October 2013 - Temple Isaiah


October 2013 - Temple Isaiah
Kislev / Tevet 5772
Bonding as Jews in a Non-Jewish World
Briefly after the holiday season is over, it may be worth reviewing why a synagogue community exists and why people want to
belong. Our reason to be is to perpetuate a tradition of worship,
study, and righteous action in the world, which has characterized synagogue communities throughout the ages. We seek to be
a dynamic community, not one that simply follows trends, but
oftentimes will initiate them. We do this in the varieties of worship
experience we offer, in the modalities of learning we share with
our congregants, and with our presence in the larger community
when it comes to righteous action.
We know that not every single member of our synagogue community embraces all these goals. Some get more excited about
social action, others are our regular learners, and yet others enjoy
the warmth of a worshiping community. We all agree, though, that
whichever area of engagement we choose, getting together, getting
to know each other, and bonding as Jews in the midst of a nonJewish world is a powerful reason to belong. The people we meet,
the friendships we make, our ability to listen to the other and our
knowing that we will be listened to when we speak is what makes
congregational membership valuable.
We want to model for each of you what a thoughtful, soulful
Jewish gathering can be all about. That
is why committee meetings begin with
Torah Study, leadership training sessions
contain an opening prayer, and every
service has an oneg! Congregational
programs strive to integrate components of all these values we cherish.
Once again early in the Fall (this
year on October 12), we will gather in
our neighbors’ homes for Community
Havdalot. We will share good food
around the table, joyful singing under
the light of the havdalah candle, and
Rabbi Roberto
thoughtful conversations so that by the
end of the evening, we will know a little
more about each other, our thoughts, our dreams, our fears.
Some people will come for the food, others for the ritual, yet
others for some meaty conversation… No matter what brings
you, please be sure to sign up (Once you RSVP, be respectful
of your hosts that evening and let them know if your plans
Temple Isaiah families with young children fill the Makom in the CCJDS building for Rosh HaShanah services led by Rabbi Shanks.
Scholar Weekend
945 Risa Road, Lafayette, CA 94549
Frances Bobbie Collen Memorial Lecture
Temple Isaiah’s mission is to embody, enhance, and
perpetuate our Jewish tradition by providing a
welcoming spiritual home where the membership
gathers to worship God, study Torah, engage in acts of
Tikun Olam, participate in Jewish rituals and life cycle
events, and experience the joy of being a part of a
caring community.
Rabbi Rex D. Perlmeter is our Scholar-inResidence
Rabbi Perlmeter
is known for his
developing spiritual awareness.
He is the founder of the Jewish
Wellness Center of New Jersey, a holistic
program designed to help synagogues and
individuals strive for wholeness in body,
heart, mind and soul, and is the author of
Making Prayer Real. Please join us for study
throughout the weekend:
Friday, November 8:
7:00 p.m. – Dinner in the Social Hall
8:00 p.m. – Shabbat Service: “Can I Be
Jewish, Religious And Spiritual (And Do I
Have To Be?)”
Robert Goldberg
David Douglas
Tony Crea
David Bressler
Steve Lipson
Lisa Hirsch
Phone Ext
Roberto Graetz 308
Judy Shanks 308
Associate Rabbi
Alissa Miller 308
Rabbi Emeritus Shelly Waldenberg 308
Leigh Korn 308
Executive Director Michael Liepman 301
Education Director
Rabbi Nicki Greninger 313
Gan Ilan Director
Liz Kaufman 108
Youth Director
Ira Rosenberg 311
Abby Seitelman 306
Facilities Rental
Melissa Gianotti 316
Clergy Secretary
Nina Jones 308
Education Asst.
Nathan Bellet 315
Communications Dir. Jen Boxerman 310
Hebrew Tutor
Joel Siegel 318
Office Staff
Sherry Tsai 300
Melissa Gianotti 304
Tonna Lusareta-Stevens 302
Vice President
Vice President
Saturday, November 9:
4:00 p.m. – Lecture in the Sanctuary:
“Staying Connected When Living and
Loving Hurt: Teachings and Reflections on
the Spiritual Significance of Suffering and
Sunday, November 10:
11:00 a.m. – Lecture in the Sanctuary:
“Jewish Mindfulness: An Introduction.”
