Hilltopper Highlights 2013 - Westmont Hilltop School District


Hilltopper Highlights 2013 - Westmont Hilltop School District
2 013 A c h i e v e m e n t A n d E x c e l l e n c e
Students Honored as Top Ten Scholars of 2013
Top Ten Scholars of 2013
Row 1: Kirsten Elizabeth
Coyle, Shannon Renee Marko,
Christiana Rodgers Faucher,
Kasia Noelle Foster, Elizabeth
Patton Atterbury, Angela Rose
Sutt, Elizabeth Ashley Petrell,
Stacee Danielle Glass
Row 2: Evan Thomas Louder,
Daniel Brian Durham
At the opening of the Westmont
Hilltop Commencement Ceremony,
scholars who rank academically
as the Top Ten Scholars within
their graduating class are honored.
The students pictured here have
significantly contributed to
the tradition of excellence that
characterizes Westmont Hilltop. The
names of the following students will
be inscribed on a plaque on permanent
display in the lobby of our high school.
Westmont Hilltop Education Association Top Ten Awards
Listed Alphabetically
Elizabeth Patton Atterbury
Stacee Danielle Glass
Kirsten Elizabeth Coyle
Evan Thomas Louder
Daniel Brian Durham
Shannon Renee Marko
Christiana Rodgers Faucher
Elizabeth Ashley Petrell
Kasia Noelle Foster
Angela Rose Sutt
Throughout the 2012-2013 school year, students in every grade and classroom have excelled in the areas of academics,
arts, community service, and athletics. Examples of the service and accomplishments through which our students
have honored their community, their parents, and their school, are contained within the pages of this newsletter,
dedicated to the Class of 2013.
The 2013 Hilltopper Highlights Achievement and Excellence, now entering its thirteenth year of publication,
is a special summer edition of the Hilltop School News dedicated to the recognition of the outstanding
individual and collective accomplishments of our students within their school and community.
Commencement 2013
Board President’s Tribute at Commencement 2013
Westmont Hilltop School Board President, Mrs. Diana
Schroeder, paid tribute to the Class of 2013 and to the
teachers retiring this year. Excerpts from that tribute are as
“There is a knowledge explosion occurring, and these
students are on the breaking wave of that knowledge.
It isn’t just about what you need to
know, but how you need to access the
information, use it, track it, measure
its outcomes, and correct for errors.
How do you critically employ learned
information in a useful, relevant fashion
to the problem before you? No small
challenge to students and perhaps an
even greater challenge to their educators. We are fortunate to have a teaching staff that is well up to the challenge
and an administrative team that works
diligently to keep up with the increasing demands of education. This year we
will have 11 teachers retire after providing excellent service to our students and our community.
Collectively, these 11 teachers have provided 342 years of
educational service to our students. It is only appropriate
that we recognize those teachers for their dedication to our
district and our students. They are: Mrs. Mary Jane Bassi,
Mr. David Benford, Mrs. Deborah Donahue, Ms. Elizabeth
Good, Mrs. Barbara Miltenberger, Mrs. Denise Roberts, Mrs.
Diane Rugh, Mrs. Gloria LaMonica, Mrs. Joselle Skelley, Mrs.
Kristen Santos, and Mrs. Diane Skoner.
In 2013, there are 129 graduating seniors. The majority of them are planning to attend college after graduation (83% to be exact), approximately 5% are entering the
military, with one attending the United States Naval Academy and another to the United States Merchant Marine
Academy. Others will join the workforce. Collectively, future
plans include 52 different institutions and those institutions
represent 12 states other than Pennsylvania. We have three
graduates attending Ivy League schools.
Their senior projects have included a wide range of
activities, such as helping autistic students during an afterschool program at ACRP, coaching elementary soccer teams,
mentoring at-risk young students at Outdoor Odyssey,
tutoring underclassmen during tutorial period, building and
painting baseball dugouts, and painting murals, walking
animals, cleaning and doing clerical work at the Humane
This group of seniors has contributed 3,225 hours of
service to their school and community this year. That means
that they spent 403 8-hour work days doing positive things for
our community. Academics are what “education” is about, but
service to others is what builds communities and makes a life
worth living. Senior Class of 2013, we are proud of all you have
done for us and we thank you for your extensive efforts.
As we continue to reflect the overall impact of this
class on their school, they will be a hard act to follow. Two
students were recognized as National Merit Commended
Students for their high performance on the PSAT exam.
The Scholastic Quiz team captured the Central Western
Scholastic Quiz League championship for the 7th time in 11
years. And let’s not forget athletics. We won LHAC championships in Boys’ and Girls’ Tennis and
Boys’ and Girls’ Cross Country (and the
LHAC All Sports Trophy). There were
other memorable moments that speak
to the quality of our athletes including
the Blue Out for cancer research by the
Volleyball team and participation in the
re-make of All the Right Moves against
Johnstown High School, which was covered nationally by the Associated Press.
Several graduates will be continuing
their athletic careers into college.
Thank you, parents, grandparents,
teachers, neighbors, and friends of these
graduates as they reflect your dedication and hard work at raising exemplary young adults. After
hearing all of these accomplishments placed into a nutshell,
it is clear that you did a great job! And to the students, I
cannot resist quoting Dr. Seuss: ‘You have brains in your
head. You have feet in your shoes. You can steer yourself
in any direction you choose. You’re on your own. And you
know what you know. You are the guy who’ll decide where
to go.’ Good luck to all of you as you go forth into your next
There is a knowledge
explosion occurring, and
these students are on the
breaking wave of that
“Commencement 2013”
Graduation Keynote Speaker
Mr. Corey Glass, a fellow alumnus of Westmont
Hilltop, was the Keynote speaker for Commencement
2013. A graduate of the Class of 2003, Mr. Glass was a
4-year starter on the school’s ice hockey team and
during his senior year, the team won the Penguin Cup
and was a state finalist. Following graduation from
Westmont Hilltop, Corey earned a B.A. from Franklin
and Marshall and a B.S. in Engineering Management
from Washington University in St. Louis. Subsequently,
Corey worked in Houston, Texas, and held a variety
of responsibilities until the fall of 2011, when Corey
returned to Washington University to earn his Master
of Business Administration, which he completed just a
few weeks before his Keynote Address. Corey will now
return to Houston as a consultant in a management
consulting firm focused on the energy and utilities
On behalf of the Class of 2013, thanks are extended to
you, Mr. Glass, for the time you dedicated to your fellow
alumni and for your inspiring message and presence.
Commencement 2013
Students Address the Class of 2013
at Commencement
Daniel Durham, Scholarship Representative, honored through his address to
the Class of 2013, not only the departure of a group of students, but of a group of
leaders. His reflections on the notable accomplishments of the class in the areas
of academics, the arts, athletics, and science were inspiring. Daniel noted, “Our
class has changed our school’s culture… and that is not something every class
can say. Having a positive impact on our community is what makes us valuable
members of society, whether that impact is made in the workplace, as an artist, as
an athlete, through community service, or in some other way. The area of impact
does not particularly matter, so long as the impact is positive. I encourage us all
to continue to create positive change and I congratulate the Westmont Hilltop
Class of 2013 on the impact we have already made thus far.”
Christiana Faucher, Scholarship Representative, reflected with her classmates on the experiences the class has shared from kindergarten to high school,
with a memory walk of words concluding, “We have learned who we are, what we
love, and what we don’t. We have defined how each other sees the world, and in
this sense who we are is one—inseparable, indescribably part of each other. And
so, as we set out, we should not be afraid to take our own journey...My favorite
quote by Margaret Mead is as follows: ‘Never doubt that a small group of committed, intelligent individuals can change the world, indeed it’s the only thing that
ever has.’ We, the Class of 2013, are that group. Congratulations, Class of 2013.”
Elizabeth (Libby) Atterbury, President of Student Council, reflected on the
beauty “outside and inside” and the creativity of the
Class of 2013 with a humorous collection of memories illustrating those characteristics of the class.
Libby concluded, “Creativity will help us achieve our
goals when we go to jobs or college. We will be able
to think and push beyond our limits. Our creativity
not only formed an everlasting bond, it also taught
us valuable life lessons. The most important of these
lessons are as follows: Never lose your creativity.
Never lose your beauty.”
Robert (Bobby) Varner, President of the Class
of 2013, reflected on the contribution of the Class of
2013 to school pride and the role of passion in life. Il- Elizabeth Patton Atterbury
lustrating with numerous delightful examples, Bobby Commencement Speaker
observed, “It is this pride that we must take with us
during the tough years ahead. It will set us apart from all of our counterparts that
have never been fortunate enough to have a school like ours, and will ensure that
we stay optimistic, even when things aren’t looking too good.” While exemplifying times in which the student body was particularly
passionate, Bobby said, “We succeeded in what we
did because we loved to do it. These twelve years of
school have taught me how absolutely necessary it
is to have passion in life. Many of our students have
found their own passions, whatever they may be .
. . this class has always done what they loved with
passion. This will become extremely important as
we embark on our journeys into the real world and
have to find something that we want to do every
day for the rest of our lives. . . Those who find what
they love and do it with passion for the rest of their
lives will be happier than those who do not. So, do
Robert Joseph Varner
what you love. My one last piece of advice is to follow
Commencement Speaker
your heart and dream big. Don’t sell yourself short.
Set your goals high and don’t quit
until you reach them. We have already
proved to Westmont how successful
we can be; now it’s time to show the
National Merit
National Merit Commended
Students and Finalists are recognized on a national level as having
outstanding academic promise.
The National Merit Scholarship
Program is an academic competition that started in 1995. Students
qualify for this recognition by
taking the PSAT Exam/National
Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test.
Of the 1.5 million students nationwide who took the PSAT exam,
34,000 students receive recognition from the National Merit Corporation as “commended students.”
Two students from the Class of
2013 are among those who were
recognized. They are Daniel
Durham and Christiana Faucher.
Daniel Brian Durham
National Merit Scholar and
Graduation Speaker 2013
Christiana Rodgers Faucher
National Merit Scholar and
Graduation Speaker 2013
“Commencement 2013”
High School Achievement
Where in the World
is the Class of 2013?
“ ”
Oh the Places
They will Go.
American University
Arcadia University
Azusa Pacific University
Bloomsburg University of PA
Boston University
Brown University
California University of Pennsylvania
Carlow University
Carnegie Mellon University
Central Virginia Community College
Clarion University of PA
Duquesne University
Geneva College
Georgia Tech
Hiram College
Indiana University of Pennsylvania
Kent State University
LaRoche College
Marshall University
Montgomery County Community College
Moravian College
Mount Aloysius College
Ohio State University
PA National Guard / Indiana University of PA
Penn State University – Altoona
Penn State University – Mont Alto
Penn State University – University Park
Pennsylvania Highlands Community College
Point Park University
Italy—Returning to School
Robert Morris University
Saint Francis University
Saint Vincent College
Slippery Rock University
St. Bonaventure University
Romania—Study Abroad
Sussex Community College
Temple University
US Marine Corp
US Merchant Marine Academy
United States Army
United States Air Force
United States Naval Academy
United States Navy
University of California – Los Angeles
University of Pennsylvania
University of Pittsburgh
University of Rochester
US Army Reserve / Indiana University of PA
West Virginia University
Westminster University
YTI Career Institute
“High School Achievement”
Academic Excellence is a standard that is engrained in the culture of Westmont Hilltop. The following high school students have been recognized as exemplary role models for that standard.
