The Pew Center on Global Climate Change / The National Commission on Energy Policy The 10–50 Solution: Technologies and Policies for a Low-Carbon Future Dinner keynote, Washington DC, 25 March 2004 Good News about Profitable Climate Solutions Amory B. Lovins Chief Executive Officer Rocky Mountain Institute www.rmi.org Chairman of the Board Hypercar, Inc. www.hypercar.com [email protected] Copyright © 2004 Rocky Mountain Institute. All rights reserved. Reproduction for sponsors’ and attendees’ noncommercial use is licensed for sponsors. Hypercar® and Fiberforge™ are trademarks of Hypercar, Inc. Glad tidings from a parallel analytic universe 1. End-use efficiency need not be modest, costly, incremental, or subject to diminishing returns 2. Dramatic improvements are available in vehicle physics (mass and drag), not just in propulsion, and can make H2 vehicles happen far earlier and cheaper 3. Distributed power brings gamechanging (~10×) economic benefits, not just familiar minor ones 4. Such supposedly big problems as vehicular H2 storage and bulk electricity storage are artifactual and need not actually be solved (with good vehicle physics and diverse renewables) 5. Nuclear power not only isn’t needed or economic, but would worsen climate change compared to best buys By 2050, an affluent world could meet or beat a 2000 CO2 ÷ (3–4) goal Cenergy= ×2 × 3–4 ÷ 2–4 ×1.5 × 4–6 × 1–2 population × affluence per capita × carbon intensity conversion eff. × end - use eff. × hedonic eff. (2.8–3.6%/y; US primary energy/GDP fell 3.4%/y during 1979–86 and 3.1%/y during 1996–2001) or ~1.5–12× lower CO2 emissions despite the assumed 6–8× grosser World Product.* Great flexibility is thus available. The future is not fate but choice. Encouragingly, during 1990–2002 U.S. CO2 emissions grew 3× slower than U.S. GDP. *A 1993 UN study found 1.35× and 8×, respectively, 1985–2050. Johansson, Kelly, Reddy, Williams, & Burnham, Renewable Energy, 1177 pp., Island Press, Washington DC. That analysis, though mostly excellent on the supply side, assumed relatively weak end-use efficiency opportunities. U.S. energy/GDP already cut 42%, to very nearly the 1976 “soft path” 250 primary energy consumption (quadrillion BTU/year) 200 150 "hard path" projected by industry and government government ~1975 USEIA Annual Energy Outlook 2004 forecast, Reference Case actual total consumption actual total energy reported by consumption USEIA "soft path" proposed by Lovins in 1976 100 coal gas oil and gas 50 oil and gas nuclear 0 1975 soft technologies (which do not include big hydro or nuclear) nuclear renewables 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025 but that just scratches the surface, esp. for oil & electricity… As nationwide, a clear break from old trends has happened in California… Per-Capita Electricity Consumption, 1960–2000 16 14 12 MWh Per Person-Year Rest of U.S. California 10 8 Then, in 1–2Q01, Californians undid the previous 5–10 years’ demand growth 6 4 2 (DOE and CEC data, compiled 1960–89 by Worldwatch Institute, 1990–2000 by Rocky Mountain Institute; 2000 data are preliminary; 1991–2000 population data not yet renormalized to 2000 Census findings) 0 1960 1965 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 …and similarly in New England A vast unbought efficiency potential remains largely unnoticed ◊ US could save ≥3/4 of its electricity use (~1/4 lights, 1/4 motors, ≥1/4 others), with same or better services, by fully retrofitting best tech @ <1¢/kWh av. cost ◊ Huge 25-year literature documents a comparable el.eff. potential throughout the industrial world, e.g.: { { { { Sweden (State Power Board, 1989): save 1/2 of el. @ $0.016/kWh Denmark (Nat’l. Tech. U.): save 3/4 of bldg el. @ $0.016/kWh FRG (Institut Wohnen u. Umwelt): save 4/5 of home el., 40% ROI Even bigger and cheaper potential in developing countries ◊ Tech. details in ~2.5-m bookshelf: www.esource.com ◊ US power plants discard more energy than Japan uses ◊ Think systems efficiency, not device efficiency { { Power-plant fuel to incandescent light: ~3% Gasoline to moving the car’s driver: <1% ◊ Fundamental advances still happen (www.paxscientific.com) When rewarded, not penalized, efficiency can work quickly (new mktg. methods are even better) ◊ In 1983–85, 10 million people served by So. Cal. Edison Co. (then the #3 US investor-owned utility) were cutting its 10y-ahead peak load by 81/2% per year, at ~1% of long-run marginal supply cost ◊ In 1990, NEES got 