Office (925) 283-8575
(925) 283-8355
Religious School (925) 284-9191
Gan Ilan Preschool (925) 284-8453
Gift Shop
(925) 284-4933
2 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
Give the Gift of Life:
Last year we helped 67 people in Contra
Costa County receive life-saving blood. Help
us beat this number at our Temple blood
drive on Sunday, November 3, from 9 a.m.–1
p.m. in the Adult Lounge. Contact Arlynn
Bloom at [email protected] or (925)
299-1301 to make an appointment. We will
make every effort to get you in and out as
quickly as possible. Start your year in a positive way. Help someone who needs you!
Come to learn more about Jewish culture
and sociology through the medium of film
on Sunday, October 6, at 4 p.m. for Hava
Nagila (The Movie). This film is a documentary on the history, mystery, and meaning of
the ubiquitous Jewish standard that follows
the around-the-world journey of the song
from Ukraine to YouTube. The film will be
shown in our Adult Lounge on a big screen
followed by a discussion led by Cantor
photo by Bob Coleman
Julie Candau
[email protected]
Michael Fox
Copy Editors Ellen Baer, Miriam Cairns,
Jeanie Conneran, Beth Hoenninger,
Julie Magilen, Anna Marie Levy,
Carol Olmert
At the WOI Kickoff dinner, Elaine Kaufman,
Jan Trzesniewski, Wendy Dorband, and
Bobby Baron helped with the collection of
nearly 500 items of hosiery and intimate
apparel for the clients of Wardrobe for
Documentary Film:
Hava Nagila (The Movie)
Ruach Vol. 62, No. 2, October 2013
Ruach is published monthly except in July by Temple
Isaiah. Ruach is breath, wind, or spirit. It also means
soul. May it be a breeze of fresh Jewish spirit arriving
at your home.
photo by Rachel Goldberg
November 8–9.
Dan Friedman was part of the Anshei
Isaiah crew that built our Temple sukkah.
for the latest information www.temple-isaiah.org
Temple Isaiah’s Legacy Society
Legacy Society Members
Sandra and David Anderson
Linda and Mike Bandler
Judy and Marty Berg
Emily Blanck and Dan Weiss
Sue Adler-Bressler and Dave
Len and Roberta Cohn
Tina and David De Stephen
Jill and David Douglas
Miriam Epstein*
Susan and William Epstein
Fran Feinberg
Terry and Stephen Friedkin
Elaine Highiet
Lisa and Pierre* Hirsch
Arlene and Larry Kaufman
Judy and Maynard Lichterman
Judy and Steve Lipson
Aliza and Peter Metzner
Carol Mann
Virginia and Michael Peiser Beryl and Ivor Silver
Frances L. Singer
Marge Sterns
Karen Maas and Steven
* Of blessed memory
photo by Rachel Goldberg
The Temple Isaiah Legacy Society is comprised of those
congregants, listed below, who have included a Legacy gift to the
Temple in their estate plans in order to help ensure the Temple’s
future.These gifts can take many forms and there is no minimum
amount for the gift. Most Legacy donors designate that the gift,
when received, go to the Temple’s Endowment Fund.The primary
purpose of the Endowment Fund is to help support the Temple’s
Youth programs. For more information on making a Legacy gift,
contact either of the Endowment Committee Co-Chairs, Mike
Bandler (925) 831-1320 or Maynard Lichterman (925)283-6608.
Rose Michaels,
Kickoff dinner.
Aliza Metzner, Ellen Kirmayer at the WOI
First Friday Family Service now starting at 6:00 p.m.
followed by dinner and so much more!
www.temple-isaiah.org for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 3
Yizkor Elohim
Welcome New Members
August 17 to September 15, 2013
April 28, 2013
■ Louise Closs, mother of Shella (Barry) Meskin, grandmother of Sarah and Jacob Meskin.
August 23, 2013
Terry (Judy) Matzkin, Cari z”l (Steve) Rodman, and Penni
(Art) Perrault, grandmother of Laurie (Aviv) Matzkin,
Aaron Matzkin, David (Alia) Rodman, Lisa Rodman, Paris
Perrault, and Artie Perrault.
