FYSA Bylaws and Rules - North Florida Youth Soccer League
FYSA Bylaws and Rules - North Florida Youth Soccer League
FYSA is affiliated with FYSA BYLAWS & RULES 2010-2011 FYSA CODE OF ETHICS Players I will encourage good sportsmanship from fellow players, coaches, officials and parents at all times. I will remember that soccer is an opportunity to learn and have fun. I deserve to play in an environment that is free of drugs, tobacco, and alcohol; and expect everyone to refrain from their use at all soccer games. I will do the best I can each day, remembering that all players have talents and weaknesses the same as I do. I will treat my coaches, other players and coaches, game officials, other administrators, and fans with respect at all times; regardless of race, sex, creed, or abilities, and I will expect to be treated accordingly. I will concentrate on playing soccer. Always giving my best effort. I will play by the rules at all times. I will at all times control my temper, resisting the temptation of retaliation. I will always exercise self control. My conduct during competition towards play of the game and all officials shall be in accordance with appropriate behavior and in accordance with FIFA’s “Laws of the Game,” and in adherence to FYSA rules. While traveling, I shall conduct myself so as to bring credit to myself and my team. I shall not possess, consume or distribute before, during or after any game or at any other time at the field and/or game complex alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or unauthorized prescription drugs. I will never use abusive or insulting language. I will treat everyone with dignity. Coaches/Volunteers I will never place the value of winning before the safety and welfare of all players. I will always show respect for players, other coaches, and game officials. I will lead by example, demonstrating fair play and sportsmanship at all times. I will demonstrate knowledge of the rules of the game, and teach these rules to my players. I will never use abusive or insulting language. I will treat everyone with dignity. I will not tolerate inappropriate behavior, regardless of the situation. I will not allow the use of anabolic agents or stimulants, drugs, tobacco, or alcohol by any of my players. I will never knowingly jeopardize the eligibility and participation of a student-athlete. Youth have a greater need for example than criticism. I will be the primary soccer role model. I will at all times conduct myself in a positive manner. Coaching is motivating players to produce their best effort, inspiring players to learn, and encouraging players to be winners. My actions on sidelines during games shall be in the spirit of “good sportsmanship” at all times. Profanity, profane gestures, arguing, inciting disruptive behavior by spectators and/or players, or any conduct not in the spirit of good sportsmanship, shall require disciplinary action from the affiliate. I shall not possess, consume or distribute before, during or after any game or at any other time at the field and/or game complex alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or unauthorized prescription drugs. I will refrain from any activity or conduct that may be detrimental or reflect adversely upon FYSA, its members or its programs. I will accurately and completely complete the coach/volunteer application form and by application attest to the accuracy of the information submitted. Parents/Spectators I will encourage good sportsmanship by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, game officials, and administrators at all times. I will place the emotional and physical well being of all players ahead of any personal desire to win. I will support the coaches, officials, and administrators working with my child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all. I will remember that the game is for the players, not for the adults. I will ask my child to treat other players, coaches, game officials, administrators, and fans with respect. I will always be positive. I will always allow the coach to be the only coach. I will not get into arguments with the opposing team’s parents, players, or coaches. I will not come onto the field for any reason during the game. I will not criticize game officials. I shall not possess, consume or distribute before, during or after any game or at any other time at the field and/or game complex alcohol, tobacco, illegal drugs or unauthorized prescription drugs. I will refrain from any activity or conduct that may be detrimental or reflect adversely upon FYSA, its members or its programs. Failure to comply may result in the suspension of your privilege to participate in FYSA sanctioned events, for the following periods: 1st offense -- suspension for a minimum of thirty (30) days to a maximum of five (5) years. 2nd offense -- suspension for a minimum of one (1) year to a maximum of ten (10) years. 3rd offense -- suspension for a minimum of five (5) years to a maximum of fifty (50) years. NOTE: Any individual charged with a violation of this Code of Ethics shall be afforded due process as defined in FYSA’s Rule Section 600 before the implementation of any suspension. ABBREVIATIONS Please note the following are abbreviations as defined and used in this document: ADA ADC AGM ARA BOD COE COS DC DOB DRA EC FIFA FSR FYSA NGS RMC RVP SRA SYRA USSF USYS Americans with Disability Act Assistant District Commissioner of FYSA FYSA Annual General Meeting Area Referee Administrator Board of Directors of FYSA FYSA Code of Ethics Change of Status District Commissioner of FYSA Date of Birth District Referee Administrator Executive Committee of FYSA Federation Internationale de Football Florida State Referees Florida Youth Soccer Association Not in Good Standing Risk Management Committee Regional Vice President of FYSA State Referee Administrator State Youth Referee Administrator United States Soccer Federation US Youth Soccer TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. ASSOCIATION IDENTIFICATION AND AFFILIATION 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 1.5.1 1.6 1.7 1.7.1 1.7.2 1.7.3 1.8 1.8.1 1.9 1.10 Introduction Association Identification/Affiliation Purpose Colors Membership Prohibition on Transferring Membership Administrative Offices National Affiliation Federation articles Conflicts with Federation Registration with Federation Rules of Play Age Group Formats Interplay Player/Coach/Volunteer Data 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 5 2. ADMINISTRATION, ORGANIZATION, and OFFICERS 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 Organization and Administration of FYSA Administrative Authority Officers and Directors Administrative Officers Term of Office (Administrative Officers) 6 6 6 6 6 3. DIRECTORS, TERM OF OFFICE, and AUTHORITY 3.1 3.2 3.3 3.4 BOD EC Authority of Administrative Officers Policy Statement on Conflict of Interest 6 6 7 7 4. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS 4.1 4.2 4.3 4.4 President Vice President Player/Coaching Development Secretary Treasurer 7 7 8 8 5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOD AND THE EC 8 6. ABSENCE/REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 6.1 6.2 6.3 6.4 Page 1 of 118 Absence of the President Adverse Conduct of Officers or Directors Impeachment/Resignation/Expulsions (Removal) Upon Removal from Office As of 09/28/2010 9 9 9 9 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 7. STATE, REGIONAL AND DISTRICT MEETINGS 7.1 7.1.1 7.1.2 7.1.3 7.1.4 7.1.5 7.2 7.2.1 7.2.2 Meetings Annual General Meeting (AGM) District and Regional Meetings Meetings of the BOD Meetings of the EC Special Called Meetings Quorum Conducting Business Specific Meeting Quorum Requirements 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 8. VOTING PROCEDURES – AGM, BOD, ETC. 8.1 8.2 8.3 8.4 8.5 8.6 8.7 Officers and Directors – All Meetings Past Presidents – AGM Only Affiliates – AGM Only Associate Affiliate – AGM Hall of Fame – AGM Only Voting Methods Proxy 11 11 11 11 11 11 12 9. STANDING COMMITTEES 9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 Establishing Committees Term Duties and Responsibilities Authorized Standing Committees 12 12 12 13 10. SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND AUTHORITY 10.1 10.2 10.3 Reservation of Authority Declaration of an Emergency Emergency Risk Management Authority 13 13 13 11. PROTESTS, HEARINGS, APPEALS AND DISCIPLINE 11.1 11.2 11.3 11.4 11.5 11.6 11.7 Authority Intent Scope Responsibility of Affiliate Members FYSA Authority to Discipline Levels of Protest and Appeals Resolution and Timely Disposition 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 12. AUTHORITY FOR PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SOCCER 12.1 12.2 Page 2 of 118 Authority Budget and Fees As of 09/28/2010 14 15 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 13. AMENDMENTS 13.1 13.2 Bylaws Rules and Regulations 15 15 14. FEES AND FINES 15 15. VIOLATION OF BYLAWS/RULES AND REGULATIONS 15 16. FISCAL/SEASONAL YEAR 15 17. REGIONAL ROTATION OF FYSA FUNCTIONS 17.1 17.2 Page 3 of 118 State Cup and President’s Cup Annual General Meeting 15 16 18. TIME PERIODS 16 19. PROVISIONS NOT COVERED 16 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 1. ASSOCIATION IDENTIFICATION AND AFFILIATION 1.1 INTRODUCTION The FYSA, in keeping with its goals and objectives to promote the development of a statewide education and training program for our youth in soccer, establishes the following Bylaws in support of Articles of Incorporation mandate. 1.2 ASSOCIATION IDENTIFICATION AND AFFILIATION The FYSA is hereby identified as FYSA for purposes of Correspondence and in the daily conduct of its business. 1.3 PURPOSE The purpose is to develop and implement a statewide youth soccer program through education and training, to provide administration and to assist and provide oversight in the development of clubs and leagues that have affiliated with FYSA. The purpose for which the Corporation is organized are exclusively religious, charitable, literary, scientific and educational within the 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provision of any future United States Internal Revenue law. Notwithstanding any provision hereinafter set forth, this organization shall not carry on any other activities not permitted to be carried on by an organization exempt for Federal income tax pursuant to 501(c)(3) of the Revenue Code of 1954 or the corresponding provisions 1.4 COLORS The colors of FYSA shall be red, white and blue and they will be used in all official emblems or other insignia used to promote or identify FYSA. 1.5 MEMBERSHIP In keeping with its purpose to provide overall guidance and leadership for the advancement of youth soccer, FYSA shall offer membership to those clubs, leagues, and organizations interested in the responsibility for the administration of programs and services. Affiliates and Associate membership and registration requirements shall be enumerated within the Rules and Regulations (“Rules”). Membership in FYSA, and its affiliate members, shall be open to soccer players, coaches, trainers, managers, administrators, and officials not subject to suspension under USSF Bylaw 241, Section 4 and to any amateur soccer organization in FYSA’s territory. FYSA will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex, or national origin. By registration with or application for membership with FYSA, any player, coach, administrator, affiliate, associate affiliate, or other category as may be so designated hereby agrees to comply with all FYSA bylaws, rules and policies as may now be in effect or may be instituted in the future as well as the bylaws, rules and policies of other organizations to which FYSA may be affiliated both now or in the future. 1.5.1 PROHIBITION ON TRANSFERRING MEMBERSHIP Membership in FYSA is not transferable. Membership terminates when FYSA dissolves, the affiliated member dissolves or the individual or sustaining member dies or dissolves. 1.6 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICES The official offices of FYSA shall be located in Central Florida as designated by the BOD. The official records of FYSA shall be maintained at the State office of FYSA. 1.7 NATIONAL AFFILIATION FYSA shall be an affiliate of and comply with the authority, Rules and guidelines of the USSF and its Page 4 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Youth Division. This affiliation is predicated upon shared goals and objectives leading to the advancement of youth soccer in all its forms throughout the United States. 1.7.1 The Federation’s articles of incorporation, bylaws, policies, and requirements shall take precedence over and supersede the governing documents and decisions of FYSA and its members to the extent applicable under Florida law. FYSA and its members will abide by those articles, bylaws, policies, and requirements. FYSA will allow the Federation to review the documents and procedures of FYSA, upon request of the Federation, not less than once every four (4) years to determine FYSA’s compliance with Federation Bylaws. 1.7.2 FYSA will not join any organization that has requirements that conflict with the Federation’s articles, bylaws, policies, and requirements. 1.7.3 FYSA shall register all of its players, coaches, teams, referees, and administrators with the Federation at least once each year and pay all dues and fees to the Federation in a timely manner. 1.8 Rules of play, except as modified herein and in the Rules and Regulations section, shall be FIFA "Laws of the Game". Competition sanctioned by FYSA shall be in compliance with mandated rules from US Youth Soccer for any youth age group. Any recommended rules of play from US Youth Soccer would require the majority approval of FYSA affiliates and needs to be initiated by the FYSA Director of Coaching with the proper continuing educational process of the affiliates. Changes of the rules of play would go into effect for the next seasonal year or on a schedule. Players under 12 years of age will play soccer in accordance with the rules of US Youth Soccer's Development Player Program - Modified Playing Rules for Under 12, Under 10, Under 8 and Under 6 unless these recommendations are formally adopted and agreed to by a majority of the affiliates at an AGM. 1.8.1 AGE GROUP FORMATS For all competition sanctioned by FYSA: A. AGE GROUPS U8 and below – no more than 4 v 4 with no goalkeeper. U9 & U10 -- 6 v 6 including a goalkeeper. U11 & U 12 -- 8 v 8 including a goalkeeper U13 and above -- 11 v 11 including a goalkeeper. B. PLAYING FORMATS Playing formats: A festival format shall be used for players U8 and below. A festival format is recommended for players for U10 players. Follow US Youth Soccer requirements for field size, ball size, etc. 1.9 FYSA and its members will abide by the Federation’s articles, bylaws, policies, and requirements on interplay. 1.10 PLAYER/COACH/VOLUNTEER DATA Player, coach and volunteer data are the property of FYSA. The sole purpose of this information is to assist FYSA in accomplishing its goals and objectives leading to the advancement of youth soccer and is not for personal gain. Page 5 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year FYSA shall adopt and administer policies prohibiting sexual and physical abuse that meet certain minimum criteria established by the Federation (subject to any contrary requirements contained in Florida local law applicable to FYSA). 2. ADMINISTRATION, ORGANIZATION AND OFFICERS 2.1 ORGANIZATION AND ADMINISTRATION OF FYSA FYSA is an incorporated, non-profit association in the State of Florida and shall be governed by its Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules, under the leadership of a BOD and an EC, pursuant to the laws of the State of Florida and the United States. 2.2 ADMINISTRATIVE AUTHORITY The administrative authority to represent and conduct the business of FYSA is vested in the BOD and/or EC. The EC is responsible for implementation of policies and procedures and shall delegate to its Officers, day to day management of the Association. 2.3 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS The administrative organization of FYSA shall be identified as that of a BOD and an EC. All Officers and Directors shall be elected at the AGM by an open and democratic election process. DCs, elected at the local level by an open and democratic election process, will be ratified at the AGM. ADCs may be appointed by the DC and shall be approved by the BOD. 2.4 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS The Administrative Officers of FYSA are the President, Vice President of Player/Coaching Development, Secretary, and Treasurer. 2.5 TERM OF OFFICE (ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS) 1. President: The term of office shall be two (2) years. Election will be held on the "even" year at the AGM. The President may not serve more than four (4) fully elected consecutive terms. 2. Vice President of Player/Coaching Development. The term of office shall be two (2) years. Election will be held on the “odd” year at the AGM. The Vice President of Player/Coaching Development may not serve more than four (4) fully elected consecutive terms. 3. Secretary: The term of office shall be two (2) years. Election will be held on the "odd" year at the AGM. The Secretary may not serve more than four (4) fully elected consecutive terms. 4. Treasurer: The term of office shall be two (2) years. Election will be held on the "even" year at the AGM. The Treasurer may not serve more than four (4) fully elected consecutive terms. 3. DIRECTORS, TERM OF OFFICE AND AUTHORITY 3.1 BOD The BOD shall be established and composed of the President, Vice President of Player/Coaching Development, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Region Vice-Presidents, Vice-Presidents of Administration and Communication, Vice President of Competition, DCs and Referee Liaison. The terms of office for members of the BOD shall be two (2) years and staggered to assure continuity, elected at the AGM and assuming the position at the close of business. This shall be accomplished by alternating election years as within the Rules 3009. 3.2 EC The EC shall be established as a Committee of the BOD, composed of the President, Vice President of Player/Coaching Development, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Region Vice-Presidents, Vice Presidents of Administration and Communication and Competition. The terms of office for members of the EC shall be two (2) years, elected at the AGM and assuming the position at the close of close of business. This shall be accomplished by alternating election years as established within the Rules 3009. Page 6 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 3.3 AUTHORITY OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS Of the EC, the following officers, President, Vice President of Player/ Coaching Development, Secretary, and Treasurer will have sole authority for the following: A. Any two (2) of the above must sign any bank drafts of the Association. B. Any two (2) of the above are required for any binding contract upon FYSA, after approval of the EC. 3.4 POLICY STATEMENT ON CONFLICT OF INTEREST In order for FYSA to complete its mission(s) in the education, administration, and development of soccer in addition to public service with unquestionable credibility, it is mandatory that its elected and appointed officers, directors, office staff, state staff coaches, designated committee or task force chairpersons, and consultants (“Officers and Staff”) maintain the highest levels of integrity and credibility in the performance of their duties and responsibilities. Therefore, it is the purpose of this policy to ensure integrity and objectivity and to provide an understanding and awareness of conflicts of interests, whether real or perceived. The very perception of a conflict of interest may reflect adversely on FYSA, irrespective of the actual behavior of the individual. Actual or perceived conflict(s) of interest may cause FYSA Officers and Staff to lose credibility and may result in FYSA affiliate members and outside observers believing that the FYSA Officers and Staff act out of self-interest rather than for the benefit the membership of the organization as a whole. 4. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS 4.1 PRESIDENT The President shall: 1. Conduct all meetings of the BOD and EC 2. Serve on Committees as ex-officio member. 3. Submit an Annual Report at the AGM. 4. Serve as liaison between FYSA and the Florida State Soccer Association (amateurs) establishing mutual goals relative to both. 5. Represent FYSA at National Meetings when directed to do so. NOTE: The immediate two (2) Past-Presidents shall remain ex-officio members of the BOD. 4.2 VICE PRESIDENT PLAYER/COACHING DEVELOPMENT The V.P. Player/Coaching Development shall: 1. Serve as voting member of the BOD and EC. 2. Have programmatic authority for the operation and management of all programs and services related to the development of players and coaches. 3. The term of office shall be two (2) years, elected at the AGM on the odd year. 4. Provide oversight of the Olympic Development Program, and the director of education. Provide programmatic authority over the Olympic Development program. Will be a member and can recommend to the President the chair of the Olympic Development Program Committee. 5. Provide oversight of the coaching education programs, and the director of coaching. Provide programmatic over authority of coaching developmental programs. 6. Oversee the TOP Soccer Program and serve as member of TOPs Committee, but may recommend to the President the chair of that committee. 7. The Vice President of Player/Coaching Development shall have responsibility for the recreational soccer committee and will serve on the committee, but may recommend to the President the chair of that committee. 8. Establish a budget to cover the operational costs to fulfill duties of this office, including travel expenses, supplies, telephone, postage and other necessary costs. 9. Establish a working group to assist in the organizational management polices and procedures development and other necessary tasks. Page 7 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 4.3 SECRETARY The Secretary shall: 1. Record, keep, maintain and report on all official actions of FYSA. 2. Be the recipient of such mail in voting as prescribed in the Bylaws (7) and the Rules (5008). 3. Serve as Chairperson of the Personnel and Credentials Committee. 4. Shall receive all requests for intervention. 5. Receive, send and report correspondence pertaining to the business of FYSA and as directed by the BOD and/or EC. 4.4 TREASURER The Treasurer shall: 1. Maintain records and receipts on all funds received, obligated and expended or held in trust or savings deposit. 2. Report on the financial status of FYSA as specified in the Rules (700). 3. Serve as Chairperson of the Budget Committee. 4. Compile an annual proposed budget, in conjunction with the Budget Committee, for presentation at the AGM. 5. Submit financial procedures and recommend policies in accordance with the Bylaws and Rules of FYSA. 5. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES OF THE BOD AND THE EC The term of office, duties and responsibilities of the BOD including the Executive Committee, are further enumerated within the Rules (3000). They shall include, but not be limited to: 1. Interpret and enforce the FYSA Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules. 2. Reprimand, suspend, bar completely or otherwise discipline any player, coach, team manager, assistant, referee or any affiliated club or league for violation of the FYSA Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules. 3. Approve the affiliation applications of prospective Affiliates. With the approval of the local DC and Region Vice President, the EC may grant interim affiliate approval subject to ratification at the next BOD meeting. 4. Budget for and administer the funds of FYSA within the established Rules. 5. Review, approve, and require amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules to assure conformity to and with FYSA requirements. 6. Approve inter-district, region, inter-state and foreign youth games between and among member or select teams. 7. Review and sanction the formation and operation of youth tournaments or cup competitions within the jurisdiction of FYSA. 8. Create new Districts and/or Regions as deemed necessary to the continued administrative and programmatic oversight and growth of FYSA. 9. Adopt temporary Rules for circumstances not provided for by the existing Rules and to address those issues deemed necessary and desirable in serving the best interest of FYSA. 10. Employ and supervise the Executive Director, his/her function, along with other salaried persons employed by FYSA. 11. Appoint an SYRA in cooperation with the SRA. 12. Affirm nomination of SRA. 13. Affirm FYSA’s representatives on the State Referee Committee. Page 8 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 6. ABSENCE/REMOVAL OF OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 6.1 ABSENCE OF THE PRESIDENT In the event of the absence of the President as the presiding officer at any meeting, the Vice President of Player/Coaching Development shall assume the duties of the President. In the absence of the President or Vice President of Player/Coaching Development, the Vice President of Administration and Communication, Secretary followed by the Treasurer shall conduct the business of FYSA. 6.2 ADVERSE CONDUCT OF OFFICERS OR DIRECTORS The Officers and Directors of FYSA shall adhere to the highest levels of moral and personal conduct both in the performance of their duties and/or actions which reflect upon or represent the Association. Allegations of misconduct shall be submitted to the Committee on Review and Discipline for investigation. Upon completion of the investigation, the Committee will submit its findings and recommendations to the BOD for action pursuant to Bylaw 6.3. 6.3 IMPEACHMENT/RESIGNATION/EXPULSIONS (REMOVAL) Any officer, director or any other member of this organization may resign from their position or from this organization, upon either their own initiative or upon written request from the BOD. Any officer, director or member may be removed from office, disciplined, or expelled from this organization in the manner outlined below. In the case of an officer or director of FYSA, this shall be the only procedure permitted for removal or suspension from office, or imposition of any kind relating to their position as an officer or director; any rule conflicting with this section shall be null and void to the extent of the conflict. Nothing contained herein shall prohibit normal discipline of any officer or director in their capacity as coach, player, spectator or referee, except that any such discipline imposed in their capacity as a player, coach, spectator or referee shall not affect their ability to participate as an officer or director. 