May 8, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
May 8, 2016 Bulletin - Holy Spirit Catholic Church
Holy Spirit Catholic Church 11300 West 103rd Street Overland Park, KS 66214 May 8, 2016 The Ascension of Our Lord MASS SCHEDULE Saturday 7:00 am Vigil 4:00 pm Sunday 7:30 am, 9:00 am, 10:30 am, 6:30 pm Weekdays 6:45 am Monday through Friday Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 8:30 am Tuesday 6:00 pm Holy Days 6:45 am, 8:30 am, 12:10 pm, 6:00 pm or see inside the bulletin CONFESSIONS Tuesday 5:15 -5:45 pm Saturday 2:30 -3:30 pm ROSARY Saturday 3:30 pm, Sunday 7:00 am, Daily 7:15 am PARISH OFFICE HOURS MONDAY-FRIDAY 8:00 am-4:00 pm (913) 492-7318 FAX (913) 492-7370 PASTOR PAROCHIAL VICAR PASTORAL MINISTER PARISH MANAGER FACILITIES MANAGER PARISH ACCOUNTANTS Our Mission Statement Holy Spirit is a community of believers that aspires to be formed by the values of the Gospel and finds its strength in coming together to celebrate Eucharist and to be transformed into the Body of Christ. As a Eucharistic People, we who are being nourished must share the bread we have with others, wash the feet of our brothers and sisters and welcome all who come, as Christ Himself. SACRAMENTS BAPTISM: Baptism Class for parents is the second Tuesday of the month at 7:00pm. Call the Parish Office to register. CONFIRMATION: A two year program for Seventh and Eighth graders. MARRIAGE: Arrangements must be made 6 months in advance to complete the necessary paperwork/requirements. Please contact the Parish Office. SACRAMENT of HOLY ORDERS: Contact Fr. Scott Wallisch, Vocation Director for the Archdiocese at (913) 647-0303 or e-mail [email protected]. SACRAMENT of SICK / ANOINTING: Call the Parish Office if someone is hospitalized or ill at home and would like us to visit with Holy Communion and/or the Sacrament of the Sick. SCHOOL ADVISORY COUNCIL Jason Forge, Chairperson FINANCE COMMITTEE Don Watson, Chairperson SECRETARY OFFICE AIDE DEVELOPMENT BULLETIN NOTICES Fr. Ric Halvorson Fr. Karl Good Deacon Jim Lavin Laura Weber Tim Stewart Anne Morrissey & Kathleen Kaufman Pat Maiorano Amy Naab [email protected] HOLY SPIRIT SCHOOL (913) 492-2582 PRINCIPAL ASSISTANT PRINCIPAL SCHOOL OFFICE MANAGER SCHOOL MARKETING ASSISTANT Michele Watson Eileen Colling Kathleen Rodgers Anita Pauls SCHOOL of RELIGION (SOR) (913) 492-7382 DIRECTOR of RELIGIOUS EDUCATION Sr. M. Teresa Pandl, FSGM Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) Cathy Madrid DIRECTOR of YOUTH MINISTRIES Lynn Mayer SOR SECRETARY Sandy Drake MUSIC LITURGY COORDINATOR Denise Slaven (913) 492-7318 MARRIAGE CASE ADVOCATE Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L. (913) 894-1456 STEPHEN MINISTRY David Chaffee (913) 317-8393 ADORATION CHAPEL George & Maggie Lents (913) 492-3239 or Parish Office between 8 am-4 pm Monday through Friday (913) 492-7318 The Ascension of Our Lord Weekly income needed is $41,050.00 Collections, 4 week moving average $40,924.39 Date Transactions Amount April 30-May 1 $34,213.85 April 23-24 $26,506.86 April 16-17 $27,976.38 April 9-10 $38,952.16 April 10 (268 EFTs) $38,519.00 EFTs (Quarterly) 5 $ 1,600.00 Data for a four week moving average is provided due to implementation of Electronic Fund Transfers (EFTs). If you have any questions, please call the parish office. Endowment Funds as of 3/31/2016 Church - $71,955.12 School - $63,847.19 Thank you for your generosity! Don’t forget to wear red on Pentecost Sunday, Holy Spirit’s Feast Day, May 14 & 15. May 8, 2016 ST. MARY’S FOOD KITCHEN Holy Spirit provides fried or baked chicken and sides for St. Mary’s Food Kitchen on the second Friday of the month. Pans are available to bring the Fried or Baked Chicken to Holy Spirit by 8:00 am on Friday, along with cookies, sides, or donations of cash. Thank you so much for your help with this ministry. MAY 14 & 15 CATHOLIC CHARITIES FOOD DRIVE ITEMS NEEDED: Pasta Spaghetti Sauce Jelly Peanut Butter Canned Soup Canned Fruit Canned Peas Crackers Hamburger Helper Flour Salt Canned Tuna / Meats Vegetables Sugar Cooking Oil Juice Shampoo & Conditioner Dish Soap Laundry Soap Feminine Hygiene products Thank you for your support! We’d like to welcome those who may be visiting our parish. If you are new and would like to register as a parishioner, please stop by our Welcome Podium in the gathering space after Mass or stop