
Press file “Paris art and culture”
Press file “Paris art and culture”
Paris is set to become an even more creative capital thanks to its new
programme: Créative With the opening of new public and private
venues for artistic creation every year, new galleries, and a calendar
of major exhibitions of upcoming talents alongside retrospectives of
renowned artists, Paris is a leading capital for international contemporary
creation. Contemporary art can be seen at key annual events like the FIAC
(international contemporary art fair), the exhibition ‘Monumenta’ or the Nuit
blanche (a cultural all-nighter), the new Triennale (Triennial) and the very
recent Biennale de Belleville (Belleville Biennial) but also throughout the
year with exhibitions in major and more low-key galleries, art foundations
and at smaller-scale venues. Today, artistic creation is booming and just
waiting to be discovered!
> An extra 10,000 m2 at the Palais de Tokyo
The arts centre is undergoing a facelift. A phase of renovation works began in 2011 to increase the surface area
from 8,000 to 22,000 m² making it one of the largest contemporary art spaces in Europe. The aim: renovate the
establishment’s basement of over 10,000 m² to host even more contemporary art exhibitions (5,500 m² dedicated
to exhibitions) but also open to other disciplines (design, fashion, video, cinema, literature, music and art de
vivre.) Leading the construction site are architects Lacaton & Vassal, also responsible for the current Palais de
Tokyo. The reopening is scheduled from April 2012 with a programme that places a large emphasis on emerging
contemporary creation, with all its latest forms and trends.
> Contemporary art on the Île Seguin from 2012
The French architect Jean Nouvel is responsible for leading the Île Seguin project which is part of a larger project
referred to as ‘the valley of culture’. With work starting in 2012, the former site of the Renault factories will be
transformed with the creation of a visual arts centre. The official opening is scheduled for 2015 but the site will
welcome the public for specific events this summer. The project’s code name is R4, a nod to the famous car
produced by Renault on the Île Seguin over a period of 32 years. The site will house a 25,000 to 30,000 m2 multifunctional building that will bring together all artistic vocations. Creators will be able to stay on-site as part of
residency programmes and will benefit from the use of a studio space and joiner’s workshop during their stay.
Twenty or so galleries will occupy a covered market space of 1,500 m2, rented out depending on demand. Three
sales rooms will also be made available to auctioneers. In addition, conferences and master-classes will have
their own special space (700 m2) with a capacity of 200 persons.
> The launch of the Louis-Vuitton foundation for contemporary art and design, end
In the Jardin d’Acclimatation, in the Bois de Boulogne, a 6,000 m² building, designed by the architect Frank
O.Gehry, will house the contemporary art collection of the LVMH group, including works by Takashi Murakami,
Chris Burden and Ange Leccia. The foundation also aims to present 20th and 21st century art, as well as works by
the Grand Masters, to the public. The opening is scheduled for the end of 2013 and the programme will combine
tradition and innovation with classical works alongside cutting-edge creations. Franck O. Gehry sums up his
commitment to the project in the following statement: ‘It is my mission to create a magnificent vessel in Paris,
symbolizing France’s cultural vocation’.
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Fondation Louis-Vuitton jardin d’Acclimatation bois de Boulogne, Paris 16th – M° Les Sablons
Palais de Tokyo 13 av du Président-Wilson, Paris 16th – M° Iéna -
R4 Île Seguin -
> Landmarks
While Paris has a plethora of experimental spaces and little-known places where you can discover work by
emerging artists, don’t forget to visit the established contemporary art venues and their permanent collections of
art dating from the early 20th century to the present day. Firstly, there are the big museums like the Pompidou
Centre and the Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris devoted to 20th and 21st century art. The Louvre,
the Musée d’Orsay and numerous other of the capital’s establishments, such as the Conciergerie, the Arc de
Triomphe, the Grand Palais and even the Musée Rodin hold regular contemporary art exhibitions, creating a
dialogue between the works of contemporary artists and those inscribed in the history of art. Private foundations
are also very active. The Foundation Cartier pour l’art contemporain organizes 2 or 3 large solo exhibitions a year
in its wonderful glass setting designed by Jean Nouvel. The Foundation d’entreprise Ricard, close to the Place de
la Concorde, is the place to visit in order to explore emerging contemporary creation, with a strong focus on French
artists. The Foundation Antoine de Galbert – Maison Rouge is run by an avid art collector. Exhibitions include
international private collections, as well as themed exhibitions with a very strong message. The Fonds regional
d’art contemporain Île-de-France (Regional Contemporary Art Fund), otherwise known as Le Plateau, is also a
must for lovers of contemporary art. Independent commissioners are regularly invited to curate exhibitions. The
Fund’s own collection continues to grow: the first acquisitions were made over 25 years ago. The Palais de Tokyo
has doubled its exhibition space and a brand new programme will begin from April 2012. The venue continues to
be one of Europe’s most influential contemporary art spaces.