1. Three-fourths (3/4) vote of all members of the BOD. 2. At regular or special called meetings held for the express purpose of removing/expelling any Officer, Director or member for conduct unbecoming or prejudicial to the stated aims/purposes of this Corporation. 3. Notice of any Board meeting at which such an item shall be on the agenda must be sent by first class mail or priority mail, not less than fourteen (14) days prior to the date set for such meeting. Certificates of mailing shall be obtained by the person mailing such notice and made available for inspection by any member of the BOD. Said certificates shall be retained in the State office for a period of one (1) year after said meeting. The notice of the meeting shall contain all of the charges of misconduct lodged against the person charged. 4. Any Officer/Director who is impeached, resigns or otherwise becomes unable to perform his/her duties on a permanent basis shall be replaced according to this section of the Bylaws and Rules Section 3011. 5. At any meeting under this section, the accused member shall be permitted to present such evidence and witnesses in defense of the charges as they deem appropriate and shall have the right to be present during any proceedings excepts the deliberations. 6. At any meeting under this section, the punishment imposed may be any sanction, up to and including removal from office. 6.4 UPON REMOVAL FROM OFFICE Any officer or director, who for sufficient cause shall be removed from office, shall immediately vacate that office. The person so removed shall have access to the process of Protest and Appeal to the BOD. Page 9 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 7. STATE, REGIONAL AND DISTRICT MEETINGS 7.1 MEETINGS FYSA shall hold such State, Regional and District meetings as are necessary to the timely conduct of its business at all levels of Association activities in support of the advancement of soccer. 7.1.1 AGM FYSA shall convene an AGM for the purpose of an annual report on the status of the activities of the Association, election of Officers and such other agenda items determined necessary to the conduct of its business and according to the following: 1. The President, with the concurrence of the BOD, shall call for an AGM to be held no later than August 31st. 2. Notification of the time and place of the meeting shall be provided to all affiliated clubs and leagues at least ninety (90) days prior to the scheduled date of the AGM. 3. Actions and policies adopted by the BOD, EC, and all proposed changes in the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, and Rules and Regulations shall be reported to its membership, or their authorized representatives, at least once each year at the AGM, with notice and agenda of the meeting at least thirty-(30) days in advance of the AGM. Bylaws and Rules and shall be provided to the membership for review at least thirty (30) days prior to their consideration at the AGM. 4. Provision shall be made to assure that those Affiliates choosing to cast their votes by absentee ballot have access and instructions to a system to so cast their votes. 5. The Credentials Committee shall be the final authority on the votes that an Affiliate is eligible to cast. 6. Procedures for casting absentee votes by a designated representative or through the FYSA Secretary shall be outlined in the Bylaws. 7. The order of business for the AGM shall provide for such reports and general business as determined necessary to the conduct of business. 8. FYSA shall provide to the Secretary General of the Federation an annual report on the activities of the Association and the most current annual financial statements within 90 days after the start of the Federation’s seasonal year. 9. FYSA will (A) provide copies of its constitution, bylaws, rules, and other governing documents, (B) submit changes to the above for approval not later than 90 days after adoption, to the Federation, and (C) annually make copies of those documents available to its members. 7.1.2 DISTRICT AND REGIONAL MEETINGS DCs and Regional Vice-Presidents shall provide meetings of Affiliates as defined within the position descriptions of their respective offices. 7.1.3 MEETINGS OF THE BOD The BOD shall meet a minimum of two (2) times a year. One of these meetings may be the AGM. Telephonic conference calls shall be an acceptable meeting format. Voting by proxy is permitted in accordance with Bylaw 8.6. 7.1.4 MEETINGS OF THE EC The EC shall meet a minimum of four (4) times a year. One of the four (4) meetings may be the AGM. Telephonic conference calls shall be an acceptable meeting format. Voting by proxy is permitted in accordance with Bylaw 8.6. 7.1.5 SPECIAL CALLED MEETINGS The President may call for special meetings of the EC or the BOD at his/her discretion. Special called meetings may also be convened by written request of a minimum of five (5) Board members. In the event of a special called meeting, the President may limit the agenda for the purpose of addressing specific items. Voting by proxy is permitted in accordance with Bylaw 8.6. Page 10 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 7.2 QUORUM 7.2.1 A quorum must be present at the beginning and throughout a meeting for business to be conducted. Proxies shall be counted to constitute a quorum. As a point of order, should it be noted that a quorum no longer exists; the meeting may be recessed in order to obtain a quorum. If a quorum cannot be reestablished, the meeting shall be adjourned. 7.2.2 SPECIFIC MEETING QUORUM REQUIREMENTS 1. EC Meeting: shall be a minimum of seven (7) voting members present. 2. BOD Meeting: shall be a minimum of eighteen (18) voting members present. 3. AGM: shall be a minimum of twenty-five (25) affiliated members present. 8. VOTING PROCEDURES - AGM, BOD, ETC. No member is entitled to more than one vote, even though he/she could claim participation in more than one of the below categories. Any other votes shall be removed from the total available votes. 8.1 OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS - ALL MEETINGS The Officers and Directors shall have one (1) vote. 8.2 PAST PRESIDENTS – AGM ONLY Past Presidents shall be entitled to all privileges of this Association, excluding only the right to vote, with the exception of the immediate Past President, present at any meeting of this Association, be entitled to cast one (1) vote only at the AGM. All Past Presidents may make and second motions. 8.3 AFFILIATES - AGM ONLY 1. Each affiliate shall have one (1) vote for every fifteen (15) players registered with FYSA. The criteria for determining the number of votes for which the affiliate is eligible shall be that the affiliate is in good standing and all fees paid. 2. The FYSA Registrar shall certify each affiliate’s votes as of registrations processed by July lst of each year. With the affiliate statement of July, the number of available affiliate votes will be noted. July lst shall be final date registrations will be considered for calculation of affiliate votes in either District elections or for the AGM. An affiliate shall have fifteen (15) days from receipt of this statement to file any protest in writing with the FYSA Registrar as to numbers of votes. The FYSA Registrar shall within seven (7) days of receipt of any protest, in writing, provide a ruling as to the validity of the protest. 3. In the event that the dispute is unresolved, the affiliate may file an appeal of the FYSA Registrar's decision to the Chairperson of the Credentials Committee. The appeal must be filed at least seven (7) days before the AGM. 4. The Credentials Committee shall render an opinion prior to the close of credentials at the AGM. The decision of the Credentials Committee shall be based on the FYSA official affiliate registration printout and shall be final. 8.4 ASSOCIATE AFFILIATE - AGM Each Associate Affiliate shall have one (1) vote. 8.5 HALL OF FAME – AGM ONLY Hall of Fame members shall be entitled to all privileges of this Association, including the right to make and second motions. HOF members are entitled to one (1) vote each, subject to Bylaw 8.0. 8.6 VOTING METHODS Affiliates may cast their votes in any one of the following methods. Votes cast by one process cannot be duplicated by any other process. 1. The Agent of Record OR one of the other two designated Agents is authorized to cast the affiliate’s Page 11 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year vote at the AGM. 2. Affiliate may authorize a representative to be present and cast their vote at the AGM. This must be done ONLY by the affiliate’s Agent of Record, who will issue a proxy in accordance with Bylaw 8.6. 3. The affiliate may file their votes with the FYSA Secretary who shall cast the ballots as directed and signed by the affiliate’s Agent of Record in accordance with Bylaw 8.6. 4. Associate affiliates may cast their votes in the same manner as described above. 8.7 PROXY Voting by proxy is permitted as follows: 1. EC Meetings – Members of the EC may submit their proxy to any member of the EC. 2. BOD Meetings – Regional members of the BOD may submit their proxy to a member of the BOD from their Region or to the FYSA Secretary. Non-Regional members of the BOD may submit their proxy to any member of the BOD. DCs may submit their proxy to one of their Assistants, to a member of the BOD from their Region or to the FYSA Secretary. 3. Members for meetings #1 and #2 above may submit a proxy form found on the FYSA website to the FYSA Secretary. Members may also communicate proxy by email, directly to the FYSA Secretary. The communication must be DIRECTLY FROM THE MEMBER, and it must contain the name of the person designated as the proxy, the name of the particular meeting, and the date of the meeting. If the FYSA Secretary is named on the proxy, member may also indicate any specific voting requests, if applicable. 4. AGM: a. Officers and Directors – Members may submit their proxy as indicated in this same bylaw #2 above. b. Affiliates – Members may submit proxy in accordance with Bylaw 8.5. c. Associate Affiliates – Members may submit proxy in accordance with Bylaw 8.5. d. Hall of Fame – Members may submit their proxy to another member of the Hall of Fame or to any member of the EC. e. Proxy requirements for the AGM – ALL members must submit an ORIGINAL proxy form (found on the FYSA website) to the FYSA Secretary. Proxy must be signed in accordance with Bylaw 8.5 AND be notarized. Photocopies, faxes and emails are NOT acceptable. 5. Any challenge to the validity of a proxy must be made during the roll call by the FYSA Secretary. Once the roll call is completed, the proxy shall be considered valid. 9. STANDING COMMITTEES 9.1 ESTABLISHING COMMITTEES The President with ratification by the EC shall establish such standing and/or special Committees deemed necessary to conduct the business of FYSA. Further, the President is authorized to select the Chairperson of Committees, with ratification by the BOD. The Chairperson of each Committee shall select the Committee members with ratification by the BOD. 9.2 TERM The Standing Committee and Chairpersons shall serve for a period of one (1) year, ending at the AGM, except if the Chairperson is an elected official, who shall remain the Chairperson until their term is over. The President may re-appoint the same Chairpersons at the AGM at his/her discretion. 9.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES The duties and responsibilities of Standing Committees shall be defined by the EC, within the Standing Committee section of the Rules, and who shall give to the Committees specific authority for the development of policies and procedures. These policies and/or procedures shall become part of the FYSA Rules, subject to ratification by the BOD. Modification, changes, deletions, or additions to policies and/or procedures shall be within the authority of the Committees, requiring approval of the EC and ratification by the BOD. Page 12 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 9.4 AUTHORIZED STANDING COMMITTEES The following Committees are authorized but not limited to: 1. Audit 8. 2. Competition 9. 3. Credentials 10. 4. Finance 11. 5. Hall of Fame 12. 6. Player/Coaching Development 13. 7. Personnel 14. Protest and Appeals Recognition Registration Review and Discipline Rules and Revision Tournament and Travel Information and Technology (IT) 10. SPECIAL PROVISIONS AND AUTHORITY The EC, upon approval by the BOD, has the authority to establish the necessary programs and services to provide for the purposes of this organization. Specific programs and services shall be enumerated within the Rules. They shall include but not be limited to: 1. Accidental Medical and Liability Insurance 4. Age Groupings for Competition 2. Registration Procedures 5. Coaching and Player Development 3. Travel Authorization and Procedures 6. Olympic Development Programs 10.1 RESERVATION OF AUTHORITY The authority to revise, delete or expand the Rules is within the responsibility of the EC as referred and recommended by the Rules and Revisions Committee and requiring ratification by the BOD. This authority is delegated to the EC on an interim basis and as emergency needs arise. At no time may the Bylaws be suspended, revised, deleted or expanded. For amending Bylaws, see Bylaw 13.1. 10.2 DECLARATION OF AN EMERGENCY Reference anywhere in these Bylaws or the Rules to actions which may be taken in an "emergency” shall only be taken by the declaration of an emergency. An emergency may be declared by the President with the concurrence of a majority of the EC, or by the EC alone be a three-fourths (3/4) majority. 10.3 EMERGENCY RISK MANAGEMENT AUTHORITY Upon the recommendation of the RMC, the EC of FYSA may temporarily remove the privilege of any player, coach, volunteer or referee to participate in FYSA sanctioned events for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. 11. PROTESTS, HEARINGS, APPEALS AND DISCIPLINE 11.1 AUTHORITY The BOD, in keeping with the Rules and Regulations of USSF, US Youth Soccer and FYSA, has the responsibility of establishing such rules as deemed necessary to assure that all members, affiliates, teams, clubs and leagues shall have access to a process of Protest and Appeal concerning actions determined to be contrary to the Rules of USSF, US Youth Soccer and FYSA. 11.2 INTENT The intent of this policy is to insure that any athlete, coach, trainer, manager, administrator, or official affiliated with FYSA shall have the opportunity to protest actions and appeal decisions affecting their status or ability to participate and compete in soccer. Further, it is the intent of FYSA to insure that any person affiliated with FYSA shall have a hearing prior to any decision affecting their status or ability to participate or compete in soccer. FYSA shall not institute any policy or rule which would preclude any member from appealing any decision relating to their right to participate and compete in activities sponsored by the Federation to the Federation’s Appeals Committee that shall have jurisdiction to approve, modify or reverse a decision. Red Card offenses with minimum disciplines and referee judgment calls shall not be cause for protest and/or appeal. Page 13 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 11.3 SCOPE FYSA shall make provisions for hearing appeals concerning decisions of lower reviewing authorities only in those cases where the issue pertains to the application and/or interpretation of the Rules. The appeal must be based upon the failure of the lower reviewing authority to adhere to proper policies and procedures as prescribed in the Rules of FYSA. It is necessary to insure that Rules and procedures for protest, hearings, findings and discipline are strictly followed at the entry level of the protest procedure. 11.4 RESPONSIBILITY OF AFFILIATE MEMBERS 1. Provide procedures for fair and impartial hearings on any charges prior to imposing discipline or sanctions. Further, their protest and appeal procedures must be in conformity with those of FYSA. Acknowledgment of this responsibility shall be part of the requirements for affiliate membership. 2. Affiliates have authority to discipline its members for misconduct and/or conduct contrary to the Rules of the Affiliate’s organization. To that end, all affiliates members shall provide for the timely hearing of all protest and appeals prior to rendering a decision and/or imposing discipline or sanctions. The affiliate shall be responsible for documenting its actions and for advising all participants of their right to appeal to a higher level and the correct process for doing so. A copy of the hearing record and final decision shall be sent to FYSA if the sanction extends beyond the jurisdiction and authority of the affiliate. For any sanction to extend beyond the authority and jurisdiction of the affiliate, all FYSA and USSF requirements as to due process must be met. 11.5 FYSA AUTHORITY TO DISCIPLINE FYSA reserves the right to review administrative and programmatic organization and the performance of its Affiliates to assure compliance with the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules. When the Affiliate is found to be in violation of such, FYSA shall have authority to require appropriate corrective action, discipline and/or sanctions. Specific procedures for intervention, review, investigation and disposition as well as disciplinary actions, penalties, fines and restrictions shall be established within the Rules. 11.6 LEVELS OF PROTEST AND APPEALS In order to expedite resolution of issues which may impact upon the standing of an Affiliate individual, team, club or league, matters of concern may be raised. Specific procedures for these actions shall be enumerated within the Rules and will be the basis for any formal submission and processing of the levels of protest and appeal. Matters of concern may be raised using any of the following methods: A. Protest B. Appeal C. Request for Intervention D. FYSA Intervention 11.7 RESOLUTION AND TIMELY DISPOSITION FYSA shall establish entry levels for resolution and timely disposition of protest and appeals beginning at the club/league level. Entry level reviewing authorities shall resolve issues in a fair, timely and impartial manner. FYSA Officers and Directors, when necessary in accordance with the Rules, shall expeditiously address and attempt to resolve all protest and appeals as part of the primary responsibility of their office. 12. AUTHORITY FOR PUBLICATION OF INFORMATION FOR THE ADVANCEMENT OF SOCCER 12.1 AUTHORITY By direction of the BOD, FYSA shall establish systems for the publication of educational and informational material deemed necessary for the advancement of soccer, and delegate to the EC guidance and oversight of materials, publications and editorial policy in keeping with the goals and objectives of FYSA. FYSA may publish a regular periodical or magazine on subjects pertaining to FYSA, Affiliates, general education, training and information. Page 14 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 12.2 BUDGET AND FEES The Board shall establish a budget and retain authority for such publications, their content and distribution. The EC shall establish advertising fees and other fees necessary to cost effective operation and management of such publications. 13. AMENDMENTS 13.1 BYLAWS May be amended annually at the AGM by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote of the members present, including proxies and verified by the Credentials Committee. 13.2 RULES AND REGULATIONS The FYSA Rules may be amended annually at the AGM by a majority vote of the members present as verified by the Credentials Committee. Also, the FYSA Rules may be amended during any regular or special meeting of the BOD, and then ratified by the membership at the AGM, and on an interim, emergency basis by the EC to be ratified by the BOD. 14. FEES AND FINES This Association shall have the authority to establish necessary fees in order to properly finance its programs and conduct business. Fees shall be established by the BOD but may not be implemented without the approval of the membership at the AGM. Fines may be established by the EC as deemed necessary. 15. VIOLATIONS OF BYLAWS/RULES AND REGULATIONS All Bylaws and Rules as published in this text, regardless of how sectioned, formatted or titled shall be considered the Rules of this organization and shall be binding on all Officers, Board Members Affiliate members and anyone involved with the affiliate organization. A plea of ignorance to these Rules and the requirements herein is not sufficient excuse to avoid fees, fines and/or discipline. Violators shall expect immediate and appropriate action in such cases as cited by the Association's BOD. 16. FISCAL/SEASONAL YEAR The fiscal and seasonal years are concurrent. The fiscal year is September 1 through August 31, as is the seasonal year. 17. REGIONAL ROTATION OF FYSA FUNCTIONS 17.1 STATE CUP AND PRESIDENT’S CUP FYSA’s State Cup and President’s Cup championships will be held at the Lake Myrtle Complex in Auburndale, Florida with the designated region acting as the “host region” for the events. Each region (A, B, C, D) shall host, on a rotation basis, FYSA’s State Cup and President’s Cup; rotation shall continue in the same order beyond the dates listed below. The rotation for the “host region” shall be as follows: 2010 2011 2012 2013 Page 15 of 118 STATE CUP B C D A PRESIDENT'S CUP C D A B As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 17.2 ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING FYSA’s AGM shall be located in the Central Florida area within sixty (60) miles of FYSA’s State Office. A. The regional rotation will continue in that a region shall be designated as host. B. The host region will have the opportunity to bring six (6) volunteers named by VP of host region to augment the State Office Staff. The AGM budget will pay all reasonable cost of these volunteers. C. The designated hosting Region’s VP shall name that year’s “friends of soccer” and the reasonable costs for their presence at the AGM shall be paid out of FYSA’s AGM Budget. 18. TIME PERIODS Time periods covered in this text are in calendar days unless explicitly mentioned as business days. 19. PROVISIONS NOT COVERED Where provisions are not covered by this text, the policies and procedures of USSF and US Youth Soccer, shall apply. The EC shall have the authority to act in matters not covered within the Bylaws or Rules on an emergency basis in order to maintain the purpose and objectives of this organization. Page 16 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year TABLE OF CONTENTS 100. AFFILIATION 101. 101.1 101.2 101.3 101.4 101.5 101.6 101.7 101.8 101.9 Authority and Responsibility Authority to Establish Policy/Procedures Rules and Regulations of FYSA More Stringent Rules Governance and Administration Development of Affiliate Bylaws/Rules Elected/Appointed Representatives Affiliate’s Responsibility Assignor Responsibility Affiliate/Associate Affiliate Definitions 30 30 30 30 30 30 30 31 31 31 102. AFFILIATION PROCEDURES 102.1 102.2 102.3 102.4 Affiliate Membership Initial Affiliation – Full Affiliate New Affiliation Application Packet New Affiliation – Referee/Probation 31 31 31 32 103. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP 103.1 103.2 103.3 103.4 103.5 103.6 Associate Membership Procedures for Associate Membership League Affiliation Ineligible to Register Players Voting Rights Rules Compliance 32 32 32 33 33 33 104. ANNUAL AFFILIATION RENEWAL 104.1 104.2 104.3 104.4 104.5 Re-affiliation Registration Requirement 50-Player Registration Affiliation Procedures Denial of Annual Affiliation Challenge Procedures: affiliations 33 33 33 33 33 105. RISK MANAGEMENT 105.1 105.2 105.3 105.3.1 105.3.2 105.3.3 105.3.4 105.3.5 105.3.6 105.4 105.4.1 Page 17 of 118 Risk Management Policy Statement 34 Risk Management Responsibility 35 Kid’s Safe Program 35 Adoption 35 Requirement 35 Coach/Volunteer Definition 35 Referee Requirement 35 Exclusion 35 Agreement to be Subject to Criminal History Check 35 Program Administration 35 Authority to Deny 35 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 105.4.2 105.4.3 105.5. 105.5.1 105.5.2 105.5.3 105.5.4 105.5.5 105.5.6 105.6 105.7 105.7.1 105.7.2 105.7.3 105.7.4 105.8 RMC Responsibilities Registration Denial, Suspension and Revocation of Administrator Privileges Express Authority Authority to Suspend Affiliate Request Grounds for Exclusion Involved in Litigation Appeal Provisional and Conditional Administrator Privileges Appeal Procedures Appeal Board Appeal Procedure Notification of Appeal Hearing Presentation from RMC Notification Procedures 36 36 36 36 36 36 36 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 37 200. REGISTRATION 201. 201.1 201.2 201.3 201.4 201.5 201.6 201.7 201.8 201.9 201.9.1 201.9.2 201.9.3 201.10 General Provisions Registration Requirements Administration and Oversight of Registration Specific Procedures Proof of Registration Registration Fees Registration Permitted Document Submission Participation in Unsanctioned Events Player Classes Competitive Recreational TOPSoccer Program Definitions 38 38 38 38 38 38 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 39 202. PLAYER/COACH PASSES 202.1 202.1.1 202.2 Property of Pass Passes – Released Players Pass Classification 40 40 40 203. PLAYER REGISTRATION 203.1 203.2 203.3 203.4 203.5 203.6 Page 18 of 118 Requirements for Registration State Requirements Out-of-State Requirements Foreign and Out-of-State Players First Time Registration Requirements Players with Special Needs As of 09/28/2010 41 41 41 42 42 42 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 204. COACH/VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION 204.1 204.2 204.3 204.4 204.5 Roster Requirements Registration Requirements Background Checks Risk Management Status Change Online Secure Access 43 44 44 44 44 205. ROSTERING 205.1 205.2 205.3 205.4 205.5 205.6 Roster Requirements Official FYSA Roster League/Tournament Roster Dual Rostering Regional Cup Rosters State Cup and Regional/America’s Cup Rosters 44 44 44 44 45 45 206. ELIGIBILITY 206.1 206.2 206.3 Player Eligibility Team Eligibility Team Gender 45 45 45 207. TRANSFERS/RELEASES 207.1 207.2 207.3 207.4 207.5 207.6 207.7 207.8 207.9 207.10 Entitlement Affiliate Release Release Limitations Released Player Eligibility Releases to Unconditional Pool Affiliates Right to Deny Relocation of Residence Tryouts & Request for Release Involuntary Release ODP Restriction on Transfers 45 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 46 47 208. GUEST PLAYING 47 209. SPECIAL COMPETITION REGISTRATION 47 210. YOUTH PLAYERS PLAYING AMATEUR 47 211. AGE 211.1 211.2 211.3 Age Groupings Age Eligibility Playing Up 48 48 48 General Provisions Establishing Fees Registration Fees 48 48 48 300. FEES 301. 301.1 301.2 Page 19 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 301.3 301.4 301.5 301.5.1 301.5.2 302. 