by the parish office Monday-Thursday, 8:00 am-4:00 pm, Friday 8 am-Noon during the summer. Do you travel a lot? Do you forget to bring your offertory envelope to Mass with you? Do you not even use checks anymore? Consider signing up for auto withdrawal for your Church tithing. It’s simple. You sign up, and we do the rest. Please visit our website at support-us, stop by the parish office, or fill out the Auto Withdrawal envelope included in your monthly envelope packet. PERPETUAL ADORATION OPENINGS Sign ups are still open online: 1. Go to the Holy Spirit Website: 2. Go to "Liturgy" across the top and down that column go to "Perpetual Adoration." 3. Click on "Sign up for a vacant time." 4. Pick out your own day of the week and Holy Hour Time and then click on "Schedule.” 5. Fill in your information! If you have a question or would like to sign up over the phone, you can contact the Lents at 913.492.3239 or call the Parish Office 8 am to 4 pm, Monday through Friday at 913.492.7318, ask for Cathy Madrid or Amy Naab. Venite Adoremus Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament Wednesday, May 25, 8:00-9:00 pm Youth, young adults, and all, come and experience the peace. The Ascension of Our Lord The Ascension of the Lord May 8, 2016 First Reading, Acts of the Apostles 1:1-11 (58C), In the first reading, Jesus prepares the apostles for the work that lies ahead. They will serve a kingdom that does not belong to this world. Second Reading, Ephesians 1:17-23, In the second reading, we hear that our ascended Lord is perfect Priest and perfect Victim. We can put all our hope and trust in Him. Gospel, Luke 24:46-53, In the Gospel, Jesus takes His disciples to Bethany where He blesses them. He is then taken up to heaven in the Ascension. May 8, 2016 Sunday, May 8, Happy Mother’s Day, Baby Bottle Bonanza 7:30 am 3:00 pm 3:30 pm 7:30 pm Men of Faith and Spirit Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Chapel Youthful Spirits Youth Group-Bring your Mom! Pizza and Praise-Youth room Monday, May 9 6:30 pm Cub Scouts 7:00 pm Women of Spirit 7:00 pm Scout Committee Meeting Tuesday, May 10 6:30 am & 5:45 pm Perpetual Help Devotions 5:15-5:45 pm Confessions 7:00 pm Baptism Class 7:00 pm Stephen Ministry 7:00 pm Ensemble Practice Wednesday, May 11 Monday, May 9, Easter Weekday 6:45 am Lois De Simple, Sp. Int. 8:30 am † Tom Tierney Tuesday, May 10, Easter Weekday 6:45 am † Edmund Peters 5:15-5:45 pm Confessions 6:00 pm † Helen Rome Wednesday, May 11, Easter Weekday 6:45 am † Those souls with no one to pray for them. 8:30 am † Tom Colwell Thursday, May 12, Easter Weekday 6:45 am Gabriel Seago, Sp. Int. 8:30 am † Bob Dobbins Friday, May 13, Easter Weekday 6:45 am The Morgan Family, Sp. Int. 8:30 am † Carolyn Brenon Saturday, May 14, Pentecost Sunday 7:00 am † Gene Rockers & † Bob Salter 2:30-3:30 pm Confessions 4:00 pm Pat Hartwig, Sp. Int. & † Ruth Olberding Sunday, May 15, Pentecost Sunday 7:30 am † Helen Deitchman 9:00 am † Stephen F. Grim & † Brian Lambacher 10:30 am † Mao Do & † Thang Vu 6:30 pm † Kent & Jennifer Lundgren Exercise daily...Walk with the Lord. 7:30 am 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm Team Seven Prayer Group Scouts Scout Council VBS Volunteer Meeting Ensemble Knights of Columbus Adoration Chapel Thursday, May 12 7:30 am 8:30 am 11:00 am 6:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 8:00 pm Light of Christ Prayer Group Graduation Mass Quilting Knights of Columbus Meeting Graduation Choir Practice Stephen Ministry Scout Committee Meeting Friday, May 13, St. Mary’s Food Kitchen 8:00 am Cooked chicken, sides and cookies due for St. Mary’s Food Kitchen 9:00 am Men of Faith and Spirit 2:30 pm School Rosary 7:00 pm St. Gerard’s Circle/Nativity House 8:00 pm Knights Prayer Hour Saturday, May 14, Baby Bottle Bonanza, Catholic Charities Food Drive 1:00 pm Kyle Kuckelman & Monica Vezendan Wedding 2:30–3:30 pm Confessions Sunday, May 15, Baby Bottle Bonanza, Catholic Charities Food Drive 7:30 am 11:30 am 3:00 pm 3:30 pm Men of Faith and Spirit Spirit Movers Divine Mercy Chaplet in the Chapel Youthful Spirits The Ascension of Our Lord Parishioners of All Ages are invited to Holy Hour of Adoration Dedicated to the Sacred Heart of Jesus for Fostering Vocations to the Priestly and Consecrated Life. Every First Friday Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11:00 