Let it Begin with Me - Kansas Al-Anon
Let it Begin with Me - Kansas Al-Anon
December, 2012 – February, 2013 Happy Holida ys “Let it Begin with Me” 1 KANSAS AREA OFFICERS 2012-2013-2014 DELEGATE Judy Wahaus 831 So. Ohio St. Salina, KS 67401 (785) 823-0409 [email protected] ALTERNATE DELEGATE Betty Ruhlen 3062 W. 8th St. Lawrence, KS 66049 (785) 842-6808 [email protected] CHAIRPERSON Phil Griffin 3433 SW Randolph Ave. Topeka, KS 66611 (785) 408-4950 [email protected] CO-CHAIRPERSON Shanna Gray 2413 Purcells Mill Manhattan, KS 66502 (785) 532-8003 [email protected] SECRETARY Cindy Henry PO Box 281 Leavenworth, KS 66048 (913) 682-7839 [email protected] TREASURER Lucy Clifton PO Box 290 Augusta, KS 67010 (316) 775-3603 [email protected] KANSAS AREA COORDINATORS 2012-2013-2014 ALATEEN COORDINATOR Donna Meilies 306 Elizabeth St. Scott City, KS 67871 (620) 872-5009 (620) 2142389 [email protected] AREA ALATEEN PROCESS PERSON Elaine Wright 8217 Wood Ave. Kansas City, KS 66112 (913) 299-7907 [email protected] ASSISTANT ALATEEN Aaryn Wertz 422 Mississippi Lawrence, KS 66044 (785) 760-5708 [email protected] PUBLIC OUTREACH Jayme Turner 2146 140th Ave. Larned, KS 67550 (620) 285-2551 [email protected] STEPFINDER Stevie Workman 2054 Lambertson Ln., #4 Salina, KS 67401 (785) 404-2071 [email protected] or [email protected] WEBMASTER Thomas Crimm 9523 Woodson Dr. Overland Park, KS 66207 (816) 678-2203 [email protected] or [email protected] ARCHIVES Claudine Williams PO Box 29 312 E. Walnut Haviland, KS 67059 (620) 388-4580 [email protected] GROUP RECORDS Terry Rogers 2849 Woodland Wichita, KS 67204 (316) 838-2480 [email protected] or [email protected] LITERATURE Becky Dahlstrom 620 SE Baldwin Topeka, KS 66607 (785) 357-0187 [email protected] 2 Things to Remember: Kansas Stepfinder: $15/year for hardcopy subscription; $5/year for email subscription or FREE online at http://www.kansas-alanon.org Kansas Area 20 Calendar November 2012 * February 9 – 10, 2013: Area World Service Committee Meeting: Roadway Inn, 1846 N 9th St, Salina KS * March 1 – 3, 2013: Delegates Meeting: Wichita KS March 4, 2013: Lois’s Birthday: Please remember her on this day * May 4, 2013: KS Area Assembly : Roadway Inn, 1846 N 9th St, Salina KS * June 7 – 9, 2013: Kansas Area Al-Anon/Alateen Conference: Holiday Inn Holidome, Topeka KS * July 26 – 28, 2013: Kansas Alateen Round-Up: Rock Springs Ranch * September 14 – 15, 2013: Area World Service Committee Meeting: Place to be determined * November 2, 2013: Kansas Area Assembly: Roadway Inn, 1846 N 9th St, Salina KS 3 From the Editor There once was a lady named Steviejean Who during the Holidays could get really mean! While so much anxiety ran through her head, Sleep would not come till she almost dropped dead. The “What if’s” and “Maybe’s” kept dancing around At the thought of her family coming to town. “Bobby will do this – Susie will say that, And ole cousin Billy will be drunk on his ______! Steviejean got so mad she couldn’t see straight“Just one day a year can’t they all just act great?” She had gotten herself in such a sad state She had to call someone – she just couldn’t wait! Steviejean had joined Al-Anon – lucky for her! So she called her dear sponsor to get a good cure. “ ‘Projecting’, it’s called”, said her sponsor with love. ‘Let Go and Let God’, you must rise above! You can’t control Billy, or Bobbie or Sue. The only one you can control is just YOU! Use the tools of your program and you shall then see That the day will go smoothly if you ‘Let it Begin with Me’” And when all arrived at her house Christmas day Steviejean had decided to change her old ways. She was not anxious or tired or mean Instead she was very calm and serene. Though Bobbie did this and Susie said that; And Ole Cousin Billy got drunk on his ______ Steviejean chose to love them all just as they were It was the best Christmas ever, and she did it for her. -Stevie W.,- Stepfinder Editor 4 Current Mailing Address (CMA) for your group. If you are uncomfortable with receiving this in the future, please ask your group to choose a new CMA or get an ebuddy who is willing to receive your electronic mail from the WSO. If you have not been receiving this newsletter ask your District Representative to forward a copy of it. They have access to it. Below is a message that will be included with the email that leads you to the site to click on: “If this e-mail was forwarded to you, please contact the member who forwarded it if you want to be taken off their distribution list. (According to the terms of our agreement with our e-mail distribution vendor, the newsletter can only be posted on the vendor’s Web site. If you are forwarding the Group e-news link to members with the site to click on, please include this notice: You are going to a vendor page that is hosting our newsletter. Use of this vendor page does not imply endorsement or affiliation. Please include this notice if you are forwarding to other members.” The 2012 Conference Summary is available on the Members’ Web site, al-anon.org/members and you can read past Summaries back to 1961. I would encourage everyone to read through our latest Summary, or at least browse through it, it’s very interesting and it concerns each of us and our groups. The Printing of How Al-Anon Works to be sold for $5. was for a 1 year trial period, but the Finance Committee has chosen to extend that 1 more year. So in case you didn’t realize it, or forgot it, you may want to take advantage of that. Some groups keep them on hand to give to new members, and for others, at this price it may be easier to afford when many of us come to Al-Anon financially strapped. The Policy Committee has concluded that using a third party vender to sell electronic literature is not a violation of Policy or the Traditions, so WSO may proceed with the project of electronically publishing the Forum and (B-25) Having Had a Spiritual Awakening. I have not heard yet when this is going to come about but I’m sure it will be announced. DELEGATE REPORT November 2012 Assembly “A leader is a person who can put principles, plans, and policies into such dedicated and effective action that the rest of us want to back him up and help him with his job.” (1995-1996 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual, p. 170) I want to thank District 8 for such a warm welcome they gave the Past Delegates and myself in October and how much I enjoyed