delaney
2007 – continuing
Dr Gabriel S GABRIEL
The effect of geographic variations on
radiotherapy utilization rates in NSW.
Professor Michael Barton
Professor Geoff Delaney
(from Oct 08)
2007 – continuing
Dr Stephen
Estimating the optimal utilization of
brachytherapy for the treatment of cancer from a
review of evidence-based clinical guidelines and
comparison with patterns of care
Professor Michael Barton
Professor Philip J Crowe
PhD submitted
UNSW 2010
Research Groups
Health Area
Dr Elizabeth Harris
Research Department Profile
CHETRE’s work focuses on the description and measurement of health inequalities and health
equity, development and evaluation of policies, programs and other actions that aim to achieve
health equity, and developing the capacity of the health system to more effectively address
health equity through policy and program development. Our work includes projects in the areas
of community and primary health care service development, disadvantaged communities and
populations, early childhood, Aboriginal health, unemployment, and Health Impact Assessment
and healthy public policy. CHETRE works closely with the NSW Department of Health, Area Health
Services and local government and non-government organizations.
Research Grants
Project Title: PHCRED Mid Career Research Fellowship Level A
Lay Description: Dr L Kemp is a ‘mid-level’ primary health
care researcher who is actively developing an early childhood
PHC research agenda that seeks to identify the specific
contributions that the range of PHC providers make to
the development of a comprehensive and integrated early
childhood PHC system. Lynn’s focus on early childhood
research and health inequity has both immediate and long
term implications for improving the health of the Australian
population. Investing in the Early Years of Life is one of
Australia’s four research priorities in recognition that early
life experiences provide the trajectories for opportunities in
later life
Funding Body: ARC Discovery
Chief Investigator/s: E. Harris, C McMahon, G Vimpani, T
Anderson, S Matthey, VA Schmied, L: Kemp, SB Dockett, RW
Project Title: Early childhood sustained home visiting:
outcomes at 4 years and the transition to school
Lay Description: The investigators are currently conducting
the first Australian randomised trial of sustained professional
home visiting (SPHV) that commences antenatally and is
provided to parents and children living in an area of known
disadvantage. Preliminary analyses indicate that parents
and children receiving SPHV show superior health and
developmental outcomes compared to those receiving routine
care at 15 months. This study proposes to follow-up these
families to the first school year to determine longer-term
impacts of this early intervention. Since such interventions
are both costly and labour intensive, it is critical to provide
Australian evidence of longer-term impacts as a basis for
ongoing policy investment in early childhood intervention.
Administering Institution: UNSW
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: E Comino, K Kong, E Harris, L Kemp, P
Smith, M Harris, L Jackson Pulver
Project Title: Health status and development among
Aboriginal children in an urban community (Gudaga Project)
Lay Description: The Gudaga project is a birth cohort of
Aboriginal children that will be followed from 18 months to
5 years and describe their health, development and service
(health and children’s) use. This is the first study of its
kind in Eastern Australia. The research team are working
closely with stakeholders in aboriginal health care including
Administering Institution: UNSW
Funding Body: Department of Health and Ageing
Chief Investigator/s: L Kemp
Research Groups
Lay Description: First program of training for working with
disadvantaged communities was conducted
the Aboriginal community to implement the research. The
research will contribute to services for Aboriginal children in
the local and wider community
Administering Institution: UNSW
Administering Institution: UNSW
Funding Body: DOH
Funding Body: Queensland Health Tropical Population Health
Chief Investigator/s: M. Harris, E Harris, G Powell-Davis
Chief Investigator/s: P Harris, L Kemp
Project Title: Capacity Building Infrastructure Grants Program
(Round 3)
Project Title: HIA Learning by doing/help desk support in
Lay Description: The NSW Capacity Building and Infrastructure
Grants aim to support research centres of excellence to further,
develop their programs of work, and enhance the transfer of
research to policy and practice.
Lay Description: Support provided for the development of
Health Impact Assessment capacity in Far North Queensland,
including supporting the conduct of HIAs
Administering Institution: SSW
Administering Institution: UNSW
Funding Body: HNEAHS
Funding Body: Cabramatta Community Centre
Chief Investigator/s: M Wise, B Harris, P Harris
Chief Investigator/s: E. Harris, V Rose, J Silk
Project Title: Addressing health equity in health service
Project Title: Development of DVD for unemployed people
Lay Description: Development of mental health training DVD
for unemployed people
Lay Description:
Administering Institution: UNSW
Administering Institution: SSW
Funding Body: DOH
Funding Body: SSWAHS/Health Promotion
Chief Investigator/s: M Wise
Chief Investigator/s: E. Harris, V Rose, J Silk
Project Title: Review of 2004 NSW Health & Equity
Statement: In all Fairness
Project Title: Development of DVD for unemployed people
Lay Description: Contribution to development of mental health
DVD for unemployed people
Administering Institution: SSW
Lay Description: Undertake a rapid review of the 2004 NSW
Health and Equity Statement: In all Fairness based on state,
national and international experience since the statement was
released as a basis for future action by the Department of
health and area health Services.
Funding Body: SSWAHS/Health Promotion
Administering Institution: UNSW
Chief Investigator/s: E Harris, D Killian
Project Title: Development of business case
Funding Body: National Heart Foundation of Australia
Lay Description:
Chief Investigator/s: M Wise
Administering Institution: UNSW
Project Title: Conduct case study “Healthy by Design”
Funding Body: SSWAHS Population Health
Lay Description: Victorian Heart Foundation’s Healthy By
Design Resource by a NSW local council (Fairfield Council.
Rovide written report that describes the anticipated pathways
within council for the implementation of “Healthy by Design”
Chief Investigator/s: E. Harris, D Killian
Project Title: Implementation “Learning by doing” in
disadvantaged communities
Administering Institution: UNSW
Research Groups
Books Chapters
Laws RA, Kemp LA, Harris MF, Powell Davies G, Williams
AM, Eames-Brown R.. An exploration of how clinician attitudes
and beliefs influence the implementation of lifestyle risk factor
management in primary healthcare: a grounded theory study.
Implementation Science. 2009. 4..66.
Nutbeam D, Wise M Section12.9. Structures and strategies for
public health intervention. Oxford Textbook of Public Health.
Volume 3: The Practice of Public Health.Detels R, Beaglehole R,
Lansang MA, Gulliford M.5th. Oxford. Oxford University Preee.
Aslam H, Kemp L, Harris E, Gilbert E. Socio-cultural perceptions
of SIDS among migrant Indian mothers. Journal of Paediatrics
and Child Health. 2009. 45.11.670-75.
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Harris E, Rose V, Ritchie J, Harris N. Labour market initiatives:
potential settings for improving the health of people who are
unemployed? Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 2009.
Lloyd J, Wise M, Weeramanthri T, Nugus P. The influence of
professional values on the implementation of Aboriginal health
policy. Journal of Health Services Research and Policy. 2009.
14.1.6 - Dec.
Wise M. Towards equity as core business for policy makers and
practitioners [editorial]. Health Promotion Journal of Australia.
2009. 20.3.164-65
Sainsbury H.. Personal reflections of a project officer: working
with Gudaga. Aboriginal & Islander Health Worker Journal.
2009. 33.2.4-May.
Wise M, Harris P, Harris-Roxas B, Harris E. The role of
health impact assessment in promoting population health and
health equity. Health Promotion Journal of Australia. 2009.
Mathias KR, Harris-Roxas B.. Process and impact evaluation of
the Greater Christchurch Urban Development Strategy Health
Impact Assessment. BMC Public Health. 2009. 9.97.
Harris E, Harris MF, Madden L, Wise M, Sainsbury P, McDonald
J, Gill B.. Working in disadvantaged communities: what additional
competencies do we need? Australia and New Zealand Health
Policy. 2009. 6..10.
Knight J, Comino E, Harris E, Jackson Pulver L, Craig P,
Gudaga Research Team.. Indigenous research: a commitment
to walking the talk: The Gudaga Study: an Australian case study.
Journal of Bioethical Inquiry. 2009. 6.4.467-76.
Laws R, Jayasinghe UW, Harris MF, Williams AM, Powell Davies
GP, Kemp LA, Lam P.. Explaining the variation in the management
of lifestyle risk factors in primary health care: A multilevel cross
sectional study. BMC Public Health. 2009. 9..165.
Conference Presentations/Posters
Harris-Roxas B. Evaluation of Health Impact Assessments
[Conference Presentation (Invited)]. 2nd New Zealand Health
Impact Assessment Practitioner Workshop. 23-Mar-09.
Auckland, New Zealand
Homer CSE, Henry K, Schmied V, Kemp L, Leap N, Briggs C.. ’It
looks good on paper’: transitions of care between midwives and
child and family health nurses in New South Wales. Women Birth.
2009. 22.2.64-72.
Harris P. Equity and health impact assessment: lessons from
practice [Conference Presentation (Invited)]. HIA2008: South
East Asia and Oceania Regional Health Impact Assessment
Conference. 22-24 April, 2009. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Tang GW, Dennis S, Comino E, Zwar N. Anxiety and depression
in Chinese patients attending an Australian GP clinic. Australian
Family Physician. 2009. 38.7.552-55.
Harris E, Harris MF. Reducing the impact of unemployment on
health: revisiting the agenda for primary health care. Medical
Journal of Australia. 2009.191.2.119-22.
Wise M, Harris-Roxas B, Kemp L. HIA at the Crossroads: An
Australian Perspective. HIA2008: South East Asia and Oceania
Regional Health Impact Assessment Conference. 22-24 April,
2009. Chiang Mai, Thailand.
Kardamanidis K, Kemp L, Schmied V. Uncovering psychosocial
needs: perspectives of Australian child and family health nurses
in a sustained home visiting trial. Contemporary Nurse. 2009.
Bennett B, McDonald J, Comino E, Knight J, Henry R. Use of
the Griffiths Mental Development Scales to assess development
in urban Aboriginal infants. RACP Physicians Week 2009.17-20
May, 2009. Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Harris P, Harris E, Thompson S, Harris-Roxas B, Kemp L..
Human health and wellbeing in environmental impact assessment
in New South Wales, Australia: auditing health impacts within
environmental assessments of major projects. Environmental
Impact Assessment Review. 2009. 29.5.310-18.
Ho YM, McDonald J, Comino E, Knight J, Gudaga Research
Team.. Comparison of hospitalisation and Emergency Department
presentation rates of urban Aboriginal and non-Aboriginal
infants [Conference Poster]. RACP Physicians Week 2009.17-20
Research Groups
May, 2009. Sydney Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Kemp L. Who is providing preventive care for young children?
2009 General Practice and Primary Health Care Research
Conference. 15-17 July, 2009. Melbourne
McDonald J, Comino E, Knight J, Webster V. The Gudaga Study:
predictive factors for developmental progress in urban Aboriginal
infants. RACP Physicians Week 2009.17-20 May, 2009. Sydney
Convention & Exhibition Centre.
Krastev Y, Comino E, Christl B, Haas M, Furler J, Harris
M.. Optimizing access to best practice primary health care
[Conference Poster]. 2009 General Practice and Primary Health
Care Research Conference. 15-17 July, 2009. Melbourne
McDonald J, Knight J, Comino EJ, Webster V, Gudaga Research
Team.. The Gudaga Project: developmental progress of Aboriginal
infants at 12 months - predictive factors. Association for
Research in Infant and Child Development, 11th International
Scientific Meeting, “Developmental Disabilities: Partnerships in
Practice”. 22-May-09. Sydney Children’s Hospital, Randwick,
Laws RA, Harris M, Kemp L, Williams A, Powell Davies G.
Should I, can I and is it worth it? A theoretical model of factors
influencing the management of lifestyle risk factors in
community health. Health in Transitions Researching for the
Future - The 4th International Conference on Community
Health Nursing Research. 16-20 August, 2009. Adelaide,
South Australia
Craig P, Knight J, Comino E, Jackson Pulver L, Gudaga
Research Team.. Breastfeeding in an urban indigenous population:
preliminary findings from the Gudaga Study. Dietitians
Association of Australia 27th National Conference - “Dietetics
& Nutrition: Exploring New Territory”. 28-30 May, 2009.
Darwin Convention Centre, Northern Territory.
Harris E. Prevention across the lifecycle: a focus on community
intervention. Centre for Primary Health Care and Equity
(CPHCE) Annual Forum. 18-Aug-09. UNSW Kensington
Campus, Sydney.
Harris E. Changing understandings of Australian Urban Aboriginal
Infant Health. 5th International Conference of the International
Society for Equity in Health - “Social and Societal Influences
on Equity in Health”. 9-11 June, 2009. Crete.
Harris P. HIA in the Asia Pacific Region. Centre for Primary
Health Care and Equity (CPHCE) Annual Forum.18-Aug-09.
UNSW Kensington Campus, Sydney
Harris-Roxas B. HIA Globally. Centre for Primary Health Care
and Equity (CPHCE) Annual Forum. 18-Aug-09. UNSW
Kensington Campus, Sydney
Harris E. Health Impact Assessment (HIA): A mechanism for the
development of Healthy Public Policy [Conference Workshop
Presentation]. 5th International Conference of the International
Society for Equity in Health - “Social and Societal Influences
on Equity in Health”. 9-11 June, 2009. Crete
Kemp L. Prevention in early childhood. Centre for Primary
Health Care and Equity (CPHCE) Annual Forum.18-Aug-09.
UNSW Kensington Campus, Sydney
Harris E, Harris M. Unemployment and health in primary health
care. 5th International Conference of the International Society
for Equity in Health - “Social and Societal Influences on Equity
in Health”. 9-11 June, 2009. Crete
Wise M, Harris-Roxas B, Harris P, Gunning C, Maxwell M.
Health Impact Assessment: From the Global to the Local. Centre
for Primary Health Care and Equity (CPHCE) Annual Forum.
18-Aug-09. UNSW Kensington Campus, Sydney.
Harris P. Health Impact Assessment [Conference Presentation
(Invited)]. Northern Territory Department of Health and Families
(DHF) Health Promotion Forum - Promoting Equal Health
Outcomes through Health Promotion. 11-Jun-09. Darwin,
Northern Territory
Comino E, Harris E, Jackson Pulver L, Harris M, Kong K,
Smith P, Gudaga Research Team.. The Gudaga Study: the birth
outcomes of Aboriginal infants in an urban community. 18th
AEA Annual Scientific Meeting “Epidemiology for All”. 30
August-1 September, 2009. Dunedin, New Zealand.
Comino E, Krastev Y, Christl B, Haas M, Furler J, Harris M.
Access to best practice primary health care for older Australians
with diabetes [Conference Poster]. 2009 General Practice and
Primary Health Care Research Conference.15-17 July, 2009.
Ho YM, Webster V, Comino E, McDonald J, Knight J. A case
control study of hospital presentations by urban Aboriginal
infants up to 12 months of age. 18th AEA Annual Scientific
Meeting “Epidemiology for All”. 30 August-1 September,
2009. Dunedin, New Zealand.
Comino EJ, Knight J, Anderson CJ, Jackson Pulver L, Harris E,
Harris M. The Gudaga Project: describing health and development
of Aboriginal infants at 12 months. 2009 General Practice and
Primary Health Care Research Conference.15-17 July, 2009.
Robinson P, Forbes A, Webster V, Comino E. Risk factors for
late antenatal care. 18th AEA Annual Scientific Meeting
“Epidemiology for All”. 30 August-1 September, 2009.
Dunedin, New Zealand.
Research Groups
Harris P, Harris-Roxas B, Harris E, Wise M. Equity-focused
health impact assessment: lessons from practice. HIA ‘09: 10th
International Health Impact Assessment Conference “On the
Move”. 14-16 October, 2009. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Wade V, Knight J, Comino E, Gudaga Research Team. The
Gudaga Project: helping to build strong kids in south west Sydney.
2nd National Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Family and
Community Strengths Conference: Strong Stories, Strong
Mob, Strong Kids: Growing Up Together. 1-3 December, 2009.
University of Newcastle, Callaghan, NSW.
Harris-Roxas B, Bazeley P, Kemp L. Impact evaluation of three
health equity impact assessments. HIA ‘09: 10th International
Health Impact Assessment Conference “On the Move”. 14-16
October, 2009. Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
Harris E. Making the most of what you have [Conference
Presentation (Keynote Speaker)]. South Eastern Sydney and
Illawarra Area Health Service Division of Population Health
Annual Conference. 2-Dec-09. Kiama, NSW.
Knight J. Minimising attrition: incentives & retention - The
Gudaga experience [Conference Workshop Presentation].
Maximising the Value of Longitudinal Studies for Policy and
Science: Methodological and Analysis Issues - Workshop and
Networking Dinner [Panel Presentation]..12-13 November,
2009. The Pavilion on Northbourne, Dickson, ACT.
Harris-Roxas B. Health Impact Assessment: The State of the Field
or Are we ready for the unanticipated impacts of success?: An
Australian Perspective [Conference Presentation (Invited)].
School of Public Health, University of California. 11 December,
2009. Berkeley, Calif.
Knight J, Webster V, Comino E, Gudaga Research Team. The
Gudaga Project [Conference Poster].. Maximising the Value of
Longitudinal Studies for Policy and Science: Methodological
and Analysis Issues - Workshop and Networking Dinner. 12-13
November, 2009. The Pavilion on Northbourne, Dickson, ACT.
Harris-Roxas B. Evaluating Health Impact Assessments: Lessons
and challenges [Conference Presentation (Invited)]. Robert Wood
Johnson Foundation. 14-Dec-09. Princeton, NJ, USA.
Harris-Roxas B. Health Impact Assessment and Web 2.0
[Conference Presentation (Invited)]. Robert Wood Johnson
Foundation. 14-Dec-09. Princeton, NJ, USA
Comino E, Christl B, Krastev Y, Powell Davies G, Harris M,
Haas M, Furler J, Raymont A, Hall J.. Optimising access to ‘best
practice’ primary health care. 6th Health Services and Policy
Research Conference. 25-27 November, 2009..
Comino E, Knight J, Anderson CJ, Webster V, Gudaga Research
Team. The Gudaga Project: responding to the health service needs
of Aboriginal infants. 6th Health Services and Policy Research
Conference. 25-27 November, 2009. Brisbane.
Premier’s Public Sector Awards - Category 3 Engaging with the community - Community 2168
Project, 2009.
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
Ben Harris-Roxas
Effectiveness of HIA
Lynn Kemp, Pat Bazeley
March 2008
Karen Larsen
MPH (Hons)
A Conceptual Model of
Social Cohesion for Community
Renewal and Health
E. Harris, L. Kemp
Research Groups
Population Health
Services Department of Community
Paediatrics Community Health
Associate Professor John Eastwood
Research Department Profile
The Departments of Community Paediatrics and Child Health have been active participants and
leaders in state-wide, metropolitan, Area and local initiatives for children, young people and their
families. Associate Professor John Eastwood and his team at Area Community Paediatrics have
undertaken: a range of population needs assessment, research and evaluation projects as well as the
training of the next batch of medical students and paediatrics trainees. Key areas of focus include
work with local Aboriginal and refugee populations, child protection, social epidemiology, systematic
reviews in community child health, mapping whole of government outcomes for children and their
families, evidence based approaches to community child health and collaborative research projects
with other agencies such as General Practice and the Department of Community Services.
Dr Jenny McDonald and her team at Campbelltown are also involved in the Gudaga project in
collaboration with CHETRE. This NHMRC funded project is a longitudinal birth cohort study of the
development, health and health care services of Aboriginal infants born at Campbelltown Hospital.
Dr Sue Woolfenden is a chief investigator on an NHMRC project to investigate ear health, hearing,
speech and language development in a cohort of young urban Aboriginal children and a convenor
of the Cochrane Prognosis Methods Group. Dr Shanti Raman is a member of the Health Research
Advisory Group for the implementation of the Government’s Action Plan Keep them Safe, a shared
approach to child wellbeing.
Books Chapters
Sheikh M, Pal A, Wang S, MacIntyre CR, Wood NJ, Isaacs D,
Gunasekara H, Raman S, Hale K, Howell A. The epidemiology of
health conditions of newly arrived refugee children: A review of
patients attending a specialist health clinic in Sydney. Journal of
Paediatrics and Child Health. 2009. 45.509-513.
Raman S, Zwi K. Optimising the health and wellbeing of refugee
children and young people: What will it take? Challenges in
Adolescent Health: An Australian Perspective.David Bennett,
Susan Towns, Elizabeth Elliott, Joav Merrick. Hauppauge, N.Y.
Nova Publishers. 2009. 111-110
Conference Presentations/Posters
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Raman S. Health needs of Refugee Youth. European Society for
Social Pediatrics (ESSOP). 28-30 Sept 2009. Slovenia.
Ou, L Chen, J Hillman, K Eastwood, J. The comparison of health
status and health services utilisations between Indigenous and
non-Indigenous infants in Australia.Aust NZJ Public Health.
2010. 34.1.50-56.
Raman S. Identifying Perinatal Psychosocial and Cultural Factors
that can Improve Early Childhood Outcomes in India. European
Society for Social Pediatrics (ESSOP). 28-30 Sept 2009.
Raman S, Wood N, Webber M, Taylor K, Isaacs D. Matching
health needs of refugee children with services: how big is the
gap? Australian and New Zealand Journal of Public Health.
2009. 33.5.466-470
Raman S, Griffiths G, Maiese M, Hurley K. Estimating the
clinical burden of child physical abuse and neglect presenting to
hospitals and paediatric services in a large metropolitan region.
APCANN.15-18 November 2009. Perth, Western Australia.
Research Groups
Raman S, Hodes D, Tzioumi D, Maiese M. Cultural Issues in
Child Maltreatment: Working across Agencies and Disciplines.
APCANN. 15-18 November 2009. Perth, Western Australia.
Of-Home-Care” – From Practice to Policy. APCANN. 15-18
November 2009. Perth, Western Australia.
Woolfenden S, Ridley G, Sarkozy V, Hayen A, Williams K.A.
Systematic Review of the Prognosis of Autism Spectrum Disorder.
Cochrane Colloquium. October 11th to 14th 2009. Singapore.
Raman S, Torrens R, Holdgate A. Are our frontline clinical
workers equipped with the knowledge and confidence to address
child abuse and neglect. APCANN.15-18 November 2009.
Perth, Western Australia.
Raman S, Griffiths G, Woolfenden S, Williams K, Tzioumi D,
Crawford M. Effectiveness of different models of comprehensive
paediatric assessment for children in out of home care. APCANN.
15-18 November 2009. Perth, Western Australia.
Tzioumi D, Raman S. Health Screening for Children in “out-
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
Roger Blackmore
Masters International Public Health
Professor Anthony Zwi
February 2010
John Eastwood
Theory Building for Social
Bin Jalaludin
Lyn Kemp
June 2006
Research Groups
General Practice Unit
Professor Siaw-Teng Liaw
Research Department Profile
The General Practice Unit (GPU) is affiliated with the UNSW Research Centre for Primary Health
Care and Equity (CPHCE) and the School of Public Health and Community Medicine; staff are UNSW
or SSWAHS employees conjoint appointments with the UNSW. Research relationships are being
formalised with the Ingham Health Research Institute. The GPU hosts the primary care research
capacity building project which has established the Primary Health Research network (PHReNet).
A network of general practices (PHReNet-GP) to support GPs’ involvement in high quality research
conducted by the GPU has also been established. The electronic Practice-Based Research Network
(ePBRN) project has started to build the PHReNet-GP into a network of computerised general
practices and AHS Units, to underpin a primary/integrated care clinico-epidemiological research
program for research, teaching, audit and clinical purposes. The ePBRN is led by Professor Liaw,
who joined the GP Unit as Director in Feb 2009, with funding from the UNSW Faculty of Medicine,
UNSW Major Research Equipment Initiative, Commonwealth DOHA, SSWAHS and the Ingham Health
Research Institute. The ePBRN will spawn and support new research through extraction and linkage
and monitoring of large data sets.
The NHMRC-funded projects - “GP-nurse partnership for COPD” and “Diagnosis of obstructive
sleep apnoea in primary care” - are completed, along with systematic reviews of “drivers to health
literacy for lifestyle risk factors” and “chronic disease care”. Current ARC/NHMRC funded research
projects include “The feasibility and impact of cardiovascular absolute risk assessment in Australian
general practice”, “Chronic disease management for Indigenous patients in mainstream general
practice” and “Practice nurse case finding for COPD”. Successful NHMRC projects to start in 2010
include: “A cluster randomised trial of early intervention for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease
by practice nurse-GP teams” and “Safety of GP clinical systems”.
Research Grants
Chief Investigator/s: Sarah Dennis
Project Title: Evaluation of the Brisbane South Division
Partners in Health Program
Funding Body: Commonwealth DOHA via Sydney South West
Indigenous Community Health Brokerage Service
Lay Description: This Brisbane South program provides health
professionals with communication training to enable them to
provide self management support to their patients.
Chief Investigator/s: Zwar N, Wilson I. Dennis S, JacksonPulver L
Project Title: Evaluation of ATSI brokerage service in SW
Administering Institution: UNSW
Lay Description:
Funding Body: NHMRC
Administering Institution:
Chief Investigator/s: Harris MF, Zwar N, Campbell T, Patel A,
Vagholkar S, Wan Q, McKenzie S, Walker C
Funding Body: Brisbane South Division of General Practice
Project Title: The feasibility and impact of cardiovascular
Research Groups
General Practice
absolute risk assessment in general practice
Zwar. Anxiety and depression in Chinese patients attending an
Australian GP clinic. Australian Family Physician. 0. 2009.
Lay Description: This is a cluster randomised trial of a
program to promote CVAR assessment in general practice in
Liaw ST, Petersen G. Doctor and Pharmacist - back to the
apothecary. Australian Health Review. 2009. 33.2.268-278
Administering Institution: UNSW
Liaw ST. Close the Gap – ask the experts. MJA. 2009.
Funding Body: Aust Better Health Initiative Sydney SW
Integration Project
Mark F Harris, Bibiana C Chan, Sarah M Dennis. Coordination
of care for patients with chronic disease. Medical Journal of
Australia. 2009. 191.8.472
Chief Investigator/s: Liaw ST, Dennis S, Bunker J, Maneze D,
Chen T, Jalaulddin B, Vagolkar S, Taggart J
Mark F Harris, Bibiana C Chan, Sarah M Dennis. Coordination
of care for patients with chronic disease. Medical Journal of
Australia. 2009. 191.2.85-86
Project Title: Information-enhanced integrated care of
chronic disease in SW Sydney
Lay Description: This is a survey of GP readiness for
integrated care, complemented by a qualitative study of a
cohort of patients with diabetes who attended ED in Fairfield/
Shadbolt N, Bunker J. Choosing general practice - a review of
career choice determinants. Australian Family Physician. 2009.
38.1-Feb. 53-55.
Administering Institution: UNSW
Smith M & Vagholkar S. A polio intervention in East African
refugees to NSW. NSW Public Health Bull. 2009. 20.5-Jun.
Books Chapters
Sulaiman N, Barton C, Liaw ST, Harris C, Sawyer S, Abramson
M, Dharmage S. Do small group workshops and locally adapted
guidelines improve asthma patient’s health outcomes? A
randomised controlled trial. Family Practice. 2009....
Powell Davies G, Dennis S, Walker C. Self-management with
others: the role of partnerships in supporting self-management
for people with long term conditions. International Health and
Social Care: partnership working in action.Jon Glasby, Helen
Dickinson. 2009. Oxford. Blackwell Publishing Limited...
Wan Q, Harris MF, Zwar N, Campbell T, Patel A, Vagholkar
S, McKenzie S, Walker C, Denney-Wilson E. ART study
group. Study protocol for a randomized controlled trial:
the feasibility and impact of cardiovascular absolute risk
assessment in Australian general practice. American Heart
Journal. 2009. 157.3.436-441
Liaw S-T. Prescribing patterns in Australia: determinants and
implications for the Asia Pacific. Prescribing Cultures and
Pharmaceutical Policy in the Asia-Pacific.K. Eggleston
(Ed).2009. Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research
Center, Stanford University. Brookings Press. 2009.281-310
Conference Presentations/Posters
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Mark Harris, Anna Williams, Jane Taggart, Sarah Dennis,
Anthony Newall, Tim Shortus, Elizabeth Denney-Wilson,
Nicholas Zwar.. Effective determinants for supporting lifestyle
health literacy and self management skills in primary health care.
2009 Health Services and Policy Research Conference. 25-27
November 2009. Brisbane.
Bunker J, Hermiz O, Zwar N, Dennis S, Vagholkar S, Crockett
A, Marks G. Feasibility and efficacy of COPD case finding by
practice nurses. Australian Family Physician. 2009. 38.10.826830.
Bunker J, Shadbolt N. Choosing general practice as a career
- the influences of education and training. Australian Family
Physician. 2009. 38.5.341-344.
Mark Harris, Nicholas Zwar, Sarah Dennis, Jane Taggart,
Bibiana Chan. Driving Change in Chronic Disease Management:
Teamworking in general practice. Symposium, GP&PHC
Conference. 15-17 July 2009. Melbourne.
Dennis S, May J, Perkins D, Zwar N, Sibbald B, Hasan I. What
evidence is there to support skill mix changes between GPs,
pharmacists and practice nurses in the care of elderly people
living in the community? Australia and New Zealand Health
Policy. 2009. 6.1.23.
Philippa Burns, Suzan Mehmet, Sarah Dennis, Nicholas Zwar,
Melanie Marshall. An Evaluation of Services Provided by a NSW
Primary Health Care Research Network. GP&PHC Conference.
15-17 July 2009. Melbourne.
George Tang, Sarah Dennis, Elizabeth Comino, Nicholas
Research Groups
General Practice
Sarah Dennis, Anna Williams, Mark Harris. What are the
linkages between self-management programs and primary care
providers? GP&PHC Conference.15-17 July 2009. Melbourne.
Sue Kirby, Sarah Dennis, Mark Harris. Supporting patients
to manage chronic disease: are patient perceptions the key?
GP&PHC Conference.15-17 July 2009. Melbourne.
Suzan Mehmet, Sarah Dennis, Pippa Burns, Melanie Marshall,
Nicholas Zwar. Evolution of Primary Care Researcher. GP&PHC
Conference.15-17 July 2009. Melbourne.
Vagholkar S, Zwar N, Harris MF. Cardiovascular absolute risk
assessment and impact on prescribing. RACGP. 1-4th October
2009. Perth.
Vagholkar S, Zwar N, Harris MF, Wan Q. Absolute risk
assessment and impact on prescribing. Heart Foundation. 14th16th May. Brisbane.
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Dr Sanjyot
University of NSW
Cardiovascular Absolute Risk Assessment in
General Practice and impact on prescribing
Nicholas Zwar & Mark Harris
Research Groups
Microbiology & Infectious
Sydney South West Pathology
Service– Liverpool
Dr Michael Maley & Professor Iain Gosbell
Research Department Profile
This year saw major changes to the staff establishment of the Department. The SSWPS – Liverpool
Microbiology Research Forum was set up to foster research within the Department. Successful
collaboration with the Department of Hepatology and Gastroenterology, Liverpool Hospital continues.
Professor Iain Gosbell was previously the Director of Microbiology & Infectious Disease at Sydney
South West Pathology Service, Liverpool, and in October 2009 became the Foundation Professor of
Microbiology & Infectious Diseases in the School of Medicine at the University of Western Sydney.
In the past, he has researched the epidemiology of community MRSA in south western Sydney, then
investigated the phenomenon of resistance to a pivotal drug, vancomycin, in strains of MRSA, and
most recently had been involved in infection control particularly concerning issues with control of
vancomycin-resistant enterococci. It is planned to recruit a Senior Lecturer and Scientific Officer to
the Microbiology & Infectious Diseases Unit at the School of Medicine, UWS, in early 2010, and this
will enable the formation of a research group collaborating with other entities such as Sydney South
West Pathology Service – Liverpool. The group will study antibiotic resistance in important human
bacteria from both laboratory and clinical perspectives.
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Conference Presentations/Posters
Wiseman E, Fraser M, Holden S, Glass A, Kidson B, Heron L,
Maley M, Ayers A, Locarnini S, Levy M. Perinatal transmission
of Hepatitis B virus: an Australian experience. MJA. 2009.
Gosbell IB. Multiresistant Organisms (MROs) and the Operating
Room. Operating Theatre Management Conference,1011/09/2009. Sydney
Gosbell IB. Pertussis - NSW Infection Control Association
Conference. 3-4/9/2009. Sydney
Preda VA, Maley M, Sullivan JR. Public Health Issue – the
tainted tattoo tincture- Mycobacterium chelonae. MJA. 2009.
Gosbell IB. VRE – The Most Difficult of the MROs? NSW Infection
Control Association Conference 3-4/9/2009. Sydney
Gosbell IB. VRE – The Most Difficult of the MROs? 4th Annual
Infectious Diseases Control Conference. 23-4/2/2009. Sydney
Research Groups
& Infectious
Diseases con’t
Griezel N, Maley M Inno. -lia syphilis score test for resolution of
EIA/TPPA discordant sera. 26th NRL workshop on serology 2528 August 2009. Christchurch, NZ
Porritt R, Mercer J, Maley M. Evaluation of BD Geneohm
CDiff assay in the clinical laboratory. Australian Society for
Microbiology Annual Conference 6-10 July 2009. Perth, WA
Tattersall SJN, Holden S, Maley M, Porritt R, Nguyen T,
Locarnini S, Levy M. Virological heterogeneity in hepatitis B
positive women; Quantitative HBeAg estimation distinguishes
those with subpopulation of basal core promoter mutations. 44th
Annual meeting of the European association form the study
of the liver. 22-26 April 2009.Copenhagen, Denmark
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Nicholas Griezel
Master of Applied Science
(medical science)
RMIT University
Evaluation of the INNO-LIA syphilis score line
immunoassay as a confirmatory test for syphilis
Dr M. Maley
Research Groups
Pancreatic Research Group
South Western Sydney
Clinical School
Professor Minori Apte
Research Department Profile
The major research interests of the Pancreatic Research Group include alcohol-induced pancreatic
injury, pancreatic fibrosis and tumour-stromal interactions in pancreatic cancer. The Pancreatic
Research Group has received continuous research support from the NHMRC/DVA since 1987 and is
internationally acknowledged as the leading research group in the field of alcoholic pancreatitis and
pancreatic fibrogenesis.
This group was the first in the world to develop a method to isolate and culture pancreatic stellate
cells (PSCs), now established as key effector cells in pancreatic fibrosis. This technique provided a
much needed in vitro model for research into the pathogenesis of pancreatic fibrosis, a topic that has
lately become the focus of pancreatologists worldwide. The international recognition of the Group’s
work is reflected in the over 2000 citations of its papers (as at Feb 2010) and in the invitations that
the Group’s members have received to speak at national and international meetings.
Key research findings in 2009:
Evidence that withdrawal of alcohol in alcohol-fed rats challenged with repeated doses of endotoxin can lead to
complete reversal of established pancreatic injury
Evidence that pancreatic stellate cells play a key role in pancreatic cancer progression and accompany cancer cells
to distant metastatic sites
Evidence that pancreatic stellate cells have the capacity to respond to the secretagogue cholecystokinin and to
synthesise the neurotransmitter acetylcholine.
