September 2013 - Temple Isaiah


September 2013 - Temple Isaiah
Kislev / Tevet 5772
I have no special talent. I am only passionately curious –Albert Einstein
Where does your curiosity take you? To museums, libraries, the
blogosphere, hiking trails, classrooms? What do you want to learn?
Who will teach you? My nephew recently showed me a card trick
he had mastered by watching a YouTube video (that happened to
be in German) over and over until his sleight of hand matched the
one on the screen.We learn best when we are eager to know, when
curiosity fuels exploration.
And as we enter a New Year, I would ask, “Where does your
Jewish curiosity take you?” Is it our history you want to learn, or
does great literature draw you in? Are you a seeker of spiritual
experience, eager to try new paths to a connection with God? Do
you wish you knew the stories of the Torah, or knew them better?
Is Hebrew still Greek to you?
Each year we try to pique your curiosity by offering many opportunities and venues for high-quality adult Jewish learning here at
Temple Isaiah, and this coming year will be no exception. In fact,
Bill Broussard, Ziva Rave, Joani DeVries and Tara Goldberg bake
honey cakes for post Rosh HaShanah services.
it should be a particularly stellar year in
which to learn a wide variety of topics
from many different teachers. What will
make it the best year, however, is if you
are here. Yes, you. You, who will deepen
the class experience with your thoughtful questions. You, who will challenge
us to relate ancient wisdom to modern,
complex moral dilemmas. You, who will
bring the perspective of growing up in
another faith, or no faith. You, who are
passionately curious, fueling the curiosities of your fellow learners and teachers,
so that we can all reach higher, and still
higher. You, who have been curious for
so long, here at last, learning.
We can learn a lot about a lot of things
sitting at home, in an office, or even at
a coffee shop in front of a computer
screen. But Jews have always satisfied
their craving for knowledge by the
energetic give-and-take of opinions and
perspectives sitting together in twos,
threes, and classrooms full of learners.
Friendships and the sense of belonging
to a caring community are the added
blessings of learning together with others.
Are you curious yet about how Jewish
learning might change your life? I sure
hope so!
L’shanah tovah – May we be written
and inscribed for a year of life, health,
learning and joy.
Rabbi Judy Shanks
Rabbi Judy Shanks
and the sense
of belonging
to a caring
are the added
of learning
together with
945 Risa Road, Lafayette, CA 94549
Temple Isaiah’s mission is to embody, enhance, and
perpetuate our Jewish tradition by providing a
welcoming spiritual home where the membership
gathers to worship God, study Torah, engage in acts of
Tikun Olam, participate in Jewish rituals and life cycle
events, and experience the joy of being a part of a
caring community.
Robert Goldberg
David Douglas
Tony Crea
David Bressler
Steve Lipson
Lisa Hirsch
Phone Ext
Roberto Graetz 308
Judy Shanks 308
Associate Rabbi
Alissa Miller 308
Rabbi Emeritus Shelly Waldenberg 308
Leigh Korn 308
Executive Director Michael Liepman 301
Education Director
Rabbi Nicki Greninger 313
Gan Ilan Director
Liz Kaufman 108
Youth Director
Ira Rosenberg 311
Abby Seitelman 306
Facilities Rental
Melissa Gianotti 316
Clergy Secretary
Nina Jones 308
Education Asst.
Nathan Bellet 315
Communications Dir. Jen Boxerman 310
Hebrew Tutor
Joel Siegel 318
Office Staff
Sherry Tsai 300
Melissa Gianotti 304
Tonna Lusareta-Stevens 302
Vice President
Vice President
Office (925) 283-8575
(925) 283-8355
Religious School (925) 284-9191
Gan Ilan Preschool (925) 284-8453
Gift Shop
(925) 284-4933
Ruach Vol. 62, No. 1, September 2013
Ruach is published monthly except in July by Temple
Isaiah. Ruach is breath, wind, or spirit. It also means
soul. May it be a breeze of fresh Jewish spirit arriving
at your home.
Julie Candau
[email protected]
Michael Fox
Copy Editors Ellen Baer, Miriam Cairns,
Jeanie Conneran, Beth Hoenninger,
Julie Magilen, Anna Marie Levy,
Carol Olmert
2 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
S’lichot Study, Film, and Reception
This year for S’lichot we are featuring the
film, The Power of Forgiveness, followed
by discussion and dessert reception on
Saturday, August 31, at 8:30 p.m. in the
The Power of Forgiveness explores recent
research into the psychological and physical effects of forgiveness on individuals
and within relationships under a wide variety of conditions, and translates it into
a documentary film for public television.