doing the workshops for their Workshop Day. I also want to thank our Past Delegates for giving of their time to be there and doing the workshops. It was fun and good food. Anytime your District would like to set up a workshop with myself and/or our Past Delegates, just call and we will work it out. Our Past Delegates have been great about helping and I think it’s so important to remember they have a lot of experience, strength and hope to share with us all. Registration for Al-Anon’s 2013 International Convention is open! All of the details including registration, housing, Canadian entry requirements, etc., are located on the new International Convention Web site: www.al-anoninternationalconvention.org. Have you sent in a sharing for the new book on Intimacy? There is a Writing Workshop and Power Point Presentation for this new book on the District Representative’s Community Home Page. Maybe the groups could request their District put it on for a District Workshop Day. Or I could bring it to you. Group Representatives who have email service, if you have received the newsletter “Group eNews” e-mail, you are listed as the 5 The revised Starting an Al-Anon Group guideline (G-12) has been posted on the Spanish and French Members’ Web sites. The guideline is now available in English, Spanish, and French and it can be downloaded and printed. REPORTING ABUSE- An Information Service Center here in Kansas had some questions due to a situation that I think are important to share and the response from Mary Lu, who is the Associate Director of Member Services at WSO as to how to deal with these situations. Question 1): Someone at a meeting talks about the abuse and they say "what is said here, stays here" but another person in the meeting is a Mandatory Reporter? The response is: On mandatory reporters at Al-Anon group meetings: some groups have shared that they have added the statement at the bottom of page 39 in the Anonymity section of the “Groups at Work” section of the 2010-2013 Al-Anon/Alateen Service Manual (P-24/27) that states: “Special note: Anonymity is a spiritual principle and cannot be used as a legal basis to shield criminal behavior, past or current. It is wise to remember that Al-Anon and Alateen meetings are not above the law. Members need to exercise care in sharing information that could require reporting to local, state, provincial, and national authorities.” Now, when an Al-Anon Member Involved in Alateen Service (AMIAS) is a “mandatory reporter” and serves as an Alateen Group Sponsor, it is recommended that the Alateens be informed of this at each meeting, so that they have the choice of whether or not to share things that might be reportable. (See the Alateen Safety Guideline, G-34, page 4). The same idea could apply to members at an Alateen meeting. ANY such reporting would always be done as an individual citizen, not as an Al-Anon member. Question 2): What do phone volunteers do when a total stranger calls and talks about their immediate threat? The response is: On guidance for volunteers: We can share what WSO does with our staff who answer our toll-free meeting line. The WSO instructs the staff that when a caller is suicidal, to listen, offer encouragement, offer them the national suicide hotline number, and encourage them to call. We don’t expect our staff to be counselors. When a caller is in physical danger, staff is asked to encourage the caller to immediately call 911 or their local authorities. We know that Caller ID does not always provide an accurate location of the caller’s whereabouts, so we don’t attempt to contact authorities ourselves. Question 3): If a Mandatory Reporter takes such a call and calls the police and it ends up in court - say the person was really beat up or even worse, what is the legal responsibility of the volunteer/Mandatory Reporter? If it comes out that Al-Anon did the reporting or was on the phone with this person, what do we do? Response: Again, any reporting is done as an individual, not as an Al-Anon member or Al-Anon volunteer. Those who are in the professions that require reporting are generally familiar with their responsibility. Mary Lou also suggested: There are many AlAnon service roles that don’t require members to choose between their role as a professional and that of an Al-Anon member where they wouldn’t come in direct contact with persons in crisis. As part of their volunteer training procedures, the AIS could discuss this topic in light of the Traditions and allow the individual member to decide their service to the AIS. I think this is an important issue because in Kansas, the Mandatory Reporter law requires certain professions to report suspected abuse. In this situation a teacher, not an AlAnon member but a Mandatory Reporter none the less, did lose her job because of uncertainty of what to do. This brings me back to my report at the May Assembly as to whether we as members would want either a pamphlet or possibly a book on “Abuse”, it’s up to those that would to send sharings to the WSO on abuse you have been through, but keeping in mind to put your emphasis on how Al-Anon helped you and the tools that helped. Thank you and love in Al-Anon and Alateen, Judy Wahaus, Delegate, Panel 52 Kansas 6 As Forum coordinator, I am pleased to tell you about the 2013 Al-Anon Faces Alcoholism magazine. This is our public outreach magazine, and you can read it online at http://www.al-anon.org/al-anonfaces-alcoholism-magazine. In this issue there are full-face pictures of actors, not members. The magazine stresses the anonymity of our program. One article addresses our singleness of purpose, to help family and friends of alcoholics. It says that 9 out of 10 people who come to the program initially because of another person’s drug use end up finding out that alcoholism is there too. The most important job of the Alternate Delegate is to step in if the Delegate cannot fulfill the duties of that position. Judy was unable to do a workshop at the Kansas Area AA Conference in Topeka, so she asked me to step in, and said I could do the workshop I already had prepared. I was glad to do it, but sorry that she couldn’t be there. A couple weeks later I did the same workshop in Larned. Unfortunately I was coping with an attack of food poisoning. I got through the workshop on Pepto-Bismol and faith. On October 6 I participated in the District 8 Fall Workshop. That was much easier to do—I felt better and I just had to follow directions. That said, I am available to do workshops for your events. -Betty R.