Newsletter 2012 - Sarcoma Foundation of America


Newsletter 2012 - Sarcoma Foundation of America
finding the cure
in our time
Est. 2000
SFA Newsletter 2012
Board of Directors
Mark Thornton, MD, PhD
President’s Corner
Dear Friends,
Vice President of Scientific and
Government Affairs
On behalf of the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA), I would
like to thank you for taking the time to read this issue of the SFA
Newsletter. We sincerely thank you for supporting our mission to
advocate for increased research to find new and better therapies for
treating patients with sarcoma, and we hope you find the articles in
this issue illuminating and inspiring.
John Brooks, MD
Thomas Tobin, MD
Vice President of Financial
Affairs & Treasurer
Gary Tomei, Esq.
Vice President of Legal Affairs
Stacey Breidinger
Matthew Alsante
Executive Director
Chris Connery
Anthony Fedorov
Alexandra Gillespie
Michael Mandell
Patrick Mortimer
Rita Saverino Romeo
Candace Sue
Patricia Thornton
Honorary Board Members
Laurence H. Baker, DO
Murray Brennan, MD
Ed Fry
Peri Gilpin
Sean Lennon
Yoko Ono
Marisa Petroro
U.S. Senator Mark Pryor
Marisa Tomei
Martha Wainwright
Rufus Wainwright
Heather Urich
Medical Advisory Board
George Demetri, MD
Robert Benjamin, MD
Charles Forscher, MD
Richard Gorlick, MD
Lee Helman, MD
Marc Ladanyi, MD
Jonathan Lewis, MD, PhD
Robert Maki, MD, PhD
Crystal L. Mackall, MD
Alberto Pappo, MD
Shreyaskumar Patel, MD
Peter Pisters, MD
Raphael Pollock, MD, PhD, FACS
The past year has been a transformational one in our community!
On the drug development front, the first new therapy for sarcoma
in over 30 years, Votrient, was approved by the FDA in April!
Votrient will prolong the time to progression in nearly all sarcoma
Dr. Mark Thornton
patients to one degree or another, but more importantly it begins
a new era where other therapies will be combined with Votrient to
hopefully synergize their actions against the disease. Your SFA was right there when the FDA reviewed
Votrient for approval, advocating publically for its quick approval, and in the process of a cordial and
respectful advocacy effort with the FDA has opened new doors for future collaborations to streamline
drug development pathways for sarcoma and its subtypes.
On the research front, the SFA funded our first three-year Conquer Cancer Foundation Career
Development Award, is currently funding our sixth Conquer Cancer Foundation Young Investigator
Award, and 10 additional SFA sarcoma research grants worth $500,000! These grants are designed to
foster the world’s best scientists in the field of sarcoma and ignite ideas for new research avenues to
pursue in the quest to find new treatments to eradicate sarcoma.
The SFA has continued to advance our mission on many additional fronts including growing our Sarcoma
Patient Registry to over 1,400 patients! The Registry is allowing us to match patients in need to clinical
trials and is providing outcomes data for epidemiologic research studies to understand better sarcoma’s
natural history. Future plans are to add patient genomic data, which combined with clinical data, will
help move us toward the vision one day soon of individualized treatment programs.
With your help, our programs have touched the lives of so many. Though we have made progress, there
is still an urgent need for further sarcoma research, education and awareness. I encourage everyone to
give generously in support of this cause. Thank you, once again, for your continued support. Together,
we have the very real opportunity of finding the cure in our time.
Inside this issue:
President’s Corner............................................ 1
SFA Partners with NDRI.................................. 2
Rare Disease Lobby Day................................. 2
Volunteerism.................................................... 3
SFA Combined Federal Campaign Number.... 3
Californians for a Cure..................................... 4
SFA Educational Conference........................... 4
Annual Gala..................................................... 5
2012 Sarcoma Research Grants....................... 6
Conquer Cancer Foundation Awards............... 6
Sarcoma Patient Registry................................. 6
Fundraising Events........................................... 7
Mission............................................................. 8
Donate.............................................................. 8
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SFA Partners with NDRI to Advance Sarcoma Research
The Sarcoma Foundation of America has partnered with The National
Disease Research Interchange (NDRI), a non-profit organization,
to provide you with the opportunity to donate tissues and have those
tissues distributed to scientists who are studying different aspects of
sarcoma and related cancers. Sarcoma patients can donate samples of all
forms of sarcoma obtained from biopsy procedures or other medically
necessary surgical procedures. Other tissues can be donated too. NDRI
coordinators are able to discuss with you the two donation opportunities,
either from a surgical procedure or post mortem (after death, like in
donation for transplant), and will help you make the right donation
decision for you and your family.
