SHIP`S LOG - Howard of Effingham


SHIP`S LOG - Howard of Effingham
March 2015
Dear Parents and Friends
Although relatively short, this term has been as packed as ever at The Howard. The examination season
has begun with students taking practical parts of exams and completing controlled assessments. Options for
Years 9 & 11 have been collated and we have started to look at the timetable for September, trying to
ensure that as many students as possible are able to study their chosen subjects.
This is also the term in which we stage our annual school musical. ‘Jesus Christ Superstar’ was breathtaking, the standard we have come to expect from our productions. The creativity and dedication of staff and
students to ensuring this exceptional quality is extraordinary and I offer heartfelt thanks to all those involved.
This includes parents and friends who supported the event and helped to make sure that students were in
the right place at the right time for rehearsals.
Students continue to participate in sporting events, with some significant successes. You can read about
these in the sports report section of this Ship’s Log. This term we have also taken part in the BBC School
Report with students reporting on issues which interest them. Their final report included items on health and
fitness, an interview with our leading man from the musical and a look at what we did for ‘World Book Day’.
Do go to the Media curriculum area on Frog to see the report for yourselves.
Soon after half term we commissioned an external review team to come and look at the quality of our
provision. Our reviewers, both of whom are experienced Ofsted inspectors, were thoroughly impressed by
our teachers and our students. I am always immensely proud and uplifted when visitors recognise the
quality of teaching and the excellent behaviour, attitudes and engagement demonstrated by our students.
The ‘Friends’ continue to work hard to raise funds for us. We look forward to hearing who wins at their Quiz
Night on 27 March. We are also looking forward to the ‘Boots and Shoots’ event next term – as ever from
the Friends an innovative twist combining the annual plant sale with a car boot event. We are immensely
grateful to them for their help and support.
Our joint venture with Berkeley Homes is progressing. We understand that the planning application will be
considered by Guildford Borough Council when they meet in the summer, after the election. In the
meantime, we continue to discuss our plans with the architect to make sure that every aspect of the new
school is exactly as we would wish it to be to offer the best possible provision to the school and the wider
As we look forward to next term our focus is largely on examination preparation. I would like to remind
students of the wide range of support materials available to them on Frog to help with this and would urge
them to use their holiday time wisely.
I wish you all a happy holiday with family and friends.
Yours sincerely
Helen Pennington
Head of School
Staffing News
Since the last edition of Ship’s Log we have welcomed to our support staff: Mrs Joanne Dawson and Mrs
Stephanie Grainger, Receptionists; Mr Ian Round, DT Technician; Miss Elizabeth Skinner, Food, Art &
Textiles Technician; Mrs Nicola Waldron, Partnership HR Consultant; Mrs Melanie North, Partnership
Payroll & Intercompany Accountant and Mrs Helen Seaman, Data Manager.
In January we said farewell to Mrs Lauren Nardin, Data Manager and Miss Harriet Mewis, HR Admin
Assistant Apprentice. In March we say farewell to Mrs Sharon Simpson, Partnership Finance Office
Manager and Miss Katrina James, Teacher of English.
Mrs H Pennington, Head of School
Community Activities
Effingham Learning Partnership
Over 300 pupils aged six and seven from schools across the Effingham Learning
Partnership (ELP) came together in March at Howard of Effingham School to take
part in the eighth confederation-wide Music Festival. In a new development, the
children sang a variety of songs in French as well as songs in English. They were
accompanied by Year 10 students from Howard of Effingham School. The Year 2
pupils come from eight partnership schools, the Royal Kent, the Raleigh, the
Dawnay, St Matthew’s, Polesden Lacey Infant
School, Fetcham Village, St Lawrence and Eastwick
Infant School. Ben Pont, Head of Music at The
Howard said, “The infant school children did so well to
sing so many songs in French this year. They should be very proud of
themselves! It’s wonderful seeing the children coming together with their
friends from other schools.” Complementing the French focus in the Festival,
ELP specialist teachers have been meeting to share best practice and to
model modern foreign languages lessons.
The spring term began with approximately 200 teachers and TAs from ELP schools attending an
inspirational INSET led by Hywel Roberts entitled ‘Adventures in Learning’. The session was extremely well
received and it offered strategies that could be applied with immediate effect in the classroom. According to
the feedback, an amazing 100% of participants appreciated the positive impact that the training would have
on their practice.
ELP Home School Link Workers (HSLWs) continue to support families through one to one sessions with
parents and/or children, home visits, signposting to relevant outside agencies, transition support and
parenting courses. Following a pilot in the summer term, the new monthly support group for parents of
children with ASD or traits of ASD has been running in a community venue. Facilitated by ELP HSLWs,
these sessions, SIDE by SIDE, are open to all ELP schools, providing parents with the opportunity to meet
in a relaxed environment to share experiences, form friendships and hear from outside speakers. The group
is very welcoming and feedback from parents has been positive.
Effingham Learning Partnership (ELP) schools were privileged to act as a sounding board on education
matters to project leaders in the early phase of the Lunar Mission One project. Launched internationally last
year, Lunar Mission One is an ambitious international robotic mission to the Moon’s South Pole. Science
leaders from ELP schools were first introduced to Lunar Mission One two years ago on a visit to RAL Space
Concurrent Design Facility. Seated in the mission’s planning hub, individual engineers from the key
disciplines discussed the main challenges one-to-one with the teachers. The ELP group came away buzzing
with excitement, and, although the project was highly confidential at that time, some were able to follow it up
with related topic work in class. In addition, a group of sixth form students from Howard of Effingham were
fortunate to do their work experience with Lunar Mission One’s founder, David Iron, looking in depth at those
aspects of the mission that most interested them.
Mr D Ashby, Deputy Head
Parent Forum (formerly known as Parent Council)
The Parent Forum meets on three occasions each year to work with the school on developing policy and
procedures. This term we met on Thursday 5 March to look at the Teaching and Learning Triangle. This
gave parents an opportunity to see how the school is trying to encourage a ‘growth mindset’ in the students
and an insight into how lessons are planned and delivered. Thank you to parents who attended.
The forum is not an elected group and there is an open invitation to all parents. The focus for each meeting
is different and we are pleased to meet with parents to discuss relevant topics. You are welcome to attend
all of the scheduled meetings or the any that you are particularly interested in. Details of forthcoming
meetings will be posted on Frog and sent via SchoolComms. If you would like to attend the Forum then
please respond to the invitation via email. The next forum meeting will be held on Tuesday 16 June 2015.
Mr D Ashby, Deputy Head
Howard of Effingham School Friends News
The Team - The Friends of The Howard have been blessed this term with even more people joining in to
help organise events, either as permanent members of the committee or just on an event by event basis.
We now have enough members to comfortably run our current schedule of events. However, if we are to
offer more events we will need extra help, so don’t hold back!
Volunteers - The committee works hard to organise events but we are also very dependent on parents
volunteering to help on the day. Using the online volunteer sign up website has proved very successful.
The website allows us to list what we need help with and you to choose exactly what you would like to do
and for how long. This means we can be confident that we have enough hands on deck to run the event
and that you can be comfortable with what you will be doing, without fear of being asked to do more! This
has worked well for both the Winter Shopping Evening and the upcoming Quiz Night & Curry. A big thank
you to all of you who signed up for a slot – we really couldn’t have run these events without your help. We
will continue to use this approach so please keep a look out for our request for help emails.
Events - With all our events we try and strike a sensible balance between giving value for money and
raising funds for the children. Hopefully we are getting this right but if you have any feedback about the
events we are running or suggestions for new ones, please let us know at [email protected].
Congratulations to Annette Salmon, who won last term’s 200 Club prize of £100. If you want to support the
Friends and have the chance of winning £100 each term, make sure you have signed up to be in the club –
membership is just £12 per year!
Our next event is the Quiz Night on 24 April and it is already sold out. Many thanks to those who have
supported the event by buying tickets or offering to help on the night.
We have decided to revamp the previously popular Plant and Cake sale, as this is an event
which appeals to both parents and carers at the school and the local community. The “Boots
and Shoots” event will take place at the school on 24 May, 11am - 2pm. This year we are
hoping to include a car boot sale and additional stalls, such as food & refreshments and the
second hand uniform stall. More details about this will be sent out shortly but we will be asking
for donations of plants and cakes and for volunteers to help run it, so you might want to make a
note in your calendar.
With the huge success of last year’s Dinner Dance at the Burford Bridge Hotel, we have decided to go back
there this year and have booked it for 30 October 2015. Details will be sent out during the summer term but
for now put it in your calendar. Bookings will be for tables of either 10 or 12 people.
Come and Meet Us - Our next committee meeting is on Wednesday 22 April 2015, at 8pm at Ye Olde
Windsor Castle in Bookham. We are always looking for new members with new ideas so please do come
along if you want to get involved with your PTA or contact us at [email protected].
Many thanks again for your support.
Friends of The Howard
Pastoral Matters
School Council
Now that we are more than half way through the year, the school council has been working hard to make
some big decisions and chase up all the great ideas that have been brought to the council.
One of the key ideas we have been discussing is the Learning for Life programme. The students are keen to
have an input into how we can change the Learning for Life sessions to cover a wider variety of the topics
that students from all year groups are keen to learn about. Some of the older students are particularly eager
to find out more about jobs and economics in these times of economic change and so the council is looking
at how we might ask for this to be included in the scheme.
We have been lucky enough to have various visitors to the council in the last term, including Mrs
Pennington, Head of School, who came to discuss the plans for the new school building, answer the
council’s questions, and collect feedback. We also had a senior member of staff from the canteen run a Q
and A session. This was a great opportunity for the year representatives to ask their questions and get some
immediate and very helpful feedback.
Feedback from the council has been delivered through student assemblies this term, as one of the big ideas
we have been working on is how we can better communicate the discussions held at school council back to
the students that the decisions will be affecting.
We would like to encourage the students to keep sending their questions as well as their feedback through
their form representatives to the school council. We really appreciate their feedback and want the council to
be as representative of the student body as possible.
Rob Peel and Ailsa McKinlay, Head Boy and Head Girl
Child Safeguarding
We have an effective programme in place in school to train all our staff in the procedures relating to the
safeguarding of our students. All staff are trained by me, the school’s Designated Child Protection Officer
(DCPO) every three years. Where possible, if the school has concerns regarding the welfare or safety of a
student, we will work with you, as parents, to resolve this. However, there will be occasions when it may be
appropriate to seek advice from Children’s Services without speaking to parents first. If you have concerns
about the welfare of a child or would like further information, please contact me at
[email protected].
Mrs J Menhennett, Assistant Head
Despite a number of requests for parents not to drive onto the school site to drop and collect their children at
the beginning and end of the day we continue to have a small number who ignore the safety measures we
have put in place. This is very disappointing and shows a disregard for the students and staff who may be
in the area at these busy times of the day.
It is also a concern that on some occasions duty staff are met with disdain and although drivers are politely
requested not to enter the site they continue to ignore the advice that has been given.
Our relationship with The Vineries and local residents is also under pressure due to parents using the
garden centre car park as a drop off and collection area. May I remind you that the car park at The Vineries
is private and only for the use of customers.
We would appreciate your support with the issues raised. I would encourage you to drop and collect your
children at locations that are both safe and considerate to the school and wider community.
It is very encouraging to see so many of the students wearing the uniform in the correct manner. There has
been a significant improvement over recent years and we continue to receive positive feedback regarding
the smartness of the students.
Unfortunately there is a small number of students who continue to flout the rules. The main issues are the
wearing of jewellery and haircuts.
Students are permitted to wear a watch and one small plain stud in the lobe of each ear. The stud should be
small and plain in appearance, gold, silver or black in colour. No other jewellery is permitted. No hairstyles
are to be shorter than grade 2. Students are not allowed ‘tramlines’ or shapes to be shaved into their hair.
