Annual Report2009
Annual Report2009
NISSHIN STEEL ANNUAL REPORT 2009 Contents Consolidated Financial Highlights 1 To Our Shareholders and Investors 2 Management’s Discussion and Analysis 4 Consolidated Seven-Year Summary 6 Consolidated Balance Sheets 8 Consolidated Statements of Income 10 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets 12 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows 14 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements 15 Report of Independent Auditors (2009) 29 Investor Information 31 Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors, and Executive Officers 32 Consolidated Financial Highlights Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries Years ended March 31, 2009, 2008 and 2007 Millions of yen (except per share amounts) 2009 Thousands of U.S. dollars1 (except per share amounts) Percent change (2009/2008) 2009 2008 2007 ¥ 649,495 ¥ 641,246 Net (loss) income .......................... (25,484) 32,192 37,214 — Total assets..................................... 722,271 818,310 826,540 (11.7) 7,352,856 Total net assets .............................. 260,641 361,463 385,695 (27.9) 2,653,375 Net (loss) income per share2 ......... ¥ (28.15) ¥ 35.37 ¥ 39.86 — $(0.29) 10.00 7.00 (30.0) 0.07 Net sales .........................................¥ 617,400 7.00 Cash dividends per share2 ............ $ 6,285,249 (4.9)% (259,432) Notes: 1. Unless indicated otherwise, all dollar figures herein refer to U.S. currency. Yen amounts have been translated into U.S. dollars, for convenience only, at ¥98.23 = US$1, the effective rate of exchange at March 31, 2009. 2. Per share figures are in yen and U.S. dollars. Net Sales Net Income (Loss) (Billions of yen) (Years ended March 31) (Billions of yen) (Years ended March 31) 720 40 641.2 600 535.7 37.2 649.5 617.4 32.2 556.1 30 24.1 24.5 480 20 360 10 240 –25.5 0 120 0 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’05 ’09 ’06 ’07 ’08 Total Net Assets Net Income (Loss) per Share (Billions of yen) (March 31) (Yen) (Years ended March 31) 400 39.86 40 385.7 35.37 361.5 315.6 320 30 276.6 ’09 25.19 25.98 260.6 240 20 160 10 80 0 –28.15 0 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’05 Note: The amount of total net assets at March 31, 2005 and 2006 represents the value of conventional total shareholders’ equity. 1 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 To Our Shareholders and Investors Overview of the Fiscal Year Ended March 31, 2009 The Japanese economy saw a drastic decline in demand both domestically and overseas during the second half of this fiscal year. The domestic economy continued to plummet as a result of the downturn in the global economy that was triggered by the U.S. financial crisis. This drop resulted in a sharp decline in corporate revenues as well as consumer spending due to cutbacks in capital investment and job insecurity. The economy stopped growing and quickly fell into the doldrums. The steel industry enjoyed steady demand in major areas such as the automotive and electric sectors during the first half of this fiscal year. However, in addition to the already stagnating demand for building materials, demand fell significantly in almost all areas during the second half of this fiscal year. The automotive sector in particular was hit hard by the depressed U.S. market as well as serious decline in sales volume, and was forced to make inventory adjustments and cut production to an unprecedented level. Despite this very tough environment, the Nisshin Steel Group has been making a group-wide effort to strengthen its operational foundation and achieve sustainable growth. We also developed and have been implementing a range of measures to boost earnings high enough to enable us to weather the current economic storm. Fi rst, i n response to sk yrocketi ng pr ices of raw mater ia ls such as i ron ore a nd coa l, we establ ished the Committee for Streamlining and Total Cost Reduction in Apr il 2008 to review and reduce costs across all departments. Given the sudden downturn in the market, we expanded the scope of the committee’s activities to i nclude i mplementi ng u rgent measu res that wi l l ensure profitability for the entire Group. Furthermore, to align ou r pr o duc t ion w it h t he slow i ng d e m a nd, we lowered the capacity utilization of the Kure Works’ blast furnace, steelmaking and hot-rolling equipment to an unprecedented level and drastically cut stainless steel production at the Shunan Works by about 60%. We also focused on meeting technical challenges arising from these oper at ion a l c utback s to en su re ef f icient a nd steady facility operation and minimize costs associated with