Club Championships 2010


Club Championships 2010
December 2010
Club Championships 2010
This year both the Ladies’ and Men’s Club Championships
experienced something of an overhaul with the Ladies
moving from their traditional home in June to the warmer
and less wet September/ October period. Whilst the men
experienced a change in commencement so that all three
grade champions would be declared on the same day. By all
accounts both changes were well received and in the case of
the men at least some further tinkering may yet occur.
The Ladies’ Club Championship produced a first time winner
in Zoe Ticehurst. Zoe’s final round of three over par 77 was
a highlight of the Championship. Her three round aggregate
score of 247 placed her comfortable clear of runner-up
Christine George. Congratulations Zoe on being KGC Ladies
Champion 2010.
Division Two finished in a showdown between two great
friends. Ultimately Elizabeth Munro prevailed over Helen
Jenkins. Again it came down to the last round and Elizabeth
proved too consistent making fewer errors to win by 4. Chris
Murphie & Cherie Doyle will only benefit for more course
exposure and I’m sure will be even more competitive next
Division Three saw Rae Penn power over the field to surge
from 4th place and 5 shots behind to defeat Truong Nguyen
by 2 shots. Rae let everyone know her secret, the new putter
in the bag! Whatever it was Rae certainly played well. Truong
played consistently over the three rounds as did third placed
Marilyn Melhuish but Rae and her putter won the day.
As reported above, the Men’s Club Championship was
conducted under a different format this year because of the
desire was to see all grades finalise their Championship on
the same day. To achieve this, the A Graders commenced
their Championship rounds one week earlier. This allowed
the Club Championship, B & C Grade and Senior B & C Grade
to culminate on Saturday 30 October 2010.
The more mature of our Members continue to dominate
events with the relative junior Trevor Ratcliffe at age 53
winning his fourth Club Championship 30 years after his first.
This is a truly remarkable effort from a most resilient golfer.
In a nice touch his son Luke dragged the bag and was easily
the proudest man present at the efforts of his dad.
Mite Domazetovski, who is well on the sunny side of 40
played wonderful golf to place second to Trevor 10 strokes
back. Mite had played very little golf leading into the
Championships, only 8 rounds since the Championships the
year prior. This is a marvelous effort.
Trevor also took the Senior Championship over Terry Small.
Geoff Barnes holed everything in the final round to shot 81
and dash the hopes of many. Geoff shot three rounds in the
80’s allowing him to win by 6 strokes from Bernard Davis.
Geoff also claimed the Seniors’ Title. Geoff won the B Grade
in 2007 as well but 45 years ago he won the “B’s” in 1965.
Longevity appears a strong suit at KGC.
Evergreen Neil Feyn, book ended a solid 91 with two even
hundreds, scores good enough to take the Championship
and Senior titles by two shots from Phillip Wilson.
The “gold letter” man will get pretty bored this year with so
many repeat winners in the Championships.
Club Championships 2010
Champions - Neil, Trevor & Geoff
Geoff rolls it on from
off the green. Vern
can’t beleive it!
The Rat and his mate!
Bernard Davis at 18.
Moussa rues a
three put.
Neil Feyn
Kograh Golf Club - Newsletter
Ladies Golfing Season in Review
KGC ladies’ competitions have now wound down for the
year, with our Summer Competition in full progress.
A number of ladies recorded some wonderful scores during
2010 with our own ladies, in Zoe Ticehurst and Dinah
Moran, winning scratch and net respectively in the KGC
Open Silver Salver.
Many of our ‘newer’ Members have had great success this
year, with Judith Shade winning the Grandmothers’ Trophy
and Chris Murphie winning the Gold Medal in a nerve
tingling play-off with Belinda McKirdy.
2010 saw a change to timing of both the Foursomes
Championships as well as the Club Championships. The
‘dreaded’ Foursomes were for the first time played in April,
with Sue Flack and Judy Dullow as popular victors.
And the final ladies’ social function of the year was the Ladies’
Christmas Dinner on 9 December where all who attended
enjoyed the camaraderie of their friends, and a delicious
meal served in Heath’s usual excellent manner. Santa Claus
dropped by to wish one and all a Merry Christmas and help
us enjoy the evening. Santa did look very much like one of
our ladies, but...
2011 Opening Day is Thursday 27 January – 8.30
shotgun followed by morning tea at which we hope to
see all of our KGC ladies.
An excited Marie Ticehurst
watches the winners.
KGC ladies enjoyed a successful 2010 Pennant season with
wins in Sunday Ladies’ Pennant, Bronze 1 Pennant, Bronze 3
Pennant, and the Monomeeth Salver. A great achievement
for the KGC ladies!
The new handicapping system, which came into effect in
April, has necessitated a change to general playing divisions
for the ladies, as has been the case with the men. Many of
our ladies have increased their handicaps and are enjoying
the luxury of extra shots out on our wonderful golf course.
No year is really complete until the ladies celebrate with their
Christmas functions.
VALE – Errol Carter
On Friday 3 December Club
Member Errol Carter passed
away after a yearlong battle
with cancer.
