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Important Hudson River School Paintings
cove r
bac k c ov er
ab ov e
John Frederick Kensett (1816–1872)
Jervis McEntee (1828 –1891)
F. Alexander Wust (1837–1876)
New England Sunrise (detail)
Catskill Twilight, 1880
Sunset Landscape, 1868
Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas
18 1/8 x
24 1/8 x 36 3/16 inches
18 1/8 x 319/16 inches
Monogrammed and dated lower left: JME / 1880
Signed, inscribed, and dated lower right:
A.Wust N.Y. 1868
30 1/4 inches
Monogrammed lower center: JFK
March 11 – April 9, 2 016
An Exhibition and Sale
Important Hudson River School Paintings
Louis M. Salerno, Owner
Brent L. Salerno, Co-Owner
Chloe Heins, Director
Nina Sangimino, Senior Researcher
Shannon Cassell, Senior Administrator
Ally Chapel, Administrator
Jenny Lyubomudrova, Research Associate
Kelly Reilly, Coordinator
Rita J. Walker, Controller
903 Park Avenue (at 79 th Street), Third Floor, New York, NY 10075
t : (212) 744-3586 f : (212) 585-3828
hours : Monday–Friday 10–6, Saturday 10–5 and by appointment
e m ail : gallery @
Albert Bierstadt (1830 –1902)
Purple Mountain/Mountain Landscape
Oil on paper laid down on canvas
8 1/16 x 121/8 inches
Monogrammed lower right: ABierstadt
For most of us, it is difficult to imagine the great challenges America’s
The paintings of the Hudson River School will forever serve as a
first landscape painters endured. With a modern day sensibility, we
reminder to every generation of what they are missing beyond the
might instinctively assume that they set out in our technologically
concrete perimeters of their cities. To all who cherish the meditative
superior vehicles, guided by a large screen GPS as they traversed
solace found hiking in the woods, the tranquility of a mountain lake,
mountains and raging ravines in air-conditioned comfort, en route
and the enchanting stillness of the night, their universal language
to pristine lakes and glorious vistas. Instead, they walked, crawled,
will forever be understood.
and climbed in intense heat or severe cold, laden with supplies
affixed to their backs, doing their best to circumvent varied predators.
They further endured the scorn of British critics who scoffed at what
they considered to be untrained American artists, labeling them
Hudson River School painters, a sarcastic reference to a school that
did not exist.
Encouraged by the burgeoning transcendentalist ideology, advanced
by Ralph Waldo Emerson and Henry David Thoreau, our painters
heard the music of a different drummer, and their creative powers
would not be diminished by the restraint of convention or adherence
to academic formula.
I’m sure many of you have experienced the joy of living with
these canvases; the simple yet nearly perfect pleasure of listening
to quiet music while sipping a favorite wine, surrounded by your
chosen paintings.
If you ever need irrefutable proof of their absolute value, remove
them for a few days. No matter how grand your home, it will feel
empty and a melancholy will take hold of your spirit because a part
of yourself is missing. I know, because last year my walls were vacant
as we prepared to move to a new home—once you have lived with art
Their work remains relevant nearly two centuries later, and those of
that you cherish it is nearly impossible to live without it. Perhaps that
us that view it thoughtfully experience a sense of eternal wonder. It is
is why so few fine American paintings were offered for sale during
beyond the reach of fashion and trend and always prevails even as
last decade’s recession. And most importantly, it is this very intimate
the newest sensation perpetually replaces yesterday’s favorites.
attachment that creates and sustains art’s escalating monetary value.
l o u i s m . s a l e r n o, Owner
Albert Bierstadt
Albert Bierstadt’s career followed an epic course. As
one of the first artists to explore the Western frontier,
he achieved a level of fame and prosperity previously
unknown in the world of American art. Born in
Prussia, raised in Massachusetts, and trained in
Düsseldorf, Bierstadt created landscapes that
combined German precision with American
Romanticism. His fantastic visions of soaring
mountain peaks reflected the height of his ambitions,
astounding viewers with the country’s untouched
grandeur. He was awarded the French Legion of
Honor by Napoleon III , the Imperial Order of
St. Stanislaus by Alexander II of Russia, and the
Imperial Order of Medjid by the Sultan of Turkey.