The film includes feature stories on the
Amish, the 9/11 tragedy, and peace-building
in Northern Ireland, along with interviews
with renowned Buddhist teacher Thich Nhat
Hanh, Nobel Laureate Elie Wiesel, best-selling authors Thomas Moore and Marianne
Williamson, and others. The film provides
an honest look at the intensity of anger and
grief to which human nature is heir.Through
character-driven stories, the film shows the
role forgiveness can play in alleviating anger
and grief and the physical, mental and spiritual benefits that come with it.
Oakmont Cemetery Update
Temple Isaiah has two gardens at Oakmont
Cemetery: the Garden of Tranquility and
the Garden of Compassion III (further up
the hill). Since our last cemetery update in
January 2012, we were able to buy back a
number of spaces from owners who were no
longer members and no longer interested in
keeping their spaces. At the present time, we
have two (side by side) spaces in the Garden
of Tranquility and about 30 spaces in the
Garden of Compassion III.
A number of Temple Isaiah members
have purchased spaces at Gan Shalom, the
newer Jewish Cemetery in Briones (off Bear
Creek Road), operated by Sinai Memorial
Chapel. A committee is working on purchasing a Temple Isaiah garden at Gan Shalom
Cemetery. We expect to have news on that
effort in the near future.
For Oakmont Cemetery, space purchases
are made through the Temple. If interested,
contact Frank Winer, Cemetery Chair, at
925-825-2182 or email [email protected].
Actual burial expenses (opening and closing
the grave, concrete liner, grave marker, etc.)
are handled by Oakmont Cemetery, which
has recently added more staff to handle this
process in a friendlier manner.
Oakmont advises to take care of planning
as much as possible in advance of need,
especially to save on cost. For example,
memorial markers may be purchased in
advance and placed in storage until unveiling is scheduled to protect against the
rising cost of bronze. Oakmont also offers
services to help the advanced planning process, including guidance on what it means
to own cemetery property – your rights
and privileges, a family planning guide at no
cost, a no obligation tour to see all options,
family estate options, and no interest finance
options. For more info, contact Fatemah
Nikchehi, Family Service Manager at 925935-3311, [email protected] or Sharon
Jones, Family Service Consultant at 925-9353311, [email protected].
Frank Winer, Cemetery chair
Temple Has a Clean and Bright New Appearance
This summer we made a few improvements
to our Temple Torah Center and Temple
House, including new paint and carpet, as
well as a more welcoming front office. We
hope you will enjoy our facilities more
with the clean and bright new appearance.
Construction is also underway for a new
cellular antenna installation that will be fully
enclosed above our main building as part of
a new partnership with AT&T that will provide significant ongoing revenue to support
our Temple’s programs and activities. We
thank the Temple Isaiah Board of Directors
for securing this opportunity for us and we
thank everyone for your patience during
New look of our Temple House front office.
for the latest information
Looking Forward in the New Year
The High Holy Days have been rapidly approaching over the past
month as Rosh HaShanah will begin soon after you receive this
Ruach. For me, August (and Elul) is a very natural time to reflect
on the past year and make plans for turning and teshuvah in the
year ahead. We traditionally take a summer vacation in the High
Sierra, and my birthday falls in mid-August. This year a “bigger”
birthday occurred and it was an even more compelling time to
reflect and be very grateful for all of the gifts of family, friends,
community, good health, and prosperity.This past year, Sandy and
I have been blessed with the arrival of our first grandson, Nathan,
born to our daughter Naomi. We also look back at the incredible
trip to Israel with the East Bay Federation.
As Temple President, I reflect on all that our community, Board,
clergy and staff have accomplished together: a wide variety and
large number of programs and events, enhanced connectedness
and social action, renewed contracts for our senior clergy and
our educator, refinance of our mortgage, and strong financial
standing. Most importantly, I believe an incredible sense of joy
exists from being one Jewish community that is thriving and
serving the needs of its members.
Looking ahead, our Board has a number of items on its agenda
to further strengthen our community and extend our outreach
to the local area and beyond. For the future needs of our com-
munity, we are working on a permanent
cemetery garden for Isaiah members and
families at Gan Shalom. To improve connections between individuals and groups,
we are developing a private social media
platform.To serve those in need, there will
be a greatly expanded effort to address the
hunger and homelessness that continue
to exist around us despite the improving
economy and the wealth of our community. Please make a commitment of time,
effort, food, or resources.
