August 2015 - Temple Israel


August 2015 - Temple Israel
Memphis, Tennessee
August 2015 ~ Av-Elul 5775
Voice volume 69; number 11
Temple Israel is a sanctuary for prayer
and inspiration, a vibrant center for
Jewish learning, and a congregational
home for living Torah. We are a source
of strength and a force for good for
Reform Jews, the greater community,
and the world.
Torah Study
Saturday mornings, 8:45-9:45 am
Friday evenings, 5:45-6:15 pm
Thank you to those who sponsored the
prenegs in June, July, and August: Julie,
Andrew, Jeremy, & Allison Boshwit, Freda
Brode & David Weinstein, Lisa & Jonathan
Frisch, Gayle & Marty Grusin, Jan Klein,
Cynthia & Michael Lisle, Judy Royal, Esther
& Dr. Joel Saltzman, Bobbie Shainberg, and
The prenegs in August are in honor of:
Cynthia & Michael Lisle’s 1st anniversary
(Aug. 7); Blood Drive volunteers (Aug. 14);
Temple’s Create Your Jewish Legacy donors
(Aug. 21); and Erma Cohen on her
retirement from Temple (Aug. 28).
Friday, July 31, 6:15 pm
Saturday, August 1, 10 am
Friday, August 7, 6:15 pm
Tot Shabbat (See page 5 for details.)
Friday, August 7, 6:15 pm
Saturday, August 8, 10 am
Katy Gilmore, daughter of Susanna
Gilmore and Dr. Barry Gilmore, will
become bat mitzvah.
Friday, August 14, 6:15 pm
L’dor Vador Shabbat (See page 5 for details.)
Led by members of our teen community.
Saturday, August 15, 10 am
Madison Brode, daughter of Rhonda and
Bill Brode, will become bat mitzvah.
Friday, August 21, 6:15 pm
Saturday, August 22, 10 am
Friday, August 28, 6:15 pm
Saturday, August 29, 10 am
Daniel Meskin, son of Laurie and Jeff
Meskin, will become bar mitzvah.
Calling all creative, organized, helpful, fun,
and Temple-loving volunteers! Temple Israel
will host the fourth Temple a Go-Go on
Saturday, November 21.
Go-Go will feature fabulous food and
entertainment, as well as silent and live
auctions. This exciting event is held every
other year and is
attended by hundreds
of people. Proceeds
from Go-Go help ensure that key programming
will continue to be excellent and available to all
Temple members.
You are invited and encouraged to be a part of
the planning! Sign up for one or more of the
following committees by contacting one of this
year’s Go-Go Co-Chairs:
Molly Bernatsky, [email protected] or 901.219.5587
Patti Weiss, [email protected] or 901.626.3995
Or, contact Jan Reisman, [email protected]
or 901.937.2781, to volunteer.
Go-Go Committees: Auction Items Acquisition,
Auction Décor, Auction Logistics, Auction
Runners, Check-In, Set-Up and Clean-Up,
Sponsorships, Ticket Sales, Thank-Yous, and
If you would like to be a sponsor, please contact
the Sponsorship Co-Chairmen, Jonathan Frisch,
901.337.2154 or [email protected],
or Elkan Scheidt, 901.674.3792 or [email protected].
Also, if you have a fantastic item, such as
estate jewelry, that you would like to donate
to the auction please contact the Auction
Items Acquisition Co-Chairs, Marisa Baggett,
[email protected] or 901.335.6687,
or Lee Plesofsky, [email protected] or
The most beautiful thing that one can do is to forgive a wrong.
~Rabbi Eleazar ben Judah of Worms (ca. 1165-1238)
Resist the ravages of illness, fear, and despair.
Asked by an interviewer what I thought of an experiment that seemed to show that praying for
people in hospitals made no difference, I told her, “God’s job is not to make sick people healthy.
That’s the doctor’s job. God’s job is to make sick people brave.” ~Rabbi Harold Kushner
The above snippets are culled from the just published two-volume masterpiece, Mishkan Hanefesh: Machzor
for the Days of Awe. Given in memory of her brothers, Robert Goldsmith and Elias Goldsmith,
Jr., Sylvia Goldsmith Marks has made possible this uplifting, inspirational, and beautiful work
we can all look forward to reading and praying on Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur.
Ray Charles once quipped that when it comes to music, he doesn’t care what kind it is; he just
has one question: “Is it any good?” Evaluating traditional Jewish liturgy when translated from
Hebrew into English is inherently subjective, but the team of rabbis who edited our new High
Holy Days prayerbooks has given the Jewish world an edifying and beautiful work of art.
In the words of the editors, “This book is intended for the members of a dynamic, everRabbi Greenstein
changing and diverse Reform Movement who gather in community to experience awe
and forgiveness and hope, as well as all others who seek to find a spiritual home in this prayerbook. Some
call themselves classical Reform; some seek to recover and reinterpret the broader Jewish heritage. Some
resonate with traditional views of God; others find it hard to believe in God at all.”
Our new machzor’s respectful yet fresh approach
to tradition, its transliteration of key Hebrew,
and heartfelt English passages combine to make
this prayerbook accessible to every worshipper
with us for the approaching New Year.
The name of this High Holy Days machzor,
“Mishkan HaNefesh” means “Sanctuary of the
Soul.” It suggests that each person’s spiritual
quest happens within the holy space of the
community. Returning to the authors’ own
words, “We hope that this machzor will be
a ‘meeting place’ for the inner life of each
individual, the warm embrace of community,
and the sacred traditions of the Jewish people.
May this book be a source of healing and repair, and may it provide nourishment to meet the spiritual hunger
of our times.”
Your new clergy team has studied this exciting new High Holy Days prayerbook, and we cannot wait to share
it with every man, woman, and child at the warmest and most inclusive place to be for the High Holy Days
next month – right here at Temple Israel.
Faithfully yours,
Rabbi Micah D. Greenstein
P.S. I am awed by the history of our extraordinary synagogue; we are a blended family of newcomers to
Temple mixed with 7th generation Memphians. On Rosh Hashanah day, the honor of the Torah blessings will
go to those of you who have been members of Temple Israel for 50 years or more, whether you were born
into Temple or moved here from somewhere else. On Yom Kippur day, we will call forward members who
have joined Temple within the past ten years. (Those like me who’ve been here for 10-25 years will get the
honor in future years!)
