kya - blind bengal tiger in need comes to popcorn park


kya - blind bengal tiger in need comes to popcorn park
More Society News on Page 18 and 19
Above left: Melinda proudly
displays her finery; Barkley’s
personality found a forever
home. Melinda still waits.
The Society was invited to participate in a Pet Adoption Fair
in Scotch Plains on Oct. 19th. The Mobile Spay/Neuter Unit
was on hand to host a low-cost microchip clinic for pets.
With the help of our great volunteers, our fabulous dogs
were on hand to make new friends and hopefully fine a
lifetime of love. Featured are some of those great dogs …
still waiting for a Thanksgiving they can celebrate with a
new family,
Left: AHS volunteers brought several homeless
orphans from our Newark facility to the Scotch
Plains Pet Adoption Fair.
Dr. Adriana Hordynsky holds
one of the 23 feral cats
neutered on the AHS Mobile
Spay/Neuter Unit in Newark.
At right, two patients on the
mobile unit waiting their turn
to be neutered.
National Feral Cat Day was held on
October 17th & it was the Society’s
opportunity to advance the effort of
altering feral cats. Over 100 feral
cats were altered at the Society’s 3
locations. The Mobile Unit usually
holds at least one feral cat
spay/neuter clinic each month. You
can help by holding a clinic for
your group or having your municipality organize one in your town.
Since the Mobile Unit runs solely
through minimal fees, additional
funds must continue to be raised to
help alter more feral cats. Please
help by sending a donation to this
effort. For more information on
when the Mobile Unit will be in
your area, e-mail [email protected] or call 973-8247080, Ext. 118.
Dr. Laney Baris & vet tech Jessica Maser neuter one of almost a dozen
cats brought to Popcorn Park Veterinary Clinic on National Feral Cat Day.
AHS is asking all of our friends and
supporters to please help us this holiday
season with TREATS. Shop our Amazon
wish lists and send us much needed supplies -- from $4 to $40, your purchases
sustain our facilities and the animals we
care for. Please share, and THANK YOU!
Holiday 2013
U. S. District Judge Christina Armijo in Albuquerque, NM dismissed a
lawsuit brought by several animal welfare groups that sought to prevent
slaughter plants from starting up again. The groups said the USDA
failed to conduct proper environmental studies when it issued permits to
Valley Meat Co. in Roswell, NM, Rains Natural Meats in Gallatin, MO
and Responsible Transportion in Sigourney, IA. U.S. horses continued to
be shipped to slaughterhouses in Canada and Mexico where meat is
sold for human consumption mostly in Europe and Japan.
AS WE GO TO PRESS: On November 4th, the 10th U. S. Circuit Court
of Appeals in Denver issued a temporary injunction barring plans for
companies in New Mexico and Missouri from slaughtering horses after
Congress lifted a ban on the practice.
The U.S. Dept. of Agriculture’s Animal & Plant Health Inspection
Service (APHIS) has adopted a final rule on regulation of breeders who
sell directly to the public through ads. The rule increases from 3 to 4
the number of breeding animals a person could maintain without being
subject to regulation under the Animal Welfare Act. (AWA). The revised
definition of a retail pet store brings more pet animals sold at retail
under the protection of the AWA. It means a place of business or
residence at which the seller, buyer & the animal available for sale are
physically present so that every buyer may personally observe the animal prior to purchase or taking custody after purchase. Retail pet stores
are not required to be licensed/inspected under the AWA. This regulation does not provide administrative procedures which must be exhausted prior to a judicial challenge to the provisions of this rule. A scathing
audit had been done by the Office of Inspector of APHIS lax & ineffective regulation of dog breeding facilities & the agency’s plans to remedy its failures. To see the Federal Register, log on to
The U.S. Food & Drug Administration released a proposed rule that
would establish the first-ever Current Good Manufacturing Practices
(CGMP) for the production & storage of food. The cost for implementing
changes that would apply to all animal food produced in or imported to
the U.S. is estimated at $100 million. The smallest manufacturer would
have up to 3 years to comply & largest companies would have 1 year.
The proposed rule came 3 days after the FDA updated its ongoing
investigation into 580 deaths & more than 3000 illnesses involving pets
suspected of having eaten tainted jerkey treats.
Sadly, at this time of year, many dead or
injured deer have been found along the roadside. It is the mating season for white tail deer
& you are more likely to come into contact
with them during morning and evening commutes. If you see a deer, be on guard as others
may be near by. Deer typically move in family
groups at this time of year. Female deer are
being chased by bucks and may be unaware of the traffic. Wear a seatbelt, drive cautiously, be aware of weather/road conditions and get
home safely! For deer deaths, the State of NJ has a form for such use:
in the NEWS
Carriage Horses
New York City
On Sept. 26th, Chris the carriage horse was involved in an accident &
has not been seen since. An equine vet examined Chris & ordered 3
days of rest before he could be returned to work. Since that time,
Chris has been “relocated” to Pennsylvania
Salt Lake City, Utah
Jerry the carriage horse was
forced to pull a
through the
busy, congested
streets of Salt
Lake City, Utah
but he collapsed
during 98
degree heat.
Disturbing photos of Jerry can be viewed on PETA’s website which show the
pathetic horse being dragged to a trailer and then hoisted into the barn
with a forklift. Jerry died but Carriage for Hire first tried to tell the media
that Jerry was “retired to a farm”. Efforts should be made to ban the horsedrawn carriages on city streets. Letters, e-mails, can be sent to Mayor Ralph
Becker, P O Box 145474, Salt Lake City, Utah 84114-5474 or e-mail
[email protected] PETA has filed a formal complaint to launch an investigation since the company has been involved in eight accidents over the
past 4 years but only 3 were reported within a 12 month period.
Airline News
Air Canada’s Callous Disregard for
Missing Italian Greyhound
An Italian Greyhound was transported to British Columbia via Air Canada.
It was to fulfill the dying wish of the shipper’s friend to find a new home
for the dog. After the flight was rescheduled, an employee took the Italian
Greyhound for a walk & when the employee returned, the dog went missing. When CBS affiliate, KOVR-TV in Sacramento picked up the story & contacted Air Canada, they responded to the questions but an e-mail sent to
KOVR was actually intended for other airline employees advising them to
ignore KOVR’s follow-up questions. The misdirected mail was labeled
“cold” and “callous” citing that it was a local news story; the entire government was shut down & about to default & this is how the U.S. media
spends its time.
United Airlines Ceases Shipments of Primates to
Labs Throughout the World
United Airlines has stopped all shipments of primates to laboratories anywhere in the world. United’s actions means that there isn’t a single commercial airline based in North America that is willing to transport primates
to the horrors of laboratories. United’s new policy leaves only four major
international airlines that will shuttle primates to cruel researchers: that
means Air France, China Eastern Airlines, Philippine Airlines and Vietnam
Airlines are the only ones involved in the hideous traffic of monkeys.
Elephants ... Elephants ...
in the NEWS
Elephants ... Elephants ...
Lucy the Lone Elephant at “Worst Zoo for Elephants” While
PAWS Sanctuary Offers Her New Home
Lucy is the lone solitary elephant at Canada’s
Edmonton Valley Zoo whose life is spent indoors
when the zoo is closed. Lucy, 38 years old,
displays the sign of mental distress & health issues
including arthritis, obesity, chronic foot ailments,
respiratory problems, aggravated by the region’s
frigid climate. Toronto released their elephants &
formally urged Edmonton to the do the same with
Lucy. Winnie Kiiru, elephant biologist, identified
the Edmonton Valley Zoo as the worst zoo in
Canada for elephants. The PAWS Sanctuary is
offering Lucy ponds for bathing, fresh vegetation,
foraging opportunities & the company of other
elephants … & freedom to roam over many acres.
Please send Mayor Stephen Mandel & the
Edmonton City Council to do whatever is necessary
to relocate Lucy & to close the elephant exhibit
permanently. Mayor Stephen Mandel can be contacted at [email protected] and the Edmonton City Councillors at
[email protected]
The Royal Thai Police seized more than a dozen
unregistered & illegally registered elephants from
camps as part of sweeping investigations into live
elephant smuggling & the abuse of elephant identity
certification & registration systems. The relocation &
care of animals is being decided on a case by case
basis. More unregistered elephants are expected to
be removed from camps in other provinces in the
coming months. The system opens the door to laundering of elephant calves, with criminals catching the
calves from the wild, smuggling them into the country & registering them as domesticated elephants.
New York Jewelers Plead Guilty for Illegal
Ivory Sales
Mukesh Gupta, 67, owner of Raja Jewels and Johnson JungChien Lu, 56, owner of New York Jewelry Mart, pleaded
guilty in Manhattan Superior Court in what is being touted
as one of the biggest seizures of illegal ivory in New York
State’s history. The animals paid with their lives for the $2
million in elephant ivory but Gupta & Lu will not serve any
time. They were guilty of selling & offering to sell ivory
without the necessary permit. They will forfeit the ivory &
must pay an additional total of $55,000 to the Wildlife
Conservation Society. Among seized items were carved
tusks, sculptures, jewelry. Wildlife advocates say that more
than 24 tons of ivory were seized in 2011, making it the
worst year for elephant poaching deaths since the 1989
ivory ban.
Officials made a second arrest of two tons of ivory in under a week; the seizure of nearly
7 tons of ivory since the end of September in Kenya, Vietnam and Hong Kong. Most
illegal ivory is destined for Asia where it has soared in value. In 2011. it was thought
that between 25,000 & 50,000 elephants lost their lives to poachers.
Tiger Supplier‘s Repeated Violations & He’s
Still in Business
Just 3 months after being
cited by the U. S. Dept. of
Agriculture, UniverSoul
Circus tiger supplier,
Mitchell Kalmanson for failing to give adequate space
& exercise to tigers, he was
again cited by the agency,
making it the third time he
has racked up violations in
less than 6 months. PETA
submitted a request to the
USDA for an inspection &
found tigers were confined
in cramped cages in transport trucks during 90+ degree heat without access to water in a
mall parking lot. Reports indicate that the tigers are kept caged
24/7 for at least 4-7 weeks when they are on the road.
Holiday 2013
It took over 2 years for the Toronto City Council to approve
moving three African elephants to the Performing Animal
Welfare Society sanctuary in California. According to PETA,
they now have rolling grasslands, lakes, meadows &
orchards, 3 heated barns & a jacuzzi, all of which Toka,
Thika & Iringa will share with 3 other resident African elephants once they become acquainted. Bob Barker paid for
the elephants’ 2,500 mile trip to California.