Robert Goldberg
Lastly, we need to strengthen our relaPresident
tionships and support for the Jewish community beyond North America. Please consider a trip to Israel in
the year ahead to connect with and support the people in our
homeland. Progressive Judaism continues the struggle in Israel
and around the world for choices of observance. It needs our
Sandy and I look forward to sharing a meaningful High Holy
Day period with you, and we wish you and your family a very
Happy and sweet New Year. L’Shanah Tovah!
Robert Goldberg, President
5774 High Holy Day and Festival Schedule
S’lichot: Saturday, August 31
8:30 p.m. S’lichot study featuring the film
The Power of Forgiveness followed by
discussion and dessert reception,
Social Hall
10:30 p.m. Service, Sanctuary
Friday, September 6
9 a.m. Rosh HaShanah 2nd Day Service,
Beit Knesset
6:00 p.m. Oneg, Beit Knesset
6:30 p.m. Shabbat Shuva intergenerational
Shabbat service, Amphitheater
Graveside Gathering of Prayer and
Remembrance: Sunday, September 1
10 a.m. Isaiah Garden,
Oakmont Memorial Park
Kol Nidre: Friday, September 13
5:15 p.m. Kol Nidre Service, Sanctuary
5:15 p.m. Kol Nidre Children’s Program,
Talmud Torah Center
8:15 p.m. Kol Nidre Service, Sanctuary
Erev Rosh HaShanah:
Wednesday, September 4
8 p.m. Service, Sanctuary
Rosh HaShanah: Thursday, September 5
9 a.m. Family Service, Sanctuary
9 a.m. Tot Service & Activities,
11:30 a.m. Teen Service, Adult Lounge
11:30 a.m. Tashlich & Kulanu Family Picnic,
Lafayette Reservoir
11:30 a.m. Morning Service, Sanctuary
followed by a second Tashlich ritual,
Lafayette Reservoir for the latest information
Yom Kippur: Saturday, September 14
9 a.m. Family Service, Sanctuary
9 a.m. Tot Service, CCJDS Makom
11:30 a.m. Morning Service, Sanctuary
11:30 a.m. Teen Service, Adult Lounge
2 p.m.- 4 p.m. Sacred Chanting,
Beit Knesset
4 p.m. Afternoon Service, Sanctuary
5 p.m. Neilah Service, Sanctuary
Unable to attend High Holy Day Services?
Watch online at
Sukkot: Thursday, September 19
9 a.m. Sukkot Service, Sukkah
Friday, September 20
6:00 p.m. Happy Half Hour Oneg, Sukkah
6:30 p.m. Shabbat-Sukkot Service with
Mizmor band, Sanctuary
Sunday, September 22
12:30 p.m. Sukkot Family Celebration and
Kulanu Kick-off, Castle Rock Park in Walnut
Simchat Torah: Wednesday, September 25
5:45 p.m. Religious School Consecration
6:30 p.m. Simchat Torah Service, Sanctuary
Shemini Atzeret: Thursday, September 26
9:00 a.m. Shemini Atzeret Service with
Yizkor, Beit Knesset
Gift shop will be open for High Holy Days
Sept. 3rd-4th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 3
Gift Shop
September 22,
9 am - 1 pm
New merchandise!
20% off everything in the store
20% off Bar/Bat Mitzvah invitations
Refreshments will be served
4 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
for the latest information
Mazal Tov
■ To David Millstein and Carole Carluccio, whose son
Michael Millstein participated in the Maccabiah Games
in Israel and won a gold medal for Water Polo.
Creative Writing Workshop with
Estelle Gracer
Life is a journey with a zig zag path. We dance to its tune...
whatever and however it may be, selecting our choices as we
go along. – Estelle Gracer
As Estelle Gracer relates,“Years ago, by chance, I took a creative
writing class that led me into writing about my thoughts, my feelings, and my story for me, my family and my friends. Please join
us in a writing adventure to express yourself, in a sharing experience, be it poetry or prose, personal or ‘whatever’.”
Starting in September, and running through May 2014, the
workshop will meet every fourth Tuesday of the month from
1:30 to 3:00 p.m. in the Beit Knesset. The first class will be
Tuesday, September 24. Please bring a notebook and pen.
Class is limited to 12 people and will fill up quickly, so be sure to
sign up early. RSVP to Gloria Schiller at [email protected]
or 925-254-7286. Sponsored by Women of Isaiah.
