PASSPORT - Fentress County Schools


PASSPORT - Fentress County Schools
Signature of
or guardian
Signature of
or guardian
Signature of
or guardian
Signature of
or guardian
Clarkrange High School
School Colors: Blue & Gold
School Mascot: The Buffalo
The Mission
Clarkrange High School
The mission of Clarkrange High School is to challenge,
cultivate, and engage students in the learning process so they
will become proficient in the academic areas required for
graduation and the ability to become independent, interactive,
and productive citizens in the world.
Academic Team
Art Club
Beta Club(by invitation)
Bible Club/ CCC
Business Club/FBLA
Book Club
Drama Club
Football (with YAI)
Forestry Conclave
ROTC Color Guard
Cross Country
ROTC Pentathlon
Science Club
Student Advisory Board
Spanish Club
Tennessee Scholars
Table of Contents
Introduction ..........................................................................4
Absenteeism .........................................................................5
ACT ......................................................................................5
Advisor/Advisee ...................................................................5
Alternative School .............................................................5,6
Arrival At School..................................................................7
Articles Prohibited At School ............................................7,8
Assignment Policy................................................................8
Attendance ....................................................................8,9,10
Behavior Code ...............................................................10,11
Bus Regulations .......................................................12,13,14
Cafeteria/Breakfast & Lunch.........................................14,15
Career Technology Education.............................................15
Cell Phones .........................................................................16
Change Of Information.......................................................16
Change Of Schedule ...........................................................16
Code Of Conduct .......................................17,18,19,20,21,22
Corporal Punishment ..........................................................23
Course Descriptions ......................................................23-44
Cumulative Records ...........................................................44
Daily Announcements.........................................................44
Dangerous Weapons ...........................................................45
Detention .......................................................................45,46
Directory Information....................................................47,48
Discipline Hearing Appeal Procedure ...........................48,49
Discrimination Complaint Procedure ............................49,50
Disruption Of Public Schools .............................................50
Dress And Appearance.........................................50,51,52,53
Drivers ...........................................................................53,54
Due Process Provision ........................................................54
Dual Enrollment .................................................................55
Early Dismissals ............................................................55,56
Electronic Resources ................................................56,57,58
Emergency Procedures .......................................................58
Failing A Class/Repeating A Course...................................59
Family Rights And Privacy Act(FERPA) .................59,60,61
Field Trips...........................................................................61
Fire Drills.......................................................................61,62
Gateway Exam...............................................................62,63
Grade Cards/Progress Reports............................................63
Grading Policy...............................................................63,64
Graduation/Seniors .............................................................64
Graduation Requirements ....................................64,65,66,67
Grievance Procedures ....................................................67,68
Guidance Department .........................................................68
Hall Passes..........................................................................68
Harassment .........................................................................69
Honor Roll ..........................................................................69
Individual Classroom Policies ............................................69
Library ................................................................................69
Lockers ..........................................................................69,70
Locks ..................................................................................70
Loitering ........................................................................70,71
Lost And Found ..................................................................71
Make-Up Work ...................................................................71
Medication .....................................................................71,72
Messages For Students .......................................................72
Mission Statement ..............................................................72
Non-School Functions ........................................................72
Parent Conferences With Teachers .....................................74
Parking Lot Regulations ................................................74,75
Physical Education/Wellness Excuses ...........................75,76
Plan Of Study .....................................................................76
School Access ................................................................76,77
School Nurse .................................................................77,78
School Property ..................................................................78
School Safety Plan..............................................................78
School Safety Zone.............................................................79
Search Dogs........................................................................79
Sexual Harassment Prevention ................................79,80,81
Special Education ...............................................................81
SRO (School Resource Officer) .........................................81
Student Permanent Records (release of).............................82
Student Transfers (Attendance) ..........................................83
Student Supplies .................................................................84
Surveillance Equipment......................................................84
Telephones ..........................................................................85
Tennessee Scholars ........................................................85,86
Test Exemption Policy........................................................86
Threats ................................................................................87
Tobacco/Smoking ...............................................................87
Tornado Drills.....................................................................87
Vending Machines ..............................................................87
Zero Tolerance ....................................................................88
This Handbook Belongs to .................................................89
School Calendar.............................................................90,91
CHS ...............................................................................91,92
The contents of this handbook are not meant to suppress
the freedoms of the students who attend Clarkrange High
School. However, when large groups of people come together,
rules and regulations are necessary in order to maintain a
harmonious working relationship.
This handbook is intended to serve as a guide for CHS
students and their parent(s)/guardian(s). It contains information
concerning graduation requirements, the grading system,
attendance, extra-curricular activities as well as other regulations
intended for the most efficient operation of the school, so that
the students will derive the greatest education benefits while
attending CHS.
This handbook in NOT meant to be an all inclusive
reference. Situations may occur that were not anticipated when
the handbook was developed and, thus are not covered. Such
situations will be dealt with on an individual basis as they
The administration and faculty of CHS challenge you to
become a part of the school organization and to make the most
of the opportunities offered here at Clarkrange High School.
Non- Discrimination Policy
Clarkrange High School does not discriminate on the basis of
sex, race, national origin, creed, age, marital status, or disability
in its educational programs, activities or employment under
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Title IX of the Federal
Education Amendments of 1972 and section 504 of the Federal
rehabilitation Act of 1973.
Proof Of Dissemination-written/taught
At the beginning of each academic school year, first period
teachers will distribute student handbooks to all students. The
handbook will be read and explained to the students.
Furthermore, each student will sign that they have received
a copy of the CHS handbook and that they fully understand
it. If a student is new or absent on the day of handbook
distribution, the guidance department will review and distribute
handbooks to those who did not receive them. Student
handbooks are available for parents in the front office upon
Students enrolled at Clarkrange High School are expected
to be at school and attending classes. Every effort will be
made to inform parents by telephone whenever a student is
absent from school. In the event of an absence, students are
required to get an admission slip before entering class. This
admission slip must be signed by each class that the student
was absent from.
College entrance exam.
Required testing beginning in the 11th grade.
Vouchers - See guidance counselor for more information.
Required for all juniors in the State of Tennessee.
Students entering Clarkrange High School are assigned a
faculty advisor, this advisor will be with them for four years
or until they graduate. The purpose of Advisor/ Advisee is
to help students plan to achieve appropriate educational,
career, and personal/social goals. Advisors have small groups
with appropriated time allotments to work with students.
Individual contact between advisors and advisees may be
made as needed by advisee or advisor.
See guidance counselor for Advisor- Advisee information.
Authority: TCA 49-6-3402
The Fentress County Board of Education provides a
short/long term alternative educational setting for students
whose behavior is deemed undesirable. The appropriate
school official, usually the principal, will refer the student
to Alternative School due to the severity of student behavior.
The appropriate official will give notice to student, parent,
and teacher for preparation of student Alternative School
“Short Term” - Minimum stay is 5 days
“Long Term” - Maximum stay is more than 5 days , which
may include assignments up to 90/180 days.
After serving 15 days of Alternative School, the next time
a student is assigned Alternative School, it will be a “ Long
Term” assignment of designated time appropriated by the
appointed official.
Student responsibility:
Attendance: Students are required to attend Alternative
School each day they are assigned.
Transportation: Transportation is provided and it is the
students responsibility to be at the designated area on time.
Assignments: It is the students responsibility for
obtaining and returning any work that is assigned to them.
* Failure to do the aforementioned items ( student
responsibilities) will result in the following:
1st offense = 3 additional days Alternative School
2nd offense = 5 additional days Alternative School
3rd offense = 45 additional days Alternative School
Students who do not satisfactorily complete their assignments
will not be released from Alternative School until each
assignment is satisfactorily completed.
Student(s) who are assigned Alternative School are not
permitted to participate/attend any school related function
or activity.
Student(s) who are assigned Alternative School are not
allowed on any school campus except to their home school
for the sole purpose of transportation during placement at
Alternative School.
Immediately after arriving on school campus, drivers and
occupants, bus riders, and car riders are required to enter
the school building and report to the assigned area and remain
there until the bell rings.
Problems arise each year because of articles brought to
school. These articles may be hazardous to the health, safety
of others and interfere with the safe operations of school
procedures. The following items are prohibited and will be
taken from the student: any type of recording or playing
device, beepers, pagers, electronic games and such,
skateboards, in-line skates, laser devices, playing/trading
cards, any firearm, toy guns, water pistols, explosives,
explosive weapon, slingshots, leaded cane pipe, black jack,
knuckles, fire crackers, stink bombs, gunpowder, or any like
substance, mace, pepper spray, chains determined to be
threatening, knives of any type or size. Also, any other article
that may be deemed threatening.
Students and visitors shall be made aware of state and local
laws which were created to insure a safe learning environment
by the placement of signage in the appropriate locations on
the campus.
* lockers and other storage areas, containers, and
packages brought into or on school grounds by
the students or visitors are subject to search for drugs,
drug paraphernalia, dangerous weapons
or any property which is not properly in the possession
of the student (stolen property).
* vehicles parked on school property by students or
visitors are subject to search for drugs, drug
paraphernalia or dangerous weapons.
* state law prescribes a maximum penalty of six (6)
years imprisonment and a fine not to exceed
three thousand dollars ($3,000) for carrying weapons
on school property.
* no person shall enter onto the grounds or into the
building of any school during the hours of student
instruction, except students assigned to the
school, the staff of the school, parents of students
and other persons with lawful and valid business
on the school premises.
* there will be zero tolerance for weapons, illegal
drugs and battery.
Authority: TCA 39-17-1309, TCA 49-6-2008, TCA 496-4017, TCA 49-6-4204, TCA 49-6-4214
Assignments required in courses are for the purpose of
reinforcing learning skills and are not taken lightly.
Failure to complete assignments will result in the
following actions:
1. Teacher conference with student.
a. Teacher will explain make-up policy to
b. Teacher will set a deadline for completion
of assignment.
2. If student fails to complete the assignment by
the deadline set
a. Teacher will contact parents.
b. Teacher will assign a grade of zero (0) for
the assignment due.
3. If a student verbally refuses to do assigned
work, the teacher will report the student to the
Principal for insubordination.
The state of Tennessee requires that all students between
the ages of 6 and 18 years of age will be in attendance
180 days per year.
Attendance is a key factor in student achievement and
therefore, students are expected to be present each day
that school is in session.
Students will attend school on a regular basis unless there
is an illness or death in the immediate family, a school
related function, or a court appearance. All other absences
will be un-excused.
1. There will be NO parent excuses given beginning the
academic school year 2008- 2009.
2. Each student will be limited to 8 medical excuses per
Medical excuses must be valid and signed by the doctor.
Office staff signatures for medical excuses will not be
Students must provide a medical excuse the day they
return to school.
* Written notes or phone messages from parents will
not be accepted as a medical excuse.
* If a parent anticipates a student’s extended absence
because of a severe, prolonged, or chronic illness
under a physician’s care, the parent shall notify the
Director of Schools.
* The Director of Schools shall make arrangements for
home-bound or other appropriate instruction as needed.
If a student completes the work as indicated by the
home-bound teacher, days missed will not be counted
against the student.
3. Death/ Funeral Excuse will be granted for immediate
family- (including grandparents)
Note from parent or guardian stating the funeral home,
name of deceased and the relationship.
4. School related function:
* Absences due to school- related functions will not be
counted against the student’s attendance record.
However, any work missed must be made up on a
day for day basis. It is the student’s responsibility to
contact the teacher upon returning to school to get a
list of any missed assignments.
5. Students who miss 3 un-excused days of school shall be
sent a notice from the school.
6. After the 4th un-excused absence, the parent or guardian
will be required to meet with school officials for
notification of possible loss of class credit.
7. Upon missing the 5th un-excused day, students will be
petitioned into Juvenile Court.
8. Student shall receive no credit toward graduation if they
exceed 5 un-excused absences during a semester. This
may be modified based on a ruling from the Director of
The following behaviors are prohibited at school, or any
school- sponsored activity or event, or while on a school
1. Behavior that interferes with learning, including
disrespect and failure to follow reasonable directions.
2. Bus misconduct (refer to Bus Conduct- Offenses
and Punishments.)
3. Damaging school property or the property of others.
4. Damaging or setting off a fire alarm (except in case
of fire on school premises.)
5. Dishonesty.
6. Distribution, use, access, upload, or download of
vulgar, obscene, or threatening materials and/or
7. Fighting.
8. Leaving a class or the school without permission.
9. Physical contact that is inappropriate.
10. Possessing or using tobacco or any smoking
11. Possessing, using, selling, buying, giving away,
bartering or exchanging any alcoholic beverage or
illegal drug.
12. The misuse of technology (refer to Electronic
Resources- Authorized User Policy.)
13. The sale, give-away, barter, exchange or distribution
of any food, non-prescriptive or prescriptive drugs,
~ 10 ~
materials, substances, toys, or other personal
belongings without the consent of the principal or
the principal’s designee.
14. Theft.
15. Throwing objects on school property.
16. Using inappropriate language, whether written or
17. Verbally or physically abusing teachers,
administrators, students, or any other persons,
including but not limited to, acts of sexual harassment,
threats or intimidation.
18. Violating any school or school system rule.
Punishment - Students who are guilty of any of the
behaviors listed in this section will be punished. Some
of the types of punishment that may be use are
described below. Student support services may be
used in conjunction with the following punishments:
* Warning/ Reprimand
* Isolation
* Alternative School
* Short- Term Suspension
* Long- Term Suspension
* Expulsion
Although generally progressive in nature, punishment must
be appropriate for the misbehavior and must be age
appropriate. Principals / Assistant Principals have the latitude
of assigning punishment in relation to the misbehavior. For
example, students who engage in more serious acts of
misbehavior such as fighting or committing an illegal act
are not automatically entitled to a warning before any other
disciplinary action is taken. Students who deface or destroy
school property willfully, maliciously or carelessly will be
charged with the full amount of damage in addition to the
disciplinary procedures.
