2012 - Henry County Iowa!


2012 - Henry County Iowa!
January 3 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Kent White, Chairman,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Also present was Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne with Mr. Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve minutes of December 29,
2011. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Steve Wilson presented 5 questions to the Supervisors for
consideration in regards to the past discussions on the Solid Waste RFP for Henry
County. No action taken.
Bill Belzer, Engineer, gave his weekly update for Secondary Roads. Preliminary Plans
were returned from IDOT for 310th St Bridge. Patrol operators available were in their
machines most of the week. They also spotted rock when it rained on Friday. Crews
patched dips in the roads on Old 34 west of Benton Ave, Franklin Ave and Salem Rd.
Crews ditched on 115th St; 105th St and Quaker Ave south of 130th St. The boom mower
was out 2 days. Crews also cut brush for 2 days around signs at locations found on sign
inventory inspection. The limb shear was out for ½ day but was rained out. 5 year plan
and Budget presentation to the Supervisors will be Thursday January 5, 2012.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to sign the letters supporting the Trade
Zones for the Quad Cities and Cedar Rapids area. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
1. The following had requested, in writing, to be official newspaper for Henry County for
2012: Winfield Beacon/Wayland News, Mt Pleasant News and The New London
2. Claims pay dates for 2012 are as follows:
January 5 & 19
May 10 & 24
February 2 & 16
June 7 & 21
March 1. 15 & 29
July 5 & 19
April 12 & 26
August 2, 16 & 30
September 13 & 27
October 11 & 25
November 8
December 6 & 20
3. The Board authorized the County Auditor to issue warrants in payment upon
presentation of the following: freight, express, telephone, water, light, gas, postage
and for salaries and payrolls, where such compensation shall have been previously
fixed by the Board of Supervisors, upon certificate of the office under whom such
compensation shall have been earned.
4. The Board authorized the following holidays to be observed by County Employees
New Year’s Day; President’s Day; Memorial Day; Independence Day; Labor Day;
Veteran’s Day; Thanksgiving Day and day after; Christmas Day and three personal
days. When regular holidays fall on Saturday, the holiday will be observed on Friday
preceding and when they fall on Sunday it will be observed on Monday following.
5. Appointed Gary See to make monthly inspections at Insight Human Services till
6. Harold Pollmeier was reappointed Weed Commissioner for 2012.
7. Dr. Kent Metcalf was reappointed Henry County Medical Examiner.
8. Henry County Board of Health: (3 year term)
Tom Miller (expires 12-31-12)
Kent Metcalf (expires 12-31-12)
Carol McCulley (expires 12-31-13)
Bob Welander (expires 12-31-13)
Rose Lauer (expires 12-31-14)
Henry County Civil Service Commission: (3 year term)
Dr. Richard Howie (expires 12-31-12)
Beryl Shahan (expires 12-31-13)
Brian Roth (expires 12-31-14)
10. Henry County Conservation Board: (5 member board-5 year terms)
George Jacques (expires 12-31-12)
Lori Muntz (expires 12-31-13)
Sara Borders (expires 12-31-14)
John Klopfenstein (expires 12-31-15)
Jim Onorato (expires 12-31-16)
11. Pursuant to Sec 6b.4 2005 Code of Iowa, appointed the following persons as
Members of the Compensation Commission in eminent domain proceedings:
Agricultural Property owner-Operators: (appointed annually)
Myers Rossiter, Winfield
Wayne Beckman, New London
Mark Boshart, Mt Pleasant
Larry Pidgeon, Salem
Ken Denning, Mt Pleasant
John Scott, Mt Pleasant
Leo Hunting, Mt Pleasant
Robert Waters, Mt Pleasant
Doree Huddleston, Mt Union
Marlin Ford, Mt Pleasant
Steve Gray, Mt Pleasant
Maria White, Mt Pleasant
Tim Meyer, Wayland
City or Town Property Owners:
Ed Farley, Mt Pleasant
Cecil Linder, Winfield
Jim Onorato, Salem
Randy Seberg, Mt Pleasant
Kelly Overton, Wayland
Michael D Reschly, Olds
Person Having Knowledge of Property Values:
Gary Anderson, Swedesburg
John Lance, Westwood
Yvonne Rich, Mt Pleasant
Sue Gray, Mt Pleasant
Mike Tometich, Mt Pleasant
Bradley Benson, Winfield
Danny Cornell, Mt Pleasant
12. Southeast Iowa Regional Planning Committee serving Henry County
Klay Edwards
Kent White
Bill Belzer, alternate
13. Regional Homeless Coordinating Board for 4 County Area:
Glenwood Tolson
Claude Kremer
Sheila Morgan
Erica Martin
Marva Kremer
14. Board of Supervisors 2012 Committee Appointments and Alternates:
Marc Lindeen, Member
911 Board/Emergency Mgmt Board – Alternate Gary See
Great River Regional Waste Authority-Alternate Gary See
Decat –Alternate Gary See
Henry County Landfill-Alternate Gary See
Henry County Community Action Program-Alternate Kent White
Gary See, Vice-Chairman
8th Judicial District Adult Correction-Alternate Kent White
Regional Workforce Investment Board-Alternate Kent White
Mt Pleasant Area Economic Development Comm-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Insight Human Services-Alternate Kent White
Citizens Advisory Board-MHI-Alternate Kent White
Area 16 RTA-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Southeast Iowa Crime Commission-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Kent White, Chairman
Southeast Iowa Regional Planning-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Henry County Tourism-Alternate Marc Lindeen
REAP-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Healthy Henry County Communities-Alternate Gary See
Geode RC & D-Alternate Marc Lindeen
Regional Utilities Service Systems (RUSS) – Alternate Gary See
15. Henry County Historic Preservation Commission (3 year term)
Herbert Hult (expires 12-31-12)
Rosie Kramer (expires 12-31-12)
R L Chrisinger (expires 12-31-12)
Gwen Moore (expires 12-31-12)
Caroline Lehman (expires 12-31-13)
Mary Savage (expires 12-31-13)
Martha Francy (expires 12-31-13)
Chester Coleman (expires 12-31-13)
Joel Garretson (expires 12-31-13)
Donald Young (expires 12-31-14)
Todd Barton (expires 12-31-14)
Faye Heartsill (expires 12-31-14)
Todd Brereton (expires 12-31-14)
16. Board of Adjustment (5 year term-5 Member Board)
Vacancy (expires 12-31-13)
Vacancy (expires 12-31-14)
Gary Anderson (expires 12-31-12)
Ron Osborne (expires 12-31-15)
Dave Helman (expires 12-31-16)
17. Zoning Commission (5 yr term-5 Member Board)(Jan 2006 –changed to 5 members)
Steve Gray (expires 12-31-12)
Greg Lorber (expires 12-31-15)
Melodee Yaley (expires 12-31-15)
Alan Miller (expires 12-31-16)
David Simmons (expires 12-31-16)
18. Pioneer Cemetery Commission (3 year term-9 Member Board)
Stan Hill (expires 12-31-13)
David Gates (expires 12-31-13)
Pat White (expires 12-31-13)
Charlotte Zihlman (expires 12-31-14)
Ross Tweedy (expires 12-31-14)
Pamela Stewart (expires 12-31-12)
Bill Klopfenstein (expires 12-31-12)
Allan Barnes (expires 12-31-12)
Mona Gates (expires 12-31-14)
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the preceding appointments
and reappointments to the Boards/Commissions the Supervisors are responsible for. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
Kiley Miller presented an option agreement on behalf of Burr Oak Apartments, LP to the
Henry County Board of Supervisors for the sale of Lot 1 of Cross Roads Business Park
1st Addition to the City of Mt Pleasant owned by Henry County, for $67,500. The Board
will be giving this document to the County Attorney for review, if all is approved by the
Attorney, a Public Hearing will be set for the proposed sale of this property.
In the Supervisors sub-committee report, Kent White reported that they had sold the
building in Burlington that Geode RC & D had occupied for more than they were asking
which they were very pleased with.
No other county business.
There being no further business it was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn
the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H Kent White, Chairman
January 5, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 3,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve quarterly report for the Henry
County Sheriff Department. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave his budget presentation and 5 year plan for the Henry County
Secondary Road Department for FY 2012/2013.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to appoint Ross Tweedy to the Pioneer
Cemetery Commission term to expire 12/31/2014. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board reviewed the revised Solid Waste RFP on the changes made for a fuel
surcharge and the job to be bid at a flat monthly rate instead of by tonnage. They agreed
that it was fine but the dates for proposals due needed to be changed to January 26, 2012
at 10:00 am, instead of December 29, 2011 and asked the Auditor if she would contact
Barker LaMar and get that changed. Mrs. Barber said yes she would and after it was
corrected she would send notice to the newspapers that they are ready for pick up.
No Supervisor sub-committee updates.
In other county business the County Attorney asked if the Custodian would be willing to
help his department out with some juvenile restitution cleaning in the courthouse. The
Board had no problem if the Custodian didn’t mind which he doesn’t.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Brown's Shoe Fit Carpenter Uniform Co CDW Government Inc Clay County Sheriffs Ofc Des Moines Police Ebert Supply Co Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Heidelburg Motel Henry County Health Center Ia Dept of Natl Resources Iowa IAI Ia Prison Industries WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems Mail Services LLC Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant News Util ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Util ‐DHS Ofc Suppl ‐Rec Shoes ‐Dep Shrf Pants ‐Dep Shrf Toner ‐Shrf Serv of Notice Serv of Notice ‐D Lee Cust Suppl ‐Cths Med Exam Fees Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Rent ‐GA Care for Yourself Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Dues ‐Shrf Supplies ‐Shrf Tele Exp ‐Shrf Maint ‐Shrf MV Renewal ‐Trs Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Subscription Renewal ‐Sup $7.30 $33.00 $519.76 $1,079.20 $120.00 $67.37 $270.77 $31.00 $21.52 $50.00 $300.00 $96.08 $400.00 $1,756.00 $30.00 $25.00 $92.76 $1,216.41 $235.87 $537.58 $81.00 $108.00 Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities O'Keefe Elevator Co O'Reilly Automotive Inc James R Onorato Postmaster Reliable Pest Solutions Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Solutions TD&T Financial Group PC Eugenio Torres U S Cellular Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Joan Wolfe General Supplemental Fund I M W C A SIADSA Lee/ Lucas MH ‐ DD Services Bridgeway Judy Buffington Melissa Campbell Kim Gray Great River Medical Center Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS WINDSTREAM James Krabill Matt McBride Mercy Medical Center New Directions Optimae LifeServices Inc. State Fire Marshal Division Barb Stouder Sunrise Enterprise LLC Jaime Villerreal Wal‐Mart Payments Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Banner Auto & Hardware Kevin Barton Bezoni's True Value Cessford Construction Co Courtesy Door Sales & Ser CPEC Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries Ideal Ready Mix Co WINDSTREAM L & W Quarries Mid Country Machinery Inc Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Nichting Co Inc Northern Safety Co Inc Vchle Exp ‐ Dep Shrf M‐1 Util ‐Shrf Elev Maint ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐ Dep Shrf Meeting ‐VA Stamps ‐ GA Deodorizer ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths Computer Equip ‐Shrf Audit ‐ '10‐'11 Med Exam Fees Tele Serv ‐Conserv Bd Proc ‐Supv Matron Exp ‐Jail Work Comp ‐'11‐'12 Detention Stay ‐Juvi Prob Treatment ‐ CPC Mlge ‐ IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐ IHS Pub. Hosp. ‐ CPC Health Avocate ‐ CPC Prescrip. ‐ CPC Transport ‐ CPC Tele Serv ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Commit. ‐ Serv. Treatment ‐ CPC Treatment ‐ CPC Inspection ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐ CPC Mlge ‐IHS Food & Prov ‐IHS Lighting Sec Rd Pest Control Sec Rd Sheds Sec Rd Equip Repair Supply SecRd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Keys Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Fuel Pump Motor Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Sand Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Shop Tools Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Equip Repair Supply SecRd Safety,First Aid,Fire Ext $515.48 $3,751.37 $213.74 $10.32 $32.49 $90.00 $73.00 $105.87 $52.60 $3,578.52 $4,000.00 $1,300.00 $219.60 $511.96 $19.25 $7,890.00 $370.00 $465.00 $50.80 $96.40 $9.15 $3,325.00 $243.78 $37.52 $75,542.73 $193.61 $37.20 $6.00 $111.01 $360.00 $400.00 $75.00 $15.20 $240.00 $2.00 $200.95 $27.45 $40.00 $119.33 $12.95 $125.00 $3.74 $826.89 $25.00 $1,120.50 $943.55 $1,648.80 $5,459.96 $97.84 $155.40 $20.83 $164.00 $140.00 $68.00 $171.15 Florence Smith Summy Tire & Auto Service Swailes Auto Supply Truck Repair Inc Wal‐Mart Payments Winfield Builders Supply Community Betterment Fund Bezoni's True Value Great River Reg Waste Henry Co Landfill Comm WINDSTREAM Emergency Management Alliant Energy Emergency Communications Net WINDSTREAM Quill Corporation Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment WINDSTREAM Special Appraisers Schneider Corporation Solutions E911 Surcharge Fund Century Link Phoenix CenturyLink WINDSTREAM NENA Grand Total Janitor Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Waste Serv ‐Supv 3rd Quarter Payment Tele Serv ‐ Zoning Util ‐Em Mgmt Code Red ‐Em Mgmt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Copy Paper ‐ Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Serv ‐Assessor Warranty ‐Assessor Software Serv ‐E911 Phone Serv ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Training ‐E911 $240.00 $1,408.92 $990.92 $1,437.86 $113.08 $24.24 $286.28 $2,526.00 $6,312.00 $24.46 $244.85 $9,000.00 $122.30 $28.90 $359.99 $87.84 $450.00 $1,191.00 $9,499.55 $477.84 $24.46 $130.00 $157,375.05 It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to adjourn the meeting. 3 ayes. Motion
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H Kent White, Chairman
January 10, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Marc
Lindeen, Kent White and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the January 5,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
In public comments Steve Wilson asked the Board to look at other options instead of
straightening 265th St. and he also requested to reactivate the REAP Committee in Henry
County. No action taken.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave his weekly update of the Secondary Road Department. He
reviewed the past months happenings. Design has begun on the construction of project
BR#174; 310th St over Fish Creek. Patrol operators spotted rock the first of the week and
bladed the end of the week. Crews patched bridge approaches on Iowa Ave north of Big
Creek. The boom mower was out 1 day. One to two crews were stripping overburden at
the quarry all week. Mr. Belzer will present the 5 year plan and budget to the Farm
Bureau on Monday January 16, 2012.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution #1-2012
Construction Evaluation for Master Matrix. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Scott Jones from A2Z joined the meeting.
The Board opened the only bid received for the Courthouse Boiler Project, which was
from A2Z for the removal of existing boilers, condensate tanks and pumps, clean system
piping and radiators, remove steam traps, install a Weil-McLain Ultra 750 and Ultra 550
High Efficiency Boilers, install new piping from boiler room to courthouse, install
pressure regulating water circulation pumps for all zones, install control system for
boilers and pumps, fill system and check for leaks, add stabilizing chemical to system and
check system for proper operation, for a total of $156,545.45. It was moved by Lindeen
and seconded by See to accept the bid as presented for work to begin as soon as the
winter season is over. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Members present from the Historic Preservation Committee were Chester Coleman, Todd
Barton, R.C. Chrissinger, Don Young, Caroline Lehman, Gwen Moore, Rosie Kramer,
Faye Heartsill and Herb Hult. Mr. Coleman gave the Board Todd Brereton’s resignation
from the committee. He also updated the Board on the projects they had done in 2011
and the projects they have planned for 2012. As well they requested continued support
from the county as in the past.
The 11:00 appointment for Burr Oak Apartments to set a Public Hearing was cancelled
due to them withdrawing their offer to purchase the property. No action taken.
No sub-committee updates.
In other county business Kiley Miller joined the meeting with figures he had been
requested to get for the Storm Water Retention Basin at Crossroads Business Park which
is approximately $170,000 and the Sewer would be $80,000. No action taken. Auditor
Shelly Barber informed the Board that she had received an email stating that the
Wellmark portion of the county’s health insurance premium was going up 4.22%
effective July 1, 2012 and the partial self-funding premium and the administrative fee
should remain the same as last year. She also requested to have a session to work on the
budget for the line items that are in miscellaneous departments. The Board agreed and
set January 13, 2012 at 10:00 am for a budget worksession. There was also various other
discussion with no action taken.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 3 ayes. Motion
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Marc Lindeen, Chairman
January 12, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the January 10,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
In public comments Mary Beth Young spoke in favor of the Board giving funds towards
the Union Block Building Project. Steve Wilson asked if the county gives funds if the
building is ever sold would the county get their money back? He was informed that if
grants were gotten to restore it they probably couldn’t ever sell it but the Board was not
sure and stated it would not be expecting to receive it back. No action taken.
Department heads present to give the Board their monthly updates were Sarah Kaufman,
CPC; Rick VanWinkle, Vet Affairs; John Pullis, Conservation; Ana Lorber, Treasurer;
Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Walt Jackson, Emergency
Management Coordinator; Bill Belzer, Engineer; Shelly Barber, Auditor.
Todd Meyer, Insight Human Services didn’t show for his appointment as he said he had
nothing to report.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the Liquor License for Scarff
Service. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the Recorder’s 4th Quarter
Report as presented. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Lennis Moore with Midwest Old Threshers gave the Board his annual Economic Impact
report from the 2011 Old Threshers Reunion. No action taken.
Jim Warner with Warner Engineering, Kiley Miller & Brent Schleisman joined the
meeting to discuss the Storm Water Detention Basin at the Crossroads Business Park.
Mr. Warner reviewed the plans that had been drawn up a few years ago when that
property was first developed regarding the storm water system that had been designed.
After much discussion on the need and the urgency of the matter it was moved by
Lindeen and seconded by See to move forward with the plan to build a storm water
detention/retention basin for the Crossroads Business Park Subdivision with the final
plans to be decided after more figures are obtained and the budget is reviewed. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Lisa Oetkin, Chester Coleman and Don Young of the Historic Preservation Committee
joined the meeting regarding the request for funds to renovate the Union Block Building.
The Board stated they had several responses on the issue with the ones feeling the county
should contribute to the project winning out. With that it was moved by See and
seconded by Lindeen that the Henry County Historic Preservation would be donating
$8,000 one time to the project and Henry County would donate $12,000 one time to the
project for a total of $20,000. 2 ayes, See and Lindeen with White abstaining from the
vote for conflicting reasons. Motion carried.
See gave sub-committee updates on the 8th Judical Adult Corrections Committee that
they have to cut their budget but cannot lay anyone off, Lindeen gave sub-committee
updates on Community Action that Glenwood Tolson is retiring and food and utility
assistance requests are up, White gave sub-committee updates on the RUSS meeting with
no major issues..
No other county business.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 3 ayes. Motion
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
January 17, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 12,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave his weekly update of the Secondary Road Department. The
Board approved a permit for Phillip Grandinetti for a tile outlet from a pond on Hyacinth
south of 265th St. Design is still underway on the construction of project BR#174; bridge
on 310th St over Fish Creek. Patrol operators bladed Monday thru Wednesday and
winged drifts Thursday and Friday. Truck drivers were called out at 5 am on Thursday
and Friday. Snow started out after midnight Thursday morning and continues all day
Thursday. We probably got less than 3’ but with 25-35 mph wind all day Thursday and
2mph on Friday, we had 3’ plus drifts. We were able to quit at 3:30 both Thursday and
Friday and used little material due to the high winds. We had a little snow Saturday but
did not call drivers out since we had some material down. Two crews were stripping
overburden at the quarry Monday thru Wednesday. Mr. Belzer will presented the 5 year
plan and budget to the Farm Bureau on Monday January 16, 2012.
Recorder Shirley Wandling presented her department budget to the Board with little
change. No action taken.
Linda Albright, Robb Gardener, Robert Welander all with the Board of Health presented
the public health budget to the Board. Their only increase is for $10,000 for a Newborn
Home Visitor Program this is due to funds being cut by the state for this program. The
Supervisors felt if the Board of Health feels it is beneficial that they would agree.
Treasurer Ana Lorber presented her department budget to the Board with little change.
No action taken.
Glenwood Tolson is resigning from the SE Iowa Community Action Board, therefore
since he has been serving on behalf of the Board of Supervisors one of them will need to
take his place after the next meeting. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen that
Marc Lindeen be appointed to the SE Iowa Community Action Board. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. It was then moved by Lindeen and seconded by White to appoint Gary See to be
the alternate for the SE Iowa Community Action Board. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No sub-committee updates.
In other county business Auditor Shelly Barber gave the Board a quote she had received
for new election equipment for them to review and consider.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 3 ayes. Motion
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
January 19, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 17,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
In public comments Steve Wilson informed the Board that a detention basin is dry other
than right after a rain and that maybe they should check with John Pullis with the
Conservation to see how much the construction of the wetlands at Gibson Park cost for
comparison to the cost of the building of the detention basin on the Crossroads Business
Park Subdivision.
Sarah Kaufman CPC gave her monthly update on General Assistance and Mental Health.
She told the Board after her meeting in Des Moines this week that she was comfortable
going with the budget proposal that the state would not be giving the county the tax relief
allocation funds and the county would not be responsible for paying of various expenses.
We should have plenty of funds to pay the expenses the county will be responsible for
with the taxes we are allowed to levy this year. After much discussion the Board does
not see these changes being a good thing in any way for the county and its residents.
The meeting for the multiple main building permit for Mark Hayes was cancelled due to
the application being withdrawn.
Jeff Hile from Northland Security Financial met with the Board to discuss the possibility
of doing another debt service loan for the purpose of the storm water detention basin cost,
the new election equipment and for secondary road capital projects. He had prepared
some estimate numbers giving the Board an idea on the rate of interest which is 1.5% and
what the levy rate would be and the amount of payback for $880,000 not that they have to
do that much or they could do more depending on the needs. Bill Belzer Engineer joined
the meeting and the Board requested he get them a figure of this capital projects for them
by next week so they can make a decision on doing this. No action taken.
Jim Warner with Warner Engineering updated the Board with the figures for constructing
to completion a wetland detention basin on the Crossroads Business Park Subdivision
which was $205,121.50. The Board requested this be put on their agenda for Tuesday
January 24, 2012 for decision. No action taken.
No sub-committee updates.
No other county business.
The Board approved the following claims:
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It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 2 ayes. Motion
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
January 19, 2012
New London, IA 52645
The Board met at 6:30 P.M. Members present: Chairman Kent White, Marc Lindeen
and Gary See.
Also present was Sheriff Allen Wittmer, Engineer Bill Belzer, Steve Wilson and Ron
Osborne with Mr. Osborne video recording the session.
There were no public comments.
The Board decided to have a Budget Work-session on Monday January 23, 2012 at
10:00 a.m. with Sheriff Allen Wittmer and Engineer Bill Belzer.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 3 ayes. Motion
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
January 24, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the January 19,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Dave Helman, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne
video recording the session.
In public comments Dave Helman asked the Board to please try to get the 2 vacancies
filled on the Henry County Board of Adjustment as it is very hard to get things done
when all 3 of the current members must be at the meeting to conduct business or they
don’t have a corium. Also he had a few questions regarding the purchase of new election
equipment which Shelly Barber Auditor answered and stated there would be a
demonstration before equipment is purchased.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave his weekly update of the Secondary Road Department. The
Board approved a permit for Steve Gerling to clear a fence line of trees on the east side of
Quaker Ave south of 120th St. Design is almost complete on the construction of project
BR#174; bridge on 310th St over Fish Creek. It snowed on Tuesday, Wednesday &
Sunday. Crews were called out early Wednesday but quit normal time on Tuesday and
Wednesday. Blades were used to cut snow on pavement west of Mt. Union and north of
Winfield. Bridges were iced Sunday and concrete pavement up north was icing over but
all was gone by noon. Crews ground pavement bumps one day, had the boom mower out
one day and cut brush two days. Crews hauled spot rock to 320th St southwest of Lowell
and riprap to washout northwest of New London. Two crews were stripping overburden
at the quarry Wednesday thru Friday.
Roger Gard called and cancelled this appointment as he had not received some of the
information he needed to discuss.
It was then moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve Resolution #2-2012
moving forward with the Storm Water Wetland Detention Basin Project for the
Crossroads Business Park Subdivision. 3 ayes. Motion carried. A copy of the
Resolution is on file in the Auditor’s office. It was also moved by Lindeen and seconded
by See to enter into an Engineering Services Agreement for above project with Warner
Engineering Associates, Inc. in the amount of $27,500. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board continued on working on the county budget for fiscal year 2013. They
decided to proceed with the setting up for a debt service project for a seven year period
for $1,250,000 that would be for wetland detention basin, election equipment and
secondary road construction and maintenance. It was also decided that the budget public
hearing would tentatively be March 1, 2012.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen reported that everything is going well with Great
River Regional Waste Commission.
No other county business.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
January 26, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 24,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Mike & Diana Prottsman and Lynn & Lori Whaley joined the meeting.
The Board received and opened 2 bids for the Henry County Solid Waste Contract. One
was from Mike Prottsman Sanitation, Inc for $9,820 a month for each year through
December 31, 2015 and the other one was from Lynn Whaley of Wemiga Waste for
$14,900 a month through December 31, 2013 then $15,300 a month from January 1, 2014
through December 31, 2015. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to award the
contract on Tuesday, January 31, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen reported on Southeast Iowa Community Action where
a retirement party was held for Glenwood Tolson. See reported on Iowa Workforce
Development that they felt the new computer system was working well, he also reported
on Area Development Commission reminding everyone the Legislative forum is this
weekend. White reported on Great River Housing Trust Fund that one Henry county
resident had been awarded a loan and that Geode R C & D is winding down and getting
ready to disband soon.
No other county business.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
January 31, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the January 26,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Lynn & Lori Whaley, Jim Warner, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting
with Mr. Osborne video recording the session.
In public comments Ron Osborne stated he had continuing concerns about the
Supervisors agenda not being posted 24 hours prior to the meeting. The Auditor stated
that it is posted on the bulletin board by the elevator in the Courthouse and is emailed to
the company that operates our website, Mt Pleasant News, Burlington Hawkeye and KILJ
all before 9:00 a.m. on Monday and Wednesday. The only reason it would not be posted
to the County Website right away would be due to the fact that the individual doing that
is sick or in a meeting.
Also in public comments Lynn Whaley wanted to explain the difference in his current
amount he is charging the county for waste collection and amount he bid for the 3 year
contract. He also pointed out that in the RFP it didn’t state that a compactor truck was
needed for collection of the waste at all of the site locations so whoever gets the bid could
use a roll-off truck. The Board thanked him for the clarification and all of the help he has
been to the county with this issue.
Jim Warner of Warner Engineering dropped off the Notice of Hearing and Letting for the
Storm Water Detention Basin Project in Crossroads Business Park for the Supervisors to
review before signing and publishing in the paper.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave his weekly update of the Secondary Road Department. The
Board approved a permit for Gary Parks to cut trees on River Road in the road right of
way. Design is almost complete on the construction of project BR#174; bridge on 310th
St over Fish Creek. Trucks were out Saturday morning for .5” of wet snow that fell
Friday night. Crews had the boom mower out all week and the limb shear was out 4
days. Crews hauled 10 miles of resurfacing rock to 140th St west of Franklin, Clayton
from Merrimac to 140th St, 140th St west of Des Moines Co, 185th St east of 218 and 195th
St from Jewell Ave to Lexington Ave. Pete & Tracy were out several days confirming
sign data. They added 300+ sign to the data base. Bill has been working on annual
bridge inspection.
Also joining the meeting was Sheriff Allen Wittmer, Treasurer Ana Lorber and Recorder
Shirley Wandling.
Bob Swindell and Brian Roth of the Henry County Compensation Board met to present to
the Supervisors the reasoning they used in making their recommendation to the Board for
wage increases for the elected officials of Henry County. The Board appreciated this and
requested that they do this from now on after they make their recommendation.
Mike and Diane Prottsman joined the meeting and Lynn and Lori Whaley rejoined the
The Board reviewed the bids for the Solid Waste Contract. It was moved by Lindeen and
seconded by See to accept the bid from Mike Prottsman Sanitation, Inc. for $9,820 a year
through December 31, 2015. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Board stated it was a hard
choice to have to make as both were equally great to step in and help and work with, but
it come down to saving the tax payers money.
After hearing from the Compensation Board the Supervisors discussed various options
for wages and benefits but come to no conclusion yet.
David Bebb came in asking questions about a vacated road out by his property and the
Board took his number and stated they would need to contact the County Engineer and
see what he has to say before making any statement.
In sub-committee updates See reported that he attended the Area Agency on Aging.
No other county business.
No further business it was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourned the
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 2, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the January 31,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Department heads met with the Board and gave their department’s monthly update those
present were Walt Jackson Emergency Management; Ana Lorber Treasurer, Rick Van
Winkle Vet Affairs; Sarah Kaufman CPC; Gary Dustman Assessor; Joe Buffington
Planning & Zoning Coordinator; Bill Belzer Engineer; John Pullis Conservation Director;
Shirley Wandling Recorder and Shelly Barber Auditor. The Board also informed the
department heads that policies regarding state and federal funds are being written and
they will comply with them and there will be a training session for these policies and it is
mandatory that all attend.
Todd Meyer, Evan Clouse and Amy White all from Insight Human Services met with the
Board to let them know how the starting of their new business is going. They presented
the Board with a list and request to purchase the items on that list from the county when
the doors are closed at the County Care Facility, which will still leave a lot of things for
the county to have to sell. The Board said they would definitely discuss it and come up
with an agreeable price for both. Meyer said they hope to be up and running April 1,
2012. Clouse stated the state accreditation is the unknown variable for starting that date.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the Notice of Hearing and
Letting of Bids for the Storm Water Detention Basin in Crossroads Business Park. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
The Board then signed the Storm Water Discharge Permit to send to the DNR for the
Detention Basin in Crossroads Business Park.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to sign the Purchase Agreement for Sale
of Land to Community 1st Credit Union and to have Chairman Kent White to handle the
closing of this purchase. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board continued discussion regarding the amount of raise to give the elected
officials. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to raise the Attorney, Auditor,
Recorder, Treasurer and Supervisors 3% and the Sheriff 5.25% and all employees with
family health insurance will pay 13% of the difference between the single and family
premium. Lindeen and See voted aye and Kent White voted nay. Motion carried.
In sub-committee updates White reported they would close on the Geode RC & D
Building on Friday.
No other county business.
The Board approved the following claims:
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No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 7, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 2,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave the Secondary Road weekly update. Belzer gave the Board a
letter that addressed the needs of funds for the Secondary Road Department. It was
moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to accept the above mentioned letter. 3ayes.
Motion carried. The Board approved a permit for Windstream Communications for a
new house at 1403 Old Hwy 34. Design for BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek
are close to check plans. Crews hauled resurfacing rock 2 days to Benton Ave south of
US 34. Crews had the boom mower out all week, limb shear was out 2 days and crews
chipped cut brush on River Road. Crews patched potholes on several roads. Crews
ditched on Clayton Ave south of Agency Ave and the east side of Franklin Ave near
Salem. All patrol operators were on gravel roads Monday and Tuesday working roads
with potholes. John and Wendel bladed shoulders on paved roads two days. Pete and
Tracy were out several days confirming sign data. Belzer has been working on the
annual bridge inspections.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the Deerwood Golf, Inc. liquor
license. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Darin Stater County Attorney came in to inform the Board that he had reviewed the
contract Mike Prottsman Sanitation and brought in it looked fine but he was going to put
it into the form of the past contract setting everything out and get it back to the Board and
Prottsman for further review by both parties.
No sub-committee updates.
No other county business.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 9, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 7,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to appoint Gayle Olson to the Henry
County Board of Adjustment for term ending 12/31/2013. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Auditor Shelly Barber gave the Board a final copy of the County Budget for Fiscal Year
12/13 for review as it will be going to the news media for publication next week. The
Board felt it looked fine and was as they had requested.
No sub-committee updates.
In other county business Derek Wellington made his recommendation to the Board on the
computer equipment that Insight Human Services is wishing purchase from the county
after research the All in One PC should be worth $1,000 instead of $500 and the laptops
are fine at $300 a piece. Wellington also requesting on behalf of the Safety Committee to
check into and purchase Flammable Liquid Safety Cabinets where needed in the county.
The Board agreed that we should have them for insurance purposes. Recorder Shirley
Wandling also requested to have her office painted at the same time the Treasurer’s
Office and Conference Room is being painted. The Board agreed to go ahead and get
quotes for it also.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 14, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February 9,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave the Secondary Road weekly update. Design for BR#174
project on 310th St over Fish Creek are close to check plans. Crews hauled 12 miles of
resurfacing rock. Crews had the boom mower out 2 days and the limb shear was out 1
day. Crews ditched on Salem Rd and repaired two culverts. All patrol operators south of
US 34 ran territories Wednesday and Thursday due to ice. Pete and Tracy were out
several days confirming sign data. Belzer has been working on the annual bridge
John Pullis Conservation Administrator gave his monthly update. The Nature Center
remodeling is nearing completion. FEMA approved the electrical pedestal upgrade and
the concrete retaining wall, but it is taking 6 to 7 months to get reimbursed for work on
projects that have been done. They have decided to change the volunteer banquet to an
open house reception due to the large number of volunteers they have and not having
enough room to have a banquet. The fees for all services and rentals are the same for
2012 as they were for 2011.
Kent White left the meeting at 9:55 to go to the inspection of the Emergency
Management Building by the Federal Government.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution fixing date for a
meeting on the authorization of a loan agreement and the issuance of not to exceed
$1,250,000 general obligation capital loan notes of Henry County, State of Iowa and
providing for publication of notice thereof. The date for said hearing is February 28,
2012 at 10:00 a.m. in the Henry County Board of Supervisors Office in Mt. Pleasant. 2
ayes. Motion carried.
The Board of Supervisors canvassed the votes of the February 7, 2012, Special New
London School District Election. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to
approve the results of said election as reported with 403 Yes and 399 No votes for a Total
of 802 votes cast and for passage of measure a 60% of votes cast is required to pass,
therefore the measure failed. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Kent White returned to the meeting at 10:40 and said the inspection went fine but she
could not give us any information.
In sub-committee updates Auditor Shelly Barber updated the Board on the meeting for
IGHCP the county’s health care plan that she sets on the Board for them.
In other county business we have all the bids for the painting of Treasurer and
Conference Room but still waiting on one bid for the Recorders office.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 16, 2012
Salem, IA
The Board met at 6:30 PM for their monthly community meeting in Salem at the Salem
Community Center. Members present: Chairman Kent White, Marc Lindeen and Gary
Present from the public was Wayne Fuller, Ed Smith, Jim Onorato, Jeannine Eltrich and
Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the session. Other
department heads from the county present were Auditor Shelly Barber, Treasurer Ana
Lorber, Recorder Shirley Wandling, Planning & Zoning Coordinator Joe Buffington and
Engineer Bill Belzer.
In public comments Jeannine Eltrich asked the Board how they could give raises to the
county employees when the private sector hasn’t had raises for a long time and she urged
the Board to work hard to get budgets in line. The Board responded it was a hard
decision and they had discussed it in great lengths and it was not unanimous, but 2 years
ago wages were frozen and this past year a minimal raise of 1.75% was given as well as
this year they increased the amount that an employee with family health insurance has to
pay towards their monthly premium.
There being no further comments or questions White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 16, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the February
14, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Sarah Kaufman CPC gave her monthly update for General Assistance and MH-MR-DD
services. The Board signed papers approving substance abuse treatment. Kaufman
gave the Board a copy of the Joint Policy Statement of the Iowa State Association of
County Supervisors, Iowa County Community Services Association and the Iowa State
Association of Counties response to MH/DS Redesign Draft Legislation. The draft
legislation seeks to change the current system managed by counties to a regional
management system.
In sub-committee updates Marc Lindeen reported on E911 Board that it is moving
forward with doing the upgrade to the 911 equipment and to share the viper system with
another county.
No other county business.
The Board approved the following claims for payment:
General Basic Fund ABC Fire Extinguisher Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co All Secure Inc Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Shelly A Barber Bezoni's True Value BGTCC Cardmember Service Clerk of Circuit Court College of Dentistry Business Robin Detrick Ebert Supply Co Electronic Applications Electronic Engineering Co Family Dental Health Serv Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Jim Golgart NACVSO Treasurer Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Cari Griffin Hasler Inc Heidelburg Motel Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Ia Law Enforcement Academy IAN Treasurer Annual Inspection ‐Cths Util ‐Conserv k‐9 Exp ‐Dep Shrf Door Rprs ‐Cths Util ‐CPC/VA Ofc Suppl ‐Ct Hs Lodging ‐VA , Ct Hs Empl Mlge ‐ Aud Cust Suppl ‐Cths Snow Removal ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv C Houskins ‐ Atty Medical Exp ‐Jail Mlge ‐Aud Cust Suppl ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐ Dep Shrf Data Proc ‐ Conserv Medical Exp ‐ Jail Med Exam Fees Membership ‐VA Supplies ‐Shrf Suppl ‐Conserv Postage Mtr ‐ Aud Rent ‐ GA Public Health Contract Fuel ‐Cths Dog Care‐ Jan '12 Training ‐Dep Shrf Educ & Training ‐Conserv $310.60 $396.75 $39.45 $227.50 $3,011.90 $576.66 $951.64 $153.00 $124.42 $405.00 $299.16 $11.50 $300.00 $8.43 $521.77 $164.16 $224.00 $75.00 $150.00 $30.00 $103.94 $55.75 $2,400.00 $800.00 $27,000.07 $3,261.63 $1,100.00 $5,000.00 $44.50 Keokuk Co Sheriff Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Language Line Services Martin Yard Art Merritt Martin Mertens Rental Properties Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Utilities O'Reilly Automotive Inc On‐Site Info Destruction Inc Lois Phelps PJ Greufe & Associates Postmaster Michelle Mills Ramirez Reliable Pest Solutions Tony Sanchez Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Solutions Staples Advantage Darin Stater Sterling Solutions Inc David Stokes Swailes Auto Supply TD&T Financial Group PC Trinity Cemetery Assn Annie Tyrrell U S Cellular US BANK Verizon Wireless Washington Co Auditor Derek Wellington West Payment Center Wilson Distributor Serv Xerox Corporation General Supplemental Fund Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc Barbara J Carmon Robin Detrick Mira Dingman Marilee Donnolly Betty Grove Charlene Hinrichs Dorothy D Jacobs Matt Parrott & Sons Co Judy McNeill Mt Pleasant News Bertha Ann Pickle Washington Co Sheriff Historic Preservation Fund Henry Co Sec Road Dept MH ‐ DD Services Alliant Energy AmSan LLC Bancard Center Bell Law Office Black Hawk‐Grundy Mental Ctr Judy Buffington Melissa Campbell Serv of Notice Fees Monthly Maint ‐Trs Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Interpretation ‐Comm Construction & Maint ‐Con Rent ‐ Juvi Prob Publication ‐Conserv Util ‐CPC/VA Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Shredding ‐Cths Rent ‐VA February Fee Stamps ‐Rec Interpreter Exp ‐Jail Extermination Serv ‐CPC/V Interpreter Exp ‐Jail Vchle ‐Dep Shrf Computer ‐VA Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Empl Mlge ‐Atty Ofc Suppl ‐VA Rec Suppl ‐Conserv Mtr Vchle ‐Conserv Audit ‐2010‐2011 Care of Graves ‐VA Matron Exp ‐Jail Cell Phone ‐DHS Gas ‐Dep Shrf Wireless Cards ‐Shrf Inmate Housing ‐Jail Empl Meals & Mlge‐Aud Online Resource ‐Atty Fuel ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Contribution ‐CPC Wages ‐ NL Spec Elect Ofc Suppl ‐Aud Wages ‐NL Spec Elect Wages ‐NL Spec Elect Wages ‐NL Spec Elect Wages ‐NL Spec Elect Wages ‐NL Spec Elect Ballots ‐ NL Spec Elect Wages ‐NL Spec Elect Publication ‐NL Spec Elec Wages ‐NL Spec Elect Serv of Notice Fees Post ‐Sec Rds Util ‐IHS Cust Suppl ‐IHS Recreational Suppl ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS $36.00 $26.00 $110.00 $7.80 $456.00 $1,200.00 $1,370.19 $661.54 $36.98 $86.40 $200.00 $1,500.00 $20.00 $20.00 $45.50 $20.00 $201.96 $1,828.33 $94.67 $35.70 $450.00 $46.00 $50.13 $10,000.00 $535.50 $64.15 $106.28 $654.35 $361.07 $5,100.00 $206.48 $428.65 $177.09 $538.11 $4,500.00 $95.00 $3.34 $97.04 $10.00 $115.71 $10.00 $101.12 $501.68 $100.10 $253.78 $95.51 $17.00 $13.45 $1,861.49 $234.29 $167.37 $90.00 $490.00 $32.40 $23.20 Covenant Medical Center Des Moines Register Genesis Medical Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Hillcrest Family Services Matt Hobbs Carole Houseal Insight Human Services Cindy Johnson Sarah Kaufman Keokuk Area Hospital Kohl Wholesale James Krabill Lance Refuse Serv Lindsey Leitch Mediacom Mediapolis Care Facility Todd Meyer Mt Pleasant Utilities New Directions Cathy Penn Peterson Law Firm, P.C. Postmaster Solutions Southeast Ia Regional Planning Barb Stouder Sunrise Enterprise LLC Taylor Ridge Estates Inc Tenco Industries Vera French Community Mental Jaime Villerreal Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Banner Auto & Hardware Dale Campbell Centre St Internatl Truck Douds Stone Inc Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries Interstate Batteries of NE MO Knapheide Equip Co Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Utilities Nichting Co Inc North American Salt Co Resco USA LLC Darrel Ridenour Florence Smith Sound Advice St Luke's Drug and Alcohol Test Hospital ‐CPC Subscription ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Vchle Fuel ‐IHS Comm Based Settings ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐CPC Reimb Cash Acct ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐CPC Medical & Lab Suppl ‐IHS Food & Prov ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Util ‐IHS Comm Based Settings ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Util ‐ IHS Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Postage ‐IHS Ofc Equip ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Other Serv ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC $614.00 $13.04 $125.00 $202.50 $417.34 $1,971.94 $5.20 $608.59 $500.00 $2.40 $140.76 $300.40 $1,499.60 $10.40 $95.00 $9.90 $95.49 $624.64 $44.60 $2,630.67 $57.50 $49.20 $84.25 $90.00 $71.00 $233.80 $21.20 $1,300.00 $1,541.40 $25.88 $238.12 $9.20 $231.68 Shop Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd Pest Control Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Flashing Lights Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Batteries Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Shop repairs Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Salt Sec Rd Steel Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Sign computer cord Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd $1,783.77 $45,742.33 $88.00 $40.00 $571.92 $2,070.00 $259.50 $80.44 $370.30 $4,329.44 $543.28 $3,555.04 $314.85 $112.20 $312.04 $72.21 $117.58 $126.66 $1,668.18 $238.18 $94.99 $300.00 $20.99 $111.00 Swailes Auto Supply Truck Repair Inc U S Cellular Conservation Nature Center Beau Meads like‐life Taxidermy Bezoni's True Value Cardmember Service Hawkeye Fly Tyer Mike Jacobs LampLine Lighting Millard Heartland Taxidermy Resco USA LLC Community Betterment Fund Terry & Ruth Carden Crop Production Services Inc. Francis Pump/Well Service Henry Co Abstract Company Kempkers Grand Rental Station Kremer Well Drilling Terry Mabeus Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Glass Mt Pleasant News Solutions Jodi Sutter Warner Engineering Assoc Wemiga Waste Emergency Management Alliant Energy BGTCC Cherished Memories Henry Co Sec Road Dept Walt Jackson Kelly's Klockworks Mt Pleasant Utilities U S Cellular Wilson Distributor Serv Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment East End Automotive Hasler Inc Henry Co Sec Road Dept IICA ISAA ‐Sec‐Treas E911 Surcharge Fund CenturyLink Electronic Engineering Co Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel Ia Prison Industries WINDSTREAM Mt Pleasant News Grand Total Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Cell phones Sec Rd $1,367.02 $1,573.72 $77.45 Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Prog & Camps ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser $750.00 $11.53 $2,571.29 $82.20 $10.20 $690.00 $30.72 Ground Lease Chemicals ‐Sec Rds Glover Well Rehab Crossroads Business Park Chainsaw parts ‐Sec Rds Well Plugging Ground Lease Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Board Exp ‐Zoning Website Hosting ‐Feb '12 Wages ‐BOH Crossroads Park Sanit & Disp ‐Cths $500.00 $770.00 $367.01 $975.00 $7.95 $800.00 $500.00 $158.84 $544.62 $23.99 $200.00 $1,807.45 $15,550.00 $315.00 Util ‐Em Mgmt Snow Removal ‐Em Mgmt Embroidery ‐Em Mgmt Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Wearing Apparel ‐Em Mgmt Clocks ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Cell Phone ‐Em Mgmt Rugs ‐Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Vchle Exp ‐Assessor Postage Mtr ‐Assessor Fuel ‐Assessor Education ‐Assessor Dues ‐Assessor Phone Serv ‐E911 Radio Equip ‐E911 Phone Serv ‐E911 Street Signs ‐Sec Rds Tele Serv ‐E911 Publication ‐E911 $306.37 $135.00 $51.35 $116.42 $261.94 $115.00 $419.44 $74.22 $358.24 $107.38 $58.76 $1,500.00 $104.26 $230.00 $630.00 $481.67 $125.00 $198.38 $132.44 $1,538.94 $106.79 $196,757.38 No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 21, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February
16, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
For public comments Lynn Whaley stopped in to let the Board that all is going well and
that he would appreciate at least a 30 day notice before his contract would end and the
contract with Mike Prottsman Sanitation begins. The Board agreed and said it would not
be a problem.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. Design for BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek are close to
completion. Crews were out Monday afternoon and early Tuesday for snow removal.
Crews hauled 1/2 mile of resurfacing rock south of Wayland on Monday morning.
Crews had the boom mower out 1 day and the limb shear was out 3 days. We had several
2 man crews out in patrol areas cutting brush and brush that was cut last year on Agency
was burned. Crews ditched on 200th St west of Dakota Ave. Crews hauled rip-rap to
bridge on Old 218 south of Skunk River. There were 4 signs damaged the weekend of
the 12th northeast of Trenton. Belzer attended a webinar on bridge abutment design from
granular soil.
The appointment with Dr. Kent Metcalf and Rick Sywassink for Medical Examiner
updates was cancelled due to Dr. Metcalf having to leave town.
In sub-committee updates Gary See attended the Board of Health meeting. Marc Lindeen
attended Decat and they are starting some new programs after being at a stand still for a
period of time, he also attended Great River Regional Waste where they received a great
report that they should be good till 2030. Kent White attended a RUSS meeting with one
city about them not paying their bills and was also a part of 3 interviews with the Board
of Health for someone to fill Linda Albrights position upon her retirement.
In other county business we have all the bids for the painting of Treasurer’s Office,
Conference Room and the Recorders office and the Auditor will be handling that project.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 23, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the February
21, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the June 30, 2011 Audit
Report and send the news release to all the legal newspapers in the county. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Shelly Barber Auditor informed the Supervisors that she had finished the policies and
procedures to send to the Department of Justice for the tracking of state and federal funds
to get the June 30, 2010 audit closed with them. The Board instructed her to put it on the
agenda for February 28, 2012 for approval and setting of the mandatory department head
On Supervisors sub-committee updates, Gary See attended a Henry County Advisory
Council meeting which had a good turnout. Marc Lindeen attended Southeast Iowa
Community Action Board meeting which has 5 new board members and someone from
the state is going to come and train them as to their duties.
