Poole Bobbin Lace Circle
Poole Bobbin Lace Circle
Poole Bobbin Lace Circle NEWSLETTER 203 5 MARCH 2016 FROM THE CHAIRMAN Since our last meeting I have spent time setting up our new website; our address is www.poolebobbinlace.com. I hope that you approve of it - please have a look around it and get back to me with your thoughts. If you have any suggestions for improvements let me know - on the ‘Contacts’ page there is an email address that you could use. We have purchased a reconditioned and more modern photocopier, thank you Lily for recommending this to the committee. Hopefully you will find that the reproduction of the photographs has improved. Margaret Eaglestone WHAT IS HAPPENING AT TODAY’S MEETING Our speaker is Eve Morton talking about Binche Lace The display is by Eileen Deacon’s group Our supplier is Harlequin Jenny G will have a sheet for you to complete with your details if you are interested in the trip to the V and A to view the ‘Undressed – a brief history of Underwear’ Exhibition. Pat will have a sheet for you to add a suggestion for our 2017/18 charity and also the list for demonstrating or helping with the ‘Have a Go’ session at our Easter Display and Demonstration. See later in the Newsletter THE FRIENDS OF DOLPHIN CHARITY BOBBINS 2015/16 These are available at today’s meeting for all those who ordered them earlier in the year. Jenny Green will be distributing them. Margaret Eaglestone CHARITY FOR 2017/18 Is there a local charity that you would like PBLC to support in 2017/18? If so, please complete the sheet that Pat has at today’s meeting with details of your suggestion. I already have one suggestion but the committee would like another two more. These will be presented and voted on at this year’s AGM. It would be appropriate if those that put forward a suggestion are willing to make the presentation at the AGM. Thank you very much. Margaret Eaglestone VISIT TO STOUR LACEMAKERS’ PILLOW PARTY This popular visit to the Stour Lacemakers’ Pillow Party at the church hall in Manston will take place on Saturday 23 April to arrive at around 10.15 am. The day is from 10.30 am to 4.00 pm and the cost is £3.50. Please bring your own packed lunch. Tea and coffee will be available all day. Transport to Manston is by car share so it can be arranged at today's meeting if you haven't already done so. Likewise, if you didn't previously sign up but would now like to attend you may do so as long as you arrange transportation. The list of those who did sign up will be available at the meeting today. Jenny Harris PBLC OUTING FOR 2016 Sixteen members of PBLC have so far expressed an interest in coming on the outing to the V and A to see the exhibition entitled ‘Undressed: a brief history of Underwear’. This exhibition addresses the practicalities of underwear and its role in the fashionable wardrobe - it sounds fascinating! If you are interested then there is another opportunity to sign up today. As last year, transport will be by National Express Coaches, starting at Poole and picking up at Ringwood. With just two pick-ups we can minimise the coach fare, also with a group booking of over ten the entrance fee to the exhibition is reduced by 10%. From Victoria Coach station it is only a ten minutes bus journey to right outside the museum. The committee has agreed a date of Wednesday 5 October 2016. Margaret Eaglestone Satin corset with handmade bobbin lace PILLOW PARTY REPORT 6 FEBRUARY ‘Tea and Cake’ break and a chance to view beautiful ‘lace in the making’ The weather was atrocious on Saturday, the day of the Pillow Party – strong winds and driving rain. Even so eighteen ladies braved the weather and came to make lace and chat. This month we welcomed two new members Ruth and Linda. As usual we had lovely cakes made by members, thank you for that - they were delicious. Pat Gilbertson finished mounting her (long worked-on) piece of lace to rapturous applause. Well done Pat! It was a lovely afternoon, despite the weather, with lots of beautiful lace being worked and even more chat. My idea of heaven! Barbara Jackson ‘ALL WAYS THREADS’ Last July we put a note in the Newsletter inviting enquiries about setting up a new group of mixed textile enthusiasts in order to exhibit our work. We didn't know if anyone would want to join in with us. The response was almost better than we had expected. We now have seventeen members, nine of which could put lace into an exhibition. The name for the group 'All Ways Threads' was decided upon to cover all interests in textiles. At our first meeting suggestions for a theme were discussed and the title 'Coastal Reflections' was settled on as it covered most of the ideas of the group. At the second meeting we all brought in the beginnings of ideas, some sketches or some samples to fit in with the theme. This turned out to be amazing as there were so many different interpretations of the title. We have enquired about the use of a local exhibition space next year but have yet to confirm a definite date. We hope that by putting on an exhibition it will encourage more people to join in with textile groups or try different techniques as well as the ones with which they are familiar. Eileen Deacon and Linda Carswell PBLC COMPETITION TROPHIES – PART 2 In January's Newsletter we published a list of PBLC trophies with the names of the people or organisation donating the trophy. This month shows the trophies and how they are awarded for different aspects of lace for adult and junior members of PBLC. I