August 24, 2013
■ Peggy Preskill, mother of Temple member Deb (Steven)
Slotsky, Liz Gluck and Judy (Bob) Kaplan, grandmother of
Zeke Slotsky. In Chicago, Il.
September 8, 2013
■ Arthur Faltz, father of Temple member Amy Faltz (Tony
Crea), and Robin (Kenneth Parkin) Faltz, grandfather of
Jared Crea and Zachary and Elle Parkin. In Florida.
This space
left intentionally
A community of caring built for
exceptional senior living
4000 Camino Tassajara
Danville, CA 94506
4 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
for the latest information www.temple-isaiah.org
photo by Rodger Lamm
Winter Nights: December 16-30
Temple members gathered in the sukkah for Sukkot morning service.
Neighborhood Havdalah Returns! Join us for a great evening of food, friends, and fun with Temple
Isaiah members in your neighborhood, Saturday, October 12, at
5:30 p.m. We will be sharing a pot luck dinner and celebrating
Havdalah with our rabbis and cantor at homes in Lafayette, Moraga,
Orinda, Walnut Creek, Rossmoor, Concord, Alamo, Danville, San
Ramon and Oakland. Everyone is invited. Babysitting and activities
planned for kids. Questions? Contact Jill Douglas at prkhere@
comcast.net or Joani DeVries at [email protected]. RSVP at www.
For the tenth holiday season in a row, Temple Isaiah will host
the Winter Nights Rotating Shelter (December 16–30), which
provides food, lodging, and skills development to homeless
families with children. In the spirit of tikkun olam, our Social
Hall and Oneg area become a warm, safe home to these guests.
Temple members serve nutritious meals, lead fun activities, and
outings, throw a Christmas party, and answer Isaiah’s call to be
“a refuge for the needy in his distress, a shelter from the storm.”
(Isaiah 25)
Winter Nights is a ViA Isaiah:Temple Isaiah Values in Action initiative, and a project of the Social Justice Alliance of the Interfaith
Council of Contra Costa County.
We count upon hundreds of dedicated volunteers to make
Winter Nights a success. There are so many ways to help, from
cooking, washing dishes, shopping for gifts and supplies, making
donations, and more. Jobs fill up quickly, so mark your calendars
now, and sign up online after October 4 at www.temple-isaiah.
org/wn. First-time volunteers are especially welcome. Join us for
more program information, please visit www.cccwinternights.
org, and look for details in future issues of Ruach and Temple
The Temple Isaiah (Blue) Softball Team won the 2013 Diablo
Valley Tzedakah Softball League Championship at the end
of July, beating B’nai Tikvah’s team in the championship
game. Back row: Gary Pearl, Dustin Gianotti, Mike Schachter,
Aaron Feldman, Eric Sandberg; Front Row: Alan Nakisher,
Phillip Moldoff, Jay Chafetz, Lee Ross, Dan Sinnreich (not pictured: Seth Moldoff, Team Captain)..
Mazal Tov
■ To Donna and James Green, on the birth of grandson,
Connor Samuel Green, to parents Lisa and Adam Green,
on September 11, 2013.
■ To Marty and Margie Diamond, on the birth of granddaughter Sara Liat Diamond, to Adina and Ned Diamond,
on August 21, 2013.