Veterans Delegate June Davey and her wonderful assistant
Marcia Davis, excelled in organising a terrific Lady
Veterans’ Christmas Day lunch on 23 November. The day
was thoroughly enjoyed by all those who attended. There
are advantages in being old enough to be a ‘veteran’!!
The Busy Girls capped off their season on 5 December with a
9 hole ‘3 clubs & putter’ event followed by a great luncheon.
Well done to the Busy Girls.
The passing of any Member is
a time of sadness and reflection
within the Club environment. It
is a time to remember the loss of
a kindred soul, one who shares
a common passion, in this case
golf. Club life is a reflection
of life at large replete with all
of its characters; introvert to
extrovert and everything in between. Errol Douglas Carter
was a character.
Born in north Queensland in 1944, Errol enjoyed the country
life; sunshine, no shoes and lots of fun at St Teresa’s
Agricultural College in Abergowrie, north of Ingham. It
has been suggested that this upbringing may have been a
significant contributor to character development, making
Errol the man we love.
Errol joined Kogarah Golf Club in 1973 after a period of
membership at Randwick Golf Club. A single man at the
time, he found himself in the company of other single and
fun loving men as well as long since married but equally fun
loving men who inhabited the bottom bar. The likes of which
included Bob Bulgin, Bill Gibson, Don Kannard, Darcy Ryan,
Athol Jenner, Mal Richardson, Ray Miners Jack Rowley,
Jack Walsh, Kevin Weeks, Roy Hastings, Don Timms, Bobby
Black, Bob Bradshaw and Peter Healion to name few. In time
this group came to include Glenn Hamilton, Craig Masters,
Warren Griffiths, Kevin Dyer, Trevor Ratcliffe and Steve
made things happen. He would run the punters club and he
would organise the dinner crew. He would never be far from
the action and many have relied upon him to provide the
impetus to a good time.
Errol’s last twelve months was a struggle with cancer. A
year spent experiencing the despair of the diagnosis, the
hope of successful treatment and the frustration of pain and
discomfort. His own mortality did not trouble him but he
ached for those he loved and would leave behind.
Errol was known by many, loved by most, respected by all
and now missed by all.
With so many of these men now passed away a reunion of
the bottom bar in an afterlife must surely be on the cards!
A good golfer, a good talker and not afraid to have a go, Errol
became very involved and the Club and Armaguard came to
be the most important things in his life. He joined the Board
in 1981 and acted on the Match and Greens committees as
well as serving as Vice-Captain. Four years was enough for
Errol on committee but he could always be relied upon to
provide advice thereafter.
Errol enjoyed the company of the “lace doily set” who often
ate dinner together on the halfway verandah on Saturday
nights. The group included such Members as: Eric Toynton,
Warren Dixon, Tony Rice, Bill York, Harry Tankard and
Warren Stuart. The discussion was always illuminating if not
opinionated and Errol loved it.
Errol managed a number of the Club's representative
teams including Apperly Shield and Major Pennants. He
represented the Club in the Buttenshaw Shield and the
Masters Pennant.
Errol won the B Grade Foursomes in 1976 with Bob Bradshaw,
the JD Ryan Memorial Trophy in 1995 with Gordon Millar
and the Husband and Wife Trophy with his beloved Heather
in 2005 (probably the most pleasing of his golfing exploits).
Along the way he struck four holes in one, including two in
the same year. Whilst Errol was a most capable golfer his
greatest joy came from supporting his friends and Club
Teams. Errol would frequently drag a bag or just wander the
course in support of his mates.
In 1990 Errol, at the age of 46 and by then a confirmed
bachelor, married Heather Warwick, a work colleague from
Armaguard. How Heather discovered his husbandly charms
is something of a mystery but thankfully she did because
they enjoyed 20 years of marriage together including seven
years playing together in the mixed. Errol would freely admit
that marrying Heather was the best thing he ever did.
Heather was a calming influence on Errol but his quintessential
larrikin streak was never lost. His outstretched hand and
welcome grin is remembered by many Club Members as
one of their first experiences of the Club. His larger than life
presence always made an impression! But Errol’s welcome
did not stop there as he would say hello and give some cheek
every time he saw you, even from a few fairways across!
Errol was a magnet and a dynamo who attracted people and
Heather Carter Than
k You
Dear fellow Members and
wonderful friends, My
family and I have
been overwhelmed by the
expressions of concern for
Errol during his
illness and more recently
sympathy as he passed aw
This sharing
of emotion and recounting
of tales of their times
with Errol has
been a great support for
me and has given me man
y reasons to smile
during this very sad tim
e in my life.
Errol has clearly been an
identity in the golf club
and has made many
friends and our family wa
s so pleased and proud to
see so many attend
the memorial service hel
d at the Club on Monda
y 13 December.
A gathering of over tw
o hundred people, that by
ority comprised
Kogarah Golf Club friend,
was a tremendous tribut
to Errol. I know
that many Members wo
uld have wanted to be
in attendance on the
day but for various reason
s could not and I am equ
ally gladdened by
this thought.