-, Alternate Delegate “You might say life prepared me for AlAnon. I say service in Al-Anon prepared me for life” (The Forum, November 2012, p. 18) Alternate Delegate Report November 2012 Assembly “The Family Vacation” Episode 3 was presented. As your Area Alternate Delegate I asked for jobs to do and I got them. I have enjoyed doing most of them. Last spring Charla suggested that the Kansas Area make a quilted wall hanging to be displayed at the South Central Regional Delegates Meeting, to be held in Wichita in February. People from Wichita, Kansas City, Lawrence and Tonganoxie made the quilt blocks. I sewed the quilt top together, and my program friend Vera and I quilted it on her longarm quilting machine. There will be a Lucky Chance drawing to raise money for the SCRDM meeting, to designate which Area will get to keep the quilt for display next year. Another job is keeping track of the Skills Resources. I am using Excel to keep this information handy and easy to update. I will continue to send out copies of the Skills Resources sheet to District Representatives to pass along to their groups, in order to reach more members who would like to do a little service work. I’m getting two or three a week, and it is a wonderful thing to know that there is so much expertise and willingness to serve in Kansas. Please ask your District Representative for a copy of this form and pass them out to your group members. Also I continue to keep track of the information received about Area KBDMs that we are working on. Group Records Report November 2012 Assembly Hello, I am your Area Hello to all! I am the group records coordinator for the Kansas Area and my job is to keep the records for all the groups in Kansas current and I love my job!! First I’d like to do a little mini-inservice. There has been and probably always will be some confusion regarding open and closed meetings. So let me explain: a closed meeting is for anyone affected by the disease of alcoholism through a loved one or friend. 7 They don’t have to consider themselves a member of AlAnon, they can be prospective members or those who are considering our program. An open meeting is one that allows an outsider to view our program, such as a nursing student or a counselor who is learning more about our program. They are not coming due to a problem of alcoholism in someone they know, they are coming to learn more about a program, such as a nursing student for an assignment. So pop quiz!! My group is a closed meeting and the social worker at my school wants to attend before she makes any referrals to families she works with – can she come? …………..No! My group is a closed meeting and my husband, an AA member, wants to come to find out if we are talking about him! He just wants to make sure this is an appropriate place for me to come. Can he come? ….No! Well, he tells me he grew up in an alcoholic home and his sponsor has been suggesting he come because of some relationship issues. Now can he come? …yes! My daughter is starting a young people’s Al-Anon group. I’m over 50! Can I come? …..Yes! there is often confusion between a group FOCUS, such as young people’s, adult children, men’s, gay/lesbian, etc. These groups have a certain focus but there is an implicit understanding that it is an Al-Anon group and therefore, open to ANY Al-Anon member. You can read about focus groups in our service manual on page 32. My group is a closed group and a woman comes who is not sure if this is the right place or not but her counselor suggested AlAnon. Can she come? ….Yes! All groups are closed except those who have chosen to make their meeting open. If you are not sure about your group, see me. A group can always take a mini-group conscience and decide to be open for one meeting, if someone comes who wants to observe. Alateen groups are always closed. Let me know if you have more questions. READ MORE ABOUT IT IN OUR SERVICE MANUAL PG 38. I didn’t think there were a lot of changes since our AWSC but then I checked the Change Log on the WSO database and found lots of changes I didn’t know about. We had a new group start in October, the Ozawkie Friends Night AFG but it already closed; the person who started it just felt she could not continue, due to several reasons. Since we met last May at Assembly, we have had these new groups: Progresso Hijos Adultos GFA in Dodge City, District 17; Marion Co Women’s Serenity AFG in Marion, District 13; and Roe AFG in Mission, District 10. We have had 5 groups go inactive since May: Tuesday Night Olsburg in Olsburg, District 6; Augusta AFG in District 21; Jackson St AFG in Huchinson, District 13; Riverless AFG in Phillipsburg, District 3, and Serenity Seekers AFG in Goodland, District 1. We thought Spirit of Hope in Leawood was inactive but thankfully they are not! Currently we have 144 Al-Anon groups, 9 of which are Spanish-speaking, and 10 Alateen groups. We have 4 Information Services, one in Kansas City, one in Topeka, and two in Wichita, one English and one Spanish. I want to point out to you the article in this month’s Forum, p. 27. Congratulations to all the groups! This is from the WSO group records coordinator that I work with. She reported that there is a 30% decrease in returned mail and a significantly less number of people calling about inaccurate meeting information. Sometimes WSO lets me know about a group that they have returned mail for – they put this group in No Mail Status and I have to put on my detective hat and find out why. This is why it’s important that when you have group changes, you let me know. In this article, it references the change form and says the form can be “emailed through the Area process or sent directly to the WSO”. Well I am the Area process!! Actually, you can go through your DR and he or she will send it to me, or you can send it to me and I’ll let them know. So many of you don’t have a DR so it’s 8 fine to just send it to me. I can take care of the changes fast and easy. The change forms are on our Ks website, the WSO website, or you can just email or call me with your changes. Let’s keep everything up to date so newcomers can always find a meeting! The only exception – all Alateen changes go to our Area Alateen Process Person, Elaine. And one more order of business. Phil asked