United States Merchant Marine Academy Appointment
Stacee Danielle Glass
United States Naval Academy Appointment
Donald Charles Shovestull
Naval & Merchant Marine Appointments – Donald Shovestull and Stacey Glass (with Mark Critz, presenter)
Westmont Hilltop Student Memorial Scholarship Awards
Jill Anne Clark
Daniel Brian Durham
Daniel Durham and Jill Clark earned the Westmont Hilltop Memorial Scholarship
High School Achievement
Westmont Hilltop Educational Gella Family Scholarship
Association Scholarship Award Daniel Brian Durham
Megan Bernetta Miller
Megan Miller is the Westmont Hilltop Education
Association Scholarship Honoree
Mitchell and Rebecca Azar
Family Scholarship
Robert Joseph Varner
Christiana Rodgers Faucher
Elizabeth Ashley Petrell
Daniel Durham, Elizabeth Petrell, and Christiana Faucher (with Dr. Jyothi and Dr. Kamal Gella, presenters)
Class of 1947 Westmont/Upper Class of 1972
Yoder Endowment Fund
Jill Helen Kittka
Shannon Renee Marko
Class of 1960
Taylor Morgan Davis
The recipient of the Class of 1972 Award is Jill Kittka
Azar Family Scholarship Recipient Robert Varner
Class of 1960 Award Recipient Taylor Davis
“High School Achievement”
High School Achievement
Jackie Young-Flack Memorial
Christiana Rodgers Faucher
Sergeant First Class
Raymond Richard Buchan
Memorial Scholarship
Paige Elizabeth Lamberson
The Challenge Program Award
for Academic Excellence
Taylor Morgan Davis
The Challenge Program Award
for Most Improved in Grade
Amanda Dawn Miller
The Challenge Program Award
for STEM
Daniel Brian Durham
The Challenge Program Award
for Attendance
Jill Anne Clark
Cambria County Secondary
School Principals’ Association
Christiana Faucher (with Ray Flack, presenter)
Oreo Foundation Scholarship
Paige Lamberson (with Lt. Col. Graig A. Minnick,
Jill Anne Clark
Rachel Isabella Roper
Oreo Foundation Award Recipient Rachel Roper
Dharbhamulla Award for
Excellence in Forensics
Stacee Danielle Glass
(See photo on page 11)
“High School Achievement”
Challenge Program Awards: Row 1: Amanda Miller (Academic Improvement), Jill Clark (Attendance), Taylor
Davis (Academic Excellence) Row 2: Daniel Durham (STEM), Business Partner Edward Sheehan and The Challenge
Program Representative, Barbara Grandinetti. Not Pictured: Yan Fen Wang (Community Service)
High School Achievement
Westinghouse Science Honors Institute
US Military Awards
Timothy Brian Barry
Lindsay Grace Geiser
Joshua Livingston, Alyssa Miller, Matthew
Wehner, Colin Barron
Westinghouse Science Award winners Timothy Barry and Lindsay Geiser (with Eugene Kupchella, presenter)
President’s Award for Educational Excellence
Elizabeth Patton Atterbury
Joshua James Cavrak
Kirsten Elizabeth Coyle
Taylor Morgan Davis
Daniel Brian Durham
Christiana Rodgers Faucher
Kasia Noelle Foster
Blaine Patrick Friday
Tara Lynn Fritz
Stacee Danielle Glass
Dante Horvath
James Mayer Kane
Seneca Leigh Koontz
Mariel Nicole Kramer
Evan Thomas Louder
Shannon Renee Marko
Sarah Grace Marley
Joel Samuel Neff
Elizabeth Ashley Petrell
Andrew Sameh Rizkalla
Erin Catherine Rodgers
Rachel Isabella Roper
Anthony John Rosage
Donald Charles Shovestull
Angela Rose Sutt
Madalynn Elizabeth Swaltek
Robert Joseph Varner
Michael Thomas Vliet
Yan Feng Wang
(Seniors) – Row 1: Kirsten Coyle, Taylor Davis, Christiana Faucher, Kasia Foster, Madalynn Swaltek Row 2: Seneca Koontz, Mariel Kramer, James Kane, Andrew Rizkalla, Erin
Rodgers, Shannon Marko, Elizabeth Petrell, Tara Fritz, Stacee Glass Row 3: Evan Louder, Blaine Friday, Joel Neff, Joshua Cavrak, Rachel Roper, Angela Sutt, Elizabeth Atterbury,
Sarah Marley Row 4: Robert Varner, Michael Vliet, Donald Shovestull, Daniel Durham, Dante Horvath
“High School Achievement”
High School Achievement
Row 1: Evan Louder, Margaret Gerow, Shannon Marko , Benjamin Katz, Brian Mock, Veronica Petrus, Kathyleen O’Leary, Matthew Wehner, Sean Robb, James
Kane Row 2: Rex Cosgrove, Anthony Rosage, Sara Minnick, Michelle Concannon, John Minnick, Mitchell Hochfeld, Eric Wehner, David Williams, Aaron Marko
Row 3: Samuel Hoover, Baylee Bortz, Edwin Kesslak, Bridget Moyer, Noah Gordon
Mock Trial
Row 1: Helen Stern, Dorthea Oller, Nicole Barnhart, Stacee Glass Row 2: Alexander Hockensmith, John Williams, Mitchell Hochfeld
Row 3: Advisors/Presenters: Brian Moore, William Aurandt
“High School Achievement”
Academic ‘Letter’ Awards
Class of 2013
Michael Joseph Arcurio
Elizabeth Patton
Abbigail Marie Bealonis
Marley Rebecca Bonner
Jeremy William
David James Carney
Joshua James Cavrak
Jill Anne Clark
Sarah Beth Clark
Kirsten Elizabeth Coyle
Taylor Morgan Davis
Hannah Nicole Drane
Courtney Lynn Drennen
Owen Charles Dunagan
Daniel Brian Durham
Christiana Rodgers
Kasia Noelle Foster
Blaine Patrick Friday
Tara Lynn Fritz
Samuel Stephen Gagan
Stacee Danielle Glass
Stephanie Lynn Hetrick
Bryan Robert Hoegg
Dante Horvath
James Mayer Kane
Sara Marie Kimmell
Nikolas Ian Kindya
Jill Helen Kittka
Lukas Aaron Kleinmeyer
Seneca Leigh Koontz
Mariel Nicole Kramer
Paige Elizabeth
Evan Thomas Louder
Shannon Renee Marko
Sarah Grace Marley
Leah Marie Mercik
Kaitlin Alyse Mical
Megan Bernetta Miller
Hannah Gwynn Mills
Meghan Nicole Mock
Joel Samuel Neff
Margaret Erin Oberst
Victoria Anne Parlock
Elizabeth Ashley Petrell
Dominic Ross Ramirez
Andrew Sameh Rizkalla
Erin Catherine Rodgers
Sarah Marie Rogers
Rachel Isabella Roper
Anthony John Rosage
Donald Charles
Angela Rose Sutt
Allison Rose Swadley
Madalynn Elizabeth
Jessica Marie Toth
Robert Joseph Varner
Michael Thomas Vliet
Jonathan Edward
Melissa James Walko
Michael Fitzgerald Walsh
Yan Feng Wang
Deana Loraine Werner
Steven Paul Zipf
Academic Achievement Awards
Class of 2013
Michael Joseph Arcurio
Elizabeth Patton
Abbigail Marie Bealonis
Tayler Brittany Boxler
Jeremy William
David James Carney
Joshua James Cavrak
Jill Anne Clark
Sarah Beth Clark
Kirsten Elizabeth Coyle
Kevin Joseph Dailey
Taylor Morgan Davis
Hannah Nicole Drane
Courtney Lynn Drennen
Daniel Brian Durham
Christiana Rodgers
Kasia Noelle Foster
Blaine Patrick Friday
Tara Lynn Fritz
Samuel Stephen Gagan
Stacee Danielle Glass
Karli Marie Grow
Bryan Robert Hoegg
Dante Horvath
James Mayer Kane
Nikolas Ian Kindya
Jill Helen Kittka
Lukas Aaron Kleinmeyer
Seneca Leigh Koontz
High School Achievement
Mariel Nicole Kramer
Madison Alayne
Paige Elizabeth
Brennan Elijah Lorditch
Evan Thomas Louder
Shannon Renee Marko
Sarah Grace Marley
Leah Marie Mercik
Kaitlin Alyse Mical
Joel Samuel Neff
Margaret Erin Oberst
Victoria Anne Parlock
Elizabeth Ashley Petrell
Dominic Ross Ramirez
Andrew Sameh Rizkalla
Erin Catherine Rodgers
Sarah Marie Rogers
Rachel Isabella Roper
Anthony John Rosage
Angela Rose Sutt
Allison Rose Swadley
Madalynn Elizabeth
Jessica Marie Toth
Robert Joseph Varner
Michael Thomas Vliet
Jonathan Edward
Melissa James Walko
Michael Fitzgerald Walsh
Yan Feng Wang
Steven Paul Zipf
Academic Achievement Awards
Class of 2014
Nicole M. Barnhart
Timothy B. Barry Grant F. Bernstein
Lewis A. Buchkovich
Ashlyn M. Bulas
Ian J. Campbell
Rex M. Cosgrove
Karlee M. DeMarco
Hannah G. Dorian
Natalie A. Fiorica
Hunter C. Funk
Grant J. Gagnon
Lindsay G. Geiser
Devon J. Gilbert
Alex M. Hockensmith
Taylor M. Hoover
Brittany N. Irwin
Isaac W. Joseph
Benjamin Katz
Jonas M. Kresak
Brianne T. Krieger
Kayla M. Lamison
Josh W. Livingston
Aaron D. Marko
Noah J. Marley
Alyssa K. Miller
Andrew A. Miller
James A. Miller
Madison J. Milligan
MorganAnn E. Millinder
Courtney J. Morder
Alexandra R. Mostoller
Dorothea G. Oller
Abby J. Panek
Patrick J. Petrell
Caroline R. Rea
Sean R. Winters
Sydney R. Ruis
Cody M. Sabo
Abbigail E. Smajda
Timothy E. Smith
Taylor A. Somerville
Abigail P. Stern
Emily L. Strandquest
Daphne I. Valencia
Hailey M. Varner
Matthew W. Walker
Emily M. Ward
Matthew D. Wehner
Robert S. Whitlow
Zachary M. Yonko
Bailyn A. Yost
Ashley N. Young
Matthew D. Zolnosky
Academic Achievement Awards
Class of 2015
Tristan R. Aiken
Tyler M. Azar
Baylee E. Bortz
Olivia L. Bridges
Sadie D. Carney
Corrin E. Claycomb
Daniel Cooley
Drake D. Dorian
Ethan Ross Y. Dumayas
Anna K. Ecklund
Alexandria L. Edwards
Aubrianna S. Fisher
Sarah L. Fisher
Jillian R. Foster
Nina K. Foster
Lauren M. Fregly
Kyle J. Geibig
Jonas I. Geisel
Margaret M. Gerow
Maura E. Glennon
Noah M. Gordon
Kaylee R. Grassmyer
Kasey J. Helmick
Samuel J. Hoover
Ellis M. Kane
Cullen P. Kaschalk
Taylor N. Kaseler
Edwin C. Kesslak
Emily M. Kilmartin
Dylan A. Kmecak
Jenna L. Kutchman
Maiya L. Mastovich
Emily R. Mayket
Grace M. McIlhenny
Juliet F. Messer
Nicholas J. Mical
Maura F. Milligan
John T. Minnick
Bridget A. Moyer
Alexandra M. Nash
Cameron J. Nulton
Kaitlyn E. Pawcio
Francesca N. Ramirez
Alexander M. Roper
Courtney L. Schilling
Bridget C. Sheehan
Amanda M. Slezak
Kyleigh D. Smith
Nicholas J. Sturniolo
Jacob P. Suppes
Shivangshu Tandukar
Nicole E. Taylor
Sadie M. Thompson
Bradley D. Trevorrow
Sara E. Trio
Truman A. Welsh
Erin M. Whyte
John M. Williams
Aidan P. Winterscheidt
Megan A. Zolnosky
Academic Achievement Awards
Class of 2016
Meghan R. Albertelli
Lindsey N. Aman
Karly L. Balon
Samuel W. Barry
Emily A. Brazill
Quinn A. Callihan
Georgann M. Carnevali
Bethany G. Carney
Chase A. Davis
Evan J. Dluhos
Brianne L. Ferpas
Gabrielle E. Fiffick
Alec B. Geibig
Jamie L. Geiser
Gregory P. Heider
Mitchell S. Hochfeld
Leah M. Hockensmith
Madison R. Hrin
Courtney L. Irwin
Sarah C. Kilpatrick
Tristin N. Kresak
Ashley M. Kush
Victoria A. Louder
Shiann R. Malcolm
Katheryn M. Marley
Autumn N. McClain
Caitlyn M. Miller
Sarah L. Minnick
Bryan A. Mock
Kathyleen A. O’Leary
Inez Panebianco
Allison M. Petrick
Veronica L. Petrus
McCabe D. Rakvin
Morgan A. Ruis
Jenna M. Rutledge
Jarod R. Shark
Alana R. Somerville
Nora P. Springer
Helen I. Stern
Sara M. Stumpo
Dylan J. Sutt
Jenna L. Toth
Alyssa J. Trofino
Emily S. Tyger
Zachary J. Vliet
Brittany M. Walker
Erik D. Wehner
David D. Williams
Hunter C. Williams
Gina M. Yonko
“High School Achievement”
High School Achievement
Scholastic Quiz
Oh, the Places We’ll Go!
Westmont Scholastic Quiz
completed another excellent season
this year. For a second straight
season Westmont captured the
championship of the Central
Western Scholastic Quiz League.
This was the seventh championship
in the previous eleven years for the
Westmont was awarded this
championship trophy engraved with
each team member’s name that
will be permanently displayed at
our school. Senior Daniel Durham
and Junior Dorothea Oller were
recognized as top ten individual
scorers in the entire league during
the regular season. Members of
the Varsity Team included Senior
Daniel Durham, Juniors Dorothea
Oller, Matthew Wehner, Josh
Livingston, Niccolas Shorto, and
Alex Hockensmith. The Westmont
Junior Varsity team also had an
excellent season finishing league
play undefeated.