Evidence that pancreatic stellate cells express heat shock proteins which may play a role in PSC biology and
Research Groups
by acting as intermediary cells for the secretagogue
cholecystokinin (CCK)
Key research staff in 2009
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Prof Minoti Apte, Director, Pancreatic Research Group
Funding Body: NSW Cancer Council
Prof Jeremy Wilson
A/ Prof Ron Pirola
Chief Investigator/s: A Biankin J Kench D Goldstein R Smith
M Apte G Smith
Dr Phoebe Phillips, Postdoctoral Fellow
Project Title: NSW Pancreatic Cancer Network (NSWPCN)”
Dr Alain Vonlaufen, PhD student (completed in 2009)
Lay Description: The aim of this project is to establish the
first ever network for tissue banking and clinical data accrual
for pancreatic cancer in NSW
Prof David Goldstein, Medical Oncologist
Administering Institution: Garvan Research Institute
A/Prof Andrew Biankin, Pancreatic Surgeon
Mr Zhihong Xu, Research Assistant and PhD student
Funding Body: NSW Cancer Council
Ms Susan Yang, Research Assistant and MSc student
Chief Investigator/s: M Apte D Goldstein A Biankin J Wilson
R Pirola
Mr John Zhang, Laboratory Technician
Project Title: Desmoplastic reaction in pancreatic cancer: role
of pancreatic stellate cells in cancer progression
Ms Eva Fiala-Beer, Research Assistant
Lay Description: The aim of this project is to determine the
molecular mechanisms regulating the interaction between
pancreatic stellate cells and pancreatic cancer cells
Ms Janet Youkhana, Research Assistant
Mr Narada Kiriella, Research Assistant
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Ms Jie Lu, Research Assistant
Funding Body: Amgen Pharmaceuticals
Research Grants
Chief Investigator/s: MV Apte D Goldstein,A Vonlaufen,JS
Wilson,R Pirola,ZH Xu,P Phillips
Funding Body: NHMRC/Department of Veteran’s Affairs
Project Grant
Project Title: Growth factor receptor inhibitors: potential
therapeutic agents in pancreatic cancer”
Chief Investigator/s: MV Apte JS Wilson R Pirola
Lay Description: This project aims to determine whether
growth factor inhibitors interrupt tumour-stromal
interactions to inhibit pancreatic cancer progression
Project Title: Alcoholic pancreatitis: role of alcohol, endotoxin
and pancreatic stellate cells”
Lay Description: This project will assess whether endotoxin
is a trigger factor for alcohol-induced acute pancreatitis and
whether repeated exposure to endotoxin can lead to alcoholic
chronic pancreatitis
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Chief Investigator/s: N Hawkins R Ward MV Apte P Russell W
Funding Body: ARC
Project Title: Aperio Scan Scope Virtual Slide Scanner for
collaborative cancer histopathology”
Chief Investigator/s: MV Apte AS Shulkes JS Wilson R Pirola
Lay Description: N/A
Project Title: Do pancreatic stellate cells play a role in
exocrine pancreatic secretion?”
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Funding Body: Cancer Institute NSW Equipment Grant
Lay Description: This project will examine whether pancreatic
stellate cells may regulate pancreatic exocrine secretion
Research Groups
Funding Body: Alcohol Health and Research Grants Scheme
heat shock proteins in stromal cell function and how this may
affect the known interaction between the tumour cells and
the stroma in pancreatic cancer
Chief Investigator/s: MV Apte JS Wilson R Pirola
Project Title: Alcoholic pancreatitis : induction, progression
and reversion”
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Lay Description: This project aims to determine the molecular
mechanisms of alcoholic pancreatitis and possible reversibility
of pancreatic injury
Funding Body: Clive and Vera Ramaciotti Foundation
Chief Investigator/s: PA Phillips
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Project Title: Role of heat shock proteins in tumour-stromal
interactions in pancreatic cancer
Funding Body: NSW Cancer Council Innovator Grant
Lay Description: This project aims to characterise the role of
heat shock proteins in stromal cell function and how this may
affect the known interaction between the tumour cells and
the stroma in pancreatic cancer
Chief Investigator/s: MV Apte D Goldstien JS Wilson R Pirola
Project Title: Hitting the right target : use of growth factor
inhibitors to inhibit stromal-epithelial interactions in
pancreatic cancer
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Lay Description: This project aims to determine whether
the role of hepatocyte growth factor in tumour-stromal
interactions and pancreatic cancer progression
Journal Articles/Refereed Journals
Vonlaufen A, Phillips PS, Xu ZH, Yang S, Fiala-Beer E, Pirola
R, Wilson J, Apte MV. Isolation of quiescent human pancreatic
stellate cells; a useful in vitro tool to study hPSC biology. In
Pancreatology.accepted September 2009. In press...
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Funding Body: Cancer Institute of NSW Postdoctoral
Apte M, Pirola R, Wilson J. Alcoholic pancreatitis: it’s the
alcohol, stupid. Nature Reviews Gastroenterology and
Hepatology. 2009.6.321-322.
Chief Investigator/s: PA Phillips
Project Title: Role of heat shock proteins in tumour stroma
interactions in pancreatic cancer
Apte M, Pirola R, Wilson J. New insights into alcoholic
pancreatitis and pancreatic cancer. J Gastroenterol Hepatol.
Lay Description: This project aims to determine whether heat
shock proteins play a role in the tumour-stromal interaction
and contribute to pancreatic cancer progression
Dudeja V, Mujumdar N, Phillips P, Chugh R, Borja-Cacho D,
Dawra RK, Vickers SM, Saluja AK. Heat shock protein 70 inhibits
apoptosis in cancer cells through simultaneous and independent
mechanisms. Gastroenterology. 2009.135.1772-1782.
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Sharif R, Dawra RK, Wasiluk K, Phillips P, Dudeja V, KurtJones E, Finberg R, Saluja AK. Impact of toll-like receptor 4 on
the severity of acute pancreatitis and pancreatitis-associated
lung injury in mice. Gut. 2009.63.813-819
Funding Body: NSW Cancer Council Innovator Grant
Chief Investigator/s: PA Phillips J McCarroll M Kavallaris
Project Title: Targeting the microtubule cytoskeleton in the
treatment of pancreatic cancer
Conference Presentations/Posters
Lay Description: This project aims to determine whether
the microtubule proteins contribute to the known
chemoresistance of pancreatic cancer
Yang L, Phillips PA, Vonlaufen A, Kaplan W, Cowley M,
Pirola R, Wilson J, and Apte MV. Gene expression profiling of
rat pancreatic stellate cells. American Pancreatic Association
Annual Meeting.Nov-09.Honolulu, USA
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Funding Body: Cure Cancer/ Cancer Australia
Phillips PA , Yang L , Poljak A , Bustamante S , Shulkes A
, Vonlaufen A , Xu Z , Guilhaus M , Pirola R , Apte M and
Wilson J. Pancreatic stellate cells stimulate acinar enzyme
secretion via the production of acetylcholine. American
Pancreatic Association Annual Meeting. Nov-09. Honolulu, USA.
Chief Investigator/s: PA Phillips
Project Title: Role of heat shock proteins in the stromal
reaction of pancreatic cancer
Lay Description: This project aims to characterise the role of
Research Groups
Phillips PA, Chow E, Vonlaufen A, Xu Z, Yang L, Biankin A,
Goldstein D, Pirola R, Wilson J, and Apte MV. Gene expression
profiling of human pancreatic stellate cells and their roles in
pancreatic cancer progression. Australian Gastroenterology
Week. October, 2009. Sydney, Australia.
Gastroenterology 136: A589-590, 2009. Poster presentation
at the May 2009. Digestive Diseases Week, American
Gastroenterological Association. May-09. Chicago, USA
Xu Z, Phillips PA, Vonlaufen A, Fiala-Bee Er, Zhang X, Yang
L, Biankin AV, Goldstein D, Pirola RC, Wilson JS, and Apte
MV. Pancreatic stellate cells (stromal cells) migrate with
pancreatic cancer cells to distant metastatic sites. Australian
Gastroenterology Week. October, 2009. Sydney, Australia.
Phillips PA, Yang L, Vonlaufen A, Xu Z, Biankin A, Goldstein
D, Pirola R, Wilson JS and Apte MV. Heat shock proteins are
induced during pancreatic stellate cell activation in pancreatic
cancer. Digestive Diseases Week, American Gastroenterological
Association. May-09. Chicago, USA.
Xu Z, Phillips PA, Vonlaufen A, Fiala-Beer E, Yang L, Biankin
A, Goldstein D, Pirola R, Wilson J, Apte M. Normal pancreatic
stellate cells facilitate pancreatic cancer progression, exhibit
transendotheliual migration and accompany cancer cells to
distant metastatic sites. American Pancreatic Association
Annual Meeting. Nov-09. Honolulu, USA.
Phillips PA, Yang L, Vonlaufen A, Xu Z, Biankin A, Goldstein
D, Pirola R, Wilson JS and Apte MV. Heat shock proteins are
induced during pancreatic stellate cell activation in pancreatic
cancer. Journal of Gastroenterology and Hepatology 24: A
334, 2009. Australian Gastroenterology Week. October, 2009.
Sydney, Australia.
Phillips PA, Yang L, Vonlaufen A, Xu Z, Pirola R, Apte M*
and Wilson J. Pancreatic stellate cells synthesise and secrete
acetylcholine: a potential role in enzyme secretion. Australian
Gastroenterology Week. October, 2009. Sydney, Australia.
The following awards were received by Dr Phoebe
Vonlaufen A, Phillips P, Xu ZH, Zhang X, Yang L, Wilson JS,
Apte MV. Alcohol withdrawal promotes regression of pancreatic
fibrosis via induction of pancreatic stellate cell (PSC apoptosis).
Australian Gastroenterology Week. October, 2009. Sydney,
Cancer Institute NSW Career Development
Ramaciotti Research Establishment Award
Deans Rising Star Award from the Faculty of
Medicine, UNSW
Vonlaufen A, Phillips P, Xu ZH, Zhang X, Yang L, Wilson JS,
Apte MV. Alcohol withdrawal promotes regression of pancreatic
fibrosis via induction of pancreatic stellate cell (PSC) apoptosis.
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
Alain Vonlaufen
Alcohol, endotoxin and pancreas
Professor Minoti Apte
January, 2007 – May, 2009
Susan Yang
Masters by Research,
Alcohol, cytokines and pancreatic
stellate cells
Professor Minoti Apte
January, 2007
Zhihong Xu
Epithelial-stromal interactions
in pancreatic cancer
Professor Minoti Apte
January, 2008
Research Groups
Psychiatry Research &
Teaching Unit
Liverpool Hospital
Professor Derrick Silove
Research Department Profile
The Psychiatry Research and Teaching Unit (PRTU) was established in 1991 following the
appointment of the Foundation Chair in Psychiatry, UNSW and the SSWAHS, in 1990.
The unit currently consists of 5.8 FTE staff with competitive funding supporting a number of
additional positions. Since establishment the PRTU (and the Centre for Population Mental Health
Research) has attracted over 50 collaborative research and project grants exceeding $20m and has
published over 250 publications, many in high-ranking journals such as the Lancet and JAMA. The
PRTU has been a partner on tow 5 year NHMRC Program Grants (2004-; 2010-2014) involving all the
leading researchers in the country in the field of traumatic stress. The centre currently holds 3 NHMRC grants (2 for 5 years) and has recently been awarded a
Prestigious QE-II Fellowship. And 1, 5 years ARC grant).
The PRTU is regarded nationally and internationally as a leading research and training centre in
the interrelated fields of transcultural, refugee, post-conflict, posttraumatic and disaster mental
health and the mental health of developing countries. In addition the PRTU has been involved
in supporting student and registrar teaching, clinical service development, information system
management and international development work.
Research Grants
Permanent Staff
Funding Body: ARC Discovery Project Grant
Derrick Silove: Professor and Director
Chief Investigator/s: D Silove, A Zwi, S Thorpe
Project Title: Understanding anger and its consequences
amongst women in conflict-effected Timor-Leste:
Implications for enhancing sustainable development
Ms Ana Ladesic - Secretary to Prof Silove
Mr Zachary Steel: Deputy Director
Lay Description:
Ms Sebia Losurdo - Secretary
Administering Institution: UNSW
Dr Robert Brooks - Research Coordinator
Funding Body: NHMRC Project grant
Chief Investigator/s: D Silove, R Brooks, S Rees, Z Steel, A Zwi
Qing Xia: Finance Officer
Project Title: The role of trauma related anger and the cycles
of violence in post conflict countries: A follow up study in
Timor Leste
Ms Tien Chey: Senior Statistician
Research Groups
Lay Description:
adult separation anxiety disorder. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Psychiatry. 2009. 43.2.67-172.
Administering Institution: UNSW
McFarlane AC, Browne D, Bryant RA, O’Donnell M, Silove
D, Creamer M, Horsley KA. Longitudinal analysis of alcohol
consumption and the risk of posttraumatic symptoms. Journal of
Affective Disorders. 2009. 118.1-Mar.1-244.
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: R Bryant, R Weston, N Whyman, J Files,
D Silove, B Raphael, Z Steel, R Brooks, A Zwi, K Senior
Nickerson A, Bryant RA, Brooks R, Steel Z, Silove D. Fear of
cultural extinction and psychopathology among Mandaean
refugees: an exploratory path analysis. CNS Neuroscience and
Therapeutics. 2009. 15.3.227-236.
Project Title: Enhancing mental Health in Aboriginal People:
Reducing Violence and Developing Resilience
Lay Description:
O’Donnell ML, Holmes AC, Creamer MC, Ellen S, Judson R,
McFarlane AC, Silove D, Bryant RA. The role of post-traumatic
stress disorder and depression in predicting disability after injury.
Medical Journal of Australia. 2009. 190.7 SUPPL.S71-S74.
Administering Institution: UNSW
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Beltran RO, Silove D, Llewellyn GM. Comparison of
ICD-10 diagnostic guidelines and research criteria for
enduring personality change after catastrophic experience.
Psychopathology. 2009. 42.2.113-118.
O’Donnell ML, Creamer M, Elliott P, Bryant R A, McFarlane
A, Silove D. Prior trauma and psychiatric history as risk factors
for intentional and unintentional injury in Australia. Journal of
Trauma, Injury, Infection & Critical Care. 2009. 66.2.470-6.
Blignault I, Bunde-Birouste A, Ritchie J, Silove D, Zwi AB.
Community perceptions of mental health needs: a qualitative
study in the Solomon Islands. International Journal of Mental
Health Systems. 2009. 3.1.6.
Rees S, Silove D, Kareth M.Dua sakit (double sick). Trauma
and the settlement experiences of West Papuan refugees living in
North Queensland. Australasian Psychiatry. 2009. 17.S1.S128
- S132.
Brooks R, Bryant RA, Silove D, Creamer M, O’Donnell
ML, McFarlane AC, Marmar C. The latent structure of the
peritraumatic dissociative experiences questionnaire. Journal of
Traumatic Stress. 2009. 22.2.153-157.
Ritchie J, Zwi A, Blignault I, Bunde-Birouste A, Silove D.
Insider-outsider positions in a health development research:
reflections for practice. Development and Change. 2009.
Broomhall LG, Clark CR, McFarlane AC, O’Donnell M, Bryant
R, Creamer M, Silove D. Early stage assessment and course
of acute stress disorder after mild traumatic brain injury. The
Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease. 2009. 197.3.178-81.
Silove D, Brooks R, Bateman Steel CR, Steel Z, Hewage K,
Rodger J, Soosay I. Explosive anger as a response to human
rights violations in post-conflict Timor-Leste. Social Science &
Medicine. 2009. 69.5.670-7.
Bryant R, Creamer M, O’Donnell M, Silove D, McFarlane
A. A study of the protective function of acute morphine
administration on subsequent posttraumatic stress disorder.
Biological Psychiatry. 2009. 65.5.438-440.
Steel Z, Bateman CR, Silove D, Brooks R, Amaral Z, Rodger J,
Soosay I, Fox G, Patel V, Bauman A. Trauma, mental illness and
anger in East Timor: the East Timor mental health epidemiological
needs study - an assessment of mental illness incorporating
indigenous indices of distress. Internal Medicine Journal. 2009.
39 Supplement.3.A98.
Bryant RA, Creamer M, O’Donnell M, Silove D, Clark CR,
McFarlane AC. Post-traumatic amnesia and the nature of
posttraumatic stress disorder after mild traumatic brain injury.
Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society.
2009. 15.6.862-7
Steel Z, Bateman Steel CR, Silove D. Human rights and the
trauma model: genuine partners or uneasy allies? Journal of
Traumatic Stress. 2009. 22.5.358-365.
Steel Z, Chey T, Silove D, Marnane C, Bryant R A, van
Ommeren M. Association of torture and other potentially
traumatic events with mental health outcomes among
populations exposed to mass conflict and displacement. Journal
of the American Medical Association. 2009. 302.5.537-549.
Kenny LM, Bryant RA, Silove D, Creamer M, O’Donnell M,
McFarlane AC. Distant Memories: A prospective study of vantage
point of trauma memories. Psychological Science. 2009.
Manicavasagar V, Silove D, Marnane C, Wagner R. Adult
attachment styles in panic disorder with and without comorbid
Research Groups
Steel Z, Silove D. The Composite international Diagnostic
Interview in low- and middle-income countries. British Journal
of Psychiatry. 2009. 95.2.178-179
Rees S, Silove D. Revealing Human Rights Violations: psychosocial research with the West Papuan Community in Australia.
Research Show case Conference. 27th November 2009.
Thomas and Rachael Moore Education Centre, Liverpool
Steel Z, Silove D, Giao Nguyen Mong, Phan Thuy Thi Bich,
Chey T, Whelan A, Bauman A, Bryant RA. International and
indigenous diagnoses of mental disorder amongst Vietnamese
living in Vietnam and Australia. British Journal of Psychiatry.
2009. 194.4.326-333.
Silove D. Fear of cultural extinction and psychopathology
among Mandaean refugees: An exploratory path analysis.
2009 Research Showcase Conference. 27th November
2009. Thomas & Rachel Moore, Education Centre, Liverpool
Weston R, Brooks R, Gladman J, Senior K, Denley L, Silove
D, Whyman N, Kickett M, Bryant R, Files J. Ethical research
in partnership with an Indigenous community. Australasian
Psychiatry. 2009. 17.S1.S51 - S53.
Silove D. Psychosocial issues. Refugee health Course.17th
February 2009. Centre for International Health, Burnet
Institute, 85 Commercial Road, Melbourne 3004, Australia
Conference Presentations/Posters
Silove D. Student Teaching, UNSW Psychiatry Southwest. The
Inaugural UNSW in the South West. 20th October 2009.
Conference Room 2, T&R Moore Education Centre, Liverpool
Silove D. The interaction of human rights and Mental Health:
examples from post conflict mental health. Third H.D.HR
Intensive Course. 7-11 December 09.UNSW (Kensington)
Campus Robert Webster Building. The course is a joint venture
of the UNSW Faculties of Arts and Social Sciences, Law, and
Silove D. Trauma, refuges and post traumatic stress disorder
in general but also in refugee populations. Darlinghurst –
CRUFAD,1-Dec-09. Darlinghurst – CRUFAD, Lecture Theatre.
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
Atena Hafshejani
PHD, School of Psychiatry,
Perceived discrimination, acculturation,
and coping:
A study of Persian/Pari speakers in
Professor Derrick Silove,
Mr Zachary Steel
March 2003
Ramony Chi Yung
Doctor of Philosophy,
School of Psychiatry,
Model of Psychosocial Adaptation to
End-Stage Renal Disease: An empirical
Dr Robert Brooks,
Erlich Jonathan Harry,
Steel Zachary,
Suranyi Michael Gabriel
February 2006
Ina Susljik
Phenomenology of anger attacks and
relationship to traumatic experience
Dr Robert Brooks
Semester 2 2005
Research Groups
Centre for Research,
Evidence Management
& Surveillance
Population Health, SSWAHS
Professor Bin Jalaudin
Research Department Profile
REMS is a member of a consortium that was the successful tenderer for the establishment of the
“Healthy Built Environment Program”. This novel program is an initiative of NSW Health and has been
funded for five years. The consortium is based in the Faculty of the Built Environment, UNSW.
The Healthy Built Environment Program will have three core objectives: to develop a strategic
research plan in relation to health and the built environment; to translate research into practice; and,
to increase the capacity of the health workforce in relation to health and the built environment.
Another highlight for 2009 was an important piece of applied epidemiological research, conducted
by REMs in collaboration with the Woolcock Institute of Medical Research that investigated the
effects of low emission gas heaters on children’s lung health. Low emission gas heaters are widely
used in school classrooms in New South Wales. This epidemiological study was commissioned by the
NSW Department of Education and Training.
The results from this study will inform the policies of the Department of Education and Training
on the future use of such heaters in schools in New South Wales.
ways in which policy and preventive programs can contribute
to improving health in mid to later life particularly among
disadvantaged Australians. This will be the largest study of its
kind ever undertaken in Australia.
Research Grants
Funding Body: NH&MRC Preventative Healthcare and
Strengthening Australia’s Social and Economic Fabric Program
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Chief Investigator/s: Bauman A, Redman S, Banks E, Harris
M, Schofield D, McMichael A, Bailey S, Bambrick H, Beard
J, Broom D, Byles J, Clark J, Jalaludin B, Jorm L, Nutbeam D,
Rodgers B, Woodruff R, Woodward M.
Funding Body: Department of Education and Training
Chief Investigator/s: Marks G, Smith W, Jalaludin B, Morgan G.
Project Title: Schools and low emission gas heaters study.
Project Title: Understanding the impact of social, economic
and geographic disadvantage on the health of Australians in
mid to later life: Where are the opportunities for prevention?
Lay Description: Low emission gas heaters are widely used
in school classrooms in New South Wales. This study is
investigating the effects of low emission gas heaters on
children’s lung health.
Lay Description: This study will examine the ways in which
social, economic and environmental factors contribute to the
health of Australians in mid to later life. It will help identify
Administering Institution: Woolcock Institute of Medical
Research Groups
Evidence management &
Funding Body: NSW Department of Environment, Climate
Change and Water
Funding Body: University of New South Wales
Chief Investigator/s: Morgan G, Jalaludin B,
Chief Investigator/s: Comino E, Harris M, Jorm L, Haas M,
Jalaludin B, Flack, J.
Project Title: Effects of heatwaves on mortality and morbidity
in New South Wales
Project Title: Investigating best practice primary care for older
Australians with diabetes using data linkage.
Lay Description: This study will investigate the impact of
heatwaves on mortality and hospitalisations. The results from
this study will inform the development of heatwave related
health alerts.
Lay Description: This pilot study is investigating whether
people with diabetes are receiving best practice diabetes care.
Linked data will be used in te analysis.
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Duc H, Jalaludin B, Morgan G. Associations between
air pollution and daily emergency department visits for
cardiovascular diseases in the elderly (65+ years) in Sydney using
Bayesian statistical methods. Australian and New Zealand
Journal of Statistics. 2009. 51.3.289-303.
Funding Body: NSW Health
Chief Investigator/s: Khan R, Jalaludin B
Project Title: Access to Community Resources
Lay Description: This study is investigating access to
community resources such as supermarkets, fast food outlets,
recreational facilities and parks and beaches. The project
will also examine whether there are differences in access by
socio-economic status.
Garden F, Jalaludin BB. Impact of urban sprawl on health in
Sydney, Australia. Journal of Urban Health: Bulletin of the
New York Academy of Medicine. 2009. 86.1.19-30.
Gattellari G, Worthington J, Jalaludin B, Mohsin M. Stroke
unit care in a real-life setting: can results from randomised
controlled trials be translated into every-day clinical practice?
An observational study of hospital data in a large, Australian
population. Stroke. 2009. 40.1.Oct-17.
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Funding Body: University of New South Wales
Chief Investigator/s: Gattelari M, Worthington J, Jalaludin B.
Gattellari M, Worthington JM, Zwar N. Warfarin: an
inconvenient truth (invited Editorial). Stroke. 2009. 40.5-Jul.
Project Title: PRISM: a program of research informing stroke
management using linked hospital and death data.
Girgis S, Adily A, Velasco M-J, Garden F, Zwar N, Jalaludin
B, Ward JE. Smoking patterns, readiness to quit and recall of
cessation advice among Arabic-speakers in Australian general
practice. Australian Family Physician. 2009. 38.3.154-161.
Lay Description: This pilot study will utilise routinely collected
data to determine outcomes in people admitted to NSW
hospitals with stroke
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Hansen CA, Barnett AG, Jalaludin BB, Morgan G. Ambient air
pollution and birth defects in Brisbane, Australia. PLoS ONE.
Funding Body: NSW Department of Environment, Climate
Change and Water, NSW Health
Harris I, Dao ATT, Young J, Rae H, Jalaludin BB, Solomon M.
Predictors of patient and surgeon satisfaction after orthopaedic
trauma. Injury. 2009. 40.377-384.
Chief Investigator/s: Jalaludin B, Morgan G, Salkeld G.
Project Title: Cost benefit analysis of air pollution in NSW
Jalaludin B. Ambient fine particles and cardiovascular disease: an
overview. Clean Air and Climate Change. 2009. 43.2.17-22.
Lay Description: This study will estimate the monetary
benefits that would be accrued if outdoor air pollution
were to be reduced in the metropolitan areas of Sydney,
Wollongong and Newcastle. The results from this study will
inform strategies for controlling air pollution.
Wand H, Maher L, Kaldor J, Jalaludin B. Estimating population
attributable risk for hepatitis C seroconversion in injecting drug
users: Implications for prevention policy and planning. Addiction.
Administering Institution: Southern Cross University
Research Groups
Evidence management &
Wendell Evans, Hsiau ACY, Dennison PJ, Paterson A, Jalaludin
BB. Water fluoridation in the Blue Mountains reduced risk of
tooth decay. Australian Dental Journal. 2009. 54.368-373.
Worthington J, Gattellari M, Aitken R, Jalaludin B. Outcomes
of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy tube insertion following
ischaemic stroke. Combined Meeting of the 6th Asia Pacific
Conference Against Stroke and 20th Stroke Society of
Australasia. 6-9 September 2009. Cairns, Australia.
Wong V, Garden F, Jalaludin B. Hyperglycaemia following
Glucose Challenge Test during pregnancy: when can a screening
test become a diagnostic test? Diabetes Research and Clinical
Practice. 2009. 83.394-396.
Worthington J, Gattellari M. 2009; 361:2671-2675 (letter to
the Editor).Dabigatran versus warfarin [Letter]. New England
Journal of Medicine. 2009. 361.671-2675
Conference Presentations/Posters
Ali S, Kho P, Warusavitarne J, Jalaludin B, Wong SKC.
Demographic and pathological variables in stage 4 colon
cancer patients with resected primary tumour: analysis of the
southwest Sydney colorectal tumour group (SSWCTG) database.
Medical Oncology Group of Australia’s 30th Annual Scientific
Meeting.12-14 August 2009. Canberra, Australia.
Anupindi M, Sugrue M, Parr M, Jalaludin B, Bishop G.
Predictive value of consensus risk factors in determining
intraabdominal hypertension. 4th World Society of Abdominal
Compartment Syndrome Meeting. 25-27 June 2009. Dublin,
Beer T, Campbell P, Jalaludin B. Methodology used to study the
health impacts of the use of ethanol in Australian petrol. 19th
International Clean Air Society of Australia and New Zealand
Conference. 6-9 September 2009. Perth, Australia.
Gattellari M, Worthington J, Aitken R, Jalaludin B. Ischaemic
stroke outcomes in patients with atrial fibrillation: an analysis of
linked health and mortality data from an Australian population.
1st International Congress on Clinical Neuroepidemiology.
27-30 August 2009. Munich, Germany.
Kang S, Koh ES, Vinod SK, Jalaludin B. Cost analysis of
lung cancer management in South-Western Sydney. Annual
Conference of the Royal Australian and New Zealand College
of Radiology. 22-25 October 2009. Brisbane, Australia.
Koh, E-S, Kang S, Vinod SK, Jalaludin, B. Comparison of Direct
Medical Costs in Managing Lung Cancer with Curative versus
Palliative Intent. Clinical Oncological Society of Australia
(COSA) 36th ASM.17-19 November 2009. Gold Coast,
Worthington J, Gattellari M, Aitken R, Jalaludin B, Cordato
D. One year outcomes after transient ischaemic attack (TIA): a
prospective cohort study using administrative health data. 1st
International Congress on Clinical Neuroepidemiology. 27-30
August 2009. Munich, Germany.
Research Groups
Evidence management &
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
John Eastwood
Postnatal Depression in South West Sydney:
A Case Study
Professor Bin Jalaludin
Faryal Khurram
Long term sexual dysfunction ,quality of life and intestinal
function after rectal cancer treatment
Professor Bin Jalaludin
Wafaa Nabil
Evaluation of the Effect of Point Source Emissions of
Air Pollutants on Respiratory Health
Professor Bin Jalaludin
Aaron Cashmore
Exploring issues of social and emotional wellbeing among
indigenous prisoners, workplace violence among health
professionals working in the prison system, and the oral
health of children from disadvantaged families: a report of
three applied research studies.
Professor Bin Jalaludin
Research Groups
Rheumatology Unit
Liverpool Hospital
Associate Professor Kathryn Gibson
Research Department Profile
The Arthritis Research Unit within the Rheumatology Department at Liverpool Hospital has three
active research programs: - (a) inflammation basic science; (b) clinical and health services research
relevant to rheumatic diseases, and (c) medical education and evaluation research.
The Unit’s research focus is centred on common types of arthritis and related autoimmune
diseases, including rheumatoid arthritis (RA), gout, and systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE). We
seek to explore underlying mechanisms operating in these diseases, and how they are managed,
with the aim of developing new or improved treatments. We have collaborations with basic science
researchers in the Infection and Inflammation Research Centre (IIRC) at UNSW, and with health
services researchers at University of Sydney.
We currently undertake the following research activities:
Basic science programs studying the role of mast cell tryptases in inflammatory arthritis (McNeil,
Bryant, Magarinos with collaborator Hunt); the role of S100 proteins in RA and SLE (McNeil,
O’Neill with collaborator Geczy); the role of leukocyte immunoglogulin-like receptors (LILRs) in
RA and SLE (McNeil, O’Neill with collaborator Tedla); and the significance of autoantibodies to
lipoproteins in SLE (O’Neill, Koneru).
Health services research studying the impact of electronic medical records on rheumatology outpatient work practices (Gibson with collaborator Westbrook).
Clinical research, currently examining the in-hospital management of gout (McNeil, Gibson and
Hassett); outcomes of vertebroplasty (a new treatment for osteoporotic crush fractures) (McNeil,
Schlaphoff, Gibson and Hassett); and the evidence base underpinning clinical rheumatological
practice (Gibson, Hassett, Thakkar with collaborators at Cabrini Hospital, Melbourne).
Members of the Unit are also involved in educational research stemming from design and
evaluation of UNSW’s innovative new MBBS program (Gibson and McNeil).
Our basic science research program is currently housed in the IIRC within the School of Medical
Sciences at UNSW’s Kensington campus.
Research Grants
Lay Description: The project is studying inflammatory
molecules called S100 proteins and their role in rheumatoid
arthritis, cardiovascular disease and how statins affect their
Funding Body: NHMRC Project Grant
Chief Investigator/s: Geczy CL, McNeil HP, Freedman B, Hsu K,
Youssef P
Administering Institution: UNSW
Project Title: 455306 - Inflammation-associated S100 proteins
– links between arthritis and atherosclerosis (2007-9)
Funding Body: NHMRC Project Grant
Chief Investigator/s: Tedla N, McNeil HP, Geczy CL, Raftery M,
Bryant K.
Research Groups
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Project Title: 510236 – Expression and functions of leukocyte
immunoglobulin-like (LIR)-6 and LIR-4 in inflammatory
arthritis (2008-2010).
Lau H, Massasso D, Joshua F. Skin, muscle and joint disease
from the 17th century: scurvy. International Journal of
Rheumatic Diseases. 2009. 12.361-5.
Lay Description: Investigates the relevance of a novel family
of immune regulation receptors on white blood cells in
patients with rheumatoid arthritis
Massasso D, Cheruvu C, Joshua F, Yong J, Graham IG. Ovarian
vasculitis in an adult with fatal systemic lupus erythematosus.
Lupus. 2009. 18.364-7
Administering Institution: UNSW
O’Neill SG, Pego-Reigosa JM, Hingorani AD, Bessant R,
Isenberg DA, Rahman A. Use of a strategy based on calculated
risk scores in managing cardiovascular risk factors in a large
British cohort of patients with systemic lupus erythematosus.
Rheumatology. 2009. 48.573-5.
Funding Body: UNSW Goldstar Award
Chief Investigator/s: McNeil HP,
Project Title: Mast cell proteases in experimental
inflammatory arthritis (2009)
O’Neill SG, Woldman S, Bailliard F, Norman W, McEwan
J, Isenberg DA, Taylor AM, Rahman A. Cardiac magnetic
resonance imaging in patients with systemic lupus
erythematosus. Ann Rheum Dis. 2009. 68.1478-81.
Lay Description: Using genetically modified mice to determine
the function of enzymes released by white blood cells called
mast cells.
Administering Institution: UNSW
Shin K, Nigrovic PA, Crish J, Boilard E, McNeil HP, Larabee
KS, Adachi R, Gurish MF, Gobezie R, Stevens RL, Lee DM. Mast
cells contribute to autoimmune inflammatory arthritis via their
tryptase/heparin complexes. J Immunol. 2009. 182.647-656.
Funding Body: NHMRC Postgraduate Scholarship
Chief Investigator/s: Perera C
Westbrook J, Braithwaite J, Gibson K, et al. Use of information
and communication technologies to support effective work
practice innovation in the health sector: a multi-site study. BMC
Health Services Research. 2009. 9.201 (1-9).
Project Title: S100 Proteins in rheumatoid arthritis (20072009)
Lay Description: Understand how a family of inflammation
proteins cause cardiovascular disease in RA patients.
Administering Institution: UNSW
Funding Body: Arthritis Australia Practitioner Fellowship
Chief Investigator/s: Gibson KA
Project Title: Electronic medical records in rheumatology
practice (2009).
Lay Description: Investigate whether electronic medical
records improve medical work practice
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Research Groups
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
Chandi Perera
S100 proteins in rheumatoid arthritis
and atherosclerosis.
Professor Patrick McNeil and
Professor Carolyn Geczy
March 2007
Narain Kamalaraj
Effectiveness of a gout protocol
Professor Patrick McNeil and
A/Prof Kathryn Gibson
May 2009
Natalia Magarinos
Mast cell tryptase-mediated
Professor Patrick McNeil and
Dr Katherine Bryant
February 2009
Research Groups
Schizophrenia Research Unit
Area Mental Health
A/Professor Philip Ward
Research Department Profile
The Schizophrenia Research Unit is part of the Division of Mental Health, and conducts research
into the causes of, and better treatments for patients suffering from schizophrenia and other major
mental disorders.
The Unit’s primary academic partner is the School of Psychiatry at UNSW, with major
collaborative links with a range of other research groups, including the Macquarie Centre for
Cognitive Science, (Macquarie University), the Priority Centre for Brain & Mental Health Research
(University of Newcastle), and the Laboratory for Neuro Imaging (University of California, Los
This year saw the award of a major NHMRC project grant, in partnership with the University of
Newcastle, and the inauguration of new research collaborations with the Professor Valsa Eapen on
the metabolic side effects of anti-psychotic medications in early onset psychosis.
A long standing member of the SRU, Dr Robyn Langdon, was promoted to Associate Professor at
Macquarie University, and initial collaborative links with the whole head magnetoencephalography
(MEG) system at Macquarie were established
Research Grants
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: U Schall, P. T. Michie, H. Stain, P. B.
Ward, R. Langdon, J. Todd, P. Rasser, V. Carr and T. Weickert
Funding Body: Australian Rotary Health Research Foundation
Project Title: Neurocognitive correlates of transition from
ultra-high risk mental state to schizophrenia
Chief Investigator/s: V. Eapen, P. Hazell, P. B. Ward, G. Barton,
G Faure-Bac
Lay Description: Brain imaging and brain function measures
will be prospectively collected from young people at
increased risk for the development of schizophrenia, and the
participants followed up for twelve months. Measures that
distinguish those made became psychotic from those who did
not will be identified.
Project Title: Evaluation of health promotion and preventative
life style intervention program for young patients receiving
antipsychotic medication: impact on weight gain and quality
of life
Lay Description: This study will evaluate a health promotion
and preventive lifestyle intervention program for patients
receiving antipsychotic medication in 3 adolescent inpatient
units in SSWAHS, looking at weight gain and metabolic
changes, as well as clinical outcomes, treatment adherence
and quality of life.