Tissue donations are coordinated by NDRI from start to finish, ensuring
your wishes to donate are made successful. The tissue you donate will
be de-identified and will be assigned a unique identification number
that only NDRI employees can link to your personal information. The
information that will be shared with researchers receiving your donated
tissue sample will be de-identified of any personal information and will
only include information, such as but not limited to, your age, race, sex,
medical and social history, and sometimes clinical information directly
associated with the tissue sample you donated.
If you are interested in organ and tissue donation, completing your
registration as early as possible is vital to success. To learn more about
registering with NDRI as an organ and tissue donor for sarcoma
research, or to learn more about other donation for research
options, please contact an NDRI coordinator today by calling 1-800222-NDRI (6374). An NDRI coordinator is available to speak with
you 24 hours a day.
Rare Disease Lobby Day: My Experience on Capitol Hill
By Laura Welch, SFA Member
I am a 33-year-old mother of a 2-year-old boy and wife to a wonderful
US Soldier. In July 2011 we moved from Seattle to DC. Hello sunshine!
This past August 18 I was diagnosed with Epitheliod Sarcoma (ES), a
rare and aggressive form of cancer. I did what anyone in this day and age
would do; I consulted the bible that is Google! The prognosis was bleak,
to put it mildly. However, I am of the mindset that if this disease is so
rare that it has little data available, I will make my own data and try not
to dwell on the figures in front of me.
When given the option of a below-the-knee amputation, I was also given
the best odds of survival I had heard since my diagnosis. It was a nobrainer. My husband cried in shock and I cried with relief!
Following surgery I found a small ES support group online. It was
this group that alerted me to the fact that February 29 was World Rare
Disease Day. A Capitol Hill Lobby Day was coordinated by the Rare
Disease Legislative Advocates (RDLA). RDLA partnered with the
Sarcoma Foundation of America, the EveryLife Foundation for Rare
Diseases, and several other organizations to ensure that rare disease
advocates were present on Capitol Hill.
With no previous advocacy experience, I was nervous about what to
expect and who I would meet. But, I also had a strong urge to want to
do something to help. I consider myself lucky as far as ES patients go; I
haven’t had to take any medications or have chemotherapy or radiation
treatments. There are many people out there wondering if the latest
combination of drugs they are being given will somehow work for them.
They needed a voice.
During our breakfast meeting in Washington, DC, we were given an
overview of the Congressional Rare Disease Caucus and two important
pieces of legislation: the ULTRA Act and Creating Hope Act. I found
everyone to be so passionate about their work. I was instantly eager to
get to Capitol Hill to discuss my newfound knowledge. The legislation
made complete sense; how could Congress not want to back them?
I attended my first meeting with Danielle, another Lobby Day participant
Page 2
advocate. We went to the
office of Rep. Jim Moran
(D-VA) and spoke with
his staff person, Marcia.
She was very welcoming.
Congressman Moran is
already a member of the Dr. Jack Brooks & Rep. Patrick Meehan
Rare Disease Caucus and
with other Lobby Day participants.
Marcia believed he would
be supportive of the Acts we
discussed. As an introduction to advocacy and Capitol Hill, I couldn’t
have asked for a better meeting or staff.
Next was a meeting in Sen. Jim Webb’s (D-VA) office. His staff seemed
pleasantly surprised that there was no cost to them involved in the
Acts. He asked us what resistance has been faced so far. He could
appreciate the simplicity and commonsense approach to both bills and
couldn’t see why there would be much resistance. We left feeling that he
was interested in what we had to say and that the senator would do
further research.
Finally, in Sen. Mark Warner’s (D-VA) office we were advised that
healthcare is not an issue that the senator usually plays a lead role on,
but that he would discuss it further with the members of the Senate who
would be able to take action on our behalf. He appeared to appreciate
what a significant impact it would have if the FDA could fast-track the
drugs needed to treat rare diseases.