Westmont Scholastic Quiz
fielded a high school team for
the fall and spring Knowledge
Master Open (KMO) and turned
in excellent performances in both
competitions. The Knowledge Master
Open is an academic competition
in which hundreds of high schools
nationwide work in teams to
answer questions covering a wide
range of topics. A Top 20 Finish in
Pennsylvania and placing in the top
one-third of schools nationwide in
the spring KMO were outstanding
accomplishments for the quiz team
this year.
Senior Co-captain Daniel
Durham provided quality steady
leadership along with serving as
the team’s math problem specialist.
Daniel’s contributions to the
recent successes of Westmont
Hilltop’s Scholastic Quiz were quite
substantial and will be challenging
to replace.
Through participation in our region’s annual language festival and the World
Language Club, Westmont Hilltop students have enjoyed yet another year of
travel. Just where did they go? A few of the highlights are listed below.
First, the Appalachian Language Educators Society, or APPLES, Foreign
Language Festival took us to IUP. The number of students participating this year
almost reached a record high: about 400 students from 13 school districts participated in more than a dozen events from speaking proficiency to musical presentations in French, Spanish and German.
We applaud all the students who chose to spend a spring Saturday at the
competition and those who won ribbons are acknowledged below.
10 “High School Achievement”
Erika Von Schrenkel
French 1
3rd (tie) Listening Comprehension
Victoria Albert
French 1
Music Vocal
Tara Fritz
French 1
Music Vocal
Madalynn Swaltek
French 1
Music Vocal
Performed as an ensemble in the high school vocal music division and placed third.
Madalynn Swaltek
French 5
Reading Comprehension
3rd (tie)
Listening Comprehension
Abby Panek
French 5
Listening Comprehension
Tara Fritz
French 5
Reading Comprehension
Seneca Koontz
French 5
Speaking Proficiency
French 5
1st (tie)
Listening Comprehension
French 5
1st (tie)
Reading Comprehension
It was announced at the festival awards ceremony that competition for the overall prize in French was extremely close this
year. Only one point separated Seneca Koontz & the winner, a student from Greensburg-Salem. Félicitations, Émilie!
Shivangshu Tandukar
Spanish 2
Spanish 2
Speaking Proficiency
Bethany Carney
Spanish 2
Spanish 2
Reading Comprehension
Samuel Barry
Spanish 2
Speaking Proficiency
Spanish 2
Reading Comprehension
Brian Mock
Spanish 2
Speaking Proficiency
Daniel Cooley
Spanish 3
Spanish 3
Listening Comprehension
Edwin Kesslak
Spanish 3
Reading Comprehension
Josh Livingston
Spanish 4
Spanish 4
1st (tie)
Listening Comprehension
Spanish 4
Reading Comprehension
Dorothea Oller
Spanish 4
Listening Comprehension
Jill Clark
Spanish 5
Speaking Proficiency
Spanish 5
Listening Comprehension
Spanish 5
1st (tie)
Reading Comprehension
Forrest Newman
Spanish 5
2nd (tie)
Listening Comprehension
Spanish 5
Reading Comprehension
Anthony Rosage
Spanish 5
1st (tie)
Reading Comprehension
Spanish 5
Listening Comprehension
Last Fall, 2006 WHHS grad Amanda Stamplis took the students on a virtual
trip with a presentation one Friday afternoon. Amanda opened our student’s eyes
to Costa Rica, where she studied as an undergrad in college. Then they were
off to China, where she served as a Peace Corps volunteer. Amanda continues
to explore the world through another short-term Peace Corps assignment in
El Salvador. Hopefully, she will visit WHHS again to share her adventures.
High School Achievement
Forensic Stars
Congratulations to the
Westmont Hilltop Varsity Forensics
Team for winning First Place at the
District #5 Championship Speech
Tournament and First Place at the
Laurel Highlands Speech League
Championship Tournament.
The following students
qualified for the semi-final round
at the Laurel Highlands Regional
Speech League Championship
Tournament; Daniel Durham in
Extemporaneous, Abby Panek
in Prose, Karlee DeMarco in
Informative, Nora Springer
in Persuasive, Helen Stern in
Humorous Drama, and Emily
Ward in Humorous Drama.
The following students were
named district and/or regional
Isaac Joseph and Nicole Barnhart
Finalists at Districts in Public
Forum Debate
Emily Ward Finalist at Districts
and qualified for PHSSL State
Tournament in Humorous Drama
Daniel Durham Finalist at Districts
Abby Panek Finalist at Districts
and qualified for PHSSL State
Tournament in Prose
Karlee Demarco Finalist at
Districts in Informative
Christiana Rodgers Faucher
Finalist at Districts and Regionals
in Extemporaneous, and qualified
for Nationals
Stacee Glass Finalist at Districts
and Regionals in Commentary,
State Semifinalist in Commentary,
qualified for Nationals
Rex Cosgrove Finalist at Districts
and Regionals in Commentary
Ashlyn Bulas Finalist at Districts
and Regionals in Persuasive, qualified
for Nationals
Emily Strandquest Finalist at
Districts and Regionals, State
Semifinalist and qualified for
Natalie Fiorica Finalist at Districts
and Regional Champion Serious
Drama, qualified for Nationals
Madison Milligan Finalist at
Districts and Regionals in Serious
Madalynn Swaltek and Taylor
Davis Finalists at Districts and
Regionals in Duo Drama, Qualified
for PHSSL State Tournament and
National Tournament
Zachary Yonko and Patrick Petrell
Finalists in Public Forum Debate at
Regionals and qualified for nationals
Zachary Yonko State quarterfinalist
in Radio Announcing
Josh Livingston District and
Regional Champion Lincoln-Douglas
Debate, Qualified for PHSSL State
Tournament and Nationals
–Submitted by Miss Billie Kisko and
Mrs. Angela Sloan.
Stacee Glass received the
Dharbhamulla Family Forensics
Award for exemplary achievement
in forensics competition for her
entire four years with the team.
The coaches, Ms. Angela Sloan and
Ms. Billie Kisko recognized Stacee
for her leadership and outstanding
contribution to the Westmont
Hilltop Forensics Team.
Stacee Glass (received Outstanding Forensics
Speaker and Dharbhamulla Forensics Award)
Forensics Regional Competition – Row 1: Abby Panek, Stacee Glass, Taylor Davis, Madalynn Swaltek,
Christiana Faucher Row 2: Patrick Petrell, Natalie Fiorica, Ashlyn Bulas, Nicole Barnhart, Karlee DeMarco Row
3: Rex Cosgrove, Isaac Joseph, Josh Livingston, Zachary Yonko Row 4: Emily Ward, Emily Strandquest, Madison
Milligan, Daniel Durham
“High School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
Academic “Best” Awards
English - Brock Bernstein
Math - Daniel Kevenk
Science - Venkat Gella
Civics - Byron Custer
French - Mathilda Santee
Spanish - Hannah Robart
Art - Allison Hlivko
Music - John Weidner
Physical Education - Lauren Moran
Academic Best at the Middle School – Row 1: John Weidner (Music), Hannah Robart (Spanish), Mathilda
Santee (French), Allison Hlivko (Art), Lauren Moran (Physical Education) Row 2: Mrs. Tammy Bernstein, Daniel
Kevenk (Math), Byron Custer (Civics), Brock Bernstein (English), Venkat Gella (Science)
Johns Hopkins Young
Students Talent Search
Grade 8
Venkat Gella, Johns Hopkins Young Talent Search
Julia Bingler, C-Mites, Grade 6
President’s Award for
Educational Excellence
Alexander Barnhart
Brock Bernstein
Madelyn Bridges
Gerard Brill
Lauren Criswell
Kyle Drennen
Jacob Elders
Victoria Geiser
Venkat Gella
Rebecca Gvozden
Allison Hlivko
Jennifer Hlivko
Samantha Hong
Abigail Kesslak
Daniel Kevenk
Michael Lamison
Alexander Miller
Lauren Moran
Matthew Mostoller
Hannah Robart
Michael Roper
Mathilda Santee
Alexis Schiffhauer
Taylor Smitherman
Laurel Steinly
Rachel Toth
Meredith Trio
John Weidner
Larry Weslager
Aunna Yingling
President’s Educational Excellence Award – Row 1: Michael Lamison, Larry Weslager, Lauren Moran, Aunna Yingling, Hannah Robart, Jennifer Hlivko,
Madelyn Bridges, Allison Hlivko, Samantha Hong Row 2: Laurel Steinly, John Weidner, Venkat Gella, Matthew Mostoller, Victoria Geiser, Rachel Toth,
Rebecca Gvozden, Meredith Trio, Lauren Criswell, Abigail Kesslak, Mathilda Santee Row 3: Alexander Miller, Alexander Barnhart, Michael Roper, Taylor
Smitherman, Gerard Brill, Jacob Elders, Kyle Drennen, Daniel Kevenk, Brock Bernstein, Alexis Schiffhauer
“Middle School Achievement”
Excellence Award
Middle School Achievement
Honoring student achievement and
hard work is the purpose of the President’s Educational Excellence Award
Program. Students who received this
award scored 92 percent or above in
Grades 5, 6, 7, and in the fall semester
of Grade 8.
Brock Bernstein
Gerard Brill
Venkat Gella
Rebecca Gvozden
Abigail Kesslak
Michael Lamison
Matthew Mostoller
Hannah Robart
Meredith Trio
Principal’s Excellence – Row 1: Michael Lamison, Gerard Brill, Matthew Mostoller, Brock Bernstein, Venkat
Gella Row 2: Meredith Trio, Abigail Kesslak, Hannah Robart, Rebecca Gvozden
Scholastic Quiz
Grade 5
Gabrielle Angeletti
Madalyn Barnes
Lillian Brown
Erin Carbaugh
Greta George
Noah Martin
Meghan Smitherman
Cassidy Weir
Max Wilkinson
Daniel Zeidan
Grade 6
Anthony DeLisa
Austin Gibson
Jonathon Heider
Sophie Hochfeld
Brandon Kaseler
Rebekah Kevenk
Maeve Milligan
Mark Oller
Susan Williams
Moses Zeidan
Grade 7
Christian Assad
Patrick Brown
Leo Cosgrove
Ethan Dubnansky
Mackenzie Dunn
Simon Joseph
Connor Ketchum
Grayson Moyer
Adam Mrozowski
Madison Reitter
Ariana Santos
Harrison Weidner
Scholastic Quiz Grades 5 & 6 – Row 1: Lillian Brown, Cassidy Weir, Greta George, Noah Martin, Daniel Zeidan
Row 2: Max Wilkinson, Erin Carbaugh, Madalyn Barnes, Gabrielle Angeletti, Moses Zeidan, Jonathon Heider
Row 3: Meghan Smitherman, Mark Oller, Rebekah Kevenk, Susan Williams, Sophie Hochfeld, Austin Gibson,
Anthony DeLisa, Brandon Kaseler Missing from Photo: Maeve Milligan
Grade 8
Brock Bernstein
Gerard Brill
Venkat Gella
Daniel Kevenk
Fisk Lee
Taylor Smitherman
Gavin Sullivan
John Weidner
Isaiah Yuhas
Scholastic Quiz Grades 7 & 8 – Row 1: Ethan Dubnansky, Simon Joseph, Moses Zeidan, Venkat Gella Row
2: Leo Cosgrove, Gavin Sullivan, John Weidner, Patrick Brown Row 3: Adam Mrozowski, Isaiah Yuhas, Daniel
Kevenk, Taylor Smitherman, Gerard Brill, Brock Bernstein
“Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
Interscholastic Reading Competition Team
Grade 6
Olivia Brill
Spelling Bee
Ethan Dubnansky
Adam Mrozowski
Grade 7
Ethan Dubnansky
Hailey Giuffre
Madison Reitter
Grade 8
Venkat Gella
Rebecca Gvozden
Hannah Robart
Taylor Smitherman
Interscholastic Reading Competition – Row 1: Hailey Giuffre, Olivia Brill,
Ethan Dubnansky, Hannah Robart Row 2: Madison Reitter, Rebecca Gvozden, Taylor
Smitherman, Venkat Gella
National Spelling Bee Awards were presented by
Miss Lindberg to Ethan Dubnansky (left) and Adam
Mrozowski (right)
Knowledge Masters
The Knowledge Masters Open is a team competition. Our Middle School enters two divisions in the
competition. Teams receive a CD-ROM containing curriculum-based questions (100 at 5th and 6th
grade levels and 200 at the 7th and 8th grade levels). Our teams use the Promethean board to display
the questions and answer them as a team. The event is held twice each year.