Administering Institution: University of Newcastle/UNS
Funding Body: ARC (Australian Research Fellow)
Chief Investigator/s: R. Langdon and P. B Ward
Administering Institution: UNSW
Project Title: Cognitive neuropsychiatry: understanding
delusional belief and delusional hallucination from a
cognitive neuropsychological perspective
Research Groups
Conference Presentations/Posters
Lay Description: Cognitive neuropsychiatry aims to explain
psychiatric symptoms in terms of abnormalities in normal
brain function. A major challenge is explaining delusions and
Hal; hallucinations. This research program tests a two factor
theory which proposes a distinction between factors that
explain why an abnormal thought occurs in the first place,
and factors that explain why a patient uncritically accepts the
implausible content of their aberrant thought or experience.
Ward PB. Neural plasticity and structural brain change
in schizophrenia: Are we asking the right questions? 12th
International Congress on Schizophrenia Research. March 28April 1 2009. San Diego, CA USA.
Schall U, Rasser PE, Atkinson R, Fulham R, Helmbold K, Todd
J, Halpin S, Johnston P, Michie PT, Ward PB, Thompson PM,
and Carr V. Mismatch negativity in prodrome, first episode and
established schizophrenia: Relationship with stimulus type,
generator sources, grey matter loss, and functional outcome.
12th International Congress on Schizophrenia Research.
March 28-April 1 2009. San Diego, CA USA.
Administering Institution:
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Sly K, Lewin T, Carr V, Conrad A, Cohen M, Tirupati S, Wrad
PB and Coombs T. Measuring observed mental state in acute
psychiatric inpatients. Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric
Epidemiology. 2009. 44.2.151-161.
Langdon R. A cognitive neuropsychiatric approach to
understanding delusions. Australasian Society for Psychiatric
Research Annual Conference. 2-4 December, 2009. Canberra,
ACT, Australia
Hermens DF, Lubman DI, Wrad PB, Naismith SL and Hicks
I.B. Amphetamine psychosis: A model for studying the onset and
course of psychosis. Medical Journal of Australia (Supplement).
2009. 190.4.S22-S25.
Schall U, Rasser PE, Fulham R, Todd J, Michie PT, Thompson
PM, Ward PB, Johnston P, and Helmbold K. Brain pathology
and mismatch negativity (MMN) in schizophrenia. Australasian
Society for Psychiatric Research Annual Conference. 2-4
December, 2009. Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Langdon R and Ward PB. Taking the perspective of others
contributes to awareness of illness in schizophrenia.
Schizophrenia Bulletin. 2009. 35.5.1003-1011.
Langdon R Hughes L and Coltheart M. A cognitiveneuropsychiatric single case study of an unusual circumscribed
somatic delusion. Australasian Society for Psychiatric Research
Annual Conference. 2-4 December, 2009. Canberra, ACT,
Langdon R. Pathological and non-pathological factors in
delusional misbelieve. Behavioural and Brain Science. 2009.
Langdon R, Jones SR, Connaughton E, and Fernyhough C. The
phenomenology of inner speech: comparison of schizophrenia
patients with auditory verbal hallucinations and healthy controls.
Psychological Medicine. 2009. 39.4.655-663.
Rasser PE, Cohen M, Peck G, Thompson PM, Johnston P, Ward
PB, Carr VJ, Baker A, and Schall U. Cerebellar grey matter
deficits in first-episode schizophrenia and cannabis use mapped
using cortical pattern averaging. Australasian Society for
Psychiatric Research Annual Conference. 2-4 December, 2009.
Canberra, ACT, Australia.
Brüne M, Abdel-Hamid M, Sonntag C, Lehmkämper C, and
Langdon R. Linking social cognition with social interaction:
Non-verbal expressivity, social competence and “mentalising” in
patients with schizophrenia spectrum disorders. Behavioural and
Brain Functions. 2009. 5.6.1-Oct
Watkins A, Henry C, Curtis J, Albert S, and Ward PB. Returning the blind eye: Addressing metabolic complications in
young mental health consumers. Australian College of Mental
Health Nurses International Congress. 29 September - 2
October, 2009. Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Research Groups
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
K. Croaker
D Psych,
Macquarie University
The impact of cannabis on psychopathological and
neuropsychological functioning in schizophrenia
R. Langdon/P.B. Ward
F. Levy
Brain circuits, modularity and
childhood syndromes
P.B. Ward
F. Ziemen
Diplom thesis,
University of Saarland,
Saarbrucken, Germany
A twelve month follow-up of patients
with schizophrenia after
computerised cognitive remediation
P.B. Ward
Research Groups
The Simpson Centre for
Health Services Research
Liverpool Hospital
Professor Ken Hillman
Research Department Profile
The focus of research in the Simpson Centre continues to be around the deteriorating patient,
access block in the Emergency Department and the assessment of health status and health service
utilisation among Australian Children. The research outcomes related to the deteriorating patient
include many peer-reviewed publications, chapters in textbooks and international presentations.
As a result, Liverpool Hospital remains at the forefront of research into systems to recognise
and respond to at-risk hospitalised patients. The Centre is also working closely with the State
Government through the Clinical Excellence Commission and the Federal Government through the
Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Health Care on the rollout of the MET system in all
Australian hospitals.
The work of the Centre has been enhanced by becoming part of the Australian Institute for Health
Innovation at the UNSW. Together with the Centre for Clinical Governance Research in Health and
the Centre for Health Informatics.
The Simpson Centre is broadening its research horizons, collaborating in a unique way to examine
health services from different perspectives and dimensions
Research Grants
Project Title: Prospective study of medical emergency
team calls to define issues of end-of-life decision making,
symptoms and transition in goals of care
Chief Investigator/s: Dr. Jack Chen
Lay Description: The study of hospital emergency teams aand
how they interact with patient care adcare at the end-oflife.
Project Title: The impact of introducing medical emergency
team on the inpatient safety of care outcomes in NSW
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Funding Body: NH & MRC - 316001
Lay Description: A pilot study to explore the feasibility
and methodology of a large population linkage study in
evaluating the impct of introducing a Medical Emergency
Team in NSW hospitals
Chief Investigator/s: DKY Chan, C Levei, S. Middleton, J. Chen,
D Ciordato, M Pollack
Funding Body: University of New South Wales Goldstar Award
– 630682
Project Title: A randomise controlled trial to evaluate a model
of comprehensive stroke care
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Lay Description: A randomised controlled trial in assessing a
new model of comprehensive stroke care
Funding Body: NH & MRC – 210397
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Chief Investigator/s: Dr. Meera Agar; Professor Ken Hillman;
Dr. Louise Elliott
Funding Body: AusAid: ChinaAustralia Health and HIV/AIDS
Research Groups
Simpson Centre
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Chief Investigator/s: Prof G Zhao, Dr J Chen
Project Title: The assessment of the capacity and strategies
of the infectious diseases surveillance and alert system in the
rural areas of middle and western China
Chen J, Bellomo R, Flabouris A, Hillman K, Finfer S & the
MERIT Study Investigators for the Simpson Centre & the
ANZCIS Clinical Trials Group. The relationship between early
emergency team calls and serious adverse events. Critical care
Medicine. 2009. 37.1.148-153.
Lay Description: The study covers 3 provinces and 9 counties
in middle and western China. It aims to develop reliable and
valid tools in assessing the organisational and individuals
capacity in providing the best services of infectious disease
surveillance and early warning. It strives to enhance the
preparedness of the health care system for the potential
outbreaks of infectious dieases and public health emergencies.
Chen J, Flabouris A, Bellomo R, Hillman K, Finfer S & the
MERIT Study Investigators for the Simpson Centre & the
ANZCIS Clinical Trials Group. Baseline hospital performance
and the impact of medical emergency teams: Modelling vs
conventional subgroup analysis. Trials. 2009. 10.117.
Administering Institution: Fudan University PR China
Chen J, Hillman K, Bellomo R, Flabouris A, Finfer S & the
MERIT Study Investigators for the Simpson Centre & the
ANZCIS Clinical Trials Group. The impact of introducing medical
emergency team systemon the documentations of vital signs.
Resuscitation. 2009. 80.35-43.
Funding Body: NSW Health Capacity Building Infrastructure
Chief Investigator/s: Prof J Braithwaite, Prof E Coiera, Prof K
Chiu A, Nguyen H, Reutens S, Grace D, Schmidtman R, Shen
Q, Chen J, Chan DKY. Clinical outcomes and length of stay of
a co-located psychogeriatric and geriatric unit. Archives of
Gerontology and Geriatrics. 2009. 49.2.233-236.
Project Title: CBIG Infrastructure
Lay Description: To enhance the capacity of research centres
Administering Institution: University of New South Wales
Frost SA, Alexandrou E, Bogdanovski T, Salamonson Y,
Davidson PM, Parr MJ, Hillman KM. Severity of illness
and risk of readmission to intensive care. A meta- analysis.
Resuscitation. 2009. 80.5.505-510
Ken Hillman. Vital Signs - Stories from Intensive care. 1st.
Sydney. UNSW Press. 2009. 978 1 74223 095 5
Frost SA, Alexandrou E, Bogdanovski T, Salamonson Y, Parr
MJ, Hillman KM. Unplanned admission to intensive care after
emergency hospitalisation: Risk factors and development of a
normogram for individualising risk. Resuscitation 2009. 2009.
Books Chapters
Hillman K, Chen J, Braithwaite J, Coeira E. Moving from safe
ICUs to safe systems of care.
Hillman K, Chen J, May E. Complex intensive care unit
interventions. Critical Care Medicine. 2009. 37.1 (Suppl).
Chich J-D, Moreno R, Putensen C, Rhodes A. Patient Safety and
Quality of Care in Intensive Care Medicine. Vienna. Medizinisch
Wissenschaftlich Verlagsgessellschaft on behalf of the
European Society of Intensive Care Medicine. 2009. 57-63.
Ou L, Young L, Chen J, Santiano N, Baramy LS, Hillman K.
Discharge delay in acute care: Reasons and determinants of
delay in general ward patients. Australian Health Review. 2009.
Hillman K, Chen J. Managing conflict at the end-of-life. Vincent
J-L.2009 Yearbook of Intensive care and Emergency Medicine.
Berlin. Springer-Verlag. 2009. 969-978.
Santiano N, Young L, Baramy L-S, McDonnell S, Page K,
Cabrera R, Chapman A. How do CNCs construct their after hours
support role in a major metropolitan hospital.Collegian: Journal
of the Royal College of Nursing Australia. 2009. 16.2.85-97.
Hillman K. Models of clinical emergency response systems.
Jacques T, Fisher M, Hillman K, Fraser K. DETECT (Detecting
Detioration, Evaluation, Treatment, Escalation and
Communicating in Teams) Manual. 1st. Sydney. Clinical
Excellence Commission & NSW Health. 2009.1 06-111.
Santiano N, Young L, Hillmanh K, Parr M, Jayasinghe S,
Baramy L-S, Stevenson J, Heath T, Chan C, Claire M, Hanger G.
Analysis of medical emergency team calls comparing subjective
to “objective” call criteria. Resuscitation. 2009. 80.44-49
Hillman K. Safe patient transfer: intrahospita; transfer.
Jacques T, Fisher M, Hillman K, Fraser K. DETECT (Detecting
Detioration, Evaluation, Treatment, Escalation and
Communicating in Teams) Manual. 1st. Sydney. Clinical
Excellence Commission & NSW Health. 2009. 112-116.
Research Groups
Simpson Centre
Shehabi Y, Grant P, Wioklfenden H, Bass F, Hammon
N, Nicholson L, Chen J. Prevalence of Delirium with
Dexmedetomidine Compared with Morphine-based Therapy
after Cardiac Surgery: A randomized controlled trial
(DEXmedetomidine COMpared to Morphine – DEXCOM study).
Anesthesiology. 2009. 111.5.1075-1084
Hillman K. Rapid response systems – where are we? Recognising
and Responding to Clinical Deterioration: Solutions for Safe
Care. Change Champions. 10th November 2009. Sydney.
Hillman K. RRSs their rationale and does one size fit all. 5th
International Conference on Rapid Response Systems and
Medical Emergency Teams. 18-19th May 2009. Copenhagen,
Conference Presentations/Poster
Hillman K. Should we be delivering intensive care outside of our
units (pro speaker). 22nd Annual Congress, European Society
of Intensive Care Society – Patient Safety and Quality of care
in Intensive Care medicine. 11-14th October 2009. Vienna,
Chen J. Baseline hospital performance and the impact of medical
emergency teams: Modelling vs conventional subgroup analysis.
6th Health Services & Policy Research Conference. 25-27th
November 2009. Brisbane, Sydney.
Hillman K. Can I still justify my MET teams? 29th International
Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency Medicine. 2427th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
Hillman K. Subjective vs objective all criteria for MET systems.
5th International Conference on Rapid Response Systems and
Medical Emergency Teams. 18-19th May 2009. Copenhagen,
Hillman K. Can we learn from each other? 9th International
Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency Medicine. 2427th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
Ou L. Linguistic differences of infants’ health status and health
services utilisation. 6th Heath Services and Policy Research
Conference. 25-27th November 2009. Brisbane, Sydney.
Hillman K. CPR – have we really made progress. 29th
International Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency
Medicine. 24-27th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
Ou L. The gaps in health outcomes and health services utilization
between Indigenous and non-Indigenous Australian infants and
its attributable causal effects – where to intervene and how big
impact are they? The Second LSAC Research Conference. 3rd4th December 2009. Melbourne
Hillman K. Death and dying in critical care. 18th Annual
Symposium of the Sydney Institute of Palliative Medicine in
association with the NSW Society of Palliative Medicine. 1st3rd April 2009. Sydney.
Hillman K. Does the MET system save lives. 5th International
Conference on Rapid Response Systems and Medical
Emergency Teams. 18-19th May 2009. Copenhagen,
Hillman K. Effects of the MERIT Study in Australia. 22nd Annual
Congress, European Society of Intensive Care Society –
Patient Safety and Quality of care in Intensive Care medicine.
11-14th October 2009. Vienna, Austria.
Hillman K. End of life issues – managing it outside the ICU. 29th
International Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency
Medicine. 24-27th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
Hillman K. End of life practices around the world. 29th
International Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency
Medicine. 24-27th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
Hillman K. MET – where are we heading? 5th International
Conference on Rapid Response Systems and Medical
Emergency Teams.18-19th May 2009. Copenhagen, Denmark.
Hillman K. Physical examination. 29th International
Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency Medicine. 2427th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium.
Research Groups
Simpson Centre
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Dr Frank Formby
University of New South Wales
Investigation of a novel method of
evaluating palliative care services
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite
and Professor Ken Hillman
Research Groups
Aged Care & Rehabilitation
Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital
Professor Daniel Chan
Research Department Profile
In 2009, our major research activities are in stroke care, healthy ageing and dementia. Our
research team consists of a team leader – Professor Daniel Chan, Geriatrician and Director of
Aged Care, and two full-time researchers. Some other staff (e.g., advanced trainees, specialists)
and overseas visiting scholars have also been involved in a number of research projects within our
department. All major findings of our research have been disseminated via conference presentations,
reports and journal publications
Research Grants
Clinical Trials
Funding Body: Eli Lily
Chief Investigator/s: Prof Daniel Chan Dr Fintan O’Rourke
Funding Body: NHMRC
Project Title: Effect of LY2062430, an anti-Amyloid Beta
Monoclonal antibody, on the progression of Alzheimer’s
disease as compared with placebo
Chief Investigator/s: Prof Daniel Chan
Project Title: Health Services Research: A Randomised
Controlled Trial to evaluate a Model of Comprehensive Stroke
Lay Description: This is a multicentre randomised doubleblinded clinical trial on patients with mild to moderate
Alzheimer’s disease
Lay Description: It is a randomised controlled trial inveclinical
trail investigating the benefitsbenefits of a comprehensive
strstrstrstroke care model.
Administering Institution:
South Western Sydney
Aged Care
Conference Presentations/Posters
Chan DKY. Chan’s Practical Geriatrics 2nd 2009
Whiting R et al... Predictors for 5 Year Survival in a Prospective
Cohort of Elderly Stroke Patients. 2009 British Geriatric Society
Spring Scientific Meeting. 1-3 April 2009. Bournemouth, UK.
Books Chapters
Mak J, et al. Improving the osteoporosis care gap in elderly
patients following hip fractures for the ICHIBAN initiative. 2009
British Geriatric Society Spring Scientific Meeting. 1-3 April
2009. Bournemouth, UK.
Liang Wannian, Daniel Kam Yin Chan.Community Care.
Encyclopedia of Modern China – Volume 1...USA. Charles
Scribner’s Sons. 2009. P.337-339.
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Mak J, et al. Relationship between hip fracture subtypes, surgical
procedure and analgesia use. 2009 British Geriatric Society
Spring Scientific Meeting. 1-3 April 2009. Bournemouth, UK
Jenson CS Mak, Ihab Lattouf, Fintan O’Rourke, Qing Shen,
Daniel KY Chan, Ian D Cameron. Relationship between hip
fracture subtypes, surgical procedure, and analgesia use. JAGS
2009. 12.2378-80
Daniel Epstein, Eric Diu, Daniel KY Chan. Review of nonconvulsive status epilepticus and an aillustrative case history
manifesting as delirium. Australasian Journal on Ageing
Ji Hui Lv, Bin Ong, Qing Shen, Sharon Reuten, Anita Ko,
Daniel Kan Yin Chan. Management and outcomes of delirium
in a secured, co-located geriatric and psychogeriatric unit. JAGS
2009. .1725-26
Kay Double, Dominic B Rowe, Francine M Carew-Jones,
Michael Hayes, Daniel K Chan, Jeff Blackie, Alaistair Corbett,
Ron Joffe, Victor S Fung, John Morris, Peter Riederer,
Manfred Gerlach, Glenda M Halliday. Anti-Melanin antibodies
are increased in sera in Parkinson’s disease. Experimental
Neurology 2009. .297-301
South Western Sydney
Anatomical Pathology
Liverpool Hospital
Professor Jim Yong
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
significance of vascular endothelial growth factor in squamous
cell carcinomas of the tonsil in relation to human papillomavirus
status and epidermal growth factor receptor. Annals of Surgical
Oncology. 2009.16.10.908-17
Shin J-S, Zhou J, Belov L, Zhang M, Hong A, Solomon MJ,
Christopherson RI, Lee CS. Comparison of radiosensitivity
and cell membrane proteome between microsatellite stable
and unstable colorectal cancers – an in vitro study with a 122
antibody microarray.. Pathology. 2009. 41.54
Bennett N, Hooper JD, Lee CS, Gobe GC. Androgen receptor and
caveolin-1 in prostate cancer. IUBMB Life. 2009. 61.10.61-70
Kurien A, Henderson C, Lee S. Recurrent keratoacanthoma
with vascular invasion: a diagnostic and management dilemma.
Australasian Journal of Dermatology. 2009. 50.3.194-7Lee C.S.
The story so far. Pathology. 2009. 41.2.101-102
Suttor VP, Chow C, Turner I. Eosinophilic esophagitis with
Crohn’s disease: A new association or overlapping immunemediated enteropathy? American Journal of Gastroenterology.
2009. 104.3.94-795
Karim RZ, Gerega SK, Yang YH, Horvath L, Spillane A, Carmalt
H, Scolyer RA, Lee CS. Proteins from the Wnt pathway are
involved in the pathogenesis and progression of mammary
phyllodes tumours. Journal of Clinical Pathology. 2009.
Massasso D, Cheruvu C, Joshua F, Yong J, Graham IG. Ovarian
vasculitis in an adult with fatal systemic lupus erythematosus..
Lupus. 2009.18.4.4-Jul
Yong JL, Killingsworth MC, Spicer ST, Wu XJ. Fibronectin nonamyloid glomerulopathy. International Journal of Clinical &
Experimental Pathology. 2009. 3.2.210-6
Fei J, Hong A, Dobbins TA, Jones D, Lee CS, Loo C, AlGhamdi M, Harnett GB, Clark J, O’Brien CJ, Rose B. Prognostic
Anxiety Clinic
Bankstown Mental Health
David Rouen
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Sigal Dudaee-Faass, Claire Marnane & Renate Wagner.
Ambiguity in the manifestation of adult separation anxiety
disorder occurring in complex anxiety presentations: Two clinic
case reports.Clinical Psychologist. November 2009. Vol 13. No
3.111 - 115.
South Western Sydney
Bankstown Cancer centre
Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital
Dr Ray Asghari
Research Department Profile
The Oncology Unit at Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital has been participating for more than 10 years
in clinical trials that aim to advance the care of people with cancer.
The Clinical Trials Unit composes Dr Fred Kirsten, Medical Oncologist; Dr Ray Asghari, Medical
Oncologist; Mr Mafizul Hoque who has got 9 years experience as Clinical Trials Coordinator and Ms
Shuet-Oi Wong, Research Nurse who is funded by a grant from NSW Cancer Institute. The Clinical
Trials Unit is partly funded by a grant from the NSW Cancer Institute.
Clinical Trials
Lay Description: For ductal adenocarcinoma: This is a two
arm trial comparing survival between patients randomised
to 5FU/folinic acid and those randomised to gemcitabine.
For ampullary and other cancer: This is a three arm trial
comparing survival between patients randomised to 5FU/
folinic acid, those randomised to gemcitabine and a ‘surgery
alone’ arm randomised to no adjuvant treatment.
Funding Body: Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group and
National Surgical Adjuvant Breast and Bowel Project
Chief Investigator/s: F. Kirsten
Project Title: CO7: A clinical trial comparing 5FU plus LV and
Oxaliplatin with 5FU plus LV for treatment of patients with
Stage II and III carcinoma of the colon.
Funding Body: Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group
Chief Investigator/s: F. Kirsten
Lay Description: This study addressed two important areas
in the development of adjuvant therapies in colon cancer.
The first is to determine a more acceptable and active
chemotherapy schedule, in particular to see if adding a new
drug to an established chemotherapy schedule results in fewer
disease recurrences and in longer survival. The other issue
being investigated is the determination of new prognostic
factors and their role in selecting patients for treatment on
the basis of the risks of relapse and the chance of response to
this category of cytotoxic treatment.
Project Title: ATTAX 2: A Phase II study of Cetuximab
(ErbituxTM) plus weekly docetaxel chemotherapy in docetaxel
refractory patients with advanced oesophago-gastric cancer .
Lay Description: The aim of this study is to evaluate the
safety and effectiveness of a combination of docetaxel
chemotherapy and cetuximab in patients with advanced
oesophago-gastric cancer who have failed standard
chemotherapy treatment. It is hoped that this study will
provide an additional and perhaps more effective treatment
option for this group of patients.
Funding Body: Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group and
European Study Group for Pancreatic Cancer
Funding Body: Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group
Chief Investigator/s: F. Kirsten
Chief Investigator/s: Kirsten F
Project Title: ESPAC 3: A phase III adjuvant trial in pancreatic
cancer comparing (1) 5FU and D-L folinic acid vs (2)
Project Title: The MAX Study: A randomized phase II/III study
to evaluate the role of Mitomycin C, Avastin and Xeloda in
patients with untreated metastatic colorectal cancer .
South Western Sydney
Cancer Centre
Lay Description: This Phase II/III study will assess the
effectiveness of 2 different novel chemotherapy regimes on
side-effects, tumor growth, quality of life and survival time
and compare them with the usual single therapy used in older
patients. This study will help to decide which treatments
offer better outcomes for older less fit patients and younger
patients who wish to receive a chemotherapy treatment with
a low risk of side effects. Treatments: 1)Capecitasbine as
monotherapy 2) Capecitabine and bevacizumab Capecitabine ,
bevacizumab and mitomycin
(Caelyx®) is a new active drug that has shown promising
results and is approved for second line treatment of relapsed
ovarian cancer. This trial aims to evaluate the role of CaelyxCarboplatin in comparison to Paclitaxel-Carboplatin in
patients who are in late relapse (>6 months since completing
prior platinum based chemotherapy).
Funding Body: Sanofi-Aventis Australia
Chief Investigator/s: F. Kirsten
Project Title: Xenox B EFC5505: A multicentre, randomized
double-blind placebo controlled Phase III study of the efficacy
of xaliproden in preventing the neurotoxicity of oxaliplatin
in first-line treatment of patients with metastatic colorectal
cancer treated with oxaliplatin/5-FU/LV.
Funding Body: Merck KGaA/Quintiles Pty Ltd
Chief Investigator/s: F. Kirsten
Project Title: FLEX Study:Open, randomised, controlled,
multicentre phase III study comparing cisplatin/vinorelbine
plus cetuximab versus cisplatin/vinorelbine as first-line
treatment for patients witrh EGFR-expressing advanced
Lay Description: Oxaliplatin has been associated with
peripheral sensory neuropathy, which may cause functional
impairments that potentially have an impact on activities of
daily living, lead to treatment adjustments and treatment
discontinuations. The objective of this multicenter,
randomized placebo controlled, 2 arm Phase III study
of xaliproden or matching placebo in combination with
oxaliplatin/5-FU/LV in patients with metastatic colorectal
cancer is to further confirm the result of XENOX study. In
addition, the ability of xaliproden to reduce the duration of
PSN events that are not prevented will be evaluated.
Lay Description: This open, controlled, multicentre phase
III study will randomise approximately 1100 patients with
advanced NSCLC who had no previous chemotherapy for
NSCLC to two groups as follows: Group A: Cisplatin/
vinorelbine + Cetuximab
• Group B: Cisplatin/Vinorelbine
The main objective of this is to determine survival time of
patients receiving Cetuximab added to Cisplatin/Vinorelbine
as first-line treatment compared to active control therapy
with standard Cisplatin/Vinorevine alone.
Funding Body: Australasian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group
Chief Investigator/s: F. Kirsten
Project Title: QUASAR 2: Muticentre international study of
Capecitabine +- Bevacizumab as adjuvant treatment of colon
Funding Body: Australian New Zeland Gynaecology Group
Chief Investigator/s: F. Kirsten
Lay Description: QUASAR 2 uses a new combination for
adjuvant therapy: an oral chemotherapy drug (capecitabine)
and a molecularly targeted therapy (bevacizumab), to define
whether this is superior in efficacy and less in toxicity than
capecitabine alone, which is a standard of care in this disease.
Project Title: CALYPSO: A Multi-National Randomised, Phase
III, GCIG Intergroup Study Comparing Pegylated Liposomal
Doxorubicin (CAELYX®) and Carboplatin vs. Paclitaxel and
Carboplatin in Patients with Epithelial Ovarian cancer in Late
Relapse (>6 months).
Funding Body: Sydney University
Lay Description: Ovarian cancer remains the leading cause
of gynaecologic cancer deaths. In the majority of patients,
at the time of presentation of their disease, surgery as well
as chemotherapy is usually required. Previous trials have
shown that platinum containing regimens improve survival
with combination Carboplatin and Paclitaxel accepted as
the standard in first line treatment of advanced ovarian
cancer in most countries. Pegylated liposomal doxorubicin
Chief Investigator/s: Maurice Eisenbruch
Project Title: Understanding Barriers to Effective Crosscultural communication about prognosis of metastatic Breast
Lay Description: This research aims to increase the
understanding of how culture affects understanding of the
meaning of prognosis of metastatic cancer and increase the
understanding of the ways in which cultural differences
South Western Sydney
Cancer Centre
between study doctor and patient impact on effective
communication about prognosis of metastatic cancer.
Lay Description: A maintenance therapy for patients who
have unresectable stage III NSCLC and have had either
stable disease, partial or complete response to their primary
chemoradiotherapy. Stimuvax has been used in previous
studies with stage IIIb and IV NSCLC patients, with patients
having better survival results on active study drug. Stimuvax
is an immunotherapeutic drug which raises an immune
response against the diseased tissue by targeting specific
markers (MUC1 antigen). The study will take place in
approximately 250 centres worldwide and will recruit an
estimated 1322 subjects.
Funding Body: Sydney University
Chief Investigator/s: Janette Vardy
Project Title: Cognitive function fatigue in cancer patients
after chemotherapy: A longitudinal controlled study in
patents with colorectal cancer
Lay Description: This is a prospective, longitudinal, controlled
study of cognitive function and fatigue in patients with
localised colorectal cancer(CRC) treated with adjuvant or
neoadjuvant chemotherapy. In addition to following each
patient over time, a separate controlled group will consist of
patients with early stage CRC (stage A or B) who have had
surgical resection of their tumour, but who do not require
adjuvant chemotherapy, or patients with stage C CRC who
have declined chemotherapy. Also included is a smaller substudy of patients with limited metastatic CRC who are treated
with more toxic chemotherapy.
Funding Body: AbraxsBioscience/Novotech
Chief Investigator/s: F Kirsten
Project Title: CA031:A randomised, phase III trial of ABI007 and carboplatin with Taxol® Carboplatin as first-line
therapy in patients with advanced Non-Small Cell Lung
Lay Description: This is a controlled, randomized, multicenter,
Phase III study to evaluate the This is a controlled,
randomized, multicenter, Phase III study to evaluate the
safety/tolerability and anti-tumor effect of intravenously
administered ABI-007/carboplatin combination therapy
compared to that of Taxol/carboplatin combination therapy
as first-line therapy in patients with NSCLC. The primary
objective is to compare disease response (using RECIST
guidelines) of ABI-007 plus carboplatin (AUC=6) vs Taxol and
carboplatin (AUC=6) as first-line therapy in patients with
advanced NSCLC
Funding Body: Pharmaceutical Research Associates
Chief Investigator/s: R. Asghari
Project Title: EISAI Study: A phase III open label, randomized
two-parallel-arm multicentre study of E7389 verse
Capecitabine in patients with locally advanced or Metastatic
breast cancer previously treated with Anthracyclines and
Taxanes and Refractory of the most recent chemotherapy.
Lay Description: The primary objective of this study is
to compare the efficacy of E7389 versus Capecitabine
monotherapy in terms of Overall survival and Progression-free
survival (PFS), in patients with locally advanced or metastatic
breast cancer. Patients must have been previously treated with
Anthracyclines-based regimen, and failed on Anthracyclines
/Taxanes and taxane therapy. In case where it is known that
the tumor overexpresses HER2/neu, patients must have been
treated with trastuzumab in centers where this treatment is
available, and estrogen receptor-expressing tumors may have
been treated with antiestrogen therapy
Funding Body: Bristol-Myers Squibb
Chief Investigator/s: F Kirsten
Project Title: Randomised phase II study of ixabebilone plus
carboplatin and paclitaxel plus carboplatin in subjects with
non-small cell lung cancer.
Lay Description: This study is a randomized Phase 2 study
in subjects with NSCLC that have not received any systemic
therapy for their cancer, aimed to evaluate the efficacy,
safety and impact on subject symptoms of ixabepilone in
combination with carboplatin compared to paclitaxel and
carboplatin. Up to 260 subjects with NSCLC (see Section 8.1)
will be randomized 1:1 and stratified by expression level of
III tubulin in the subjects’ tumor (positive/negative), disease
stage (Stage IIIB or IV), presence of brain metastasis (yes/no),
and study site to one of the following treatment regimens:•
Arm A: Ixabepilone in combination with carboplatin. • Arm B:
Funding Body: Merck KGaA/PRA
Chief Investigator/s: Fred Kirsten
Project Title: START:A multi-center phase III randomized,
double-blind placebo-controlled study of the cancer vaccine
Stimuvax®® (L-BLP25 or BLP25 liposome vaccine) in nonsmall cell lung cancer (NSCLC) subjects with unresectable
stage III disease
South Western Sydney
Cancer Centre
Paclitaxel in combination with carboplatin.Primary Objective
is to compare PFS in the ixabepilone plus carboplatin arm to
that in the paclitaxel plus carboplatin arm for the subgroup
of subjects with III tubulin positive tumors (III tubulin positive
Study of Modafinil to Improve fatigue and Quality of Life
in Patients Treated with Docetaxel-Based chemotherapy for
Metastatic breast or Prostate Cancer.
Lay Description: Prospective, mulitcentre, randomised,
double-blind, placebo-controlled, two-arm, parallel group
study. Patients receiving docetaxel chemotherapy will be
randomised using 2:1 ratio (Arm 1:Arm 2) to the following
two treatments arm: Arm 1: best supportive care plus
modafinil 200 mg mane daily. Arm 2: best supportive
care plus placebo care mane daily. Primary objective is to
determine the efficacy of modafinil in the reduction of
fatigue in patients with metastatic breast or prostate cancer
undergoing docetaxel-based chemotherapy.
Chief Investigator/s: F Kirsten
Project Title: EXPAND:Open-Label, randomised, controlled,
multicentre phase III study investigating cetuximab in
combination with capecitabine (Xeloda, X) and cisplatin (P)
versus XP alone as first-line treatment for subjects with
advanced gastric adenocarcinoma including adenocarcinoma
of the gastroesophageal junction.
Funding Body: Royal Prince Alfred Hospital
Lay Description: Main objective of this is to demonstrate
superiority of XP chemotherapy regimen plus cetuximab
versus XP alone as first-line treatment for advanced gastric
cancer in terms of PFS. It is a multicenter open-label,
randomized, controlled, phase III study. Subjects will be
randomized on a 1:1 basis to Group A (Cetuximab q week +
XP q 3 weeks) or Group B(XP q 3 weeks) The study will take
place in approximately 150 centres worldwide and will recruit
an estimated 870 subjects.
Chief Investigator/s: R Asghari
Project Title: BNP:Prediction of cardiotoxicity by
measurement of serum N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic
peptic levels in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant
Lay Description: The primary objective of this study is
to determine if an elevated serum level of N-terminal
pro-B-type natriuretic peptide after anthracycline-based
chemotherapy is predictive of the development of left
ventricular dysfunction due to trastuzumab therapy
Funding Body: National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical
Trial Group Australian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group
Chief Investigator/s: R. Asghari
Funding Body: National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical
Trial Group Australian Gastro-Intestinal Trials Group
Project Title: CO.20: A phase III randomised study of Brivanib
(BMS-582664) in combination with Cetuximab (Erbitux®)
versus Placebo in combination with Cetuximab (Erbitux®) in
patients previously treated with combination chemotherapy
for metastatic colorectal carcinoma.
Chief Investigator/s: R Asghari
Project Title: CO.20: A phase III randomised study of Brivanib
(BMS-582664) in combination with Cetuximab (Erbitux®)
versus Placebo in combination with Cetuximab (Erbitux®) in
patients previously treated with combination chemotherapy
for metastatic colorectal carcinoma.
Lay Description: This is a multicentre, prospective, doubleblind, randomized phase III trial of the VEGFR/FGFR tyrosine
kinase inhibitor brivanib (BMS-582664) in combination with
the EGFR-binding chimerized murine monoclonal antibody
cetuximab (Erbitux®) versus matched placebo in combination
with cetuximab in patients with previously treated advanced,
metastatic, K-Ras wild type, colorectal carcinoma, conducted
by the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials
Group supported by the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company.
Lay Description: This is a multicentre, prospective, doubleblind, randomized phase III trial of the VEGFR/FGFR tyrosine
kinase inhibitor brivanib (BMS-582664) in combination with
the EGFR-binding chimerized murine monoclonal antibody
cetuximab (Erbitux®) versus matched placebo in combination
with cetuximab in patients with previously treated advanced,
metastatic, K-Ras wild type, colorectal carcinoma, conducted
by the National Cancer Institute of Canada Clinical Trials
Group supported by the Bristol-Myers Squibb Company.
Funding Body: Sanofi-Aventis Australia
Chief Investigator/s: R. Asghari
Project Title: MOTIF: A Prospective, Randomised Phase II
South Western Sydney
Liverpool and Macarthur
Cancer Therapy Centre
Professor Geoff Delaney
Dr Dion Forstner
Research Grants
response. Medical Physics, 2009. 36,125665-5674.
Miller J, Fuller M, Vinod S, Suchowerska N and Holloway L.
The significance of the choice of radiobiological (NTCP) models
in treatment plan objective functions... Australas Phys Eng Sci
Med., 2009; 32,081-7...
Funding Body: NSW Cancer Institute:
Chief Investigator/s: Della-Fiorentina
Project Title: Clinical Trials Nurse at Southern Highlands
Cancer Centre
Vial P, Gustafsson H, Oliver L, Baldock C, Greer P.B. Directdetection EPID dosimetry: investigation of a potential clinical
configuration for IMRT verification. Physics in Medicine and
Biology, 2009, 54,7151-7169.