lower energy efficiency resulting from decreased production. Operating in this tough environment where demand in major sectors has dropped significantly made it necessary to gain our customers’ understanding of the situation and reflect any cost increases that we were unable to absorb in our sales prices. At the same time, we continued to work on cultivating demand by offering high-value-added, unique products tailored to our customer needs. These products include highly corrosion-resistant, resource-saving ZAM ® (hot-dipped zinc-aluminum-magnesium alloy coated steel) products, a wide range of our unique, high-performance DNA-SUS stainless steel products that enable our customers to enhance competitiveness, and high-quality customized special steel products. We identified investment priorities to reinforce our operational foundation for the future and made strategic investments, including an overhaul of major facilities with state-of-the-art technologies designed to enhance efficiency and qualit y as well as capital investments aimed at reducing the environmental burden through increasing energy efficiency and recycling by-products of our processes. To strengthen our business operations in Southeast Asia where demand for stainless steel is likely to increase over the medium to long term, Nisshin Steel established Bahru Stainless SDN. BHD. jointly with Acerinox, S.A. (Spain) for the production of cold-rolled stainless steel. Construction of a new production facility is now underway in Malaysia, which is scheduled to come on stream in 2011. We acquired additional shares of Acerinox to strengthen the ties we have built over the years and enhance our global stainless steel business network. We now have a 15% stake in Acerinox, which makes the company our equity method affiliate. We continued to work on improving sales prices in the face of soaring costs for raw materials such as iron ore and coal. Despite our efforts, we suffered a sharp decline in sales volume due to a sudden economic downturn in the latter half of this fiscal year. As a result, consolidated net sales for the fiscal year under review totaled ¥617,400 million (a year-on-year decrease of ¥32,095 million). Looking at income for the fiscal year under review, we posted a loss before special items of ¥12,383 million (a year-on-year decrease of ¥66,929 million from the income before special items recorded the prior year). This drop was due to declining sales and a loss on revaluation of inventories associated with a sudden slowdown in the stainless steel market, which our group-wide efforts to streamline operations and slash overall costs could not fully absorb. Since the amount of deferred tax assets associated with the net loss carried forward was not recorded in the statement of operations for this fiscal year, the consolidated net loss for this fiscal year totaled ¥25,484 million (a yearon-year decrease of ¥57,676 million from the net income recorded the prior year). On a non-consolidated basis, net sales totaled ¥477,218 million, the loss before special items ¥16,192 million, and the net loss ¥26,779 million. Outlook for the Fiscal Year Ending March 31, 2010 The Japanese economy is predicted to continue to decline as the global economy shows little sign of recovery. The outlook for the future remains rather bleak, as there is a possibility that the economy may slow even further depending on foreign exchange fluctuations and trends in the financial and capital markets. The steel industry is very unlikely to see a quick recovery in demand in major sectors such as automotive, building materials and electric sectors, although temporary excesses in iron ore and coal supplies over demand will bring down raw material prices. 2 The Nisshin Steel Group will move aggressively to overcome any hurdle it faces in today’s harsh business environment. We will make group-wide efforts to sharpen our competitive edge with a commitment to carving out a strong operational position that will enable us to respond flexibly and adequately to drastic changes in both the Japanese and overseas markets. First, we will step up streamlining and cost reduction efforts to achieve results that will eclipse the previous results achieved by the Committee for Streamlining and Total Cost Reduction. We will work together as a Group to take every possible action, from emergency cost reduction measures to permanent streamlining measures, to reduce both fixed and variable costs. In light of the current situation of underutilized production lines due to declining demand, we will work to ensure flexible line operations to respond quickly to changes in production scale while minimizing production cost. We