selected exhibitions
National Academy of Design, 1858–88
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1859–67
Brooklyn Art Association, 1861–81
Metropolitan Sanitary Fair, New York, 1864
Paris Salon, 1869, 1875, 1879, 1880, 1882, 1889
selected collections
Amon Carter Museum of American Art, Fort Worth, Texas
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
The White House, Washington, D.C.
auction record
Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902)
Rocky Mountain Sheep
Oil on board
5 3/4 x 7 13/16 inches
Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902)
A Summer Workday
Oil on paper laid down on board
13 5/8 x 18 11/16 inches
Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902)
A Trail through the Trees
Oil on board
20 1/2 x 297/16 inches
Monogrammed lower left: ABierstadt
Albert Bierstadt (1830–1902)
Field of Red and Yellow Wildflowers
Oil on paper laid down on canvas
14 x 19 1/8 inches
Monogrammed lower left: ABierstadt
Alfred Thompson Bricher
Alfred Thompson Bricher’s subtle and serene
style classifies him as the premier painter of lightenshrined landscapes and seascapes. Ranked among
such notable luminists as Martin Johnson Heade
and John Frederick Kensett, Bricher is especially
known for his coastal scenes painted in Maine,
Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and Long Island,
New York between 1870 and 1890.
selected exhibitions
National Academy of Design, 1868–1908
Brooklyn Art Association, 1870–86
Boston Art Club, 1874, 1882, 1889, 1894
The Art Institute of Chicago, 1888–89, 1896, 1907–8
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1890
selected collections
Brooklyn Museum, New York
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
Alfred Thompson Bricher (1837–1908)
Museo Thyssen-Bornemisza, Madrid, Spain
ab ove
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
View of Richmond, New York City
The White House, Washington, D.C.
Pencil, watercolor, and gouache on paper
12 15/16 x 213/8 inches
Monogrammed lower left: ATB RICHER
righ t top
Afternoon by the Ocean
Oil on canvas
15 1/8 x 33 5/16 inches
Monogrammed lower left: ATB RICHER
righ t b ot tom
Lake George, 1868
Oil on canvas
27 1/4 x 50 1/8 inches
Signed, inscribed, and dated lower left: AT Bricher / N. Y. 1868
auction record
private sales
We are aware of several Brichers that have sold privately
for more than $500,000.
Norton Bush
Norton Bush (1834–1894)
View from the Tropics, 1885
Oil on canvas
16 x 28 1/8 inches
Signed and dated lower left: NB ush, 1885
Jasper Francis Cropsey
Jasper Francis Cropsey, one of the leading artists
of the Hudson River School, brought out the color
and breadth of the American landscape in his
work. Cropsey first learned the art of landscape
painting as an architectural apprentice, acquiring
the draftsmanship demonstrated in his best
works. He was soon hailed as “America’s painter
of autumn.” Cropsey was one of the youngest
members ever elected to the National Academy of
Design and a founding member of the American
Watercolor Society. He won a medal from the
London International Exposition of 1862, and
was presented to Queen Victoria at St. James’s
Palace in 1861.
selected exhibitions
Brooklyn Art Association, 1861–86, 1891
London International Exposition, 1862
Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876
Boston Art Club, 1881–86
The Art Institute of Chicago, 1897, 1900
selected collections
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Newington-Cropsey Foundation, Hastings-onHudson, New York
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
The White House, Washington, D.C.
auction record
Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823–1900)
Coastal Scene in Newport, Rhode Island
Oil on board
12 5/16 x 19 5/16 inches
Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823–1900)
Autumn Landscape, 1885
Oil on canvas
6 7/8 x 13 5/16 inches
Signed and dated lower right: J. F. Cropsey /1885.
Jasper Francis Cropsey (1823–1900)
Landscape with Cows near Warwick, New York, 1885
Oil on canvas
14 1/4 x 26 1/8 inches
Signed and dated lower left: J. F. Cropsey / 1885
Thomas Doughty
Thomas Doughty (1791–1856)
On the Lake, 1829
Oil on canvas
18 1/2 x 27 1/2 inches
Signed and dated lower left: [illegible] DOUGHTY / 1829
Asher B. Durand
Although born to a humble family, Asher B. Durand
became one of the most influential painters of
the nineteenth century. He began his career as a
successful engraver, but his dedication to landscape
painting and friendship with Thomas Cole established Durand as a leader of the Hudson River School.