In other county business the bids for the painting of Treasurer’s Office, Conference
Room and the Recorders office were opened and the low bid went to Davis Painting for
paint and labor at $3,000.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
February 28, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the February
23, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved the following permits: a water line bore under
Lexington Ave at Salem Rd for Rathbun Water; tile outlets adjacent to Oakberry Ave 1/8
mile east of Nebraska Ave and adjacent to 285th east Nebraska Ave for David Simmons
and a fiber optic line 350 ft on the west side on N Broadway from Winfield Ave to the
cell tower for Medicom of Iowa. Design for BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek
are close to completion. Crews were out Friday for snow removal; most went home after
8 hours the snow was wet and heavy but cleared well, patrol operators had to wing some
of the paved shoulders. One truck was out Saturday morning due to blowing and drifting
snow. Crews had the boom mower out 2 days and the limb shear was out 3 days. We
had one 2 man crew out in patrol areas cutting brush. Crews hauled rip-rap to washouts,
spotted rock to dust controls and rocked adjacent to mailboxes. Belzer will attend NACE
meeting in Lexington, KY April 2-4 and the Department Spring Safety meeting is April
18, 2012.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. Chairman White stated this is the time for public hearing on the
authorization of a Loan Agreement and the issuance of not to exceed $1,250,000 General
Obligation Capital Loan Notes, in order to provide funds to pay costs of acquiring an
election voting system; for improvements for the collection and disposal of surface
waters; and capital projects for the construction, reconstruction, improvement, repair or
equipping of bridges, roads and culverts relating to damage caused by disasters defined in
section 29C.2 and declared a major disaster by President Obama on July 29, 2010
(FEMA-1930-DR), an essential county purpose and that notice of the proposed action by
the Board to institute for the authorization of the Loan Agreement and the issuance of the
Notes, had been published pursuant to the provisions of Sections 331.402 and 331.443 of
the Code of Iowa, as amended. White asked the Auditor for any written objections and
there were none and then called for oral objections and none were made. It was moved
by See and seconded by Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was then moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to adopt Resolution instituting
proceedings to take additional action for the authorization of a loan agreement and the
issuance of not to exceed $1,250,000 general obligation capital loan notes. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
It was then moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adopt Resolution authorizing the
issuance of $1,250,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, and levying a tax for the
payment of said notes. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator presented a Resolution to amend Lot 1 of
Creek View Subdivision in Section 28 of Marion Township. It was moved by Lindeen
and seconded by See to approve the above Resolution which is on file in the Auditor’s
Office. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the Policies and Procedures for
tracking State and Federal Funding and set the mandatory training for March 7, 2012 at
9:00 am for all department heads. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the Liquor License for the
Mt Pleasant Moose Lodge. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No sub-committee updates.
In other county business painting of Treasurer’s Office, Conference Room and the
Recorder’s Office will begin on Wednesday February 29, 2012 and should be finished by
Monday March 5, 2012.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
March 1, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the February
28, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Department heads present at the monthly meeting to update the Supervisors were Todd
Meyer, Insight Human Services; Walt Jackson, Emergency Management Coordinator;
Rick Van Winkle Vet Affairs; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Bill Belzer Engineer; John
Pullis, Conservation; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Shelly Barber, Auditor.
Many contractors joined the meeting for the opening of the bids for the Storm Water
Detention Basin Project. There were seventeen bids for the project which ranged from
$135,194.42 to $239,621.45 with the engineers estimated cost to be $218,909.60. The
Board will award the bid at one of the Supervisors meetings next week yet to be set after
review of the bids by Warner Engineering.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the Henry
County Fiscal Year 2012/2013 Budget. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Chairman White asked
for any written comments and there were none and then he asked for oral comments at
which time Steve Wilson made the following comments: with the decline in what people
in the area are making, decline in census, decline in labor force, unemployment rates
continue to rise considering all of these things he felt the Sheriff’s wage was in line and
the rest of the county employees should receive no more than a 1.5% raise and the
supervisors shouldn’t get anything. As well he feels Conservation should be able to get
by with only 2 vehicles instead of 3 or they could cut their budget 10% across the Board.
There being no further comments it was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go
out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the 2012/2013 Henry County
Budget as published and presented. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was also moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve Resolution 8-2012 to
make appropriations for each of the different officers and departments for the fiscal year
beginning July 1, 2012 in accordance with Section 331.434, subsection 6, Code of Iowa,
to be appropriated by department. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jeff Heil with Northland Securities joined the meeting for the Public Hearing on the
General Obligation Notes.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the
discussion of $1,250,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2012. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. Chairman White asked if any written or oral comments and there were
none. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing. 3
ayes. Motion carried. Mr. Heil pointed out various things regarding the notes that the
county was actually only borrowing $1,205,000 but would still receive the full
$1,250,000 due to the way the process works. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by
See to approve the Resolution directing the acceptance of a proposal to purchase
$1,250,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund ABC Fire Extinguisher Access Energy Cooperative All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Annual Insp ‐IHS Util ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Util ‐Conserv $30.70 $9.15 $33.00 $455.52 City Directory Inc College of Dentistry Business Ebert Supply Co Ed Roehr Safety Products Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Fellowship Cup Ed Harvey Kim Henkle Otis Henkle Henry Co Auditor Henry County Health Center Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Hy‐Vee Pharmacy ‐ Washington WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines ISCTA Henry Co Treasurer Mail Services LLC Martin Cleaning Larry Meagher Mertens Rental Properties Jane Messer MorphoTrak Mt Pleasant Utilities Murphy Funeral Home New London Journal O'Keefe Elevator Co Office Equipment Finance Serv James R Onorato Erin Pettinger Pitney Bowes Inc Recorders Association Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Solutions Darin Stater Stroud Mediation Services TD&T Financial Group PC U S POSTAL SERVICE (Hasler) Wal‐Mart Payments Kent White Wilson Distributor Serv Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Bell Law Office Family Resources Inc Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Lee Co Sheriff SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Pioneer Cemetery Fund Maddy Tree Service Historic Preservation Fund Spark Consulting MH ‐ DD Services Access B & G Services Bailey Office Equipment City Directory ‐County Medical Exp ‐Jail Cust Suppl ‐Cths Vest ‐Dep Shrf Medical Exp ‐Jail Food & Prov ‐CPC/VA Cell Phone ‐Atty Mlge ‐VA Meeting Fee ‐VA Reimb ‐DHS Medical Exp ‐Jail Dog Care ‐March '12 Window Washing ‐CPC/VA Inmate Meals ‐Jail Medical Exp ‐Jail Tele Serv ‐Supv Spring School ‐Trs Class Reg ‐Trs March Renewal ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Meeting Fee ‐VA Rent ‐Juvi Prob Mending ‐Dep Shrf Livescan Maint ‐ Shrf Util ‐County Transport ‐Med Exam Bd Proc ‐Supv Elev Maint ‐Cths Mo Lease Payment ‐DHS Meeting Fee ‐VA Annual Report ‐Atty Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Schooling ‐Rec Vchle Maint ‐Supv Bldg Rprs ‐Jail Warranty ‐Cths Cell Phone ‐Atty Drug Search ‐Atty Audit ‐2010‐2011 Postage ‐Aud Cust Suppl ‐Cths Mlge ‐Supv Supplies ‐Comm Fuel ‐Cths $137.40 $228.00 $33.87 $640.42 $145.85 $500.00 $235.00 $7.49 $25.00 $28.39 $710.88 $550.00 $17.00 $2,635.77 $340.18 $1,215.98 $130.00 $10.00 $504.98 $379.98 $32.49 $600.00 $57.00 $3,383.00 $3,512.51 $300.00 $896.37 $213.74 $113.59 $32.49 $235.00 $210.00 $50.00 $984.87 $88.50 $450.00 $200.00 $457.50 $5,500.00 $2,400.00 $74.36 $72.84 $173.82 $3.27 Substance Abuse ‐CPC Juvi Hosp Ballot Printing ‐Aud Serv of Notice Detention Stay ‐Juvi Prob $102.00 $1,237.08 $393.11 $16.00 $555.00 Clean Up trees ‐Conserv $200.00 NRHP ‐Hist Pres $450.00 Voc/Day ‐CPC Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Ofc Suppl ‐CPC $1,270.35 $821.67 $217.62 Carrie Bausch Bell Law Office Bridgeway Judy Buffington Melissa Campbell City of Cedar Rapids Kim Gray Lawonna Holman Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS WINDSTREAM Cindy Johnson Sarah Kaufman James Krabill Lindsey Leitch Lloyd, McConnell Davis & Lujan Todd Meyer Optimae LifeServices Inc. Cathy Penn Postmaster Reliable Office Supplies Caitlyn Schmeiser SIACC Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Southeast Ia Case Management Southeast Ia Regional Planning Barb Stouder University of Ia Hosp Hospital Vera French Community Mental Jamie Villarreal Wal‐Mart Payments Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Allan Barber Dale Campbell CARQUEST Auto Parts Courtesy Door Sales & Ser Eastern Iowa Tire Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Ia Prison Industries WINDSTREAM Mid Country Machinery Inc North American Salt Co Orschelns Card Center Solutions Summy Tire & Auto Service Truck Repair Inc Wal‐Mart Payments Whaley's Dust & Weed Control Conservation Nature Center Lowes Business Account Community Betterment Fund A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Henry Co Public Health Imagetek Inc Mlge ‐IHS Legal Representation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Transportation ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Voc/Day ‐ CPC Mental Health Adv ‐CPC Food & Prov ‐IHS Transportation ‐CPC Tele Serv ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Postage ‐CPC Ofc Suppl ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Transportatoin ‐CPC Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Food & Prov ‐IHS $44.40 $420.00 $80.00 $30.80 $26.80 $24.00 $38.05 $1.20 $578.35 $379.39 $1,442.06 $79,087.62 $193.61 $4.80 $133.62 $24.80 $29.20 $120.00 $31.30 $206.22 $117.60 $135.00 $195.96 $6.80 $2,475.57 $49.00 $1,797.12 $801.68 $12.40 $70.77 $133.16 $10.40 $404.82 Sheds Sec Rd Sheds Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Supplies Signs Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Salt Sec Rd Quarry Operations Sec Rd Maint Supt Computer Sec R Tires Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Grounds Sec Rd $213.14 $478.52 $40.03 $35.30 $387.97 $376.00 $689.48 $114.24 $2,477.80 $97.84 $1,263.36 $4,755.18 $145.70 $1,545.99 $2,856.00 $1,355.95 $31.88 $535.92 Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser $113.05 Boiler ‐Cths Advertisement ‐BOH Support ‐Rec $534.00 $62.46 $37.50 WINDSTREAM John Deere Financial Kempkers Grand Rental Station Tom Davis Painting Wemiga Waste Economic Development Main Street Mt Pleasant Emergency Management IDVille WINDSTREAM K & M Automotive Quill Corporation Wilson Distributor Serv Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment City Directory Inc WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines Oil Busters U S POSTAL SERVICE (Hasler) Winfield Beacon/Wayland News E911 Surcharge Fund CenturyLink WINDSTREAM U S Cellular Grand Total Interenet ‐Cths Mower Repairs ‐Sec Rds Chainsaw Parts ‐Sec Rds Paint Suppl ‐Cths Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Investor Pledge ‐2011 Printer Ribbon ‐EM Mgt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Wiper Blades ‐Em Mgmt HD Punch ‐Em Mgmt Rugs ‐Em Mgmt Budget Publication ‐Em Mg Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Publication ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Educ & Training ‐Assessor Vchle Maint ‐Assessor Postage ‐Assessor Publication ‐Assessor Phone Serv ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Cell Phone ‐E911 $1,224.46 $442.02 $74.90 $1,000.00 $13,892.28 $5,000.00 $108.50 $122.30 $24.50 $44.45 $358.24 $38.70 $377.00 $45.80 $87.84 $130.00 $15.90 $1,500.00 $87.90 $478.23 $24.46 $57.30 $166,697.33 No sub-committee updates.
No other county business.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
March 6, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the March 1,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
In public comments Lynn Whaley with Wemiga Waste checked in with the Board and
asked to be on the agenda Thursday for taking of appliances and sharps. The Board
agreed and placed him on the agenda for 9:15 Thursday March 8, 2012.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See that the following
dates for the Henry County dust control program be approved May 2 – Signup deadline
with applicator; May 3 – Applicator’s listing to County Engineer’s Office; May 14 –
Starting date for application. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Design for BR#174 project on
310th St over Fish Creek are close to completion. Crews were out Friday afternoon for
snow removal; 2”-3” of snow fell late Sunday afternoon that required crews to come out
early Monday morning. Patrol operators hauled spot rock to past dust control locations.
Crews had the boom mower out 3 days and we had one crews out 2 days cutting brush.
Crews were called out Monday night due to trees down on roadway. IDOT will be doing
AC shoulder paving from Mt Pleasant to Highway 78 and they want the county to pave
gravel road entrances in that area at the cost of approx.. $10,000 a road. It is not required
and the Board doesn’t see the need to do so nor does the Engineer. We installed 4
overhead airline reels in the shop for safety purposes. MSHA inspected Henry County
Rock Quarry with no citations. Belzer presented the Board the draft of the Henry County
Entrance Policy which is to be given to the county attorney for review. Belzer will attend
NACE meeting in Lexington, KY April 2-4 and the Department Spring Safety meeting is
April 18, 2012.
Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator discussed 4 County Ordinances that need
to be changed. The first one is to change the acceptance of ordinances to be the State
Requirements in the Code of Iowa. Buffington recommended making this change first
before proceeding with the others. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to
move forward with the proceedings to modify the number of considerations necessary to
pass an ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The other 3 presented were one on voting
precincts, one on solid waste and sites and one on 911 addressing system these will be
changed at a later date.
Jim Warner of Warner Engineering reviewed and recommended to the Board to award
the bid fo the Storm Water Wetland Detention Basin to the low bidder Cole Construction
of Keosauqua, IA for $135,194.42. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to
award said bid to Cole Construction. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Chairman Kent White
signed the contract awarding said bid.
Derek Wellington presented the plans for the Courthouse Kiosk for the entryway. The
Board felt it was too fancy and costly, they requested redo the plan and scale it down. He
also went over the pricing of the Flammable Storage Containers for the Roads,
Conservation and the Courthouse before going ahead and ordering them as the cost of the
containers are in the area of $2,800 not including shipping. The Board said go ahead they
are needed for safety and that will help with insurance cost also.
No sub-committee updates.
No other county business.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
March 8, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the March 6,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
In public comments Joelle Marek of Mt. Union asked questions of the Board regarding
where the County standings with RUSS and the agreement with Mt Union and is there
not something that the Board could do. She was informed that the County had to sign a
28E Agreement with RUSS for any entities in Henry County to utilize or participate with
RUSS which is what the City of Mt Union requested them at that time to do, but any
agreements that the City of Mt Union entered into with RUSS is between them and the
county can’t do anything about it.
Then Ron Osborne questioned the procedure that had been taken in regards to Ms.
Marek’s comments he felt the Board should have just listened and not responded to her
and put her on the agenda for a later date. He also stated that the agenda for today’s
meeting was not posted 24 hours before the meeting on the County Website. Auditor
Shelly Barber replied that it had been sent to the media, radio and the company that
manages the County website before the 24 hour time frame, but they had just not gotten it
posted until late Wednesday evening, but it was on the Board in the Courthouse before
9:00 am Wednesday morning which is the only location I am required by law to post it
and the county is in the process of purchasing software so that we can make updates to
our website ourselves so this don’t happen again.
Lynn Whaley with Wemiga Waste met with the Board to discuss collection of appliances
and sharps. It was determined by the Board and Mr. Whaley that starting March 9, 2012
they would start taking appliances by appointment only at the central site in Mt Pleasant
on Friday and Saturdays and as soon as they could get a container from Great River
Regional Waste they begin collecting sharps. The county will be picking up any
additional costs to handler for providing this service.
No sub-committee updates.
In other county business Auditor Shelly Barber informed the Board that a recall was
being made on 7 of the county’s computers that they could overheat and cause fire the
company will be replacing the electrical supply unit on them yet this week. Painting in
the courthouse is completed. Scott Jones and the Engineer for the boiler project were
down and the Sheriff’s files stored in the boiler room will need to be removed during the
project so a storage unit will need to be rented to hold them and the Sheriff was
wondering who needed to take care of this and the Board said they would take care of it.
The Secondary Road Department had to have air hose reels installed in the ceiling of the
shop and a new ventilation system for safety purposes and they were wondering if they
had to pay for it from the roads budget or from the safety area of the budget. The Board
determined it was to their buildings and was general maintenance that needed done that it
should be paid for from the road budget.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
March 13, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the March 8,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved a permit for Kenneth Shelman for standpipe
in 110th St. Design for BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek are close to
completion. Crews patched with IDOT south of Mt Pleasant on Iowa Ave and east of Mt
Pleasant on 220th St and west of Mt Union on 170th St. Patrol operators picked junk out
of ditches on Tuesday and bladed gravel roads the remainder of the week. Truck drivers
hauled spot rock to soft locations as available. We checked for frost in roads at several
locations and could not find any. There may still be frost in shaded locations. We were
called out after hours on Tuesday to put up a temporary stop sign. Crews installed an
entrance for Moeller on Lexington Ave. Belzer presented the Board the Sign Policy and
the Henry County Entrance Policy which he would like to get on the agenda for approval
next week. Belzer will attend NACE meeting in Lexington, KY April 2-4 and the
Department Spring Safety meeting is April 18, 2012.
John Pullis Conservation Director presented his monthly update. Friends of Conservation
gave a $5,000 donation to the renovation of the Nature Center which was very much
appreciated. Since they have sold the crawler, loader and miscellaneous equipment they
are looking to purchase a backhoe attachment for the skid loader that they have. April
24, 2012 at 7:00 pm the Conservation will be showing the movie Green Fire in
observation of Earth Day.
Dr. Kent Metcalf and Rick Sywassink with Henry County Medical Examiner Office met
to update the Board on their services. They would like permission to purchase some
special body bags that could be needed upon special circumstances and they would split
the cost and order with another county. The Board said to purchase what they needed.
Also they stated the problems they could have coming up with the warm and hot weather
of having a place to hold a body till it can be transported for autopsy because Henry
County Health Center doesn’t have a morgue and University of Iowa morgue closes at
midnight and doesn’t open till 7:00 am. So if extremely warm they would have to take
the body to Des Moines as it is the closed place open 24/7. Dr. Metcalf stated they have
looked into a one body cooler and are checking on possible grants to purchase one and it
could save money in the long run. The Board suggested they check with Walt Jackson of
Emergency Management and see if he knew of anything to help them. They also asked
for approval for Rick to go for the testing he must do for continuing education to keep his
credentials as Medical Investigator, which the Board agreed for him to do.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution #9-2012
Approving Post-Issuance Compliance Policy for the 2012 Series Debt Service Notes. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution #10-2012
Approving and Authorizing a Form of Loan Agreement and Authorizing and Providing
for the Issuance of $1,205,000 General Obligation Capital Loan Notes, Series 2012A and
Levying a Tax to pay the Notes. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sheriff Allen Wittmer wanted to let the Board know that he was going to have to replace
the air conditioning unit in the Dispatch Office as the old one is worn out, he will have
plenty of money in his budget to cover the cost which will be in the area of $4,700.
No sub-committee updates.
In other county business we received a letter from GAS Public Buildings Services
regarding the Former US Army Reserve Center that was given to the County for $1 for
the use of Henry County Emergency Management and the county is currently using a
fenced in portion of that area for the rural garbage collection as a central site. The letter
stated after consultation with GSA’s legal counsel they are giving the county three
1) The County may remove the waste collection site from the property, thus curing
the compliance issue.
2) The County may voluntarily revert title of the property to the United States. This
option will require that the County provide GSA with a Phase I Environmental
Site Agreement for the property, as well as assurance of clear title.
3) The County may choose to pursue abrogation of the emergency management use
restriction on the waste collection site portion of the property, by paying the
current full fair market value as determined by a GSA appraisal. This option will
require the County to provide a metes and bounds survey for the waste collection
site portion, as well as an updated emergency management program of use for the
remaining piece of the property. In addition, this option will require GSA’s close
consultation with FEMA regarding the updated proposed program of use.
The Board requested for Walt Jackson Emergency Management Coordinator to contact
GSA and get the cost of the property that is not being used by EMC by the deadline of
April 9, 2012.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc All Secure Inc Alliant Energy A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Bezoni's True Value Cardmember Service College of Dentistry Business Data Imaging Supplies Ebert Supply Co Electronic Engineering Co Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Fast Medical DBA Zee Medical Fellowship Cup Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc The Hawkeye Heidelburg Motel Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept Honts Funeral Home Ia Prison Industries IACCVA Patty Hamann Iris Motel Jefferson Co Hospital Dean King Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Language Line Services Law Enforcement Systems Inc Ana Lorber Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant News Util ‐Conserv Fuel ‐Conserv Door Rprs ‐Cths Util ‐Cths Repairs ‐Jail Ofc Suppl ‐Trs Lodging ‐Aud Ofc Suppl ‐Rec Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Medical Exp ‐Jail Toner ‐Trs Cust Suppl ‐ Cths Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Med Exam Fees Supplies ‐Shrf Food & Prov ‐CPC/VA Supplies ‐Jail Jailer Ad ‐Shrf Rent ‐GA Public Health Contract Fuel ‐Cths Funeral ‐GA Advertising ‐VA Membership Dues ‐VA Rent ‐GA Educ & Training ‐Conserv Rent ‐GA Mo Maintenance ‐Trs Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Interpretation ‐Comm Suppl ‐Shrf Mlge ‐ Trs Repairs ‐VA Publ ‐Shrf $340.33 $1,505.55 $252.50 $2,494.32 $7,899.96 $206.08 $245.35 $50.46 $751.78 $490.00 $152.94 $123.76 $288.00 $646.00 $39.60 $500.00 $36.00 $286.56 $1,200.00 $30,825.89 $2,975.60 $2,000.00 $263.70 $125.00 $400.00 $60.00 $300.00 $26.00 $110.00 $13.65 $343.00 $139.74 $4,088.85 $330.12 Mt Pleasant Utilities Murphy Funeral Home O'Keefe Elevator Co O'Reilly Automotive Inc Office Equipment Finance Serv James R Onorato Pitney Bowes Inc Pleasant Grove Cemetery Harold Pollmeier Quality Inn & Suites Quill Corporation Rathbun Regional Water Reliable Pest Solutions Ron's Tire & Repair Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Sloans Printing Service Rick SyWassink T H E Company Tom Hassenfritz U S Cellular US BANK Verizon Wireless Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Xerox Corporation Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Brau Law Office Foundation II Inc Historic Preservation Fund Spark Consulting MH ‐ DD Services All American Pest Control Alliant Energy AmSan LLC Bancard Center Carrie Bausch Black Hawk Co Sheriff Brau Law Office Judy Buffington Melissa Campbell Des Moines Co CPC Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Hillcrest Family Services Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Ia Home Based Serv Insight Human Services J & S Electronic Systems Cindy Johnson Sarah Kaufman Kohl Wholesale James Krabill Lance Refuse Serv Lindsey Leitch Mediacom Util ‐CPC/VA Transport Fees Elev Maint ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Mo Lease Payment ‐DHS Annual Meeting ‐ VA Meter by phone ‐DHS Care of Graves Mlge ‐Sec Rds Annual Conf ‐Sec Rds Suppl ‐Atty Water ‐Conserv Pest Mgmt ‐DHS Tires & Tubes ‐Conserv Vchle ‐Dep Shrf Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Med Exam Fees Mower Rprs ‐Cths Cell Phone ‐Conserv Gas ‐Dep Shrf Wireless Cards ‐Shrf Bd Proc ‐Supv Data Proc ‐Conserv Fuel ‐Cths $1,000.61 $470.00 $427.48 $337.29 $113.59 $25.00 $1,500.00 $171.00 $178.50 $126.42 $104.70 $58.00 $72.00 $42.50 $523.45 $82.00 $150.00 $55.35 $362.44 $539.50 $361.13 $667.93 $113.36 $9.84 Substance Abuse ‐CPC Juvi Hosp $68.75 $1,072.95 NRHP ‐Hist Pres $1,500.00 Repairs & Maint ‐Conserv Util ‐IHS Cust Suppl ‐IHS Supplies ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Shrf Transportation ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Support Serv ‐CPC Psycho Treatment ‐CPC Fuel ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Mlge ‐Adv Treatment ‐CPC Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Reimb Cash Acct ‐IHS Ofc & Data Proc ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Direct Admin ‐CPC Food & Prov ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Util ‐IHS $74.00 $1,594.83 $225.92 $121.75 $44.40 $20.10 $524.75 $122.40 $66.40 $127.32 $202.50 $437.86 $286.09 $1,879.00 $624.89 $573.24 $1,480.20 $26,223.67 $1,751.53 $500.00 $45.00 $4.00 $21.14 $1,179.52 $42.40 $95.00 $7.20 $99.79 Todd Meyer Mt Pleasant Utilities Oil Busters Optimae LifeServices Inc. Cathy Penn Mike Prottsman Snow Removal Reliable Office Supplies Caitlyn Schmeiser Southeast Ia Case Management Sunrise Enterprise LLC Taylor Ridge Estates Inc U S Cellular Jamie Villarreal Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Wapello Co Auditor Secondary Road Fund ABC Fire Extinguisher Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Bauer Built Tire CARQUEST Auto Parts Centre St Internatl Truck Courtesy Door Sales & Ser Electronic Engineering Co Fastenal Co Dave Gill Trucks Inc H & L Mack Truck Sales Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries J & S Electronic Systems Jim's Clear‐View Window Clean Metal Culverts Inc Midwestern Culvert Ltd Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Utilities Norsolv Systems Environmental Phelps The Uniform Specialist Piper Auto Parts Harold Pollmeier Rathbun Regional Water Resco USA LLC Shottenkirk ‐ Burlington Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Florence Smith St Luke's Drug and Alcohol Test Steffensmeier Welding Swailes Auto Supply Truck Repair Inc U S Cellular Conservation Nature Center Beau Meads like‐life Taxidermy Bezoni's True Value Cardmember Service Mlge ‐IHS Util ‐IHS Vchle Maint ‐IHS Support Serv ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Ofc Suppl ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Evaluations ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Mental Health Adv ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Mental Health Adv ‐CPC $58.80 $2,555.48 $33.95 $3,237.44 $92.00 $85.00 $59.41 $6.00 $84.24 $200.00 $1,461.40 $101.33 $8.00 $757.66 $574.78 Bracket Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Pest Control Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Radio Repair Sec Rd Air Hose Reels Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Asphalt Oil Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Contract Sec Rd Window Cleaning Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd C M P Sec Rd Ventilation Sec Rd Bridge Maintenance Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Parts Cleaner Sec Rd Towel/Rug Service Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Trenton Shed Sec Rd Steel Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd Bridge Gangway Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd $10.95 $1,479.55 $45,608.64 $40.00 $479.26 $6,674.49 $156.00 $397.68 $932.69 $48.00 $47.50 $2,131.30 $187.23 $471.53 $777.00 $324.67 $465.50 $30.00 $6,842.00 $7,414.12 $93.23 $134.35 $77.55 $109.01 $189.95 $786.35 $125.00 $53.99 $348.00 $60.59 $21.83 $18.83 $240.00 $37.00 $3,837.60 $479.22 $1,176.65 $127.89 Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Feed ‐Conserv $600.00 $183.47 $1,426.67 Cherished Memories Fastenal Co Hannums Mt Pleasant Lumber Dan Peterson Sound Advice Community Betterment Fund Bancard Center Joseph Buffington Crop Production Services Inc. Cummins Central Power Diamond Mowers Inc Great River Reg Waste ISU Extension Planning & Zoning Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Solutions Jodi Sutter Tom Davis Painting Wemiga Waste Emergency Management Alliant Energy Chief Supply City Directory Inc Henry Co Sec Road Dept Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Utilities U S Cellular Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment East End Automotive Henry Co Sec Road Dept Mt Pleasant News Special Appraisers Schneider Corporation E911 Surcharge Fund Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel WINDSTREAM Mt Pleasant News U S Cellular Grand Total Acorn Program ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Camps & Prog ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Mailing ‐Supv Mlge ‐Zoning Chemicals ‐Sec Rds Generator Rprs ‐Cths Mower Blades ‐Sec Rds Waste Serv ‐Supv Training ‐Zoning Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Website Hosting ‐Mar '12 Wages ‐BOH Painting ‐Cths Saint & Disp ‐Cths $47.00 $14.67 $12.60 $37.34 $40.00 $135.99 $29.66 $155.55 $770.00 $599.25 $240.56 $2,526.00 $55.00 $1,695.91 $200.00 $5,047.63 $2,035.00 $315.00 Util ‐Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Em Mgmt Directory ‐Em Mgmt Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Legal Notice ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Cell Phone ‐Em Mgmt $222.42 $89.99 $45.80 $359.06 $50.70 $475.36 $74.22 Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Vchle Rprs ‐Assessor Fuel ‐Assessor Budget Publ ‐Assessor $108.13 $32.07 $108.53 $47.46 Soils & Mapping‐ Assessor Phone Serv ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Budget Publ ‐ E911 Phone Serv ‐E911 $1,800.00 $198.38 $1,538.94 $37.75 $62.30 $221,188.48 No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
March 15, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Henry County Board of Supervisors did not met as they were attending the ISAC
Spring School of Instruction in Des Moines.
March 20, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the March 13,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Tim Sammons, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne
video recording the session.
In public comments Ron Osborne requested a copy of the security tape of the Supervisors
Office for the 4 hours after the meeting was adjourned on March 13, 2012. The Board
called for Derek Wellington to come down and see what was possible and yes it is
possible and he was instructed to burn it to disc and keep track of the time it takes to do
so, as there is will be a charge for the disc.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved a permit for Larry Black for standpipe in 110th
St adjacent to the one approved last week. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by
See that a permit be issued to Binns & Stevens, Oskaloosa and Whaley’s Dust & Weed
Control, Mt Pleasant, for application of dust palliative to Henry County Roads. Belzer
presented the Henry County Entrance Policy to the Board for approval but requested
some changes before they approve it and they are going to ask for public input on the
issue. Design for BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek are close to completion.
Crews patched with IDOT south of Mt Pleasant on Iowa Ave and east of Mt Pleasant on
220th St and west of Mt Union on 170th St. Patrol operators bladed all week. A few truck
drivers hauled spot rock when available. Blades also helped with driveway replacement.
Crews installed an entrance for Moeller on Lexington Ave; replaced entrance on 150th St
near Graham Ave and an entrance on Hickory Ave near 160th St. Crews replaced cross
tube on 335th St west of Lexington Ave. Crews ditched on Franklin Ave south of Salem,
150th St east of Graham Ave and 335th St south of Salem and Hickory Ave. Crew started
seeding ditches cleaned last fall. Crew helped USGS replace river gage at Gidson Park
on Cedar Creek. Belzer will attend NACE meeting in Lexington, KY April 2-4 and the
Department Spring Safety meeting is April 18, 2012.
Brent Schliesman, Administrator and Steve Brimhall, Mayor of the City of Mt Pleasant
along with Mike and Diana Prottsman the county’s solid waste hauler met to discuss the
taking of sharps and appliances for the residents of the City of Mt Pleasant and other
cities in the county. Supervisors Lindeen has spoken to the GRRWA and they said they
would accept the city’s sharps if there is an agreement between the City of Mt. Pleasant
and Henry County that the county will provide this service. It was also agreed that the
city residents would be able to bring appliances and sharps to the county central site in
Mt Pleasant only on Friday and Saturday by appointment only during a set time for a set
fee to be paid to the hauler by the city resident. It was then brought up by resident Teresa
Rose if the current central site is large enough that when she has been there is does not
flow well at all. Mr. Prottsman agreed that it is congested that if there was a second gate
and a compacter unit rather than a truck that would help a lot. The Board decided they
would go out and view the site and determine how much they want to divide off for the
appraisal by the GSA that the county can see about purchasing.
In sub-committee updates, Lindeen reported on Community Action that food is up and
utilities are about the same. See will be attending a Workforce Development meeting.
White reported that at the ISAC School they had very good meetings with the DNR and
the joint meeting they had on Mental Health.
In other county business Insight Human Services needed to know if they were to go
ahead with getting someone to mow, the Board had told him yes earlier. Auditor Shelly
Barber informed the Board that the final certification of election equipment will be done
on Thursday March 22, 2012, after which she has set up a public test of the new
equipment before she purchases it for Wednesday March 28, 2012 at 10:00 am in the
Conference Room of the Courthouse. All residents are welcome to attend and it will be
announced again the first of next week.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
March 22, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the March 20,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Sarah Kaufman, CPC gave her monthly update on General Assistance and Mental Health.
The Board had requested that she go over the possible scenarios the county could face in
doing the 2013/2014 budget for mental health funding. In the three possible changes in
SF209 Henry County would still have an ending fund balance and the only other case is if
no change is made to SF209 and the county would have to fund $582,330. Funding
would just change from the MH-DD Fund which would not be levied for to those funds
being levied from the General Basic Fund instead with Henry County tax payers not
seeing any increase in the overall levy rates. Kaufman stated we would have no idea
until this legislative session is over.
Mike and Diana Prottsman joined the meeting for the signing of the Henry County
Residential Garbage & Recycle Collection Services Contract. The Board asked Mr.
Prottsman if he had any questions about the contract which he didn’t, but he gave them
the date of April 30, 2012 that he would take over the permanent contract. It was moved
by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve and sign the above mentioned contract for 3
years 8 months for a flat monthly fee of $9,820, plus additional fees for transporting
additional recoverable materials collected at the main site. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The
Board is writing a letter to inform WEMIGA Waste of the date the temporary contract
will end which will be April 29, 2012.
In sub-committee updates, Lindeen completed a training session with the Community
Action, See attended a Transit Regional Authority Commission and White attended a
RUSS meeting with their attorney in Washington.
No other county business.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
March 27, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the March 22,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Tim Sammons, Kurt Garretson, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with
Mr. Osborne video recording the session.
In public comments Ron Osborne stated that Sarah Kaufman CPC was on Iowa Public
Radio yesterday on the Mental Health situation in Iowa and she done an excellent job
representing Henry County.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved a permit for Windstream adjacent to Benton
Ave from IA 78 south to their tower. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See that
the Fiscal year 2013 IDOT Budget be brought before the Board for discussion and the
Chairman is hereby authorized to sign. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See
and seconded by Lindeen that the Fiscal year 2013 Five Year Construction Program be
brought before the Board for discussion and the Chairman is hereby authorized to sign. 3
ayes. Motion carried. Belzer presented the Henry County Entrance Policy to the Board
for approval but requested two things clarified and it is on the agenda for approval on
Thursday March 29, 2012 at 9:15. Plans for BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek
have been sent to the state for approval. Crews hauled spot rock one day. Patrol
operators bladed all week. Crews hauled resurfacing rock on 120th St at Ash Ave and to
Dakota Ave at 126th St near Wayland. Crews continued ditching on 150th St east of
Franklin Ave, as well as Hyacinth Ave and repaired ditching on Franklin Ave. Crew
seeded ditches cleaned last fall all week. We are getting the mowing equipment ready
and stripping snow equipment. Crews stripped overburden at the quarry one day. Pete &
Merlin attended ONE Call training in Mt Pleasant. Belzer will attend NACE meeting in
Lexington, KY April 2-4 and the Department Spring Safety meeting is April 18, 2012.
Derek Wellington brought a map of the Emergency Management property down to the
Board with an option drawn off of the property they would possibly want to have
surveyed off. After discussion the Board agreed on that option along with another to give
the surveyor that is chosen. The four surveyors in Henry County name was put in a hat
and drawn out and would be called in said order with the first one called that could do it
immediately would have the job. Names drawn in order were Lance Surveying,
Steffensmeier Surveying, Perry Surveying and Kipp Surveying. Lance was contacted
and began the job today.
Don Johnson, Paul McPheron, Delores Ruschill and Marilyn Wick all of the Burge
Cemetery Association came to the Board to request that the road to the cemetery be
paved as it is the largest and busiest cemetery in Henry County that is not on a paved
road. The Board said that they would talk to the county engineer Bill Belzer when he
comes in Thursday about it and see what he has to say. They also asked if the cemetery
association would be willing to help pay for a part of the expense.
In sub-committee updates, See attended Triple A and the bill is in front of the Governor
to sign, also a Workforce Development meeting usage of computer system not great &
hard to use. Lindeen attended Emergency Response Workshop there will be an exercise
planned for a later time and we need to be aware of what we would do here in the county.
No other county business.
Moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
March 29, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the March 27,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer presented the Henry County Entrance Policy with the requested
changes. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution 05-201220 which is adopting the revised driveway and field access policy for Henry County and
it is effective March 29, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Paul McPheron and Don Johnson joined the meeting for discussion of the paving of the
road to Burge Cemetery. Belzer had done some research and informed the Board that to
pave that road it would require extensive grading and purchase of addition right of way
and the cost in 2009 to pave 1 mile was between $650,000 and $750,000; 2 applications
of dust control a year would cost $4,100 and the county stopped paying for dust control
on gravel roads at active Churches a few years back; he had not checked on the cost of
chip and seal. The Board asked for comments from the gentlemen from Burge Cemetery
Association and Mr. Johnson stated he would really like to see the county put it in their
plan to pave in the future and Mr. McPheron said dust control would help and even chip
and seal would be an improvement. Belzer stated until something comes down from Des
Moines the county funds for the roads are very slim. The Board encouraged the
gentlemen to keep asking and maybe someday we could do something.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the Liquor License for the
Salem Stub. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing at 9:40 am for
the 1st Reading of Ordinance to modify the number of considerations necessary to pass an
ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried. There were no comments from the public written or
oral, it was stated that the purpose is to give the Board more options for passing
ordinances by change it to read as the Code of Iowa does. It was moved by See and
seconded by Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing at 9:43 am. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It
was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the 1st Reading of Ordinance to
modify the number of considerations necessary to pass an Ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion
Todd Meyer and Evan Clouse from Insight Human Services met with the Board to update
them on the closing of the care facility. They reported that they have all homes lines up
for the residents to move into, they are all in Henry County, in or close to Mt Pleasant.
They plan on closing the facility and moving everyone on May 1, 2012. They have all of
their employees hired which is 45 and all but 6 have gone with them from the county.
They have sent the decertification forms to the state for the Adult Day Care and the RCF
to close effective June 28, 2012. Meyer said the residents from the apartment in the front
of the RCF had not yet paid for the refrigerator and freezer that they took as they were
waiting on a price from the Board. The Board said $200 for both of them. The Board
requested for Meyer to meet with them again on April 12, 2012 at 10:00 am to keep them
In sub-committee updates, See an Economic Development meeting with nothing new;
White reported they hope to have a replacement hired for Linda Albright’s position soon.
No other county business.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Shelly A Barber Cedar Creek Cemetery Assn CMI Inc Ebert Supply Co Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Heidelburg Motel Henry County Health Center Henry Co Public Health Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines ICAA/PATC WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems Randy Lanferman Marc Lindeen Ana Lorber Mail Services LLC Martin Cleaning Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities Office Depot Olson‐Powell Memorial Chapel Pitney Bowes Inc PJ Greufe & Associates Quill Corporation Scott Printing & Design Secy of State of Iowa Gary See Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant SIACC Kellie Sloan Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Solutions Staples Advantage Darin Stater Sunrise Enterprise LLC Rick SyWassink T H E Company Tom Hassenfritz Annie Tyrrell UI Diagnostic Laboratories Ultramax Janet L Vance Certified Shorth Wal‐Mart Payments Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Shirley K Wandling West Payment Center General Supplemental Fund Des Moines Co Sheriff Family Resources Inc Ia Dept of Human Services DHS SIADSA Lee/ Lucas MH ‐ DD Services Util ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Util ‐Conserv Meals/Mlge ‐Aud Care of Graves ‐VA Mouthpieces ‐Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths Medical Exp ‐Jail Supplies ‐Shrf Rent ‐GA Care for Yourself Medical Testing ‐Jail Inmate Meals ‐Jail Dues ‐Atty Tele Serv ‐County Maintenance ‐Shrf Weed Erad Meals ‐Supv Mlge ‐ Trs Renewal ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Bd Proc ‐Supv Mower Rpr ‐Cths Util ‐Juvi Prob Supplies ‐Shrf Funeral ‐GA Postage Meter ‐DHS March Fee Supplies ‐Atty Envelopes ‐Trs Notary ‐Attny Meals ‐Supv Vchle ‐Dep Shrf Transports ‐Jail Mlge ‐Trs Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Comp Renewal ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Mlge ‐Atty Medical Exp ‐Jail Med Exam Mower Rprs ‐Cths Matron Exp ‐Jail Med Exam Ammunitation ‐Dep Shrf Transcript ‐Atty Letter Tray ‐Trs Medical Exp ‐Jail Mlge/Meals ‐Rec Online Resource ‐Atty $9.15 $35.00 $430.45 $180.75 $63.00 $49.13 $242.01 $485.00 $34.00 $400.00 $5,641.40 $15.00 $1,897.47 $387.00 $2,421.26 $187.70 $13.99 $6.84 $162.57 $504.48 $379.98 $1,161.57 $13.00 $2,995.31 $128.37 $2,000.00 $284.13 $1,500.00 $205.14 $331.50 $30.00 $7.93 $66.38 $1,202.82 $158.27 $163.60 $1,365.21 $226.64 $117.30 $616.00 $700.00 $15.93 $83.40 $1,806.66 $574.00 $616.00 $149.38 $6.68 $166.54 $428.65 Serv of Notice Fees Juvi Hosp Substance Abuse ‐CPC Detention Stay ‐Juvi Prob $36.44 $1,039.60 $2,789.52 $1,295.00 Abbe Center for Community Hlth Access AmSan LLC Bailey Office Equipment Bell Law Office Black Hawk‐Grundy Mental Ctr Bridgeway Judy Buffington Melissa Campbell City of Cedar Rapids Iowa City Jennifer Danielson Des Moines Register Kim Gray Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee ‐ Washington Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems Cindy Johnson Sarah Kaufman James Krabill Lindsey Leitch Todd Meyer On‐Site Info Destruction Inc Optimae LifeServices Inc. Cathy Penn Reliable Office Supplies Caitlyn Schmeiser SIACC Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Southeast Ia Regional Planning Sunrise Enterprise LLC University of Ia Hosp Hospital Vera French Community Mental Jamie Villarreal Wal‐Mart Payments Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Secondary Road Fund ABC Fire Extinguisher Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc Alliant Energy Breuer Wrecker Service Cessford Construction Co Fastenal Co I C E O O / Tammy Van Gorp Ia Dept of Transportation Ia St University CTRE WINDSTREAM L & W Quarries Nichting Co Inc North American Salt Co Northern Safety Co Inc Orschelns Card Center Darrel Ridenour Rolling Hills Consulting LLC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Cust Suppl ‐IHS Ofc Suppl ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Transportation ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Subscription ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Mlge ‐Adv Treatment ‐CPC Food & Prov ‐IHS Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Tele Serv ‐IHS Direct Admin ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Shredding ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Ofc Suppl ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Food & Prov ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC $329.33 $677.52 $294.79 $412.83 $78.00 $132.00 $185.00 $29.64 $50.70 $24.00 $22.62 $26.08 $63.89 $447.91 $328.44 $103.99 $1,041.89 $78,312.48 $387.22 $500.50 $4.68 $195.55 $31.98 $14.43 $32.10 $45.00 $3,387.90 $101.79 $47.12 $3.12 $359.83 $147.00 $1,160.76 $1,470.00 $141.54 $133.16 $5.07 $389.11 $84.32 Fire Extinguisher Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Diesel ‐Sec Rds Sheds Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Asphalt Oil Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd School & Meet fees Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd MoGo Training ‐ Smyth Office Equipment Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Salt Sec Rd Safety Items Sec Rd Equip Repair Supply SecRd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Arch & Env Study Sec Rd $58.00 $181.50 $45,608.64 $351.41 $187.50 $1,705.45 $136.58 $23.00 $1,868.76 $90.00 $97.84 $841.58 $81.80 $3,404.63 $149.88 $19.43 $12.58 $1,188.56 Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Solutions Staats Conservation Fund Richard Realty & Auction Community Betterment Fund American Planning Association A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Barker Lemar Engineering Joseph Buffington Henry Co Landfill Comm Imagetek Inc WINDSTREAM Northern Safety Co Inc Warner Engineering Assoc Wemiga Waste Emergency Management WINDSTREAM Co. Assessor Agency Fund Gary Dustman WINDSTREAM Mt Pleasant News Solutions Special Appraisers Vanguard Appraisals Inc E911 Surcharge Fund Joseph Buffington Electronic Applications Electronic Engineering Co WINDSTREAM Grand Total Buildings Sec Rd Computer Services Sec Rd Plaque Sec Rd $114.81 $1,476.76 $31.35 Donation Proj ‐Conserv $3,600.00 Dues ‐Zoning HVAC ‐Cths Sanit & Disp ‐Supv Mlge ‐Zoning Sanit & Disp ‐ Supv Support ‐Rec Tele Serv ‐Zoning Storage Units Crossroads Parks Sanit & Disp ‐Cths $360.00 $133.50 $1,047.50 $19.87 $3,142.50 $37.50 $1,248.92 $3,234.07 $4,300.00 $13,213.03 Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt $244.60 Mlge ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Plubications ‐Assessor Training ‐Assessor $189.42 $175.68 $108.00 $75.00 Spec Appraisal ‐Assessor Mlge ‐E911 Pager Repair ‐Em Mgmt Wayland Tower & Antennas Tele Serv ‐E911 $95.00 $126.48 $33.46 $6,503.00 $48.92 $222,596.95 No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
April 3, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the March 29,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Tim Sammons, Kurt Garretson, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with
Mr. Osborne video recording the session.
No public comments.
Randy Van Brussel joined the meeting for the 2nd Reading of Ordinance Modifying the
Number of Considerations Necessary to Pass an Ordinance.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the 2nd
Reading of Ordinance Modifying the Number of Considerations Necessary to Pass an
Ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried. There were no written comments from anyone and
Mr. Van Brussel had an oral comment. He wanted clarification of what they were doing
as he didn’t understand. He is in favor of giving plenty of thought and time before
passing an ordinance that could have significant changes involved. It was explained that
we have been using this wording for a very short time that we are changing it to read as
the Code of Iowa which is how it was being done before the codification of the County
Ordinances a few months ago. The Board will still be able to take as long as they wish to
pass anything but should there be an immediate need to get something passed it will
allow for it. The main changes are in publication requirements and waving of first and
second readings if need be. Ron Osborne also had comments to the procedure mainly
regarding the planning and zoning board and it being a full board at all times. No other
comments. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go out of Public Hearing.
3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the
2nd Reading of Ordinance Modifying the Number of Considerations Necessary to Pass an
Ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No sub-committee updates.
In other county business Auditor Shelly Barber brought up several things for the Board to
consider and think about in regards to the closing of Insight Human Services facility to
discuss with Todd Meyer Adm of Insight Human Services when he meets with the Board
on April 12, 2012.
No further business the Board adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
April 5, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the April 3,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Tim Sammons, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne
video recording the session.
No public comments.
Shelly Barber, Auditor; Gary Dustman, Assessor, Jelen McCall, Secondary Road Office
Manager; Ana Lorber, Treasurer; Walt Jackson, Emergency Management Coordinator;
Rick Van Winkle, Vet Affairs Director; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Sarah Kaufman,
CPC; Tammy Mulford, Co Attorney Office Manager and John Pullis, Conservation
Director were present to give the Board the monthly update of their departments
No sub-committee updates.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
April 10, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the April 5,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved a permit for F & M Mutual Telephone
adjacent to Clayton Ave from IA 78 north to their tower. They also approved a permit
for Allen Rich for a tile outlet into west ditch of Clayton Ave south of Merrimac Rd.
Plans for BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek have been sent to the state for
approval. Crews hauled 4.5 miles of resurfacing rock on 120th St east and west of
Franklin Ave, Graham Ave north of IA 78 and Henry-Washington north of Benton Ave.
Patrol operators have been pulled from blading until we get some rain. Crews hauled
broken concrete to culvert scour adjacent to 120th St south of Wayland, at culvert erosion
on 210th St NE of Mt Pleasant and palced riprap adjacent to Old 218. Crews finished
ditching on 150th St east of Franklin Ave, ditched on Clayton Ave and 130th St as well as
335th St. Crew seeded ditches most of last 2 weeks. Crews replaced a bad tile on 130th
St. Crews stripped overburden at the quarry and buried trees and broken road culverts. A
worker was hurt last Wednesday and returned to work on Monday from an accident in the
shop. Belzer attended the NACE meeting in Lexington, KY April 2-4 and the
Department Spring Safety meeting is April 18, 2012.
John Pullis Conservation Director gave his monthly update. The top of the hill restroom
is in place but not hooked up yet. They have requested assistance from SHIPO for ideas
to repair the piers that are rotting out on the foot bridge which is on the Historical
Register of Bridges as what they are allowed to do and all they tell them is to apply for a
grant to repair it. The county engineer is going to go inspect it for safety and if he
declares it unsafe they will have to close it. The Nature Center Open House is April 15,
2012 from 1-5 pm. The campgrounds open Friday April 13, 2012. The 4-H has aske the
Conservation Department to judge a food contest called Anything on a Stick on July 18,
2012 and 2 Board members and 1 staff have agreed to do it.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the Quarterly Reports of the
Recorder and the Sheriff Departments ending March 31, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to give $2,500 towards the Red Flag
Motor Tour seeing it as an economic benefit for Henry County and tourism in the future.
3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joe Buffington, Planning & Zoning Coordinator presented a request he had received from
Dave Becker to purchase a stretch of Railroad Right of Way owned by Henry County in
Section 9 of Scott Township north of Winfield. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded
by See for Mr. Buffington to proceed as required with the steps to move towards selling
said property. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee updates, Lindeen attended a DECAT meeting where they discussed a
program called System of Care for Juveniles which was very informative. White
attended Substance Abuse which is centering on alcohol awareness during prom and
graduation time coming up
No other county business.
No other business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
April 12, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the April 10,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
In public comments Steve Wilson stated that a county resident had contacted him
wondering why the county hauled a load of dirt to 200th St west of White Oak Rd for a
single individual to benefit from. The Board said they would need to check with the
County Engineer for the details of this matter before they could answer.