am to Noon in the Church Concluding with Benediction Spirit Movers Next Meeting Sunday, May 15, 2016 (Meeting begins after 10:30 Mass) Special Reflection “Come Meet Father Ric” Presented by our Pastor Father Ric Halvorson Don’t miss it! Bring a friend Quotes to ponder From the Saints: “ Love God, serve God; everything is in that.” ~ St. Clare of Assissi • • CHURCH ANNULMENTS Any divorced person, Catholic or not who seeks possible remarriage in the Catholic Church, will need to pursue the process for annulment. For information, contact the Marriage Case Advocate for Holy Spirit Parish: Sr. Mary Ann Bartolac, S.C.L. at 913-894-1456. May 8, 2016 Upcoming VIRTUS Training Session at Holy Spirit There will be a VIRTUS training session here at Holy Spirit on Wednesday, May 18 from 6:00-9:30 pm in the Martha/Mary Room. This training is mandated by the Archdiocese of Kansas City in Kansas for anyone who works with the youth of our parish. This training is necessary if you are 16 years of age or older and plan to help with the parish/school children in any capacity - e.g. Teaching Vacation Bible School, helping at the Garage Sale, helping in a classroom, helping with the parish teen choir, serving in the school cafeteria, coaching a sports team, leading a scout troop, teaching a School of Religion class, participating in a field trip, etc. This would be a great opportunity to get this training and background check completed so your file is ready whenever you might be available to help! Please register on-line at as a Holy Spirit parishioner. If you have any further questions, please contact Eileen Colling at [email protected] or 492-2582. We are also looking for talented cantors, accompanists and instrumentalists for our weekend Masses. If you would like to join our music ministry, please contact Denise Slaven, Director of Music and Liturgy at [email protected] or 913-492-7318 ext. 151 to set up an audition. We need people to run the computer slides projected on the screens during 6:30 pm Masses. Training will be provided, and a schedule made for all interested volunteers. Please contact Denise Slaven at [email protected] or 913-492-7318 X 151. If you are an adult who enjoys singing and playing instruments in the style of music we have at 6:30 pm Masses, please take note! Starting in June, Youthful Spirits for teens directed by Catherine Boone will share 6:30 pm Sunday Masses with Spirits for adults and teens directed by Katie Martin. Please contact Denise Slaven, Director of Music and Liturgy at [email protected] for more information. ALUMINUM CAN DRIVE MAY 15 Please bring your empty crushed cans to the northwest corner of the parking lot. Please do not park in the fire lanes (curbing painted yellow) when attending Mass. There is parking available in the parking lot. We all want emergency personnel to be able to get here quickly in the event of an emergency. Thank you. A GREAT WAY TO HELP A HURTING FRIEND Do you have a friend, neighbor, coworker, or relative going through a difficult time? A Stephen Minister may be able to offer the support he or she needs. Stephen Ministers are members of our church trained to provide emotional and spiritual care to people who are hurting. To learn how you can help a friend receive care, contact our Holy Spirit Church Stephen Ministry Leader David Chaffee (913) 317-8393. Our Stephen Ministers Are There To Care! The Ascension of Our Lord May 8, 2016 15th Annual Holy Spirit Parish Garage Sale Thursday May 26-Saturday June 4 When to Donate: Bring gently used donations during these collection times only – Saturday, May 28 from 8 am to 6 pm, Sunday, May 29, 11 am to 5 pm, and Monday, May 30 from 8 am to 6 pm. What to Donate: Furniture, kitchen wares, clothing, baby items, toys, games, holiday items, books, art, home décor, and more. Please sort clothing into categories (children, men, women, maternity). Appliances must be in working order. We will NOT accept tube televisions or computer monitors. Hangers are also needed. Where to donate: Drop off donations in front of St. Elizabeth’s Hall – lower level of the church. Please do not park in the loading zone. We will have volunteers unload your car. Donors are invited back to shop at the Preview Sale on Wednesday, May 27. Large item pick up: To schedule a pickup of furniture or big items, please