Tese de doutorado “ESTUDO DA REDUÇÃO DE SULFATO EM REATORES CONTÍNUOS UTILIZANDO GILCEROL” Autora: Orientador: Co-orientador: Sueli Moura Bertolino Prof. Versiane Albis Leão Prof.Sérgio Francisco de Aquino MAIO DE 2012 Sueli Moura Bertolino “ESTUDO DA REDUÇÃO DE SULFATO EM REATORES CONTÍNUOS UTILIZANDO GLICEROL” Tese de Doutorado apresentada ao Programade Pós-Graduação em Engenharia de Materiais da REDEMAT, como parte integrante dos requisitos para a obtenção do título de Doutor em Engenharia de Materiais. Área de concentração: Processos de fabricação Orientador: Prof. Versiane Albis Leão Coorientador: Prof. Sérgio Francisco de Aquino Ouro Preto, maio de 2012 B546e Bertolino, Sueli Moura. Estudo da redução de sulfato em reatores contínuos utilizando glicerol [manuscrito] / Sueli Moura Bertolino. – 2012. xii, 138 f.: il. color.; grafs.; tabs. Orientador: Prof. Dr. Versiane Albis Leão. Coorientador: Prof. Dr. Sérgio Francisco de Aquino. Tese (Doutorado) - Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. Escola de Minas. Rede Temática em Engenharia de Materiais. Área de concentração: Processos de Fabricação. 1. Bactérias redutoras de sulfato - Teses. 2. Reatores anaeróbios - Reator UASB - Teses. 3. Glicerol - Teses. 4. Biotecnologia - Teses. 5. Fluidização Teses. I. Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto. II. Título. Catalogação: [email protected] i ii "A ciência humana de maneira nenhuma nega a existência de Deus. Quando considero quantas e quão maravilhosas coisas o homem compreende, pesquisa e consegue realizar, então reconheço claramente que o espírito humano é obra de Deus, e a mais notável." Galileu Galilei (Fé e ciências) iii “Dedico esta tese de doutorado a duas incríveis pessoas: a meu pai, Milton Bertolino, que além me fazer a pessoa que sou, me deixou o que eu tenho de mais valor: a vontade de viver. A Terezinha Bertolino, minha mãe, uma professora, uma amiga, uma mulher inigualável que me ensinou a como viver” iv AGRADECIMENTOS À Deus, pelo dom da vida. Obrigada mãe, por ser meu exemplo de vida! Uma professora que orgulha de ter como maior recompensa, o reconhecimento de tantos alunos, hoje adultos, que tiveram a honra de ser alfabetizados pela senhora. Uma mãe, que mesmo cansada de sua jornada de trabalho, tinha sempre um lindo sorriso para nos receber. Uma mulher, que tira em Deus toda sua fé para superar as dificuldades e nos mostrar que a vida é nosso maior presente de Deus. Te amo mãe! À minha família, que é o alicerce da minha vida. Agradeço o amor e o companheirismo de meus irmãos, Rosana, Mílber, Simone e Nélio. A meu cunhado Zé, e minhas cunhadinhas Lu e Fabi. Aos meus lindos sobrinhos, Helena, Thiago, Pedro, Ana Clara e Ana Laura. À todos os meus familiares,“Mouras e Bertolinos”, que fazem minha vida fazer sentido. Ao meu orientador.É indiscutível seu comprometimento com a pesquisa e orientação de seus alunos, o que é refletido no nosso aprendizado.Foram muitas reuniões, muitas conversas, muitos erros e acertos, até chegar aqui. Muito obrigada,professor Versiane, pela confiança e pela enorme contribuição na minha formação. Ao professor Sérgio, pela co-orientação através das correções e sugestões durante a execução desta tese de doutorado, principalmente, na elaboração dos artigos. v À equipe do laboratório de Biologia Molecular da UFOP, principalmente, professora Renata e a mestranda Isabel. Às eternas amigas/irmãs, unidas desde: o pré-escolar (Érica e Quel), o ensino fundamental (Fábia e Cris), o ensino médio (Bi e Juli), a graduação (Fafá, Mi, Angel e San), o mestrado (Jojô) e, também,à amiga Cintia. Obrigada amigas, vocês entraram em momentos diferentes na minha vida, mas todasfazem parte da minha história. À família SELETA! Jojo, Wandinha, Bia, Lili, Lessandra, Na, Mandinha, Nininha, Kkau, e aos agregados, Emerson, Alan e Chatubinha. Obrigada seleteiras e seleteiros pela amizade e companheirismo. Em particular, às seleteiras, agradeço pelas risadas, pelos bate-papos, pelas conversas sérias, pela paciência em me aturar nos momentos de cansaço e, principalmente,pela oportunidade de ensinar e também de aprender. Amo todas vocês! Aos alunos de IC, Frederico, Jamily, Nayara e Lucas, que com muito comprometimento me ajudaram a cuidar de meus reatores e de minhas bactérias. Ao técnico de laboratório, Sérgio, por todas as análises realizadas para a execução deste projeto e, também, pela troca de conhecimentos. A todos os colegas do laboratório de bio-hidrometalurgia, em especial minhas colegas de sala Damaris e Larissa, por toda ajuda e companheirismo. À Vale, pelo financiamento que possibilitou o desenvolvimento técnico/científico desta tese de doutorado. Ao Conselho Nacional de Pesquisa pelo financiamento da bolsa de doutorado. À UFOP e a REDEMAT, pela importante participação em minha formação. vi RESUMO A hidrodinâmica do reator desempenha um papel chave durante a redução do sulfato porque bactérias redutoras de sulfato (SRB) não formam lodo granular facilmente. Além disso, entre os maiores desafios para a implementação da bioredução do sulfato estão o custo da fonte de elétrons e sua disponibilidade.Nesta tese, o desempenho de um reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (UASB) foi comparado com o de um reator de leito fluidizado (RLF), tratando efluente sintético contendo lactato como fonte de carbono e de elétrons.A carga orgânica, a redução do sulfato e as condições de mistura foram os principais parâmetros monitorados. O perfil dos ácidos graxos voláteis (AGV) e técnicas moleculares permitiram propor as vias metabólicas envolvidas durante a degradação do lactato. Para altas cargas orgânicas observou-se que: (i) olactato foi oxidado a acetato e dióxido de carbono por bactérias que oxidam incompletamente o substrato (Desulfomonas, Desulfovibrio, Desulfolobus, Desulfobulbus e Desulfotomaculum spp.); (ii) o lactato foi convertido a acetato por bactérias fermentativas (BF), tais como Clostridium sp. Sem recirculação, o reactor UASB apresentou uma taxa de redução volumétrica máxima de sulfato de 1,3g/(L.d)) (66% de remoção), enquanto, concentrações elevadas de propionato, no efluente, estavam associadas abaixas eficiências de redução de sulfato, um resultado da competição entre as BF e BRS pelo substrato. A recirculação da biomassa melhorou consideravelmente a eficiênica de redução do sulfato para 89% (taxa específica de 0,089±0.014g/(gSSV.d)), para uma razão DQO/sulfato de 2,5±0,2.No entanto, valores duas vezes mais elevados (0,191 ± 0.016g / (gSSV.d)) foram obtidos no RLF, tratando o mesmo substrato.Nas melhores condições operacionais, o RLF apresentou uma eficiência de redução de sulfato de 97% (64mg/L de sulfato residual) e a atividade fermentativa foi desprezível durante a degradação do lactato. O RLF foi então selecionado para avaliar o glicerol como uma fonte de carbono alternativa e o desempenho da redução do sulfato foi comparado com o obtido durante a degradação do lactato. A redução do sulfato na presença de glicerol produziu uma DQO residual (1700mg/L) menor do que a produzida com lactato (2500mg/L) para a mesma razão DQO/sulfato (2.5).Estimou-se que 50% da degradação do glicerol foi devida a redução de sulfato e 50% àfermentação, o que foi confirmadopela presença de butirato no efluente do RLF.O reator UASB foi incapaz de produzir uma concentração de sulfatoabaixo de 250mg/L, devido às condições inadequadas de mistura. Por outro lado, o RLF efetivamente produziu um efluente com concentrações de sulfato abaixo do valor referência. O glicerol pode ser uma alternativa de baixo custo eficaz para a redução do sulfato e esta biotecnologia mais uma aplicação para o tratamento dos resíduos gerados na indústria de biodiesel. v ABSTRAT Reactor hydrodynamics plays a key role during sulfate reduction because sulfate reducing bacteria (SRB) do not granulate easily. In addition, one of the greatest challenges for the full implementation of biological sulfate reduction is the cost of the electron source along with its availability. In this thesis, the performance of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket (UASB) reactor was compared to that of a fluidized bed reactor (FBR), treating lactate as carbon and electron source. Organic loading, sulfate reduction and mixing conditions were the main parameters monitored. Volatile fatty acids (VFA) profile and molecular biology techniques enabled the assessment of the metabolic pathways accounting for lactate degradation. At high organic loadings, it was observed that: (i) lactate was oxidized to acetate and carbon dioxide by incomplete-oxidizing SRB (Desulfomonas, Desulfovibrio, Desulfolobus, Desulfobulbus and Desulfotomaculum spp.); (ii) lactate was converted to acetate by fermenting bacteria (FB) such as Clostridium sp. Without recirculation, the UASB reactor showed a maximum volumetric sulfate reduction rate of 1.3g/(L.d)) (66% removal), while high propionate concentrations were associated to low sulfate reduction efficiencies, a result of the competition between FB and SRB for the substrate. Biomass recirculation considerably improved sulfate reduction yields to 0.089±0.014g/(gSSV.d), (89% reduction), for an COD/sulfate mass ratio value of 2.5±0.2. Nevertheless, values twice as higher (0.191±0.016g/(gSSV.d)) were achieved in the FBR, treating the same substrate. In the best operational conditions, the FBR depicted a sulfate reduction efficiency of 97% (64mg/L residual sulfate) and negligible fermentative activity during lactate oxidation. It was then selected for experiments utilizing glycerol as an alternative carbon source and the sulfate reduction performance was compared to that observed with lactate. Sulfate reduction in the presence of glycerol produced residual COD (1700mg/L) smaller than that produced with lactate (2500mg/L C2 H3O2) at the same COD/sulfate mass ratio (2.5). It was estimated that 50% of glycerol degradation was due to sulfate reduction and 50% to fermentation, which was supported by an increased butyrate concentration in the FBR effluent. The UASB reactor was unable to produce final sulfate concentrations below 250mg/L due to poor mixing conditions. Conversely, the FBR consistently ensured residual sulfate concentrations below the target value. Glycerol can be a cost-effective alternative for sulfate reduction and a viable solution and this biotechnology a new application for residues generated in the biodiesel industry. vi SUMÁRIO LISTA DE FIGURAS .......................................................................................................... ix LISTA DE TABELAS.......................................................................................................... xi LISTA DE NOTAÇÕES ..................................................................................................... xii CAPÍTULO 1 .........................................................................................................................1 1.1 Introdução.....................................................................................................................1 1.2. Objetivos e organização da tese..................................................................................13 1.3. Referências ................................................................................................................16 CAPÍTULO 2 ....................................................................................................................... 22 PERFORMANCE OF CONTINUOUS BIOREACTORS FOR SULFATE REDUCTION AIMING AT UTILIZING GLYCEROL AS CARBON SOURCE ........................................ 22 2.1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................23 2.2. Materials and methods ...............................................................................................25 2.2.1. Bioreactors ..........................................................................................................25 2.2.2. Microorganisms and reactor start-up ....................................................................26 2.2.3. Analytical methods ..............................................................................................28 2.3. Results .......................................................................................................................29 2.3.1. Performance and stability of UASB and Fluidized Bed reactors. ..........................29 2.3.2. COD consumption and sulfate reduction yields ....................................................35 2.3.3. Effect of the reactor configuration in sulfate removal ...........................................36 2.3.4. Sulfate reduction in the presence of pure glycerol as substrate .............................41 2.4. Discussion .................................................................................................................42 2.5. Conclusions ...............................................................................................................47 2.6. Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................48 2.7. References .................................................................................................................48 CAPÍTULO 3 ....................................................................................................................... 54 IMPLICATIONS OF VOLATILE FATTY ACID PROFILE ON THE METABOLIC PATHWAY DURING CONTINUOUS SULFATE REDUCTION ....................................... 54 3.1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................55 3.2. Experimental..............................................................................................................57 3.2.1. Microorganisms and growth medium ...................................................................57 3.2.2. Anaerobic reactor and operational methods..........................................................57 3.2.3. Analytical methods ..............................................................................................59 vii 3.3. Results and discussion ...............................................................................................60 3.3.1. Reactor start-up and biomass ...............................................................................60 3.3.2. Reactor performance ............................................................................................63 3.3.3. Influence of effluent recirculation in sulfate reduction .........................................76 3.4. Conclusions ...............................................................................................................77 3.5. Acknowledgements ....................................................................................................78 3.6. References ................................................................................................................78 CAPÍTULO 4 ....................................................................................................................... 85 GLYCEROL AS AN ELECTRON DONOR FOR SULFATE REDUCTION IN FLUIDIZED BED REACTORS ................................................................................................................ 85 4.1. Introduction ...............................................................................................................86 4.2. Experimental..............................................................................................................88 4.2.1. Anaerobic reactor.................................................................................................88 4.2.2. Microorganisms and reactor start-up ....................................................................89 4.2.3. Operational methods ............................................................................................90 4.2.4. Batch experiments with glycerol ..........................................................................91 3.2.5. Analytical methods ..............................................................................................92 4.3. Results and discussion ...............................................................................................93 4.3.1. Reactor start-up and biomass ...............................................................................93 4.3.2. Reactor performance ............................................................................................95 4.4. Conclusions ............................................................................................................. 108 4.5. Acknowledgements ................................................................................................... 109 4.6. References ............................................................................................................... 109 CAPÍTULO 5 ..................................................................................................................... 112 CAPÍTULO 7 ..................................................................................................................... 117 ANEXOS ........................................................................................................................... 118 viii LISTA DE FIGURAS Figure 2.1 Pictures of the two lab-scale reactors, UASB and FBR. Port c in the UASB reactor was utilized for biomass recirculation during phase VII. In the FBR biomass was performed from point g. .........................................................................................................................25 Figure 2.2.Time diagram showing experimental conditions applied in both the UASB reactor and the FBR. Inside each box is depicted the COD/sulfate mass ratio. When there was a change on the COD or sulfate loading the other parameter was kept constant. During phase VI (UASB reactor), the change on the COD/Sulfate ratio was due to different flow rate applied. .............................................................................................................................................27 Figure 2.3. Sulfate removal, residual and target sulfate concentrations in different phases of the FBR (A) and UASB reactor (B) operations. ....................................................................30 Figure 2.4. Performance parameters in different phases (according to time diagram, figure 2.2) in the FBR (A and C) and the UASB reactor (B and D).VFA: volatile fatty acids; BA: bicarbonate alkalinity. ..........................................................................................................32 Figure 2.5.Volumetric organic and sulfate loading rates applied and removal in the UASB reactor and the FBR. Organic loading and removal rates in the FBR (A) and UASB reactor (B); sulfate loading and removal rates in the FBR (C) and UASB reactor (D). ......................33 Figure 2.6. SRB population and lactate oxidized by SRB during continuous sulfate removal in the FBR (A) and UASB reactor (B).Glycerol was utilized as substrate in phase VI during the operation of the FBR and therefore does not appear in figure A. .....................................34 Figure 2.7.Acetate, butyrate and propionate profiles in the FBR (a) and the UASB reactor (b).Details on the different phases are depicted in figure 2.2. ................................................37 Figure 2.8.Biomass profile in the UASB reactor (ports A, B and C; figure 2.1) during phase III (no recirculation) and VII (with recirculation). Port c during phase VII was utilized for biomass recirculation, so VSS not was determinated.............................................................39 Figure 2.9. Values of specific sulfate-reduction and propionate production rates in the UASB reactor. Phase VI is characterized by a change in both flow rate and lactate concentration. ...41 Figure 2.10. Main metabolic pathways developed during continuous sulfate removal in UASB and FBR during lactate and glycerol degradation. FB - Fermenting Bacteria; SRB - Sulfate Reducing Bacteria. ...............................................................................................................43 Figure 3.1. Schematic diagram of the UASB reactor for sulfate reduction. ...........................58 ix Figure 3.2. Evolution of biomass monitored in the UASB reactor: (I) OLR = 3.48 kg/m3.d; (II) OLR = 4.87 kg/m3.d; (III) OLR = 3.55 kg/m 3.d; (IV) OLR = 4.65 kg/m3.d; (V) OLR = 5.89 kg/m3.d; (VI) OLR = 5.04 kg/m3.d. ...............................................................................61 Figure 3.3. Performance parameters of the UASB reactor, in different phases (according to table 3.1). VFA: volatile fatty acids; BA: bicarbonate alkalinity. ..........................................63 Figure 3.4. Parameters monitored during sulfate reduction with lactate. Volumetric organic loading (A); COD removal efficiency (B). Volumetric sulfate loading (C). Sulfate removal efficiency (D), during the phases I to VI (according to table 3.1). .........................................66 Figure 3.5. Metabolic pathways relevant in this study involving the anaerobic metabolism of lactate. Species and reaction refer to identified microorganism (table 3.2) and anaerobic degradation reactions (table 3.3). ..........................................................................................69 Figure 3.6. Comparison between estimated and analytical concentrations of: (A) acetate; (B) propionate, during phases I to VI (table 3.1). OLR: organic load rate (kg/m3.d)....................70 Figure 3.7. Values of effluent- and CODVFA during sulfate reduction in the UASB reactor. CODout was measured and CODVFA values were determined from the measured propionate and acetate concentrations. ...................................................................................................75 Figure 4.1. Schematic diagram of the FBR reactor for sulfate reduction. ..............................89 Figure 4.2. Evolution of biomass concentration monitored on FBR reactor. .........................94 Figure 4.3. Parameters monitored during sulfate reduction with lactate and glycerol. COD concentration (A) and removal efficiency (B). Sulfate concentration (C) and removal efficiency (D). The first 50 days correspond to the adaptation period. The circle on figure 4.3D represents the period when only glycerol was fed to the FBR. ......................................97 Figure 4.4. Performance parameters of the FBR reactor, in different phases. The arrow in figure 4.4A indicates a peak on VFA production................................................................. 