Overall I was impressed with the time given, questions asked and
responsiveness to the ULTRA Act and the Creating Hope Act. The
experience highlighted to me that perhaps it is only when we are
personally touched in some way that we really understand the
importance of speaking out for one another and trying to make a
difference. I came away from the day excited that I can use my
personal misfortune and voice to help others. I hope to take part in
more advocacy work in the future.
by Sue Embree-Davis, SFA Chapter Leader, California
“I expect to pass through this life but once. If therefore there be any kindness I can show, or any good thing I can do to any fellow being, let me do it now, and
not defer or neglect it, as I shall not pass this way again.” (accredited to both William Penn and Stephen Grellet)
This is a favorite motto of mine. I was surprised to find that its origin can be traced back to the 1600’s. I certainly agree that it was good advice
back then, and continues to be great advice today.
Why volunteer? Here are only a few of the benefits of volunteering:
1. It takes us outside our four walls, often relieving loneliness or boredom.
2. We meet new people, perhaps making a new friend or two.
3. Volunteering is extremely beneficial to the groups, organizations, or companies for which we offer our knowledge, enthusiasm, and
hours of labor free of charge.
4. We often receive appreciation from those we help, allowing us to feel needed and useful.
5. If we volunteer for a cause which has touched our lives personally, we have the knowledge that we are helping someone else to weather
a difficult time in their life, or to live a better and fuller life than might have been possible before.
As I sit here writing this article I am volunteering my time to a cause that is very near to my heart, finding a cure for sarcoma cancers through
the efforts of the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA). I am the volunteer SFA Chapter Leader for the state of California, and I have had the
privilege of serving in this position since 2011.
Yes, volunteering with the SFA is helping me to recover and give purpose to some of the pain my family has felt as the result of our battle
with a sarcoma cancer. There are an endless number of ways for you to volunteer with SFA in support of the mission to find the cure for these
devastating cancers!
Here are just a few:
• If there is no one currently volunteering in your state as the volunteer chapter leader of the SFA (click on your state under SFA chapters
to find out) consider taking on this important role
• Volunteer to assist the SFA Chapter Leader in your state
• Hold a fundraiser to support SFA (I just raised almost $2000 for SFA by inviting friends and family to recognize my birthday with
donations to SFA in lieu of gifts)
• Distribute SFA materials to your local hospital, schools and universities, cancer centers, community and infusion centers
• Share your SFA connection with nurses and ask them to share SFA information with their patients
• Ask your friends and family to JOIN SFA – it is free –
• Ask your friends and family to follow SFA on:
• Facebook (
• Twitter (
• Pinterest (
• Help SFA develop online auction opportunities
• And we welcome any volunteer ideas you have to support SFA’s work and mission with your time or contributions!
We give of ourselves and our time to others when we volunteer, but over and over I hear people say they receive back so much more than they
give! Today, consider volunteering for SFA to make your positive impact on the cure for sarcoma!
SFA Now a Member of the Combined Federal Campaign (CFC #57785)
The Combined Federal Campaign (CFC) is the world’s largest and most successful annual workplace
charity campaign, raising millions of dollars each year. SFA asks all federal employees – civilian,
military and postal – to designate SFA CFC #57785 in support of our mission to eradicate sarcoma.
Each fall, national and local charities are able to make payroll contributions directly to the SFA. Our
CFC number is 57785.
All of us at the SFA sincerely appreciate your generosity.
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Californians for a Cure
In a first-ever partnership to raise funds for better cancer treatments and care,
the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) and the Robert Urich Foundation
for Research and Patient Care (RUF) joined in a fundraising event, Californians
for a Cure, that was held on November 6, 2011, at the Music Box in Hollywood,
California. SFA Co-Founders and Board President and Treasurer, respectively,
Dr. Mark and Patricia Thornton co-chaired the festivities with RUF Founder
and CEO Heather Menzies Urich, and Peter Hankwitz, CFO, RUF.
