village of valemount 2005 annual report and financial
village of valemount 2005 annual report and financial
VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT April, 2005 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT TABLE OF CONTENTS Page(s) Introduction ................................................................................. 1 Mayor and Council Roles ....................................................... 2 - 3 2004 in Review....................................................................... 4 - 7 2005 Major Projects Overview ............................................... 8 - 9 Municipal Services Review ................................................ 10 - 11 Administrative Services ...................................................... 12 - 13 Major Capital Projects for 2004 Review ............................. 14 - 18 Major Capital Projects for 2005 ......................................... 19 – 23 Major Capital Projects for 2006 (and Beyond).................... 24 - 25 Other (Future) Projects.............................................................. 26 Public Input ............................................................................... 27 Declarations of Disqualification ................................................. 27 Permissive Tax Exemptions ...................................................... 27 Schedules Appendix “1” Council Biographies Appendix “2” Administrative Functions Appendix “3” Development Statistics Appendix “4” 5-Year Water Capital Plan Appendix “5” 5-Year Sewer Capital Plan Appendix “6” 2004 Tax Breakdown (pie graph) Appendix “7” 2004 Financial Statements - Auditor’s Report - distributed as separate document VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT INTRODUCTION INTRODUCTION The new Community Charter requires municipalities in British Columbia to prepare an “Annual Report” for its stakeholders. The Annual Report shall outline the following; A report respecting municipal services and operations for the previous year, A progress report respecting the previous year in relation to the objectives and measures established for that year, A statement of municipal objectives, and the measures that will be used to determine progress respecting those objectives, for the current and next year(s), Any declarations of disqualification made under the Community Charter in the previous year, including identification of the Council member or former Council member involved and the nature of the disqualification, For each tax permissive exemption provided by Council under the Community Charter, the amount of property taxes that would have been imposed on the property in the previous year if it were not exempt from taxes, Any other information the Council considers advisable. In addition, the Annual Report shall contain a copy of the Audited Annual Financial Statements for the municipality for the previous year. A public consultation process has been incorporated into the preparation of this report. We hope that the report will provide a meaningful overview of the Village’s operations for 2004 and projected operations for 2005 and years beyond. This report represents the Second Annual Report for the Village of Valemount. Mayor and Council 1 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT MAYOR AND COUNCIL ROLES COUNCIL ROLE: It is the role of Council to act as the governing body of the municipal corporation; to make decisions necessary for the successful and continuing operation of the municipality; and to represent the best interests of the citizens of the municipality as a whole. Council is a continuing body, not withstanding changes in its membership by election or appointment, and exercises its powers through resolutions and bylaws passed in open meetings. Council acts as a collective body. It is important to note that the members of Council can not make valid and binding decisions independently, unless express authority has been granted or legislated. Council acts to foster economic and social opportunities for the community, and strives to advance the goals and objectives of the municipality. Council: (Front) Mayor Jeannette Townsend. Back Row (l to r): Councillor Bobbie Roe, Councillor Rita Tchir, Councillor Les Dammann, Councillor Joan Nordli 2 MAYOR’S ROLE: The Mayor is the Head and Chief Executive Officer of the municipality. In addition to the Mayor’s responsibilities as a member of Council, the Mayor is responsible to provide leadership to Council, including recommending bylaws, resolutions and others measures that in the Mayor’s opinion, may assist the peace, order and good government of the municipality. The Mayor’s role is also to communicate information to Council; to preside at Council meetings; to provide, on behalf of the Council, general direction to municipal officers respecting implementation of municipal policies, programs and other directions of the Council; and to represent the best interests of the citizens of the municipality. COUNCILLOR’S ROLE: Every Council member is responsible to contribute to the development and evaluation of the policies and programs of the municipality respecting its services and other activities; to participate in Council meetings, Committee meetings and meetings of other bodies to which a member is appointed; to carry out the duties assigned by Council; to consider the well-being and interests of the corporation, and to represent the best interests of the citizens of the municipality. (SEE APPENDIX “1” FOR COUNCIL BIOGRAPHIES) 3 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT 2004 IN REVIEW 2004 has proven to be an extremely productive year for the Village of Valemount. A great number of projects were accomplished during the year and several more initiated which will be completed in 2005. ONGOING PROJECTS Several ongoing projects were advanced in 2004 including completion of a Vision Statement, Socio-Economic Study and Implementation Strategy in relation to the Valemount and Area Integrated Land Use Plan. This is a jointly sponsored project (Village of Valemount, Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, and Land and Water BC) intended to have multiple Provincial, Regional and local agencies review development in the Canoe/Robson Valley in a coordinated fashion. Work on the Canoe Mountain Resort and Boundary Extension is progressing with greater detailed site development planning being undertaken by Canoe Mt. Resorts. A Boundary Expansion Analysis outlining the benefits and consequences of boundary extension was completed for the Village of Valemount by Urban Systems Ltd. In 2003 a grant was approved to pursue the establishment of Broadband services for Valemount and Area. Work on this project was advanced in 2004 and it is expected that physical construction of plant and infrastructure will be completed in 2005. The project will provide high speed internet services to those residents of Valemount and surrounding area not currently receiving this service. BYLAWS Village Council enacted a series of new Bylaws: Council adopted a new Council Procedures Bylaw to ensure meeting procedures conform with the requirements of the new Community Charter; Council also adopted a revised Development Cost Charge Bylaw to meet the infrastructure financing requirements for new infrastructure that will be required to accommodate future growth in the community; 4 a modernized Untidy and Unsightly Premises Bylaw was adopted to provide a more effective means of dealing with untidy and/or unsightly premises in the community; and a revised Animal Control Bylaw, to address in particular dangerous dog issues, was enacted. Other bylaws of interest which were adopted during the course of the year included: a new Water and Sewer Connection Fees and Connection Inspection Regulations Bylaw (to increase rates for water and sewer connections, and to establish requirements and rates for inspection of connections to municipal systems); a new Land Clearing Burning Regulations Bylaw (to allow burning of land clearing debris at certain times of the year and under certain conditions); a Municipal Officers Appointment Bylaw (to formally establish officers positions for the municipality); and an Officers, Employees and Council Members Indemnity Bylaw (establishing indemnification measures for officers, employees and Council members while acting in the course of their duties). Additionally, Council adopted new Enforcement Provisions for domestic Water Use and a Water Conservation Bylaw, as well new Signage Regulations which will come into force early in 2005. PLANS AND STUDIES A large part of the Village’s time in 2004 revolved around the development and completion of a series of studies and planning projects for the community. The Village adopted its First Annual Report in the Spring of 2004. This reporting process was well received in the community, particularly by the local Press, as the report sets out Council’s objectives and goals for the next year, and projected major projects being contemplated over the next five (5) year period. The Village undertook and completed major revisions to its Municipal Emergency Plan, and developed Emergency Response Guidelines for its Water and Sewer Systems. As well, the municipality established a new WCB – Workplace Safety Logbook System. The Village also completed Phase I of an Airport Improvements Study, allowing the municipality to successfully apply for a grant to undertake initial GPS and 5 lighting improvements at the Municipal Airport (a further airport improvement study will be undertaken in 