Be Spirit filled and make disciples!


Be Spirit filled and make disciples!
13th Sunday in Ordinary Time
Contact Us
37588 Fremont Blvd., Fremont 94536
510-797-1660 (Phone)
510-797-7080 (Fax)
[email protected]
Holy Spirit Team helps build homes in Martinez
Fr. Mathew Vellankal, Pastor
Fr. Brandon Macadaeg, Parochial Vicar
Fr. John Offor, In Residence
Dn. Rigo Cabezas, Dir. of Rel. Ed.
Dn. Chuck Glover, Pastoral Care
Dn. Steve Lewellyn, RCIA/Pastoral Care
Dn. Tim Roberto, RCIA/Pastoral Care
Dn. Emeritus Richard Yee, Retired
Jeff Van der Sluis 510-456-4970
Faith Formation: Deena, Fran, and
Amy 510-456-4974
Facilities Scheduling/Rentals:
Mon. - Fri.: 7:00 & 8:15 a.m.
Wednesday: 6:30 p.m.
1st Friday: 7:30 p.m.
Saturday: 7:00 & 8:15 a.m.
Vigil 5:00 p.m.
Sunday: 7:30, 9:00, 11:00 a.m.,
12:30 & 5:00 p.m.
Be Spirit filled and
make disciples!
Denise Kashyap 510-371-1383
Music: Paul Orella 510-673-3873
Office/Bulletin: Vanessa Barrett
Preschool: Marvie Torres, Director
School: Gerald Marchi , Principal
Youth/Young Adult: Joe Nufable
Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
You changed my mourning into dancing;
O LORD, my God, forever
will I give you thanks.
Mass Intentions
Saturday, June 27th
For the People of Holy Spirit Parish
Sunday, June 28th
— Psalm 30:13
7:30 The Coules Family
† Priscilla Almeda
Monday: Vigil: Acts 3:1-10; Ps 19:2-5; Gal 1:11-20;
Jn 21:15-19 Day: Acts 12:1-11; Ps 34:2-9;
2 Tm 4:6-8, 17-18; Mt 16:13-19
Tuesday: Gn 19:15-29; Ps 26:2-3, 9-12; Mt 8:23-27
Wednesday: Gn 21:5, 8-20a; Ps 34:7-8, 10-13; Mt 8:28-34
Thursday: Gn 22:1b-19; Ps 115:1-6, 8-9; Mt 9:1-8
9:00 Jeannie Atienza
† James Stockton
† Ly Tuan Ky
11:00 † Teresa Lai
† Xavier Samy
† Elnora Torres
12:30 † William Tan
† Angelito Miranda
† Apolonia Miranda
Friday: Eph 2:19-22; Ps 117:1bc-2; Jn 20:24-29
Saturday: Gn 27:1-5, 15-29; Ps 135:1b-6; Mt 9:14-17
5:00 † Alfonso & Anastacia Seli
Kathryn Teresa Williamson
† Madeline De Costa
Sunday: Ez 2:2-5; Ps 123:1-4; 2 Cor 12:7-10; Mk 6:1-6a
Sunday: Thirteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time
Monday, June 29th
7:00 † Shine Kin
8:15 The Martinez Family
Monday: Ss. Peter and Paul
Tuesday, June 30th
Tuesday: The First Martyrs of the Holy Roman Church
Wednesday: Blessed Junípero Serra; Canada Day
7:00 Jordan Buccat
8:15 † Lawrence A. Rose
Friday: St. Thomas; First Friday
Wednesday, July 1st
Saturday: Independence Day; First Saturday; Blessed Virgin Mary
Please note our prayer list is refreshed every week. Feel free to call the office to include your ill
loved one for the week: 510-797-1660.
Pray for the Sick, especially:
Ron Zucca, Letty Aguirre, Robert Garma, Arnold Vicnam, Julie
Domingo, Dara Gill, Kay Chun, Marlene Layden, Joyce Freeman, Jennifer Raj, Sean Carroll, Veronica Silva, Lucy Verducci,
Cindy Bueno, and Thomas Pearson.
Pray for the Repose of the Soul of Our Recently Departed:
Annie Kennedy
We Wish Birthday Blessings to …
Marina Salazar, Denise Kashyap
We Wish Anniversary Blessings to …
Gloria and Hale Sturgeon - 61st
Diana and Joe Fisher - 25th
7:00 † Lucille Tasch
8:15 Manuel Atienza Jr.
6:30 † Alicia Ong
Thursday, July 2nd
7:00 † Alejandro Javier
8:15 Letty Aguirre
Friday, July 3rd
7:00 † John & Mary Silvia
8:15 Joakim Cornie
7:30 Mr. & Mrs. Valeriano Alfaro
Saturday, July 4th
7:00 † Rafaela & Arturo
8:15 † Edwin & Marie Silva
11:00 The Hancock Family
Pope Issues Environmental Encyclical
Pope Francis on Thursday,
June 18th, called for a radical
transformation of politics, economics and individual lifestyles to
confront environmental degradation and climate change. He criticized consumerism and irresponsible development with a plea for a
swift and unified global action.