~ 11 ~
Students are expected to follow Specific State Rules and
Regulations pertaining to pupil transportation and display
appropriate behavior. Failure to do so could cause the student
to become ineligible for transportation. Students are under
the supervision of the bus driver from the time they board
the bus until they arrive at school and from the time they
leave school until they exit the bus at home in the afternoon.
The general progressive discipline plan that may be followed
in dealing with bus misbehavior is as follows:
The first disciplinary violation will result in the bus
driver assigning the violator a seat. The next
offense will be handled as follows:
2nd offense: 2- day suspension of bus privileges
3rd offense: 10 - day suspension of bus privileges
4th offense: Semester Suspension of bus privileges
5th offense: One Academic year suspension of bus
Severe Clause: Director of Schools may use any step
in Severe misbehavior situations.
Fentress County Bus Policy Will Be Followed In All Bus
Discipline Problems.
Bus Conduct- Offenses and Punishments
Bus drivers have complete charge of students riding the bus
and will report misbehavior to the principal. The principal
or assistant principal is responsible for disciplining students
for bus misbehavior. To help maintain order on the bus, bus
drivers have the authority to assign a special seat on the bus
to any student. For the safety of all students who ride the
bus, students are expected to obey the following rules:
* Students must use only the bus and the bus stop
assigned to them.
* Students may not enter or leave the bus at any place
except the student’s regular bus stop or school unless
the student has a note from home that has been
approved by the principal or assistant principal.
~ 12 ~
* Students who must change buses at any school must
follow the rules of that school.
* Students must stay in their seat while the bus is in
* Students may not reserve seats.
* Students must keep the center aisle of the bus clear
at all times. Items such as book bags must not
block the center aisle.
* Students must obey all bus safety rules and the
directions of their bus driver.
* Students are not allowed to transport balloons, flowers,
glass containers, or animals (dead or
alive, including insects) on the bus.
* Students are not allowed to consume food or drinks
on the bus.
* Students must not litter the inside of the bus, throw
anything out of the window, or cause
damage to the bus.
* Students must obey all rules listed in the “Behavior
Code” section of this handbook while riding
a school bus.
In addition to the rules listed above, Tennessee law prohibits
students from committing the following acts while riding a
school bus.
* Acts of physical violence.
* Bullying.
* Physical assault of persons on the bus.
* Verbal assault of persons on the bus.
* Disrespectful conduct toward the bus driver or other
persons on the bus.
* Unruly behavior.
* Using any electronic devices during the operation of
a bus, including but not limited to, cell phones, pagers,
audible radios, tape or compact disc players, I-pods,
etc, without headphones, or any other electronic device
in a manner that might interfere with the bus
communications equipment or the driver’s operation
of the bus.
~ 13 ~
* Using mirrors, lasers, flash cameras, or any other
lights or reflective devices in a manner that might
interfere with the driver’s operation of the bus.
If students violate any of these rules, the principal or assistant
principal may take disciplinary action, including suspension
from riding the bus for as many as ten (10) days and
suspension from school for as many as five (5) days. If bus
misbehavior is severe, a disciplinary hearing may be called
and students may be suspended or expelled from the bus or
from school.
If a student is found to have engaged in bullying, physical
assault or battery of a person on the bus, Tennessee law
requires the student’s parent/guardian to meet with school
officials to develop a school bus behavior contract for the
student. If a student causes damage to a school bus, the
student will be suspended from the bus and /or from school,
and will be required to repay the cost of any damage to the
Fighting on a school bus is among the most serious offenses
committed by students. Students who fight endanger
themselves and everyone riding the bus by causing the bus
driver’s attention to be diverted.
Fighting on a school bus may result in immediate suspension
from the bus and /or from school with no prior warning or
prior disciplinary action being taken.
Students may purchase breakfast from 7:15 a.m. to 7:45
A well-balanced meal of a lunch plate or salad bar may be
purchased in the cafeteria.
Students may bring their own lunch if desired or for personal
health reasons.
* Students are not allowed to leave campus for lunch
or call in deliveries.
~ 14 ~
All students are required to eat in the cafeteria.
* Students are not allowed to loiter or socialize in
teachers classrooms or hallways during their assigned
lunch period.
Each class has a designated thirty minute time allotment for
lunch that is assigned during their 3rd block.
Students should leave the table and surrounding area clean.
Students will deposit all garbage in the proper containers
and return trays and eating utensils to the appropriate area.
Students will maintain good behavior while in the cafeteria.
Talking and socializing are fine but excessive noise and
disruptive behavior will not be tolerated.
Drinks are not allowed in the cafeteria.
Students that are caught for inappropriate behaviors will be
sent to the principal for disciplinary
The Career Technology Education program at Clarkrange
High School consists of:
* Agriculture
* Business Technology
* Family and Consumer Sciences
* Health Science
Students may enroll in any of these Career Technology
Education courses.
See guidance department for a list of courses.
~ 15 ~
Clarkrange High School recognizes the necessity of cell
phones in our society. However, cell phones are a distraction
and interfere with classroom instruction. Cell phones must
be turned off and out of sight during school hours. If they
are seen or heard, they will be taken and given to the principal
or assistant principal.
1st Offense = Held in the front office for 7 days.
2nd Offense = Held in the front office for 30 days.
3rd Offense = Held in the front office for the rest of
the school year.
CHS in NOT responsible for the theft or loss of cell phones.
Any change in the student’s address or phone number must
be reported to the front office and to the guidance department
as soon as possible.
Students will be given the opportunity to make class schedule
changes at the beginning of each semester.
All changes must be completed within 2 days.
All changes must be approved by the Advisor and Assistant
All change request must be completed on an official drop/add
Drop/Add forms are available in the Assistant Principal’s
Cheating is academic dishonesty and is a serious offense
that will be handled with strict guidelines.
1st Offense = Student will receive an automatic “0” on
the assignment.
~ 16 ~
2nd Offense = Student will receive an automatic “0”
and will be assigned five days of Alternative School.
* Additional offenses will result in additional Alternative
School or Suspension.
The purpose of the Code of Conduct is to provide
students at Clarkrange High School an effective and
safe learning environment centered around respect, high
morals and values conductive to producing literate,
responsible, functional citizens of the community, state,
nation and world.
Legislative Intent:
TCA 49-6-4203 states the following:
(a) It is the intent of the general assembly in enacting
this part to secure a safe environment in which the
education of the students of Tennessee may occur.
(b) The general assembly recognizes the position of the
schools in loco parentis and the responsibility this
places on principals and teachers within each school
to secure order and to protect students from harm
while in their custody.
(c) It is the intent of this part to extend further, rather
than limit, the authority of principals and teachers
to secure order and provide protection of students
within each school.
(d) The general assembly further recognizes that a rising
level of violent activity and use of drugs is occurring
in some public schools, especially in urban areas,
and that these activities threaten the well-being of
all students in such schools.
(e) Any other areas as designated by the general
~ 17 ~
List of Expected Behaviors:
Students will:
1. Know and adhere to reasonable rules and
regulations established by Clarkrange High School.
2. Respect the human dignity and worth of every other
3. Refrain from libel, slanderous remarks, and obscenity
in verbal and written expression.
4. Maintain the best possible level of academic
5. Be punctual and present in the regular school
6. Dress and groom in a manner that meets reasonable
standards of health, cleanliness, modesty,
and safety.
7. Maintain and/or improve the school environment,
preserve school and private property, and
exercise care while using school facilities.
8. Refrain from behavior which would lead to physical
or emotional harm or disrupts the
educational process.
9. Respect the authority of school administrators,
teachers and other authorized personnel in
maintaining discipline in the school and at schoolsponsored activities.
10. Obey local, state and federal law.
11. Obey school rules.
Acts in violation of laws and school policy:
All violations of the Discipline Code of Clarkrange
High School will be handled as expediently as the
offense permits.
Code of Conduct:
Since no student has the right to interfere in any way with
his/her fellow classmates’ right to learn, each student will
observe a code of conduct which will in no way interfere
with the educational opportunities of his/her classmates. The
administration and faculty of the school will make and
enforce such rules as are necessary for the efficient operation
of the learning process of Clarkrange High School students.
~ 18 ~
The Principal or his designee will classify any offense not
listed below. The code of conduct is as follows:
All discipline codes and options apply to all school
functions. Examples: Field trips, Athletic events- home
and away, Dances, etc.
Confiscation: Items/Devices that are inappropriate during
school hours that might interfere with the learning
environment and/or the orderly operations of the school.
Example Violations:
* No caps/hats worn in the building
* I-pods, MP3 players, Baseball/Trading Cards, etc.
* No skateboards, rollerblades allowed on school
* Incendiary device ( i.e. lighter, matches)
Disciplinary Options:
1st Offense: Confiscation for 1 day
2nd Offense: Confiscation for 1 week
3rd Offense: Confiscation for remainder of school
Alternative School- Alternative placement for students with
conduct violations.
After School Detention- (3:00p.m. to 4:00p.m. Monday Thursday)
The code of conduct is as follows:
Level I: Misbehavior(s) which interfere with the learning
climate of the educational environment and/or
the orderly operations of the school.
Example Violations:
* Classroom Disturbance
* Failure to complete class work
* Tardy to class
* No Hall Pass
~ 19 ~
Disciplinary Options:
1st Offense: Handled by the teacher according to
classroom/school rules.
2nd Offense: 1 day detention
3rd Offense: 3 days detention
4th Offense: 3 days Alternative School
5th Offense: 3 days suspension or 5 days Alternative
Level II: Misbehavior(s) which interfere with the learning
climate of the educational environment and/or
the orderly operations of the school.
Example Violations:
* Display of Affection
* Dress Code Violation
* Open food or drink in school without permission
Disciplinary Options:
1st Offense: Warning and Conference with teacher,
principal or designee.
2nd Offense: Conference with parents and one (1)
day detention.
3rd Offense: 5 days detention
4th Offense: 3 days suspension or 5 days alternative
Level III: Misbehavior(s) which interferes/disrupts the
learning climate of the educational environment
and/or the orderly operations of the school.
Example Violations:
* Missing Detention
* Rough - Housing, Scuffling, Horse-play, Wrestling,
* Violation of computer policy
~ 20 ~
Disciplinary Options:
1st Offense:
2nd Offense:
3rd Offense:
4th Offense:
3 (additional) days detention
5 (additional) days detention
5 days Alternative School
5 days suspension or 10 days
Alternative School
*** Violation of Computer policy in levels of severity
may revert to Fentress County Board of Education
Policy. See Fentress County Board of Education User
Policy listed under Electronic Resources- Authorized
User Policy.
Level IV: Misbehavior(s) /Acts of extreme conduct which
are in violation with school policies.
Example Violations:
* Cutting Class
* Leaving School without permission
* Disrespect to a teacher, staff, and peers
* Insubordination (not following a directive from a
teacher, administrator, or other school
system employee)
* Lying
* Threats (Verbal, Written)
* Use of vulgar language, profane gestures oral or
* Possession of pornographic materials
Disciplinary Options:
1st Offense: 5 days Alternative School
2nd Offense: 10 days Alternative School
3rd Offense: 45 days Alternative School and referred
to Discipline Committee
Level V: Misbehavior(s)/Acts that are in violations of local,
state, or federal laws.
~ 21 ~
Example Violations:
* Fighting, both parties, unless one was attacked for
no apparent reason.
* Harassment (Verbal, Physical, Sexual)
* Use or possession of tobacco in any form (must
appear in Juvenile court)
* Assault (Verbal, Physical)
* Extortion
* Receipt, sale, possession of stolen property (reported
to local law enforcement)
* Stealing (reported to local law enforcement)
* Gambling (pitching pennies, dice, or other activity)
* Possession, use, or under the influence of alcohol
at school, or a school event (report to local law
* Possession of drug paraphernalia
* Possession of weapons
* Prescription policy violation
* Destruction or defacing school property
Disciplinary Options:
1st Offense: 3 days suspension or 5 days Alternative
School and court referral.
2nd Offense: 10 days Alternative School and court
3rd Offense: 45 days Alternative School, court
referral and referred to Disciplinary
Committee for possible expulsion.
Level VI: Acts which are violations of the Zero Tolerance
Policy as required by state law.
Any violation will result in expulsion for 1 calendar year
and be reported to local law enforcement authorities, except
that the Director of Schools may modify this expulsion on
a case-by-case basis.
1. Possession of Firearms.
2. Battery on school personnel and school resource
3. Possession of or being under the influence of illegal
~ 22 ~
Should corporal punishment be necessary, it will be
administered by the principal or assistant principal, witnessed
by at least one other professional staff member or will be
administered by a teacher witnessed by at least one other
professional staff member. All corporal punishment will be
administered in the principal’s or assistant principal’s office.
Authority: TCA 49-6-4103, 49-6-4402-4404
Visual Art I
This course is an introduction to drawing, painting, and
principals of design. Color theory, perspective, painting,
and drawing techniques are explored with various media.
Art history is also covered. This course fulfills the fine arts
credit required for graduation.
Visual Art II
Successful completion of Art I
Art II is designed to perfect skills of drawing and painting
used in Art I and to develop individual styles. Printmaking,
sculpture, and other media are explored with emphasis on
design. Art history is also covered.
Visual Art III
Teacher recommendation, successful completion of Art II
Application and development of skills related to photography,
photographic equipment and development.
