October 2011
October 2011
MARKET WATCH: BUYERS GUIDE: SPECIAL FEATURE: HOME & KITCHEN STORAGE BUFFET/SERVEWARE TABLETOP UPDATE SEE PAGE 18 SEE PAGE 20 SEE PAGE 1 IN S EL M SIDE EC AL : TR L ICS K ITCHENWARE NEWS H o u s e w, a r e s R e v i e w S E RV I N G K I T C H E N WA R E VOLUME 17, NUMBER 10 H O U S E WA R E S A N D TA B L E T O P M A R K E T S OCTOBER 2011 The Best for Home Dining Is Showcased at Tabletop Market by Joanne Friedrick The fall Tabletop Market in New York, which covers hundreds of suppliers at showrooms at 41 Madison, 7 W New York and the New York MarketCenter at 230 Fifth Ave., runs from Oct. 25-28. As always, there are new showrooms for buyers to peruse, including the addition of Meyer Corp. at 41 Madison. The company, which debuted tabletop lines from Rachael Ray and Paula Deen at the International Home and Housewares Show in March, has brought the lines to the Tabletop Market, including 25 new patterns for everyday and holiday use. Continued on Page 17 Gourmet Housewares Show a Hit in New York by Lorrie Baumann GLM’s reinvention of the Gourmet Housewares Show as a section of the New York International Gift Fair drew praise from the exhibitors who saw the benefits of the new collocation during this August’s show. Those included greater traffic in the exhibit hall, increased press attention, and convenient access to one of the largest local retail markets. Gourmac Marketing Director Monique Haas was among those who said she and her company are very happy with the show’s new location. “It’s a smaller exhibit area than in years past, but we feel the retailers are coming out, and that’s what makes it worth it for us,” she said. Gourmac was displaying Progressus Frozen Diamonds Ice Trays and six-bladed knives for great garnishes. The Frozen Diamonds Ice Trays are representative of a trend for creative ways of cooling drinks for holiday entertaining that was seen across the show floor. Also drawing attention in the Gourmac booth was the Hutzler egg scrambler and separator, a nominee for best new product at the show. Continued on Page 5 w w w . k i t c h e n w a r e n e w s . c o m headlines GLM Being Purchased by Providence Equity Partners George Little Management, producers of the New York International Gift Fair, and Providence Equity Partners announced in August that GLM and affiliates of Providence signed a definitive merger agreement under which affiliates of Providence would acquire GLM from Daily Mail and General Trust PLC for approximately $173 million in cash. GLM, based in White Plains, N.Y., creates face-to-face and online buying, selling and networking platforms for designers, product developers, manufacturers, reps, retailers and operators through trade show and event production, online community development and association management. GLM currently produces 15 trade shows, including the recently completed NYIGF that incorporated the Gourmet Housewares Show. Other industries it serves include stationery, antique jewelry, beach, board sports, fashion and hospitality through the International Hotel, Motel & Restaurant Show, International Contemporary Furniture Fair, National Stationery Show, Surf Expo and Antique Jewelry & Watch shows in Miami, Chicago, New York and Las Vegas. Annually, these events showcase some 11,000 exhibitors in 1.8 million net square feet of exhibit space, and attract about 150,000 attendees. Providence is purchasing GLM through a new holding company led by Charles G. McCurdy, who most recently served as Chief Executive Officer of Canon Communications, a leading producer of trade shows, publications, and digital and data services. In five years under McCurdy’s management, Canon doubled in size, expanding its trade shows into 10 countries and developing a significant suite of digital and data services. “GLM has a proven track record in exceeding the expectations of exhibitors and attendees with high-quality, customerfocused events,” stated Michael J. Dominguez, a Managing Director at Providence. “We believe there are significant opportunities to grow GLM’s tradeshow brands in the United States and internationally both organically and through acquisition, as well as to develop Continued on Page 6 Tailor Made Narrows Focus to Housewares Market by Joanne Friedrick Tailor Made Products is concentrating more heavily on its housewares lines, which includes both kitchen utensils as well as storage solutions. John Wilde, Chief Executive Officer of Tailor Made, said the restructuring efforts “allow us to focus more on our housewaresspecific product lines” but there are no plans to drop any products already in production. Taylor Made has offices in Oconomowoc, Wis., and a manufacturing plant in Elroy, Wis. The company, which designs, manufactures and distributes non-electric housewares, including plastic clothing hangers, is known for its Curious Chef children’s cooking line and the Bottle Buddy brand. As part of its new plan, Tailor Made is also looking to bring some of its production back to the United States. The company does business in China through its Hong Kong commercial office, but it also has its facility in Wisconsin. The international partnerships, said Wilde, “allow us to offer a variety of materials, including steel, wood and silicone, in addition to managing smaller lot sizes.” Currently, said Wilde, 54 percent of the company’s products are domestically made, including bowls, colanders and nylon utensils. “We see this percentage increasing in 2012,” he said. This move will mean hiring some additional staff in 2012, said Wilde, in the areas of design and development, with more manufacturing positions the following year. In the meantime, Tailor Made has brought on some employees by opening regional offices designed to better serve customers in closer proximity. Tailor Made is a privately held company, founded in 1994. 2 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com october 2011 contents 8 9 10 20 22 ONE ON ONE Thomas Perez, Bodum USA RETAILER PROFILE PRODUCT REVIEW BUYERS GUIDE AD INDEX { shorts } b d a Focus Products to Distribute POURfect Line Focus Products Group LLC in Lincolnshire, Ill., began distributing the POURfect line of kitchen products within the United States and Canada in July. Focus acquired the rights to license the POURfect Bowls, Scrape-a-Bowl and Whisk-a-Bowl products and plans to incorporate the items in the coming years as part of its Amco Houseworks portfolio. Focus Products will be offering the top-selling SKUs in the POURfect line, including the two- and three-piece mixing bowl sets, nine-piece measuring cut set, 12-piece measuring spoon set and Scrape-a-Bowl and Whisk-a-Bowl. Made in the United States, the POURfect line is ergonomic and lightweight. e f “The POURfect line of products has established a strong reputation for performance and quality with consumers and retailers,” said Mike Otterman, President of Focus Products Group. “We are pleased to offer these innovative kitchen items to our Focus Products customers. POURfect products are a wonderful complement to our existing Amco Houseworks product line and we expect strong sales heading into the busy fourth quarter,” he said. g ON THE COVER Target’s Missoni Collection Includes Tabletop Minneapolis-based Target Corp. has partnered with Missoni, the iconic Italian knitwear designer, on a limited-edition collection of apparel and fashions for the home, including dinnerware. The line became available in stores Sept. 13 and will be available through Oct. 22. Pending availability, select pieces from the collection, including a variety of online-only items, will be available for an extended run through early December at Target.com. “Working with Target to create a mass collection that reflects the spirit of Missoni has been extremely energizing,” said Angela Missoni. “Each piece is special to me because so much thought and care went into every aspect of the design.” www.kitchenwarenews.com As Target’s largest limited-time designer collection to date, Missoni for Target offers a modern, fresh take on the late 1960s, an era during which the Missoni brand flourished into a global force in fashion. The collection features intertwining textures and patterns in a variety of bold colors including purple, blue, black and coral. In addition to dinnerware, the home collection includes bedding, luggage, stationery and outdoor furniture. “Target’s designer partnerships continue to set new standards, and we worked closely with Missoni to create a collection that brings the allure of their iconic Italian c a AMERICAN METALCRAFT Porcelain Footed Bowls [tel] 800.333.9133 www.amnow.com b RSVP INTERNATIONAL Porcelain & Glass Appetizer Set [tel] 800.275.7787 www.rsvp-intl.com c FORESIDE HOME & GARDEN Ketchum Canister [tel] 855.474.3344 www.foresidehomeandgarden.com d CHANTAL CORP. 5 Function Fondue [tel] 800.365.4354 www.chantal.com e OUT OF THE WOODS OF OREGON Cheese Ball Serving Board [tel] 800.713.3245 www.outofthewoodsoforegon.com GROUPE SEB/KRUPS Krups Intuitive Kettle [tel] 973.736.0300 www.groupeseb.com f brand to our guests,” said Kathee Tesija, Executive Vice President of Merchandising for Target. The family-run fashion house Missoni has been at the forefront of Italian fashion since husband and wife Ottavio and Rosita Missoni started designing their unconventional patterned knits in 1953. There are 37 freestanding Missoni boutiques worldwide, in addition to Missoni being carried at leading department stores and retailers worldwide. g PROUNA USA Prouna Rich Collection [tel] 212.481.5657 www.prounausa.com future features NOVEMBER Cutting Boards Cutlery Personal Care Products Kitchen Cleaning Products Buyers Guide Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 3 & KITCHENWARE NEWS Housewares Review w w w. k i t c h e n w a r e n e w s . c o m PUBLISHER Lee M. Oser EDITOR-IN-CHIEF publisher’s note EDITORIAL DIRECTOR EDITOR Joanne Friedrick [email protected] [tel] 207.780.8656 ASSOCIATE EDITOR Rocelle Aragon [email protected] While searching around the Internet for something to write about this month, the Wikipedia definition of “kitchenware” came up on the computer screen. For those of you who haven’t come across Wikipedia, it’s an online encyclopedia compiled from material submitted by readers. Anyone at all is allowed to edit an entry, except on the subject of a living person. In short, it’s a compilation of all of the thousands, or probably millions, of Wikipedia contributors’ knowledge on any given subject. And what do we see when we look up “kitchenware”? This: “Kitchenware include utensils, appliances, dishes, cookware, and so on for use in the kitchen.” Accurate, of course, but there’s none of the excitement, none of the history, none of the cultural significance that we associate with the word. Judging by the history on the entry, it’s been edited mostly by cyber-robots, which is exactly what it sounds like. Folks, this is pathetic! We can do better. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is hereby calling on the cumulative intelligence of its readers to amend this dreadful definition. Send your definitions to [email protected]. Please put “definition” in the subject line. We’ll publish the best submissions in our December Buyers Guide issue, and we’ll submit an edited version that incorporates all the information to expand the Wikipedia entry. You are also, of course, invited to log onto Wikipedia.org and submit your information directly. Keep in mind that Wikipedia encourages source notes to back up its facts and submit those along with your entries. Lorrie Baumann [email protected] A.J. Flick [email protected] Karrie Welborn [email protected] CREATIVE DIRECTOR Valerie Wilson [email protected] GRAPHIC DESIGNER Yasmine Brown [email protected] TRAFFIC MANAGER Selene Pinuelas [email protected] SUBSCRIBER SERVICES You have until October 15 to send us your entries, so that we can edit them for the Buyers Guide. Please include your name, your business’s name if you wish, and a web address if you have one and want us to publish it. 1877 N. Kolb Road Tucson, Arizona 85715 [tel] 520.721.1300 [fax] 520.721.6300 KITCHENWARE/HOUSEWARES ADVERTISING Lee M. Oser, Publisher SENIOR ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER ASSOCIATE PUBLISHER editor’s note There is a lot of doom and gloom surrounding the economy these days. And looking at some of the numbers, it probably isn’t an exaggeration for some industries. But focusing on the news that passes through my desktop each day as it relates to the kitchenware and tabletop sectors, I’m feeling pretty good about things. Rather than sitting back and waiting for customers to find them, retailers and suppliers are being very proactive about capturing their piece of the shrinking dollar. Consider Bodum, which has opened its first pop-up shop in Toronto and has also created a lab concept in Paris, so customers can try out products before they buy. With most purchases being cautious ones, doesn’t it make sense to give consumers the opportunity to see as many options as possible and also to give them a try? The people at Meyer Corp. are expanding their territory as well by opening a showroom in time for the Tabletop Market in New York this month. Although they have a huge presence at the International Home + Housewares Show in Chicago, with the growth of the Rachael Ray and Paula Deen dinnerware lines, isn’t it logical to put those products in front of a very focused, and maybe new-to-them audience? We’re also seeing companies such as Tailor Made putting more sales people in the trenches to provide more one-on-one customer service, as well as redefining its mission as a housewares company. And retailers, such as Mike Fear from Now You’re Cooking, are also doing everything they can to build relationships with existing and potential customers by offering classes, getting involved in the community and training the future workforce by hiring students. Yes, there are still companies that are struggling and retailers that have shuttered their doors. But if you look around, you’ll see many more positive stories related to this industry. And that should give all of us some hope with 2012 just around the corner. Joanne Friedrick, Editor [email protected] 4 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 Kate Seymour [email protected] [tel] 520.721.1300 Lyle Sapp [email protected] [tel] 520.721.1300 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is a publication of ELM Communications, a division of Oser Communications Group, Inc. 1877 N. Kolb Road Tucson, AZ 85715 www.oser.com PRESIDENT Lee M. Oser Periodicals postage paid at Tucson, AZ and additional mailing office. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review (USPS012-625) is published 12 times per year (Jan., Feb., March, April, May, June, July, Aug., Sept., Oct., Nov. and Dec.) by Oser Communications Group, 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ, 85715 (520) 721.1300. Publisher assumes no responsibility for unsolicited material or prices quoted in newspaper. Contributors are responsible for proper release of proprietary classified information. ©2011 by Oser Communications Group. All rights reserved. Reproduction, in whole or in part, without written permission of the publisher, is expressly prohibited. Back issues, when available, cost $8 each within the past 12 months. Back issue orders must be paid in advance by check. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review is distributed without charge in North America to qualified professionals in the retail and distribution channels of the upscale kitchenware and tabletop trade. For subscriber services, including subscription information, call (520) 721.1300. Printed in the USA. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to Kitchenware News & Housewares Review, 1877 N. Kolb Road, Tucson, AZ 85715. www.kitchenwarenews.com headlines HOUSEWARES SHOW (Cont. from p.1) Gourmac is known for its colorful kitchen utensils and melamine dishware, and its booth at the show was a riot of red, gold, and green. Those colors along with bright blues and purples everywhere at the show illustrated the strength of this year’s trend in favor of the bright colors of a 16-pack crayon box. In addition to its utensils and dishware, Gourmac is using bright colors in its new line of food savers, a product that’s in great demand this year. “We started the (color) trend, and we’re continuing it with new designs,” Haas said. Mastrad CEO Mathieu Lion was equally enthusiastic about the access to retailers provided by the New York location. “Being that the two shows are now combined, we felt that we received a lot of interest from retailers who otherwise might not have been able to stop by,” he said. “Overall, we thought that the combination of the two shows was a positive change and look forward to exposing new people to Mastrad as a result.” Mastrad’s focus in its booth this year was on the new TopChips Chips Maker, which enables home cooks to make fat-free vegetable chips in the microwave oven. “A success to say the least, we were able to demonstrate our TopChips Chips Maker for show attendees and allow them to try the delicious, crispy chips that it creates,” Lion said. “Retailers, fellow exhibitors, guests—all were blown away by the TopChips Chips Maker. To say it was wellreceived would be an understatement.” In the Core Bamboo booth, Marketing Director Naomi Stein was busy showing off three-piece bamboo tableware sets that were flying off the shelves. The bamboo knife, fork and spoon sets come in a range of colors, with an MSRP of $9 per set. They were drawing orders from buyers who were looking for goods that would appeal to consumers wanting an ecofriendly and inexpensive way to provide tableware for children or for entertaining, Stein said. Alongside the forks, knives, and spoons in the tableware sets in the Core Bamboo booth was a line of cutlery—all-bamboo knives in five different styles. “They actually work,” Stein exclaimed. The bread knife, chef ’s knife, cheese and vegetable knives stand up to the cutting chores they were designed for and sharpen with sandpaper, she added. Core Bamboo was also making a hit with crushed bamboo products in all categories. To make the products, bamboo fiber is crushed and then pressed back together to create zebralike color patterns. Each piece is unique, and the color patterns turn an ordinary salad bowl into an accent for the table. That combination of exciting color patterns and the eco-friendliness of bamboo, which is said to contribute to solving global climate change because it www.kitchenwarenews.com grows fast and absorbs more carbon dioxide than the same acreage planted with trees, was gaining attention in the Island Bamboo booth as well. Vice President of Product Development Dan Sudakoff was showing off Rainbow Wood products that combine narrow bands of red, green, blue and yellow wood to accent bamboo cutting boards and knife handles. “We’ve been able to add some color—food-safe color— natural to the wood. It’s not paint,” Sudakoff said. Island Bamboo had a bit of an adventure during the show that they never had in San Francisco. The Jacob Javits Convention Center is currently being expanded, and the construction has resulted in some temporary leaks in its ceiling. During the downpour that fell during much of this year’s NYIGF, the leaks were intercepted by plastic sheets suspended beneath the ceiling like diapers under a leaky baby. One of them, directly above the Island Bamboo booth, overfilled with water and gave way, flooding the Island Bamboo booth beneath it. No damage was done, and after the excitement died down and the booth was mopped up, it was the Rainbow Wood that was catching attendees’ attention once again. “Dealers love it,” Sudakoff said. “I think it’s a little new for the masses, but dealers like the different.” On the next aisle, Flirty Aprons was more fortunate, and its display of aprons, including the new Marilyn line, stayed dry and crisp. The Marilyn line is lighter than Flirty Aprons’ older designs—a single-ply apron to wear while entertaining rather than for workaday family meal preparation. The Sugar and Spice apron, with its flirty jeweled bow on the hip, has become the company’s biggest seller, said CEO Joseph Hansen, who was among those who noted that the Gourmet Housewares Show’s collocation with the New York International Gift Fair brought more traffic to his booth. headlines Blue Crab Bay to Distribute Blue Crab Stoneware Blue Crab Bay Co./Bay Beyond Inc. has entered into a licensing agreement with nationally-known folk artist José Dovis to be his exclusive manufacturer and distributor of Dovis Designs’ Blue Crab Stoneware. The decorative stoneware, which features blue crabs and grapevine patterns, has been produced and hand-painted in Thailand since 1993. Last spring, Foreign Advisory, of Princess Anne, Md., offered Blue Crab Bay the opportunity to continue production of the line. Blue Crab Bay contacted buyers of the pottery, many of whom were existing Blue Crab Bay accounts, and the retailers overwhelmingly were pleased to learn that in the future they could combine orders for Blue Crab Bay specialty foods and the Blue Crab Stoneware. Several indicated they have been cross-merchandising the two lines for many years. Dovis, a longtime friend of Blue Crab Bay Founder Pamela Barefoot, designed the original Blue Crab Bay brand logo in 1985. Twenty-six years later, the reunion of Barefoot with Dovis has rekindled the spirit of the stoneware line, with both of their creations drawing their inspiration from the Chesapeake Bay region. For several months they have worked together to update designs and add new pieces, which includes more than 20 SKUs of dinnerware, serveware and kitchenware. Barefoot has been working closely with GLM (Cont. from p.2) exciting new digital and data services. The company already has a talented senior management team. This will be further strengthened with additional direction from (McCurdy), who has more than 30 years of experience in managing and investing in niche media, information and education companies.” McCurdy said, “I’m thrilled to partner with Providence as it acquires this top-tier, worldclass company. GLM’s presence in the growing business-to-retailer space has few rivals in the international tradeshow industry. With the help of Providence and the dedicated GLM team, we will seek to take GLM to the next level while identifying additional opportunities to expand our platform in the dynamic tradeshow space.” Alan E. Steel, President of GLM, commented, “This is a compelling transaction that will allow GLM to benefit 6 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 the factory in Thailand, where the products will be manufactured and hand-painted. She expects to receive the first shipment by March. Barefoot said, “José Dovis’ Blue Crab Stoneware is a natural fit with Blue Crab Bay specialty foods—a marriage made on Virginia’s Eastern Shore. We are in the heart of blue crab country and have three award-winning vineyards here as well.” Barefoot added the company plans to package some of the pottery with its food items as gift offerings in their wholesale line. Born in Coazze, a small village by the Italian Alps, Dovis was trained in pottery and painting. After leaving Italy, he broadened his study of the arts in Argentina, Mexico and Washington, D.C. In 1978, he established a studio in his waterfront home on Virginia’s Eastern Shore and traveled extensively, selling his original wheel-thrown pottery at craft fairs along the East Coast. His designs synthesized the tradition of classic Italian majolica with early New England stoneware, reflecting the coastal life of the Chesapeake Bay. According to Dovis, “I feel confident that Blue Crab Bay will do a great job promoting my wares for gifts and useful items for the home. We share the passion to make lives better by producing and offering the best that we can for people’s enjoyment.” Blue Crab Stoneware is lead-free as well as microwave and dishwasher-safe. All designs are copyrighted by Dovis and distributed exclusively by Blue Crab Bay/Bay Beyond. from the additional resources and expertise provided by Providence as we seek to further expand our product offerings and accelerate growth. We look forward to working with (McCurdy) and Providence in the future.” The transaction, which is subject to customary closing conditions and regulatory approvals, was expected to close by the end of September. Providence Equity Partners is the leading global private equity firm specializing in equity investments in media, communications, information services and education companies around the world. The principals of Providence manage funds with more than $23 billion in equity commitments and have invested in more than 100 companies operating in over 20 countries since the firm’s inception in 1989. Providence is headquartered in Providence, R.I., and has offices in New York, London, Los Angeles, Hong Kong and New Delhi. www.kitchenwarenews.com headlines Regal Ware Celebrated 100-Year Mark With September Event Celebrating 100 years of manufacturing high-quality cookware