Further clarification of the rules can be found in the student planner.
If you are thinking or replacing school shoes over the coming months then may I please remind you that
they should be black and of a sensible, robust style. Students are not permitted to wear black leather style
trainers, boots or canvas plimsolls/trainers. Once again clarification of the rules can be found in the student
The uniform is an important part of the school ethos and I thank you in advance for your support in
encouraging your son/daughter to wear their uniform correctly and with pride.
Mr D Ashby, Deputy Head
Key Stage 3 News
A focus of Key Stage 3 that I am delighted with this academic year is that of student achievement. Key
Stage 3 students have achieved a huge number of rewards since September which is fantastic. Currently
the tally stands at:
 Achievement Certificates: 2,672
 House Points: 50,897
The data for individuals is viewable via your parent and student portal on Frog and I encourage all students
to keep track of their fantastic achievements so far this year.
Year 7 students, now having completed two terms at The Howard, have settled in quickly and are
progressing well. Year 8 have been focusing on community spirit and team work through both their L4L
modules in tutorials and via year team led competitions.
Year 9 have taken an extremely mature approach towards deciding which courses are best suited to them
and have now submitted their options choices for Key Stage 4. Year 9 students will also have an opportunity
to apply to become student mentors when they are in Year 10. This will be an opportunity to support our
new cohort of students, starting in September and also during the Year 6 taster day in July. We always have
a very strong field of students to choose from each year and the Year 9 team are looking forward to reading
the applications from students. The process for applying for these positions will be advertised in assemblies
next term.
Have an enjoyable Easter break.
Mr T Burns, Assistant Head
News from the Year 7 Leader
The students have now completed over half of their first academic year at secondary school, and most seem
to have settled in well, stopped getting lost, and are coping with the work and homework. We would like to
remind you that there is a homework club held daily in Room 48 from 1.30pm – 2pm and after school
Monday to Friday from 3.30pm – 4pm – if your son or daughter needs help with homework, that’s the place
to go!
Academic tutoring took place on 18 March, with students having reviewed their targets and achievements,
showing us evidence that they have completed targets, and setting new goals. We are also keen for them
to enter any achievements, in or out of school.
Some of the boys in Year 7 continue to use ‘playfighting’ as an excuse to be very rough, and we would be
very grateful, if you have a son, if you could please re-emphasise that being physical isn’t acceptable now
they are getting so much bigger and stronger. Many thanks in anticipation of your help.
The Year 7 Community Group is fully functional and has many students who are on the committee
representing all tutor groups in Year 7. They add to ideas of how we can contribute to our community in
school. Last term the Community Group collected cards of friendship and appreciation made by Year 7
students for Year 7 students and delivered them to spread happiness and appreciation around the year
group. Looking to the end of the Spring term, the Community group is also going to visit Nower Care in
Dorking again, but this time to share some poems that they have created about their favourite things that
make them happy. Next term the Community Group is hoping to hold a charity week to collect money for
local charities. They are also hoping to try out some more of their ideas.
We hope you all enjoyed the parents’ evening. It was so good to see so many of you there, and the
feedback was overwhelmingly positive. There were certainly some very happy parents leaving.
We are currently arranging for the whole year group to see a production aimed at making them more aware
of dangers of the roads, and if you haven’t already received a letter about this, you will shortly. With so many
young people having ear phones in, or texting as they walk etc, the statistics of serious injury and fatality to
youngsters is rising, and naturally, we want to do all we can to heighten their awareness.
Mrs H Cooper-Burrows, Miss V Scarff and Mrs L Stoneham, Year 7 Team
News from the Year 8 Leader
I am delighted that Mr Hewson has asked me to write the report for the Ship’s Log this term.
The New Year started positively with the majority of students returning from the Christmas break looking
exceedingly smart and very keen to work hard.
Forty students who had been identified by their form tutors as having an extremely positive attitude were
rewarded with a ‘doughnuts and squash’ morning at break time on the third Monday into the term. A similar
morning is planned for another forty students on the last Monday of the term. They are always enjoyed by
the students and staff alike and there is much competition for invitations. Further donut and squash
mornings will be held in the summer term, with the criteria to be decided.
There has been continued competition to be awarded
‘Tutor Group of the Month this term. 8HA won the
Christmas Video competition in December, 8CR were
successful in January as they were deemed to be the
smartest form in the year. February winners were 8SA,
for the best use of planners and they were winners
again this month (March) for their beautiful montage of
Easter eggs. Special mention should be made of the
lovely Easter cake made by Amelia Jupe in 8CA Amelia will be given a special prize for her efforts. The
Year Team were extremely disappointed that they were
unable to try the cake to see if it tasted as good as it
The next round of the Spelling Bee Competition will take place in the last week of term – will Rahushan
Rathasethupathy (8SA) and Rhys Wallis (8RA) win again?– they were clearly the star spellers in the Year,
last term. We await the results with interest!
Students have again been making headlines this term – we congratulate Ben Farrow (8RA) for the article on
his dog-walking by unicycle – it is quite possible that some of you may have seen him around Bookham.
Many other students within the cohort have also been mentioned in the local news for achievements with
their various sports clubs, but I would particularly like to mention Nathan McCleave (8SR) for his swimming
achievements. Well done Nathan!
January saw many Year 8 students and staff taking part in the Gym & Dance Display, of which more will be
written in the PE Department report. However, we saw some impressive dance displays from Year 8
dancers and cheerleaders - Esther Toogood, Heather Pell, Hanna Austin, Greta Butcher, Amelia Jupe, Zoe
Whitaker, Sophie Peel, Hollie Andrews, Charlotte Brown, Tess English, Matilda Millington, Tallulah
Millington, Georgie Tacon and Eleanor McPhillips. Several Year 8 gymnasts impressed us with their
tumbling and somersaults - Jeremy Coe, Sid Pengilly, Holly Harverson, Zak Muggleton. Mrs Williams (Year
8 Assistant Leader) was instrumental in organising the line dancers and of course Mr Hewson, our Leader
and Mr Mortimer, 8CA’s joint tutor took part in the PE Staff performance at the end of the evening. Although
the staff performance was enjoyed by all watching, we felt that they needed a few lessons from our excellent
Year 8 gymnast students!
I am sure that many of you were lucky enough to see the school’s fantastic production of Jesus Christ,
Superstar at the beginning of March. Our congratulations go to all the cast for such a professional
performance, including several Year 8 students – Ben Ball, Hedda Dent, Miranda Irwin, Rhys Wallis, Freya
McKinlay, Poppy Jenkins, Nicole Abreu & Jemma Pizzanelli.
Attendance to school is frequently in the news nowadays and as a Year Team we regularly remind our
students of the importance of good attendance. So far, over 30 students have achieved 100% attendance
this year and their names were all placed into a draw and 5 students will receive a prize of an Easter egg.
As I write, Mr Hewson, Mrs Williams and I are busy organising the trip to Grosvenor Hall in Kent. As Mr
Hewson mentioned in the previous issue, we will be taking 80 students to this activity centre from the 8-10
May. We are extremely excited about this trip and have been arranging some fun activities for the students
to take part in whilst we are there. Further letters to parents of the students who are lucky enough to be
attending will be sent home shortly.
Sadly we said goodbye to Yasmin Ayres (8SR), as she moved schools just prior to the February half term.
We would like to wish her every happiness and success in the future.
To finish, I would like to take this opportunity, on behalf of the whole of the Year 8 cohort to wish you all a
very happy Easter and a restful holiday.
Mrs D Stafford, Year 8 Manager
News from the Year 9 Leader
Once again it has been a very busy intense spring term for Year 9 with choosing their option subjects for
GCSE being the main priority. The options process went very smoothly and I‘d like to take this opportunity
to thank you all for attending the options evening and the parents evening. It was very nice to see you all
again. Many thanks for working with your sons and daughters on the options process and getting the
paperwork in before the deadline.
Attendance for the year group has remained consistent at 94.7% and I am sure this will climb in the summer
term now that the cold weather and the nasty bugs and viruses have passed!
The following students had 100% attendance this term Charlotte Bass, Bavyar Bhavsar, Stephanie
Crawford, Annabel Hamilton, Ellen Hamilton, Peter Hendy, Issy Mercer Ross, Bradley Nelson, Ben
Patterson, Emily Poole, Christopher Pratt, James Roberts, Heidi Salmon, Christopher Sanderson,
Olivia Silvey, Sophie Tearle, Luke Trimmer, Megan Ware, Sam Wlicox, Joohan Won. Well done!
On 5 March the whole of Year 9 watched a very powerful play called Chelsea’s Choice performed by Peer
Productions educational theatre group highlighting the dangers of Child Sexual Exploitation. All the students
found the performance very powerful and thought provoking. On the same subject on 16 and 17 March 25
Year 9 students attended a workshop on healthy relationships and then put a performance on themselves
for the rest of the year group. Thank you very much and very well done to Tom Beater, Sam Howard,
Amber Monroe, Saskia Munks, Oliver George, Matthew Scott, Mia Salter, Connor Hubbard, Mia
Monaghan, Luke Hammond, Sam Wilcox, Maddie Clifford, Charlotte Bookham, Molly Jo Gibbons,
James Roberts, Mia Beckford Brown, Harry Miles, Esme Etwell, Luke Campbell, Adam Judd,
Carolina Jacinto, Tom Weston.
After analysing the latest reports the following students are in the Top Ten in the year group for their Attitude
to Learning: Seren Atkinson, Hannah Barker, Hannah Bragman, Ben Butterworth, Hannah
Causebrook, Annabel Hamilton, Ben Patterson, Tom Patterson, Chris Sanderson, Josie Smith,
Matthew Strutton, Joohan Won.
9HA and 9SA have continued to battle it out every week with the house point competition. Both tutor groups
are neck and neck at the moment. We held a doughnut morning for 9SR and 9HA who had the fewest late
marks to school and late marks to lessons.
If you would like to contact the Year team please do so on [email protected],
[email protected], [email protected] or by phone on 01372 455779
This just leaves me to wish you all a lovely Easter and I hope you enjoy your holidays.
Mrs A Everall, Year 9 Leader
Key Stage 4 News
Year 10
Many of the Year 10 students have started pieces of coursework or will start their coursework in the
Summer Term.
Time management is of the essence in the final term of Year 10, and getting the balance between the
studies and social life is essential for success over the next week months.
Work Experience week is Monday 13 – Friday 17 July.
As a reward, the Year 10 team will organise a trip for the last week of the summer term. This will take place
on Monday 20 July. This day trip will be hopefully for all Year 10 students; further information will be made
available by Mr Edwards during the summer term.
Year 11
By the time you receive this Ship’s Log your sons and daughters will only have four weeks left of formal
education before their examinations start. Soon after the Easter holiday I will be writing to you about the
GCSE examinations, study leave arrangements and the off roll procedures that need to be completed by the
end of June.
By now all pieces of coursework have been handed in and moderated, leaving the final weeks to focus on
revision and examination preparation.
Ideally, the Easter period cannot be a total holiday for Year 11 students. They should already be well into a
period of prolonged revision for the examinations. Revision is necessary in order to go over the work
covered in the last two years, to place facts into long-term memory and practice the skills needed in each
subject for the examinations. I know departments will be running revision sessions throughout May and
June, and I would encourage everyone to attend the sessions relevant to them.
May I take this opportunity to wish all the Year 11 students well in the examinations. I am looking forward
to the Leavers Ball at the end of June, and I am sure the hard work in preparation for the examinations will
be rewarded this summer.
Miss K Mitchell, Assistant Head
News from the Year 10 Leader
It has been another busy time for Year 10 who are working diligently in their GCSE courses.