302.1 302.2 302.3 302.4 Insurance Fees Payment of Fees Monthly Statements Payment of Fees for Insurance Coverage Other Fee Submission Placing Affiliate in NGS Suspension due to NGS Voting Rights Suspension Placing Player in NGS Schedule of Fees 48 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 49 50 303. FEE / FINE SCHEDULE 303.1 50 51 Late Fees 400. PLAYER, COACHES, TEAM STAFF, PARENTS SPECTATORS CONDUCT/RESPONSIBILITIES 51 401. COACHES/TEAM STAFF CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITIES 401.1 401.2 401.3 401.4 401.5 401.6 Registration of all Coaches Adherence to the Rules Coach's Responsibilities/Player Registration Team with Overage Players Poaching Try-Outs 51 51 51 51 51 53 402. PLAYER CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITIES 402.1 402.2 402.3 402.4 Player Conduct Player Equipment Jewelry Player Hydration/Water Breaks 53 53 54 54 403. PARENT/SPECTATOR CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITY 403.1 403.2 403.3 403.4 Parent Responsibility Falsification of Documentation Parent/Spectator Game Conduct Entering the Field 54 54 54 54 404. REFEREE REGISTRATION 404.1 404.2 404.3 404.4 404.5 404.6 404.7 Page 20 of 118 General Format Background Checks Evidence of Certification COE Requirements Actions during suspension Referee COE Sanctions As of 09/28/2010 54 55 55 55 55 55 55 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 405. ASSIGNORS REGISTRATION 405.1 405.2 405.3 405.4 405.5 405.6 405.7 General Format Background Checks Evidence of Certification COE Requirements Actions during suspension Assignor COE Sanctions 55 55 55 55 56 56 56 500. DISCIPLINES AND SANCTION 501. 501.1 501.2 501.3 501.4 501.5 501.6 501.7 501.8 501.9 501.10 501.11 501.12 501.13 General Provisions FYSA Authority Discipline during Games Administrative Discipline Players Non-players Suspension Because of Litigation Due Process Individual Rights Severity of Sanctions Affiliate Rights to Hearing Eligibility Terminated Suspension Due to Background Check Obstruction of Investigation 56 56 56 56 56 56 56 57 57 57 57 57 57 57 502. DISCIPLINE - GAME CONDUCT 502.1 502.2 502.3 502.4 502.5 502.6 502.6.1 502.6.2 502.6.3 502.6.3.1 502.6.3.2 502.7 502.8 One Game Suspension Offensive, Insulting, or Abusive Language Violent Conduct Spitting Multiple Red Cards/Ejections Game Officials Referee Abuse Referee Assault Referee/Assistant Referee Misconduct Filing of Referee Misconduct Allegations Jurisdiction to Discipline Procedures for Reporting Referee Abuse and Assault Abuse and/or Assault upon Non-game Officials 57 58 58 58 58 58 58 59 59 59 59 59 61 503. ADMINISTRATIVE GAME CONDUCT 503.1 503.2 503.3 503.4 Page 21 of 118 Coach Playing Ineligible Player Ineligible Player Incomplete Suspension Served Removing Team from Field As of 09/28/2010 63 63 63 63 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 503.5 503.6 Overage Player(s) Injured Players 63 63 504. COMPLETING GAME SUSPENSIONS 504.1 504.2 504.3 Red Cards/Ejections/Sendoffs in League, Cup, or Tournament Game (or Friendly) Guest Players Referee Assault/Abuse 63 64 64 505. DISCIPLINE - ADMINISTRATIVE CONDUCT 505.1 505.2 505.3 505.4 505.5 505.6 505.7 505.8 Offenses A. Affiliation B. Registration C. Fees D. Discipline and Sanctions E. Protest/Appeals F. Mis/Mal/Non-Feasance G. Unauthorized Disclosure Discipline A. Affiliation B. Registration C. Fees D. Discipline/Sanctions E. Protest/Appeal F. Mis/Mal/Non-Feasance G. Unauthorized Disclosure Sanctions for Violation of Section 505.2 Falsification of Documentation Sanction for Violation of 505.4 Unverified Status of Team Inaccurate Birth Documentation Liability for Expenses 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 64 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 65 600. CHARGES, PROTEST, APPEALS, INTERVENTION, GRIEVANCES AND HEARING REQUIREMENTS 601 601.1 601.2 601.3 601.4 601.5 601.6 601.7 Page 22 of 118 Definitions Due Process Informal Hearing Formal Hearing Protest Appeal Charges Grievances As of 09/28/2010 65 66 66 66 66 66 66 66 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 602. GENERAL PROVISIONS: PROTEST, APPEALS, REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION, GRIEVANCE AMONG MEMBERS 602.1 602.2 602.3 602.4 602.5 602.6 602.7 602.8 Objectives Due Process Guarantees Uniform Rules Application to All Policies Rule Clarification Methods Compliance Requirements Protesting Discipline/Sanctions 66 66 66 67 67 67 67 67 603. FILING OF CHARGES 603.1 603.2 603.3 Method to File Charges Charges Against BOD Members Right to a Hearing 67 67 67 Filing Entry Levels Procedures Failure to Comply Tracking 68 68 68 68 68 Filing Levels of Appeals Procedures Criteria Denial of Appeal Tracking of Appeal Access to Information 68 68 68 69 69 69 69 604. PROTEST 604.1 604.2 604.3 604.4 604.5 605. APPEALS 605.1 605.2 605.3 605.4 605.5 605.6 605.7 606. APPEALS BEYOND FYSA 69 607. LITIGATION 607.1 607.2 607.2.1 607.2.2 Seeking Aid of Courts Involvement of FSYA in Court Actions Affiliate/Member Liability Prohibition on Invoking Use of Courts 69 69 70 70 608. REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION 608.1 608.2 608.3 608.4 Page 23 of 118 Request for Intervention Procedures for Requesting Intervention EC Options Liability for expenses As of 09/28/2010 70 70 70 70 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 609. INTERVENTION 609.1 609.2 Officer Request Procedures 610. GRIEVANCE BY AN AFFILIATE MEMBER OF FYSA 70 70 71 611. HEARING PROCEDURES 611.1 611.2 611.3 611.4 Entry/Lowest Level Informal Hearings Formal Hearings Responsibility for Notifications 71 71 71 72 700. BUDGET AND EXPENSES 701. 701.1 701.2 701.3 701.4 701.5 701.6 701.7 701.8 701.9 701.10 General Provisions Establishment of Budget Annual Review Accountability/Fiscal Responsibility Levels of Funding Request for Funding Approval of Requests for Funding Adjustments Special Modifications Review of Expenditures Yearly Documented Reports 72 72 72 72 72 73 73 73 73 73 73 702. BUDGET PROCEDURES 702.1 702.2 702.3 702.4 702.5 702.6 702.7 Submitting Budget Administrative Officers Remainder of EC DCs Administrative Staff Standing Committees Special Committees 73 73 73 73 73 73 74 800. ACCIDENTAL MEDICAL AND LIABILITY INSURANCE 801. 801.1 801.2 801.3 801.4 802. 802.1 802.2 802.3 802.4 Page 24 of 118 Accidental Medical Coverage Excess Coverage Availability Policy Term Notice of Claim Liability Coverage Coverage Association Coverage Affiliate Coverage Policy Term As of 09/28/2010 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 74 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 802.5 802.6 803. 803.1 803.2 803.3 804. 804.1 804.2 804.3 804.4 Directors and Officers Liability Claim Procedures - Liability General Provisions Public Liability Out of State Travel Additional Insured Coverage Claim Procedure – Participant Accident Initial Contact Claim Denial Primary Benefits Process of Claims 74 74 74 74 74 74 75 75 75 75 75 900. TOURNAMENT AND TRAVEL: GENERAL PROVISIONS 75 901. GENERAL PROVISIONS 75 902. TOURNAMENT REQUIREMENTS 75 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 76 77 77 77 77 77 77 78 902.1 902.2 902.3 902.4 902.5 902.6 902.7 902.8 902.9 902.10 902.11 902.12 902.13 902.14 902.15 Application to Host Application Deadlines Review/Approval Referee Assignor Requirement Coaches Meeting International Teams Substitutions with International Teams Disclosure Policy Tournament Advertisement Policy Age Group Refund Requirement Guest Player Forms Event Rosters Tournament Refund Policy Hosting Affiliate’s Responsibility Hosting Fees 903. TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS 903.1 903.2 903.3 903.4 903.5 903.6 903.7 Travel Requirements Travel within State of Florida Travel within Region III Travel Outside Region III but within US Foreign Travel Travel Documentation Requirements Travel Application Deadlines 78 78 78 78 78 79 79 904. HOSTING TEAMS FOR EXHIBITION GAMES 904.1 904.2 904.3 Page 25 of 118 Procedure Hosting Teams International Teams As of 09/28/2010 79 79 80 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 904.4 904.5 Competing Against Non-Affiliated Teams Hosting Team’s Application Deadlines 905. TOURNAMENT AND TRAVEL FEE SECTION 80 81 81 1000. OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 1001. 1001.1 1001.2 1001.3 1001.3.1 1001.4 1001.5 1001.6 1001.7 1001.8 General Provisions Establishment of ODP Technical Assistance Oversight Coach's Limitations Player Fees Conduct Program Format Exceptions Age Grouping 82 82 82 82 82 82 83 83 83 83 2000. COACHING DEVELOPMENT 2001. 2001.1 2001.2 2001.3 2001.4 2001.5 2001.6 2001.7 General Provisions State Level Procedures of Hosting Courses Program Administration Curriculum Development Instructional Staff National Licensed Instructors Fees 83 83 83 83 83 84 84 84 3000. OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, STAFF 84 3001. OFFICERS 84 3002. DIRECTORS 84 3003. EC 84 3004. BOD 84 3005. ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES 85 3006. STAFF 3006.1 3006.2 Administrative Employees/Staff Personnel Manual 85 85 3007. DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS/DIRECTORS 3007.1 Page 26 of 118 Administrative Officers As of 09/28/2010 85 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 3007.2 3007.3 3007.4 3007.5 3007.6 3007.7 3007.8 Registrar Vice President of Administration and Communication Vice President of Competition Referee Liaison RVP DC ADC 85 85 86 86 86 87 87 3008. BOD MEMBERS HOLDING OFFICE IN AFFILIATE ORGANIZATIONS 3008.1 3008.2 3008.3 Restrictions Currently Serving Conflict of Interest 87 87 87 3009. TERMS OF OFFICE 3009.1 3009.2 Officers Directors 87 88 3010. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE 3010.1 3010.2 3010.3 3010.4 3010.5 Cause for Removal Absence at Meetings Administrative Officers, Vice Presidents, Registrar Referee Liaison, Administrative Staff RVP, DC 88 88 88 88 89 3011. REPLACEMENT OF OFFICERS, ETC. 3011.1 3011.2 3011.3 3011.4 Due to Resignation, Removal, Death, Etc. President, Secretary, Treasurer Remaining BOD Positions Replacing RVPs and DCs 89 89 89 89 3012. ADMINISTRATIVE STAFF 3012.1 3012.2 Office Staff Expenditure of Funds 89 89 4000. AMENDING ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS 4001. 4002. 4002.1 4002.2 4002.3 4003. 4003.1 4003.2 4003.3 Page 27 of 118 Articles of Incorporation/Bylaw Amendments Rules and Regulations Procedures Establishing New Policy Protest and Appeal Procedures Submission of Amendments Procedure Review Acceptance As of 09/28/2010 89 89 89 90 90 90 90 90 90 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 4003.4 4003.5 Modifications Late Filing 90 90 5000. MEETINGS AND ELECTIONS 5001. 5001.1 5001.2 5001.3 5001.4 5001.5 5001.6 5001.7 5001.8 5001.9 5001.10 5001.11 5001.12 General Provisions Robert's Rules of Order Conduct Meeting Preliminaries Conducted by the Chair Agenda Motion s Debating Motions (Regular Meetings) Debating Motions (AGM) Voting on Motions Calling Meetings All Other Meetings Proper Conduct 90 90 90 90 90 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 91 5002. NOTICE OF MEETINGS 5002.1 5002.2 5002.3 5002.4 5002.5 Regular Meetings Special Called Meetings General Membership (Special Called) Conference Calls AGM 91 91 91 91 92 Regular Meeting Special Called Meeting Amending Agenda Adoption of Final Agenda Agenda Items as Motions Format for BOD Meetings Format for EC Meetings Format for AGM Conduct of Rules Session 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 92 93 Determining and Maintaining Notice of Intention to Attend 93 93 5003. AGENDAS 5003.1 5003.2 5003.3 5003.4 5003.5 5003.6 5003.7 5003.8 5003.9 5004. QUORUM 5004.1 5004.2 5005. CREDENTIALS 5005.1 5005.2 Credentials Committee Voting on Motions 93 93 Minutes Taken Minutes Sent 93 94 5006. MINUTES 5006.1 5006.2 Page 28 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 5006.3 Minutes to Contain 5007. RECORDING MOTIONS 94 94 5008. ELECTIONS 5008.1 5008.2 5008.3 5008.4 5008.5 5008.6 5008.7 5008.8 5008.9 5008.10 5008.11 5008.12 5008.13 5008.14 Page 29 of 118 Annual Elections DCs RVPs Eligibility Proxies Nominating Committee Nominations from the Floor Candidates’ Speech Conducting Elections Method of Voting Destroying Ballots Contesting an Election Invalid Election Election by Acclamation 94 94 94 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 95 COMMITTEES 96-115 GLOSSARY 116-118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 100. AFFILIATION 101. AUTHORITY AND RESPONSIBILITY 101.1 Authority to establish policies and procedures by FYSA, for its affiliate members to insure their proper organization and administration as requirements for membership shall be herein established. Affiliates have the responsibility to exercise administrative and programmatic oversight in the conduct of their business. 101.2 Rules and Regulations of FYSA shall take precedence over the rules and procedures of Affiliates when there is conflict within their rules or in the absence of such rules. 101.3 More stringent rules may be enacted by an Affiliate, but in no instance may they be less stringent. Rules not in compliance with FYSA must be submitted for review. No entity within FYSA can impose rules on an Affiliate or its members contrary to FYSA, US Youth Soccer or USSF Bylaws, policies or rules. 101.4 Governance and administration of their organization is the responsibility of the Affiliate including the actions and personal conduct of all those associated with their organization. This includes team managers, coaches, assistant coaches, trainers, parents and spectators. The Affiliates shall ensure that the conduct of its members on and off the field does not bring discredit to the Affiliate or FYSA. 101.5 It is recommended that each Affiliate develops and adopts their own Constitution, Bylaws Rules in order to properly administer and govern their organization. 101.6 Elected or appointed representatives of the Affiliate must be on file with FYSA. Affiliates may appoint up to three (3) persons to act as their official representatives with FYSA as supported by an official action of their organization. Should the names that appear on the Affiliation form change during the seasonal year, those changes must be submitted to FYSA as soon as possible. and/or Within two (2) business days of the receipt of a properly submitted change in Affiliate status, FYSA will recognize the new officers as the official representatives of that Affiliate. FYSA will notify the Affiliate that it has received and updated the change in Affiliate status. FYSA will update any applicable contact information for that Affiliate on the FYSA website and on any internal documents within that two (2) business day window. The Agent of Record is the primary official representative regarding all issues and transactions with FYSA. No other member in an affiliate may override a decision authorized by the Agent of Record. The Agent of Record is the only member of an affiliate authorized to: Complete the online affiliation form and Sign a proxy for credentials at the AGM. The Agent of Record and the other two (2) agents’ duties shall include, but not be limited to: Conducting business with the FYSA office, Authorizing entry into FYSA-sponsored events, Collection of credentials at the AGM, and Requesting, in writing, affiliation changes. Any change of an affiliation form requested by an Agent who is not the Agent of Record will be completed and forwarded to the Agent of Record and the other agents, as well as the DC. The transaction will become official if not challenged within two (2) business days. Page 30 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Representatives listed on this form must be currently registered with FYSA. 101.7 Affiliate responsibility in appointing all team staff shall be to screen and approve the selection of persons with influence over players and to establish criteria to assure the highest principles and adherence to the Rules. 101.8 Referees and/or game officials for any FYSA sanctioned games must be assigned by currently certified referee assignors as defined by USSF. 101.9 Organizations may apply to FYSA for affiliation as either an affiliate or an associate affiliate. 1. An Affiliate is defined as an organization that can register players and coaches with FYSA. An Affiliate may sanction an intra-club (in-house) league only. 2. An Associate Affiliate is any other soccer organization requesting membership with FYSA that does not register players or coaches with FYSA. Organizations seeking Associate Affiliate status shall include, but not be limited to, leagues (inter-club), tournament hosting organizations or other organizations as deemed appropriate by the BOD. 102. AFFILIATION PROCEDURES 102.1 Affiliate Membership requires an application to be submitted by every Affiliate, full or associate, annually for review and approval. By application for affiliation with FYSA, each applicant hereby agrees: 1. The affiliate will maintain a BOD, or governing authority, that is independent from any other sports organization. 2. The affiliate will maintain its own bank accounts (i.e., Checking and savings) or has direct control over its finances. Except were evidence is provided that the sponsoring entity by ordinance, statute, charter, or policy prohibits the applicant from having direct control over its finances (i.e. governmental sponsored organizations). The applicant shall attach to the application evidence to support the request for waiver of this requirement. 3. It is the intent of the organization by application that if granted affiliation, the member will register 100% of all players, coaches, administrators and volunteers (who will have direct interface with its players) each year with FYSA. 102.2 INITIAL AFFILIATION - Full Affiliate Affiliation must be for the good of soccer in the District, Region and State of Florida. All new full affiliates must affiliate within the district where they physically reside, or in the district in which the majority of its players reside and/or physically play the majority of their home games. In addition, no new affiliation may be granted if the new affiliate’s home field is within a fifteen (15) mile radius of an existing FYSA affiliate, unless the new affiliate obtains the support of all existing FYSA affiliates within the specified radius. 102.3 The completed affiliation application packet, items 1-6, shall be submitted to FYSA’s State Office not later than thirty (30) days prior a scheduled meeting of the EC/BOD. FYSA will verify that the application is complete and all necessary supporting documentation is present. For any affiliation application not completed by thirty (30) days prior to the date of a scheduled EC/BOD meeting, all documentation and/or fees will be returned to the applicant for re-filing at a later date. FYSA will then forward a copy of all documentation regarding the new affiliation to the Vice President of Administration and Communication, all RVPs, and the DC for the district in which the new affiliation will reside. FYSA will notify all affiliates within the district affected, by means deemed appropriate, of the application and request that any objections to the application be submitted no later than seven (7) days prior to the next scheduled meeting of the EC/BOD. FYSA’s Vice President of Administration and Communication shall Page 31 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year only present the completed applications at the next BOD or EC meeting. The complete packet will consist of: 1. Completed affiliation application form. 2. Affiliate fee. New affiliates will pay an affiliation fee for the first two (2) years in the amount of $1500.00/year to be utilized as follows: Affiliation fee of $135.00, prepaid registration fees in the amount of $1365.00 (Any unused registration fees not utilized in the first two years will be carried forward to the third year affiliation. At the end of the third year, all unused registration fees will revert to FYSA’s general fund.) A. A waiver to Rule 102.3 (2) (the additional $1365.00/yr.) may be granted if it is in the best interest of FYSA. B. A written request for waiver must be submitted with the application for affiliation. This request for waiver must be approved by the local DC, the RVP, and the BOD of FYSA. The decision of the BOD is final, binding and not appealable by any of the parties. 3. Playing field availability; written proof of playing field availability 4. Letter from a league in which your affiliate’s teams will be scheduled. 5. Letter from the local DRA indicating FSR’s capability to serve your club. 6. Must furnish to FYSA a copy of the affiliates bylaws and rules 102.4 A. Any new affiliate must sponsor an entry level (Grade 8) referee course within their first 12 (twelve) months of affiliation and must submit in writing to FYSA the course number, the date and the place of the course after the completion of the course. Failure to do this will result in non-renewal of their affiliation B. A new affiliate, once approved, will be placed on three-year probation. At the end of the three years, the affiliate must submit a letter with their affiliation form requesting full membership. The request for full membership is neither automatic nor guaranteed. 103. ASSOCIATE MEMBERSHIP 103.1 Associate Membership in FYSA may be granted to any soccer-related organization whose intent is to develop and/or implement soccer programs within the State of Florida. Organizations seeking Associate Membership shall include but not be limited to leagues, tournament hosting organizations or other organizations as deemed appropriate by the BOD. 103.2 Procedure for requesting Associate Membership 1. Application must be submitted utilizing FYSA’s application for Associate Membership. 2. Review and approval shall be vested to the BOD of FYSA. Renewal is neither automatic nor guaranteed. 3. The decision of the BOD is final and binding upon all parties. 4. Application fee as defined in Section 303 must be submitted. 103.3 League Affiliation 1. Any league, by application, agrees that 100% of all teams participating in that FYSA sanctioned league shall be properly registered with FYSA or US Youth Soccer. 2. All leagues will be designated as competitive unless approved for recreational or academy designation by FYSA’s Vice President of Player and Coaching Development or his designee. 103.4 Under no circumstances shall any Associate Member be permitted to register any player or coach. Associate Members may register staff and volunteers with FYSA via the Risk Management application form. These members will not have a pass. Page 32 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 103.5 Voting rights of an Associate Member shall be only at the AGM with each Associate organization having one (1) vote. No Associate Member may vote in any district or regional election. 103.6 All Associate Members shall be bound by all Bylaws, Rules and Regulations of FYSA, US Youth Soccer and USSF. 104. ANNUAL AFFILIATION RENEWALS 104.1 An affiliate who fails to affiliate for a seasonal year must reapply as a first-time affiliate and meet all requirements as set forth under Rule 102.2 (full) or Rule 103 (associate). 104.2 Any full affiliate who in the preceding seasonal year fails to register fifty (50) players shall submit to the FYSA office a detailed explanation as to justification for re-affiliation and/or a plan to increase membership in the following seasonal year. This explanation must be received no later than 30 days prior to the AGM of FYSA. Any affiliate who fails to register 50 players in two consecutive seasonal years must submit to the BOD a petition listing the reason (s) the application should be approved. The application for renewal may be denied by the BOD. 104.3 Each affiliate, full and associate, shall complete an annual affiliation form, as approved by the BOD of FYSA, no later than September 1 of the current seasonal year. The annual affiliation fee, as listed in FYSA Rule 303, is due at the time of re-affiliation. No player or coach may be registered for the current seasonal year until the affiliate’s annual affiliation form has been completed, filed and accepted by the FYSA office. No Associate Affiliate may hold any sanctioned event until the member’s annual affiliation form has been completed, filed and accepted by the FYSA office. On a date set annually by the BOD, the FYSA office will process those renewal applications submitted for affiliates and associate affiliates who: 1. Are in good standing, 2. Have no unresolved challenges to their affiliation on file, 3. Have, as a full affiliate, registered more than 50 players in the preceding seasonal year. 4. Associate affiliates in good standing therefore may begin to host events or programs for the upcoming seasonal year on August 1 or on a date set earlier by the BOD. 104.4 Annual approval of the Affiliate may be denied by FYSA’s BOD if: 1. the Affiliate is or has been NGS during the previous year; or 2. the Affiliate has proven to be in violation of FYSA, US Youth Soccer, USSF or the Affiliate's Bylaws and/or Rules; or 3. the Affiliate has not paid any and all fees assessed and is not in compliance with FYSA Rule 302.2; or 4. the Affiliate has failed to exercise supervisory control and oversight of its membership. 104.5 CHALLENGE PROCEDURES: AFFILIATIONS The only entity within FYSA that can rule on affiliations and re-affiliations is the full BOD of FYSA. DCs and RVPs shall report in writing excessive affiliate complaints to the BOD for consideration as to renewal of affiliation In order to contest a re-affiliation, it is necessary that all parties be afforded due process prior to a decision being rendered by the BOD. The entry point for the filing of charges or grievances for consideration by the BOD is with the VP of Administration and Communication via the FYSA office. 1. Charges or grievances must be filed in writing with all supporting documentation attached. 2. Charges must include specific violations of either USSF, US Youth Soccer or FYSA rules. 3. All charges and documentation must be received in the FYSA office not less than thirty (30) days prior to a scheduled BOD meeting. Page 33 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 4. The office shall forward the document(s) to the VP of Administration and Communication. 5. Upon receipt of the charging documents, the VP of Administration and Communication shall inform the charged affiliate, in writing, that there is a filed challenge to its re-affiliation to be heard by the BOD at the next regularly scheduled BOD meeting, providing the date and time of that meeting. 6. The VP of Administration and Communication shall notify the President of the challenge /grievance for inclusion on the agenda of the next BOD meeting. 7. The FYSA office shall forward to the charged affiliate a copy of the charge/grievance with all supporting documentation attached. 8. The charged affiliate shall then have ten (10) days to respond to the VP of Administration and Communication with a written rebuttal to the charge/grievance and to supply any and all documents that the affiliate desires the BOD to consider. 