Art History (can be taken as dual enrollment)
Recommended for 11th or 12th grade, Must complete Art I
Art History is an intensive program intended for highly
motivated students who are interested in an in-depth study
of both Eastern and Western art traditions. The course is
taught at the college level and is designed to provide students
with an understanding and enjoyment of architecture,
sculpture, painting, and other art forms within historical and
cultural contests. Students examine major forms of artistic
~ 23 ~
expression and learn to look at works of art critically. The
course involves extensive reading, writing, research, analysis
and interpretation.
Instrumental Music
Instrumental music is a course that provides musical
performance and study for students in grades 9-12. Three
levels of instruction are included in the following framework.
This plan allows for a total of four years of instrumental
music classes. Through the medium of band, the course is
designed to develop proficiency in musical performance, an
understanding of the art of music, and an appreciation of the
creative and intrinsic values of music, which can result in
a life-long avocation.
Vocal music is a course that seeks to give students in grades
9-12 experience in the study and performance of a diverse
repertoire of vocal/choral music. Three levels of instruction
are included in the following framework. This plan allows
for a total of four years of vocal/choral classes. The course
will include instruction in proper vocal technique,
musicianship skills, and the cultural and historical context
of choral literature. The course will encourage self-expression
through performance and creation of music.
Lifetime Wellness
Lifetime Wellness is a course that develops positive concepts
toward an active, healthy lifestyle. The importance of
cardiovasular exercise, proper diet and preventive health
measures will be presented. Units on CPR, STD’s, nutrition,
tobacco, alcohol, and drugs are included in this course.
Physical Education
The numerous activities in the physical education program
include daily warm-ups for each student, followed by
individual and team sports. These activities provide carry
over values for leisure time participation.
~ 24 ~
Weight Training and Conditioning
This course is designed to physically prepare male and
female students for their particular sport. The purpose of
the weights and conditioning class is to train athletes in ways
to prevent and protect their bodies from injury by teaching
them the proper techniques of weight training and exercise.
English I
Grade level: 9
Students read selections from various genres of literature.
They focus on the elements of the short story, poetry, drama,
and the novel. Grammar study emphasizes the parts of
speech, phrases, clauses, and sentence structure. Portfolio
composition assisgnments include character and theme
papers, personal essays, and answers to essay questions.
English II
Grade level: 10
English II is a comprehensive course covering poetry, short
stories, drama, essays, and novels written by world authors.
Students work on vocabulary development. Grammar study
focuses on run-on sentences and fragments, subject-verb
agreement, and correct punctuation. Students write causeand-effect, compare-contrast, and problem-solution papers,
and essay based on writing prompts.
English III
Grade level: 11
English III surveys American literature from the Colonial
Period to the present. Students read various literary genres
examining literary devices, narrative techniques, form, and
structure. The study of literature is accompanied by an
advanced study of vocabulary. Students refine their
composition skills by writing persuasive essays and speeches,
memoirs, and by practicing for the TCAP writing assessment
that they take early second semester. Grammar is studied
in conjunction with composition as students practice
proofreading, editing, and revising their work. The research
process focuses on persuasion and incoporates MLA
~ 25 ~
English IV
Grade level: 12
English IV is a survey of British literature that included
both classic and comemporary works. Vocabulary is studied
in context with literature. Because composition skills are
increasingly important as students prepare for college,
renewed emphasis is placed on proofreading, editing, and
revision as students write in all the structures covered in
grades 9-11. Students also prepare for college entrance
essays by writing personal narratives. The research process
culminates in a fully-developed literatry analysis
incorporating MLA documentation.
English IV: Communication for Life
English IV: Communication for Life is a nontraditional
course that entegrates the standards of writing, reading,
viewing/representing and speaking/listening with a rigorous
hands-on, workplace-oriented approach. Students will
comprehend and produce a wide variety of texts; recognize
and create practical and persuasive forms of communication;
and use appropriate technology and media forms. The course
emphasizes communication, problem-solving, and critical
thinking skills necessaary to enable students to deal effectively
with cultural and ethnic diversity in a rapidly changing
Journalism I/Newspaper
The Journalism I curriculum requires the production of the
school newspaper. Computer skills are essential, although
the students will learn Page-Maker. Students must be highly
motivated, creative, and have an interest in both the issues
of school life and photography. These skills are then intended
to be utilized in working toward development of the school
newspaper, The Voice of the Range.
Journalism I and II/Yearbook
The Journalism curriculum requires the production of the
school yearbook. The class functions in a lab situation;
emphasis is placed on reporting and writing, advanced layout
design and photography, developing business techniques,
and exploring artistic endeavors through the development
of the yearbook.
~ 26 ~
Content Area Reading
Teacher recommendation, placement by testing
The students will learn, practice, and internalize strategies
that are essential life-long skills for reading, understanding,
and interpreting content specific materials. Skills will include
previewing and reviewing print and non-print material,
activiating prior knowledge, processing and acquiring new
vocabulary, organizing information, understanding visual
representations, self-monitoring, and reflecting.
The national standards for foreign language learning in the
21st century emphasize the Five Cs: Communication, Culture,
Connections, Comparisons, and Communities.
Spanish I (Prerequisite-None)
Grade Level: 11-12
Through reading, writing, listening, and speaking activites,
students will learn to express basic needs and preferences
and ask and answer questions about the same in Spanish. In
addition, students will develop basic conversational skills
in the target language and be exposed to the geography,
history, arts, and present-day culture of Spain, North America,
Central America, and South America. Students will finish
this course with the ability to use the followig tenses: present,
near future, preterite past.
Spanish II (Prerequisite-Spanish 1)
Grade Level: 11-12
In this course, students will reinforce and build on their
acquisition of Spanish by participating in reading, writing,
listening, and speaking activities. They will continue their
learning of Hispanic and Latin American cultures and make
presentations based on their research. Students will finish
this course with the ability to use the following tenses:
present, near future, future, preterite past, imperfect past,
Algebra I (A/B)
Algebra I used problem situations, physical models, and
~ 27 ~
apporpriate technology to extend algebraic thinking and
engage student reasoning. Problem solving situations will
provide all students an environment that promotes
communication and fosters connections within mathematics,
to other disciplines and to the real world. Students will use
physical models to represent, explore, and develop abstract
concepts. The use of appropriate technology will help
students apply mathematics in an increasingly technological
world. The concepts emphasized in the course include
functions, solving equations, and slope as rates of change,
and proportiality. Alternative courses will be offered for
students with IEP’s.
Geometry used problem situations, physical models, and
appropriate technology to investigate and justify geometric
concepts and relationships. Problem-solving situations
provide all students an environment that promotes
communication, engages student reasoning, and fosters
connections within mathematics, to other disciplines, and
to the real world. Students will use physical models to
represent, explore, develop and apply abstract concepts.
The use of appropriate technology will help students develop
mathematics needed in an increasingly technological world.
The concepts and topics emphasized in the course include
measurement, geometric patterns, coordinate geometry, twoand three-dimensional figures, transformational geometry,
congruence, similarity, inductive and deductive reasoning,
logic, and proof. Alternative courses will be offered to meet
requirements for students with IEP’s.
Algebra II
Algebra II is a course that uses problem situations, physical
models, and appropriate technology to extend algebraic
thinking and engage student reasoning. Problem-solving
situations will provide all students an environment that
promotes communication and fosters connections within
mathematics, to other disciplines, and to the real world.
Students will use physical models to represent, explore and
develop abstract concepts. The use of appropriate technology
will help students apply mathematics in an increasingly
~ 28 ~
technological world. The concepts emphasized in the course
include analysis of “family of functions,” solving systems
of equations, graphing, data analysis, and logarithmic and
exponential functions.
Trigonometry is the study of functions and their relations to
right triangles. This course will build a solid foundations
of trigonometry skills and concepts that connect to daily life.
Pre-Calculus (can be taken as dual enrollment for college
algebra credit if ACT requirements are met)
Pre-calculus is an advanced mathematics course that uses
meaningful problems and approrpriate technologies to build
upon previously learned mathematical concepts to develop
the underpinnings of calculus.
Discrete Math
Prerequisite: Algebra I, Algebra II and Geometry
Discrete Mathematics with Statistics and Probability is an
advanced course that includes using discrete structures to
represent and determine solutions to problem situations;
collecting, representing, and processing data; and applying
probability in problem-solving.
Technical Algebra (Mathematics for Technology II)
Technical Algebra used problem situations, physical models,
and appropriate technology to extend algebraic thinking and
engage student reasoning. Problem solving situations,
including those related to a variety of careers and technical
fields, will provide all students an environment which
promotes communication and fosters connections within
mathematics, to other disciplines and to the technological
workplace. Students will use physical models in a laboratory
setting to represent, explore, and develop abstract concepts.
The use of appropriate technology will help students apply
algebra in an increasingly technological world. The concepts
emphasized in the course include: measurement, statistical
data analysis, functions, solving equations, and slope as rates
of change, and proportionality.
~ 29 ~
Technical Geometry
Technical Geometry incoporates the same core geometric
concepts required in a standard geometry course but includes
additional topics that focus on career and technical
applications. These concepts will be taught using practical
applications in a contexual style of teaching, including labs
and projects. The structure of the course will include teaching
groups of skills and concepts followed by their incorporation
in a real world application and setting.
Biology I
Biology I is a course that introduces students to the world
of living things. The students explore the following:
• basic life processes at the molecular, cellular, systemic,
organismal, and ecological levels of organization within the
• interdependence and interactions within the
environment to include relationships, behavior, and
population dynamics;
• cultural and historical scientific contributions of men
and women;
• evidence that supports bioloical evolution; and
• current and emerging technology applications.
Biology II
Biology II is a course that introduces students to major
specialty areas of biology. The students explore the following:
• Comparative Anatomy and Zoology
• Embryology
• Genetics
• Immunology
• Microbiology
• Botany
Biology for Technology
Biology for Technology is a rigourous course that utilizes
applied methodologies to prepare technical or dual path
students for taking the Gateway assessment. It has been
designed jointly between the areas of science and vocationaltechnical education to prepare students for both postsecondary
education and the workplace.
~ 30 ~
Life in modern society requires a broad knowledge of science.
Basic scientific literacy is vital for all citizens, and science
and technology are integral to almost all occupations. Studies
show that US students do not have the grounding needed in
science to pursue many science-related careers important to
the growth of our nation.
This course is designed to build understanding of the
principles of biology inherent to technology; apply the
scientific method and processes in simulating work conditions
through participation in research, problem solving, and
teamwork; and develop higher-order thinking skills and
communication skills. Specific content includes how living
organisms come into existence, grown and mature,
differentiate from one another, and interact with the
Physical Science
Physical Science is a course that explores the relationship
between matter and energy. Students should learn Physical
Science through the process of inquiry. Hands-on laboratory
investigations, individual studies, and group activities should
constitute a major portion of the learning experience. Using
available technology, students will investigate forces and
motion, the chemical and physical properties of matter, the
ways in which matter and energy interact within the natural
world, and the forms and properties of energy. Conservation
of matter and energy is an underlying theme throughout the
entire course. Physical Science provides the knowledge,
prerequisite skills, and habits of mind needed for problem
solving and ethical decision-making about matters of scientific
and technological concern. Physical Science offers a basic
foundation for advanced studies in Chemistry and Physics.
Anatomy & Physiology
Grade level: 12
In this course, students will examine human anatomy and
physical functions. They will analyze descriptive results of
abnormal physiology and evaluate clinical consequences.
A workable knowledge of medical terminology will be
~ 31 ~
Chemistry I
Chemistry is a course the explores the properties of substances
and the changes that substances undergo. The student will
investigate the following:
• Atomic Structure
• Matter and Energy
• Interactions of Matter
• Properties of Solutions and Acids and Bases
Students should explore chemistry through inquiry, handson laboratory investigations, individual studies, and group
activities. The students’ experiences in chemistry should
enable them to understand the role of chemistry in their
lives by investigating substances that occur in nature, in
living organisms, and those that are created by humans.
Their study should include both qualitative and quantitative
descriptions of matter and the changes that matter undergoes.
Students should practice the necessary precautions for
performing safe inquiries and activities and appreciate the
risks and benefits of producing and using chemical
Earth Science
Earth Science is a course that explores the origins and the
connections between the physical, chemical, and biological
processes of the Earth System. The student will investigate
• Earth System
• Energy in the Earth System
• Cycles in the Earth System
• Geologic History
It is the expectation that students will experience the content
of Earth Science through inquiry learning. Hands-on
laboratory investigations, individual studies, and group
activities should be a major portion of the learning experience.
Students focus on topics associated with matter, energy,
crystal dynamics, cycles, geochemical processes, and the
expanded time scales necessary to understand events in the
earth system. Earth Science will provide the knowledge,
prerequisite skills, and habits of mind needed for problem
solving and ethical decision-making about matters of
scientific and technological concern, as well as, provide a
basic foundation for advanced studies in biology, chemistry,
~ 32 ~
physics, and personal career choices.
Physics is a course that deals with the relationship between
matter and energy and how they interact. The following
major areas will be investigated.
• Mechanics
• Thermodynamics
• Waves and Sound
• Light and Optics
• Electricity and Magnetism
• Atomic and Nuclear Physics
Using available materials and technology, students will carry
out investigations of the above areas using inquiry based
learning, hands-on laboratory investigations, observation of
demonstrations, individual studies, and group activities.
This course will afford students the opportunity to apply
knowledge and prerequisite skills, habits of mind needed
for problem solving and ethical decision-making about local
and global scientific and technological concerns. This course
will provide knowledge and experiences needed for advanced
studies and personal career choices.
