Collaborative - The Boston Pilot
Collaborative - The Boston Pilot
Salem Catholic Collaborative IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH | SAINT JAMES PARISH | SAINT JOHN THE BAPTIST PARISH You are welcome here! Contact us: 978-744-1278 Pastoral Center/Administrative Offices: 28 St. Peter Street, Salem [email protected] See our Mass schedule on page 3 Sacraments: page 5 Our community extends a welcome to visitors who join us in prayer and worship, and we invite you to make our parish your spiritual home. Whatever your age or walk of life, we want this parish to be a place where you grow ever closer to Jesus. We are a community centered on excellent liturgy, helping people of all ages grow in faith, and welcoming all- especially those who feel disconnected from the Church or faith. TENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME | JUNE 5, 2016 A MESSAGE FROM OUR PASTOR, FATHER DAN ARE YOU NEW TO OUR PARISH? WELCOME, WELCOME! Thank you for coming. We love to have new people join us. We are delighted to have you with us! ARE YOU A LONG-TIME PARISHIONER? You are very important to me! “I’VE RECENTLY COME BACK TO MASS” or “I moved into the area and I like this parish.” I have the pleasure of hearing things like this. Doesn’t it feel great to have folks coming home to Jesus and his family here in our parishes! Isn’t it great when you hear of a loved one finding their way home! When I chat with folks coming back to one of our three parishes I hear them compliment, among other things: the warmth of the people and staff, the music, and sometimes even the homilies – and more! Helping those disconnected find their way home to a warm welcome in our parishes, and helping those already connected take the next step in a deeper relationship with Jesus is at the heart of my Pastor’s Vision. GREAT BOOK: JOSHUA: A PARABLE FOR TODAY, by Joseph Grizone. This is a charming and short book of fiction that can help us get to know Jesus. I loved it. An easy and interesting read. Often assigned at Catholic High Schools. RECOMMENDED WEBSITE: USCCB DAILY READINGS There you will find the Mass Bible readings for the day in both written and audio form. If you choose, you can also listen to a 4-minute reflection on them. (USCCB = United States Conference of Catholic Bishops). MY MAY 29 HOMILY THOUGHT: Jesus is at our side and in our hearts, and he gives us renewed strength in the Eucharist – his own body and blood -- so that we can handle the challenges of our times. FIND YOUR LIFE BY GIVING IT TO GOD! Living for God is the way to happiness. Even greater happiness comes, and we make an even bigger difference for the better, when we discover what the unique plan is that Jesus has for our life. What is Jesus dream for your life? CALIFORNIA BIG PRESIDENTIAL PRIMARY is this Tuesday. “Holy Spirit, please guide all those involved in the presidential selection process -- giving them an abundance of wisdom and love.” SPORTS UPDATE – My IPhone tells me that after a three game losing streak our Sox are in extra Innings and leading 5-3 (5/29/16). And we are still in first place. “Free Tom Brady!” you!