Just this term we have seen students take part in GCSE speaking examinations, completing numerous
Controlled Assessments and our catering students have been honing their culinary skills in mock
I would like to take this opportunity to praise and congratulate the hardworking and dedicated students we
have in Year 10. We have 43 students who have not accrued ANY negative behaviour marks this year and
we will be rewarding them in the final week of term for the effort they have put in. It is also great to see some
of our students' work recognised across the school and Year 10 has achieved a huge 6177 Housepoints so
far. The top 3 girls are Emma Clements (76 points), Michelle Jones (65) and Ruby Marseilles (62). The top
boys are Redmond Haslam (74 points), Ben Redgewell, Joe Gash and Charlie Burrows (all joint at 63). Well
done to all of you!
Outside of the classroom things are just as busy! Thanks to Mr Thake and Miss Scarff, students across the
school are challenged each week to practice their maths skills in a fun and exciting way. The "Weekly Maths
Challenge" has seen a range of individual winners from Year 10 and a couple of class wins from 10SR.
Recent house events have included: art attack, countdown, dodgeball and chess. A special mention must go
to Ella Bowler (CA) who was our only female contender in house countdown, well done Ella.
This month also saw a large group of our students take part in a careers ‘speed dating’ event. They had the
opportunity to meet with a range of employers and discuss future career paths. Employers from industries
such as IT, Media, Medicine, Construction and many more were represented on the day. Thanks to Ms
Williams for arranging a great afternoon.
This year will also see our students take part in a week’s long work experience placement and by now all
relevant forms will have been returned. This is a fantastic opportunity for everyone involved and will give
students a good idea of what the world of work is like. Some of the placements include: British Airways,
Sony, London Air Ambulance, EA Games, Chelsea FC and The Home Office.
I wish everyone a happy Easter and hope you all enjoy your well-earned break.
Mr J Edwards, Year 10 Team Leader
News from the Year 11 Leader
Year 11
Year 11 have certainly risen to the challenge of preparing and organising themselves for their public
examinations; huge numbers of students have been attending revision classes and catch-up sessions
provided by faculties across the school. This level of commitment will stand them in good stead to achieve
the very best this summer. As Miss Mitchell has stated, the Easter break will be an excellent opportunity for
students to focus their revision as well as gaining some well-deserved rest!
Preparations are well underway for both the Leavers’ assembly on 8 May and the Leavers Ball on 24 June,
exciting events that both staff and students look forward to. The yearbook committee has also been working
tirelessly to produce the Year 11 Yearbook and the Leavers’ hoodies are currently in production and should
be ready on 8 May. Thanks must go to Mrs Bacon and Mrs Gardiner who have been key in organising these
mementos and celebrations for the students.
In other news the Silver Duke of Edinburgh have been out on their final practice weekend before the
assessments in the summer and Operation Wallacea students have been busy fundraising for the summer
expedition to Mexico. A number of Year 11 students have also registered for NCS ‘The Challenge’ which
offers 3 weeks of community and skills based activities during the summer.
I wish every student the very best in the examinations and look forward to celebrating with them at the
Leavers’ Ball.
Miss L Bramhall, Year 11 Leader
Sixth Form News
As we near the end of term, the common room is buzzing with talk of RAG
week. Students have planned a different theme for each day of the final
week of term from pyjamas and sleeping bags to geeks and gangsters.
Amongst the fancy dress opportunities, they have organised some great
ways to raise money including cake sales, treasure hunts and even throwing
sponges at Mr Harvey! It’s a fun way to end a busy term and a helpful
fundraiser for the students’ chosen charities – The Teenage Cancer Trust,
The Stroke Association and CRY (Cardiac Risk in the Young).
Both year groups completed mock examinations in February and have been using them as a useful tool to
reflect on their progress so far and act on the invaluable feedback provided by teachers. We hope that they
will benefit from the experience as they now begin to plan revision for the summer exams.
In assemblies and the Learning for Life tutorial programme, Year 12 have begun to think about their choices
and opportunities for life after Sixth Form. We have encouraged all students to think broadly about their
options so we have introduced university and alternative options to all students. All Year 12 students were
encouraged to attend the UCAS Convention at Surrey Sports Park in March where they were able to collect
prospectuses and talk to representatives from most higher education establishments in the country. A small
group of students also attended an Oxford Open day. We have also introduced students to Unifrog, an
online package which helps students to work through the myriad of options available for universities and
apprenticeships. The Higher Education Evening for Parents was held in the last week of term to give further
information about future opportunities. In addition, a Careers Event, What’s My Line?, was held at The
Howard where students were able to quiz a wide range of employers about their working lives.
Year 13 students have just completed their last full term at The Howard. The majority of students have
applied to university or art college and have been receiving offers and visiting open days to help make their
minds up about where they would like to go. Now is also the time for these students to apply online for
student finance at . Other students have been finalising their plans for
GAP years or applying for employment. In Learning for Life, in addition to their individual tutorial sessions,
Year 13 have looked at survival skills for living away from home – including finding accommodation,
budgeting and cooking!
Alongside all their many commitments, a very large number of
students have also found time to contribute to the wider school
life, through prefecting at lunch time, giving tours of the school
to prospective parents and by supporting the reading skills of
younger students through the Toe by Toe and paired reading
schemes. It was fantastic to see Sixth Form students play
such central roles in the School Musical, Jesus Christ
Superstar, both on stage and behind it. As always it was of a
very high standard and hugely entertaining. HAS, the Sixth
Form’s social committee, have just started planning the
Leavers’ event, this year being held at Epsom Racecourse
towards the end of June whilst the Year Book team have been busy putting together a worthy memento to
their time at school. Educational visits have also taken place this term for Geography and Geology A Level
students, giving them valuable opportunities to learn outside the classroom. English students also benefitted
from a workshop with a visiting author, Cathy Brett.
Everyone in the Sixth Form team would like to take this opportunity to wish all the Sixth Form students an
enjoyable but productive Easter break and the very best of luck in their summer examinations.
Mr S Taylor, Sixth Form Year Leader
Curriculum Matters
September 2015 will see the first teaching of the new English and maths curriculum for Years 7 – 10.
Current Year 9 parents are reminded that Year 10 students, from September 2015, will be assessed on a 91 grading scale for English and maths. All other GCSE subjects will remain, for one more year, on the A*-G
grading system. Year 11 (current Year 10) will sit all GCSE examinations on the current A*-G grading
Mr R Beeson, Deputy Head
Curriculum Enrichment
The House System
Our Heads of House have continued to run wide and varied range of competitions over this term and
students have more than risen to the challenge. Students have participated in House Art Attack, House
Countdown, House Chess and a House Christmas decoration competition and you can see how well each
House fared below. Even as I write this students are dusting off their dancing shoes and practising their
magic tricks ready for Howard’s Got Talent.
The House which accrued the most House Points in the Autumn term was Sheridan and they have led the
way again this term with 9946 House points awarded between January and March. Congratulations to all
students for their dedication and commitment which has helped them reach such an impressive total. The
overall leader boards as it currently stands are:
House Points
Super House Points
Cromwell and
On an individual level big congratulations to Saskia Hulford (Cromwell), Molly Abbott (Howard), Nicole Abreu
(Raleigh) and William Addison (Sheridan) who amassed the most House Points and were the “Students of
the term” in the Autumn. This term the star performers for their Houses have been: Holly Harverson
(Cromwell), Mehgan Branch (Howard), Henry Stock (Raleigh) and Liberty Cox (Sheridan).
The House results for the competitions this term are…
House Christmas decoration competition – Cromwell demonstrate the most festive spirit and Sophie
Astbury’s Penguin takes top prize!
A wide range of students celebrated the festivities by designing their own Christmas decorations. There
were fantastic entries from every year group but the overall House and individual prizes were taken by…
Sophie Astbury (7CR)
Hilja Jefferies (10CR)
Iona Tait (7HA)
Hazel Eve (11RA)
After judging, all entries had pride of place on Miss Stone’s Christmas tree!
House Countdown – You can Count on Howard not to let you Down!
During House assembly week Mr Yates and the rest of the House team involved each year group in the
House Countdown competition. He was ably assisted by the House Ambassadors and a big thank you goes
to Hope Childs, Morgan Giles, Amolak Sahota, Helen Charter, Ana-Carolina Guaratto, Tom Da Gama and
Lucy Collins for helping to make it happen. In each year group each House was represented and despite
some impressive literacy and numeracy skills on display from everyone there had to be winners and losers.
Here are the overall placings:
Year 7 and 8
Year 9
Cromwell and
Year 10
Year 11
Well done to Howard, our overall Countdown champions for 2014-15!
House Art Attack – Creative Cromwell are picture perfect
The Howard displayed its creative side during the House Art Attack competition, with everything from
traditional scenes and portraits to abstract works and collages. Given the range and quality of the entries it
was no mean feat selecting winners from all of the entries, but everyone is a critic and Mr Yates was able to
whittle them down to the two best. Charlotte Heath-Wise (Year 11) and Maddie Dalley/Shannon StirlingLoyer (Year 7) all from Cromwell produced very different, but equally stunning works and were worthy joint
Maddie Dalley/Shannon Stirling-Loyer
Charlotte Heath-Wise
House Chess – Who was the King or Queen of House Chess?
Reminiscent of some of the greatest battles between the Grand Masters, House Chess took place in midMarch and it was keenly contested. A special mention should go to The Howard’s very own Garry Kasparov,
Jamie Dyer (Cromwell). Jamie scored 35 points and was undefeated with seven wins. The final overall
standings were:
Check the next Ship’s Log entry for information about how each House performs in upcoming events such
as; Dodgeball, Photography, The Weakest Link, Bake Off and the exciting finale which is Sports Day to
name just a few. It looks like a busy term ahead!
Mr M Vowles, Assistant Head
Once again, this term has been a busy time for Mathematicians within the school. Years 11, 12 and 13 are
heading towards the final stages of their courses and are now beginning their revision. Elsewhere around
the school a number of activities have been happening. Mr Yates gave a series of assemblies celebrating
the unique nature of maths during National Science Week and here is just a flavour of some of the other
things that have been taking place.
UKMT Maths Challenge
Students in Years 9 to 11 achieved 9 gold, 12 silver and 22 bronzes in this year’s UKMT Intermediate Maths
Challenge. Over 200,000 students from across the UK sat the Intermediate Maths Challenge with roughly
the top 6% receiving a gold certificate, the next 13% silver and the next 21% bronze.
Our highest achievers were Matthew Strutton and Ben Patterson from Year 9 who were among 1500 of the
top students that were invited to sit a follow-on Olympiad round. Angus Hunter, Freddie Cassidy, Dan
Whitcombe, Serena Haak and Adam Nicholls from Year 11 and Tom Patterson from Year 9 were among the
9000 or so students invited to a multiple-choice Europe-wide Kangaroo round.
Guildford and Surrey Schools’ Mathematics Competition
Four teams from Years 7 to 10 took part in the latest interschool Maths competition at the Royal Grammar
School. All our students performed well, special mention to our year 7 team that came 4th and our year 9
team that came 2nd each out of 10 schools.
The students who took part were Abbie Wood, William Groves and Tommy Coker from Year 7, Esther
Toogood, Callum Nicolls and Tom Hardman from Year 8. Year 9 representatives were Tom Patterson, Ben
Patterson and Jamie Dyer whilst Luke Attfield, Millie Bryant and Tom Hook represented Year 10.
Congratulations to all our students who took part.
“On 19 March, 12 Howard students travelled to the Royal Grammar School to showcase their mathematical
talents by competing against 9 other schools from the Guildford area. The challenges included Tangrams,
measurement puzzles and multi choice questions. Much of these involved guesswork (Who knows what the
population of the USA
the population of China is!?) but all of us enjoyed applying the skills we have learnt
in our lessons to competitive situations. Although none of our teams won, it was a great experience for all of
us (we all definitely enjoyed the free food!) and thank you to Mrs Merlini for organising the trip and Mr Yates
for driving us all down there”.