each of us to address budget. My budget for Group Records is $300. In the first year, I need to provide group records books to all the AWSC members, about 33 members. I need notebooks and printing costs of 62 pages for each notebook. This is pretty substantial. After the first year, however, my costs are minimal – some envelopes, stamps, paper for keeping my book up to date. I propose that my budget drop to $50.00 and that should more than cover everything I need. Any questions for me? Remember if you have any changes to your groups, send them to me, not to WSO. I can make the changes faster and easier. The change forms are located on our Kansas Area website, kansas-al-anon.org, under Member Information. However, any method of letting me know any changes works for me; I’ll contact you if I have more questions. You can contact me at my Area address [email protected] or my home email address [email protected]. As for Alateen, all changes must be sent to our Area Alateen Process Person, Elaine. Love in service, -Terry Rogers-, Group Records Coordinator $25,884.17 (Our CD is for 12 months and matures 05/10/13 and is earning .04%. Currently we have accrued $22.50 interest on this CD). For the period May 1 through October 31, our net income (net cash receipts over net cash payments) was $2,240.95. This amount is represented by receiving ORDINARY INCOME of $9,358.29 and disbursing EXPENSES of $7,117.34, resulting in the net income of $2,240.95 ($9,358.29 less $7,117.34).THE ORDINARY INCOME during this period of $9,358.29 was generated from Assembly Lunch Income of $496.00, Fundraisers (cook book sales and silent auction from the June Conference) of $120.00, Literature Center receipts of $4,900.00, May Assembly tradition 7 “pass the basket” donations of $236.00, Group and District donations of $3,459.29, and AWSC “pass the basket” donations of $147.00. THE EXPENSES disbursed during this period of $7,117.34 consists of payments for the Assembly Lunch of $489.56, Delegate cost of $1,968.00 (This is the registration fee for the 2013 WSC, which is due to be sent to the World Service Office, December 31, 2012. Please note for 2013 the Equalization expense is set at $1,280.00 and the full amount is set at $1,968.00. It has been the Ks Area Policy to pay the full expense. An excellent explanation of an equalization expense can be found in the Al-Anon handbook on page 137-138.), Officers & Coordinators expenses of $1,986.09 (this does not include Nov 2012 Assembly expenses), Printing and Postage costs of $323.62 (which includes reports to be printed out for AWSC twice a year and Assembly), South Central Regional Delegates conference (SCRD) expense of $248.18, Group Records expense of $15.54, Public Outreach expense of $906.82, Alateen expense of $700.00, Assembly & AWSC room rental expense of $221.63 (this is a new line item in the budget, in the past we have been able to receive “free or reduced “assembly accommodation, but with the changes in the economy that will no longer be available to us), Income Tax preparation cost of $125.00, and Misc Expenses of $132.90 (which Kansas Area Treasurer’s Report November 2012 This is a statement of Support, Revenue, and Expenses for the period of May through October 2012 for the KS Area AFG. The checking account balance as of October 31, 2012 is $16,150.88 and the reserve savings balance from our CD is $11,974.24. Thus, our total cash funds balance is 9 includes new checking account checks, ASWC and Assembly supplies (e.g. coffee, cups, napkins, doughnuts etc), Love gift for Delegate when she attended WSC, and the KS annual Fee to the Sec. of State (Letter of Good Standing)). Background checks for an AlAnon member to become a group Sponsor. I am happy to report that we submitted our annual recertification package on time in June of this year and all documentation and changes have been recorded at the WSO. As of today, we have 10 active Alateen Groups in Kansas. 4 have inactivated this year: Harmony Alateen and Hope Alateen in District 10, Newton Alateen in District 14, Phoenix Alateen and Friendship SUNDAY Alateen in District 19. We have one new group, Lawrence Alateen in District 10. I’ve been very encouraged by the number of new AMIAS across Kansas! As of today, we have 65 AMIAS of which 33 are Certified Sponsors- great job! Recently the Area Alateen records have become available to me On Line! While they are currently ‘Read Only’, they give me the ability to double check data that WSO has for our Area. I can do searches by Alateen Group ID, City, Zip Code, I can also check AMIAS information by ID number, name, city etc…it will be a very handy tool for me! Please see me today or contact me anytime for copies of our Area’s Safety and Behavior Guidelines, forms needed to become an AMIAS or Certified Sponsor, group or AMIAS information change forms or a listing of the AMIAS folks in Kansas. Thank you for allowing me to be of service! -Elaine W. – Area 20 Alateen Process Person Thank you for this opportunity to serve. Sincerely,- Lucy C.-, Kansas Area Treasurer “Each day comes bearing its gifts. Untie the ribbons.” (-The Forum-, December, 1991, p. 13) Alateen Process Person Report November 2012 Assembly Hello, for anyone that does not know me, I am your Area Alateen Process Person! As a reminder, my role as the AAPP is to make sure that all Alateen groups in Kansas are keeping with the Area 20 Safety and Behavior Guidelines and that all Al-Anon Members that do or wish to assist with Alateen meet the Area requirements and have the proper forms in place. As a major volunteer organization, it is critical that we follow our Area Guidelines to protect our children and the adults that are responsible for them during meetings and events. All required forms are run through me first then I communicate any changes to our Area Alateen Coordinator, Group Records Coordinator and to the WSO. WSO will not accept forms from anyone other than each Area’s approved contact – In Kansas this is the AAPP. This includes requests such as a new Alateen Group, group changes, Al-Anon members wishing to become certified to work with the Alateens, and to request the Alateen/Asst. Alateen Coordinator Report November 2012 Assembly Coordinating the Alateen’s is a position we both love. Aaryn did an awesome job cochairing KARU and someday will be a leader because I believe she is a natural. “Dream Come True at KARU” was the