Lay Description: Funding for a Clinical Trials Nurse at
Southern Highlands Cancer
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Ward A, Agar M, and Koczwara B. Collaborating or co-existing
- Attitudes of Medical Oncologists toward Specialist Palliative
Care. Palliative Medicine. 2009, (in press),
Delaney GP, Stebbing J, Thompson AM. Breast Cancer
(non-metastatic.In: BMJ Publishing Group. Clinical Evidence
Handbook. BMJ Publishing Group June 09
Conference Presentations/ Posters
Yap ML, Vinod SK, Ho Shon IA, Fowler AR, Lin M, Gabriel GS,
Holloway L. The registration of Diagnostic versus Planning FDG
PET-CT in radiotherapy planning for Non- Small Cell Lung Cancer.
World Lung Conference. San Francisco, USA
Delaney GP, Stebbing J, Thompson AM. Breast Cancer
(non-metastatic.In: BMJ Publishing Group. Clinical Evidence
Handbook. BMJ Publishing Group Dec 09
Journal Articles/Refereed Journals
Currow D, Agar M, Smith J, and Abernethy A. Does home
oxygen improve dyspnoea.A consecutive cohort study. 11th
European Association for Palliative Care Congress. 2009.
Holloway, L. Of what use is radiobiological modelling. Physical
and Engineering Sciences in Medicine, 2009; 32,0): xi-xiv...
Agar M, Currow D, Seidel R, Plummer J, Carnahan R,
Abernethy A.. Changes in anticholinergic load from regular
prescribed medications in palliative care as death approaches.
Palliative Medicine, 2009, 23,257-65
Agar M, Currow D, Seidel R, Plummer J, Carnahan R, and
Abernethy A. Changes in anticholinergic load from regular
prescribed medications in palliative care as death approaches.
11th European Association for Palliative Care Congress. 2009.
Boxer M, Forstner D, Kneebone A, Delaney G, Koh E-S, Fuller
M, Kaadan N. Impact of a real-time peer review audit on patient
management in a radiation oncology department. Journal of
Medical Imaging and Radiation Oncology, 2009, 53,0405411.
Agar M, Draper B, Philips P, Griffiths R, Harlum J, Sanderson
C, and Currow D. Descriptive study of decision making care
psychiatry, and oncology nurses caring for confused patients in
an inpatient setting. .11th European Association for Palliative
Care Congress. 2009. Vienna.
Currow D, Agar M, Smith J, and Abernethy A. Does palliative
home oxygen improve dyspnoea? Palliative Medicine, 2009, (in
Arumugam S and Holloway L. Comparison of Dose from
kilovoltage and Megavoltage Cone Beam Computed Tomography.
EPSM.40118. Canberra, Australia.
Gustafsson H, Vial P, Kuncic Z, Baldock C, Greer P.B. EPID
dosimetry: Effect of different layers of materials on absorbed dose
Arumugam S, Holloway L. The influence of penumbra modelling
South Western Sydney
Cancer Centre
on IMRT dosimetry. Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087.
Brisbane, Australia
based on normal tissue tolerances. EPSM. 40118. Canberra,
Begg J, Holloway L, Franich R, and Kron T. Comparison
of Optical Density obtained from 2D projections and 3D
reconstruction for an Optical CBCT scanner. Combined Scientific
Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Holloway L, Prasad S, Forstner, D. Possibility of altered
fractionation for IMRT nasopharynx treatments; A modelling
study. Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087. Brisbane,
Ceylan A, Vial P, and Holloway L. Characterisation of EPID
response with and without additional build-up. Combined
Scientific Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia
Holloway L, Miller J, Prasad S, Vinod, S. A Program to generate
radiobiological and dosimetric values from Dose Volume
Histogram files. Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087. Brisbane,
Cho G, Kuncic Z, Holloway L, Baldock, C. Tumour response
modelling based on radiobiological image data. EPSM. 40118.
Canberra, Australia.
Yakobi J, Jameson M. The effectiveness of head and neck
contouring atlas in critical structure delineation. Combined
Scientific Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Currow D, Agar M, Plummer J, and Abernethy A. A random
whole-of-population prevalence survey of adult rates of chronic
pain.. Australian Pain Society Annual General Meeting. 2009.
Jameson M, Holloway L, Vial P, Vinod S, Metcalfe P.
Contouring studies in radiotherapy: A review of methods used
to compare contours. Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087.
Brisbane, Australia.
Moretti D, Cassapi L. Development of a Radiotherapy Wiki for
comprehensive document management. Combined Scientific
Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Jameson M, Holloway L, Vial P, and Metcalfe P. Contouring
variability and its effect on radiobiology. Combined Scientific
Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia
Deshpande S, Vial P, Holloway L. An intercomparison of dose
response for 3 Siemens amorphous silicon EPIDs. Combined
Scientific Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Caldwell K, Lau A, Vinod S, Fowler A, Sampson D, Ohanessian
L. A DVH comparison study of organ at risk for cervix brachytherapy. Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087. Brisbane,
Duggan K and Sharmin M. Advocating our cancer information
resource: An Australian perspective. National Cancer Registrars
Association 35th Educational Conference. 2009. New
Luci Dall’Armi, Simpson GK, Forstner D, Simpson T, Kwa
B. Patterns of Information Needs and Affective Distress for
people with Head & Neck cancer and their family members. The
Australia and New Zealand Head & Neck Society (ANZHNS)
11th Annual Scientific Meeting. 6-8 August, 2009.
Fremantle, Western Australia.
Duggan K and Sharmin M. Cancer systems Interoperability:
Turning Australian Registrar Dreams into Reality. National
Cancer Registrars Association 35th Educational Conference.
2009. New Orleans..
Miller J, Fuller M, Vinod S, Suchowerska N, and Holloway L.
The significance of the choice of Radiobiological (NTCP) models
in treatment plan objective functions. Combined Scientific
Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Forstner D, Koneru S, Shafiq J, Ng W, Fowler A.
Implementation of an Integrated Electronic Health related
Quality of Life Assessment Tool into Routine Clinical Practice. The
Australia and New Zealand Head & Neck Society (ANZHNS)
11th Annual Scientific Meeting. 6-8 August, 2009.
Fremantle, Western Australia.
Nelson V, Mclean D, Holloway, L. Use of thermoluminescent
dosimetry (TLD) for quality assurance of orthovoltage xray therapy machines. 7th International Conference on
Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation
LUMDETR 2009. 2009. Krakow, Poland.
Gustafsson H, Vial P, Kuncic Z, Baldock C, Denham J, Greer
P.B. Intensity-modulation radiation therapy verification with a
novel modified EPID design. CSM. 40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Vial P, Deshpande S, Arumugam S, Goozee G, Holloway L.
Simple and efficient pre-treatment IMRT verification using EPIDs.
EPSM.40118.Canberra, Australia.
Gustafsson H, Vial P, Kuncic Z, Baldock C, Greer PB. IMRT
Dosimetry: Direct dose to water dosimetry for pre-treatment
verification using a modified EPID.ESTRO.2009. Barcelona, Spain.
Quinn A, Holloway L, Arumugam S, Delaney G, Batumalai V,
Nelson V, Owen K, Goozee G, Vial P, Metcalfe P. Contralateral
breast dose and secondary risk: A comparison between treatment,
Holloway, L and P Vial. A software program to determine
possible fractionation schedules tailored for individual patients
South Western Sydney
Cancer Centre
kV and MV cone-beam imaging. Combined Scientific Meeting.
40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Vikneswary Batumalai
Quinn, A Holloway L, Zealey W, and Metcalfe P. How to turn
a good image into a bad one; an image simulation process to
reduce patient exposure. Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087.
Brisbane, Australia
– Best Clinical outcomes in Breast Cancer Therapy
(by Novartis Oncology) RANZCR/AIR/ACPSEM ASM
Brisbane October 2009
Kumar S, Juresic E, Barton M, Shafiq J. Management of skin
toxicity during radiation therapy: A review of the evidence.
Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Palliative Care Team
Inaugural NSW Palliative Care Gala Award Innovations in Practice.2009. Liverpool Hospital End of
Life Care Pathway Project
Kumar S, Franji I, Blakeney S, Ochoa C, Andrew K, McKibbin
C, Vinod SK, Koh ES, Lonergan D, Fuller M, Sidhom M,
Holloway L, Tawfik C, Rennie M, Young T, Arumugam S.
Determining the setup accuracy for lung cancer patients
undergoing curative radiotherapy at Liverpool & Macarthur
Cancer Therapy Centres, NSW. Combined Scientific Meeting.
40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Moretti D and Cassapi L.
Siemens Ltd Medical Solutions Radiation Therapist
Prize: Most applicable / beneficial radiation oncology
presentation by a Radiation Therapist - RANZCR
CSM 2009. Development of radiotherapy Wiki for
comprehensive document management
Tran T, Vial P, and Holloway L. Prostate Hypofractionation:
A modelling study considering IMRT treatment plans. EPSM.
40118. Canberra, Australia.
Dall’Armi L.
Batumalai V, Koh ES, Delaney, G Holloway L, Jameson M,
Papadatos G, Lonergan D. Variability in clinical target volume
delineation for tangential breast irradiation: Comparison
between RO and RT. Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087.
Brisbane, Australia.
SSWAHS Nurses & Midwives Achievements Award. 2009
Vial P, Deshpande S, Goozee G, Holloway L. Dosimetric
Characteristics and Potential Applications of the ImRT MatriXX
Operating in Movie Mode. EPSM. 40118. Canberra, Australia.
Vial P, A Ceylan, S Deshpande, and Holloway L. Beam start-up
characteristics: A comparison of four Siemens and one Elekta
linac.Combined Scientific Meeting. 40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Vinod S, Holloway L, Prasad S, McKibbin C, Andrew K,
Blakeney S, Franji I, Shafiq J, Koh ES, Fuller M. Dosimetric
implications of the addition of 18FDG- Positron Emission
Tomography (PET) in CT-based radiotherapy planning for NonSmall Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC). Combined Scientific Meeting.
40087. Brisbane, Australia.
Yip PY, Goldrick A, Della-Fiorentina S, and Chantrill L.
Retrospective Review of adjuvant Trastuzumab use in the
Western Zone of Sydney South West Area Health Service.
Medical Oncology Group of Australia ASM. 2009. Sydney.
South Western Sydney
Cancer Centre
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Alexandra Quinn
University of Wollongong
Investigations into cone beam
imaging dose and risk
Lois Holloway, Peter Metcalfe
Jan 2009
Michael Jameson
University of Wollongong
Investigations into the impact of variation
in contouring for radiotherapy
Lois Holloway, Peter Metcalfe
Jan 2008
Gwi-Ae CHo
University of Sydney
Radiobiological modelling
for radiotherapy
Lois Holloway, Zdenka Kuncic,
Clive Baldock
August 2007
Philip Vial
University of Sydney
Aspects of clinical dosimetry in intensitymodulated radiation therapy
Peter Greer, Lyn Oliver,
Clive Baldock
July 2003
Tai Tran
University of Sydney
The possibility of hypofractionation
for prostate cancer
Lois Holloway
Jan 2009
Muhammad Shafiq
University of Sydney
Monte Carlo modelling of an
electronic portal imaging device
Zdenka Kuncic, Philip Vial,
Lois Holloway
Jan 2009
Jarrad Begg
Characterisation of an Optical CT scanner
Tomas Kron, Rick Franch,
Lois Holloway
Tania Technovnic
University of Wollongong
Andrew Howie
Peter Greer, Peter Metcalfe
Verification of Prostate Brachytherapy
Lois Holloway, Lisa Duggan,
Rick Franch
South Western Sydney
Liverpool Hospital
Professor John French
Research Grants
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Leung DY, Boyd A, Ng CTA, Chi C, Thomas L. Echocardiographic
Evaluation of Left Atrial Size and Function: Current
Understanding, Pathophysiologic Correlates and Prognostic
Implications. American Heart Journal. 2008.156.1056-64.
Funding Body: NHMRC Project Grant 455207
Chief Investigator/s: Melina Gattellari, John Worthington,
Dominic Leung, Nick Zwar
Leung DY, Ng ACT. Emerging clinical role of strain imaging in
echocardiograpy. Heart, Lung Circulation. 2009...doi:10.1016/
Project Title: DESPATCH: Delivering stroke prevention for
atrial fibrillation: assisting evidence-based choice in primary
Ng ACT, Delgado V, Bertini M, Van der Meer RW, Rijzewijk LJ,
Smit JWA, Diamant M, Romijn JA, de Roos A, Leung DY, Lamb
HJ, Bax JJ. Fingings from left ventricular strain and strain rate
imaging in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus.
American Journal of Cardiology. 2009. 104.10.1398-1401.
Lay Description: This study examines the impact of academic
detailing and support on general practitioners’ uptake on
evidence based prescribing of warfarin in patients with non
valvular atrial fibrillation
Administering Institution: UNSW
Ng CTA, Allman CJ, Vidaic J, Tie H, Hopkins AP, Leung DY.
Long-Term Impact of Right Ventricular Septal Versus Apical
Pacing on Left Ventricular Synchrony and Function in Patients
with Second or Third Degree Heart Block . American Journal of
Cardiology. 2009. 103.8.1096-1101.
Funding Body: NHMRC Project Grant 458814
Chief Investigator/s: Patricia Davidson, Henry Krum, Dominic
Leung, Geof Tofler, David Currow
Ng CTA, Delgado V, Bertini M, Nucifora G, Shanks M, Ajmone
Marsan N, Holman E, Van de Veire NRL, Leung DY, Bax JJ.
Advanced application of 3-dimensional echocardiography.
Minerva cardioangiologica. 2009. 57.4.415 - 441.
Project Title: Oxygen heart failure study
Lay Description: This study examines the effect of oxygen
therapy in patients with Class III and IV heart failure in
decreasing hospitalisation and improving quality of life
Ng CTA, Delgado V, van der Kley F, van Bommel RJ, Shanks M,
de Weger A, Tavilla G, van de Veire NRL, Bertini M, Nucifora
G, Leung DY, Schuijf J, Schalij MJ, Bax JJ. Comparison
of Aortic Root Dimensions and Geometries Pre- and PostTranscatheter Aortic Valve Implantation by 2- and 3-Dimensional
Transesophageal Echocardiography and Multislice Computed
Tomography .Circulation Imaging. 2009...Nov 17th. Epub ahead
Administering Institution: Curtin University
Books Chapters
Leung Dominic, Marwick Thomas . Quantification of non
ischaemic mitral regurgitation. Dynamic Echocardiograpy.
American Society of Echocardiography. 1st. Saunders, Elsevier
Inc. 2009 - 10. Chapter 14.
Ng CTA, Sitges M, Pham PN, Tran DT, Delgado V, Bertini M,
Nucifora G, Vidaic J, Allman CJ, Holman E, Bax JJ, Leung DY.
Incremental Value Of Two-Dimensional Speckle Tracking Strain
Imaging To Wall Motion Analysis For Detection Of Coronary
Artery Disease In Patients Undergoing Dobutamine Stress
Echocardiography. American Heart Journal. 2009. 158.5.836844.
Leung Dominic, Marwick Thomas. Exercise hemodynamics in
non ischaemic mitral regurgitation. Dynamic Echocardiograpy.
American Society of Echocardiography. 1st. Saunders, Elsevier
Inc. 2008 - 10. Chapter 16.
South Western Sydney
Ng CTA, Tran DT, Allman CJ, Vidaic J, Leung DY. Prognostic
Implications Of Left Ventricular Dyssynchrony Early After NonST Elevation Myocardial Infarction Without Congestive
Heart Failure .European Heart Journal.2009...Epub 18th
November, 2009.
Leung Dominic. Expert approach to chronic total occlusions:
Strategies using innovative devices Complex Catheter Therapeutics
2008. 31st January – 2nd February, 2008. Kobe, Japan.
Leung Dominic. Function is more important than anatomy
– Stress Echo is the best Annual scientific sessions of the Cardiac
Society of Australia and New Zealand. 6th August – 9th
August, 2008. Adelaide, Australia.
Ng CTA, Tran DT, Newman M, Allman CJ, Vidaic J, Leung DY.
Comparison of left ventricular dyssynchrony by two-dimensional
speckle tracking versus tissue Doppler imaging in patients with
non-ST-elevation myocardial infarction and preserved left
ventricular systolic function. American Journal of Cardiology.
2008. 102.9.1146-50
Leung Dominic. Heart failure: etiological and prognostic
substrates-mitral regurgitationAnnual scientific sessions of the
Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand. 6th August – 9th
August, 2008. Adelaide, Australia.
Ng CTA, Tran DT, Newman M, Allman CJ, Vidaic J, Leung
DY. Comparison of myocardial tissue velocities measured with
tissue Doppler imaging and two-dimensional speckle tracking.
American Journal of Cardiology. 2008 .102.6.784-9
Leung Dominic. How to evaluate left ventricular function
European Congress of Cardiology. 29th August – 2nd
September 2009. Barcelona, Spain.
Leung Dominic. The Atria: Size Matters, Does Function? Can
Tissue Doppler and Strain Imaging Help? Echo Singapore
2009.14th – 16th October 2009. Singapore.
Ng CTA, Tran DT, Newman M, Allman CJ, Vidaic J, Lo ST,
Hopkins AP, Leung DY. Left Ventricular Longitudinal And
Radial Synchrony And Their Determinants in Normal Subjects.
Journal of The American Society of Echocardiography. 2008.
Leung Dominic. Ventricular dyssynchrony: Look at the ECG, don’t
bother with complex echo studies Echo Singapore 2009. 14th
– 16th October 2009.Singapore.
Conference Presentations/Posters
Ng CTA, M Bertini, JW Borleffs, V Delgado, G Nucifora,
G Boriani, Leung DY, MJ Schalij, JJ Bax. Prediction of
life-threatening ventricular tachyarrhythmias and death in
patients with previous myocardial infarction by left ventricular
longitudinal strain analysis European Congress of Cardiology.
29th August – 2nd September 2009. Barcelona Spain
Leung Dominic. Assessment of Filling Pressure in heart failure
with preserved ejection fraction - What’s reliable, What’s not?
Echo Singapore 2009.14th – 16th October 2009. Singapore.
Leung Dominic. Decision making in valvular heart disease
ASEANZ meeting. 20th June – 22rd June 2008. Melbourne,
Ng CTA, Tran DT, Allman CJ, Vidaic J, Leung DY. Prognostic
implications of left ventricular dyssynchrony early after nonST elevation myocardial infarction without congestive heart
failureEuropean Congress of Cardiology. 29th August – 2nd
September 2009. Barcelona Spain.
Leung Dominic. Echocardiographic assessment of left ventricular
function with chemotherapy European Congress of Cardiology.
31st August – 3rd September 2008. Munich, Germany
Leung Dominc. Echocardiography and mitral regurgitation
debate: Evaluation of MR severity is enough to time surgery Asian
Pacific Conference on Doppler Echocardiography. 17th – 19th
May 2009. Brisbane Queensland.
Ng CTA, V Delgado, RW Van Der Meer, M Bertini, G Nucifora,
Leung DY, NR Van De Veire, HJ Lamb, MJ Schalij, JJ Bax.
Differential effects of type 2 diabetes mellitus with intensive
glucose control on left ventricular myocardial functions European
Congress of Cardiology. 29th August – 2nd September 2009.
Barcelona Spain.
Leung Dominic. Evaluation of recurrent chest pain debate:
CT will replace echocardiographyAsian Pacific Conference on
Doppler Echocardiography. 17th – 19th May 2009. Brisbane
Ng CTA; Delgado V, Rutger W, Van Der Meer, Bertini M,
Nucifora G, Leung DY, Van De Veire NR, Lamb HJ, Schalij
MJ, Bax JJ. Myocardial steatosis and left ventricular function
in asymptomatic patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus Annual
scientific sessions of the Cardiac Society of Australia and New
Zealand. 13th August – 16th August. Sydney, NSW.
Leung Dominc. Exercise and Non-Exercise Stress Echo:
Quantitative Approaches Are Useful (Really???) Echo Singapore
2009. 14th – 16th October 2009. Singapore.
South Western Sydney
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Dr Arnold Ng
Left ventricular mechanics and synchrony
Dominic Leung
Ms Christine Allman
M Sci,
Role of tissue Doppler in
evaluating patients undergoing
chemotherapy with Doxorubicin
Dominic Leung, Michael Harvey
Dr EeMay Chia
Right ventricular function and dynamics
Liza Thomas, Dominic Leung
Ms Anita Boyd
M Sci,
Left atrial function in health and disease
Liza Thomas, Dominic Leung
South Western Sydney
Community Nutrition Service
Community Health
(Specialist Services)
Sue Amanatidis
Research Department Profile
The HACC Community Nutrition Service (Nutrition Links) completed research on the nutritional
needs of High Needs clients receiving Home Care Service in the Bankstown LGA. The aim was to
identify any barriers that HACC staff encountered in dealing with nutritional issues for their High
Needs clients. The barriers identified were inadequate staff training of Home Care Workers on
identifying nutritional risk among clients as well as lack of awareness of the importance of nutrition
in clients well being.
As a result a nutrition training manual is being developed for Home Care workers. Also completed
research investigating how community services currently identify and manage nutrition risks in their
adult clients with an intellectual disability and to identify any gaps or barriers which could prevent
them from carrying this out. Adults with an intellectual disability are a nutritionally vulnerable group
and there are currently no nutrition policy’s in place in NSW for this group.
The results indicate that there appears to be a gap in most community services in South West
Sydney when it comes to identifying and managing their adult clients with an intellectual disability’s
nutritional risks. The main barriers identified were lack of awareness, knowledge or time; client/carer
cooperation or interest; and influence over clients dietary intake.
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
W, Barton D, Reakes K
Sue Amanatidis. Common Nutrition Problems in the Elderly
Geriatric Medicine in General Practice. 2009.4. Mar-1030-31
Project Title: The Straightpoz study, Men and Women living
heterosexually with HIV in NSW
Lay Description: Publication of Volume 2 of research study
Community HIV Service
Community Health (Specialist Services)
Conference Presentations/Posters
Pene Manolas-Manager
Lovell R, Manolas P. The Sanctuary: Responding to Changing
Consumer Needs In a Community Setting. Australasian HIV/AIDS
Conference. 2009 Brisbane, Australia
Working with HIV positive clients in a communitybased setting and from a statewide service
Reakes K.www.who’s out there? Coming out as a straight
person. 9th International Congress on AIDS in Asia and the
Pacific. 2009 Bali, Indonesia
Clinical Trials
Reakes K, Persson AK, Manolas P. Unity in Diversity? Working
with People living heterosexually with HIV. Australasian HIV/
AIDS Conference. 2009 Brisbane, Australia
Funding Body: NSW Health
Chief Investigator/s: Persson A (chief investigator), Richards
South Western Sydney
Emergency Medicine
Research Unit
Liverpool Hospital
Associate Professor Anna Holdgate
Research Department Profile
During 2009, the Liverpool Hospital Emergency Medicine Research Unit participated in a multi
centred international study (ARiSE) investigating management of patients presenting to Emergency
Departments with Sepsis, with a number of participants recruited.
The Research Unit also received approval to participate in another multi centred study (RAVEII)
investigating the safety and efficacy of intravenously administered Red Back spider anti venom. This
project continues on from an earlier project (RAVE) this unit participated in.
There have been numerous publications of peer reviewed journal articles and chapters in edited
books and presentation of papers at scientific meetings. Finally, the position of Clinical Nurse
Educator for the research unit was filled
Research Grants
Clinical Trials
Funding Body:
Funding Body: National Health and Medical Research Council
Chief Investigator/s: Geoff Isbister
Chief Investigator/s: Professor Rinaldo Bellomo Intensive Care
Lay Description: An investigation into the safety and efficacy
of Red back spider anti venom administered Intravenously,A
controlled, randomised, double blinded investigation
comparing the effects of intravenously administered red back
spider anti venom versus placebo
Project Title: Redback Anti Venom Evaluation (RAVE ) II
Austin and Repatriation Medical Centre
Austin Campus, Heidelberg
Victoria 3084, Australia
Project Title: Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation
(ARISE) Randomised Controlled Trial
Funding Body: National Health and Medical Research Council
Lay Description: A multi-centre, randomised controlled trial
of early goal-directed therapy in patients presenting to the
Emergency Department with severe sepsis in Australasia
Chief Investigator/s: Professor Rinaldo Bellomo
Project Title: Australasian Resuscitation In Sepsis Evaluation
Administering Institution: The Australian & New Zealand
Intensive Care Research Centre Department of Epidemiology
and Preventive Medicine School of Public Health and
Preventive Medicine Monash University The Alfred
Commercial Road, Melbourne Victoria 3004 Australia
Lay Description: A multi-centre, randomised controlled trial
of early goal-directed therapy in patients presenting to the
Emergency Department with severe sepsis in Australasia
South Western Sydney
Emergency Medicine
Books Chapters
Holdgate A, Arendts G. Endocrine Emergencies. Fulde GWO4th.
Chatswood. Churchill-Livingstone. 2009 392 – 404
Holdgate A. Eptic Shock. Cameron et al3rd. Edinburgh.
Churchill Livingstone Elsevier. 2009 57 – 60
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Fernando S, Georgiou A, Holdgate A, Westbrook JI. Challenges
associated with electronic ordering in the emergency department:
a study of doctors’ experiences. Emergency Medicine
Australasia. 2009. 21.373 – 378
Holdgate A, Shepherd SA, Huckson S. Patterns of analgesia for
fractured neck of femur in Australian Emergency Departments.
Emergency Medicine Australasia. 2009. 22.40393
Short A, Holdgate A, Ahern N, Morris J. Enhancing research
interest and collaboration in the interdisciplinary context of
emergency care. Journal of Interprofessional Care. 2009.
23.156 – 68
Stone SF, Cotterell C, Isbister GK, Holdgate A, Brown
SA. Elevated serum cytokines during human anaphylaxis:
Identification of potential mediators of acute allergic reactions.
Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology. 2009. 124.786
Conference Presentations/Posters
Shepherd SA, Holdgate A, Huckson S. Patterns of analgesia for
fractured neck of femur in Australian Emergency Departments.
ACEM Winter Symposium. June 24 – 26, 2009. Darwin
Lo KM, Holdgate A, Cao A. The implementation of intranasal
fentanyl for children in a mixed emergency department reduces
time to analgesia. ACEM Winter Symposium. June 24 – 26,
2009. Darwin
Naushaduddin M, Holdgate A, Ung S. The use of popular
audio in CPR (TUPAC) – does music improve compliance
with recommended chest compression rates? ACEM Winter
Symposium. June 24 – 26, 2009. Darwin
South Western Sydney
Department of
Gastroenterology and
Liverpool Hospital
Dr Mirrien Levy
Research Department Profile
Many members of our department have a strong research background, including 4 who have
completed a PhD prior to taking on their clinical role. In combination with vast clinical opportunity
for research, provide by the setting at Liverpool Hospital, our strong research experience is beginning
to bear fruit particularly in the fields of viral hepatitis and inflammatory bowel disease.
We are a high volume centre for the management of Hepatitis B in pregnancy, and have
successful studied and reported Mother to Child Transmission of Hepatitis B infection in Australia.
This information has changed practice across the country, as antiviral therapy is used sometimes to
prevent transmission. Multicentre research, led by our unit is in progress to determine safety and
efficacy of anti viral therapy in this setting. Furthermore, research into the natural history of women
with HBV infection, which to date has not been separately examined, but might be quite different
from the progression of HBV in men, follows naturally from research into this cohort.
Our Group has also successfully produced a video on HCV education, and have examined the
impact of this video on patient understanding. Further studies on the impact on compliance and
treatment outcomes are in progress.
SWSAHS is the epicentre of the epidemic of HCC in NSW and Australia. The predominant aetiology
of underlying liver disease is HBV infection. We are active participants in the planning of a 1 million
dollar “B-positive” project run by the NSW cancer council aimed at early management of HBV
infection, prevention of cirrhosis and early detection of cancer.
A large inflammatory bowel disease cohort has been developed by Drs Connor and Ng. This cohort
has been the subject of clinical reports, and now our unit’s participation in multicentre, investigator
and sponsor funded research has begun
Funding Body: HCEP Hepatitis C education and Health
Research Grants
Chief Investigator/s: Louise Smith and Dr Miriam Levy
Project Title: HCV Is treatment right for you? An educational
video for DVD and YouTube
Funding Body: PILLAR
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Miriam Levy
Lay Description: This video aims to provide all the information
to patients that are discussed in a specialist and nursing
consultation, about HCV treatment. This will allow patients to
think about the issues from home, at their own pace.
Project Title: Perinatal transmission of HBV infection;
phenotypic and genotypic analysis of vaccine failure
Lay Description: Mother to child transmission of hepatitis B
infection, what determines the failure of vaccination
Administering Institution: Institution HARP unit
Administering Institution: Liverpool Hospital
Research Groups
Gastroentoerology &
Hepatology con’t
Funding Body: Australian Chronic Hepatitis C observational
Study (ACHOS)
2008) Ryan R, Levy M, Crawford Darrell.. (chapter for the
HBV monograph Viral Hepatitis B, a guide for primary care
providers 2008) 2008...
Chief Investigator/s:
Tin Nguyen1,2, Alexander JV. Thompson1,2, Scott Bowden1,
Catherine Croagh2, Sally Bell2, Paul V, Desmond2, Miriam Levy3,
Stephen A. Locarnini 1. Hepatitis B Surface Antigen Levels
during the Natural History of Chronic Hepatitis B. Journal of
Hepatology 2009...
Project Title: Multicentre, industry sponsored, independent
steering committee we are one of the participating sites for
this research incentive
Lay Description:
Administering Institution:
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Scott D, Levy MT. Liver Transient Elastography (Fibroscan) – A
place in the management algorithms of chronic viral hepatitis.
Antiviral Therapy 2009.15.1.11
Coupland H1, Day C2, Levy M3, Maher, L1. Promoting
equitable access to hepatitis C treatment for Indo- Chinese
injecting drug users. Health Promotion Journal of Australia;
2009. 20.3.
E1, Fraser M1, Holden S1, Glass A1, Kidson B1, Heron L1,
Maley M3, Ayres A2, Locarnini S2, Levy MT1. Perinatal
transmission of Hepatitis B virus: An Australian experience
Wiseman. Medical Journal of Australia 2009. 190.9.489-492
JH Koo, RWL Leong. Sex differences in the epidemiology,
clinical and pathological characteristics of colorectal cancer. J
Gastroenterol Hepatol 2010. 25.1.33-42
Levy M, Wiseman, E. Perinatal transmission of hepatitis B virus:
an Australian experience. Medical Journal Of Australia 2009.
Melanie Kansil,1 Monica C Robotin,1,2 Kirsten Howard,2
Jacob George,2,3 Steven Tipper,1 Gregory J Dore,4 Miriam
Levy,5 Andrew G Penman. Antiviral therapy for hepatitis
B-related liver cancer prevention: a cost-effective strategy
compared to early detection. Journal of Hepatology 2009.
Ryan R, Levy M, Crawford Darrell. Treatment modalities and
the management of patients on Therapy (chapter for the HBV
monograph Viral Hepatitis B, a guide for primary care providers
South Western Sydney
Health Promotion Service
Area-Population Health
Chris Rissel
Research Grants
Funding Body: National Smoke-free Pregnancy Project (NSFPP)
Chief Investigator/s: Natasha Poder
Project Title: Implementation of a tobacco cessation intervention for pregnant women and their partners in two
maternity hospitals in SSWAHS
Lay Description: The project aim is to implement an innovative and sustainable tobacco cessation intervention
for pregnant women and their partners in Liverpool and Campbelltown hospitals Approximately 200 smokers
attending routine antenatal clinics at during 2008/09 will be offered inclusion in the project. Smoking status
will be determined and women will be offered assistance to quit smoking. Women aged 16 years or over who
smoke at least 10 cigarettes per day will be offered free NRT in addition to cessation counselling. Eligibility
for NRT use (intermittent products e.g. gum, lozenge) will be assessed by the midwife in consultation with the
medical officer. If the partner of the pregnant woman is identified as a smoker, the Project Officer will contact
the partner to conduct an assessment of smoking status and discuss options for NRT pick up.
Administering Institution: The Cancer Council South Australia (TCCSA)
South Western Sydney
Immunology and Allergy
Professor CH Katelaris
Research Department Profile
The Immunology/Allergy Unit at Campbelltown Hospital has undertaken some exciting research
directions encompassing the broad interests of the clinical team. Our interest in drug allergic reactions has resulted in an expansion of our projects this year
including continuing investigation of patients presenting with peri-operative anaphylaxis and
patients presenting with a history of sulfonamide allergy. We have continued our ongoing
monitoring of adverse drug reactions within Campbelltown Hospital. Collaborative research projects are an integral part of our strategic plan. We have collaborations
with infectious diseases physicians at Westmead Hospital and a general practitioner with an interest
in allergy on the north coast of NSW. Our ongoing dust mite allergy study is a collaborative effort
between ourselves and researchers in Colombia, South America. Our long standing interest in aerobiology has been furthered by completing a full twelve months
monitoring of fungal spores in the atmosphere in the south western region. This data was be
presented for the first time as an abstract at the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and
Allergy meeting in 2009. We now have two years of data this will be presented as an abstract at the
9th International congress on Aerobiology in Argentina Aug 2010
Quantiferon-TB gold assay for the detection
and monitoring effects of treatment of, latent
tuberculosis infection
Does a history of sulfonamide allergy preclude the
use of Acetazolamide (Diamox) in cataract surgery?
Is Autumn Hayfever in the Macleay valley due to
Ragweed Sensitization?
Research projects
Prevalence of IgE antibodies to pholcodine,
morphine and suxamethonium in atopic persons and
patients with peri-operative anaphylaxis; correlation
with cough suppressant consumption and reported
anaphylaxis to neuromuscular blocking agents
Monitoring Adverse Drug Reactions in
Campbelltown Hospital
The evaluation of cross-reactivity between Ascaris
and mite allergens
Ongoing Monitoring and analysis of pollen and
fungal spore levels in the South Sydney Western
South Western Sydney
Immunology &
Allergy con’t
Clinical Trials
Conference Presentations/Posters
Burton Pamela 1, Katelaris Constance H 1,2 Burton
Pamela 1, Katelaris Constance H 1,2
Funding Body: CSL Shire/Nov atech
Chief Investigator/s: Professor CH Katelaris
Project Title: A multi-centre, open-label study to assess
the efficacy, tolerability, safety and pharmacokinetics of
subcutaneous infusions of Ig NextGen 16% in patients with
Primary Immunodeficiency (PID) CSLCT-SCIG-05-23
An Open-label study of Ig NextGen 16% administered
by subcutaneous infusions inpatient with Primary
Immunodeficiency CSLCT-SCIG 07-42
University of Western Sydney, Macarthur, NSW,
SSWAHS, Campbelltown Hospital, Campbelltown,
Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and
Allergy. Sept 2009. Adelaide.
A Phase III Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled,
Multicentre Study of Icatibant for Subcutaneous Injection in
Patients with Acute Attacks of Hereditary Angioedema (HAE)
Lay Description: Patients with primary Immunodeficiency
usually require monthly infusions of a product called
Intragam P to prevent recurrent serious bacterial chest
infections. The trial is for the administration of the same
product in a more concentrated form given subcutaneously
at home by the patient Ongoing study as above to
ensure patients can continue to receive the study drug
until registration with the TGA Patients with Hereditary
Angioedema require infusions of C1INH esterase when they
have an exacerbation of the disease. The study drug is a new
subcutaneous product called ICATIBANT The study drug has
many benefits one of which is when it becomes registered in
Australia it will offer an alternative treatment that is easier
to administer
South Western Sydney
Infant, Child & Adolescent
Mental Health Service
Research Unit
Area Mental Health
Professor V Eapen
Research Department Profile
Research partner for the FaHCSIA funded KU Marcia Burgess Autism Specific Early Learning and
Care Centre (ASELCC), one of the six centres in the country (one in each state), based at Liverpool,
Sydney, and established by KU Children’s Service through a partnership with Sydney South West Area
Health Service, the University of NSW and The Benevolent Society.