9. Upon receipt of this rebuttal, if any, the office shall send copies of all documents to all the members of the BOD at least Seven (7) days prior to the BOD meeting in order to afford the BOD time to study the documents. 10. Both parties will be afforded the opportunity to address the BOD, subject to an equally imposed time limit for each side, if either party so desires to exercise this right. 11. The BOD then will adjourn to an “executive session” for discussion and the rendering of a decision in the matter. 12. The VP of Administration and Communication shall then provide a written opinion of the BOD’s decision to each party within ten (10) days. 105. RISK MANAGEMENT 105.1 RISK MANAGEMENT POLICY STATEMENT The Risk Management Program shall govern the administration and implementation of FYSA’s risk management program to be consistent with USSF Bylaw 213(1)(a)(2) and comply with US Youth Soccer Bylaw 501 Section (1)(13). USSF Bylaw 213(1)(a)(2) provide as follows: Bylaw 213. STATE ASSOCIATION RESPONSIBILITIES Section l(a)(2). The State Association will not discriminate against any individual on the basis of race, color, religion, age, sex or national origin (effective 10-8-00). US Youth Soccer and each National State Association is responsible for establishing and monitoring a Risk Management Program within its assigned territory, at a minimum this program must include: (1) Use of an employment/volunteer disclosure statement for all volunteers, employees, coaches and program administrators who are involved with any sanctioned or sponsored program of the affiliated organization; and (2) Identification of a State Risk Management Coordinator (SRMC) and an alternate for the position. Section 2. Guidelines for implementation of a risk management program are outlined in the US Youth Soccer Kid’s Safe: A Risk Management Program. Pursuant to the authority granted in 1.1 above, FYSA has adopted the US Youth Soccer Kid’s Safe Program and has developed a program to disseminate health, safety and financial guidelines, which are appropriate to the game of soccer. Page 34 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 105.2 RISK MANAGEMENT RESPONBILITY The overall responsibility for the administration of the FYSA Risk Management Program shall vest with the President who, with the Vice President of Administration and Communication, (“RMC”) shall be responsible for the implementation and management of FYSA’s risk management policy. FYSA’s Executive Director shall assist the RMC and be responsible for maintaining the Disclosure Forms in secure storage to ensure confidentiality. 105.3 KID’S SAFE PROGRAM OVERVIEW 105.3.1 FYSA has adopted USSF Bylaw 213 and the US Youth Soccer Kid’s Safe Program and it is the intent of FYSA to exclude from participation, at a minimum, all persons who engage in discriminatory conduct, have been convicted of or adjudicated guilty of crimes of violence, crimes against persons, crimes against property or felonies. FYSA will comply with all USSF and US Youth Soccer guidelines and procedures. 105.3.2 US Youth Soccer and FYSA have placed as a condition of registration the requirement for all coaches/volunteers to complete an application form. Only persons who comply with this condition shall be registered as a coach/volunteer by FYSA. 105.3.3 Coaches/volunteers are defined as: members of the FYSA BOD; education staff; ODP coaches and scouts;, district, league and club officers; and program directors, team managers, team or individual trainers, coaches, assistant coaches and substitute coaches, and anyone else who may have interaction or who at any time could be expected in the performance of their duties to be alone with any registered youth player/referee under the umbrella of FYSA 105.3.4 Referees, assistant referees, fourth officials and anyone defined as a member of the National Referee Development Program (USSF Policy 531.11) shall be subject to all provisions contained in FYSA Rule 105. 105.3.5 It is the policy of FYSA that every reasonable effort will be taken under the Kid’s Safe Program to exclude from program responsibilities (not to be confused with parental responsibilities affecting their own children) any adult or minor with a documented history of child molestation (e.g., a criminal record) that would bring any unnecessary risk to the health and safety of FYSA's soccer program participants. 105.3.6 Coaches/volunteers shall, by application, agree to be subject to a legally sensitive criminal history check (which may require fingerprinting) before or during their participation in the FYSA soccer program, by use of but not limited to Social Security Number to allow State and Federal agency background checks. 105.4 PROGRAM ADMINISTRATION 105.4.1 The authority to deny acceptance or suspend from any official capacity any coaches/volunteers for risk management concerns as established by the FYSA BOD vests with the RMC, subject to EC review and approval. In the event the Chairman and Vice Chairman disagree, the matter shall be adjudicated by the EC Either the President or the Vice President of Administration & Communication has the authority to summarily deny or summarily suspend any applicant's privileges pursuant to FYSA Rule 105.5.2. 105.4.2 The RMC shall be responsible for monitoring compliance of the Kid’s Safe Program that includes, but is not limited to: Ensuring and documenting league/club compliance; Review of Disclosure Forms; Coordination of criminal history checks (as necessary); Page 35 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Administrative notification of exclusion to those applicants (whether new applicants or returning members) who fail to meet the standards of the program as defined by FYSA; and With specific FYSA EC approval, require submission of fingerprints and order a criminal history check on an individual, group, or random sample of coaches/volunteers. 105.4.3 Registration for coaches/volunteers shall be conducted on a year round basis. 105.5 DENIAL, SUSPENSION AND REVOCATION OF ADMINISTRATOR PRIVILEGES 105.5.1 The RMC, with specific EC approval, has the authority to deny, suspend, or revoke any applicant's privileges as a coach/volunteer for risk management concerns as established by the FYSA BOD. Once the BOD has approved the authority of the RMC to deny, suspend or revoke a Program Administrator's privileges, the decision may not be overruled except as set forth in the appeals process in Rule.105.7. 105.5.2 The RMC has the authority to summarily deny or summarily suspend any applicant's privileges of serving as a coach/volunteer for risk management concerns, provided the denial or summary suspension is submitted to the EC within sixty (60) days of the date of the denial or summary suspension. 105.5.3 An affiliate of FYSA may, upon written request, petition FYSA to deny, suspend or revoke the privileges of a coach/volunteer or applicant for risk management concerns. The written request shall be submitted to the FYSA Executive Director for the RMC in care of the FYSA State Office. The RMC shall investigate the request and reply in writing to the affiliate within thirty (30) days of the receipt of the request. 105.5.4 FYSA has adopted the following grounds for exclusion from serving as a coach/volunteer: Any conviction or adjudication of guilt (misdemeanor or felony) for a crime of violence, a crime against a person, or a criminal history that is determined to be detrimental to the welfare of FYSA’s players, subject to mitigation. Any report of child abuse appearing on the Child Abuse Index, subject to mitigation. Any record of sexual offense and/or sexual misconduct (felony or misdemeanor), subject to mitigation. Admitted use of/or conviction for use of illegal drugs, within the last ten years, subject to mitigation. Documented history of repeated abuse of alcohol and/or illegal/prescription drugs (e.g., two (2) or more DUI's or any conviction for the manufacture/sale of illegal drugs within the last ten (10) years, subject to mitigation. Submitting incomplete or inaccurate information, on the Coach/Volunteer Application Card. Additional charges may be filed under FYSA’s COE, FYSA Rule 505.4 and or FYSA Rule 501.13. The above guidelines do not relieve the applicant’s obligation to disclose convictions to FYSA that may fall out outside of the aforementioned parameters. Refusal to fully complete the Risk Management Disclosure Form. Refusal to submit fingerprints when required to under this program. Any conduct that discriminates against any individual on the basis of race, color, ancestry, national origin, religion, age, marital status, sex, and sexual orientation. This may also include sexual harassment, which may consist of a request for sexual favors; unwanted sexual advances or propositions; verbal, physical and visual harassment; stalking; and unwanted sexual contact. Page 36 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Any other information that casts serious doubt on the applicant's ability to be entrusted with the supervision, guidance and care of minors. (Note: Misdemeanor convictions in the past seven years that “may indicate a lack of integrity or character” may be grounds for disqualification.) 105.5.5 Any person participating in a sanctioned or sponsored program of FYSA who becomes involved as a defendant in litigation detrimental to the welfare of youth players, or litigation based on activities detrimental to the welfare of youth players, shall be suspended by the RMC from all soccer-related activities until completion of the litigation. Upon written request of the suspended person, the status of such person shall be reviewed by the RMC at the completion of the litigation. Matters detrimental to the welfare of youth players shall include, but not be limited to, crimes of moral turpitude and felonies. The person has a right to appeal whether the matter that is the substance of the accusation, if true, is detrimental to the welfare of youth players. Privileges may be reinstated at the conclusion of the litigation process by the RMC. 105.5.6 Any action pursuant to Rule 105.5 is subject to the appeal procedures set forth in Rule 105.7. 105.6 PROVISIONAL AND CONDITIONAL ADMINISTRATOR PRIVILEGES The RMC may jointly approve issuance of provisional privileges for a period not to exceed ninety (90) days. Such provisional privileges shall expire upon the ninetieth day of issuance. 105.7 APPEAL PROCEDURES 105.7.1 The FYSA EC shall appoint a Risk Management Appeal Board consisting of three persons to hear appeals arising from risk management denials, suspensions or revocations by the RMC. Persons involved in the decision to deny, suspend or revoke shall not sit on the three-person appeal board. The decisions of this Appeal Board may be appealed to the FYSA EC and then to USSF pursuant to USSF Rule 705. The RMC shall serve as the presenter of the case to the EC. All appeals shall be subject to FYSA’s normal appeal fees as defined under FYSA Rule 300. 105.7.2 Upon receipt of the notice of denial, suspension or revocation, the applicant has fifteen (15) business days to notify the FYSA Executive Director of their intention to appeal such action. This notification shall be in writing and sent to the RMC in care of the State Office. A person (appellant) suspended pursuant to Rule 105.5.5 may seek reinstatement any time following the conclusion of the litigation process. 105.7.3 The appellant will be notified, in writing, of the time, date and place of the appeal hearing. Such notification shall be sent by both regular and certified mail, e-mail or via facsimile transmission. 105.7.4 At the time of the hearing, all evidence on behalf of the RMC shall be presented to the appeal board by the RMC. The appellant may present any supporting documentation for the appeal. 105.8 NOTIFICATION PROCEDURES Notification of risk management actions shall be communicated to the principle parties at the same time and method and shall be accomplished by one of the following: Certified mail, Regular or express mail, Facsimile, Personally upon the witness or complaining party, and In the case of a minor, the minor’s parent, guardian or other responsible party for the minor. Page 37 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 200. REGISTRATION 201. GENERAL PROVISIONS/DEFINITIONS Administration and oversight of registration is the duty of the FYSA Registrar and Registration Committee. 201.1 Registration of players and coaching staff is required for competition on the Club, League, State, National and International level for any FYSA sanctioned or sponsored events. Jurisdiction shall be with FYSA over all players/coaches registered with this organization. All registered players/coaches must comply with applicable rules, policies and procedures and remain "in good standing" to be eligible to compete. 201.2 Affiliates MUST register all players, coaches, team and club officials prior to any participation in the game of soccer, this includes but is not limited to practice, scrimmages, and all competitions in which the player or coach participates. This requirement does not include properly announced tryouts. This requirement for registration shall in no way be construed as an extension to/or waiver of any date requirement for submission of any documents as may be required by the rules of specific competitions (i.e., roster freeze dates). 201.3 Specific procedures are enumerated within the policies and procedures of FYSA which shall be published and revised as necessary and shall be posted on the website. It shall include the procedures for registration, directions for proper completion of forms, the current fee schedule, time requirements and any other directions necessary for implementing the registration process. When any procedure is modified, it shall be posted on the website and distributed to the affiliates within 30 days. For any conflict between the Policies and Procedures and the Rules, Bylaws of FYSA, the Bylaws and Rules of FYSA shall take precedent. Rules of specific competitions sanctioned by FYSA may be more stringent than these rules. 201.4 Proof of registration in the form of either laminated current pass (permanent, or Florida,) with picture attached, or an official FYSA generated roster, or current player registration information from the secure section of the FYSA website, shall be required for any FYSA sanctioned out of region play, tournament (competitive) or Cup play. This shall include all non-league games (including scrimmages) that involve teams from other regions as well as tournaments (competitive) sanctioned within the State. State Cup, President's Cup and Regional Cup competitions reserve the right to limit the use of rosters. Teams participating in a league (recreational or competitive) shall be bound by the rules and requirements of said league. 201.5 Registration fees must be submitted in a timely fashion according to FYSA rules. Said fees are due as follows: A. Payment to be submitted with all the registration transactions at the time of submission. (Note that at the time of the electronic registration, a report is generated estimating the charges that will be incurred by the affiliate.) B. On all other transactions, payments must be submitted within thirty (30) days from receiving the invoice from FYSA. Failure to do so will place the club in NGS. Further registration(s), or other registration related transactions, may not be processed until all required payments have been rendered. For fee/fine structure, refer to FYSA Rule 303. Page 38 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 201.6 Affiliates in compliance with Rule 104 (in good standing) may begin to register players, coaches and other members for the upcoming seasonal year on July 15 with an effective date of August 1 or on a date set by the BOD. A. For all players electronically registered with FYSA, the affiliate will maintain on file, for a minimum of two (2) years, a copy of the FYSA registration form signed by the parent or legal guardian. If the affiliate wishes to use an alternative document for registration, permission must be obtained from the FYSA Registrar, each seasonal year, prior to using the form. B. For all coaches/volunteers electronically registered with FYSA, the affiliate will maintain on file, for a minimum of two (2) years, a copy of the FYSA Risk Management Application form with original signatures of all coaches/volunteers. 201.7 Document Submission: A. Affiliates submitting electronic transactions shall maintain, for a period of not less than two (2) years plus the current season, original signed documents and will submit these to FYSA upon request within two (2) business days. These shall include, but not be limited to, player registration forms, coach registration forms, passes for suspended players and coaches, transfer/release requests, and supporting documents for members placed in “Not in Good Standing”. Failure to submit documentation requested by FYSA to include, but not be limited to, player registration forms, coach registration forms, passes for suspended players and coaches, and transfer/release requests will be grounds for the EC and/or the BOD to place the Affiliate in NGS until such time as the request has been complied with. B. Any submission of altered or false birth documents shall be subject to sanctions as described under FYSA Rule 505.4. 201.8 Players or teams who participate with unregistered players or engage in unsanctioned play shall have NO benefits of membership with FYSA including, but not limited to, risk management, disciplinary or insurance protection while playing with unregistered players or in unsanctioned play. This shall in no way be construed as a denial of the right to participate only to clarify that protections under FYSA may not be extended to the participants or to the event. 201.9 PLAYER CLASSES 201.9.1 Competitive Player: Shall be defined as a player who has been selected, registered and rostered to a competitive team and will receive a US Youth Soccer pass when verified. All players will be considered competitive except those as outlined below. Unverified competitive players will receive an FYSA Temporary Pass. 201.9.2 Recreational Player: Shall be defined as a player who is registered and rostered to a recreation team as defined by US Youth Soccer and participating in an in-house or FYSA-approved recreational league as defined in Rule 103.3 (2). These players may be unverified. They will NOT receive a US Youth Soccer pass. All recreational players will be entitled to a Florida Recreational Player Pass indicating their status (age, club, verified or unverified). 201.9.3 TOPSoccer Programs FYSA will sanction and register those players in the TOPSoccer Program, Challenge Program or other programs of this nature. Players will be registered with FYSA at no charge to TOPS programs. 201.10 DEFINITIONS Dual Rostering: Shall be defined as the action of being rostered to more than one team simultaneously. Guest Playing: Shall be defined as the act of participating in an FYSA sanctioned event, a player who appears on the Official Roster of another team. Page 39 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Registration: Shall be defined as the act of registering a player/coach with FYSA. Release: A. Voluntary release shall be defined as the process of removing a player/coach from a team's roster at the written request of the player/coach. B. Involuntary release shall be defined as the process of removing a player/coach without written permission of the player/coach. Rostering: Shall be defined as the act of placing a registered player/coach on a team roster as may be defined by the rules of competition for a FYSA sanctioned competition or event. Transfer: Shall be defined as the action of removal of a player/coach from an affiliate and /or a team's official roster with the intention of being added to another affiliate and/or the roster of another team. This action shall include and imply a voluntary release from the original team upon acceptance of the request by FYSA 202. PLAYER/COACH PASSES 202.1 Player/Coaches passes remain the property of FYSA and/or US Youth Soccer. No affiliate, coach, assistant coach or team staff can refuse to relinquish the pass to US Youth Soccer or FYSA, immediately upon request. Failure to do so may subject the party to sanctions as described under FYSA Rule 501.13. 202.1.1 202.2 Players/coaches may not have in their possession passes for players/coaches who have been released. Any affiliate who releases a player and does not retrieve the pass will be held accountable to all provisions of 207.4 (proposed fine). PASS CLASSIFICATION A. US Youth Soccer Pass (Permanent Pass) A US Youth Soccer Pass will be available online with the US Youth Soccer logo to verified competitive players and shall require the following: 1. Normal signature of player. 2. Signature of the issuing registrar. 3. A current photo taken within six months of pass issuance affixed to the pass. 4. Lamination with a clear plastic material permanently affixing player's picture to the pass. 5. Pass is valid for all FYSA and US Youth Soccer sanctioned events. B. Florida Temporary Pass: (Florida Pass) A Florida Temporary Pass shall be available online for all unverified players registered with FYSA and shall require the following 1. Normal signature of player. 2. Signature of the issuing registrar. 3. A current photo taken within six months of pass issuance affixed to the pass. 4. Lamination with a clear plastic material permanently affixing player's picture to the pass. 5. Is considered valid if properly executed and may be used anywhere within the State until a permanent is issued, except for State Cup or any specific competition not permitting its use. 6. Must be relinquished to the affiliate in order to obtain the US Youth Soccer pass. 7. IS NOT VALID FOR ANY OUT OF STATE TRAVEL. C. Florida Recreational Player Pass A Florida Recreational Player Pass shall be available online for all recreational players rostered to inhouse teams or rostered to teams participating in an FYSA-approved recreational league and shall require the following: 1. Normal signatures of player. Page 40 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 2. 3. 4. 5. Signature of the issuing registrar. A current photo taken within six months of pass issuance affixed to the pass. Lamination with a clear plastic material permanently affixing player's picture to the pass. Is considered valid if properly executed and may be used anywhere within FYSA that allows Recreational players. 6. When the player is verified, the unverified pass must be relinquished to the affiliate for the verified pass. 7. IS NOT VALID FOR ANY OUT OF STATE TRAVEL. D. Coach/Volunteer Pass A US Youth Soccer (Permanent) Pass will be available online with the US Youth Soccer logo to all registered coaches/volunteers and shall require the following: 1. Normal signatures of coach/volunteer. 2. Signature of the issuing registrar. 3. Will only list the club code(s) (if registered with more than one affiliate) 3. A current photo taken within six months of pass issuance affixed to the pass. 4. Lamination with a clear plastic material permanently affixing coach’s/volunteer’s picture to the pass. 5. Pass is valid for all FYSA and US Youth Soccer sanctioned events. 6. A Coach/Volunteer Pass is issued subject to review as it relates to FYSA’s Risk Management Program. The privilege to participate in FYSA sanctioned activities may be revoked as per the terms and conditions of FYSA Rule 105. A coach/volunteer shall immediately surrender his/her pass upon request and notification from FYSA’s RMC. 203. PLAYER REGISTRATION A competitive and or recreational player is obligated to his/her team for the seasonal year from the time he/she signs a contract or is rostered to a team until the end of the current seasonal year. 203.1 A player is considered registered when the registration is electronically accepted by FYSA’s office, subject to all provisions of FYSA Rule 201. 1. Player contracts or registrations for returning players may be effected on or after July 1 st; contracts or registrations for all others shall have an effective date of July 15th. 2. A contract or registration for a non-returning player may be revoked prior to July 15th by notification in writing to the affiliate. Any matter as to the refund of registration fees paid shall be governed under the terms and conditions of the contract for registration. 203.2 Players must register in the state in which he or she resides with his or her parent(s) or guardian(s), or in the case of a student in residence at a boarding school, college or university, the player may register in the state in which the boarding school, college, or division of the college or university is located. Any other question of residency may be determined by the state in which the player registered to vote or holds a current driver's license 203.3 Any Youth player wishing to play on a team of a member of a State Association other than the State Association where the player is registered must receive written permission from: A. The State Association where the player is registered; B. The State Association of the team on which the player wishes to play; C. Permission must be obtained each seasonal year 203.4 FOREIGN AND OUT-OF-STATE PLAYERS A player twelve (12) years or older registering with FYSA for the first time must comply with the following: Page 41 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year All players coming from another Youth or Adult State Association or foreign country and seeking a current year transfer must have clearance papers or a release signed by the official registration chairman or secretary of the foreign association, out-of-state association, or inter-state release before they are allowed to register with FYSA. Players born in or having previously resided in a foreign country must comply with USSF Policy 601.6 (quoted below). “For a player who comes to the United States on or after the player is 12 years of age, the player must request and receive an international clearance from the Federation. However, an international clearance is not required of a player who is 12, 13, 14, 15, or 16 years of age if the player and the player’s parent or guardian signs a statement that the player has not signed a professional contract or received money from any team for playing soccer.” 