Ecology is a course that enables students to develop an
understanding of the natural environment and the
environmental problems the world faces. Students will
investigate the following:
• Fundamental Ecological Principles
• Human Population Dynamics
• Natural Resources
• Energy Sources and Their Use
• Human Interaction with the Environment
• Personal and Civic Responsibility
It is the expectation that students will explore the content of
Ecology through inquiry. This advanced science course will
utilize group lab and field experiences to meet these
expectations. Concepts from Biology I and Chemistry I will
be applied. Particular emphasis will be placed on local
environments. Students will develop a basic understanding
~ 33 ~
of ecology as a basis for making ethical decisions and career
Geology is a course that explores the origins and the
connections between the physical, chemical and biological
processes of the Earth system. The student will investigate
• Maps
• Matter and Minerals
• Rocks and the Rock Cycle
• Geologic History
• Plate Tectonics
• External Landform Morphology
Students will experience the content of Geology through
investigations and observations both in the field and the
laboratory and through open-ended problem solving via
cooperative learning and individual research. Students will
focus on the physical aspects of Earth processes and cycles.
Contemporary Issues
Grade level: 9-12
In Contemporary Issues, students study various dynamic
issues facing today’s society enabling them to discover their
values and responsibilities as citizens in that society. The
course will utilize six social studies standards of essential
content knowledge and four process skills are integrated for
instructional purposes. Students will utilize different learning
methods to research, discuss, debate and formulate opinions
on those contemporary issues.
Grade level: 11 & 12
In Economics, high school students study the study of how
people, businesses, and goverments choose to use resources.
Integrate the six social studies standards of essential content
knowledge and four process skills for instructional purposes.
Personal Finance
Grade level: 11 & 12
Personal Finance is a course designed to inform students
~ 34 ~
how individual choices directly influence occupational goals
and future earnings potential. Real world topics covered
will include income, money management, spending and
credit, as well as saving and investing.
Psychology: (dual enrollment course only)
Grade level: 11 & 12
In Psychology, high school students study the development
of the individual and the personality. The six social standards
of essential content knowledge and four process skills are
integrated for instructional purposes.
Sociology: (dual enrollment course only)
Grade level: 11 & 12
In Sociology, high school students study dynamics and
models of individual and group relationships. The six social
studies standards of essential content knowledge and four
process skills are integrated for instructional purposes.
United States Government:
Grade level: 11 & 12
The Government High School course focuses on the United
States’ founding principles and beliefs. Students will study
the structure, functions, and powers of government at the
national, state, and local levels. Integrate the six social
studies standards of essential content knowledge and four
process skills will be integrated for instructional purposes.
United States History
In United States History, students study the history of the
United States Reconstruction to the present. The six social
studies standards of essential content knowledge and four
process skills are integrated for instructional purposes.
Studetns will utilize different methods that historians use to
interpret the past, including points of view and historical
World Geography
Grade level: 9-12
In World Geography High School, students study people,
~ 35 ~
places, and environments at local, regional, national and
international levels from the spatial and ecological
perspectives of geography. The six social studies standards
of essential content knowledge and four process skills are
integrated for instructional purposes.
World History
Grade level: 9-12
In World History, high school students study the history of
humankind with a more concentrated focus from the
Renaissance to present day. The six social studies standards
of essential content knowledge and four process skills are
integrated for instructional purposes. Students will utilize
different methods that historians use to interpret the past,
including points of view and historial context.
Modern History
Prerequisite: World History OR World Geography
Grade level: 10-12
In Modern History, students will focus on the world wide
chronological events, and significant persons from the Great
Depression era to today. This six social studies standards
of essential content knowledge and four process skills are
integrated for instructional purposes. Students will utilize
different learning methods to research, discuss, debate and
formulate opinions on modern historical events as it relates
not only to America’s developing history but also the world’s
unfolding events.
Completion of two years of JROTC satisfies the Lifetime
Wellness graduation requirement. The third year of JROTC
will satisfy the .5 credit requirement in Personal Finance
for the class of 2013 and beyond.
Grade level: 9-12
Leadership Education and Training I - JROTC is a course
~ 36 ~
in which the student receives basic instruction in leadership
development, drill and ceremonies, first aid, American
Citizenship and history, physical fitness, and map reading.
Principles of Horticultural Sciences
This course introduces students to the vast areas of the
horticultural industry. Topics include leadership, greenhouse
management, garden center operations, floriculture, nursery
management, landscaping, and turf grass management. An
introduction to plant and soil science is included as a necessary
foundation to the success of today’s horticulturalist.
Advanced Principles of Agriculture
Advanced Principles of Agriculture includes standards that
challenge students to plan for one of the five career clusters
in agriculture. Understanding the skills necessary to be
successful in an agriculture career is important for students
as they enter the agricultural industry in the 21st century.
Fundamentals of Agriculture
Fundamentals of Agriculture is designed to develop the basic
theories and principles involved in animal science,
agribusiness, agricultural mechanics, and natural resource
management. The standards prepare students to choose
among agricultural careers for the 21st century.
Horse Science
Horse Science is designed to develop basic understanding
of equine handling, health, maintenance, reproduction,
selection and management. Horse populations in the state
have continued to grow and their economic impact has
increased with this growth. This course is designed to help
students prepare for the social and economic impact equine
science will have in the 21st century.
Greenhouse Management
Greenhouse Management sets a foundation for progress in
the horiculture sub-cluster area. As populations continue to
~ 37 ~
expand, the importance of food production in a condensed,
climate-controlled environment increases. Understanding
the integrated principles needed for the successful
management of a greenhouse will allow the agricultural
industry to continue to produce the quality and quantity of
food and fiber needed in the 21st century.
Livestock Management
Livestock Management will help prepare for further courses
of study in animal science. The effective management of
livestock requires an applicable knowledge of animal
anatomy, nutrition, health genetics, facilities and the effects
of livestock production on the environment. This course
further prepares students to apply these principles.
Principles of Agricultural Engineering
Principles of Agricultural Engineering include standards on
metal fabrication and agriculture structures. Subject matter
will include hot/cold metal work, cost and material
computation, electric wiring and codes, engine service and
repair, blueprint reading and drawing and selection of
appropriate materials for projects.
Ag Mechanics
Recommended Prerequisite: Fundamentals of Agriculture
Agriculture Mechanics includes standards to prepare students
for operational procedures for a shop or a home environment.
Students learn basic skills in areas, including welding,
electricity, land measurements, and plumbing. As students
enter the 21st century, the need to have skills that can be
used in a rural or an urban environment.
Small Animal Care
Small Animal Care contains objectives to prepare students
for careers in managing and caring for specialty and
companion animals. As our population raises more specialty
and companion animals for production purposes and personal
value, careers that work with these animals in a safe
environment will continue to expand.
~ 38 ~
Business Technology
Financial Planning
Financial Planning is a course designed to develop skills in
the use of financial principles in making business decisions.
Students will research job qualifications and employment
opportunities in finance. The course includes a study of the
allocation of financial resources, the effects of finance and
credit institutions on the business community and the impact
of financial decisions on the consumer market. Ethical issues
will be presented in this course.
Integrated Input Technologies
This is a capstone course in which students will learn
necessary skills in problem solving using current and emerging
integrated technology to include a variety of input
technologies such as advanced keyboarding, scanning, speech
recognition, handwriting recognition, and the use of a mouse
in the production of mailable business documents. The
course focuses on student choice, accountability, and
competency. Students work toward the attainment of highlevel employable competencies in areas, which may include
(but are not limited to) integrated software applications,
computer systems, communication systems, networking,
ethical issues, human relations, leadership, self-management,
and workplace management. Students may choose areas of
specialization and achieve industry certification in areas
such as word processing, spreadsheet applications, database
design and management, multimedia presentations, schedule
and contact management, etc. This course may articulate to
post-secondary education.
Keyboarding I & II
Students will apply basic skills in operating a computerized
keyboard by using the touch system and other input
technologies to produce mailable business and academic
documents. Students will prepare business and academic
reports, etc. Mailability standards relate to keying, formatting,
grammar, punctuation, capitalization, spelling, content,
typography and layout and design. Using special features
~ 39 ~
of the software, the student will be able to format academic
and business reports.
Accounting I
Recommended for 10th grade, completion of Keyboarding
Accounting I introduces concepts and principles based on
a double-entry system of maintaining the electronic and
manual financial records for a sole proprietorship, partnership,
and corporation. It includes analyzing business transactions,
journalizing, posting, and preparing worksheets and financial
statements. Automated (computer) accounting will be
integrated throughout the course.
Accounting I
Prerequisite: Accounting I
This course develops skills in advanced manual and
automated accounting procedures such as control systems,
cost accounting, managerial accounting, and fundamental
auditing procedures. Students will discover various uses of
spreadsheets that are relevant in current accounting practices.
Family and Consumer Science
Family and Consumer Sciences (FACS)
Family and Consumer Sciences is a comprehensive
foundation course designed to assist students in developing
the core knowledge and skills needed to manage their lives.
Emphasis is on leadership, human development, family and
parenting education, consumer economics and resource
management, housing and living environments, nutrition
and foods, textiles and apparel, and career preparation.
Critical skills in decision making, problem solving, critical
thinking, technology, work and family management, and
workplace readiness are reinforced through authentic
experiences. The course allows students to select specific
areas for future concentrated study. A unique focus is on
the management of families, work and their interrelationships.
The integration of Family, Career and Community Leaders
~ 40 ~
of America (FCCLA) provides students with opportunities
for leadership development, personal growth, and
school/community involvement.
Nutrition and Foods:
Grade level: 10-12
Nutrition and Foods is a specialized course with emphasis
on helping students understand the significance of food,
principles of nutrition, and the relationship of nutrition to
health and well-being. The course offers the students
opportunities to develop skills in the selection, preparation,
storing, and serving of food, meal management to meet
individual and family nutrition needs across the life span,
and optimal use of food resources. Careers and occupations
in nutrition and food industries will be explored. The
integration of Family, Career and Community Leaders of
America (FCCLA) provides students with opportunities for
leadership development, personal growth, and
school/community involvement.
Child Development
Child Development is a specialized course that prepares
students to understand the physical, social, emotional, and
intellectual growth and development of children. The course
is designed to help young people acquire knowledge and
skills essential to the care and guidance of children as a
parent or caregiver. Emphasis is on helping students create
an environment for children that will promote optimum
development. Experiences such as laboratory observations,
job shadowing, or laboratory participation may be included
if opportunities are available. The integration of Family,
Career and Community Leaders of America (FCCLA)
provides students with opportunities for leadership
development, personal growth and school/community
Housing and Interior Design
Housing and Interior Design is a specialized course designed
to prepare students to understand the influences affecting
housing decisions. The course includes instruction in the
social/psychological aspects of housing, the consumer aspects,
~ 41~
housing trends and issues, the application of design principles
to the living environment, home furnishings and equipment,
home care and maintenance, the exploration in related
occupations/careers. Emphasis is on using available resources
effectively to meet individual and housing needs. The
integration of Family, Career and Community Leaders of
America (FCCLA) provides students with the opportunity
for leadership development, personal growth, and
school/community involvement.
Textiles and Apparel
Textiles and Apparel is a specialized course designed to
prepare students to understand the social, psychological,
and physiological aspects of textile and apparel products.
Instruction in how to select, produce, maintain, and altar
textile and apparel products and the effect of consumer
choices on the needs of the individual and family are included
in the course of study.
Health Science
Health Science Education
137 Hours Block Schedule
No Prerequisite. This course is an introduction to broad
standards that serve as a foundation for Health Care
Occupations and functions across health services. Units
included are academics in health care communications
systems, legal responsibilities, ethics, teamwork, and safety
Driver’s Education
Grade level: 9-12
Recommend: Student must be fifteen years old prior to
enrollment. Driver Education is designed to help build the
student’s confidence so that he/she may handle the unusual
situations and pressures of driving in today’s complex traffic
environment and promote the safe and efficient use of an
automobile. This course will cover the traffic laws of the
State of Tennessee, basic car maneuvers, driving under
adverse conditions, and preparation for driving in cities,
~ 42 ~
country, urban, residential and freeway areas. The course
meets all state requirements. The course consists of 30 hours
of classroom work, 6 hours of behind the wheel training and
18 hours of observation.
Career Management Success
Grade level: 9-12
Required for the graduation classes of 2010 & 2011
The course provides students with the tools for achieving
success in their academic, work, and personal lives. Course
content emphasizes the basic skills and knowledge needed
for employment success, as identified by industry and
supported by relevant national standards. All course content
is presented in a real-world context, providing concrete
opportunities for developing personal and career goals,
effective communication skills, teamwork abilities, and
successful work attitudes.
Work-Based Learning Business, Agricultural Education,
Family and Consumer Science Education
Cooperatative Education is available for any class offered
in our program of studies.
Recommended Prerequisite: Signature of the teacher in the
related academic class and the Work-Based Learning
Grade level: 12
This work-based learning program is designed to benefit
students by providing them with opportunities to gain skills
and knowledge through an on-the-job experience related to
any course in which they are enrolled. Employers, classroom
teachers, and the work-based learning coordinator work
together to design a training plan that will help the students
be successful.
• Academic Co-Op
• Vocational Co-Op
• Manufacturing Co-Op
• Marketing Co-Op
• Health Science Co-Op
• Media Co-Op
~ 43 ~
Dual Enrollment Opportunities at CHS
*Available in cooperation with Roane State Comm. College
*There are ACT Requirements for Dual Enrollment Courses
*All courses listed may not be offered every year and others
may be added.
*Interactive courses are taught via satellite feed from RSCC.