www.temple-isaiah.org for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 5
October 2013
Tishrei — Cheshvan 5774
9:15am Ganeinu
2pm CSA pickup
12pm Talmud Study
4pm Religious School
4pm Religious School
8:45am Torah study
10:30am Shabbat Service
(Bar Mitzvah: Benjamin
6pm Shabbatarama
service followed by
6:45pm Noar Night
Religious School
Adult Education Classes
Shelter dinners in
Shelter dinners in
8am WOI Gallery Outing
Shelter dinners in
Shelter dinners in
Shelter dinners in
9:15am Ganeinu
2pm CSA pickup
4pm Religious School
4pm Religious School
8:45am Torah Study
9:30am Tot Shabbat
10:30am Shabbat Service
(Bar Mitzvah: Drew
6:30pm Grief Support
7:15pm Rosh Chodesh
7pm Committee Night
7pm WOI Board Meeting
6:45pm Noar Night
8pm Shabbat Service
followed by Oneg
5:30pm Neighborhood
Religious School (ViA
Isaiah Clothing Drive)
Adult Education Classes
10:30am Women’s Torah
9:15am Ganeinu
8:45am Torah Study
10am A Retreat for
10:30am Shabbat Service
(B’nai Mitzvah: Claire
Fonstein and Elliot
2pm WOI Bancroft
12pm Talmud Study
3pm P’tach Libeynu
4pm Documentary Film
2pm CSA pickup
4pm Religious School
4pm Anshei Isaiah Bocce
10:30am Jewish Book
4pm Religious School
12pm Talmud Study
6pm Oneg
6:30pm 3rd Shabbat
Service w/ Mizmor
6:45pm Noar Night
7pm Sacred Chant and
Healing Circle
7:15pm Board Meeting
Religious School
Adult Education Classes
11:15am Clergy Course
with Rabbi Shanks
6:30pm Grief Support
Anshei Isaiah Board
3pm Longevity Revolution
7pm WOI Knitting and
Gan Ilan Funraiser
Religious School
Adult Education Classes
1:30pm WOI writing
2pm CSA pickup
4pm Religious School
9:15am Ganeinu
9:15am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Service
with potluck
1:15pm TEX Torah Study
4pm Religious School
5:30pm Tot Shabbat
6:45pm Engaging Israel
6:45pm Noar Night
8pm Shabbat Service
followed by Oneg
8:15am WOI Hike
2pm CSA pickup
12pm Talmud Study
4pm Religious School
4pm Religious School
11:15am Clergy Course
with Rabbi Shanks
1:15pm TEX Torah Study
6:45pm Noar Night
7pm P’tach Libeynu
6 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
for the latest information www.temple-isaiah.org
We Can Do It
On October 8, a group from Women of Isaiah will tour the Rosie
the Riveter World War II/Home Front National Historic Park
in Richmond and have an opportunity to explore the role of
women in supporting our country’s war effort with a former
Rosie – Betty Soskins, the oldest ranger in the National Park
Service – as our guide. Thanks to our Arts and Culture chair,
Karen Maas, who organized this outing, we will learn about the
challenges and struggles of the women who joined the industrial
workforce to fill the wartime labor shortage. Revived by the
Women’s Movement in the 1980s, the propaganda image of Rosie
the Riveter with her bandana, flexed muscle and the slogan,“We
Can Do It!” has become a familiar symbol of strong, independent
women coming together to get things done.
Part of Women of Isaiah’s mission is “to channel our collective energies towards the humanitarian needs of the community
through social action initiatives and ongoing programs,” and we
are committed to supporting Temple Isaiah’s Values in Action.
At our Kick Off dinner on August 26, we collected nearly 500
items of women’s undergarments and hosiery for the clients of
Wardrobe for Opportunity. We want to thank Wendy Dorband
and Michele Holtz, our WRJ Centennial Ambassador, for suggesting this project and our guests for their generosity.
In keeping with ViA (Values in Action) Isaiah’s focus on hunger,
we are continuing a Kick Off custom of making a donation to
MAZON, A Jewish Response to Hunger. Our social action chairs,
Sandy Anderson and Judy Carney, once again have taken on the
responsibility of organizing two weeks of healthy, delicious dinners for the clients of Mountain View Emergency Family Shelter
Rosh Chodesh: Taking Care of
Our Rosh Chodesh programs this year will
focus on the theme of taking care of ourselves
– physically, emotionally and spiritually. We
hope you can find the time in your life to give
yourself the gifts of laughter, community, sisterhood and well-being.
This year’s series begins with a bang! And
a thump! And a beat! Be a part of our Group Drum Circle on
Monday, October 7, at 7:15 p.m. in the Sanctuary when our
guest will be San Francisco Bay Area percussionist and art therapist Jeni Swerdlow, a dynamic and engaging facilitator, trainer,
presenter, and performer. Research suggests that facilitated group
drumming may enhance immune system functioning, stimulate
circulation, improve mood, activate brain functioning, reduce
stress, and increase socialization. So come, bring a friend, and
do your mind and body some good. We’ll have a drum for
you! See Jeni’s website for a fun video about her programs –
www.drummm.com/01video.htm. For questions, contact Karen
Marriner at [email protected].
www.temple-isaiah.org for the latest information
in Martinez. Temple volunteers will be
cooking and serving meals during the
weeks of October 7-11, 2013 and March
3-7, 2014. This year Sandy and Judy have
selected recipes from The Chosen Ones:
Favorite Recipes from the Women of
Isaiah to delight the guests. We encourage
you to participate in this mitzvah.
