Mesa Precast Catalog
Mesa Precast Catalog
Mesa Precast is a specialty manufacturer serving the southwest and western regions of the United States with masonry styled products for homes and commercial structures. Mesa Precast is locally owned and has been a prominent player in providing architectural precast elements for over 15 years. Mesa Precast produces architectural and ornamental cast masonry products that simulate natural stone at an affordable price. The product is available in both a traditional weight and a lighter weight (GFRC-glass fiber reinforced concrete.) Mesa Precast provides a full range of services to meet customer needs. Experienced sales representatives are always ready to provide a quote on products from architectural plans, suggest an appropriate product selection on new and remodel projects, and suggest features that fit any taste and budget. Mesa Precast is committed to providing a wide variety of services to assist residential and commercial customers. Equipped with seasoned and professional sales and technical staff, Mesa Precast can provide the following services: design advice, product takeoffs, CAD work, submittal drawings as required by owners or architects, etc. A beautiful showroom displays numerous examples of how architectural products may be used. A conference room is available for customer’s convenience. APA CERTIFIED PL A N T Table of Contents Color Swatches Balusters . ..................................................................... page 12 Balustrade Components . .............................................. page 13 Capitals ........................................................................ page 10 Columns - Concrete ...................................................... page 4 Columns - GFRC . .......................................................... page 5 Corbels ......................................................................... page 28 & 29 Decorative Column Bases.............................................. page 8 Decorative Column Shafts.............................................. page 9 Tusk Mocha Caramel Latte Nuss Brown Chocolate Tan Vanilla Natural Gray Antler Tan Decorative Moldings .................................................... page 22 & 23 Finials & Keystones . ..................................................... page 34 Fireplace Designs . ........................................................ page 24, 25, 26 & 27 Hardscape Elements...................................................... page 32-33 Modular Column Bases.................................................. page 6 Modular Column Shafts ................................................ page 7 Moldings ...................................................................... page 18,19,20 & 21 Ornamental Elements ................................................... page 30 & 31 Pavers & Quoins . ......................................................... page 38 Pier Caps ...................................................................... page 14 & 15 Scuppers & Splash Blocks ............................................. page 35 Signs ............................................................................ page 39 Specialty Columns......................................................... page 11 Stair Threads . ............................................................... page 37 Wainscot & Plinths ....................................................... page 36 Wall Caps ..................................................................... page 16 & 17 Window Surrounds ....................................................... page 37 The color samples shown are approximate and represent as close as possible to the appearance of the precast provided by Mesa Precast. Columns Concrete Columns • Mesa Precast columns incorporate many architectural styles from “old-world traditional”, to “contemporary- modern” themes utilized in residential and commercial applications SOLIDS • Engineered for structural use • Hardware for installation included 9 ’ -11" 8 ’-11" 7 ’-11" SPLITS • Typical application is to wrap a structural post • Cavity size varies by shaft diameter (see chart) 6 ’-11" 5 ’-11" 4 ’-11" 4 ’-7 " 3 ’- 8 " 3 ’-7 " Base Sizes available. 18" 24" 14" 24" 18" 18" 24" 18" 24" 12" * 18" 24" 6" 8" Inside Diameter 4" 4" 12" 1 7 2" Base Size 12" 14" 18" Shaft Size 4 18" 24" 18" 24" 16" 1 9 2" 24" Dimensions are nominal. * Non-Structural. Columns Glass Fiber Reinforced Concrete Columns • GFRC is a light-weight product manufactured using a cement/ aggregate slurry reinforced with Alkali-Resistant glass fibers • Up to 75% less weight than typical concrete • For non-structural use • Do not fill with concrete • Grout seams only • Provides superior consistent finish 9’-11" 8’-11" 7’-11" 6’-11" 5’-11" 4’-11" 4 ’-7 " 3 ’- 8 " 3 ’-7 " Base Sizes available. 18" 24" 16" 12" 24 " 18" 24" 12" 8" 18 " 12" 18" 24" 18" 24" 18" 24" 8" 6" 4" 3" Inside Diameter 14" 12" Base Size 24" 18" Shaft Size Dimensions are nominal. 5 14" 18" 24" Modular Column Bases • Modular columns are created by stacking bases, shafts, and capitals • Modular columns provide solutions for achieving most heights • Typical application is to wrap a structural post • See page #10 for capital selection 9 34 " 9 34 " 15 1 " 2 15 1 " 2 18 " 18 " 23 " 23 MC-B-2SR 1 2" MC-B-2S 8" 7 34 " 12 " 12 " 10 " 8" 15 3 4" 18 " MC-B-SR MC-B-1S 6 Modular Column Example Modular Column Shafts 12" 15 1 2 " 10 " 14 " 24" 24" 9 42 " MC-S-2S 120 " 5 34 " C-S-10 10 " Modular Corinthian Example C-S-14 7 3 3 7 4" 4" MC-S-1S Decorative Column Bases • Modular decorative columns are created by stacking assorted components to achieve a given height • For non-structural use 1 6 2" 4 12" 2" 2" 10 1 8 " 14 " 8" 21 4" 3 3 8" 23 21 8 " 8 78" 4" C-1 Collar 15 " 12 12" 9" C-2 Collar C-3 Collar C-4 Collar 13 " 134" 414 " 9 18" 9 5 8" 8 3 8" 4 1 8" 4 1 2" 13 3 4 " 13 34 " SC-B Base RC-B Base 8 21" C-B-8 Base Decorative Column Shafts 6" 6" GFRC Concrete 4" 7 34 " 7 34 " 7 34 " 24" 39 14" 48 " 42 1 2" 12 " FS-12S 8" 120 " SPC-39-8 6" 12 " 5" 1 53 2" 1 2 2" Decorative Column Example 5" 1 2 2" SMC-8S SPC-53-5 9 12 " FS-12DT SPC-48-12 8" 4" Capitals 7 1 2" 14 3 4 " 7 3 9 3 4" 9 1 " 2 24 3 4" 4" 5" 8" 18 " 23 SD-C 1 16 " 4" 10 " 14 1 " 2 18 " 18 " 12 " 9 5 8" MC-C-1S 5 1 4" 14 1 4 " 15 