Craig Masters, in his par
t of the eulogy delivered
at the service,
made reference to Er
rol’s initials “EDC” and
they were an
acronym for “Esprit de
corps” which in translation
ans the spirit
or morale of the compan
y. Errol had the ability
ality to set
the spirit in most any com
pany and it was in compan
y at the golf club
where he most enjoyed
being. I hope that you all
remember Errol’s
smile, laughter and boomin
g voice and that in tho
that your spirits may be
lifted again.
To all Members of the Clu
b, the Board and Ladies
’ Committee, I say
thank you for your care
and support for Errol and
I over this past
year. I know that the
golf club and the KGC
will continue
to be a great comfort for
me in the years to com
There are many things
to take care of and Ch
ristmas is now upon
us so I will be away from
the Club for a few week
s. I thank you all
again and wish you a Hap
py Christmas and New
With our love and thanks
Heather Carter and fam
Kograh Golf Club - Newsletter
Scholarhip Awarded
to Zoe Ticehurst
Zoe has been awarded a Golf Scholarship with the Jack Newton
Junior Golf Foundation.
This is an individual scholarship grants program given to 6 exjuniors planning to have a “gap year” after year 12 to assist
them in the transition to Open Events. The primary focus of the
program is to assist them in their coaching, training and interstate
competition program as well as to offset their costs.
Zoe has worked with a psychologist, sports physiotherapist
and her coach to set out programs and schedules. She has also
completed statistics of every tournament and championship.
She has had to supply a yearly plan containing tournaments and
events, she has to compete in National ranking events as well as
major tournaments and Salvers at clubs in the city and country.
Some she has selected were: Bribie Island (stroke play), in April
NSW Stroke Play (Newcastle) and in May she played t the Victorian
Women’s Amateur – Royal Melbourne, just to name a few.
We wish Zoe all the best and look forward to seeing her
progress during 2011.
Moe Nagi
Many Members may have noticed the absence of Moe
Nagi from the golf course this year and especially so after
he shot a wonderful opening round of 70 in the 2010 Club
Championship only to not play the subsequent rounds.
The reason is that Moe has been attending the College
of Elite Golf in Adelaide, where he has been working very
hard on his game. His efforts have been rewarded with
excellent results including winning the Glenelg Golf Club
Championship. He defeated a 25 year old scratch marker 3
and 2 in a 36 hole match play final.
Moe also recently finished second in the Australian LeftHanders Championships played at Victor Harbour. Moe led
by two strokes after 54 holes only to fall short by 2 strokes.
His efforts have been noticed at higher levels and he is
currently being considered for the South Australian State
Well done Moe and keep up the good work.
Mixed Knockout Final Report
Despite the threat of cyclonic winds and rain our four
protagonists in the Mixed Fourball Knockout took to the
course on Sunday May 30th 2010.
By the time the four had reached the 17th tee they had fought
their way back to take a one hole lead and they were dormie
after the 17th thanks to a clutch 15 foot putt by Robyn.
Gary Callaghan, Robyn Edwards and Greg and Rae Penn
were primed for a classic confrontation following some
exciting matches in the preliminary rounds and they did not
Up the 18th they went with the Penns needing to win the
hole to force it to the 19th. Robyn played some great golf
and had no intention of letting their opponents back into the
game. The match ended when it became apparent that the
best the Penns could hope for was a squared hole.
Gary and Robyn started well and took a 2 hole advantage onto
the 7th tee but three holes later the Penns turned at half way
one up courtesy of some great match play from Rae and a
birdie on the 9th from Greg.
They increased their lead to 2 up after the 12th but any
thought of Gary and Robyn throwing in the towel was well
off the mark.
So Gary and Robyn were the victors One Up and a hearty
congratulations goes to them. They only decided on
the day of qualifying to join forces and it proved a great
Commiserations to the Penns but as the adage goes, there is
always next year.
An Ongoing Saga (A “No Win” situation)
Our recently deceased Member was a golfer of considerable
skill and quite capable of paring every hole except the long
par 5 at the far end of the course. This hole was his nemesis
and spoilt many a match winning card. It extended well
over 500 metres and featured alternate dog legs leading to
cavernous bunkers waiting to devour the errant stroke.
The narrow fairway was screened by a lateral water hazard
on one side extending its entire length and an out of bounds
area too close for comfort on the other side. To add to the
difficulty the prevailing wind blew from the direction that
tended to shorten the forward progression of the ball. It
was amidst this turmoil that our late friend, try as he may,
invariably carded a large number.
His initial attitude was a contempt and dislike for the hole, but
with the progression of time (the time that heals all wounds)
his angst mellowed and transcended to one of veneration
and respect, the proper respect due to the winner by the
It was this respect that prompted him to decree in his final
deposition that his ashes be spread over the fairway so that
his spirit may lie at rest and witness the frustrations and
ineptitude of other players that the treachery of the hole had
previously beset upon himself.
His grieving widow duly arrived at the clubhouse with the
urn of ashes and detailed the purpose of her mission to the
secretary manager. The hole being a remote distance away
he settled her with a cup of tea, ordered a cart and delegated
himself to perform the mission on her behalf.