100 Figure 4.5. Parameters monitored in the batch experiment.(A) bacterial growth (OD), sulfate concentration and pH. (B) VFA profile and total organic carbon......................................... 106 Figure 4.6. Metabolic pathways for glycerol and lactate degradation during sulfate reduction. X is an electron carrier........................................................................................................ 107 x LISTA DE TABELAS Tabela 1.1 Reações envolvidas no metabolismo de grupos de bactérias durante o processo anaeróbio. ...............................................................................................................................4 Tabela 1.2. Desempenhos de vários reatores UASB usados para a redução de sulfato. ............9 Tabela 1.3.Desempenho de vários reatores de leito fluidizado usados para a redução do sulfato. .................................................................................................................................11 Table 2.1.Characteristics and operating conditions of the reactors studied............................26 Table 2.2. Best parameters achieved during sulfate reduction in UASB reactor and the FBR, treating synthetic sulfate wastewater with lactate (phases VII - UASB reactor and I – FBR) or glycerol (phase VI - FBR).....................................................................................................40 Table 3.1. Operational parameters during sulfate reduction in the UASB reactor. Hydraulic retention time: 24 hours, 25ºC...............................................................................................59 Table 3.2. Microorganisms identified by molecular biology techniques in the inoculum and different phases during UASB reactor operation. ..................................................................62 Table 3.3. Anaerobic degradation reactions relevant to this study. ........................................64 Table 3.4.Parameters related to sulfate removal in the UASB reactor as a function of feed lactate concentration. ............................................................................................................68 Table 4.1. Operational parameters during sulfate reduction in the FBR reactor. HRTa of 10 hours and 25ºC. ....................................................................................................................91 Table 4.2.Operational parameters during replacement of lactate by glycerol in the FBR reactor with SLR of 3.62 ± 0.23Kg/m3.d, at HRT of 13 hours and 25ºC. ..........................................91 Table 4.3.Microorganisms identified by molecular biology techniques in the inoculum during FBR operation. .....................................................................................................................95 Table 4.4. Anaerobic degradation reactions relevant to this study. ........................................99 Table 4.5.Parameters of incomplete lactate oxidation reaction as a function of feed lactate and sulfate (according to reaction 4).Values in mmol/L. ............................................................ 101 Table 4.6. Parameters of incomplete glycerol and lactate oxidation reaction during the beginning of phase V. Values in mmol/L. ........................................................................... 103 xi LISTA DE NOTAÇÕES AB Alcalinidade Bicarbonato AGV Ácidos Graxos Voláteis AnSBBR “Anaerobic Sequencing Biofilm Batch Reactor” BA “Bicarbonate Alkalinity” BF Bactérias Fermentativas BRS Bactéria Redutora de Sulfato COA Carga Orgânica Aplicada COD “Chemical oxygen demand” CONAMA Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente CSA Carga de Sulfato Aplicada CSR Carga de Sulfato Removida DAM Drenagem Ácida de Mina DQO Demanda Química de Oxigênio EGSB “Expanded Granular Sludge Blanket” ETE Estação de Tratamento de Esgoto FB “Fermentatives bactérias” FBR “Fluidized bed reactor HPLC “High Performance Liquid Chromatography” HRT “Hydraulic retention time” INAP “International Network for Acid Prevention” MPM “Micoorganisms producing methane” ORL “Organic Rate Loading” RAHLF Reator Anaeróbio Horizontal de Leito Fixo xii RLF Reator de leito fuidizado SLR “Sulfate Loading Rate” SSV Sólidos Suspensos Voláteis TDH Tempo de Detenção Hirdráulica TDS “Total Dissolved Solids” TOC “Total organic carbon” UASB “Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket” UFOP Universidade Federal de Ouro Preto VFA “Volatile Fatty Acids” VSS “Volatile suspended solids” WHO “World Health Organization” 1,3-PD “1,3-propanediol” xiii CAPÍTULO 1 1.1 Introdução A geração da drenagem ácida de mina (DAM) pode ser considerada como um dos impactos responsáveis pela regulação de efluentes com altas concentrações de sulfato, o que levou à crescente busca de tecnologias para o seu tratamento. A DAM é formada quando minerais sulfetados presentes em resíduos da mineração (rejeito ou estéril) são oxidados em presença de água, liberando uma solução ácida. Como consequência, no meio hídrico, ocorre o aumento da acidez e da concentração de metais tóxicos, bem como da concentração de sulfato(AKCIL e KOLDAS, 2006). O sulfato está também presente em efluentes de outras indústrias tais como, a de papel, curtumes,a de alimentos, a de explosivos, a de tensoativos, a de xenobióticos e aquímica/metalúrgica. Nestes efluentes industriais, a concentração de sulfato pode chegar a 8g/L(LENSet al., 1995; WHO, 2011). A presença do íon sulfato em efluentes industriais está associada aos possíveis efeitos tóxicos causados pelo íon sulfeto que se forma no processo anaeróbio da redução de sulfato. Este último pode comprometer a qualidade dos corpos d´água devido ao aumento da demanda química de oxigênio (LENSet al., 1998). Além disso, o reuso de tais efluentes pelas indústrias é, normalmente, um processo inviável, pois a presença de sulfeto promove a corrosão de tubulações, estruturas e equipamentos, tornando-se, portanto, necessário o desenvolvimento de técnicas eficientes e de baixo custo que possam ser utilizadas no tratamento de efluentes com tais características (INAP, 2003; WHO, 2011). De acordo com a Organização Mundial de Saúde (WHO, 2011), ainda não se têm dados que permitam afirmar qual o nível de sulfato capaz de causar efeitos adversos aos seres humanos. 1 Pessoas adultas que consomem água potável contendo sulfato em concentrações superiores a 600 mg/L podem apresentar quadro de diarréia, embora também seja reportado que, com o tempo, os humanos podem se adaptar a altas concentrações do íon(WHO, 2011). Em função dos possíveis problemas causados pela ingestão de altas concentrações de sulfato, o valor limítrofe para águas de abastecimento no Brasil, estabelecido pela Portaria 518/2004 do Ministério da Saúde, é 250 mg/L. A Resolução 358/2005 do CONAMA (2005) e a Deliberação Normativa COPAM n° 010/86 (1986) do estado de Minas Gerais limita a concentração de sulfato para águas doces das Classes 1 e 2 também em 250 mg/L. Esse limite é definido para o corpo receptor e não para o efluente em si. No Estado de São Paulo, a Lei nº 997 de 31 de maio de 1976, no Artigo 19-A, estabelece a concentração máxima de1,0gSSO42-/L em efluentes líquidos lançados direta ou indiretamente nos corpos receptores, impondo obrigatoriedade de tratamento às fontes emissoras cujas concentrações de sulfato ultrapassem este valor determinado. A recomendação dos órgãos fiscalizadores de outros países é que a concentração de sulfato esteja entre 250 a 500mg/L em águas de abastecimento e/ou efluentes (INAP, 2003; WHO, 2011). As tecnologias disponíveis para a remoção do sulfato podem ser classificadas em três grupos:(i) processos de precipitação química (gesso, etringita e sulfato de bário); (ii) processos que utilizam membranas ou resina de troca iônica; (iii) redução biológica. As técnicas que envolvem os processos físico-químicos têm se mostrado ou economicamente inviáveis (precipitação como etringita e sulfato de bário, uso de membranas e resinas de troca iônica) ou ineficientes (precipitação como gesso) (SILVEIRAet al., 2008). As aplicações industriais que utilizam processos com membranas ou resina de troca iônica só se viabilizam comercialmente pela presença de mercado consumidor para a água tratada, como observado na África do Sul (HUTTONet al., 2009). Nesse sentido, o tratamento biológico de efluentes 2 industriais contendo metais e sulfato, além de potencialmente atender ao critério de reduzir o teordo ânionpara concentrações inferiores a 250mg/L, surge como uma alternativa principalmente por diminuir a produção de lodo e permitir a recuperação de metais de interesse econômico (como Cu, Ni e Zn). O interesse pela redução de sulfato em sistemas de tratamento de águas residuárias surgiu a partir dos problemas causados por esta rota metabólica nos reatores metanogênicos.Muito conhecimento sobre o processo sulfetogênico foi adquirido entre as décadas de 1970-1980s, por meio das pesquisas voltadas para a prevenção ou minimização da redução de sulfato durante o tratamento metanogênico de águas residuárias (ISAet al., 1986; RINZEMA e LETTINGA, 1988; VISSER et al., 1992; VISSER et al., 1993). Tal interesse compreende desde a produção de H2S, passando por sua toxicidade, seus efeitos corrosivos, as questões de odor e de aumento da demanda química de oxigênio (DQO) do efluente, bem como a redução na qualidade e quantidade de biogás produzido (LENSet al., 2002). A partir da década de 1990, cresceu o interesse em utilizar a redução de sulfato no tratamento de efluentes ricos em sulfato, tais como, a drenagem ácida de mina (STUCKIet al., 1993) e águas da lavagem de gases de combustão (LENSet al., 2002). Por conseguinte, diversos estudos foram realizados buscando melhorar a eficiência do processo de biorredução de sulfato em reatores anaeróbios. Além das bactérias redutoras de sulfato (BRS), o consórcio bacteriano presente no processo de tratamento anaeróbio ainda envolve os grupos de bactérias acidogênicas, acetogênicas e metanogênicas. Estes grupos bacterianos consomem substrato orgânico, promovendo uma relação sintrófica ou de competição pelo substrato. Na tabela 1.1 podem ser observadas as reações envolvidas no metabolismo destes grupos de bactérias para alguns substratos orgânicos. 3 Tabela 1.1 Reações envolvidas no metabolismo de grupos de bactérias durante o processo anaeróbio. Equação ∆ G° (kJ/reação) Reações de Redução de sulfato 4 + + → + - 151,9 + → + -47,6 + , → + + , + , -37,7 + , → + , + , -27,8 + , → + + . + , -80,2 Reações Acetogênicas + → + + + +76,1 + → + + +48,3 + → + + + -4,2 Reações Metanogênicas + + → + + → + -153,6 -31,0 Reações Homoacetogênicas + + → + → !, + , -104,6 -56,5 A concentração (expressa em termos da demanda química de oxigênio – DQO) e a qualidade do substrato orgânico e a concentração de sulfato no efluente podem ser fatores importantes para uma eficaz remoção do sulfato. Além do substrato, os principais fatores estudados e que podem afetar o desempenho da redução biológica do sulfato são: pH, temperatura, razão DQO/sulfato, tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH) e o tipo de reator utilizado (SHEORAN et al., 2010). Em relação ao pH e à temperatura, as condições ideais para o crescimento BRS são: valores de 5 a 9, e de 20°C a 40°C, respectivamente. Valores de pH e temperatura fora destas faixas normalmente resultam em redução da atividade sulfetogênica (TANG et al., 2009). 4 A biorredução do íon sulfato ocorre mediante a oxidação de um composto orgânico (substrato) pela atividade metabólica das BRS. Portanto, no caso de efluentes industriais com alta concentração de sulfato, mas que não possuem matéria orgânica em sua constituição, como no caso do efluente gerado pela DAM, a adição de uma fonte de carbono e elétrons externa se faz necessária.Por causa da variedade de substratos orgânicos que as BRS podem utilizar (SHEORANet al., 2010), diversas rotas metabólicas durante a redução do sulfato são possíveis. Tais rotas são influenciadas pela competição, pelo substrato orgânico, entre as BRS e outros grupos de micro-organismos envolvidos na digestão anaeróbia. As BRS podem competir com arqueias metanogênicas por acetato e H2(GUPTAet al., 1994; COLLERAN et al., 1998); com as bactérias acetogênicas, por propionato ou butirato (O'FLAHERTY et al., 1998) ou com micro-organismos fermentativos por lactato, glicerol, etanol, sacarose, glicose, entre outros(SHEORANet al., 2010). A razão DQO/sulfato é um fator determinante do nível de competição entre estes grupos(CHENet al., 2008) e, portanto, do desempenho dos sistemas sulfetogênicos. A razão DQO/sulfato foi investigada em diferentes estudos envolvendo quimiostatos (RENet al., 2007), reatores contínuos (DE SMUL et al., 1999; LOPES et al., 2010) e em batelada (CAOet al., 2009). Chen e Rim (1991) relataram experimentalmente que para razões acima de 2,7, as arqueias metanogênicas acetoclásticas predominaram sobres as BRS acetoclásticas. Por outro lado, em estudos em batelada realizados por Cao et al, (2009), foi encontrada uma melhor taxa de redução de sulfato para a razão DQO/sulfato igual a 3,0 utilizando lactato como substrato. Considerando apenas a atividade específica das BRS, o valor ideal para razão DQO/sulfato vai depender do substrato utilizado, da diversidade das BRS e da espécie predominante na biomassa.Teoricamente, uma razão DQO/sulfato igual a 0,67 contêm doadores de elétrons (DQO) suficientes para remover todo o sulfato, assumindo que 8 elétrons são transferidos do sulfato para o sulfeto. 5 Avaliando a diversidade de BRS, a melhor razão DQO/sulfato poderá ser definida pela forma como as BRS oxidam a matéria orgânica. Existem dois grupos diferentes de BRS, classificados quantoà capacidade de oxidar o substrato. As espécies capazes de oxidar o substrato orgânico de forma completa até CO2(acetoclásticas) são representadas pelas espécies Desulfobacter, Desulfobacterium, Desulfonema, Desulfosarcina, Desulfococcus, Desulfomonile, entre outras.As espécies de BRS que oxidam a matéria orgânica de forma incompleta até acetato (acetogênicas) são representadas pelos gêneros Desulfobulbus, Desulfomicrobium, Desulfomonas, Desulfovibrio, entre outros(BARTON, 1995). Todas estas representantes das BRS são caracterizadas pelo uso de sulfato como aceptor final de elétrons durante a respiração anaeróbia. Muitos estudos relatam o predomínio de BRS que oxidam incompletamente o substrato durante a redução do sulfato, resultando em acúmulo do acetato, devido a ausência da atividade sulfetogênica acetoclástica(KAKSONENet al., 2003; CAO et al., 2009; CELIS-GARCIA et al., 2009). Portanto, em sistemas com alta concentração de sulfato, se a matéria orgânica é incompletamente oxidada, menor será o fluxo de elétrons para a redução do íon sulfato, o que sugere que mais substrato deverá ser adicionado, ou seja, a razão DQO/sulfato deverá ser maior que a estequiométrica (0.67). O tipo de reator empregado também é um importante fator no desempenho do processo sulfetogênico (KAKSONEN e PUHAKKA, 2007). A configuração do reator deve proporcionar ao sistema capacidade de reter alta quantidade de biomassa, bem com elevada atividade (sulfetogênica) e alta transferência de massa, ou seja, adequado contato entre substrato e micro-organismos. Nesse sentido, diferentesconfigurações de biorreator têm sido usadas para estudar a redução anaeróbia do sulfato como o reator anaeróbio de fluxo ascendente e manta de lodo (como o UASB), o reator de mistura completa (como o CSTR) (MOOSAet al., 2002), o de leito empacotado (como o EGSB) (CHANG et al., 2000; JONG e 6 PARRY, 2003), o anaeróbio de batelada sequencial (como o AnSBR)(SARTI e ZAIAT, 2011), o compartimentado (BAYRAKDARet al., 2009), o de leito fluidizado (FBR)(KAKSONENet al., 2003) e o acoplado a membranas (CHUICHULCHERM et al., 2001). Nestatese, os reatores contínuos UASB e de Leito Fluidizado (RLF) foram escolhidos para avaliar a biorredução do sulfato devido às suas diferentes características hidrodinâmicas e tipos de formação da biomassa. Os reatores UASB são descritos como de construção simples e de baixo custo de operação, além de trabalhar com baixos valores de TDH no tratamento de esgotos domésticos. Sendo que para isto é fundamental a formação de uma biomassa floculenta ou granular (SPEECE, 1983).Contudo, no tratamento de efluentes com altas cargas de sulfato, o que se observa é a ruptura (ou a não formação) destes grânulos (SCHMIDT e AHRING, 1996). Consequentemente, para evitar que células de bactérias sejam lavadas do reator, é necessário alto tempo de detenção hidráulica (TDH)(LENSet al., 2002).Além disso, as condições de mistura no reator devem proporcionar adequado contato entre a biomassa e o substrato. Como nos reatores sulfetogênicos, a degradação da matéria orgânica é realizada, sobretudo pelas BRS, convertendo sulfato a sulfeto dissolvido, nestes biorreatores,há pouca formação de biogás, o que está diretamente relacionadoà baixa atividade metanogênica (inibição pela toxicidade do íon sulfeto). Diante do fato de que a evolução do biogás tem sido associada à diminuição da resistência à difusão no lodo granular (LENSet al., 2002), os reatores sulfetogênicos com biomassa em suspensão operam a menores taxas de transferência de massa, o que resulta em menores eficiências de redução de sulfato. Nesses reatores, asformas mais usuaispara aumentar a taxa de transferência de massa são; (i) elevar a velocidade superficial do líquido no reator(OMILet al., 1996), (ii) injeção de gás inerte no leito do lodo granular (LENS et al., 2003). Além disso, uma hipótese que se levanta nesta tese é de que a 7 recirculação da biomassa pode ser um recurso eficiente em reatores sulfetogênicos por aumentar a velocidade superficial do líquido e, portanto, melhorar a condição de mistura no reator UASB. A aplicação do reator UASB em processos sulfetogênicos é estudada em função de diferentes parâmetros como, o tipo de substrato, a competição entre BRS e outros micro-organismos, a razão DQO/sulfato e velocidade ascendente do fluxo. A Tabela 1.2 apresenta as condições operacionais e o desempenho de reatores UASB,em estudos de redução de sulfato, realizados nos últimos 10 anos. 8 Tabela 1.2.Desempenho de vários reatores UASB usados para a redução de sulfato. Sulfato Referência Lopes et al.(2010) Características do sistema Substrato T(ºC) COA (KgDQO/m3.d) Razão DQO/SO42- 55 4.0 4 5.0 38 5.25-0.315 7-1.2 pH Afluente (kgSO42-/m3.d) Redução (%) Residual (mg.L-1) 0.98 50-70% 120-200 5.0 0.273-4.55 84-98% 50-430 TRH -10h; com recirculação Sacarose TRH -0.6-10d; com Efluente da recirculação suinocultura Poinapen et al (2009) TRH -18h; com recirculação Lodo primário* 35 3.45 1.44 6.0 2.4 92% 144 Poinapen et al. (2009) TRH -20h; com recirculação Lodo primário* 20 1.975 1.75 6.0 1.7 93% 109 Sacarose 55 4.76 1 6.0 4.76 95% 100 Etanol 25 - 0.75 7.0 0.53 38% 248 30 4.26 4.85 7.0 0.88 90-95% 68-151 Melaço 35 0.65 2 7.0 0.32 >80% 99 Kosinska and Miskiewicz (2009) Lopes et al., (2007) TRH -10h; com recirculação Gonçalves et al. (2007) e injeção de N2 TRH -18h; semrecirculação Mohan et al. (2005) TRH -37h; sem recirculação Efluente industrial** Shayegan et al. (2005) TRH -37h; velocidades-0.5 e 1m/h; sem recirculação Kaksonen et al. (2003) TRH -16h; com recirculação Lactato 35 - - 3.0 2.46 75% 402 Vallero et al. (2003) TRH -7.5h; com recirculação Metanol 55 18.56 5 7.0 3.84 99% 12 *Lodo não estabilizado do tratamento de água residuária de um sistema de Lodo Ativado. **Mistura de substâncias biodegradáveis da indústria química. 9 Além dos fatores acima citados (natureza do substrato e razão DQO/sulfato) que influenciam a redução do sulfato, outro aspecto importante é a taxa de crescimento específica relativamente baixa das BRS (para Desulfovibrio sp, são citados valores de µ maxem torno de 0,25h-1)(ZELLNER et al., 1994). O problema do crescimento de culturas microbianas que apresentam baixas taxas de crescimento, é resolvido pelo uso de reatores que utilizam biomassa imobilizada como os reatores de leito fixo, por exemplo(HAMMACK e EDENBORN, 1992; GROUDEVA e GROUDEV, 1997; HAMMACK e DIJKMAN, 1999). Entretanto, estes reatores estão sujeitos a entupimentos e problemas de transferência de massa, o que diminui seus níveis de eficiência a longo prazo(SOMLEV e BANOV, 1998). Uma alternativa é o uso de reatores de leito fluidizado (KAKSONENet al., 2006)que possuem eficiente retenção de biomassa, permitindo rápida transferência de massa e, portanto, altas taxas de redução (KAKSONEN e PUHAKKA, 2007). Nos reatores de leito fluidizado, a biomassa é retida em um material suporte inerte, que é fluidizado por reciclo do efluente ou por fluxo de gás. O carvão ativado foi escolhido nestatese por fornecer alta área superficial específica para a formação do biofilme (SUTTON e MISHRA, 2004). A tabela1.3reúne alguns estudos onde o desempenho de reatores de leito fluidizado, com diferentes materiais suportes foi estudado. Pode-se observar que altas taxas volumétricas de redução de sulfato têm sido reportadas nestes reatores. 