introduction - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
introduction - Faculty of Mechanical Engineering
PHILOSOPHY Thermodynamics is a funny subject The first time you go through it, you don’t understand it at all The second time you go through it, you think you understand it, except for one or two small points The third time you go through it, you know you don’t understand, but by that time you’re so used to it, it doesn’t bother you any more By Arnold Sommerfield DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 BAB 1 : DEFINISI DAN KONSEP ASAS INTRODUCTION The Word `THERMODYNAMICS’ comes from the combination of two Greek words THERME Hot/Heat + DYNAMIS Motion/Work THERMODYNAMICS • the branch of physics concerned with the conversion of different forms of energy or • the study of the conversion of energy into work and heat and its relation to macroscopic variables such as temperature and pressure DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 1 MY BUSSINESS CARD MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN B.Eng. (Mech), UTM, MSc Building Services Engineering, (Heriot-Watt, UK) LECTURER/AUTOCAD INSTRUCTOR Office: C25-325 Faculty of Mechanical Engineering Universiti Teknologi Malaysia 81310 Skudai Johor, Malaysia Tel: 07-5534738 (office) H/P : 019-7255525 Email : [email protected] Telefax: 07-5566159 Telex : MA 60205 Cable : UTEKMA DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 COURSE INFO COURSE : THERMODYNAMICS 1 COURSE CODE : SME 1413 NO. OF CREDITS : 3 NO OF MEETING HOURS : 42 hrs PRE-REQUISITE : NONE PRE-REQUISITE TO : SME 2423, SME 4912, SME 4924 PASSING MARK : 50/100 MINIMUM ATTENDANCE : 34 hrs (80%) Student with an attendance less than 80% (36 hrs) (without specific reason) will be banned from taking final exam DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 2 COURSE LEARNING OUTCOME At the end of the course, students should be able to:: explain the basic concepts of thermodynamics such as system, state, state postulate, equilibrium, process and cycle explain the concept of energy and forms of energy transfer such as work and heat describe the state and phase change process of pure substances on property diagrams based on the property tables, state equations and charts analyze closed systems involving heat and work interactions for pure substances and ideal gases using the 1st law of Thermodynamics analyze common steady flow devices and uniform flow processes using the principles of mass conservation and the 1st law of thermodynamics analyze performance of reversible and actual heat engines, refrigerator and heat pump cycles based on the first law and Carnot principles analyze the entropy changes during thermodynamic processes determine isentropic efficiencies of various steady-flow devices DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 COURSE CONTENTS • Intoduction & Basic Concepts (3 hrs) Units, Pressure, Temperature, Systems, Surroundings, Boundary, Properties, Cycle, Equilibrium, Property Diagram, State Postulate • Properties of Pure Substance (9 hrs) Phase change Processes of Pure Substance, Pressure-VolumeTemperature Relationships, Property Tables, Ideal Gas Equation of State, Property Diagram for Ideal Gases, Compressibility factor, Principle of Corresponding States, Other Equations of State. • Energy, Heat and Work (3 hrs) Kinetic, Potential & Internal Energy, Heat Transfer, Boundary work, Shaft Work, Spring Work, Electrical Work, Enthalpy, Specific Heats of Ideal Gases • First Law of Thermodynamics for Closed System (3 hrs) Conservation of Energy for Closed System, Heat Transfer for Closed System DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 3 COURSE CONTENTS • First Law of Thermodynamics for Open System (9 hrs) Flow Work, Conservation of Mass and Energy for Open Systems, General Conservation Energy Equations, Unsteady (Transient) Flow Process, Steady State Energy Equations, Applications of Steady State Equations : Turbines, Pumps, Nozzle, Diffusers, Throttling Valve, Mixing Chambers, Heat Exchanger. • Second Law of Thermodynamics (6 hrs) Heat Reservoirs, Heat Engines, Reversible and Irreversible Processes, Efficiency, Kelvin-Planck Statement, Reversed Heat Engines, Coefficient of Performance, Clausius Statement, Carnot Principles, Kelvin Temperature Scale, Max Performance of Heat Engine & Reversed Heat Engines, Carnot and Reversed Carnot Cycles • Entropy (9 hrs) Clausius Inequality, Definition of