About Barratt Homes - Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable
About Barratt Homes - Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable
Barratt Homes Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable Welcome to our exhibition We’d like to share with you today our draft proposals for the redevelopment of the former office and factory buildings off Frenchs Avenue in Dunstable. Outline planning permission, setting the principle of residential development for the site, was granted by Central Bedfordshire Council earlier this year. Barratt Homes, an award winning housebuilder, has now taken on the site and our team are working on creating a high quality new residential development. The outline permission set down some key principles we need to follow: • Road access •Principle of residential development, including maximum number of homes determined by floor space • Contributions towards local services Our team are now working on a ‘reserved matters’ application, which builds on the outline application and looks at: • How the new homes will look • Landscaping, parking and green space • The number of new homes, sizes and styles We’d like to know what you think about our proposals before we submit them to Central Bedfordshire Council for determination. About Barratt Homes For more than 50 years, Barratt Homes has been building award-winning homes and creating great places. We are proud to be the only major housebuilder to have been awarded the Home Builders Federation 5 Star Status for customer satisfaction for the past five years in a row. We are committed to ensuring all of our developments achieve Building for Life 12 Standards for design. In 2013/14 our site managers won more NHBC Pride in the Job awards for quality workmanship than any other housebuilder. We were named Large Developer of the Year in the 2014 RESI Awards. Barratt Homes Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable Redeveloping the former factory site The 7.9ha site is a disused factory building, bordering existing residential streets (Suncote Avenue and Suncote Close) and other factories as well as the Suncote Pit County Wildlife Site. Our proposals would see the demolition of the redundant buildings and the site redeveloped to provide new homes as well as landscaped green areas and playgrounds. The proposals would keep the entrance from Frenchs Avenue. Fr en ch sA ve n ue ue n ve eA ot nc Su Our proposals include 240 well designed new homes and apartments. One fifth of these will be for affordable rent and shared ownership, managed by a local housing association. The majority of the homes will be family 3 and 4 bedroom homes, with smaller starter homes and affordable homes across the site to cater for those stepping onto the housing ladder and to cater for a wide range of people. Barratt Homes Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable High quality new homes We pride ourselves on creating high quality, well designed schemes with landscaping, materials and design all important parts of each and every development. Private market housing makes up the majority of the scheme, with 2, 3 and 4 bed houses and 2 bedroom apartments. A fifth would be affordable housing, including 2 and 3 bedroom houses and 2 bedroom apartments. Su nco te Av en sA ve n ch Fr en s a h s e m o H t t Barra f o r e b m u n a n wo house building awards for our e r a c t a e r G . s design t a k o o l o t n e k is ta l i a t e d t s a l y r e ev ue ue The development will be mainly 2 - 2.5 storey homes. Heights have been carefully considered to create a good mix of shape and size whilst respecting neighbouring properties. Two apartment buildings frame the entrance of the site with an additional 3 storey building in the central area, looking over the green space. Barratt Homes is proud to have worked with government and industry to create the latest Building for Life 12 standards to guide innovative best practice techniques, which we place at the centre of every scheme. All our homes follow a ‘fabric first’ approach, building in innovative water and energy saving techniques from the very start through our choice of materials and our design. 10% of the new homes will also be designed to Lifetime Homes Standards, allowing homes to be adapted as and when required for those with reduced mobility. Barratt Homes Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable Responding to the previous comments As part of the outline application, the applicant and the council undertook public consultation. Whilst many of these comments related to the outline, some of them retailed to issues which we have been considering. We have addressed some of the key areas below. If you live , e t i s e h t g n i r e d bor r e b m e m a o t k a spe of team about landscaping and e h t d n u o r a g n i fenc boundaries F R E N C H S Boundaries A V E N U E RETAINING WALLS ALONG BOUNDARY TO HAVE TERRAM LAYER WITH TRELLIS . U N E V A S H R E N C RETAINING WALLS ALONG BOUNDARY TO HAVE TERRAM LAYER WITH TRELLIS F The proposals enhance and strengthen borders with neighbouring properties using close board fencing and landscaping. Next to the wildlife site, appropriate fencing will be included with gates to avoid access by cars, restricting it to pedestrians only. E RETAINING WALLS ALONG BOUNDARY TO HAVE TERRAM LAYER WITH TRELLIS Traffic and access The proposals will have one main vehicle access and an emergency access. Additional footpath links will be provided. The outline planning application set the number of homes and associated traffic movements on the highways network following independent assessment by the Highways Authority who raised no objections. Construction management Barratt Homes strive to be good neighbours during construction. Our teams use initiatives such as dust suppression and wheel/road cleaning, as well as ensuring working on-site is strictly managed during operating hours. Demolition works will be carefully controlled and a site manager will liaise with local residents to ensure that any problems or issues that arise are addressed promptly. Barratt Homes Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable Affordable housing The affordable housing will be largely indistinguishable from the private homes. This will be situated in small pockets within the site, as shown to the right. g n i s u o h e l b a s Afford t n e d i s e r s w allo s e m o c in r e w o l ir on e h t f o t r a p n h g to ow u o r h t s e i t r p i prope h s r e n w o d share s e m e h c s Creating a balanced development A mix of building heights are important to create a varied and interesting development. We have specially designed two apartment buildings fronting onto Frenchs Avenue, to help provide an interesting frontage and entrance to the development. These will reflect the design of neighbouring properties as well as adding to our broad mix of new homes. Where the development backs onto the existing residential homes, appropriate separation and the use of Velux windows in the roof space to avoid overlooking will ensure that privacy is not compromised. Barratt Homes Frenchs Avenue, Dunstable Next steps This exhibition is the first stage of our consultation, an application will then be submitted formally to Central Bedfordshire Council who will review the proposals and put the plans to their Development Management Committee. The council will also undertake a formal consultation with statutory bodies and neighbouring properties. An application is in the process of being submitted. Feedback we receive from today will be reviewed along with our consultant team and officers at Central Bedfordshire Council as part of the consultation process run by the council. You can let us know what you think and if you have any suggestions / improvements by completing our feedback form here today or by returning it to: Freepost, MPC Feedback You can also complete a form online at www.barrattfrenchsavenue.co.uk Or call our information line on 0800 148 8911 Our website will be kept updated with the latest news and updates on the application. Thank you for coming. e r a s o t o h p e s The r a l i m i s a m o r f t n e m p develo t t a r r a from B atton W t a s e Hom e n o t S t a