Research Grants
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Al-Awadhi M, Al-Marzouqi O, Al-Bannai O, Al-Bloushi
H, Abdul Raheim S, Nuwayhid I, Frampton C, Eapen V
Knowledge. Attitude and Measures taken by Construction
workers toward prevention of Heat related Illness in Al Ain,
UAE. Eastern Mediterranean Health Journal. Accepted April
Funding Body: Rotary grant
Chief Investigator/s: Eapen V., Ward P., Hazell P, Faure-Brac
G., Barton G
Project Title: Evaluation of a health promotion and Lifestyle
Intervention program for adolescents on antipsychotic
Crncec R, Cooper E, Matthey S. Treating infant sleep
disturbance: Does maternal mood impact upon effectiveness?
Journal of Paediatrics and Child Health. 2009. 46.40210.2934
Lay Description:
Administering Institution: UNSW
Eapen V, Crncec R. Tourette syndrome in children and
adolescents: special considerations. Journal of Psychosomatic
Research. 2009. 67.6.525-532.
Funding Body: ARC Discovery Project Grant.:
Chief Investigator/s: Harris E, McMahon C, Vimpani G,
Matthey S, Dockett S, Perry R, Kemp L, Anderson T, Schmied
Eapen V, Mabrouk A, Yousef S. Metabolic Syndrome among the
young obese in the United Arab Emirates. Journal of Tropical
Pediatrics. 2009. 55.46-48.
Project Title: Early childhood sustained home visiting:
outcomes at 4 years and the transition to school
Eapen V, Jairam R. Integration of Child Mental Health Services
to Primary Care: Challenges and Opportunities.Mental Health in
Family Medicine.2009.6.43-48.
Lay Description:
Administering Institution: UNSW
Eapen V, Mabrouk AA, Zoubeidi T, Sabri S, Yousef S, Al-Ketbi
J, Al-Kyomi T, Jakka ME. Epidemiological study of Attention
Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder among school children in the
United Arab Emirates.Journal of Medical Sciences.2009.2.119-127.
South Western Sydney
Mental Health
Tourette Syndrome 20th Anniversary celebrations. 39942.Sydney
Farah LG, Fayyad JA, Eapen V, Cassir Y, Salamoun M.M, Tabet
CC, Mneimneh ZN, Karam EG. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity
Disorder (ADHD) in the Arab World: A Review of Epidemiologic
Studies. Journal of Attention Disorders. 2009. 13.3.211-222.
Eapen V. Neurobiology of Autism.Neuropsychiatry seminars. 2829 July, 2009. Brisbane
Matthey S, Crncec R, Galletta A. The Stability of Infant Social
Behaviour When Screened Using the m-ADBB. Australian
Association for Infant Mental Health Inc. and The
Australasian Marcé Society. 40087. Melbourne.
Ghubash R, Eapen V. Postpartum mental illness: perspectives
from an Arabian Gulf Population. Psychological Reports. 2009.
Mabrouk AA, Eapen V. Challenges in the Identification and
Treatment of PANDAS: A Case Series. Journal of Tropical
Paediatrics. 2009. 55.1.46-48.
Matthey S, Lee C, Trapolini T, Crncec R. Scoring The Edinburgh
Depression Scale – How Often Do We Make Mistakes? Australian
Association for Infant Mental Health Inc. 40087. Melbourne
Matthey, S. Commentary on ‘Telephone based peer support can
reduce postnatal depression in women at high risk’ (CL Dennis,
2009). Evidence Based Mental Health. 2009.12..82.
Reay R, Matthey S, & Ellwood D. 2 years on: postnatal distress
in the first 2 years: Impact of treatment, and women’s causal
reasons. Australian Association for Infant Mental Health Inc.
and The Australasian Marcé Society. 40087. Melbourne.
Matthey, S. Women’s perceptions of the causes of their postnatal
distress: development of the Reasons for Postnatal Distress
Checklist. Depression and Anxiety. 2009. 26.938-948.
Phillips J, Charles M, Sharpe L, & Matthey S. Validation of
the subscales of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in a
sample of women with unsettled infants. Journal of Affective
Disorders. 2009. 118.101-112.
Phillips J, Sharpe L, Matthey S, & Charles M. Maternally
focused worry. Archives of Women’s Mental Health. 2009.
Robertson M, Eapen V, Cavanna A.E. International prevalence,
epidemiology and clinical phenomenology of Tourette Syndrome;
a cross cultural perspective. Journal of psychosomatic Research.
2009. 67.475-83
Conference Presentations/Posters
Eapen V. ADHD: An Overview. ADHD workshop. 13 January,
2009. Arabian Gulf University, Bahrain.
Crncec R, Cooper E, Matthey S. Treating unsettled infant sleep
– do maternal mood difficulties impact upon effectiveness?
Australian Association for Infant Mental Health Inc. and The
Australasian Marcé Society. 40087. Melbourne.
Eapen V. Autism: What do we know, Where do we go?
Australasian Autism Research Collaborative meeting. 6-7
April, 2009. Melbourne
Eapen V. Clinical Characteristics, Aetiology and Medical
perspectives of Tourette Syndrome. Tourette Syndrome
Conference. 40110. Launceston
Eapen V. Don’t Fret, Be Supportive: Transactional nature of
mother infant interactions. 6th WPA International Mental
Health and Cultural Psychiatry. 16-18 October, 2009. Gold
Eapen V. Management of co-morbidities in Tourette Syndrome.
South Western Sydney
Mental Health
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
Noni Jervis
Master of Clinical Psychology.
Examination of the optimal clinical
cut-off score of the modified Alarm
Distress Baby Scale
Matthey S, Crncec R
Dr Alex Apler
Separation Anxiety Disorder in
Eapen V, Rees S
June 2009
Jane Phillips
University of Sydney
Perinatal depression
S. Matthey & L. Sharpe
Clodagh Ross-Hamid
Master of Clinical Psychology.
Transient vs Endurng distress in
S. Matthey & J. Malcolm
Monda Joseph
Master of Educational &
Developmental Psychology.
Empathy development
in new parents.
S. Matthey & A. Hines
South Western Sydney
Intensive Care Unit
Liverpool Hospital
Dr Michael Parr
Research Department Profile
Key achievements for 2009 include the publishing of two large ANZICS-CTG Trial Results:
NICE-SUGAR Study and RENAL Study. The primary aim of the NICE-SUGAR study was to compare the
effects of the two blood glucose targets on 90 day all-cause mortality in ICU patients. Study results
demonstrated intensive glucose control (glucose target of 4.5-6.0mmol/L) increased mortality among
adults in the ICU. These results likely changed glucose control practice in ICU’s worldwide. The RENAL
Study sought to determine if increasing the dose of continuous renal replacement therapy (CRRT)
reduces all cause, 90-day mortality in ICU patients with severe acute renal failure (ARF). RENAL was
the largest multi-centre RCT of intensity of CRRT in ICU patients with ARF.
The study showed no significant difference between the 2 doses. In adult ICU patients with ARF,
treatment with higher intensity continuous renal replacement therapy does not improve survival.
The trial also showed that by not adopting higher dose therapy, there are reduced costs relating to
With the emergence of human swine influenza (H1N1 09), the ANZICS-CTG along with other ICUbased groups established a ‘real time’ registry of patients admitted to Australian ICU’s with influenza
A, including H1N1 09. This enabled the tracking and documenting of the evolution of the H1N109
pandemic through Australia’s health care system and established key factors influencing mortality,
the need for hospitalisation and mechanical ventilation. This data was essential in determining the
effects of H1N1 09 on the Australian ICU system and also provided relevant information to countries
in the Northern Hemisphere heading into their winter
Research Grants
Funding Body: NSW Health Capacity Building Infrastructure
Funding Body: NH & MRC – 210397
Chief Investigator/s: Prof J Braithwaite, Prof E Coiera, Prof K
Chief Investigator/s: Dr. Meera Agar; Prof Ken Hillman; Dr.
Louise Elliott
Project Title: CBIG Infrastructure
Project Title: Prospective study of medical emergency
team calls to define issues of end-of-life decision making,
symptoms and transition in goals of care
Lay Description: To enhance the capacity of research centres
Administering Institution: UNSW
Lay Description: The study of hospital emergency teams aand
how they interact with patient care adcare at the end-oflife.
Clinical Trials
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: A/Prof Anna Holdgate and Dr Michael
Administering Institution: UNSW
South Western Sydney
Intensive Care
Project Title: Australian Resuscitation in Sepsis Evaluation
Unit Research Fund
Lay Description: Collaborative project with Liverpool
Emergency Department. The primary aim of this study is to
determine if providing early goal-directed therapy (EGDT),
compared to standard care, reduces all-cause 90-day
mortality in patients presenting to the Emergency Department
with severe sepsis.
Project Title: Discharge and Readmission Evaluation (DARE)
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Michael Parr
Lay Description: The DARE Study is an observational study
which aims to identify the patient and system factors that
increase preventable morbidity and mortality in patients who
are discharged from ICU in Australia and New Zealand.
Funding Body: N/A
Funding Body: N/A
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Michael Parr
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Michael Parr
Project Title: Central Line Associated Bacteraemia in Intensive
Project Title: influenza Pandemic ICU Triage (iPIT) Study
Lay Description: The Clinical Excellence Commission (CEC),
Intensive Care Coordination and Monitoring Unit (ICCMU)
and NSW Department of Health (Quality and Safety branch)
implemented the CLAB-ICU project aiming to improve patient
outcomes by reducing Central Line Associated Bacteraemia in
all Intensive Care Units in NSW.
Lay Description: To determine the number of patients that
would qualify for ICU admission or discharge (in a prepandemic setting) using the NSW Health Guidelines for the
Provision of Critical Care in Response to Influenza Pandemic
triage protocol and the Ontario Health Plan for an Influenza
Pandemic (OHPIP) triage protocol.
Funding Body: NHMRC
Funding Body: N/A
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Michael Parr
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Michael Parr, Dr Markus Skrifvars and
Ms Sharon Micallef
Project Title: Impact and risk factors associated with INFuenza
H1N1 IN AustalIan HospiTal system, Epidemic 2009 (INFINITE
Project Title: Barriers to Documenting Not-ForCardioPulmonary Resuscitation (NFCPR) Orders
Lay Description: To evaluate if clinician practices
documenting not-for-cardiopulmonary resuscitation
orders have changed at Liverpool Hospital since our last
audit in 1998 and to describe current barriers to clinicians
documenting not-for- cardiopulmonary resuscitation orders
for their patients.
Lay Description: To establish a ‘real time’ registry of patients
admitted to Australian Intensive Care Units (ICU) with
influenza A, including H1N1 09. This will track and document
the evolution of the H1N1 influenza 09 (H1N109) pandemic
through Australia’s health care system and establish the
key factors influencing mortality, as well as the need for
hospitalisation and mechanical ventilation.
Funding Body: Intensive Care Foundation
Funding Body: Intensive Care Foundation
Chief Investigator/s: Ms Sharon Micallef
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Michael Parr
Project Title: Time And Money Evaluation (TAME) Study
Project Title: ANZICS-CTG Point Prevalence Program
Lay Description: The primary aim of the TAME study is to
compare, across sites with central (NZ and NSW) versus
local (other Australian states) research approval systems, the
overall time taken from initial protocol submission to final
site approval for the scientific/ethics and governance review
process of selected studies related to intensive care medicine.
Lay Description: A coordinated systematic program of Point
Prevalence studies to facilitate intensive care research in
Australia and New Zealand, by providing the infrastructure
and mechanisms to perform multiple observational point
prevalence studies on a specified day. 2 point prevalence days
took place in 2009: 6th May and 18th November.
Funding Body: Department of epidemiology and preventative
medicine, Monash University
Funding Body: ANZ College Anaesthetists, Intensive Care
Foundation, St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne – Intensive Care
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Michael Parr
South Western Sydney
Intensive Care
Project Title: Haemostasis Registry
ANZCIS Clinical Trials Group. Baseline hospital performance
and the impact of medical emergency teams: Modelling vs
conventional subgroup analysis. Trials 2009. 10..117.
Lay Description: A register of patients treated with rFVIIa
was established at the department of Epidemiology
and Preventative Medicine, Monash University, to gain
information on the safety, efficacy, appropriateness of use
and dosages of recombinant factor VII (rFVIIa, Novoseven
Chen J, Hillman K, Bellomo R, Flabouris A, Finfer S & the
MERIT Study Investigators for the Simpson Centre & the
ANZCIS Clinical Trials Group. The impact of introducing medical
emergency team system on the documentations of vital signs.
Resuscitation 2009. 80..35-43
Dutton R, Hauser C, Boffard K, Dimsitts J, Bernard G, Holcomb
J, Leppäniemi A, Tortella B, Bouillon B, and CONTROL Steering
Committee. Scientific and logistical challenges in designing the
CONTROL trial: recombinant factor VIIa in severe trauma patients
with refractory bleeding. Clin Trials 2009. 6.467-479
Ken Hillman. Vital Signs.Stories from Intensive care1stSydney.
UNSW Press.2009.978 1 74223 095 5
Books Chapters
Hillman K, Chen J, Braithwaite J, Coeira E. Moving from
safe ICUs to safe systems of care.Patient Safety and Quality
of Care in Intensive Care Medicine. Chich J-D, Moreno R,
Putensen C, Rhodes A.Vienna. Medizinisch Wissenschaftlich
Verlagsgessellschaft on behalf of the European Society of
Intensive Care Medicine. 2009. 57-63.
Evan Alexandrou, Timothy R Spencer, Steve A Frost, Michael
JA Parr, Patricia M Davidson and Kenneth M Hillman. A review
of the nursing role in central venous cannulation: implications for
practice policy and research. Journal of Clinical Nursing 2009.
Sept 4.e-Publication.
Frost S, Alexandrou E, Bogdanovski T, Salamonson Y, Davidson
P, Parr M Hillman K. Severity of Illness and Risk of Readmission
to Intensive Care: A Meta-analysis. Resuscitation 2009.
Hillman K, Chen J. Managing conflict at the end-of-life. 2009
Yearbook of Intensive care and Emergency Medicine. Vincent
J-L. Berlin. Springer-Verlag. 2009. 969-978.
Hillman K. Models of clinical emergency response systems.
DETECT (Detecting Deterioration, Evaluation, Treatment,
Escalation and Communicating in Teams) Manual.Jacques T,
Fisher M, Hillman K, Fraser K.1stSydney. Clinical Excellence
Commission & NSW Health. 2009.106-111.
Frost SA, Alexandrou E, Bogdanoski T, Salamonson Y, Parr
MJ, Hillman KM. Emergency Hospitalisation and Unplanned
Admission to Intensive Care: Risk Factors and Development
of a Nomogram for Individualising Risk. Resuscitation 2009.
Hillman K. Safety patient transfer: intrahospital transfer.DETECT
(Detecting Deterioration, Evaluation, Treatment, Escalation and
Communicating in Teams) Manual. Jacques T, Fisher M, Hillman
K, Fraser K. 1st Sydney. Clinical Excellence Commission &
NSW Health. 2009.112-116.
Hillman K, Chen J, May E. Complex intensive care unit
interventions. Critical Care Medicine 2009. 37.1Suppl).S102S106
Ou L, Young L, Chen J, Santiano N, Baramy LS, Hillman K.
Discharge delay in acute care: Reasons and determinants of
delay in general ward patients. Australian Health Review 2009.
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Cheatham ML, De Waele JJ0, De Laet I, De Keulenaer B,
Widder S, Kirkpatrick AW, Cresswell AB, Malbrain M, Bodnar
Z, Mejia-Mantilla JH, Reis R, Parr M, Schulze R, Puig S, for
the World Society of the Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
(WSACS) Clinical Trials W. The impact of body position on intraabdominal pressure measurement. A multicenter analysis Crit
Care Med 2009. 37.. 2187-2190.
Peake SL, Bailey M, Bellomo R, Cameron PA, Cross A, Delaney
A, Finfer S, Higgins A, Jones DA, Myburgh JA, Syres GA, Webb
SAR, Williams P, the ARISE Investigators, for the Australian
and New Zealand Intensive Care Society Clinical Trials Group.
Australasian resuscitation of sepsis evaluation (ARISE): A multicentre, prospective, inception cohort study. Resuscitation 2009.
Chen J, Bellomo R, Flabouris A, Hillman K, Finfer S & the
MERIT Study Investigators for the Simpson Centre & the
ANZCIS Clinical Trials Group. The relationship between early
emergency team calls and serious adverse events. Critical care
Medicine 2009. 37.1.148-153.
Santiano N, Young L, Baramy L-S, McDonnell S, Page K,
Cabrera R, Chapman A. How do CNCs construct their after hours
support role in a major metropolitan hospital Collegian. Journal
of the Royal College of Nursing Australia 2009.16.2.85-97.
Santiano N, Young L, Hillman K, Parr M, Jayasinghe S, Baramy
L, Stevenson J, Chan C, Claire M, Hanger G. Analysis of medical
Chen J, Flabouris A, Bellomo R, Hillman K, Finfer S & the
MERIT Study Investigators for the Simpson Centre & the
South Western Sydney
Intensive Care
emergency team calls comparing subjective to “objective” call
criteria. Resuscitation 2009. 80.44-49
patients should never go to CT.SWAN XVII meeting. Jul-09.
Sydney, Australia
The ANZICS Influenza Investigators. Critical Care Services and
2009 H1N1 Influenza in Australia and New Zealand. N Engl J
Med 2009. 361.1-Oct
Dr Michael Parr. Treatment guidelines for rFVIIa to control
bleeding: what should clinicians consider? RFVIIa: What is the
evidence for control of major bleeding? 5th Asian Conference
on Emergency Medicine. May-09. Busan, Korea
The Australia and New Zealand Extracorporeal Membrane
Oxygenation Influenza Investigators. Extra-corporeal
Membrane Oxygenation for Novel Influenza A (H1N1) Acute
Respiratory Distress Syndrome. JAMA 2009. 302.17.18881895
Hauser C, Boffard K, Dutton R, Bernard G, Croce M, Holcomb
J, Leppaniemi A, Parr M, Vincent JL, Tortella B, Dimsits
J, Bouillon B, for the CONTROL Study. Efficacy and safety
of recombinant activated factor VII in the management of
refractory haemorrhage due to trauma.International Symposium
on Thrombosis and Haemostasis. July 2009.Boston, USA
The NICE-SUGAR Study Investigators. Intensive versus
Conventional Glucose Control in Critically Ill Patients. N Engl J
Med 2009. 360.283-1297
Hillman K. Can I still justify my MET teams? 29th International
Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency Medicine. 2427th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium
The RENAL Replacement Therapy Study Investigators. Intensity
of Continuous Renal-Replacement Therapy in Critically Ill
Patients. NEJM 2009. 361.1627-1638
Hillman K. Can we learn from each other? 29th International
Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency Medicine. 2427th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium
Vincent JL, Rello J, Marshall J, Silva E, Anzueto A, Martin
CD, Moreno R, Lipman J, Gomersall C, Sakr Y, Reinhart K, for
the EPIC II Group of Investigators. International Study of the
Prevalence and Outcomes of Infection in Intensive Care Units.
JAMA 2009. 302.2323-2329
Hillman K. CPR – have we really made progress. 29th
International Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency
Medicine. 24-27th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium
Dr Michael Parr. Cutting edge advances in trauma care. 7th
Spark of Life Conference. May-09. Hobart, Australia
Hillman K. Death and dying in critical care. 18th Annual
Symposium of the Sydney Institute of Palliative Medicine in
association with the NSW Society of Palliative Medicine. 1st3rd April 2009. Sydney
Dr Michael Parr. Fibrinolysis during CPR.International Liaison
Committee on Resuscitation (ILCOR). 15-17th March 2009.
Osaka, Japan
Hillman K. Does the MET system save lives. 5th International
Conference on Rapid Response Systems and Medical
Emergency Teams. 18-19th May 2009. Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr Michael Parr. Guidelines for managing major haemorrhage.
Asian Haemostasis Update 2009. Apr-09. Kuala Lumpur,
Hillman K. Effects of the MERIT Study in Australia. 22nd Annual
Congress, European Society of Intensive Care Society –
Patient Safety and Quality of care in Intensive Care medicine.
11-14th October 2009. Vienna, Austria
Conference Presentations/Posters
Dr Michael Parr. Lessons from the CONTROL trial.Haemostasis
Registry Investigators Meeting. May-09. Melbourne, Australia
Hillman K. End of life issues – managing it outside the ICU. 29th
International Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency
Medicine. 24-27th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium
Dr Michael Parr. Ongoing bleeding in the surgical ICU: what
works?International Surgical Week. 9th Sept 2009. Adelaide
Hillman K. End of life practices around the world. 29th
International Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency
Medicine. 24-27th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium
Dr Michael Parr. Procoagulant drugs in traumatic bleeding.
Combined Australasian Trauma Society and Trauma Association
of Canada annual scientific meeting. 5-7th March 2009.
Auckland, New Zealand
Hillman K. MET – where are we heading? 5th International
Conference on Rapid Response Systems and Medical
Emergency Teams. 18-19th May 2009. Copenhagen, Denmark
Dr Michael Parr. RFVIIa: an update, Problem based learning:
Major pelvic trauma, Mechanisms of coagulopathy associated
with trauma. CTLS Instructor Course and ITACCS India Kolkata.
Aug-09. Kolkata, India
Hillman K. Physical examination. 29th International
Symposium on Intensive care and Emergency Medicine. 2427th March 2009. Brussels, Belgium
Dr Michael Parr. Surgery, ICU, ED and OT- pillars of excellence or
silos. ICU innovations for trauma patients. Debate: unstable
Hillman K. Rapid response systems – where are we. Recognising
and Responding to Clinical Deterioration: Solutions for Safe
South Western Sydney
Intensive Care
Care. Change Champions.10th November 2009. Sydney
Hillman K. RRSs their rationale and does one size fit all. 5th
International Conference on Rapid Response Systems and
Medical Emergency Teams.18-19th May 2009. Copenhagen,
Mr. Rafic Hussein - The 2009 2/5 Australian
General Hospital Association Prize in Health Services
Management (Nursing) for general proficiency
throughout the Master of Health Management, Master
of Health Administration or Master of Health Services
management program by a trained nurse registered in
Australia (UNSW)
Hillman K. Should we be delivering intensive care outside of our
units (pro speaker). 22nd Annual Congress, European Society
of Intensive Care Society – Patient Safety and Quality of care
in Intensive Care medicine.11-14th October 2009. Vienna,
Hillman K. Subjective vs objective all criteria for MET systems.
5th International Conference on Rapid Response Systems and
Medical Emergency Teams.18-19th May 2009. Copenhagen,
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Evan Alexandrou
Curtin University of Technology
Nurse-led central venous catheter
insertion service
Professor Ken Hillman &
Professor Patricia Davidson
March 2008
Dr Frank Formby
University of New South Wales
Investigation of a novel method of
evaluating palliative care services
Professor Jeffrey Braithwaite and
Professor Ken Hillman
South Western Sydney
Ms Jane Phillips
Research Department Profile
Major research highlights and achievements for 2009:
Three publications in peer reviewed journals
Six presentations at National and International conferences
Commencement of an ARC-Linkage funded study in collaboration with the University of Sydney
to examine relationships between HPA-axis function, parenting practices, family environment
and features of disruptive behaviour problems in toddlers.
Commencement of an ARC-Linkage funded study in collaboration with the University of
Western Sydney and Sydney South West Area Health Service to examine the process and impact of
perinatal psychosocial assessment
Research Grants
Funding Body: Australian Research Council (ARC)
Chief Investigator/s: V. Schmied L. Kemp T Covic B Barnett R
Mills D Nemeth M Hughes
Funding Body: Australian Research Council (ARC)
Project Title: The Perinatal Journey; the process and impact of
psychosocial assessment
Chief Investigator/s: D. Hawes, B Barnett
Project Title: The HPA-Axis as a marker for disruptive
behaviour disorder subtypes in 2-4 year-old boys referred to a
Parent-Child Interaction Clinic
Lay Description: Social, emotional and mental health problems
in women during pregnancy and after birth are a major public
health issue associated with poor child outcomes. In response,
Australian governments are recommending all pregnant
women and new mothers be assessed for psychosocial
risk factors such as mental health problems and domestic
violence. Limited research has investigated the approach
taken by midwives and nurses when conducting psychosocial
risk assessment. This study will examine the process and
impact of psychosocial assessment. It will capture for the first
time the dynamics of the interaction and approach needed to
engage women, particularly those distressed, in clinical and
early intervention services.
Lay Description: Conducted in collaboration with the
University of Sydney (ARC linkage grant), the aim of this
project is to examine characteristics of the hypothalamicpituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis, a brain region which has been
implicated in the development of behavioural problems, and
can be assessed by salivary measures of the hormone cortisol.
The research will identify important links between HPAaxis function, parenting practices and family environment,
and features of disruptive behaviour problems in toddlers.
Participants in this research will be recruited primarily from
the Karitane Toddler Clinic.
Administering Institution: The University of Western Sydney
Administering Institution: The University of Sydney
South Western Sydney
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
De-Belin A & Thompson L. Stay and play: A pilot strategy to
strengthen healthy parent infant relationships. Marce/AAIMHI
conference Oct-09 Melbourne.
Phillips J, Charles M, Sharpe L & Matthey S. Validation of
the subscales of the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale in a
sample of women with unsettled infants. Journal of Affective
Disorders 2009 118101-112.
Hughes M. Promoting Equity: Supporting Child & Family Health
Nurses in rural and remote locations. Australian Association
of Maternal, Child & Family Health Nurses 3rd biennial
conference April 2009. Adelaide.
Crncec R, Matthey S & Nemeth D. Infant sleep problems and
emotional health: A review of two behavioural approaches. The
Journal of Reproductive and Infant PsychologyIn press.
Nemeth D & Mills R. Karitane – Australia. Guangzhou Maternal
& Child Health Conference. Jul-09 Guangzhou, China
Phillips J, Sharpe L, Matthey S & Charles M. Maternally
focused worry. Archives of Women’s Mental Health 2009
Phillips J & Morgan, S. Evaluation of an Australian Toddler
Clinic. 9th Annual PCIT Conference Sep-09 Michigan, USA
Phillips J, Willcocks K & Nemeth D. Adolescent mothers in
custody – linking to a new future for families. Australasian
Corrections Education Association (ACEA) conference Aug-09
Conference Presentations/Posters
Barnett, B. Inaugural Australasian Marce Lecture: Women,
anxiety and depression. Marce/AAIMHI conference Oct-09
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
Jane Phillips
The University of Sydney
Subtypes of Mood Disturbance in
the Postnatal Period
A/Professor L. Sharpe,
Dr S. Matthey, Dr M. Charles
South Western Sydney
Multicultural Health Service
Community Health Specialist Service
Angela Manson – Director Multicultural Health Service
Clinical Trials
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: Su Kyung K, Manson A
Project Title: Identifying the health needs of the Korean community
Lay Description: Interviewing of key informants including bilingual general practitioners and
healthcare workers. Interviews completed in 2009. Report currently being prepared.
Higher Degrees by Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Su Kyung Kim
Doctor of Social Work
University of Sydney
Cultural Context and Child Protection:
A comparative study
of South Korea and NSW
Dr Lesley Laing
Dr Ruth Phillips
July 2007
South Western Sydney
Liverpool Hospital Neuroimmunology, Stroke
and Immune Tolerance
Dr Suzanne Hodgkinson/
Professor Bruce Hall
Research Department Profile
The Neurology department located at Liverpool Hospital has a strong interest in stroke, complex
neurological conditions and demyelinating diseases such as Multiple Sclerosis. The department
has an active clinical research interest in stroke and the management of TIA. Dr Hodgkinson is the
principal investigator for several local and international Multiple Sclerosis clinical trials. In several
of the projects being run highly specialised innovative medications have been accessed prior to PBS
listing which is proving to be of great benefit to subjects who have chosen to participate
The research laboratory is based at Eveleigh the Australian Technology Park, the co chief
investigators Dr Suzanne Hodgkinson and Professor Bruce Hall. The work is focused upon the
following areas.
Study of induction of antigen specific T regulatory cells in transplantation. 2.
Study of induction of antigen specific T regulatory cells in autoimmunity.
Study of cytokines involved in tolerance.
Study of the role of Complement in Immune mediate Disease
Clinical Trials
and is part of the clinical program to obtain registration of
fingolimod for use worldwide. If the subject from the core
phase agrees to participate in this study, subject will be
assigned to one of two treatment groups. If subject were
assigned to receive 0.5 mg fingolimod per day during the
Core Phase of the study then they will remain on this dose
in the Extension Phase. If subject were assigned to receive
1.25 mg fingolimod per day during the Core Phase of the
study then they will remain on this dose in the Extension
Phase. If subject were assigned to receive interferon-beta-1a
(Avonex®) during the Core Phase of the study then they will
be randomly assigned to either 0.5 mg fingolimod or 1.25 mg
fingolimod in the Extension Phase. Patients who satisfy the
inclusion and exclusion criteria will be randomized in a 1:1:1
ratio to one of 3 treatment arms. Patients who complete the
12-month treatment and have not prematurely discontinued
study drug, may enter an Extension Phase
Funding Body: Novartis Pty Ltd
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Suzanne Hodgkinson
Project Title: A 12 month double blind randomized
multicentre active controlled parallel group study comparing
the efficacy and safety of 0.5mg and 1.25mg fingolimod
(FTY720) administered orally once daily versus interferon B1a (Avonex) administered i.m. once weekly in patients with
relapsing remitting multiple sclerosis (CFTY720D2302)
Lay Description: CFTY720D2302 About 1275 patients with
relapsing-remitting MS will join the Core Phase of the study.
If these patients complete the 12 month Core Phase while
taking study drug they may be eligible to enter the Extension
Phase. The study will be conducted in about 180 hospitals/
clinics worldwide. This study will be conducted globally
South Western Sydney
Funding Body: Novartis Pty Ltd
Funding Body: Bayer Schering Pty Ltd
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Suzanne Hodgkinson
Chief Investigator/s: Dr S. Hodgkinson
Project Title: Project Title: A 12-month double-blind,
randomized, Multicentre, active-controlled, parallel-group
study comparing the efficacy and safety of 0.5 mg and 1.25
mg fingolimod (FTY720) administered orally once daily versus
interferon β-1a (Avonex®) administered i.m. Once weekly
in patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis with
Optional Extension Phase
Project Title: A Phase 3 Randomised, Rater- and DoseBlinded Study Comparing Two Annual Cycles of Intravenous
Low- and High-Dose Alemtuzumab to Three-Times Weekly
Subcutaneous Interferon Beta-1a (Rebif) in Patients with
Relapsing-Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Who Have Relapsed
On Therapy (CARE-MSSM II)
Lay Description: The purpose of this study is to compare the
effect of two different doses of alemtuzumab to Rebif on
MS-related disability, relapses, and harmful effects on the
brain that patients with MS may experience. This study also
seeks to examine any side effects patients may experience
when taking alemtuzumab or Rebif. Approximately 1200
patients from approximately 215 centres in North America,
South America, Europe, and Australia will take part in this
study. If the patient receives alemtuzumab treatment they
will be followed for monthly blood tests for 3 years from
their last dose of alemtuzumab. Randomisation will be based
on a 2:2:1 ratio of: 2 annual cycles of IV Alemtuzumab
high dose -24mg/day. 2 annual cycles of IV Alemtuzumab
low dose- 12mg/day.or be randomized to receive 3-times
weekly Rebif SC injections until the study ends. Participation
in this study will last a little over least 2 years (screening
period plus 2 years after starting study treatment). If Patient
receive alemtuzumab, they will need to have blood tests and
complete a brief safety questionnaire every month for at least
3 years after their last dose of alemtuzumab for a total study
period of about 4 years.
Lay Description: The treatment groups for the Extension
Phase are as follows: a 1:1 ratio to one of 2 treatment
arms. 1.25 mg fingolimod daily (1 capsule a day) 0.5 mg
fingolimod daily (1 capsule a day) For the first part of
the Extension Phase subject will not know which dose of
fingolimod they have been assigned. This is done to allow
a comparison of the study results from the first year of the
study when patients were receiving interferon-beta-1a, 1.25
mg fingolimod or 0.5 mg fingolimod to the second year when
all patients were receiving fingolimod (1.25 mg fingolimod or
0.5 mg fingolimod) During the Extension Phase the treatment
assignments will be equally distributed among all participants,
so that one half of the patients will be assigned to the higher
dose (1.25 mg) and one half to the lower dose (0.5 mg) The
dose group that a patient is assigned in the Extension Phase
will be communicated to the doctor and the patient once
the last patient that started the Extension Phase completes
one year of the Extension Phase. The clinical trial includes a
total of 8 visits for the first year and 4 visits for each year
after the first year. It is anticipated that the extension will
last from 3 to 4 years or until fingolimod is commercially
available or
Funding Body: Bayer Schering Pty Ltd
Chief Investigator/s: Dr S. Hodgkinson
Funding Body: Bayer Schering Pty Ltd
Project Title: BEGIN” Betaferon treatment and Exercise data
Gathering IN early MS
Chief Investigator/s: Dr Suzanne Hodgkinson
Project Title: Observational Study To Assess Cognition In
Patients With Early Multiple Sclerosis
Lay Description: The aim of this observational research
study is to assess the physical activity of people with MS
or at high risk of developing MS, treated with Betaferon®.
The observational study will obtain information on factors
potentially influencing the patients’ level of activity. Once
patient understand what the study is about and agrees to
take part in it, they will be asked to sign the Consent Form.
This study will involve approximately 1000 men and women
from around 30 countries. Your involvement in the study
will run for 2 years. During this time, patient will come
to the neurologist for five visits: a baseline visit where
first assessment of the study takes place and then every
six months over the next 24 months. Visits will involve
neurological assessment, vital signs, MRI scans small booklet
with several short questionnaires, International Physical
Lay Description: Patients with relapsing remitting Multiple
Sclerosis who have been diagnosed within the last two years
and who have been taking Betaferon for no more than 6
months will be assessed. The objectives are to 1. Obtain
observational data on cogntition in MS and elucidate if
cognitive function can predict the course of the disease. 2. To
further validate the Faces Symbol Test and Multiple Sclerosis
Neuropsychological questionnaire in a multinational setting.
3. To study the ineraction between cognition, depression,
fatigue and health related quality of life MS patients. 4.
To gather observational data on adherence and safety of
South Western Sydney
Conference Presentations/Posters
Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ). Rating of Perceived Capacity
Scale (RPC). Fatigue Scale for Motor and Cognitive function
(FSMC) Modified Fatigue Impact Scale (MFIS) Center for
Epidemiological Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) and
the EuroQol (EQ-5D) questionnaires. Patients are free to
withdraw from the study at any time without prejudice,
penalty, or bias. An independent Data Safety Monitoring
Board (Independent of the Sponsor Company) will review the
safety data from the study on an ongoing basis.
Hall BM, Verma ND, Robinson C, Plain K, Boyd R, Tran GT,
Wang C, Bishop GA, Hodgkinson SJ. Alloantigen specific T
regulatory cells. The Transplantation Society of Australian
and New Zealand, 27th Annual Scientific Meeting. Jun09.Canberra, Australia.
Verma ND, Robinson C, Boyd, R, Tran GT, Hodgkinon SJ,
Hall BM. Examination of cytokine receptor expression on
alloactivated human CD4+CD25+T regulatory cells. The
Transplantation Society of Australian and New Zealand, 27th
Annual Scientific Meeting. Jun-09. Canberra, Australia.
