Lady Gaga - Psychic Light
Lady Gaga - Psychic Light
FREE SPIRIT The Magazine of Psychic Light April 2015 Features Zodiac Fashion Easter Chocolate Wedding Colours Numerology - Life Path 3 PLUS Reader Profiles & April Horoscopes Lady Gaga The fearless Arian who craves adventure discover your destiny and set your spirit free Image - JStone / Readers 4 10 9 Wedding Colours by Paula Reader Paula looks into the meanings of colours and what they represent at a wedding. Reader Profile - Lotus Lotus has nurtured her gift from a young age through study to now providing insights to the many. Features 3 Book Review - I Heart Me Could ‘I Heart Me’ The Science of Self-Love by David R.Hamilton PhD be the book you’ve been waiting for? 6 Zodiac Inspired Fashion We take a peak at Matthew Williamson zodiac inspired fashion collection. 9 Lady Gaga Do the Arian traits run true for the confident and no-nonsense Lady Gaga? 11 A Very Chocolatey Easter Just how did Easter turn into a chocolate eating festival? We open the box and unwrap the foil to find out. 8 12 Regulars 7 8 12 2 | FREE SPIRIT Editor’s Letter Well first and foremost everyone at Psychic Light wishes you a Happy Easter; we take a look at how the chocolate Easter egg was made possible. Wedding Season is upon us; anyone who is planning a big event be it a wedding or otherwise should check out Paula’s article on colours - you might be surprised by the meanings of what you select! Image - JStone / Numerology -- Life Path 3 - The Entertainer Creative, expressive, and witty those with the Life Path 3 can count themselves as ‘the entertainer.’ Star Sign - Aries In Greek mythology, Aries was the name given to the ram owned by Phrixos. The ram safely carried Phrixos over the Hellespoint on its back. Horoscopes Even charity and generosity in general should be more in evidence! Photo: Mitchell Sams Contents 6 Book Review Staying with the theme of fashion and colours, we take a look at designer Matthew Williamson’s collection that was inspired by the zodiac. Continuing with celebrities we explore what it means for Lady Gaga (cover star) as an Aries - do your traits match hers? If you were born as a Life Path 3, then you are known as the Entertainer! They are witty, expressive and creative - does that ring true for you? We introduce new reader Lotus this month; she specialises in love and relationships and supporting people through the ‘rough spots’. If love is on your mind you might be interested in our book review: I Heart Me: The Science of Self-Love. It is a great self-help book for the sceptics among us who need a more science based approach to love and life. Charlotte I think it is fair to say that you have to have a fair bit of faith when reading most self-help books. The knowledge imparted in the book may not be based on science - or the physical, things that you can know for sure, can touch, see, sense…Much like psychic readings, you have to have faith in the process, you believe in what you cannot see or rationally explain. But the book ‘I Heart Me’ by Dr David Hamilton is slightly different, and I think offers a great self-help style book for those more sceptical among us. David’s PhD may not be in the area you are imagining, he actually got a degree in chemistry, specialising in biological and medicinal chemistry. For a while after qualifying he developed drugs for cancer and cardiovascular disease. His first foray in to writing as you might expect was in the field of chemistry, but now he is a bestselling author, having published seven books with Hay House that fuse the mind, spiritual wisdom and science together! His latest book looks at ‘self-love’, it is easy to dismiss the book as another look at an already ‘done’ concept. Many movies, TV shows, talk shows will be grounded in the moral story that we must love ourselves first before we can open ourselves up to others etc. Image - Hay House UK Psychic Light Ltd. PO Box 435, Sittingbourne, Kent ME9 0WB. Customer Care Line: 0113 3847008. Email: [email protected] But David spent a year looking at the science behind the concept of self-love, to understand the myriad of ways that he was sabotaging himself. His research had him looking at brain chemistry, personal development methods, psychotherapeutic practises and neuroscience. With himself as a guinea pig, he understood that although self-love is built in to our genealogy, it is as much about biology as psychology and as such can be trained out of us. Our thought processes are conditioned to seek approval from others, often we will go to the extent of changing ourselves in order to win that approval and love. The book provides you with twenty-seven exercises that enable you to reprogram your brain, so that you will stop these behaviours. If you put the effort in, you will