Yizkor Elohim
July 20, 2013
■ Dr. Irving H. Assael, father of Kevin (Dee) Assael, grandmother of Maxwell and Samuel. for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 5
Welcome New Members – July 17 to August 16, 2013
This space
left intentionally
WOI Joins Shalom Bayit for Sukkot
The Women of Isaiah is co-hosting Shalom Bayit’s Annual Prayer
for Peace and community gathering in the sukkah on Sunday,
September 29, 2-4 p.m. The event
features Shira Chester, keynote
speaker, Rabbi Dan Goldblatt, purple
ribbon-tying in the sukkah, refreshments, rituals, face painting and
more! Join us for this free familyfriendly event at a private home in
Orinda. For address, RSVP, and more
information, call 510-451-8874 or
[email protected].
Gan Ilan student helps prepare school supplies for the Early
Childhood Education Tzedakah store. He used his Tzedakah
funds to buy pens, binders, glue and highlighters in support of
CCIH homeless teens. Values in Action (ViA) Isaiah thanks all
who donated.
Women of Isaiah Seeks New Players for Bridge Marathon
Sign up now to play in the Women of Isaiah Bridge Marathon. We
are actively seeking new players to join our friendly group. The
games are fun, relaxed, and a wonderful way to meet new friends
and get together with old friends.
Partners may be any two bridge players, at least one of whom
belongs to Women of Isaiah. Participants play once a month at
each other’s homes from October through May. Dates are set by
6 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
mutual agreement. A final gala dinner and round-robin game with
prizes awarded to the winners is held in June at Temple Isaiah,
The cost to participate is $40 per person (half goes to the
Women of Isaiah and half to costs such as supplies, prizes, and the
year-end party). For further information and to sign up, contact
Joyce Ellenberg at 925-376-6743 or Andrea Green at 925-376-7087
by September 20.
for the latest information
From Cajun Cuisine to Bocce Ball to Homeless Shelter
Support – Join the Fun
The Anshei Isaiah (AI) New Year began with our Annual Kick-Off
Dinner on June 3 featuring a “Rajun Cajun” dinner prepared by
our own “Bayou Bill” Broussard. We feasted on authentic New
Orleans fare of ettouffee, jambalaya, coubion, dirty rice, and pecan
pie as well as other delicious cajun foods. St. Gabriel’s Celestial
Brass Band rounded out the theme of the night, providing us
with the rhythms and sounds of New Orleans. During the business part of the meeting, Seth Moldoff was honored as outgoing
Anshei Isaiah President and thanked for his leadership and years
of service to the organization. A check for $3,000 was presented
to Ira Rosenberg, the Temple Youth Director, supporting TI Youth
Programs. Thanks to Paul Nelson and his committee for a very
successful event.
Anshei Isaiah strives to support youth programs, provide a variety of social, spiritual, and educational activities, and contribute
to the Temple’s ViA Isaiah program.
In July, we had our 11th Annual Game Night, hosted by Dave
Solomon, at his beautiful Orinda home. Twenty-five men feasted
on an assortment of food and drink (highlighted by the grilling
mastery of Michael Swernoff), participated in a spirited pool
tournament, garnered their skill and luck at poker, and expanded
their Temple friendships.
On August 6, 90 people traveled to AT&T Park for the Annual
Giants Jewish Heritage Night. Prominent
American Jewish reggae and alternative
rock singer Matisyahu entertained the Bay
Area Jewish Community at the pre-game
festivities. With our special event ticket,
we received a commemorative orange and
black dreidel.
Upcoming AI events: Build the Sukkah
at TI, September 15; host a potluck dinner in the Sukkah, September 22, and
then take it down, September 29; Bocce
Ball, October 13; check out the beers at
Pyramid Brewery, November 7; help with
Winter Nights Shelter, December 16-30.
Neal Modelevsky will Co-Chair this event
along with Joanne Peterson. Trivia Night,
January 11, 2014; and our Annual Retreat,
April 18-20, 2014. Mark your calendars.
Other social action activities AI participates in include Urban Farmers and
Habitat for Humanity. For information on
Urban Farmers, contact Nadav Rave, and
Habitat for Humanity, Peter Bluford.
As the new President of Anshei Isaiah,
I am really excited about this year, and I
encourage Temple Isaiah men to join and
get involved with us. Our annual dues are
$36. You can check off the box when you
fill out your commitment for your annual
dues or make out a check to Anshei Isaiah,
and mail it to the Temple. To learn more
about us, go to the Temple website and
click on Anshei Isaiah. I look forward to
seeing you at our future events.