Entropy, Entropy change of Pure Substances, TdS Relations, Isentropic Processes, Increase of Entropy Principle, Entropy Generation of Closed System, Entropy Generation of Open, Isentropic Efficiency. DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT BIRTH OF THERMODYNAMICS AS A MODERN SCIENCE At its origins, thermodynamics known as the study of engines In 1650 Otto Von Guericke built and designed the world's first vacuum pump and created the world's first ever vacuum known as the Magdeburg Hemispheres Shortly thereafter, Irish physicist and chemist Robert Boyle with English scientist Robert Hooke had built an air pump. They noticed the pressure-volume correlation: PV=constant In 1697, an engineer Thomas Savery built the world first engine. Although these early engines were crude and inefficient, they attracted the attention of the leading scientists of the time Scientist, Sadi Carnot, the “father of thermodynamics”, in 1824 published “Reflections on the Motive Power of Fire”, a discourse on heat, power, and engine efficiency. This marks the start of thermodynamics as a modern science NEXT DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 4 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT BIRTH OF THERMODYNAMICS AS A MODERN SCIENCE The 1698 Savery Engine - the world's first engine built by Thomas Severy based on the designs of Denis Papin BACK DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT BIRTH OF THERMODYNAMICS AS A MODERN SCIENCE In the years to follow, more variations of steam engines were built, such as the Newcomen, and later the Watt Engine In 1849, the British mathematician and physicist William Thomson (Lord Kelvin) coined the term thermodynamics in a paper on the efficiency of steam engines. In 1850, the famed mathematical physicist Rudolf Clausius originated and defined the term enthalpy H to be the total heat content of the system, stemming from the Greek word enthalpein meaning to warm, and defined the term entropy S to be the heat lost or turned into waste, stemming from the Greek word entrepein meaning to turn. First Thermodynamics book was published in 1859 by Prof. W.Rankine, Glasgow University NEXT DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 5 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT BIRTH OF THERMODYNAMICS AS A MODERN SCIENCE A Watt steam engine, that propelled the Industrial Revolution in Britain and the world BACK DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT APPLICATIONS OF THERMODYNAMICS PRINCIPLE Refrigerator Car Engine Jet Engine Power Plant DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 6 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT THERMODYNAMICS SYSTEM Definition : A quantity of matter or a region in space chosen for study Closed System System Energy Boundary Energy Fixed mass (mass cannot cross the boundary) Example Gas in cylinder Air in a balloon Open System System Mass enters System Surrounding Energy Mass exits Mass can cross the boundary Example House hold water tank Water pump Air Compressor Car Engine DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT THERMODYNAMICS SYSTEM DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 7 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT THERMODYNAMICS PROPERTIES ion Definit Type 1 Ty pe 11 te g Ca Measurable m, V, T, p Specific Properties 1 11 ry go te a C Type 111 PROPERTIES or y Characteristic of System Not depending on system history Extensive Properties Extensive properties perunit mass υ = V/m m3/kg Intensive Properties Immeasurable U, H, S, ρ Depend on system size and can be mixed, m, V, U 1 kg + 2 kg = 3 kg Define using mathematical equation based on measurable properties The State Postulate The state of simple system is completely specified by two independent, intensive properties Independent of system size and cannot be mixed T, p, ρ 50 oC + 70 oC ≠ 120 oC DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT THERMODYNAMICS PROCESS DEFINITION Any change that a system undergoes from one equilibrium state to another state is called PROCESS During a process, properties maybe change or constant A series of states through which a system passes during a process is called PATH CONSTANT PROPERTIES PROCESS p A name given to any process according to any properties that is constant during a process Isothermal (T-Constant) Isobar (p-Constant) Isometric (V-Constant) Isentropic (S-Constant) Isenthalpic (H-Constant) Final State