-- Fr Dan God bless you! NEW POLISH PRIEST: Welcome Fr. Mariusz! On July 1, Fr. Mariusz Lis, of the Society of Christ, will be assigned by Cardinal Sean to our collaborative as a Parochial Vicar. He will have responsibilities in all three parishes, but will be especially focused on St. John the Baptist, especially the Polish speaking Community. He will be living at Immaculate Conception. He is in his 40s. I will continue as Pastor of all three parishes, and I will continue my regular presence at St. John the Baptist. Having just served in Brazil, his English is not yet perfect, but he knows a fair amount already and the rest will come with time. I am delighted to have him! – Fr. Dan 2 WORSHIP WITH US COMING RIGHT UP! PRIESTS FOR JUNE 11-12 MASSES (As of 5/31/2016. Subject to Change.) Sat. 4:00PM, Immaculate: Fr. Rondeau Sat. 4:00PM, St. James: Fr. Dan Sat. 4:00PM, St. John the Baptist: Fr. Sullivan Sun. 7:30AM: St. James: Fr. Sullivan Sun. 9:00AM: Immaculate: Fr. Dan Sun. 10:00AM: Polish, St. John the Baptist: Fr. Pawel Sun. 10:30AM: St. James: Fr. Dan Sun. 11:45AM: St. John the Baptist: Fr. Gregory Sun. 1:00PM: Spanish, Immaculate: Padre Paul Sun. 6:30PM: Immaculate: Fr. Dan at the SALEM CATHOLIC COLLABORATIVE OFFICE HOURS with the pastoral staff and special guests are being held at Howling Wolf Taqueria every Thursday afternoon in June at 3:30-5:00PM. Come and meet our Campus Ministers, Pastoral Ministry Manager, our Director of Music… and more! FATHERS’ DAY NOVENA at St. John the Baptist, Monday, June 20 at 7:00PM. You can make a remembrance of your father by picking up a card at the back of St. John the Baptist Church. YEAR OF MERCY RETREAT Sponsored by the St. John the Baptist Holy Rosary Sodality, Saturday, June 25th. More information about this retreat is on page 4 of this bulletin. 2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL in the parking lot at Immaculate Conception Parish on Saturday, July 30 (Sabado, 30 de Julia) from 12:00-6:00PM. More information on page 4 of this bulletin. JOIN US FOR VBS AUGUST 1-5! We can’t wait for Vacation Bible School! Register on June 12 at the 10:30AM Mass at St. James, or see our website: DISCIPLES IN MISSION EVANGELIZATION TRAINING You are invited to attend this “amazing” training, being offered on Saturday, June 11 at the Archdiocesan Pastoral Center in Braintree. The training has been described as “excellent” and “inspiring” by former participants, who recommend it to you! This workshop is designed to give you the tools to understand evangelization, embrace living as a disciple, become comfortable sharing your faith story, form disciples, and help form disciples in your parish. The one-day workshop includes sessions on these topics, time together in prayer, as well as breakfast and lunch All are welcome and the registration is FREE for Collaborative memberslike you! Register with the code “COLL” at SCC BY THE NUMBERS: 36: THE AVERAGE NUMBER OF PARTICIPANTS AT WONDROUS STORIES- our Children’s Liturgy of the Word is a hit! Kids (up to grade 6) love it because they get to hear God’s Word spoken in language and activities that they understand, parents love it because while their kids are engaged, they get to engage with God’s Word in the scripture and great homilies! WS will continue into July so check it out! 3 LIFE IN THE SALEM CATHOLIC COLLABORATIVE 10-12 JUNIO: FESTIVAL PARROQUIAL SAN JOSÉ, LYNN L a Parroquia de San José en Lynn les invita a nuestro FESTIVAL ANUAL los días 10, 11 y 12 de Junio. Tendremos música, deliciosas comidas típicas de nuestros países, artesanía y objetos religiosos, y muchos muchos juegos y entretenimiento para los niños. Viernes: (5:00pm) Fiesta para los Niños y los Jóvenes. Sábado y Domingo: de 12 del mediodía hasta las 10:00pm en el parqueo del salón parroquial ubicado en la 29 de la Green St. Habrá kioscos con comidas típicas de la Rep. Dominicana, Guatemala, El Salvador y México. También habrá helados, frutas, postres, etc. ¡Venga a divertirse con su familia y celebre con nosotros! Viernes, Sábado y Domingo, 10, 11 y 12 de Junio en la Parroquia de San José en Lynn, en la 29 de la Green St. ¡Le esperamos! MEMORIAL