in the United States is a noteworthy event in these days of challenging economics and increasing trade deficits. Doing so with 80 percent of the workforce being employed for 25 years or more is nearly unheard of. Regal Ware, a privately held, family-run company based in Kewaskum and West Bend, Wis., held its “Celebration of a Century” on Sept. 24 at its manufacturing facility in West Bend. Regal Ware hosted factory tours for the general public as part of its celebration. Regal Ware has been crafting high-quality stainless steel cookware and cast aluminum cookware in the United States since the founding of its West Bend Cookware Division in 1911. Once friendly competitors, Regal Ware acquired the assets of the West Bend Co. in 2002. As a result, Regal Ware’s manufacturing history now dates back 100 years. Located just 10 miles apart in rural southeastern Wisconsin, the two manufacturing plants have been drawing on the craftsmanship and expertise of the local community for generations. In fact, words like “generations” and “family” are central to the company. President and Chief Executive Officer Jeff Reigle is the third generation of the Reigle family to lead Regal Ware. His sons, Matthew and Ryan, are both engaged in sales positions with the company; his father, James, is Chairman of the Board, and Jeff ’s brother, Doug, serves as Chief Operating Officer. But family involvement does not stop there. Among the 400 current employees there are 22 married couples; two sets of twins; at least six families with moms and dads, sons and daughters currently employed; and many more current employees represent the second, third, and even fourth generation of their families to be employed by the company. With more than 80 percent of the current workforce being part of the company for 25 years or more, Regal Ware is certainly one-of-a-kind in today’s manufacturing environment. The unique character of the company has helped Regal Ware to rise to both national and international prominence. Regal Ware products can be found in more than 80 countries around the world. Regal Ware was recently named among the Top 100 Direct Selling Companies in the World; and in 2010 received the Direct Selling Association’s Century Award in recognition of 100 years of manufacturing high quality cookware. Regal Ware was also named the 20102011 Business of the Year—large employer category by the West Bend Area Chamber of Commerce. Businesses were evaluated based on stability and growth, economic vitality, customer and client service, employee and volunteer relationships, and community leadership. In response to recent trends, Regal Ware is committed to bringing people back to the table, and is doing so through consumer initiatives and product offerings that make cooking easier and more enjoyable. Regal Ware products include stainless steel and cast aluminum cookware available through both the direct selling and retail sales channels and drinking water treatment systems for the home. PARADISE PEN SHERPA Take writing to the next level with Sherpa, the latest innovation in design for pen lovers of all ages. The Sherpa is a unique pen shell that holds a variety of disposable pens and markers, including Sharpie, Pilot, Uni-ball pens and Accent highlighters, as its refill. It comes in many different styles to appeal to varying levels of taste. Each Sherpa is designed with an innovative cap to keep the color of the marker or pen bold and fresh every time. Pick up a Sherpa of your own right now and see what's inside. Suggested Retail Price: $29.95-34.95 Paradise Pen [tel] 303.382.6566 www.paradisepen.com one on one by Joanne Friedrick Thomas Perez but as fall approaches we are getting into something else. This is the first time we have taken a short-term opportunity like this. I like the idea because it lets you test a concept and have some fun. Even if it isn’t deemed a big success, I think we would decide to do it in other places. A: If you look at Bodum as a brand, the strongest image you get is that it’s not just a one or two SKU concept. It is all about all the products together. It’s not just a toaster with all the other toasters; it’s a toaster with all of our other products, which shows the products better and makes it more appealing. A pop-up shop is ideal for doing that. Q: What is it about Canada that makes this a good place to try this? Q: What’s on the horizon in terms of new products at Bodum? A: Canada has been one of our best markets globally. The way the Canadian consumers have embraced our brand, this concept helps put it all together. You hear a lot about people turning to online shopping, but our Canadian retailers have really enhanced the shopping experience for their customers. A: You will definitely see more electrics and new kinds of electrics with an added touch. There will also be new colors, more knives and a gadget line launching in the next couple of months. We’re even building on our long-time coffee and tea lines. We’re continuing with barbecue as well, adding gas and electric. Wherever we feel it makes sense, we’ll look at doing something. President, Bodum USA On July 1, Bodum opened its first pop-up shop in Toronto’s trendy Distillery Historic District. Open through the holidays, the temporary store is a first for Bodum, allowing it to showcase the majority of its product line without an investment in a long-term lease. At the same time, the company opened a Bodum-lab store in Paris in which customers can try out any product before purchasing it, as well as offer their feedback. Demonstration films are shown as customers try the products, which they place orders for online in the store. Kitchenware News spoke with Thomas Perez, President of Bodum USA, about these new concepts and how they fit with Bodum’s overall philosophy. Q: How did the Toronto pop-up store come about and what is the product mix like? A: We had the opportunity to do it; it was a very spontaneous kind of decision. The Distillery Historic District is a very hip and trendy environment and seemed to be a good fit. We have a few constraints because of the size, but we will have about 90 percent of our range available at any one time. It’s constantly changing, too. First we had barbecue grills, and what has the experience been like? Q: What about expanding the lab store concept? A: We have no plans to bring it to the United States now, but it’s a super exciting store and a new way to present our products. Q: How do these new concepts fit in with Bodum’s overall philosophy for selling its products? Q: You have access to all of Bodum’s products, so which ones do you find yourself using the most? A: The French press, probably because it has to do with coffee. And also the water kettle, for the same reason. But I use many of the Bodum products. Q: How long have you been with Bodum A: I started in 2000 in Switzerland, and then went to Australia to start up a division there. Then I came to the United States four years ago. It’s always been the same kind of company, always thinking outside the box and expanding its boundaries. The company is always on the move. When it comes to thinking about what do to next, we say, ‘Why not try it?’ Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working? A: I travel a lot for work, so I try to stay home in New York and not travel. I travel two to three days a week in the United States and Canada, then also go to the home office in Denmark and travel to trade shows. Dallas Market Center Conducts Second ‘The Next Big Give’ Contest Dallas Market Center launched its second annual The Next Big Give contest, which is a national search for specialty retailers that are giving back to their communities through volunteering, raising funds or donating goods. Whether they are spending time serving at a local food bank, holding a fund-raising event to benefit a worthy cause, or collecting good for an organization in need, retailers generously help improve their communities. “It’s amazing to see the many different ways retailers are serving others and their communities,” said Cindy Morris, COO of Dallas Market Center. “Last year’s winners inspired us, as well as other retailers. We look forward to hearing more stories of generosity.” Ten finalists will be announced on Jan. 9 and two winners on Feb. 14. Two winners will receive a complimentary trip to Market in Dallas, which runs March 22 to 25. Included are round-trip airfare from anywhere in the continental United States and three nights hotel stay. While at Market, The Next Big Give winners will be recognized during The 8 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 Inspired Event, a cocktail party benefiting a charitable cause. The winners will share their stores of giving back in hopes of inspiring other retailers to do the same. Retailers may nominate themselves or be nominated by a manufacturer, a sales representative or a customer. The application is available at www.dallasmarketcenter.com/give. The deadline for applications is Dec. 9. The contest is open to specialty retailers operating their stores in the continental United States. The finalists and winners will be selected by a panel of industry experts and Dallas Market Center representatives. Dallas Market Center was founded in 1957 and covers more than 5 million square feet of products ranging from home furnishings, gifts, decorative accessories and lighting to textiles, fashion accessories and men’s, women’s and children’s apparel. With more than 50 markets each year attended by more than 200,000 retail buyers from 50 states and 78 countries, Dallas Market Center offers hundreds of events and seminars geared toward helping retailers expand their business and increase profits. www.kitchenwarenews.com retailer profile by Joanne Friedrick Now You’re Cooking Unlike many small towns that have seen the downtown retail scene fade away as malls and big-box retailers pop up nearby, Bath, Maine, has worked hard to maintain a vibrant downtown. Now You’re Cooking is part of that success story. Mike Fear, owner of the store that comprises three storefronts, opened his kitchenware, wine and specialty food emporium in 2000. The original store was just the center portion of the now 3,000-square-foot space, which also boasts another 2,000 feet of storage in the basement. In 2002, Fear expanded into what was once a jewelry store on one side and a bit later into the former Chamber of Commerce building. “I didn’t think we needed this much space, but I’m pleased we took it,” he said. The large windows at the front of each section of the store provide a great showcase for Now You’re Cooking’s wares. Fear said every couple of months, his window designer changes out the displays. The store underwent a remodel earlier this year after Fear and his team gathered to mark the store’s 10-year anniversary and brainstorm about what needed to be done. “We had a meeting of the management team,” said Fear, “and I got ideas about what to do. The biggest thing was to put in new floors and redo the store.” New wooden floors replaced the old linoleum and the 8-foot shelves were replaced with lower ones that improved the sightlines. Still to come, said Fear, is some signage to help people find what they are looking for. The store is laid out so cookware and small electrics are in the old Chamber of Commerce space. The store’s office is also in this section. Fear said the store does well with cookware, offering All Clad, Swiss Diamond, Mauviel, Demeyere, Cuisinart, Regal’s American Kitchen, Tramontina and Camerons. There are also pressure cookers from Kuhn Rikon and Fagor as well as cast iron from Staub, Le Creuset and Lodge. Fear said these days, customers are buying mostly individual cookware pieces, although he does offer some sets. With both knife and cookware sets, he said, people run the risk of buying something they won’t use. “It’s better to sell them the individual items,” he said, “and that also keeps them coming back.” While some customers are looking for American-made products, Fear said it's less about buying products from America and more about avoiding those from the Far East. Still, he said, he has to tell people that most of the small electrics are made outside of the United States. The main room of Now You’re Cooking houses the kitchen, two checkout counters and is the site for the cooking classes and www.kitchenwarenews.com most of the demonstrations. There are also aisles filled with bakeware; dinnerware from Fiesta, Denby, Pillivuyt, Emile Henry and whiteware from BIA Cordon Bleu and Harold Imports; table linens, non-electric coffee makers