More than 85 elephants were poisoned with cyanide by poisoning the natural salt licks .
The parks authority recovered 51 tusks – leaving 123 in the hands of poachers. Last
month, authorities arrested 5 suspected poachers after 41 elephants were found dead in
the park. Three of those arrested were convicted & investigations are ongoing. The use
of cyanide has a wide impact as those animals that feed on the elephant carcasses will
also die from the poison.
After 2 year Tug of War, 3 Elephants Leave
Toronto Zoo for PAWS Sanctuary
Cole Bros. Circus No Longer Invited by
Ardmore, PA F.O.P.
For the first time in years, Lower Merion F.O.P. Lodge #28 in Ardmore, Pennsylvania
will NOT be bringing Cole Bros. Circus to the area.
Los Angeles, CA Bans Bullhooks … After 3 year
Phase-In Period
The Los Angeles City Council vote to ban cruel bullhooks after a 3 year phase-in
period. The Council members passed around PETA photos of a baby elephant tied
down & beaten at Ringling Bros. Florida compound. The Council also saw an
undercover video of elephants beaten with bullhooks.
Irvine, CA Prohibits Circuses That Exhibit
Wild/Exotic Animals
Irvine, California has also decided to ban rodeos "and similar events". A rodeo (and
similar event) is defined as a "public exhibition or competition between persons which
includes two or more at any of the following events: bareback bronc riding, saddle
bronc riding, bull riding, calf roping, steer wrestling, team roping, tie-down roping,
or like any similar event". For more on regulation of rodeos in other jurisdictions ....
Finally, the law prohibits circuses that exhibit wild and exotic animals. The existing
Irvine Municipal Code defines a circus as "a commercial variety show featuring animal
acts for public entertainment." The Code also defines wild and exotic animals as
"animals normally found in the wild state which are being kept for exhibition purposes or as private pets."
Other animal exhibitions and shows would continue to be permitted
Cherokee Tribal Elders To Sue North Carolina
Cherokee Bear Park
The Eastern Band of Cherokee tribal elders have served notice of
intent to sue the Cherokee Bear Park for violating the Endangered
Species Act if the resident bears are not transferred to a suitable
sanctuary within 60 days. According to ANIMAL PEOPLE, three
roadside bear pits on the Cherokee Reservation have drawn protest
for decades. Although the Cherokee elders opposed the prisons,
the younger generation have accepted them.
Michigan Nightclub Plans Tank Of Sharks For
Clubgoers Amusement
According to reports on the PETA website, commercial real estate
company, AFB Investments, plans to keep sharks in a nightclub setting with loud music, bright lights & noisy crowds at the Sabrage
night club to be opened in Royal Oak, Michigan. The sharks will
be confined to tanks amid crowds of up to 226 clubgoers and subjected to loud music & more. Please contact AFB Investments to
halt plans to exhibit live sharks at Sabrage. Polite letters can be sent
to Mr. Aaron Belen of AFB Investments, 278387 Woodward Ave.,
Berkley, MI 48072, Phone: 248-629-9221.
The practice of picking up/trapping stray/feral/owned cats &
immediately euthanizing them was allegedly a common
practice by Animal Control Officers in Millstone, Manalapan,
Freehold Twp. & Freehold Borough. The cats were picked up &
brought to a veterinarian the same day – they never made it to
the animal shelter for a 7 day holding period as required by
Since the SPCA did not press charges against Animal Control
Officers Sharon Gaboff, Cherlann Ambrose & John Domic,
Stuart Goldman, as a private citizen, filed charges for the
immediate killing of these cats.
On October 7th, to a stunned audience, Manalapan Judge
George Cieri stated that since the SPCA did not bring the
charges, he was dismissing the case. Judge Cieri went on to say
that ACOs can order the killing of stray animals at their
discretion & need not hold the animals for 7 days as has been
required by NJ State Dept. of Health Rules & Regulations.
This decision has far-reaching effects across NJ. Even now, we
have received anecdotal stories that there are ACOs in other
municipalities that are euthanizing strays before the legal
holding period. It is our hope to elaborate in a future issue of
the HUMANE NEWS about several NJ pounds/shelters that
allow sick & injured strays to go without care or treatment .
The dismissal by Judge George Cieri is outrageous & must not
be allowed to stand. Stuart Goldman has filed a Notice of
Appeal in Superior Court. We will keep our readership
All stray, feral, trapped cats
at AHS are held for 7 days
& then put up for adoption.
Sadly, litters of stray kittens are
found at an escalating number.
Louie is one of them. He came
to the Society in August and
would love to fit into your holiday stocking. File 76204-NM
(Tinton Falls.
Georgia Aquarium Files Appeal To Import 18 Beluga Whales
As reported in the October 2013 issue of the
HUMANE NEWS, the National Oceanic &
Fisheries Service denied the Georgia
Aquarium a permit to import 18 wildcaught beluga whales. Some of the whales
would have gone to SeaWorld for each of its
We have since learned that the Georgia
Aquarium filed a complaint in a federal district court in Georgia appealing the decision to import the whales from Russia for
the purpose of public display. Public opposition to this proposed import was overwhelming. This move calls into question Georgia Aquarium’s commitment to conservation principles.
Costa Rica Plans to Abolish Wildlife In Captivity
A year after banning sport hunting, Costa Rica is poised to become the first nation
in the western hemisphere to abolish zoos. According to ANIMAL PEOPLE, the
sport hunting ban was the first Costa Rican legislation passed by voter initiative, but
the end of zoos must come from a decision by the Environment Minister Rene
Castro to simply not renew zoo operating permits. The present residents of the
Simon Bolivar zoo include 300 individuals from 60 species which will be released
into the wild or found new homes in private shelters.
on the Market
Bone Appetit Mats are made from recycled
yoga mats which are sent in by donation,
put through a sanitation process & cut into
mats for your pets. They are dishwasher safe
& slide resistant. The same company makes
very attractive eco-friendly pet beds which
are filled with recycled plastic bottles. The
bed coverings are 100% certified organic
cotton & hemp. For more information, log
on to the Better Buddies website at
Hill’s Pet Nutrition has introduced a Prescription Diet Metabolic Advanced Weight
Solution – a food geared to help overweight pets. They claim it contains carefully
selected natural ingredients based on their ability to change the unhealthy
metabolism of overweight pets to be more like the healthy metabolism of lean
pets. It is clinically proven to promote 28% body fat loss in dogs & 29% body
fat loss in cat in two months.
Pintofeed is said to be the world’s first intelligent pet feeder. The system works
with IOS, Android and Windows 8 devices. It allows pet owners to feed their pets
the right amount of food at the right time every day. Especially important for
those with diabetic pets. For more information, log on to
For dogs who gobble their food too quickly, there’s a new bowl designed to
address the problem. The EatBetter Bowl helps your dog eat more slowly,
minimizing many of the health issues associated with fast-paced eating including
indigestion, vomiting and bloating. For more information. visit
Krimpet was about 5
days away from
being placed on the
Problem Pooches of
Popcorn Park & ultimately on the ShareA-Pet Program. The
7 year old Pekingese
was returned to the
Society in April
when the family
returned the dog
due to the
husband’s health
issues. Krimpet
wasn’t happy to be
back and displayed
his annoyance with
Forked River Kennel Manager Tiffany Price hands
us at every chance
over Krimpet the “Problem” Pekingese to Bellanca
he had. Due to
Fletcher of Feura Bush, NY . Bellanca drove over 2
whatever emotional
hours to adopt this bundle who is no longer a
baggage he was
problem. All he needed was a loving owner.
keeping, we were
patient with his troublesome traits ….. while we waited for someone
with a heart and home to overcome and conquer his fears. Bellanca
Fletcher of Feura Bush, NY called Forked River Shelter Manager, Tiffany
Price, who was familiar with the fella. Since Bellanca has had similar
situations in the past, she felt confident to deal with Krimpet. She made
the 2 hour trip to Forked River to meet the Pekingese who did nothing
to hide his miserable personality. But Bellanca was committed to his
future and adopted him. They drove the 2 hours to Feura Bush …. and
the next day, Bellanca sent pictures and said everything is going well.
We don’t know who is happier –
Tank or his new owner, Denise
Vandervliet of Little Silver!
Tank had been adopted to a family
in 2008 who recently returned him
because they said he was
“incontinent”, because his behavior
changed with the arrival of a new
baby. We spent a good deal of time
checking his health. He had a brief
bout with crystals in his urine & we
thought that might have been the
culprit. Tank is a 10 year old
American Bulldog with an outstanding personality. He was very
sad and would cry in the kennel
yearning for the home that had
been his. In checking with the family, we found that the “new baby”
was about 2 years old & in actuality, there appeared to be no strong
attachment to Tank. But his sadness
was persistent – so between staff
and volunteers, he was given lots of
smooches, walked daily, fed lots of
cookies & given lots of attention to
Holiday 2013
Above left: Susan & Lenny Davis of Neptune found this pathetically neglected pit
bull & visited him every day. Right: Mosey no longer resembles the mange-covered
pup that they brought to AHS. Below: Thanks to the Society’s Res-Q Fund, the
Medical Dept. transformed him into a healthy, happy boy!
On July 26th, a Neptune
resident found a pathetically helpless sick pup & they
contacted the AHS to rescue him. From that day forward, Susan & Lenny Davis
never gave up on him …..
or us, and would visit him
almost every day. He was
called “Mosey” and our
medical team and the
vigilance of Susan & Lenny
helped this pit bull rally
and pull through his
weakened condition. No doubt the friendship and visits helped Mosey
while he recuperated. After several weeks, Mosey was in great shape and
ready to go home to the people who found and rescued him. Our thanks
to Susan & Lenny for their faithful devotion to a dog that will repay them
with years of loyalty and companionship.
get him out of the doldrums.
Denise Vandervliet of Little
Silver, NJ adopted this great
dog & it looks like a match
made in heaven! A new baby
in the family should not mean
walking papers for the dog.
The family should be safely &
effectively introduced to baby
and baby-related items. There
will be many changes within
the household, sleeping,
schedules, interactions and
safety protocols.
Tank loves to play with toys,
loves belly scratches, and just
loves to be loved!