1 2 " 15 1 2 " MC-C-RP MC-C-2S MC-C-2SR 8" C-C-P 25 1 17 " 22 3 4 " 2" 10 " 1 12 4 " 18 " 18 3 " 8 18 " 12 1 2 " 14 5 8 " 12 " C-C-20 C-C-19 10 10 " C-C-12 C-C-10 Specialty Columns • Sorrento and Sorrentino produced in all GFRC only • Helsinki produced in Concrete only 7 14 " 11 14 " 24 " 14 34 " 113 1 2 " 72" 109 " 83 " 10 " 15 " 12 " Sorrentino* 24 " 20 " 18 3 4 " Helsinki Cascina Sorrento* *Shaft can be cut to desired height 11 Balusters • Bases and handrails are manufactured in three foot sections • Balusters manufactured with a piece of reinforcing rebar • Adapter available for stairs • Bases can be produced with or without weep holes • Inquire which balustrade systems meet code* 34 5 " 8 34 " 34 " 32 1 " 4 32 1 4 " 32 1 4" *verify UBC code requirements locally 8" 8" 8" 6 3 4" 6 14 " 6" B-35 B-34 B-34R B-32A B-32B B-32C 27 " 31 " 27 " 26 3 4" 17 3 4" 35 1 7" 2" Venetian Panel 7" B-31 7" 7" B-27B B-27A 5 1 2" B-18 23 1 2 " 47 3 4 " Seravezza Panel 12 4" Balustrade Components 3512" 114 " 712" 314" 35 12" 3512" 18" 312" 16 " 9 14" 14 14" 6" 7 12" M-9 STRETCHER RADIUS RADIUS 12’ 9 14" 112" M-36-B RADIUS 4’ 10’ 12’ 18’ 8" 3" 351 2" 3" STRETCHER TERMINAL CORNER RADIUS 812" M-35 4" 3" RADIUS 4’ 6’ 10’ 12’ 18’ 1 10 2" M-10 RADIUS 36" 8" STRETCHER TERMINAL RADIUS 8" 1 1 2" 13 " 13 1 2" 1 42 2" 37 " 36 " 34 " 31 7 8 " 15 " 14 " SC-37-13 SC-28-15 13 7 8 " 6 12 " Large Deco Egg Leg 11 3 4 " 6" 6" Small Deco Egg Leg 13 10 BP-6-36 1 2" STRETCHER TERMINAL CORNER RADIUS Pier Caps • Used to cap masonry columns, pillars, mailboxes and more • Flat pier caps present the opportunity to add elements such as spheres, finials or lighting D D C C B B A A PYC-25-17 PYC-18 PYC-21 PYC-24 PYC-24A PYC-25 PYC-28 PYC-28A PYC-30 PYC-32 PYC-32A PYC-32B PYC-36 A 17” 18” 21” 24” 24” 25” 28” 28” 30” 32” 32” 32” 36” B 25” 18” 21” 24” 24” 25” 28” 28” 30” 32” 32” 32” 36” C 4” 2 1⁄2” 2” 1 5⁄8” 3” 4” 4” 2” 4” 2” 4” 3” 3” D 10” 10” 8” 6 5⁄8” 12” 10” 11 1⁄2” 10” 13” 15 5⁄8” 16 1⁄2” 12” 15” JPYC-18 A 18” B 18” C 2” D 4 1⁄4” JPYC-24 JPYC-28 JPYC-32 JPYC-36 JPYC-40 JPYC-48 24” 28” 32” 36” 40” 48” 24” 28” 32” 36” 40” 48” 4” 4” 3 3⁄4” 4” 4” 4” 9 1⁄2” 8 3⁄4” 8” 9 3⁄4” 10 1⁄2” 10” 13 10 3 3 8" 8" 8" 20 " 15 " 11 3 4 " 14 10 3 4 " 14 " SB-8 SB-11 18 " SB-14 Pier Caps D D B C B C A A PC-15 A 14 3⁄4” PC-18 PC-24 18” 24 1⁄4” B C D 14 3⁄4” 18” 24 1⁄4” 2 1⁄2” 2 1⁄2” 2 5⁄8” 12” 15” 21” PC-27 A 27” B 27” C 2 1⁄8” PC-28 PC-32 PC-36 28” 32” 36” 28” 32” 36” 3 1⁄8” 3 1⁄8” 3 1⁄4” D 23 3⁄4“ 25” 29“ 33“ 16" 3 34" B C A FC-20-4 FC-24-4 FC-28-4 FC-32-4 FC-36-4 FC-44-4 A 20” 24” 28” 32” 36” 44” 22" 22" B 20” 24” 28” 32” 36” 44” C 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” 4” PC-22 15 Wall Caps • Used to cap walls such as planter, site, seat and parapet • Serves as protection from weather conditions • Wall cap provides transition between masonry and other exterior finishes 118" 6 78 " 3" 5" 1" 334" 214 " 1" 5" 7 12" 6" 8 34 " 7 58" 115 8 " M36-2-5 M36-2-8 LENGTH 35 5/8" 3 3 8" 3" 214 " M-14-2 STRETCHER LENGTH 35 1/2" MWC-8-4 STRETCHER LENGTH 48" M-20-8 M-20-12 STRETCHER LENGTH 24" 23 4 " 4" 3" 8" M-48-8 LENGTH 48" STRETCHER CORNER 4 5 8" RADIUS 4’ 6’ 10’ 12’ 18’ 35 8" 