A Roll of Remembrance information has been mailed to members of our congregational family. Please
note that the form, which also is posted on the High Holy Days page at, is due back to
Temple by August 17. Questions? Contact Carol Geller, [email protected] or 901.937.2771.
A High Holy Days information will be detailed in a mailing to our members, the September issue of the
Voice, in weekly Temple Israel News e-mails, and on the High Holy Days page at
Wednesday, September 9, 1:30 pm
The Wednesday Book Club, which
meets the second Wednesday of each
month at 1:30 pm, takes a break for
August but will resume in September
with The New York Times bestseller Fall
of Giants by Ken Follett.
Thursday, September 10, 7 pm
Sisterhood Struts the Runway opens the New
Year with a glittering Paris-style fashion show.
Join us for a lavish champagne dessert reception
and see your Sisterhood sisters model clothes and
accessories from Joseph’s, Timna, Betty Hays, Henny
Penny, Chicos by Laurelwood, Dazzle, CAbi (Carole
Anderson by invitation), and Coming Attractions.
This exciting event is complimentary for paid-up
Sisterhood members and $18 for non-members.
RSVP by September 3 by scanning the
QR code, calling 901.937.2790, e-mailing
[email protected], or going to For more information,
contact Kathy Wexler at 901.288.9009.
WRJ-Temple Israel Sisterhood has been chosen as
a Silver Or Ami “Light of My People” Award Winner
for its “Adopt-aSchool Colonial Vision
Camp” initiative for
the 2013-2015 Biennial
Assembly period and
will be honored at the
WRJ 50th Assembly in
Orlando in November. Temple Israel Sisterhood’s
outstanding efforts are a source of pride to WRJ
nationwide. Thank you to all volunteers for keeping
this important mitzvah opportunity thriving for all
the deserving youngsters at Colonial Vision Camp.
Shop at the Judaica Shop for your holiday, wedding,
and b’nai mitzvah needs. For a sweet New Year,
select from apple and honey sets, shofars, and
collectible shofar and yad stands. Also, you’ll find a
variety of greeting cards, challah boards, and more.
Regular hours begin Aug. 17: Mon.-Thur. 10 am-4 pm,
Fri. 10 am-1 pm, and when religious school is in
session, Wed. 4-6 pm as well as Sun. 9 am-12:30 pm.
Contact Susie Bender, [email protected].
For information or to see the selection of available
bulbs that will be delivered this fall, contact Judy
Royal, [email protected] or 901.683.7959. If your
garden is full, donate bulbs to Temple Israel,
Memphis Jewish Home, and Plough Towers.
Wednesday, August 5, 5:30-7:30 pm
Beginning August 5th, cooking for MIFA’s COOL
initiative will resume in the Temple kitchen on
the first Wednesday of each month. COOL offers
counseling about higher education to at-risk area
public school students. The students meet with
counselors weekly throughout high school at the
MIFA offices to learn the life skills they need to
prepare for college life. Sisterhood provides healthy
snacks for the students who come to the program.
Contact Elise Meyer, [email protected].
Sunday, August 23, 8:30 am-1:30 pm
Saving a life is the mitzvah of all mitzvot, and just
one pint of blood can
save up to four lives.
Upcoming blood
drives at Temple are
on these Sundays:
(8:30 am-1:30 pm) Aug. 23, 2015; Nov. 15, 2015;
Jan. 24, 2016; and April 3, 2016.
Please contact Betsy Libby, [email protected]
or 901.40.8481, or Steve Libby, 901.550.4086 or
[email protected].
After 25 years of incredible service, Julie
Klein is retiring from the chairmanship
of the Temple Blood Drives. Julie and
her wonderful committee of volunteers
as well as the new awesome Co-Chairs,
Betsy and Steve Libby, will be honored
at the preneg on August 14 at 5:45 pm.
Julie Klein
Thursdays, 1:30 pm
Knit and crochet bears for children in emerging
nations who are affected by HIV/AIDS; and caps,
scarves, and lap robes for MIFA’s Love Caps Program
and Wings at West Clinic. Contact Jenny Baer,
[email protected] or 901.754.8126.
Team Read, an effort by Temple’s Social Action
Committee, helped students at Temple’s adopt-aschool, Wells Station Elementary, during last school
year and will again this year.
Volunteers can work any weekday
12-1 pm every week, or they can
work every other week and
partner with another person.
Contact Betsy Saslawsky,
[email protected] or
901.682.1238, to learn how you can
be a part of this rewarding and
impactful mitzvah opportunity.
Did you know there
are research-based
benefits to taking a
Baby and Me class?
If you are searching for something to do with your
infant or toddler, then consider the Baby and Me
class offered by the Barbara K.
Lipman Early Learning Center.
Our Baby and Me class offers
a wonderful opportunity for
parent-child bonding. Bonding
provides a sense of security
and attachment, which fosters
positive self-esteem. In Baby
and Me you will interact with
your child by singing songs
and participating in the games
and activities offered by our
wonderful teacher Karen Greene. Our new Music
Director, Abbie Strauss, also joins the class each
week to sing, teach sign language, play musical
instruments, and groove to the beat of favorite
Jewish tunes in both English and Hebrew.
Participating in Baby and Me promotes literacy
development, social-emotional development, and
motor development. Children acquire listening
skills when they hear the rhymes and finger-plays,
clap hands to the
rhythms, and take
turns ringing the
welcome bell.
Baby and Me is
also a great way
to meet new
people and create
adult friendships
with other parents of young children. Many play
dates have been arranged among those attending
the class. Finally, an interactive class is a great
introduction to a school setting for very young
infants and toddlers. It introduces them to the
structure of a group under the direction of a teacher.
The Baby and Me playgroup is offered once a week
on Thursdays. There are two age groups – one for
infants and pre-walkers (9:15-10:15 am) and one for
sturdy walkers and toddlers (10:30-11:30 am).
Participants do not need to be members of Temple
Israel. Moms, Dads, or caregivers are welcome
to attend. Registration is required, plus proof of
immunization. Enrollment is free. Application forms
are available at the school office or on our website,
Jamie Baer, Director
[email protected] / 901.937.2785
Twitter: @BKLipmanELC
Teach a child according to his (or her)
ways, and even when he is old, he will
not depart from it. ~Proverbs 22:6
We are so excited to begin another great
year in the Wendy and Avron Fogelman
Religious School on Sunday, August 23rd.