contact Amy Naab at 913-492-7382 ext. 133. Why Donate: Net proceeds from the sale will benefit Holy Spirit Catholic School and Holy Spirit Youth Ministry’s conference trip to Steubenville. Sale is open to the Public on Thursday, June 2 through Saturday, June 4. Thursday and Friday hours are 8 am to 6 pm and Saturday hours are 8 am to noon – all items are 50% off on Saturday. Preview Sale is open to volunteers and donors on Wednesday, June 1 from 5 pm to 8 pm. How to Volunteer: Please note all volunteers must be VIRTUS trained Set up Thursday, May 26 – 1 pm – 4 pm. Set up racks. Set up Friday, May 27 – 5 pm - 7 pm. Set up tables and signs. Big Item pick-up Saturday, May 28 - 8 am until completion. Load and unload items. Organize and sort items Saturday, May 28 to Wednesday, June 1 – 8 am to 6 pm daily. Cashier and helpers Wednesday, June 1 (preview sale) – 4 pm to 8 pm. Evening stockers Wednesday, June 1 (after Preview Sale) – 7 pm to 9 pm. Cashier and helpers Thursday, June 2 to Saturday, June 4 – 8 am to 6 pm Thursday – Friday, 8 am to noon Saturday. Evening stockers Thursday, June 2 to Friday, June 3 – 5 pm to 8 pm daily. Clean up Saturday, June 4 – Noon until completion. Everyone is welcome to help! Adult Volunteers - you can go sign up at or contact Elizabeth McLenon at [email protected] or 913-633-4039 Youth Volunteers – you can go to or you can contact Lynn Mayer at [email protected] or 913-492-7382. Youth not signed up through Lynn MUST be with Parent!! We appreciate your help in making the Garage Sale a success! Saint Gerard’s Circle invites you to attend a fundraising event to support Nativity House of Kansas City, May 13, 7-9 pm in the Martha Mary Room. Nativity House KC’s mission is “to provide help, hope, healing, shelter and love for young unwed mothers in a faith based environment, based on the Roman Catholic Tradition.” Come learn more about this amazing organization, the plans they have for growth, and how you can contribute to the good they are doing on a daily basis. Enjoy fellowship with the women of our parish as we come together to raise much needed funds for a very worthy cause. The website for Nativity House KC is: The website to donate directly is: Thank you for your clothing contributions to the new Catholic Charities bin at the northwest corner of the parking lot. Catholic Charities has requested that clothing be bagged and not put in the bin loosely. Thank you! The Ascension of Our Lord Cathy Madrid RCIA & Adult Formation Rite of Christian Initiation for Adults Come and see. Are you searching for a Church to call your own? Do you struggle with questions about life, death, suffering, hope, forgiveness, love, God? Sessions exploring these and other issues in relation to our Catholic faith will be held in the fall. Ask about RCIA by contacting Cathy Madrid at (913) 4927382 or [email protected]. Who is RCIA for? 1. 2. Persons baptized in another Christian tradition who desire to become Catholic. 3. Persons baptized Catholic in need of First Communion and/ or Confirmation. May 8, 2016 SISTER M. TERESA, FSGM DIRECTOR of School of Religion Reflection on Mothers From Pope Francis Archbishop Oscar Arnulfo Romero said that mothers experience a “maternal martyrdom.” In the homily for the funeral of a priest assassinated by death squads, he said, recalling the Second Vatican Council: “We must be ready to die for our faith, even if the Lord does not grant us this honor.... Giving one’s life does not only mean being killed; giving one’s life, having the spirit of a martyr, it is in giving in duty, in silence, in prayer, in honest fulfilment of his duty; in that silence of daily life; giving one’s life little by little. Yes, like it is given by a mother, who without fear and with the simplicity of the maternal martyrdom, conceives a child in her womb, gives birth to him, nurses him, helps him grow and cares for him with affection. She gives her life. That’s martyrdom.” End quote. Yes, being a mother doesn’t only mean bringing a child to the world, but it is also a life choice. What does a mother choose, what is the life choice of a mother? The life choice of a mother is the choice to give life. And this is great; this is beautiful. A society without mothers would be a dehumanized society, for mothers are always, even in the worst moments, witnesses of tenderness, dedication