Millie Bryant, Year 10
Key Stage 3 Maths
KS3 has been busy during the second half of the spring term! We selected some Year 7 and 8 students to
participate in the Maths puzzle morning early in the half term, where ‘The Puzzle Company’ came in and ran
the session. The students involved were initially apprehensive about 3 hours of Maths, however they
enthusiastically completed each puzzle in teams and really enjoyed the morning. They quickly found that
Maths isn’t just about number crunching!
We then invited teams of 4 students from Year 5 and 6 from our feeder schools within the Effingham
Learning Partnership to The Howard for a Maths Challenge. This was a great success, where some Year 10
Maths mentors helped out with marking and the running of the day; they did a fantastic job. We had
representatives from Royal Kent, Oakfield, Dawnay, Eastwick, St Lawrence and Raleigh schools. St
Lawrence secured 1st place and Eastwick 2nd.
Looking to next half term we are taking a selection of Year 8 students to Windsor Races, for a numeracy day
run by the British Horse Racing Education and Standards Trust. We attended a similar numeracy day last
year at Kempton, which was really fun and interesting, so we are looking forward to this also.
Mr M Yates, Head of Maths
News from the Drama Department
The Spring term has again been very busy in the Drama Department. In Key Stage 3 Year 7 students have
been studying ‘The Tempest’ and Year 8 have been learning the key ingredients of creating a ghost story
and developing their very own story to perform. Year 9 have been looking at skills of working with a script
and will be performing to the rest of their class after Easter.
Key Stage 4 students have been working really hard this term. Year 10 students have been creating a piece
of Theatre in Education about Road Safety. For the first time they will be performing their devised plays to a
Year 7 audience as part of their assessment for Unit 3. Year 11 students have been really committed,
given up a lot of their own time and are well underway with the preparation for their final examination pieces
in May.
Key Stage 5 have also had a very busy term. Year 12 students are preparing a monologue and a whole
group performance of DNA, which will be performed to an external examiner in May. Year 13 students
performed their devised examination pieces to a packed audience and produced two very effective and
challenging pieces. All had been given The Seven Deadly Sins as their starting point and it was fascinating
to see how they had been inspired and interested by this concept.
Outside lessons, the department has also been very busy. Year 12 and 13 students went to see a very
modern version of ‘Othello’ at the Lyric Theatre and have written reviews for this as part of their exam. For
the first time there has also been a Year 13 trip to The Globe, where students had a tour of the theatre,
exhibition and a very enjoyable interactive workshop. This was a wonderful opportunity for the students and
will make a positive impact on their Unit 4 exam responses.
A huge proportion of extra-curricular time in Drama this term has been dedicated to the rehearsing of “Jesus
Christ Superstar”, which was staged at The Leatherhead Theatre in March and was very well received. As
ever, our staff and students coped extremely well with the challenge of a short but intense rehearsal period,
and produced an outstanding show of which we were extremely proud. We are all looking forward to what
next year will bring!
Miss H Maskell, Head of Drama
News from the Music Department
Year 10 Recital
Early in January our Year 10 GCSE Music students took to the stage
for their first solo recital. The recital is an opportunity for the students
to gain valuable performing experience in preparation for next year’s
GCSE recital. All of the soloists were exceptionally well prepared,
having put in a great deal of hard work and practice in the run up to the
recital. The audience was treated to performances on a range of
different instruments, including the piano, saxophone, trumpet, drums,
voice and guitar. There was an eclectic mix of styles on offer, from
Millie Bryant’s performance of Tango Argentino on the trumpet, to Alex Bailey’s performance of Pompeii by
Bastille on the drum kit. We are already looking forward to next year’s recital! Well done to all of the students
Night at the Musicals
A Night at the Musicals is one of the fundraising events for the annual whole school musical at Leatherhead
Theatre. It is also a great opportunity for our students to showcase their talent on a more individual basis.
The concert was held in the main hall, which in keeping with tradition, had been transformed into an
atmospheric café. With the audience gathered around small tables from which they were able to enjoy the
evening’s performances, the evening began with a performance of On My Own from Les Miserables. There
were performances from many of the cast from this year’s musical, including two songs from Jesus Christ
Superstar, sung by Clara Cosh-Escott and Rebecca Longhurst. The evening was a big success, helping to
raise valuable funds for this year’s musical.
ELP Infant Concert
The annual ELP Infant Music Festival took place this year on 17 March in the main school hall. Pupils from
schools within the Effingham Learning Partnership had been working hard preparing songs with either a
French theme or ‘Taking Care of Myself’. Students from the Year 10 GCSE Music class accompanied the
infant pupils for a selection of the songs. One of the highlights of the concert was a performance of Frere
Jacques, which was sung in a four part round! In keeping with the French theme, the languages department
had kindly loaned some French themed bunting to help decorate the hall. Congratulations to all of the pupils
involved, from the infant schools to the Year 10 students from The Howard.
Music for Youth Regional Festival
Following on from the Chamber Choir’s successful participation in last year’s Music for Youth Festival, the
Chamber Choir performed at this year’s regional festival on Sunday 22 March at the Connaught School in
Aldershot. Regional festival days are held across the country and provide students with the opportunity of
performing in an external venue and subsequently receiving a non-competitive adjudication. The choir
performed When I Grow Up from Matilda, Don’t Stop Believing by Journey and The Seal Lullaby by Eric
Mr B Pont, Head of Music
Art Department
This term has been a very busy and exciting term in the Art Department. Key
Stage 3 are drawing to a close their current projects and starting their second
project of the year. We have had a large number of successful self portraits,
gargoyles and issue based paintings and now look forward to Arcimboldo insects,
cityscapes and sculpture shoe projects. For Key Stage 4 and 5
Art, Photography and Art Textiles students it has been
examination and coursework deadline time and students are
well on their way with examination projects leading towards
ideas for their examination outcomes. We’re really pleased that
students are finding the lunchtime and after school support
sessions beneficial and there is a real buzz in the Art
Department with numerous students from Year 7 – 13
attending, sharing their skills and developing their work at
these sessions. Support sessions continue to run every lunchtime proving popular with
the lower school as well as the older students with coursework commitments. After school
sessions are held from Monday to Thursday until 5pm every week.
The Year 9 students who have opted for GCSE Art next year have been to us to attend taster sessions
where they have had the experience of trying out a mini project based on the examination themes for Art
and Design, they have been introduced to the course, had the chance to speak to older students, see them
work and get help from them. Students have had the opportunity to work with a range of materials and on
tasks that would be expected at GCSE level. Feedback has suggested that this has really helped them to
gain an insight to the course and its requirements and we look forward to welcoming these students on to
the course with their Summer Project next term.
Year 13 have been working extremely hard on coursework and preparing for application to foundation and
degree courses all over the country. We have had a large number of students attending after school portfolio
preparation sessions with us and there have been many successes with students’ acceptance onto their
chosen courses at foundation studies and degree level. We’d like to congratulate Year 13 students, as they
have worked extremely hard on their portfolios securing foundation places at institutions such as Central St
Martin’s, Kingston University and Epsom College along with Arts Degree offers at Brighton University,
Oxford Brookes, Loughborough and Bournemouth to name but a few. Some students have offers still
pending. We wish all of them lots of luck.
The House Art Competition has once again proved very
successful. This year the competition contained entries from a
wide range of year groups. Students from all houses entered
with a huge variety of artwork. The brief was
simply to ‘Frame a piece of Art’. Entries included
a range of subject matter and students entered
work in lots of varieties of media. We selected
from a huge number of entries, reducing down to
several pieces to go on display in the art
department exhibition space.
There were some fantastic creative entries, showcasing a range of different styles and materials.
Congratulations to Cromwell House who were the overall winners this year. Students were awarded their
prizes in assembly.
The Secret Crazy Craft Club continues to run on a Wednesday
lunchtime working on a range of crafts, this term learning crochet,
knitting, French knitting and hoping to work in Willow/Withies
also. Students are aiming to create a range of pieces that will
decorate Little Pickles Nursery fencing for the Summer Term.
Thank you for all the donations of wool via the library and the
support from the BDFAS (Bookham Decorative and Fine Arts
Society). Please do create something if you’d like to get involved
and SCC
to reception
Club in
– Spring
Term – Littlefor
Project of Miss King. The theme includes colourful nature and features ideas
Week 1 – Make a French knitter
such as flowers,
and creatures. We are aiming to create a natural garden creeping up their
Week 2 - Learn
to French
Week 3 – Use the French Knitter
outdoor fenceWeekto4 enhance
– Crochet basics
Week 5 – Joining
Week 6 – attaching makes to Little Pickles Nursery fences
And last but by no means least we’ve also had the fantastic opportunity of creating props for Jesus Christ
Superstar which was an amazing musical that we were very pleased to be involved with! Students in the
sixth form and Art teachers contributed props to enhance the atmosphere of the crowd scenes. So all in all a
very successful term. We are very much looking forward to the busy summer examination term with lots to
come. Wishing everyone a happy holiday from all in the Art Department!
Miss M King, Head of Art and the Art Department
Duke of Edinburgh
This year the Howard of Effingham has been running the Bronze and Silver Awards, with a total of 130
students enrolled across the two schemes led by Mrs Merlini, Miss Brake and Miss Scarff. Activity began
early in the Autumn term with a Silver Practice Expedition in the local area, and a hugely enjoyable day walk
for the Bronzes over Ranmore Common. Classroom training then began in earnest with expedition groups
attending weekly to learn navigation and campcraft skills, and to plan their expedition routes in detail. Last
weekend saw the Silvers going out for their second practice, this time two nights out on the South Downs
when they demonstrated great morale despite long testing days out on the trail and very chilly nights. In the
summer term it will be the turn of the Bronzes with two expeditions and the Silvers will undertake their
qualifying expedition. Howard staff give generously of their time to help run and monitor these expeditions,
allowing the students to earn a valuable and respected award.
Mrs J Merlini, D of E Bronze Leader
BBC School Report
The ninth annual BBC School Report saw students in Year 7 and Year 8 honing their investigative skills to
seek out and report on important stories across the school. With journalism club, run ably by Mrs Roberts
every Friday, the students learnt the art of selecting key stories and reporting the news for their own
website. These skills then proved vital on the national BBC School Report news day on Thursday 19 March
2015. Students spent the morning writing and producing their own video news report with stories about
staying fit and healthy in school, the success of the school musical and world book day.
With the BBC website linking directly to the school’s own news page which featured the video alongside
stories such as: the solar eclipse and the visiting astronaut, the students’ work is directly accessible around
the globe!
It was a fantastic experience to work so closely with the students in a professional news environment and
has really given them an insight into the exciting and dynamic world of journalism. I am really looking
forward to seeing how they report the news in the future.
Mr S Coppard, Head of Media Studies
Human Life on Mars
Andrew Henry, software designer for
Leatherhead based satellite navigation
agency, CGI, came in to talk to students
about his experiences working at the Mars
Desert Research station in Utah, USA.
c/o CGI
c/o CGI
Students from across the school came to a Q+A session after school, keen to hear what life might be like,
should humans inhabit Mars.
Andrew worked for two weeks in simulated Mars conditions, testing out software that will support human and
robotic activities on Mars. The small team worked in space suits and gathered evidence on EVAs (Extra
Vehicular Activities) out in the desert, just as they would on the planet.
Howard students were particularly interested in hearing that Henry and his team had to undertake daily
exercise in their cramped living quarters, just like the real astronauts will have to do on their 8 month journey
to Mars. Henry explained, “bone density will decrease during long stays in zero gravity, so the astronauts
who will spend up to 8 months just travelling to Mars will have to do around 2-3 hours exercise per day, just
to maintain their fitness”..