PRAYER GARDEN A prayer garden is being planted at St. James Church (in the fenced-in former playground). If you’d like to donate perennials plants or garden soil or something else, please contact Margo: [email protected] We’ll be planting the week of June 27 with the help of campers from Catholic Heart Work Camp. ST. VINCENT DePAUL SOCIETY THANKS YOU! Heartfelt thanks to our collaborative parishioners for last month’s donations totaling more than $1800! Please be assured that all of these funds will be given to the poor. Food and rent are the major categories representing 80% of all that we give in Christ’s name. Our monthly disbursements average well over $5,000 and growing. In many cases, we are the only source of aid for some families. The society will meet on June 13th at 7 PM in the St. James conference room, come and see what we do. SVdP members will be at the Masses the weekend of June 11 & 12 asking for your support. POPE FRANCIS ON CLIMATE CHANGE: (From his Encyclical on the Environment that came out a year ago.) “A very solid scientific consensus indicates that we are presently witnessing a disturbing warming of the climatic system. Once we start to think about the kind of world we are leaving to future generations, we look at things differently. The world we have received also belongs to those who will follow us.” 2016 SUMMER FESTIVAL Join us Saturday, July 30 (Sabado, 30 de Julia) from 12:00-6:00PM in the parking lot at Immaculate Conception Parish. This fun festival features food from different countries (Comida Deliciosa de Diferentes Paises), live music performances (Grupos Musicales En Vivo), and more! Acompañananos! For more information, call Altagracia Gomez: 978-979-5185 MASS MINISTERS NEEDED AT IC PARISH We are looking to grow our liturgical ministries including lectors, Eucharistic ministers, altar servers, greeters and musicians for all the Sunday Masses at Immaculate Conception. Our goal is to create a peaceful and welcoming space for everyone no matter where they are on their faith journey! For more information, please contact Margo Morin. YEAR OF MERCY RETREAT- ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST Sponsored by the Holy Rosary Sodality Saturday, June 25th. Join us for Holy Mass, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Stations of the Cross. The bus leaves at 7:30AM and returns by 4:00PM from 28 St. Peter St., Salem. $55.00 includes breakfast, lunch and transportation. Space is limited. To register call: 978-744-1278 or Dorothy Stupekiewicz at 978-314-2003 by June 1st. KNOW THE LATEST You can always find out the latest news and information about the SCC on our Facebook page! “Like”us at SalemCatholicCommunity 4 AL THANK YOU FOR YOUR GENEROUS CONTRIBUTION MASS INTENTIONS June 4-5, 2016 Immaculate Conception 05/29/16 Offertory: $3,361.00 4:00PM Saturday, June 4 at IC: Mary Ann Ladowski, Duke Duhaine and Adele Ludlum (by Mary Fuery) 4:00PM Saturday, June 4 at SJ: Elinor Fouhey (given by Diane Santos) 4:00PM Saturday, June 4 at SJTB: Paul Orlando (1st Anniversary, given by wife Frances & Family) 7:30AM Sunday, June 5 at SJ: Dr. James T. Ryan and John Butler (given by the Ryan family) 9:00AM Sunday, June 5 at IC: Marjorie O'Donnell (given the Stevens family) 10:00AM Sunday, June 5 at SJTB: Regina i Grzegorz Szarzynski i Kazimierz Jamroz, (given by Ewa Jmroz and Friends) 10:30AM Sunday, June 5 at SJ: Rita Labrecque (given by a friend) 11:45AM Sunday, June 5 at SJTB: Sophie & Michael Pietkiewicz from Dottie & Kevin Hagerty 1:00PM Sunday, June 5 at IC: 6:30PM Sunday, June 5 at IC: St. James 05/29/16 Offertory: $3,327.00 St. John the Baptist 