10 Tabela 1.3.Desempenho de vários reatores de leito fluidizado usados para a redução do sulfato. Referências Características do sistema Substrato T (ºC) Razão DQO/SO42- Sulfato pH Afluente (kgSO42-/m3.d) Redução (%) Residual (mg.L-1) Nevatalo et al. (2010) TRH-8h Fluidização-20% Etanol + metais 35 0.67-0.75 4 4.55 47 800 Celis-García et al.. (2009) TRH - 2d Fluidização -25% Polietileno Etanol 25 0.6 6.5 1.66 28 2400 Sahinkaya et al. (2007) TRH -1d Mineral silicatado Etanol 8 0.74 6.5 1.63 23 1255 TRH 0.67 – 1d Fluidização 25%Polietileno Lactato/Propionato/ Butirato 30 0.67 – 1.25 7 2.0 – 7.3 73-79 175-1024 Sahinkaya et al.(2011) TRH -1d Mineral silicatado Fluidização-25% Etanol 65 0.67 - 1.5 70 450 Kaksonen et al. (2003) TRH -16h Fluidização -20% Material silicatado Lactato e Etanol 35 0.67 5-2.5 1.49 - 3.3 77-95(lactate) 60-75(Ethanol) - Kaksonen et al. (2006) TRH -6.5h Fluidização -20% Mineral silicatado Etanol 35 0.67 3 7.7 57 894 TRH -5h e 55h Etanol 30 2 7 11.9 95(55h) 65 (5h) 161(55h) 1171 (5h) Celis-García et al. (2007) Nagpal et al. (2000) 11 A principal barreira para a aplicação da tecnologia de biorredução de sulfato para o tratamento de efluentes com alta carga de sulfato é o custo da fonte de carbono e elétrons (INAP, 2003). Tanto a seleção de uma fonte de carbono adequada quanto a quantidade do substrato utilizada estão relacionadas à sustentabilidade dos reatores sulfetogênicos. Dos mais de 34 substratos identificados como utilizáveis pelas BRS (SHEORANet al., 2010), os ácidos graxos voláteis (acetato, propionato e butirato) e os ácidos graxos produtos intermediários da fermentação (lactato, piruvato e malato) estão entre as principais fontes de carbono e elétrons(LIAMLEAM e ANNACHHATRE, 2007). Em termos de energia disponível e biomassa produzida, o lactato é um doador de elétrons superior ao etanol, ao acetato, ao propionato e ao ácido acético (NAGPAL, CHUICHULCHERM, LIVINGSTONet al., 2000), além de poder ser utilizado por uma grande variedade de espécies de BRS (BARTON, 1995). Portanto, é uma escolha lógica como controle positivo (SHEORANet al., 2010), nos estudos de seleção de diferentes fontes de carbono para crescimento de BRS. Porém, seu uso em escala real é economicamente inviável. Diversas fontes de carbono mais baratas têm sido propostas tais como, feno, alfafa, lascas de madeira, estrume de animais, melaço e lodo de esgoto (LIAMLEAM e ANNACHHATRE, 2007). Considerando que as BRS não são capazes de utilizar diretamente substratos orgânicos complexos, a presença de micro-organismos capazes de degradar estes compostos a moléculas mais simples é essencial para o desempenho da redução de sulfato (TANGet al., 2009). Com o desenvolvimento da indústria de biocombustíveis, particularmente de biodiesel, a disponibilidade de glicerol bruto será cada vez maior e, portanto, novas formas para o uso deste resíduo industrial são necessárias. A alta energia contida no glicerol faz com que seja um interessante substrato para a digestão anaeróbia (KOLESÁROVÁet al., 2011). Estudos recentes o têm utilizado nestarota como fonte única de carbono ou combinado com diferentes 12 substratos para a produção de biogás em reatores metanogênicos (YANGet al., 2008; FOUNTOULAKIS e CZACZYK, 2009; LOPÉZ et al., 2009; ALVAREZ et al., 2010). Entretanto, na redução de sulfato, poucos estudos que utilizam o glicerol como fonte de carbono e elétrons têm sido relatados(QATIBI, 1990; DINKELet al., 2010). As BRS relatadas capazes de oxidar glicerol são todas do gênero Desulfovibrio(KREMER e HANSEN, 1987; QATIBIet al., 1991) o que implica que o glicerol é degradado incompletamente a acetato. Entretanto, o glicerol pode ser fácil e rapidamente fermentado por outras bactérias, o que reduz o pH dos reatores e inibe a atividade sulfetogênica. Nesse sentido, Qatibi et al. (1991) descreveram em estudo com cultura mista de micro-organismos, em que as BRS competem com bactérias fermentativas pelo glicerol e sugeriram que a redução de sulfato ocorre acoplada à oxidação de produtos da fermentação do glicerol. Assim, a presença de microorganismos fermentativos parece ser essencial para a redução do sulfato a partir da degradação do glicerol. Nesta tese, postula-se a hipótese de que o glicerol pode ser substrato para as BRS promovendo a redução do sulfato como uma fonte viável de matéria orgânica. Esse conjunto de aspectos da redução biológica de sulfato, sucintamente descritos, é o suporte para o desenvolvimento dessa tese. Seus objetivos e a organização geral do texto são apresentados a seguir. 1.2. Objetivos e organização da tese A configuração do reator, as condições operacionais aplicadas e o substrato orgânico são importantes ferramentas para avaliar a aplicabilidade da tecnologia anaeróbia para a redução biológica do sulfato. Neste estudo, estas ferramentas foram comparadas em dois reatores anaeróbios, UASB e de Leito Fluidizado, com os seguintes objetivos específicos: 13 • Definir as rotas metabólicas predominantes no reator UASB, em função dadiversidade de micro-organismos presentes na biomassa (Capítulo III). • Identificar os principais grupos de micro-organismos presentes na biomassa dos reatores através de técnicas moleculares (Capítulo II, III e IV). • Avaliar o efeito do aumento da carga orgânica na competição entre as bactérias redutoras de sulfato e fermentativas no reator UASB (Capítulo III). • Avaliar o efeito da recirculação da biomassa no reator UASB na redução do sulfato (Capítulo III). • Descrever e comparar as rotas metabólicas predominantes em um reator de leito fluizidado (RLF)sob alta carga de sulfato, utilizando lactato e/ou glicerol puro como fonte de carbono e elétrons (Capítulo IV). • Comparar as eficiências de redução do sulfato utilizando um substrato controle (lactato) e um alternativo (glicerol) no reator RLF (Capítulo IV). • Determinar os parâmetros para a redução de sulfato nos reatores contínuos, UASB e RLF (Capítulo II). • Comparar as taxas específicas de redução de sulfato entre o reator com imobilização de biomassa (Leito Fluidizado) e o reator com biomassa dispersa (UASB) (Capítulo II). Neste sentido, esta tese de doutorado foi organizada em capítulos, sendo que no CAPÍTULO 2 estão resumidos os principais resultados obtidos durante o monitoramento de um reator com biomassa dispersa, reator UASB, e um com biomassa aderida, reator de leito fuidizado (RLF), no trabalho intitulado “PERFORMANCE OF CONTINUOUS BIOREACTORS FOR SULFATE REDUCTION AIMING AT UTILIZING GLYCEROL AS CARBON SOURCE”.O trabalho comparou o desempenho dos reatores em função de suas 14 configurações e condições operacionais e discutiu a eficiência de redução do sulfato, selecionando o melhor reator para avaliar a eficiência da biorredução do sulfato utilizando o glicerol como fonte de carbono e elétrons. Este artigo foi submetido ao periódico “Biochemical Engineering Journal”. No CAPÍTULO 3, serão discutidos os resultados obtidos durante o monitoramento do reator UASB, no trabalho intitulado:“IMPLICATIONS OF VOLATILE FATTY ACID PROFILE ON THE METABOLIC PATHWAY DURING A CONTINUOUS SULPHATE REDUCTION”. Neste artigo,a eficiência da biorredução do sulfato no reator UASB foi detalhadamente discutidasob diferentes cargas orgânicas e condições hidrodinâmicas (sem e com recirculação). As principais rotas metabólicas foram propostas para o processo de redução do sulfato durante a degradação do lactato em função da diversidade microbiana presente no reator. Este artigo foi publicado na revista “Jornal Environmental Management”. No CAPÍTULO 4, será apresentado o trabalho intitulado “GLYCEROL AS A SINGLE ELECTRON DONOR FOR SULFATE REDUCTION ON FLUIDIZED BED REACTORS”. Neste trabalho, altas cargas de sulfato foram aplicadas em um reator de leito fluidizado com carvão ativado como material suporte. Primeiramente, a consolidação de uma biomassa predominantemente sulfetogênica foi alcançada, tendo o lactato como substrato. Além disso, um substrato alternativo, o glicerol, foi avaliado como fonte de carbono e elétrons, em função das espécies de BRS presentes no reator. 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In this work, the sulfate reduction performance of an Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blank (UASB) reactor was compared to that of a fluidized bed reactor (FBR). Organic loading, sulfate reduction, COD removal and mixing conditions were the main parameters monitored during lactate and glycerol degradation. The UASB reactor showed a maximum volumetric sulfate reduction specific rate of 1.3g/(L-1.d -1 (66% removal) working without recirculation, and this was a result of competition between fermentative bacteria and SRB for the available substrate. Biomass recirculation considerably enhanced the sulfate reduction specific rate to 0.089±0.014g/(gSSV.d) (89% reduction), for a COD/sulfate mass ratio value of 2.5±0.2, whereas values twice as higher were achieved in the FBR treating either lactate (0.191±0.016g/(gSSV.d)) or glycerol (0.172±0.010 g/(gSSV.d)). Sulfate reduction in the presence of pure glycerol as an organic substrate produced a smaller residual COD (1700mg/L) than that produced with lactate (2500mg/L) at the same COD/sulfate mass ratio of 2.5. It was estimated that 50% of glycerol degradation was due to sulfate reduction and 50% to fermentation, which was supported by the presence of butyrate in the FBR effluent. The UASB reactor was unable to produce an effluent with sulfate concentrations below 250mg/L due to poor mixing conditions. Conversely, the FBR consistently ensured residual sulfate concentrations below this target value. Keywords: sulfate reduction; upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor; fluidized bed reactor; glycerol; reactor selection. 22 2.1. Introduction Treatment of sulfate-containing effluents is a major issue for both mining, metallurgical and chemical industries, due to a frequently large anion content, which can reach 8g/L [1]. The reasons for such contamination are the widespread use of sulfuric acid in chemical and metallurgical industries, in addition to the natural oxidation of sulfide minerals in mining operations. Sulfate is not a very toxic compound, but above 600mg/L in drinking water, it usually has laxative effects. Therefore, the World Health Organization (WHO) does not establish a guideline value for sulfate and only recommends that authorities should be notified when the anion concentration is above 500mg/L in drinking water. On the other hand, since the presence of sulfate in concentrations higher than 250mg/L may affect acceptability of drinking water, this concentration is usually taken as target from a water quality perspective. Regarding wastewaters, most countries do not specify a value for sulfate, but maximum TDS (total dissolved solids) limits are usually set implying that sulfate concentrations must comply with such limits [1]. Overall, discharge limits varying between 250mg/L and 500mg/L are common place in mining countries, requiring effluent treatment if sulfate concentrations are above such threshold value [1, 2]. Among the high-rate anaerobic reactors applied to sulfate reduction, the upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) reactor [3-9] and the fluidized bed reactor (FBR) [4, 10-13] are the most studied. Ideally, both reactors must ensure a high concentration of active biomass, along with good mixing conditions so that high performances can be achieved [14-16]. Furthermore, in the case of UASB reactors, the residence time must be larger than the generation time to 23 avoid microorganism washout [17, 18]. Overall, the performance of anaerobic reactors treating high sulfate loading rates (SLR) is defined by: (i) substrate type [19]; (ii) COD/sulfate ratio [8, 20]; (iii) inoculum source and enrichment procedure [21]; (iv) pH values [22]; (v) competition among it different groups of microorganisms [23, 24] and reactor configuration [13, 25]. Moreover, competition between sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB) and methaneproducing microorganisms (MPM) in anaerobic reactors is well documented [26-28], but the fermentative metabolism, although having an important contribution to organic matter oxidation [24, 29, 30], is less discussed in the context of continuous sulfate reduction. It is also worth considering that the main barriers for the widespread implementation of a biological alternative for sulfate removal are both the cost of organic matter and the need of downstream COD removal. An alternative organic substrate could be crude glycerol (gphase). This is a by-product of biodiesel production that contains approximately 50-60% glycerol, 12-16% alkali soaps and hydroxides, 15-18% methyl-ethers, 8-12% methanol and 23% water. With the development of the biodiesel industry, a surplus of crude glycerol is foreseen, but it has been tested mostly as a substrate for methane production [31-34] and only a few studies addressed glycerol application as a potentially inexpensive carbon and electron source for SRB growth [29, 35]. Therefore, this work initially sought to comprehensively compare the performance of two different bioreactors treating sulfate-laden waters: (i) an UASB reactor, which has a simple and inexpensive design and does not require a supporting material for bacterial growth; (ii) a fluidized bed reactor in which activated carbon was utilized as support. The second goal was to investigate the use of pure glycerol as carbon source for sulfate reduction in the fluidized bed reactor as a preliminary step before investigating the use of crude glycerol. 24 2.2. Materials and methods 2.2.1. Bioreactors Two lab-scale bioreactors were projected and assembled as shown in figure 2.1. Both reactors were placed inside a fume hood in a temperature-controlled room, whereby the temperature was maintained at 25±2ºC. Peristaltic pumps fed Postgate C medium supplemented with sulfate into both reactors. The UASB reactor had a total volume of 3.0L and contained three sampling ports (a, b and c) and a gas outlet at its top. Peristaltic pump was used for biomass recirculation by port c, as detailed in Table 2.1. Figure 2.1 Pictures of the two lab-scale reactors, UASB and FBR. Port c in the UASB reactor was utilized for biomass recirculation during phase VII. In the FBR biomass was performed from point g. 25 Table 2.1.Characteristics and operating conditions of the reactors studied. Parameters Volume (L) Flow rate (L/h) Hydraulic retention time (h) UASB 3.0 0.125-0.167±0.01 18 (phase VI) FBR 1.3 0.13±0.01 10±1 (all phases) 24±1 (phases I-V; VII) Recirculation rate (L/h) Temperature Carrier material Fluidization (%) 12 18 ±1 (phase VI) 25±2 - 166 25±2 activated carbon 86 The total volume of the FBR was 1.3 liter. Three sampling ports (D, E and F), a gas outlet (G), a feed tank, as well as an effluent tank completed the system. Activated carbon was used as the biomass carrier material (150g; 2.1mm mean diameter; density: 1.63g/cm3) and it was fluidized by means of flow recirculation by a second pump with the flow rate set at 166L/h (table 2.1). This resulted in a upflow velocity of 75.0m/h and 86% of bed expansion (table 2.1). For fluidization, the effluent from the outlet port (g) was recycled in to the system. 2.2.2. Microorganisms and reactor start-up The original inoculum (granular sludge) was obtained from an UASB reactor (real scale) treating domestic wastewater. Enrichment of sulfate-reducing bacteria was performed in a batch reactor (5 liters) for about 500 days with Postgate C mineral medium containing 0.5g/L KH2PO4; 1.0g/L NH4Cl; 0.06g/L MgSO4.7H2O; 0.1g/L FeSO4.7H2O; 0.25g/L yeast extract; 2.96g/L Na2SO4; and 3.76g/L lactate as carbon and electron source. The time diagram depicted in figure 2.2, shows the experimental conditions applied in each reactor. Postgate C medium, with variable sulfate and lactate concentrations, was applied for 26 growth. During the FBR operation, sulfate concentration was kept at 2.0 gSO42-/L in phases I and II, while in phases III and IV, the COD was set at 5.0g/L. The optimum COD/sulfate ratio (2.5) was applied during phase V, aiming at preparing the FBR for a substrate change (from lactate to glycerol). Phase VI was run with glycerol as the only carbon source, since it replaced lactate in the Postgate C medium. Similarly, the operational conditions for the UASB reactor were as follow: reactor start-up during phases I and II; COD increasing from 3.6gCOD/L to 6.0gCOD/L in phases III to V; flow rate change from 0.125 L/h to 0.167L/h (HRT reduced from 24h to 18h) (phase VI) and effluent recirculation during phase VII. Figure 2.2.Time diagram showing experimental conditions applied in both the UASB reactor and the FBR. Inside each box is depicted the COD/sulfate mass ratio. When there was a change on the COD or sulfate loading the other parameter was kept constant. During phase VI (UASB reactor), the change on the COD/Sulfate ratio was due to different flow rate applied. The effects of COD/sulfate mass ratio, upflow velocities (UASB) and substrate type (FBR) in the performance of both reactors were assessed. The accomplish this the reactor effluents were analyzed twice a week for total and filtered chemical oxygen demand (COD), sulfate, alkalinity, volatile fatty acids (VFA), volatile suspended solids (VSS), pH and redox potential 27 (Eh). Once a week, a sample from inside the reactor was withdrawn for measuring VSS, alkalinity, pH and redox potential, whereas viable cells were determined monthly. In the FBR, the total biomass concentration was determined only in the phase V, according to the following procedure: 5g of the colonized activated carbon was removed from within the reactor and then submitted to sonication in an ice bath, for 5 minutes. This procedure was performed 3 times and afterwards the carbon fraction was filtered before submitting the liquid phase to standard VSS measurement [36]. 2.2.3. Analytical methods Sulfate concentration was determined by ionic chromatography (Metrohm) using an ASSUP10 column and conductivity detection. VFA (acetic, propionic, valeric, butyric) were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, (HPLC, Shimadzu), with an ion exchange column Aminex HPX-87H 300mm x 7.8mm (Bio-Rad). Prior to injection, samples were filtered using 0.22µm membrane filters (Millipore). The chromatographic method was properly validated and is detailed elsewhere [37]. Bicarbonate alkalinity (BA), VSS and COD analysis were carried out according to the Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater [36]. Before COD determination, any sulfide present in effluent samples was stripped off by adding a drop of HCl (35%) and flushing the sample for 10 min with N2. The solution’s pH (Hanna HI931400) and its redox potential (Digimed) (vs an Ag/AgCl electrode) were also recorded. Microorganisms in the liquid phase (free cells) were quantized by a three-tube most probable number (MPN) procedure in a specific medium for SRB growth (Postgate C) [38]. Prior to the experiments, culture tubes were degassed with pure N2, sealed and autoclaved (120 oC, 28 1.5atm, 20min). Subsequently, culture tubes plus the control were incubated for 30 days, at 35oC. 2.3. Results The performance of both an UASB and a fluidized bed reactors treating sulfate-laden solutions was compared under different operational conditions (figure 2.2) such as organic and sulfate loading rates, mixing conditions and organic substrate type (only in the FBR). Furthermore, the sulfidogenic activity was monitored through sulfate and lactate profiles and by the volatile fatty acids produced. 2.3.1. Performance and stability of UASB and Fluidized Bed reactors. Figure 2.3 indicates that although both reactors were started up with the same inoculum, which were enriched with the same growth medium (modified Postgate C), the performances of both reactors were quite distinct. A high sulfate reduction efficiency (>90%) was observed in the FBR as soon as the adaptation phase ended (figure 2.3A), resulting in residual sulfate concentrations below 250mg/L, already in phase I. Similar behavior was not observed in the UASB reactor, which showed sulfate removal efficiencies between 36% and 66%, during the phases in which the reactor operated without biomass recirculation (I-VI) (figure 2.3B). Nevertheless, when the upflow velocity changed from 0.024m/h to 1.75m/h (phase VII) sulfate removal increased to 89%, as depicted in figure 2.3B. 29 100 1750 A 75 1250 1000 50 750 500 25 250 0 Sulfate concentration (mg/L) Sulfate removal efficieny (%) 1500 0 I II III IV V VI Phases Sulfate removal Residual sulfate target 1750 1500 75 1250 1000 50 750 500 25 250 0 B Sulfate concentration (mg/L) Sulfate removal efficiency (%) 100 0 I II III IV V VI VII Phases Sulfate removal Residual sulfate target Figure 2.3. Sulfate removal, residual and target sulfate concentrations in different phases of the FBR (A) and UASB reactor (B) operations. Worldwide discharge limits for sulfate in industrial wastewaters vary between 250mg/L and 500mg/L [1, 2]. Figure 2.3B indicates that the UASB reactor exhibited larger scattering in the residual sulfate concentration as compared to the FBR (figure 2.3A). Working with a target 30 value of 250mg/L, it can be seen that during phases I, III, V and VI, the FBR resulted in residual sulfate concentrations below that limit. Conversely, the UASB reactor was unable to produce final sulfate concentrations below 250mg/L and the lowest average sulfate concentration was achieved during phase VII (with recirculation), however, with a considerable scattering (275±106mg/L), as shown in figure 2.3B. As sulfate reduction (and alkalinity production) was constantly higher in the FBR than in the UASB reactor, the former showed a much more stable operation. The pH fluctuated between 7.9 and 8.8, with a mean value of 8.3 (figure 2.4A) when lactate was the carbon source, dropping to 7.5 when glycerol was the substrate. Going from phase I (COD/sulfate mass ratio of 2.6) to phase 2 (COD/sulfate mass ratio of 1.8) there was a decrease in both alkalinity and VFA concentrations, which is likely a consequence of both lower organic loading rates (OLR) (figure 2.5A) and sulfate reduction yields (figure 2.3A). The FBR showed a tendency towards stabilization during the remaining phases treating lactate (III to V), which was reflected in values of free SRB cells above 10 9cells/mL (figure 2.6A). The large data scattering observed in VFA figures during phase IV (figure 2.4C) can be ascribed to an increased in the sulfate loading rate (SLR) from 5.01 ± 0.29gSO42-/(L.d) in phases I and II to 6.46 ± 0.34gSO42-/(L.d) (figure 2.5C). In the best operational conditions (phases III and V) a VFA/alkalinity ratio around 1 was observed. Both VFA and alkalinity were reduced during phase VI as will be discussed subsequently in this study. 