will also strive to elevate superiority in quality, which, along with a cost advantage, will boost our competitiveness. We will enhance our capability to steadily provide customers with high-quality products by maximizing both our new and overhauled facilities employing state-of-theart technologies. While Japan Industrial Standards ( JIS) certification for the Amagasaki Works’ stainless steel pipes was cancelled in June 2008 due to inadequacy of testing, we successfully reacquired JIS certification in March 2009 after reestablishing a fully functional quality assurance system. We continue to make aggressive efforts to improve quality to maintain a high level of customer trust. We will strengthen our solutions business to quickly offer proposals/suggestions that address diversifying customer requirements as well as potential needs by leveraging the entire Group’s R&D and product development capabilities. This will enable us to move further toward realizing our Group mission to create unique markets together with our customers. As part of this effort, we opened the F-Tech. Plaza at our Sakai Works this June as the cross-point where our customers’ dreams meet the Nisshin Steel Group’s technologies and products. At the F-Tech. Plaza, customers can actually see, touch and experience our technological and solution capabilities. The F-Tech. Plaza also serves as a venue for communicating with customers so that we can offer the specific solutions they are seeking and deliver the kind of R&D capabilities they expect from the Nisshin Steel Group. We will remain committed to customer-focused product/service development with an eye to helping customers make their dreams come true. Going forward, the Nisshin Steel Group will identify priorities for key business challenges from mid-range as well as long-term perspectives and take every step necessary to reach our goals. In overseas markets with good prospects for growth, we will move forward steadily with the construction of Bahru Stainless SDN. BHD. in Malaysia, while accelerating operations at existing operational bases in China and the United States. We will also continue to build stronger ties with our new equity method affiliate, Acerinox, S.A., with the aim of expanding our global stainless steel business network. Environmental initiatives will also be a key focal point, as we boost our competitiveness through active efforts to develop technologies that will enable efficient use of low-grade materials and energy to make the most effective use of limited natural resources. We expect the environmental and energy conservation market to keep pace with growing public awareness of relevant issues. The Nisshin Steel Group will remain focused squarely on research and product development in these areas. We continue to provide high-performance products that reduce man’s environmental footprint and conserve the environment with a view to maintaining harmonious relationships with local communities and society as a whole. In December 2008, the Tokyo District Public Prosecutors Office indicted Nisshin Steel and one of its employees for violating the antitrust law in relation to the sale of hotdipped 55% aluminum-zinc alloy coated steel (both painted and non-painted) to general consumers. We deeply apologize for causing any burden to our shareholders, customers and other stakeholders. We have taken this situation seriously and have developed measures to prevent such a case from happening again, including the establishment of a third-par ty committee comprised of external experts who provide recommendations and evaluations from their professional perspectives to ensure effectiveness, objectivity and transparency. We will implement these preventive measures thoroughly throughout the company to avoid the occurrence of a similar incident in the future. We have made compliance a top priority in all our corporate activities by ensuring that all of our Board members and employees comply with all laws and regulations, including internal rules and regulations, and respect social norms as well as morals. In July 2008 we celebrated the 100th anniversary of our predecessor company, and in April 2009 we celebrated the 50th anniversary of Nisshin Steel. We value the tremendous amount of support that our shareholders, customers and stakeholders have given us over the last 50 years. We will build on the strength of that support to create a solid business foundation, upon which we will realize everything that the name of our company stands for and “bring innovations to life every day.” We will continue to work with our customers to create unique markets to realize our corporate vision of being the most preferred company by customers, shareholders and employees today and tomorrow, and operating in continuous harmonious with all its stakeholders and society. Taking into account the circumstances described above and the various measures for business improvement of our Group companies in the future, the current financial outlook is presented below. Since raw material prices and sales prices are still under negotiation, the figures are provisional and may change drastically depending on future circumstances. 