Musée du Louvre Paris 1st – M° Palais-Royal –
Centre Pompidou pl Georges-Pompidou, Paris 4th – M° Rambuteau, RER Châtelet-Les-Halles –
Musée d’Orsay 62 rue de Lille, Paris 7th – M° Solférino –
Fondation d’entreprise Ricard 12 rue Boissy-d’Anglas, Paris 8th – M° Concorde –
Galeries nationales du Grand Palais 3 av du Général-Eisenhower, Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt –
Nef du Grand Palais av Winston-Churchill, Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt –
La Maison rouge-Fondation Antoine-de-Galbert 10 bd de la Bastille, Paris 12th – M° Quai-de-la-Rapée, RER Gare-de-Lyon
Fondation Cartier 261 bd Raspail, Paris 14th – M° Raspail –
ARC-musée national d’Art moderne 11 av du Président-Wilson, Paris 16th – M° Iéna –
Palais de Tokyo 13 av du Président-Wilson, Paris 16th – M° Iéna –
Le Centquatre 104 rue d’Aubervilliers, Paris 19th – M° Riquet – Tel +33 (0)1 42 76 58 57 –
Le Plateau-FRAC Île-de-France pl Hannah-Arendt, Paris 19th – M° Buttes-Chaumont –
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> Key events
Without a doubt, Paris is one of the world’s leading cities when it comes to artistic and cultural events. The city’s
museums and exhibitions rival those of New York or London. The not-to-be-missed solo exhibitions and festivals
in the capital this year include the Josef Albers and Atelier Brancusi exhibitions at the Pompidou Centre, the
Giorgio de Chirico and Christopher Wool exhibitions at the Musée d’Art moderne de la Ville de Paris, Néon at the
Fondation Antoine de Galbert – Maison Rouge, as well as important exhibitions at the Pinacothèque de Paris, the
Fondation Cartier and at the Jeu de Paume.
Yearly, biennial and triennial events are also highlights of 2012’s artistic calendar. Monumenta is one of the most
ambitious of these Parisian events. Every year, an internationally renowned artist is invited to create a work
especially designed for the 13,500 m2 space that is the Nef of the Grand Palais. After Christian Boltanski in 2010,
Anish Kapoor in 2011, this year it is Daniel Buren’s turn to create a memorable and sensational exhibition in this
monumental space. La Triennale, formerly known as La Force de l’art is another important event in the Parisian
art world: this cultural event is organized every three years with the aim of showcasing French contemporary
creation. The 2012 edition will take place in the new 22,000 m2 space of the renovated Palais de Tokyo. A new
biennial was born in 2010: the Biennale de Belleville is held in the eastern part of the city where emerging creation
is most dynamic. The 2012 edition, on the theme of ‘revolution’ looks very promising, indeed. The Nouveau Festival
at the Pompidou Centre offers an eclectic and lively three weeks of visual arts, shows, performances, spoken word
events, theatre and cinema to the public, demonstrating the diversity and exceptional nature of the visual arts
combined with other disciplines. This event considers itself a long-term, prospective one, like a ‘laboratory of
contemporary visual creation and interdisciplinary extensions’.
The city also offers plenty of annual events to satisfy collectors and art lovers: the FIAC (International Contemporary
Art Fair) takes place every October in the majestic setting of the Grand Palais and boasts over 180 galleries
and 2,000 artists on exhibition. More and more satellite or fringe fairs are being programmed all over the city,
such as Slick, Chic Art Fair, Art Élysées, Cutlog, etc. Finally, Art Paris Art Fair has become the not-to-be-missed
springtime event for buyers of modern and contemporary art. This year, the fair takes on a new dimension by
focusing on the promotion of European artists and also features a new aspect; ‘Limited Series’..