p2 2 Direction Process Path Initial State p1 1 v2 v1 v QUASI-STATIC PROCESS A sufficiently slow process that allows the system to adjust itself internally so that properties do not change any faster than those other parts of system DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 8 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT QUASI-STATIC PROCESS DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT THERMODYNAMICS CYCLE A system is said to have undergone a cycle if it returns to its initial state at the end of the process after going through a series of processes. The initial and final states are identical. P R o p 4 3 I 2 1 Prop II The total of property change = 0 Example Total pressure change = (p1-p2) + (p3-p2) + (p4-p3) + (p1-p4) =0 DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 9 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT DIMENSIONS AND UNITS UNITS Primary Dimensions & Units SI kg m sec K Imperial Ibm ft sec R Force F = mass x acceleration = ma 1 N = 1 kgm/s2 1 Ibf = 32.174 Ibm.ka/s2 Standard Prefix Prefix Syimbol Tera Giga Mega Kilo Hekto Deka Deci Centi Mili Mikro Nano Pico T G M k H da d c m µ n p Multiple 1012 109 106 103 102 101 10-1 10-2 10-3 10-6 10-9 10-12 Example 1 TW =102 TW 1 Gpa = 109 pa 1 MW = 106 W 1 kN = 103 N 1 HI = 102 I 1 daA = 101 A 1 dl = 10-1 l 1 cm = 10-2 m 1 mm = 10-3 m 1 µm = 10-6 m 1 nm = 10-9 m 1 pF = 10-12 F WORK W = Force x Distance = F x l (Nm) 1 Nm = 1 Joule WEIGHT (Gravity Force) w = mg (N) DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT PRESSURE DEFINITION Pressure, p = Force acting to a rod Normal Force Area = F normal A Force exerted by Fluid Force, F Area, A Force, F Fluid Area, A UNIT Rod N/m2 Pa kPa Bar MPa 1 kPa = 103 N/m2 1 Bar = 105 N/m2 1 MPa = 106 N/m2 DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 10 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT TYPES OF PRESSURE PRESSURE Gage Pressure psistem > patm pabs = pgage + patm Vacuum Pressure psystem < patm pabs = patm - pvac Absolute, Gage and Vacuum Pressure Relations Pressure above Atmospheric Pressure pgage Pressure Measurement Using Manometer Atmospheric Pressure pvac pabs patm pabs Manometric Liquid Gas at Pressure p Pressure below Atmospheric Pressure h P =ρgh + patm Absolute Vacuum DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT PRESSURE MEASURMENT Bourdon Gage To measure pressure in closed container Atmospheric Pressure Measurement h Simple Barometer Mercury p = ρgh Analog Barometer Digital Barometer DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 11 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT TEMPERATURE Comparison of Various Temp Scales Definition oC 65 80oC 90oC Thermal Equilibrium HeatHeat TEMP SCALE CELCIUS FAHRENHEIT KELVIN RANKINE 70oC 70oC oF R 373.15 212.00 671.67 0.01 273.16 32.02 419.69 A physical properties used to indicate the thermal equilibrium of a system 50oC 65 K 100.00 Water Boiling Point Water Three phase point 70oC Zeroth Law of Thermodinamics Formulated by R.H. Fowler (1931) -273.15 Inventor Freezing A.Celcius 0 oC G.Fahrenheit 32 oF Lord Kelvin 273 K WJM Rankine 420 R Boiling 100 oC 212 oF 373 K 672 R 0 -459.67 0 Abbsolute Zero • T(oC) = T(K) - 273 • T(R) = 1.8T(K) • T(oF) = T(R) - 460 • T(oF) = 1.8T(oC) + 32 DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 CHAPTER 1 : DEFINITION AND BASIC CONCEPT PROBLEM SOLVING TECHNIQUE State the problem, the key information given and the quantities to be found Sketch the physical system involved and list the relevant information on the sketch, indicate any energy and mass interactions with the surroundings. Listing the given information and check for properties that remain constant during a process indicate them on the sketch. State any appropriate assumptions and approximations made to simplify the problem to make it possible to obtain a solution Apply all the relevant basic physical law and principles and reduce them to their simplest form by utilizing the assumptions made Determine the unknown properties at known states necessary to solve the problem from property relations or tables Substitute the known quantities into the simplified relations and perform the calculations to determine the unknowns. Pay particular attention to the units and round the results to an appropriate number of significant digits. Check to make sure the results obtained are reasonable and intuitive. DESIGNED AND PREPARED BY : MOHD KAMAL ARIFFIN/2003 12