Grade 5
Jillian Andolina
Gabrielle Angeletti
Madalyn Barnes
Lillian Brown
Erin Carbaugh
Jannah Farag
Greta George
Chloe Kesslak
Kara Lynch
Noah Martin
Dylan Roberts McDonald
Isabella Panebianco
Samuel Paratore
Meghan Smitherman
Cassidy Weir
Max Wilkinson
Grade 6
Amelia Aiken
Anna Gagnon
Austin Gibson
Kyle Gordon
Ronald Jezeskie III
Mark Oller
Andrew Rea
Jessica Stuer
Susan Williams
Moses Zeidan
Knowledge Masters Middle School – Row 1: Anna Gagnon, Jillian Andolina, Kara Lynch, Lillian Brown, Cassidy Weir, Greta George, Jannah
Farag Row 2: Madalyn Barnes, Gabrielle Angeletti, Chloe Kesslak, Dylan Roberts McDonald, Erin Carbaugh, Isabella Panebianco, Jessica Stuer
Row 3: Kyle Gordon, Andrew Rea, Meghan Smitherman, Amelia Aiken, Ronald Jezeskie III, Susan Williams, Mark Oller, Austin Gibson Missing
from Photo: Noah Martin, Samuel Paratore, Max Wilkinson, Moses Zeidan
“Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
The WordMasters Challenge is an exercise in critical thinking. Students are
given a list of 25 words that they must first become familiar with by learning
their definitions and parts of speech. Students then practice using the words in
analogies. The competition consists of 20 analogies using the words learned up to
that point in the competition. The English teachers in Grades 5 & 6 work with the
students to help them learn the words before the competitions three times a year.
At the end of the year, scores for all three tests are totaled to determine the medal
and certificate winners at each grade level. Completing these analogies is very
Grade 5
medal and certificate
Gabrielle Angeletti
Isabella Misner
Pierce Martin
Michael Buchkovich
Dylan Roberts McDonald
Greta George
Meghan Smitherman
Hailie Hearn
Cassidy Weir
Christopher Martin
Grade 6
medal and certificate
Moses Zeidan
Tanner Hinterliter
Amelia Aiken
Maeve Milligan
Lily Dudash
Mark Oller
Julie Duong
Andrew Rea
Anna Gagnon
Susan Williams
Tyler Geary
Grade 7
medal and certificate - 1st place
Grayson Moyer
WordMasters Grades 5 & 6 – Row 1: Julie Duong, Isabella Misner, Michael Buchkovich, Cassidy Weir, Greta
George Row 2: Tanner Hinterliter, Amelia Aiken, Dylan Roberts McDonald, Pierce Martin, Anna Gagnon, Hailie
Hearn, Gabrielle Angeletti Row 3: Andrew Rea, Mark Oller, Meghan Smitherman, Tyler Geary, Susan Williams, Lily
Dudash, Moses Zeidan Missing from Photo: Christopher Martin, Maeve Milligan
2nd place
Ariana Santos
3rd place
Clinton Sparling
4th place
Leo Cosgrove
Joseph Nash
6th place
JuliAnna Stuer
Margaret Walsh
8th place
Luke Schrum
9th place
Ethan Dubnansky
Zoey Zentkovich
Grade 8
medal and certificate- 1st place
Brock Bernstein
WordMasters Grades 7 & 8 – Row 1: Luke Schrum, Ariana Santos, Ethan Dubnansky, Zoey Zentkovich, Clinton
Sparling Row 2: Hannah Robart, Victoria Geiser, Rachel Toth, Matthew Young, Venkat Gella, Aunna Yingling,
Margaret Walsh Row 3: JuliAnna Stuer, Leo Cosgrove, Joseph Nash, Grayson Moyer, Byron Custer, Brock Bernstein,
Isaiah Yuhas Missing from Photo: Zachary McLoota
2nd place
Rachel Toth
3rd place
Hannah Robart
4th place
Byron Custer
Victoria Geiser
Venkat Gella
Zachary McLoota
Aunna Yingling
9th place
Matthew Young
Isaiah Yuhas
“Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
Meritorious Attitude & Effort Awards
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Gabrielle Angeletti
Greta George
Isabella Panebianco
Cassidy Weir
Maeve Milligan
Macey Morrell
Karalyn Pawcio
Sydney Podrebarac
Sarah Al-Ubaidi
Ethan Dubnansky
Mackenzie Dunn
Ariana Santos
Clinton Sparling
Kyle Drennen
Emily Edgar
Samantha Hong
Laurel Steinly
Gavin Sullivan
Meritorious Attitude and Effort – Row 1: Gabrielle
Angeletti, Cassidy Weir, Isabella Panebianco, Greta
George Row 2: Macey Morrell, Sydney Podrebarac,
Karalyn Pawcio, Maeve Milligan Row 3: Ariana Santos,
Samantha Hong, Sarah Al-Ubaidi, Gavin Sullivan,
Mackenzie Dunn, Kyle Drennen, Ethan Dubnansky,
Emily Edgar, Clinton Sparling, Laurel Steinly
National History Day
The History Day competition is an indepth research project. Students select a
topic, research, and prepare a final product
for the competition.
Grade 7
Christian Assad
Patrick Brown
Leo Cosgrove
Hannah Davis
Ethan Dubnansky
Mackenzie Dunn
Simon Joseph
Adam Kush
Grayson Moyer
Adam Mrozowski
Sarah Polacek
Madison Reitter
Ariana Santos
Luke Schrum
Harrison Weidner
Zoey Zentkovich
Grade 8
Brock Bernstein
Gerard Brill
Victoria Geiser
Venkat Gella
Samantha Hong
Abigail Kesslak
Daniel Kevenk
Alexander Miller
Hannah Robart
Michael Roper
Laurel Steinly
Gavin Sullivan
Rachel Toth
Meredith Trio
John Weidner
Aunna Yingling
16 “Middle School Achievement”
National History, State Level Competitors – Row 1: Adam Mrozowski, Adam Kush, Harrison Weidner,
Venkat Gella Row 2: Grayson Moyer, Leo Cosgrove, Gavin Sullivan, Brock Bernstein
Middle School Achievement
Science Bowl
Grade 6
Maeve Milligan
Moses Zeidan
Grade 7
Patrick Brown
Leo Cosgrove
Ethan Dubnansky
Grayson Moyer
Madison Reitter
Harrison Weidner
Grade 8
Brock Bernstein
Venkat Gella
Daniel Kevenk
Matthew Mostoller
Taylor Smitherman
Gavin Sullivan
John Weidner
Science Bowl – Row 1: Ethan Dubnansky, Moses Zeidan, Harrison Weidner, Venkat Gella Row 2: Madison Reitter, Matthew
Mostoller, Patrick Brown, John Weidner, Gavin Sullivan, Leo Cosgrove Row 3: Brock Bernstein, Daniel Kevenk, Taylor Smitherman,
Grayson Moyer Missing from Photo: Maeve Milligan
Geography Bee Recognition
Patrick Brown
Leo Cosgrove
Kyle Drennen
Ethan Dubnansky
Alexander Miller
Taylor Smitherman
Clinton Sparling
Vincent Tabib
Harrison Weidner
Aunna Yingling
Geography Bee – Row 1: Patrick Brown, Harrison Weidner, Ethan Dubnansky, Clinton Sparling, Vincent Tabib
Row 2: Leo Cosgrove, Taylor Smitherman, Alexander Miller, Kyle Drennen, Aunna Yingling
“Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
Technology Club
Technology Club 1st Place Winners – Row 1: Kayleigh Noll, Hayes Rakvin, Macey Morrell, Maeve Milligan, Julia Bingler Row 2:
Austin Gibson, Venkat Gella, Natalie Morman
Technology Club Medalists – Row 1: Kyle Gordon, Colin Whyte, Macey Morrell, Maeve Milligan, Julia Bingler, Natalie Morman Row 2:
Clinton Sparling, Koby Glessner, Austin Gibson, Kayleigh Noll, Hayes Rakvin, Ethan Dubnansky Row 3: Wyatt Summers, Stephen Elston,
Leo Cosgrove, Venkat Gella
Grade 6
Julia Bingler
Mary Birthisel
Alyssa Brandle
Maddison Brant
Sydney Droz
Grade 7
Austin Gibson
Kyle Gordon
Destinee Grumbling
Abigail Majercsik
Maeve Milligan
18 “Middle School Achievement”
Natalie Morman
Macey Morrell
Casey Moskal
Kayleigh Noll
Emma Piro
Hayes Rakvin
Julie Roach
Colin Whyte
Ashley Bell
Noah Birthisel
Evan Christie
Leo Cosgrove
Ethan Dubnansky
Stephen Elston
Koby Glessner
Clinton Sparling
Wyatt Summers
Grade 8
Venkat Gella
Middle School Achievement
The regional MATHCOUNTS competition took place on February 9th at UPJ.
There were 138 students from 16 schools in the region. We had ten students
competing, four who represented Westmont Hilltop in the team competition and
six others competing as individuals.
Once again, Westmont had a remarkable performance at the competition. We
held five spots of the top ten! Furthermore, we had nine students in the top 20.
We also placed 1st in the team competition, qualifying our team for the state
competition. And we had our third champion in the 30-year history of MATHCOUNTS, Daniel Kevenk. Along with Daniel, three other team players made up
the state qualifying team. Venkat Gella finished in 2nd place, Grayson Moyer
finished in 3rd place, and Samantha Hong finished in 13th. The individuals
were as follows: Victoria Geiser was 20th, Austin Gibson was 19th, Patrick
Brown 12th, Ethan Dubnansky finished 9th, Rachel Toth was 5th. Rachel also
qualified for the State competition as an individual. This was another incredible
performance by the MATHCOUNTS team.
Our five qualifying students traveled to the Hershey-Harrisburg Sheraton
Hotel on March 22nd to compete in the state competition on March 23rd. There
were 25 regional champion teams and 151 of the state’s top math students.
Daniel, Venkat, Grayson, Samantha, and Rachel enjoyed an engineering activity, a practice countdown round, along with some swimming on Friday night.
After the complimentary breakfast buffet the competition got started. Two of our
competitors finished in the top 100 in the state. Venkat Gella finished 90th and
Daniel Kevenk finished 50th overall in the state, and our team placed 17th in an
extremely intense competition.
Grade 6
Amelia Aiken
Austin Gibson
Grade 7
Patrick Brown
Leo Cosgrove
Ethan Dubnansky
Grayson Moyer
Harrison Weidner
Grade 8
Victoria Geiser
Venkat Gella
Samantha Hong
Daniel Kevenk
Taylor Smitherman
Rachel Toth
–Submitted by Mr. Jeffrey Papcun.
For more information on MATHCOUNTS visit www.mathcounts.org.
MATHCOUNTS – Row 1: Austin Gibson, Amelia Aiken, Ethan Dubnansky, Harrison Weidner, Samantha Hong
Row 2: Rachel Toth, Victoria Geiser, Venkat Gella, Taylor Smitherman, Daniel Kevenk, Leo Cosgrove, Grayson Moyer, Patrick Brown
“Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
Continental Math League
Continental Math League – Row 1: Joshua Elders, Miles Zitnay, Rylee Mastovich, Pierce Martin, Ethan Dubnansky, Jonathon Heider, Greta George,
Jennifer Hlivko, Samantha Hong, Austin Gibson Row 2: Susan Williams, Amelia Aiken, Meredith Winterscheidt, Kennedy Welsh, Sarah Polacek, Megan
Rutledge, Tanner Hinterliter, Larry Weslager, Brionna Lehman Row 3: Meghan Smitherman, Grayson Moyer, Kaitlin Haynal, Moses Zeidan, Daniel
Kevenk, Benjamin Shiley, Venkat Gella, Kyle Drennen, Isaiah Yuhas, Skyler Moore, Victoria Geiser Missing from Photo: Samuel Henry
Grade 5 - Euclidean Division
Grade 7 - Mr. Papcun
Local High Ranking 1st Place
Miles Zitnay – medal
2nd Place
Joshua Elders
Greta George
Meghan Smitherman
Honorable Mention
Pierce Martin
Rylee Mastovich
1st Place Medal
Grayson Moyer
Honorable Mention
Ethan Dobnansky
Grade 6 - Euclidean
1st Place Medal
Moses Zeidan
2nd Place
Amelia Aiken
Honorable Mention
Austin Gibson
Jonathon Heider
Tanner Hinterliter
Susan Williams
20 “Middle School Achievement”
Grade 7 - Mrs. Stiles
1st Place Medal
Kaitlin Haynal
Sarah Polacek
2nd Place
Kennedy Welsh
Honorable Mention
Samuel Henry
Meredith Winterscheidt
Grade 8 - Mr. Papcun
1st Place Medal
Daniel Kevenk
Megan Rutledge
2nd Place
Venkat Gella
Skyler Moore
Benjamin Shiley
Larry Weslager
Honorable Mention
Kyle Drennen
Victoria Geiser
Jennifer Hlivko
Samantha Hong
Brionna Lehman
Isaiah Yuhas
Middle School Achievement
Six Years of Perfect
Jacob Allen has had Perfect Attendance Every Year
from Kindergarten through Grade 5! Congratulations,
Perfect Attendance
Perfect Attendance – Row 1: Nicholas Gorschak, Jacob Allen, Christian Nagorite, Nicole Gawel, Abigail Hassett
Row 2: Caelyn Butler, Blake Cassick, Anthony DeLisa, Benjamin Wescott, Samuel Paratore, Ethan Dubnansky,
Alexandra Lambrinos
Grade 5
Grade 6
Grade 7
Jacob Allen
Nicole Gawel
Abigail Hassett
Christian Nagorite
Samuel Paratore
Caelyn Butler
Anthony DeLisa
Nicholas Gorschak
Maeve Milligan
Benjamin Wescott
Blake Cassick
Ethan Dubnansky
Alexandra Lambrinos
President’s Physical Fitness
The President’s Fitness Test measures
students in five areas of fitness
including cardiovascular endurance,
muscular strength and endurance,
speed, and flexibility. Students passing
this test demonstrate a high level of
fitness and determination!