31 A I II III IV V B 10.0 VI 9.5 9.5 9.0 9.0 8.5 8.5 pH pH 10.0 8.0 8.0 7.5 7.5 7.0 7.0 6.5 6.5 6.0 I III II Volatile fatty acids (mgH 2C 2O 4 /L) VII Bicarbonate alkalinity (mgCaCO 3/L) I III IV V II Phases C VI 5 0 00 VFA and BA concentrations (mg/L) VFA and BA concentrations (mg/L) VI 6.0 Phases 5000 V IV 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 Phases D V o latile fa tty a cid s (m g H 2 C 2 O 4 /L ) B ica rb o n ate alk alin ity (m g C aC O 3 /L ) I II III IV V VI V II 4 0 00 3 0 00 2 0 00 1 0 00 0 Phases Figure 2.4. Performance parameters in different phases (according to time diagram, figure 2.2) in the FBR (A and C) and the UASB reactor (B and D).VFA: volatile fatty acids; BA: bicarbonate alkalinity. 32 \b(Organic loading rate) Organic removal rate Organic loading rate Organic removal rate A 14 12 12 10 10 I III V IV VI VII 9 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 8 8 6 6 4 4 2 2 2 2 1 1 0 0 0 I II III VI V IV 0 Phases Phases Sulfate loading rate Sulfate removal rate I II III C IV V VI 8 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 2 2 1 1 0 0 Phase Sulfate loading rate Sulfate removal rate III I IV II D V VI VII 4.0 3.5 3.5 3.0 3.0 2.5 2.5 2.0 2.0 1.5 1.5 1.0 1.0 0.5 0.5 0.0 Sulfate removal rate (g/(L.d)) 7 Sulfate removal rate (g/(L.d)) 7 4.0 Sulfate loading rate(g/(L.d)) 8 Sulfate loading rate (g/(L.d)) II B Organic removal rate (g/(L.d)) 14 9 Organic loading rate (g/(L.d)) 16 COD removal rate (g/(L.d)) Organic loading rate (g/(L.d)) 16 0.0 Phases Figure 2.5.Volumetric organic and sulfate loading rates applied and removal in the UASB reactor and the FBR. Organic loadingand removal rates in the FBR (A) and UASB reactor (B); sulfate loading and removal rates in the FBR (C) and UASB reactor (D). 33 A 100 Lactate oxidized by SRB SRB population 1E10 80 70 60 1E9 50 40 1E8 30 20 10 SRB population (MPN) Oxizided lactate (%) 90 1E7 0 I II III IV V Phases B 100 Lactate oxidized 75 by SRB 1E10 SRB population 1E9 50 1E8 25 1E7 SRB population (MPN) Oxizided lactate (%) 1E11 0 I II III IV V VI VII Phases Figure 2.6. SRB population and lactate oxidized by SRB during continuous sulfate removal in the FBR (A) and UASB reactor (B).Glycerol was utilized as substrate in phase VI during the operation of the FBR and therefore does not appear in figure A. 34 In the UASB reactor during the phases without recirculation (I to VI) pH values increased from 7.1 (phase I) to 7.6 (phase III), figure 2.4B, which can be related to the increase and stabilization of the SRB population, which attained 1010free SRBcells/mL in phase III (figure 2.6B). As a result, alkalinity stabilized in the 1300-1500mg/L range (phase IV onward) as show in figure 2.4D, which agrees with the data of Ren et al. [30], who stated that high sulfate reduction rates (80% to 90%) required alkalinity values in this range. During phases IV and V, the reduction in pH values (7.4 to 6.9, figure 2.4B) can be ascribed to the increase applied in the OLR (from 4.65 ± 0.30g/(L.d) to 5.89 ± 0.48g/(L.d)), figure 2.5B, that implied in larger VFA production (figure 2.4D). Biomass recirculation (phase VII) enabled stabilization of both VFA and alkalinity, which resulted in higher pH values (7.5, figure 2.4B). A common consequence of VFA build-up is the failure of anaerobic reactors, derived from a sharp drop in pH values, which results in inhibition of the methanogenic activity [39]. However, during sulfidogenesis there was a large production of alkalinity (figures 2.4C and 2.4D) caused by the activity of different SRB groups (Desulfovibrio, Desulfobulbus, Desulfotomaculum, Desulfomona), during the incomplete substrate oxidation (either lactate or glycerol) [40]. Such alkalinity enabled the pH values to be maintained in the optimum values for SRB growth [41], without any external alkalinity requirement. 2.3.2. COD consumption and sulfate reduction yields The profile of COD consumption (organic removal rate) can be observed in figure 2.5. In the FBR, the substrate consumption rate varied from 4.05±0.85gCOD/(L.d), in phase II, to 7.08±1.34gCOD/(L.d), in phase V (figure 2.5A), whereas for the UASB reactor (figure 2.5B), significantly lower removal rates were observed (from 0.88±0.52gCOD/(L.d) in phase VI to 1.50±0.52gCOD/(L.d) in phase IV) for those phases where no recirculation was performed. 35 Mixing conditions and improved of mass transfer might have accounted for such behavior because when the recirculation was performed in the UASB reactor (phase VII), COD consumption (figure 2.5B) increased to 1.94±0.56gCOD/(L.d), which was still lower than that observed in the FBR. In addition, data scattering was more pronounced in the UASB reactor as compared to the FBR, confirming the lower operational stability of the former. Both reactors showed low overall COD removal rates (figure 2.5A and 2.5B), which can be explained by lactate conversion to acetate by incomplete-oxidizing SRB (predominant in the reactor biomass) and due to a lack of both acetoclastic-SRB and methanogenic activities [40]. Such behavior was confirmed by acetate accumulation in reactor effluents (figure 2.7). Similar studies also observed that the incomplete COD removal was due to the absence of microbial species which can metabolize acetate [42, 43]. 2.3.3. Effect of the reactor configuration in sulfate removal Mass transfer effects play an important role in the performance of high rate anaerobic reactors [14] and this is particularly important for sulfidogenesis in the UASB reactor. It was observed in the present work that the form whereby the biomass grew and was maintained in the reactor affected the enrichment step and therefore competition with fermentative bacteria. This was a result of lactate degradation by the different microbial strains identified in both reactors [40, 44]. Although lactate was not observed in the UASB reactor effluent, it took 220 days for the SRB population to reach 10 8–109cells/mL (figure 2.6B) and thus higher sulfate reduction efficiencies (66% - phase IV; figure 2.3B). This is consistent with other works in which a long lag period was required to stabilize the SRB population [28, 45]. It is proposed in the present work that the lactate not utilized for sulfate reduction was fermented because propionate was 36 observed in the reactor effluent in all phases (figure 2.7B). In addition, increased influent COD resulted in larger propionate concentrations and such a behavior can be ascribed to poor mixing conditions in the UASB reactor, which did not enable a faster SRB growth as it will be discussed further in this work. Mass transfer is particularly impaired during sulfidogenesis due to a lack of methanogenic activity and also because roughly only 50% of the total sulfide is present as H2S, i.e. there is a small (or negligible) gas production. Acetate Butyrate Acetate/butyrate conc. (mg/L) 4000 I A III II IV V VI 3500 3000 2500 2000 1500 1000 500 0 Phases Acetate/propionate conc. (mg/L) 4000 Acetate Propionate I II B III IV V VI VII 3000 2000 1000 0 Phases Figure2.7.Acetate, butyrate and propionate profiles in the FBR (a) and the UASB reactor (b).Details on the different phases are depicted in figure 2.2. 37 Moreover, an important limitation of UASB reactors treating sulfate is the granulation of the biomass [46]. Several studies have shown that granular sludge formation is related to the presence of methanogens, among other microorganisms [47, 48]. However, methanogens are highly sensitive to high sulfide concentrations, whereas propionibacteria, which are nucleation centers of the granules are outcompeted by SRB at high sulfate loading rates [49]. In addition, the latter also reduce granule sizes [50]. Methanogens were not identified in neither reactors operated here, therefore granulation was not expected. Indeed, the fine and weightless sludge observed in the UASB reactor (data not shown), was prone to washout. Such phenomenon occurred during phase VI, when it was attempted to improve the mixing conditions in the UASB reactor by increasing the flow rate from 0.125L/h to 0.167L/h and thus the upflow velocity from 0.018m/h to 0.024m/h. This resulted in increased VSS concentrations in the UASB effluent, from 80mg/L (on average) to nearly 500mgSSV/L towards the end of the phase. Such biomass loss impaired the reactor performance with a drop in both COD consumption (from 1.6g/(L.d) in phase V to 0.8g/(L.d) in phase VI; figure 2.5B) and sulfate reduction (which progressively decreased from 70% to 40% during phase VI, figure 2.3B). Omil et al. [15] also reported that increasing the upward velocity impaired sulfidogenesis. Conversely, better mixing conditions coupled to the presence of a solid enabled the presence of a SRB population larger than 109 free cells/mL (figure 2.6A) and therefore much larger sulfate reductions in the FBR (above 90%), already in phase I. Because increasing the superficial upflow velocity resulted in bacterial washout, biomass recirculation was tested so that the upward velocity was increased to 1.75m/h, thus improving mass transfer in the UASB reactor. Accordingly, sulfate reduction was improved to 89% (specific activity of 1.6gSO42-/(gVSS.d)) in the UASB reactor during phase VII, as shown in figure 2.3B. During this phase, there was higher COD consumption, lower dispersion in the 38 VFA and alkalinity values, i.e., more stable reactor operation (figures 2.4 and 2.5). This is because, in such new configuration, no biomass washout was observed and the bacterial population distribution throughout the UASB reactor was homogenized as shown in figure2.8. Conversely, in the FBR the presence of immobilized biomass (larger bacterial population, table 2.2) along with improved mass transfer (due to fluidization) enabled larger sulfate reduction efficiencies, which reached 97% (specific sulfate reducing activity rate of 4.8gSO42/(gVSS.d)), during phase I (table 2.2). Several studies have reported efficient biomass retention and improved mass transfer in the FBR, therefore larger reaction rates are normally expected [51-53]. 12 VSS mass (g) 10 8 6 4 2 0 III Port A Phases Port B VII Port C Figure2.8.Biomass profile in the UASB reactor (ports A, B and C; figure 2.1) during phase III (no recirculation) and VII (with recirculation). Port c during phase VII was utilized for biomass recirculation, so VSS not was determinated. 39 Table 2.2. Best parameters achieved during sulfate reduction in UASB reactor and the FBR, treating synthetic sulfate wastewater with lactate (phases VII - UASB reactor and I – FBR) or glycerol (phase VI - FBR). Parameters Chemical oxygen demand (COD) Organic loading rate (OLR) Sulfate loading rate (SLR) COD/SO42- ratio Volumetric COD removal rate Volumetric sulfate reduction rate Sulfate reduction efficiency COD removal efficiency Overall biomass concentration Mean specific sulfate reduction rate Mean specific COD removal rate Unit UASB VII I VI mg/L 5200 ± 320 5086 ± 276 4916 ± 503 gCOD/L.day 5.04 ± 0.33 12.34 ± 0.98 11.54 ± 1.19 gSO42-/L.day g/g 2.0 ± 0.14 2.52 ± 0.21 4.82 ± 0.32 2.46 ± 0.16 4.67 ± 0.20 2.5 ± 0.3 gCOD/L.day 1.94 ± 0.56 6.25 ± 0.63 7.44 ± 1.68 gSO42-/L.day 1.60 ± 0.26 4.67 ± 0.35 4.21 ± 0.25 % 89±8 97±2 90±4 % 39±11 51±5 60±12 18.0 24.5 24.5 gSO42-/gVSS.day 0.089±0.014 0.191±0.016 0.172±0.010 gCOD/gVSS.day 0.108±0.031 0.255±0.026 0.304±0.069 gVSS/L FBR As shown in figure 2.3, the largest sulfate reduction efficiencies were observed for COD/sulfate mass ratios above 2.5 (table 2.2). As the biomass concentration leveled out at 18.0gVSS/L (from phase III, onwards), the specific sulfate reduction rate was 0.084±0.014gSO42-/(gVSS.d) in the UASB reactor (figure 2.9) which is one order of magnitude smaller than that observed in the FBR (0.191±0.016gSO42-/(gVSS.d), table 2.2), for which, the biomass concentration was 24.5gVSS/L, considering free and attached (to activated charcoal) cells. In addition, the absence of propionate suggested negligible fermentative activity in the FBR treating lactate. 40 5 7 6 0.25 (gC3H5O3-/gVSS.d) Specific sulfate reduction rate 0.080 0.30 0.20 0.075 0.070 0.15 0.065 0.10 0.060 0.05 Specific propionate production rate Propionate production rate 0.085 Specific sulfate reduction rate 2(gSO4 /gVSS.d) 8 10 - 10 cell.SRB/gVSS 10 - 10 cell.SRB/gVSS 0.055 I II III IV V VI VII Phases Figure 2.9. Values of specific sulfate-reduction and propionate production rates in the UASB reactor. Phase VI is characterized by a change in both flow rate and lactate concentration. 2.3.4. Sulfate reduction in the presence of pure glycerol as substrate As the FBR presented the best performance during sulfate reduction in the presence of lactate as a substrate, it was selected for further testing with a different carbon source. The study of glycerol as carbon and electron source is justified because it is a by-product of biodiesel industry and it is becoming widely available as biodiesel plants are commissioned throughout the world. Therefore, glycerol is a potentially inexpensive substrate for sulfate reduction with a smaller production of end-products [54]. Sulfate reduction with glycerol showed efficiencies of 90%, with average residual sulfate concentrations of 200mg/L (figure 2.3A). The average specific sulfate reduction rate (0.172±0.010gSO42-/(gVSS.d), table 2.2) was similar to that measured when lactate was the 41 only carbon source (0.191±0.016gSO42-/(gVSS.d)), whereas the average specific COD removal rate (0.304±0.069gCOD/(gVSS.d)) was superior to the highest rate observed with lactate (0.255±0.026gCOD/(gVSS.d)), as depicted in table 2.2. This occurred because the presence of glycerol in the FBR changed the metabolic pathways, which affected both VFA and alkalinity profiles in the reactor (figure 2.4C). As glycerol became the substrate (phase VI), there was a sensible reduction in both VFA and alkalinity values. Therefore, the reactor pH was reduced from 8.6 (phases V) to 7.5 (phase VI). Also, there was a decrease in acetate concentration together with butyrate appearance in the effluent, suggesting glycerol fermentation [55]. The different phenomena observed in both reactors are discussed next in the section. 2.4. Discussion Previous work carried out in our laboratory [40, 44] analyzed the main metabolic pathways accounting for sulfate reduction and organic matter oxidation in both the UASB and the FBR. This was accomplished by analyzing the relationship between microbial diversity and VFA profile. Figure 2.10 depicts a summary of such outcomes i.e. the microorganisms identified in the biomass during lactate oxidation along with the VFA profile in the reactor effluents. 42 Figure2.10. Main metabolic pathways developed during continuous sulfate removal in UASB and FBR during lactate and glycerol degradation. FB - Fermenting Bacteria; SRB - Sulfate Reducing Bacteria. The results discussed by Bertolino et al. [40] suggested two main metabolic pathways during lactate degradation in the UASB reactor: (i) incomplete oxidation to acetate by SRB (reaction 1); (ii) substrate fermentation to both acetate and propionate by FB such as Clostridium (reaction 2). Conversely, incomplete lactate oxidation (reaction 1) was the predominant metabolic pathway in the FBR [44], treating lactate. Therefore, in the present study, the performance of both reactors can be related to the competition between SRB and FB. 2 C3H5O3- + 3 C3H5O3- SO42→ → 2 C2H3O2- + HS- + 2 HCO3- C2H3O2- + 2 C3H5O2- + + HCO3- + H+ (-160.1 kJ) H+(-169.7 kJ) (1) (2) Reactions 1 and 2 explain the COD profile observed in figures 2.5A and 2.5B. Those electrons required for sulfate reduction came from incomplete lactate oxidation (reaction 1). In the UASB reactor, the VFA profile in the effluent (acetate and propionate build-up; figure 2.7B) suggested that a significant fraction of the influent COD (CODlactate) was converted to acetate (CODacetate) by SRB (during sulfate reduction) and the remaining COD was fermented 43 to acetate (CODacetate)and propionate (CODpropionate) by Clostridium spp [40]. As the organic loading rate increased from 3.55±0.25g/(L.d) (phase III) to 5.89±0.48g/(L.d) (phases V), there was an increase in propionate concentrations (from 0.043±0.018g/(gVSS.d) to 0.157±0.019 g/(gVSS.d)) (stronger fermentative activity)and reduced sulfidogenic activity (from 0.077gSO42-/(gVSS.d) to 0.057gSO42-/(gVSS.d), respectively), figure 2.9. Such behavior is consistent with the work of Oyekola et al. [56], who also observed fully lactate conversion and an increase in propionate concentration as the organic loading rate increased. Biomass recirculation (phase VII – UASB reactor) led to an increase in the specific sulfate-reduction rate and also a decrease in propionate production (figure 2.9), suggesting a lower fermentative activity. Furthermore, assuming incomplete lactate oxidation to acetate by SRB (reaction 1), only 360mgCOD/g-lactate would be oxidized (reactions 3 and 4) during sulfate reduction. Therefore, for the reduction of 2gSO42-/L, nearly 1.33gCOD/L (reaction 4) would be consumed, which correspond to 3.71g/L of lactate (4.0gCOD/L), i.e, lactate would not limit sulfate reduction for COD/sulfate ratios above 2. Therefore, supposing that SRB utilized only lactate during phases II, IV, V and VI there would not be organic substrate limitation in the UASB reactor, even though sulfate reduction efficiencies were low - from 49% (phase II OLR = 4.87±0.30g/(L.d)) to 66% (phase IV, OLR = 4.65±0.30g/(L.d)). The poor sulfate reduction performance can be explained by the poor mixing conditions in the UASB reactor (figure 2.8), as stated, which enhanced the fermentative activity. C3H5O3- +O2→ C2H3O2- + CO2+ H2O S2- + 2O2 ⇆ SO42- (3) (4) 44 From the amount of reduced sulfate (figure 2.5), the fraction of lactate utilized by SRB can be estimated according to reaction 1. During phases I and II (UASB reactor), a low SRB population (figure 2.3) (1.01±0.36gCOD/(L.d)) implied was that utilized only for 38%-40% sulfate of reduction the oxidized lactate (0.68±0.18gSO42-/(L.d)- 0.93±0.23gSO42-/(L.d); figure 2.5). The remaining lactate was then degraded by FB because the effluent lactate concentration was always negligible [40]. This is consistent with the fact that lactate fermenters have a higher growth rate and a lower affinity for lactate [56], as suggested by Zellner et al. [57]. The authors determined µ maxand Ks for Desulfovibrio as 0.25h-1 and 1.5mmol/L, respectively, whereas for Clostridium sp. the same parameters were 0.7h-1 and 2.5mmol/L, respectively. As a result, propionate concentrations in the UASB effluent were particularly high in those phases in which high organic loadings were applied (IV and V). Similar behavior was not observed in the FBR treating lactate, in which fermentative activity was negligible (because propionate was absent [44]) and the influent COD (CODlactate) was converted entirely to acetate (CODacetate), figure 2.7A, according to reaction 1. Sulfate reduction was lower only in those phases where the COD/sulfate ratio was below 2 (II and IV). For instance, during phases I, 97±2% sulfate reduction was observed for an OLR of 12.34±0.98gCOD/(L.d) (COD/sulfate mass ratio > 2.5) as compared to 78±10%, when the OLR was 8.7±0.63gCOD/(L.d) (COD/sulfate mass ratio of 1.8) in phase II. A metabolic pathway for the oxidation of glycerol during sulfate reduction was hypothesized by Dinkel et al [29], which is presented in reaction 5. Reaction 5 predicts that alkalinity should be lower than that produced during lactate degradation (reaction 1), explaining the experimental results achieved in the FBR (figure 2.4C, phase VI). The results herein 45 presented also show that during glycerol degradation, acetate (CODacetate) was still the main reaction product, but a small fraction of the effluent COD was due to the presence of 150mg/L of butyrate (CODbutyrate) (figure 2.7A). Butyrate presence in the reactor suggested fermentation by Clostridium sp. (identified in the biomass, [44]) because such microorganisms were shown to ferment glycerol, producing the observed acetate and butyrate [58]. Therefore, assuming that acetate was not oxidized by either MPM or SRB [40],the stoichiometry of equations 1 and 5 suggested that 50% t of produced acetate (809±143mg/L) was due to glycerol oxidation by SRB (particularly Desulfovibrio spp) and the other 50% can be related to glycerol fermentation by Clostridium ssp. Such outcomes suggest that glycerol is not as easily degradable as lactate. Indeed, the maximum specific growth rate of SRB on glycerol-base medium was reported as 0.056h-1[29], which is one order de magnitude lower than that reported for SRB growth on lactate [57]. It seems that glycerol needs to be first degraded to an intermediary product before being utilized by SRB [44]. C3 H8O3+ 1.25 SO42- → 0.5 C2H3O2-+ 1.5 H2CO3 + 0.5 HCO3- + 1.25 HS- + 0.75OH- + 0.25H2O (-424.5 kJ) (5) Acetate build-up is reported as a drawback in high-rate sulfate-reducing reactors [4, 10, 11] because the amount of residual COD in the reactor effluent requires downstream treatment. In this regard, the present study has demonstrated that sulfate reduction in the presence of glycerol as organic substrate produced a smaller residual COD (1700mg/L) than that observed with lactate (2500mg/L C2 H3O2-) at the same COD/sulfate mass ratio (2.5).Such values are even smaller than those produced (2660mg/L C2 H3O2-) when ethanol (utilized in industrial scale sulfate-reducing plants) was applied as carbon and electron source [11]. The produced sulfide can be separated from acetate by either precipitation with transition metals (Fe, Cu, 46 Ni) [22] or stripping by an inert gas (N2 or CO2) as proposed by Marre et al. [59], or even oxidized to elemental sulfur (by Fe3+ or NO3-). After H2S removal, acetate can be degraded either aerobically or anaerobically depending on the process configuration and feed water quality. Overall, as a by-product of the emerging biodiesel industry, crude glycerol may be foreseen as a cost-effective alternative to lactate and ethanol for sulfate reduction. Future work will focus on the application of crude glycerol for sulfate removal. 