We also are strengthening our ties with
Shalom Bayit, an agency dedicated to helping prevent violence in Jewish homes. On
September 29 we co-hosted Shalom Bayit’s
annual prayer for peace and community
gathering in the Sukkah at the home of our
board member, Iris Sorokin. In November
we will get together to make Chanukah
gift bags for the women and children in
Shalom Bayit’s shelters, a repeat of a wonderful project we did last year.
During the High Holy Days our Rabbis
and Cantor called upon us all to improve
the lives of others: to give tzedakah, to
engage in social action, to reach out to
those in need of healing in mind as well as
body, and to pursue justice. We can do it!
Judy Lipson and Karen Goldberg,
WOI Co-presidents
Judy Lipson,
Women of Isaiah
Karen Goldberg
Women of Isaiah
Women of Isaiah Author Event with
Donna Kaulkin
Come join us for a lively discussion with Women of Isaiah member Donna Kaulkin, author of the provocative new novel, Brenda
Corrigan Went Downtown on Wednesday, November 6, at 6:30
p.m. in the Adult Lounge. We will explore the role of faith in the
story as well as thought-provoking women’s and family issues.
Light refreshments will be served. We encourage you to read the
book in advance; you can purchase a copy at the Gift Shop for
$15 (cash or check only). Donna is graciously donating a portion
of the proceeds to Women of Isaiah. Learn more about the book
at BrendaCorriganWentDowntown.com.
Ruth Bancroft Garden Tasting Tour
Join Women of Isaiah for a special fruit-tasting tour of the Ruth
Bancroft Garden in Walnut Creek on Saturday, October 19,
at 2 p.m. This exceptional garden specializes in succulent and
drought-tolerant plants from around the world. Bring a friend,
spouse, children, and grandchildren and sample palm fruit, dragon
fruit, and other unique cactus fruits. Adults $15, children under
18, $10. Free parking. RSVP by October 12. Send check payable to
Gloria Schiller, 211 Village Gate, Orinda, CA 94563.
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 7
Talmud Study with Rabbi
Roberto Graetz
Over 120 Temple Isaiah teens gathered in the amphitheater Yom Kippur service led by Rabbi Miller.
Rabbi Graetz’ Talmud Study begins Thursday,
October 3. Using the Koren Talmud - Tractate
Berakhot, with its readable English translation
and enlightening commentaries by Rabbi Adin
Steinsaltz, as our springboard into the rabbinic
imagination, we will encounter fascinating personalities creating Jewish practices in the early
centuries of the Common Era, a time when, after
having lost the Temple, Jews struggle to find new
ways to stand before God. Learning how our rabbinic ancestors think and why they think what
they think can help us understand who we are,
why we make the choices we do, and how we
can enrich our own Jewish journeys. This class is
free of charge. If you wish to combine this hour of
study with lunch, please make sure to arrive early
or stay after. Classes are Thursdays, 12–1 p.m. in
the Oneg room, October through May.
Mussar & Meditation: First Steps on a Life-Long Path
Mussar is the Jewish path to character development – the
Mensch curriculum – that Rabbi Shanks described in her Rosh
Hashanah sermon. Mussar teaches us to take the measure of
our soul traits like compassion, greed, courage, humility, anger,
and generosity, and then determine in which direction to turn
in our actions so as to live up to our own high ethical standards.
This is an introductory class with the anticipation that students
will create Mussar groups or partnerships with fellow learners to
continue on the Mussar path, with follow-up sessions with Rabbi
Shanks throughout the years to come.
Please pre-register at www.temple-isaiah.org/adulted or by
calling Nathan Bellet at 925-284-9191 so that enough books will
be ordered. The class book is Everyday Holiness: The Jewish
Spiritual Path of Mussar by Alan Morinis. If you already have
the book, please let Nathan know. Free tuition; Book fee: $18;
Sundays, October 20, 27, and November 3, 11:15 a.m.–12:30
p.m. in the Makom at the Contra Costa Jewish Day School building.