Todd Meyers from Insight Human Services met with the Board to discuss the closing of
the county facility. He informed them that everything is on track. The DIA, DHS and
the state have all been contacted of the closing as well as the pest control company and
other supply vendors have been notified. The contract with Johnson Control is up June
30, 2012 anyway. Mr. Meyer along with Eide Bailey Company will be doing the final
cost report due to the state at the end of June for the past year for the county. The cost to
Eide Bailey Company is $3,800 for doing the report and Mr. Meyer informed the Board
that they will be receiving $33,000 from the past cost report so they are very much worth
their fee. Mr. Meyer presented a revised list of the things they actually wanted to
purchase from the county upon leaving and it was moved by Lindeen and seconded by
See to approve the sale of items on said list for the amount of $1,635. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. Mr. Meyer wrote a check out to Henry County for stated amount. Also some of
the residents of the facility wanted to purchase beds, dressers, lamp and nightstand the
Board agreed that $10 per item, they also wanted sheets, blankets & pillows, plates, cups
and silverware the Board agreed to give them what they needed of those things.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended Community Action with nothing being
greatly different from the past meeting as far as assistance given, also May 8, 2012 is
Community Action Open House and the Board will be attending that. White attended
RUSS which will have some changes in user fees as well as something done with
Mt. Union.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund ABC Fire Extinguisher ABMDI Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Agriland FS Inc Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Bezoni's True Value BGTCC Cardmember Service Carpenter Uniform Co CCDA Harrison Co Conserv Brd Andrea Cook Copy Systems Inc Robin Detrick Ebert Supply Co Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Ferrell Cemetery Assn Inspection ‐County Certification ‐Med Exam Util ‐Conserv Ground Maint ‐Cths Fuel ‐Conserv Util ‐County Ofc Suppl ‐Trs Lodging/Meals ‐Supv Push Mower ‐Cths Snow Removal ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Uniforms ‐Shrf Educ & Training ‐Conserv Misc ‐IHS Ink ‐Trs Misc ‐IHS Cust Suppl ‐Trs Medical Exp ‐Jail Care of Graves $421.60 $350.00 $152.31 $267.39 $1,464.29 $858.41 $113.40 $1,659.48 $460.19 $405.00 $1,349.06 $170.85 $25.00 $45.00 $238.94 $45.00 $112.45 $459.00 $85.50 Jessenia Gomez Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Ed Harvey Heidelburg Motel Otis Henkle Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Natural Heritage Foundation ISCTA Henry Co Treasurer ISSDA Financial Administrator J & S Electronic Systems Keltek Inc Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Language Line Services Larry Meagher Mertens Rental Properties Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Journal O'Reilly Automotive Inc Office Depot Office Equipment Finance Serv On‐Site Info Destruction Inc James R Onorato Pep Stop Postmaster Rathbun Regional Water Reliable Pest Solutions Resco USA LLC Ron's Tire & Repair Rubey Lawn Care Secy of State of Iowa Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant William Smith Solutions Staples Advantage Darin Stater Stephens‐Peck Inc Stroud Mediation Services Swailes Auto Supply Rick SyWassink Taft‐Wiley Company The Company Tom Hassenfritz The Toner Place Truax Company Inc U S Cellular US BANK Verizon Wireless Washington Co Auditor West Payment Center Kent White Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Matron Exp ‐Jail Ice Melt ‐Cths Cell Phone ‐Atty Rent ‐GA Meeting Fee ‐VA Public Health Contract Sand Parking lot ‐Cths Dog Care ‐April '12 Medical Exp ‐Jail Educ & Training ‐Conserv Registration ‐Trs Dues ‐Shrf Toner ‐Rec Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Meter Charge ‐Trs Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Interpretation ‐Comm Meeting Fee ‐VA Rent ‐Juvi Prob Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Construction & Maint ‐Con Legal Notice ‐Atty Repair ‐Dep Shrf Util ‐CPC/VA Bd Proc ‐Supv Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Supplies ‐Comm Mo Lease ‐DHS Shredding ‐Cths Meeting ‐VA Car Wash ‐Conserv Postage ‐Conserv Water & Sewer ‐Conserv Pest Mgmt ‐DHS Construction & Maint ‐Con Tires & Tubes ‐Conserv Mowing ‐Conserv Notary Seal ‐Shrf Oil Change ‐Dep Shrf Weed Erad Registration Fee ‐County Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Cell Phone ‐Atty Book ‐MV Drug/Alcohol testing ‐Att Ground Maint ‐Cths Med Exam Fees Maint ‐DHS Construction & Maint ‐Con Toner ‐DHS Parts ‐Conserv Cell Phone ‐Drv Lic Fuel ‐Dep Shrf Wireless Cards ‐Shrf Inmate Housing ‐Jail Online Resource ‐Atty Meals ‐Supv Bd Proc ‐Supv $115.47 $458.51 $15.00 $800.00 $25.00 $36,038.10 $45.00 $550.00 $89.97 $40.00 $160.00 $675.00 $415.59 $4,500.00 $97.65 $110.00 $9.75 $32.49 $600.00 $51.88 $49.53 $40.46 $15.00 $904.25 $801.07 $75.92 $196.76 $113.59 $135.00 $32.49 $40.00 $100.00 $58.00 $73.00 $21.25 $56.50 $625.25 $30.00 $76.92 $50.00 $2,448.80 $359.86 $15.00 $70.00 $540.00 $38.95 $150.00 $37.50 $74.39 $163.25 $396.15 $359.89 $748.75 $361.13 $10,450.00 $428.65 $6.89 $774.29 Xerox Corporation Z's Quick Break Attn: Bev General Supplemental Fund Bell Law Office Ia Dept of Human Services DHS SIACC SIADSA Lee/ Lucas MH ‐ DD Services All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Bell Law Office Black Hawk‐Grundy Mental Ctr Brau Law Office Judy Buffington Melissa Campbell Norma Davis Des Moines Co CPC Hedge Above LLC Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Hillcrest Family Services Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Community Serv Assoc Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Johnson Co Sheriff Cindy Johnson Kohl Wholesale James Krabill Lance Refuse Serv Lindsey Leitch Mediacom Medicap Pharmacy Todd Meyer Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Cathy Penn Mike Prottsman Snow Removal Caitlyn Schmeiser SIACC Sunrise Enterprise LLC Taylor Ridge Estates Inc Joseph Tofilon U S Cellular University of Ia Hosp Hospital Vera French Community Mental Jamie Villarreal Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Walgren's Market Attorney's Forfeiture Fund PATC/ICAA Offices Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Data Proc ‐Conserv Fuel ‐Cths $146.24 $65.48 Substance Abuse ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Detention Stay ‐Juvi Prob $138.00 $1,632.39 $258.68 $740.00 Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Util ‐IHS Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Misc ‐IHS Legal Representation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Legal Representation ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Support Serv ‐CPC Mowing ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Sand ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Milge ‐Adv Treatment ‐CPC Dues ‐CPC State Inpatient ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Food & Prov ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Sanit & Disp ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Util ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Vchle Maint ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Snow Removal/Sanding ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐Adv Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Food & Prov ‐IHS $74.00 $522.50 $251.36 $7.53 $798.00 $358.00 $84.00 $66.30 $32.76 $44.46 $42.44 $140.00 $247.50 $45.00 $2,212.47 $679.35 $388.58 $254.67 $50.00 $9,267.54 $31.50 $4.68 $1,151.74 $42.90 $95.00 $12.87 $99.79 $15.99 $32.69 $15.00 $182.52 $42.50 $3.51 $1,315.94 $1,610.00 $1,541.40 $30.00 $99.50 $283.08 $133.16 $3.12 $1,023.20 $124.50 Forfeiture Settlement Shop Sec Rd Erosion Control Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd $500.00 $779.80 $1,182.85 $40,636.38 $60.00 Alliant Energy Banner Auto & Hardware Bauer Built Tire Centre St Internatl Truck Chem Gro ‐ Houghton Inc Crawford and Haight Inc. Douds Stone Inc Duraclean By Curt & Renee Eastern Iowa Tire Fastenal Co Gillund Enterprises H & L Mack Truck Sales Ia Dept of Transportation Interstate Batteries of NE MO Iris City Cleaners J & S Electronic Systems Lawson Products Inc Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Utilities North American Salt Co Phelps The Uniform Specialist Resco USA LLC River Products Co Shipley Ready Mix Inc Softree Technical Systems Inc Summit Supply Inc Swailes Auto Supply Tracy's Truck N Trailer Repair U S Cellular Vantiger Equipment & Supply Zep Mfg Company Conservation Nature Center Bezoni's True Value BSW Cardmember Service Main Street Frame & Art Millard Heartland Taxidermy Signs & Designs Sound Advice REAP Fund L.B. Foster Company Conservation Fund Ia State Treasurer State Tax Capital Improvement A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Community Betterment Fund All Secure Inc Joseph Buffington Crop Production Services Inc. Des MoinesCo Regional Landfill Great River Reg Waste WINDSTREAM Mt Pleasant Area Development Mt Pleasant News New London Journal Northern Safety Co Inc Solutions Shop Sec Rd Equip Repair Supply SecRd Tires Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Fuel Hose Supplies Sec Rd Ditch Cleaning Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Safety Lens Sec Rd Equip Repair Supply SecRd Parts Sec Rd Box Culverts Sec Rd Batteries Sec Rd Towel/Rug Service Sec Rd Computer Services Sec Rd Hardware Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Utilities Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Salt SecRd Towel/Rug Service Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Grounds Sec Rd Computer Services Sec Rd Safety T‐shirts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd Tile Lines Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd $192.25 $126.62 $3,136.00 $3,077.34 $112.34 $600.00 $15,428.51 $263.00 $173.50 $3.65 $172.76 $2,063.84 $456.75 $362.85 $172.57 $131.25 $320.47 $66.95 $73.99 $54.66 $10,785.83 $153.55 $34.80 $2,765.66 $67.15 $400.00 $660.92 $772.31 $240.75 $114.18 $103.62 $243.41 Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Feed ‐Conserv Posters ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Signs ‐Conserv Suppl ‐Conserv $6.59 $341.59 $1,184.95 $186.76 $700.00 $3,559.00 $10.36 Reap Fund ‐Conserv Hotel/Motel Tax ‐Conserv $32,929.50 $120.00 Boiler ‐Cths $25,000.00 Panic Buttons ‐Cths Mlge ‐Zoning Chemicals ‐Sec Rds Tire Disp ‐Sec Rds Waste Serv ‐Supv Internet ‐Cths Investor Pledge 2012 Spray Notices ‐Sec Rds Spray Notices ‐Sec Rds Storage Cabinets Website Hosting ‐April '1 $600.00 $34.17 $2,869.00 $755.00 $2,526.00 $1,200.00 $20,000.00 $226.34 $32.40 $3,234.07 $200.00 Jodi Sutter Wemiga Waste Emergency Management Alliant Energy BGTCC Hedge Above LLC Henry Co Sec Road Dept Mt Pleasant Utilities Signs & Designs SwissPhone LLC Uline Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Copy Systems Inc Postmaster Special Appraisers Henry Co Planning & Zoning Schneider Corporation E911 Surcharge Fund Joseph Buffington CenturyLink Electronic Engineering Co U S Cellular Grand Total Wages ‐BOH Saint & Disp ‐Cths Util ‐Em Mgmt Snow Removal ‐Em Mgmt Mowing ‐Em Mgmt Sand ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Pet Trailer Signing ‐Em M Pagers ‐Em Mgmt Pet Trailer ‐Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Ink ‐Assessor Postage ‐Assessor $6,567.88 $14,161.10 $93.12 $135.00 $100.00 $45.00 $413.18 $300.00 $1,851.32 $4,699.16 $48.49 $12.56 $45.00 GIS Serv Fee ‐Assessor Mapping ‐Assessor $5,000.00 $1,800.00 Mlge ‐E911 Mo Serv ‐E911 Pagers ‐Em Mgmt Cell Phone ‐Em Mgmt $16.83 $478.23 $960.00 $131.52 $319,937.24 No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
April 17, 2012
Rome, IA
The Board met in regular session at 6:30 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Sheriff Allen Wittmer, Brian Roth and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr.
Osborne video recording the session.
In public comments Brian Roth thanked the Board for making themselves available at
other locations in the county from time to time.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave the Secondary Road weekly update. The Board opened
Tandem Truck bids from four companies which are Centre State Truck, West Burlington;
H & L Mack, Mediapolis; Midway Freightliner, Inc, Palmyra, Mo; Truck Country, Cedar
Rapids. Bids will be reviewed and discussed Tuesday April 24, 2012. It was moved by
Lindeen and seconded by See that the County approve construction plans for Project
BROS-CO44(70)—8J-44 a bridge replacement over Fish Creek on 310th St. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. Submittal of final plans for BR#174 on 310th St over Fish Creek and
purchase of ROW will be underway. Crews hauled 10.5 miles of resurfacing rock on
162nd St east of Franklin Ave, Graham Ave north of 150th St, Benton Ave and Graham
Ave north of IA 78 and Merrimac Rd from Jefferson Co to Trenton. Patrol operators
have been pulled from blading due to lack of rain. Crews ditched adjacent to 200th St and
hauled dirt east of White Oak and north of 200th St to a private road at the request of the
Court System. Crew seeded ditches all week. Matt and Brian worked several days at the
quarry. The Department Spring Safety meeting is April 18, 2012 at 1:30 PM.
Sarah Kaufman CPC gave her monthly update on Mental Health and General Assistance
services. It was moved See by and seconded by Lindeen to approve the submission of
the Iowa Department of Public Health County Substance Abuse Prevention Services
Grant in the amount of $4,500 for period of 7/1/12 thru 6/30/13. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the Liquor License for the
Loyal Order of Mt Pleasant Moose Lodge No. 1003. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No other county business.
No other business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
April 19, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the April 12 &
17, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Allen Wittmer Henry County Sheriff and Dora Bentler office manager presented a
Governor’s Traffic Safety Bureau of Iowa Department of Public Safety-Alcohol
Incentive Grant to put a video camera in one car to the Board for approval before
submitting to the state. They also provided all the paperwork for any grants they have
received this fiscal year that the new policy for grant handling had not been done on.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to appoint David Hightower as a Jackson
Township Trustee till the General Election in November 2012 due to the resignation of
Elvin Meyer as Trustee. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to have Chairman Kent White sign the
Contracts for Notice of Award and Notice to Proceed for the Storm Water Detention
Basin Project in Crossroads Business Park. Said contracts were prepared by Warner
Engineer who is the engineer for the project. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution #11-2012 hiring
Cindy Culbertson as a full time employee in the Office of the Henry County Attorney in
the position of paralegal, with initial annual salary of $37,000 with other benefits as
provided pursuant to the Henry County Handbook as a new hire of the county,
commencing May 7, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Denise Ballard with IGHCP the county’s employee health care provider presented the
Renewal Contract for the 2012/2013 year contract. She presented to save the county
money by keeping it in the county’s account rather than paying it to Wellmark Blue
Cross Blue Shield that the county move to a higher deductible platform with Wellmark,
which would have no effect on the employees at all but would save the county money in
the long run. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to move to the higher
platform effective July 1, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended Community Action where they done a Board
self evaluation he also attended E911 and Emergency Management.
In other county business Auditor Shelly Barber informed the Board that they needed to be
thinking about a different phone system as our current one is 9 years old, phones are
going bad and need replaced and they are expensive and to have repairs they come from
north of Davenport. Derek Wellington is looking into other systems and is on the agenda
for Tuesday April 24, 2012 to discuss this.
No further business White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
April 24, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Vice-Chairman Gary
See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the April 19,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Steve Wilson asked to have the dirt policy with the Secondary Roads
Department to be put on the agenda next week due to the dirt that was hauled to a private
road at the request of the court system east of White Oak Rd and north of 200th St. He
also made comment to Senate File 430 passing which has to do with open meeting rules
which he feels will be a good thing in the future.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved permits for individual dust control
applications for Jess & Tracy Swanson at 2943 Quincy Ave; Dan Clark at 2420 Marsh
Ave; Just Holler at 2801 Lexington Ave; BJ & Jana Miller at 1097 Benton Ave; Don &
Joan Miller at 1248 120th St; Paul Moeller at 3250 Graham Ave; Dallas Parker at 1554
Benton Ave; Dan & Joan Wegener at 2435 Quaker Ave; Dan Wesely at 3205 Graham
Ave. Final plans for BR#174 on 310th St over Fish Creek have gone to IDOT for July
bidding. Crews hauled 6 miles of resurfacing rock South of Trenton. Patrol operators
bladed all week since we received rain. Crews ditched adjacent to Hickory Ave near
200th St. Crew seeded ditches all week and began backpack spraying. One crew stripped
over burden one day at the quarry. Regarding the tandem truck bids opened last week
there is a lot to reviewing them and Belzer is still doing research as to which trucks
would be the best fit for the price and he will have more on it next week. The
Department Spring Safety meeting was April 18, 2012 and Dale Campbell’s last day was
Friday April 20, 2012. Belzer is hoping to replace Campbell around the first of July.
Sheila McAllister and Don Young from the Henry County Courthouse Centennial
Committee met with the Board to update them on their plans and request funding for a
budget to plan this event. The committee met for the first time last week and have set the
date of the Centennial Event as July 27, 2012 from 1-3 p.m. Richard Realty has donated
a display case from the old DeJaynes Store to the county but it will need to be refinished
it will be used to display courthouse memorabilia and be a permanent display in the
building. They also would like to get some banners made and historical handouts and
other displays of photos that would be put up around the courthouse and remain after the
event. Cookies, punch and a presentation on the history of the courthouse are planned for
the open house. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to give the committee
$2,500 to start but if need they are encouraged to come back since the Board of
Supervisors commissioned them to do this project. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Derek Wellington, IT Coordinator met with the board to discuss the need of a new phone
system. The current system is going on 9 years old and we are beginning to have
problems with it and repairs are costly as well as there is no one local who can work on
the system they have to come from 2 ½ hours away to work on it which isn’t good when
you have no phones. Wellington is recommending a voice over IP system which would
not require any additional cables the phones would use the same cable as the computers
do, this system would be through Windstream at an approximate cost of $60,000 but all
the county buildings would be on this network and Wellington would be able to
troubleshoot it as well as local service from Windstream. The Henry County Health
Center has just went to this system and Wellington is going to visit with them on this
system to check it out as well as he is looking into other quotes and systems and will get
back to the Board after his research is complete.
No sub-committee updates.
No other county business.
Moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Gary See, Vice-Chairman
April 26, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Vice-Chairman Gary
See and Marc Lindeen.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the April 24,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Kurt Garreton, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne
video recording the session.
In public comments Steve Wilson stated he was not comfortable with the agenda item
stated Other County Discussion when Time Allows, he feels with the word discussion
each thing talked about should be on the agenda and boundaries set for what is
discussion. The Board and Auditor clarified that it is a time for anyone to inform the
Board of something going on in another area that does not require any policy or decision
making and if it does it is stopped and put on the agenda for a later day, but keeps
communication lines open between the Board, the other county offices and the public.
Mr. Wilson still requested it to be an agenda item for when Mr. White returns on May 3,
Don Young with the Henry County Historical Preservation Commission met with the
Board to update and request a letter of support for the Camp Harlan Site to be approved
as a State Historical Site. The State Historical Society has already approved it and it will
go before the State Review Board on June 8, 2012, therefore they are requesting approval
at the local level and a public hearing on the matter which will be May 15, 2012 at 1:30
pm at the Henry County Courthouse in the Conference Room. It was moved by Lindeen
and seconded by See to accept the report and send a letter of support for the project. 2
ayes. Motion carried. The Report will be on file in the Auditor’s Office a week prior to
the hearing.
In sub-committee updates See attended a Workforce Development meeting and they are
offering classes on OSHA and Microsoft Certification at Southeastern Community
No other county business.
The Board approved the following claims
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative All American Pest Control Alliant Energy American Drug Screen Corp Bailey Office Equipment Ebert Supply Co Electronic Applications Cheryl Elmore Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Fellowship Cup Jim Golgart NACVSO Treasurer Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Heidelburg Motel Henry Co Sec Road Dept Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Revenue & Finance Ia Law Enforcement Academy Interstate Battery Center WINDSTREAM ISCTA Henry Co Treasurer Util ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Util ‐Conserv Test Kits ‐Atty Ofc Suppl ‐Rec Cust Suppl ‐Cths Uniform Exp ‐Dep Shrf Mlge ‐Trs Medical Exp ‐ Jail Food & Prov ‐CPC/VA Training ‐VA Supplies ‐Shrf Rent ‐GA Fuel ‐Cths Inmate Meals ‐Jail IRS Penalty MMPI ‐Jail Batteries ‐Shrf Tele Serv ‐Shrf Class Registration ‐Trs $159.98 $35.00 $583.45 $137.50 $40.48 $132.92 $457.08 $81.60 $68.00 $500.00 $300.00 $34.00 $800.00 $3,724.41 $2,245.91 $412.79 $135.00 $42.38 $54.67 $20.00 Kimzey Funeral Home Dean King Linda Kinney Lambirth Cemetery LampLine Lighting Ana Lorber Mail Services LLC Erica Martin Mopec Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Utilities O'Keefe Elevator Co Office of Auditor of State Orschelns Card Center Ottumwa Printing PJ Greufe & Associates Quill Corporation Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant SIACC Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Rick SyWassink The Toner Place Aaron Tolander UI Diagnostic Laboratories Janet L Vance Certified Shorth Wal‐Mart Payments West Payment Center Whaley's Dust & Weed Control General Supplemental Fund Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc Bell Law Office Copy Systems Inc Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Family Resources Inc Foundation II Inc Genesis Medical Center Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Matt Parrott & Sons Co Muscatine Co Sheriff Proforma Xtreme SIACC Washington Co Sheriff MH ‐ DD Services Access Assoc for Behavorial Health B & G Services Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Bell Law Office Brau Law Office Bridgeway Judy Buffington Melissa Campbell Norma Davis Genesis Medical Center Great River Health Systems SE Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Carole Houseal Med Exam Fees Rent ‐GA Mediation ‐Atty Care of Graves Supplies ‐Shrf Mlge ‐Trs Renewal Notices ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Bags ‐Med Exam Bd Proc ‐Supv Util ‐Cths Elev Maint ‐Cths Audit Filing Fee ‐FY2011 Ground Maint ‐Cths Platbook Suppl ‐Rec April Fee Supplies ‐Atty Vchle ‐Shrf Transports ‐Jail Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Med Exam Fees Toner ‐DHS Rent ‐VA Med Exam Transcript ‐Atty Cust Suppl ‐Cths Ia Leg Serv ‐Atty Lawn Care ‐Cths $300.00 $300.00 $20.62 $189.00 $11.94 $176.84 $510.46 $379.98 $506.29 $1,959.71 $3,397.77 $213.74 $625.00 $155.57 $442.00 $1,500.00 $99.05 $258.99 $149.61 $4,329.31 $150.00 $67.50 $200.00 $5,124.66 $40.00 $45.78 $503.52 $254.91 Contribution ‐ CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Postage ‐Aud Stamp ‐Aud Juvi Hosp Juvi Hosp Detoxifications ‐CPC OS Scanner ‐Primary Elect Ballots ‐Primary Elect Serv of Notice Elect Pens ‐Aud Substance Abuse ‐CPC Serv of Notice $4,500.00 $39.00 $33.00 $52.60 $1,944.66 $1,026.30 $416.54 $1,800.00 $2,041.93 $4.00 $97.91 $431.24 $15.00 Voc/Day ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Hosp ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC $677.52 $111.01 $685.87 $7.60 $533.05 $39.00 $288.00 $320.00 $62.00 $38.00 $39.00 $416.54 $110.00 $42.59 $508.37 Hy‐Vee Drugstore ‐ Mt Pleasant Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines I S A C ‐ Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Johnson Controls Inc Cindy Johnson James Krabill Lindsey Leitch Todd Meyer Mt Pleasant Utilities Optimae LifeServices Inc. Cathy Penn Reliable Office Supplies Caitlyn Schmeiser SIACC Southeast Ia Case Management Southeast Ia Regional Planning Sunrise Enterprise LLC Cyndee Triska Jamie Villarreal Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Bauer Built Tire Breuer Wrecker Service CARQUEST Auto Parts City of Hillsboro City of Mt Union Robert L Gholson Cindi Hayes Henry Co Sec Road Dept Holiday Inn Ames Conf Center Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries ILPA J & S Electronic Systems Jelen McCall Orschelns Card Center Praxair Distribution Inc Tracy Sammons Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Florence Smith Tire Resources Vantiger Equipment & Supply Washington Co Treasurer Conservation Nature Center Pella Historical Society Conservation Fund Ia Workforce Development Recorder Records Mgmt Ottumwa Printing Community Betterment Fund Henry Co Landfill Comm Debt Service Fund Bankers Trust Company Emergency Management Henry Co Sec Road Dept Treatment ‐CPC Food & Prov ‐IHS Training ‐CPC Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Util ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Ofc Suppl ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Cs Mgmtj ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Shed Sec Rd Lighting Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Tire repair Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd FM City Roads Sec Rd FM City Roads Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Solutions School Sec Rd Hardware Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd MSHA training Sec Rd Copier contract Sec Rd Solutions meeting Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Welding Supplies Sec Rd Solutions meeting Sec Rd Building ventilation Sec Janitor Sec Rd Tire supplies Sec Rd Tile Lines Sec Rd FM City Roads Sec Rd $1,012.73 $1,742.37 $50.00 $134,167.63 $6,546.00 $4.00 $14.00 $3.90 $38.16 $2,130.10 $5,151.14 $128.00 $134.35 $36.00 $663.52 $336.96 $1,220.56 $1,410.00 $44.76 $11.00 $112.34 $252.34 $2,316.19 $250.00 $250.00 $527.32 $1,225.96 $826.24 $68.46 $202.50 $120.72 $89.55 $11.91 $1,977.20 $100.00 $14.95 $10.48 $5.99 $153.04 $12.55 $527.55 $300.00 $33.03 $567.62 $210.72 Acorn ‐Conserv $165.00 Wages ‐Conserv $684.00 Survey Binder ‐Rec $159.00 4th Quarter Payment Debt Service Payment‐Cths Fuel ‐Em Mgmt $6,312.00 $145,062.50 $208.01 IKON Financial Services K & M Automotive Co. Assessor Agency Fund Chase Card Services CardMember Henry Co Sec Road Dept ISAC ‐ Des Moines Special Appraisers Vanguard Appraisals Inc E911 Surcharge Fund CenturyLink Electronic Engineering Co Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel Ia Law Enforcement Academy WINDSTREAM Solutions Grand Total Copy Machine ‐Em Mgmt Vchle Exp ‐ Em Mgmt $166.54 $81.30 Lodging ‐Assessor Fuel ‐Assessor Conference ‐Assessor $303.42 $186.83 $50.00 Appraisal Serv ‐Assessor Phone E911 Radios ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Comm Training ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Monitor ‐E911 $1,640.00 $478.99 $1,500.00 $198.38 $325.00 $1,538.94 $1,263.40 $373,493.30 It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 2 ayes. Motion
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Gary See, Vice-Chairman
May 1, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Vice-Chairman Gary
See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the April 26,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to amend the agenda for the 10:00
appointment that was added to the agenda at 1:50 pm on Monday April 30, 2012 to set a
date for a public hearing for the sale of railroad property in sections 8, 9 and 22 of Scott
Township. See went and checked with the County attorney and he stated the notice
should be republished and put on the agenda at a later time. 2 nayes. Motion did not
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved a permit for Randy Russell to cut up trees that
have been downed in ROW on 265th St. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See
to approve Resolution #07-2012-20 that accepts the quote for the purchase of two 2013
Tandem Axle Dump Trucks from H & L Mack in Mediapolis for $222,700 after tradeins. 2 ayes. Motion carried. Resolution is on file in the Auditor’s Office. Final plans for
BR#174 on 310th St over Fish Creek have gone to IDOT for July bidding. Patrol
operators bladed Monday and were at the quarry the remainder of the week. Crews
ditched adjacent to 260th St and replaced a driveway culvert. Crew seeded ditches all
week. Crew sprayed with back packs 3 days. One or two crews stripped over burden all
week at the quarry. Matt and Merlin attended a MSHA meeting in Cedar Rapids
Thursday. He passed out copies of the Secondary Road Ditch Cleaning Policy for
everyone to review as it is on the agenda next week for public input. Insight Human
Services fuel pass can now be disabled as they are no longer a county owned business.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to replace the late Cliff Chapman,
Baltimore Township Trustee with Tim Myers till the next General Election. 2 ayes.
Motion carried.
Several residents who were notified personally by the Planning and Zoning Coordinator
for the sale of the railroad property in Scott Township where informed that since it was
not on the agenda 24 hours in advance even thought it was published in the paper that it
would be at 10:00 today it would need to be republished and on the agenda in a timely
matter before they could proceed. The Chairman stated they would make any comments
but the Board would not make any responses on the matter. Joe Buffington Planning and
Zoning Coordinator set May 15, 2012 at 10:00 as the time of the next meeting on this
item and the residents asked several questions for Mr. Buffington and they brought in the
Deputy Assessor Sheila McAllister who also answered questions.
In sub-committee updates See attended Southeast Iowa Area Agency on Aging were they
discussed the redesign of that program, also he attended the Economic Development
No other county business.
Moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adjourn the meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
Gary See, Vice-Chairman
May 3, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 1,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Kurt Garretson, Richard Garrels, John Riddick, Wayne Whitney, Bob Svidell, Steve
Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Department heads giving their monthly update to the Board were Rick VanWinkle, Vet
Affairs Commission; Walt Jackson, Emergency Management Coordinator; Allen
Wittmer, Sheriff; Darin Stater, Co Attorney; Bill Belzer, Engineer Sec Roads; Shelly
Barber, Auditor; Sarah Kaufman, CPC; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; John Pullis,
Conservation Director; Joe Buffington, Planning & Zoning Coordinator; Gary Dustman,
Dave Helman, Tasha Beghtol, Adam Mangold, Trisha File, Anita Hampton and Tricia
Lipski with Henry/Washington Early Childhood Area Board met with the Board to
request support for a fiscal agent. Washington County Auditor’s Office has agreed to be
the fiscal agent for an annual fee of $4,500 for which they would pay all the bills and
track the revenues for the group. Helman stated they are requesting Henry County pay
half of the fee which is $2,250 since the two counties have formed a joint group. He
explained the reason for this change is due to the state no longer declaring them as a nonprofit organization but a government agency which requires an annual audit and this is
the most cost effective way to do it. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to
support the Henry/Washington Early Childhood Area Program by giving them $2,250 for
Fiscal year 2013 to help fund their fiscal agent. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson spoke with the Board about the boundaries of discussion in a county
meeting. His concern is the word discussion which could be anything and the public
would not be aware of what so they could attend. Chairman White assured Mr. Wilson
that no debate or deliberation would take place in a discussion if it was not on the agenda
first, that a discussion is the action or process of talking about something, a conversation
or debate to reach a decision or exchange ideas and before the debate or decision is
reached the item must be put on the agenda. Mr. Wilson just wanted to know how he
should conduct himself in the meetings.
No sub-committee updates.
No other county business.
No further business White adjourned the meeting so they could go to the County Care
Facility to review the contents left in the building and the property to begin making a plan
as what to do with it all in the future. Once the facility was reviewed the Board agreed
they needed to proceed immediately to dispose of all items and property as soon as
possible, by speaking with the state, realtors and other local facilities that could benefit
from any of it.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 8, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Todd Barton, Lynn Whaley, Mary Lou Prottsman, Diane Prottsman, Mike Prottsman,
Tom Jacobsmeier, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne
video recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the May 3,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Ron Osborne read a statement regarding the May 3, 2012 agenda
item Steve Wilson Boundaries of discussion.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved a permit for Chem-Gro to apply dust control
in front of their business on Iowa Ave south of IA 78. Final plans for BR#174 on 310th
St over Fish Creek have gone to IDOT for July bidding. Patrol operators were able to
blade most of the week when it was not raining. Due to rain and threat of rain we did not
seed or spray for weeds all week. Crews hauled 8.6 miles of resurfacing rock most of
week SE of Trenton and NE of Hillsboro. Tom was called out Thursday night due to the
tornado damage in the Wayland area. We hauled barricades to Wayland and had a crew
cleaning roads Friday morning. No one appeared to discuss the Secondary Road Ditch
Cleaning Policy. IDOT was wondering if the county would want to coop-mowing in
certain areas that are crossed over.
Also was discussion of the Trenton Waste Collection Site as the area is not very big and
it is hard for people to get around so Mike Prottsman the county waste hauler contacted
Road Superintendent Tom Jacobsmeier to look the situation over. They come up with
two options: to remove the old building at the current Trenton site which is owned by the
county or move the site to the motor grader shed 2 miles east of Trenton on Graham Ave
which would need some gravel and a tube and is owned by the county as well. The
Board asked Prottsman which he would prefer and he said moving it to the site 2 miles
east of Trenton, then they asked Jacobsmeier and Belzer if they could see a problem with
moving the site and neither could see any major problems. Auditor Shelly Barber stated
the improves to either site could be paid for from Local Option Sales Tax Fund since that
is where waste collection is paid for. Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator
stated they would need to get the Conditional Use Permit changed before they could
change locations. The Board instructed Buffington to proceed with the process changing
the Conditional Use Permit and they intend on moving the site when everything is
completed to do so.
Mike Prottsman with Prottsman Sanitation who has the contract with Henry County for
the Rural Solid Waste Collection met with the Board to discuss some of the issues he ran
into the first week he collected waste and how the Board wanted him to handle these
things. The main problem was people wanting to dump their trash and they were not
rural residents or even residents of Henry County and they were verbally abusive and out
of control, shouting they have always been able to dump here before with no problem.
Most of the rural residents have no problem providing the required id it is the city or out
of county people who are not allowed to use this service that are the ones upset.
Prottsman asked the Board to be able to turn people away when they do not met the
requirements of the Trash Collection Ordinance for Henry County which states for use by
Henry County Residents Living in the Unicorporated Area Only or when they become
unruly he could call the Sheriff if needed. The Board all agreed that was fine he should
follow the Ordinance and he nor his staff should have to be subject to that abuse, they
should handle things at their discretion. Also all waste must be bagged or in a container
not loose in the back of a truck or it will be turned away. Prottsman also recommended
to have one day a month for bulk items only on a Saturday afternoon for rural residents
that way the lines are not held up for unloading of large items during regular hours.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the 3rd
reading of Ordinance Modifying the number of Considerations Necessary to Pass an
Ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried. There were no written or oral comments from
anyone. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing. 3
ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to adopt an
Ordinance to amend Section 2, two considerations before final passage, of Chapter 1,
ordinance adoption procedure, of the Henry County Code of ordinance adopted August 2,
2011, modifying the number of considerations necessary to pass an ordinance. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Derek Wellington presented two bids for a voice over IP phone system for Henry County
to the Board. The bids were from Windstream for $58,845.29 and one from J & S
Electornics, Inc for $46,782.20. In checking with the County Attorney we did not need
an RFP or Notice of bids being taken, we had 2 bids from local companies that being a
lot of the reason to receive better service. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen
to award the bid to J & S Electonics, Inc for $46,782.20. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended an E 911 meeting.
No other county business.
White adjourned the meeting. So the Board could attend the Open House for Glenwood
Tolson at Community Action.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 10, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 8,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Lynn Whaley, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne
video recording the session.
In public comments Lynn Whaley with WEMIGA Waste shared some recommendations
with the Board that may help the new contractor. He recommended giving a 30 day
grace period on the ID requirement to give people a chance to get used to the idea.
Sarah Kaufman presented the contract with Insight Partnership Group LLC to the Board
to sign so the county can do business with them. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded
by See to sign the contract with Insight Partnership Group LLC. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
On the agenda for County Care Facility and content, Auditor Shelly Barber informed the
Board she had been contacted by Shauna Freitag with Young House Family Services
(Christamore) is interested in that property and is wanting to explore the possibility of
expanding it’s services by obtaining possession of the County Care Facility. They would
like the opportunity to tour the building and further evaluate the possibility. The Board
was pleased to hear this information and Chairman Kent White will contact Ms. Freitag
and arrange a meeting to tour the facility. Barber also informed the Board that it is
probably going to take longer that one month to organize the files to get them ready for
storage which was not a surprise to them.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co All Secure Inc Alliant Energy A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Bezoni's True Value Byers & Anderson CDW Government Inc Andrea Cook Ebert Supply Co Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Farm & Home Publ Fellowship Cup Ed Harvey Heidelburg Motel Otis Henkle Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept Holiday Inn Conference Center Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Ia Prison Industries WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines ISCTA Henry Co Treasurer Jefferson Co Auditor Util ‐Conserv K‐9 Exp ‐ Dep Shrf Smoke Detectors ‐Cths Util ‐DHS Repairs ‐Jail Ofc Suppl ‐Mtr Vchle Meals/Lodging ‐Trs Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Transcript ‐Atty Toner ‐Shrf Mlge, Meals, Lodging ‐Aud Cust Suppl ‐Cths Medical Exp ‐Jail Platbooks ‐Cths Food & Prov Cell Phone ‐Atty Rent ‐GA Meeting Fee ‐VA Public Health Contract Fuel ‐Cths Empl Lodging Window Washing ‐CPC/VA Supplies ‐Shrf Tele Serv ‐Supv Meeting ‐Trs Registration ‐Trs Registration ‐Aud $7.30 $39.45 $227.50 $162.22 $240.40 $348.56 $2,320.00 $127.04 $58.46 $239.00 $200.94 $187.13 $179.23 $281.05 $500.00 $15.00 $1,600.00 $50.00 $33,335.54 $32.03 $272.07 $17.00 $103.74 $1,109.67 $100.00 $135.00 $1,133.90 Linda Kinney Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Tina Kreutner Lee Co Sheriff Loving's Lawn Works Larry Meagher Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Utilities Murphy Funeral Home New London Journal Northeast Animal Hospital O'Reilly Automotive Inc Office Equipment Finance Serv James R Onorato Owens‐King Co Riverside Collision Repair Sheridan Cemetery Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Solutions Staples Advantage Darin Stater Stroud Mediation Services Swedesburg Lutheran Church Rick SyWassink U S Cellular US BANK Verizon Wireless Wilson Distributor Serv Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Broadlawns Medical Center Des Moines Co Sheriff Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Treas State of Iowa DHS Washington Co Sheriff Pioneer Cemetery Fund Garry Allender Allan Barnes Blake Batey Ethan Starr E's Mowing MH ‐ DD Services All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Bell Law Office Brau Law Office Bridgeway Broadlawns Medical Center Judy Buffington Melissa Campbell City of Cedar Rapids Iowa City Des Moines Co CPC Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant William C. Glass Hedge Above LLC Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Hillcrest Family Services Truancy ‐Atty Maint ‐ Trs Mlge ‐Trs Inmate housing ‐Jail Mulch ‐Cths Meeting Fee ‐VA Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Bd Proc ‐Supv Util ‐CPC/VA Med Exam Fees Bd Proc ‐Supv Bonsai ‐Atty Vchle Exp ‐Supv Mo Lease Payment ‐DHS Meeting Fee ‐VA Microfilm Storage ‐Aud Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Care of Graves Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Renewal ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Drug Task Force ‐Atty Drug/Alcohol Testing ‐Att Care of Graves Med Exam Fees Cell Phone ‐Conserv Gas ‐Dep Shrf Wireless ‐Shrf Envelopes ‐Aud Bd Proc ‐Supv Fuel ‐Cths $103.12 $26.00 $81.60 $1,040.00 $220.00 $57.49 $255.86 $54.84 $870.67 $346.00 $569.03 $133.50 $259.84 $129.12 $57.49 $9.45 $130.00 $49.50 $381.42 $143.28 $435.03 $60.90 $555.00 $315.00 $300.00 $360.29 $312.25 $351.23 $221.00 $675.39 $37.40 Detoxification Serv ‐CPC Serv of Notice Substance Abuse ‐CPC Juvi Hosp Serv of Notice $5,005.00 $68.54 $1,228.77 $5,354.15 $56.64 Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem $820.00 $355.79 $45.00 $150.00 Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Util ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Public Hosp ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Transportation ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Misc ‐IHS Legal Rep ‐CPC Mowing ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC $74.00 $646.27 $78.00 $90.00 $426.25 $5,005.00 $63.00 $26.00 $24.00 $42.44 $20.00 $198.00 $420.00 $839.09 $312.00 Hope Haven Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems Jim's Lock & Safe Cindy Johnson Sarah Kaufman Kohl Wholesale James Krabill Lance Refuse Serv Lindsey Leitch Lighthouse Prof Counseling Mediacom Todd Meyer Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Cathy Penn Postmaster Janice Ross Caitlyn Schmeiser Sunrise Enterprise LLC U S Cellular Vera French Community Mental Wal‐Mart Payments Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Bancard Center Banner Auto & Hardware Bezoni's True Value Breuer Wrecker Service Centre St Internatl Truck Cessford Construction Co Douds Stone Inc Eastern Iowa Tire Ebert Supply Co Electronic Engineering Co Fastenal Co Dave Gill Trucks Inc Interstate Batteries of NE MO WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners ISAC ‐ Des Moines Thomas Jacobsmeier Keltek Inc Kempkers Grand Rental Station Martin Equipment Mt Pleasant Electric Contracto Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service New London Utilities Norsolv Systems Environmental Piper Auto Parts St Luke's Drug and Alcohol Test Voc/Day ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Tele Serv ‐IHS Equip Maint ‐IHS Bldg Rprs ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐CPC Food & Prov ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Util ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Vchle Maint ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Postage ‐CPC Mlge ‐IHS Mlge ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Food & Prov ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC $549.95 $580.52 $323.25 $19,835.46 $188.88 $188.35 $365.08 $4.00 $224.91 $295.79 $32.00 $125.00 $5.00 $665.00 $99.79 $25.01 $208.12 $119.00 $450.00 $10.20 $1.00 $780.00 $100.21 $133.16 $281.89 $319.00 Lighting Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Nace Sec Rd Equip Repair Supply SecRd Buildings Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Mic Sec Rd Equip Repair Supply SecRd Parts Sec Rd Batteries Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd School & Meet fees Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Strobe Light Sec Rd UPS Freight Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Parts Cleaner Sec Rd Rim Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd $27.45 $45,402.35 $132.00 $60.00 $126.91 $763.74 $214.17 $74.85 $250.00 $1,378.64 $2,069.27 $18,633.51 $515.06 $54.10 $75.00 $107.11 $307.09 $46.95 $94.44 $119.20 $50.00 $111.10 $109.94 $14.50 $467.72 $198.73 $67.05 $67.51 $189.95 $138.00 $222.00 Swailes Auto Supply U S Cellular Winfield Builders Supply Conservation Nature Center KILJ Radio Capital Improvement Ahlers & Cooney A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Community Betterment Fund Agri‐Center of Henry Co A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Construction Materials CoZo Story County P & Z Great River Reg Waste Imagetek Inc WINDSTREAM Ed Longanecker Midland Communications New London Journal Jodi Sutter Wellington Electric Wemiga Waste Emergency Management Alliant Energy Bancard Center Chief Supply Hedge Above LLC WINDSTREAM K & M Automotive Mt Pleasant Utilities U S Cellular Shelley Van Dorin Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Sharon G Barron Gary Dustman Henry Co Sec Road Dept WINDSTREAM E911 Surcharge Fund WINDSTREAM Derek Wellington Grand Total Parts Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd Tile Lines Sec Rd $600.51 $114.08 $11.40 Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser $341.59 Professional Serv ‐Cths May Labor ‐Cths $7,339.71 $17,333.33 Seeding Material ‐Sec Rds May Labor ‐Cths Mulch ‐Sec Rds School ‐Planning & Zoning Waste Serv ‐Supv Support ‐Rec Tele Serv ‐Zoning Purchase of Display Case Rpr Phone System ‐Cths Advertising Wages ‐BOH Rpr Lighting ‐Cths Sanit & Disp ‐Cths $2,356.68 $8,000.00 $11,160.00 $125.00 $2,526.00 $37.50 $23.61 $500.00 $2,665.00 $81.00 $6,413.95 $3,039.84 $14,592.05 Util ‐Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Em Mgmt Badge ‐Em Mgmt Mowing ‐Em Mgmt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Flat Repair ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Cell Phone ‐Em Mgmt Meal ‐ Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Meal/Fuel ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Fuel ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐E911 Lodging ‐E911 $31.44 $1,507.44 $87.00 $150.00 $118.05 $14.00 $363.29 $74.17 $112.35 $86.49 $23.43 $15.81 $80.30 $94.51 $23.61 $537.96 $251,491.88 In sub-committee updates White attended a RUSS meeting and user fees is going up as
the current fees are not sufficient to keep RUSS going.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 15, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the May 10,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave the Secondary Road weekly update. The Board approved a
permit for Windstream along Irish Ridge Road. Final plans for BR#174 on 310th St over
Fish Creek have gone to IDOT for July bidding. Patrol operators were able to blade most
of the week. Harold & Allan seeded 1 day and sprayed for weeds 3 days. Crews hauled
2 miles of resurfacing rock most of week NE of Hillsboro. Crews patched hole in 220th
St east of Mt Pleasant. Crew stripped overburden at the quarry 3 days. They are ready to
move on the Trenton collection site when P & Z gets the permits changed.
John Pullis Conservation Director gave the monthly update on his department. The new
restroom at the top of the hill is finished. FEMA has tentatively approved the final
process and said go ahead move forward with the work. Oakland Mills walk bridge
repair estimate included all piers and the south abutment but it will take 3-4 years before
anything happens and most all the cost should be able to be covered by grants. Bill
Belzer and the contractor he brought in on the project doesn’t feel any immediate danger
in keeping the bridge open. They purchased a drop seeder, broadcaster and aerator for
$3,800 after trade-ins. Whaley’s will be applying dust control at the cost of .44 a gallon
with one gallon covering one foot and there is 6,000 plus feet. They are also looking at
opening more areas of camping at Gibson Park having modern, non-modern and
Joining the meeting was Ann Mallams, Erma Eis, Mike Jamison, Joe & Ruth
Klopfenstein for the Public Hearing on the sale of the railroad property in sections 8, 9 &
22 of Scott Township.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go into Public Hearing for sale of
railroad property in sections 8, 9 & 22 of Scott Township. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Joe
Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator presented the list of properties in this hearing
to the Board along with maps showing said property. Chairman White asked for
concerns from those who joined the meeting as they are adjacent land owners. They
don’t want it sold unless to them as they would have to give easement across their
property it whoever buys it and they really don’t want to do that. One property has a bid
placed on it for $1,900 and it has access from the road. The question was asked how
wide does an easement have to be and can they charge a fee for it. The width is decided
between the owners and no they can’t charge a fee. No other comments it was moved by
Lindeen and seconded by See to go out of public hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution #12-2012 to offer
certain tracts as described in Attachment A of resolution for sale and setting out the
conditions for the sale of said property. Bids are taken till the close of the day June 13,
2012 and will be opened at the Supervisors meeting June 14, 2012 at 10:00 am. The
public hearing on the proposal of bids will be held June 28, 2012 at 10:00 am in the
Supervisors meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried. A copy of the complete Resolution is on
file in the Auditor’s Office
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the fireworks permit for Ted
Hermann at 1234 Racine Ave, Winfield, IA 52659 for June 30, 2012. 3 ayes. Motions
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 17, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the May 15,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Judy Collora and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
In public comments Judy Collora wanted clarification on the garbage collection. She
stated that they have a business in the rural area and always took their trash to what used
to be the transfer station and she went to take it to the central site in Mt. Pleasant and was
turned away because she didn’t have id but she does live in the city limits of Mt.
Pleasant. She feels if you own property in the rural area you should be able to use this
service even if you don’t live in the rural area. The Board explained that the county
ordinance states that the trash collection centers are for use by Henry County residents
living in unincorporated areas only and for waste from domestic activities of residences
located in the unincorporated areas. She thanked the Board for their time and stated she
came to learn and understand the process.
Sarah Kaufman, CPC gave her monthly update on the general assistance program and the
mental health program in the county. She is holding a stakeholders meeting on May 22,
2012 at the courthouse. She gave the Board several handouts on the future of the CPC
department and told them that they need to be having conversations with other
supervisors to see who is interested in joining as a region as that will be the next step.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended a Public Health meeting and Community
Action of Southeast Iowa.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 22, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 17,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer gave the Secondary Road weekly update. Final plans for BR#174
on 310th St over Fish Creek have gone to IDOT for July bidding. Patrol operators were
able to blade Monday and they have not been blading since due to lack of rain. Harold &
Allan sprayed weeds 2 days. Crews hauled 6.7 miles of resurfacing rock most of week
near Salem. Crew cold patched on 220th St east of Mt Pleasant at Oakland Mills Rd and
Green Valley. Crew fixed washout at 105th St and Logan Ave. Two mowers have started
mowing on paved roads. They were called out due to a down stop sign over the
weekend. Crew stripped overburden at the quarry 5 days. This will complete quarry
work until next fall. They will be advertising for a Mechanic starting at $16.82 hr. and
would like someone with a 2 year degree that can use computer diagnostics; it will be
posted at the Court House, Road Department, Newspapers and the County website.