and accessories and cookbooks. A new knife case shows off products from Shun, Henckels, Wusthof, Messermeister and Kyocera. Fear said the case is a big improvement aesthetically, but knife sales are actually down since the remodel. Before, he said, the knives were in the cases at the register, so it was easier to start a conversation about a knife and show it off while making a sale. “Now we have to be more vigilant about engaging the customer,” he said. Across from one of the check-out stands are some of the hottest-selling items in the store, said Fear, such as the Soda Stream beverage maker and Zoku, which is used to make frozen treats. Also going “gangbusters” are Lunchskins—the reusable totes for carrying sandwiches and other lunch items. In the food area, Fear carries some local coffees and a Maine-based spice line. Also available to customers is an olive oil and balsamic vinegar station at which they can buy product and then come back and refill their bottles. A new cheese case is housed in the third section of the store, along with the extensive wine and beer selection. “About seven years ago, we got into the wine business and enlarging the store allowed us to do that,” explained Fear. Beer was added four years ago and the cheese case and selection of imported varieties was a logical extension, he said. In the same room with the wine is also the huge gadget wall that extends nearly from one end of the store to the other. The wall “really attracts people,” said Fear, and gets them to come into that section of the store, which also houses glassware, wine accessories and an extensive tea and tea-related products area. Being born and reared in England, Fear said it was important to have tea be a part of his store. Now You’re Cooking offers wine tastings a couple of times a month, usually in the kitchen portion of the store. A couple of racks holding kitchen linens and aprons can be rolled back to make more room. For cooking classes, which are usually limited to eight people, Fear uses some folding stools to place around the counter. The cooking classes are conducted by area chefs or experts in different cuisines, rather than by staff members. Topics range from German, Italian and Mediterranean cuisine to hands-on bread making. They have also tied in cooking demonstrations with produce from the local farmer’s market in the summer. On non-class days, there is usually something cooking in the store, he said. On the day Hurricane Irene swept through Maine, Fear said he roasted a chicken. Other days, he said, they are making scones. “Not only does it smell good, but it also shows how products are used,” he said. There are 12 mostly part-time employees at the store, said Fear, including three high school students. Over the 11 years he’s been in business, Fear said he’s hired 22 students. “It’s good to have youngsters in here,” he said, noting even his own children have worked at the store. Fear sees hiring students as part of the community service aspect of the store. “Giving an opportunity to young people is big for us,” he said. But he also is active in other community projects, including the Main Street Bath program that is focused on revitalizing and maintaining the downtown. The organization is responsible for Bath Heritage Days, which is the first weekend in July, and also operates the local tourist center. Merchants also get involved with the Old Fashioned Christmas celebration in the town, which runs from a tree lighting in late November through Dec. 30. As for the future of Now You’re Cooking, Fear told himself and others that if the store were successful, he’d do it for 10 years. This past year, was the best ever for the store. “But now it’s about what can we do to keep the store going, even if I’m not here,” he said. For the company to move on, he said, it’s important to get new leadership. Fear credited some of his current team— General Manager Mary Milam, Business Manager Vanessa Mayer and Purchasing Manager Joan Cook—with being the key design makers who also empower the other employees on the store’s direction. “It’s a group effort,” said Fear. “You have to realize that you don’t have all the good ideas. Once you realize that, the better off you will be.” Fear said he’d like to continue his connection with Now You’re Cooking by traveling to all the places where the food and kitchenware is made and, while he’s at it, visit all the great cathedrals in England. He’d also like to improve the store’s ecommerce offerings. “We could make that the next major project,” he said. Although Fear noted that while it’s convenient to buy on line, he still finds it most helpful for people to come into the store and test out products or talk with one of the staff. “I’d rather have them come in, so they don’t make a mistake,” he said. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 9 product review by A.J. Flick LS Arts Bordeaux Wine Decanter LSArts' new wine decanter, Bordeaux, is beautiful in its simplicity. Wine pours from the bottle into the hand-crafted, grapeshaped bowl and then through a stem into your glass. There's a rubber stopper for the bottletop and a rubber plug at the end of the other stem. The Bordeaux boasts that it “speeds up the aerating process,” unlocking the wine's flavors and aromas. No more opening the bottle and waiting 20 to 30 minutes for the wine to breathe with this device. So, how does it work? Given the task of testing and reviewing the Bordeaux, I did what every self-respecting, wine-loving, half-German would do: I set up my own completely unscientific private taste test. Out came a bottle of Mouton-Cadet Bordeaux (might as well match the wine to the name for the first outing) and three wine glasses. I opened the bottle, poured a small amount in one glass, corked the bottle and set a timer for 30 minutes. Half an hour later, I poured a similar amount of wine in another glass, then put the Bordeaux decanter on the wine bottle and poured into the third glass. DELUXE EDGE GRIP KNIFE SHARPENER I did notice a slight difference between the freshly poured (and briefly swirled in the glass) wine and the wine that had been set out to breathe for 30 minutes. There was no difference between the 30-minute wine and the Bordeauxpoured wine—both sips were smoother and more berry-flavored than the freshly poured sip. I enjoyed another round of sips just to be sure. And, because this was completely unscientific, I poured a full glass while I contemplated the Bordeaux wine decanter. Frankly, some wine aerators seem too complicated for my taste. Too many working parts and I'm just as likely to let the glass sit until I drink it, if I can wait that long. I appreciate the Bordeaux's beauty and simplicity. It's easy to use and clean. The hand-crafted glass Bordeaux decanter, which retails for $15, will make a great gift for the oenophile who loves attractive, uncomplicated gadgets. It also dawned on me that the 5-ounce grape-shaped bowl is great for portion control, if you have several friends with whom to share that one great bottle of wine. The space-saving and high-performing Deluxe Edge Grip knife sharpener received the Member Tested Seal of from Cooking Club Approval magazine. Edgeware received a whopping 95 percent approval rating from the 93 in-home club members who conducted the tests. This petitesized, two stage sharpener features both coarse and fine sharpening options. The coarse slot features premium carbides and the fine slot has crossed ceramic stones that work on serrated style knives, as well as regular ones. Each slot offers the correct sharpening angles to effortlessly sharpen European style knives with just a few pulls. The Deluxe Edge Grip makes the task of sharpening a dull knife or touching up an already sharp knife less intimidating for even the most inexperienced of cooks. Suggested Retail Price: $9.99 Edgeware [tel] 800.221.4156 www.edgewareproducts.com VIVID WIRELESS WALL SCONCES From It’s Exciting Lighting™ this batterypowered, wireless wall sconce accent lights is easy to install.There are no holes to cut, no wires to run and most importantly, no expensive electrical installation costs. The “Vivid” line of Wireless Wall sconces feature a high- quality look at a very affordable cost. The sconce shades are available in a variety of patterns that emulate stone, granite, burl wood and other attractive finishes. This innovative, exclusive and proprietary wireless accent light is an ideal lighting solution for the kitchen, bar, bathroom, hallway or any area that needs accent lighting. The product features long lasting, eco-friendly LEDs that create an attractive ambiance with warm rich illumination. Runs on six AA batteries (not included) with more than 200 hours on one set of batteries. Inventures Products [tel] 800.381.3919 www.itsexcitinglighting.com 10 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com K ITCHENWARE NEWS H o u s e w,a r e s R e v i e w S E RV I N G K I T C H E N WA R E H O U S E WA R E S A N D TA B L E T O P M A R K E T S VOLUME 17, NUMBER 10 small electrics OCTOBER 2011 small electrics VITACLAY SMART MULTICOOKER CUCINA PRO WAFFLE IRONS The 1473 Classic Four Square makes four individual waffles, the 1474 makes a 7.5" diameter American waffle, the 1475 makes a flower of five hearts (approximately 7.5" diameter) and the 1476 makes a 7.5" diameter deep Belgian waffle.They all have a non-stick Xylan™ surface and come with an on/off and ready light.The irons will give an audible signal when they are ready to bake and when the setting for the waffle browning has been reached. They are ready to use and come with instructions, recipes and stand on end for storage. All irons include a one-year warranty against defects in parts or manufacturing. Suggested Retail Prices: Round waffle irons (1474, 1475, 1476) $49.99; Classic Four Square (1473) $59.99 Cucina Pro [tel] 216.351.3002 www.cucinapro.com We know we should cook whole food meals from fresh ingredients, but where is the time to prepare these foods for our families? Voted as “Our new favorite multitask” by Shape magazine, and “Top Kitchen Picks”from WeightWatchers® this year, VitaClay® Smart Multicooker can be programmed to prepare stews,soups and braised beef or pork in half the time of a conventional slow cooker,switching to “warm” mode once the dish is done. Plus, it also makes perfectly steamed white, brown and sushi rice and it does it all in an unglazed, clay insert that can be used as a serving dish. Talk about a triple play. Food coming out of clay is always tastier with enhanced flavor and texture. More nutrients are retained in food with less liquid, heavy seasoning and oil required. No more soggy slowcooked meals and no more waiting all day for dinner to be ready. Programmable cooking time with auto start and auto warm give users the luxury of preparing nutritious breakfast cereal without waking up or the freedom to cook while away from home.Most meals can be completed within 30 to 90 minutes,saving half the time and energy. For quick,nutritious and convenient meals that save time and money,think VitaClay. Suggested Retail Price: $149.99 ZOJIRUSHI UMAMI MICOM RICE COOKER The Umami Micom Rice Cooker & Warmer features soak and steam settings that enhance the texture and flavor of cooked rice. It is available in 5.5-cup and 10-cup sizes, with a variety of cooking and warming features, including slow cook. The slow cook setting allows users to make stews, soups, and other one-pot meals with cooking times up to four hours in one-minute increments.The Umami is equipped with menu settings for white, mixed, sushi, porridge, sweet, brown, GABA brown, rise-free and quick cookings. Other features include Zojirushi’s microcomputerized fuzzy logic technology, LCD panel with clock and timer, two setting delay timer, auto keep warm, extended keep warm and reheat cycle, detachable and washable inner lid and detachable power cord. Suggested Retail Price: $273 and $290 Zojirushi [tel] 310.323.6622 www.zojirushi.com VitaClay [tel] 877.877.9121 www.Vitaclaychef.com 12 NUWAVE PARTY MIXER SYNTIA CAPPUCCINO MACHINE Hearthware Home Products blends the perfect combination of power, performance and price with the new NuWave® Party Mixer.The NuWave Party Mixer’s powerful, 400-watt motor ensures ice, frozen fruit and even thick-skinned vegetables are blended to the perfect consistency. Simply fill the pitcher with ingredients, place the power head on top, and press a button. Built to perform, the Party Mixer features a four-blade action that chops, crushes, and blends ingredients with ease, and offers a largecapacity 48-ounce pitcher. Easy to clean, the mixer is dishwasher safe (with exception of the power head).The Party Mixer also comes with a collection of taste-tempting recipes. Suggested Retail Price: $29.99 The Edgeware Pro Edge Elite Diamond & Ceramic Electric Knife Sharpener can be used to sharpen both European and American knives as well as Asian-style, double-beveled straight edged knives. The versatile, top-of-the-line sharpener features both ceramic and diamond interlocking wheels. Edgeware’s proprietary interlocking wheel technology allows users to sharpen both sides of the blade simultaneously. The ceramic wheel slot produces a smooth and sharp edge, while removing a minimal amount of metal. The diamond wheel slot is used for duller blades. Suggested Retail Price: $199.95 The Syntia Cappuccino Automatic Espresso Machine from Philips Saeco provides a compact and stylish way to enjoy both Italian espresso and cappuccino at home.The unit features ceramic grinders that adjust for coffee brewing length, temperature and strength. There is an easy-to-use, colorcoded user interface with red, yellow and green signals; and controls that make customized specialty drinks available at the touch of a button. The Syntia features automatic cleaning and descaling cycles and a removable brew group for easy cleaning. The stainless steel machine stands 18" high and 10" wide with a coffee bean capacity of eight ounces and a water tank that holds 40 ounces. Hearthware Home Products [tel] 888.689.2831 www.nuwaveoven.com Edgeware [tel] 800.221.4156 www.edgewareproducts.com Saeco USA [tel] 800.933.7876 www.saeco-usa.