“TEX Torah” Study Group
FDR, Lindbergh and Hollywood: The Epic Battle over
Increased Spirituality Through Torah Study & Discussion
A lay-led Theosophical Exegetical (TEX) Torah Study Group is
starting this fall. “TEX Torah” a concept in Torah Study that seeks
to develop a more direct relationship and understanding of God
through discussion of the Torah on a midrashic and theosophical level. It is a communal, lay-led, inclusive study group open
to those who desire a text-based approach to Torah study using
reference books that interpret the Torah from a philosophical
perspective. The Zohar (Daniel Matt’s translation) is our primary
study text, plus the Torah, Tanakh, Sefer Yetzirah, and the Koren
Talmud). Group meets Thursday afternoons, from 1:15–2:30
p.m. (in the Oneg room, right after Rabbi Graetz’ Talmud Study
Class), starting October 24. Questions? Contact Mike Drumm at
[email protected].
8 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
Lunch and Learn Series
For our first Lunch and Learn session, Wednesday, November 6,
Riva Gambert, Director of the East Bay International Jewish Film
Festival, will speak about FDR, Lindbergh and Hollywood. While
major events were empowering the Third Reich in the 1930’s,
many Americans adopted an isolationist policy that was against
any U.S. entanglements overseas. One of the major spokespersons promoting non-intervention was the famed aviator, Charles
Lindbergh. As for Hollywood, many studio heads, while Jewish,
preferred a neutral policy so as to not get into trouble with the
notorious Hays Office. Program begins in the Oneg Room with
schmoozing at 11:45 a.m., potluck lunch at noon, and speaker at
12:45 p.m. No fee to attend. To RVSP for class and potluck, visit
for the latest information www.temple-isaiah.org
Engaging Israel Seminar
A Harman Institute Lecture and Study Series
Through video lectures, text study, and lively group discussions,
we will bring the world-renowned faculty of the Shalom Hartman
Institute into our community on Wednesdays, 6:45–8:30 p.m. in
the CCJDS building on campus..
The Engaging Israel Seminar seeks to elevate the conversation
about Israel above the political issues of the day by rooting it in
Jewish values and ideas rather than in a perpetual response to
crisis. We will explore questions such as: What are the benefits
of Jewish sovereignty? How should a Jewish state exercise military power ethically? How do we create and maintain a Jewish
democracy? Why should American Jews care about Israel? What
values should a Jewish state embody? What can Israel offer the
world? In this way, Engaging Israel will equip participants with
a quintessentially Jewish values-based vocabulary to define and
articulate why Israel and Zionism can and should be fundamental
to our Jewish identity.
Each session includes a video lecture by Rabbi Dr. Donniel
Hartman, or Rabbi Hartman in dialogue with prominent Jewish
thinkers, followed by text study and discussion led by our rabbis
and members of the Lehrhaus Judaica faculty.The Engaging Israel
seminar, including videos and supporting study materials, has
been generously funded by the Koret Foundation’s Initiative on
Jewish Peoplehood and is co-sponsored by the Board of Rabbis
of Northern California. Join us for this wonderful opportunity to
learn from great scholars and from one another as we engage in
thinking about the meaning that Israel can have in our lives and
what our role might be in envisioning and building the future of
the Jewish State.
Register online at www.lehrhaus.org/course/2013/fall/H500TI. Free Tuition.
Small Class Sizes
State-of-the Art Science Lab
Financial Assistance
CAIS and WASC accreditations
Lafayette, CA 925-284-8288 www.ccjds.org
CCJDS is a beneficiary of the Koret Foundation, Jim Joseph Foundation,
and the Jewish Federation of the East Bay.
Course dates and discussionleaders:
October 23: Rabbi Judy Shanks
November 13: Rabbi Nicki Greninger
December 11: Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan
January 8: Rabbi Roberto Graetz
January 29: Cantor Leigh Korn
February 12: Jehon Grist, Ph.D
March 5: Rabbi Judy Shanks
March 26, April 23: Rabbi Peretz Wolf-Prusan
Ganeinu “Our Garden” Jewish Playgroup
Fridays at 9:15 a.m. in the Adult Lounge
Friday morning Jewish playgroup for parents and
caregivers with infants and toddlers 0-30
months. Play, sing, practice Shabbat, and
celebrate holidays with your children and others.