Year 7 student Tommy Coker said, “It was great to hear all this first hand, from someone who knows a lot
about Mars.”
It was a fascinating and topical talk with many varied and thoughtful questions from girls and boys alike,
from Year 7 to Year 13. Some of the Sixth Form boys had their UCAS ideas expanded by Andrew’s Alma
Mater; The International Space University in Strasbourg. We may well have some astronauts among our
future alumni!
Mrs G Roberts, English
World Book Day at The Howard
The staff in the LRC wanted to welcome World Book Day 2015 in a more subtle way
than the English Department!
Whilst Mrs Williams and the English Staff dressed as characters from books the LRC
staff chose to represent titles of books through colour.
Mrs Woods, LRC Manager was all dressed in purple to represent the book ‘The
Color Purple’ by Alice Walker. Mrs Dowding was ‘The Woman in Black’ by Susan Hill
and Mrs Cornish brightly coloured as ‘Oranges in No Man’s Land’ by Elizabeth Laird.
Quite a few students guessed the titles from clues during break and lunchtime. Mrs
Woods went on to be interviewed for the BBC School News Report. Asked why
reading for pleasure is important Mrs Woods replied that “imaginations can run riot with every book you
read”. A display of the books that were featured in the LRC Staff dress up was on the counter for students
to peruse.
Students thought it was great fun to see the ‘scary lady, Miss Havisham’ from Great
Expectations, the crocodile from Peter Pan, flapper girl Daisy Buchanan from the Great
Gatsby, Where’s Wally and Professor Oak from Pokemon all teach English lessons for
the day! Miss Havisham’s alter ego Mrs Williams, Head of English, was also interviewed
for the BBC School Report. Mrs Williams described the character she was portraying as
a ‘bitter twisted woman, wearing a wedding dress for 12 years after being jilted at the
altar’. Mrs Williams went on to say that it was “great for students and teachers to talk
about books they enjoy and maybe find out about a book they hadn’t heard of before.”
Drop Everything and Read took place during Learning for Life and the whole
school read a book either from home or the LRC for twenty five minutes of
uninterrupted pleasure. Lots of books were borrowed from the library and
as a result a lot of books have been added to the wish list as students were
finding out about book recommended by others that we currently don’t have
in our library.
All around the school there are posters of recommendations from teachers
of their favourite reads and one student asked to borrow the book Mrs
Woods recommended for World Book Day. A singular success that crowned
a wonderful World Book Day at The Howard.
Red Nose Day
Events around The Howard took place to raise vital funding
for schools in Africa on Friday 13 March 2015. All students
were dressed in mufti for £1 donation. Students were also
encouraged to buy a cake from the bake sale in the Lower
Playground, staff charged money for cake during lessons
and the LRC put on a special Do something Funny for
Money Selfie Booth complete with funny facial features on
sticks to disguise themselves.
Students and staff took part in the selfie booth held in the Media
Suite in the LRC. Using moustaches, wigs and other funny facial
features such as spotted glasses and fake noses, students paid
to take a picture of themselves on their phones for them to enjoy.
£35.10 was raised from the selfie booth to add to the massive
total raised by the nation on the evening. Can you tell who these
funny people are?
Mrs C Woods, LRC Manager
Educational Visits
Geography/Geology Field Trip
On Monday 19 January, all of the Year 12 Geographers and Geologists began our trip venturing into the
cold, snow covered mountains of the Lake District.
After an exciting 6 hour coach ride, we made our way up the winding roads to the Blencathra Field Studies
Centre; our home and classroom for the week ahead.
Before the first classroom session that evening we spent our time getting settled into our rooms and
exploring the building; comprised of many classrooms, a lounge and a recreation room. The centre was the
perfect way to experience the local geography and geology, complete with exquisite tea/coffee making
For me, as I do both Geography and Geology, the first day in the field was
spent with the Geographers. This was our ‘River’ day and comprised of
wading knee deep into extremely cold water to take various measurements.
We calculated gradient, velocity, measured rocks and width all whilst taking
care not to drop the equipment in the stream. This day included a scenic
walk along the valley and was the best way to fully immerse ourselves in the
area; Matt however became far too immersed, falling in the river at our last
As a Geologist we focused on the local various rock types, from the Borrowdale Volcanic Group to the
Skiddaw Slates, mixed in with key skills all geologists should know, including learning to take dip and strike
measurements as well as to classify rocks.
My second day was spent doing Geology, as we travelled to the very local Shap Granite Quarry. The granite
at this quarry is unusually pink; due to its large feldspar porphyroblasts creating stunning rocks, many of us
even took the opportunity to take a sample home. After we then began an assessment on a local road
cutting, we learnt a lot about rock classification and sedimentary structures before returning to the field
centre via our precarious mini bus.
For the third day I was back doing Geography as we sang our way to the
coast for a day in the dunes. After having lunch by the sea, we made
the most of the opportunity, collecting data and stumbling up and down
the sand dunes in our usual enthusiastic manner.
Our last and final day in the field came, and I was back with the
Geologists. Beginning with another scenic walk around the valley we
examined the metamorphic aureole produced by a local igneous
intrusions, another assessment counting towards our AS grade. We
worked our hardest despite our struggles to negotiate the ice and snow.
After a very enjoyable day we slipped and slid our way back to the centre to consolidate our week and pack
for the long journey back home.
The week was extremely fun as well as educational. Experiencing the field was very beneficial to the theory
we have learnt in class and the enthusiastic group morale, despite the snow and cold, made it unforgettable!
Thanks to all the teachers who took us; Mr Gardiner, Miss Voorn, Mrs Krebs and Mr Buckingham, it was a
brilliant week!
Kate Roberts, 12E
Sports Report
Year 7 Football
We have only had one County Cup match against Winston Churchill School in Woking this term.
Unfortunately, they proved to be a very strong team. After being 2-0 down early on, we went into half time 22 after a few chances but without success. Final score was 5-2 to Winston Churchill.
The team should be proud of their cup runs this year and how they have played as a team. They’re hard
working, enthusiastic and keen to improve. It’s great to see that numbers for training are still very high and
even nicer to see new faces (that keep turning up).
Player of the Term: Matthew Grafton
One to Watch: Elliott Stuart
Year 8 Football
Although the boys haven’t had any fixtures this term there has been a good number of boys still turning up
to training week in week out.
Year 9 Football
Making the quarter final of the County Cup has been the boys biggest achievement so far this term where
they faced Richard Challoner School. It was a closely fought encounter but unfortunately The Howard were
on the wrong side of a 3-1 loss putting an end to the excellent cup run. The boys have however continued to
have success in their District League with another excellent 9-0 win and performance against Kings College
and a notable headed goal from usual goal keeper James Rennison and an excellent performance from our
debutant goalkeeper Michael Stewart. The team have remained unbeaten in the league with 4 wins and 1
draw to finish top of their District pool and qualify to the Semi-Final knockout rounds. The boys will be
looking to successfully defend their District Cup Trophy for the third year in a row.
Manager’s Player of the Term: Luke Hammond
Team Captain’s Report – Harry Miles
We have had a very strong football team since Year 7. It was no different this year when we started off
with a strong start against St Peters when we won 3-0. We then charged into our next game against
George Abbot. We are big rivals and we have always been well matched when we have played them.
This game was no different when we came out with a 0-0 draw. We then had a few more very good
results. Our most recent game against Kings College, which we won 9-0, means that we progress into
the semi-finals of the district cup. Our opposition is yet to be confirmed but we are going to put out a
strong performance no matter who we come up against.
We also had an inter-school team game with the captains; Aiden Hayes and
Luke Campbell. There were some great shots and saves throughout the
game. The game eventually went to penalties where the assistant referee
made a very controversial decision as goal line assistant to rule a penalty
had crossed the line giving victory to ‘Aiden’s’ Hammers’.
Goal of the season: Matt Scott vs Richard Challoner
Year 10 Football
The Year 10 Football team have continued their impressive unbeaten
Guildford & District league campaign to 24 matches (since Year 7) and are
preparing for their semi finals to be played just prior to Easter. With
fantastic performances from all the players proving far too strong for
opponents Kings College (4-0 Ryan O’Mahony and Jordan Rushworth
pictured scoring a brace each) and Christ College (3-0 Jordan Bond, Alex
Cooper and Ollie Richardson) the boys have found great form at the right
time as we look towards competing and winning the district final for the 4th
successive season. With our sensational full back Callum Hurst injured
whilst on duty for his weekend club missing the last 5 weeks, Owen Sears has taken the role as attacking
wing back and has shown he can cause problems against any opposition down the right flank linking up well
with Alex Cooper. Another player to take his opportunity well is Jacob Harle who has come back from injury
himself and has forced himself into the starting line-up, allowing Mr Birkett the option of changing formations
more easily with his ability to link up with Jordan Bond as well as being able to bring Callum Hulford and
Cameron Walters into the game higher up the pitch. Another player to grab his opportunity is Oliver
Richardson who has forced his way into both the Rugby and Football teams showing his desire to improve
and determination to reach his potential in everything he attempts. This term has also seen the continued
progression of our outstanding goal keeper Patrick Gilbertson who is currently leading the most improved
football player of the season with his growing confidence in commanding his 18 yard box.
Player of the Term: Jake Bass
Year 7 Rugby
The boys have had a really good term of rugby having not lost a match. They started the term with a friendly
against Weydon School which ended as a 15-15 draw. The team started very strong and were three tries to
the good going into half time. The Weydon team came out strong in the second half and scored straight
away putting us under pressure. The Weydon team went on to score 2 more tries to leave the game as a
Moving on to the second round, the boys faced Royal
Albert and Alexander School. From the off we started
very strongly. The intensity and quality from the boys
was outstanding; hard hitting tackles, strong carries,
good in the break-down and quick and accurate
passing. The team scored at regular intervals with six
players scoring tries. Riley Winter with a superb hattrick. Both Lucas Elliott (2 conversions) and Matthew
Johnson (1 conversion) kicked well to add points to the
total. The team ended up winning the match 51-0.
Fantastic team performance.
The next round was away to Esher High. It was great to see some of the squad players and newcomers,
play well and in the case of Elliott Stuart, score on his debut. Well done to both Matthew Johnson and Lucas
Elliott who kicked superbly and helped to finish the game with the score at 49-7.
The next match, the semi-final, was due to be played at home against Weydon School the very next day.
This was won by The Howard 26-12 and they now push on to the final. Fantastic cup run boys.
Player of the Term: Harry Condliffe
One to Watch: Matthew Johnson
Year 8 Rugby Union
After a dominant beginning to the season the boys haven’t let up! After going out of the National Cup to
John Fisher the boys picked themselves back up with a strong performance against Weydon School coming
out winners 34-5 on a cold and wet evening. For the Surrey Schools Cup the team started excellently with
big tackles coming in from all of the players making sure that Salesian knew they meant business. The
score line was broken after some good handling by the backs and recycling the forwards seeing Tom Marvin
go over the line. That wasn’t the end of ‘Man of the Match’ Tom Marvin’s tries, as he ran in another two
during the match taking him to a hat trick for the game. Other tries came from Tom Hughes, Sean Hunt,
captain Louis Kassapian and a final, well finished try by Alex Smith. The boys played some exciting rugby
running out 37-7 winners. They are now through to the semi-final against Royal Alexander and Albert; a
team they have beaten earlier in the season.
Player of the Term: Tom Hughes (electric pace and becoming one of the best tacklers in the team)
Year 8 Rugby League
The boys faced Darrick Wood in the Quarter-finals of the Southern
competition and although not playing to their full potential came
out winners 22-14. After a strong first half where Howard
dominated all aspects and scored 22 points to Darrick Woods 0.