Funding Body: Bayer Schering Pty Ltd
Chief Investigator/s: Dr S. Hodgkinson
Verma ND, Robinson C, Boyd R, Tran GT, Hodgkinson SJ, Hall
BM. IL-12p70 combined with IL-2 induced highly suppressive
alloactivated CD4+CD25+ T regulatory cells. The Transplantation
Society of Australian and New Zealand, 27th Annual
Scientific Meeting. Jun-09. Canberra, Australia
Project Title: International, multicenter, Phase IIIb study
of subcutaneous every-other-day treatment of patients
with relapsing multiple sclerosis with Phase A) doubleblind Betaseron/Betaferon 250 µg or 500 µg or open-label
Betaseron/Betaferon 250 µg and
(Phase B) open-label Betaseron/Betaferon 500 µg
Short name by which the project is known: Beyond-Follow up
Lay Description: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is one of the most
common diseases affecting the central nervous system
in young adults. Currently, a number of different drug
treatments are approved for the treatment of MS. However,
none of these treatments are a complete cure for MS. In
this study, two different medications commonly used for the
treatment of MS will be compared, interferon beta 1b and
Copaxone®. Both have been shown to be safe and effective
in treating MS. The interferon beta 1b treatment will be
administered in two different dosages, the approved standard
dose and a higher, experimental dose; Copaxone® will be
administered in its approved dose
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Hall BM. The increasing complexity of understanding rejection.
Current Opinion in Organ Transplantation. 2009 14.1.1-Mar.
Hall BM, Tran G, Hodgkinson SJ. Alloantigen specific
T regulatory cells in transplant tolerance. International
Immunopharmacology. 2009 9.5.570-574
Verma ND, Plain KM, Nomura M, Tran GT, Robinson C, Boyd
R, Hodgkinson SJ, Hall BM. CD4+CD25+ T cells alloactivated
ex vivo by IL-2 or IL-4 become potent alloantigen-specific
inhibitors of rejection with different phenotypes, suggesting
separate pathways of activation by Th1 and Th2 responses.
South Western Sydney
Department of Nuclear
Medicine and PET
Liverpool Hospital
Dr Peter Lin
Research Department Profile
Integration of FDG-PET into Radiotherapy planning: The incorporation of FDG PET into
radiotherapy planning provides superior staging information, leads to significant alterations in target
volumes and improves inter-observer variability. Methods for optimising the incorporation of FDGPET into radiotherapy planning were also explored with particular reference to image registration,
workflow and radiation safety. This area of research involved close collaboration with Radiation
Oncology, Cancer Therapy Centre, Liverpool Hospital, and resulted in a combined invited presentation
at the pre-conference at the symposium of the Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New
Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine, Sydney 2009.
Physics: There was investigation into radiation safety aspects for staff performing FDG PET,
leading to optimisations in workflow and staff practice.
FDG PET diagnostic performance: the significance of incidental thyroid uptake in patients
with lymphoma was investigated and these findings led to a better understanding of the clinical
significance of these findings and suggested clinical management approaches.
Key personnel: Andrew Chicco, Ivan Ho Shon (Research Committee Chair), Michael Lin, Peter Lin,
Marianne Rivet, Sithoeun Sam, Chithradevi Sathiakumar, Seu Som
Clinical Trials
Funding Body: AGITG
Chief Investigator/s: Desmond Yip
Project Title: The REGISTER Study A Multicentre Phase II
study of Risk Evaluation in GIST with Selective Therapy
Escalation for Response
Funding Body: Algeta ASA, Oslo, Norway
Chief Investigator/s: Martin Berry
Project Title: A double-blind, randomised, multiple dose,
Phase III, multicentre study of Alpharadin in the treatment
of patients with hormone refractory prostate cancer with
skeletal metastases.
Lay Description: This study investigates the use of FDG PET/CT
to guide therapy escalation in patients with Gastrointestinal
Stromal Tumours and its impact on disease progression.
Lay Description: This study compares the addition of
radionuclide therapy with an alpha emitting radioisotope
(radium-223) for patients with metastatic prostate cancer
that has spread to the bone.
Funding Body: Abraxis Bioscience
Chief Investigator/s: Luke Coyle
Project Title: A Phase II, Multicenter, Open-Label Trial
Evaluating the Activity and Tolerability of Romidepsin
(Depsipeptide, FK228) in Progressive or Relapsed Peripheral
South Western Sydney
Nuclear Medicine
T-Cell Lymphoma Following Prior Systemic Therapy
Scott AM, Gunawardana DH, Wong J, Kirkwood I, Hicks RJ, Ho
Shon I, Ramshaw JE, Robins P. Positron emission tomography
changes management, improves prognostic stratification and
is superior to gallium scintigraphy in patients with low-grade
lymphoma: results of a multicentre prospective study. Eur J Nucl
Med Mol Imaging. 2009. 36.3.347-353
Lay Description: This study assesses a normal agent for T-cell
lymphoma using FDG-PET/CT there is one of the means of
assessing response.
Funding Body: ALLG
Conference Presentations/Posters
Chief Investigator/s: M Hertzberg
Lin M, Wong C, Lin P, Ho Shon I, Som S, Cuganesan R. The
Prevalence and Clinical Significance of F18–2-fluoro-2-deoxyD-glucose (FDG) Uptake in the Thyroid Gland on PET or PET-CT
in Lymphoma. Radiological Society of North America, Annual
Scientific Meeting 2009 Chicago, USA
Project Title: Early Treatment Intensification with RICE Chemotherapy Followed by Autologous Stem Cell
Transplantation Using Z-BEAM for Patients with Poor
Prognosis Diffuse Large B-Cell Lymphoma as Identified by
Interim PET/CT Scan Performed After Four Cycles of R CHOP14 Chemotherapy
Lin P, Vinod S, Lin M, Ho Shon I, Som S. Incremental clinical
value of a dedicated RT planning FDG PET-CT over staging PETCT in non-small cell lung cancer. Australian and New Zealand
Society of Nuclear Medicine, Annual Scientific Meeting 2009
Lay Description: This study investigates the impact of early
treatment intensification in patients with diffuse large B-cell
lymphoma based on the findings of an interim clinical FDG
PET/CT scan.
Morarji K, Fowler A, Vinod S, Ho Shon I. Impact of FDG-PET
on delineation for radiotherapy in lung cancer. Australian and
New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine, Annual Scientific
Meeting 2009 Sydney
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: L Chantrill
Project Title: A Randomized Phase III Study of Weekly ABI007 plus Gemcitabine
Sam S, Ho Shon I, Vinod S. Investigating the Incremental Time
Difference and Radiation Exposure in Setting up PET/CT Scans in
Radiotherapy Planning Position. Australian and New Zealand
Society of Nuclear Medicine, Annual Scientific Meeting 2009
Lay Description: This study investigates the role of
to chemotherapy regimes in patients with metastatic
adenocarcinoma of the pancreas using FDG PET/CT is one of
the methods of assessing treatment response.
Yap ML, Vinod S, Ho Shon I, Fowler A, Lin M, Gabriel G.
The Accuracy of registration of 18FDG PET-CT to radiotherapy
planning CT for Non Small Cell Lung Cancer. Australian and
New Zealand Society of Nuclear Medicine, Annual Scientific
Meeting 2009 Sydney
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: C Crombie
Project Title: A Randomized, Phase II, Multi-center,
Doubleblind, Placebo-controlled Study Evaluating the Safety
and Activity of MetMAb, a Monovalent Antagonist Antibody
to the Receptor Met, Administered to Patients with Advanced
Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer, in Combination with Tarceva®
Lay Description: The study investigates the role of a novel
chemotherapy agent in patients with advance to non-small
cell lung cancer, using FDG PET/CT as one of the methods of
assessing treatment response
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Chatterton BE, Ho Shon I, Baldey A, Lenzo N, Patrikeos A,
Kelley B, Wong D, Ramshaw JE, Scott AM. Positron emission
tomography changes management and prognostic stratification
in patients with oesophageal cancer: results of a multicentre
prospective study. Eur J Nucl Med Mol Imaging. 2009.
South Western Sydney
Ms Daena Wilson
Task-specific practice of dressing tasks
improved dressing performance and scores
on the Functional Independence Measure
after stroke
Lidcombe Hospital.
Occupational therapy involvement in emergency
departments is relatively new in Australia and
overseas and little has been written about best
practice in this area. This study is investigating how to
streamline referral processes to occupational therapy
and is developing OT practices in this clinical area
by constructing an ‘intervention guideline’ for OT
assessment, intervention and evaluation. The project
will then examine the clinical effectiveness of the
developed intervention guideline. There is evidence that practice of activities of daily
living (ADL’s) by community-dwelling people with
stroke improves outcomes. However, little research
investigating ADL outcomes for people with stroke
in an inpatient setting have been published. This
retrospective study aimed to measure change in the
dressing performance of inpatients with stroke who
attended a twice-weekly occupational therapy dressing
group. Data for 119 people with stroke who attended
dressing group at Bankstown-Lidcombe hospital during
2007-2009 were analysed.
The project findings will allow a comprehensive
understanding of the patient group seen by
occupational therapists, an understanding of the
pre-ED functional abilities and whether they return
to these functional levels after occupational therapy
intervention in the ED.
Scores on the Functional Independence Measure
improved significantly. These findings suggest that
task-specific practice of dressing tasks focused around
measurable goals can make a clinically significant
difference to dressing performance during inpatient
Conference Presentations/ Posters
Christie, L, Lochlin, R, & McCluskey A. Task-specific practice
of dressing tasks improved dressing performance and scores
on the Functional Independence Measure after stroke (oral
presentation). SSWAHS Research Showcase, November 27th
2009, Liverpool, Sydney, NSW, Australia.
Project Two:
Improving Occupational Therapy
Services in the Emergency Department
Lochlin, R, Christie, L & McCluskey A. Task-specific practice
of dressing tasks improved dressing performance and scores
on the Functional Independence Measure after stroke (oral
presentation). Inaugural OT-Australia NSW and ACT State
Conference, 13 November 2009, Sydney, NSW, Australia
Occupational therapists offer assessment to
patients presenting to the Emergency Department
at the request of treating doctors and nursing staff.
This assessment can be completed individually but is
usually as part of a multidisciplinary team, such as
the Rapid Response Service utilised at Bankstown-
South Western Sydney
Oral Health
Associate Professor Sameer Bhole
Research Department Profile
In 2009 researchers in SSW Oral Health Services received 3 Demonstration grants from Centre for
Oral Health Strategy, one from Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO) and from Australian Dental
Research Foundation.
The Department of Orthodontics published eleven articles in well-known Orthodontic Journals;
they also published three book chapters in Sleep Medicine for Dentists, Self-Ligation in Orthodontics;
and Diagnosis and Management of Malocclusion and Dentofacial Deformities. The researchers from
other departments have given presentations in numerous international conferences and presented
Three awards were received: “Best research award” from the European Orthodontic Society,
“DClinDent Dentsply Prize” awarded during the University of Sydney Faculty Research Day; and
all our recent graduates were awarded “Australasian Orthodontic Board Award – The 3M Unitek
Postgraduate Clinical Research Award” for their outstanding achievements
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Research Grants
Funding Body: Centre for Oral Health Strategy
Chief Investigator/s: George A, Johnson M, Ajwani S, Bhole S
Project Title: Development of a midwifery−initiated oral
health(MIOH)programme for pregnant women in Sydney
South West
Funding Body: Centre for Oral Health Strategy
Chief Investigator/s: Helen C
Project Title: Validation of 2 Self Administered Oral Health
Referral Trigger Tools for People Living with HIV
Lay Description:
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Lay Description:
Administering Institution: SSWAHS
Funding Body: Australian Society of Orthodontists (ASO)
Chief Investigator/s: Prof M Ali Darendeliler
Funding Body: Centre for Oral Health Strategy
Project Title: * Please see attached grant title
Chief Investigator/s: Martinez G, Ajwani S, Bhole S, Sidhu B
Lay Description:
Project Title: Healthy Teeth for Everybody
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Lay Description:
South Western Sydney
Oral Health
Funding Body: Australian Society of Orthodontists Special
Research Grant
children and the subsequent stress on parents. There are long
waiting lists for children to have teeth removed under general
anaesthetic at many public hospitals, placing an even greater
burden of worry on families. The proposed program can
deliver major improvements in oral health, but it requires the
children to be recruited soon after birth in order to maximise
the preventive potential of the intervention.
Chief Investigator/s: Prof M Ali Darendeliler
Project Title: Saliva Composition/Chemistry and pH associated
with Physiological Root Resorption in unreputed third molar
Lay Description:
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Funding Body: ASO
Chief Investigator/s: Jimenez Montenegro Vanessa
Funding Body: ARC/NHMRC
Project Title: Volumetric Analysis of root resorption after the
application of controlled extrusive and heavy orthodontic
Chief Investigator/s: Prof M Ali Darendeliler
Project Title: Modelling and Prediction of Orthodontics Root
Lay Description: Orthodontically Induced Root Resorption
after the application of extrusive forces was investigated
Lay Description:
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Funding Body: ASO
Clinical Trials
Chief Investigator/s: Riaan Foot
Funding Body: SSWAHS
Project Title: The effects of Sydney Intrusion Spring (SIS)
during upper posterior segment intrusion
Chief Investigator/s: Shilpi Ajwani, Sameer Bhole, Katrina
Gibbs, Bernadette Plusch, Leanne Bray
Lay Description: A pilot study on the effectiveness of a newly
designed intrusion spring was conducted in 2009. This project
is currently being conducted in a large sample of patients
with open bite malocclusion.
Project Title: Comparison of Resin Modified Glass Ionomer
(RMGI) and Composite Resin (CR) fissure sealants in a high
risk population: a two year clinical trial.
Lay Description: NSW Health recommends children who are at
high risk for tooth decay should have their permanent teeth
protected / sealed. However, there is no universally accepted
material or procedure for tooth protection treatment called
‘fissure sealing’. This study compares the retention rate and
caries prevention of two routinely used materials placed
under two different moisture control conditions over 2 years.
Selected children aged 6-8 years who are at high risk will
have all 4 permanent back teeth sealed by the two materials
either under rubber dam or cotton roll isolation. They will
be re-examined for decay or sealant loss six monthly and
compared with the control group.
Funding Body: ASO
Chief Investigator/s: Angie Phelan
Project Title: The use of magnetic attachments in conjunction
with sequential aligners
Lay Description: This clinical study is focused on the different
applications and combined use of magnets and clear aligners
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: Shahrzad Khayami
Project Title: The effect of newly designed stepwise
functional appliance on growth and development of Class II
mandibular deficient patients
Chief Investigator/s: Arora A, Blinkhorn A, Ajwani S, Bhole S
Lay Description: The effects of a novel functional appliance
using magnets on mandibular and condylar growth will be
Project Title: A randomised controlled trial to measure the
effectiveness of an intervention to prevent dental caries in
young children living in metropolitan Sydney
Lay Description: The main reason for this preventive oral
health care program was the high levels of dental decay in
preschool children within SSWAHS. Action needed to be
taken in order to reduce the dental pain suffered by many
South Western Sydney
Oral Health
Books Chapters
DeSilva K, Lam JMY, Wu N and Duckmanton PM. A Crosssectional study of endodontic treatment in an Australian
population. AustEndoJournal. 2009. 35.40-146.
Darendeliler MA, Cheng LL, Pirelli P, Cistulli P. Dentofacial
Orthopedics.In: Sleep Medicine for Dentists, A Practical Overview.
Lavigne GJ, Cistulli PA, Smith MT.2009. Hanover Park, IL.
Quintessence Publishing Co Inc 2009.85-94.
Field C, Ichim I, Swain MV, Chan E, Darendeliler MA, Li W, Li
Q. Mechanical responses to orthodontic loading: a 3-dimensional
finite element multi-tooth model. Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop. 2009. 2.135.174-81.
Darendeliler MA, Cheng LL. Root Resorption in Orthodontics.In:
Self-Ligation in Orthodontics. Eliades T, Pandis N. 2009. United
Kingdom. Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2009. 85-107.
Gonzales C, Hotokezaka H, Matsuo K, Shibazaki T, Yozgatian
JH, Darendeliler MA, Yoshida N. Effects of steroidal and
nonsteroidal drugs on tooth movement and root resorption in the
rat molar. Angle Orthod. 2009. 4.79.715-26.
Darendeliler MA, Kharbanda OP. Class III malocclusion in
growing patients.Orthodontics: Diagnosis and Management of
Malocclusion and Dentofacial Deformities. Ritu Sharma, Anand
K Jha. 2009. India. Elsevier a division of Reed Elsevier India
Pvt. Ltd 2009.403-414.
Sriram D, Jones A, Alatli-Burt, Darendeliler MA. Effects of
Mechanical Stimuli on Effects of Mechanical Stimuli on Adaptive
Remodeling of Condylar Cartilage .J Dent Res. 2009. 5.88.466470.
Journal Articles/Refereed Journals
Yee JA, Türk T, Elekdag-Türk S, Cheng LL, Darendeliler MA.
Rate of tooth movement under heavy and light continuous
orthodontic forces. Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop. 2009.
Paetyangkul A, Türk T, Elekdag-Türk S, Jones AS, Petocz P,
Darendeliler MA. Physical properties of root cementum: part
14. The amount of root resorption after force application
for 12 weeks on maxillary and mandibular premolars: a
microcomputed-tomography study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop. 2009. 4.136.492.e1- 9.
Conference Presentations/Posters
1st year Posgrad students. Temporary anchorage devices; is the
life easier?. 3M-Unitek Postgraduate Meeting. Aug-09. Fraser
Island, QLD.
Athanasiou AE, Darendeliler MA, Eliades T, Hagg U, Larson
BE, Pirttiniemi P, Richmond S, Soma K, Vardimon A, Wiltshire
W. World Federation of Orthodontists (WFO) Guidelines for
Postgraduate Orthodontic Education. World J Orthod. 2009.
2nd year Posgrad students. “Surgically Assited Maxillary
Expansion; indications, management and effects”. 3M-Unitek
Postgraduate Meeting. Aug-09. Fraser Island, QLD
Ballard DJ, Jones AS, Petocz P, Darendeliler MA. Physical
properties of root cementum: part 11. Continuous vs
intermittent controlled orthodontic forces on root resorption.
A microcomputed-tomography study. Am J Orthod
Dentofacial Orthop. 2009. 1.136.8.el-8
Ajwani S, Lain R, Bhole S. Complications in patients on
bisphosphonates following dental extraction and/or MOS...FDI
2009 Annual World Dental Congress. 2-5 September 2009.
Cheng LL, Türk T, Elekdag-Türk S, Jones AS, Petocz P,
Darendeliler MA. Physical properties of root cementum: Part 13.
Repair of root resorption 4 and 8 weeks after the application
of continuous light and heavy forces for 4 weeks: a
microcomputed-tomography study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop. 2009. 3.136.320.e1-10.
Aras B, Cheng LL, Türk T, Elekdag-Türk S, Darendeliler MA.
Comparison of the Effects of Continuous Vs. Intermittent
controlled Orthodontic Forces on Root Resorption.85th
Congress of the European Orthodontic Society. June 10-14,
2009. Helsinki, Finland.
Bhole S, Ajwani S, Gaskin C, Saddik B, Jalaludin B, Mohsin M.
Risk factors associated with self reported tooth loss in adults in
NSW, Australia. FDI 2009 Annual World Dental Congress. 2-5
September 2009. Singapore.
Deane S, Jones AS, Petocz P, Darendeliler MA. Physical
properties of root cementum: part 12. The incidence of
physiologic root resorption on unerupted third molars and
its comparison with orthodontically treated premolars: a
microcomputed-tomography study. Am J Orthod Dentofacial
Orthop. 2009. 2.136.148.e1-9.
Darendeliler MA. “How can we simplify our mechanics:
posterior intrusion with SIS?”. 8th Asian Implant Orthodontics
Conference in conjunction with 8th Japanese Implant
Orthodontic. Sep-09. Sendai Japan.
Deane SA, Cistulli PA, Ng AT, Zeng B, Petocz P, Darendeliler
MA. Comparison of mandibular advancement splint and tongue
stabilizing device in obstructive sleep apnea: a randomized
controlled trial. Sleep. 2009. 5.32.648-53.
Darendeliler MA. “Intrusion using Minicrews”. Australian Begg
Orthodontic Society. Sep-09. Clare Valley, SA.
South Western Sydney
Oral Health
Darendeliler MA. “Management of Complex Orthodontic
problems”. Thai Association of Orthodontists. Jun-09.
Bangkok, Thailand
Darendeliler MA. “Management of Obstructive Sleep Apnoea in
Adults and in Children. 44th Indian Orthodontic Conference.
Nov-09. New Delhi, India.
2009 Huston Award
Best Research Award from European Orthodontic
Darendeliler MA. “New advances in sequential aligners, using
magnets in conjunction with Invisalign”, “New advances
in manufacturing sequential aligners to improve fit, stress
distribution and efficacy of aligner treatment”. Invisalign
Workshop. Aug-09. Hamilton Island, QLD.
(This was a combined study between the University
of Turkey and University of Sydney)
Awarded to Discipline of Orthodontics
Darendeliler MA. “Obstructive Sleep Apnoea and Management?”.
3M-Unitek Postgraduate Meeting. Aug-09. Fraser Island, QLD
2009 DClinDent Dentsply Prize
Awarded during the University of Sydney Faculty
Research Day
Darendeliler MA. “Orthodontic root resorption; Do we need to
worry?” Taiwan Association of Orthodontists, 2009 Annual
Meeting. Dec-09. Kaohsiung, Taiwan
Dr Sarah Neitzert
2009 Australasian Orthdontic Board Award – The
3M Unitek Postgraduate Clinical Research Award. Darendeliler MA. Hands-on Mini Screw Course Introduction
to Mini Screw, Current Research Findings: Bone, Force &
Mini Screws, Tooth Damage, Success Rates. Department
of Orthodontics, The University of Queensland. Aug-09.
Awarded to all recent graduates (2009) during the
ASO Foundation Meeting in Adelaide, September
Duckmanton P. A Cross-sectional study of endodontic treatment
in an Australian population.European Society of Endodontology
Conference. Sep-09. Edinburgh Scotland.
George A, Johnson M, Ellis S, Ajwani S, Bhole S, Blinkhorn A.
Promoting oral health during pregnancy: a new role for midwives
in Sydney South West..Charles Sturt University School of Nursing
and Midwifery Conference 2009. 23rd and 24th Oct 2009.
Gonzales C. “The effect of Fluoride on tooth movement
and orthodontically induced root resorption”. 3M-Unitek
Postgraduate Meeting. Aug-09. Fraser Island, QLD.
Reid A. Local Anaesthesia: recent concepts in pharmacology and
nerve block technique. The International Federation of Dental
Anesthesiology Societies 12th International Congress on
Modern Pain Control. Oct-09. Gold Coast, Queensland.
Stephen S. Current Concepts in Paediatric Dentistry. Australasian
Dental Association. Sep-09. Sydney
Stephen S. Management of the Young Dental Patient – Current
Concepts. Royal Australasian College of Dental Surgeons
Clinical Meeting. Aug-09. Queensland
Tarraf NE, Crowther L, Walsh WR, Jones A, Darendeliler MA.
A Study of the Influence of Combined Glucosamine Sulfate and
Chondroitin Sulfate Systemic Supplements on Root Resorption
and Tooth Movement in Rats. 85th Congress of the European
Orthodontic Society. June 10-14, 2009. Helsinki, Finland
South Western Sydney
Oral Health
Higher Degrees By Research
Degree &
Thesis Title
Jude Aarthi Joseph
University of Sydney
Immunohistochemical evaluation of
key biomolecules implicated in
root resorption following orthodontic
force application-A rat model
Supervisor: Professor M. Ali Darendeliler
Associate supervisors : Drs. Qing Li, Carmen
Gonzales and Öykü Dalcı
March 2009
Navin Sequeira
University of Sydney
“The relationship between
hair and nail fluoride level
and orthodontically
induced root resorption.”
Supervisor: Professor M. Ali Darendeliler
Associate Supervisors : Prof. Tamer Türk, Drs.
Carmen Gonzales and Öykü Dalcı
March 2009
Shahrzad Khayami
University of Sydney
The effects of a newly designed
stepwise functional appliance on
growth and development of Class II
mandibular deficient patients
Supervisor: Professor M. Ali Darendeliler
Associate supervisor: Dr. Öykü Dalcı
July 2009
South Western Sydney
Orthopaedic Department
Whitlam Orthopaedic Research Centre (WORC)
and Whitlam Joint Replacement Centre (WJRC)
Liverpool Hospital
Professor Ian Harris
Research Department Profile
2009 saw an expansion in staffing of the research unit based at Liverpool Hospital. There are now
two full time researchers based at Liverpool: Sam Adie who commenced enrolment in a full time
PhD, and Rajat Mittal who started in late 2009 as an Associate Lecturer. Dr Mittal is completing a
Master of Surgery and hopes to commence a PhD in 2010. DR Adie is supported by scholarships from
the Royal Australasian College of Surgeons and the NHMRC. Two other part time PhD students, Vicki
Ko and Darnel Murgatroyd are continuing their studies. Vicki Ko is supported by scholarships from
UNSW. Ongoing research activities are now supported by two part time academic secretaries.
In 2009, the Department supervised 3 students from UNSW who were doing their one-year
Independent Learning Projects. They were involved in research pertaining to metal allergy in
orthopaedic surgery, a randomised trial of electromagnetic field stimulation in acute tibia fractures,
and patient satisfaction after joint replacement surgery.
The annual publication output of the department continues to increase, with 10 peer reviewed
publications, and several invited reviews.
Morphogenetic Protein-2 (rhBMP-2)/Calcium Phosphate
Matrix (CPM) in Closed Diaphyseal Tibial Fractures
Clinical Trials
Lay Description: The main purpose of this study is to find
out if subjects who receive an experimental drug containing
recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein (rhBMP2) in their broken leg heal faster than subjects who do not
received rhBMP-2 and to make sure it is safe and easy to
inject BMP-2 into broken legs. Follow up is at week 2, 3, 4,
8, 12, 16, 20, 26, 39 and 52 weeks with review of X-rays and
an assessment conducted by Prof Harris and a physiotherapist
Funding Body: Nil
Chief Investigator/s: Professor Ian Harris
Project Title: Norian Drillable
Lay Description: A trial of a new bone substitute consisting
of fibre reinforced calcium phosphate cement. It is used to
fill bone defects when treating bone fractures and is used in
place of bone graft that is usually taken from the patient.
Funding Body: Nil
Funding Body: Nil
Chief Investigator/s: IA Harris, R. Walker, S. Adie
Chief Investigator/s: IA Harris, R. Walker, S. Adie
Project Title: A Phase 2, multicenter, Single-Blind,
Randomised, Stratified, Standard-of-Care Controlled,
Feasibility and Safety study of rhBMP-2/CPM as an Adjuvant
Therapy for Fractures of the Proximal Femur
Project Title: A Phase 2/3, Multicenter, Double-Blind,
Randomised, Controlled Study of Recombinant Human Bone
South Western Sydney
Lay Description: The main purpose of this study is to find out
if it is safe to inject rhBMP-2/CPM in hip fractures treated
with internal fixation and to find out if the injection can be
easily placed in the hip and whether it helps to heal fractures.
Follow up is at week 2,3,4,6,12,16,20, 26,52 and 64.
Greenfield David, Pawsey Marjorie, Naylor Justine, Braithwaite
Jeffrey. Are accredicatation surveys reliable? International
Journal of Health Care Quality Assurance 2009 22.2.105-116
Harmer AR, Naylor JM, Crosbie J, Russell T. Land-based versus
water-based rehabilitation following total knee replacement: a
randomized, single blind trial. Arthritis Care and Research 2009
Funding Body: Nil
Harris IA, Dao A. Trends in spinal fusion surgery in Australia
1997 to 2006. ANZ Journal of Surgery 2009 79.11.783-8
Chief Investigator/s: Dave J, Dave C, Naylor JM, Harris IA
Project Title: Short versus long-duration tourniquet during
Harris IA, Yong S, Harris AM. Surgical Supervision. ANZ Journal
of Surgery 2009 79.6.418-20
Lay Description: This RCT compares the clinical and patient
centred outcomes in patients exposed to either a tourniquet
of long duration (standard care ~ 60 mins), or tourniquet
duration of short duration (~ 30 mins).
Harris IA. Getting the most out of Internet searching. ANZ
Journal of Surgery 2009 79.5.317-8
Harris IA, Dao AT, Young JM, Solomon MJ, Jalaludin BB.
Predictors of patient and surgeon satisfaction after orthopaedic
trauma. Injury 2009 40.4.377-84
Funding Body: Nil
Chief Investigator/s: IA Harris, JM Naylor, S Adie
Harris Ian A, Murgatroyd Darnel F, Cameron Ian D, Young Jane
M, Solomon Michael J. The effect of compensation on health
care utilisation in a trauma cohort. The Medical Journal of
Australia 2009 190.11.619-22
Project Title: RCT: Pulsed electro magnetic field stimulation
versus placebo in acute tibia fractures
Lay Description: This trial looks at the effect on healing in
fresh fractures of the tibia comparing electrical stimulation to
a placebo device
Harris Kishen TJ, Diwan IA AD. Primum non nocere and
randomised placebo-controlled surgical trials: a dilemma? ANZ
Journal of Surgery 2009 79.7-Aug.508-9
Naylor JM, Harmer AR, Heard RC, Harris IA. Patterns of
recovery following knee and hip replacement in an Australian
cohort. Australian Health Review 2009 33.1.124-135
Funding Body: WJRC
Chief Investigator/s: Naylor, JM, Harris IA, Ko V, Crosbie J
Project Title: RCT: physiotherapy rehabilitation vs no
rehabilitation after TKR
Sam Adie, Ian A Harris, Lyndall Thorn, Lynette McEvoy,
Justine M Naylor. Non-emergency management of hip fractures
in older patients. Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery 2009
Lay Description: This multi-centre RCT compares 3 modes of
physiotherapy rehabilitation after knee replacement – groupbased; one-to-one; and a monitored home programme. The
results will provide guidance for best rehabilitation practice in
this area
Adie Sam, Naylor Justine, Harris Ian A. Cryotherapy following
total knee replacement. Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews 2009. 3
Journal Articles/Refereed Journals
Conference Presentations/Posters
Nabavi A, Field J. The Utilization of Trabecular Metal in
Combination With Autgraft Bone in Acetabular Reconstruction:
A Preliminary Sheep Model. The Internet Journal of Orthopaedic
Surgery 2009 13.2.
Nabavi A, Morrizi R. Results of endoscopic lengthening of fascia
lata and trochanteric bursectomy for the treatment of persistent
trochanteric bursitis. AOA Anuual Scientific Meeting. 11-15
October 2009. Cairns
Adie S, Harris IA. Critical evaluation: sliding hip screw or
Gamma Nail for hip fractures? Appraisal of a Cochrane review.
ANZ Journal of Surgery 2009 79.11.851-3
Nabavi A, Prasad V, Morizzi R. Short to medium term results of
arthroscopic hip surgery for the treatment of femoroacetabular
impingement. AOA Annual Scientific Meeting. 11-15 October
2009. Cairns
Chung-Wei Christine Lin, March Lyn, Crosbie jack, Crawford
Ross, Graves Stephen, Naylor Justine, Harmer Alison, Jan
Stephen, Bennell Kim, Harris Ian, Parker David, Moffet
Helene, Fransen Marlene. Maximum recovery after total knee
replacement – the MARKER study rationale and protocol. BMC
Musculoskeletal Disorders 2009 10.69.
Adie S, Naylor JM, Harris I.Cryotherapy after TKR. A systematic
review and meta-analysis. APA National Conference. Oct-09.
South Western Sydney
Kanawati Andrew, Harris Ian, Adie Sam. Non-operative
treatment of patella fractures without splinting. AOA Annual
Scientific Meeting. 11-15 October 2009. Cairns
Harris Ian. Geriatricians are from Mars, Orthopaedics surgeons
are from VenusAged Care Network Orthogeriatric Symposium.
18-Feb-09. Sydney
Harris Ian. Predictors of outcome in orthopaedic trauma.
Austrauma.12-14 February 2009. Darling Harbour
Harris Ian, Murgatroyd Darnel, Young Jane, Solomon Michael.
The effect of compensation on health care utilization in a trauma
cohort. Annual Meeting of American Academy of Orthopaedic
Surgeons. 24-28 February 2009. Las Vegas
Isaacs Joe, Shidiak Louis, Harris Ian, Szomor Zoltan.
Subtrochanteric insufficiency fractures associated with
prolonged alendronate therapy. AOA Annual Scientific Meeting.
11-15 October 2009. Cairns
Michael Millar, Rob Molnar, David Campbell, Ian Harris. The
Australian Arthroplasty Thromboprophylaxis Survey. AOA Annual
Scientific Meeting. 11-15 October 2009. Cairns
Naylor JM, Greenfield D, Corbett A. Recipe for Clinical practice:
organisational constraint, patient preference, and a pinch of
clinician-bias. APA National Conference. Oct-09. Sydney
Adie Sam, Harris Ian, Rae Hamish, Yong Sarah, Dao Alan.
Pulsed electromagnetic field stimulation for acute tibia fractures:
initial results from a multicentre double blind randomized
controlled trial. AOA Anuual Scientific Meeting. 11-15
October 2009. Cairns
Adie Sam, Harris Ian, Naylor Justine. Sliding hip screw or
Gamma nail for extracapsular hip fractures? A re-analysis of a
Cochrane review using individual patient data. AOA Annual
Scientific Meeting. 21-Aug-09. Sydney
Adie Sam, Harris Ian, McEvoy Lynette, Thorne Lyndall, Naylor
Justine. Surgical management of hip fractures in older patients
as non-emergent cases. Annual Meeting of American Academy
of Orthopaedic Surgeons. 24-28 February 2009. Las Vegas
Gnanenthiran Sonali, Adie Sam, Naylor Justine, Harris Ian.
Operative versus non-operative treatment for thoracolumbar
burst fractures without neurological deficit: individual patient
data meta-analysis. AOA Annual Scientific Meeting.11-15
October 2009. Cairns
Ansari Umair, Adie Sam, Harris Ian. Practice variation in
common orthopaedic presentations: a survey of Australian
orthopaedic surgeons. AOA Annual Scientific Meeting. 11-15
October 2009. Cairns
South Western Sydney
Physiotherapy Unit
Bankstown Health Service
Ms Jenny Jacka
Research Department Profile
The physiotherapy department at Bankstown-Lidcombe has been actively involved in research
projects for the last 17 years. Research interest has focused on optimising exercise interventions
for the different populations of people seen by the physiotherapy department. These include
frail elderly inpatients undertaking rehabilitation, patients undertaking rehabilitation post hip
fracture, outpatients with movement difficulties, stroke patients undertaking interventions for their
affected upper limb as well as walking interventions including treadmill walking and people with
musculoskeletal conditions such as back pain and shoulder disorders. These research projects have
been conducted in association with the Physiotherapy Department at the Faculty of Health Sciences
at the University of Sydney, The Prince of Wales Medical Research Institute and the George Institute. The focus of current research projects is to seek interventions which optimise rehabilitation outcomes
for people after stroke and after total knee and hip replacements. The physiotherapy department is made up of senior clinicians who have been actively involved
in design, organisation and implementing randomised controlled trials (including Karl Schurr, Julie
Nugent, Anne Barnett, Simone Dorsch, Jenny Jacka) part-time physiotherapists who are involved
as research assistants in clinical trials (including Patricia Pamphlett, Jutta Jablonski) and clinicians
involved as blinded measurers for randomised controlled trials. In addition there are physiotherapist
staff members who are enrolled in either PhD (Simone Dorsch) or Masters by Research (Katharine
Scrivener). Collaborative research projects are now under way with Occupational Therapy and Speech
pathology funded by a research grant awarded by Ingham Health Research Institute.
after stroke. However, the optimal way to deliver these
interventions is less clear. There is also evidence (from a
systematic review) that more intense therapy is associated
with better functional outcomes after stroke. Unfortunately,
resources available to fund rehabilitation programs are finite.
The challenge for rehabilitation units is to deliver therapy
programs which maximise outcomes, are acceptable to
patients and their families and are cost effective (ie achieve
the maximum outcome for a given cost).