More details and online registration at
www.temple-isaiah.org for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 9
Special Gifts August 1 - 31, 2013
Angel Network Fund
General Fund Cont’d
Rabbi Shanks’ Discretionary Fund
In memory of:
Arnold Ferrick, from Tracy Gordon
For the yahrzeit of:
Etta Altman, from Sondra Altman
Herbert Anderman, from David and Meredith Olson
Florence Desser, from Mark and Valerie Milner
Bruce Lebowitz, from Mark and Valerie Milner
Richard Lesser, from Ruth Lesser
For the yahrzeit of:
Rose Marie Berke, from Gordon and Elinor Berke
Al Kahan, from Jordan Rose and Cindy Kahan
Doris Kliegman, from Steven Kliegman and Deirdre
Ruth Pfeifer, from David Millstein
Jack Price, from Norman and Nancy Price
Eileen Rose, from Jordan Rose and Cindy Kahan
Rose Rose, from Jordan Rose and Cindy Kahan
Gussie Schoenfeld, from Norman and Bobbie
Morris Siegel, from Barry and Linda Obrand
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Shanks’ inspirational leadership, from
Howie and Deeni Schoenfeld
In honor of:
Dan Greenberg’s birthday, from Arlee Maier
The wedding of Talia Gracer and Todd Ryan, from
Harvey and Phyllis Ceaser
For the yahrzeit of:
Albert Guasconi, from Bert and Rosemarie
Fay Lurie, from Howie and Deeni Schoenfeld
Rose Nankin, from Sheldon Nankin
Ben Schoenfeld, from Howie and Deeni
Leonard Tornheim, from David and Tina De
Cantor’s Music Fund
In appreciation of:
Ella Roth’s baby naming, from Phyllis and Irwin
In honor of:
Dan Greenberg’s special birthday, from Beverly
Kivel, Doris Leiber
In memory of:
Carole Chaiken, from Eileen and Ralph Battat,
Dean Goldfein and Tamira Elul, Steven Hallert
and Phyllis Harford, Beth Harris Hoenninger,
Suzy Locke and Associates, Tilden and Francine
Sokoloff, Jennifer Stahl, Roselyne Swig, Jerry
Weintraub and Melody Howe Weintraub
Pat Geffner, from Herbert and Margaret Eder
Peggy Preskill, from Sandra and David Anderson
For the recovery of:
Mildred Hauer, from Beverly Kivel
For the yahrzeit of:
Bessie Harris, from Mildred Hauer
Sheldon Harris, from Mildred Hauer
Celia Paul, from Yale and Arlene Downes
Cantor Ted Cotler Library Fund
A donation from:
Yolanda Selwitz
For the yahrzeit of:
Rose Benn, from Greta and Jerry Frantz
Mary Hull, from Larry and Nancy Crevin
Nura LeBid, from Larry and Nancy Crevin
Miriam Painter, from Larry and Nancy Crevin
Charles Emold Fund
For the yahrzeit of:
Charles Emold, from Ellen Emold
Daniel Baron Feed the Hungry Fund
For the yahrzeit of:
Reuben Glick, from Bobbi Baron
General Fund
In appreciation of:
Herb and Marlene Thier, from Miriam Schofield
In honor of:
Robert Goldberg’s special birthday, from John
and Judi Sutton
Dan Greenberg’s birthday, from Harold and Betty
In memory of:
Carole Chaiken, from Varda Rabin
Harold Persin, from Ben and Susan Persin
10 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
Ivy Blum Memorial Fund
In honor of:
The 50th anniversary of Audrey and David
Wagman, from Lorin Blum
In memory of:
Diane (Dee) Suddleson, from Lorin Blum
For the yahrzeit of:
Michael M. Albert, from Mel and Barbie Bacher
Edith Jacobson, from Mel and Barbie Bacher
Memorial Plaque Fund
In memory of:
Bernard “Bernie” Getzenberg, from Dorothy R.