be more in touch with yourself and your needs and desires, have a higher self-worth, you will feel more authentic as a person and in what you have to offer others. Your connections with loved ones, friends, colleagues and so on will improve and you will have stronger relationships built on real connections, all of which will increase your general feeling of wellbeing and happiness. FREE SPIRIT | 3 Wedding Colours would have to be impulsive but also has to accept that you need your independence and that you have your own mind. You can be very strong-willed however your warmth and cheerfulness win people over. Pink By Reader pAula PIN: 5454 When we decide to get married or make a commitment to the person you love it is important to pick the right colour co-ordination for your theme; but just what are the meanings behind what the colours represent – here are a few interpretations for your perusal: White Peace, comfort, purity and innocence - choosing this colour shows that your perception of getting married should be one of order and simplicity. It shows that you are an independent person and want to be treated equal to your partner, and that you know in your own mind what you want and in what order things have to be done. Ivory This colour depicts a person who is very genuine and honest. This also shows that you are a person who is gentle and loving and needs to have the same from your chosen partner. People coming to your wedding can see that you are classy and organised. At the same time as being traditional, practical and down to earth. You would be a person of morals and would expect others to be the same, once married - you are married for life. Red Well what a fantastic colour, especially if you want to make a statement and show people that you mean business and that you know what you want! This colour shows that you are confident and that you need like-minded people around you. Your partner would have to show you that they are enthusiastic about you and that you are their one and only no matter what. This also shows that you are a person that likes to take charge and control and would oversee any projects that you do. Orange What a motivational colour - this person would show warmth, happiness and are definitely friendly, almost to the point of being very motherly. This colour at a wedding would show that the bride is adventurous, competitive and a bit of a party animal but would also show that they need and like the more expensive things in life and this would show in their lifestyle. Yellow If you pick this colour for your flowers/bridesmaids dresses - then this shows you are a person of good communication, creative and practical but also showing that you are entering into a new life as yellow symbolises newness. Your partner 4 | FREE SPIRIT This is a colour that represents a loving and sensitive woman/man that is very approachable and friendly – everyone’s friend and confidant whose warmth and sensitivity lures people to them. There can be a girly and immature element to pink, but overall the colour is positive, those that love pink can be very inspiring to others. The groom will have to have unconditional love and show appreciation at all times, this person needs to see love not just feel it. Green Well everybody knows that green represents calm and peacefulness; well that is just what you need when you are planning a wedding. The person who has picked this colour would be grounded, nurturing and compassionate, although there is an element of anxiousness, needing things to be perfect. If this person entwines with someone who is bothered by the finer details they would get bored easily because it is the bigger things that they like to deal with. Blue This colour shows that this person loves anything to do with relaxing, they are not lazy but like time out to think and become in tune with Mother Nature and the atmospherics of their surroundings. They do not like confrontation at all and would prefer a marriage of peace and harmony. They are very reliable and trustworthy and do tend to trust very easily however they can end up getting hurt because of their trusting nature. Purple It goes without saying that purple is a very spiritual colour and a lot of mediums and spiritual people tend to use this colour. If you are getting married and choose this colour it is saying that you are a free spirit and sensitive to those around you. You are gentle and yet mysterious, your artistic nature will spill over to fantasy. However, you have to be careful what other colours you link with this as this can cause a depressive mood i.e. pink or green, this can change the dynamics of the colour, but putting white with it can make this soft and gentle. Black This colour alone shows mystery and a depth, this person needs to take