Durand espoused a commitment to naturalism and
his Letters on Landscape Painting in the 1850 s art
journal The Crayon were widely read. In the early
2000s, private sales of Durand paintings shattered
records when Kindred Spirits sold for a reported
$35 million and Progress (The Advance of Civilization)
sold for an estimated $40 million.
selected exhibitions
National Academy of Design, 1861–74
Brooklyn Art Association, 1862–75
Paris Salon, 1866
Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1890
selected collections
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
National Academy Museum, New York, New York
New-York Historical Society, New York
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia,
auction record
private sales
$40,000,000 (estimated)
$35,000,000 (estimated)
Asher B. Durand (1796 –1886)
Pastoral Scene at Lake’s Edge
Oil on canvas
171/8 x 211/8 inches
Asher B. Durand (1796 –1886)
Study in the Woods, 1853
Oil on canvas
18 x 24 5/16 inches
Signed and dated lower left: A B Durand / 1853
Asher B. Durand (1796 –1886)
Dutchess County, New York
Oil on canvas
14 1/16 x 21 5/16 inches
Initialed lower right: ABD
George Henry Durrie
George Henry Durrie (1820 –1863)
Autumn Mountain Scene
Oil on board
18 1/4 x 15 7/8 inches
Signed lower left: Durrie
Sanford Robinson Gifford
Sanford Robinson Gifford was a definitive painter of
the Hudson River School, known for his remarkable
renderings of atmospheric effects. Understanding
the spiritual and emotional inspiration to be drawn
from a landscape, Gifford depicted brilliant vistas
marked by an aerial luminism that transformed his
paintings from landscapes into poetic masterpieces.
Born in the heart of the Hudson River Valley, Gifford
had a special affinity for the region, which proved
to be one of his favorite subjects. Over the course of
his career he traveled extensively throughout the
Catskills, Adirondacks, and White Mountains, and
the natural beauty he observed during these journeys
became an endless source of inspiration for his
paintings. Upon his death in 1880, The Metropolitan
Museum of Art held a special retrospective of his
work to commemorate his career.
selected exhibitions
National Academy of Design, 1847–68, 1870, 1872–74,
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1856
Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1874, 1880
Centennial Loan Exhibition, Hartford, 1875
selected collections
Brooklyn Museum, New York
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, Massachusetts
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
New-York Historical Society, New York
Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823–1880)
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
A Country Stroll
auction record
Oil on board laid down on canvas
5 x 6 5/8 inches (oval)
Signed lower center: S. R. Gifford
Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823–1880)
Echo Lake, New Hampshire
Oil on canvas
12 x 10 inches
Signed lower right: S. R. Gifford
Sanford Robinson Gifford (1823–1880)
West Branch of the Delaware River, 1851
Oil on canvas
20 1/16 x 29 7/8 inches
Signed and dated lower right: Gifford / 1851
William Hart
Hermann Herzog
William Hart (1823–1894)
Hermann Herzog (1831–1932)
Winter’s Morning, 1877
The Falls in Hemsedal
Oil on board
Oil on canvas
12 7/8 x 10 15/16 inches
36 1/16 x 30 inches
Initialed and dated lower left: W.H 1877.
Signed lower left: H. Herzog
John Frederick Kensett
John Frederick Kensett (1816–1872)
New England Sunrise
Oil on canvas
18 1/8 x 30 1/4 inches
Monogrammed lower center: JFK
George Inness
George Inness was an artistic innovator, credited
with changing the course of American art. Inness
moved away from the objective depiction of natural
form to concentrate on an intensely subjective
vision. His visionary landscapes drew from the
atmospheric style of the Barbizon school, the
mystical philosophy of Emanuel Swedenborg, and
his own personal impulse to fuel a new language
of pictorial expression.
selected exhibitions
National Academy of Design, 1844
Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867
Boston Art Club, 1871
World’s Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893
San Francisco Art Association, 1895
selected collections
The Art Institute of Chicago, Illinois
Brooklyn Museum, New York
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
The White House, Washington, D.C.