We know this will be our best year yet!
For 2015-2016, our religious school theme is “Helping
kids become their best Jewish selves!” We have a great
curriculum focused on building a strong Jewish knowledge
base, but also we know that it is equally important to teach
our children how to be good people who love being Jewish.
A central focus of our year will be building relationships
and creating a caring community among our students.
When our children feel welcome, accepted, and comfortable
among their peers, they are much more likely to feel great
about being Jewish. Each of our faculty members will
participate in training before school begins to learn how to
more effectively build community among all our students.
We have also developed a new Judaic curriculum that
allows our students to explore big Jewish questions about
Torah, worship, holidays, God, and acts of g’milut chasadim
(loving-kindness). This curriculum builds upon our students’
previous Jewish knowledge and allows for hands-on and
creative learning.
Our Hebrew program also continues to grow and improve.
All of our students will participate in Hebrew Through
Movement, an interactive and fun method for them to learn
the Hebrew language, which provides not only a basis for
reading Hebrew, but also a much broader cultural context
for the language. In addition, our older students will learn
Hebrew reading and prayers in smaller groups, which will
ensure that everyone receives the Hebrew attention he or
she needs.
In order to help our children become their “best Jewish
selves,” parent involvement in Jewish learning is incredibly
important. Our faculty will be communicating with parents
on a regular basis through text messages and e-mails. We
also will have a number of opportunities throughout the
year for parents to share in Jewish learning and celebrating
with their children, from Sunday morning learning sessions
to grade-level Shabbat dinners. In addition, my office is
always open. Please stop by any time!
By engaging students according to their ways and
embracing creative, hands-on learning, we hope to help all
students become their “best Jewish selves!”
Lauren Luskey, RJE, Director of Youth and Family Learning
[email protected] / 901.937.2776
Twitter: @LELuskey
Friday, August 7, 6:15 pm
Celebrate Shabbat
at this service
created especially
for our youngest
members (ages 5
and under),
followed by dinner
and a chance to
get to know other
families in our
Shabbat dinner is complimentary to Temple
members who RSVP by Aug. 5; after that and for
guests, the cost is $8/adult and $4/child.
Please go to or scan the
QR code to make dinner reservations.
Questions? Call Jackie Evans, 901.937.2777.
Tot Shabbat is made possible by the generosity and vision of
the Mildred H. and Edgar C. Haas, Sr. Family Endowment for
Education and WRJ-Temple Israel Sisterhood.
This year we are launching a new suite of web
services so that you can manage your own Temple
account. Information from your account will be
used for our new 2015-2018 membership directory.
Note that the information we have in our system
as of August 7, 2015, is what will be printed in the
directory that will be mailed to you later this year.
For details, refer to the information you received
in the mail, go to (Membership
page under Quick Links), or contact Karen Snyder,
901.937.2761 or [email protected].
ConnecTI, Temple Israel’s new 20s/30s initiative, is
in the midst of a fantastic summer through a wealth
of social and spiritual programming opportunities.
With a mission to connect to one another, to Temple
Israel, and to Memphis, ConnecTI has held weekly
events around town (The Levitt Shell and South of
Friday, August 14, 6:15 pm
L’dor Vador Shabbat is a congregational Shabbat
celebration held several times throughout the year.
Adults and children
enjoy worshipping at
the service together. It
is designed to appeal
to congregants of all
ages and features
participatory music,
both traditional and
contemporary. This
service will be led by
members of our teen
community, and we
will honor our MeFTY officers.
After the service, enjoy dinner with your
congregational family. RSVP for the
dinner ($8/adult; $4/child) by Aug. 12 by
going to or by scanning the QR code.
Questions? Call Jackie Evans, 901.937.2777.
L’dor Vador Shabbats are made possible by the generosity
and vision of the Mildred H. and Edgar C. Haas, Sr. Family
Endowment for Education.
Share. Like. Watch. Comment. Favorite. Retweet.
Links to these social media platforms
Temple Israel uses are on
Beale Restaurant, to name a few) and monthly, peerled Underground Shabbat services on Downtown
rooftops and at the Center for Southern Folklore.
ConnecTI’s new board–Sarah Fenderson, Spencer
Glaser, Jami Lazarov, and Kevin Padawer–under the
direction of Cara Greenstein, is eager to provide an
even deeper connection for the organization and its
200 participants this fall.
The Brotherhood Bike Team
and other Temple members
are gearing up to ride in the
Bike MS: FedEx Rock-n-Roll
Ride on Sept. 12-13 to benefit
the National Multiple
Sclerosis Society.
For those who would like to
participate, but not in the
150-mile round-trip course
over two days, a 45-mile route is offered. For details,
please contact Vic Butcher, [email protected].
Over the past year, I have met with many of our high school teens and their
parents to listen to the needs and wants of our community. I was interested
to learn if these needs were reflective of the larger Jewish community. So
I did some research and I discovered that, according to the Federation’s
Community Needs Assessment, the needs that Temple members were
expressing were the same needs expressed by the entire Jewish community.
While the majority of our older families live near Temple, our population
has become more dispersed throughout the greater Memphis area. From
Midtown to Collierville, Downtown to Lakeland, Jewish families now live all over Memphis.
This results in many of our children attending different schools. So, while most of our 11th
and 12th graders attend a total of three or four schools, our younger teens (6th-9th grade)
attend schools all over the city. The implication from this is that our younger teens struggle
to build strong relationships with their Jewish peers, because they don’t see each other very
often. They struggle to make friends
with other young Jews, which makes
having meaningful experiences with
their peers challenging.
Julie Fortune
In light of this, Temple started a
Junior Youth Group (JYG) to help
Jewish teens build meaningful
relationship. JYG will be open to
all 6th, 7th, and 8th graders, and
its purpose is to help Jewish teens
connect with each other, their community, and to simply have fun. It will be open to all 6th,
7th, and 8th graders regardless of their congregational affiliation.
Participating in JYG allows teens to build personal relationships with their Jewish peers
and to create the Jewish community that THEY want to be a part of. A Junior Youth Group
enables our teens to physically connect with their Judaism and with the Jewish community.