English Composition I
English Composition II
Art History
College Algebra (interactive)
Psychology (interactive)
Sociology (interactive)
US History (interactive, pending)
A cumulative record for each student is required in the
guidance office. This record includes such things as scholastic
achievement, health information and attendance/discipline
data. A student may request his/her counselor/advisor to
interpret this record. Tennessee law requires that this record
be kept indefinitely so that any legitimate agency (e.g.,
colleges and universities, state and federal agencies) may
be provided with information upon request.
Authority: TCA 49-6-5001-5105
At the beginning of school, announcement request will be
sent to the front office. A daily absentee is created so that
students and faculty are informed of events that are occurring.
This absentee is sent through e-mail to all staff members.
Teachers will print this daily and post. Students and faculty
should read carefully to keep abreast of school/student
It is the student’s responsibility to be aware of announcements.
~ 44 ~
DANGEROUS WEAPONS see also: weapons
Weapons include any dangerous instrument or substance,
which is capable of inflicting any injury on any person. The
word “weapon” is included in this definition.
No knives or other deadly weapons are to be on school
Authority: TCA 49-6-4202
After school detention: Time: * 3:00p.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Dates: * Monday - Thursday
Students MUST bring material to work on. Students will
not be allowed to leave detention to get items from locker
to work on. If a student fails to bring school work to detention,
work will be assigned by the detention designee and extra
detention will be given. Magazines and newspapers are not
allowed unless approved as school work.
A seven (7) day notification will be given when a student is
scheduled to serve detention. This is to give sufficient time
to arrange for picking up student on the afternoon(s) that
detention is to be served.
Students scheduled for detention will report no later than
3:05p.m. on the day scheduled. Tardiness will be subject to
another hour of detention added.
Detention will be re-scheduled due to funeral or medical
reason. This is only if prior notice is given to the Principal.
The absentee excuse must be given to the Principal when
the student returns to school.
If a student is absent on a day that detention is assigned, the
detention will be rescheduled only if the absence was excused.
If the absence was un-excused, the penalty for missed
detention will be enforced.
Failure to stay for detention:
~ 45 ~
1st Offense: 3 additional days detention
2nd Offense: 5 additional days detention
3rd Offense: 5 days Alternative School
4th Offense: 5 days suspension or 10 days Alternative
Upon receiving 5 detention notices, students will be subject
to serve 5 days Alternative School.
In the event that school is cancelled on the day you are
assigned detention, students are responsible to serve detention
the next day school is in session.
To meet the requirements for graduation, a pupil shall have
attained an approved attendance, conduct and subject matter
record, which over a planned program of education. Only
students who meet the requirements for graduation will be
allowed to participate in graduation ceremonies. This record
shall be kept in the guidance office.
A student shall receive a diploma issued only through a
Tennessee high school. A student may be issued only one
diploma or certificate upon completion of an approved
educational program.
1. Regular Diploma- This diploma will be awarded to
students who earn the specified number of units of credit,
(or satisfactorily complete an Individualized Education
Program), make passing scores on Gateway Exams, and
have satisfactory records of attendance and conduct.
2. Certificate of Attendance- This will be awarded to
students who have earned the specified units of credit
and who have satisfactory records of attendance and
conduct, but who have not met proficiency on Gateway
~ 46 ~
3. Special Education Diploma- This will be awarded to
students who have satisfactorily completed an Individual
Education Program, and who have satisfactory records
of attendance and conduct, but who have not met
proficiency on Gateway Exams.
Authority: TCA 10-7-504,49-6-406
Directory information, which is information that is generally
not considered harmful or invasion of privacy if released,
can also be disclosed to outside organization without a
parent’s prior written consent. Outside organizations include,
but are not limited to, companies that manufacture class
rings or publish yearbooks. In addition, two federal laws
require local education agencies (LEAs) receiving assistance
under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act of 1965
(ESEA) to provide military recruiters, upon request, with
three directory information categories- names, address, and
telephone listings- unless parents have advised the LEA that
they do not want their student’s information disclosed without
their prior written consent.
If you do not want Clarkrange High School to disclose
directory information from your child’s education records
without your prior written consent, you must notify Clarkrange
High School in writing when they enroll. Clarkrange High
School includes the following information relating to a
The student’s name, address, telephone number, date of birth,
place of birth, major field of study, participation in officially
recognized activities and sports, dates of attendance,
attendance records, type of diploma received, list of honor
roll students.
If you do not contact the school in reference to directory
information, we will assume that you do not mind if other
agencies have directory information about your child.
Should you have questions, you may call the guidance
department at (931)863-3734
~ 47 ~
At times there are recruiters that set up displays and talk to
students during lunch. This may be something you need to
discuss with your child and they will know about talking
with the recruiter in advance.
Authority: These laws are: Section 9528 of the ESEA (20
U.S.C. 7908), as amended by the No Child Left Behind Act
of 2001 (P.L. 107-110), the education bill, and 10 U.S.C.
503, as amended by section 544, the National Defense
Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2002 (P.L. 107-107), the
legislation that provides funding for the Nation’s armed
Authority: TCA 10-7-504, 49-6-406
The purpose of this procedure is to settle fairly, at the
lowest possible administrative level, an appeal a
parent has with the discipline decision made by CHS
principal or assistant principal. Appeals regarding
suspensions can only be made on suspensions of more
than 10 days.
An appeal is a complaint filed by a parent or guardian,
student, or any person holding a teaching license who
is employed by Clarkrange High School if requested
by the student. All appeals must be filed, orally or in
writing, within five (5) school days after receipt of the
1. (Informal Procedure) The student, parents or guardian
or a person holding a teaching license may first discuss
the problem with the principal or assistant principal.
At this meeting, the aggrieved party may appear alone
or be accompanied by their son/ daughter, parents,
guardian or the person holding a teaching license.
The principal or assistant principal may appear alone
or with another person. This meeting shall occur on
the day that the discipline matter occurs. If the student,
~ 48 ~
parent or guardian, or person holding a teaching
license still wish to proceed after this meeting, go to
2. The appeal of this decision shall be to the Disciplinary
Hearing Authority appointed by the Director of Schools
and shall consist of a least four (4) professional
licensed employees of which 3 shall be required to
be in attendance to conduct a hearing.
3. The hearing shall be held no later than ten (10) school
days after the beginning of the suspension. The
Disciplinary Hearing Authority shall give written
notice of the time and place of the hearing to the
parent or guardian, the student and the principal or
assistant principal who ordered the suspension. Notice
shall also be given to the local education agency
employee who requests a hearing on behalf of a
suspended student.
4. After the hearing, the Disciplinary Hearing Authority
may affirm the decision of the Principal or assistant
principal, order removal of the suspension/punishment
unconditionally or upon such terms and conditions
as it deems reasonable, assign the student to an
alternative program, or suspend the student for
specified period of time.
5. When the decision is determined by a Disciplinary
Hearing Authority, a written record of the proceedings,
including a summary of the facts and the reasons
supporting the decision, shall be filed with the Director
of Schools.
In accordance with the Rules of the Tennessee Department
of Personnel Chapter 1120-11 Grievance, any person who
believes that they have been discriminated against by the
Fentress County Board of Education concerning educational
opportunities or employment in regard to race, color, religion,
sex, national origin, age, disability, political affiliation or
belief may file a complaint as follows:
~ 49 ~
1. Must be in writing within 180 days of the alleged
2. Complete form - available in each facility operated
by the Fentress County Board of Education.
3. Submit or mail form to the Title IX Coordinator of
Fentress County. (Address Below)
4. The recipient shall investigate the complaint, give a
written response as to his decision within 60 calendar
days of receipt of the complaint.
5. If the complainant is not satisfied with the initial
resolution they may appeal to the Board of Education.
Any appeal must be submitted in writing to the
Director of Schools within 15 school days of receipt
of initial decision.
The Board of Education shall be the final authority in the
Title IX Coordinator
Director of Schools
Randy Clark
Mike Jones
P.O. Box 963
P.O. Box 963
1011 Old Hwy 127 S
1011 Old Hwy 127 S
Jamestown, TN 38556
Jamestown, TN 38556
It is unlawful for any person to disrupt or interfere with the
operation of a public school. Also, Tennessee law prohibits
the upbraiding, insulting, or abusing of any public school
teacher or public school bus driver upon the premises of
any public school in the presence and hearing of a student.
Violation of the law is a misdemeanor.
(O.C.G.A.,20-2-1181, 1976, 1989)
Students should use such taste in the selection and wearing
of their clothes, makeup and hair styles, and maintain such
neatness, cleanliness, and self-respect that the school
maintains a desirable environment in which to promote
learning and character development. No apparel, dress,
accessories, or grooming that is or may become potentially
disruptive to the classroom atmosphere or educational process
~ 50 ~
will be permitted. Apparel or appearance that tends to draw
attention to an individual rather than to a learning situation
must be avoided.
The following represents examples of clothing and
accessories, which SHALL NOT be worn by students, but
is NOT intended to be all-inclusive.
In matters of opinion, the judgment of the principal or
assistant principal shall prevail.
Dress: Not To Be Worn
* Clothing articles which advertise alcohol, drugs,
tobacco, gang activity, racial or ethnic
slurs/symbols or clothing with inappropriate or
distractive pictures or obscene language,
* Students may not wear tank tops, halter tops, muscle
shirts, cut out T- shirts, off shoulder
blouses, spaghetti type dresses or blouses, midriff
blouses, fishnet type jerseys, or any other
type of shirt, blouse or top which fails to cover the
midriff and lower back completely. (“bare
midriff” when a student lifts his/her arms to shoulder
level the midriff should not be exposed;
when a student sits his/her back should not be exposed;
when in doubt wear an undershirt!!!)
* Spandex, Form fitting or body-conforming clothing
* Pants that are: Saggy/Oversized, drag the floor, or
have holes in them from the ankles up may
not be worn.
* No oversized clothing that is saggy/baggy.
* All trench or duster-style coats that fall below the
knee are prohibited.
* Garments with revealing necklines.
* Clothing with any type of holes or inappropriate
~ 51 ~
Dress: guidelines
* Student dress should be size appropriate.
* Pants, Blue Jeans, Slacks, Shorts, Skirts, Dresses:
Garments must be properly hemmed.
* Pants must be worn at the natural waistline.
* Shorts, skirts, and dresses should be no shorter than
fingertips with arms relaxed at side and worn at the
waist. (2) inches above knee.
* Leggings only with standard length dresses.
* Sleeveless shirts and blouses must fit around the joint
of the arm and the shirt or blouse from the shoulder
joint to the neck must be 3 inches wide.
* All under garments must be completely covered by
* Shoes are to be worn at all times (State of Tennessee
Department of Health regulations.)
* Jewelry must be of appropriate size.
Other Dress and Appearance: Not To Be Worn
* Head Dress for boys/girls (This may be an exception
if it is a sponsored hat day)
* No tinted glasses unless doctor prescribed
* No cleat shoes
* No body markings, jewelry, backpacks, notebooks,
and patches depicting gang membership, drugs,
alcohol, racial or ethnic slurs/symbols and
inappropriate or distractive pictures or obscene
language will be allowed.
* No body piercing except ears. (e.g., nose, eyebrow,
lip, tongue rings are not permitted and are not allowed
to be worn and covered with a band aid.)
* No chains hooked to pants or other garments will be
allowed. No animal chains worn in any manner.
Necklaces considered being chains will not be allowed.
Studded or chain bracelets and necklaces will not be
allowed. No dog collars or any type of choker chains.
* No Extreme hair styles, make-up (hair color should
be of a natural color)
~ 52 ~
Driver Registration Forms-Available in front office.
All students who operate any type of motor vehicle on
school property will observe the following rules:
1. All students driving to school must register with the
front office. (This should be done within the 1st week
of school)
2. All student drivers must have insurance.
3. Students will be issued one (1) parking permit at no
cost. This tag is to be hung from the rear view mirror
with the permit number facing forward. If a student
has forgotten their parking permit at home, the student
may report this to the front office upon arriving at
school and will be issued a temporary permit for that
day only. Only 2 temporary permits per student per
semester will be issued.
Students not displaying permit:
1st Offense: verbal warning
Each additional offense $10.00 fine
Any fines collected will be used
toward parking lot improvements.
4. Students will be assigned a number that will reserve
them a parking space.
This space will be their designated spot to park.
Students are not allowed to trade parking spaces.
Students are not allowed to park in faculty/staff
Students are not allowed to park in visitor parking.
Students are not allowed to park in other students
designated space.
* Students who violate the aforementioned will
loose parking privilege. Students are responsible for their
vehicle and the contents within. We strongly suggest that
all vehicles be locked while parked.
~53 ~
Vehicles parked on school property by students or visitors
are subject to search for drugs, drug paraphernalia, school
property or dangerous weapons.
Freshmen, Sophomores and Juniors will park on the north
side of the building behind the band room Seniors will park
on the south side of the building in front of the gym.
Students are not allowed to sit in parked vehicles before or
after school hours. Once you arrive at school, enter the
building immediately.
Inappropriate use of a vehicle will result in a warrant being
issued and loss of driving privileges.
Students who leave school during regular school hours
without permission can loose driving privileges.
All Terrain Vehicles and dirt/mountain bikes are prohibited
on school grounds.
(They are permitted in the back of trucks)
Firearms in vehicles are not allowed. Firearms are strictly
prohibited by state law on school property.
* Parking privileges can be revoked for failure to comply.
* Failure to observe the rules can/will result in the loss of
driving privileges.
* Revoked driving privileges may be determined by principal
or assistant principal based on severity of violation.