Art Paris Art Fair Nef du Grand Palais, av Winston-Churchill, Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt –
La Biennale de Belleville –
Fiac Grand Palais, av Winston-Churchill Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt –
Jeu de Paume 1 place de la Concorde, Paris 8th – M° Concorde –
Monumenta –
Le Nouveau Festival –
Pinacothèque de Paris 28 place de la Madeleine Paris 8th – M° Madeleine –
La Triennale –
For art lovers in search of the latest trends, it is possible to visit some of the city’s most exclusive creative hotspots
which can be likened to arts laboratories. In these places, the artists are usually on a residency programme or
have been invited to participate in a temporary exhibition or a specific project. Along the Canal Saint-Martin, the
Point Ephémère defines itself as ‘a centre of dynamic arts’ combining residency programmes, public exhibitions
and an active involvement in the urban environment. Exhibitions, shows, concerts, parties, conferences and
all manner of offbeat events take place here. The Centquatre was designed to be an incubator or a creative
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breeding ground through its programme of events with business people, creators and researchers working to
promote ‘innovation through creation, creation through innovation’. It is above all a cultural meeting place for all
those living in the surrounding Flandre district in the 19th arrondissement by means of Cinq (the venue’s space
for arts amateurs), la Maison des Petits (specializing in parent-children relationships) and artist-in-residency
programmes for all disciplines of the arts: theatre, dance, music, cinema, video, digital and urban art forms.
The convivial atmosphere is one of the trademarks of this ‘alternative arts’ venue which naturally offers several
possibilities in terms of eating options. Les Grandes Tables du 104 (a monthly culinary event), the Café caché
and Camion à pizzas (pizza van) are all very popular, as too are the Saturday and Sunday morning brunches at
the Point Ephémère. There are also some more exclusive, though nonetheless active addresses that deserve
a mention here: the Kadist Art Foundation in Montmartre, Immanence, Bétansalon, etc. Several of them are
part of the Tram network, an association that has been working to promote the production and dissemination of
contemporary art in the Île-de-France region for the past thirty years..
Point Éphémère 200 quai de Valmy, Paris 10th – M° Jaurès –
Bétonsalon 9 esplanade Pierre Vidal-Naquet, Paris 13th – M° Bibliothèque-François-Mitterrand –
Kadist Art Foundation 19bis/21 rue des Trois-Frères, Paris 18th – M° Abbesses – Tel +33 (0)1 42 51 83 49 –
Immanence 21 av du Maine, Paris 15th – M° Montparnasse-Bienvenüe –
Le Centquatre 104 rue d’Aubervilliers, Paris 19th – M° Jaurès –
Tram Île-de-France –
> Paris, the capital for budding artists
In the past ten years or so, creative pursuits have become increasingly popular. Expressing your creative potential
through painting, photography, video and film making, flower arranging, African dance or even furniture making
can be extremely beneficial. It’s also a fantastic opportunity, not just for Parisians, but also for tourists to discover
Paris in a new light. By signing up for a workshop or a course run by artists, craftsmen or professional art
teachers, not only will you express your creative side, but you will also meet the artistic community for which
Paris is so renowned, as well as other art lovers from all over the world. This is a new type of tourism: creative
tourism. Information about the four hundred already existing workshops can be found on the bilingual (FrenchEnglish) website The eight categories vary from gardening / flower arranging to fashion /
design, as well as the performing and visual arts, crafts and cookery. Thanks to the number of workshops offered
in another language than French (one third of all courses), tourists can now learn the basics of photography by
strolling through the city in the company of a professional photographer, make a film in the city of de Méliès
and the famous Lumière brothers, and learn how to make jewellery and clothes at the very affordable price of
€20-€50 an hour.