2005). With planning grant assistance from the Union of BC Municipalities and the Provincial Government, the Village has initiated a Drought Management Study, and a Wildland Fire Protection and Prevention Strategy Study. Both of these projects are expected to be completed early in 2005. The Village undertook and completed an Environmental Impact Assessment and a Plant Upgrades Review for its Sewage Treatment Facility. As well the Village has applied for funding to undertake a Forest Inventory and Analysis Study to advance its efforts in pursuing a Community Forest. A Water Quality Study which was commenced in 2003 is expected to be completed early in 2005. MAJOR PROJECTS The municipality completed a water extension on Martin Street and Elm Street providing critical looping of the Village’s water system. As well, the Village commenced Phase I of its Water Metering Program (water meters for commercial premises) as part of the Village’s Water Conservation Program. Following meetings and discussions with affected residents and business owners, Council initiated a boundary expansion process to incorporate a number of residential and commercial properties, adjacent to existing municipal boundaries, into the municipality. The boundary expansion process is hoped to be completed early in 2005, following which the municipality will initiate municipal service extension into the subject areas. The Village provided assistance with the establishment of a new organization formed to promote winter recreation and snowmobiling in the area. The Valemount and Area Recreation Development Association (VARDA) will lead in the promotion of winter recreation and snowmobiling in Valemount, as well as the implementation of a recently adopted Provincial Sustainable Resource Management Plan for the region. The new Valemount Secondary School is proceeding with construction being commenced in the Fall of 2004. Completion is scheduled for the Fall of 2005 with the new school opening for service in January of 2006. Village Council initiated the process to purchase the Valemount Courthouse and lease the facility back to the BC Building Corporation for a five (5) year period with a five (5) year lease renewal option. The purchase was viewed as a logical and revenue positive investment for the municipality. 6 STAFF With the retirement of public works employee Wayne Schnell, seasonal employee Bill Saunders was brought on full time, and Don Venance was brought on for seasonal employment. OTHER PROJECTS Council established an Equipment Replacement Program. The program sets out the long term (10 year) equipment requirements of the municipality and has created a financing regime to meet the objectives set out in the program. Positive strides were made in the way of public education and observance of local water conservation initiatives. Revised sprinkling regulations were adopted to simplify watering restrictions. As well, preliminary water conservation educational materials were shared with all hotel and motel operators in the community to encourage smart use of our valuable water resources. Valemount Courthouse 7 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT 2005 MAJOR PROJECTS OVERVIEW 2005 is gearing up to be another very productive year for the Village of Valemount. Sewer System Upgrades The Village has applied for Provincial funding assistance, under the British Columbia Water Improvements Program, to upgrade the community’s Municipal Sewage Treatment Plant. The total cost of the project is projected at $2.1 million. Pre-feasibility work is planned for 2005, with plant reconstruction projected for 2006, if Provincial funding is approved. Airport Improvements Council received an announcement from Minister of Transportation Kevin Falcon, that the Village of Valemount was successful in receiving a grant of $350,000.00 for Municipal Airport Lighting and GPS improvements. This work is expected to be completed over the summer of 2005. Water System Improvements The Village will be undertaking a major water main extension project to upgrade line size from Juniper Street to Cedar Street from 250mm to 350mm main. The work will involve one railway underground crossing. The Village will also be continuing on with its water conservation program, including Phase II of its commercial water metering program (restaurant facilities), as well as enforcement of sprinkling regulations and publication and distribution of water conservation educational materials. Paving Program Village Council will also be undertaking a major paving program to complete asphalt surfacing on Juniper, Gordon, Williams and Martin. Planning Studies A series of planning projects have been initiated or are nearing completion, and will be finalized in 2005 including; ♦ adoption of a Community Wildfire Protection and Prevention Planning Strategy, ♦ adoption of a Drought Management Study, ♦ completion of a Forest Inventory Analysis, Visual Landscape Modelling exercise and a Community Forest Feasibility and Value Added Manufacturing Study, ♦ completion of a Softwood Industry Community Economic Adjustments Initiative (SICEAI) Study, ♦ finalization of a Water Quality Study, 8 ♦ and initiation and completion of a Water Extension Study and Water Modelling exercise for lands being newly incorporated into municipal boundaries. Boundary Expansion The Village will be taking steps to implement services and operations for the areas newly incorporated into Village boundaries. General services will become effective immediately with water services being planned for extension in 2006. Bylaws A number of municipal Bylaws and/or Bylaw amendments are proposed for 2005, including revisions to the community’s Street Naming Bylaw, House Numbering Bylaw and Board of Variance Bylaw. As well, new Subdivision and Development Procedures Bylaws are proposed and a new Airport Authority and Regulation Bylaw will be pursued. Other Major Projects The Village has applied for Provincial funding, under the Olympic / Paralympic Live Sites Program, to construct a new “Gateway” Visitor Information / Interpretive Centre in Valemount. Notice of project funding approval has been received. The Village proposes to proceed with this project as soon as possible Work will be commenced and is expected to be completed in 2005/2006 under a Federal Government funding initiative to expand Broadband Services for Valemount and Area. Through various planning initiatives the Village will be advancing its interest in establishing a Community Forest. Little Lost Lake 9 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT MUNICIPAL SERVICES REVIEW Tax payers and residents often overlook the sheer volume and value of services provided by their local governments. While a great number of services are provided by local governments, often less than half of the property tax bill goes to the local government. Some of the services provided within the Village of Valemount include; Road Maintenance -including paving, pot hole patching and crack repairs, maintenance of sidewalks and shoulders, maintenance and installation of signage, line painting, maintenance of public parking areas, snow removal, street sweeping, ditch and storm drainage maintenance Water Systems -provision of drinking water, provision of water and hydrants for fire protection purposes Sewer Systems -collection, treatment and disposal of domestic sanitary sewage Garbage Collection -residential and commercial garbage (solid waste) collection and disposal through contract service Parks Facilities -maintenance of community owned parks and facilities (also contract maintenance of some Regional District park facilities); includes parks equipment maintenance and upgrading Cemetery Services -maintenance of community cemetery Animal Control -provision of animal control services (primarily dog control and licensing) 10 Building Inspection -provision of building inspection services to provide compliance with Provincial building, plumbing and fire code regulations Subdivision Approvals -subdivision approvals to ensure compliance with local land development regulations to ensure a level of consistency in land servicing Zoning and Land Use -provision of regulations to ensure some level of consistency and advance indication of land uses Bylaw Enforcement -enforcement of local land use, noise, nuisance and related regulations. Enforcement initiated upon complaint Economic Development -attraction of economic development interests and business opportunities Tourism Development -operation of Tourist Information Centre and promotion of tourism development and tourist attraction opportunities Recreation Programs -the Village assists in the promotion of recreational programs in the community through provision of facilities, advertising and assistance with program coordination. 11 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES ADMINISTRATION Involves activities within the following departments; Administration and Finance principally supported by: • • • • Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Administrator Treasurer Clerical, Reception and Accounting Staff More specifically involving activities related to municipal administrative operations including business licensing, bylaw preparation and implementation, records management, elections, grants administration, financial records keeping and reporting, budgeting, planning (both fiscal and land use), land development and personnel management. PUBLIC WORKS AND ENGINEERING Involves activities within the following departments; Public Works and Engineering Services principally supported by: • • • • • Public Works Superintendent Building Inspector Bylaw Enforcement Officer Consulting Engineers Public Works Employees More specifically involving activities related to municipal works and services, engineering structures, planning and design, animal control, parks maintenance, roads, water and sewer systems maintenance and improvements, building inspection services, local assistant to the Fire Commissioner Services, airport maintenance, garbage collection, cemetery services and bylaw enforcement. 