The principal and designee will meet with all those involved
in an incident. He/she will hear the accusations made against
a student, the accused will be offered an opportunity to
explain his or her conduct, denying it or explaining any
mitigating circumstances. The principal and designee will
take appropriate action.
~ 54~
DUAL ENROLLMENT - All Not Always Offered
English Composition I
Art History
English Composition II
College Algebra
US History
Students knowing in advance that they will be leaving early
are to bring a note from the parent/guardian. This note should
include the following information: reason for leaving, time
of leaving, contact number, signature of parent/ guardian.
This note must be presented to the principal or assistant
principal in the front office before 7:55 a.m. or the parent
may come to the front office to pick up the student.
Once an Early Dismissal is issued, it is the student’s
responsibility to attain the signature of each teacher whose
class will be affected by the absence and then return the pass
to the front office.
Over the phone permission will not be accepted.
Students leaving early and/or returning to school during
school hours must sign Out/In in the front office.
Failure to follow correct procedures will be cause for
disciplinary action.
Any student who leaves early without permission is subject
to Code of Conduct violations.
Note: Permission to leave early DOES NOT EXCUSE the
student from any class work missed nor does it mean
automatic re-admission to classes.
Any student 18 years old and living with parents/guardian
must have a permission form signed by the parent/guardian
and on file in the front office in order to sign themselves out
of school. No Exceptions! If a student has an attendance
~ 55~
problem, the principal or designee will not grant permission
to leave. In addition, they must have permission from the
principal or assistant principal and a signed form from the
teachers whose classes they will miss. If the permission
form is not on file, the student must follow the standard
permission to leave procedures.
Students over 18 years of age not living with parent/guardian
are not required to have the permission form on file.
Note: This permission form does not affect Work Based
Student access to the Internet and computer resources is a
privilege, not a right. Therefore, users violating Fentress
County Schools acceptable use policy shall be subject to
revocation of these privileges and potential disciplinary
The Internet Safety Policy and school system measures are
designed to address safety and security when using direct
electronic communication. Electronic resources are defined
as the following: Internet, World Wide Web (WWW), chat
rooms, electronic mail, online resources, services, network
information, licensed software, telecommunication resources,
and all hardware on which it is being accessed. As needed,
school officials can and will search data or e-mail stored on
all school system owned computers and networks. All users
are expected to abide by the accepted electronic resources
rules to include (but not limited to) the following:
1. Follow school system regulations which concern
the use of electronic resources (will not
damage computers, will respect the privacy of other
user’s files, will follow directions of staff,
will not be wasteful of resources).
2. Comply with network policies (student and staff
logins) including not circumventing desktop
protection applications.
~ 56~
3. Use the Internet for appropriate educational resources
as directed by staff.
4. Use electronic resources only with permission of
designated school system staff.
5. Respect and uphold the copyright laws (giving credit
to the rightful author and not distributing
protected materials or software).
6. Immediately report any security problems or
violations of these conditions to appropriate school
system staff.
7. Do not use language that is obscene, insulting,
purposely inaccurate or offensive to others.
8. Do not access inappropriate materials or show others
how to use them.
9. Do not disseminate personal information regarding
minors or staff members.
10. Do not transmit computer viruses or any other
malicious programs.
11. Do not intentionally damage or unlawfully disrupt
Internet/WWW services or
network/hardware/software that provides delivery
of electronic resources.
12. Do not install or remove software on any computer
or server without permission.
13. Do not share any/all electronic resources user ID’s
and passwords.
14. Posting messages and attributing them to another
user is prohibited.
Failure to abide by this Board policy and administrative
procedures governing use of the school system’s electronic
resources may result in the suspension and/or revocation of
system access. Additionally, student violations may result
in discipline up to and including long-term suspension,
expulsion and/or appropriate legal action. Fentress County
Schools has taken precautions, which are limited, to restrict
access to controversial materials, however, on a global
network it is impossible to control all. A user may accidentally
or purposely discover controversial information. Use of any
~ 57~
information obtained via electronic resources is at the risk
of the user. Fentress County Schools makes no warranties
of any kind, whether expressed or implied, for the service
it is providing. Fentress County Schools will not be
responsible for any damages a user may suffer, including
loss of data or cost incurred from a commercial service.
Fentress County Schools will not be responsible for the
accuracy or quality of information obtained through any
telecommunication or electronic resource.
Bomb Threats: Instructions will be provided via the
intercom concerning procedures to be
followed in the event of a bomb threat. These
procedures will be followed promptly and in
an organized fashion. Classes should resume
as soon as possible at the location provided
by the intercom announcement.
Fire Alarm: Fire drills are necessary for the safety of
the students and faculty. Everyone is
responsible to know the specific directions for
reaching a point of safety from those areas of
the building in which he/she may be. Fire drill
information is posted in each room. The main
building and the individual buildings not
attached to the main building have doors in
all classrooms that exit directly to the outside,
and these exits should be used for all fire drills.
After exiting the building, the supervising
teachers are responsible to everyone a safe
distance from the building.
Tornado Drill: The tornado signal will be by intercom
or word of mouth. When administrative
staff has received the warning, all students and
faculty will be asked to get into the hallways
and to kneel down and cover their heads.
~ 58~
Each teacher and staff member have a copy of the Clarkrange
High School Safety Plan that includes the procedures of
fire drills, natural disasters, etc.
Defined as the permanent removal of a student from school
for violations that have violated the code of conduct.
Expulsion can be for a single offense or for the repeated
occurrence of unacceptable behavior. The expulsion will be
carried out by the Board of Education. Parents will have 10
days to appeal an expulsion.
If a student fails a course that is divided into two semesters
and the student only passes one semester, the student has to
repeat the entire course which includes both semesters.
Example: Algebra IA & IB = Algebra I
In order to get credit for Algebra I, students have to take
Algebra IA in the fall and Algebra IB in the spring. If
a student passes both sections the student will receive
credit for Algebra I.
If the student fails Algebra IA in the Fall, he/she is not
permitted to take Algebra IB in the spring. The student
will need to make a schedule change for the spring
semester to replace Algebra IB.
If the student passes Algebra IA in the Fall, they are
eligible to take Algebra IB in the Spring. If the student
fails Algebra IB, they have to retake both sections IA
& IB the next year.
Successful completion of both Algebra 1A &1B credit
is assigned as follows:
Algebra 1A= 1 math credit
Algebra 1B = 1 elective credit
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA)
affords parents of minors and students over 18 years of age
(“ eligible student”) certain rights with respect to the student’s
~ 59~
education records. They are:
(1) The right to inspect and review the student’s education
records within 45 days of the day that Clarkrange High
School receives a request for access.
Parents or eligible students should submit to the school
principal (or appropriate school official) a written request
that identifies the record(s) they wish to inspect. The principal
will make arrangements for access and notify the parent or
eligible student of the time and place where the records may
be inspected.
(2) The right to request the amendment of the student’s
education records that the parent or eligible student believes
is inaccurate or misleading.
Parents or eligible students may ask Clarkrange High School
to amend a record that they believe is inaccurate or
misleading. They should write the school principal, clearly
identify the part of the record they want changed, and specify
why it is inaccurate or misleading. If Clarkrange High School
decides not to amend the record as requested by the parent
or eligible student, Clarkrange High School will notify the
parent or eligible student of the decision and advise them
of their right to a hearing regarding the request for
amendment. Additional information regarding the hearing
procedures will be provided to the parent or eligible student
when notified of the right to a hearing.
(3) The right to consent to disclosures of personally
identifiable information contained in the student’s education
records, except to the extent that FERPA authorizes disclosure
without consent.
One exception, which permits disclosure without consent,
is disclosure to school officials with legitimate educational
interests. A school official is a person employed by CHS as
an administrator, supervisor, instructor, or support staff
~ 60~
member (including health or medical staff and law
enforcement unit personnel); a person serving on the school
board; a person or company with whom Clarkrange High
School has contracted to perform a special task (such as an
attorney, auditor, medical consultant, or therapist); or a parent
or student serving on an official committee, such as a
disciplinary or grievance committee, or assisting another
school official in performing his or her tasks. A school official
has a legitimate educational interest if the official needs to
review an education record in order to fulfill his or her
professional responsibility.
Upon request, the district discloses educational records
without consent to officials of another school district in
which a student seeks or intends to enroll. [Note: FERPA
requires a school district to make a reasonable attempt to
notify the students of the records requested unless it states
in its annual notification that it intends to forward records
on request.
(4) The right to file a complaint with the U.S. Department
of Education concerning alleged failures by
Clarkrange High School to comply with the requirements
of FERPA. The office that administers FERPA is:
Family Policy Compliance Office
U.S. Department of Education
600 Independence Avenue SW.
Washington, DC 20202-4605
Evidence that code has been adopted
Code was adopted September of 2000
Statement regarding posting: Code will be posted as required
in TCA 49-6-4017
Any student driving on a school-related field trip rather than
the bus must obtain special permission from the Board of
Students may not participate in field trips, events, or
competitions with any club or organization unless they are
~ 61 ~
members of the club or organization and are in good standing.
Field trip permission forms are required to be filled out.
(See Field Trip Coordinator for form)
Drills are held periodically during the year for the purpose
of acquainting students and faculty with the proper exit
procedures in case of a fire emergency. A school map is
posted in each room showing all fire exits.
Students should memorize these exits.
Exit Procedures:
1. Leave all materials in room. However, purses and
other valuables may be taken.
Teachers will close windows and doors when all
students are out of the room.
2. Walk quickly, quietly and orderly out of the building
through the nearest exit.
The entire building should be evacuated within 1
3. Move far enough away from the building (at least
100 feet) to allow emergency equipment to
4. Remain outside the building until the all clear signal
is given.
To raise the academic bar for all high school students and
add accountability for student’s academic performance,
Tennessee has adopted a new testing proposal for end-ofcourse tests in key subjects.
Students graduating in 2005 and later will be required to
pass three gateway exams: Algebra I, Biology I, and English
Each exam will count 15 % of the final course grade.
All students will have additional opportunities to retake the
exams if they do not pass the first time.
The school will provide intervention opportunities to meet
the students needs.
~ 62~
Testing dates fall at the end of each semester: December,
See guidance counselor for summer testing dates.
Progress reports will be issued by each teacher at
approximately 4 weeks into each grading period.
Grade cards will be issued approximately 1 week after the
end of each 9 week grading period.
Dates and times will be announced for Parent/Teacher
conferences to pick up grades.
* Teachers are required to notify parents if a student is failing
their course.
Each school year consists of two 18 week semesters.
Each semester consists of two nine week periods.
Each nine weeks, teachers will determine a class average
based on daily grades and major tests.
Grades will be determined in the following manner:
1. Daily grade average 37.5%
2. Major test average 37.5%
3. A nine weeks test will be given and will carry a 25%
4. Average items 1, 2 and 3 for the 9 weeks grade.
The final semester grade will be obtained by averaging the
two nine weeks grades together.
Each 9 weeks grade will carry 50%.
Teachers in academic areas shall assign work for home study
that is relevant to the objectives of the class and graded for
the purpose of impacting the nine weeks average. The amount
and frequency of homework will be determined by the
~ 63~
Students who miss this work for unacceptable reasons shall
be given zeros which shall be factored in for determination
of the grade.
For the purpose of determining eligibility for the lottery
scholarships, Tennessee’s Uniform Grading System consists
of the following.
Percentage Range
Seniors planning to participate in the graduation ceremony
will need to purchase a cap, gown, diploma, and diploma
cover. The cost of these items is approximately $50.00 and
is to be paid on the day of the orders.
The company will send a representative in November to
take orders. It will be announced in advance.
Classes of 2010, 2011, 2012
Core Curriculum
15 units
Foreign Language
2 units of the same language
Fine Arts
1 unit
18 units
8 units
26 units
Math Requirements for University Path Students: Students
must take the equivalent of Algebra I, Algebra II, and
Geometry or another advanced course( if Algebra I credit
was received prior to high school and not transferred to high
school transcript).
~ 64~
Core Curriculum
15 units
Technical Program of Study
4 units
19 units
7 units
26 units
Class of 2013 and beyond
Beginning with the 2007-2008 school year the number of
credits needed for graduation from Clarkrange High School
is 26.
4 • English I
1 credit
• English II
1 credit
• English III
1 credit
• English IV**
1 credit
** -Advanced English Literature
or Composition
-Communications for Life
• Algebra I
1 credit
• Geometry
1 credit
• Algebra II
1 credit
• Upper Level Math*1 credit
* -Adv. Algebra & Trigonometry
-STEM Math (Pre-Calculus,
Calculus, or Statistics)
Students Must Take a Math Class Each Year
• Biology I
• Chemistry
or Physics
• Another Lab
~ 65~
1 credit
1 credit
1 credit
Social Studies
• W. History or
W. Geography
• US History
• Economics
• Government
1 credit
1 credit
.5 credit
.5 credit
PE & Wellness
1.5 • Wellness
1 credit
• Physical Ed.*** .5 credit
• Personal Finance .5 credit
***The physical education requirement may be met by
subsituting an equivalent time of physical activity in other
areas including but not limited to marching band, JROTC,
cheerleading, interscholastic athletics, and school sponsored
intramural athletics.
Fine Art, Foreign Language
and Elective Focus 6 • Fine Art
1 credit
• Foreign Language
2 credits(same)
• Elective Focus
3 credits
-Students completing a CTE
elective focus must complete
three units in the same CTE
program area or state approved
program of study.
-Science and math,
humanities, fine arts, or AP/IB
-Other area approved by local
Board of Education
• The Fine Art and Foreign
Language requirements may be
waived for students who are sure
they are not going to attend a
University and be replaced with
courses designed to enhance and
expand the elective focus.