auction record
George Inness (1825–1894)
Woods at Montclair, ca. 1885–87
Oil on panel
27 1/16 x 21 15/16 inches
Signed and dated lower left: G. Inness 1887 ;
signed and dated lower center: G. Inness 1885
George Inness (1825–1894)
In the Greenwood
Oil on canvas
12 x 18 inches
Signed lower right: G. Inness
Thomas Moran
Thomas Moran was one of the best-known and most
influential painters of the Hudson River School
working in the United States in the second half of
the nineteenth century. Known for his exquisitely
rendered landscapes, Moran’s iconic depictions of
the American West not only brought him fame as
one of the country’s preeminent landscape artists
but contributed to the establishment of the United
States’ first national park at Yellowstone in 1872.
selected exhibitions
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1856
National Academy of Design, 1857–1922
Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1867
Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876
Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901
selected collections
Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum, New York,
New York
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Pennsylvania
The White House, Washington, D.C.
auction record
Thomas Moran (1837–1926)
Smoking Ships at Sea, 1907
Watercolor on paper
9 5/8 x 5 3/4 inches
Monogrammed, inscribed, and dated
lower left: TMoran. To G. Buer Aug 1907.
Thomas Moran (1837–1926)
Sunset, Amagansett, 1905
Oil on canvas
301/2 x 40 1/2 inches
Monogrammed and dated lower right: TMoran 1905
Thomas Moran (1837–1926)
Stream with Trees, 1901
Oil on canvas
201/8 x 30 inches
Monogrammed, inscribed, and dated lower left:
TMORAN. / N. A . / 1901 .
Thomas Moran (1837–1926)
A Side Canyon, Grand Canyon, Arizona, 1905
Oil on board
14 x 20 inches
Monogrammed and dated lower left: TMORAN . 1905.; on verso: A Side
Canyon. / Grand Canyon, Arizona. / TM ORAN. / for J. G. MOULTON .
William Trost Richards
William Trost Richards embraced and mastered
each phase of nineteenth-century painting. His
extraordinary career began in Philadelphia, where
he developed his technique under the German
artist Paul Weber. His hyperclear landscapes drew
the admiration of the American Pre-Raphaelites,
but Richards is best known for his panoramic
coastal scenes and luminous seascapes. By 1873,
he was regarded as one of the “the best-known
watercolor painters of America.”
selected exhibitions
Paris Salon, 1873
Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876
Boston Art Club, 1878, 1882–86, 1898
Exposition Universelle, Paris, 1889
Centennial of the Pennsylvania Academy, 1905
selected collections
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
National Gallery of Art, Washington, D.C.
New-York Historical Society, New York
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, Philadelphia,
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
auction record
William Trost Richards (1833–1905)
Woodland Interior, 1856
Oil on canvas
31 1/8 x 251/8 inches
Signed and dated lower left: W.T.RICHARDS. / Phil 1856.
William Trost Richards (1833–1905)
Coastal Landscape at Dawn, 1897
Oil on canvas
20 1/8 x 321/8 inches
Signed and dated lower left: W. T. Richards. 97.
William Trost Richards (1833–1905)
Bouquet Valley in the Adirondacks, 1863
Oil on canvas
25 1/8 x 36 1/8 inches
Signed and dated lower right: W m. T. Richards / 1863. Phila
Aaron Draper Shattuck
Aaron Draper Shattuck was one of the leading
second generation artists of the Hudson River School.
Known for his depictions of the White Mountains,
Shattuck’s paintings are extraordinary for their
luminosity and detail. He frequently exhibited his
work alongside artists such as John Frederick Kensett
and Samuel Colman. In the words of the nineteenthcentury critic Henry Tuckerman, “Shattuck imparts
a rural feeling so genial and genuine that we feel
transported to the very spot he represents.”
selected exhibitions
National Academy of Design, 1855–60, 1861–84
Boston Athenæum, 1855–56, 1858, 1860–64
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1856–57, 1863,
1865, 1868
Brooklyn Art Association, 1859–76
New Britain Museum of American Art, 1970
selected collections
Brooklyn Museum, New York
The Frances Lehman Loeb Art Center, Vassar College,
Poughkeepsie, New York
High Museum of Art, Atlanta, Georgia
New Britain Museum of American Art, Connecticut
Wadsworth Atheneum Museum of Art, Hartford,
auction record
private sales
Aaron Draper Shattuck (1832–1928)
The Cascades, Pinkham Notch, Mt. Washington
Oil on canvas laid down on board
15 5/8 x 19 3/16 inches
We are aware of Shattuck paintings that have sold
privately for more than $100,000.