Duncan and his sister
Maya share the couch.
“In March 2013, we saw on the Associated Humane Society website a terribly sad story
about a little dog who had been brought to the AHS Newark shelter. His mouth had been
deliberately bound shut by an elastic band that had cut into both his upper and lower
jaws and his snout was almost completely separated from his face.
“The AHS veterinarians saved this little guy. They sewed both his upper and lower jaw.
They provided the intensive care that he needed.
They named him “Boca,” and, on March 21,
2013, we went to the shelter and adopted him.
We named him Duncan.
“On the way home from AHS, we were concerned that, with good reason, Duncan would
take a long while to get over his trauma and that
he might react defensively toward our other
dogs, all of whom are rescues.
We brought him into our house with our fingers
Duncan has fit in beautifully -- including his total acceptance of a
crossed. Within a matter of minutes—and we
vegetarian lifestyle He loves baked tofu, fake vegan “ham” & his
mean literally minutes—Duncan was playing
favorite is toast with vegan margarine. According to Gary: “He eats
with our other dogs and that night, he slept on
like a horse”! Duncan has also given a new lease on life
the couch with his new sister Maya. He loves the
to their older dogs.
other dogs and they very clearly love him. Our
names may be on the papers, but they clearly adopted him.
“Duncan has brought great joy to us. He is a wonderful dog. He loves to play with his sisters and brother. He loves
his car rides and his toys. He is always happy. Having Duncan in the house is like having sunshine every minute of
every day. He has put behind him the horrible thing that happened. He was willing to give humans a second chance
and to trust again. We will make sure that his trust is never again violated.
“There are many sad stories at AHS. There are many wonderful little creatures who just need a chance. It’s really a
two-way street. You save them but they teach you that love can overcome everything and can heal the deepest
“And that is a lesson that is invaluable, as is our little Duncan.”
Gary L. Francione and Anna E. Charlton
Duncan’s wounds were caused by an
elastic band that cut into both his
upper & lower jaw which was almost
completely severed.
Not only did Gary & Anna do a terrific story about this wonderfully successful adoption, Gary is self-effacing &
reserved about his accomplishments. He is at Rutgers University School of Law, Board of Governors Professor,
Distinguished Professor of Law & Nicholas deB. Katzenbach Scholar of Law and Philosophy.
When an animal lover met an untimely
demise, it was left to her family to make some
difficult decisions regarding several of her
dogs. By the time a decision was made in
September, the mature dogs required neutering, dental care, & much-needed grooming.
Zeke was a 10 year old matted mop of hair
sorely in need of lots of care. After Zeke was
given a spa day, Alfred Muzer & Camille
Thomas of Toms River spotted the adorable
Schnauzer type. Since Zeke looks a lot like
Alfred, they just had to adopt him. Alfred &
Camille are long-time patrons of Popcorn Park.
They brought their two dogs to a meet ‘n
greet with Zeke. The little black shaggy dog
was adopted from the Society 12 years ago!!
The little Jack Russell Terrier was adopted from
a shelter in the South. How great is this family?! What a wonderful holiday for Zeke who
has missed so much over the past few months.
Alfred Muzer & Camille Thomas visited the Society for a
meet ‘n greet with Zeke. The dog on the left was adopted
from the Society 12 years ago & the Jack Russell (r.) came
from a shelter in the south.
Camille Thomas chose Zeke because he
looks a lot like Alfred! 7
These two handicapped
cats had been abandoned
on a porch – one in a box,
while the other stayed
close by. Both had painfully
severe eye problems – one
of which necessitated eye
removal & one has limited
vision. The Society has given
all necessary medical care. Sharyn & Brenda are waiting for a holiday filled with happiness that they
can share together in a new home. File 22936-F & File 22937-F (Forked River).
A young stray kitten, barely able to survive on her own,
was brought to the Tinton Falls facility. Due to her
young age, a Society staffer fostered her as she required
supplemental bottle feedings. Now “Brooklyn” is old
enough to go out and meet the world! She is like any
other bottle-fed baby – she acts like she is paying the
rent. Come meet Brooklyn … and adopt her, please!
File 76958-F (Tinton Falls).
He was found by the door of a pizza shop where he might
find a good Samaritan to take him into their heart & home.
When that failed, the AHS was called to pick up the lonely
lad. Will you give him a reason to celebrate a New Year? File
121195-NM (Newark).
Victoria has been at the
Society almost one year
to this day. When she
arrived, she had almost
every internal parasite
one could imagine! If
you are looking for a
grateful cat who appreciates a loving home, come
& meet Victoria. File
22116-SF (Forked River).
When 4 tiny kittens were found,
our ACO nursed
them until they
were old enough
to be adopted
into forever
homes. Pluto had
a ruptured eye which had to be removed. He is about 7 months old &
would love for Santa to find him a purrrrfectly wonderful family to spend
the rest of his life with. file 22567-NM (Forked River).
Holiday 2013
This beautiful Snowshoes
youngster was found as a
stray at a Bayshore area
beach. No one claimed her
& she would love a holiday
that will be meowvelous!
File 76733-F (Tinton Falls)
Mr. Bigglesworth came to the Society
in April 2009. His owner had a new
baby … and baby was allergic. It has
been a long time … .and the 6 year
old gent should have a meowvelous
New Year to look forward to. File
117710-NM (Forked River).
Queen Olivia and canine companion,
Princess, were abandoned in an apartment. A microchip led us to an apartment dweller whose phone was disconnected. A letter was sent – without any
response. Queen Olivia is now searching for a loyal (not royal) home where
she will be given love and security. File
121225-SF (Newark).
If you haven’t yet been to Popcorn Park, come down and visit! Our unique sanctuary
caters to wildlife, farm animals, exotics and birds that have been abused, abandoned,
exploited, injured, handicapped, etc. The park is open daily from 11 a.m. until 5 p.m. On
Thanksgiving, Christmas & New Year’s Day, Popcorn Park closes at 2 p.m. so that staff
can be with their families.Our current admission fee is $5 for adults, and $4 for children
under 12 and senior citizens.
If you would like to support one of our residents, the donation cost is only $4.00 a
month, for which you will receive a color photo of your animal and an update every 4
months, (which includes a holiday card), a membership card, plus free admission to
Popcorn Park with presentation of your card. For a copy of the Popcorn Park Wildlife Club
booklet to help you choose the animal you wish to sponsor, order on Page 21.
You can also sponsor Popcorn Park residents on our website at and
click on Wildlife Club. There is no required time limit – you can sponsor for as long as
you’d like. Any donated funds that exceed the care given for a particular animal will be
applied to the care of other Popcorn Park residents.
Little Girl, a white-tailed doe, is a longtime resident of Popcorn
Park in need of sponsors. Like almost all our other deer residents,
she was hand-raised by a well-meaning person, who believed her
to be orphaned. Unable to survive in the wild, Little Girl came to
Popcorn Park. And like many of our longtime residents, she can
be passed over for the newest animals to join the Park. Can you
send her
cheer and be
her sponsor?
Each week during football season, Princess, with the enticement of some graham
crackers, picks who she believes will be the winning team in an upcoming NFL game.
(You can check her picks out at -- look under What’s New.) In Week 9,
Princess got some help with her weekly pick from one of her best buddies, Cupcake,
a Share-A-Pet and one of our Popcorn Park mascots. (Mickey is the other.)
Princess was once the beloved pet of Doris Duke, raised from a baby. But after Ms.
Duke passed away, changes were made in the management of her estate, and Princess
was not included in those plans. Her caretakers contacted Popcorn Park and we gave
the gentle Bactrian camel her own barn with 2 llama friends, (Victor and Curly). Who
knew she had an undiscovered talent for picking NFL winners? Princess is always
grateful for some new sponsors as is Cupcake! (See page 24.)
“Does someone
know how to turn
this thing on? I
wanted to send out
some holiday e-mails
to you, but dipped if I
can get it to work.”
So says Spikette,
(once believed to be
a Spike,) our spinytailed lizard. Most,
though not all,
animals on the
Wildlife Cliub call
Popcorn Park their
home -- not Spikette.
She was once trapped in a sewer and rescued by one of our Newark ACO’s. Our staff soon
discovered that this little lizard loved a cuddle, so we set her up quite nicely in our
administrative offices where she hopes you will send some love her way and sponsor her. Just
remember, she can’t reply by e-mail, (though she’s still trying to figure it out..)
Troy is one of three miniature horses that we accepted from an older
couple who could no longer afford to take care of their farm. Although very
much loved, Troy, Star and Early Surprise suddenly found themselves without
a home in their near future. Happily, we were contacted, and accepted the
trio who while away their days together at Popcorn Park. This holiday, they’d
like something special - you! Sponsor either Troy, Star or Early Surprise and
make their holidays happy!
Name of animal(s) sponsored: __________________,
________________, __________________. _________________
NAME __________________________________________________
ADDRESS _______________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________
# OF ANIMALS _______ X $4.00 each = TOTAL $ ____________
Here is a happy-go-lucky hopeful who was found as a
stray. He has been neutered & ready to travel down the
yellow brick road that others have traveled. All he
needs is a chance to show you what a faithful &
affectionate lad he is. File 120692-NM.
Meet Gypsy, a 4 year old Catahoula mix who
is great with people – but not other animals.
She will sit, stay, down & give paw. This highlevel energy gal is looking for a match. If you
enjoy hikes in the woods, playing toss ‘n catch
ball or just a relaxing evening with a best
friend, call Gypsy. File 119083-F.
Surveying the buildings in downtown
Newark was this lovely lass who
seemed to be marching to a different
drummer. She was picked up and
brought to the Society before she got
into any trouble or became injured.
Would you share the joys of the
holiday with this adorable lass? File
Princess was abandoned in an apartment
with Queen Olivia (See Page 8). A disconnected phone and an unanswered letter was
our only effort to obtain justice for two
helpless pets who deserved more than they
got. Princess is about 10 months old &
needs to start life anew. What better time
than now? File 121224-F.
“Junkyard dog” is familiar terminology & many
may not have ever known one. Meet Buffalo –
when he was petted, he had no understanding
why people would touch him. He had sores on
his elbows & hind quarters from sleeping on
concrete … scars of old flybites. The old guy
had been shown very little love in his life; people scare him. Buffalo will back away from his
food bowl & will not come back until you step
away. He takes treats gently . He needs a gentle, quiet home with adults so that he can enjoy
his final years without risk to other animals or
kids who may scare him. File 120485-M.