theme for the 2012 KARU with the theme song “Dreamer” by Ozzie Osburne. We 10 had 15 Adults and 55 Alateens and at the rally for the 2013 they chose the theme as Don’t Give up” and the theme song of “I won’t give up” by Jason Maraz. We have requested the dates of July 26th-28th, 2013 at Rock Springs Ranch. Nov 23rd to 25th, 2012, Thanksgiving weekend will be the 37th AMAC conference at the LaQuinta, 5500 West Kellogg Dr, Wichita, KS at the theme is “Breathe” and song “Just Breathe” by Pearl Jam. Phil G has more information and can be reached at 785-4084950 Alateen Conferences are exciting, fun, enjoyable and inspiring. We are in desperate need of Male Alateen sponsor/AMIAS to attend these Conferences. It is a Great growing experience. At the Al-Anon/Alateen Conference in June, Amanda B. from Rantoul, KS was the Alateen Speaker. We are eager to wish Lawrence Alateen a big welcome and looking forward to getting to know them. The weekend of Sept 14th-16th was the AA Conference in Topeka, KS; they set aside a Board room from 12PM to 6PM for the Alateens. Neither Aaryn nor I were able to attend. We are planning on a SGAW for sometime in March and will be working on updating the guidelines. We want to make this Get A Way an awesome experience to get to know other sponsors and be able to share our experience. We have 1 t-shirts left from KARU 2012, if interested we are asking for at least a $5.00 donation. On October 12th, from 9AM to 12PM at the Day School at the Detention Center (Alateen) shared for about 30 -45 minutes about Alateens. Donna has answered two e-mails on where teens can find Alateen meetings. “Alateen Talks” is a newsletter from and about Alateens. Kansas Alateens has shared in the spring and fall 2012 editions, and there are copies to take and share with your Groups. I will be asking for a $100 increase in the Alateen line item on the budget, as Alateen Coordinator I am expected to attend conferences, and cost of gasoline has gone up. Please let us know if you have Alateens speaking at your functions. We want to be of service to the State of Kansas anyway we can. Alateens (younger Al-Anon’s) can sure make an event awesomely fun. Thank you for allowing us to serve in the Alateen Coordinator & Assistant Alateen Coordinator positions. Love in Service, -Donna & Aaryn-, Alateen/Asst. Alateen Coordinators Area Archives Report November 2012 Assembly If you have any past minutes, group records or Stepfinders-remember the Area Archives Department. The updated history book should be on the web page by now; and there are a lot of missing minutes, etc. June 9, 1973: The Assembly was held in McPherson. You could buy lunch, coffee and rolls for $2.85. Attendance was 59. Balance on hand was $968.86. A new book, Alateen-Hope for Children of Alcoholics went out for Alateens. It sold for $3.50 a copy. November 9, 1974: The Assembly was held in Hutchinson and 69 were present-45 of who were group representatives. Lorain B. was chosen as a nominee for Southwest Regional Trustee. February 8 & 9 1975: The AWSC meeting was held in Salina with 18 answering roll call. Lorain, the treasurer, reported a balance of $465.18. An announcement was made about who is eligible to vote at Assembly-all elected members and the Area World Service Committee. This was referred to as “The Third Legacy Voting Procedure”. The next Assembly was the November Assembly, held April 12, 1975 in McPherson. “The Third Legacy Voting Procedure” was voted on and accepted for the first time. That’s the way it was. -Claudine W-., Area Archives Coordinator 11 same time. This is a great inexpensive way of “Carrying the Message”. Another tool I just found is the 2012 Catalog Al-Anon Conference Approved Literature, on pages 11 -13 the World Service Office (WSO) has given us a great tool of what they believe will help us with the material for Public Outreach. This is a World Service Office (WSO) order form, but you are still able to order the same literature from our Area Literature Depot. This Catalog groups the literature together and gives a better description of each piece of literature. The last tool let’s talk about is displays. Again this tool will help us to “Carry the Message” telling everyone “Who we are, Where we are, and When we will be there” We can use the display anywhere to we want to “Carry the Message” Health Fairs, School Fairs, at any Professional Fairs, Libraries, County Health Departments to name a few. Our goal for our Area Public Outreach Project for 2013 is for every district to have a display! Thank you all very much for helping “Carry the Message”! -Jayme T.-, Public Outreach Coordinator Public Outreach Coordinator Report November 2012 Assembly Greetings everyone! My name is Jayme Turner and I am your Public Outreach Coordinator. Did you know that every time we do Public Outreach we are working the 12th Step “Carrying the message”? Every time we work the steps we have tools for helping us. So let’s talk about a few of these tools we can use for Public Outreach. One of the tools is Posters, Posters and more Posters!! At the May Assembly we had 1300 posters printed for our Area, we passed out 682 of these posters. This meant that we had 618 posters left. In hanging up these 682 posters that meant that we were “Carrying the message” showing “Who we are, Where we are, When we will be there” Since the May Assembly several groups have asked for more posters and as of today we have 358 posters left… Thank You and please keep “Carrying the message”. If you need more posters please let me know. Please continue to let me know where you have been placing your posters. Next let’s talk about Al-Anon faces Alcoholism 2013(AFA) it is possible one of our Biggest Public Outreach tools. It tells” Who we are” by sharing personal experiences in the stories. On the back there is information how people can call or visit a website to find our meetings showing” Where we are and When we will be there”. This tool can be used to “Carry the message” to everyone, families and professionals. So now I challenge everyone to read this tool (if you have not already done so), then on the back under the blue box write your home group’s name, address, and meeting time then place it out in a public area. If you do this you have just “Carried the message” and you are working the 12th step. Also remember when you are making a literature order that there are free materials