Aaron Draper Shattuck (1832–1928)
Lake Reflections, Clouds in Blue Sky
Oil on board
9 7/8 x 17 3/4 inches
Worthington Whittredge
Born in a log cabin on the American frontier,
Worthington Whittredge’s talent and versatility brought
him to the forefront of nineteenth-century American
landscape painting. Educated in Europe, Whittredge
combined the style of the Hudson River School
with elements of the French Barbizon school. Skilled
at capturing the unspoiled beauty of the American
landscape, Whittredge fully participated in the
spirited ethos of Manifest Destiny. He is revered for
his panoramic depictions of the American West.
selected exhibitions
National Academy of Design, 1846
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1853–67
Centennial Exposition, Philadelphia, 1876
Pan-American Exposition, Buffalo, 1901
Louisiana Purchase Exposition, St. Louis, 1904
selected collections
Brooklyn Museum, New York
The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York, New York
Newark Museum, New Jersey
Smithsonian American Art Museum, Washington, D.C.
The White House, Washington, D.C.
auction record
Worthington Whittredge (1820–1910)
Brook in the Woods
Oil on canvas
36 5/8 x 29 inches
Signed lower right: Whittredge
Worthington Whittredge (1820–1910)
Worthington Whittredge (1820–1910)
Hunters on a Lake
Hunter’s Rest
Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas
12 11/16 x 9 1/4 inches
14 1/8 x 12 1/16 inches
Signed lower right: W. Whittredge
Signed lower right: W. Whittredge
William Louis Sonntag
John Williamson
William Louis Sonntag (1822–1900)
John Williamson (1826–1885)
Forest Interior
Kaaterskill Clove
Oil on canvas
Oil on canvas
30 x 221/8 inches
14 1/8 x 10 3/4 inches
Signed lower right: Sonntag
Monogrammed lower left: J. W.
Alexander Helwig Wyant
Alexander Helwig Wyant (1836 –1892)
Noonmark, Keene Valley in the Adirondacks
Oil on canvas
141/16 x 17 1/8 inches
Signed lower right: A H Wyant
Thomas Cole
Thomas Cole (1801–1848)
Catskill Mountains
Oil on canvas
5 7/16 x 7 inches
The Thomas Cole National Historic Site
announces the inaugural exhibition in its “New Studio” building
T H O MA S C O L E : T H E A R T I S T A S A R C H I T E C T
May 1 – October 30, 2 016
Thomas Cole, The Architect’s Dream, 1840
Oil on canvas, 53 x 84 1/16 inches, Toledo Museum of Art.
Purchased with funds from the Florence Scott Libbey
Bequest in Memory of her Father, Maurice A Scott, 1949.162.
The New Studio, designed by Cole in 1846 and demolished in
1973, has been reconstructed and now offers state-of-the-art,
museum-quality exhibition space for the first time. The exhibition,
curated by noted scholar Annette Blaugrund, includes paintings
from The Metropolitan Museum of Art, Columbus Museum of Art,
and Toledo Museum of Art, among others.
Additional Works
in the Exhibition
p l e a s e c o n tac t u s
to r e u e s t a n i m ag e
Brown, William Mason
A Walk in Winter
Autumn Landscape
Bunner, Andrew Fisher
The Evening Hour, Summer, 1875
Bush, Norton
Tropical Sunset, 1890
Carlin, John
Carleton Island, St. Lawrence, 1877
Old Fort Carleton, St. Lawrence, 1877
Casilear, John William
Chaffee, Samuel R.
Coastal Landscape
Chapin, Charles H.
Boater in a Mountainous Landscape, 1872
Colman, Samuel
Morning, 1859
Cropsey, Jasper Francis
An October Morning, 1891
Fairman, James
Twilight on the Shore
Macy, William Starbuck
Pastoral Road with Figure and House
in Distance
Fuechsel, Hermann
Moonlight Lake
Gignoux, Régis François
Niagara Falls
Winter in the Mountains, 1853
Hart, James M.
