- Toronto Police Services Board
- Toronto Police Services Board
The following draft Minutes of the meeting of the Toronto Police Services Board held on April 20, 2016 are subject to adoption at its next regularly scheduled meeting. The Minutes of the meeting held on March 17, 2016, previously circulated in draft form, were approved by the Toronto Police Services Board at its meeting held on April 20, 2016. MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING of the Toronto Police Services Board held on APRIL 20, 2016 at 1:00 PM in the Auditorium, 40 College Street, Toronto, Ontario. PRESENT: Mr. Andrew Pringle, Chair Ms. Shelley Carroll, Councillor & Member Mr. John Tory, Mayor & Member Mr. Ken Jeffers, Member ABSENT: Mr. Chin Lee, Councillor & Vice-Chair Ms. Marie Moliner, Member Dr. Dhun Noria, Member ALSO PRESENT: Mr. Mark Saunders, Chief of Police Mr. Karl Druckman, City of Toronto - Legal Services Division Ms. Deirdre Williams, Board Administrator THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P64. MOMENT OF SILENCE The Board observed a moment of silence in memory of Police Constable Sarah Beckett of the West Shore RCMP Detachment in Langford, BC, who was killed while on duty on April 5, 2016. THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P65. REQUEST FOR REVIEW OF A COMPLAINT INVESTIGATION PERTAINING TO SERVICE PROVIDED BY THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICE – CASE NO. PRS-055157 The Board was in receipt of a report dated March 10, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police, with respect to a review of a complaint investigation pertaining to the service provided by the Toronto Police Service – Case No. PRS-055157. A copy of the report is on file in the Board office. Following a request by the complainant in this matter, the Board agreed to defer consideration of the foregoing report to its May 2016 meeting. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P66. DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINARY RECORDS The Board was in receipt of the following report February 11, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: DISCLOSURE OF DISCIPLINARY RECORDS Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the following report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting held on July 16, 2015 (Min. No. P204 refers) the Board received correspondence from Mr. John Sewell and a deputation from Ms. Beare, both from the Toronto Police Accountability Coalition, with respect to the disclosure of disciplinary records. Following the deputation, Chief Saunders informed the Board that the Toronto Police Service (the Service) was conducting a review of its current practice for disclosing disciplinary records. The Board received a preliminary report on that review at its meeting held on December 17, 2015 (Min. No. P303 refers) which informed the Board that the current Service practice for disclosing disciplinary records would be continued until a more thorough review had been conducted and that the results of that review would be reported to the Board within six months. Discussion: On January 16, 2009, the Supreme Court of Canada released their decision in the R vs McNeil matter directing that where information about the disciplinary record of a police officer is relevant to an accused’s case, it should form part of the first party disclosure package to the Crown without prompting. As a result, the Service, in consultation with the Federal and Provincial Crown Attorneys, the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police, Ontario Police Association, and the Toronto Police Association, created a McNeil report (TPS 491) which is to be completed by the officers involved in a case under the following circumstances: The officer has a finding of guilt for misconduct under the Police Services Act after a formal hearing before the police tribunal (there are exemptions) The officer has a conviction or finding of guilt under the Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act or other federal statute (there are exemptions) The officer has an outstanding charge under the Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act or other federal statute (there are exemptions) The officer has an outstanding charge of misconduct under the Police Services Act for which a Notice of Hearing has been issued (there are exemptions) In relation to the same incident which forms the subject matter of the charge(s) against the accused: o The officer has been given notice that they are the subject of a conduct investigation under the Police Services Act, or has been charged with misconduct under the Police Services Act but the case has not yet been concluded o The officer has agreed to a Police Services Act complaint disposition without a hearing o The officer has a conviction under the Police Services Act regardless of expungement o The officer has been charged or has a conviction or finding of guilt under a provincial statute or the Criminal Code, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act or other federal statute regardless of whether a record suspension (formerly a pardon), absolute discharge or conditional discharge was granted See the appendix for a copy of the McNeil report (TPS 491) and the disclosure exemptions. Toronto Police Service There are two categories of officers; those that have relevant information to disclose and those that do not. The vast majority of officers will not have anything to disclose and that is indicated on a McNeil checklist (TPS 492). See the appendix for the McNeil checklist. Those officers that do have relevant information to disclose are required to complete a McNeil report. The officer-in-charge (OIC) of a case completes a McNeil checklist for every crown envelope. That checklist is completed electronically within Versadex and included with disclosure. That checklist lists all the officers involved in the case and indicates whether or not a McNeil report is required. If an officer is required to complete a McNeil report, they do so and seal it in an envelope addressed to the Crown and include that envelope with disclosure. The envelope is sealed to ensure the officer’s privacy. Should the Crown’s office have any concern regarding the nature or content of the McNeil report they currently contact the OIC or Legal Services to ensure that the concerns are addressed in a timely manner. On occasion a Crown will contact the Service requesting further information about a McNeil report but that is infrequent. The Toronto Region Crown’s office has been contacted on several occasions and they have not indicated that they are interested in seeing a change to the current Service process and they could not indicate how often they require information in addition to what an officer included on their McNeil report. Also, the Service’s Senior Management Team meets regularly with the Toronto Region Crown’s Office and they have not raised a concern about the Service’s current McNeil process. The McNeil reporting process was detailed in a Routine Order (Routine Order No. 2009.04.010414 – Supreme Court Decision R v McNeil) shortly after the Supreme Court of Canada released the R v McNeil decision. The routine order informed members that if they had questions about the McNeil process they could contact the Service’s Legal Service’s unit. A phone number, fax number, and e-mail address were included. The routine order also provided an email address in the Information Security section of Professional Standards Support that members may use should they require confirmation or verification of the information required on the McNeil report. The Service’s Corporate Risk Management Unit undertook a review of the systems used by other jurisdictions to identify any potential changes or improvements that could made to the Service’s current McNeil process. Peel Regional Police The Peel Regional Police (PRP) process was reviewed and dismissed as an alternative as the number of arrests daily in the City of Toronto made their system inefficient for the Toronto Police Service. PRP has a two-member McNeil Disclosure Unit who on a daily basis receives all police witness lists for all arrests and they then complete the McNeil reports and disclose them to the Crown. In 2014, PRP averaged 45 criminal arrests per day; the Toronto Police Service had a 5 year average (2010-2014) of 133 per day. The review then focused on Services that utilized their Professional Standards Unit to administer some aspect of the process and which also utilized the same Professional Standards computer software system (IAPro – known as the Professional Standards Information System [PSIS] in Toronto) as used by the Service. The Ottawa Police Service and the Ontario Provincial Police were identified. Ottawa Police Service The Ottawa Police Service (OPS) process for the disclosure of disciplinary records involves the involvement of both the individual officer and the Professional Standards Unit. The officer is responsible for self-disclosing their McNeil report to the Crown but initially Professional Standards created an intranet site where all officers were required to enter their McNeil items. Professional Standards confirmed the information and recorded it on their IAPro system where it is then online for the officer to access for future McNeil submissions. The initial report need only be prepared once by the officer and once completed it is saved on the system. The individual officer then signs into a workstation to access their report. If the officer’s disclosure requirements have not changed, he/she prints out the pre-saved form and includes it in the disclosure package provided to the Crown. If the officer’s circumstances have changed, the officer changes the information on the form. When the officer makes a change to his or her form the Professional Standards Unit receives an automatically generated email and they review the changes and, if required, make any additional changes. For example, if the narrative provided by the officer is insufficient, the Professional Standards Unit will edit the narrative to ensure it is accurate and complete. If the Crown has any concerns or questions regarding the circumstances being disclosed, they contact the officer directly or the officer-in-charge (OIC) of the case for which disclosure has been provided. The initial implementation of the system was labour intensive as a self-disclosure form had to be completed by all uniform officers, then reviewed, and entered into the database. The initial project took approximately one year to implement and involved three members. Once the initial process was completed, the system is maintained by one member for their 1301 officers (2014). Ontario Provincial Police The Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) process for the disclosure of disciplinary records is similar to the process used in Ottawa. The report is similarly web-based and accessed from the Service’s intranet site and the initial report need only be prepared once by the officer. Once completed it is saved on the Professional Standards database (IAPro). When a McNeil report is required, an officer signs into the web based system to access their report and then self-discloses the report to the Crown. The Professional Standards Unit is responsible for maintaining the McNeil disclosure database. The Unit ensures the accuracy of the information on the report and updates the report when an officer’s disclosure requirements change. Similar to the process utilized by Ottawa, if the Crown has any concerns or questions regarding the officer’s disclosure report they contact the OIC of the case for which disclosure has been provided or the involved officer. The initial implementation of the system took approximately 18 months to implement and involved three members. Now that the process is in place, it is also maintained by one member for their 6116 officers (2014). Conclusion The process of disclosing disciplinary records by the Ottawa Police Service and the Ontario Provincial Police was created in response to the R vs McNeil decision released in 2009. The Toronto Police Service, and other police services, created a different process but with the same end result; the timely disclosure of officer disciplinary records. The Service’s current system regarding the disclosure of disciplinary records is efficient, effective, and economical and is in full compliance with direction of the Supreme Court of Canada in R vs McNeil and there is low risk to the Service as there are remedies in place should a Crown require more information. The Toronto Police Service could implement a McNeil system similar to the OPP or OPS and it would be expected to take 12-18 months to complete as it will require Information Technology (IT) upgrades as well as IT and Professional Standards personnel dedicated to the task. As the Service’s current McNeil process is effective, efficient, economical, in compliance with the Supreme Court of Canada’s direction, and low-risk to the Service, it is recommended that the necessary funds and personnel required to create a new McNeil process be used for other purposes. Acting Deputy Chief Richard Stubbings, Operational Support Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions the Board may have regarding this report. The Board was also in receipt of correspondence dated April 19, 2016 from John Sewell, Toronto Police Accountability Coalition. A copy of Mr. Sewell’s correspondence is on file in the Board office. Mr. Kris Langenfeld was in attendance and delivered a deputation to the Board with regard to the foregoing report. Acting Deputy Chief Rick Stubbings, Operational Support Command, responded to questions by the Board about the process by which an officer completes the McNeil report (form TPS 491) and submits it to a Crown Attorney with the disclosure materials. A/Deputy Stubbings said that the self-disclosure process has worked well since 2009 and, while no complaints have been made by a Crown Attorney, to date, the TPS has resources to ensure that any information that may be requested by a Crown Attorney will be provided. The Board approved the following Motions: 1. THAT the Board receive the correspondence from Mr. Sewell and deputation by Mr. Langenfeld; and 2. THAT the Board receive the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory K. Jeffers Appendix THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P67. CENTRAL JOINT HEALTH & SAFETY COMMITTEE The Board was in receipt of the Minutes from the Central Joint Health and Safety Committee meeting that was held on February 01, 2016. A copy of the Minutes is appended to this Minute for information. Mr. Kris Langenfeld was in attendance and delivered a deputation to the Board. Chair Pringle referred to the comments within the Minutes that more lives may be saved if frontline officers had immediate access to Conducted Energy Weapons (CEWs). He said that it may be appropriate for the Board to re-consider its November 07, 2013 decision which directed the Chief not to expand the deployment of CEWs as outlined in a report that the Chief had submitted to the Board at that time. The Board received the Minutes from the CJHSC Meeting held on February 01, 2016 and Mr. Langenfeld’s deputation. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll J. Tory Central Joint Health and Safety Committee ___________________________________________________________ - MEETING MINUTES Community Room Monday, 31 Division February 01, 2016 40 Norfinch Dr., Toronto at 9:30 AM ______________________________________________________________________________ Meeting No. 56 Members Present: Councillor Chin Lee, TPSB Mr. Keith Bryan, TPA, Committee Co-Chair Mr. Jon Reid, TPA, Executive Representative Ms. Jeanette May, TPS, Command Representative Also Present: Ms. Wendy Ryzek, Manager, OH & Safety Mr. Rob Duncan, Safety Planner & Program Coordinator, OH & Safety Ms. Deirdre Williams, Recording Secretary Guests: Supt. Tony Riviere, 31 Division Insp. Riyaz Hussein, 31 Division P.C. Robert Harris, 31 Division * P.C. August Bonomo, 31 Division * S/Sgt. Adrianne Johnstone, Marine Unit S/Sgt. James Hung, Police Dog Services *Member of the 31 Division Local Joint Health and Safety Committee (“LJHSC”) Chair for this Meeting: Mr. Keith Bryan, TPA, Committee Co-Chair Opening of the Meeting: 1. Mr. Bryan extended a welcome to everyone in attendance and noted that, on this occasion, Councillor Chin Lee, Vice-Chair of the TPSB, would participate on behalf of Chair Andy Pringle. He also noted that Ms. Jeanette May, Director, TPS - Human Resources, would participate as the TPS Command Representative on behalf of Mr. Tony Veneziano. 2. The Committee approved the public and confidential Minutes from the meeting that was held on November 05, 2015. The Committee considered the following matters: 3. 31 Division Discussion with: P.C. Robert Harris P.C. August Bonomo Supt. Tony Riviere Insp. Riyaz Hussein P.C. Harris said that the 31 Division LJHSC meets quarterly and the following three issues are frequently raised for discussion: I. Entrance to 31 Division – a wall-mounted push-button switch to automatically activate the front doors should be installed to provide better access for people with disabilities. And, in addition, a wall-mounted telephone should be installed on the exterior side of the front doors so that a person can call the officer at the front desk and request his/her assistance with the doors or, as an alternate option, the officer could activate the doors via a switch that is located at the front desk. P.C. Harris said that both of these issues have been formally reported through the TPS building deficiency process. Ms. May said that the TPS has an obligation to comply with accessibility requirements and that she would discuss these recommendations with the Chief Administrative Officer as soon as possible. II. Conducted Energy Weapons (“CEWs”) – P.C. Harris said that he and some members of 31 Division believe that CEWs should be issued to all front-line officers as a use of force option. He said that the time between the point at which an officer believes that a CEW may be necessary and the point at which a sergeant arrives with a CEW is critical. The situation is much more critical on the occasions when a sergeant is not immediately available to respond with a CEW. P.C. Harris said that more lives may be saved if frontline officers had immediate access to CEWs. The Committee said that the decision to issue CEWs to front-line officers is a matter for the Chief and TPSB but it would ensure that the concerns expressed by the officers at 31 Division are formally noted in these Minutes. III. Details pertaining to a matter which potentially affects the safety of the members at 31 Division are recorded in the confidential Minutes for this meeting. Supt. Riviere said that the lack of staffing at 31 Division presents a significant potential risk to the safety of officers and limits their ability to adequately deliver policing services. He noted that while many divisions are currently operating below their approved strength, there are several factors affecting 31 Division which, he believes, justifies the need for additional officers. Supt. Riviere described the staffing challenges that exist at 31 Division. He said that he has discussed these concerns with the Staff Superintendent for Area Field. No written notes with regard to these matters were provided to the Committee. Status: Action: 4. Issues Arising from a Discussion with Members of 31 Division: Ongoing Entrance to 31 Division: Mr. Veneziano will provide an update on the recommendations to improve access at the entrance to 31 Division. Police Dog Services: Installation of a Washing Machine and Dryer Update by: Ms. Jeanette May, TPS Command Representative Ms. May advised that a washing machine and dryer have been installed at Police Dog Services. S/Sgt. Hung said that the machines are working well. Written notes that had been prepared by Mr. Veneziano with respect to this matter are attached to these Minutes for information. Status: Action: 5. Police Dog Services: Installation of a Washing Machine and Dryer: Resolved The Committee agreed that this matter has been resolved and that no further action is required at this time. Marine Unit: Barn Swallows Update by: Mr. Rob Duncan, Safety Planner & Program Coordinator, OHS Mr. Duncan provided an overview of a report that was prepared by a wildlife specialist who had been retained by the City of Toronto to identify potential solutions to resolve the concerns arising from the infestation of barn swallows in the boat house at the Marine Unit. Mr. Duncan said that the Marine Unit is working with Facilities Management to determine the feasibility of identifying and constructing an alternate nesting site for the birds, pursuant to a recommendation contained in the report. Mr. Duncan also said that it could take three years to complete a project of this kind and cost up to $1.2 million. Written notes that had been prepared by Mr. Veneziano with respect to this matter are attached to these Minutes for information. Status: Action: 6. Marine Unit: Barn Swallows: Ongoing Mr. Veneziano will provide an update on this matter at the next Committee meeting. Improvements to Internal Communication and Education with Respect to Workplace Violence and Harassment Update by: Mr. Rob Duncan, Safety Planner & Program Coordinator, OHS Mr. Duncan provided an update on the status of the three short videos (workplace harassment; mental health in the workplace; and facilities security) that are being developed by TPS – Video Services. Written notes that had been prepared by Mr. Veneziano with respect to this matter are attached to these Minutes for information. Status: Action: 7. Improvements to Internal Communication and Education with Respect to Workplace Violence and Harassment: Ongoing Mr. Veneziano will provide an update on this matter at the next Committee meeting. List of Healthy Takeaway Meals for Members Who Are Working Shifts Update by: Mr. Rob Duncan, Safety Planner & Program Coordinator, OHS Mr. Duncan provided an update on the new Healthy Eating on the Run Initiative that has resulted in a guide that lists a selection of healthy eating options at specific – at least six - locations within each TPS Division. The information will also be available on an officer’s workstation. All online information will be updated regularly. Written notes that had been prepared by Mr. Veneziano with respect to this matter are attached to these Minutes for information. Status Action Request for a List of Locations with Healthy Takeaway Meals for Members Who Are Working Shifts: Ongoing Mr. Veneziano will provide an update at the next Committee meeting. 8. Scheduling Traffic Court – Time Between Midnight Shift and Traffic Court Update by: Mr. Rob Duncan, Safety Planner & Program Coordinator, OHS Background: At the Committee meeting held on June 12, 2015, the TPA raised concerns about the limited time between the end of a midnight shift and the time at which traffic court commences (Minutes: Meeting No. 54 refers). This matter was further discussed at the meeting held on November 05, 2015 (Minutes: Meeting No. 55 refers). The Committee requested an update on the status of this matter. Mr. Duncan advised the Committee that the potential effects of fatigue on member safety has been designated as a significant priority and that the TPS is currently conducting research in order to determine how to address the concerns raised by the TPA. Mr. Duncan said that an inspector from the Ministry of Labour attended Police Headquarters on January 20, 2016 to investigate an anonymous complaint that had been made to the Ministry by a member of the TPA about concerns that are similar to the TPA’s issue of driving while in fatigue. The inspector met with members of the TPS and collected preliminary information. To date, no orders have been issued by the Ministry. Written notes that had been prepared by Mr. Veneziano with respect to this matter are attached to these Minutes for information. Status Action Scheduling Traffic Court – Time Between Midnight Shift and Traffic Court: Ongoing Mr. Veneziano will provide an update at the next Committee meeting. 9. Status of Online Injured on Duty (IOD) Processing System Update by: Ms. Jeanette May, TPS Command Representative Ms. May advised the Committee that the development of the proposed online IOD reporting system is now temporarily “on hold” pending the results of a broader review of TPS - Human Resources business practices. The review is being conducted jointly by TPS – Human Resources and TPS – Information Technology Services and is intended to identify any opportunities to interface and/or upgrade existing HR systems in order to achieve greater operational efficiency. Ms. May said that the online IOD reporting system will remain in the queue as a future HR/ITS project. Written notes that had been prepared by Mr. Veneziano with respect to this matter are attached to these Minutes for information. Status: Action: Status of Online IOD Processing System: Ongoing Mr. Veneziano will provide an update at the next Committee meeting. Critical Injuries: 10. Preliminary details of critical injuries that had occurred since the previous meeting were considered by the Committee. Details of the Committee’s discussions and decisions are recorded in the confidential Minutes for this meeting. Quarterly Update: 11. TPS Wellness Initiatives & Wellness Information on the Intranet Update by: Mr. Rob Duncan, Safety Planner & Program Coordinator, OHS Mr. Duncan and Ms. May delivered the quarterly wellness update, including the results of recent wellness initiatives. Written notes that had been prepared by Mr. Veneziano with respect to these issues are attached for information. Status: Action: Quarterly Update: TPS Wellness Initiatives: Ongoing Mr. Veneziano will provide a further update at the next meeting. Annual Reviews: 12. TPSB Occupational Health and Safety Policy – 2016 Review Review by: All Members The Committee conducted its annual review of the TPSB’s Occupational Health and Safety policy and agreed that no recommendations for amendments were necessary at this time. A copy of the current policy is on file with the Recording Secretary. Status: Action: 2016 Review of the TPSB’s Occupational Health and Safety Policy: Resolved The Committee agreed that this matter has been resolved and that no further action is required at this time. 13. Terms of Reference – 2016 Review Review by: All Members The Committee conducted its annual review of the Terms of Reference and agreed that no recommendations for amendments were necessary at this time A copy of the current Terms of Reference is on file with the Recording Secretary. Status: Action: 14. 2016 Review of the Terms of Reference: Resolved The Committee agreed that this matter has been resolved and that no further action is required at this time. New Matters for Consideration– 2016 Review Review by: All Members Ms. May raised one new matter, on behalf of Mr. Veneziano, which potentially affects the safety of police officers. Details of the Committee’s discussion and decision regarding this matter have been recorded in confidential Minutes which form part of the Minutes for this meeting. Tour of 31 Division: 15. At the conclusion of the meeting, Insp. Hussein escorted the Committee on a tour of 31 Division. **Confidential Matters** The Committee also considered several confidential matters. Details of the Committee’s discussions and decisions regarding these matters have been recorded in confidential Minutes which form part of the Minutes for this meeting. Members of the Central Joint Health and Safety Committee: Mr. Andy Pringle, Co-Chair Toronto Police Services Board Mr. Tony Veneziano, Command Representative, Toronto Police Service Mr. Keith Bryan, Co-Chair Toronto Police Association Mr. Jon Reid, Executive Representative Toronto Police Association C ENTRAL J OINT H EALTH & S AFETY C OMMITTEE (CJHSC) C HIEF A DMINISTRATIVE O FFICER ‐ N OTES FOR M INUTES Date of Meeting: Monday, February 1, 2016 Time: 09:30 – 11:30 hrs Location: 31 Division, 40 Norfinch Drive Public Agenda Items # Item Notes 4 Police Dog Services: installation of washer/dryer. The washer and dryer have now been installed at the Police Dog Services facility. This item can now be considered successfully concluded. 5 Marine Unit: update on management of Barn Swallows. A copy of the consultant’s report to the City of Toronto was received by Facilities Management. The report details a number of potential options to deter the birds, but notes that a Ministry of Natural Resources permit will be required, and an alternate nesting site for the birds must be identified and constructed within 1km of the Marine Unit. Facilities Management met with City of Toronto representatives to discuss the report. The project has not been approved by Command to date. 6 Workplace Violence & Harassment Communication OHS has begun development of “storylines” for a series of three short video messages to be distributed to members through the TPS intranet. Once a basic framework is finalized, Diversity & Inclusion will be engaged to assist with the development of content and specific messaging. The proposed topics of the videos will be: workplace violence, mental health and coping with stress on the job, and facility/building security. 7 Wellness: List of healthy takeaway meals for members working shifts. Each Division now has six or more thoroughly researched restaurant options. The guide is broken down in an “Eat this, Not That” format with the calories, fat and sodium listed for each meal. General information and healthy eating tips still need to be added, and the guide needs to be fact checked, formatted and added to the Wellness website. Plans also include printing copies of the guide and creating laminated wallet‐sized cards. Research for the guide has included visiting select grocery stores and restaurants and the TPS Nutritionist, Ms. Erin Moore # Item Notes completed four days of night shift to better understand what the members experience. During this week she made note of restaurants open during this time and noted the limited options available, as well as ideas for helpful snacks. The Wellness team is working with their co‐op students on this initiative; fact checking is well underway, with ongoing additions and updates also occurring. The goal is to have this project completed by the end of April, 2016. Scheduling traffic court: time between midnight shift and court. On January 20, 2016, an inspector from the Ministry of Labour attended TPS Headquarters in order to investigate an anonymous complaint received from a member of the Toronto Police Association. The substance of the complaint was that members can be scheduled for court appearances while at times operating on little sleep, resulting in fatigue while driving. The Ministry of Labour inspector interviewed members of the Service including a representative of the local JHSC, and collected information pertaining to TPS procedures and collective bargaining agreements. No orders were issued. This has been identified as a priority issue by the Service, and more research is being conducted into the potential effects of fatigue on member safety. 9 Status of new online Injured on Duty (IOD) processing system. The OHS Unit has been asked to postpone submission of the business case to the IT Steering Committee for the new IOD online processing tool, pending receipt of recommendations from the HRMS business process upgrade project. 15 Wellness Update 8 Wellness statistics for September to December, 2015 are summarized below: TPS Yoga Program Biweekly sessions (ongoing) at the Toronto Police College Number of members attending: 5‐15 per session Yoga class for Pre‐OPC Recruits Yoga at D14 and D32 ongoing program ISTP Wellness Topic: Building Resiliency & Post‐Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) – Ongoing # Item Notes Wellness Website The Wellness Team has continued to develop and generate content for the topic sections which include Eat Right, Think Right, Move Right, Heart Right and Sleep Right. Newly generated content includes, but is not limited to, fitness articles as well as nutrition articles on digestion, healthy eating for shift workers and weight management. The Wellness website has been a practical way for members sign up for Fitness Pin Testing. The online process is easy to use and also provides preliminary Fitness Pin instructions. The Wellness website also has a recipe section, which includes Breakfast, Lunch and Dinner options, as well as Dairy and Gluten Free meal ideas. Average number of monthly visits: 300 Nutrition Presentations (including Pre + Post OPC Recruits and Platoon Training) Number: 24 Members attended/reached: 564 Nutrition Consults Number of consults/members reached: 30 TPS Fitness Pin Testing 410 total Fitness Pin Tests (408 passed, 2 failed) Fitness Consults and Movement Screening Sessions: Number of consults/members reached: 68 UPCOMING & CURRENT WELLNESS INITIATIVES Fitness Consults / Fitness Pin Testing Nutrition Consults / Nutrition Presentations Road to Mental Readiness – still in process TPS Yoga Program to be offered Service‐Wide: Yoga Program continuing to branch out, with locations currently including but limited to D14, D32, D51 and D33 Recruit Training Updates: 30 minutes of Wellness training daily in the form of Fitness, Yoga, Team Building etc. ** End of public agenda items. THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P68. MONTHLY REPORT: APRIL 2016 BODY-WORN CAMERA PILOT PROJECT – The Board was in receipt of the following report March 29, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: BODY WORN CAMERA PILOT PROJECT: APRIL 2016 Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: The Board at its meeting of July 16, 2015, approved the following motion: (1) The Chief be requested to provide a monthly public report to the Board, starting with the August 2015 meeting of the Board, on the implementation of the Body-Worn Camera Pilot Project, including any issues, emerging patterns, member feedback and community response (Min. No. P183/2015 refers). Discussion: In February 2015, the Service implemented a 12-month pilot project to explore the benefits, challenges, and issues surrounding the use of Body Worn Cameras (BWC) in Toronto. On May 18, 2015, after receiving the requisite training, the project went ‘live’ with officers in the designated pilot divisions being equipped with the BWCs. Using both quantitative and qualitative data, the pilot project will be evaluated to assess how the project was implemented and what results it achieved. If appropriate, it will offer recommendations on possible adjustments to assist in achieving the project’s stated goals and assist with wider implementation, if such expansion is shown to be desirable and feasible. The Service’s evaluation is being assisted by an external Evaluation Advisory Committee, comprised of evaluation and data specialists. This independent panel of experts is providing advice on, and is monitoring the quality of the evaluation. The following information is submitted in response to the Board’s request for a monthly update on any issues, emerging patterns, member feedback and community response on the BWC pilot project. Issues: There have been no new issues arising since the last report. The pilot project is continuing with the assistance of the two remaining vendors, Panasonic Canada and Reveal Media (Integrys). Emerging Patterns: As of March 24, 2016, the total number of videos recorded was 29,054, using 9.5 TB of storage. This is a total of 3,951 hours recorded. Community Response: The Service’s BWC website contained a link to two online surveys for ongoing community input during the pilot. One survey was for general members of the public and one survey was specifically for members of the public who have had contact with a BWC equipped officer. The surveys were available until March 17, 2016, and the results will be included in the final evaluation report. Information Sharing with Police Agencies: Lieutenant Michael Perkowski, a research officer from the Rochester Police Department, met with members of the Service’s BWC pilot project implementation on March 14 - 15, 2016. The Rochester Police are in the process of developing their own BWC pilot project, and were provided with an overview of our pilot’s operational plan, governance, technology, and the training that each officer receives to prepare them for taking part in the pilot. Conclusion: The BWC pilot project will be concluding on March 31, 2016, at which time the BWC equipment will no longer be utilised by the involved officers. The final evaluation report will be submitted to my office by June 30, 2016, and subsequently presented to the Board at a future meeting. Chief Mark Saunders will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report. The Board received the foregoing report and approved the following Motion: THAT the Chief provide the final evaluation report on the Body-Worn Camera Pilot Project to the Board for its September 2016 meeting. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P69. ANNUAL REPORT – 2015 USE OF IMAGES - TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD AND TORONTO POLICE SERVICE The Board was in receipt of the following report March 02, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2015 USE OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD AND TORONTO POLICE SERVICE’S IMAGES Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the following report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of May 16, 1998, the Board approved a report from the Chief of Police regarding a policy pertaining to requests for the use of the Service/Board Crest. (Min. No. 173/96 refers). The Board approved the following Motion: That the Board designate authority to the Chair of the Police Services Board to approve requests for the use of the Service/Board image, with an annual report submitted to the Board by the Chief of Police listing all request for the use of the Service/Board image. Discussion: A chronological listing of all requests submitted for the period of January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015, is appended to this report. A review of our central directory has shown that two requests were received and approved for the period of January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Conclusion: In summary, this report provides the Board with a summary of all requests for the use of the Service/Board image in the year of 2015. Inspector Stu Eley, Executive Officer, Office of the Chief of Police will be in attendance to respond to any questions, if required. The Board received the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory K. Jeffers CENTRAL DIRECTORY USE OF THE SERVICE/BOARD IMAGE: 2015 External Requester CivicAction Policing Literacy Initiative Internal Requester Purpose Use of the Board’s image to recognize the Toronto Police Services Board’s funding contribution, used at the Summit on it’s webpage, in delegates packages and the final report. Use of the Board image for recognition purposes associated with the Policing and Rights Education Video Project. Decision & Date Approved by: Toronto Police Services Board on February 19, 2015. (Min. No. P45/15 refers) Approved by: Toronto Police Services Board on August 20, 2015. (Min. No. P227/15 refers) THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P70. ANNUAL REPORT DONATIONS – 2015 CORPORATE AND COMMUNITY The Board was in receipt of the following report March 02, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2015 CORPORATE & COMMUNITY DONATIONS Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive the following report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of March 26, 1998, the Board approved a report from the Chief of Police regarding a policy with respect to the acceptance of donations to the Service and requested that regular updates be provided to the Board for its information. (Min. No. 113/98 refers). In November of 2010, the Board amended their policy governing the acceptance of donations and sponsorships. It is the policy of the Toronto Police Services Board that: The Chief of Police will ensure that Service members not solicit or accept donations from any person, including any organization or corporation, for the benefit of the Service, without the consent of the Board in accordance with the established policy; Acceptance of donations valued at ten thousand dollars ($10,000) or less, requires the approval of the Unit Commander and the completion of a Donor’s Declaration Form (TPS 668); Acceptance of donations valued at more than ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) requires the approval of the Board and the submission of a completed Donor’s Declaration Form (TPS 668); or Where there is insufficient time to seek Board approval for the donation, approval may be delegated to the Chair and Vice Chair. Discussion: A review of our central directory has shown that there we no corporate or community donations received by the Service for the period of January 1, 2015 to December 31, 2015. Conclusion: In summary, this report provides the Board with a summary of all corporate and community donations in the year of 2015. Inspector Stu Eley, Executive Officer, Office of the Chief of Police will be in attendance to respond to any questions, if required. The Board said that it was unclear as to whether any corporate or community donations had been received by the Service in 2015 based on the following two points contained in the foregoing report: there were “no corporate or community donations received by the Service” and “this report provides the Board with a summary of all corporate and community donations in the year 2015.” The Board requested that, if feasible, and in accordance with the Board’s policy governing donations, during the years when donations are received by the Service, the annual reports should include a list of the donors and a description of the donations that they made to the Service. The Board approved the following Motion: THAT the Board refer the foregoing report back to the Chief with a request that he submit a revised report that is clear and, if there were any donations in 2015, contains the names of the donors and a description of their donations. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P71. ANNUAL REPORT – 2015 POLICE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING GROUP The Board was in receipt of the following report March 16, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT 2015: POLICE COOPERATIVE PURCHASING GROUP Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: Funding for the expenditures detailed in this report was available in the Service's capital program, specifically from the Vehicle and Equipment Reserve, which is funded from the Service's operating budget. The goods and services expenditures referenced in this report are at a net of rebate amount. Background/Purpose: The Toronto Police Services Board Financial Control By-Law No. 147 amended by By-Law No. 148, 151, 153, 156, and 157 requires that the Chief of Police report annually to the Board on any expenditure over $500,000 processed through the Police Cooperative Purchasing Group (PCPG) in the preceding year. In response to this requirement, the following information is provided. Discussion: The Service has been and continues to be a member of the PCPG since its inception in 1996. The group continues to provide its members (police services) throughout the Province the opportunity for cost savings through volume buying and standardization of equipment. Pricing agreements are awarded through the PCPG process for related items such as marked and unmarked police cars, tires, ammunition, pepper spray, body armour, uniform clothing, and footwear. During 2015, the following expenditures with a value exceeding $500,000 were made through the PCPG in accordance with the By-Law. ITEM Marked Vehicles Unmarked Vehicles VENDOR Yorkdale Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. Yorkdale Ford Lincoln Sales Ltd. 2015 EXPENDITURE ($) (net of rebate) 1,051,730 565,836 Conclusion: During 2015, the Service purchased $1,617,566 of marked and unmarked vehicles from a vendor obtained through a PCPG competitive process. Joint procurement arrangements continue to work well for PCPG members, who share in the administration of various procurement processes and benefit from volume buying and standardized arrangements. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. The Board received the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll J. Tory THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P72. ANNUAL REPORT – 2015 TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD’S CONSULTING EXPENDITURES The Board was in receipt of the following report February 26, 2016 from Andy Pringle, Chair: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD'S 2015 CONSULTING EXPENDITURES Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report for information. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendations contained within this report. Background/Purpose: The Board, at its meeting of February 20, 2003 (BM#P45/03 refers), approved a motion requiring the reporting of all consulting expenditures on an annual basis. City’s Accounting Services also requires annual reporting of consulting expenditures as per their prescribed format. As a result, consulting expenditures are provided to the Board and this information is also forwarded to the City’s Accounting Services’ Manager. Attachment A reflects the 2015 consulting expenditures for the Police Services Board. Discussion: City’s Accounting Services requires that attached 2015 consulting expenditures for the Police Services Board on or before February 29, 2016 and in order to comply with this, the attached has been forwarded to the Manager. Conclusion: It is therefore recommended that the Board receive this report for information. The Board received the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers Agency/Corporation : TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD APPENDIX A 2015 Consulting Expenses - Operating Expense Category Agency/ Board Contract Program Date (mm-dd-yy) Contract # / PO # / DPO # Consultant's Name Description of the Work Completion Date Management/R&D Provide consulting and guidance to the Toronto Police Services Board regarding 2016 and 2017 budgets and other Cristofaro Consulting related budget matters. 6042196 Inc. (ONGOING TO 2016) 10-23-15 PO Expected 12-31-2016 Rcoveries by Source Balance Remaining 12/31/2015 2015 2015 2014 Budget Expenditure Expenditure $ $ $ $ 41,548 3,100.00 KPMG undertook additional consulting servicesunder the current scope of work in assessing the recommendations arising from the Chief of Police's internal Organizational Review (CIOR); Expensed as follows: 1. Operating budget $32,238 2. Innovation Reserve Fund - $109,963 COMPLETE - 142,200.00 190,036.00 Sub-Total 180,000.00 145,300.00 190,036.00 Total 180,000.00 145,300.00 190,036.00 06-19-2015 Provided expert advice/opinion on general employment and 8929166,8937999 labour relations issues 8937910,8937902, (BM#P261/2015 8937907,8937908, Hicks Morley Hamilton October 19, 2015) 8937909,8937910 Steward COMPLETE 50,840.00 10,217.00 12-13-2015 Provided advice with respect to the policy practice of street checks and carding (expensed from Legal Reserves) COMPLETE 75,032.00 255,210.00 06-09-2014 08-04-2015 08-19-2015 6039411 KPMG 6038540 3531020 3531692 Addario Law Group Johnstone & Cowling Kuretzky Vassos Hendrson LLP Provided advice with respect to employment contract - COMPLETE 2,198.00 Provided advice with respect to employment contract - COMPLETE 1,231.00 Provided mediation services - street checks COMPLETE 04-30-2015 Sub-Total GRAND TOTAL 6041235 Winkler ADR 36,634.00 166,110.00 165,935.00 265,427.00 346,110.00 311,235.00 455,463.00 THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P73. ANNUAL REPORT – 2015 CONSULTING EXPENDITURES TORONTO POLICE SERVICE’S The Board was in receipt of the following report March 16, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2015 TORONTO POLICE SERVICE’S CONSULTING EXPENDITURES Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Funding for the consulting expenditures reported was available through the Toronto Police Service’s (Service) operating or capital budget in 2015. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of February 20, 2003 (Min. No. P45/03 refers), the Board requested that the Service report all consulting expenditures on an annual basis. In addition, at its meeting of March 23, 2006 (Min. No. P103/06 refers), the Board requested that future annual reports be revised so that capital consulting expenditures are linked to the specific capital project for which the consulting services were required. City Finance also requires the annual reporting of consulting expenditures in their prescribed format, so that the City’s Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer can provide a consolidated report to City Council. This report provides details of the 2015 consulting expenditures for the Service’s operating and capital budgets, in the City’s prescribed format and based on the definition of consulting services provided by the City. The City’s definition of consulting services is as follows: any firm or individual providing expert advice/opinion on a nonrecurring basis to support/assist management decision making in the areas of technical, information technology, management/research and development (R&D), external lawyers and planners, and creative communications. The information contained in this report has already been forwarded to the City, as the completion of the Service’s year-end accounting process and the timing of the Board meetings did not allow this report to be forwarded to the Board in advance of the City’s February 28, 2016 deadline. Discussion: Details of the 2015 consulting expenditures for the Service’s operating and capital budgets are provided in Attachments A and B respectively. The Service has taken steps to manage the use of consultants and only contract for these services where the skills are not available in-house and/or where there is not a permanent requirement for the expertise/skill set, as well as when additional resources are required to deliver projects with prescribed timelines, and the Service does not have the required resource capacity. The 2015 operating consulting actual expenditures (as reflected in Attachment A) totalled $0.2M net of rebate. The Service is attempting to rely less on consultants and do more work in-house. The operating budget for consulting services is developed using zero-based budgeting. As such, 2015 expenditures for consulting services are based on requirements identified during the 2015 budget process. The 2015 capital consulting actual expenditures (as reflected in Attachment B) were $0.17 M net of rebate. This amount represents expenditures for the Integrated Records and Information System (IRIS) project. Capital projects generally involve multi-year cash flow requirements, and the 2015 expenditure may therefore represent only a portion of the total contract value. Conclusion: Consulting expenditures incurred against the Service’s operating and capital budgets are reported annually to the Board and the City. The Service ensures that consulting services are used only where necessary and beneficial. The 2015 actual consulting expenditures totalled $0.41M net of rebate ($0.24M for operating and $0.17M for capital). Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. The Board received the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory K. Jeffers Toronto Police Service Agency/Corporation : 2015 Consulting Expense - Operating Expense Category Agency/Board Program Contract Contract # / PO Expected Date (mm-dd-yy) #/ DPO # Completion Date Consultant's Name Description of the Work Contract/PO Recoveries by Source Balance Remaining 12/31/2015 2015 2015 2014 Budget Expenditure Expenditure $ $ $ $ 0 0 31,500 31,500 31,492 31,492 0 65,500 66,652 0 0 51,500 38,872 0 77,800 194,800 65,165 170,689 Technical Divisional Policing Support Sub-Total 01/26/2015 6040773 RUSSELL, HUGH C,PHD Furthering Our Communities - Uniting Services (FOCUS) The primary objective of this initiative was to reduce and/or prevent incidents of crime and disorder through a multi agency intervention that focuses on addressing the onset of criminal and antisocial behaviour. The scope of this work included evaluating the current model, review the recommendations, design a service wide framework with the required training and begin implementation in newly selected neighbourhoods throughout Toronto. The subject matter expert in this area is Dr Hugh Russell who is a leader in developing various multi agency collaborative frameworks across Ontario. Funded by the Proceeds of Crime Grant from the Province of Ontario -Complete 04/27/2015 MERCER (CANADA) LTD Job Evaluation Consultant -For the review and reporting of 1)Review and recommendation of Job Evaluation for approximately 70 Civilian Senior Officers and 7 Excluded Members 2) Creation of New Job Descriptions 3) Review of existing Job Evaluation Process and Recommendation of efficiencies -Complete 31,500 31,500 Management/R&D Centralized Unit- Process Innovation (Labour Relations Unit) 09/18/2015 Centralized Unit- Process Innovation (Finance and Business Management) 09//23/2015 Strategy Management Sub-Total 05/14/2014 6041997 12/31/2015 RANDSTAD INTERIM 8948431 INC Consulting on the Cleaning voucher project for the Service. 1)Update the process map relating to Clothing Reimbursement process to ensure that all tasks have been accurately and completely captured. 2)Determine an updated timeline associated with this process and the internal cost of administering the current requirement. 3)Review of more efficient options to meet collective agreement requirements for cleaning, cost those options and determine timelines and effort for implementation. 4)Outline change management concerns related to staffing, procurement, collective agreement clause change etc. 5)Provide all options and make recommendation based on cost/benefit analysis -Complete 6039293 ATFOCUS INC AtFocus was hired to offer professional services to help build an internal and external customer service strategy. This initiative builds on the recommendation AtFocus provided in the Customer Service final report. All areas of the Service were impacted by their focus groups and initiatives and this phase is to continue with the implementation of the strategy for Customer Service Excellence -Complete 12/31/2015 0 0 Professional Legal Services- PACER-Complete 01/26/2015 0 81 Professional Legal Services- PACER-Complete 06/23/2015 0 1,547 Professional Legal Services- PACER-Complete 07/03/2015 0 204,712 204,712 Legal 01/19/2015 3522335 06/22/2015 3529104 07/02/2015 3529547 BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP BORDEN LADNER GERVAIS LLP Sub-Total GRAND TOTAL 31,500 - 14,400 1,750 3,378 240,700 205,559 204,712 ` Toronto Police Service Agency/Corporation : 2015 Consulting Expenses - Capital Expense Category Agency/Board Information Technology Program Contract Contract # / PO Date (mm-dd-yy) #/ DPO # TPS-Project IRIS 01/20/2012 TPS-Project IRIS 12/14/2010 GRAND TOTAL 6034495 6032052 Contract/PO Consultant's Name Description of the Work Expected Rcoveries Completion Date by Source Balance Remaining 12/31/2015 2015 2014 Expenditure Expenditure MODIS CANADA INC Business Analyst Services for the Integrated Records and Information System. Assist, guide and support the Business Analysis team in the development of the business requirements documentation for the implementation of the commercial off-theshelf integrated, electronic records management system for the Integrated Records & Information System (IRIS) project. On-going as a Business Change Management initiative and funded from the State of Good Repair Capital Project 06/30/2016 102,269 203,439 222,549 PROVISION IT RESOURCES LTD Professional Management Services for the implementation of the new Records Management System. (adjustments made to the Purchasing Document) Complete 12/31/2014 - (32,690) 321,657 170,748 544,206 THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P74. ANNUAL REPORT – 2015 SOLE AND SINGLE SOURCE PURCHASES The Board was in receipt of the following report March 23, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2015 SOLE AND SINGLE SOURCE PURCHASES Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: Funding for the expenditures detailed in this report were included in the 2015 operating budget and capital program. The goods and services expenditures referenced in this report are at a net of rebate amount. Background/Purpose: The Toronto Police Services Board Financial Control By-Law No. 147 amended by By-Law No. 148, 151, 153, 156 and 157, requires that the Chief of Police report annually to the Board on any sole and single source purchases for goods or services with a value greater than $10,000 in the preceding year. The purpose of this report is to respond to this requirement, which includes expenditures made by both the Service and the Board. Discussion: “Sole sourcing” is defined as the procurement of goods or services that are unique to a particular vendor and cannot be obtained from another source. In a sole source procurement arrangement, there is no choice but to use a certain vendor. “Single sourcing” is defined as the procurement of goods or services from a particular vendor rather than through an open solicitation of bids from other vendors who can provide similar items. Both sole and single source purchases are made and can be justified, in the following circumstances: in emergency situations; when the vendor has proprietary rights to a product or service; for situations where confidentiality is a requirement in order to do business with the Service; where a product is required to match existing equipment; for purchases where health and safety concerns exist; where there are time constraints associated with making a purchase; where there is scarcity of supply in the market; and to avoid violating warranties and guarantees where service is required for a good that already exists in the organization. In these cases, the award is made to a specific vendor without going through a competitive process. In accordance with the Toronto Police Service’s (Service) Purchasing and Expenditure Procedures, requests to retain a vendor on a sole or single source basis are submitted to the Service’s Purchasing Services (PUR) unit with justification. If the justification is acceptable to the Manager, PUR, and the purchase meets the above criteria, the request is processed. Appendix A and Appendix B summarize the sole and single source purchases over $10,000 that occurred in 2015. Sole Source Purchases: Appendix A identifies 61 instances, over $10,000, where goods and/or services, totalling $4,043,210 were sole sourced. These sole source purchases were made because of proprietary arrangements (i.e. rights, sole distributor, manufacturer), including, but not limited to annual maintenance, the avoidance of violating warranties and guarantees, to match existing equipment and to maintain continuity of services, where necessary, on projects. The 61 purchase orders represent 5.4% of the 1,127 purchase orders issued by the Service in 2015. The total dollar value represents 4.7% of the total dollar value of purchase orders issued by the Service. Single Source Purchases: Appendix B identifies 32 instances where goods and/or services, totalling $949,344 were single sourced. In addition, there were nine purchases totalling $187,768 that were classified as highly confidential for covert reasons. Therefore, the Service engaged in 41 instances (over $10,000) of single sourcing, totalling $1,137,112. These single source purchases were made using one supply source without a competitive bidding process for a justifiable reason (i.e. health and safety, time constraints, specialized services, confidentiality of purchase). Many of the instances were the result of specialized services, such as for legal services or background check consulting, which require a specific skill set or background in order to properly execute the required work. The 41 instances represent 3.6% of the 1,127 purchase orders issued by the Service in 2015. The total dollar value represents 1.3% of the total dollar value of purchase orders issued by the Service. Conclusion: In 2015, the Service engaged in 102 instances where purchases were made on a single or sole source basis. In all instances, the Manager, Purchasing Services, determined that adequate justification was received from the procuring area. The sole and single source purchases included in this report represent a total of 9% of the total number (1,127) of purchase orders issued by the Service in 2015. They also represent 6% of the total dollar value ($84,474,398) of purchase orders issued by the Service. The majority (59%) of the total are sole source purchases made for proprietary reasons. The Service’s purchasing procedures require that goods/services be obtained through a competitive process, and the Service is committed to keeping single source purchases to an absolute minimum. However, there are situations where goods/services must be single or sole sourced. These types of procurements are managed through a formal procedure that is overseen by the Manager, Purchasing Services, and require proper justification and approval before a commitment is made. This report further increases the transparency of this process. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. The Board received the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers Appendix A 2015 Sole Source Purchases Vendor Total PO Value (net of rebate) Dorcy International Inc Flashlights & Holders $10,110 Avotus Corporation Annual Maintenance $10,472 Bluebear Law Enforcement Services Licence Extension $10,685 PK Welding & Fabricators Inc Vehicle Modifications $11,947 Burtol Cleaners Dry Cleaning Services $12,211 Avante Solutions Inc Cherwell Licences $13,229 Astral Scientific Inc Service Contract $13,687 Noritsu Canada Ltd Service Repairs $14,073 Steelsentry Inc Specialized Workbenches $14,199 Markl Supply Co Survival Armor $14,211 Addrenaline Media Website Redesign $14,704 Inland Liferafts & Marine Ltd Boat Parts Repairs $15,264 Prox, Ryan IBM i2 Analyst Notebook Training $15,264 Blackbag Technologies Subscription Renewal $15,936 Intaforensics Ltd LIMA Enterprise Version 5 $16,332 IBM Canada Limited Subscription Renewal $16,424 Pet Science Ltd Eukanuba $16,638 Supergravity Incorporated Subscription Renewal $17,250 Safety-Kleen Canada Inc Automotive Oils $18,502 ITS Canada Various Technology $18,773 Black Surveillance Technologies Inc Various Technology $19,294 SRA International Inc Annual Maintenance $19,487 Discover Communications Inc Wireless Hardware and Accessories $22,500 Wireless Personal Communications Wireless Hardware and Accessories $22,500 Ron Turley Associates Inc Annual Maintenance $22,896 CI Technologies Inc Annual Maintenance $24,132 Nautics Technical Surveillance Various Technology $24,422 AOT Public Safety Corporation Annual Maintenance $24,552 Summit Canada Distributors Safariland Products $26,649 Coplogic Inc Annual Maintenance $27,475 Micro Systemation Canada Inc Annual Maintenance $28,615 Netpresenter Enterprise Site License $29,883 Sumuri LLC Specialized Workstation $30,253 Sagemcom eFax Server Software Upgrades $32,051 Colt Canada Weapons and Rounds $32,695 Vendor Name Goods/Services Appendix A 2015 Sole Source Purchases Vendor Name Russell, Hugh C, PHD Planview Inc Harley-Davidson Canada LP ICOR Technology Inc Oracle Canada Dell Software Canada Inc Korth Group Ltd Intergraphics Decal Limited Cravate Benart (Canada) Inc Cellebrite USA Corp Paradigm Business Systems North Levitt-Safety Limited Morpho Canada Dyplex Communications Ltd PES Canada Inc Taramis Distributions Inc Mercury Marine Ram Power Systems Ltd Uniform Group Inc, The Toronto Port Authority Fred Deeley Imports Ltd Infor (Canada) Ltd Mediasolv Solutions Corporation Oracle Canada ULC D&R Electronics CO LTD MD Charlton CO LTD Goods/Services SME, Focus Rexdale Model (Intellectual Property) Maintenance Renewal Genuine Harley Davidson Parts Rigging Kit Software Update Licence and Support License for Change Auditor Glock Firearm Supplies Assorted Decals Riot Gear Devices and Licences AIMS Maintenance & Support Pro Respirators Maintenance & Support Tactical Headrest Code 3 Equipment Repair Helmets Mercury Boat Parts Blast Mats Assorted Uniform Clothing Bridging Contract Pan Am Requirement (Parking, Electrical Upgrades, Custodial) Harley Davidson Parts Maintenance and Support (Time Keeping System) Annual Support & Maint. DVAMs & iDVD PeopleSoft Ent Update Licence and Support Vehicle Modifications Various Accessories Total Vendor Total PO Value (net of rebate) $33,581 $35,496 $35,616 $40,457 $43,828 $49,398 $50,187 $51,389 $52,494 $64,704 $81,408 $84,910 $85,825 $91,035 $92,602 $101,311 $121,400 $143,264 $161,290 $164,139 $226,930 $250,684 $273,175 $360,742 $439,946 $230,084 $4,043,210 Appendix B 2015 Single Source Purchases Vendor Name Nicks Custom Foot Wear Fenton, Smith Barristers Shoe Network Inc, The Angle, Brian T. Gaskin Consulting William M. Guthrie Investigations Keep'n Six Investigations Smn Consultant TDS Investigative & Consulting Portus Security Solutions Dasco Storage Solutions Ltd Lexisnexis Canada Inc Executek International Corp Centre for Addiction & Mental Health Johnstone & Cowling LLP Shootersgear Mister Antony Dla piper (Canada) LLP Vitruvian Ergonomics Telnet Networks Inc Brooks Performance Horse Feeds Lee Ferrier Mediation & Arbitration Cunningham Dispute Resolution Colin Campbell Valley Associates Inc Gonet, Walter Avante Solutions Inc Stoeger Canada (1990) Ltd Cherwell Software Inc Shields, Glenda Addario Law Group Hamilton, John F. Goods/Services Motorcycle Patrol Boots Legal Services Alternate Footwear Background Investigations Background Investigations Background Investigations Background Investigations Background Investigations Background Investigations Background Investigations Customized Storage Carts Preferred Subscription Screening Kits Medical Evaluations Legal Services Customized Cases Ceremonial Clothing Legal Services Ergonomic Assessment Net Clock/GPS Specialty Food G20 Tribunal Hearings G20 Tribunal Hearings G20 Tribunal Hearings Hydraulic Door Opener G20 Tribunal Hearings Software Upgrades Equipment Support and Maintenance Professional Services (Paid Duty Management) Legal Services Legal Services Total Vendor Total PO Value (net of rebate) $10,684 $12,008 $12,211 $12,211 $12,211 $12,211 $12,211 $12,211 $12,211 $12,211 $13,051 $13,168 $13,229 $14,000 $15,130 $16,383 $16,845 $18,010 $22,056 $22,959 $26,027 $30,176 $30,528 $32,000 $37,260 $40,000 $45,181 $45,310 $48,657 $50,982 $80,900 $197,112 $949,344 THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P75. ANNUAL REPORT – 2015 AUDIT OF THE GENERAL WAREHOUSE, PROPERTY & EVIDENCE MANAGEMENT UNIT AND PROPERTY HELD AT OTHER SPECIALIZED UNITS The Board was in receipt of the following report February 29, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: AUDIT OF THE GENERAL WAREHOUSE, PROPERTY & EVIDENCE MANAGEMENT UNIT AND PROPERTY HELD AT OTHER SPECIALIZED UNITS Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose: Ontario Regulation 03/99, Adequacy and Effectiveness of Police Services, was created under the Police Services Act (PSA) to provide provincial standards for the delivery of policing services in six core areas. One of the requirements of the Regulation is that there are policies and procedures in place with respect to property and evidence control and the related collection, handling, preservation, documentation and analysis of physical evidence. The provisions of the Regulation make the Board responsible for establishing policy and the Chief of Police responsible for creating processes and procedures that set the Board policies into operation. At its meeting of August 10, 2006, the Board approved policy TPSB LE-020, Collection, Preservation and Control of Evidence and Property (Min. No. P244/06 refers). One requirement of this policy is that the Chief of Police “shall ensure that an annual audit of the property/evidence held by the Service is conducted by a member(s) not routinely or directly connected with the property/evidence control function, and report the results to the Board.” On December 13, 2006, Service Procedure 09-01, Property – General, was updated to include the requirement that the Unit Commander – Audit & Quality Assurance “shall ensure that an audit of the property/evidence held by the Service is conducted annually and that the results of the audit are reported to the Toronto Police Services Board.” Discussion: In 2015, Audit & Quality Assurance conducted an audit of the General Warehouse of the Property & Evidence Management Unit and property held at other specialized units. The scope of the audit included an examination of the internal controls, physical inventory and supporting documentation along with storage, tracking and disposal of property. Conclusion: Audit & Quality Assurance determined that the General Warehouse, Property & Evidence Management Unit and other specialized units are in compliance with the relevant section of the PSA and Ontario Regulation 03/99. Internal controls that are in place appear to be functioning as intended. Acting Deputy Chief Richard Stubbings, Operational Support Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report. The Board received the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory S. Carroll THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P76. ANNUAL REPORT – 2015 PUBLIC SECTOR SALARY DISCLOSURE The Board was in receipt of the following report March 17, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: ANNUAL REPORT: 2015 PUBLIC SECTOR SALARY DISCLOSURE Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board receive this report. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained in this report. Background/Purpose: The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 (PSSDA) and the Public Sector Salary Disclosure Amendment Act, 2004 were passed to make Ontario’s public sector more open and accountable to taxpayers. Therefore, in accordance with the PSSDA, the Toronto Police Service (Service) is required to disclose the names, positions, salaries and taxable benefits of employees who were paid $100,000 or more in a year, based on T4 reporting. The report includes active, retired and terminated members and includes all remuneration earned and reported, including paid duty earnings. This information, which includes Toronto Police Service and Toronto Police Services Board employees, is submitted to the City of Toronto Pension, Payroll and Employee Benefits Division for inclusion in a corporate report filed, by the City, with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. Furthermore, the Ministry of Finance also requires that organizations with members seconded to other ministries file the listing of those members with the appropriate ministry. For the 2015 reporting year, the Service had 36 members seconded to the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services. A separate listing of the members appearing on the Public Sector Salary Disclosure (PSSD) listing has been provided to that agency. The Province (Treasury Board Secretariat) posts the information provided by each organization in and around the end March of each year. Discussion: The Public Sector Salary Disclosure Act, 1996 defines “Salary Paid” as “the amount paid by the employer to the employee in a given year, as reported on the T4 slip (Box 14 minus Taxable Benefits total).” This amount is reported if it is equal to or above $100,000. Service members receive a T4, which includes all remuneration paid by the Service. Box 14 on the T4 includes regular salary, retention pay, acting pay, premium pay (including court time, call backs and overtime) and any retroactive adjustments paid in the applicable calendar year. Beginning in 2010, T4 earnings include income from paid duties, which are paid by external customers and flow through the Service’s payroll system in order to comply with CRA statutory deduction requirements. There is no requirement to separate paid duty earnings from regular earnings in the PSSD. As a result, both earnings are consolidated into the “Salary Paid” column. Taxable benefits are reported as a separate line item for those employees who earned $100,000 or more. Taxable benefits for Service members, as defined by the CRA, include the value of life insurance premiums for coverage provided by the employer, employer-provided parking and the personal use of employer-provided vehicles. The PSSDA requires that the listing be reported in alphabetical order to the Province. However, at the request of the Board a few years ago, the Service now also provides the information to the Board only, in descending order by salary paid. Accordingly, Appendix A provides the salary paid in alphabetic order, and Appendix B provides the same information in descending order by salary paid. Number of Employees on the 2015 Disclosure Listing: Salaries have increased over the years due to contract settlements and arbitration awards. As a result of the 2015 to 2018 contract settlement, members of the Toronto Police Association (TPA) members received a 2% increase in salaries at January 1, 2015 and another 0.75% base salary increase effective December 1, 2015. The contract for Service Senior Officers, which expired on December 31, 2014, was not settled in the 2015 calendar year. It should be noted that the 2015 salary range for Staff and Detective Sergeants, Sergeants, Detectives, Plainclothes Training Constables, and First Class Constables (PC1) Step 4, including 9% retention pay, is above the $100,000 base. At this time, there are no TPA civilian position ranks whose base salary exceeds the $100,000. In 2015, 4,638 employees earned more than $100,000. This total includes 1,900 employees whose base salary is normally under $100,000. The earnings for these employees were the result of their combined base salary, premium pay, paid duty earnings and other payouts, including final payments upon separation from the Service. The table below details the make-up of the 1,900 (1940 in 2014) members on the listing whose base salary is normally under $100,000. Rank Police Constable 2015 1,807 2014 1,676 Civilian members 93 264 1,900 1,940 Totals It should be noted that over 1,200 of the 1,900 members whose normal base salary is below $100,000 have a 2015 base salary between $95,000 and $99,999. As noted earlier, members whose normal base salary is below $100,000 can be on the PSSD as a result of premium pay, separation payouts governed by the collective agreement, retroactive payments and paid duty earnings. Premium pay can result from required court attendance, overtime earned when members work beyond their regular shift and call-backs when members are requested to return to work for various operational reasons or special projects. Premium hours worked are paid according to collective agreement provisions. While the Service has reduced base premium pay budgets over the last few years, some premium pay (e.g. court time) is unavoidable and increases member earnings. In 2015, the Service policed several high profile special events, such as the Economic Summit in June and the PanAm and Parapan Games in July and August. Both of these events, along with other special events, required that officers work hours at premium rates. Although costs incurred for events such as the PanAm Games will be reimbursed to the Service, member earnings still contributed to PSSD amounts. Conclusion: In accordance with the PSSDA, this report provides the names, positions, salaries and taxable benefits of Service and Board employees who were paid more than $100,000 in 2015. The information is provided in alphabetical order as required by the Ministry, and in salary paid descending order as requested by the Board. The report is provided to the Board for information, and was forwarded to the City for inclusion in a corporate report filed with the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing. The report will be published on the Ministry of Finance website in and around the end of March 2016. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. The Board received the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers Appendix A RECORD OF EMPLOYEES’ 2015 SALARIES AND BENEFITS – BY LAST NAME Surname ABATE ABBASI ABDEL-MALIK ABDILLA ABDULLA ABRAHAM ABRAMOVITZ ACHAIBAR ACIU ACORN ACTON ADACH ADAM ADAM ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS ADAMS ADDISON AGIUS AGNEW AGUIAR AGUIAR AHEER AHLUWALIA AHLUWALIA AHMAD AHMAD AHMED AHN AIELLO AIKEN AIKMAN AIRD AJAZI AKESON AKUNYILI AL SALEM ALAGURAS ALAMAG ALBANESE ALBERGA ALBERGA ALBRECHT ALDERDICE ALEKSANDROWICZ ALEKSEEVA ALESSANDRONI ALEXA ALEXAKIS ALEXANDER ALEXANDER ALEXIOU ALI ALIAS AL-KHATIB ALLAN Given Name GLEN MICHAEL SOPHIA SEHER MAHER TAMMY AL RAHIM STANLEY SAMUEL MATHEW CHRISTOPHER RICHARD ANTHONY SEBASTIAN CHRISTOPHER ALLAN BLAKE JOSEPH EDWARD HIERONIM BARBARA ANNE MICHAEL JASON BRADLEY DEAN CLAYTON EDWARD KHARY AZANDE MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER TODD ROBERT KEITH SCOTT ROBERT LUCAS OWEN BRIAN STEVEN CABRAL JAGJIT KUMAR AMIT MANDEEP SINGH MANSOOR SYED OMAR JAMEEL HYO JOON ANTONIO JOHN DAVID SCOTT DOUGLAS LUCILE VERITY SOFOKLI AARON JOSEPH RICHARD DEAN FOUAD VIJEYAKUMAR ADELIO PERADA JASON JOHN PASQUALE SANTE IRVIN JOHN JEFFERY PAUL LUKASZ MARINA HENRY PETER BRENDAN JAMES CHRISTOS CHARLES BOLTON WAYNE MATTHEW DEMITRIOS ASIF IFTIKHAR GAVIN RAYMOND SHADY SCOTT DOUGLAS Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Planner Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $140,394.87 $125,763.88 $124,581.71 $100,416.84 $123,586.68 $122,142.83 $100,375.04 $114,690.02 $100,254.72 $157,975.50 $102,267.58 $114,174.10 $137,857.12 $109,852.71 $101,028.80 $132,983.10 $102,970.29 $103,250.44 $112,517.67 $100,793.79 $102,181.72 $102,002.55 $100,133.69 $158,467.04 $114,527.92 $130,722.18 $136,721.16 $125,808.50 $122,449.11 $104,415.67 $124,344.06 $121,803.79 $121,220.62 $109,434.89 $106,993.51 $110,257.57 $112,504.74 $110,358.18 $130,279.83 $124,073.38 $113,109.90 $118,923.03 $148,312.16 $113,433.17 $137,408.37 $136,300.31 $108,741.98 $101,277.56 $108,377.87 $131,324.62 $123,002.14 $121,929.77 $127,432.17 $114,407.09 $116,249.87 $114,647.61 $121,689.86 $131,549.02 Benefits $839.30 $830.09 $865.92 $839.30 $382.20 $830.75 $818.86 $823.64 $830.75 $818.86 $353.65 $885.22 $924.24 $865.92 $839.30 $875.83 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $774.30 $809.53 $838.02 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $830.75 $865.92 $841.14 $826.03 $809.53 $822.82 $828.75 $839.30 $860.80 $812.93 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $718.42 $839.30 $865.92 $864.02 $839.30 $850.02 $875.83 $813.57 $809.53 $789.25 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $818.86 $860.80 $865.92 $830.75 $841.14 $875.83 Surname ALLARD ALLARD ALLAWNEH ALLDREAD ALLDRIT ALLEN ALLEY ALLINGTON ALLISON ALMEIDA AL-NASS ALPHONSO AL-ROUBAIAI ALS ALTOBELLO ALVAREZ ALVEY AMAH AMANCIO AMANTEA AMBROZAITIS AMLIN AMOS AMYOTTE ANAND ANDALIB-GOORTANI ANDERSEN ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDERSON ANDRADE ANDREJISHYN ANDREW ANDREWS ANDREWS ANDRICI ANGCO ANGUS ANGUS ANGUS ANNETTS ANSARI ANSTEY ANTAL ANTOINE ANTONAROS ANTONELLI APOSTOLIDIS APOSTOLOPOULOS APPLEBY AQUILINA ARAUJO ARBUS ARCAND ARCHER ARDILES ARGIRIS ARMORER ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG Given Name MATTHEW DOUGLAS NATHANIEL PETER WAYEL MUNSON GORDON SCOTT DARREN LEE MICHAEL DAVID NICHOLAS DAVID JEFFREY SCOTT ELAINE HUNTER ANTONIO JOSE WALID MARK ANDREW ALI TALIB ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER DOMENIC JOESPH JORGE DAVID ROBERT JAMES MALIK ARIEL MICHELLE ANTHONY FRANCESCO EUGENIA AGNES SCOTT CHRISTOPHER SEAN DAVID DANIEL RICHARD ANIL BABAK CARL HENRIK GARETH ALPIERRE LUKE JONATHAN ROBERT REARDEN GALT JAMES JOSEPH WILLIAM JASON BRIAN PAUL JOHN PAUL IULIAN ANTONIO JAMES DARREN RONALD JOHN DOUGLAS RYAN ALAN AMANDA ELIZABETH ALI AKBAR JASON CHRISTOPHER BOJAN BEN KEVIN FRANCIS JOHN GIANPIERO JOHN DIMITRIOS DAVID JAMES MARCEL PERCY PAUL WILLIAM BRIAN CHRISTOPHER KIRK ANTHONY BENJAMIN GONZALO KIMBERLY ANNE PATRICE NICOLE CHRISTOPHER RICHARD DAVID LAWRENCE FREDERICK SHANE KAREN Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Project Coordinator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Armourer Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Patrol Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $105,089.73 $108,163.86 $120,035.93 $102,260.92 $151,845.14 $134,814.75 $111,369.71 $131,682.76 $113,766.21 $127,882.13 $136,515.09 $128,082.65 $130,561.74 $112,907.52 $117,585.52 $128,144.73 $108,249.26 $118,168.51 $116,300.88 $117,697.32 $114,578.05 $116,171.26 $136,028.64 $103,905.31 $147,452.80 $194,245.26 $156,415.73 $114,760.27 $117,146.13 $115,454.85 $111,129.58 $101,808.60 $132,659.96 $115,189.16 $108,603.23 $136,735.38 $113,283.55 $143,719.22 $115,375.99 $108,211.84 $122,060.50 $114,358.74 $118,050.60 $138,796.53 $121,338.88 $107,577.72 $153,141.19 $131,912.61 $117,407.74 $122,684.38 $113,400.08 $106,373.31 $109,644.31 $129,976.91 $103,310.60 $108,643.74 $113,385.17 $108,282.78 $103,801.99 $123,267.20 $113,833.45 $112,781.87 Benefits $818.86 $809.53 $712.01 $839.30 $924.24 $875.83 $841.14 $875.83 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $924.24 $818.86 $819.54 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $986.49 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $979.39 $787.37 $860.80 $809.53 $828.75 $841.14 $828.75 $841.14 $841.14 $841.02 $839.30 $818.86 $811.01 $809.53 $844.89 $824.53 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $733.79 $841.14 $828.56 $839.30 $875.83 $841.14 $809.53 $823.23 $818.86 $766.14 $834.65 $818.86 $818.86 $828.75 $818.86 $818.86 $746.59 $841.14 $818.86 Surname ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARMSTRONG ARODA ARP ARRUDA ARSENAULT ARSENAULT ARSHAD ARTINIAN ARULANANDAM ARZAGA ASHKAR ASHLEY ASHMAN ASHTON ASKIN ASNER ASSELIN ASSELSTINE ASTAPKOVICH ASTOLFO ATKINS ATKINSON ATKINSON ATTENBOROUGH ATWOOD AUCLAIR AUDETTE AUSTIN AWAD AZARRAGA AZZOPARDI BABIAR BABIN BABINEAU BABUJI BACHLY BACKER BACKUS BACON BAGNALL BAGNALL BAHULA BAI BAIATI BAINARD BAINS BAIRD BAIRD BAJWA BAKER BAKER BAKER BAKSH BALAGA BALAGA BALASUBRAMANIAM BALET BALICE Given Name MARK RICHARD PATRICK SHANE RICHARD DAVID ROBERT KENNETH ROBERT PAUL SANJEE JAMES ANDREW SANDRA DAREN ARTHUR RICHARD PAUL SHERAZ PEGLAR GERRARD NIMALAN MICHAEL WAYNE ANTOINE MARK NICHOLAS CRAIG JASON MICHAEL EDWARD PAUL ALEXANDER ROBERT EDWARD GLENN ANDRE SHAUN DAVID ANDREI ROBERT CHERRY MAXINE GRAHAM STEPHEN JAMES JONATHAN JEFFREY BRUCE CHRISTOPHER LIONEL JANE MARILYN DAVID FRANCIS MICHAEL JOHN ASHRAF SAMIR JOSE MATIAS DENIS ANDRE JOHN JAMES SCOTT JASON JARED MICHAEL SUSAN ZACHARIAH CHRISTOPHER DAVID MARK FRANCIS LESLIE DOUGLAS ANDREW MARTIN ALBERT HUGH KENRICK PATRICE JAMES SIMON DON XIN TASH AMIR PAUL CRAIG ARMAN STEPHEN KAREN ANN MARK ANDREW RAJWANT SINGH JASON ROBERT RICHARD JAMES RICHARD TIMOTHY FAIZAL ANTHONY ARTUR TOMASZ KRZYSZTOF KOWSIHAN ANDREW SEBASTIAN STEVEN Position Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Group Leader Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $149,250.72 $102,011.24 $126,411.11 $105,332.64 $135,683.21 $161,059.07 $124,899.36 $121,380.56 $101,180.41 $119,723.30 $122,535.37 $113,433.79 $118,087.46 $128,992.95 $105,540.84 $135,685.32 $104,539.96 $120,869.72 $124,201.85 $127,180.06 $138,018.45 $116,806.92 $125,225.54 $123,434.45 $140,353.81 $105,524.22 $196,432.65 $135,491.95 $113,901.98 $115,306.82 $165,389.87 $122,471.93 $124,888.44 $132,217.04 $145,438.37 $141,692.45 $107,160.68 $152,905.39 $124,286.26 $111,454.81 $122,857.70 $157,016.85 $128,454.58 $104,918.95 $115,936.48 $112,074.94 $119,126.01 $118,439.22 $123,809.57 $101,269.76 $101,280.80 $119,807.70 $146,890.45 $105,534.41 $116,990.30 $110,847.90 $103,731.83 $109,991.52 $106,678.53 $113,001.53 $135,147.63 $112,928.04 Benefits $885.22 $809.53 $646.29 $818.86 $850.02 $875.83 $841.14 $840.32 $839.30 $875.83 $818.86 $824.53 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $841.92 $710.34 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $826.03 $850.02 $839.30 $924.24 $809.95 $399.27 $839.30 $818.86 $865.92 $885.22 $818.86 $924.24 $731.18 $875.83 $258.22 $865.92 $814.55 $885.22 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $682.67 $809.53 $839.30 $809.53 $885.22 $818.86 $380.27 $839.30 $812.93 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $824.95 $818.86 Surname BALICE BALINT BALL BALL BAMJI BANGILD BANKS BANKS BANNISTER BANTON BANYAEM BAPTIST BARATTO BARBERO BARCENAS PINEDA BARCLAY BARKLEY BARNES BARNES BARNES BARNES BARNETT BARNHARDT BARR BARRAGAN BARREDO BARREIRA BARRETT BARRETTO BARSKY BARTHOLOMEW BARTLETT BARTLETT BARTLETT BARTLETT BARTLEY BARTZ BASSETT BASSINGTHWAITE BATES BATES BATES BATES BATES BATOR BATTAGLIA BAUS BAYES BAZILSKY BEADMAN BEARD BEATTIE BEATTY BEAUDOIN BEAUDRY BEAUDRY BEAULAC BEAULAC BEAUPARLANT BEAUSOLEIL BEAVEN-BRINDLE BEAVEN-DESJARDINS Given Name VICTORIA NATALIE MICHAEL ANDREW LAURA FRANCES MATTHEW GERALD ZUBIN XERXES JEFFREY DONNA WAYNE MICHAEL JASON MARK ROBIN HORATIO SANTI ROBERT SCOTT MICHELLE TERESA TRISHA ISNARDO TAMMY LYNN MARK EDWIN JOHN COLIN KIRK-NEIL ANTHONY MURRAY WINSTANLEY WALLACE CRISPIN ROBYN MARK TIMOTHY MICHAEL JANET ANDREA LUIS FERNANDO FRANCISCO JAVIER NELSON LAURENCE GEORGE BERTRAND STANLEY MICHAEL STEVEN DARRYL COLIN ALAN ANDREW DANIEL ALBERTO JASON MITCHELL LYNDA MARIE RYAN CHARLES HANNAH FAY KURT ANDREW STEVEN JEFFREY BARRY MICHAEL KIMBERLEY MICHELE SANDY TIMOTHY BRIAN WAYNE EDWARD ANDREW ISTVAN SALVATORE JACQUELINE SANDRA JOHN ARTHUR KENNETH PETER BRIAN GEORGE BENJAMIN JAMES CHRISTOPHER DENNIS RYAN ALEXANDER SHANE REGINALD GHISLAIN MARTIN PAULA LORETO JOSEPH ANDRE SACHA LUCY PAUL JOSEPH MARC MARCIE JEANNE JOANNA RUTH Position Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Court Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Superintendent Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Inspector Salary Paid $115,611.91 $150,116.42 $115,765.32 $102,593.84 $102,677.11 $126,800.79 $113,769.01 $131,272.09 $113,801.95 $118,135.28 $104,549.37 $168,265.45 $147,952.89 $128,846.00 $125,661.43 $109,923.83 $156,160.79 $135,409.66 $198,514.19 $142,279.08 $124,101.90 $131,722.86 $107,673.85 $115,244.86 $131,754.00 $154,574.15 $121,687.09 $117,429.65 $129,727.65 $144,212.02 $120,492.11 $108,094.73 $110,455.77 $127,833.96 $101,228.97 $106,095.55 $128,981.33 $104,527.41 $124,902.15 $195,685.50 $128,893.68 $124,999.95 $118,210.37 $142,762.17 $118,966.34 $101,610.35 $119,478.58 $116,570.06 $119,396.76 $118,293.40 $121,263.69 $116,520.01 $109,351.15 $138,951.99 $104,676.67 $104,541.61 $110,220.29 $110,341.48 $132,760.55 $135,746.67 $102,195.75 $147,452.80 Benefits $841.14 $875.83 $815.99 $753.61 $841.14 $390.18 $524.57 $924.24 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $15,282.25 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $7,746.45 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $865.92 $818.86 $815.99 $809.53 $1,171.01 $841.31 $372.61 $844.56 $1,014.61 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $865.92 $839.30 $809.53 $865.92 $815.99 $866.62 $839.30 $885.22 $438.59 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $284.99 $390.18 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $280.15 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $885.22 $885.22 $819.54 $1,171.01 Surname BECHERVAISE BECKWITH BEDARD BEERS BEGBIE BEGIN BELANGER BELANGER BELANGER BELANGER BELANGER BELL BELL BELL BELL BELLAMY BELLAND BELLEC BELLIGERO BELLION BELLON BELZA BENALLICK BENALLICK BENEVIDES BENINCASA BENNETT BENNETT BENNETT BENNETT BENNETT BENNEY BENNOCH BENOIT BENOIT BENOIT BENOIT BENSON BENSON BENTLEY BENYI BERCHARD BEREZOWSKI BEREZOWSKY BERG BERGEN BERGER BERGERON BERNARD BERNARD BERNARDO BERNARDO BERNIER BERNOBIC BERRIDGE BERRY BERRY BERTIN BERTRIM BERTUCCA BESCO BESCO Given Name CORY FRANCIS CHRISTOPHER NICOLE PAULETTE CLAY ALBERT BLAIR ROBERT MARCEL ARMAND AMANDA MARIE DANIEL JOSEPH DONALD RENE LISA GABRIELLE PAUL LIONEL BRIAN ANDREW DANIEL DARYL EDWARD JAMIESON KRISTIAN JASON ROBERT NEIL GREGORY FRANCOIS MARIE GIULIA LAURENT HUGUES CORINNE TODD MICHAEL DIANNA MARK DANIEL RICHARD FERREIRA MARIANO JOSEPH BRIAN ROBERT JOANNE ROBERT TREVOR WINSTON ANTHONY PETER CHRISTOPHER JOHN ERIN MELISSA HORST ALBERT JASON REGIS LISABET JANE IAN CHRISTOPHER RODNEY WELLON CHRISTOPHER JOHN ALEXANDRU RENNIE JOHN ROBERT NESTOR MICHAEL ANDREW FRANCIS MARK ANDREW BRIAN ROLAND CYNTHIA LEE DAVID ANTHONY EDUARDO MADEIROS ISRAEL FARIA JAMI JOSEPH KEVIN ERIC JOSHUA MICHAEL STEPHEN ROGER GEOFFREY ALEXANDER PATRICIA KIMBERLY DANIEL ADAM DAVID RUSSELL Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Radio and Electronics Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Superintendent Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $128,228.54 $111,616.37 $112,410.25 $155,944.28 $105,082.89 $111,977.09 $105,588.43 $127,531.77 $122,056.57 $106,855.07 $102,152.42 $117,391.15 $130,376.93 $111,513.25 $101,043.61 $112,778.92 $105,883.25 $107,097.06 $116,439.26 $158,994.65 $137,706.56 $115,842.55 $103,334.92 $134,025.05 $137,516.88 $105,495.73 $135,253.39 $122,814.95 $106,006.02 $114,135.62 $142,120.30 $109,865.07 $117,674.37 $108,748.58 $107,980.28 $111,811.15 $128,986.62 $123,102.46 $109,130.80 $110,778.49 $110,017.62 $115,690.91 $139,349.08 $165,684.57 $142,825.07 $168,302.08 $105,884.64 $109,228.30 $131,627.98 $116,359.81 $108,931.05 $155,464.69 $110,864.36 $114,761.79 $100,422.62 $107,881.77 $126,790.26 $107,404.57 $100,815.41 $107,932.88 $100,053.05 $105,135.18 Benefits $839.30 $818.86 $826.03 $1,019.69 $818.86 $860.80 $818.86 $885.22 $914.71 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $438.59 $850.02 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $830.75 $818.86 $924.24 $815.36 $839.30 $924.24 $841.14 $841.14 $865.92 $760.22 $820.67 $399.57 $924.24 $860.80 $841.14 $865.92 $828.75 $875.83 $924.24 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $399.57 $885.22 $860.80 $865.92 $11,811.47 $839.30 $865.92 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $875.83 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $333.21 $865.92 $809.53 $353.65 $860.80 $818.86 $818.86 Surname BESON BEST BEVAN BEVAN BEVERIDGE BEVERS BEVILACQUA BEVILACQUA BEZLEY BHANDARI BHARDWAJ BHATHAL BHATTI BHIMJI BHOGAL BHOGAL BIALECKA BIANCHI BIANCHI BIGA BIGGS BILBY BINNING BINNS BIRD BIRD-DAWSON BIRING BIRRELL BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP BISHOP BISSONNETTE BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACK BLACKADAR BLACKBIRD BLACKER BLAIR BLAIR BLAIR BLAKE BLAKE BLAKE BLAKELEY BLAKELY BLANCHARD BLANCHARD BLAND BLOWER BLUNK BOAG BOBBILI BOBBIS BOCKUS BODDAERT BODDY BOGLES BOHN Given Name MARK WILLIAM MICHAEL EDWARD GORDON WILLIAM KATHRYN ANNE DONALD FILIPPO GIULIO JONATHAN THOMAS NITIN ELLA ELIZABETH HARJEET SINGH HARMANDEEP KARIM TAJDIN JAGDEEP SINGH RAJAN-SINGH MARTA EVA DANIELA KAYLA MARIE MIRCEA DAN HENRY LEE DAVID ANDREW ANDREW JOHN MICHAEL DOUGLAS PAUL STEWART JEREMY ROY SACHBINDER SINGH JOHN THOMAS ALLAN SCOTT ANNE-MARIE DAVID LEONA STEPHEN PAUL MARCEL CAMERON RUSSELL CHRISTOPHER MARCELLO ERIK ALAN ROBERT RICHARD JANELLE RUTH ERICA LOUISE FREDERICK JEFFREY KELVIN JOHNATHON WILLIAM WILLIAM STERLING COURTNEY ANTHONY KIRK DOUGLAS MARTIN EDWARD JANICE SCOTT JAMES KILE DONALD RICHARD DEBBIE ELIZABETH STUART WILLIAM ANDREW FREDDY WILLIAM JOHNNY RATHAN RICHARD ROBERT CORY WARREN PETER CHRISTOPHER EDWARD LOUIE MARK ERIC JAMES Position Detective Police Constable Training Constable Detective Detective Manager of Records Management Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Chief of Police Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Audio Visual Technician Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Training Constable Inspector Police Constable Training Constable Salary Paid $129,604.12 $111,029.09 $132,514.77 $118,307.14 $129,103.48 $168,294.80 $163,289.50 $113,816.32 $119,148.28 $101,436.25 $115,260.67 $154,338.12 $123,990.13 $148,826.81 $108,686.21 $128,699.21 $102,844.64 $117,130.74 $103,158.83 $121,751.89 $128,737.60 $102,572.15 $101,340.82 $106,204.98 $108,951.13 $118,034.24 $126,077.07 $113,268.32 $121,240.82 $148,846.04 $157,758.26 $171,306.86 $128,507.84 $120,449.05 $111,456.82 $110,579.12 $103,805.75 $121,971.94 $115,568.26 $100,205.59 $114,156.98 $144,121.07 $104,998.50 $248,696.39 $117,238.71 $123,906.00 $104,978.84 $120,820.03 $104,298.26 $107,501.95 $127,849.19 $142,828.19 $115,556.29 $132,643.45 $106,642.15 $105,445.57 $199,088.44 $159,926.73 $117,043.54 $155,243.58 $113,192.40 $121,393.37 Benefits $875.83 $722.27 $860.80 $885.22 $885.22 $2,685.31 $875.83 $818.86 $809.53 $815.99 $837.09 $834.65 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $850.02 $809.53 $818.86 $323.88 $818.86 $841.14 $850.02 $839.30 $841.14 $384.25 $860.80 $841.14 $924.24 $924.24 $885.22 $885.22 $865.92 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $850.02 $809.53 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $801.66 $835.05 $841.14 $323.88 $885.22 $818.86 $830.75 $924.24 $841.14 $865.92 $828.75 $860.80 $818.86 $875.83 $9,703.68 $850.02 $457.46 $824.53 $860.80 Surname BOIS BOISVERT BOLCSO BOLDUC BOLLAND BOLTON BOLTYANSKY BONAZZA BONCARDO BOND BOND BONIFACE BONIFACE BOPARA BOPARA BORCH BORG BORG BORISSOV BORSBOOM BORTOLUSS BORUN BOSWARD BOTT BOTTINEAU BOUCHER BOULET BOURGEOIS BOUWMEESTER BOWER BOWKER BOWMAN BOWMAN BOWMAN BOWMASTER BOWRY BOYAL BOYCE BOYCE BOYCE BOYD BOYD BOYD BOYER BOYKO BOYKO BOYLE BOYLE BOYLE BOZZER BRADBURY BRADFIELD BRADFORD BRADLEY BRADY BRADY BRAGANZA BRAGG BRAIDA BRAMMALL BRANKER BRANTON Given Name PAUL ROBERT NICOLE HANNAH MARTHA ANN KEVIN VICTOR CHRISTOPHER GREGORY ROBERT GREGORY VINCENZO PETER JOHN MARLIN MICHELE LOUISE BARKLEY GEORGE LISA ANITA GURMOKH GURWINDER MATTHEW PAUL BRIAN SUSANNE JOSEPHENE BORIS ILIEV MARCELINUS HENDRIKUS JO-ANNE ELLEN STEPHANIE ELIZABETH WILLIAM BRYAN DANIELLE JOANNE ROBERT DANIEL SCOTT JEAN PHILIP STEPHEN DOUGLAS MARC ALAN COLLEEN LISA BRIAN DEREK ANGUS MARTYN MICHAEL GLEN CHRISTOPHER GEORGE GURINDER SINGH ANDREW RYAN RONALD SUSIE ROWENA DALE PETER EDWARD PHILLIP KELSEY DENIS DAYNA KATHLEEN JEREMY JEFFREY JASON EDWARD KENNETH W TRISHA LYNN ANDREW DENNIS SCOTT GORDON KEVIN BARRY MICHAEL CHARLES CHRISTOPHER JASON ROBERT PETER GORDON RYAN FRANCIS JAMES ROBERT SANDI LAUREL MICHAEL DARRYL DERMOT SHANE Position Staff Sergeant Police Constable Senior Analyst Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $124,632.78 $101,856.86 $109,569.01 $104,849.86 $109,289.92 $102,136.65 $120,117.95 $103,991.05 $113,763.90 $146,652.91 $111,057.84 $108,716.92 $102,916.84 $144,935.58 $157,137.49 $107,475.72 $126,169.64 $106,615.63 $130,804.95 $181,940.09 $110,754.29 $137,743.77 $124,820.00 $147,452.80 $109,222.05 $140,968.09 $122,004.67 $110,326.91 $113,898.57 $115,722.72 $116,831.83 $124,889.39 $115,045.68 $103,488.55 $113,333.67 $101,110.02 $101,635.45 $112,900.01 $178,748.07 $102,861.19 $121,841.08 $156,996.88 $108,393.64 $110,685.08 $104,499.00 $115,858.49 $106,175.78 $128,149.07 $117,372.63 $104,424.42 $127,980.85 $114,792.75 $113,147.99 $104,054.31 $110,317.02 $113,114.70 $119,004.03 $148,228.17 $115,888.05 $149,882.56 $107,090.04 $136,786.81 Benefits $904.79 $818.86 $382.20 $818.86 $815.36 $284.99 $818.86 $819.54 $834.02 $819.82 $841.14 $865.92 $809.53 $875.83 $885.22 $809.53 $438.59 $850.02 $818.86 $833.85 $333.21 $818.86 $924.24 $979.39 $458.21 $885.22 $885.22 $824.53 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $924.24 $818.86 $353.65 $859.97 $841.14 $827.04 $841.14 $924.24 $818.86 $841.14 $1,171.01 $832.22 $860.80 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $924.24 $838.27 $841.14 $875.83 $848.24 $839.30 $839.30 $835.47 $828.97 $825.08 $353.65 $809.53 $885.22 $838.47 $438.59 Surname BRANTON BRAR BRAR BRAUND BRAUTIGAM BRAYMAN BREAULT BREEDON BREEZE BREMNER BRESSE BRETT BRETTELL BREWER BRIAND BRIDEAU BRIELL BRIGGS BRIND'AMOUR BRINN BRISCOE BRISTER BRITO BROAD BROADFOOT BROADHAGEN BRONS BROOKER BROOKES BROSNAN BROUGHTON BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWN BROWNE BROWNE BROWNE BRUCE BRUNATO BRUNELLE BRUNO BRUSHETT BRUZZESE BRYAN BRYANT BRYCE BUBNIC BUCEK BUCHANAN BUCHHOLZ BUCKLEY BUDD BUI BULLOCK Given Name STACIE JEAN GURSHARNJIT SINGH SHANE GURSHARAN JAMES RAYMOND JAZEN LORNE GEOFFREY ROBERT AMY RUTH WARREN SPENCER PAUL CHRISTOPHER JAMES JEAN BRYAN DONALD TYLER DOUGLAS MATTHEW JOSEPH HELENA ANN RENE ALYRE SANDRA ANNE CHRISTOPHER NEAL MICHEL PHILIPPE NORMAN OMARI KAMAU JOHN WILLIAM SERGIO AGOSTINHO AARON NATHANIEL ALEXANDER TIMOTHY WALTER JAMES ELISA JANE LEVERNE MCCOURCEY SEAN PETER WILLIAM JACQUELINE JAMES WILLIAM JEREMY ERIC MARK CHARLES MATTHEW JAMES PAUL ANDREW RICHARD GLADSTONE ROBERT ROBERT ARTHUR SCOTT DEREK SHAWN HUGH GREGORY STUART JIMMY TERRENCE PAMELA RICCARDO GLEN WINSTON DONALD KEVIN MICHAEL DOMENICO CHARLOTTE ANN ALAN MICHAEL ROBERT FRANCIS SANDI SYLVIA LUCIE GREGORY MICHAEL JOHN ANDREW DONALD MICHAEL ANTHONY TAM THACH NEIL Position Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Shift Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Communications Support Coordinator Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $110,071.53 $119,921.63 $169,145.06 $101,258.31 $123,865.21 $136,984.59 $111,053.32 $103,780.87 $103,987.11 $108,710.22 $137,730.11 $137,934.52 $109,370.56 $102,973.21 $100,643.32 $105,129.73 $119,463.04 $106,967.90 $116,900.57 $156,922.37 $108,320.14 $134,564.81 $118,982.99 $105,136.38 $121,916.10 $112,736.89 $129,837.02 $106,634.80 $140,088.37 $141,195.19 $101,756.99 $129,144.06 $139,233.41 $107,509.72 $134,434.47 $110,523.29 $115,006.15 $109,915.95 $127,153.19 $112,226.15 $112,881.97 $128,127.25 $124,189.48 $139,526.84 $154,931.79 $121,705.63 $115,595.30 $112,585.01 $106,000.52 $106,376.49 $186,695.91 $107,842.77 $108,862.55 $115,456.23 $106,400.19 $103,586.38 $102,915.39 $110,556.73 $122,243.85 $103,367.51 $154,025.65 $146,538.12 Benefits $868.26 $818.86 $924.24 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $875.83 $842.06 $823.28 $860.80 $818.86 $818.86 $722.27 $818.86 $801.19 $841.14 $829.41 $841.14 $841.31 $924.24 $822.08 $818.86 $841.14 $309.14 $885.22 $835.47 $885.22 $375.15 $839.30 $924.24 $818.86 $850.02 $839.30 $355.49 $818.86 $841.14 $819.54 $818.86 $924.24 $865.92 $841.14 $722.27 $825.08 $885.22 $924.24 $860.80 $860.80 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $860.80 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $842.25 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $865.92 $924.24 Surname BULLOCK BULMER BURGESS BURGESS BURGIN BURKE BURKE BURKE BURKE BURKHOLDER BURKS BURLEAU BURLEY BURNETT BURNINGHAM BURNS BURNS BURNS BURNS BURNS BURNS BURNSIDE BURRITT BURRY BUSTOS BUTLER BUTT BUTT BUTT BUTT BUTT BUTT BYERS BYERS BYFIELD BYRNES CACCAVALE CACCIA CAIN CALDER CALDWELL CALIFARETTI CALLAGHAN CALLANAN CAMACHO CAMARA CAMERON CAMERON CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL CAMPBELL Given Name RYAN MATTHEW WARREN JAMES MICHAEL TROY MICHAEL BRIAN CHRISTOPHER JOHN GARY EDWIN RICARDO OMAR SUSAN JOYCE HERBERT CHARLES DEAN MICHAEL JEFFERY DAVID JOSEPH ANSON RICHARD GRANT NEIL ALISON MARION JONATHON PAUL LAURA ELIZABETH MICHAEL ROY ROY BRIAN STEPHEN GEORGE SEAN KELLY STEPHANIE SHAWN CECIL HARRY SANTIAGO PHILIP MICHAEL AMIR CELESTE BARBARA FASIEH UZ MATTHEW DAVID MICHAEL CLAYTON STEPHEN MILLER DEREK JONATHAN MICHAEL MARLENE ELAINE ELIZABETH ERASMO DAVID MICHAEL JAMES MICHAEL MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER KELLY PAMELA SANDRA ANGELA PETER EDWARD GORDON JOSE TOMMY ALAN NEIL ROBERT ANDREW JAMES ANDREW WESLEY BRYAN EDWARD CLAYTON DOUGLAS DONALD ALEXANDER DOUGLAS JOANNE ELIZABETH MARCIA MARK ALEXANDER MICHELLE DIANE MURRAY SMEATON NICOLE PHILLIP SCOTT STEVEN JAMES Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Shift Supervisor Superintendent Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Director of Finance and Administration Inspector Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Superintendent Sergeant Executive Director Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $121,066.20 $108,557.06 $105,524.21 $115,169.36 $122,348.10 $116,217.57 $148,447.38 $104,225.29 $116,610.49 $118,522.09 $140,535.57 $104,510.78 $107,748.31 $119,744.53 $125,251.55 $100,315.08 $100,920.08 $102,694.24 $107,790.56 $105,781.19 $125,198.11 $138,177.38 $130,860.22 $115,650.71 $152,818.62 $111,866.42 $102,841.93 $134,422.52 $120,777.01 $100,531.05 $120,933.59 $102,521.59 $140,580.60 $127,295.44 $110,950.71 $168,302.08 $120,294.99 $101,748.75 $122,651.06 $107,541.12 $102,265.05 $177,524.27 $147,452.80 $100,934.34 $160,094.24 $103,077.68 $100,829.84 $121,481.98 $127,612.98 $103,397.28 $131,488.11 $119,511.19 $171,765.66 $118,430.99 $171,449.50 $138,680.05 $127,433.73 $140,504.88 $122,234.45 $131,311.43 $112,221.54 $128,622.48 Benefits $809.53 $735.80 $839.30 $885.22 $830.75 $399.57 $875.83 $809.53 $885.22 $885.22 $924.24 $818.86 $846.54 $824.95 $438.59 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $835.94 $809.53 $885.22 $818.86 $875.83 $875.83 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $809.53 $818.86 $871.13 $818.86 $875.83 $858.21 $315.54 $11,391.25 $885.22 $818.07 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $2,493.30 $1,171.01 $839.30 $885.22 $818.86 $839.30 $838.27 $835.87 $835.05 $914.71 $904.79 $19,543.19 $885.22 $2,460.93 $885.22 $812.93 $865.92 $875.83 $781.52 $840.32 $865.92 Surname CAMPESE CAMPOLI CAMPOLI CANEPA CANNATA CANNELLA CANNING CANNING CANNON CANNON CAPIZZO CAPONE CAPUTO CARACCIOLO CARAMANICO CARBONE CARBRAY CAREFOOT CARGILL CARL CARLES CARLETON CARMICHAEL CARON CARPINO CARPINO CARSWELL CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER CARTER-THUET CARTWRIGHT CARUSO CARVALHO CASEY CASH CASHMORE CASPAR CASSIDY CASSIDY CASSIDY CASTELL CASTELLUCCI CASTILLO DELGADO CATANIA CATENACCIO CATES CATON CAUNTER CAVANAGH CAVE CAVEN CAWTHORNE CAWTHORNE CECHETTO CECILE CENSONI CERESOLI Given Name MICHELLE ANGELA ADAM DANIEL STEVEN ROBERT ANTONIO DAVID ANGELO GIUSEPPE MARK PAUL BRET MARLENE SHEENA LEIGH GIUSEPPE DINO DAVID JOSEPH JOSEPH ROGER DOMINIC NICHOLAS ALDO MIKE WILLIAM PAUL TODD PAUL SCOTT GEORGE WILLIAM MATTHEW MOSES STEPHEN JAMES STEPHEN FRANCIS MARY HELENE KELLY ANN ROBERTO CARMELO BRIAN PATRICK ALPHONSO PAUL DALE HUGH JUNIOR MARVA MARIE RANDOLPH SARAH JEAN SHAWN CHRISTOPHER ERIN LEIGH CARL JAMES SALVATORE AVELINO MOTA JAMES AUSTIN JENNIFER ANNE RICHARD CHARLES JENNIFER MARY CHRISTOPHER RYAN MICHAEL SEAN ANDREW TIFFANY ALICIA ANTHONY EDUIN RODRIGO GIOVANNA MARIO STEVEN RICHARD MATTHEW MICHAEL BENJAMINTHOMAS DAVID JEFFREY RANDAL DELBERT LORRIE AUDRY PETRA JASON PAUL ANDREW PAUL GLEN LORENZINO MICHAEL MAURIZIO Position Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Project Leader Superintendent Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Training Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Operations Supervisor Training Supervisor Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $104,222.06 $109,991.33 $143,651.31 $144,205.91 $111,389.09 $144,830.16 $109,521.04 $107,612.52 $106,642.15 $103,745.15 $125,153.71 $142,264.58 $129,285.67 $119,700.16 $104,076.24 $164,025.38 $125,152.51 $130,520.93 $138,653.21 $133,442.06 $104,230.73 $112,263.50 $141,931.59 $112,117.87 $112,529.13 $120,258.03 $117,521.56 $100,495.64 $120,198.59 $168,080.04 $120,435.95 $166,049.71 $108,734.27 $116,122.27 $110,351.03 $117,220.93 $104,696.14 $168,580.84 $117,086.21 $122,769.03 $115,077.83 $104,415.87 $103,159.22 $108,715.49 $125,374.30 $113,497.44 $123,126.08 $115,996.74 $103,061.24 $142,536.94 $118,957.17 $107,889.04 $105,198.47 $114,864.66 $111,330.28 $100,692.64 $101,006.82 $113,552.79 $103,156.34 $126,256.72 $115,943.11 $132,703.63 Benefits $802.51 $809.53 $865.92 $860.80 $860.80 $818.86 $860.80 $818.86 $860.80 $333.21 $885.22 $839.30 $885.22 $865.92 $824.27 $924.24 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $860.80 $841.14 $856.42 $875.83 $837.46 $774.30 $839.30 $832.96 $813.25 $885.22 $818.86 $413.05 $14,403.99 $809.53 $809.53 $826.37 $364.37 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $865.92 $860.02 $774.30 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $820.67 $885.22 $793.94 $798.89 $822.47 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $844.56 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $831.79 $841.14 Surname CERNOWSKI CERQUEIRA CESAR CHADWICK CHAHAL CHAHAL CHAHAL CHAHAL CHAKAL CHALMERS CHAMBERS CHAMBERS CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHAN CHANG CHANG CHANNER CHANT CHAPMAN CHAPMAN CHARBONNEAU CHARETTE CHARIANDY CHARLES CHARLES CHARRON CHASE CHASE CHAUDHARY CHAUDHRY CHEECHOO CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHEN CHENG CHERRY CHEUNG CHEUNG CHEUNG CHEUNG CHEUNG CHEVALIER CHHABRA CHHINZER CHIASSON CHIASSON CHIASSON CHILDS CHILVERS CHILVERS CHIN CHIN CHIN CHIOVITTI CHIU Given Name ANDREW JOHN GEORGE MANUEL LYDIA ELIZABETH TIMOTHY JASKANWAL SINGH JEFFERY ALVIN MANDEEP SINGH PARDEEP SINGH SARBJIT SINGH ANDREA COURTNEY WILFRED IGNATIUS ALPHA HAWK-BUNG CHRISTOPHER CHUN KWONG GREGORY JONATHAN HIN-LING JUSTIN KAI TAI CHU THAO WENDY MICHELLE NEVILLE JAMES ELLIOT KAREN MARK JEFFREY PATRICK MELISSA ANNE MARK MICHAEL ANTHONY SIMBERT STEPHANE REJEAN TEE DE WILLIAM OLIVER NICHOLAS MAGHFOOR AHMAD NELSON THOMAS DENNIS YAU JINN-HUEI JIMMY RAYMOND WEI-MIN STEPHEN NING WEI PIN ALAN LAP DARYL STEVEN CHING TIN CHRISTOPHER KWOK GADMAN DANIEL KAREN WAI NICKY TIN-FU ROBERT JOHN AJAY RANDEEP DANY MARCEL ANDRE YVETTE MARIE CYNTHIA AMANDA DANIELLE CHRISTOPHER CLIFFORD ADRIAN CAREY KIRK SEAN MARK ANTHONY VERA ANNA SIN-YI Position Financial Planner Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Planner Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Assistant Manager of Employment Sergeant Salary Paid $130,721.82 $100,721.53 $116,527.34 $101,441.65 $113,687.22 $108,044.22 $110,745.94 $107,357.58 $110,149.59 $102,921.53 $139,637.80 $106,855.10 $113,658.97 $115,155.61 $110,458.26 $102,712.89 $105,803.70 $111,983.72 $112,864.24 $146,175.23 $115,668.43 $114,284.31 $127,718.13 $111,497.48 $116,431.32 $106,560.83 $118,353.76 $104,300.37 $160,354.59 $103,265.94 $106,497.31 $114,967.68 $135,564.68 $122,949.67 $116,124.10 $122,771.04 $157,920.56 $108,211.64 $111,732.81 $107,797.78 $142,215.01 $108,587.33 $131,347.37 $145,362.59 $134,901.35 $116,862.04 $101,802.15 $114,590.51 $107,962.27 $164,451.51 $122,781.63 $130,269.97 $116,097.03 $134,000.77 $134,865.73 $110,802.98 $144,702.95 $106,607.53 $105,837.78 $108,431.46 $119,070.42 $117,188.27 Benefits $1,089.37 $818.86 $809.53 $722.27 $814.55 $814.55 $809.53 $809.53 $834.65 $818.86 $924.24 $809.53 $875.83 $815.36 $860.80 $839.30 $809.53 $765.80 $818.86 $865.92 $804.61 $885.22 $841.14 $875.83 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $924.24 $824.53 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $798.89 $865.92 $818.86 $824.95 $809.53 $839.30 $741.14 $830.75 $818.86 $865.92 $830.75 $841.14 $351.02 $824.53 $826.84 $834.65 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $924.24 $841.14 $465.18 $841.14 $828.75 $355.49 $47.82 $885.22 Surname CHMELA CHO CHOE CHOE CHOI CHONG CHOO-WING CHORNOOK CHOU CHOUINARD CHOURYGUINE CHOW CHOW CHOW CHOW YOUNG CHRISTIAN CHRISTIAN CHRISTODOULOU CHRISTOU CHU CHU CHUDOBA CHUDZINSKI CHUNG CHUNG CHUNG CHUNG CHUNG CHURKOO CIAUSU CICCHIRILLO CID CIESLIK CIESLIK CILIA CIOFFI CIPRO CLAPP CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARK CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLARKE CLAUDIO CLAYTON CLEMENS CLEMENTS CLENDINNING CLIFFORD COBB COCCARI-ENGLISH Given Name MICHAEL OTTO HYUNG EUN MICHAEL LIM ROBERT HELIO HYUN WILSON CHEE DEXTER MICHAEL STEPHEN YU-YA RONALD JEREMY DMITRY HAROLD LAWRENCE CHI WING YEM RICHARD DAVID NIGEL PHILIP BRUCE YIORGO RICHARD GEORGE BENNY WING SHEILA XIAOTANG MYRON ROBERT ADAM PHILIP RODCLIFF RODGER RYAN ANTHONY SINDERELA SUN-MI YONG SUL DOODNATH DEODATH LUMINITA GIUSEPPE CLAUDIA IRENE JAROSLAW SUSAN HELENA JOHN ROBERT MARC ANGELO MICHELLE PAULINE CATHERINE ANN CORINNE DANA JOHN DAVID JAMES HAZEL ANN JAMIE ANDERSON KARAH DAWN PRESTON MICHAEL TRAVIS DAYMOND CALVIN PETER JEFFERY HOWARD JERRY RYAN JOHN MATTHEW FRANCIS PAUL EGERTON STACYANN MARIA WAYNE ANTHONY DONALD RICARDO JEFFREY HOWARD MARK WILLIAM HUGH ANTHONY MAUREEN ANNE CATERINA Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Project Leader Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Court Officer Supervisor Salary Paid $102,524.23 $161,613.75 $116,815.94 $143,785.08 $106,739.90 $102,677.81 $107,733.70 $133,611.32 $101,944.22 $107,312.94 $153,864.49 $185,067.38 $124,468.24 $110,384.99 $108,641.87 $108,630.61 $116,357.64 $118,845.35 $130,481.35 $117,177.45 $123,124.78 $128,675.11 $141,273.59 $145,320.50 $108,250.13 $146,958.26 $120,456.85 $135,025.11 $171,690.11 $100,275.46 $100,052.14 $107,399.95 $124,838.50 $125,740.55 $114,392.70 $140,512.20 $132,019.95 $111,359.86 $123,903.51 $108,135.29 $108,969.85 $108,867.20 $122,052.85 $110,806.73 $117,307.72 $145,119.36 $112,255.28 $139,060.13 $129,002.36 $131,891.22 $129,781.70 $170,507.94 $124,734.09 $108,318.83 $105,422.23 $136,126.81 $136,415.03 $123,246.58 $127,366.25 $151,063.62 $110,408.62 $103,934.87 Benefits $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $865.92 $818.86 $830.75 $841.14 $839.30 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $399.57 $815.99 $773.90 $809.53 $818.86 $825.08 $815.99 $809.53 $686.15 $885.22 $809.53 $399.57 $740.92 $865.92 $818.86 $832.18 $875.83 $351.02 $812.93 $818.86 $839.30 $860.80 $841.14 $865.92 $904.79 $815.99 $607.27 $825.34 $836.25 $828.75 $875.83 $333.21 $865.92 $875.83 $524.25 $818.86 $814.55 $885.22 $841.14 $839.30 $873.45 $818.86 $812.93 $839.30 $885.22 $839.30 $5,912.23 $818.86 $127.79 $294.46 Surname CODE COFFEY COFFEY COGHLIN COHEN COHEN COLACCI COLACO COLE COLE COLE COLEMAN COLEMAN COLES COLLIN COLLINS COLLYER COLLYMORE COLUCCI COMEAU COMISSION COMMON CONIGLIO CONLAN CONLEY CONLIFFE CONNELL CONNOLLY CONNOR CONSACK CONSACK CONSTANTINESCU CONTANT COOK COOK COOKE COOMBS COOPER COOPER COOPER COOPER COOVADIA COPAT CORBA CORBIE CORCORAN CORDEIRO CORDOVA CORMACK CORNETT CORNFORD COROGHLY CORRA CORREA CORREA CORREA CORREIA CORREIA CORREIA CORRIE CORRIGAN COSCARELLA Given Name PETER CHARLES JAMES DAVID THOMAS JAMES GARFIELD ALAN LAWRENCE MELISSA KELLY CARLO ROBERTO VERNON ANTONIO DONALD GREGORY JASON ARTHUR CRAIG EDWARD KEITH SAMUEL BRUCE ELLIS JONATHAN DAVID CHRISTOPHER PATRICK ADAM STEPHEN BRIAN MATTHEW MARK VINCENT JOSEPH THOMAS CHRISTOPHER PAUL JENNIFER LYNN DOMENICO DARREN PATRICK TIMOTHY KENNETH JACOB GLENN DALE JOHN PAUL BRUCE ALEXANDER EWA ANNA KRISTIAN NATALIA JASON ARTHUR ANTHONY DOUGLAS THOMAS WILLIAM LEE SCOTT ALBERT GEORGE AUSTIN CURT CHRISTOPHER ROBERT RICHARD STEVEN BERNARD ABDUL-KHALIK YAHYA LUIGI ERIK WESLEY MARCUS JAY BRIAN ELIZABETT MARIA ROBERTO BRIAN JAMES THOMAS BIAGIO CHRISTOPHER KHALID MOHAMMED DALE ANTONIO DAVID RODRIGUEZ IRWIN BRYAN MEDEIROS JEFFERY SNEZANA ANDREW BENJAMIN NEIL DAVID ANTHONY Position Inspector Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Inspector Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Shift Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Superintendent Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $150,591.69 $109,966.69 $111,934.57 $129,881.06 $139,905.07 $114,549.76 $106,658.05 $108,123.92 $125,473.01 $147,452.80 $126,254.95 $108,077.20 $123,478.41 $100,415.44 $111,193.09 $113,739.18 $116,971.79 $114,545.25 $116,289.62 $121,198.14 $102,440.70 $109,262.21 $114,336.30 $129,655.15 $107,719.98 $101,224.54 $115,316.34 $124,957.96 $142,372.77 $116,572.14 $127,477.78 $115,456.91 $121,332.14 $110,743.62 $110,596.10 $126,868.42 $120,445.19 $100,627.62 $109,174.66 $109,306.44 $100,092.06 $151,988.52 $125,627.43 $114,695.79 $132,450.34 $127,903.55 $140,641.55 $113,727.77 $108,239.28 $106,771.91 $125,338.87 $124,756.87 $115,278.07 $113,395.98 $133,088.70 $139,504.25 $143,729.65 $134,270.78 $103,124.02 $101,454.51 $168,302.08 $139,324.31 Benefits $967.07 $815.99 $865.92 $438.59 $865.92 $834.66 $831.85 $835.94 $924.24 $1,171.01 $885.22 $818.86 $850.02 $353.65 $865.92 $818.86 $818.86 $812.93 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $315.54 $841.14 $809.53 $824.53 $809.53 $885.22 $828.75 $865.92 $830.75 $809.53 $809.53 $835.05 $841.14 $835.05 $818.86 $999.32 $818.86 $811.65 $835.31 $718.42 $839.30 $860.80 $809.53 $835.05 $822.82 $664.39 $809.53 $865.92 $809.53 $860.80 $841.14 $885.22 $815.99 $875.83 $839.30 $841.14 $859.14 $838.50 $841.14 $17,337.70 $924.24 Surname COSENTINO COSGROVE COSTA CORREIA COSTABILE COSTELLO COTE COTT COULSON COULTER COULTHARD COURT COUTO COUTTS COUTTS COWL COWLEY COWLING COX COX COXON COYNE CRACKNELL CRADDOCK CRAIG CRAIG CRAIG CRAMPTON CRANE CRANE CRAWFORD CRAWFORD CRAWFORD CRAWFORD CRETU CREWS CREWS CRICHTON CRILLY CRISANTI CRISP CRISTIANO CROLL CRONE CRONIN CROOKER CROSBY CROWLEY CRUDEN CRUZ CRUZ CSIBI CULLINGFORD CUMBERBATCH CURTIN CURTIS CUSHING CUTTING CZARNOTA CZUJKO CZUJKO DA COSTA DA SILVA Given Name SALVATORE SEAN DAVID ZENON PIO GINO PATRICK WILLIAM KEVIN JAMES ADRIENNE ELIZABETH WILLIAM SHANE DUSTIN JASON MILES ANDREW JAMES DIANA RODRIGUES BRADLEY GEORGE SEAN GORDON TAYLOR JAMES ALISON LOUISE LISA ANN DARREN ANDREW DAVID ANDREW SHAWNA MICHELLE PATRICK KEVIN ALECHIA CYNTHIA STEPHEN KEVIN DANIEL SANDRA JEAN SCOTT DAVID ALAN GERALD DAVID ROBERT JASON ANTHONY JOHN COREY LANCE JASON RICHARD SUSAN PATRICIA ANDREI ALEXANDER WILLIAM NORMAN JOHN JAMES COSIMO MATHEW GUIDO DIANA ELIZABETH TIMOTHY MICHAEL ANDREW LISA CATHERINE DANIEL PATRICK JANINE MARIANNE ELIZABETH ANTONIO RAMON JOHN VICTOR LADISLAV ALEXANDRU PETER ASHLEY COLIN ROGER HELEN MARGARET TERESA PHYLLIS IRKA KATHERINE MICHEAL ANDREW MICHAEL RONALD NICOLAS OREST OREST ANTONIO NORBERTO BRIAN Position Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Quality Assurance Analyst Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Locational Administrator Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Information Technology Governance Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $157,400.75 $110,821.43 $171,811.01 $166,707.06 $134,020.50 $143,199.06 $112,408.25 $125,209.35 $113,853.10 $131,946.09 $115,219.30 $108,410.27 $116,637.24 $116,917.43 $104,037.77 $105,191.21 $101,864.32 $145,813.08 $100,224.95 $142,725.34 $125,827.69 $110,772.12 $118,815.79 $125,081.67 $100,799.29 $129,681.28 $108,008.75 $109,120.28 $131,175.77 $110,618.89 $112,395.74 $110,155.49 $110,523.37 $124,092.70 $153,716.92 $130,832.75 $124,367.67 $119,975.39 $101,114.03 $112,322.04 $213,529.39 $105,358.66 $154,867.81 $110,980.14 $145,883.80 $126,275.19 $139,766.66 $100,399.73 $109,561.94 $117,064.39 $122,551.77 $100,415.44 $100,709.79 $155,944.28 $113,442.12 $111,088.99 $104,423.57 $128,930.81 $104,502.52 $100,415.44 $103,732.82 $118,712.08 Benefits $438.59 $865.92 $875.83 $839.30 $841.14 $865.92 $260.94 $924.24 $875.83 $750.83 $832.18 $462.02 $841.14 $823.46 $809.53 $841.14 $355.49 $885.22 $809.53 $990.97 $865.92 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $331.43 $885.22 $818.86 $809.53 $875.83 $818.86 $865.92 $830.75 $818.86 $722.27 $867.62 $924.24 $885.22 $875.83 $353.65 $828.75 $839.30 $765.80 $685.36 $818.86 $914.71 $924.24 $924.24 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $820.67 $839.30 $353.65 $1,019.69 $841.14 $382.20 $809.53 $809.53 $728.67 $839.30 $850.74 $809.53 Surname DA SILVA DA SILVA DA SILVA DA SILVA CRISTOPULO D'ABREO DABU DAFOE DAGONAS DAHAN DAL GRANDE DALE DALE DALES DALEY DALEY DALGARNO D'ALIMONTE DAMANI DAMASO DANCE D'ANGELICA D'ANGELO DANIEL DANIELS DANIELS DANIELS DANIELS DANSON DANSON D'ANTONIO DAOUST DARBYSHIRE DARMITZ DARNBROUGH DARNLEY DARWISH DARYARAM DAS GUPTA D'ASCENZO DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVEY DAVID DAVIDSON DAVIES DAVIES DAVIES DAVIS DAVIS DAVIS DAVY DAVYDOVA DAWN DAWODU DAWOOD DAWSON Given Name JOSE MARK PAUL TIMOTHY PETER JIMMY BERNARDO OLIVER JOSE PAULINO DALE ANDREA HELEN VALERIE RUTH MAURO ANGELO DONALD JEFFREY HOWARD CLAYTON RUSSELL KEVIN TIMOTHY WILLIAM PATSY STEVEN ZAHIR RODNEY RYAN WILLIAM GEMI GIUSEPPE ROGER GLENROY JEFFERY CLARENCE MARK CHARLES PAUL EDWARD ROBYN LEE AKIRA NATHANIEL STEPHANIE ELIZABETH REMO MICHAEL-LEE DENIS-PAUL JAMES EDWARD ANDREW JOSEPH DANIEL ROBERT STEVEN WILLIAM WALID FARSHAD ONIL MICHELE ABELE AMY LEE DEREK JAMES FRANCESCA ANNE JILL JOHN ROBIN SEAN ANDREW THOMAS TIMOTHY COSMA ALLAN WILLIAM NEIL CHARLES RICHARD CRAIG ROBERT EARLE JASON BRIAN SHARON STACEY DEE BRIAN CAMERON OLGA BRIAN GORDON CHRISTOPHER OLUFEMI AMAAN GEORGE JOSEPH Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Project Leader Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Senior Customer Service Representative Operations Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Patrol Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $156,391.33 $108,253.30 $106,266.60 $123,379.80 $108,510.87 $112,547.23 $120,632.06 $100,094.95 $104,965.70 $100,639.70 $132,859.21 $104,900.62 $115,625.77 $137,350.22 $131,330.54 $100,415.44 $115,270.34 $121,402.85 $126,194.66 $111,922.87 $103,285.94 $117,068.18 $147,354.15 $135,468.65 $158,395.34 $102,004.61 $106,712.71 $109,422.36 $113,141.27 $124,220.75 $119,298.70 $129,023.44 $134,288.03 $132,725.34 $102,596.62 $100,448.33 $135,590.52 $125,367.07 $101,110.02 $103,233.68 $107,278.07 $101,749.37 $100,791.19 $102,140.59 $101,109.56 $118,381.64 $125,828.58 $126,799.51 $145,889.88 $105,571.77 $107,899.03 $107,286.75 $144,817.36 $110,049.71 $126,243.56 $109,183.04 $111,611.08 $103,936.82 $122,195.39 $101,945.35 $137,325.63 $130,244.58 Benefits $839.30 $818.45 $809.53 $834.65 $809.53 $818.86 $885.22 $815.36 $716.14 $839.30 $885.22 $333.21 $835.47 $839.30 $875.83 $839.30 $840.32 $413.05 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $860.80 $847.89 $841.14 $885.22 $351.02 $817.08 $809.53 $809.53 $871.13 $841.14 $924.24 $838.71 $885.22 $841.14 $825.84 $815.99 $860.80 $355.49 $355.49 $833.96 $746.59 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $841.14 $885.22 $438.59 $818.86 $818.86 $812.93 $818.86 $865.92 $838.27 $924.24 $865.92 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $815.99 $924.24 Surname DAWSON DAWSON DAY DAY DAYLER D'CUNHA DE ABREU DE ANGELIS DE CAIRE DE COSTE DE GUERRA DE GUZMAN DE HARTOG DE KLOET DE LIMA DE LIO DE LOS RIOS DE LUGT DE MEDEIROS DE OLIVEIRA DE QUINTAL DE SOUSA DE ZILVA DEABREU DEACON DEAN DEAN DEANE DEARBORN DECOCK DEKEZEL DELGADO MENESES DELOTTINVILLE DEMELO DEMIAN DEMIRDEN DEMKIW DEMPSTER DENNIS DESILVA DESJARDINS DESLOGES DESMARAIS DESROCHERS DESROCHERS DEVEREUX DEWLAND DEWSNAP DEWSNAP DEY DHALIWAL DHALIWAL DHATT DHILLON DHILLON DHILLON DHINSA DHOUM DHRUV DHUKAI DHUKAI DI GIACOMO Given Name SHANNON INEZ VICKI JOANNE PAUL NATHAN DAVID MICHAEL EDWARD ERROL WAYNE MARY-GINA JEFFREY PAUL LISA GERMAINE VIJAY JOHN NOEL ENRIQUEZ CALLUM ALEXANDER CAROLINE JANE DAVID NOEL FRANK PAUL JUAN CARLOS MARK SHERRY MARIA CATHERINE PETER ANDREW JOHN PAUL MICHAEL BRIAN GREGORY JOHN TIMOTHY WILLIAM BERTRAND JESSE RUSSELL SUSAN LOUISE ROBERT FREDERICK MONICA ENG JENNIFER CRYSTAL JUAN CARLOS STEVEN JOHN MATTHEW CORREIA HIBA JOSEPH AHMET MYRON ANDREY JONATHAN NICHOLAS AARON JULIUS THEODORE JOSEPH FRANCOIS THOMAS ARMAND JOHN PAUL JEROME JEREMY ROGER HENRI CHRISTOPHER LEE WILLIAM RONALD JAMIE DUNCAN STACEY LYNN ROBIN HUGH PIARA SINGH SURINDERJIT RUBINDER JAGJIT SINGH RANBIR SINGH RAVNEET SINGH PARVINDERJIT SINGH MUNISH GLENN ESMAIL ABDULKARIM ZEESHAN AYUB ROBERTO Position Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Police Constable Information Security Examiner Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Project Leader Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $125,973.37 $123,301.11 $106,311.80 $122,533.85 $127,278.29 $132,043.49 $128,560.46 $100,150.63 $131,761.21 $101,110.02 $106,621.65 $101,649.14 $101,549.57 $106,465.93 $106,223.42 $125,990.72 $118,303.32 $104,574.16 $119,211.48 $112,320.43 $102,757.63 $147,334.02 $120,827.80 $113,631.52 $106,359.80 $178,870.57 $124,857.25 $102,014.55 $155,374.64 $131,621.47 $103,148.28 $101,031.94 $133,798.58 $102,827.99 $125,456.55 $142,147.73 $147,452.80 $103,366.00 $122,360.33 $128,771.57 $131,828.01 $114,577.11 $108,785.43 $111,369.38 $116,393.32 $126,284.09 $110,221.90 $130,222.30 $101,401.56 $163,703.79 $128,984.70 $126,846.62 $171,388.07 $117,363.63 $113,302.11 $122,601.95 $141,515.58 $124,867.72 $114,831.11 $108,829.84 $117,395.98 $121,980.38 Benefits $875.83 $885.22 $837.90 $839.30 $841.14 $841.14 $835.05 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $355.49 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $885.22 $860.80 $839.30 $829.62 $814.55 $818.86 $841.14 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $351.02 $839.30 $673.89 $809.53 $809.53 $836.25 $809.53 $718.42 $835.47 $1,171.01 $814.55 $873.79 $413.05 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $835.05 $866.62 $828.75 $330.34 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $382.20 $465.18 $818.86 $865.92 $809.53 $809.53 $835.94 $828.75 $333.89 $835.05 $865.92 Surname DI NARDO DI NINO DI PASSA DI PASSA DI TOLLO DI TOMMASO DIAZ DIAZ DICK DICKIE DICKINSON DICOSOLA DIDANIELI DIGIOVANNI DILLY DINC DIODATI DION DIRENZO DISALVO DITLOF DIVIESTI DIXON DIXON DIZON DIZON DLUGOPOLSKI DMYTRYSHYN DOBBS DOBBS DOBIAS DOBRO DODDS DODSON DOE DOHERTY DOKURNO DOLENC DOLGHII DOMINELLI DOMINEY DOMINGO DONAIS DONALDSON DONALDSON DONE DONISON DONNELLY D'ONOFRIO DORAZIO DOREY D'ORNELLAS DORRINGTON DORRINGTON DOSANJH DOUGHTY DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS DOUGLAS-COOK Given Name MARCO RICHARD DONALD DOMENICO JULIE MONICA FRANCA MARIO ANGELA MARIA PEDRO EDUARDO MICHAEL DAVID CRAIG WILLIAM DAVID THORPE MICHELE ROBERTO GIUSEPPE ANDREW EARL HUSEYIN RICHARD DANIEL RAYMOND MARTIN SHARON NICHOLAS CHRISTOPHER TONY AARON SCOTT HELEN BRIDIE EDUARDO JOSE BENEDICTO STANISLAW KAREN SUMIE BEVERLY ROSE CHRISTIAN DANIEL ROBERT ANDREW ANDREW LESLIE GRAHAM RANDIE LIONEL DOUGLAS BRADEN SPENCER RICHARD MICHAEL BRENDA LYNN IVAN VITTORIO SALVATORE PAUL LAURIE JASON EDWARD BRADLEY JAMES CHRISTINA ELENA DAVID JOHN IULIAN KIM BARRY CHRISTOPHER ANTONIO NICKOLAS CHARLES JOSEPH THOMAS MARK CHRISTOPHER FRANCIS JUSTIN LAURIE DONNA MANDEEP KATHY MURIEL BARBARA ANN FRASER GORDON JEFFREY MARTIN KWAME STEPHEN MICHAEL ALLYSON KAREN Position Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Senior Operations Supervisor Staff Superintendent Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Coordinator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Project Leader Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $121,363.51 $117,950.65 $127,071.44 $113,766.21 $113,259.13 $181,689.97 $106,947.17 $131,270.70 $114,349.68 $134,168.80 $141,145.66 $131,225.70 $140,368.27 $139,051.99 $116,062.11 $105,169.69 $103,359.06 $130,403.85 $115,744.48 $115,022.03 $117,243.14 $139,223.77 $100,032.55 $115,058.14 $117,225.88 $144,069.57 $122,197.88 $103,005.04 $103,852.99 $102,251.65 $119,433.04 $108,308.00 $120,993.05 $109,054.26 $101,804.39 $104,286.23 $163,238.93 $109,889.98 $108,175.62 $117,882.90 $157,428.54 $119,950.99 $135,687.89 $102,356.44 $109,915.02 $107,370.73 $187,129.00 $113,896.37 $141,590.87 $125,117.22 $126,607.01 $107,990.01 $126,133.49 $107,335.97 $127,231.21 $107,356.14 $129,696.12 $108,790.26 $118,584.07 $100,952.03 $110,076.67 $109,159.59 Benefits $834.65 $838.27 $924.24 $399.57 $862.86 $12,841.90 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $865.92 $885.22 $924.24 $885.22 $841.14 $351.02 $839.30 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $830.75 $924.24 $818.86 $851.84 $844.56 $869.90 $841.14 $829.41 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $850.02 $834.65 $818.86 $924.24 $809.53 $815.36 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $865.92 $830.75 $830.75 $813.89 $839.30 $838.27 $841.14 $841.14 $413.05 $850.02 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $416.04 $884.82 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 Surname DOUGLIN DOUPE DOUVIS DOWDING DOWLING DOWNIE DOWNING DOYLE DOYLE DOYLE DOYLE DOYLE DRAHEIM DRAKE DRAKE DRAKE DRAPACK DRAPER DRAPER DRAZIC DREGLIA DRENNAN DROPULJIC DROZDZOWSKI DRUMMOND DRUMMOND DRUMMOND DRURY D'SILVA D'SOUZA D'SOUZA D'SOUZA DUARTE DUARTE DUARTE DUBE DUBREUIL DUCIE DUCUSIN DUDAREV DUERDEN DUFFUS DUFFY DUGAN DUGGAN DUKE DULATAS DULUDE DUNBAR DUNCAN DUNCAN DUNCAN DUNCAN DUNK DUNKER DUNKLEY DUNLOP DUNLOP DUNN DUNNE DUNNING DUNNING Given Name CHARLES VANCE JEFFERY JONATHON ANTONIOS JEFFREY EDWARD CHRISTOPHER THOMAS KELLY THOMAS ANDREW MERSHON CENTINA ROXANNE CHRISTOPHER PATRICK DANIEL MAURICE JAMES EDWARD RODNEY ALFRED-WERNER CHRISTOPHER WAYNE KEVIN CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM RYAN JOSEPH CHE WILLIAM KIRSTAN GILES NIKOLA ALEXANDER CRAIG JOSEPH MAREK CRAIG WILLIAM KYLE ROBERT WENDY ELIZABETH PAUL ALLISTER PHILIP M RYAN ASHLEY TYRON IAN JOAO RODRIGO MARCO FILIPE MARGARET DAVID JEAN CURTIS WAYNE MICHAEL RYAN VADIM PATRICK PETER RICHARD HUGH MARJORIE ARLEEN STEPHANIE JENNIFER JOAN BRIAN DOUGLAS JOSE JOB LISA ARLENE EVERETT CLAIR MELISSA JOY PETER PHILLIP ZVI ROBERT ALEXANDER COREY EVERETTE NIGEL PETER LESLIE JAMES MICHAEL JOHN PAUL BEVERLY JAMES WILLIAM BRIAN JAMES PAUL DOUGLAS Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Training Constable Safety Planner and Program Coordinator Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $108,305.10 $104,314.94 $127,335.73 $114,252.91 $106,005.44 $101,609.94 $110,977.61 $100,187.01 $101,115.42 $137,629.37 $112,344.95 $125,718.04 $126,373.12 $100,586.35 $116,209.49 $131,475.20 $111,735.92 $108,371.21 $105,169.62 $111,423.78 $117,523.22 $133,729.84 $130,667.89 $123,181.42 $107,024.06 $103,526.61 $116,416.10 $115,165.75 $125,329.59 $119,550.84 $106,527.29 $142,599.62 $125,846.59 $106,517.05 $117,125.95 $129,985.88 $128,232.75 $128,055.67 $133,941.66 $123,846.18 $117,514.89 $135,114.84 $122,923.89 $100,694.39 $105,422.00 $121,477.76 $126,825.74 $121,741.04 $107,153.46 $109,597.78 $127,169.66 $122,092.92 $108,492.50 $127,688.77 $110,058.36 $149,423.45 $110,710.94 $128,851.48 $135,001.65 $122,992.21 $114,360.90 $101,107.64 Benefits $818.86 $841.14 $355.49 $814.55 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $826.57 $453.59 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $820.36 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $865.92 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $924.24 $818.86 $820.50 $826.37 $818.86 $520.98 $399.57 $842.13 $839.30 $333.21 $818.86 $818.86 $830.75 $333.21 $885.22 $885.22 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $830.60 $885.22 $885.22 $839.30 $832.24 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $815.99 $825.34 $885.22 $850.02 $479.08 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $830.60 $885.22 $839.30 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 Surname DURAN DURHAM DUROCHER DURRAN DURST DURY DUTHIE DUTHIE DVERNECHUK DYBOWSKI DYCK DYKE DYKE DYMOND DYRKAWEC DZELAJLIJA DZINGALA EAGLESON EARL EAST EASTER EATON EBRAHIM EBRAHIMI ECKERSALL ECKLUND ECKLUND EDELHOFER EDGAR EDGERTON EDWARD EDWICKER EICHENBERG EL SAYEGH ELDRIDGE ELEY ELGAR ELIADIS ELLAHI ELLIOT ELLIOTT ELLIOTT ELLIOTT ELLIOTT ELLIS ELLIS ELLIS ELLIS ELO ELVY EMMS EMOND EMPTAGE ENGEL ENGLISH ENTWISTLE EPPERSON ERDIS ERICKSON ERVICK ESCOTT ESKEN Given Name ADRIAN ROGELIO CAMERON EDWARD DAVID LEONARD NED CHRISTOPHER DAVID BENJAMIN MICHAEL COLIN BARRIE ROBERT MARK WILLIAM MICHAEL LEONHARD HENRY JACOB ADRIAN WARREN GEOFFREY THOMAS JEFFREY WILLIAM JEFFREY GEORGE RICHARD GEORGE DAWN MICHELLE MICHAEL JEFFREY BRUCE PETER DOUGLAS BRIAN RIAZ AHMED POOYA PETER JAMES ANDREW DOUGLAS DAVID GRENVILLE MARIE CAROLINE LESLIE ADAM KIRSTEN ELIZABETH GLENN RAYMOND ALEXIS GRACE JAMES MICHAEL RAYDAN IMAD REGINALD STUART KAREN ELIZABETH ALEXANDER FAIZAN BENJAMIN GEORGE ADRIAN GODFREY CHRISTOPHER PAUL PAUL SHAWN WILLIAM AISHA BINTA GEOFFREY WILLIAM GRAHAM GRAINGER MATTHEW AUSTIN DOUGLAS ALLAN CONROY JONATHAN JEFFREY BRIAN CHRISTIAN RENE MATTHEW JAMES MARTEN BROUWER DOUGLAS WARREN CLAYTON ERIK AMADEUS IAN ROSS KENNETH DALE JAI INDREK Position Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $123,436.44 $175,132.30 $103,934.96 $163,500.73 $121,761.31 $122,638.23 $102,228.54 $125,455.53 $104,950.22 $101,407.86 $123,254.69 $104,393.99 $107,037.36 $117,743.70 $104,143.67 $105,412.90 $135,867.87 $112,232.01 $155,901.12 $104,917.73 $107,271.55 $122,582.39 $102,143.24 $141,994.68 $100,744.86 $150,545.33 $137,076.17 $110,331.28 $109,757.55 $108,667.41 $112,776.70 $138,527.68 $123,891.22 $104,445.56 $119,194.28 $147,452.80 $113,071.66 $100,132.82 $114,914.81 $127,857.37 $104,282.17 $116,608.21 $136,446.19 $116,354.57 $114,155.24 $103,914.54 $101,819.92 $121,263.12 $109,387.89 $131,306.76 $111,593.16 $147,245.58 $106,712.26 $124,584.27 $100,847.44 $141,586.69 $113,493.36 $155,100.91 $145,346.84 $147,452.80 $102,655.66 $115,748.15 Benefits $841.14 $924.24 $818.86 $818.86 $812.93 $390.18 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $860.64 $811.15 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $875.83 $17,962.44 $809.53 $839.30 $824.06 $818.86 $834.65 $826.15 $905.59 $914.71 $818.86 $841.14 $718.42 $865.92 $865.92 $849.15 $809.53 $885.22 $979.39 $860.80 $825.84 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $885.22 $885.22 $809.53 $824.53 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $835.05 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $674.94 $862.40 $818.86 $839.30 $1,171.01 $841.14 $885.22 Surname ESPIE ESPINO ESPINOZA PARENT ESTEVES ESTWICK ETHIER EUSTACE EUTENEIER EVANS EVANS EVANS EVANS EVELYN EVELYN EVEREST EYDEN EZEKIEL FACOETTI FADEL FADI FAGU FAIRCLOUGH FAIRCLOUGH FAIZI FALCONER FALKINSON FALLIS FARAHBAKHSH FARDELL FARDELL FAREWELL FARINA FARMER FARRELL FARRELL FARRELL FARRUGIA FAZELI FEAGAN FEATHERSTONHAUGH FEAVER FEBBO FEDERICO FEDERICO FEDORY FEGAN FEHR FELTMATE FENECH FENNELL FENTON FENTON FENWICK FERADAY FERDINAND FERGUSON FERGUSON FERGUSON FERGUSON FERGUSON FERKO FERNANDES Given Name GLEN NILO ANTHONY VICTOR MANUEL RUI MANUEL EULIALIA CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL DAVID SIMON QUINCEY BART BRYCE JULIE MARIE MARK ANTHONY DION JOEL JAMSON JOHN ALFRED AIMEE JAMIE SCOTT CARL MICHAEL PAUL MOHAMAD STEVEN PAUL AVINAASH PRITHIPAUL JAMES STEPHEN WERNER HASSANAIN GREGORY FRANK ROBERT JEANETTE ISABEL GEOFFREY ROYSTON RYAN DAVID DANIEL HAROLD ANTONELLA KEVIN JAMES CHRISTINE MARIE DOUGLAS JAMES GEORGE MARIE ALAN ALIREZA GREGORY DAVID JENNIFER PATRICIA CORY BERT OLIVER MATTHEW MICHAEL MICHAEL MYKOLA PAUL DOUGLAS ALAN MARLOWE LUCIEN JEFFREY MARK ANTHONY DAVID JASON ROBERT MATTHEW MICHAEL MARK DANIEL PATRICK WALLACE HUGH JAY MARIE SAINT PAGE SCOTT CAVANAGH STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER ROBIN BASIL GREG Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Sergeant Police Constable Manager of Communications Services Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Director of Human Resources Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Detective Training Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst Deputy Chief Police Constable Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Superintendent Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $110,576.73 $106,392.54 $135,920.62 $115,531.98 $125,777.86 $127,401.63 $115,949.62 $168,188.09 $109,694.63 $172,205.68 $120,528.57 $101,383.12 $155,944.28 $133,540.62 $123,143.66 $146,814.48 $100,741.45 $134,028.01 $116,966.78 $119,571.55 $105,871.84 $112,375.98 $117,965.50 $148,103.12 $119,267.40 $134,008.64 $106,705.75 $181,711.84 $156,575.22 $115,351.50 $110,601.62 $104,303.97 $102,295.94 $147,396.01 $113,658.50 $151,470.19 $141,734.48 $118,166.01 $116,085.19 $110,714.75 $104,645.34 $146,938.31 $115,097.56 $269,841.97 $125,838.69 $115,543.52 $124,186.73 $102,326.85 $129,074.77 $101,622.98 $168,302.08 $117,292.47 $128,214.45 $113,766.21 $112,694.46 $169,287.14 $137,261.71 $105,534.89 $131,388.25 $114,074.96 $143,628.61 $127,932.11 Benefits $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $399.57 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $723.12 $14,505.91 $865.92 $818.86 $1,227.43 $860.64 $900.26 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $815.99 $839.30 $355.49 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $885.22 $438.59 $860.80 $2,508.25 $801.68 $830.75 $818.86 $841.14 $351.02 $885.22 $841.14 $924.24 $885.22 $865.92 $818.86 $841.14 $839.30 $885.22 $867.85 $13,583.31 $809.53 $860.80 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $15,325.89 $824.95 $830.75 $885.22 $839.30 $15,082.45 $885.22 $828.49 $6,578.14 $885.22 $830.57 $815.99 Surname FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDES FERNANDEZ FERNANDEZ FERREIRA FERREIRA FERREIRA FERREIRA FERRIS FERRIS FERRIS FERRY FERRY FIDLER FIEDTKOU FIELD FIELDING FIGLARZ FILIPPIN FILLIER FINDLAY FINE FIRTH FISCHER FISHER FISHER FISHER FISTER FITKIN FITKIN FITZGERALD FITZSIMMONS FLAMENGO FLANDERS FLANNERY FLECKEISEN FLEISCHMANN FLEMING FLEMING FLETT FLIS FLIS FLORENCE FLORES FLOREZ FLOWERS FLUMIAN FOGG FOLEY FOLEY FOLO FONG FONG FONG FONSECA FOOTE Given Name DWAYNE ANTHONY JOAO ANGELO KERI ANN MICHAEL MICHAEL FREITAS ROLAND ANDREA ROSS SAVIO SELWYN JOHN SILVIA INES STEVEN JAMES JASON NETO MARK MICKAEL PAULO JORGE KEVIN LISA MANIE THERESE JASON WAYNE MICHAEL BERNARD ANDREW CLARENCE NEIL WALTER CAMERON DOUGLAS SHAWN MICHAEL RADOSLAW GIANNI ALAN SEAN MICHAEL RYAN MCLEAN JEREMY DAVID ZACHARY JONATHON DAVID ANTHONY BRADLEY JENNIFER LYNDSAY SUSAN MIRAN GRISEL ROBERT WILLIAM THOMAS DANIEL JAMES MARIA LAURA TODD MATTHEW MICHELLE LOUISA IRIS PATRICIA CHRISTOPHER PAUL JAMES STUART JAMES ALBERT CANDICE LYNN MARK DUNCAN MANUEL ALEJANDRO LUIS GUILLERMO THOMAS PRYCE TRACY LYNN ANGELA BRETT GORDON KATHARINE MARIAM RENEE CYNTHIA DORIAN MICHAEL DO NELSON WAI SHUN MICHAEL REMALHO CLARENCE WYCLIFFE Position Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Operations Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Senior Human Resources Application Specialist Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Shift Supervisor Salary Paid $109,168.80 $104,821.32 $118,291.76 $120,412.94 $138,558.70 $106,404.47 $117,227.83 $168,302.08 $104,399.53 $114,904.48 $117,045.25 $158,141.05 $119,217.47 $167,495.94 $113,954.51 $117,881.89 $118,446.77 $114,342.04 $147,635.39 $130,872.09 $100,355.99 $133,322.66 $141,117.00 $121,335.05 $114,747.74 $117,777.98 $123,104.67 $109,512.59 $100,706.13 $110,324.73 $140,404.95 $102,633.53 $123,444.05 $110,487.38 $106,469.71 $109,271.44 $161,133.10 $119,158.61 $103,511.17 $133,683.25 $105,863.17 $106,634.80 $107,021.98 $116,388.31 $100,161.41 $116,228.50 $154,013.06 $119,238.06 $102,215.14 $121,077.23 $128,422.32 $114,907.90 $110,242.61 $107,232.51 $109,770.96 $115,276.09 $100,425.46 $110,540.27 $177,600.23 $139,912.51 $117,443.01 $113,210.59 Benefits $866.34 $809.53 $865.92 $375.15 $815.99 $839.30 $865.92 $10,937.17 $818.86 $815.99 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $827.39 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $875.83 $885.22 $812.93 $809.53 $924.24 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $834.66 $774.30 $809.53 $841.14 $885.22 $284.99 $839.30 $839.30 $841.14 $811.96 $7,271.29 $818.86 $733.79 $904.79 $828.75 $860.80 $839.30 $809.53 $695.50 $375.15 $885.22 $885.22 $817.08 $835.94 $818.86 $850.02 $823.72 $839.30 $841.14 $875.83 $351.02 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $315.54 Surname FORBES FORCHIONE FORD FORD FORD FORDE FORDE FORESTALL FORESTELL FORREST FORREST FORSYTH FOSTER FOSTER FOSTER FOTOPOULOS FOUGERE FOULDS FOURNIER FOWLDS FOWLDS FOWLER FOX FOX FOX-VIGNARAJAH FRANCIS FRANCIS FRANCO FRANCOIS FRANK FRANKE FRANKEN FRANKLIN FRASER FRASER FRASER FREDERICK FREEMAN FREEMAN FRENCH FRENCH FRENDO-JONES FRIAS FRIEBE FRIESEN FRIGON FRIMETH FRITZ FROST FRYER FUJINO FULLER FUNCHION FUNG FURANNA FURNESS FURYK FURZECOTT FYDENCHUK FYFE FYNES GABRIEL Given Name DAVID WILLIAM ANTONIO ANDREW RION CHRISTIAN WILLIAM HARRISON MARC ROGER ANTHONY RYAN GREGORY MICHAEL GRANT ADAM SEAN SEYMOUR CONNIE ANTHONY JOSEPH LORNE DAVID WAYNE EDWARD GEORGE CORY TRENTON LAURA JANE MARIE-JOSEE GORDON BRUCE SCOTT MACKENZIE WAYNE LEONARD JAMES STEVEN ANDREW SUZANNE HELEN JENNIFER SUZANNE VALERIE COLMATA CHRISTOPHER ROBERT PATRICE GASTON MARILYN IRENE MARK MICHAEL DANIEL RICHARD ROD DAVID SPENCER ROBERT TRACEY ANTONIO RUDOLPH ERIC MICHAEL JEFFREY BRYANT CHRISTOPHER JAMES JOHN MARK EDWARD PAUL GEORGE DANNY BETHANEY NADINE ROBERT KEVIN DAVID THEODOR GREGORY CHARLES STEPHEN ROBERT ALAN JERMAINE TORIANO DANIEL SCOTT KENNETH RYAN ANDREW HOWARD WAYNE ROBERT PAUL MARK LINTON KAY JOHN BRONAGH MARIA MATTHEW THOMAS Position Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Manager of Payroll and Benefits Administration Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Salary Paid $109,433.63 $143,047.30 $122,522.74 $113,518.66 $118,328.29 $119,886.94 $139,797.61 $124,443.08 $135,504.32 $128,166.08 $102,299.85 $109,550.19 $104,799.72 $118,180.27 $123,424.54 $125,888.23 $111,011.67 $116,110.96 $114,370.05 $127,588.22 $150,433.90 $119,528.01 $121,716.88 $117,417.25 $101,520.65 $115,927.11 $100,826.18 $173,319.36 $104,781.24 $111,672.75 $140,654.31 $104,208.25 $112,218.05 $101,828.10 $124,014.46 $121,650.23 $124,140.97 $112,697.33 $106,932.14 $130,082.86 $128,929.07 $115,250.99 $101,386.60 $120,573.43 $103,218.16 $135,034.77 $164,160.82 $144,079.93 $112,194.30 $115,050.48 $100,898.00 $111,223.02 $117,105.91 $109,064.25 $116,913.85 $138,903.20 $123,947.40 $100,423.47 $107,177.69 $111,509.32 $117,104.21 $111,060.01 Benefits $841.14 $924.24 $837.45 $809.53 $809.53 $865.92 $871.95 $885.22 $885.22 $333.21 $818.86 $830.75 $818.86 $830.75 $838.27 $885.22 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $809.53 $814.55 $352.85 $793.18 $841.14 $844.23 $799.69 $809.53 $860.80 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $865.92 $818.86 $818.86 $865.92 $924.24 $815.99 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $860.80 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $841.14 $353.65 $818.45 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $655.20 $841.14 $819.67 $839.30 $860.80 $873.45 $818.86 Surname GAGLIARDI GAGLIARDI GAJEWSKI GAJRAJ GALAMIYEVA GALAPON GALAZKA GALIOTOS GALL GALLAGHER GALLAGHER GALLAGHER GALLANT GALLANT GALLANT GALLANT GALLANT GALLO GANDHI GANESHALINGAM GANJ GARBAS GARBUTT GARBUTT GARCIA GARCIA GARCIA GARDINER GARDNER GARGANIS GARLAND GARNER GARRETT GARRISON GARROW GARVEY GAUDET GAUDET GAUDINO GAUTHIER GAUTHIER GAUVREAU GAVALLER GAYLE GAZEY GE GEANA GEBORSKI GEE GEE GELLEL GELLI GENDI GENDRON GENOVY GEORGE GEORGE GEORGEFF GEORGOPOULOS GERIS GERMAINE GERRY Given Name DEANNA LYNN VITO SARAKINA MADELINE SYED SEAN YEKATERINA WENDELL IAN TOMASZ ROBERT KONSTANTINOS ALEXANDRU ANDREW GEORGE IAN JAMES JOHN ASHLEY DENISE KELLY-ANN ROBERT STACY TIMOTHY DANIEL MANMOHAN SINGH NIRUBAN ARRAN EDWARD ARTHUR DEBORAH GRACE TODD CHRISTOPHER ETELVINO MANUEL NANDINO ROBERT SCOTT RONALD FRANKLIN ANGELO MARINA EDUARDOVNA ANTHONY ALLOY RICHARD FREDRICK HEIDI ELSIE PATRICK JOHN ANDREW FREDERICK DAVID RICHARD DERRICK ALISON LEO PAUL RICHARD MARC ROBERT ILANA CHANA PHILLIP PRESTON DARYL HAO SORIN PIOTR KEVIN WAI WILLIAM EDWARD JENNIFER MARIO PETER PAUL SHAUN GLEN KEITH JOSEPH MARCUS WILLIAM KEVIN SHAWN JOSEPH JENNIFER ANNE DONALD Position Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $103,417.62 $150,579.78 $119,616.35 $117,462.17 $101,103.47 $127,100.83 $150,955.82 $104,008.39 $102,347.20 $102,488.18 $122,021.91 $115,187.13 $115,980.43 $124,857.60 $132,920.68 $131,543.28 $149,314.52 $116,288.75 $117,343.80 $101,676.36 $109,613.30 $133,839.54 $114,951.94 $102,998.97 $141,416.25 $107,604.70 $149,001.31 $125,678.31 $114,591.24 $106,805.52 $117,411.66 $100,012.94 $127,926.45 $111,844.77 $110,210.43 $115,676.25 $114,121.10 $125,823.50 $106,603.21 $116,264.81 $120,804.95 $101,506.86 $104,208.19 $102,120.47 $135,897.75 $117,441.89 $142,280.01 $103,952.70 $103,231.16 $111,248.77 $112,206.79 $127,341.00 $106,818.10 $101,332.30 $115,242.35 $122,722.26 $104,792.33 $108,567.73 $121,625.62 $101,390.96 $104,048.60 $125,187.80 Benefits $844.56 $869.90 $353.44 $841.14 $809.53 $835.47 $850.02 $841.14 $818.86 $351.02 $815.99 $835.94 $399.57 $924.24 $885.22 $924.24 $924.24 $999.48 $836.83 $809.53 $841.14 $839.30 $828.75 $839.30 $809.53 $824.27 $816.17 $870.31 $865.92 $818.86 $865.92 $828.75 $841.14 $438.88 $865.92 $841.14 $865.92 $885.22 $333.21 $885.22 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $830.75 $860.80 $809.53 $825.84 $770.64 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $839.30 $809.53 $839.30 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $828.75 $818.86 $353.85 $818.86 $924.24 Surname GERRY GETTY GETTY GHAZARIAN GHAZARIAN GHEYSAR GHOTBI GIANNOTTA GIBB GIBBONS GIBILLINI GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GIBSON GICZI GIDARI GIEDROYC GIESCHE GIGANTE GILBERT GILBERT GILBERT GILCHRIST GILCHRIST GILFOY GILL GILL GILL GILL GILL GILL GILL GILL GILL GILL GILL GILL GILLAN GILLESPIE GILLESPIE GILLESPIE GILLHAM GILLIS GILVESY GINI GIRARD GIRARDI GIRMENIA GIROUX GITTUS GLANCY GLASGOW GLAVIN GLAVIN GLEN GLEN GLENDINNING GLENNIE GLOWA GODDARD Given Name MATTHEW JAMES SEAN PETER SHAWN ANTRANIK HAMAYAK MAKDA FARZAD CELESTINO LOUIS STEPHEN WOODROW RICHARD DARYL THOMAS GRAHAM JAMES NATHAN EDWARD ROGER JIM FRANK JOSEPH KAROL ZYGMUNT CHAD ALLEN JENNIFER DONNA ELLEN SCOTT SHAWN WILLIAM LAOIGSEAC NOLAN WILLIAM LEAH DAWN AMANPREET SINGH ARJINDER PAL SINGH BIRENDER SINGH DALBINDER SINGH HARVINDER SINGH JASON GOWAN KULJIT SINGH MIHRAMAT SINGH SANDEEP SINGH SHAWN AUBREY SUKHJINDER SINGH SUKHJIT SINGH JEFFREY JOHN ANDREA MICHAEL PATRICK WESLEY WAYNE SHANE ROBERT DAVID WILLIAM ADRIENNE LAURA GUILLERMO STEVE MARTIN REMI NANCY LYNNE FRANCESCO GARY RYAN CHRISTOPHER DAVID JUSTIN JOSEPH LYDIA STEPHANY PHILLIP CAROLINE STEPHEN GREGORY DAVID EVAN PENNER JAN ZBIGNIEW GLENN PATRICK Position Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Financial Planner Police Constable Director of Information Technology Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Communications Operator Information Security Officer Superintendent Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $103,915.67 $109,668.44 $128,769.98 $136,670.06 $163,318.15 $129,561.86 $104,405.46 $181,711.84 $121,337.52 $110,478.76 $125,546.16 $137,392.10 $135,896.74 $140,355.70 $117,603.36 $132,777.77 $143,201.46 $116,235.94 $134,119.69 $113,094.28 $104,969.83 $118,549.86 $168,265.45 $111,174.30 $105,381.57 $112,994.96 $123,959.87 $126,762.55 $105,024.22 $139,506.74 $116,483.89 $101,046.80 $119,196.00 $123,522.32 $100,878.19 $104,996.57 $122,375.39 $119,838.54 $126,666.39 $111,850.32 $100,577.04 $120,089.97 $107,967.94 $103,506.41 $149,076.11 $108,897.67 $116,770.83 $119,732.07 $113,628.67 $101,385.12 $165,910.26 $110,065.46 $114,137.69 $116,697.52 $159,463.59 $155,552.80 $120,863.15 $103,938.13 $140,999.99 $100,991.23 $112,919.29 $119,722.05 Benefits $812.93 $811.49 $924.24 $728.67 $812.93 $1,089.37 $818.86 $2,749.79 $885.22 $828.75 $885.22 $841.14 $683.84 $924.24 $809.53 $885.22 $924.24 $828.75 $924.24 $1,268.30 $774.30 $413.05 $12,816.25 $872.77 $370.78 $839.52 $921.04 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $822.82 $818.86 $693.86 $818.86 $809.53 $333.21 $815.99 $826.37 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $841.14 $840.73 $850.19 $924.24 $809.53 $824.06 $830.75 $841.14 $841.14 $438.59 $835.94 $839.30 $841.14 $924.24 $885.22 $885.22 $839.30 $885.22 $661.22 $818.86 $828.75 Surname GOEBELL GOGUEN GOH GOLDLIOUST GOLDSMITH GOMES GOMES GOMEZ GOMEZ GONSALVES GONZALES GOOBIE GOODINE GOODING GOODWIN GOODWIN GORDON GORDON GORDON GORNY GOROSPE GORSKI GOSS GOTELL GOTHA GOTTSCHALK GOUDIE GOUGH GOULAH GOUTHRO GOUVEIA GOWAN GOWANLOCK GRACE GRACEY GRAFFMANN GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAHAM GRAMMATIKOS GRANATA GRANBERG GRANDE GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANT GRANTHAM GRAVELIJN GRAY GRAY GRAY GRAY GRAY GRAY GREAVES GREAVETTE GREB GREEN Given Name NAD JOHN LEWIS ANDRE PIERRE ANATOL ERIC CHARLES JUSTIN DAVID SUSAN ELIZABETH GARY RICARDO MELWIN TREVOR ANGELO ENRIQUEZ DERRICK ANDREW WILLIAM JOANNE MICHELE ELLA RILEY RALPH CHRISTOPHER NOREEN ANNE WILLIAM SHAYNE RYCHARD STEFAN CATHERINE KRAFT WOJCIECH JASON JAMES JAMES ELWOOD HENRY CHARLES MICHAEL ROBERT RANDALL JEFFREY MICHAEL ANTHONY LEO CRAIG JOSEPH DERECK FRANCIS TODD JOHN CAROL LYNN TIMOTHY DAVID ROGER GORDON JEFFREY RAE KEVIN JOSEPH LEE MICHAEL MICHAEL GEORGE SALVATORE FRANCESCO DINO PIETRO CHRISTOPHER RICHARD CINDYLOU CHRISTINA JUDY JOSEL JULIA KEVIN MATTHEW JAMES PATRICIA ANN IAN SCOTT ROBERT-THEO GLENN JEREMY CARMEN MEAGHAN CAROLINE NORMAN PAULINE ROBERT BRANDON LLOYD JAMES JONATHAN DAVID ADAM Position Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Diversity and Inclusion Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Senior Administrator Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Finance System Administrator Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Administrator of Document Services Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Project and Policy Coordinator Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Corporate Communications Section Head Police Constable Inspector Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $218,097.28 $108,760.56 $144,536.52 $126,136.22 $117,628.93 $109,079.70 $150,084.21 $100,763.78 $122,075.57 $136,872.66 $121,113.16 $113,660.98 $105,781.00 $112,802.16 $103,671.46 $116,889.94 $121,371.89 $100,358.93 $129,270.10 $118,067.77 $101,913.15 $121,835.68 $127,910.46 $126,904.97 $106,634.80 $124,824.80 $116,636.26 $127,012.42 $126,133.71 $122,322.29 $106,634.80 $113,830.23 $125,233.43 $139,493.85 $106,627.17 $124,820.00 $124,344.13 $117,676.19 $137,435.20 $106,258.61 $128,667.54 $118,728.06 $161,809.79 $128,974.37 $129,707.63 $133,326.99 $108,008.98 $109,094.56 $121,044.04 $121,390.70 $114,252.79 $105,832.32 $153,621.73 $104,204.64 $138,585.34 $111,099.04 $146,153.47 $114,656.98 $119,312.43 $110,950.59 $108,175.98 $107,610.81 Benefits $839.30 $839.30 $520.26 $841.14 $875.83 $841.14 $885.22 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $860.80 $809.53 $987.19 $818.86 $787.12 $399.57 $830.75 $818.86 $841.92 $313.24 $824.27 $850.02 $924.24 $375.15 $438.59 $885.22 $329.55 $841.14 $885.22 $860.80 $865.92 $539.13 $839.30 $818.86 $924.24 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $844.28 $818.86 $1,089.37 $865.92 $818.86 $860.80 $812.93 $873.45 $830.75 $818.86 $924.24 $841.14 $407.35 $839.30 $992.57 $399.57 $833.84 $860.80 $839.30 $826.54 Surname GREEN GREENAWAY GREENAWAY GREENE GREENER GREENLAW GREER GREER GREGORY GREGORY GREGORY GREGORY GREIF GREKOS GRELLETTE GRETO GREWAL GREWAL GREWAL GRIALDI GRIER GRIERSON GRIEVE GRIFFIN GRIFFIN GRIFFIN GRIFFITHS GRIFFITHS GRIFFITHS GRIGAT GRIS GRISOLIA GRONDIN GROSKOPF GROSS GROVER GROVES GUADAGNANO GUAY GUERRA GUERREIRO GUEST GUL GUNASEKARA GUNDERT GURR GUTHRIE GUTTER GUY GUY GWILLIAM HAASEN HABIBULLAH HADDEN HADERAJ HAFFEJEE HAFIZ HAGGETT HAGHSHENAS HAGOPIAN HAIN HAINES Given Name RONALD TERRY COLIN FIONA MICHAELA SARA KIMBERLEY ANNE CYNTHIA KEVIN HUGO THOMAS ROBERT ROBERT K. ROBERT R. SANDRA TREVOR PIXLEY LISA LORRAINE MICHAEL CARL ANTHONY ALESSANDRO GIUSEPPE AMANPREET SINGH DHARMENDRA SINGH NARINDERPAL SINGH THIERRY MEGAN LESLEY MICHAEL TREVOR SCOTT LINDSAY GLENA ROBERT JOHN SHAIN MICHAEL DAVID DAVID STEWART SEAN RONALD CORNELIA GRACE ROBERT MICHAEL LISA SCOTT WILLIAM AARON ROSS KIMBERLY TODD GREGORY SUSAN THERESA SYLVIE JORSHENELLE LALLAINE JOSEPH ANDREW DALE AKIN GANGODAVILA ROBERT ANDREW JACK JACOB JANICE CORNELUS TIMOTHY DARRYL GEORGE JENNIFER SHAWN DEREK WENDY CATHY JAMSHID ELIZABETH ANNE TAULANT FAZAL MOHAMMED AMIN LORI LYNN EHSAN GREGORY KRIKOR DAVID JOSEPH DAVID PAUL Position Police Constable Inspector Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Coordinator Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $109,296.64 $137,945.75 $113,769.71 $102,781.45 $107,312.51 $118,958.81 $103,785.28 $138,598.66 $129,770.82 $117,039.58 $115,197.95 $136,206.54 $111,320.74 $121,600.09 $101,995.02 $121,386.11 $104,377.74 $129,053.95 $107,099.95 $121,407.15 $109,505.46 $116,420.38 $134,694.72 $126,970.87 $113,136.98 $110,013.82 $147,524.23 $105,147.79 $128,610.59 $114,688.16 $130,171.54 $113,766.21 $113,654.84 $114,076.07 $126,356.13 $117,053.69 $128,191.88 $103,517.68 $112,388.17 $114,933.11 $108,009.80 $113,766.21 $128,911.56 $124,123.31 $107,565.81 $137,061.36 $110,484.12 $104,855.86 $101,103.05 $101,298.95 $108,461.47 $101,562.76 $107,452.65 $121,718.44 $119,427.64 $121,296.97 $157,087.80 $115,212.42 $110,321.31 $115,810.08 $131,171.62 $116,868.22 Benefits $839.30 $943.11 $399.57 $815.99 $871.84 $839.30 $841.14 $885.22 $924.24 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $824.53 $885.22 $815.99 $834.54 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $865.92 $841.14 $809.53 $869.90 $885.22 $818.86 $885.22 $838.61 $865.92 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $924.24 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $841.14 $399.57 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $894.29 $375.15 $839.19 $838.27 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $812.93 $839.30 $746.59 $841.14 $924.24 $399.57 $824.92 $875.83 $818.86 $875.83 Surname HAINES HAINES HAITZER HAJI HALAGIAN HALES HALEY HALJASTE HALL HALL HALL HALL HALMAN HAMBROOK HAMEED HAMILTON HAMILTON HAMILTON-GREENER HAMLET HAMMOND HAMMOND HAMPEL HAMPSON HAN HANCOCK HANCOCK HANDSOR HANDSOR HANDY HANKS HANLON HANNAH HANNAH HANS HANSEN HANSEN HANSON HARDING HARDING HARDMAN HARDWICK HARDY HARFMAN HARGAN HARGREAVES HARKER HARLEY HARNETT HARNETT HAROON HARPELL HARPER HARRAS HARRINGTON HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS HARRIS Given Name KEITH RICHARD PAUL GARY MOHAMMAD ABID ADAM RYAN KEITH JOHN RHONDA GAYLE MARK HARIVALD ALVIN DALTON JOHN NEIL HARCOURT WILLIAM MICHAEL DARREN CRAIG MOHAMED JORDAN ANTHONY KEVIN STEWART MICHAEL ROWAN ALLEN ANDREW WILLIAM STEPHEN SCOTT SCOTT ANDREW DANIEL JANINE RHONA KIMBERLY AMY CHRISTINE PHILIP ALLEN CHRISTINE STEPHEN ROBERT ERIN VALENTINE INGRID ELLEN MARK DALJIT KATHLEEN ANN PETER JASON ANDREW JEFFREY ANTHONY MATTHEW EARL DIANA LYNN STEVEN RUSSELL BRADLEY JOHN ROBERT CHRISTOPHER ADAM MICHAEL ALEXANDER PETRIE ELIZABETH ANN ROBERT USMAN MATTHEW GREGORY BRIAN JOHN JULIA ANNE CRAIG EDWARD DAVID ANTHONY DAVID KIMBERLEY ANN LEUN ALEXIOR MICHAEL AARON RICHARD VICTOR ROBERT ALAN Position Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Courts Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Senior Analyst Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Salary Paid $202,117.89 $145,280.06 $113,766.21 $165,545.34 $104,208.71 $115,598.95 $112,100.65 $140,896.29 $132,634.28 $201,232.26 $126,200.45 $143,647.49 $125,779.75 $105,264.14 $124,633.84 $113,678.37 $128,201.44 $164,290.92 $105,328.14 $105,540.40 $110,403.93 $100,845.89 $150,712.86 $108,176.55 $118,589.55 $127,262.67 $135,837.81 $147,955.43 $106,642.40 $112,638.54 $114,248.04 $113,100.50 $129,806.06 $118,579.11 $118,566.64 $120,946.69 $105,364.54 $107,962.80 $101,586.23 $103,829.20 $101,781.04 $124,131.01 $126,369.30 $196,675.02 $114,915.09 $106,564.18 $122,294.44 $121,853.24 $148,921.28 $118,521.32 $113,253.21 $102,240.14 $123,206.43 $116,827.77 $122,943.92 $108,744.01 $143,323.84 $115,841.59 $111,937.91 $106,871.44 $133,051.42 $118,986.78 Benefits $924.24 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $839.30 $818.86 $841.14 $924.24 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $865.92 $924.24 $841.14 $815.99 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $812.93 $888.18 $885.22 $865.92 $865.92 $860.80 $809.53 $865.92 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $839.30 $828.75 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $294.46 $839.30 $839.30 $809.53 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $834.65 $841.14 $885.22 $815.99 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $832.60 $885.22 $382.20 $885.22 $380.97 $814.55 $809.53 $866.62 $811.96 Surname HARRIS HARRISON HARRISON HARRISON HART HART HART HARTFORD HARVEY HARVEY HARVEY HARWOOD HASIUK HASNU HASSALL HASSARD HATCH HAWCO HAWKEN HAWKINS HAWKINS HAWLEY HAWLEY HAWORTH HAYES HAYES HAYES HAYFORD HAYLES HAYNES HAYNES HAYNES HAYRE HAYWARD HAYWOOD HAZELL HEAD HEANEY HEARD HEARD HEDGEMAN HEFFERNAN HEGARTY HEGEDUS HEIDGRESS HEIGHTON HEITZNER HELBERT HELMER HEMBRUFF HEMPEN HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDERSON HENDRIKS HENKEL HENRY HENRY HENRY HENRY HENRY HENRY Given Name STEPHEN ARTHUR KEITH ISSAC MICHAEL ANTHONY SEAN MICHAEL ANDRE THOMAS DOUGLAS PETER CHARLES DEBORAH HORACE NATHANIEL LESA MARK MELANIE JEAN MELISSA ANNE IQBAL KARIM ANDREW LAUREN CATHARINE DIANA LOUISE BERNARD THOMAS MICHAEL BROWNLEE HILARY LAURENE ROBERT GEOFFREY CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH STEVEN BENEDICT ANDREW MICHAEL JEREMY MATTHEW ROY EDWARD SHAWN EARL MARC GORDON MICHAEL BANCROFT ANDREW EDWARD CHRISTOPHER SEAN ERNEST DAVID HARMAN SINGH MARK BRADLEY JOHN SANDRA DAWN STEVEN ROSS GERALD M CHRISTOPHER SHAYNE JASON MARK CORY MICHAEL SEAN PATRICK NATALIE MONIQUE RICHARD HEATHER MARGARET DAWN CHRISTINE ROBERT MATTHEW KENNETH PAUL JANCE ERIC JOHN GEORGE JOHANNES GEOFFREY PAUL NORMAN GEORGE VINCENT BART HEINZ ANN-MARIE PATRICIA DREW WESLEY KIM KEVIN LESLEY-ANNE MICHAEL SHAWN PETER Position Staff Inspector Police Constable Shift/Area Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Manager of Fleet and Materials Management Police Constable Police Constable Detective Manager of Employment Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $155,901.12 $103,558.45 $104,495.53 $100,701.22 $105,100.48 $131,144.46 $101,596.78 $126,629.81 $104,208.84 $116,075.35 $164,697.78 $100,747.29 $102,721.96 $112,983.61 $106,666.00 $107,520.70 $116,669.77 $114,893.78 $122,646.10 $113,308.13 $103,114.14 $119,016.23 $106,691.77 $101,976.32 $139,820.53 $117,812.84 $131,087.50 $129,574.40 $116,775.69 $114,268.19 $118,199.19 $111,563.06 $116,759.40 $186,983.83 $114,199.30 $104,246.27 $114,973.80 $133,488.53 $131,792.77 $105,782.01 $111,871.62 $103,070.37 $121,642.12 $147,452.80 $114,639.79 $102,346.09 $130,042.46 $107,160.66 $132,392.53 $115,957.26 $129,531.17 $134,385.82 $168,294.80 $101,955.19 $102,912.99 $154,148.31 $155,944.28 $108,410.20 $117,851.61 $112,255.17 $113,880.53 $134,460.54 Benefits $16,623.76 $818.86 $771.07 $353.65 $818.86 $924.24 $809.53 $924.24 $841.14 $839.30 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $718.42 $860.80 $838.27 $885.22 $885.22 $822.28 $355.49 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $865.92 $375.15 $818.86 $841.14 $875.83 $716.14 $860.80 $865.92 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $924.24 $885.22 $829.57 $841.14 $809.53 $399.57 $1,144.49 $841.92 $809.53 $885.22 $839.30 $280.15 $866.62 $824.06 $841.14 $1,288.27 $839.30 $765.92 $885.22 $1,227.43 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $924.24 Surname HENSCHELL HERMAN HERMAN HEROUX HERRON HEUGHAN HEUGHAN HEWITT HEWKO HEWNER HEWSON HIBBELN HICKEY HICKMOTT HICKS HICKS HIGGINS HIGGINS HIGGITT HIGGS HIGO HILBORN HILDEBRAND HILDRED HILL HILL HILL HILLHOUSE HILLIER HILTON HILTZ HINCHCLIFFE HIND HINES HISCOX HO HO HO HO HO HOANG HOBBINS HOCKADAY HODGERT HODGES HODGINS HODGSON HODGSON HODKIN HOELLER HOFFMAN HOFFMAN HOFFMEYER HOFLAND HOGAN HOGAN HOGG HOLDER HOLDER HOLDER HOLLAND HOLLINGSHEAD Given Name CHRISTOPHER KEITH BRIAN JOSEPH MARCUS STEPHANE LISA ANNE DEBORAH DONALD STEPHEN MARK TAMARI LYNN ELIZABETH JANINE BROOKE LESLIE PHILIP JOSEPH PATRICK MARCIE LYNN JOEY REUBEN STEPHEN ANDREW CRAIG PAUL ELISA LESLIE ANNE TODD ELLIOT LYNDA DAWN SHAUN CHRISTOPHER LESLEY ELIOT LEWIS KEVIN BRIAN SHANE TODD GARRY JASON SABINO TYRONE CHRISTOPHER ANNE-MARIE DAVID JOHN D'ARCY LIAM GORDON IAN PATRICK JAMES ALEC KAI-KWUN JOSEPH CHOA KENNY KONG-LEUNG MATTHEW WEI-EN OLIVER NICHOLAS QUANG MINH ALAN GARY ADAM ROY DOUGLAS MARK CHRISTOPHER MARK GREGORY FREDERICK ALVIN SCOTT JOSEPH JASON JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER BRIAN GEOFFREY GREGORY RODNEY RUSSELL DANIEL MATTHEW ROBERT JAMES TIMOTHY MERRICK STEPHEN WALTER ADKIN BRIAN LAMONTE PAUL MARK LEWIS DANIELLE LEE Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Information Security Examiner Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Budgeting and Financial Analysis Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Court Officer Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $110,762.00 $101,110.02 $124,720.62 $102,820.82 $100,641.58 $128,982.59 $114,418.16 $142,234.78 $119,572.80 $113,365.74 $125,596.96 $132,274.89 $104,650.94 $123,837.59 $114,007.74 $122,590.20 $139,866.50 $109,328.56 $108,909.11 $112,992.52 $109,588.02 $114,504.60 $118,658.45 $137,892.99 $118,032.67 $108,762.62 $134,303.86 $118,377.96 $117,643.10 $117,571.76 $109,345.37 $102,843.47 $111,205.88 $204,985.89 $120,467.19 $103,683.94 $109,937.37 $150,540.68 $105,610.43 $128,892.26 $106,977.56 $149,385.68 $117,194.62 $118,146.47 $119,727.04 $124,386.38 $112,902.75 $107,022.43 $137,263.60 $121,548.81 $105,305.45 $102,534.08 $121,428.67 $132,022.84 $149,893.43 $111,111.04 $104,765.44 $124,798.02 $129,294.90 $119,999.51 $110,932.57 $103,871.36 Benefits $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $313.24 $839.30 $860.80 $841.14 $835.94 $1,605.14 $875.83 $819.82 $839.30 $875.83 $830.75 $885.22 $865.92 $839.30 $865.92 $809.53 $875.83 $885.22 $841.14 $924.24 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $925.97 $865.92 $866.62 $753.61 $828.75 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $718.42 $828.75 $912.40 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $875.83 $841.14 $839.30 $830.75 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $824.95 $814.55 $841.14 $875.83 $875.83 $438.59 $865.92 $818.86 $399.57 $828.75 $910.28 $841.14 $850.02 Surname HOLLINGSHEAD HOLLYWOOD HOLMAN HOLMES HOLMES HOLT HOLT HOMIAK HOMINUK HONG HOOD HOOPER HOOVER HOPE HOPKINS HOPKINSON HOPTON HORNBY HORNER HORTON HORTON HORWOOD HOU HOUGH HOUSTON HOUSTON HOVEY HOWARD HOWARD HOWELL HOWES HOWLETT HOY HREBENAK HREPIC HRISTOV HRYHORSKY HU HUANG HUBBARD HUBER HUBER HUDSON HUDSON HUGHES HUGHES HUGHES HUGHES HUGHES HUGHSON HUGO HUK HUM HUMENIUK HUMFREY HUNG HUNG HUNG HUNG HUNT HUNT HUNT Given Name RICHARD WARREN NEIL ASHLEY LEE-ANN DOUGLAS JASON JOHN GLENN JACK WILLIAM MARK JOHN CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH ANDREW JACQUELINE SUSANNE KEVIN JOSEPH BRADLEY HEATHER ISOBEL JEFFREY DAVID DAVID RICHARD FREDERICK GREGORY ALLEN GAVIN BRIAN CHRISTOPHER NEIL RYAN KNIGHT MICHAEL DEBRA MARGARET DEBRA JOEL MICHAEL GWENYTH ELDON SHAWN WAYNE VINCENT CHRISTOPHER PAUL WAYNE MATTHEW DOUGLAS VLADIMIR MARIO VICTOR MICHAEL THOMAS YI ACER TI SIMON ERWIN WERNER SIMONE GABRIELLE NOEL MCNAIR RYAN JAMES GUY LYNN PAUL GEORGE SHAUN MICHAEL TRUDY REGINALD GUY TANIA PAUL GRAHAM JEFFERY RON JUSTYN DAVID ROBERT ALLAN RICHARD JAMES JEFFREY LESLIE FAN CHRISTOPHER DAVID GLEN STEPHEN ROBERT Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $105,762.15 $109,758.44 $113,093.89 $121,213.89 $127,743.04 $154,867.82 $101,351.82 $110,813.46 $139,162.83 $125,259.13 $111,408.70 $155,780.90 $117,213.19 $123,992.00 $109,019.52 $123,805.01 $120,991.17 $103,524.85 $128,768.29 $155,018.74 $142,360.88 $149,888.53 $105,530.82 $127,682.92 $124,866.91 $113,313.16 $115,363.79 $139,667.73 $151,596.22 $105,840.54 $125,270.59 $107,604.64 $143,642.05 $139,116.26 $132,439.27 $133,644.62 $127,814.37 $139,535.38 $102,296.47 $132,733.31 $109,779.99 $104,320.13 $131,215.74 $106,098.26 $119,859.01 $103,846.22 $147,136.98 $107,265.27 $183,066.90 $108,941.62 $109,110.39 $105,079.59 $103,365.38 $149,528.03 $100,939.39 $109,635.27 $149,075.35 $106,283.11 $106,711.89 $123,848.69 $173,172.66 $116,274.75 Benefits $839.30 $860.80 $830.75 $809.53 $885.22 $1,171.01 $809.95 $809.53 $364.37 $818.86 $741.14 $865.92 $399.57 $812.93 $865.92 $839.30 $818.86 $839.30 $2,916.18 $839.30 $841.14 $835.94 $828.75 $809.53 $924.24 $834.66 $760.22 $839.30 $860.80 $841.14 $841.14 $860.80 $280.15 $818.86 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $860.80 $841.14 $750.02 $830.75 $841.14 $839.30 $723.12 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $839.30 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $713.71 $839.30 $809.53 $924.24 $825.35 $818.86 $841.14 $839.30 $885.22 Surname HUNTE HUNTER HURDOWAR HURLEY HURST HURTADO HUSAIN HUSSAIN HUSSAR HUSSEIN HUTCHINGS HUTCHINGS HUTCHINGS HUTZEL HWANG HWANG HYATT HYDE HYLAND HYNEK IANCU IANNONE IBBOTT IDSINGA ILSON IMAI IMRIE IMRIE IMRIE INAL INDIRAN ING ING INGLEY INGLIS INGRAM INGRAM INNISS ION IONTA IQBAL IRELAND IRISH IRVINE IRVINE IRVINE IRVING IRWIN IRWIN IRWIN ISAAC ISABELLO ISHERWOOD ISIP ISMAIL ITO IVKOVIC IWANSKA IZDEBSKI JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON Given Name KAREN JASON COLIN DARUN SING WILLIAM ANTHONY CLAYTON MICHAEL JORGE JAVIER MOHAMMED SALEEM AMER IRENE RIYAZ CHRISTOPHER MAXWELL DANIEL WILLIAM TRACEY LYNN JENNIFER DAWN ALEXANDER HYUN PETER IN-KYU ADRIAN AGUSTAS EATON PAUL SCOTT ANDREW JEFFREY CHARLES VLADIM ADRIAN JOHN-PAUL ELIZABETH ASHLEY HANK DANIEL JAMES TOSHI LAIRD MELANIE APRIL SEAN ANDREW THOMAS ALLEN BURAK PRASHANAN JAMES RYAN WAY EDWARD PAUL LEO CRAIG NORMAN JORDAN DOUGLAS KEITH DENNIS KEVIN DEAN FRANCIS ALESSANDRO SAFDAR MORGAN HARRIS PETER BRENT MARVEN GARY ALLISON ZACHARY JAMES DESMOND MICHAEL JESSICA LEE STEPHEN STEPHEN VINCENT AARON DAVID ANTHONY RICHARD MATTHEW WILLIADOR OMAR CHRISTOPHER ZORAN OLA PETER ANTONI DAVIS ROBERT LAURIE PAUL EDWARD Position Sergeant Detective Training Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Locational Administrator Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Senior Communications Technician Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $115,930.49 $118,662.16 $118,872.37 $106,925.14 $107,088.62 $109,656.09 $151,114.69 $101,334.84 $103,310.80 $147,452.80 $117,584.59 $145,424.66 $115,427.08 $107,628.11 $105,225.00 $103,861.05 $118,803.47 $129,907.88 $109,081.58 $109,687.44 $138,293.22 $103,119.76 $104,023.17 $163,810.37 $133,181.06 $100,375.78 $109,883.25 $101,110.02 $123,774.24 $113,971.82 $128,784.04 $110,967.82 $152,215.32 $114,192.66 $118,925.16 $106,651.31 $101,847.64 $105,277.58 $130,952.22 $121,565.14 $117,921.79 $112,254.87 $111,996.39 $101,738.51 $107,709.52 $129,910.44 $108,446.92 $101,473.47 $147,452.80 $109,312.39 $150,137.60 $142,480.30 $109,449.69 $125,667.19 $100,566.83 $125,061.87 $103,635.67 $113,085.25 $116,489.85 $102,266.26 $132,813.10 $103,475.44 Benefits $885.22 $865.92 $841.14 $530.35 $809.53 $825.08 $914.71 $841.14 $839.30 $979.39 $838.59 $865.92 $841.14 $841.14 $284.99 $809.53 $722.27 $331.43 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $595.70 $809.53 $438.59 $841.14 $809.53 $820.77 $841.14 $875.83 $841.14 $830.75 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $661.22 $839.30 $818.86 $885.22 $865.92 $306.61 $823.23 $860.80 $815.99 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $1,171.01 $809.53 $818.86 $835.05 $818.86 $824.95 $280.15 $812.93 $809.53 $809.53 $815.99 $841.92 $924.24 $839.30 Surname JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACKSON JACOB JACOBS JAKSA JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMES JAMIESON JAMISON JAMSHIDI JANECZKO JANES JANES JANES JANJANIN JANSE JANSZ JANSZ JARESOVA JAROSZ JARVIS JARVIS JASWAL JATTAN JAVED JEEVA JEFFREY JENKINS JENKINS JENNINGS JEUNET-LEVAL JHEETA JIMENEZ JIRI JITTA JITTA JOCKO JODOIN JOHN JOHN JOHNS JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON JOHNSTON Given Name ROBERT MICHAEL SCOTT BRUCE WAYNE NEIL WESLEY DONALD TIMOTHY ALFRED SHELDON ALEXANDER JOSEPH ANDREW ALLISTAIR WINSTON BRIAN ROBERT BRIAN STEVEN JOSHUA BENEDICT RITA ANNE SEAN ALLAN JEFFREY DAVID JAMES WILLIAM JOSHUA PAYAM DANIEL MARCIN DALE CHESLEY GARY AMBROSE JEFFREY HARRISON NENAD MICHELLE CARRIE ANGELO TYRELL GAWAIN MARIO PAVLINA RUSSELL ELAN IAN PAUL MONISH SINGH CLINT WASEEM ASIF ALI MICHAEL JOHN ALLEN CLINTON RICHARD STACEY JOANNE LAURENT JASVINDER SINGH FRANCISCO RAUL GEORGE ROBERT LYNDON ROBIN LINCOLN TODD JOESEPH CHRISTOPHER GUNSTEIN GREGORY GERRARD JEANILLE MARIA MARK DOUGLAS ANDREW DAVID DAVID EDWARD KEVIN WILLIAM MARTIN NATHANIEL ROBERT ANDREW KYLE ANDREW MICHAEL BRENT ANDREW BRIAN HUGH CHARLES JASON ANTHONY JEFFREY JOHN DAVID NANCY ANNE WENDY ELIZABETH Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Manager of Labour Relations Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $114,033.63 $110,295.28 $120,857.98 $105,867.47 $154,140.33 $104,616.50 $108,723.65 $123,728.82 $113,068.21 $144,112.61 $113,395.26 $113,116.02 $106,079.06 $116,795.56 $130,211.52 $140,535.14 $118,848.73 $101,457.35 $123,395.42 $106,900.53 $113,449.89 $101,088.84 $118,761.07 $140,385.02 $101,815.22 $133,657.08 $110,568.21 $109,410.93 $119,866.76 $125,508.60 $112,755.92 $109,994.20 $104,949.89 $120,093.83 $145,248.12 $105,046.02 $101,110.02 $122,231.24 $130,757.97 $110,490.40 $119,643.53 $116,101.03 $109,742.70 $110,412.40 $125,809.67 $126,010.74 $114,900.17 $147,868.08 $138,439.47 $103,932.36 $124,783.50 $156,160.79 $139,966.91 $120,797.42 $127,727.62 $146,916.75 $130,316.46 $102,399.70 $131,649.21 $141,353.08 $116,491.15 $145,689.33 Benefits $824.95 $818.86 $875.83 $809.53 $924.24 $716.14 $818.86 $875.83 $875.83 $828.75 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $733.79 $418.10 $905.59 $825.08 $809.53 $829.57 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $875.49 $866.62 $809.53 $924.24 $375.15 $841.14 $815.99 $839.30 $776.69 $830.75 $818.86 $399.57 $841.14 $837.72 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $822.91 $850.02 $875.83 $865.92 $841.14 $842.72 $919.77 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $6,600.53 $293.92 $841.14 $865.92 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $860.80 $841.14 $864.02 $865.92 Surname JOHNSTON TOTON JOHNSTONE JOHNSTONE JOHNSTONE JOKINIEMI JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONES JONESS JONGDONG JONKMAN JOSEPH JOSEPH JOSEPH JOSEPH JOSEPHS JOSHI JOSIFOVIC JOVANOVICH JUDD JUGPALL JUHASZ JUMA JUN JUNG JUNG JUPP JUST KACHUR KAHLON KAHNT KAINZ KALDIS KALONKA KALTEIS KALWIES KAMA KAN KANE KANG KANGAS KAPLIOUK KAPOOR KAPOSY KARAGAN KARAKOCHUK KARAVADI KARGES KARIMLOO KARIMZADA KARJALAINEN KARKOULAS Given Name CARLA LE ADRIANNE ANDREW PAUL GEORGE WALKER PEKKA CHERYL LINDSAY COREY LEE DOUGLAS ALBERT GARY LLOYD GORDON JASON NEIL LEANNE MICHAEL CRAIG PAUL CHRISTOPHER SANDRA MAUREEN STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER THOMAS TODD MICHAEL DIANA LHAWANG TOPGYAL LINDA CATHRINE JOHN ROBERT MARC ANTHONY RONALD RAJESH TREVOR JOHN ADAM KIRK CHAITANYA MLADEN DEANNA SYLVIA RICHARD ANDREW HERMAIL SINGH JAMIE CHRISTINE MICHAEL ONYANGO DANNY KEVIN SEOK WILLIAM KEE BRUCE MICHAEL ALLAN DAMIEN JOHN AMARJIT SINGH ANGELA CHRISTINE CHRISTOPHER JOHN GEORGE LEONARD MARC ROBERT DAVID GUY FIEVEL YEE SHAWN GERALD GURJOT SINGH SCOTT OSBOURNE IVAN ALEKSANDROVICH HARJYOT SINGH KEVIN JOHN PANAYIOTIS NICKOLAS GERALD GEORGE HANUMANTHA BRADLEY JOSEPH SHERVIN PETER ABDULLAH TREVOR VINCENT TREVOR DANIEL Position Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Operations Supervisor Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Senior Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $106,574.85 $125,060.55 $150,812.68 $106,181.25 $100,916.89 $113,360.78 $121,276.80 $118,765.12 $108,212.31 $168,302.08 $123,523.57 $116,093.90 $112,629.03 $111,007.58 $113,770.76 $112,176.35 $129,740.24 $102,629.50 $109,132.94 $151,644.33 $105,601.41 $119,635.90 $128,991.27 $126,967.63 $198,634.41 $134,421.46 $110,277.01 $133,304.08 $122,959.10 $115,590.65 $122,778.48 $100,890.10 $110,515.07 $124,546.35 $101,034.65 $147,616.26 $123,503.03 $122,659.11 $113,207.47 $136,823.38 $103,111.64 $104,006.09 $115,970.45 $131,386.13 $173,758.58 $104,029.67 $100,088.10 $134,604.52 $113,968.03 $133,416.43 $107,532.86 $118,572.88 $100,123.55 $144,266.85 $170,936.27 $122,749.98 $110,553.08 $107,845.38 $177,901.40 $187,432.03 $106,842.60 $114,959.32 Benefits $826.15 $904.79 $914.71 $785.62 $839.30 $865.92 $865.92 $860.80 $809.53 $12,116.32 $818.86 $885.22 $822.41 $875.83 $885.22 $841.14 $375.15 $845.04 $839.30 $865.92 $809.53 $733.79 $809.53 $809.53 $835.94 $839.30 $825.43 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $786.16 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $284.99 $839.30 $284.99 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $353.65 $885.22 $809.53 $822.82 $562.40 $350.98 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $814.55 $834.66 $809.53 $875.83 $869.90 $809.53 $382.20 $818.86 $818.86 $280.15 $860.80 $841.14 Surname KARMALI KARPIK KARPUC KARR KARRAS KARSTOFF KASZYCA KATAFIGIOTIS KATANIC KATHIRAVELU KATOCH KATSCHILO KATZMANN KAWAYA KAY KAY KAY KAY KAZZOUH KEALEY KEANE KEEFER KEEGAN KEELER KEHLER KELL KELLAR KELLMAN KELLOUGH KELLOWAY KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY KELLY KEMPSTER KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY KENNEDY KENT KENT KERR KERR KERR KERR KERR KERR KERR KERR KESIC KEVEZA KEVEZA KHA KHAN KHAN KHAN KHAN Given Name FAIZAL SHIRAZ JAMES DAWID WALDEMAR JOCELYN STELLA STAUROULA BRANDON CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH LUDWIK CONSTANTINE ZELJKO KAJAMUGANATHAN AMAR SINGH JAMES ALAN JASON LAURENCE DJO HITSHIKA BRIAN COLIN GRANT MICHAEL WILLIAM DONALD RABIE HANNA DEVIN PATRICK JASON YVON JASON MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER THOMAS JASON WADE JEFFREY STEWART BRIAN MURRAY KAREN LOUISE STACY LEIGH TREVOR PAUL BRIAN WAYNE DENISE EUGENIA KIMBERLEY ANN KIMBERLY ANN MICHAEL PATRICK MICHAEL RORY TERENCE PETER DARRYL MARTIN CHRISTOPHER DORNA TRESIA GEOFFREY IAN DANIEL LEE EDWARD MARK DAVID GARY SHARON AUDREY CHRISTOPHER GEORGE GEOFFREY JAIME LYN JASON MATTHEW KYLE ROBERT SAMUEL WILLIAM STEVEN HAROLD ZELJKO RUSSELL DANIEL RYAN MATHEW QUOCDUNG AHMAR ALI AMMAR BAHROZE RAZA FARHANULLAH Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Purchasing Services Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $112,569.33 $134,463.77 $105,486.93 $121,258.62 $120,839.34 $121,674.02 $136,597.95 $108,947.58 $123,653.86 $142,404.14 $135,993.10 $105,369.19 $101,733.14 $123,438.86 $126,614.93 $145,244.79 $110,239.72 $158,629.86 $110,111.05 $173,178.05 $124,820.00 $112,633.08 $105,946.85 $124,070.26 $115,512.60 $141,332.43 $102,528.66 $144,536.52 $102,771.54 $100,772.92 $139,635.90 $112,510.70 $101,262.01 $110,847.53 $107,130.40 $100,556.45 $124,023.54 $115,798.67 $109,613.51 $105,484.81 $116,939.99 $123,100.83 $108,398.36 $130,659.06 $174,460.07 $104,381.15 $114,314.25 $153,835.44 $100,120.47 $146,532.37 $116,067.98 $116,790.26 $126,076.46 $122,145.84 $111,509.47 $100,521.10 $108,929.14 $139,342.28 $139,482.40 $102,686.43 $102,872.89 $105,411.05 Benefits $818.86 $839.30 $809.53 $885.22 $870.72 $841.14 $850.02 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $855.13 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $885.22 $924.24 $818.13 $828.61 $841.14 $438.59 $799.24 $818.86 $333.21 $860.80 $822.82 $818.86 $818.86 $685.36 $818.86 $809.53 $924.24 $809.53 $828.75 $818.86 $355.49 $818.86 $914.71 $355.49 $828.75 $818.86 $885.22 $527.42 $812.93 $835.94 $839.30 $824.53 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $839.30 $839.30 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $323.88 $809.53 $809.53 Surname KHAN KHAN KHAN KHAN KHAN KHAN KHAN KHAN KHAWAJA KHAWAJA KHERA KHERA KHIMANI KHOSHBOOI KHOW KHURSHID KICKSEE KIDD KIENS KIJEWSKI KILLY KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIM KIMMERER KING KING KING KINGDON KINGHORN KINGRA KINNEAR KIPROFF KIRCHNER KIRINDE KIRK KIRKPATRICK KIS KITCHENER KLAAS KLACZA KLEIN-HORSMAN KLEMM KLIMTSCHUCK KLINE KLODT KLUCZEWSKI KLUGE KLUGERMAN KLUNDER KLUTZ KMIECIAK Given Name GARVIN IMTIAZ HUMAYUN RASHID MOHAMMAD ASAD ULLAH OMAR ASHRAF RONALD ARLINGTON SHAMEER TARIQ IJAZ WAHID ARSHAD SADIQ SUHAIL RASHID MILPREET SINGH SANDEEP SINGH ZULFIQAR ALI ALI NADER SIEWING SHEIKH AHMAD CHERYL NOREEN JAMES JEFFREY ASTRID KRISTINE JEAN ANTON CHARLES WON-JIN DANIEL HOON HYOK KYUN JIN HOI JONG WOO JUDY MI-YAE JUNG-YUL MIN CHUL SAMUEL-CHONG SANG HYUP SANG-RAE SAM SIN-JOONG SIN DAVID RUSSELL CHERYL DWAYNE EDWARD STUART MACPHERSON SCOTT ANTHONY SHAWN IAN JAANPAL SINGH KATHRYN MICHAEL PETER DARRYL LAWRENCE RANJAN WICKRAMASINGHE CAMERON SCOTT CHRISTOPHER JOHN ANDREW ANDREW JAMES PETER CAROL BRIAN KARL KONRAD JOSEPH CHRISTIAN STEPHEN ROBERT SHAWN EDWARD KAMIL CHRISTINE RUTH ROSALIA GERARD WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH JOHN Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Counsel Police Constable Human Resources Application Specialist Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Director of Operational Support Services Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Enterprise Architecture Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Senior Radio and Electronics Technician Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Senior Programmer Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $108,496.69 $102,266.02 $129,481.33 $132,485.00 $162,438.36 $103,769.21 $172,504.37 $125,968.00 $113,224.48 $131,105.67 $124,737.36 $114,983.90 $116,426.89 $131,353.99 $144,536.52 $134,585.05 $136,995.27 $109,168.48 $121,444.61 $181,711.84 $110,183.67 $111,491.13 $134,093.21 $126,580.59 $160,247.51 $103,013.44 $144,652.32 $131,476.56 $131,452.24 $154,844.74 $114,124.61 $139,793.80 $168,294.80 $127,106.00 $101,079.08 $130,560.09 $120,117.78 $122,386.36 $113,278.79 $111,801.45 $110,568.27 $141,454.33 $109,618.54 $102,161.78 $174,037.99 $114,842.91 $136,087.05 $119,465.46 $122,829.63 $103,801.60 $114,195.26 $122,638.84 $104,324.06 $104,188.41 $131,881.31 $128,774.88 $120,264.07 $100,446.50 $100,629.76 $131,230.93 $161,470.35 $156,194.02 Benefits $822.82 $355.49 $815.99 $875.83 $924.24 $676.83 $809.53 $815.99 $860.80 $815.99 $827.04 $818.86 $718.42 $841.14 $493.74 $818.86 $643.22 $850.02 $860.80 $2,749.79 $839.30 $875.83 $809.53 $835.94 $818.86 $815.99 $818.86 $838.27 $728.67 $818.86 $812.93 $818.86 $2,685.31 $865.92 $828.75 $924.24 $735.80 $885.22 $865.92 $818.86 $818.86 $924.24 $828.75 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $1,009.61 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $842.90 $818.86 $792.26 $841.14 $818.86 $828.75 $818.86 $819.68 $351.02 $875.83 $818.86 $885.22 Surname KNAPPER KNIGHT KNIGHT KNIGHTON KNILL KNILL KNOBLAUCH KNOTT KNOWLES KNOX KOCANOVIC KOECH KOH KOHL KOHOUT KOLANKOWSKI KOMADA KOMARNISKY KONADU KONASHEWYCH KONDO KONECNY KONKEL KOOY KORAC KORMAN-MOORE KORN KOSTIUK KOTAS KOTZER KOUROUDIS KOUSHYAR-MOGHTADER KOVACIC KOVIC KOWALSKI KOZAK KOZAR KRAEHLING KRAFT KRAJAEFSKI KRAMER KRANENBURG KRANGLE KRANJAC KRAUS KRAVCHENKO KRAWCZYK KRAWCZYK KRAWCZYK KRIEGER KROUSTALLIS KRUCZEK KUCK KUDRENSKI KUHN KULIK KULINA KULMATYCKI KUMAR KUMAR KUMMER KUNG Given Name ROBBERT NICOLAAS CHRISTOPHER JAMES JULIE JASON RICHARD CHRISTINE GRAHAM KENNETH KEITH PERCY SIMON DAVID JAIME LOUISE ALEKSANDAR SASHA AGGREY KIPLANGA DAVID SUKJIN BARBARA LOUISE STEVEN WILLIAM MICHAEL ROMAN MARCIN SANDRA FELIX ROBERT PAUL JASON DARYL TERRY KAZIMIERZ DANIEL PETER PAUL LOUIS ADRIAN JAY DIANA MICHAEL ARTUR JACEK RYAN MICHAEL GEORGE SHAHRYAR JOSEPH MARK VICTOR JAMES GRZEGORZ DAVID WILLIAM FREDERICK JOSEPH JASON DANIEL JASON CORY JAMES RUDY JAMES LORI PATRICIA CHARLES FORBES JOSEPH ANTHONY JEREMY JAMES YEVGEN MICHELLE MARLAINE PAUL THOMAS RICHARD ARIYEH MICHAEL MICHAEL JAMES PIOTR PAWEL HEINZ WESLEY RENE MICHAEL MELISSA HEATHER MARIO MARIUSZ JOEL PATRICK AMIT DINESH TANIA CHARLENE TOMMY WING Position Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $143,713.07 $120,300.10 $109,189.36 $113,280.65 $113,727.80 $134,039.51 $136,257.46 $126,256.52 $139,968.29 $102,898.44 $104,414.87 $134,353.76 $108,769.12 $122,296.37 $102,284.35 $108,974.78 $107,254.12 $113,606.83 $131,203.24 $136,700.72 $130,350.03 $117,573.41 $121,581.30 $101,601.94 $111,813.62 $100,303.62 $107,629.72 $130,781.14 $129,649.75 $123,778.58 $109,476.84 $118,525.01 $141,495.37 $110,107.53 $119,905.78 $122,131.93 $122,550.30 $105,489.12 $134,187.60 $102,399.71 $106,985.45 $128,285.65 $115,197.58 $116,327.34 $118,392.49 $101,849.75 $106,634.80 $113,688.08 $126,584.42 $100,126.64 $101,569.40 $117,822.84 $168,456.11 $112,126.12 $123,956.31 $101,715.27 $114,418.59 $131,245.24 $164,504.42 $105,199.49 $116,513.78 $182,394.15 Benefits $924.24 $809.53 $860.80 $809.53 $741.14 $841.14 $839.30 $839.30 $885.22 $818.86 $822.82 $818.86 $812.93 $885.22 $823.23 $809.53 $809.53 $860.80 $809.53 $809.53 $885.22 $809.53 $857.62 $809.53 $865.92 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $875.83 $830.75 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $835.47 $722.27 $865.92 $875.83 $809.53 $873.45 $818.86 $811.96 $865.92 $809.53 $865.92 $280.15 $828.62 $860.80 $390.18 $839.30 $824.95 $809.53 $836.86 $1,288.27 $839.30 $841.14 $828.75 $818.86 $924.24 $815.99 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 Surname KUOK KURTS KURUCZ KUZ KUZNETSOV KWOK KYRIACOU LA BORDE LA FOSSE LA VELLA LACROIX LACUNA LADOUCEUR LADURANTAYE LADURANTAYE LAGAT LAHEY LAI LAING LAING LAKEY LALL LALLA LALONDE LAM LAM LAMANNA LAMB LAMBE LAMBIE LAMOND LAMONTAGNE LAMPIRIS LANDRY LANDRY LANDRY LANDRY LANE LANE LANGDON LANGDON LANGER LANGFORD LANGFORD LANGILLE LANGLOIS LANIGAN LAPENSEE LAPTISTE LARAMY LARIVIERE LARMER LARMOUR LAROCHE LASHLEY LATINCIC LATTER LAU LAUFER LAUREL LAVALLEE LAVERS Given Name GABRIEL LISA CRYSTAL BLAISE MYKOLA SERGIY ANATOLYOVICH VINCENT KAR SAVAS REGINA JEFFERY GUY PAOLO GIUSEPPE NATALIE COLETTE MARLON JOSEPH JENNIFER MAUREEN BROCK YVES RYAN NICHOLAS ROMMELITO MANUEL MARY REGINA VICTOR TZE-KAU ANDREA LYNN DARREN WAYNE LALLMAN LESTER ROYSON LISA ANNE IAN WAYNE KEN RAYMOND ANTHONY MICHAEL AMBROSE JAMES DARRYL BRADLEY IAN DAVID JOSEPH CHRIS ADAM JOSEPH DARRYL JAMES JOEL CHRISTIAN ROGER ADAM ARTHUR MICHEAL WILLIAM LAURA ANNE VINCENT BRENDON KYLE CHRISTAIN TREVOR JAMES DOUGLAS LYNN MARK ROBIN SYLVAIN AURELE MARLON SIMON STEPHEN WILLIAM STEPHANIE GWEN JASON RAE BRENT JAMES WINSTON TROY NOEL DANIEL JORDAN CHRISTOPHER WAI PETER DON LOUIE DAVID VIKTOR MANFRED JAMES Position Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $106,534.34 $120,045.12 $102,796.87 $115,105.98 $143,221.21 $105,554.93 $141,675.51 $108,677.39 $160,506.55 $111,658.06 $100,131.82 $105,298.67 $112,966.74 $118,756.51 $110,056.44 $106,098.91 $128,538.35 $144,815.08 $108,156.42 $138,766.24 $125,895.41 $132,801.89 $135,562.89 $105,738.18 $184,091.48 $142,947.19 $129,046.26 $110,448.50 $107,760.96 $121,843.37 $126,966.20 $101,690.33 $123,419.86 $102,245.54 $123,899.61 $116,618.25 $111,467.05 $186,476.84 $107,589.40 $101,329.55 $100,931.60 $127,766.85 $122,040.11 $119,601.86 $118,144.87 $142,949.25 $115,546.14 $124,302.35 $137,684.27 $155,447.64 $103,377.91 $107,521.62 $113,435.01 $114,383.99 $115,276.64 $116,254.01 $181,374.76 $105,429.72 $128,345.17 $140,593.31 $115,421.01 $110,110.00 Benefits $818.86 $904.28 $818.86 $722.27 $818.86 $351.02 $897.36 $375.15 $865.92 $830.75 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $718.42 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $718.42 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $809.53 $839.30 $812.93 $924.24 $839.30 $821.59 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $838.27 $860.80 $841.14 $714.30 $478.65 $728.67 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $848.24 $815.99 $875.83 $818.86 $824.05 $830.75 $399.57 $818.86 $809.53 $924.24 $839.30 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 Surname LAW LAW LAWLOR LAWR LAWRENCE LAWRENCE LAWRENCE LAWS LAWSON LAWSON LAWSON LAZAR LAZARUS LAZZARO LE LEAHY LEAL LEANO LEARY LEBLANC LECKI LECLERC LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEE LEECE LEERMAKERS LEFEBVRE LEFORT LEGUE LEI LEITCH LEMAITRE LEMBKE LENEY LENFESTY LENGYEL LENNON LENNOX LENTSCH LEONARD Given Name CHUN-WING WILLIAM RICHIE CHUN-WAI WILLIAM GREGORY EDWARD GAVIN SYLVESTER NEVILLE DONAVON SHAWN CHRISTOPHER BRADLEY ANDREW AVERY ANTHONY D NICHOLAS WILLIAM RAMY TERRENCE ANTHONY FRANK ANTHONY NAM-NHAT KEVIN JOHN JASON DAVID ALEXANDER THOMAS DEREK WILLIAM DYLAN RAYMOND PAWEL LUKASZ DANIEL CHRISTIAN DANIEL DAVID BRANDON DEREK RICHARD ELLIOTT EUGENE SEUNG EVELYN SUI JAE-WOOK JAMES JAMES STANTON JASON MICHAEL JOHN JORGE JULIA JUSTIN TAEGUN KAREN KENNY KWANG JAE KYU IL KYUNG SOO NICOLE DENISE PHILIP BRIAN RANDALL JAMES STEVEN MINTEK WAYNE GORDON WILLIAM WILLIAM ANTHONY MARC KENTON WILLIAM AARON CHARLES AARON JASON ROBERT JAMES KRISTIN NICOLE THOMAS MICHAEL SEAN SCOTT TIMOTHY KIRK DEMETRICE PETER PAUL TONY ANNE Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Operations Supervisor Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Programmer Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $118,675.11 $101,899.43 $109,891.46 $124,851.30 $107,507.89 $116,149.17 $151,299.77 $118,542.76 $128,060.71 $157,719.84 $113,106.82 $102,620.24 $121,409.82 $118,753.83 $107,659.04 $145,005.86 $115,719.48 $104,175.79 $119,616.55 $107,763.50 $131,340.59 $103,818.78 $145,518.89 $108,220.90 $128,654.67 $117,961.38 $134,680.54 $113,060.21 $119,564.49 $102,421.12 $125,870.91 $100,440.40 $152,942.52 $101,368.45 $116,008.82 $123,555.30 $124,788.58 $129,548.85 $121,139.37 $103,151.16 $132,900.04 $139,245.64 $123,411.95 $120,561.44 $126,325.09 $101,623.11 $110,052.68 $131,933.30 $135,701.07 $108,757.00 $111,465.07 $110,513.04 $132,127.19 $153,855.89 $118,128.87 $107,003.06 $149,042.27 $107,460.24 $144,865.84 $169,446.02 $137,662.67 $118,480.44 Benefits $841.14 $809.95 $839.30 $660.16 $809.53 $818.86 $885.22 $839.30 $875.83 $885.22 $815.36 $809.53 $841.14 $865.92 $826.37 $914.71 $835.94 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $840.32 $809.53 $839.30 $830.75 $830.75 $788.19 $875.83 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $850.86 $818.86 $323.88 $818.86 $847.65 $875.83 $830.75 $693.86 $818.86 $924.24 $875.83 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $865.92 $865.92 $839.30 $841.14 $830.75 $351.02 $885.22 $875.83 $815.99 $818.86 $904.79 $841.14 $818.86 $14,462.88 $875.83 $399.57 Surname LEONARD LEONARD LEONE LESLIE LESSOVA LETSCHE LEUNG LEUNG LEVERT LEVESQUE LEVESQUE LEVY LEWIS LEWIS LEWIS LEYVA LI LI LI LI LI LIANG LIBURD LICHACZ LICOP LIDDY LIGGIO LILLIE LIM LIM LIM LIM YOOK LIMA LIMERICK LIMSIACO LINDALE LINDELL LING LINLEY LINNEY LINQUIST LINTON LIONTI LIOUMANIS LIPKUS LIPSEY LISCOUMB LISKA LISKA LISOWSKI LITSTER-MACLEOD LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE LITTLE LITTLER LIU LIU LIU LLOYD Given Name DOUGLAS CLINT MONIKA JOANNA MICHIELE MARIO HAMIL THEODORE MONIKA DOUGLAS REYNOLDS SHEUNG SIMON BRYCE STERLING JASON MATHEW MARTIN GARTH MARCEL MARION NADINE SANDRA ARLENE SHARON MARISOL BOYD MING TO PHILLIP RAYMOND LEUNG-TAK XIAOBO JIAN PENG BLAIR DAREN ALEXANDER WILLIAM ROBERT JOSEPH ANDREW JAMES GIOVANNI CELESTINO SHAWN GERALD ANDREW DONG HYEOK DAVE JASON GILBERT PATRICK RODNEY JAMES SCOTT WILLIAM MICHAEL MICHAEL KURTIS LAWRENCE JONATHAN CAROLINA MAGDALENA JOHN THOMAS DARRYL ANDREW JANET MARIE CALOGERO METODIOS ANDREW BRADLEY WILLIAM NORMAN ROBERT EDWARD DAVID VICTOR IRENE KEVIN FRANCIS KIMBERLEY MICHELLE ARTHUR DAVID JAMES JOSEPH JONATHAN DAVID MICHELLE LYNNE TERENCE ANTHONY IAN STUART BRUCE ZHIYONG JUN SHUXIN TONY BRADFORD Position Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Training Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Communications Supervisor Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Administrative Coordinator Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Senior Telecom Engineer Senior Analyst Sergeant Salary Paid $124,632.36 $108,846.64 $130,566.43 $127,730.43 $105,125.83 $159,746.23 $126,242.48 $106,073.44 $117,438.22 $110,383.68 $118,893.92 $131,314.19 $106,208.11 $107,282.24 $119,638.43 $104,519.81 $117,051.06 $100,909.69 $116,067.04 $121,778.79 $103,852.84 $117,855.78 $105,181.15 $111,925.63 $137,356.66 $113,467.46 $104,494.58 $111,886.11 $104,054.55 $116,614.96 $118,049.56 $133,535.14 $119,494.23 $100,748.74 $113,683.50 $116,378.40 $106,218.91 $149,164.78 $108,919.01 $113,536.01 $124,268.37 $109,817.99 $124,255.89 $143,800.48 $124,629.90 $105,315.53 $120,921.17 $137,429.04 $140,368.33 $124,009.99 $106,778.24 $147,452.80 $154,559.86 $106,100.33 $103,588.03 $135,897.32 $122,531.51 $100,361.31 $111,727.33 $127,812.54 $116,675.31 $157,492.15 Benefits $818.86 $809.53 $924.24 $865.92 $809.53 $844.56 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $774.30 $746.59 $818.86 $865.92 $280.15 $811.01 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $866.62 $818.86 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $283.80 $818.86 $866.62 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $875.83 $885.22 $840.32 $816.01 $1,171.01 $885.22 $839.30 $818.86 $875.83 $875.83 $818.86 $818.86 $920.89 $377.56 $885.22 Surname LO BIANCO LOBANETS LOBO LOCKE LOCKE LOCKEN LODHI LOISELLE LOKENATH LOMBARDI LONCAR LONG LONG LONG LOPES LOPEZ LORD LORIA LORIMER LORRIMAN LORTIE LOU LOUCKS LOUHIKARI LOUHIKARI LOUIE LOURENCO LOVE LOW LOWE LOWE LOWE LOWREY LUCHETTA LUCHIAN LUCIFORA LUCYSHYN LUCZYK LUFF LUKAS LUKINGS LUKINGS LUM LUPSON LUSBY LUSSOW LUTHRA LUU LY LYMER LYN LYNCH LYNCH LYNCH LYON LYON LYON LYON MA MA MA MA Given Name JOHN SALVATORE SERGIY YEVGENOV KRISTOPHEN DONOVAN DUANE HENRY ALAN MIR MINHAJUDDIN JEAN MARC LAUREAL RAMDIAL TIWARIE LORENZO ROSE CHRISTINE GARRY JOHN MICHAEL JUDE ALEXANDER ROWAN CARL KENNETH CATERINA TROY WILLIAM STEVEN CYRIL MARC LEONEL BING YU CORINA MICHELLE RENATA TIM GILBERT JUN ADAM COLIN ALLEN ROBERT JULIAN FERGUSON DANIEL STEVEN DENISE RENEE THOMAS WILLIAM ALAN MARK EDUARD JEFFREY SALVATORE TRACEY RICHARD ALEXANDER DANIEL KELLY ELIZABETH AIMEE ELISABETH JUSTIN ANDREW SOON CHRISTOPHER BRYDON GORDON CHRISTOPHER NARINDER PAL TAN SY HUNG DANIEL LEONARD PATRICK ERINN ANDREA JAMIE RALPH KRISTAL FRANCES LEITHLAND LLOYD NATALIE LINDA RICHARD WARWICK ROBERT KIRK DARREN TAI-YUNG DEREK JEFFREY HONG SEUNG WOOK Position Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Communications Operator Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $119,473.99 $127,955.07 $110,674.97 $140,260.21 $117,392.94 $127,295.24 $101,345.44 $179,132.81 $145,366.57 $122,090.00 $113,390.48 $114,325.93 $127,407.03 $134,716.89 $123,906.86 $119,676.27 $100,415.44 $112,195.55 $116,826.27 $115,031.90 $133,143.24 $115,022.22 $110,202.65 $113,773.56 $101,308.79 $101,495.70 $118,989.41 $126,498.04 $136,799.86 $101,079.83 $100,445.21 $100,720.99 $125,957.85 $135,096.65 $116,012.36 $102,032.80 $101,519.46 $114,346.16 $124,242.81 $105,129.25 $101,119.12 $110,020.53 $239,942.46 $115,927.23 $117,109.00 $121,716.75 $139,907.47 $101,661.73 $102,133.33 $100,250.94 $108,989.27 $117,226.69 $104,056.80 $118,612.86 $111,664.34 $101,110.02 $109,875.36 $130,929.41 $150,805.41 $106,542.71 $118,237.04 $123,714.65 Benefits $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $865.92 $850.02 $885.22 $821.18 $815.99 $809.53 $885.22 $774.30 $885.22 $885.22 $839.30 $869.90 $835.05 $839.30 $835.47 $818.86 $875.83 $860.80 $829.71 $865.92 $885.22 $839.30 $818.86 $841.14 $789.71 $850.02 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $924.24 $809.53 $809.53 $821.39 $839.30 $841.14 $885.22 $813.74 $841.14 $841.14 $473.25 $841.14 $860.80 $860.80 $818.86 $351.02 $809.53 $809.53 $351.02 $865.92 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $841.14 $865.92 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $809.95 $327.28 Surname MA MAADANIAN MAC MAC DONALD MAC LEAN MAC NAUGHTON MAC NEILL MACARAEG MACARTHUR MACCHEYNE MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONALD MACDONNELL MACDUFF MACFARLANE MACGILLIVRAY MACGREGOR MACGREGOR MACGREGOR MACHELL MACIAS MACIEK MACINNIS MACINNIS MACINTYRE MACISAAC MACISAAC MACKAY MACKAY MACKAY MACKENZIE MACKENZIE MACKENZIE MACKEY MACKIE MACKINNON MACKINNON MACKINNON MACKINNON MACKRELL MACKRELL MACKRELL MACLEAN MACLEAN MACLEOD MACLEOD MACLEOD MACLEOD MACNAB MACNEIL MACNEIL MACPHAIL Given Name YU PAU NAZARET OVID RUBEN WAYNE SCOTT JOSEPH DONALD MARY VERNA DAVID MICHAEL JUANITA JEFFREY DAVID RICHARD DOUGLAS AARON ROYCE ANNE BERNARD CRAIG CALVIN GREGORY HECTOR MURDO IAN KENNETH JANICE JOHN LEO LORI-ANN SCOTT JOHN BRIAN JEFFERY JOHN RICHARD EON CRAIG ANTHONY GARY WILLIAM GRANT JASON JAMES GARY LAWRENCE ANTONIO DELGADO JOHN JULIE SO-JUNG ROBERT FRANCIS BRIAN PAUL ALLISTER EDMUND JAMES ALEXANDER CRAIG WILLIAM RONALD ERNEST SHARI PATRICIA MATTHEW AARON ROBERT DEAN THOMAS BLAIR CRAIG TRAVIS RONALD KELLY LEE RANDY CHARLES RICHARD JAMES ROBERT ALLEN JAMES JAMES MURRAY PAUL RODERICK THOMAS CHRISTOPHER EWAN LAWRIA JOHN NORMAN KRYSTAL ANNE ROY DANIEL WILLIAM ANGELA CAROLINE STEVEN JAMES ANDREW DOUGLAS Position Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Advisor of Quality Assurance Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Training Constable Police Constable Operations Supervisor Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Detective Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Administrative Coordinator Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $112,150.47 $127,979.86 $122,824.92 $129,171.08 $109,188.27 $106,670.92 $105,459.78 $127,812.54 $109,895.53 $125,252.95 $142,653.37 $128,275.45 $129,519.37 $106,077.51 $136,552.59 $135,025.70 $142,902.46 $121,738.96 $124,833.65 $136,420.52 $113,766.21 $104,665.59 $166,569.88 $115,897.41 $113,816.10 $144,691.64 $116,849.46 $101,622.67 $149,000.39 $121,610.04 $117,084.79 $164,390.94 $104,331.82 $115,647.10 $137,664.51 $101,011.30 $112,555.09 $101,831.24 $101,974.30 $110,072.45 $111,506.98 $112,825.20 $125,039.65 $123,742.43 $100,415.44 $101,186.99 $108,436.69 $126,731.57 $105,950.67 $147,452.80 $106,367.51 $125,456.46 $120,981.92 $135,990.43 $125,894.49 $109,072.24 $114,014.94 $108,006.23 $109,342.71 $105,239.65 $121,707.16 $100,357.15 Benefits $824.95 $875.83 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $830.75 $809.53 $1,089.37 $818.86 $914.71 $885.22 $924.24 $885.22 $841.14 $924.24 $818.86 $875.83 $885.22 $924.24 $885.22 $399.57 $818.86 $924.24 $875.83 $841.14 $818.86 $817.08 $839.30 $875.83 $809.53 $885.22 $860.80 $839.52 $885.22 $1,014.61 $838.61 $875.83 $839.30 $823.33 $673.70 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $353.65 $839.30 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $1,171.01 $809.53 $399.57 $885.22 $838.27 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $815.99 $819.54 $750.09 $841.14 $822.82 Surname MACPHERSON MACPHERSON MACSTEVEN MADDEN MADELEY MADELEY MADILL MADILL MADRAMOOTOO MAECKER MAGEE MAHARAJ MAHARAJ MAHMODIAN MAHMOOD MAHONEY MAHONEY MAICANTIS MAILER MAILER MAIN MAISONNEUVE MAK MAKARENKO MAKHLOUF MALE MALENFANT MALLEY MALYK MANAFO MANCUSO MANHERZ MANIATIS MANIQUIS MANN MANN MANN MANN MANNING MANOHARAN MANOTA MANSERRA MANSON MANSON-HING MANSOUR MANSURI MANTLE MANTLE MANUEL MANZKE MARANAN MARCHACK MARCHEN MARCHEN MARCHESE MARCHIS MARCINKOWSKI MARGETSON MARJI MARKS MARKS MARO Given Name DONALD WADE MICHAEL ZANE PETER JOHN LISA CHRISTINE CRAIG ALAN JOHN AUSTIN ALLAN NEIL DANA LEA MARC ANDREY JONATHAN LEE BRYAN GERALD BRYAN SANJEEV ZALINA MEHRDAD TAYYAB JULIE SHAWN NIKOLAOS DAVID STEVEN JOEL NATHAN DANIEL MA YING THOMAS MICHEAL JAMES MICHAEL DAVID JOSEPH ANDREW DEREK SHANE WESTLEY THOMAS RONALD SAVERIO MARK FRANCESCO JOEL NICHOLAS GERASSIMOS ALVIN KEITH AMARJIT SINGH KULVINDER KAUR MANDEEP SINGH UPKAR SINGH JOHN RAVI RAMAN ROMI DAVID JAMES SANDRA STEPHEN MICHAEL NABIH MOHAMAD ABUTURAB ABUBAK BRYAN LARRY MELINDA ANNE GREGORY JOHN MIKE KELVIN VALLON ROGER LEANNE MICHAEL FRANK SERENA JANE MICHAEL JAMES JOHN MARTHA BUTROS ALEXANDRA COURTNEY STACEY MICHELLE KJELL KRISTOFFER Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Communications Operator Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $105,510.44 $139,329.99 $125,357.66 $111,002.78 $101,522.11 $153,530.89 $121,222.48 $100,650.34 $110,940.40 $103,067.44 $121,619.24 $107,864.65 $118,452.10 $128,036.58 $108,931.88 $106,921.03 $153,229.57 $122,363.12 $104,732.26 $109,906.54 $127,835.72 $132,199.16 $101,151.40 $114,279.80 $101,494.68 $112,813.51 $137,741.05 $112,476.90 $108,658.15 $108,030.96 $122,834.40 $111,373.17 $144,460.49 $108,054.55 $104,586.17 $108,090.96 $119,632.24 $100,933.97 $100,837.29 $146,005.42 $110,327.27 $111,518.62 $131,868.06 $107,169.27 $127,409.23 $116,016.36 $129,287.59 $111,877.47 $111,366.66 $109,463.95 $115,015.37 $161,188.11 $103,204.81 $113,552.77 $100,436.97 $118,655.89 $110,195.74 $156,352.65 $114,260.09 $104,333.90 $122,139.39 $104,965.32 Benefits $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $828.75 $885.22 $774.30 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $851.84 $413.05 $809.53 $809.53 $839.30 $885.22 $818.86 $836.36 $845.10 $809.53 $885.22 $351.02 $809.53 $818.86 $866.62 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $828.75 $809.53 $904.79 $818.86 $839.30 $865.92 $841.14 $834.65 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $809.95 $841.14 $818.86 $828.75 $812.93 $818.86 $885.22 $839.30 $860.80 $839.30 $815.99 $818.86 $885.22 $825.43 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 Surname MARRELLI MARSH MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSHALL MARSMAN MARTELL MARTELL MARTELLUZZI MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN MARTIN-DOTO MARTINEZ MARTSENYUK MARXER MASLOWSKI MASON MASSEY MASTERMAN MASTERS MASTORAKOS MASTRACCI MASTROKOSTAS MATHERS MATHESON MATHESON MATHEWS MATHIEU MATTHEWS MATTHEWS MATTHEWS MATTHEWS MATTOS MATYS MAU MAUCERI MAUNDER MAVROU MAXWELL MAYERS MAYO MAZUREK MC CONNELL MC CONNELL MC DONALD MC GARRY MC GARRY MC KENZIE MC KEOWN MC MASTER MC SWEENEY MCALLISTER Given Name GIANCARLO STEPHEN MARTIN KIMBALL SEGUNDO KIRWIN MICHAEL JASON SHAWN TOBIN HENRI BRIAN DEBORAH LYNN CLAUDIO ANTHONY DANIEL ALEXANDER DERRICK FRANK DIQUE JULIEN HENRY ARNE JOSEPH JEAN KATHRYN KELLY PAUL GEORGE RUDOLF RYAN DAVID CATHERINE ANN MICHAEL MALABANAN VADYM MATTHEW ALOIS BRIAN WERNER DONALD EDWARD JOHN DAVID KEVIN GEORGE MICHELLE PANTELIS GEORGE PAOLA MAGDALENE MAGGIE SEAN ANDREW DAVID ELLIE ALLYN BRANT MELANIE JANE GORDON JOSEPH BLAKE SCOTT ANDREW STEPHEN MICHAEL MOUNTY JOSEPH JOSEPH PAUL RICHARD VINCE VICTOR JASON EDWARD DANNY GEORGE BYRON ROGER KENNETH TIMOTHY PAUL DOUGLAS SHAWN LAWRENCE STEPHANIE JEAN DANIEL ROBERT KENNETH ADAM JOSHUA BRANDON SEAN-BRENDAN CHRISTOPHER RYAN JOSH MATTHEW DAVID WILLIAM Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Superintendent Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Corporate Psychologist Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Communications Co-ordinator Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $103,809.28 $105,935.64 $100,191.59 $144,548.32 $100,224.38 $118,988.34 $117,589.03 $119,044.96 $104,054.15 $129,945.00 $113,156.73 $144,428.37 $149,042.88 $112,115.37 $149,072.33 $127,557.86 $168,302.08 $106,563.30 $117,693.25 $115,789.07 $117,554.81 $181,711.84 $100,125.46 $148,025.84 $111,288.08 $133,400.26 $144,679.57 $113,697.42 $103,647.61 $131,285.59 $103,093.88 $121,001.24 $130,458.40 $106,391.36 $124,122.24 $101,148.77 $117,321.36 $105,520.37 $106,153.05 $148,634.55 $119,612.71 $133,215.96 $122,542.26 $124,117.91 $105,839.86 $108,306.09 $120,036.32 $108,219.24 $108,965.63 $124,450.94 $100,865.20 $154,553.10 $101,801.41 $161,254.89 $106,332.55 $105,237.35 $103,283.96 $109,667.16 $117,722.49 $100,782.45 $107,977.37 $134,458.43 Benefits $818.86 $824.95 $809.53 $885.22 $809.53 $865.92 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $884.02 $860.80 $914.71 $839.30 $809.53 $836.28 $885.22 $12,416.75 $839.30 $845.67 $399.57 $841.14 $1,352.75 $818.86 $809.95 $835.05 $904.79 $841.14 $818.86 $362.63 $885.22 $818.86 $841.14 $875.83 $831.10 $860.80 $841.14 $841.92 $818.86 $839.30 $924.24 $830.75 $865.92 $812.93 $865.92 $818.86 $815.99 $828.75 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $839.30 $839.30 $825.73 $809.53 $812.93 $809.53 $809.53 $830.62 $830.75 $809.53 $818.86 $819.54 Surname MCARTHUR MCARTHUR MCASKILL MCBRATNEY MCBRIDE MCBRIDE MCBRYDE MCCABE MCCABE MCCALL MCCALL MCCANN MCCANN MCCANN MCCANN MCCARTHY MCCARTHY MCCARTNEY MCCAUSLAND MCCAW MCCLELLAND MCCLOREY MCCONACHIE MCCONKEY MCCONNACH MCCONNELL MCCONNELL MCCONNELL MCCONNERY MCCORD MCCORMACK MCCORMICK MCCORMICK MCCOURT MCCREADY MCCREIGHT MCCUE MCCULLAGH MCCULLOCH MCCULLOUGH MCCULLOUGH MCCULLOUGH MCCULLOUGH MCCUTCHEON MCCUTCHEON MCDERMOTT MCDERMOTT MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDONALD MCDOUGALL MCDOUGALL MCDOUGALL MCEVOY MCFADYEN MCFADYEN MCFARQUHAR MCFARQUHAR MCFATRIDGE Given Name JAMES PATRICK PAUL IAN MELINDA JEAN GARY KEITH ROBERT RAYMOND DOUGLAS GLEN WILLIAM ANASTASIA PAULINE MARK ANTHONY ANDREW JOHN JAYANT JOHN GARY DOUGLAS KEITH LAURIE ANNE MADONNA MARIE CHEOLIVER DAX KRISTOPHER RYAN MATTHEW JOSEPH YOSHIO MICHAEL DOUGLAS GORDON ROBERT SEAN MICHAEL STEVEN LEONARD RONALD FRANK ROBERT BRUCE DARREN LAURA ANNE WILLIAM KURTIS WILLIAM TANYA LACHLAN DAVID DEREK ALAN JOEY KEVIN WILLIAM KENNETH TODD DOUGLAS MARK XAVIER MICHAEL ALAN CHRISTOPHER AUBREY DAVID KRISTAL KASHMIR DOUGLAS SEAN CAMERON DANIEL EUAN ANDREW JAMES JAMES WILLIAM JESSE JONATHON MATTHEW PETER ROBERT JAMES SPENCER MATTHEW JOSEPH GERRARD ROBERT GORDON SHANNON CLINTON WAYNE BRIAN DENNIS DANIEL GORDON BRETT HARRY CRAIG JAMES LAURA LYNN Position Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Courts Supervisor Detective Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $111,540.75 $153,604.19 $111,514.30 $135,596.31 $124,606.29 $115,998.98 $123,152.28 $119,771.29 $112,244.28 $187,062.73 $109,303.28 $125,183.75 $163,395.44 $101,252.70 $101,754.03 $108,604.16 $112,740.85 $111,514.41 $140,299.34 $100,622.44 $159,885.51 $107,724.76 $106,963.74 $114,430.63 $123,648.15 $109,795.87 $117,674.79 $103,299.46 $104,119.06 $106,874.37 $168,302.08 $107,905.06 $112,199.68 $111,257.01 $127,099.40 $103,598.62 $106,845.08 $103,380.06 $150,628.46 $113,248.50 $116,405.71 $102,203.45 $109,393.88 $116,914.01 $123,473.47 $161,911.17 $104,371.60 $106,979.57 $134,115.48 $111,562.95 $105,385.87 $107,038.33 $113,566.12 $120,370.45 $185,085.28 $149,292.85 $122,315.16 $129,405.48 $136,592.45 $116,831.29 $109,332.47 $111,406.33 Benefits $815.36 $924.24 $866.62 $924.24 $841.14 $841.14 $494.46 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $870.31 $875.83 $860.80 $829.42 $818.86 $818.86 $875.83 $825.08 $865.92 $333.21 $885.22 $839.30 $835.05 $839.30 $375.15 $424.27 $844.28 $839.30 $765.80 $841.31 $20,016.25 $847.57 $818.86 $860.80 $924.24 $839.30 $818.86 $294.46 $885.22 $818.86 $841.14 $607.02 $818.86 $399.57 $869.90 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $841.31 $809.53 $834.66 $458.21 $865.92 $828.75 $865.92 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $604.84 $865.92 $841.14 Surname MCGAHERN MCGARRITY MCGARRY MCGARRY MCGARRY MCGEE MCGHEE MCGILP MCGINN MCGIVERN MCGIVERN MCGOVERN MCGOWAN MCGRADE MCGRADE MCGRAN MCGRATH MCGRATH MCGUINNESS MCILWAIN MCINNIS MCINTOSH MCINTOSH MCINTYRE MCINTYRE MCKAY MCKAY MCKAY MCKEE MCKENZIE MCKENZIE MCKENZIE MCKEON MCKEOWN MCKERAGHAN MCKINNIE MCKINNON MCKNIGHT MCKNIGHT MCLANE MCLANE MCLANE MCLAUGHLIN MCLAUGHLIN MCLAUGHLIN MCLAUGHLIN MCLAUGHLIN MCLEAN MCLEAN MCLEISH MCLELLAN MCLEOD MCLEOD MCLEOD MCMAHON MCMILLEN MCNABB MCNABB MCNABB MCNAMARA MCNEIL MCNEVIN Given Name JOHN ANTHONY RONALD KENNETH JOHN WILLIAM MEGAN ROSE WILLIAM MICHAEL BRADY CLINTON MICHAEL ROBIN JOHN MICHAEL JOSEPH MICHAEL GEORGE SEAN BARME PAUL JOHN MONICA KATHRYN PATRICK STEPHEN ANTHONY DANIEL GEORGE DUSTIN THOMAS SEAN STEVEN GEORGE JESSICA MICHELLE ALLISON PAULA DANIEL JASON ALAN RYAN DOUGLAS CARYN EDWARD SCOTT KELLY MARIE PETER SHELDON ROBERT SEAN SHAWN SCOTT MARK JOSEPH LISA DAWN DANN FRANCIS AMANDA DARRYL LLOYD ADAM SCOTT CORY GREGORY JAMES RUSSELL KRISTINE ANN COLM IAN JUNIOR SYLVESTER MARTIN WILLIAM VERONICA JENNIFER BARBARA NANCY MARY PATRICIA LOUISE CURTIS JOHNNY MATTHEW ALEXANDER PATRICK SHELLEY CHRISTINE JOSEPH MATTHEW FRANK ANDREW GORDON ANGELA HELEN EDWARD LYNN COLLEEN RONALD JEFFREY LEE Position Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Inspector Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $101,004.44 $100,697.80 $114,406.52 $107,259.08 $117,588.98 $101,890.47 $139,434.19 $121,937.02 $117,366.99 $139,192.28 $103,792.63 $110,687.81 $109,513.12 $114,021.19 $116,432.12 $105,820.79 $106,631.39 $114,225.47 $109,119.49 $131,180.49 $148,034.42 $101,840.08 $119,235.63 $101,695.56 $104,789.38 $116,010.97 $130,312.64 $121,609.01 $125,138.28 $113,996.37 $112,903.16 $124,647.00 $100,652.04 $107,510.74 $107,102.33 $127,789.57 $102,276.37 $117,835.97 $120,597.51 $160,014.88 $121,547.29 $104,401.69 $113,833.89 $196,885.11 $136,940.93 $123,812.61 $121,597.95 $156,160.79 $126,997.37 $118,899.79 $101,063.48 $120,394.36 $121,847.16 $104,998.43 $100,698.59 $109,488.59 $104,241.20 $102,179.59 $120,636.80 $112,572.19 $121,617.30 $107,105.85 Benefits $839.30 $809.53 $835.47 $818.86 $885.22 $829.71 $885.22 $809.53 $865.92 $885.22 $818.86 $865.92 $860.80 $399.57 $885.22 $851.84 $825.08 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $869.90 $811.96 $885.22 $818.86 $827.62 $399.57 $924.24 $885.22 $865.92 $521.75 $865.92 $850.02 $839.30 $850.02 $844.56 $885.22 $809.53 $830.75 $839.30 $13,567.87 $885.22 $841.14 $839.30 $885.22 $828.75 $818.86 $333.21 $7,804.81 $884.42 $382.20 $812.93 $841.14 $860.80 $809.53 $839.30 $815.99 $355.50 $839.30 $818.86 $828.75 $885.22 $809.53 Surname MCPARLAND MCPHERSON MCQUEEN MCQUOID MCVEIGH MCVEY MEANEY MEDEIROS MEECH MEEHAN MEEHAN MEIK MELANSON MELEROWICZ MELOCHE MELOCHE MENARD MENDEZ MENDOZA MENDOZA MENDOZA MERCIER MEREDITH MERRITT MERRITT MERSEREAU MERZA METCALFE METHE METZGER MEULEMAN MI MIAN MICALLEF MICELI MICHELUCCI MIDDLETON MIESZKALSKI MIGNARDI MIGNARDI MIHAILESCU MIJARES MIKALACHKI MILDENBERGER MILES MILIC MILLAR MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLER MILLS MILLS MILLS Given Name SHANNON MARIE ANNE MARGARET SHERRY LYNN SCOTT CHAPMAN MICHAEL JAMES LEWIS JAMES SHAWN ANDY RAYMOND JOHN ANTHONY PAUL PATRICK VIVIAN JAMES ALLEN MICHAL ROBERT THOMAS SHAWN RONALD JOHN PHILLIP ANCILE HUGH BRYAN ERWIN GONZALES PHILIP MANILAY CHRISTINE ELAINE CRAIG ANDREW CHAD JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL MICHAEL TREVOR JAMES MARY CHRISTOPHER ROBERT KATIMARIE CHRISTOPHER BRYAN YAOMING FARHAAN AFTAB MARK ANTHONY STEPHANIE CAROLINE MARCO ANTONY WILLIAM SCOTT PETER SONIA MARISA STEVEN ANTHONY SIMONA RENE LIBRE LARRY KAINE JOHANN JEREMY OLIVER DANY JASON ANDREW BRIAN JAMES CAROLINE NANCY CHRISTOPHER JOHN DUNCAN HELEN DIANE IAN MARK JAMES ANTHONY JILL PRINCE CHARLES RYAN KENETH SHANE CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM PETER BRAD JONATHAN PATRICIA PAUL TERRANCE Position Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Senior Operations Supervisor Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Planning Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Inspector Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $107,739.90 $100,272.23 $118,122.77 $104,533.80 $123,762.65 $112,534.57 $120,525.74 $124,324.31 $144,171.91 $102,104.29 $143,324.96 $130,831.77 $119,571.26 $103,060.67 $114,725.56 $144,472.68 $120,395.77 $110,996.95 $105,740.37 $121,008.07 $134,277.25 $100,347.47 $150,218.47 $118,297.17 $108,531.37 $124,788.24 $108,743.90 $137,222.38 $106,118.32 $111,422.69 $106,399.29 $121,880.57 $121,593.77 $103,559.86 $109,236.91 $100,722.70 $105,336.42 $113,136.84 $104,597.53 $129,800.29 $101,112.82 $130,749.47 $102,442.19 $139,197.03 $120,320.39 $101,314.56 $112,952.08 $126,486.58 $105,188.77 $122,098.29 $125,099.07 $168,302.08 $124,878.69 $101,110.02 $100,419.64 $107,553.54 $118,102.60 $113,648.27 $111,156.50 $115,312.07 $102,303.48 $114,392.57 Benefits $841.14 $814.55 $818.86 $841.14 $865.92 $275.23 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $828.75 $885.22 $885.22 $895.12 $839.30 $741.14 $924.24 $868.67 $818.86 $850.02 $834.65 $875.83 $251.83 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $5,491.49 $809.53 $837.46 $818.86 $382.20 $838.27 $809.53 $809.53 $716.14 $828.75 $860.80 $322.26 $809.95 $355.49 $809.53 $839.30 $437.24 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $834.66 $809.53 $830.75 $885.22 $14,377.60 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $812.93 $865.92 $865.92 $325.51 $809.53 $839.30 $850.02 Surname MILNE MINAMI MINASVAND MINEYKO MINHAS MINOR MINOR MIRANDA MIRANDA MIRON MIRZA MISIUDA MISTEROWICZ MITAKIDIS MITCHELL MITCHELL MITCHELL MITSKOU MNUSHKIN MOBBS MOED MOFFAT MOHAMED MOHAMMED MOHAMMED MOHAMMED MOHR MOISSEEV MOKORICH MOLE MOLINARO MOLONEY MOLYNEAUX MOLYNEAUX MOLYNEAUX MOMENI MONAGHAN MONAHAR MONIZ MONK MONROE MONTEIRO MONTEIRO MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY MONTGOMERY MONTINO YONG MONTIS MONTOYA MONTRAIT MOONEY MOORCROFT MOORCROFT MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE MOORE Given Name MARK MARK NOBUYUKI GEORGE KRZYSZTOF EUSTACHY GURMINDER SINGH DOUGLAS ALLAN TRISHA LEE CRISTIAN ANDRES EDUARDO CANDIDO BRUNO JOSEPH SHAHRUKH MELISSA DEANNE RICHARD JOHN HARALS STEVE CHARLES CHRISTOPHER GORDON JODI LYNN CHRISTOPHER SERGEY AFROYIM CHRISTOPHER ANDREW JEREMY CLARK ANTHONY RIZWAN ADIL FARID COLIN ELLIOTT RIAD JINNAH CHAD FRANCIS IOURI LAURA ELIZABETH DEREK JAMES ANTONIO PATRICK MICHAEL CURTIS MICHAEL DOREEN EVELYN STEVEN ORANG PATRICK JAMES DION RAJESH BRIAN MELO CHRISTOPHER DWAINE CAMERON STEWART DAVID JASON ROBERT AARON JAMES ELIZABETH HELEN VICKI GIOVANNI FRANCESCO CHRISTINE CHERYL OSCAR MAURICIO DAVID WILLIAM JOSHUA CHRISTOPHER ROBERT MICHAEL BRIAN ADAM BENJAMIN BRETT CALVIN CHRISTINE MARGARET DARCY DAVID CHRISTOPHER JEREMY ANDREW KEVIN ROBERT MICHAEL MARTIN SCOTT WILLIAM Position Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Senior Analyst Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Shift/Area Supervisor Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Operations Supervisor Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Communications Operator Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $102,306.83 $115,621.78 $130,446.79 $110,012.31 $102,459.12 $157,385.15 $108,265.71 $109,671.74 $138,326.52 $134,950.35 $126,845.24 $110,756.89 $145,795.68 $123,737.23 $131,224.38 $107,630.49 $120,970.94 $100,359.69 $116,786.15 $109,884.25 $126,122.21 $123,951.64 $109,100.53 $100,104.98 $103,289.87 $112,340.88 $129,382.35 $109,132.66 $107,357.88 $110,761.90 $148,992.77 $152,262.18 $114,328.14 $103,871.36 $148,020.25 $155,075.83 $139,247.70 $126,911.56 $115,578.10 $120,113.49 $109,001.72 $101,104.89 $125,416.57 $105,325.11 $130,959.43 $100,607.59 $121,326.44 $103,173.19 $109,894.54 $117,643.46 $110,284.75 $130,860.96 $124,207.05 $117,001.44 $155,719.64 $102,103.69 $127,543.55 $109,575.06 $110,268.87 $109,137.18 $125,065.74 $125,008.43 Benefits $839.30 $818.86 $866.62 $382.20 $809.53 $885.22 $830.75 $809.53 $841.14 $875.83 $809.53 $726.05 $865.92 $836.65 $885.22 $841.14 $875.83 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $858.15 $809.53 $827.38 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $382.20 $809.53 $824.95 $771.07 $818.86 $841.14 $364.37 $992.57 $875.83 $924.24 $865.92 $785.62 $824.53 $824.27 $809.53 $865.92 $818.86 $885.22 $839.30 $823.17 $832.24 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $875.83 $774.30 $885.22 $818.86 $808.30 $825.34 $818.86 $869.90 Surname MOORE MOOSVI MORAES MORAN MORAN MORASH MORDEN MOREAU MOREHOUSE MOREIRA MOREIRA MOREL MORELL MORETTI MORGAN MORGAN MORGAN MORI MORLEY MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRIS MORRISON MORRISON MORRISON MORRISON MORRISON MORRISON MORSE MOSQUITE MOSS MOSTOWSKI MOTA MOUREAU MOXAM MOXHAM MOXLEY MOYER MOYNAGH MOZOLEV MRAHAR MUELLER MUELLER MUGFORD MUI MUIR MUIRHEAD MULHALL MULLALLY MULLEN MULLER MULLIN MUNDY MUNGAL MUNRO MUNROE MUNROE Given Name STEVEN SYED TIMOTHY ERICK ODYR RUTH MARIAN DEBORAH TODD DOUGLAS PAUL ROBERT RITA JOHN PETER MICHAEL DANIEL ADAM MARK CHRISTOPHER DANIEL PHILIP SUSANNE FRIEDA DEBORAH ANN EMMA JANE ADAM JOHN HAROLD JASON ROBERT LESLIE MANDY DAWN MARK LAVAROUS NICKOLAS JOSEPH PETER NEIL AARON JOHN BRUCE MELISSA MARY MICHAEL ROBERT MICHELLE YVETTE STEVEN CHRISTOPHER VICTORIA JANE RUEL DONAVAN MAREK DANNY LABAO JULIE SOLINE DARREN KENNETH SEAN GARY JAMES BRENDAN MATTHEW IGNATIUS ROBERT NIKOLAY JASBIR SINGH HANS-JUERGEN STEFAN STEPHEN MICHAEL CHUN YUEN MICHAEL ADAM JAMES ANDREW MICHAEL JOSEPH JENNINGS MICHAEL JEFFERY ROBERT PAUL GEORGE SUSAN ANN MATTHEW RYAN CHRISTOPHER KELLY BRUCE NEIL GERARD Position Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $155,250.62 $108,187.13 $112,679.11 $112,826.78 $126,946.89 $107,211.31 $154,559.91 $126,623.98 $142,496.52 $126,094.89 $138,281.85 $106,133.08 $120,424.81 $102,345.68 $136,698.39 $139,962.41 $112,432.61 $125,232.55 $107,400.41 $132,629.80 $117,937.85 $220,126.52 $143,497.43 $124,102.71 $129,427.71 $150,126.66 $129,824.44 $104,167.12 $111,414.12 $107,013.11 $113,400.56 $111,054.67 $101,055.84 $128,328.46 $130,466.84 $101,864.87 $133,863.71 $104,082.50 $109,667.86 $134,389.84 $111,118.64 $102,476.25 $137,811.93 $164,394.04 $106,393.99 $125,029.44 $133,976.97 $146,148.84 $108,352.66 $103,516.87 $119,022.69 $106,881.57 $100,990.28 $101,300.44 $148,757.96 $102,357.55 $127,225.14 $100,580.12 $133,352.17 $117,049.65 $154,819.99 $141,973.62 Benefits $885.22 $741.20 $860.80 $809.53 $387.80 $860.80 $850.02 $875.83 $885.22 $885.22 $1,014.61 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $809.53 $841.14 $759.39 $924.24 $809.53 $809.53 $885.22 $824.95 $885.22 $875.83 $875.83 $839.30 $875.83 $809.53 $596.97 $841.14 $875.83 $858.21 $818.86 $865.92 $860.80 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $809.95 $924.24 $885.22 $815.99 $830.75 $839.30 $839.30 $830.75 $718.42 $809.53 $812.93 $839.30 $809.53 $875.83 $841.14 $924.24 $838.50 $885.22 $809.53 $839.30 $866.62 Surname MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURPHY MURRAY MURRAY MURRAY MURRAY MURRAY MURRAY MURRAY MURRAY MURRAY-BATES MURRELL MUSAH MUSCLOW MUSIAL MUSSO DUARTE MUTIS MUTO MYERS MYERS NACCARATO NADEEM NAFIS NAIDOO NAIR NAKHUDA NALON NANJI NANTON NANTON NARINE NASIM NASNER NASSER NASSIS NEADLES NEADLES NEAL NEAL NEALE NEATH NEATH NEI NEILL NELSON NELSON NEVIN NEWELL NEWELL NEWHOOK NEWMAN NEWMARCH NEWTON NEWTON NG NG NG Given Name DANIEL TIMOTHY JAMES JOHN LIAM MICHAEL PATRICK SHANE PETER SHANNON LEANNE ALICIA MARIE DAVID GERARD DAVID KAREN PATRICIA NEAL ALLAN SANDY SCOTT ROBERT WILLIAM KERRY-ANNE KEVIN EARL ISHMAIL CLAUDE BARTOSZ PAWEL SUSANA DAWN ANTONIO GREGORY SHARON ELIZABETH JOSE SOHAIL RASHID GRAEME CLAYTON SAJEEV MOHMED HANIF TAMARA DARLENE ZAHIR MOHAMED ANDREW ANTONIO JASON STANLEY SHAUN FAISAL STEFAN AMAN STEPHANIE WILLIAM ANDREW WILLIAM PETER WESLEY JOHN LINDSAY MELISSA KEVIN BRADLEY PATRICIA ANN NICHOLAS SHANG-LIN STUART MATTHEW HENRY MELISSA ANNE DAVID KATHLEEN PATRICIA MATTHEW ALBERT BRUCE BRETT RYAN DAVID DEEDEE CHI WAI PHILIP SIU-MIA Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Senior Advisor of Policy and Communication Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Operations Supervisor Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Project Leader Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Senior Operations Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $108,983.50 $112,681.72 $115,674.99 $119,625.49 $113,831.55 $103,851.49 $102,270.64 $115,812.90 $101,554.41 $134,608.30 $111,269.14 $105,064.04 $111,334.30 $105,715.56 $114,880.84 $142,630.85 $150,842.17 $147,835.04 $116,034.70 $111,683.03 $156,552.82 $115,735.52 $101,338.49 $113,915.68 $118,301.36 $136,781.46 $131,655.33 $122,949.92 $124,853.36 $117,701.01 $127,353.53 $101,687.63 $109,340.10 $118,087.07 $122,593.73 $168,265.45 $141,109.73 $164,196.70 $139,875.19 $118,170.96 $111,053.65 $168,265.45 $131,069.90 $140,987.23 $123,446.06 $106,384.95 $106,063.43 $125,953.19 $115,526.15 $103,797.84 $103,743.43 $201,930.46 $102,903.43 $101,420.30 $116,396.31 $158,945.54 $110,572.24 $108,278.97 $119,867.38 $112,885.61 $109,827.05 $128,485.37 Benefits $749.81 $375.15 $885.22 $885.22 $835.05 $825.73 $809.53 $862.40 $798.03 $924.24 $865.92 $818.86 $435.24 $824.53 $860.80 $895.12 $924.24 $904.79 $885.22 $818.86 $828.75 $860.80 $839.30 $885.22 $875.83 $898.70 $809.53 $818.86 $875.83 $865.92 $818.86 $833.23 $818.86 $811.01 $835.05 $1,287.32 $818.86 $860.80 $841.14 $333.21 $809.53 $14,497.09 $399.57 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $865.92 $838.27 $809.53 $786.16 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $885.22 $924.24 $834.66 $839.30 $885.22 $860.80 $809.53 $649.79 Surname NG NG NGAN NGUYEN NGUYEN NICHIPORIK NICHOL NICHOLS NICHOLSON NICKERSON NICKSON NICOL NICOL NICOLLE NIELSEN NIEZEN NIJJAR NIMMO NIRAS NISAVIC NISHIKAWA NIZIOL NOBLE NOLAN NOLL NOONAN NORMAN NORMAN NORRIE NORRIE NORRIS NORSKI NORTH NORTHMORE NORTHRUP NORTON NOTAY NOTO NOTT NOVINC NUNES NURI NUSSBAUM-VOINA NYKORCHUK OAKES OAKES OBERFRANK OBEY OBORNICK O'BRIEN O'BRIEN O'BRIEN OCHMANEK O'CONNOR O'CONNOR ODISHO O'DONNELL O'DONOHUE O'DONOVAN OGG OGG O'GRADY Given Name WILLIAM YUEN EDWARD SHING-KEUNG DANIEL QUOC HOA-KHANH DARREN WILLIAM IAN FRASER HEATHER LAURY LEONARD BRUCE BRANDON RANDAL MICHAEL JAMES BRETT DONALD ROBERT CHAD EDWARD CHRISTIAN HINGE MARK HARJIT SINGH RICHARD JAMES NIKOLAOS NICK BRIAN JONATHAN WILLIAM JAMES DALE LLOYD CHRISTOPHER CARL TIMOTHY JOHN DARRYL JAMES WILLIAM MICHAEL ANDREW HUDSON FOX ROBERT PRZEMYSLAW ROBERT LLOYD COLLEEN JEFFREY JOHN DAVID JOHN JAGMOHAN SINGH DIANA JASON MICHAEL BRANKO MARIA ABDULLAH VIORICA IOAN PASQUALINA JAMES JOSHUA ROBERT TIMOTHY JASON DAVID HOWARD COLIN DANIEL DAVID SEAN LUKE BRIAN MIKE STEPHEN ASHUR JOSEPH PATRICK DEREK MICHEAL STEPHEN SHEILA ELIZABETH STUART NEIL LAWRENCE JOSEPH Position Police Constable Sergeant Senior Advisor of Quality Assurance Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Manager of Shop Operations Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Senior Analyst Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Supervisor of Photo Section Salary Paid $126,123.39 $126,017.18 $127,812.54 $110,615.98 $112,396.51 $101,452.55 $128,456.44 $121,640.38 $117,068.08 $118,526.15 $115,113.90 $130,379.53 $111,583.96 $144,298.77 $144,536.52 $124,587.18 $117,202.21 $126,458.92 $156,891.08 $102,786.13 $121,577.95 $138,740.16 $116,549.36 $132,791.84 $134,781.41 $110,168.13 $116,123.55 $109,191.91 $147,452.80 $106,633.87 $199,158.38 $140,813.50 $142,013.96 $145,519.63 $126,116.71 $128,475.97 $112,243.04 $108,008.40 $113,025.58 $115,686.80 $136,132.10 $133,631.68 $113,460.94 $101,216.95 $122,227.75 $101,400.75 $125,572.01 $102,368.87 $100,871.14 $118,498.84 $117,103.86 $151,867.22 $104,068.82 $147,452.80 $124,694.79 $156,807.51 $120,548.08 $126,039.55 $168,217.13 $127,670.58 $105,678.34 $101,781.77 Benefits $818.86 $885.22 $1,089.37 $809.53 $841.14 $835.05 $438.59 $908.87 $875.83 $825.89 $841.14 $914.71 $1,424.32 $885.22 $1,005.91 $885.22 $875.83 $866.62 $839.30 $839.30 $830.75 $809.53 $809.53 $924.24 $11,231.93 $860.80 $809.53 $818.86 $979.39 $809.53 $839.30 $835.05 $875.83 $885.22 $839.30 $875.83 $718.42 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $839.30 $865.92 $382.20 $351.02 $844.97 $284.99 $885.22 $809.53 $839.30 $812.93 $860.80 $885.22 $841.14 $979.39 $841.14 $815.99 $811.96 $809.53 $592.32 $900.26 $834.65 $836.67 Surname OH O'HEARN O'KANE O'KEEFE OKUTIN O'LEARY OLIVEIRA OLIVEIRA OLIVER OLIVER OLIVER OLLOS OLSEN OLSEN OLSON OLUKOYA OLVER ONAMI O'NEILL O'NEILL O'NEILL O'NEILL O'NEILL ONG ONYSZKIEWICZ ONZUKA OOSTERHOF ORCHARD O'RIORDAN ORMSBY OROZ ORTEGA GONZALEZ OSAGIE OSBORN OSBORNE OSBORNE O'SHEA OSMAN OSMANAJ OSOBA OSTROM-PEAKE O'TOOLE OTTEN OUELLET OUELLETTE OUELLETTE OZKAN OZOLS OZRETIC PABLA PABLO PACHECO PAGE PAGE PAGLIA PAGNIELLO PAIS PAK PAKRAVAN PALA PALERMO PALERMO Given Name HYUK JO JAMES WILLIAM GERAID DAVID DAVID MICHAEL ALEXANDR EDMUND JOSEPH DORA CRISTINA LINDA MATTHEW TYLER PAUL STEVEN RONALD SANDOR ERNEST FRANK SHAUN GARY ALDRED OLUFEMI ROBERT BOND JASON MORITO BARRY JOHN BRIAN DONALD ERIK RODNEY SANDRA LOUISE SEAN KEITH RHOEL VILLEGAS ANDREW EDWARD YUJI CAROLE JANE IAN DUNCAN WAYNE JAMES BRANDON THOMAS SLAVKO MARIO ENRIQUE BASSEY ROBERT DANIEL BRIAN OTTO KEITH THOMAS STEPHEN JAMES WALID AHMED ARDIT OLUSESAN OSOKOYA DEIRDRE ANN KIMBERLEY ANNE EDWARD MARCEL ANDREW DAVID MARK ROBERT BRUCE NEDIM JOHN NICOLE MICHELLE SUKHVINDERPAL SINGH GLEN PATRICK WALTER DE DEREK WILLIAM HOWARD GIANCARLO MICHELE GLENN EDWIN ANDREW JIN-HO GLAYOL GLORIA RASIH SAN LOREDANA MICHAEL ANGELO Position Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Labour Relations Analyst Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Performance Management Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $110,047.80 $112,164.22 $122,757.15 $101,900.05 $103,182.32 $113,849.26 $109,852.54 $101,110.02 $132,783.72 $119,147.56 $136,567.52 $117,424.67 $128,886.65 $115,118.60 $114,667.97 $187,310.55 $104,353.34 $110,793.07 $127,852.13 $130,949.24 $115,665.66 $102,736.82 $111,885.85 $158,044.09 $148,168.17 $111,509.88 $100,415.44 $106,754.24 $114,180.98 $104,504.88 $174,853.97 $101,907.63 $139,212.60 $136,256.97 $114,563.77 $119,522.84 $134,601.69 $124,828.59 $135,512.31 $105,886.88 $114,300.07 $181,438.05 $107,324.59 $152,751.74 $131,101.52 $108,001.52 $129,890.86 $114,264.95 $116,893.24 $124,989.08 $129,629.43 $109,869.86 $121,513.52 $147,452.80 $113,821.87 $124,563.34 $127,153.03 $120,281.12 $103,303.72 $132,902.24 $122,906.43 $193,701.38 Benefits $809.53 $809.53 $875.83 $824.95 $728.67 $824.53 $841.14 $355.49 $841.14 $885.22 $848.24 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $839.30 $839.30 $355.49 $851.84 $841.14 $818.86 $368.98 $815.99 $866.62 $924.24 $841.14 $353.65 $376.10 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $351.02 $867.03 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $834.66 $997.87 $914.71 $818.86 $819.54 $869.90 $850.02 $382.20 $860.80 $841.14 $874.81 $818.86 $865.92 $828.75 $1,171.01 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $1,244.30 $841.14 $824.53 $869.90 Surname PALIC PALM PALMER PANAYOTOV PANDOLFI PANESAR PANGOS PAOLETTA PAPADOPOULOS PAPATHEODOROU PAPE PAPIZEWSKI PARASKEVOPULOS PARASRAM PARDY PAREJA PARGETTER PARK PARK PARK PARK PARK PARK PARKER PARKER PARKER PARKER PARKIN PARKINSON PARKS II PARLIAMENT PARLIAMENT PARMAR PARNEY PAROUSSOUDI PARRISH PARRO PARROTT PARSONS PARSRAM PARTRIDGE PARTRIDGE PARVIN PASCUZZO PASSERINO PATCHETT PATCHING PATE PATEL PATEL PATEL PATEL-ASNER PATHAK PATHAK PATHAK PATIL PATRICK PATTERSON PATTERSON PATTERSON PATTERSON PATTERSON Given Name IGOR PETRA JULIANE ROGER ANTHONY LUBOMIR IVANOV ALESSANDRO ANTHONY SARABHJEET SINGH EDWARD ANTHONY ANTHONY KYRIAKOS GEORGE DEREK ANTHONY LEEANN STEPHANIE ERICA LAWRENCE JAMIE RICHARD CARLOS ADRIAN KEVIN JAMES JAE WOO JOHN DAVID JOSEF SANG JUN SUNG JIN SUNG MIN DYANNE FITZROY IAN CHRISTOPHER TODD WILLIAM ANDREW WILFRED ROBERT EDWARD LEE GREGORY JAMES JAMES RALPH MANDEEP SINGH CHRISTOPHER GEORGE LEMONIA ALEXANDRA SCOTT JOSEPH ANTHONY MICHAEL ERIC STUART MAGRUDER RAMESH BRIAN DAVID WILLIAM FRANK ARMAND SYDNEY EVELYN CURTIS PAUL CHERYL ANDREA ANDREW WILLIAM JUNEID AHMED MANHAR RAJESHKUMAR LEENA DAVINDER KUMAR RAJINDER KUMAR SAMIP SAMEER COLIN WILLIAM AMY MARIE MICHAEL JAMES ROBERT SHONA-LYNN DEBRA STEPHEN BRENT Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Training Constable Shift Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $108,034.76 $101,287.63 $104,203.82 $108,053.49 $111,426.28 $112,561.24 $105,727.06 $115,328.25 $155,852.01 $101,271.73 $106,118.91 $159,406.38 $107,744.58 $101,644.63 $126,311.97 $148,420.55 $114,941.63 $109,240.06 $106,320.54 $116,806.40 $114,878.70 $136,760.65 $120,766.50 $105,735.90 $135,090.93 $116,351.54 $139,336.14 $129,526.93 $116,195.64 $130,826.74 $115,313.60 $107,938.19 $135,810.86 $105,875.43 $117,050.83 $133,077.22 $100,323.37 $153,805.46 $163,285.31 $133,110.67 $121,784.78 $154,470.40 $101,110.02 $101,333.90 $104,410.94 $152,061.23 $107,091.85 $115,867.09 $168,059.80 $100,463.04 $116,049.11 $107,423.13 $203,685.03 $107,691.41 $118,234.07 $101,758.75 $109,979.86 $104,380.59 $145,592.44 $126,156.05 $124,199.89 $111,417.78 Benefits $818.86 $700.28 $809.53 $815.99 $850.02 $841.14 $819.67 $875.83 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $924.24 $858.32 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $812.93 $323.88 $812.93 $826.37 $828.75 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $860.80 $809.53 $818.86 $850.02 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $860.80 $809.53 $865.92 $860.80 $885.22 $809.53 $924.24 $841.14 $315.54 $818.86 $839.30 $860.80 $813.74 $809.53 $631.60 $865.92 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $914.71 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 Surname PATTISON PATTON PAUL PAUL PAVLIDIS PAYNE PAYNE PAYNE PAYNE PAYTON PEACOCK PEARSON PEART PEAVOY PECK PEDNAUD PELECH PELLETIER PELOW PENA PENGELLY PENNER PENNEY PENNY PENTON PENWELL PEPLINSKI PERA PERCIVAL PERDON PEREIRA PERELLI PEREM PEREZ PERILLI PERINO PERKS PERMAUL PERREAULT PERRY PERRY PERSAUD PERSAUD PERSAUD Given Name STEVEN SCOTT MATTHEW CANDACE MOHIT THEODORA BRADLEY JAMES GREGORY JAMES KARL SCOTT THEODORE ALGERNON HOWARD LEWIS JASON ALEXANDER JEFFREY DWAYNE OMAR COURTNEY DIANE JENNIFER LOUISE ANDRE BRETT DANYLO ILLYA CHRISTIAN JOSEPH PATRICK PETER NELSON DAS ROSEMARY ADAM CHRISTOPHER PATRICK LISA RITA SHANE STEPHEN CASSANDRA MIRANDA EUGENE SILAS ENRICO KIMBERLY JANE VERA LYN NELIA MARIA LEE MARVIN ERIK ARTUR ALI ANTONIO JOSEPH LEE KENNETH VINCENT TREVOR AARON GAVIN SEAN MICHAEL KEVIN TREVOR QUENTIN CHAITRAM RAJENDRA RAMACE PERSAUD PERSHIN PERSICHETTI PERSRAM PESCHIER PETERS PETERS PETERS PETERSEN PETERSEN PETERSON PETKOVIC PETRAKIS PETRAKIS PETRAKIS PETRASEK PETRIE URMILLA ANDREI VALERI DONATO RANJIT CHRISTOPHER VICTOR CORNELIUS LIONEL SEAN SCOTT MURRAY KATHLEEN ERIN KRISTAN MATHEW CLIFFORD WILLIAM BORIS KYRIAKOS MICHAEL STAVROS MICHAEL JULIAN KYLE JOHNATHON Position Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Health and Safety Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Facilities Management Sergeant Police Constable Group Leader Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Supervisor of Benefits and Pension Administration Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $129,147.25 $124,822.16 $113,936.20 $107,832.23 $116,263.24 $121,566.62 $125,398.95 $119,844.10 $119,392.20 $117,471.80 $132,962.71 $142,924.24 $115,332.32 $105,811.72 $107,759.05 $115,272.47 $119,370.29 $103,111.01 $130,811.29 $114,227.37 $109,478.90 $152,682.27 $102,152.66 $107,575.11 $134,831.19 $103,961.64 $110,191.06 $143,922.65 $122,212.84 $112,642.81 $132,842.22 $107,268.36 $113,103.63 $144,704.23 $108,730.21 $120,416.62 $109,685.19 $122,638.40 $138,164.39 $100,432.24 $126,961.52 $106,300.28 $132,875.10 $111,050.62 Benefits $924.24 $818.86 $530.37 $818.86 $867.62 $825.08 $824.24 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $839.40 $924.24 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $333.21 $815.99 $809.53 $375.15 $809.53 $353.65 $809.95 $866.62 $818.86 $809.53 $2,555.55 $875.83 $809.53 $258.22 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $924.24 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $103,028.40 $108,291.92 $112,410.10 $100,415.44 $108,874.94 $115,309.16 $124,820.37 $103,874.16 $102,975.80 $109,117.29 $114,343.20 $141,308.92 $106,501.37 $115,581.06 $131,074.12 $109,496.44 $108,498.68 $313.24 $824.95 $841.14 $353.65 $809.53 $818.86 $752.55 $850.02 $818.86 $839.50 $821.39 $841.14 $809.53 $835.94 $818.86 $839.30 $865.92 Surname PETRIE PETTICREW PHAIR PHILIPSON PHILLIPS PHILLIPS PHOON PHUONG PICCOLO PICHE PICKERING PICKERING PICKETT PICKRAN PICKRELL PIEPER PIEROBON PIERRE PIGNATELLI PIGRAM PIKE PIKULA PILEGGI PILKEY PILLACH PILON PINCHAK PINCHIN PINFOLD PINIZZOTTO PINNOCK PINTO PINTO PINTO PIPE PIRAISOODY PISANI PISANO PISCHEDDA PITCHER PITCHER PITRE PITTERS PLATTE PLESHE PLEVRITIS PLUNKETT PLUNKETT POCZAK POGE POGUE POH POIRIER POLAK POLICELLI POLLARD POLLOCK POLYCHRONIS POOLE POOLE POOLE POP Given Name RICHARD AMANDA AARON MARK GORDON GRAEME ADAM MARSHALL FIONA THERESA NEWTON CHUN JAMES JASON ADRIAN MICHAEL PAULA JANE KAREN STEPHEN TRAVIS GRAYSON HILDOR NEIL DONNA SHAUN STEVEN CHRISTOPHER SEAN TONY ANDREW JOHN WILLIAM BRIAN KAMIL STANISLAW ADRIANO DOMENICO BRENT DOUGLAS ADRIAN JOZEF JAY PATRICK WASYL BRIAN MATTHEW GEORGE MARC ANTHONY DONOVAN JUIN EUTROPIO SILVINO RICARDO SUZANNE MARIE STEPHEN BALAKUMARAN PAUL LEE JOSEPH FRANCESCO MARK STEPHEN DAVID CHARLES SEAN MURRAY DANNY CHRISTOPHER GLENN MICHAEL PATRICK FRANK DARYL WILLIAM ILIAS MIDLE PATRICK JOHN SHERI LYNN LISA ERIC RONALD LAUREN RAYMON OEI ALEXANDRE BRANDON VICTOR TANYA KRISTINE RIAN TIGE SAMUEL GEORGE ANITA VICTORIA CANDICE JENNIFER RICHARD ANDREW IAN Position Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable System Administrator Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Supervisor of Property and Evidence Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Supervisor Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Project Leader Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Supervisor Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $139,211.33 $104,173.04 $152,022.96 $127,258.35 $116,449.95 $102,566.38 $113,228.78 $102,168.72 $101,035.93 $107,643.46 $111,971.59 $107,813.44 $105,182.25 $103,622.08 $152,204.73 $113,780.21 $103,648.85 $122,889.47 $155,181.48 $101,482.17 $103,831.51 $141,558.20 $103,864.09 $100,415.44 $108,006.03 $104,583.49 $117,525.32 $135,749.14 $117,606.73 $108,783.18 $100,597.27 $108,774.03 $111,110.38 $125,254.66 $155,740.03 $115,476.36 $150,410.24 $101,924.00 $123,132.74 $112,222.23 $103,433.91 $114,967.46 $116,497.06 $103,235.28 $109,855.74 $105,963.29 $128,545.14 $111,776.34 $115,953.10 $111,605.49 $145,246.09 $109,488.53 $108,820.12 $115,680.76 $117,937.13 $112,203.48 $145,860.16 $124,477.41 $100,139.78 $107,270.32 $115,767.34 $118,508.95 Benefits $885.22 $333.21 $885.22 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $867.85 $809.53 $815.99 $860.80 $798.89 $860.80 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $839.30 $613.33 $294.46 $809.53 $815.36 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $413.05 $860.80 $832.96 $825.73 $353.65 $833.65 $722.27 $924.24 $924.24 $809.53 $841.14 $816.81 $837.58 $828.75 $809.53 $830.75 $828.75 $809.53 $841.14 $294.46 $841.31 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $924.24 $809.53 $809.95 $834.16 $860.80 $829.73 $865.92 $809.53 $812.93 $834.65 $860.80 $860.80 Surname POPOV PORANGANEL PORTER POSLUSZNY POTTER POTTS POULIMENOS POULIN POURGHAZI POWELL POWELL POWELL POWIS POWRIE POYNTER POZZAN PRASAD PRAVICA PRECHOTKO PRENTICE PRESS PRESTON PRESTON PREUTHUN PREVOST PREVOST PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRICE PRIEM PRITCHARD PRITCHARD PRITCHARD PROCTOR PROCTOR PROCTOR PRODANOS PRODEUS PROGER PROSAVICH PROSPER PROULX PROVENDER PUGASH PULLA PULUMBARIT PURCHAS PURCHES PURVIS PUTERBAUGH PUTMAN PUTNAM QIU QUAIATTINI QUANN QUEEN QUESNELLE QUIGLEY QUIJADA-MANCIA Given Name ALEXANDER IGOREVICH MARK VARKEY DAINIAN ALLOY ANDREW ZBIGNIEW VIVIENNE SANJA MARK JONATHAN WILLIAM DEMETRE MARTIN FABIAN AYDIN CATHY VERONICA DANIEL JAMES MICHELLE ELIZABETH JENNIFER ANN JOHN ERWIN CHRISTOPHER REX ANDREW VALERIO NATASHA SELENA DUSAN DAN LISA TERRA STEFAN PATRICK MICHAEL ALLEN BRIAN DEBRA ADAM ALEXANDER JAYME THOMAS TERRY JOSEPH BRANDON LEE DAVID RAYMOND MARY ROBERT ARTHUR RYAN ANDREW TIMOTHY JOHN MICHELLE SIMONE BRIAN JAMES DENIS BLAIR GRANT DONLEE KELLY SEAN NORMAN EDWARD RICHARD ALEXI DEREK MICHAEL SERGEY ILYICH PAULA ANNE MARK ANTHONY KEVIN EDWARD STEPHANIE LIN MARK JEREMY JAMES RYAN CARIJUTAN CHRISTOPHER DALE SCOTT ROBERT DAVID FREDERICK MICHAEL FRANCIS AARON MATTHEW KIMBERLEY JOAN MING WEI SUSAN DILLON JOSEPH GRAHAM CURTIS LEONARD KIMBERLEY JUAN CARLOS Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Shift Supervisor Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Senior Firearms Officer Inspector Superintendent Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Director of Corporate Communications Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Advisor of Quality Assurance Senior Communications Technician Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $119,508.60 $106,854.67 $129,590.38 $118,175.34 $161,571.96 $119,191.83 $124,781.47 $112,225.42 $130,809.78 $113,767.33 $130,325.59 $118,586.48 $123,283.96 $109,416.72 $133,472.88 $115,932.48 $116,087.46 $160,037.75 $113,226.35 $139,749.58 $115,488.06 $147,452.80 $168,302.08 $103,319.19 $119,777.45 $125,038.82 $139,210.20 $124,970.97 $142,735.27 $100,289.28 $116,988.20 $110,370.79 $101,113.52 $111,002.78 $102,029.60 $102,530.01 $127,627.11 $132,777.62 $126,398.86 $114,421.98 $133,866.38 $116,537.44 $123,266.09 $124,794.24 $105,265.93 $106,171.79 $181,711.84 $124,952.30 $146,036.98 $117,574.24 $122,283.26 $123,990.93 $157,011.76 $109,415.27 $127,812.54 $109,291.88 $125,044.35 $113,445.08 $145,206.91 $121,103.69 $101,200.07 $120,330.93 Benefits $818.86 $845.55 $831.18 $815.99 $840.73 $841.14 $841.14 $866.62 $809.53 $750.83 $885.22 $850.02 $875.83 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $315.54 $875.83 $818.86 $914.71 $865.65 $1,171.01 $12,246.43 $818.86 $327.28 $349.00 $865.92 $835.96 $924.24 $809.53 $333.21 $818.86 $420.89 $390.18 $835.05 $809.53 $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $835.05 $809.53 $841.14 $865.92 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $11,082.10 $813.89 $818.86 $850.02 $875.83 $824.27 $399.57 $834.65 $603.72 $306.61 $438.59 $809.53 $924.24 $841.14 $839.30 $865.92 Surname QUINLAN QUINN QUINN QUINN QUINN QUINN QURESHI RABBITO RACETTE RACICOT RADFORD RADFORD RADIX RAFFERTY RAGELL RAHIM RAINFORD RALLIS RALPH RAMBHARACK RAMER RAMIREZ RAMJATTAN RAMJI RAMOS RAMOS RAMOS RAMPAT RAMPERSAUD RAMPHAL RAMPRASHAD RAMSAY RAMSAY RAMSBOTTOM RAND RANDALL RANDHAWA RANDHAWA RANEY RASHID RASMUSSEN RASPBERRY RATHBONE RAVEENDRAN RAWJI RAWLUK RAY REA READ REBELLATO REBELLO REBELO RECTOR REDDEN REDDIN REDDY REDFERN REDICK REDIGONDA REDILLAS REDMAN REED Given Name JEREME JUSTIN ANA DANIELA BENTO CONAL GEORGE MICHAEL MARC SARAH CHRISTINE SEAN LEE AJWAID NIAZ CORRADO ALLAN ROGER CHRISTINE ROSE BARRY CHRISTOPHER KEITH BRENDA REBECCA SUSAN TRACY THOMAS MICHAEL KAMAL SEAN MARC ANTHONY PETER TIMOTHY NEIL DONALD MARION GENEVIEVE RAMNARINE ALY RAZA DANIEL LEONARDO JOHN FITZGERALD LERMY SUNIL DAVID VEDANAND SUDESH DWARKH JASON ANDREW MICHAEL TODD CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM RICHARD THEODORE NICHOLAS WILLIAM MANDEEP SINGH PALVINDER SINGH ANDREW ALIASGER KEVIN WILLIAM JASON WILLIAM MELANIE LYNN ARJUNA FEISAL ROY KENNETH DENIS PHILIP EARL ALEXANDRA JENNIFER LARRY MARK ANDREW JOSEPH FRANCESCO JASON ANTHONY JEFFREY KIRBY ALBERT SANJAY KUMAR DAVID IAN AMANDA BROOKE RICHARD ULYSSES GONZALES SUZANNE RONALD COLIN Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Manager of Property and Evidence Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Staff Superintendent Senior Analyst Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Accounting Services Training Constable Senior Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Locational Administrator Sergeant Sergeant Detective Communications Operator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $104,634.52 $130,004.04 $126,843.35 $144,814.69 $105,612.48 $114,943.43 $149,125.26 $123,559.68 $119,926.67 $109,871.98 $155,274.76 $102,721.14 $155,351.18 $112,381.21 $136,302.96 $111,548.92 $108,619.01 $115,069.88 $143,389.79 $120,196.66 $192,798.54 $109,778.03 $131,879.15 $139,453.78 $113,696.17 $113,243.12 $140,056.61 $106,562.33 $109,569.01 $111,810.87 $134,776.32 $119,946.49 $127,884.80 $123,119.42 $107,565.34 $108,922.82 $142,893.70 $125,819.31 $114,703.09 $120,785.04 $117,201.05 $120,368.65 $128,438.15 $118,572.39 $119,032.50 $110,426.93 $119,717.54 $101,778.25 $103,224.54 $148,323.22 $119,651.64 $115,185.57 $119,630.64 $202,789.39 $141,553.80 $108,148.63 $135,699.92 $115,226.72 $116,222.11 $130,919.59 $152,319.47 $152,798.39 Benefits $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $875.83 $825.08 $841.14 $904.79 $850.02 $841.14 $816.40 $885.22 $818.86 $1,227.43 $818.86 $872.90 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $924.24 $380.27 $15,126.04 $382.20 $760.22 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $2,546.08 $841.14 $382.20 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $824.27 $811.96 $830.75 $885.22 $818.86 $834.65 $831.10 $818.86 $738.67 $828.75 $860.80 $830.75 $818.86 $835.05 $885.22 $865.92 $817.08 $859.27 $885.22 $865.92 $774.30 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $924.24 $924.24 Surname REED-PYEFINCH REEVE REEVES REGAN REGAN REGAN REGNIER REGO REID REID REID REID REID REID REID REID REID REID REIMER REIMER REIMER REINARTAS REISE REITSMA REKHI RELPH REMY RENDON RENNIE RENNIE RENNIE REPA RESCIGNO RETSINAS REYNOLDS REYNOLDS REZVANI RHEAULT RHONE RIBEIRO RICCI RICCIARDI RICE RICHARDS RICHARDS RICHARDSON RICHARDSON RICHE RICHMOND RIDDELL RIDGELEY RIEGERT RIEL RIETKOETTER RIGGS RIM RINALDO RINKOFF RINKOFF RIOLO RIVERS RIVIERE Given Name JENNIFER CHRISTINE BRANDON ALEXANDER MICHAEL DANIEL DOUGLAS FREDRICK GAIL PAUL FRANCIS PAUL STEPHEN JOAQUIM CHAD SCOTT GORDON BRIAN GREGOR JOHN JOHN JONATHAN PATRICK KYLE THOMAS RHONDA MARGARET ROBERT CHARLES STEPHEN WAVERLEY ELAINE ERIC RICHARD KENNETH BRIAN THOMAS ARTHUR MICHAEL ARTHUR RONALD GORDON DANA ELIZABETH JASDEEP BRADLEY GEORGE SMEDLEY ANTHONY BRIAN ALEXANDER BRIAN ANTHONEY JASON DOUGLAS MARK ANTHONY CLAUDIO PANAGIOTA JASON DAVID TREVOR CURTIS SEYED ALI DEAN GEORGE RICHARD STACEY REUBEN FRANCIS CHARLES MICHAEL MARCO JULIE LYNN KYLE DOUGLAS SARAH ANN ANDREW SHEILA ANN SCOTT LESLIE MICHAEL KENNETH LINDSAY DIANA NIGEL EDWARD CHRISTOPHER ANDREW JEFFERY JAMES SETH ANDREW BRIAN CHRISTOPHER CHRIS MICHAEL LEE ADAM PAUL BARRY SALVATORE TONY BRETT LEWIS ANTHONY FRANCIS Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Training Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Salary Paid $114,487.61 $112,220.03 $104,749.68 $124,962.23 $126,789.72 $116,894.62 $107,961.93 $131,090.98 $114,587.58 $110,174.92 $123,917.39 $114,707.08 $118,212.42 $118,508.55 $101,303.39 $117,518.67 $102,270.04 $113,766.21 $110,300.82 $151,891.36 $118,601.72 $131,556.51 $107,264.27 $130,924.32 $104,982.79 $111,306.01 $133,609.71 $156,805.03 $125,319.25 $133,975.10 $135,255.28 $114,881.78 $102,767.21 $103,909.42 $105,950.45 $107,645.74 $116,209.11 $105,939.76 $112,087.61 $114,686.38 $126,382.63 $131,982.52 $108,932.06 $107,462.66 $116,438.83 $129,714.20 $117,824.40 $118,358.03 $124,825.25 $113,418.05 $134,954.30 $112,938.58 $140,591.41 $105,402.08 $110,130.43 $110,343.48 $100,415.44 $111,420.68 $158,221.35 $113,598.15 $123,607.17 $168,265.45 Benefits $824.53 $841.14 $809.53 $924.24 $399.57 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $865.92 $839.30 $841.14 $860.80 $809.95 $865.92 $841.14 $809.53 $839.30 $885.22 $850.02 $924.24 $838.64 $818.86 $818.86 $824.27 $818.86 $875.83 $885.22 $809.95 $2,540.32 $850.02 $832.38 $841.31 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $805.84 $809.53 $830.09 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $924.24 $399.57 $841.14 $924.24 $827.62 $284.99 $825.08 $818.86 $835.47 $833.73 $841.14 $839.30 $821.29 $770.79 $818.86 $818.86 $17,316.97 Surname RIZZA ROACH ROBB ROBBINS ROBERT ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTS ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBERTSON ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBINSON ROBITAILLE ROCHA ROCHE ROCK RODEGHIERO RODGERS RODNEY RODRIGUES RODRIGUEZ RODRIGUEZ ROGERS ROGERS ROGUCKI ROHDE ROLLAND ROMAIN ROMAIN ROMANO ROMANO ROMANOV ROMERAL ROMITA ROMITO ROMYN ROONEY ROONEY ROOPNARINE ROSBROOK ROSE ROSE ROSE ROSE ROSE ROSENBERG ROSETE ROSINA ROSS ROSS ROSS ROSS Given Name VINCENZO BONNIE HILDA PAUL GEORGE KEVIN SHAUN CHRISTOPHER PAUL ANGELA PATRICIA DAVID DEIGHTON ARTHUR JASON JOHN JOEL VICTOR MIGUEL RECARDO NATASHA CECILIA PETER LESLIE RONALD HARRY LYNNE MICHAEL HENRY RODGER KENT ANDREW CHARLES BRANDON MICHAEL DANIEL MORGAN NEIL BERESFORD PATRICK ANTOINE ULRICK CHARLENE LYNN CAROL ROBERT JAMES ANGELA DAWN DEAN LLOYD JULIUS ANTHONY JEREMIAH ERIC ROBERT DAVID CONNOR MATTHEW MICHAEL LEE ROMAN THOMAS DANNY WILLIAM SHANE JOSEPH JEAN-BERNARD PHILLIP ROLAND ANTHONY STEFANO ROBERT NICHOLAS YURY MATT IAN VICTOR MARINO JASON NIGEL PATRICK TREVOR MICHAEL RICKEY ANDREW MICHAEL DAWN DOUGLAS GRANT JONATHAN DAVID NIMROD SALLY HOWARD LESTER EDWARD MICHAEL DREW CAMERON STEPHEN DARLENE JEFFREY ALAN KEITH Position Locational Administrator Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Radio and Electronics Technician Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $106,457.41 $100,805.88 $126,799.60 $123,505.71 $132,025.62 $124,601.96 $139,648.85 $127,525.87 $108,298.34 $104,604.03 $100,150.50 $107,114.77 $118,686.79 $100,756.45 $102,094.08 $113,983.65 $102,402.30 $123,350.18 $107,131.48 $130,599.13 $132,434.79 $129,624.24 $124,131.10 $118,230.38 $105,036.84 $115,685.23 $135,232.74 $117,044.39 $132,418.21 $117,097.99 $103,028.53 $165,375.94 $109,207.95 $116,732.45 $113,388.62 $117,671.65 $108,798.41 $183,674.64 $118,925.66 $113,357.64 $120,618.35 $100,371.59 $105,046.23 $130,431.05 $107,928.69 $104,403.64 $122,856.73 $111,692.86 $104,552.52 $110,146.47 $113,780.21 $142,459.14 $135,541.64 $107,083.77 $105,147.48 $153,355.03 $141,085.41 $132,665.03 $120,112.41 $115,064.24 $113,546.10 $129,384.79 Benefits $331.43 $809.53 $841.14 $833.27 $818.86 $860.64 $885.22 $841.14 $830.75 $809.53 $828.75 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $830.75 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $438.59 $818.86 $865.92 $825.08 $818.86 $399.57 $865.92 $818.86 $865.92 $818.86 $815.99 $839.30 $809.53 $865.92 $818.86 $835.35 $818.86 $924.24 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $579.71 $809.53 $812.93 $818.86 $824.05 $841.92 $875.83 $818.86 $825.90 $399.57 $885.22 $875.83 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $875.83 $399.57 $809.95 $885.22 $865.92 $860.80 Surname ROSS ROSS ROSS ROSS ROSSANO ROSSEL ROSSI ROSSI ROTH ROUETTE ROURKE ROUSSEAU ROUTH ROWE ROWE ROWLANDS ROWSOME ROY ROZARIO ROZICH RUBBINI RUDNICK RUDZITIS RUGHOO RUHL RUMNEY RUMOLO RUPNARINE RUSSELL RUSSELL RUSSELL RUSSELL RUSSO RUTHERFORD RUTKOWSKI RUTTIMANN RUTTNER RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN RYAN RYCKMAN RYCZKO RYDZIK RYMSHA RYZEK SABADICS SABADICS SABADIN SACCOCCIA SADEGHI SADLER SADRZADEH SAEED SAFARI SAFFIOTI SAFYANIK SAGER Given Name MATTHEW DOUGLAS PETER CHARLES SCOTT JEREMY WILLIAM JOHN BENITO RICHARD ALBERT KIMBERLY DAWN MARCELO OSVALDO MICHAEL WILLIAM JOSEPH MICHEL EMERALD KELLY AIMEE MATTHEW AARON ANTOINETTE MARGARET JAMES LEONARD ERIC MICHAEL RICHARD DAVID SHAUN DOUGLAS CONRAD GEORGE SAMANTHA MILDRED DAVID JOANNE LINDA SCOTT ANDREW DAVID RAVINDRA CHRISTOPHER KEITH TRACI GWENDOLYN ANTONIO LEONARD SASE ALEXANDER DAVID MICHAEL ROBERT GLENN THOMAS JASON MATTHEW ANTHONY JAMES JACEK PAUL EUGEN ALEXANDER BARBARA CLINTON DEREK DESMOND PAUL JENNIFER KATHLEEN ERIN LYNDSEY MICHELLE RICHARD STEPHEN CHARLES KENNETH WAYNE LESLIE DAVID BRIAN MICHAEL EUGENE WENDY DANIEL KIMBERLY JOAN MICHAEL ALEXANDER PAOLO VINCENZO AZADEH STEPHEN MIR SIAMAK KAMRAN MANSOOR MUSTAFA ANTONIO ANTONINA LAWRENCE Position Plainclothes Police Constable Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Manager of Parking Enforcement Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Superintendent Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Manager of Occupational Health and Safety Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $122,684.38 $137,304.32 $125,586.46 $103,367.76 $119,808.97 $116,998.04 $155,944.28 $115,060.20 $120,852.71 $127,613.81 $104,787.61 $103,084.12 $115,633.47 $114,274.65 $113,962.41 $116,280.05 $117,436.51 $111,257.55 $113,522.06 $137,007.91 $150,676.69 $126,134.21 $104,719.71 $105,908.38 $124,709.13 $105,975.70 $109,627.53 $107,434.51 $108,854.84 $107,764.62 $112,904.98 $181,709.76 $117,068.40 $112,456.45 $111,247.31 $107,870.37 $173,753.54 $128,404.63 $112,842.52 $148,052.74 $130,410.46 $107,302.38 $106,803.67 $130,244.51 $149,653.39 $102,542.19 $101,705.16 $138,847.37 $147,649.96 $153,759.38 $159,023.49 $134,125.77 $132,551.68 $105,867.17 $104,472.69 $155,587.55 $168,810.24 $102,096.91 $134,676.35 $102,388.73 $104,758.25 $119,196.17 Benefits $838.27 $780.11 $850.02 $839.30 $885.22 $860.80 $1,227.43 $824.53 $825.08 $924.24 $818.86 $809.53 $865.92 $818.86 $841.14 $830.75 $865.92 $818.86 $1,016.08 $885.22 $839.30 $924.24 $835.94 $841.14 $865.92 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $875.83 $16,735.31 $809.53 $873.79 $809.53 $809.53 $839.30 $885.22 $841.14 $399.57 $885.22 $818.86 $809.53 $885.22 $924.24 $841.14 $702.48 $943.11 $850.02 $2,614.88 $924.24 $839.30 $865.92 $824.06 $818.86 $885.22 $821.19 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $822.65 $885.22 Surname SAGGI SAIB SAINI SAINI SAINI SAKHANINA SALAMON SALEH SALERMO PANEQUE SALIBA SALIHU SALINES SALOWSKI SALTMARSH SAMARAS SAMM SAMMUT SAMSON SAMSON SAMUELS SANDBERG SANDERS SANDFORD SANDHU SANDHU SANGHA SANGUINETTI SANTANA SANTARELLI SANTERAMO SANTIAGO SANTIZO ORANTES SANTORO SANTOS SANTOS VICENTINO SAPSFORD SARASUA SARDELLA SARGENT SARIS SARJOO SARTORI SARUDI SATTLER SAULNIER SAUNDERS SAUNDERS SAVARY SAVOIA SAWYER SAWYER SAYEDZADEH SCANLAN SCANZANO SCAVONE SCEARCE SCHAFHAUSER SCHENK SCHERBEY SCHERK SCHERTZER SCHETTINI Given Name SHARNJIT SINGH RACHID PREKSHAT SUSHIL KUMAR TARANDIP SINGH NATALIIA MARIUSZ ROBERT DANIEL JAVIER RACHEL CATHERINE KASTRIOT CIRO GAYLE WINNIFRED SEAN RYAN NICK SAMUEL JUNIOR DAVID JEREMY CALVIN MEGHANN FLORENCE ROBERT RISE ANNE NEIL GREGORY ROBERT AMRINDER SINGH BALRAJ HARJIT SINGH MICHAEL JOSEPH HUGO JOHN ENRICO ANTHONY FRANCISCO DIZON NELSON ALFREDO LUCIANO ELIANA RICHARD IAN DOUGLAS JOSHUA JUNIOR GLENN DONATO CHRISTOPHER SEAN MATTHEW THEODORE KEVIN RAMROOP PASQUALE CLAUDIO VIKTOR FRANCIS MATTHEW NICOLE DENISE DAVID MARK NEIL THOMAS GIOVANNI ANDREW LESLIE DAVID ALLAN MEHRDAD KIMBERLY LYN SHAWN JOSEPH GABRIELE MARTIN KENDAL HANS PETER PHILIP RONNIE MIKEAL CHRISTOPHER JOYCE ANTHONY Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Labour Relations Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Senior Operations Supervisor Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Communications Operator Inspector Chief of Police Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Salary Paid $137,922.22 $113,376.07 $108,959.68 $103,821.31 $102,720.38 $128,739.95 $114,973.61 $101,776.38 $110,125.47 $122,463.28 $108,910.78 $103,939.84 $111,248.72 $109,277.75 $114,585.64 $139,654.67 $163,771.72 $129,033.60 $100,509.77 $113,934.55 $103,524.12 $159,719.03 $188,282.98 $133,285.27 $109,365.04 $117,051.19 $108,279.75 $107,053.07 $122,306.50 $106,330.35 $117,460.29 $119,643.12 $115,437.41 $119,748.50 $113,030.17 $124,286.61 $103,923.43 $133,173.11 $140,543.95 $109,544.91 $119,233.96 $128,629.76 $111,004.58 $108,148.04 $107,011.19 $153,179.24 $286,265.74 $108,282.17 $125,897.03 $140,911.48 $119,232.58 $147,048.73 $129,453.04 $116,367.30 $159,318.41 $122,033.86 $116,898.54 $133,902.57 $108,410.25 $127,531.12 $163,603.42 $116,923.52 Benefits $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $826.15 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $814.55 $818.86 $1,007.47 $818.86 $818.86 $884.42 $885.22 $818.86 $815.36 $399.57 $347.58 $828.75 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $662.87 $809.53 $733.79 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $839.30 $828.75 $828.51 $875.83 $885.22 $722.27 $839.52 $825.08 $834.12 $841.14 $774.30 $1,171.01 $6,292.36 $818.86 $859.04 $924.24 $835.94 $809.53 $924.24 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $850.02 $885.22 $915.30 $885.22 Surname SCHIAVO SCHIPPKE SCHNEIDER SCHNEIDER SCHOCH SCHOFIELD SCHOFIELD SCHOLL SCHOONBERG SCHUEDER SCHULTE SCHULZE SCHULZE SCHUMACHER SCONZA SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCOTT SCUDDS SEABAN SEARLES SEARLES SEBERRY SEDORE SEGUIN SEGUIN SEGUIN SEHDEV SELBY SELF SELVER SEN SENYK SERBAN SERBAN SEREMETKOVSKI SERRANO SERVICE SERVICE SETO SEYMOUR SGROI SHAFIQ SHAHMALEKI SHAIKH SHAM SHANAHAN SHAND SHANGI SHANK SHANKARAN SHANLY SHANNON SHANTZ SHAPIRO SHARMA SHARMA SHARMA SHARPE SHAW SHAW Given Name RYAN DENIS DANIEL JAN ANDREW BENJAMIN JOSEPH RICHARD AUGUSTIN GLENN GREGORY JOHN LESLIE BOBBI ANNE MARK KATHRYN RUTH FRANK THOMAS SCOTT CURTIS JONATHAN MICHAEL FERNANDO GIOVANNI DWAYNE GORDON LAUREN PAMELA MICHAEL ANDREW PAUL MICHAEL GEORGE IAN BRIAN TREVOR WILLIAM KEVIN ARTHUR CHRISTIAN ARMAND DOMINIC STEPHANE KIMBERLY NANETTE NITIN SHONA DUMAIN MATTHEW CHRISTOPHER TERRY WILLIAM TAPAN KUMAR JANNA LOUISE ION VERONEL PETRUTA KATHLIN MATTHEW ANTONIO GUY PETER QUADO BENNY HOY GEOFFREY FRANKLIN STEVEN RICHARD AMAD SHAHO ASIF ANIS JONATHAN IAN MICHAEL JOSEPH EDWARD JOSEPH RALPH RICHARD JASON RAJESH PAUL TIMOTHY STEPHEN JORDAN STEVEN PATRICK SEAN BRENT ATUL NISHANT SANJAY KUMAR MICHAEL CONRAD ANDREW DOUGLAS CARL Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Drafting Technician Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Project Leader Police Constable Project Leader Senior Programmer Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $114,313.26 $112,363.26 $133,584.30 $117,115.25 $141,622.74 $119,578.66 $110,257.65 $100,415.44 $131,496.31 $119,344.96 $101,588.28 $116,363.92 $120,824.81 $105,722.94 $112,578.84 $109,094.56 $152,416.91 $102,199.43 $101,128.57 $125,263.55 $117,693.82 $151,703.72 $151,692.19 $100,822.49 $132,856.48 $112,988.08 $125,523.69 $111,888.54 $140,551.92 $101,110.02 $101,463.12 $106,052.96 $118,597.14 $107,516.22 $122,224.34 $100,339.96 $117,431.09 $129,001.78 $100,910.29 $102,666.37 $110,386.73 $117,340.58 $117,953.58 $109,295.00 $103,377.22 $122,910.97 $108,306.47 $113,766.21 $118,088.22 $116,846.67 $170,575.35 $138,236.10 $121,156.85 $101,212.76 $118,844.59 $100,205.60 $131,834.06 $109,868.82 $133,455.09 $109,038.38 $148,245.62 $108,587.55 Benefits $809.53 $841.14 $924.24 $830.34 $875.83 $885.22 $836.67 $353.65 $818.86 $885.22 $832.07 $839.30 $815.99 $850.02 $839.30 $860.80 $885.22 $825.34 $818.86 $924.24 $831.10 $865.92 $399.57 $353.65 $875.83 $835.47 $818.86 $830.75 $838.27 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $413.05 $827.04 $413.05 $351.02 $865.92 $841.14 $839.30 $809.53 $835.47 $875.83 $830.75 $809.95 $644.87 $819.54 $841.14 $399.57 $818.86 $841.31 $924.24 $866.62 $830.75 $818.86 $809.53 $770.64 $809.53 $280.15 $875.83 $865.92 $885.22 $860.80 Surname SHAW SHAW SHAW SHAW SHEPHEARD SHEPHERD SHEPHERDLY SHERIDAN SHETTY SHEWCHENKO SHI SHIELDS SHIKATANI SHIN SHIN SHORTT SHREERAM SHUFMAN SHULGA SHUTT SHYMCHONAK SIANOS SIDDIQUI SIDHU SIDHU SIDHU SIDHU SIDHU SIDHU SIDHU SIDHU SIDHU SIDORA SIEVERS SIKORSKI SILLIKER SILVA SILVA SILVA SIMAKOV SIMAS SIMOES SIMON SIMPKINS SIMS SINCLAIR SINCLAIR SINGER SINGER SINGH SINGH SINGH SINGH SINGH SINGH SINGH SINGH SINGH SINOPOLI SIPOS SIRBOS SIRBOS Given Name DAVID JOHN KATHLEEN KEMPTON BERNARD RICHARD JAMES SCOTT ALEJANDRO JAIME GORDON WALTER JEFFREY VIJAY RAMESH TAMARA MAE LEI GAIL PATRICIA WILLIAM GORO HAROLD JAY HO DANIEL RONALD AMAR AVIV JOHN SCOTT DAVID ANDREI JOHN HAROON AHMED AJAY SINGH AJEET SINGH ARVIND PRAKASH GORPAL SINGH HUSANDEEP SINGH JENIFFERJIT SARBJEET KAUR SUKHVINDER SINGH VIJAY SINGH TERRY JOHN PETER GARRY ELOI BRUM GONCALO NUNO MARCIO JOEL ALEXANDER DAVID SERGIO RUI DUANE DAVID ANDREW MICHAEL IAN THOMAS PHILLIP NOEL AMAN SHAWN INGRID BETTY AMARJIT PURBA AMRITPAL ANGADVIR DAVEANAND HARJIT HARJIT NARI ROHANISH RAJENDRA RAMINDARJIT SINGH DOMENIC BOGDAN CHRIS TOMMY Position Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Project Leader Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $125,008.22 $135,744.12 $113,119.36 $117,815.30 $103,243.17 $111,482.21 $100,831.54 $100,712.24 $116,900.10 $108,996.29 $113,807.18 $102,231.64 $118,145.54 $135,912.94 $102,476.07 $109,191.33 $105,875.19 $114,594.45 $109,982.54 $125,352.39 $149,528.79 $104,775.55 $130,733.79 $113,613.41 $124,249.15 $109,560.71 $129,593.76 $112,471.44 $106,208.27 $109,102.02 $120,727.78 $118,500.16 $150,053.60 $114,138.29 $108,978.46 $130,754.05 $112,063.65 $107,852.26 $110,079.06 $129,291.25 $114,872.55 $107,397.17 $118,964.26 $126,821.99 $128,045.81 $110,610.99 $118,985.79 $106,300.93 $107,270.14 $127,661.83 $151,079.18 $149,837.46 $128,022.68 $144,954.34 $102,895.08 $132,640.22 $100,787.59 $139,728.20 $149,754.26 $100,144.81 $118,466.91 $103,690.71 Benefits $885.22 $924.24 $818.86 $825.34 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $353.65 $875.83 $836.25 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $815.36 $839.30 $848.24 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $863.07 $809.53 $824.06 $885.22 $809.53 $821.59 $862.40 $869.90 $841.14 $804.02 $885.22 $722.27 $924.24 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $812.93 $839.30 $924.24 $818.86 $860.80 $855.36 $822.65 $824.27 $885.22 $390.69 $865.92 $809.53 $809.53 $828.59 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $956.03 $351.02 $818.86 $818.86 Surname SIRBU SIRIZZOTTI SIROIS SISK SISK SIST SIVACHANDRAN SIVADASAN SKEETE SKINNER SKINNER SKINNER SKLAR SKOLLY SKREPNEK SKUBIC SKVORTSOV SLATER SLOAN SLOLY SLUGG SMALL SMALL SMALL SMISSEN SMIT SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH SMITH-STUBBS SMYTH SMYTH SMYTHE SMYTHE SNEA Given Name PETRICA CRISTIAN JAMIE MICHAEL MONIQUE DARREN REBECCA NICOLE MARIA CLAUDIA SIVAPRAGASAM SURENDRAN JUNIOR KELLY SIMONE ROBERT SCOTT SAMUEL NICKOLAS BARBARA ANN ERIC FRANK MYKOLA RICHARD SCOTT CHRISTOPHER STUART PETER JOHN KENNETH GEORGE BRYAN GEORGE CHRISTOPHER DOUGLAS GREGORY DAVID JOHN MICHAEL BRIAN JOHN AARON ANDREW AMBER LEIGH ANTOINETTE CHARLENE BRIAN BRIAN PHILLIP BRYAN MICHAEL CHANTEL JENNIFER COREY MATTHEW DANIEL MLADENOVIC DEAN LARENY HUGH HUNTER WELLINGTON JASON ALEXANDER JASON SEAN JEAN-PAUL JOHN GRAY KEITH KRISTY JANE LAWRENCE OLIVER MICHAEL LORNE MICHAEL WAYNE RAYMOND ERNEST ROBERT DAVID ROHAN ALEXANDER ROLF BRANDON RYAN ISAAC STEPHEN AARON STEPHEN PATRICK STEVEN WILLIAM JAMES DONNA CRAIG CHARLES TRACEY CAROLE KAREN GRACE KENT MICHAEL RICHARD Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Court Officer Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Deputy Chief Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Shift Supervisor Manager of Equipment and Supply Project Leader Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Supervisor of Video Services Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Emergency Planning Analyst Salary Paid $126,640.54 $105,867.25 $100,828.44 $114,885.51 $104,361.56 $108,188.40 $118,649.07 $114,089.37 $115,104.50 $124,042.50 $127,740.48 $109,469.32 $106,637.95 $105,748.15 $145,315.17 $137,086.72 $126,910.29 $109,606.23 $122,517.94 $250,493.06 $109,457.41 $126,768.38 $122,994.88 $127,704.21 $138,450.86 $154,184.07 $116,513.91 $105,463.05 $112,042.93 $131,847.51 $128,607.21 $112,418.03 $116,208.57 $101,756.32 $106,849.52 $110,094.62 $100,445.94 $134,472.02 $119,197.46 $123,059.35 $110,584.87 $108,730.64 $125,117.63 $115,199.52 $147,205.90 $103,358.52 $144,536.52 $118,281.85 $138,711.40 $132,052.76 $111,391.88 $138,147.01 $107,591.05 $128,662.71 $122,043.24 $136,796.74 $100,614.59 $157,951.59 $107,086.96 $124,820.00 $133,047.93 $109,581.44 Benefits $814.55 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $841.14 $753.61 $818.86 $832.60 $399.57 $867.02 $924.24 $818.86 $860.80 $818.86 $809.53 $924.24 $830.75 $841.14 $865.92 $8,688.66 $792.60 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $850.02 $885.22 $836.76 $818.86 $843.90 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $765.80 $860.80 $839.30 $914.71 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $799.24 $865.92 $924.24 $315.54 $1,171.01 $413.05 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $875.83 $5,790.54 $839.30 $839.30 $436.73 $860.80 $438.59 $885.22 $769.45 Surname SNEDDEN SNEDDON SNEEP SNIDER SNOW SNYCKERS SO SO SO SOFFE SOHAL SOMERS SOMMER SOMWARU SONDHI SONE SONEMANIVONG SONIER SONSINI SORGO SOTELO SOUCY SOUHLERIS SOUKATCHEV SOUSA SOUSA SOUSA-GUTHRIE SOUVANDY SOVA SOVA SPACKMAN SPADE SPANTON SPAULDING SPELMAN SPENCE SPENCE SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER SPENCER-ANDERSON SPICER SPITZIG SPIVAK SPRATT SPRATT SPRIGGS SPYROPOULOS ST CLAIR ST CROIX ST GEORGE ST JEAN STACEY STAGG STALK STAMPLECOSKIE STANLEY STANLEY STAPLETON STASIAK STASSEN Given Name TRACY LEE GORDON D TODD JAMES KIRK EDWARD ROYAN JEFFERY NICOLAS HUGO CHRISTOPHER STUART MICHAEL YING HO DEREK JASON RAJ CRAIG ALLAN THOMAS ANTON KRISTOPHER YOGANAND SANJAY GLEN SAENGPHACHANH WANDA DARLENE GINO ROY TROY ALVIN PAUL NICOLAS KONSTANTIN PAUL ALEXANDRE RICARDO JONI CHANTHIMA DANIEL DEBORAH JOANNE BRIAN DAVID JOHN DAVID BRENDAN JAMES KENNETH GEORGE MICHAEL JOHN ENNIS STEWART JASON ALLAN JILL LAURA ELIZABETH COREY ANDREW SCOTT OWEN GERARD SHARI ALAN SCOTT EDWARD BRETT HAROLD NIKI KAREY ALOYSIUS PAULA STEPHANE MARC DUANE MARVIN BRIAN JOSEPH JOJI KAWAKAMI DWAYNE WILLIAM WILLIAM ROBERT BRADLEY THOMAS LESZEK EDWARD STEPHEN MARK Position Police Constable Superintendent Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Operations Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Court Officer Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $114,877.38 $163,575.81 $100,640.22 $114,649.97 $117,407.20 $114,511.30 $105,947.67 $100,608.87 $110,872.90 $114,492.15 $115,327.01 $128,867.97 $119,511.51 $123,387.93 $145,034.79 $112,353.95 $107,374.11 $105,505.29 $100,415.44 $115,051.00 $118,082.35 $110,133.52 $101,272.23 $140,840.40 $125,888.38 $109,363.52 $126,742.28 $108,093.44 $137,155.86 $144,803.47 $100,415.44 $103,663.65 $133,309.26 $104,662.76 $106,914.52 $157,063.32 $123,363.55 $239,162.41 $112,701.50 $103,565.74 $132,335.92 $133,999.41 $130,464.85 $109,776.09 $101,140.13 $123,663.93 $155,623.86 $120,748.15 $108,615.85 $134,041.53 $103,371.12 $124,636.97 $116,040.94 $122,949.58 $106,557.40 $107,956.80 $111,770.52 $124,822.80 $111,533.38 $113,475.52 $128,119.12 $124,759.82 Benefits $818.86 $7,129.34 $818.86 $809.53 $815.99 $818.86 $850.02 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $835.94 $865.92 $817.08 $830.75 $839.30 $353.65 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $836.28 $818.86 $753.61 $438.59 $841.14 $885.22 $924.24 $839.30 $818.86 $924.24 $839.30 $855.72 $818.86 $835.94 $865.92 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $809.53 $860.80 $860.80 $839.30 $399.57 $924.24 $850.02 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $860.64 $865.92 $860.80 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $924.24 $875.83 $865.92 $924.24 $809.53 Surname STATHER STAUNTON STAVRAKIS STAVRAKIS STEA STE-CROIX STEEL STEELE STEELE STEEVES STEFANI STEFFLER STEIN STEINWALL STEPANENKO STEPHENS STEPHENSON STERN STEVENS STEVENSON STEVENSON STEVENSON STEWART STEWART STEWART STEWART STIBBE STIBBE STINSON STIRLING STOCKFISH STOCKWELL STOICA STOJIC STOKER STOLF STONE STONE STONE STONE STOREY STOREY STOWELL STOYKO STRACHAN STRACHAN STRADZA STRAIN STRAIN STRANGWAYS STRATFORD STRATTON STRAVER STREIT STRENG STRILEC STRILEC STROBLE STUART STUBBINGS STUBBS STYRA Given Name JANET ANNE IRA PATRICK JIMMY MICHEAL CARLO JUNIOR BRADLEY TYLER FRANKLIN KEVIN CRAIG MATTHEW JAMES THOMAS WARREN WILLIAM RODNEY MORRIS WARREN MARK ANDREW TREVOR ELENA MICHAEL KATHERINE LYNN CHARLES ANDREW JOHN BRENDAN LEIGH KEVIN GLENN SHANE COLIN ALEXANDER PATRICK ALEXANDER ROBERT TINA MARIE CLINTON RODNEY ROBERT LEE ANDREW GORDON ROBERT JOHN RICHARDSON SEAN PAUL TIBERIU NICULII NENAD MICHAEL BLAKE ROBERT GUIDO CAROLYN RUTH CHRISTOPHER GEORGE CHRISTOPHER TERENCE JUSTIN WAYNE TODD MELVYN JORDAN MICHAEL SANDRA LOUISE JAMES ALEXANDER KERRY FRANCES KRYSTIAN GARVAN AUGUSTINE ROBERT JAMES PAUL ROBERT IAN KENNETH DAVID LAWRENCE JEFFREY JAMES MICHAEL ANTHONY KIRK WAYNE SHAWN RYAN REUBEN MATTHEW JAMES RICHARD DAVID DANA TERESE Position Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Training Constable Staff Superintendent Training Constable Manager of Quality Assurance Salary Paid $100,596.34 $132,453.30 $122,342.32 $120,718.36 $197,909.73 $135,358.89 $106,202.57 $121,245.18 $106,446.74 $125,419.60 $100,817.49 $146,673.61 $121,899.59 $140,911.39 $127,344.28 $108,646.01 $122,470.17 $139,383.23 $119,100.30 $133,797.89 $118,232.22 $165,101.36 $127,862.98 $121,007.20 $132,264.64 $119,001.05 $149,737.56 $155,621.87 $142,434.04 $140,083.48 $133,181.51 $114,744.83 $122,748.08 $134,033.79 $117,135.25 $149,172.84 $104,914.59 $119,707.86 $129,387.58 $120,462.74 $127,419.16 $144,714.13 $100,143.02 $117,514.29 $111,627.07 $112,273.58 $112,487.68 $108,382.01 $144,589.69 $133,518.57 $147,452.80 $119,262.95 $141,245.11 $100,939.26 $117,254.01 $121,334.92 $109,534.10 $147,452.80 $112,743.22 $181,709.76 $108,250.85 $155,944.28 Benefits $818.86 $818.86 $850.02 $850.02 $826.37 $860.80 $830.75 $841.14 $809.53 $865.92 $839.30 $865.92 $865.92 $866.62 $818.86 $839.30 $865.92 $885.22 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $919.77 $875.83 $818.86 $553.04 $885.22 $818.86 $841.14 $890.87 $756.16 $914.71 $823.23 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $875.83 $818.86 $830.75 $860.80 $860.80 $815.99 $906.96 $809.53 $818.86 $875.83 $841.14 $818.86 $821.39 $885.22 $885.22 $979.39 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $625.52 $841.14 $818.86 $1,171.01 $841.14 $10,658.00 $860.80 $2,624.47 Surname SUDDES SUDMALS SUKHDEO SUKHINENKO SUKHRAM SUKMAN SUKUMARAN SULEJMANI SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SULLIVAN SUMAISAR SUN SUNGHING SUNGHING SUONGAS SURCON SURITA SURPHLIS SURRIDGE SUTCLIFFE SUTCLIFFE SUTHERLAND SUTHERLAND SUTTON SVENDSEN SVITAK SVITLYCHNYI SWACKHAMER SWAIN SWAINE SWALUK SWAN SWART SWARTZ SWEENIE SWEENIE SWIDER SWIFT SWIFT SWORD SYED SYLVA SYMSS SYRMBOS SZARZEC SZEWCZYK SZKOTAK SZULC SZWEDO SZYSZKOWSKA TAAFE TABOROWSKI TABORSKI TABORSKI TAHIRAJ TAIT TAIT TAIT TAIT TAIT TAIT Given Name KEVIN ERIK EVALDS CHRISTOPHER HARRY DMYTRO BRIAN IDO RAJEEV JUDMIR DEREK ANTHONY SEAN JAMES STEVEN TOM NILAN SAM SHUO DANIEL RICHARD KELLY MARIE CHRIS SCOTT ANDREW ALFRED DOUGLAS SCOTT WOODROW COLIN DAVID DARRIN HERBERT BRIAN ARTHUR GRANT ANTHONY SEAN MATTHEW ADAM HILLIER PETER VOLODYMYR VOLOD BRENT TREVOR JAMES AARON DOUGLAS RICHARD JOHN DAVID WILLIAM ROGER JOHN CHRISTOPHER JAMES CAROLYN PAUL MARTIN SYLWIA ANETA DALE GLEN-DE-VERE GREGORY SCOTT NICHOLAS JONATHON HASSAN RAZA JOSELITO SHANE ROBERT TOM ANASTASIOS PETER GRZEGORZ MARIUSZ SEBASTIAN TOMASZ SYLVIA BERNADETTA WILLIAM ARTHUR ROBERT JOSEPH ANGELA KELLY JENNIFER NICOLE ALI SHUKRI ADRIAN WILLIAM JUDITH MAUREEN KEITH HAMILTON PAUL LEONARD RONALD EUGENE SCOTT JOHN Position Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $165,102.74 $116,744.47 $119,668.93 $105,611.56 $111,153.09 $129,764.43 $144,970.24 $130,620.69 $121,993.53 $106,776.88 $100,832.59 $133,741.97 $115,304.69 $109,487.58 $108,719.69 $183,461.40 $107,152.59 $133,378.89 $132,038.05 $124,236.19 $111,590.77 $139,890.32 $111,596.03 $118,401.73 $109,037.49 $118,523.09 $122,222.58 $142,051.29 $135,805.93 $107,594.59 $111,114.73 $115,197.88 $100,923.40 $113,671.47 $109,886.81 $113,902.89 $115,653.81 $107,411.03 $103,269.09 $103,898.91 $132,068.34 $110,311.42 $115,779.13 $111,586.69 $114,596.27 $102,556.54 $148,477.31 $120,576.33 $125,343.41 $100,790.90 $105,021.24 $115,522.43 $133,317.15 $109,457.28 $109,387.33 $145,184.61 $111,589.67 $112,311.82 $110,590.50 $156,147.14 $103,136.07 $120,195.91 Benefits $596.97 $765.80 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $885.22 $830.75 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $828.75 $841.14 $830.29 $835.94 $885.22 $841.14 $815.99 $885.22 $809.53 $825.08 $885.22 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $355.49 $860.80 $809.53 $924.24 $835.94 $814.55 $333.21 $835.47 $841.92 $818.86 $885.22 $875.83 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $343.10 $840.42 $839.30 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $822.28 $718.42 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $839.30 $333.21 $845.85 $841.14 Surname TAJTI TAKEDA TALBOT TALESNIK TAM TAMAS TAMBER TAMMEORG TAMSE TAN TANABE TANEL TANEL TANG TANG TANGUAY TANHAM TANNAHILL TANNER TANNER TANOUYE TANOUYE TANOUYE TAPLEY TAPP TASSE TATTERSALL TAURO TAVARES TAVERNER TAWTON TAYABALI TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TAYLOR TEATERO TEDFORD TEEFT TEIXEIRA TEIXEIRA TENN TEOH TERSIGNI TERZO TERZOPOULOS THAI THANGAVELOO THAWER THAYALAN Given Name ROBERT MARK ROBERT DARRYL THOMAS NICOLAS RICHARD WING EDIT MOE MARIAN EDWARD TED MARK ANTHONY SHINGO OLIVER CHRISTOPHER MATHEW NICOLE ADELE HENRY LIJING MICHAEL RICHARD JASON DARLA CLAYTON JAMES JOHN ALEXANDER JASON THOMAS JOHNNY STEVAN TOSH RONALD DEAN MARY ELIZABETH MICHAEL EASTWOD KEITH GERARD JEFFERY DA RONALD EDWARD JOANNE AZHAR ABBAS ANDREW BRIAN ANDREW JAMES CHRISTOPHER PAUL DAVID JOHN EDWARD WAINWRIGHT JASON PETER JEFFREY KENNETH KEVIN DWIGHT MICHAEL BRYAN MICHAEL KENNETH ROBERT ALLISTER ROBERT EDWARD RYAN JOHN SCOTT DAVID WAVENEY PATSY FREDERICK LESLIE STEVEN THOMAS NADINE ALICE ANDREW PEREIRA MARIO JORGE SOLOMON RICHARD JAC SEN ANTHONY ALFREDO ADRIAN JORDANO CHRIS THANH GUNASEKARAN SHAFRAZ FATEHALI SARATH Position Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Superintendent Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Superintendent Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Locational Administrator Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $102,713.20 $124,813.80 $131,042.37 $108,128.94 $217,213.94 $134,246.18 $104,810.42 $103,012.19 $106,421.67 $136,254.46 $122,879.24 $127,326.28 $106,378.58 $116,620.84 $100,125.46 $105,634.17 $134,501.02 $126,251.89 $105,630.31 $117,428.64 $127,792.59 $168,302.08 $105,662.83 $102,357.12 $114,786.14 $117,308.37 $121,869.87 $121,759.78 $143,012.02 $168,302.08 $119,889.24 $117,535.68 $104,636.81 $134,201.99 $116,164.58 $106,321.29 $119,031.32 $136,014.10 $125,232.40 $147,452.80 $115,794.91 $119,452.68 $111,780.41 $132,711.02 $113,064.44 $132,940.88 $135,326.18 $104,507.50 $159,829.07 $121,715.91 $106,637.60 $161,332.08 $125,278.10 $103,506.28 $104,707.02 $102,257.16 $105,067.30 $116,439.98 $111,733.68 $110,545.29 $109,694.97 $117,478.48 Benefits $839.30 $885.22 $924.24 $631.73 $839.30 $830.75 $818.86 $809.53 $822.82 $841.14 $841.14 $830.75 $809.53 $809.53 $351.02 $809.53 $818.86 $924.24 $835.47 $841.14 $841.14 $14,191.20 $811.65 $596.97 $885.22 $809.53 $835.94 $818.86 $740.92 $18,360.84 $839.30 $834.65 $828.75 $865.92 $836.50 $818.86 $826.37 $865.92 $924.24 $2,286.91 $818.86 $858.62 $841.14 $841.14 $830.75 $809.53 $850.02 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $860.80 $867.46 $924.24 $809.53 $809.53 $331.43 $818.86 $818.86 $860.80 $818.86 $809.95 $835.05 Surname THERIAULT THERIAULT THERIAULT THERIAULT THERRIEN THIBODEAU THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMAS THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMPSON THOMS THOMSON THOMSON THORNE THORNING THORNTON THORNTON THORPE THRUSH TIERNEY TILL TILLER TILLSLEY TIMBERS TIMMS TINDALL TINNEY TINT TISSAWAK TOBIN TOBIN TOHM TOLEDO-CASTRO TOMEI TOMLINSON TOMLINSON-THOMPSON TOMPRAS TOMS TONNA TOPPING TORRANCE TOURANGEAU TOUT TOWNLEY TOWNLEY TOWNSHEND TOYNE TRACEY Given Name ANGELA DONALD JOHN PAUL ALLAN JOHN ROBERT CLAUDINE ANNE-MARIE KRISTIN MARIE LEROY RHONDA LEE ROBERT SONIA SYDNEY ELSIE TINA JAMES DUNCAN JENNIFER MARLAND FINLAY MICHAEL ALLISTER MICHAEL PATRICK BENJAMIN PAUL ANTHONY PAUL JUNIOR PETER HEATHER BERNADETTE ALLAN JOHN RICHARD LAUREAL TIMOTHY PETER SHIRLEY AMANDA DORIS RICHARD MICHAEL GREGORY JOSEPH SEAN PETER JOHN MITCHELL CHARLES JACQUELINE ERRINN JOHN KIM KEVIN DOUGLAS DEREK JAMES HARLEN JULIE CHRISTINE ELIAS JACQUELINE MADELINE ROBERT DARIK GORDON MARCO FERNANDO ANTHONY MICHAEL JASON ALLAN CHERYL PAMELA THEODORE FREDERIC HALLEY PAUL ANTHONY MICHAEL ANTHONY STEVEN JAMES CRAIG RONALD JEFFREY SHAWN DARREN PHILIP ALEXANDER CHRISTOPHER ANDREW SIMON ANDREW CHRISTOPHER JAMESALBERT Position Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Inspector Staff Sergeant Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Assistant Manager of Computer Operations Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $185,201.52 $128,914.49 $122,161.70 $103,214.29 $143,227.31 $120,960.85 $125,314.87 $101,123.67 $103,468.23 $134,477.12 $121,976.98 $147,452.80 $144,874.25 $118,398.32 $118,414.75 $105,668.37 $119,317.95 $119,150.61 $172,082.93 $127,879.17 $166,923.21 $133,376.29 $102,061.28 $127,812.54 $123,730.46 $105,702.18 $114,911.03 $127,067.67 $121,786.35 $112,581.62 $173,942.70 $116,504.94 $105,554.71 $112,711.56 $108,694.36 $140,992.89 $136,368.87 $104,427.00 $127,333.68 $129,394.33 $125,001.57 $106,023.03 $107,928.73 $127,770.40 $199,352.65 $143,592.78 $111,611.39 $161,629.47 $116,821.93 $125,953.93 $114,362.15 $135,745.42 $103,005.89 $123,583.13 $139,525.93 $101,803.45 $116,557.78 $111,426.76 $101,994.02 $118,055.76 Benefits $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $353.65 $839.30 $885.22 $924.24 $841.14 $839.30 $865.92 $885.22 $1,171.01 $924.24 $413.05 $841.14 $850.02 $818.86 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $828.75 $818.86 $809.53 $1,089.37 $885.22 $818.86 $869.90 $924.24 $865.92 $828.75 $924.24 $865.92 $839.30 $818.86 $774.30 $885.22 $913.81 $802.51 $835.94 $875.83 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $924.24 $839.30 $834.66 $809.53 $895.23 $812.93 $843.90 $809.53 $818.86 $835.05 $818.86 $828.75 $822.82 $885.22 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $121,575.00 $865.92 Surname TRACEY TRACY TRAINOR TRAMONTOZZI TRAN TRAYNOR TRAYNOR TREMBLAY TREMBLAY TRENOUTH TRENTON TRETTER TREUSCH TRIAS TRIMBLE TROTMAN TROTTER TROTTER TROUP TROVATO TRUBECKI TRUEMAN TRUONG TSANG TSATURYAN TSERING TSIANOS TSO TSOI TU TUCKER TUCKWELL TUGHAN TULIPANO TULLI TULLOCH TUMANSKIY TUPLING TURGEON TURKOT TURNBULL TURNBULL TURNBULL TUTKA TWEDDLE TYNKALUK TZIKAS UCHMAN UDDIN UDEGBUNAM UHER UHRICH ULFAT ULFAT UMBRELLO UPJOHN UPPAL UPTON URBAN URBANIAK URE URKOSKY Given Name MARK ROBERT STEVEN JAMES NUNZIATO DINH MINH ALISON DAWN ROBERT ANDREW JUSTIN CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH BRADLEY ROBERT REBECCA MADELAINE JEFFREY EDWARD ETHELWALD DIOSA PETER JOHN DREW ALEXANDER CHRISTINE JANE TIMOTHY WALLACE PETER LUIGI MOSE ROBERT MAUREEN ANN TRI CAN JASON PAUL VLADYSLAV RAFIKOVYCH TENZIN CHODON DIMITRIOS WING-IP WYLIE YIN BINH TU ADRIANA PATRICIA TIMOTHY EDWARD MICHAEL PATRICK ROSARIO KEVIN WILLIAM ALSON LLOYD MYKOLA ANN-MARIE JOSEPH ERNEST MARIUSZ MACIEJ JAMES NICHOLAS MICHAEL RONALD JAMES PETER STEPHEN DEAN ALLAN ATHANASIOS GERALD ROBERT MOHAMMED SHOEB CHRISTIAN JASON WILLIAM ALLAN JOSEPH ABDULLAH AHSAN ULLAH FRANCO KYLE ELGIN VISHAL PETER ALEXANDER JON THOMAS JAMES ANDREW BRIAN WILLIAM Position Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Patrol Supervisor Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Systems Integration Specialist Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $137,438.28 $165,653.47 $108,646.61 $135,921.97 $108,305.94 $102,783.59 $127,158.82 $107,795.59 $102,579.28 $122,768.25 $105,004.13 $161,326.09 $121,340.88 $131,330.33 $144,103.54 $102,000.18 $118,212.18 $108,034.10 $136,180.01 $127,391.28 $143,182.74 $122,609.74 $103,919.07 $130,041.57 $115,601.24 $130,073.48 $148,030.17 $135,073.13 $140,220.78 $125,958.10 $107,790.15 $105,633.14 $118,231.61 $168,842.46 $106,821.46 $121,125.15 $146,314.46 $120,288.84 $101,742.59 $212,763.86 $113,395.51 $126,253.02 $117,900.32 $106,510.14 $125,240.70 $128,187.62 $106,054.70 $126,699.79 $104,854.93 $100,939.04 $104,693.52 $121,122.19 $102,705.17 $105,261.04 $109,509.16 $106,674.81 $105,315.66 $120,750.38 $109,058.48 $168,910.35 $115,052.65 $128,776.76 Benefits $885.22 $924.24 $839.30 $924.24 $725.84 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $824.95 $746.59 $924.24 $875.83 $818.86 $924.24 $809.95 $841.14 $841.14 $924.24 $828.75 $885.22 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $824.27 $865.92 $865.92 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $828.07 $841.14 $924.24 $841.14 $822.65 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $809.53 $333.21 $885.22 $413.05 $841.14 $841.31 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $399.57 $733.79 $841.14 $818.86 $738.67 $818.86 $834.66 $860.80 $885.22 $839.30 $865.92 Surname URQUHART URWIN VADIVELU VALDEZ VALENCIA VALERIO VALLEDOR VALLES VAN ANDEL VAN DER KRABBEN VAN HOOGENHUIZE VAN NEST VAN NEST VAN OVERBEEK VAN RUYVEN VAN SCHUBERT VAN SETERS VAN VEGHEL VANDALL VANDEKERCKHOVE VANDEKERCKHOVE VANDENBERG VANDER HEYDEN VANDER MEER VANDERBURGH VANDERVOORT VANDERVOORT VANDERWAL VANSCHERRENBURG VANSPALL VANWART VAYANI VEGA VEIT VELAUTHAM VELLA VELLEND TAYLOR VENDRAMINI VENEZIANO VENN VENTURA VERCHOLUK VERDOOLD VERMA VERRUNO VERSPEETEN VICKERS VIDINHA VIDOT VIGNA VIJAYANARAYANAN VILLAFLOR VILLERS VILVANATHAN VINCENT VINCENT VIOLOT VIPARI VIRANI VIRDI VIRJI VIRK Given Name BRIAN DAVID CHRISTINE KRISHNAMOORTHY RENATO FERNANDEZ JUAN CARLOS JOHN ALVIN SHEHARA PHILLIP GEORGE STEVEN JOHN MICHAEL DANIEL JESSE CLARKSON RYAN KINGSLEY MARISA LYNNE MARC GERARD KEVIN JOHN PAUL NANCY MARTIN PHILIP DARRELL ANDREW GREGORY PAUL CAROLYN JUSTIN WILLIAM ELENA NICOLE ANDREW NORMAN BELINDA MICHAEL ALEXANDER COLIN RICHARD ADELE GREGORY PATRICK DANIEL ROBINSON SHAFIQ ABDUL DANIEL OSWALD KARTHIGESAN TONYO KATHARINE LUIGI TONY JOANNE MICHELE JOSEPH ALLAN GEORGE LANCE SCOTT JASVIR KAUR FRANK DOMENICO BRADLEY DENNIS DAVID PEDRO HENRIQUE RUSSELL NORBERT RITA ELSA DEVI SELVA KUMAR ROGELIO SCOTT CHARLES PIRATHEEPAN JASON ERNEST MATTHEW EDWARD ANDREW CAROL MARIE ABDULHAMEED K RAVINDER SINGH ALY KHAN MAHEEP KAUR Position Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Training Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Chief Administrative Officer Sergeant Locational Administrator Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Assistant Manager of Records Management Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Project Leader Sergeant Corporate Psychologist Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $100,287.59 $100,732.54 $136,512.17 $139,738.74 $101,970.95 $117,218.03 $124,893.62 $121,717.70 $151,296.31 $108,455.19 $103,705.46 $112,880.56 $109,205.02 $100,614.24 $118,317.49 $131,800.60 $179,765.35 $207,456.97 $116,602.14 $107,499.34 $107,548.81 $115,613.42 $122,056.57 $113,023.73 $113,913.78 $119,722.56 $126,821.37 $114,419.29 $103,021.27 $107,686.64 $124,932.55 $115,453.83 $110,054.23 $162,592.57 $140,803.43 $108,783.56 $122,408.93 $115,042.94 $250,498.10 $123,021.16 $121,861.53 $111,570.51 $137,280.73 $115,130.58 $110,479.64 $136,751.21 $147,452.80 $117,074.00 $108,777.44 $127,812.54 $101,841.67 $101,834.58 $129,928.65 $122,194.90 $102,747.21 $191,993.13 $113,178.13 $181,711.84 $242,524.33 $106,367.72 $110,381.05 $104,407.15 Benefits $818.86 $353.65 $841.14 $850.08 $809.53 $885.22 $841.14 $399.57 $924.24 $841.14 $818.86 $865.92 $865.92 $333.21 $809.53 $885.22 $839.30 $399.57 $885.22 $835.94 $814.55 $885.22 $914.71 $818.86 $809.53 $355.49 $770.64 $835.05 $839.30 $809.53 $828.75 $841.14 $865.92 $885.22 $885.22 $828.75 $885.22 $885.22 $18,434.70 $885.22 $331.43 $827.04 $839.30 $841.14 $826.73 $820.50 $1,171.01 $809.53 $818.86 $1,089.37 $355.49 $841.92 $865.92 $820.06 $812.93 $413.05 $867.62 $1,352.75 $839.30 $818.86 $900.29 $809.95 Surname VISSER VITALE VLACH VO VOLLMAR VON KALCKREUTH VRUNA VUKICEVICH VUKOVIC VUONG VUONG WACKER WADDELL WADDELL WADDEN WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER WALKER-KNAPPER WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLACE WALLI WALLS WALSH WALSH WALTERS WALTHER WANG WANG WANG WANG WARCOP WARD WARD WARD WARD WARD WARD WARDLE WARDLE WARMAN WARNER WARNER WARNER WARNOCK WARR WARRENER WARWAR WASHINGTON WASILISHIN WATERS WATKINS Given Name ASHLEY CHRISTINA DANIEL ALEXANDER ERIC THAO BA WILLIAM CAMERON MARK WARREN MARIA BRENDA ROSALIE MATTHEW MARKO KENT TOMMY DANIEL PAUL LANCELOT ALBERT MARK GRANT FRED CLARENCE FRANCIS JAMES JEROME JOHN JULIE-ANNE NICOLE MARK DOYLE NEIL SCOTT JAMES SUSAN COLETTE ALEXANDER MATTHEW JAMES JASON RALPH JOHN DAVID PETER ROBERT BOYD SCOTT EDMUND ALYKHAN AMIR CHRISTOPHER GEORGE DEREK ANDREW SUZANNE MARIE GREGORY TIMOTHY JOHN BENYU CHUAN TIAM YEE XIAN-PENG SHANNON AMELIA BRETT TERRANCE JAMES KEVIN WALTER PAUL PETER VANESSA ROLAND WILLIAM RICHARD EDGAR CHRISTINE ELISABETTA RUTH MARTIN RICHARD JOHN ROBERT JOSEPH MICHAEL KATHARINE ANN STEVEN MICHAEL JASON ROY KERRY Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Manager of Systems Operations Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Court Support Services Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Records Application Specialist Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Detective Detective Senior Technician of Radio and Electronics Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Superintendent Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Salary Paid $103,437.45 $113,397.90 $118,681.58 $142,259.90 $102,518.30 $116,913.79 $129,949.11 $135,261.63 $113,189.41 $120,381.59 $118,408.48 $105,715.50 $107,824.80 $109,387.89 $101,759.62 $112,334.37 $130,441.66 $155,944.28 $120,695.19 $106,176.44 $115,315.24 $101,428.82 $151,737.17 $144,536.52 $123,432.04 $210,525.44 $138,211.65 $130,673.62 $129,262.05 $118,435.43 $101,269.99 $172,471.82 $146,343.63 $101,689.57 $148,186.96 $119,144.43 $128,647.48 $118,607.60 $112,851.42 $100,891.72 $134,531.67 $118,036.00 $101,328.47 $107,910.72 $129,196.46 $159,712.88 $131,054.00 $128,523.50 $114,755.19 $140,653.13 $116,910.86 $110,862.51 $111,248.91 $125,914.53 $101,174.47 $115,327.30 $115,849.20 $106,605.03 $117,435.26 $120,567.78 $121,015.63 $113,771.81 Benefits $825.08 $818.86 $860.80 $835.47 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $850.02 $818.86 $828.75 $838.27 $813.89 $818.86 $866.62 $818.86 $839.30 $924.24 $1,019.69 $885.22 $818.86 $824.06 $839.30 $818.86 $685.36 $829.73 $353.65 $809.53 $841.31 $865.92 $865.92 $351.02 $818.86 $828.75 $823.72 $1,171.01 $885.22 $865.92 $579.71 $809.53 $815.36 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $885.22 $375.15 $885.22 $399.57 $4,616.61 $828.75 $860.80 $839.30 $885.22 $818.86 $850.02 $828.75 $841.14 $885.22 $830.75 $684.48 $885.22 Surname WATKINSON WATSON WATSON WATSON WATSON WATSON WATT WATTS WATTS WATTS WAUCHOPE WAUGH WEATHERBEE WEBB WEBB WEBB WEBSTER WECKER WECKWORTH WEDDELL WEEKS WEEKS WEHBY WEIDMARK WEIR WEIST WELLER WELLS WELSH WENZEL WESLEY WEST WEST WESTER WESTERHOFF WESTERVELT WHALEN WHALEN WHALLEY WHEALY WHEELER WHELER WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITE WHITEFIELD WHITFIELD WHITLA WHITLEY WHITTALL WHITTEMORE WHITTLE Given Name DOUGLAS CHARLES CHRISTOPHER ERROL JOHN JOSLYN NICOLE LUKE ALEXANDER O'NEIL CONSTANT JERMAINE ANTONIO GREGORY MILES KATHRYN LOUISE STEVEN MARK LIAM RAPHEAL FEXTON JEFFREY MICHAEL KELLI DENISE KERRY WILLIAM VANESSA MIRIAM DAVID GREGORY MICHAEL ROBERT RICHARD GRANT GLENN FRANCIS ALLEN ANCEL JESSE DAVID PETER MICHAEL ARTHUR IAN JASON STEPHEN RICHARD ANTHONY DAVID ARCHER JONATHAN CLAYTON DEREK MICHAEL JEFFREY LEE ANN MICHAEL ADAM BENJAMIN JOHN DAVID JAMES VICKI ANN CHRISTOPHER ANDREW ROBERT TARA YVONNE GORDON CHRISTOPHER KATHERINE ANNE ANTHONEY BARRY CATHERINE MARLENE CLAYTON THOMAS DANIEL CAMPBELL DEIDRA DENISE DONALD GERALD JOHN KEVIN JOSEPH MICHAEL JOHN RICHARD BURTON RYAN AUSTIN WILLIAM ROSS ALASDAIR LOUIS FRANCIS RONALD PAUL WILLIAM SHAWN MICHAEL SCOTT TIMOTHY MAURICE Position Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Assistant Manager of Records Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Customer Service Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Salary Paid $120,351.18 $142,768.19 $100,870.98 $113,911.35 $103,018.69 $125,620.63 $115,028.09 $151,874.58 $113,526.45 $140,673.63 $142,952.76 $108,544.94 $101,311.44 $109,674.83 $107,908.37 $106,378.26 $119,731.48 $101,775.81 $149,987.95 $119,234.60 $101,857.08 $108,515.84 $133,428.34 $168,302.08 $104,913.16 $101,350.91 $127,540.60 $111,360.91 $150,035.52 $106,644.55 $104,797.08 $122,303.88 $134,132.58 $108,278.27 $113,637.37 $131,470.09 $110,346.66 $133,618.44 $112,309.42 $142,261.87 $129,441.31 $108,240.12 $125,815.74 $113,766.21 $114,199.45 $106,990.09 $116,613.56 $155,944.28 $116,382.76 $146,714.91 $124,414.00 $117,389.17 $112,627.16 $122,604.96 $123,938.98 $100,586.37 $115,194.97 $131,226.24 $122,112.53 $106,611.53 $127,398.42 $103,041.59 Benefits $815.36 $865.92 $833.29 $875.83 $818.86 $809.53 $824.53 $904.79 $740.41 $924.24 $865.92 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $811.96 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $865.92 $17,707.93 $834.65 $839.30 $878.57 $818.86 $841.14 $812.93 $818.86 $875.83 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $924.24 $839.30 $840.33 $839.30 $885.22 $885.22 $850.02 $809.53 $2,624.47 $873.45 $924.24 $865.92 $809.53 $818.86 $838.27 $885.22 $818.86 $824.06 $885.22 $841.14 $830.75 $885.22 $818.86 Surname WHITWORTH WHITWORTH WHYNOT WIDMEYER WIGGERMANN WIGHTON WILCOX WILKINS WILLERS WILLETT WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMS WILLIAMSON WILLMER WILMOT WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILSON WILTSHIRE WINDLE WINDMOLLER WINDSOR WINDSOR WINFIELD WINTER WISEMAN WISEMAN WITHROW WITT WOJDYLO WOJTKIEWICZ WOLF WOLFE WONG WONG WONG WONG WONG Given Name ERNEST MICHAEL BRUCE CARROL ANNE KYLE RICHARD SVEN MATTHEW STEWART JANE DUSTIN DANIEL RONALD ANDREW JOHN ANTHONY CLAYTON DEIRDRE ELIZABETH GHERARDT IAN KEVIN CHRISTOPHER KYLE MARK MATTHEW GEORGE MICHAEL JAMES SCOTT DOUGLAS STEVEN THOMAS CHARLES RYAN ANDREW SHARON CHRISTINE ANTON LAWRENCE BRADLEY MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER DAVID DAVID JAMES DEREK SCOTT GLEN GLENDON JEFFREY PAUL JENNIFER ELIZABETH JULIE THERESE MATTHEW EDMUND MICHAEL PAUL SHANE STEWART SHERRY ELIZABETH SUZANNE TIMOTHY WARREN DAVID TRACY GEORGINA THEODORE JOHN CAROL MARY DAVID LEE RICHARD JEFFREY MATTHEW MICHAEL DOUGLAS TRENT PLEAMAN JENNIFER AUTUMN KATARZYNA MARIA HENRYK VICTOR BRUNISLAW RAYMOND STEPHEN MICHEAL CARMEN ALEXIS CHUNG MAN CONRAD EMERY GORDON CHUNG-HOI MATTHEW DEE Position Detective Sergeant Training Constable Senior Corporate Planner Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Superintendent Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Board Administrator Detective Senior Intelligence Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Senior Administrative Application Specialist Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Counsel Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $126,062.61 $114,005.74 $144,536.52 $101,894.35 $113,891.00 $145,560.96 $122,486.19 $108,490.23 $126,925.51 $135,304.98 $152,808.74 $139,751.14 $111,554.48 $136,839.45 $162,463.63 $106,246.77 $132,129.77 $114,731.51 $108,770.85 $138,015.19 $119,451.45 $118,218.69 $109,530.15 $102,265.47 $131,610.06 $129,349.95 $105,868.19 $113,750.24 $105,892.08 $132,180.47 $105,637.62 $127,015.39 $137,410.40 $102,061.82 $108,786.81 $144,773.30 $103,292.51 $117,102.85 $114,004.60 $100,158.73 $114,113.35 $151,106.98 $126,976.64 $113,452.52 $116,581.20 $108,579.51 $110,129.72 $106,634.80 $120,739.52 $102,272.42 $110,402.25 $109,759.64 $107,367.48 $116,899.68 $115,371.19 $126,534.44 $123,532.34 $107,746.98 $197,569.82 $155,125.94 $101,941.28 $120,263.42 Benefits $924.24 $860.80 $493.74 $818.86 $818.86 $875.83 $2,589.68 $809.53 $860.80 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $377.52 $885.22 $357.56 $371.84 $885.22 $860.80 $809.53 $865.92 $351.02 $841.14 $375.15 $818.86 $17.21 $353.65 $818.86 $830.75 $828.75 $399.57 $839.30 $839.30 $828.75 $818.86 $865.92 $809.53 $835.47 $818.86 $875.83 $351.65 $885.22 $924.24 $284.99 $818.86 $885.22 $786.16 $841.31 $375.15 $841.14 $838.27 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $841.14 $1,076.43 $818.86 $818.86 $884.42 $836.28 $847.89 $818.86 Surname WONG WONG WONG WONG WOO WOO WOO WOOD WOOD WOOD WOODHOUSE WOODS WOODS WOODYER WOOKEY WOOLFENDEN WOOLLEY WOOTTON WORDEN WORONCHAK WORRELL WORSDALE WORTH WORTH WORTHINGTON WORTS WOUDENBERG WRAY WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT WRIGHT WRONG WU WU WULF WULFF WYARD WYLIE WYNIA WYNNE XINOS XIOURIS YAN YAN YAN YANG YANG YAP YARDE YARLETT YARMOLUK YEANDLE YEANDLE YEE YELLE YEO YEUNG YIANNAKAKOS YIM YIN Given Name PHILIP JIN-YU SAI-KIT VINCENT ALEXANDER WAN-HOI CHI SHING GILBERT MARK JOSEPH DARCY RYAN JOHN ALAN KIMBERLY ANN STEPHEN DOUGLAS STEPHEN GARY KYLE EDWARD CHARLES DIANE EMILY RAYMOND RYAN PETER PAUL HAMILTON JANICE LYNN PHILIP SHAYNE WILLIAM DARREN KANE WILSON MARK ROBERT MICHAEL HETTY JOHANA TERRENCE ADAM EDWARD ARTHUR GARY JOANNA LINDLEY MARIANNE MILLICENT JASON CHRISTOPHER HAI ZHONG XU CRAIG DAVID EDUARDO IGNACIO LESLIE ANN CHRISTOPHER DAVID RANDALL TRAVERS EVAGELOS JOHN ALAN MICHAEL GREGORY ALBERT PETER SAMUEL QIANLIANG YANJIAO MEIYIN RYAN ANTON KRISTEN LEIGH DAVID GEORGE KIMBERLEY MARK IAN JUSTIN JOSEPH DARREN ROY PATRICK MIN-SENG CHRISTOS DENNIS YIU-KAM JIE Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Programmer Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Senior Supervisor of Support Services Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Lead Counsel of Legal Services Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Enterprise Data Architect Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Superintendent Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Information Security Architect Salary Paid $122,243.16 $118,120.97 $139,965.32 $141,843.57 $116,498.17 $101,097.50 $144,105.85 $137,377.62 $126,934.95 $109,569.01 $118,601.48 $105,007.05 $140,112.32 $107,937.48 $144,855.32 $123,459.21 $110,298.87 $106,294.42 $129,911.66 $125,183.63 $122,757.36 $111,656.42 $135,163.34 $157,432.07 $101,496.34 $101,706.22 $120,294.39 $117,017.78 $106,996.57 $109,847.07 $114,921.42 $100,415.44 $181,711.84 $100,974.34 $102,683.67 $132,210.75 $106,626.96 $136,008.22 $130,655.39 $105,911.21 $121,368.44 $154,757.65 $126,098.69 $111,526.97 $109,933.61 $105,388.60 $115,751.80 $116,839.65 $127,812.54 $104,848.50 $107,196.42 $105,481.20 $129,218.49 $168,265.45 $114,404.73 $108,155.25 $120,472.29 $148,469.43 $134,928.11 $111,228.11 $107,960.74 $116,509.25 Benefits $814.55 $815.99 $818.86 $860.80 $351.02 $351.02 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $867.85 $885.22 $841.14 $865.92 $830.75 $885.22 $818.86 $839.30 $824.06 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $866.62 $885.22 $294.46 $809.53 $818.86 $885.22 $809.53 $839.30 $860.80 $764.30 $2,716.77 $839.30 $359.56 $841.14 $809.53 $638.84 $841.14 $835.47 $885.22 $885.22 $840.33 $829.94 $823.46 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $603.72 $849.08 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $14,330.05 $885.22 $818.86 $834.65 $865.92 $865.92 $825.08 $835.05 $409.73 Surname YIN YONG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNG YOUNGER YOURKIN YOUROUKOS YOUSUFI YU YU YUANIDIS YUEN YUILE YULE YUNG YURKIW ZAFFINO ZAFIRIADIS ZAHEED ZAJAC ZAJAC ZAMBRI ZAMMIT ZAMPARO ZANATI ZANDKARIMI ZARABI-MAJD ZARE SEYSAN ZAYACK ZEBESKI ZEBROWSKI ZEKERES ZELENY ZELJKOVIC ZEPPIERI ZERUCELLI ZETTLER ZETTLER ZHANG ZHANG ZHANG ZHOU ZHOU ZIMMER ZIMMERMAN ZINATI ZISIS ZLOBICKI ZOLD ZUBAIR ZUBEK ZVER ZYCH Given Name YA-WEN BRIAN PAUL BLAIN CRAIG JAMIE GEORGE PAUL ELIOT WARREN CHAD ANDREW COURTNEY ANNE JONATHAN NICHOLAS ABDULLAH CLIFFORD KA WAI ERIC ALEXANDER PETER BRIAN ALEXANDER ROBERT CHRISTOPHER STEPHEN KIENMUN ADAM LORNE FRANCO ANTONIO IFIGENIA IKRAM DAVID JULIE CARMELO JEFFREY DANIEL VALENTINO BALAZS KAROLY ALI FIROUZEH ROYA DARLENE DAVID MICHAEL TOMASZ CHARLES JOHN DARYN EDIN JUSTIN PETER CHRISTIAN GEORGE MARK PAUL STEVEN CARL JIAN LU QING HONGFEI YE LESLEY ANNE LAWRENCE JACQUES MARY LYNN ALEKSANDRA JOHN MOHAMMAD JOSEPH NATASHA ANN STEFAN Position Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Drafting Technician Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Superintendent Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Operations Supervisor Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Senior Programmer Police Constable Infrastructure Architect Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $102,343.25 $121,738.00 $235,134.25 $153,949.23 $101,825.63 $110,686.94 $128,632.71 $112,491.03 $116,728.09 $129,254.80 $113,705.26 $182,745.31 $158,747.90 $106,436.99 $168,265.45 $108,536.87 $143,630.17 $111,579.01 $111,671.28 $123,425.56 $103,429.90 $119,164.92 $153,433.45 $125,550.97 $133,236.57 $151,620.39 $127,357.21 $120,862.36 $114,072.70 $134,430.98 $122,419.76 $100,722.47 $126,856.53 $117,393.67 $110,618.85 $144,399.22 $119,070.56 $127,651.59 $136,137.60 $143,718.45 $106,608.80 $105,683.26 $113,321.62 $102,236.95 $101,008.75 $117,750.32 $107,892.85 $114,483.54 $111,149.78 $100,611.74 $126,545.58 $120,069.62 $100,185.44 $145,094.60 $105,841.19 $107,985.78 Benefits $818.86 $819.54 $885.22 $924.24 $809.53 $818.86 $924.24 $841.14 $841.14 $353.06 $836.67 $839.30 $809.53 $841.14 $14,602.03 $845.22 $860.80 $835.05 $841.14 $818.86 $308.29 $809.53 $885.22 $793.44 $885.22 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $839.30 $892.79 $818.86 $867.44 $885.22 $818.86 $825.08 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $841.14 $360.59 $351.02 $815.99 $413.05 $862.40 $885.22 $337.17 $351.02 $830.75 $839.30 $818.86 $438.59 $622.66 $839.30 Appendix B RECORD OF EMPLOYEES’ 2015 SALARIES AND BENEFITS – BY SALARY PAID Surname SAUNDERS FEDERICO VENEZIANO SLOLY BLAIR VIRANI LUM SPENCER YOUNG MORRIS GOEBELL TAM CRISTIANO TURKOT WALLACE VAN VEGHEL HINES PATHAK REDDEN HAINES NEVIN HALL TOHM NORRIS BOBBIS JOSEPH BARNES STEA WONG MCLAUGHLIN HARGAN ATKINSON BATES ANDALIB-GOORTANI PALERMO RAMER VINCENT SANDFORD KARIMZADA OLUKOYA DONISON MCCALL HAYWARD BRUZZESE LANE THERIAULT MCDOUGALL CHOW LAM ROMAIN SUONGAS HUGHES YU KUNG BORSBOOM FARAHBAKHSH GIANNOTTA KIJEWSKI Given Name MARK MICHAEL TONY PETER JOHN WILLIAM STERLING ABDULHAMEED K SOON ENNIS STEWART BLAIN JASON ROBERT NAD WING GUIDO MARIUSZ MACIEJ JAMES NANCY GORDON IAN DAVINDER KUMAR JEFFREY KEITH DAVID JOHN DARIK GORDON ROBERT RICHARD ROBERT TREVOR JOHN KIRK-NEIL ANTHONY CARLO JUNIOR CHUNG MAN IAN ROBERT JAMES JONATHAN BARRY MICHAEL BABAK MICHAEL ANGELO DONALD MATTHEW EDWARD ROBERT ABDULLAH OLUFEMI KIM ANDREW JOHN MARK DOMENICO ARTHUR ANGELA ROBERT GORDON HAROLD IAN WAYNE JEAN-BERNARD CHRIS TRUDY CLIFFORD TOMMY WING MARCELINUS HENDRIKUS JEANETTE ISABEL CELESTINO KRISTINE JEAN Position Chief of Police Deputy Chief Chief Administrative Officer Deputy Chief Chief of Police Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Superintendent Project Leader Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Director of Human Resources Director of Information Technology Director of Operational Support Services Salary Paid $286,265.74 $269,841.97 $250,498.10 $250,493.06 $248,696.39 $242,524.33 $239,942.46 $239,162.41 $235,134.25 $220,126.52 $218,097.28 $217,213.94 $213,529.39 $212,763.86 $210,525.44 $207,456.97 $204,985.89 $203,685.03 $202,789.39 $202,117.89 $201,930.46 $201,232.26 $199,352.65 $199,158.38 $199,088.44 $198,634.41 $198,514.19 $197,909.73 $197,569.82 $196,885.11 $196,675.02 $196,432.65 $195,685.50 $194,245.26 $193,701.38 $192,798.54 $191,993.13 $188,282.98 $187,432.03 $187,310.55 $187,129.00 $187,062.73 $186,983.83 $186,695.91 $186,476.84 $185,201.52 $185,085.28 $185,067.38 $184,091.48 $183,674.64 $183,461.40 $183,066.90 $182,745.31 $182,394.15 $181,940.09 $181,711.84 $181,711.84 $181,711.84 Benefits $6,292.36 $13,583.31 $18,434.70 $8,688.66 $801.66 $839.30 $473.25 $865.92 $885.22 $824.95 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $809.53 $353.65 $399.57 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $924.24 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $875.83 $835.94 $818.86 $826.37 $884.42 $885.22 $885.22 $839.30 $839.30 $787.37 $869.90 $15,126.04 $413.05 $885.22 $280.15 $839.30 $839.30 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $860.80 $885.22 $865.92 $885.22 $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $885.22 $839.30 $818.86 $833.85 $2,508.25 $2,749.79 $2,749.79 Surname MARTIN-DOTO PUGASH VIPARI WRIGHT RUSSELL STUBBINGS DI TOMMASO O'TOOLE LATTER VAN SETERS LOISELLE DEAN BOYCE KARIMLOO FONG CALIFARETTI DURHAM OROZ KENT KIRINDE THORPE KALTEIS RUTTNER FRANCO KEALEY HUNT KHAN WALLI EVANS THOMPSON COSTA CORREIA CAMPBELL CHURKOO CAMPBELL DHATT BISHOP KARAGAN SHANK CLARKE LENNOX FERGUSON BRAR URBANIAK TULIPANO SADRZADEH CARVALHO KUCK BERGEN BYRNES CORRIGAN FENTON FERNANDES JONES MARTIN MCCORMACK MILLER PRESTON TANOUYE TAVERNER WEIDMARK BEVERS HENDERSON Given Name CATHERINE ANN MARK CAROL MARIE MARIANNE MILLICENT THOMAS RICHARD MARIO KIMBERLEY ANNE JORDAN CHRISTOPHER PAUL JEAN MARC LAUREAL BERTRAND RONALD SHERVIN PETER NELSON SANDRA ANGELA CAMERON EDWARD SLAVKO GARY RANJAN WICKRAMASINGHE GREGORY JOSEPH MARC ROBERT ALEXANDER CHRISTOPHER ROBERT DEVIN GLEN STEPHEN TARIQ IJAZ ALYKHAN AMIR BRYCE MICHAEL ZENON PIO DONALD ALEXANDER DOODNATH DEODATH JOANNE ELIZABETH RUBINDER LEONA PANAYIOTIS NICKOLAS RICHARD PAUL EGERTON PETER HUGH SHANE GURSHARAN THOMAS ROSARIO MIR SIAMAK AVELINO MOTA HEINZ FRANCIS ELIZABETH NEIL DAVID DAVID SELWYN JOHN GORDON KATHRYN DAVID HELEN DIANE DEBRA JOHNNY RONALD EDWARD ARTHUR DONALD NORMAN GEORGE Position Corporate Psychologist Director of Corporate Communications Corporate Psychologist Lead Counsel of Legal Services Staff Superintendent Staff Superintendent Staff Superintendent Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Director of Finance and Administration Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Superintendent Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Sergeant Executive Director Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Superintendent Superintendent Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Manager of Records Management Manager of Fleet and Materials Management Salary Paid $181,711.84 $181,711.84 $181,711.84 $181,711.84 $181,709.76 $181,709.76 $181,689.97 $181,438.05 $181,374.76 $179,765.35 $179,132.81 $178,870.57 $178,748.07 $177,901.40 $177,600.23 $177,524.27 $175,132.30 $174,853.97 $174,460.07 $174,037.99 $173,942.70 $173,758.58 $173,753.54 $173,319.36 $173,178.05 $173,172.66 $172,504.37 $172,471.82 $172,205.68 $172,082.93 $171,811.01 $171,765.66 $171,690.11 $171,449.50 $171,388.07 $171,306.86 $170,936.27 $170,575.35 $170,507.94 $169,446.02 $169,287.14 $169,145.06 $168,910.35 $168,842.46 $168,810.24 $168,580.84 $168,456.11 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,302.08 $168,294.80 $168,294.80 Benefits $1,352.75 $11,082.10 $1,352.75 $2,716.77 $16,735.31 $10,658.00 $12,841.90 $914.71 $924.24 $839.30 $815.99 $809.53 $924.24 $818.86 $809.53 $2,493.30 $924.24 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $924.24 $822.82 $839.30 $793.18 $438.59 $839.30 $809.53 $818.86 $14,505.91 $839.30 $875.83 $19,543.19 $875.83 $2,460.93 $465.18 $885.22 $869.90 $924.24 $839.30 $14,462.88 $15,082.45 $924.24 $885.22 $924.24 $821.19 $885.22 $1,288.27 $11,811.47 $11,391.25 $17,337.70 $15,325.89 $10,937.17 $12,116.32 $12,416.75 $20,016.25 $14,377.60 $12,246.43 $14,191.20 $18,360.84 $17,707.93 $2,685.31 $1,288.27 Surname KIM BAPTIST GILBERT NARINE NEADLES RIVIERE YEANDLE YUEN O'DONOVAN EUTENEIER CARTER PATEL FERREIRA THOMPSON COSTABILE MACDONNELL CARTER GIROUX BEREZOWSKY TRACY HAJI AUDETTE RODRIGUEZ SUDDES STEVENSON HARVEY KUMAR CHHABRA MOYNAGH MACIEK HAMILTON-GREENER NASNER FRIMETH CARBONE IDSINGA SAMMUT DEY SCHERTZER SNEDDON DURRAN MCCANN GHAZARIAN BEVILACQUA PARSONS DOKURNO VEIT WILLIAMS KHAN MCDERMOTT GRANDE TOMLINSON CHO POTTER KLUTZ TEIXEIRA TRETTER MC CONNELL MARCHACK FITZGERALD ARODA LA FOSSE CHARLES Given Name SANG-RAE SAM ROBERT SCOTT SCOTT SHAUN WILLIAM ANTHONY FRANCIS KIMBERLEY PETER STEPHEN SIMON QUINCEY HUGH JUNIOR JUNEID AHMED PAULO JORGE PAUL ANTHONY GINO BRIAN RANDOLPH GARY ROBERT NESTOR STEVEN MOHAMMAD ABID DAVID FRANCIS ROBERT DAVID KEVIN SHANE MARK AMIT AJAY ROBERT JOHN MICHAEL STEFAN KEVIN DAVID MIKE HANK DAVID ROBIN HUGH JOYCE GORDON D NED KEITH HAMAYAK FILIPPO STUART MAGRUDER RICHARD MICHAEL OSWALD IAN RONALD ARLINGTON DANIEL PIETRO JASON ALLAN HYUNG EUN VIVIENNE SANJA CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH ANDREW PEREIRA MADELAINE SHAWN LAWRENCE ROGER THOMAS SANJEE JEFFERY GUY ANTHONY Position Manager of Enterprise Architecture Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Superintendent Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Superintendent Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Senior Intelligence Analyst Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Superintendent Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $168,294.80 $168,265.45 $168,265.45 $168,265.45 $168,265.45 $168,265.45 $168,265.45 $168,265.45 $168,217.13 $168,188.09 $168,080.04 $168,059.80 $167,495.94 $166,923.21 $166,707.06 $166,569.88 $166,049.71 $165,910.26 $165,684.57 $165,653.47 $165,545.34 $165,389.87 $165,375.94 $165,102.74 $165,101.36 $164,697.78 $164,504.42 $164,451.51 $164,394.04 $164,390.94 $164,290.92 $164,196.70 $164,160.82 $164,025.38 $163,810.37 $163,771.72 $163,703.79 $163,603.42 $163,575.81 $163,500.73 $163,395.44 $163,318.15 $163,289.50 $163,285.31 $163,238.93 $162,592.57 $162,463.63 $162,438.36 $161,911.17 $161,809.79 $161,629.47 $161,613.75 $161,571.96 $161,470.35 $161,332.08 $161,326.09 $161,254.89 $161,188.11 $161,133.10 $161,059.07 $160,506.55 $160,354.59 Benefits $2,685.31 $15,282.25 $12,816.25 $1,287.32 $14,497.09 $17,316.97 $14,330.05 $14,602.03 $592.32 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $827.39 $828.75 $839.30 $924.24 $14,403.99 $438.59 $860.80 $924.24 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $596.97 $919.77 $885.22 $815.99 $834.65 $885.22 $860.80 $924.24 $860.80 $885.22 $924.24 $438.59 $885.22 $885.22 $915.30 $7,129.34 $818.86 $860.80 $812.93 $875.83 $860.80 $924.24 $885.22 $357.56 $924.24 $885.22 $844.28 $895.23 $809.53 $840.73 $818.86 $867.46 $924.24 $809.53 $885.22 $7,271.29 $875.83 $865.92 $924.24 Surname KIM CAMACHO PRAVICA MCLANE BOCKUS MCCLELLAND TEATERO LETSCHE SANDERS WARD GLAVIN PAPIZEWSKI SCAVONE SABADICS BELLION NEWMAN YU KAY AGUIAR DANIELS RINKOFF FERREIRA ONG ACORN SMYTH CHEN BISHOP LAWSON LLOYD WORTH DOMINEY COSENTINO MINOR BOPARA HAFIZ SPENCE BACKUS PUTERBAUGH BOYD BRINN NIRAS ODISHO RENDON FARDELL MUSSO DUARTE ANDERSEN DA SILVA MARGETSON KMIECIAK BARKLEY JOHNSON MCLEAN TAIT BEERS CURTIN EVELYN HENRY ROSSI STYRA WALKER WHITE EARL Given Name HYOK KYUN JOSE DUSAN DAN GREGORY CORY ROBERT FREDERICK LESLIE DOUGLAS REYNOLDS NEIL GREGORY PAUL LYDIA STEPHANY LEEANN GABRIELE DANIEL LAURENT HUGUES BRUCE KA WAI ERIC WILLIAM DONALD STEVEN CABRAL MARK CHARLES PAUL BARRY MARK RHOEL VILLEGAS CHRISTOPHER ALLAN CRAIG CHARLES DENNIS YAU DAVID ANTHONY D BRADFORD KANE WILSON PAUL LAURIE SALVATORE DOUGLAS ALLAN GURWINDER AMIN KENNETH GEORGE LESLIE DOUGLAS MICHAEL FRANCIS EDWARD NORMAN NIKOLAOS ASHUR BRIAN GEOFFREY ROYSTON SUSANA CARL HENRIK JOSE JOHN JOHN MARK EDWIN ROBERT BARBARA PAUL LEONARD CLAY ALBERT HELEN MARGARET DION ANN-MARIE PATRICIA KIMBERLY DAWN DANA TERESE JEROME DEIDRA DENISE MICHAEL Position Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Inspector Superintendent Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Supervisor of Video Services Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Inspector Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Superintendent Superintendent Superintendent Police Constable Manager of Radio and Electronics Manager of Information Technology Governance Manager of Communications Services Manager of Employment Manager of Parking Enforcement Manager of Quality Assurance Manager of Systems Operations Manager of Customer Service Staff Inspector Salary Paid $160,247.51 $160,094.24 $160,037.75 $160,014.88 $159,926.73 $159,885.51 $159,829.07 $159,746.23 $159,719.03 $159,712.88 $159,463.59 $159,406.38 $159,318.41 $159,023.49 $158,994.65 $158,945.54 $158,747.90 $158,629.86 $158,467.04 $158,395.34 $158,221.35 $158,141.05 $158,044.09 $157,975.50 $157,951.59 $157,920.56 $157,758.26 $157,719.84 $157,492.15 $157,432.07 $157,428.54 $157,400.75 $157,385.15 $157,137.49 $157,087.80 $157,063.32 $157,016.85 $157,011.76 $156,996.88 $156,922.37 $156,891.08 $156,807.51 $156,805.03 $156,575.22 $156,552.82 $156,415.73 $156,391.33 $156,352.65 $156,194.02 $156,160.79 $156,160.79 $156,160.79 $156,147.14 $155,944.28 $155,944.28 $155,944.28 $155,944.28 $155,944.28 $155,944.28 $155,944.28 $155,944.28 $155,901.12 Benefits $818.86 $885.22 $875.83 $13,567.87 $9,703.68 $885.22 $818.86 $844.56 $828.75 $885.22 $924.24 $924.24 $839.30 $924.24 $818.86 $924.24 $809.53 $828.61 $818.86 $885.22 $770.79 $839.30 $866.62 $818.86 $436.73 $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $875.83 $438.59 $885.22 $885.22 $924.24 $818.86 $885.22 $399.57 $1,171.01 $924.24 $839.30 $815.99 $809.95 $801.68 $828.75 $860.80 $839.30 $885.22 $885.22 $7,746.45 $6,600.53 $7,804.81 $333.21 $1,019.69 $1,019.69 $1,227.43 $1,227.43 $1,227.43 $2,624.47 $1,019.69 $2,624.47 $17,962.44 Surname HARRIS PAPADOPOULOS HOOPER PIPE MOORE SPRATT STIBBE SADLER GLAVIN BERNARDO LARAMY DEARBORN RADIX RADFORD MOORE BODDY PIGNATELLI WONG ERDIS MOMENI HORTON BROWNE HOLT CRONE KIM MUNROE WYNNE BARREDO MORDEN LITTLE MAZUREK PARTRIDGE BHATHAL SMIT HENKEL JACOB BUI FLIS YOUNG CHOURYGUINE LEMAITRE KERR PARROTT RYZEK CREWS GRAY MCARTHUR MADELEY ZAJAC ROSENBERG MAHONEY SAUNDERS ANTONELLI LEE BABINEAU BUSTOS WILLIAMS REED OUELLET PENNER SCOTT REDMAN Given Name STEPHEN ARTHUR KYRIAKOS KEVIN JOSEPH STEPHEN BRETT CALVIN SCOTT EDWARD ROBERT LEE STEPHEN PHILLIP ISRAEL FARIA STEPHEN WILLIAM ROBERT FREDERICK BRENDA REBECCA BARRY STEVEN CHRISTOPHER EDWARD TONY CONRAD EMERY IAN ROSS ORANG BRIAN TERRENCE GLENN TIMOTHY MIN CHUL KELLY BRUCE TRAVERS FRANCISCO JAVIER TODD DOUGLAS DAVID TIMOTHY FRANK HARJEET SINGH BRIAN JOHN HEINZ TIMOTHY ALFRED TAM THACH ALBERT CRAIG DMITRY ROBERT JAMES GEOFFREY MICHAEL ERIC WENDY ALEXANDER GLENN PAUL IAN JOHN AUSTIN DAVID HOWARD SHAWN DAVID GIANPIERO JOHN JARED MICHAEL HARRY SANTIAGO ANTHONY RONALD COLIN ANDREW ADAM CHRISTOPHER GORDON SUZANNE Position Staff Inspector Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Manager of Property and Evidence Detective Sergeant Inspector Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Inspector Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Manager of Occupational Health and Safety Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Inspector Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $155,901.12 $155,852.01 $155,780.90 $155,740.03 $155,719.64 $155,623.86 $155,621.87 $155,587.55 $155,552.80 $155,464.69 $155,447.64 $155,374.64 $155,351.18 $155,274.76 $155,250.62 $155,243.58 $155,181.48 $155,125.94 $155,100.91 $155,075.83 $155,018.74 $154,931.79 $154,867.82 $154,867.81 $154,844.74 $154,819.99 $154,757.65 $154,574.15 $154,559.91 $154,559.86 $154,553.10 $154,470.40 $154,338.12 $154,184.07 $154,148.31 $154,140.33 $154,025.65 $154,013.06 $153,949.23 $153,864.49 $153,855.89 $153,835.44 $153,805.46 $153,759.38 $153,716.92 $153,621.73 $153,604.19 $153,530.89 $153,433.45 $153,355.03 $153,229.57 $153,179.24 $153,141.19 $152,942.52 $152,905.39 $152,818.62 $152,808.74 $152,798.39 $152,751.74 $152,682.27 $152,416.91 $152,319.47 Benefits $16,623.76 $818.86 $865.92 $924.24 $875.83 $924.24 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $875.83 $875.83 $839.30 $1,227.43 $885.22 $885.22 $457.46 $839.30 $836.28 $818.86 $875.83 $839.30 $924.24 $1,171.01 $685.36 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $1,171.01 $850.02 $885.22 $839.30 $924.24 $834.65 $885.22 $885.22 $924.24 $865.92 $885.22 $924.24 $841.14 $875.83 $839.30 $865.92 $2,614.88 $867.62 $924.24 $924.24 $828.75 $885.22 $839.30 $885.22 $1,171.01 $839.30 $850.86 $875.83 $818.86 $885.22 $924.24 $819.54 $809.53 $885.22 $924.24 Surname MOLONEY ING PICKRELL PATCHETT PHAIR COOVADIA REIMER WATTS O'BRIEN ALLDRIT WALKER SEARLES SEARLES JONGDONG ZAMMIT HOWARD FARRELL LAWRENCE VAN ANDEL HUSAIN WILSON SINGH CLIFFORD GALAZKA MURRELL JOHNSTONE MA HAMPSON RUBBINI MCCULLOCH CODE GAGLIARDI ECKLUND HO FOWLDS PISANI MEREDITH ISAAC MORRIS BALINT GOMES SIDORA WELSH WECKWORTH HOGAN HORWOOD BRAMMALL SINGH SINOPOLI STIBBE RYAN SHYMCHONAK HUMENIUK DUNKLEY HOBBINS GALLANT MCDOUGALL ARMSTRONG STOLF LING QURESHI GILLIS Given Name PATRICK MICHAEL WAY EDWARD NEIL CHERYL MARK GORDON ABDUL-KHALIK YAHYA KENNETH BRIAN GREGORY MILES SEAN DARREN LEE SCOTT JAMES IAN BRIAN TREVOR LHAWANG TOPGYAL JEFFREY SHAWN GEORGE SHAWN PHILLIP GEORGE MOHAMMED SALEEM WARREN AMRITPAL HUGH ANTHONY TOMASZ ROBERT KEVIN EARL ANDREW PAUL DARREN TAI-YUNG SCOTT ANDREW DAVID MICHAEL PETER VITO ANDREW DOUGLAS KENNY KONG-LEUNG SCOTT MACKENZIE PAUL LEE CRAIG ANDREW AARON NICKOLAS JOSEPH MICHAEL ANDREW SUSAN ELIZABETH TERRY JONATHAN CLAYTON RICHARD GRANT JAMES RYAN KNIGHT MICHAEL ANGADVIR DOMENIC CLINTON RODNEY STEPHEN CHARLES ANDREI JUSTYN DAVID LESLIE ALAN GARY TIMOTHY SHANNON MARK RICHARD ROBERT GUIDO JONATHAN AJWAID NIAZ DAVID WILLIAM Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Project Leader Police Constable Training Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Inspector Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Inspector Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $152,262.18 $152,215.32 $152,204.73 $152,061.23 $152,022.96 $151,988.52 $151,891.36 $151,874.58 $151,867.22 $151,845.14 $151,737.17 $151,703.72 $151,692.19 $151,644.33 $151,620.39 $151,596.22 $151,470.19 $151,299.77 $151,296.31 $151,114.69 $151,106.98 $151,079.18 $151,063.62 $150,955.82 $150,842.17 $150,812.68 $150,805.41 $150,712.86 $150,676.69 $150,628.46 $150,591.69 $150,579.78 $150,545.33 $150,540.68 $150,433.90 $150,410.24 $150,218.47 $150,137.60 $150,126.66 $150,116.42 $150,084.21 $150,053.60 $150,035.52 $149,987.95 $149,893.43 $149,888.53 $149,882.56 $149,837.46 $149,754.26 $149,737.56 $149,653.39 $149,528.79 $149,528.03 $149,423.45 $149,385.68 $149,314.52 $149,292.85 $149,250.72 $149,172.84 $149,164.78 $149,125.26 $149,076.11 Benefits $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $885.22 $839.30 $924.24 $904.79 $885.22 $924.24 $818.86 $865.92 $399.57 $865.92 $885.22 $860.80 $924.24 $885.22 $924.24 $914.71 $924.24 $390.69 $818.86 $850.02 $924.24 $914.71 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $967.07 $869.90 $905.59 $912.40 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $875.83 $885.22 $804.02 $841.14 $809.53 $438.59 $835.94 $885.22 $865.92 $956.03 $818.86 $924.24 $818.86 $713.71 $885.22 $875.83 $924.24 $839.30 $885.22 $875.83 $885.22 $904.79 $924.24 Surname HUNG MARTIN MARTIN LENFESTY GARCIA MACGREGOR MOLINARO HARNETT BISHOP BHIMJI MULLEN MATTHEWS SZEWCZYK YEO BURKE PAREJA REBELLATO ALBERGA SHAW BRAGG WALSH ONYSZKIEWICZ FAIZI RYAN MCINNIS TSIANOS MARTSENYUK MOLYNEAUX HANDSOR BARATTO JOHNSON MUSAH RYMSHA FERRY JUNG GRIFFITHS ANAND BEAVEN-DESJARDINS BOTT CALLAGHAN COLE DEMKIW ELEY ERVICK HEGEDUS HUSSEIN IRWIN LITTLE MACKRELL NORRIE O'CONNOR PAGE PRESTON STRATFORD STROBLE TAYLOR THOMAS VICKERS FARRELL DANIEL DE SOUSA EMOND Given Name JAMES HENRY ARNE DERRICK FRANK SEAN NANDINO JASON JAMES ANTONIO ROBERT ANNE-MARIE KARIM TAJDIN MICHAEL JEFFERY JOSEPH BLAKE GRZEGORZ DARREN ROY GARY EDWIN CARLOS ADRIAN LARRY PASQUALE ANDREW DOUGLAS JAMES ROBERT SUZANNE MARIE ANDREW HASSANAIN DESMOND PAUL JESSICA MICHELLE DIMITRIOS VADYM STEVEN PHILIP ALLEN MICHELLE TERESA ANDREW DAVID ISHMAIL MICHAEL EUGENE MICHAEL BERNARD WILLIAM KEE DAVID ANIL JOANNA RUTH BRYAN PETER EDWARD GREGORY MYRON ANDREY STUART DALE RICHARD RIYAZ STEPHEN ARTHUR JAMES ANDREW BRIAN HOWARD BRIAN IAN REUBEN KENNETH SONIA DAVID CHRISTINE MARIE ROGER GLENROY JOHN PAUL CHRISTIAN RENE Position Staff Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Shift/Area Supervisor Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Inspector Detective Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Inspector Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $149,075.35 $149,072.33 $149,042.88 $149,042.27 $149,001.31 $149,000.39 $148,992.77 $148,921.28 $148,846.04 $148,826.81 $148,757.96 $148,634.55 $148,477.31 $148,469.43 $148,447.38 $148,420.55 $148,323.22 $148,312.16 $148,245.62 $148,228.17 $148,186.96 $148,168.17 $148,103.12 $148,052.74 $148,034.42 $148,030.17 $148,025.84 $148,020.25 $147,955.43 $147,952.89 $147,868.08 $147,835.04 $147,649.96 $147,635.39 $147,616.26 $147,524.23 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,452.80 $147,396.01 $147,354.15 $147,334.02 $147,245.58 Benefits $924.24 $836.28 $839.30 $904.79 $816.17 $875.83 $771.07 $885.22 $924.24 $818.86 $875.83 $924.24 $809.53 $865.92 $875.83 $809.53 $885.22 $864.02 $885.22 $353.65 $1,171.01 $924.24 $809.53 $399.57 $869.90 $865.92 $809.95 $992.57 $865.92 $885.22 $818.86 $904.79 $850.02 $885.22 $284.99 $885.22 $979.39 $1,171.01 $979.39 $1,171.01 $1,171.01 $1,171.01 $979.39 $1,171.01 $1,144.49 $979.39 $1,171.01 $1,171.01 $1,171.01 $979.39 $979.39 $1,171.01 $1,171.01 $979.39 $1,171.01 $2,286.91 $1,171.01 $1,171.01 $885.22 $847.89 $841.14 $841.14 Surname SMITH HUGHES SAYEDZADEH CHUNG FEBBO JOHNSTON BAJWA EYDEN WHITE STEFFLER BOND BULLOCK KERR WALLS TUMANSKIY CHANG GRAY MUELLER PULUMBARIT MANOHARAN DAVID CROOKER POLLOCK COX MISTEROWICZ JOHNSTON PATTERSON WIGHTON NORTHMORE LEE AZZOPARDI HUTCHINGS LOKENATH CHEUNG ERICKSON CHUNG SKREPNEK HAINES JENKINS POGUE KAY QUEEN TAHIRAJ CLARK ZUBEK SONDHI LEAHY SUKUMARAN SINGH BOPARA THOMAS LENNON WOOKEY CANNELLA DAVIES LAI QUINN SOVA WILSON STOREY PEREZ CHILVERS Given Name LAWRENCE OLIVER PAUL GEORGE MEHRDAD RYAN ANTHONY OLIVER BRIAN HUGH RAJWANT SINGH AIMEE JAMIE JOHN RODNEY MORRIS MARLIN NEIL JASON MATTHEW CHRISTOPHER GEORGE MYKOLA CHU THAO PAULINE STEFAN RYAN CARIJUTAN RAVI COSMA LISA CATHERINE TIGE SAMUEL DARREN ANDREW RICHARD JOHN WENDY ELIZABETH MICHAEL JAMES MATTHEW STEWART COLLEEN DANIEL DENIS ANDRE DANIEL WILLIAM RAMDIAL TIWARIE CHING TIN KENNETH PHILIP ERIC RICHARD PAUL CLINTON RICHARD LAUREN COLIN GRAHAM ALI SHUKRI TRAVIS DAYMOND JOSEPH SANJAY KEVIN JOHN RAJEEV HARJIT GURMOKH SYDNEY KIRK DEMETRICE CHARLES ANGELO GIUSEPPE ROBERT EARLE VICTOR TZE-KAU MICHAEL MARC DEBORAH MATTHEW EDMUND TODD MELVYN ALI ANTONIO CHRISTOPHER CLIFFORD Position Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $147,205.90 $147,136.98 $147,048.73 $146,958.26 $146,938.31 $146,916.75 $146,890.45 $146,814.48 $146,714.91 $146,673.61 $146,652.91 $146,538.12 $146,532.37 $146,343.63 $146,314.46 $146,175.23 $146,153.47 $146,148.84 $146,036.98 $146,005.42 $145,889.88 $145,883.80 $145,860.16 $145,813.08 $145,795.68 $145,689.33 $145,592.44 $145,560.96 $145,519.63 $145,518.89 $145,438.37 $145,424.66 $145,366.57 $145,362.59 $145,346.84 $145,320.50 $145,315.17 $145,280.06 $145,248.12 $145,246.09 $145,244.79 $145,206.91 $145,184.61 $145,119.36 $145,094.60 $145,034.79 $145,005.86 $144,970.24 $144,954.34 $144,935.58 $144,874.25 $144,865.84 $144,855.32 $144,830.16 $144,817.36 $144,815.08 $144,814.69 $144,803.47 $144,773.30 $144,714.13 $144,704.23 $144,702.95 Benefits $924.24 $818.86 $809.53 $865.92 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $924.24 $865.92 $819.82 $924.24 $818.86 $828.75 $818.86 $865.92 $992.57 $839.30 $818.86 $865.92 $818.86 $914.71 $865.92 $885.22 $865.92 $865.92 $914.71 $875.83 $885.22 $840.32 $818.86 $865.92 $809.53 $865.92 $839.30 $399.57 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $924.24 $924.24 $924.24 $841.14 $875.83 $438.59 $865.92 $914.71 $885.22 $809.53 $875.83 $924.24 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $865.92 $818.86 $875.83 $924.24 $809.53 $906.96 $809.53 $465.18 Surname MACGILLIVRAY MASON KIM STRAIN MARSHALL GOH KELLMAN KHOW NIELSEN SMITH WALKER-KNAPPER WHYNOT MELOCHE MANIATIS MARTIN ZELENY NICOLLE KAPOSY BARSKY CANEPA MEECH BLAIR JAMES WOO TRIMBLE FRITZ DIZON PERA LIOUMANIS CHOE CORREIA ANGUS ZETTLER KNAPPER CAMPOLI HALL HOY YULE FERKO TOLEDO-CASTRO MORRIS RALPH MEEHAN HARRIS THERRIEN KUZNETSOV GICZI COTE TRUBECKI FORCHIONE TAVARES WAUCHOPE LANGLOIS LAM PEARSON MACDONALD RANDHAWA BLAND BERG WATSON BATES PRICE Given Name CRAIG ANTHONY DONALD EDWARD JONG WOO ROBERT JAMES KIRWIN ANDRE PIERRE KAREN LOUISE SIEWING CHRISTIAN HINGE MICHAEL WAYNE SUSAN COLETTE CARROL ANNE SHAWN RONALD GERASSIMOS DANIEL ALEXANDER JOHN DARYN CHAD EDWARD KEVIN JOHN MICHAEL STEVEN ANTONIO RAYMOND JOHN JEFFREY KELVIN BRIAN STEVEN MARK JOSEPH PETER JOHN THEODOR JOSE BENEDICTO ENRICO METODIOS ROBERT BRYAN MEDEIROS DARREN RONALD MARK PAUL ROBBERT NICOLAAS STEVEN ROBERT WILLIAM MICHAEL MATTHEW DOUGLAS ROBERT CHRISTOPHER CHRISTOPHER ROBIN MARCO FERNANDO LESLIE TIMOTHY PATRICK DAVID ALLAN SERGIY ANATOLYOVICH JIM FRANK KEVIN JAMES ROBERT ANTONIO JEFFERY DA LIAM MARK KEN RAYMOND JEFFREY IAN KENNETH MANDEEP SINGH DEBBIE ELIZABETH MICHAEL ANDREW CHRISTOPHER WAYNE EDWARD MARY Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Manager of Diversity and Inclusion Manager of Purchasing Services Counsel Manager of Shop Operations Manager of Equipment and Supply Manager of Court Support Services Senior Corporate Planner Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Inspector Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Manager of Facilities Management Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Training Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $144,691.64 $144,679.57 $144,652.32 $144,589.69 $144,548.32 $144,536.52 $144,536.52 $144,536.52 $144,536.52 $144,536.52 $144,536.52 $144,536.52 $144,472.68 $144,460.49 $144,428.37 $144,399.22 $144,298.77 $144,266.85 $144,212.02 $144,205.91 $144,171.91 $144,121.07 $144,112.61 $144,105.85 $144,103.54 $144,079.93 $144,069.57 $143,922.65 $143,800.48 $143,785.08 $143,729.65 $143,719.22 $143,718.45 $143,713.07 $143,651.31 $143,647.49 $143,642.05 $143,630.17 $143,628.61 $143,592.78 $143,497.43 $143,389.79 $143,324.96 $143,323.84 $143,227.31 $143,221.21 $143,201.46 $143,199.06 $143,182.74 $143,047.30 $143,012.02 $142,952.76 $142,949.25 $142,947.19 $142,924.24 $142,902.46 $142,893.70 $142,828.19 $142,825.07 $142,768.19 $142,762.17 $142,735.27 Benefits $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $520.26 $685.36 $493.74 $1,005.91 $1,171.01 $685.36 $493.74 $924.24 $818.86 $914.71 $885.22 $885.22 $875.83 $1,014.61 $860.80 $885.22 $818.86 $828.75 $839.30 $924.24 $885.22 $869.90 $2,555.55 $866.62 $865.92 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $924.24 $865.92 $841.14 $280.15 $860.80 $830.57 $834.66 $885.22 $924.24 $885.22 $885.22 $839.30 $818.86 $924.24 $865.92 $885.22 $924.24 $740.92 $865.92 $885.22 $809.53 $924.24 $875.83 $811.96 $841.14 $865.92 $865.92 $885.22 $924.24 Surname COXON MACDONALD MURRAY-BATES D'SOUZA CATENACCIO MOREHOUSE ISABELLO ROSE STINSON KATHIRAVELU CONNOR HORTON GEANA BARNES CAPONE WHEALY VO HEWITT CHEN DEMIRDEN BENNETT SVITLYCHNYI NORTH EBRAHIMI MUNROE CARMICHAEL WONG FARRUGIA BABIAR KYRIACOU SCHOCH D'ONOFRIO ENTWISTLE PIKULA REDDIN DHINSA KOVACIC KINNEAR GARCIA JOHNSTON KELL PETKOVIC CHUDZINSKI STRAVER BROSNAN DICKINSON FIELDING NASIM ROSETE GLENDINNING TILLSLEY NEAL BOUCHER SAWYER STEINWALL HALJASTE SOUKATCHEV NORSKI VELAUTHAM WATTS FRANKE WARDLE Given Name SHAWNA MICHELLE AARON ROYCE KERRY-ANNE TYRON IAN MARIO RITA DAVID ANTHONY DOUGLAS GRANT ANDREW GORDON KAJAMUGANATHAN BRUCE ALEXANDER CHRISTOPHER NEIL SORIN MURRAY WINSTANLEY DAVID JOSEPH GORDON THAO BA STEPHEN MARK WEI PIN AHMET WINSTON ANTHONY VOLODYMYR VOLOD ROBERT LLOYD POOYA NEIL GERARD STEPHEN FRANCIS WAN-HOI MARIE JOHN JAMES SAVAS RICHARD AUGUSTIN ANTONIO WARREN CLAYTON KAMIL STANISLAW KIRBY ALBERT PARVINDERJIT SINGH JOSEPH MARK KATHRYN CHRISTOPHER JOHN DAVID JEFFREY STEWART BORIS ROBERT ADAM LAWRENCE SEAN DAVID THORPE SHAWN MICHAEL FAISAL LESTER EDWARD GREGORY DAVID JOHN WESLEY JOHN ROBERT DANIEL ANDREW LESLIE ANDREW TREVOR MARK HARIVALD KONSTANTIN PRZEMYSLAW KARTHIGESAN STEVEN MARK MARK WILLIAM Position Inspector Detective Senior Operations Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Superintendent Salary Paid $142,725.34 $142,653.37 $142,630.85 $142,599.62 $142,536.94 $142,496.52 $142,480.30 $142,459.14 $142,434.04 $142,404.14 $142,372.77 $142,360.88 $142,280.01 $142,279.08 $142,264.58 $142,261.87 $142,259.90 $142,234.78 $142,215.01 $142,147.73 $142,120.30 $142,051.29 $142,013.96 $141,994.68 $141,973.62 $141,931.59 $141,843.57 $141,734.48 $141,692.45 $141,675.51 $141,622.74 $141,590.87 $141,586.69 $141,558.20 $141,553.80 $141,515.58 $141,495.37 $141,454.33 $141,416.25 $141,353.08 $141,332.43 $141,308.92 $141,273.59 $141,245.11 $141,195.19 $141,145.66 $141,117.00 $141,109.73 $141,085.41 $140,999.99 $140,992.89 $140,987.23 $140,968.09 $140,911.48 $140,911.39 $140,896.29 $140,840.40 $140,813.50 $140,803.43 $140,673.63 $140,654.31 $140,653.13 Benefits $990.97 $885.22 $895.12 $818.86 $822.47 $885.22 $835.05 $885.22 $890.87 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $825.84 $875.83 $839.30 $924.24 $835.47 $841.14 $741.14 $835.47 $924.24 $809.53 $875.83 $834.65 $866.62 $875.83 $860.80 $885.22 $924.24 $897.36 $875.83 $841.14 $674.94 $809.53 $865.92 $809.53 $818.86 $924.24 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $924.24 $865.92 $818.86 $818.86 $875.83 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $924.24 $866.62 $841.14 $836.28 $835.05 $885.22 $924.24 $799.69 $4,616.61 Surname CORDEIRO LAUREL RIEL BYERS SEHDEV SARGENT BURKS JAMSHIDI CIOFFI CAMPBELL FISHER ABATE JANSZ LISKA DIDANIELI GIBSON ATKINS MCCAUSLAND LOCKE TSOI WOODS BROOKES STIRLING RAMOS KNOWLES JOHNSTON WONG MORGAN FONG LUTHRA COHEN SUTCLIFFE NASSER HIGGINS HAYES FORDE KIM CROWLEY WILLIAMS PRENTICE VALDEZ SINGH HOWARD SAMM ROBERTS CHAMBERS KELLY HU BROWNE TOURANGEAU GILL CORREA GRACE KHAN RAMJI MCGHEE STERN BEREZOWSKI KHA PARKER MACPHERSON COSCARELLA Given Name ELIZABETT MARIA DON LOUIE JEFFERY JAMES DEREK JONATHAN NITIN CHRISTOPHER SEAN CHARLES DEAN JOSHUA PAYAM MARC ANGELO MICHELLE DIANE BRADLEY GLEN MICHAEL GAWAIN MARIO IRENE ROBERTO JAMES CHERRY MAXINE YOSHIO MICHAEL DONOVAN WYLIE YIN GARY LEVERNE MCCOURCEY ROBERT LERMY DAVID ANDREW KYLE VINCENT ALEXANDER DANIEL PHILIP WAI SHUN NARINDER PAL ALAN LAWRENCE DARRIN HERBERT AMAN ANDREW CRAIG JEREMY MATTHEW RYAN SANG HYUP JANINE CLAYTON STEFAN PATRICK RENATO FERNANDEZ RAMINDARJIT SINGH ELDON SAMUEL JUNIOR DAVID COURTNEY BRIAN WAYNE YI JIMMY CRAIG RONALD BIRENDER SINGH IRWIN TIMOTHY AHMAR ALI ALY RAZA MICHAEL CHARLES ANDREW JOHN QUOCDUNG TODD WILLIAM MICHAEL ZANE ANTHONY Position Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Manager of Accounting Services Detective Manager of Labour Relations Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $140,641.55 $140,593.31 $140,591.41 $140,580.60 $140,551.92 $140,543.95 $140,535.57 $140,535.14 $140,512.20 $140,504.88 $140,404.95 $140,394.87 $140,385.02 $140,368.33 $140,368.27 $140,355.70 $140,353.81 $140,299.34 $140,260.21 $140,220.78 $140,112.32 $140,088.37 $140,083.48 $140,056.61 $139,968.29 $139,966.91 $139,965.32 $139,962.41 $139,912.51 $139,907.47 $139,905.07 $139,890.32 $139,875.19 $139,866.50 $139,820.53 $139,797.61 $139,793.80 $139,766.66 $139,751.14 $139,749.58 $139,738.74 $139,728.20 $139,667.73 $139,654.67 $139,648.85 $139,637.80 $139,635.90 $139,535.38 $139,526.84 $139,525.93 $139,506.74 $139,504.25 $139,493.85 $139,482.40 $139,453.78 $139,434.19 $139,383.23 $139,349.08 $139,342.28 $139,336.14 $139,329.99 $139,324.31 Benefits $664.39 $809.53 $818.86 $875.83 $838.27 $885.22 $924.24 $905.59 $865.92 $865.92 $885.22 $839.30 $866.62 $885.22 $924.24 $924.24 $826.03 $865.92 $865.92 $809.53 $865.92 $839.30 $756.16 $2,546.08 $885.22 $293.92 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $865.92 $885.22 $841.14 $865.92 $865.92 $871.95 $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $914.71 $850.08 $818.86 $839.30 $884.42 $885.22 $924.24 $924.24 $818.86 $885.22 $828.75 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $924.24 Surname MONAGHAN LEE BROWN DIVIESTI OSAGIE PETRIE PRICE MILDENBERGER MCGIVERN HOMINUK HREBENAK CLARKE DIGIOVANNI BEAUDOIN FURNESS RYDZIK ANTAL LAING NIZIOL SMITH CAMPBELL CARGILL GREER GRAY FERNANDES EDWICKER SMISSEN JOHNSON MIRANDA IANCU MOREIRA SHANKARAN WALLACE BURNSIDE PERREAULT SMITH ASSELIN WILLIAMS GREENAWAY BRETT SAGGI HILDRED ADAM MOYER BORUN MALENFANT BRESSE BELLON LAPTISTE MACINTYRE LENTSCH DOYLE BENEVIDES TRACEY GRAHAM LISKA WILSON ALBRECHT GIBSON WOOD LICOP DALEY Given Name PATRICK JAMES NICOLE DENISE JAMES WILLIAM TONY BASSEY RICHARD BRANDON LEE KAINE JOHANN MICHAEL GEORGE CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH VLADIMIR JEFFERY HOWARD GIUSEPPE SHANE REGINALD HOWARD WAYNE DAVID BRIAN BOJAN BEN DARREN WILLIAM JAMES ROBERT DAVID MARCIA PAUL SCOTT THOMAS ROBERT MEAGHAN CAROLINE MICHAEL FREITAS ALEXIS GRACE JOHN MICHAEL DAVID EDWARD EDUARDO CANDIDO VLADIM ADRIAN PETER MICHAEL JASON RAJESH JASON RALPH SEAN KELLY SEAN MICHAEL RYAN ISAAC GLENN ANDRE MICHAEL JAMES COLIN BRYAN DONALD SHARNJIT SINGH LESLEY BARBARA ANNE MATTHEW IGNATIUS STEPHANIE ELIZABETH ANDREW DEREK JEAN CORINNE MARLON SIMON BRIAN PAUL PAUL TONY CHRISTOPHER PATRICK RICHARD FERREIRA MARK ROBERT LEE MICHAEL DAVID VICTOR JEFFREY PAUL IRVIN JOHN DARYL THOMAS DARCY RYAN ROBERT JOSEPH KEVIN Position Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Manager of Payroll and Benefits Administration Inspector Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Corporate Communications Section Head Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Inspector Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Inspector Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $139,247.70 $139,245.64 $139,233.41 $139,223.77 $139,212.60 $139,211.33 $139,210.20 $139,197.03 $139,192.28 $139,162.83 $139,116.26 $139,060.13 $139,051.99 $138,951.99 $138,903.20 $138,847.37 $138,796.53 $138,766.24 $138,740.16 $138,711.40 $138,680.05 $138,653.21 $138,598.66 $138,585.34 $138,558.70 $138,527.68 $138,450.86 $138,439.47 $138,326.52 $138,293.22 $138,281.85 $138,236.10 $138,211.65 $138,177.38 $138,164.39 $138,147.01 $138,018.45 $138,015.19 $137,945.75 $137,934.52 $137,922.22 $137,892.99 $137,857.12 $137,811.93 $137,743.77 $137,741.05 $137,730.11 $137,706.56 $137,684.27 $137,664.51 $137,662.67 $137,629.37 $137,516.88 $137,438.28 $137,435.20 $137,429.04 $137,410.40 $137,408.37 $137,392.10 $137,377.62 $137,356.66 $137,350.22 Benefits $924.24 $924.24 $839.30 $924.24 $867.03 $885.22 $865.92 $437.24 $885.22 $364.37 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $655.20 $943.11 $733.79 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $407.35 $815.99 $865.92 $850.02 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $1,014.61 $866.62 $809.53 $818.86 $924.24 $841.14 $885.22 $865.92 $943.11 $818.86 $818.86 $924.24 $924.24 $924.24 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $924.24 $815.99 $1,014.61 $875.83 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $875.83 $828.75 $850.02 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $839.30 Surname DAWOOD ROSS VERDOOLD HODKIN FERGUSON METCALFE SOVA SKUBIC ECKLUND GURR ROZICH KICKSEE BRAYMAN MCLAUGHLIN GONSALVES WILLIAMS KAHLON LOW SMITH BRANTON NACCARATO PARK VERSPEETEN ANDRICI AHLUWALIA KONASHEWYCH MORGAN GHAZARIAN KASZYCA MCFADYEN OLIVER MACDONALD AL-NASS VADIVELU ELLIOTT MACDONALD CLEMENS TIMBERS RAGELL ALDERDICE KNOBLAUCH OSBORN TAN GREGORY TROUP ZERUCELLI NUNES CLAYTON KIRKPATRICK AMOS TAYLOR WULFF KATOCH MACLEAN TRAMONTOZZI ESPINOZA PARENT SHIN GAZEY LITTLE GIBSON DZINGALA HANDSOR Given Name AMAAN PETER CHARLES LANCE SCOTT JASON JOSEPH JAY MARIE MARY DANIEL FRANK DAVID GRENVILLE JACK JACOB SAMANTHA MILDRED CHERYL NOREEN GEOFFREY ROBERT JUNIOR SYLVESTER MELWIN TREVOR GHERARDT AMARJIT SINGH JULIAN FERGUSON WILLIAM JAMES SHANE JOSE SUNG JIN BRADLEY DENNIS IULIAN MANDEEP SINGH ROBERT PAUL CHRISTOPHER ANTRANIK JOSEPH LUDWIK DANIEL GORDON STEVEN RONALD GREGORY WALID KRISHNAMOORTHY PAUL LEO JEFFREY KIM THOMAS MICHAEL JEFFERY PAUL KEITH PERCY ROBERT DANIEL MARK ANTHONY TREVOR PIXLEY PETER CHRISTIAN GEORGE MARIA RICARDO CHRISTOPHER JOHN SEAN DAVID JASON PETER EDUARDO IGNACIO AMAR SINGH THOMAS CHRISTOPHER NUNZIATO VICTOR MANUEL HAROLD DARYL MICHELLE LYNNE GRAHAM RICHARD GEORGE AMY CHRISTINE Position Police Constable Supervisor Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Inspector Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Human Resources Application Specialist Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Project Leader Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Inspector Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $137,325.63 $137,304.32 $137,280.73 $137,263.60 $137,261.71 $137,222.38 $137,155.86 $137,086.72 $137,076.17 $137,061.36 $137,007.91 $136,995.27 $136,984.59 $136,940.93 $136,872.66 $136,839.45 $136,823.38 $136,799.86 $136,796.74 $136,786.81 $136,781.46 $136,760.65 $136,751.21 $136,735.38 $136,721.16 $136,700.72 $136,698.39 $136,670.06 $136,597.95 $136,592.45 $136,567.52 $136,552.59 $136,515.09 $136,512.17 $136,446.19 $136,420.52 $136,415.03 $136,368.87 $136,302.96 $136,300.31 $136,257.46 $136,256.97 $136,254.46 $136,206.54 $136,180.01 $136,137.60 $136,132.10 $136,126.81 $136,087.05 $136,028.64 $136,014.10 $136,008.22 $135,993.10 $135,990.43 $135,921.97 $135,920.62 $135,912.94 $135,897.75 $135,897.32 $135,896.74 $135,867.87 $135,837.81 Benefits $815.99 $780.11 $839.30 $841.14 $885.22 $5,491.49 $885.22 $924.24 $914.71 $894.29 $885.22 $643.22 $841.14 $828.75 $818.86 $885.22 $809.53 $850.02 $839.30 $438.59 $898.70 $818.86 $820.50 $818.86 $830.75 $809.53 $809.53 $728.67 $850.02 $875.83 $848.24 $924.24 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $913.81 $872.90 $875.83 $839.30 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $924.24 $841.14 $839.30 $839.30 $1,009.61 $839.30 $865.92 $638.84 $855.13 $838.27 $924.24 $818.86 $818.86 $860.80 $875.83 $683.84 $839.30 $865.92 Surname PARMAR SWACKHAMER PINCHIN BEAUSOLEIL TONNA SHAW LEFEBVRE REDFERN DONAIS ASHLEY ARMSTRONG MCBRATNEY DARYARAM CHASE LALLA ROSE OSMANAJ FORESTELL ATTENBOROUGH DANIELS BARNES STE-CROIX TAYLOR WILLETT VUKICEVICH RENNIE BENNETT RODEGHIERO WORTH BALET DUFFUS LUCHETTA PARKER TSO FRIGON MACDONALD CHUNG DUNN RIDGELEY MIRON YEUNG CHEUNG CHILDS PENTON ALLEN NOLL RAMPRASHAD LONG GRIEVE LEE SAFARI MURRAY KAN O'SHEA KHURSHID BRISTER WANG TANHAM THOMAS SMITH KARPIK HENRY Given Name MANDEEP SINGH BRENT BRIAN MARC PAUL ANTHONY KATHLEEN MARC DAVID IAN BRADLEY JAMES MARK NICHOLAS ROBERT PAUL GARY FARSHAD WILLIAM OLIVER LESTER ROYSON JONATHAN DAVID ARDIT MICHAEL JEFFREY BRUCE JEFFERY CLARENCE JOHN COLIN BRADLEY SCOTT DAVID ANDREW JOHN BRENDA ROSALIE JASON DOUGLAS BRIAN ROBERT ROBERT JAMES DARREN ANDREW SEBASTIAN RICHARD HUGH MARK FITZROY WING-IP ROBERT HECTOR MURDO YONG SUL BEVERLY NIGEL EDWARD BRUNO JOSEPH PATRICK MIN-SENG CHRISTOPHER KWOK CYNTHIA SHANE STEPHEN MICHAEL DAVID CARL DWARKH JOHN MICHAEL TREVOR SCOTT EUGENE SEUNG MUSTAFA DAVID FIEVEL YEE STEPHEN JAMES SHEIKH AHMAD JOHN WILLIAM XIAN-PENG JASON RHONDA LEE HUNTER WELLINGTON JAMES PETER Position Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $135,810.86 $135,805.93 $135,749.14 $135,746.67 $135,745.42 $135,744.12 $135,701.07 $135,699.92 $135,687.89 $135,685.32 $135,683.21 $135,596.31 $135,590.52 $135,564.68 $135,562.89 $135,541.64 $135,512.31 $135,504.32 $135,491.95 $135,468.65 $135,409.66 $135,358.89 $135,326.18 $135,304.98 $135,261.63 $135,255.28 $135,253.39 $135,232.74 $135,163.34 $135,147.63 $135,114.84 $135,096.65 $135,090.93 $135,073.13 $135,034.77 $135,025.70 $135,025.11 $135,001.65 $134,954.30 $134,950.35 $134,928.11 $134,901.35 $134,865.73 $134,831.19 $134,814.75 $134,781.41 $134,776.32 $134,716.89 $134,694.72 $134,680.54 $134,676.35 $134,608.30 $134,604.52 $134,601.69 $134,585.05 $134,564.81 $134,531.67 $134,501.02 $134,477.12 $134,472.02 $134,463.77 $134,460.54 Benefits $841.14 $924.24 $860.80 $885.22 $818.86 $924.24 $839.30 $818.86 $865.92 $885.22 $850.02 $924.24 $815.99 $841.14 $841.14 $875.83 $818.86 $885.22 $924.24 $841.14 $841.14 $860.80 $850.02 $841.14 $850.02 $832.38 $865.92 $865.92 $866.62 $824.95 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $885.22 $860.80 $818.86 $832.18 $839.30 $284.99 $875.83 $865.92 $830.75 $924.24 $866.62 $875.83 $11,231.93 $839.30 $839.30 $865.92 $830.75 $818.86 $924.24 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $865.92 $914.71 $839.30 $924.24 Surname MCALLISTER BROWN ZARABI-MAJD BUTT JOSEPHS MOXAM HENDERSON KOECH HILL DARMITZ MENDOZA CORREIA TAMAS TAYLOR KRAFT DICKIE WEST SABADICS GIEDROYC MCDONALD KIM ST CLAIR KNILL STOJIC FACOETTI BENALLICK COSTELLO FALKINSON CHIASSON SPENCER-ANDERSON MUELLER RENNIE DUCUSIN SCHENK PRODEUS MOSTOWSKI GARBAS DELOTTINVILLE STEVENSON SUMAISAR DRENNAN FLANDERS JAROSZ HRISTOV NURI WHALEN CHORNOOK REMY SCHNEIDER EVELYN LIM YOOK STRANGWAYS HEANEY POYNTER SHARMA CARL WEHBY KANG MASLOWSKI SURITA THOMPSON MUNGAL Given Name DAVID WILLIAM MARK CHARLES FIROUZEH CELESTE BARBARA ADAM KIRK DARREN KENNETH GEOFFREY PAUL AGGREY KIPLANGA SHANE ANDREW JOSEPH PHILIP MANILAY JEFFERY EDIT ANDREW JAMES JASON CRAIG WILLIAM MICHAEL ADAM KIMBERLY JOAN KAROL ZYGMUNT JAMES WILLIAM DANIEL KAREY ALOYSIUS GRAHAM KENNETH NENAD MICHAEL PAUL MARK DANIEL PATRICK WILLIAM FRANK YVETTE MARIE COREY ANDREW HANS-JUERGEN BRIAN ANTHONEY MICHAEL RYAN PHILIP DEREK MICHAEL MAREK EDWARD ARTHUR STEVEN JOHN BRENDAN LEIGH TOM NILAN CRAIG TODD MATTHEW RUSSELL VICTOR ABDULLAH ROBERT STEPHEN SMEDLEY ANTHONY ANDREW JOEL JAMSON GILBERT PATRICK PAUL ROBERT GERALD M CHRISTOPHER REX SANJAY KUMAR GEORGE WILLIAM PETER MICHAEL GURJOT SINGH BRIAN WERNER ALFRED PAUL JUNIOR MATTHEW Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Training Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $134,458.43 $134,434.47 $134,430.98 $134,422.52 $134,421.46 $134,389.84 $134,385.82 $134,353.76 $134,303.86 $134,288.03 $134,277.25 $134,270.78 $134,246.18 $134,201.99 $134,187.60 $134,168.80 $134,132.58 $134,125.77 $134,119.69 $134,115.48 $134,093.21 $134,041.53 $134,039.51 $134,033.79 $134,028.01 $134,025.05 $134,020.50 $134,008.64 $134,000.77 $133,999.41 $133,976.97 $133,975.10 $133,941.66 $133,902.57 $133,866.38 $133,863.71 $133,839.54 $133,798.58 $133,797.89 $133,741.97 $133,729.84 $133,683.25 $133,657.08 $133,644.62 $133,631.68 $133,618.44 $133,611.32 $133,609.71 $133,584.30 $133,540.62 $133,535.14 $133,518.57 $133,488.53 $133,472.88 $133,455.09 $133,442.06 $133,428.34 $133,416.43 $133,400.26 $133,378.89 $133,376.29 $133,352.17 Benefits $819.54 $818.86 $809.53 $875.83 $839.30 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $838.71 $875.83 $859.14 $830.75 $865.92 $873.45 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $924.24 $841.31 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $924.24 $841.14 $438.59 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $850.02 $841.14 $839.30 $809.53 $841.14 $839.30 $836.25 $841.14 $828.75 $924.24 $904.79 $924.24 $809.53 $865.92 $885.22 $839.30 $885.22 $924.24 $860.64 $818.86 $885.22 $924.24 $818.86 $875.83 $860.80 $865.92 $818.86 $904.79 $815.99 $818.86 $885.22 Surname GRANT FIELD TABOROWSKI SPANTON JOSIFOVIC SANDHU ZAMBRI MATTHEWS STOCKFISH ILSON SARDELLA LORTIE PARSRAM CORREA PARRISH HARRIS SMYTHE ADAMS PEACOCK TAYLOR GALLANT PALA LEE PERSAUD DALE SEDORE PEREIRA JACKSON LALL NOLAN OLIVER GIBSON PROCTOR BEAUPARLANT HUBBARD DARNBROUGH TAYLOR CERESOLI ROSINA ANDREW BLUNK SINGH HALL MORRIS SABADIN BEVAN KHAN STAUNTON CORBIE HREPIC ROBINSON RODNEY HELMER SPENCER HIBBELN STEWART AZARRAGA WU MAISONNEUVE WILSON WILLIAMS LEITCH Given Name JUDY JOSEL CAMERON DOUGLAS ROBERT JOSEPH JOHN MLADEN AMRINDER SINGH CARMELO STEPHEN MICHAEL JOHN RICHARDSON DANIEL JAMES GLENN DONATO MARC LEONEL RAMESH BRIAN DAVID RODRIGUEZ SCOTT RICHARD VICTOR KENT CLAYTON EDWARD JASON ALEXANDER RYAN JOHN ROBERT RASIH SAN KYUNG SOO RAJENDRA DONALD KEVIN ARTHUR NELIA MARIA LAURIE LALLMAN CHRISTOPHER MATTHEW TYLER ROGER NORMAN EDWARD PAUL JOSEPH SIMON DANIEL ROBERT ROBERT ALLISTER MAURIZIO MICHAEL DREW WILLIAM JASON ANDREW FREDDY NARI ROHANISH ALVIN DALTON ADAM JOHN MICHAEL ALEXANDER GORDON OMAR ASHRAF IRA PATRICK WESLEY MARCUS MARIO MORGAN DEAN LLOYD JANCE LAURA ELIZABETH PHILIP JOSEPH ROBERT JOSE MATIAS XU DANIEL DEREK SCOTT KYLE JASON Position Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Group Leader Staff Sergeant Parking Enforcement Officer Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Training Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Detective Salary Paid $133,326.99 $133,322.66 $133,317.15 $133,309.26 $133,304.08 $133,285.27 $133,236.57 $133,215.96 $133,181.51 $133,181.06 $133,173.11 $133,143.24 $133,110.67 $133,088.70 $133,077.22 $133,051.42 $133,047.93 $132,983.10 $132,962.71 $132,940.88 $132,920.68 $132,902.24 $132,900.04 $132,875.10 $132,859.21 $132,856.48 $132,842.22 $132,813.10 $132,801.89 $132,791.84 $132,783.72 $132,777.77 $132,777.62 $132,760.55 $132,733.31 $132,725.34 $132,711.02 $132,703.63 $132,665.03 $132,659.96 $132,643.45 $132,640.22 $132,634.28 $132,629.80 $132,551.68 $132,514.77 $132,485.00 $132,453.30 $132,450.34 $132,439.27 $132,434.79 $132,418.21 $132,392.53 $132,335.92 $132,274.89 $132,264.64 $132,217.04 $132,210.75 $132,199.16 $132,180.47 $132,129.77 $132,127.19 Benefits $865.92 $924.24 $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $809.53 $885.22 $865.92 $914.71 $841.14 $875.83 $860.80 $885.22 $875.83 $860.80 $866.62 $885.22 $875.83 $839.40 $809.53 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $875.83 $258.22 $924.24 $718.42 $924.24 $841.14 $885.22 $924.24 $885.22 $860.80 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $399.57 $841.14 $828.75 $839.30 $885.22 $809.53 $865.92 $860.80 $875.83 $818.86 $835.05 $885.22 $438.59 $865.92 $280.15 $841.14 $819.82 $553.04 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $399.57 $885.22 $885.22 Surname SWORD SMITH D'CUNHA SURPHLIS ROBERT HOFLAND CIPRO RICCIARDI COULTHARD LEERMAKERS APOSTOLIDIS CLARKE KLINE RAMJATTAN MANSON SMITH SHARMA DESJARDINS VAN SCHUBERT HEARD DE CAIRE BARRAGAN BARNETT ALLINGTON NADEEM JOHNSTON BERNARD DECOCK WILMOT REINARTAS ALLAN GALLANT SCHOONBERG CAMPBELL KIM DRAKE WESTERVELT KIM FERGUSON KALONKA KHOSHBOOI CHERRY LECKI DALEY TRIAS ALEXA LEVY CAMPBELL ELVY MASTERS BANKS DIAZ KULMATYCKI KLUNDER WHITLA DICOSOLA MITCHELL HUDSON KONADU MCILWAIN CRANE HAIN Given Name NICHOLAS JONATHON ROHAN ALEXANDER MICHAEL EDWARD DOUGLAS CHRISTOPHER PAUL MATTHEW ROBERT MICHELLE PAULINE MARCO JASON MILES WILLIAM ANTHONY JOHN JOHN STEPHEN ROBERT RAMNARINE SANDRA BRIAN ATUL JOSEPH FRANCOIS KEVIN JOHN CHRISTOPHER SHAYNE JEFFREY PAUL LUIS FERNANDO ROBYN MARK JEFFREY SCOTT SOHAIL JEFFREY CYNTHIA LEE MONICA ENG SHARON CHRISTINE MICHAEL ARTHUR SCOTT DOUGLAS STACY BOBBI ANNE BRYAN EDWARD JUDY MI-YAE WILLIAM VICKI ANN JUNG-YUL SCOTT CAVANAGH LEONARD ALI NADER DARYL STEVEN PAWEL LUKASZ TIMOTHY WILLIAM ETHELWALD DIOSA BRENDAN JAMES GARTH NICOLE CONROY JONATHAN MICHELLE WAYNE MICHAEL PEDRO EDUARDO JOEL PATRICK GERARD WILLIAM RONALD MICHELE CHARLES NOEL MCNAIR FELIX STEVEN GEORGE ROBERT JASON DAVID JOSEPH Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Information Security Examiner Counsel Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $132,068.34 $132,052.76 $132,043.49 $132,038.05 $132,025.62 $132,022.84 $132,019.95 $131,982.52 $131,946.09 $131,933.30 $131,912.61 $131,891.22 $131,881.31 $131,879.15 $131,868.06 $131,847.51 $131,834.06 $131,828.01 $131,800.60 $131,792.77 $131,761.21 $131,754.00 $131,722.86 $131,682.76 $131,655.33 $131,649.21 $131,627.98 $131,621.47 $131,610.06 $131,556.51 $131,549.02 $131,543.28 $131,496.31 $131,488.11 $131,476.56 $131,475.20 $131,470.09 $131,452.24 $131,388.25 $131,386.13 $131,353.99 $131,347.37 $131,340.59 $131,330.54 $131,330.33 $131,324.62 $131,314.19 $131,311.43 $131,306.76 $131,285.59 $131,272.09 $131,270.70 $131,245.24 $131,230.93 $131,226.24 $131,225.70 $131,224.38 $131,215.74 $131,203.24 $131,180.49 $131,175.77 $131,171.62 Benefits $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $875.83 $904.79 $818.86 $750.83 $865.92 $875.83 $885.22 $818.86 $760.22 $885.22 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $865.92 $875.83 $809.53 $860.80 $841.14 $673.89 $17.21 $818.86 $875.83 $924.24 $818.86 $914.71 $838.27 $885.22 $865.92 $728.67 $6,578.14 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $875.83 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $781.52 $809.53 $885.22 $924.24 $885.22 $924.24 $875.83 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $830.75 $809.53 $885.22 $875.83 $818.86 Surname HART KHAWAJA OUELLETTE REGO HAYES PETRAKIS NEAL WARD TALBOT MONTGOMERY ION O'NEILL LYON REITSMA REDILLAS FIDLER MOORCROFT BURRITT CREWS MEIK PARKS II PELOW POURGHAZI BORISSOV KOSTIUK JIMENEZ SILLIKER MIJARES SIDDIQUI AHLUWALIA CERNOWSKI WALLACE DROPULJIC KENNEDY WYARD SULEJMANI ROBINSON LEONE AL-ROUBAIAI KING CAREFOOT CHRISTOU MOSQUITE SPICER MASTROKOSTAS MINASVAND WALKER ROMITA RYAN DION NICOL BELL KONDO POWELL JOHNSTON MCKAY AL SALEM CHIASSON DAWSON RYAN DEWSNAP JAMISON Given Name DOUGLAS SUHAIL RASHID DAVID MARK JOAQUIM SHAWN EARL STAVROS PETER PETER DARRYL THOMAS ELIZABETH HELEN DEAN FRANCIS BRIAN DONALD ROBERT KIRK DANA ELIZABETH ULYSSES GONZALES ANDREW CLARENCE CHRISTOPHER ROBERT STEPHANIE WILLIAM VIVIAN EDWARD LEE PATRICK PETER AYDIN BORIS ILIEV MICHAEL FRANCISCO RAUL GARRY RENE LIBRE HAROON AHMED AMIT ANDREW JOHN JOHN DAVID JOSEPH MARK DAVID LESLIE ANN JUDMIR DANIEL MICHIELE MARIO ALI TALIB CHERYL TODD GEORGE RUEL SCOTT OWEN MAGDALENE MAGGIE GEORGE JAMES VICTOR JENNIFER DANIEL BRETT DONALD DANIEL JASON DANIEL JAMES CHARLES EDWARD FOUAD DANY GEORGE JOSEPH RICHARD JAMIE DUNCAN JAMES WILLIAM Position Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Financial Planner Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $131,144.46 $131,105.67 $131,101.52 $131,090.98 $131,087.50 $131,074.12 $131,069.90 $131,054.00 $131,042.37 $130,959.43 $130,952.22 $130,949.24 $130,929.41 $130,924.32 $130,919.59 $130,872.09 $130,860.96 $130,860.22 $130,832.75 $130,831.77 $130,826.74 $130,811.29 $130,809.78 $130,804.95 $130,781.14 $130,757.97 $130,754.05 $130,749.47 $130,733.79 $130,722.18 $130,721.82 $130,673.62 $130,667.89 $130,659.06 $130,655.39 $130,620.69 $130,599.13 $130,566.43 $130,561.74 $130,560.09 $130,520.93 $130,481.35 $130,466.84 $130,464.85 $130,458.40 $130,446.79 $130,441.66 $130,431.05 $130,410.46 $130,403.85 $130,379.53 $130,376.93 $130,350.03 $130,325.59 $130,316.46 $130,312.64 $130,279.83 $130,269.97 $130,244.58 $130,244.51 $130,222.30 $130,211.52 Benefits $924.24 $815.99 $869.90 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $399.57 $375.15 $924.24 $885.22 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $824.27 $818.86 $812.93 $841.14 $875.83 $924.24 $885.22 $809.53 $815.99 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $924.24 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $1,089.37 $841.31 $818.86 $835.94 $841.14 $830.75 $885.22 $924.24 $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $815.99 $860.80 $860.80 $875.83 $866.62 $924.24 $812.93 $885.22 $885.22 $914.71 $438.59 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $924.24 $809.53 $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $841.14 $418.10 Surname GRIS FRENCH TSERING HEITZNER TSANG QUINN DUBE ARCAND VRUNA MARTELLUZZI VILLERS WORDEN IRVINE HYDE OZKAN COGHLIN BRONS MORRIS HANNAH MIGNARDI CLARKE GREGORY SUKMAN JONES BARRETTO RICHARDSON GRANT DOUGLAS CRAIG CONLAN KOTAS PABLO ROBINSON BESON SIDHU PORTER HAYFORD GHEYSAR LEE HEMPEN PARKIN MACDONALD KHAN SCANLAN WHEELER MORRIS MCFADYEN TINNEY STONE ROSS MOHR WILSON HOLDER SIMAKOV MANTLE CAPUTO GORDON WALLACE YOUROUKOS YARMOLUK WARD MAC DONALD Given Name ROBERT MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER JAMES TENZIN CHODON ROBERT MATTHEW JASON PAUL ANA DANIELA BENTO DAVID BRIAN CHRISTOPHER MARIA CLAUDIO SCOTT CHARLES PAUL HAMILTON ZACHARY JAMES EATON PAUL NEDIM JAMES GARFIELD JAMES PETER NEIL MARK STEVEN ANTHONY MATTHEW FRANCIS ROBERT K. IDO THOMAS BERTRAND STANLEY ANDREW CINDYLOU CHRISTINA BARBARA ANN SCOTT DARREN PATRICK ARTUR JACEK GLEN PATRICK NEIL BERESFORD MARK WILLIAM GORPAL SINGH DAINIAN ALLOY MARC GORDON MAKDA KENNY GEORGE JOHANNES ANDREW WILFRED BERNARD MOHAMMAD ASAD ULLAH KIMBERLY LYN CHRISTOPHER MARK LAVAROUS BRIAN DENNIS HARLEN CHRISTOPHER KEITH CHAD FRANCIS ANTON LAWRENCE BRIAN LAMONTE ALEXANDER DAVID BRYAN LARRY JOSEPH WILLIAM SHAYNE PETER JONATHAN NICHOLAS DAVID GEORGE KEVIN WALTER WAYNE SCOTT Position Detective Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Locational Administrator Senior Analyst Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Project and Policy Coordinator Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Financial Planner Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $130,171.54 $130,082.86 $130,073.48 $130,042.46 $130,041.57 $130,004.04 $129,985.88 $129,976.91 $129,949.11 $129,945.00 $129,928.65 $129,911.66 $129,910.44 $129,907.88 $129,890.86 $129,881.06 $129,837.02 $129,824.44 $129,806.06 $129,800.29 $129,781.70 $129,770.82 $129,764.43 $129,740.24 $129,727.65 $129,714.20 $129,707.63 $129,696.12 $129,681.28 $129,655.15 $129,649.75 $129,629.43 $129,624.24 $129,604.12 $129,593.76 $129,590.38 $129,574.40 $129,561.86 $129,548.85 $129,531.17 $129,526.93 $129,519.37 $129,481.33 $129,453.04 $129,441.31 $129,427.71 $129,405.48 $129,394.33 $129,387.58 $129,384.79 $129,382.35 $129,349.95 $129,294.90 $129,291.25 $129,287.59 $129,285.67 $129,270.10 $129,262.05 $129,254.80 $129,218.49 $129,196.46 $129,171.08 Benefits $865.92 $865.92 $865.92 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $885.22 $834.65 $885.22 $884.02 $865.92 $885.22 $841.14 $331.43 $382.20 $438.59 $885.22 $875.83 $839.30 $809.95 $841.14 $924.24 $841.14 $375.15 $844.56 $924.24 $1,089.37 $884.82 $885.22 $809.53 $875.83 $818.86 $818.86 $875.83 $885.22 $831.18 $841.14 $1,089.37 $875.83 $824.06 $818.86 $885.22 $815.99 $924.24 $839.30 $875.83 $818.86 $875.83 $860.80 $860.80 $818.86 $353.65 $828.75 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $865.92 $353.06 $885.22 $818.86 $809.53 Surname PATTISON BROWN BEVERIDGE FENECH GREWAL LAMANNA SAMSON DARBYSHIRE CLARKE SERRANO ARZAGA JOSEPH BENOIT DHALIWAL HEUGHAN BARTZ GRANT CZARNOTA FRENCH THERIAULT GUL BATES HO OLSEN SOMERS DUNLOP BARBERO INDIRAN URKOSKY KLODT DESILVA GETTY HORNER SAKHANINA BIGGS BHOGAL CHUDOBA GRANATA SMITH LEE WALTHER YOUNG SARTORI CAMPBELL GRIFFITHS SMITH DE ABREU PLUNKETT LAHEY WARD BISHOP NG NORTON NICHOL BACON RATHBONE FLOREZ RYAN LAUFER MORSE KRANENBURG MACDONALD Given Name STEVEN JACQUELINE KATHRYN ANNE JEFFREY DHARMENDRA SINGH ANTHONY JEREMY CALVIN JAMES EDWARD JERRY RYAN MATTHEW ANTONIO MICHAEL WAYNE MARC ANTHONY LISABET JANE PIARA SINGH DEBORAH HANNAH FAY CHRISTOPHER RICHARD MICHAEL RONALD JOHN DONALD AKIN KIMBERLEY MICHELE OLIVER NICHOLAS FRANK CRAIG ALLAN JOHN PAUL TRISHA PRASHANAN BRIAN WILLIAM SHAWN EDWARD JULIUS THEODORE SHAWN GAVIN NATALIIA HENRY LEE RAJAN-SINGH MYRON SALVATORE FRANCESCO STEPHEN PATRICK DEREK RICHARD TIMOTHY JOHN WARREN PASQUALE CLAUDIO STEVEN JAMES SEAN RONALD BRIAN PHILLIP ERROL WAYNE PATRICK JOHN MARY REGINA VANESSA STEPHEN SIU-MIA DAVID JOHN IAN FRASER ANDREW MARTIN MELANIE LYNN LUIS GUILLERMO BARBARA PETER VICTORIA JANE LORI PATRICIA ANNE Position Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Project Leader Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Salary Paid $129,147.25 $129,144.06 $129,103.48 $129,074.77 $129,053.95 $129,046.26 $129,033.60 $129,023.44 $129,002.36 $129,001.78 $128,992.95 $128,991.27 $128,986.62 $128,984.70 $128,982.59 $128,981.33 $128,974.37 $128,930.81 $128,929.07 $128,914.49 $128,911.56 $128,893.68 $128,892.26 $128,886.65 $128,867.97 $128,851.48 $128,846.00 $128,784.04 $128,776.76 $128,774.88 $128,771.57 $128,769.98 $128,768.29 $128,739.95 $128,737.60 $128,699.21 $128,675.11 $128,667.54 $128,662.71 $128,654.67 $128,647.48 $128,632.71 $128,629.76 $128,622.48 $128,610.59 $128,607.21 $128,560.46 $128,545.14 $128,538.35 $128,523.50 $128,507.84 $128,485.37 $128,475.97 $128,456.44 $128,454.58 $128,438.15 $128,422.32 $128,404.63 $128,345.17 $128,328.46 $128,285.65 $128,275.45 Benefits $924.24 $850.02 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $924.24 $814.55 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $924.24 $809.53 $839.30 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $924.24 $885.22 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $875.83 $885.22 $809.53 $830.75 $865.92 $828.75 $413.05 $924.24 $2,916.18 $818.86 $323.88 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $875.83 $839.30 $865.92 $924.24 $825.08 $865.92 $885.22 $809.53 $835.05 $841.31 $885.22 $885.22 $885.22 $649.79 $875.83 $438.59 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $865.92 $865.92 $924.24 Surname DUBREUIL BECHERVAISE FENWICK HAMILTON GROVES TYNKALUK FORREST BOYLE ALVAREZ BROWN STASIAK ALPHONSO LAWSON DUCIE SIMS MAHMODIAN SINGH BRADBURY MAADANIAN LOBANETS FERNANDES GARRETT GOSS CORCORAN RAMSAY ALMEIDA THOMPSON STEWART ELLIOT O'NEILL BLANCHARD MAIN BARTLETT HRYHORSKY LIU MACARAEG NGAN PUTNAM THOMS VIGNA YANG TANOUYE MCKINNIE TOBIN LANGER HOLMES SKINNER LESLIE JOHNSTON CHANT SMALL DUNK HOUGH OGG SINGH ZEPPIERI PROCTOR ROUETTE CAMPBELL FOWLDS MARTIN MOORE Given Name JEAN CORY FRANCIS MATTHEW MICHAEL KEVIN STEWART GREGORY DEAN ALLAN GRANT ADAM KENNETH W JORGE DAVID SHAWN HUGH LESZEK EDWARD MARK ANDREW ANDREW AVERY CURTIS WAYNE ANDREW MICHAEL MEHRDAD DAVEANAND SCOTT GORDON NAZARET SERGIY YEVGENOV BASIL GREG RICHARD FREDRICK JASON JAMES JAY BRIAN MICHAEL TODD ANTONIO JOSE PATRICK BENJAMIN COLIN ALEXANDER BENJAMIN GEORGE BARRY JOHN RICHARD JOEL NATHAN JASON MITCHELL MICHAEL THOMAS JUN JUANITA EDWARD SHING-KEUNG KIMBERLEY JOAN HEATHER BERNADETTE RITA ELSA YANJIAO JASON THOMAS AMANDA ROBERT BRENDON KYLE JOHN ROBERT HAMIL THEODORE BRENT ANDREW JAMES ELLIOT GREGORY DAVID COREY EVERETTE DEBRA MARGARET SHEILA ELIZABETH AMARJIT PURBA JUSTIN PETER KELLY SEAN JOSEPH MICHEL ANDREW JAMES GORDON BRUCE JOSEPH JEAN DARCY Position Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Telecom Engineer Senior Advisor of Quality Assurance Senior Advisor of Quality Assurance Senior Advisor of Quality Assurance Assistant Manager of Computer Operations Assistant Manager of Records Management Enterprise Data Architect Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Salary Paid $128,232.75 $128,228.54 $128,214.45 $128,201.44 $128,191.88 $128,187.62 $128,166.08 $128,149.07 $128,144.73 $128,127.25 $128,119.12 $128,082.65 $128,060.71 $128,055.67 $128,045.81 $128,036.58 $128,022.68 $127,980.85 $127,979.86 $127,955.07 $127,932.11 $127,926.45 $127,910.46 $127,903.55 $127,884.80 $127,882.13 $127,879.17 $127,862.98 $127,857.37 $127,852.13 $127,849.19 $127,835.72 $127,833.96 $127,814.37 $127,812.54 $127,812.54 $127,812.54 $127,812.54 $127,812.54 $127,812.54 $127,812.54 $127,792.59 $127,789.57 $127,770.40 $127,766.85 $127,743.04 $127,740.48 $127,730.43 $127,727.62 $127,718.13 $127,704.21 $127,688.77 $127,682.92 $127,670.58 $127,661.83 $127,651.59 $127,627.11 $127,613.81 $127,612.98 $127,588.22 $127,557.86 $127,543.55 Benefits $885.22 $839.30 $830.75 $865.92 $924.24 $885.22 $333.21 $924.24 $818.86 $722.27 $924.24 $924.24 $875.83 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $875.83 $875.83 $818.86 $815.99 $841.14 $850.02 $822.82 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $875.83 $841.14 $851.84 $924.24 $809.53 $865.92 $841.14 $920.89 $1,089.37 $1,089.37 $603.72 $1,089.37 $1,089.37 $603.72 $841.14 $885.22 $924.24 $728.67 $885.22 $924.24 $865.92 $865.92 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $900.26 $885.22 $825.08 $818.86 $924.24 $835.87 $839.30 $885.22 $885.22 Surname WELLER BELANGER SCHERK ROBERTS CONSACK CAMPBELL ALEXANDER STOREY MANSOUR LONG ETHIER WHITTEMORE TROVATO CLENDINNING ZAMPARO NAKHUDA STEPANENKO GELLI DOUVIS TINDALL TANEL BYERS LOCKEN DAYLER HANCOCK PHILIPSON DOSANJH MULLIN ASNER DUNCAN TRAYNOR BROWN PAIS KIM GALAPON MCCREADY DI PASSA THORNING WILSON GOUGH MCLEAN WILTSHIRE GRIFFIN JOSEPH LAMOND PERRY MORAN WOOD WILLERS MONAHAR SKVORTSOV GOTELL COOKE ZEBESKI DHALIWAL MIRZA QUINN DULATAS SIMPKINS VANDERVOORT BANGILD ROBB Given Name RICHARD ANTHONY DANIEL JOSEPH CHRISTOPHER DEIGHTON ARTHUR KRISTIAN MARK ALEXANDER WAYNE MATTHEW JUSTIN WAYNE NABIH MOHAMAD GARRY CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL SCOTT LUIGI MOSE MARK WILLIAM DANIEL VALENTINO MOHMED HANIF ELENA MARIO ANTONIOS DEREK JAMES CHRISTOPHER MATHEW MICHAEL ALAN NATHAN DAVID KIMBERLY GRAEME MANDEEP GEORGE ROBERT EDWARD PETER ROBERT ROBERT GLENN EDWIN SIN-JOONG SIN WENDELL IAN WILLIAM DOMENICO SHIRLEY GLENDON JEFFREY MICHAEL NANCY MARY DAVID LINDSAY GLENA RONALD RAJESH IAN DAVID TREVOR QUENTIN RUTH MARIAN JOHN ALAN RONALD DION RAJESH MYKOLA JAMES ELWOOD LEE SCOTT DAVID MICHAEL SURINDERJIT SHAHRUKH CONAL GEORGE JOSE JOB DAVID MICHAEL ALEXANDER JEFFREY PAUL GEORGE Position Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $127,540.60 $127,531.77 $127,531.12 $127,525.87 $127,477.78 $127,433.73 $127,432.17 $127,419.16 $127,409.23 $127,407.03 $127,401.63 $127,398.42 $127,391.28 $127,366.25 $127,357.21 $127,353.53 $127,344.28 $127,341.00 $127,335.73 $127,333.68 $127,326.28 $127,295.44 $127,295.24 $127,278.29 $127,262.67 $127,258.35 $127,231.21 $127,225.14 $127,180.06 $127,169.66 $127,158.82 $127,153.19 $127,153.03 $127,106.00 $127,100.83 $127,099.40 $127,071.44 $127,067.67 $127,015.39 $127,012.42 $126,997.37 $126,976.64 $126,970.87 $126,967.63 $126,966.20 $126,961.52 $126,946.89 $126,934.95 $126,925.51 $126,911.56 $126,910.29 $126,904.97 $126,868.42 $126,856.53 $126,846.62 $126,845.24 $126,843.35 $126,825.74 $126,821.99 $126,821.37 $126,800.79 $126,799.60 Benefits $878.57 $885.22 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $812.93 $818.86 $815.99 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $828.75 $5,912.23 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $355.49 $835.94 $830.75 $858.21 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $809.53 $924.24 $841.14 $885.22 $839.30 $924.24 $818.86 $865.92 $835.47 $924.24 $924.24 $924.24 $839.30 $329.55 $884.42 $284.99 $841.14 $809.53 $924.24 $818.86 $387.80 $818.86 $860.80 $865.92 $830.75 $924.24 $818.86 $892.79 $382.20 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $924.24 $770.64 $390.18 $841.14 Surname DAVEY BERRY REGAN SMALL GILL SOUSA-GUTHRIE MACKINNON UCHMAN GILL SIRBU HARTFORD MOREAU KAY DOREY KRAWCZYK KIM ZLOBICKI WOLF LOVE MILLER NIMMO ARMSTRONG PROCTOR RICCI DRAHEIM HARFMAN GROSS LEE PARDY DEVEREUX CROSBY CECILE KNOTT COLE TURNBULL TANNAHILL DAVIS LEUNG HALL DAMASO BORG PATTERSON GOLDLIOUST RUDNICK GOULAH DORRINGTON NG MOED NORTHRUP XINOS MOREIRA BIRING KERR WHITWORTH O'DONOHUE NG JOHN DE LIO DAWSON KHAN TU LOWREY Given Name TIMOTHY STEPHEN ROGER GAIL BRYAN GEORGE AMANPREET SINGH JONI RICHARD JAMES GERALD ROBERT SUKHJIT SINGH PETRICA CRISTIAN DEBORAH PAUL ROBERT BRIAN JOSEPH THOMAS RICHARD HOON ALEKSANDRA RAYMOND ALLEN ROBERT BRIAN JAMES RICHARD JAMES RICHARD DAVID RICHARD CHARLES MICHAEL RODNEY ALFRED-WERNER BRADLEY JOHN KIMBERLY STEVEN MINTEK JAMIE RICHARD CHRISTOPHER LEE DANIEL PATRICK GLEN SIMON JASON ARTHUR MICHAEL DARLA SHARON SHEUNG NEIL HARCOURT RODNEY BRIAN ROBERT ANATOL JOANNE LINDA ANTHONY LEO FRANCIS JUSTIN WILLIAM JEREMY CLARK JEFFREY JOHN EVAGELOS JOHN SACHBINDER SINGH SAMUEL WILLIAM ERNEST DEREK MICHEAL YUEN JEANILLE MARIA FRANK PAUL SHANNON INEZ WAHID BINH TU ALAN Position Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Training Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Project Leader Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $126,799.51 $126,790.26 $126,789.72 $126,768.38 $126,762.55 $126,742.28 $126,731.57 $126,699.79 $126,666.39 $126,640.54 $126,629.81 $126,623.98 $126,614.93 $126,607.01 $126,584.42 $126,580.59 $126,545.58 $126,534.44 $126,498.04 $126,486.58 $126,458.92 $126,411.11 $126,398.86 $126,382.63 $126,373.12 $126,369.30 $126,356.13 $126,325.09 $126,311.97 $126,284.09 $126,275.19 $126,256.72 $126,256.52 $126,254.95 $126,253.02 $126,251.89 $126,243.56 $126,242.48 $126,200.45 $126,194.66 $126,169.64 $126,156.05 $126,136.22 $126,134.21 $126,133.71 $126,133.49 $126,123.39 $126,122.21 $126,116.71 $126,098.69 $126,094.89 $126,077.07 $126,076.46 $126,062.61 $126,039.55 $126,017.18 $126,010.74 $125,990.72 $125,973.37 $125,968.00 $125,958.10 $125,957.85 Benefits $438.59 $865.92 $399.57 $841.14 $818.86 $438.59 $865.92 $809.53 $818.86 $814.55 $924.24 $875.83 $885.22 $413.05 $839.30 $835.94 $830.75 $1,076.43 $789.71 $834.66 $866.62 $646.29 $885.22 $875.83 $820.36 $809.53 $924.24 $818.86 $809.53 $828.75 $924.24 $885.22 $839.30 $885.22 $885.22 $924.24 $924.24 $885.22 $818.86 $865.92 $438.59 $885.22 $841.14 $924.24 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $858.15 $839.30 $840.33 $885.22 $384.25 $839.30 $924.24 $809.53 $885.22 $919.77 $885.22 $875.83 $815.99 $818.86 $924.24 Surname TOMPRAS NEI WARNER SAVOIA LAKEY MACLEOD SOUSA FOTOPOULOS LEE DUARTE FEDORY DAVEY COYNE GAUDET RANDHAWA WHITE JOHN AHMAD HALMAN ESTWICK ABBASI CIESLIK DOYLE GARDINER ISIP BARCENAS PINEDA COPAT WATSON HEWSON ROSS OBERFRANK ZAJAC GIBILLINI SEGUIN JATTAN COLE DEMIAN MACKRELL DUTHIE STEEVES MONTEIRO PAYNE CASSIDY DAS GUPTA MACSTEVEN SHUTT SZULC CORNFORD D'SILVA RENNIE THOMAS TEIXEIRA HOWES SCUDDS HONG PINTO MACCHEYNE BURNINGHAM TWEDDLE GOWANLOCK MORI TAYLOR Given Name THEODORE NICHOLAS SHANG-LIN RUTH GIOVANNI WAYNE EWAN LAWRIA PAUL ALEXANDRE GEORGE JAMES STANTON JOAO RODRIGO MYKOLA THOMAS PATRICK KEVIN DERRICK PALVINDER SINGH ANTHONEY GREGORY GERRARD MANSOOR DARREN EULIALIA SOPHIA SEHER SUSAN HELENA JAMES EDWARD ROBERT SCOTT WILLIADOR ISNARDO LUIGI O'NEIL CONSTANT BROOKE LESLIE SCOTT JEREMY TIMOTHY JULIE RICHARD DOMINIC STEPHANE CLINT DONALD HIBA JOSEPH PAUL ROBERT THOMAS WARREN ROBERT GREGORY JAMES SEAN ANDREW ONIL PETER JOHN SCOTT DAVID SEBASTIAN CHRISTOPHER ALLISTER ALEXANDER CLAUDINE ANNE-MARIE MARIO JORGE CHRISTOPHER PAUL PAUL ANDREW SUZANNE MARIE RICHARD DOUGLAS GRANT NEIL STEPHEN CAROL LYNN DEBORAH ANN JEFFREY Position Training Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Parking Enforcement Officer Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Training Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Administrator of Document Services Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $125,953.93 $125,953.19 $125,914.53 $125,897.03 $125,895.41 $125,894.49 $125,888.38 $125,888.23 $125,870.91 $125,846.59 $125,838.69 $125,828.58 $125,827.69 $125,823.50 $125,819.31 $125,815.74 $125,809.67 $125,808.50 $125,779.75 $125,777.86 $125,763.88 $125,740.55 $125,718.04 $125,678.31 $125,667.19 $125,661.43 $125,627.43 $125,620.63 $125,596.96 $125,586.46 $125,572.01 $125,550.97 $125,546.16 $125,523.69 $125,508.60 $125,473.01 $125,456.55 $125,456.46 $125,455.53 $125,419.60 $125,416.57 $125,398.95 $125,374.30 $125,367.07 $125,357.66 $125,352.39 $125,343.41 $125,338.87 $125,329.59 $125,319.25 $125,314.87 $125,278.10 $125,270.59 $125,263.55 $125,259.13 $125,254.66 $125,252.95 $125,251.55 $125,240.70 $125,233.43 $125,232.55 $125,232.40 Benefits $843.90 $865.92 $885.22 $859.04 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $885.22 $865.92 $885.22 $830.75 $839.30 $842.72 $865.92 $924.24 $399.57 $830.09 $860.80 $809.53 $870.31 $824.95 $809.53 $860.80 $809.53 $875.83 $850.02 $885.22 $793.44 $885.22 $818.86 $839.30 $924.24 $718.42 $399.57 $885.22 $865.92 $865.92 $824.24 $818.86 $860.80 $818.86 $848.24 $818.86 $860.80 $842.13 $2,540.32 $924.24 $924.24 $841.14 $924.24 $818.86 $924.24 $914.71 $438.59 $841.31 $539.13 $924.24 $924.24 Surname ASTAPKOVICH COULSON BURNS GERRY MCCANN WORONCHAK CAPIZZO CARBRAY MCKEE SMITH DORAZIO MILLER CRAIG MOORE ITO JOHNSTONE QUAIATTINI MACKENZIE PREVOST MRAHAR MOORE SHAW TINT BATES PABLA PRICE REGAN CONNOLLY PULLA VANWART BASSINGTHWAITE ARP VALLEDOR BOWMAN AWAD MILLER DHOUM HOUSTON GALLANT DEAN NAIDOO LAWR CIESLIK MACDONALD OSMAN RICHMOND GOTTSCHALK STANLEY PATTON PETERS BOSWARD GRAFFMANN KEANE SMYTHE TAKEDA HOLDER PROSPER LEE MERSEREAU JOHNSON POULIMENOS STASSEN Given Name ANDREI WILLIAM STEPHEN GEORGE DONALD GARY DOUGLAS JANICE LYNN GIUSEPPE DINO WILLIAM PAUL KELLY MARIE KEITH NICKOLAS CHARLES DUNCAN KEVIN DANIEL MICHAEL MARTIN CHRISTOPHER ADRIANNE SUSAN THOMAS BLAIR TERRY JOSEPH JASBIR SINGH SCOTT WILLIAM DAVID JOHN JULIE CHRISTINE SANDY SUKHVINDERPAL SINGH DAVID RAYMOND DOUGLAS FREDRICK JOHN PAUL JEREMY JAMES DANIEL ROBINSON STEVEN JEFFREY JAMES ANDREW ALVIN BRIAN ASHRAF SAMIR IAN MARK MUNISH DEBRA KELLY-ANN JESSE RUSSELL GRAEME CLAYTON GREGORY EDWARD JAROSLAW JOHN WALID AHMED MICHAEL KENNETH MICHAEL WILLIAM SCOTT MATTHEW LIONEL SEAN WILLIAM GORDON PATRICK KAREN GRACE ROBERT ADKIN MARK ANTHONY KAREN MICHAEL MARTIN NATHANIEL WILLIAM DEMETRE STEPHEN MARK Position Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $125,225.54 $125,209.35 $125,198.11 $125,187.80 $125,183.75 $125,183.63 $125,153.71 $125,152.51 $125,138.28 $125,117.63 $125,117.22 $125,099.07 $125,081.67 $125,065.74 $125,061.87 $125,060.55 $125,044.35 $125,039.65 $125,038.82 $125,029.44 $125,008.43 $125,008.22 $125,001.57 $124,999.95 $124,989.08 $124,970.97 $124,962.23 $124,957.96 $124,952.30 $124,932.55 $124,902.15 $124,899.36 $124,893.62 $124,889.39 $124,888.44 $124,878.69 $124,867.72 $124,866.91 $124,857.60 $124,857.25 $124,853.36 $124,851.30 $124,838.50 $124,833.65 $124,828.59 $124,825.25 $124,824.80 $124,822.80 $124,822.16 $124,820.37 $124,820.00 $124,820.00 $124,820.00 $124,820.00 $124,813.80 $124,798.02 $124,794.24 $124,788.58 $124,788.24 $124,783.50 $124,781.47 $124,759.82 Benefits $818.86 $924.24 $885.22 $924.24 $875.83 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $865.92 $799.24 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $812.93 $904.79 $438.59 $841.14 $349.00 $830.75 $869.90 $885.22 $885.22 $438.59 $874.81 $835.96 $924.24 $828.75 $813.89 $828.75 $866.62 $841.14 $841.14 $924.24 $865.92 $841.14 $835.94 $924.24 $924.24 $841.14 $875.83 $660.16 $839.30 $924.24 $841.14 $924.24 $438.59 $924.24 $818.86 $752.55 $924.24 $924.24 $799.24 $438.59 $885.22 $399.57 $809.53 $847.65 $885.22 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 Surname COROGHLY KHERA CLARKE HERMAN RUHL O'CONNOR MCKENZIE ST GEORGE HAMEED BOIS LEONARD LIPKUS MCBRIDE ROBERTS NIEZEN ENGEL ABDEL-MALIK PAGNIELLO JUN POLYCHRONIS CHOW MAYERS FORESTALL WHITE HODGINS CRICHTON GRAHAM AHN MEDEIROS LAPENSEE SAPSFORD BABUJI LINQUIST LIONTI SIDHU LUFF SURRIDGE D'ANTONIO MOORCROFT ASKIN PATTERSON BROWNE FEHR FREDERICK ROBITAILLE HARDY GUNASEKARA MATHESON MATYS MORRIS BARNES CRETU ALAGURAS KEELER SKINNER KELLY FRASER LISOWSKI HOPE PURVIS BHATTI GILFOY Given Name KHALID MOHAMMED MILPREET SINGH STACYANN MARIA MARCUS CHRISTOPHER KEITH MIKE STEPHEN SHAWN SCOTT STEPHANE MARC MOHAMED JORDAN PAUL ROBERT DOUGLAS CLINT ANDREW BRADLEY KEITH ROBERT ANGELA PATRICIA MARK MARTEN BROUWER MAHER MICHELE DANNY GEORGE LAWRENCE CHI ROGER GREGORY KEVIN JOSEPH MARK GREGORY NORMAN JEFFREY RAE HYO JOON ANDY SYLVAIN AURELE IAN DOUGLAS SUSAN ZACHARIAH DARRYL ANDREW CALOGERO AJEET SINGH DANIEL SCOTT WOODROW REMO MICHAEL BRIAN PAUL ALEXANDER SHONA-LYNN DEBRA GREGORY STUART DOUGLAS ALAN ANTONIO RUDOLPH PATRICK ANTOINE RUSSELL GANGODAVILA DAVID JOSEPH PAUL MANDY DAWN WALLACE CRISPIN ANDREI VIJEYAKUMAR CHRISTOPHER THOMAS KELLY SIMONE TERENCE PETER SPENCER ROBERT KEVIN FRANCIS HEATHER ISOBEL DAVID FREDERICK HARMANDEEP LEAH DAWN Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Group Leader Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Salary Paid $124,756.87 $124,737.36 $124,734.09 $124,720.62 $124,709.13 $124,694.79 $124,647.00 $124,636.97 $124,633.84 $124,632.78 $124,632.36 $124,629.90 $124,606.29 $124,601.96 $124,587.18 $124,584.27 $124,581.71 $124,563.34 $124,546.35 $124,477.41 $124,468.24 $124,450.94 $124,443.08 $124,414.00 $124,386.38 $124,367.67 $124,344.13 $124,344.06 $124,324.31 $124,302.35 $124,286.61 $124,286.26 $124,268.37 $124,255.89 $124,249.15 $124,242.81 $124,236.19 $124,220.75 $124,207.05 $124,201.85 $124,199.89 $124,189.48 $124,186.73 $124,140.97 $124,131.10 $124,131.01 $124,123.31 $124,122.24 $124,117.91 $124,102.71 $124,101.90 $124,092.70 $124,073.38 $124,070.26 $124,042.50 $124,023.54 $124,014.46 $124,009.99 $123,992.00 $123,990.93 $123,990.13 $123,959.87 Benefits $841.14 $827.04 $873.45 $885.22 $865.92 $841.14 $850.02 $860.64 $841.14 $904.79 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $860.64 $885.22 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $399.57 $885.22 $885.22 $865.92 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $848.24 $828.75 $258.22 $875.83 $818.86 $809.53 $885.22 $809.53 $871.13 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $825.08 $841.14 $865.92 $865.92 $839.30 $809.53 $860.80 $865.92 $875.83 $818.86 $722.27 $718.42 $860.80 $867.02 $914.71 $841.14 $840.32 $812.93 $824.27 $809.53 $921.04 Surname KUHN MOFFAT FURYK WHITE REID LOPES BLAKE CLARK LANDRY EICHENBERG BRAUTIGAM HUNT DUDAREV HICKMOTT MCLAUGHLIN BAINARD HOPKINSON KOTZER IMRIE MCVEIGH MACKEY MITAKIDIS THOMSON JAMES MA SPRATT KATANIC MCCONNACH RIVERS ABDULLA TORRANCE RABBITO LEE WOLFE JONES GILL ROBBINS JUPP COLEMAN MCCUTCHEON WOOLFENDEN NEALE FISHER KAWAYA DURAN ASTOLFO WALLACE ZAFFINO FOSTER LAMPIRIS LEE JANES SOMWARU DA SILVA CRISTOPULO SPENCE ROBINSON DAWSON POWIS ARMSTRONG PROSAVICH DYCK CLEMENTS Given Name RENE MICHAEL ANTHONY ROBERT PAUL WILLIAM GREGOR JOHN JUDE ALEXANDER KIRK DOUGLAS CORINNE DARRYL JAMES JAMES MICHAEL JAZEN LORNE CHRISTOPHER DAVID VADIM MARCIE LYNN MARTIN WILLIAM PAUL CRAIG DAVID RYAN MICHAEL THOMAS ALLEN MICHAEL JAMES CRAIG TRAVIS HARALS STEVE ALLAN JOHN ALLISTAIR WINSTON SEUNG WOOK ALAN ZELJKO ROBERT BRUCE BRETT LEWIS AL RAHIM STEVEN JAMES CORRADO JUSTIN TAEGUN STEPHEN MICHEAL JASON NEIL KULJIT SINGH KEVIN SHAUN BRUCE KEITH SAMUEL SEAN CAMERON DIANE EMILY LINDSAY MELISSA SUSAN DJO HITSHIKA ADRIAN ROGELIO ROBERT ALEXANDER MATTHEW FRANCO ANTONIO WAYNE EDWARD CHRIS PHILIP BRIAN GARY AMBROSE KRISTOPHER YOGANAND JIMMY BERNARDO MICHAEL JOHN ANDREW CHARLES VICKI JENNIFER ANN DAVID LAWRENCE PAULA ANNE HENRY JACOB HOWARD Position Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Detective Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Patrol Supervisor Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $123,956.31 $123,951.64 $123,947.40 $123,938.98 $123,917.39 $123,906.86 $123,906.00 $123,903.51 $123,899.61 $123,891.22 $123,865.21 $123,848.69 $123,846.18 $123,837.59 $123,812.61 $123,809.57 $123,805.01 $123,778.58 $123,774.24 $123,762.65 $123,742.43 $123,737.23 $123,730.46 $123,728.82 $123,714.65 $123,663.93 $123,653.86 $123,648.15 $123,607.17 $123,586.68 $123,583.13 $123,559.68 $123,555.30 $123,532.34 $123,523.57 $123,522.32 $123,505.71 $123,503.03 $123,478.41 $123,473.47 $123,459.21 $123,446.06 $123,444.05 $123,438.86 $123,436.44 $123,434.45 $123,432.04 $123,425.56 $123,424.54 $123,419.86 $123,411.95 $123,395.42 $123,387.93 $123,379.80 $123,363.55 $123,350.18 $123,301.11 $123,283.96 $123,267.20 $123,266.09 $123,254.69 $123,246.58 Benefits $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $869.90 $841.14 $607.27 $841.14 $849.15 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $682.67 $839.30 $830.75 $875.83 $865.92 $818.86 $836.65 $885.22 $875.83 $327.28 $399.57 $841.14 $375.15 $818.86 $382.20 $818.86 $850.02 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $833.27 $839.30 $850.02 $869.90 $818.86 $841.14 $839.30 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $829.73 $818.86 $838.27 $821.59 $875.83 $829.57 $835.94 $834.65 $835.94 $841.14 $885.22 $875.83 $746.59 $865.92 $860.64 $839.30 Surname HARRAS DROZDZOWSKI MCBRYDE EVEREST PISCHEDDA CASTELLUCCI CHU RAMSBOTTOM FINDLAY BENSON KENNEDY SMITH VENN ALEXAKIS SMALL DUNNE JOVANOVICH NAFIS CHAUDHARY STACEY HARRIS DUFFY SHAIKH PALERMO PIERRE TANABE BACKER ROONEY MANCUSO KITCHENER MAC BENNETT CHHINZER JUGPALL CHEECHOO CASH TRENOUTH WORRELL O'KANE KARAKOCHUK STOICA GEORGE APPLEBY ROSS JUST CAIN HAWKEN KLEIN-HORSMAN PERMAUL DURY TRUEMAN WHITE DHILLON NANTON HICKS EATON CSIBI KOZAR MATTOS ARSHAD DAY LITTLE Given Name JOHN MAREK GLEN WILLIAM JOHN ALFRED MARK STEPHEN ANTHONY SHEILA XIAOTANG CHRISTOPHER WILLIAM RYAN MCLEAN IAN CHRISTOPHER IAN DANIEL JASON SEAN JOANNE MICHELE CHRISTOS CHRISTOPHER DOUGLAS JAMES WILLIAM DEANNA SYLVIA RASHID NICHOLAS BRIAN CRAIG EDWARD MARJORIE ARLEEN ASIF ANIS LOREDANA CHRISTOPHER SEAN SHINGO OLIVER MARK FRANCIS NIGEL PATRICK FRANCESCO ANDREW JAMES OVID RUBEN JOANNE RANDEEP HERMAIL SINGH NELSON THOMAS JENNIFER ANNE BRADLEY ROBERT PHILIP GERAID DAVID GERALD GEORGE TIBERIU NICULII GLEN DAVID JAMES MATTHEW DOUGLAS MICHAEL ALLAN JAMES MICHAEL MICHAEL BROWNLEE BRIAN GAVIN BENJAMIN MICHAEL MAUREEN ANN RYAN AUSTIN RAVNEET SINGH JASON STANLEY STEPHEN DOUGLAS BRIAN LADISLAV ALEXANDRU FREDERICK JOSEPH MOUNTY JOSEPH SHERAZ PAUL TERENCE ANTHONY Position Detective Training Constable Staff Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Project Leader Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Armourer Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $123,206.43 $123,181.42 $123,152.28 $123,143.66 $123,132.74 $123,126.08 $123,124.78 $123,119.42 $123,104.67 $123,102.46 $123,100.83 $123,059.35 $123,021.16 $123,002.14 $122,994.88 $122,992.21 $122,959.10 $122,949.92 $122,949.67 $122,949.58 $122,943.92 $122,923.89 $122,910.97 $122,906.43 $122,889.47 $122,879.24 $122,857.70 $122,856.73 $122,834.40 $122,829.63 $122,824.92 $122,814.95 $122,781.63 $122,778.48 $122,771.04 $122,769.03 $122,768.25 $122,757.36 $122,757.15 $122,749.98 $122,748.08 $122,722.26 $122,684.38 $122,684.38 $122,659.11 $122,651.06 $122,646.10 $122,638.84 $122,638.40 $122,638.23 $122,609.74 $122,604.96 $122,601.95 $122,593.73 $122,590.20 $122,582.39 $122,551.77 $122,550.30 $122,542.26 $122,535.37 $122,533.85 $122,531.51 Benefits $885.22 $820.50 $494.46 $900.26 $837.58 $885.22 $686.15 $818.86 $834.66 $841.14 $527.42 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $860.80 $885.22 $885.22 $819.54 $824.53 $809.53 $841.14 $814.55 $841.92 $865.92 $885.22 $818.86 $760.22 $841.14 $841.14 $865.92 $865.92 $824.95 $885.22 $875.83 $809.53 $809.53 $885.22 $809.53 $838.27 $284.99 $818.86 $822.28 $818.86 $809.53 $390.18 $885.22 $838.27 $809.53 $835.05 $885.22 $824.06 $820.67 $875.83 $812.93 $818.86 $839.30 $875.83 Surname FORD SLOAN WILCOX AUSTIN STEPHENSON SALIBA AHMAD ZARE SEYSAN VELLEND TAYLOR KING GILL MAICANTIS DENNIS BURGIN STAVRAKIS GOUTHRO MCEVOY SANTARELLI WEST KOHL HARLEY PURCHES BUCKLEY WONG CAMPBELL JHEETA OAKES SERBAN SVITAK PERCIVAL DLUGOPOLSKI DAWN VILVANATHAN THERIAULT KERR ABRAHAM MARKS KOZAK WHITLEY MILLER DUNCAN LOMBARDI GOMEZ ANNETTS BELANGER VANDER HEYDEN CLARK SMITH LANGFORD SCEARCE GALLAGHER BOULET SULLIVAN DI GIACOMO THOMAS BLACK MCGILP ALEXANDER BROADFOOT STEIN MI TATTERSALL Given Name ANDREW RION CHRISTOPHER STUART JANE MICHAEL JOHN KATHERINE LYNN RACHEL CATHERINE SYED OMAR ROYA KATHARINE STUART MACPHERSON SHAWN AUBREY NIKOLAOS AARON MICHAEL BRIAN JIMMY CRAIG JOSEPH CLINTON WAYNE JOHN ENRICO LEE ANN BARBARA LOUISE ALEXANDER PETRIE SCOTT ROBERT DONALD PHILIP JIN-YU MURRAY SMEATON JASVINDER SINGH JAMES ION VERONEL PETER KIMBERLY JANE STANISLAW BRIAN GORDON PIRATHEEPAN JOHN STEVEN HAROLD STANLEY SAMUEL STACEY MICHELLE DAVID WILLIAM PAUL WILLIAM CHRISTOPHER JOHN PHILLIP ZVI LORENZO RICARDO AMANDA ELIZABETH DONALD RENE JUSTIN WILLIAM JAMIE ANDERSON STEVEN CHRISTAIN TREVOR MARTIN KENDAL IAN JAMES SCOTT DEREK ANTHONY ROBERTO ROBERT ROBERT RICHARD ROBIN JOHN CHARLES BOLTON ALEXANDER WARREN MARK YAOMING MICHAEL EASTWOD Position Police Constable Detective Staff Superintendent Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Training Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Project Leader Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Staff Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst Police Constable Salary Paid $122,522.74 $122,517.94 $122,486.19 $122,471.93 $122,470.17 $122,463.28 $122,449.11 $122,419.76 $122,408.93 $122,386.36 $122,375.39 $122,363.12 $122,360.33 $122,348.10 $122,342.32 $122,322.29 $122,315.16 $122,306.50 $122,303.88 $122,296.37 $122,294.44 $122,283.26 $122,243.85 $122,243.16 $122,234.45 $122,231.24 $122,227.75 $122,224.34 $122,222.58 $122,212.84 $122,197.88 $122,195.39 $122,194.90 $122,161.70 $122,145.84 $122,142.83 $122,139.39 $122,131.93 $122,112.53 $122,098.29 $122,092.92 $122,090.00 $122,075.57 $122,060.50 $122,056.57 $122,056.57 $122,052.85 $122,043.24 $122,040.11 $122,033.86 $122,021.91 $122,004.67 $121,993.53 $121,980.38 $121,976.98 $121,971.94 $121,937.02 $121,929.77 $121,916.10 $121,899.59 $121,880.57 $121,869.87 Benefits $837.45 $865.92 $2,589.68 $818.86 $865.92 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $885.22 $815.99 $818.86 $873.79 $830.75 $850.02 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $875.83 $885.22 $834.65 $875.83 $885.22 $814.55 $875.83 $818.86 $844.97 $413.05 $860.80 $875.83 $841.14 $841.14 $820.06 $885.22 $865.92 $830.75 $809.53 $865.92 $841.14 $830.75 $850.02 $885.22 $818.86 $841.14 $914.71 $914.71 $875.83 $5,790.54 $818.86 $818.86 $815.99 $885.22 $841.14 $865.92 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $885.22 $865.92 $382.20 $835.94 Surname VENTURA HARNETT MCLEOD LAMBIE BOYD GORSKI AIELLO THORNTON PARTRIDGE LI DURST TAURO BIGA DULUDE MACDONALD YONG HADDEN VALLES FOX LUSSOW TEDFORD MACNEIL BRUCE AL-KHATIB BARREIRA KARSTOFF FRASER HEGARTY NICHOLS GEORGOPOULOS MAGEE MCNEIL MACHELL MCKAY GREKOS MCLAUGHLIN MIAN KONKEL NISHIKAWA TRACEY PAYNE IONTA HOELLER MCLANE PAGE CAMERON DUKE KIENS HOFFMEYER LAZARUS GRIALDI DAMANI BOHN GRANT GRETO ARRUDA GORDON WYNIA DI NARDO TREUSCH ANTOINE Given Name JOSEPH ELIZABETH ANN PATRICK DARRYL BRADLEY DALE PETER WOJCIECH ANTONIO AMANDA DORIS DAVID WILLIAM RAYMOND LEUNG-TAK CHRISTOPHER DAVID KEITH GERARD MIRCEA DAN LISA ARLENE JANICE BRIAN PAUL ELIZABETH ANNE SHEHARA JAMES CHRISTOPHER STEVEN THOMAS STEVEN JAMES PAMELA SHADY NELSON BRANDON CHRISTOPHER TRACEY NATALIE MONIQUE HEATHER LAURY KEVIN BRYAN GERALD RONALD GARY LAWRENCE SCOTT MICHAEL VERONICA JENNIFER FARHAAN AFTAB KAZIMIERZ BRIAN JONATHAN CHRISTOPHER JAMESALBERT BRADLEY JAMES ALESSANDRO CHRISTOPHER ALEXANDER JAMES RUSSELL DEREK WILLIAM NEIL ROBERT BRIAN DOUGLAS ASTRID RUSSELL DANIEL TERRENCE ANTHONY THIERRY ZAHIR ERIC JAMES PATRICIA ANN ALESSANDRO GIUSEPPE SANDRA CHRISTOPHER RANDALL MARCO JEFFREY EDWARD KEVIN FRANCIS Position Locational Administrator Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $121,861.53 $121,853.24 $121,847.16 $121,843.37 $121,841.08 $121,835.68 $121,803.79 $121,786.35 $121,784.78 $121,778.79 $121,761.31 $121,759.78 $121,751.89 $121,741.04 $121,738.96 $121,738.00 $121,718.44 $121,717.70 $121,716.88 $121,716.75 $121,715.91 $121,707.16 $121,705.63 $121,689.86 $121,687.09 $121,674.02 $121,650.23 $121,642.12 $121,640.38 $121,625.62 $121,619.24 $121,617.30 $121,610.04 $121,609.01 $121,600.09 $121,597.95 $121,593.77 $121,581.30 $121,577.95 Benefits $331.43 $841.14 $860.80 $812.93 $841.14 $824.27 $822.82 $865.92 $809.53 $809.53 $812.93 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $885.22 $819.54 $839.30 $399.57 $885.22 $860.80 $885.22 $841.14 $860.80 $841.14 $841.31 $841.14 $885.22 $399.57 $908.87 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $885.22 $885.22 $333.21 $838.27 $857.62 $830.75 Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Training Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Project Leader Training Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable $121,575.00 $121,566.62 $121,565.14 $121,548.81 $121,547.29 $121,513.52 $121,481.98 $121,477.76 $121,444.61 $121,428.67 $121,409.82 $121,407.15 $121,402.85 $121,393.37 $121,390.70 $121,386.11 $121,380.56 $121,371.89 $121,368.44 $121,363.51 $121,340.88 $121,338.88 $865.92 $825.08 $865.92 $824.95 $885.22 $828.75 $838.27 $885.22 $860.80 $875.83 $841.14 $885.22 $413.05 $860.80 $873.45 $834.54 $840.32 $399.57 $885.22 $834.65 $875.83 $841.14 Surname GIBB FIGLARZ STRILEC CONTANT MONTINO YONG HAFFEJEE JONES BEARD ELLIS KARR STEELE BISHOP MADILL AIKEN HOLMES COMEAU SHANLY LEE TULLOCH UHRICH GONZALES QUESNELLE FLORES BULLOCK GRANT WATERS MENDOZA STEWART MASTRACCI DODDS HOPTON MACLEAN MITCHELL THIBODEAU HANSEN BUTT LISCOUMB ASHTON GLEN ZANATI JACKSON ROTH KARRAS DE ZILVA SCHULZE BLAKELEY GAUTHIER JOHNSTON RASHID BUTT PARK UPTON SPRIGGS WINTER SIDHU STAVRAKIS WALKER MCNABB DAFOE ROMANO MCKNIGHT SZKOTAK Given Name LOUIS RADOSLAW KIRK WAYNE JASON ARTHUR GIOVANNI FRANCESCO FAZAL MOHAMMED COREY LEE BENJAMIN JAMES MATTHEW AUSTIN JOCELYN KEVIN CRAIG ALLAN SCOTT ALLAN NEIL JOHN DAVID DOUGLAS JASON JOSEPH THOMAS PAUL TIMOTHY KWANG JAE ALSON LLOYD ALLAN JOSEPH ANGELO ENRIQUEZ CURTIS LEONARD MANUEL ALEJANDRO RYAN MATTHEW MATTHEW JAMES JASON ROY ERWIN GONZALES PATRICK ALEXANDER PAOLA LESLIE GRAHAM RICHARD FREDERICK RODERICK JODI LYNN JOHN ROBERT PETER MICHAEL CLAYTON ROBERT EDWARD MICHAEL EDWARD CAROLINE BALAZS KAROLY WAYNE NEIL MICHAEL WILLIAM STELLA STAUROULA MICHAEL BRIAN SCOTT CURTIS JANICE PAUL RICHARD ANDREW MICHAEL ALIASGER FASIEH UZ SUNG MIN PETER ALEXANDER BRETT HAROLD JEFFREY MATTHEW SUKHVINDER SINGH MICHEAL JOHN EDWARD LYNN DALE ROBERT NICHOLAS CORY MARIUSZ Position Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $121,337.52 $121,335.05 $121,334.92 $121,332.14 $121,326.44 $121,296.97 $121,276.80 $121,263.69 $121,263.12 $121,258.62 $121,245.18 $121,240.82 $121,222.48 $121,220.62 $121,213.89 $121,198.14 $121,156.85 $121,139.37 $121,125.15 $121,122.19 $121,113.16 $121,103.69 $121,077.23 $121,066.20 $121,044.04 $121,015.63 $121,008.07 $121,007.20 $121,001.24 $120,993.05 $120,991.17 $120,981.92 $120,970.94 $120,960.85 $120,946.69 $120,933.59 $120,921.17 $120,869.72 $120,863.15 $120,862.36 $120,857.98 $120,852.71 $120,839.34 $120,827.80 $120,824.81 $120,820.03 $120,804.95 $120,797.42 $120,785.04 $120,777.01 $120,766.50 $120,750.38 $120,748.15 $120,739.52 $120,727.78 $120,718.36 $120,695.19 $120,636.80 $120,632.06 $120,618.35 $120,597.51 $120,576.33 Benefits $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $835.05 $823.17 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $828.75 $809.53 $841.14 $830.75 $830.75 $822.65 $399.57 $818.86 $841.14 $835.94 $809.53 $812.93 $684.48 $834.65 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $875.83 $885.22 $828.75 $871.13 $809.53 $710.34 $885.22 $809.53 $875.83 $825.08 $870.72 $865.92 $815.99 $885.22 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $834.66 $850.02 $841.14 $869.90 $850.02 $885.22 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 Surname FRIEBE WASILISHIN LEE O'DONNELL EVANS MEANEY BARTHOLOMEW YELLE HISCOX STONE CHUNG BISSONNETTE COOMBS CARTER MORELL PERINO FERNANDES MENARD MCLEOD VUONG MCDOUGALL RASPBERRY WATKINSON QUIJADA-MANCIA MILES KNIGHT CACCAVALE WOUDENBERG TUPLING PAK KLUCZEWSKI WONG CARPINO CARTER RAMBHARACK TAIT BOLTYANSKY KING MONK ROSS JENKINS GILLESPIE ZOLD KURTS MAUNDER ALLAWNEH HOLDER CRILLY DOMINGO RAMSAY RACETTE BRAR KOWALSKI TAWTON FORDE NEWTON JASWAL HUGHES PAYNE GILL ROSSANO BAIRD Given Name DANNY STEVEN MICHAEL RANDALL JAMES JOSEPH PATRICK JULIE MARIE SHAWN DARRYL COLIN JUSTIN JOSEPH PATRICK JAMES TERENCE SINDERELA SUN-MI PAUL MARCEL ALBERT GEORGE MARVA MARIE ADAM KENNETH VINCENT MICHAEL JOHN PHILLIP MATTHEW ALEXANDER KENT JOSEPH GERRARD JASON WILLIAM DOUGLAS CHARLES JUAN CARLOS JEREMY OLIVER CHRISTOPHER JAMES ERASMO HETTY JOHANA ANN-MARIE ANDREW JIN-HO KAMIL MATTHEW DEE ROBERTO CARMELO DALE NEIL SCOTT JOHN GREGORY DWAYNE EDWARD CHRISTOPHER DWAINE CAMERON STEPHEN ALLEN MICHAEL PATRICK JOHN LISA CRYSTAL JASON EDWARD WAYEL MUNSON PAUL JOHN JAMES JASON EDWARD JASON ANDREW ALLAN ROGER GURSHARNJIT SINGH GRZEGORZ JOANNE ROGER ANTHONY DEEDEE MONISH SINGH GUY KARL SCOTT SUKHJINDER SINGH JOHN BENITO MARK ANDREW Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Project Leader Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $120,573.43 $120,567.78 $120,561.44 $120,548.08 $120,528.57 $120,525.74 $120,492.11 $120,472.29 $120,467.19 $120,462.74 $120,456.85 $120,449.05 $120,445.19 $120,435.95 $120,424.81 $120,416.62 $120,412.94 $120,395.77 $120,394.36 $120,381.59 $120,370.45 $120,368.65 $120,351.18 $120,330.93 $120,320.39 $120,300.10 $120,294.99 $120,294.39 $120,288.84 $120,281.12 $120,264.07 $120,263.42 $120,258.03 $120,198.59 $120,196.66 $120,195.91 $120,117.95 $120,117.78 $120,113.49 $120,112.41 $120,093.83 $120,089.97 $120,069.62 $120,045.12 $120,036.32 $120,035.93 $119,999.51 $119,975.39 $119,950.99 $119,946.49 $119,926.67 $119,921.63 $119,905.78 $119,889.24 $119,886.94 $119,867.38 $119,866.76 $119,859.01 $119,844.10 $119,838.54 $119,808.97 $119,807.70 Benefits $839.30 $830.75 $865.92 $811.96 $865.92 $885.22 $818.86 $834.65 $818.86 $860.80 $818.86 $865.92 $999.32 $413.05 $839.30 $809.53 $375.15 $868.67 $841.14 $828.75 $828.75 $831.10 $815.36 $865.92 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $380.27 $841.14 $818.86 $735.80 $824.53 $809.95 $399.57 $841.14 $839.30 $904.28 $828.75 $712.01 $910.28 $875.83 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $722.27 $839.30 $865.92 $885.22 $815.99 $839.30 $885.22 $826.37 $885.22 $809.53 Surname PREVOST MCCABE SANTOS BURNETT GIRARD WEBSTER HODGES ARSENAULT VANDERVOORT GODDARD RAY STONE CARACCIOLO LOPEZ SUKHDEO REBELLO JITTA SANTIZO ORANTES LEWIS JOSEPH MANN RECTOR MURPHY LEARY GAJEWSKI MATTHEWS LANGFORD SCHOFIELD HEWKO FADI MELANSON LEE D'SOUZA FOWLER OSBORNE SOMMER CAMPBELL POPOV LIMA BAUS LO BIANCO KIS BRIELL TAYLOR WILLIAMS DOBIAS HADERAJ BAZILSKY PAYNE PELECH SCHUEDER THOMPSON GREAVES DAOUST FALCONER STRATTON FLIS MCINTOSH WEDDELL SARJOO SAWYER FERREIRA Given Name JAYME THOMAS ANASTASIA PAULINE ELIANA ANSON RICHARD MARTIN REMI DAVID GREGORY MARK CHRISTOPHER RICHARD PAUL BELINDA GLENN PATRICK KENNETH DENIS CHRISTOPHER GEORGE ROGER DOMINIC ROWAN CARL CHRISTOPHER HARRY MARK ANDREW ROBERT LYNDON NELSON ALFREDO SANDRA ARLENE JOHN ROBERT MANDEEP SINGH JASON ANTHONY LIAM DEREK WILLIAM SARAKINA MADELINE SCOTT ANDREW JAMES DOUGLAS GLENN TAMARI LYNN STEVEN PAUL JAMES ALLEN JAE-WOOK PHILIP M WAYNE LEONARD KEITH THOMAS THOMAS ANTON CLAYTON DOUGLAS ALEXANDER IGOREVICH RODNEY JAMES JACQUELINE SANDRA JOHN SALVATORE ANDREW SANDRA ANNE MICHAEL BRYAN SCOTT DOUGLAS ROBERT ANDREW TAULANT KENNETH PETER THEODORE ALGERNON DANYLO ILLYA MARK MARLAND FINLAY BRANDON LLOYD MICHAEL-LEE DENIS-PAUL GREGORY KENNETH DAVID CANDICE LYNN DANIEL GLENN FRANCIS KEVIN RAMROOP DAVID ALLAN MICKAEL Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Communications Supervisor Police Constable Staff Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Senior Operations Supervisor Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Communications Support Coordinator Police Constable Senior Administrative Application Specialist Training Constable Training Coordinator Training Constable Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $119,777.45 $119,771.29 $119,748.50 $119,744.53 $119,732.07 $119,731.48 $119,727.04 $119,723.30 $119,722.56 $119,722.05 $119,717.54 $119,707.86 $119,700.16 $119,676.27 $119,668.93 $119,651.64 $119,643.53 $119,643.12 $119,638.43 $119,635.90 $119,632.24 $119,630.64 $119,625.49 $119,616.55 $119,616.35 $119,612.71 $119,601.86 $119,578.66 $119,572.80 $119,571.55 $119,571.26 $119,564.49 $119,550.84 $119,528.01 $119,522.84 $119,511.51 $119,511.19 $119,508.60 $119,494.23 $119,478.58 $119,473.99 $119,465.46 $119,463.04 $119,452.68 $119,451.45 $119,433.04 $119,427.64 $119,396.76 $119,392.20 $119,370.29 $119,344.96 $119,317.95 $119,312.43 $119,298.70 $119,267.40 $119,262.95 $119,238.06 $119,235.63 $119,234.60 $119,233.96 $119,232.58 $119,217.47 Benefits $327.28 $841.14 $841.14 $824.95 $830.75 $885.22 $830.75 $875.83 $355.49 $828.75 $830.75 $830.75 $865.92 $835.05 $809.53 $865.92 $850.02 $818.86 $746.59 $733.79 $904.79 $859.27 $885.22 $841.14 $353.44 $830.75 $818.86 $885.22 $835.94 $839.30 $895.12 $875.83 $839.30 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $904.79 $818.86 $866.62 $390.18 $865.92 $885.22 $829.41 $858.62 $351.02 $841.14 $746.59 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $885.22 $818.86 $833.84 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $818.86 $839.52 $835.94 $818.86 Surname DE MEDEIROS SMITH SAGER GILL ELDRIDGE POTTS ZAHEED FITZSIMMONS THOMPSON BEZLEY OLIVER WALTERS BAI STEVENS ZELJKOVIC CHIOVITTI MARTELL RAWJI TAYLOR MUIR HAWLEY BRAGANZA STEWART LOURENCO MARSHALL HARRIS SINCLAIR BRITO BATOR SIMON GREENLAW CATES ROMAIN INGLIS ALBANESE MCLEISH LEVESQUE HURDOWAR JANECZKO CHRISTODOULOU SHANTZ CRADDOCK HYATT JONES JANSZ LADURANTAYE LAZZARO GRANBERG DA SILVA ROBERTS VLACH LAW HUNTER HILDEBRAND MARCHIS SIVACHANDRAN LYNCH WANG REIMER WOODHOUSE SEN HANCOCK Given Name SHERRY MARIA JASON ALEXANDER LAWRENCE JASON GOWAN REGINALD MARK JONATHAN IKRAM DANIEL JAMES MICHAEL ALLISTER JONATHAN THOMAS PAUL GREGORY DON XIN JOHN EDIN VERA ANNA BRIAN FEISAL EDWARD WAINWRIGHT MICHAEL ADAM CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH RYAN FRANCIS TINA MARIE ADAM COLIN SHAWN TOBIN ROBERT ALAN PHILLIP NOEL SERGIO AGOSTINHO ANDREW ISTVAN DUANE CYNTHIA STEVEN RICHARD PHILLIP ROLAND CRAIG NORMAN JASON JOHN PATRICIA LOUISE MARTIN DARUN SING DANIEL MARCIN YIORGO RICHARD STEVEN PATRICK STEPHEN ADRIAN AGUSTAS DOUGLAS ALBERT ANGELO TYRELL BROCK YVES FRANK ANTHONY DINO BRIAN PETER LESLIE ERIC CHUN-WING WILLIAM JASON COLIN SHAUN CHRISTOPHER SERENA JANE SIVAPRAGASAM KRISTAL FRANCES BENYU THOMAS ARTHUR STEPHEN TAPAN KUMAR JANINE RHONA Position Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Assistant Manager of Employment Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Senior Technical Analyst Detective Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Technician of Radio and Electronics Sergeant Sergeant Project Leader Staff Sergeant Salary Paid $119,211.48 $119,197.46 $119,196.17 $119,196.00 $119,194.28 $119,191.83 $119,164.92 $119,158.61 $119,150.61 $119,148.28 $119,147.56 $119,144.43 $119,126.01 $119,100.30 $119,070.56 $119,070.42 $119,044.96 $119,032.50 $119,031.32 $119,022.69 $119,016.23 $119,004.03 $119,001.05 $118,989.41 $118,988.34 $118,986.78 $118,985.79 $118,982.99 $118,966.34 $118,964.26 $118,958.81 $118,957.17 $118,925.66 $118,925.16 $118,923.03 $118,899.79 $118,893.92 $118,872.37 $118,848.73 $118,845.35 $118,844.59 $118,815.79 $118,803.47 $118,765.12 $118,761.07 $118,756.51 $118,753.83 $118,728.06 $118,712.08 $118,686.79 $118,681.58 $118,675.11 $118,662.16 $118,658.45 $118,655.89 $118,649.07 $118,612.86 $118,607.60 $118,601.72 $118,601.48 $118,597.14 $118,589.55 Benefits $829.62 $841.14 $885.22 $693.86 $885.22 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $885.22 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $47.82 $885.22 $828.75 $826.37 $809.53 $818.86 $825.08 $885.22 $841.14 $865.92 $811.96 $855.36 $841.14 $885.22 $839.30 $839.30 $865.92 $818.86 $818.86 $865.92 $382.20 $865.92 $841.14 $825.08 $825.08 $809.53 $885.22 $722.27 $860.80 $875.49 $841.14 $865.92 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $860.80 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $815.99 $818.86 $839.30 $579.71 $838.64 $885.22 $413.05 $888.18 Surname POWELL DOUGLAS HANS KAPLIOUK RAVEENDRAN HANSEN GILBERT LAWS NICKERSON KOUSHYAR-MOGHTADER SVENDSEN BURKHOLDER HAROON POP REID SIDHU O'BRIEN LEONARD SIRBOS MAHARAJ FERRIS BAIATI WALLACE CAMPBELL THOMPSON VUONG SUTHERLAND THOMPSON KRAUS DAVEY HILLHOUSE RICHE CHARETTE FORD VAN RUYVEN BEVAN DE LOS RIOS MYERS MERRITT BEADMAN FERNANDES SMITH MA PATHAK STEVENSON TUGHAN ROCHA WILLIAMS REID TROTTER BATES HAYNES FOSTER POSLUSZNY NASSIS AMAH FAZELI HODGERT SHIKATANI LANGILLE BANTON LEMBKE Given Name MICHELLE ELIZABETH JEFFREY DALJIT IVAN ALEKSANDROVICH ARJUNA KATHLEEN ANN DONNA ELLEN CHRISTOPHER BRADLEY BRANDON RANDAL SHAHRYAR ADAM HILLIER HERBERT USMAN IAN KYLE THOMAS VIJAY SINGH COLIN DANIEL ANNE CHRIS ZALINA MANIE THERESE TASH AMIR ROBERT BOYD DOUGLAS JAMES DUNCAN TOMMY GRANT ANTHONY ELSIE TINA JEREMY JAMES SEAN ANDREW TODD GARRY SCOTT LESLIE MELISSA ANNE HARRISON MARC MARC GERARD WILLIAM JUAN CARLOS SHARON ELIZABETH CHAD JOSEPH BRIAN GEORGE KERI ANN RAYMOND ERNEST JEFFREY HONG SAMIP KEVIN GLENN MICHAEL PATRICK ULRICK STEVEN THOMAS JONATHAN PATRICK CHRISTINE JANE TIMOTHY BRIAN CHRISTOPHER SEAN LORNE DAVID ANDREW ZBIGNIEW STEPHANIE MALIK ARIEL ALAN ALIREZA DOUGLAS WILLIAM GORO LYNN ROBIN HORATIO KRISTIN NICOLE Position Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Information Security Officer Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Supervisor Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Project Leader Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $118,586.48 $118,584.07 $118,579.11 $118,572.88 $118,572.39 $118,566.64 $118,549.86 $118,542.76 $118,526.15 $118,525.01 $118,523.09 $118,522.09 $118,521.32 $118,508.95 $118,508.55 $118,500.16 $118,498.84 $118,480.44 $118,466.91 $118,452.10 $118,446.77 $118,439.22 $118,435.43 $118,430.99 $118,414.75 $118,408.48 $118,401.73 $118,398.32 $118,392.49 $118,381.64 $118,377.96 $118,358.03 $118,353.76 $118,328.29 $118,317.49 $118,307.14 $118,303.32 $118,301.36 $118,297.17 $118,293.40 $118,291.76 $118,281.85 $118,237.04 $118,234.07 $118,232.22 $118,231.61 $118,230.38 $118,218.69 $118,212.42 $118,212.18 $118,210.37 $118,199.19 $118,180.27 $118,175.34 $118,170.96 $118,168.51 $118,166.01 $118,146.47 $118,145.54 $118,144.87 $118,135.28 $118,128.87 Benefits $850.02 $885.22 $885.22 $834.66 $738.67 $839.30 $413.05 $839.30 $825.89 $809.53 $355.49 $885.22 $815.99 $860.80 $865.92 $841.14 $812.93 $399.57 $818.86 $413.05 $818.86 $809.53 $865.92 $885.22 $841.14 $838.27 $841.14 $413.05 $280.15 $841.14 $925.97 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $885.22 $860.80 $875.83 $841.14 $885.22 $865.92 $413.05 $809.95 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $825.08 $841.14 $809.95 $841.14 $885.22 $860.80 $830.75 $815.99 $333.21 $818.86 $865.92 $839.30 $818.86 $885.22 $885.22 $815.99 Surname MCQUEEN WONG MILLER SHAND ARULANANDAM NANTON SOTELO GORNY TOYNE ANSTEY LIM WARCOP BIRD-DAWSON HILL FAIRCLOUGH LEE SGROI DI NINO MORRIS POLICELLI IQBAL TURNBULL DOMINELLI FERRIS LIANG HENRY MCKNIGHT RICHARDSON KRUCZEK SHAW HAYES FILLIER ZHOU DYMOND MC KEOWN NAIR AMANTEA SEABAN MARTIN GRAHAM MCCONNELL BENNOCH ROHDE MONTRAIT HILLIER GOLDSMITH PINFOLD GIBSON MARSMAN MCGARRY ALTOBELLO HUTCHINGS PURCHAS KONECNY HILTON MARTIN TAYABALI PINCHAK DREGLIA CARSWELL REID DUERDEN Given Name SHERRY LYNN SAI-KIT RYAN KENETH JOSEPH EDWARD GERRARD NIMALAN ANDREW ANTONIO TROY ALVIN RYCHARD STEFAN SIMON ANDREW JASON CHRISTOPHER JASON SHANNON AMELIA JEREMY ROY ELIOT LEWIS WERNER ELLIOTT STEVEN RICHARD RICHARD DONALD HAROLD TANYA SAFDAR RONALD JAMES VITTORIO SALVATORE LISA JIAN PENG KIM KEVIN ADAM SCOTT SHEILA ANN PIOTR PAWEL RICHARD JAMES ROY EDWARD SEAN MICHAEL YE JEFFREY WILLIAM SEAN-BRENDAN SAJEEV ANTHONY FRANCESCO MICHAEL GEORGE PAUL GEORGE KEVIN JOSEPH LAURA ANNE CHRISTOPHER JOHN DANNY WILLIAM DAVID WILLIAM JASON SABINO ERIC CHARLES MATTHEW GEORGE NATHAN EDWARD HENRI WILLIAM MICHAEL DOMENIC JOESPH CHRISTOPHER MAXWELL CHRISTOPHER DALE DARYL TERRY TYRONE CHRISTOPHER RYAN DAVID AZHAR ABBAS WASYL ALEXANDER BRIAN PATRICK ROBERT CHARLES PATRICK PETER Position Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Communications Technician Systems Integration Specialist Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Infrastructure Architect Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Project Leader Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $118,122.77 $118,120.97 $118,102.60 $118,088.22 $118,087.46 $118,087.07 $118,082.35 $118,067.77 $118,055.76 $118,050.60 $118,049.56 $118,036.00 $118,034.24 $118,032.67 $117,965.50 $117,961.38 $117,953.58 $117,950.65 $117,937.85 $117,937.13 $117,921.79 $117,900.32 $117,882.90 $117,881.89 $117,855.78 $117,851.61 $117,835.97 $117,824.40 $117,822.84 $117,815.30 $117,812.84 $117,777.98 $117,750.32 $117,743.70 $117,722.49 $117,701.01 $117,697.32 $117,693.82 $117,693.25 $117,676.19 $117,674.79 $117,674.37 $117,671.65 $117,643.46 $117,643.10 $117,628.93 $117,606.73 $117,603.36 $117,589.03 $117,588.98 $117,585.52 $117,584.59 $117,574.24 $117,573.41 $117,571.76 $117,554.81 $117,535.68 $117,525.32 $117,523.22 $117,521.56 $117,518.67 $117,514.89 Benefits $818.86 $815.99 $865.92 $818.86 $841.14 $811.01 $809.53 $841.92 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $830.75 $830.75 $838.27 $885.22 $860.80 $306.61 $413.05 $818.86 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $830.75 $399.57 $836.86 $825.34 $375.15 $818.86 $413.05 $809.53 $830.75 $865.92 $809.53 $831.10 $845.67 $818.86 $844.28 $841.14 $835.35 $809.53 $865.92 $875.83 $832.96 $809.53 $885.22 $885.22 $841.14 $838.59 $850.02 $809.53 $866.62 $841.14 $834.65 $413.05 $809.53 $832.96 $809.53 $830.60 Surname STOYKO THAYALAN PAYTON GAJRAJ SANTIAGO FONSECA GE LEVERT ROWSOME WASHINGTON SEREMETKOVSKI BARRETT TANNER OLLOS FOX GARLAND APOSTOLOPOULOS SNOW DHUKAI ZEBROWSKI LOCKE BELL WHITE BOYLE MCGINN DHILLON GANDHI SEYMOUR MATHEWS TASSE CLARK FENTON STRENG DITLOF BLAKE FERNANDES LYNCH DIZON CARTWRIGHT VALERIO HOOVER NIJJAR RASMUSSEN HOCKADAY CHIU CHU ANDERSON STOKER BIANCHI DUARTE SCHNEIDER LUSBY FUNCHION FYNES O'BRIEN WILSON RODRIGUES CASEY MACIAS VIDINHA RUSSO D'ANGELO Given Name SANDRA LOUISE SARATH HOWARD LEWIS SYED SEAN FRANCISCO DIZON MICHAEL REMALHO HAO BRYCE STERLING RICHARD DAVID KATHARINE ANN KATHLIN LAURENCE GEORGE JOHN ALEXANDER SANDOR ERNEST STEVEN ANDREW MARINA EDUARDOVNA DIMITRIOS ROYAN JEFFERY ZEESHAN AYUB TOMASZ DUANE HENRY BRIAN ANDREW MICHAEL JOHN TRISHA LYNN MICHAEL JOSEPH JAGJIT SINGH MANMOHAN SINGH GEOFFREY FRANKLIN BRANT MARY ELIZABETH PRESTON MICHAEL JASON ROBERT MICHAEL ANTHONY NICHOLAS CHRISTOPHER COURTNEY ANTHONY ROSS SAVIO ERINN ANDREA EDUARDO CARL JAMES JOHN BRADLEY HARJIT SINGH KEVIN WILLIAM ADAM ROY SIN-YI BENNY WING LUKE JONATHAN MICHAEL BLAKE DANIELA MARGARET BENJAMIN JOSEPH GORDON DANIEL SCOTT BRONAGH MARIA DAVID SHANE STEWART JULIUS ANTHONY JAMES AUSTIN ANTONIO DELGADO PEDRO HENRIQUE JASON MATTHEW GIUSEPPE Position Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $117,514.29 $117,478.48 $117,471.80 $117,462.17 $117,460.29 $117,443.01 $117,441.89 $117,438.22 $117,436.51 $117,435.26 $117,431.09 $117,429.65 $117,428.64 $117,424.67 $117,417.25 $117,411.66 $117,407.74 $117,407.20 $117,395.98 $117,393.67 $117,392.94 $117,391.15 $117,389.17 $117,372.63 $117,366.99 $117,363.63 $117,343.80 $117,340.58 $117,321.36 $117,308.37 $117,307.72 $117,292.47 $117,254.01 $117,243.14 $117,238.71 $117,227.83 $117,226.69 $117,225.88 $117,220.93 $117,218.03 $117,213.19 $117,202.21 $117,201.05 $117,194.62 $117,188.27 $117,177.45 $117,146.13 $117,135.25 $117,130.74 $117,125.95 $117,115.25 $117,109.00 $117,105.91 $117,104.21 $117,103.86 $117,102.85 $117,097.99 $117,086.21 $117,084.79 $117,074.00 $117,068.40 $117,068.18 Benefits $818.86 $835.05 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $865.92 $885.22 $865.92 $372.61 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $815.99 $835.05 $818.86 $850.02 $818.86 $809.53 $838.27 $865.92 $818.86 $836.83 $875.83 $841.92 $809.53 $865.92 $824.95 $625.52 $830.75 $835.05 $865.92 $865.92 $844.56 $364.37 $885.22 $399.57 $875.83 $834.65 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $828.75 $839.30 $850.02 $333.21 $830.34 $860.80 $841.14 $873.45 $860.80 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $860.80 Surname NICHOLSON CRUZ GROVER SANGHA LI PAROUSSOUDI MUNRO FERREIRA RODGERS BODDAERT GREGORY WRAY MOORE ROSSEL BAKER PRICE COLLYER FADEL KENNEDY SCHETTINI COUTTS MCCUTCHEON FURANNA VON KALCKREUTH WARMAN BRIND'AMOUR SHETTY WOJDYLO SCHAFHAUSER REGAN OZRETIC GOODWIN HAINES CHEUNG MACGREGOR SHANGI YANG BOWKER MCFARQUHAR HARRINGTON LORIMER TOMLINSON-THOMPSON CHOE ASSELSTINE PARK JAMIESON KERR MNUSHKIN HAYLES GINI HAYRE SUDMALS ROGERS YOURKIN GLASGOW LIU HATCH COUTTS GOUDIE TANG LANDRY LIM Given Name LEONARD BRUCE JOHN VICTOR TODD HARJIT SINGH BOYD LEMONIA ALEXANDRA RYAN CHRISTOPHER JASON NETO ANGELA DAWN WARREN PETER ROBERT R. TERRENCE ADAM BENJAMIN RICHARD ALBERT RICHARD JAMES RYAN ANDREW ADAM STEPHEN MOHAMAD GEOFFREY ANTHONY SEAN GORDON DOUGLAS RYAN ANDREW MARK WARREN RICHARD EDGAR MICHEL PHILIPPE VIJAY RAMESH HENRYK HANS PETER PAUL FRANCIS NICOLE MICHELLE RALPH DAVID PAUL GADMAN DANIEL GARY WILLIAM JOSEPH RALPH QIANLIANG COLLEEN LISA BRETT HARRY JULIA ANNE TROY WILLIAM CHERYL PAMELA MICHAEL LIM SHAUN DAVID JOSEF JEFFREY DAVID ROBERT SERGEY AFROYIM MICHAEL BANCROFT GUILLERMO STEVE HARMAN SINGH ERIK EVALDS MICHAEL LEE COURTNEY ANNE JUSTIN JOSEPH SHUXIN TONY DIANA LOUISE BRADLEY GEORGE ROBERT RANDALL HENRY JOEL CHRISTIAN DONG HYEOK DAVE Position Detective Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Detective Detective Training Constable Training Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Operations Supervisor Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Analyst Sergeant Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $117,068.08 $117,064.39 $117,053.69 $117,051.19 $117,051.06 $117,050.83 $117,049.65 $117,045.25 $117,044.39 $117,043.54 $117,039.58 $117,017.78 $117,001.44 $116,998.04 $116,990.30 $116,988.20 $116,971.79 $116,966.78 $116,939.99 $116,923.52 $116,917.43 $116,914.01 $116,913.85 $116,913.79 $116,910.86 $116,900.57 $116,900.10 $116,899.68 $116,898.54 $116,894.62 $116,893.24 $116,889.94 $116,868.22 $116,862.04 $116,849.46 $116,846.67 $116,839.65 $116,831.83 $116,831.29 $116,827.77 $116,826.27 $116,821.93 $116,815.94 $116,806.92 $116,806.40 $116,795.56 $116,790.26 $116,786.15 $116,775.69 $116,770.83 $116,759.40 $116,744.47 $116,732.45 $116,728.09 $116,697.52 $116,675.31 $116,669.77 $116,637.24 $116,636.26 $116,620.84 $116,618.25 $116,614.96 Benefits $875.83 $818.86 $885.22 $662.87 $865.92 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $850.02 $885.22 $885.22 $841.14 $860.80 $380.27 $333.21 $818.86 $815.99 $885.22 $885.22 $823.46 $399.57 $841.14 $841.14 $828.75 $841.31 $875.83 $885.22 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $787.12 $875.83 $841.14 $817.08 $841.31 $818.86 $875.83 $604.84 $832.60 $818.86 $812.93 $818.86 $818.86 $826.37 $733.79 $839.30 $818.86 $875.83 $824.06 $818.86 $765.80 $865.92 $841.14 $841.14 $377.56 $885.22 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 Surname WHITE BURKE ELLIOTT VANDALL WINDMOLLER CONSACK BAYES TOWNLEY NOBLE PROGER CESAR BEATTIE SMITH KUMMER YIN THRUSH WOO PITTERS JOHNSTON IZDEBSKI GILL PHILLIPS TERZOPOULOS BELLIGERO RICHARDS MCGRADE CHAPMAN KHIMANI GRIERSON DRUMMOND MCCULLOUGH NEWHOOK DESROCHERS FLEMING WHITE LINDALE SCANZANO SCHULZE BERNARD CHRISTIAN ELLIOTT PARKER KRANJAC AMANCIO COLUCCI GALLO ROWLANDS HUNT GAUTHIER PAVLIDIS LATINCIC ALI GIDARI FLETT REDIGONDA BURKE DRAKE REZVANI SMITH PARKINSON AMLIN TAYLOR Given Name DANIEL CAMPBELL SUSAN JOYCE CHRISTOPHER PAUL MARTIN PHILIP THEODORE JOHN EWA ANNA JOHN ARTHUR DARREN DALE LLOYD SERGEY ILYICH LYDIA ELIZABETH CHRISTOPHER DENNIS AARON ANDREW TANIA CHARLENE JIE SEAN PETER CHI SHING GLENN MICHAEL NANCY ANNE PETER ANTONI DALBINDER SINGH ADAM MARSHALL CHRIS GIULIA SARAH ANN PATRICK MARK ZULFIQAR ALI MICHAEL WENDY ELIZABETH CHRISTOPHER AUBREY MATTHEW ALBERT ROGER HENRI CHRISTOPHER PAUL DONALD GERALD MICHAEL SHAWN JOSEPH FRANK THOMAS DAVID ANTHONY PHILIP BRUCE SHAWN WILLIAM IAN CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH ANTHONY MICHELLE MARK VINCENT DANIEL ERIC MICHAEL ROBERT LEO THEODORA DANIEL ASIF IFTIKHAR JOSEPH JAMES RICHARD CHRISTOPHER JOHN KEVIN CHRISTOPHER SEYED ALI CHANTEL JENNIFER ROBERT SCOTT CHRISTOPHER CHRISTOPHER PAUL Position Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Information Security Architect Sergeant Senior Programmer Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Parking Enforcement Officer Detective Sergeant Training Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Senior Project Coordinator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $116,613.56 $116,610.49 $116,608.21 $116,602.14 $116,581.20 $116,572.14 $116,570.06 $116,557.78 $116,549.36 $116,537.44 $116,527.34 $116,520.01 $116,513.91 $116,513.78 $116,509.25 $116,504.94 $116,498.17 $116,497.06 $116,491.15 $116,489.85 $116,483.89 $116,449.95 $116,439.98 $116,439.26 $116,438.83 $116,432.12 $116,431.32 $116,426.89 $116,420.38 $116,416.10 $116,405.71 $116,396.31 $116,393.32 $116,388.31 $116,382.76 $116,378.40 $116,367.30 $116,363.92 $116,359.81 $116,357.64 $116,354.57 $116,351.54 $116,327.34 $116,300.88 $116,289.62 $116,288.75 $116,280.05 $116,274.75 $116,264.81 $116,263.24 $116,254.01 $116,249.87 $116,235.94 $116,228.50 $116,222.11 $116,217.57 $116,209.49 $116,209.11 $116,208.57 $116,195.64 $116,171.26 $116,164.58 Benefits $809.53 $885.22 $875.83 $885.22 $885.22 $830.75 $818.86 $885.22 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $865.92 $836.76 $818.86 $409.73 $865.92 $351.02 $828.75 $864.02 $815.99 $822.82 $809.53 $818.86 $830.75 $809.53 $885.22 $885.22 $718.42 $885.22 $520.98 $841.14 $885.22 $866.62 $809.53 $873.45 $839.30 $809.53 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $865.92 $986.49 $818.86 $999.48 $830.75 $885.22 $885.22 $867.62 $809.53 $865.92 $828.75 $375.15 $885.22 $399.57 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $860.80 $841.14 $836.50 Surname LAWRENCE CHAUDHRY NORMAN CARTER FOULDS JITTA CHIASSON JONES PRASAD FEAGAN HARVEY KERR LI DILLY PATEL ST JEAN MUSCLOW MANSURI LUCHIAN MCKAY LEE MCBRIDE CASTILLO DELGADO GALLANT KALDIS HEMBRUFF POCZAK EUSTACE CENSONI BAGNALL POZZAN HUNTE LUPSON FRANCIS MACDUFF BRAIDA PATE BOYKO WARRENER BELZA HARRIS MURRAY HAGOPIAN KEMPSTER TAYLOR MARTIN SYLVA POOLE BALL YAN ESKEN DIRENZO MUTIS BOWER LEAL BERCHARD NOVINC ROCK POLAK GARVEY MURPHY CHANG Given Name NEVILLE DONAVON MAGHFOOR AHMAD DARRYL JAMES SHAWN CHRISTOPHER LAURA JANE ROBIN LINCOLN MARCEL ANDRE LEANNE NATASHA SELENA GREGORY DAVID LESA KYLE PHILLIP ANDREW EARL RAJESHKUMAR DUANE MARVIN CLAUDE ABUTURAB ABUBAK EDUARD CARYN JULIA RAYMOND DOUGLAS EDUIN RODRIGO DENISE GEORGE ERIC JOHN LISA DAVID LORENZINO MICHAEL KENRICK PATRICE ANDREW VALERIO KAREN CHRISTOPHER BRYDON JENNIFER SUZANNE JEFFERY JOHN SANDI LAUREL ANDREW WILLIAM JEREMY JEFFREY ROBERT JOSEPH TODD MICHAEL KIMBERLEY ANN ALICIA MARIE GREGORY KRIKOR DARRYL MARTIN KEVIN DWIGHT RUDOLF JOSELITO RICHARD ANDREW LAURA FRANCES PETER SAMUEL INDREK RAYMOND MARTIN DAWN MARC ALAN JASON DAVID RENNIE BRANKO CAROL BRANDON VICTOR ANDREW FREDERICK JOHN WENDY MICHELLE Position Police Constable Planner Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Shift Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Operations Supervisor Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $116,149.17 $116,124.10 $116,123.55 $116,122.27 $116,110.96 $116,101.03 $116,097.03 $116,093.90 $116,087.46 $116,085.19 $116,075.35 $116,067.98 $116,067.04 $116,062.11 $116,049.11 $116,040.94 $116,034.70 $116,016.36 $116,012.36 $116,010.97 $116,008.82 $115,998.98 $115,996.74 $115,980.43 $115,970.45 $115,957.26 $115,953.10 $115,949.62 $115,943.11 $115,936.48 $115,932.48 $115,930.49 $115,927.23 $115,927.11 $115,897.41 $115,888.05 $115,867.09 $115,858.49 $115,849.20 $115,842.55 $115,841.59 $115,812.90 $115,810.08 $115,798.67 $115,794.91 $115,789.07 $115,779.13 $115,767.34 $115,765.32 $115,751.80 $115,748.15 $115,744.48 $115,735.52 $115,722.72 $115,719.48 $115,690.91 $115,686.80 $115,685.23 $115,680.76 $115,676.25 $115,674.99 $115,668.43 Benefits $818.86 $798.89 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $875.83 $885.22 $885.22 $315.54 $818.86 $839.30 $885.22 $811.01 $841.14 $865.92 $865.92 $885.22 $809.95 $809.53 $399.57 $323.88 $841.14 $793.94 $399.57 $885.22 $866.62 $885.22 $885.22 $831.79 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $814.55 $875.83 $809.53 $813.74 $865.92 $828.75 $815.36 $380.97 $862.40 $875.83 $355.49 $818.86 $399.57 $809.53 $860.80 $815.99 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $860.80 $818.86 $835.94 $399.57 $885.22 $399.57 $834.16 $841.14 $885.22 $804.61 Surname O'NEILL SWEENIE BURRY MACINNIS ROUTH DALES MINAMI VANDENBERG BALICE TSATURYAN HALES BRUNATO JUDD PETRAKIS MONIZ BLACKADAR BLOWER LANIGAN FEGAN ESTEVES NEILL TAAFE KEHLER PRESS PIRAISOODY CONSTANTINESCU BRYCE ANDERSON VAYANI SANTORO HUTCHINGS LAVALLEE ANGUS WOJTKIEWICZ HOVEY FARDELL PEART PAOLETTA WARR SOHAL CONNELL WALKER PARLIAMENT MILLS PETERS AUCLAIR SUN CORRA LASHLEY FOLEY PEDNAUD D'ALIMONTE BHARDWAJ FRENDO-JONES BARR GENOVY REDICK COURT HAGGETT SMITH GREGORY SWALUK Given Name ERIK RODNEY PAUL MARTIN SHAWN CECIL ROBERT FRANCIS MATTHEW AARON CLAYTON RUSSELL MARK NOBUYUKI CAROLYN VICTORIA NATALIE VLADYSLAV RAFIKOVYCH KEITH JOHN RICCARDO RICHARD ANDREW MICHAEL BRIAN MELO JANELLE RUTH STUART WILLIAM ROBIN PAUL RUI MANUEL STUART WILLIAM ARTHUR JASON WADE MICHAEL ALLEN BALAKUMARAN NATALIA ROBERT FRANCIS ROBERT SHAFIQ ABDUL LUCIANO TRACEY LYNN DAVID VIKTOR JOHN DOUGLAS VICTOR BRUNISLAW GWENYTH RYAN DAVID DWAYNE OMAR ANTHONY RICHARD JOHN RAJ DALE MARK DOYLE GREGORY JAMES BRAD JONATHAN CORNELIUS JANE MARILYN SAM SHUO DALE TROY NOEL RENEE CYNTHIA ANDRE BRETT STEVEN ELLA ELIZABETH MARK EDWARD JANET ANDREA SHAUN AMANDA BROOKE ANDREW JAMES LORI LYNN KRISTY JANE SANDRA RICHARD JOHN Position Police Constable Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Operations Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Senior Firearms Officer Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Salary Paid $115,665.66 $115,653.81 $115,650.71 $115,647.10 $115,633.47 $115,625.77 $115,621.78 $115,613.42 $115,611.91 $115,601.24 $115,598.95 $115,595.30 $115,590.65 $115,581.06 $115,578.10 $115,568.26 $115,556.29 $115,546.14 $115,543.52 $115,531.98 $115,526.15 $115,522.43 $115,512.60 $115,488.06 $115,476.36 $115,456.91 $115,456.23 $115,454.85 $115,453.83 $115,437.41 $115,427.08 $115,421.01 $115,375.99 $115,371.19 $115,363.79 $115,351.50 $115,332.32 $115,328.25 $115,327.30 $115,327.01 $115,316.34 $115,315.24 $115,313.60 $115,312.07 $115,309.16 $115,306.82 $115,304.69 $115,278.07 $115,276.64 $115,276.09 $115,272.47 $115,270.34 $115,260.67 $115,250.99 $115,244.86 $115,242.35 $115,226.72 $115,219.30 $115,212.42 $115,199.52 $115,197.95 $115,197.88 Benefits $818.86 $875.83 $875.83 $885.22 $865.92 $835.47 $818.86 $885.22 $841.14 $824.27 $818.86 $860.80 $841.14 $835.94 $785.62 $850.02 $865.92 $885.22 $860.80 $818.86 $838.27 $865.92 $822.82 $865.65 $809.53 $809.53 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $844.89 $841.14 $760.22 $830.75 $818.86 $875.83 $850.02 $818.86 $885.22 $824.06 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $399.27 $841.14 $885.22 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $840.32 $837.09 $815.99 $815.99 $885.22 $841.14 $832.18 $399.57 $865.92 $885.22 $333.21 Surname KRANGLE WHITFIELD ANDREWS GALLAGHER REBELO BURGESS DRURY CHAN VERMA OLSEN NICKSON KUZ SKEETE FEDERICO CASHMORE RALLIS ROSS ROSSI DIXON URE SORGO FRYER BOWMAN VENDRAMINI LORRIMAN WATT LOU DISALVO MARANAN BROWN KHERA HEAD SALAMON CHASE PITRE KARKOULAS GARBUTT QUINN PARGETTER GUERRA WRIGHT HARGREAVES ELLAHI THORNE FLOWERS FERNANDEZ JOHNS HAWCO SISK REPA MURRAY PARK SNEDDEN SIMAS CAVANAGH KIRK DHRUV BRADFIELD TAPP BERNOBIC ANDERSON WARDLE Given Name CHARLES FORBES LOUIS FRANCIS BRIAN PAUL JOHN ASHLEY JOSEPH FRANCESCO TROY PAUL CHRISTOPHER JASVIR KAUR SHAUN MICHAEL JAMES MYKOLA JUNIOR MATTHEW MICHAEL RICHARD CHARLES PETER DARLENE MARCELO OSVALDO HELEN BRIDIE JAMES ANDREW ROY STEPHEN ROBERT DEREK ANGUS LUIGI STEVEN CYRIL JERMAINE ANTONIO BING YU SHARON KELVIN VALLON PAUL ANDREW SANDEEP SINGH STEVEN ROSS MARIUSZ ROBERT TEE DE DANNY CHRISTOPHER TREVOR DANIEL DEBORAH GRACE SEAN LEE KEVIN JAMES JORSHENELLE LALLAINE GARY CHRISTOPHER FAIZAN TIMOTHY PETER THOMAS PRYCE STEVEN JAMES MARK DOUGLAS BERNARD THOMAS DARREN MARK ANTHONY WILLIAM SANG JUN TRACY LEE SERGIO DAVID JEFFREY CAMERON SCOTT GLENN KEVIN BARRY DEAN KEVIN GARETH ALPIERRE ROLAND Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Locational Administrator Sergeant Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst Training Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $115,197.58 $115,194.97 $115,189.16 $115,187.13 $115,185.57 $115,169.36 $115,165.75 $115,155.61 $115,130.58 $115,118.60 $115,113.90 $115,105.98 $115,104.50 $115,097.56 $115,077.83 $115,069.88 $115,064.24 $115,060.20 $115,058.14 $115,052.65 $115,051.00 $115,050.48 $115,045.68 $115,042.94 $115,031.90 $115,028.09 $115,022.22 $115,022.03 $115,015.37 $115,006.15 $114,983.90 $114,973.80 $114,973.61 $114,967.68 $114,967.46 $114,959.32 $114,951.94 $114,943.43 $114,941.63 $114,933.11 $114,921.42 $114,915.09 $114,914.81 $114,911.03 $114,907.90 $114,904.48 $114,900.17 $114,893.78 $114,885.51 $114,881.78 $114,880.84 $114,878.70 $114,877.38 $114,872.55 $114,864.66 $114,842.91 $114,831.11 $114,792.75 $114,786.14 $114,761.79 $114,760.27 $114,755.19 Benefits $809.53 $824.06 $841.02 $835.94 $817.08 $885.22 $399.57 $815.36 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $722.27 $399.57 $867.85 $860.02 $875.83 $885.22 $824.53 $851.84 $839.30 $885.22 $841.14 $818.86 $885.22 $875.83 $824.53 $829.71 $885.22 $818.86 $819.54 $818.86 $841.14 $826.15 $818.86 $830.75 $841.14 $828.75 $841.14 $812.93 $818.86 $860.80 $809.53 $809.53 $869.90 $850.02 $815.99 $841.14 $885.22 $885.22 $841.31 $860.80 $828.75 $818.86 $841.14 $844.56 $818.86 $828.75 $848.24 $885.22 $818.86 $809.53 $399.57 Surname FILIPPIN STOCKWELL WILLIAMS MELOCHE REID RANEY CORBA ACHAIBAR GRIGAT RIBEIRO OLSON GRAY SNIDER ALIAS HEIDGRESS SYRMBOS SHUFMAN GARDNER CHEUNG REID SAMARAS AMBROZAITIS DESLOGES OSBORNE COHEN COLLYMORE AHEER SNYCKERS HILBORN SOFFE REED-PYEFINCH ZIMMERMAN MCCONKEY PRODANOS VANDERWAL KULINA HEUGHAN ALEXIOU MCGARRY YEANDLE CILIA MILLS LAROCHE FOURNIER TOMS DUNNING ANSARI DICK LUCZYK PETERSON FERRY CONIGLIO MOLYNEAUX LONG KERR SCHIAVO OSTROM-PEAKE CHANNER MAKARENKO ROWE HAYNES OZOLS Given Name GIANNI ALAN SEAN PAUL MARK ROBERT THOMAS JOHN ANDREW ERIK RICHARD ANTHONY CORNELIA GRACE REUBEN FRANCIS GARY ALDRED ROBERT KIRK EDWARD GAVIN RAYMOND HEATHER MARGARET TOM ANASTASIOS AVIV RONALD FRANKLIN NICKY TIN-FU CHAD SCOTT NICK EUGENIA AGNES THOMAS ARMAND BRIAN OTTO MELISSA KELLY BRIAN MATTHEW JAGJIT KUMAR NICOLAS HUGO LYNDA DAWN DEREK JASON JENNIFER CHRISTINE LAWRENCE RONALD FRANK ALEXI COLIN RICHARD MARIO MARIUSZ DONALD DEMITRIOS JOHN WILLIAM MARK JOHN ROBERT PAUL TERRANCE WINSTON MARIE-JOSEE FREDERIC HALLEY BRIAN JAMES ALI AKBAR MICHAEL DAVID RICHARD ALEXANDER CLIFFORD WILLIAM JASON WAYNE DOMENICO CURTIS MICHAEL CHRISTINE CHRISTOPHER GEORGE RYAN DENIS DEIRDRE ANN NEVILLE THOMAS MICHEAL ANTOINETTE MARGARET ANDREW EDWARD JOHN Position Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Labour Relations Analyst Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $114,747.74 $114,744.83 $114,731.51 $114,725.56 $114,707.08 $114,703.09 $114,695.79 $114,690.02 $114,688.16 $114,686.38 $114,667.97 $114,656.98 $114,649.97 $114,647.61 $114,639.79 $114,596.27 $114,594.45 $114,591.24 $114,590.51 $114,587.58 $114,585.64 $114,578.05 $114,577.11 $114,563.77 $114,549.76 $114,545.25 $114,527.92 $114,511.30 $114,504.60 $114,492.15 $114,487.61 $114,483.54 $114,430.63 $114,421.98 $114,419.29 $114,418.59 $114,418.16 $114,407.09 $114,406.52 $114,404.73 $114,392.70 $114,392.57 $114,383.99 $114,370.05 $114,362.15 $114,360.90 $114,358.74 $114,349.68 $114,346.16 $114,343.20 $114,342.04 $114,336.30 $114,328.14 $114,325.93 $114,314.25 $114,313.26 $114,300.07 $114,284.31 $114,279.80 $114,274.65 $114,268.19 $114,264.95 Benefits $818.86 $823.23 $860.80 $741.14 $860.80 $885.22 $809.53 $823.64 $838.61 $818.86 $885.22 $399.57 $809.53 $830.75 $841.92 $840.42 $815.36 $865.92 $824.53 $865.92 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $834.66 $812.93 $809.53 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $824.53 $885.22 $839.30 $835.05 $835.05 $818.86 $860.80 $860.80 $835.47 $885.22 $841.14 $850.02 $399.57 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $885.22 $841.14 $841.14 $821.39 $875.83 $841.14 $841.14 $885.22 $809.53 $809.53 $997.87 $885.22 $809.53 $818.86 $716.14 $860.80 Surname MARJI DOWDING GRANTHAM HANLON PENA MCGRATH WHITE HAYWOOD KLACZA INGLEY O'RIORDAN ADACH BLACKER ELLIS SIEVERS GLANCY BENNETT KIM GAUDET WILSON SIVADASAN GROSKOPF FERGUSON ZANDKARIMI JACKSON MCGRADE MACLEOD HICKS WHITWORTH WILSON MCKENZIE ROBERTSON INAL KANE ROWE FERRIS PAUL SAMUELS MYERS VANDERBURGH WATSON SWEENIE ATWOOD BOUWMEESTER DONNELLY WIGGERMANN HENRY COULTER O'LEARY MCLAUGHLIN ARMSTRONG MURPHY GOWAN PAGLIA BEVILACQUA MACFARLANE SHI BANNISTER PIEPER ROSE LOUHIKARI WATKINS Given Name MARTHA BUTROS JEFFREY EDWARD IAN SCOTT ERIN VALENTINE NELSON DAS DUSTIN THOMAS CATHERINE MARLENE BRADLEY JOHN CAROL PAUL LEO WAYNE JAMES EDWARD HIERONIM FREDERICK AISHA BINTA JOHN DAVID TREVOR SAMUEL-CHONG DAVID RICHARD TIMOTHY SURENDRAN AARON ROSS STEPHEN ALI ROBERT MICHAEL KATHRYN KRYSTAL ANNE JOEY REUBEN MICHAEL BRUCE SHERRY ELIZABETH PETER SHELDON MICHAEL HENRY BURAK SHAWN GERALD JAMES LEONARD KEVIN CANDACE ROBERT GREGORY ANDREW NORMAN JOSLYN NICOLE CAROLYN CHRISTOPHER LIONEL STEPHEN DOUGLAS BARRY CHRISTOPHER SVEN MICHAEL SHAWN SHANE DUSTIN EDMUND JOSEPH COLM FREDERICK SHANE MICHAEL PATRICK TODD JOHN GIANCARLO GIULIO RICHARD EON LEI JASON MARK DONNA DAWN RENATA KERRY Position Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Detective Detective Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Salary Paid $114,260.09 $114,252.91 $114,252.79 $114,248.04 $114,227.37 $114,225.47 $114,199.45 $114,199.30 $114,195.26 $114,192.66 $114,180.98 $114,174.10 $114,156.98 $114,155.24 $114,138.29 $114,137.69 $114,135.62 $114,124.61 $114,121.10 $114,113.35 $114,089.37 $114,076.07 $114,074.96 $114,072.70 $114,033.63 $114,021.19 $114,014.94 $114,007.74 $114,005.74 $114,004.60 $113,996.37 $113,983.65 $113,971.82 $113,968.03 $113,962.41 $113,954.51 $113,936.20 $113,934.55 $113,915.68 $113,913.78 $113,911.35 $113,902.89 $113,901.98 $113,898.57 $113,896.37 $113,891.00 $113,880.53 $113,853.10 $113,849.26 $113,833.89 $113,833.45 $113,831.55 $113,830.23 $113,821.87 $113,816.32 $113,816.10 $113,807.18 $113,801.95 $113,780.21 $113,780.21 $113,773.56 $113,771.81 Benefits $825.43 $814.55 $830.75 $865.92 $809.53 $818.86 $885.22 $818.86 $842.90 $818.86 $865.92 $885.22 $885.22 $809.53 $885.22 $839.30 $399.57 $812.93 $865.92 $885.22 $832.60 $818.86 $885.22 $809.53 $824.95 $399.57 $841.14 $830.75 $860.80 $875.83 $521.75 $830.75 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $885.22 $530.37 $399.57 $885.22 $809.53 $875.83 $885.22 $809.95 $841.14 $838.27 $818.86 $818.86 $875.83 $824.53 $839.30 $841.14 $835.05 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $885.22 $399.57 $885.22 $885.22 Surname JONES GREENAWAY BANKS POWELL ALLISON DI PASSA FERADAY GRISOLIA GUEST HAITZER MACDONALD REID SHANAHAN WHITE BONCARDO WILSON COLLINS KNILL CORDOVA YOUSUFI MASSEY RAMOS KRAWCZYK CHAHAL LIMSIACO HAMILTON SWART GOOBIE CHAN FARRELL GRONDIN MILLER WESTERHOFF DEABREU GIRARDI SIDHU KOMARNISKY RIOLO MCDONALD CAWTHORNE MARCHEN ROSS LINNEY WATTS ROZARIO FORD CASTELL EPPERSON STAPLETON LIDDY NUSSBAUM-VOINA WINDLE JANJANIN QUANN CURTIS LARMOUR ARTINIAN ALBERGA RIDDELL MORRISON AQUILINA VITALE Given Name SANDRA MAUREEN FIONA DONNA CATHY VERONICA ELAINE HUNTER JULIE MARK DANIEL LISA DALE GARY LORI-ANN WAVERLEY ELAINE MICHAEL BARRY PETER JOHN CHRISTOPHER DAVID CHRISTOPHER PATRICK CHRISTINE ROBERTO ABDULLAH JOHN DAVID DANIEL LEONARDO PAUL THOMAS JASKANWAL SINGH MICHAEL ANTHONY ROGER JOHN DERRICK ALPHA HAWK-BUNG DOUGLAS JAMES SCOTT WILLIAM SHANE CHRISTOPHER DAVID JAMES GREGORY JOHN NANCY LYNNE AJAY SINGH SANDRA SALVATORE TONY SPENCER MATTHEW JASON PAUL MICHAEL JEFFREY ALAN JOHN THOMAS KATHRYN LOUISE CONRAD GEORGE CHRISTIAN WILLIAM TIFFANY ALICIA ERIK AMADEUS BRADLEY THOMAS ANDREW JAMES VIORICA IOAN TRACY GEORGINA NENAD DILLON JOSEPH TERESA PHYLLIS BRENT JAMES PEGLAR SANTE LINDSAY DIANA MICHAEL ROBERT MARCEL DANIEL ALEXANDER Position Sergeant Detective Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Sergeant Detective Sergeant Sergeant Detective Detective Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Drafting Technician Police Constable Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Detective Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Assistant Manager of Records Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Senior Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $113,770.76 $113,769.71 $113,769.01 $113,767.33 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,766.21 $113,763.90 $113,750.24 $113,739.18 $113,727.80 $113,727.77 $113,705.26 $113,697.42 $113,696.17 $113,688.08 $113,687.22 $113,683.50 $113,678.37 $113,671.47 $113,660.98 $113,658.97 $113,658.50 $113,654.84 $113,648.27 $113,637.37 $113,631.52 $113,628.67 $113,613.41 $113,606.83 $113,598.15 $113,566.12 $113,552.79 $113,552.77 $113,546.10 $113,536.01 $113,526.45 $113,522.06 $113,518.66 $113,497.44 $113,493.36 $113,475.52 $113,467.46 $113,460.94 $113,452.52 $113,449.89 $113,445.08 $113,442.12 $113,435.01 $113,433.79 $113,433.17 $113,418.05 $113,400.56 $113,400.08 $113,397.90 Benefits $885.22 $399.57 $524.57 $750.83 $885.22 $399.57 $885.22 $885.22 $399.57 $885.22 $399.57 $885.22 $399.57 $885.22 $834.02 $830.75 $818.86 $741.14 $809.53 $836.67 $818.86 $809.53 $390.18 $814.55 $841.14 $809.53 $841.92 $860.80 $875.83 $841.14 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $863.07 $860.80 $818.86 $865.92 $841.14 $860.80 $865.92 $818.86 $740.41 $1,016.08 $809.53 $820.67 $862.40 $865.92 $809.53 $382.20 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $830.75 $824.53 $839.30 $827.62 $875.83 $823.23 $818.86 Surname CORREA TURNBULL JAMES LONCAR ROGUCKI ARGIRIS SAIB HEWNER JONES ROMANO BOWMASTER ZHANG HOUSTON HAWKINS DHILLON ANGCO KNIGHTON KINGDON BIRRELL DI TOLLO HARPELL MCCULLOUGH RAMOS PHOON PRECHOTKO KHAWAJA FOOTE KACHUR BOGLES VUKOVIC VIOLOT MARTIN BRADFORD DANSON GRIFFIN MIESZKALSKI SHAW JAMES BRADY ALAMAG LAWSON PEREM HANNAH GIESCHE HOLMAN IWANSKA ELGAR JAMES TAYLOR LEE SANTOS VICENTINO NOTT VANDER MEER BALASUBRAMANIAM GILCHRIST HIGGS SEGUIN HASNU LADOUCEUR MILLAR RIEGERT BALICE Given Name ANTONIO JAMES NICHOLAS JOSHUA BENEDICT ROSE ROMAN THOMAS KIMBERLY ANNE RACHID ELIZABETH JANINE CHERYL LINDSAY ANTHONY STEFANO MICHAEL GLEN LU JOEL MICHAEL HILARY LAURENE RANBIR SINGH ANTONIO JAMES JASON RICHARD SCOTT ANTHONY JOHN THOMAS MONICA FRANCA MATTHEW GREGORY ALAN JOHN FITZGERALD NEWTON CHUN LISA TERRA ARSHAD SADIQ CLARENCE WYCLIFFE DAMIEN JOHN LOUIE MARK MATTHEW MARKO ANDREW ANTHONY MICHAEL CHARLES STEPHANIE ELIZABETH ROBERT JOHN PETER KEMPTON BERNARD RITA ANNE PETER GORDON ADELIO PERADA NICHOLAS WILLIAM ERIK ARTUR INGRID ELLEN CHAD ALLEN ASHLEY LEE-ANN OLA KAREN ELIZABETH BRIAN ROBERT ROBERT EDWARD EVELYN SUI RICHARD JASON MICHAEL ELENA NICOLE KOWSIHAN NOLAN WILLIAM LESLIE ANNE CHRISTIAN ARMAND IQBAL KARIM JENNIFER MAUREEN JASON ANDREW CHRISTOPHER ANDREW STEVEN Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Budgeting and Financial Analysis Detective Police Constable Sergeant Senior Technical Analyst Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Operations Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable System Administrator Police Constable Training Constable Shift Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Operations Supervisor Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $113,395.98 $113,395.51 $113,395.26 $113,390.48 $113,388.62 $113,385.17 $113,376.07 $113,365.74 $113,360.78 $113,357.64 $113,333.67 $113,321.62 $113,313.16 $113,308.13 $113,302.11 $113,283.55 $113,280.65 $113,278.79 $113,268.32 $113,259.13 $113,253.21 $113,248.50 $113,243.12 $113,228.78 $113,226.35 $113,224.48 $113,210.59 $113,207.47 $113,192.40 $113,189.41 $113,178.13 $113,156.73 $113,147.99 $113,141.27 $113,136.98 $113,136.84 $113,119.36 $113,116.02 $113,114.70 $113,109.90 $113,106.82 $113,103.63 $113,100.50 $113,094.28 $113,093.89 $113,085.25 $113,071.66 $113,068.21 $113,064.44 $113,060.21 $113,030.17 $113,025.58 $113,023.73 $113,001.53 $112,994.96 $112,992.52 $112,988.08 $112,983.61 $112,966.74 $112,952.08 $112,938.58 $112,928.04 Benefits $815.99 $333.21 $809.53 $774.30 $818.86 $828.75 $809.53 $1,605.14 $865.92 $818.86 $859.97 $360.59 $834.66 $355.49 $865.92 $811.01 $809.53 $865.92 $860.80 $862.