Joel Willen, Anshei Isaiah President
Joel Willen
Anshei Isaiah
Anshei Isaiah
strives to
support youth
provide a
variety of
spiritual, and
activities, and
contribute to
the Temple’s
ViA program.
photo by Sasha Solomon
Anshei Isaiah’s
summer games
night at the
Solomon’s. for the latest information
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 7
September 2013
10am Graveside
Campus Closed:
Labor Day
Elul — Tishri 5773 / 5774
11am Gift Shop Open
2pm Library Open
2pm CSA
3pm P’tach Libeynu
Rosh HaShanah
9am Rosh HaShanah 2nd 8:45am Torah Study
Day Service
9am Tot Service
10:30am Shabbat Service
(Bar Mitzvah: Isaac
9am Family Service
1:30pm Library Open
11:30am Teen Service
11:30am Morning Service 6pm Oneg
6:30pm Shabbat Shuvah
8pm Erev Rosh HaShanah 11:30am Tashlich and
Kulanu Family Picnic
11am Gift Shop Open
2pm Library Open
2pm CSA
1:30pm Library Open
9:30am Library Open
Kol Nidre
5:15pm Early Service
5:15pm Children’s
8:15pm Late Service
Yom Kippur
9am Tot Service
9am Family Service
11:30am Teen Service
11:30am Morning Service
with Yizkor
2pm Sacred Chant
4pm Afternoon Service
5pm Neilah Service
7pm Adult Choir
7pm WOI Board Meeting
7pm Committee Night
7pm Adult Choir
9:30am Anshei Isaiah
builds Sukkah
6:30pm Grief Support
7pm Anshei Isaiah Board
7pm Sacred Chant
7pm WOI Knitting
2pm Library Open
2pm CSA
Erev Sukkot
9am Sukkot Service
9:15am Ganeinu
10am Library Open
8:45am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Service
(B’not Mitzvah Michaela
Sasner and Madelyn
5:30pm 7th grade
Religious School
10:00am Adult B’nai
Mitzvah orientation
12:30 Kulanu Kick-Off
Simchat Torah
8:15am WOI Hike
Shemini Atzeret
9am Service with Yizkor
9:15am Ganeinu
8:45am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Service
(B’nai Mitzvah: Amanda
Fingerut and Miles
4pm Religious School
8pm Shabbat Service
followed by Oneg
4pm Religious School
5:45pm Consecration
6:30pm Simchat Torah
6:30pm Grief Support
photo by Julie Candau
Religious School
9am Exploring Judaism
9am Adult B’nai Mitzvah
9am New Member
Reception and
9:30am Sukkah take
- down
10:10am Beginning
10:10am Jewish Ethics
10:30am BMU
2pm CSA
6pm Anshei Isaiah Sukkot
7pm P’tach Libeynu
6:30pm 3rd Shabbat
Service with Mizmor
photo by Melody Wientraub
1:30pm Library Open
6:45pm Board Meeting
David and Jill Douglas (left photo), Paul Candau, Karen Goldberg and Larry Goldberg
(right photo) enjoy a beautiful evening at the Weintraub’s garden summer dinner party.
8 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
for the latest information
Adult Education Courses Starting This Fall
Take advantage of the many opportunities for adult learning
beginning in the new year at Temple Isaiah. Visit for full course details, including cost
and exact dates.
Beginning Hebrew – Designed for those with little or no previous exposure to Hebrew, this introductory course will focus on
developing the foundation for reading comprehension and basics
of prayer book Hebrew. Sundays, 10:10–11:10 a.m., at CCJDS
Sept. 29–Apr. 2, Rachel Valfer.
Exploring Judaism – This course explores the history, beliefs,
traditions, and practices of the Jewish people and will be meaningful whether you are just beginning to explore Jewish studies,
you are considering choosing Judaism, you are in an interfaith
relationship, or you are simply looking for a deeper and more
mature understanding of Jewish history and tradition. Sundays,
9–10 a.m. at CCJDS September 29–Apr. 27, Rabbi Ruth Adar.