and be in control of themselves and others no matter what the situation. This wedding would be very methodical and planned to a high standard. This colour also represents protection, success and affluence. Bringing together another colour with black can show that you are not too serious about life and that sometimes you can let go. I hope that you have enjoyed reading this and perhaps it will make you think when you are planning a wedding or any other type of event colour is important, and possibly your choices mean more than you think! Love and light, Paula FREE SPIRIT | 5 Numerology Life Path 3 – The Entertainer Zodiac Inspired Fashion ___ Creative, expressive, and witty those with the Life Path 3 can count themselves as ‘the entertainer.’ Does your birthday add up to a 3? For example: October 26th, 1947 10, 26, 1947 10+26+1947= 1983 1+9+8+3= 21 2+1= 3 In this case, you would have the Life Path number of: 3 Characteristics Entertainers possess a great talent for self-expression and creativity. Their main goal in life is to entertain people and make them happy, and they tend to use their sharp mind and vivid imagination to get attention from others. Entertainers are optimistic and joyful and are always able to see the positive side of everything. They are sociable and generous which makes them popular people to be around. They are great listeners and are very conscious of other people’s feelings and emotions. A t London Fashion Week designer Matthew Williamson unveiled an Autumn/Winter 15 collection inspired by the twelve signs of the zodiac. Matthew allowed the mystical properties and the symbolism of the astrological system of star signs to influence the design process for his latest body of work. Astronomy has influenced everything from the print, colours, embroidery and the shapes to inspire a beautiful and luxurious set of designs. The unique shape of Pisces can be seen in the curve of a draped dress, whilst the rich colours of the clothes have been heavily influenced by the jewels of birthstones, from garnet to jade to sapphire and amethyst. Birth flowers can be seen along with zodiac creatures in the folk prints. Horoscope symbols provide a narrative throughout the whole collection, the mystical elements of the etched prints and thread work take on an eighteenth century costume vibe. 6 | FREE SPIRIT The danger for this number means that the highs and lows of a life filled with drama eventually takes its toll and the entertainer can have trouble maintaining emotional balance and stability. They also have a hard time taking responsibilities seriously, and this can result in poor money management. Those with a Life Path of 3 can sometimes find they lack direction in their life, and procrastinate. Relationships 3’s love connecting with other people and will be an ardent and loyal lover. When relationships go well, then they are like fairy tales on display for the world, however, if a relationship fails, it can leave deep emotional scars. Those with the number 3 Life Path tend to be positive and upbeat, and this attracts others of similar personality. People with a 3 Life Path can find happiness with Life Paths 5 or 7. Career Entertainers often find success in high profile careers that spotlight their exuberant personalities and creative talents. All entertainers have a need to express themselves in some way, be it through music, song, dance, drama, or creative writing. This could be why so many 3’s are found in the arts, working as writers, filmmakers, journalists or broadcasters. 3’s will enjoy careers where the days are unconventional. Inquisitive and intelligent, 3’s can find job satisfaction in ‘exact’ sciences such as psychology, biology, or pharmaceuticals. Matthew as always had is eye on who would wear the outfits: ‘The aesthetic embodies the bohemian Brit girl.’ Famous ‘3’s’ Williamson’s designs may be out of reach to many of us, but often successful catwalk themes filter down to the high street, so come Autumn 15 it is likely we could all be wearing zodiac inspired clothes! • • • Photo: Mitchell Sams Their talent for expressive arts is so abundant that many famous 3’s were drawn to becoming an artist while still very young. You may notice that many famous 3’s are witty, possess a gift for the gab, and savour the limelight: Celine Dion - March 30, 1968 David Bowie - January 8, 1947 Rihanna - February 20, 1988 • • • Alfred Hitchcock - August 13, 1899 Christina Aguilera - December 18, 1980 Charles Dickens - February 7, 1812 FREE SPIRIT | 7 Aries The star sign of Aries is controlled by the assertive Mars, the God of War in Greek Mythology. Similar to all the other star signs, there are many different myths and stories involving the origin of Aries. In Greek mythology, Aries was the name given to the ram