TRAINING - Éco Entreprises Québec
TRAINING - Éco Entreprises Québec
TRAINING WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE ACT? COURSE FACILITORS • Isabelle Laflèche Coordinator, Company Services, Éco Entreprises Québec • Jacinthe Otis Analyst, Compliance and Auditing, Éco Entreprises Québec CONTRIBUTING COMPANIES Over 3,400 contributing companies who generate almost $110 billion in revenues in Quebec WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN? Owner of a brand, name or distinguishing guise • Domiciled or with an establishment in Quebec • Who put products or provide services on Quebec's market Intended for Quebec consumers Who generate containers, packaging and/or printed matter Note: If a company sells products under its own “private” label and those products are manufactured by another company, the company owning the brand will be obligated for the packaging generated by those products. WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN FOR CO-BRANDED CP&PM? In cases of co-branding: Obligated company = owner who is most closely linked to production Examples Coffee capsules produced by a capsule producer in partnership with a (coffee) restaurant owner Clothing, accessories and toys bearing a manufacturer's logo and a sporting or charitable organization Electronic products and a service provider Credit card and banner WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN? DEFINITION OF FIRST SUPPLIER First supplier of products in Quebec if the brand owner does not have an establishment in the province, whether or not that supplier is the importer • Definition of first supplier: The entity who takes title, possession or control of a product WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN? FIRST SUPPLIER The following types of company could be obligated: Distributors Franchisors or franchisees, as the case may be Agents may, in some cases, take “ownership title” of the goods Transportation companies and brokers do not generally take ownership title of the goods when they simply act as a go-between or intermediary. FIRST SUPPLIER TIPS AND ADVICE • Generally speaking, the company listed on the bill of lading for imported products is deemed to take “ownership title” of those goods • Refer to Canadian accounting standards regarding revenue recognition and consumption tax requirements For example, a transportation company or broker: - will be deemed to have taken ownership title if that company bills the customer for the total value of the goods as well as sales tax on 100% of the amount - is not deemed to have taken ownership title of the goods if only a commission or service charge is invoiced, and taxes are added only to that charge WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN? CP&PM ADDED AT THE POINT OF SALE • Franchisor or group owner when operated as a franchise, chain, banner or similar organization • If they do not have a domicile or establishment in Quebec Representative in Quebec or, if none, the retailer Note: The manufacturer cannot be required to pay a contribution for those containers and packaging WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN? ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS IN QUEBEC • What constitutes an “establishment” or “place of business” in Quebec? Head office Office Warehouse Plant Real estate Residence Branch Farm WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN? ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS IN QUEBEC • (cont'd) : A representative or agent A building in Quebec that is owned by a company A location where raw materials are produced, manufactured, transformed, preserved or combined An address registered in the “Establishment” section of the Registraire des entreprises du Québec WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN? ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS IN QUEBEC • What does not constitute an “establishment” or “place of business” in Quebec: Business relationships with another company exclusively through a commission firm, broker or other independent agent An office or warehouse used solely for purchasing merchandise Only a post office box in Quebec Only a legal agent registered as such in the Registraire des entreprises du Québec ESTABLISHMENT OR PLACE OF BUSINESS IN QUEBEC TIPS AND ADVICE • Extract a list of all your suppliers from your system • Remove all suppliers who have an address in Quebec • Check the ECO-D site for the list of “Companies expected to report” and remove their products from your Company Report • If you have any doubts, check the status of the company on the site of the Registraire des entreprises du Québec WHO IS SUBJECT TO THE COMPENSATION PLAN? E-COMMERCE • Brand owner who has an establishment in Quebec, without necessarily having a point of retail sale Note: These companies cannot claim a contribution payment exemption on the basis of a single point of retail sale. VOLUNTARY CONTRIBUTORS REGITRATION CONDITIONS • Annual sales >$1 million in Quebec • Put quantities > 1 tonne on the market • Have submitted a written application, using the appropriate “voluntary contributor” form before the effective date of the Schedule of Contributions concerned • Agree to submit Company Reports for all its products and customers in Quebec Don’t hesitate to contact us! Company Services Telephone: 514 987-1700 Toll free: 1-877-987-1491 E-mail: [email protected] THANK YOU FOR PARTICIPATING!