124 Evergreen Ave.
Just off Rt. 1 & 9 near Newark International Airport
Holiday 2013
This handsome
Bichon Frise has been
at the Society for
over a month …. and
still waiting for an
owner who has not
returned. It’s time to
ring out the old ….
ring in the new. A
lifetime of devotion &
love are waiting right
here for you. File
One of the busiest streets in Newark was the
playground for two frolicking dogs. A good Samaritan
brought the two dogs to the Society’s facility where
they have been for almost two months! Playtime &
families are what is missing in their lives. File
119984-M & File 119985-F.
Here is a mixture of bubbly
waiting to
bestow on
someone who will show her some kindness and attention. That hopeful
gaze is hoping you will share your heart & your home. File 121233-F.
Two geriatric
dogs were left
to fend for
themselves in a
Union County
park. Their age
and mobility
left them in a
grave condition. One of
them, estimated to be about 17 years old, was euthanized
due to his moribund condition. This female, thought to be
abut 15 years of age, should be in a home – not in a shelter
waiting for love. File 121077-F.
Meet Foxy & Shamrah – two 10 month old
littermates whose owner can no longer
care for the pair. They are extremely distressed & alarmed that the family that raised
them is no longer there. They are sweet, gentle & it appears that the male has become
extremely possessive of the female. Due to their young age and the unpredictability of
the situation, we would love to find separate lifetime commitments for each.
File 120531-F & File 120532-NM.
“It's a marshmallow world in the winter when the snow
comes to cover the ground. It’s the time for play; it’s a
whipped cream day …. we wait for it the whole year
round.” We found “Cookie” as a stray … .and no one has
come forward to claim him. File 120991-NM
The sadness in
Kaleb’s eyes can’t be
denied. His owner
can no longer afford
to keep Kaleb & so
the 8 year old gent
will spend the holidays at the Society
… unless a loving
heart would make
room in their home
for him.
File 121035-M.
These two Boxer lasses were found as strays
in a neighboring town. A good Samaritan
brought them to us in the hope that our
open door will give them a chance to find a
new home this holiday season. There were
no identification tags or microchips on either
dog. File 121137-F & File 121138-F.
Can someone please tell me what I’ve
done wrong? I was found as a stray ….
and I don’t seem to belong. There was a
microchip that the staff discovered but
the chip was never registered. Can
someone send me an invitation to your
holiday dinner? I promise to be good …
I’ll be a real winner! File 119826-F.
Adoption Center Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Phone: (973) 824-7080 E-Mail: [email protected]
View More Orphans at
or “Like” us at Newark Associated Humane on Facebook
Continued from Page 1
Little by little, Kya's world faded away,
right in front of her eyes … literally.
At 6 months old, when she was acquired by a zoo in Maryland, the Bengal
tiger was showing signs of vision problems. By the age of 3, Kya had
become completely blind. The zoo where she had lived for 2-1/2 years felt
they could no longer keep her on display. What would happen to her?
No one wanted a blind tiger.
Luckily for Kya, there are always ears tuned to conversations about animals
in need. And luckily, one individual who heard about her — Dr. Jonatahan Bergmann — is one of Popcorn Park's veterinarians.
Our veterinarians not only work here, but at a number of other zoos and aquariums. When Dr. Jonathan Bergmann heard about
Kya’s plight from another zoo, he knew exactly where she would be welcomed and kept comfortable for the rest of her life.
Kya is a white Bengal tiger
and along with the recessive white gene comes a
host of other potential
issues, one of which may
be sight. Kya has been
slowly losing her vision to
glaucoma for the last 3
years to a point where she
is now blind. There were
no other sanctuaries or
zoos that would accept her.
Dr. Bergmann talked to the
zoo director and told them
that Popcorn Park had a
facility to accommodate
Kya and her sight problems; arrangements were
made shortly thereafter.
Popcorn Park took an
existing tiger enclosure and
with some modifications,
made it easy for a blind animal to negotiate. This very special tiger
arrived at Popcorn Park in September. She is amazingly beautiful and has
the sweetest personality. Although she has suffered with glaucoma, (she
can see shadows and movements), she doesn't let her handicap hold her
Kya the day she arrived
it up in the air and batting it around for 15 minutes or so until she
finally decides to settle down and enjoy gnawing on it.
Because Kya gets excited at the sounds and motion of people walking
by her enclosure, we needed to make sure she wouldn’t get too excited when visitors were here and injure herself running from sound to
sound or movement to movement. Initially, we let her out in the early
morning and brought her back in before 11:00 a.m. when we open.
While she was outside, staff worked on desensitizing her to the noise
and commotion she would experience during a normal day. She
slowly has become used to the sounds made by other animals and
Park staff. The first week of November was her big test. Two classes
from the Lacey Township Middle School were here for an early tour of
Popcorn Park. Staff positioned the 20 or so students around her
outside enclosure to simulate a crowd of visitors, calling her from one
side to another. Students ran in front of her fencing and she playfully
ran alongside of them in her yard. She did wonderfully and had as
much fun as the students did with all of the attention. As we are still
getting Kya accustomed to crowds, she may not be outside yet if you
visit, but soon she will be out every day.
Despite her handicap. Kya enjoys life to the fullest and you can certainly see it when she’s walking around her yard, as proud as can be.
Her other senses are so keen that she finds the door openings to her den
and outside area even while running, and very rarely does she bump into
anything. Its incredible to watch her play and run, and if you call her
from wherever she may be in her yard, she will come running and
chuffing, (talking), looking for attention. All of the cats at Popcorn Park
enjoy being outside and playing, of course, but none can match her
sheer enjoyment of life.
Staff will stand outside her fence silent and motionless, and as Kya walks
by, she will take no more than two steps past the caretaker, stop, turn
around and walk back to the caretaker and start chuffing. How she finds
us is so impressive we just can’t believe it. Along with regular visits from
our staff veterinarians, Kya has started a series of optomologist appointments with NorthStar Vets. She has been sedated and given a complete
health and eye exam. Kya has been put on medication to reduce the pressure
from the glaucoma and thankfully shows no signs of being in any kind of
pain or discomfort.
Thursday night is a special night at Popcorn Park. Its bone night! Kya turns
bone night into her own special private party by grabbing the bone, throwing
Holiday 2013
One of Kya's worlds faded away – the world she perceived
with her eyes. But another has come to replace it, a world
where love and compassion surround her, a world Kya
knows and feels with her heart.
Kya would greatly appreciate your help with her medical expenses
and glaucoma medication. Please help Kya with a donation to her
care or by sponsoring her in the Wildlife Club on page 9
or at
Baby in our Medical
Dept. the first day
she arrived.
The puppy loves running in the leaves in her foster
home and follows her foster parents everywhere.
This adorable 2 month old pup, who
we’re calling “Baby,” was purchased
or obtained and has experienced
misery & pain during the few short
weeks of her life. The pup’s owner
called the AHS medical clinic and
then brought the puppy to us after
“the kids in the house tried to break
the dog’s neck”. The owner also
advised that his 7-8 year old nephew
tried to take/pull the head off the
pup. During the original phone call,
the owner advised the medical staff
that she “was only out, (passed out),
for a little while. The owner called
the Medical Dept. once about surA snuggly bed and warm food at the Society may be the
rendering the dog – but we have not
first kindness Baby had known.
heard from him since then. He has
also called the Administrative Offices threatening action to take ownership of the dog.
The Society, in turn, has threatened to take action as the owner delayed
timely veterinary care for the pup.
In the meantime, the Society has refused to return Baby to the owner where she would be placed
in the same situation as before. We are gearing up for a legal argument … drawing a line in the
sand … and finding a new life and a new home for an innocent pup. Presently, Baby is in a
foster home and doing well. The real name of this pup & other information is being withheld until
the matter has been brought to a conclusion.
When this case is over and completed, this man will probably go out and get another puppy to
bring home to the same situation. New Jersey needs a cruelty/abuse registry for such situations.
The pup is
currently under
the care of Red
Bank Veterinary
The AHS was
contacted by
Neptune Police
regarding two
dogs contained
in a backyard
that were in bad
shape. Society
Animal Control
A mother and her young pup lived a bleak and barren existence,
Officer Javier
chained to a fence with neither sustenance nor shelter.
Vargas was
immediately dispatched to the scene where he found two emaciated dogs – one adult female and
a young male pup. The yard was a bare desolate setting and the dogs were in poor condition. The
ACO contacted the county animal enforcement agency who advised him to leave the dogs there
overnight. ACO Vargas refused and took possession of the dogs. The owner signed the dogs over
to the AHS. Within a short time, the county animal enforcement agency called AHS & instructed
us to bring the pup to Red Bank Veterinary Hospital & to bring the adult female dog to their shelter. They have taken possession of the dogs. Dathan Thompson, 23, is charged with six counts of
animal cruelty and the matter is to be heard in Neptune Township Municipal Court on Nov. 21.
The county animal enforcement agency took possession of the mother from AHS.
Meet Jeremy, a 2 year old Jack Russell
Terrier that has been at the Society since
July. The handsome gent has definitely
included “cats” on his list of pet peeves. (I
think we could include cameras on that
list also). He was checked from stem to
stern -- neutered, microchipped, frontlined,
de-wormed …. now Jeremy is ready to
start off 2014 with someone who enjoys
walks, ball throwing – no couch potatoes
need apply! File 22724-NM.
Shhhh – if you leave
Chevy alone too
long, she falls asleep.
The Chihuahua was
found as a stray in
Newark and has
been at the Society
since May. Thanks to
the Society’s Res-Q
Fund, your donations help us to
cover the medical
expenses of Society
orphans. Chevy was spayed, a hernia was removed, a mammary
mass was removed; she was given all necessary inoculations &
microchipped. If you are a couch potato, come & meet Chevy who
would love to share the remote control with you. File 22408-SF
Meet Trevor – an adorable gent – who is
waiting to see if there is anything for him
in Santa’s bag. Can you spare some time to
visit this fella & see the loneliness in his
eyes? Help make it a great New Year for
Trevor. File 22958-M.
Bianca is one of several
Chihuahuas that find
their way to the
Society after they have
been out on their own.