Jewish Documentary Film Series – Learn more about
Jewish culture and sociology through fascinating and insightful
documentaries on Jewish themes. Each film will be followed by a
discussion led by Cantor Korn. Sundays, 4 p.m. in Adult Lounge
•October 6 - Hava Nagila (The Movie),
•December 22 - Blessed is the Match,
•February 9 - The Invisible Men
Jewish Book Group - If you enjoy reading, lively discussions,
and sharing opinions, join the conversation at our book group
sessions. New readers are welcome at any stage throughout
the year. Wednesdays, 10:30 a.m. to 12 p.m. in Adult Lounge. First
three session dates and book titles:
•October 16 – The Blue Mountain by Meir Shalev
•November 20 – The Hare with the Amber Eyes: A Hidden
Inheritance by Edmund de Waal
•December 18 – The Marriage Artist by Andrew Winer
Talmud Study with Rabbi Graetz – Using the Koren Talmud
- Tractate Berakhot, with its English translation and enlightening commentaries by Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz as our springboard
into the rabbinic imagination, we will encounter fascinating
personalities creating Jewish practices in the early centuries of
the Common Era. Learning how our rabbinic ancestors think and
why they think what they think can help us understand who we
are, why we make the choices we do, and how we can enrich our
own Jewish journeys. Thursdays, 12-1pm, in Oneg Room
October 3 through May 22.
Lehrhaus Talmud Circle – A collaboration of Lehrhaus
Judaica, The Aleph Society, and Kevah. Through hevruta (partner)
study and seminars with Lehrhaus faculty, students will become
familiar with Talmudic narratives and arguments and develop a
deeper understanding of this pillar of Judaism. Sundays, 9-11a.m.
at CCJDS, October 13 through June 1, Deena Aronoff. Register at for the latest information
Money & the Mensch: A Jewish Ethics of Personal
Finance –The Jewish tradition offers rich resources for making
ethical decisions about money. This class will teach about Jewish
ethics in general and look at texts that can inform our decisions
about tzedakah, consumption, savings, and investment. Sundays,
10:10–11:10 a.m. at CCJDS, Sept 29–Dec 15, Rabbi Ruth Adar.
Small Class Sizes
State-of-the Art Science Lab
Financial Assistance
CAIS and WASC accreditations
Lafayette, CA 925-284-8288
CCJDS is a beneficiary of the Koret Foundation, Jim Joseph Foundation,
and the Jewish Federation of the East Bay.
New Adult B’nai Mitzvah Class
Did you miss the opportunity to become a bar or bat mitzvah
at the age of 13? Have you always wanted to study with the
clergy and become a more literate Jew? Would you like to learn
to read and chant from the Torah? Are you willing to make a
commitment of time to the exploration of your own Jewish
identity with a small group of like-minded adults?
If you’ve answered “Yes!”, then our Adult B’nai Mitzvah Program
may be for you. Past Adult B’nai Mitzvah students have found that
their participation in this program helped them to feel like “insiders.” They have come to feel more comfortable with the Friday
evening and Saturday morning services. They have enjoyed the
sense of a renewed Jewish soul. They have enjoyed the opportunity to study with our clergy and have found a strong bond with
a small group of adults in the community. For more information,
contact Cantor Korn at [email protected]. Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 9
Special Gifts July 1 - 31, 2013
Angel Network Fund
In honor of:
Jan Trzesniewski, from Bette Spinrad
In memory of:
Linda Schneit, from Andy and Alex Schneit
For the yahrzeit of:
Bernice Bookbinder, from Jack Bookbinder
Selig Bookbinder, from Jack Bookbinder
Alec Morgan Rosenblatt, from The Rosenblatt
Sydney Shaw, from David Shaw
Cantor’s Music Fund
A donation from:
Yale and Arlene Downes
In appreciation of:
Cantor Korn’s training of Noah Goldstein in
preparation for his bar mitzvah, from Lauren
and Allen Goldstein
In honor of:
Ethan Wellerstein’s bar mitzvah, from Bridget and
David Wellerstein
In memory of:
Carole Chaiken, from Mel and Barbie Bacher,
Gordon and Elinor Berke, Mike Burbank,
Bill and Susan Caplan, Dolores and Vahram
Cherezian, Barry and Debbie Cohn, Len and
Robbie Cohn, Crockett Electric Co., Anthony
and Lucy Di Bianca, Wendy and Frederick
Dorband, Kenneth and Muriel Dorking, Mort
and Amy Friedkin, Jim and Laurie Ghielmetti,
The Gitomer-Weiner Family, Andrea and Daniel
Green, Elaine Highiet, Ronnie and Lynn Heller
and Caylee and Nicole, Joanna and Jeff
Jagoda, Roy Kaplan, Gerald Levy, Norman and
Helen Ann Licht, Don and Adrienne Mannis,
Richard and Gloria Marchick, Malcolm and
Linda Mendelson, Peter, Susan, Michael, and
Amy Moskowitz, Mug Ogg, Richard and Susan
Rainey, Rancho San Miguel, Peggy Samuels,
Steve and Pat Schott, Irv and Cherri Shiffman,
Monica and Bob Stratton, Roselyne Swig,
Sanford and Martha Ann Wishnev, Al and Peggy.