12 ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM Involves activities within the following departments; Economic Development and Tourism Services principally supported by: • • • Economic Development Officer Tourism Manager/Recreation Coordinator Summer Info Center Staff More specifically involving activities related to economic development and promotion, tourism centre operations, tourism promotion, recreation programs community projects and community investment. (SEE APPENDIX “2” FOR DESCRIPTION OF ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS) Village Staff Front Row (l to r) Suzanne Bloodoff, Paulette Michaud, Florence Smith, Judy Bosh, Elizabeth Hardy. Back Row (l to r) D.B. (Doug) Fleming, Sandy Janum, Al Smith, Don Venance, Billy Saunders, Marshall Etty, Silvio Gislimberti, Murray Capstick 13 Service Function: SEWER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Objectives: To facilitate sewer system improvements Strategies: • To undertake sewer system studies to address required Sewer Plant Upgrades (currently exceeding capacity) and Environmental Impact Analysis of the sewer plant on adjacent Crown Lands. Measurements: Success of this project will be measured by the completion of the subject studies. (Implementation plans will be developed following the study completions, as required). Benefits: Studies will address Sewer System Improvements required to meet with Provincial Standards and Improved Systems Capacity. RESULTS: ♦ Sewer Treatment Plant Upgrades report and Environmental Impact Assessment report – completed Service Function: CREATION OF AN INTEGRATED LAND USE PLAN FOR THE CANOE/ROBSON VALLEYS. Objectives: In concert with planning partners Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management, Regional District of Fraser Fort George, and, Land and Water BC, the creation of an Integrated Land Use Management Plan will guide development and land use opportunities in the Canoe/Robson valleys. Strategies: • To contract with a planning consultant to undertake a social economic review of Valley issues and to work with the Ministry of Sustainable Resource Management to finalize a comprehensive land use planning strategy for the Valleys. Measurements: Success of this task will be measured by the successful completion of this planning project. Benefits: Will identify development opportunities in the valley and create key land use planning and development decision making strategies. RESULTS: ♦ Socio/Economic Study and Implementation Strategy – completed. Final report being prepared. 15 Service Function: Objectives: Strategies: ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT AND TOURISM PROMOTION To increase economic development interest and investment in the community, To increase tourist promotion activities and tourism advertising for the municipality • • To pursue economic initiatives identified in current and previous Village studies, including Industrial Adjustment Surveys, SICEAI initiatives, economic development studies and current economic investment inquiries. To provide for more advertising of tourist attractions and attendance at tourist related trade shows. Measurements: Success of these tasks will be measured through a noticeable increase in economic activity within the Village (ie. new building construction, increased building permit values, infill of vacant commercial properties); and through increased tourism advertising and attendance at trade shows. Benefits: Benefits from these activities will include improved commercial services for residents, increased taxation base and community investment; as well as increases in the number of tourists visiting Valemount (recorded through the Visitor Information Centre). RESULTS: ♦ Work is advancing or ongoing in relation to Economic Development and Tourism Promotion. Formation of Valemount and Area Recreation Development Association, aimed at promoting winter recreation and snowmobiling industry; SICEAI initiatives to be completed in 2005 by newly established Valemount and Area Recreation Development Association (VARDA) with assistance from Valemount Economic Development Commission; Valemount and Area Integrated Land Use Plan (VAILUP) being completed; Industrial Adjustment Committee Initiatives being pursued; attendance at Edmonton Snowmobile Show. 16 Service Function: COMMUNITY BYLAW AMENDMENTS Council (Meeting) Procedures Bylaw Animal Control Bylaw Development Cost Charges Bylaw Sign Regulation Bylaw Objectives: Strategies: To update and modernize municipal Bylaws. • • • • To modernize the Council (Meeting) Procedures Bylaw to reflect requirements of the New Community Charter; To revise the Municipality’s (1984) Animal Control Bylaw, to make provisions for the control of dangerous and/or vicious dogs; and to improve the level of dog control services in the municipality, To revise Municipal Development Cost Charges for new developments in the community to offset municipal infrastructure costs; To develop a new Sign Regulation Bylaw. Measurements: Success of these projects will be measured by the adoption of the subject Bylaws, as well as increased patrols and dogs at large and pick-up by Public Works crews. Benefits: Project benefits will include compliance with new Community Charter legislation; an increase in animal control compliance; collection of funds for future infrastructure development; new signage regulations. RESULTS: ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Council (Meeting) Procedure Bylaw – completed Animal Control Bylaw – completed Development Cost Charge Bylaw – completed Sign Regulation Bylaw – adopted in January of 2005 17 Service Function: BOUNDARY EXTENSIONS Canoe Mountain Southeast (Marsh subdivision) Area West of Highway #5 (Shell –Kings subdivision) Objectives: • • With the announcement of the Canoe Mountain (Gondola Resort) project, Council will initiate a boundary expansion process to incorporate the proposed resort development lands. Various requests have been received over the past several years to consider expanding municipal services, in particularly water, to the areas Southeast and West (across Highway #5) of present Municipal Boundaries. Council currently has a policy of no service extension to areas outside of Municipal Boundaries. Council will take an indepth look at these boundary extension possibilities in consultation with affected property owners. Strategies: To undertake reviews and consultations with affected property owners and residents and to explore costs and benefits to owners/residents and the municipality of boundary and service extensions. Measurements: The success of these projects will be measured by the completion of the subject boundary extensions. Benefits: Will increase taxation revenues to municipality, provide services to boundary extension residents, improve development control and broaden the Village’s assessment base. RESULTS: ♦ Canoe Mountain Boundary Extension – under review ♦ Boundary Extension Southeast and Area West of Highway #5 – in process. Visitor Info Centre 18 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR 2005 Service Function: JUNIPER TO CEDAR WATERMAIN EXTENSION Objectives: To upgrade the Village’s primary watermain from 250 mm diameter AC pipe to 350 mm diameter PVC pipe to refresh aging infrastructure to accommodate future growth and development opportunities for the community. Strategies: To work with the Village Engineers during the design and construction of this project, and to engage qualified contractors to perform the work proposed, including one major railway crossing. Measurements: This project will be measured through the successful completion and installation of the watermain. Benefits: Replacement of aging infrastructure with newer, larger diameter pipe will increase capacity and length of service of water infrastructure. The subject upgrading will also serve to accommodate residential and commercial expansion in the community. Service Function: WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS Water Metering – Phase II Objectives: To continue to improve and upgrade the community’s water system. Strategies: To continue with the Village’s commercial water metering program (Phase II – 2005). Phase II of the Program will address restaurant operations. Measurements: Success of the identified projects will be measured through such means as number of water meters installed; reduction in metered users water consumption; and completion of water system improvements as outlined in the 5 Year Water System Improvement Plan. Benefits: System improvements will benefit residents and businesses through increased system capacity; and improved water conservation measures. 