8 1 2" 914" M-35 M-9 LENGTH 35" STRETCHER TERMINAL CORNER RADIUS RADIUS 12' LENGTH 35 1/2" STRETCHER RADIUS RADIUS 12' LENGTH 35 3/4" 3" 2" 10 12" STRETCHER LENGTH 35 1/2" M-32-9 STRETCHER TERMINAL LENGTH 31 3/4" 4 3 4" 2" 12 " M-11-36 LENGTH 36" STRETCHER TERMINAL RADIUS 16 STRETCHER CORNER* RADIUS** 11" M-10 RADIUS 36" 10 " M-36 4" M-10-3 M-12-3 114 " 10 3 4 " 14 3 4 " 18 3 4 " * 10 3/4" & 14 3/4" ** 10 3/4" 3" 10 " LENGTH 36" 3 3 4" 31 2" 3" STRETCHER TERMINAL STRETCHER M-12 LENGTH 31 3/4" STRETCHER TERMINAL Wall Caps 12 " 4 12 " 3 12 " 1 3 8" 3 14 " 178" 12 " 12 " M-12-2 M-124-32 M-144-32 STRETCHER LENGTH 32" 212" 14 14 " 14 " LENGTH 36" 18 " 20 " M-14-3 LENGTH 36" STRETCHER WC-20 STRETCHER LENGTH 32" STRETCHER LENGTH 23 1/4" TERMINAL 9 14 " 2 14" 2" 9" 8" M-WSB-8 LENGTH 31 1/2" 12 " M-WSB-9 STRETCHER LENGTH 15 3/4" LENGTH 32" 13 " 1 4" 2" 1 3 2" 10 14 " 9 12" M-WSB-13-4 STRETCHER M-11-4 LENGTH 36" 13 " M-WSB-12 STRETCHER 13 " LENGTH 32" 2 14" 2" STRETCHER INSIDE CORNER OUTSIDE CORNER 17 STRETCHER M-WSB-13 LENGTH 36" STRETCHER Moldings 612" 4" 7 12" 11 2" M-5-4 LENGTH 23 5/8" LENGTH 28 5/8" STRETCHER LEFT RETURN RIGHT RETURN M-8-4 LENGTH 23 5/8" LENGTH 28 5/8" STRETCHER LEFT RETURN RIGHT RETURN M-32-5 LENGTH 31 3/4" 412" 614" 5" M-32-6 STRETCHER LENGTH 48" 412" M-AS-4-36 STRETCHER INSIDE CORNER OUTSIDE CORNER LENGTH 36" LENGTH 36" 538" 5" M-AS-6-36 M-AS-4-36L STRETCHER 614 " 614" 458" 43 8 " 314" 3 3 8" 5 12" LENGTH 36" STRETCHER M-AS-6-36L STRETCHER LENGTH 36" 15 12" 338" 2 14 " 15 1 2" 24 34 " 3 12" M-24-AS CORNER FRAME M-24-AR-R M-24-AS LENGTH 24" TERMINAL TERMINAL CORNER STRETCHER CORNER FRAME OUTSIDE CORNER 5 12" 3 12" 3 12" 2" 8" 8 14 " 11 34 " 6 34 " 8" 134 " M-18 LENGTH 13 1/2" RADIUS 24" 36" 72" 108" STRETCHER LEFT RETURN RIGHT RETURN LENGTH 24" 2 116 " M-7 M-8 13 " STRETCHER DOUBLE RETURN RADIUS TURRET RADIUS 49" 2" LENGTH 24" M-7-3 STRETCHER CORNER LENGTH 24" STRETCHER 1" 8" INSIDE CORNER M-40-8 LENGTH 40" 18 STRETCHER INSIDE CORNER OUTSIDE CORNER OUTSIDE CORNER STRETCHER Moldings 13 " 3" 12 12 " 312 " 16 " 16 " 11 14 " 8 14 " 112 " 1 12 " M8-2 LENGTH 23 1/4" STRETCHER CORNER LEFT RETURN RIGHT RETURN M-32-12 LENGTH 32" 11 4 " M-32-12-LEAF MC-2 STRETCHER CORNER DOUBLE RETURN LENGTH 23 3/4" MC-1 MC-3 STRETCHER LENGTH 32" STRETCHER LEFT RETURN RIGHT RETURN 412 " 112" 112 " 2 34 " 812 " 2 " 7 12" 6" 1 " 1 4 " 2 " 2 " 178 " 214 " 178 " M-32-4 LENGTH 23 3/4" STRETCHER CORNER 1 " M-17 LENGTH 27 1/2" M-30 STRETCHER LENGTH 23 1/2" M-WSB-2 STRETCHER M-WSB-3 LENGTH 31 5/8" STRETCHER LENGTH 31 1/2" STRETCHER 6" 19 " 25 8 " 214 " 334 " 1218 " 334 " 334 " 4 34 " M-24-2 LENGTH 23 1/2" STRETCHER DOUBLE RETURN 512 " 23 3 8 " 15 " 9" M-24-2-RAM M-24-3 M-24-6 LENGTH 23 3/4" STRETCHER LENGTH 23 1/2" STRETCHER DOUBLE RETURN 19 22 " M-24-15 M-24-22 LENGTH 23 1/2" STRETCHER DOUBLE RETURN Moldings 1 1 2" 2" 412" 3" 3" 4 12" 1" 4" 3" 4" 4" 4" 1" 6 34 " 7 14 " 3 3 4" LENGTH 36" STRETCHER STRETCHER 3 12 " 1 78 " LENGTH 36" 5 34 " 3 12 " LENGTH 36" STRETCHER CM-24-8 LENGTH 24 1/4" STRETCHER STRETCHER 8" 3" 7" 4" 4" S4-4S S4-8S 8" STRETCHER LENGTH 32" 2" 4" 1 2 2" CM-24-6 STRETCHER LENGTH 32" STRETCHER S7-32 2" 5 34" S3-5 LENGTH 