such as bookmarks that can be ordered at the “Reaching out is the best way to assure that we will find a joy during the holidays that will carry us through all the years ahead.” (-The Forum-, December 1991) Kansas Stepfinder Report November 2012 Assembly To date there are 25 hard copy subscriptions and 3 email subscriptions to the Kansas Stepfinder. The subscriptions have continually increased since I began serving as Stepfinder Editor. I am very excited by that! I appreciate all the personal sharings I 12 have received. I would like to receive more! I always include a personal sharing in each issue. If I receive a sharing from you, you will receive a free issue of the Kansas Stepfinder with your sharing in it! If I don’t get one from the Kansas Area, I find one from other AlAnon literature. I would like to remind all Coordinators and DR’s to give me a copy of your reports for each AWSC meeting and Assembly for the Stepfinder. You can either give me a hard copy at the meetings or email them to me at [email protected]. Please have your reports to me right before or no later than a week after AWSC meetings and Assemblies so I can get the Stepfinder completed and mailed out in timely manner. I thank you for allowing me to serve as Kansas Stepfinder Editor; and for all the encouragement I have received. I HAVE GROWN SO MUCH IN MY RECOVERY AS A RESULT! Love in Service, -Stevie W.-, Kansas Stepfinder Editor Force to review Technology Tools, needs, options benefits and risks. -Butch C.-, Area Technology Coordinator Area Literature Coordinator Report November 2012 Assembly Sales have been great recently and yesterday I deposited $900.00. Today, I have brought some totals for you: For the first 3 quarters we sold $9,549.17 in literature. We have donated to Area this year $5,000 and have $800.00 today to also donate. There will be a printing in February of the AFA’s, if anyone needs to order I would like to know in January. Currently I have some in stock if anyone needs any. A reminder that you can get copies of the book order form on the Kansas Al-Anon website. I also always send at least one back with your book order. To reiterate filling out an order form correctly, you add the 7.55% sales tax to your book order, total that amount to get your subtotal and then add the 8% S&H to get your total amount. I would like to encourage everyone to send their orders on the order form with payment for simplication of getting the orders done and mailed. Thank you for the opportunity for being your Literature Coordinator. -Becky D.-, Literature Coordinator Technology Coordinator Report November 2012 Services provided January 2012 thru present: 67 requests for help (information on meetings and sharing stories), 25+ group change information requests. Job description revision underway. Tech support to Area leadership. Researching options for Web site content management system with a focus on a better way to manage the list of meetings. The use of Google Apps at the Officer, Coordinator & DR levels is pending. Active Projects include: the History Book being scanned and posted on the Web site(Members), rolling out Google Apps, posting Officer/Coordinators Guidelines, re-posting Stepfinders for this year(revising formats), auditing Group Record change requests. There is a pending Task “Service is mine to do, when I can, where I can, what I can, all I can.” -When I Got Busy I Got Betterp. 22 13 Crazy Bingo is once again on the agenda for Friday evening thanks to Terry R. In addition, we're discussing a game night for Saturday night. Due to the challenges of the facility, we may be doing baskets vs. individual items for the lucky chance. So mark your calendars now! We would love to see you all next summer on June 7th, 8th and 9th in Topeka Kansas and make it a weekend to remember! -Nancy S.-, 2013 Al-Anon/Alateen Conference Chairperson 2013 Kansas Al-Anon/Alateen Conference Report November 2012 Assembly The theme for the 2013 conference is "Right Here, Right Now". A couple of our committee members have encountered major health problems since accepting the committee positions. Both Susan and Dana are doing well today and may we all pray for their continued health improvement. Pam T has done a fabulous job putting together save the date flyers and other information. There is an envelope at the back of the room for each district that has conference flyers inside and Pam's e:mail on the outside in case you prefer to have a digital copy of the same. Pam would be happy to e:mail you any of the flyers. Just send her a request at [email protected]. The program chair, Susan A., has done a fabulous job obtaining speakers for the conference. Kim P. of Tecumseh KS and her husband Troy will speak as well as Beverly B from Texas will be our Saturday night speaker. The assistant Alateen Coordinator, Aaryn W. has agreed to be the Alateen speaker! The conference will be held in the same location as the 2012 conference at the Holiday Inn Holidome at 605 SW Fairlawn in Topeka Kansas just off of I-70 with the exception of the Saturday night meeting which will be at the Nazarene Church across the street. There were some issues with the Holidome and we will need to be flexible and grow! The committee agreed that the Saturday night dinner at Coyote Canyon was a great alternative to a banquet. It allows people to be involved if they desire and costs less than the traditional banquet. As such, we have decided to have Saturday dinner at the Coyote Canyon once again for all that would like to participate. 2013 South Central Regional Delegates Meeting Report November 2012 Assembly The meeting will be held on March 1-3, 2013 at the Airport Best Western in Wichita, Ks. Every 7th year Kansas hosts this meeting. The South Central Region consists of Kansas, Missouri, Arkansas, Louisiana, Oklahoma, Texas East, and Texas West. The theme is : Our Legacies: the Spiritual Journey of Changing “Me to “We”. Laurel Lenz is the general chairperson. Mary Kellison and Keo O’Rouke will take care of the program. Terry Rogers will host the hospitality room. Volunteers are needed to help in hospitality room, decorate the tables and make Love Gifts. The Banquet will be a Buffet with a choice of Prime Rib or 10oz K C Strip steak. This meeting is open to all Al-Anon members. Some of what to expect: Entertainment, Workshops, Speakers, Discussion of Topics of interest to Area’s, meeting new, current and past Delegates from the region… Anyone who wants to receive a Registration form by email can email Laurel Lenz Panel 46 to request one. They will go out around the 1st of January. [email protected] -Laurel L.