2.5. Conclusions Mixing conditions plays a key role during sulfidogenesis. Lactate fermentation by Clostridium spp. was an important metabolic pathway in an bench scale UASB reactor treating 2.0g/(L.d) sulfate, without biomass recirculation (poor mixing conditions). The maximum volumetric sulfate reduction rate was 1.3gSO42-/(L.d)) (66% removal), whereas fermentation resulted in a high propionate production rate (3.91g/(L.d)). An increase in the upflow velocity, from 0.125m/h to 1.75m/h, due to recirculation improved biomass distribution in the reactor and thus the sulfate removal rate to 1.6gSO42-/(L.d) (89% removal), but decreased the propionate production rate to 0.88g/(L.d). Therefore, improved mixing conditions in the UASB reactor enhanced both substrate degradation and sulfate reduction, as opposed to substrate fermentation. In the fluidized bed reactor, better mass transfer conditions enabled the predominance of sulfate reducing activity by incomplete-oxidizing SRB. When sulfate was not limiting (COD/sulfate mass ratios higher than 2), the sulfate removal rate varied between 4.7g/(L.d) and 5.1g/(L.d), which corresponds to sulfate removal efficiencies higher than 95%. The FBR was able to utilize pure glycerol as carbon and electron source, producing sulfate reduction rates (0.172±0.010gSO42-/(gSSV.d) similar to those observed with lactate (0.191±0.016gSO42-/(gSSV.d)). As a by-product of the biodiesel industry, glycerol can 47 be a cost-effective option for sulfate reduction leading to lower acetate concentrations (1700mg/L) when compared to lactate oxidation (2500mg/L). 2.6. Acknowledgements The financial support from the funding agencies FINEP, FAPEMIG, CNPq and CAPES is gratefully appreciated. The scholarships to S. M. Bertolino, S. F. Aquino and V. A. Leão are especially acknowledged. 2.7. References [1] INAP, Treatment of sulphate in mine effluentes, in, International network for acid prevention, 2003, pp. 129. [2] WHO, Guidelines for drinking-water quality, in, Genebra, 2011, pp. 564. [3] M.M.M. Gonçalves, S.G.F. Leite, G.L. Sant'Anna Jr, The bioactivation procedure for increasing the sulphate-reducing bacteria in a UASB reactor, Brazilian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 22 (2005) 565-571. [4] A. Kaksonen, P. Franzmann, J. Puhakka, Performance and Ethanol Oxidation Kinetics of a Sulfate-Reducing Fluidized-Bed Reactor Treating Acidic Metal-Containing Wastewater, Biodegradation, 14 (2003) 207-217. [5] K. Kosinska, T. 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The reactor performance was discussed in relation to microbial diversity and metabolic pathways. At high organic loading, two metabolic pathways accounted for lactate degradation: (i) lactate is oxidized to acetate and carbon dioxide by the incomplete-oxidizer SRB (sulfate-reducing bacteria) Desulfomonas, Desulfovibrio, Desulfolobus, Desulfobulbus and Desulfotomaculum spp.; (ii) lactate is converted to acetate by fermenting bacteria such as Clostridium sp. High propionate concentrations imply that there is low sulfate reduction efficiency. Key-words: UASB reactor, sulfate reduction, lactate, propionate, fermentation, metabolic pathways. 54 3.1. Introduction Sulfate is always present in effluents from the chemical, metallurgical and pharmaceutical industries because of the widespread use of sulfuric acid. The former can also be produced during natural oxidation of sulfide minerals. Although sulfate is considered a low-risk substance when compared to dissolved metals and acidity, regulatory agencies are becoming increasingly concerned about high sulfate levels in effluents and stricter standards are being imposed or expected in the near future (INAP, 2003; USEPA, 2009; WHO, 2011). The treatment of sulfate containing wastewaters comprises both biological and chemical processes. Chemical processes can sometimes be expensive and produce a high volume of sludge. Biological treatment uses sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), which is present in many anaerobic wastewater treatment systems and this route has been extensively studied because sulfate and metal concentrations can be reduced to very low levels, sludge production is minimal and the precipitated metal sulfides can be sold; reducing operational costs. Conversely, biological sulfate reduction economics relies heavily on the carbon source and the process is also influenced by temperature; and thereby drainage heating in moderate climates may be required. SRB utilize easily degradable organic compounds, including lactate, which can be oxidized by different species (Barton, 1995; Liamleam and Annachhatre, 2007). When lactate is biologically degraded, volatile fatty acids such as pyruvate, acetate, propionate and butyrate can be produced (García, 1982). These compounds can also be degraded by either SRB or other microorganisms. As such the VFA profile can be related to the different phenomena occurring in anaerobic reactors (acidogenesis, sulfidogenesis and methanogenesis) (Aquino 55 and Chernicaro, 2005), supporting a discussion on the metabolic pathways accounting for sulfate reduction and organic matter oxidation. The upflow anaerobic sludge blanket (UASB) is an established anaerobic reactor. Its advantages as compared to other anaerobic reactors include low investment and energy costs, and short hydraulic retention time with no support medium required (Lettinga and Hulshoff Pol, 1991) i.e. it has an simple and inexpensive design. It has some disadvantages regarding sulfate reduction: namely (i) mixing is provided solely by the flow rate because gas production is low or inexistent and (ii) SRB does not granulate as well as methanogenic microorganisms. Nevertheless, this reactor has been investigated for sulfate reduction in many studies where different carbon sources (Gonçalves et al., 2007; Harada et al., 1994; Lopes et al., 2010; Lopes et al., 2007; Poinapen et al., 2009a; Vallero et al., 2003) as well as reactor operational configurations were studied (Kaksonen et al., 2004; Mohan, 2005; Shayegan et al., 2005). Two types of studies can be cited regarding anaerobic sulfate reduction. The first type are works where lab scale UASB reactors are investigated and parameters such as substrate type, COD/sulfate ratio and sulfate loads are studied (table 1.1)(Gonçalves et al., 2007; Kaksonen et al., 2003a; Kosinska and Miskiewicz, 2009; Lopes et al., 2007; Mohan, 2005; Poinapen et al., 2009b; Shayegan et al., 2005; Vallero et al., 2003). Usually, lactate is not the chosen substrate (due to economic constraints) and no detailed discussion on the metabolic pathways is carried out. The second group of studies, usually performed in chemostats (Dar et al., 2008; Zhao et al., 2008), investigates metabolic pathways with the support of molecular biology. In this second group, lactate is the preferred carbon and electron source because it enables the growth of different SRB strains, as stated. Therefore, this work is an attempt to apply these 56 two approaches to discuss comprehensively the performance of a UASB reactor treating high sulfate loads. Lactate was chosen as the carbon source as it enables a deeper understanding of the different phases occurring in anaerobic reactors. 3.2. Experimental 3.2.1. Microorganisms and growth medium The inoculum used in this study was obtained from a granular sludge collected from an UASB reactor treating domestic wastewater and enriched in a modified Postgate C medium so that a 5-liter sample was produced. The enrichment medium was comprised of: 0.5g/L KH2PO4; 1.0g/L NH4Cl; 0.06g/L MgSO4.7H2O; 0.1g/L FeSO4.7H2O; 0.25g/L yeast extract; 2.96g/L Na2SO4; and 3.76g/L lactate. Afterwards, the inoculum, containing 7.6gVSS (volatile suspended solids) was transferred to the reactor and pumping of the growth medium containing sulfate was started in a semi-batch mode. This process involved 24 hours of growth medium pumping and 24-hour rest periods so that adaptation to the new reactor (UASB) was accomplished. As soon as the whole reactor was filled with the medium and biomass, the continuous operation was started. 3.2.2. Anaerobic reactor and operational methods Figure 3.1 shows a schematic diagram of the of lab-scale UASB reactor (1). The total volume was 3.0L and it was placed inside a fume hood in a temperature-controlled room whereby the temperature was maintained at 25±2ºC. Three sampling ports (a, b and c), a gas outlet (5), completed the reactor. A peristaltic pump (3) pumped the solution (growth medium) from the 57 feed tank (2) into the reactor (1). For recirculation, a second pump (4) was added and the solution from port c was recycled. The effluent was collected in a second tank (6). Figure 3.1. Schematic diagram of the UASB reactor for sulfate reduction. This reactor operated during 580 days, at an hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 24h and was fed with a synthetic effluent (modified Postage C medium, section 3.2.1) containing lactate as the only carbon and electron source. The organic load varied according to the sulfidogenic performance shown by the reactor, starting at a COD/Sulfate mass ratio of 1.8 (table 3.1). Phases I and II represented the SRB enrichment period, whereas phases III to V were run with increasing organic load for a constant sulfate concentration (2.0 g/L). Phase VI is characterized by effluent recirculation (rate = 93), for an organic load rate (OLR) set at 5 kgCOD/m3.d (COD/sulfate = 2.5). The reactor effluent was analyzed twice a week for total 58 (data not shown) and filtered chemical oxygen demand (COD), sulfate, alkalinity, VFA, volatile suspended solids (VSS), pH and redox potential (Eh). Once a week, a sample from inside the reactor was withdrawn for measuring VSS, alkalinity, pH and redox potential, whereas viable cells were determined monthly. Table 3.1.Operational parameters during sulfate reduction in the UASB reactor.Hydraulic retention time: 24 hours, 25ºC. Phases Days OLRa (kg/m3.d) 42-114 3.48 ± 0.33 I 115-216 4.87 ± 0.30 II 217-317 3.55 ± 0.25 III 318-368 4.65 ± 0.30 IV 369-445 5.89 ± 0.48 V 499-578 5.04 ± 0.33 VI a OLR: organic loading rate. b COD: chemical oxygen demand. CODb (mg/L) SO42(mg/L) COD/SO42Ratio 3512 ± 325 1967 ± 189 1.80 ± 0.20 5000 ± 280 1964 ± 101 2.55 ± 0.20 3645 ± 304 2200 ± 197 1.67 ± 0.18 4790 ± 396 2037 ± 226 2.39 ± 0.33 6040 ± 411 1944 ± 97 3.12 ± 0.28 5200 ± 332 2046 ± 140 2.52 ± 0.21 3.2.3. Analytical methods Sulfate concentration was determined by ionic chromatography (Metrohm) using an ASSUP10 column and conductivity detection. VFA (acetic, propionic, valeric, butyric) were analyzed by high performance liquid chromatography, (HPLC, Shimadzu), with an ion exchange column Aminex HPX-87H 300 mm x 7.8 mm (Bio-Rad). Prior to injection, samples were filtered using 0.22 µm membrane filters (Millipore, Corp.). Bicarbonate alkalinity (BA) was assayed by titration with 0.1 M sulfuric acid solution to pH 4.5; VSS and COD according to the Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater (APHA, 2005). Before COD determination, any sulfide present in effluent samples was removed by adding a drop of HCl (35%) and flushing the sample for 10 min with N2. The solution’s pH (Hanna HI931400) and its redox potential (Digimed) (vs an Ag/AgCl electrode) were also recorded. 59 Microorganismswere enumerated by a three-tube most probable number (MPN) procedure in a specific medium for SRB (Postgate C) (Postgate, 1963). Prior to the experiments, culture tubes were degassed with pure N2, sealed and autoclaved (120oC, 1.5atm, 20min). Afterwards, culture tubes and the control tube were incubated for 30 days, at 35 oC. 16S rRNA gene sequences were utilized to study bacterial phylogeny and taxonomy present in the sludge inoculum and in the reactor during phases I (enrichment) and IV (OLR). Briefly, the 16S rRNA amplicons of all samples were cloned into pGEMT-Easy vector and then sequenced in an ABI 3100 automated sequencer (Applied Biosystem), using a dye terminator kit. The sequences were then used for phylogenic analysis. Experimental details were described in Rampinelli et al. (2008). 3.3. Results and discussion 3.3.1. Reactor start-up and biomass Total biomass and SRB population were followed by the biomass weight (as VSS) and the MPN technique, respectively. The results, depicted in figure 3.2, were assessed at the end of each phase and show a 1000-time increase in the SRB population from phase I (5.3x106 cells/mL) to phase III (9.5 x 109 cells/mL). This linear increase suggests that up to phase III, the SRB population had not reached its maximum value. This is consistent with other works in which a long period was required to stabilize the SRB population (Beaulieu et al., 2000; Omil et al., 1998). Similar populations were determined by Mizuno et al. (1998), studying sulfate reduction with sucrose in batch reactors. After phase III, the VSS values stabilized in the range 7.62 to 13.61 gVSS, without large variations. In addition, the changes in the SRB 60 population, after phase III, reflect the changes in the COD/sulfate mass ratio as will be 16 1E11 14 1E10 12 10 1E9 8 1E8 6 4 Biomass mass (gVSS) SRB population (cells/mL, MPN) discussed throughout this work. 1E7 2 0 I II III IV Phases volatile suspend solids mass V VI SRB cell number Figure 3.2. Evolution of biomass monitored in the UASB reactor: (I) OLR = 3.48 kg/m3.d; (II) OLR = 4.87 kg/m3.d; (III) OLR = 3.55 kg/m 3.d; (IV) OLR = 4.65 kg/m3.d; (V) OLR = 5.89 kg/m3.d; (VI) OLR = 5.04 kg/m3.d. Microbial diversity was determined in the sludge inoculum and in the reactor during phases I (enrichment) and IV (OLR). The enrichment procedure successfully resulted in a diverse SRB population as shown in table 3.2, while inhibiting the growth of methanogens, as the latter were not identified in the inoculum. Nevertheless, microorganisms producing methane (MPM) were identified in all samples taken from the reactor (phases I and IV). This microbial diversity was expected, due to the inoculum origin (domestic sewage treating reactor). In addition, enrichment with Postgate C medium induced, as expected, the growth of incomplete oxidizers – those microorganisms which oxidize lactate to acetate, such as the Desulfomonas, 61 Desulfovibrio, Desulfolobus, Desulfobulbus and Desulfotomaculum genera. It must be pointed out that although methanogens were detected in phases I and IV, their growth is more inhibited by the presence of sulfide (especially H2S) when compared to SRB (O'Flaherty et al., 1998). Therefore, their population was expected to decrease, as the SRB predominated in the reactor and sulfate reduction increased (Bhattacharya et al., 1996; Briones et al., 2009; Omil et al., 1998). Table 3.2. Microorganisms identified by molecular biology techniques in the inoculum and different phases during UASB reactor operation. Microorganism 1. Desulfomonas pigra (SF192152) (IO) 2. Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. Desulfuricans str. ATCC 27774 (IO) 3. Desulfolobus sp. (IO) 4. Desulfovibrio vulgaris (IO) 5. Uncultured Desulfovibrio sp. Clone A37bac 16S ribosomal(IO) 6. Desulfobulbus sp. (EF442937) (PO) 7. Desulfobacter halotolerans DSM 11383 (NR026439) (AO) 8. Uncultured Desulfotomaculum sp. Clone BNB488 (FJ898345) (IO) 9. Methanogens 10. Clostridium sp. Start-up inoculum + UASB Phase I and IV + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + * + + Similarity** % 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 100 IO - Lactateincomplete – oxidizer SRB to acetate. PO - Propionate – oxidizer SRB to acetate. AO- Acetate – oxidizer SRB. * -Not analyzed ** - DNA sequence deposited in gene Bank 62 3.3.2. Reactor performance Parameters The process stability in the UASB reactor was monitored by pH, redox potential (Ag/AgCl), VFA concentration and alkalinity (figure 3.3), whereas, the performance of sulfate reduction was investigated by the amount of sulfate and COD removed as well as the VFA profile. (A) (B) I IV III II V VI -220 7.5 -240 -260 pH -280 pH 6.5 -300 -320 -340 6.0 -360 Eh -380 -400 4.5 -420 -440 4.0 -460 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Eh (mV) 7.0 Volatile fatty Acids (mgHAc/L) -200 6000 6000 5000 5000 4000 4000 VFA 3000 2000 2000 BA 1000 0 3000 1000 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 Time (days) Bicarbonate alkalinity (mgCaCO3/L) 8.0 Time (day) Figure 3.3. Performance parameters of the UASB reactor, in different phases (according to table 3.1). VFA: volatile fatty acids; BA: bicarbonate alkalinity. The optimum pH for SRB growth is around 7 and lower values (pH < 5) affect bacterial growth (Barton, 1995). Furthermore the VFA accumulation and alkalinity production, both resulting from organic matter degradation, will define the effluent pH (figure 3.3a). Figure 3.3b shows that VFA concentration steadily increased from 2000 mg/L to 4000 mg/L which is neutralized by alkalinity (~1500mg/L) produced during lactate oxidation, which is sufficient for maintaining the pH in a range that enables SRB growth. The pH inside the reactor remained fairly constant up to phase III (6.8) and a slight reduction was noticed as a result of higher VFA production in phases IV (pH = 6.6) and V (pH = 6.4), likely derived from 63 increased organic load (figure 3.3a). The pH increased to values above 7, when recirculation was started (phase VI), in which more alkalinity was produced as compared to the previous phases. This behavior is a result of a higher sulfate reduction in this latter phase (table 3.3, reaction 2); thereby recirculation can be an alternative to external alkalinity addition to maintain pH conditions suitable for SRB development. The solution redox potential reflects the reducing conditions in the UASB reactor (figure 3.3a) and decreased as sulfate reduction improved. It also enabled a quick assessment of the operational conditions of the reactor. Table 3.3. Anaerobic degradation reactions relevant to this study. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 Chemical reaction 2lactate + 3SO, + → 6HCO0 + 3HS + H , 2lactate + SO+ → 2acetate + 2HCO0 + HS + H 3lactate → acetate + 2propionate + HCO 0 + H propionate + SO, + + H , → acetate + 2HCO0 + HS + H, O , acetate + SO+ → 2HCO0 + HS 4H, + SO, + + H → HS + 4H, O 4H, + HCO0 + H → CH+ + 3H, O acetate + H, O → CH+ + HCO 0 propionate + 3H, O → acetate + HCO 0 + H + 3H, ∆G0’ (KJ) -225.3 -160.1 -169.7 -75.8 -47.8 -151.9 -153.6 -31.0 +76.1 COD Removal efficiency and sulfate reduction In a previous work with this inoculum, a COD/sulfate mass ratio of 2.0 was optimum for the bacterial growth and sulfate reduction in batch conditions, resulting in 98% sulfate removal (Barbosa et al., 2009). Therefore, this value was chosen for the phase I (enrichment), although the actual values were slightly smaller (table 3.1). Afterwards, during phases III to V, the organic loading was changed according to both SRB concentration and sulfate reduction yields in the previous phases. These variations are shown in figure 3.4. During phases I (3.48±0.33 kgCOD/m3.d) and II (4.87±0.30 kgCOD/m3.d) (figure 3.4a), the average organic 64 matter consumption was 25% and 22% respectively (figure 3.4b). Furthermore, for an SRB population of 5.3 x 106 SRBcells/mL (figure 3.2), 51% of the oxidized organic matter was utilized for a 36% sulfate reduction (phase I). Similarly, during phase II, a population of 8.8x107 SRBcells/mL utilized 58% of the transferred electrons for a 49% sulfate reduction. At phase III, the SRB population increased considerably (9.5x109 SRBcells/mL) and removed 40% of the COD and 65% of the sulfate, implying that 60% of the electron flux was utilized for sulfate reduction at a rate of 1.29 kgSO42-/m3.d (figure 3.4c). Sulfate reduction improved up to phase IV (88%) (figure 3.4d) but the organic loading of 4.65±0.30 kgCOD/m3.d resulted in a higher VFA production, i.e. increased lactate fermentation, which decreased sulfate reduction to a minimum of 32% at the later stages of this phase. This behavior is consistent with the work of Ren et al. (2007). At an even higher organic loading of 5.89 kgCOD/m3.d (phase V), no improvement on reactor performance was observed and a reduction on COD consumption to 23%, coupled with a sulfate reduction efficiency that varied between 39% and 72%, was noticed. Analysis of the COD consumption as a function of the organic load is carried out in the next section. 