The Henry County Pioneer Cemetery Commission joined the meeting for the Board of
Supervisors to present Appreciation Certificates to retiring board members Donald Rich
and Betty Englebright. The Board of Supervisors thanked them for their time and
dedication over the past 12 years to the Henry County Pioneer Cemetery Commission.
Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator explained the changes of the amendment
to the rural solid waste/trash ordinance. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen
to go into public hearing for the first reading of the amendment to rural solid waste/trash
ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried. In the discussion the Board wanted to change the
ordinance to have what the new signs read in the ordinance, that chemical containers if
properly cleaned can be accepted, that 20” tires up to 6 a week will be taken and to leave
the 6 bags a week as is. There were no other public comments. It was moved by Lindeen
and seconded by See to go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved
by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the first reading with the following changes
to have what the new signs read in the ordinance, that chemical containers if properly
cleaned can be accepted, that 20” tires up to 6 a week will be taken and to leave the 6
bags a week as is. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Derek Wellington went over the bid that was received from Service Master to repair the
holes and cracks in the tiles, chemically clean and seal all the floors in the Rotunda areas
of all 3 floors of the Courthouse. Wellington explained that he had called 2 or 3 other
places for quotes and they referred him to this company as they did not do this type of
work. The gentleman was here approximately 6 times, researched, took pictures and
studied the project before making his quote. The Board agreed that we have to repair the
damaged areas and we should have it all done at one time. It was moved by Lindeen and
seconded by See to accept the bid of $5,325 from Service Master to do the job. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Kent Metcalf and Rick Sywassink met to update the Board on the Medical Examiner
Department. Metcalf wanted to thank the Board for paying for Sywassink to take the test
to be a Diplomate American Board Medico legal Death Investigator or ABMDI which he
passed and is now one of twenty in the state of Iowa. This is a great thing for a small
county to have someone with this certification as most of them are in the large counties in
the state. Metcalf stated it is a great relief for him and he probably would have quit as
Medical Examiner had he not been able to have this help.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste meeting at
which they agreed to take the City’s in Henry County sharps even though they are not in
that area.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 24, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 22,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the session.
No public comments.
Auditor Shelly Barber brought to the Boards attention that the homes that the former
residents of the Co Care Facility have moved to are short on kitchen items. She had
spoken with Supervisor White and Sarah Kaufman CPC about allowing these individuals
to see if they could use any of the items in the kitchen before giving it to the Fellowship
Cup or just disposing of it. The Board all agreed that would be good with them to go
ahead and contact the sites.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the 2nd
reading of the amendment to rural solid waste/trash ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joe Buffington read the amendment and it was decided to leave the verbiage of what is on
the signs out of the ordinance so if signs get redone or times change the ordinance would
not need to be redone. The ordinance reflected the changes that were made at the 1st
reading of the ordinance and were fine as read. There were no comments from the public
or in writing. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing.
3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the
2nd reading of the ordinance with changes made from 1st reading and leaving the verbiage
of the sign out of the ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Bezoni's True Value Brown's Shoe Fit Cardmember Service Central Ia Distributing Inc Chesapeake Apartments City of Burlington Clerk of Circuit & County Crt Data Imaging Supplies Ebert Supply Co Electronic Engineering Co Fast Medical DBA Zee Medical Fastenal Co Food Bank of Southern IA Norbert Gerleman Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Henry County Health Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Hometown Veterinary Care Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Co Conservation System Ia St Bar Association Util ‐Conserv Lubricants ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Util ‐Conserv Postage ‐Conserv Safety & Prot Suppl ‐Cons Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Cust Suppl ‐Conserv Rent ‐ GA Civil Serv ‐Dep Shrf N Leitch ‐Atty Ink ‐Aud Cust Suppl ‐Cths Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Supplies ‐Shrf Construction & Maint ‐Con Annual Alloc ‐'12‐'13 Weed Erad Supplies ‐Shrf Lead Gas ‐Dep Shrf Dog Care ‐May '12 K‐9 Expense ‐Dep Shrf Inmate Meals ‐Jail Conserv Bd ‐Conserv Dues ‐Atty $173.14 $13.70 $35.00 $692.95 $83.90 $189.99 $1,259.95 $453.94 $400.00 $245.76 $7.50 $385.48 $26.36 $17.00 $58.19 $13.36 $1,500.00 $50.00 $101.00 $10,187.70 $3,705.57 $550.00 $71.50 $1,659.73 $870.00 $480.00 Ideal Ready Mix Co ISCTA Henry Co Treasurer Jefferson Co Sheriff Kimzey Funeral Home LampLine Lighting Lance Refuse Serv Ana Lorber Mail Services LLC Erica Martin Mertens Rental Properties Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities Northeast Animal Hospital O'Keefe Elevator Co O'Reilly Automotive Inc Orschelns Card Center PJ Greufe & Associates Pleasant Point Cemetery Rathbun Regional Water RDJ Specialties Inc Reliable Pest Solutions First Communications Rexco Equipment Inc RJThomas MFG Ron's Tire & Repair Rubey Lawn Care Secy of State of Iowa Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Kellie Sloan Solutions Rick SyWassink The Company Tom Hassenfritz U S POSTAL SERVICE (Hasler) Ulrich Ford‐Lincoln Wal‐Mart Payments Washington Co Auditor West Payment Center Wilson Distributor Serv Winnebago County Circuit Crt Joan Wolfe Xerox Corporation General Supplemental Fund Family Resources Inc Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Linn Co Sheriff Secy of State of Iowa MH ‐ DD Services Access Bancard Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Hillcrest Family Services Carole Houseal Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Construction & Maint ‐Con ID Checking ‐Trs Inmate Housing ‐Jail Med Exam Fees Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Mlge ‐Trs Postage ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐ CPC/VA Rent ‐May '12 Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Construction & Maint ‐Con Official Publ ‐Conserv Tires & Tubes ‐Conserv Water ‐Conserv Bonsai ‐Boarding/Care ‐At Elev Maint ‐Cths Lubricants ‐Conserv Shop Equip ‐Conserv May Fee Grave Care ‐VA Water ‐Conserv Supplies ‐Shrf Deodorizer ‐Cths Tele Serv ‐Cths Parts ‐Conserv Construction & Maint ‐Con Tires & Tubes ‐Conserv Mowing ‐Conserv Notary ‐Atty Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Mlge ‐ Trs Rack ‐Cths Med Exam Fees Parts ‐Conserv Postage ‐Atty Parts ‐Conserv Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Inmate Housing ‐Jail Online Resources ‐Atty Cust Suppl ‐Cths N Leitch ‐Atty Matron Exp ‐Jail Data Proc ‐Conserv $173.03 $35.14 $1,100.00 $300.00 $8.25 $110.00 $97.82 $85.89 $379.98 $600.00 $749.80 $129.18 $997.26 $526.72 $2,905.47 $48.00 $427.48 $80.89 $131.16 $1,500.00 $85.50 $87.00 $328.60 $89.00 $254.34 $192.64 $805.00 $123.00 $1,226.50 $30.00 $300.86 $88.74 $8,272.07 $150.00 $65.52 $400.00 $1,524.90 $115.72 $9,900.00 $428.65 $18.89 $6.25 $102.64 $103.13 Juvi Hops Test Automark ‐Aud Substance Abuse ‐CPC Subpoena ‐Atty Elect Suppl ‐Aud $1,903.20 $3,444.09 $1,051.93 $180.00 $204.92 Work Activity ‐CPC Travel Exp ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Fuel ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Mlge ‐Adv Comm Based Settings ‐CPC $677.52 $336.32 $270.00 $657.77 $1,960.51 $361.08 $14,061.36 Lisa Kongable Mt Pleasant Utilities Southeast Ia Case Management Southeast Ia Regional Planning Sunrise Enterprise LLC Taylor Ridge Estates Inc Vera French Community Mental Secondary Road Fund ABC Fire Extinguisher Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Binns & Stevens CARQUEST Auto Parts Robert Donnolly Ia Dept of Transportation K & K Surveying Mt Pleasant Utilities Northern Safety Co Inc Orschelns Card Center Harold Pollmeier Rolling Hills Consulting LLC Sloans Printing Service Staples Advantage The Company Tom Hassenfritz Ron Turner Conservation Nature Center Jerry Barker Cardmember Service Creative Metal Works Mt Pleasant Lumber REAP Fund Hannums Kremer Well Drilling Conservation Fund David Neff Quality Equipment Inc Rubey Lawn Care The Company Tom Hassenfritz Video Production Serv Delilah Wagner Recorder Records Mgmt Ia County Recorders Assoc Community Betterment Fund Joseph Buffington Diamond Mowers Inc WINDSTREAM John Deere Financial Sheila McAllister Signs & Designs Jodi Sutter Emergency Management Amsterdam Printing and Litho Cummins Central Power Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Treasurer Ana Lorber Co. Assessor Agency Fund Chase Card Services CardMember Nursing Consultation ‐IHS Util ‐IHS Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Comm Based Settings ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC $420.00 $2,106.75 $280.80 $185.08 $70.00 $1,500.60 $133.16 Fire Ext. Bracket Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Lighting Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Dust Palliative Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Pavement Markings Sec Rd Consultant Fees Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Safety Items Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Arch & Env Study Sec Rd Envelopes Sec Rd Office Supplies Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd $10.95 $757.82 $243.87 $202.11 $9,932.25 $401.70 $104.69 $30,386.66 $495.00 $55.62 $152.72 $27.23 $29.87 $986.79 $185.00 $265.80 $200.15 $51.35 Acorn ‐Conserv Feed Animal Care Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser $41.00 $297.16 $875.00 $294.64 REAP ‐Conserv REAP ‐Conserv $517.75 $12,354.73 Outside Serv ‐Conserv Donation Proj ‐ Conserv Mowing ‐Conserv Donation Proj ‐Conserv Projects ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv $322.00 $100.00 $295.61 $3,595.00 $95.82 $122.00 Maint & Support ‐Rec $3,067.01 Mlge ‐Zoning Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Internet ‐Cths Mower Repairs ‐Sec Rds Brd Meeting ‐Assessor Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Wages ‐BOH $229.50 $148.62 $1,200.00 $1,030.66 $40.00 $1,010.00 $2,118.30 Pens ‐Em Mgmt Generator Serv ‐Em Mgmt Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Central Communication Postage ‐Assessor $91.69 $594.55 $209.67 $60,000.00 $99.65 Gerald Freyenberger Heather Leichty Richard Mertens Special Appraisers Chase Card Services CardMember Commercial Appraisers E911 Surcharge Fund Joseph Buffington Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel Henry Co Planning & Zoning WINDSTREAM U S Cellular Grand Total Brd of Review Brd of Review Brd of Review $260.60 $250.00 $238.16 Computer Exp ‐Assessor Appraisals ‐Assessor Mlge ‐E911 Phone Charges ‐E911 Salary Reimbursement Phone Serv ‐E911 Cell Phone ‐E911 $335.00 $7,000.00 $9.18 $201.36 $8,500.00 $1,538.90 $57.30 $239,752.27 No sub-committee updates.
The Meeting was adjourned till 6:30 where it will reconvene in Hillsboro, IA for the
monthly community meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 24, 2012
Hillsboro, IA
The Board met in special session at 6:30 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Present at the meeting was 6 residents of Hillsboro, Auditor Shelly Barber, Sheriff Allen
Wittmer, Engineer Bill Belzer, the Mt Pleasant News reporter and Ron Osborne with Mr.
Osborne video recording the session.
The Board asked for any public comments. One resident asked that the Road Department
check the culvert on the road to the cemetery that since it was replaced it is very rough.
The Mayor of Hillsboro asked if the county would be doing a hazardous materials
cleanup in the future. The Board said it would be later but you can always take
hazardous materials directly to Great River Regional Waste in Ft. Madison as Hillsboro is
in their planning area, free of charge but you should call before going to be sure someone
qualified to handle them is working. He also asked if the county could help the city dig
out a ditch that is in the city limits that is close to their substation as they don’t have any
equipment that can do such work. Engineer Belzer is going to look at it with the city and
see what needs to be done. They also asked about funding for severe weather warning
equipment and the Board advised them of something that the Emergency Management
Coordinator is working on that people can sign up for to receive any severe weather
warnings for Henry County through the Code Red system we now have in the county.
He will be informing everyone when this is available which could be a great help in the
rural areas and small communities.
No other questions the meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 29, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the May 24,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Ron Osborne expressed his discontent that today’s Agenda was not
posted on the Website within the 24 hour deadline and that he requests the Board make
the County Website an official posting location. Auditor Shelly Barber stated it was
posted but was mistakenly put in the wrong location on the site as our IT Tech is just
learning to post it ourselves, it was on the Board downstairs in time and to all the media
in time, but this sometimes happens when Monday is a holiday. Steven Wilson also
seconded that he would like to see the Board make the County Website an official
posting location.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. Final plans for BR#174 on 310th St over Fish Creek have gone to
IDOT for July bidding on the 17th. We have confirmation from RPA that we will receive
$1,336,000 for 220th St reconstruction in 2016. Total project cost should be about $3
million. Harold sprayed weeds with Allan & Brian all week. Crews hauled 8 miles of
resurfacing rock. They finished with the Salem territory and started north of New
London. Crews replaced cross tube on 110th St east of Marsh, repaired a tile on 170th St
west of Oasis and one on 120th St at Nashua, relayed undermined cross tube at 110th St
east of Oasis, repaired separated pipe on 170th St east of Hwy 218 and Oasis Ave and
Racine Ave; repaired 3 buried entrance pipes on 230 St east of Oasis Ave; relayed an
undermined pipe on Kentucky Ave south of Hwy 78. Two mowers finished paved road
shoulders and started on gravel roads. Crews hauled rip rap to two washouts. Sign crew
replaced faded signs all week. They replaced 48 signs in one day.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into public hearing for the third
reading of the amendment to rural solid waste/trash ordinance. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
There were no written or public comments. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by
See to go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and
seconded by Lindeen to approve the Amendment to the Rural Solid Waste/Trash
Ordinance as read during the final reading. 3 ayes. Motion carried. A copy of said
Ordinance is available in the Auditor’s office.
No sub-committee updates. White will be giving a tour of the County Care Facility June
4 at 1:00 pm to the Young House Family Services.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
May 31, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the May 24,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Treasurer Ana Lorber met with the Board along with Joe Buffington and Darin Stater to
discuss County held Tax Sale Certificate on a property in Mt. Union. An individual is
interested in this property and Lorber is wanting to establish the guidelines to give people
who are interested in acquiring property’s that are on County held Tax Sale Certificates.
Stated by Lorber and agreed by Stater there are 3 options by the code of Iowa first is the
buyer can contact the deed holder and purchase it from them, second an Assignment is
drawn up by County Attorney that assigns the Tax Sale Certificate over to the buyer and
they go through the steps to get deed to the property, third the County goes through the
process to take deed to property which is costly and time consuming and then sells it to
the buyer. It is the County Attorney, the Treasurer and all of the Board members to
inform the buyer to first try to purchase it from the deed holder and it that does not work
then contact the County and request that they draw up an assignment to assign the Tax
Sale Certificate from the County over to the buyer and they take care of getting a deed for
the property.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the
Amendment of the Henry County Fiscal Year 11/12 Budget. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Auditor Shelly Barber explained the Revenues and Expenditures that needed to be
amended. There were no comments from the public or in writing. It was moved by See
and seconded by Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was
moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the Henry County Budget
Amendment for Fiscal Year 11/12 as published and presented. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joining the meeting were Joe Buffington Planning and Zoning Coordinator, Darin Stater
County Attorney, Bob Batey, Tim Batey, Carl Braun and Mark Roberts.
Mark Roberts an Attorney from Cedar Rapids representing Mr. Batey addressed the
Board in regards to a meeting that was held February 14, 2012 after the Supervisors
regular meeting was adjourned. When Mr. Buffington come into the Supervisors office
and told the Board he was just giving them a heads up on a Cross that was being
constructed on Mr. Batey’s land south on Hwy 218 that did not have a permit to do so.
Mr. Roberts spoke of a transcript of the meeting that had been provided to him by a
concerned citizen that was at this meeting and that all of the discussion that was held was
in violation of Iowa Code Chapter 21 as it had not been on the agenda so Mr. Batey could
attend. Mr. Roberts stated that Mr. Batey was not looking to sue but just requests that the
Board follow the law not hold these meetings without being on the agenda again and
thanked the Board for their time. There was no discussion.
No sub-committee updates.
The Meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
June 5, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the May 31,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve
Resolution 08-2012-20 recommending installing a stop sign at the intersection of 3rd St
and Chestnut St in Trenton for westbound traffic. Final plans for BR#174 on 310th St
over Fish Creek have gone to IDOT for July bidding on the 17th, with late start August
20, 2012. Harold & Allan sprayed weeds 2 days and calibrated spray machine. Crews
hauled 3 miles of resurfacing rock. Crews repaired separated RCP (cattle pass) on
Racine Ave north of New London. Two mowers were on gravel roads all week. Crews
ditched on 190th St, pushed rip-rap under bridge on old 218 that was placed earlier. Crew
cold patched pot holes on 220th St east of Mt Pleasant. Crews cleaned out twin RCB on
310th St east of Lexington Ave and cleaned the channel upstream. Sign crew replaced
faded signs all week. Have placed a help wanted on our web site for a mechanic and are
advertising in the newspaper and county website. They are working on completing
specifications for a new motor grader.
No sub-committee updates. White gave a tour of the County Care Facility to the Young
House Family Services.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
June 7, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the June 5,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Mr. Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Shelly Barber, Auditor; Bill Belzer, Engineer; Sarah Kaufman, CPC; Joe Buffington,
Planning & Zoning Coordinator; Tammy Mulford, Co Attorney Office Manager and
Shirley Wandling, Recorder were all present to give their month updates to Board.
Southeast Iowa Case Management cancelled their appointment and will reschedule at a
later date.
The Board then discussed the Co Care Facility property and what they need to be doing
since we have shown it to someone we have no idea of a price for it. White stated that he
had gotten a quote to demolish the building for $80,000 if they were to go that route and
then sell the land. It was in agreement of all the members that they should hire a
commercial appraiser to do an appraisal with different options such as just the land
without the building, the building and the land with county retaining the out buildings
and the complete property with all buildings and land. The Board also requested this
topic be on the agenda every meeting in the future till decisions are made.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Bailey Office Equipment Bezoni's True Value Bold Technologies CDW Government Inc Center Cemetery Assn Chief Supply CASI Daves Towing & Recovery Ebert Supply Co Ed Harvey Heidelburg Motel Otis Henkle Henry Co Health Center Hometown Veterinary Care Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Iowa Co Attorney Case Mgmt ICAA/PATC Inmate Services Corp Iowa Public Defenders Assoc WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines ISBA CLE Lindsey Kaufman Linn Co Sheriff Util ‐Conserv Util ‐Cths Maint ‐Shrf Ofc Suppl ‐Aud Cust Suppl ‐Cths Alarm Panel ‐Dispatch Toner ‐Shrf Care of Graves Supplies ‐Jail Cost Alloc ‐FY2011 Tow Exp ‐Dep Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths Cell Phone ‐Atty Rent ‐GA Meeting ‐VA Public Health Contract K‐9 Expense Medical Exp ‐Jail Prolaw Serv ‐Atty Training ‐Dep Shrf Inmate Transport ‐Jail Meeting ‐Atty Tele Serv ‐Shrf Meeting ‐Supv Dues ‐Atty Matron Exp ‐Jail Return Service Fees‐ Attn $7.30 $91.88 $637.00 $400.82 $127.74 $5,375.00 $554.74 $67.50 $206.99 $3,950.00 $98.00 $38.36 $15.00 $800.00 $25.00 $23,156.16 $60.00 $955.60 $3,620.00 $60.00 $1,000.00 $300.00 $54.67 $100.00 $50.00 $19.25 $180.00 Lorman Education Services Dept Mail Services LLC Larry Meagher Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities Mullens Body Shop Murphy Funeral Home NACCTFO Treasurer New London Journal Northeast Animal Hospital O'Reilly Automotive Inc Office Equipment Finance Serv On‐Site Info Destruction Inc James R Onorato Orschelns Card Center Postmaster Professional Computer Solution Reliable Pest Solutions Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant SIACC Solutions Staples Advantage State Medical Examiner Iowa Darin Stater Stroud Mediation Services Rick SyWassink U S Cellular UI Diagnostic Laboratories Verizon Wireless Kent White Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Martha Allen Bell Law Office Carla R Belzer Barbara J Carmon Mira Dingman Marilee Donnolly Judy Feehan Betty Fuller Donald E Gartin Genesis Medical Center Laurel Gingerich Vada Graber Robert Griffith Betty Grove Art Hamm Beverly Hamm Charlene Hinrichs Jefferson Co Sheriff Donald W Jones Carol McCulley Judy McNeill Linda Messer Enid E Mortland Betty Mullen CLE Materials ‐Atty Renewal ‐Trs Meeting ‐ VA Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Util ‐CPC/VA Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Med Exam Dues ‐Trs Amendment Bonzai ‐Board & Food ‐
Attny Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Mo Lease ‐DHS Shredding ‐IHS Meeting Fee ‐VA Cust Suppl ‐Cths Postage ‐Shrf Maint ‐Shrf Extermination ‐Cths Vchle ‐Dep Shrf Transports ‐Jail Computer ‐Rec Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Med Exam Fees Cell Phone ‐Atty Drug/Alcohol Testing ‐Att Med Exam Fees Cell Phone ‐Conserv Med Exam Wireless Cards ‐Shrf Mlge ‐Supv Bd Proc ‐Supv Fuel ‐Cths $107.95 $560.76 $32.49 $15.00 $863.36 $1,000.00 $346.00 $60.00 $1,519.85 Wages ‐Primary Elect Substance Abuse ‐CPC Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Election Wages ‐Primary Election Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Election Wages ‐Primary Election Wages ‐Primary Elect Detoxification Serv ‐CPC Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐ Primary Elect Serv of Notice Fees Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect $165.10 $108.00 $155.00 $160.00 $162.04 $80.00 $156.02 $158.06 $157.50 $3,225.00 $157.50 $157.50 $205.00 $180.71 $186.93 $175.00 $80.00 $16.50 $164.08 $152.50 $165.10 $155.00 $156.02 $155.00 $77.99 $208.92 $113.59 $145.80 $32.49 $15.38 $112.00 $1,927.00 $348.00 $321.32 $404.98 $1,250.99 $277.86 $2,194.50 $15.00 $615.00 $150.00 $373.66 $3,233.34 $351.11 $26.52 $929.59 $30.75 New London Journal Mary Lou Perry Bertha Ann Pickle Lon Pugh Lola M Reynolds Richard Reynolds Yvonne Rich John Riddick Jean Roth Lois J Roth Tom Sater David Schneider Roger Sharp Velna J Smith Thomas O'Flaherty Washington Co Sheriff Connie Weatherman Dorothy Welcher Angela Williamson Ann Wilson Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Donna Yoder Charlotte Zihlman Pioneer Cemetery Fund Garry Allender Allan Barnes Blake Batey Ethan Starr E's Mowing David Gates Orschelns Card Center Historic Preservation Fund Case Memorials MH ‐ DD Services Abbe Center for Community Hlth Bailey Office Equipment Bridgeway City of Cedar Rapids Iowa City Des Moines Co CPC Genesis Medical Center Hedge Above LLC Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Drugstore ‐ Mt Pleasant Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Sarah Kaufman Mercy Medical Center Clinton Optimae LifeServices Inc. Southeast Ia Regional Planning Sunrise Enterprise LLC Thomas O'Flaherty U S Cellular Wal‐Mart Payments Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Advanced Radiator Inc Ballots ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Substance Abuse ‐CPC Serv of Notice Fees Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect Ballots ‐Primary Elect Wages Primary Elect Wages ‐Primary Elect $513.00 $160.00 $170.00 $160.00 $155.00 $155.00 $156.02 $156.53 $155.00 $156.02 $160.00 $212.65 $155.00 $157.55 $45.00 $61.08 $167.24 $152.50 $171.73 $169.28 $351.87 $155.00 $171.22 Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Ground Maint ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Ground/Stone Rpr ‐Pioneer Misc ‐Pioneer Cem $615.00 $339.07 $90.00 $150.00 $197.85 $39.98 Plaques ‐Hist Pres $905.26 Treatment ‐CPC Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Public Hosp ‐CPC Mowing ‐IHS Transportation ‐CPC Fuel ‐IHS Mlge ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Food & Prov ‐IHS Inpatient ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Public Hosp ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Legal Rep ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐CPC Food ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Lighting Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd $159.56 $214.53 $80.00 $44.27 $42.44 $1,290.00 $560.00 $1,340.70 $548.77 $457.47 $132.06 $582.75 $86,697.99 $174.42 $1,350.00 $4,021.85 $759.92 $470.00 $45.00 $99.69 $94.80 $319.00 $27.45 $179.80 Alliant Energy Banner Auto & Hardware Ben Meadows Bezoni's True Value Centre St Internatl Truck Chem Gro ‐ Houghton Inc Dave Gill Trucks Inc I C E A Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries Iris City Cleaners Mt Pleasant Glass Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Pete Nelson New London Utilities Nichting Co Inc Northern Safety Co Inc Postmaster Sadler Power Train Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Florence Smith John Smyth Swailes Auto Supply Truck Repair Inc U S Cellular Vantiger Equipment & Supply Wal‐Mart Payments Community Betterment Fund A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Boldt Innovative Services Des MoinesCo Regional Landfill Great River Reg Waste Henry Co Sec Road Dept Jack Edwards Gerald Johnson KILJ Radio Kinney Machine Tool New London Journal Mike Prottsman Sanitation ServiceMaster Solutions Staples Credit Plan Jodi Sutter Wemiga Waste Emergency Management Alliant Energy Co. Assessor Agency Fund Gerald Freyenberger Heather Leichty Richard Mertens E911 Surcharge Fund CenturyLink Electronic Engineering Co Grand Total No sub-committee updates.
Shed Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Engineer Equipment Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd School & Meet Fees Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Bolts Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Safety Supplies Sec Rd Box Rent Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd Tile Lines Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd June Labor ‐Cths Chair Rpr ‐IHS Tire Disposal ‐Sec Rds Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Paint Disp Case ‐Cths Well Plug ‐BOH Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Chipper Blade Sharpening Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Floor Cleaning ‐Cths Website Hosting ‐May '12 Disc ‐Cths Wages ‐BOH Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Util ‐Em Mgmt Brd of Review Board of Review Brd of Review Monthly Serv ‐E911 Rechargeable Batt ‐E911 $49.92 $136.93 $68.13 $7.66 $5,347.45 $1,603.84 $57.99 $110.00 $457.09 $2,043.00 $149.24 $101.00 $3.06 $1,411.50 $125.00 $66.88 $975.81 $98.41 $100.00 $936.52 $547.69 $360.00 $89.14 $686.72 $429.19 $109.30 $52.58 $43.13 $26,206.67 $60.00 $312.50 $4,898.93 $145.89 $75.00 $1,200.00 $160.00 $150.00 $162.00 $13,122.26 $5,325.50 $200.00 $30.64 $3,127.66 $345.00 $23.75 $270.60 $270.00 $248.16 $478.14 $53.90 $245,375.87 The Meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
June 12, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See absent.
Kelly Patterson, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by White to approve the minutes of the June 7,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. Approved a permit for Steve Wilson for brush clearing and ditch
cleaning adjacent to 2766 Hickory Ave. Bidding of Bridge #174 on 310th St over Fish
Creek on July 17, 2012. BRS-(69) & BROS-(66) IDOT are testing cost payments. Patrol
operators available were in their machines Monday & Tuesday due to lack of rain they
worked on other projects the rest of the week. Crew sprayed weeds 3 days. Crews cold
patched pot holes on 220th St east of Mt Pleasant and in Trenton and Rome. Crews
repaired void adjacent to box culvert on Hickory Ave south of Graham Ave. Two
mowers were on gravel roads all week. Crews replaced 2 cross tubes, repaired joints on 2
separated culverts, replaced 3 entrance culverts, removed one driveway, extended on
entrance culvert and installed one new driveway. Crews ditched in areas of culverts.
Crews cleaned out one RCBC on Marsh Ave near 200th St and one RCBC on Benton
north of Agency and worked on channel upstream. Sign crew replaced faded signs all
week. Dan worked on edge ruts east of Mt Pleasant. Crew repaired damage guardrail on
300th St. We were called out after hours due to a tree down on Quincy Ave north of 305th
St. John Smyth attended motor grader training and Wendell Luko taught two days of
motor grader training. Belzer went on to explain that he had attended the Conservation
Board meeting giving them a proposal from BJ Engineering for a field inspection,
structural analysis and a feasibility study for the walk bridge at Oakland Mills at the cost
of $20,340. This will tell them what needs to be done to repair it and then they can apply
for grants and funding to complete the project.
John Pullis Conservation Director gave his monthly update. They are moving forward
with the FEMA 2010 with the modification of the electrical hookups in the campgrounds.
The restroom at the top of the hill is completed. KCRG will be filming at the Nature
Center on Friday and it will view sometime this summer. The Conservation Board voted
to accept the proposal by BJ Engineering that Engineer Belzer had presented to them for
the walk bridge.
Joe Buffington Planning and Zoning Coordinator presented the Victory Lane Subdivision
to the Board for review there be no issues it was moved by Lindeen and seconded by
White to approve Resolution #13-2012 for Victory Lane Subdivision in Sec 3 & 10 of
Jefferson Township. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by White to approve the fireworks permit for
Daniel Raymond for display at Sonnie Abbott at 3399 Locust Ave, Wayland, IA on July
6, 2012. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Shelly Barber Auditor presented the Final Election Results of the 2012 Primary Election
for Canvass to the Board of Supervisors. The Board approved and signed the Canvass as
presented. All are on file in the Auditor’s Office.
Mike and Diane Prottsman joined the meeting.
Auditor Barber informed the Board that a phone call had been received from the GSA by
the Emergency Management Coordinator informing us that they are asking $140,000 for
the property we had survived off and are using for our solid waste central site behind the
EMC. After some discussion the Board agreed to wait until we receive something in
writing from them stating their terms which we have requested, but we need to work
towards the possibility we may have to do something else. Prottsman also informed the
Board that he is planning a bulk day for once a quarter on a Friday afternoon from 2:00 to
6:00 at the central site to take bulk items which will be specified and posted for people to
get ready for. The plan is for July 13, 2012 for the Rural Residents only.
Barber also informed the Board that she had a quote for all of the vehicles that the county
has from the Co Care Facility and the County pickup that is not running for a total of 5
vehicles from Boles Auto that he would take them as is giving us $5,500.
In sub-committee updates. Lindeen attended Decat.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
June 14, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by White to approve the minutes of the June 12,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator presented a Revised Plat for Cedar Bluff
Subdivision in Sec 21 Center Twp. The revision is as easement on north shifted 22’ and
was not properly documented at the time it was done so this is correcting the document to
what has been done since the original plat was filed. Since there are no issues or rally
any changes as to what has been followed, it was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See
to approve Resolution #14-2012 a Revised Plat of Cedar Bluff Subdivision. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. File on copy in the Auditor’s office.
James Franklin wanting to speak to the Board about an incentive program in Henry
County did not show for his appointment nor contacted us.
Joining the meeting Liz Wasson, Joe & Ruth Klopfenstein, Mike Jamison, Keith Loyd
and Ricky Lintz for opening of bids for the sale of 6 tracts of RR ROW in Sec 8, 9, 22 of
Scott Township as follows:
Tract A: in 8-73-5 being .32 acres.
Tract B: in 9-73-5 being 2.3 acres.
Tract C: in 9-73-5 being 1.9 acres.
Tract D: in 22-73-5 being 2.29 acres.
Tract E: in 22-73-5 being 2.12 acres.
Tract F: in 22-73-5 being 2.05 acres
The bids opened were as follows:
Steve Settles: Tract D $100; Tract E $100; Tract F $100
Irma Eis: Tract E $25; Tract F $25
Joe & Ruth Klopfenstein: Tract A $25; Tract B $25
Donald Ross: Tract A $50; Tract B $50
Rickey Lintz: Tract A $50; Tract B $50; Tract D $50; Tract E $50; Tract F $50
Keith Loyd: Tract C $2,000
Mike Jamison: Tract C $2,500
David & Christine Becker: Tract C $1,900
Benjie Roth: Tract D $25; Tract E $25; Tract F $25
Buffington will be sending a letter to each bidder on the top bid received on each track
and everyone biding today has the right to increase their bid on the property they
originally bid on at the Supervisors Meeting at 10:00 am on June 28, 2012.
Walt Jackson Emergency Management Coordinator informed the Board of some new
options with the Code Red system we currently have here in Henry County for
emergency situations at the fee of $10,000 a year. One new option is delayed calls for
previous scheduled happenings like utility shut offs. It can be programed in ahead of
time with a time to launch set and at that time it would automatically launch notice to all
phones signed up for Code Red. This being another issue is a very low percent of phones
in Henry County are set up for Code Red approximately 1,000 this includes land lines
and cell phones. You can check and see if you are set up or get set up by going to the
Henry County website which is www.henrycountyiowa.us to do so. Another great
feature is Code Red Weather which would cost an additional $4,000 a year, but whenever
the National Weather Service issues a warning for an area in Henry County it would
launch a call to all phones in that area alerting them to the warning. There is also an app
for smart phones that can be down loaded and if you are not in Henry County it will alert
you to the weather wherever you are. Jackson also held a CERT meeting with 20-25
signed up for the CERT training and is planning on starting Teen CERT in New London
and WACO schools in the fall.
In discussing the Solid Waste Site Jackson informed the Board he had spoken with the
lady from GSA and they would not be sending us anything in writing that is not their
policy. Lindeen spoke to the DNR they stated they were aware of our problem and it was
fine it would not be a problem when we go to get our permit. We can also lease the land
where we put the central site we do not have to own it. The Board is going to talk to
Loebsack when he is in town next week as well as our other representatives and senators
before giving up on the property.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Closed Session pursuant to
Code Section 21.5J for discussion of land acquisition at 11:30 am. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. After discussion it was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to come out of
Closed Session at 11:42. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was then moved by Lindeen and
seconded by See to see what the outcome of the Board of Adjustment meeting is tonight
and put Land Acquisition on the Supervisors Agenda for Tuesday April 19, 2012. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
In sub-committee updates. White attended a Russ meeting and See toured the new prison
in Ft. Madison.
The Meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
June 19, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session starting at 10:15 AM. Members present: Chairman
Kent White, Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the June 14,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve a Fireworks permit for
Timothy Hill.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Closed Session pursuant to
Code Section 21.5J for discussion of land acquisition at 10:30 am. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. After discussion it was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to come out of
Closed Session at 10:42. 3 ayes. Motion carried. They approved the first reading
amendment to the Henry County Zoning Ordinance to add secondary suite to definitions
and as a permitted use in the A-1 Agricultural District.
Bill Belzer gave his weekly update. Windstream permits were given to replace 700 feet
of telephone line at 260th and Logan Ave. His crew has repaired erosion at several
culverts including Hickory north of 150th and in Rome. They have also been spraying for
weeds. They also have been replacing faded signs in the county.
There was discussion of the solid waste site in Trenton. One recommendation was to
move the proposed site but it would have been off of the paved road and some were
against it. Bill Belzer suggested the shed was an “eyesore” and noted he would prefer to
have it taken down. So, the site will remain where it is and the maintenance shed will be
demolished to create more room due to vehicles having to park along side of the road
when dropping off their garbage.
Also, the Board is considering trading in the county truck for something with lower
mileage and more reliable.
The Meeting was adjourned.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
June 21, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session starting at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent
White, Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
No public comments.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See for a 90 day extension to the 28E
agreement for Southeast Iowa Case Management.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go into Closed Session pursuant to
Code Section 21.5J for discussion of land acquisition at 9:30 am. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
After discussion it was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to come out of Closed
Session at 9:34. 3 ayes. Motion carried. They approved the second reading amendment
to the Henry County Zoning Ordinance to add secondary suite to definitions and as a
permitted use in the A-1 Agricultural District.
The Board discussed putting the County Care Facility on the market. Questioning how
long to wait and how much it will cost the County to just sit on it. It will be discussed at
a later time.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Agriland FS Inc Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Bezoni's True Value Brownells Training Group Cardmember Service City of Winfield Clerk of Circuit Crts Des Moines Co Auditor Robin Detrick Eastern Ia Tourism Assoc Ebert Supply Co Electronic Applications Fellowship Cup Ed Harvey Heidelburg Motel Henry County Health Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept Hometown Veterinary Care Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Dept Public Safety Ideal Ready Mix Co WINDSTREAM Eric VanLancker ISACA Sec/Trea J & S Electronic Systems Kempkers Grand Rental Station Kimzey Funeral Home Kinney & Sons Inc Util ‐Conserv K‐9 Expense ‐Dep Shrf Fuel ‐Conserv Util ‐Juvi Prob Ofc Suppl ‐Rec Summer School ‐Rec Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Training ‐Dep Shrf Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Util ‐VA Cert/Copies ‐Atty Med Exam Fees Postage & Mailing Membership ‐Supv Cust Suppl ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Food & Prov Lawline ‐Atty Rent ‐GA Public Health Nursing Gas ‐Dep Shrf K‐9 Expense ‐Dep Shrf Inmate Meals ‐Jail Construction & Maint ‐Con Terminal Exp ‐Comm Construction & Maint ‐Con Tele Serv ‐Supv Membership Dues ‐Aud Toner ‐Rec Audio System ‐Trs Funeral ‐GA Construction & Maint ‐Con $151.99 $39.45 $1,166.00 $763.82 $66.36 $234.95 $37.05 $50.00 $811.06 $103.94 $7.50 $109.60 $27.65 $500.00 $68.49 $1,742.66 $500.00 $99.00 $400.00 $3,991.71 $3,357.22 $75.00 $3,249.47 $180.40 $9,660.00 $173.03 $1,165.60 $100.00 $65.64 $33.60 $1,825.00 $325.27 Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Ana Lorber Erica Martin Medimpex MPH Industries Inc Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Super Wash Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Journal NMS Labs Office Depot Orschelns Card Center Erin Pettinger Pitney Bowes Inc PJ Greufe & Associates Rathbun Regional Water Reliable Pest Solutions Ron's Tire & Repair SAFEGUARD Shield Technology Corp SIACC Kellie Sloan Sloans Printing Service Solutions Southeast Ia Inter‐Agency St Alphonsus Cemetery Staples Advantage Swailes Auto Supply The Toner Place US BANK Veteran's Information Service Washington Co Auditor West Payment Center Whaley's Dust & Weed Control Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Joan Wolfe Xerox Corporation General Supplemental Fund Bell Law Office Black Hawk Co Sheriff Des Moines Co Sheriff Family Resources Inc Mt Pleasant News SIACC Derek Wellington Pioneer Cemetery Fund Quality Equipment Inc MH ‐ DD Services Access Bancard Center Bell Law Office Black Hawk Co Sheriff Black Hawk‐Grundy Mental Ctr Brau Law Office Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Hillcrest Family Services Mo Maint ‐Trs Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Mlge ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Hair test kits ‐Atty Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Publication Tax Sale ‐Trs Car Wash Tokens ‐Dep Shrf Util ‐VA Publication Tax Sale ‐Trs Lab ‐Atty Supplies ‐Shrf Construction & Maint ‐Con Mlge ‐Atty Meter by phone ‐DHS June Fee Water & Sewer ‐Conserv Pest Mgmt ‐Cths Tires & Tubes ‐Conserv Warrants ‐Aud Software Maint ‐Shrf Jail Sch ‐Jail Mlge ‐Trs Paper ‐Trs Symantec Protection Drug Task Force ‐Shrf Care of Graves ‐VA Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Parts ‐Conserv Toner ‐DHS Gas ‐Dep Shrf Books ‐VA Inmate Housing ‐Jail Online Resource ‐Atty Construction & Maint ‐Con Publication Tax Sale ‐Trs Matron Exp ‐Jail Data Proc ‐Conserv $26.00 $195.00 $49.98 $379.98 $2,147.50 $3,450.00 $1,621.46 $100.00 $119.48 $440.00 $192.00 $394.74 $61.39 $268.04 $1,784.13 $1,500.00 $124.90 $349.00 $33.00 $423.69 $10,505.00 $16,007.58 $82.62 $75.00 $5,933.60 $3,500.00 $319.50 $34.98 $115.08 $773.00 $945.19 $69.00 $10,100.00 $428.65 $2,200.00 $440.00 $25.56 $866.53 Substance Abuse ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Serv of Notice ‐S Poggemi Juvi Hosp Fees Ballots ‐Aud Substance Abuse ‐CPC Mlge ‐Aud $60.00 $10.28 $83.52 $1,966.64 $498.42 $966.30 $98.67 Chop Saw ‐Pioneer Cem Voc/Day ‐CPC Postage ‐CPC Legal Representation ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC $45.00 $677.52 $171.98 $174.00 $30.84 $358.00 $108.00 $337.50 $277.95 $2,081.43 Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Insight Partnership Group LLC WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines Sarah Kaufman Mt Pleasant Utilities SIACC Southeast Ia Regional Planning St Luke's Hospital Sunrise Enterprise LLC Taylor Ridge Estates Inc Thomas O'Flaherty Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Merlin Boshart Bright Shine Window Care CARQUEST Auto Parts Cessford Construction Co Data Imaging Supplies Douds Stone Inc Electronic Engineering Co Flex‐O‐Lite WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners Nathan Lange Martin Equipment Mt Pleasant Utilities Northern Safety Co Inc Orschelns Card Center Rathbun Regional Water Jeff Rehm Darrel Ridenour River Products Co Matt Schinstock Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Tracy's Truck N Trailer Repair Brian Yaley Conservation Nature Center Cardmember Service Hometown Veterinary Care REAP Fund C & M Cooling, Heating,& Plumb Grainger Inc Hannums Kinney & Sons Inc Conservation Fund Garry Allender Harold & Sharon Busby Robert Hobbs Dan Housh Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Supported Empl Serv ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Tele Serv ‐IHS Training ‐CPC Mlge ‐ CPC Util ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Public Hosp ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC $671.44 $248.37 $27.99 $12,309.57 $781.36 $198.40 $125.00 $187.68 $1,417.06 $1,252.75 $73.72 $122.00 $100.00 $1,540.60 $48.00 Shop Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Pest control Sec Rd Lighting Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Window Cleaning Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Asphalt Conc 8"+ Sec Rd Toner Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Radio Parts Sec Rd Paint Beads Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Safety Gas Cans Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Erosion Control Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Ventilation Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd $723.45 $55,799.60 $60.00 $277.54 $653.52 $125.00 $60.00 $720.40 $1,003.20 $788.89 $23,811.38 $30.00 $8,680.00 $99.20 $68.66 $125.00 $694.45 $60.96 $265.68 $453.30 $243.75 $125.00 $17.43 $167.70 $125.00 $58.20 $256.80 $103.56 Feed ‐Conserv Animal Feed ‐Conserv $118.00 $245.02 Reap Fund ‐Conserv REAP ‐Conserv REAP ‐Conserv REAP ‐Conserv $11.58 $216.25 $353.00 $62.50 Mowing ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Other ‐Conserv $928.00 $175.00 $80.00 $124.00 $87.76 Bill Morehouse Rubey Lawn Care Community Betterment Fund Gary L Anderson Bancard Center Joseph Buffington Dave Helman Henry Co Sec Road Dept WINDSTREAM Greg Lorber Sheila McAllister Alan Miller Ron Osborne David Simmons Jodi Sutter Maria Whetsler Emergency Management Bancard Center Hedge Above LLC Henry Co Sec Road Dept WINDSTREAM Mt Pleasant Utilities U S Cellular Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Gary Dustman Henry Co Sec Road Dept WINDSTREAM Special Appraisers Pictometry Schneider Corporation Vanguard Appraisals Inc E911 Surcharge Fund Joseph Buffington CenturyLink Electronic Applications Electronic Engineering Co Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel Henry Co Sec Road Dept Ia Prison Industries WINDSTREAM LTDS Muscatine Fire Department Shield Technology Corp Solutions U S Cellular Grand Total Outside Serv ‐Conserv Mowing ‐Conserv Mlge ‐Bd of Adjustment Empl Mileage, Meals & Lod Mlge ‐Zoning Mlge ‐Board of Adjustment Reimb ‐Brush Cutting Tele Serv ‐Zoning Mlge ‐Board of Adjustment Meeting ‐Zoning Mlge ‐Zoning Mlge ‐Board of Adjustment Mlge ‐Zoning Wages ‐BOH Mlge ‐Board of Adjustment Ofc Suppl ‐Em Mgmt Mowing ‐Em Mgmt Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Cell Phone ‐Em Mgmt Furniture ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Fuel ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Mapping ‐Assessor Mapping Serv ‐Assessor Comp Software ‐Assesssor Mlge ‐E911 Mo Serv ‐E911 Maint ‐E911 Comm Console ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Sign Material ‐Em Mgmt St Markers ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Prorated Portion ‐E911 Hazmat ‐Em Mgmt Software Maint ‐E911 Cables ‐E911 Cell Phone ‐E911 $75.00 $1,933.89 $142.80 $284.48 $56.61 $132.60 $44,680.04 $1,224.80 $71.40 $80.00 $61.20 $40.80 $64.26 $2,735.32 $64.26 $768.43 $200.00 $229.17 $124.00 $375.63 $74.17 $9,720.00 $182.79 $44.72 $99.20 $1,500.00 $11,750.00 $2,720.00 $3.06 $479.54 $1,278.00 $2,400.00 $198.38 $804.95 $143.28 $1,563.70 $627.82 $1,800.00 $5,900.00 $777.25 $119.60 $317,742.96 The Meeting was adjourned.
Andrea Cook, Deputy Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
June 26, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen absent.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by White to approve the minutes of the June 19 & 21,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Steve Wilson requested to be put on the Agenda of an open meeting
within the next 30 days for a discussion with the intent to rectify the decision to deny
Martin Fraser’s request for a second term on the Conservation Board. Also, requesting
that a plaque or letter of commendation be hung where ever the Conservation Board
regularly meets to recognize Marty’s extraordinary dedication to conservation and the
preservation of our parks during his term on board. The Board said they would take
under consideration.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by See and seconded by White to sign a 28E
Agreement with IDOT for Henry County to mow IA 78 shoulders once in Henry County.
2 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by White to approve
Resolution 10-2012-20 that is approving the installation of a 45 MPH speed limit
beginning 400 ft. north of the north New London City limits continuing south to
underpass. 2 ayes. Motion carried. Bidding of Bridge #174 on 310th St over Fish Creek
will be July 17, 2012. Patrol operators were in their machines Monday to Wednesday.
We had rutting and washouts on gravel roads due to heavy weekend rain. Two to three
mowers were on gravel roads all week. Crews also cut weeds at guardrail of bridges.
Crew replaced cross tube on Hickory north of 170th St. Crews excavated ditches on 215th
St north of Old 34. County crew hauled 5 miles of resurfacing rock and contractor
hauled 5.1 miles resurfacing rock. Matt and Brian painted white roadway edge lines in
county and striping in Mt. Pleasant. Tom and Wendel attended an Altorfer motor grader
refurbish demo in Cedar Rapids. Crew demolished the old Trenton Co Shed and hauled
the remains to the quarry. Belzer would like to prepare for various road vacations that
have been requested closed by adjacent land owners or Planning and Zoning. Belzer also
reported to the Board that after inspecting the roof of the CPC Building which has started
leaking he had photos showing that it is great need of repair soon.
Shelly Barber Auditor read the 3rd reading of the text amendment to the Henry County
Zoning Ordinance to add Secondary Suite to definitions and as permitted use in the A-1
Agricultural District there be no comments in writing or from the public it was moved by
White and seconded by See to approve said ordinance as read. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Jeff Hanan with SEIRPC met with the Board to inform them that they need to appoint
someone to the Henry County Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee as Stan Young’s
appointment is up 12/31/12 and he has already moved from Henry County area. He also
asked to be put on the agenda next week for approval of a new loan and approval to write
one loan off that cannot be repaid. He has been placed on the agenda for Tuesday July 3,
2012 at 10:00 am.
Barber read a Tax Abatement request from Treasurer Ana Lorber pursuant to Code of
Iowa Section 445.16 taxes for the following parcel are uncollectible and asked that they
abate them by Resolution. The building has been destroyed and removed from the tax
rolls by the Henry County Assessor. It is parcel # 101182600 owned by Cyndee Willey
and Larry Parker being a building on leased land in Hillsboro, taxes being $409 over the
last 6 years. It was moved by White and seconded by See to approve Resolution #152012 abating said taxes. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
In sub-committee updates, See attended Workforce Development meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
June 28, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by White to approve the minutes of the June 26, 2012
meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
Public comments Steve Wilson informed the Board that he really appreciated the change
to the Zoning Ordinance that they had adopted in regards to secondary suites, but he
thinks we need to make it easier for our residents to allow manufactured homes for
people with aging parents.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve a State Criminal Alien
Assistance Grant #2012-H4455-IA-AP for Jail assistance for the Henry County Sheriff
Department the amount is not yet known. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve Resolution #16-2012
Appropriations Transfer within a service area for to different Line Items. 3 ayes. Motion
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve Resolution #17-2012 InterFund Transfer from Rural Basic Fund to Secondary Road Fund based on a formula set by
Iowa Code this transfer is made every year. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Angie Goodpaster who works with Life Solutions wanted to let the Board know she is
very concerned with the cutbacks that are being talked about for the Mental Health
program, she feels that there is nothing that should be cut here in Henry County. The
Board assured her that they have no intentions in cutting any Mental Health services here
in Henry County, they totally agree with her and a lot of the change will be just in who is
paying for the services county or state from how it has been in the past.