Beginning Wednesday, August 26th, JYG meetings will occur on the last Wednesday of every
month at Temple Israel from approximately 6-8 pm. The purpose of these “meetings” is to
have fun and foster lasting relationships. A typical meeting could be watching a movie in the
Scheidt Family Center, playing kickball in the field by the rose garden behind Temple, having
a costume party, or just hanging out and eating pizza. JYG also will host special events which
will take place throughout the Memphis community. We will have one event a quarter,
totaling four a year. Community service, leadership development through the Kroc Center’s
high ropes course, and laser tag are a few examples of what these events might look like.
Temple could not be more excited to launch JYG! To register your teen(s), please scan the QR
code or visit
If you have any questions about JYG or are interested in volunteering, please
contact me at [email protected] or 901.937.2794.
Last year, MeFTY had a
phenomenal year! Our first ever
Kallah-Clave, which occurred over
MLK weekend, was a huge hit.
We had almost 100 teens from
all over the Mid-South participate
in this stellar event, where we partnered with Knowledge
Quest for a community clean-up in South Memphis. Not
only were our teens able to help our Memphis community,
they also were able to build a lasting relationship with
Knowledge Quest, with which they will continue to partner
in the upcoming year.
On the last day of JCM’s high school, we held MeFTY
elections. The board has been restructured to fit the needs
of MeFTY, and I could not be more excited to work with this
great group of teens!
The Kallah-Clave at Temple Israel in January was a huge success!
ANDREW ROGERS, our President, is a senior at White Station. He was the co-chair of Kallah-Clave
and has amazing leadership skills.
JAMIE LINDY, a junior at Christian Brothers, and BLAKE LINDY, a senior at White Station, are our
two Executive Vice Presidents. They will work together to ensure all programs, including
religious and cultural events, are meaningful and fun.
WILL ROYAL, our Membership Vice President, will work hand-in-hand with EMMA MANSBERG,
our Regional Membership Vice President, to help us maintain our current membership
and develop creative ways to attract new members.
MOLLY ROGERS, our Regional Communications Vice President, has an incredible skill of
communicating with teens and their families that is both effective and efficient.
MATTHEW SASLAWSKY, MeFTY’s Historian, will be helping us document all the amazing
experiences our teens have together.
a part of our board and will help to implement programs throughout the year.
Teens and parents, please take note:
A On August 14th, teens from Temple will lead the L’dor Vador Shabbat service during which the
MeFTY board will be honored and inducted.
A On August 15th, MeFTY will host a Shabbat Kick-Off Party that is open to all MeFTY-ites.
A Starting September 19th, on the third Saturday of every month, MeFTY will hold a Shabbat/
Havdalah dinner that will take place in different restaurants and homes.
For more information about MeFTY, a comprehensive calendar, etc., please contact me anytime.
Julie Fortune, Director of Teen Engagement
901.937.2794 / [email protected]
While our teens have been enjoying the summer,
Temple has been working hard to ensure that next
year’s Junior Congregation offers lots of programs,
experiences, and opportunities that are fun,
meaningful, and mirror what our teens already have
going on in their lives. These programs include volunteer opportunities,
educational classes, and religious experiences. JCM’s first day of high school is
August 23rd during the traditional time of 4:30-6 pm. If you are interested in
learning more about our teen program, please contact me.
Julie Fortune, Director of Teen Engagement
901.937.2794 / [email protected]
The Wendy & Avron
Fogelman Religious
School and JCM’s
high school begin on
Sunday, August 23rd.
For registration details,
contact Jackie Evans,
[email protected].
Wednesday, August 12, 12 pm
Celebrate our love for Israel
and for each other during a
thoughtful discussion with
Rabbi Feivel Strauss.
Please bring your brown bag
lunch; we will supply cookies
and drinks. While there is
no charge for this Lunch and
Learn, RSVP by August 7 by
calling Sylvia Appleton,
901.761.3130, by
Rabbi Feivel Strauss
scanning the QR
code, or by going to, so
that we will have enough refreshments
for everyone.
Wednesday, September 30, 7 pm
Rabbi Harold Kushner, the author of When Bad
Things Happen to Good People and 13 other
landmark books, including a new title, Nine Essential
Things I’ve Learned About Life, is joined by Rabbi
Rachel Cowan, author of Wise Aging, for what is
sure to be an inspiring and uplifting discussion
about what it means to live a good life.
Temple Israel is pleased to offer many levels of
Hebrew for the adult learner. Are you a beginner
who wants to read along with the service? Are
you interested in improving your Hebrew reading
fluency and want to understand some of the prayers
in the prayerbook? These one-hour weekly Hebrew
classes taught by Dr. Dick Rubin are on Sunday
mornings when religious school is in session:
weekly, beginning September 20, 11 am
Learn the alef-bet; begin to read prayers in Hebrew.
Materials fee: $25
weekly, beginning September 20, 10 am
Improve your reading fluency; learn some prayer
vocabulary and Hebrew grammar.
Materials fee: $25
To sign up for Reading Hebrew 1 or Reading Hebrew
2 classes, call the Education Office at 901.937.2777.
If you are interested in learning more about any of
the classes, contact Dick Rubin at [email protected].
Temple Israel is pleased to offer a Biblical Hebrew
Class for the adult learner. Would you like to
experience the excitement of learning to read
and understand the Torah text? In this class you
will begin the multi-year journey of learning the
fundamentals for translating Hebrew in the Torah
and in the prayerbook. Before long, you will be able
to understand the Hebrew you read in prayer and in
the weekly Torah portion.
This one-hour weekly class will meet on Sunday
mornings while religious school is in session.
Prerequisite: the ability to read Hebrew.
Rabbi Harold Kushner
Rabbi Rachel Cowen
Rabbi Peter Rubinstein
Join these great thinkers as they discuss faith, life
lessons, wise aging, and other significant issues
about which we should all be thinking.
This event is part of The Future of Faith with Rabbi
Rubinstein, a new series of provocative, timely, and
enlightening talks about issues of faith, moderated
by Rabbi Peter Rubinstein, Director of Jewish
Community and Bronfman Center for Jewish Life.
Special thanks to the Hohenberg-Scheidt Fund for
Lifetime Learning for sponsoring the broadcast.
Text: First Hebrew Primer, Simon, Resnikoff, &
Motzkin, EKS Publishing Co. 3rd Ed, 1992.