owned by Phrixos. The ram safely carried Phrixos over the Hellespoint on its back. To show his ‘thanks’ he killed and skinned the ram, hanging its skin in the Grove of Ares, where its fleece turned gold. The rams Golden Fleece is thought to have been anxiously sought after by Jason and the Argonauts. When Jason acquired the fleece, Zeus placed the Ram in the sky, dedicating it to him. The Golden Fleece has been attributed to enlightenment and knowledge. Those born between March 21st and April 20th are born under the first sign of the zodiac, Aries. This month we will be taking an in-depth look at the star sign, discussing its history and mythology as well as the unique traits of an Arian. Basic Facts: Traits Your element: Symbol: Your ruling planet: Your stone: Fire The Ram Mars Amethyst/Diamond As the first sign of the Zodiac, unsurprisingly Arians are natural born leaders. Just like the symbol for Aries, they can literally ‘ram’ their way through life through sheer energy and assurance. Arians take initiative and are fearless, with a thirst to explore the unknown in life. They crave adventure and are often found travelling and exploring the world. Arians are lively and energetic, and have no problem making decisions by themselves. People often admire their independence, confidence and their no nonsense attitude to achieving their goals. However, sometimes Arians self-assurance can be seen by others as over assertive or even self-centred. Arians can often make mistakes through their impatient desire to succeed. Hasty and impulsive decisions can sometimes be rewarding but Arians can often benefit from learning to focus and think things through properly. Arians don’t get along with lazy people as they find they can stand in the way of their proactive attitude. 8 | FREE SPIRIT Lady Gaga History and Mythology Famous Arians Unsurprisingly, some of the most influential, charismatic and powerful celebrities have been born under the sign of Aries. Vincent Van Gogh and Elton John demonstrate the creative and inspired side of the Aries sign, while Thomas Jefferson and Quentin Tarantino show Arians strong ability to lead and direct. Other notable Arians include figures such as Lady Gaga (see blue box), Andrew LloydWebber and Diana Ross. If you would like to learn more about your star sign, and discover what is to come for you this month then visit our horoscope page: www. For a while people believed that Lady Gaga was a Pisces, this is because her birth date was widely misreported on the internet as March 20th. In fact she was born in Manhattan New York on March 28th 1986, making her an Aries. Her birth name is Stefani Joanne Angelina Germanotta, as you might imagine from her given name she has 75% Italian ancestry. But of course now she is globally known as Lady Gaga. In 2006 Gaga was signed to Def Jam Records, but the partnership only lasted a few months, when she was dropped by the label. It is at this point that she became much more experimental in terms of her act, how she dressed and where she performed. Showing typical Aries traits she kept pushing through, she believed she would make it big, it was just a matter of how and when. In 2007 she was signed to Streamline Records (a division of Interscope Records). During this time she got a deal with Sony/ATV to write songs for other artists, including: Pussycat Dolls, Britney Spears and New Kids on the Block…Another singer ‘Akon’ recognised her vocal talent and convinced Interscope to set up a joint deal making her a franchise player under label Kon Live. Even though she secured this record deal, there were some who feared that she was too ‘underground’, dance-themed and racy for the mainstream music scene. But Gaga showed typical Aries independence and confidence and told them “My name is Lady Gaga, I’ve been on the music scene for years, and I’m telling you, this is what’s next.” So in 2008 her first album ‘The Fame’ was released, but to a rather lukewarm reception. Gaga took the initiative and with fearless attitude promoted the album in Europe and through gay clubs in the States. But it was the single ‘Just Dance’ that got everyone’s attention and Gaga just exploded onto the stage! Other hits came from the album: Paparazzi, LoveGame and Poker Face, in 2009 she released another album that charted the darker side of fame called The Fame Monster; this produced her most acclaimed single ‘Bad Romance’. While the press put her under increased scrutiny at this time, her fans loved her ever more outlandish outfits and activities. Her tour ‘Monster Ball’ ran for over a year and a half and grossed $227.4 million! Due to her persona many people have not really heard about her personal life. But this spell was broken in February when she announced her engagement to Chicago Fire