Macyn Bolt Jerry Carniglia Omar Chacón Laura Fayer


Macyn Bolt Jerry Carniglia Omar Chacón Laura Fayer
25 Grand Avenue Oakland, CA
December 7, 2007 – January 12, 2008
Macyn Bolt
Blind Alley # 10, acrylic, mixed medium on wood panels, 28 x 14 x 6 inches
$ 3,000
Jerry Carniglia
Madrigal #16, oil on canvas, 39 x 39 inches
$ 3,000
Omar Chacón
Untitled Painting #137, acrylic on canvas, 7.25 x 11 inches
$ 1,200
Untitled Painting #138, acrylic on canvas, 7.25 x 11 inches
$ 1,200
Topacu Series, acrylic on paper, 30 x 22 inches
$ 1,100
Laura Fayer
Bemis 28, acrylic on paper, 30 x 22 inches
$ 1,500
Grand & Morgan 6, acrylic and rice paper on paper, 30 x 22 inches
$ 1,500
10% of First Friday profits will be donated to the Artist Angel Fund. Thank you for your contribution
to innovative artists’ endeavors that are not feasible without financial assistance.
626 Costa Drive Napa, CA 94558
25 Grand Avenue Oakland, CA
December 7, 2007 – January 12, 2008
Judith Foosaner
Up the Down Side, charcoal on paper mounted on canvas, 72 x 14 inches
$ 6,500
Thérèse Lahaie
Tea Cups, stainless steel, polished mirrors, low RPM motors, 39.5 x 71 x 5.75 inches
$ 6,200
Miya Ando Stanoff, steel, 24 x 24 inches
$ 2,200
Kana Tanaka
Brought by the Rain, glass, 4.5 x 7 x 2 feet
$ 7,000
10% of First Friday profits will be donated to the Artist Angel Fund. Thank you for your contribution
to innovative artists’ endeavors that are not feasible without financial assistance.
626 Costa Drive Napa, CA 94558