-, Past Delegate 14 1. We have 9 active Al Anon Groups and 1 Alateen Group in District 5. 2. Meetings for women are held on the 2nd Wednesday evening each month, in the Saline County Jail. Judy W. and Keo O. are the volunteers currently certified for this activity. They ask that others please volunteer to assist with this important service. Anyone interested, contact them. The certification process is not difficult and is not much different than qualifying to be an Alateen sponsor. 2. There is an Al Anon literature rack in the Salina Regional Health Center Emergency Room, sponsored by the Choices Al Anon group on behalf of District 5. Anyone who wishes to contribute a donation toward this worthy project, please contact me or Sally Downing. 3. Access TV station, Channel 21 in Salina, has received the Public Outreach DVD, published by WSO and is running it regularly. Choices Al Anon group purchased this item and gave it to our member, Marnie R., who works at Access TV. 4. Sally D. and Brenda represented Al Anon at the Pathfinders Recovery Center, presenting a literature table and giving a speech about Al Anon. Sally has been asked to be the liaison between Al Anon and Pathfinders and has also been asked to serve in the same capacity by the Ashby House of Salina, the homeless shelter for families and single women. AA/AL-Anon Liaison Report November 2012 Assembly Approximately 40 Al-Anon’s attended the Kansas Area AA Conference in Topeka. On Friday evening there was a reception with cookies and cold drinks to welcome attending Al-Anon’s and AA’s. The room was filled and there was lots of great conversation. Leftover cookies were donated to the hospitality shop, which was greatly appreciated. On Saturday, our own Phil G. spoke and did an awesome job. There was very good attendance by both Al-Anon’s and AA’s. I want to specifically thank Shanna G. for acting as a host for Phil which freed me up to do other activities including selling some literature. I sold Literature for about 90 minutes on Saturday and sold about $100.00 in literature. I was honored to be the Al-Anon Liaison and I found out if I keep quiet and be patient things did get done without me and I felt like it was a great growing experience. -Becky D.-, AA/Al-Anon Liaison DISTRICT REPORTS November 2012 Assembly So far this year, 6 of the AFG Groups in District 5 have been visited in person by me or another volunteer on behalf of the district. I hope to complete these visits before 2013 and to share the group public outreach poster provided by Judy W. and the WSO. Those groups remaining are: Abilene AFG, Minneapolis Serenity Seekers AFG, Salina New Hope AFG, and Salina Alateen. I hope to begin having District 5 meetings in the New Year. In Service, -Dena B.-, DR [email protected] “Participation is the Key to Harmony” District 5: Sally Downing is now Alternate D.R. and public outreach contact for District 5 to the area. Neither of us were able to attend the May, 2012 Kansas Assembly meeting. Keo O’Rourke gave a report for our district. Thank you, Keo. District 5 activity report: 15 District 15: District 15 held its last meeting on October 20 2012 in Hillsdale KS. District 15 has 7 Al-Anon groups & 1 Alateen group. There were 4 groups represented at our last meeting. There was 1 visitor present. The treasurer report was given. The groups reported on their activities & attendance patterns. We reviewed the upcoming Assembly agenda & reviewed the proposed budget for 2013 to be voted on at the assembly. The attendees made travel plans for the upcoming assembly. We discussed the district website & made plans to update the site. The RISK Alateen group is meeting in the Presbyterian Church in Paola. The address is 110 Peoria Paola KS 66071. Meeting time is 7:30 pm Monday evening. We have 2 to 5 younger members attending. The sponsors are looking for meeting ideas to keep the program interesting to the younger members as they are learning the basic principles of the program. Fellowship & food was enjoyed by all. Our next meeting is set for January 19th 2013, hosted by the Linn County group in La Cygne. Love in service, -Ruth Ann T.- DR 15 District 12: District 12 has three registered groups. Two are in Great Bend and one in Larned. Grapevine AFG in Great Bend meets at 7:00 on Tuesday evenings. Great Bend AFG has three meetings a week: Wednesday at 12:00pm, Thursday at 8:00pm and Saturday at 9:00am. Paths to Recovery group in Larned meets Wednesday at 6:00pm with a Step meeting and a regular meeting following at 7:00pm. District 12 had our annual Fall Fest on Saturday, September 29th at Camp Pawnee in Larned. It was a rousing success again this year with lots of District involvement. Betty R, our alternate delegate from Lawrence came and gave a workshop on living the traditions and concepts in our families and everyday lives. We had a wonderful lunch of homemade soups and sandwiches, then Tomi and Chuck C. from Great Bend shared their stories together as an Al-Anon and AA married couple. We had many people attend from all over the state and were very grateful for the wonderful time shared. Great Bend AFG reports that they were able to take the posters given by Jayme with Public Outreach and put them up throughout Great Bend, including a car dealership, the library, the local crisis center and many of the local churches. Paths to Recovery in Larned was able to have members put the posters on all floors of the courthouse, the county health department, the local laundry mat and other public places. –Susan A.-, DR District 21: It was a privilege when asked to work with a group in Cedarville as well as one in Sedan, Kansas. Cedarville had 5 ladies wanting to start an Al-Anon meeting. I’ve been there three times; once to give information forms and answer many questions. They had a place and time already. The next time I took a meeting with the help of Martha from Coffeyville. The group was very appreciative. I had a meeting with the Sedan group where I took information and answered questions. I then went back and took a meeting with two members in attendance. They are still trying to get organized. Who knew when I was District 13: I didn’t visit any of the groups this time around except for the Hutch Group. I was in contact with the other groups by phone. I delivered I delivered the Public Service Announcement by mail or in person. -Loretta B.