65 (A) I II III IV V OLRIN 6.0 I VI 4.8 3.6 2.4 COD removal (%) Influent and effluent - OLR 3 (KgCOD/m .d) 7.2 (B) 100 OLR OUT 1.2 90 II III IV V VI 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0.0 0 (D ) 10 0 2- 3 2.0 1.5 SLR O U T 1.0 0.5 Sulfate reduction (%) 90 SLR IN 2.5 (KgSO4 /m .d) Influent and effluent-sulfate loading rates (C) 3.0 80 70 60 50 40 30 20 10 0 0.0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550 600 50 10 0 1 5 0 20 0 2 5 0 3 0 0 3 50 4 0 0 4 50 5 00 5 5 0 6 00 T im e (day) Figure 3.4. Parameters monitored during sulfate reduction with lactate. Volumetric organic loading (A); COD removal efficiency (B). Volumetric sulfate loading (C). Sulfate removal efficiency (D), during the phases I to VI (according to table 3.1). 66 As stated, up to phase V, increased lactate concentration did not improve sulfate reduction, as the residual sulfate concentration of the reactor effluent was fairly high (780 mg/L, on the average). Alternatively, it was decided to recirculate the effluent and this is represented by phase VI. For 5.0 kgCOD/m3.d (similar to that applied in phase IV), reactor performance improvement was clear as sulfate reduction increased from 65% to 89% (235 mg/L residual sulfate) for a COD consumption of 41%. This value is consistent with the work of Kaksonen et al. (2003a) under similar conditions. Volatile fatty acids profile and sulfate reduction Microbial species identified in the inoculum and on the reactor biomass are depicted in table 3.2. Furthermore, table 3.4 presents data of fed lactate (determined from the measured COD) and measured sulfate, acetate and propionate concentrations during the different phases. Table 3.4 also shows the fraction of lactate utilized during sulfate reduction as predicted by reaction 2, table 3.3. The selection of reaction 2 as the main sulfate reduction pathway was supported by alkalinity measured (figure 3.3b) during the experiment, which would be two times higher if direct oxidation to bicarbonate was the main reaction (reaction 1, table 3.3). From the five VFAs analyzed, only acetate and propionate were detected and accounted for the high VFA concentrations observed in the UASB reactor (figure 3.3b). This result is consistent with the works of Zhao et al. (2008) and Lopes et al. (2010), which also observed sulfate reduction under acidogenic conditions. The implications of these parameters on the reactor performance are discussed in the following paragraphs. 67 Table 3.4.Parameters related to sulfate removal in the UASB reactor as a function of feed lactate concentration. Parameters Phases monitored Unit Influent lactate (*) mmol/L I 37.24 II 52.57 III 38.06 IV 49.81 V 63.43 VI 54.16 Sulfate removal mmol/L 7.25 9.95 12.89 13.96 12.13 17.23 Acetate analytical mmol/L 18.41 43.33 25.07 28.83 38.66 47.00 Propionate analytical mmol/L 12.87 19.83 9.06 19.52 37.88 7.74 Oxidized lactate (**) % 40 38 68 56 38 64 * Determined from the measured COD in the reactor feed. ** Lactate oxidized was calculated from reduced sulfate according to reaction 2 (Table 3.3) divided by the influent lactate concentration. The parameters shown in table 3.4 and figure 3.2 along with the microbial characterization (table 3.2) indicate two metabolic pathways for lactate degradation (figure 3.5): (i) lactate is first oxidized to pyruvate following to acetate by incomplete-oxidizers SRB; in which Desulfovibrio sp. plays a key role (reaction 2, table 3.3); (ii) lactate is fermented by the propionate CoA-transferase enzyme produced by fermenting bacteria such as Clostridium sp(reaction 3, table 3.3) (Barton, 1995; García, 1982). These observations are supported by the acetate and propionate accumulation in the reactor (table 3.4). Moreover, the results suggest that the predominant metabolic pathway is defined by: (i) lactate (or COD)/sulfate mol ratio, (ii) SRB population (bacterial counts) and (iii) the reactor hydrodynamics. Figure 3.6a depicts both the measured acetate concentration and that predicted by reaction 2 (determined from the reduced sulfate), table 3.4. This latter was added to that produce by reaction 3, assuming that the lactate not consumed by reaction 2 was converted to acetate. Unlike phase II, the values predicted by the two metabolic pathways are in agreement with the measured concentrations. Similarly, figure 3.6b presents actual and predicted (reaction 3, table 3.3) propionate concentrations. Fairly good agreement between the experimental 68 results and the predicted concentrations during phases I to IV was also noticed. The higher than expected propionate concentration observed in phases IV and V suggests that reaction 2 itself does not account for sulfate reduction. It is likely that hydrogen produced during lactate fermentation mainly in phase V (Garcia et al., 2001) was used as an electron donor for sulfate reduction (reaction 6). In the study of Hwang et al. (2009) hydrogen gas production was not significant at lower COD/sulfate ratios, but at the highest organic loading, it became important. It must be stressed that Desulfovibrio species can grow with both lactate and hydrogen gas as electron donors (Barton, 1995). Figure 3.5. Metabolic pathways relevant in this study involving the anaerobic metabolism of lactate. Species and reaction refer to identified microorganism (table 3.2) and anaerobic degradation reactions (table 3.3). 69 Acetate concentration (mmol/L) OLR 5.04 OLR 4.87 55 50 45 40 OLR 3.55 35 30 25 OLR 4.65 (A) OLR 5.89 45 (B) 40 OLR 5.89 Propionate concentration (mmol/L) 60 OLR 3.48 20 15 10 5 35 OLR 4.87 30 25 20 OLR 4.65 OLR 3.48 OLR 5.04 OLR 3.55 15 10 5 0 I II III IV V VI Phases Estimated acetate(Sulfidogenesis and fermantation products) Analytical acetate concentration 0 I II III IV V VI Phases Estimated propionate (fermantation product) Analytical propionate conc. Figure 3.6. Comparison between estimated and analytical concentrations of: (A) acetate; (B) propionate, during phases I to VI (table 3.1). OLR: organic load rate (kg/m3.d). When reactor performances with the same lactate concentration in the feed are compared (phases I and III – 37 mmol/L lactate), it was noticed that the predominant metabolic pathway during lactate degradation (oxidation or fermentation) was defined by the SRB population. In phase I, a low population of 5.3x106 SRBcells/mL (Fig. 3.2) used 40% of the fed lactate (37 mmol/L) to reduce 7.25 mmol/L of the sulfate (following reaction 2, table 3.3). The remaining lactate (22.4 mmol/L) was thus fermented and produced propionate (reaction 3, table 3.3), which is consistent with the measured propionate concentration (12.9±3.3 mmol/L) as shown in figure 3.6(b). Therefore, during phase I, the dominant reaction in this reactor seemed to be lactate fermentation to propionate which may have been carried out by Clostridium sp (table 3.2). In this phase, the measured acetate concentrations (18.41±3.2 mmol/L, fig. 3.6(a)) are similar to that resulting from reactions 2 and 3 occurring in the reactor. The incomplete lactate oxidation by SRB (reaction 2) would produce 14.5 mmol/L acetate and lactate fermentation (reactor 3) another 7.4 mmol/L acetate. 70 Likewise during phase III and at the same lactate concentration, but with a higher SRB population (9.5x109 SRBcells/mL), reaction 2 predicts that reducing 12.89 mmol/L of sulfate (analytical value), would require 25.8 mmol/L (68% of the initial concentration) of lactate and 25.8 mmol/L of acetate would also be produced. The measured acetate concentration (25.2±6.8 mmol/L) is consistent with such analysis. Analyzing reaction 3 it can be predicted that the remaining lactate (12.3 mmol/L) was fermented to produce 4.1 mmol/L of acetate (reaction 3) and 8.2 mmol/L propionate and this pathway is also supported by the measured propionate concentration (9.1 mmol/L). Organic loading effects on sulfate reduction and microbial population can be assessed by comparing phases III to V, since both parameters are known to affect sulfate reduction (Lens et al., 2003; Reis et al., 1988; Sipma et al., 1999). In these three phases, the SRB population stabilized within the 10 8 - 10 9 cells/mL range and it could be inferred that an increase in lactate concentration did not result in larger sulfate reduction yields, since the sulfate reduction was higher in phase IV (4.8±0.4 g/L COD) than in phase V, when the COD was increased to 6.0 g/L (table 3.1 and figure 3.4). During phase III, 68% of the fed lactate (38 mmol/L) was used to reduce 13 mmol/L of the sulfate. However, as the lactate concentration was increased to 50 mmol/L (phase IV), the sulfate reduction represented 56% of lactate degradation; whereas at phase V, when lactate concentration increased further to 63 mmol/L, only 38% the lactate oxidation seemed to be coupled to the reduction of 12 mmol/L of the sulfate by SRB. Such results show that even at high organic loadings, sulfate reduction is not complete and it seems that fermentation is being promoted; i.e. as the COD/Sulfate mass ratio increased, the sulfate reduction rate also increased, but the fraction of the organic matter effectively used for sulfate reduction was reduced, indicating that the organic matter was being fermented (SRB or Clostridium), which had also been 71 observed by Ren et al. (2007). MPM, which were proposed by many works (Kalyuzhnyi and Fedorovich, 1998; O'Flaherty et al., 1998; Omil et al., 1998) as the main competitors with SRB for substrate oxidation, do not seem to be important in the present work. The third effect accounting for the predominant metabolic pathway is recirculation that will be discussed in the next part of the present work. Table 3.2 indicates the absence of SRB that oxidizes lactate to CO2(Barton, 1995) in the reactor so that reaction 1 (table 3.3) was not expected to occur. Analyzing the SRB population, only one acetate-oxidizer SRB was detected (Desulfobacter halotolerans). Furthermore, methanogens were also observed and both (methanogens and D. halotolerans) can oxidize acetate. Nevertheless, as acetate accumulated in the effluent during the sulfate reduction in all of the phases (I-VI), it can be inferred that none of them predominated in the reactor. This would explain the high acetate concentrations observed (1100-2600 mg/L) in the effluent and is consistent with the work of Lopes et al. (2010), who studied thermophilic sulfate reduction with sucrose (2.0 g/L) as electron donor. As the kinetics of sulfate reduction and organic matter oxidation is compared, acetate oxidation is the limiting step during both sulfate reduction and methane production (Aquino and Chernicaro, 2005; Colleran et al., 1995; Kaksonen et al., 2006). This behavior is because both acetate-oxidizer SRB and acetate-reducing MPM have small growth rates i.e., specific growth rate (µ max) values that vary from 0.002 to 0.068 h-1 for the former (Elferink et al., 1998; Lawrence and Marchant, 1991) and from 0.0046 to 0.01 h-1 for MPM (Kalyuzhnyi and Fedorovich, 1998; Zuhair et al., 2008). For sulfate reduction via incomplete lactate oxidation, much higher µ max values are reported, ranging from 0.23 to 0.498 h-1(Kaksonen et al., 2003b; Widdel, 1988; Zuhair et al., 2008). Therefore kinetic effects account for the acetate presence in the reactor for the same residence time. As figure 3.6a shows, the 72 acetate concentrations predicted by reactions 2 and 3 (table 3.3), are similar to that actually measured, supporting the proposed metabolic pathways. MPM growth is also partially inhibited by high sulfide concentrations during sulfidogenesis(Dar et al., 2008; Kaksonen et al., 2003a; Nagpal et al., 2000; Omil et al., 1998). However, different species have different tolerances to total sulfide and Chen (2008) suggests that sulfide inhibition ranges from 100 mg/L to 800 mg/L in the case of the bissulfide ion (HS-) or 50-400 mg/L when the predominant species is H2S. He also indicated that fermentative bacteria are less affected by the sulfide concentration than acetoclastic SRB and methanogens. Considering the SRB group, incomplete oxidizers SRB are less affected by sulfide than complete oxidizers SRB (Kaksonen and Puhakka, 2007). In the present study, the pH inside the UASB reactor remained in the 6.4-6.8 range; thereby some 25% and 75% of the total sulfide was estimated to be present as HS- and H2S, respectively. Moreover, during phases IV and V, the total sulfide concentration varied from 184 mg/L to 250 mg/L, which was smaller than the value predicted when the sulfate reduction yields were analyzed. This lower than expected value could be a result of H2S volatilization during the experimental runs (parameter not followed). Nevertheless, the measured H2S concentration is high enough to inhibit acetate oxidation by either acetoclastic SRB or methanogens. For instance it has been shown that 270 mgH2S/L and 160 mgH2S/L accounted for a 50% inhibition on acetoclastic SRB and methanogens growth, respectively (Yamaguchi et al., 1999). Propionate presence in the reactor effluent is an indication of fermenting microorganisms (Dar et al., 2008), which also produces acetate. Assuming the predominance of incomplete oxidizers SRB in the reactor, an estimate of propionate concentration can be performed 73 from the lactate concentration not used for sulfate reduction (table 3.4), since lactate was not detected in the reactor effluent. The absence of lactate can be verified by equation3.1 that presents a mass balance for the COD measured in the system. CODremoved = CODin – CODout (3.1) and CODout = CODVFA + CODTDS + CODresidual (3.2) Where CODin and CODout are the chemical oxygen demand in the reactor influent and effluent, respectively; CODVFA corresponds to VFA (acetate and propionate solely); CODTDS, to sulfide ions and CODresidual, to any lactate remaining in the system. Sulfide ions were removed from the reactor effluent sample by acidification and stripping (CelisGarcía et al., 2007); whereas bacterial cells did not contribute to the measured COD, due to membrane filtration prior to analysis. Therefore, CODout is achieved from CODVFA and CODresidual, as shown in equation 3.2. It can be noticed in figure 3.7, that the CODout value is similar or smaller than CODVFA; whereupon no residual lactate was expected. It was likely degraded to either acetate (by either SRB or fermentative microorganisms, or both) or propionate (fermentative microorganisms). 74 7000 Chemical oxygen demand (mg/L) CODout CODVFA 6000 5000 4000 3000 2000 1000 0 I II III IV V VI Phases Figure 3.7. Values of effluent- and CODVFA during sulfate reduction in the UASB reactor. CODout was measured and CODVFA values were determined from the measured propionate and acetate concentrations. By analyzing the propionate profile (figure 3.6b), its concentration in the phases where SRB population was low (I and II) could be predicted (assuming that the lactate not consumed by reaction 2 was converted to propionate by reaction 3) fairly accurately, i.e. lactate fermentation to acetate and propionate. Conversely, in the phases where the SRB population was high (>108 cells/mL), propionate concentration increased (from 9.06 mmol/L in phase III to 37.88 mmol/L in phase V) with the organic load, suggesting a high fermentative activity that decreased the specific sulfate reduction rate from values above 0.075 gSO42-/gSSV.d to lower yields (0.060 gSO42-/gSSV.d). Similar behavior was observed by Dar et al. (2008) who detected propionate at a low sulfate concentration (20 mM lactate and 10.3 mM sulfate), indicating that lactate fermented. Oyekola (2009) also observed similar results when the reactor dilution rate was high, which was related to faster lactate fermentation as compared to sulfate reduction. 75 SRB can degrade organic compounds by diverse metabolic pathways but most Desulfovibrio species do not grow in the presence of volatile fatty acids (Barton, 1995). Therefore, increased propionate concentration indicates lower growth rates of Desulfobulbus, the only propionate-degrading SRB identified in the UASB reactor. Another possibility would be propionate degradation by syntrophic microorganisms following reaction 9 (table 3.3). However, this reaction is not supposed to occur in the presence of high acetate concentrations (Aquino and Chernicaro, 2005). Notwithstanding, propionate concentration was decreased when recirculation was applied as will be discussed next. 3.3.3. Influence of effluent recirculation in sulfate reduction As shown in figure 3.6, when the organic loading was high (phases III, IV and V), there was propionate build-up (due to lactate fermentation), which may be ascribed to poor sludge granulation and a low upflow velocity in the UASB reactor (Steed et al., 2000). With recirculation (Phase VI), propionate concentration reduced from almost 40mmol/L, at phase V (5.89 kg/m3.d) to values below 10mmol/L at a similar organic loading rate (5.04 kg/m3.d). This latter propionate concentration is similar to that observed during phase III (~10 mmol/L), when the organic loading was only 3.55 kg/m3.d. As already stated, Desulfobulbus can degrade propionate (reaction 4, table 3.3), but its growth rate is small in the range 0.037-0.11 h-1(Colleran et al., 1998; Kalyuzhnyi and Fedorovich, 1998) - as compared to those bacteria belonging to the Desulfovibrio genera. The applied recirculation rate was 93, which resulted in increased upflow velocities (from 0.02 m/h to 1.75 m/h), thereby improving the mass transfer in the reactor. Considering reaction 2 (table 3.3) as the main metabolic pathway for lactate oxidation during sulfate reduction (89%), 76 along with reaction 3, and assuming that the residual lactate had been used for the propionate production, nearly 1017 mg/L propionate was expected in the reactor. As the measured propionate concentration was 596 ± 188 mg/L, it is therefore proposed that the propionate oxidation by Desulfobulbus became relevant in this phase. Lactate fermentation to propionate followed by its oxidation by Desulfobulbus was also observed by Dar et al. (2008) and Zhao et al. (2008) who attributed high sulfate reduction yields to propionate oxidation. The present work suggests that regardless of the substrate being degraded, the performance of an UASB reactor can be followed by the VFA profile. For instance, the propionate presence could be taken as an indication of fermentation, which is an important metabolic pathway and this would imply in low sulfate reduction efficiency. Ideally, an UASB reactor for sulfate reduction would not produce propionate at optimum sulfate reduction conditions. Nevertheless, the residual COD was high and requires downstream treatment but it is likely to be easily degradable, due to the presence of only acetate (47 mmol/L) and propionate (8 mmol/L) when lactate was the only carbon source. 3.4. Conclusions This work showed that the best results of a UASB reactor for sulfate reduction were achieved for COD/sulfate mass ratios in the 1.7-2.5 range, in the presence of fermentative, methanogenic microorganism and for a low diversity of acetoclastic bacteria, but enriched in an incompletely-oxidizing SRB. At either low SRB concentration (106 cells/mL) or high organic loading (6.0 kgCOD/m3.d), fermentation was the main metabolic pathway; thereby, acetate and propionate were predominant in the reactor. Conversely, for a high 77 SRB population (109 cells/mL) and lower organic loading (3.55COD kg/m3.d.), sulfate reduction becomes the main metabolic pathway and an average sulfate reduction value of 66% was observed without recirculation in the reactor treating 2.0 g/L sulfate for a 24 hours residence time. Sulfate reduction increased to 89% (0.087 gSO42-/gSSV.d) and resulted in an increase in acetate concentrations couple to low propionate content as recirculation was applied. High propionate levels are an indication of lactate fermentation whereupon sulfate reduction was impaired. 3.5. Acknowledgements The financial support from the funding agencies FINEP, FAPEMIG, CNPq, CAPES as well as Vale is gratefully appreciated. The “Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas - CNPq scholarships to S. M. Bertolino and S. F. Aquino R. Guerra-Sá, V. A. Leão are especially acknowledged. 3.6. References APHA, 2005.Standard Methods for the examination of water and wastewater, Washington, DC. 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The performance of pure glycerol (the main constituent of crude glycerol) as a carbon and electron source for sulfate reduction was compared to that achieved with lactate. Continuous experiments were performed in a fluidized bed reactor (FBR) containing activated carbon as a carrier for a mixed bacterial population composed of sulfate-reducing and fermentative bacteria. Incomplete lactate oxidation was the main metabolic pathway during sulfate reduction (70-90%), which resulted in large acetate concentrations in the FBR effluent (2500mg COD/L). Conversely, pure glycerol degradation by a syntrophic cooperation between Desulfovibrio spp. and Clostridium spp. produced a residual sulfate concentration of 254mg/L and an acetate concentration that was 2.5 times lower than that obtained with lactate. Since glycerol was proved to oxidized by Sulfate Reducing Bacteria (SRB), crude glycerol may be foreseen as a cost-effective alternative to lactate and for sulfate reduction and a marketable solution for the glycerol residual generated by the biodiesel industry. Key-words: glycerol, sulfate-reducing bacteria, Clostridium, Desulfovibrio, fluidized bed reactor. 