3 acquisition of treasury stock. The acquisition of treasury stock is conducted from the perspective of a f lexible capital policy responsive to the business environment, taking into account capital necessary in the future and earnings forecasts. Internal reserves will be used for investments to ensure sustainable growth and strengthen competitiveness to improve corporate value, as well as maintain and enhance the Group’s financial position. Dividends from retained earnings for the subject fiscal year, based on the Group’s business results and forecasts, and in overall consideration of the economic outlook and plans for business development, were ¥1.00 per share for the year-end. In addition to commemorating our 50th anniversary this April, we added a special dividend bonus of ¥2.00 per share to the year-end dividend, making it ¥3.00 per share. Combined with the interim dividend of ¥4.00 per share, which had already been paid, the full-year dividend was ¥7.00 per share. (Billions of yen) Consolidated forecast Interim Net sales ¥170.0 Full year ¥390.0 Operating loss (45.0) (45.0) Loss before special items (50.0) (50.0) Net loss (51.0) (51.0) These forecasts are based on certain assumptions deemed rational at the time of preparation. Actual results may differ materially as a result of various factors, including economic conditions in major markets (such as Japan and Asia), rapid changes in the balance of product supply and demand, significant shifts in foreign exchange rates, or major fluctuations in capital market rates. Basic Policy on Returns to Shareholders The Nisshin Steel Group’s basic policy with regard to the distribution of earnings is to provide shareholders with an appropriate dividend from retained earnings in line with consolidated results, while securing the internal reserves necessary for future business development to enhance corporate value, and in consideration of the future business outlook. The Group has established as a benchmark for the distribution of earnings 20% to 30% of consolidated net income, combining dividends from retained earnings and I would like to offer my appreciation to all shareholders and investors for their continued support. June 2009 Hideo Suzuki President and Chief Executive Officer Management’s Discussion and Analysis Financial Position ¥63,937 million, with Acerinox, S.A. becoming our equitymethod affiliate owing to our additional acquisition of the Spanish company’s shares, which led to the change in valuation of such shares from the fair-market-value basis to the at-cost basis. The net loss for the period was ¥25,484 million. Consolidated total assets at the close of the year ended March 31, 2009 stood at ¥722,271 million, down ¥96,039 million from the end of the previous year. This was mostly the result of lower valuation of investment securities (down ¥88,196 million) with Acerinox, S.A. becoming an equitymethod affiliate of ours with our additional acquisition of the Spanish company’s shares, which led to the change in valuation of such shares from the fair-market-value basis to the at-cost basis. Notes and accounts receivable were down ¥36,290 million, and cash on hand and in banks was up ¥21,459 million. Total liabilities rose by ¥4,783 million to ¥461,630 million. Long-term loans and other interest-bearing debt rose ¥67,653 million and notes and accounts payable decreased ¥21,022 million, while deferred income taxes declined ¥33,810 million. Total net a s s et s decl i ned ¥10 0,822 m i l l ion to ¥260,641 million. This was mostly the result of a lower unrealized gain on available-for-sale securities (down Cash Flows Net cash provided by operating activities totaled ¥25,810 million. This was due mainly to ¥40,486 million from depreciation and amortization and a decrease of ¥36,092 million in notes and accounts receivable against ¥17,946 million in loss before provision for income taxes, an increase of ¥11,372 million in inventories and a decrease of ¥20,182 million in notes and accounts payable. Net cash used in investing activities totaled ¥62,252 million, with ¥33,221 million spent on acquisition of property, plant and equipment and ¥16,565 million for acquisition of shares of affiliates. Free cash flow amounted to negative ¥36,442 million. 