A short interval of time saw him return flustered and the
bearer of thwarted tidings. He explained to the widow that
he carried out her instructions to the letter; stood in the
centre of the fairway, unlidded and upturned the urn when
an uninvited gust of wind abruptly appeared and violently
blew her late husband OUT OF BOUNDS.
Jim Calman - Member # 42 | Kogarah Golf Club
Blue Mountains Golf Week 2010
Friends Day
After a very wet end to Golf Week 2009, it was with some
trepidation that 32 Kogarah group players headed to the
Blue Mountains Golf Week that was held from 21 to 26
March 2010. Fears on the weather front were unfounded to
say the least. 2010 Golf Week was picture perfect. The only
dampener on the week was that numbers were down - did
some fear a repeat of 2009? and of the 32 in the Kogarah
group, only 14 were current Kogarah members. Come on
members, redress the balance in 2011!
Thursday 18th March saw Kogarah’s first Visitor/Friends’
Day for 2010. We had over 135 ladies participate in what
was to be a very enjoyable day. The event of the day was
a Team Event (best 2 of 4 scores). The net winners, with
a score of 95, was N. Crilley (The Lakes), Leticia Ducasse,
Karen Morris and Cherie Doyle.
A number of events were played during the week, the
results of which were as follows:
Katoomba - Cliff Lewis Memorial won by Brian Pearson
and Don Smith - 45 points; Wentworth Falls - Ray Miners
Memorial won by Don Sheffield (Forster, many years at
Kogarah) and Moussa Rachid - 43 points; Lithgow - Bill
Brandon Memorial won by Peter Healion and Cliff Kennedy
(Bardwell Valley) - 45 points; Blackheath - Bernie Fuller
Memorial won by Harlie Axford (Murwillumbah) and Bruce
Alexander (Bardwell Valley) - 47 points; Leura - Alec Taylor
Memorial won by Peter Healion and Denis Balcombe (St
Michael’s) - 47 points; Springwood - won by Peter Healion
and Wilf Ewens - 45 points;
The day was an overall success, with visitors declaring they
had thoroughly enjoyed the golf, lunch and friendliness.
Thank you to Heath and the bar staff.
Scratch Winners: L - R – Wendy Coupe; Jenny Rodgers; Jo
Gannon; Rosemary Deards (Cronulla).
Frank Traynor Trophy won by Harlie Axford and Vic
Gwerder (both Murwillumbah) - 50 points at Blackheath;
and Jack Traynor Memorial Trophy won by Col Turville
- 172 points.
Peter Healion was the first player for fifteen years to win
three Kogarah two ball events in the week and it came as a
surprise to many that Col Turville’s consistency allowed him
to win the Jack Traynor Memorial Trophy without winning
the two ball on any day.
We look forward to being joined by more Kogarah members
at Golf Week 2011. It runs from 10 to 16 April.
Runners Up: L - R – L. Brunton (Concord), Barbara Hayden; Pat
Wrightson; D. Wilson (The Lakes).
Kograh Golf Club - Newsletter
Cooks Cove
Desalination Pipeline
The Board of Directors continues to be frustrated by the lack of
information and progress coming from the Administrators in regard
to the Cooks Cove Project. Everyone expected the project to be
difficult and even understood that the Administration process would
be involved but no one ever thought that so little could be achieved
in almost twenty months.
It is now 12 months since the last of the pipes was connected
and the pits and trenches filled in allowing the golf course to be
put back together. In the intervening period the reinstatement has
been completed and the holes brought fully back into play.
In April 2009 the development company Cook Cove Pty Ltd (CCPL)
went into voluntary administration ostensibly because of increasing
costs and the pressures of the Global Financial Crisis (GFC) on
the Banks. For the first six months the banks did what banks do
and did not tell the Club much. But then for around eight months
some substantial work was completed between the Club, Bank of
Scotland International (BOSI) and Laing O’Rourke (Construction
This work mostly focused on a precise definition of the scope of
works and amendments to the Open Space DA as required by
the Club. The Club took great confidence from this work and was
satisfied with that the necessary changes to the DA and scope of
works had been achieved and agreed.
Regrettably BOSI could not satisfy its parent bank that the deal
achieved what they required in recovering funds already invested
and the DA’s were not resubmitted to council and BOSI withdrew
from the project.
More latterly Westpac has been pursuing opportunities to continue
with the project along with meeting their obligations under a
performance guarantee provided to the NSW State Government
through the Cooks Cove Development Corporation (CCDC). These
obligations require Westpac to complete certain aspects of the
works such as the significant remediation of contamination on the
Barton Park site to the south of the Sewer line.
The Club is presently seeking assurances that works required by the
government will be completed in accordance with DA requirements
and in a timely fashion.
The Board is aware that this update does not provide Members
with the type of definitive information they would like to receive.
However, it is the best that is available at this time. The Club is
proverbially the tail wagging the dog at this time as contract
obligations at present are fairly limited to those between CCPL and
On the Course
The Superintendent has certainly had his hands full in recent
times with the massive intrusion of Desal Pipeline works, heat
and now buckets of rain. It’s no wonder he sympathises with
the nation’s farmers!