85 4.1. Introduction Despite all efforts, recent figures have shown an increase in carbon dioxide emissions in the year 2010. Such an outcome was ascribed to an increase in fossil fuel consumption, which is considered the main cause of global warming. Biofuels are among the renewable alternatives to fossil fuels, and biodiesel production in particular has received much attention in recent years. The widespread embrace of biodiesel requires addressing relevant environmental issues related to its production, such as the production of impure glycerol (g-phase), an important by-product of the process. The composition of the g-phase varies widely depending on the raw material, but despite its utilization in the cosmetic industry, a surplus of impure glycerol is forecasted because of the growth of the biodiesel industry; the latter also accounts for decreases in its price [1]. G-phase has been suggested as a carbon and energy source for microbial growth during anaerobic digestion for methane production [2]. In this work, it is proposed as a carbon and electron source for sulfate reduction, an alternative which has received much less attention [3-4]. The biotechnologies for sulfate reduction have been developed throughout the past ten years; however, only a few industrial operations have actually been commissioned [5]. Although technically feasible, industrial applications have been limited by the costs associated with the purchase of the carbon source [5]. Table 1.2 summarizes different studies of sulfate reduction in which different substrates were studied as carbon and electron sources. Lactate and ethanol are the most studied organic substrates. Because of its utilization by many sulfate-reducing bacteria (SRB), lactate is preferred for sulfate 86 reduction, although it is a more expensive carbon source than ethanol (largely applied industrially). Crude glycerol (g-phase) would also be an inexpensive alternative to lactate due to both its availability as a by-product of the biodiesel process and high energy content. Qatibi et al. [3] investigated glycerol utilization for sulfate reduction, focusing on the metabolic pathways associated with glycerol oxidation. A mixed culture degraded glycerol to 1,3-propanediol (1,3-PD) prior to propionate and acetate accumulation in a batch reactor. Despite a low sulfate reduction (21%), full glycerol degradation was accompanied by propionate production. Afterwards, Qatibi et al. [3] compared glycerol oxidation by both Desulfovibrio carbinolicus and Desulfovibrio fructosovorans and observed that D. carbinolicus oxidized glycerol to 3-hydroxypropionate, whereas D. fructosovorans produced acetate. More recently, Dinkel et al. [4] studied the growth kinetics of an SRB consortium in the presence of glycerol. The specific growth rate was determined to be 0.56d-1 for acetateproduced/sulfateremoved molar ratio of 0.4. With these outcomes, along with the microbial diversity identified (Desulfivibrio baarsii, Desulfomicrobium sp. and Desulfatomaculum sp.), Dinkel et al. [4] ruled out any methanogenic activity in the reactor, whereas a syntrophic association between SRB and acidogenic microorganisms during sulfate reduction with glycerol was proposed. The full implementation of an anaerobic sulfate reduction process requires the investigation of continuous operations in anaerobic reactors. FBR have the advantage of improved mass transfer and high biomass concentrations, which enable high sulfate reduction yields. Therefore, the main objective of this work was to develop a sulfidogenic process using glycerol as the only carbon source for SRB growth, using lactate as a 87 positive control. Such an approach has not been described to date. The metabolic pathways related to the microorganisms present in the bioreactor, along with the carbon sources utilized (lactate and glycerol), were compared. 4.2. Experimental The strategy applied in this work was to stimulate sulfate reduction with a carbon source that can be utilized by different microbial strains, i.e., lactate. After establishing a high biomass concentration containing predominantly SRB, the carbon source was changed to glycerol, and the operational parameters were then followed. 4.2.1. Anaerobic reactor Figure 4.1 shows a schematic diagram of the lab-scale FBR reactor. The total volume was 1.28L, and the FBR was placed inside a fume hood in a temperature-controlled room, whereby the temperature was maintained at 25±2ºC. Three sampling ports, a gas outlet, a feed tank, as well as an effluent tank completed the system. A peristaltic pump provided solution pumping to the reactor. Activated carbon was used as the biomass carrier material (150g; 2.1mm mean diameter; 1.63g/cm3 density, 566m2/g surface area). The carrier material was fluidized by means of flow recirculation by a second pump at a flow rate set at 166L/h. This resulted in a superficial velocity of 75m/h and 86% bed expansion. For fluidization, the effluent of the top port was recycled in the system. 88 Figure 4.1. Schematic diagram of the FBR reactor for sulfate reduction. 4.2.2. Microorganisms and reactor start-up The original inoculum (granular sludge) was obtained from an upflow anaerobic sludge blanket UASB reactor treating domestic wastewater. The Postgate C mineral medium, used in the start-up and continuous operation of the reactor, contained 0.5g/L KH2PO4; 1.0g/L NH4Cl; 0.06g/L MgSO4.7H2O; 0.1g/L FeSO4.7H2O; 0.25g/L yeast extract; 2.96g/L Na2SO4; and 3.76g/L lactate or glycerol. The FBR reactor was inoculated with 100mL of sludge containing 38g of volatile suspended solids (VSS/L). Afterward, pumping of the growth medium amended with sulfate was initiated in a semi-batch mode, which 89 comprised 12-h pumping and 48-h rest periods such that adaptation to the reactor was achieved. As soon as the whole reactor was filled with medium and biomass, the continuous operation was initiated. 4.2.3. Operational methods After inoculation, the FRB reactor was operated at low expansion (20%) for 45 days to avoid biomass washing and to enable colonization of the carrier material (activated carbon). Subsequently, this reactor was operated for 580 days at a hydraulic retention time (HRT) of 10h and an 86% fluidization rate. The reactor was fed with a synthetic effluent (modified Postage C medium, section 4.2.2) containing 2000mg/L sulfate, and lactate or glycerol, or both, as carbon and electron sources. Both organic and sulfate loads were varied according to the sulfidogenic performance exhibited by the reactor. The reactor operated at a COD/sulfate ratio that varied between 2.5 in phase I and 1.8 in phase II. Conversely, during phases III and IV, the organic load was set to 11-12kgCOD/m3.d, whereas the sulfate load varied according to table 4.1. During phase V, glycerol progressively replaced lactate as the carbon and electron donor. To achieve that, the organic load was increased to 15.21kgCOD/m3.d by glycerol (41mmol/L) addition to the growth medium already containing lactate (44mmol/L). Throughout this phase, the lactate concentration was reduced to zero in 61 days, whereas the glycerol concentration was maintained constant (table 4.2). 90 Table 4.1. Operational parameters during sulfate reduction in the FBR reactor.HRTa of 10 hours and 25ºC. Phases I II III IV Lactate (mmol/L) 53 ± 2.9 38 ± 2.8 52 ± 2.6 52 ± 3.1 SO42(mmol/L) 21 ± 0.85 22 ± 0.85 25 ± 1.43 29 ± 4.60 OLRb (kg/m3 .d) 12.34 ± 0.98 8.70 ± 0.63 11.82 ± 0.58 11.74 ± 0.73 SLRc (kg/m3 .d) 4.82 ± 0.32 4.94 ± 0.20 5.61 ± 0.29 6.46 ± 0.34 COD/SO42molar ratio 2.52±0.18 1.73 ± 0.18 2.08 ± 0.17 1.79 ± 0.09 a HRT: hydraulic retention time. b OLR: organic loading rate. c SLR: sulfate loading rate. Table 4.2.Operational parameters during replacement of lactate by glycerol in the FBR reactor with SLR of 3.62 ± 0.23Kg/m3.d, at HRT of 13 hours and 25ºC. Phase V Glycerol (mmol/L) 41 41 41 41 41 Lactate (mmol/L) 44 33 22 11 0 COD (Kg/m3) 8.50 ± 0.40 7.74 ± 0.05 6.64 ± 0.20 5.61 ± 0.15 5.22 ± 0.25 OLR (Kg/m3 .d) 15.21 ± 0.75 13.90 ± 0.10 11.90 ± 0.34 9.98 ± 0.26 9.21 ± 0.45 Period Days 26 8 13 14 34 The reactor effluent was analyzed twice a week for total and filtered chemical oxygen demand (COD), sulfate, alkalinity, volatile fatty acids (VFA), volatile suspended solids (VSS) and pH. Once a week, a sample from inside the reactor was withdrawn to measure VSS, alkalinity and pH, whereas viable cells were determined monthly. 4.2.4. Batch experiments with glycerol Once steady-state conditions were attained in the FBR fed with glycerol, metabolic pathways related to biomass activity were determined in batch experiments performed with a biomass sample withdrawn from the reactor. These batch tests were performed at 28°C in 0.5L serum bottles closed with rubber stoppers and maintained in a bench shaker (150min91 1 ). Phosphate and bicarbonate ions were utilized as buffers so as to avoid acidification. The bacterial inoculum (10% v/v) was transferred to the flasks, which were flushed with N2, over 24h. Then, growth medium (Postgate C) containing sulfate and glycerol (as a substitute for lactate) was added and the experiment was run for the next 7 days. Sulfidogenic activity was monitored by sulfate and glycerol concentrations as well as by the production of organic acids (propionate, butyrate, acetate). Total organic carbon was also measured to investigate glycerol degradation. 3.2.5. Analytical methods The sulfate concentration was determined by ionic chromatography (Metrohm) using an ASSUP-10 column and conductivity detection. VFA (acetate, propionate, valerate, butyrate) and lactate were analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC, Shimadzu) with an ion-exchange column Aminex HPX-87H 300mm x 7.8mm (Bio-Rad) according to a procedure detailed elsewhere [6]. Prior to injection, samples were filtered using 0.22µm membrane filters (Millipore, Corp.). Bicarbonate alkalinity (BA) was assayed by titration with 0.1M sulfuric acid solution to pH 4.0, and VSS and COD were assayed according to the Standard Methods for Water and Wastewater [7]. Before COD determination, any sulfide present in the samples was removed by adding a drop of HCl (35%) and flushing for 10min with N2. The solution pH (Hanna HI931400) and redox potential (Digimed) (versus an Ag/AgCl electrode) were also recorded. The glycerol concentration was determined spectrophotometrically following the procedure described by Bondioli and Bella [8]. Total dissolved organic carbon was analyzed by the persulfate method in a HiperTOC analyzer from Thermo Scientific. 92 Microorganisms were enumerated by a three-tube most probable number (MPN) procedure using 10-fold serial dilutions in selective media. The SRB were enumerated in a specific medium for SRB (Postgate C) [9]. Prior to the experiments, culture tubes were degassed with pure N2, sealed and autoclaved (120°C, 1.5atm, 20min). Then, the culture tubes and control tube were incubated for 30 days at 35°C. Cell counts were performed using a Neubauer chamber in a light-contrast microscope (Leica). 16S rRNA gene sequences were utilized to study the bacterial phylogeny and taxonomy present in the sludge inoculum and in the reactor during phases I (adaption) and IV (OLR). Briefly, the 16S rRNA amplicons of all samples were cloned into pGEMT-Easy vector and then sequenced in an ABI 3100 automated sequencer (Applied biosystem) using a dye terminator kit. The sequences were then used for phylogenic analysis. The experimental details were described in Rampinelli et al. [10]. 4.3. Results and discussion 4.3.1. Reactor start-up and biomass Cell counts determined by the MPN technique were utilized as an indication of microbial adaptation to the reactor conditions. This was performed only in the liquid phase inside the FBR reactor (taken from port 1, figure 4.1), unlike in previous works [11]. This is because any carrier (activated carbon) removal from the reactor would result in a decrease in the sorbed biomass concentration. Therefore, specific rates were not determined, and bacterial population was monitored only as a control parameter. The MPN figures (figure 4.2) determined at the end of each phase, revealed an SRB population larger than 108MPN/mL, 93 which showed minor variations with both organic (OLR) and sulfate loadings (SLR) (table 4.1). In fact, during phase II, when the OLR was reduced from 12.34±0.98KgCOD/m3.d to 8.70±0.63KgCOD/m3.d, the SRB counts were reduced by almost one order of magnitude, i.e., from 1.58x109MPN/mL (phase I) to 7.2x108MPN/mL (phase II). Similar behavior was observed when the SLR was increased from 5.61±0.29KgSO42-/m3.d (phase III – 1.5x10 9MPN/mL) to 6.46±0.34KgSO42-/m3.d (phase IV – 1.1x109MPN/mL), but the variations in cell counts were smaller. Similar bacterial counts were also determined by Mizuno et al. [12], who studied sulfate reduction with sucrose in batch reactors, whereas Bertolino et al. [13] found that the SRB population in the presence of lactate reached SRB population (cell/mL, MPN) 9.5x10 9MPN/mL during sulfate reduction in a UASB reactor. 1E10 1E9 1E8 I II III IV V Phases Figure 4.2. Evolution of biomass concentration monitored on FBR reactor. Molecular biology techniques [10] enabled a qualitative assessment of the microbial diversity present in the FBR. The enrichment procedure successfully resulted in a diverse SRB population, as shown in table 4.3, while inhibiting the growth of methanogens because much microrganisms were not identified in the inoculum [13]. This microbial 94 diversity was expected due to the inoculum origin (domestic sewage treating reactor). In addition, enrichment with Postgate C medium induced, as expected, the growth of incomplete-oxidizing SRB (Desulfomonas, Desulfovibrio, Desulfolobus, Desulfobulbus and Desulfotomaculum genera). The main metabolic pathways accounting for lactate and glycerol oxidation as well as sulfate reduction by such microorganisms are discussed in section 4.3.2. Table 4.3.Microorganisms identified by molecular biology techniques in the inoculum during FBR operation. Microorganisms 11. Desulfomonas pigra (SF192152) (IO) 12. Desulfovibrio desulfuricans subsp. Desulfuricans str. ATCC 27774 (IO) 13. Desulfolobus sp. (IO) 14. Desulfovibrio vulgaris (IO) 15. Uncultured Desulfovibrio sp.Clone A37bac 16S ribosomal(IO) 16. Desulfobulbus sp. (EF442937) (PO) 17. Desulfobacter halotolerans DSM 11383 (NR026439) (AO) 18. Uncultured Desulfotomaculum sp.Clone BNB-488 (FJ898345) (IO) 19. Methanogens 20. Clostridium sp. IO – Incomplete – oxidizer BRS to acetate. PO – Propionate – oxidizer BRS to acetate. AO - Acetate – oxidizer BRS. FBR Start-up Phases inoculums II toV + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + + - + 4.3.2. Reactor performance Lactate as a substrate for sulfate reduction A previous study [14] showed that a COD/sulfate ratio of 2.0 was optimum for SRB growth under batch conditions (lactate), resulting in 98% sulfate reduction. Furthermore, a 95 study conducted under similar experimental conditions suggested lactate fermentation as an important metabolic pathway during sulfate reduction in UASB reactors [15]. Because Clostridium sp. was identified in the reactor inoculum (table 4.4), the COD/sulfate molar ratio was set to 2.52 during phase I (table 4.2). Such a low ratio would avoid competition between Clostridium sp. and SRB for lactate (because Clostridium sp. has a lower affinity for lactate [16], i.e., sulfate reduction would not be limited by lactate depletion. In the subsequent phases, both the lactate and sulfate concentrations were modified to determine the optimum parameters for sulfate reduction. Such modifications as well as their effects on the reactor performance are shown in figure 4.3. 96 (B ) (A ) 10000 I III II IV 100 V COD removal (%) COD (mg/L) 8000 IN 6000 5000 4000 III 70 60 50 40 30 2000 20 10 O UT 0 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 0 500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 (C ) I 300 0 III II (D ) 100 V IV IN 250 0 200 0 80 0 60 0 OUT 40 0 20 0 Sulfate reduction (%) 350 0 500 T im e (d ays) T im e (d a ys ) Sulfate concentration (mg/L) V IV 80 3000 1000 II 90 9000 7000 I 90 80 70 60 20 10 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 3 00 T im e (d a y s ) 3 50 4 00 45 0 5 00 I II III 0 50 10 0 15 0 2 00 250 3 00 V IV 0 350 400 4 50 500 T im e (d a ys ) Figure 4.3. Parameters monitored during sulfate reduction with lactate and glycerol. COD concentration (A) and removal efficiency (B). Sulfate concentration (C) and removal efficiency (D). The first 50 days correspond to the adaptation period. The circle on figure 4.3D represents the period when only glycerol was fed to the FBR. 97 First, the procedure selected for inoculum preparation and the steady increase in the organic loading (lactate), shown in figure 4.3A, ensured fast biofilm formation, as suggested by the reactor performance throughout the first fifty days, whereby sulfate removal yields increased from 80 to 92% (figure 4.3D). In addition, the bacterial consortium present in the FBR accounted for an average organic matter consumption that increased from 20% to 60% during inoculation. Thereafter, the total organic matter consumption reached 53% (on average), irrespective of the applied organic and sulfate loadings (phase I – 51%; II – 47%; III – 58%; IV – 54%; figure 4.3B). These values are consistent with the work of Celis-Garcia et al.[17], who reported a 60-70% overall COD consumption in a down-flow fluidized bed reactor (DFFB). Nevertheless, the electron flux for sulfate reduction actually varied with the OLR. For instance, during phase I (12.34kgCOD/m3.d, table 4.1), for a minimum SRB population of 1.58 x 109MPN/mL (free cells – not attached to the activated carbon particles) (figure 4.2), 51% of the oxidized organic matter (figure 4.3B) was utilized for 97% sulfate reduction (figure 4.3D). In phase II (8.70kgCOD/m3.d) (table 4.1), the SRB population showed better utilization of the transferred electrons (64.7%). However, sulfate reduction decreased to 80%, which was confirmed by a drop in the SRB population (to 7.20x108MPN/mL). In phase III (11.82kgCOD/m3.d), the SRB counts increased again to 1.5x109MPN/mL, and 95% of inlet sulfate was reduced, implying that 51.7% of the electrons were transferred to the anion (figure 4.3B). Phase IV again showed a decrease in sulfate-reduction performance (79%), derived from an increase in SLR in the FBR to 6.46kgSO42-/m3.d (table 4.1), which indicates that 53.3% of the electrons were transferred to sulfate. These values were slightly worse than those determined by Kaksonem et al. [18], who observed a 60-75% electron flux in an FBR treating 1.49-3.3kgSO42-/m3.d. The worse performance during phases II and IV can be 98 justified by a decrease in the COD/sulfate ratio, which will be discussed later. The stability of the FBR reactor was monitored by pH, VFA concentration and alkalinity values (figure 4.4). The optimum pH for SRB growth is in the 7.0 - 7.8 range, although values between 5 and 9 can be tolerated [19]. In the FBR, the pH value was defined by the balance between VFA concentration and alkalinity. During incomplete lactate oxidation by SRB (reaction 4, table 4.4), any acidity produced during acetate formation would be neutralized by the alkalinity produced by the same metabolic pathway. Figure 4.4A shows that even with a significant variation in VFA production (1000-3500mg/L), the produced alkalinity (2500mg/L) was sufficient to maintain the system pH at values above 8 (figure 4.4B), with the exception of a small period in phase IV (between 300 and 350 days) when a drop in sulfate reduction resulted in lower alkalinity production. This high alkalinity concentration may potentially be applied to treat mildly acid effluents, such as acid mine drainage, as proposed by Nevatalo et al. [11]. Table 4.4. Anaerobic degradation reactions relevant to this study. # 1 2 3 4 5 6 Chemical reaction 2lactate → 1.5acetate + H 3lactate → acetate + 2propionate + HCO 0 + H Glycerol + 2H, O → acetate + HCO0 + 2H + 3H, 2lactate + SO, + → 2acetate + 2HCO0 + HS + H Glycerol + 0.75SO, + → acetate + 0.75HS + HCO0 +1.25H + H, O Glycerol + 1.25SO, + → 0.5acetate + 1.5H, CO0 + 0.5HCO0 +1.25HS + 0.75OH + 0.25H, O ∆G0’ (KJ) -56.5 -169.7 -73.2 -160.1 -225.2 -424.5 99 10000 4000 Volatile Fatty Acids (mgHAc/L) III IV V 8000 3000 BA 6000 2000 4000 1000 2000 VFA 0 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 (A) Time (days) 9.0 -100 I III II IV V 8.5 -150 8.0 -200 7.5 pH -250 7.0 -300 6.5 -350 6.0 -400 Eh 5.5 5.0 Eh (mV) pH Bicarbonate alkalinity (mgCaCO3/L) II I -450 -500 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 Time (days) 400 450 (B) Figure 4.4. Performance parameters of the FBR reactor, in different phases. The arrow in figure 4.4A indicates a peak on VFA production. Both the microbial characterization and the VFA profile suggest that sulfate reduction as well as lactate oxidation predominantly followed reaction 4 (table 4.4) in which Desulfovibrio sp. plays a key role. The VFA profile supports this finding because only acetate was detected in the reactor effluent, although four other volatile fatty acids were also analyzed (propionate, butyrate, isovalerate and isobutyrate). In addition, the predominance of incomplete-oxidizing 100 SRB (table 4.3) was also consistent with acetate concentrations produced from lactate oxidation and sulfate reduction (table 4.5). Several studies have suggested acetate accumulation during sulfidogenesis in fluidized bed reactors fed with lactate and ethanol [17,20-21]. Table 4.5.Parameters of incomplete lactate oxidation reaction as a function of feed lactate and sulfate (according to reaction 4).Values in mmol/L. Phase I II III IV Stoichiometrical ratio Theoretical Influent Predicted* Effluent (residual) Influent Predicted Effluent (residual) Influent Predicted Effluent (residual) Influent Predicted Effluent (residual) Consumed Lactate 2 53 ± 2.9 40 0 38 ± 2.8 35 0 52 ± 2.6 48 0 52 ± 3.1 46 0 Consumed sulfate 1 21 ± 0.85 20 ± 0.86** 0.67 22 ± 0.85 17 ± 2.50 4.79 25 ± 1.43 24 ± 2.03 1.71 29 ± 4.60 23 ± 3.81 6.04 Produced acetate 2 0 40 42 ± 9.6 0 35 35 ± 8.2 0 48 46 ± 3.4 0 46 37 ± 5.3 *Predicted lactate and acetate concentrations were calculated from sulfate consumed in FBR according to reaction 4. ** Consumed sulfate concentrations are actual values. As predicted by reaction 4, in the reduction of 1mol/L of sulfate, 2mols/L of lactate was oxidized. Therefore, higher lactate concentrations could enable the growth of microorganisms that compete with SRB for lactate, whereas lactate concentrations below 2mol/L would limit sulfate reduction. Such relationships can be observed by comparing phases I and II (table 4.1), when the reactor operated with the same inlet sulfate concentration (21mmol/L sulfate). During phase I, the lactate/sulfate molar ratio was set to 2.52±0.18, which reduced 97% of the added sulfate (21±0.85mmol/L), producing 42±9.6mmol/L of acetate; this agrees fairly well 101 with the values predicted by reaction 4 (table 4.4). Conversely, when the lactate/sulfate molar ratio was reduced to 1.73±.0.18 (phase II), sulfate reduction was reduced to 80% (figure 4.3D), implying that only 17±2.5mmol/L of sulfate was converted to 35±8.2mmol/L acetate (table 4.5). Therefore, the lactate/sulfate molar ratio needed to be set to values above 2.0 to ensure that there was no carbon source limitation for sulfate reduction. Values slightly above 2 are required because lactate is also degraded by other microorganisms found in the system, such as Clostridium spp. During sulfate reduction in a UASB reactor treating lactate, Bertolino et al. [13] reported a strong correlation between sulfate-reduction yields and the organic loading rate (OLR), which was ascribed to a competition between acidogenic bacteria and SRB. Similar results were observed when the effect of increasing sulfate loadings in the reactor performance was assessed. Analyzing phases I, III and IV in which the organic loading rate was held constant (~12KgCOD/m3.d), a similar SRB population in the reactor (109cells/mL) was observed (figure 4.2), but because of the increase in the sulfate loading rate (from 4.83±0.29KgSO42-/m3.d to 6.46±0.34KgSO42-/m3.d), a lower sulfate reduction efficiency was achieved, as depicted in figure 4.3D, which is a consequence of the lower COD/sulfate molar ratio. As stated, for a lactate/sulfate molar ratio of 2.52 (phase I) in which lactate was not limiting, there was almost 100% sulfate reduction and the attained residual anion concentration was 0.67mmol/L (64mg/L). When the same ratio was decreased to 2.08 (phase III), sulfate reduction was slightly reduced to 95%, i.e., 24±2.03mmol/L of sulfate was reduced to produce 46±3.4mmol/L of acetate (according to reaction 4, table 4.4). Furthermore, when the lactate/sulfate molar ratio was reduced even further to 1.79 (phase IV), the sulfate reduction efficiency was sharply reduced to 79%, which corresponds to 6.04mmol/L (580mg/L) sulfate in the reactor effluent; therefore, lactate was limiting during phase IV (table 4.5). 102 Glycerol as the single organic substrate for sulfate reduction The performance of the FBR was assessed in the presence of glycerol as an alternative carbon and electron source (phases V). That was achieved by setting the glycerol concentration to 41mmol/L (the required amount to reduce 2.0g/L sulfate according to reaction 5, table 4.4), whereas the lactate concentration was gradually reduced from 44mmol/L (phase IV) to zero (table 4.2). This approach was carried out so that sulfate reduction would not be limited by the carbon source, should the biomass be unable to metabolize glycerol. During the period when lactate was progressively replaced by glycerol, sulfate reduction varied from 80 to 92% to generate a COD removal efficiency of 58% (on average). This latter figure is similar to that measured during sulfate reduction in the presence of lactate as the sole carbon source (phases I-IV, figure 4.3B). Nevertheless, a change in the metabolic pathway could be observed when glycerol was utilized as a single carbon source. Such a change was observed in the profiles of the pH, Eh, alkalinity and VFA, particularly acetate (figure 4.4; table 4.6). Table 4.6. Parameters of incomplete glycerol and lactate oxidation reaction during the beginning of phase V. Values in mmol/L. Period 400-430 450-500 Influent Glycerol 41 41 Lactate 44 0 Effluent Sulfate 21 21 Sulfate 3.0 3.1 Acetate 59 9.0 Propionate 4.5 0 Butyrate 6.0 3.5 At the beginning of the substrate replacement process, when the CODglycerol/CODlactate mass ratio was 1:1 (from days 402 to 422), a high organic loading rate (ORL=15.21Kg/m3.d) (table 4.2) resulted in high acetate production (59mmol/L, table 4.6), with minor concentrations of propionate (4.5mmol/L) and butyrate (6.0mmol/L). This high VFA content induced a 103 decrease in the pH inside the reactor (figure 4.4B). Both phenomena could be explained by the simultaneous growth of both SRB and acidogenic microorganisms (reactions 1, 2 and 3, table 4.4), which is consistent with the results of other studies [15] and explained the higher solution potential observed during this period (-350 mV, figure 4.4B). It is worth nothing that there was also a slight drop in sulfate reduction yields (figure 4.3D). From the 422nd day onward, when the ORL was reduced to 6.64Kg/m3.d, the sharp reduction in alkalinity (figure 4.4A) suggested that the system was under stress because there was a peak in the VFA production (arrow in figure 4.4A), which resulted in a drop in pH (from 8.0 to 6.5). This phenomenon indicated a change in the metabolic pathway. This was because glycerol oxidation during sulfate reduction (reactions 5 or 6, table 4.4) produced less alkalinity than that generated during lactate degradation (reaction 4, table 4.4). The reactor performance approached a steady state when 70% of the inlet COD was due to glycerol (day 445; ORL=5.61Kg/m3.d) until the end of the experiment (figures 4.3D and 4.5A). Under such operational conditions, the alkalinity and VFA profiles reached 0.5g/L and 1.0g/L, respectively, whereas the solution potential was reduced to its lowest value (-450 mV) and the reactor pH stabilized again at values above 7.0. As glycerol became the sole carbon and electron source (day 445), the 18mmol/L reduction in sulfate (on average) produced only 9mmol/L of acetate, i.e., a “produced acetate”/“reduced sulfate” ratio of 0.5 was achieved. Although this ratio is lower than the value of 1.33 observed for a pure Desulfovibrio strain (reaction 5, table 4.4) [3], it is closer to the value determined by Dinkel et al.[4], who hypothesized a metabolic pathway for glycerol degradation. Such a hypothesis proposed a syntrophic cooperation between acetogenic bacteria and SRB, which could be chemically represented by reaction 6 (table 4.4), when the “produced acetate”/“reduced sulfate” molar ratio was 0.4. Given the microbial diversity determined in 104 the FBR (table 4.3), reaction 6 explained the findings of the present work because the actual values of alkalinity and acetate concentrations could be predicted by this reaction. Batch experiments were performed to gain more insight into the glycerol degradation pathway. Figure 4.5A depicts the profiles of glycerol, sulfate and pH, whereas figure 4.5B presents the concentration of selected VFA and total organic carbon (TOC) assays. Both figures suggest two phases during sulfate reduction in the presence of glycerol. During the first 13h (phase α), glycerol was almost fully degraded, which resulted in acetate and butyrate accumulation, along with a pH reduction from 8.0 to 5.5, for a negligible sulfate reduction. A comparison between the theoretical TOC, determined from the carbon present in the detected VFA, and the experimentally analyzed TOC (figure 4.5B) suggested the presence of one or more intermediary products in addition to those two species. It has been shown that Clostridium sp.(table 4.3) is able to ferment glycerol, producing compounds such as 1,3-PD [23-25] (a major species not analyzed), acetate and butyrate [24-25], both of which were detected in the present work (figure 4.5B). Therefore, the formation of 1,3-PD was suggested, which is supported by the concomitant formation of butyrate and acetate in the reactor. 1.0 18 8.0 0.8 16 0.7 14 0.6 12 pH 0.5 10 0.4 8 0.3 [SO4 ] 0.2 6 -1 2- 4 20 40 60 80 Time (hours) 100 120 7.0 6.5 6.0 5.5 5.0 0.1 0 7.5 pH Absorbance (660nm) OD 8.5 Sulfate concentration (mmol.L ) 0.9 20 140 (A) 105 48 100 measured TOC -1 (mmol.L ) 60 Analytical TOC 40 30 40 Glycerol acetate Butyrate 10 5.0 -1 7.5 20 Total Organic Carbon 80 44 (mmol.L ) Glycerol and VFA concentration 120 2.5 0 0.0 0 20 40 60 80 100 Tim e (hours) 120 (B) Figure 4.5. Parameters monitored in the batch experiment.(A) bacterial growth (OD), sulfate concentration and pH. (B) VFA profile and total organic carbon. Because 1,3-PD is readily degraded by the Desulfovibrio [3]; it is thus hypothesized that only after glycerol was converted to 1,3-PD was sulfate reduction initiated (phase β). Sulfate reduction produced alkalinity (reaction 5, table 4.4), whereby the pH increased from 5.5 to 6.5. Meanwhile, the analyzed TOC concentrations approached their theoretical values during phase β (figure 4.5B), which were equivalent to the sum of the acetate and butyrate concentrations (up to the end of the experiment), suggesting that the intermediary product (likely 1,3-PD) was progressively converted to the two VFA. To summarize, it is proposed that glycerol itself was not utilized for sulfate reduction; instead, it first needed to be converted to an intermediary product, which is believed to be 1,3-PD, before being utilized by SRB [3]. Glycerol degradation would account for the production of 19mmol/L of butyrate and 17mmol/L of acetate during the reduction of 13.5mmol/L of sulfate. Therefore, the metabolic pathway for sulfate reduction with glycerol may occur in two 106 steps: (i) glycerol fermentation to butyrate and 1,3-PD by Clostridium spp., followed by (ii) 1,3-PD degradation by Desulfovibrio spp. or other SRB (table 4.3). Such a metabolic pathway is detailed in figure 4.6 along with that of lactate [15]. Figure 4.6. Metabolic pathways for glycerol and lactate degradation during sulfate reduction. X is an electron carrier. The main shortcoming of anaerobic sulfate reduction is the cost of the carbon source and the formation of by-products such as acetate and butyrate, which increases the residual COD [5]. Sulfate reduction with glycerol as the carbon source produced a reactor effluent with lower acetate and butyrate concentrations than those observed when lactate was the single carbon source. During phase I, when the highest sulfate reduction (97%) was observed, the low COD consumption (50%) was derived from the incomplete lactate oxidation and resulted in a reactor effluent with a high acetate content (2480mg/L; table 4.5) and thus a high residual COD (approximately 2500mgCOD/L, on average). Sulfate reduction in the presence of glycerol was lower (89%) and produced a residual sulfate concentration of 254mg/L, on 107 average. Nevertheless, 75% of the influent COD was consumed, which represents a residual COD 2.5 times lower than that achieved when lactate was the carbon source. Future work will focus on the use of crude glycerol (g-phase) as the carbon source and on the analysis of 1,3PD during sulfate reduction. G-phase would be an interesting alternative for a cost-effective implementation of sulfate-reducing bioreactors and a promising solution for the large-scale production of crude glycerol by the biodiesel industry. 4.4. Conclusions Glycerol can be utilized as a carbon source for sulfate reduction in fluidized bed reactors in the presence of a mixed bacterial population containing at least sulfate-reducing bacteria and fermentative microorganisms. Compared with lactate, the standard organic and electron source for sulfate-reducing bacteria, the results revealed similar performances. Lactate showed slightly better sulfate reduction (97%) compared to glycerol (89%) but also a higher residual chemical oxygen demand (2500mg/L). Conversely, glycerol produced an effluent COD of approximately 1000mg/L. The glycerol oxidation mechanism involves first fermentation to an intermediary product, which is believed to be 1,3-propanediol; this intermediary is subsequently oxidized by sulfate-reducing bacteria to butyrate and acetate. Because lactate is not a cost-effective carbon source, glycerol could be an alternative to ethanol, which is widely applied industrially. As observed with lactate, the residual COD is lower when glycerol is utilized. 108 4.5. Acknowledgements The financial support from the funding agencies FINEP, FAPEMIG, CNPq and CAPES is gratefully appreciated. The Conselho Nacional de Pesquisas - CNPq scholarships to S. M. Bertolino, L. A. Melgaço, S. F. Aquino and V. A. Leão are especially acknowledged. 4.6. References [1] N. Kolesárová, M. Hutnan, I. Bodík, V. Spalková, Utilization of Biodiesel By-Products for Biogas Production, Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology, 2011 (2011) 1-15. [2] Y. Yang, K. Tsukahara, S. Sawayama, Biodegradation and methane production from glycerol-contaning synthetic waste with fixed-bed bioreactor under mesophilic and thermophilic anaerobic conditions Process Biochemistry, 43 (2008) 362-367. [3] A.I. Qatibi, Fermentation du lactate, du glycerol et des diols par les bactéris sulfatoréductrices du genere Desulfovibrio, in, 1990. [4] V. Dinkel, F. Frechen, A. Dinkel, Y. Smirnov, S. 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Baseado no estudo desenvolvido, as seguintes considerações podem ser feitas: • O reator de leito suspenso (UASB) necessitou de um longo tempo (superior a 300 dias) para alcançar um valor ideal para a população de BRS (>108MPN/mL). Além disso, uma baixa velocidade ascendente (etapas sem recirculação) repercutiu em baixa eficiência de remoção de sulfato que atingiu apenas o valor máximo de 66%. Em contraste, o reator de Leito Fluidizado, no qual a biomassa estava retidano carvão ativado e que opera com alta velocidade ascendente, levou apenas 45 dias para atingir eficiências de remoção superiores a 90%. • O uso de lactato com fonte de carbono e elétrons favoreceu a formação de uma biomassa predominantemente de bactérias redutoras de sulfato que oxidam incompletamente o substrato a acetato (representadas, por exemplo, pelos gêneros Desulfovibiro spp. e Desulfomonas spp.), além de bactérias fermentativas (Clostridiumspp.). O acúmulo de acetato (>2000mg/L) indicou ausência de atividade acetoclástica na biomassa dos dois reatores. • O melhor desempenho do reator UASB foi atingido com a recirculação do efluente devido à melhora nas condições de transferência de massa. Para uma carga de sulfato 112 aplicada de 2,0g/L.d, o reator removeu em média 1,6g/L.d de sulfato. Os resultados indicam que, para um reator com biomassa suspensa e sem recirculação, o processo sulfetogênico foi prejudicado pela competição, pelo substrato,entre bactérias redutoras de sulfato e fermentativas uma vez que, a espécie propionato (indicativo de fermentação) foi observada em todas as fases, principalmente naquelas que operaram com alta carga orgânica (>5.0gDQO/L.d). Por outro lado, durante o monitoramento do reator de leito fluidizado, degradando lactato,entre os ácidos graxos monitorados (acetato, propionato, butirato, isobutirato e isovalérato) apenas o acetato foi detectado no efluente. E este é proveniente da atividade das bactérias redutoras de sulfato. • No reator de leito fluidizado, em virtude das elevadas eficiências de redução de sulfato, praticamente toda a geração de elétrons, proveniente da oxidação do lactato, foi canalizada para a redução do sulfato a sulfeto, pelas BRS. Para uma carga de sulfato aplicada de 4,82g/L.d, uma taxa de redução de 4,67gSO42-/L.d foi alcançada na presença de lactato. Para as fases com razões DQO/sulfato superiores a 2,0, o desempenho do RLF produziu um efluente com concentração de sulfato inferior a 250mg/L. • O biofilme formado no reator de leito fluidizado, com o predomínio das BRS do gênero Desulfovibrio e das fermentativas do gênero Clostridium, foi capaz de utilizar o glicerol como única fonte de carbono e elétron para a redução de 89% do sulfato.A taxa específica de redução do ânion, com o glicerol (0.172±0.010gSO42-/(gSSV.d) foi similar àquela observada com o lactato, ou seja, 0.191±0.016gSO42-/(gSSV.d).Este resultado indica o potencial uso do glicerol brutoproveniente da produção do biodiesel 113 para o tratamento de efluentes industriais contendo sulfato em reatores anaeróbios sulfetogênicos. Pode-se concluir que a redução de sulfato no reator UASB, sem recirculação não é favorecida, o que pode ser justificado pela: (i) ausência de granulação, ou seja, foi formado um lodo de baixa densidade, facilmente arrastado com o efluente; (ii) baixa velocidade ascensional (baixa vazão e, portanto, elevados tempos de residência), necessária para evitar o arraste da biomassa. A elevação da relação DQO/sulfato pode não resultar no aumento da redução de sulfato, uma vez que atividade fermentativa é favorecida. A recirculação da biomassa permite o aumento da velocidade ascensional e consequentemente, melhora das condições de mistura, favorecendo a atividade sulfetogênica em detrimento da fermentativa. No reator de leito fluidizado, condições ideais de transferência de massa e a retenção da biomassa no carvão ativado permitiram elevadas remoções de sulfato. A principal variável foi a relação DQO/sulfato, que por sua vez foi definida pela diversidade de BRS presente no reator. O glicerol pode ser utilizado como fonte de carbono, entretanto, necessita-se atividade fermentativa para sua plena utilização no processo. 114 CONTRIBUIÇÕES AO CONHECIMENTO No contexto do tratamento de esgotos domésticos em reatores UASB, diversos estudos relatam a redução do sulfato pela BRS somente na última etapa de degradação da matéria orgânica, ou seja, em competição com as arqueias metanogênicas. Essa tese correlacionou pela primeira vez a atividade sulfetogênica com a fermentativa, nesses reatores, para elevadas cargas de sulfato. Além disso, todo desempenho dos reatores pode ser discutido com base apenas na atividade destes dois grupos de micro-organismos, ou seja, as BRS que oxidam incompletamente o lactato e as fermentativas (BF). O predomínio do grupo de BRS acetoclásticasdeterminou a melhor razão COD/sulfato, enquanto a condição hidrodinâmica do reator definiu o grau de competição entre as BRS e as BF.O trabalho mostrou ainda que a elevação da carga orgânica (razão DQO/sulfato > 2.5) não implica em melhora na redução de sulfato (com lactato), uma vez que uma alta carga orgânica induz a atividade fermentativa. Isso ocorre por que as BF possuem maior taxa de crescimento e menor afinidade pelo lactato, como substrato. Independentemente do tipo de reator, a seleção de um substrato orgânico adequado para o cultivo de BRS tem dificultado a implantação industrial desta biotecnologia. A literatura sugere que as BRS são capazes de oxidar diretamente o glicerol. Entretanto, foi observado, para culturas mistas de BRS e BF, a rápida fermentação deste antes do início da redução do sulfato e foi proposto que o glicerol precisa ser convertido a um produto intermediário (tal como o 1,3-Propanodiol, a ser confirmado) para então ser oxidado pelas BRS, durante a redução de sulfato. Foi também demonstrada pela primeira vez, a redução de sulfato tendo o glicerol com fonte de carbono e elétrons, em reatores de leito fluidizado. Isso possibilita o uso 115 da g-fase, sub-produto da produção do biodiesel (glicerol bruto),na biotecnologia de redução do sulfato. Tem-se dessa forma um substrato orgânico mais econômico, e mais uma solução e/ou aplicação para estesub-produtoda produção do biodiesel. 116 CAPÍTULO 7 SUGESTÕES PARA TRABALHOS FUTUROS Diante dos desafios encontrados durante o período de elaboração e dos resultados obtidos nesta tese, são sugeridos alguns temas relevantes a serem estudados futuramente, relacionados ao tratamento de efluentes contendo sulfato e metais: i) Avaliar a possibilidade de utilizar a alta alcalinidade produzida no reator UASB para a precipitação de metais como cobre, níquel emanganês. ii) Investigar o uso de glicerol bruto proveniente da produção de biodiesel como única fonte de carbono e elétrons para a redução de sulfato. iii) Conhecero desempenho dos reatores UASB e de Leito Fluidizado, com outras fontes de carbono, preferencialmente sub-produtos industriais. iv) Estudar um sistema completo de tratamento de efluentes ácidos contendo sulfato emetais, a partir do reator de Leito Fluidizado. 117 ANEXO ARTIGO PUBLICADO NO PERIÓDICO: “Journal of Environmental management” 118 119