24" 2 12 " 7" S4-32 4 12 " 3 12" 1" 4" S6-32 338 " 3" 1" 6" 4" S9-36 S6-36 S7-36 LENGTH 36" 3 9 14 " 4" LENGTH 36" STRETCHER LENGTH 36" STRETCHER 1 5 8" 6 1 4" 12 " 5" 3 12" 7 12" 6 18 " 3 5 4" 5 12 " 3 34 " 3 34 " 7 58 " 13 " 6" 4 12 " 7 3 8" S8-36 LENGTH 36" STRETCHER SC7-36 LENGTH 36" STRETCHER S5-5 LENGTH 36" 20 M-13-6 STRETCHER LENGTH 35 1/2" STRETCHER M-13-3 LENGTH 35 1/2" STRETCHER Moldings M1-8 STRETCHER TERMINAL CORNER FRAME TEE RADIUS WITH RIB RADIUS WITHOUT RIB RADIUS 12" 16" 18" 20" 24" 28" 32" 36" 44" 50" 62" 72" 15’6" M1-5 13 58 " LENGTH 23 3/4" RADIUS 12" 18" 24" 48" 50" 15’ 6" 13 78 " STRETCHER TERMINAL CORNER FRAME RADIUS WITHOUT RIB 7 78" 112 " 7 58" 112 " 7 78 " 12" 16" 18" 20" 22" 24" 25" 28" 30" 32" 36" 44" 50" 54" 62" 72" 96" 15’6" WITH RIB 514 " 378 " M1-12 LENGTH 23 3/4" 1112" 414 " 12 " 23 34 " 1538 " KEYSTONE 12 " M1-8-DECO STRETCHER TERMINAL CORNER FRAME RADIUS 15 3 4 " FLOWER ROSETTE 1112 " 412 " 2334 " 41 2" 112 " 7 58" TEE STRETCHER CORNER 23 34 " 21 15 3 4 " STRETCHER TERMINAL CORNER FRAME RADIUS 15 3 4 " 4" 1 12" 414 " 3 78 " RADIUS 24" 36" 48" 52" 62" 96" 4" Decorative Moldings 1 3 4" 1 1 4" 1 5 2" 3 3 Medium Egg & Dart Large Egg & Dart 1 1 2" 4" 1 Small Egg & Dart 3" 4" 14 4" 23 3 4 " 1 23 4 " 1 7 2" 3 3" 4" 1 23 2 " 7 3 8" 2 1 5 2" 2" 2" 2" 5" 31 1 2" 1 47 2 " 36 " #1 Dentil Frieze #2 Dentil Frieze #3 Dentil Frieze 3" 3 1 4" 114 " 5 312 " 3 6" 8" 23 3 4 " 23 #4 Dentil Frieze 1 29 1 2 " 2" Venetti Leaf Acanthus Leaf 1 1 4" 2" 1 32 " 2 1 2" 2" 22 1 2 14" 8" 2" 37 1 2 " Bead Twist 39 CM-2 1 1 1 1 2" Decorative Moldings 5 1 2" 14 " 35 3 4" 1 1 4" CM-8 39 3 4" #5 Dentil Frieze 7 6" 4 " 39 1 7 4" 3 35 4 " 8" Floral 4 5 8" Tulip 8" 1" 48 " Vine 1 9 2" 1 1 2" 51 " CM-7 23 1 2" Fireplace Designs • Custom design and field cut to specific requirements • Numerous color selections available • Available in lightweight (gfrc) or concrete Caterina Lorenzo Rimini Stafford 24 Fireplace Designs Norwich Florence Vicenza Dublin Oxford Newcastle 25 Fireplace Designs One piece mantels can be combined with any corbel design for fireplaces, bookshelves and more. 514" 54 12" 50 " 3 58" 3" Mantel #1 9 12" 66" 60 34" 418" 714" Mantel #2 Rochester Verona 26 Fireplace Designs 10 5 8 " 61 1 2 " 6" 1 7 8" 56 " Mantel #3 77 5 1 7 2" 8" 10 " 71 34" 1 4 2" Mantel #4 1 9 2" 1 7 4" 1 71 2" 67 " 1 15 2" 63 1 8 " Newcastle Mantel Cambria Windsor 27 1 5 4" Corbels 10 " 1 10 4 " 14 1 2 " 8 3 4" 12 " Barcelona Newport 27 " Graziella Vine 10 " 7" 1 19 2" 8" Winston 28 10 " Santa Barbara 6" 7" 1 8 2" 9 12" 1812" 21 " Jefferson 1 7 2" 28 " Benedetto Bracket 22 12" 24 " Bellagio 8" 8" 1 31 8" 34 " 1 27 2 " 8" 6" 36 " 1 4 2" 12 " 8" Manchester (without Flutes) Canterbury (with Flutes) Da Vinci 6 12" 1 7 2" 10 " 7" 41 14 " Hampton 1012" 11 " 40 " 42 14 " 48 " 57 " 9 18" 10 " Messalina Crescenzia Corbels 1 5 8" 10 " 12" 1812" 37 8" 12" 1 7 2" 5" 1 5 4" 1 10 4" 1 6 2" 4" 18 " 3 13 4 " 14 " 18 " 1 13 2 " 10" Madison Athena Orazio 7 14 " 11 " 10 " 7" Feliciano Drapery Corbel Carmel 1 5 2" 3 78 " 15 14 " 4" 9 11 " 11 " Marsailles 10 5 8 " 5 8" 3 4 4" 5 3 8" Santa Clarita Artesia Namazio 5 9 8" 9 5 8" 15 14 " 6" 3 4 4" Damascus 5 14 " 