Robert and the staff have continued work at the course
attempting to present the best possible course each and every
week despite the vagaries of the weather and temperamental
seasons. In recent times some significant discoveries have
been made which will hopefully yield some very positive
outcomes for turf quality. Some will recall that a few years ago
the course was found to have an infestation of Ground Pearl, a
blight shared by many of the Sydney courses. More recently a
grass mite, a tiny, tiny little bug, which eats the grass roots has
also been discovered. Over recent years the combined effects
of these little pests has been catastrophic for course quality.
There remain some issues in respect of the play of the adjacent 8th
and 13th holes with tee shots crossing the rough line unsighted
by approaching players. The Match and Greens Committees have
reviewed this issue and decided that changes to the 8th hole are
required to mitigate the impacts of the mounded section.
It has been decided to fill the new 8th bunker in and to match
the area with the localised ground contours as well as making
the Cooks River a lateral hazard for the 8th hole only.
In time the committees may also consider a realignment of
the 13th tee to allow players more opportunity to play straight
down the fairway.
In the interim all players are asked to exercise extreme caution
if playing to the adjacent fairways.
To somewhat soften the inconvenience experienced by the
Members and Guests during construction the Club successfully
completed negotiations for compensation arising out of disruption
to ordinary business. The process was extremely complex and the
management team, aided by the Forensic Accounting team from
Lawler Partners and Freehills lawyers, secured a settlement of
$400,000 which included the costs of the additional professional
services. After costs the Club has received around $310,000.
A further round of negotiations in relation to the taking of the
easement for the pipeline has commenced but it may be a drawn
out exercise as the Minister
responsible is yet to approve the
compulsory acquisition of the
This process will again require
the input of professional valuation
services and the Freehills legal
Discovery however leads to treatment if not prevention and
an intensive program of spraying has broken the cycle and
dramatically reduced numbers which should translate into
greatly reduced instances of turf damage.
On a lucky front the course irrigation system has been the
subject of much work recently. The system is now fourteen
years old and of course some parts of the system have begun
to fail. Primary amongst these was the computer controller
itself, which was outdated when installed. A new SitePro
irrigation controller has been installed which provides far greater
functionality, improved control and remote communications
including by iPhone app. Recent storms have also caused
lightning damage to various components including “blowing”
one of three phases supplying power to the pumps.
The lucky part has been that the rain has taken much of the
pressure off the Superintendent in regard to watering.
As it is always nice to show off something new it is a
pleasure to advise that the old work horse JCB Backhoe has
been retired from service and replace by a pleasant green
John Deere Backhoe of a smaller, more maneuverable and
versatile machine. The JCB was acquired some years ago from
Hurstville Council for the princely sum of $18,000 (a bargain
then) and has worked tirelessly doing the heavy lifting around
the course. Over time however it became sadly worn out and
quite dangerous. Repairs were starting to cost significant
amounts and the decision to retire became easy. The new
machine pictured cost $56,000 net of GST. These items of
equipment do not come cheaply but are so vital to safe work
practices which in turn present the course each week.
Kogarah Golf Course Staff 2010: L - R: Robert Barnes
(Superintendent), Graham Roche, Haydn Skelton (Assistant
Superintendent), Scott Farrell, Brett Hayden, Tim Weyman, Phillip
Martin, Warren Gray, Peter Cooper. Absent: Brad Kheirallah.
Of particular benefit to the Club has been an extensive
survey of the course carried out by the staff of JBW
Surveyors. Club Member Wayne Diver-Tuck is a Director
of the company and having recently acquired new
equipment sent the team on a field trip to Kogarah Golf
Club to learn how to use it.
A copy of the survey is pinned to the notice board in the lounge
and it very accurately determines the positions of key course
fixtures such as: Permanent plates, sprinkler heads, drains,
tees, greens, dams etc. This information will eventually be
incorporated into the new SitePro irrigation controller allowing
the staff to identify and control individual sprinkler heads from
the computer.
The information was also of invaluable assistance during the
recent rating of the course conducted by GolfNSW. In the
words of the rating co-ordinator “I wish every club had this type
of information available, it makes the job so much easier!”
So on behalf of the Board, Members and staff our thanks
is extended to Wayne and the team at JBW Surveyors.
In coming months and when the rain stops a number projects
are expected to commence around the course. The most
significant of these is to raise and rectify drainage at the second
hole between the pond and the beginning of the fairway.
This area has been a problem for a long time and the works
proposed will go towards improving the all weather quality of
the course and assist to keep the golf carts on the course more
often. It is likely to be the case that some volunteers would be
welcome to drive tractor and trailer to help ferry the required fill
to the site. Don’t worry, the Superintendent will train you up. If
interested please let the General Manager know.
Kograh Golf Club - Newsletter
82nd Annual
General Meeting
The 82nd Annual General meeting of the Club was held on
Wednesday 29 July 2010 when historically the 59 brave souls
who came out in the rain unanimously approved the adoption
of a new Constitution.