Mollie Hertz, from Seymore and Marilyn Hertz
Ellen Hope Singer, from Sandy Anderson
Project Hearth for the Homeless Fund
In honor of:
The 50th Anniversary of Anna and George
Krieger, from Donna Kaulkin
In memory of:
Hadele Groman, from Marilyn and Peter Goodman
For the yahrzeit of:
Rhonda Siegel, from The Gitomer-Weiner Family
Rabbi Graetz’ Discretionary Fund
In honor of:
25th year of marriage, from Stephen and Joan
Dan Greenberg’s birthday, from Joe and Nedda
Katzburg, Arlee Maier
In memory of:
Hadele Groman, from Alice and Robert Breakstone
Adeline Matzkin, from Sandra and David Anderson
For the yahrzeit of:
Sanford Berman, from Bruce and Ellen Smith
Jeffrey Douglas, from Kenneth and Arlene Douglas
Yehudit Eliahu, from Shalom and Shoshana Eliahu
Evelyn Hassen, from Joel Hassen and Rochelle
Freedman Hassen
Barbara Levene, from Steven Weinzimmer and
Karen Maas
Rose Mauel, from Steven Weinzimmer and Karen
Religious School & Youth Fund
In honor of:
Bob Goldberg’s birthday, from Steven Weinzimmer
and Karen Maas
The 30th Wedding Anniversary of Sarah Gopher
Stevens and Bill Stevens, from Susan and
Jeffrey Rideout
For the yahrzeit of:
Doreen A. Ellis, from Ellen Bernstein-Ellis and
Stephen Ellis
Stephen Marcus, from Ellen Bernstein-Ellis and
Stephen Ellis
Jeanne Midgon, from Greta and Jerry Frantz
Social Action Fund
A donation from:
Gail Walden
For the yahrzeit of:
Gary M. Green, from Lois Green
Stanley and Rebecca Harris Memorial Fund
In honor of:
Doris Leiber’s birthday, from Havurah Aviva, Harold
and Betty Redsun
In memory of:
Hadele Groman, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
David Zuckerman, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
For the yahrzeit of:
Ella Backer, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
Harry Bruck, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
Julia Bruck, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
Bessie Davidson, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
Muriel Davidson, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
Anna Harris, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
Bernard Harris, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
Stanley R. Harris, from Beth Harris Hoenninger
Winter Nights Fund
In memory of:
Ellen Hope Singer, from Linda and Milford
for the latest information www.temple-isaiah.org
www.temple-isaiah.org for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 11
Non-Profit Org.
Worship Services
Friday, October 4
6:00pm Shabbatarama Service
followed by Dinner and Oneg
Lafayette, CA
Permit No. 30
945 Risa Road
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 283-8575
Address Service Requested
Saturday, October 5
8:45am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Service
Benjamin Lauer, Bar Mitzvah
Genesis 6:9-11:32; Noah
Friday, October 11
8:00pm Shabbat Service, followed
by Oneg
Saturday, October 12
8:45am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Service
Drew Jasper, Bar Mitzvah
Genesis 12:1-17:27, Lech L’cha
Friday, October 18
6:00pm Happy Half Hour Oneg
6:30pm Third Shabbat Service with
Mizmor Band
Saturday, October 19
Ti m e ly i n fo r matio n EN C LOS ED: P lea se d eliv er b y oct o b er 1
Are you tired of being a chauffeur, short-order cook, maid, world-bank, and doing
math homework you did 30 years ago? Then join us for…
A Retreat from Parenting
October 19, 2013 from 10am-8pm
For Temple Isaiah parents of 6th-12th graders
8:45am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Service
Clare Fonstein and Elliot Sasson,
B’nai Mitzvah
Genesis 18:1-22:24, Vayera
Friday, October 25
5:30pm Tot Shabbat
8:00pm Shabbat Service, followed
by Oneg
Saturday, October 26
9:15am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning
Service, followed by Potluck
Genesis 23:1-25:18, ChayeSarah
at Westminster Retreat Center in Alamo
Spend the day nurturing the adult in yourself with a blend of introspective
programs, free time, relaxation, wine tasting and connecting while sharing Shabbat
together. Lunch, dinner, and a serene environment are included with registration.
$75 per person. Scholarships are available.
Please contact Rabbi Miller at (925) 284-9191 or [email protected]
Space is limited. Register soon. Deadline to register is October 7.

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