have kept them in the same chronological order as last time. Rose Bowl – awarded for bobbin lace of overall excellence, may only be won once Portman – awarded for the most stimulating bobbin lace entry Yvonne Lenton – awarded to a Junior Lacemaker, for the most outstanding bobbin lace entry Design – awarded for the best original design of bobbin lace Lin Allen Trophy – awarded for bobbin lace of overall excellence, open to Rose Bowl winners only. Bro Dowel – awarded for the best piece of bobbin lace submitted by a member who attends lace classes Premier – awarded for the best piece of bobbin lace submitted by a member who is a first time entrant The Margarets' Bobbins – awarded for the best presentation of bobbin lace (NB this is not the wrong use of the apostrophe – there were two Margarets!) Needlelace – awarded for the best piece of needlelace Granny's Bobbins – awarded for the best under 12 years of age entry Bobbin Lace Techniques Course – awarded for the best piece of Bucks Point lace Jan Banwell – awarded for the best piece of lace submitted by a member aged between 18 and 25 Susan Mason – awarded for the best 3D/modern bobbin lace Lacemaker – awarded for the best piece of lace that can be worn Jill Zigadas – awarded for the best piece of Continental lace Erratum - I am indebted to PBLC member Anne Vernon who pointed out that the Bro Dowel Trophy was donated by Siân Luscombe and not Susan Luscombe. Anne took lessons from Siân. Linda Burn EASTER DEMONSTRATION SATURDAY 12 MARCH PBLC will be out demonstrating, displaying and running another ‘Have a Go’ session – making a lace daffodil, on Saturday 12 March, 10 am to 3 pm, at Wimborne Library, Crown Mead, rear of 55-57 High Street, Wimborne, BH21 1HH. Our display is entitled ‘Easter’ and we would appreciate pieces of lace with an Easter or Spring theme. If you are able to demonstrate or help with the ‘Have a Go’ session for all or just part of the day that would be wonderful, just give your name to Pat Jenkins this afternoon. Thank you very much. Margaret Eaglestone HONITON LACE An exquisite piece of Honiton lace, made by Mary Gibbons and donated to PBLC for demonstrations, has been mounted and placed in a frame by a committee member. The committee thought that you would like to see details of this example of perfection. Margaret Eaglestone COMMITTEE MEMBERS FOR JULY 2106 As you know, the committee has been working with one member short for the last two years and we have coped, however in July another four members of the current committee are stepping down, this will leave just four members. It will not be possible for us to continue to offer the same level of commitment unless we have at least another four members. I am sure that you wish PBLC to continue so do think very seriously about putting your name forward to join us. Talk to current members of the committee if you are interested. If you are approached by a committee member to join us – please take it as a compliment! Thank you Your Committee KUMIHIMO BRAIDING The Dorset Guild of Weavers, Spinners and Dyers held a Skills Day in Dorchester at the end of January and Jan Burton and I got an invitation to attend. The story started last year at the PBLC Lace Day with Jacqui Carey's talk on braids, when unfortunately not enough members were interested in a follow-up Kumihimo Workshop (braiding) on a marudai. Many years ago my daughter, studying textiles at Farnham in Surrey, wrote her dissertation on Japanese Textiles. It turned out to be an absolutely fascinating subject. She had bought a marudai and made braids galore. I had too much going on at the time to have a go then, but about 15 years later I had the chance of buying a marudai from a lacemaking friend. Now was the time for me to take up the Japanese Braiding Challenge as, at this Skills Day, someone would be teaching us how to thread the bobbins, set up the marudai and teach us some simple braids – all in preparation for the February workshop to be taught by Jacqui herself. The cost of the skills day was £4 for the day so it was definitely worth having a go! On the day there were several skills on offer – felt making, knitting and weaving. Jan, Margaret and I stuck with braiding. The sales table was a veritable treasure trove of equipment, books and threads of all kinds and Margaret was lucky enough to find a perspex marudai which she purchased with joy! It took a while to get sorted. Choosing the threads; learning the knots to connect the braiding threads to the short leader threads on the bobbins; finding the right weights for the little bag attached to the start of the braid – less weight produces a very tight braid, more weight makes the braid softer and thicker. All this needed to be addressed. At last we were ready to have a go at braiding. With a braiding disc you move only one thread at a time. In Kumihimo you move two threads at the same time, one with your right hand and one with your left. It took me a while to find out that it mattered which hand you used for which thread (you may detect the messy part of the braid in the photo). And, contrary to bobbin lace where you keep the fingers off the thread here you hold on to the thread, move it and the bobbins follow. I love the sound when using my wooden stand and the wooden weighted bobbins, but there are cheaper options as explained My braid in Jacqui's book. The advantage of a perspex marudai is that you can easily see how the braid is growing. The cheapest version is using a lampshade, a