The process of replacing the outdated Memorandum and
Articles of Association with a new Constitution began a
number of years ago when it became apparent that the
old document just did not stand up to the rigors of review.
The changing ways in which Members participate and new
legislation made it imperative that a new Constitution was
Through the efforts of many Members including: Ron Forster,
Wayne Ferguson, Ron Dawkins, Jeff Harris and Annette
Mulcahy who acted on sub-committee; various Directors over
the years; Les Lawrence, Athol Jenner, Ann McClintock, John
Vouris and Brian Pearson and Tony Rice as well as a number
of interested Members, a thorough and relevant Constitution
has been prepared to meet the needs of the day.
One should remember that this type of document will continue
to evolve as needs change and so annual review by the Board
will be required.
On behalf of all of the Members best wishes are extended to
the Board for a successful year ahead. The Board has a number
of matters to address this year including the continuation of
the Cooks Cove Project, resolution of easement compensation
for the Desal Pipeline and promoting membership retention
and growth being primary amongst them.
To address these issues and the many day to day functions of
the Club the following sub-committees have been formed:
Greg Penn (Treasurer), Phil Buckland, Stephen Law, Kevin
Herbert and Carolyn Patman (co-opted).
Brian Pearson (Captain), Craig Masters (Vice-Captain), Phil
Buckland, Stephen Law, Bob Jerome, Greg Penn, Kevin
Herbert, Ray Loveridge, Greg Harnwell and Mrs Jill Olynik
(Lady Captain, Co-opted).
Key features within the changes in the Constitution are:
Bob Jerome (Chairman), Phil Buckland, Brian Pearson and
Greg Harnwell.
Rationalisation of the categories of membership to
ensure that all categories are open and available to male
and female members.
• The document is gender neutral.
• Restriction on executive director terms to 5 consecutive
• Restriction on the Board borrowing in excess of
$500,000 without Member approval.
• Inclusion of all necessary legislative obligations
A full copy of the Constitution and By-laws
is available from the Club’s website at
In addition to approving the Constitution the Members also
elected a new Board of Directors for the year 2010-11.
Elected were
Phil Buckland
Vice President/Senior: Stephen Law
Vice President/Junior: Bob Jerome
Brian Pearson
Greg Penn
Kevin Herbert, Craig Masters,
R Loveridge and Greg Harnwell.
It is notable that Greg Penn has stepped into the Treasurer’s
role to replace John Skinner, who has stepped down due to
other commitments, and that Greg Harnwell joins the Board
for the first time this year.
Stephen Law (Chairman), Phil Buckland, Brian Pearson, Bob
Jerome and Greg Penn.
Kevin Herbert (Chairman), Phil Buckland, Craig Masters, Greg
Penn, Ray Loveridge and Mrs Marilyn Melhuish and Mrs
Wendy Coupe (Co-opted).
These committees spend much of their free time working for
the benefit of the Club and greatly appreciate your support
and feedback. Please make your thoughts and ideas known
to the committees, don’t save them up for the Annual General
Meeting. A good idea might be to send an email through to
the office at [email protected] or direct to
the General Manager at [email protected] and
your thoughts will be directed to the appropriate committee
for response or further discussion.
A good example for ideas is social functions. The House and
Social Committee are finding it ever more difficult to plan
social events for all age brackets of the Club. Aside from
the traditional Christmas/ Christmas in July and Presentation
nights not much else has generated sufficient interest to
proceed with. The Board would very much like to enhance
the social fabric of the Club but it needs your help.
The Board of Directors wishes all Members, their families
and guests to the Club a most Happy Christmas and Holiday
period. Be safe and play well.
In Search of Distance
The new member had recently resigned from the Royal
Athletic Club where he had been weight lifting champion in
successive years. His new quest was to win the long driving
contest held annually just prior to the Club Championship.
His body was proportioned in the Mr Olympic mould, and
in a see-through shirt his muscles imaged the sight of
a condom stuffed full of walnuts, his lower body was a
duplicate of the former.
The Pro was quick to alert him to the latest golfing
technology. The flavour of the month was the newly
released miracle Driver. It was the Power Clout, wide
body launcher, made of a mixture of plutonium, titanium
and space age materials. Its face was designed to create a
trampoline effect with an enlarged sweet spot. It had a builtin vertical axis to provide the ultimate gravity defying launch
angle. Its head was the size of an astronaut’s helmet and its
impact sound resembled an errant musical chord in distress.
The shaft was of the latest processed carbon fibre with an
anti-torque, self adjusting, built-in kick point, ultra light and
longer than standard to promote a wider arc. The driver was
on special that week for $1050, complete with head cover.
The Pro also drew his attention to the new revolutionary
maximum bite distance ball with an experimentally moulded
core, four piece construction and a laboratory proven,
variegated, anti-curve dimple pattern on a cover of synthetic
balata. It was selling at $9 and used exclusively by the
professionals on the American PGA Tour.
A Cabretta glove and a pair of foot joy classics completed his
Fully equipped his trips to the practice tee were numerous
and destructive; much to the chagrin of the greenkeeper.