and moral strength. Mothers often pass on the deepest sense of religious practice: in a human being’s life, the value of faith is inscribed in the first prayers, the first acts of devotion that a child learns. It is a message that believing mothers are able to pass on without much explanation: these come later, but the seed of faith is those early precious moments. Without mothers, not only would there be no new faithful, but the faith would lose a good part of its simple and profound warmth. Pope Francis January 7, 2015 Married or about to be? The FertilityCareTM System (Creighton Model) Introductory Session is offered monthly at a variety of area locations and long distance. Fulfills marriage policy requirement. Helpful for achieving and avoiding pregnancy plus medical applications. Better than IVF for infertility. Register online at, or call the FertilityCareTM Center of KC at (816) 858-0198. Holy Spirit Youth Ministry High School Youth Ministry 2nd & 4th Sunday 7:30 pm 1st & 3rd Wednesday from 6:30– 7:45 pm Summer Trip sign-ups LYNN MAYER Starting again in September! This summer we will be Summer Stretch taking our annual trip to the Steuben‐ A service week for our middle school ville youth conference July 6‐10. This students has filled up. trip is open to all incoming freshmen If more opportunities arise check the – graduated seniors. For more info website: check out the website. Please remember in your prayers Ed Keele of our parish. If you are interested in helping with youth ministry or you are a parent with questions about youth ministry please contact Lynn Mayer [email protected] or call the SOR office 913-492-7382. The Ascension of Our Lord May 8, 2016 Congratulations to the Second Graders on their First Eucharist Prior to Sunday, May 1st there were many activities to prepare for receiving the Sacrament. You may be a part of the celebration through your prayers for these young people – and through your own personal thanksgiving for the gift of the Eucharist. Enjoying and learning about all kinds of bread. Understanding and 913-492-2582 Michele Watson, Principal [email protected] creating the Last Supper Be Merciful as Your Father is Merciful. Luke 6:36 Learning about our Church and Mass Scrip-If you prefer to order electronically, it’s easy! Just go to pages 23 through 26 of your Holy Spirit Parish Guide Book & Directory and make a list of your selections. Then simply send an email to [email protected] noting merchants, denominations, and quantities. If your email is sent by 7:00 pm on Sunday, your order will be ready for pickup after noon on the following Tuesday. Cash and checks accepted. (We can no longer accept credit cards.) THANK YOU for the extra time it may take you to use Scrip to support Holy Spirit! That’s using two of the BIG T’s … Time and Treasure! Scrip is gift cards/certificates from national and local retailers. Purchase Scrip during the week from 8 am-4 pm (when staff is available) in the School of Religion Office. Scrip will continue to be sold after all Saturday evening and Sunday morning Masses and before Sunday evening Mass. Please visit to see the hundreds of gift cards available. Ways You Can Help Holy Spirit School- Box Tops for Education: Clip and save Box Tops from various products. Each Box Top earns the school 10 cents. For a list visit Labels for Education: Clip and save Labels from Campbell’s food and other products. Each Label earns points for the school, which can then be used to purchase materials for the school. In the hallway outside the Parish Office are containers for the Labels and the Box Tops. Cell Phone Collection: Holy Spirit Student Council needs your help in collecting cell phones to help raise funds. We ask that you donate any inactive cell phones. If you know of any businesses that provide cell phones to employees, please ask if they have cell phones to donate. 