Joining the meeting Liz Wasson, David Becker, Joe & Ruth Klopfenstein, Mike Jamison,
Keith Loyd, Ricky Lintz, Don Ross, Jerry Fricke, Ann Mallams, Irma Eis and Steve
Settles for the sale of 6 tracts of RR ROW in Sec 8, 9, 22 of Scott Township as follows:
Tract A: in 8-73-5 being .32 acres.
Tract B: in 9-73-5 being 2.3 acres.
Tract C: in 9-73-5 being 1.9 acres.
Tract D: in 22-73-5 being 2.29 acres.
Tract E: in 22-73-5 being 2.12 acres.
Tract F: in 22-73-5 being 2.05 acres
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go into Public Hearing for any
discussion and setting of rules for bidding process. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Buffington
informed them that they were allowed to bid only if they had placed a bid on the property
that was opened on July 14, 2012 and payment would be expected when deeds are
prepared and presented to buyers. It was moved by See and Lindeen to go out of Public
Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bidding began and buyers are as follows:
Joe & Ruth Klopfenstein: Tract A $550
Joe & Ruth Klopfenstein: Tract B $3,550
Keith Loyd: Tract C $10,350
Steve Settles: Tract D $100
Steve Settles: Tract E $100
Steve Settles: Tract F $100
Buffington informed the buyers that deeds should be ready next week.
In discussing the County Care Facility property the Board would like to have Rick
Governs a Commercial Appraiser from Burlington and Barb Welander the City Zoning
Coordinator be on their agenda to discuss exactly what the city will allow them to do with
property before having it appraised in various ways they may not be able to use.
Sub-committee updates, See attended Economic Development and White attended
Healthy Henry County Community Executive Board meeting finding out that the Iowan
Center will not be starting backup.
The Meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 3, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by White to approve the minutes of the June 28, 2012
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. Bidding of Bridge #174 on 310th St over Fish Creek will be July
17, 2012 final Federal approval has been received. Patrol operators demo new Catt and
Deere motor graders. Bothe seemed to be received well. Bids for new motor grader will
be Tuesday July 24. Two to three mowers were on paved roads all week, including IA
78. Crew rocked edge ruts along Franklin Ave. Crew replaced entrance culvert on 270th
St west of 218 & on Quaker Ave south of 240th St, widened a driveway on Oasis, and
installed new entrance on Oasis Ave. Crews excavated ditches on Lexington Ave.
County crew hauled 13 miles of resurfacing rock and contractor hauled 15.5 miles
resurfacing rock. Matt and Brian painted center lines of county roadways. Crews mowed
behind Hy-Vee and at County Home.
Jeff Hanan with SEIRPC presented Resolution #18-2012 for the Boards approval of a
$40,000 loan from the Henry County Revolving Loan Fund to Wayland Economic
Development Corp for a 10 year term at 4% fixed interest to purchase additional land for
expansion of the Industrial Park in Wayland. The current owners of the property are
going to voluntarily annex into the city limits. It was moved by See and seconded by
Lindeen to approve said Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Hanan also presented Resolution #19-2012 for the Boards approval to write off the
remaining balance of $11,081.96 on HCRLF #06-03 to Asoyia, LLC which has been
determined unrecoverable by the Henry County Revolving Loan Review Committee. It
was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve said Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion
Hanan presented a final Resolution #20-2012 for the Boards approval which is appointing
Jim Henss of Mt Pleasant to the Henry County Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee
for a term to expire December 31, 2015. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen
to approve said Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Auditor Shelly Barber presented the Technology Contracts with Solutions for FY 2013 to
the Board for approval in the amount of $30,980. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded
by See to approve contract with Solutions, Inc. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Received a letter from GSA giving us the 3 options for the Emergency Management
Property where we have the Solid Waste Site informing us we have until July 30, 2012 to
inform them in writing of which option the county wishes to pursue. The Board is going
to contact Loebsack’s Office again and check out a couple other options.
Rick Govern the commercial appraiser suggested to have Barb Welander with the City
Zoning met with the Board and clarify for them exactly what they can do with the
property and then contact him and tell him what they want appraised and how. The
Auditor is going to get Welander on the Board next week.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 5, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 5, 2012
meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
The following Department heads were present to give their monthly update to the Board
Shelly Barber, Auditor; Bill Belzer, Engineer; Rick VanWinkle, Vet Affairs; Sarah
Kaufman, CPC; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Walt Jackson, EMC; Ana Lorber,
Treasurer; Joe Buffington, P & Z Coordinator; Gary Dustman, Assessor; John Pullis,
Conservation Director.
Rob Gardner with Henry County Health Center and Travis Johnson with Henry County
Public Health presented the Agreement for Services between Henry County Board of
Health, Henry County Health Center and the Henry County Board of Supervisors for
Fiscal Year July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by
See to approve said agreement presented. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
There was additional discussion of the property being used for the central site for solid
waste collection but no decision was made as what to do.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund All American Pest Control Alliant Energy A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Bezoni's True Value Boles Auto Sales Inc Carpenter Uniform Co Davis Radiology Service Ebert Supply Co Elliott Chapel Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Forest Oak Cemetery Assn GovTech Services Grant Cemetery Assn Heidelburg Motel Henry Co Fair & 4‐H Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Tourism Henry Co Treasurer Ana Lorber Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Inukshuk Technologies LLC WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems Jean C Wiley & Sons Inc KILJ Radio Kimzey Funeral Home Linn Co Sheriff Mail Services LLC Extermination Serv ‐Jail Util ‐DHS Maintenance ‐Jail Ofc Suppl ‐VA Conference‐VA Ground Maint ‐Cths Vchle ‐Cths Uniforms ‐Shrf Medical Exp ‐Jail Cust Suppl ‐Cths Transports ‐Med Exam Med Exam Fees Care of Graves Credit/Debit Machines ‐Tr Care of Graves Rent ‐GA Annual Allocation Annual Allocation ‐FY13 Public Health Nursing Henry Co Tourism ‐FY11 Clearing Acct ‐GA Dog Care ‐June 2012 Med Suppl ‐Med Exam Maint ‐Cths Tele Serv ‐Shrf Maint ‐Shrf Bldg Maint ‐Shrf Advertisement ‐VA Med Exam Fees Return of Serv Renewal Notice ‐ Trs $35.00 $54.07 $3,000.00 $462.98 $2,519.80 $69.60 $4,000.00 $598.80 $29.00 $71.57 $3,200.00 $1,158.00 $198.00 $317.47 $243.00 $800.00 $5,000.00 $8,818.62 $14,403.59 $10,000.00 $4,455.00 $550.00 $109.97 $2,700.00 $54.67 $25,241.60 $46.00 $500.00 $1,350.00 $180.00 $595.12 Mertens Rental Properties Jane Messer Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Utilities Tammy Mulford Murphy Funeral Home New London Journal Northeast Animal Hospital O'Keefe Elevator Co James R Onorato Orschelns Card Center Dennis R Prottsman Randy Morrow Appl Repair Jerry Raunbuehler Regional Utility Serv Systems Reliable Pest Solutions RSVP Schneider Corporation Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant SIACC Solutions Darin Stater Rick SyWassink U S Cellular Rick VanWinkle Verizon Wireless Wal‐Mart Payments Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Wapello Co Auditor Whaley's Dust & Weed Control Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Winfield Fire Dept & Rescue YWCA Women's Resource Center General Supplemental Fund Genesis Medical Center Henry Co Health Care Plan I M W C A SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Tama County Sheriff Pioneer Cemetery Fund Garry Allender Allan Barnes Ethan Starr E's Mowing Gail Kindig Orschelns Card Center Ross Tweedy MH ‐ DD Services Black Hawk Co Sheriff Brau Law Office CURE Solutions D. Dekeyser Des Moines Co Sheriff Genesis Medical Center Great River Health Systems SE Hedge Above LLC Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Drugstore ‐ Mt Pleasant Rent ‐ June 2012 Mending ‐Jail Repair Light ‐Shrf Util ‐CPC/VA Test Kit Suppl ‐Atty Med Exam Fees Bd Proc ‐Supv Board & Food ‐Drug Dog ‐A Elev Maint ‐Cths Meeting Fee ‐VA Cust Suppl ‐Cths Weed Erad Washer Repair ‐Jail Mlge ‐Cths Annual Membership ‐FY13 Pest Mgmt ‐DHS Annual Allocation FY 13 Software ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Training ‐Dep Shrf Kofax ‐Cths Mlge ‐ Atty Med Exam Fees Cell Phone ‐ Drv Lic Mlge/Meals ‐VA Wireless Cards ‐Shrf Ofc Suppl ‐Trs Medical Exp Jail Ct Admin Rent ‐'12/'13 Lawn Care ‐Cths Bd Proc ‐Supv Annual Allocation ‐FY13 Annual Allocation ‐FY13 $600.00 $79.00 $109.26 $4,492.64 $8.55 $396.00 $549.23 $65.99 $213.74 $32.49 $12.99 $50.00 $78.00 $30.60 $8,000.00 $73.00 $2,000.00 $1,500.00 $607.51 $150.00 $30,488.80 $28.05 $600.00 $35.60 $188.19 $248.16 $38.94 $4.00 $3,197.40 $254.91 $461.93 $1,000.00 $5,000.00 Detoxification ‐CPC Health Plan ‐Shrf Work Comp ‐'12‐'13 Detention Stay ‐Juvi Prob Serv of Notice ‐Juvi Prob $144.54 $1,045.22 $22,109.00 $370.00 $53.30 Mowing ‐ Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Suppl ‐Pioneer Cem Repairs ‐Pioneer Cem $410.00 $652.20 $150.00 $700.00 $53.94 $215.10 Serv of Notice ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Public Hosp ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Mowing ‐IHS Transportation ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC $20.56 $120.00 $96.29 $830.00 $36.55 $214.44 $278.00 $320.00 $18.50 $490.62 $273.04 Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Sarah Kaufman Margaret King Lee Co Sheriff Mt Pleasant News New London Journal North Iowa Vocational Center Optimae LifeServices Inc. Southeast Ia Case Management Southeast Ia Regional Planning Sunrise Enterprise LLC U S Cellular Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Wapello Co Sheriff Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Banner Auto & Hardware Cessford Construction Co Douds Stone Inc Eastern Iowa Tire Force America Dave Gill Trucks Inc Henderson Truck Equipment Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries Midwestern Culvert Ltd Mikes Automotive Mt Pleasant Lumber New London Journal Nichting Co Inc Republic Companies Rhomar Industries Inc Rolling Hills Consulting LLC Sherwin‐Williams Florence Smith Swailes Auto Supply The Company Tom Hassenfritz Truck Repair Inc Wal‐Mart Payments Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Conservation Fund Ia State Treasurer State Tax Community Betterment Fund Joseph Buffington Diamond Mowers Inc Great River Reg Waste Henry Co Fair & 4‐H Henry Co Landfill Comm Hillsboro Public Library Imagetek Inc J & S Electronic Systems Lacal Equipment Inc Main Street Mount Pleasant Mt Pleasant Public Libr New London Journal Nugen Public Library Support Serv ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Publication ‐CPC Publications ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Case Mgmt ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Publication ‐CPC Lighting Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Asphalt Conc 8"+ Sec Rd Shoulders Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Outside Service Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Publications Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Posts Sec Rd Bridge Maintenance Sec Rd Arch & Env Study Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Mower grease Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Publications Sec Rd Hotel/Motel Tax Mlge ‐ Zoning Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Waste Serv ‐Supv Annual Allocation 1st Quarter Payment Annual Allocation ‐FY13 Support ‐Rec Phone System ‐Cths Mower Blades ‐Sec Rds Founding Sponsor Annual Allocation ‐FY13 Waste Advertisement ‐Cths Annual Allocation ‐FY13 $64,169.24 $125.46 $102.00 $31.80 $51.68 $6.05 $945.00 $3,819.12 $56.16 $913.04 $440.00 $151.79 $191.77 $202.76 $15.05 $27.45 $41.02 $97.74 $740.40 $7,929.28 $2,535.42 $574.99 $723.22 $83.00 $472.30 $545.59 $6,904.20 $139.94 $148.28 $32.40 $26.64 $668.50 $9,642.98 $1,348.33 $114.00 $240.00 $1,467.78 $79.52 $799.15 $10.58 $38.70 $155.00 $169.32 $319.53 $2,526.00 $11,000.00 $6,322.00 $6,630.00 $4,256.95 $12,925.00 $568.36 $2,500.00 $25,460.00 $205.20 $14,435.00 Mike Prottsman Construction Salem Public Library TGMi Inc Wal‐Mart Payments Wellington Electric Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Winfield Municipal Libr Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Sharon G Barron Cardmember Service Chase Card Services CardMember Gary Dustman Sheila McAllister Solutions Special Appraisers Cardmember Service Chase Card Services CardMember E911 Surcharge Fund Shield Technology Corp Grand Total Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Annual Allocation ‐FY 13 Sedder Parts ‐Sec Rds Ofc Suppl ‐Zoning Elect Labor ‐Cths Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Annual Allocation ‐FY13 Supplies ‐Assessor Meals ‐ Assessor School ‐Assessor School ‐Assessor Meals/Mlge ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Comp Software ‐Assessor Software ‐Assessor Software ‐Assessor Software ‐ E911 $14,632.50 $8,520.00 $1,324.33 $8.32 $1,515.59 $34.40 $9,955.00 $21.99 $21.90 $78.40 $78.40 $184.16 $94.86 $200.00 $89.94 $89.94 $375.00 $411,307.56 No sub-committee updates.
The Meeting was adjourned.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 10, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen with Gary See absent.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by White to approve the minutes of the July 5,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update he also presented his end of the year budget report. It was moved by
Lindeen and seconded by White that a contract extension through July 31, 2013 with
Agriland FS for petroleum products be hereby approved pursuant to the Special
Provisions and Specifications – Item XII. 2 ayes. Motion Carried. Bidding of Bridge
#174 on 310th St over Fish Creek will be July 17, 2012 final Federal approval has been
received. Patrol operators were able to blade roads on Monday due to weekend rain. The
remainder of the week most re-graded Graham Ave north of 160th St. Two mowers
finished paved roads and started back on gravel roads. Crews replaced cross tube on
310th St west of Jewel Ave and installed new entrance culvert on 255th St west of
Lexington Ave. Crews excavated ditches on Lexington Ave. Matt and Brian finished
painting center lines of county roadways and painted in Mt Pleasant, turning lanes in
New London and on Franklin Ave. Harold & Allan sprayed weeds 3 days. Belzer will
be attending the ICEA midyear meeting Thursday in Ames.
John Pullis, Conservation Director gave his monthly update. He reported that after
checking with LL Pelling Co who is in Salem currently seal coating some city streets as
to what the cost would be to seal coat the roads in the county parks, it would take forty
years of dust control at present cost to cover the cost of seal coating. So they will not be
seal coating in the near future. The bid for a new vehicle was tabled until the August
meeting. September and October Conservation Board meetings will be moved from
Monday evening to Wednesday evening.
Barb Welander who is in charge of Zoning for the City met with Board at their request to
see how the Co Care Facility property is zoned and what exactly the options for it could
be before we have it appraised. She informed them it is zoned R-1 residential which
would allow residential family homes, museums, churches, parks, schools, cemeteries
and tillable agriculture land but no livestock. Also it could be zoned anything from B-3
to R-5 but the comprehensive plan has it as R-1, but the city would never let it be
industrial as that would be classified as spot zoning. Also present for this was Joe
Buffington the County Zoning Coordinator and Gary Dustman the Assessor, Buffington
pointed out that if the Board wanted they could ask for it to be rezoned R-3 which could
allow about anything including a nursing home or assisted living as well as all the other
things mentioned previously. Dustman is going to contact Rick Govern the commercial
appraiser and inform him of what can be done with the property so he can proceed with
the appraisal as well as have him appraise the property the county had surveyed off for
the solid waste site behind Emergency Management.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 12, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See with Marc Lindeen absent.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
Minutes could not be approved as quorum from that meeting was not present they will be
presented at the next meeting for approval.
No public comments.
Lennis Moore CEO of Midwest Old Threshers submitted his request for the $15,000
budgeted for by the Board of Supervisors in the FY 2013 budget for Special Projects
Support. The money is used to promote Old Threshers, special fall events like the House
of Terror at Halloween and other special events throughout the year. Moore thanked the
Board for their continued support.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 17, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by White to approve the minutes of the July 10,
2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by White to
approve the minutes of the July 12, 2012 meeting. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Steve Wilson requested a copy of the letter the Board received from
the Ombudsman regarding Robert Batey and the Cross. The provided him with a copy.
Bill Belzer Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by White that the county
approve construction plans for Project L-C061335—73-44, a box culvert on 300th St in
Jackson Township, Section 13. 3 ayes. Motion Carried. Bids for Bridge #174 on 310th
St over Fish Creek were opened today at Ames, IA. Patrol operators re-graded 130th St
between Iowa Ave and James Ave or mowed gravel roads. Crews replaced cross tube on
305th St east of Salem. Crews applied deck sealer to 4 bridge decks including Oakland
Mills. They finished the last one yesterday. A deck sealer is applied about every 5 or 6
years to retard the chlorine in the salt from degrading the concrete. Harold & Allan
weeded around bridge guardrails when not directing traffic on bridge deck sealing work.
LL Pelling seal coated roads in Lowell. Bill and Mark attended the ICEA midyear
meeting Thursday in Ames.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 19, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the meeting of
July 17, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Tax abatement requests were made by the Henry County Treasurer on 3 mobile homes
that have been destroyed in Henry County they are as follows:
Resolution #21-2012 Taxes for Kevin Eugene Neff in the amount of $450.00
Resolution #22-2012 Taxes for Scott Jacob Helfrich in the amount of $330.00
Resolution #23-2012 Taxes for Brian Michael or Deanna Maryann Reed in the amount of
$438.00. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve Resolution #212012; #22-2012; #23-2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Resolution #24-2012 to abate interest and cost in the amount of $393.00 on an abandoned
property now owned by the City of Winfield in which the City of Winfield will pay the
$1,336.00 of delinquent taxes. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve
Resolution #24-2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Derek Wellington updated the Board on the Safety Committee. The Workers
Compensation premium is down approximately $11,000 from last year at $61,907. The
safety inspection with IMWCA will be July 24 at 9:00 am and he requested the Board
participate in this with them and they are going to till 10:30 am. The Committee
requested the Board set up two accounts one for training that is to be used at their
discretion and the other for safety equipment that is needed but approval by the Board of
Supervisors would be required to spend from it. The Board agreed that we need to keep
up with the work that we have accomplished or we will go back to old ways so they
approved the two accounts.
The Board approved the Quarterly Report of the County Recorder as presented for the 2nd
quarter 2012.
They were presented the Annual Salaries of Henry County Employees for FY 2013.
The following wages are based on the Employees average work week,
with no overtime wages included.
William Belzer
Darin Stater
Ed Harvey
Allen Wittmer
Joseph Buffington
Gary Dustman
Danny Wesely
Tracy Brooks
Christine Sywassink
Dean Walter
Chad Doak
Rich McNamee
Jason Sutton
Randal Veldboom
Garett Cargill
Ryan Pilling
Asst Attorney
Planning & Zoning Adm
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
Deputy Sheriff
John Pullis
Ana Lorber
Shelly Barber
Shirley Wandling
Sarah Kaufman
Tom Jacobsmeier
Walter Jackson
Sheila McAllister
Tammy Mulford
Tony Millard
Matt Schinstock
Merlin Boshart
Keith Kimbrough
Darrel Ridenour
Robert Donnolly
Wendel Luko
Brian Yaley
Erin Pettinger
Kevin Barton
Robert Bruggemeyer
Roger Asby
Harold Pollmeier
Marvin Stauffer
Pete Nelson
Derek Wellington
Allan Barber
Mark Shull
Daniel Buechel
Sharon Barron
Andrea Cook
Marla Willey
Cari Nicely
Jelen McCall
John Smyth
Jill McCabe
Kellie Sloan
Jean Lawler
Monica Szalma
Elijah Gnann
Tara Looker
Dora Bentler
Juli Rosensteel
Sue Ford
Laurena Hutchinson
Sharon Bright
Darla Kelly
Jami Mallonee
Jill Benedict
Megan Kramer
Kim Henkle
Jenna Cargill
Marcie Givans
Tracy Sammons
Carole Houseal
Cindy Culbertson
Joann Vens
Cheryl Elmore
Nancy Watson
Jeff Rehm
Robin Detrick
Julie Jennings
Christine Shatzer
Gregory Manely
Cons Director
Sec Road Super
Emergency Management
Deputy Assessor
Attorney’s Office Mgr
Cons Maintenance
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Sec Roads Mechanic
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Part Time Asst Attorney
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Sec Roads
Auditor GIS/IT Adm/Saftey
Sec Roads
Sec Roads Rod Person
Sec Roads
Assessor’s Office Mgr
Deputy Auditor
Deputy Recorder
Conservation Naturalist
Sec Roads Office Mgr
Sec Roads
Deputy Treasurer
Deputy Treasurer
Sheriff’s Office Mgr
CPC Asst/Service Cord
Treasurer’s Clerk
Sheriff’s Civil Clerk
Sheriff’s Civil Clerk
Conservation Office
Sec Roads Office Clerk
Patient Advocate
Assessor Clerk
Treasurer’s Clerk
Treasurer’s Clerk
Sec Roads
Auditor/ Empl Ben/Election
Attorney Legal Secretary
Sandra Suter
Tina Kreutner
Kent White
Gary See
Marc Lindeen
Jerry Rauenbuehler
Robert Gholson
Richard VanWinkle
Jim Onorato
Angie Noel
Fonda Arbogast
Scott Sammons
Daniel Schneider
Elizabeth Daugherty
John Riddick
Recorder Clerk
Treasurer’s Clerk
Courthouse Maintenance
$17.64 Hr. Part-time Sec Roads
$16.44 Hr. Part-time Sec Roads
$16.00 Hr. Part-time Veteran Affairs
$15.94 Hr. Part-time Jailer
$15.85 Hr. Part-time Sec Roads
$13.50 Hr. Part-time Courthouse Maint
$12.83 Hr. Part-time Jailer
$12.83 Hr. Part-time Jailer
$12.83 Hr. Part-time Jailer
$10.00 Hr. Part-time Courthouse Maint
They approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Garry Allender Alliant Energy B & B Propane Bancard Center Bob Barker Co Cardmember Service CDW Government Inc Central Ia Distributing Inc Des Moines Co Auditor Digital Ally Ebert Supply Co ESRI Fastenal Co Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Ed Harvey Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Hometown Veterinary Care Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Co Conservation System Ia Dept of Transportation WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines ISSDA Financial Administrator Kempkers Grand Rental Station Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Lee Co Sheriff Mail Services LLC Mertens Rental Properties Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities Northeast Animal Hospital Util ‐Conserv Construction & Maint ‐Con Mowing ‐Conserv Util ‐Juvi Prob Agreement LP Gas ‐Conserv Ofc Supplies ‐VA Supplies ‐Jail Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Toner ‐Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Conserv Med Exam Fees Wireless Mic ‐Dep Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths ArcGIS ‐Aud Constr & Maint ‐Conserv Suppl ‐Shrf Cell Phone ‐Atty Public Health Contract Care for Yourself Fuel ‐Cths Dog Care ‐July 2012 K‐9 Expense ‐Dep Shrf Supplies ‐Shrf Educ & Training ‐Conserv Construction & Maint ‐Con Tele Serv ‐Supv Member Dues ‐FY13 Training ‐Shrf Construction & Maint ‐Con Mo Maint ‐Trs Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Inmate Housing ‐Jail Blank Tax Forms ‐Trs Rent ‐Juvi Prob Labor ‐Cths Construction & Maint ‐Con Bd Proc ‐Supv Tire Repair ‐Dep Shrf Water ‐Conserv Bording ‐Bonsai ‐Atty $201.95 $69.98 $580.00 $71.57 $7,205.66 $1,622.63 $119.32 $234.42 $465.08 $183.90 $100.00 $307.00 $105.70 $134.79 $11.04 $101.00 $15.00 $19,133.91 $3,452.00 $3,210.08 $550.00 $47.00 $2,662.00 $750.00 $235.50 $1,165.60 $5,000.00 $125.00 $33.60 $114.18 $195.00 $1,820.00 $26.07 $600.00 $58.00 $19.89 $1,219.36 $15.00 $415.15 $72.00 O'Reilly Automotive Inc Olson‐Powell Memorial Chapel PaintLine Inc. Pleasant Hill Cemetery Quill Corporation Rathbun Regional Water Ron's Tire & Repair Rubey Lawn Care Signs & Designs Shirley Smith Solutions Southeast Ia Regional Planning Staples Advantage Darin Stater Stroud Mediation Services Rick SyWassink U S Cellular U S Postal Service Stamp UI Diagnostic Laboratories US BANK Janet L Vance Certified Shorth Verizon Wireless Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Shirley K Wandling Washington Co Auditor West Payment Center Blanca Gomez‐Wittmer Xerox Corporation Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Des Moines Co Sheriff Family Resources Inc Muscatine Co Sheriff SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Tama County Sheriff Historic Preservation Fund Dover Historical Museum Harlan Lincoln House Iowa Wesl Lewelling Quaker Museum Winfield Museum MH ‐ DD Services Alliant Energy Bridgeway City of Cedar Rapids Iowa City Des Moines Co CPC Henry Co Public Health Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Ia Workforce Development Colle Insight Partnership Group LLC WINDSTREAM Sarah Kaufman SEIBUS Sunrise Enterprise LLC Taylor Ridge Estates Inc Vera French Community Mental Secondary Road Fund Parts ‐Conserv Med Exam Fees Construction & Maint ‐Con Grave Care Notary Stamp ‐Atty Water ‐Conserv Tires & Tubes ‐Conserv Mowing ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Weed Erad Scanner ‐Sec Rds Dues ‐FY13 Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Cell Phone ‐Atty Drug/Alcohol Testing ‐Att Mlge ‐Med Exam Cell Phone ‐Conserv Envelopes ‐Rec Autopsy ‐Med Exam Mo Lease Payment ‐DHS Transcript ‐Atty Cell Phones ‐Shrf Medical Exp ‐Jail Mlge ‐ Rec Inmate Housing ‐Jail Online Resource ‐Atty Interpreter ‐Jail Data Proc ‐Conserv Fuel ‐Cths Service of Notice Fees Juvi Hosp Fees Serv of Notice Fees Detention Stay ‐Juvi Prob Serv of Notice Fees $73.17 $300.00 $260.00 $409.50 $24.99 $179.92 $117.50 $1,920.00 $10.00 $50.00 $4,791.38 $19,631.00 $365.41 $88.95 $600.00 $300.00 $333.65 $509.50 $4,380.00 $314.83 $50.00 $174.95 $16.02 $53.04 $17,750.00 $428.65 $272.50 $156.80 $17.60 $17.22 $1,586.00 $4.00 $2,590.00 $47.75 Contribution ‐Hist Pres Contribution ‐Hist Pres Contribution ‐Hist Pres Contribution ‐Hist Pres $304.00 $304.00 $304.00 $304.00 Util ‐IHS Outpatient Treat ‐ CPC General Treat ‐ CPC Support Serv. ‐ CPC Outpatient Treat ‐ CPC Health Avocate ‐ CPC Prescription ‐ CPC Case Manage ‐ CPC Unempl ‐IHS Support Serv. ‐ CPC Tele Serv ‐IHS Mileage ‐ CPC Transportation ‐ CPC Outpatient Treat ‐ CPC Comm. Base.set ‐ CPC Outpatient Treat ‐ CPC $52.68 $390.00 $24.00 $42.44 $112.50 $421.77 $167.98 $11,616.52 $12,808.55 $816.34 $223.97 $29.58 $59.80 $440.00 $1,160.00 $182.96 Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co CARQUEST Auto Parts Centre St Internatl Truck Chem Gro ‐ Houghton Inc Douds Stone Inc Eastern Iowa Tire Ebert Supply Co ESRI Fisher Enterprises The Hawkeye Hydrotex Ia Dept of Transportation Interstate Batteries of NE MO WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners Midwestern Culvert Ltd Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Utilities Precision Equipment Rexco Equipment Inc River Products Co U S Cellular Conservation Nature Center Jerry Barker Cardmember Service Signs & Designs Conservation Fund Harold & Sharon Busby Dan Housh Patricia Johnston David Neff Capital Improvement Douds Stone Inc River Products Co Community Betterment Fund Bancard Center Big Ten Rentals Diamond Mowers Inc Great River Reg Waste Henry Co Sec Road Dept Hy‐Vee Food Store ‐Mt Pleasant WINDSTREAM John Deere Financial Sheila McAllister Midwest Old Threshers Jodi Sutter Wemiga Waste Emergency Management Alliant Energy Hedge Above LLC Ia Communities Assurance Pool WINDSTREAM Shop Sec Rd Weedeater line Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Lighting Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Computer Services Sec Rd Portable Toilet Publications Sec Rd Grease Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Batteries Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Publications Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Shed Mower Repair Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd $860.84 $24.35 $23,541.78 $60.00 $231.80 $3,358.12 $949.75 $136.85 $1,467.46 $50,911.15 $1,237.92 $51.00 $700.00 $780.00 $139.30 $246.45 $2,038.46 $342.85 $99.20 $66.88 $8,949.01 $192.90 $60.36 $67.61 $34.39 $85.63 $876.51 $108.56 Acorn Exp ‐Conserv Feed ‐Conserv Animal Feed ‐Conserv $25.00 $1,045.64 $114.00 Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv $150.00 $100.00 $75.00 $375.00 Contract Rock ‐Sec Rds Contract Rock ‐Sec Rds $24,925.51 $75,952.88 Postage ‐Zoning Pleated Fan ‐Cths Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Signs Install ‐Sec Rds Cookies ‐Cths Tele Serv ‐Zoning Mower repairs ‐Sec Rds Meeting ‐Zoning Annual Alloc ‐FY13 Wages ‐BOH Sanit & Disp ‐Cths $6.65 $247.50 $328.14 $4,132.18 $990.11 $202.05 $24.80 $574.08 $40.00 $15,000.00 $4,505.02 $315.00 Util ‐Em Mgmt Mowing ‐Em Mgmt Insurance ‐Em Mgmt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt $32.13 $100.00 $2,245.00 $124.00 K & M Automotive Mt Pleasant Utilities Ricoh Squeaks Dive Shop Co. Assessor Agency Fund Gary Dustman Henry Co Sec Road Dept ICIT WINDSTREAM Mt Pleasant News New London Journal E911 Surcharge Fund Electronic Applications WINDSTREAM Mt Pleasant News U S Cellular Grand Total Oil Change ‐ Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Copy Machine ‐Em Mgmt Training ‐ Em Mgmt $340.10 $434.67 $168.05 $229.00 Mlge ‐Assessor Fuel ‐Assessor Dues ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Publication ‐Assessor Publication ‐Assessor Charger ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Amendment ‐E911 Cell Phone ‐E911 $75.48 $34.10 $50.00 $99.20 $22.85 $33.00 $57.75 $24.80 $20.57 $74.17 $370,954.36 They were presented the Treasurers annual report for July 1, 2011 to June 30, 2012.
Annual Report Certification Date July 2, 2012 Fund 01 General Basic 02 General Supplemental 03 Rural Services Basic 04 Rural Services Supplemental 05 Secondary Roads 06 Recorder Records Mgmt 07 Hospital Bonds & Interest 08 Hospital Control 09 Co Sheriff'S Forfeiture Fund 10 MH DD Services Fund 12 Capital Projects 13 Debt Service 15 Special Poor Fund 16 Henry Co. Emergency Mgt 17 Insight Human Services 18 Bangs / T.B. 19 Advance Tax 20 Townships 21 Corporations 22 Schools 23 Area Schools 24 Fire District 1 25 Fire District 2 26 Fire District 3 29 Co Ag. Extenstion 30 County Cons. Land Aq. Trust 31 County Assessor 32 Motor Vehicle Trust 33 Use Tax Trust 34 Special Assessments 35 Tax Redemption Trust 36 E911 Surcharge 39 Reap Funds Conservation 40 Accrual Funds 41 Community Betterment 45 Special Appraisers 46 Pioneer Cemetery 47 Tax Holding Fund 53 Recorders Electronic Fee 54 Recorders Electronic Tran. Ana Lorber, Treasurer For the period Balance 1‐Jul‐11 1,630,046.36 484,394.20 257,459.04 0 1,603,433.16 22,895.56 0 0 11,356.55 928,240.27 188,517.96 22,969.16 0 45,928.53 25,927.83 436.01 4,558.77 1,968.27 53,127.28 146,725.27 9,133.60 268.34 192.23 1,083.19 2,582.47 25,549.10 96,375.26 244,373.50 171,529.44 152.24 66,290.59 154,122.09 127,946.48 0 281,459.33 270,458.05 75,314.51 0 821.00 0 Revenues 3,905,672.52 1,613,255.39 1,314,910.96 0 3,978,784.96 3,335.78 0 0 1,148.36 3,373,604.23 1,232,627.04 150,084.64 0 191,911.74 0.00 2,242.14 31,874.38 141,917.02 4,739,738.09 10,854,291.80 718,061.54 23,352.76 14,968.46 89,299.72 201,097.47 180.00 235,761.13 3,122,020.00 1,775,528.93 6,780.39 264,354.08 123,765.31 13,021.40 0 958,162.92 296,263.74 11,842.23 195,239.41 3,795.00 0 Mt. Pleasant, Henry County IA from July 1, 2011 ‐ June 30, 2012, Inclusive Statement of Account by Fund Total To be Accounted For 5,535,718.88 2,097,649.59 1,572,370.00 0 5,582,218.12 26,231.34 0 0 12,504.91 4,301,844.50 1,421,145.00 173,053.80 0 237,840.27 25,927.83 2,678.15 36,433.15 143,885.29 4,792,865.37 11,001,017.07 727,195.14 23,621.10 15,160.69 90,382.91 203,679.94 25,729.10 332,136.39 3,366,393.50 1,947,058.37 6,932.63 330,644.67 277,887.40 140,967.88 0 1,239,622.25 566,721.79 87,156.74 195,239.41 4,616.00 0.00 Disbursements Fund Balance 30‐Jun‐12 3,788,506.95 1,636,019.00 1,333,611.52 0 3,501,391.72 5,905.76 0 0 229.22 3,369,432.32 187,041.39 149,925.00 0 161,460.37 24,186.19 2,210.78 32,841.39 141,906.42 4,722,859.77 10,836,699.10 716,564.15 23,376.16 15,022.62 89,102.52 200,694.19 0.00 205,155.52 3,116,173.50 1,772,322.84 4,832.72 301,335.87 187,862.82 46,445.31 0 710,073.03 168,838.33 35,428.10 195,239.41 4,353.00 0 1,747,211.93 461,630.59 238,758.48 0 2,080,826.40 20,325.58 0 0 12,275.69 932,412.18 1,234,103.61 23,128.80 0 76,379.90 1,741.64 467.37 3,591.76 1,978.87 70,005.60 164,317.97 10,630.99 244.94 138.07 1280.39 2,985.75 25,729.10 126,980.87 250,220.00 174,735.53 2099.91 29,308.80 90,024.58 94,522.57 0 529,549.22 397,883.46 51,728.64 0 263 0.00 Auditor's Warrants Outstanding 121,767.85 54,453.20 4,458.22 0 59,869.17 0 0 0 0 6,751.46 0.00 0 0 1,389.73 1,741.67 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,436.21 0 0 0 0 5,917.56 0 0 25,411.10 1,863.47 2,730.00 0 0 0 60 Hospital Maintenance 61 Hospital F.I.C.A. 62 Hospital I.P.E.R.S. 63 Hospital Tort 64 Hospital Ambulance 70 Case Management 71 Court Advocate Clearing 72 CMHC Clearing Account 73 Central Point Coord Clearing 74 Monies & Credits Agency Fund 75 Drivers License Trust 84 EMPOWERMENT FUND 86 DECAT FUND 87 Economic Development 88 Attorney's Case Mgmt Proj Fund 89 Conservation Nature Center 90 Co Attorney's Forfeiture Fund 91 Historic Preservation 92 Conservation Fund 93 Outstanding Debt‐Dept of Rev 94 Outstanding Debt Clerk of Crt Total 2,428.88 688.78 688.78 1072.01 2,428.88 6,356.48 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 6,312.10 0 20,142.04 4,199.45 12,642.57 106,044.90 0.00 0.00 189,372.40 53,704.41 53,704.41 83,584.01 189,372.40 0.00 0 0 0 3,301.00 52,765.00 0.00 0 71250 0 16,733.33 5,798.88 11,125.00 48,764.29 1,429.93 360.44 191,801.28 54,393.19 54,393.19 84,656.02 191,801.28 6,356.48 0 0 0 3,301.00 52,765.00 0.00 0 77,562.10 0 36,875.37 9,998.33 23,767.57 154,809.19 1,429.93 360.44 188,989.66 53,595.85 53,595.85 83,415.00 188,989.66 6,356.48 0 0 0 3,301.00 52,765.00 0.00 0 5,000.00 0 17,804.42 4,000.00 9,171.30 24,561.33 1,429.93 360.44 2,811.62 797.34 797.34 1,241.02 2,811.62 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 72,562.10 0 19,070.95 5,998.33 14,596.27 130,247.86 0.00 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0 0 0 928 0.00 0.00 7,118,640.51 40,370,159.04 47,488,799.55 38,380,382.91 9,108,416.64 290,717.64 In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended E911, Emergency Management Commission
and SE Iowa Community Action. For E911 they will be holding a Fire Fighter 1 class
here in Mt Pleasant at the EMC, EMC & Fire Chiefs in Henry County have issued a
county wide burn ban. The 4 counties in SE Iowa Community Action has received
approximately $4.5 million in stimulus money.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 19, 2012
Mt. Union, IA
The Board met for their monthly community meeting at Mt Union at 6:30 PM. Members
present: Chairman Kent White, Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Also present were Bill Belzer, Co Engineer, Randy & Lelia Wilkerson, Linda Johnson,
Rosalie Lensgraf and Ron Osborne who video recorded the meeting.
The citizens asked about a stop ahead sign if it was the city’s responsibility or the
county’s. It was determined it was the city’s responsibility. There was also much
discussion on the sewer system in Mt. Union and if the city unincorporated what would
the county take over and what could the citizens expect.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 24, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
They went on the safety inspection with Ed Morrison from IMWCA of all the county
Steve Wilson joined the meeting at 10:30 when the Board returned to the Courthouse for
the rest of their meeting.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by White to approve the minutes of the July 19,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Jelen McCall Office Manager accompanied by Tom Jacobsmeier Road Superintendent
gave the Secondary Road weekly update. Two bids were received for a new motor
grader one from Altorfer in Cedar Rapids for $238,680 and one from John Deere in
Moline for $195,625. The bids will be reviewed and compaired by the Engineer before
awarding. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See that Gregory Chad Shull be
employed at the rate of $17.13 per hour for the classification of Mechanic II in the Road
Department effective July 30, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Bids for Bridge #174 on
310th St over Fish Creek were opened with low bid being $234,137.98 by Iowa Bridge &
Culvert, there was a total of 5 bidders for the project. Patrol operators re-graded 130th St
west of Iowa Ave and installed new entrance culverts adjacent to the roadway and
resurfaced with gravel. Crews replaced cross tube on 260th St east of Marsh Ave. Crews
applied deck sealer to last 5 bridge decks and did some test painting on the Oakland Mills
bridge beams. Harold & Allan weeded around bridge guardrails when not directing
traffic on bridge deck sealing work. Crews hauled a mile of resurfacing rock plus 1 ½
miles on 130th St (2 lifts).
Sarah Kaufman, CPC gave her monthly update to the Board on General Assistance and
then on Mental Health. The Board signed a contract with the State & IDPH for $4,500
for County Substance Abuse Prevention Services. Kaufman updated the Board on the 2
meetings the seven surrounding county CPC’s have had about joining together to form a
region as the new state legislation is requiring the county’s to do. She stated that we
would probably stop funding DD services with the regionalization as we are the only
county providing them now and it is not required that we do so.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 26, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson joined the meeting.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the July 24,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Kent White left at 10:00 am for another meeting.
Gary Stephenson presented a 1934 Special Edition Lithograph of the Constitution of the
United States as he has managed to get one in 76 of the County’s in Iowa and would like
to get one in every county. This is a project his father started and he passed away so he is
trying to finish it. They are matted and framed at a cost of $750 all he is requesting is
that the Supervisors accept one and allow it to be put in the Court House as he tries to
find 10 businesses or organizations to donate the funds to purchase it. He stated that if it
is bought out right he would cut the cost to $675. After some discussion a motion was
made by Lindeen and seconded by See to purchase one out right with the funds left the
Board allocated for the 100 year celebration of the courthouse. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
It was decided on the plaque on the bottom it would read Celebrating Centennial of the
Henry County Court House 2012.
No sub-committee updates.
See adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
July 31, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 26,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. Two permits were approved and signed for Windstream
Communications to lay cable underground on 170th St from White Oak Rd 350 ft. west
and under Kentucky Ave at driveway 2873. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by
See to approve Resolution 16-2012-20 two quotations were received for purchase of a
new motor grader as follows Altorfer in Cedar Rapids for $238,680 and John Deere in
Moline for $195,625, the Engineer recommends purchasing the Caterpillar machine from
Altorfer because of the greater historic trade-in value, lower operating costs and GPS
requirements. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to
approve Resolution 14-2012-20 which grants the bid for BROS-CO44(70)—8J-44 Bridge
#174 on 310th St over Fish Creek for $234,137.98 by Iowa Bridge & Culvert, and
authorizing the Chairman of the Henry County Board of Supervisors to execute a
Contract and Contractor’s Bond. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Lindeen and
seconded by See that right-of-way contracts for the purchase of land for project BROSCO44(70)—8J-44, a bridge replacement on 310th St, be approved. Land is being
purchased from Darrell & Debra Kudobe and Gerritt and Mary Hunting. 3 ayes. Motion
carried. Crews cleaned ditches SE of Mt Pleasant and hauled the dirt to build up 260th St
near Marsh Ave and replaced cross tube. Crews cut brush and small trees growing under
bridges. Patrol operators pulled shoulders on paved roads W55, Iowa Ave north, 235th
St, 220th St and were able to blade gravel roads on Friday. Crews hauled 5 miles of
resurfacing rock to 200th St, Quaker Ave south of 200th St and Nebraska Ave. Crew
nailed loose plank on 190th St bridge deck west of Franklin Ave. Crews replaced north
abutment bearing plates for Oakland Mills Bridge over the Skunk River.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 2, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the July 31,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
The following Department Heads met with the Board and gave a monthly update of their
department. Shelly Barber, Auditor; Bill Belzer, Engineer; Darin Stater, Attorney; Sheila
McAllister, Deputy Assessor; Joe Buffington, P & Z Coordinator; Walt Jackson,
Emergency Management Coordinator; Rick VanWinkle, Veteran Affairs; Shirley
Wandling, Recorder; Sarah Kaufman, CPC; Ana Lorber, Treasurer.
John Marek, Mayor of Mt Union was on the agenda to discuss options of unincorporating and the speed limit north of Mt Union on X23. Marek informed the Board
after his council meeting last night that they have no intention of un-incorporating at this
time. They are talking with the State and Bond Companies about possibilities of
purchasing their sewer system from RUSS. The City of Mt Union passed an ordinance in
the spring to change the speed limit from 35 MPH to 25 MPH in town, they are
requesting that the County change the 35 MPH speed limit sign to 25 MPH north of the
stop sign on X23 coming from the north into the city. The Board asked Engineer Belzer
what he thought and he didn’t see that it would be a problem he will draw up the
Resolution for the Board to act on next Tuesday.
Mark Fredricks with Henry Adkins demonstrated the new election equipment that
Auditor Barber is going to purchase and will have in time for the General Election this
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Agriland FS Inc Alliant Energy Cummins Central Power Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Ebert Supply Co Farm & Home Publ Fellowship Cup Ed Harvey Kim Henkle Otis Henkle Henry County Health Center Henry Co Public Health Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Veteran Affairs WINDSTREAM Johnson Co Medical Examiner Ad Mail Services LLC Erica Martin Matt Parrott & Sons Co Larry Meagher Mopec Fuel ‐Conserv Util ‐County Battery Cables ‐ Cths Notary Stamp ‐DHS Cust Suppl ‐Cths Platbooks ‐Cths Food & Prov ‐GA Cell Phone ‐Atty Mlge Fee ‐VA Meeting Fee ‐VA Newborn Home Visit ‐July Comm Transformation Window Washing Flowers ‐Cths Return of Grant Money ‐VA Tele Serv ‐Supv Med Exam Fees MV Renewal ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Ofc Suppl ‐Rec Meeting Fee ‐VA Body Bags ‐Med Exam $1,489.48 $2,718.81 $45.00 $26.70 $52.72 $153.30 $500.00 $15.00 $7.49 $25.00 $837.00 $19,052.97 $17.00 $132.06 $863.96 $1,127.06 $341.29 $566.23 $379.98 $61.53 $32.49 $809.53 Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Journal O'Keefe Elevator Co James R Onorato Orschelns Card Center Erin Pettinger PJ Greufe & Associates Quill Corporation Reliable Pest Solutions Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Solutions Darin Stater The Company Tom Hassenfritz U S Cellular Wal‐Mart Payments Winfield Beacon/Wayland News General Supplemental Fund Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc Brau Law Office Des Moines Co Sheriff Great River Medical Center Henry Co Sheriffs Dept I M W C A I S A C A Lee Co Sheriff Mary Greeley Medical Center Washington Co Sheriff Pioneer Cemetery Fund Orschelns Card Center Historic Preservation Fund Henry County Heritage Trust MH ‐ DD Services Aerus Electrolux Larry Hampton Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Black Hawk‐Grundy Mental Ctr City of Cedar Rapids Iowa City Donald Conner Henry Co Public Health Hillcrest Family Services Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Carole Houseal Gene Hummell Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines J & S Electronic Systems Sarah Kaufman Mt Pleasant Utilities North Iowa Vocational Center Optimae LifeServices Inc. Southeast Ia Case Management Southeast Ia Regional Planning Sunrise Enterprise LLC Taylor Ridge Estates Inc Thomas O'Flaherty Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Util ‐Cths Bd Proc ‐Supv Elev Maint ‐Cths Meeting Fee ‐VA Round Up ‐DHS Cell Phone ‐ Atty July Fee Files & Labels ‐Atty Pest Mgmt Serv ‐CPC/VA Repaired Stool ‐Cths Rack ‐Cths Cell Phone ‐Atty Construction & Maint ‐Con Cell Phone ‐Drv Lic Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Bd Proc ‐Supv $1,366.83 $2,543.43 $483.52 $213.74 $32.49 $15.99 $30.00 $1,500.00 $105.97 $67.25 $110.18 $222.52 $15.00 $26.14 $251.49 $42.11 $550.68 Contribution ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Detoxification Serv ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Work Comp ‐ '12‐'13 Educ & Training ‐Aud Mlge ‐ CPC Detox Serv ‐CPC Serv of Notice $4,500.00 $120.00 $21.55 $3,800.00 $175.94 $6,633.00 $100.00 $21.00 $3,852.00 $17.00 Ground Maint ‐Pioneer Cem Contribution ‐Hist Pres Ofc Equip ‐ CPC Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Lodging ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Misc Reimb ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Comm Based Settings ‐ CPC Supp Empl ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Misc Reimb ‐IHS Treatment ‐CPC Misc Reimb ‐IHS Tele Serv ‐IHS Dues & Memberships ‐CPC Misc ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Util ‐ IHS Voc/Day ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC $94.98 $304.00 $119.97 $22.99 $189.29 $358.00 $24.00 $215.18 $225.00 $1,284.94 $671.44 $461.55 $56.78 $69.31 $80,985.73 $191.84 $5,635.00 $141.25 $68.34 $1,343.89 $315.00 $3,194.20 $224.64 $836.48 $510.00 $300.60 $90.00 U S Cellular Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Attorney's Forfeiture Fund Wal‐Mart Payments Secondary Road Fund Alliant Energy Marilyn Calhoun Cessford Construction Co City of Hillsboro City of Mt Union Construction & Aggregate Prod Henry Co Health Care Plan I C E O O / Kathy Lundergard Ia Prison Industries Ideal Ready Mix Co WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners J & S Electronic Systems Keltek Inc Kempkers Grand Rental Station Midwestern Culvert Ltd Mining Auger & Tool Works Inc. Norsolv Systems Environmental Orschelns Card Center Rexco Equipment Inc Sherwin‐Williams Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Mark Shull Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Florence Smith Staples Advantage Wal‐Mart Payments Washington Co Treasurer Winfield Builders Supply Capital Improvement Gerritt & Mary Hunting Farm Kudobe Farm/Kudobe Family LLLP L L Pelling Co., Inc. Community Betterment Fund Bright Shine Window Care Govern & Co Inc Ia Communities Assurance Pool Imagetek Inc WINDSTREAM Sheila McAllister Mt Pleasant News Mike Prottsman Sanitation Solutions Stephenson Brothers Jodi Sutter The Flower Station Wal‐Mart Payments Emergency Management Henry Co Sec Road Dept WINDSTREAM Solutions Squeaks Dive Shop Derek Wellington Cell Phone ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC $133.32 $204.08 Investigation ‐Atty $199.00 Sheds Sec Rd Right‐of‐Way Sec Rd Asphalt Conc 8"+ Sec Rd FM City Roads Sec Rd FM City Roads Sec Rd Strobe Bulb Sec Rd Shull ‐ Aug ins ‐ Sec Rd School & Meet fees Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Box Culverts Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Copier Contract Sec Rd Strobe Light Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd C M P Sec Rd Tamper Sec Rd Parts Cleaner Sec Rd Spraying Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Office Supplies Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd FM City Roads Sec Rd Hardware Sec Rd $105.53 $1,030.00 $915.60 $902.62 $608.33 $36.63 $658.48 $330.00 $1,941.20 $134.00 $95.92 $118.65 $13.45 $110.94 $28.78 $8,312.05 $1,368.95 $189.95 $143.31 $42.37 $1,049.02 $730.00 $125.00 $424.35 $240.00 $143.00 $76.08 $155.14 $4.89 Right of Way ‐Sec Rds Right of Way ‐Sec Rds Lowell Sealcoat ‐Sec Rds $1,377.34 $1,011.43 $14,002.30 Window Cleaning ‐Cths Appraisal ‐Cths Board Proc ‐Zoning Support ‐Rec Tele Serv ‐Zoning Mlge ‐Cths Publication ‐Zoning Sanit & Disp ‐ Cths Ofc Equip ‐Zoning Constitution Picture ‐Cth Wages ‐BOH Flowers ‐ Cths Ofc Equip ‐Zoning $1,380.00 $1,900.00 $2,763.42 $37.50 $2,752.98 $94.90 $52.56 $13,042.50 $420.12 $675.00 $4,456.18 $80.25 $39.88 Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Computers ‐Em Mgmt Training ‐Em Mgmt Training Reimb ‐Em Mgmt $176.00 $119.59 $3,198.98 $843.00 $425.00 Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Chase Card Services CardMember Gary Dustman WINDSTREAM E911 Surcharge Fund Electronic Applications Electronic Engineering Co Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel WINDSTREAM Grand Total Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Conference ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Battery, Spk MIC ‐E911 Narrow Banding ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 $80.12 $1,065.28 $11.73 $95.92 $1,676.00 $1,210.00 $198.38 $23.98 $227,787.81 No sub-committee updates.
See adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 7, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Kurt Garretson, Lynn Richard, Lynn Whaley, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the
meeting with Osborne video recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the August 2,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve
Resolution 17-2012-20 changing the speed limit southbound on Racine Ave going into
Mt Union be reduced from 35MPH to 25MPH by request of the City of Mt Union,
effective August 10, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded
by Lindeen to approve Resolution 18-2012-20 with the County Engineer recommending
the installation of stop signs at the intersection of Park St and Academy Ave in
Swedesburg for north and south bound traffic, due to visibility issues effective August
13, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Crews cleaned ditches on Marsh south of US34;
Lexington Ave south of 295th St and Logan Ave. Crews sprayed and cut weeds. Patrol
operators pulled shoulders on paved roads W55 north and south of Salem and Ash Ave
south of Hillsboro. Dan graveled edge ruts along paved roads. Crews replaced entrance
tube on Fremont north of 300th St; Lexington Ave near 300th St and fixed a tile on 140th
St. Cold patched W55 north of Wayland and Old 34 west of Mt Pleasant. Contractor has
started crack sealing north of Salem, a second crew will level dip at roadway cracks and
pavement settlement. Belzer met with the Mt Pleasant Street Committee. Belzer
presented a request to the Board made by a group of home owners on Jewell Ave of
whom Lynn Richard is one that 4 home owners would like to seal coat 4,000 ft. of Jewell
Ave at their expense of $51,845 with no cost to the county. In discussion Belzer stated
they would have to contact the State and amend the 5 year plan as that is considered an
improvement not maintenance as well as the county and home owners need to work out
other matters like maintenance and the life of seal coat is 5 -7 years what happens after
that what if property of current home owners is sold and new owners don’t wish to do
this. The Board and Belzer are in favor of allowing them to do the project but all issues
must be checked out and considered before final approval.
Lynn Whaley asked if any decisions had been made regarding the central location of the
solid waste site. The Board gave GSA a price and we have heard nothing back yet, so no
decision has been made on anything.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 9, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the August 7,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the signing of the contract for
the purchase of new vote tabulation equipment from Henry Adkins & Sons, Inc in the
amount of $87,229.00 after the trade in of the old election equipment. 3 ayes. Motion
Sarah Kaufman met with the Board regarding a letter they had received about meeting
with Washington and Louisa County Supervisors about the three of them becoming a
Region in this rebuild of the Mental Health Program. She told the Board to go ahead and
go to the meeting and listen to what they have to say, but she is still in favor of the larger
Region of about 7 counties. Kaufman also discussed with the Board many things that
have come from meetings she has attended with these 7 or 8 other county CPC
Administrators as to how they feel different things should be handled in this transition.
No sub-committee updates.
See adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 16, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Gary See and Marc Lindeen.
Steve Wilson, Riggs Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the August 14,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the hiring of 3 new full time
jailers for the Sheriff’s Dept. as follows Aaron Dorothy at $13.65 per hour starting 8-2112; Janice Ross at $13.65 per hour starting 8-27-12; Dustin VanWinkle at $13.65 per
hour starting 8-27-12. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Supervisor White had a message from GSA that they had received the copy of the
appraisal the county had done and they had a 4th option and would like to discuss the
discrepancies between the appraisal they had done and the one the county had done.
They would be getting in contact with us.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Aerus Electrolux Larry Hampton Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Garry Allender Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bezoni's True Value Cardmember Service Carpenter Uniform Co Central Ia Distributing Inc CMI Inc Bennett Crile Brad Crile Ebert Supply Co Electronic Applications Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Fast Medical DBA Zee Medical Grainger Inc Hannums Hasler Inc Heidelburg Motel Henry Co Auditor Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Law Enforcement Academy Ideal Ready Mix Co Inmate Services Corp WINDSTREAM Util ‐Conserv Equip Maint ‐GA Fuel ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Mowing ‐Conserv Util ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐VA Shop Equip ‐Conserv Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Uniforms ‐Jail Cust Suppl ‐Conserv Mouthpieces ‐Shrf Weed Erad Weed Erad Cust Suppl ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐Shrf Med Exam Fees Supplies ‐Shrf Construction & Maint ‐Con Construction & Maint ‐Con Postage Mtr ‐Trs Rent ‐GA Cust Suppl ‐DHS Public Health Contract Public Health Nursing Fuel ‐Cths Dog Care ‐ Aug '12 Construction & Maint ‐Con MMPI ‐Jail Construction & Maint ‐Con Inmate Transport ‐Jail Tele Serv ‐Shrf $218.11 $73.93 $29.79 $35.00 $348.00 $1,035.31 $263.11 $313.46 $221.39 $29.08 $129.25 $54.17 $50.00 $50.00 $68.45 $40.00 $350.00 $69.05 $58.75 $202.70 $228.00 $800.00 $197.89 $24,156.15 $7,570.98 $82.09 $550.00 $632.53 $280.00 $129.51 $400.00 $55.16 ISAC ‐ Des Moines J & S Electronic Systems Danny Jacobs Bonnie Kaufman Keltek Inc Judy Kephart Kinney Machine Tool Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Language Line Services Louisa Co Sheriff's Dept Mertens Rental Properties Jane Messer Mikes Automotive Mt Pleasant Athletic Booster Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities Mullens Body Shop New London Family Health Northeast Animal Hospital O'Reilly Automotive Inc Office Depot On‐Site Info Destruction Inc PJ Greufe & Associates Quality Equipment Inc Quill Corporation Radar Road Tec Jerry Eshelman Rathbun Regional Water Ron's Tire & Repair Lois J Roth Rubey Lawn Care Dr Alfred Savage Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant SIACC SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Sloans Printing Service Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Solutions Staples Advantage State Medical Examiner Iowa Stop Tech Ltd Stroud Mediation Services Rick SyWassink Taft‐Wiley Company Tammy Tyrrell U S Cellular U S POSTAL SERVICE (Hasler) US BANK Verizon Wireless Washington Co Auditor West Payment Center Wilson Distributor Serv Blanca Gomez‐Wittmer Joan Wolfe Xerox Corporation Dues ‐FY2013 Toner ‐Rec Rent ‐ VA Matron Exp ‐Jail Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Matron Exp ‐Jail Construction & Maint ‐Con Mo Maint Agree ‐Trs Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Interpretation ‐Comm Inmate Housing ‐Jail Rent ‐Juvi Prob Mending ‐Dep Shrf Mtr Vchle Maint ‐Conserv Publication ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Construction & Maint ‐Con Bd Proc ‐Supv Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Util ‐CPC/VA Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Medical Exp ‐Jail Bonsai Boarding ‐Atty Parts ‐Conserv Supplies ‐Comm Shredding ‐Cths August Fee Construction & Maint ‐Con Ofc Suppl ‐ Atty Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Water ‐Conserv Tires & Tubes ‐Conserv Matron Exp ‐Jail Mowing ‐Conserv Pre‐Employment Screening Vchle ‐Dep Shrf Transports ‐Jail Transports ‐Jail Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Cisco ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Med Exam Fees Stop Sticks Suppl ‐Dep Sh Drug/Alcohol ‐ Atty Development Hrs ‐Med Exam Bldg Rprs ‐DHS Matron Exp ‐Jail Cell Phone ‐DHS Postage Mtr ‐Trs Mo Lease ‐DHS Cell Phones ‐Shrf Inmate Housing ‐Jail Online Resource ‐Atty Ofc Suppl ‐Trs Interpreter ‐ Jail Matron Exp ‐Jail Data Proc ‐Conserv $275.00 $54.00 $200.00 $109.06 $256.65 $22.46 $1,875.00 $26.00 $195.00 $85.80 $40.00 $600.00 $81.50 $140.19 $125.00 $1,140.23 $43.20 $1,132.15 $30.00 $3,113.67 $1,000.00 $60.00 $48.00 $259.65 $18.00 $187.92 $1,500.00 $15.00 $125.74 $350.00 $183.01 $979.50 $19.25 $225.00 $457.00 $1,309.21 $473.17 $385.97 $147.50 $73.50 $134.43 $74.69 $1,646.50 $87.42 $648.75 $345.00 $50.00 $19.25 $108.05 $8,000.00 $499.86 $350.79 $20,650.00 $428.65 $444.00 $55.29 $32.08 $80.26 Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund American Home Finding Assn Benton Co Sheriff's Office Des Moines Co Sheriff Family Resources Inc Foundation II Inc Genesis Medical Center Hillcrest Family Services SIACC SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Washington Co Sheriff Pioneer Cemetery Fund Garry Allender Allan Barnes Blake Batey David Gates MH ‐ DD Services Alliant Energy Bancard Center Bridgeway Broadlawns Medical Center Ment Dave's Lock and Key Genesis Psychiatric Hosp Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Carole Houseal Hy‐Vee Drugstore ‐ Mt Pleasant Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Insight Partnership Group LLC Optimae LifeServices Inc. Juli Rosensteel SIACC Sunrise Enterprise LLC Vera French Community Mental Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Agriland FS Inc Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Banner Auto & Hardware Binns & Stevens CARQUEST Auto Parts Cessford Construction Co Crescent Electric Supply Douds Stone Inc Fastenal Co Grainger Inc Ia Dept of Natl Resources Ia Dept of Transportation Interstate Batteries of NE MO Mid Country Machinery Inc Mt Pleasant Electric Contracto Mt Pleasant Lumber Fuel ‐Cths $18.00 Juvi Hosp Serv of Notice Serv of Notice Juvi Hosp Juvi Hosp Detoxification Serv ‐CPC Shelter Care ‐Juvi Prob Substance Abuse ‐CPC Detention Stay ‐Juvi Prob Serv of Notice $793.05 $16.50 $32.65 $983.32 $279.90 $62.50 $1,026.30 $900.84 $1,850.00 $138.21 Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Misc ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Grave Stone Rpr ‐Pioneer $410.00 $404.97 $90.00 $172.84 Util ‐IHS Travel Exp ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Bldg Rprs ‐ IHS Hosp ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC $62.22 $33.75 $80.00 $155.00 $80.00 $62.50 $750.34 $375.18 $222.06 $201.97 $82,161.94 $361.60 $1,206.53 $125.02 $2,194.86 $600.00 $410.14 $339.86 Shop Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Dust Palliative Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Office Supplies Sec Rd Batteries Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd $921.70 $101.99 $29,393.43 $154.00 $60.00 $43.78 $972.76 $328.91 $9,932.25 $802.71 $3,382.94 $225.04 $40,165.70 $631.45 $331.80 $175.00 $102.30 $212.90 $81.30 $84.00 $13.98 Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Utilities Northern Safety Co Inc O'Reilly Automotive Inc Quality Equipment Inc Matt Schinstock Solutions Southeastern Comm College St Luke's Drug and Alcohol Steffensmeier Welding Swailes Auto Supply Total Connection Electric Inc U S Cellular Conservation Nature Center Cardmember Service Conservation Fund Harold & Sharon Busby Dan Housh Patricia Johnston David Neff Community Betterment Fund Agri‐Center of Henry Co Bezoni's True Value Des MoinesCo Regional Landfill Diamond Mowers Inc Great River Reg Waste WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems Brant Knudson Sheila McAllister Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber Mt Pleasant News Lynn G Roth Signs & Designs Solutions Jodi Sutter Warner Engineering Assoc Wellington Electric Wemiga Waste Economic Development Southeast Ia Regional Planning Emergency Management Alliant Energy Hedge Above LLC Mt Pleasant Utilities Quill Corporation Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Hasler Inc Henry Co Sec Road Dept Northeast District ISAA E911 Surcharge Fund Century Link Phoenix CenturyLink Electronic Applications Electronic Engineering Co Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel Publications Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Signals Sec Rd Safety Supplies Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Computer Services Sec Rd MSHA Refresher Training S Safety Testing Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Batteries Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd $42.30 $72.06 $66.47 $299.34 $3.09 $100.00 $57.47 $2,826.93 $580.00 $259.00 $1,373.64 $470.33 $139.51 $108.00 Feed ‐Conserv $1,135.61 Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv $150.00 $100.00 $75.00 $100.00 Weedeater ‐Sec Rds Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Tire Disposal ‐Sec Rds Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Waste Serv ‐Supv Internet ‐Cths Phone System ‐Cths Reimb ‐Zoning Meeting ‐Zoning Suppl ‐Cths Centennial ‐Cths Cisterns ‐ BOH Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Maint ‐Rec Wages ‐BOH Crossroads Park Networking ‐Cths Sanit & Disp ‐Cths $401.72 $257.42 $812.50 $80.96 $5,361.25 $1,529.00 $5,497.58 $90.00 $40.00 $61.08 $149.19 $600.00 $72.00 $945.00 $3,746.18 $4,250.00 $2,549.01 $315.00 Revolving Loan Refund ‐FY $3,336.00 Util ‐Em Mgmt Mowing ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Paper ‐Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Postage Mtr ‐Assessor Fuel ‐Assessor Conference ‐Assessor Training ‐E911 Mo Serv ‐E911 Power Supply ‐E911 Battery ‐E911 Phone ‐E911 $28.85 $100.00 $578.86 $30.99 $1,024.85 $12.00 $41.56 $300.00 $12,521.51 $482.82 $2,007.27 $14,319.46 $399.74 WINDSTREAM U S Cellular Grand Total Tele Serv ‐E911 Air Card ‐E911 $1,538.90 $57.30 $345,955.95 No sub-committee updates.
See adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 21, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the August 16,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve
Resolution 20-2012-20 whereas bids were received for Project L-C061335—73-44, RCB
Culvert replacement on 300th St. and the bid was awarded to Iowa Bridge and Culvert of
Washington, IA at a cost of $50,092.10, and the Chairman of the Board is authorized to
execute a contract on behalf of Henry County. 3 ayes. Motion carried. There was a
Preconstruction Conference on Wednesday for the BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish
Creek. The IDOT has approved the 5 year plan change for Jewell Ave if it is decided to
proceed. Crews ditched on James Ave north of Swedesburg and leveled dirt that had
been excavated earlier in the year. Crew ground bumps on paved roads and in Mt
Pleasant. Patrol operators were in their machines most of the week. Truck drivers
spotted rock a couple of days.. Dan graveled edge ruts along paved roads. Crew hydro
cleaned the north bay of the Oakland Mills Bridge and started the prime coat. Contractor
has completed leveling of cracks from Salem to Oakland Mills. Crew replaced one cross
tube on Iowa Ave, one on Hickory Ave and one entrance culvert adjacent to 170th St.
Joining the meeting was Lynn Whaley, Danny Cornell Attorney, Mike & Diane
Prottsman, Mary Lou Prottsman and Darin Stater County Attorney.
Darin Stater addressed the Board about the letter the Board of Supervisors and he had
received from Lynn Whaley regarding the Solid Waste Contract between the County and
Prottsman sanitation that he had made an error on it and no one noticed the error. The
Board of Supervisors informed him they had not received any letter and was not aware of
what he was talking about. Stater went ahead to explain that the contract that was signed
did not match the RFP that was used to bid with, he stated that it needed to be corrected
before proceeding with any of the other concerns Mr. Whaley had addressed in the letter.
Supervisor See stated he was not comfortable making any decision until they had the time
to review all the same documentation that everyone setting in from of them had
apparently had. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to table any corrections
or changes until August 28, 2012 at 10:00 am. See & Lindeen aye, White nay. Motion
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
In sub-committee updates See attended Crime Commission meeting, Lindeen attended
GRRWA and Community Action meetings.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 28, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the August 21,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Osborne questioned the revised agenda being posted after 1:00 pm
yesterday and the Auditor stated it was revised to add the 1:30 pm meeting the Board was
attending today and she had the confirmation from the webpage host it was posted shortly
after 1:00 pm which is within the 24 hours. He also requested a copy of a document
Lynn Whaley had given the Board on May 10, 2012 which Supervisor White provided to
him and also all documentation on the sealcoating project on Jewell Ave. which the
Board has nothing.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved a permit for Karl Braun to PCC driveway at
2430 Iowa Ave., they also approved a permit for Heather Duncan for a sanitary outlet at
2155 Oasis Ave. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the contractor started
bridge removal yesterday. Crew ground bumps on paved roads north of Winfield and
near Olds. Patrol operators worked on projects most of the week, some mowed paved
roads in Salem area. Crew completed hydro cleaning, prime-coating and two finish coats
on the north bay of the Oakland Mills Bridge. Crew began seeding ditches with the drill.
Crew replaced one cross tube on Dakota Ave, replaced 3 old entrance culverts, installed
one new driveway culvert and ditched in areas of culverts installed. Received a new
shipment of signs & crew continue upgrade signs. IDOT wants to discuss agreement for
mowing/snow for this year.
Derek Wellington, Safety Coordinator presented a bid to the Board they had requested
him to acquire for the repair of the Courthouse roof. He contacted Wiley Construction
and they suggested for the type of roof we have to contact Forever Dry Roofing from
Ainsworth, IA. They came and inspected and the drains on the roof are located too high
in the valley of the roof causing water to stand in those valleys. He recommends
installing 8 new 2” drains and repairing the rubber membrane where the water has stood.
Smith Plumbing Heating & Cooling was also present for the inspection and they would
have the drilling of the new holes in the roof done and the replacement of the piping in
attic for the drains. With both bids the total cost of the project is $12,180. It was moved
by Lindeen and seconded by See to accept the bids as presented and get the project
started before the weather changes. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joining the meeting was Mike & Diane Prottsman, Mary Lou Prottsman, Jim Becker
Attorney for Prottsman, Lynn Whaley and Darin Stater County Attorney.
The Board brought back to the table the issue tabled in the August 21, 2012 meeting
regarding the correction of the Solid Waste Contract between Prottsman Sanitation and
Henry County. Stater explained that the current contract did not match the RFP and it
needed to be corrected before any more time goes by. Supervisor See stated he was not
comfortable changing the contract as they had made several exceptions to the past
contracts for Whaley’s when they come in and requested. Supervisor Lindeen asked
Stater what exactly it means to change the wording in the contract. He stated it was
difficult to say but it needed corrected to match the RFP. Becker Attorney for Prottsman
asked if he could maybe help clarify things, he read from pages 3-7 of the RFP clarifying
what was bid on for the flat rate and what was additional as well as he stated all contracts
usually have flaws, but he had a proposed reformed payment paragraph that he handed
out to the Board and Stater to review. After review by County Attorney Stater and the
Board and some discussion, Stater agreed that by replacing the payment paragraph in the
current contract with the one Attorney Becker had presented would definitely have the
contract match the RFP. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to accept the
proposed reformed payment paragraph. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Auditor will
prepare a corrected contract as instructed by the County Attorney for the Board and
Prottsman Sanitation to sign on Thursday August 30, 2012.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
In sub-committee updates See attended Workforce Development meeting.
The Board will be attending a Mental Health Reorganization meeting in Wapello at 1:30
with the Louisa and Washington County Supervisors to discuss options.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 30, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Lynn Whaley, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the August 28,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Lynn Whaley presented a document to the Supervisors stating he
didn’t understand why they were adding proposed reformed payment paragraph to the
RFP. The Board told him they would discuss this at 10:00 as that is when it is on the
Sarah Kaufman CPC was joined by Judge Cynthia Danielson to discuss what to do about
filling the resent vacancy of the Patient Advocate position due to the sudden passing of
Carole Houseal who was the current Advocate. This position is required by law, the
judicial system hires the individual and the county has to pay the individual for the
service. This is a good time to work out some guidelines that have never been
established before when hiring this new position, but right now the main goal is to get
someone into the interim position temporarily and the Board agreed completely and the
moneys that was budgeted are available to do so.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the contract with St. Luke’s
for a daily rate which is down from last year. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joining the meeting was Mike & Diane Prottsman, Jim Becker Attorney for Prottsman,
Lynn Whaley, Danny Cornell Attorney for Whaley and Darin Stater County Attorney.
County Attorney Stater informed the Board that he had a copy of the document that Mr.
Whaley had given to them this morning. Stater asked the Board what was their intent at
the time of doing this RFP and all the discussion on it. Attorney Cornell and Attorney
Becker both made statements for their clients on the matter. After much discussion
Supervisors See with the agreement by the other Board members gave a directive for the
County Attorney acting on the Boards behalf to meet with the other two attorneys Becker
and Cornell and bring back to the Board his recommendation as to what can legally be
Derek Wellington, Safety Coordinator presented a bid to the Board they had requested
him to acquire for the repair of the CPC roof. He contacted Wiley Construction and they
suggested for the type of roof we have to contact Forever Dry Roofing from Ainsworth,
IA. They came and inspected and gave two options 1) to completely strip the old roof,
repair and replace at a price of $39,491 for 6,400 sq. ft. or 2) to repair by a new system
that revents and drys the old roof and then patch the bad places at a cost of $24,984. The
Board requested that Wellington contact them and ask a few more questions as they study
the situation and bring it to them on Tuesday September 4, 2012 meeting.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative All American Pest Control Alliant Energy CCPOA of Iowa Inc CDW Government Inc Ebert Supply Co Util ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Util ‐Conserv Educ & Training ‐ Conserv Toner ‐Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths $9.15 $35.00 $855.33 $120.00 $469.40 $197.94 Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Kim Henkle Otis Henkle Henry Co Health Care Plan Henry County Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Treasurer Ana Lorber Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines IACCVA Patty Hamann Ideal Ready Mix Co WINDSTREAM Iris Motel ISCTA J & S Electronic Systems Johnson Co Medical Examiner Ad Bonnie Kaufman Argelia Koller Erica Martin Larry Meagher Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities Murphy Funeral Home O'Keefe Elevator Co Office Depot James R Onorato Reliable Pest Solutions Lois J Roth Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant SIACC Solutions UI Diagnostic Laboratories Wal‐Mart Payments Jodi Woline General Supplemental Fund Bell Law Office Des Moines Co Sheriff I M W C A Johnson Co Sheriff Historic Preservation Fund Spark Consulting MH ‐ DD Services Abbe Center for Community Hlth Bailey Office Equipment Bell Law Office Black Hawk‐Grundy Mental Ctr Brau Law Office Bridgeway City of Cedar Rapids Iowa City Community Care Inc Henry Co Public Health Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Hutchinson Salt Co Inc Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Insight Partnership Group LLC WINDSTREAM Med Exam Fees Supplies ‐Shrf Mlge ‐VA Meeting Fee ‐VA Medical Premiums ‐Jail Pre Screen Empl ‐Jail Care for Yourself Gas ‐Dep Shrf Taxes ‐CPC Bldg Inmate Meals ‐Jail Fall Schooling ‐ VA Construction & Maint ‐Con Tele Serv ‐Supv Rent ‐GA Dues ‐FY 13 Copier ‐DHS Med Exam Fees Matron Exp ‐Jail Matron ‐Jail Cleaning Serv ‐ CPC/VA Mlge Fee ‐VA Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Util ‐Cths Funeral ‐GA Elev Maint ‐Cths Supplies ‐Shrf Meeting Fee ‐VA Deodorizer ‐Cths Matron Exp ‐Jail Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Transports ‐Jail Ofc Data & Equip ‐Cths Med Exam Autopsy Cust Suppl ‐Cths Matron Exp ‐Jail $300.00 $67.50 $7.49 $25.00 $3,151.22 $396.18 $365.00 $3,474.94 $3,270.00 $3,090.65 $30.00 $127.60 $1,104.66 $400.00 $325.00 $124.80 $1,558.00 $64.15 $109.06 $379.98 $32.49 $505.92 $4,530.99 $2,000.00 $222.25 $202.68 $32.49 $351.56 $19.25 $22.46 $1,503.54 $4,495.72 $4,593.00 $3.97 $96.23 Substance Abuse ‐CPC Serv of Notice Work Comp ‐'12‐'13 Serv of Notice $51.00 $65.30 $6,633.00 $16.00 SNRC Meeting ‐Hist Pres $1,200.00 Treatment ‐CPC Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Comm Based Settings ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Cs Mgmt ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Tele Serv ‐IHS $45.48 $176.96 $51.00 $132.00 $84.00 $275.00 $24.00 $1,028.50 $196.00 $97.05 $98.00 $582.26 $85,816.32 $769.56 $131.16 Johnson Co Sheriff Sarah Kaufman North Iowa Vocational Center Optimae LifeServices Inc. SEIBUS Training Resources Vera French Community Mental Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Brad Holtkamp Automotive Inc Brozene Hydraulic Service Cessford Construction Co Eastern Iowa Tire Ebert Supply Co Fastenal Co Francy Repair Ia Dept of Natl Resources Ia Dept of Transportation WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners Keltek Inc L & W Quarries Martin Equipment Midwestern Culvert Ltd Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Nichting Co Inc Orschelns Card Center Sherwin‐Williams Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Florence Smith Sound Advice Craig Steffensmeier Summit Supply Inc Wal‐Mart Payments Conservation Nature Center Jerry Barker REAP Fund V J Engineering Capital Improvement Denco Corporation Community Betterment Fund Joseph Buffington Diamond Mowers Inc Govern & Co Inc Great River Reg Waste WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems John Deere Financial Tom Miller Mt Pleasant Electric Contracto Jodi Sutter UNI Roadside Program Roadside Wal‐Mart Payments Emergency Management Henry Co Sec Road Dept WINDSTREAM Midwest Breathing Air Commitment ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Educ & Training ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Shed Sec Rd Sheds Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Towels Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Storm Water Discharge Sec Engineer Supplies Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Strobe Lights Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Tires Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Office Supplies Sec Rd Consultant Fees Sec Rd Safety Shirts Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Acorn Exp ‐Conserv REAP ‐Conserv $31.50 $295.80 $315.00 $4,518.31 $1,007.10 $92.00 $138.49 $113.97 $293.68 $413.54 $39.90 $6,877.15 $1,161.84 $51.00 $67.64 $438.24 $175.00 $2,728.46 $87.44 $160.10 $110.85 $1,159.85 $6,218.17 $8,545.26 $457.39 $817.40 $984.85 $14,594.22 $49.00 $240.00 $14.99 $4,922.50 $41.40 $45.24 $75.00 $8,810.00 Crack Filling ‐Sec Rds $40,544.64 Mlge ‐Zoning Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Appraisal ‐Cths Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Tele Serv ‐Zoning Phone System ‐Cths Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Well Pluggings ‐BOH Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Wages ‐BOH Annual Conf ‐Sec Rds 100th Yr Anniv ‐Cths $189.37 $145.14 $3,000.00 $198.38 $21.86 $236.70 $340.13 $1,600.00 $793.92 $4,331.34 $75.00 $64.60 Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Air Yoke ‐Em Mgmt $120.48 $109.30 $83.89 Rod's Car Cleaning Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment WINDSTREAM Sheila McAllister Southeast District ISAA E911 Surcharge Fund Electronic Applications Electronic Engineering Co WINDSTREAM SwissPhone LLC Grand Total Cleaning ‐Em Mgmt $95.00 Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor School ‐Assessor $6.29 $87.44 $75.99 $450.00 Narrow Band ‐E911 CP200 ‐E911 Tele Serv ‐E911 Pagers ‐E911 $600.00 $394.00 $1,561.15 $2,312.55 $259,672.64 White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 30, 2012
Winfield, IA
The Board met in special session at 6:30 pm. Members present: Chairman Kent White
and Marc Lindeen.
Present was Angie Oepping City Clerk of Winfield and Ron Osborne who video recorded
the session.
No public comments.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 4, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the August 30,
2012 morning meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded
by White to approve the evening minutes of August 30, 2012. 2 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the contractor has
removed existing bridge deck and one abutment. The 300th St culvert project we are still
waiting for the contract from Iowa Bridge and Culvert. Patrol operators were in their
machines most of last week. Crew completed hydro cleaning, prime-coating and two
finish coats on the second bay from the north end of the Oakland Mills Bridge. Crew
began seeding with the hydro seeder. We mowed paved road shoulders around Mt
Pleasant. Tom was called out for an accident on Hwy 218 at Jewel Ave. Received IDOT
mowing agreement for this year.
Derek Wellington, Safety Coordinator informed the Board what he found out about the
warranty on the 2 different options for the roof project with Forever Dry Roofing for the
CPC building. Option 1) To remove and replace old roof at cost of $39,491 has a 15 year
transferable warranty; Option 2) To repair by a new system that revents and drys the old
roof and then patch the bad places at a cost of $24,984 has a 15 year warranty and is
transferable upon inspection and prorated on condition, may not be a full 15 years if
transferred. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to accept Option 1 for CPC
building roof. 2 ayes See and Lindeen; 1 nay White. Motion carried.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
In sub-committee updates See attended Workforce Development meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 6, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the September
4, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Dale Longwell with Legal Shield presented an option for a Voluntary Benefit to County
Employees for an Identity Theft & Legal Program for $25.90 a month for employee and
spouse or significant other. The Board will discuss this with the County’s HR Consultant
and get back with Mr. Longwell.
Department Heads present to give their monthly update to the Board were Shelly Barber,
Auditor; Rick Van Winkle, Vet Affairs; Sarah Kaufman, CPC; Bill Belzer, Engineer;
Gary Dustman, Assessor; Ana Lorber, Treasurer; Walt Jackson, EMC; Shirley Wandling,
Recorder; John Pullis, Conservation; Joe Buffington Planning & Zoning.
Sarah Kaufman, CPC met with the Board to discuss the redesign of Mental Health.
Henry County has the option to go with a 3 county region or an 8 county region.
Kaufman nor the Board are opposed to a 3 county region but are just afraid the state will
come back in a year or so and say that is to small and not the intent of the redesign and
force us to combine with possibly counties we don’t want to. Therefore the Board prefers
to go towards a 6 to 8 county region with counties we choose to work with instead.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve a Governor’s Traffic SafetyAlcohol Incentive Grant for $4,500 for the purchase of one car video camera. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates See.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 11, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the September
6, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved several permits for Access Energy to do
maintenance in the road right of way to existing lines. It was move by See and seconded
by White that a Roadway Maintenance Agreement with the IDOT for shoulder mowing
of Highway 78 be approved and further giving the Chairman of the Henry County Board
of Supervisors authorization to sign the agreement. 3 ayes. Motion carried. BR#174
project on 310th St over Fish Creek the contractor has completed removal of the existing
bridge and drove the east pier piles. The Board signed the contract with Iowa Bridge &
Culvert for the 300th St culvert project near Lexington. Patrol operators were in their
machines most of last week. Crew completed hydro cleaning, prime-coating and two
finish coats on the third bay from the north end of the Oakland Mills Bridge, it is now
half complete with painting. Crew seeded with the hydro seeder 3 days. Crew hauled
spot rock and hauled rip-rap to two washouts. Crew cut trees on Hickory Ave south of
130th St and on 300th St at Lexington Ave. Belzer gave the Board a map that Iowa
Pavement Management Program had completed by driving a machine over main Henry
County Roads that determines the condition of the roads, which showed them in better
condition than he felt they would.
Jason Sutton from the Union Negotiations Committee for the Henry County Sheriff’s
Department presented the Union Proposal for the 2013-2017 Collective Bargaining Unit.
They requesting a four year contract with a 3% raise each of the four years of the contract
and if the Board offers an across the board increase to non-union, non-elected employees
greater than that 3% the same increase would be granted to the union employees. They
are requesting a Section be added for the Canine Officer Pay which reads as the current
side letter and the side letter be done away with. Also change a sentence in Use of Sick
Leave to read for illness or injury to a member of the employee’s immediate family,
defined as his/her spouse, child, or parent. The current reads for illness or injury to a
member of the employee’s immediate family, defined as his/her spouse or children living
at home. The Board will give their response back to the Bargaining Unit at 9:30
September 25, 2012.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 13, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the September
11, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
John Pullis met with the Board to update them on the Conservation Department. He
informed them they are still working on the walk bridge analysis for repairs to it. FEMA
money is starting to come in and Mt Pleasant Electric will be starting the electrical work
on the campgrounds which is another FEMA project. They are considering the
possibility of constructing another disc golf course in the waterworks area. The current
course needs to have the baskets replaced as they are worn out and they would take them
and repair them to try out this new course for a couple years to get it just right before they
spent the funds to construct another one. Pullis stated it would be another good Eagle
Scout Project for someone just as the first one was.
Joining the meeting was Jon Hall & Brant Knudson with Insight.
Joe Buffington presented to the Board that the Planning & Zoning Commission had met
on September 11, 2012 regarding a land use agreement for conditional use of land in part
of SWNE Sec 8 of Jackson Twp requesting to be rezoned for the purpose of retail sales
incidental to the shooting range. The P & Z Commission approved the request
unanimously with 3 of the 5 members being present. It was moved by See and seconded
by Lindeen to go into Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Board asked what
exactly would they be selling? Mr. Hall stated apparel, guns, ammunition, targets
anything relating to the shooting range. They also asked if this would be an archery
range? Mr. Hall yes that the local 4-H club had approached them and they would be
using it as well as he stated they are there to work with the community for school trap and
any other organizations interested. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go
out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by
Lindeen to approve Resolution #25-2012 Land Use Agreement for retail sales incidental
to the shooting range located at 1735 295th St Mt Pleasant. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the 1st
Reading of Amendment to Rezone property in 8-70-6 from A-1 Agricultural to C-1
Commercial. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Ordinance was read by Joe Buffington
Planning & Zoning Coordinator there being no oral or written comments, other than the
Board wishes to have all 3 readings. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to
go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Lindeen and
seconded by See to approve the Ordinance amendment as read. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jim Warner presented a change order on the Storm Water Detention Basin in Crossroads
Industrial park for Cole Construction requesting a 30 day extension on the seeding of the
project. Supervisor Lindeen was not pleased the project was not completed by August
31, 2012 including the seeding as there had been ample time and good weather for it to
have been. Lindeen feels the later the seeding is done the less likely it will be a good
stand and may need redone. Mr. Warner stated the contract reads that Cole Construction
must re-vegetate the site no matter how many times it must be seeded. Lindeen stated
that may be but he would like a letter from Cole Construction stating due to the change
order no cost will come to Henry County if it must be reseeded or to establish revegetation back. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to table the change order
till Tuesday September 18, 2012 at 10:30 when a letter can be obtained from Cole
Construction. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bezoni's True Value Data Imaging Supplies Ebert Supply Co Electronic Applications Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Fellowship Cup Ed Harvey Hedge Above LLC Heidelburg Motel Otis Henkle Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Ia Division of Labor Ia Prison Industries ISAC ‐ Des Moines ISCTA J & S Electronic Systems Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Mail Services LLC Mertens Rental Properties Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Journal Northeast Animal Hospital O'Reilly Automotive Inc On‐Site Info Destruction Inc James R Onorato Erin Pettinger Rathbun Regional Water Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Solutions Staples Advantage State Medical Examiner Iowa Darin Stater Stroud Mediation Services U S Cellular U S POSTAL SERVICE (Hasler) UI Diagnostic Laboratories US BANK US Bank Equipment Finance Verizon Wireless Wal‐Mart Payments Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Brau Law Office Henry Co Sheriffs Ofc State Public Defender Util ‐VA K‐9 Exp ‐Dep Shrf Util ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐ Rec Cust Suppl ‐Cths Toner ‐Trs Cust Suppl ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐ Dep Shrf Medical Exp ‐Jail Food & Prov ‐CPC/VA Cell Phone ‐Atty Mowing ‐IHS Rent ‐GA Meeting Fee ‐VA Public Health Contract Lead Dog Care Boiler ‐Cths Supplies ‐Shrf Educ & Training ‐Supv Meeting Reg ‐Trs Suppl ‐DHS Mo Maint ‐Trs Postage & Mail ‐Trs Rent ‐Juvi Prob Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Bd Proc ‐Supv CPC/VA Bd Proc ‐Supv Bonsai Boarding Vhcle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Shredding ‐Cths Meeting ‐VA Cell Phone ‐Atty Water ‐Conserv Vchle ‐Dep Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths AS400 ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Med Exam ‐Fees Cell Phone ‐Atty Drug/Alcohol Testing ‐Att Cell Phone ‐Drv Lic Postage Meter ‐Rec Med Exam ‐Fees Gas ‐Shrf Mo Lease ‐DHS Wireless Cards ‐Shrf Suppl ‐Trs Bd Proc ‐Supv Fuel ‐Cths Substance Abuse ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC County Base FY 2013 $198.02 $39.45 $214.23 $349.13 $214.20 $154.34 $62.36 $65.00 $498.00 $500.00 $15.00 $420.00 $800.00 $25.00 $20,267.36 $11,435.58 $550.00 $50.00 $45.80 $580.00 $70.00 $11.13 $67.72 $5,228.77 $600.00 $23.89 $639.20 $4,184.13 $847.28 $120.00 $209.36 $86.40 $32.49 $15.00 $178.00 $315.47 $440.24 $2,507.45 $275.88 $2,560.80 $15.00 $660.00 $365.45 $400.00 $3,685.00 $955.68 $113.59 $350.59 $42.49 $876.75 $19.04 $162.00 $178.54 $7,064.00 SIACC Pioneer Cemetery Fund Garry Allender Allan Barnes Blake Batey Bezoni's True Value Case Memorials Ethan Starr E's Mowing MH ‐ DD Services Bailey Office Equipment Brau Law Office Des Moines Co CPC Great River Health Systems SE Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sheriffs Dept I S A C ‐ Des Moines Ia Community Serv Assoc Sarah Kaufman SIACC U S Cellular Vera French Community Mental Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Arnold Motor Supply The Merril Banner Auto & Hardware Bauer Built Tire Brad Holtkamp Automotive Inc Centre St Internatl Truck Cessford Construction Co Douds Stone Inc Fastenal Co Dave Gill Trucks Inc Ia Prison Industries Keltek Inc L & W Quarries Mid Country Machinery Inc Midwest Old Threshers Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Journal New London Utilities Northern Ia Const Product Rathbun Regional Water River Products Co Rowekamp Associates Inc Steffensmeier Welding Swailes Auto Supply U S Cellular Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Capital Improvement Denco Corporation Substance Abuse ‐CPC Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Repair/Install Stones ‐Pi Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Suppl ‐Pioneer Cem Custom Lettering ‐ Pionee Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Educ & Training ‐CPC Educ & Training ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC $785.81 $205.00 $532.42 $45.00 $11.48 $2,361.00 $75.00 $2.85 $246.00 $51.00 $55.00 $98.00 $178.53 $130.00 $50.00 $32.64 $238.06 $133.84 $138.49 $466.78 Shop Sec Rd Welding Supplies Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Shop Parts Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Strobe Lights Sec Rd Shoulders Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Dust Palliative Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Publications Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Publications Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Flex Posts Sec Rd Trenton Shed Sec Rd Shoulders Sec Rd Computer Services Sec Rd Mower Repair Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd Publications Sec Rd $773.66 $163.50 $31,883.39 $60.00 $52.62 $6,310.40 $286.30 $147.78 $103.00 $627.84 $4,644.06 $329.61 $29,524.75 $84.54 $70.21 $9,557.59 $614.98 $855.24 $29.15 $750.00 $176.73 $32.90 $73.89 $26.33 $68.66 $1,456.50 $348.00 $1,194.88 $1,500.00 $268.57 $1,133.11 $108.00 $22.85 Slurry Leveling ‐Sec Rds $42,417.99 Ia Bridge & Culvert Inc Community Betterment Fund Agri‐Center of Henry Co Des MoinesCo Regional Landfill Great River Reg Waste Imagetek Inc ISAC ‐ Des Moines Mike Prottsman Sanitation Quality Equipment Inc Jodi Sutter Wemiga Waste Economic Development Henry Co Treasurer Ana Lorber Emergency Management Alliant Energy Hedge Above LLC Mt Pleasant Utilities The Finish Line Restaurant Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment ISAA ‐Sec‐Treas Sheila McAllister Schneider Corporation E911 Surcharge Fund A T & T Mobility CenturyLink Electronic Applications Ia Prison Industries WINDSTREAM SwissPhone LLC U S Cellular Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Grand Total 310th St Bridge ‐Sec Rds $15,963.87 Seed, Fertilizer ‐Sec Rds Tire Disposal ‐Sec Rds Waste Serv ‐Supv Maint ‐Rec Training ‐Zoning Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Storage Container ‐Cths Wages ‐BOH Sanit & Disp ‐Cths $1,433.84 $360.00 $6,649.70 $2,102.96 $130.00 $12,387.10 $470.00 $2,970.98 $315.00 Taxes ‐Crossroads Prk Util ‐ Em Mgmt Yard Mowing ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt ICS300 ‐Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Conference ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Web Fee ‐Assessor Phone Bill ‐E911 E911 Repairs ‐E911 Signs ‐E911 Phone Serv ‐E911 Narrow Band ‐E911 Air Card ‐E911 Budget ‐E911 $1,526.00 $34.54 $100.00 $667.69 $53.50 $15.26 $550.00 $24.48 $2,025.00 $216.00 $964.20 $4,282.48 $85.35 $3,078.58 $59.77 $57.30 $172.00 $268,014.34 No updates on the Solid Waste Site and a proposal was received for the Co Care Facility
Property no action was taken.
No sub-committee updates See.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 18, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Dave Helman, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the September
13, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
In public comments Dave Helman informed the Board that he would be presenting to the
County Auditor a petition for a satellite polling place at the Iowa Wesleyan College on
October 24 from 11:00 to 6:00. He stated it would cost the county $360 to have this
satellite polling place. Ron Osborne asked what the procedure was on the sale of the
CCF property and the proposal received. Supervisor White said that it would be
discussed with the County Attorney on Thursday.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved permit for Mediacom to drill under the road at
235th St and Franklin Ave for maintenance of existing lines. They also approved a permit
for Reunion Vineyard to drill under the road at Lexington Ave and 255th St to install a
sewer line to connect to the city. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the
contractor drove the east abutment piles and poured the abutment. The 300th St culvert
project near Lexington has an October 1, 2012 late start date. Patrol operators spotted
rock the first of the week and were in their machines the end of the week. Crew
completed hydro cleaning, prime-coating and two finish coats on the fourth bay and have
cleaned and prime-coated the fifth bay of the Oakland Mills Bridge. Crew seeded with
the hydro seeder 3 days. Crew installed 3 new entrances, replaced one entrance culvert,
widened a driveway and replaced one cross tube on 335th St. A two man crew worked on
signs part of the week. The drag ran part of a day to help cut down sod on windrows.
Ditching was done adjacent to Dakota to help with drainage. The new Motor grader is
here and active. Belzer also brought up Title VI which we have to have done by October
1, 2012 it will be discussed more next week.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for the 2nd
Reading of Amendment to Rezone property in 8-70-6 from A-1 Agricultural to C-1
Commercial. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Steve Wilson asked if the pond on the property is
in the shot fall zone for the trap shooting. He was informed it was not. Wilson also
asked if the best management practices for lead were included in the amendment. He was
informed no. There being no other oral or written comments, and everyone present had
read the ordinance it was not reread. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to
go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by
Lindeen to approve the Ordinance amendment as read. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The 3rd
and final reading will be Thursday September 20, 2012.
County Auditor Shelly Barber presented a list of parcels to the Board for Suspension of
Taxes per Iowa Code 427.8 and 427.9 from the Department of Human Services. There
are a total of seven parcels in all. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to
suspend list of taxes as presented. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to bring the Change Order for Cole
Construction off the table. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Jim Warner presented a letter from
Cole Construction confirming that the seeding will be done on the Storm Water
Detention Basin during the month of September 2012. Cole Construction will repair any
erosion and/or will re-do any seeding necessary to restore the vegetation to protect the
site from erosion. Supervisor Lindeen stated he still was not happy that the project was
not finished by the August 31, 2012 deadline, but we have no recourse so there is nothing
we can do about it. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the
Change Order requesting an additional 30 days to the contract for finishing the seeding
making September 30, 2012 the completion date. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
On sub-committee updates, Lindeen attended the Henry County Landfill Meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 20, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Mike & Diane Prottsman, Mary Lou Prottsman, Jim Becker Prottsman’s Attorney, Lynn
Whaley, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the September
18, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Darin Stater, County Attorney presented the Reformed Residential Solid Waste and
Recyclable Contract to the Board as it had been agreed by them and the Prottsman’s
Attorney and the County Attorney in a previous meeting by motion of the Board of
Supervisors. Which was replacing the Payment paragraph of the contract with one that
was agreed to make the contract in line with the RFP which was the County Attorney’s
concern when first presented. With all three parties in agreement of the correction to the
contract. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to adopt the Reformed Contract
of September 20, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Supervisors and Mike Prottsman
Sanitation signed the Reformed Contract which is on file in the Auditor’s office.
Joe Buffington, P & Z Coordinator joined Stater, County Attorney regarding the
proposed sale of the CCF Property. After some discussion it was moved by Lindeen and
seconded by See to approve Resolution #26-2012 For Notice and Public Hearing on
Proposed Sale of County Real Estate. Setting the date for that Public Hearing as October
11, 2012 at 10:00 am in the Office of the Board of Supervisors. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joining the meeting was Jon Hall & Brant Knudson with Insight.
Joe Buffington brought to the Board the 3rd reading of Amendment to Rezone Part of SW
NE Sec 8 Jackson Township. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into
Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Board asked for any oral or written
comments of which there were none. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to
go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by See and seconded by
Lindeen to approve the third and final reading of Ordinance to Amendment property at
1753 295th St from A-1 Agricultural to C-1 Conditional Commercial. 3 ayes. Motion
Dan Eberhardt and Dan Spray from Great River Housing Trust Fund presented to the
Board the many projects they had fund here in Henry County through this program. They
stated what a positive impact this program had been for the county. They were also
requestingan additional $5,000.00 from the County for the Fiscal Year 13/14and Fiscal
Year 14/15. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Recolution #272012. 3 ayes. Moyion carried.
Joe Buffington informed the Board Melody Yaley has resigned her position on the
Planning and Zoning Commission and Lee Bradley is willing to fill the rest of her term.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to appoint Lee Bradley to the Planning
and Zoning Commission to fill Melody Yaley’s unfinished term. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Kaufman CPC came in to give the Board some information that they would need
for a meeting with the Judges they are requested to attend regarding the Patient Advocate
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
In sub-committee updates See attended Regional Transit and Lindeen attended
Community Action.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 20, 2012
New London, IA
The Board met in special session at 6:30 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Ron Osborne joined the meeting and video recorded the session.