Ruth Cohen, from Doris Leiber
Linda Schneit, from Andy and Alex Schneit
For the yahrzeit of:
Leonard Belove, from Mark and Marilyn Morris
George Downes, from Yale and Arlene Downes
Claudette Hamlett, from Lisa Hirsch
Sidney Kohleriter, from Cheryl and Eric Kohleriter
Louis Korn, from Arthur and Irene Korn
George Modern, from Anna Marie Levy
Nadine Testa, from Herbert and Margaret Eder
10 Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013
Cantor Ted Cotler Library Fund
In memory of:
Carole Chaiken, from Cindy Silver, Stan and Wendy
For the yahrzeit of:
Libby Marcus, from Ellen Bernstein-Ellis
Kehilat Tzur Hadassah Fund
For the yahrzeit of:
Yehudit Sherman-Velazquez, from Catherine and
Yehuda Sherman
Project Hearth for the Homeless Fund
A donation from:
Daniel Baron Feed the Hungry Fund
In honor of:
The 50th Wedding Anniversary of Jane and Roger
Emanuel, from Donna Kaulkin
In memory of:
Carole Chaiken, from Jari Goldstone
Ellen Singer, from Arlene Jacobs
For the yahrzeit of:
Harold Peterson, from Julie Magilen
Jill and David Douglas
In honor of:
Gary Koelbl’s birthday, from Donna Kaulkin
In memory of:
Carole Chaiken, from Robert and Carol Lowitz
For the yahrzeit of:
Jennifer Freilich, from Robert and Carol Lowitz
Kathy Freilich, from Robert and Carol Lowitz
Lillian Ringler, from Ruth Lesser
Louis Ringler, from Ruth Lesser
General Fund
A donation from:
Mary Levak-Cohen
In honor of:
The birth of Robert and Sandy Goldberg’s grandson, from Harvey and Sherry Rowen
In memory of:
John Boudinot, from Yulia Kalk
Carole Chaiken, from Don and Carole Alter, Ed and
Phyllis Miller
Hadele Groman, from Don and Carole Alter
Ellen Singer, from Jay and Ellen Israel
Howard Swernoff, from Debra and Jonathan Kalan
For the yahrzeit of:
Iris Myra Cohn, from Leland Cohn
Muriel Dolins, from Bonnie and Art Gronner
Bettye Kaufman, from Alan Kaufman
Ronald McGranahan, from Mark McGranahan
Jerold Milner, from Mark and Valerie Milner
Natalie Levine Mintz, from Abe Mintz and Cathy
Leo Trzesniewski, from Zelda Trzesniewski
Max Weitz, from Robert and Sandy Goldberg
Jacob M. Tarkoff Gan Ilan Fund
In memory of:
Carole Chaiken, from Karen and Mitchell Tarkoff
For the yahrzeit of:
Aaron Chinn, from Judy Chinn and Family
Michelle Ann Paddack, from Thomas, Jill, Joseph,
and Ben Tarkoff
Rabbi Graetz’ Discretionary Fund
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Graetz, from Robert and Sandy Goldberg
In memory of:
Linda Schneit, from Andy and Alex Schneit
For the yahrzeit of:
Miriam Hasson, from Shalom and Shoshana
Abraham Langert, from Steven Weinzimmer and
Karen Maas
Jack Stolback, from Charlotte Stolback
Louis Stolback, from Charlotte Stolback
Rabbi Miller’s Discretionary Fund
A donation from:
Bridget and David Wellerstein
In honor of:
Noah Goldstein’s bar mitzvah and Rabbi Miller
for her stellar mentorship, from Lauren and
Allen Goldstein
Harvey and Sherry Rowen on the birth of
grandaughter Ally Felson, from Robert and
Sandy Goldberg
In memory of:
Linda Schneit, from Andy and Alex Schneit
Rabbi Shanks’ Discretionary Fund
A donation from:
Mary Levak-Cohen
In appreciation of:
Rabbi Shanks leading the trip to Israel, from
Robert and Sandy Goldberg
for the latest information
Rabbi Shanks’ Discretionary Fund Cont’d
Religious School & Youth Fund
Waldenberg-Zwerling Youth Fund
In honor of:
The marriage of Talia Shanks Gracer and Todd
Michael Ryan, from Barbara Knibbe
In honor of:
Ethan Wellerstein’s bar mitzvah, from Bridget and
David Wellerstein
In honor of:
Evelyn Graetz’ special birthday, from Anthony and
Lucy Di Bianca