Bianca is a sweet
spayed lady who came
to the Society in July
2012. Surely, she should
have found an empty
lap by now!!! But sadly,
no – she still waits for
the chance to have a
great life and be the
apple of someone’s eye.
File 21762-SF.
Chino is a temperamental little fella found
as a stray in Newark. He came to the
Society in April –so it’s been many sleepless nights & fretful concern for the quest
of a lifetime of love. He’s hoping Santa has
a loving, (and patient), owner to put up
with his shortcomings. File 22394-M
Poor Max – found as a stray in Newark. After a stay at the Society’s Newark
facility, he was given a personalized door to door delivery to our Forked River
shelter where he was adopted out to someone who had a grandchild visiting.
We don’t adopt out little lap dogs to families with young children. If there are
grandchildren visiting, dogs should be placed in a private area with toys, food,
etc. Now Max is back …. no children, please. File 22976-NM.
Humane Way at Lacey Road - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Phone (609) 693-1900 E-mail: [email protected]
Exit 74 off Parkway: Turn left & go 7 miles. Make right on Humane Way
View more Orphans at
or “Like” us - Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter on Facebook
Holiday 2013
Dakota, an 8 year old German Shepherd & Duchess, a 9
year old Weimaraner had been in the same home
together since they were 8 weeks old & act like an old
married couple. Due to financial problems & minor
health issues for the dogs which required medications, he
owner gave them up. We offered dog food & discounted
vet medication, but Dakota & Duchess were surrendered. At this stage in their life, we could not separate
them. They were professionally trained & are very well
mannered. File 23051-NM & File 23052-SF.
When a near-by municipal animal shelter was having construction work done,
the Society offered to take their dogs
rather than having them euthanized.
Meet Eleanor, one of the rescues that
the Society has taken in for another
chance at happiness. File 76919-F.
Angel, 8 years old, and Duke, who is almost 6, lived a happy home life
until their owner suffered a life threatening illness. The canine
companions had been raised in a family atmosphere and are well
mannered and bonded with each other. File 77113-SF & File 77114-NM.
Meet Gunther – found doing his early
morning jog by himself. Due to the
condition of his skin & fleas, he may
have been outside for awhile. He’s been
at AHS for 3 months …. and he would
love to trot into your heart and home.
OMG – We picked up this Mastiff mix at
midnight & the dog was wearing tags! We
contacted the owner who said she would be
in at the end of the week. That was in May …
but since the dog has been picked up on three
prior occasions, Leah needs to be with a
responsible & caring owner. File 75578-SF.
It was late at night when the AHS was
called out to pick up a stray Shepherd.
He was extremely thin with hind-end
flea allergy. It is believed that “Sarge” is
about 10 years old. Sadly, no one has
called or visited to search for their dog.
The German Shepherd would be a
devoted companion to someone who
would give this deserving guy a chance.
File 76947-M.
Meet Julliette – a young lass who is eager to
find a lifetime of love! She has been at the
Society for almost one year and before we
celebrate an anniversary, we would like to give
her a bon voyage send-off! File 77189-SF.
Geez Louise! We found
this mature miss in the
bayshore area. A letter
was sent to the owner
that Louise was waiting
to be reclaimed & to
return to her forever
home. But the owner
has not called, visited or
responded. Geez Louise
… we are working hard
to find a lifetime of love
for your golden years.
File 77101-SF.
When Bambi
& Dotty’s
owner were
moving away,
they left the 9
year old & 13
year old
with AHS. The
pint –sized
pair would
love to spend
their senior years in a loving home. File 77218-SF & File 77225-SF.
2960 Shafto Road, on Route 547 - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.
Phone (732) 922-0100 Fax: (732) 922-4032 E-Mail: [email protected]
2 Miles from Rt. 33-34 Circle, Parkway Exit 102 (So.) Parkway Exit 100B (North)
View More Orphans at or “Like” us - Friends of
the Associated Humane Society-Tinton Falls, NJ on Facebook 15
The Mayor of Concepcion supervised the
demolition of the city’s bullfighting ring. Mayor
Jesus Chipana had previously passed a motion objecting to bullfighting
becoming a show for the suffering and death of a living being. Mayor
Chipana joins many other South American leaders who have condemned
stabbing bulls to death in arenas.
According to ANIMAL PEOPLE Magazine, the harvesting of wild animals
for a range of products was explicitly banned in November 2003. The
2013 Wildlife Conservation & Management bill will repeal the ban on
sport hunting. An evaluation established that corruption, mismanagement
& abuse of designated quotas in experimental “cropping” was flagrant.
The wildlife population has declined by more than 58% in the last two
decades. They have been unable to stop poaching of elephants & rhinos.
“Cropping” contradicts all of the wildlife conservation & tourism principles
that Kenya has stood for over the years.
The Broadcasting Content Complaints Council (BCCC) has issued an
Advisory that prohibits TV channels from telecasting content that depicts
the harming & exploitation of animals. Pointed out were those stations airing reality shows which exhibited cases where animals were hurt & killed,
especially reptilian & wild mammals when in fact they are placed in
unnatural environments & their natural behavior is repressed.
The Ministry of Environment & Forests has banned the use of live animals
in education. Guidelines were sent to Ministry of Health & Family Welfare,
Pharmacy Council of India & Medical Council of India to discontinue
dissection & experiments with live animals in universities, colleges,
research institutes, hospitals & labs where alternatives like computer
simulation may be used.
The Romanian Constitutional Court is upholding the “stray killing’ law
after 14 days of detention in public dog pounds.
The ban on the trimming of beaks of egg-laying chickens was supposed
to take effect in 2021. Dutch Agriculture Minister Sharon Dijksma asked
that the ban be expedited and reset the deadline to September 2018.
According to ANIMAL PEOPLE Magazine, from 2015, the practice of
removing spurs from roosters bred for meat & vaccine production will be
forbidden as well as cutting the combs of brown roosters. Increased cannibalistic pecking was an accidental outcome of breeding for productivity
that has been difficult to eliminate. Battery cages have been banned
throughout the EU since January 2012 & moving them into open floor
housing has not reduced cannibalistic pecking.
Animal welfare groups prevented the construction of a massive foie gras
production plant in Jiangxi Province which would have turned out more
than 1,100 tons of foie
gras annually. It would
have involved the annual
slaughter of 8 million
ducks and 2 million geese
that would have
languished under torturous conditions with daily
force feedings to enlarge
their livers.
Please help us save lives ...
Yes! I want to support the many life-saving efforts of AHS and
Popcorn Park through a donation of $ _______________________
❑ Please find my donation enclosed.
❑ Apply to ResQ Fund
❑ Please charge my donation to my credit card:
❑ American Express
❑ Visa
❑ MasterCard
❑ Discover
Name on Card: ______________________________ Exp. date: ________
Card# _____________________________________
The Agriculture Minister &
Public Security Minister will remove their appeal against a bill prohibiting
the trade of foie gras on the condition that the bill only prohibit the trade
– and not the personal import – of the product. By prohibiting the trade
instead of the import the country could avoid violating international trade
agreements & thereby bringing economic harm to itself.
After learning of the cruel treatment of ducks & geese raised & killed for
foie gras, Brakes Group UK, one of the leading food-service providers to
the catering industry, confirmed to PETA that it will no longer offer foie
3/4 digit sec. code: _______
Your signature: ________________________________________________
Name: _______________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________
Please send all donations to:
Associated Humane Societies/Popcorn Park
PO Box 43
Forked River, NJ 08731-0043
Holiday 2013
In the October 2013 issue of the HUMANE
NEWS, we noted that the following bill was on
the fast track as it had already passed the
Assembly: S.2665 (Sweeney, Oroho) and
A.3944 (Riley, Space, McHose) would have removed statutory limitations
on the permit limit for trapping/killing/drowning beavers. Sadly, the
movement of this bill had not been well known and as soon as we
received the alert, we notified animal lovers and subscribers that the bill
has been sent to the Senate Environment Committee. Thanks to your
efforts, Committee Chairman, Senator Smith, advises that he does not plan
on putting S.2665 up for a vote in his committee. Our thanks and appreciation to Senator Smith and AHS will continue to monitor this situation.
This bill would ban vivisection in college classrooms. A00656 would prohibit experimenting
on a living organism or performing surgery on a living organism to view
its internal structure when a scientifically & educationally satisfactory
method exists. The bill applies to colleges, universities & other professional or graduate schools throughout the state. According to NAVS, New
York continues to lead the way in proposing humane classroom legislation.
A740 (Rosenthal) would place power for regulating pet stores into the
hands of local municipalities rather than the state.
New regulations have been finalized that will allow New York pet cemeteries to accept the cremated remains of humans. The cemeteries can
bury pet owners’ ashes as long as they don’t charge a fee for it and don’t
advertise human burial services.
Following a multi-agency international undercover investigation since
2007, Muk Leung “Jim” Ip and Lucky Aquarium were fined $70,000 for
selling snakehead, an invasive fish species. Ip has been sentenced to 60
days in jail & has to return $3,000 he received for selling the fish.
Daniel Padilla, 38 year old CEO of Greystone Aviation Services, was
observed beating his 8 month old pup ”Boston” in the elevator of his
high-rise penthouse apartment building. Padilla had picked up the
puppy from doggy daycare but didn’t bring a leash. When the pup ran
away, Padilla tripped & injured himself & apparently took his rage out
on the pup. Video showed Padilla kicking the pup in the head & body
& confessed to delivering the abuse. Cops brought the pup to the ASPCA
where a vet confirmed that Boston had suffered painful injuries. Padilla
told the court he was unemployed so he could obtain an attorney paid
for by the state. Despite the video evidence & Padilla’s confession, prosecutors have decided to drop all charges.
Companion Animal Network’s Low Cost Vet Mobile is now making
chemotherapy treatment available at a much-reduced rate & is a low-cost
option for providing this to your beloved pet. Also available for pet owners are dentistry, most surgeries, parvo test, urinary & bowel blockage,
cherry eyes, mange, heartworm treatment, splints, orthopedics, tumors,
etc. Call the information line for more data 718-353-1878.
(please print)
Cornell University to Expand Facilities & Enrollment
According to Veterinary Practice News, Cornell University in Ithaca, NY has
planned on a $63 million project to build & renovate classrooms & other
facilities. The project will begin next summer to accommodate classes of
120 pre-clinical students compared to the present head count of 102.