203.5 First time player registration should include authentic verification of date and place of birth. Interrupted registrants may reinstate using their original verified registration. (verified status) A. Authentic verification shall be defined as copy of a "State Certification of Live Birth" with affixed State Seal or certification. FYSA has the authority to require submission of the original document if necessary. B. Secondary verification of birth may be submitted in the absence of a “State Certification of Live Birth.” Secondary verification is defined as a copy (or original, if necessary) of: Department of Defense uniform services identification and privilege card (DD Form 1173) issued by the uniformed services of the United States. Birth registration issued by the appropriate government agency. Board of health record Passport issued by a governmental agency Drivers license Alien registration card issued by the United States government Certificate issued by Immigration and Naturalization Service attesting to age Certificate of an American citizen born abroad issued by the appropriate government agency. C. Foreign passports/birth certificates are acceptable if accompanied by a certified translation. Proof of USA residency must be included that shows that the player was a resident of the United States prior to the age of 12, or proper international clearance paperwork must be attached. See Rule 202.7. D. Hospital, baptismal or religious certificates will not be accepted. E. A player that registers without submitting to the FYSA office proper birth documentation will be registered as "unverified." Any player who registers as unverified over the age of twelve (12) must comply with FYSA Rule 203.4 (Foreign and out-of-state players) in order to change this status to verified if applicable. 203.6 Players with Special Needs In order for a “special needs player” to participate outside of his/her normal age grouping the following requirements must be met prior to any participation. A. No player shall be allowed to "play down" (play below the player's age group) except as outlined below. 1. Participation in a designated TOPSoccer Program, Challenge Program or other programs of this nature 2. Players with Downs Syndrome must submit a letter from a Doctor for Negative x-ray for AtlantoAxial with first time registration. If a player is under the age of 13, they must have a second x-ray when they reach the age of 13. B. Players qualified under the ADA and meet all the requirements for consideration and possible accommodations under the ADA may be permitted to play down from their normal age group provided they comply with the requirements below. Page 42 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 1. For participation ONLY in an intra-club (within the same club) program approval can be granted by the Affiliate's board of directors. Requests must be submitted to the Affiliate's board of directors in writing by the legal parent or guardian of the player. a. No permission shall be granted for “playing down” more than one (1) age grouping. b. Affiliate granting permission shall notify all parties against whom the player will compete that they may be matched against an older player and given the option to participate or not. 2. Participation in any inter-club (between more than one club) program and/or tournament shall require all of the following stipulations to be met: a. No permission shall be granted for "playing down" more than one (1) age grouping. b. The registering affiliate must present to the inter-club entity (league or tournament) documentation regarding the player’s disability. This shall include, but not be limited to: 1. the recognizable disability, and evidence of qualification under the ADA , and 2. evidence that playing down constitutes a reasonable accommodation for this disability, and 3. evidence that no other alternative other than playing down is available, and 4. evidence that playing down would not result in any danger to other players, and 5. written permission as granted by the registering affiliate’s BOD and signed by the AOR for the affiliate. c. The inter-club entity shall review the documentation and, should the entity determine that it can modify its program, then the entity shall notify the agent of record of all teams that the player will play against and shall forward all the documentation to the FYSA office for final review. a. A written evaluation by FYSA’s Director of Coaching, or his designee (State Staff Coach) as to the player ability and necessity to play below the player normal age group will be made. Cost of evaluation (if any) will be billed to registering affiliate. d. The FYSA Registration Committee will review all the submitted documentation and issue a final decision if the player has met all of the requirements of the ADA and falls under its guidelines. If permission is granted then the team code shall reflect the age of the oldest player. This is will serve as notification as to the fact that an older player is participating in the event. e. It shall be incumbent upon the league or event to determine eligibility of the team to participate and the league/event must publish the age of the team in its schedule. e. This permission must be received annually for leagues, and for each tournament. 204. COACH/VOLUNTEER REGISTRATION Coaches/volunteers may be registered to more than one affiliate, providing that proper permission has been obtained. Coaches/volunteers are obligated to the registering affiliate for the complete seasonal year defined as September 1 through August 31. Agreement by contract between the parties may shorten or lengthen this period. Any coach who, during the seasonal year, attempts to register with an additional affiliate shall have his/her registration delayed pending written permission from the original registering affiliate. 204.1 Coaches/volunteer can be rostered to an unlimited number of teams (within the same affiliate) at no additional charge. However, the coach will only receive one pass identifying him as a coach registered with the affiliate(s). 204.2 Initial coach’s/volunteer registration must be submitted properly and accurately on an FYSA Coach/Volunteer Risk Management Disclosure form and MUST contain the following information: A. Correct identification information including legal residence; no post office boxes allowed. Page 43 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year B. C. D. E. DOB is required for registration (mandatory). Dated signatures of coach and authorized Affiliate signature. FYSA will not accept Coaches/Volunteer risk management forms that are incomplete or unsigned. A valid Social Security Number may be required in the event the applicant cannot be identified based on the information submitted in order to complete a criminal background check. F. Affiliate will certify that they have verified the identity of the coach/volunteer. G. Original signed copies of form must arrive at the office for processing or the registrar may submit a file (format as indicated by current registration procedures) with scanned copies of new coaches form attached. Affiliate will maintain these forms for a period of two (2) years and will submit said form to FYSA, if requested, within two (2) business days. H. Subsequent registrations may be processed electronically. Affiliate will have on file a current, complete FYSA risk management form for each member, will retain this form for a period of two (2) years, and will submit said form to FYSA, if requested, within two (2) business days. 204.3 All Coaches and/or volunteers registering with FYSA will be subject to a background check through any organization that FYSA may be deemed appropriate. Any individual who has been charged and found guilty of violating any provision of Florida Statutes Section 435.04 may be denied participation in FYSA sanctioned events 204.4 Coaches are responsible for notifying FYSA of any event that may affect their risk management status. Failure to notify FYSA may result in the revocation of the individual’s privilege to participate in FYSA sanctioned events. 204.5 Online Secure Site Access is limited to coach/volunteer with current registration on file. 205. ROSTERING 205.1 All players must be rostered to a team in order to compete in any FYSA sanctioned event. Any player competing in any competition shall be considered immediately rostered to said team. Note: Rostered players may guest play with proper permission in any FYSA sanctioned event, if allowed by the rules of competition, and not affect their original rostered status 205.2 An official FYSA roster is the roster generated by the State Office in computer printout form for a specific league or competition. A player is rostered to a team when the registration process is completed, and the player is rostered to a team, or as defined under FYSA Rule 205.1. All matters of dispute shall be governed by the official state roster. A copy of the official roster is valid for all events requiring a roster. 205.3 Leagues and tournaments may create internal pass and or event roster forms allowing properly FYSA registered players to participate within their rules of competition without changing the Official FYSA Roster. These event rosters must list the players full name, pass number, rostered team, DOB and birth verification status. Prior to the use of these internal event rosters, for all inter-club games, leagues and tournaments must have on file the team’s official FYSA roster with appropriate guest player forms or FYSA Event Rosters, as verification of players’ credentials and that guest players have proper permission to participate. 205.4 Dual Rostering is permitted and a player may be rostered to multiple teams at one time during a seasonal year. Regulations concerning dual Rostering are as follows: A. Player's Cup eligibility is the player's primary team. No player is eligible to compete in FYSA Cup play with a secondary team, unless permitted under the rules of competition. A player’s primary team shall be the first team to which the player is rostered. B. The player's primary team will be the first team listed on a pass, and the secondary team is the second team listed on the pass Page 44 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C. Release from the primary team in no way transfers primary status to the secondary team. To transfer primary status requires a completed transfer. This player will then be considered a previously rostered player. D. Primary team schedules will take precedence in all issues or conflicts. If player is registered to two (2) affiliates, all matters regarding registration will be decided by the primary team's affiliate. 205.5 Regional Cup rosters for all competitions leading to the determination of President's Cup participants shall be the official roster as generated by the FYSA State Office. 205.6 State Cup and Regional/America's Cup rostering simultaneously is not permitted. 206. ELIGIBILITY 206.1 Player Eligibility to compete shall be determined as follows: A. Registration with FYSA has been completed and is accurate. B. Proper birth documentation has been provided, for players registered as verified. C. Player is properly rostered (as per the rules of competition) to the team with which he/she intends to compete. D. Affiliate requirements for registration have been met. E. Status is "in Good standing" with the Affiliate and FYSA. F. Remains on team, or with the affiliate, to which he/she is registered/rostered for the seasonal year unless properly released or transferred (Sept 1st through Aug 31st). 206.2 Team eligibility to compete is determined by the following: A. All players properly registered with FYSA. B. All Players are properly rostered to the team as may be defined by the rules of competition. C. Coaches properly registered with FYSA and rostered to the team as may be defined by the rules of competition. D. Associated with an affiliate, and must continue that association for the seasonal year, including that no team in its entirety or majority may move to another Affiliate during the seasonal year. E. Adhere to proper age grouping. F. Improper registration of any team member shall result in the team forfeiting all games the improperly registered player(s) took part in. An improperly registered player is a player who is over-age, not registered to FYSA and/or improperly entered on the team’s roster. 206.3 FYSA recognizes two types of team genders, girls and boys. Team gender is determined by the following: A. Teams with females only are girls teams. B. All other teams are boys teams. 207. TRANSFERS/RELEASES Soccer is a team sport; a player makes a commitment to the team at initial registration, as well as to the affiliate for the seasonal year. 207.1 Players, or their parents for players under the age of 18, may request in writing to be removed from a team’s roster or from the affiliate. The affiliate may grant the request and place the player into the unconditional pool. 207.2 Players shall not be removed from a team’s roster or released by the affiliate under any circumstances if the player is: Rostered to a team currently subject to roster freeze or Is serving a suspension (red card). Page 45 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 207.3 There shall be no limit to the number of removals per team unless prohibited by special rules of competition (i.e., State Cup). 207.4 Released players ARE NOT ELIGIBLE to compete or participate in any FYSA sanctioned or sponsored event. IN NO CASE IS A RELEASED PLAYER ENTITLED TO A PASS. NO RELEASED PLAYER SHALL HAVE IN HIS/HER POSSESSION ANY FYSA/US YOUTH SOCCER PASS. Any player/coach found to participate with a pass of a released player/coach may have the releasing affiliate charged a fine as per Rule 303. 207.5 Players released to the FYSA unconditional (S1 FYS 998 FYS) pool of players may be transferred to any affiliate for the remainder of the seasonal year, without notice to the original affiliate. Players once released may not be placed in NGS (Not in Good Standing) by the original affiliate. In the event of a returned check for payment to the club, submission of a copy of the returned check to FYSA will be sufficient evidence to place a member into NGS immediately. PLAYERS IN THE FYSA UNCONDITIONAL POOL MAY NOT PARTICIPATE IN ANY SANCTIONED EVENT. 207.6 Should the affiliate deny the request, a reason must be given. Affiliates have the right to deny any release or transfer request for the following reasons: The player has guest played with the affiliate during the current seasonal year (FYSA Rule 209). The coach or team staff member is the player’s ODP coach (FYSA Rule 208). There is a financial obligation to the affiliate. The request is received by the affiliate after December 1st of the seasonal year. Other contractual obligations to the affiliate. 207.7 Players who have relocated their primary residence by more than 100 miles are entitled to a transfer to an affiliate located near their residence. Should any affiliate deny the transfer of a player who has moved 100 miles, the Registration Committee will make the determination as to the validity of the request. The judgment of the Registration Committee is final and will be based upon the documentation requested and received. 207.8 Once try outs for the next seasonal year have begun, players who have no financial or other obligation to an affiliate must be released when the affiliate receives the written request from the parent of a minor player or the written request of a player who has attained the age of 18. 207.9 A player may be removed from an affiliate involuntarily for the following reasons only: A. The player has violated the rules of USSF, FYSA or US Youth Soccer and is currently under suspension (non red-card or game related suspensions.) All rights to due process must have been complied with as defined under FYSA Rule 600. B. The player has moved beyond a reasonable travel distance. Determination of what constitutes a reasonable travel distance shall be solely determined by the FYSA Registration Committee. C. A player is injured in such a manner that the player will not be able to participate for the remainder of the seasonal year. If the player recovers and is able to participate prior to the end of the seasonal year, the player will be activated back to his/her last team’s roster. D. Players released involuntarily shall be released to the unconditional player pool. (S1 FYS 998 FYS). E. A player who later contests the action of involuntary release within ten (10) days shall be re-activated to the last team’s roster. This action may over-roster the team resulting in sanctions based on the rules of the particular competition or may cause a team to be disqualified from a competition by violating roster freeze rules. 207.10 OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM (“ODP”) Players who have registered in the current seasonal year and have participated in the ODP may not transfer or be added to any team that their ODP coach or assistant coach participated with for the Page 46 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year remainder of the current seasonal year and all of the following seasonal year. [Intra-club (within the club) may be exempted from this exclusion] 208. GUEST PLAYING FYSA teams may include guest players, if allowed by the rules of a specific competition. These guest players must be registered with FYSA or another US Youth Soccer affiliate organization. FYSA players may be allowed to guest play with another FYSA team or with another US Youth Soccer affiliate, if proper permission is granted by that player’s original registering club. A. Permission of the player's current primary affiliate must be granted in writing by use of the FYSA guest player form. B. If the player is playing up more than one normal age grouping it will require approval from the affiliate’s director of coaching or agent of record and FYSA Director of Coaching or designee. Permission must be obtained for each event (i.e., tournaments, league play). C. Permission to guest play may be denied by the affiliate at its discretion. D. Coaches desiring a player to guest play must obtain permission from the registering affiliate's agent of record, or designee, prior to contacting the player. Failure to obtain permission prior to contact shall be evidence of poaching as defined under Rule 401.5. E. The guest player request form shall specify the dates and competition to which permission is granted. If the request is intra-club no special permission is required. F. Players who guest play shall not be allowed to transfer to the team or affiliate with whom he/she has been a guest player for the remainder of the seasonal year unless written permission is granted by the original affiliate. (Intra-club transfers are exempted with permission of the affiliate.) G. Playing a "guest player" without proper permission may result in a charge of playing an ineligible player under Rule 401.3 and/or falsification of a roster as defined under Rule 505.4. 209. SPECIAL COMPETITION REGISTRATION STATE CUP (US Youth Soccer’s National Championship Competitions): A player must register in the state in which he or she resides with his or her parents(s), or guardian(s) or in the case of a student in residence at any academically accredited boarding school or college or university, the player may register in the state in which the boarding school, college, or division of the college or university is located. Any other question of residency may be determined by the Florida State Cup Committee. 210. YOUTH PLAYERS PLAYING AMATEUR For youth teams and or youth players competing with or against amateur (senior teams, all requirements of Section 210.1 must be completed prior to the competition. Applications must be submitted for each seasonal year. A registered youth player, sixteen (16) years or older, will be permitted to play an unlimited number of amateur games without losing his or her youth eligibility provided: 1. The youth player must obtain written permission from his or her parent and his/her youth coach or other authorized affiliate official. The youth coach or other authorized team official shall, in writing or by form, request eligibility clearance from FYSA. 2. When the above clearance and permissions have been granted, the State Amateur Association has sole discretion in permitting a youth player to play amateur games and will be responsible for establishing the procedures under which this will be implemented. 3. In the event of a conflict between an amateur game and a youth game, the youth game shall take precedence. 4. A youth player who is required to sign an amateur form shall retain youth eligibility, providing the above has been completed prior to signing the amateur form. Failure to comply with the above will result in the player forfeiting his/her youth eligibility to compete in FYSA sanctioned events for the remainder of the current seasonal year or a period of not less than thirty (30) day subject to: Any period longer than thirty (30) days shall require a hearing as defined under FSYA Rules Section 600 for determination as to length of the waiting period. Page 47 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 5. A player who desires to reinstate his/her youth eligibility for the current seasonal year and is sixteen (16) years of age or older may apply for the reinstatement by submitting a written request for reinstatement. The date of receipt of the form and request by the FYSA office shall be the sole determination as to the starting date for sanctions as described in (4). 6. Any player who participated in any an amateur level game prior to his/her sixteenth birthday is not eligible to apply for reinstatement. 7. During this waiting period players will not be able to compete in FYSA sanctioned events, but may participate in try-outs and/or team practices. 8. A player's youth eligibility shall automatically be restored at the end of the current seasonal year. 211. AGE 211.1 Age groupings shall be established by FYSA for all levels of play and shall be defined within the Technical Assistance area of the FYSA website. 211.2 A player must have attained his/her fourth (4th) birthday prior to Aug. 1st, or attain his/her 4th birthday prior to participation in a sanctioned program, to be eligible to register. 211.3 Playing up (above a player’s normal age group): It is FYSA's policy that all players compete at a level they are capable of both physically and developmentally. For a player to move up more than one normal age grouping will require approval from the affiliate's director of coaching or agent of record and FYSA Director of Coaching. Failure to obtain proper permissions may result in the player being removed from the team’s roster. 300. FEES 301. GENERAL PROVISIONS 301.1 Fees shall be established by FYSA to provide sufficient income to support its programs and services to players, coaches, affiliates, and associate affiliates and to support the administration of its organization. Fines and penalties may also be levied. 301.2 Registration fees shall be required for every player/coach that registers to participate in any FYSA sanctioned event or competition. Registration fees shall be divided into two portions: A. Fixed cost shall include player insurance; US Youth Soccer player/coach fee; USSF player/coach fee. B. Administrative costs. Fixed Cost shall be set annually by the Board of Director not later than May 1st of each year to be effective with the next seasonal year. Administrative costs shall be set annually at the AGM. A proposed increase in administrative cost requires that it not become effective for the seasonally year immediately following the AGM but for the year after 301.3 Insurance fees shall be determined by the cost of the policy as required by the carrier. The fee for insurance shall be included in the registration fee and may not be paid separately. 301.4 Payment of registration and affiliation fees are due at the time of submitting anything that requires a fee as specified by FYSA and shall be by bank check, certified check or a money order. No cash payments can be accepted. Fees shall be made payable to FYSA and submitted to the FYSA office. 301.5 Monthly statements shall be sent to affiliates and their DC's from the State Office. Page 48 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 301.5.1 Fees and registration forms must be submitted within thirty (30) days from when the Affiliate accepts registration or prior to first competition, to the FYSA office, in order for the player's insurance coverage to become effective. (See Rules 201.5.) 301.5.2 All other fees will be submitted as directed (i.e., Protest and Appeal fees and entry fees for State Cup, President’s Cup, ODP, etc.) 302. All Fees due to FYSA shall be considered delinquent if not paid, in cleared funds, within 30 days of invoice. Invoice shall be defined as either the date a registration batch is transmitted to FYSA or other charges billed through statements from FYSA. Affiliates will be placed not in good standing (NGS) by the FYSA Treasurer when fees are not paid in a timely manner. Notification of all affiliates placed in NGS will be sent to all EC/BOD members. Governmental-run programs which require an invoice will be granted a time extension to comply with Rule 301.5.1 if necessary or up to thirty (30) days after receiving an invoice from FYSA’s office. 302.1 Suspension from all FYSA SANCTIONED events for all member of the affiliate shall occur if an affiliate is placed in NGS. Participation cannot resume until all fees are paid in full. 302.2 All Affiliate voting rights may be suspended by the BOD when an affiliate’s account is in arrears by two hundred dollars ($200.) or five percent (5%) of their amount due for the seasonal year, whichever is greater. Upon payment of the Delinquency amounts all voting rights will be restored. 302.3 A debt between a player/coach and an affiliate is a civil matter between the parties. Currently, registered/rostered players/coaches may be placed in NGS (NGS) via an online COS for unpaid financial or other obligations to the affiliate. This COS must be submitted no later than 5:00 P.M. on July 1st of the current seasonal year or within thirty (30) days of the date the debt was incurred, whichever is later. The affiliate shall supply all documentation regarding the debt to include, but not be limited to, the basis of the debt and documentation as to the affiliate’s actions taken to resolve or collect this alleged debt. Failure of the affiliate to submit this documentation via email or facsimile to FYSA within two (2) business days of the original NGS transactions shall negate the action against the player/coach. It shall be the affiliate’s responsibility to immediately notify FYSA of any change in status of the player/coach. Failure to do so may impact the affiliate’s ability to place future members in NGS. Submission of this COS form to FYSA will place the player/coach NGS with FYSA. Upon receipt, the FYSA office will notify, in writing, the player/coach or the parents of any minor player/coach, copying the affiliate and appropriate DC by e-mail. The parties will have fourteen (14) calendar days to challenge this status in writing to FYSA’s State Office. The FYSA office shall forward all documentation to the Vice President of Administration and Communication for a ruling as to the validity of the action; this ruling shall be final and binding on all parties. In the event of a returned check for payment to the club for a NGS issue, submission of a copy of the returned check to FYSA will be sufficient evidence to place a member back into NGS immediately. The affiliate will be a billed the normal COS fee ($25) for this service. 