90% of a small-business retrofit pilot program’s market signed up in two months ◊ PG&E got 25% of its 1990 new-commercial-construction market in 3 months, raised its 1991 target, and got it all during 1–9 January; new mktg. methods are even better ◊ In 1977–85, U.S. GDP grew 27%, oil use fell 17%, oil imports fell 50%, and Persian Gulf oil imports fell 87% ◊ Many big, fast savings are independent of or contrary to price signals; costly energy isn’t necessary or sufficient for very efficient energy use; econometrics is a rear-view mirror End-use efficiency’s potential is getting bigger and cheaper…faster ◊ Technologies: mass production (often offshore), cheaper electronics, competition, better tech (thanks to Jim Rogers PE for most of these examples, all in nominal dollars) { Compact fluorescent lamps: >$20 in 1983, $2–5 in 2003 (~1b/y) { Electronic T8 ballasts: >$80 in 1990, <$10 in 2003 { Direct/indirect luminaires: gone from premium to cheapest option { Industrial variable-speed drives: ~60–70% cheaper since 1990 { Window a/c: 54% cheaper than 1993, 13% more efficient, digital { Low-E window coatings: ~75% cheaper than five years ago ◊ Delivery: scaleup, streamlining, integration { E.g., a NE lighting retrofit firm halves the normal contractor price ◊ Design integration: huge, least exploited resource Integrative design can make negawatts far cheaper than anyone thought “People who seem to have had a new idea have often just stopped having an old idea” —— inven invento torr Edwin Edwin Land Land Making big savings cost less than small or no savings: some recent building examples ◊ New { Big office buildings: 80–90% less energy, build ~3–5% cheaper and 6 months faster, superior comfort and market performance { Houses: comfortable without heating system down to –44˚C, 99% water-heating saving, 90% el. saving, 10-month payback in 1984 { Houses: comfortable with no a/c up to +46˚C, same or lower cost { Houses: 90% a/c saving in Bangkok, better comfort, same cost ◊ Retrofit { Sweden’s Systembolaget AB, with IT help, cut its building fleet’s energy cost by ~75%, ~1985–2000 { 75% energy savings retrofittable in big Chicago office tower, better comfort, same cost as the routine 20-year renovation { 97% a/c saving design for retrofitting a California office, with better comfort and good economics ◊ All but the Swedish example illustrate how integrative design can “tunnel through the cost barrier” Old design mentality: always diminishing returns... New design mentality: expanding returns, “tunneling through the cost barrier” Industrial efficiency from integrative design, just using old technologies ◊ Save half of motor-system electricity (3/8 of all industrial electricity), retrofit aftertax ROI 100–200%/y ◊ Better still, start downstream (less flow & friction): 92% saving in new industrial pumping loop just by using fat, short, straight pipes; lower capex, better performance Could have saved more like 98%, even cheaper, with fuller optimization { Reducing pipe flow or friction saves ~10× more fuel & CO2 at power plant { ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Similar returns saving >50% of old chip fabs’ HVAC power Retrofit refinery, save 42%, 3-y simple payback Larger savings retrofitting big platinum mine, LNG plant,… Redesign new data center, save 89%, costs less, up more Redesign new supermarket, save 70–90%, costs less Redesign new chemical plant, save ~3/4 of el., cut construction time & cost by ≥10% (+ process innovations) ◊ Huge, neg.-capex savings in new chip fab, LNG & GTL,… So why hasn’t all that cheap efficiency been bought already? ◊ Most analysts don’t acknowledge that it exists ◊ No engineering school yet teaches how to cost-tunnel ◊ 60–80 market failures; each can be turned into a business opportunity (“Climate: Making Sense and Making Money,” www.rmi.org/sitepages/pid173.php) ◊ Firms are starting to do so, but still face big obstacles ◊ Clients that wanted 2-y paybacks now seek <6 months even though the cost of capital is close to zero! ◊ NB: Efficiency is also faster than supply; when bought, it captures the revenue first, causing supply overshoot (mid-1980s) and bankrupting suppliers { We don’t need to see this very bad movie again: beware irrational exuberance (CCGT, LNG, el. tx.,…) Let efficient use compete fairly ◊ All technologies should be allowed to compete fairly, at honest prices, regardless of whether they save or produce energy, what kind they are, how big they are, or who