Créative Paris.Info –
> What’s new in the 3rd, 6th, 8th and 10th arrondissements
The heavyweights of international contemporary art have taken up residence in the chic district at the end of the
Champs-Elysées, avenue de Matignon: the Gagosian Gallery, an American giant already established in New York,
London, Athens, Rome and Geneva opened a new space during the FIAC in 2010, which has already become
an essential address on the Paris circuit, as has the Galerie Tornabuoni, just arrived from Florence. The flurry
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of contemporary art isn’t new in this district, which already boasts large auction houses such as Artcurial or
Christie’s, as well as renowned international galleries. In the Marais, French man Emmanuel Perrotin’s gallery
continues to expand and now welcomes the public in a two-storey former private mansion and in two other
adjoining buildings looking out over the rue de Turenne. New galleries continue to spring up on the rue de SaintClaude, perpendicular to the rue de Turenne and the continuation of the rue des Arquebusiers, the most unusual
of these being the Sometimestudio, a gallery-cum-recording studio-cum-shop selling arty gifts. On the Left Bank,
the gallery Kamel Mennour started a trend a few years ago by opening up in a former private mansion on the rue
Saint-André-des-Arts. More recently, the Loevenbruck Gallery opened on the rue Jacques-Callot, a street away
from its former home. Saint-Germain-des-Prés is as dynamic as ever: number 27 rue Jacob, former headquarters
of the Seuil publishing house, has now been transformed into a venue for exhibitions and debates. The latest
up-and-coming contemporary art district is the area close to the Gare du Nord. Led by the Jérôme Poggi Gallery,
a number of galleries (Rosascape, Primo Piano and L’Espace d’en Bas) are working hard to transform this district
into a contemporary art venue, a district at the doorstep to Northern Europe and Great Britain.
Galerie Perrotin 76 rue de Turenne, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissard –
Sometimestudio 26 rue Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissard –
27 rue Jacob 27 rue Jacob, Paris 6th – M° Saint-Germain-des-Prés –
Galerie Kamel Mennour 47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6th – M° Odéon –
Galerie Loevenbruck 6 rue Jacques-Callot, Paris 6th – M° Saint-Germain-des-Prés –
Gagosian gallery 4 rue de Ponthieu, Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt –
Galerie Jérôme Poggi 115-117 rue Lafayette, Paris 10th – M° Gare-du-Nord –
> Buying art at an auction house
If it is possible to purchase a Picasso, Andy Warhol, Zhang Xiaogang or Jeff Koons at some of the bigger auctions
in New York, London or Hong Kong, Paris is no exception. The city has many auction houses specializing in the
sale of modern and contemporary art. The most prestigious and quintessentially French of these is Artcurial,
situated at the Hôtel Marcel Dassault, a neoclassical-style building, renovated by architect Jean-Michel Wilmotte.
Artcurial is located on the corner of the Avenue Montaigne, at number 7 rond-point des Champs-Élysées.
Their contemporary art department is particularly dynamic. Not far from here, Christie’s regularly organizes
prestigious sales. This auction house belongs to the well-known French business man and art collector, François
Pinault. Other auction houses hold frequent sales of works by some of the 20th and 21st centuries’ greatest
artists: Cornette de Saint-Cyr, Millon, Tajan, etc. These auctions usually take place at the Hôtel Drouot in the 9th
arrondissement, drawing crowds of art dealers, collectors and amateurs from all walks of life. There is a unique
atmosphere at these auctions, with many an eccentric character present. For more prestigious sales, visitors
should go to the Drouot-Montaigne space. Their sales calendar is available online or in the weekly auctions and
art market magazine, the Gazette de Drouot.
Artcurial 7 rond-point des Champs-Éysées, Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt –
Christie’s 9 av de Matignon, Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt –
Cornette de Saint-Cyr –
Hôtel des ventes Drouot-Montaigne 15 av Montaigne, Paris 8th – M° Alma-Marceau –
Hôtel des ventes Drouot-Richelieu 9 rue Drouot, Paris 9th – M° Drouot –
Millon & Associés –
Tajan –
> Parisian private collections: more numerous and accessible to the public
In 2004, the Maison Rouge, owned by collector Antoine de Galbert, opened along the banks of the Bassin de
l’Arsenal. This 2,000 m2 exhibition space devoted to large international collections and themed exhibitions started
a trend making private art foundations accessible to the public.