(available from EKS Publishing Co. or
If you are interested in joining this fall’s Biblical
Hebrew Class with Rabbi Feivel Strauss, please
contact Jan Reisman, [email protected] or
Sundays, August 2 and August 16, 9:30 am
Receive help finding a job through resume writing
tips, enhanced interview techniques, and other
methods. For additional details, contact group
facilitators Rob Mann, [email protected], or
Barbara Hermann, [email protected].
In honor of
Emma Iskiwitz’s Kindergarten
Kelly & Jamie Iskiwitz
Rabbi Micah Greenstein named Dr.
of Divinity
Shelli & Sheldon Rosengarten
In memory of
Alan Abis
Debra & Cary Califf
Donna Reisman
Karen Snyder
Dorothy Gellerman
Geri & Hal Lansky
Dr. Burt Bodan
Linda Ellen & Ron Sklar
Dr. Wilbur Lazarus
Carole & Robert Pinstein
Jerome Hanover
Toba & Leslie Kornberg
Jon Poulin
Jeanne & Dr. Bruce Alpert
The Bernsen Family
Terri & Paul Burson
Debra & Cary Califf
Peggy & Sidney Evensky
Toba & Leslie Kornberg
Cynthia & Rabbi Jordan Parr
Karen Snyder & Daniel Snyder
Kay Saslawsky
Jeanne & Bruce Alpert
Debra & Cary Califf
Toba & Leslie Kornberg
Paula Kelman
Dale & Richard Caen
Debra & Cary Califf
Renee Newman Geyer
Charlene, Jill, & Suzanne Snider
Rose Sachs
Barbara & Ira Lipman
Steve Mednikow
Toba & Leslie Kornberg
Barbara & Dr. Norman Towbin
Sylvia Walter
Terri & Paul Burson
In honor of
Major Jonas Buring’s military
Raymond Buring
Cantor John Kaplan’s Rabbinic
Paula & Dr. Avrahm Cohen
In memory of
Pearl Goldberg
Bettye & Neal Berlin
Sheldon Cohen
Theresa Balestrino & Raymond
Anna Byall
Janis & Dr. David Iansmith
Steve Mednikow
Jon Poulin
Barbara Michel
Peggy Sternberger
Judy & Jim Mosely
Paula Kelman
Sondra & Scott Price, Edie, Eric
& Sophie Efron
Additional donation
Sondra & Scott Price, Edie, Eric
& Sophie Efron
In memory of
Rebecca Burson
Harry Burson
Deanna & Dr. Albert Burson
Jon Poulin
Lynn & Vic Butcher
Susan & Greg Gilluly
Dorothy Laitman
Aimee Ginsburg
Jewell Brody
Natalie Graber & Family
Kay Saslawsky
Adele Kisber
George Fisher
Sue Ann & Bernard Lipsey
Alan Abis
Rose Rich & Sherwood Platt
Renee Newman Geyer
Carrie Angel Newman
Isa Newman
Benjamin Sklar
Linda Ellen & Ron Sklar
Peggy Sternberger
Bill Sternberger
Additional donations
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Scharff Irina Segal
In memory of
Abe Margolin
Drs. Gloria & Jerome Siegel
Alan Abis
Sylvia Appleton
Melanie & Dr. Ricky Fine
Jan & Marc Hanover
Debbie & Ron Lazarov
Natalie & Ron Lefkowitz
Jan & Dr. Lee Stein
Alvin Eber
Hermine Davidson
Alvin Gruner
Natalie & Ron Lefkowitz
Anna Rose Byall
Sylvia Appleton
Bernard Garfinkel
June Garfinkel
Steve Mednikow
Mickey & Arthur Buring
Dave Dermon
Drs. Gloria & Jerome Siegel
Margie Snetman
Donna Reisman
Sylvia Appleton
Beverly & Dr. Bob Buchalter
Jill & David Buring
Hermine Davidson
Allen & Eileen Exelbierd & family
Lisa & Jonathan Frisch
Carol Geller
Judy & Morris Kriger
Elaine & David Krueger
Arlene & Dr. Vic Schlesinger
Connie & Mike Sherman
Gill Stephenson
Sally & Mark Wender
Dr. Burt Bodan
Aileen Burson
Sheila Hollander & Arlene Gritz
Cynthia & Rabbi Jordan Parr
Diane Sachs & Robert Vidulich
Margie Snetman
Arlene & Dr. Vic Schlesinger
Dr. Marvin Klein
Carol Geller
Carol & Elliot Slutsky
The Shainberg & Menton families
Dr. Robert L. Forman
Evie, Alvin, Elyse & Robert
Dr. Wilbur Lazarus
Ann & Larry Adler
Bev & Gil Halpern
Edward Greenberg
Thelma Greenberg
Faylese Gruber
Margie Snetman
Harriet Mintz
Peggy & L.R. Jalenak, Jr.
Jake Shainberg
Thelma Greenberg
Jane Harmel
Bob Harmel
Jeff Breazeale
Hermine Davidson
Jeff Manis
Bayla & Arnold Manis
Jerry Hanover
Theresa Balestrino & Raymond
Janis & Dr. David Iansmith &
family, Bruce & Patty Malkin,
Reed & Dianne Malkin & family
Jerry Buring
Mary Lynn & Arnold Perl
Johanna Silverstein
Dorothee Gottschalk
Jon Poulin
Red Door Wealth Management, LLC
Suite 1910 Associates, LLC
Robin Baer
Jean & Buddy Ballin
Sharon Berman
Mickey & Arthur Buring
Doris & Irvin Califf
Anita & Todd Chanon
Hermine Davidson
Mindy & Harry Diament
Ruth Edmonds
Ricki & Barry Fife
Mr. & Mrs. Kenneth Freedman
Lisa & Jonathan Frisch
Carol Geller
Leslie & Dr. Mark Gillenson
Rusty, Beth & Zac Graber
Rayna & Michael Greenberg &
Jan & Marc Hanover &
Allan & Marcia Hayden
Justine Place Homeowners
Association, Inc.