Francis, the first pope from the
developing world, used the encyclical – titled “Laudato Si”, or
“Praise Be to You” – to highlight
the crisis posed by climate
change. The vision that Francis
outlined in a 184-page Papal encyclical is sweeping in ambition
and scope: He describes relentless
exploitation and destruction of the
environment and says apathy,
reckless pursuit of profits, excessive faith in technology and political shortsightedness are to blame.
The Pope places most of the
blame on fossil fuels and human
activity, while warning of an
“unprecedented destruction of
ecosystems, with serious consequences for all of us” if corrective
action is not taken swiftly. Countries with developed industries
were mostly responsible, he says,
and are obligated to help poorer
nations confront the crisis.
“Climate change is a global
problem with grave implications:
environmental, social, economic,
political, and for the distribution
of goods,” he writes. “It represents one of the principal challenges facing humanity in our
What distinguishes “Laudato
Si” from previous church docu-
ments on the
environmental crisis is
that it is inFr. Mathew
tended to provoke action – to
cause an enormous “conversion”
in how humans understand their
place and responsibility to a planet
that is in peril.
“In Praise Be to You” Francis
puts forward a profoundly theological document, grounded in
Catholic teaching, but one in
which spiritual and secular matters
are knit so closely together.
“As believers, we do not look
at the world from without but
from within, conscious of the
bonds with which the Father has
linked us to all beings.”
I hope and pray that all us can
read this encyclical and be inspired to do our part to care for the
creation entrusted to us.
(Find the link to the English version on our parish website home
page at
Welcome to Holy Spirit
Our Vision: Be a flourishing community of intentional disciples shining as beacons of Christ.
Saturday: 3:30 - 4:30 p.m.
Thurs. before 1st Friday: 3:30 & 7:30p.m.
Weekdays: Call for appointment.
Eucharistic Adoration
Perpetual Adoration is ongoing in our
Governo House Adoration Chapel.
Anointing of the Sick
For Baptism, First Communion,
Confirmation, Adult Sacraments, Marriage, Anointing
of the Sick or Funerals call
the office at 510-797-1660 or
check out
1st Saturday at 11:00 a.m. All
seniors and those seriously ill or
anticipating surgery are invited to
attend this Anointing Mass.
Next Anointing of the Sick & Mass
is July 4th followed by lunch in the
De Sousa House
Faith News
oin us for dinner every Tuesday night through
August 11th from 6:30-9:00 p.m. in the De Sousa
House. (Or for the early risers: 6:30 - 9:00 a.m.)
Find out who Jesus is! This program, called Alpha,
is for people who are not going to Church or may not
be getting anything out of going to Church. Whether
you are 18 or 80, Catholic or not, atheist or agnostic,
spiritual, but not religious - all are welcome. It will
be an exciting time of food, fun and fellowship.
There is no pressure, no hassle, no tracking you
down. For info: [email protected]
or call Dn. Tim at 510-598-7408.
We’re Open
Gift Shop:
Sun. 8:30 - 2:00
Parish Library:
Sun. 9:00 - 12:30
Church Office:
M-F 9:00 - 7:30
Sat. 9:00 - 5:00
Sun. 9:00 - 1:00
Faith Formation/De
Sousa House Office:
M-F 9:30 - 4:00
M-F 7:30 - 3:30
Free daycare program for
your 3-5 year old children
every Sunday during the 9,
11 & 12:30 Masses. Although free, registration is
required. Forms are online at, or call
Fran at 510-456-4974.
Get Connected
Sign-up for our weekly
news Blast by emailing
[email protected] and
check us out.
Culture of Life
Are not five sparrows sold
for two small coins? Yet not
one of them has escaped the
notice of God. Even the
hairs of your head have all been counted. Do
not be afraid. You are worth more than many
ope Francis’ highly anticipated Encyclical Letter Laudato Si has arrived. Bishop Barber
writes, “In it the Holy Father is
speaking as a pastor offering
moral guidance rooted in central
Catholic teachings about care for
others and care for God’s creation.” Find the link to the English version on our parish website homepage at
Luke 12:6-7 (NABRE © 2010 CCD.
Used with permission.)
September 2015 Pope
I nFrancis
will be visiting the
US for the first time. Join the
Pope, Bishop Barber, and
thousands of people in Philadelphia for the World Meeting of Families through
our diocesan pilgrimage. Conceived by St. John
Paul II in 1994 to help strengthen the sacred bonds of
families across the globe, The World Meeting of
Families is designed energize and enliven our faith.
The theme for this year is: "Love Is Our Mission:
The Family Fully Alive". Our Holy Father Pope
Francis will celebrate a Papal Mass on Sunday, Sept.
27. Celebrate alongside thousands of pilgrims at this
once-in-a-lifetime event. Speakers include Fr. Robert Barron and Curtis Martin. For more information,
please visit our website at
inistry Leaders: The 2016 Facility Calendar
has opened and is available to schedule any
meetings or events planned for 2016. To view the
calendar or to schedule from the Holy Spirit Parish
website, please go to and
click the Facilities tab, then Facilities Scheduler.
Any questions? Please contact
Kashyap at 510-371-1383 or [email protected]. Wishing all many blessings in ministry, as you shine as beacons of Christ!