The evening of hope and recognition was hosted by actor Lewis MacLeod. The
Virtue in Medicine Award was presented to Dr. Charles Forscher of CedarsSinai Medical Center for his unwavering dedication to his patients’ welfare and
for his contributions to sarcoma research. SFA and RUF were also honored
to present Triumph Awards to Dr. Behrooz Hakimian of Cedars-Sinai Medical
Center and Shoshana Silver for their strength and courage in overcoming cancer.
Hollywood icon Barbara Eden received the Legend of Hope Award. Ms.
Eden, of I Dream of Jeannie fame, has used her celebrity to support a myriad
Rufus Wainwright, Barbara Eden & Marisa Petroro
Beverlye Hyman-Fead &
Dr. Charles Forscher
of important causes and is a true philanthropic legend. “The Legend of Hope
Award recognizes a significant luminary in the American arts community who
has made notable contributions of time and energy working to better the lives
of those stricken with cancer and by doing so has served as an inspiration to
countless patients and their families,” said SFA President, Mark Thornton, MD,
PhD. “Barbara Eden embodies all that and more.”
Musical performances from singers/songwriters Martha and Rufus Wainwright,
American Idol finalist, singer/songwriter and SFA Board member Anthony
Fedorov, and sarcoma survivor and musician Charlie Lustman had special
meaning at this event as each of the performers have felt the impact of sarcoma
in their lives.
SFA and RUF especially acknowledge the Californians for a Cure committee
for their hard work and commitment to expand awareness of and raise funds for
research through this important joint event.
Dr. Mark & Tricia Thornton, Barbara Eden, Beverlye Hyman-Fead,
Heather Urich & Gregory Harrison
Sarcoma Foundation of America’s Annual Patient Educational Conference
Ask the Experts: Advances in Sarcoma Treatment and Research
On April 29 at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in New York, the Sarcoma Foundation of
America hosted its 7th Annual Educational Conference for sarcoma patients,
their families, caregivers and other medical professionals. SFA President, Dr.
Mark Thornton, opened the conference with remarks that highlighted the vital
work of the foundation. The day was filled with presentations by experts in all
areas of sarcoma, who shared information about the latest advances in sarcoma
research and treatment.
SFA was honored to present:
George D. Demetri, MD
Dana-Farber Cancer Institute
Topic: Future Directions of Sarcoma Therapy
Sarcoma patients and their families traveled from across the country to learn
about the latest breakthroughs in sarcoma research and treatments including
genetic findings, SFA funded research, clinical trials, and the origins of
sarcoma. The conference in now available to view on our website at
John S.J. Brooks, MD, FRCPATH
Pennsylvania Hospital
Topic: Advances in Research in Sarcoma Pathology and SFA Funded Research
Kurt R. Weiss, MD
University of Pittsburgh Medical Center
Topic: Advances in Sarcoma Surgery
Crystal L. Mackall, MD
National Cancer Institute
Topic: Advances in Sarcoma Immunotherapy
Marc Landanyi, MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Topic: How Funding Basic Science Can Lead to New Targets & Treatments
Page 4
John S. J. Brooks, MD, FRCPATH, Marc Ladanyi, MD, Kurt R. Weiss, MD,
Crystal L. Mackall, MD & George D. Demetri, MD
SFA Annual Gala Celebrated 10th Anniversary in Style
The Sarcoma Foundation of America celebrated the 10th anniversary of the annual gala and was honored to acknowledge the co-chairpersons, Kathryn Quadracci
Flores, MD, Raja M. Flores, MD, Laura Hagan, Paul A. Meyers, MD, and Addie & Gary Tomei, and the Gala committee for their great success. SFA is also
honored to thank all our generous sponsors, including our major sponsors Merck, ZIOPHARM Oncology, Threshold Pharmaceuticals, the Altman/Kazickas
Foundation, Infinity Pharmaceuticals, Millennium Oncology, Pfizer, Robert Norton, Michael Porter and Katherin Gehl.
The festivities were hosted by Julie Chang, entertainment reporter for WNYW/Fox 5 in New York, who joined the gala for her second year as the Mistress of
Ceremony. Dr. Marc Ladanyi, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, received the 2012 Nobility in Science Award in recognition of his continued dedication to
the science and research in finding the cure for sarcoma. Lisa and Mac Tichenor, founders of the What Would Willy Want Foundation (Quad W), were presented
with the 2012 Vision of Hope Award in recognition of their philanthropic commitment to finding new and better treatment options for sarcoma patients.