Gina Jolly
Ros Kimmelman
Steve Kisber
Linda, Benjamin & Emily Kline
Debbie & Ron Lazarov
Ellen & Alan Lescht
Delores & Roland Oser
Mr. & Mrs. Edwin Roberson
Cheri & Marc Rubenstein
Beta Alpha Theta Building
Barbara & Mannie Scheinberg
Arlene & Dr. Vic Schlesinger
Dorothy & Harold Schneider
Robin & Andrew Shainberg family
Drs. Gloria & Jerome Siegel
R. Barry Solomon
Lorraine & Barry Steinberg
Harriet & Lou Strasberg
Mary & Corey Trotz
Sally & Mark Wender
Jenny & Larry Herman
Julian Samuel Bloom
Alana Bloom Sullivan
Kay Saslawsky
Judy Kaplan McCown
Lisa & Jonathan Frisch
Lauren & Sam Notowich
Mary S. Shainberg
Larry Perlberg
Golden & Steve Bearman
Lewis Barnett “Pat” Isaacs
Carole & Dr. Charles Plesofsky
Le Roy T. Brown
Patricia & David Okeon
Libby & Julius Reisman
Maureen Rosenblum & family
Loren Sparks
Peggy & L.R. Jalenak, Jr.
Milton Fortas
Billie Fortas
Owen Yellen
Francine Yellen
Paula Kelman
Carolyn Marshall & Alan Terhune
Dee & Rudi Schiffer
Jessica & Adam Birnbaum
Marilyn & Harvey Cook
Barbie & Ray Dan
Mindy & Harry Diament
Sherry & Maury Evensky
Eileen & Allen Exelbierd & family
Melanie & Dr. Ricky Fine
Teter Finn & Margaret & Dr. Cary Finn
Hal Fogelman
Lisa & Jonathan Frisch
Shara Lynn & Arnold Goldin
Jan & Marc Hanover
Ann & Mason Hawkins
Judy & Morris Kriger
Elaine & David Krueger
Natalie & Ron Lefkowitz
Donna & Robert Nathan
Sally & Mark Wender
Rena Jacobs Eiseman
Carol Aronoff
Sam Jacobs
Samuel Davidson
Hermine Davidson
Sandra Young
Judith Kaplan McCown
Steve Mednikow
Arlene & Dr. Vic Schlesinger
Sidney Kaplan
Sylvia Walter
Harris Nagelberg
Carol Geller
Friends in Archives
Natalie & Ron Lefkowitz
Walter Roman
Hermine Davidson
Arlene & Dr. Vic Schlesinger
Zelda Singer
Francine Yellen
In honor of
Jacob Rotter becoming an Eagle Scout
Marion & Dr. Joel Bessoff
Betsy Saslawsky & Team Read
Jane & Dr. Gene Eckstein
Louise & Jerry Sklar’s 50th wedding
Judith & Ralph Evans
Gail & Dr. Myron Lewis
Judy & Nick Ringel’s wedding
Ann & Dr. Sid Friedman
Iris & Ronald Harkavy
Judy & Morris Kriger
(continued on p. 10)
Beryl Malkin
Lyn & Dr. Gordon Yukon
Carol & Joel Hertz
Amy & Michael Egerman
The Saslawsky & Usdan Families
Clara Marie Berns
Evelyn & Jerome Makowsky
Clara Marie Berns
Marna Lee Blindman
Jane & Dr. Gene Eckstein
Lynn & Dr. David Meyer
Temple Israel Book Club
Debbie & Ron Lazarov
Donna Reisman
Peggy Seessel
Max Fargotstein
Betsy & Andy Saslawsky & family Donna Reisman
Louise & Jerry Sklar
Laura Riskind
Sara Beth & George Silverman Karen & Dr. Michael Koplon
Stacy Canales
Arlyne Lovett
Mike Caplan & Esther Loevy
Dr. Marvin Klein
Martha & Jerrold Graber
Carole & Dr. Charles Plesofsky Sondra & Scott Price, Edie, Eric Barbara Loevy & Meryl Klein
Dr. Charles Plesofsky’s birthday
& Sophie Efron
Morton Cohn
Henry Fortas
Natalie & Jimmy Jalenak
Doris Marks
Terry & Dick Orgel
Carol & Joel Hertz
Sally Rosenberg
Lesley & Sam Marks
Paula Kelman
Jon Poulin
Allison Lux
Dr. Burt Bodan
Miriam Alabaster
Sylvia Appleton
Amanda Scheidt’s confirmation
Dr. Ben Beatus
Sheri & Ron Bishop
Beverly & Dr. Bob Buchalter
Bayla & Arnold Manis
Lynn Gruber
Gina & Dr. Joel Cook
Kay Dortch
Ellie Schwartz’s High School Graduation Sandy Goldstein
Freddie Gubin
Dale Engelberg
Max Schwartz’s High School Graduation Roy, Paula, & Jessica Greenberg Chris & Mort Gubin
Judy & Peter Felsenthal
Judy & Nick Ringel
Linda & Dr. Edward Kaplan
Marcia & Tom Fisher
Cathy & Richard Kessler
Ella Belvin’s bat mitzvah
Judy Korones
Dr. Rita Green
Lynn & Dr. Robert Kline
Emma Feinstone’s bat mitzvah
Brenda & Dr. Rodney Wolf
Jan & Dr. Daniel LaVene
Charlotte Levitch
Leah Greenberg’s graduation
Brother Joel William McGraw, FSC Debbie & Ron Lazarov
Roberta & Scott Picker
Mildred Schwartz
Roselle Lazarov
Sara Beth & George Silverman Dr. Gilbert Levy
Lynn Kline’s birthday
Doris Levy Bodan
Dianne & Dr. Lewis Reich
Leah Jean & Richard Snyder
Drs. Gloria & Jerome Siegel
Jan & Marc Reisman
Jan, Dr. Lee, Michael, & Karen Dr. Marvin Klein
Leslie & Dr. Ira Stein, Hannah &
Freddie Gubin
Judy & Jerry Shore
Curt Ward
Carole & Dr. Charles Plesofsky Dr. Stanley Kaplan
Mildred Schwartz
Sidney Kaplan
Ida Leigh & Monte Wener
Steve Mednikow
Stephanie, Joel, Drew & Benjamin Racelle Mednikow & Family
Sue Kaplan
Polly Cooper
Dr. Warren Weinberg
Karen & Murray Riss
Sylvia Walter
Justin Bender & Jackie Paller’s
Lynn Gruber
Pam & Rob Cooper
Sondra Price
Fannie N. Magids
Sam Haspel, Sr.