The repair work was not a matter of replacing the turf but
returfing the place. From such practice he fabricated a swing
that was not really meant for golf. It might be classified as
rural because of the area it covered. Its chopping action
was more suited to a woodsman, wielding an axe in the
gathering of lumber.
His swing motion reminded one of the distortion and torture
an octopus would endure trying to maintain balance when
falling out of a tree. Sadly when it was time to create his
five minutes of fame, it became five minutes of shame.
For with a jerked handsied pickup and an outside shoulder
lunge the extreme upper face of the club met the extreme
lower face of the ball, causing it to spiral almost vertically
and gyrate in the pattern of an erratic sky writer and it fell
abruptly to earth as would a wounded bird in a headwind.
His second and third attempts were equally less impressive.
Disgusted and embarrassed his attention was drawn to
the teeing area. Addressing the ball was a Super Senior
Club Member who had been Club Champion with a scratch
handicap during the virility of yesteryear and now playing
his age was a mere formality. With a fundamentally correct
grip, stance, posture and alignment his set up led him into
a full balanced pivot. The power created was transmitted
through the arms and hands to the club head, which in
turn met the back of the ball launching it into orbit in the
desired elevation and direction. Its forward momentum
continued until the pull of gravity finally returned it to the
playing surface and then with a drawn curvature continued
its journey until it came to rest a further 20 yards from its
starting point.
Helping the old timer into his cart and assisting with his
medication he inquired of the equipment he was using.
Waiting for his wheezing to abate he said I’m not particularly
fussed about the ball as long as it’s round and white. At the
moment I’m using an elastic wound Spalding repaint. As
for my driver, I acquired it in the first half of the last century,
just after steel shafts were introduced. The list price was
27 Shillings, 6 pence. Of course the maker’s name and
loft & lie details are well worn but I do know the head was
oil hardened and handcrafted from a block of wood called
NB: You ain’t got a thing if you ain’t got the swing
Jim Calman - Member # 42 | Kogarah Golf Club
weeks’ score. (The first week was an absolute shocker –
gale force winds, and then more wind - most of us came in
with very average scores).
The Dullow Dilema
You may ask, what is a ‘dullow dilema’? Let me tell you,
we associates at KGC don’t know whether it was the hole
in one, the winning of the prestigious Gold Medal, or the
Grandmothers Trophy - all on the one day - that we have to
talk about. That is a dilemma in itself.
Let me give you a few short details. It was Gold Medal time
last year when the Ladies ventured out onto the course
to play the 2nd round , all striving to improve on their first
Then the following week, the day being the second round of
the Gold Medal, and also being the ‘Grandmothers Trophy’
(a day that is been dedicated to Sandra Pallister, one of our
dearly loved members who passed away a year ago). Not
only did Judy Dullow (pictured) have a HOLE IN ONE the 5th
, she won the Grandmothers Trophy and just to finish things
off, she blitzed the field to take out the Gold Medal – with
scores of 86 first round, and 70 second round, totaling 156
Well done Jude, her comments were, “well, this may be
the last time this may ever happen” (this comment, as most
of the girls know, has been said on numerous occasions by
Congratulations Judy, a very, very, great day.
Kograh Golf Club - Newsletter
The Good Sam
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Hi my name is Lo
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ateful that the
We are both gr
retta Hundy
Kind regards, Lo
2010 AUTUMN MEETING 3 - 4 May 2010
36 Holes Scratch - 18 Holes Each Day
36 Holes Nett - 18 Holes Each Day
Royal Canberra: Murrumbidgee: Par 73 Par 73 AWCR 75
Winner 36 Holes Nett
Morrison, Kaye Kogarah 90 91 181 22 68 69 137
Kograh Golf Club - Newsletter
Competitions Report
As a year has passed between newsletter
updates it is worthwhile to recap the events
and winners.
The inaugural AE Rice Cup was played
in November 2009 and the Winner
was Don Tinworth with a net 65,
whilst Basil Mourtos with a stunning
net 62 claimed the 2010 event.