No one else was present and no questions for the Board.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 25, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Greg Moeller, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the September
20, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board approved permit for Max Totemeier to tile under Racine
Ave south of Mt Union. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the contractor drove
the west pier piles and encased all piling in concrete. The 300th St culvert project near
Lexington has an October 1, 2012 late start date. Patrol operators were able to blade
most of the week. Crew completed painting the fifth bay and have hydro cleaned the last
bay of the Oakland Mills Bridge. Crew seeded with the hydro seeder all week. Crew
widened one entrance and flattened the slope of two other driveways. Ditching was done
in the areas of the driveways. Crew placed rip rap along the river under the Oakland
Mills Bridge to the west. Crew hauled spot rock and shoulder rock north of Mt Union.
The Board set October 23 for Public Hearing for 5 road vacations one of which is in
Lowell and will need to be sold and Public Hearing for that sale will be at the same time.
Bids will then be accepted on November 6, 2012 for the sale of the road in Lowell.
Belzer informed the Board that the GPS that is in our new motor grader has made the
news around and as far as Colorado and customers are requesting it be in machines they
are purchasing Cat would like to do an article with the Supervisors about the system
which they have agreed to. He also told the Board that for $12,270 the county could have
the GPS systems installed in the 6 other Cat graders we already have, that would be to
modify and monitor the machines.
The Board presented the County’s Initial Bargaining Proposal to the Henry County
Sheriff’s Office Union member Darla Kelly. The Board accepted the offer of a four year
contract, for wage if the Board offers an across the board increase to non-union, nonelected employees the same increase shall be provided to union employees. This increase
shall not apply to actions taken by other Boards or Commissions, established step
increases, or organizational changes within Henry County. They accepted the addition of
the Canine Officer in Sec 8.05, and they also accepted the change in the Article 11,
Leaves of Absence.
County Auditor Shelly Barber reminded the Board that when they extended the hours at
the rural waste collection sites that in the winter it would be dark and that time is nearing
and that they need to be deciding and checking into what they want to do to provide light
at those locations. Supervisor Lindeen said he would check into it and report back at a
later time.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
On sub-committee updates, Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste Association
and they are in good shape, See attended Workforce Development and reported American
Ammunition Plant is getting ready to recall 110 layoffs back and hope add 90 additional
this fall.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
September 27, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Kurt Garretson, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the September
25, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Sarah Kaufman, CPC gave her monthly update to the Board on General Assistance &
Mental Health Reorgaization. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve
amendments to the SE Iowa Case Management Contract. 3 ayes. Motion carried. They
also discussed the meeting with the 8th B Judicial Judges, CPC and Supervisors regarding
the filling of the Patient Advocate position for 8B District, if the position should be a
county employee or a contracted position and the urgency in the position getting filled.
Kaufman gave the Board information to review before the meeting on October 17, 2012
with the 7 county’s that are looking to become a region in this reorganization of the
Mental Health Program.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to amend the Agenda for the 10:00 am
appointment to be Evergreen Mound instead of Evergreen Terrace. 3 ayes. Motion
Dennis and Carolyn Prottsman and Attorney Seleta Bainter joined the meeting to present
the Evergreen Mound Subdivision in Section 4 of Trenton Township to the Board. Joe
Buffington left word that everything was in order and he was fine with it. It was moved
by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Evergreen Mound Subdivision in Section 4
of Trenton Township. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Garry Allender Alliant Energy Bezoni's True Value Boldt Innovative Services Cardmember Service Central Ia Distributing Inc Ed Roehr Safety Products Fact Finder Investigations Fastenal Co John W Glass Henry County Health Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines IA Assoc of Naturalists Ia Law Enforcement Academy St ICAA/PATC Innova Disc Golf WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners Util ‐Conserv Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Fuel ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Mowing ‐Conserv Util ‐Conserv Construction & Maint ‐Con Construction & Maint ‐Con Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Cust Suppl ‐Conserv Taser ‐Dep Shrf OWI Cases ‐Atty Construction & Maint ‐Con Weed Erad Transports Fee Fuel ‐Cths Window Washing ‐CPC/VA Inmate Meals ‐Jail Educ & Training ‐Conserv Training ‐Dep Shrf Fall Conf ‐Atty Construction & Maint ‐Con Tele Serv ‐Supv Cust Suppl ‐Cths $189.57 $17.95 $1,263.76 $35.00 $464.00 $2,150.40 $18.98 $6.21 $279.92 $223.60 $1,048.49 $299.00 $31.39 $50.00 $282.75 $3,564.24 $17.00 $2,611.84 $58.00 $325.00 $270.00 $3,555.00 $1,055.26 $26.80 J & S Electronic Systems Lance Refuse Serv Erica Martin Mikes Automotive Mt Pleasant Electric Contract Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities NACO O'Keefe Elevator Co O'Reilly Automotive Inc Office Depot Pep Stop Pitney Bowes Inc PJ Greufe & Associates Quill Corporation Rathbun Regional Water Reliable Pest Solutions Rexco Equipment Inc Richwood Cemetery Assn Riverside Collision Repair Ron's Tire & Repair Rubey Lawn Care SIACC Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Swailes Auto Supply The Company Tom Hassenfritz Janet L Vance Certified Short Wal‐Mart Payments Washington Co Auditor West Payment Center Whaley's Dust & Weed Control Xerox Corporation General Supplemental Fund Bell Law Office Brau Law Office Family Resources Inc Foundation II Inc Postmaster SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Sheriff'S Forfeiture Fund Henry Co Attorney's Office PATC/ICAA Offices MH ‐ DD Services Bancard Center Bell Law Office Brau Law Office City of Cedar Rapids Iowa Henry Co Public Health Hillcrest Family Services Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Hy‐Vee Drugstore ‐ Mt Pleasant Insight Partnership Group LLC WINDSTREAM Johnson Co Sheriff Mid Eastern Iowa Community Mt Pleasant Park/Rec Dept Maint ‐Shrf Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Cleaning Serv ‐CPC Parts ‐Conserv Construction & Maint ‐Con Construction & Maint ‐Con Advertisement ‐VA Vchle Exp ‐ Dep Shrf Util ‐VA Dues ‐Supv Elev Maint ‐Cths Lubricants ‐Conserv Supplies ‐Shrf Wash ‐Conserv Postage Meter ‐DHS September Fee Ofc Suppl ‐Atty Water ‐Conserv Pest Mgt Serv ‐DHS Parts ‐Conserv Grave Care ‐VA Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Tires ‐Conserv Mowing ‐Conserv Transports ‐Jail Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Parts ‐Conserv Shop Equip ‐Conserv Transcript ‐Atty Cust Suppl ‐Cths Inmate Housing ‐Jail Online Resource ‐Atty Construction & Maint ‐Con Data Proc ‐Conserv Substance Abuse ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Juvi Hosp Juvi Hosp Postage ‐Gen Election Detention Stay Forfeiture ‐Shrf Forfeiture Fund ‐Shrf Travel Exp ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Comm Based Settings ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Tele Serv ‐IHS Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Direct Admin ‐CPC $288.48 $195.00 $379.98 $969.47 $113.44 $182.78 $12.92 $505.92 $4,439.77 $427.00 $222.25 $19.34 $145.51 $40.00 $284.13 $3,500.00 $51.98 $178.00 $75.56 $239.85 $117.00 $200.00 $12.00 $1,090.00 $372.00 $85.75 $33.95 $2,909.97 $50.00 $322.57 $17,450.00 $450.08 $2,200.00 $100.25 $108.00 $39.00 $919.88 $1,446.15 $330.83 $185.00 $53.80 $53.80 $546.44 $150.00 $159.00 $24.00 $269.50 $5,629.75 $808.75 $180.27 $903.79 $131.88 $107.15 $100.22 $130.00 North Iowa Vocational Center Optimae LifeServices Inc. SEIBUS Vera French Community Mental Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Boldt Innovative Services CARQUEST Auto Parts City of Hillsboro City of Mt Union Fastenal Co Force America Henry Co Sec Road Dept Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries Ia St University Registration WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners J & S Electronic Systems Orschelns Card Center Riverside Collision Repair Ron's Tire & Repair Florence Smith Sound Advice Staples Credit Plan Wal‐Mart Payments Washington Co Treasurer Conservation Nature Center Cardmember Service REAP Fund V J Engineering Conservation Fund Harold & Sharon Busby Ricardo Dow Robert Hobbs Delilah Wagner Capital Improvement Ia Bridge & Culvert Inc Community Betterment Fund Diamond Mowers Inc Forever Dry Roofing Henry Co Extension Office WINDSTREAM John Deere Financial Lacal Equipment Inc Sheila McAllister Mike Prottsman Sanitation Southeast Ia Regional Planning Jodi Sutter Trenton Township Trustees Wellington Electric Emergency Management WINDSTREAM Co. Assessor Agency Fund Henry Co Sec Road Dept Voc/Day ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Shed Sec Rd Sheds Sec Rd CAT 140M2 Grader P‐3 Sec Bridges Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd FM City Roads Sec Rd FM City Roads Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Office Supplies Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Date Stickers Sec Rd School & Meet Fees Sec Rd Office Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Computer Services Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Tires Supplies Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Office Supplies Sec Rd Office Supplies Sec Rd Supplies FM City Roads Sec Rd $315.00 $5,857.18 $964.08 $138.49 $113.52 $250.94 $238,680.00 $53.75 $1,188.14 $1,296.45 $873.74 $80.14 $121.14 $50.88 $4.63 $970.12 $77.54 $745.00 $87.92 $121.65 $66.25 $57.74 $17.00 $24.00 $240.00 $11.99 $52.94 $111.18 $222.83 Feed ‐Conserv $822.87 REAP ‐Conserv $5,895.00 Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv $225.00 $375.00 $90.00 $100.00 310th St Bridge ‐Sec Rds $43,185.86 Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Repair Roof ‐CPC Pesticide Class ‐Sec Rds Tele Serv ‐Zoning Labor, Parts ‐Sec Rds Mower Part ‐Sec Rds Board Meeting ‐Zoning Dumpster ‐Shrf Contributions ‐'12‐'13 Wages ‐BOH Trenton Park Maint ‐2013 Cpc Ofc Lighting $196.38 $19,745.50 $105.00 $1,550.98 $2,207.52 $80.72 $40.00 $530.21 $5,000.00 $3,036.67 $1,100.00 $7,159.43 Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Fuel ‐Assessor $109.90 $32.45 WINDSTREAM Sheila McAllister Joann Vens E911 Surcharge Fund WINDSTREAM Grand Total Tele Serv ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐E911 $87.92 $83.64 $37.23 $21.98 $412,399.82 No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 2, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Rich Garrels, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the September
27, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve
Resolution 22-2012-20 setting a Public Hearing for October 23, 2012 at 9:00 a.m. for the
vacation of a Street in Lowell and sections of other roadways in Henry County. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the contractor drove the
west abutment piles and poured the west concrete footing. The 300th St culvert project
near Lexington has an October 1, 2012 late start date and we are now counting project
working days. Patrol operators hauled spot rock and helped with other projects. Crew
completed painting the last span of the Oakland Mills Bridge. Crew hydro seeded 2 days.
Crew replaced and widened two driveways and replaced two driveways with one
driveway. Crews ditched at driveways and on Dakota Ave. Crew cleaned channel at
twin RCBC on Nebraska south of Oakberry. Crew was called out Saturday to remove a
tree across road at Geode Park. Boom mower was out all week and the bat wing mower
mowed paved ditches two days. Crew used dura-patching machine from IDOT to level
several dips in AC roads. Belzer informed the Board of new quarry & MSHA
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See that Henry County Board of Supervisors
wants the Patient Advocate position to be a contracted not a county employee. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
There was one bid received for the installation of the lights at the Community Services
Building, it was from Mt. Pleasant Electric for $1,675. It was moved by See and
seconded by Lindeen to accept the bid from Mt Pleasant Electric for $1,675. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Joe Buffington, P & Z Coordinator joined the meeting regarding the application received
form Health & Human Services to be filled out that would change the classification of the
parcel of land surveyed off for Solid Waste and the storage building from FEMA to be
under Health & Human Services so we could continue to use it for that purpose without
having to purchase it. The Board will address a Resolution Thursday October 4, to
proceed with this process.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
On sub-committee updates, Lindeen attended a banquet for Community Action for 47
years in service at which time there was a this is your life for Glenwood Tolson.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 4, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the October 2,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Department Heads present to give their monthly update to the Board were Shelly Barber,
Auditor; Sarah Kaufman, CPC; Bill Belzer, Engineer; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Ana
Lorber, Treasurer; Walt Jackson, EMC; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Joe Buffington
Planning & Zoning; Allen Wittmer, Sheriff; Darin Stater, Attorney.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded See to approve Resolution #28-2012 to acquire
property that is used for the central solid waste collection site through Health and Human
Services instead of FEMA. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Attorney Jeff Thomas for Grace Community Friends Church, Dr. Fred & Deb Savage,
Chip McGuire, John Robertson from the Church also attending was Gary Dustman,
Assessor, Darin Stater, County Attorney and Ana Lorber, Treasurer. Attorney Jeff
Thomas presented to the Board due to Iowa Tax Process taxes are assessed on property
for what it is being used for as of July 1, 2011 and those taxes are then paid September
2012 and March of 2013. The issue here being is the Church purchased a commercial
property December 19, 2011 the seller paid the pro-rated tax from July 1, 2011 thru
December 19, 2011 which is almost the first half of taxes due September of 2012, leaving
the Church to pay the taxes due March 2012. The Church immediately applied for
exempt status in December and due to the Iowa Code Section 427.3 they feel the Board
has the ability to abate those taxes. Pastor Deb Savage stated that had they have known
they would have to pay these taxes they would not have bought the building at that time
and would have waited till June hoping the building would still be available. Supervisor
White asked Treasurer, Lorber if she had anything to add. Lorber reminded the Board
that this has never been done so it would be setting a president. She also stated that this
same thing has happened with other tax exempt properties and they paid the taxes and
where never asked to abate them. Attorney, Stater said it is the Boards discretion to abate
or not abate these taxes. The Board will think this over and make their decision Tuesday
October 9, 2012.
Sheriff Allen Wittmer presented a Tobacco Enforcement Grant for $800 to the Board for
approval and acceptance. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve and
accept said grant for Tobacco Enforcement from the State of Iowa. 3 ayes. Motion
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates See.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 9, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Kurt Garretson, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 4,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the contractor drove
temporary decking piles, formed wings, layed decking. Subcontractor may not complete
their work in a timely manner which may delay the project. On the 300th St culvert
project we will close the road today, contractor is to move today. Patrol operators hauled
spot rock, helped with other projects and only bladed on Friday after rain on Thursday.
Crew hydro seeded all week and will be completed this week. Crew extended two
driveway culverts. Crews ditched on 310th St west of Salem and on Oakberry near
Nebraska Ave. Crew redirected a channel hitting behind a bridge wing and replaced a
cross tube on 270th St and west of Nebraska Ave. Crew was called out Saturday to
replace a stop sign at 130th St and James Ave. Crew cleaned a twin RCBC on Nebraska
Ave south of Oakberry. Boom mower was out all week and the bat wing mower mowed
paved ditches two days. We have started mowing shoulders for the last time this year.
Crew removed a log jam at the Lowell Skunk River Bridge. Harold is handling a 2 year
weed complaint. Belzer asked about the Title VI and the Board advised he could be in
charge of it.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve a Fireworks Permit for Dean
Walter on November 3, 2012 at 2540 105th St. Winfield, IA. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Jeff Thomas, Attorney for Grace Community Friends Church joined the meeting for the
decision on the abatement of taxes. Supervisor White asked him if he had anything to
add on the issue. Thomas stated that in regards to the question of could it not have been
dealt with at the time the property sold, that really wouldn’t have been fair to the seller of
the property. Supervisor White stated that the county is the collector of the taxes but they
don’t receive as much of them as other entities such as the schools, city, college, hospital
and they are making the decision to abate them for them. He also stated that there have
been other nonprofit organizations tell him they will be in line to do the same thing if
they approve this, as well he didn’t see any extenuating circumstances that anything was
done in error by anyone. Supervisor Lindeen stated they should have considered and
checked into the possibility of taxes be due for the seconded half of the year before
purchasing. See moved and Lindeen seconded to table the issue till Thursday October
11, 2012 to gather additional information from other taxing entities. 3 ayes. Motion
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 11, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Kurt Garretson, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the October 9,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
John Pullis Conservation Director gave his monthly update to the Board. Work will
begin on the electrical pedestals, the application for successive preliminary permit for the
Hydro Plant have been submitted. There will be a presentation at the November meeting
for the Oakland Mills Walk Bridge. Campgrounds will be closing for the season October
15, 2012.
Paul Roos with AmJet gave a report to the Board of the past 3 years progress on the
Hydro project and they are getting closer to having a unit to test and demonstrate and are
still very interested in Oakland Mills being one of the sites. By the end of 2013 they plan
to have testing complete on one in Iowa City. The one at Oakland Mills could provide
10% of the daily power for the City of Mt. Pleasant if it is running at full capacity.
Joining the meeting was Kiley Miller, Dick Mertens, Carl Braun, Mike Barton and
Dennis Ebersole for the public hearing on the sale of the County Care Facility Property.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go into Public Hearing for the purpose
of discussion on how to proceed with the sale of the County Care Facility Property. 3
ayes. Motion carried. It was asked if it would be sold as 2 individual parcels or as one
which is the 2 combined? Comment was made that it would not be in the county’s best
interest to sell the farm land alone if they couldn’t sell the buildings as well. The Board
agreed it is their goal to sell the buildings. It was moved by See and seconded by
Lindeen to go out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. The Board will approve
the Resolution setting all the dates and the guidelines of the sale for the bidding process
at the Board meeting October 16, 2012. Bid packets are being prepared by Joe
Buffington Planning & Zoning Coordinator and will be available at the Auditor and
Planning & Zoning Office.
Attorney Jeff Thomas for Grace Community Friends Church, Deb Savage, John Roeder
and Darin Stater, County Attorney joined the meeting. It was moved by Lindeen and
seconded by See bring the issue of tax abatement for Grace Friends Community Church
off the table. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Deb Savage pointed out that this process has been
done in Jefferson County by their Board of Supervisors and that they need to look at the
overall picture of the good the Church goes for the community. John Roeder stated that
they never like to lose tax dollars but he supported whatever decision the Board makes on
the issue. Therefore it was moved by White and seconded by Lindeen to provide the Tax
Abatement to the Graces Friends Community Church. See voted aye. White and
Lindeen voted nay. Motion did not carry. Jeff Thomas then stated for the Church
looking for middle ground the Church would ask that the taxes be based on the fair
market value that was paid for the property of $110,000 rather than the assessed value of
$367,210 and that had been done in a similar situation in Des Moines County. The Board
stated they needed to check with the Assessor and the Treasurer and see if this could be
done and they would put it on the agenda for Thursday October 18, 2012.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative All Secure Inc Alliant Energy Gloria Avila Bailey Office Equipment Carpenter Uniform Co Util ‐Conserv Fire Inspection ‐Shrf Util ‐CPC/VA Interpreter ‐Jail Copier Maint ‐Aud Freight ‐Dep Shrf $7.30 $175.00 $180.58 $35.00 $812.59 $10.99 Davis Radiology Service Ebert Supply Co Electronic Applications Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Fast Medical DBA Zee Medical Federal Signal Corp Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Ed Harvey Hedge Above LLC Kim Henkle Otis Henkle Henry County Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Honts Funeral Home Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Prison Industries WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines Mail Services LLC Larry Meagher Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities National Sheriffs Association New London Journal James R Onorato Erin Pettinger Postmaster Relyco Secy of State of Iowa Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Smith Plumbing,Heating & Cool Darin Stater Stroud Mediation Services Top USA Corporation U S Cellular US BANK US Bank Equipment Finance Verizon Wireless Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Genesis Medical Center Robert Griffith Henry Co Emergency Mgmt I M W C A Postmaster SIACC SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Thomas O'Flaherty Washington Co Sheriff Pioneer Cemetery Fund Garry Allender Aron Barnes Ethan Starr E's Mowing Medical Exp ‐Jail Cust Suppl ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Medical Exp ‐Jail Supplies ‐Shrf Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Supplies ‐Jail Cell Phone ‐Atty Mowing ‐IHS Mlge Fee ‐VA Meeting Fee ‐VA Medical Exp ‐Jail Community Transformation Fuel ‐Cths Med Exam Fees Medical Exp ‐Jail Supplies ‐Shrf Tele Serv ‐IHS Fall School ‐Rec Renewal Not ‐Trs Meeting Fee ‐VA Door Lock ‐Optimae Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Bd Proc ‐Supv Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Util ‐CPC/VA Dues ‐Shrf Bd Proc ‐Supv Meeting Fee ‐VA Mlge‐Atty Postage & Mailing ‐Conser Supplies ‐Shrf Notary Seal ‐Shrf Vchle ‐Dep Shrf Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Cell Phone ‐Atty Law Enforcement ‐Atty Pens ‐VA Tele Serv ‐Conserv Gas ‐Shrf Lease Payment ‐DHS Wireless Cards ‐Shrf Bd Proc ‐Supv Fuel ‐Cths Detox Serv ‐CPC Wages ‐Gen Elect Annual Alloc ‐ FY '12‐'13 Work Comp '12‐'13 Postage ‐Gen Elect ‐Aud Substance Abuse ‐CPC Detention Stay Juv Substance Abuse ‐CPC Juvi Prob Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Hedge Post ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem $112.00 $82.11 $66.25 $100.00 $57.80 $135.85 $34.00 $15.00 $560.00 $7.49 $25.00 $57.20 $12,755.96 $3,350.52 $345.00 $1,537.46 $43.22 $141.58 $130.00 $572.70 $32.49 $68.85 $58.00 $802.59 $15.00 $1,124.06 $100.00 $514.06 $32.49 $239.40 $200.00 $159.19 $30.00 $1,349.82 $147.24 $15.00 $615.00 $407.39 $380.74 $508.21 $113.59 $342.31 $401.09 $39.50 $420.19 $618.75 $164,000.00 $6,633.00 $200.00 $351.19 $925.00 $90.00 $42.21 $615.00 $490.00 $150.00 David Gates Steve Gholson Quality Equipment Inc MH ‐ DD Services Bailey Office Equipment Brau Law Office Des Moines Co CPC Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Sarah Kaufman SIACC U S Cellular Vera French Community Mental Wapello Co Sheriff Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Banner Auto & Hardware Barco Municipal Prod Inc Carroll Distributing Centre St Internatl Truck Douds Stone Inc Eastern Iowa Tire Fastenal Co Dave Gill Trucks Inc Henry Co Sec Road Dept Ia Dept of Natl Resources Wate Ia Dept of Transportation L & W Quarries Mid Country Machinery Inc Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service New London Utilities Northern Safety Co Inc Postmaster Resco USA LLC River Products Co Sadler Power Train Southeastern Comm College Steffensmeier Welding Swailes Auto Supply Tom Jacobsmeier dba T&J Sandbl The Company Tom Hassenfritz U S Cellular Conservation Nature Center Boone Historical Society REAP Fund V J Engineering Conservation Fund Ia State Treasurer State Tax Capital Improvement Ia Bridge & Culvert Inc Community Betterment Fund Agri‐Center of Henry Co Joseph Buffington Forever Dry Roofing Graber Services Ltd Stone Rpr ‐Pioneer Cem Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Pioneer Cem $226.52 $125.00 $315.00 Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Legal Rep ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Transporation ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Shrf Transporation ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC $97.98 $102.00 $61.14 $1,690.21 $349.20 $2,089.52 $133.58 $138.49 $200.22 Lighting Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Fold up Signs Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Postage Sec Rd Quarry Operations Sec Rd Blades/Bits Sec Rd Shoulders Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Safety Supplies Sec Rd Postage Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Bridge washout Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd New Miner training Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd Acorn Exp ‐Conserv REAP ‐Conserv Hotel/Motel Tax ‐Conserv $27.45 $37,999.70 $60.00 $84.71 $437.43 $2,069.00 $504.13 $90.00 $517.55 $15,397.04 $7,340.23 $8.67 $2,273.33 $87.00 $66.00 $2,929.80 $1,920.89 $1,065.00 $557.34 $66.57 $178.48 $180.00 $754.49 $62.61 $190.78 $50.00 $248.00 $1,312.65 $1,243.70 $19.86 $108.00 $60.00 $3,980.00 $187.00 310th Street Bridge $21,663.05 Seed and Fertilizer ‐Sec Ofc Suppl ‐Zoning Drains ‐Cths Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds $1,123.95 $194.65 $22,621.50 $234.52 Great River Reg Waste Henry Co Landfill Comm Mike Prottsman Sanitation Solutions Jodi Sutter Wemiga Waste Emergency Management Henry Co Sec Road Dept Mt Pleasant Utilities Solutions Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Holiday Inn Conference Center Sheila McAllister Joann Vens E911 Surcharge Fund Joseph Buffington Grand Total Saint & Disp ‐Cths 2nd Quarter payment Saint & Disp ‐Cths Internet ‐Cths Wages ‐BOH Sanit & Disp ‐Cths $5,752.13 $6,322.00 $14,941.59 $200.00 $3,691.28 $315.00 Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Software ‐Em Mgmt $197.02 $481.44 $366.68 Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor School & Conf ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor $902.66 $604.80 $236.13 $73.95 Mlge ‐Em Mgmt $18.36 $371,128.94 No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended a Fellowship Cup meeting and White attend
a RUSS meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 16, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 11,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. Signed permit for Access Energy boring under Franklin Ave near
260th St south of Oakland Mills. Signed a permit for Junior Victors at 1361 335th St to
bore under road a private waterline in ditch from house to pond. BR#174 project on 310th
St over Fish Creek the contractor has completed decking forms and wing forms. Wing
steel is tied. We have been waiting on DBE to tie decking steel since last Wednesday.
On the 300th St culvert contractor has removed the old structure and should be pouring
below grade walls today. Patrol operators were in their machines the first part of last
week. The +2 inches rain we got Friday and Saturday will help blade this week. Crew
hand seeded 2 days. Crew replaced two entrance culverts and 4 cross tubes. They also
ditched on Nebraska Ave and Nolton Ave north of Salem Rd; at Nebraska Ave and 320th
St; on White Oak Rd. Crew was called out Sunday due to down tree on Salem Rd.
Boom mower was out 4 days and the bat wing mower mowed paved ditches two days.
We had one mower on final paved road shoulders and one on final gravel road shoulders.
Crew graveled shoulder edge ruts two days, hauled rip rap to two washouts and spotted
rock as available. Federal/IDOT inspection of annual bridge reports will be coming up.
Fall safety meeting is Friday October 19, 2012. Sign struck and spray truck broke down
last week. Jelen & Tracy attended a state ICEOO meeting in Des Moines. Belzer will be
attending a IDOT safety meeting in Ottumwa Thursday.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Final Acceptance of
Stormwater Detention Facilities and pay Cole Construction, Inc $130,034.25. 3 ayes.
Motion carried.
Justin Bushong with SE Iowa Regional Planning presented an update to the Multiagency
Mitigation Grant that was done in 2009 for the Boards approval. It is required to be
updated every 5 years to receive funds. The grant is for $26,000 with a $3,900 in kind
match. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to accept and approve this grant
update as presented. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joe Buffington presented Resolution #29-2012 for Notice and Hearing on Proposed sale
of County Real Estate. Property is Lot 6 and Lot 7 in Crossroads Business Park 1st
addition. Public viewing is October 29, 2012, proposals submitted by 4:00 pm on
October 7th to be opened by Supervisors October 8th at 10:00 am. 3 ayes. Motion
Joe Buffington met to go over the application to Public Health and Human Services about
the re-designation of Emergency Management Property for Solid Waste. He also had the
application to IDNR for the Citizen Convenience Center. After going over several
questions on both applications and needing to contact Prottsman Sanitation for the answer
to some of them. The application to Public Health and Human Services will be back on
the agenda on Thursday October 18, 2012.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to accept the Tenative Agreement for the
2013 – 2017 Henry County Sheriff contract, that was agreed upon October 10, 2012. 3
ayes. Motion carried.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 18, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Kurt Garretson, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 18,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Joe Buffington presented the completed application to Public Health & Human Services
for the Re-designation of Emergency Management Property for Solid Waste for the
Board to review before Chairman White signs the application for it to be sent in.
Sarah Kaufman, CPC gave the Board her monthly update on General Assistance and
Mental Health. She informed the Board of a meeting October 31 at 11:30 with Henry
County Health Center regarding the County Management Plan and how it handles
psychiatric patients in the Emergency Room which our plan does not cover. She
cautioned the Board about entering any agreements with hospitals at this time as they are
not a part of core services in the future redesign, but it won’t hurt to meet with them and
listen to what they have to say.
Lyle Parriott joined the meeting asking what happened to the drug dog? When the
handler left the county’s employment to go to the Mt Pleasant Police Department did the
dog not go with him. He stated the residents had raised half of the money to purchase the
dog already and he heard it was offered to them to purchase for $5,000 and they would
have paid $2,500. The Board stated they would have to check into it.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
In sub-committee updates Lindeen attended Emergency Management & E911 where they
finalized a contract for $65,000 for the piece of equipment needed to have to merge with
a Viper system for E911. Washington County gave us a quote of $10,000 a month to
piggy back on their system and Lee County gave us a quote of $1,000 a month, they
voted to go with Lee County. Emergency Management is holding Fire Fighter 1 classes
they are going well and they tabled the purchase of a new vehicle. See attended Wayland
Economic Development meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 23, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Dave Lohman, Lloyd Duncan, Attorney, Pat Brau, Randy Ferguson, Kay Denning, Tom
& Paula Morgan, Richard Garrels, Greg Moeller, Kurt Garretson, Steve Wilson and Ron
Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the October 18,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. First thing discussed was the stop sign reinstallation at 235th St and
Marsh Ave. Kay Denning presented a petition signed by 19 of the residents around that
area requesting that the intersection be returned to a 4 way stop. It was stated that the
people in the area didn’t care about the cost savings they are the ones that most use the
intersection and would prefer to pay the extra in fuel than have the danger it presents with
no stop signs. Belzer presented Resolution 28-2012-20 recommending the reinstallation
of the stop signs on Marsh Ave for north and south bound traffic. It was moved by
Lindeen and seconded by See to approve said Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go into Public Hearing for comments
on the proposed vacation of a Street in Lowell and sections of other roadways. 3 ayes.
Motion carried. 1) Jefferson St in Lowell to the river to vacate now and sell at a later
date. Dave Lohman is in favor of this vacation. 2) Old road in Lowell that is grown up to
vacate. Dave Lohman is in favor of this vacation. 3) Clayton Ave 300 ft. of dirt portion
to vacate. Lloyd Duncan would like this left open as he plans to build to the south end of
the portion to be vacated. He also stated that another farmer uses it to get to his ag fields
to the west of the road. Belzer stated that the current policy dirt roads cannot be graveled
by the county it would have to be a private lane. Randy Ferguson the property owner
who asked for the road to be vacated stated he understands this is a free for all party area
and he has spoken with Les Nieland former DNR and said he always watched that area
for pouching. Ferguson also stated that the ag field owner was John Mills and he is fine
with the closing. Duncan stated he had also spoken with John Mills and he is fine either
way. 4) 283rd St to river to vacate. No comments but was requested but adjacent land
owners. 5) Unused Right of Way by the in Quarry Bridge to return to land owner. No
comments. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go out of Public Hearing
on the proposed road vacations. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Belzer presented Resolution &
Final Order 25-2012-20 stating Public Hearing was held on proposed vacation of a
portion of Jefferson St in Lowell and various other roadways in Henry County and the
Henry County Board of Supervisors took the following actions: 1) Jefferson St in Lowellvacated effective Oct 23, 2012 2) 1st St in Lowell-vacated and easement relinquished
effective Oct 23, 2012 3) Clayton Ave-Tabled until November 6, 2012 4) 283rd St to
river-vacated and easement relinquished effective Oct 23, 2012 5) 245th St Right-ofway-vacated and easement relinquished effective Oct 23, 2012. It was moved by
Lindeen and seconded by See to approve said Resolution. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by White and seconded by See to set November 6, 2012 at 9:00 am for the
sale of a portion of Jefferson St in Lowell, previously vacated. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See that a Roadway Maintenance Agreement
with the IDOT for snow and ice control on Hwy 78 from 115th St to 130th St be approved
for the time period of October 15, 2012 to April 15, 2013. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the sub-contractor tied decking steel
Thursday & Friday. They are about 50% completed. On the 300th St culvert contractor
poured concrete ground slab. Patrol operators were in their machines all week when able.
Crew extended two driveway culverts and ditched on Agency Rd. Crew was called out
over the weekend due to a plastic culvert fire south of New London under the paved road.
Boom mower was out 4 days and we had one mower on final paved road shoulders all
week. Crew graveled shoulder edge ruts all week and spotted rock as available. Crew
ground bumps one day. A 2 man sign crew was out all week. Held annual hearing tests
and the fall safety meeting was Friday October 19, 2012. Belzer attended a IDOT safety
meeting in Ottumwa Thursday. Brian, Allan & Wendell attended pesticide class.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution #31-2012 stating
that Henry County commits to participate in the planning and development of MH/DS
region in Southeast Iowa with the counties of Des Moines, Keokuk, Lee, Louisa, Van
Buren and Washington. Understanding the region would be made final when a 28E
agreement has been approved. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board signed the 2013-2017 Sheriff Union Contract as it was updated with the
approved tentative agreement from last week. It will now be forwarded to the Union for
It was moved by White and seconded by Lindeen to proceed forward with the notification
to fill the Sheriff vacancy from November 11, 2012 to December 31, 2012 or until a
successor is elected by appointment. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Notice will publish in the
papers November 1, 2012 with letters requesting appointment due by November 7, 2012
at 4:30 pm.
On the Solid Waste Site, Lindeen has checked on prices for a generator for lights. No
update on the Co Care Facility Property.
In sub-committee updates See attended Workforce Development; Lindeen attended
Great River Regional Waste Authority and White attended Great River Housing.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 25, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Kurt Garretson, Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video
recording the session.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the October 23,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Garry Allender Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bezoni's True Value Bob Barker Co Boldt Innovative Services Cardmember Service Central Ia Distributing Inc City of Hillsboro Dave's Lock and Key Deery Brothers Ebert Supply Co Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Fellowship Cup Heidelburg Motel Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Public Health Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Workforce Development J & S Electronic Systems Danny Jacobs Kinney & Sons Inc Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Ana Lorber Erica Martin Robert McPheron OD Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities NACCTFO Treasurer O'Keefe Elevator Co Orschelns Card Center PJ Greufe & Associates Rathbun Regional Water Reliable Pest Solutions Secy of State of Iowa SIACC Kellie Sloan Sloans Printing Service Util ‐Conserv Fuel ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Mowing ‐Conserv Util ‐Conserv Ofc Suppl ‐Aud Cust Suppl ‐ Cths Supplies ‐Jail Construction & Maint ‐ Co Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Cust Suppl ‐Conserv Util ‐VA File Cabinet Lock ‐CPC/VA Vchle ‐Conserv Cust Suppl ‐Cths Medical Exp ‐Jail Food & Prov ‐ CPC/VA Rent ‐GA Public Health Contract Public Health Nursing Inmate Meals ‐Jail Elev Maint ‐Cths Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Rent ‐VA Construction & Maint ‐Con Mo Maint ‐Trs Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Mlge ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Medical Exp ‐Jail Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Util ‐IHS Dues ‐Trs Elev Maint ‐Cths Ground Maint ‐Cths October Fee Water ‐Conserv Exterior Treatment ‐Cths Notary Seal ‐Dep Shrf Transports ‐Jail Mlge ‐Trs Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv $172.14 $1,113.03 $35.00 $464.00 $973.69 $674.99 $47.60 $543.60 $6.21 $5,682.84 $195.40 $200.00 $40.00 $22,064.00 $114.71 $457.00 $500.00 $800.00 $20,147.56 $44,469.19 $2,837.47 $125.00 $284.00 $200.00 $324.65 $48.78 $195.00 $227.70 $379.98 $24.00 $371.32 $508.12 $2,737.37 $75.00 $222.25 $47.48 $3,500.00 $98.00 $344.52 $30.00 $276.80 $81.60 $152.00 Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Solutions Sunrise Enterprise LLC Swailes Auto Supply The Company Tom Hassenfritz Two Rivers Bank & Trust UI Diagnostic Laboratories Wal‐Mart Payments Washington Co Auditor West Payment Center Wiley's Interior Furnishings Wilson Distributor Serv Xerox Corporation General Supplemental Fund Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc Bailey Office Equipment Des Moines Co Sheriff Foundation II Inc Robert Griffith Matt Parrott & Sons Co Postmaster Secy of State of Iowa SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Pioneer Cemetery Fund Orschelns Card Center MH ‐ DD Services Assoc for Behavorial Health Bancard Center Bell Law Office Brau Law Office City of Cedar Rapids Iowa Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Hillcrest Family Services Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Marquetta Huffman Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Dept of Human Services DHS Ia Workforce Development Insight Partnership Group LLC Mercy Medical Center Clinton North Iowa Vocational Center Optimae LifeServices Inc. SIACC St Luke's Hospital Vera French Community Mental Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Pleasant Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Kevin Barton Bezoni's True Value CARQUEST Auto Parts Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Ia Prison Industries Iris City Cleaners J & S Electronic Systems Knapheide Equip Co Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Contract ‐Cths Medical Exp ‐Jail Parts ‐Conserv Parts ‐Conserv Safe Deposit Box ‐Aud Med Exam Fees Cust Suppl ‐Cths Inmate Housing ‐Jail Online Resource ‐Atty Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Cust Suppl ‐Cths Data Proc ‐Conserv Contribution ‐CPC Elect Suppl ‐Aud Serv of Notice Juvi Hosp Wages ‐Aud Supplies ‐Gen Elect Postage ‐Aud Maint Fee ‐Aud Detention Stay ‐ Juvi Fence Rpr ‐Pioneer Cem $60.46 $10,733.45 $3,024.00 $50.54 $78.90 $40.00 $1,754.00 $63.18 $18,700.00 $450.08 $50.00 $359.29 $113.02 $4,200.00 $74.32 $71.97 $513.15 $960.00 $1,101.24 $360.00 $1,937.25 $555.00 $442.22 Commitment ‐CPC Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Transp ‐CPC Comm Based Setting ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Wage ‐Ct Adv Treatment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Salries ‐IHS Support Serv ‐CPC Public Hosp ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Hosp ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC $112.34 $61.35 $72.00 $168.00 $24.00 $220.50 $234.02 $2,569.15 $711.70 $486.44 $337.60 $1,029.76 $21,177.41 $1,246.32 $310.00 $315.00 $4,413.46 $1,099.02 $7,756.00 $138.49 $344.16 Shop Sec Rd Sheds Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Batteries Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Copier Contract Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd $787.35 $240.81 $125.00 $36.37 $784.23 $18.00 $306.02 $97.96 $24.85 $670.00 Marriott ‐ West Des Moines Mid Country Machinery Inc Midwestern Culvert Ltd Mt Pleasant Utilities Norsolv Systems Environmental Orschelns Card Center Rathbun Regional Water Sherwin‐Williams Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Florence Smith Tom Jacobsmeier dba T&J Sandbl Brian Yaley Conservation Nature Center Cardmember Service Mt Pleasant Electric Contracto Quality Equipment Inc REAP Fund V J Engineering Conservation Fund Harold & Sharon Busby Ricardo Dow David Neff Kenneth Rhum Delilah Wagner Capital Improvement Cole Construction Co Inc Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Ia Bridge & Culvert Inc Warner Engineering Assoc Community Betterment Fund Francis Pump/Well Service WINDSTREAM John Deere Financial Kremer Well Drilling Sheila McAllister Mt Pleasant Area Development Praxair Distribution Inc Richard Shumaker Solutions Jodi Sutter The Company Tom Hassenfritz Emergency Management Alliant Energy Fire Service Training Bureau Hedge Above LLC Henry Co Sec Road Dept Ia Emergency Management Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Gary Dustman Sheila McAllister E911 Surcharge Fund Electronic Engineering Co Grand Total ICEOO Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd C M P Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Parts Cleaner Sec Rd Anti‐Freeze Sec Rd Erosion Control Sec Rd Bridges Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Truck Sanders Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Feed ‐Conserv Animal Care ‐Conserv Animal Care ‐Conserv REAP Fund ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Outside Serv ‐Conserv Crossroads ‐Cths Voting Equip ‐Aud 300th Street Box Culvert Crossroads ‐Cths Well Filling Internet ‐Cths Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Swanson Cistern ‐ BOH Meeting ‐Planning & Zonin Investor Pledge 2012 Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Custern Plugging Phone System ‐Cths Wages ‐BOH Chainsaw Parts ‐Sec Rds $221.76 $2,078.81 $4,566.28 $101.98 $189.95 $28.23 $250.50 $11,584.87 $537.97 $240.00 $250.00 $125.00 $225.10 $205.04 $125.00 $1,610.00 $150.00 $150.00 $75.00 $150.00 $100.00 $130,034.25 $87,229.00 $31,594.10 $3,400.00 $700.00 $1,529.00 $217.18 $1,100.00 $40.00 $20,000.00 $161.18 $300.00 $985.34 $3,016.67 $123.92 Util ‐Em Mgmt HazMat Book ‐Em Mgmt Mowing ‐ Em Mgmt Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Membership ‐Em Mgmt $29.23 $79.50 $200.00 $208.64 $100.00 Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Mlge/Meals ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor $38.00 $118.12 $42.33 E911 $2,485.00 $510,098.33 Showing of the County Care Facility is Monday October 29, 2012 from 1:00 pm to 3:00
The Board gave the go ahead to purchase the generator for the Solid Waste Site.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 25, 2012
Salem, IA
The Board met in special session at 6:30 PM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Shelly Barber, Auditor, Bill Belzer Engineer, Ron Osborne joined the meeting with
Osborne video recording the session.
No one from the public joined the meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
October 30, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 25,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer gave the Secondary Road weekly update. The Board signed
permits for Randy Ensminger to reshape the ditch at 1979 Franklin Ave and one for Larry
Van Syoc for a field tile outlet at 2640 Racine Ave. BR#174 project on 310th St over
Fish Creek the contractor completed deck pour on Wednesday. On the 300th St culvert
contractor completed walls and top slab pour on Friday. Patrol operators were in their
machines all week. Crew spotted gravel when raining last week. Crew ditched adjacent
to Franklin Ave and on Racine Ave north of 249th St. Boom mower was out 3 days and
removed a tree from road at Oakland Mills. Crew worked on paved road shoulders with
IDOT in patching paved roads. Crew replaced 4 bad bridge planks on 190th St bridge
west of Franklin Ave. A 2 man sign crew was out most of week when able. Belzer will
be in Ames Wednesday. Our 2 new dump trucks are in. We are having first aid training
On the Solid Waste there will be a Bulky Trash Drop-Off on November 9th from 10:00 to
6:00 and November 10th from 9:00 to Noon at 900 W Washington St, Mt. Pleasant. Will
accept furniture, matresses, rolled carpet and carpet pads. 6 item limit per household. No
construction materials will be accepted. Had the showing of the County Care Facility on
October 29, 2012.
No sub-committee updates See.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
November 1, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the October 30,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Department Heads present to give their monthly update to the Board were Shelly Barber,
Auditor; Bill Belzer, Engineer; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Ana Lorber, Treasurer; Joe
Buffington Planning & Zoning; Dan Wesely, Chief Deputy Sheriff; Darin Stater,
Attorney; Rick Van Winkle, Vet Affairs; John Pullis, Conservation Director.
Paul McPheron & Don Johnson requested of the Board to get the gravel road around
Burge Cemetery on the 5 year plan for paving. Belzer stated that if the road is paved they
would have to acquire additional right of way for the road to be widened and the road
would probably even need to be raised. The cost for this project would run
approximately between $500,000 to $700,000.
The Board approved and signed the Liquor License for the Countreestore in Winfield.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
In sub-committee updates See attended a meeting with Sarah Kaufman, CPC and the
Henry County Health Center regarding issues of the Emergency Room due to mental
health issues now coming in due to the change in the law.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
November 6, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Dave Lohman, Lloyd Duncan, Randy Ferguson, Jerry & Janet Mills, Chris Bittle, Joe
Buffington, Darin Stater, Steve Wilson joined the meeting with Wilson video recording
the session.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the November
1, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to go into Public
Hearing receive comments on the proposed sale of a portion of Jefferson Street in
Lowell. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Dave Lohman is in favor of selling the property as he
has been maintaining it for several years and he would like to do improvements to it but
doesn’t want to if he doesn’t own it. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to go
out of Public Hearing. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded
by See to sell the portion of Jefferson St in Lowell described as that part of Jefferson St
bordered on the west by Lot 15 and on the east by Lot 16 of the original town of Lowell,
Iowa, Section 28, T-70N, R-5W. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Lindeen and
seconded by See to accept the bid of $227.57 from David Lohman for the portion of
Jefferson St in Lowell described as that part of Jefferson St bordered on the west by Lot
15 and on the east by Lot 16 of the original town of Lowell, Iowa, Section 28, T-70N, R5W. 3 ayes. Motion carried. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to remove
from the table for discussion item #3 Clayton Ave from Resolution 25-2012-20 dated
October 23, 2012. Lloyd Duncan is willing to go with whatever Jerry Mills would like
done as he has more to lose than anyone with his farm ground. Randy Ferguson stated
that they all would have access to the key for the locked games that he plans to install if it
is vacated or not. He just wanted it vacated so the gates would be in a better location for
someone to turn around should they get down the road in error. Supervisor White asked
each property owner if they wanted the road vacated. Each replied it was fine with them
to vacate. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve Resolution 342012-20 with action taken: Road vacated and easement relinquished effective November
6, 2012, for portion of roadway located in NE ¼, Section 4, T-70N, R-7W commencing
at the end of the county road and continuing northeasterly a distance of approximately
300 feet. 3 ayes. Motion carried. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the
contractor completed rail pour. On the 300th St culvert contractor has started to back fill
adjacent to box. Patrol operators were in their machines all week when able. Crew
ditched adjacent to Henry-Des Moines St and built up Oasis Ave south of 170th St and
180th St adjacent to Racine Ave. Crew replaced cross tube on Racine north of US 34 and
repaired fire damaged tube on New London Rd. south of New London. Truck drivers
spotted rock as able. Belzer attended IDOT/FHWA pile design training in Ames. The
Department completed First Aid training and annual MSHA training. Jelen attended
service bureau computer training in Fairfield. IDOT/FHWA completed a Bridge field
The Board signed and received the Recorders Office Quarterly Report.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to accept the equipment from a state grant
for equipment to process Sex Offenders..
Nothing on Solid Waste Site or Co Care Facility Property.
Nothing on sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
November 8, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the November
6, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board received two letters requesting appointment to fill the Henry County Sheriff’s
term through December 31, 2012, one being Deputy Richard McNamee the other Chief
Deputy Dan Wesely. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to appoint Chief
Deputy Dan Wesely to fill the remainder of former Sheriff Allen Wittmer’s term ending
December 31, 2012 since he has been doing the job the past few weeks. 3 ayes. Motion
Harold Pollmeier met with the Board to give the 2012 Annual Weed Commissioner
Report and have it signed by the Board to mail to the state.
The Board received 6 bids for the sale of the county property formerly the County Care
Facility and surrounding area. There is 2 parcels Lot 6 being 8.17 acres which has all the
buildings on it and Lot 7 which is 29.34 acres of farm ground then they could bid on
them individually or combined. The bids opened where as follows:
Kevin & Kay Schrader
Lot 6
Carl & Marcia Braun
Lot 6
Lot 7
Iris City Holding LLP
Lot 6
Lot 7
Richard & Teresa Mertens Lot 6
Lot 7
James D Kinney
Lot 6
Lot 7
Mike Barton
Lot 6
Lot 7
All of the bids included the letter from the financial institute and a check for $24,400 that
was required to participate in the bidding and sale of the property on December 4, 2012 at
10:00 am in the Supervisors Meeting.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
November 13, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
Judge Michael Vance swore in Dan Wesely as Henry County Sheriff to fill the remaining
term through 12/31/12.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the contractor
completed final concrete pour. On the 300th St culvert contractor has completed contract.
County crew completed final grading and it should be graveled and open this week. Two
patrol operators mowed all week, two others worked on projects and the rest of the patrol
operators were in their machines all week when able. One deep cross tube was replaced
on James Ave adjacent to Salem Rd and ditched Kentucky Ave for additional dirt. Truck
drivers spotted rock to 255th St and Logan Ave as part of haul road agreement with
IDOT. Spot rock was hauled to 200th St west of Racine Ave. We had a two man sign
crew most of the week. We started to haul sand for winter. They are looking into some
different possibilities for spray equipment for the future.
John Pullis gave the monthly update for the Conservation Department. VJ Engineering
gave a report for the walk bridge and the conservation Board made the decision to narrow
the south span to 6 feet the same as the north span for safety purposes.
Auditor, Shelly Barber presented the results of the November 6, 2012 General Election to
the Board for Canvassing. After reviewing the materials it was moved by Linden and
seconded by See to approve and sign the Canvass of Votes for the 2012 General Election,
the Abstract of Votes and the Certificates of Election.
No Solid Waste Site or Co Care Facility Property updates.