The second half saw us take our ‘foot off the pedal’ a little too
much, letting the home team back into the game which started to
disrupt our game. However the boys tackled hard and kept them away from our try line to finish the game as
victors and taking us through to the semi-final against Hinchley Wood.
This game saw our best performance so far taking the lead after the first 3 minutes and our first 6 tackles.
The second half saw the team overpower their opposition and come out winners 38-8. Notable
performances from Max Tait in defence and Tom Hughes in attack helped Howard into the final for the
second year running!
This win also put the team through to the National Competition and a chance to get revenge on the team
from Wales that knocked them out last year, Ystalyfera. This was a much tighter game than last year with
both teams trading blows. Some big tackles and exciting free flowing rugby from both teams made for an
exciting match to watch. The Howard capitalised a number of times on the pressure that they put the Welsh
team under only to then be outdone by some excellent kicking out of hand into space. In the end it was the
experienced kicking game that had the better of The Howard with Ystalyfera finding two tries from the boot
out wide. The Howard had some final chances to scrape it back, but tough tackling kept them out. The final
result, 22-14, not really showing how close a game it actually was.
Man of the Match: The Whole Team!
The boys still have a chance to get through to the quarter-finals of the National Competition with a trip up to
Bedford High in the heart of Rugby League- Wigan! Good Luck boys!!
Player of the Term: Max Tait- most tackles made in nearly every game!
Year 9 Rugby
The Year 9 Rugby team have continued with their
excellent form making the Surrey County Cup semifinal for the 3rd year in a row and remain unbeaten in
the union code so far this season. The team have
their sights set on the Cup but with unforeseen
delays in the tournament this will hopefully now be
resumed after Easter.
As always the boys
Rugby League and
have again, so far, surpassed their achievements from last year with an
excellent victory versus the Wales number 1 seed, Strade School, to make it
through to the national quarter finals which is due to be played after Easter.
This win was one of the boys’ best performances and celebrated in style with
a ‘Team Dinner’.
The Year 9s have also made the South-East England Rugby League Final for the 3rd year running and are
looking to defend their title which will again be held at the prestigious Allianz Park on 14 May 2015.
Finally the Rugby Tour has been booked again with the boys heading back to Camber Sands for a 3 night
stay and weekend Rugby Festival. Well done so far boys.
Player of the Term: Tom Whistlecroft
Team Captain’s Report – Sam Wilcox
This year of rugby has been our best year so far as we have managed to stay undefeated in rugby union
and league. Our latest and most accomplished victory came against a strong Wales team; Strade School.
We beat them in the last 16 of the rugby league national cup to advance through to the quarter finals,
which is to be played after Easter.
We also had an impressive victory against HOH Academy on 12 December 2014 by making a team
forfeit just after half time because we were already 68 points up. We also recently competed in the Surrey
sevens tournament are currently in the semi-finals of the rugby union county cup and the final of the
rugby league south east England cup. We also have our 3 night rugby tour to look forward to as well! We
still have lots of big games to win and we will keep working to improve.
Year 10 Rugby
The Year 10 Rugby team national cup run finally came to an end during the spring term when they came up
against a very strong London Oratory School in Round 6. After a great cup run which included highlights
with fantastic wins against Epsom College and Emanuel Schools, London Oratory finally broke The
Howard’s strong defence and scored three late tries to record a 5 tries to 2 victory. The Surrey Cup was next
on the agenda and the first two matches were against opposition we had already played earlier in the
season, RAA and Ashcombe School. We were resilient and secured a quarter final match against the
winners Oxted and SJB to be played the week prior to Easter. The Year 10 team had a wonderful Surrey 7’s
campaign with superb victories over Epsom College (19-7) securing a fine double over them this season,
followed by a 24-0 victory over Harrodian School, a 22-0 win against Ibstock College followed by a 19-14
victory against Christ’s Hospital. The quarter final was against Glyn School and a match that the boys were
relishing after their defeat against them earlier in the season when we had several players out injured. Glyn
came onto the pitch full of confidence which was equally shared by their teachers and parents. However,
The Howard Boys were ready to show them that the match played earlier in the season was not a fair
comparison and were determined to rebuild their reputation. The Howard boys started with an intensity that I
always ask for but rarely see, and they raced into a 21-0 lead within 3 minutes! Glyn had no answers to the
wonderful 7’s play from Howard who finished the game with the biggest score line of the day of 38-7. The
semi-finals were next and we were drawn against Emanuel School (a team we had already beaten in the
national cup so were full of confidence); however, the match was very tight throughout and with seconds to
go and the score line 14-14, the ball was loose and Toby saw the opportunity to kick and chase to score the
winning try. Unfortunately though the ball bounced up kindly to the Emanuel centre who had an easy run to
score the winning try for Emanuel, which meant we narrowly missed the final. (The final was won by
Emanuel 28-0). The team was led exceptionally well by Jordan Bond (Capt), Charlie Warr, Toby Conisbee,
Ryan O’Mahony, Tom Broome, Harry Moore, Callum Hulford and Fellipo Barbieri were also joined by 7’s
specialists Tom McGachie and Ross Jenne who scored an incredible 9 tries between them.
Player of the Term: Toby Conisbee
Year 11 Rugby
The Year 11 Rugby Team have had a mixed term after a loss
to Rodborough School in the Surrey Cup by a single try. This
meant they crashed out in the quarter finals but quickly
recovered with some fine performances in the Surrey 7’s
tournament. They were being drawn in a very difficult league
which consisted of Trinity School (last year’s winners), Dulwich
College (last year’s runner’s up), RGS Guildford, Epsom
College, St John Bosco and local school Therfield. St John
Bosco didn’t know what hit them with fantastic performances
by Jake Martin, Joe Alloway and Toby Conisbee turning on the
style and the physical dominance to record an outstanding 197 victory. (The boys were obviously very proud of their achievements once they found out who they had just
beaten) and this gave them confidence as they continued their tournament without the injured Joe Horgan
(out and sorely missed since November after sustaining a season long knee injury) and Keegan Weideman
(who returned to South Africa in January). The next game was against Epsom College (eventual winners)
and The Howard boys took a surprise lead after a fine interception by Jordan Bond who then went on to run
the entire length of the pitch to score under the posts. However, this inspired a comeback from the strong
Epsom College side who recorded 4 tries to none to take the game away from us. Our next match was
against RGS Guildford who looked lively in their first two games picking up maximum points. However, The
Howard boys played their best game of the day against local rivals RGS Guildford in what was later branded
as ‘the match of the tournament’ with some excellent ball handling skills from all Howard boys, dominating
possession and clinical moves ensuring 2v1 opportunities were not only created but delicately executed to
overcome their opponents. However, what impressed me even more than their attacking play was the
team’s maturity in completing their drift defence to perfection forcing RGS backwards and eventually into
handling errors that once again gave The Howard boys the possession and eventually points with Leo
Barbieri, Tim Eves and Kai Last in fantastic form to secure the win that was against the form guide going
into this tournament. The final match was against local school Therfield, who were really looking forward to
playing us to rebuild their reputation after our victory against them earlier on in the season in the 15-a-side
match (36-21). This time, with Toby Conisbee playing up in the U16’s team in the absence of Joe Horgan, it
meant that there was also a family link with Toby’s cousin playing for Therfield and desperate to gain the
bragging rights prior to their next family gathering! But, The Howard boys were never going to let this
happen and romped home from the start having secured an early try within 30 seconds and recording a fine
28-0 triumph to ensure the local bragging rights stayed in The Howard camp. The boys finished the
tournament in a respectable 4th position narrowly missing out to 3rd place to Dulwich College on points
difference. This was a fantastic achievement and one which the boys should feel really proud of as they
wave goodbye to their Surrey 7’s school campaign (unless of course they stay on in The Howard 6th Form to
battle it out again next year!)
Player of the Term: Jake Martin
Year 7 Basketball
The basketball team have been training every Wednesday lunchtime with a good number of students turning
up. The structure of how the games are played for the Year 7s is through 3 tournaments.
Our first tournament took place at Richard Challoner School. Our first match was against Tiffin which was
lost 16-8. Considering this was the boys first match playing together, they worked very well and played
some good basketball but couldn’t overcome the quality of Tiffin. Our next match was against Hampton
where after a full match the game finished 15-15 so it came down to a tense shoot out! Hampton were to
shoot first and scored! Our first shooter was Josh Heaton and under enormous pressure, made it look easy
by sinking the ball straight through the hoop. A number of unsuccessful shots were to follow from both
teams and eventually, Hampton were the team to come out victorious. Our third and final match was against
the very strong hosts, Richard Challoner. Although our boys played well, we couldn’t challenge the quality of
the opposition and the game finished 22-2 to Challoner. Man of the tournament was Josh Heaton for his
skilled play and shooting under pressure.
Our second tournament was hosted by Tiffin with Hollyfield being the other participating team. Our first
match was against Tiffin and we knew they were going to be strong from our first meeting. The game was
very similar both in the strengths of the teams and the outcome with Tiffin ending up winning 16-6. The next
match against Hollyfield was a game of many missed chances! The boys played extremely well and created
chance after chance but with little success in outcome. However, the team did manage to convert one
attempt into a successful shot. This basket was the only basket of the match and The Howard picked up
their first basketball win as a team. Well done boys!
The third tournament is coming up soon and we hope to add to our games won.
Player of the Term: Toby Dronfield
One to Watch: Reuben Christie-Davies
Year 8 Basketball
The boys have come a long way this year. Our final match came against a strong opponent in St Andrew’s
School. The team put together some excellent passages of play and created a number of opportunities, but
with the finishing touches not quite there St Andrew’s came out eventual winners on the day. There were
some noticeable performances from George Nicoll and Sean Hunt in attack but Man of the Match and
subsequently Player of the Term went to Ben Whistlecroft. Ben put in an amazing effort in both attack and
defence helping to push his team forward and making countless interceptions in defence.
Player of the Term: Ben Whistlecroft
Year 9 Basketball
As every year, they have had some fantastic
games in the Surrey League but have also
managed to find more games against schools
within the District. Some talented basketballers
have also been put forward for the Surrey County
Basketball trials, so best of luck boys. With the
season coming to a close this term the boys
finished with their annual inter-school tournament
consisting of 5 teams and over 30 boys. It was ‘Tommy’s Try Hards’ that came out on top and won the
silverware beating previous champions ‘James’s Jelly Babies’ in the final.
Team Captain’s Report – Luke Campbell
This term of basketball has certainly been an interesting one due to the fact that we keep dreaming about
an elusive win. Every Thursday lunch, around 30 boys have turned up to try and make the team. The
Basketball team consists of 10 players and is a prestigious achievement. Our main aim when playing is
scoring baskets as set by coach Mr Hewson and below are those who have scored most within a single
Hat trick heroes – Luke Hammond, Sam Wilcox, Tom Weston
Two baskets – Luke Campbell, Sam Chesover, Peter Wallis
Three pointers – Jack Lemmer
The basketball team has continued to show great resilience, determination and improvement which has
seen them score a season’s best 26 points in one match. The boys have had a great season and will be
looking forward to pick up where they left off in Year 10.
Best skills – Luke Campbell
Most baskets – Tom Weston
Basket of the Season – Jack Lemmer
Year 10 Basketball
The Year 10 Basketball finished their season in fine form with 6 wins out of 7
and winning the Guildford North league.
Exceptional performances
throughout from our elite basketball players Ryan O’Mahony, Sam Costin
and Cameron Walters as well as our new recruits to the game Ben Winsor,
Tyler ‘Three Pointer’ Winter, Harrison Godwin, Jordan Bond, Luke Neasmith,
Joel Stroud and most improved player of the season Patrick Gilbertson. The
boys have turned up to training in huge numbers and the enjoyment of
competition between them all is fantastic. The Howard ‘Greens’ consisting of
Patrick Gilbertson, Sam Costin, Jordan Bond, Ryan O’Mahony, Cameron
Walters, Jordan Rushworth and Ross Jenne proving victorious and they then
went on to beat Glebelands in the final. The win led to the boys gaining a
place in the Surrey Finals but unfortunately it was on the same day as the
Rugby 7’s which meant four of the team were unavailable. However, the
boys played exceptionally well with Tyler Winter, Ben Winsor and Alex Cooper stepping in to take the place
of the rugby players missing to record a fine tournament which unfortunately finished with a loss in the
bronze medal match.