100% of the proceeds will benefit Holy Spirit School. All phones will be recycled. Just bring your cell phones to the drop box located next to the Box Tops for Education bin. The Mission of Holy Spirit Catholic School is to develop independent, life-long learners, who can and will live for Christ. Holy Spirit Preschool Now Enrolling Ages 3, 4 and Pre-K 11300 West 103rd Street Overland Park, Kansas 66214 913-492-2582 [email protected] Call to schedule a visit. Trash Bags For Sale! School Office, Parish Office, and SOR Office. $10.00 per roll Blue–Extra Large Bags, 55 gallon (22”x16”x58”x2mil.), 16/roll Yellow - Heavy Duty Bags, 39 gallon (32”x45”x2mil.), 25/roll White - Kitchen Bags, 15 gallon (24”x33”x1.3mil.), 65/roll Yard Waste Bags $3.00 per 5 bag bundle-Brown Paper Yard Waste Bags (16”x12”x35”/ 2 ply- Wet strength) The Ascension of Our Lord May 8, 2016 The Knights of Columbus and Holy Spirit Respect Life Committee Be a part of Baby Bottle Bonanza. On Mother’s Day the baby bottles will be passed out. Each family is encouraged to take one. We ask they be filled with coins, dollars or checks. The bottles are to be returned on Father’s Day. All proceeds are in support of the work of Pro Life Organizations, which provide help to women experiencing crisis pregnancies. KNIGHT LINE WWW.KOFC11661.ORG HOLY SPIRIT KNIGHTS’ ACTIVITIES May 7 May 12 Congratulations to the following families whose children were baptized here: Cecilia Marie Ressler, child of Zachary & Katherine Ressler, and Stella Rose-Marie Robbins, child of Joseph Robbins and Lindsay Starr. The 10th Annual BLISTERS FOR SISTERS walk is coming up on Saturday, May 7 at St. Thomas More Parish, 11822 Holmes, Kansas City, Mo. Registration is from 9:00-10:00 am at the Church and the Walk starts at 10:00 am. Mass honoring the Sisters is at 11:00 am and lunch is served from 12:001:30. The suggested donation is only $50 for a family ($25 for adult; $10 for walkers under 22) and everyone gets a T-shirt and lunch. In conjunction with the Walk-A-Thon the Serra Clubs are sponsoring a Clothing Fund Drive. Throughout the weekend of May 68 gently used clothing, shoes, hats, belts and purses will be accepted at the Clothing Fund Trailer on the parking lot at St. Thomas More. Funds from the walk and the clothing drive are divided among the sisters attending as a way of honoring them for all they do in their ministries. Please mark your calendars and clean out your closets now! For more information Google: Blisters for Sisters. Registration Forms are available at www.kansascityblistersforsister Walk is sponsored by the Serra Clubs of Kansas and Missouri. Pro-Life Baby Bottle Campaign Begins Guys Knight Out and Council Meeting, 6:00 pm in the Martha & Mary Room May 14 Second & Third Degree Offered at Ascension Parish May 26 Officers Meeting in the M/M Room at 7:00 pm May 29 Communion Breakfast @ 95th St. Hy Vee following 9:00 am Mass—Bring a Friend! Every Wednesday at 7:00 - 8:00 pm in the Adoration Chapel with Rosary at 7:30 pm. And now we have a spot on Friday Evenings 8:00 - 9:00 pm. Suggestion for the Knights? Call Greg Davis at 913-800-0581 ATTENTION MOMS! SAINT GERARD’S CIRCLE Saint Gerard’s Circle, SGC, is a ministry for mothers and moms-to-be. Our goal is to provide friendship and support within our parish, to provide a Catholic foundation for our children, to continue spiritual guidance for ourselves and our families, and to encourage community involvement. New members are always welcome! Questions? Contact Erin Fuhrman, [email protected]. Saint Gerard’s Circle invites you to attend a fundraising event to support Nativity House of Kansas City on May 13 from 7-9pm in the Martha Mary Room. Nativity House KC’s mission is “to provide help, hope, healing, shelter and love for young unwed mothers in a faith based environment, based on the Roman Catholic Tradition.” Come learn more about this amazing organization, the plans they have for growth, and how you can contribute to the good they are doing on a daily basis. Enjoy fellowship with the women of our parish as we come together to raise much needed funds for a very worthy cause. The website for Nativity House KC is: The website to donate directly is: donations.html May Meeting: Thursday, May 19 7-9 pm in the Martha Mary Room. Please join us for a night of fellowship and our "My Favorite Things Exchange!" WOMEN OF SPIRIT The ministry of the Women of Spirit is to reach all women of our parish community with an expression of friendship and spiritual growth. Contact Terri Kilgore at [email protected] or 913-206-6994 with any questions or if you need a ride to any of our events. For more information on our organization and our activities, please view our newsletter (located on the Organizations tab) on the Holy Spirit Church website: Coffee Club – Saturday, May 21 @ 