On sub-committee updates Lindeen attended a DECAT meeting and a State Community
Action meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
November 15, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by White and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the November 8
& 13, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Garry Allender Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bezoni's True Value Bob Barker Co Cardmember Service Central Ia Distributing Inc Ebert Supply Co Ed Roehr Safety Products Electronic Applications Electronic Engineering Co Greenwood Cleaning Systems Inc Ed Harvey Hedge Above LLC Heidelburg Motel Otis Henkle Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Ideal Ready Mix Co WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines ISCTA John Deere Financial Keltek Inc Kimzey Funeral Home Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Language Line Services Mail Services LLC Merritt Martin Larry Meagher Mertens Rental Properties Milwaukee Co Clerk of Crt Monitor Productions Inc Mt Pleasant Area Chamber Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities Tammy Mulford New London Journal Util ‐Conserv Mowing ‐Conserv Util ‐Juvi Prob Ofc Suppl ‐ VA Bldg Rprs ‐DHS Supplies ‐Jail Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Custodial Suppl ‐Conserv Cust Suppl ‐Cths Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Vchle Maint ‐Conserv Supplies ‐Shrf Cell Phone ‐Atty Mowing ‐IHS Rent ‐GA Meeting ‐VA Public Health Contract Medical Testing ‐Jail Fuel ‐Cths Dog Care ‐ Oct '12 Contruction & Maint ‐Cons Phone ‐IHS Registration ‐Trs Registration ‐Trs Drug Dog ‐Atty Vchle Exp ‐Dep Shrf Med Exam Fees Meter Charge ‐Trs Sanit & Disp ‐Conserv Interpretation ‐Comm Renewal ‐Trs Shop Equipment ‐Conserv Meeting Fee ‐VA Rent ‐Juvi Prob Judgement ‐Atty Official Publ ‐Conserv Official Publ ‐Conserv Heating System ‐Shrf Bd Proc ‐Supv Vchle Maint ‐Cths Util ‐DHS Postage ‐Atty Bd Proc ‐Supv $241.89 $174.00 $1,138.86 $18.11 $115.11 $54.00 $1,259.59 $6.39 $114.71 $225.47 $272.08 $1,024.50 $67.50 $15.00 $50.00 $400.00 $25.00 $19,807.16 $165.00 $3,259.04 $1,100.00 $84.89 $80.87 $130.00 $20.00 $183.15 $4,500.00 $300.00 $27.69 $195.00 $13.65 $504.48 $100.00 $32.49 $1,200.00 $16.70 $345.00 $250.00 $66.55 $1,526.15 $30.00 $2,132.65 $7.74 $695.89 O'Reilly Automotive Inc On‐Site Info Destruction Inc James R Onorato Orschelns Card Center Erin Pettinger Postmaster Quality Equipment Inc Rathbun Regional Water Reliable Pest Solutions Rexco Equipment Inc Rubey Lawn Care Secy of State of Iowa Signs & Designs Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Staples Advantage Darin Stater Storey‐Kenworthy Company Stroud Mediation Services Tender Top Water Gardens U S Cellular U S POSTAL SERVICE (Hasler) UI Diagnostic Laboratories US BANK US Bank Equipment Finance Verizon Wireless Washington Co Sheriff Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Allen Wittmer Xerox Corporation Z's Quick Break General Supplemental Fund Martha Allen Bailey Office Equipment Carla R Belzer Robyn Buffington Barbara J Carmon Amy Carter Karen J Carter Des Moines Co Sheriff Robin Detrick Mira Dingman Marilee Donnolly Judy Feehan Jan Fitzpatrick Vada Graber Robert Griffith Betty Grove Beverly Hamm John Hendrickson Henry M Adkins & Son Inc Charlene Hinrichs Morgan Hoenig Paula Hoenig Sonja Hopson I M W C A Dorothy D Jacobs Lois Jean Jones Bethany Knudsen Vchle Exp ‐ Dep Shrf Shredding ‐DHS Meeting Fee ‐ VA Construction & Maint ‐Con Cell Phone ‐Atty PO Box Rental ‐Rec Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Water ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Cths Parts ‐Conserv Mowing ‐Conserv Notary Seal ‐Comm Vchle Maint ‐Conserv Removed Gasline Ofc Suppl ‐DHS Drug Task ‐Atty Toner ‐Aud Hair/Alcohol Testing ‐Att Bldg Rprs & Maint ‐Conser Cell Phone ‐Conserv Postage Mtr ‐Trs Med Exam Fees Supplies ‐Jail Mo Lease ‐DHS Wireless Cards ‐Shrf Inmate Housing ‐Jail Bd Proc ‐Supv Empl Meals ‐Shrf Data Proc ‐Conserv Fuel ‐Cths Wages ‐Gen Elect Elect Suppl ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Serv of Notice Mlge ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect OVO Paper ‐Aud Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Work Comp ‐'12‐'13 Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect $265.49 $135.00 $32.49 $157.52 $15.00 $76.00 $65.00 $72.50 $75.56 $20.66 $1,890.00 $30.00 $551.00 $196.00 $829.41 $60.90 $548.00 $690.00 $143.00 $456.24 $3,261.95 $1,786.00 $116.45 $113.59 $343.09 $15,350.00 $656.71 $9.62 $420.46 $18.51 $272.50 $12.96 $155.00 $197.00 $184.00 $180.00 $170.00 $20.44 $23.99 $186.50 $385.50 $182.00 $165.00 $175.00 $1,037.50 $304.50 $239.00 $180.00 $139.35 $312.00 $161.00 $182.00 $187.00 $6,633.00 $206.00 $166.00 $161.50 LCSO Lee Co Sheriff Matt Parrott & Sons Co Joanne McCabe Carol McCulley Judy McNeill Buena J Messer Linda Messer Enid E Mortland Mt Pleasant News Betty Mullen Willie Mullen New London Journal Mary Lou Perry Bertha Ann Pickle Postmaster Lon Pugh Lola M Reynolds Yvonne Rich John Riddick Steven Rod Jean Roth Tom Sater Sauk Co Sheriff's Office David Schneider Linda Sharp Roger Sharp Velna J Smith Madeline Swailes Jan Walter Connie Weatherman Dorothy Welcher Angela Williamson Ann Wilson Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Donna Yoder Charlotte Zihlman Pioneer Cemetery Fund Garry Allender Allan Barnes Case Memorials David Gates Ross Tweedy MH ‐ DD Services Aerus Electrolux Larry Hampton Bailey Office Equipment Bell Law Office Bridgeway Covenant Medical Center Des Moines Co CPC EideBailly Henry Co Public Health Hillcrest Family Services Insight Partnership Group LLC Medicap Pharmacy On‐Site Info Destruction Inc Postmaster Solutions Serv of Notice Serv of Notice Envelopes ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Satellite Polling place Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Ballots ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Postage ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐ Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Serv of Notice Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Ballot ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect Wages ‐Gen Elect $32.76 $72.40 $278.98 $197.00 $160.00 $185.00 $155.00 $187.50 $198.00 $531.10 $155.00 $175.00 $783.00 $195.00 $184.00 $900.00 $175.00 $193.00 $172.00 $423.50 $155.00 $180.00 $180.00 $64.40 $327.50 $221.00 $242.00 $207.00 $156.00 $241.00 $221.00 $170.00 $197.00 $244.00 $309.75 $197.50 $206.00 Mowing ‐Pioneer Cem Mlge ‐Pioneer Cem Lettering ‐Pioneer Cem Fence/Stone Rpr ‐Pioneer Wages ‐ Pioneer Cem $410.00 $656.90 $603.00 $322.64 $264.31 Ofc Equip ‐CPC Ofc Suppl ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Inpatient ‐CPC Legal Representation ‐CPC Misc ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Misc ‐CPC Postage ‐CPC Ofc Equip ‐CPC $79.99 $48.53 $120.00 $135.00 $4,452.00 $21.00 $3,300.00 $245.00 $510.00 $812.02 $32.89 $45.00 $530.00 $1,450.99 Southeast Ia Regional Planning Spring Harbor St Luke's Hospital Tenco Industries U S Cellular Vera French Community Mental Wapello Co Auditor Secondary Road Fund ABC Fire Extinguisher Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc Alcohol & Drug Dependency Linc All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Arnold Motor Supply The Merril Breadeaux Pizza Brozene Hydraulic Service Dan Buechel CARQUEST Auto Parts Centre St Internatl Truck Cessford Construction Co Data Imaging Supplies Douds Stone Inc Eastern Iowa Tire Ebert Supply Co Electronic Engineering Co Dave Gill Trucks Inc H & L Mack Truck Sales Henderson Truck Equipment Henry Co Sec Road Dept Ia Audiology & Hearing Aid Ctr Ia Dept of Agriculture Pest Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries Iris City Cleaners L & W Quarries Microtel Inn & Suites Mid‐American Safety & Health G & R Miller Construction Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Journal New London Utilities River Products Co Sadler Power Train Shipley Ready Mix Inc Softree Technical Systems Inc St Luke's Drug and Alcohol Test Steffensmeier Welding Swailes Auto Supply TriState Truck Equipment U S Cellular Wal‐Mart Payments Conservation Nature Center Jerry Barker Cardmember Service Transportation ‐CPC Comm Based Settings ‐ CPC Inpatient ‐CPC Sheltered Workshop ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Wages ‐ Ct Adv Fire Extinguisher Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Shop Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Quarry Operations Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Shoulders Sec Rd Toner Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Paper Towels Sec Rd Radio parts Sec Rd Aerosal & Additive Sec Rd 2 ‐ Tandem Dumptrucks Tool boxes Sec Rd Postage Sec Rd Quarry Operations Sec Rd Pesticide Licenses Sec R Hardware Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Bridge Class Sec Rd Quarry Operations Sec Rd Tile Lines Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Publications Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Publications Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Computer Services Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Acorn ‐Conserv Feed ‐Conserv $784.83 $460.00 $2,420.00 $110.68 $134.59 $104.00 $526.68 $30.70 $722.26 $38,421.73 $88.00 $40.00 $146.88 $126.00 $81.00 $376.52 $84.28 $536.11 $452.53 $852.69 $713.38 $22,940.37 $2,864.74 $51.00 $73.40 $17.00 $222,200.00 $900.00 $83.35 $300.00 $30.00 $30.83 $819.00 $97.96 $1,768.86 $78.35 $1,611.00 $938.00 $220.36 $98.70 $1,040.00 $69.14 $62.28 $69.80 $3,668.31 $6.06 $134.30 $1,925.00 $148.00 $4,415.21 $1,223.82 $192.74 $108.56 $58.70 $57.00 $1,417.56 Hometown Veterinary Care Capital Improvement Ia Bridge & Culvert Inc Community Betterment Fund Agri‐Center of Henry Co American Planning Association Joseph Buffington Diamond Mowers Inc Great River Reg Waste Ia Communities Assurance Pool WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems Kremer Well Drilling Lacal Equipment Inc Mike Prottsman Sanitation Solutions Jodi Sutter Katheryn Veith Wemiga Waste Economic Development Daily Democrat The Hawkeye Henry Co Sec Road Dept KILJ Radio Mt Pleasant News New London Journal Quad‐City Times The Ottumwa Courier Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Debt Service Fund Bankers Trust Company Corp Emergency Management Tierney Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Sharon G Barron Gary Dustman Sheila McAllister E911 Surcharge Fund Joseph Buffington Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel Fastenal Co Kinney Masonry U S Cellular Grand Total Feed ‐Conserv 300th St Box Culvert Seed & Fertilizer ‐ Sec Rd Dues ‐Zoning Mlge ‐Zoning Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Waste Serv ‐Supv Zoning Internet ‐Cths Phone System ‐Cths Well Pluggings ‐BOH Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Internet ‐Cths Wages ‐BOH 1 Well/1 Cistern ‐BOH Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Sale Co Home Sale Co Home Mowing Sale Co Home Sale Co Home Sale Co Home Sale Co Home Sale Co Home Sale Co Home Debt Serv Stand ‐Em Mgmt Em Mgmt Supplies ‐Assessor Meals ‐Assessor Mlge/Meals ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Mlge ‐E911 E911 Signs ‐E911 E911 Air Card ‐E911 $171.96 $124,813.92 $1,357.30 $292.00 $27.03 $613.64 $5,877.12 $383.60 $1,529.00 $114.56 $1,800.00 $67.20 $13,350.65 $100.00 $3,270.13 $700.00 $315.00 $430.25 $384.56 $619.50 $90.00 $918.40 $109.74 $606.32 $280.80 $176.30 $19,919.16 $1,374.00 $172.00 $8.29 $25.42 $277.14 $14.79 $24.48 $198.38 $83.54 $1,070.00 $57.30 $604,048.60 No updates on the Solid Waste Site, but on the Co Care Facility Property Auditor Shelly
Barber asked the Board about checking into there being room at the CPC Offices for all
the resident records that are still stored at the facility. She stated that the custodial staff
would like to get them moved before the weather gets bad and the property is sold. They
checked with Sarah Kaufman, CPC and she has a secure room to store them in at her
location so they can be moved there.
In sub-committee updates White attended Russ and See & Lindeen attended a CPC and
Supervisors joint meeting on Mental Health Reorganization and another on ICS.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
November 20, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board was informed of a permit granted to Windstream at
2172 Iowa Ave. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the contractor removed
concrete forms and is waiting on grading contractor. On the 300th St culvert county crew
graveled road and opened it to traffic but it is soft. Temporary seeding was placed
yesterday. Patrol operators bladed, mowed and worked on projects. John finished
mowing his territory for the year and the boom-mower was out 3 days in the Trenton
area. One cross tube was replaced on Quaker Ave south of 225th St and repaired a
separated culvert on Salem Rd. Crews installed one new entrance, extended one entrance
culvert, and widened two entrances. Crews cleaned ditches in areas of the driveways and
cross tubes. Quarry should start stripping overburden this week. We plan to start our
second nighttime sign inspection next week.
Jim Pedrick, Director of the Annual Fund for Iowa Wesleyan College came before the
Board requesting a $5,000 contribution from Local Option Sales Tax revenues to support
the continuing efforts of Iowa Wesleyan College to offset the expenses of attracting and
accommodating the large number of visitors to Homecoming and Commencement. Both
of these events bring added income to the community to many other businesses as well.
The Board said they would take it into consideration for the 2013/2014 budget they will
soon be working on.
Sarah Kaufman, CPC met with the Board for her monthly update. Topics discussed were
the regionalization of the mental health program, the moving of the Patient Advocate
Office to Des Moines County and the 28E Agreement for the hiring of a new Patient
Advocate, the moving of records from the old County Care Facility and General
Lennis Moore with Midwest Old Threshers presented the Board a copy of their annual
report for the 2012 event. He also requested the $15,000 the county gives to them each
year for the 2013/2014 budget year as well as an additional $5,000 to be considered that
they would use to update their electronic side of marketing, by, making their website
more user friendly and enhancing their facebook page. He stated most places have staff
people on payroll that do this but they do not so they contract it out. The Board stated
that they would take it into consideration while working on the upcoming budget.
No Solid Waste Site or Co Care Facility Property updates.
On sub-committee updates Lindeen attended Great River Regional Waste meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
No meeting November 22, 2012 due to Thanksgiving Holiday.
November 27, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the November
20, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the grading subcontractor cleared trees and about 80% completed with grading, then rip rap and guardrail
will need to be installed. 2013 FM HMA resurfacing projects (Iowa Ave, 235th St and
260th St)-check plans should be ready this week. Resurfaced 130th St west of James Ave.
One patrol operator mowed and two hauled spot rock. One cross tube was replaced on
310th St and repaired 3 driveways. Crews are stripping overburden at the quarry. Belzer
will not be attending ISAC, but will be attending ICEA meeting in Ames next week.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to amend Resolution #28-2012 to Acquire
Property for Solid Waste Site that changes Kent White to Gary See due to White being
done as Supervisors December 31, 2012. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Mike & Diane Prottsman, with Prottsman Sanitation joined the meeting to update the
Board on the Rural Solid Waste collection. They told the Board things were going well,
people like the way it is going and being done and they hear positive feedback now from
ones who first were negative. Mike gave figures of tonnage from the central site that is
needed to calculate the cost for the central site for the application to get the property redesignated so we can continue to use it.
No Solid Waste Site or Co Care Facility Property updates.
On sub-committee updates Lindeen attended SE Iowa Community Action meeting and
See attended a Workforce Development meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
No meeting November 29, 2012 due to ISAC Fall School of Instruction in Des Moines.
December 4, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the November
22, 27 & 29, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
The Board approved the Liquor License for Scarff Service in Trenton.
Joining the meeting for the Sale of County Property being the former Henry County Care
Facility was Mike Barton, Jim Kinney, Dick Mertens, Steve Gray, Carl Braun and Kiley
Miller. The Supervisors indicated that they would take no less that the amount the
property was appraised for and turned the meeting over to Joe Buffington to conduct the
sale. First property up was Lot 6 which is 8.17 acres and the buildings the high bid in the
sealed bid process went to Mike Barton for $65,000. Dick Mertens bid $65,500, Mike
Barton bid $66,000 with no other bids Mike Barton had high bid of $66,000. Then to Lot
7 which is 29.34 acres of farm ground of which has a current lease for 19 of those acres
that are tillable for the next 2 years with that income going to the buyer high bid in the
sealed bid process went to Jim Kinney for $150,000. Mike Barton bid $155,000, Jin
Kinney bid $160,000, Mike Barton bid $165,000, Jim Kinney bid $170,000, Mike Barton
bid $175,000, Jim Kinney bid $180,000 with no other bids Jim Kinney had high bid of
$180,000. Combined bid of both lots together in the sealed bid process went to Jim
Kinney at $195,000. Combined bids now are starting at $246,000, Mike Barton bid
$247,000 with no other bids both Lots 6 & 7 of Crossroads Business Park sold to Mike
Barton for $247,000. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve
Resolution #32-2012 to sell County Property Lot 6 & Lot 7 in Crossroads Business Park
1st addition to Mike Barton for the sum of $247,000. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Mike
Barton told the Board that if time was needed to get another locate for the items stored in
the out buildings he would be willing to work with them in renting them as he had no
immediate rush for the buildings.
Derek Wellington, Safety Coordinator met with the Board to update them on the Safety
Committee. First he asked them to approve the update of a phone number and doctors
names to the current Workcomp Plan. It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to
approve the changes and reissue. 3 ayes. Motion carried. He will be meeting with
Jefferson and Des Moines County Safety Coordinators this week to start working
together to get their programs where they need to be. Ed Morrison will be visiting in a
couple weeks. The committee is looking into getting medical cabinets for county
buildings based on function and the cost it would be to keep them up.
No Solid Waste Site updates.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
December 6, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the December
4, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Tom Broecker, Des Moines Co Supervisor and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with
Osborne video recording the session.
The following Department Heads John Pullis, Conservation; Dan Wesely, Sheriff; Rich
McNamee, Sheriff Elect; Jerry Rauenbuehler, Janitor; Shirley Wandling, Recorder; Joe
Buffington, Planning & Zoning; Ana Lair, Treasurer; Rick Van Winkle, Vet Affairs;
Sarah Kaufman, CPC; Walt Jackson, EMC & 911; Gary Dustman, Assessor; Darin
Stater, Attorney; and Shelly Barber, Auditor gave their monthly updates to the Board.
Dan Wesely, Sheriff met with the Board requesting the approval of appointment of his
Deputies. The Board signed and approved them all. He also was asking about storage
since the county buildings sold and the Sheriff’s Department used one for storage of
evidence. The Board said they would be talking with the Secondary Road and be
checking into it and keep in touch with them and for now try to work something out with
Mike Barton who purchased the property.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative All American Pest Control Alliant Energy Sharon Andrusyk Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Shelly A Barber Barngrover Glass Co Bezoni's True Value Brown's Shoe Fit Carpenter Uniform Co CDW Government Inc Andrea Cook Davis Radiology Service Des Moines Stamp Mfg Co Chad J Doak Ebert Supply Co Family Medicine of Mt Pleasant Fast Medical DBA Zee Medical Fellowship Cup Fifth District Des Moines Co Ed Harvey Hasler Inc Kim Henkle Otis Henkle Henry County Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Veterinary Hosp Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Imagetek Inc WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners Util ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐Jail Util ‐CPC/VA Training ‐Dep Shrf Copier ‐Aud Lodging, Meals ‐VA Mlge ‐ Aud Window Repairs ‐Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths Shoes ‐Dep Shrf Uniform ‐Dep Shrf Toner ‐Shrf Mlge to Ames ‐ Aud Medical Exp ‐Jail Ofc Suppl ‐ Aud Shoes ‐Dep Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths Medical Exp ‐Jail Supplies ‐Shrf Food & Prov Meeting ‐Rec Cell Phone ‐ Atty Postage Mtr ‐Trs Mlge ‐VA Meeting Fee ‐VA Medical Exp ‐Jail Emergency Response Dog Care ‐Dec '12 Inmate Meals ‐Jail Annual Hardware ‐Trs Tele Serv ‐Supv Cust Suppl ‐Cths $16.45 $35.00 $1,145.23 $100.00 $2,062.74 $1,011.89 $153.00 $652.98 $91.20 $519.98 $203.34 $519.23 $198.00 $59.00 $17.50 $135.99 $54.20 $190.00 $77.55 $500.00 $40.00 $15.00 $285.00 $7.49 $25.00 $3.00 $15,538.65 $550.00 $2,840.66 $358.05 $2,165.24 $47.17 J & S Electronic Systems Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Ana Lair Mail Services LLC Brandon Marquardt Erica Martin Dixie McAllister Larry Meagher Mertens Rental Properties Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Journal Office Depot James R Onorato PJ Greufe & Associates Quill Corporation Recorders Association Gary See Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant SIACC Kellie Sloan Darin Stater Erin Stensvaag TD&T Financial Group PC U S Cellular US Bank Equipment Finance Verizon Wireless Wal‐Mart Wal‐Mart Payments Shirley K Wandling West Payment Center Wilson Distributor Serv Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Allen Wittmer Xerox Corporation General Supplemental Fund Allied Insurance Black Hawk Co Sheriff Henry M Adkins & Son Inc I M W C A Ia Communities Assurance Pool Peterson Law Firm, P.C. Wal‐Mart Payments Charlotte Zihlman Pioneer Cemetery Fund Allan Barnes Nathan Barnes Blake Batey Maddy Tree Service Orschelns Card Center Ross Tweedy MH ‐ DD Services Bailey Office Equipment Bridgeway City of Cedar Rapids Iowa City Henry Co Health Center Hillcrest Family Services Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Maint Contract ‐DHS U Mo Maint ‐Trs Meals ‐Trs Renewal Notices ‐Trs Shoes ‐Dep Shrf Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Depos ‐Atty Meeting Fee ‐VA Rent ‐Juvi Prob Bldg Rprs ‐Cths Util ‐CPC/VA Bd Proc ‐Supv Supplies ‐Shrf Meeting ‐VA November Fee ‐Cths Ofc Suppl ‐Atty Educ & Training ‐Rec Mlge ‐Supv Vchle ‐Dep Shrf Transports ‐Jail Mlge ‐Trs Fall Conf ‐Atty Cell Phone ‐Atty Audit ‐2011‐2012 Tele Serv ‐Conserv Mo Lease Payment ‐DHS Wireless cards ‐Shrf Cleaning Supplies ‐ Trs Cust Suppl ‐Cths Mlge/Meals ‐Rec Ia Rules of Court ‐Atty Supplies ‐Shrf Bd Proc ‐Supv Meals ‐Shrf Data Proc ‐Conserv Fidelity Bond ‐Cths Serv of Notice Ballots ‐Gen Elect Work Comp ‐'12‐'13 Equipment Ins Serv of Notice Elect Suppl ‐Aud Mlge ‐Aud Misc ‐Pioneer Cem Hedge Posts ‐Pioneer Cem Misc ‐Pioneer Cem Remove Trees ‐Pioneer Cem Supplies ‐Pioneer Cem Mlge ‐ Pioneer Cem CPC‐ Office supplies CPC‐ Psy. Treatment CPC‐ Transport General CPC‐ Psy. Treatment CPC‐ Comm Base Set RCF/PM CPC‐ Voc/Day Serv. $783.00 $26.00 $158.93 $756.47 $50.42 $379.98 $238.00 $32.49 $600.00 $58.00 $5,152.09 $1,085.19 $76.59 $32.49 $3,500.00 $205.86 $50.00 $27.66 $1,344.77 $651.50 $139.23 $496.79 $15.00 $20,000.00 $338.66 $113.59 $342.81 $25.74 $5.74 $162.85 $617.08 $56.50 $812.01 $8.38 $21.27 $1,415.00 $21.06 $6,092.61 $6,633.00 $275.00 $718.75 $52.58 $20.00 $424.66 $140.00 $45.00 $700.00 $66.78 $132.17 $113.54 $110.00 $24.00 $49.00 $1,370.00 $776.40 Hy‐Vee Drugstore ‐ Mt Pleasant WINDSTREAM Sarah Kaufman North Iowa Vocational Center Optimae LifeServices Inc. SEIBUS Wal‐Mart Pharmacy ‐Mt Plea Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Alliant Energy Rick Anderson DBA Kustom Kolor Roger Asby Centre St Internatl Truck Eastern Iowa Tire H & L Mack Truck Sales Hy‐Vee Food Store ‐Mt Pleasant Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries Ideal Ready Mix Co WINDSTREAM Iris City Cleaners Keltek Inc Knapheide Equip Co Martin Equipment Metal Culverts Inc Mt Pleasant Glass Mt Pleasant Lumber Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Pete Nelson New London Journal Orschelns Card Center Sammons Auto Sales Shipley Ready Mix Inc Greg Shull Florence Smith Staples Advantage Swailes Auto Supply TriState Truck Equipment U S Cellular Wal‐Mart Payments Yarmouth Oil & LP Capital Improvement Ia Bridge & Culvert Inc Community Betterment Fund A2Z Mechanical Contractor Inc Bancard Center Joseph Buffington Diamond Mowers Inc Forever Dry Roofing Great River Reg Waste Henry Co Treasurer Ana Lair Ia Communities Assurance Pool WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems John Deere Financial New London Journal Nichting Co Inc Mike Prottsman Sanitation CPC‐ Psych. Meds Tele Serv ‐IHS CPC‐ Admin Mlg. Expense. CPC‐ Support Empl. Serv. CPC ‐ Support Comm. Livin CPC ‐ Transportation CPC ‐ Phych. Prescript. $783.95 $263.61 $94.72 $315.00 $4,702.52 $132.55 $387.48 Sheds Sec Rd Sheds Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Safety Meeting Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd New Equipment Sec Rd Sand SecRd Office Sec Rd Rug/Towel Service Sec Rd Strobe light Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Outside Service Sec Rd New Equipment Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Publications Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Tires Sec Rd Pipe Culverts SecRd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Janitor Sec Rd Office Supplies Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Cell Phones Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd LP Sec Rd $142.14 $294.82 $402.00 $47.99 $835.22 $414.12 $227.78 $193.73 $1,663.77 $4,051.30 $1,190.42 $171.20 $89.40 $239.39 $123.12 $710.34 $4,409.10 $73.89 $420.62 $288.40 $64.19 $21.74 $138.27 $80.00 $470.05 $44.89 $300.00 $73.24 $1,157.19 $192.74 $108.32 $116.93 $960.00 300th St Box Culvert ‐Sec Rprs ‐Cths Training ‐Zoning Mlge ‐Zoning Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Drains ‐Cths Waste Serv ‐Supv Bldg Rpr Reimb Bd Exp ‐Zoning Tele Serv ‐Zoning Phone Systems ‐Cths Mower Repairs ‐Sec Rds Sanit & Disp Mower/Tractor Rprs ‐Sec Rd Sanit & Disp ‐Cths $238.85 $310.00 $851.86 $211.14 $63.14 $2,876.00 $2,526.00 $815.00 $57.54 $43.98 $1,126.91 $283.37 $48.60 $1,733.68 $13,768.10 Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Jodi Sutter The Company Tom Hassenfritz Wellington Electric Wemiga Waste Economic Development Winfield Beacon/Wayland News Emergency Management Alliant Energy Bancard Center Henry Co Sec Road Dept IDVille WINDSTREAM K & M Automotive Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Utilities Ricoh Randy Veldboom Myma Joy Wenger Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Chase Card Services Gary Dustman Hasler Inc I A A O WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines Sheila McAllister Shottenkirk ‐Mt Pleasant Southeast Dist Assessors E911 Surcharge Fund CenturyLink Electronic Applications Electronic Engineering Co Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel Ia Prison Industries WINDSTREAM U S Cellular Grand Total Drains ‐Cths Wages ‐BOH Generator ‐Cths Light Bulb Reimb ‐Juvi Pr Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Sale Co Home Util ‐Em Mgmt Meals, Lodging ‐Em Mgmt Fuel ‐Em Mgmt Ribbon ‐Em Mgmt Tele Serv ‐Em Mgmt Vchle Rprs ‐Em Mgmt Push Bar ‐Em Mgmt Util ‐Em Mgmt Copy Machine ‐Em Mgmt Homeland Sec ‐Em Mgmt Wayland Torn ‐Em Mgmt Supplies ‐Assessor School ‐Assessor Mlge ‐Assessor Postage Mtr ‐Assessor Membership Dues ‐Assessor Tele Serv ‐Assessor Conference ‐Assessor Mlge ‐ Assessor Vchle Exp ‐Assessor Registration Form E911 Antenna ‐E911 Console ‐E911 E911 Markers ‐Sec Rds Tele Serv ‐E911 Air Card ‐E911 $6,491.36 $4,990.85 $1,925.00 $105.70 $315.00 $41.13 $75.11 $3,118.19 $165.36 $167.50 $219.90 $163.50 $476.25 $376.65 $338.47 $21.83 $725.05 $209.06 $474.88 $24.50 $15.00 $175.00 $175.92 $150.00 $137.19 $15,589.00 $75.00 $480.91 $126.00 $92.50 $201.36 $478.17 $1,583.43 $119.60 $178,337.86 No Solid Waste Site updates.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
December 11, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the December
6, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board was informed of a permit granted to Jim Vantiger for
tile crossing on 200th St West of Racine Ave. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish
Creek the contractor 95% complete with grading, 75% complete with rip-rap, they are
working on the guardrail today, county crew resurfaced each side of bridge and installed
signage. Patrol operators were able to blade 5 of the last 10 days, they also spotted rock
and worked at the quarry. Brush mower was out 3 days. One cross tube was replaced on
Graham Ave south of Salem Rd. Crews hauled sand to mix with road salt. Crews bladed
shoulders on paved roads east of Mt Pleasant and north and east of Salem. Six to nine
men stripped overburden at the quarry 9 of the last 10 days. Darrel has been inspecting
our signs at night the past two weeks. Bill & Mark attended the ICEA winter meeting in
Ames last week. They also discussed finding storage for everything they have stored at
the buildings at the county home property. They are trying to determine the amount of
room they would need at this time.
John Pullis, Conservation meet with the Board and gave his monthly update. They are
going to start searching for Grant money to help with the needed repairs to the Historic
Oakland Mills Walk Bridge. The Conservation Board has limited access to 100
individuals at a time on the bridge and had gates installed at each end to close it if need
to. The 2010 FEMA project is close to completion but no reimbursements yet. They
have applied for an extension to the current Preliminary Permit for Hydro Electric Power.
They are starting a promotion for the first of the year on the cabins that you rent them for
Friday & Saturday and receive Thursday or Sunday Free, which is a $50 savings.
Shelly Barber, Auditor talked with the Board regarding the times they had inquired of her
if she needed additional help since Derek has started handling all the IT including 911,
security, and phone system for the county as well as he is the Safety & ADA Coordinator
for the county. I have told you in the past no, but as time has rolled on it is evident to me
that for me to train the rest of my staff on Budgets, Valuations, Taxes, Annual Reports
and various other things I need that 3rd person for my office duties to be able to do this.
The State is requiring more and more from us for elections and annual reporting than in
the past. Since Derek has been doing the IT the county has saved significant dollars each
year. Lindeen stated that we are still way ahead of many county’s with no more than we
spend for IT and Safety, many have multiple people doing these jobs. Barber stated
Derek would still be her employee and she would use him to set up and tear down for
elections and help with real estate if needed. White commented here we are expanding
government and even the possibility in the future of expanding it more. Barber stated the
Auditor’s office had 5 employees since she started in 1983 and it wasn’t until the former
Auditor took office in 2005 that the 5th position was not replaced but at that time the
office didn’t handle all the IT, Safety & ADA, security systems and phone systems that is
in place now. Barber also told the Board that she had spoken with the County’s HR
person Paul Greufe he instructed her to go ahead and post the position on the Public
Bulletin Board which she did December 6, 2012 and is required for 10 days, therefore
applications will be accepted through December 17, 2012 with position to begin January
1, 2013. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen giving the Auditor approval to
hire another fulltime person in her office. See & Lindeen voted aye and White abstained
from the vote. Motion carried.
No Solid Waste Site updates.
On sub-committee updates See attended Area Agency on Aging meeting.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
December 13, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the December
11, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to suspend taxes per Iowa Code 427.8 &
427.9 payable September 2012 and March 2013 on the following real estate located in
31-70-7 Tract E mid pt NE NE parcel #100621900. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Lisa Oetken, Scott Fraise, Paula Kinney, Brent Schleisman, Rich & Mary Garrels joined
the meeting for the Annual Main Street Program Report. Ms. Oetken informed the Board
that through their 10 years they have added 31 new businesses; 63 new jobs; 80 buildings
renovated; 35 buildings sold; $6.3 million dollars spent on rehabilitation and acquisition
of buildings; 33 upper story renovations; the vacancy rate has continued to stay below
5%; 1,000’s have visited and shopped in the downtown during the Easter Egg Hunt, Trick
or Treat on Main, Wine Tasting, and Holiday on Main; Main Street has taken on its
largest project with the Union Block Building, they have fundraised close to $2.8 million
in the last 18 months, the construction phase will begin in the spring of 2013 with the
project being completed by May 2014. Therefore they are asking continued support of
$20,000 for the Union Block for the next budget year 2014 which is needed to get their
CAT Grant.
No Solid Waste Site updates.
On sub-committee updates Lindeen attended Community Action where they appointed
Greg Stacey to Homeless Shelter Board; White attended Geode RC & D which was the
last meeting as it is dissolving and funds will be divided between 5 counties he also
attended RUSS.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
December 18, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Tim Batey and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the December
13, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. The Board was informed of a permit granted to Gary Graber for
tile outlet at 200th St and Franklin Ave. BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek the
sub-contractors worked on grading and guard rail. HMA-CIP overlay plans of Iowa Ave
north of Mt Pleasant, 235th west on Mt Pleasant and 260th west of New London were
submitted to the IDOT. We have prepared a preliminary 28E with the city of Mt
Pleasant. Patrol operators split their time between balding and spotting rock for
themselves. Brush mower was out 4 days in Winfield territory. Darrel completed the
night sign inspection. A crew stripped overburden at the quarry 4 half days. A crew
moved equipment out of County Home Storage and moved one storage box from EMC to
our storage area and loaded it with straw. We have 5 bridges that are only 16 feet wide
with 4 of them being on dirt roads and some tractors cannot cross them they are not wide
enough, so need to think about what needs to be done with them.
Tim Batey asked the Board what they were planning on doing about the request of
$20,000 for the Union Block Building made last week by the Main Street Program. He
stated we had already given them $20,000 this year and when is it going to be enough.
The Board stated they had given no thought to the request that they would be working on
the budgets after the first of the year and it would all depend on how the moneys worked
out in the rest of the budget that we are obligated to fund as to what they would do.
Lindeen stated that he understood where Mr. Batey was coming from and would
definitely consider that.
The Solid Waste Site questions that were returned to us have been completed and has
been returned to the Public Health and we are waiting to hear from them now.
On sub-committee updates See attended Southeast Iowa Crime Commission meeting they
are going to be increasing their mileage rate from 25 cents to 32 cents a mile. Lindeen
attended Henry County Landfill meeting and since the changed engineers they are no
compliant with everything.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
December 20, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
It was moved by White and seconded by Lindeen to approve the minutes of the
December 18, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Representative from Liberty National Voluntary Benefits didn’t make his appointment
due to the weather.
No Solid Waste Site updates.
On sub-committee updates See attended Area Development Commission meeting.
The Board approved the following claims:
General Basic Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agri‐Center of Henry Co Agriland FS Inc Alliant Energy Bailey Office Equipment Bancard Center Brown's Shoe Fit Burge Cemetery Assoc Cardmember Service Carpenter Uniform Co CMI Inc Ebert Supply Co Farm & Home Publ Fellowship Cup Heidelburg Motel Henry Co CPC Henry Co Extension Office Henry Co Health Center Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sec Road Dept Holiday Inn Ames Conf Center Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines IACCBE Bob Etzel, IACCBE Treas WINDSTREAM ISAC ‐ Des Moines Keeprs Inc Konica Minolta Bus. Solution Lance Refuse Serv Legislative Services Agency Mail Services LLC Erica Martin Jane Messer Mt Hamill Elevator/Lumber Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Foods Market Mt Pleasant News Mt Pleasant Tire‐Service Mt Pleasant Utilities Northeast Animal Hospital Orschelns Card Center Util ‐Conserv Construct & Maint ‐Conser Fuel ‐ Conserv Util ‐IHS Ofc Suppl ‐ VA Meals ‐Supv Uniforms ‐Conserv Grave Care ‐VA Ofc Suppl ‐Conserv Uniforms ‐Shrf Supplies ‐Shrf Cust Suppl ‐Cths Plat Books ‐Shrf Food & Prov ‐ CPC/VA Rent ‐GA Wages ‐ CPC Ofc Publications ‐Conserv Public Health Contract Public Health Nursing Fuel ‐Cths Lodging ‐Aud Window Washing ‐CPC/VA Inmate Meals ‐Jail Educ & Training ‐Conserv Phone Serv ‐IHS Registration ‐Trs Law Enforcement ‐Conserv Maint ‐Trs Construction & Maint ‐Con Code Books ‐Atty Renewal Not ‐Trs Cleaning Serv ‐CPC/VA Mending ‐Dep Shrf Supplies ‐Shrf Construction & Maint ‐Con Misc ‐IHS Bd Proc ‐Supv Vchle Exp ‐Shrf Util ‐Conserv Bonsai Vac. & Boarding ‐Atty Construction & Maint ‐Con $308.28 $307.98 $1,601.84 $632.39 $18.68 $22.24 $415.98 $1,422.00 $629.82 $114.45 $99.52 $274.99 $432.80 $500.00 $800.00 $1,928.00 $100.00 $19,807.16 $9,042.88 $2,877.10 $179.10 $17.00 $2,854.42 $170.00 $25.57 $520.00 $987.85 $26.26 $750.00 $125.00 $545.82 $379.98 $71.00 $18.48 $39.38 $36.45 $1,181.62 $133.99 $937.85 $92.00 $317.41 Pep Stop PJ Greufe & Associates Rathbun Regional Water Reliable Pest Solutions John Riddick Rubey Lawn Care Tony Sanchez SIACC Smith Plumbing, Heating & Cool Solutions Darin Stater Stroud Mediation Services Swailes Auto Supply U S Cellular UI Diagnostic Laboratories Ultramax US BANK Shirley K Wandling Washington Co Auditor West Payment Center Wilson Distributor Serv Xerox Corporation General Supplemental Fund Brau Law Office Genesis Medical Center Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Ia Dept of Human Services DHS SIADSA Lee/ Lucas Warren Co Sheriff Pioneer Cemetery Fund Allan Barnes Case Memorials Ia Prison Industries Orschelns Card Center MH ‐ DD Services Brau Law Office Bridgeview Comm Mental Health Day, Meeker, Lamping Genesis Medical Center Great River Mental Health Henry Co Public Health Henry Co Sheriffs Dept Hillcrest Family Services Hope Haven Area Dev Ctr Hy‐Vee Inc ‐West Des Moines Insight Partnership Group LLC Johnson Co Sheriff Sarah Kaufman Mid Eastern Iowa Community SEIBUS St Luke's Hospital U S Cellular Vera French Community Mental Wapello Co Auditor Secondary Road Fund Access Energy Cooperative Agriland FS Inc All American Pest Control Car Washes ‐Conserv December Fee Water ‐Conserv Extermination Serv ‐DHS Rprs & Maint ‐Cths Mowing ‐ Conserv Interpreter Exp ‐Jail Transports ‐Jail Bldg Rprs ‐Jail Printer ‐Cths Mlge ‐Atty Law Enforcement ‐Atty Parts ‐Conserv Cell Phone ‐Drv Lic Med Exam Fees Law Enforcement & Weapons Supplies ‐Shrf Mlge ‐Rec Inmate Housing ‐Jail Online Resource ‐Atty Envelopes ‐Aud Data Proc ‐Conserv $40.00 $1,500.00 $58.00 $75.56 $300.00 $225.00 $35.00 $835.84 $49.00 $2,182.52 $35.70 $607.50 $136.57 $35.60 $5,295.00 $43.40 $219.80 $51.00 $17,250.00 $450.08 $68.20 $141.51 Substance Abuse ‐CPC Detoxification Serv ‐CPC Substance Abuse ‐CPC Inpatient ‐CPC Detention Stay ‐Juvi Serv of Notice Fees $39.00 $967.50 $53.91 $1,356.71 $1,295.00 $55.50 Stone Rpr ‐Pioneer Cem Lettering ‐Pioneer Cem Signs ‐Pioneer Cem Misc ‐Pioneer Cem $242.33 $3,358.00 $158.40 $24.99 Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Inpatient ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Voc/Day ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Support Serv ‐CPC Commitment ‐CPC Mlge ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Transportation ‐CPC Inpatient Hosp ‐CPC Cell Phone ‐CPC Treatment ‐CPC Wages ‐Ct Adv $123.00 $280.00 $96.00 $967.50 $55.00 $269.50 $53.90 $2,785.50 $744.05 $160.46 $812.02 $31.00 $98.94 $198.00 $1,673.72 $505.53 $133.81 $138.49 $460.84 Shop/Sheds Sec Rd Diesel Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd $913.60 $40,608.93 $40.00 Alliant Energy Altorfer Machine Co Bancard Center Allan Barber Merlin Boshart CARQUEST Auto Parts Courtesy Door Sales & Ser Douds Stone LLC Ebert Supply Co Farm & Home Publ Dave Gill Trucks Inc Ia Dept of Transportation Ia Prison Industries Ideal Ready Mix Co Industrial Motors Inc Interstate Batteries of NE MO L & W Quarries Microtel Inn & Suites Mid Country Machinery Inc Mt Pleasant Electric Contractor Mt Pleasant Utilities New London Utilities North American Salt Co Northern Safety Co Inc Orschelns Card Center Resco USA LLC Rexco Equipment Inc St Luke's Drug and Alcohol Test Staples Advantage Treas State of Iowa Vantiger Equipment & Supply Conservation Nature Center Cardmember Service Capital Improvement Ia Bridge & Culvert Inc Community Betterment Fund Bancard Center Joseph Buffington City of Mt Pleasant Crop Production Services Inc. Diamond Mowers Inc Great River Reg Waste WINDSTREAM J & S Electronic Systems Jim's Lock & Safe John Deere Financial Kremer Well Drilling Mt Pleasant News Nichting Co Inc Solutions Jodi Sutter Economic Development Main Street Mt Pleasant Emergency Management Mt Pleasant Utilities Co. Assessor Agency Fund Bailey Office Equipment Schneider Corporation Shop Sec Rd Outside Service Sec Rd Projector Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Safety Allowance Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Buildings Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Plat Books Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Oil Sec Rd Signs Sec Rd Sand Sec Rd Quarry Operations Sec Rd Batteries Sec Rd Granular Sec Rd ICEA Conference Sec Rd Parts Sec Rd Quarry Operations Sec Rd Utilities Sec Rd Shed Sec Rd Salt Sec Rd Supplies Sec Rd Hand Tools Sec Rd Steel Sec Rd Filters Sec Rd Safety Testing Sec Rd Table Sec Rd Quarry Operations Sec Rd Tile Lines Sec Rd Feed & Animal Care $534.21 $7,856.41 $499.99 $125.00 $109.98 $89.47 $6,082.00 $23,155.14 $109.50 $162.20 $16,141.06 $364.73 $283.14 $2,633.52 $235.00 $249.90 $9,446.49 $313.40 $1,583.25 $205.76 $78.40 $84.18 $1,658.46 $230.95 $55.56 $176.44 $73.94 $37.00 $49.99 $35.00 $370.20 $286.73 310th St Bridge ‐Sec Rds $26,989.86 Parking Fee ‐Zoning Mlge ‐Zoning Airport Project Chemicals ‐Sec Rds Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Internet ‐Cths Phone System ‐Cths Door ‐Optimae Bldg Mower Repair ‐Sec Rds Crille ‐Well Plugging Sanit & Disp ‐Cths Mower Parts ‐Sec Rds Website Hosting ‐Dec '12 Wages ‐BOH $8.00 $15.30 $5,000.00 $740.00 $123.42 $3,595.56 $1,529.00 $15.00 $549.50 $325.56 $200.00 $100.35 $96.54 $200.00 $4,285.57 Investor Pledge ‐2012 $5,000.00 Util ‐Em Mgmt Ofc Suppl ‐Assessor Web Hosting ‐Assessor $376.65 $87.00 $2,025.00 E911 Surcharge Fund Joseph Buffington CenturyLink City of Wayland Farmers & Merchants Mutual Tel U S Cellular Grand Total Mlge ‐E911 E911 New Computer ‐E911 Buildings‐Repairs & Maint Air Card ‐E911 $13.77 $958.69 $398.00 $201.36 $124.60 $265,357.43 White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
December 25, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
No meeting Christmas.
December 27, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the meeting.
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the December
20, 2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
Sarah Kaufman, CPC gave the Board her monthly update on Mental Health and General
Assistance. She also presented the Board with the 28E Agreement for 8B Judicial Patient
Advocate Position which had been reviewed by the County Attorney and stated it was
fine. Therefore Chairman Kent White went ahead and signed the document.
Mike Vens with Gamrath-Doyle-Vens Insurance presented the insurance premiums for
2013 which is $154,883.03 for property and casualty coverage, this being down from last
year due to the closing of the County Care Facility.
Steve Brimhall, Cindy McAllister and Marc Benson all with the Henry County Fair
Board were present to request $20,000 in FY13/14 an increase of $4,000 from FY 12/13.
The Board stated they would consider the request when they begin working on the budget
in next few weeks,
No Solid Waste Site updates.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
___________________________________ _________________________________ Shelly Barber, Henry County Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman
August 14, 2012
Mt Pleasant, IA
The Board met in regular session at 9:00 AM. Members present: Chairman Kent White,
Marc Lindeen and Gary See.
Steve Wilson and Ron Osborne joined the meeting with Osborne video recording the
It was moved by Lindeen and seconded by See to approve the minutes of the August 9,
2012 meeting. 3 ayes. Motion carried.
No public comments.
Bill Belzer, Engineer accompanied by Jelen McCall Office Manager gave the Secondary
Road weekly update. It was moved by See and seconded by Lindeen to approve
Resolution 19-2012-20 that the Board of Supervisors recommends that the seal coat
project of Jewell Ave be approved by the Iowa DOT for improvement and this project be
placed in the current Secondary Road Construction Program at a cost of approximately
$53,000. 3 ayes. Motion carried. Belzer also presented a list of items he feels must be in
an agreement with the County and the group of residents who want this seal coating
project done on Jewell Ave if approved by the IDOT. There will be a Preconstruction
Conference on Wednesday for the BR#174 project on 310th St over Fish Creek. Bids
were opened for the 300th St culvert project, there being 3 bids as follows Iowa Bridge &
Culvert, L.C. at $50,047.10; Muscatine Bridge Co, Inc at $79,898.00; Winfield
Contractors, Inc at $50,983.00. The Engineer will review these bids and make his
recommendation next week. Crews ditched on Marsh south of US34. Crews cut down
two trees on Kentucky Ave. leaning over the road. Patrol operators did some spot
blading and mowing around complaint areas. Dan graveled edge ruts along paved roads.
Crews removed cracked concrete section of south abutment under the west beam bearing
and replaced with good concrete. Replaced all abutment base plates and anchored to
concrete on the Oakland Mills Bridge. Cold patched W55 north of Wayland and Old 34
west of Mt Pleasant. Contractor has completed crack sealing from Salem to Business 34.
Crack leveling should be completed this week. Crews finished resurfacing rock for the
season. Mechanics are overhauling motors for John Deere motor grader and one of the
tandem trucks.
John Pullis Conservation Director met with the Board and gave his monthly update. The
changes discussed earlier for Gibson Park have been placed on hold for now. Inspection
of the Oakland Mills Walk Bridge has been completed and now waiting on the report and
recommendations for repair. The County’s Hydroelectric Preliminary Permit will expire
in October and they are going to ask for a 3 year extension to it as there is no cost to do
so. Mud Creek food plot is going to be converted to native grasses and a new food plot
put in a new location. Deery Brothers got the bid for a 2013 Chevy 1500 pickup at the
cost of $21,569.00. The Naturalists programs are going very well.
No updates on the Solid Waste Site or the Co Care Facility Property.
No sub-committee updates.
White adjourned the meeting.
Shelly Barber, Auditor
H. Kent White, Chairman