Player of the Term: Ryan O’Mahony
Year 9 Badminton
In true Year 9 style all the boys are
as committed as ever with over 30
students attending practice on a
Wednesday morning before school.
The team have had another fantastic
season finishing a very close 2nd
place to Wilsons School in the Surrey
League. In a repeat fixture the boys
also faced Wilson in the final of the u14 Surrey Cup but unfortunately it
was Wilsons School who again narrowly finished on top by winning the decisive game 21-17.
The team also had a fantastic run in the Center Parcs National Tournament winning both the District and the
County Rounds to reach the South England regionals, which was celebrated with a victory dinner in the
The South England Regional round was closely fought with the boys qualifying from their group and making
the semi-final, but unfortunately they suffered a close loss to the eventual winners, but were successful in
the 3rd place play-off to take home the bronze medal. A fantastic achievement and event with numerous
National ranked players on show.
Player of the Term: Chris Priddy
The Howard swim team have competed in 2 galas this term with the first being the Surrey Swimming
Championships in which we had some great success from our elite swimmers. Both Nathan McCleave (Year
8) and Henry Offin (Year 10) won their individual races. Next we had the District swimming meet which saw
the Year 7 and Year 9 A and B team competing against other schools within the district. An excellent event
which saw the Year 7s finish in 2nd place and the Year 9s finish 3rd, with a vast number of the Rugby team
demonstrating their team spirit and ethos within the swimming pool.
Year 9-11 Biathlon
The Senior Biathlon team had a wonderful day out at this year’s Surrey Biathlon championships with the
girls winning Gold and the boys bringing home the Bronze medals. Charlie Cole led the girl’s team to victory
with an outstanding swim followed by a determined run to give the girls the platform to build upon…and her
teammates Hannah Morris and Emily Button certainly played their part; Hannah picking up most of her
points on the track but also swam impressively to pick up 4th place in the pool just behind Emily who finished
3rd in the pool, but found the run rather challenging after an extremely quick first lap led her to dig in to finish
the race in what was ultimately the deciding factor to bring home the Gold medals in front of a strong
Woking High School and Salesians school. The boys, led by Henry Offin in the pool were also in fine form
against some very strong opposition, including Woking High Boys team who won the nationals last year.
Henry led from the front to record a fine 25.46 50m freestyle time followed by Tom McGachie and Sam
Costin (both of whom were more acclimatised to the track rather than the pool) who gave resilient
performances to give the team a chance of a medal prior to starting the run. Sam Costin started brightly on
the track which saw him leaving the others behind at the end of the first lap with Tom and Henry also
running well in 3rd and 4th position. Sam, knowing he had points to make up with his competitors gaining
extra points in the pool suddenly kicked into gear and sprinted home to pick up valuable points, and Tom
and Henry, inspired by their team mate’s determination, also picked up the pace to sprint home and secure
a Bronze medal and place on the podium. In their first Surrey Championships, this was a wonderful
achievement and I’m looking forward to seeing this Biathlon team flourish in the future. I am also very
pleased to announce that Charlie has been selected as part of the National Pentathlon ID programme and
we wish her the best of luck as she pursues her career in the field of Pentathlon on to the national and
international stage.
Year 7 Table Tennis
Four Year 7 students had the chance to play
in a regional round of the Surrey qualifiers
being held at George Abbot School. There
was huge interest and over 20 boys turned up
for a trials training session. After some very
good competitive play the successful boys
were Matthew Grafton, Riley Winter, Harvey
King and Ben Neill. As this was a u13 (Year 7
and 8) competition, the boys played as a ‘B’
team with the Year 8 boys being the ‘A’ team.
On the day of the competition, the two teams were drawn in different pools from each other so could
potentially end up facing each other in the semi-final or final. The Year 7 boys won all but one of their
matches, which, considering they were playing against boys the year above them, was a brilliant
achievement. As winners of our pool, we avoided our Year 8 team as they won their pool also, and played
against George Abbot ‘A’ team in the semis. With Ben and Matthew winning their matches and Harvey
closely losing his, it was down to Riley to win his if the team were to progress through to the final. It didn’t
start well closely losing the first game but Riley soaked up the pressure and came back to win the final 2
games to win 2-1 and send the team through to the final against The Howard ‘A’ team! The final was won
convincingly by the Year 8 boys 4-0 but both teams move onto the county finals at the Surrey Sports Park
later this term. Well done boys and good luck on finals day.
Year 8 Table Tennis
This year the Year 8 team were entered into a local Table Tennis
Tournament in which the winners and second place would progress
into the county finals held at Surrey Sports Park. After a lot of interest
and in house competition the team of four was chosen. This included
Tom Burnett, Tom Flanagan, Ben Whistlecroft and Louis Miles.
The tournament was held at George Abbot School with only 6 teams competing. These included George
Abbot A and B, Broadwater A, Ash Manor A and Howard of Effingham Year 8 and Year 7 teams. With some
tough games in the pool the boys came out winners overall and went on to play the runners up of pool B,
Ash Manor. This had some quality table tennis being played by both schools but Howard coming out
eventual winners winning 3 out of the 4 games! Meanwhile Howard Year 7 team had won their pool (B) and
also beaten the runners up of Pool A, George Abbot. This meant only one thing- an ALL Howard final! This
meant that both the Year 8 and Year 7 teams had made it to Surrey Sports Park to compete in the County
Finals! But first who would be the ultimate winners? In the final four matches, which were played with pride
and determination, it was the Year 8 boys that came out victorious winning all four.
Player of the Tournament: Tom Burnett - dominated in all his games losing only one game during the
tournament as well!
Year 7 Indoor Athletics
In February, we took a boys and girls indoor athletics
team to a competition being held at St Peter’s School.
The day had numerous track and field events. Both
boys and girls teams worked extremely hard and
should be proud of their determination and
performances. The girls came in 3rd place while the
boys, by the smallest of margins of one point, came
2nd. Fantastic effort by all and we look forward to the
summer term where we can work on our outdoor skills.
Year 8 Boys Cross Country
Three boys from Year 8 competed in the annual Danes Hill Cross-Country race on a very muddy Thursday
in February. This was a competition against some of the best runners coming from schools all over the
south. Our runners Tom Dennis, Tom Hardman and Tom Boret represented the school and themselves with
pride finishing in 5th, 8th and 41st respectively. Congratulations boys with your achievement at this event!
County Swimming
Surrey Schools Swimming competition took place at Guildford Spectrum
on a busy Saturday in February. Swimming fever struck and the pool
was alive with competition, PB’s and excitement. Girls were chosen for
the team based on their times from their previous competition. Anna
Griffiths and Seren Atkinson both finished 4th in 100m freestyle, Jocelyn
Cosmatos and Lucy Minikin finished 2nd in 100m backstroke and were
awarded with silverware. Emily Symonds finished 2nd in her 100m
Breastroke heat and Louisa Harrington 2nd in 100m fly heat; finishing the
day Olivia Partridge came out of retirement and finished 4th in 100m fly.
Next event was Guildford Relays – with
the date falling at the same time as
Surrey’s. Swimmers raced back from
Crystal Palace to be a part of this
exciting and competitive event. First
time swimming for The Howard were
Tess Griffiths, Issy Bryant, Maisie
Minikin and Roberta McKinley who
made a flying entrance winning heat
after heat and taking part seamlessly in
the T-shirt and Ball Relays showing the boys how it was done. Year 8 won all their races and competed for
both the Year 8 and Year 9 age groups and were victorious in both – huge congratulations to Anna Griffiths,
Tess Challis, Beth Wilton, Emily Symonds.
With Howard playing hosts we
had the home advantage and
Glebelands and Christ College.
Megan Weston, Gina Langfield
and Ellery Wooff adapted their
netball skills with ease and the
Jennings and Bea Allan and quick
reactions from goal keeper Olivia
Stuart led them to victory in 3 of
the 4 games making it through to the finals at Surrey Sports Park - a fantastic achievement for their first
competitive tournament. The girls had a tough draw at the finals and finished 2nd overall – well done to all
Year 7 Basketball
With a tough draw the girls faced their fears and star performances
from Anna Smith & Maia Childs saw plenty of turnovers which were
converted by Natascha Newsome and Iona Tait. With wins against
Harris Academy Merton and Woking High we finished a respectable
5th overall.
Netball Year 7
Both the A and B teams have had fantastic seasons this year and every single player has contributed to the
success along the way.
The B team have put on a fantastic display of determination to succeed and their sense of teamwork has
been outstanding. With Emily Dawson joining the squad just in time to play the Guildford Tournament;
Amelia Bavin showed exceptional defending skills in her GD position and team captain Amy Burgess
showing focus and ability to read the game. The B team has had a positive start to their netball at The
Howard. The girls turned up to the district tournament with everything to play for, their team talks and
appreciation for one another was commendable. Kate Gibbon played fantastically well making some
interceptions, while Florence Pearce scored some well-deserved goals. Unfortunately despite the girls’ hard
work and effort they lost a couple of their games leaving them out of the running for first place. This team
has been a pleasure to work with and I look forward to next year’s season with them – Well done girls.
Although the A team have had an extremely competitive season this year, they have won all but one of their
matches! The girls have played remarkably well together and supported one another throughout both the
competitions and training sessions. Alice Reid has performed superbly in her WA position and worked well
with Bonnie Marsh (C) to feed the ball to our shooters: Sophie, Hollie and Georgia going on to score. Megan
Jarvis demonstrated some excellent GK skills throughout the season and is such a reliable, consistent
player. The girls played their Guildford Tournament and were winners of their pool. However they were
defeated by George Abbot in the semi-finals. I am full of anticipation for next year’s Netball season and look
forward to taking the team forward in their success.
Year 8 Netball
The A Team’s start of 2015 began with a frozen tournament in Croydon as part
of the England Netball School Competitions. This tournament was cancelled
due to a scene from Frozen and was re-arranged. With a taste of what they
faced the squad trained hard and were drawn against Coloma, Sutton High,
Hawthorns and Surbiton. With a win against Coloma the team finished 4th, a
fantastic effort in their first competition of this level. Key performances from
Anna Griffiths, Lavinia Loftus Cheek in both D’s and Amelia Homan linking the
attack and defence; they all challenged and fought every game till the final
Learning from this tournament the A and B team faced their local rivals in
the District Tournament. The A team took a while to adjust to some
change in positions and had wins against Manor House, Rosebery,
Ashcombe and Priory playing outstanding netball throughout the court
finishing a respectable 3rd overall. The B team had wins against Box Hill,
Hinchley Wood, and Ashcombe and finished a respectable 4th. Their
season ended with a fixture at Claremont St Danes for the first time since
being at The Howard. With both teams victorious it was a great end to
the season. Well done girls on a fantastic season and I look forward to
what’s to come in Year 9!