Research Grants
Funding Body: Ingham Health Research Institute
Chief Investigator/s: Schurr K, McCluskey A, Dorsch S,
Sherrington C, Togher L
Project Title: Optimising Rehabilitation Outcomes
Lay Description: There is high quality evidence (from
systematic reviews) that well-designed, multi-disciplinary
rehabilitation is the most effective way to enhance outcomes
Administering Institution: Ingham Health Research Institute
South Western Sydney
Conference Presentations/ Posters
Scrivener K, Sherrington C Schurr K. Mobility Outcomes in
100 Stroke Survivors. APA National Conference, October 2009,
King A, McCluskey A, & Schurr K. An observational study of
patient activity levels in a co-located acute and rehabilitation
stroke unit. Inaugural OT-Australia NSW and ACT State
Conference, 13th November 2009, Sydney
King A, McCluskey A, & Schurr K. An observational study of
patient activity levels in a co-located acute and rehabilitation
stroke unit. SmartStrokes: Allied Health and Nursing
Australian Conference. WINNER Best New Investigator, 7
August 2009, Sydney
Higher degrees by research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Katherine Scrivener
Master of Philosophy,
Public Health,
The University of Sydney
The relationship between amount of
lower limb practice and outcomes
after stroke
Dr Catherine Sherrington,
Mr Karl Schurr
February 2008
Simone Dorsch
Doctor of Philosophy,
University of Sydney
Weakness following Stroke
A/Professor Louise Ada
March 2005
South Western Sydney
Rehabilitation Research Group
Dr Friedbert Kohler
Research Department Profile
The Braeside/Liverpool/Fairfield rehabilitation research group had a number of conference
presentations at both national and international conferences in 2009, building on the achievements
of previous years.
A considerable amount of work has gone into developing an initial model addressing the costbenefit equation of inpatient rehabilitation and this work was presented at the annual scientific
meeting of the Australasian Faculty of Rehabilitation medicine.
The work on the interpreter reliability of the FIM was published during the year.
Research is continuing into outcomes of rehabilitation, models of rehabilitation care, outcome
instruments and their use in rehabilitation as well as scrutinizing some funding models which are
being used in rehabilitation medicine in Australia.
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Research Showcase, Program and Abstract Book 27-Nov-09
Friedbert Kohler, Alarcos Cieza, Gerold Stucki, Jan Geertzen,
Helena Burger, Michael P Dillon, Carolina Schiappacasse,
Alberto Esquenazi, Robert Steven Kistenberg, Nenad
Kostanjsek. Developing Core Sets for persons following
amputation based on the International Classification of
Functioning, Disability and Health as a way to specify
functioning. Prosthetics and orthotics international. 2009.
Asif S, Kohler F. Use of ICF stroke brief core set in a day hospital
situation. In: Conference Handbook: 200921-25 July 2009,
Queenstown, New Zealand.
Estell J, Cole AMD, Renton R, Kohler F, Connolly C. A decade
of cancer rehabilitation in SW Sydney. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA
Rehabilitation Conference, 21-25 July 2009 Queenstown,
New Zealand
Kohler F, Dickson H, Redmond H, Estell J, Connolly C.
Agreement of functional independence measure item scores in
patients transferred from one rehabilitation setting to another.
European Journal of Physical and Rehabilitation Medicine.
2009. 45.4.479-485
Estell J, Kohler F, Walsh J. The cost-benefit equation for
inpatient rehabilitation AFRM/NIRR/NZRA. Rehabilitation
Conference 21-25 July 2009, Queenstown, New Zealand
Kohler F. Developing ICF Core Sets for persons with an
amputation. The Asian Prosthetic and orthotic Scientific 22Aug-09 Hong Kong.
Conference Presentations/Posters
Kohler F, Dickson H, Redmond H, Connolly C, Estell, J.
Interrater agreement of functional status scores for patients
Asif S, Kohler F. ICF Core Sets for stroke outcomes in a
rehabilitation day hospital setting. Ingham Research Institute
South Western Sydney
transferred from one rehabilitation setting to another. Oral Paper
175, 5th ISPMR World Congress, 13-17 June 2009I stanbul,
Redmond H, Kohler F. Subacute orthopaedic Rehabilitation:
Co-morbidities and outcomes. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation
Conference Jul-09 Queenstown, New Zealand.
Kohler F, Redmond H. Accuracy of SNAP class allocation and
funding consequences in the clinical setting AFRM/NIRR/NZRA.
Rehabilitation Conference, 21-25 July 2009 Queenstown,
New Zealand.
Kohler F, Redmond H, Connolly C, Dickson H, Estell J, Renton
R. Interrater agreement of functional status scores for patients
transferred from one rehabilitation setting to another. AFRM/
NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation Conference 21-25 July 2009,
Queenstown, New Zealand.
Kohler F, Redmond H, Dickson H, Estell J, Connolly C, Renton
R. Subacute Casemix classification for stroke rehabilitation in an
Australian setting. InInt J of Rehabil Res Aug-09.
Kohler F, Redmond H, Dickson H, Estell J, Connolly C, Renton
R. The financial and classification consequences of differences
in FIM scores of patients transferred between two rehabilitation
units. In: Int J of Rehabil Aug-09.
Kohler F, Redmond H, Dickson H, Estell J, Connolly C, Renton
R. Interrater agreement of functional independence measure
aggregate scores in a clinical setting of patients transferred from
one rehabilitation unit to another with raters advised of the study
beforehand. In: Int J of Rehabil Aug-09.
Kohler F, Redmond H, Dickson H, Renton R. Analysis
of functional improvement in patients transferred to a
rehabilitation unit following stroke, relative to time of transfer
into the unit. Int J of Rehabil Res Aug-09.
Kohler F, Renton R, Connolly C, Estell J, Dickson H. Subacute
Casemix Classification for stroke rehabilitation. Does it help?
2009 AFRM/NIRR/NZRA. Rehabilitation Conference 21-25
July 2009, Queenstown, New Zealand
Kohler F, Renton R, Dickson H, Redmond H. Analysis
of functional improvement in patients transferred to a
rehabilitation unit following stroke relative to time of transfer
into the unit. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation Conference 2125 July 2009 Queenstown, New Zealand.
Professor G Stucki and M Baumberger. Implementation of the
ICF in Rehabilitation Medicine. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation
Conference 21-25 July 2009 Queenstown, New Zealand.
Radhakrishnan S, Kohler F. Evaluation of documentation of
medication changes and patient consent by clinicians in an
inpatient rehabilitation setting. Ingham Research Institute
Research Showcase, Program and Abstract Book Nov-09
South Western Sydney
Liverpool Renal Clinical
Research Centre (LRCRC)
A/Professor Michael Suranyi
Research Department Profile
The LRCRC continues to be involved with an active clinical research program however 2009
has seen a plateau in the rate of growth. The focus continues to be international multi-centre
randomised controlled trials for Phase II, III and IV studies. Several of the long running studies at the
LRCRC are nearing completion and subsequent closeout such the IDEAL and CERA extension studies. The ‘Aurora’ study was completed during this period and the results published in the New England
Journal of Medicine.
The areas of research undertaken by the Centre include management of anaemia; renal
transplantation; hypertension, pregnancy associated hypertensive disorder; and dialysis (both
haemodialysis and peritoneal dialysis). The nurse initiated buttonhole cannulation study has been
completed and analysis of the data underway. As this is the first randomised controlled trial
comparing buttonhole cannulation with current hospital practice, the results will contribute to the
evidence available for the Nursing profession.
The model for single ethical review of multi-centre trials is now firmly entrenched in NSW. The
model involves a single ethical review of clinical trials conducted at more than one site in NSW
with one site acting as the lead. Over the past year, the LRCRC has been the lead site for three
multicentre studies. This has involved the coordination of the ethics submission and all ongoing
ethics correspondence for several sites across NSW.
There are a total of 12 staff members working on a variety of research and quality projects on
a part-time basis. This number includes a 0.5 FTE Registered Nurse for the coordination of the
hypertension in pregnancy studies. The LRCR has a high staff retention rate with no resignations over
the 2009 period. The Centre also offers flexibility in the workplace. LRCRC also has a highly skilled
workforce with the majority of nursing staff having postgraduate qualifications in Renal Nursing
Clinical Trials
Transplant Recipients
Lay Description: The study is designed to evaluate whether
initiation of everolimus together with reduction or
discontinuation of calcineurin inhibitors (CNI) will improve
graft function in maintenance renal transplant recipients
with renal impairment by reducing the progression of chronic
allograft nephropathy. The development of atherosclerosis
in the native arteries of the patients will also be explored.
Recruitment is in progress.
Funding Body: Novartis
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, K. Howlin, J.
Chow, T. Spicer, J Wong, A Jefferys
Project Title: ASCERTAIN Assessment ofEverolimus in adition
to Calcineurin Inhibitors Reduction in Maintenance Renal
South Western Sydney
Renal Research
Funding Body: Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Funding Body: Baxter
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J Wong,
A Jefferys K. Howlin, J. Chow, A Makris
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J Wong,
A Jefferys K. Howlin, J. Chow, A Makris & A. Aravindan
Project Title: Nocturnal Haemodialysis Study
Project Title: IMPENDIA: Multi-center, Prospective,
Randomized Trial to Demonstrate Improved Metabolic Control
of PPEN vs DDDD in DIAbetic CAPD Patients PENDIA
Lay Description: The primary objective of this study is to
determine if nocturnal HD results in clinically significant
improvements in physiological, health−related quality of life
(HRQL) and functional outcomes, as compared with home
conventional HD.
Lay Description: This study is designed to show that metabolic
control in diabetic (Type 1 and Type 2) CAPD patients can
be improved with the use of a low glucose PPEN regimen
compared with a DDDD regimen. Glucose load is an issue for
diabetic peritoneal dialysis patients that can exacerbate poor
metabolic control in these patients. HbA1c is a recognized
and accepted measure (surrogate marker that correlates
very well with hard clinical endpoints) of metabolic control
in diabetic patients. PPEN offers a significant decrease in
carbohydrate load (~40−50%) compared to DDDD.
Funding Body: AstraZeneca
Chief Investigator/s: Suranyi M., Cleland B., Hall B., Howlin K.,
Spicer T., Chow J.
Project Title: A Double Blind, Randomised, Multicentre,
Phase Iiib, Parallel-Group Study to Compare the Effects of
Rosuvastatin (10mg Oral) with Placebo, on Assessment of
Survival and Cardiovascular Events when Given to Subjects
with End-Stage Renal Failure on Chronic Haemodialysis
Treatment (AURORA)
Funding Body: Abbott
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Lay Description: A double blind, randomised, multicentre
late phase study of an oral Rosuvastatin agent (10 mg) to
people with en stage renal failure on chronic haemodialysis
treatment. The study aims at determining the effect
of Rosuvastatin compared to placebo for survival and
cardiovascular events. Patients will be examined for general
health and specific blood tests. The study will consist of a
treatment phase lasting approximately 3 years and 11 months
from the time the first patient starts. Fourteen patients
enrolled in this study with 12 randomised. Nine patients
remain on the study to date. Recruitment closed in October
2004. Five patients remain on study.
Project Title: M10-221
Lay Description: The objective of this study is to evaluate
the effects of paricalcitol injection on cardiac structure and
function over 48 weeks in subjects with Stage 5 Chronic
kidney disease on haemodialysis who have left ventricular
hypertrophy. Approximately 220 subjects will be enrolled
(110 per treatment arm) worldwide. This is a double blind,
placebo−controlled, randomized study. Subjects will have a
Funding Body: Nil
Chief Investigator/s: J. Chow, M. Gilbert, G. Rayment, S.
Funding Body: Amgen
Project Title: Buttonhole Technique: A technique to reduce
arterio-venous fistula access complications in the
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, K. Howlin, J.
Chow, T. Spicer, J Wong, A Jefferys
Lay Description: Literature suggests that buttonhole
method of cannulation prolongs the life of arterio-venous
fistula (AVF) and saphenous vein graft access. By reducing
complications in HD access, quality of life for this population
could be greatly improved and the health service financial
burden reduced considerably. This study is a randomised
controlled trial comparing the buttonhole method of
cannulation to the haemodialysis unit’s current protocol. The
duration of the study will be six months.
Project Title: Investigation into effects of Darbepoetin Alfa
on the composite event comprising all-cause mortality and
cardiovascular(CV) events in subjects with both Chronic
Kidney Disease and TypeII Diabetes Mellitus (DM) TREAT
Lay Description: The purpose of this research study is to
evaluate what effect correction of anaemia associated with
chronic kidney disease using darbepoetin alfa, will have
on death and cardiovascular events. These events include
cardiovascular death, heart attack, stroke, and congestive
heart failure. Recruitment in progress.
Funding Body: Roche
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
South Western Sydney
Renal Research
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Project Title: A multicentre, randomised, controlled trial to
determine whether peritoneal dialysis treatment with a low
GDP, neutral pH peritoneal dialysis (PD) solution (balance)
compared to standard PD solution is associated with superior
preservation of residual renal function – Balanz
Project Title: PHOENIX
Lay Description: This is an open label, prospective,
randomised, parallel arm study to compare the cardiovascular
biomarker NT−proBNP as an indicator of cardiac remodelling
in dialysis patients with chronic renal anaemia on current
standard of care anaemia treatment versus those on once
monthly MIRCERA.
Lay Description: The objective of this study is to investigate
the influence of the CAPD balance solution on the
progression of residual renal function over time compared to
the conventional PD solution stay·safe. Both dialysis solutions
are registered for use in Australia and New Zealand, they are
not experimental drugs. This study is being conducted at
approximately 12 – 14 dialysis treatment centres in Australia
and New Zealand. Approximately 420 subjects who are
undergoing peritoneal dialysis will participate in this study
for a minimum of 12 months treatment up to a maximum of
24 months treatment. Recruitment in progress
Funding Body: NHMRC & Baxter HealthCare Australia Pty Ltd
Chief Investigator/s: Suranyi M., Cleland B., Hall B., Howlin K.,
Spicer T. , Wong J., Jefferys A. & Chow J
Project Title: Optimal Time to Start Dialysis - The IDEAL
Lay Description: This study is a multi-centre randomised
comparison of outcome of patients commencing dialysis at
a glomerular filtration rate of 10-14 ml/min/1.73m² vs 5-7
ml/min/1.73m². This study involves the recruitment of up to
800 patients aged 18 or above with end stage renal disease
and will need to commence dialysis within the next two years.
Recruitment commenced in September 2000. In Liverpool
site, 50% of the patients randomised onto the “early start
group” and 50 % onto the “late start group”. Liverpool site
top recruiter for study.
Funding Body: Roche
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, K. Howlin, J.
Chow, T. Spicer, J Wong, A Jefferys
Project Title:
Lay Description: This study is an open-label, multi-center
study to document the efficacy, safety and tolerability of
long-term administration of RO0503821 in patients with
chronic renal anemia. Four subjects continue participation in
this trial.
Funding Body: Merck Schering-Plough
Chief Investigator/s: Suranyi M., Cleland B., Hall B., Howlin K.,
Spicer T., Chow J.
Funding Body: Amgen
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J Wong,
A Jefferys K. Howlin, J. Chow,
Project Title: Study of Heart and Renal Protection (SHARP)
Lay Description: The Study of Heart and Renal Protection
(SHARP) aims to assess the effects of cholesterol-lowering
therapy with a combination of simvastatin and the
cholesterol-absorption inhibitor ezetimibe among around
9,000 patients with CKD (around 6,000 of whom will be predialysis and 3,000 on dialysis). Such large-scale recruitment
will allow reliable assessment of the effects of lowering
blood LDL-cholesterol on the risk of major vascular events
and on the rate of loss of renal function in patients with
various degrees of renal impairment. Around 6 Regional
Coordinating Centres will conduct the trial in over 200
hospitals in 10 countries. Recruitment has closed, 37 subjects
recruited for our site.
Project Title: EVOLVE - Evaluation of Cinacalcet HCl Therapy
to Lower Cardiovascular Events
Funding Body: Fresenius
Funding Body: Janssen-Cilag
Lay Description: The purpose of this study is to evaluate
the effects of cinacalcet (cinacalcet HCl or Sensipar®) on
cardiovascular events and death in chronic kidney disease
(CKD) patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism (HPT)
who are receiving dialysis. These events include death from
any reason, heart attack and episodes where the heart does
not get enough oxygen, peripheral vascular disease and heart
failure. Subjects will be randomised 1:1 ratio to receive
cinacalcet HCl/ Sensipar or placebo. The duration of the study
is 4 years. Recruitment in progress.
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J Wong,
A Jefferys K. Howlin, J. Chow,
Chief Investigator/s: Suranyi M., Cleland B., Howlin K., Spicer
T., Jefferys A. & Wong J. & Chow J.
Project Title: PRIMS - A Prospective, Immunogenicity
South Western Sydney
Renal Research
Surveillance Registry to Estimate the Incidence of
Erythropoietin Antibody-Mediated Pure Red Cell Aplasia
Among Subjects With Chronic Renal Failure and Subcutaneous
Exposure to Recombinant Erythropoietin Products
Project Title: M10-030 - Paricalcitol benefits in Renal Failure
Induced cardiac morbidity (CKD Stage 3B/4)
Lay Description: The overall objective of this study is to
evaluate the effects of paricalcitol capsules on cardiac
structure and function over 48 weeks in subjects with
Stage 3B/4 Chronic kidney disease who have left ventricular
hypertrophy. Approximately 220 subjects will be enrolled
(110 per treatment arm) worldwide. This is a double blind,
placebo−controlled, randomized study. available to the doctor
in case of emergency. Subjects will have a 50% chance of
receiving the paricalcitol capsule treatment and a 50%
chance of receiving the placebo capsule treatment during the
Lay Description: The study is a surveillance registry collecting
prospective data of subjects that are exposed to the
polysorbate 80 formulations of EPREX and other marketed
erythropoietin products that are administered subcutaneously
for the treatment of the anaemia of CRF.
Funding Body: Bristol Myers Squibb
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J Wong,
A Jefferys K. Howlin, J. Chow, A Makris
Project Title: ABATACEPT - A Sequential Adaptive Phase II/III
Multi-Center, Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled
Study to Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Abatacept
Versus Placebo on a Background of Mycophenolate Mofetil
and Glucocorticosteroids in Subjects with Active Proliferative
Glomerulonephritis Due to Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
Funding Body: Australasian Kidney Trials Network
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Project Title: Medihoney - A randomised, controlled trial of
exit site application of MedihoneyTM Antibacterial Wound
Gel for the prevention of catheter-associated infections in
peritoneal dialysis patients
Lay Description: The primary objective of this adaptive design
study is to compare a single abatacept regimen versus placebo
on a background of MMF plus glucocorticosteroids using the
posterior probability of superiority over placebo in the time to
achieving protocol-defined complete renal response of lupus
glomerulonephritis during this 12 month double-blind study.
Lay Description: The main objective of the study is to
determine whether daily exit site application of standardised
antibacterial honey
Funding Body: Australasian Kidney Trials Network
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Funding Body: Amgen
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow & A. Makris
Project Title: Favoured - To determine whether the use of
the anti-platelet agents aspirin and fish oil, either alone or
in combination (in a factorial design), will effectively reduce
the risk of early thrombosis in de novo arterio-venous fistulae
Project Title: 2007/046 EXTEND - An observational cohort
study of extended dosing (Q2W or QM) with Aranesp® s.c. in
patients with Chronic Kidney Disease not on dialysis
Lay Description: This is an observational study (no
interventions) that aims to describe the clinical practice
patient population and the haemoglobin (red blood cells)
response over time in patients treated with Aranesp
(darbepoetin alfa) once every two weeks (Q2W) or once
every month (QM). Aranesp is indicated for the treatment of
anaemia associated with chronic renal failure (CRF).Medical
record data from approximately 3500-4000 consenting
Chronic Kidney Disease patients worldwide who are not on
dialysis will be collected.
Lay Description: Platelets are cell fragments which are
involved in blood clotting. This study aims to determine
whether the use of the anti−platelet agents aspirin and fish
oil, either alone or in combination will effectively reduce
the risk of early thrombosis (clotting) in newly created
arterio−venous fistulae (AVF, a surgical join of an artery and
a vein). The study population is patients with stage IV or
V chronic kidney disease (CKD) who require or will require
haemodialysis are scheduled to undergo creation of an AVF
and are not currently taking antiplatelet agents. The primary
outcome is
Funding Body: Abbott
Funding Body: Australasian Kidney Trials Network
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
South Western Sydney
Renal Research
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Funding Body: The George Institute For
Project Title: HERO: A randomised, placebo-controlled trial
of oxpentifylline on haemoglobin levels in patients with
erythropoietin-resistant anaemia
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Project Title: ACTIVE - A Multicentre, Unblinded, Randomised,
Controlled Trial to assess Quality of Life, Clinical Outcomes
and Cost Utility for Extended vs Standard Duration of Dialysis
in Patients with End Stage Kidney Disease
Lay Description: The project will investigate whether
Oxpentifylline (Trental) will effectively treat erthropoietin−
or darbepoietin−resistant anaemia in chronic kidney disease
patients. Eligible patients will be randomised to receive daily
placebo or 400mg oxpentifylline daily. Study participants
will be observed for 4 months including monthly full blood
counts. The primary
Lay Description: The study seeks to determine whether a
regimen of extended hours haemodialysis improves the
quality of life of dialysis patients when compared to standard
dialysis treatment. In addition, the study will explore the
cost−effectiveness of providing such a dialysis regimen and
assess the comparative effects upon hospital admissions,
blood pressure, cardiac structure and function and safety. The
study will be an open label randomized study with blinded
endpoint assessment. The study will randomise participants to
extended ( 24 hours per week) or standard hours ( 18 hours
per week) of haemodialysis.
Funding Body: Takeda
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Project Title: AF X01-201 - A Phase 2 Study of the Safety
and Efficacy of AF37702 Injection for the Maintenance
Treatment of Anemia in Peritoneal Dialysis Subjects Previously
Treated With Epoetin
Funding Body: N/A
Lay Description: This is a multicenter, open label, study
evaluating the conversion of peritoneal dialysis subjects
from subcutaneous epoetin (alfa or beta) to AF37702
Injection. Approximately eighty subjects with a stable Hgb
will be recruited. The primary objective of this study is to
demonstrate that AF37702 Injection can maintain Hgb levels
in peritoneal dialysis subjects following conversion from
epoetin (alfa or beta). Approximately 80 subjects will be
treated at approximately 50 sites in North America, EU, and
the rest of World.
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi
Project Title: PINOT: Patient INformation about Options for
Lay Description: This audit is designed to find out what
treatment options new patients with chronic kidney disease
learn about from their renal unit.
Funding Body: N/A
Chief Investigator/s: J Chow, S. Sanmiguel, G. Rayment
Funding Body: Takeda
Project Title: 5% Dextrose Study
Chief Investigator/s: M. Suranyi, B. Cleland, T. Spicer, J. Wong,
A. Jeffreys, K. Howlin, J. Chow, A. Makris & A. Aravindan
Lay Description: This cohort study compares the use of 5%
Dextrose vs. 0.9% Normal Saline for priming dialysis lines and
treating hypotensive episodes during routine haemodialysis
Project Title: AF X01-202 - A Phase 2 Study of the Safety
and Efficacy of AF37702 Injection for the Maintenance
Treatment of Anemia in Subjects with Chronic Renal Failure
Who Are on Hemodialysis or Do Not Require Dialysis and
Previously Treated With Darbepoetin Alfa
Funding Body: N/A
Chief Investigator/s: T.Spicer, H. Sidrak
Lay Description: The purpose of this study is to test the safety
and effectiveness of AF37702 Injection after conversion from
darbepoetin alfa as a treatment to maintain Haemoglobin
(Hgb) levels in chronic renal failure patients with anaemia
who are currently going through haemodialysis or are not yet
on haemodialysis. AF37702 Injection will be administered in
the same manner as darbepoetin was previously administered
given intravenously (into the vein) or subcutaneously (under
the skin) once every 4 weeks. Approximately 100 patients will
be treated at approximately 50 sites all over the world
Project Title: Quantifying the haemodynamically significant
stenosis in the autogenous arteriovenous fistula circuit
Lay Description: The aim of the project is to identify at
what diameter of the fistula the patient will not be able to
effectively dialyse. To determine the cutoff diameter, we
are measuring the diameters in those patients that have no
difficulty dialysing. Those patients will be invited to come
to the hospital and the measurements will be done using an
South Western Sydney
Renal Research
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
ultrasound probe. This is non−invasive, painless, quick and
completely safe
Xu, B, Thornton C, Tooher J, Ogle, R, Lim, S. Effects of
anti-hypertensive drugs on production of soluble fms-like
tryosine kinase 1 and soluble endoglin from human normal and
pre-eclamptic placentas in vitro. Clinical and Experimental
Pharmacology and Physiology 2009. 368839-842.
Funding Body: N/A
Chief Investigator/s: A. Makris
Project Title: The Predictive Utility of sFLT- for the Diagnosis
of Pre-eclampsia
Chan R, Brooks R, Erlich J, Chow J, & Suranyi, M. The Effects
of Kidney-Disease-Related Loss on Long-Term Dialysis Patients’
Depression and Quality of Life: Positive Affect as a Mediator.
Clinical Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 2009.
Lay Description: Preeclampsia is a disorder of pregnancy
which is characterised by high blood pressure and other
organ damage. There are significant maternal and fetal
consequences as a result of the development of this disease
in pregnancy. It has been found that sFLT-1 is elevated prior
to the clinical development of the disease. This study plans
to investigate whether the measurement of this protein will
help in the correct diagnosis of women with elevated blood
pressure in pregnancy, more specifically in differentiating the
women who will go on to develop preeclampsia.
Chow J & Suranyi M. G.A survey of Australian patient
preferences regarding subcutaneous erythropoiesis-stimulating
agents. Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2009. 5116
Chow J, Rayment G, Wong J, Jefferys A & Suranyi M. Needlestick injury: A novel intevention to reduce the occupational
health and safety risk in the haemodialysis setting. Journal of
Renal Care 2009. 353120-126.
Funding Body: N/A
Fellstrom, Bengt C Jardine, Alan G Schmieder, Roland E
Holdaas, Hallvard Bannister, Kym Beutler, Jaap Chae, DongWan Chevaile, Alejandro Cobbe, Stuart M, Gronhagen-Riska,
Carola De Lima, Jose J Lins, Robert Mayer, Gert McMahon,
Alan W. Parving, Hans-HRosuvastatin and Cardiovascular Events
in Patients Undergoing Hemodialysis. New England Journal of
Medicine 2009. 360141395-1407.
Chief Investigator/s: A. Makris
Project Title: The Effects of Anti-hypertensive Medication on
the Vascular and Inflammatory Makers in Women with Preeclampsia
Lay Description: The placenta doesn’t get adequate oxygen in
hypertensive disorders of pregnancy resulting in the release of
proteins that cause problems for mother and baby. Currently
the definitive treatment is timely delivery of the baby and
placenta. Little is known about the effects of antihypertensive
medications on the proteins. This study plans to investigator
the effects of different antihypertensives on these proteins.
San Miguel S & Chow J. Vascular dialysis access flow
measurement: early intervention through early detection.
Journal of Renal Care 2009. 354185-191.
San Miguel S, Curtale, Knagge D, Nhan C & Chow, J. Improving
patient understanding of phosphate binders: a bony challenge.
Renal Society of Australasia Journal 2009. 53119-125.
Thornton CE, von Dadelszen P, Makris A. Acute Pulmonary
Oedema as a Complication of Hypertension During Pregnancy.
Hypertension in Pregnancy 2009. Published online 10
November 2009
Funding Body: N/A
Chief Investigator/s: A. Makris
Project Title: Post Partum Changes in Vascular Markers in
Women with Pre-eclampsia
Conference Presentations/Posters
Lay Description: It has been proposed that soluble endoglin,
a protein, is important in developing preeclampsia. Data
suggests this protein is not significantly reduced in women
who are over 6 months post partum. This is in contrast to the
current thinking that this protein is produced by the placenta
and thus at 6 months post partum the protein should be
almost undetectable. This study plans to check the levels of
this protein in women immediately after delivery and at 6
weeks after delivery
Tran, G.T, Hodgkinson S J, Carter N.M, Killingsworth M,
Nomura M, Verma N.D, Plain, K.M, Boyd R, Robinson C.M.
IL-5 promotes induction of antigen specific CD4+ CD5 Tregs that
suppress autoimmune mediated demyelination1st International
Conference on Immune Tolerance. 25-27 October 2009. Boston,
Massachusetts, USA.
Ali A, Kaithal-Shahir A, Aravindan A, Cleland B, Hall B,
Suranyi M, Spicer T, Wong J & Howlin, K.Sero. - Negative
Pauci-Immune Crescentic Glomerulonephritis, CNS Vasculitis and
occlusive Retinal Vasculitis. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of
South Western Sydney
Renal Research
the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology 7-9
September 2009. Hobart, Tasmania.
Spicer T, Howlin K, Suranyi M, Hall B, Wong J & Cleland B.
Use of Tunneled Vascaths Rewired Over Simple Vascaths: A Single
Center. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and
New Zealand Society of Nephrology 7-9 September 2009.
Hobart, Tasmania.
Aravindan A, Suryanarayanan G, Howlin K, Jefferys A,
Spicer T, Cleland B, Wong J, Hall B, Yong J & Suranyi M.
An Unusual Renal Manifestation of HBV Infection45th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society of
Nephrology. 7-9 September 2009. Hobart, Tasmania.
Hall B, Verma N.D, Robinson C.M, Plain K.M. Alloantigen
specific T regulatory cells induced in vitro, are double positive
CD4=CD8+CD25+ T cells4. 2nd Annual Meeting & Scientific
Exposition 27 October to 1 November 2009. San Diego
Convention Center, San Diego, CA.
Lopez-Vargas P, Gallagher M, Craig J, Walker R, Snelling
P, Pedagogos E, Gray N, Divi M, Gillies A, Suranyi M, Thein
H & Polkinghorne K. on behalf of The CARI Implementation
Sub-CommitteeArteriovenous Fistula Creation (AVF) Perceived
and Actual Barriers in Australian and New Zealand Units.
45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New
Zealand Society of Nephrology 7-9 September 2009. Hobart,
Makris A, Lee G, Hollis B & Hennessy A. Optimising Blood
Pressure Assessment in The Obstetric Day Assessment Unit. High
Blood Pressure Research Council of Australia’s 31st Annual
Scientific Meeting 1-3 December 2009. Milsons Point,
Pussell B & Watson N on behalf of the Luminex Study
Group. Correlation between HLA-Antibody Detection by SolidPhase Luminex Assay, CDC and Flos Cytometery in Living Donor
Kidney Transplantation. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of
the Australian and New Zealand Society of Nephrology 7-9
September 2009. Hobart, Tasmania.
Pussell B & Watson N on behalf of the Luminex Study Group.
HLA-Antibody Detection by Solid-Phase Luminex Assay Predicts
Outcomes following Renal Transplantation. 45th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society
of Nephrology 7-9 September 2009. Hobart, Tasmania.
Rutherford D, Jefferys A & Wong J. A Dramatic Presentation of
Membranous Lupus Nephritis in a Patient with Negative Lupus
Serology. 45th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Australian
and New Zealand Society of Nephrology 7-9 September 2009.
Hobart, Tasmania
Suranyi M & Tolman C on behalf of The EXTEND Steering
Committee. EXTEND: An Observational Cohort Study of Extended
Dosing with Aranesp® (Darbepoetin Alfa) in Chronic Kidney
Disease Patients not on Dialysis - Interim Analysis. 45th Annual
Scientific Meeting of the Australian and New Zealand Society
of Nephrology 7-9 September 2009. Hobart, Tasmania.
Suryanarayanan G, Aravindan A, Gonzalez N, Jefferys A,
South Western Sydney
Respiratory Medicine
Liverpool Hospital
Dr Peter Collett
Research Department Profile
Researchers within the Department of Respiratory Medicine at Liverpool Hospital are engaged in
research on obstructive lung disease (asthma and COPD), tuberculosis, sleep medicine, occupational
lung disease, imaging methods and bronchoscopy. Researchers also investigated aspects of the H1N1
influenza pandemic at the hospital
Research Grants
various regions of Australia
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Funding Body: NHMRC
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: R Grunstein, G Maryk, P Gibson and
Chief Investigator/s: S. Bell, P Bye, B Rose, C Harbour, G
marks, P Robinson
Project Title: Centre for Clinical Research Excellence in
Respiratory and Sleep Medicine
Project Title: Clinical impact of clonal Pseudomonas
aeruginosa in cystic fibrosis
Lay Description: Promoting clinical research, research training
and research translation in respiratory and sleep medicine
Lay Description: Describing the prevalence, incidence and
consequences of infection with clonal strains of P aeruginosa
in patients with cystic fibrosis
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Administering Institution: University of Queensland
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: G. Marks, M Abramson, A James, G
Maguire, B Toelle, R Wood-baker
Funding Body: NHMRC
Project Title: Burden of obstructive lung disease in Australia
Chief Investigator/s: R Grunstein, D McEvoy, L Palmer, G
marks, R Pierce, N Rodgeers
Lay Description: Describing the prevalence, burden and
management of COPD in people aged 40 years and over in
Project Title: Australian Sleep Health Clinical Trials Network
South Western Sydney
Lay Description: Enabling grant to facilitate clinical trials in
sleep research in Australia
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: R Grunstein, C Anderson, P Lui, P Cistulli,
N Glozier, P Robinson, C Armour, G Marks
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Project Title: CCRE in Interdisciplinary sleep health
Funding Body: CRC for Asthma
Lay Description: Promoting clinical research, research training
and research translation in sleep medicine
Chief Investigator/s: G Marks, C Cowie
Project Title: Lane Cove Tunnel Health Impact Assessment
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Lay Description: An investigation of the health and air
pollution effects of Lane Cove tunnel on the surrounding
Funding Body: ARC (Linkage)
Chief Investigator/s: L Morawska, G Ayoko, Z Ristovki, S Low
Choy, M Moore, G Williams, G marks, Probinson, J Woodlands
Administering Institution: Woolcock Institute of Medical
Project Title: The effect of nano and ultrafine particles from
traffic emissions on children’s health
Funding Body: NHMRC
Lay Description: Investigation of the health effects of
exposure to traffic-related particulate emissions among
Brisbane school children
Chief Investigator/s: G Marks
Administering Institution: Queensland University of
Project Title: Practitioner Fellowship (L2, 50%)
Lay Description:
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring. Refining national
asthma indicators: Delphi survey and correlation analysis. 6
Report. Canberra.AIHW2009. Report No.: ACM 15.AIHW
Funding Body: NHMRC
Chief Investigator/s: R Grunstein, K Wong, P Cistulli, G Marks,
N Zwar
Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring. Burden of disease
due to asthma in Australia. 6. Report.Canberra.AIHW2009.
Report No.: ACM 16.AIHW2009
Project Title: The diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnoea in
primary care
Lay Description: Investigation of a diagnostic algorithm for
obstructive sleep apnoea in general practice
Australian Centre for Asthma Monitoring. Asthma in Australian
children: findings from Growing up in Australia, the Longitudinal
Study of Australian Children. Canberra.AIHW2009. Report No.:
ACM 17.AIHW2009.
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
Funding Body: NHMRC
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Chief Investigator/s: G Marks, B Toelle, S Leeder, C Cowell, E
Tovey, C Almqvist
Ampon RD, Reddel HK, Correll PK, Poulos LM, Marks GB.
Cost is a major barrier to the use of inhaled corticosteroids for
obstructive airways disease. Med J Aust2009.191.6319-23.
Project Title: Sex-related changes in asthma during the
transition through puberty in the CAPS birth cohort
Ayer JG, Harmer JA, Xuan W, Toelle B, Webb K, Almqvist C,
Marks GB.Celermajer DS. Dietary supplementation with n-3
polyunsaturated fatty acids in early childhood; effects on blood
pressure and arterial structure and function at age 8 years. Am J
Clin Nutr.2009.90.2438-46.
Lay Description: Follow-up of the CAPS birth cohort through
puberty to track changes in lung function, respiratory
symptoms and asthma, and their relation to pubertal stage,
sex and age
Administering Institution: University of Sydney
South Western Sydney
Borger P, Miglino N, Baraket M, Black JL, Tamm M, Roth
M. Impaired translation of CCAAT/enhancer binding protein
alpha mRNA in bronchial smooth muscle cells of asthmatic
patients. J Allergy Clin Immunol, Epub, PubMed PMID:
King M, Kenny P, Marks G. Asthma control and healthrelated quality of life: related constructs with implications for
measurement. Qual Life Res 2009.18.301-12.