Grade 5
Ava Barr
Zane Blackburn
Dayne Boxler
Eliza Crans
Grace Dryer
Greta George
Jasmine Innis
Chloe Kesslak
Tanner Kushner
Mason Muto
Christian Nagorite
Conner Polacek
Meryam Salem
Grade 6
Jacob Adams
Amelia Aiken
Jonathan Barnhart
Maddison Brant
Cameron Bunn
Carson Custer
Sydney Droz
Lily Dudash
Jonathon Heider
Brandon Kaseler
Collin Kelley
Tucker Kushner
Lane McQuillan
Abigail Miller
Maeve Milligan
Macey Morrell
Gaerielle Nagorite
Karalyn Pawcio
Hayes Rakvin
Andrea Rutledge
Lee Santee
Ian Snider
Jack Spencer
Alex Sutt
Grade 7
Molly Callihan
Garrett Crans
Hannah Davis
Clayton Dorian
Holly Fabrizio
Adam Kush
Ian Lohr
Camden Moors
Grayson Moyer
Morgan Muller
Sarah Polacek
Michael Purazo
Julie Steinkirchner
Jacob Toth
Jenna Zatsick
Zoey Zentkovich
Grade 8
James Griffin
Rebecca Gvozden
Allison Hlivko
Gunnar Hockenberry
Zachary Krieger
Michael Lamison
Fisk Lee
Kristina Lynch
Lauren Moran
Kylie Morder
Jocelyn Pawcio
Alexis Pollock
Hannah Robart
Megan Rutledge
Laurel Steinly
Sophia Straw
Meredith Trio
Kayla Vizza
Tessa Weeks
Aunna Yingling
“Middle School Achievement”
Middle School Achievement
President’s Physical Fitness
President’s Physical Fitness, Grade 5 – Row 1: Ava Barr, Grace Dryer, Greta
George, Christian Nagorite Row 2: Eliza Crans, Meryam Salem, Tanner Kushner, Zane
Blackburn, Dayne Boxler Row 3: Mason Muto, Chloe Kesslak, Jasmine Innis, Conner
President’s Physical Fitness, Grade 6 – Row 1: Abigail Miller, Hayes Rakvin,
Macey Morrell, Cameron Bunn, Jonathan Barnhart, Lane McQuillan, Jacob Adams
Row 2: Jack Spencer, Amelia Aiken, Andrea Rutledge, Karalyn Pawcio, Gaerielle
Nagorite, Collin Kelley, Ian Snider Row 3: Maddison Brant, Lily Dudash, Carson Custer,
Brandon Kaseler, Tucker Kushner, Lee Santee, Alex Sutt, Jonathon Heider Missing
from Photo: Sydney Droz, Maeve Milligan
President’s Physical Fitness, Grade 7 – Row 1: Molly Callihan, Zoey Zentkovich,
Jenna Zatsick, Ian Lohr, Jacob Toth Row 2: Adam Kush, Hannah Davis, Julie
Steinkirchner, Camden Moors, Holly Fabrizio Row 3: Sarah Polacek, Michael Purazo,
Grayson Moyer, Garrett Crans, Clayton Dorian, Morgan Muller
President’s Physical Fitness, Grade 8 – Row 1: Sophia Straw, Jocelyn Pawcio,
Allison Hlivko, Kylie Morder, Kayla Vizza Row 2: Kristina Lynch, Hannah Robart,
Laurel Steinly, Alexis Pollock, Megan Rutledge, Aunna Yingling Row 3: Tessa Weeks,
Lauren Moran, Meredith Trio, Rebecca Gvozden, James Griffin, Fisk Lee, Michael
Lamison, Gunnar Hockenberry, Zachary Krieger
President’s Physical Fitness, All 4 Years – Row 1: Michael Lamison Row 2:
Alexis Pollock, Aunna Yingling, Jocelyn Pawcio, Kylie Morder, Allison Hlivko
22 “Middle School Achievement”
Perfect Attendance
Elementary Achievement
It’s an outstanding feat when a student earns an annual perfect attendance certificate. The following students attended
school every day of the 2012-2013 school year.
Perfect Attendance, Kindergarten – MacKenzie Davis-Reese, Trey Farabaugh,
Evelynne Penton
Perfect Attendance, Grade 2 – Gabriel Evans, Evan Allen
Perfect Attendance, Grade 1 – Christina Hanley, Quinn Kuzmiak, Grace Messina
Perfect Attendance, Grade 3 – Joseph Herrera, Alyssa Kush, Shivanshish
Tandukar, Kianna Leiatro
Perfect Attendance, Grade 4 – Reilly Malcolm, Lauren Lavis, Isaac Sotosky
“Elementary Achievement” 23
Elementary Achievement
Our Youngest Scholars
Students in grades 2, 3, and 4 participated in the Science
and Language Arts Olympiads. Both of these contests
are based on multiple-choice questions, which are
administered to grade level groups. Each contest has a
time limit of 35 minutes. There is no limit to the number
of students who may participate. The sum of the top ten
scores for each competition is the school’s team score.
Questions for the Language Arts Olympiad are based
on the following topics: spelling, vocabulary, reading
comprehension, analogies, and grammar. Science Olympiad
questions are based on factual knowledge, as well as
students’ understanding of scientific processes.
Science Olympiad Top Ten, Grade 2 – Row 1: Emma Spisak, Lauren Schiffhauer,
Landrey Burnheimer, Alexandria Easley (1st Place Medal), Morgan Faight Row 2: Emma
Rea, Kaitlyn Newbaker-Layton, Ella Brawley, Iannico Amaranto, Declan McAteer
Language Arts Olympiad Top Ten, Grade 2 – Row 1: Emma Spisak, Olivia Oviedo,
Emma O’Neil, Lauren Schiffhauer, Morgan Faight (1st Place Medal) Row 2: Tristan
Todero, Emma Rea, Madalyn Hoover, Brooke Burns, Alexandria Easley
Science Olympiad Top Ten, Grade 3 – Row 1: Judith Oller, Lauren Anderson (1st
Place Medal), Dunil Karunaratne Row 2: Liam O’Neil, Will Bulas, Alexandria Barnhart,
Shavashish Tandukar Missing from Photo: Lenox Baloglou, Ean Jaber, William Gerow
Language Arts Olympiad Top Ten, Grade 3 – Row 1: Shivanshish Tandukar, Dunil
Karunanratne, Dawson Roman, Lauren Anderson (1st Place Medal), Linnea Johnsson
Row 2: Greta Stager, Judith Oller, Elizabeth Kovalchik, Andie Kovacs Missing from
Photo: Lenox Baloglou
Science Olympiad Top Ten, Grade 4 – Row 1: Catherine Veranese, Layla Dalton,
Hanna Bortz, Eden Balog, Olivia Caper (1st Place Medal) Row 2: Mark Rutledge, David
Assad, Nathaniel O’Stafy, Riley Malcom, Roy Dunn
Language Arts Olympiad Top Ten, Grade 4 – Row 1: Olivia Caper, Lauren Mock
(1st Place Medal), Meghana Gella (1st Place Medal), Lakyn Davis (1st Place Medal), Layla
Dalton Row 2: Kallie Williams, Catherine Veranese, Elliott Sparling, Matthias Noll, Roy
“Elementary Achievement”
Elementary Achievement
Annual WHES
Science Fair
Students in grades 1 through 4 may
participate in our annual Science Fair. This event
represents a collaborative venture between the
Parent Teacher Organization, several district
teachers, and many other members of the
school community. The goal of this initiative is
to develop in our students a sense of curiosity
about the world around them. The following
students have participated in the Science Fair
Science Fair, 4-Year Participants – Row 1: Julia Rutz, Hailey Pavlik, Lauren Mock, Meghana Gella,
Olivia Van Scoyoc, Catherine Veranese, Noah Rose Row 2: Madalyn Dingman, Olivia Grant, Maggie Piro, each year for four years.
Kallie Williams, Abby Wescott, Arrora Schrum, Abbie Pastorek, Alex Ray Row 3: Hanna Bortz, Grace
Brawley, Olivia Caper, Sarah Brandle, Alivia Brown, Lakyn Davis, Lauren Lavis, Matthias Noll
Continental Mathematics League
Continental Mathematics League is a national competition
with the goal of helping students to improve problemsolving skills by challenging them with complex, multistep problems.
The WordMasters competition is designed to increase the
students’ vocabulary by studying a different list of words and
their meanings weekly.
Continental Math League, Grade 3 – Row 1: Andrew Evans (2nd Place Medal),
Maria Mackall (2nd Place Medal), Shivanshish Tandukar (1st Place Medal) Row 2: Judith
Oller, Linnea Johansson, Alexandria Barnhart, Lauren Anderson Missing from Photo:
Lenox Baloglou
WordMasters Top Ten, Grade 3 – Row 1: Lauren Anderson (1st Place Medal), Mallory
Morrell, Julia Dill, Linnea Johansson Row 2: Judith Oller, Shivashish Tandukar, Dunil
Karunaratne, Nora Panek Missing from Photo: William Gerow, Ean Jaber
Continental Math League, Grade 4 – Row 1: Meghana Gella, Layla Dalton, Olivia
Caper, Lakyn Davis Row 2: Elliott Sparling (2nd Place Medal), Xavier Tutko, Kallie
Williams (1st Place Medal)
WordMasters Top Ten, Grade 4 – Row 1: Kallie Williams, Catherine Veranese, Lakyn
Davis, Roy Dunn, Lauren Mock (1st Place Medal) Row 2: Laney Wagner, Xavier Tutko,
Reilly Malcolm, Margot Springer, Elliott Sparling
“Elementary Achievement” 25
Citizenship & Community Service
Westmont Peace Award
Victoria Anne Parlock
Catherine Hubbard
Memorial Award
Abbigail Marie Bealonis
American Red Cross
Blood Drive Scholarship &
Making a Difference
Educational Scholarship
Metz & Associates Scholarship
Donald Charles Shovestull and
Stephanie Lynn Hetrick
Christiana Rodgers Faucher and
Taylor Morgan Davis
Westwood Kiwanis Club
Jill Anne Clark
Faith in Community Award
given by
Moxham Lutheran Church
Lauren Eckland
The Challenge Program Award
for Community Service
Yan Feng Wang
CBW Schools Federal Credit
Union Scholarship
Megan Bernetta Miller
Key Club Award
Jill Anne Clark (Key Cub) and
Elizabeth Ashley Petrell
(Key Club & Kiwanis)
West End Lions Club Scholastic Awards
West End Lions Club Awards: Daniel Brian Durham and
Christiana Rodgers Faucher
(with Dr. Gella, presenter)
Cambria County Secondary
Schools Principals Association
Jill Anne Clark
26 “Citizenship & Community Service”
Citizenship & Community Service
Middle School
Students of Westmont Hilltop High School and Greater Johnstown Career & Technology Center
Row 1: Jillian McKenzie, Madison Lamantia, Amanda Miller, Brandi Grumbling Row 2: Konrad Burns, Michael
Wattman, Ashley Hughes, John Augustine (executive director), Cassidy McCarthy, Amber Harden
Row 3: Matthew Walker, Mariah Weeks, Austin Hipp, Ian Marple
Senatorial Good
Student Government Grade 8
Leadership at the Middle School
Jocelyn Pawcio (Vice President)
Daniel Kevenk (Treasurer)
Megan Rutledge (President)
The purpose of the Senatorial Good Citizenship Award is to give special
recognition from Senator John Wozniak to middle school students (one from
Grades 5-6 and one from Grades 7-8) who meet the following criteria:
Superior academic achievement
Consistent work habits
Good self-image
Ability to get along well with others
Mr. Thomas Simmons presents the
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award to
Gerard Brill.
Abigail Kesslak receives the
Senatorial Good Citizenship Award
from Mr. Thomas Simmons.
Student Government Representatives at the
Middle School – Row 1: Grace Dryer, Maximilian
Yonko, Meryam Salem Row 2: Jonathon Heider, Moses
Zeidan, Cameron Bunn Row 3: Jenna Zatsick, Harrison
Weidner, Molly Callihan Row 4: Jocelyn Pawcio, Daniel
Kevenk, Megan Rutledge
“Citizenship & Community Service”
Citizenship & Community Service
Promoting the Positive
The middle school was able to combine our Olweus Anti-Bullying program and the Positive School-Wide Behavior
Initiative to create a unified group whose main goal was not only to reinforce the theme of our anti-bullying program, but
to also reinforce the idea of a positive school. With these two joint efforts combined and reflected together, a Positive School
Team was formed.