cardboard disc with a hole in the middle and filling camera film canisters with gravel for the bobbins. True to form I am experimenting with a braid where the weight isn't always in the centre. Perhaps I will have finished this one in time for the meeting in March! Lily Wills Margaret’s braid made into a cross LACE DAY SATURDAY 4 JUNE This year we have ‘Ace Lacers’, as our speakers – there are six in the group and they are all members of PBLC. They describe themselves as a small group of experienced lacemakers, who work together to develop their ideas in textile art. They produce original designs, using traditional and experimental techniques, sometimes with unexpected additions. They have asked to give their talk with 'slides' before lunch, so that after lunch there is an opportunity for everyone to look at the display and Ace Lacers will be there to interact and talk to individuals and answer questions. This has been incorporated into the programme for the day. The theme for the lace competition, suggested by Ace Lacers, is “A piece of lace with your ‘own spin’ put on it”. The timing of the day is as last year, 10.30 am to 4.00 pm and the venue is St George’s Hall. This year we have an extra choice for lunch – as well as bringing a packed lunch or going out for lunch you may order one of our lunch bags. Laura Navrady-Pitcher has kindly volunteered to make up lunch bags with a choice of sandwiches, fruit and cake. Laura works in the catering business and she has approval from the Environmental Health Office to prepare the food for us. The committee hopes that this will be a welcomed addition to the day. Tea, coffee, squash and biscuits are available for most of the day at a cost of 30p per cup. We do hope that you will wish to attend the day, support Ace Lacers and enjoy your time making lace and buying all your lace essentials. Attached to this Newsletter is an application form for both tickets and lunch bags. We have maintained the price of the ticket – Adults - £4.50 prior to the day, or £5.00 on the day and Juniors - £1. The lunch bags are £4.00 each. Elsie Bainbridge has agreed to sell the tickets prior to the day so please give your completed form and money for both tickets and lunches to Elsie. The deadline for ordering lunch bags is Friday 13 May. Thank you Your Committee PATTERNS Did you know that the Sales Table holds various folders containing patterns that PBLC members have donated over the years? If anyone has copies of patterns that they have used recently, of their own design, that they would like to donate for other members to use, they will be most welcome and available for viewing on the Sales Table. Wendy Oliver EXHIBITIONS AND EVENTS More details for some of these events can be found on the noticeboard. Sat – Sun 23-24 April Brockenhurst Needlework Fiesta Village Hall, SO 42 7RY. Tickets £3.00 at the door. Saturday 10.00 am to 5.00 pm. Sunday 10.00 am to 3.30 pm. Free car parking. Light refreshments by the W. I. More info at www.brockenhurstfiesta.co.uk Sat 4 June PBLC Lace Day Details as in this newsletter Sat 9 July Lace and Craft Day 10.30 am to 4.30 pm. Bromham Social Centre, SN 15 2JB. £5 entry. Details from Ann Hannah 01380 850589 EDITORIAL As the days get longer and hopefully a bit warmer and less wet we begin to look forward to spring and summer activities. There are a number of events taking place which involve members – the Easter Demonstration at Wimborne Library, the trip to Stour Lacemakers and of course our own Lace Day in June. In compiling this edition of the newsletter it has been great to welcome Linda King and Ruth Oldridge as new members of PBLC. It has also been encouraging to hear from Eileen Duncan and Linda Carswell that their appeal for like minded 'textile-lovers' has borne such fruit and we will look forward to advertising their exhibition when the details are finalised. The charities supported by PBLC have always been a positive aspect of our group. I eventually took my LEAF pig to their offices at the beginning of February! The news that the East Holton Carriage Driving Centre suffered a burglary was an unwelcome shock but it seems, from recent Echo reports, that there have been more donations. Hopefully the loss of their equipment hasn't resulted in too many missed sessions for their clients. The Friends of Dolphin Charity talk in January was well received and it is expected that one of our members will be able to go out with them and experience their work first hand, when the weather gets warmer. Next year PBLC will embrace ‘About Face another local and much needed charity. Please take up Margaret's request to think about any local charities that you know of and add any suggestions to the list. Finally, I wish you a happy spring and Easter. When you read this I will be in Southern Spain where, by all accounts, the winter has seen sensational weather. However, last week the temperature plummeted and there has been torrential rain. So don't envy me too much! Items for the May issue of the newsletter should be sent to Margaret by 16 April 2016. There will be a Pillow Party on Saturday 2 April at St. George's and our next meeting will be on Friday 6 May at 7 pm when we will welcome Alan Cooke from Upton House as our speaker. This meeting is the deadline for entries into this year’s Annual Competition. Please bring your entries and if you were a trophy winner last year, return that as well. Thank you. Linda Burn
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