owns them ◊ In every market and every administrative process, therefore, negawatts should be able to compete on a level playing-field with megawatts ◊ Big technologies or favorite technologies should receive no special advantage (as they now do) ◊ CO2 emissions should not be grandfathered ◊ Key: reward distribution companies for cutting customers’ bills, not for selling them more energy! Renewables are entering rapidly too ◊ Europe plans 22%-renewable electricity by 2010 ◊ World wind cap. production ×5 ’97–’03, PV production ×6 { { Global wind capacity has lately added 7–8 GW/y, vs. 3.1 GW/y av. nuclear additions through the 1990s; India & Mongolia emerging Wind, 1/5 of Denmark’s power today, provides 3× el. util. ind.’s jobs ◊ Price and potential are equally fast-moving targets o o o o Best US ’03 wind price 1.8¢/kWh, soon <1.5 (cf. Hoffert’s 3.3–3.5¢ “today”—a 1996 source), + 1.8¢ subsidy, – ~1¢ const.-price value Practical wind potential ~1.5–4× global electricity use; similar for US Land-use is not excessive—comparable to coal or nuclear fuel cycles Renewable el. from diverse sites and sources does not present an intermittence problem as is still widely and erroneously supposed ◊ PV prod’n grew 32–43%/y ’99–’03, 0.74 GW/y in ’03; can compete in many US bldgs., esp. if integrated; big arrays now sell for $2.5/Wp; offered by some major merchant homebuilders; 0.7-eV InN bandgap (LBNL ’02) could add 20 % points of efficiency; organic? Bundling PVs with end-use efficiency: a recent example ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ ◊ Santa Rita Jail, Alameda County, California PowerLight 1.18 MWp project, 1.46 GWh/y, 1.25 ha of PVs Integrated with Cool Roof and ESCO efficiency retrofit (lighting, HVAC, controls, 1 GWh/y) Energy management optimizes use of PV output, raising profit — leverages demand response Dramatic (~0.7 MWp) load cut Gross project cost $9 million State incentives $5 million Gross savings $15 million/25 y IRR >10%/y (Cty. hurdle rate) Works for PVs, so should work better for anything cheaper Similarly overlooked opportunities to integrate renewables with natural gas ◊ Old (but good) method: solar-thermal-electric with gas backup ◊ New method: “firm” wind energy (make it dispatchable) with a DSM or hydro contract, then trade it to free up ~$3.5/106BTU gas from peakers to sell into a ~$5–6/106BTU gas market: biggest but ignored windpower value today is shifting the gas market { DSM too: cutting 2000 US el. loads by 5% saves 9.5% of gas ◊ Potential future method: use wind to make kWh onpeak and H2 (to beat gasoline) offpeak; or even design to make only H2, eliminating power electronics, gearbox, uptower mass, system cost,…; could pipe H2 and use O2 to gasify coal w/C sequestration Electricity supply (and more): what’s the right size for the job? ◊ ~1880–1980: power stations costlier & less reliable than the grid, so must be shared via the grid ◊ ~1980– : power stations cheaper & more reliable than the grid, so really cheap and reliable supply must be at/near customers, i.e., “distributed” ◊ Central thermal power plants stopped getting more efficient in the 1960s, bigger in the 1970s, cheaper in the 1980s, and bought in the 1990s ◊ Distributed cap. >25% of total in several countries ◊ Wind 39 GW (XII.03), ind. expects 150 GW by 2012 ◊ Photovoltaics now the cheapest option for ≥2 billion people (w/eff., often positive cashflow from day 1) Distributed generation can compete strongly now ◊ Industrial gas-turbine cogen/trigen delivers a few MWe/site at ~0.5–2¢/kWh net (η ~ 0.90) ◊ A recent microturbine retrofit design would give a 1-y payback against 5.5¢/kWh utility power (η ~ 0.92) in a 150,000-m2 office/laboratory complex ◊ But commodity ¢/kWh omits key “distributed benefits” o Small Is Profitable: The Hidden Economic Benefits of Making Electrical Resources the Right Size (www.smallisprofitable.org, 2002), an Economist Book of the Year o 207 distributed benefits boost typical economic value by ~10×; the biggest benefits come from financial economics, then el. engineering o “Cleaner Energy, Greener Profits” (www.rmi.org, 2001) shows fuel cells can often be profitably applied even at $2,000–3,000/kW o Distributed benefits are starting to be recognized and captured, but authors here only hinted at them, as if they were small, not decisive The Future of Nuclear Power (MIT, 29 July 2003) ◊ Good cost analysis of new nuclear power: 6.7¢/kWh busbar [2002 $]), implying 9.3+¢/kWh delivered — so it’s stagnating because economically uncompetitive ◊ Found only a major expansion would justify the high costs of addressing its many challenges { 3× world nucl. cap. to cut CO2 increase 25% by 2050 ◊ But the media missed the report’s big logical flaw { { { The report compared nuclear power only with two obsolete competitors — central coal and combined-cycle gas — and found it might beat them if it had huge cost cuts and heavy carbon taxes But no analysis of its three fatal competitors today: end-use efficiency (~3–30× cheaper), wind (2×), and distributed gas cogen or trigen (5–10×, net of heat credit); carbon taxes would advantage the first two as much as they would nuclear power; this comparison does not count the competitors’ distributed benefits So no analytic basis for authors’ personal opinion—that all options are needed, so nuclear power merits increased subsidies…thereby retarding their competitors (a major cost not mentioned) Why nuclear power can’t save climate: opportunity cost ◊ If saving a kWh costs as much as 3¢ (well above average), and delivering a new nuclear kWh costs as little as 6¢ (extremely optimistic), then each 6¢ spent on a nuclear kWh could have bought two efficiency kWh { Buying the costlier nuclear kWh thus perpetuated one kWh of fossilfueled generation that’s otherwise avoided ◊ Unless nuclear power is the cheapest way to meet energy-service needs, buying more of it will make climate change worse than “best buys first” ◊ Same for e.g. PVs—and even more so if they’re in orbit …which would deliver costlier, riskier kWh than putting them on rooftops { Peter Glaser’s solar power satellites and Bucky’s world grid are unattractive, due to basic economics, stability, and vulnerability issues Oil intensity has halved despite 22 years of flat or worsening light-vehicle mpg; so just imagine if that resumed its 5%/y increase! U.S. energy intensity since 1975 1.2 1.2 Oil intensity –5.2%/y Oil intensity –2.1%/y 1.0 1.0 el./GDP down only 9% — average-cost rates, subsidies, perverse incentives,… 0.8 0.6 0.6 New-light-vehicle L/100 km stagnated; hit a 22-year high in MY2002 0.4 electricity (L axis) primary energy (L axis) oil (L axis) new light vehicles (R axis) 42% intensity drop 1975–2002: 2/3 bigger than total oil use, 3× oil imports, 5× oil output, 12× Gulf imports 50% oil intensity drop broke OPEC’s pricing power for a decade 0.2 0.2 Data source: U.S. Energy Information Administration, www eia doe gov/emeu/aer/contents html Annual Energy Review , Light-vehicle data from id . and TEDB 22 (ORNL-6967), 2002, www-cta.ornl.gov/cta/data/index.html 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998 1997 1996 1995 1994 1993 1992 1991 Year 1990 1989 1988 1987 1986 1985 1984 1983 1982 1981 1980 1979 1978 1977 1976 0.0 1975 0.0 0.4 Intensity vs. 1975 light-vehicle fleet 0.8 Midsize 5-seat-SUV virtual design (2000) Ultralight but ultrasafe Uncompromised 0–100 km/h in 8.3 s Competitive cost 2.05 L/100 km-equivalent = 115 mpg (EPA combined city/hwy., w/H2 fuel cell) “We’ll take two.” — Automobile magazine A Saudi Arabia under Detroit, a nega-OPEC …and when parked, a 35-kW power plant on wheels…if everyone did it, ~6–12× US electric gen. capacity Challenging a basic Detroit and Washington assumption ◊ Both assume that making cars far more efficient must entail tradeoffs against other desired attributes — price, size, performance, safety,… ◊ Hence policy intervention needed to induce customers to buy the compromised vehicles; but Congress has gridlocked on that for >20 years ◊ But what if superefficiency were a byproduct of breakthrough engineering, so people would buy the cars because they’re better —like buying digital media instead of vinyl phonograph records? ◊ An engineering end-run around tax/CAFE gridlock ◊ Robust business model based solely on value to customer and competitive advantage to maker Henry Ford on lightweighting “Fat men cannot run as fast as thin men, but we build most of our vehicles as though dead-weight fat increased speed….I cannot imagine where the delusion that weight means strength came from….” ◊ Many (even NHTSA) confuse mass, size, and safety ◊ Size protects; weight is hostile; light can be strong { Advanced-composite (carbon/thermoplastic) crush structures can absorb 5–10× the energy/kg of steel—and do so more smoothly ◊ By decoupling size from mass, ultralight but ultrastrong autobodies can protect their occupants and those they hit, saving both lives and oil without