William “Wim” Cohen
Barbara & Dr. Norman Towbin
Jan & Jack Magids
Geraldine Haspel
Pattye Cohen
For the recovery of
Fay Gubin
Barbara Konig
Louis Roman
Dr. & Mrs. M. L. Gubin
Barbara & George Lapides
Hermine Davidson
Freida Baruchman
Steve Mednikow
For the recovery of
Amanda Scheidt
Beverly & Dr. Bob Buchalter
Reva Wagner Cook
Dick Orgel
Lisa & Jonathan Frisch
Jane Harmel
Steven Alan Lazarov
Susan & Neal Jackson
Juliet Klein
Paul Harmel
Roselle Lazarov
In honor of
Louise & Jerry Sklar
Jerry Buring
Sylvia Walter
birth of Benjamin Danziger
Lesley Marks
Judy Kaplan McCown
Anise & Ron Belz
Paula & Dr. Avrahm Cohen
Jan & Dr. Lee Stein
Barbara & George Lapides
Tillie Blen Alperin
Jan & Marc Reisman
Additional donations
Jerry Hanover
Sonya Krivcher
Lorraine & Barry Steinberg
H.B.A. Camonte
Amy & Michael Egerman
Jan & Jack Magids
Louise & Jerry Sklar
Waffle Shop Volunteers
Jon Poulin
For the recovery of
In memory of
Lisa & Jonathan Frisch
Marybelle Arnett
Tony Oliver
Dr. Burt Bodan
Helaine & Richard Grassgreen
Joan & Stanley Baker
Rita Hutchins
Jean & Buddy Ballin
Leslie Landau
Anise & Ron Belz
Jill Kutner
Leo Edward Bearman
Bonnie Chambliss & Allison & Lisa Dattel
Kay Bearman
In memory of
Shane Kupperman
Ina Eiseman
Murray Alan Wagner
Dr. Wilbur Lazarus
Monograms by Cie
Bruce Kahn
Reva Wagner Cook
Laura & Dr. Alan Tanenbaum
Samantha & Andrew Edelson In honor of
Dick Paris
Harry Radin
Lynn Gruber
Alyssa Chase & Brady Tanner’s
Larry Perlberg
Sharon Kerson
Karen & Dr. Michael Koplon & wedding
Stanley & Debbie Friener
Jon Poulin
Pam Chase & Frank Horrell
Violette Greenberg
Dee & Stewart Cannell & family
Rae Jean & Sandy Lichterman Dr. Steven Chase
Glenda & Howard Greene
Mabel B. Paul
Melanie & Rob Mann
Freddie Gubin’s birthday
Dorothy & Edwin Laitman
Jake Shainberg
Billie & Barry Pelts
Sandy Grissom
Judith & Richard Laitman
Deanna & Dr. Albert Burson &
Sondra & Scott Price, Edie, Eric Ari Weiss’ bar mitzvah
Charles Samuel Lewis
Sophie Efron
Helen Leitner
Nicole & Jack Lewis
Diane & Dr. Lewis Reich
Craig Weiss
Louis Barnett
For the recovery of
The Leitner Family
Carole & Dr. Charles Plesofsky Jan & Marc Reisman
Max Notowitz
The Rosenthals
Frank Perlman
Sam Buchalter
Myrna & Dr. Sonny Salomon
Lynda & Dr. Stephen Shiffman Beverly & Dr. Bob Buchalter
Dr. Carol Buchalter Stapp
Seymour Rosenberg
Nancy Stern, Joshua, Cory & Jeremy Seymour Levine
Additional donations
Charles Willner
Bobbi & Steven Stern
Gerry Haspel
Bob Harmel
Diane & Michael Willner
Fran & Steve Twersky
Rabbi Micah Greenstein
Jerry & Louise Sklar
Curt Ward
Allison Lux
Brenda & Dr. Rodney Wolf
Additional donations
In honor of
Lyn & Dr. Gordon Yukon
Lisa & Dan Barzel
In memory of
Judy Royal’s twin grandchildren
Dinkelspiel Rasmussen & Mink Sean & Audrey Belvin
Alan Abis
Jane & Dr. Gene Eckstein
Joseph Krivcher
Demi, David, & Banks Yaffe
Leslie & Nat Landau
Ferris Mogy
Sonya Krivcher
Susan & Alan Kosten
Jan & Marc Reisman
Cindy & Louis Mogy
Judy Freuberg
Leslie M. Landau
Betsy & Andy Saslawsky
Max Fargotstein
Jean & Buddy Ballin
Albert Morris Harmel
Ann & Sam Rabinovitz
Kay Saslawsky
In memory of
Paul Harmel
In memory of
Amy & Michael Egerman
Dr. Burt Bodan
Anna Rose Byall
Anna Rose Byall
Marilyn Haas
Diana Stein Kabakoff
Marilyn & Harvey Cook
Harriet Byall & Peggy Byall
Drs. Lisa Usdan & David Portnoy Dessie Sewel
Abby Simon
Judy Royal
Jan & Marc Reisman
Belle Eshman Balkin
donations (continued on p. 11)
Ramona & John Byall
Lynda & Dr. Stephen Shiffman
Lynn & Vic Butcher
donations (continued from p. 9)
donations (continued from p. 10) WRJ-SISTERHOOD SERVICE TO THE
Dr. Marvin Klein
Holly & Paul T. Combs
Zelda Halper Lynn
Andrea Lowe
In memory of
Anna Kabakoff Gruber
Lynn & Vic Butcher
Annie Schatz Samuels
Evelyn & Martin Snyder
Clara Marie Berns
Vicki & Dr. Edward Lazarus
Donna Reisman
Lynn & Dr. Robert Kline
Judy Royal
Dr. Burt Bodan
Sandy & Dr. Mark Tanenbaum
Dr. Marvin Klein
Evelyn & Martin Snyder
Dr. Wilbur Lazarus
Andrea & Dr. Robert Kerlan
Jon Poulin
Paula & Dr. Avrahm Cohen
Andrea & Dr. Robert Kerlan
Vicki & Dr. Edward Lazarus
Robin & Jeffrey Wallace
Kay Saslawsky
Minnie Samuels Loket
Sylvia Walter
Lynn & Dr. Robert Kline
Paula Kelman
Paula & Dr. Avrahm Cohen
In memory of
Billy Fortas
Connie Shelton
Dr. Burt Bodan
Connie Shelton
Lisa Todman Faylese Gruber
Diana & Bill
Arlene, Frank & Jeremy Mix
Jon Poulin
Eddie & Gloria Felsenthal
Barbara & Chuck Lurie
Timna Myers
Karen Sacks
In honor of
Lynn Kline’s birthday
Barbara & Stanley Zitron
In memory of
Alan Abis
Donna Reisman
Debbie & Ron Jackson
Dr. Burt Bodan
Debbie & Ron Jackson
Jan Meyer
Dolph Simon Dr. Wilbur Lazarus
Dr. & Mrs. Arthur Jacobs
Edna Stiman & Harry Levenson
Helen Weiss
Jon Poulin
Aileen Burson
Debbie & Ron Jackson Reed Landau & Shelley Robbins
Sondra & Larry Levingston
Joyce Cooper Gallant
Dr. Donald Gallant
Mildred Brandes