05/29/16 Offertory: $848.00 Fuel: $275.00 CATHOLIC APPEAL RESULTS AS OF 5/ 24 Immaculate Conception $20,041.00 which is 79% of our $25,228 goal. St. James is at is at $17,689.00, which is 72% of our $24,665 goal St. John the Baptist HAS EXCEEDED THE GOAL! We are at $9,947.00, which is 120% of our $8,290 goal. MANAGE YOUR GIVING ONLINE Just visit our website and click where you see this image to set up one-time or regular gifts. WELCOME TO THE SACRAMENTS! Contact information: 978-744-1278 or [email protected] BAPTISM: Congratulations! Please contact us to make arrangements. FIRST CONFESSION AND/OR HOLY COMMUNION: Please contact us. MARRIAGE: Congratulations! Please contact us to make arrangements- the sooner the better! HOLY COMMUNION TO THOSE UNABLE TO GET OUT: Please contact us. PRIESTHOOD OR DIACONATE: Please visit and click “contact us” to make an appointment. If you are curious about becoming a deacon, please contact Deacon Jesús Peña at [email protected] EMERGENCY ANOINTING OF THE SICK: Call 978744-1278- if there is no answer, please listen for the emergency option in the phone menu. CONFESSION: Saturdays at all 3 churches at 3:15PM. Wednesday evenings at Immaculate from 5:30-7:00PM. See page 6 for other times offered in Spanish and Polish. INTERESTED IN BECOMING CATHOLIC? Please contact us! MASS INTENTIONS June 11-12, 2016 4:00PM Saturday, June 11 at IC: Richard, Louise and Jim Daly (given by the Family) 4:00PM Saturday, June 11 at SJ: Reginald Thidodeau (Birthday Remembrance given by Susan and Bob Quinn) 4:00PM Saturday, June 11 at SJTB: Julia Senkowski (72nd Anniversary given by Frances Orlando) 7:30AM Sunday, June 12 at SJ: Frank Clark (3rd Anniversary Memorial, given by June Clark) 9:00AM Sunday, June 12 at IC: Deceased members of the Szymanski and Duffy Families (given by Barbara and Joe) 10:00AM Sunday, June 12 at SJTB: Stefania and Eliasz Gasior and deceased members of Gasior Family (given by Genowefa Gasior) 10:30AM Sunday, June 12 at SJ: Catherine M. Moore (given by Peter Moore) 11:45AM Sunday, June 12 at SJTB: Stanley Rybicki (7th Anniversary from sister Jane Herlihy) 1:00PM Sunday, June 12 at IC: 6:30PM Sunday, June 12 at IC: You can have a Mass prayed in honor or memory of a loved one, at any of our parishes. Please call the Pastoral Center at 978-744-1278 to request a date. 5 COLLABORATIVE and PARISH INFORMATION OUR CLERGY Pastoral Center Offices: 28 St. Peter Street, Salem Phone: 978-744-1278 ST. JAMES PARISH 156 Federal Street The Meeting Center: 160 Federal St. Daily Mass 12:05PM M-F in St. James Chapel Eucharistic Ministers: Deacon Jesús Peña [email protected] Lectors: Diane Santos [email protected] Altar Servers: Honora Griebel– 781-593-3069 ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST 28 St. Peter Street Daily Mass 8:00AM Mon/Wed/Thu/Fri/Sat Spowiedź w jezyku polskim: Pierwsze Piątki Miesiąca: od godziny 18:15 do 18:55 w soboty: o godzinie 7:30 Eucharistic Ministers, Lectors, Altar Servers: contact Marilyn Costa or Teresa Prochorski IMMACULATE CONCEPTION PARISH15 Hawthorne Blvd. Daily Mass 9:00AM Tuesday-Saturday Adoration Thurs. 