the widely claimed conflict or contradiction ◊ The Fiberforge™ process for cheap advanced-composite autobodies (85% of hand-layup performance at 15% of its cost) is being nicely validated in 1–2Q04 857-kg curb mass (÷2), low drag, load ÷3, so 89 km/h on same power as normal a/c, so ready now for direct hydrogen fuel cells 35-kW load-leveling batteries 137-liter 345-bar H2 storage (small enough to package) 35-kW fuel cell (small enough to afford early) Hydrogen-ready cars + integration with buildings = fast, profitable H2 transition (A.B. Lovins & B.D. Williams, NHA, 1999, www.rmi.org) ◊ No technological breakthroughs required (new storage tech or onboard reformers); as soon as durable and cheaper fuel cells arrive, fuel-cell cars can be marketed profitably, many years earlier than would be possible with inefficient vehicles ◊ Staged deployment based on building & gas-station reformers ◊ Meanwhile, engine or engine-hybrid Hypercar® vehicles can save most of the oil & CO2 (~3.0–3.5 L/100 km midsize SUV) ◊ It doesn’t matter whether stacks first become durable (favoring buildings) or cheap (favoring cars); whichever happens first will accelerate both markets ◊ No need for new liquid-fuel infrastructure (methanol, ultrapure gasoline,…), liquid H2, or costly central H2 production/distrib’n. { See “Twenty Hydrogen Myths,” 2003, www.rmi.org, Intl J Hydr En forthc. ◊ Integrating mobile and stationary deployment makes the transition profitable at each step (>10%/y real return) Six hydrogen surprises (see “20 Hydrogen Myths,” www.rmi.org) ◊ >2/3 of fossil-fuel atoms burned today are H2 — we only need to get rid of the last 1/3 (the carbon) ◊ A hydrogen transition based on natural gas won’t use more natural gas, and may well use less ◊ It’ll also need less capital than gasoline does ◊ It would reduce drivers’ fuel cost per km ◊ It would be more profitable for oil, gas, and (ultimately) probably coal companies ◊ Just Dakotas windpower could make enough H2 (50 MT/y, = today’s world H2 production) to fuel all US highway vehicles if feasibly and profitably efficient; US refineries’ 7 MT/y could displace 1/4 of gasoline Platform physics is more important than powertrain—and is vital to its economics ◊ Cars can run clean IC engines on gasoline or NG (≡1η) ◊ Better ones using hydrogen in IC engines (≤1.5 η) ◊ Still better ones using H2 in IC-engine hybrids (~2.5η) { Ford “Model U” concept car…but tanks >4× bigger (niche market) ◊ Better still: ultralight autobodies, low drag, Otto (3η) ◊ Power those platforms with IC-engine hybrids (4η) { Hypercar 5-seat carbon Revolution has the same mc & CD as 2-seat aluminum Honda Insight…Insight-engine hybrid version ~66 mpg ◊ Best: put fuel cells in such superefficient bodies (5– 6η) ◊ The aim isn’t just saving fuel and pollution { Also strategic goals in automaking, plug-in power-plants-on-wheels, off-oil, primary fuel flexibility, accelerated transition to renewables,… ◊ H2 needs 5η vehicles far more than vice versa ◊ 5η vehicles make robust the business case for providing the H2 that their fuel cells would need Layer upon endless layer of efficiency in various forms… ◊ Beyond Hypercars® (4–6×): transport demand mgt; mode-switching (Curitiba/Bogatá/Lima bus, Cybertran™, hybrid bikes…); vehicle-sharing (Stattauto, ZIPcar,…); mobility-/access-based business models (mobility.ch…); don’t mandate/subsidize sprawl…: 10× ◊ Beyond efficient aircraft (2–3×): big operational gains at airport & system levels; point-to-point in smaller aircraft (hubless w/gate & slot competition); air taxis; mobility-/access-based models; virtual mobility…: 10× ◊ Class 8 trucks: 2× savings @ $0.11/L, + logistics,… ◊ Industry: materials productivity, emerging eff’y. technologies (Price & Worrell), biomimicry, nanotechnology: probably ≥10×, maybe ultimately more Evolving as fast as technologies, the new policy slate ◊ Not just fiscal instruments (tax, price, subsidy) and regulation or liberalization, though they work ◊ Also ~20 new transideological instruments, e.g.: { Don’t just deploy efficient new technologies — also bounty-hunt and scrap inefficient old ones (“negative tech transfer”) { Accelerate turnover of all vehicle stocks (scrappage/feebates) { Promote competition at all scales including micropower, capture distributed benefits, and reward lower bills, not higher sales { Sell end-use efficiency not for its reduced energy costs but for its ~10–100×-more-valuable side-benefits › 6–16% higher labor productivity