Previous SFA Courage Award recipients, Rita Saverino Romeo and Mark Herzlich, New York Giant Super Bowl XLVI Champion Linebacker, presented the 2012
Courage Award to Maura Cesarini, McKenna Eileen Coyle, Paul Icovitti, Wendy Landes, Robert Russo, Rhoda Sapers and Dr. Kurt Weiss in recognition of each
of the award recipient’s heroic battle with sarcoma.
Guest performances by Rock of Ages Tony Award nominee and former American Idol finalist Constantine Maroulis and 2012 American Idol finalist Elisa Testone
were well received. The powerful stories, speeches and resolve toward finding the cure for sarcoma reaffirmed SFA’s determination and mission.
2012 Courage Awardees and Presenters: Rita Saverino Romeo, Dr. Kurt Weiss,
McKenna Eileen Coyle, Rhoda Sapers, Maura Cesarini, Robert Russo, Wendy Landes,
Mark Herzlich, Barbara Icovitti & grandson Nathan
Dr. Tom Tobin, Dr. Jack Brooks, Tricia & Dr. Mark Thornton,
Alex Gillespie & Matt Alsante
Mistress of Ceremony, Julie Chang
Addie & Gary Tomei, Laura Hagan, Lisa &
Mac Tichenor
Doctors Raja & Kathryn Flores
India Rogers-Shepp, Anne-Sophie Ladanyi &
McKenna Eileen Coyle
Dr. Marc Ladanyi, Anne-Sophie Ladanyi
& Dr. Maureen Zakowski
Constantine Maroulis, Elisa Testone & Mark Herzlich
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Sarcoma Foundation of America 2012 Research Grants
Alexander Burdo/ZIOPHARM Research Award
Sarcoma Foundation of America Research Award
William A. May, MD
Ping Chi, MD, PhD
“Oncogenic Targets of Hedgehog-GL/1 Activation in Ewing Sarcoma”
Associate Professor
Children’s Hospital Los Angeles
Alexander Burdo Research Award
“Targeting the Hedgehog pathway to inhibit osteosarcoma growth
through dual effects on tumor and microenvironment cells.”
Michelle A. Hurchla, PhD
Research Instructor
Washington University
Mandell/Kropp Run for a Sarcoma Cure Research Award
“ROS1 kinase as a candidate molecular target in angiosarcoma”
Jonathan Pollack, MD, PhD
Associate Professor of Pathology
Stanford University
“Targeting ETV1 in Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumor (GIST)”
Assistant Member and Assistant Attending Physician
Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
Conquer Cancer Foundation Awards
Career Development Award
A Phase III, double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial of
sorafenib in desmoid tumors or aggressive fibromatosis (DT/DF)
Mrinal Gounder, MD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Young Investigator Award
“A role for injury in Sarcomagenesis”
David Van Mater, MD, PhD
Duke University Medical Center
Mark Herzlich Research Award
“C-MYC Target Gene Network in the Ewing’s Sarcoma Cancer Stem
Jason T. Yustein, MD, PhD
©ASCO Phil McCarten 2012
Assistant Professor
Baylor College of Medicine
Kate McGarrigle Memorial Research Award
“Differentiation Therapy for Rhabdoid Tumors”
Sandra Orsulic, PhD
Director, Women’s Cancer Biology
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Sarcoma Foundation of America Research Award
“Desmoplastic small round cell tumor: validation and further
development of novel active compounds emerging from high-throughput
chemical screens and establishment of xenografts for preclinical studies”
Conquer Cancer
Top Donors
Nancy Daly,
Dr. Martin Murphy,
Dr. Mark Thornton,
Dr. Michael Link
Call for Grants
“Preclinical Testing of Compounds Identified in a High Throughput
Screen as Potential Chordoma Therapies”
We will begin accepting grant requests in October 2012. Grants
of $50,000 are avail­
able to cover equipment and supplies
in support of research on the etiology, molecular biology,
ment of human sarcomas.
pathogenesis, diagnosis, and treat­
Preference will be given to proposals that focus on novel agents
and/or promis­ing molecular targets.