8:30 am, Panera, Oak Park Mall Craft Club – Monday, May 23 @ 6 pm, Usher room of the church. Bring your supplies and work on your individual project. PLEASE CHECK THE PARISH WEBSITE The Ascension of Our Lord Marriage Minute— May 8 In this Sunday’s Gospel, we hear the prayer of Jesus that the Father’s love may be in us. Jesus clearly desires that His disciples experience the love of the Father. How do we do this? In the first reading, St. Stephen tells us when he prays, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them,” as he was being martyred. St Stephen is showing us the way to experience the heart of the Father, which is mercy and forgiveness. The choice of mercy is not an easy one. That is why we need grace active in our life because grace makes forgiveness in the family not just an idealistic goal, but truly a lived reality. Whether it is forgiveness between spouses, between parent and child, between siblings, or forgiveness of a person outside the family, forgiveness is the key that unlocks the door to experience healed relationships and the Father’s love. Please join us to wish our Blessed Mother a happy Mother’s Day at the May Holy Rosary Rally in Honor of Our Lady of Fatima—which will be held on Sunday May 8 (Mother’s Day) from 3 pm to 4:15 pm at Church of the Ascension, 9510 W. 127th St. Overland Park, KS 66213. We will pray the Joyful, Sorrowful and Glorious mysteries of the Holy Rosary followed by Benediction and the opportunity for attendees to enroll in the Brown Scapular. For driving instructions or future dates for the Kansas City monthly Holy Rosary rallies, visit THE LEAVEN is the Archdiocesan newspaper. The subscription cost is $21.00. The parish has to pay the cost for all parishioners. Please help the parish by using the Leaven envelope in your packet to defray that cost. It is greatly appreciated. ANNUAL DIOCESAN CORPUS CHRISTI PROCESSION – This year’s procession, hosted by the Diocese of Kansas City-St. Joseph, is scheduled for Sunday, May 29. Exposition of the Eucharist will take place from 1-2 pm at Our Lady of Perpetual Help (Redemptorist Church), 3333 Broadway, Kansas City, MO. At 2 pm, following Benediction, the procession will begin, and will travel to Our Lady of Good Counsel Church, 3934 Washington, where Benediction will again be given. All are invited to attend this annual devotion and public witness in honor of Jesus in the Most Blessed Sacrament. Have you remembered Holy Spirit in your will? CATHOLIC HOST FAMILIES NEEDED-I am looking for Catholic host families to commit to hosting a deserving Catholic teen for the 2016-2017 school year. Cristina (Italy) and Alberto (Mexico) are two wonderful teens who are looking for a good, Catholic host family for the 2016-2017 school year. Read their brief bios below and contact me if you are interested in hosting either student or just want to find out more. CRISTINA has a passion for music. All in her family play a musical instrument and her specialty is the clarinet. She is very friendly, a good student and loves animals, especially horses. Her activities/hobbies include: horseback riding, swimming, VB, singing, cooking and the outdoors. ALBERTO is active in his church youth group. He helps out at food pantries and orphanages and has strong moral values. He loves animals, soccer, VB and watching sports. He is described as obedient, respectful, hard working, intelligent and tolerant. Jim Andra--member of Holy Spirit Parish in OP (I will donate $50 to the host family’s parish for each student placed) You can reach me at [email protected] or 913-492-6459. May 8, 2016 OUR LADY’S PRAYER GROUP Meets on Tuesday mornings at 6:30 am and evenings at 5:45 pm in the church. All are welcome. PRAYER CHAIN If you have a need or concern, please call the Parish Office, 492-7318. After office hours you may call 495-9802. PROJECT RACHEL Project Rachel is a ministry of the Catholic Church that offers forgiveness, hope and healing to those who have taken part in an abortion. For information contact Patricia at: [email protected] or or call 913-621-2199. Recited Monday through Friday after the 6:45 am Mass, Thursdays at 2:50 pm, Saturdays at 3:30 pm and Sundays at 7:00 am. Also, please join us each Friday morning at 7:45 am to pray the Rosary for our parish, our school and your intentions at 10100 Barton Street. Children are