Following in Antoine de Galbert’s footsteps, two private collectors, Chiara and Steve Rosenblum, opened a new
1,500 m² space at the heart of the 13th arrondissement, the Rosenblum Collection and Friends. Here they present
exhibitions themed around pieces in their collection, which they began to put together in 2005, focusing on young
international artists. In the hopes of sharing their passion, they welcome members of the public by appointment,
often guiding visitors themselves! More recently, Françoise and Jean-Philippe Billarant opened the doors to the
Silo, a former grain silo dating from 1948, transformed into an art space by architect Xavier Prédine-Hug. In
this space, the couple showcase part of their contemporary art collection, started over 30 years ago, focusing
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on, the works of conceptual artists such as Daniel Buren, François Morellet, Felice Varini, Michel Verjux, Niele
Toroni, Véronique Joumard, Cécile Bart, Robert Barry, etc. Located outside of the city, numerous visitors have
already made the one-hour trip to visit this collection (visits upon appointment only) in the presence of the proud
owners. The geometric lines of the building create the perfect setting for the works on display. Together, they
raise questions about space and the dialogue between this space and the artworks it contains.
La Maison rouge-Fondation Antoine-de-Galbert 10 bd de la Bastille, Paris 12th – M° Quai-de-la-Rapée
Rosenblum Collection & Friends 183 rue du Chevaleret, Paris 13th – M° Quai-de-la-Gare, RER Bibliothèque-FrançoisMitterrand –
Le Silo Route de Bréançon, 95640 Marines – Tel +33 (0)1 42 25 22 64
> Artist communities at the heart of Paris
Over the years, many artists have chosen Paris to live and work in. Even today,
the capital attracts artists from around the world who come here to live and
work. In October 2010, the Ruche, the legendary artist residence, which hosted
Chagall, Soutine, Zadkine and many other renowned artists, was renovated.
The building, which takes its name from its polygonal shape, is the former
wine pavilion of the 1900 Exposition Universelle, whose metallic structure
was designed by Gustave Eiffel. The Ruche still welcomes new generations
of artists; 50 are currently housed here. The Paris Balades association
sometimes offers guided tours of the residence. At the Cité international des
arts, 310 accommodation-workshops are available on application, to artists
from all over the world. The public can discover these during open days or
exhibitions. The Frigos is also an important art community and this industrial
building converted into workshops now welcomes around 200 artists. Open days are a must for art lovers.
Les Frigos 19, rue des Frigos, Paris 13th – M° Bibliothèque-François-Mitterrand, RER Bibliothèque-François-Mitterrand
La Ruche rue Dantzig, Paris 15th – M° Convention –
Cité internationale des arts (workshops and exhibitions) 18 rue de l’Hôtel-de-Ville, Paris 4th – M° Pont-Marie
> Books by artists
Many Parisian galleries specialize in publications of artists, thus combining written works and art objects.
The resumption of the Artistbook International at the Centre Pompidou confirms the trend.
Florence Loewy 9 rue de Thorigny, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Sémiose 54 rue Chapon, Paris 3rd – M° Arts-et-Métiers –
Christophe Daviet-Thery 34 rue Louise-Weiss, Paris 13rd – M° Chevaleret –
Filigranes Éditions –
Artistbook International –
> Buying art on a budget
You do not have to be a specialist and spend thousands of euros to treat yourself to a work of art or buy one as a
special gift. With a budget of a few hundred euros, you can buy original, well-framed works of art by young artists
which go well with your interior. You can also buy art at the Affordable Art Fair, which offers works between 100
and 5,000 euros from a selection of some sixty international art galleries.
Galerie de Multiples 17 rue Saint-Gilles, Paris 3rd – M° Chemin-Vert –
Galerie Pierre-Alain Challier 8 rue Debelleyme, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Wanted 23 rue du Roi-de-Sicile, Paris 4th – M° Saint-Paul, RER Châtelet-Les Halles –
Affordable Art Fair –
> Arty hotels
Parisian hotels are taking on a new contemporary look. At the heart of Montmartre, in a former private mansion,
five rooms carry the signature of a celebrated contemporary artist. As for the Méridien, it has engaged a ‘cultural
conservationist’ to launch a programme aimed at transforming its establishments into places for interactive
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experiences, with the involvement of artists. Finally, the new Royal Monceau-Raffles Paris is resolutely art
orientated with an exhibition gallery and an exclusive art concierge service; experts that offer advice on exploring
Paris with current creations in mind.