1 4 4" 3" 8" 8" 5 3 8" Santa Clara Pylos Milan 29 5" Ornamental Elements 13 3 4 " 1 19 2" 19 1 2 " 18 " 18 " 26 1 2" 24 " 111 2 " Angel Depth 2 34" DP-1 Depth 4" DP-2 1 Depth 3 2" 1 6 2" Shield 1 Depth 2 2 " 1 7 2" 38 3 4" 23 " Cartouche-2 Depth 134" Cartouche-1 Depth 3" 1 7 2" 1 15 4 " 24 7 8 " Conch Shell-2 Depth 16" 30 18 3 4" Conch Shell-1 Depth 10 12" Ornamental Elements 13 " Chimney Pots 23 1 4" 18 7 8 " 12 " 1 24 4 " Panel-Oleander Depth 2 1 2" 24 14 " 24 3 4 " 3 71 4 " 18 1 2" 24 CH-P-1 12 " 12 " 5 1 20 2" 8" CH-P-2 CH-P-4 22 3 8 " 12 " 24 " 17 7 " 8 Panel-Morgan12 Depth 1 7 8" Panel-Morgan24 Depth 1 7 8" 25 " 4" 1 16 4" 24 1 4 " CH-P-3* 19 " CH-P-5* Depth 24" 17 " 26 18 34 " 17 " Lion Head-1 Depth 11" Lion Head-2 Depth 8" 1 18 " 8" 22 " 26 " 32 " 30 " 11" CH-P-6* NOTE: All Chimney Pots Manufactured in GFRC only *Available in one piece only. 10 " Lion Head-3 1 Depth 5 2" 31 CH-P-7* Hardscape Elements 13 " 1 38 2 " 14 1 11 1 21 " 31 " 33 " 2" Square Planter Top View 13 " 7 3 4" 10 3 4" 2" 1 7 2" P-WOK3 Medium Wok P-WOK4 Large Wok P-WOK2 Small Wok P-WOK1 Mini Wok 20 3 4 " All Woks Manufactured With 3/4" Drain Hole 28 1 2 " 1 24 2" 21 18 " 3" 21 " 22 2 " 1 19 2 " 30 25 " 1 P-SJ Small Jumbo Planter 1 13 2 " P-MJ Medium Jumbo Planter 1 8" 1 1 2" 3" 1 1 2" 3" P-SSJ Small Saucer 1 5 2" P-GT Giant Planter P-LJ Large Jumbo Planter 15 " 13 " 43 27 " P-SLJ Large Saucer 4" 21 1 8 " P-DC Decorative Planter 1 28 2 " 34 1 4 " 29 1 4" 23 " 21 1 P-RC Rectangle Planter Available in various lengths 2" 14 " 16 " 8 34 " 1 6 4" 18 " S-36 Large Sphere S-30 Medium Sphere S-24 Small Sphere P-HX Hexagon Planter 32 20 3 4 " 3 7 8" 22 7 8 " P-SMJ Medium Saucer Rectangle Planter Top View 1 1 2" 3" 19 14 " 17 3 4 " 19 " 1 1 8" 1 1 8" 1 18 " 2" P-SQ Large Square Planter 11 3 4" 1 9 2" 1 21 14" Basket Weave Hardscape Elements 3 9 4" 14" 23 " 5" 5" 2" 33" 30 " 55" 59 14" 72 " 29 1 2" 12" 50 " Bollard-4 26 14" 3" 48 " 23 " 12" 12" RD-T Table Top RC-10-24 Table Bottom Bollard-3 Bollard-2 12 " Bollard-1 1 51 2 " 55 3/4 " 15 1 2 " 1 72 2" Radius = 31" 1 35 2 " 3" 1 2 8" 3" 16" B-S-55 Bench Seat Bumper Curb 1 36 2 " Anchor holes located @ 4" from both ends 6" 6" 14 34" 1 8 2" B-S-35 Bench Seat B-C-50 Bench Seat 7134 " 14 1 2" Small Bumper Curb 72 " 3" 72 " 13 " 5 3 8" 16 " 3 3 4" 22 " M-16-6 Bench Seat M-20-6 Bench Seat L-12 Bench Leg 33 1 5 2" 1 4 2" 7 34" Anchor holes loacated @ 9 1/2" from both ends Finials & Keystones 9 3 4" 9 14" 9 3 4" 3 8 4" 1 8 2" 6 1 8" 2" 1 6 2" KS-L 3 1 4" 1 6 2" KS-A 7 KS-F 2" RS-F 1 9 2" 9" 1 1 1 2" 1 7 2" 2" 3 1 4" 7 58" 1 7 2" 1 7 2" 1 8 2" RS-P 13 " 1 34 " 712 " RS-S 13 3 4 " 3" 7 3 8" 6 4" 12 3 4 " 5 8 8" 8 14 " 3 15 1 4 " 12 " 5" 4 34 " 1 34 " 6 14 " 6" KS-P7 KS-P8-5 1 7 2" 1 9 2" 7 1 8" 8" KS-P8 1 3 2" 8" 13 1 1 7 2" 2" KS-P12 1 2 2" KS-P12-DECO Acorn Final 2 3 4" 11 12" 36 1 4 " 13 14" 2" 21 " 1 27 2 " F-1 F-2 F-3 Finial Finial Finial 10 1 4" Ashton Finial 34 8 1 2" 6" Freemont Finial Spear Finial Scuppers & Splash Blocks 1 2 4" 15 8 " 3 3 4" 15 34" 9" 3 3 4" 16 " 9" 2334" 3 3 8" 3 1 4" 3" 16 " SB-A Splash Block 36 " 1 2 2" 23 34" 16 " SB- B Splash Block 11" SB-C Splash Block SB-D Splash Block 2 34" 6" 24 " 16 " 3" 5" 12 12" 8" 3" 5" 12 12" 16 " 4 34" 12 " SC-2 Scupper SC-1 Scupper 25" 3 7 4" SC-3 Scupper SC - 4 Cannon Scupper 15 3 8 " 3 5 4" 2" 7" 6 78" 10 " 30 1 8 " 8 1 2" SC-5 Scupper SC-6 Scupper 35 23 1 2 " Wainscot & Plinths 2" 2" 1 1 2" 2" 8" 18 14 " 27 14 " 27 1 4" 8" 18 " 32 " Top View 31 3 4 " 1 2 2" 31 3 4" 4" 4" 3 31 4 " W-27-32 Wainscot W-18-32 Wainscot W-27-32C Wainscot 23 3 4" 4" 3" W-18-24 Wainscot W-32-32 Wainscot 51 2" 7" 7 1 2" 7 3 4" 114 " 7 34" 1 1 2" 3 3 4" 27 8" 1 1 2" 8" 112" 12 " 6" 1 2 2" 8 12" 17 8 8 58" P-8 Plinth P-8B Plinth Leaf Plinth " 12 " 8" Corbel Block Plinth 134" 12" 712" 112" 234" 12" 712" 15 3 4 " 11 3 4 " 31 2 " 18 " 43 4 " 4 34 " 214" 9" 312" 4 34 " 9" 4 34 " P-12 Plinth P-12B Plinth 14 " P-16 Plinth 36 10 14" P-10 Plinth 3" Window Surrounds & Stair Treads Window Surrounds Stair Treads • Mesa Precast recommends installing windows during the framing stage of a project • Window surrounds are produced in GFRC only • Engineering is required for most stair tread applications prior to manufacturing • Stair treads are custom manufactured per design C C A B A D C Pictures of Stair Treads Pictures of Stair Treads Pictures of Stair Treads Pictures of Stair Treads C B D A-4-32 A-6-32 A-6-36 A-8-40 A 30 1⁄4” 30 1⁄4” 36” 39 3⁄4” B 30 1⁄4” 30 1⁄4” 36” 39 3⁄4” C 21 1⁄2” 21 1⁄2” 24 3⁄4” 28 1⁄2” D 4” 6” 6” 8” C *AP-4-32 20 1⁄2” *AP-6-32 20 1⁄2” *AP-6-36 23 3⁄4” *AP-8-40 27 1⁄2” O-2-3 O-3-4 36” 48” 24” 36” 27” 36” 6 1⁄2” 6 1⁄2” *OL-2-3 *OL-3-4 25 3⁄4” 35 1⁄8” *AP and OL designate an additional lip, changing the inside measurement. All other measurements will remain the same 37 Pavers & Quoins Pavers can be used for many applications including fireplace designs, walkways, patios, wall veneer, stair treads and more 2" 8 14" B 24" 19 34" 1 4" 1" C 1914" 1" 7 34 " A 12" 1" 7 12" 134" 814" PV-8-20R-DECO A 2” 4” 8” 9” 10” 12” 12” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 16” 18” 18” 20” 24” 24” 28” 32” 36” 39” 47” X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X Chamfered Paver PV-8-20R Pavers 12" x 24" x 1 1/4" B 24” 20” 20” 24” 24” 12” 24” 16” 16” 24” 24” 24” 32” 20” 32” 20” 24” 24” 28” 32” 36” 48” 48” X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X C 2” 1” 1” 1” 1” 1” 1” 2” 2 1⁄2” 1” 2” 2 1⁄2” 2” 1” 1” 4” 2 3⁄8” 4” 4” 4” 4 2” 2” 2" 12" 12" 2" 1134" 18" 12" 1" DECO PAVER 12" x 12" x 1" QC18-12 QUOIN CORNER 12" x 18" x 2" 2" 9 34" 2" 8" 17 34" QC17-9 Quoin Corner 17 3/4" x 9 3/4" x 2" Quoin Corner Example 38 Signs #1 #2 #3 #4 Mesa Prescast & Supply, LLC. Terms and Conditions of Sales Warranty: Mesa Precast provides a limited warranty on all products it sells. The warranty provides the product will be within industry standards of appearance and free from defects in material, for a period of one year from the date the product is shipped to the customer. Defective products will be either repaired or replaced at Mesa Precast’s option. Products damaged during installation are not covered by this warranty. Likewise, products that have visible defects or damage upon arrival at the job site must be reported to Mesa Precast under this warranty before installation. Installed products are