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $867.85 $818.86 $860.80 $315.54 $818.86 $824.53 $818.86 $867.62 $860.80 $839.30 $809.53 $809.53 $860.80 $818.86 $841.14 $828.97 $839.30 $815.36 $818.86 $818.86 $1,268.30 $830.75 $809.53 $860.80 $875.83 $830.75 $788.19 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $839.52 $809.53 $835.47 $718.42 $818.86 $818.86 $825.08 $818.86 Surname GLOWA ALS RUSSELL MCKENZIE HODGSON BOYCE NG BROWN VAN NEST CHAN WANG RYAN MORAN MACKENZIE MALE GOODING ARMSTRONG BELLAMY EDWARD JAVED STUART MCCARTHY BROADHAGEN TILL SPENCER FREEMAN FERDINAND MURPHY MORAES PERDON HANKS KEEFER JONES WHITE BRUNELLE THORNTON SCONZA MCNAMARA KARMALI PANESAR MACISAAC DABU MCVEY CARPINO ADAMS KELLY AKESON YOUNGER STRADZA MALLEY SIDHU RUTHERFORD MORGAN SMITH BEDARD PERSICHETTI COTT NGUYEN CRAWFORD GUAY RAFFERTY FAIRCLOUGH Given Name JAN ZBIGNIEW ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER ROBERT GLENN ROBERT SEAN FREDERICK ALVIN ANDREW RYAN CHI WAI SCOTT DEREK JESSE CLARKSON KAI TAI CHUAN CLINTON DEREK ERICK ODYR ROBERT DEAN DAVID JOSEPH JOANNE MICHELE KAREN JASON ROBERT GLENN RAYMOND WASEEM MATTHEW JAMES KRISTOPHER RYAN TIMOTHY WALTER MITCHELL CHARLES JASON ALLAN ERIC MICHAEL PATRICK WALLACE JAMES TIMOTHY VERA LYN STEPHEN ROBERT JASON YVON MICHAEL CRAIG RICHARD BURTON GLEN WINSTON RICHARD MICHAEL FERNANDO GIOVANNI COLLEEN FAIZAL SHIRAZ SARABHJEET SINGH JAMES ALEXANDER JOSE PAULINO LEWIS JAMES KELLY ANN TODD ROBERT DENISE EUGENIA AARON JOSEPH CHAD ANDREW KRYSTIAN SHANE WESTLEY HUSANDEEP SINGH ANTHONY JAMES SUSANNE FRIEDA BRYAN MICHAEL NICOLE PAULETTE DONATO ADRIENNE ELIZABETH QUOC HOA-KHANH COREY LANCE SYLVIE SUSAN TRACY JAMES STEPHEN Position Police Constable Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Senior Administrator Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Quality Assurance Analyst Training Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Salary Paid $112,919.29 $112,907.52 $112,904.98 $112,903.16 $112,902.75 $112,900.01 $112,885.61 $112,881.97 $112,880.56 $112,864.24 $112,851.42 $112,842.52 $112,826.78 $112,825.20 $112,813.51 $112,802.16 $112,781.87 $112,778.92 $112,776.70 $112,755.92 $112,743.22 $112,740.85 $112,736.89 $112,711.56 $112,701.50 $112,697.33 $112,694.46 $112,681.72 $112,679.11 $112,642.81 $112,638.54 $112,633.08 $112,629.03 $112,627.16 $112,585.01 $112,581.62 $112,578.84 $112,572.19 $112,569.33 $112,561.24 $112,555.09 $112,547.23 $112,534.57 $112,529.13 $112,517.67 $112,510.70 $112,504.74 $112,491.03 $112,487.68 $112,476.90 $112,471.44 $112,456.45 $112,432.61 $112,418.03 $112,410.25 $112,410.10 $112,408.25 $112,396.51 $112,395.74 $112,388.17 $112,381.21 $112,375.98 Benefits $818.86 $819.54 $875.83 $865.92 $818.86 $841.14 $860.80 $841.14 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $866.62 $987.19 $818.86 $809.53 $865.92 $776.69 $841.14 $875.83 $835.47 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $375.15 $860.80 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $822.41 $818.86 $818.86 $828.75 $839.30 $828.75 $818.86 $841.14 $875.83 $818.86 $275.23 $774.30 $818.86 $809.53 $865.92 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $873.79 $759.39 $841.14 $826.03 $841.14 $260.94 $841.14 $865.92 $839.30 $818.86 $865.92 Surname SCHIPPKE SONE DOYLE MOHAMMED WALKER CRISP DE OLIVEIRA TAIT WHALLEY STRACHAN CARLETON CLARKE HENRY IRELAND MCCABE NOTAY EAGLESON BROWN POULIN PITCHER CAMPBELL REEVE FRANKLIN GELLEL POLLARD MCCORMICK LORIA FROST JONES O'HEARN MA KUDRENSKI CARON MARTIN HALEY RHONE BAHULA SILVA SMITH IRISH CHAN BEGIN PICKERING HARRIS COFFEY LICHACZ DANCE SEGUIN LILLIE O'NEILL MANTLE HEDGEMAN BUTLER GILLAN GARRISON KORAC BENOIT RAMPHAL KINGHORN TAYLOR PLUNKETT STAMPLECOSKIE Given Name DANIEL JAN GLEN DANIEL MAURICE RIAD JINNAH FRANCIS MATHEW CATHERINE JUDITH MAUREEN TARA YVONNE KERRY FRANCES STEPHEN JAMES CALVIN PETER LESLEY-ANNE MORGAN HARRIS MARK ANTHONY JAGMOHAN SINGH DAWN MICHELLE ROBERT ARTHUR MARTIN FABIAN DAVID CHARLES PHILLIP SCOTT BRANDON ALEXANDER RICHARD JENNIFER KRISTINE RIAN JOEY CATERINA GREGORY CHARLES STEPHEN CHRISTOPHER JAMES WILLIAM YU PAU WESLEY MARY HELENE DIQUE JULIEN RHONDA GAYLE RICHARD STACEY JAMES SIMON ELOI BRUM ANTOINETTE CHARLENE PETER JUSTIN MARCEL ARMAND JANE KAREN LEUN ALEXIOR DAVID THOMAS ALEXANDER WILLIAM RYAN WILLIAM KIMBERLY NANETTE SHAWN GERALD SEAN KEITH MELINDA ANNE CORY MICHAEL PHILIP MICHAEL JEFFREY JOHN HEIDI ELSIE PAUL LOUIS JASON REGIS VEDANAND SUDESH SHAWN IAN MICHAEL KENNETH SHERI LYNN DWAYNE Position Plainclothes Police Constable Operations Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Detective Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Supervisor of Property and Evidence Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Sergeant Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $112,363.26 $112,353.95 $112,344.95 $112,340.88 $112,334.37 $112,322.04 $112,320.43 $112,311.82 $112,309.42 $112,273.58 $112,263.50 $112,255.28 $112,255.17 $112,254.87 $112,244.28 $112,243.04 $112,232.01 $112,226.15 $112,225.42 $112,222.23 $112,221.54 $112,220.03 $112,218.05 $112,206.79 $112,203.48 $112,199.68 $112,195.55 $112,194.30 $112,176.35 $112,164.22 $112,150.47 $112,126.12 $112,117.87 $112,115.37 $112,100.65 $112,087.61 $112,074.94 $112,063.65 $112,042.93 $111,996.39 $111,983.72 $111,977.09 $111,971.59 $111,937.91 $111,934.57 $111,925.63 $111,922.87 $111,888.54 $111,886.11 $111,885.85 $111,877.47 $111,871.62 $111,866.42 $111,850.32 $111,844.77 $111,813.62 $111,811.15 $111,810.87 $111,801.45 $111,780.41 $111,776.34 $111,770.52 Benefits $841.14 $817.08 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $828.75 $814.55 $875.83 $841.14 $841.14 $856.42 $524.25 $841.14 $823.23 $818.86 $718.42 $875.83 $865.92 $866.62 $828.75 $840.32 $841.14 $860.80 $809.53 $829.73 $818.86 $835.47 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $824.95 $839.30 $837.46 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $843.90 $860.80 $765.80 $860.80 $798.89 $814.55 $865.92 $818.86 $841.14 $830.75 $841.14 $815.99 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $438.88 $865.92 $875.83 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 Surname DRAPACK THAI CHEN LIU ROONEY MUSIAL FRANK YURKIW LYON LA VELLA WORSDALE STRACHAN BECKWITH TOMEI DAVY POGE SUTHERLAND EMMS SUTCLIFFE TAIT SYMSS NICOL YUNG VERCHOLUK HAYNES MCDONALD WILLIAMS RAHIM MCARTHUR STANLEY XIOURIS MANSERRA MCCARTNEY MCASKILL BELL ONZUKA KESIC FYFE MACKENZIE CHAPMAN KIM SHEPHERD LANDRY LEGUE BLACK BACHLY TOWNLEY PANDOLFI DRAZIC METZGER RINKOFF PATTERSON MORRISON HOOD MCFATRIDGE SMITH CANNATA MANHERZ ALLEY DESROCHERS MANUEL WELLS Given Name RYAN JOSEPH THANH RAYMOND WEI-MIN BRUCE ZHIYONG TREVOR MICHAEL BARTOSZ PAWEL MARILYN IRENE ADAM LORNE LEITHLAND LLOYD PAOLO GIUSEPPE SHAYNE WILLIAM JAMES ALEXANDER CHRISTOPHER ANTHONY MICHAEL BRIAN CAMERON ERIC RONALD BRIAN ARTHUR JEFFREY BRIAN COLIN DAVID ADRIAN WILLIAM SHANE ROBERT ROBERT STEPHEN KIENMUN ALLAN GEORGE ERNEST DAVID JESSE JONATHON DEIRDRE ELIZABETH KAMAL SEAN JAMES PATRICK WILLIAM ROBERT JOHN DAVID JAMES MATTHEW JOSEPH MELINDA JEAN DARYL EDWARD EDWARD YUJI ZELJKO JOHN MATTHEW AARON KAREN CHARLES WON-JIN JAIME ROGER ADAM AARON CHARLES CAMERON RUSSELL CHRISTOPHER DAVID PHILIP ALEXANDER ALESSANDRO ANTHONY NIKOLA KATIMARIE LEE ADAM STEPHEN BRENT BRUCE JACQUELINE SUSANNE LAURA LYNN ROLF BRANDON DAVID JOEL NICHOLAS NICHOLAS DAVID JEROME JEREMY GREGORY JOHN DAVID ARCHER Position Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Board Administrator Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $111,735.92 $111,733.68 $111,732.81 $111,727.33 $111,692.86 $111,683.03 $111,672.75 $111,671.28 $111,664.34 $111,658.06 $111,656.42 $111,627.07 $111,616.37 $111,611.39 $111,611.08 $111,605.49 $111,596.03 $111,593.16 $111,590.77 $111,589.67 $111,586.69 $111,583.96 $111,579.01 $111,570.51 $111,563.06 $111,562.95 $111,554.48 $111,548.92 $111,540.75 $111,533.38 $111,526.97 $111,518.62 $111,514.41 $111,514.30 $111,513.25 $111,509.88 $111,509.47 $111,509.32 $111,506.98 $111,497.48 $111,491.13 $111,482.21 $111,467.05 $111,465.07 $111,456.82 $111,454.81 $111,426.76 $111,426.28 $111,423.78 $111,422.69 $111,420.68 $111,417.78 $111,414.12 $111,408.70 $111,406.33 $111,391.88 $111,389.09 $111,373.17 $111,369.71 $111,369.38 $111,366.66 $111,360.91 Benefits $865.92 $860.80 $809.53 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $844.23 $841.14 $839.30 $830.75 $818.86 $875.83 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $835.05 $825.08 $818.86 $343.10 $1,424.32 $835.05 $827.04 $865.92 $809.53 $377.52 $841.14 $815.36 $875.83 $829.94 $834.65 $825.08 $866.62 $850.02 $841.14 $818.86 $860.80 $841.14 $875.83 $875.83 $839.30 $838.27 $830.75 $809.53 $865.92 $865.92 $850.02 $818.86 $837.46 $821.29 $818.86 $596.97 $741.14 $841.14 $818.86 $860.80 $841.14 $841.14 $835.05 $828.75 $818.86 Surname CLAPP MURRAY CAVE GREIF RELPH MARXER MURRAY ROY MCCOURT WARNER GEE SALOWSKI RUTKOWSKI YIANNAKAKOS FULLER HIND COLLIN GILBERT MILLER SUKHRAM ZINATI ANDRADE MOXHAM SWAINE HOGAN PINTO GRAY CUSHING GABRIEL BOND MORRISON NEADLES BREAULT PERSAUD BEST FOUGERE JONES SARUDI MADDEN PRITCHARD MENDEZ CRONIN DOWNING ING BYFIELD GREAVETTE MADRAMOOTOO HOLLAND SO BERNIER WARNER BAKER KELLY COSGROVE HOMIAK CLARK CHILVERS ONAMI BENTLEY CRACKNELL HENSCHELL MOLE Given Name CATHERINE ANN SANDY RANDAL DELBERT LISA LORRAINE BRADLEY GEORGE MATTHEW ALOIS KAREN PATRICIA SHAUN DOUGLAS KEVIN ELISABETTA WILLIAM EDWARD GAYLE WINNIFRED JACEK CHRISTOS JERMAINE TORIANO D'ARCY LIAM JONATHAN DAVID SHAWN WILLIAM WILLIAM PETER BRIAN JACQUES REARDEN GALT SEAN GARY AARON DOUGLAS TIMOTHY MERRICK SILVINO RICARDO NORMAN IRKA KATHERINE MATTHEW THOMAS MICHELE LOUISE MICHELLE YVETTE WILLIAM ANDREW AMY RUTH RAMACE MICHAEL EDWARD CORY TRENTON PAUL CHRISTOPHER VIKTOR LISA CHRISTINE BRIAN JAMES ANCILE HUGH MICHAEL ANDREW THOMAS JAMES RYAN MARLENE ELAINE JAMES MARC ANDREY MARK LEWIS YING HO JAMI JOSEPH CHRISTINE RICHARD TIMOTHY KIMBERLY ANN SEAN DAVID MARK JOHN KARAH DAWN AMANDA DANIELLE JASON MORITO CHRISTOPHER JOHN ALECHIA CYNTHIA CHRISTOPHER KEITH DEREK JAMES Position Police Constable Senior Advisor of Policy and Communication Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Labour Relations Analyst Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Senior Analyst Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Shift Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $111,359.86 $111,334.30 $111,330.28 $111,320.74 $111,306.01 $111,288.08 $111,269.14 $111,257.55 $111,257.01 $111,248.91 $111,248.77 $111,248.72 $111,247.31 $111,228.11 $111,223.02 $111,205.88 $111,193.09 $111,174.30 $111,156.50 $111,153.09 $111,149.78 $111,129.58 $111,118.64 $111,114.73 $111,111.04 $111,110.38 $111,099.04 $111,088.99 $111,060.01 $111,057.84 $111,054.67 $111,053.65 $111,053.32 $111,050.62 $111,029.09 $111,011.67 $111,007.58 $111,004.58 $111,002.78 $111,002.78 $110,996.95 $110,980.14 $110,977.61 $110,967.82 $110,950.71 $110,950.59 $110,940.40 $110,932.57 $110,872.90 $110,864.36 $110,862.51 $110,847.90 $110,847.53 $110,821.43 $110,813.46 $110,806.73 $110,802.98 $110,793.07 $110,778.49 $110,772.12 $110,762.00 $110,761.90 Benefits $815.99 $435.24 $839.30 $824.53 $875.83 $835.05 $865.92 $818.86 $860.80 $839.30 $841.14 $1,007.47 $809.53 $825.08 $818.45 $841.14 $865.92 $872.77 $325.51 $809.53 $337.17 $828.75 $841.14 $814.55 $865.92 $722.27 $839.30 $382.20 $818.86 $841.14 $858.21 $809.53 $875.83 $809.53 $722.27 $865.92 $875.83 $834.12 $875.83 $390.18 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $315.54 $860.80 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $860.80 $839.30 $818.86 $865.92 $809.53 $333.21 $841.14 $355.49 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $824.95 Surname MISIUDA BORTOLUSS CHAHAL COOK FEATHERSTONHAUGH DUNLOP MCGOVERN YOUNG BOYER LOBO CRAWFORD ZEKERES NGUYEN SINCLAIR FAREWELL COOK TAIT SMITH BLACK ESPIE NEWMARCH KINGRA JARVIS BUCHHOLZ KARAVADI THANGAVELOO FONG CRAWFORD BROWN JUMA LEI JIRI FISTER GUTHRIE VERRUNO GIBBONS CHAN BARTLETT LAMB RAWLUK JODOIN COBB HAMMOND WISEMAN SETO CHOW LEVESQUE VIRJI PRICE AKUNYILI CARTER-THUET WHALEN RIM BEAULAC EDELHOFER MANOTA BOURGEOIS FISCHER HAGHSHENAS BRADY SYED REIMER Given Name MELISSA DEANNE JO-ANNE ELLEN MANDEEP SINGH ANTHONY DOUGLAS JENNIFER PATRICIA JAMES MICHAEL PAUL JOHN PAUL ELIOT DENIS KRISTOPHEN ANTHONY JOHN CHARLES DANIEL IAN THOMAS DANIEL HAROLD THOMAS WILLIAM KEITH HAMILTON JEAN-PAUL CHRISTOPHER MARCELLO GLEN BRETT RYAN JAANPAL SINGH ELAN JOHN ANDREW HANUMANTHA GUNASEKARAN MICHAEL DO SUSAN PATRICIA MATTHEW JAMES MICHAEL ONYANGO AARON GEORGE MIRAN JANICE FRANK DOMENICO STEPHEN WOODROW CHUN KWONG DANIEL ALBERTO MICHAEL AMBROSE ROY CHRISTOPHER GUNSTEIN MAUREEN ANNE STEPHEN TRENT PLEAMAN BENNY HOY WING YEM JASON MATHEW ALY KHAN TIMOTHY JOHN RICHARD DEAN ERIN LEIGH CHRISTOPHER ANDREW CHRIS SACHA LUCY MARIE CAROLINE RAMAN ROMI JEAN PHILIP DAVID ANTHONY EHSAN JASON ROBERT HASSAN RAZA ERIC RICHARD Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Court Officer Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Salary Paid $110,756.89 $110,754.29 $110,745.94 $110,743.62 $110,714.75 $110,710.94 $110,687.81 $110,686.94 $110,685.08 $110,674.97 $110,618.89 $110,618.85 $110,615.98 $110,610.99 $110,601.62 $110,596.10 $110,590.50 $110,584.87 $110,579.12 $110,576.73 $110,572.24 $110,568.27 $110,568.21 $110,556.73 $110,553.08 $110,545.29 $110,540.27 $110,523.37 $110,523.29 $110,515.07 $110,513.04 $110,490.40 $110,487.38 $110,484.12 $110,479.64 $110,478.76 $110,458.26 $110,455.77 $110,448.50 $110,426.93 $110,412.40 $110,408.62 $110,403.93 $110,402.25 $110,386.73 $110,384.99 $110,383.68 $110,381.05 $110,370.79 $110,358.18 $110,351.03 $110,346.66 $110,343.48 $110,341.48 $110,331.28 $110,327.27 $110,326.91 $110,324.73 $110,321.31 $110,317.02 $110,311.42 $110,300.82 Benefits $726.05 $333.21 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $830.60 $865.92 $818.86 $860.80 $809.53 $818.86 $867.44 $809.53 $860.80 $818.86 $835.05 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $834.66 $818.86 $375.15 $818.86 $382.20 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $351.02 $822.91 $839.30 $375.15 $826.73 $828.75 $860.80 $818.86 $809.53 $860.80 $841.14 $127.79 $809.53 $818.86 $835.47 $815.99 $818.86 $900.29 $818.86 $818.86 $826.37 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $824.53 $841.14 $824.92 $835.47 $809.53 $850.02 Surname WOOLLEY JACKSON MOONEY JOSHI MOORE SCHOFIELD AJAZI FLUMIAN KAY DEWLAND BEAULAC GARROW LOUCKS MARCINKOWSKI PEPLINSKI KILLY REID NOONAN CRAWFORD CHAKAL ROSBROOK SOUCY RIGGS WINDSOR SALERMO PANEQUE KAZZOUH LAVERS KOVIC SMITH SILVA DOUGLAS MACKAY BRANTON GITTUS DUNKER LADURANTAYE VEGA LEECE DAVIS OH LUKINGS BENYI GRIFFIN MINEYKO JEEVA BALAGA CAMPOLI SHULGA PATRICK COFFEY HO YAN BARCLAY BROWN DONALDSON MAILER MACARTHUR MONTOYA LAWLOR DOLENC SWARTZ MOBBS Given Name RAYMOND SCOTT BRUCE JOSHUA CHAITANYA JEREMY ANDREW GREGORY JOHN SOFOKLI TRACY LYNN ANGELA GRANT MICHAEL WILLIAM RONALD JOSEPH ANDRE PATRICK JOHN CORINA MICHELLE MICHAEL JAMES EUGENE SILAS ANTON GORDON BRIAN TIMOTHY JOHN JASON RICHARD SARBJIT SINGH ANDREW MICHAEL PAUL BRIAN CHRISTOPHER DAVID LEE JAVIER RABIE HANNA MANFRED JAMES VICTOR JAMES DEAN LARENY MARCIO JOEL STEPHEN MICHAEL SHARI PATRICIA STACIE JEAN RYAN CHRISTOPHER NIGEL PETER RYAN NICHOLAS DANIEL GORDON WILLIAM JASON BRIAN HYUK JO JUSTIN ANDREW ALEXANDRU SHAIN MICHAEL KRZYSZTOF EUSTACHY ASIF ALI ARTUR ADAM DANIEL JOHN COLIN WILLIAM CHARLES JAMES JOSEPH CHOA ALAN MICHAEL TAMMY LYNN RICHARD GLADSTONE DAVID JOHN STEVEN JEFFREY DAVID OSCAR MAURICIO WILLIAM BRENDA LYNN CHRISTOPHER JAMES CHRISTOPHER ANDREW Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Drafting Technician Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Detective Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Sergeant Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Senior Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $110,298.87 $110,295.28 $110,284.75 $110,277.01 $110,268.87 $110,257.65 $110,257.57 $110,242.61 $110,239.72 $110,221.90 $110,220.29 $110,210.43 $110,202.65 $110,195.74 $110,191.06 $110,183.67 $110,174.92 $110,168.13 $110,155.49 $110,149.59 $110,146.47 $110,133.52 $110,130.43 $110,129.72 $110,125.47 $110,111.05 $110,110.00 $110,107.53 $110,094.62 $110,079.06 $110,076.67 $110,072.45 $110,071.53 $110,065.46 $110,058.36 $110,056.44 $110,054.23 $110,052.68 $110,049.71 $110,047.80 $110,020.53 $110,017.62 $110,013.82 $110,012.31 $109,994.20 $109,991.52 $109,991.33 $109,982.54 $109,979.86 $109,966.69 $109,937.37 $109,933.61 $109,923.83 $109,915.95 $109,915.02 $109,906.54 $109,895.53 $109,894.54 $109,891.46 $109,889.98 $109,886.81 $109,884.25 Benefits $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $825.43 $808.30 $836.67 $812.93 $823.72 $818.13 $330.34 $818.86 $865.92 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $860.80 $830.75 $834.65 $825.90 $841.14 $833.73 $841.31 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $835.47 $860.80 $818.86 $841.14 $673.70 $868.26 $835.94 $841.14 $809.53 $865.92 $865.92 $838.27 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $869.90 $382.20 $830.75 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $809.53 $815.99 $828.75 $823.46 $818.86 $818.86 $830.75 $845.10 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 Surname IMRIE LYON RACICOT PACHECO SHARMA BENNEY PLESHE ADAM OLIVEIRA WRIGHT NG LINTON MCCONNELL HUBER RAMIREZ SPITZIG FOLEY WITHROW HOLLYWOOD EDGAR JOCKO THAWER EVANS HYNEK PERKS WEBB MIRANDA GETTY MOUREAU MC KENZIE HURTADO ARBUS HUNG RUMOLO KIPROFF KENNEDY GANJ SLATER DUNCAN HIGO SNEA MOORE BOLCSO RAMPERSAUD WOOD CRUZ SIDHU FORSYTH SARIS STRILEC WILLIAMSON CANNING MCGOWAN FINE UMBRELLO GRIER PETRASEK MCMILLEN POH SUNGHING PENGELLY KOUROUDIS Given Name MELANIE APRIL RICHARD WARWICK CHRISTINE ROSE WALTER DE NISHANT PETER DARYL WILLIAM MICHAEL JASON DORA CRISTINA ARTHUR PHILIP JANET MARIE DARREN ERWIN WERNER MARION GENEVIEVE GERARD KATHARINE MARIAM JENNIFER AUTUMN NEIL LESLIE ADAM TODD JOESEPH SHAFRAZ FATEHALI BART JEFFREY CHARLES TREVOR AARON KELLI DENISE CRISTIAN ANDRES SEAN PETER JULIE SOLINE JOSHUA BRANDON JORGE JAVIER PAUL WILLIAM ALLAN RICHARD ANTONIO MICHAEL PETER CHRISTOPHER ARRAN RICHARD SCOTT MELISSA JOY TODD ELLIOT MICHAEL RICHARD DAVID CHRISTOPHER MARTHA ANN DAVID KIMBERLY ANN ANTONIO RAMON ARVIND PRAKASH CONNIE MATTHEW THEODORE SHAWN RYAN CHARLES MARK MONICA JEREMY DAVID FRANCO MEGAN LESLEY MICHAEL JULIAN MATTHEW FRANK RAYMON OEI DANIEL RICHARD ROSEMARY GEORGE Position Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Administrative Coordinator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Detective Emergency Planning Analyst Police Constable Senior Analyst Senior Analyst Senior Supervisor of Support Services Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $109,883.25 $109,875.36 $109,871.98 $109,869.86 $109,868.82 $109,865.07 $109,855.74 $109,852.71 $109,852.54 $109,847.07 $109,827.05 $109,817.99 $109,795.87 $109,779.99 $109,778.03 $109,776.09 $109,770.96 $109,759.64 $109,758.44 $109,757.55 $109,742.70 $109,694.97 $109,694.63 $109,687.44 $109,685.19 $109,674.83 $109,671.74 $109,668.44 $109,667.86 $109,667.16 $109,656.09 $109,644.31 $109,635.27 $109,627.53 $109,618.54 $109,613.51 $109,613.30 $109,606.23 $109,597.78 $109,588.02 $109,581.44 $109,575.06 $109,569.01 $109,569.01 $109,569.01 $109,561.94 $109,560.71 $109,550.19 $109,544.91 $109,534.10 $109,530.15 $109,521.04 $109,513.12 $109,512.59 $109,509.16 $109,505.46 $109,496.44 $109,488.59 $109,488.53 $109,487.58 $109,478.90 $109,476.84 Benefits $820.77 $865.92 $816.40 $865.92 $280.15 $860.80 $841.14 $865.92 $841.14 $839.30 $809.53 $283.80 $424.27 $841.14 $382.20 $860.80 $841.14 $841.14 $860.80 $841.14 $865.92 $809.95 $723.12 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $811.49 $818.86 $830.62 $825.08 $766.14 $809.53 $818.86 $828.75 $828.75 $841.14 $841.14 $825.34 $875.83 $769.45 $818.86 $382.20 $382.20 $867.85 $841.14 $824.06 $830.75 $722.27 $818.86 $375.15 $860.80 $860.80 $774.30 $818.86 $841.14 $839.30 $815.99 $809.53 $830.29 $375.15 $818.86 Surname SKINNER MANZKE SLUGG TABORSKI ISHERWOOD AIKMAN FORBES DANSON POWRIE PUTMAN JARVIS MCCULLOUGH ELO WADDELL TABORSKI BRETTELL SANDHU SOUSA BEATTY HILTZ MACNAB NANJI MCFARQUHAR HIGGINS IRWIN COOPER MCCALL GREEN SHAFIQ QIU BOLLAND SALTMARSH FITKIN COMMON PARK MICELI BERGERON BOTTINEAU ROGERS VAN NEST NORMAN SHORTT KNIGHT MAC LEAN DAVIS COOPER FERNANDES KIDD DOUGLAS-COOK MOORE JONESS MOISSEEV BENSON CRANE MCGUINNESS PETERSEN HUGO SIDHU MOHAMED GRANT SCOTT HYLAND Given Name SCOTT SAMUEL MIKE KENNETH GEORGE ANGELA KELLY RICHARD MATTHEW SCOTT DOUGLAS DAVID WILLIAM AKIRA NATHANIEL JOHN ERWIN AARON MATTHEW IAN PAUL KRISTAL KASHMIR DOUGLAS ALLAN MARK GRANT JENNIFER NICOLE TYLER DOUGLAS BALRAJ RICARDO RYAN ALEXANDER ANNE-MARIE DANIEL WILLIAM ZAHIR MOHAMED CRAIG JAMES PAUL STEPHEN VINCENT RICHARD JAYANT JOHN RONALD TERRY AMAD MING WEI CHRISTOPHER GREGORY SEAN RYAN ROBERT WILLIAM JENNIFER LYNN JAE WOO STEPHANIE CAROLINE BRIAN ROLAND DANIELLE JOANNE CONNOR MATTHEW RYAN KINGSLEY WILLIAM MICHAEL DANIEL RONALD JULIE JOSEPH DONALD STACEY DEE CHRISTOPHER ROBERT DWAYNE ANTHONY JAMES JEFFREY ALLYSON KAREN KEVIN ROBERT DIANA IOURI RODNEY WELLON GERALD DAVID SEAN KRISTAN MATHEW TANIA SARBJEET KAUR RIZWAN KEVIN DWAYNE SCOTT ANDREW Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Court Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Court Officer Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Senior Communications Technician Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Shift Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $109,469.32 $109,463.95 $109,457.41 $109,457.28 $109,449.69 $109,434.89 $109,433.63 $109,422.36 $109,416.72 $109,415.27 $109,410.93 $109,393.88 $109,387.89 $109,387.89 $109,387.33 $109,370.56 $109,365.04 $109,363.52 $109,351.15 $109,345.37 $109,342.71 $109,340.10 $109,332.47 $109,328.56 $109,312.39 $109,306.44 $109,303.28 $109,296.64 $109,295.00 $109,291.88 $109,289.92 $109,277.75 $109,271.44 $109,262.21 $109,240.06 $109,236.91 $109,228.30 $109,222.05 $109,207.95 $109,205.02 $109,191.91 $109,191.33 $109,189.36 $109,188.27 $109,183.04 $109,174.66 $109,168.80 $109,168.48 $109,159.59 $109,137.18 $109,132.94 $109,132.66 $109,130.80 $109,120.28 $109,119.49 $109,117.29 $109,110.39 $109,102.02 $109,100.53 $109,094.56 $109,094.56 $109,081.58 Benefits $818.86 $812.93 $792.60 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $834.65 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $866.62 $809.53 $722.27 $841.14 $753.61 $841.14 $753.61 $819.54 $818.86 $865.92 $839.30 $809.53 $835.31 $870.31 $839.30 $809.95 $306.61 $815.36 $818.86 $811.96 $315.54 $323.88 $809.53 $865.92 $458.21 $809.53 $865.92 $818.86 $809.53 $860.80 $809.53 $865.92 $811.65 $866.34 $850.02 $818.86 $825.34 $839.30 $382.20 $841.14 $809.53 $839.30 $839.50 $809.53 $862.40 $827.38 $860.80 $860.80 $841.14 Surname GOMES MACLEOD FUNG URBAN DODSON SHARPE SUTTON HOPKINS MONROE SHEWCHENKO LYN MURPHY SIKORSKI KOLANKOWSKI CLARK MAXWELL SAINI BIRD KATAFIGIOTIS HUGHSON RICE MAHMOOD BERNARDO KEVEZA RANDALL LINLEY SALIHU HIGGITT GILVESY PESCHIER CLARK BRYANT RUSSELL LEONARD DHUKAI POIRIER ROLLAND DOUGLAS WILSON DESMARAIS VELLA PINIZZOTTO VIDOT PINTO WILLIAMS KOH HILL GOGUEN LEFORT BENOIT HARRIS MERZA ALEKSANDROWICZ CARTER SMITH PERILLI JAKSA SUNGHING BONIFACE CASSIDY BREMNER TILLER Given Name JUSTIN DAVID JOHN NORMAN KENNETH JON RANDIE MICHAEL CONRAD SEAN MATTHEW JEFFREY DAVID CAMERON STEWART TAMARA MAE LEONARD PATRICK DANIEL TIMOTHY PETER MICHAEL ROMAN DAVID JAMES GEORGE BYRON PREKSHAT PAUL STEWART CONSTANTINE REGINALD GUY JULIE LYNN TAYYAB EDUARDO MADEIROS RYAN MATHEW NICHOLAS WILLIAM CAROLINA MAGDALENA KASTRIOT ELISA ADRIENNE LAURA CHRISTOPHER VICTOR HAZEL ANN ALAN MICHAEL ALEXANDER MONIKA JOANNA ESMAIL ABDULKARIM ALEXANDRE SHANE JOSEPH FRASER GORDON JULIE THERESE JOHN PAUL TONYO MARC ANTHONY RUSSELL NORBERT JUIN EUTROPIO MATTHEW GEORGE DAVID SUKJIN KEVIN BRIAN JOHN LEWIS KENTON WILLIAM ERIN MELISSA DAVID ANTHONY TREVOR JAMES LUKASZ SARAH JEAN JOHN GRAY JOSEPH LEE JOSEPH ANDREW KELLY MARIE BARKLEY GEORGE MICHAEL JAMES JACQUELINE ERRINN Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Detective Senior Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Detective Police Constable Training Constable Communications Operator Salary Paid $109,079.70 $109,072.24 $109,064.25 $109,058.48 $109,054.26 $109,038.38 $109,037.49 $109,019.52 $109,001.72 $108,996.29 $108,989.27 $108,983.50 $108,978.46 $108,974.78 $108,969.85 $108,965.63 $108,959.68 $108,951.13 $108,947.58 $108,941.62 $108,932.06 $108,931.88 $108,931.05 $108,929.14 $108,922.82 $108,919.01 $108,910.78 $108,909.11 $108,897.67 $108,874.94 $108,867.20 $108,862.55 $108,854.84 $108,846.64 $108,829.84 $108,820.12 $108,798.41 $108,790.26 $108,786.81 $108,785.43 $108,783.56 $108,783.18 $108,777.44 $108,774.03 $108,770.85 $108,769.12 $108,762.62 $108,760.56 $108,757.00 $108,748.58 $108,744.01 $108,743.90 $108,741.98 $108,734.27 $108,730.64 $108,730.21 $108,723.65 $108,719.69 $108,716.92 $108,715.49 $108,710.22 $108,694.36 Benefits $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $860.80 $850.02 $865.92 $818.86 $865.92 $824.27 $836.25 $351.02 $749.81 $722.27 $809.53 $836.25 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $824.27 $841.14 $814.55 $865.92 $809.53 $809.53 $828.75 $860.80 $839.30 $809.53 $333.89 $809.95 $818.86 $841.14 $865.92 $818.86 $828.75 $825.73 $818.86 $833.65 $809.53 $812.93 $809.53 $839.30 $841.14 $865.92 $382.20 $818.86 $813.57 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $835.94 $865.92 $839.30 $860.80 $774.30 Surname BHOGAL LA BORDE EDGERTON MALYK TRAINOR STEPHENS ARDILES CHOW YOUNG CHRISTIAN RAINFORD SPYROPOULOS MCCARTHY ANDREWS SHAW CHENG WINDSOR GEORGEFF BULMER WAUGH YUILE MERRITT WEEKS D'ABREO PETRIE KHAN DUNCAN WILKINS GWILLIAM VAN DER KRABBEN IRVING MACKINNON CHIN COUTO SCHERBEY HENRY KENNEDY BOYD STRAIN ALESSANDRONI DRAPER MUGFORD BRISCOE CLARKE DOBRO SHAM MAUCERI TRAN DOUGLIN ROBERTS PERSHIN ARMORER SAVARY SANGUINETTI NEWTON WESTER MINOR DA SILVA STUBBS CHUNG ALVEY WHELER CORMACK Given Name JAGDEEP SINGH REGINA KIRSTEN ELIZABETH THOMAS RONALD JAMES MICHAEL BENJAMIN GONZALO RICHARD DAVID NIGEL MARC ANTHONY NIKI CHEOLIVER DAX JOHN PAUL CARL ALAN LAP CAROL MARY MARCUS WILLIAM WARREN JAMES RAPHEAL FEXTON BRIAN ALEXANDER CHRISTOPHER MICHAEL JESSE DAVID OLIVER KYLE JOHNATHON GARVIN IMTIAZ ROBERT ALEXANDER DUSTIN DANIEL SHAWN DEREK STEVEN JOHN DESMOND MICHAEL RANDY CHARLES MARK ANTHONY DIANA RODRIGUES RONNIE MIKEAL DREW WESLEY LEE EDWARD PHILLIP KELSEY GARVAN AUGUSTINE HENRY PETER CHE WILLIAM STEPHEN MICHAEL OMARI KAMAU WAYNE ANTHONY ANDREW JONATHAN IAN VINCE VICTOR DINH MINH CHARLES VANCE JASON JOHN ANDREI VALERI PATRICE NICOLE NEIL THOMAS MICHAEL JOSEPH DAVID BENJAMIN JOHN TRISHA LEE MARK PAUL DAVID RODCLIFF RODGER ROBERT JAMES KATHERINE ANNE BRIAN JAMES Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Safety Planner and Program Coordinator Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Planner Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Detective Salary Paid $108,686.21 $108,677.39 $108,667.41 $108,658.15 $108,646.61 $108,646.01 $108,643.74 $108,641.87 $108,630.61 $108,619.01 $108,615.85 $108,604.16 $108,603.23 $108,587.55 $108,587.33 $108,579.51 $108,567.73 $108,557.06 $108,544.94 $108,536.87 $108,531.37 $108,515.84 $108,510.87 $108,498.68 $108,496.69 $108,492.50 $108,490.23 $108,461.47 $108,455.19 $108,446.92 $108,436.69 $108,431.46 $108,410.27 $108,410.25 $108,410.20 $108,398.36 $108,393.64 $108,382.01 $108,377.87 $108,371.21 $108,352.66 $108,320.14 $108,318.83 $108,308.00 $108,306.47 $108,306.09 $108,305.94 $108,305.10 $108,298.34 $108,291.92 $108,282.78 $108,282.17 $108,279.75 $108,278.97 $108,278.27 $108,265.71 $108,253.30 $108,250.85 $108,250.13 $108,249.26 $108,240.12 $108,239.28 Benefits $809.53 $375.15 $718.42 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $773.90 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $860.80 $830.75 $786.16 $828.75 $735.80 $818.86 $845.22 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $865.92 $822.82 $479.08 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $355.49 $462.02 $850.02 $809.53 $812.93 $832.22 $821.39 $789.25 $818.86 $830.75 $822.08 $818.86 $839.30 $841.14 $815.99 $725.84 $818.86 $830.75 $824.95 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $841.14 $830.75 $818.45 $860.80 $740.92 $841.14 $840.33 $865.92 Surname LEE MAVROU JONES ANGUS CHEN SIST MOOSVI HAN GREB DOLGHII ALLARD LAING YEE REDDY SATTLER CLARK TALESNIK COLACO BARTLETT SOUVANDY MANN COLEMAN MANIQUIS PANAYOTOV CHAHAL PALIC TROTTER MANAFO GUERREIRO GRANT CRAMPTON NOTO MACLEOD PILLACH OUELLETTE D'ORNELLAS ZYCH BENOIT MC SWEENEY GILLESPIE HARDING CHEVALIER REGNIER YIM STALK PARLIAMENT WOODYER BERTUCCA TOBIN ROMITO WARD WEBB MCCORMICK DAVIES ZIMMER CATON BERRY RUTTIMANN MAHARAJ SILVA KARGES BRYAN Given Name DAVID BRANDON DANNY GARY LLOYD RYAN ALAN JINN-HUEI JIMMY MARIA CLAUDIA SYED DANIEL JONATHAN IVAN NATHANIEL PETER ANDREA LYNN IAN SANJAY KUMAR FRANCIS MATTHEW DANA JOHN NICOLAS RICHARD VERNON ANTONIO ALAN ANDREW CHANTHIMA KULVINDER KAUR CRAIG EDWARD ALVIN KEITH LUBOMIR IVANOV JEFFERY ALVIN IGOR TIMOTHY WALLACE SAVERIO MARK JOSEPH ANDREW JULIA DAVID ALAN DIANA ROY ADRIAN JOZEF ROBERT BRUCE MARK CHRISTOPHER STEFAN HORST ALBERT JOSH MATTHEW WESLEY WAYNE JEFFREY ANTHONY ROBERT JOHN PAUL STEPHEN DENNIS YIU-KAM JOJI KAWAKAMI JAMES RALPH KYLE EDWARD KIMBERLY JACQUELINE MADELINE MARINO JAMES KERRY WILLIAM DEREK ALAN NEIL CHARLES LESLEY ANNE MATTHEW MICHAEL JOSHUA MICHAEL PAUL EUGEN BRYAN SANJEEV GONCALO NUNO BRADLEY JOSEPH CHARLOTTE ANN Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Court Officer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $108,220.90 $108,219.24 $108,212.31 $108,211.84 $108,211.64 $108,188.40 $108,187.13 $108,176.55 $108,175.98 $108,175.62 $108,163.86 $108,156.42 $108,155.25 $108,148.63 $108,148.04 $108,135.29 $108,128.94 $108,123.92 $108,094.73 $108,093.44 $108,090.96 $108,077.20 $108,054.55 $108,053.49 $108,044.22 $108,034.76 $108,034.10 $108,030.96 $108,009.80 $108,008.98 $108,008.75 $108,008.40 $108,006.23 $108,006.03 $108,001.52 $107,990.01 $107,985.78 $107,980.28 $107,977.37 $107,967.94 $107,962.80 $107,962.27 $107,961.93 $107,960.74 $107,956.80 $107,938.19 $107,937.48 $107,932.88 $107,928.73 $107,928.69 $107,910.72 $107,908.37 $107,905.06 $107,899.03 $107,892.85 $107,889.04 $107,881.77 $107,870.37 $107,864.65 $107,852.26 $107,845.38 $107,842.77 Benefits $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $824.53 $824.95 $753.61 $741.20 $812.93 $839.30 $815.36 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $774.30 $841.14 $825.34 $631.73 $835.94 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $815.99 $814.55 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $815.99 $818.86 $850.02 $850.02 $839.30 $828.75 $818.86 $840.73 $841.14 $826.84 $809.53 $835.05 $818.86 $850.02 $830.75 $860.80 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $811.96 $847.57 $812.93 $862.40 $841.14 $333.21 $809.53 $851.84 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 Surname PAUL WADDELL PICKERING CHEN TREMBLAY BURNS TUCKER RUSSELL LEBLANC LAMBE PECK BURLEY WONG PARASKEVOPULOS MCPARLAND CHOO-WING MCCLOREY CONLEY IRVINE PATHAK VANSPALL BARNHARDT LE REYNOLDS PICHE MITCHELL KORN HUTZEL CANNING GREEN GARCIA HOWLETT SWAIN SMITH LANE ANTONAROS PENNY GUNDERT RAND MILLER VANDEKERCKHOVE CALDER KANGAS LARMER HASSARD SENYK MCKEOWN BROWN LAWRENCE BLANCHARD VANDEKERCKHOVE BORCH RICHARDS LENGYEL HABIBULLAH RUPNARINE PATEL-ASNER SWIDER BERTIN MORLEY CID SIMOES Given Name MOHIT LANCELOT ALBERT STEPHEN STEPHEN NING ANDREW JUSTIN MICHAEL ROY ADRIANA PATRICIA DAVID MICHAEL DYLAN RAYMOND JAMES JENNIFER LOUISE DAVID JOSEPH CARMEN ALEXIS STEPHANIE ERICA SHANNON MARIE DEXTER MICHAEL SEAN MICHAEL TIMOTHY KENNETH GARY ALLISON RAJINDER KUMAR GREGORY PATRICK TIMOTHY MICHAEL NAM-NHAT TREVOR CURTIS PAULA CHRISTOPHER GORDON DIANA JENNIFER DAWN PAUL BRET DAVID ADAM ETELVINO MANUEL WAYNE TREVOR JAMES STEPHEN AARON MICHEAL WILLIAM JOHN LISA RITA ROBERT ANDREW RICHARD THEODORE PRINCE CHARLES GREGORY PAUL MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER SCOTT OSBOURNE JASON RAE LAUREN CATHARINE JANNA LOUISE LISA DAWN JEREMY ERIC GAVIN SYLVESTER KILE DONALD DARRELL ANDREW MATTHEW PAUL KYLE DOUGLAS SCOTT TIMOTHY JAMSHID LEONARD SASE LEENA SYLWIA ANETA GEOFFREY ALEXANDER EMMA JANE CLAUDIA IRENE RUI Position Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $107,832.23 $107,824.80 $107,813.44 $107,797.78 $107,795.59 $107,790.56 $107,790.15 $107,764.62 $107,763.50 $107,760.96 $107,759.05 $107,748.31 $107,746.98 $107,744.58 $107,739.90 $107,733.70 $107,724.76 $107,719.98 $107,709.52 $107,691.41 $107,686.64 $107,673.85 $107,659.04 $107,645.74 $107,643.46 $107,630.49 $107,629.72 $107,628.11 $107,612.52 $107,610.81 $107,604.70 $107,604.64 $107,594.59 $107,591.05 $107,589.40 $107,577.72 $107,575.11 $107,565.81 $107,565.34 $107,553.54 $107,548.81 $107,541.12 $107,532.86 $107,521.62 $107,520.70 $107,516.22 $107,510.74 $107,509.72 $107,507.89 $107,501.95 $107,499.34 $107,475.72 $107,462.66 $107,460.24 $107,452.65 $107,434.51 $107,423.13 $107,411.03 $107,404.57 $107,400.41 $107,399.95 $107,397.17 Benefits $818.86 $818.86 $860.80 $839.30 $818.86 $835.94 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $841.14 $846.54 $818.86 $858.32 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $824.53 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $826.37 $805.84 $860.80 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $826.54 $824.27 $860.80 $835.94 $841.14 $841.14 $828.56 $809.95 $809.53 $818.86 $812.93 $814.55 $818.86 $814.55 $824.05 $838.27 $827.04 $850.02 $355.49 $809.53 $830.75 $835.94 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $812.93 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $812.93 Surname SONEMANIVONG DONE WITT MOKORICH CHAHAL DOUGHTY DORRINGTON OTTEN CHOUINARD GREENER RYAN DAVIES LEWIS DAVEY EASTER POOLE SINGER PERELLI HUGHES REISE MCGARRY KOMADA FOGG MORASH YARDE FYDENCHUK MANSON-HING BABIN HELBERT DUNBAR SURCON ROBINSON KELLY ROBERTS MCNEVIN MCKERAGHAN GREWAL BELLEC PATCHING BRANKER HURST SMYTH ROSE SANTANA MCDONALD DYKE DRUMMOND HODGSON FLEISCHMANN MORRISON SAULNIER LENEY WRIGHT AIRD WHITE KRAMER MCDONALD HOANG BRIGGS MCCONACHIE DIAZ FREEMAN Given Name SAENGPHACHANH IULIAN KATARZYNA MARIA LAURA ELIZABETH PARDEEP SINGH KATHY MURIEL LAURIE DONNA EDWARD MARCEL RONALD JEREMY KIMBERLEY ANNE KATHLEEN ERIN RICHARD CRAIG MARION NADINE DEREK JAMES PETER CANDICE JENNIFER INGRID BETTY LEE MARVIN SHAUN MICHAEL RONALD GORDON MEGAN ROSE MARCIN BRETT GORDON DEBORAH RYAN ANTON KAY STEPHEN MICHAEL SCOTT JASON KENNETH PAUL EVERETT CLAIR SCOTT ANDREW BRANDON MICHAEL MICHAEL PATRICK NATASHA CECILIA JEFFREY LEE DANN FRANCIS NARINDERPAL SINGH FRANCOIS MARIE ANDREA DARRYL DERMOT CLAYTON MICHAEL TRACEY CAROLE NIMROD HUGO ROBERT JAMES GEOFFREY THOMAS CRAIG WILLIAM SCOTT JOSEPH PATRICIA MELISSA MARY NICOLE DENISE THOMAS MICHAEL ADAM EDWARD LUCILE VERITY CLAYTON THOMAS RUDY JAMES ANDREW JAMES QUANG MINH CHRISTOPHER NEAL STEVEN LEONARD ANGELA MARIA JEFFREY BRYANT Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $107,374.11 $107,370.73 $107,367.48 $107,357.88 $107,357.58 $107,356.14 $107,335.97 $107,324.59 $107,312.94 $107,312.51 $107,302.38 $107,286.75 $107,282.24 $107,278.07 $107,271.55 $107,270.32 $107,270.14 $107,268.36 $107,265.27 $107,264.27 $107,259.08 $107,254.12 $107,232.51 $107,211.31 $107,196.42 $107,177.69 $107,169.27 $107,160.68 $107,160.66 $107,153.46 $107,152.59 $107,131.48 $107,130.40 $107,114.77 $107,105.85 $107,102.33 $107,099.95 $107,097.06 $107,091.85 $107,090.04 $107,088.62 $107,086.96 $107,083.77 $107,053.07 $107,038.33 $107,037.36 $107,024.06 $107,022.43 $107,021.98 $107,013.11 $107,011.19 $107,003.06 $106,996.57 $106,993.51 $106,990.09 $106,985.45 $106,979.57 $106,977.56 $106,967.90 $106,963.74 $106,947.17 $106,932.14 Benefits $830.75 $813.89 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $416.04 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $871.84 $818.86 $818.86 $774.30 $833.96 $839.30 $834.65 $824.27 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $860.80 $818.86 $839.30 $809.53 $731.18 $839.30 $815.99 $841.14 $818.86 $355.49 $809.53 $809.53 $844.56 $818.86 $818.86 $860.80 $838.47 $809.53 $860.80 $809.53 $733.79 $458.21 $841.14 $826.37 $809.53 $839.30 $841.14 $774.30 $818.86 $809.53 $860.80 $850.02 $811.96 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $835.05 $818.86 $818.86 Surname HURLEY MAHONEY SPELMAN JANES MUIRHEAD MCCORD HARRIS CHAMBERS BELANGER PORANGANEL SMITH MCCUE KARJALAINEN TULLI GENDI GARGANIS RYAN LITSTER-MACLEOD SULLIVAN CORNETT ORCHARD CHOI DANIELS EMPTAGE HUNG FALLIS HAWLEY BALAGA UPJOHN MAC NAUGHTON HASSALL COLACCI INGRAM WENZEL HANDY BOAG CANNON SKLAR TEEFT BROOKER FLECKEISEN GOTHA GOUVEIA KRAWCZYK WINFIELD NORRIE MCGRATH GRACEY WULF DE GUERRA BORG WHITTALL ZETTLER CHIN WARWAR GAUDINO JOHNSTON TOTON HARKER MARTIN RAMPAT CHARBONNEAU STAGG Given Name WILLIAM ANTHONY JULIE BRENDAN JAMES JEFFREY HARRISON JAMES ANDREW TANYA LACHLAN MICHAEL AARON WILFRED IGNATIUS LISA GABRIELLE MARK VARKEY DANIEL MLADENOVIC TODD DOUGLAS TREVOR VINCENT KEVIN WILLIAM PETER ANGELO LYNDSEY MICHELLE KIMBERLEY MICHELLE SEAN JAMES THOMAS BIAGIO IAN DUNCAN HELIO HYUN ROBYN LEE MATTHEW JAMES LESLIE FAN ROBERT STEVEN BENEDICT TOMASZ KRZYSZTOF KYLE ELGIN MARY VERNA ANDREW CARLO ROBERTO JORDAN DOUGLAS DEREK MICHAEL CHRISTINE WILLIAM MARLENE NICKOLAS NADINE ALICE ELISA JANE IRIS HENRY CHARLES DERECK FRANCIS MICHELLE MARLAINE RICHARD HUDSON FOX DANIEL GEORGE DAVID ROGER CRAIG DAVID VIJAY JOHN SUSANNE JOSEPHENE SHAWN MICHAEL STEVEN CARL ADRIAN CAREY MICHAEL ALISON CARLA LE ADAM MICHAEL KELLY SUNIL JEFFREY PATRICK JOSEPH Position Staff Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Operations Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $106,925.14 $106,921.03 $106,914.52 $106,900.53 $106,881.57 $106,874.37 $106,871.44 $106,855.10 $106,855.07 $106,854.67 $106,849.52 $106,845.08 $106,842.60 $106,821.46 $106,818.10 $106,805.52 $106,803.67 $106,778.24 $106,776.88 $106,771.91 $106,754.24 $106,739.90 $106,712.71 $106,712.26 $106,711.89 $106,705.75 $106,691.77 $106,678.53 $106,674.81 $106,670.92 $106,666.00 $106,658.05 $106,651.31 $106,644.55 $106,642.40 $106,642.15 $106,642.15 $106,637.95 $106,637.60 $106,634.80 $106,634.80 $106,634.80 $106,634.80 $106,634.80 $106,634.80 $106,633.87 $106,631.39 $106,627.17 $106,626.96 $106,621.65 $106,615.63 $106,611.53 $106,608.80 $106,607.53 $106,605.03 $106,603.21 $106,574.85 $106,564.18 $106,563.30 $106,562.33 $106,560.83 $106,557.40 Benefits $530.35 $839.30 $855.72 $818.86 $812.93 $841.31 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $845.55 $765.80 $818.86 $860.80 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $816.01 $818.86 $809.53 $376.10 $818.86 $817.08 $841.14 $818.86 $860.80 $809.53 $809.53 $738.67 $830.75 $860.80 $831.85 $661.22 $812.93 $860.80 $860.80 $860.80 $860.80 $860.80 $375.15 $860.80 $375.15 $860.80 $860.80 $375.15 $809.53 $825.08 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $850.02 $830.75 $839.30 $841.14 $841.14 $333.21 $826.15 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 Surname MA KUOK D'SOUZA DUARTE TUTKA PETRAKIS CHARRON FITKIN DE KLOET RIZZA STEELE YUANIDIS TAMSE FERNANDES BUBNIC MEULEMAN MOZOLEV ESPINO MATHERS NEATH TANEL WEBB BRUSHETT ARAUJO VIRDI MACKRELL DEACON MC DONALD SANTERAMO TAYLOR PARK DAY SINGER PERSAUD WOOTTON HUNG DA SILVA GRAMMATIKOS WILLIAMS DE LIMA LINDELL SIDHU LEWIS BINNS STEEL JOHNSTONE WALKER BOYLE PROVENDER MATTHEWS MOREL PAPE METHE LITTLE LAGAT HUDSON BARTLEY JAMES MACDONALD LEUNG NEATH TZIKAS Given Name DEREK GABRIEL RYAN ASHLEY MARCO FILIPE PETER KYRIAKOS STEPHANE REJEAN GRISEL CAROLINE JANE VINCENZO MATTHEW JAMES ALEXANDER EDWARD TED ROLAND ANDREA SANDI SYLVIA CHRISTOPHER BRYAN NIKOLAY NILO ANTHONY SEAN ANDREW KEVIN BRADLEY NICOLE ADELE VANESSA MIRIAM KEVIN MICHAEL PERCY RAVINDER SINGH JAMES MURRAY TIMOTHY WILLIAM STEPHANIE JEAN ANTHONY DAVID JOHN JOHN DAVID JOANNE AMAN SHAWN CHAITRAM RYAN PETER JEFFREY TIMOTHY PETER MICHAEL GEORGE KEVIN CHRISTOPHER DAVID NOEL KURTIS LAWRENCE JENIFFERJIT MARCEL MICHAEL DOUGLAS TYLER FRANKLIN GEORGE WALKER JULIE-ANNE NICOLE JASON EDWARD STEPHANIE LIN GORDON DANIEL DEREK ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER ROBERT JAMES JOSEPH ROMMELITO MANUEL RYAN JAMES RYAN CHARLES SEAN ALLAN CRAIG CALVIN SIMON PATRICIA ANN ATHANASIOS Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Locational Administrator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Operations Supervisor Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $106,542.71 $106,534.34 $106,527.29 $106,517.05 $106,510.14 $106,501.37 $106,497.31 $106,469.71 $106,465.93 $106,457.41 $106,446.74 $106,436.99 $106,421.67 $106,404.47 $106,400.19 $106,399.29 $106,393.99 $106,392.54 $106,391.36 $106,384.95 $106,378.58 $106,378.26 $106,376.49 $106,373.31 $106,367.72 $106,367.51 $106,359.80 $106,332.55 $106,330.35 $106,321.29 $106,320.54 $106,311.80 $106,300.93 $106,300.28 $106,294.42 $106,283.11 $106,266.60 $106,258.61 $106,246.77 $106,223.42 $106,218.91 $106,208.27 $106,208.11 $106,204.98 $106,202.57 $106,181.25 $106,176.44 $106,175.78 $106,171.79 $106,153.05 $106,133.08 $106,118.91 $106,118.32 $106,100.33 $106,098.91 $106,098.26 $106,095.55 $106,079.06 $106,077.51 $106,073.44 $106,063.43 $106,054.70 Benefits $809.53 $818.86 $333.21 $830.75 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $331.43 $809.53 $841.14 $822.82 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $815.99 $818.86 $831.10 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $812.93 $818.86 $818.86 $812.93 $837.90 $822.65 $809.53 $824.06 $825.35 $809.53 $818.86 $371.84 $809.53 $841.14 $821.59 $818.86 $850.02 $830.75 $785.62 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $839.30 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $839.30 $718.42 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 Surname SELVER TISSAWAK BENNETT DOWLING BRUNO RUMNEY PLEVRITIS MACKINNON REYNOLDS SO KEEGAN RHEAULT MARSH WYLIE RUGHOO WILSON OSOBA BERGER BELLAND PARNEY SHREERAM FAGU WILSON JACKSON SIRIZZOTTI SACCOCCIA FLANNERY ZVER HOWELL MAU CHIN GRAVELIJN MCGRAN PEAVOY CHAN HEARD BURNS GOODINE HOLLINGSHEAD SKOLLY MENDOZA LALONDE PARKER PANGOS SCHUMACHER MURRAY WACKER THOMSON ZHANG OGG THOMPSON TANOUYE WILSON TANGUAY TUCKWELL TANNER QUINN SUKHINENKO HO JONKMAN BELANGER DAVIDSON Given Name TERRY WILLIAM ELIAS ROBERT CHRISTOPHER THOMAS DONALD TRACI GWENDOLYN ILIAS MIDLE ROBERT ALLEN JASON DAVID CHRISTOPHER STUART JASON MICHAEL DEAN GEORGE STEPHEN MARTIN CHRISTOPHER DAVID DAVID RAVINDRA DAVID JAMES OLUSESAN OSOKOYA MARK ANDREW NEIL GREGORY CHRISTOPHER GEORGE AMAR AVINAASH PRITHIPAUL BRADLEY MICHAEL WESLEY DONALD JAMIE MICHAEL PAOLO VINCENZO MICHELLE LOUISA NATASHA ANN WAYNE VINCENT RICHARD KIRK SEAN ROBERT-THEO STEPHEN ANTHONY COURTNEY DIANE JONATHAN HIN-LING JASON MARK ROY BRIAN ANDREW WILLIAM RICHARD WARREN BARBARA ANN BRYAN LISA ANNE DYANNE EDWARD ANTHONY JONATHAN MICHAEL SCOTT ROBERT DANIEL PAUL RICHARD LAUREAL JIAN STUART NEIL JENNIFER STEVAN TOSH GLEN MICHAEL RICHARD TIMOTHY EDWARD CLAYTON JAMES SARAH CHRISTINE DMYTRO MATTHEW WEI-EN LINDA CATHRINE AMANDA MARIE ALLAN WILLIAM Position Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $106,052.96 $106,023.03 $106,006.02 $106,005.44 $106,000.52 $105,975.70 $105,963.29 $105,950.67 $105,950.45 $105,947.67 $105,946.85 $105,939.76 $105,935.64 $105,911.21 $105,908.38 $105,892.08 $105,886.88 $105,884.64 $105,883.25 $105,875.43 $105,875.19 $105,871.84 $105,868.19 $105,867.47 $105,867.25 $105,867.17 $105,863.17 $105,841.19 $105,840.54 $105,839.86 $105,837.78 $105,832.32 $105,820.79 $105,811.72 $105,803.70 $105,782.01 $105,781.19 $105,781.00 $105,762.15 $105,748.15 $105,740.37 $105,738.18 $105,735.90 $105,727.06 $105,722.94 $105,715.56 $105,715.50 $105,702.18 $105,683.26 $105,678.34 $105,668.37 $105,662.83 $105,637.62 $105,634.17 $105,633.14 $105,630.31 $105,612.48 $105,611.56 $105,610.43 $105,601.41 $105,588.43 $105,571.77 Benefits $818.86 $809.53 $820.67 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $294.46 $841.14 $818.86 $850.02 $333.21 $830.09 $824.95 $835.47 $841.14 $828.75 $834.66 $839.30 $841.14 $818.86 $841.14 $355.49 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $824.06 $828.75 $622.66 $841.14 $818.86 $828.75 $818.86 $851.84 $809.53 $809.53 $829.57 $809.53 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $850.02 $818.86 $809.53 $819.67 $850.02 $824.53 $813.89 $818.86 $841.14 $834.65 $850.02 $811.65 $839.30 $809.53 $828.07 $835.47 $825.08 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 Surname KWOK TIERNEY ASHKAR HAMMOND FERGUSON BAKER HOU ATKINSON BURGESS MATHIEU MACPHERSON SONIER BENINCASA KRAEHLING KARPUC KENNEDY YARLETT SMITH MAC NEILL BOBBILI LAU CLAUDIO DUGGAN DZELAJLIJA KHAN RIETKOETTER YAN MCDONALD GILCHRIST KATSCHILO HANSON CROLL MIDDLETON ARMSTRONG HAMLET MONTGOMERY UPPAL LIPSEY HOFFMAN LACUNA INNISS PROULX HAMBROOK ULFAT MACNEIL MC GARRY HWANG KUMAR CAUNTER COWLEY MILLER PICKETT LIBURD DINC DRAPER GRIFFITHS ROSE BROAD BESCO BRIDEAU LUKAS LESSOVA Given Name VINCENT KAR JOHN ANTOINE ANDREW WILLIAM SAINT PAGE JASON ROBERT MICHAEL GRAHAM STEPHEN MICHAEL MELANIE JANE DONALD WADE WANDA DARLENE MARIANO JOSEPH JASON DANIEL DAWID WALDEMAR DORNA TRESIA KRISTEN LEIGH AMBER LEIGH DAVID MICHAEL JOHNNY RATHAN WAI DONALD JENNIFER JOAN GEORGE FARHANULLAH SETH ANDREW GREGORY ALBERT MATTHEW PETER LAOIGSEAC JAMES ALAN JASON ANDREW DIANA ELIZABETH WILLIAM SCOTT ROBERT KENNETH ROWAN ALLEN AARON JAMES VISHAL WILLIAM NORMAN BRIAN GEOFFREY MARLON JOSEPH DENNIS KEVIN KEVIN EDWARD CRAIG AHSAN ULLAH ANGELA CAROLINE DANIEL ROBERT ALEXANDER HYUN DINESH BENJAMINTHOMAS ALISON LOUISE CAROLINE NANCY TRAVIS GRAYSON BLAIR DAREN HUSEYIN KIRSTAN GILES DAVID STEWART SALLY AARON NATHANIEL DAVID RUSSELL RENE ALYRE KELLY ELIZABETH MONIKA Position Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Administrative Coordinator Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $105,554.93 $105,554.71 $105,540.84 $105,540.40 $105,534.89 $105,534.41 $105,530.82 $105,524.22 $105,524.21 $105,520.37 $105,510.44 $105,505.29 $105,495.73 $105,489.12 $105,486.93 $105,484.81 $105,481.20 $105,463.05 $105,459.78 $105,445.57 $105,429.72 $105,422.23 $105,422.00 $105,412.90 $105,411.05 $105,402.08 $105,388.60 $105,385.87 $105,381.57 $105,369.19 $105,364.54 $105,358.66 $105,336.42 $105,332.64 $105,328.14 $105,325.11 $105,315.66 $105,315.53 $105,305.45 $105,298.67 $105,277.58 $105,265.93 $105,264.14 $105,261.04 $105,239.65 $105,237.35 $105,225.00 $105,199.49 $105,198.47 $105,191.21 $105,188.77 $105,182.25 $105,181.15 $105,169.69 $105,169.62 $105,147.79 $105,147.48 $105,136.38 $105,135.18 $105,129.73 $105,129.25 $105,125.83 Benefits $351.02 $839.30 $818.86 $815.99 $828.49 $818.86 $828.75 $850.02 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $812.93 $832.24 $818.86 $809.53 $835.47 $809.53 $834.66 $370.78 $809.53 $818.86 $765.80 $828.75 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $814.55 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $750.09 $809.53 $284.99 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $351.02 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $309.14 $818.86 $841.14 $813.74 $809.53 Surname HART ALLARD BEGBIE HUK TERZO MURRAY ROMERAL JENNINGS ROCHE GILL SZYSZKOWSKA WOODS TRENTON BLAIR MCLEOD GILL REKHI BLAKE GIGANTE DAHAN MARO DVERNECHUK JEFFREY BAGNALL EAST STONE WEIR DALE GUTTER UDDIN BOLDUC YAP FERNANDES TAMBER FOSTER WESLEY GEORGE MCINTYRE ROURKE FRANCOIS SIANOS HOGG SAFYANIK REEVES MAILER RUDZITIS TEOH CARUSO UHER BEAUDRY MACDONALD SPAULDING HICKEY FEAVER TAYLOR QUINLAN JACOBS ROBERTS MIGNARDI MANN PILON DE LUGT Given Name ANDRE THOMAS MATTHEW DOUGLAS BLAIR ROBERT PAUL GRAHAM ADRIAN JORDANO NEAL ALLAN MATT IAN STACEY JOANNE CHARLENE LYNN ARJINDER PAL SINGH SYLVIA BERNADETTA DOUGLAS STEPHEN REBECCA JOHNATHON WILLIAM SHELLEY CHRISTINE SANDEEP SINGH JASDEEP MARTIN EDWARD JENNIFER VALERIE RUTH KJELL KRISTOFFER MARK WILLIAM MICHAEL JOHN ALBERT HUGH JEFFREY BRUCE CAROLYN RUTH IAN JASON JEFFREY HOWARD CORNELUS TIMOTHY MOHAMMED SHOEB KEVIN VICTOR MEIYIN JOAO ANGELO MOE ANTHONY JOSEPH JEFFREY KEITH JOSEPH RYAN DOUGLAS EMERALD KELLY PATRICE GASTON JOHN STEPHEN WALTER ANTONINA MICHAEL DANIEL DAVID SCOTT ANDREW JAC SEN SALVATORE JASON WILLIAM GHISLAIN MARTIN SCOTT JOHN DAVID PATRICK CORY BERT ANDREW BRIAN JEREME JUSTIN SHELDON ALEXANDER JOEL VICTOR SONIA MARISA AMARJIT SINGH JAY PATRICK MARK Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Plainclothes Police Constable Patrol Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Audio Visual Technician Communications Operator Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $105,100.48 $105,089.73 $105,082.89 $105,079.59 $105,067.30 $105,064.04 $105,046.23 $105,046.02 $105,036.84 $105,024.22 $105,021.24 $105,007.05 $105,004.13 $104,998.50 $104,998.43 $104,996.57 $104,982.79 $104,978.84 $104,969.83 $104,965.70 $104,965.32 $104,950.22 $104,949.89 $104,918.95 $104,917.73 $104,914.59 $104,913.16 $104,900.62 $104,855.86 $104,854.93 $104,849.86 $104,848.50 $104,821.32 $104,810.42 $104,799.72 $104,797.08 $104,792.33 $104,789.38 $104,787.61 $104,781.24 $104,775.55 $104,765.44 $104,758.25 $104,749.68 $104,732.26 $104,719.71 $104,707.02 $104,696.14 $104,693.52 $104,676.67 $104,665.59 $104,662.76 $104,650.94 $104,645.34 $104,636.81 $104,634.52 $104,616.50 $104,604.03 $104,597.53 $104,586.17 $104,583.49 $104,574.16 Benefits $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $837.72 $818.86 $809.53 $718.42 $841.14 $746.59 $818.86 $809.53 $333.21 $818.86 $323.88 $774.30 $716.14 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $809.53 $818.86 $834.65 $333.21 $839.19 $809.53 $818.86 $849.08 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $827.62 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $822.65 $809.53 $836.36 $835.94 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $280.15 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $828.75 $809.53 $716.14 $809.53 $322.26 $828.75 $809.53 $839.30 Surname ROOPNARINE BANYAEM BEAUDRY ASHMAN MCQUOID BASSETT LEYVA BURLEAU TAYLOR ORMSBY CZUJKO BOYKO HARRISON LIGGIO SADEGHI EL SAYEGH TIMMS BOZZER CUTTING CASPAR AHMED KOCANOVIC PASSERINO VIRK GHOTBI ROMYN MCLANE FERNANDEZ DYKE KENT PATTERSON GREWAL MCDERMOTT SISK OLVER MARKS MACINNIS KLEMM HUBER DOUPE FARINA CHARIANDY BLAKELY DOHERTY ELLIOTT HAZELL MCNABB CARLES BURKE CAMPESE HARVEY HALAGIAN FRANKEN GAVALLER GRAY PALMER KLIMTSCHUCK LEANO PETTICREW MORRISON DYRKAWEC MCCONNERY Given Name RICKEY SANTI PAULA LORETO CRAIG JASON SCOTT CHAPMAN KURT ANDREW SHARON MARISOL MICHAEL JEFFERY WAVENEY PATSY BRANDON THOMAS NICOLAS OREST DAYNA KATHLEEN MICHAEL ANTHONY GIOVANNI CELESTINO AZADEH RAYDAN IMAD KEVIN DOUGLAS ANDREW DENNIS MICHEAL ANDREW JENNIFER MARY JAMEEL ALEKSANDAR SASHA CURTIS PAUL MAHEEP KAUR FARZAD JASON KRISTINE ANN SILVIA INES ADRIAN WARREN SHARON AUDREY AMY MARIE AMANPREET SINGH EUAN REBECCA NICOLE ROBERT BOND ALEXANDRA COURTNEY JULIE SO-JUNG KARL KONRAD SIMONE GABRIELLE JEFFERY JONATHON ANTONELLA MARK MICHAEL SCOTT JAMES BRADEN SPENCER ADRIAN GODFREY SANDRA DAWN ANDREW GORDON MATTHEW MOSES RICARDO OMAR MICHELLE ANGELA HORACE NATHANIEL ADAM RYAN MICHAEL DANIEL ILANA CHANA JEREMY CARMEN ROGER ANTHONY JOSEPH CHRISTIAN ALEXANDER THOMAS AMANDA AARON AARON JOHN JEFFREY KURTIS WILLIAM Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Shift/Area Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Radio and Electronics Technician Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $104,552.52 $104,549.37 $104,541.61 $104,539.96 $104,533.80 $104,527.41 $104,519.81 $104,510.78 $104,507.50 $104,504.88 $104,502.52 $104,499.00 $104,495.53 $104,494.58 $104,472.69 $104,445.56 $104,427.00 $104,424.42 $104,423.57 $104,415.87 $104,415.67 $104,414.87 $104,410.94 $104,407.15 $104,405.46 $104,403.64 $104,401.69 $104,399.53 $104,393.99 $104,381.15 $104,380.59 $104,377.74 $104,371.60 $104,361.56 $104,353.34 $104,333.90 $104,331.82 $104,324.06 $104,320.13 $104,314.94 $104,303.97 $104,300.37 $104,298.26 $104,286.23 $104,282.17 $104,246.27 $104,241.20 $104,230.73 $104,225.29 $104,222.06 $104,208.84 $104,208.71 $104,208.25 $104,208.19 $104,204.64 $104,203.82 $104,188.41 $104,175.79 $104,173.04 $104,167.12 $104,143.67 $104,119.06 Benefits $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $841.92 $841.14 $815.99 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $728.67 $841.14 $771.07 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $802.51 $841.14 $809.53 $774.30 $826.03 $822.82 $818.86 $809.95 $818.86 $824.05 $841.14 $818.86 $811.15 $824.53 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $839.52 $792.26 $750.02 $841.14 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $355.50 $841.14 $809.53 $802.51 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $333.21 $809.53 $818.86 $765.80 Surname MOTA CARAMANICO OCHMANEK LYNCH LIM BRADLEY MARTELL GERMAINE COWL KALWIES IBBOTT GALIOTOS KAINZ BONAZZA BREEZE PENWELL GEBORSKI SALINES GLEN DAVYDOVA DUROCHER COCCARI-ENGLISH JOHNSON SARASUA TRUONG GERRY ELLIS RETSINAS AMYOTTE SWIFT PETERS HOLLINGSHEAD MOLYNEAUX PILEGGI HWANG DOBBS LI MURPHY HUGHES PIKE HARDMAN SAINI LECLERC MARRELLI BLACK ARMSTRONG KLAAS NELSON MCGIVERN GREER BREEDON KHAN CANNON NELSON DA COSTA BAKSH VAN HOOGENHUIZE SIRBOS HO GOODWIN SPADE PIEROBON Given Name DANNY LABAO NICHOLAS ALDO LUKE JAMIE RALPH ANDREW CHRISTOPHER DEBORAH LYNN JENNIFER ANNE TAYLOR JAMES DAVID ELIZABETH ASHLEY KONSTANTINOS CHRISTOPHER JOHN VINCENZO PAUL CHRISTOPHER CASSANDRA MIRANDA PIOTR CIRO STEPHEN OLGA DAVID LEONARD CATERINA KEVIN WILLIAM JOSHUA JUNIOR TRI CAN MATTHEW JAMES GEOFFREY WILLIAM PANAGIOTA DANIEL RICHARD GREGORY SCOTT SCOTT MURRAY DANIELLE LEE DOREEN EVELYN ADRIANO DOMENICO PETER IN-KYU BEVERLY ROSE XIAOBO SHANE PETER LYNN WILLIAM BRIAN DIANA LYNN SUSHIL KUMAR DANIEL CHRISTIAN GIANCARLO ERIK ALAN CHRISTOPHER RICHARD PETER MATTHEW HENRY SEAN BARME KEVIN HUGO WARREN SPENCER SHAMEER SHEENA LEIGH MELISSA ANNE ANTONIO NORBERTO FAIZAL ANTHONY MICHAEL DANIEL TOMMY ALEC KAI-KWUN ELLA RILEY BRIAN DAVID SHAUN STEVEN Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Supervisor Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Sergeant Supervisor Courts Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Salary Paid $104,082.50 $104,076.24 $104,068.82 $104,056.80 $104,054.55 $104,054.31 $104,054.15 $104,048.60 $104,037.77 $104,029.67 $104,023.17 $104,008.39 $104,006.09 $103,991.05 $103,987.11 $103,961.64 $103,952.70 $103,939.84 $103,938.13 $103,936.82 $103,934.96 $103,934.87 $103,932.36 $103,923.43 $103,919.07 $103,915.67 $103,914.54 $103,909.42 $103,905.31 $103,898.91 $103,874.16 $103,871.36 $103,871.36 $103,864.09 $103,861.05 $103,852.99 $103,852.84 $103,851.49 $103,846.22 $103,831.51 $103,829.20 $103,821.31 $103,818.78 $103,809.28 $103,805.75 $103,801.99 $103,801.60 $103,797.84 $103,792.63 $103,785.28 $103,780.87 $103,769.21 $103,745.15 $103,743.43 $103,732.82 $103,731.83 $103,705.46 $103,690.71 $103,683.94 $103,671.46 $103,663.65 $103,648.85 Benefits $818.86 $824.27 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $562.40 $809.53 $841.14 $353.65 $819.54 $823.28 $818.86 $770.64 $818.86 $839.30 $809.53 $818.86 $294.46 $818.86 $828.51 $809.53 $812.93 $824.53 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $850.02 $850.02 $364.37 $815.36 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $825.73 $723.12 $294.46 $294.46 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $842.06 $676.83 $333.21 $786.16 $850.74 $812.93 $818.86 $818.86 $718.42 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 Surname MASTERMAN IVKOVIC PICKRAN MCCREIGHT LITTLE BUCEK SPENCER MICALLEF HARRISON DRUMMOND HORNBY SANDBERG GUADAGNANO MUI FLAMENGO GILLHAM TENN BOWMAN JACKSON THOMAS VISSER PITCHER ZAFIRIADIS GAGLIARDI CAMPBELL MCCULLAGH LARIVIERE SHAHMALEKI ST CROIX ROSS BUDD DEMPSTER HUM DIODATI SMITH BENALLICK PREUTHUN HUSSAR ARCHER PAKRAVAN MCCONNELL WILSON MOHAMMED D'ANGELICA MC GARRY SWIFT CHARLES ADAMS SHEPHEARD PLATTE DAVEY GEE READ FRIESEN THERIAULT MARCHEN OKUTIN MONTIS CASSIDY BIANCHI CECHETTO LEE Given Name KEVIN GEORGE ZORAN HILDOR KENNETH JONATHAN DAVID LUCIE JILL MARK ANTHONY KEITH ISSAC KYLE ROBERT GREGORY ALLEN RISE ANNE SUSAN THERESA CHUN YUEN MARIA LAURA SHANE ROBERT SOLOMON RICHARD MARTYN PAUL EDWARD LEROY ASHLEY CHRISTINA SEAN MURRAY IFIGENIA DEANNA LYNN ANDREW WESLEY MARK XAVIER STEPHANIE GWEN SHAHO PAULA WILLIAM MICHAEL ANTHONY JONATHAN NICHOLAS JEFFERY RON RICHARD MICHAEL LORNE DIANNA ADAM ALEXANDER IRENE KIRK ANTHONY GLAYOL GLORIA WILLIAM MICHAEL PAUL COLIN ELLIOTT GEMI KENNETH ADAM DALE GLEN-DE-VERE SIMBERT MICHAEL CHRISTOPHER SCOTT ALEJANDRO PATRICK FRANK AMY LEE KEVIN WAI ALEXANDRA JENNIFER BETHANEY NADINE PAUL LEANNE ALEXANDR CHRISTINE CHERYL CHRISTOPHER RYAN KAYLA MARIE ANDREW PAUL KYU IL Position Communications Co-ordinator Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Operations Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Operations Supervisor Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Courts Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Shift Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Manager of Performance Management Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $103,647.61 $103,635.67 $103,622.08 $103,598.62 $103,588.03 $103,586.38 $103,565.74 $103,559.86 $103,558.45 $103,526.61 $103,524.85 $103,524.12 $103,517.68 $103,516.87 $103,511.17 $103,506.41 $103,506.28 $103,488.55 $103,475.44 $103,468.23 $103,437.45 $103,433.91 $103,429.90 $103,417.62 $103,397.28 $103,380.06 $103,377.91 $103,377.22 $103,371.12 $103,367.76 $103,367.51 $103,366.00 $103,365.38 $103,359.06 $103,358.52 $103,334.92 $103,319.19 $103,310.80 $103,310.60 $103,303.72 $103,299.46 $103,292.51 $103,289.87 $103,285.94 $103,283.96 $103,269.09 $103,265.94 $103,250.44 $103,243.17 $103,235.28 $103,233.68 $103,231.16 $103,224.54 $103,218.16 $103,214.29 $103,204.81 $103,182.32 $103,173.19 $103,159.22 $103,158.83 $103,156.34 $103,151.16 Benefits $362.63 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $347.58 $841.14 $718.42 $733.79 $850.19 $809.53 $353.65 $839.30 $839.30 $825.08 $809.53 $308.29 $844.56 $835.05 $294.46 $818.86 $644.87 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $814.55 $809.53 $839.30 $315.54 $839.30 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $1,244.30 $839.30 $835.47 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $824.53 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $355.49 $809.53 $835.05 $818.86 $353.65 $839.30 $728.67 $832.24 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $693.86 Surname DEKEZEL TAIT CORREIA IANNONE HAWKINS KAHNT PELLETIER MASTORAKOS ROUSSEAU CAMARA HEFFERNAN MAECKER CATANIA MELEROWICZ WHITTLE RODRIGUEZ Given Name JENNIFER CRYSTAL RONALD EUGENE SNEZANA JOHN-PAUL ROBERT GEOFFREY ANGELA CHRISTINE CHRISTIAN JOSEPH PANTELIS GEORGE AIMEE TOMMY SEAN PATRICK JONATHAN LEE GIOVANNA MICHAL TIMOTHY MAURICE JEREMIAH ERIC PERSAUD VANSCHERRENBURG WATSON KIM TAMMEORG TOPPING DMYTRYSHYN GARBUTT PETERSEN BREWER ADAMS CHALMERS BONIFACE BUCHANAN HENDRIKS NEWELL KNOX SINGH KHAN BOYCE BIALECKA HINCHCLIFFE BUTT DEMELO HEROUX KURUCZ NISAVIC TRAYNOR GREENE KELLOUGH RESCIGNO DE QUINTAL VINCENT O'NEILL HASIUK RADFORD SAINI TAJTI CHAN ULFAT BURNS KHAN WU CHONG BAMJI URMILLA ADELE LUKE ALEXANDER JIN HOI MARIAN MICHAEL ANTHONY KAREN SUMIE TODD KATHLEEN ERIN MATTHEW JOSEPH KHARY AZANDE ANDREA LISA ANITA GREGORY MICHAEL BART KATHLEEN JAIME LOUISE HARJIT BAHROZE RAZA SUSIE ROWENA MARTA EVA DAVID JOHN AMIR MATTHEW CORREIA STEPHANE BLAISE NICK ALISON DAWN MICHAELA SARA STACY LEIGH CLAUDIO PETER ANDREW JASON ERNEST SANDRA LOUISE MELISSA ANNE CHRISTOPHER KEITH TARANDIP SINGH ROBERT MARK GREGORY ABDULLAH LAURA ELIZABETH AMMAR HAI ZHONG WILSON CHEE ZUBIN XERXES Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Police Constable Health and Safety Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Supervisor of Benefits and Pension Administration Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Coordinator Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Technical Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Salary Paid $103,148.28 $103,136.07 $103,124.02 $103,119.76 $103,114.14 $103,111.64 $103,111.01 $103,093.88 $103,084.12 $103,077.68 $103,070.37 $103,067.44 $103,061.24 $103,060.67 $103,041.59 $103,028.53 Benefits $809.53 $845.85 $838.50 $595.70 $818.86 $818.86 $333.21 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $798.89 $839.30 $818.86 $815.99 $103,028.40 $103,021.27 $103,018.69 $103,013.44 $103,012.19 $103,005.89 $103,005.04 $102,998.97 $102,975.80 $102,973.21 $102,970.29 $102,921.53 $102,916.84 $102,915.39 $102,912.99 $102,903.43 $102,898.44 $102,895.08 $102,872.89 $102,861.19 $102,844.64 $102,843.47 $102,841.93 $102,827.99 $102,820.82 $102,796.87 $102,786.13 $102,783.59 $102,781.45 $102,771.54 $102,767.21 $102,757.63 $102,747.21 $102,736.82 $102,721.96 $102,721.14 $102,720.38 $102,713.20 $102,712.89 $102,705.17 $102,694.24 $102,686.43 $102,683.67 $102,677.81 $102,677.11 $313.24 $839.30 $818.86 $815.99 $809.53 $835.05 $829.41 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $842.25 $765.92 $839.30 $818.86 $828.59 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $828.75 $818.86 $809.53 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $815.99 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $812.93 $368.98 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $733.79 $809.53 $323.88 $359.56 $830.75 $841.14 Surname SERVICE ESCOTT FISHER JONES LAZAR DARNLEY BALL TREMBLAY BILBY PHILLIPS SZARZEC RYCKMAN HOFFMAN PRITCHARD KELLAR CHMELA BUTT VOLLMAR GALLAGHER MOXLEY SHIN MINHAS MIKALACHKI COMISSION LEE ROBERTSON KRAJAEFSKI JOHNSTON SAFFIOTI OBEY MULLER TAPLEY DONALDSON GALL HEIGHTON MORETTI YIN FELTMATE MILNE MILLS FORREST HUANG FARMER KOHOUT MCKINNON WISEMAN MURPHY REID ACTON JACKSON KHAN WILLMER CALDWELL ALLDREAD TERSIGNI DOBBS LANDRY HARPER ZHANG SHIELDS DUTHIE FLORENCE Given Name QUADO JAI JENNIFER LYNDSAY TODD MICHAEL RAMY STEVEN WILLIAM MATTHEW GERALD CHRISTOPHER JOSEPH DAVID ANDREW FIONA THERESA PETER KENNETH WAYNE GREGORY RODNEY GRANT DONLEE BRIAN MURRAY MICHAEL OTTO STEPHEN MILLER WILLIAM CAMERON ANDREW GEORGE JAMES BRENDAN JAY HO GURMINDER SINGH LARRY CHRISTOPHER PAUL JAMES RODGER KENT CORY JAMES JASON ANTHONY ANTONIO JASON DAVID ROBERT PAUL RONALD CHRISTINA ELENA ALEXANDRU DAWN CHRISTINE MARK YA-WEN MARLOWE LUCIEN MARK PATRICIA SEAN SEYMOUR ACER TI KEVIN JAMES STEVEN WILLIAM DARRYL LLOYD MICHAEL DOUGLAS SHANNON LEANNE STEPHEN BLAKE JOSEPH DAVIS ROBERT HUMAYUN RASHID RYAN ANDREW KELLY PAMELA GORDON SCOTT ANTHONY ALFREDO CHRISTIAN DANIEL ADAM JOSEPH BRIAN QING GAIL PATRICIA COLIN BARRIE MARK DUNCAN Position Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Court Officer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Staff Sergeant Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Locational Administrator Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Operations Supervisor Salary Paid $102,666.37 $102,655.66 $102,633.53 $102,629.50 $102,620.24 $102,596.62 $102,593.84 $102,579.28 $102,572.15 $102,566.38 $102,556.54 $102,542.19 $102,534.08 $102,530.01 $102,528.66 $102,524.23 $102,521.59 $102,518.30 $102,488.18 $102,476.25 $102,476.07 $102,459.12 $102,442.19 $102,440.70 $102,421.12 $102,402.30 $102,399.71 $102,399.70 $102,388.73 $102,368.87 $102,357.55 $102,357.12 $102,356.44 $102,347.20 $102,346.09 $102,345.68 $102,343.25 $102,326.85 $102,306.83 $102,303.48 $102,299.85 $102,296.47 $102,295.94 $102,284.35 $102,276.37 $102,272.42 $102,270.64 $102,270.04 $102,267.58 $102,266.26 $102,266.02 $102,265.47 $102,265.05 $102,260.92 $102,257.16 $102,251.65 $102,245.54 $102,240.14 $102,236.95 $102,231.64 $102,228.54 $102,215.14 Benefits $809.53 $841.14 $284.99 $845.04 $809.53 $841.14 $753.61 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $841.14 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $351.02 $809.95 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $841.14 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $596.97 $830.75 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $351.02 $823.23 $809.53 $838.27 $809.53 $839.30 $353.65 $841.92 $355.49 $818.86 $818.86 $839.30 $331.43 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $351.02 $839.30 $841.14 $817.08 Surname MCCULLOUGH SCOTT BEAVEN-BRINDLE AGIUS MCNABB PHUONG KIRCHNER PENNEY BELANGER EBRAHIM DAVEY BOLTON LY GAYLE MEEHAN MOORE SAEED ROBERTSON WILSON THOMPSON LUCIFORA PRITCHARD DEANE ARMSTRONG DANIELS AGNEW TROTMAN GRELLETTE TOWNSHEND HAWORTH MACKAY VALENCIA HENDERSON DAWODU CHOU WONG PISANO GOROSPE ORTEGA GONZALEZ O'KEEFE LAW WIDMEYER MCGEE MOSS COWLING WEEKS BOISVERT KRAVCHENKO INGRAM VIJAYANARAYANAN MCINTOSH VILLAFLOR MACKAY FRASER YOUNG ELLIS JARESOVA ANDREJISHYN DOE TOUT CHEUNG MC CONNELL Given Name DAVID LAUREN PAMELA MARCIE JEANNE ROBERT ANGELA HELEN JAMES JASON DARRYL LAWRENCE PATRICK PAUL LIONEL RIAZ AHMED JOHN ROBERT HUNG PHILLIP PRESTON ANTHONY PAUL CHRISTINE MARGARET KAMRAN MANSOOR LYNNE JENNIFER ELIZABETH PETER JEFFREY SALVATORE DENIS BLAIR SUSAN LOUISE PATRICK SHANE PAUL EDWARD LUCAS OWEN DREW ALEXANDER CARL ANTHONY CHRISTOPHER ANDREW ANDREW MICHAEL RONALD ERNEST JUAN CARLOS VINCENT CHRISTOPHER OLUFEMI YU-YA GORDON CHUNG-HOI JOSEPH FRANCESCO CATHERINE KRAFT MARIO ENRIQUE DAVID MICHAEL RICHIE CHUN-WAI KYLE RICHARD BRADY CLINTON DONAVAN LISA ANN ALLEN ANCEL NICOLE HANNAH YEVGEN KEITH DEVI SELVA KUMAR ALLISON PAULA ROGELIO CRAIG WILLIAM ROD DAVID JAMIE GEORGE GRAHAM GRAINGER PAVLINA JAMES JOSEPH LIONEL DOUGLAS JEFFREY SHAWN KAREN WAI PAUL DOUGLAS Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Finance System Administrator Senior Programmer Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Salary Paid $102,203.45 $102,199.43 $102,195.75 $102,181.72 $102,179.59 $102,168.72 $102,161.78 $102,152.66 $102,152.42 $102,143.24 $102,140.59 $102,136.65 $102,133.33 $102,120.47 $102,104.29 $102,103.69 $102,096.91 $102,094.08 $102,061.82 $102,061.28 $102,032.80 $102,029.60 $102,014.55 $102,011.24 $102,004.61 $102,002.55 $102,000.18 $101,995.02 $101,994.02 $101,976.32 $101,974.30 $101,970.95 $101,955.19 $101,945.35 $101,944.22 $101,941.28 $101,924.00 $101,913.15 $101,907.63 $101,900.05 $101,899.43 $101,894.35 $101,890.47 $101,864.87 $101,864.32 $101,857.08 $101,856.86 $101,849.75 $101,847.64 $101,841.67 $101,840.08 $101,834.58 $101,831.24 $101,828.10 $101,825.63 $101,819.92 $101,815.22 $101,808.60 $101,804.39 $101,803.45 $101,802.15 $101,801.41 Benefits $607.02 $825.34 $819.54 $774.30 $839.30 $809.53 $809.53 $353.65 $841.14 $818.86 $839.30 $284.99 $809.53 $830.75 $828.75 $774.30 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $821.39 $835.05 $351.02 $809.53 $351.02 $809.53 $809.95 $815.99 $841.14 $809.53 $823.33 $809.53 $839.30 $841.14 $809.53 $847.89 $816.81 $313.24 $351.02 $824.95 $809.95 $818.86 $829.71 $839.30 $355.49 $809.53 $818.86 $828.62 $839.30 $355.49 $811.96 $841.92 $839.30 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $834.65 $822.82 $351.02 $825.73 Surname O'GRADY HARDWICK REA SALEH WECKER WADDEN PATIL BROUGHTON SMITH MCCANN DAVEY CACCIA TURGEON IRVINE KATZMANN KULIK WORTS RYCZKO MCINTYRE LAMONTAGNE WALSH NALON GANESHALINGAM LUU DE GUZMAN PARASRAM BOYAL LEE FENNELL MACGREGOR BATTAGLIA DOWNIE KOOY HART SCHULTE HARDING KROUSTALLIS HAASEN MURRAY DE HARTOG MADELEY FOX-VIGNARAJAH LUCYSHYN GAUVREAU WORTHINGTON LOUIE MAKHLOUF PIGRAM IRWIN SELF JANES CORRIE NICHIPORIK CHADWICK BHANDARI WALKER NEWELL DYBOWSKI DEWSNAP OAKES GERIS FRIAS Given Name LAWRENCE JOSEPH STEVEN PHILIP EARL DANIEL MICHAEL ROBERT FRED CLARENCE SAMEER PETER WILLIAM COREY MATTHEW MADONNA MARIE FRANCESCA ANNE DAVID MICHAEL JOSEPH ERNEST BRENT MARVEN JASON LAURENCE MELISSA HEATHER ROBERT MICHAEL LESLIE JASON ALAN JOSEPH DEREK ANDREW TAMARA DARLENE NIRUBAN TAN SY NOEL ENRIQUEZ LAWRENCE GURINDER SINGH WAYNE MARK ANTHONY GRANT SALVATORE KELLY DANIEL PETER PETER CHARLES KATHRYN RUTH MATTHEW EARL MICHAEL JAMES WENDY CATHY DAVID GERARD CALLUM ALEXANDER CRAIG ALAN SUZANNE HELEN TRACEY MARC ROBERT MARK GILBERT JUN JAMES MICHAEL ANDREW JOHN JESSICA LEE MATTHEW CHRISTOPHER DALE CHESLEY ANDREW BENJAMIN DARREN WILLIAM TIMOTHY NITIN NEIL PATRICIA MICHAEL LEONHARD STACEY LYNN JOSHUA ROBERT SHAWN JOSEPH PAUL GEORGE Position Supervisor of Photo Section Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Patrol Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Operations Supervisor Police Constable Senior Programmer Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $101,781.77 $101,781.04 $101,778.25 $101,776.38 $101,775.81 $101,759.62 $101,758.75 $101,756.99 $101,756.32 $101,754.03 $101,749.37 $101,748.75 $101,742.59 $101,738.51 $101,733.14 $101,715.27 $101,706.22 $101,705.16 $101,695.56 $101,690.33 $101,689.57 $101,687.63 $101,676.36 $101,661.73 $101,649.14 $101,644.63 $101,635.45 $101,623.11 $101,622.98 $101,622.67 $101,610.35 $101,609.94 $101,601.94 $101,596.78 $101,588.28 $101,586.23 $101,569.40 $101,562.76 $101,554.41 $101,549.57 $101,522.11 $101,520.65 $101,519.46 $101,506.86 $101,496.34 $101,495.70 $101,494.68 $101,482.17 $101,473.47 $101,463.12 $101,457.35 $101,454.51 $101,452.55 $101,441.65 $101,436.25 $101,428.82 $101,420.30 $101,407.86 $101,401.56 $101,400.75 $101,390.96 $101,386.60 Benefits $836.67 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $746.59 $818.07 $818.86 $815.99 $818.86 $828.75 $809.53 $702.48 $818.86 $839.30 $823.72 $833.23 $809.53 $351.02 $355.49 $841.14 $827.04 $809.53 $818.86 $839.30 $284.99 $839.30 $809.53 $809.53 $832.07 $841.14 $809.53 $841.14 $798.03 $841.14 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $294.46 $818.86 $818.86 $613.33 $841.14 $809.53 $809.53 $841.14 $835.05 $722.27 $815.99 $839.30 $839.30 $841.14 $841.14 $284.99 $353.85 $818.86 Surname GIRMENIA EVANS LEE HOLT WEIST LODHI BINNING MUTO HUSSAIN PASCUZZO GENDRON LANGDON WARD MILIC WEATHERBEE LOUHIKARI REID MULLALLY GUY PALM BAIRD ALEKSEEVA SOUHLERIS PAPATHEODOROU WALLACE BAINS KELLY BRAUND MCCANN BARTLETT CONLIFFE NYKORCHUK SHANNON QUIGLEY MACKINNON ARSENAULT WARNOCK MAK MATHESON SPIVAK SCOTT THOMAS LUKINGS DOYLE CRISANTI PRIEM MIHAILESCU BOWRY D'ASCENZO DE COSTE HERMAN IMRIE JEUNET-LEVAL LYON MILLER OLIVEIRA PARVIN SELBY DAVEY DUNNING MONTEIRO GALAMIYEVA Given Name FRANCESCO MARK ANTHONY JORGE JACK WILLIAM STEPHEN MIR MINHAJUDDIN ANDREW JOHN ANTONIO AMER EVELYN PAUL LAURA ANNE BRETT TERRANCE DANY JEFFREY MICHAEL TIM RHONDA MARGARET JOSEPH JENNINGS JENNIFER PETRA JULIANE KAREN ANN MARINA NICOLAS GEORGE SCOTT EDMUND ARMAN STEPHEN KIMBERLEY ANN JAMES RAYMOND LAURIE ANNE LYNDA MARIE JACOB GLENN PASQUALINA STEPHEN JORDAN KIMBERLEY KELLY LEE DAREN ARTHUR MARTIN MA YING ELLIE ALLYN SHARI MICHAEL ANDREW KRISTIN MARIE AIMEE ELISABETH CENTINA ROXANNE COSIMO MICHELLE SIMONE SIMONA CHRISTOPHER GEORGE MICHELE ABELE LISA GERMAINE BRIAN JOSEPH SEAN ANDREW LAURENT NATALIE LINDA JAMES ANTHONY LINDA ARMAND SYDNEY SHONA DUMAIN ROBIN PAUL DOUGLAS DAVID JASON YEKATERINA Position Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Shift Supervisor Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Records Application Specialist Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Training Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $101,385.12 $101,383.12 $101,368.45 $101,351.82 $101,350.91 $101,345.44 $101,340.82 $101,338.49 $101,334.84 $101,333.90 $101,332.30 $101,329.55 $101,328.47 $101,314.56 $101,311.44 $101,308.79 $101,303.39 $101,300.44 $101,298.95 $101,287.63 $101,280.80 $101,277.56 $101,272.23 $101,271.73 $101,269.99 $101,269.76 $101,262.01 $101,258.31 $101,252.70 $101,228.97 $101,224.54 $101,216.95 $101,212.76 $101,200.07 $101,186.99 $101,180.41 $101,174.47 $101,151.40 $101,148.77 $101,140.13 $101,128.57 $101,123.67 $101,119.12 $101,115.42 $101,114.03 $101,113.52 $101,112.82 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,110.02 $101,109.56 $101,107.64 $101,104.89 $101,103.47 Benefits $841.14 $818.86 $818.86 $809.95 $839.30 $821.18 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $315.54 $839.30 $714.30 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $839.30 $841.14 $809.53 $818.86 $700.28 $839.30 $809.53 $809.53 $818.86 $351.02 $809.53 $828.75 $841.14 $829.42 $839.30 $809.53 $351.02 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $351.02 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $841.14 $841.14 $453.59 $353.65 $420.89 $355.49 $841.14 $355.49 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $841.14 $355.49 $841.14 $841.14 $839.30 $818.86 $809.53 $809.53 Surname GUY WOO JANSE LOWE KIMMERER MCLELLAN MORRISON GILL BELL PICCOLO JUNG DELGADO MENESES ADAMS MACISAAC ZHOU CAWTHORNE MCGAHERN GLENNIE MULHALL WRONG DOUGLAS HUMFREY STREIT UDEGBUNAM CALLANAN MANN LANGDON SWAN BURNS JOKINIEMI SERVICE LI FUJINO WANG JUHASZ GILL OBORNICK WATSON MAYO ENGLISH HAMPEL MANNING SULLIVAN SHEPHERDLY CAMERON SIROIS FRANCIS SEBERRY STEFANI BERTRIM ROACH CRAIG ADDISON DAVEY SZWEDO SINGH MC MASTER KELLOWAY GOMEZ ROBERTS LIMERICK HARWOOD Given Name DARRYL GEORGE GILBERT MICHELLE CARRIE DANIEL STEVEN DAVID RUSSELL CURTIS JOHNNY STEVEN CHRISTOPHER HARVINDER SINGH JAMIESON KRISTIAN ADRIAN MICHAEL KEVIN SEOK JUAN CARLOS BRADLEY DEAN ALLISTER EDMUND HONGFEI AUDRY PETRA JOHN ANTHONY EVAN PENNER MICHAEL JASON CHRISTOPHER MARTIN KWAME ROBERT JEFFREY JAMES CHRISTIAN GORDON UPKAR SINGH VINCENT DAVID WILLIAM JONATHON PAUL PEKKA GUY PETER MING TO ALAN TIAM YEE JAMIE CHRISTINE MIHRAMAT SINGH HOWARD ERROL JOHN KENNETH DOUGLAS SCOTT JOHN STEVEN GORDON WALTER ALAN MONIQUE VALERIE COLMATA WILLIAM WILLIAM PATRICIA BONNIE HILDA SANDRA JEAN KEITH SCOTT JILL TOMASZ RAJENDRA CHRISTOPHER RYAN TREVOR PAUL GARY RONALD HARRY SCOTT WILLIAM MELANIE JEAN Position Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Customer Service Representative Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Locational Administrator Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $101,103.05 $101,097.50 $101,088.84 $101,079.83 $101,079.08 $101,063.48 $101,055.84 $101,046.80 $101,043.61 $101,035.93 $101,034.65 $101,031.94 $101,028.80 $101,011.30 $101,008.75 $101,006.82 $101,004.44 $100,991.23 $100,990.28 $100,974.34 $100,952.03 $100,939.39 $100,939.26 $100,939.04 $100,934.34 $100,933.97 $100,931.60 $100,923.40 $100,920.08 $100,916.89 $100,910.29 $100,909.69 $100,898.00 $100,891.72 $100,890.10 $100,878.19 $100,871.14 $100,870.98 $100,865.20 $100,847.44 $100,845.89 $100,837.29 $100,832.59 $100,831.54 $100,829.84 $100,828.44 $100,826.18 $100,822.49 $100,817.49 $100,815.41 $100,805.88 $100,799.29 $100,793.79 $100,791.19 $100,790.90 $100,787.59 $100,782.45 $100,772.92 $100,763.78 $100,756.45 $100,748.74 $100,747.29 Benefits $838.27 $351.02 $839.30 $818.86 $828.75 $812.93 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $815.99 $818.86 $809.53 $839.30 $838.61 $815.99 $818.86 $839.30 $661.22 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $839.30 $818.86 $839.30 $839.30 $818.86 $478.65 $835.47 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $280.15 $353.65 $815.36 $786.16 $809.53 $839.30 $833.29 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $352.85 $353.65 $839.30 $353.65 $809.53 $331.43 $839.30 $839.30 $822.28 $839.30 $809.53 $809.53 $839.30 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 Surname ECKERSALL EZEKIEL URWIN MICHELUCCI ZAYACK CERQUEIRA LOWE SHERIDAN CUMBERBATCH FIRTH HARRISON MCMAHON MCGARRITY DUGAN CAVEN MCKEON MADILL BRIAND HERRON SNEEP DAL GRANDE KLUGERMAN COOPER MCCAW SMITH-STUBBS VAN OVERBEEK ZISIS SO MONTGOMERY PINNOCK STATHER WHITEFIELD DRAKE MUNDY GILLESPIE ISMAIL KELLY BUTT KEVEZA SAMSON CARTER PATEL DARWISH KLUGE SMITH LOWE LEE MARCHESE PERRY FOLO FURZECOTT BERRIDGE MILLER ABDILLA COLES CULLINGFORD CZUJKO DALGARNO LORD MACKIE OOSTERHOF PERSRAM Given Name PETER JAMES SCOTT CARL CHRISTINE MARCO ANTONY DARLENE GEORGE MANUEL THOMAS WILLIAM JEFFREY COLIN ROGER ZACHARY JONATHON SEAN MICHAEL JOSEPH RONALD KENNETH STEPHANIE LORRIE MARK JOSEPH DANA LEA HELENA ANN LISA ANNE TODD JAMES MAURO ANGELO ROSALIA AUSTIN CURT DOUGLAS GORDON DONNA MARISA LYNNE MARY LYNN MICHAEL VICKI DONOVAN JANET ANNE ROSS ALASDAIR CHRISTOPHER WAYNE SUSAN ANN ANDREA OMAR MICHAEL RORY MATTHEW DAVID RUSSELL DANIEL MEGHANN FLORENCE ALPHONSO PAUL MANHAR WALID CHRISTINE RUTH HUGH DENISE RENEE JASON MICHAEL FRANK KEVIN DORIAN MARK LINTON ERIC JILL TAMMY BRUCE ELLIS PETER ASHLEY OREST PATSY KENNETH RONALD CAROLE JANE RANJIT Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Communications Operator Shift Supervisor Information Security Examiner Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Corporate Planning Analyst Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Human Resources Application Specialist Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $100,744.86 $100,741.45 $100,732.54 $100,722.70 $100,722.47 $100,721.53 $100,720.99 $100,712.24 $100,709.79 $100,706.13 $100,701.22 $100,698.59 $100,697.80 $100,694.39 $100,692.64 $100,652.04 $100,650.34 $100,643.32 $100,641.58 $100,640.22 $100,639.70 $100,629.76 $100,627.62 $100,622.44 $100,614.59 $100,614.24 $100,611.74 $100,608.87 $100,607.59 $100,597.27 $100,596.34 $100,586.37 $100,586.35 $100,580.12 $100,577.04 $100,566.83 $100,556.45 $100,531.05 $100,521.10 $100,509.77 $100,495.64 $100,463.04 $100,448.33 $100,446.50 $100,445.94 $100,445.21 $100,440.40 $100,436.97 $100,432.24 $100,425.46 $100,423.47 $100,422.62 $100,419.64 $100,416.84 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 Benefits $826.15 $818.86 $353.65 $716.14 $839.30 $818.86 $839.30 $353.65 $353.65 $809.53 $353.65 $839.30 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $774.30 $801.19 $313.24 $818.86 $839.30 $351.02 $818.86 $333.21 $839.30 $333.21 $351.02 $809.53 $839.30 $353.65 $818.86 $818.86 $818.86 $838.50 $839.30 $280.15 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $815.36 $813.25 $631.60 $825.84 $819.68 $839.30 $809.53 $809.53 $839.30 $839.30 $351.02 $819.67 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $353.65 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $839.30 $353.65 $353.65 $353.65 Surname PILKEY RINALDO SCHOLL SONSINI SPACKMAN WRIGHT CRUDEN IMAI ABRAMOVITZ ROMANOV LITTLER MITSKOU GORDON MACPHAIL FIEDTKOU MERCIER SERBAN PARRO BURNS KORMAN-MOORE PRICE URQUHART CIAUSU MCPHERSON ACIU LYMER COX MARSHALL SHAPIRO BLACKBIRD MARSHALL DOYLE ZUBAIR FLEMING WILSON DE ANGELIS ROBERTS SIPOS STOWELL POOLE AGUIAR ELIADIS LACROIX KRIEGER MARTINEZ TANG KAPOOR KERR MOHAMMED DAGONAS COOPER KAMA BESCO CICCHIRILLO DIXON GARNER Given Name BRENT DOUGLAS MICHAEL LESLIE GINO JOANNE JOANNA LINDLEY MARIANNE ELIZABETH TOSHI LAIRD MATHEW CHRISTOPHER YURY IAN STUART CHRISTOPHER NOREEN ANNE ANDREW DOUGLAS NEIL WALTER CHRISTINE ELAINE PETRUTA JOSEPH ANTHONY ALISON MARION ADRIAN JAY ROBERT ARTHUR BRIAN DAVID LUMINITA ANNE MARGARET SEBASTIAN DANIEL DAVID ANDREW MICHAEL JASON SEAN BRENT ERICA LOUISE KIMBALL SEGUNDO ANDREW MERSHON MOHAMMAD JAMES STUART SUZANNE MARY-GINA MIGUEL RECARDO BOGDAN JORDAN MICHAEL ANITA VICTORIA BRIAN ALEXANDER NATALIE COLETTE ARIYEH MICHAEL MICHAEL MALABANAN LIJING HARJYOT SINGH JAIME LYN ADIL FARID ANDREA HELEN STEVEN BERNARD GUY DANIEL ADAM GIUSEPPE AARON SCOTT ANTHONY ALLOY Position Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Radio and Electronics Technician Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Planning Analyst Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Senior Programmer Plainclothes Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Training Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Senior Programmer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Plainclothes Police Constable Parking Enforcement Officer Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Police Constable Salary Paid $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,415.44 $100,399.73 $100,375.78 $100,375.04 $100,371.59 $100,361.31 $100,359.69 $100,358.93 $100,357.15 $100,355.99 $100,347.47 $100,339.96 $100,323.37 $100,315.08 $100,303.62 $100,289.28 $100,287.59 $100,275.46 $100,272.23 $100,254.72 $100,250.94 $100,224.95 $100,224.38 $100,205.60 $100,205.59 $100,191.59 $100,187.01 $100,185.44 $100,161.41 $100,158.73 $100,150.63 $100,150.50 $100,144.81 $100,143.02 $100,139.78 $100,133.69 $100,132.82 $100,131.82 $100,126.64 $100,125.46 $100,125.46 $100,123.55 $100,120.47 $100,104.98 $100,094.95 $100,092.06 $100,088.10 $100,053.05 $100,052.14 $100,032.55 $100,012.94 Benefits $839.30 $839.30 $353.65 $353.65 $839.30 $764.30 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $579.71 $818.86 $809.53 $830.75 $822.82 $809.53 $251.83 $351.02 $809.53 $818.86 $818.86 $809.53 $818.86 $351.02 $814.55 $830.75 $809.53 $809.53 $809.53 $770.64 $809.53 $809.53 $826.57 $818.86 $695.50 $351.65 $809.53 $828.75 $351.02 $809.53 $812.93 $838.02 $825.84 $809.53 $824.95 $818.86 $351.02 $809.53 $818.86 $809.53 $815.36 $718.42 $350.98 $818.86 $812.93 $818.86 $828.75 THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P77. OPEN DATA – TORONTO POLICE SERVICE The Board was in receipt of correspondence dated March 31, 2016 from Paul Ainslie, Councillor, City of Toronto, with regard to Open Data. A copy of Councillor Ainslie’s correspondence is appended to this Minute for information. Councillor Ainslie was in attendance and delivered a presentation to the Board. A link to a video regarding Open Data that formed part of Councillor Ainslie’s presentation is attached here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PzWpcVzuwV0 Following his presentation, Councillor Ainslie responded to questions by the Board. He requested that the Board consider the following recommendation, in addition to the recommendation contained in his correspondence: THAT the Board: adopt and enforce the Open by Default Standard similar to the Province of Ontario; set specific targets and deadlines within a four-year plan; require data quality – not just quantity; and continue to identify and promote a staff member as the open data champion. Mr. Derek Moran was in attendance and delivered a deputation to the Board with regard to Open Data. Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Community Safety Command, and Ian Williams, Manager, Business Intelligence & Analytics, described the extent of the data that is currently available on the TPS website. They also demonstrated a new Calls For Service portal which allows the public to see the approximate location to which the police have been dispatched in response to a call for service, the event type, and the time that the officers attended the call for service. The Board approved the following Motions: 1. THAT the Board refer Councillor Ainslie’s presentation, including his correspondence and additional recommendation, to Chief Saunders for consideration and request that he provide a report for the Board’s July 2016 meeting which identifies the improvements that will be made to the TPS website so that it can be the “best in class” of police service websites as it applies to the availability of data; and 2. THAT the Board receive the deputation by Mr. Moran. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory S. Carroll THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P78. TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD – OPERATING BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT – YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 2015 The Board was in receipt of the following report March 24, 2016 from Andy Pringle, Chair: Subject: OPERATING BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT FOR THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD – YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2015 Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board receive this report; and (2) the Board forward a copy of this report to the City of Toronto’s (City) Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer for information and inclusion in the year-end reporting to the City Budget Committee. Financial Implications: The Board, at its November 13, 2014 meeting, approved the Toronto Police Services Board’s 2015 operating budget at a net amount of $2,315,800 (Min. No. P252/14 refers). Subsequently, Toronto City Council, at its March 11, 2015 meeting, approved the Board’s 2015 operating budget at the same amount. Background/Purpose: The purpose of this report is to provide information on the Board’s 2015 year-end variance. Discussion: The final year-end surplus is $110,000. The following chart summarizes the variance by category of expenditure, with details discussed below. Expenditure Category 2015 Budget Year-End Actual Fav / (Unfav) ($000s) Expend ($Ms) ($000s) Salaries & Benefits (incl. prem.pay) Non-Salary Expenditures $969.2 $1,346.6 $949.1 $1,256.7 $20.1 $89.9 Total $2,315.8 $2,205.8 $110.0 Salaries & Benefits Salaries were underspent by $20,100 due to members on maternity leave. Although the members were backfilled, a savings was achieved due to salary differentials and timing differences. The Senior Officers Organization (SOO) and the Board very recently reached a tentative salary settlement agreement covering the years 2015 to 2018. Since the compensation for Excluded staff is usually tied to that of the SOO, the estimated $17,700 impact for 2015 has been incorporated into the above salary figures. Non-salary Budget The majority of the costs in this category are for arbitrations/grievances and City charge backs for legal services. The Toronto Police Services Board cannot predict or control the number of grievances filed or referred to arbitration as filings are at the discretion of bargaining units. In order to deal with this uncertainty, the 2015 budget includes a $610,600 contribution to a Reserve for costs of independent legal advice. Fluctuations in legal spending, resulting in draws from the Reserve, will be dealt with by increasing or decreasing the budgeted reserve contribution in future years’ operating budgets. Favourable variances in non-salary budgets were primarily due to the deferral of audit work to be performed by the City’s Internal Audit division, for a savings of $35,000, and less than budgeted chargebacks from City Legal, for a savings of $71,000. Data Collection and Analysis – Community Contacts The 2015 approved budget included $250,000 to secure an external consultant or evaluator to determine what type of data should be collected, the retention period and scope of the data required as a result of the Board’s approval of the Community Contacts Policy (Board Minute P102/14 refers). These funds were not expended as a consequence of the Province’s decision to draft a Regulation made under the Police Services Act concerning community contacts resulting in a favourable variance. Other Adjustments: The Board required additional funding for a Board-led organizational review of the Toronto Police Service, the scope of which was to undertake a review of the results of the Chief’s Internal Organizational Review. At its meeting of April 10, 2014 (Min. No. P88/14 refers), the Board approved a recommendation to contribute $300,000 of the Toronto Police Service’s 2013 operating budget surplus to the City’s Tax Stabilization Reserve as a funding source for this expenditure. The contribution request was subsequently approved by City Council as a technical adjustment from the City’s Innovation Reserve. The Board incurred $190,000 in costs in 2014 and total overall costs of $332,200 which exceeded the funding established for this project by $32,200. This additional cost was absorbed in the Board’s overall approved 2015 budget. In addition, the Board authorized commencing the process for a consultant retained to assist the Board with the recruitment and selection of a new Chief of Police. At the former Chair’s request, the City of Toronto set aside $150,000 in its 2014 non-program accounts for this purpose, and those funds were available to the Board through its operating budget. During 2014, total costs amounted to $90,000 and were charged back to the City’s non-program accounts. For 2015, the Board has incurred $76,000, which was $16,000 over the remaining $60,000; however, this additional cost was also absorbed in the Board’s overall approved 2015 budget. Conclusion: The 2015 year-end favourable variance for the Board is $110,000, resulting from salary savings and reduced legal costs. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll J. Tory THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P79. TORONTO POLICE SERVICE – 2015 OPERATING VARIANCE REPORT – YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 2015 BUDGET The Board was in receipt of the following report March 21, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: FINAL OPERATING BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT FOR THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICE – YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2015 Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board approve a $6.0 Million (M) contribution to the Toronto Police Service’s Vehicle and Equipment Reserve from the 2015 fiscal year; (2) the Board approve a $1.0 Million (M) contribution to the Toronto Police Service’s Sick Pay Gratuity Reserve from the 2015 fiscal year; (3) the Board approve a $1.0 Million (M) contribution to the Toronto Police Service’s Legal Reserve from the 2015 fiscal year; (4) the Board forward a copy of this report to the City of Toronto’s (City) Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer for information and inclusion in the year-end reporting to the City Budget Committee. Financial Implications: At its February 13, 2015 meeting, the Toronto Police Services Board (Board) approved the Toronto Police Service’s (Service) revised budget request of $952.7 Million (M) (Min. No. P24/15 refers). This included an additional $5M reduction requested by the City Budget Committee to help balance the overall City Budget. Toronto City Council, at its March 11, 2015 meeting, approved the Service’s 2015 operating budget at the same amount. At the time the Service’s budget was approved, the impact from the collective agreement negotiations between the Toronto Police Association (TPA), the Senior Officers Organization (SOO) and the Board were not known, and were therefore not included in the budget request. In addition, subsequent to the approval of the budget by City Council in March 2015, City Finance advised the Service of adjustments to the budget for insurance as well as an increase in the budget to reflect of the return of the school crossing guard and lifeguard programs from the City’s non program budget to the Service’s budget. These adjustments are discussed in more detail below and resulted in a revised 2015 net operating budget of $979.7M. Toronto Police Association and Senior Officers Organization Salary Settlements: The Board, at its May 14, 2015 meeting, requested the approval of a transfer of $17.8M to the Toronto Police Service’s 2015 net operating budget from the City’s Non-Program operating budget, with no incremental cost to the City, to reflect the salary and benefit impact of the nowratified contract with the TPA (Min. No. P126/15 refers). It should be noted that the SOO collective agreement with the Board also expired on December 31, 2014. Although a tentative salary settlement has been reached, the new collective agreement has not yet been ratified. City-requested Increase to Insurance Reserve: The Service was notified by City Finance staff that a further $1.4M allocation from the Insurance Reserve Fund to the Service’s 2015 operating budget would be required. As a result of the reallocation, the Service budget was restated upwards by $1.4M. However, this change did not result in additional available funds to the Service, as there was a corresponding charge from the City related to the Service’s contribution to the insurance reserve. Crossing Guards and Lifeguards: In 2012, for the 2013 budget, the Service recommended that the Crossing Guard and Lifeguard Programs no longer be performed by the Service as they are not considered core to policing activities. The City agreed to review if they could perform the functions at a reduced cost. In the interim, they agreed to fund the costs from the City’s Non-Program operating budget by providing a revenue in the amount of $7.8M to offset the costs incurred by the Service. The City has completed their review, the results of which are summarized as follows: Lifeguard Program: The City’s Parks, Forestry & Recreation Division (PF&R) performed a comprehensive review and financial analysis to determine the cost of transferring administration of the program to the City. The proposed location for the group was in the PF&R’s Aquatic Section. The City took the direct cost of the program, such as lifeguard and supervisory salaries, materials and equipment into account, as well as the indirect costs such as human resources, labour relations, and financial/administrative services. The analysis also took the significant coordination with the Service’s Marine Services Unit that is required to successfully carry out rescue-related tasks into account. The City concluded that it would be more expensive for its PF&R Division to administer the program, and recommended that the Lifeguard Program continue to be delivered by the Service. School Crossing Guard Program: During 2014, the City conducted a review of the program, to determine if there was any cost/benefit to moving the program to the City Transportation Services Division. The City took the direct cost of the program, such as crossing guard and supervisory salaries, materials and equipment, into account, along with indirect administrative costs, such as human resource and financial services. The City analysis concluded that it would be more expensive for its Transportation Services Division to manage the School Crossing Guard Program, and recommended that the program continue to be administered by the Service. As a result of these reviews, City Council approved the transfer of $7.8M in funding from the City’s Non-Program budget back to the Service’s 2015 operating budget for the Lifeguard and Crossing Guard programs. The impact of the foregoing adjustments are summarized below: 2015 Budget Board approved Feb. 13/15 $952.7 Toronto Police Association Salary Settlement $17.8 Insurance Reserve Fund School Crossing Guard/Lifeguard Programs 2015 Revised Net Operating Budget $1.4 $7.8 $979.7 Comments Board approved adjustment May14/15 Notification from City Finance Notification from City Finance Background/Purpose: The purpose of this report is to provide information on the Service’s 2015 final year-end operating budget variance, and to obtain Board approval for additional reserve contributions in 2015 from the Service’s 2015 year end surplus. Discussion: The Service’s 2015 year-end surplus is $6.3M, after the year end account analysis process was completed, all accounting entries were finalized and before accounting for the financial impact of the PanAm/Parapan Am games. It is important to note that $4.9M of this surplus was a result of one-time revenues from the reversals of liabilities and other adjustments. Details regarding these adjustments are discussed in the revenue section of this report. The surplus without these one-time adjustments would have been $1.4M. As indicated in previous 2015 budget variance reports to the Board, the Service was projecting a budget deficit for most of 2015. As a result, the Service took action such as reducing the size of recruit classes and deferring expenditures where possible, in order to ensure the 2015 operating budget was not exceeded. Through these efforts, a surplus was achieved. In addition to the $6.3M surplus, the Service also achieved a one-time savings of $2M from the PanAm/Parapan Am Games. This then increased the surplus to $8.3M. As part of the 2016 operating budget process, the Service had originally intended to increase its reserve contribution budgets for several reserves in order to provide a sustainable funding source to meet current and future obligations and requirements. However, due to current fiscal pressures, the Service was not able to increase these budgets and, in fact, the reserve base budget contributions for 2016 were decreased by $2.8M to achieve budget reductions recommended by the City’s Budget Committee. As a result, the Service is recommending that the Board approve an additional $8.0M in reserve contributions from the 2015 fiscal year, to help mitigate the pressures in some of the reserves. The Service has discussed these additional contributions with the City Manager, the City Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer and the City Director, Financial Planning, who concur with this approach. Should the three additional reserve contribution recommendations be approved, the Service’s final year-end operating surplus is $0.3M. This amount will be returned to the City. The following chart summarizes the variance by expenditure and revenue category. Details of each major expenditure category and revenue are discussed in the sections that follow. Category Salaries Premium Pay Benefits Materials and Equipment Services Reserves Revenue Total Net PAN AM - Net Variance Increased Reserve Contributions Total Final Variance 2015 Budget ($Ms) Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) Fav / (Unfav) ($Ms) $741.1 $42.4 $199.0 $23.7 $68.8 $38.1 ($133.4) $741.7 $43.8 $199.6 $22.4 $64.9 $38.1 ($137.1) ($0.6) ($1.4) ($0.6) $1.3 $3.9 $0.0 $3.7 $979.7 $973.4 $6.3 $2.0 ($8.0) $0.3 Salaries: Salaries were overspent by $0.6M. Expenditure Category 2015 Budget ($Ms) Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) Fav / (Unfav) ($Ms) Uniform Salaries Civilian Salaries $563.2 $177.9 $565.5 $176.2 ($2.3) $1.7 Total Salaries $741.1 $741.7 ($0.6) As a result of lower than anticipated separations at the end of 2014, uniform staffing levels at year-end 2014 were higher than assumed at the time the 2015 budget was prepared by the Service and approved by the Board. The higher than anticipated staffing resulted in continuing annualized salary costs. In addition, actual separations for 2015 were less than what had been estimated. For 2015, the Service experienced 154 separations for the year, compared to the 180 included in the 2015 budget. To help mitigate the financial impact, the Service reduced the size of the April 2015 class to compensate for the higher 2014 year-end staffing levels and also reduced the August class size to take into account the lower number of actual separations during 2015. However, a $2.3M unfavourable variance still resulted in uniform salaries. Civilian salaries were under spent by $1.7M, as the Service is behind schedule in filling newly created positions resulting from previously approved civilianization initiatives as well as existing position vacancies. However, due to the critical nature of these positions, the Service utilized premium pay to keep up with the workload and ensure critical services were not impacted. The SOO and the Board very recently reached a tentative salary settlement agreement covering the years 2015 to 2018. The estimated $0.6M impact for 2015 has been incorporated into the above salary figures. Premium Pay: Premium pay was overspent by $1.4M. Expenditure Category 2015 Budget ($Ms) Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) Fav / (Unfav) ($Ms) Court Overtime Callback Lieutime Cash Payment $11.0 $5.6 $7.2 $18.6 $10.0 $6.7 $8.3 $18.8 $1.0 ($1.1) ($1.1) ($0.2) Total Premium Pay $42.4 $43.8 ($1.4) In the provision of policing services and associated activities (e.g. attendance at court), and as a result of collective agreement requirements when members work beyond their normal hours of work, overtime is an operational necessity. The budget for all categories of premium pay is established based on previous years’ experience and anticipated public safety priorities for the year. All premium pay is approved by supervisory personnel. Approximately $1M of the unfavourable variance is the result of additional premium pay required as units addressed critical workload issues resulting from a significant number of civilian staff vacancies across the Service. Civilian overtime and call-backs were authorized where required to ensure deadlines were met, to maintain service levels, to deal with increased workload, to ensure risk was mitigated and additional hard dollar costs were avoided. The Service incurred additional pressures on premium pay as a result of the pre-Pan/Parapan Games Economic and Climate Change Summits. The “International Economic Forum of the Americas” was originally scheduled for October, while the “Climate Summit of the Americas” was originally located in Ottawa. Organizers rescheduled both summits for July 7 to 10, 2015, in order to take advantage of the momentum building up to the actual Games. The Service’s activities to address safety and security requirements for these two events began on July 4 and ended on July 11, 2015, and resulted in $0.4M of unbudgeted premium pay costs. The Province has confirmed that the additional policing costs associated with these Summits will not be covered by the Games Cost Contribution Agreement. Benefits: Benefits were overspent by $0.6M. Expenditure Category 2015 Budget ($Ms) Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) Fav / (Unfav) ($Ms) Medical / Dental OMERS / CPP / EI / EHT Sick Pay / CSB / LTD Other (e.g., WSIB, life ins.) $39.5 $127.8 $18.1 $13.6 $40.9 $127.5 $18.1 $13.1 ($1.4) $0.3 $0.0 $0.5 Total Benefits $199.0 $199.6 ($0.6) The budget for Medical/Dental expenditures is based on the costs of drugs and services, the dental fee schedule, utilization rates and administrative fees. The 2015 cost estimates for drug and dental services were based on the average increase experienced over the last four years. In 2015, the actual utilization rates increased more than anticipated, resulting in a $1.4M unfavourable variance for the year. Various “other” benefits were underspent by $0.5M, mainly as a result of lower WSIB costs due to a decrease in WSIB claims in 2015. Materials and Equipment: Expenditures in this category reflect a favourable variance of $1.3M. Expenditure Category 2015 Budget ($Ms) Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) Fav / (Unfav) ($Ms) Vehicles (gas, parts) Uniforms Other Materials Other Equipment $10.8 $3.8 $4.7 $4.4 $10.1 $3.7 $4.7 $3.9 $0.7 $0.1 $0.0 $0.5 Total Materials & Equipment $23.7 $22.4 $1.3 The Service obtains gasoline through consolidated procurement with the City. The budget for gasoline is based on estimated consumption and a cost per litre as provided by City Finance. The estimated price per litre was lowered from $1.20 to $0.95 as a result of an overall decline in gas prices during the 2015 budget preparation and approval period. Even with this budget reduction, actual gas prices still came in lower than planned, accounting for most of the $0.7M savings in the Vehicles expenditure category. Savings in the other materials and equipment categories were made up of numerous savings achieved as a result of the Service’s initiative to reduce spending where operationally feasible. It should be noted that this reduction is not necessarily sustainable into future years. Services: Expenditures in this category were underspent by $3.9M. Expenditure Category 2015 Budget ($Ms) Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) Fav / (Unfav) ($Ms) Legal Indemnification Uniform Cleaning Contract Courses / Conferences Clothing Reimbursement Computer / Systems Maintenance Phones / cell phones / 911 Caretaking / maintenance utilities Other Services $5.8 $1.3 $1.7 $1.5 $14.5 $5.8 $19.6 $18.6 $6.1 $1.2 $1.5 $1.5 $13.9 $5.1 $19.2 $16.4 ($0.3) $0.1 $0.2 $0.0 $0.6 $0.7 $0.4 $2.2 Total Services $68.8 $64.9 $3.9 The Service has limited control over the costs of legal indemnifications as these expenses are the result of legal defence costs for officers involved in criminal or civil proceedings, the outcomes of which cannot be predicted. In order to deal with this uncertainty, the 2015 approved budget included a $580,000 contribution to the Legal Reserve and a $742,100 draw from the Legal Reserve to fund the cost of independent legal services. Normally, fluctuations in legal spending are dealt with by increasing or decreasing the budgeted reserve contribution in future years’ operating budgets. However, due to the magnitude of the pressure this year, the Board approved a request to City Council to increase the legal expense and draw budget by $5.0M, resulting in a net zero change (Min. No. P126/15 refers). However, the upward trend in these costs is continuing, resulting in a request for an increased reserve contribution. As the Service transitions from an analog telephone system to the new digital VOIP system, savings continue to be realized. The current network is being upgraded from the old circuits to new high speed circuits, allowing the cost of the old circuits to be eliminated, and resulting in a $0.7M favourable variance in the phones cost account. Savings in Computer/Systems Maintenance was as a result of favourable contracts following a competitive procurement process and/or negotiations with vendors. The favourable variance in courses/conferences and other services is a result of expenditure reductions and deferrals undertaken by the Service in an effort to make up for the deficit that was projected during the year. Reserves: The final variance for this category is zero. Reserves Category Sick Pay Gratuity Insurance Vehicle & Equipment Central Sick Post Retirement Health Legal Total Reserves 2015 Budget ($Ms) $6.7 $10.1 $18.0 $2.5 $0.2 $0.6 $38.1 Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) $6.7 $10.1 $18.0 $2.5 $0.2 $0.6 $38.1 Fav / (Unfav) ($Ms) $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 $0.0 As part of the annual budget approval process, the Board and Council approve the inclusion of contributions to and expenditures from reserves in the net operating budget request. The various reserves are established to provide funding for anticipated expenditures to be incurred by the Service. The adequacy of reserves is reviewed annually, based on the Service’s estimated spending and replacement strategies. Contributions are made and expensed to the operating budget accordingly. The Service works closely with City Finance staff and the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer to ensure that assumptions are reasonable and in line with those of the City, where practicable. Although the variance is zero, the Service will be making recommendations for additional contributions later in this report. Revenue: Revenues were $3.7M favourable. Revenue Category Recoveries from City CPP and Safer Comm'y grants Other Gov't grants Fees (e.g., paid duty, alarms, ref.) Secondments Draws from Reserves Other Revenues (e.g., pris return) Paid Duty - Officer Portion Total Revenues 2015 Budget ($Ms) Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) Fav / (Unfav) ($Ms) ($11.2) ($15.2) ($32.4) ($12.2) ($2.6) ($24.9) ($10.2) ($24.7) ($9.9) ($14.5) ($33.3) ($13.1) ($2.4) ($24.5) ($14.7) ($24.7) ($1.3) ($0.7) $0.9 $0.9 ($0.2) ($0.4) $4.5 $0.0 ($133.4) ($137.1) $3.7 The $4.5M favourable variance in the Other Revenues includes one-time revenues for: $0.5M favourable amount as a result of the repayment of salary and associated costs by a member who had entered into a WSIB de-election agreement with the Board. To maintain conservatism, this amount was not included in the 2015 budget as anticipated revenue. When the arrangement with the individual was finalized in July, the repayment made was taken into income directly, resulting in a favourable variance. $0.7M is the result of taking a liability, which resulted from the parking taxable benefit reimbursement, into income. Payroll Services established a reimbursement program, which remained open for several years after the CRA had issued Notices of Re-assessment for the 2010 year. The Service has been in communication with the CRA regarding this issue and is now satisfied that there will be no further tax implications that require reimbursement to members. $3.0M is a result of taking excess funds into Service income from the combined Life and Health/Dental Unrestricted Deposit Account maintained at Manulife, as detailed to the Board at its December 17, 2015 meeting (Min. No. P318/15 refers). $0.7M favourable amount as a result of the Service taking into income the remaining liability for WSIB appeals that the Service set up in the event that it was determined the WSIB inappropriately denied WSIB payments to members. These cases have now been settled and the remaining liability can be brought into income. The Community Policing Partnership (CPP) and 1,000 Officers Safer Community grants are tied to staffing levels. The Service must maintain uniform staffing levels at pre-determined thresholds in order to be eligible for funding under these grants. Due to reduced staffing levels, the Service did not meet its targets during the year, resulting in a loss of grant funding (1,000 Officers Safer Community grant) from the Province, and an unfavourable variance related to grant revenues. The unfavourable variance in recoveries from the City is mainly a result of reduced recoveries for premium pay for attendance at Provincial Offenses Act courts. The favourable variance in other government grants is mainly a result of an increase in funding for the Court Security and Prisoner Transportation Program, from the provincial uploading of court security costs. The favourable variance in fees is mainly a result of increased recoveries for criminal reference checks and clearance fees. Where sustainable, these revenue budgets have been increased in 2016. PANAM/PARAPAN AM GAMES: The Toronto 2015 Pan American/Parapan American Games were held in the City of Toronto and surrounding municipalities in July and August of 2015. A Security Cost Contribution Agreement (Agreement) was developed with the Ministry of Community Safety and Correctional Services (Ministry) to formalize the specific terms with respect to cost recovery of all eligible expenditures for the period of April 1, 2014 through to October 31, 2015 (Min. No. P21/15 refers). The actual cost for the period of April 2014 through to the year-end 2015 was $43M. Although the Agreement with the Ministry addresses all Games’ related salary and non-salary incremental expenditures through to the end of the demobilization phase (October 31, 2015), the Ministry has agreed to provide reimbursement for eligible costs and invoices received up to and including December 31, 2015. An audit of the Service’s claim has been completed on behalf of the Ministry, and the Service is now awaiting payment for the outstanding amount owing. A portion of the cost recovery was for the planning team. The majority of the resources dedicated to the planning team were not backfilled and, as a result, a surplus of $2.0M will be generated from PanAm recoveries. Additional Reserve Contributions Reserves: When the Service prepared its initial 2016 budget operating budget request, the plan was to increase contributions to its reserves so that they would reach sustainable levels, particularly given the incremental contributions required for the Reserves were deleted in the Service’s 2015 operating budget to meet the City’s target. The original plan for the 2016 budget called for an increase to contribution budget of: $1.0M for the Vehicle and Equipment Reserve; $0.1M for the Health Care Spending Account Reserve; $1.0M for the Central Sick Bank Reserve; $1.5M for the Legal Reserve; and $2.0M for the Sick Pay Gratuity Reserve. In order to limit the Service’s 2016 budget increase, the Board approved budget included zero increases in the reserve contribution budgets. Subsequently, in order to address additional budget reductions requested by the City Budget Committee, the contribution budget for the vehicle and equipment reserve base budget was reduced by $2.8M. The Service has had preliminary discussions with the Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer about mitigating the impact of these reductions, by making one-time injections to the reserves from the Service’s 2015 surplus. The Service is proposing to use the surplus to increase its contributions to the Vehicle and Equipment Reserve by $6.0M, the Sick Pay Gratuity reserve by $1.0M and the Legal reserve by $1.0M, for a total $8.0M in additional contributions. Based on the current base budget contributions, and as a result of the continued deferral of incremental increases to meet budget targets, the long term health of the reserves is at risk. However, making the recommended one-time contributions, at least gives the Service some time to formulate strategies that will hopefully improve the health of these reserves. Conclusion: The 2015 year-end surplus was $6.3M, which includes year-end accounting adjustments and taking one-time unbudgeted revenues into income. A savings of $2.0M resulting from PanAm recoveries increased the surplus to $8.3M. Recommendations to direct $8.0M of the surplus to various reserves are being made to the Board to address the future sustainability of the reserves in light of Service’s inability to increase the contribution budgets during the 2016 operating budget request process. Should the Board approve the additional contributions from the 2015 fiscal year, the final year-end surplus is $0.3M, which will be returned to the City. Any sustainable savings identified in 2015 have been reflected in the 2016 operating budget. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. Mr. Kris Langenfeld was in attendance and delivered a deputation to the Board. Following the deputation, Ms. Sandra Califaretti, Manager, Finance and Business Management, responded to questions by the Board about the additional reserve contribution to Vehicle and Equipment Reserve. The Board approved the foregoing report and received Mr. Langenfeld’s deputation. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P80. TORONTO POLICE SERVICE – PARKING ENFORCEMENT UNIT: 2015 OPERATING BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT – YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 2015 The Board was in receipt of the following report March 18, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: FINAL OPERATING BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT FOR THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICE PARKING ENFORCEMENT UNIT – YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2015 Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board receive this report; and (2) the Board forward a copy of this report to the City of Toronto’s (City) Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer for information and inclusion in the year-end reporting to the City Budget Committee. Financial Implications: At its November 13, 2014 meeting, the Toronto Police Services Board (Board) approved the Parking Enforcement Unit’s (PEU) 2015 operating budget at a net amount of $44.12 Million (M) (Min. No. P261/14 refers). Toronto City Council, at its March 11, 2015 meeting, approved the PEU 2015 operating budget at the same amount. At the time the PEU’s budget was approved, the impact from the collective agreement negotiations between Toronto Police Association (TPA) and the Board were not known, and were therefore not included in the budget request. The Board, at its May 14, 2015 meeting, requested the approval of a transfer of $0.76M to the PEU’s 2015 net operating budget from the City’s Non-Program operating budget, with no incremental cost to the City, to reflect the salary and benefits impact of the now-ratified contract with the TPA (Min. No. P127/15 refers), bringing the total net PEU budget to $44.88M. Background/Purpose: The Toronto Police Service Parking Enforcement Unit (PEU) operating budget is not part of the Toronto Police Service’s (Service) operating budget. While the PEU is managed by the Service, the PEU’s budget is maintained separately in the City’s non-program budgets. In addition, revenues from the collection of parking tags issued accrue to the City, not the Service. The purpose of this report is to provide information on the PEU 2015 final year-end variance. Discussion: The final year end variance for the Toronto Police Service’s Parking Enforcement Unit (PEU) is a surplus of $2.11 Million (M). The following chart summarizes the variance by category of expenditure, followed by information on the variance for both salary and non-salary related expenses. Category 2015 Budget ($Ms) Year-End Actual Expend ($Ms) Fav/(Unfav) ($Ms) Salaries Premium Pay Benefits $29.38 $2.77 $7.16 $28.79 $2.01 $7.17 $0.59 $0.76 ($0.01) Total Salaries & Benefits $39.31 $37.97 $1.34 Materials Equipment Services Revenue (e.g. towing recoveries) $1.62 $0.09 $5.34 ($1.48) $1.28 $0.05 $5.01 ($1.54) $0.34 $0.04 $0.33 $0.06 $5.57 $4.80 $0.77 $44.88 $42.77 $2.11 Total Non-Salary Total Net Salaries & Benefits (including Premium Pay): The final favourable variance for salaries and benefits (including premium pay) is $1.34M. PEU generally schedules one recruit class per year and hires the appropriate number of officers to ensure that, on average, it is at its full complement of officers during the year. The size of the recruit class is based on projected separations in 2015. The 2015 attrition was slightly higher than the budgeted amount, resulting in a small favourable variance in parking enforcement officer salaries. In addition, a small favourable variance was achieved in other support function salaries as a result of vacancies in the early part of the year. Nearly all premium pay at the PEU is related to enforcement activities, attendance at court and the backfilling of members attending court. With respect to enforcement, premium pay is utilized to staff special events or directed enforcement activities. The opportunity to redeploy on-duty staff for special events is minimal, as this will result in decreased enforcement in the areas from which they are being deployed. Directed enforcement activities are instituted to address specific problems. All premium pay expenditures are approved by supervisory staff and carefully controlled. In 2015, there was a significant reduction in call backs due to members being deployed to Pan Am. This reduction contributed to a final premium pay surplus of $0.76M. Non-salary Expenditures: The Service obtains gasoline through a consolidated procurement with the City. The budget for gasoline is the largest component in this category, and is based on anticipated volume and the cost per litre as provided by City Finance. The favorable variance is a result of significantly lower than budgeted gas prices. As a result, a $0.22M favourable variance was achieved in gasoline. The majority of the other savings are associated with lower costs for contracted maintenance, batteries and repairs for handheld parking devices in the amount of $0.33M. Conclusion: The Parking Enforcement Unit approved 2015 net operating budget was $44.88M. The final year-end expenditure was $42.77M (95.3% of the approved budget), resulting in a favourable year-end operating surplus of $2.11M. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P81. TORONTO POLICE SERVICE: 2015 CAPITAL BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT – YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 2015 The Board was in receipt of the following report March 22, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: 2015 CAPITAL BUDGET VARIANCE REPORT FOR THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICE – PERIOD ENDING DECEMBER 31, 2015 Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) (2) the Board receive this report; and the Board forward a copy of this report to the City’s Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer for information and for inclusion in the City’s overall variance report to the City’s Budget Committee. Financial Implications: The Council-approved net capital budget for 2015 was $15.9 million (M). The net available funding in 2015 is $26.2M, which includes the 2014 carry forward of $10.3M and a $42,000 contribution from City of Toronto Facilities Management towards the 52 Division renovation project. From a net debt perspective, the Toronto Police Service (Service) incurred total expenditures of $9.6M compared to $26.2M in available funding (a spending rate of 36.5%) which resulted in an under-expenditure of $16.7M, of which $15.1M will be carried forward to 2016. This includes a $7M under expenditure due to the Board’s deferral of the new 54 Division facility capital project. The remaining $1.5M surplus will be returned back to the City. Table 1 provides details of the funds that were returned to the City at the end of 2015. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of November 13, 2014, the Toronto Police Services Board (Board) approved the Service’s 2015-2024 Capital Program (Min. No. P262/14 refers). The Board’s approval, however, deferred the 54 Division facility project, until the Board considered the KPMG Chief’s Organizational Review (CIOR) report. Toronto City Council, at its meeting of March 10 and 11, 2015, approved the Service’s 2015-2024 Board-approved Capital program. Attachment A provides a summary of the Board and Council approved program. This capital variance report provides the status of projects as at December 31, 2015. Discussion: Summary of Capital Projects: Attachment B provides a status summary of the on-going projects from 2014 as well as projects that started in 2015. Any significant issues or concerns have been highlighted below in the “Key Highlights/Issues” section of this report. Key Highlights/Issues: As part of its project management framework, the Service uses a colour code system (i.e. green, yellow or red) to reflect the health status of capital projects. The overall health of each capital project is based on budget, schedule and scope considerations. The colour codes are defined as follows: Green – on target to meet project goals (scope/functionalities), and on budget and schedule; Yellow – at risk of not meeting certain goals, some scope, budget and/or schedule issues, and corrective action required; and Red – high risk of not meeting goals, significant scope, budget and/or schedule issues, and corrective action required. The following provides summary information on key projects within the 2015-2024 Capital Program. Summary information includes status updates as at the time of writing this report. Parking Enforcement East ($7.8M revised budget - $9M original budget) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report GREEN GREEN This project provided funding to relocate the Parking Enforcement East (PKE) and the Parking Headquarters Management (PHQ) operation from a leased facility to the Service’s Progress Avenue site. Construction, fit-up work and the relocation of PKE and PHQ operations were completed in July 2014. The Service has completed the remediation of all construction deficiencies in 2015. The project was completed below budget by $279,000 as the mechanical units originally planned for replacement were determined to be in a good state of repair. Funding of $1.2M was already returned to the City at the end of 2014. Therefore, the total underspending for this project is $1.5M from the original budget. This project is now complete. 54 Division Facility ($37.3M) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report RED RED This project provided funding for the construction of a new 54 Division facility, which was intended to replace a light industrial structure retrofitted and occupied by the Service since 1973. The structural condition of this facility is poor, significantly impacting the Service’s ability to maintain the facility in a state of good repair, and it no longer meets the requirements of the Service. The project cash flow assumed land acquisition in 2015 and the start of construction in 2016. However, the Board put the start date of the new 54 Division facility on hold until the Board had an opportunity to receive and consider the results of the review conducted by KPMG. As a result of the hold, the entire available funding of $7M for 2015 was carried forward to 2016 and, if not used by the end of 2016, will be lost under the City’s one year carry forward rule. It should be noted that, for 2016, the 54 Division facility will be considered as part of an overall facility realignment that considers the evolving policing environment, service levels to the community and how we deliver those services, and recommendations coming out of the work being performed by the Transformational Task Force. IRIS – Integrated Records and Information System ($21.8M revised budget - $24.4M original budget) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report GREEN GREEN This project provided funding for the implementation of a commercial off-the-shelf integrated records and information system, which is the core operations system for the Service. Part of the IRIS project is a separate electronic disclosure system, eJust, which will help reduce time spent on manual/paper preparation of court disclosure documents. The Versadex and eJust systems went live on November 5, 2013 and the Service has fulfilled post-implementation stabilization/production support efforts, which included retraining members where required, and refining business processes with stakeholders. In the 4th quarter of 2015, in addition to work on the development of reliable business analytics and reports, and the development of crime analysis and mapping tools, work on document scanning directly into the Versadex system, the creation of data extraction reports to assist with business efficiency and continuity within business units across the Service and knowledge transfer to build internal capacity on technical aspects of Versadex was finalized. This project was completed below budget by $801,000 in 2015. In addition to the $2.6M that was already returned to the City, total underspending for this project is $3.4M from the original budget. Peer to Peer Site (Disaster Recovery Site) (2015 project cost - $19.1M) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report YELLOW YELLOW This project provides funding for a new peer to peer data centre facility. The Service’s current peer to peer data centre is co-located with the City’s main data centre in a City-owned and managed facility. The current location has significant space and power requirement issues which impact both the City and the Service. As a result, this mission-critical operation is at risk because the Service is subject to limitations in the existing facility which impair current operations and future growth requirements. In addition, the current line-of-sight distance from the primary site is 7 kilometers, which is significantly less than the industry minimum standard of 25 kilometers for disaster recovery sites. The Board approved this project as part of the Services 2015-2024 capital program, which was subsequently approved by City Council. Based on the Board’s approval, the Service moved forward with the project and engaged an architectural design and consulting services firm for the project. The contract award to the successful firm was approved by the Board at its July 2015 meeting (Min. No. P191/15 refers). Following the approval of funding for this project by the Board and City Council, the City commissioned a real estate firm to search for properties in the catchment area defined by an information technology consultant and based on set criteria developed by the prime consultant. Available properties were reviewed and short listed. The recommended location is currently being considered by the project Steering Committee. Although the overall project timeline has not been significantly impacted, the timing of expenditures has been delayed. As a result, from the available $3.9M, $3.6M will be carried forward to 2016. In addition, $214,000 of funding will be returned back to the City due to the one year carry forward rule. Human Resources Management System Upgrade ($1.5M) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report YELLOW GREEN The Service uses an Oracle product, PeopleSoft, to manage human resources related information, and to administer and report payroll and benefits related information. This system is referred to as the Human Resource Management System (HRMS). The initial HRMS project consisted of a technical and functional upgrade. Funding for this project was provided in the 2014 to 2023 capital program, with a 2014 budget of $360,000. As a result of the consolidation of the Benefits and Human Resources Information Systems group with Payroll as part of the 2014 Service re-organization, and the fact that the Manager of the Payroll and Benefits Administration unit was not hired until mid2014, the project was delayed. Consequently, the entire 2014 budget of $360,000 was carried forward to 2015. The Project Manager and Senior Developer required for this project began work in July, 2015, through a Request for Services issued in the first quarter, 2015. The Senior Business Analyst began work in September, 2015. As a result of this late start, $100,365 of the amount that was carried forward was not spent in 2015 and will be returned to the City due to the one year carry forward rule. The technical upgrade is necessary in order to bring the associated software up to date so it can continue to receive vendor support in the form of system updates based on both federal and provincial government legislated changes and technical fixes intended to address vendorsoftware related issues. The planned technical upgrade will bring the system from the current version of 9.1 to version 9.2. The functional upgrade associated with this project was intended to take advantage of new functionality in Version 9.2, which would achieve administrative efficiencies and put the Payroll and Benefits Administration team in a position to provide better information and customer service. The scope of the project evolved to include business process reviews and fit-gap sessions associated with existing and new functionality. Although the technical upgrade will be completed by the end of 2016, business process reviews that occurred during the last quarter of 2015 show that there are a number of position, process and system optimization opportunities. The vision for this project has been captured in a blueprint document, which outlines significant opportunities for efficiencies, process and administration ownership changes and functional improvements which will be implemented over the next three years. In order to achieve the vision, core HRMS will be optimized, administration centralized and customizations eliminated to reduce maintenance and upgrade efforts and costs. Some functional improvements will be rolled out in 2016. From the 2015 available funding of $1.5M, $1.1M will be carried forward to 2016. In order to execute the blueprint, additional funds will be required and will be requested in the 2017 to 2026 capital program. Essentially this project has evolved from a system upgrade project to a business transformation project, which significantly changes and improves how we provide and manage human resource services in the Service. Time Management Resource System ($4.1M) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report YELLOW YELLOW An effective time and attendance system is critical for any organization. Project funding has been approved to upgrade the current commercial off-the-shelf time keeping system, known as the Time Management Resource System (TRMS). This system was implemented and went live in August 2003. The system is used Service-wide to collect and process time and attendance-specific data, administer accrual banks, and assist in the deployment of members. Since its implementation, the Service has upgraded TRMS to enhance the existing functionality and de-customized the application to reduce maintenance and upgrade costs. The original scope of this project provided funding to upgrade the version used in 2014, which was expected to only be supported until the end of 2017. The cost estimate for the original project is based on the costs incurred during the last upgrade. However, in 2014, the Service performed an in-house technical upgrade to alleviate a database problem and now has support beyond 2017, although not operating on the latest version. In addition, despite the fact that the funds allocated to this project are based on the continuing need to upgrade to maintain vendor support, the Service’s needs with respect to time-keeping, deployment, scheduling, exception reporting and approval are becoming more sophisticated and complex. The Service wants to therefore ensure that any funds invested to upgrade the current system or implement a new time and attendance system, are well spent and value-added. As a result, the Service is reviewing the original business case, system functionality and operational requirements, with the goal of exploring all options available. This would include possible participation in the enterprise time and attendance system solution the City is currently exploring, other timekeeping systems available on the market, further upgrading the current product and implementing timekeeping functionality available through Oracle, which would allow integration with the human resource management system. The Service is beginning a due diligence evaluation of the four options available. Currently, documented requirements based on previous upgrades are being evaluated and updated. The options review will allow a decision that best meets the needs of the organization, limits or reduces future maintenance and upkeep costs and ensures vendor support is readily available. The Board will be kept apprised during future budget development and approval cycles. The $600,000 funding will be carried forward to 2016. Enterprise Business Intelligence ($8.8M) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report GREEN GREEN Business Intelligence (BI) technologies represent a set of methodologies, processes, architectures, and technologies that transform raw data into meaningful and useful information used to enable more effective strategic, tactical, and operational insights and decision-making. Police Services such as Edmonton, Vancouver, New York and Chicago have BI solutions. The objectives of this project include developing a strategy and architecture for building and maintaining a data warehouse environment, and providing appropriate query, interfaces and data mining tools. The environment created will allow users to make more effective business decisions, provide improved customer service, and spend less time on searching, acquiring and understanding data. In a policing environment, improved data management can lead to improved and more effective crime analysis by removing data silos. This allows for better accuracy and reliability of data, enabling intelligence led and improved deployment of police resources and the ability to prioritize the investigation of crimes or incidents, which enable more value added policing activities and enhanced public safety. In 2015, the project team which developed the BI framework and reference architecture, developed data modeling and build requirements for the business and technology. However, due to the rigorous process associated with hiring consultants with the right knowledge, experience and required skill sets, project start times for the project team have been delayed. The process involved in selecting the right technology and product is comprehensive and cumbersome and therefore funds allocated for hardware and software have not been spent. A Request for Proposal for the EBI solution has been issued and a recommendation for contract award will be made after a Proof of Concept (POC), scheduled for the first quarter of 2016, is completed. As a result, from the available funding of $2.3M, $2.2M will be carried forward to 2016. State of Good Repair ($6M available funds in 2015 – ongoing) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report GREEN GREEN This project, managed by the Service’s Facilities Management (FCM) unit, provides funds to maintain the interior of police buildings in a safe and reliable state of good repair. Due to a significant staff shortage in the FCM unit since 2013, several projects were delayed and/or deferred. Staffing shortages continued to be an issue in 2014, resulting in further deferral of planned work. The 2015 project plan, which included some 2014 projects, was adjusted to reflect the unit’s capacity during the year. The unit was restored to full staffing in late September 2015, allowing for project plan adjustments based on current priorities and previously deferred projects. By the end of the first quarter, 2016, it is anticipated that the Service’s backlog list of projects will be prioritized, a work-plan established and resources allocated to address capacity considerations and funding available. From the available funding of $6M, $1.8M will be carried forward to 2016 and $126,000 will be returned back to the City due to one year carry forward rule. 52 Division Renovations ($8.9M revised budget, after City contribution - $8.3M original budget) Overall Project Health Status Current Previous Variance Report YELLOW RED This project provides funding for the 52 Division facility renovations to correct structural and other building deficiencies, and create better usable space. The contract award for construction services was approved by the Board at its October 2015 meeting. As indicated in previous variance reports, the project start was delayed due to the lack of resources in the Service’s Facilities Management unit. Despite this, the unit has kept the project on schedule and on budget, mitigating any potential losses. Through collaboration with the City of Toronto, City Facilities Management has contributed $568,000 ($42,000 in 2015 and $526,000 in 2016) towards the project to cover the cost of City identified state of good repair (SOGR) items such as elevator modernization and building envelope repairs. In addition, the City has committed to providing approximately $400,000 to enable the replacement of the chiller, boilers and upgrade the existing cooling tower. The project budget impact of this transfer will be communicated in future variance reports. The transfer of funds and co-ordination of work creates cost efficiencies and minimizes disruption to divisional staff and the community. From the available funding of $8.3M, $4.7M will be carried forward to 2016. Vehicle and Equipment Lifecycle Replacements Projects listed in this category are funded from the Vehicle and Equipment Reserve (Reserve), which is in turn funded through annual contributions from the Service and Parking Enforcement operating budgets. The Reserve has no impact on the Capital Program and at this time, does not require debt funding. Items funded through this Reserve include the regular replacement of vehicles and information technology equipment. The projected under-expenditure for 2015 is $11.8M, $10.8M of which will be carried forward to 2016. The remaining amount of $968,000 will be returned back to the Vehicle and Equipment Reserve. The Digital Video Asset Management (DVAMS) I Lifecycle project surplus of $657,000 was not required in 2015. At this time, installation on this system is contingent upon the lifecycle replacement of DVAMS II, a system which will be the standard architecture for closed-circuit television (CCTV) systems for the Service. These two lifecycle projects will be combined in 2016 and cash flow requirements will be adjusted. From the Workstation, Laptop and Printer lifecycle project, $260,000 was not required due to a lower than anticipated cost for printers. Projects completed in 2015: Projects are declared complete when all deliverables have been met. Projects are declared closed when all outstanding payments have been made, any deficiencies have been addressed, and a close-out report has been submitted to the Board (generally, one year after project completion). At that time, the Service blocks any further spending for these projects on its financial system, and advises the City that the project is complete and should be closed. The Property and Evidence Management Facility closed in 2015 (October 19, 2015 meeting – Min. No. P256/15). The City’s Deputy City Manager/Chief Financial Officer is being advised through a copy of this report so that the City can also close this project in its files. The Integrated Records and Information System (IRIS) and Parking East Facility projects were completed in 2015. It is anticipated that these projects will be formally closed in 2016. Funding Returned to the City in 2015: The following funds for debt funded projects were returned to the City at the end of 2015. Table 1 – Returned funding to the City at the end of 2015 Project Parking Enforcement East Integrated Records and Information System (IRIS) Peer to Peer Site HRMS Upgrade SOGR Total Returned Funding Surplus funding returned to the City at the end of 2015 $278,944 $801,039 $213,747 $100,365 $125,761 $1,519,856 Comments Project is complete Project is complete Due to 1 year carry forward rule Due to 1 year carry forward rule Due to 1 year carry forward rule Conclusion: As of December 31, 2015, the Service incurred total expenditures of $9.6M compared to $26.2M in available funding from net debt. This resulted in an under-expenditure of $16.7M, $15.1 of which will be carried forward to 2016. The remaining balance of $1.5M has been returned to the City. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. Mr. Kris Langenfeld was in attendance and delivered a deputation to the Board. Following the deputation, Ms. Sandra Califaretti, Manager, Finance and Business Management, responded to questions by the Board about the status of the Time Management Resource System. The Board approved the foregoing report and received Mr. Langenfeld’s deputation. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers 2015-2024 CAPITAL PROGRAM REQUEST ($000s) Project Name Plan to end of 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 Attachment A Total 2015-2019 Request 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023 Total 2020-2024 Forecast 2024 Total 2015-2024 Program Projects In Progress State-of-Good-Repair - Police 4,594 1,800 3,000 4,000 4,100 4,100 17,000 4,100 4,100 4,100 4,100 4,100 20,500 37,500 HRMS Upgrade 52 Division - Renovation Peer to Peer Site (Disaster Recovery Site) Total, Projects In Progress Upcoming Projects 54 Division (includes land) TRMS Upgrade Enterprise Business Intelligence Electronic Document Management (Proof of Concept) Radio Replacement 41 Division (includes land) TPS Archiving 32 Division - Renovation 13 Division (includes land) AFIS (next replacement) Expansion of Fibre Optics Network 55 Division - Renovation 22 Division - Renovation 360 2,948 250 8,152 1,125 5,352 3,629 11,906 0 0 8,470 11,470 0 0 6,659 10,659 0 0 130 4,230 0 0 0 4,100 1,125 5,352 18,888 42,365 378 0 0 4,478 799 0 0 4,899 0 0 0 4,100 0 0 0 4,100 0 0 0 4,100 1,177 0 0 21,677 2,302 5,352 18,888 64,042 0 0 0 7,000 600 2,336 2,500 1,500 2,818 18,500 2,022 3,664 9,296 0 0 0 0 0 37,296 4,122 8,818 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 630 0 0 1,500 0 0 2,022 0 0 4,152 0 37,296 8,274 8,818 0 50 450 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 13,913 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,713 395 750 4,990 0 0 0 0 0 3,542 9,561 0 4,990 372 0 0 0 0 2,478 19,122 0 2,000 8,645 3,053 0 0 0 22,646 29,078 750 11,980 9,017 3,053 0 0 0 4,093 9,850 0 0 18,500 0 0 0 0 5,304 0 0 0 11,411 0 881 0 0 4,480 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,785 3,000 3,000 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,385 5,300 5,300 13,877 9,850 0 0 29,911 0 12,051 8,300 8,300 36,523 38,928 750 11,980 38,928 3,053 12,051 8,300 8,300 Relocation of PSU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 7,400 5,148 13,048 13,048 Relocation of FIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,649 4,649 4,649 Total, Upcoming Capital Projects: 0 9,986 21,181 33,034 27,761 35,298 127,260 32,443 17,596 5,610 19,685 28,804 104,138 231,398 8,152 178,924 187,076 21,892 21,415 43,307 32,651 19,752 52,403 43,693 26,732 70,425 31,991 30,926 62,917 39,398 27,453 66,851 169,625 126,278 295,902 36,921 20,465 57,386 22,495 21,904 44,399 9,710 21,222 30,932 23,785 34,566 58,351 32,904 23,182 56,086 125,815 121,339 247,154 295,440 247,617 543,057 (178,924) (15,476) (194,400) (7,324) (21,415) (6,000) (27,415) 15,892 (19,752) (1,285) (21,037) 31,366 (26,732) (8,462) (35,194) 35,231 (30,926) 0 (30,926) 31,991 (27,453) (11,420) (38,873) 27,978 (20,465) (21,904) (5,121) (5,173) (25,586) (27,077) 31,800 17,322 (21,222) (400) (21,622) 9,310 (34,566) (5,204) (39,770) 18,581 (23,182) (10,323) (33,505) 22,581 20,829 36,320 35,231 36,539 26,428 4,937 4,954 9,891 0 9,891 4,548 14,439 (1,550) 12,889 (126,278) (27,167) (153,445) 142,458 28,492 155,347 31,069 12,889 Total Debt Funded Capital Projects: Total Reserve Projects: Total Gross Projects Funding Sources: Vehicle and Equipment Reserve Funding from Development Charges Total Funding Sources: Total Net Debt-Funding Request: 5-year Average: City Target: City Target - 5-year Average: Variance to Target: Cumulative Variance to Target Variance to Target - 5-year Average: 2,578 2015 Budget is revised from $15.892M to $15.934M as $42K was added to the budget for 52 Division 23,083 21,592 9,310 16,360 16,360 (8,717) 4,172 4,270 8,442 0 8,442 (2,221) 6,221 (6,221) (0) (121,339) (247,617) (26,221) (53,388) (147,560) (301,005) 99,594 242,052 19,919 24,205 86,705 242,052 17,341 24,205 (12,889) (0) (2,578) (0) Attachment B 2015 Capital Budget Variance Report as at December 31, 2015 ($000s) Project Name Carry Forward from 2014 2015 Budget Year-End Available Carry Funds Variance to Spend in 2015 Actual Forward to Returned (Over)/ 2015 2016 to the City Under Total Project Cost (Projects) Total Project Budget Project Variance (Over) / Under Comments Overall Project Health Debt-Funded Projects Facility Projects: Parking Enforcement East 54 Division Facility (includes land) 700.0 0.0 0.0 7,000.0 700.0 7,000.0 421.1 278.9 0.0 0.0 7,000.0 7,000.0 278.9 - 7,818.0 7,539.1 37,296.0 37,296.0 278.9 Please refer to the body of the report. - Please refer to the body of the report. Green Red Information Technology Projects: 1,800.0 0.0 1,800.0 999.0 801.0 0.0 801.0 21,847.0 21,046.0 801.0 Please refer to the body of the report. Peer to Peer Site Integrated Records and Information System (IRIS) 240.3 3,629.0 3,869.3 26.6 3,842.7 3,629.0 213.7 19,138.0 18,924.3 213.7 Please refer to the body of the report. HRMS Upgrade 360.0 1,125.0 1,485.0 259.6 1,225.4 1,125.0 100.4 1,485.0 1,384.6 100.4 Please refer to the body of the report. TRMS Upgrade 0.0 600.0 600.0 0.0 600.0 600.0 - 4,122.0 4,122.0 - Please refer to the body of the report. Enterprise Business Intelligence Electronic Document Management (Proof of Concept) Replacements / Maintenance / Equipment Projects: 0.0 0.0 2,336.0 50.0 2,336.0 50.0 161.9 0.0 2,174.1 50.0 2,174.1 50.0 - 8,818.0 500.0 8,818.0 500.0 - Please refer to the body of the report. Project is on time and on budget. State-of-Good-Repair - Police 4,238.4 1,800.0 6,038.4 4,112.6 1,925.8 1,800.0 125.8 n/a n/a 52 Division Renovations Total Debt-Funded Projects 2,948.0 10,286.7 5,394.0 21,934.0 8,342.0 32,220.7 3,606.0 9,586.8 4,736.0 22,633.9 4,736.0 21,114.1 1,519.9 8,868.0 8,868.0 Vehicle Replacement IT-Related Replacements 526.1 5,947.2 6,350.0 9,823.0 5,405.9 8,287.8 1,470.1 1,470.1 7,219.9 n/a n/a 7,482.3 262.5 n/a n/a n/a Please refer to the body of the report. n/a Please refer to the body of the report. Other Equipment 1,735.9 5,171.9 6,907.9 4,093.3 n/a Please refer to the body of the report. 21,344.9 29,554.1 17,787.1 10,798.9 705.7 968.2 n/a 8,209.2 2,814.6 11,767.0 n/a Total Lifecycle Projects 27,373.9 34,401.0 31,913.0 (26.586) (5,973.414) (5,973.414) 0.000 (8,209.158) (21,344.947) (29,554.106) (17,787.057) (11,767.049) (10,798.879) (8,209.158) (27,344.947) (35,554.106) (17,813.643) (17,740.463) (16,772.293) (968.2) (968.2) 125.8 Please refer to the body of the report. - Please refer to the body of the report. Green Yellow Yellow Yellow Green Green Green Yellow Lifecycle Projects (Vehicle & Equipment Reserve) Total Gross Expenditures: 18,495.9 43,278.9 6,876.1 15,770.2 61,774.8 2,108.9 - 2,488.0 Percent spent: 44.3% Less other-than-debt funding: Funding from Developmental Charges ($5M for 54 div and $1M for peer to peer) Vehicle & Equipment Reserve Total Other-than-debt Funding: Total Net Expenditures: 0.000 (6,000.000) (6,000.000) 10,286.7 15,934.0 26,220.7 9,560.2 16,660.5 15,140.7 1,519.9 n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a n/a 36.5% Green Green Green THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P82. TORONTO POLICE SERVICE: REQUEST - REVISED 2016-2025 CAPITAL PROGRAM The Board was in receipt of the following report March 21, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: TORONTO POLICE SERVICE 2016-2025 CAPITAL PROGRAM REQUEST REVISED Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board approve the revised Toronto Police Service’s 2016-2025 Capital Program with a 2016 net request of $21.6 Million (excluding cash flow carry forwards from 2015), and a net total of $243 Million for 2016-2025, as detailed in Attachment B; and (2) the Board forward a copy of this report to the City Budget Committee for approval and to the City’s Deputy City Manager and Chief Financial Officer for information. Financial Implications: The Toronto Police Service’s (Service’s) 2016-2025 Capital Program as revised by the Council, exceeds the Board-approved amount by $526,000. The ten-year program as approved by Council includes a cash flow adjustment made by City Finance for the Peer to Peer Site project and an increase of $526,000 to State of Good Repair (SOGR). The revised program includes a shift in funding for the Peer to Peer project as site selection has not yet been finalized. The total cost of the project remains the same; however, $4M was moved from 2016 to 2017 as it is anticipated that construction will not commence until 2017. As a result of this change, the required amounts in 2018 and 2019 were also revised that also impacted the Developmental Charges (DC) for those years. The City also transferred $526,000 in 2016 from their Facility Maintenance budget which was allocated for two projects at 255 Dundas (52 Division), rehabilitation of building façade and elevator modernization, to the Service. The work will be completed by the Service’s Facilities Management Unit as part of a major update project currently ongoing. Table 1 below provides a summary of the changes to the Service’s 2016-2025 Capital Program and compare it to the affordability target. Additional detail on debt-funded and reserve-funded projects can be found in Attachments A and B respectively. Table 1. Summary of 2016-2025 Capital Program Request ($Ms) 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 5-Year Total 20212025 Total 20162025 Total Board approved 2016-2025 capital program 24.3 24.8 22.2 35.9 31.8 139.0 103.5 242.5 Revised 2016-2025 capital program 21.6 20.3 26.5 39.4 31.8 139.5 103.5 243.1 Variance (2.7) (4.5) 4.3 3.5 0 0.5 0 0.5 CITY DEBT TARGET: 31.9 35.2 32.0 28.0 31.8 158.9 84.2 243.0 Variance to target “(over)/under” 10.3 15.0 5.5 (11.4) 0 19.3 0 0 Background/Purpose: At its meeting of October 19, 2015, the Board approved the Services’ 2016-2025 Capital Program request at $24.3M in 2016, and $242.5M for 2016-2025 as detailed in Attachment A (Min. No. P275/15 refers). City Finance staff advised the Service’s staff that for the Peer to Peer Site, a construction funding commitment would not be recommended until land is acquired. As a result, $4M of debt funding and $800K of DC funding was moved to 2017. As a result of this change, the required cash flow amount in 2018 and 2019 and the Developmental Charges (DC) for those years were revised. The City also transferred $526,000 in 2016 from their Facility Maintenance budget to the Service’s capital budget for two projects at 255 Dundas (52 Division). The Service will complete the work as part of its renovation of the facility that is currently underway. Subsequently, at its meeting of February 17, 2016, Toronto City Council approved the Service’s 2016-2025 capital program at a net amount of $21.6M for 2016 (excluding cash flow carry forwards from 2015), and a net total of $243M for 2016 - 2025. This approved amount reflects the changes noted above. The purpose of this report is to request the Board’s approval of the revised 2016 – 2025 program and to forward a copy of this report to the City for final approval of the program amounts. Discussion: Each year, the Board-approved capital program is reviewed by City Finance, and the Budget Committee is provided with both the Board-approved program and the City’s capital budget Analyst notes. For the 2016-2025 Capital program, the Analyst notes included a recommendation to revise the cash flow for 2016 and 2017 for the Peer to Peer site project to reflect appropriate expenditure timing for the acquisition of a site and the start of construction. As a result of this adjustment, the cash flow requirements for 2018 and 2019 were also adjusted. In addition, the City’s Facilities Management division had planned to complete two projects for 52 Division, the rehabilitation of the building’s façade and an elevator modernization. Since the Service’s Facilities Management Unit is already renovating 52 Division, it was determined that it would be more efficient if funds are transferred from the City to the Service to perform the City component of those renovations. Conclusion: Toronto City Council approved the Service’s 2016-2025 capital at a net amount of $21.6M for 2016 (excluding cash flow carry forwards from 2015), and a net total of $243M for 2016 – 2025 which exceeds the Board-approved amount by $526,000. As a result, the Board is requested to approve the revised 2016 – 2025 capital program that was approved by City Council. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers Attachment A OCTOBER 19, 2015 - BOARD APPROVED 2016-2025 CAPITAL PROGRAM REQUEST ($000s) Project Name Plan to end of 2015 2015 CF 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 2016-2020 Request 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 2021-2025 Forecast 2025 Total Total 2016-2025 Project Program Cost Projects In Progress State-of-Good-Repair - Police 3,000 1,800 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 17,800 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 20,000 37,800 37,800 1,485 3,879 985 3,500 550 5,000 0 7,759 0 3,500 0 0 380 0 930 16,259 1,105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,105 0 2,035 16,259 3,520 20,138 Facilities Realignment 7,000 7,000 0 0 1,600 21,421 8,387 31,408 217 0 0 0 0 217 31,625 38,625 TRMS Upgrade Business Intelligence Electronic Document Management (Proof of Concept) Total, Projects In Progress Upcoming Projects Radio Replacement 41 Division (includes land) TPS Archiving 32 Division - Renovation Parking West 13 Division (includes land) AFIS (next replacement) Property & Evidence Warehouse Racking Expansion of Fibre Optics Network 22 Division - Renovation 600 2,336 300 2,000 0 4,069 1,500 3,811 2,022 0 0 0 0 0 3,522 7,880 0 0 630 0 1,500 0 2,022 0 0 0 4,152 0 7,674 7,880 8,274 10,216 450 0 0 0 0 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 500 16,785 11,869 17,070 11,122 25,421 12,767 78,249 5,322 4,630 5,500 6,022 4,000 25,474 103,723 119,073 0 0 0 0 14,141 0 50 0 2,452 9,561 0 5,990 2,200 0 3,053 4,544 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 1,026 0 0 0 226 0 0 0 11,912 9,850 0 0 372 0 28,052 29,078 750 11,980 9,600 372 3,053 6,074 9,850 0 0 0 0 3,460 395 650 4,790 1,800 0 0 4,949 19,122 0 0 0 0 3,050 0 50 1,200 5,600 0 0 8,645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 881 0 11,411 0 1,040 4,785 3,000 0 0 0 0 18,500 0 0 0 0 6,385 5,300 0 0 38,556 0 1,040 12,051 8,300 39,964 38,928 750 11,980 9,600 38,928 3,053 1,040 12,051 8,300 39,964 38,928 750 11,980 9,600 38,928 3,053 1,040 12,051 8,300 Relocation of PSU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 5,400 5,148 2,000 0 13,048 13,048 13,048 Relocation of FIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,649 12,653 17,302 17,302 60,525 Total, Upcoming Capital Projects: 0 0 14,191 9,900 11,095 23,256 24,443 82,885 25,950 28,444 25,426 19,360 12,879 112,059 194,944 238,167 15,350 199,590 214,940 16,785 1,224 18,009 26,060 16,734 42,794 26,970 26,349 53,319 22,217 30,925 53,142 48,677 28,237 76,914 37,210 24,235 61,445 161,134 126,480 287,614 31,272 22,963 54,235 33,074 25,418 58,492 30,926 31,585 62,511 25,382 28,317 53,699 16,879 24,505 41,384 137,533 132,788 270,321 298,667 259,268 557,935 357,240 458,857 816,098 (16,734) (1,800) (18,534) 24,260 (26,349) (2,131) (28,480) 24,839 (30,925) 0 (30,925) 22,217 (28,237) (12,775) (41,012) 35,902 (24,235) (5,410) (29,645) 31,800 (22,963) (25,418) (6,380) (9,688) (29,343) (35,106) 24,892 23,386 (31,585) (11,971) (43,556) 18,955 (28,317) (5,415) (33,732) 19,967 (24,505) (578) (25,083) 16,301 31,366 35,231 31,991 27,978 31,800 9,310 18,581 22,581 16,360 7,106 10,392 17,498 9,774 27,272 (7,924) 19,348 0 19,348 (126,480) (22,116) (148,596) 139,018 27,804 158,366 31,673 19,348 (7,570) (14,076) 11,778 (2,298) (374) (2,672) 2,614 (59) 59 0 HRMS Upgrade Peer to Peer Site (Disaster Recovery Site) Total Debt Funded Capital Projects: Total Reserve Projects: Total Gross Projects Funding Sources: Vehicle and Equipment Reserve Funding from Development Charges Total Funding Sources: Total Net Debt-Funding Request: 5-year Average: City Target: City Target - 5-year Average: Variance to Target: Cumulative Variance to Target Variance to Target - 5-year Average: 50 15,350 (199,590) (21,476) (221,066) (6,126) 3,870 17,322 (132,788) (259,268) (458,857) (34,032) (56,148) (77,624) (166,820) (315,415) (536,481) 103,502 242,520 279,617 20,700 24,252 84,154 242,520 16,831 24,252 (19,348) 0 (3,870) 0 Attachment B COUNCIL APPROVED 2016-2025 CAPITAL PROGRAM REQUEST ($000s) Project Name Plan to end of 2015 CF 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 Total 2016-2020 Request 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 Total 2021-2025 Forecast 2025 Total Total 2016-2025 Project Program Cost Projects In Progress State-of-Good-Repair - Police 3,000 2,326 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 18,326 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 4,000 20,000 38,326 38,326 550 1,000 0 4,000 0 7,759 0 3,500 380 0 930 16,259 1,105 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,105 0 2,035 16,259 3,520 20,138 HRMS Upgrade Peer to Peer Site (Disaster Recovery Site) 1,485 3,879 985 3,500 Facilities Realignment 7,000 7,000 0 0 1,600 21,421 8,387 31,408 217 0 0 0 0 217 31,625 38,625 TRMS Upgrade Business Intelligence Electronic Document Management (Proof of Concept) Total, Projects In Progress Upcoming Projects Radio Replacement 41 Division (includes land) TPS Archiving 32 Division - Renovation Parking West 13 Division (includes land) AFIS (next replacement) Property & Evidence Warehouse Racking Expansion of Fibre Optics Network 22 Division - Renovation 600 2,336 300 2,000 0 4,069 1,500 3,811 2,022 0 0 0 0 0 3,522 7,880 0 0 630 0 1,500 0 2,022 0 0 0 4,152 0 7,674 7,880 8,274 10,216 450 0 0 0 0 450 0 0 0 0 0 0 450 500 16,785 8,395 13,311 15,381 28,921 12,767 78,775 5,322 4,630 5,500 6,022 4,000 25,474 104,249 119,599 0 0 0 0 14,141 0 50 0 2,452 9,561 0 5,990 2,200 0 3,053 4,544 0 0 0 42 0 0 0 1,026 0 0 0 226 0 0 0 11,912 9,850 0 0 372 0 28,052 29,078 750 11,980 9,600 372 3,053 6,074 9,850 0 0 0 0 3,460 395 650 4,790 1,800 0 0 4,949 19,122 0 0 0 0 3,050 0 50 1,200 5,600 0 0 8,645 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 881 0 11,411 0 1,040 4,785 3,000 0 0 0 0 18,500 0 0 0 0 6,385 5,300 0 0 38,556 0 1,040 12,051 8,300 39,964 38,928 750 11,980 9,600 38,928 3,053 1,040 12,051 8,300 39,964 38,928 750 11,980 9,600 38,928 3,053 1,040 12,051 8,300 Relocation of PSU 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 500 5,400 5,148 2,000 0 13,048 13,048 13,048 Relocation of FIS 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 4,649 12,653 17,302 17,302 60,525 Total, Upcoming Capital Projects: 0 0 14,191 9,900 11,095 23,256 24,443 82,885 25,950 28,444 25,426 19,360 12,879 112,059 194,944 238,167 15,350 199,590 214,940 16,785 1,224 18,009 22,586 16,734 39,320 23,211 26,349 49,560 26,476 30,925 57,401 52,177 28,237 80,414 37,210 24,235 61,445 161,660 126,480 288,140 31,272 22,963 54,235 33,074 25,418 58,492 30,926 31,585 62,511 25,382 28,317 53,699 16,879 24,505 41,384 137,533 132,788 270,321 299,193 259,268 558,461 357,766 458,857 816,624 (16,734) (1,000) (17,734) 21,586 (26,349) (2,931) (29,280) 20,280 (30,925) 0 (30,925) 26,476 (28,237) (12,775) (41,012) 39,402 (24,235) (5,410) (29,645) 31,800 (22,963) (25,418) (6,380) (9,688) (29,343) (35,106) 24,892 23,386 (31,585) (11,971) (43,556) 18,955 (28,317) (5,415) (33,732) 19,967 (24,505) (578) (25,083) 16,301 31,892 35,231 31,991 27,978 31,800 9,310 18,581 22,581 16,360 10,306 14,951 25,257 5,515 30,772 (11,424) 19,348 0 19,348 (126,480) (22,116) (148,596) 139,544 27,909 158,892 31,778 19,348 (7,570) (14,076) 11,778 (2,298) (374) (2,672) 2,614 (59) 59 0 Total Debt Funded Capital Projects: Total Reserve Projects: Total Gross Projects Funding Sources: Vehicle and Equipment Reserve Funding from Development Charges Total Funding Sources: Total Net Debt-Funding Request: 5-year Average: City Target: City Target - 5-year Average: Variance to Target: Cumulative Variance to Target Variance to Target - 5-year Average: 50 15,350 (199,590) (21,476) (221,066) (6,126) 3,870 17,322 (132,788) (259,268) (458,857) (34,032) (56,148) (77,624) (166,820) (315,415) (536,481) 103,502 243,046 280,143 20,700 24,305 84,154 243,046 16,831 24,305 (19,348) 0 (3,870) 0 THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P83. POLICE TOWING AND POUND SERVICES CONTRACTS: 2016-2020 The Board was in receipt of the following report March 07, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: POLICE TOWING AND POUND SERVICES CONTRACTS: 2016-2020 Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board award the towing and pound services contracts effective June 1, 2016 to May 31, 2019 for the following towing districts to the following towing companies: (i) Towing District No. 1 – JP Towing Service and Storage Ltd. (ii) Towing District No. 2 – 1105729 Ontario Inc. (Classic Towing) (iii) Towing District No. 3 – 1512081 Ontario Ltd. (Abrams Towing) (iv) Towing District No. 4 – Williams Towing Service Ltd. (v) Towing District No. 5 – A Towing Service Ltd.; (2) the Board authorize the Chief of Police to extend some or all the contracts for the optional extension year, until May 31, 2020, provided he is satisfied with each company's performance under its contract; (3) the Board authorize the Chief to make such arrangements as he considers necessary to ensure provision of ongoing towing and pound services in the affected towing district in the event a towing operator is unprepared to perfom the contract at least two weeks prior to the contract start date of June 1, 2016; and (4) the Board authorize the Chief to execute the agreements on behalf of the Board, subject to approval as to form by the City Solicitor. Financial Implications: There is no direct cost to the Toronto Police Service for entering into these contracts. The Service's costs associated with administering the contracts are recovered through a cost recovery fee charged to the towing operators. Background/Purpose: The Toronto Police Service (Service) requires prompt and efficient towing and pound services on a 24 hour a day, 7 days a week basis. The need for this service arises from police contact with vehicles such as those recovered after being stolen, impounded for bylaw infractions or impounded following the arrest of the driver. At the same time, the Service also has an obligation to ensure that the towing and pound services provided to the public through the police are fair, equitable and in adherence to the terms and conditions of the contract between the Service and the contract towing agencies. A Request for Quotation (RFQ) for the police towing and pound services contracts was issued by the Service on January 21, 2016, and advertised on Merx, an electronic tendering opportunities service. As outlined in the RFQ, a total of five police towing and pound services contracts are to be awarded – one for each Service towing district. These new contracts are scheduled to commence on June 1, 2016, and are to be in effect for a period of three years with an option to extend the contracts for a further year, at the discretion of the Chief. Tow operators were permitted to submit a response with respect to any or all of the towing districts. However, the RFQ specified that a bidder cannot be awarded a contract for more than one towing district. Seven tow operators submitted nine bids in total, by the February 10, 2016, closing date for the RFQ. Discussion: Bidders were instructed to submit bids that did not exceed a total price of $250.00 for a standard duty tow and one day storage, exclusive of taxes; and $285.00 for a medium-duty tow and one day storage, exclusive of taxes. Standard-duty towing fees apply to all police authorized impounds of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight of less than 6000 pounds (2722 kilograms). Medium-duty towing fees apply to all police authorized impounds of vehicles with a gross vehicle weight greater than 6001 pounds (2723 kilograms) and less than 13,200 pounds (6000 kilograms). Bidders were further directed to submit bids for the provision of relocation services that did not exceed $75.00 per vehicle, or $75.00 per hour, excluding any applicable taxes. Relocation services typically involve the towing of a car from one parking space to a nearby parking space in order to accommodate the provision of City services. For example, if a broken water main requires repair and cannot be accessed due to a parked car, the car would be moved to a nearby spot. The cost for such a tow would be borne by the City and not the vehicle owner. The upper limit on pricing was determined by using the upper limit on fees applied during the previous towing and pound services procurement process in 2012, and applying an increase based on the rise in the Statistics Canada – Consumer Price Index (Ontario) for the years of 2013, 2014, and 2015. The RFQ established a formula for combining the pricing for various aspects of the towing and pound services into a single overall score based on the assignment of weighted values for each of the services. For example, the standard towing fee was assigned a weighted value of 20%, while each relocation fee was assigned a value of 5%. The application of the weighted values led to the determination of the lowest bidders overall for the purpose of the recommendations contained in this report. The following are the recommended bids for each District: Towing District No.1 –One Bid Received Recommended Bidder: JP Towing Service and Storage Ltd. Towing Charge $180.00 Standard Tow Storage Charge $70.00 Total Bid $250.00 Towing Charge $205.00 Medium Tow Storage Charge $80.00 Total Bid $285.00 Relocation Charge - Vehicle $75.00 Relocation Tow Relocation Charge - Hour $75.00 Towing District No.2 – Two Bids Received Recommended Bidder: 1105729 Ontario Inc. (Classic Towing) Towing Charge $110.00 Standard Tow Storage Charge $30.00 Total Bid $140.00 Towing Charge $120.00 Medium Tow Storage Charge $40.00 Total Bid $160.00 Relocation Charge - Vehicle Relocation Tow Relocation Charge - Hour $45.00 $30.00 Towing District No.3 –One Bid Received Recommended Bidder: 1512081 Ontario Ltd. (Abrams Towing) Towing Charge $189.90 Standard Tow Storage Charge $60.00 Total Bid $249.90 Towing Charge $260.00 Medium Tow Storage Charge $25.00 Total Bid $285.00 Relocation Charge - Vehicle $75.00 Relocation Tow Relocation Charge - Hour $75.00 Towing District No.4 – Two Bids Received Recommended Bidder: Williams Towing Service Ltd. Towing Charge $165.00 Standard Tow Storage Charge $80.00 Total Bid $245.00 Towing Charge $190.00 Medium Tow Storage Charge $80.00 Total Bid $270.00 Relocation Charge - Vehicle $75.00 Relocation Tow Relocation Charge - Hour $75.00 Towing District No.5 – Three Bids Received Recommended Bidder: A Towing Services Ltd. Towing Charge $142.00 Standard Tow Storage Charge $16.00 Total Bid $158.00 Towing Charge $159.00 Medium Tow Storage Charge $16.00 Total Bid $175.00 Relocation Charge - Vehicle $75.00 Relocation Tow Relocation Charge - Hour $75.00 Following the closing of the bid submission process, members of the Service’s Purchasing Support Unit and Traffic Services Unit reviewed the quotations submitted by each of the bidders. Toronto City Legal Division staff also reviewed the bid submission documents. As a result of this review, one of the bidders in District No. 5 was found to be non-compliant with the terms of the RFQ, and was disqualified. As discussed above, based on provisions of the RFQ, although a bidder could bid on multiple towing districts, it can only be awarded a contract for one towing district. Where a bidder submits the lowest complaint bid in more than one district, based on the calculation of the weighted value, the contract is awarded for the bid that will result in the lowest towing and storage cost. A Towing Service Ltd. submitted bids for Towing Districts Nos. 4 and 5 (the district in which the disqualification occurred). A review of the bids submitted by A Towing Service Ltd. found it to be compliant in relation to the requirements of both districts. However, based on the weighted evaluation of the towing and storage charges submitted, A Towing's bid for District No.5results in a better weighted score than its bid for District No.4. Consequently, based on the requirements of the RFQ, and in light of the disqualification, it is recommended that A Towing Service Ltd. be awarded the contract for Towing District No.5. This then results in District No.4 being recommended for award to Williams Towing Service Ltd., as the best weighted scoring compliant bid for that district, aside from A Towing Service Ltd. Conclusion: The procurement process for towing and pound services has evolved over the years in order to ensure it is fair to all bidders, and results in acceptable levels of service to both the community and the Service. The most recent RFQ for towing and storage services was issued on January 28, 2016. The evaluation of bids received has resulted in contract awards being recommended for Towing District Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5. This report was reviewed by staff in the City of Toronto Legal Division. Deputy Chief James Ramer, Specialized Operations Command, and Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions the Board may have regarding this report. The following persons were in attendance and delivered deputations to the Board: Matthew Poirier, Director of Policy, Canadian Finance & Leasing Association * Pete Karageorgos, Director, Consumer & Industry Relations (Ontario), Insurance Bureau of Canada * Lawrence Gold *written submission also provided; copy on file in the Board office During their submissions, the deputants expressed concerns about the rates for storage charges that have been submitted by the recommended bidders noted in this report. The deputants said that, in their view, the rates are unfairly high given that the current cap pricing for storage services established by the TPS does not accurately reflect “fair value” as identified in the Repair and Storage Liens Act. Following the deputations, the Board asked Karl Druckman, City of Toronto – Legal Services Division, to respond to the comments about storage charges and suggest any options that may be considered to address the deputants' concerns at this time. Mr. Druckman noted that the procurement process for towing and storage services was almost complete and the Board was being asked to actually award the contracts for such services at the meeting. He suggested that the deputants’ concerns could be considered by the Board and the TPS as part of the process leading up to the next procurement of towing and pound services. He also suggested that the Board was not the appropriate forum for determining rates to be provided by towing and pound operators as it is not in the business of regulating such operators. Rather, it was simply engaging in a procurement process to acquire services for the TPS. He suggested that the deputants' concerns could more appropriately be addressed by the City or the Province. He further suggested that the deputants could submit their concerns to the City’s Municipal Licensing and Standards Division with a view to amending the current applicable City by-laws to attempt to establish storage rates that address the deputants' concerns. The Board approved the following Motions: 1. THAT the Board approve the foregoing report; and 2. THAT the deputations and written submissions be received. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory S. Carroll THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P84. INTEGRATED TELECOMMUNICATIONS AGREEMENT – BELL CANADA INFRASTRUCTURE The Board was in receipt of the following report March 16, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: INTEGRATED TELECOMMUNICATIONS INFRASTRUCTURE AGREEMENT – BELL CANADA Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board approve a five year extension option of the existing City of Toronto agreement with Bell Canada for Integrated Telecommunications Infrastructure for the period commencing September 16, 2016, and ending September 30, 2020, for the provision of telephone and data carrier services and related hardware, software and professional services; and the Board authorize the Chair to execute all required agreements and related documents on behalf of the Board, subject to approval by the City Solicitor as to form. (2) Financial Implications: The Toronto Police Service (Service) is currently utilizing the City of Toronto (City) Integrated Telecommunications Infrastructure (ITI) agreement with Bell Canada. Annual expenditures under this agreement are approximately $1 Million (M) for data-wide area network services and $1.7M for telephone services. The City entered into the agreement with Bell Canada effective October 1, 2010. The ITI agreement includes a provision for agencies, boards and commissions to access the agreement under the established terms and conditions. Background/Purpose: The Service has an ongoing requirement for telephone and network services to support its operations and these services are currently provided by Bell Canada through the ITI agreement as approved by the Board at its April 7, 2011 meeting (Min. No. P84/11 refers). The ITI contract was based on the City’s Request for Proposal (RFP) 2104-09-3006 for the Integrated Telecommunications Infrastructure and related services which was awarded to Bell Canada. The ITI contract is comprised of four (4) service bundles, as set out below: 1. 2. 3. Centrex and other telephone carrier services; Low-medium speed Wide Area Network (WAN) data communications services; Network cabling, equipment, and services; and 4. A Unified Communications (UC) -Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) solution which consists of Internet Protocol (IP) telephony, IP phones, unified messaging, call centre management services and other related equipment and services. The RFP and contract specified an initial five year term, with provision for extensions of up to five additional separate one year terms at the same pricing, terms and conditions. On July 7, 2015, the City approved the one year renewal option for its operations. On August 20, 2015, the Board approved the one year renewal option for use by the Service for the period commencing September 15, 2015, and ending September 15, 2016 (Min. No. P229/15 refers). On September 30, 2015, the City council approved a five year extension of this contract ending no later than September 30, 2020. Discussion: The Service’s Information and Technology Services unit has reviewed the delivery of services under the City’s ITI agreement and is satisfied that they meet the Service’s current and future operational needs. The Service does not utilize all the services within the ITI service bundles, but does require telephone carrier services, wide area network services, cabling services and 911 PBX support services. Each of these services will require telephone carrier, software and hardware, maintenance, repair and professional services. Section 15 of By-law 147 provides authority for the Service’s Purchasing Agent to not undertake a solicitation for goods and services when there is an existing agreement, in this case, the new City ITI agreement. Given the extensiveness of the City’s RFP for an integrated telecommunications infrastructure, and the fact that agencies, boards and commissions can subscribe under the City’s agreement with Bell, the Service saw no value to conducting its own competitive process for these requirements. It also avoids the time and cost of going through a complicated RFP and enables the Service to benefit from the economies of scale and efficiencies that will be available to all participants in the City ITI agreement. Conclusion: Bell Canada has met all of the Service’s terms, conditions and requirements since April 7, 2011. The pricing structure is deemed to be competitive with respect to all services required for the Service’s required solutions. Accordingly, the Service is recommending that the Board exercise the one year option under the City ITI agreement with Bell, as it meets our requirements and provides the potential for future savings. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: K. Jeffers J. Tory THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P85. VENDOR FOR SOLUTION THE ENTERPRISE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE The Board was in receipt of the following report March 31, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: VENDOR FOR THE ENTERPRISE BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE SOLUTION Recommendations: It is recommended that: 1) The Board approve IBM Canada Ltd. as the vendor for the supply and delivery of software, hardware and professional services in relation to the implementation of a new Enterprise Business Intelligence Solution up to project completion, expected to end by December 31, 2018; and 2) The Board authorize the Chair to execute all required agreements and related documents on behalf of the Board for the purposes of this project, subject to approval by the City Solicitor as to form. Financial Implications: Funding in the amount of $10.2 Million (M) for the implementation of the Enterprise Business Intelligence (EBI) Solution was included in the Board approved 2015-2024 capital program (Min. No. P275/15 refers). The cost of the contract award for this solution is estimated to be $4.15M, including taxes, over a three year period. The total cost is broken down as follow: Hardware Cost - $0.67M Software Cost - $1.13M Implementation Cost - $0.15M Training - $0.05M Professional Services - $1.61M Hardware and Software Maintenance - $0.54M Currently, the EBI business case estimates software and hardware maintenance cost for the five year period beginning in 2019 to be $0.48M per year and estimates the cost of five FTE’s (salaries and benefits) for the five year period, beginning January 1, 2018 to be $0.29M in 2018 and $0.59M in years 2019 through 2022. These estimates will be reviewed and validated based on benefit realization, and will include consideration of re-purposing, where and to the extent possible, other existing positions within the Service to meet this need. The final cost estimates will be included in the operating budget request for each respective year. Background/Purpose: The Service currently runs dozens of application systems with each database individually structured, and therefore requiring heavy data manipulation and manual data processes. This information environment is inadequate to cost-effectively support the Service’s goals of public safety, community policing and fiscal responsibility. The Service requires an integrated analytical and business intelligence platform to support efficient police officer deployment and performance management, program and policy evaluation, crime analysis and prevention, and justification of expenditures. This project will transform the Service’s raw data from all its databases into useful and reliable information stored in a corporate data warehouse, and will build an integrated business intelligence and analytical platform. It will be made widely available across the Service allowing all members to make better information based decisions. Essentially, it is a critical strategic component to intelligence led public safety and support activities, which will enable more costeffective and value added policing and public safety activities. The EBI project was approved by the Board as part of the Service’s 2015– 2024 capital program, which was subsequently approved by City Council. Following Board and City Council approval, work commenced on this project. The purpose of this report is to seek Board approval for the contract award to IBM Canada Ltd. for the supply and delivery of software, hardware and professional services in relation to the implementation of a new business intelligence analytical platform. Discussion: On September 9, 2015, a Request for Proposal #1159144-15 (RFP) was posted to MERX by the Service’s Purchasing Support Services unit, to select a vendor for the implementation of the Enterprise Business Intelligence (EBI) solution and assist the Service with the design and implementation of an EBI solution that cost-effectively and efficiently meets the information needs of its many users. There were forty-eight downloads of the RFP from MERX. The scope of this RFP was as follows: to evaluate EBI solutions technological, analytical and operational feasibility and effectiveness in law enforcement to solve crimes, detect and forecast trending pattern identification, and analyze critical crime factors; to procure and deploy intelligence-led, forecasting policing technology, including a data warehouse that enables the Service to not only efficiently run reports and deliver “the right information to the right person at the right time”, but to also detect crime patterns, trends and predict most likely future outcomes; to build a consolidated enterprise data warehouse from where departmental data marts can be developed ; to build a geospatial technology architecture and interface that supports operational and analytical law enforcement; and to reduce data manipulation and manual data processes through automation. The Service conducted a multi-stage evaluation process of the four proponents who submitted a proposal in response to the RFP. The process was as follows: Stage Zero – Compliance (Pass/Fail): Consisted of reviewing the proposals for compliance with the process criteria of this RFP, proposals not complying with the process criteria were considered non-compliant and did not receive further consideration. Of the four vendors that responded to the RFP, only three vendors were qualified to move forward to Stage One. Stage One – The Initial Stage: Consisted of a detailed review of proponent’s submissions, including reference checks and site visits, with the primary goal of short-listing the three highest scored proponents passing the mandatory requirements and meeting the minimum threshold based on the following criteria and rating mechanism: Compliance with the Service’s Technical Standards (20 marks) Compliance with Functional Requirements (40 marks) Compliance with Data and System Integration Requirements (30 marks) Proponents Record of Performance, Stability and Experience (10 marks) A minimum overall score of 80 out of a total 100 marks was required to move on to Stage Two. One vendor was eliminated as an outcome of Stage One. Only two vendors were qualified to move forward to Stage Two. Stage Two - The Demonstration Stage: The top two proponents that met the mandatory requirements and achieved the minimum scoring of 80 marks were asked to prepare a formal demonstration to selected members of the Service. After the demonstrations and presentations, the Service provided the business scenario requirements to the two proponents who both qualified to move forward to Stage Three of the process. One of the two vendors withdrew during the Stage Two process citing limitations of resource availability, timeline and funding to build the solution required for Stage Three. The one vendor that remained was qualified to move forward to Stage Three. Stage Three – The Proof of Concept (POC): The EBI POC Phase required vendors to implement three specific scenarios in the POC environment. Scenario 1 (intended to cover Command & Management staff business scenarios) required vendors to enable access to strategic management dashboards containing key performance indicators (KPIs) and other decision supporting information without having to log into multiple systems. Scenario 2 (intended to cover Service Analysts and Investigators business scenarios) required vendors to enable the analysts and investigators to support criminal investigations and automate the identification of information which is similar in nature by comparing the unique aspects of cases and potential linkages between cases. Scenario 3 (intended to cover the Front Line Officers) required vendors to enable access to mobile dashboard capabilities that show all relevant activity, notable events and officer safety information in a given area with practical details regarding incidents (type and location). Price Envelope: A two envelope request for proposal process was utilized for this RFP. The evaluation committee first evaluated proposals based on technology and proposed solution, including qualifications and related information, with no reference to cost. The pricing envelope was not opened until the proponents completed and passed all stages of the RFP process. Although IBM Canada Ltd. (IBM) was the lone qualifying proponent, its pricing was not shared with the evaluation committee until IBM Canada Ltd. passed all stages. Contract Flexibility: As part of the IBM response to the RFP, the Service has been provided with options as to how the contract can be structured. IBM is, and will continue to be, responsible for the complete implementation of the EBI solution, at a price estimated not to exceed $4.15M. However, the Service also has existing vendor of record agreements with IBM for the provision of hardware maintenance and training for new hardware and technologies. In addition, the Service has an existing vendor of record agreement with OnX Enterprise Solutions (OnX) for the supply of computer hardware, software and components, software maintenance and professional technical services. OnX would be the source of the hardware to be supplied as part of the project as a subcontractor to IBM. As part of its submission, IBM proposed an option that would allow the Service to explore the feasibility of using the existing vendor of record agreements in place with both IBM and OnX for the acquisition of various services and hardware for the project, along with applicable warranties, maintenance and support. The Service has not yet fully explored the option proposed by IBM. However, it will investigate the desirability of doing so, and if it is in the best interest of the Service from an overall cost, convenience or efficiency perspective, will structure the contractual relationship with IBM to take advantage of the existing contacts, while simultaneously ensuring that IBM assumes responsibility for the overall project. Conclusion: Based on the evaluation of and compliance with each of the RFP stages in the process, the submission from IBM met all the specified requirements for the Service’s EBI solution. In addition, IBM’s pricing is in line with the budget for the various components in the overall budget for this EBI capital project. IBM Canada Ltd. is therefore being recommended as the vendor for the supply of the Enterprise Business Intelligence solution and technology for the period of the project, which is expected to end on December 31, 2018, and at an estimated cost of $4.15 M. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command and Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Community Safety Command, will be in attendance to respond to any questions from the Board. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P86. REQUEST FOR FUNDS: ASSOCIATION OF BLACK TH ENFORCERS – 24 ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS BALL LAW The Board was in receipt of the following report April 01, 2016 from Andy Pringle, Chair: Subject: REQUEST FOR FUNDS: ASSOCIATION OF BLACK LAW ENFORCERS (ABLE) - 24TH ANNUAL SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS BALL Recommendation: It is recommended that: (1) (2) the Board approve an expenditure from the Special Fund, in an amount not to exceed $1,200.00 to purchase tickets for a table at the Association of Black Law Enforcers’ 24th Annual Scholarship Awards Ball; and tickets be provided to interested Board members and the remaining tickets be provided to the Chief of Police for distribution as deemed appropriate. Financial Implications: If the Board approves recommendation number one, the Board’s Special Fund will be reduced by the amount of $1,200.00. Background/Purpose: The Association of Black Law Enforcers is a not-for-profit organization that aims to address the needs and concerns of Black and other racial minorities in law enforcement and the community. The scholarship awards ball is an excellent opportunity to support the pursuit of post-secondary education for racial minority youth. On May 7, 2016, ABLE will host its 24th Annual Scholarship Awards Ball. The event will be held at the Brighton Convention & Event Centre Inc. located at 2155 McNicoll Avenue Toronto Ontario. This year’s theme is “Sisters in Law Making a Difference in our Communities” and Assistant Commissioner Patricia Gallan of the Metropolitan Police in England will deliver the keynote address. She is the first black female to hold the rank of Assistant Commissioner for Specialist Crime and Operation in the UK. Discussion: The Scholarship Program was created by ABLE in order to recognize the contribution of the first Canadian black law enforcers, Rose Fortune (1774-1864) and Peter C. Butler III (1859-1943). By awarding these scholarships , ABLE will assist black and visible minority youth to achieve their educational goals while making positive contribution to society. In the twenty-four years that ABLE hosted the Scholarship Ball and by way of contribution, has donated over $150,000 in scholarships available to young people in their community. Conclusion: In order to support this important event I recommend that the Board approve expenditure, from the Special Fund, in an amount not to exceed $1,200.00 for the purchase of tickets for a table at the 24th Annual Scholarship Awards Ball. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory S. Carroll THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P87. EMPLOYEE AND FAMILY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SERVICES – ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT The Board was in receipt of the following report March 22, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: EMPLOYEE AND FAMILY ASSISTANCE PROGRAM SERVICES - ONE YEAR EXTENSION OF CONTRACT Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the extension of the contract with Morneau Shepell, to provide Employee and Family Assistance Program (EFAP) services, for one additional year commencing August 1, 2016, to July 31, 2017. Financial Implications: The proposed cost for the one-year extension in 2016 was established in the original contract. The cost of EFAP services for 2016 is estimated at $325,000 and is consistent with annual fees charged during the previous three-year contract. Funding to cover the costs of this contract is included in the 2016 operating budget and will be included in the 2017 operating budget. Background/Purpose: At its meeting on June 20, 2013, the Board approved the selection of Morneau Shepell to provide EFAP services to the Toronto Police Service (Service) commencing August 1, 2013 to July 31, 2016, plus an additional one-year option at the discretion of the Board (Min. No. P179/13 refers). The purpose of this report is to request that the Board exercise its option to extend the services of Morneau Shepell for an additional year to July 31, 2017. Discussion: A Request for Proposal (RFP #1133598-13) for EFAP services was issued on March 1, 2013 by Purchasing Services. After evaluation against the pre-determined selection criteria and a full cost analysis, Morneau Shepell was selected as the successful vendor over four other proposals. The contract was valid for a three-year period, with an option to renew for an additional one-year period at the Board’s discretion. The Service is now requesting that the one-year extension be granted. Under this arrangement the costing, services and promotional materials for EFAP will remain consistent with the original contract. Morneau Shepell will be expected to continue to provide the same level of performance and services in compliance with the Service’s specifications. The one-year extension will allow the Service time to review and assess the provided services, in order to outline a comprehensive and detailed RFP in anticipation of the expiration of this contract in July 2017. Conclusion: The Service has been satisfied with the performance and services provided by Morneau Shepell over the last three years, and requests that the Board approve the recommendation to extend the current contract with Morneau Shepell for an additional one-year period, commencing August 1, 2016. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have regarding this report. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P88. SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF CARPETING FROM ARTHUR L. WEAVER FLOORING LIMITED – CITY OF TORONTO CONTRACT The Board was in receipt of the following report March 16, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: SUPPLY AND INSTALLATION OF CARPETING FROM ARTHUR L. WEAVER FLOORING LIMITED - CITY OF TORONTO CONTRACT AWARD Recommendations: It is recommended that: (1) the Board approve utilizing the existing piggy-back clause on the City of Toronto’s contract to Arthur L. Weaver Flooring Limited for the supply and installation of carpet, with a contract term ending July 31, 2016 and including two additional separate one-year options until July 31, 2018, at the discretion of the Chief; and (2) the Board authorize the Chief to execute the remaining two optional years of the existing contract on behalf of the Board, if the City of Toronto exercises these option years. Financial Implications: The estimated annual expenditure for carpet replacement is $0.6M, plus taxes, and funding for this purpose is included in the Toronto Police Service’s (Service) annual operating and capital budgets. Background/Purpose: The Service’s Facilities Management Unit has identified several buildings that require carpet repairs and replacement of worn flooring. Rather than conduct its own procurement process, the Service would like to join the City of Toronto’s (City) existing contract, which allows interested City agencies, boards and commissions to participate. By utilizing the established City vendor, the Service takes advantage of efficiencies in the tendering process and is able to leverage the City’s pricing agreement. It also positions the Service to be a part of the next procurement process the City conducts for carpet replacement and repairs. Discussion: On July 26, 2013, the City’s Purchasing and Materials Management Division (PMMD) issued a Request for Quotation (RFQ) 3901-13-5050 for the supply and installation of carpet in large corporate facilities. Weaver Flooring was awarded a one-year contract (September 10, 2013 to July 31, 2014) with four additional separate one-year options. At this time, the City has renewed Weaver Flooring for two one-year periods beyond the initial one-year contract term. It is anticipated that the City will renew this contract for another oneyear period once the current term expires on July 31, 2016. The Service, upon review of the terms and conditions of the City RFQ, has determined that the services provided meet the Service’s needs, provide economies in process and benefits from procuring the services from a vendor that has met the City’s needs. Conclusion: The Service has and continues to partner with the City on the procurement of common goods and services, as it enables better pricing through larger economies of scale and reduces the administrative burden of running a separate process. A carpet installation contractor is required by the Service to perform worn flooring replacement work in Service facilities. Utilizing the City contract provides better pricing and an experienced vendor with no known performance issues. As a result of a competitive purchasing process conducted by the City PMMD, Weaver Flooring is being recommended as the Service’s vendor for the provision of carpet supply and installation. Should the City decide to exercise the remaining two option years, the Service is requesting the Board to authorize the Chief to execute the option years on behalf of the Board. Mr. Tony Veneziano, Chief Administrative Officer, Corporate Services Command will be in attendance to answer any questions from the Board. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P89. REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR MEMBERS OF THE MENTAL HEALTH EXTERNAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE The Board was in receipt of the following report March 23, 2016 from Andy Pringle, Chair: Subject: REIMBURSEMENT OF TRAVEL EXPENSES FOR MEMBERS OF THE MENTAL HEALTH EXTERNAL ADVISORY COMMITTEE Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses, which include one night’s hotel accommodation and transportation (mileage or train/bus), for members of the Mental Health External Advisory Committee who are travelling from outside of the GTA. Financial Implications: This report recommends that the Board approve an expenditure from the 2016 operating budget to reimburse reasonable travel expenses for those members who are travelling from outside of the GTA. Background/Purpose: At its meeting of February 24, 2016, the Board approved the creation of the Toronto Police Services Board Mental Health External Advisory Committee (Min No P30/16 refers). The proposed mandate of this Advisory Committee is to independently assess and evaluate the work of the Toronto Police Service and the Toronto Police Services Board in dealing with people experiencing mental illness, including the proactive strategy developed by the Service with respect to this issue, and to subsequently make recommendations for improvement, where necessary, to the Board. Discussion: The first meeting of the Advisory Committee will take place on Monday May 2, 2016, from 8AM to 4PM at the Toronto Police College, located at 70 Birmingham St, Toronto. Given that some members will be travelling from outside of the GTA, I am recommending that the Board reimburse reasonable travel expenses, which include one night’s hotel accommodation and transportation (mileage or train/bus). Conclusion: It is, therefore, recommended that the Board approve reimbursement of reasonable travel expenses, which include one night’s hotel accommodation and transportation (mileage or train/bus), for members of the Mental Health External Advisory Committee who are travelling from outside of the GTA. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory S. Carroll THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P90. APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF POLICE SERVICES BOARDS – 2016 SPRING CONFERENCE & ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING The Board was in receipt of the following report March 23, 2016 from Andy Pringle, Chair: Subject: APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: ONTARIO ASSOCIATION OF POLICE SERVICES BOARDS - 2016 SPRING CONFERENCE & ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the conference attendance and the estimated expenditures, for up to four Board Members or Board staff members to attend the Ontario Association of Police Services Board’s (OAPSB) 2016 Spring Conference and Annual General Meeting. Financial Implications: This report recommends that the Board approve an expenditure from the Board’s 2016 operating budget to cover costs associated with attendance at the OAPSB Spring Conference. Background/Purpose: The OAPSB will be hosting its 2016 Spring Conference & Annual General Meeting in Niagara Falls, Ontario from May 11 – 44, 2016. The theme of this year’s Spring Conference is “Preparing for Change.” The OAPSB Spring Conference is an excellent opportunity for professional development for Board Members and networking with fellow police board members from across Ontario. As such, it is important that the Board provide its support and attendance to help ensure the success of the conference. Discussion: The “Board Member Expense and Travel Reimbursement Policy” approved by the Board in 2006 establishes that the Board’s approval must be sought for the attendance of Board Members at conferences. Board Members were advised of this conference and were canvassed for their availability. Attendance to this conference will result in the following estimated expenses: Registration Hotel accommodation (3 nights at $185.00/night) Per Diem (4 days at $75/day) Incidentals Total estimate $656.00 555.00 300.00 100.00 $1,611.00/person Conclusion: It is, therefore, recommended that the Board approve the conference attendance and the estimated expenditures, for up to four Board Members or Board staff members to attend the Ontario Association of Police Services Board’s (OAPSB) 2016 Spring Conference and Annual General Meeting. Ms. Joanne Campbell, Executive Director, responded to questions by the Board about this report. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P91. APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF POLICE GOVERNANCE – 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE The Board was in receipt of the following report March 18, 2016 from Andy Pringle, Chair: Subject: APPROVAL OF EXPENSES: CANADIAN ASSOCIATION OF POLICE GOVERNANCE (CAPG) 2016 ANNUAL CONFERENCE (AUGUST 12-14, 2016) Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the conference attendance and estimated cost-related expenditures for one Board Member and two Board staff members attend the Canadian Association of Police Governance (CAPG) 2016 Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting in Ottawa, Ontario from August 12-14, 2016. Financial Implications: Funds are available within the business travel account of the Board’s 2016 operating budget. Background/Purpose: The “Board Member Expense and Travel Reimbursement Policy” approved by the Board in 2006 establishes that the Board’s approval must be sought for the attendance of Board Members at conferences. Discussion: Each year, CAPG hosts an annual conference which is one of only two annual opportunities for professional development for Board members and staff. This conference provides an opportunity for networking with Boards from across Canada. The theme of this year’s conference is “Ethics in Policing and the Role of Governance.” The conference will be held in Ottawa, Ontario from August 12-14, 2016. The conference sessions will cover a broad range of topics relevant to the Board. In conjunction with the conference, the CAPG also holds its Annual General Meeting (AGM) at this time. Members discuss issues, consider resolutions and elect officers of the organization at this AGM. Board Members were advised of this conference and were canvassed for their availability. Councillor Shelley Carroll, Board Member, Ms. Joanne Campbell, Executive Director and Ms. Sandy Murray, Senior Policy Advisor will be attending this year’s conference. Attendance will result in the following approximate per-person expenses: Registration Airfare Accommodation Per Diem Incidentals $650.00 $300.00 $660.00 $300.00 $100.00 Total $2,010.00 Conclusion: It is, therefore, recommended that the Board approve the conference attendance and estimated cost-related expenditures for one Board Member and two Board staff members attend CAPG’s 2016 Annual Conference and Annual General Meeting in Ottawa, Ontario from August 12-14, 2016. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P92. NEW JOB DESCRIPTIONS: INTELLIGENCE SERVICES SYSTEMS SPECIALIST ADVISOR, DIVERSITY & INCLUSION The Board was in receipt of the following: Report dated March 23, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police Re: New Job Description – Intelligence Services Systems Specialist Report dated March 18, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police Re: New Job Description – Advisor, Diversity & Inclusion Copies of the foregoing reports are on file in the Board office. Following a discussion, the Board approved the following Motion: THAT the foregoing reports be referred to the May 2016 in camera meeting for consideration. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P93. SPECIAL CONSTABLES: APPOINTMENT: TORONTO – ST. GEORGE CAMPUS UNIVERSITY OF The Board was in receipt of the following report March 01, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: SPECIAL CONSTABLES: APPOINTMENT: UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO, ST. GEORGE CAMPUS Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve the appointment of the individual listed in this report as a special constable for the University of Toronto, St. George Campus, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications relating to the recommendation contained within this report. Background/Purpose Under Section 53 of the Police Services Act of Ontario, the Board is authorized to appoint and re-appoint special constables, subject to the approval of the Minister of Community Safety and Correctional Services. Pursuant to this authority, the Board now has agreements with the University of Toronto (U of T), Toronto Community Housing Corporation (TCHC) and Toronto Transit Commission (TTC) governing the administration of special constables (Min. Nos. P571/94, P41/98 and P154/14 refer). The Service received requests from the U of T, St. George Campus, to appoint the following individual as special constable: Agency U of T, St. George Campus Name Albert Hastings Discussion: The special constables are appointed to enforce the Criminal Code of Canada, Controlled Drugs and Substances Act, Trespass to Property Act, Liquor Licence Act and Mental Health Act on their respective properties within the City of Toronto. The agreements between the Board and each agency require that background investigations be conducted on all of the individuals who are being recommended for appointment or reappointment as special constables. The Service’s Employment Unit completed background investigations on these individuals and there is nothing on file to preclude them from being appointed as special constables for a five year term. The U of T has advised the Service that the above individual satisfies all of the appointment criteria as set out in their agreement with the Board. The agency’s approved strength and current complement are as indicated below: Agency U of T, St. George Campus Approved Strength 34 Current Complement 33 Conclusion: The Toronto Police Service continues to work together in partnership with the agencies to identify individuals who may be appointed as special constables who will contribute positively to the safety and well-being of persons engaged in activities on TTC, TCHC and U of T properties within the City of Toronto. Deputy Chief of Police, James Ramer, Specialized Operations Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions that the Board may have with respect to this report. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P94. APPLICATIONS MADE BY THE CHIEF OF POLICE PURSUANT TO SUBSECTION 83(17) OF THE POLICE SERVICES ACT – REVIEW OF ADMINISTRATIVE PROCESS The Board was in receipt of the following report March 02, 2016 from Andy Pringle, Chair: Subject: Applications Made by the Chief of Police Pursuant to Subsection 83(17) of the Police Services Act – Review of Administrative Process Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve amendments, as set out in this report, to the administrative processes governing the procedures to be followed by the Chief of Police, police officers and complainants, for delay applications made by the Chief, pursuant to subsection 83(17) of the Police Services Act. Financial Implications: There are no financial implications arising from the recommendation contained in this report. Background: At its meeting held on May 15, 2014, the Board approved a report containing proposed administrative processes governing the procedures to be followed by the Chief of Police, officers and complainants, to enable the Board to consider a delay application made by the Chief, pursuant to subsection 83(17) of the Police Services Act (the “Act”). The procedures dealt with delay applications arising from both external/public complaints and internal complaints concerning the conduct of an officer. As part of its development of the procedures, the Board considered recommendations that were made in deputations by George Cowley, legal counsel acting on behalf of the Toronto Police Association, and Peter Rosenthal, Barrister. The Board incorporated most of their recommendations into the administrative procedures. At the time that the Board approved the procedures, it authorized the Chair to approve any minor clarifications that may be necessary during the first year following the adoption of the new process and directed the Chair to report back to the Board at the end of one year on the suitability of the administrative procedures (Min. No. P118/14 refers). Discussion: The Board has considered four delay applications since the introduction of the administrative procedures in May 2014. Two of the delay applications were submitted by the Chief of Police as a result of external/public complaints that had been retained by the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (the “OIPRD”) concerning the conduct of officers and two were submitted by the Chief as a result of internal complaints concerning the conduct of officers. In all four cases, the Chief, officers and complainants elected to participate in the delay application proceedings, were represented by legal counsel and made oral and/or written submissions to the Board in accordance with the new procedures. No minor clarifications were required to be made to the procedures as a result of the four delay applications that have been considered by the Board. A few procedural and administrative issues were raised and, although they were resolved at the time, I believe they should be formally incorporated into the procedures to ensure as much clarity as possible. I submitted a report to the Board for its January 20, 2016 meeting which recommended several amendments to the procedures. Prior to the meeting, copies of the report were provided to Mr. Rosenthal and the Toronto Police Association (“TPA”) for their information and to seek any comments that they might have with regard to the proposed amendments. The TPA provided a written response which was placed on the agenda along with my report for the January 20, 2016 meeting. The Board subsequently referred the TPA correspondence to me for consideration and a further report (Min. No. P10/16 refers). I have summarized the TPA comments and incorporated them, as well as my response to each point, into the content of the January report which is reprinted below. The responses were determined in consultation with the Board’s legal counsel at the City of Toronto – Legal Services Division. I recommend the following amendments to the procedures: I. Delay Applications Procedures – Allegations Arising from External/Public Complaints Issue 1: Section 3(e) – implies that the delay application and all written submissions would form part of the agenda for a regularly-scheduled in camera Board meeting. This is consistent with previous practice. However, following the Board’s decision to invoke section 34 of the Act and delegate its authority to consider delay applications to four members of the Board (Min. No. P140/15 & P313/15 refer), delay applications can now be considered at special, as opposed to regular, meetings and scheduled at times that are convenient for the officers, complainants and legal counsel. Recommended change to Section 3(e): upon receipt of any supplementary written submissions, place the delay application and all written submissions on the an agenda for the in camera Board meeting identified in 3(a)(i) and provide a copy of the portion of the Board meeting agenda pertaining to the delay application to the Chief of Police, the officer or his/her legal counsel, the complainant or his/her legal counsel and the OIPRD for information. Issue 2: Section 4, Paragraph 1 – indicates that a complainant and/or his/her legal counsel may attend the meeting at which the delay application is considered by the Board. It is possible that a complainant may request that a person, other than a lawyer, act on his/her behalf at the meeting. In my view, a complainant should be permitted to have a representative at the meeting who may or may not be a legal representative. Also, there may be circumstances for which it may be appropriate to permit the attendance of persons other than those who are currently identified as persons who are permitted to attend the meeting. Recommended change to Section 4, Paragraph 1: The Board will consider the delay application in conjunction with any oral and/or written submissions provided by the Chief of Police, the officer and/or the complainant at an in camera meeting. The Chief of Police and/or his/her representative, the officer and/or his/her legal counsel, the complainant and/or his/her legal counsel or representative, the Board’s legal counsel and Board staff will be the only persons present when the Board considers the delay application. The Board may also permit the attendance of others as it considers appropriate. TPA Comments and Response: The TPA said “the complainant cannot have both a legal counsel and a representative. It should be one or the other since only one will be making submissions.” Response: While the proposed amendment is, I believe, clearly structured to reflect one or the other, I can confirm that it is intended to apply to a complainant’s legal counsel or representative, and not both. The TPA also said that “In addition, it must be clear that the representative will be required to complete a confidential undertaking before participating in the in camera proceeding.” Response: This is an appropriate observation and I, therefore, recommend a further amendment as follows in bold: “or representative (subject to completing a confidential undertaking),”. The TPA expressed concern about the inclusion of “The Board may also permit the attendance of others as it considers appropriate.” The TPA said that this concern applied to the procedures for allegations arising from external/public complaints as well as internal complaints. Response: This provision was intended to ensure that none of the parties in the delay application, e.g. Chief, complainant or officer, was denied the assistance offered by a person other than their representative or legal counsel. Examples of “others” could be: a member of the Chief’s staff, an interpreter or parent/youth advocate for the complainant, or a TPA Director for the officer. A decision made by the Board to permit the attendance of any “others” would only be made after consultation with the parties and, as the TPA correctly noted in an earlier comment about a complainant’s representative, after a person has completed a confidential undertaking, if they have not already done so or taken an oath of secrecy. I would, therefore, recommend a further proposed amendment as follows in bold: The Board may also permit the attendance of others as it considers appropriate, after consultation with the parties and subject to the completion of a confidential undertaking, where necessary. II. Delay Applications Procedures – Allegations Arising from Internal Complaints Issue 1: Section 2, Last Paragraph – the current procedures do not indicate that copies of the agenda for the meeting at which the delay application will be considered are provided to the Chief of Police and the officers and/or their legal counsel. Recommended change to Section 2, Last Paragraph: Following the receipt of a delay application and any written submissions that may be provided by the officer, the Board Office will place them on the agenda for the in camera Board meeting noted in 2(c)(i) and provide a copy to the Chief of Police and the officer and/or his/her legal counsel. Issue 2: Section 3, Paragraph 1– there may be circumstances when it would be appropriate to permit the attendance of persons other than those who are currently identified as persons who are permitted to attend the Board meeting. Recommended change to Section 3, Paragraph 1: The Board will consider the delay application in conjunction with any oral and/or written submissions that may be provided by the Chief of Police or his/her representative and the officer or his/her legal counsel at the in camera meeting. The Chief of Police and/or his/her representative, the officer and/or his/her legal counsel, the Board’s legal counsel and Board staff will be the only persons present when the Board considers the delay application. The Board may also permit the attendance of others as it considers appropriate. TPA Comments and Response: The TPA expressed concern about the proposed amendment noted above. Response: See response above in Allegations Arising from External/Public Complaints. I am recommending the following further amendment in bold: The Board may also permit the attendance of others as it considers appropriate, after consultation with the parties and subject to the completion of a confidential undertaking, where necessary. III. Notice of Hearing: The Board should be aware of an issue that has been raised as a result of a delay application that was approved in 2012 and which is now the subject of a hearing by the Ontario Civilian Police Commission (“OCPC”). Subsection 83(17) provides as follows: If six months have elapsed since the day described in subsection (18), no notice of hearing shall be served unless the board, in the case of a municipal police officer, or the Commissioner, in the case of a member of the Ontario Provincial Police, is of the opinion that it was reasonable, under the circumstances, to delay serving the notice of hearing. Courts considering this section have identified the types of things that a board can consider in making a decision on a delay application. Among other things, these include the public interest in seeing serious police misconduct adjudicated, which arguably would involve the Board in considering the seriousness of the alleged conduct. In light of those criteria, the Board considered it necessary to review the Notice of Hearing (“Notice”) in order to assess the nature of the allegations against the officer. Accordingly, the Board established a requirement in the procedures for delay applications that compels the Chief to append a copy of the “draft Notice of Hearing” to the delay application at the time that it is submitted to the Board. The Board has been of the view that the meaning of “draft” refers to a step in a process, i.e. the Notice is to be considered draft pending the Board’s approval of the delay application and, if the delay application is approved, the Notice – in the format and with the content as submitted – would be served immediately upon the officer. I was recently advised that the Chief does not share the same interpretation. The Chief has interpreted the meaning of “draft” to include the ability to alter the content of a Notice after the Board has approved a delay application, provided the circumstances giving rise to the issuance of the Notice have been considered by the Board. In one specific case in 2012, a Notice was altered after the Board approved a delay application. As a result, several legal arguments were made at the disciplinary hearing by counsel for both the officer and the complainant about the legality of changing the Notice after the Board’s approval of delayed service. The matter has progressed to a hearing of the OCPC which will specifically address the issue. I believe that it would be prudent to wait until the OCPC decision in this case is released prior to considering whether any changes should be made in our procedures regarding the interpretation of the meaning of a draft Notice. I will report back to the Board on the outcome of the OCPC consideration of the issue. TPA Comments and Response: The TPA has taken the position that “[a]fter the Board approves a notice of hearing for service on a police officer it cannot be amended or altered by the Chief” and said that the “Chief’s new interpretation is wrong in law and wrong in terms of jurisdiction.” The TPA concurs with my belief that it would be prudent to wait until the OCPC decision is released prior to considering the interpretation of the notice of hearing. I have noted the TPA’s comments in this regard and will await the OCPC decision. Conclusion: I am satisfied that the revised administrative processes, as proposed, governing the procedures to be followed by the Chief of Police, police officers and complainants for delay applications are concise, fair to all parties and meet the Board’s responsibilities with respect to subsection 83(17) of the Act. Given that there is always room for improvement, the Board should continue to review comments or recommendations that may be made by any of the parties during any stage of the consideration of a delay application. Therefore, I recommend that the Board approve the amendments, as set out in this report, to the administrative processes governing the procedures to be followed by the Chief of Police, police officers and complainants, for delay applications made by the Chief, pursuant to subsection 83(17) of the Act regarding external/public complaints and internal complaints concerning the conduct of an officer. Copies of the procedures which incorporate the recommended amendments are attached as Appendix “A” for information. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: J. Tory S. Carroll ` Appendix “A” Toronto Police Services Board Administrative Process to Consider Applications Made by the Chief of Police Pursuant to Subsection 83(17) of the Police Services Act – Allegations Arising from External/Public Complaints 1. Legislative Authority Subsection 83(17) of the Police Services Act (the “Act”) states that: If six months have elapsed since the day described in subsection (18), no notice of hearing shall be served unless the board, in the case of a municipal police officer, or the Commissioner, in the case of a member of the Ontario Provincial Police, is of the opinion that it was reasonable, under the circumstances, to delay serving the notice of hearing. Subsection 83(18) of the Act states that, in the cases where allegations against an officer arise from a public complaint, the delay is deemed to have begun at the time of the date that the complaint against an officer was retained by the Office of the Independent Police Review Director (the “OIPRD”) or the day on which the Chief of Police received the complaint referred to him/her by the OIPRD. A recommendation from the Chief of Police seeking approval to serve a Notice of Hearing pursuant to subsection 83(17) of the Act is sometimes referred to as a “delay application”. 2. Preparation of the Delay Application and the Confidential Undertaking: The Chief of Police will: (a) prepare a delay application when (i) (ii) (b) a complaint was retained by the OIPRD, no Notice of Hearing has been served on the officer within six months of that retention and the OIPRD directs the Chief of Police to prepare a delay application; or an investigation was referred by the OIPRD to the Chief of Police and no Notice of Hearing has been served on the officer within six months of that referral; prepare the delay application in writing, containing the reasons for the delay in the service of a Notice of Hearing and a copy of the draft Notice of Hearing; (c) prior to completing the delay application, advise the office of the Toronto Police Services Board (the “Board Office) that a delay application is being prepared and provide the name of the officer, the name and address of the complainant and the file number for the complaint that was retained by the OIPRD and which is the basis for the delay application; The Board Office will: 3. (d) advise the complainant that a delay application is being prepared and, subject to the completion of a confidential undertaking in respect of the information and materials that would be provided to him/her as part of the delay application process, he/she will be provided with an opportunity to provide submissions with regard to the delay application; (e) upon the receipt of the completed confidential undertaking, advise the Chief of Police that a completed confidential undertaking has been received; Completion of the Delay Application, Notification and Opportunity to Respond The Chief of Police will: (a) consult with the staff in the Board Office to: (i) (ii) identify the date of an in camera Board meeting at which the Toronto Police Services Board (the “Board”) will consider the delay application; and identify the date by which any initial written submissions that may be provided by the officer and the complainant must be submitted to the Board Office; (b) deliver a copy of the delay application to the officer and the complainant by a date which ensures that they have a period of at least 20 business days prior to the date noted in 3(a)(ii) to provide a written response to the Board Office, and provide the officer and the complainant with written notice that: (i) (ii) (iii) the delay application will be heard on the meeting date identified in 3(a)(i) and that their submissions must be submitted by the date identified in 3(a)(ii); any written submissions to be provided in response to the delay application should be transmitted in electronic format to the Board Office or in a format as agreed upon by the Board office; a response must refer specifically to the issue of the delay and the reasons for the delay as outlined in the delay application; (iv) (v) (vi) (c) that if either of them decides not to provide a response, the matter of the delay application will be considered by the Board solely on the basis of the information contained in the delay application and in any responses actually submitted; that a copy of one party’s written submission noted in 3(b)(ii) and (iii) will be provided to the other party by the Board Office along with a date, which ensures a period of at least five business days, by which they can provide a supplementary electronic written submission in response to the other party’s submission noted in 3(b)(ii) and (iii); and oral submissions may also be made in addition to any written submissions that may be provided and that the oral submissions would be delivered at the meeting identified in 3(a)(i). deliver the original delay application to the Board Office at the same time that a copy is delivered to the officer and the complainant. Following the receipt of a delay application and any written submissions that may be provided by the officer and the complainant pursuant to 3(b), the Board Office will: (d) (e) 4. forward a copy of each party’s written submission to the other parties along with the date by which each party may submit a supplementary written submission; the Board Office will also request that each party confirm with the Board Office whether they intend to provide an oral submission at the meeting at which the Board considers the delay application; and upon receipt of any supplementary written submissions, place the delay application and all written submissions on an agenda for the in camera Board meeting identified in 3(a)(i) and provide a copy of the agenda to the Chief of Police, the officer or his/her legal counsel, the complainant or his/her legal counsel and the OIPRD for information. Board Decision and Reasons The Board will consider the delay application in conjunction with any oral and/or written submissions provided by the Chief of Police, the officer and/or the complainant at an in camera meeting. The Chief of Police and/or his/her representative, the officer and/or his/her legal counsel, the complainant and/or his/her legal counsel or representative (subject to completing a confidential undertaking), the Board’s legal counsel and Board staff will be the only persons present when the Board considers the delay application. The Board may also permit the attendance of others as it considers appropriate, after consultation with the parties and subject to the completion of a confidential undertaking, where necessary. Prior to making a decision on the delay application, the Board may seek clarification or request additional written submissions from the Chief of Police, the officer and/or the complainant and, in doing so, would defer further consideration of the delay application until the date specified by the Board for receipt of a clarification or additional written submission. If such a request is made for a clarification or additional information, a copy of the request will be provided to the other parties and all parties would be given an opportunity to respond. In making a decision, the Board will review the submissions from the Chief of Police, the officer and/or the complainant. The Board’s decision will be recorded in writing in a Minute and it will contain reasons for the Board’s decision. The Board Office will provide a copy of the Minute regarding the delay application to the Chief of Police, the officer or his/her legal counsel, the complainant or his/her legal counsel and the OIPRD. Approved by the Board: April 20, 2016 Minute No. P94/16 Toronto Police Services Board Administrative Process to Consider Applications Made by the Chief of Police Pursuant to Subsection 83(17) of the Police Services Act – Allegations Arising from Internal Complaints ` 1. Legislative Authority Subsection 83(17) of the Police Services Act (the “Act”) states that: If six months have elapsed since the day described in subsection (18), no notice of hearing shall be served unless the board, in the case of a municipal police officer, or the Commissioner, in the case of a member of the Ontario Provincial Police, is of the opinion that it was reasonable, under the circumstances, to delay serving the notice of hearing. Subsection 83(18) of the Act states that the delay is deemed to have begun at the time of the day on which the facts on which the complaint is based first came to the attention of the Chief of Police or Board, as the case may be. A recommendation from a Chief of Police seeking approval to serve a Notice of Hearing pursuant to subsection 83(17) of the Act is sometimes referred to as a “delay application”. 2. Preparation of the Delay Application, Notification and Opportunity to Respond The Chief of Police will: (a) prepare a delay application when he/she seeks to serve a Notice of Hearing and six months have elapsed since the day on which the facts became known to him/her; (b) prepare the delay application in writing, containing the reasons for the delay in the service of a Notice of Hearing and a copy of the draft Notice of Hearing; (c) prior to completing the delay application, consult with the staff in the office of the Toronto Police Services Board (the “Board Office”) to: (i) (ii) identify the date of an in camera Board meeting at which the Toronto Police Services Board (the “Board”) will consider the delay application; and identify the date by which any written submissions that may be provided by the officer must be submitted to the Board Office in order to place them on the Board meeting agenda; (d) deliver a copy of the delay application to the officer by a date which ensures that he/she has a period of at least 20 business days prior to the date noted in 2(c)(ii) during which a written response can be provided to the Board Office, and provide the officer with written notice that: (i) (ii) (iii) (iv) (v) (e) the delay application will be heard on the meeting date identified in 2(c)(i) and that the officer's written submissions must be submitted by the date identified in 2(c)(ii); any written submissions to be provided in response to the delay application should be transmitted in electronic format to the Board Office or in a format as agreed upon by the Board office; a response must refer specifically to the issue of the delay and the reasons for the delay as outlined in the delay application; if he/she decides not to provide a response, the matter of the delay application will be considered by the Board solely on the basis of the information contained in the delay application; oral submissions may also be made by the officer or his/her legal counsel in addition to a written submission and that the oral submissions would be delivered at the meeting identified in 2(c)(i); deliver the original delay application to the Board Office at the same time that a copy is delivered to the officer. Following the receipt of a delay application and any written submissions that may be provided by the officer, the Board Office will place them on the agenda for the in camera Board meeting noted in 2(c)(i) and provide a copy to the Chief of Police and the officer and/or his/her legal counsel. 3. Board Decision and Reasons The Board will consider the delay application in conjunction with any oral and/or written submissions that may be provided by the Chief of Police or his/her representative and the officer or his/her legal counsel at the in camera meeting. The Chief of Police and/or his/her representative, the officer and/or his/her legal counsel, the Board’s legal counsel and Board staff will be the only persons present when the Board considers the delay application. The Board may also permit the attendance of others as it considers appropriate, after consultation with the parties and subject to the completion of a confidential undertaking, where necessary. Prior to making a decision on the delay application, the Board may seek clarification or request additional written submissions from the Chief of Police and/or the officer and, in doing so, would defer further consideration of the delay application until the date specified by the Board for receipt of a clarification or additional written submission. In making a decision, the Board will review the submissions from the Chief of Police and the officer. The Board’s decision will be recorded in writing in a Minute and it will contain reasons for the Board’s decision. The Board Office will provide a copy of the Minute regarding the delay application to the Chief of Police and the officer or his/her legal counsel. Approved by the Board: April 20, 2016 Minute No. P94/16 THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P95. REQUEST FOR FUNDS: TORONTO POLICE SERVICE LESBIAN GAY BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER QUEER MURAL The Board was in receipt of the following report February 18, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: REQUEST FOR FUNDING FOR THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICE LESBIAN GAY BISEXUAL AND TRANSGENDER QUEER MURAL Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve an expenditure not to exceed $2,000.00 from the Board’s Special Fund to cover the expenses incurred in relation to the Toronto Police Service’s Lesbian Gay Bisexual Transgender and Queer (LGBTQ) Mural. Financial Implications: Funding to cover the costs associated with this project would be drawn from the Board’s Special Fund and would not exceed $2,000.00. The cost of the mural has been sponsored by the City of Toronto - Street Art program. Background/Purpose: We provide policing services to one of the most diverse and multi-cultural cities in the world, are the largest municipal law enforcement agency in its jurisdiction and home to one of the largest LGBTQ communities in North America. The Service and the LGBTQ community share a history which has evolved to a collaborative partnership based upon mutual respect and working together. The purpose of the mural is to educate the public about some significant events that have occurred in our city, and the relationship that the LGBTQ community has with the Service. More importantly, it speaks to change and how progressive we have become by working in partnership with the community to foster better relationships. The mural not only depicts diversity within the Service, but indicates that we are part of the community. Discussion: The Service has taken numerous steps to improve the relationship with members of the LGBTQ community. These steps have included more inclusive hiring practices for LGBT personnel, the creation of the LGBT Liaison Officer position, as well as the creation of the LGBT Community Consultative Committee (CCC). Furthermore, the Service has developed policies and procedures to better address the ongoing realities for LGBT members, not only externally, but internally as well, the most recent of these being the LGBT Internal Support Network (ISN). The LGBTQ mural is an opportunity for the Service not only to acknowledge its history, but most importantly to demonstrate its commitment to make positive changes to improve our relationship with the community. The mural will beautify the neighbourhood and will be seen as a landmark in the community and the City of Toronto (see Appendix A). The site chosen for the mural is the external wall of the Hair of the Dog Neighbourhood Pub and Restaurant, situated at 425 Church Street. Members from the Divisional Policing Support Unit, the LGBTQ ISN and the CCC are working with members from the City, and many community members and organizations, including Egale Canada, the 2 Spirited People of the First Nations, and the Metropolitan Community Church of Toronto, regarding this initiative. The anticipated start date for the mural is May 2016. The artist has dedicated over 100 hours of his own time to meet and design the mural. It will take him approximately one month to complete the installation (weather dependent). He has demonstrated dedication, passion, patience and flexibility to accommodate necessary changes to ensure expectations are met. Although he has volunteered his time a small honorarium and gift will be offered as a small gesture of our appreciation for his partnership in this initiative. Upon the mural’s completion an event for its unveiling will be planned, to include a ribbon / cake cutting and a reception. Mayor Tory, Chair Pringle and community members will be invited to attend. The anticipated costs are itemized below: LGBTQ Mural Event Item Estimated Cost Plaque and install for exterior wall of mural $ 700.00 location (see Appendix B) Honorarium for mural artist $ 500.00 Refreshments $ 500.00 Miscellaneous (Administrative costs, speaker $ 300.00 gifts) Total: $2,000.00 * Any funds not utilized will be returned to the Board. This request has been reviewed and meets the criteria as set out in the Board’s amended Special Fund policy dealing with Community Outreach (Min. No. P73/2013 refers). Conclusion: Strong community / police partnerships are based on mutual trust, respect and understanding and are essential for the safety and well- being of all members of our community. The Service’s participation in this initiative reinforces our continued commitment to working with our diverse communities and it also aims to foster mutually respectful and beneficial relationships. Deputy Chief Mike Federico, Community Safety Command, will be in attendance to respond to any questions that the Board may have regarding this report. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll J. Tory Appendix A The Mural The sketch of the mural is 98% complete. During the installation shading and minor details will be made; for example, the pink charm will be clearly marked as “soap”. , The mural will be painted on a 2500 square foot wall that is normally riddled with graffiti. The mural will be on the wall of The Hair of the Dog, located at 425 Church Street in the LGBTQ neighbourhood. The mural will overlook a playground occupied by the Toronto District School Board; however it is in clear view of pedestrian and vehicular traffic on Church Street. What does it all mean? Background: Colours of the Trans Flag. Arm/Hand: Non-gender police member. The arm is being unzipped that exposes objects that are symbolic when referenced to our history in Toronto and the Toronto Police Service. Pink Charm: Bar of soap which represents the bath house raids “Operation Soap” in 1981. Banner: “Enough is Enough” is a famous banner that was part of the protests which resulted from the 1981 bath house raids. These protests aggressively started the movement in Toronto for LGBTQ rights and freedom. It is believed that “Gay Liberation Day” on March 9, 1982, was Toronto’s first Pride. The Tower: Was located above the St. Charles tavern on Yonge Street, which was known to be a gay bar. On Halloween, the bar would be a centre for party goers who would fall victim of gay bashing and egg throwing. Underwear Pattern (left side of arm): Represents the women’s bath house raids known as “Panty Raids” in the year 2000. Train Crossing: “Track Two” was a nickname used by Toronto Police officers to identify streets that were frequented by male hustlers or prostitutes and the Gay commercial area which was between Yonge Street and Bay Street, St. Joseph Street to Grosvenor Street. Tattoo; “Transitioning” indicates the change the Service has gone through over the centuries. Pink triangle: A symbol that was used to brand homosexuals in the concentration camps (badge of shame). The symbol has been reclaimed as an international symbol of gay pride and the gay rights movement, and is second in popularity to the rainbow flag. Eagle Feathers: Represents the two spirited “2S” community. The Crayon: It references the writing of our future. A crayon was chosen because it is more visually appealing and more playful for children in the school ground. The crayon is also perceived as a much more colourful future opposed to a dark past. Stand Together, Spud Bomb: Artist name and symbol (bottom right hand corner). The beauty of art is that it can be perceived or have different meanings too different people. A lot of thought and work has gone into the art work. Many community members and organizations were consulted, including the LGBTQ CCC and the ward councillor. Appendix B The Plaque "IT'S IN OUR HANDS" Learn from Yesterday, Work for Today, Strive for Tomorrow To move forward together, it is important we recognize where we have been. And where we have been is not the happiest of places. Where there has been discrimination and ignorance, there has been our darkest days. But staying in the past is just as dark. Now, we see glimmers of sun. We see a community and a police service willing to work for today. We are now accepting and understanding. We want to protect this community like every other community because it is the right thing to do. Toronto’s LGBTQ community deserves a police service that serves and protects every single member. We will do that today and every day in the future. We will strive to be better. Tomorrow is bright as we move forward, together. The plaque will be attached to the bottom left corner of the wall. In addition it will have a QR code (bar code) and a link that will go directly to a page on our web site where a description of the mural can be viewed. THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P96. REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS: LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS ONTARIO The Board was in receipt of the following report March 29, 2016 from Mark Saunders, Chief of Police: Subject: REQUEST FOR ADDITIONAL FUNDS: LAW ENFORCEMENT TORCH RUN FOR SPECIAL OLYMPICS ONTARIO Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve a donation expenditure increase of $5,000.00, thereby increasing the total amount of funding provided from the Special Fund to Special Olympics Ontario is $10,000.00. Financial Implications: If the Board approves the recommendations, the Special Fund will be reduced by an expenditure of $10,000 to Special Olympics Ontario. Background/Purpose: The Ontario Law Enforcement Torch Run is a provincial fundraising program directly benefiting over 18,000 Special Olympic Ontario athletes with an intellectual disability. The Torch Run is recognized as the charity of choice for the Ontario Association of Chiefs of Police and is a year round fundraising program it is the largest and most recognizable awareness campaign for Special Olympics. The Law Enforcement Torch Run’s main missions are to raise funds to benefit the programs of Special Olympics with the goal of improving the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and to raise awareness. The Toronto Police Service Law Enforcement Torch Run Committee has over the years focussed on both fundraising and the awareness campaign for Special Olympics Ontario. The involvement of Law Enforcement in grassroots events such as Four Corners School Championships showcases the importance of being involved in a movement that is making a difference in the lives of students with intellectual disabilities. Uniform members of the Toronto Police Service are invited and participate in numerous other community initiatives such as the annual YellowCard Campaign, Active Start Programs, Physical Activity and Healthy Living Event, Summer Games, Winter Games, Torch Ride and the Torch Run to name a few, which represent an enduring partnership between Law Enforcement and Special Olympics Ontario benefiting the Special Olympic athletes and their families. The annual Toronto Police Service Torch Run is the most popular event in which hundreds of participants purchase a torch-run tshirt to participate in the run/walk in support of Special Olympics Ontario. Discussion: Last year’s Torch Run took place at Police Headquarters on May 28, 2015, and was attended by over three hundred service members, community members and honorary guests from the Police Services Board, the Toronto Police Association, the Toronto Police Amateur Athletic Association, the Senior Officers’ Association, the Police Credit Unit and the Senior Management from BMO Global Asset Management. During the opening ceremonies and cheque presentation for $5,000.00, Dr. Alok Mukherjee, then Chair of the Toronto Police Services Board presented his cheque to Mr. Glenn MacDonnell, President and CEO, Special Olympics Ontario and while doing so publicly announced that he would like to challenge the Executives of BMO to double their donation next year to $10,000, the Board would do the same and pledged to make a $10,000 donation in support of Special Olympics Ontario. The Executives from BMO graciously accepted his challenge and will be in attendance at the 2016 Law Enforcement Torch Run with a $10,000 cheque in support of Special Olympics Ontario. On August 1, 2015, Dr. Alok Mukherjee resigned from the Police Services Board. The Law Enforcement Torch Run Committee while in preparation for the 2016 Law Enforcement Torch Run and would like to ask the Board to honour Dr. Mukerjee’s promise and to present Special Olympics Ontario with a cheque in the amount of $10,000 during the 2016 Law Enforcement Torch Run on June 23, 2016. Conclusion: In keeping with the Board’s Special Fund mandate, the Law Enforcement Torch Run in Support of Special Olympics Ontario is a strong community-oriented policing initiative. From modest beginnings, the Law Enforcement Torch Run is now one of the largest and most recognizable awareness campaigns to raise funds for and awareness of the Special Olympic movement in Ontario, raising funds for programs to support over 20,000 Ontario athletes with an intellectual disability. Deputy Chief James Ramer, Specialized Operations Command, will be in attendance to answer any questions the Board may have. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P97. REQUEST FOR FUNDS – 49TH ANNUAL POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR AWARDS The Board was in receipt of the following report April 19, 2016 from Andy Pringle, Chair: Subject: REQUEST FOR FUNDS – 49th ANNUAL POLICE OFFICER OF THE YEAR AWARDS Recommendation: It is recommended that the Board approve an expenditure from the Special Fund in the amount of $4,000.00 to sponsor the 49th Annual Police Officer of the Year Awards, taking place on May 31, 2016. Financial Implications: If the recommendation contained in this report is approved, the Special Fund will be reduced in the amount of $4,000.00. The current balance of the Special Fund is approximately $1,859,975.97. Background/Purpose: The Police Officer of the Year Awards was initiated in 1967 by the Toronto Region Board of Trade for the purpose of recognizing the admirable contributions made by members of the Toronto Police Service (TPS), who have gone beyond the call of duty to ensure that Toronto is one of the safest cities in the world. All nominations are initiated through the Awards Coordinator, Professional Standards Support, and a panel of judges comprised of members of the local crime media and representatives from the Toronto Region Board of Trade. Nominees are judged according to the following criteria: Bravery Humanitarianism Superior Investigative Work; and Outstanding Police Skills This year’s event will take place on May 31, 2016, at the Toronto Region Board of Trade, Downtown Centre. Each year, an average of 24 members of the TPS are recognized for their outstanding contributions to policing in our communities. Attached is a letter from Mr. Christopher Worth, Toronto Region Board of Trade, providing details about the event. Discussion: The Police Officer of the Year Awards program is a very important initiative, which the Board has historically supported. This initiative is in keeping with provisions in the Board’s Special Fund policy to recognize the work of TPS members. It is an important demonstration of the community and the police working together, supporting one another and celebrating community safety achievements together. These awards celebrate excellence in policing and show the immense appreciation that our community has for its police officers. Board Members will be canvassed for their availability and are encouraged to attend this important event. The authority to purchase tickets for Board Members who wish to attend has already been set out in the Board’s Special Fund Policy. Conclusion: Therefore, it is recommended that the Board approve an expenditure from the Special Fund in the amount of $4,000.00 to sponsor the 49th Annual Police Officer of the Year Awards, taking place on May 31, 2016. Mr. Chris Worth, Toronto Region Board of Trade, was in attendance and delivered a deputation to the Board with respect to this report. The Board approved the foregoing report. Moved by: Seconded by: S. Carroll K. Jeffers THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P98. IN CAMERA MEETING – APRIL 20, 2016 In addition to the public meeting conducted by the Board today, an in camera meeting was held to consider a number of matters which were exempt from the public agenda in accordance with the criteria for considering confidential matters set out in s.35(4) of the Police Services Act. The following members attended the in camera meeting: Mr. Andrew Pringle, Chair Dr. Dhun Noria, Member Ms. Shelley Carroll, Councillor & Member Mr. John Tory, Mayor & Member Mr. Ken Jeffers, Member Absent: Mr. Chin Lee, Councillor & Vice-Chair Ms. Marie Moliner, Member THIS IS AN EXTRACT FROM THE MINUTES OF THE PUBLIC MEETING OF THE TORONTO POLICE SERVICES BOARD HELD ON APRIL 20, 2016 #P99. ADJOURNMENT _______________________________ Andy Pringle Chair