Le Royal Monceau Raffles 37 av Hoche, Paris 8th – M° Charles-de-Gaulle-Étoile, RER Charles-de-Gaulle-Étoile
Hôtel Amour 9 rue de Navarin, Paris 9th – M° Saint-Georges – Tel +33 (0)1 48 78 31 80 –
Hôtel Villa Modigliani 13 rue Delambre, Paris 14th – M° Vavin, RER Denfert-Rochereau
Le Méridien Étoile 81 bd Gouvion-Saint-Cyr, Paris 17th – M° Porte-Maillot, RER Porte-Maillot –
Hôtel particulier Montmartre 23 av Junot, Paris 18th – M° Lamarck-Caulaincourt – Tel +33 (0)1 53 41 81 40
> Contemporary art for kids
Art is an international language that everyone understands, including children – who now have an array of
activities to choose from. Step by step, under specialist supervision, they become budding artists.
« Les dimanches en famille » - Centre Pompidou pl Georges-Pompidou, Paris 4th – M° Rambuteau, RER Châtelet-Les-Halles
« Le mercredi on goûte aux contes » - La Maison rouge-Fondation Antoine-de-Galbert 10 bd de la Bastille, Paris 12th –
M° Quai-de-la-Rapée, RER Gare-de-Lyon –
« Ateliers Tok Tok »– Palais de Tokyo 13 av du Président-Wilson, Paris 16th – M° Iéna –
La Maison des petits du CENTQUATRE 104 rue d’Aubervilliers, Paris 19th – M° Riquet – Tel +33 (0)1 42 76 58 57 –
« Les petits rendez-vous du samedi » - Le Plateau-FRAC Île-de-France 33 rue des Alouettes, Paris 19th
M° Buttes-Chaumont –
> Art in the streets
You only have to look around as you walk through the streets of Paris to realize how prominent art works
are. Great names have left their mark on the city. The works of nine contemporary artists: Sophie Calle,
Christian Boltanski, Claude Lévêque, Bertrand Lavier ... line the route of the tramway. And, in the Tuileries
gardens, works from the Fonds national d’art contemporain, such as the bronze tree by Penone, can be seen as
you walk along the pathways. You will also of course come across art just by chance as you stroll around the city.
Undoubtedly, the most emblematic work is that of French artist, Daniel Buren. In the cour d’honneur of the Palais
Royal, are the Deux Plateaux, better known as the ‘Buren Columns’. Comprised of 260 black-and-white striped
columns as well as a complex hydraulic and lighting system, the monumental installation has become one of the
symbols of Paris. Commissioned by Daniel Buren in 1985, the work needed renovating to give it back its shine and
closed for renovation work in 2010. The cour d’honneur is once again open and welcomes tourists and walkers
who can wander around these columns fashioned from white grained Carrare marble and black marble from the
Jardins du Palais-Royal place du Palais-Royal, Paris 1st –
Colonnes de Buren Palais-Royal, pl Colette, Paris 1st – M° Palais-Royal
Œuvres du Fnac (Fonds national d’art contemporain) jardin des Tuileries, 113 rue de Rivoli, Paris 1st – M° Tuileries
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Valerio Adami théâtre du Châtelet, Paris 1st – M° Châtelet, RER Châtelet-Les-Halles
Robert Combas 3 rue des Haudriettes, Paris 3rd – M° Rambuteau, RER Châtelet-Les Halles
Fontaine Igor Stravinsky – Jean Tinguely et Niki de Saint-Phalle pl Igor-Stravinsky, Paris 4th – M° Rambuteau,
RER Châtelet-Les Halles
Pierre Alechinsky 38 rue Descartes, Paris 5th – M° Cardinal-Lemoine
Sophie Calle, Christian Boltanski, Claude Lévêque… tramway des Maréchaux, Paris 13th, 14th, 15th –
> Top galleries
These galleries which are part of the Parisian landscape and whose parent company is in Paris can be found at all
of the international contemporary art fairs! Gallery-museums or more low key exhibition spaces can be found in
all districts of the city and showcase contemporary art reflecting the latest and emerging trends.