Total Core
15 units
~ 66~
Gateway Exams
All students must score “Proficient” on the following Gateway
exams: Algebra I, Biology I, English II
Options being considered:
Provide alternative performance based assessments
of identified core academic skills contained within
a course for students whose disability adversely
effects performance on the end-of-course
examination. Add additional points to the end-of
course score when the alternative performance
based assessment is positive.
• Require a math class each year achieving at least
Algebra I and Geometry
Require three credits in science with Biology I and
two additional lab science credits.
Students who score at or above all of the subject area readiness
benchmarks on the ACT or equivalent score on the SAT will
graduate with honors.
1. Any student or employee who believes that he/she has
been the victim of harassment of sexual harassment
should report the alleged act to the Guidance Counselor
and/or Administrative Assistant.
2. If a complaint involves one of the above people, the student
or employee should report the alleged incident to the
Director of Schools.
3. All complaints will be handled in a timely and confidential
manner. In no event will information concerning a
complaint be released to third parties or will anyone
involved be permitted to discuss the subject of investigation.
The purpose of this provision is to protect the confidentiality
of the student or employee who files a complaint, to
encourage the reporting of any incidents of sexual
harassment and to protect the reputation of any student or
~ 67~
employee wrongfully charged with sexual harassment.
4. Investigation of a complaint will normally include
conferring with the parties involved and any named or
apparent witnesses. Students and employees shall be
guaranteed an impartial and fair hearing. All students and
employees shall be protected from coercion, intimidation,
retaliation, interference or discrimination for filing a
complaint in an investigation.
5. If the investigation reveals that the complaint is valid,
prompt attention and disciplinary action designed to stop
the harassment immediately and to prevent its recurrence
shall be taken. The form of disciplinary action shall be
considered and decided upon by the harassment committee.
Based on the seriousness of the offense, such action may
include, but not limited to verbal or written reprimand,
suspension, demotion, or termination.
The purpose of the guidance program is to help each individual
student achieve the highest growth mentally, emotionally,
and socially. Guidance services, including personal and
educational counseling, information on careers, colleges,
testing, etc., are coordinated by the school counselors.
Hall passes are to be used to leave a class only with the
teacher’s permission.
A student that is issued a hall pass must present it to any
teacher upon request.
Students are to take the most direct route to their destination.
Hall passes are not a license to wander all over the building
and can be denied if the teacher so chooses.
Only one student at a time is to use the pass.
Hall passes are not given to students for phone use, going
to other teacher’s rooms, going to the parking lot or the gym
or vending machines.
~ 68~
Defined as to persistently annoy, attack or bother somebody.
Defined as a behavior that threatens or torments somebody.
A student honor roll will be compiled at the end of the nine
week period recognizing the achievement of those students
who have averages of “A’s” and “A-B”s. Recognition list is
posted in the school and it is put in the County Newspaper.
In addition to the general rules of the school, teachers may
impose additional rules specifically for their classrooms.
These rules are to be posted in the room and are to be
followed by students while they are in class.
The library is available for all students to use. The library
will be open from 7:45 a.m. - 3:15 p.m. daily.
If teachers and students need assistance before or after hours,
they need to make arrangements with the librarian.
All students are required to have a signed permission form
on file for Internet usage. All school Internet rules apply to
the computers in the library.
No Backpacks will be allowed beyond the circulation desk.
No Food or Drinks allowed.
Procedures for book check out is posted in the library.
Students are held financially responsible for materials they
check out from the library.
~ 69~
Authority: TCA 49-6-4204 and 49-6-4208
Students are assigned a locker at the beginning of the school
year by their home room teacher and this will be their locker
for the 1st semester. At the end of the 1st semester the locker
will be cleaned out and all school items will be collected
and turned in. Students will be re-assigned a new locker at
the beginning of the 2nd semester by their new home room
Students are not allowed to trade or share lockers.
Students are responsible for keeping his/her locker clean
both inside and out.
Locker malfunctions should be reported to your homeroom
Administrative personnel maintain the right to search or
inspect lockers any time it is deemed necessary.
Students are issued a lock at the beginning of the school
year by their home room teacher.
At the end of the 1st semester the lock will be returned to
the home room teacher.
Students will be issued another lock for the 2nd semester.
Locks are to be kept on lockers at all times.
The school is not responsible for any lost or stolen items.
Locks are to be turned in at the end of each semester. If the
student does not turn in the lock, the cost of the lock is
~ 70~
Students will not loiter in the halls, restrooms, corners, or
around lockers, light switches, fire alarms, heaters.
After 3:15, students are to remain in the front lobby and are
not permitted in the halls. Students caught in halls after 3:15
will be assigned detention.
All losses should be reported to the front office.
Found articles are to be taken to the front office.
Any work assigned by the teacher is considered to be required
work and must be completed in order for the student to
receive a grade.
An excused absence WILL NOT be accepted as a reason for
not turning in an assignment or not making up other work,
including test.
Deadline for completion of the work will be 1 day per absent
No assignments are to be accepted after the 3 day period.
Student must provide teacher with excused absentee slip.
Any tests missed will be made up after school in detention
or in the teacher’s room.
Authority: TCA 49-5-415
By law, no one but a physician may prescribe or give
medication. Any medication, which is to be taken while in
school, must be taken to the school nurse. A form must be
on file in the school nurse’s office for any medication,
prescribed or over the counter. Teachers or staff, with the
~ 71~
exception of the school nurse or his/her designee, cannot
administer or make available any medication. This includes
over the counter medication.
Medical forms are available in the nurse’s office.
Office staff will be unable to deliver messages to students,
or call them out of class for phone calls during class time,
except in cases of an emergency.
Students will be notified at class change or breaks.
CHS understands that parents may feel the need to get in
touch with students during the school day, but we cannot
stop the instruction of the other students in the class for any
reason other than an emergency.
The mission of Clarkrange High School is to challenge,
cultivate, and engage students in the learning process so
they will become proficient in the academic areas required
for graduation and the ability to become independent,
interactive, and productive citizens in the world.
All non-school functions must be approved by the principal
before any area of the building can be used. Any group not
involved in CHS activities using school facilities are
responsible for any damage and must follow Board policies.
All CHS students attending school or non-school functions
after normal school hours must abide by the rules of the
Student Handbook. Infractions and/or violations will be
dealt with in accordance to the handbook.
~ 72~
~ 73~
All persons entering CHS are to enter through the front
entrance and go to the front office.
Parents/Guardians are welcome at Clarkrange High School
at any time. However, for the safety of all persons on the
Clarkrange High School campus, parents/guardians must
sign in the front office and state the reason for being there.
If a parent has a problem or concern about their child and
needs to conference with the teacher, the parent needs to
set up an appointment time to meet with the teacher.
Teachers have a planning period and this may be done
during that time or a time that has been established by both
Teachers will not be pulled out during class instruction time,
because it is interfering with the educational opportunities
of other students.
Student Drivers or any other student is not permitted in the
parking lot during school hours, unless coming or going to
Any business during the school day in the parking lot should
be authorized by the principal or assistant principal and if
it is a valid reason a parking lot pass will be issued.
If a parent, spouse, or friend trades vehicles with a student
during the school day, the exchange should be reported to
the office.
All vehicles on Clarkrange High School campus must have
a current CHS parking permit displayed at all times.
All drivers are to abide and follow all parking lot rules and
~ 74~
* All drivers Entering from Hwy 127 are to enter through
the entrance zone.
* All drivers Exiting from CHS are to exit through the
* Parking lot speed should not exceed 5mph.
* All drivers are to park in the designated areas.
* Students are not allowed to park in teacher parking
or handicap spaces. (If you have a handicap, this does
not apply - parking is allowed)
Senior Parking:
Location: South parking lot in front of gym.
Enter :
Enter from Hwy 127 through the
entrance zone.
To Exit the CHS campus, drivers that
are parked in the south parking lot “Sr.
Parking”, are to go around the gym and
through the north parking lot to the exit
*Seniors who participate in WBL and leave early must exit
around the gym and thru the north parking lot to the exit
zone. Do Not Exit Through the Entrance Zone.
Juniors, Sophomores, Freshmen Parking:
Location: North parking lot behind band room.
Enter from Hwy 127 through the
entrance zone. Proceed through the South
“Sr.” parking, going around the gym, to
the north parking lot. Speed is not to
exceed 5mph. Use caution.
To exit you must exit from the north
exit. Do Not Go Behind Gym to the
south parking area.
If you are enrolled in a physical education or wellness class
you are expected to participate in all activities.
Refusing to participate in required activities for no valid
reason is not acceptable and will be treated as Insubordination
and handled by the code of conduct.
~ 75~
However, if a student is enrolled in a physical education or
wellness class may be excused temporarily by a doctor’s
excuse. Student must have Dr. excuse stating the limitations.
No student will be excused permanently from earning the
required one unit in physical education. If the student cannot
participate in the regular physical education
program/wellness, the student must provide a statement
outlining the physical education/wellness activities in which
the student may participate. The physical education or
wellness teacher is required to modify the student’s course
of study to meet his or her individual tolerance as outlined
by the doctor. This has to be a valid Dr. Note (No parent
notes) and will be placed in the students cumulative record.
All incoming freshmen (9th graders), will develop a sixyear plan of focused and purposeful study.
This plan will be developed when the student is in the 8th
grade by the student, parent(s)/guardian, and faculty adviser
or guidance counselor.
See the guidance department for more information or
No students should arrive at school before 7:00 a.m.
All students or persons that are on the CHS campus are
required to enter through the proper location.
All persons entering Clarkrange High School after 8:00 a.m.
must enter through the front entrance and report to the front
The building will be closed to students at 3:30 p.m. unless
under the supervision of a teacher.
~ 76~
Students waiting on a bus or ride home must wait in the
front lobby or outside under the awning.
Any student in the building after 3:15 must be in the
designated area or will be given detention.
No student shall have possession or use of school keys.
Unauthorized possession of school keys is classified as a
theft/stealing and is a misbehavior that violates local, state
and federal laws.
The school nurse’s responsibilities include supervising the
administration of medication, monitioring chronic health problems
and administering first aid.
All medication, prescription and over-the-counter, is to be verified
and administered by the school nurse. Parents must complete a
permission form for this process before any medication can be
given. Students who need to carry inhalers and EPI pens with them
at all times must see the nurse on the first day of school for forms
to be filled out by their doctor.
Parents of students who have been diagnosed with chronic or acute
medical conditions must make an appointment with the school
nurse to complete an individual Health Plan (IHP) for each diagnosis.
The nurse is also available to give first aid and/or isolation in the
event of accidents or sudden serious illness. No student should
leave the building because of an accident or illness without first
receiving permission from the nurse, principal or assistant principal.
A parent/guardian will be notified.
Students may visit the nurse’s office between classes for advice on
minor ailments such as headaches, sore throats, etc. Students will
not be permitted to leave class for treatment of these non-emergency
~ 77~
Students are responsible for all books, locks, equipment,
etc. that is issued to student or borrowed by student and will
pay for any item that is lost, destroyed or damaged.
Students causing physical damage to the school building,
its contents, or grounds will be financially responsible and
will be subject to disciplinary action.
Restrooms are for you convenience-- KEEP THEM CLEAN!
Students should not sit on heaters, tables, or desk tops.
Each teacher and staff member has a copy of the CHS School
Safety Plan. In this plan is explained the procedures for fire
drills, tornado procedures, etc.
The school safety zone is identified with signs and flashing
lights to indicate the time when school children are in route
to school or leaving school. This signals drivers to slow
down and use caution while driving through this area.
The school safety zone has an officer to direct traffic in the
mornings and afternoons to assist drivers in entering and
exiting the school safely.
On occasions there may not be an officer directing traffic.
Therefore, drive with caution and obey all driving rules that
apply to the laws of Tennessee.
Authority: TCA 49-6-4209
When necessary, and at random, dogs or other animals
trained to detect drugs or dangerous weapons may be used
in conducting searches, but the animals shall be used only
to pinpoint areas which need to be searched and shall not
~ 78~
be used to search the persons of students or visitors. The
search with animals will not be conducted in close proximity
of students and visitors.
Authority: TCA 49-6-4202-4205
Students, lockers, containers, visitors, vehicles, and packages
are subject to search by the Principal or Assistant Principal.
The only requirement is that a reasonable cause be determined
for the search.
Sexual harassment is a violation of Title VII of the Civil
Rights Act of 1964 and it is against the policies of
Clarkrange High School and the Department of
Education for any student or employee, male or female,
to sexually harass another employee or student by:
1. Making unwelcome sexual advances or request for
sexual favors or other verbal or physical conduct of
a sexual nature as a condition of employment, or
continued employment, or
2. Making submission to or rejections of such conduct
that basis for administrative decisions affecting
employment or grades, or
3. Creating an intimidating, hostile or offensive working
environment or educational environment by such
Reporting Procedure:
1. Any student or employee who believes that he/she
has been the victim of harassment or sexual
harassment should report the alleged act to the
Guidance Counselor, Principal and/or Assistant
2. If a complaint involves one of the above people, the
student or employee should report the
alleged incident to the Supervisor of Instruction.
~ 79~
3. All complaints will be handled in a timely and
confidential manner. In no event will information
concerning a complaint be released to third parties
or will anyone involved be permitted to
discuss the subject outside the investigation. The
purpose of this provision is to protect the
confidentiality of the student or employee who files
a complaint, to encourage the reporting of
any incidents of sexual harassment and to protect the
reputation of any student or employee
wrongfully charged with sexual harassment.