19 Service Function: SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADE PRE-DESIGN Objectives: To create a development plan which will guide construction of improvements required to meet provincial sewage effluent disposal criteria, while accommodating for future growth in the community. Strategies: To engage Village Engineers for the purpose of preparing a Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrade Pre-design, based on the recommendations of a recent Environmental Impact Assessment and Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrading Options Study. To apply for funding for Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrading through the BC Community Water Improvement Program (BCCWIP). Measurements: Success of this project will be measured by completion of the subject pre-design study and application for BCCWIP funding assistance. Benefits: This project will benefit the municipality by creating the required sewer infrastructure which will enable the Village to meet Provincial effluent discharge standards and meet future growth expectations. Service Function: MUNICIPAL BYLAW AMENDMENTS Objectives: To update/modernize Municipal Bylaws. Strategies: To create a new comprehensive Development and Land Use Amendment Procedures Bylaw and a new Subdivision Procedures Bylaw to enhance and streamline development approval processes. To modernize the Board of Variance Bylaw to reflect current regulations. To revise the Village’s House Numbering and Street Numbering Bylaws to accommodate growth and development in the community. Measurements: Success of these projects will be measured by the adoption of the subject Bylaws. Benefits: Both the municipality and the development community will be better served by efficient, effective and descriptive bylaw processes. As well there is a need to update the Village’s House Numbering and Street Numbering Bylaws to accommodate expected future growth. 20 Service Function: GENERAL STUDIES Wildfire Protection/Prevention Strategy Drought Management Study Softwood Industry Community Economic Adjustment Initiatives (SICEAI) – Tourism/Recreation Marketing Strategy Objectives: Strategies: To finalize a series of study initiatives promoting community safety and economic development. To work with a local consultant to develop a Wildfire Protection and Prevention Strategy for fire smart safety of the community of Valemount. To complete a Drought Assessment and Management Study to address drought related issues and contingency plans impacting the community. To work through the Valemount and Area Recreation Development Association to complete a series of study components addressing the organization, marketing, infrastructure development and associated issues relating to winter recreation (snowmobiling) opportunities for the region. Measurements: Success of this project will be measured by completion of each of the identified studies. Benefits: The above projects will benefit the Village by establishing safety measures, mitigation planning and by setting out winter recreational opportunities in the area. The projects will benefit residents and businesses by establishing fire smart planning initiatives and by addressing potential drought related concerns and issues. The project will also directly benefit VARDA by providing the information necessary to set goals and objectives for further development of the snowmobiling industry in this region. Service Function: EQUIPMENT REPLACEMENT – PUBLIC WORKS VEHICLE Objectives: To maintain an efficient operating level for Village equipment. Strategies: To replace one Public Works Vehicle (pick-up truck). Measurements: The success of this task will be measured by the acquisition of one new public works vehicle. Benefits: Maintaining a Public Works fleet in good repair will equate to efficiencies in service delivery. 21 Service Function: JUNIPER/MARTIN/WILLIAMS/GORDON PAVING PROJECT Objectives: Following extension of the Juniper to Cedar watermain, to undertake a major paving initiative to pave Juniper Street, Martin Road, Williams Road and Gordon Road. Strategies: To hire a paving contractor capable of completing this major capital paving program. Measurements: Success of this project will be measured through completion of paving of the subject streets. Benefits: The community, and particularly area residents, will benefit from this work by improving access and reducing road maintenance costs. Service Function: EXTENSION OF BROADBAND SERVICE TO VALEMOUNT AND AREA Objectives: To develop infrastructure required to extend broadband services from Valemount to the regional community. Strategies: Working under a grant from Industry Canada, to contract to construct the infrastructure necessary to extend broadband service to areas adjacent to the Village of Valemount, south from Canoe Mountain and north to McBride. Measurements: The success of this project will be measured through the installation of infrastructure (towers, repeaters, etc.) required to feed broadband service throughout the region, and more specifically through the number of clients subscribing to the new service. Benefits: This project will benefit Valemount by providing broader internet servicing, increasing entrepreneurial capacity thereby stimulating economic activity. 22 Service Function: MUNICIPAL AIRPORT IMPROVEMENTS Objectives: To install GPS (non-precision instrument) approach and the minimal required airport lighting to permit the airport to be designated/certified for 24-hour operation. This project will be Phase I of a developing longer term Airport Improvements Program. Strategies: To engage contractors with knowledge and experience to install airport GPS and lighting controls. Measurements: Success of this project will be measured by completion of the proposed work. Benefits: The airport improvements proposed will benefit the community through an improved transportation infrastructure, and will afford greater access to the Municipal Airport for general and emergency use. Service Function: VISITOR INFORMATION CENTRE Objectives: To construct a new Visitor Information and Interpretive Centre on Village owned land located at the corner of Highway #5 and Jack Pine Road. Strategies: The Village will engage an Architect to design the structure for a new “Gateway” Visitor Information Centre. The Village will coordinate construction of the Centre which will act as a lasting legacy for the community and region. Measurements: Grant funding requires substantial completion by March 31, 2006. It will be the Village’s objective to meet this deadline. Benefits: Long-term benefits are expected to accrue to the Village as a result of the new Visitor Information/Interpretive Centre. Drawing tourists off the Highway will improve the Village’s chances to encourage longer visitor stays in the area, and travel into the Village’s Commercial Centre. 23 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR 2006 (AND BEYOND) Service Function: ACQUISITION AND OPERATION OF CANOE MOUNTAIN (GONDOLA) RESORT INFRASTRUCTURE (WATER SYSTEM, SEWER SYSTEM AND ROAD SYSTEMS) Special Notes: The developer of the Canoe Mountain Gondola Resort project (Sunrise International Inc.) has outlined their intent to construct a major resort development including a Gondola to the top of Canoe Mountain, single family residential and condominium housing units, a resort hotel, golf course and related commercial facilities. The properties are to eventually be incorporated into municipal boundaries. Once completed the developer would propose to turn over the onsite infrastructure works (water system, sewer system and road systems) to the municipality for ongoing maintenance. Objectives: To make provisions for the acquisition of new infrastructure (water system, sewer system and road systems) including the creation of specified area Bylaws for financial servicing for such new infrastructure. Strategies: To develop agreements for the transfer of Canoe Mountain infrastructure assets to the municipality. To create Specified Area Bylaws to provide for financial servicing of infrastructure Measurements: The success of this task will be measured by the completion of infrastructure transfer agreements and the development of specified area servicing Bylaws. Benefits: Delivery of infrastructure assets from Canoe Mountain will be offset by the Village’s ability to tax/charge for infrastructure systems maintenance. Overall benefits to the municipality will include improved assessment base, population increase and community economic generation. 