In memory of:
Isabella Acevedo, from Diana and Amy Acevedo
Isabella, from Robert, Gail, and Eric Leibowitz
Carole Chaiken, from Donald Chaiken, Ivor and
Beryl Silver, Sandy Sussman
Hadele Groman, from Hyron and Bette Spinrad
Linda Schneit, from Andy and Alex Schneit
Howard Swernoff, from Lillian Schwartz and Family
In memory of:
Carole Chaiken, from Andrea Harris, Jackie and
Bob Smith
For the yahrzeit of:
Yehudit Sherman-Velazquez, from Catherine and
Yehuda Sherman
For the yahrzeit of:
Mollie Pliskow Leibson, from Edward Leibson
Fannie Maas, from Steven Weinzimmer and Karen
Harry Rubin, from Steve and Judi Rubin
Diana Shaw, from David Shaw
Jane Sosner, from Nelly Sosner
Leon Sosner, from Nelly Sosner
Victoria Sosner, from Nelly Sosner
Alfred Stein, from Barbara Becker
Irma Stern, from Arlene and Jerry Kaplan
Felix Vaisman, from Nelly Sosner for the latest information
For the yahrzeit of:
Leon Held, from Matt and Ellen Kirmayer
Rose Lederman, from Herbert and Elaine
Winter Nights Fund
In honor of:
Ethan Wellerstein’s bar mitzvah, from Bridget and
David Wellerstein
Social Action Fund
In honor of:
The birth of our grandson Nathan, from Robert
and Sandy Goldberg
For the yahrzeit of:
Hyman Bookbinder, from Jack and Terri Bookbinder
Theresa Levy Burke, from Susan and Jean-Pierre
Women of Isaiah Fund
In honor of:
Sophia Douglas’ bat mitzvah, from Robert and
Sandy Goldberg
In memory of:
Marlene and Marty Gershik, from Gloria and
Robert Schiller
Linda Schneit, from Andy and Alex Schneit
For the yahrzeit of:
Bev Gross, from Carol Olmert
Temple Isaiah Ruach, September 2013 11
Non-Profit Org.
Worship Services
Friday, September 6
9:00am Rosh HaShanah 2nd Day
6:00pm Oneg
6:30pm Shabbat Shuva Service
Saturday, September 7
945 Risa Road
Lafayette, CA 94549
(925) 283-8575
Lafayette, CA
Permit No. 30
Address Service Requested
8:45am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Service
Isaac Douglas, Bar Mitzvah
Deut. 32:1-52, Ha’azinu
Friday, September 13
5:15pm Kol Nidre Children’s
5:15pm Kol Nidre 1st Service
8:15pm Kol Nidre 2nd Service
Saturday, September 14
9:00am Yom Kippur Family Service
9:00am Yom Kippur Tot Service
11:30am Yom Kippur Morning
Service with Yizkor
11:30am Yom Kippur Teen Service
and Program
2:00pm Yom Kippur Sacred
4:00pm Yom Kippur Afternoon
5:00pm Yom Kippur Neilah Service
Friday, September 20
6:00pm Happy Half Hour Oneg,
6:30pm 3rd Shabbat Service with
Mizmor Band
Saturday, September 21
8:45am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning Service
Michaela Sasner and
Madelyn Kolin, B’not Mitzvah
Ex. 33:12-34:26, HolHamoed Sukkot
Friday, September 27
8:00pm Shabbat Service, Followed
by Oneg
Saturday, September 28
8:45am Torah Study
10:30am Shabbat Morning
Amanda Fingerut and Miles
Backer, B’nai Mitzvah
Gen. 1:1-6:8, Bereshit
See page 3 for the complete
High Holy Days Services
Ti m e ly i nfo r matio n EN C LOS ED: P lea se d eliv er b y S e pt em b er 1
Saturday, October 12, 2013
at 5:30pm in a home near you!
Join us for a great evening of food, friends,
and fun with Temple Isaiah members
in YOUR neighborhood.
We will be sharing a pot luck dinner and
celebrating Havdalah with our rabbis and
cantor at homes in Lafayette, Moraga,
Orinda, Walnut Creek, Rossmoor, Concord,
Alamo, Danville, San Ramon and Oakland.
Everyone is invited.
Babysitting & activities for kids.
Watch your email for an invitation.
Questions or want to volunteer to help?
Contact Jill Douglas at
[email protected]
or Joani DeVries at [email protected]

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