Faith and Family
he Holy Spirit Athletic Program, CYO Girls
Softball is open for registration to female
athletes between 5th and 8th grades. If your
daughter is interested in playing slow pitch softball
for HSCYO this coming fall season please go to and download, complete the
registration forms and all other relevant forms, and
contact the Girls Athletic Director, Gina Rivera at
g.rivera@[email protected] no later than July 10th.
Please DO NOT turn in forms to either the parish
or the school's office. Lady Spartans Softball
opening season will begin Monday, August 17th
through October 24th. Practices will be held at the
Holy Spirit baseball field every Tuesday and
Thursday, from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m., with Wednesday night or Saturday morning games. For questions regarding
ing. There is nothing that can prepare us for such a
loss. A parent should never have to bury their child,
but unfortunately too often we do. For parents who
mourn we are left with a huge void and great sadness. It is in this most trying time we reach out to
God to carry the hurt we cannot handle. Please join
us September 26th at 11:00 a.m. in the Church for the
“Not what we were expecting” Mass. It will be a
Mass of healing, a Mass of remembrance. If you
have lost a child from miscarriage, stillborn or lost a
child at any age please join us to pray. If you have
any questions please contact Deacon Tim Ronerto at
Let us understand that God is a physician, and that suffering is a medicine for salvation, not a punishment for damnation.
~St. Augustine
team, please contact our Head
a child is the most difficult moment for
L osing
any parent. It is not what we were expect-
Spirit Preschool currently has openings
H oly
in the Pre-K program for 4-5 year olds. This
Marie Herbert at
[email protected].
J dis Camp is still open. Registration form availaust a reminder that registration for the Quo Va-
ble online at The
camp aims to assist young men ages 13-18 yrs to recognize and respond to their own vocation invitation
from our Lord and grow in their relationship with
program is designed for children to grow spiritually, academically, socially, emotionally, cognitively, and physically. Open Mon-Fri from 7:00 a.m.
to 6:00 p.m. Interested families can call 510-7932013 or email us at [email protected] to arrange a tour, meet the staff and fill out an application.
Christ. There will be priests, seminarians, and other
young men gathered together for these days. Activities will include prayer, games, discussions and talks.
The dates are July 12-15 and the fee is $50. Financial
assistance is available to those who need it. The location is Diocese of Oakland Youth Retreat Center,
1977 Reliez Valley Road, Lafayette 94549.
Volunteers Needed:
The Baptism Preparation program is looking
for a few parishioners to volunteer to teach
our parish Baptism Prep Class once a month.
Classes are held on Monday evenings 7:309:00 p.m. in the De Sousa House. You work
with a partner. All materials and training are
provided. The most important gift you can
share is your enthusiasm of our faith! Please
email [email protected] or call Vanessa in
the church office at 510-797-1660
The Traffic Team has several shifts on Sundays open
and could use your help.
Can you spare an hour to
direct traffic and welcome
guests and parishioners to
Holy Spirit? You get to
wear a fashionable orange shirt or vest! Contact Alex Radich or Richard Orduno by email
at [email protected]. Thanks!
For harvesting in our Prayer and Learning
Garden on Fridays at 10:00 a.m. Just park
back by the Preschool and walk through the
gate to the back parking area and P&L Garden. Wear your hat and gloves. No need to
register just meet us there on Fridays for an
Our A/V Club is looking for volunteers interested in Hands-On experience with Cameras and
Broadcast Equipment, learning techniques for
camera work, using broadcast software such as
fades, transitions, titling, etc. Help produce our
Sunday 11:00 a.m. Livestream Mass and all
Masses after A/V installation. Instructor is Robert Alberto who has years of experience in the
trade. Call Jeff at 510-456-4970 to sign-up.
(Students welcome.)
Drive-Thru Prayer is looking for a few prayer
ministers. Are you available for an hour a week
5:00-6:00 p.m.? Please contact Denise at 510371-1383.
Congratulations, Holy Spirit School!
Thank you to all of our parishioners who supported our parish school in the Fremont Hub’s
“Cash for Class” contest. We came in 5th place
and received $500.
Please start saving your Hub receipts starting
again August 1st and turn those in to the school
or church office.
Thank you for your support!
Stewardship Corner
Sunday, June 21st
= $ 23,123
Mission Co-Op Appeal
= $ 4,231
Our pledged weekly amount is
$29, 408.
From our Youngest Stewards …
I helped someone, I prayed, I studied my lessons:
Keiko, Dylan, Noah, Aiden, Jayden,
Josh, Alden, Koa, Chantasle, and Malia
We will explore Sail Boats, Cruise Vacations, Cooking, Fun in the Sun
and Tropical Adventures!
Interested? Contact us at 510-793-2013 or [email protected]
Pledge Totals Surpass
$963,583 (65% of goal)
One of our goals is to have 100% participation.
If you have not yet responded, WE STILL NEED YOUR HELP!!!
Thank you to all the families who have contributed to date and have made the campaign a great success. Our campaign is based on every family making an equal sacrifice, not an equal gift.
Please detach the form below and submit through the Offertory collection.
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