star ‘Taylor Kinney’. He proposed with a Lorraine Schwartz diamond ring in a heart design. It is rumoured that the wedding will take place at her Malibu home and will be a big family celebration with all relatives playing a part including her sister who is thought to be the Maid of Honour. Image - JStone / FREE SPIRIT | 9 A Very Chocolatey Easter Our Readers A nyone that knows me well knows that the way to my heart is through Hotel Chocolat - the boozier and the darker the chocolate the better. But despite eating milk chocolate now on a very rare occasion, if you were raised in the UK you will understand my affection for the Cadbury’s brand. And none more so, than when the shops fill with Easter treats… It has been a long time since my family has swapped chocolate eggs at Easter, not least because even the smallest of boxed eggs can run to 750 calories, and as a family we are not blessed with super model genes (if you know what I mean). But I would be lying if I said each year I managed to get from New Year’s Day when the first cream egg seems to hit the shelves to April when Easter occurs without buying (and consuming) at least one small Easter Egg! Lotus provides intuitive readings about past lives, spiritual paths, love and much more... I am Lotus, a natural born Clairvoyant, as a Psychic Advisor, I have been guiding others with my soul level insights and information for many years. As a child I often received information about people, places and things that was ‘beyond the physical.’ (This is the classic definition of the word ‘metaphysical’). I provide intuitive readings and Tarot readings with information about past lives, spiritual paths, dreams, love and relationships, creativity, angel readings, success and much more. If you have questions about a life area I am here to provide specific in-depth answers. I have studied meditation, Zen, Buddhism, self-help, personal development, I Ching, the Tarot and many other related areas. Do you have areas that you would like to explore? Do you want ways that can be targeted just for you and your unique life and soul path? One of my specialties is love and relationships and I have given insights about this to guide many clients over the years. I can offer insights to create better communication with your partner and can be there to improve things, starting today, if so required. These issues often need a bridge to get over the ‘rough spots’ and intuition can be this if provided by a skilful psychic with many years of experience in this most important area of life for all of us. I believe that we are all intuitive, some are just born with a more direct access to this information and it is their calling to use it to guide others. Right now the world is currently going through its own 10 | FREE SPIRIT Lotus PIN: 8082 deep transformation which is affecting each and every one of us. “I provide intuitive readings and Tarot readings with information about past lives, spiritual paths, dreams, love and relationships, creativity, angel readings, success and much more” Funnily enough if it was not for John Cadbury, none of us would be eating chocolate eggs today…The egg has long since symbolised fertility and rebirth associated with the Spring Equinox and Easter time. Decorating eggs was popularised in the middle ages and different countries still follow early traditions - in Russia gold and silver decorations would be the norm, perhaps reminiscent of early Fabergé, whereas in Greece you would expect to see bright red eggs. However it was France and Germany that developed the first chocolate eggs, this was not that long after eating chocolate had been invented and as such a way to make a hollow egg had not yet been invented. So eggs were solid, made from moulds that were lined one layer at a time - an expensive and time consuming process. Although John Cadbury (one of the Cadbury brothers) made his first ‘French’ eating chocolate in 1842, it wasn’t until 1875 that he joined the Easter egg market. By this time several processes had occurred - the Cadbury brothers had introduced pure cocoa and Dutch inventor Van Houten had invented a way to separate cocoa butter from the cocoa bean. This led the way for fine eating chocolate and ultimately the ability to pour the chocolate in to moulds, making them hollow. Whilst we think of Cadbury as essentially manufacturers of milk chocolate their early eggs were made from dark chocolate, generally their eggs were smooth. But others that followed in to the market created a crocodile finish (which helped to hide imperfections), which can still be seen in some brands today. In some cases they were decorated with marzipan or icing and were filled with dragees (a bite-size piece of confectionary with a hard shell - think sugar-coated almonds). In 