in efficient buildings › 40% higher retail sales & 20–26% faster learning w/daylight › Huge gains in industrial output and quality { Reform design pedagogy and practice (RMI’s 10XE project, 2005) { Most important: emphasize ~60–80 kinds of “barrier-busting” Winning the Oil Endgame: Profitable Energy Security by Mobilizing American Innovation ◊ RMI synthesis of a full, rapid, attractive, and profitable U.S. off-oil roadmap for business and military leaders to be published July 2004 ◊ This exercise, co-funded by DoD, will: { update, w/2 variants, RMI’s 1987–88 Shell supply curve for oil end-use efficiency & saved natural gas; these could have saved 80% of 1986 oil use @ $2.5/bbl — now more & cheaper { add an aggressive supply-side transition (biofuels, hydrogen) { analyze how much of the unbought overhang of oil savings can be elicited by traditional plus ~15–20 new policy options, plus— in our tripolar society—innovative business models ◊ Expected to be more profitable for the country and probably also for hydrocarbon companies ◊ Similar potential w/el., coal, cement…hence for CO2 The oil endgame is starting ◊ Many oil majors wonder whether to say so; the chairs of four already did (plus those of three big automakers) ◊ The China-led hydrogen/Hypercar leapfrog in Shell’s 10/01 “Spirit of the Coming Age” scenario is clearly now underway, with strong support from the highest levels ◊ Oil will probably become uncompetitive even at low prices before it becomes unavailable even at high prices ◊ Don Huberts, Geoffrey Ballard, Sheikh Yamani: “The Stone Age did not end because the world ran out of stones, and the Oil Age will not end because the world runs out of oil” ◊ Like uranium already and coal increasingly, oil will become not worth extracting—good mainly for holding up the ground—because other ways to do the same tasks are better and cheaper Leapfrog development ◊ Free up enormous financial capital to fund other development needs { Compact-fluorescent-lamp and superwindow factories need ~1/1000th as much capital as expanding electric supply, and pay back ~10 times faster; the power sector, now devouring ~1/4 of global development capital, could even export net capital to fund other development needs ◊ Advanced resource productivity is the cornerstone of development Otherwise the cost of supplying more resources devours most or all of the development capital { Many other development goals served too—e.g., CFLs make PVs affordable, so girls can learn to read at night, advancing the role of women; PVs then also support irrigation pumps, vaccine refrigerators, cellphones, and many other key tools with powerful synergies { How do political leaders choose? ◊ Most of the action is at state and municipal level, but federal policy sets the context and can help or hurt ◊ Current federal policy is at best seriously incomplete, and if current US Energy Bill passed (??), it’d do little ◊ National Energy Policy Initiative, www.nepinitiative.org { Fast, low-budget proof-of-concept (a few months, a few hundred k$) { Start with principles and objectives, focus on existing consensus { Organized by two nonpartisan nonprofits (RMI & CBI), 2001–02 { Funded at arm’s-length by seven foundations { Interviewed 75 diverse constituency leaders { Convened 22 bipartisan US energy policy experts { Reached broad consensus on vision, goals, and strategies; suggested innovative, win-win policy options in a highly integrative framework ◊ Encouraging for a fractured polity…and for NCEP Policy wildcatters drill through thick strata of partisan polarization…and strike a gusher of consensus ◊ Endorsed by 32 bipartisan energy leaders { Half are or were senior energy-industry executives { Others’ backgrounds include: › Two Presidential advisors, two Dep. Secs. of Energy › Five Subcabinet members (State, Com., En., DoD, EPA) › A CIA Director, a House energy leader & his deputy › Two senior economists of President’s CEA › Chairs/members of 2 Fed. & 3 State en. reg. commns. ◊ Meeting energy, economic, environmental, and securi-ty needs simultaneously and without compromise…by building on the hidden consensus that already exists… and that NCEP should seek to articulate The CO2 problem is one we needn’t have, and it’s cheaper not to “You can always count on Americans to do the right thing—after they’ve tried everything else.” — Churchill “Sometimes one must do what is necessary.” — Churchill “We are the people we have been waiting for.” www.rmi.org