24 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT MAJOR CAPITAL PROJECTS FOR 2004 REVIEW Service Function: WATER SYSTEM IMPROVEMENTS Elm Street Water Main Extension Water Main Looping – Juniper Street to Main Street and Martin Road to Main Street. Phase I of a three phase Commercial Water Metering Program Objectives: Strategies: To improve water system capacity and initiate water conservation measures. • • • To extend the Municipality’s water system on Elm Street from 9th Avenue to 17th Avenue To increase water main capacity from Juniper Street to Main Street and to create a water system loop by extending the water main on Martin Road to Main Street To initiate a Commercial use Water Metering program. (Phase I of the program will address hotel/motel facilities). Measurements: The success of these tasks will be measured by completion of the water main extension on Elm Street, including lateral servicing to adjacent properties; completion of water main upgrading and looping from Juniper Street to Main Street and Martin Road to Main Street; and completion of Phase I of the Water Metering Program. Benefits: Water system improvements will benefit residents through improved system capacity, opening opportunities for new land development, and working constructively towards water conservation measures for the community. RESULTS: ♦ Elm Street Water Main Extension – completed ♦ Martin Street water system loop – completed ♦ Juniper Street to Main Street water main upgrading deferred to 2005 ♦ Commercial Water Metering Program commenced (Hotels/Motels) – work to be completed in 2005 14 Service Function: WATER SYSTEMS IMPROVEMENTS Water Metering – Phase III Water System Upgrading Watershed Protection Strategy Objectives: Strategies: To continue to improve and upgrade the community’s water system. To continue with commercial water metering program (Phase III - 2006), including the adoption of a new Commercial Metered Rates Bylaw. Phase III will address other large volume commercial users. To continue with water system upgrading and capacity improvements as outlined in the Village’s 5 Year Water System Improvement Program (attached as Schedule 4). To initiate a Watershed Protection Strategy Plan. Measurements: Success of the identified projects will be measured through such means as number of water meters installed; creation of a commercial Metered Rates Bylaw; reduction in metered users water consumption; completion of water system improvements as outlined in the 5 Year Water System Improvement Plan; and submission of a grant application to develop a Watershed Protection Strategy. Benefits: System improvements will benefit residents and businesses through increased system capacity; improved water conservation measures; and initiation of protection measures over the community watershed. Service Function: SEWAGE TREATMENT PLANT UPGRADES Objectives: To upgrade the Village’s Sewage Treatment Plant, as identified in the Village’s Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrades Report, to meet aging infrastructure needs and to bring the plant into full compliance with Provincial Sewage discharge regulations. Strategies: To undertake required system upgrades through qualified specialized contractors. Measurements: The success of this project will be measured by the completion of the required Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrades. Benefits: Residents and businesses will benefit from this project by ensuring a properly functioning community Sewage Treatment facility. As well, growth and development in the community can better be accommodated through expanded treatment capacity. 25 26 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT OTHER (FUTURE) PROJECTS A number of important community projects have been identified for Council consideration. The scope of these projects will be further refined during future budget planning processes. Airport Improvements – runway expansion and widening Community Beautification – community beautification and Downtown revitalization initiatives Community Forest – to look at the development of a community forest, including ownership and operational aspects Water System Improvements – to respond to future projections for further water system treatment requirements (Project consideration will be subject to funding identification and will form part of the community’s economic diversification efforts.) Valemount Aerial View 26 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT PUBLIC INPUT A public meeting was held on May 10, 2005 to receive input from residents and ratepayers into the preparation of the Village’s Annual Budget and in setting Goals and Objectives for future municipal programs for inclusion in Municipal Annual Report planning. The purpose of the public meeting was to determine resident and taxpayer input into the Goals and Objectives being established by Council for coming years, and to ensure that these Goals and Objectives are synonymous with those of the community. No comments and/or suggestions were made leading up to or following the public presentation of the Annual Report. DECLARATIONS OF DISQUALIFICATION Declarations of Disqualification Made Under Section III of the Community Charter. NONE PERMISSIVE TAX EXEMPTIONS Record of the Amount of Property Taxes that would have been Imposed on Tax Exempt properties in the Previous Year if the properties were not Tax Exempt. In 2004, Village Council adopted Tax Exemption Bylaw No. 556 and Bylaw No. 562, which provided permissive tax exemptions for the following properties; Property Description Owner Lot: A, Plan: 11202, District Lot: 7355 United Church of Canada $ 1,183.80 That portion of Lot: 4, Plan: 8948, District Lot: 7356 Roman Catholic Bishop of Kamloops 1,022.24 Lot: 2 & 3, Block: 2, Plan: 10449, District Lot: 7356 New Life Sanctuary of Valemount BC 2,143.37 Lot: 1, Plan: 10662, District Lot:9778 Fraser Basin Property Society (Christian Fellowship) Lot: D, Plan: 28461, District Lot: 7354 & 7355 Parcel: B, Plan: 23940, District Lot: 7356 Trustees of Congregation of Jehovah’s Witnesses of Valemount Amount of Taxes if Not Exempted 821.69 1,284.07 Golden Years Seniors Centre 3,678.80 27 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT SCHEDULES APPENDIX “1” COUNCIL BIOGRAPHIES Mayor Councillors VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2004 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT COUNCIL BIOGRAPHIES Mayor Jeannette Townsend Jeannette Townsend has been involved in local government since 1989, when she became an Alderman in a by-election. In 1990, she won the mayoralty race and has served as Valemount’s Mayor continuously since that time. In her position as Mayor, she has also served as a Director of the Regional District of Fraser-Fort George, since 1990, and was a founding Director of the Columbia Basin Trust in 1995. Prior to the enactment of the Columbia Basin Trust, she served as a Director on the Columbia River Treaty Committee Inc. from 1993-1995. Jeannette has been a member of the Trans Canada Yellowhead Highway Association since 1994 and is the current President of the association. She was Honourary Chair for the UNBC Annual Campaign in 2004, and is a Director for the UNBC Northern Medical Programs Trust. In 2002, Jeannette was awarded the Queen’s Golden Jubilee Commemorative Medal for significant contribution to Canada, her community, and fellow Canadians. In September 2000, Jeannette was named British Columbia Interior, North & Yukon Today’s Woman of Distinction – “Influence and Impact” Woman of the Year. Also in 2000, she was the Liberal Candidate in the Federal Election for the Prince George/Bulkley Valley Riding. Jeannette is a Past President of the North Central Municipal Association; has served as a Director of the Union of BC Municipalities, Prince George Region Development Corp.; Valemount and Area Chamber of Commerce; Valemount and Area Economic Development Commission, and as a Trustee for the Valemount Health Planning Society. Jeannette has been a realtor since 1989 and is currently the Managing Broker for Valemount Real Estate Ltd. Personal interests include serving as Regional Coordinator for Encounters with Canada, Council for Canadian Unity, since 1989 during which time Jeannette has arranged for over 800 students from North Central BC, including Valemount and McBride, to go to Ottawa, Terry Fox Youth Centre, where approximately 135 students from all across Canada participate in one week theme programmes. She is also the In-Memoriam Chair for the BC Heart & Stroke Foundation in Valemount, and former Board Member of the Valemount Anglican Church. Jeannette and her husband, Ron, have been Valemount residents since 1987. They have three grown children and one granddaughter. Councillor Les Dammann Transfer with the BC Forest Service from Hixon, BC brought Les to Valemount on February 1, 1977. He worked for the Forest Service for several more years, and then worked for private contractors doing forestry consulting work, logging, sawmilling, and construction work. From 1985 to 1990 he and his wife operated the Gulf and consequently the Petro Canada service station and Greyhound depot in Valemount. Seasonal work for local highways maintenance contractors and seasonal Park Ranger employment at Mount Robson Park were a part of Les’s experiences. From 1994 to the present he has been employed for local road maintenance contractors as a Bridgeman. He has a diploma in Forest Technology and a Journeyman’s ticket as a Bridgeman-Piledriver. Les has been a Volunteer Fireman in Valemount for over 20 years, nine years as Fire Chief. He has served on the Curling Club Executive, and has been a member of the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch 266 for 15 years and has served on the Executive for the past five years, two years as President. He is also involved in local Old Timers hockey and has helped build the two existing ball parks in Valemount. Current Council Appointments: • • • • • • • • Public Works – Streets, Cemetery, Water & Sewer Parks and Recreation Emergency Planning Columbia Basin Community Initiative Risk Management Fire Management Boundary Expansion Deputy Mayor – January, May and September Councillor (Beatrice) Joan Nordli Joan Nordli has lived in Valemount for 40 years, since July, 1965. Joan taught grades 2 to 10 and Special Education for 41 years before retiring. Joan has been a Councillor for the Village of Valemount for 18 years. Joan also assisted in the family business, Nordli Construction, looking after all the bookwork. Further to Joan’s duties as Councillor, she has also been involved with the following committees: • • • • • • • • • • • • Healthy Communities, 1982-2002; Valemount Health Board, 20 years; Northern Interior Health Board, 5 years; Comprehensive School Health, 3 years; Northern Interior Regional Health Board, 2 years; CREDA, since early 80s; UNBC, 10 years; Chamber of Commerce, 1988-99; 