J. Edward Wise
Paula Kelman
Reed Landau & Shelley Robbins
In honor of
Lynn Kline’s birthday
Debbie & Ron Jackson
In memory of
Donna Reisman
Robin & Jeffrey Wallace
In honor of
Wynne & Barry Wilder
Drs. Lisa Usdan & David Portnoy
For the recovery of
Avron Fogelman
Judy & Morris Kriger
Additional donation
Sherry Grosman
In memory of
Dr. Wilbur Lazarus
Margaret & Steve Biller
Marcia & Bill Levy
Steve Mednikow
Myrna & Dr. Joe Levy
Paula Kelman
Jon Poulin
Susan Adler Thorp
In honor of
Blotner Fertel
Deborah & Steve Brackstone
Cantor John Kaplan’s Rabbinic
Deedee & Ron Perel
The Temple Israel family extends its deepest
sympathy and condolences to the families of these
loved ones of blessed memory:
Alan Abis Dr. Marvin Klein
Clara Marie Berns Dick Paris
Anna Rose Hutken Byall Jon Poulin
Shirley Fink Donna Reisman
Richard Fischer Velma Sanford
Lindsay Friedman Kay Usdan Saslawsky
Nina Geller Donna Epstein Smith
Renee Jason Rose Gordon Solomons
Paula Kelman Sylvia Cohn Walter
Alex Klein Christina Wishnia
The Temple Israel family shares in the happiness of
its members and is thankful for the blessings they
enjoy. Congratulations to:
Gabriella Elkaim and Charles LaVene on their
Lindsey and Michael Danziger on the birth of a son;
Jeanne and Rabbi Harry Danziger, Pat and John
Neuhaus, and Beth and Stephen Rothschild on the
birth of a grandson.
Jackie Paller and Justin Bender on their marriage.
Sarit and Ben Thorp on the birth of a daughter;
Susan Adler Thorp, Allan Thorp, and Dina and Sandy
Ashmann on the birth of a granddaughter.
Rebecca and Charles Buring on the birth of a son;
Arlyne Schwartz, Elisabeth Silverman, and Edie and
Marc Silverman on the birth of a grandson.
Jennifer and David Arbeit on the birth of a daughter;
Marian Levy and Cheryl and Mike Sell on the birth of
a granddaughter.
The Temple Israel family welcomes its newest
Jessica & Sam Reese
Laura Talbot & Jeff Metter
Michelle & Pamela Buchwalter
Justin & Benjamin Katz
To make a donation online,
go to and
click the DONATE button.
1376 East Massey Road, Memphis, Tennessee 38120
901.761.3130 ~
Temple Israel is a member congregation of the Union for Reform Judaism.
Rabbi Micah D. Greenstein, Senior Rabbi
Rabbi Katie M. Bauman, Associate Rabbi
Rabbi Bess Wohlner, Assistant Rabbi
Rabbi Harry K. Danziger, Emeritus
Cantor John M. Kaplan, Emeritus
Jonathan Frisch, President
Paula Jacobson, Immediate Past Pres.
E. Elkan Scheidt, Sr. Vice Pres. Debbie Jackson, WRJ-Sisterhood Pres.
Laurie Meskin, Vice Pres.
Jeff Rosenberg, MRJ-Brotherhood Pres.
David Rosenthal, Vice Pres.
Andrew Rogers, MeFTY Pres.
Alex Saharovich, Vice Pres.
Stacy Canales, Executive Director
Leigh Mansberg, Secretary
Mark Fogelman, Treasurer
AUGUST 2015 VOICE -11David L. Bearman, Counsel
The Voice is published monthly (with a combined
June/July issue) by Temple Israel, 1376 E. Massey Road,
Memphis, TN 38120-3299. Periodicals postage paid
(USPS 780-460) at Memphis, Tennessee.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Temple Israel,
1376 E. Massey Road, Memphis, TN 38120-3299
Friday, August 28
From her remarkable volunteer work to her impactful tenure as a vital part of Temple Israel’s staff, Erma
Cohen has been an integral and beloved leader in the Temple Israel family for nearly 40 years.
Erma, currently Temple’s Special Projects Coordinator, diligently has served Temple in many capacities,
including leadership roles on the Temple Israel Board of Trustees, on the Executive Committee, and as
President of WRJ-Sisterhood. She was MeFTY’s long-time advisor and for twenty-five
years taught several grades in Temple’s religious school.
As Temple’s first Program Director, over the years she engaged talented Temple
members to lead and implement three outstanding programs that won prestigious
national awards from the Union for Reform Judaism. Her stewardship of the Temple
member directories, Mitzvah Day, Mitzvah Opportunities, numerous social action
programs including the building of two Habitat homes, festival celebrations, young
adult programs, programming for 3rd-8th graders, and many other projects and
initiatives has been invaluable.
Before she transitions to her retirement at the end of the month, we have an
opportunity to honor her for her selfless service to our congregation. You are invited
Erma Cohen
to be a part of the celebration, which includes a preneg (5:45-6:15 pm), Shabbat
service (6:15 pm), and dinner (approximately 7:30 pm), in her honor on the evening of August 28. Come and
wish Erma well in her retirement and thank her for her countless contributions to Temple Israel.
The catered dinner, which includes wine, is $18/person through August 18 and $25/person after.
Please note that there will be a limited number of spaces...first come, first reserved. To RSVP, scan
the QR code, go to, or call Sylvia Appleton, 901.761.3130.