Klagas I, Goulet S, Karakiulakis G, Zhong J, Baraket M, Black
JL, Papakonstantinou E, Roth M. Decreased hyaluronan in
airway smooth muscle cells from patients with asthma and COPD.
Eur Respir J, Epub, PubMed PMID: 19282346.2009.34.361628.
Chang Y-S, van Hal SJ, Spencer PM, Gosbell IB and Collett
PW. Comparison of adult patients hospitalised with pandemic
(H1N1) 2009 influenza and seasonal influenza during the
“PROTECT” phase of the pandemic response, eMJA rapid online
publication 30 November 2009. Now in print:.Med J Aust
Makarie Rofail L, Wong KK, Unger G, Marks GB, Grunstein
RR. Comparison between a single channel nasal airflow device
and oximetry for the diagnosis of obstructive sleep apnea.
Dennis SM, Zwar NA, Marks GB. Diagnosing asthma in adults in
primary care: a qualitative study of Australian GPs’ experiences.
Primary Care Respir.J.2009; 18:online 2009...
Makarie Rofail L, Wong KK, Unger G, Marks GB, Grunstein RR.
The utility of single channel nasal airflow pressure transducer in
the diagnosis of OSA at home. Sleep.2009...
Dobler CC, Crawford ABH. Bronchoscopic diagnosis of
endoscopically visible lung malignancies: should cytologic
examinations be performed routinely? Intern Med
Marks GB, Poulos LM, Jenkins CR, Gibson PG. Asthma in older
adults: a holistic, person-centred, problem-oriented approach.
Med J Aust.2009.191.4197-99.
Dobler CC, Crawford ABH, Jelfs PJ, Gilbert GL, Marks GB.
Recurrence of tuberculosis in a low incidence setting. Eur Respir
Rose N, Cowie C, Gillett R, Marks G. Weighted road density: A
simple way of assigning traffic-related air pollution exposure.
Atmos Environ. 2009.43.5009-14
Dobler CC, Wong KK, Marks GB. Associations between statins
and COPD.a systematic review. BMC Pulmonary Medicine
Conference Presentations/Posters
Asif S, Kohler F. ICF Core Sets for stroke outcomes in a
rehabilitation day hospital setting.Ingham Research Institute
Research Showcase, Program and Abstract Book. 27-Nov-09.
Jenkins CR, Chang AB, Poulos LM, Marks GB. Asthma in
Indigenous Australians: so much yet to do for Indigenous lung
health. Med J Aust. 2009.190.10230-31.
JG, Harmer JA, Nakhla S, Xuan W, Ng MK, Raitakari OT,
Marks GB.DS. HDL-Cholesterol, Blood Pressure and Asymmetric
Dimethylarginine are Significantly Associated with Arterial Wall
Thickness in Children. Arteriosclerosis,Thrombosis and Vascular
Biology 2009.29.943-49.
Asif S, Kohler F. Use of ICF stroke brief core set in a day hospital
situation. In: Conference Handbook: 2009. 21-25 July 2009.
Queenstown, New Zealand.
Estell J, Cole AMD, Renton R, Kohler F, Connolly C. A decade
of cancer rehabilitation in SW Sydney. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA
Rehabilitation Conference, 21-25 July 2009. Queenstown,
New Zealand
Kidd TJ, Marks GB, Bye PT, Wainwright CE, Robinson PJ, Rose
BR, Harbour C, Bell SC.and the ACPinCF Investigators. Multicentre Research in Australia - Analysis of a recent National
Health and Medical Research Council funded Project. Respirology
Estell J, Kohler F, Walsh J. The cost-benefit equation for
inpatient rehabilitation. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation
Conference. 21-25 July 2009, Queenstown, New Zealand
Kidd TJ, Ramsay KA, Hu H, Bye PT, Elkins MR, Grimwood
K, Harbour C, Marks GB, Nissen MD, Robinson PJ, Rose
BR, Sloots TP, Wainwright CE, Bell SC.and The ACPinCF
Investigators. Low rates of Pseudomonas aeruginosa
misidentification in cystic fibrosis patients. J Clin Microbiol
Kohler F. Developing ICF Core Sets for persons with an
amputation. The Asian Prosthetic and orthotic Scientific. 22Aug-09. Hong Kong.
Kohler F, Dickson H, Redmond H, Connolly C, , Estell J.
Interrater agreement of functional status scores for patients
South Western Sydney
transferred from one rehabilitation setting to another. Oral Paper
175, 5th ISPMR World Congress, 13-17 June 2009. Istanbul,
Radhakrishnan S, Kohler F. Evaluation of documentation of
medication changes and patient consent by clinicians in an
inpatient rehabilitation setting. Ingham Research Institute
Research Showcase, Program and Abstract Book. Nov-09.
Kohler F, Redmond H. Accuracy of SNAP class allocation and
funding consequences in the clinical setting. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA
Rehabilitation Conference, 21-25 July 2009. Queenstown,
New Zealand.
Redmond H, Kohler F. Subacute orthopaedic Rehabilitation:
Co-morbidities and outcomes. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation
Conference. Jul-09. Queenstown, New Zealand.
Kohler F, Redmond H, Connolly C, Dickson H, Estell J, Renton
R;. Interrater agreement of functional status scores for patients
transferred from one rehabilitation setting to another.. AFRM/
NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation Conference. 21-25 July 2009,
Queenstown, New Zealand
Kohler F, Redmond H, Dickson H, Estell J, Connolly C, Renton
R. Subacute Casemix classification for stroke rehabilitation in an
Australian setting In. Int J of Rehabil Res. Aug-09..
Kohler F, Redmond H, Dickson H, Estell J, Connolly C, Renton
R. The financial and classification consequences of differences
in FIM scores of patients transferred between two rehabilitation
units.In: Int J of Rehabil. Aug-09.
Kohler F, Redmond H, Dickson H, Estell J, Connolly C, Renton
R;. Interrater agreement of functional independence measure
aggregate scores in a clinical setting of patients transferred from
one rehabilitation unit to another with raters advised of the study
beforehand. In: Int J of Rehabil. Aug-09..
Kohler F, Redmond H, Dickson H, Renton R. Analysis
of functional improvement in patients transferred to a
rehabilitation unit following stroke, relative to time of transfer
into the unit. Int J of Rehabil Res. Aug-09.
Kohler F, Renton R, Connolly C, Estell J, Dickson H. Subacute
Casemix Classification for stroke rehabilitatio Does it help. 2009
AFRM/NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation Conference. 21-25 July
2009. Queenstown, New Zealand
Kohler F, Renton R, Dickson H, Redmond H. Analysis
of functional improvement in patients transferred to a
rehabilitation unit following stroke relative to time of transfer
into the unit. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation Conference.
21-25 July 2009. Queenstown, New Zealand.
Professor G Stucki and M Baumberger:. Implementation of the
ICF in Rehabilitation Medicine. AFRM/NIRR/NZRA Rehabilitation
Conference. 21-25 July 2009. Queenstown, New Zealand.
South Western Sydney
Sexual Health Service
Community Health
(Specialist Services)
A/Professor Catherine O’Connor,
Director Sexual Health Service
Research Department Profile
Research priorities for the Sexual Health Service in 2009 included: HIV positive men (STI risk,
antiretroviral treatments, smoking cessation, men who have sex with men, piloting delivery of
HIV test results by telephone, the sexual health of Vietnamese men in inner western Sydney, male
circumcision and risk of STI transmission, supporting general practice, Aboriginal people living
with hepatitis C, male sexual assault and continued participation in various national HIV and STI
surveillance projects.
Staff engaged in research in 2009 included: Catherine O’Connor (Director), David Templeton (Staff
Specialist), Loretta Healey (Senior Social Worker), Miranda Shaw (former Manager Health Promotion
Team), Martin Silveira (HPO), Priyadi Prihaswan (former HPO), Anna McGowan (AHEO), Yoges
Paramsothy (Staff Specialist), Timothy Duck (HPO), Robert Ball (HPO), Pat Walker (NUM), Rachel
Chute (former HIV Registrar). Clinical Trials
Lay Description:
Funding Body:
Funding Body: Internal funding
Chief Investigator/s: Templeton DJ, O’Connor CC, Healey L
Chief Investigator/s: Healey L
Project Title: HIV Results: Practice at Public Sexual Health
Clinics NSW.
Project Title: A pilot study looking at the acceptability of
combining smoking cessation counselling and Nicotine
Replacement in HIV positive patients who have Healthcare
Lay Description: Giving HIV results by telephone 2009
Funding Body:
Lay Description: HIV positive patients who smoke cigarettes
who attend sexual health and RPAH HIV outpatient services
will be offered the opportunity to have a behavioural
intervention to assist with smoking cessation. As part of
that intervention NRT is recommended. The study population
will comprise those on healthcare cards who will be offered
free NRT. NRT will be distributed in an individually tailored
way who will be also offering the behavioural intervention.
Patients will be asked about levels of smoking at baseline,
Chief Investigator/s: O’Connor CC (in Community HealthRPAH study)
Project Title: A multicentre, randomised, double- blind,
double-dummy Phase 3 Study of the Safety and Efficacy
of Ritonavir – Boosted Elvitegravir Verses Raltegravir Each
Administered With a Backround Regimen in HIV-1 Infected,
Antiretroviral Treatment – Experienced Adults. 2009-present
South Western Sydney
Sexual Health
6 months and 12 months. At these times a Smokerlyzer to
measure carbon monoxide will also be administered as an
independent measure of smoke exposure.
Lay Description:
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: O’Connor CC
Funding Body:
Project Title: Australian Collaborative Group on Sentinel
HIV Surveillance in Sexual Health Clinics 1999 - present
Chief Investigator/s: Healey L
Project Title: A study of the provision of HIV results by
telephone to low-risk patients: Does it increase the number
of patients having post-test discussion?
Lay Description:
Lay Description: Patients attending the Sexual Health Clinic
for HIV testing will be offered the opportunity to receive their
HIV results by telephone if they are considered low risk for
HIV. The study will be limited to English speaking patients 18
years and over. Patients excluded from the study will continue
to receive usual care related to giving of HIV results. Patients
will be asked their level of satisfaction with the method of
providing HIV results and a question as to how they would
like to receive their results in the future. People who test
positive to HIV or receive an indeterminate result will be
recalled as per the current procedure for patients with these
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: O’Connor CC, Templeton D
Project Title: Australian HIV Observational Database 19992010 (NCHECR)
Lay Description:
O’Connor CC. Sexual Health of Vietnamese Men in inner western
Sydney. University of Sydney. Sydney, NSW. University of
Sydney. 2009
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: O’Connor CC (in Community HealthRPAH study)
Anderson J, Wilson D, Templeton DJ, Grulich AE, Carter R,
Kaldor JM. Cost-effectiveness of adult circumcision for HIV
prevention in men who have sex with men. Journal of Infectious
Diseases 2009. 200.121803-12
Project Title: Randomised double- blind placebo controlled
study to measure the effect of antiretroviral therapy (ART)
intensification with Raltegravir and/or hyper-immune bovine
colostrum on CD4+ cell count in ART treated, HIV-1 infected
individuals with suboptimal CD4+ T cell responses despite
prolonged virologic suppression: The Coral Study. 2009 present.
Chute RS, Templeton DJ. Management of abnormal vaginal
discharge. Medicine Today 2009. 10.439-62
Jin F, Prestage GP, Zablotska I, Rawstorne P, Imrie J, Kippax
SC, Donovan B, Templeton DJ, Kaldor JM, Grulich AE. High
incidence of syphilis in HIV positive homosexual men: Data from
two community-based cohort studies. Sexual Health 2009.
Lay Description:
Funding Body: National Centre in HIV Epidemiology & Clinical
Research (NCHECR)
O’Connor CC, Shaw M, Wen LM, Quine S. Acculturation, Sexual
Behaviour, Risk and Knowledge in Vietnamese Men Living in
Metropolitan Sydney. Health Promotion Journal of Australia
2009. 9.13-19
Chief Investigator/s: O’Connor CC
Project Title: Australian Genital Wart Surveillance Network
2009 – present (NCHECR)
Templeton DJ. Post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual
exposures. 2009. 10.1067-71
Lay Description:
Templeton DJ, Jin F, Mao L, Prestage GP, Donovan B, Imerie
J, Kippax SC, Kaldor JM, Grulich AE. Circumcision and Risk
of HIV Infection in Australian Homosexual Men. AIDS 2009.
Funding Body:
Chief Investigator/s: O’Connor CC
Project Title: ACCESS-Australian Chlamydia Surveillance in
Sexual Health Clinics 2008 - present (NCHECR)
South Western Sydney
Sexual Health
Templeton DJ, Jin F, Prestage GP, Donovan B, Imrie J,
Kippax SC, Kaldor JM, Mindel A, Cunningham A, Grulich AE.
Circumcision and risk of sexually transmissible infections in a
community-based cohort of HIV –negative homosexual men in
Sydney, Australia. 2009. 200.121813-9
Templeton DJ. Circumcision and risk of STIs and HIV in men who
have sex with men. HIV & Infectious Disease Research Seminar
2009. New York, USA
Templeton DJ Male sexual assault. Australasian Sexual Assault
Conference. 2009. Sydney, Australia
Conference Presentations/Posters
Templeton DJ. Post-exposure prophylaxis and sexual abuse.
Paediatric Grand Rounds 2009. New York, USA
Jin F, Prestage GP, Templeton DJ, Donovan B, Imrie J, Kippax
S, Mindel A, Cunningham A, Cunningham P, Kaldor JM,
Grulich AE. The impact of HIV risk-reduction behaviours on
sexually transmissible infection among men who have sex with
men. 31st Annual Conference of the New Zealand Sexual
Health Society 2009. Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Templeton DJ. Post-exposure prophylaxis following sexual
assault. Australasian Sexual Assault Conference 2009.Sydney,
Templeton DJ. Sexual assault of men. 31st Annual Conference
of the New Zealand Sexual Health Society 2009. Bay of
Islands, New Zealand
McGowan AC, Prince R, Shaw MJ. Retreat for Aboriginal People
Living with Hepatitis C. Australasian HIV/AIDS Conference
(ASHM 2009. Brisbane, Australia
Templeton DJ. Sexually transmitted infections in men who have
sex with men. 31st Annual Conference of the New Zealand
Sexual Health Society 2009. Bay of Islands, New Zealand
Prihaswan P, Shaw M, O’Connor C Templeton DJ. Supporting
General Practitioners in Providing STI Testing and Treatment
to the Community Male sexual assault. 9th International
Conference on AIDS in the Asia-Pacific 2009. Bali, Indonesia
Templeton DJ, Grulich AE, Yew J, Jin F, Prestage GP,
Donovan B, Tabrizi SN. Lymphongranuloma venereum is rare
in community-based samples of men who have sex with men.
50th Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and
Chemotherapy 2009. San Francisco, USA
Silveira MAN, Moreton R, Dabbhadatta J, Spark M, Wong
S, You A, Williamson A. The Implantation and Evaluation Of
Sexo Latino. Sexo Caliente. Sexo Seguro Campaign. Australian
Sexual Health Conference 2009. Brisbane, Australia
Walker P, Duck T, Doughty S, Ball R, Paramsothy Y. Increasing
Access for Gay Me/Men who have Sex with Men to Sexual Health
Clinics in an Outer Metropolitan Area. A Clinical Perspective.
Australian Sexual Health Conference 2009. Brisbane, Australia
Silveira MAN, Shaw MJ, Prihaswan P‘Looking Local?’ HIV
Negative and Positive Gay Men’s Local Health and Other
Resource. Australasian HIV/AIDS Conference (ASHM2009.
Brisbane, Australia
Higher Degrees by Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
O’Connor CC
Dr Public Health
Sexual Health of Vietnamese Men in
Inner Western Sydney
A/Professor Sue Quine
Commenced 2002 and
completed 2009.
South Western Sydney
Toxicology Services
Robert Batey
Research Department Profile
This study is nearing completion. It has been based at RPAH, John Hunter and Westmead
Hospitals and has been running for 5 years. The outcome has been that an antioxidant product
including silymarin has been shown to lower ALT levels significantly in treated patients and this has
been associated with an improved quality of life while treatment continues.
The data are being presented at the American Association of the Liver meeting in New
Orleans in May this year. The other aspect of our work examines mechanisms for increasing access to
HCV assessment and treatment for people attending Drug dependence treatment services. This work is
in the process of gathering data now.
Research Grants
Lay Description: This study has provided input to HCV and
Drug treatment services in several sites across NSW and
follow up will determine if this has led to improvement in
testing, treatment and management of HCV in methadone
Funding Body: Bushell Foundation
Chief Investigator/s: R Batey, Ses Salmond
Project Title: Study of Alternative Medicines in the treatment
of HCV
Administering Institution: UNSW
Lay Description: This study compared placebo to silymarin and
to a combination of silymarin and antioxidants in a six month
treatment trial. Outcomes in the antioxidant group were
positive. No serious side effects in any group occurred.
Book Chapters
Haber PS, Batey RG. Alcohol and other drug-related Liver
disorders....Principles of Addiction Medicine 2. Fourth Edition.
New York. American Society for Addiction Medicine. 2009
Administering Institution: Hunter New England
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Funding Body: Bushell Foundation
Bell JR, Butler B, Lawrance A, Batey R, Salmelainen P.
Comparing overdose mortality associated with methadone
and buprenorphine treatment. Drug Alcohol Depend. 2009.
Chief Investigator/s: R Batey, E Digiusto
Project Title: HCV treatment in Drug Treatment services
South Western Sydney
Toxicology Con’t
Conference Presentations/Posters
Alan Fisher, Innes Clarke, Lisa Ferguson, Robert Batey. An audit
of the use of Health Care Resources by patients with Alcohol
Related Brain Injury. APSAD Annual Meeting. Nov 2009.
Lisa Ferguson, Innes Clarke, Alan Fisher, Robert Batey. Defining
the Role of Consultation Liaison Nurses in three Hospitals in the
Greater Southern Area Health Service. APSAD Annual Meeting.
40118. Darwin.
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Commencement Date
S Salmond
Newcastle University
The Hep 573 study of silymarin and antioxidants
in the treatment of HCV
R Batey
Jan 2005
South Western Sydney
Trauma Department
Liverpool Hospital
Dr Scott D’Amours
Research Department Profile
Liverpool Hospital Trauma Department, as a clinical entity provides a high level of care to
trauma patients from the five local government areas of South Western Sydney in collaboration
with Campbelltown, Camden, Fairfield, Bowral and Bankstown Hospitals,. Current staffs of the
department include the Director, Trauma Fellow, Nurse Coordinator, Area Coordinator, Case Manager,
Data Manager and the secretarial staff. The Trauma Department hosts the Institute of Trauma Education and Clinical Standards (ITECS),
a research and education unit which develops practical and useful injury related clinical practice
guidelines for use across NSW and Australia. The department also hosts students from UNSW,
Sydney University as well as students from around the world and Australia for both clinical electives
and research terms.
The Trauma Department was actively involved in several research projects in 2009. Abdominal
compartment syndrome (ACS), intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) and intra-abdominal hypertension
(IAH) were the main areas of research focus during 2009, as were clinical practice guideline
development. A programme of education for ICU nurses on IAP, ACS and IAH was developed which
included an assessment of understanding of pre and post programme. Students supervised by the
Trauma Director produced research work on the role of CT in scanning, management of blunt liver
trauma and results following implementation of massive transfusion protocols. ITECS produced
clinical practice guidelines on initial management of closed head injury as well as pain management
in closed head injury.
The SWAN XVII trauma conference was hosted successfully in July 2009 with renowned Australian
and international speakers participating. This conference is the longest standing and most successful
trauma conference in the Asia-Pacific region. Topics of focus for the conference included damage
control, haemorrhage control, massive transfusion, scene care/retrieval, patient safety and the role of
the trauma nurse practitioner. The conference was well attended by over 250 delegates from around
Australia and overseas
South Western Sydney
Research Grants
and post abdominal wall closure IAPs in patients undergoing
abdominal surgery.
Funding Body: Motor Accidents Authority of NSW; NSW
Institute of Trauma and Injury Management
Funding Body: N/A
Chief Investigator/s: Scott D’Amours, Leanne Hunt
Chief Investigator/s: N/A
Project Title: A comparison of methods to measure intraabdominal pressure: Krohn’s method with and without fluid
installation prior to measurement.
Project Title: Development of clinical practice guidelines
Lay Description: Development of clinical practice guidelines
on initial management and pain management of closed head
Lay Description: Volumes of 0ml, 10ml and 25ml were used to
compare Intra-Abdominal Pressures (IAP’s), with the patient
in a supine position and at 45ْ angle. The results showed
that the use of 0ml of fluid provided an inaccurate IAP when
compared to the current standard of 25ml of fluid instillation
into the bladder, whilst using 10ml of fluid instillation
provided accurate IAP’s results when compared to the use of
25ml. Conclusion: - The use of 10ml of fluid instillation into
the bladder provides an accurate IAP
Administering Institution: Liverpool Hospital Trauma
Funding Body: University of New South Wales
Chief Investigator/s: N/A
Project Title: Independent Learning Project (ILP) Programme
for medical students
Journal Articles/Refereed Journals
Lay Description: ILP program provides UNSW medical students
an opportunity to undertake research projects in the Trauma
Chua WC, D’Amours SK, Sugrue M, Caldwell E, Brown K.
Performance and consistency of care in admitted trauma
patients: Our next great opportunity in trauma care? ANZ J Surg
2009. 79.6.443-8
Administering Institution: Liverpool Hospital Trauma
Anupindi M, Sugrue M, Parr M, Coppin K. Do patients with an
Intra-abdominal pressure (IAP) greater than 20 mmhg get ACS?
(Abstract – 4th World Society of Abdominal Compartment
Syndrome Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta
Clinica Belgica 2009. 64.3.264
Clinical Trials
Funding Body: Trauma SWAN Trust Fund
Chief Investigator/s: Michael Sugrue, Lee Kristofferson
Project Title: Abdominal Wall Closure and Intra Abdominal
Anupindi M, Sugrue M, Parr M, Jalaludin B, Bishop G.
Predictive value of consensus risk factors in determining intraabdominal hypertension. (Abstract – 4th World Society of
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Meeting, Dublin, Ireland,
25-27 June 2009). Acta Clinica Belgica 009. 64.3.265
Lay Description: Intra−abdominal hypertension and
abdominal compartment syndrome are well recognised in
the abdominal wall injury closure, massive transfusion and
other critical aspects of surgery, in particular emergency
surgery. Intra−operative pressures have been utilised in
many aspects of surgery ranging from oesophageal to
bladder surgery. Continuous intra−abdominal pressure is
recognised as an important dynamic component in patient
care. Increasingly the concept of temporary abdominal
closure, laparostomy and dynamic closure systems for the
abdominal wall are being discussed. Most patients arriving
in ICU who develop abdominal compartment syndrome have
raised intra−abdominal pressure and abdominal hypertension
upon arrival. This prospective study aimed to determine pre
Anupindi M, Sugrue M, Parr M, Shunker S. Monitoring Intraabdominal pressure – Are we compliant? (Abstract – 4th World
Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Meeting,
Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta Clinica Belgica 2009.
Anupindi M, Sugrue M, Shunker S, Parr M. Abdominal
Compartment Syndrome in intensive care: It’s common.
(Abstract – 4th World Society of Abdominal Compartment
Syndrome Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta
Clinica Belgica 2009. 64.3.265
South Western Sydney
Conference Presentations/Posters
Cheatham ML, De Waele J, Kirkpatrick A, Sugrue M, Malbrain
ML, Ivatury RR, Balogh Z, D’Amours S. Criteria for a diagnosis
of abdominal compartment syndrome. Can J Surg 2009.
Anupindi M. Do patients with an Intra-Abdominal Pressure
(IAP) greater than 20mmhg get ACS? 4th World Congress
- Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. 25-27 June 2009.
Dublin, Ireland
D’Amours SK. Haemorrhage control-preventing ACS . (Abstract
– 4th World Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta Clinica
Belgica 2009. 64.3.244
Anupindi M. Predictive value of consensus risk factors in
determining intra-abdominal hypertension. 4th World Congress
- Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. 25-27 June 2009.
Dublin, Ireland
Hunt L. Nursing challenges – When the patients come back.
(Abstract – 4th World Society of Abdominal Compartment
Syndrome Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta
Clinica Belgica 2009. 64.3.246
Caldwell E. Resus Room Nursing SWAN XVII Trauma Conference.
24-25 July 2009. Liverpool
Cooper TD, D’Amours SK, Jalaludin B, Truong MX. The role
of follow-up CT in the management of blunt liver trauma.
The Combined Australasian Trauma Society and Trauma
Association of Canada – Annual Scientific Meeting. 5-7
March 2009. Auckland, New Zealand
Hunt L. Nursing complications in ACS. (Abstract – 4th World
Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Meeting,
Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta Clinica Belgica 2009.
Hunt L, Leunen HV, Alexandrou E, Frost S. A comparison of
methods to measure intra-abdominal pressure: Krohns method
with and without fluid instillation prior to measurement.
(Abstract – 4th World Society of Abdominal Compartment
Syndrome Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta
Clinica Belgica 2009. 64.3.268
Cox M, Forrest-Horder S. Nurse initiated FAST scansWIFOCUS
5th World Congress on Ultrasound in Emergency and Critical Care
Medicine. 4 – 6 September 2009. Sydney
D’Amours S. Haemorrhage control-preventing ACS. 4th World
Congress - Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. 25-27 June
2009. Dublin, Ireland
Kirkpatrick AW, Ball CG, Nickerson D, D’Amours SK. Intraabdominal hypertension and the abdominal compartment
syndrome in burn patients. World J Surg 2009. 33.6.1142-9
D’Amours S. Top 10 mistakes you can make at 02.00 am
(Workshop). 4th World Congress - Abdominal Compartment
Syndrome. 25-27 June 2009. Dublin, Ireland
Kristofferson L, Andrews K, Muratidi J, Hunt L, D’Amours S,
Sugrue M. Are we coding correctly: or at all for the abdominal
compartment syndrome? (Abstract – 4th World Society of
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Meeting, Dublin, Ireland,
25-27 June 2009). Acta Clinica Belgica 2009. 64.3.268
D’Amours S. When to open/close the abdomen? (Panel member)
4th World Congress - Abdominal Compartment Syndrome.
25-27 June 2009. Dublin, Ireland
D’Amours S. In House vs Remote Call. Austrauma 2009.13-14
February 2009. Sydney
Kristofferson L, Hunt L, D’Amours S, Sugrue M. Unblock
your brain – Check the urinary catheter is not blocked before
decompressing for raised intra-abdominal pressure! (Abstract
– 4th World Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome
Meeting, Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta Clinica
Belgica 2009. 64.3.268
D’Amours SK. Abdominal Compartment Syndrome – open,
closed… and complicated! Association of Surgeons of South
Africa Scientific Congress. 20-22 August 2009. Cape Town,
South Africa
D’Amours SK. Trauma in 2020. Association of Surgeons of
South Africa Scientific Congress. 20-22 August 2009. Cape
Town, South Africa
Waldron R, Ryan L, Sugrue M, Kristofferson L. Intra-abdominal
hypertension – does it exist outside ICU? (Abstract – 4th World
Society of Abdominal Compartment Syndrome Meeting,
Dublin, Ireland, 25-27 June 2009). Acta Clinica Belgica 2009.
D’Amours SK. Trauma management in a GP run emergency
unit. General Practitioners of South Africa Update (as part of
Association of Surgeons of South Africa Scientific Congress).
20-22 August 2009. Cape Town, South Africa
South Western Sydney
Devaud M. Chilean earthquake – Disaster management. SWAN
XVII Trauma Conference. 24-25 July 2009. Liverpool
Forrest-Horder S. Nurse initiated FAST scans. Trauma Down The
Coast. 30 April – 1 May 2009. Wollongong.
Francis N. Trauma hotline and transfers (Panel member). Trauma
Down The Coast. 30 April -1 May 2009. Wollongong
Gina M. Military/civilian Strategic Alliances. SWAN XVII Trauma
Conference. 24-25 July 2009. Liverpool
Hunt L. A comparison of methods to measure intra-abdominal
pressure: Krohns method with and without fluid instillation
prior to measurement. 4th World Congress - Abdominal
Compartment Syndrome. 25-27 June 2009. Dublin, Ireland
Hunt L. Nursing challenges –When a patient comes back
(Workshop). 4th World Congress - Abdominal Compartment
Syndrome. 25-27 June 2009. Dublin, Ireland
Hunt L. Nursing complications seen in ACS. 4th World Congress
- Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. 25-27 June 2009.
Dublin, Ireland
Kristofferson L. Are we coding correctly: or at all for the
Abdominal Compartment Syndrome? 4th World Congress
- Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. 25-27 June 2009.
Dublin, Ireland
Kristofferson L. Measuring IAP (Workshop). 4th World Congress
- Abdominal Compartment Syndrome. 25-27 June 2009.
Dublin, Ireland
South Western Sydney
Upper GI Surgery
Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital
Professor Neil Merrett
Research Grants
Merrett N, Sandler G, Buchan C, Biankin A. Abdominal shotgun
wound with pellet Embolisation. Trauma Injury Infection and
Critical Care. 2009. 67.6.202-208
Funding Body: NSW Cancer Institute 2009
Chief Investigator/s: Neil Merrett and Andrew Biankin
Merrett N, Wilson R, Biankin A. SMA syndrome – diagnosis and
treatment strategies.Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2009. 13.2.287292
Project Title: Cancer Institute Research Fellow
Lay Description: Post Fellowship Training Upper GI Oncology
Nguyen N, Biankin A, Leong R, Chang D, Cosman P, Delaney
P, Kench J, Merrett N. Real time intraoperative confocal
microsoopy guided surgery.Annals of Surgery. 2009. 249.5.735737
Administering Institution: Bankstown-Lidcombe Hospital
Journals Articles/Refereed Journals
Conference Presentations/Posters
Merrett N, Chang D, Nguyen N, Dixson H, Rupert W, Leong R,
Biankin A. Role of endoscopic ultrasound in Pancreatic Cancer.
Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009. 3.3.293-303
Chang Dk, Colvin EK, Scarlett CJ, Pinese M, Goldstein D,
Merrett ND, Musgrove EA, Henshall SM, Sutherland RL,
Kench JG, Biankin AV. Biomarkers of Gemcitabine response in
Pancreatic Cancer. 40th Anniversary combined meeting Japan
Pancreatic Society and APA.4 – 7 November 2009. Honolulu,
Merrett N, Das A, Biankin A, Chang D. Surgical Treatment of
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumours of the upper gastrointestinal
tract. Gastrointestinal Surgery. 2009. 13.7.1220-1225
Chang DK, Colvin EK, Scarlett CJ, Pinese M, Goldstein D,
Merrett ND, Musgrove EA, Henshall SM, Sutherland RL,
Kench JG, Biankin AV. Biomarkers of Gemcitabine Response in
Pancreatic Cancer. ASM – Australasian Pancreatic Club. 7 – 8
August 2009. University of New South Wales, Sydney
Merrett N,Chang D, Johns A, Gill A, Colvin E, Scarlett C,
Nguyen N, Leong R, Kelly M, Sutherland R, Henshall S, Kench
J, Biankin A. Margin Clearance and Outcome in Resected
Pancreatic Cancer. Clinical Oncology. 2009. 27.17.2855-2861
Merrett N, Biankin A. Repair of giant right inguinal hernia
using prolene mesh System. ANZ Journal of Surgery. 2009.
Chang DK, Johns Al, Merrett ND, Gill AJ, Colvin EK, Scarlett
CJ, Sutehrland RL, Henshaw SM, Kench JG, Biankin AV. Margin
Clearance and Outcome in resected Pancreatic Cancer. 40th
Anniversary combined meeting Japan Pancreatic Society and
APA. 4 – 7 November 2009. Honolulu, Hawaii
Merrett N, Biankin A, Kench J, Colvin E, Segara D, Scarlett
C, Nguyen N, Chang D, Skalicky D, Morey A, Lee C-s, O’Toole
S,+ 9. Expression of S100A2 Calcium-binding protein response t
pancreatectomy for Pancreatic Cancer. Gastroenterology. 2009.
Colvin EK, Chang DK, Johns AL, Newland LG, Gill AJ, Cosman
PH, Merrett ND, Biankin AV, Kench JG. The Association
between Histological Subtypes of IPMN and Patient Outcome.
ASM – Australasian Pancreatic Club. 7 – 8 August 2009.
University of New South Wales, Sydney
Merrett N, Gill A, Johns A, Eckstein A, Samra J, Kaufman A,
Chang D, Cosman P, Smith R, Biankin A, Kench J. Synoptic
reporting improves histopathological assessment of pancreatic
resection specimens. Pathology. 2009. 41.2.161-167
Gill A, Johns A, Samra J, Chang DK, Merrett ND, Smith
R, Biankin AV, Kench JG. Synoptic Reporting Improves
Histopathological Assessment of Pancreatic Resection Specimens.
ISW - International Surgical Week 2009. 6 – 10 September
2009. Adelaide Convention Centre
Merrett N, Leong R, Chang D, Biankin A. Taking optical biopsies
with confocal endomicroscopy. Gastroenterol Hepatol. 2009.
South Western Sydney
Upper GI
Merrett N, Biankin A, Chang D. Pattern of Care Analysis of
Gastro-Oesophageal Cancer. ISW - International Surgical Week
2009. 6 – 10 September 2009. Adelaide Convention Centre
Nguyen N, Biankin AV, Merrett ND, Binmoeller K. Outcomes of
Endoscopic Ampullectomy in the Elderly with Ampullary Tumours.
International Surgical Week 2009. 6 – 10 September 2009.
Adelaide Convention Centre
Merrett N, Eviston T, Warrior S, Dixon H. Haemobilia Following
Percutaneous Radiofrequency Ablation of Hepatocellular
Carcinoma: A Case Report and Literature Review. AGW Australian Gastroenterology Week 2009.19 – 24 October
2009. Sydney Convention and Exhibition Centre, Sydney
Nguyen NQ, Binmoeller KF, Shah JN, Leong RW, Merrett ND,
Biankin AV. The Impact of On-Site Cytology on the Clinical
Evaluation and Management of Patients who Undergo EUSGuided Fine Needle Aspiration For Suspected Pancreatic Cancer.
DDW – Digestive Disease Week 2009. 30 May – 4 June 2009.
Merrett N, Nguyen N, Biankin A, Leong R, Delaney P. Real
Time Intra-Operative Confocal Microsopy Guided Surgery. ISW
- International Surgical Week 2009. 6 – 10 September 2009.
Adelaide Convention Centre
Nguyen NQ, Johns AL, Chang DK, Merrett ND, Biankin AV.
Utilization and Benefit of Adjuvant Chemotherapy for Patients
with Resected Pancreatic Cancer. DDW – Digestive Disease
Week 2009. 30 May – 4 June 2009. Chicago
Higher Degrees by Research
Degree & Institution
Thesis Title
Amithaba Das
Enrolled MS
University of Sydney
Clinicopathological results of GIST
Neil Merrett
David Chang
University of New South Wales
Molecular Pathology of Pancreatic
Neil Merrett and Andrew
South Western Sydney
Youth Health Services
Community Health
(Specialist Service)
Vanessa Clift – Director
Clinical Trials
Funding Body: Cancer Council of NSW
Chief Investigator/s: Voula Kougelos, Vanessa Clift, Miranda Shaw, Regina Nagy
Project Title: Pilot smoking cessation program with marginalised young people accessing SSWAHS
Youth Health Service.
Lay Description: Assess the effectiveness of the provision of three months of nicotine replacement
therapy (NRT) for marginalised young people attending SSWAHS Youth Health Service sites. Increase
the participation of Youth Health Service clients who smoke and who want to quit, in smoking
cessation programs. Increase the awareness of effective smoking cessation strategies for young people
who smoke and who want to quit.Clinical Trials
South Western Sydney
Ingham Health Research Institute
i n g h a m h e a lt h r e s e a r c h I n s t i t u t e