Associate Professor, Oncology and Pediatrics
Johns Hopkins University
For more information please con­
tact Lori Hoffman at
[email protected].
Sarcoma Foundation of America Research Award
* application deadline is January 31, 2013.
Heather Magnan, PhD
Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center
Sarcoma Foundation of America Research Award
David M. Loeb, MD, PhD
“Polarity and Ploidy in Peripheral Chondrosarcoma”
Kevin B. Jones, MD
Assistant Professor of Orthopaedics
University of Utah – Huntsman Cancer Institute
Join the Sarcoma Patient Registry
Sarcoma Foundation of America Research Award
Help us defeat sarcoma by joining our Sarcoma Patient
Registry today and with our collective strength we will make
a difference. If you are diagnosed with sarcoma and would
like more information about joining the registry, please call
1-866-501-6870 or email [email protected].
“Study of miR-26a-2 gene as a therapeutic target of human liposarcoma”
H. Phillip Koeffler, MD
Mark Goodson Chair in Oncology Research
Cedars-Sinai Medical Center
Page 6
Fundraising Events
Bud’s Run, IL
Bud’s Run, IL
Ronny Gras, IL
Olivia Lives, FL
Super Hero’s Run, DE
5k Run/Walk for a Sarcoma
Cure, FL
Kicking it for a Cure, NY
Upcoming SFA Fundraising Events
Oct. 14, 2012
Skate for a Sarcoma Cure in Memory of
Darell Martin, Vandalia, Ohio
Oct. 21, 2012
5th Annual Florida 5k Run/Walk for a
Sarcoma Cure, Plantation, Florida
Watch for more information about the 11th Annual Gala coming
in the spring of 2013.
Cup of Hope, FL
9th Annual Bassett Tournament, CT
Rachael Morris Runs in Memory of
Beth Van Dyke, NJ
Gifts made to memorialize a loved one are greatly appreciated
and will be acknowledged to the individual or family. They
are a heartfelt way to express your love and appreciation. Gift
amounts are kept confidential. Honoring a loved one who is
battling sarcoma and/or celebrating the life of someone who has
survived is a gift in itself. A personal webpage allows people to
share memories as well as donate to the Sarcoma Foundation of
America and build a legacy committed to fighting sarcoma.
If you are interested in setting up a Memorial or Honor page,
please contact SFA Program Specialist, Cindy Saunders at
[email protected] or 301-253-8687.
w w w . c u r e s a r c o m a . o r g Page 7
Our Mission
Donate To SFA
The mission of the Sarcoma Foundation of America (SFA) is to
advocate for increased research to find new and better therapies with
which to treat patients with sarcoma. The organization raises money
to privately fund grants for sarcoma researchers and conducts
education and advocacy efforts on behalf of sarcoma patients.
Help us fund future sarcoma research by contributing to the
Sarcoma Foundation of America. The SFA is a national, nonprofit
advocacy group for the increased research and treatment of sarcoma.
(Tax ID # 52-2275294)
Cut out this form and mail it with your donation or donate online at
❑ Yes. I would like to make a donation to the Sarcoma Foundation of America Amount:
In honor of:
In memory of:
Contact the SFA about the following ways of giving:
Stock Gifts – Giving appreciated stocks or bonds are excellent ways to support the foundation.
Planned Gifts – Wills, life insurance policies, property, trusts, gift annuities and retirement plans are examples of planned gifts which provide significant tax
savings as well. We will be happy to provide you with general information about how to incorporate a planned gift to the foundation into your estate plans.
Matching Gifts – Many employers will match your charitable contribution. This is an extremely effective way to maximize your donation to our cause.
Check with your human resources office today to see if your charitable donation can be matched by your employer.
Please charge my credit card: ❑ MasterCard
CID # (3 digit number found on the back of MasterCard and Visa)
CID # (4 digit number on front of American Express cards)
❑ Visa
Credit Card No.:
❑ American Express
Expiration Date:
Mail to: Sarcoma Foundation of America, 9899 Main Street, Suite 204, Damascus, Maryland 20872 or fax it to: 301-253-8690
finding the cure in our time
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Survivor Photo,
Ask the Experts
Educational Conference
2012; and
9899 Main Street, Suite 204
Damascus, Maryland 20872
Est. 2000

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