9:30-7:00 Eucharistic Ministers: Marie Fouhey [email protected] Lectors: Kim Tran [email protected] Thrift Shop in lower church Thursdays 9-12 Weekly PARROQUIA DE LA CONCEPTIÓN INMACULADA COMUNIDAD HISPANA 15 Hawthorne Blvd. 978-744-1278 La Santa Misa: Los domingos a las 1:00PM. Los jueves a las 7:00PM Confesiones:Los domingos después de la Misa. Los jueves de las 6:00PM hasta las 7:00PM Si alguien está seriamente enfermo en la casa o si entra en el hospital, hable con el Padre Paúl o el Diácono Pablo para que la persona tenga la oportunidad de recibir los sacramentos de los enfermos. Adoración de Santísimo Sacramento: Los jueves de las 6:00PM hasta las 7:00PM Doctrina Religiosa: Los domingos a las 11:30AM (Primera Comunión/ grados 1-6) Para la confirmación (grados 9-10), llame a ministros del campus: 978-7441278 (en inglés). Grupo de Oración: Los Jueves después de la Missa a las 7:00PM Bautismos: El tercer Domingo de cada mes después de la Misa de la 1 pm. Clase de preparación para los padres y padrinos el día antes (Sábado) a las 7 pm en la Caplla.atrimonios, Quinceañeras, Visitas Pastorales y otros servicios, favor de habar con el Padre Paúl o el Diácono Pablo. 6 Pastor: Fr. Dan Riley [email protected] Parochial Vicars: Fr. Frank Sullivan [email protected] Fr. Gregory Vozzo [email protected] Fr. Lawrence Rondeau - Senior Priest Deacons: Norm LaPointe 978-578-4832 [email protected] Jesús Peña [email protected] Ministros Hispanos: Padre Paúl G. M. McManus [email protected] 978-744-1278 Ext. 106 Diácono Pablo Morel [email protected] Polish Ministry: Fr. Janusz Chmielecki, OFMConv PASTORAL STAFF Pastoral Ministries Manager: Margo Morin [email protected] Campus Ministry: Steven Antonio [email protected] Catherine Ziobro [email protected] Polish Religious Education: Teresa Prochorski [email protected] Director of Music: Kurt Foundos [email protected] ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF Senior Administrative Assistant: Rosemarie Asci [email protected] Administrative Assistants: Betty Richard [email protected] Diane Santos [email protected] Marilyn Costa [email protected] FINANCE AND OPERATIONS Manager: Elaine McCormack [email protected] THE MEETING CENTER– MINISTRY OFFICES 160 Federal Street 978-744-1278 Special Boston Archdiocesan Offer: Subscribe Today and SAVE 49%! Item Special Discount Rate Your Savings Discount 1 Year (49 issues) $19.95 $19.05 49% price! Guaranteed lowest The Pilot is an important voice in the public square that brings you the Catholic perspective on current events. Inspired by the vision of our publisher, Cardinal Seán O’Malley, The Pilot covers it all — from in-depth reporting on Pope Francis to the good works of Boston parishes. Each week, The Pilot brings you the stories of Boston Catholics who bring the Works of Mercy to life on a daily basis. • Feed the Hungry • Give drink to the Thirsty • Clothe the Naked • Shelter the Homeless • Visit the Sick • Visit the Imprisoned • Bury the Dead • Instruct the Ignorant • Counsel the Doubtful • Admonish Sinners • Bear Wrongs Patiently • Forgive Offences Willingly • Comfort the Afflicted • Pray for the Living & the Dead Proclaiming the present Holy Year of Mercy, Pope Francis said he wants to make it evident that the Church’s mission is to be a witness of compassion. “Let us not forget that God forgives and God forgives always,” Pope Francis said. “Let us never tire of asking for forgiveness.” We invite you to join the Pilot readership today for only $19.95. 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MEMORIALS Desde 1890 Honestidad - Experiencia - Consejería Gratuita Consejo profesional, así usted puede tomar la mejor decisión Planeación pre - arreglo y sin intereses de pago Monumentos, marcadores, inscripciones, limpieza y reparación Se habla español CY CMY K Estefania L’Heureux [email protected] 73 North St. Salem, MA - 978-744-0871 Host your next event at the Peabody Essex Museum Family Celebrations Weddings Corporate Events Classic Christmas Markets Geneve Hoffman Photography [email protected] | 161 Essex St. | Salem, MA | 978-542-1615 For Advertising call 617-779-3771 Pilot Bulletins Immaculate Conception, Salem, MA 1142