To promote an overall positive school climate, the Positive School Committee (consisting of teachers and twenty-four
7th and 8th grade students), created student-generated videos to promote a more positive school atmosphere, created and
hung locker tags recognizing student achievement, sponsored an anti-cyber-bullying assembly, provided small tokens of
appreciation to all middle school personnel during the school year and assisted with a student-faculty soccer game.
Weekly “circle group” meetings were also held in the middle school to promote “doing the right thing.” The Positive
School Committee assisted teachers in planning for these weekly meetings by creating a monthly calendar that was shared
with all circle group leaders. The group also offered a weekly lesson and/or activity based upon “doing the right thing” and
made additional resources available to circle group leaders as well.
The group also sponsored the “Westy-Won Hundred” program that rewarded students who made a positive difference
in the middle school. The positive reinforcement recognized students who went the extra mile to help themselves, their
classmates and their teachers.
Throughout the school year, the Positive School Committee also changed the main display case outside of the middle
school office to reflect various clubs and activities available to middle school students. To signify our unity as a middle
school, all teachers, staff members and students signed a “puzzle piece” that has been fitted together and wraps around the
entrance to the middle school office. The puzzle, in addition to the available offerings/activities for students, also signifies
the year’s theme of “Where do you fit into the big picture in the middle school?”
There is an important place for all of us!
Grade 7
Ethan Dubnansky
Mackenzie Dunn
Hailey Giuffre
Laina Mastovich
Adam Miller
Joseph Nash
Kaitlyn Poad
Megan Reitz
Margaret Walsh
Zoey Zentkovich
Grade 8
Nastasja Banks
Madison Eppley
Victoria Geiser
Rebecca Gvozden
Brionna Lehman
Kristina Lynch
Lauren Moran
Jocelyn Pawcio
Hannah Robart
Megan Rutledge
Alexis Schiffhauer
Rachel Toth
Meredith Trio
Olivia Wagner
Positive School Team – Row 1: Madison Eppley, Kristina Lynch, Adam Miller, Ethan Dubnansky Row 2: Kaitlyn
Poad, Mackenzie Dunn, Margaret Walsh, Zoey Zentkovich, Victoria Geiser Row 3: Laina Mastovich, Rachel Toth,
Hailey Giuffre Row 4: Rebecca Gvozden, Hannah Robart, Brionna Lehman, Meredith Trio, Lauren Moran, Megan
Rutledge, Nastasja Banks, Jocelyn Pawcio, Alexis Schiffhauer, Joseph Nash Missing from Photo: Megan Reitz,
Olivia Wagner
School Citizenship Awards
Grade 12
Grade 11
Grade 10
Grade 9
Tayler Brittany Boxler
Arik Jeffrey Koontz
Madison Alayne
Anthony John Rosage
Ian Joseph Campbell
Madison Justine
Zachary Michael Yonko
Bailyn Alexis Yost
Baylee Elizabeth Bortz
Daniel Cooley
Sarah Lynette Fisher
Cullen Patrick Kaschalk
Emily Ann Brazill
Mitchell Scott Hochfeld
Bryan Andrew Mock
Gina Marie Yonko
28 “Citizenship & Community Service”
Fleet Reserve Award
Presented to Simon Joseph by
Mr. Greg Simmons
Citizenship & Community Service
American Legion
Each year the American Legion Auxiliary presents a citizenship award to one eighth grade girl and one eighth grade
boy who demonstrate the following:
Honor: Strength and stability of character, high standards of conduct, keen sense of what is right, adherence to truth, and
conscience and devotion to duty.
Scholarship: Scholastic attainment, evidence of industry, and application in studies.
Service: Kindness, unselfishness, willingness to lend a helping hand, protection to the weak and preferment of the interests
and welfare of associates, without hope of personal reward.
Americanism: Active interest in promotion of love of country, as may be expressed in formal exercises, respect to the flag,
knowledge of the National Anthem, the flag salute, adherence to the country’s highest ideals, and worthy citizenship.
Leadership: Ability to do well the duties of leadership assigned to one as exemplified in holding of office, committees, etc.
and exhibition of good team play.
Courage: Show moral courage to stand up for what is right; physical courage in games and play.
The American Legion Award
Presented by Mr. Stephen Lomago to
Madelyn Bridges
The American Legion Award
Presented by Mr. Stephen Lomago to
Allyson Kowalczyk
The American Legion Award
Presented by Mr. Stephen Lomago to
Michael Roper
“Citizenship & Community Service” 29
Citizenship & Community Service
Our Youngest “Good Citizens”
This award was provided by Senator John Wozniak
for students who met the following criteria: 1) superior
academic achievement, 2) leadership capacity, 3) consistent
work habits, 4) positive self-image, and 5) the ability to
interact positively with others. Students are nominated by
the classroom teacher, guidance counselor, and principal to
receive this honor. Recipients of this award for kindergarten
through Grade 4 are presented below.
Citizenship Awards, Kindergarten – Row 1: Taylor H., Logan Glessner, Brady
Rex, Emily Mamula, Lewis Dill, Zoey Lynch Row 2: Maddox Intihar, Kate Piro, Iliana
Miller, Alicia Rice, Luke Snider
Citizenship Awards, Grade 1 – Row 1: Zoe Grant, Hanna Leitenberger, Cayden
Thompson, Brady Manges, Eva Weir, Grace Messina Row 2: Addie Oswalt, Brayden
Dean, Ella Leitenberger, Barrett Gyure, Blake Weslager, Ayda Dorian
Citizenship Awards, Grade 2 – Row 1: Zachary Cagliuso, Derek George, Keira
McNulty, Saul Santiago, Emma Stonecypher Row 2: Ella Brawley, Evan Allen,
Morgan Faight, Macy Flowers, Joshua Neff Row 3: Carissa Krall
Citizenship Awards, Grade 3 – Row 1: Sydney Moore, Chloe Hoffman, Avary
Shander, Linnea Johansson, Anthony Tukanowicz-Hassett Row 2: Makenna Oswalt,
Shivanshis Tandukar, Nathan Bosserman, DaQuan Greenwell, Ella Nibert Row 3: Ella
Rozich, Daniel Heider, Liam O’Neil
Citizenship Awards, Grade 4 – Row 1: Madalyn Dingman, Maggie Piro, Josh
Lawson, Alex Ray, Abbie Pastorek Row 2: Blaise Bloom, Lauren Mock, Samuel
Snider, Kent Krisay, Tyler Mosorjak
30 “Citizenship & Community Service”
Music and the Arts
Into the Woods
A special thanks goes out to Ms. Elizabeth Good, who
has retired after 21 years of producing outstanding
musicals and directing music for the Westmont Hilltop
School District. Beth’s influence will endure.
The Woods (Ensemble)
Nicole Barnhart
Derek Blackner
Mary Clark
Daniel Cooley
Maria DeLisa
Ethan Dumayas
Lindsay Geiser
Garrett Kocian
Meghan Komara
Tori Lehman
Abby Panek
Tamires Pasquerilla
Caroline Rea
Abby Smajda
Catie Van Slyke
Karlee DeMarco, Lauren Ecklund, Seneca Koontz
Madalynn Swaltek
Josh Livingston
David Carney
Baker’s Wife
Jill Kittka
Cinderella’s Stepmother
Kylie Warren
Florinda (Cinderella’s Stepsister)
Emily Ward
Lucinda (Cinderella’s Stepsister)
Madison Milligan
Jack’s Mother
Rachelmae Pulliam
Little Red Ridinghood
Seneca Mastovich
Mariel Kramer
Cinderella’s Father
Shivangshu Tandukar
Cinderella’s Mother/Voice of the Giantess
Dorothea Oller
Mysterious Man
Alex Hockensmith
The Wolf/Cinderella’s Prince
Dante Horvath
Leah Mercik
Rapunzel’s Prince
Matthew Wehner
Abigail Stern
Benjamin Mical
Snow White
Ashley Santichen
Sleeping Beauty
Victoria Albert
In Memoriam
Ella Marjorie Kaufman passed away in Scottsdale, Arizona on June 24, 2013 at the age of 99. As a former district teacher, Mrs.
Kaufman began the 50-year tradition of producing Broadway musicals starting with Oklahoma in 1961 and ending with Carousel
in 1973. She retired after 36 years of teaching in 1973. We attribute this significant part of our history to this educator. For more
information, visit: http://www.hoffmanfuneralhomes.com/book-of-memories/1619446/Kaufman-Ella/obituary.php
“Music and the Arts”
Music and the Arts
Music Monster Awards
James Kocher Memorial Music Award
Dante Horvath (with Kelsey Mills, Susan Thomas, and
Marilyn Mills, presenters)
Johnstown Area Music Scholarship
Dante Horvath
Beth Good (Choral Director), Dante Horvath, Josh
Brumbaugh (Band Director)
Samuel Hillard Outdoor Award
Dante Horvath
Samuel Hillard Indoor Award
MorganAnn Elizabeth Millinder
Ken Null Memorial Award
David James Carney
John Phillip Sousa Award
Shannon Renee Marko
Spectacular Performances
National School Choral Awards
Dante Horvath, Madalynn Swaltek, Elizabeth Good
(presenter), Jill Kittka
Rhythm & Groove Award for Jazz Studies
Shawn Matthew Willard
National School Orchestra Award
Rebekah Marie Platzer
Director’s Award for Band
Emily Rochelle Mayket
Sean Winters Robb
Courtney Lynn Schilling
Pennsylvania Renaissance Faire Madrigal Singing
WHHS Chamber Singers – First Place (October)
Cambria County Junior High Chorus (November)
Kylee Arms, Laken Burkhardt, Jamie Geiser,
Leah Hockensmith, Sarah Kilpatrick, Ashley Kush
PMEA District 6 Chorus (January)
David Carney, Dante Horvath, Jill Kittka, Seneca
Mastovich, Leah Mercik, Madison Milligan,
Dorothea Oller, Madalynn Swaltek, Matthew Wehner
PMEA District 6 Vocal Jazz (February)
Nicole Barnhart, Mary Clark, Rachelmae Pulliam,
Dorothea Oller
PMEA Region III Chorus (March)
Dante Horvath, Madison Milligan, Dorothea Oller,
Matt Wehner
32 “Music and the Arts”
Music and the Arts
Music and the Arts at the Middle School
Middle School Students are enthusiastic musicians and artists. Below is a
sampling of their involvement.
County Chorus
County Chorus – Row 1: Ariana Santos, Olivia Russell, Ayrelyn Blackner, Casey
Moskal, Sophie Hochfeld Row 2: Samantha Bonner, Madison Reitter, Mackenzie
Dunn, Kristina Lynch, Victoria Geiser, Julie Roach, Lily Dudash Row 3: Lee Santee,
Moses Zeidan, Isaiah Yuhas, Taylor Smitherman, Adam Mrozowski, Christian Assad
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Lily Dudash
Sophie Hochfeld
Casey Moskal
Julie Roach
Lee Santee
Moses Zeidan
Christian Assad
Mackenzie Dunn
Adam Mrozowski
Madison Reitter
Olivia Russell
Ariana Santos
Ayrelyn Blackner
Samantha Bonner
Victoria Geiser
Kristina Lynch
Taylor Smitherman
Isaiah Yuhas
Band Fest
County Band
County Band – Row 1: Mackenzie Dunn, Kristina Lynch, Alyssa Beitsinger Row 2:
John Weidner, Benjamin Shiley Row 3: Daniel Kevenk
Grade 7
Grade 8
Mackenzie Dunn
Alyssa Beitsinger
Daniel Kevenk
Kristina Lynch
Benjamin Shiley
John Weidner
Four-Year Ensemble Members Grades 5-8
Harrison Fear
Venkat Gella
Jennifer Hlivko
Fisk Lee
Kristina Lynch
Skyler Moore
John Weidner
Members of All Three EnsemblesEnsemble Excellence
Band Fest, Grade 6 – Row 1: Mark Oller, Christopher Durham, LeeAnn Kuhn
Row 2: Amelia Aiken, Maeve Milligan, Emma Piro
Grade 6
Amelia Aiken
Christopher Durham
LeeAnn Kuhn
Maeve Milligan
Mark Oller
Emma Piro
Members of All Three Ensembles, All Four Years – Fisk Lee, Kristina Lynch,
John Weidner
Fisk Lee
Kristina Lynch
John Weidner
“Music and the Arts”
Music and the Arts
Vocal Ensemble
Jazz Band
Vocal Ensemble – Row 1: Rebecca Gvozden, Kristina Lynch, Ayrelyn Blackner,
Mrs. Santos, Rachel Toth, Victoria Geiser Row 2: Samantha Bonner, Ceira Williams,
Katherine Heaninger, Kayla Vizza, Kirsten Vazquez Row 3: Meredith Trio, Veronica
Kovach, Christian O’Stafy, Daniel Kevenk, Taylor Smitherman, Isaiah Yuhas, Savannah
Summers, Madison Eppley Missing from Photo: Katie Constantino, John Weidner
Jazz Band – Row 1: Olivia Letzo, Jennifer Hlivko, Evan Christie, Olivia Russell Row
2: Kaitlin Haynal, Mackenzie Dunn, John Weidner, Venkat Gella Row 3: Skyler Moore,
Christian O’Stafy, Joseph Nash, Daniel Kevenk, Benjamin Shiley, Stephen Elston
Strings & Things
The Vocal Ensemble is comprised of 20 Middle School
students who expressed an intense interest in preparing for
additional performances, apart from the regular concert
opportunities that 7th & 8th grade chorus provides. They
have performed for the Middle School Concerts and Grade
4 Move-Up Day. They sang the National Anthem for school
events, and for the Tomahawk’s hockey game. The Vocal
Ensemble also produced a spring recital for their family
and friends.