1905 Cadbury’s Dairy Milk Chocolate Easter egg was launched and they haven’t really looked back since… The milk chocolate egg increased sales vastly and now the Easter egg market is predominantly milk chocolate. Whether you decide to indulge in a chocolate treat or not, everyone at Psychic Light wishes you a very Happy Easter! My dedication is to provide insights through intuition for skilful and positive shifts for those who are ready; starting now. This information can make shifts and changes so much easier and can therefore be an aid for your own transformation and pursuit of success, well-being and happiness on many levels. So if you are seeking answers, I hope you will consider contacting me soon for a reading. Wishing you a life with the spirit of harmony and a heart filled with many blessings. Sending light, love and peace, Lotus FREE SPIRIT | 11 Astrology with our expert Chrystalyte Aries Mar 21st - Apr 19th Mars will be moving through the sign of Taurus all month, which adds a solidity and robustness to various undertakings. This cosmic placement sometimes coincides with bolshie behaviour as well, so don’t be too surprised by someone around you who is more determined to get their own way. You can be equally strong, but is it worth the fight? Taurus Apr 20th - May 20th Although Venus is the natural Taurus planet, it is Mars that moves through Taurus all through April, which lends a new kind of strength. If you have acted like a shrinking violet in a certain area of life, the world is about to see a new side to your character. No more ‘Mr Nice Guy’; it’s time to toughen up! Gemini May 21st - June 20th Welcome to Free Spirit’s in-depth horoscopes for April 2015. To receive an amazingly insightful email reading from Chrystalyte, go to and follow the email link. Choose a Psychic Reading or an Astrology Reading. The charge for this service is £39.95; the reply may take up to 72 hours. April is a month of two halves, with Mercury initially in Aries, adding directness and charisma to all proceedings. From around the 15th Mercury is in Taurus, where feisty Mars already leads the way. So expect some sort of confrontation around the 22nd, when those planets join forces. If you play your cards right you can win someone’s co-operation. Cancer June 21st - July 22nd The eclipse on April 4th occurs in Libra which, like Cancer, is known as a Cardinal sign of the zodiac. That denotes a tendency towards leadership and suggests that, especially so this month, you are the leader rather than the follower. It seems you need to set a trend or show someone an example to follow. Be brave! Leo July 23rd - Aug 23rd Leo tends to be one of the more honest signs, but pride can sometimes prevent you from being as open as you could be. If you have concealed something that needs to be aired, it may well come to light around the lunar eclipse on April 4th. Probably better that any sensitive information comes from you than from someone else. T he grand planet Jupiter will resume forward motion again on April 8th, after which time we can fairly expect faith, hope and optimism to return in abundance. Even charity and generosity in general should be more in evidence! In the meantime, a Libran lunar eclipse on April 4th indicates the potential for more to be revealed around a relationship situation. Whether or not you are pleased with what you discover will depend on a lot of things but you are likely to need to make some important choices soon, either way. There is a risk of burnout between April 18-21, when Jupiter aligns awkwardly with impatient Mars and busy Mercury, so try not to over-commit time, energy or other resources. 12 | FREE SPIRIT Virgo Aug 24th - Sep 23rd Mercury in Aries should help you get more done quickly during the first fortnight of the month. From mid-month Mercury moves through your fellow Earth sign of Taurus, which makes for a slower pace with more chance to stop and smell the flowers – or the coffee! Life need not be all work and no play, even for Virgo! FREE SPIRIT | 13 Libra Sep 23rd - Oct 22nd You may feel the impact of the April 4th eclipsed Moon more than most, because it happens to fall in Libra. It may be that you feel unable to express your true feelings about a certain matter. But remember that this does not have to be the case forever. Perhaps think of it rather as looking after some buried treasure. Scorpio Oct 23rd - Nov 21st Scorpio is seldom a sign to be dictated to, but even you may struggle to fight the good fight with Mars battling away in your solar opposite zodiac sign of Taurus all through April. The 22nd is a particularly sensitive time, so remember to hold the famous Scorpio peace then! It could save a lot of hassle. Sagittarius Nov 22nd - Dec 21st A turnaround on April 9th by Jupiter is good news