4. Investigation of a complaint will normally include
conferring with the parties involved and any
named or apparent witnesses. Students and employees
shall be guaranteed an impartial and fair
hearing. All students and employees shall be protected
from coercion, intimidation, retaliation,
interference or discrimination for filing a complaint
or assisting in an investigation.
5. If the investigation reveals that the complaint is valid,
prompt attention and disciplinary action
designed to stop the harassment immediately and to
prevent its reoccurrence shall be taken. The
form of disciplinary action shall be considered and
decided upon by the harassment committee.
Based on the seriousness of the offense, such action
may include, but is not limited to verbal or
written reprimand, suspension, demotion, or
Authority: TCA 49-6-3007-3012, 40-6-4101, 49-6-4201,
49-6-4215-4216, 49-6-3401, 49-6-4402-4404
Students that are in special education will be disciplined
according to Federal and State Statutes.
Authority: TCA 49-6-4209
School Resource Officers (SRO) are assigned by the Sheriff
~ 80~
to high schools to try and help insure the safety of all persons
on the campus of Clarkrange High School.
This officer is recognized as a law enforcement officer
employed by the Sheriff with the authority and responsibility
of a law enforcement officer. While on duty as a SRO in the
school, the officer may confer with or counsel with students
as necessary and within legal due process.
If the principal has requested assistance by the SRO to
investigate a crime involving his/her school, the SRO shall
have permission to interrogate a student suspect in school
during school hours. The principal shall attempt to notify
the parent(s)/guardian(s) or legal custodians of the student
of the intended interrogation except in extreme situations.
The interrogation may proceed without attendance of the
parent(s)/guardian(s) or legal custodians. The principal or
assistant shall be present during the interrogation.
TCA: 10-7-504
Student permanent records include academic records,
transcripts, and health information, which can be released
under the following guidelines:
Information, which has personally identifiable
information, is protected. Notice that disclosure of the
records themselves is not prohibited, only the “Personally
Identifiable Information” within them.
When records are released, parents must state in writing
which specific records to be released and they must be
told to whom the records are being released and why
and be given a copy of each disclosed record if they
Information cannot be disclosed to comply with a judicial
order or a lawfully issued subpoena, unless the parent
is notified in advance presumably to give sufficient time
to challenge the disclosure in court.
~ 81~
1. Other school officials who have a legitimate
educational interests
2. Officials of other schools in which the student seeks
to enroll
3. Authorized representatives of U.S. Secretary of
4. Application for financial aid
5. Testing organizations (if anonymous)
6. Accrediting organizations
7. Parents of a dependent student
8. To health and safety of student or others in an
9. State and local officials if required by state law prior
to November 19, 1974
A. Bordering County Transfers- Students will be allowed
(if approved) to enter CHS only at the beginning of each
semester unless there has been a change of residence into
the CHS school district.
B. Any student entering CHS at the beginning of the school
year then transferring to another school within the county
will be permitted to re-enter CHS anytime during the
year if a change of residence has occurred. If no change
has occurred the student can re-enter only at the beginning
of a semester.
C. The attendance and absentee record of the transferring
student will transfer with the student and will become
active upon entering CHS.
D. Any student having been suspended from another school
will not be allowed to enter CHS unless evidence can be
presented that he/she is in good standing with the former
E. The attendance record of all transfer students will follow
the student to CHS. Any student having already acquired
~ 82~
more than 5 days of un-excused absence entering CHS
will not be admitted until the beginning of the next
F. Any student missing more than 5 days during either
semester at the former school will not be allowed to enter
CHS unless there has been a change of residence into the
CHS school district.
G. Health records and school records must be submitted to
CHS. The student should bring these when entering if at
all possible.
H. Any student transferring to or withdrawing from CHS
must first be cleared (owe no money, materials, or
disciplinary time) prior to records being released.
I. Any student wanting to enter CHS from home schooling
shall apply for admission three weeks before the beginning
of a semester.
Students are responsible for supplies needed for class. Hall
passes will not be given to return to lockers for forgotten
The front office has some student supplies such as paper,
pencils, etc. for purchase in the event that students forget
needed supplies at home.
Surveillance cameras are installed at various locations inside
and outside of Clarkrange High School. This equipment is
used and monitored for the safety and protection of all
persons that are on the campus of Clarkrange High School.
Any offense recorded on tape will be dealt with accordingly.
1. Defined as the temporary removal of a student from school
by the principal or assistant principal for disciplinary
~ 83~
reasons. After a student has been suspended twice, a third
suspension could result in a recommendation by the
principal or assistant principal for expulsion.
2. Suspension from school may be appealed by the
parent/guardian of the student affected. This will be done
by submitting a written letter to the principal of CHS
within two school days of the incident and must state the
grounds for the appeal. The appeal will be reviewed by
the principal and forwarded to the Supervisor of Instruction,
Fentress County Schools who will appoint a board to hear
the appeal.
3. If a student is suspended from Alternative School, the
student will be required to finish the Alternative School
time following the return of the suspension.
4. Any Senior receiving Alternative School and/or
suspension two or more times will not be eligible for
the Senior trip.
~ 84~
At school: Present at school but not reporting to classes on
A student is considered tardy to class if he/she is not in
the classroom by the time the bell begins to ring.
Teachers will assign detention to those students who are
tardy to their class.
A student is considered to be cutting class if they are
more than five minutes late.
Office/Room Phones:
These phones are for school business and staff use only.
Students are not allowed to use these phones.
In case of emergency, a school official will make any
necessary calls.
Pay Phones:
There are two pay phones that are for student use during
the breaks.
If students have forgotten items at home that are needed
for practices, games, or events, etc., they are to use the
pay phone during their break.
Students caught using the phones during class time will
be subject to disciplinary action.
Students are not to use cell phones at school.
What is the Tennessee Scholars initiative?
The Tennessee Scholars initiative is a business led, rewards
campaign that encourages students to take a more rigorous
and challenging course of study in high school. The Tennessee
Scholars curriculum provides an education that better prepares
students to enter a university, community college, technical
or vocational school, the military or the work force. A
partnership between school districts, local Chambers of
Commerce and the business community, the Tennessee
Scholars initiative is endorsed by the Tennessee Department
~ 85~
of Education, Tennessee Chamber of Commerce & Industry,
Tennessee Business Roundtable, and many other education
coalitions around the state.
What part does the business community play?
The Tennessee Scholars initiative is a business-led partnership
between business and the schools. Business people provide
leadership and incentives for students who stay on track
and who graduate on time as Tennessee Scholars.
Tennessee Scholars Course of Study
4 English
4 Mathematics (Algebra I & II,
Geometry and one higher level)
1 Business/Computer
3 Science (Biology I and two
other labs)
1 Wellness
3 History (Government,
Economics, etc.)
1 Fine Arts
2 Foreign Language
2 Technical Courses in the same
technical track
Additional Expectations:
20 hours of Community Service Overall “C” Average
in all Tennessee Scholars Courses 95% Attendance
No out-of-school suspensions Successful passing of all
Gateway exams For more information see guidance
Students Class Grade Average
90 - 92
93 - 95
96 or above
Absence of Any Kind
Any student that meets the above criteria would be exempt
from their mid-term and or final exam. All students will
continue to take daily tests, quizzes, etc.
~ 86~
Threats can be made by verbal communication and in other
forms with the intent to do harm on another person, self, or
property. All threats in any form will be taken seriously by the
faculty, staff, and administration of Clarkrange High School.
Whenever statements of this nature are made, it is very important
that students let someone in authority know about the situation.
Threats are not a joking matter and are taken very serious.
Clarkrange High School, in compliance with the Federal
Environmental Tobacco Smoke/Pro-Children Act, strictly
prohibits the use or possession of tobacco on school grounds.
To meet federal and state guidelines, students caught smoking
or in possession of tobacco products will be cited into court.
Drills are held periodically during the year for the purpose of
acquainting students and faculty with procedures in case of a
real emergency.
Students are not permitted to bring visitors to school with
All visitors that have a purposeful business at Clarkrange High
School are to enter through the front entrance and register in
the front office.
Due to local Board policy governing lunchroom policy, vending
machines are not to be in operation until 12:30 p.m.
Food and drinks are not to be taken into the classrooms.
Random checks of the building and lockers will be made
for food and drink items. Abuse of vending machine privileges
will result in the machines being turned off.
~ 87~
Tennessee law makes it unlawful for any person to carry,
possess, or have under his/her control any weapon or explosive
compound while at a school building or on school property,
at a school function, or on a bus or other transportation
furnished by the school.
*Any person violating this statute will be reported to
the appropriate authorities for prosecution.
* The term weapon as used in this handbook shall mean
and include any pistol, revolver, rifle,
shotgun or any weapon designed or intended to propel
a missile of any kind, or a dirk, any
knife regardless of length of the blade, straight-edge
razor, spring stick, metal or wooden
chucks, blackjack or any flailing instrument consisting
of two or more rigid parts connected in
such a manner as to allow them to swing freely, which
may be known as nun chahka, nun chuck, or fighting
chain, or any disc, of whatever configuration, having
at least two points or pointed blades which is designed
to be thrown or propelled and which may be known
as a throwing star or oriental dart, or bat, club, or
other bludgeon type weapon, chains, pipes, sticks or
any weapon of any kind or any object that is used as
a weapon.
Acts which are a violation of the Zero Tolerance Policy as
required by state law.
1. Possession of Firearms.
2. Battery on school personnel and school resource officers.
3. Possession of or being under the influence of illegal drugs.
Any violation will result in expulsion for 1 calendar year
and be reported to local law enforcement authorities. Director
of Schools may make modifications.
~ 88~
Grade: ________________________________________
Advisor: _______________________________________
Locker: ________________________________________
Class Schedule
Fall Semester: ____________
Class _____________
Block: _________
Block: _________
Block: _________
Spring Semester: ________
Class _____________
Block: _________
Block: _________
Block: _________
~ 89~
Locker # _________
Teacher _____________
Locker# __________
Teacher _____________
(15 days in school)
Monday 3rd - registration for all students, buses
will run, short day
Tuesday 4th - County wide staff development,
required for all teachers
Monday 10th - Administrative day for all
Tuesday 11th - Fair Day for students, school
Wednesday 12th - First full day of school
September: (21 days in school)
Monday 7th - Labor Day, no school
(17 days in school)
Friday 9th - end of first nine weeks
Monday 12th - Friday 16th fall break
Week of 19th Parent/Teacher conferences.
Schools choose two afternoons from 3 to 6
P.M. during week to have their conferences.
November: (17 days in school)
Wednesday 11th - schools closed for
Veterans Day
Wednesday 25th through Friday 27th Thanksgiving break
December: (14 days in school)
Friday 18th - Last day before Christmas break
(** Full Day**)
Monday 21st - First day of
Christmas Break, runs through Friday,
January 1st.
84 days of school completed, First
Semester over for all schools. Second
Semester begins after Christmas
~ 90~
(19 days in school)
Monday 4th - Teachers and students return from
Monday 18th - Schools close for MLK Day
February: (19 days in school)
Monday 15th - school closed for President’s
(23 days in school)
Friday 12th - End of third nine weeks (Could
change depending on snow days)
Week of 15th - Second Parent/Teacher
conferences. Schools choose two afternoons
from 3 to 6 P.M. for conferences. (This
could change depending on snow days.
(16 days in school)
Friday 2nd - Schools closed for Good Friday
Week of 5th - TCAP testing begins (Must be
through by the 9th) five days allowed to conduct
the test once we have begun.
Monday-Friday, 12-16, Spring Break
(19 days in school)
Thursday 27th - Administrative Day
Friday 28th - Last day of school, short day
YAI Homecoming parade (**SHORT DAY**) will be
designated once YAI selects day.
****** NOTE: Board policy states that spring break days
will be deleted before the school year will be extended in
the event more school days are missed than we have
C.H.S. Bell Schedule
Bell Schedule for Monday, Wednesday and Friday
7:55 First Bell -- Release from Cafeteria and Gym -- Go
to first period
8:00 .................................................Tardy Bell
8:00 - 9:30 ......................................Block One
9:30 - 9:40 ......................................Class Change
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9:38 ................................................Warning Bell
9:40 .................................................Tardy Bell
9:40 - 11:15 ...................................Block Two
11:15 - 11:20 ..................................Class Change
11:20 - 1:15 ...................................Block Three / Lunch
1:15 - 1:25 .....................................Class Change
1:23 .................................................Warning Bell
1:25 ................................................Tardy Bell
1:25 - 3:00 .....................................Block Four
Bell Schedule for Tuesday
8:00 - 9:25 ......................................Block One
9:25 - 9:45 .....................................ACTIVITY PERIOD
9:43 .................................................Warning Bell
9:45 .................................................Tardy Bell
9:45 - 11:15 ...................................Block Two
11:15 - 11:20 ..................................Class Change
11:20 - 1:20 ...................................Block Three / Lunch
1:20 - 1:25 .....................................Class Change
1:25 - 3:00 .....................................Block Four
Bell Schedule for Thursday
8:00 - 9:35 .....................................Block One
9:35 - 9:40 .....................................Class Change
9:40 - 11:15 ...................................Block Two
11:15 - 11:20 .................................Class Change
11:20 - 1:10 ...................................Block Three / Lunch
1:10 - 1:30 .....................................ACTIVITY PERIOD
1:28 .................................................Warning Bell
1:30 - 3:00 .....................................Block Four
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The faculty and the staff of Clarkrange High School are
committed to creating a varied and demanding learning
environment in which all students succeed by exploring
personal talents, developing life skills, and achieving
at high academic levels.
The mission of Clarkrange High school is to challenge,
cultivate, and engage students in the learning process
so they will become proficient in the academic areas
required for graduation and have the ability to become
independent, interactive, and productive citizens
in the world.