302.4 A schedule of fees shall be provided herein for all fees, costs for services, fines, penalties, and dates for submission. This schedule shall be updated annually by the Budget Committee and approved by the Affiliates at the AGM. Page 49 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 303. FEE / FINE STRUCTURE Fee Required For: Affiliation First-time affiliation see Rule 102.2 Affiliation Surcharge (except new affiliate) Associate Membership Coaching Courses and Clinics Date Due September 1 September 1 Per./mo.after 10/1 Application Application Convention / AGM Cup, President's Cup, Regional Cup, State Insurance Certificate Amount $135.00 $1500.00 $5.00 $135.00 Set annually at the AGM to take effect the following seasonal year Set annually Set annually Set by Region Set annually $12.00 Protest / Appeals from C/L to Protest/Appeals from SQL/SC game to Protest/Appeals $400.00 $400.00 Submission Submission PLAYERS: Recreation Players Competitive Players TOPS Players Paper Registration Surcharge $9.00 When Registered $20.00 When Registered NO CHARGE $3.00 Per Form COACHES: New or Returning Coaches $15.00 Application Entry Entry Entry When Requested Per Coach COS FEES: Intra-Club Transfer – Recreation to Recreation Intra-Club Transfer – Competitive to Competitive Intra-Club Transfer – Recreation to Competitive Inter-Club Transfer – Recreation or Competitive Secondary Registration – Recreation Player Secondary Registration – Competitive Player NO CHARGE NO CHARGE $11.00 $25.00 $10.00 $25.00 Per Player Per Player Per Player Per Player FINES: Affiliate Fine for Released Player/Coach Participating Affiliate Fine for Released Player/Coach Participating Registering/Playing Overage Player Registering/Playing Overage Player $500 $1000 $500 $2000 First Offense Second Offense First Offense Second Offense A one (1) dollar fee will be added per player for the 2011-2012 seasonal year only for the support of the USA Bid Committee for the 2018/2022 World Cup. Note: All fees set annually will be set no later than May 1st and communicated to all affiliates. In order to qualify for the recreational rates, the team must meet all requirements of a recreational team as defined by US Youth Soccer. Page 50 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Tournament and Travel fees are defined in Section 905 Referee registration fees as set by FYSA and FSR. ALL FEES, OTHER THAN REGISTRATION FEES, ARE SUBJECT TO FINAL REVIEW AT THE SEPTMEMBER EC MEETING. 303.1 A late fee in the maximum amount permitted under Florida Statutes (currently 11/2% per month (18% annual APR)) will be added to any balance due if more that thirty (30) days delinquent. 400. PLAYERS, COACHES, TEAM STAFF, PARENTS, SPECTATORS CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITIES 401. COACHES/TEAM STAFF CONDUCT/RESPONSIBILITIES 401.1 Registration of all coaches, assistant coaches, team managers, trainers etc. shall be mandatory with FYSA and shall be consistent with these Rules and completed on a Coach's/ Volunteer Registration form. Providing inaccurate information may result in disciplines/sanctions under Rule 505.4. 401.2 Adherence to the Rules shall be the responsibility of all team staff and ignorance of the Rules shall not relieve them of this responsibility. Any member found guilty shall be suspended for the remainder of the current seasonal year, plus the next seasonal year. 401.3 Coach's responsibility for player's registration shall include proper and complete registering, rostering and age verification for any players, guest players or transfers to their team. Any member found guilty shall be suspended for the remainder of the current seasonal year, plus the next seasonal year. 401.4 A team who submits an electronic registration for, or plays an overage player may have its privileges to participate in FYSA-sanctioned games or events suspended for the remainder of the seasonal year. For the purposes of this rule only, team shall be defined as a specific group of players. A team which changes its code is still the same team. 401.5 POACHING There is to be NO improper contact between the prospective team and the player/parents of currently registered and/or rostered players. Any coach or member of a team having contact with a player after a player is registered and/or rostered, without first obtaining written permission from that player’s coach, will be construed as having had improper contact with a player, and such action can result in a charge of poaching. 1. Improper contact is defined as any communication with a player other than the most casual, cordial communication necessary such as congratulations at the end of a match or similar such conversations. This contact specifically includes, but is not limited to, players participating in practices, training sessions, scrimmages or other soccer-related functions. 2. Improper contact shall also include, but is not limited to, meetings with players/parents, attendance at team social functions when the player is not registered to that team, etc. 3. Any such improper contact, no matter how generated, is prohibited without prior written notification and written consent of the player’s current head coach, the club director of coaching and/or players, or the Agent of Record of the club to which the player is currently registered and/or rostered. A coach/volunteer or member of a team having contact with a player is charged with the knowledge of Page 51 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year that player’s registration and/or roster status and shall be held accountable for any unauthorized contact with any player currently not rostered to his team, regardless of how that contact is initiated or by whom. A. No coach, assistant coach, trainer, team representative, registered player, parent or advertisement may offer any kind of inducement to recruit a player and/or to transfer from his/her respective team, during the seasonal year as defined September 1 though August 31. Inducing a player includes, but is not limited solicitation to leave the current affiliate, offering a currently rostered player a roster spot on an existing team, or a roster spot for the next seasonal year. Coaches are responsible for the actions of the all of the above listed participants of their team. B. Players: All currently registered players shall become free agents at the completion of FYSA’s State Cup Final Four or elimination from National Championship Competitions (whichever is later) or at a date as may be set by the BOD. At this time, all restrictions as to guest playing and contact between parties shall be lifted until such time as the player (and parent) executes a contract or registration for the next seasonal year. C. Coach: All coaches are obligated to the registering affiliate for the complete seasonal year defined as September 1 through August 31. Agreement by contract between the parties may shorten or lengthen this period. 1. A coach who resigns a position shall be bound by the following conditions. 2. For an affiliate to recruit the services of a registered coach, the requesting affiliate must first notify in writing the agent of record of the coach’s current club. There shall be no contact with any currently registered coach prior to May 1st, unless permission is granted in writing by the affiliate’s agent of record, or designee. 3. A currently registered coach may not contact a prospective club prior to May lst, without written permission of their currently registered affiliate’s agent of record, or designee. After May lst contact may be affected with written notification to the current affiliate. Once tryouts have commenced, coaches are bound to the affiliate. 4. A currently registered coach who decide during a seasonal year to change clubs shall not solicit, entice or induce in any manner players they are currently coaching to move to his/her new club until after the completion of State Cup Finals or further National Championship competitions. 5. Violation of any of the above standards is tantamount to poaching. D. Disciplinary Sanctions Minimum disciplinary actions/sanctions to be taken against any coach or member of a team found guilty of the violation of any of the above conditions shall be: 1st Offense -- Six (6) months suspension; club to be fined $100.00 plus any costs associated with the holding of the hearing including copying charges, postage, etc. 2nd Offense -- Minimum three (3) year suspension; club to be fined $500.00 plus any costs associated with the holding of the hearing including copying charges, postage, etc. Conviction of a poaching charge by any member of a team may cause the team to which that player/coach is registered to forfeit its privilege to participate in any and all FYSA-sponsored events (i.e., State Cup, President’s Cup, etc.) for the remainder of the seasonal year. The team Page 52 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year sanctioning will apply only to the team that is involved in the poaching incident, not multiple teams if the player/coach or team member is registered to more than one team. The RVP, upon receipt of notification of a conviction for poaching, shall empanel a committee of not less that three (3) neutral members that shall request from the convicted party(s) and the affected affiliate a brief in mitigation as to: 1. Should the team be permitted to continue to compete in FYSA sponsored events for the remainder of the seasonal year. 2. And/or should the player(s) subject of the charges be permitted to participate in FYSA sponsored events with said team for the remainder of the seasonal year. 3. The committee’s decision in this matter shall be final and binding. 401.6 TRY-OUTS No club or organization affiliated with FYSA may hold any try-out or any other activity, related to the formation of teams for the next seasonal year involving players IN ANY AGE GROUP prior to the date set for tryouts by the BOD. Later dates may be set regionally as approved by the affiliates in that region. Violations may result in the Club’s affiliation with FYSA being reviewed, and it may be denied by the BOD. 402. PLAYER CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITIES 402.1 Player's conduct, in keeping with the belief that they are the primary representatives of their team, club, league and FYSA, shall be exemplary of "good sportsmanship", character, and adherence to the Rules, bringing positive attention to themselves and their team. They shall also comply with the following: 1. Verification of age and DOB shall be true and correct as submitted by themselves or their parent or guardian. 2. Falsification of birth documentation shall result in suspension subject to the provisions under Rule 505.4. 3. Time requirements shall be met in the proper registration, payments of fees and accurate filing of all forms and applications. 4. Failure of parent/guardian to assist the player in their administrative, programmatic and financial obligations shall not be grounds for waiving or failing to comply with the rules. 402.2 Player equipment shall be in accordance with the requirements of the Affiliate, FYSA and FIFA rules. Additionally: a.) Screw in cleats are permitted; however, judgment as to their safety is at the discretion of the referee. b.) Orthopedic casts are not permitted; however, soft braces can be worn with written approval from a doctor, and judgment as to safety is at the discretion of the referee. c.) Shin guards must comply with FIFA Law 4: 1) Shin guards are covered entirely by the stockings. 2) Shin guards are made of a suitable material (rubber, plastic, or similar substances). 3) Shin guards must PROVIDE A REASONABLE DEGREE OF PROTECTION. 4) Shin guards are required for any FYSA event for the Safety of the players. 402.3 JEWELRY It is the policy of FYSA that no player be allowed to wear ANY jewelry while participating in any FYSA sanctioned match. The only exception that may be allowed is a medical alert bracelet or necklace when taped to the body. The referee shall make the decision as to the safety of the player and the referee’s decision is final. (The taping of any earring shall not be permitted under any circumstances.) If the referee notices a player wearing jewelry while the match is under way at the next stoppage of play, the Page 53 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year referee will instruct the player to remove the item. If the referee deems the jewelry to be dangerous to any player, he must stop the match to correct the situation 402.4 In any FYSA sanctioned match a break will be given at the midpoint of each half of regulation time and at the end of each overtime period (if played) for player hydration. This break will be given at a normal stoppage of play and it is mandatory for any FYSA sanctioned match during which the air temperature is or is expected to reach eighty-five (85) degrees. Violation may result in charges under FYSA’s COE. 403. PARENT/SPECTATORS CONDUCT AND RESPONSIBILITY 403.1 Parent responsibility shall include meeting the required administrative and programmatic rules, if in some cases it is not within the player's ability to do so. This shall include providing correct and completed registration, necessary applications and/or entry forms and applicable fees. 403.2 Falsification of documentation shall result in the suspension and/or sanction of the player whose documents are altered by their parent as described under Rule 505.4. 403.3 Parent/Spectator conduct during games is the responsibility of the coach who may be disciplined for such conduct. The Affiliate is ultimately responsible for misconduct of the parent/spectator and shall take disciplinary action to maintain control and orderly completion of games against the parent/spectator, coach, coaching staff or the team. Any other individuals who may be reasonable construed as being associated with a team such as relatives and spectators shall also be subject to the jurisdiction and authority of this Association. Any coach or team official shall be held responsible for the actions of any individual(s) at any match that, in the opinion of the referee, is a supporter of that team. 403.4 Entering the playing field during the game is not permitted for any reason other than to assist in an injury and only then if requested to do so. Entering the playing field can result in the Site Director requiring the offender to leave the soccer site and/or further disciplinary action. 404. REFEREE REGISTRATION 404.1 Any referee who officiates any FYSA sanctioned match must be registered with FYSA. This is in addition to and not a replacement for referee registration and/or re-certification with USSF through FSR. FYSA shall establish procedures and policies as to the registration of referees who desire to officiate FYSA-sanctioned matches. Guest referees, out of state or international, traveling with proper permission may be granted a limited exemption. This limited exemption shall be approved by FYSA in writing and will only be granted for a specific event, such as a tournament. The tournament may request exemption for guest referee(s) by application to FYSA’s Referee Liaison not less than thirty (30) days prior to the event. This exemption is not intended for league play and shall be for a limited term. All Assignors who assign any FYSA-sanctioned match shall be registered with FYSA by completing a coach/volunteer card. If the assignor is also a registered referee and currently registered with FYSA and FSR, they shall so indicate on the application. 404.2 FYSA will conduct background checks through the Florida Department or Law Enforcement, or any other agency it deems appropriate, for any registering referee eighteen (18) years of age or older. This background check shall be repeated every year or intervals as deemed appropriate by FYSA. Page 54 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 404.3 The referee, upon request, must furnish evidence of current referee certification with USSF by presenting either a current year’s badge, registration card, or other evidence from FSR or USSF as to current registration. 404.4 Any referee/administrator employed by an FYSA affiliate agrees to be bound by the FYSA REFEREE COE as well as and in addition to the COE of FSR and USSF. Failure to comply may result in the revocation, subject to due process of FYSA and USSF, of the referee/administrator’s privilege to referee or administered FYSA sanctioned event/matches. 404.5 A referee shall NOT be permitted to officiate any FYSA sanctioned match during the term of any suspension imposed by FYSA. This shall included but not be limited to “red card suspensions.” 404.6 REFEREE COE I will at all time conduct myself in a professional manner. I will never by my actions bring discredit to either FYSA, The Game of Soccer, or myself I will keep myself physically fit to the level of the match for which I accept assignment. I will disclose any potential “conflict of interest” prior to the commencement of any match to both teams, and the administrator in charge. I will maintain current certification with FSR and USSF and registration with FYSA. I will officiate to the best of my ability and enforce the “Laws of the Game” in a fair and impartial manner I will abide by all sections of FYSA’s COE in addition to the above 404.7 Failure to comply with any portion of this section may result in the revocation of the referee’s ability to officiate in any FYSA sanctioned event. 405. ASSIGNORS REGISTRATION 405.1 All Assignors who assign any FYSA-sanctioned match shall be registered with FYSA by complying FYSA’s risk management procedure. Currently registered FYSA referees and/or coach/volunteer will not have to complete a 2nd registration. 405.2 FYSA will conduct background checks through the Florida Department of Law Enforcement, or any other agency it deems appropriate, for any registering assignor eighteen (19) years of age or older. This background check shall be repeated every year or at intervals as deemed appropriate by FYSA. 405.3 The assignor, upon request, must furnish evidence of current assignor certification with USSF by presenting a registration card or other evidence from FSR or USSF as to current registration. 405.4 Any assignor contracted by an FYSA affiliate agrees to be bound by the FYSA ASSIGNOR COE as well as and in addition to the COE of FSR and USSF. Failure to comply may result in the revocation, subject to due process of FYSA and USSF, of the assignor’s privilege to assign referees for FYSA sanctioned event/matches. 405.5 An assignor shall NOT be permitted to assign any referees for any FYSA sanctioned match during the term of any suspension imposed by FYSA. This shall include but not be limited to “red card suspensions.” 405.6 ASSIGNOR COE I will at all time conduct myself in a professional manner. I will never by my actions bring discredit to either FYSA , The Game of Soccer, or myself I will maintain current assignor certification with FSR, USSF and registration with FYSA. Page 55 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year I will maintain the utmost respect for referees and other officials of the game and I will conduct myself honorably at all times. I will make the assignments based on what is good for the game and what is good for the referee. I will contribute to the continuous development of referees in the National Referee Development Program. I will conduct myself ethically and professionally in the assessment process. I will respect the rights and dignity of all the referees and I will not criticize them unless it is in private, constructive, and for their benefit. I will offer equal opportunity to all qualified referees and I will not discriminate against or take undue advantage of any individual or group on the basis of race, color, religion, sex or national origin. I will abide by all sections of FYSA’s COE in addition to the above. 405.7 Failure to comply with any portion of this section may result in the revocation of the assignor’s ability to assign any FYSA sanctioned event and/or other sanctions as may be imposed by rule. 500. DISCIPLINES AND SANCTIONS 501. GENERAL PROVISIONS 501.1 Discipline and sanctions may be imposed by FYSA and its Affiliates upon anyone for either misconduct during FYSA activities (games, practices, etc.) or infraction of administrative rules. 501.2 Discipline during games refers to both players and non-players and shall include pre-game, game and post-game misconduct. Such disciplines may be imposed as a result of a referee caution, ejection/sendoff or post game report or site directors or other administrator reports. 501.3 Administrative disciplines and/or sanctions refer to infractions of FYSA and/or Affiliate rules and guidelines. 501.4 Players are those youth registered to FYSA, who may be assigned to a team and are involved in pre-game, game, and post-game activities (on or off the field, in or out of uniform). 501.5 Non-players shall include coaches, assistant coaches, other team staff and spectators involved in the pregame, game, or post-game activities (on or off the field). 501.6 SUSPENSION BECAUSE OF LITIGATION the 1. Any person participating in a US Youth Soccer program, or in a program of a State Association or a program of a member of a State Association, who becomes a defendant in litigation detrimental to the welfare of youth players or litigation based on activities detrimental to the welfare of youth players, shall be suspended from all soccer-related activities. Suspensions under this rule shall be determined by the appropriate State Association or the State Association’s Board of Directors. Matters detrimental to the welfare of youth players shall include crimes of moral turpitude and felonies. The person has a right to appeal the suspension only over whether the matter which is the substance of the accusation, if true, is detrimental to the welfare of youth players. 2. On completion of the litigation, the suspended person may inform the body suspending the person under section 1 of this rule that the litigation has been completed and request that the suspension be terminated and the person reinstated. The suspending body may grant the request of the person or, if the decision of the litigation was adverse to the person, may continue the suspension for a period specified by the suspending body, fine the person, terminate all membership of that person with the suspending body and its members, or any combination of those authorized penalties. Page 56 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 501.7 Due process shall be guaranteed to any individual or group disciplined or sanctioned by any body within the jurisdiction of FYSA. Failure to provide due process shall result in the suspension of the discipline imposed and sanction against the body failing to provide due process. Upon determining due process has not been provided, the disciplining body may or may not be required by FYSA to re-institute proceedings according to the Rules 501.8 Individual rights to a hearing before the imposition of any discipline or sanction more severe than the minimums required shall be guaranteed by the Affiliate to any individuals involved in their organization. 501.9 Severity of discipline and/or sanctions shall be consistent with the severity of misconduct and/or infraction as defined in Sections 502, 503, and 400 of the FYSA administrative rulebook. 501.10 Affiliate rights to a hearing on any issue determined to impact their ability participate in soccer competition, shall be guaranteed by the Rules of FYSA. Hearings shall be conducted in a fair, timely and impartial manner. 501.11 Eligibility to participate remains terminated until any discipline, suspension, or sanction has been completed, or a decision has been rendered on an appeal. If a timely hearing is not provided, the person may participate after the minimum sanctions have been fulfilled 501.12 Any individual whose privilege to participate in FYSA-sanctioned events as a coach/volunteer is removed as a result of any background check shall not participate in any referee program sanctioned by FYSA. This shall include, but not be limited to, acting as a referee, assignor, assessor or instructor at or during any FYSA-sanctioned event. Such restriction shall remain in effect until said coach/volunteer is reinstated by FYSA. 501.13 Anyone who obstructs an investigation of a rule violation may be charged under FYSA Rules 503, 505 and/or FYSA's COE. Obstruction of an investigation may be defined, but is not limited to, failure to provide state, league, club or game officials information about an incident or person involved that they should reasonably be able to provide, failing to give accurate information on any form, or interfering with any disciplinary proceeding. This shall include, but not be limited to, threatening or intimidating witnesses, or requesting potential witnesses to give inaccurate information. The charge filed must define the infraction being investigated and clearly define how the investigation was obstructed. 502. DISCIPLINE - GAME CONDUCT When Discipline/Sanctions are imposed, they must meet the required minimums as specified by FYSA and/or USSF. The Disciplining body must evaluate the incident as to intent, severity and past misconduct to determine the appropriate disciplines/sanctions. More severe disciplines/sanctions shall be imposed for multiple red cards during a season and for misconduct directed towards officials or administrators. 502.1 One Game Suspension: 1. Resulting from a second caution; (i.e., persistent infringement or dissent by word or action). 2. Denies the opposing team a goal or an obvious goal scoring opportunity by deliberately handling the ball (this does not apply to a goalkeeper within his own penalty area). 3. Denies an obvious goal-scoring opportunity to an opponent moving toward the player’s goal by an offense punishable by a free kick or a penalty kick. 4 Serious Foul Play is defined as using disproportionate and unnecessary strength in a manner likely to hurt or injure an opponent; any tackle from behind which endangers the safety of an opponent. 502.2 Offensive or insulting or abusive language: 1 One (1) game suspension -- Offensive or insulting or abusive language and/or gestures not directed. 2. Three (3) game suspension -- Offensive or insulting or abusive language and/or gestures directed Page 57 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year toward a player, referee, assistant referee, administrator, spectator or game and /or tournament official. 3. Six (6) game suspension -- Adult directed to a youth referee. 502.3 Violent Conduct: 1. One (1) game suspension (minor infractions) -- dead-ball foul that is neither violent or with intent to harm or injure; attempting to strike, hit or punch. 2. Two (2) game suspension (minor infractions) -- is defined as the aggression of a player towards an opponent with clearly no intent to play or fight for the ball; threatening gestures. 