Galerie Almine Rech 19 rue Saintonge, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Anne de Villepoix 43 rue de Montmorency, Paris 3rd – M° Rambuteau, RER Châtelet-Les Halles –
Galerie Chantal Crousel 10 rue Charlot, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Daniel Templon 30 rue Beaubourg, Paris 3rd – M° Rambuteau, RER Châtelet-Les Halles –
Galerie Emmanuel Perrotin 76 rue de Turenne et 2 impasse Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart
Galerie Michel Rein 42 rue de Turenne, Paris 3rd – M° Chemin-Vert –
Galerie Serge Leborgne 108 rue Vieille-du-Temple, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Karsten Greve 5 rue Debelleyme, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien – Froissart –
Galerie Marian Goodman 79 rue du Temple, Paris 3rd – M° Rambuteau -
Galerie Suzanne Tarasiève 7 rue Pastourelle, Paris 3rd – M° Filles du Calvaire –
Galerie Thaddaeus Ropac 7 rue Debelleyme, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Yvon Lambert 108 rue Vieille-du-Temple, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Xippas 108 rue Vieille du Temple, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Zürcher 56 rue Chapon, Paris 3rd – M° Arts et Métiers –
Galerie Nathalie Obadia 3 rue du Cloître Saint Merri, Paris 4th – M° Hôtel de Ville -
Galerie Georges-Philippe et Nathalie Vallois 36 rue de Seine, Paris 6th – M° Odéon –
Kamel Mennour 47 rue Saint-André-des-Arts, Paris 6th – M° Odéon –
Galerie Jérôme de Noirmont 36-38 av Matignon, Paris 8th – M° Miromesnil –
Galerie Lelong 3 rue de Téhéran, Paris 8th – M° Miromesnil –
> Paris, capital of international cultural centres
Paris has long been home to artists from all countries. Little wonder, then, that the city boasts so many foreign
cultural centres. In total, there are 46 cultural centres in Paris that form part of the FICEP association (Forum
of Cultural Centres in Paris), established by the Canadian Cultural Centre in 2002. A visit to these cultural
centres is like a round-the-world tour without ever having left the capital; from Latin America to Asia, from the
Mediterranean to Russia. The annual highlight is the ‘Semaine des cultures étrangères à Paris’ (‘The Week of
Foreign Cultures in Paris’), which takes place at the end of September or the beginning of October. Exhibitions,
cultural events, meetings, debates, concerts and festive get-togethers are programmed on the initiative of each
cultural centre. The full programme of events is announced on the site
Ficep –
Centre culturel suédois Hôtel de Marle, 11 rue Payenne, Paris 3rd – M° Chemin-Vert –
Centre culturel suisse 38 rue des Francs-Bourgeois, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Paul, RER Châtelet-Les Halles –
Centre Wallonie-Bruxelles 7 rue de Venise, Paris 4th – M° Rambuteau, RER Châtelet-Les Halles –
Institut finlandais 60 rue des Écoles, Paris 5th – M° Cluny-La Sorbonne, RER Saint-Michel –
Institut du monde arabe pl Mohammed-V, Paris 5th – M° Maubert-Mutualité –
Institut culturel néerlandais 121 rue de Lille, Paris 7th – M° Assemblée-Nationale, RER Musée-d’Orsay
Institut Goethe 17 av d’Iéna, Paris 16th – M° Iéna –
free admission
inaugurations, reopenings
our favourites
> Press file “Paris art and culture” / Paris contemporary art - 2012 - Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau - 28/03/12
> A passion for contemporary art
The team of art consultants at art process tirelessly visit studios, galleries and squats to keep up with the latest
trends. They share their passion with all those who are curious about art, and with contemporary art fans and
collectors in the course of events that they organize; these range from contemporary art excursions in the art bus
to dinners with art world personalities to monthly visits and an aperitif at artists’ studios. In most museums,
art centres and foundations, trained mediators welcome the public and are on hand to help them understand
contemporary art and to get the most out of their visit. It’s also possible to participate in a scheduled guided tour
or to book a specially tailored visit for groups or individuals.
Art process 52 rue Sedaine, Paris 11th – M° Voltaire –
> The rue Saint-Claude and rue des Arquebusiers galleries
The Marais is where it’s all happening! This quarter is historically associated with art galleries. Those interested
in new trends can now add a new address in the 3rd arrondissement to their itinerary in search of innovative work:
a number of trendy new galleries have sprung up on rue Saint-Claude, where art dealers rub shoulders with
emerging artists and in the last few months this trend has even expanded to the neighbouring rue Arquebusiers
with new arrivals and a programme as exciting as ever.