Husband and Wife Trophy 2009 –
John and Marie Ticehurst
Husband and Wife Trophy 2010 –
Greg and Rae Penn
Sanderson Hutchinson Trophy 2009 –
Ernie Fernandez and Don McGregor
Sanderson Hutchinson Trophy 2010 Bob Linke and Terry Linke
Summer Cup 2009 – John Swainston
Summer Cup 2010 –
Kogarah Cup 2009 – Terry Small
defeated Darryn Horton in an 18 Hole
Kogarah Cup 2010 –
Medal of Medals 2010 – Sam
Junior Champion 2010 – Mitchell
Left Handed Champion 2010 – Adam
Father & Son Champions – Danny &
Thomas McCarthy
Grandfather & Grandson – Bill Bates &
Mitchell Gannon
J D Ryan Trophy – George Emerson &
Willem Van Vuuren
Cock o’ the Walk – Gordon Millar &
Tony Ridley def Andrew Dawes &
Michael King
WA McMillan Trophy – G Moloney &
Buddy Nagi
Patrons’ Trophy – Trevor Ratcliffe &
Danny Petkoski
Harry Tankard Shield – Peter Eichhorn
Foursomes Championship
• Champions – Terry Small and
Steve Puskaric
• Runners Up – Bill Hurworth
and Alan Patience
B Grade Champions – Jim
Goodwin and Kevin Burt in a
play off
Runners Up – Graeme Dwyer
and Tony Hogan
C Grade Champions – Nick
Socratous and Damian Hand
Runners Up – Sam Karatasas
and Paul Bull
J S Binns Founders Cup – Jim
Mixed Foursomes Championship
• Champions – Andrew House
and Cherie Doyle
• Runners Up – Steve Puskaric
and W coupe
Div II Champions – Craig
Costello and Robyn White
Runners Up – Stephen Law
and Barbara Hayden
Div III – Roy Langham and
Maree Langham
• Runners Up – Jim McBarron
and Heather Carter
• DD Cross – Colin Ross def Andrew
House 5/4
• Club Championships
• Club Champion – Trevor
• Runner Up – Mite
• Senior Club Champion – Trevor
• Runner up – Terry Small
• B Grade Champion – Geoff
• Runner Up – Bernard Davis
• Senior B Grade Champion –
Geoff Barnes
• Runner Up Senior B Grade
Champion – Vern Padagas
• C Grade Champion – Neil Feyn
• Runner Up – Phillip Wilson
• Senior C Grade Champion –
Neil Feyn
• Runner up Senior C Grade
Champion – Phillip Wilson
• AIF Trophy – Brian Pearson
The standard of the play throughout the
year has again been high and the spirit as
competitive as ever.
Changes to the Handicap System this year
has caused an upheaval in the grades and
a staggering run of very high individual
scores. Such has been the impacts that the
Board resolved a reallocation of grades to
make more even the number of players in
each grade.
Golf Australia has recognized that there
are some problems with the new system
and have now deferred the introduction of
further elements of the USGA Handicap
Notwithstanding the handicap issues,
some great excitement as been witnessed
including a double occurrence of an eagle
in foursomes play by Finn O’Donoghue and
Cameron Miller and then Greg Harnwell and
James Hawkes in the same group.
Ultimately the Abbott & Costello of
Kogarah Golf Club, Terry Small and Steve
Puskaric overcame first round leaders Mite
Domazetovski and Andrew House to claim
the title and the gold letters.
In the B Grade thing were even more hotly
contested as a playoff over eighteen holes
was required to split the pairs Jim Goodwin
and Kevin Burt and Tony Hogan and Graeme
Dwyer. Jim and Kevin shot a very A Grade
display with a marvelous 80 off the stick. One
missed tee shot at the 11th resulted in a double
bogey the only real blemish on the card.
Things were much clearer cut in the C Grade
where Damian Hand and Nick Socratous
returned B Grade type scores to street the
C Grade field by 11 strokes.
Perhaps nowhere better was the effects
of the changes to the handicap system
felt than in the Mixed Foursomes. The
increased handicaps shifted the majority of
pairs to Division III leaving Division II to be
contested by only three pairs.
The Championship group was a tightly
contested affair with four groups scoring
opening rounds of 85 and less. Front runners
Darryn Horton and Jill Olynik struggled
in round two with Darryn playing with an
injury. Andrew House and Cherie Doyle held
steady with rounds of 84 and 86 to win by a
stroke to Steve Puskaric and Wendy Coupe.
Congratulations Andrew and Cherie on win
as first time partners.
Division II was won by another first time
pairing Craig Costello and Robin White. Craig
was the standout low marker in the division
and having exercised a certain amount of
discretion partnering the straight talking red
head Robin a victory by four strokes was
Division III represented the majority of the
field with sixteen pairs and the majority of
the husband and wife teams. They say that
the cream rises to the top and with two sub
100 rounds and a final round which would
have satisfied a Division II pairing Roy and
Maree Langham held firm against a fast
finishing Jim McBarron and Heather Carter.
This event is one of the feature events in
the calendar and greatly enjoyed by all
who participate. Affectionately known as
the “Mixed Gruesomes” it is something
that everyone should try at least once. If
interested in next year’s event contact the
office in advance and some match making
can be attempted.
This year’s Handicap Match Play events
provided great contests but perhaps also so
some concern as a number of matches in the
Cock o’ the Walk saw teams represented by
only one player. Whilst this is perfectly legal
under the Rules of Golf it is not in the spirit
of the event. All players are asked to be
mindful of their availability when qualifying.
The final saw Tony Ridley and Gordon Millar
def Andrew Dawes (Michael King absent)
The DD Cross did not escape without
late withdrawal despite the efforts of the
Match Committee to ensure a full draw.
Notwithstanding two walk over victories
the matches were very keenly played and
greatly enjoyed by a number of Members
who were new to Match Play. The form
player in the preliminary rounds must
certainly have been John Woodward who
accounted for his good mate Barry Morris,
then former Club Champion Peter Cooper
and the wily Mike Duggan. His run ended
at the hands of a resurgent Col Ross who
went on to defeat Andrew House 5/4 in the