Colorado State University to Educate
Clients About Amputation
The CSU Flint Animal Cancer Center has produced a series of videos
aimed at comforting pet owners concerned about the quality of life of
their pets. Over 250 limb amputations are performed a year to treat bone
cancer. The majority of pet owners are initially opposed to the process.
The AHS Medical Departments have been amputating legs of cats and
dogs due to cancer, injury, accidents and these animals continue to have a
wonderful life with their owners. To view the videos, visit
UC Davis Vet Freezes Dog’s Nasal Tumor
A 9 year old Lab Retriever was
diagnosed with nasal
adenocarcinoma. When chemo
failed to stop the cancer,
Barkley’s veterinarian referred
him to the William R. Pritchard
Veterinary Medical Teaching
Hospital at UC Davis. Barkley’s
owner rejected radiation
therapy in favor of enrolling
the dog with University cancer
surgeon Michele Steffney,
DVM, Dipl.ACVS. The option
requires anesthesia but no
surgery & side effects are minimal. Barkley recovered after 4 applications.
He has exhibited only mild nosebleeds. A follow-up exam is scheduled
this month.
Investigators Stumped by Deaths of Dogs
in Ohio & Michigan
According to Veterinary Practice News, cases of sick & dead dogs with
symptoms of bloody diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy, weight loss & neurologic display, (but several others had unique symptoms), are being investigated, but preliminary tests ruled out parvo, corona & other gastrointestinal
maladies as well as salmonella, E.coli, distemper, etc. Symptoms have
been seen mostly in dogs, but some cats, rabbits and a swan. For the
present time, there are more questions than answers. Veterinarians with
similarly presented cases should contact the ODA Division of Animal
Health or the Michigan Dept. of Community Health
Remission Possible in Diabetic Cats
Put your OLD address or mailing label below, and fill in you new address. Send entire
coupon to us. Thanks for the update!
According to Lou Anne Epperley, DVM as it appeared in the Nov. 2013
issue of Veterinary Practice News, increased understanding of diabetes &
cats & discovered early & treated properly, remission is possible. For
specific information on this, log on to
Merck Encourages Pet Screening for Diabetes
Merck Animal Health has launched a global awareness campaign to raise
awareness of the signs of the condition among pet owners to encourage a
visit to your vet to have pets screened & treated. Lethargy, frequent thirst
& urination, cloudy eyes are some of the symptoms. The number of dogs
diagnosed with the condition has tripled during the past 30 years.
City, State, Zip
More Society News on Page 2
Dr. Laney Baris (l.) Popcorn Park Animal Clinic veterinarian & Society staffer
Marcella Kelly were on hand at Petoberfest to microchip pets. There were 26 protected pets – but we urge all pet owners to have their cats & dogs microchipped.
We would like to send out a big thank you to the employees of Sun
Bank for coming out to Popcorn Park on October 29th to volunteer
for the afternoon. Sun Bank holds an annual "Banking On Our
Communities Day" and for the third year in a row, Associated
Humane Societies Popcorn Park was selected as one of the organizations that employees could volunteer at for the day. We had nine Sun
employees come out to rake and clean up our picnic areas, our giant
exercise run, and our dog-walking path. After they helped to beautify the Popcorn Park grounds, they were able to take a tour of our
Popcorn Park Animal Refuge where our director John Bergmann introduced them to Princess the camel. Thank you Sun Bank, for giving
your time to Popcorn Park and our animals for the day!
On October 19, AHS was happy to be a part of Petoberfest, held in Toms
River by the Jersey Shore Animal Foundation. This great event featured several
rescue organizations, pet-related businesses, food, music, etc. AHS brought
our mobile grooming van out to the event where our veterinarian Dr. Baris
and our vet tech, Marcella Kelly, microchipped 26 pets!! That is 26 more pets
that are protected should they ever become lost. How awesome! Thank you
all for coming out, rubbing Isabella's belly,
and microchipping your pets! It was great
meeting so many of our supporters!
If anyone is still of the opinion that pit
bulls are vicious creatures, check out this
big mush of a pretty pittie! Our gorgeous
girl Isabella had the time of her life at
Petoberfest! She was so popular, especially
with the children, that she started charging
10 cents to anyone wanting to rub her big
belly! She had a face-ache by the end of
the day from smiling from ear to ear!
How's that for a perfect pit bull?!
Emma was a little perturbed to be awoken from her afternoon siesta
and wondered who dared to cram up "her" office with all of these
boxes!! When she discovered what was in the boxes, her whole attitude
changed! Emma thought it was her birthday when she saw all of the
goodies coming out of the boxes but we explained to her that she
would have to share all of the great things with other dogs and cats at
our facility. She understood, and gave up one bag of treats to split
between the other 80 dogs. (We're kidding!)
We would like to thank Jennifer Vadino, Lona Hoffman, Rana Rand and
an anonymous
donor for sending
us TONS of dog and cat toys, fluffy beds, bags and
bags of treats, special dog food, dog harnesses, cat
nip, peanut butter and Kongs!! We appreciate all of
this so very much!! You all put giant smiles on all of
the faces of everyone at Popcorn Park, both two
legged and four!
Thank you SO MUCH to an anonymous donor for
sending us SIX cases of canned cat food, and a big
case of dog food! Thank you! If anyone would like to
help with items that we use to care for our animals,
please check out our Amazon Wish List. (Please see
Page 2 for Amazon sites for our 3 shelters.)
Holiday 2013
And yes, that’s the same Emma, right, we featured on Page 5 of our October issue!
Above: Society Admin.
Assistant Renee Szorosy with
10 month old Kevin Kelly, son
of staffer, Marcella Kelly – and
Isabella a wonderful Pit Bull
who found a lifetime of love
in a new home! Left: Isabella
just melted the hearts of all
who met her.
Season Greetings!
Petco groomer Chris Kwiatek (r.) meets Gypsy and AHS Chief ACO Mike
Fowler. Gypsy is at the Society’s Newark shelter.
The Petco Store in Clifton ran a promotion in which employees would ask
customers making their purchases if they would like to donate a
Thanksgiving dinner to an animal in a shelter. Those who nodded affirmatively were given the opportunity to donate a can of pet food with
turkey or sweet potatoes, etc. Petco groomer Chris Kwiatek suggested that
AHS be the recipient of some of the donated items. Society’s Chief
Animal Control Officer Mike Fowler visited Petco with Gypsy, a 4 year old
Catahoula mix who will share Thanksgiving with other shelter residents
while he waits for a forever home.
Somewhere in Barnegat, someone is heartbroken because
their dog has not returned
home. The young gentleman has
been at the Society for several
weeks. He has been given all of
the medical services to ensure
his purrrfect pet status -- &
now all he needs is a big red
bow, a little mistletoe & your
arms to hold him tight. File
23013-NM.(Fotked River)
The Society is pleased to
announce a partnership with
Trupanion which offers cat and
dog owners financial assistance to care for their pets in a health
emergency. Anyone who adopts a pet from any of the AHS
branches – Newark, Tinton Falls or Forked River – will receive a 30
day promotional offer from Trupanion. The enrollment must be
within 24 hours of adopting your pet. During the 30 days coverage, there is a 90% coverage with unlimited payout! Our adopters
will then have an option of signing on for continual coverage for
your best friend. There is no waiting period … the expense of veterinary care can be quite costly for unexpected accidents or illness.
If you decide to sign up for pet insurance for your dog or cat, the
AHS will receive an honorarium. Please consider this cost-saving
measure with a great insurance company – and adopt a wonderful
companion from AHS!
Welcoming Santa to the Society’s facilities are Belle (l.) and
Bennett, Society alumni who share their lives, their love ….
& outdoor hikes with Assistant Director Scott Crawford.
These two pit bulls, as well as a few others that share the
Crawford home, were very lucky to have found a lifelong
commitment. Belle & Bennett are good-will ambassadors for
this misunderstood breed.
Have you been wondering if a pit bull terrier is the breed for
you? Come down and meet ours - all our pitties are
temperament tested so we can match just the right one to you,
your family and other pets!
Winnie is a 1 year old sweetheart who was
found as a stray. Within a short time, her
appealing personality won the hearts of an
adopter! Less than 24 hours later, Winnie was
returned as they felt they were not ready for
a new dog yet. We appreciate the honesty.
Sometimes the warm & fuzzy feelings for
adoption quickly disappear if a dog needs to
be walked in the freezing rain, going out in
your pajamas with cold winds at 11 p.m.
before going to bed …. it’s understandable.
Adopting a dog should be given deep consideration. File 77264-F.(Tinton Falls)
Kip has been waiting for several
months for a lifetime of love.The older
Shih Tzu has been getting frequent
walks by the volunteers – but then he
goes back to the shelter to spend
another night without you. File 22744M. (Forked River.) 19
This book is the first CritterKin Tale and
is based on actual events from an IFAW
(International Fund for Animal Welfare)
project in Cozumel, Mexico. It served as
the factual basis for this story. Poco a
Poco is a fictional tale of how a mother
dog & her puppy overcame hunger &
hardships to find their forever homes.
The cast of unlikely heroes will not only
entertain, but teach empathy, understanding and respect as well. The tale
reached first place on Amazon Kindle in
the categories of “Animal Care and Pets”
and “Dogs”. The book includes outreach
tools including artwork & copy to use in
your area. To download this book, log
on to
Enter Our Poster Contest!!
Do you have ideas about how to make the world a
better place for pets? If you do, enter our poster
contest and you may win some great prizes!
First, our prizes!
* 1st Place in each category - a Kindle E-Reader
* 2nd Place in each category - $50 gift card
* 3rd Place in each category - $25 gift card
* All winners’ art will be on display for one month in each
of our shelters
* Every entrant will receive a free family pass to Popcorn Park
Here’s what we are looking for:
Size: Minimum size 11 x 17”
Theme: How to make the world a better place for pets, whether
cats, dogs, birds or other pets
Ages: There are 3 age categories:
◆ 5 - 8 years old
◆ 9 - 12 years old ◆ 13 - 17 years old
Medium: Use any medium - crayons, paints, markers, but no pastels. Neatness and creativity are important!
Originality: All artwork must be original! No tracing of other artwork or anything taken from a computer.
Deadline: All entries must be received by February 14th, 2014.
You may submit more than one entry.