for Sagittarius, not least because it occurs in the sunny, fun-loving zodiac sign of Leo. You may have the travel bug once again, or could be ready for a stint of comedy or acting – or any other kind of jolly or artistic endeavour! Life is to be enjoyed, after all. Capricorn Dec 22nd - Jan 19th You cannot fairly be expected to operate at your level best whilst Saturn continues to move through Sagittarius in retrograde motion. That would be like expecting someone to turn in their best performance on a badly tuned instrument. Instead, focus on whatever it will take to get the tuning right – and try not to worry about how long it takes! Aquarius Jan 20th - Feb 18th It seems quite important, in a continual sense, for Aquarius to find his or her own way through life, even if this does result in sometimes feeling the oddball. April is no exception and your ability to express unique talents is especially at its height around the 6th, when Uranus joins forces with the glittery, creative force of the Sun. Pisces Feb 19th - Mar 20th Neptune’s continued path through Pisces may be providing a steady flow of reasons to be cheerful and to count your blessings. Around the 12th of April, in particular, a special connection between Neptune and Mars looks set to aid what could otherwise be a rather troublesome situation. The 19th and 29th also look promising for helpful conversations and creative developments. 14 | FREE SPIRIT Psychic Light r Your Destiny Discove CALL OUR CREDIT CARD HOTLINE SPEAK DIRECTLY TO A PSYCHIC 0800 915 2347 0906 110 4850 Calls cost £32.95 for 20 minutes All 0906 calls cost £1.53 per minute CALL AELISSA PIN 4444 Aelissa is psychic, clairvoyant, clairaudient, clairsentient and a far seer, she is experienced with crystals, crystal balls, scrying mirrors, psychometry and various card types. CALL ANTHONY PIN 8004 Anthony is an extremely gifted psychic with 31+ years of experience. His gifts include connecting with Spirit Guides, psychic aura & chakra readings, and Tarot card readings. CALL BRYONY PIN 2727 Bryony is a very spiritual reader who works with her guide to tune into your energies. With 20+ years’ experience troubleshooting in business she will give you the best insight. CALL HOPE PIN 3203 Hope combines natural clairvoyance with mediumship and crystal ball to tremendous effect. She specialises in relationship and family issues. CALL JASMINE PIN 5115 Jasmine is a clairsentient, clairvoyant medium reader who can read anything from a book to a crystal ball. She is a compassionate reader and will give direct answers. CALL JIM PIN 3151 Jim is an experienced medium with an established background in the Spiritualist Church. His own life experience has allowed him to understand others’ loss and their need for closure. CALL JOANNA PIN 4567 When it comes to relationships, family and work-related issues, Joanna is unquestionably someone who can be called upon for reliable and insightful direction. CALL MAVIS PIN 1010 Mavis believes that we make our own destiny and her readings are very detailed to allow her clients to make the best decisions in all areas of their lives. All calls are recorded. Readings are for entertainment only. All 0906 numbers cost £1.53/min, network charges may apply. You must be 18 or over. Customer Care Line: 0113 3847008. FREE SPIRIT | 15 Psychic Light Imagine Your Future Release Your Past y Discover Your Destin Insightful Readings with Sincere Psychics and Mediums Credit Card Readings 0800 915 2347 only £32.95 for 20 minutes Phone Bill Readings 0906 110 4850 calls cost £1.53 per minute For Love & Relationships call 0906 110 4851 Psychic Text Readings Text a Psychic Psychic Light offer three great text services, depending on the nature of your question use one of the following Psychic, Medium or Love followed by your question and send it to 84184. £1.50/reply (max 3 replies)*. 18+ Tarot by Text Text Predict to 84184. You will receive 3 randomly selected tarot cards with meanings. *£3 for three cards. 18+ Pre-Pay/Gift Vouchers Bonus Time for Psychic readings 24/7 No need to speak to a Receptionist. Decide how much you want to spend, what reader you want to speak to and how long you talk. 10% bonus free minutes when you top up with 40 minutes or more. For Amazing Mediums call 0906 110 4866 I have come away feeling positive.. . Psychic Blog You’ve read the magazine, now check out the blog. With lots of content about Love, Relationships, Family, Finance, Careers, Lifestyle and of course the Psychic World, it’s a great place for information. All 0906 numbers cost £1.53/min, network charges may apply. All calls are recorded. You must be 18 or over. Readings are for entertainment only. * + Standard text rate. Customer Care Line: 0113 3847008.
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