3. Four (4) game suspension (major infractions) – striking with the intent to injure; fighting; any intentional exposure of the anatomy considered lewd and lascivious; all gestures with any part of the body which implies visual profanity. 4. Six (6) game suspension (major infraction) -- Entering a fight in progress or action resulting in law enforcement being called; entering the field of play and committing any additional offense (e.g., violent conduct, foul or abusive language; this will be in addition to the sanction for the subsequent violation). 502.4 Spitting - 4 (four) game suspension: Spitting is defined as spitting on or at an opponent or another person as well as spitting onto their own hand prior to shaking hands with their opponent and/or the referees or other game officials. 502.5 Any player or coach who receives a second red card/ejection during a seasonal year or a third within two seasonal years for either violent conduct (major infraction), foul and/or abusive language directed, spitting, or referee abuse, after notification from FYSA to the player, coach and affiliate Agent of Record within seven (7) days, may be suspended for thirteen (13) games or six (6) months, whichever is longer. Multiple offenses relating to the same red card/ejection will qualify under this rule. The action may be appealed to the FYSA Protest and Appeals Committee. 502.6 GAME OFFICIALS Misconduct toward a referee may include, but it not limited to, all registered referees, assistant referees, forth officials or other duly appointed to assist. It also includes any unlicensed or unregistered person serving in an emergency capacity as a referee under USSF Policy 531, Section 2 and any club assistant referees. Any act committed before, during, or after a match, even at later times, if it is match related, such as at work or at home may constitute misconduct toward game officials. 502.6.1 REFEREE ABUSE Referee abuse is a verbal statement or physical act not resulting in bodily contact which implies or threatens physical harm to a referee or the referee’s property or equipment. Abuse includes, but is not limited to, the following acts committed upon a referee; using foul or abusive language toward a referee (must imply a threat of physical harm) , spewing any beverage on a referee’s personal property; spitting at (but not on) the referee; verbally threatening a referee with remarks that carry imply or direct threats of physical harm. Verbal threats are remarks that carry the implied or direct threat of physical harm. Such remarks as “I’ll get you after the game.” or “You won’t get out of here in one piece.” shall be deemed referee abuse. Discipline: Minimum sanctions a. Six (6) games or three (3) month suspension, whichever is longer. b. Spitting at a referee or game official, six (6) games or six (6) month suspension, whichever is longer. Page 58 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year c. An adult upon a youth referee, minimum of one (1) year suspension. 502.6.2 REFEREE ASSAULT Referee assault is an intentional act of physical violence at or upon a referee committed before during, or after a match, even later times if it is match related such as at work or at home. “For the purpose of this rule, “intentional act” shall mean an act intended to bring about a result which will invade the interests of another in a way that is socially unacceptable. Unintended consequences of the actions are irrelevant.” Assault includes, but is not limited to, the following act committed upon a referee: hitting, kicking, punching, choking, spitting on, grabbing or bodily running into a referee; the act of kicking or throwing any object at a referee that could inflict injury; damaging the referee’s uniform or personal property (i.e., car, equipment, etc.). The player, coach, manager, spectator or official committing the referee assault is automatically suspended as follows: a. For a minor or slight touching of the referee or the referee’s uniform or personal property, at least six (6) months from the time of the assault; b. Except as provided in above, for any other assault, at least twelve (12) months from the time of the assault; c. For an assault committed by an adult and the referee is seventeen (17) years of age or younger, at least three (3) years; or d. For an assault when serious injuries are inflicted, at least five (5) years. 502.6.3. REFEREE/ASSISTANT REFEREE MISCONDUCT 502.6.3.1 Misconduct, charges or allegations shall be filed immediately with the Site Director or Official in charge of the competition. The complaint shall also be filed in writing to the Local Referee Administrator with copies addressed to the Referee Liaison and State Referee Administrator within forty-eight (48) hours of identifying the offense. Hearings may be held as specified by the SRA or his/her designees. 502.6.3.2 Failure to act by any Local, Regional or State Referee organization gives jurisdiction to FYSA to conduct hearings, discipline and/or sanction any Referee found to be in violation of FYSA Rules or for any misconduct at any FYSA sanctioned event.. 502.7 PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING REFEREE ABUSE AND ASSAULT Section 1: Procedures to be followed for any alleged incident of referee assault or abuse for any FYSA sanction club/league/Cup event. The referee, or a member of the referee crew (should the referee be incapacitated), will report any incident of alleged referee assault/abuse to the FYSA State Office within seventy-two (72) hours of the incident. The written report submitted must be postmarked within seventy-two (72) hours of the incident (excluding legal holidays) and must include the official game report, supplemental referee report, any other information the referee wants to submit, and the FYSA/US Youth Soccer pass of the player/coach/manager or the name of the non-player under investigation (if known). The FYSA Representative must, in turn, forward the report to the FYSA office. FYSA will in turn notify the SYRA, within 48 hours of receipt of the report. Upon receipt at the FYSA office, a file will be opened to contain a copy of the initial report and the player/coach’s pass, if applicable. The original report will then be immediately forwarded to FYSA’s Review and Discipline Committee. The Review and Discipline Committee will make a determination within seven (7) days of receipt of the report as to one of the following: (i) possible referee assault did occur; (ii) possible referee abuse did occur; or (iii) documentation provided did not warrant a Page 59 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year determination of either assault or abuse. (FYSA will inform the SYRA as to the determination of the Review and Discipline Committee.) In the event the Review and Discipline Committee determines a possible referee assault case exists, the Committee will forward its findings to the FYSA office. Upon verification of an allegation of assault by FYSA, the person is automatically suspended until the hearing is held on the assault. FYSA will immediately notify the applicable RVP with the direction to schedule a hearing on the matter within thirty (30) days. Any delay in scheduling the hearing within the thirty (30) day timeframe must be approved by the chairperson of the FYSA Review and Discipline Committee. Failure to hold the initial hearing shall not rescind the automatic suspension. At the completion of the hearing, the RVP will forward a copy of the findings to the FYSA office and will notify the accused in writing of the findings of the hearing panel. (FYSA will inform the SYRA of the results of the hearing.) FYSA’s State Office upon verification that all requirements of Section 600 have been complied with will send a copy of the decision to the FYSA Review & Discipline Committee in order that its file may be also closed If the accused is found guilty of assault, notification will include information as to the next level of appeal, as per USSF Bylaw 705 which is directly to the Appeals Committee of the USSF. In the event the Review and Discipline Committee determines a case of referee abuse exists, the Committee will forward its findings to the FYSA office. FYSA will immediately forward the report along with the player/coach pass, if applicable, to the appropriate RVP who will, based on the report, immediately impose sanctions of not less than a six (6) game or three (3) month suspension, whichever is longer. The RVP may impose greater sanctions for repeat offenders or if the situations warrants; however, sanctions of more than six (6) games or three (3) months will require that a hearing be held, unless waived by the accused. When sanctions are imposed, the RVP will, within seven (7) days, notify the accused and the appropriate DC in writing of said sanctions and the right of appeal of this decision to FYSA’s Protest and Appeal Committee as per FYSA Rule 605 inclusive. The player/coach pass will be forwarded to the appropriate DC to hold until proper notification of games served is presented. Proper notification is accomplished by way of game reports indicating that a red card/sanction is being served. When such notification is presented, the pass will be immediately returned to the player/coach/manager. In the event that the Review and Discipline Committee determines that neither referee assault nor abuse occurred, the Committee will notify the FYSA office of such. FYSA will immediately forward the player/coach/manager’s pass to the appropriate DC who will return the pass to the appropriate club/league. If sanctions are required as a result of actions not determined to be that of referee assault or abuse, the club/league will handle these separately and according to FYSA, and/or or club/league rules. If an allegation of referee assault/abuse occurs during a tournament under sanction of FYSA the followings actions are to be completed: Section 2: Procedures to be followed for any alleged incident of referee assault or abuse for any FYSA Event/Tournament, not covered above A. For players/coaches not registered to FYSA: In the event an assault on or abuse of a referee occurs in an tournament/event outside the alleged offender’s home state, or from a soccer organization not under the authority of FYSA, the referee shall (A) immediately notify the Event/Tournament Chairman, and (B) forward a copy of the game report, supplemental referee report, and his/her comments on the incident to the Event/Tournament Chairman. The Event/Tournament Chairmen shall have the right to immediately convene a hearing at the site of Page 60 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year the Event/Tournament, at which the alleged offender, the coach of the alleged offender when the offender is a player and the game official should be present. Information presented at this hearing shall promptly be relayed to the alleged offender’s National State Association by the Event/Tournament Chairman, both orally and in writing; however failure to provide written information shall not restrict the offender’s home National State Association from taking action with regard to any referee abuse or assault. The Event/Tournament Chairman shall also, within 72 hours of the incident, notify FYSA in writing, by fax, of the incident with copies of all game reports, supplemental reports, and findings as to any hearing held at the Event/Tournament. (FYSA will copy the SYRA on all reports concerning this incident.) B. For players/coaches registered to FYSA: For players/coaches under FYSA’s jurisdiction, the Event/Tournament will retain the player/coach pass to be forwarded to the FYSA State Office, along with copies of all game reports, supplemental reports, and any other information concerning this incident, within 24 hours of the completion of the Tournament/Event. The review process of the incident will then follow the procedures as outline in Section 1 above. 502.8 ABUSE AND/OR ASSAULT UPON NON-GAME OFFICALS Abuse and/or assault upon any affiliate member, league/tournament official, FYSA state staff, FYSA board member/official or any other person acting in an official capacity at any FYSA-sanctioned event. Abuse shall be defined as under Rule 502.6.1. Assault shall be defined as under Rule 502.6.2. PROCEDURES FOR REPORTING ABUSE AND ASSAULT Section 1: Procedures to be followed for any alleged incident of assault or abuse for any FYSA sanction club/league/Cup event. The official, or event director, will report any incident of alleged assault/abuse to FYSA, or its designee, (i.e., DC; RVP) within seventy-two (72) hours of the incident. The written report submitted must be postmarked within seventy-two (72) hours of the incident (excluding legal holidays) and must include the official game report, supplemental reports, any other information the parties want to submit, and the FYSA/US Youth Soccer pass of the player/coach/manager or the name of the non-player under investigation (if known). The FYSA Representative must, in turn, forward the report to the FYSA office. Upon receipt at the FYSA office, a file will be opened to contain a copy of the initial report and the player/coach’s pass, if applicable. The original report will then be immediately forwarded to FYSA’s Review and Discipline Committee. The Review and Discipline Committee will make a determination within seven (7) days of receipt of the report as to one of the following: (i) possible assault did occur; (ii) possible abuse did occur; or (iii) documentation provided did not warrant a determination of either assault or abuse. In the event the Review and Discipline Committee determines a possible assault case exists, the Committee will forward its findings to the FYSA office. Upon verification of an allegation of assault by FYSA, the person is automatically suspended until the hearing is held on the assault. FYSA will immediately notify the applicable RVP with the direction to schedule a hearing on the matter within thirty (30) days. Any delay in scheduling the hearing within the thirty (30) day timeframe must be approved by the chairperson of the FYSA Review and Discipline Committee. Failure to hold the initial hearing shall not rescind the automatic suspension. Page 61 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year At the completion of the hearing, the RVP will forward a copy of the findings to the FYSA office and will notify the accused in writing of the findings of the hearing panel. In the event the Review and Discipline Committee determines a case of official abuse exists, the Committee will forward its findings to the FYSA office. FYSA will immediately forward the report along with the player/coach pass, if applicable, to the appropriate RVP who will, based on the report, immediately impose sanctions of not less than a six (6) or three (3) month game suspension, whichever is longer. The RVP may impose greater sanctions for repeat offenders or if the situations warrants; however, sanctions of more than six (6) games or three (3) months will require that a hearing be held, unless waived by the accused. When sanctions are imposed, the RVP will, within seven (7) days, notify the accused and the appropriate DC in writing of said sanctions and the right of appeal of this decision to FYSA’s Protest and Appeal Committee as per FYSA Rule 605, inclusive. The player/coach pass will be forwarded to the appropriate DC to hold until proper notification of games served is presented. Proper notification is accomplished by way of game reports indicating that a red card/sanction is being served. When such notification is presented, the pass will be immediately returned to the player/coach/manager. In the event that the Review and Discipline Committee determines that neither official assault nor abuse occurred, the Committee will notify the FYSA office of such. FYSA will immediately forward the player/coach/manager’s pass to the appropriate DC who will return the pass to the appropriate club/league. If sanctions are required as a result of actions not determined to be that of official assault or abuse, the club/league will handle these separately and according to FYSA, and/or or club/league rules. If an allegation of official assault/abuse occurs during a tournament under sanction of FYSA the followings actions are to be completed: Section 2: Procedures to be followed for any alleged incident of official assault or abuse for any FYSA Event/Tournament, not covered above A. For players/coaches not registered to FYSA: In the event an assault on or abuse of a official occurs in an tournament/event outside the alleged offender’s home state, or from a soccer organization not under the authority of FYSA, the official shall (A) immediately notify the Event/Tournament Chairman, and (B) forward a copy of the game report, supplemental reports, and his/her comments on the incident to the Event/Tournament Chairman. The Event/Tournament Chairmen shall have the right to immediately convene a hearing at the site of the Event/Tournament, at which the alleged offender, the coach of the alleged offender when the offender is a player and the game official should be present. Information presented at this hearing shall promptly be relayed to the alleged offender’s National State Association by the Event/Tournament Chairman, both orally and in writing; however failure to provide written information shall not restrict the offender’s home National State Association from taking action with regard to any official abuse or assault. The Event/Tournament Chairman shall also, within 48 hours of the incident, notify FYSA in writing, by fax, of the incident with copies of all game reports, supplemental reports, and findings as to any hearing held at the Event/Tournament. B. For players/coaches registered to FYSA: For players/coaches under FYSA’s jurisdiction, the Event/Tournament will retain the player/coach pass to be forwarded to the FYSA State Office, along with copies of all game reports, supplemental reports, and any other information concerning this incident, within 24 hours of the completion of the Tournament/Event. The review process of the incident will then follow the procedures as outline in Section 1 above. Page 62 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 503. ADMINISTRATIVE GAME CONDUCT 503.1 Coach /Manager who sends a player onto the playing field with the intent to participate in the game, any youth who is not registered, is suspended, or is not a rostered member of the teams playing. Coach/Manager who sends a coach/volunteer onto the playing field with the intent to participate in the match, any coach/volunteer who is not registered, is suspended, or is not a rostered member of the teams playing. DISCIPLINE: Suspended the remainder of the seasonal year PLUS one (1) year. 503.2 Player who knowingly enters a game that is not registered/rostered to either of the teams. DISCIPLINE: Suspended the remainder of the seasonal year. 503.3 Coach or player who participates in a game before completion of suspension. DISCIPLINE: Original suspension is reinstated in its entirety. 503.4 A coach/manager who removes his/her team from the field during play may be subject to discipline by the sanctioning body of the match. Any coach who removes his/her team from the field of play must within forty-eight (48) hours, file a written report with the sanctioning body as to justification for his/her actions. Failure to do so may result in sanctions against the coach. 503.5 Coach/manager who knowingly sends a player onto the playing field with the intent to participate in the game, any youth who is overage. DISCIPLINE: Suspended a minimum of three (3) years. 503.6 INJURED PLAYERS When an injured player (inclusive of the goalkeeper) is attended to on the field of play, the player must leave the field of play for treatment and evaluation. A substitution may be made for the injured player. If the team plays short, the injured player will not be allowed back onto the field of play without the permission of the referee. The injured player may re-enter the field from any point on the boundary lines if the ball is out of play; if the ball is in play the player may re-enter only from the touch line. The trainer or coach shall not enter the field of play without the approval of the referee. (Note: If removing the player from the field will cause the number of player on the field to fall below the minimum required, the referee will allow a reasonable time for the injured player to be treated before allowing the match to continue.) 504. COMPLETING GAME SUSPENSIONS 504.1 Red card suspension or send off suspensions can only be served with the team with which the suspension was earned in games played by their team. Until the suspension is served the player/coach is suspended from any other team(s) to which the player/coach may be registered. Games may not be scheduled to “work off” suspension. Players may not serve suspensions as “guest players” nor may they “guest play” with any other team(s) until such time as the original suspension is served. 1. Issued during league game must be worked off during next scheduled league, Cup or tournament game(s). 2. Issued during (American) District, Regional or President's Cup, they must be worked off during remainder of the competition. If no competition remains, suspension must be worked off in next scheduled league and/or tournament game(s). 3. Issued during Tournament Play: Tournament Red Card Report filed along with game reports as required by Post-Tournament rules. FYSA office to send copy of Red Card Report and appropriate game reports to the DC in the next immediate mail out. DC to notify club of a discipline/sanctions remaining. 4. Issued during "friendly games" must be worked off during the next scheduled league, Cup or tournament game(s). "Friendly games" may not be scheduled to work off game suspensions nor if Page 63 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year previously scheduled, used to work off suspension given during league, cup or tournament games. 5. Issued during the US Youth National Championship (State Cup), at any level, shall not be allowed to participate in the next immediately following National Championship (State Cup) game played by the player’s team. A player may receive more than one (1) game suspension. Local club/league may issue additional discipline to be served in other than National Championship (State Cup) games. 6. A red card suspension issued during a small sided tournament which can not be served during the event shall be served during the player/coach’s next scheduled club, league or cup game(s). For a suspension issued during a normal league/cup game, the player must sit out the first game of any small sided tournament previously entered. The player shall then be able to compete in the remainder of the tournament. The player shall not receive credit for the small sided game(s) against the original suspension. 504.2 Red card suspensions received as a “guest player” may only be served with the player’s primary team. If the player’s primary team is not active in competition, with the permission of the DC, the player may serve the suspension with a secondary team if dual rostered. Suspension received as a guest player may carry forward to the player’s primary team during the next seasonal year the player is registered. 504.3 Red card or ejection issued due to Referee Assault/Abuse shall require: 1. Player pass, game report and other documents sent to FYSA’s State Office within seventy-two (72) hours. (Referee shall also send a copy of the report to the SRA/SYRA.) A determination as to probable cause to proceed to a hearing shall be forwarded to the appropriate RVP. 2. Disciplinary hearing shall be scheduled within thirty (30) days of the notification by the FYSA Review and Discipline Committee. Any delay in scheduling a hearing within the thirty (30) days must be approved by the chairperson of the FYSA Review and Discipline Committee. 3. Player/coach suspended immediately upon receipt by FYSA of the initial report. 505. DISCIPLINE - ADMINISTRATIVE CONDUCT 505.1 Offenses related to Administrative misconduct are as follows: A. Affiliation failure to comply with Affiliation procedures per Rule 102 B. Registration: failure to register players/coaches per Rule Section 200 and 400 C. Fees: failure to pay required fees or fines according to Rule Section 300 D. Discipline and Sanctions: failure to comply with or administer Rule Section 500 E. Protest and Appeals failure to provide due process according to Rule Section 600 F. Mis-Feasance: Failure to perform duties and responsibilities according to the Rules Mal-Feasance: Failure to perform duties and responsibilities intending to circumvent the Rules Non-Feasance: Failure to perform duties and responsibilities. G. Unauthorized Disclosure Failure to protect personal data 505.2 Discipline for any of the previous offenses shall be as herein described and levied against an Affiliate, Player or FYSA Official: Offense A. Affiliation B. Registration Charged Affiliate Affiliate Player FYSA Official C. Fees Page 64 of 118 Affiliate Player As of 09/28/2010 Discipline Warning; affiliation withheld Game Forfeit; suspension One (1) year for each year played under infraction Per Review/Discipline Recommendations Placed NGS Registration Withheld 2010-2011 Seasonal Year D. Discipline/Sanction Affiliate FYSA Official E. Protest and Appeal Affiliate FYSA Official F. Mis/Mal/Non/Feasance Affiliate FYSA Official G. Unauthorized Disclosure Affiliate FYSA Official (includes ADC) Sanction Per Review /Discipline Recommendations Sanction Per Review/Discipline Recommendations Sanction Per Review/Discipline Recommendations Sanction Per Review/Discipline Recommendations 505.3 Violation of any provision of FYSA Rules Section 505.2 shall carry a sanction of suspension for not less than 30 days to a maximum of five (5) years. 505.4 Falsification of documentation is defined as the knowingly submission to any authority a document(s) that have been altered or are deceptive. This shall include but not be limited to player registration cards, birth certificates, rosters and player passes. Violation shall result in suspension of not less than three (3) years to a maximum of fifty (50) years. 505.5 Any player who is found to have been registered using birth documentation found to be materially inaccurate or altered shall be removed from the roster and denied participation from all FYSA sanctioned events for a period of a minimum of one (1) year by FYSA’s Registrar. This administrative action may be appealed to FYSA’s Registration Committee by written notification of appeal within seven (7) days of receipt of the Registrar’s decision. 505.6 All players registered to the affected team must present original birth documentation to FYSA or its designee within fifteen (15) days. Failure to do so will result in the player(s) being placed in unverified status until such time as FYSA has received sufficient documentation of the actual date of birth. 