Fill out the following entry form for each poster you
submit and send to:
Poster Contest
c/o AHS/Popcorn Park
124 Evergreen Ave.
Newark, N J 07114-2133
Name _______________________________________________
We would like to send
out a huge thank you
to Tricia Burke for
bringing us a beautiful
play house for our
Animal Haven dogs!
AND ...... she customized it to fit into
our Animal Haven
yards with woofs, paw
prints, and lots of cute
canine things! Thank
you so much! Our
lucky dogs will have a
ball checking it out and burying their treasures in there!
If you or your siblings have outgrown your playhouses & you live in the
area, please feel free to donate it for our doggies!
The state has passed a dissection-choice law that allows students to opt out of
crude animal dissection exercises. Instead, they will be provided with humane
non-animal alternatives such as interactive computer programs.
Kids love to share with their beloved pets – an ice cream cone, a lollipop, part
of their uneaten dinner …. but children’s toys and pets do not mix. Stuffed
teddy bears and other toys meant for kids are not made of the same material
as toys for pets. Fire retardant gel and mite control stuffing is highly toxic. Be
safe … be alert and read labels.
Holiday 2013
Address ______________________________________________
City, State, Zip _______________________________________
Phone (_______) _____________________________________
E-Mail _______________________________________________
Age Category ❑ 5 - 8
❑ 9 - 12
❑ 13 - 17
Do you find yourself thinking about how YOU can help
save animals?
PETA has a new magazine for you! It’s called “Kids' Guide to
Helping Animals” and has everything you need to start being a
hero for animals.
Inside, you'll get tips on everything from protecting wildlife to
buying cruelty-free products to organizing animal-friendly field
trips for your class. You'll also get the scoop on why so many
Hollywood celebs, (like Miley Cyrus!), are helping animals. And
included are plenty of puzzles, quizzes, and free stickers, too!
Check out the following website and you can fill out a form to
receive a FREE “Kids' Guide to Helping Animals” magazine:
Senate Bill 6 has been approved by the State
Legislature & has been sent to Gov. John Kitzhaber
for his signature. The bill will increase penalties for
some animal cruelty offenses & further limit access to animals by offenders.
The most controversial provision is the requirements placed on animal
rescues. Animal rescue entities that solicit & accept donations must be
licensed each year. They would be required to maintain records for each
animal, including date of birth, date acquired, disposition, source of the
animal & a photo must be taken within 24 hours of intake.
Gov. Pat Quinn signed Senate Bill 1639 which makes pet stores that sell sick
puppies to be held accountable. The new law allows consumers to receive
reimbursement for vet costs up to 21 days after purchasing a pup or kitten.
If the pet has a genetic condition, the consumer has up to a year to receive
reimbursement for vet costs. The law also requires pet stores to report
outbreaks of animal diseases to the State Dept. of Agriculture & requires that
they notify consumers who bought a cat/dog from the store in the 2 weeks
prior to an outbreak. The law was sparked by a distemper outbreak that
resulted in the deaths of several pups in two Chicagoland pet stores.
SB 1047 & HB 1576 would bar state agencies from protecting any species
that is not listed under the federal Endangered Species Act. This measure
would strip state wildlife agencies the power to promote programs that are
essential in protecting species on a local level just because the species may
not be in danger across the nation. Contact your State Senator &
An investigation of the WCI Foxhound Training Preserve & the
“penning” facility was done by the Animal Welfare Institute, Project
Coyote & the Animal Legal Defense Fund . The results uncovered
extreme animal suffering & provided strong evidence that wild
coyotes are being illegally confined & killed by hunting dogs. The
investigation suggests that the Indiana Dept. of Natural Resources
has turned a blind eye to this illegal conduct & encouraged penning
in the state. For an inside look at the cruelty of coyote penning,
log on to
F_AWI_Final_low_res.pdf Penning is legal in at least 19 states.
The Nobody’s Cat Foundation in Camp Hill has opened for low-cost
spay/neuter. In addition, Castaway Critters subsidizes surgeries for
free-roaming cats in Harrisburg. Also, Lower Paxton Community Cats
and New Cumberland TNR Program have partnered with the
Foundation to subsidize surgeries in those communities. It is
estimated that there are almost 400,000 free-roaming cats in the
area. For information, contact Nobody’s Cats Foundation by calling
toll-free within Pennsylvania at 1-800-732-0999.
A Massachusetts man is facing charges for allegedly using a pet
python to beat his girlfried as she soaked in a hot tub, injuring the
woman and ultimately killing the snake. West Springfield police say
34-year-old Keith Paro is scheduled to be arraigned on charges of
domestic assault and battery, larceny over $250, wanton and malicious damage over $250, and cruelty to animals.
Order here!
If you are interested in receiving any of the items listed below, please forward
the coupon along with the required donation, and mail to:
Associated Humane Societies
124 Evergreen Ave.
Newark, NJ 07114-2133
What Will Happen to Your Pet?/Pets In Wills
Arbor of Love Brochure
ZoonooZ (sample copy)
Princess Poster -Horizontal (incl. S&H)
Princess Poster -Vertical (incl. S&H)
7 Asst. Popcorn Park Postcards (incl. S&H)
Popcorn Park Magnet (incl. S&H)
Pet Alert Decals (2)
Share-A-Pet Booklet
Wildlife Club Booklet
AHS/Popcorn Park Color Brochure
Small Coloring Book
Elephant Coloring Book
Zoological Society Brochure
Allergy Proofing Booklet
$2.00 + SASE
SASE- #10
Name ___________________________________________________
Address ____________________________________ Apt. ________
City, State, Zip ___________________________________________
Enclosed is $ _____________ in ❑ check ❑ money order
Please charge my donation to:
❑ Visa
❑ Master Card
❑ American Express
❑ Discover
Card # ____________________________________3/4 digit Sec.Code _____
Signature __________________________________________ Exp. ________
House fires are more prevalent now than at any other
time of year. Heaters, candles, holiday lights are just a
part of the hazards. Over
500,000 pets are affected by
house fires & they increase
dramatically during the
hours of 4 a.m. and 8 a.m.
It’s important for all homes
with pets to have an indication of how many animals
are inside, but it’s especially
important for pet owners that
live in multi-family dwellings.
Firemen, EMTs are not familiar with which apartments
have pets – so a decal on
your door is critical! You can
order the Society’s Pet Alert
Decals on the order form at
Beardsley was found as a pup 6 years ago
– and set someone’s heart on fire. He is in
a loving home with a few other dogs.
Collars, leashes, and carriers should be
kept in a convenient place in the event
of emergencies. Be sure that
smoke/carbon monoxide detectors are
in place and working.
Please be sure to get your pets
microchipped & REGISTER them with
the microchip agency. Have a safe &
peaceful holiday for you, your family
and your pets.
Dave Sharpe - Our Friend
David W. “Ranger Dave” Sharpe, was a
part of Popcorn Park for over 25 years &
was the longtime spokesperson for “Pet
of the Week” adoptions at WOBM Radio.
He was employed as a Special Education
Teacher for 40 years & worked with the
Lacey Township Board of Education
before retiring. Dave was a Certified
Animal Control Officer, a member of
CART (County Animal Response Team) &
worked with therapy dogs at the Ocean
County Library & nursing homes. His
accomplishments are too numerous to list
here. All staff at AHS & Popcorn Park
will miss this wonderful guy.
Donna Markley – NJ
William & Cheryl Morris – PA
Robert & Lisa Macklin – OH
Jeanette Fix – CA
Gerald & Carla Ring – NJ
Elsie Barney – NJ
Anne Boehringer – PA
David & Marybeth Buist – NJ
Harold & Theresa Werner – NJ
Northbridge School – PA
James & Lynn Kaplarczuk – NJ
Nancy Voitko – NJ
Charles Gall
Hamilton Building Supply - NJ
Nina Austenberg
Dr. Arthur & Barbara Baeder – PA
Gladys & Knud Hansen – NY
Grama Jacque- Grama, I thank you for
passing on your passion for animals to
me. I promise to keep the passion alive &
continue to help the beautiful animals of
the world! I love you and miss you!
Jessie - NJ
Rita Chiappone
Raytheon STARS Team- MA.
My twin brother, Vic Harris – 1979-2011
Alix Harris - NJ
Mr. & Mrs. Frank Lewis - NJ
Nancy Deroy
Paul & Elaine Sulkes – NJ
The Bridge Group – NJ
Wayne & Lorraine Herrnkind – NJ
Joanne Muller – NJ000vb
Pinstripe at Dr. Smith’s Office
Doris A. Smith – N J
June 21, 1996 – March 22, 2012
I knew you were special the first time we
met. From your earliest days when you
were only the size of a little toy, to your
last day as an aged lady, your affection &
love helped to bring to me the best years
of my life. Goodnight my lovely. Goodbye
my great love. I love you always.
I. Semeniuk & Family - NY
Cheryl L. DiMessio
Paul Rowe – NJ
Joseph Lytle
Janey Bisti – NJ
Carla & Len Fortunato – WA
John & Joyce Coyne – NJ
William & Anita Lytle – FL
Daris Megaro – NJ
Beatrice Lill – NJ
Paul & Edith Skerl – SC
Joseph & Sharon DeCarlo – NJ
Gary & Kit Vaughn – TX
Edward & Malvine Wilkens – NJ
Jennifer Vehslage
Judith Simpson – NJ
Marilyn Schmidt – NJ
Susan Kline – NJ
Julie & Bob Frank – NJ
Our son who lost his life 5 years ago
helping a dog that he thought was his
while crossing the road – November 25th
William & Kimberly Lucas - NJ
Raymond Waddell
Coral Waddell – NJ
Lydia Zatorski – NJ
Paul Albert Jr. – NY
Walter & Elaine Wusaty – NJ
Judy Karrberg – NJ
Mike Reilly
Thomas & Candice Salsman – NJ
Austin Judson – NJ
Jeffrey Schroeder – NJ
Victor & Barbara Betcher - IL
A donation as a memorial to a loved one will go a long way to help
Society orphans. There are many ways to make a donation. The Society
will notify a bereaved family with a card IF A FULL NAME & ADDRESS
included. Due to the high volume of requests, only gifts of $50.00 or
more will be printed in a timely manner.
Holiday 2013
In the 1980s, a teacher from
Lacey High School came to
Popcorn Park asking to
volunteer at the shelter and
refuge during the summer
months. He met with our
manager John Bergmann
who decided to let him help
the zoo staff. And so began a
quarter of a century of
friendship between John and
all of us who work with
Popcorn Park and a guy
named Dave Sharpe who
loved all animals.