welcome. Call Denise Slaven @ 913-963-5633 for details. THE GABRIEL PROJECT The Gabriel Project is an Archdiocesan program that provides, through a mentor-like relationship, emotional, spiritual, and material help to women in unplanned pregnancies. For more information please call 913602-0306 or [email protected]. The Ascension of Our Lord May 8, 2016 Pentecost May 14 & 15, 2016 4:00 pm Jimmy Cahill Sean Maddock 7:30 am Hannah Homburg Connor Morrissey 9:00 am Blake Arciga Anna Quinlan 10:30 am Anna Bartkowski Nathan McCanna 6:30 pm Philip Costello Gretta Hauk Servers Mary Grace Cahill Reagan Ponzer Gabrielle Keating Elizabeth Morrissey Peter Lee Emma Quinlan Joey McCanna Nickolas Coulter-Ramirez Gabriel Seago Pentecost May 14 & 15, 2016 Welcome Ministers 4:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm Volunteers Needed Jan Petelin Mary Jacobs Julie McGrath Mary Campbell Volunteers Needed 4:00 pm 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm Henderson Slaven Ensemble Choir Brass Youthful Spirits Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist 4:00 pm Bob Bridgham Bernadette Maddock Michelle Maddock Rosemarie Maddock Renee McGhee-Lenart Esther Okere Pat Seib Janet South Erin Sturd Bill / Kay Wietharn 7:30 am Anette Growney AnnMarie Growney Greg Miller Jack Morrissey Jason Morrissey 9:00 am Glenda Adame Felix / Mary Ann Baz-Dresch Mary Ann Bixler Lisa Boddicker Stephanie Cook Maureen McAnarney Cindy Miles Kristie Swearngin John / Rosemary Weber 10:30 am Mary Campbell Jennie Chambon Clarita Halling Marcus Kain Bonnie Mendoza Stacia Mendoza Vi Rossman Joseph Rost Eva Skahan Rick Trudell Christopher Wheeler Sarah WIlson 6:30 pm Peg Hiles Thomas Killilea Robbi Leno Morgan Magee Emma Morrissey 4:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm Sacristans Joyce Boone Howard Hunter Kathy Koenig Paul Scharnhorst Kathy Wilson Ushers 4:00 pm Steve DiGiacinto LeRoy Schmidtberger 7:30 am Cheryl Highley Trinidad Molina 9:00 am Ed Balzano Dennis Maher 10:30 am Moyer Bunting David Roth-Sub? 6:30 pm Julie Micek Brian Wagner 4:00 pm 7:30 am 9:00 am 10:30 am 6:30 pm John Henn Barry Sullivan Vern Koeppen David Roth Russ Denning Kevin Murphy Alan Rose Art Ruby JD / Lisa Miller Nathan Wagner Lector 1 / Lector 2 Peter Piscitello Jim Chladek Dutch tenBroek Laura Logan Ralph Leno Joan Carney Karen Chladek Kathleen tenBroek Dave Newman John Williams May 14, 2016 May 15, 2016 May 15, 2016 May 10, 2016 May 11, 2016 Music Ministers Timpani Rosary Leaders Tom Maillard Bruce McFarland Delmar Gardens Jane Grant David Boone Overland Park Regional Jo Long Mary Ann Baz-Dresch St. James Academy Youth and High School Summer Sports Camps are now open for registration! Visit for a listing of all camps and registration information. Saint Thomas Aquinas Grade School Summer Camps: During June and July, Saint Thomas Aquinas provides a variety of summer camps for students entering grades K through 8 to explore. Our summer camps give students the chance to discover their potential in both sports and other activities. Registration and further information is available online, through our website, We look forward to providing a positive camp experience not only for your son or daughter but for their friends and family as well. Christ's Peace House of Prayer is celebrating St. Isidore's feast day for the farming communities of the Archdiocese on Monday, May 16, 2016. We will begin with Mass at noon, followed by a procession to the outdoor shrine of Sts. Isidore and Maria and enjoy a meal together with time for visiting each other and Christ's Peace. Please let us know the names of your families, farms and businesses so we can pray for them during the Mass. Bring a small bag of dirt from your place to be blessed at Mass for you to take home with you. Questions: email [email protected] or call 913-7738255. Thank you for helping us let people know about this celebration honoring the Feast of St. Isidore. CHURCH NAME AND ADDRESS Holy Spirit Church #003274 11300 W. 103rd Street Overland Park, KS 66214 TELEPHONE 913 492-7382 CONTACT PERSON Lyn Crowder SOFTWARE MS Publisher 2013 Adobe DC Windows 10 PRINTER HP Officejet Pro 8620 TRANSMISSION TIME- Tuesday 12:00 Noon SUNDAY DATE OF PUBLICATION May 8, 2016 NUMBER OF PAGES SENT 1 through 11 SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS: Not at this time.