2003-present; Valemount and Area Museum, 1981-present; Anglican-United Church Board; EDC, 1994-present; Treaty Advisory Council, 10 years. In addition to the above obligations, Joan and her husband Arne have raised four children and have 9 grandchildren. Her hobbies include gardening and recording events through newspaper clippings and photo albums, and playing cards. Current Council Appointments: • • • • • • • • • • • Economic Development UNBC Municipal Awareness Risk Management Regional District – Mayor’s Alternate Library Valemount and Area Museum Treaty Advisory Committee Columbia Basin Community Initiative Boundary Expansion Deputy Mayor – February, June and October Councillor Roberta (Bobbi) Roe Bobbi Roe was elected to Council in November 2002. Currently Councillor Roe is the Administrator of the Valemount Senior Citizens Housing Society, a position, which she has held since 1998. Bobbi owned and operated the Fabric Boutique and Valemount Trophy between 1996–2001. From 1985 thru to 1996, she was the Administrator of the Valemount Health Centre. Current volunteer activities include: • • • • • • • • Canoe Valley Recreation Management Committee – Regional Board Appointment; Columbia Basin Trust Local Initiatives Advisory Committee – member; Life member of the Tete Jaune Community Club; Founding member of Valemount Quilter’s Guild; Canadian Cancer Society – Valemount Unit; Robson Valley Toastmasters – Charter Member; New Life Sanctuary – Secretary/Treasurer; Valemount Seniors – Club member. Bobbi and her husband Bill have been area residents since 1964. They have four grown children and six grandchildren. Current Council Appointments: • • • • • • • • Parks and Recreation Emergency Planning Municipal Awareness Accounts Payable Signatory Columbia Basin Community Initiative Boundary Expansion Deputy Mayor – March, July and November Councillor Rita Tchir Rita Tchir is employed with School District #57 and has been a very active member of the Valemount Lions Club for 28 years. Rita enjoys her many years of volunteer involvement in community affairs, along with her responsibilities as Councillor. Rita is currently serving her fourth term as Councillor for the Village of Valemount and finds the role as a community leader not only interesting but challenging and most definitely a learning experience. She enjoys working as a team player with her fellow Councillors and Village staff. Rita has also been involved with the following: • • Assisted in coordinating the Royal Canadian Legion Branch 266 – War Heroes Museum – from a shell to a museum – a legacy to our community; Volunteer canvasser for the Heart and Stroke Foundation and Canadian Cancer Society. She has been a long term resident of Valemount since 1966 and has seen many changes in those 39 years. She and her husband Hank have one son. Current Council Appointments: • • • • • • • Public Works – Streets, Cemetery, Water & Sewer Library Board Accounts Payable Signatory Columbia Basin Community Initiative Boundary Expansion Deputy Mayor – April, August and December APPENDIX “2” ADMINISTRATIVE FUNCTIONS Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Administrator Treasurer Public Works Superintendent Economic Development Officer/Network Administrator Tourism/Recreation Coordinator Building Inspector VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS FUNCTION: Chief Administrative Officer D.B. (Doug) Fleming PRIMARY DUTIES: The Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) is responsible for the day-to-day operations of the Municipality. The CAO is also charged with the duties of Corporate Administration as set out in the Local Government Act and as amended by the Community Charter. The Chief Administrative Officer is charged with ensuring that the planning co-ordination and execution of all municipal business proceeds in an orderly, efficient manner, operating within the limits of the Local Government Act and the Community Charter. More specifically, the Chief Administrative Officer shall provide effective and dynamic leadership to the management team and general staff; develop, implement and maintain policies, bylaws and procedures established by Council; supervise the activities of staff and plan for future development of the Municipality, including financial planning. MAJOR PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN: • Completion of revisions to Development Cost Charge Bylaw; Animal Control Bylaw; Signage Regulations; Untidy and Unsightly Premises Regulations; and Local Burning Bylaw. • Development of Water Conservation and Enforcement Bylaw; Municipal Officers Appointment Bylaw; and Officers, Employees and Council Members Indemnification Bylaw. • Completion of revisions to the Village’s Municipal Emergency Plan; • Development of Water and Sewer Systems Emergency Response Plans; • Preparation of WCB Workplace Safety Log Book & Procedures; • Completion of First Annual Municipal and Financial Report, with all Staff/Council input and assistance. MAJOR PROJECTS IN PROCESS: • Initiation of a Municipal Boundary Expansion to bring the Canoe Mountain (Sunrise International) Gondola Resort properties into municipal boundaries through a satellite boundary extension, in cooperation with project developer, and developing planning partnerships to ensure successful completion of incorporation; • Working with Planners and Committee to ensure completion of Regional Integrated Land Use Planning Study. • Pursue completion of minor municipal boundary expansions (south east residential lands, and commercial and residential lands west of Highway 5) to support requests made by local residents, or envisioned in prior community development strategies; • Develop specified area considerations for servicing newly incorporated lands as boundary expansions occur; • Guide completion of a Drought Management Planning project commenced in 2004, involving the development of Emergency Response Guidelines and, with the assistance of planning consultants, development of a Drought Management Plan and Water Conservation education and promotional materials; • Guide completion of a Wildfire Protection/Prevention Planning Strategy commenced late in 2004; • Completion of the purchase of the Valemount Courthouse. PLANNED PROJECTS FOR 2005: • Initiation and supervision of a Forest Inventory Study and Visual Landscape Modeling Program; • Initiation and supervision of a Community Forest Feasibility Study and Value Added Manufacturing Opportunities Study; • Develop revisions to Water and Sewer Connections and Inspection Bylaws; • Guide application for $2.1 million Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrades under the BC Community Water Improvements Program; • Overview of Airport Improvements Grant ($350,000.00) for GPS and Lighting work, and coordinate Future Airport Improvements Study; • Revisions to Municipal Subdivision and Development Procedures Bylaws. VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS FUNCTION: Deputy Administrator / Office Manager Judy Bosh PRIMARY DUTIES: The Deputy Administrator acts on behalf of the Chief Administrative Officer (CAO) in his absence. The Deputy Administrator is responsible for recording and maintaining all Council and Committee meeting minutes. The Deputy Administrator is also responsible for the administering of all grants received by the Village including working with the recipients of Columbia Basin Trust Funds. The Deputy Administrator fills in for the Treasurer with reference to Accounts Payable and Payroll. The Deputy Administrator acts as Administrative Assistant and Confidential Secretary to the Mayor. MAJOR PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN: • • Attended Consultative Committee Meetings for BC Hydro Water Use Planning Committee as Village representative and completed the draft plan – a four year process. Village representative on Industrial Adjustment Services. Recommendations submitted to various agencies in all three levels of government. Follow-up meetings held with committee to track response of recommendations. MAJOR PROJECTS IN PROCESS: • • • • Administering Broadband grant with Industry Canada Administering Columbia Basin Trust and provincial grants Developing cost-tracking mechanism for courthouse and parks maintenance and expenses Updating all libraries including legal plans, infrastructure drawings and mapping PLANNED PROJECTS FOR 2005 • Develop policy for airport use • Prepare a revised House Numbering Plan • Prepare a revised Board of Variance Procedures Bylaw • Prepare a revised Street Naming Bylaw • Implement a BC Hydro Re-Greening project (Seniors Centre – Overflow Park) VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT DEPARTMENTAL OPERATIONS FUNCTION: Treasurer Elizabeth (Betty) Hardy PRIMARY DUTIES: • • • • • Manage financial affairs of Village, including Utilities, Taxes, Payroll, Accounts Payable and Receivable Calculate and produce Utility and Tax Billings Investing Municipal funds Prepare & maintain accurate records Resource person for MuniWare software MAJOR PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN: • Developed several new accounting and budgeting policies in cooperation with the Chief Administrative Officer MAJOR PROJECTS IN PROCESS: • Compiling information and reports for budgeting purposes. PLANNED PROJECTS FOR 2005: • • • • Updating records to accommodate boundary expansion Fine-tune financial reporting systems Work on financial for Capital Projects Assist in establishment of Local Improvement Areas for new municipal service extension areas VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENTAL REPORT FUNCTION: Public Works Superintendent Murray Capstick PRIMARY DUTIES: Reporting to the Administrator the Public Works Superintendent is responsible to plan, manage and oversee the day to day activities and operations of the Public Works Department. Administer the budget, staff and physical activities of the Public Works, coordinate assigned activities with other Village Departments and outside agencies. Assume full management and leadership responsibilities for all Public Works services, staff, facilities and activities. Manage the development and implementation of Public Works goals, objectives, policies and priorities, establish appropriate services and staffing levels. Represent the Village to other government agencies, M.W.L.A.P., R.C.M.P., Forestry, Ministry of Highways, BC Hydro, Ministry of Health, Ministry of Airport Transportation. Assist Engineers with: Water Quality Testing for Water system Upgrades, Testing of Sewage Effluents for Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrades, Drought Management Program, Water Conservation Program, Boundary Expansions, Airport Upgrades and Expansion, Juniper Street-Cedar Street Water Main Upgrades. MAJOR PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN FOR 2004 Watermain Extension for New High School Completion of Watermain on Elm Street Environmental Impact Study for Sewage Treatment Plant Upgrades Martin Street Watermain Upgrades Testing for West Nile Virus Installed Water Meters – Holiday Inn, Yellowhead Motel, Swift Creek Motel, Ramakada Motel MAJOR PROJECTS FOR 2005 Service Peterson’s Subdivision with Water and Sanitary Sewer Services and Mains Paving of Martin, Juniper, Williams and Gordon Streets Juniper Street to Cedar Street Watermain Upgrade Services for New High School Complete Water Quality Testing for Water System Upgrades Install Water Meters – Premier Lodge, Canadian Lodge, Alpine Inn, Chalet Continental, Valemount Hotel and Phase II of the Water Conservation Program (Restaurants) Annual Report Economic Development Office Silvio Gislimberti Projects Undertaken in 2004 • Completed documentation for IAS Survey. • Completed Web Page and final documents for The Valemount Workshop–Resort Communities and Community Planning, prepared interactive CDs for participants. • Developed and designed web page for Village of Valemount. The page includes access to Minutes and Agendas of Council meetings, profiles of Mayor and councillors; fill-in forms for building permits and rezoning applications, water and sewer services; and statistical information on demographics, education, employment and income. • Completed database for Building Permits, Folio, and Zoning used by Building Inspector. • Completed database for Bylaws. Bylaws’ descriptions are linked to actual bylaws document on Village server. • Submitted capital funding for arts/heritage organizations or venues project application 2004-05 to Columbia Kootenay Cultural Alliance for Fender Passport Deluxe 250 portable sound system. The grant was approved ($1,800) and the PA system purchased in June 2004. Final report was submitted in October 2004. • Completed database for PA system rental. Database includes rental agreement. • Prepared new request for proposals for Broadband project as requested by Industry Canada since ADSL services are provided both in Valemount and McBride by Telus. This changed requirements for the highspeed regional backbone infrastructure. • Prepared SICEAI application under the community capacity building initiatives. $50,000 was granted for various studies and business plan. • Completed commercial recreation licence application for multiple sites in the Robson Valley and in the North Thompson Area on behalf of the Village. Application will be resubmitted on behalf of VARDA. • Prepared PowerPoint presentations on behalf of Village (The Yellowhead Route in the late 1940s for Councillor Nordli) Annual Report EDO • Completed Chapter 2: Valemount—A Community in Transition for the Valemount and Area Integrated Land Use Development Plan. The chapter includes: 1. Brief History of Community and Economic Development of Valemount 2. Major Economic and Social Changes and Challenges 3. The Village’s Efforts to Identify Community Residents’ Desires for Development of the Community 4. The Village’s Economic Development Aspirations and Priorities 5. The Village of Valemount’s Desired Vision of the Future, 6. Projects in Process Planned Projects for 2005 Chronology of Events Considered in the Chapter. • Prepared various documents for local organizations (Valemount Secondary PAC, VARDA, etc.) • Broadband project: approval stage for the high-speed regional backbone infrastructure. Total grant $732,000. • Completion of SICEAI studies • Implementation stage of Broadband • Community Information Brochure Estimated Project Costs: $2,500 Laser Colour Printer, paper, cartridges HR: 60 hours EDO • Develop template for tracking tourism revenues in the community • Develop databases for tent rental and projector rental • Develop database for fire inspections • Prepare video with welcoming presentation by Mayor Townsend. Video will be hosted on the Village’s web page • Prepare for UBCM Excellence Award. Community in Transition: planning practices (VILUP, Canoe Mountain, Varda, etc.) • With Chamber of Commerce, develop new web portal for Valemount • Upgrade office network and server • Prepare Village maps with ArcGIS Page 2 VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT ANNUAL REPORT TOURISM/RECREATION FUNCTION: Tourism/Recreation Coordinator Florence Smith PRIMARY DUTIES: The Tourism/Recreation Coordinator is responsible for the management of tourism operations for the municipality as well as the coordination of recreational activities. Tourism duties: • Managing the Visitor Info Centre – this includes business management, staff supervision and training. • Identifying and preparing grant applications for staffing the Visitor Info Centre • Working with Tourism BC and Thompson Okanagan Tourism Association to ensure increased awareness of our area • Attend trade shows relevant to our product niche • Respond to the day-to-day tourism inquiries (year round) • Ensure materials are in place to respond to the day-to-day tourism inquiries and requests (in house maps, brochures etc) • Monitor and regularly report to council on the status of the tourism-marketing budget. • Liaise and build close relationships with the local tourism operators to promote tourism issues an encourage community involvement and awareness • Work with local snowmobile organizations to develop, control and promote our snowmobile product Recreational Duties: • Deliver recreational services by initiating, organizing and coordinating activities with other organizations • Work with local organizations to organize local sporting and recreational events such as community functions and sporting competitions • Plan and promote recreation activities, including events • Prepare financial estimates and budgets • Coordinate and arrange meetings and venues if required MAJOR PROJECTS UNDERTAKEN: • Attendance at BC Network Conference 2004 • Completed the course “Train the Workplace Trainer” to facilitate staff training for the info centre • Obtained 5 summer student grants to staff info centre in 2004 • Management and reporting for Summer Career Placements Grants. (This year was somewhat complicated due to the difficulty in retaining staff. • Hiring of staff and volunteers and management of info centre for 2004 • • • • • • • • • • • • Training of 2 students and 1volunteer Updating of retail and publication stock for info centre Organized a local one day “Fam Tour” for info centre staff and volunteers Coordinated with Mt. Robson Info Centre to have some staff and volunteers participate in their local “Fam Tour” Submission and editing of community information to Yellowhead Highway Assn., Prince George Citizen, Tourism BC and Parks Explorer Coordination of daily Salmon Interpretative Talks at George Hicks Park during August 2004 Attendance at Alberta Snowmobile Show 2004 3 meetings of the Valemount Spirit of BC Community Committee were held along with correspondence with the provincial committee and members of the local committee. Maintenance of Community Choir, Basketball, and Karate recreational programs. Modification to old Aerobics recreational programs which have now become Fitness Fusion Classes, Cardio Classes and Aqua Fit Classes Continuation of Canoe Mountain Fun Run August 2004 Application of “Canada Day” grant and coordination of Canada Day events 2004 MAJOR PROJECTS IN PROCESS: • Coordination of on-going Valemount Spirit of BC Community Committee • Coordination of snow reports for Cross-country ski trails • Continuation of support for community recreational programs; choir, basketball, karate, volleyball, fitness fusion, cardio and aqua fit programs • Ongoing responses to Tourism and Investment inquiries • Development of a Recreation Calendar to be distributed by postal box drop PROJECTS DEFFERRED: • Coordination of “Race the Rockies” stopover in Valemount was deferred. The race did not go forward because of lack of participants. • The responsibility of Snow Reports for Snowmobiling is gradually being taken over by the newly formed VARDA group. PLANNED PROJECTS FOR 2005: • Attend the Network Conference Feb22 & 23, 2005 • Preseason planning and ordering for Visitor Info Centre • Requisition of Grants to fund summer staffing for Info Centre • Hire summer staff for the Visitor Info Centre • Maintenance and improvement of Canada Day Celebrations • Maintenance and improvement of Salmon Talks for August 2005 • Expansion of Canoe Mountain Run August 2005 • Attendance at Alberta Snowmobile Show Oct. 2005 • Updating of in-house brochures • Enhancement of Community Recreation Calendar RECOMMENDATIONS RETAIL SALES: The retail sales at the info centre have been very slow. It is very probable that this is due in large part to our inability to provide VISA and Debit card transactions. Sales were particularly slow on items over $10.00. I would recommend that we provide access to VISA and Debit transactions for the 2005 summer season. STAFF FUNDING: Retention and rehiring of summer staff to operate the info centre is becoming increasingly difficult. In past years the Student Summer Career Placements were attractive jobs and university, college and high school students quickly filled the positions. In 2004 we experienced what may be the beginning of a labor shortage. The first student hired in 2004 left the position (we were paying $10.00 per hour) for a position paying $17.00 per hour. Many hours were then spent in hiring and training new staff midseason. The 5 student summer positions were well advertised but I was only able to use 3 grants completely and 1 grant partially. 