Ayrelyn Blackner
Samantha Bonner
Katie Constantino
Madison Eppley
Victoria Geiser
Rebecca Gvozden
Katherine Henninger
Daniel Kevenk
Veronica Kovach
Kristina Lynch
Christian O’Stafy
Taylor Smitherman
Savannah Summers
Rachel Toth
Meredith Trio
Kirsten Vazquez
Kayla Vizza
John Weidner
Ceira Williams
Isaiah Yuhas
Four-Year Choral Members Grades 5-8
Madelyn Bridges
Madison Eppley
Victoria Geiser
Rebecca Gvozden
Katherine Henninger
Alayna Kalinyak
Fisk Lee
Kristina Lynch
Anna Mesko
Taylor Smitherman
John Weidner
Ceira Williams
Four-Year Orchestra Members
Alyssa Beitsinger
Mary Constantino
Alexandra D’Arrigo
Rebecca Gvozden
Samantha Hong
34 “Music and the Arts”
Fisk Lee
Kristina Lynch
Anna Mesko
Taylor Smitherman
Rachel Toth
Meredith Trio
John Weidner
Matthew Young
Strings & Things – Row 1: Mrs. Cunningham, Meghan Smitherman, Olivia Brill,
Maeve Milligan, Julia Bingler, Kaitlyn Poad, Julie Duong, Ariana Santos, Samantha
Hong Row 2: Daniel Kevenk, Meredith Trio, Destinee Grumbling, Gabrielle Nagorite,
Laina Mastovich, Sophie Hochfeld, Gaerielle Nagorite, Susan Williams Row 3: Taylor
Smitherman, Kristina Lynch, Rebecca Gvozden, Benjamin Shiley, Gabrielle Nash,
Amelia Aiken, Moses Zeidan, Kyle Gordon, Joshua Reitter, Alexis Nibert
Grade 5-6
Grade 7-8
Amelia Aiken
Julia Bingler
Olivia Brill
Julie Duong
Kyle Gordon
Destinee Grumbling
Sophie Hochfeld
Maeve Milligan
Gaerielle Nagorite
Alexis Nibert
Joshua Reitter
Meghan Smitherman
Susan Williams
Moses Zeidan
Rebecca Gvozden
Samantha Hong
Daniel Kevenk
Kristina Lynch
Laina Mastovich
Gabrielle Nagorite
Gabrielle Nash
Kaitlyn Poad
Ariana Santos
Benjamin Shiley
Taylor Smitherman
Meredith Trio
John Weidner
Music and the Arts
Young Artists Exhibition
The following students artwork was chosen to be displayed at the Greater
Johnstown Young Artists Exhibition. Awards were presented at the Middle School
Assembly by Allied Artists of Johnstown and the Cambria County Community
Art Center.
Cambria County
Chorus Festival
In November of this past school
year, several of our Middle School
students performed with students
from fifteen other schools at the
Cambria County Junior High County
Chorus Festival. Our students had the
opportunity to be conducted by two of
the finest directors in Pennsylvania. Middle school music teacher
Mrs. Kristen Santos noted, “Our
students spent hours rehearsing and
mastering pieces, while learning a
fine lesson that consistent work ethic,
dedicated practice, and making a
solid commitment can be rewarded
immensely and intrinsically.”
Cambria County Chorus Festival
Young Artist Exhibition – Row 1: Olivia Wagner, Zoey Zentkovich, Stephanie Rosendale, Joseph Nash, Laina
Mastovich, Kristian Burnheimer Row 2: Emily Barkhimer, Amelia Aiken, Alexis Nibert, Mark Oller, Madison Zitnay,
John Weidner Missing from Photo: Nicholas Albertelli, Gunnar Pankoke
Grade 6
Grade 7
Grade 8
Amelia Aiken
Emily Barkhimer
Alexis Nibert
Mark Oller
Madison Zitnay
Nicholas Albertelli
Kristian Burnheimer
Laina Mastovich
Joseph Nash
Stephanie Rosendale
Zoey Zentkovich
Gunnar Pankoke
Olivia Wagner
John Weidner
Christian Assad
Ayrelyn Blackner
Samantha Bonner
Mackenzie Dunn
Victoria Geiser
Kristina Lynch
Adam Mrozowski
Madison Reitter
Olivia Russell
Ariana Santos
Taylor Smitherman
Isaiah Yuhas
Musical Mentoring
Leadership by students is an
emphasis at Westmont Hilltop
School District. In the photo, the
High School Chamber Singers are
presenting a workshop with the
Middle School Chorus, Grades 7-8.
The Chamber Singers were
divided into three groups. The
groups presented their own
arrangement of a well-known song.
They then taught the Middle School
Chorus the harmony parts and had
them sing along! The theme was creating vocal
harmony, but beyond that, the
Chamber Singers provided valuable
lessons in role modeling, peer
mentoring, and establishing Middle
School and High School connections.
High School Chamber Singers teach the Middle School Chorus, Grades 7-8, the skills needed to
create vocal harmony.
“Music and the Arts”
Athletic Recognition
The Sports Year in Review
The 2012-2013 year in Athletics was yet another banner
year for the Hilltoppers. The fall season kicked off with yet
another championship for the girl’s tennis team, and runner
up finishes for both the boys’ and girls’ soccer teams and
cross country teams. An exciting and promising football
season was highlighted by a goal line stand against Somerset
to seal a victory as well as national prominence in the All the
Right Moves reunion game which was reported across the
country on every major sports network. A solid volleyball
season, and a promising showing by a very young golf team
started the school year off on a positive note for Westy
Winter brought yet more accolades for our athletic
teams. The girls’ basketball team once again played in the
LHAC Championship and advanced to the state tourney,
while the boys team, although the youngest that anyone can
remember, thrilled its fans with up-tempo style and hopes
for the future. Wrestling continued its tradition of winning
by earning a second place in the LHAC, while swimming
continued its dominance in the Johnstown area. Our senior
girls will leave Westmont sporting a 50-1 overall record.
Hockey advanced to the Penguin Cup Semi-final while having
a roster of mainly underclassmen, which bodes well for the
future of hockey in Westmont.
Spring bought us yet another LHAC championship
tennis team, a three-peat by the boys, while track had an
impressive showing and seven athletes moving on to the state
championships. Softball proved to be very exciting this season,
and baseball picked up a pivotal win highlighted by a grand
slam to seal the deal.
Overall Westmont Varsity Athletic Teams had a win loss
record of 192-96 and claimed the Laurel Highlands Athletic
Conference All Sports Trophy. This marks the eighth time
in the 13-year history of the cup that Westmont has claimed
this award. This year’s graduating seniors have two cup
championships under their belt, a feat that makes us proud!
District 6 Sportsmanship Awards
Sportsmanship is always a focus at WHSD. We are grateful for the representation of Margaret Oberst and Lucas Dragovich – District 6 Sportsmanship
36 “Athletic Recognition”
Athletic Recognition
2013 Outstanding Male Athletic Award
Donald Shovestall
Donald Shovestall earned nine varsity letters during his athletic career at Westmont Hilltop. As a three-year letter
winner on the football team, he was named the Hilltoppers’ MVP, the Southern Allegheny Football Coaches Association
Defensive MVP, and was chosen to participate in the Ken Lantzy All-Star Game. During his wrestling career, this three-year
letter winner recorded 75 victories, 48 by fall. He finished in the top 5 in the District 6 individual tournament during each
year of his high school career, was a regional third place finisher his senior year as well as a State Qualifier. Donald also was
named to the PA Wrestling Coaches Association All-Academic Team three times and to the Laurel Highlands and ICWC
All-Conference Teams his senior year. During the spring sports season, he earned two letters in track and field. In the fall,
Donald is going to continue his wrestling career at the Naval Academy Preparatory School in Newport, Rhode Island.
2013 Outstanding Female Athletic Award
Erin Rodgers
Erin Rodgers earned eight varsity letters during her athletic career at Westmont Hilltop. As a four-year letter winner
on the basketball team, she scored over 1000 career points. As a senior tri-captain, she scored 450 points (16.7 per game
average), and also led the team in assists and steals. Erin was the Punxsutawney Holiday Tournament MVP, and at the
conclusion of the season was named to the Tribune-Democrat/AmeriServ All-Star Team, and the Altoona Mirror Classic/
Big John Riley All-Star Team. Erin earned the Dr. Michael Sewak Award as the Outstanding Girls’ Basketball Player for her
senior year. Erin also was awarded a letter in varsity volleyball in 2012, and earned two letters in varsity soccer during
her sophomore and junior years. During the spring sports season, she earned a varsity letter in track and field where she
participated in the 4X100 and 4X400 relay teams. In the fall, Erin is going to attend Robert Morris University.
Donald Shovestull and Erin Rodgers - Outstanding Male and Female Athlete Awards
“Athletic Recognition”
Athletic Recognition
Fast Facts
Boys’ Basketball - The Westmont Hilltop Boys’ Basketball team finished the season with a record of 6 wins and 16 losses.
While the team didn’t experience the success that we have become accustomed to over the last 20 years, the senior class showed
great leadership and has laid the foundation for a deep and talented group of underclassmen. The program says goodbye to
seniors Lukas Kleinmeyer, Lucas Dragovich, Calvin Hetrick, and Michael Vliet. We want to thank them for their commitment
to the basketball program and Westmont Hilltop School District. We wish them well as they pursue their goals.
The following basketball players have received awards for their success this season:
Conor Mendelson Homer Center Tip All-Tournament Team
Lukas Kleinmeyer Windber Rotary Tournament All-Tournament Team, John Khuri Memorial Scholarship: Given to the Boys’
Basketball Player who is competitive on the court and charitable off the court.
Michael Vliet Laurel Highlands All-Conference, Ameriserv/Tribune-Democrat Senior Showcase All-Star
Skip Pristow Award: Outstanding Boys’ Basketball Player at Westmont Hilltop
Cheerleading - Madalynn Swaltek was not only a captain of the varsity squad this past season but was also an effective
leader, who others could look up to. She showed determination, commitment and strong decision-making skills at all times.
Madalynn was a true asset to the squad and her constant smile and positive attitude will be missed.
The 2012-2013 cheering season was a success, as well as a learning experience. The coaches look forward to building off of this
past year, to make next year even better.
Cross Country - 2012 Boys’ Cross Country Outstanding Runner was Kevin Dailey, a senior who earned 1st Team All Area
Team honors all four seasons. He was a 3-time state qualifier. During the 2012 season he helped the team win the District 6 title.
Kevin plans to continue his running at the college level at Robert Morris University.
Hannah Dorian was Westmont’s 2012 Girls’ Outstanding Runner. Hannah helped the girls’ team to an 11-1 dual meet record.
She led the girls to a District 6 team runner-up title and earned a trip to the PIAA state championship meet. Hannah was named
to the 1st Team All Area Cross Country Team for the second consecutive year. She will be expecting bigger and better things for
her senior season.
Football - The 2012 football season was capped off by a win at home on Senior Day against Bishop Carroll. The team ended
with a 2-8 record, and looks to next year’s senior heavy roster to garner much improvement. The 2012 squad also participated
in the remake of All the Right Moves against Johnstown High School. This throwback game was covered across the United States
by the Associated Press. Westmont Hilltop High School named Donald Shovestull as the Most Valuable Player by honoring him
with the David Coulson Outstanding Football Player Award.
Girls’ Tennis - The 2012 ladies tennis team won the Laurel Highlands Athletic Conference with a 14-0 record. The team’s
non-conference record was 1-1 with an overall record of 15-1. The only loss of the regular season came against District 6 AAA
Altoona High School. In District 6 team competition, Westmont Hilltop received a first round bye in the quarterfinals, and then
in the semifinals defeated Tyrone High School 4-1. In the District 6 championship game Westmont defeated Forest Hills 4-1. In
the team state competition the ladies would fall to District 3 Powerhouse Berks County to complete a successful season with a
record of 17-2.
Congratulations go out to Hannah Gleason-Noyes, who received the Adele Dovey Award.