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 EDGEWARE PRO EDGE ELITE www.kitchenwarenews.com small electrics BISTRO ELECTRIC TABLE GRILL Versatile, colorful and extremely functional, the Bistro Electric Table Grill acts as two grills in one thanks to its double-sided cooking surface. The smooth griddle side is perfect for pancakes, crepes, bacon, panini and more. Flip it over, and the ridged grill side cooks meat, fish and/or vegetables. The grilling surfaces are made of nonstick coated aluminum and the handles from heat-resistant, BPA-free plastic. The Table Grill features six temperature settings and comes with a dual-ended, heat-resistant spatula. The removable grill surface and drip pan are both dishwasher safe. Colors available for are red, orange, green and black. Suggested Retail Price: $139.95 Bodum USA [tel] 877.992.6386 www.bodum.com CHEF’SCHOICE WAFFLE MAKER Capresso’s Burr Grinder Model 559 features a precision electronic timer and a 17-position grind selector. The user can to choose from two to 12 cups. This professional quality grinder comes with a half-pound capacity bean container and a removable ground coffee container with lid for storage of previously ground beans. The burr grinding wheel is easily removed and replaced for cleaning and maintenance. Suggested Retail Price: $49.99 The Chef’sChoice® Classic WafflePro® Model 852 bakes two homemade waffles in just two minutes or less. It features a non-stick, easy-release coating, and its consistent, even heating guarantees beautiful waffles uniformly cooked inside and out. The WafflePro quickly recovers its temperature so it’s always ready to bake. The top waffle plate is attached with a floating hinge to ensure uniform thickness and even baking. A convenient, easy-open latching handle combined with a builtin cord storage compartment allows this waffle maker to be stored efficiently in a space-saving upright position. Suggested Retail Price: $49.99 Jura Capresso [tel] 201.767.3999 www.capresso.com ChefsChoice [tel] 800.342.3255 www.chefschoice.com KRUPS INTUITIVE KETTLE This brushed stainless steel electric kettle features a water level indicator with blue lighting, auto shut-off and has a 1.8-quart capacity. Suggested Retail Price: $69.99 Groupe SEB/Krups [tel] 973.736.0300 www.groupeseb.com CAPRESSO BURR GRINDER OLISO VACUUM SEALER The Oliso PRO-1000 Vacuum Sealer offers the same power as units three times its size. The compact sealer works with reusable zipper-top bags. It features variable settings for moist and dry foods and a function that prevents crushing fragile foods. Suggested Retail Price: $149.99 Oliso Inc. [tel] 415.864.7600 www.oliso.com BABY CHEF ULTIMATE BABY FOOD CENTER Baby Chef’s Ultimate Baby Food Center is the essential kitchen helper for parents. It blends, chops, warms, steams and reheats. Foods can be steamed and pureed at the same time in side-by-side jars. It also functions as a bottle warmer and occupies minimal counter space. The containers are BPA-free. Suggested Retail Price: $149.99 Kids Line www.kidsline.com www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 13 small electrics THE ROMA™ BY WESTON TUBE PASTA MACHINE TRIBEST GREEN STAR ELITE JUICER Designed to chew and break down food, human teeth masticate a person’s daily intake of fruits and vegetables. Inspired by this process, the Green Star's jumbo twin gears extract the maximum level of nutrition from fruits and veggies in its 24 stainless-steel masticators with pocket recesses—a toothed helical design mimicking the function of human teeth. The Green Star Elite incorporates a mixing stage, an inspiration by Dr. Max Gerson, who recommended that his cancer patients masticate apples and carrots first and mix them well before pressing. By allowing the malic acid in the apples to interact with the nutrients in the carrots, it facilitates digestion and greater absorption by the body.Yielding more juice and more enzymes, the jumbo twin gears ensure that minerals are preserved and enjoyed. Suggested Retail Price: $629 Nothing quite compares to the taste of homemade—especially when it comes to pasta. Weston’s exclusive line of Roma products makes it easy to give athome recipes that made-fresh taste and authentic Italian flair. The Roma™ by Weston Tube Pasta Machine, Model 01-0701-W, allows users to make five styles of homemade pasta. Make rigatoni, bucatini, mezze penne, tortiglioni and fusilli all with the same machine. This pasta machine comes with a dough mixing kit to help mix the pasta dough effortlessly and with less mess, as well as a cutter spatula to easily cut the pasta off the disc. The Tube Pasta Machine simply clamps to any countertop and comes with rubberized feet to protect the counter surface. All the accessories are dishwasher safe, saving time and hassle during cleanup. Also included is a disc rack to keep the pasta discs organized for storage. The professional-grade tools in the Roma pasta line are easy to use and made to last. And with Roma’s variety of pasta attachments users are set to make all of their family’s favorite pastas. Suggested Retail Price: $74.99 Weston Products [tel] 440.368.3131 www.westonproducts.com Tribest Corp. [tel] 714.879.7150 www.tribestlife.com SOUSVIDE SUPREME DEMI WARING PRO TOASTERS The Waring Pro Professional 2- and 4-Slice Cool-Touch Toasters prepare traditional toast, as well as frozen waffles, pancakes, French toast, frozen bagels and English muffins. Waring’s toasters feature an Adjustable Shade Control & Cancel Knob to allow home cooks to perfectly produce the shade of toast that fits their preference, as well as self-centering toast slots to ensure even browning. The toasters also have bagel and defrost buttons with LED indicators that add appropriate amounts of time to the toasting cycle.Both models are designed with 1.3" wide toasting slots. The units also have a high-lift carriage feature that brings toasted items within easy reach and a slide-out crumb tray.The 4-Slice Toaster can toast two different types of items at the same time, as its independent carriages can be separately programmed. Waring’s Cool-Touch Toasters are available in black or white. Suggested Retail Price: $24 and $34 The Demi is a smaller version of the SousVide Supreme.The Demi features a steel water bath with nonstick coating and a one-touch precision control panel with timer and PID temperature controller.The aluminum lid can also be used as a drip tray when transporting food pouches, and a rack separates pouches to allow for even cooking.The Demi is available in white, gray, red, cobalt blue and black. Suggested Retail Price: $299.95 Eades Appliance Technology [tel] 877.787.6836 www.sousvidesupreme.com Waring Consumer Products [tel] 800.988.1000 www.waringproducts.com 14 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com tabletop market update AMERICAN FEITIAN GLASS PORCELAIN FOOTED BOWLS Rich in simplicity and wonderfully white, these Porcelain Footed Bowls from American Metalcraft are useful for soups, salads, pastas and vegetables. They are available in three sizes, making them versatile enough for individual servings or family style. Choose from bowl sizes 23.7 ounces, 59.2 ounces and 124.4 ounces. They join American Metalcraft's growing line of porcelain that includes trays, sauce cups, bowls, plates, platters, salt and pepper shakers/dishes, water pitchers, creamers and sugar packet holders. American Metalcraft [tel] 800.333.9133 www.amnow.com SCARLET POSY FROM KATIE ALICE from her beautiful cottage in rural Northamptonshire. Together with her husband, Justin, she runs the local village pub, which is a very important part of village life. Life revolves around the pub and her home as well as her beautiful cottage garden. With an eye for detail, her home reflects how Katie and Justin live their lives, surrounding themselves with color and inspiration taken from the natural world around them. Inspiration for this pretty retro collection came from an old piece of 1950s printed textile, painted in watercolor and paint. Katie says,“I was really drawn to this design because of the rich heritage colors and the way that the floral sprays stood out against the pale shadowy silver ferns. It reminded me of an old tea set that my grandmother had in her living room, but I wanted a slightly modern look, so included some spots for that all important mix and match appeal.” The range includes bullet-shaped, over-sized mugs in various designs on super-white porcelain, as well as bowls, dinner plates, side plates, melamine trays and cork-backed mats and coasters, and there are more products on the way. Scarlet Posy is a gorgeous new vintage-inspired tabletop collection designed by English lifestyle designer Katie Alice. Katie lives and works Creative Tops Ltd. [tel] 908.375.8173 www.creative-tops.com America FeiTian (AFT) is the American division of Liao Yang FeiTian, China’s largest manufacturer of handcrafted glass gifts and decorative accessories. The company has been distributing glassware in the United States since 2002. AFT produces a wide range of items, including glass flowers, vases, plates, bowls, candleholders and glass figurines. All of the company’s items are proudly blown by highly skilled craftsmen with years of glass-making experience. Roosters are extremely popular now in housewares tabletop. This lovely bowl is completely hand blown and fused with colorful barnyard hues. It provides the perfect place for napkins, sweeteners, utensils or other kitchen-related items. Suggested Retail Price: $29.95 American FeiTian [tel] 858.675.2000 www.aft-c.com tabletop market update PROUNA RICH COLLECTION LASSO™ BY WILTON ARMETALE The Rich Collection from Prouna USA is available in five colors: night black, white, emerald green, ruby red or royal blue. All items have a 24-kt gold rim and are embedded with Swarovski crystals. Prouna is the first in the industry to develop the technology for inlaying Swarovski crystals on dishwasherdurable collections. The deep and classic colors of the Rich Collection give it an extraordinary royal feel. Each collection has five-piece place settings as well as accessory items and serving pieces. The diversity of colors allows for mix and match between collections of this pattern. Each item is sold individually and packaged in a black and gold gift box. Suggested Retail Price: $604 for a five-piece place setting Big, bold and beautiful, Lasso is fancied up in a rustic yet elegant lariat design, exquisitely sculpted and polished. Designed by Stan Baskett for Wilton Armetale. Lasso can go from oven or stove right to the table. Made from Armetale metal, these pieces are perfect for the cooking and serving of hot and cold foods. Hot foods will stay hot longer at the table, while cold food in chilled Armetale metal stays colder. Suggested Retail Prices: $50-86 Prouna USA [tel] 212.481.5657 www.prounausa.com GRANITO COLLECTION Scandinavian Modern influences in pattern and creatively combined glazes have enabled Gibson Overseas to transform