1 grant was not filled at all because a suitable candidate could not be found. Since Tourism BC requires that info centre staff are fully qualified and trained it would save many hours of training each year if we could hire at least one Visitor Information Counselor without the restrictions of student funding requirements. This returning staff member could then assist with the supervision and training of the student employees. ACQUISITION OF A LARGER BUILDING: The long-term plans of the Village of Valemount for an Interpretive Centre at the site of present Info Centre are well-founded plans with a clear vision to the future. There are numerable opportunities to attract visitors to stay or come back to our community that are lost because we do not have washroom facilities and attractive displays to let the visitors know what there is to see, do and learn in our community. Any revenues gained by the new interpretive centre would not detract from sales of our existing businesses as we would be targeting visitors who do not pause long enough to spend any time or money in our community. 2005 Annual Report Building Department Allen Smith Building Inspector Bylaw Enforcement Officer Fire Prevention Officer Primary Duties: - conduct inspections of buildings as set out in the BC Building Code, BC; process permit application forms; enforce various Village bylaws; public relations as pertaining to bylaw compliance; conduct fire safety inspections on all public buildings annually or as required under the Fire Services Act. Major Projects Accomplished: - new building permit database; new application forms for business licenses. Major Projects In Process: - continue to improve and utililize new building permit/inspection database; integrate new database into new Central Property Database; developing new Fire Safety Inspection Database. - Planned Projects for 2005: - improve new database systems through practical application; begin filing of old files (pre-2003) into new Central Property Database; implement Section 56 of the Community Charter (Notice Against Title); integrate new properties from Boundary Expansion to new Central Property Database. APPENDIX “3” DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2005 ANNUAL REPORT AND FINANCIAL REPORT DEVELOPMENT STATISTICS BUILDING PERMITS Class Residential Commercial Institutional Permits Issued 2003 2004 20 32 12 8 1 2 $ Value of Permits 2003 2004 76,580.00 199,500.00 215,000.00 71,000.00 8,500.00 5,320,190.00 DEVELOPMENT PERMITS Class Residential Commercial Other Development Permits Issued 2003 3 - 2004 2 - Development Variance Permits Issued 2003 2004 2 5 - TEMPORARY COMMERCIAL PERMITS and BOARD OF VARIANCE APPLICATIONS Class Residential Commercial Other Temporary Commercial Permits 2003 2004 1 - Board of Variance 2003 - 2004 2 - REZONING and OFFICIAL COMMUNITY PLAN AMENDMENTS Class Residential Commercial Other Rezoning Amendments 2003 2004 3 2 1 OCP Amendments 2003 2004 1 1 - APPENDIX “4” WATER SYSTEM FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2005 WATER CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND REVENUE (5 YEAR PLAN) 2005.04.06 WATER - GENERAL, CAPITAL & DCC'S SURPLUS Date Description Revenue Expenses Total Surplus Jan 1/04 2004 Actual Totals 2004.12.31 438,603.61 2004 Capital Projects 2004 Total Rev 2004 Total Exp Transfer to Capital 2004 Surplus Interest Total Surplus Water Operating Water Capital 187,522.63 Water DCC's Notes 0.00 (107,463.00) Water Meters Elm Street Juniper/Martin St School Road 156,391.83 33,932.35 47,153.62 13,857.83 Juniper not done. 12,519.28 107,463.08 38,826.93 includes 2.5% increase water rates revenue/expenses includes balance of reservoir (181,501.07) 107463. + 25109.17=deficit of 132,572.24 (25,109.24) 306,031.37 4,348.36 191,870.99 38,826.93 Starting 2005 Revenue is less because no interest calculated. 2005 Year 1 2005 Capital Projects 2005 Total Rev 2005 Total Exp 2005 Surplus 2005.12.31 Total Surplus (267,900.00) (5,000.00) (20,000.00) Water Meters Juniper Crossing Truck Peterson Subdiv 142,244.00 15,600.00 255,000.00 5,000.00 17,300.00 292,900.00 includes 2% increase water rates + 2% parcel taxes includes 2% COLA for expenses (113,261.00) 28,983.00 67,114.37 186,870.99 18,826.93 2006 Year 2 2006 Capital Projects 2006 Total Rev 2006 Total Exp 2006 Surplus 2006.12.31 Total Surplus 2007 Year 3 2007 Capital Projects 2007 Total Rev 2007 Total Exp 2007 Surplus 2007.12.31 Total Surplus 2008 Year 4 2008 Capital Projects 2008 Total Rev 2008 Total Exp 2008 Surplus 2008.12.31 Total Surplus 2009 Year 5 2009 Capital Projects 2009 Total Rev 2009 Total Exp 2009 Surplus 2009.12.31 Total Surplus (50,100.00) (84,000.00) Water Meters Cedar 145,089.00 37,100.00 97,000.00 134,100.00 includes 2% increase water rates + 2% parcel taxes includes 2% COLA for expenses (115,526.00) 29,563.00 46,577.37 102,870.99 (27,000.00) (70,000.00) 18,826.93 4th Ave 147,991.00 97,000.00 includes 2% increase water rates + 2% parcel taxes includes 2% COLA for expenses (117,837.00) 30,154.00 49,731.37 32,870.99 (50,000.00) (18,000.00) 18,826.93 Elm Street 150,951.00 68,000.00 includes 2% increase water rates + 2% parcel taxes includes 2% COLA for expenses (120,194.00) 30,757.00 30,488.37 14,870.99 0.00 0.00 18,826.93 No Capital Improvements 153,970.00 includes 2% increase water rates + 2% parcel taxes includes 2% COLA for expenses (122,598.00) 31,372.00 61,860.37 14,870.99 18,826.93 APPENDIX “5” SEWER SYSTEM FIVE YEAR CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM 2005 SEWER CAPITAL EXPENDITURES AND REVENUE (5 YEAR PLAN) 2005.04.06 SEWER - GENERAL, CAPITAL & DCC'S SURPLUS Date Description Revenue Expenses Total Surplus Jan 1/04 2004 Actual 2004 Capital Projects Totals 2004 Total Revenue 2004 Total Expenditures 2004 Transfers 2004 Surplus Sewer Operating Sewer Capital Sewer DCC's 560,021.01 195,385.60 0.00 0.00 228,456.31 5,768.31 (138,427.86) (60,715.00) Notes 0.00 84,689.32 per budget 60,715.00 29,313.45 per budget 2004.12.31 Total Surplus 589,334.46 261,868.91 84,689.32 Starting 2005 Revenue is less because no interest calculated. 2005 Year 1 2005 Capital Projects 2005.12.31 2005 Total Revenue 2005 Total Expenditures 2005 Transfers 2005 Surplus Transfer to Capital Total Surplus 0.00 (41,500.00) 201,855.00 (129,836.00) 0.00 (includes 2% COLA for expenses and 1 liftstation electrical panel upgrade) 72,019.00 (600,000.00) 61,353.46 600,000.00 820,368.91 2006 Year 2 2006 Capital Projects 2006 Total Revenue 2006 Total Expenditures 2006 Transfers STP predesign 30,000. Truck 5,000. Cranberry Place 3, pipe 3,500. (51,000.00) (430,525.00) 84,689.32 Village portion 25% (61,600.00) Contractor Costs Professional Fee & Design Interest (STP) 201,855.00 (132,433.00) 0.00 includes 2% COLA for expenses 459,750.00 58,375.00 25,000.00 543,125.00 2006.12.31 2006 Surplus 69,422.00 Total Surplus 79,775.46 Includes BC Comm. Water Imp Program of 1,629,375. and Village capital contribution of 543,125. 389,843.91 23,089.32 2007 Year 3 2007 Capital Projects 2007.12.31 2007 Total Revenue 2007 Total Expenditures 2007 Transfers 2007 Surplus Transfer to Capital Res. Total Surplus 0.00 (60,000.00) Sewer Lift Station Enhancements 201,855.00 (148,325.00) 0.00 includes 2% COLA for expenses 53,530.00 (50,000.00) 83,305.46 50,000.00 379,843.91 includes 10% addition operating cost from new treatment plant 23,089.32 2008 Year 4 2008 Capital Projects 2008.12.31 2008 Total Revenue 2008 Total Expenditures 2008 Transfers 2008 Surplus Transfer to Capital Total Surplus 0.00 (60,000.00) Sewer Lift Station Enhancements 201,855.00 (151,292.00) 0.00 includes 2% COLA for expenses 50,563.00 (50,000.00) 83,868.46 50,000.00 369,843.91 23,089.32 2009 Year 5 2009 Capital Projects 2009.12.31 2009 Total Revenue 2009 Total Expenditures 2009 Transfers 2009 Surplus Transfer to Capital Total Surplus 0.00 (60,000.00) Sewer Lift Station Enhancements 201,855.00 (154,317.84) 0.00 includes 2% COLA for expenses 47,537.16 (50,000.00) 81,405.62 50,000.00 359,843.91 23,089.32 APPENDIX “6” PROPERTY TAX BREAKDOWN 2004 APPENDIX "6" VILLAGE OF VALEMOUNT 2004 Property Tax Breakdown MFA - .001% Regional District 26.226% School District - 34.082% Regional Hospital 3.531% BCAA - .782% Municipal - 35.378% APPENDIX “7” FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDITOR’S REPORT 2005 (distributed as separate document)