Dave unloaded bales of hay,
raked goat yards, cleaned
tiger compounds and even
helped clean Sonny our
elephant’s pen. Eventually he started going on calls with John rescuing wildlife
or picking up animals.
By the 3rd or 4th summer, Dave volunteered to run the ticket and gift booth at
the park. He loved to talk with our visitors about our animals. His vibrant
personality set the tone for the visitors’ experience at the park. He began to
wear a pith jungle helmet with rubber
animals glued all over it causing John
to give him the name “Ranger Dave”.
When Lacey Township had their
Christmas parade, Ranger Dave
decided to put our circus wagon,
which had to be painted red, white,
and blue, in the parade. He bought a
gorilla suit and became the first
“animal” from Popcorn Park in the
Christmas parade. His enthusiasm for
entertaining knew no bounds.
For a little while, Dave moved into one of the apartments at the shelter and
helped with emergencies in the middle of the night, and then would get up
bright and early the next morning to head off to school to work at another job
he loved, teaching.. If there was a weather prediction for a major snowstorm,
Dave would go shopping to get snacks and food for staff who would volunteer
to sleep over to be sure that the animals were cared for if we got snowed in.
Dave would have sleeping bags and blankets ready for them, and in the
morning, now “Chef ” Dave would make a hearty breakfast and send them off
to care for the animals. Dave loved those days.
In 2000, Dave became the spokesperson for Popcorn Park on WOBM’s radio
show “Shawn and Sue’s Breakfast Show” doing “Pet of the Week” He started
with a monologue of interesting facts about an animal, then he would talk about
that Week’s special pet, and finally he would end with a joke. He so enjoyed
telling his jokes, and people loved listening to him.
Dave loved life and lived every minute of it. He loved animals and did whatever
he could to teach others about the value of loving an animal.
Our manager John Bergman found an emailed poem someone had sent him. We
believe it describes the way Dave viewed life.
Dance like nobody is watching…
Sing like nobody’s listening…
Love like you have never been hurt…
Learn like you are going to live forever…
Lead yourself as if everyone was following you…
Give like your life depended on it…
Live like you were dying tomorrow.
Dave really lived his life, and we are so lucky that he shared it with us.
Humane News
Published by the Associated
Humane Societies
Over A Century of Caring
1906 - 2013
124 Evergreen Avenue
Newark NJ 07114-2133
Phone: (973) 824-7080
FAX: (973) 824-2720
[email protected]
2960 Shafto Road
Tinton Falls, NJ 07753-7608
Phone: (732) 922-0100
FAX: (732) 922-4032
[email protected]
Humane Way & Lacey Road
P.O. Box 43
Forked River, NJ 08731-0043
Phone: (609) 693-1900
FAX: (609) 693-8404
[email protected]
Contributing Editors
Roseann Trezza
Jeanne Balsam
Sandy Hickman
Deborah Beyfuss
Karen Powell
John Bergmann
Popcorn Park/Photo Editor
Social Media Executive
Scott Crawford
Social Media/Marketing Coordinator Keli A. Tianga
Photography Editors:
Colleen Buchanan,
Becky Dietz, Dee Hobson, Lori Lane
Alicia Mecker, Jay Cat Morris,
Darcy Del Castillo, Linda Wells
Carole Goss
Circulation Editors:
Beth Stio
Information contained in this publication should not
be used as the basis of decisions by any reader
without referring to applicable laws, regulations
and/or professional advice. The HUMANE NEWS has
made every effort to ensure the accuracy of materials
in this publication but the HUMANE NEWS will not
be responsible for loss or damages caused by errors,
omissions, misprints or misinterpretations of the
publication contents.
HOLIDAY 2013 - Volume 44, No. 6
Information filed with the Attorney General concerning this
charitable solicitation may be obtained from the Attorney General
of the State of New Jersey by calling (973) 504-6215. registration
with the Attorney General does not imply endorsement.
Charitable Registration #-CH012-6200, Tax Exempt # 221 487122.
The Animal Legal Defense Fund (ALDF) of Cotati, CA is creating a nationwide database after a decade of asking states’ governments to do so. There
are so many different ways to obtain pets that organizations or individuals
can do very little to keep pets out of the wrong hands. Previous attempts to
legislate a registry were halted by criticism from the Humane Society of the
U.S. (HSUS) who are concerned that a public database may unleash mentally unstable people to threaten pets of neighbors checking the list for offenders. The HSUS blog feels that experience has made clear that such individuals … if they received comprehensive mental health counseling. According
to the ALDF, the purpose is to prevent abusers from acquiring more animals.
The registry has public access because of the many different organizations,
groups, rescues & individuals selling or adopting pets. To see if someone is
a registered animal abuser, you would need both their full name & date of
birth. In San Francisco, there has been an unsettling spike in the number &
severity of animal abuse instances this year.
Pet Food Recalls
Bailey’s Choice Dog Treats has expanded its voluntary recall to include
additional 5 oz. packages of chicken dog treats. The recall was announced
by officials of the Georgia Dept. of Agriculture because of possible contamination of the treats with Salmonella bacteria. For more information, call
H.R. 2224 (Doyle-PA & Smith-NJ) known as the Pet
Safety & Protection Act has been reintroduced in
order to protect companion animals from illegal
sale for use in laboratory experiments. The bill
would prohibit unscrupulous Class B dealers from
selling dogs & cats to researchers. At the request of
Congress, the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
assessed whether there is a scientific
need for NIH grant recipients to use
dogs & cats from Class B dealers. It
found that there is no such need &
that animals with similar qualities are
available from alternative sources.
According to the report: “…Class B
dealers are not necessary as providers
of random source animals for NIHrelated research”.
Of the six dealers currently in operation, two are currently under investigation by the USDA but were indicted
on numerous federal charges of mail
fraud, aggravated identity theft &
Popeye was one of 14 dogs rescued econspiracy, all stemming from keeping fraudulent records regarding the
by AHS from an Arkansas Class B
source of the dogs it sold for experidealer who treated them brutally.
mental purposes.
The license of C. C. Baird’s Martin
Creek Kennel’s license is now
H.R. 2012/S.973 is known as
permanently revoked. That was in
March 2005 -- Popeye lived a life of Horseracing Integrity & Safety Act. It
would address the pervasive, abusive
horror but is with us on the Sharepractice of drugging racehorses.
A-Pet Program.
Investigations have revealed an
assortment of performance-enhancing & pain masking drugs which include
everything from steroids to cobra venom, & enables horses to perform
beyond their physical limitations which often results in injuries & horrific
deaths. The Jockey Club indicates that racing Thoroughbreds die at twice
the rate in the U.S. than in other countries. Racehorses need protection.
Write to your U.S. Senators & Congressmen concerning this bill.
The Safeguard American Food Exports Act (SAFE Act) S.B. 541 is the latest
effort to ban horse slaughter for human consumption. (Landrieu-LA &
Graham-SC). The bill would amend the federal Food, Drug & Cosmetic Act
by adding provisions declaring equine parts are unsafe as food & prohibiting the “knowing sale or transport of equines or equine parts in interstate
or foreign commerce for purposes of human consumption”. The Senate bill
is currently pending before the Committee on Health, Education, Labor &
Pensions. The House Bill (H.R. 1094) is pending in the Subcommittee on
Livestock, Rural Development & Credit. For more information on what you
can do & how to help, log on to
Have you heard? ... AHS is social!
Stay in touch and up-to-date on AHS’ activities and the animals
we shelter, defend, and protect. Please stop by ....
AHS website:
Facebook: ‘Like’ Us at
Tinton Falls:
Forked River: 23
Non-Profit Org.
U.S. Postage
Cupcake & Mickey ~Popcorn Park
124 Evergreen Ave.
Newark, NJ 07114-2133
Deliver to Addressee or Current Resident
Join! the SHARE-A-PET
The Society’s unique SHARE-A-PET PROGRAM is helping many animals thanks to the
kindness and generosity of many HUMANE NEWS readers. The animals are placed on the program
on the basis of such details as victims of cruelty, handicap, length of stay, etc.
As a result of our efforts, brand new facilities have been given to these orphans. You can help by
“adopting” one of these orphans for $10.00 a month. In turn, you will receive a color photo and
report of your pet every four months, plus a membership card which entitles you to FREE ADMISSION TO POPCORN PARK. You are also invited to visit your pet, take him for walks, bring him
treats, toys, and even adopt him. All funds gathered under this program are applied directly to the
care of these animals. Any funds that exceed what is needed for a particular animal are applied to
the care and welfare of other shelter anmals. You can also view and sponsor all Share-A-Pets on
our web site at:, and click on Share-A-Pet Program.
Jasper & Donnie ~
Office Supervisors
Cupcake & Mickey are two of the happiest,
well-adjusted staffers at Popcorn Park. The
canine couple are good-will ambassadors to
those who are behind-the-scenes visitors.
We also hang around the camel barn, especially when Princess has to try & pick a winner during football season. But whether it is
November … or any other time of year, the
staff have been taught to always pick up a
ball and throw it to us as they are en route
to another caging area to do some chores. Even when there’s no one around ….
we pick up a ball and wait …..
Meet Jasper, (right) & Donnie …. in case you haven’t met them before.
Jasper was dumped in our parking lot & was brought into our Waiting
Room -- and there he has been for the past 5 years! Donnie was driving up from North Carolina with his owner when the car broke down
in Barnegat. Authorities checked on the driver who was immediately
placed into a convalescent home. These two heavyweights came in that
way -- they declined to get involved with our Run the Pines for
Canines 5k Run; they only pussyfoot around the office at mealtimes.
We don’t attempt to “pry” them out of their bed …. they hear the
shaking of the dry cat food … & it’s manna from heaven!
Name of pets sponsored: ___________________
___________________ ___________________
NAME ____________________________________________
ADDRESS ________________________________________
CITY, STATE, ZIP ___________________________________
# OF ANIMALS _____ X $10.00 EACH = TOTAL $_________
Buddy the Snoring Beagle
Buddy has had quite a
breakthrough! He is
allowing Popeye to
share his bed, the playhouses and has chosen
to become his best
friend. Buddy was
adopted too many
times & then rejected
because he snores too
loud. Now the only one
who has to put up with
it is Popeye. Popeye’s
picture is on Page 23.