an already popular shape—the rectangle—into its latest retail option.The Granito Collection uses a more refined botanical pattern, as well as color reactive mixed with metallic glaze, to build on the trend favoring rectangular silhouettes. The paprika color is also an update to the industry’s top-selling red. The Granito Collection is available in a 16-piece set or in open stock. Suggested Retail Price: $79.99 for the set Gibson Overseas [tel] 323.832.8900 www.gibsonusa.com Wilton Armetale [tel] 800.779.4586 www.armetale.com FUSION BOTTLE FRUIT INFUSER Enjoy refreshing, natural, fruit-flavored water, tea, spirits and more with the Fusion Bottle Fruit Infuser/Cocktail Shaker. Just add sliced lemons, limes, oranges, strawberries, pineapple etc. Keep in refrigerator (fits on door shelf) and refill after each use; fruit will last up to 10 days without replacing.Use as a cocktail shaker to shake up great martinis and other exotic drinks. The bottle’s removable neck has a molded-in strainer to hold back ice or fruit as you pour. The BPA-free bottle has an attractive stainless steel cap and trim, along with a silicone plug, neck seal and skid-resistant bottom ring.The bottle body has a 32-ounce (950 ml) capacity and will fit on refrigerator door. It is packaged in an attractive,full-color box. Suggested Retail Price: $24.99 Prodyne Enterprises [tel] 800.822.4776 www.prodyne.com SIGNATURE HOUSEWARES DOTS Your choice of five bold colors for dinnerware, baking dishes and fun accessories allow for a large statement, a single item or anything in between. This durable stoneware is dishwasher safe and microwave safe, lead-free and built to last. DOTS is available now. Suggested Retail Prices: $7.99-24.99 Signature Housewares [tel] 805.484.6666 www.sighouse.com 16 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com tabletop market update TABLETOP (Cont. from p.1) The 3,000-square-foot showroom is a first for Meyer. “We’re thrilled to be debuting our tabletop collections at 41 Madison,” said Suzanne Murphy, Vice President of Marketing at Meyer. “Introducing tabletop in both Rachael Ray and Paula Deen represents a natural progression from cookware and kitchenware, and allows us to leverage the successful brand equity we’ve created for both brands.” Both tabletop collections offer dishwasher and microwave-safe dinnerware in a choice of porcelain and stoneware. “The dinnerware market has been migrating from formal to casual as consumer habits change,” said Murphy. “It’s more common today to have casual dining in the kitchen than a formal dining room. We believe consumers will want to extend their collections of Rachael Ray and Paula Deen cookware to include dinnerware.” what they are doing next,” she said, especially as Target continues to tap into designers such as Missoni and Liberty of London for home fashions as well as clothing and accessories. with artists coming in each day to “sculpt” out fashion looks with products from the showrooms, she said. A reception is planned in the lobby on Oct. 25 from 5 to 7 p.m. Bridal Guide is the host of the café, which is open the first three days of the show and will be serving Italian bistro fare. Prior to the show opening on Oct. 25, Zwicky said the 7 W showrooms will host a “meet the designers” event so visitors “can get a one-onone feel for where their inspirations come from,” she said.Throughout the show, there will be in-suite events such as special presentations, book signings and product demos. Over at 7 W New York, the lobby display will have an “On the Set” theme, according to the building’s public relations contact, Alexandra Zwicky, Senior Account Executive at Novita Communications. The lobby display will be an installation piece A complimentary buyers’ lunch is available Oct. 25-27, as well as an on-call car service that takes buyers between 7 W New York and 41 Madison. KETCHUM CANISTER The Small Ketchum Canister is part of the Mountain House Collection from Foreside Home and Garden. The ceramiccontainer measures 7.25" high by 8.25" in diameter. Suggested Retail Price: $38 Foreside Home & Garden [tel] 855.474.3344 www.foresidehomeandgarden.com The addition of Meyer at 41 Madison is just one of several new tenants, said Laurie Burns, Senior Vice President and Director. Among them is the Hermes Group, which offers a new line of knives from Puiforcat silversmiths in Paris that are designed by Michelin-starred Chef Pierre Gagnaire. Among the silver pieces to be shown, said Burns, is a champagne beaker with a unique shape that enhances the champagne-drinking experience. While Lauren for Ralph Lauren already has a showroom at 41 Madison, Burns said the upscale division of Ralph Lauren will have its own space for the October show. In addition, Julia Watts is doubling the size of her showroom, which includes brands such as Hering-Berlin, a German maker of whiteware and glassware and Odiot French silver tableware and decorative pieces. Burns said she is seeing new store-friendly packaging and lower minimums, designed to draw these retailers to the tabletop show, among the lines geared toward independents and kitchenware stores. “Some of the majors are going to have big launches,” added Burns, who said that significant new product introductions have become a part of the spring and fall shows. In the lobby at 41 Madison, Traditional Home magazine Senior Style Editor Krissa Rossbund will be undertaking the lobby settings, based on a four seasons theme. Although it is meant more for interior designers, Burns said luxury linens company Sferra will be introducing a new app that that allows people to match tabletop with linen colors, just by taking a photo of the plate and using the app to bring up a palette of appropriate color combinations. The featured speaker at 41 Madison’s Breakfast Seminar on Oct. 26 is Minda Grainek, a former Vice President and Creative Director at Target, who now runs her own marketing firm. The talk, “Through the Lens of the Red Bull’s Eye: Market Trends in Home & Lifestyle,” should be a crowd pleaser, said Burns. “Everyone wants to know www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 17 home & kitchen storage Trends Bring Color, Multi-Use and Green to Kitchen Storage Bright colors, multi-use and “green” products are at the top of the list when thinking about current kitchen storage trends. The recent Bisphenol A (BPA) crisis triggered a BPA-free plastics market. BPAfree plastics are everywhere, especially “hydration containers,” which can be found in a variety of shapes, colors and sizes. Kitchen containers are not far behind. Rubbermaid now has an entire array of BPA-free utility and decorative food containers, such as Flex and Seal bowls and canisters to TakeAlongs and Servin’ Savers as well as BPA-free Elegan Bowls and Serving Bowls. The glass vs. plastic competition in kitchen storage has clearly been influenced by the BPA controversy. For many consumers, the BPA scare caused a return to glass containers for cooking and storing. According to Jeffrey Haynes, Sales and Marketing Manager for Libra Inc., the interest in glass is more than just a reaction to the BPA scare, although the scare certainly did impact the glass market. Haynes said glass appeals to consumers because it is versatile. It stores foods in the freezer, yet it is also an excellent oven (safe to heat to 425 degrees) and microwave option—provided there is a resting period between any temperature change. by Karrie Welborn Haynes said, “Glass continues to grow dramatically in the market. It cleans up well and doesn’t stain. Unlike plastics, glass doesn’t get into the food, nor the food into the product. Equally important, glass is environmentally positive.” Haynes added that data from the grocery channel of IRI Data clearly indicated that in the past 24 months glassware UPCs have grown substantially, thereby validating its positive marketability. In a recent Good Housekeeping Research Institute review of 28 storage containers, although only three of the products tested were glass, it was a glass container (Rubbermaid’s Lockits) that won first place for air-tight storage and flavor retention. Three more of the products tested were stainless steel and the rest were plastic. The Institute tested for the following: How much moisture accrues during storage (or how airtight the container remains); does it leak when you shake it; will it break if dropped; and does it stain? (The results can be viewed on their website: www.goodhousekeeping .com/product-review.) The plastic market is at a disadvantage, Haynes said, because of the recession and the high cost of the petroleum, as petroleum is vital to the production of plastics. On the other hand, he noted, “Glass is very cost competitive.” Haynes said although he has seen strong growth in “temporary” semidisposable plastic storage containers; i.e., those that can be used once or twice and then thrown away, glass is consistently reuseable for food storage. There is, however, no time limit on the usability of glass, and as it can also be used as cookware, it can be classified as multi-use product. Linda Arenesen, President of Linden Sweden Inc., said her company is seeing trends in colors, multi-use products and environmental responsibility. “When the economy is down,” she said, “I think people like bright, bold colors to cheer them up.” Linden Sweden’s twixit!® bag clips are particularly bright. They come in two series, Blues (cobalt, turquoise, lime green and white) and Jazz (yellow, red, lime green and white). The third trend Arenesen sees occurring now and continuing into the future is environmental responsiblity or “green.” For this reason Linden Sweden uses glass as the base of its Tulip Spice Grinders, which easily store rock salt and peppercorns, and can grind and store other foods such as nuts and flax seeds. In addition to being “green,” Arenesen noted glass storage cleans up without retaining old odors and it doesn’t stain. Also full of “bold and bright” colors are Zak Designs’ Pop Mini Stackable four-piece canister set. Made of mixed acrylic and silicone, with a silicone seal, these square containers come red, orange, pink and yellow. Beside storing food such as crackers, cookies or candy, they have Other suppliers have also turned to color for storage, whether it’s red and blue stainless steel bread bins from Polder or Fiesta dinnerware’s canisters. Fiestaware, known for its vivid colors, has small, medium and large canisters in cobalt, scarlet, turquoise, sunflower, tangerine, paprika, peacock, plum, chocolate and its newest color, marigold. The canisters are not only vivid, they are also oven, dishwasher and microwave safe. Although the EvriStore N’ More wall organizer is not sold in colors, it is a great aid to maintaining an environmentally responsible household. Plastic bags are easily stored in this wall-mounted organizer. In addition to those ubiquitous bags, the organizer is a great place for storing cleaning cloths and spray bottles. Vibrant colors to raise the emotions and multi-use products to make the most of consumers’ purchase power are trends that will almost certainly continue as long as the recession exists, while being environmentally responsible is a trend that should continue beyond the economic downturn’s end. MESA CHIP AND DIP SET RABBIT BAMBOO WINE RACK Chips stay put and guests can easily scoop accompaniments from this sleek serving set. The dip holder attaches to the side of the bowl for ease of use and space-saving functionality. It is available in white, red or blue. The large bowl measures 12" by 5" by 11", while the small bowl is 6" wide. Suggested Retail Price: $30 Beautiful, durable and affordable, this handsome new bamboo wine rack from Metrokane holds eight wine bottles and folds flat for saving space on the retail floor. Made of furniture-quality bamboo with polished chrome hinges, this is the first wine rack with the famous Rabbit brand. Mesa International [tel] 603.935.9258, ext. 238 www.mesahomeproducts.com Metrokane [tel] 212.759.6262 www.metrokane.com TRIBEST GLASLIFE GLASS STORAGE CONTAINERS microwave, freezer and dishwasher. POPSOME CANDY & NUT DISPENSERS Glaslife is the perfect solution to bake, serve and store ready-made foods in the same glass container that was used to prepare favorite recipes. Glaslife comes with BPA-free plastic lids designed with airtight silicone seals to keep odors from escaping. Lock in the freshness and flavors of favorite recipes while preventing harmful pollutants from contaminating foods. With a spacesaving design, Glaslife containers can neatly nest into one another with their lids attached for optimum convenience and organization. Made of heavy-duty, stain-resistant tempered glass, Glaslife is lightweight, yet strong and durable. Aside from storing favorite foods and recipes,Glaslife can be used in the oven, Tribest Corp. [tel] 714.879.7150 www.tribestlife.com Vacu Vin introduces the PopSome Candy & Nut Dispensers. These bright, fashionable bowls with the Oxiloc lid system keeps treats fresh at parties and in storage. The special lid makes the treats accessible while keeping the food uncontaminated from dirty hands, germs, dust or pet hair. The Oxiloc system ensures the bowl remains airtight. When the flexible lid is pulled up with a “pop,” an opening appears to dispense treats. Suggested Retail Price: $11.99 18 non-food uses as well, such as storing stove utensils, pens or notepads. Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 Vacu Vin [tel] 704.882.3521 [email] [email protected] www.vacuvin.com www.kitchenwarenews.com home & kitchen storage EVRIHOLDER PRODUCTS’ HANDY BAGG'R LINDEN SWEDEN BAKER'S COOLING RACK Reusing grocery bags is not a new practice, but one that has spanned generations and households.Too often, though, the plastic bags hang awkwardly over drawers, requiring nearly constant attention to keep them from falling and spilling their contents whenever someone walks past them or needs to open and close the drawer or door. For that reason and so many more, Evriholder Products® has developed the new patented Handy Bagg’R™, which turns an ordinary plastic shopping bag into an easy-to-use trash holder. Cleverly designed with special rotation technology, the head of the Handy Bagg’R either hangs on a drawer or cabinet or rotates to slip over a knob. In the garage or shop, just slip the head over a nail or hook. Simply open the arms until they hit the stop mechanism. Twist the hanger to go over a cabinet or drawer, or hang over a knob. Pull the handles of the shopping bag onto each arm and you’re done. The Handy Bagg’R is top-rack dishwasher safe and folds for convenient storage. Suggested Retail Price: $4.99 Bakers and crafters alike will appreciate this space-saving baker's cooling rack. Not only does it increase counter space, but it folds up after use—taking up minimal storage space as well. The cooling rack, which is made of powder-coated iron, is excellent for baking as well as finishing arts and crafts projects. It features four arms that can fold out for increased countertop space and alternate arms to accommodate a deeper dish. The rack folds to 22" high by 10" wide for easy storage and stands 13" tall when in use. Each arm holds up to 10 pounds. Suggested Retail Price: $20 Evriholder Products [tel] 800.975.0335 www.evriholder.com Linden Sweden Inc. [tel] 952.465.0052 www.lindensweden.com Two-Tier Beverage & Food Can Carousel quickly organizes cupboards, pantries, counter space and fridge. The handy carousel holds up to 13 12-ounce soda cans; or up to 39 cans of food, and is perfect for 10-ounce tins of soup, veggies or fruit. The twotiered carousel spins 360 degrees on a stainless steel ball bearing mechanism for easy access. Suggested Retail: $12.95 CAN-TAMER™ TWO-TIER CAN CAROUSEL This space-saving organizer keeps cans at your fingertips. The Can-Tamer™ ZAK DESIGNS CONFETTI MIX, SERVE AND STORE BOWLS The Confetti line of dinnerware,serveware and kitchen prep products has been one of the most popular offerings in Zak’s 35year history. This year, Zak launched redesigned Confetti serving bowls that will make mixing, serving and storing a breeze. These bowls are available in 1.5-,2-,and 3-quart sizes and feature high sides to make mixing and serving easier. And whether users are storing extra batter for later or simply putting chips away after the party,the new Confetti bowls feature lids that have been reinforced with artistic ridges to help keep them sturdy and retain their shape even after they’ve been put in the dishwasher. Available in either blue bell or assorted bright colors, the bowls have also been created so they Prime Way [tel] 905.732.5445, ext 246 www.life-tamers.com nest neatly inside each other with the lids on. And, like all Confetti products, these new bowls are made with recycled melamine, so not only do they make mixing, serving and storing easier, they also they do it in a more environmentally friendly way. Suggested Retail Price: $12.99, $15.99, $18.99 Zak Designs [tel] 800.331.1089 www.zak.com TÜLZ SAVERS Keep food fresher for longer in the ecofriendly savers by tülz. These BPAfree containers safely store unused half fruits and vegetables. Savers extend the life of cut tomatoes, onions and garlic as well as keep lemons and limes fresh and moist.The whimsical design of these gadgets does not sacrifice function— airtight, odor-tight and dishwasher safe. Suggested Retail Price: $4.99 (tomato, onion and garlic); $3.99 (lemon and lime) Fox Run Brands [tel] 800.372.0700 www.foxrunbrands.com www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 19 BUYERS GUIDE buffet/serveware ZAK DESIGNS’ EMERIL BBQ COLLECTION Fans of Emeril Lagasse know how important barbecuing is to the renowned chef,and now Zak Designs is giving those fans a way to bring some of Emeril’s signature style to their barbecues with a new line of prep and serveware products designed specifically for the patio.The Emeril™ line of BBQ products features the bright,bold colors that Emeril is known for and the durable functionality he demands. Among the products included in the line is the revolutionary new Table Art Flame prep and serving bowls that allow users to present grilling rubs,kabob ingredients or even hamburger toppings in a fun and unique way. The line also includes three different Emeril Grilling Serve Trays.Each tray is durable and easy to clean and features a different grilling theme in classic Emeril style. With these products, and many more, Zak and Emeril are bringing the BAM!™ to barbecue. Suggested Retail Prices: Set of seven prep and serving bowls $32.99; grilling tray $24.99 Zak Designs [tel] 800.331.1089 www.zak.com FRANMARA 8318 CELEBRATION COOLER WITH LID This extra-large, double-wall tub cooler of high-polished stainless steel keeps bottles in direct contact with ice. The seven-bottle capacity lid positions all the bottles equidistant from one another. The hinged handles are very strong for heavy use.The base is flat and solid stainless steel. Beautifully highpolished stainless steel makes this cooler look great at any party. The cooler stands 7¾" high, with the lid knob; 20¼" wide, with handles; and 19" in diameter. Franmara also offers many more large coolers. Suggested Retail Price: $199 Franmara [tel] 800.423.5855 www.franmara.com LSARTS’ BORDEAUX GLASS BEADED COLLECTION Look sharp with LSArts’ new Bordeaux Glass Beaded Collection. Each piece features stainless steel with a glass-beaded accent handle. Created using four unique color palettes and two different-sized glass beads, the spreaders, forks and spoons are packaged in sets of four. Hand wash only. Enclosed in a white, clear-view window box, each set includes a pull-up hang tag to provide retailers with endless display options.LSArts carries a complete art glass collection of bottle stoppers, wine charms, holiday items and wine aerators. Suggested Retail Price: $12 for a set of four LSArts Inc. [tel] 954.722.1750 www.lsarts.com Core Bamboo [tel] 646.845.6000 www.corebamboo.com SIGNATURE HOUSEWARES’ CHIP N DIP Signature Housewares' ruby red twobowl Chip N Dip is the go-to fall entertaining item. It turns any gathering into a party and the rich red color is perfect for holidays or any other time of year. Dishwasher/ microwave safe, lead-free and chip-resistant stoneware ensure that it’s the perfect party companion. Suggested Retail Price: $49.99 CREATIVE TOPS’ CUPCAKE STORAGE JAR Over the past two years, there has been a remarkable growth in the area of kitchen storage. Some of the most popular items in this product category are stacking cake tins, which are perfect for keeping home-baked cakes and cookies nice and fresh. One of Creative Tops’ best-selling collections has been its Iced Fancies range, where colorful, retroinspired cupcakes adorn a range of kitchen accessories. The soft pastel color palette is incredibly nostalgic and adds that spot of retro '50s housewife charm. This particular design is available across cake and biscuit tins and ceramic storage, including a rather quirky large cupcake storage jar complete with a cherry on top. Pretty-looking kitchen storage can add a dash of color and sparkle to any kitchen and is affordable and fun. Signature Housewares [tel] 805.484.6666 www.sighouse.com Creative Tops [tel] 888.209.1919 www.creative-tops.com 20 CORE BAMBOO’S REVOLVING SERVING PLATTER Core Bamboo’s classy bamboo/ ceramic Revolving Serving Platter is the perfect way to display edibles and make the tabletop design chic and functional. A crisp, white ceramic bowl sits atop a handsome, 100 percent bamboo revolving tray, creating a simple contrast that gives any occasion extra elegance. The revolving bottom piece will allow easy access to all sides of the table, making it the perfect design for parties and buffets. With six bamboo compartments and one ceramic bowl, there are endless ways in which this serving piece can be used. Perfect for dips, hors d'oeuvres, candy, vegetables and snacks alike, the Revolving Serving Platter is something customers can't live without. Suggested Retail Price: $75 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 TOWLE HAMMERSMITH SERVEWARE RAVI SOLUTIONS’ FOLDABLE ICE BUCKET The Hammersmith Collection by Towle features cast-aluminum serving pieces with finely hand-hammered details. Durable and food safe, cast aluminum never requires polishing. Simply hand-wash with mild soap and dry with a soft cloth. Items in the collection include a set of two salad servers, an 8.25" square bowl, a 12" oval bowl, a 15” round platter and an 18.5" tray. Suggested Retail Price: $30-105 As wine accessory specialists, Ravi Solutions' product line is both innovative and functional, with a great emphasis placed on producing products that are sophisticated in style and flawless in performance. Each product is unique in function, allowing all of the “wine needs” to be covered. Still, all of Ravi's products are designed with one goal in mind—to maximize drinking pleasure. Ravi's new, innovative foldable ice bucket will spice up the table and keep the wine chilled. Suggested Retail Price: $7.95 Lifetime Brands Inc. [tel] 800.747.0475 www.lifetimebrands.com Ravi Solutions [tel] 514.312.8476 www.ravisolution.com www.kitchenwarenews.com BUYERS GUIDE buffet/serveware FOIL BUTTERFLY FISH PLATTERS Entertaining is at its best with these beautiful, foiled-glass serving platters from Prima Design. From appetizers to side dishes to desserts, users can serve their favorite fare on these glass trays that are great for hot and cold foods. Suggested Retail Price: $49 HERITAGE DOUBLE DIP SERVER Prima Design USA [tel] 212.545.8787 primadesignusa.com The compact Heritage Double Dip Server by Nambé features an organic, curved shape and bronze-finished alloy. The bottom is 12.5" long and 7" wide, ideal for stacking some potato chips or crudités, while the top is divided for serving convenience. The piece stands 5.75" high. Designed by Wei Young, it was introduced in April 2011. Suggested Retail Price: $250 BASALT TRAY This tray looks like slate but is made from culinary porcelain, hence it has all the cooking benefits and health benefits that slate does not. Chefs love to present their dishes on slate, but it is brittle and absorbs odors and bacteria. Revol has solved this problem with this oven-to-table collection. Suggested Retail Price: $39.95 Suggested Retail Price: $30 With Chantal’s 5 Function Fondue set, users are ready for every course of a fondue meal. The porcelain bowl keeps cheese and chocolate sauces hot without overcooking or burning,and the stainless steel pot is ideal for cooking meat in oils or broth.The bowl with the pot can be used on the stovetop as a double boiler for sauces, soups, rice and more. The 5 Function Fondue set includes a 1.5quart porcelain bowl, 2-quart brushed stainless pot, stainless fondue stand and burner, a diffuser, spatter guard, glass lid and six stainless fondue forks. Suggested Retail Promo Price: $100 RSVP International Inc. [tel] 800.275.7787 www.rsvp-intl.com Chantal Corp. [tel] 800.365.4354 www.chantal.com Revol [tel] 678.456.8671 www.revol-usa.com Nambé [tel] 800.443.0339 www.nambe.com RSVP INTERNATIONAL'S PORCELAIN & GLASS APPETIZER SET An intriguing approach to serving appetizers, desserts or personal-size condiments,these eight porcelain square spoons each hold one ounce and sit on top of a beautiful glass tray. The tray measures 16.125" by 7.5". All pieces are dishwasher safe,and are sold in a color box. CHANTAL 5 FUNCTION FONDUE PRODYNE BUFFET ON ICE Food stays chilled and fresh over a bed of ice with this large oval server. Simply fill the deep bottom tray with ice and then position the four-compartment food tray above. The vented food tray allows the chill from the ice to flow through to the food. Perfect for indoor and outdoor entertaining, it can be used for fruit, veggies, cold cuts, seafood and more. Included is a removable dip cup. The bottom tray can also be used alone.The crystal clear, shatterproof set is made of BPA-free materials. Suggested Retail Price: $34.99 Prodyne [tel] 800.822.4776 www.prodyne.com CHEESE BALL SERVING BOARD A seasonal take on its popular Cheese Ball Serving Board, Out of the Woods of Oregon’s 18" by 8" board is made in America from Oregon red alder, a sustainable and renewable American hardwood. It is packaged with a 5.5" serving bowl and matching snowman spreader for the holiday season. Designed for serving cheese balls, pates, dips and spreads. Suggested Retail Price: $29.95 Out of the Woods of Oregon [tel] 800.713.3245 www.outofthewoodsoforegon.com www.kitchenwarenews.