-, DR 16 asked to go to these groups how rewarding it would be giving me experience and wonderful opportunities for service work. Awesome, willing and thankful, -Gloria P.-, DR Personal Sharing I use the three As in my program almost daily. Many times I see something that I would like to take charge of, and I have to stop and ask myself, “What’s my part in this?” Often my part is accepting life and truth for what it is. This is in direct contrast to my actions before program. I used the Two A’s instead of the Three A’s, jumping from Awareness—“Oh, look what just happened!” To Action—“Oh, gosh, I’ve got to fix it!” Even Awareness was a difficult thing for me to do in those old, dark days. It was much easier to be in denial and pretend that everything was okay. After I got into the program, I learned that being aware merely meant I was recognizing what was going on. Acceptance means that I have to acknowledge that I am not in charge of anything outside of my own mind. My Higher Power has it all under control. All I have to do is recognize that something is going on, and however much I may hate what is happening, fighting it will do no good. Action follows. Usually at this point I know that all I can do is ask my Higher Power for guidance and strength to get through whatever Life is handing out this time. Sometimes there is something that I can do. And sometimes all I have to do is sit and wait. District 22: The Fall meeting was held September 10, 2012 with Riverton, KS AFG as host. Each group reported what they were doing and some programs they had done. Bob W. sent a treasurer’s report that Jolene D. gave for him in his absence. Jolene D. offered to be Secretary. Gloria D., DR, gave a report on the September AWSC meeting and shared upcoming dates. Our program was on the Fourth Step. I told the groups that Sedan wanted to start an Al-Anon group. Dawn suggested that a paper be sent around the table to have each group write down suggestions to help them get started with outreach ideas. This went well. I have given these suggestions to the new groups. Tuesday AFG in Independence, KS will host the Spring meeting. The group asked for a workshop program at the Spring meeting. Andrea and Gloria will bring one to the group. The meeting closed with the Al-Anon/Alateen Declaration. After the meeting all 14 members present went to lunch and shared some great fellowship! Gratitude in Service, Gloria P-., DR “My Higher Power is not a Santa Claus who gives me everything I want; He is a loving guardian who gives me everything I need.” --Betty Ruhlen--, Kansas Area Alternate Delegate (-The Forum-, December, 1991, p. 10) 17 The Past in Review A couple of nights ago I had a dream that my mobile home had set unoccupied for five years. I had just recently sold it, and I knew I had left a lot of stuff in it from five years ago. I went back with some friends and looked everything over to decide what I might still want. Some of the things were really beautiful—jewelry boxes, vases, etc. While I was deciding what I still wanted, I wondered how I could have left them there for so long. It was a lot of fun finding them again. When I woke up, I mulled all this over in my head for a few days. This morning I realized what the dream meant. When I shut the door on my past, I left a lot of good things back there. Now I can go back, look around, pick out what I still like and want, and take it with me. I asked my Higher Power to show me what these things are, and how I can still salvage and put them into my life today. I always thought people left behind what they didn’t care about. But that’s not always true. I had left behind some of the people and things I care about the most. Because I didn’t know how to love in a healthy way, I decided not to love at all. With my Higher Power and Al-Anon I have taken my confusing past, done some sorting and made some decisions as to what I still want in my life. It has been healing for me to realize that maybe when my parents left me behind, it had nothing to do with me. It didn’t mean they loved me any less. The program works. God’s timing is perfect and He’s there all the time.--Dody Y.--, Colorado (Taken from The Forum, December 1991, p. 21) “Joy and peace of mind are the rewards we seek when we ‘Let it Begin With Me’” (From Survival to Recovery, p. 95) 18 PAST KANSAS DELEGATES Charla Cross 2418 Rio Vista Wichita, KS 67204 [email protected] o r [email protected] Mary Beth Jones (Deceased) Janice McNee R.R. 1, Box 128 Cottonwood Falls, KS 66845 (620) 273-6601 Mara Webb P.O. Box 23 Welling, OK 74471 [email protected] T. Stockman 21508 Shore Line Drive Lyndon, KS 66491 (785) 828-3301 [email protected] Keo O’Rourke 232 Washington Lindsborg, KS 67456 [email protected] Mary Kellison 1727 W. 20th Lawrence, KS [email protected] The KANAS STEPFINDER , a publication of the Kansas Area Assembly, is published four times a year (March, June, October and December) and mailed to Al-Anon and Alateen individuals and groups. Individual and group donations are $15.00 per year for hard copies and $5.00 per year for email copies. The printing of this publication is made possible by donations. The material in this publication is not copyrighted and may be used only by an individual, group, or area as long as it is kept within Al-Anon and Alateen and the anonymity of those mentiknoed is protected in keeping with our Tracitions. All opinions expressed in this publication are purely individual and do not necessarily reflect the beliefs of AlAnon/Alateen as a whole. Laurel Lenz 322 N. Sabin Wichita, KS 67212 (318) 945-4253 [email protected] 19 Name ___________________________________________________________________ Address ________________________________________________________________________ Email Address ________________________________________________________________________ Check One: Individual/New ___ Individual/Renewal___ Group ___ Change of Address ___ Donation___ Circle One: Donation Email: $5.00 per year Regular Mail (hardcopy): $15.00 per year Mail to: Kansas Stepfinder, c/o Stephanie Workman, 2054 Lambertson Ln #4., Salina, KS 67401 PLEASE MAKE CHECK PAYABLE TO STEPHANIE WORKMAN 20
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