Year 8 Netball Squad: Beth
Stephens, Jocelyn Cosmatos,
Amelia Homan, Anya Ayton,
Anna Griffiths, Libbie Shepherd,
Lavinia Loftus Cheek, Olivia-Mae
O’Reilly, Jess Muscat, Vicky
Gymer, Beth Wilton, Daisy
Steen, Anna Griffiths, Ellen
Year 8 Hockey
With a couple of games under their belt they head into the district tournament at St Teresa’s. Playing out of
their skins against the hosts there were war wounds aplenty and an unfortunate defeat. With this not
shattering their hopes, they faced Manor House and held a draw with awesome defence from Alice Hillary in
goal, Vicky taking a hit for the team and saving a final shot. Key performances in the following games
against CLFS, Rosebery and Greenacre from Jess Muscat and Ellen Sadler down the wing, Anna in
defence and Olivia and Zoë in Midfield kept the attacking moves from Daisy happening. The team I’m sure
will come back to the season next year at various venues, including Epsom College, stronger and be ready
for the challenge ahead.
Squad: Tessa Challis, Beth Wilton, Olivia-Mae O’Reilly, Amelia Homan, Emily Symonds, Ellen Sadler, Anna
Griffiths, Jess Muscat, Zoe Cousens, Issy Cowdry, Alice Hillary, Zoe Whitaker, Daisy Steen, and Vicky
Year 8 Basketball
Congratulations to the whole team who achieved 3rd place in their first season
in the Surrey Basketball league.
The girls have been training exceptionally well and are dedicated, hardworking
and inspirational to others. Girls continue to fight for their place on the team and
follow in Year 9’s footsteps of developing their aggression and skills in
basketball. The team continued to be led by Libbie Shepherd and has not
disappointed. Winning comfortably against Harris Academy Merton 25 – 2
excellent shooting came from distance from Jocelyn Cosmatos and Amelia
Homan and close range lay ups from Anya Ayton and Libbie Shepherd secured
our victory. With 7 teams in our league this season the girls have performed and
improved their skills with flair, determination and infectious enthusiasm.
Squad: Libbie Shepherd, Anya Ayton, Amelia Homan, Daisy Steen, Zoe
Whitaker, Ellen Sadler, Beth Wilton, Jocelyn
Cosmatos, Anna Griffiths
Year 9 Netball
The A Team: Yasmin Pither, Molly Sadler, Lucy Popham, Marcey Winter,
Sophie Brunswick, Olivia Partridge, Fran Conisbee, Freya Blythe, Maya
Stephenson and Shauna Fenton.
Maya Stephenson played exceptionally well after having to step in to
complete our strong sided team against Claremont. Sophie, Molly and
Marcey worked hard in defence intercepting and turning the ball over to our
attackers. Players’ player was awarded to both Molly and Marcey, who were
voted for their brilliant partnership within the game.
Recently we played in the St Teresa’s tournament held at The Priory,
where we played against some of the strongest teams in our district. Our
first game was against Hinchley Wood, where working hard as a team
with strong passing and excellent interceptions we won 8-0. Next we
played Manor House, which unfortunately we lost by two goals–
however this only spurred us on for our next game against St
Teresa’s. It was a tough game but with our excellently accurate
shooters we finished with a well-deserved draw. In our final match
we came up against Greenacre. Lucy Popham and Olivia
Partridge’s excellent interceptions allowed our attackers to work the
ball up the court to our shooters – we took the lead very quickly!
With fast accurate passes we were able to score the first three goals
of the game, however, Greenacre worked hard and their nippy Goal Attack managed to equalise with us.
Unfortunately with seconds to go Greenacre scored the winning goal!
Overall a good season for the netball team, thanks to Miss Taylor for the training sessions and fixtures!
Molly Sadler and Fran Conisbee
Year 9 Girls Basketball
The Team: Daisy Riley, Leah Blight, Olivia Partridge, Alex Russell, Izzy
Stevens, Lucy Popham, Marcey Winter, Maia Anderson, Sophie Tearle
and Ellen Hamilton.
We are currently UNDEFEATED in all of our league games! Our first
game was against Harris Academy Merton. We played a great first
half and an even better second half with excellent defensive skills
and accurate shooting. We came away with a strong win which
boosted our confidence for future fixtures. We then played
Ashcombe, Epsom and Ewell and St Andrew’s – they were all strong sides, however we pulled together
as a team, communicated well and worked to our strengths. Allowing us to come away from this
triangular tournament with three wins!
We then qualified for the County Basketball Finals at Surrey Sports Park. Our first match was against
SJB, the first half was tough and as a team we were unable to defend our basket which allowed SJB to
take the lead – starting the second half with a good lead. They played an excellent second half and were
tough to break down. Unfortunately they won the game, this however did not affect our will power and we
went into the 3rd and 4th play offs with determination to succeed. We knew as a team we needed to work
together in order to win the match against Ashcombe. The first half finished, we had played much better
as a team with excellent defence, however the game was still very tight! The second half was equally as
tough, with the score being 10-10 at full time we went to sudden death. Ashcombe had a lot of
possession during ‘sudden death’ which meant the game was tense. After a few very tense minutes,
Olivia Partridge went on to score a layup and won the game for us 12-10. We finished third overall in the
Surrey County Basketball finals.
Having won at a previous George Abbot tournament we went on to qualify
for the district Basketball Tournament Finals. We played well and came
away with 3rd position. We all learnt a lot during this basketball season and
improved a as team and individually. Our communication, defence and
offense teamwork improved throughout the season and each game. We
would like to thank Miss Taylor for coaching us and we all look forward to
our next season.
Olivia Partridge
Year 9 Girls Hockey
Despite cancellations for both fixtures and training sessions this season the Year 9 girls’ hockey was
undefeated this year. Welcoming a new player to the team – Joely Bonner – who played exceptionally
well throughout the annual St Teresa’s hockey tournament, helped the girls take a victory. Yasmin Pither
our outstanding goal keeper was able to keep a clean sheet throughout the tournament without
conceding a single goal. Molly-Jo Gibbons, our centre forward, scored some brilliant goals, against some
tough opposition. Marcey Winter’s pace down the line, showed her support to the other team members.
Everyone in the team played with determination and excellent attacking play. We hope to maintain our
winning streak during next season.
Lucy Popham 9CA
Girls Badminton
This season we had our KS3 County Badminton Finals at Guildford Spectrum, which we qualified for by
winning our District Tournament. We took along the same team of four that secured us the place, Daisy
Riley, Sarah Walker, Joely Bonner and Ambryn Aziz. We came up against some tough competition
throughout the tournament. With our team putting in hard work and holding our own we looked strong to
begin with. Unfortunately, Ambryn injured herself in her singles match and was unable to continue to play
the rest of her games! This meant the team were down to 3 people, not deterred by this we carried on to
put in a good performance. As the tournament went on we came up against some very strong county
players and despite working hard we lost a couple of the matches. With only three people playing and
forfeiting Ambryn’s games it was difficult to secure a win. Unfortunately we weren’t placed this year;
however this has only spurred us on to work and train harder for next year’s finals!
Daisy Riley
U12 Girls Football
It has been great to see the ongoing enthusiasm for football in Year 7 and they have proven to be the
backbone of KS3 football this year, with the majority of them playing up in the u14s. The girls were entered
for the National Cup and were drawn against Glenthorne High. The team came up against a physical and
skilled team but managed to hold them off for the majority of the match thanks to some good goalkeeping
from Megan Jarvis. However, with only a couple of minutes to go, Glenthorne scored a well worked goal and
in the pursuit to equalise, scored again soon after. For this year, that is it for girls football, but moving into
next year it would be great to see more new faces turning up to training and for there to be that same
enthusiasm and effort apparent. Well done girls.
U14 Girls Football
This term finally saw the next round of the Surrey Cup being played for the u14 girls against Woking High.
With only four players from Years 8 and 9 available, the Year 7s made up the majority of the team which
proved to be one of the factors of the match. With Woking putting out a strong team made up of the older
years, it was apparent that the girls were much bigger and stronger than our girls. Our girls put up a valiant
effort and showed great character, especially Megan Saunders, a fantastic new addition to the team, but in
the end we just couldn't compete against Woking. The girls ended up losing 3-1, but if we were to play them
again, I would back our girls. Well played this year but looking forward to another strong season next year
U16 Girls Football
The Girls made it through to the semi-finals of Surrey Schools Cup drawn against the same opposition as
last year, Fullbrook. The match didn’t start well for The Howard due to injury and we started with only 10
players. However the team played some good football and kept Fullbrook away from their goal for the first
20 minutes. On the stroke of half time we conceded a lucky goal that ricocheted off one of their own players
into the goal.
In the second half the girls kept it at 1-0 for the majority until a small misjudgement in defending at a corner
gave Fullbrook an easy tap in at the far post. Further injury took The Howard down to 9 players for the
remainder of the second half. The girls put in a monumental effort to keep the score line at 2-0 until the final
whistle. The loss still highlighted some excellent performances most notably from Nicole Tebbitts in goal and
Olivia Stuart at left back who commanded the defence like a general and helped keep the girls motivated
until the final whistle.
Year 10 Netball Squad
This team have continued their winning ways. Overall the team finished 4th
in the Mole Valley District Tournament which despite injuries, close fought
matches against Ashcombe and St Teresa’s, and difficult defence from The
Priory was a fantastic achievement and brings great determination for next
year. The team are dedicated and committed to improving their tactical
awareness and I look forward to seeing them next season. Well done girls
and good luck next season in your final year at The Howard.
Squad Captain: Megan Weston, Ellie Goby, Gina Langfield, Grace Morgan,
Vicky Gravett, Ellery Wooff, Immy Moule, Issy Jennings, Gemma Young,
Kristen Spours,
U16 Hockey Team
This team had their St Teresa’s tournament looming and training was at an all-time high. With injuries being
powered through and a competitive spirit they were a team to be reckoned with. The team experienced
tough competition against Manor House and beat them for the first time in a season. Attack worked hard to
convert their short corners and breaks in play but St Teresa’s and Rosebery defence proved too strong even
for star of the game and Captain Louisa Saunders, who seamlessly linked attack and defence. Well done
Year 11 on a fantastic 5 years and good luck Year 10 next year.
Squad: Louisa Saunders, Georgie Blunt, Emily Button, Laura Button, Bria Corr, Sophie Wilson, Jess
Popham, Kay Bainbridge, Kate Figenschou, Bea Allan, Immy Moule, Issy Jennings, Gina Langford.
Mr S Birkett, Head of PE
Forthcoming Events
8 – 10
15 - 16
20 and 21
26 - 29
7 – 14
19 - 20
3 - 10
11 – 16
13 – 16
13 - 17
Year 10 GCSE Geography Field Trip
The Friends Second Hand Uniform Sale (15:30)
The Friends Quiz & Supper Night
Year 6 Transition Evening (16:00 – 18:00)
Years 8 & 9 Rugby Tour, Camber Sands
Year 11 Leavers’ Day
AS Courses finish
Year 8 Grosvenor Hall Trip
Exams begin
Inclusion Link Meeting (15:35 – 16:35)
A2 Courses finish
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award Practice
Year 13 Leavers’ Assembly
Year 7 Humanities Trip
The Friends ‘Boots and Shoots’ Event (11:00 – 14:00)
French Exchange Students here
A2 Courses begin
Year 8 (Arks) Geography Field Trip
Year 8 (Royals) Geography Field Trip
Sports Day – field events
Inclusion Link Meeting (15:35 – 16:35)
Parent Forum (18:00 – 19:00)
Sports Day – track events
Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Final Expedition
Year 11 Leavers’ Ball
Year 13 Leavers’ Ball
Lower School Sports Awards Evening (18:00)
Year 6 Induction Day
Year 6 (Parents) Induction Evening (18:30)
Duke of Edinburgh Silver Final Expedition
German Exchange Students in England
Art Exhibition
Year 7 (Arks) Maths Enterprise
Summer Spectacular (19:00 – 21:00)
Year 7 (Royals) Maths Enterprise
Upper School Sports Awards (Tyrrells Wood)
Years 7 & 8 Trip to Spain
Year 7 & 8 Trip to France, Switzerland
Activities Week
Year 10 and Year 12 Work Experience
Year 10 Thorpe Park Trip