Boys’ Soccer - Dedication, persistence, and heart are merely a few of the words used to describe the 2012 Boys’ Soccer Team.
Plagued with injuries at the beginning of the season, they found themselves with a 3-3 record. The boys rallied to win the next
seven games. They were the only team to beat Bedford, until Bedford got knocked out of the state quarterfinals. They finished
the season in an epic battle with Bishop McCort for the District 6 Championship in which they lost in a shootout ending the
season with a 13-6 record. WESTY PROUD!
Dominic Ramirez was the recipient of the Corona and Grady Coaches’ Award for his endless commitment and excellence in the
sport of soccer. Dominic broke the school’s career scoring title this year with 111 career goals.
Volleyball - The 2012 volleyball team had a successful season in the fall. Their overall record was 13-8, including the District
Playoffs. The team had several memorable wins this past season, including the “blue out,” in which the team raised money for
cancer research in memory of Douglas Spangler.
One of the strongest players on the volleyball court was Rachel Roper, who received the Volleyball Award this school year. Aside from
being the team leader in kills and blocks for three years, Rachel was also selected to the LHAC All-Conference Team in her junior and
senior years and was a 1st Team All-District selection the past two years. In November, Rachel played on the Cambria County All-Star
Team, which was coached by Westmont’s Denise Nairn. Rachel’s career totals include 766 kills and 114 blocks.
38 “Athletic Recognition”
Athletic Recognition
Wrestling - The Varsity wrestling team finished the season with a 9-4 overall record. The team finished second in
the LHAC with a conference record of 6-1. Donald Shovestull placed second at the District VI tournament, third at the
Southwest Regional tournament, and qualified for the PIAA States tournament.
Claycomb Coaches’ Award – Donald Shovestull
Bill Mishler Scholarship Award – Riley Schropp
Milt Lantz Scholarship – Michael Walsh
Golf - In 2012, the outstanding male golfer was Devon Jackson and the outstanding female golfer was Angela Mosbrucker.
The past season was a rebuilding year. We played only one senior and the rest of the starters were underclassmen, with a
number being freshmen. On a very encouraging note, we had six girls on the team, the highest number in school history.
Angela Mosbrucker and Margaret Gerow played in the girls’ District 6 and Angela finished fourth.
Girls’ Soccer - The Westmont Girls’ Soccer Team had an outstanding season finishing with a record of 13-4-2. Shyleigh
Hughes is this season’s outstanding player. She scored 33% of the teams goals, and assisted on 27% of the goals scored. She was
able to play any position on the field.
Girls’ Basketball - Girls’ Basketball ended the season with a record of 21 wins versus 7 losses. They were top in their LHAC
section, but brought home the silver in the LHAC Championship game. In district play, they had a first round bye before beating
Tyrone in the quarter-final round. In the semifinal game, they lost to Bellwood-Antis, but defeated Bald Eagle in the consolation
game to place third in the district and advance to the PIAA state play-offs. In the first round of states, the Lady Hilltoppers fell to
eventual state champ Bishop Canevin.
Coach Hillegass claimed her 200th win, Erin Rodgers scored her 1,000th point, and Paige Lamberson broke the career
3-point record with 161. In addition, the team won the Marion Center Cancer Awareness Tip-Off Tournament, where Paige’s
father, Chuck Lamberson, was awarded $200 for Chuck’s Crusaders for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society, in place of a
championship trophy. The team also won the Punxsutawney Carl Truance Holiday Tournament with Paige Lamberson and
Rachel Roper being named to the All Tournament Team, and Erin Rodgers claiming the Most Valuable Player award.
Paige Lamberson and Erin Rodgers were honored as Tribune Democrat/Ameri-Serv All Stars. Erin Rodgers was also honored
as an Altoona Mirror/Big John Riley All Star where she was named the Most Valuable Player.
Erin Rodgers won the Dr. Michael Sewak award in 2012 for her leadership both on and off the court.
Boys’ Tennis
Westmont Boys’ Tennis Season Accomplishments
· LHAC Champions 14-1
· District 6 Champions - “Three-Peat.”
· States - lost in first round of states to Elco (District 3-3)
· Overall Record: 16 wins, 3 loses
Individual Accomplishments
· Jeremy Burnheimer - District 6 singles finalists
· Andrew Rizkalla - District 6 singles semi-finals
· Jeremy Burnheimer/Benjamin Katz and Michael Arcurio/Jonathan Wagner – both District 6 Doubles semifinalists
Outstanding Player of the Year – Jeremy Burnheimer
Softball 2013 - The varsity softball team had another successful season in 2013. For the third consecutive season, the team
made the District VI playoffs after posting a 9-6 record. Highlights of the season were conference wins over Somerset and
defending LHAC Champion Richland.
We had numerous players hit important career milestones including:
Kaitlin Mical – 25 hits
Kaylee Keefe – 25 hits, 25 RBI
Alyssa Miller – 50 hits, 25 RBI
Victoria Parlock – 65 hits, 50 RBI and, for pitching, 250 K’s and 20 wins.
Victoria Parlock and Alyssa Miller shared the John Horty award.
Alyssa Miller was the 2013 LHAC player.
“Athletic Recognition”
Athletic Recognition
Athletic Achievements
Lori Blackburn Memorial Award
Colin Barron and Bridget Sheehan
– Boys’ Track Team Dedication and
Girls’ Track Team Dedication
Ellwood Ailes Award
Lukas Kleinmeyer and Robert
Varner – Outstanding Baseball Players
Skip Pristow Award
Michael Vliet – Boy’s Basketball
Outstanding Boys’ and
Girls’ Swimmer
John Khuri Memorial Award
Lukas Kleinmeyer – Boys’ Basketball
Outstanding Boys’ and Girls’
Cross Country
Nollaig Noll and Grant Gagnon
Kevin Dailey and Hannah Dorian
Herdman-Dailey Awards
Kevin Dailey and Maura Glennon,
Outstanding Boy’s and Girls’ Track
Outstanding Girls’
and Boys’ Tennis
Hannah Gleason-Noyes, recipient
of the Adele Dovey Award, and
Jeremy Burnheimer,
Robert A. Gleason Award recipient
40 “Athletic Recognition”
Outstanding Boys’ and
Girls’ Soccer
Dominic Ramirez (Corona & Grady
Coaches’ Award) and Shyleigh
Hughes (John Saracena
Coach’s Award)
Athletic Recognition
Outstanding Cheerleader
Madalynn Swaltek
David J. Murphy Award
Sebastian Ragno – Outstanding
Hockey Player
John P. Horty Award
Alyssa Miller and Victoria Parlock
Outstanding Softball Players
Outstanding Volleyball Player
Rachel Roper
David Coulson Award
Donald Shovestull – Outstanding
Football Player
Outstanding Golfers
Devon Jackson, recipient of the Dr.
William J. Hargreaves Award, and
Angela Mosbrucker, Outstanding
Female Golfer
William Askey
Paige Lamberson
Dr. Michael Sewak Award
Erin Rodgers – Outstanding
Basketball Player
Herdman Scholarship
Kevin Dailey - Outstanding Runner
Wrestling Awards
Michael Walsh (Milt Lantz Award),
Donald Shovestull (Claycomb
Coaches’ Award and Outstanding
Wrestler), and Riley Schropp (Bill
Mishler Scholarship)
“Athletic Recognition”
General Information
Sources of Funding
The Westmont Hilltop School District received funding from both federal and state sources and
publicizes receipt. The following is a listing of funding from 2012-2013 school year.
Title I
helps to fund our elementary Title I program.
Title II
provides a portion of an extra teacher’s salary in the elementary school, which helps with class size reduction.
Accountability Block Grant $48,681
funds early childhood initiatives and the
implementation of full-day kindergarten.
helps with special education staffing and related support services for children.
KtO (Keystones to Opportunity)
funds special programs for children
from birth to age 5 before kindergarten.
Senior Residents
Have V.I.P. Status
Each year we are pleased to acknowledge and thank
senior residents for their contributions to our educational
system. Our Senior VIP (Very Important Person)
community members cheer in our stadiums, encourage
our youth, and support our educational processes in a
myriad of ways. The VIP program passes are one way we
try to accomplish that goal. Seniors enjoy free admission
to all school-related athletic events. The only exceptions
are hockey games played at the Cambria County War
Memorial and the annual musical. If you are a senior
resident, age 62 or older, you are eligible for a VIP pass.
To obtain yours, please contact the district office at
42 “General Information”
Attention Parents!
All Westmont Hilltop parents have the power to know
instantly when notifications and newsflashes are posted to
the website.
Please take a minute and go to www.whsd.org to
sign up for e-Notify. This option is part of the Power
Announcement System that enables parents to receive all
district alerts and updates. (Note: This is not part of the
PowerSchool Network.)
To sign up for e-Notify, follow the link on the homepage
of www.whsd.org or click the “Quicklinks” tab from the
main web page at www.whsd.org, and choose “Website
Account Sign Up e-Notify,” from the pull-down menu.
Directions are provided as to how to create an account.
General Information
Annual Public Notice
Helping Children with Special Needs
The Westmont Hilltop School
District provides pre-referral and
special education services to children
with special needs. There are two
important resources for parents and
community members to help in
deciding whether students need extra
help or special services and, if so, what
services are available and how to take
advantage of them. The links to this
information, along with a description
of the type of information available are
listed below.
For more information, please call
your school guidance counselors,
nurses, or building principals as
follows: High School—255-8726,
Middle School—255-8704, or
Elementary School—255-8707. At the
link below, community members will
find information about contact people,
student support teams, signals that
children may need special education,
types of services available, educational
programs for parents, and helping
children in crisis situations. You
may access this site online from any
public library computer, or call the
school if you need online assistance:
www.whsd.org, and click on “District
Departments” and then “Educational
The Intermediate Unit 8 provides
an Annual Public Notice of Special
Education Services and Programs
in the State of Pennsylvania that is
publicized in local newspapers. This
information is also available as the first
‘Link of Interest’ at the following site:
This site includes information
regarding the Pennsylvania
Department of Education’s
responsibility to ensure that all
children with disabilities residing
in the Commonwealth, including
children with disabilities attending
private schools, regardless of the
severity of their disabilities, and who
are in need of special education and
related services, are identified, located,
and evaluated. This responsibility is
required by a federal law called the
Individuals with Disabilities Education
Act Amendments of 2004 (IDEA
‘04). It provides details about special
education law, the Family Education
Rights and Privacy Act, and the types
of programs that are available for
students who have been identified as
being in need of specially designed
instruction and have one or more
of the following physical or mental
Intellectual Disability
Speech and Language Impairment
Emotional Disturbance
Multiple Disabilities
Visual Impairment
including Blindness
Other Health Impairment
Hearing Impairment
Orthopedic Impairment due to
chronic or acute health problems
Specific Learning Disability
Traumatic Brain Injury
Developmental Delay
The processes of early intervention, screening services, evaluation, and educational placement are explained along with
the types of services and levels of support. Information regarding parents and students’ rights and protections are detailed
including issues of privacy and confidentiality, and procedures to be followed if you feel that rights have been violated.
“General Information”
Westmont Hilltop School District
827 Diamond Boulevard
Johnstown PA 15905
Return Service Requested
Westmont Hilltop School District Board Of Education 2013
Mrs. Diana Schroeder: President
Mr. Rooney Gleason: Vice-President
Mr. Gordon Smith: Treasurer
Mrs. Phyllis Forman
Dr. Kamal Gella
Mr. Daniel Hill
Dr. Gary Kramer
Mrs. Michele Trevorrow
Mr. William Trevorrow
Mrs. Regina Rembold: Secretary (Non-Member)
Elementary School
District Administrative Staff 2013
Dr. Susan Anderson, Superintendent
Mr. Steven McGee, Director of Education, Coordinator of Special Education and Federal Programs
Mrs. Regina Rembold, Business Manager
Mr. Joseph Molnar, Technology Director
Mr. Daniel Ream, Facilities Manager
Building Administrative Staff 2013
Mr. Matthew Thomas, High School Principal
Mr. Thomas Mitchell, Principal Grades 5 & 9, Cyber Academy and Alternative Education
Mrs. Nicole Kuzmiak, Middle School Principal
Mr. Edward Benning, Elementary School Principal
Mission Statement
Middle School
The mission of the WHSD, in partnership with our community, is to prepare each student to be an informed,
ethical, responsible adult in a changing and competitive global society through high expectations and a
challenging educational program offering knowledge and skills within a safe, nurturing environment.
Civil Rights Statement
The Westmont Hilltop School District, an equal opportunity employer, will not discriminate in employment, educational
programs or activities, based on race, color, religion, national origin, gender, age, ancestry, sexual orientation, or disability.
Publication of this policy in this document is in accordance with state and federal laws including: The Civil Rights Act
of 1964, as amended, Title IV, Title VI, Title VII, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 503 & 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act of 1973, and the American Disabilities Act of 1992.
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High School