4 Net cash proviced by financing activities totaled ¥58,534 million. This mainly reflected a ¥67,701 million increase in interest-bearing debt, and ¥9,037 million in cash dividends. As a result of these developments, and with the addition of foreign currency translation adjustment of cash and cash equivalents, the consolidated balance of cash and cash equivalents at the end of the fiscal year amounted to ¥39,626 million, up ¥21,459 million from the end of the previous year. Forward-Looking Statements The forecasts presented in this report are based on certain assumptions, rationally established by the Company at the time of preparation. Projected results may differ materially due to changes in the business environment or product demand in principal markets (Japan, Asia, etc.), significant fluctuations in exchange rates, or major shifts in capital market rates. Operating Income (Loss) Total Current Assets Total Assets (Billions of yen) (Billions of yen) (Billions of yen) 350 80 66.8 900 315.4 70.2 63.3 58.5 60 293.7 300 826.5 818.3 296.0 750 257.1 259.5 682.5 722.3 718.2 250 600 200 40 450 150 300 20 100 –7.3 0 150 50 0 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 0 ’05 ’09 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 Net Cash Provided by Operating Activities Long-Term Debt (Billions of yen) (Billions of yen) 60 200 58.3 52.3 175.8 50 160 42.4 40 120 94.6 93.0 30 90.3 26.5 25.8 ’08 ’09 72.6 80 20 40 10 0 0 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 ’05 ’06 ’07 5 ’05 ’06 ’07 ’08 ’09 Consolidated Seven-Year Summary Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries 6 7 Consolidated Balance Sheets Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries March 31, 2009 and 2008 8 9 Consolidated Statements of Income Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries Years ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 10 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 11 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Net Assets Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries Years ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 12 13 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries Years ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 14 Notes to Consolidated Financial Statements Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. and its consolidated subsidiaries Years ended March 31, 2009 and 2008 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 THIS PAGE INTENTIONALLY LEFT BLANK 30 Investor Information (As of March 31, 2009) Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. Registered Head Office Shin Kokusai Building, 4-1, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8366, Japan Telephone: (81)-3 3216-5566 Facsimile: (81)-3 3216-5546 Year of Establishment 1928 Year of Incorporation 1959 Common Stock Authorized: 3,977,964 thousand shares Issued: 994,500 thousand shares Capital: ¥79,913,126 thousand Common Stock Price Range (Tokyo Stock Exchange) 2009 High Low ¥418 ¥342 366 193 216 101 192 136 First Quarter Second Quarter Third Quarter Fourth Quarter 2008 High Low ¥576 ¥456 592 411 534 367 404 309 2007 High Low ¥413 ¥310 380 326 449 332 571 391 Note: Years ended March 31. Number of Shareholders 46,976 Independent Certified Public Accountants Ernst & Young ShinNihon LLC For further information or additional copies of our corporate brochure or annual report, please contact the Public & Investor Relations Team. Public & Investor Relations Team General Administration Department Nisshin Steel Co., Ltd. Shin Kokusai Building, 4-1, Marunouchi 3-chome, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo 100-8366, Japan Telephone: (81)-3 3216-5566 Facsimile: (81)-3 3216-5546 31 Board of Directors, Corporate Auditors, and Executive Officers (As of June 23, 2009) Directors President and Chief Executive Officer Hideo Suzuki*1 Fumio Oda*1 Makoto Yada Kenji Minami Kazuhisa Obama Yoshikazu Tsuda Yukio Uchida Yukio Nariyoshi Koji Mizumoto Hideo Suzuki Vice-Presidents and Executive Officers Fumio Oda Makoto Yada Managing Executive Officers *1 Representative Director Kenji Minami Kazuhisa Obama Yoshikazu Tsuda Yukio Uchida Yukio Nariyoshi Koji Mizumoto Yoshifumi Hiraoka Umeo Irie Toshinori Miki Akira Ichii Takafumi Fukami Koji Tomita Auditors Takashi Sugiyama*2 Hiroaki Shinagawa Yukihiro Ito Yoichiro Yamakawa Toshio Yonezawa *2 Standing Auditor Executive Officers Hideyuki Moriya Takayuki Nakanori Katsuhisa Miyakusu Junya Hayakawa Kiyoshi Yasui Takashi Nakao Nobuhiro Miyoshi Tetsuo Kaharu Tadashi Nakagawa 32 This annual report is printed on recycled paper. Printed in Japan