A Tranquil Morning, 1871
Twilight with Deer at Lake’s Edge, 1872
Hart, William
Early Landscape, 1849
Landscape with Stream, 1874
Haseltine, William Stanley
Coast of Sori, 1893
Hays, William Jacob, Sr.
Dakota Badlands, 1860
Herzog, Hermann
Deer in Forest
Inness, George
Monte Lucia, Perugia, 1873
Valley Near Perugia
Johnson, David
Gorham, New Hampshire
Little Stissing Lake, New York, 1893
Sketchbook drawings
Jones, Hugh Bolton
Winter Scene
Martin, Homer Dodge
In the Catskills
McEntee, Jervis
Autumn in the Catskills
Summer Hills, Hunter Mountain, 1867
The Old Mill
Smillie, George Henry
Near Newburyport, 1882
Trees and Meadows of Berkshire, 1871
View of the Valley
Smillie, James David
Twilight Lake, 1872
Woman Admiring an Autumn Vista, 1867
Smith, Henry Pember
Country Farm
Red House on the River
Mignot, Louis Rémy
Twilight, Château de Chillon
Sonntag, William Louis
Echo Lake, North Conway
Miller, William Rickarby
Boating on the Old Croton Reservoir, NY, 1851
Tryon, Dwight William
Cadillac Mountain, Mount Desert Island,
Maine, 1874
Parton, Arthur
Summer Stream, 1871
Parton, Ernest
Winding Stream, 1898
Richards, William Trost
Farm near Sadsbury, Chester County,
Harbor Scene, New York
Monhegan Landscape with Pine Trees,
Looking Toward Water, 1902
On the New Jersey Shore, 1897
Pulpit Rock, Nahant, Massachusetts, 1876
Seascape, 1883
View of Lofoten Islands, Norway
View of Mullen Cove from the Artist’s
Window, Cornwall, England
Volkmar, Charles
Native American Hunting Scene, 1861
On the Hudson, 1867
Weber, Paul
Mountain Pools
Weir, Robert Walter
Whittredge, Worthington
The Oaks of Weimar, Germany
Wiles, Lemuel Maynard
The Cedars, 1869
Wyant, Alexander Helwig
Mountain Vista
Timothy Pyle, Light Blue Studio
Brown, John Appleton
The Old Mill
Loemans, Alexander Francois
Hudson River View
Silva, Francis Augustus
Sailing at Twilight, 1877
The Beach at Long Branch, New Jersey, 1882
photography :
Brown, Harrison Bird
Seascape, 1866
Durand, Asher B.
Landscape Beyond the Tree, 1859
Shattuck, Aaron Draper
Sunset Over Lake George
Meridian Printing
Bristol, John Bunyan
Breaking Sun
Doughty, Thomas
View of Niagara Falls
Kensett, John Frederick
Beverly, Massachusetts, 1871
Eagle Rock, Manchester, Massachusetts, 1859
New England Coastal Scene with Figures, 1864
Woodland Interior with Stream
de Haas, William Frederick
Shoreline with Basket and Boats, 1876
Rockwell, Augustus
Cabins on the Harbor
Coastal Scene
Bricher, Alfred Thompson
Hudson River at West Point, 1867
Low Tide
Narragansett Shore, 1871
Newport Coast
Rocky Shoreline
Keith, William
Cathedral Rocks, Yosemite Valley
Malcolm Grear Designers
Anderson, Frank
Picnic on the Hudson, 1864
de Haas, Mauritz Frederik Hendrik
Gloucester Harbor
Harbor Scene
American School
Autumn Landscape
Crow Nest, From Bull Hill, West Point
Sunset at Grand Manan, New Brunswick
A line formed around the building,
the elevators were packed,
and the gallery was filled to capacity.
Before the evening was over,
every painting had sold.
And now, eleven years later, it begins again...
Ralph Albert Blakelock
The Great Mad Genius Returns
November 11 – December 10, 2 016
Over 100 paintings for exhibition and sale
To pre-order a hardbound catalogue, available in October,
visit or call 212-744-3586.
Important American Paintings
903 Park Avenue (at 79 th Street), Third Floor, New York, NY 10075 t : (212) 744-3586 f : (212) 585-3828
h o ur s : Monday–Friday 10–6, Saturday 10–5 and by appointment
ema il : gallery @