considered accepted and are beyond this warranty. Hairline cracks and crazing on the surface of precast products are common, since precast is a masonry product. Such conditions are not a warranty issue, and do not effect the integrity of the precast. Color/ Texture: The color of precast material has the potential to vary from piece to piece since the product is made primarily from materials occurring in nature. If a custom color is desired, a control piece of the stone should be requested and approved, prior to production. Weather conditions, sand sources, and cement formulations can all have an effect on color. Color variation gives the product a natural look, much like quarried stone. The finish of precast is either smooth or textured. Smooth precast has a surface similar to concrete. The Mesa Precast textured finish provides a random and irregular pattern of indentions, giving the effect of a beautifully worn finish. Both smooth and textured finishes may be, but need not be, painted or faux-finished. Installation: Mesa Precast is a manufacturing company and does not install precast. Persons and firms that are familiar with the proper installation of precast products include masons, general contractors, remodelers and persons who specialize in precast who are sometimes called installers. Customers should deal with installers that are experienced in precast installation and have knowledge of these products, and those firms that have a well regarded reputation. Mesa Precast does not warrant the work of any installer. Make sure a discussion is held with the installer describing the precast item desired to be installed, and the conditions that are present. Certain products require more skill than other products to install. For example, mantels and surrounds are not hard to install, but need to fit precisely in order for the material to look its best. Larger pieces of precast may require additional attachments. Also, many times precast will need to be field cut, since the product is manufactured in fixed lengths. Dimensional Tolerance: Typical dimensional tolerance for precast material is plus or minus 1⁄8”. This applies to all sectional dimensions, as well as widths and thickness. Precast is usually hand-cast; this process requires a “draft”, or a taper (slant) on the mold for a proper release. Lead Time: Mesa Precast’s normal lead time is two to four weeks. However, based on production work load and special mold requirements, lead time may increase. Discussions with one of Mesa Precast’s customer service representatives are encouraged at the time an order is placed. Delivery: Mesa Precast and Supply offers delivery of most products with its company truck for an additional charge. The customer also has the option of picking up product by way of other carriers. Returns: In tom nature thorized, it lowed at most cases, returns are not allowed due to the cusof the product and order. However, if a return is auis subject to a 25% restocking fee. Returns are althe sole discretion of Mesa Precast and Supply. Showroom - 415 South Price Road, Tempe, Arizona 85281 480.968.5400
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