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 21 { news in brief } Fitz and Floyd, a longtime leader in the tabletop and giftware industries, has promoted Helene Branisel to Senior Key Account Manager for Maxwell & Williams Designer Homewares. Maxwell & Williams is an Australian-based tabletop and homewares brand that is distributed in the United States by Fitz and Floyd. Branisel has been the senior key account manager for Fitz and Floyd for the past six years, and will retain that responsibility as she assumes her leadership role at Maxwell & Williams. Branisel began her career with Fitz and Floyd in 1998 as a district sales manager covering independent accounts in Illinois and southern Wisconsin. She was promoted to area sales manager in 2002, covering the Midwest with three district sales managers reporting to her. In 2004 she was promoted again to account manager, with department store responsibility throughout the United States. In her new role for Maxwell & Williams, Branisel will handle the launch and positioning of the brand in all major department stores throughout the country. “Helene has long been an integral part of the sales and management team at Fitz and Floyd, and I have no doubt that the Maxwell & Williams brand will flourish under her direction,” said Steve Baram, President and CEO of Fitz and Floyd. DKB Household USA announced the appointment of Vanessa Rozanoff as a Sales Director for DKB Household, effective in August. Rozanoff joined DKB from Mastrad, a supplier of kitchen gadgets and silicone utensils, where she held a national sales and marketing position since 2009, with prior experience in a senior sales position with Gibson Overseas. Rozanoff will concentrate on the southern territory for DKB, and will be based at DKB’s USA headquarters in Irvine, Calif. She joins sales team members Charlie Wood, Jennifer Kessler and Richard Zugel. Rozanoff is taking the position over from long-time Sales Director Jim Connell, who is departing his position to pursue other interests. “We welcome Vanessa to our hard-working team, and look forward to delivery of exceptional service to our accounts and a seamless transition,” said DKB President WilI Symonds. DKB’s brands include Cole & Mason, Jamie Oliver, Ken Hom Ethnic Cookware and Zyliss. home category in early August, allowing customers to shop for tabletop, cookware and bakeware, small appliances, bedding and bath, home décor, accent furniture, lighting, pet accessories and related products at up to 60 percent off. The home launch kicked off its first week with limited-time designer sales featuring Trina Turk and Frette bedding, knife sets and cookware from Culinary Institute of America and more. New home categories and sales from designers such as Built NY, Jura and Missoni were planned for the following months. Myhabit was developed and launched by Amazon.com in 2011. The private-sale site features daily, limitedtime sales beginning at 9 a.m. Eastern. The Kitchen Gallery, a gourmet cookware store that opened in 2007, was planning to expand and move to downtown Madison, Wis., in September, according to a report in the Wisconsin State Journal. “We’re doubling our retail, and we’ll be bringing on a cooking school in 2012,” Store Manager Stephanie Kessenich told the newspaper. The new store will have 3,200 square feet. Kessenich said the store is negotiating with the Underground Food Collective and exploring the possibility of having a meat counter at the new location. Hearthware Inc., which markets the NuWave Pro Infrared Oven, has moved its office and warehouse to Libertyville, Ill., from Gurnee, Ill., to accommodate its growing business. Expanding to 167,000 square feet, the company has more than doubled the size of its headquarters facility to house state-of-the-art kitchen sets for recipe testing and infomercial and website video production. The new location also provides additional space for the company’s office and warehouse departments. This is the second office expansion for the company within the last three years. In 2009, Hearthware Inc. tripled its office and warehouse space to make room for its growth. Myhabit.com, a membership-only fashion destination from Amazon, launched a new Tasteful Additions, an olive oil and balsamic vinegar tasting store in Pittsford, N.Y., celebrated its grand opening on July 25, according to the Rochester (N.Y.) Business Journal. The retailer, which also sells housewares and cookbooks, boasts fresh oils from around the world and encourages shoppers to sample any flavor they like. It also offers a variety of infused olive oils and flavored balsamic vinegars. Tasteful Additions is located in the Spring House Commons Shopping Center. Kuhn Rikon USA has initiated a social media program that reaches out to food enthusiasts with recipes, product news and images that showcase the culinary heritage of the Kuhn Rikon brand. Featuring posts from consumers, cookbook authors, retailers and more, the interactive Kuhn Rikon Facebook and Twitter pages represent a growing community brought together by a love of cooking. Social media is now part of the company’s online marketing strategy for promoting its kitchen tools, pressure cookers and specialty cookware. Kuhn Rikon is also using these online tools to expand its customer service outreach, making it easier for consumers to ask questions and get answers. Seasonal recipes will be released via Facebook and Twitter to create incentives to visit these pages. To view Kuhn Rikon’s Facebook page, go to http://www.facebook.com/pages/KuhnRikon-USA/203476979685801. To view the company’s Twitter page, go to http://twitter.com/#!/@kuhnrikoncorp. ADVERTISER INDEX Aervoe Industries Inc. .........................................6 Bella Tavola/The Alison Group........................6 American Feitian................................................16 Creative Tops ......................................................16 Cucina Pro...........................................................14 Essenergy .............................................................14 Franmara..............................................................15 fusionbrands .......................................................10 NYIGF/George Little Mgmt .........................24 Inventures ............................................................23 LS Arts Inc. .........................................................22 Parasia International Ltd ....................................8 Parrish’s Cake Dec................................................2 Prodyne................................................................19 SCI Scandicrafts...................................................9 Signature Housewares.......................................17 Tokyo Plast International Ltd .........................21 Tribest ..................................................................13 Weston/Pragotrade ...........................................12 Wilshire Industries...............................................7 Zak Designs...........................................................5 22 Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 www.kitchenwarenews.com { t ra d e s h o w b u z z } Trade Show Buzz Steady rain failed to dampen spirits at the first-ever Gourmet Housewares Show at the New York International Gift Fair. The Kitchenware News/Gourmet News Gourmet Giveaway buyers’ promotion was a success. Debbi Braver of The Peppermill—a kitchenware, bakeware and kosher gourmet shop in Brooklyn, N.Y.— was drawn as the winner of a basket of goodies. Thank you to our generous donors, including Fire Wire/Inno-Labs, Gourmac, Recipe Relish, Tea Beyond and the Philadelphia Museum of Art. In the post-show newsletter, NYIGF organizers reported high attendance and record-breaking sales for the overall show. “More than 2,800 companies—an increase of 110 over the winter edition—exhibited with 450 companies participating for the first-time. Some 35,000 attendees—a 5 percent increase—represented all 50 states and 80 countries.” Most telling was the article’s first line: “From the look of the active, buzzing NYIGF show floor, it was 2008 all over again.” Educational highlights at The Gourmet Housewares Show included seminars on cross-merchandising, sustainability and gourmet consumer preferences and www.kitchenwarenews.com by Rocelle Aragon presentation. The Gourmet Housewares Show Best New Product Awards also debuted, with Best of Show going to JosephJoseph for its four-piece baking set. Other winners were in cooking (Woll Cookware’s Diamond Plus Fry Pan), dining (Corkcicle’s Corkcicle wine chiller) and kitchen preparation (Zoku’s Character Kit Quick Pop set). Next year’s NYIGF dates have already been set: Jan. 28 through Feb. 2 for the Winter NYIGF, and Aug. 18 to 23 for the Summer NYIGF, including the Gourmet Housewares Show. Hear from exhibitors in our editorial director’s wrap-up on page 1. October brings two important houseware shows: the New York Tabletop Market and the Atlanta Fall Market. This year the latter combines apparel with kitchenware and gourmet food for a three-markets-inone buying destination, from Oct. 14 to 16. Later in the month is the New York Tabletop Market, Oct. 25 to 28. To read more about this year’s event at its various locales, turn to our article on page 1. On the food beat, October brings a brand new show, All Things Baking, Oct. 2 to 4 in Chicago. We are also waiting for post- show news from the LA Fall Gift & Home Market, Natural Products Expo East in Baltimore and CoffeeFest Seattle, all happening in September; and Anuga 2011, the massive German fair for all aspects of the food industry, set Oct. 8 to 12 in Cologne. Several US specialty producers will exhibit at Anuga, with an eye toward expanding their European trade. Going to any of these shows? Share your stories, feedback and survival tips at [email protected]. TRADE SHOW C A L E N D A R OCTOBER 2011 12-14 Atlanta Fall Gift & Home Furnishings Market and The Atlanta Gourmet Market® AmericasMart Atlanta, Atlanta, GA, 800.ATL.MART www.americasmart.com 11-18 The Atlanta International Gift & Home Furnishings Market AmericasMart Atlanta, GA, 800.ATL.MART www.americasmart.com 15-17 NASFT Winter Fancy Food Show Moscone Center San Francisco, CA 212.482.6440 www.specialtyfood.com 25-28 New York Tabletop Market New York Showrooms, 41 Madison, 7 West 34th, 230 Fifth Ave. New York, NY, 212.686.1203, 212.279.6063, 800.698.5617 www.41madison.com, www.7wnewyork.com www.230fifthave.com 18-24 Dallas Total Home & Gift Market Dallas Market Center Dallas, TX, 800.DAL.MKTS www.dallasmarketcenter.com NOVEMBER 2011 4-7 Smoky Mountain Gift Show Gatlinburg Convention Center Gatlinburg, TN 678.285.3976 www.urban-expo.com 28-Feb. 2 New York International Gift Fair Jacob K. Javits Convention Center Piers 92 & 94 New York, NY 212.216.2000 www.nyigf.com JANUARY 2012 7-10 Philadelphia Gift Show Greater Philadelphia Expo Center Oaks, PA 678.285.3976 www.philadelphiagiftshow.com FEBR UARY 2012 5-9 Spring Fair International The NEC Birmingham, England 44.08445.888.071 www.springfair.com Kitchenware News & Housewares Review • OCTOBER 2011 23
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