Galerie Art concept 13 rue des Arquebusiers, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Anne Barrault 22 rue Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Jean-Roch Dard 13 rue des Arquebusiers, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Frank Elbaz 7 rue Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Alain Gutharc 7 rue Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Jousse entreprise 6 rue Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Kernotart 14 rue Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Eric Mircher 26 rue Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Polaris 15 rue des Arquebusiers, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Sultana 12 rue des Arquebusiers, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
Galerie Torri 7 rue Saint-Claude, Paris 3rd – M° Saint-Sébastien-Froissart –
> Eastward ho!
Art in Paris isn’t restricted to the city centre alone. The eastern part of the capital abounds in cutting-edge art
galleries, particularly in districts such as Belleville and Buttes-Chaumont. They display work by up-and-coming
artists who may well become tomorrow’s big names. Keep your eyes open for these often unassuming galleries:
art can lurk in unexpected places!
Galerie Gaudel de Stampa 3 rue Vaucouleurs, Paris 11th – M° Couronnes –
Galerie Bugada-Cargnel 7-9 rue de l’Équerre, Paris 19th – M° Pyrénées –
Galerie Suzanne Tarasiève Loft 19 passage de l’Atlas / 5 villa Marcel-Lods, Paris 19th – M° Belleville
Vitrine de l’École nationale supérieure d’Arts de Paris-Cergy 24 rue Moret, Paris 19th – M° Bolivar –
Galerie Balice Hertling 47 rue Ramponeau, Paris 20th – M° Pyrénées –
Galerie Jocelyn Wolff 78 rue Julien-Lacroix, Paris 20th – M° Pyrénées –
Galerie Marcelle Alix 4 rue Jouye-Rouve, Paris 20th – M° Pyrénées –
Galerie Crèvecœur 4 rue Jouye-Rouve, Paris 20th – M° Pyrénées –
Galerie Samy Abraham 43 rue Ramponeau, Paris 20th – M° Belleville –
> Plant art
When urban fatigue hits, head for Paris’s new havens of peace and greenery, created by top landscape architects
and botanists in demand, such as Patrick Blanc, Robert Milin, Gilles Clément and Michel Desvigne.
Marithé et François Girbaud 7 rue du Cherche-Midi, Paris 6th – M° Saint-Sulpice –
Musée du Quai-Branly 55 quai Branly, Paris 7th – M° Alma-Marceau, RER Pont-de-l’Alma –
Pershing Hall 49 rue Pierre-Charron, Paris 8th – M° George-V, RER Charles-de-Gaulle-Étoile –
Fondation Cartier 261 bd Raspail, Paris 14th – M° Raspail –
Parc André-Citroën rue Balard, Paris 15th – M° Javel, RER Javel –
Jardins d’Éole rue du Département, Paris 18th – M° La Chapelle, RER Gare-du-Nord –
free admission
inaugurations, reopenings
our favourites
> Press file “Paris art and culture” / Paris contemporary art - 2012 - Paris Convention and Visitors Bureau - 28/03/12
> Art in fashion stores
You’ll enjoy stumbling upon these little islets of contemporary art in venues traditionally devoted to shopping
where culture has not always had the spotlight it deserved. The Bon Marché and Galeries Lafayette have realized
that shopping goes very well with a touch of intelligence and a dash of culture! And so have leading French brands!
Le Bon Marché – L’Entrée 24 rue de Sèvres, Paris 7th – M° Sèvres-Babylone –
Espace culturel Louis-Vuitton 60 rue de Bassano, Paris 8th – M° George-V, RER Charles-de-Gaulle-Étoile –
Le 66 66 av des Champs-Élysées, Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt, RER Charles-de-Gaulle-Étoile –
Maison Guerlain 68 av des Champs-Élysées, Paris 8th – M° Franklin-Roosevelt, RER Charles-de-Gaulle-Étoile
Galeries Lafayette – La Galerie des galeries 40 bd Haussmann, Paris 9th – M° Chaussée-d’Antin, RER Auber
> Press contact
+33 (0) 1 49 52 53 27 - [email protected]
This press file has been produced in collaboration with the agency Art
Process -
Nicky Bouwmester, DR.
free admission
inaugurations, reopenings
our favourites