505.7 Inaccurate birth documentation shall include but not be limited to actual birth certificates issued by governmental authorities, in which the issuing agency has recorded an incorrect date of birth. If the player has knowingly participated as an overage player, he/she shall be subject to all provisions of FYSA Rule 505.4. This action may be appealed to the FYSA Protest and Appeals Committee. 505.8 Any entity (affiliate or person) found guilty of documentation falsification (FYSA Rule 505.4) shall be held liable for all expenses borne by FYSA. These expenses shall include, but not be limited to, travel for FYSA officers, staff and witnesses; costs associated with hearing location; copying; and travel expenses borne by the panel members. Failure to pay these expenses within thirty (30) days of invoice shall be grounds for being placed in “Not in Good Standing” with FYSA. 600. CHARGES, PROTEST, APPEALS, INTERVENTION, GRIEVANCES, and HEARING REQUIREMENTS 601. DEFINITIONS 601.1 Due Process shall be defined as the procedures contained within this section and shall guarantee any individual, affiliate, player, coach, official or administrator of FYSA or any affiliate the right to exercise these procedures. Due process includes the right to know what charges have been made against a person and the right to a hearing before the imposition of any sanction whatsoever, including suspension, for any period of time. Exceptions to the hearing requirement are: Page 65 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 1. Assault on a referee for which a suspension may be imposed immediately until a hearing can be held; 2. Arrest or charges for any felony or any other crime involving moral turpitude for which a suspension may be imposed until resolution of all criminal charges; and 3. Red Card suspension which is no greater than the minimum required under USSF and FYSA Rules. 601.2 Informal Hearing is defined as a process with less notification procedures and less strict procedural rules that may be held in cases involving minor infractions in which the penalty imposed shall not exceed five (5) games. Notifications may be done by telephone or in person and conduct of the hearing shall be informal so long as the interested parties are notified and have the opportunity to present evidence before a decision is made. 601.3 Formal Hearing is defined as any other hearing that must be held. The procedures for holding a formal hearing are set forth in FYSA Rule 611. 601.4 Protest is defined as a formal method that challenges the results of an event. It may be filed by any individual, club, league, officer, administrator, or affiliate whose interest is affected by the ruling or decision being protested. 601.5 Appeal is defined as a formal method of requesting a reversal of a decision or ruling made by an authority within FYSA. It may be filed by any individual, club, league, officer, administrator, or affiliate who has been directly affected by that ruling and which person affected believes is contrary to the Constitution, Bylaws or Rules of FYSA, US Youth Soccer, USSF or FIFA. Appeals must be filed by the person against whom a decision has been made. 601.6 Charges is defined as a formal method of filing charges against an individual, affiliate, or BOD member of FYSA regarding the violation of any FYSA, US Youth Soccer or USSF bylaw, rule or policy. 601.7 Grievances among affiliated members of FYSA is defined as a complaint by one Affiliate against another Affiliate that alleges that the affiliate has failed to comply with its membership requirements or with its membership requirements with FYSA. 602. GENERAL PROVISIONS: PROTEST, APPEALS, REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION, GRIEVANCE AMONG MEMBERS 602.1 Objectives for FYSA establishing these guidelines are to provide for fair, equitable, timely and uniformly applied procedures for reviewing the conduct of FYSA Affiliates, supporting their rights, insuring adherence to the Rules and applying discipline based on a system of protest and appeal. 602.2 Due process shall be guaranteed to any individual or group disciplined or sanctioned by any body within the jurisdiction of FYSA. Failure to provide due process shall result in the suspension of the discipline imposed and sanction against the body failing to provide due process. Upon determining due process has not been provided, the disciplining body may or may not be required by FYSA to re-institute proceedings according to the Rules. 602.3 Uniform rules shall be established and consistently applied to ensure that Affiliates have every opportunity to file protests and appeal decisions that affect their participation in soccer. 602.4 These rules shall apply to all individuals, affiliates, players, coaches, officials and administrators of any Affiliate. Discipline of any officer or director shall only be in accordance with Bylaws 6.2 and 6.3. 602.5 Protest, appeals, request for intervention and intervention policies shall be as set forth in these rules and in such policies as may be established by the Review and Discipline Committee and the Protest and Appeals Page 66 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Committee, as approved by the BOD and must be in keeping with the policies of USSF and US Youth Soccer. 602.6 Methods for informal requests for rule clarification that affect the Affiliates’ administrative, programmatic and procedural relationship with FYSA shall be established. 602.7 Compliance with FYSA Rules and Bylaws is required when an Affiliate constructs their own guidelines for protest and appeal procedures. They must ensure the right to a fair, impartial and timely hearing, protest or appeal process. 602.8 Entry levels for protesting any discipline or sanction shall herein be defined and the ability to appeal the action of the entry-level body can only be based on the failure at the entry level of not following proper procedures. 603. FILING OF CHARGES 603.1 An individual, affiliate, or BOD member of FYSA may be charged with the violation of any FYSA, US Youth Soccer or USSF rule, policy or bylaw. All charges filed that are outside the authority and jurisdiction of the affiliate shall be initially filed with FYSA’s Review and Discipline Committee. The initial charging letter describing the offense, with specific reference to the Rule that has been violated, copies of confirming documentation, and accompanied by a filing fee of $100.00 (unless filed by an FYSA official or FYSA committee) shall be filed with FYSA’s Review and Discipline Committee within ninety (90) days of discovery of the infraction (with the exception of a charge of referee abuse or assault that must follow the guidelines stated in FYSA Rule 502.7). The Review and Discipline Committee shall have sole authority to determine if there is sufficient evidence to warrant a hearing in the matter. If it is so determined, a hearing must be scheduled by the lowest authority possible within thirty days (30) of notification by the Review and Discipline Committee. Once the hearing has been held, the hearing panel must send a copy of the hearing record and decision letter to the FYSA office and a copy of the decision letter to the Review and Discipline Committee. The hearing rules and procedures will follow FYSA Rule 611. 603.2 Failure of any elected FYSA officer or member of the BOD to comply with or properly administer the bylaws and rules of FYSA, US Youth Soccer, or USSF may result in charges of misfeasance, malfeasance, or nonfeasance as outlined in FYSA Rule Section 505 (Discipline - Administrative Conduct). All charges shall be filed pursuant to the provisions laid out in FYSA Rule 603.1. Upon determination by the FYSA Review and Discipline Committee that sufficient evidence exists to proceed with a formal hearing, the FYSA President shall empanel a hearing panel of not less than three (3) nonBoard members with the President being the facilitator of the hearing. In the event that charges are brought against the President of FYSA, the FYSA Secretary shall empanel the hearing panel and will serve as facilitator of the hearing. Any decision resulting from the hearing may be appealed to the FYSA Protest and Appeals Committee. 603.3 Filing a charge(s) guarantees any Affiliate or its members the right to a hearing, subject to Review and Discipline’s determination. 604. PROTEST 604.1 Filing a protest guarantees any Affiliate or its members the right to a hearing. The Affiliate must follow the entry levels described, beginning at the lowest appropriate level. No level can be skipped if the Affiliate wishes to continue the protest process. 604.2 Entry levels for filing a protest (In all levels, the individual shall follow the procedures below.): 1. Team/individual to the Affiliated Club. Page 67 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 2. Team/Club to the Affiliated League, if applicable. 3. Team/Club/League to Protest and Appeals. 604.3 Procedures for filing a protest: 1. Entry level of protest as listed above must be followed. 2. Basis for the protest must be clear, specifically described and include all pertinent information. 3. Violated rules must be specifically referenced in writing. 4. Persons involved must be identified along with their address and phone number, including those with information but who may not be directly involved. 5. Documentation that should be submitted includes, but is not limited to, signed and certified statements, game reports, rosters, and/or other pertinent information. 6. Fees, as set by FYSA, shall be included. (See Fee Structure - Rule 303) 7. The time requirements for filing a protest must be within seven (7) days of the occurrence, and the protest must be submitted in writing. 8. The Protest and Appeals Committee may prescribe standard forms for use in filing all protest and appeals within the state. 604.4 For failure to meet requirements for filing a protest, the reviewing authority may: 1. Refuse to hear protest and return it to the person(s) filing protest. 2. Return protest to the appropriate entry level for review and reconsideration. 3. Deny protest as not having been correctly filed and/or submitted. 604.5 Tracking a Protest (These are guidelines and reasonable variations for legitimate reasons will not invalidate the appeal.): 1. Appellant to Protest and Appeals Committee 7 days 2. P/A to Affiliate/Member 21 days When a decision about a protest is made, the lower authority that initially made the allegations against any FYSA member, player and/or coach shall be notified within the time lines as specified above. 605. APPEALS 605.1 Filing an appeal guarantees any Affiliate or its members the right to appeal any decision impacting their ability to participate in soccer or deemed to be contrary to FYSA Rules or the rules of the Affiliate organization. (NOTE: No decision of a lower hearing authority that arises out of the application of the rules of the competition that is made in the course of the competition, and has no consequence beyond the competition may be appealed.) 605.2 Levels of Appeals are: 1. To the Protest and Appeals Committee of a decision reached at a lower authority. 2. As defined under FYSA Rule 606. 605.3 Procedures for filing an Appeal: 1. Level of appeal as listed previously has been followed. 2. Documentation and all pertinent information is submitted in writing including, but not limited to, the original decision of the lower authority. 3. The appellant shall furnish to all previous parties to the decision, by certified mail or other means where delivery can be verified, a copy of the appeal and all attachments referenced in the appeal. 4. Upon receipt of an appeal, the hearing body shall notify all parties to the action of the pending appeal and timelines for submission of arguments and rebuttals. This notice shall be by means where notification can be verified. 5. Time requirements are met following the protest decision. 6. Fees, as set by FYSA, shall be included. (See Fee Structure - Rule 303) Page 68 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 605.4 Criteria for filing an Appeal are: 1. Basis for the appeal is clear evidence that the lower authority failed to follow established procedures during original review. 2. Excessive disciplines and/or sanctions were imposed by the lower authority than is customarily required for the offense. 3. Authority not within the Rules of FYSA for the alleged offense. 4. Time requirements were not met by the lower level authority. 605.5 Denial of an Appeal shall be based on: 1. Basis of the appeal is not the failure of the lower level of authority to meet the rules. 2. Member filing appeal is not the person(s) or body that originally filed the protest. 3. The status of the person(s) filing the appeal is NGS. 4. Different basis or intent, in part or wholly, of the original appeal. 5. Established rules have not been followed. 605.6 Tracking of an Appeal (These are guidelines and reasonable variations for legitimate reasons will not invalidate the appeal.): 1. Individual/Team/affiliate/league 7 days Back to Appellant 10 days 2. Protest and Appeals Committee 10 days Back to Appellant 21 days When a decision is made about an appeal, the lower authority that initially made the allegations against any FYSA member, player and/or coach, shall be notified within the time lines as specified above. 605.7 Access to pertinent information in order for a party to file an appeal cannot be denied. Neither an Affiliate nor FYSA shall deny access to any information that could apply to the appeal. 606. APPEAL BEYOND FYSA 1. If jurisdiction does not vest with USSF, a decision rendered by FYSA’s Protest and Appeals Committee may be appealed to FYSA’s BOD. All conditions as contained under FYSA Rule 605.3 must be followed for an appeal to the BOD. A fee for this appeal may be set by FYSA’s BOD. 2. Appeal of a conviction of referee assault shall vest immediately with the USSF Appeal Committee. 3. As otherwise described in USSF Bylaws 702 and/or 705. 607 LITIGATION 607.1 Seeking the aid of the courts may not be pursued before exhausting all available remedies within the established channels of organized soccer including but not limited to FYSA and US Youth Soccer, or USSF as may be applicable. 607.2 Should an Affiliate or a member of an Affiliate cause FYSA to become involved in litigation as a defendant, either by the Affiliate or its members invoking the court action against FYSA or by rendering a decision contrary to the FYSA Rules that then causes FYSA to be also named in a suit, or any court action causing FYSA to act contrary to its' Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws, Rules and Regulations, shall result in the Affiliate/member being subject to suspension and fines. 607.2.1 The Affiliate/member shall be liable for any and all costs to FYSA to include, but not be limited to, the following: a. Court costs and attorney fees. b. Reasonable compensation for time spent by FYSA officials and/or employees in responding to and defending against allegations in the action including response to discovery and court appearances. Page 69 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year c. Travel, per diem expenses, and expenses for copying, reproducing or meeting requirements for the submission of documents. d. Preparation expenses for calling meetings of the BOD, EC and/or Committees if necessitated by the action. e. Any and all other expenses incurred by FYSA as a result of such action. 607.2.2 Invoking the use of the court system prior to the exhaustion of all appeals within FYSA and/or USSF shall result in immediate suspension from all FYSA sanctioned events for the party invoking legal action and shall result in any appeal process(s) remaining within FYSA being halted, until such time as the litigation is resolved. 608 REQUEST FOR INTERVENTION 608.1 Request for intervention may come from any Affiliate or Affiliate member in good standing and must follow the criteria established for this process. The EC shall exercise the right and authority to cause review and response to any request for intervention. 608.2 Procedures for Requesting Intervention are: 1. Basis for requesting intervention shall be upon documentation that a person(s) has been denied due process; a timely, fair or impartial hearing; has been denied the opportunity to respond to charges; or involves the action or failure to act by FYSA or the Affiliate. 2. Filing a request shall be directly to the Secretary of FYSA who shall present the request to the EC for direction. 3. Circumvention of the protest and appeal process cannot be the object of requesting intervention. 608.3 EC options are: 1. Refer to the Review and Discipline Committee if the EC feels that a valid and documented issue has been raised. The Review and Discipline Committee findings shall be submitted in writing to the persons(s) requesting intervention. 2. Deny request and take no action if the Committee determines a valid issue has not been raised or properly documented. 3. Refer to Protest and/or Appeal level deemed more appropriate to the issue. 608.4 Any expense incurred by FYSA will be assessed to the requesting party. FYSA may require a bond be posted equal to the estimated cost. 609 INTERVENTION 609.1 Intervention, upon request of an Officer of FYSA, into an Affiliate's organization, administration, or actions pertaining to protest, appeals and/or discipline is within FYSA's authority and right to intervene. 609.2 Procedures for Intervention are: 1. Review and Discipline Committee shall, upon notification by an Officer, review the rule infraction(s), determine if an infraction exists, and shall set discipline if determined infraction has occurred. 2. RVP shall take appropriate action as determined by the Review and Discipline Committee, providing due process has not been circumvented or denied. 610. GRIEVANCE BY AN AFFILIATE MEMBER OF FYSA 1. A written charging letter must be submitted by, signed or endorsed by the agent of record of the charging affiliate. This charging document shall be filed with the Secretary of FYSA. A copy of the complaint must also be sent, by registered, return receipt mail or some other service where service can be verified, to the charged affiliate. The complaint must contain the following: a. the names and addresses of the parties involved, Page 70 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. b. the alleged grounds or rules that have been violated, c. all supporting evidence or documents forming the basis of the complaint, and d. the relief sought. The complaint must be accompanied by the required fee as may be set by FYSA’s BOD. An answer to the complaint shall be filed by the charged affiliate with the Secretary of FYSA, with a copy to the all parties, by certified mail or other means where service can be verified, within thirty (30) days after receipt of the complaint. Failure to file a response within the requisite time period shall serve as a default, except upon showing of good cause. The complaint and answer shall be referred to the EC of FYSA for a hearing on the merits of the complaint. This hearing shall be held at the direction of the President of FYSA within sixty (60) days of the filing of the complaint. If the President believes it will best serve the interest of expeditious consideration of the complaint, the President may, with approval of the EC, appoint a panel of not less than three (3) members of the EC to hear evidence on the complaint. This panel will then submit its recommendations to the full EC for approval. Based on the nature of the complaint, the EC may adjust the above time lines. Any required hearing shall comply with Rule Section 611. There shall be no right of appeal to any other FYSA body from a determination of the EC under this procedure. 611. HEARING PROCEDURES 611.1 Hearings shall be held at the lowest or entry level when the disciplining body wants to levy more than the minimum discipline, when there is confusion as to who participated and/or to what degree in a serious incident, to determine responsibility for Administrative misconduct, or otherwise required for protest and/or appeal. Refer to FYSA Rule 611.3 for the proper procedure on conducting a hearing. Incorrect hearing procedures shall be cause for protest or appeal. 611.2 Informal hearings shall be held in cases of minor infractions that may involve one or only a few individuals. These hearings must be held at the entry level as described under Rule Section 604. However, notification, documentation and submission of evidence to the FYSA State Office as described under Formal Hearings (see next section) should be followed as closely as reasonably possible. (NOTE: Referee judgment calls are not subject to appeal.) 611.3 Formal Hearings shall be held in cases of major infractions and/or when it is not clear who is liable for discipline/suspension/sanction unless witness testimony is taken. The procedure is as follows: 1. Shall provide to the accused written notice (charging document) to the accused of the specific charges or alleged violations and the possible consequences if the charges are found to be true. 2. It shall be the sole responsibility of the requesting party to notify all persons who are requested to give testimony by first class or priority mail, Federal Express, UPS, fax with confirmation of receipt, or e-mail with confirmation of receipt. Such notice shall be retained as part of the record of the hearing. 3. Notice shall be sent at least seven (7) days in advance of the hearing as to date, time and place of the hearing to both the prosecution and defense. 4. Schedule the hearing as conveniently as possible to all participants. 5. The accused shall have the right to be assisted in the presentation of his/her case at the hearing. 6. The accused shall have the right to call witnesses and present oral and written evidence and arguments in support of his/her defense. 7. The accused shall have the right to confront witnesses, including the right to be provided with the identity of witnesses who will be giving testimony not less than seven (7) calendar days in advance of the hearing. 8. Select a hearing board of not less than three (3) pertinent representatives who are not familiar with the incident being heard. (NOTE: In the case of referee assault, the hearing panel shall be comprised of not less than five (5) members.) Page 71 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 9. The accused shall have the right, at his expense, to have a record of the proceedings made. 10. Document the proceedings and obtain copies of all documents supplied by anyone requested to be present or generated at the time the incident occurred. 11. Provide equal time for all sides and sufficient time to hear all sides. 12. Deliberate in private after the hearing. Reach a decision solely on the evidence of record (the evidence and testimony introduced at the hearing). A written decision letter must then be produced to include the reasons for the decision, the specific findings of the panel, a description of the charges, the factual conclusions made by the panel that led to its decision, the specific discipline imposed (if any), and the scope of any discipline. 13. Notify those being disciplined and/or recommended for further action of the decision by certified mail, return receipt requested, within ten (10) days of reaching the decision. 14. Include in the decision letter the next level of appeal, the procedure for filing that appeal, and costs associated with the appeal. 15. Provide a copy of the decision and all hearing documentation to the FYSA State Office. 16. Referee judgment or discretion calls cannot be heard by any disciplinary body. 611.4 It is the responsibility of the highest (last) hearing authority to notify the FYSA State Office in writing of any person(s) affiliated with FYSA who is suspended from participating in any FYSA activities for more than sixty (60) days or six (6) games. 700. BUDGET AND EXPENSES 701. GENERAL PROVISIONS 701.1 Budgets and expenses shall be established annually for Officers, Directors and Committees, as necessary for the operation of their offices. 701.2 An annual review by a certified public accountant shall be authorized by the Budget Committee of all FYSA funds, which may be a full audit or some lesser accounting procedure. 701.3 Accountability and fiscal responsibility shall be demonstrated by FYSA in the use of all funds under its authority and to assure that adequate resources are available to attain its goals to promote, support and educate for the advancement of youth soccer. All persons with budgetary authority shall be accountable for the expenditures of funds budgeted to their office or program. 701.4 Levels of Funding shall include but not be limited to: 1. Conduct of Business: a) Telephone b) Office supplies c) Postage d) Copying e) Fax services 2. Travel: a) In District or Region b) Out of District or Region c) Out of State 3. Per Diem: a) In District or Region b) Out of District or Region c) Out of State 4. Travel Outside of the Continental United States as per review and recommendation of the Budget Committee and approval of the EC. 701.5 Request for funding shall be submitted to the Budget Committee for review, modification, and approval or denial. The Committee will develop the budget in each category and submit it to the EC for review, comment, adjustment, modification, increase, reduction or denial of the request in whole or part. The request shall be returned to the Budget Committee for incorporation into the annual budget. 701.6 Final approval of requests for funding shall lie with the Board of Directors subject to their review and action, except as overruled by the Affiliate membership at the AGM by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote. Page 72 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 701.7 Adjustments, amendments, reductions, additions and/or deletions shall be submitted to the Budget Committee for review and recommendation and forwarded to the EC for action. Upon approval by the EC, the Budget Committee shall revise the annual budget and submit to the BOD. 701.8 Special modifications may be made to identified budget items in the amount of Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) or five (5) percent, whichever is less, either by the President or Chairman of the Budget Committee. Such modifications shall be submitted to the Executive Committee as part of the Treasurer's Report at their next meeting. 701.9 Review or expenditures as budgeted by Officers, Directors, Staff, etc. is within the authority of the Budget Committee. It is the responsibility of the Officers, Directors, Staff, etc., to maintain full documentation of their expenditures. Failure to provide the documentation will constitute grounds for disciplinary action by the Executive Committee or Board of Directors. 701.10 Yearly documented reports shall be submitted by anyone required to submit a budget on expenditures, prior to the end of the budget year, a date as set by the Treasurer, to the Budget Committee. Unobligated funds shall be returned to the General Fund in such form as directed by the Treasurer. 702. BUDGET PROCEDURES 702.1 Submitting a budget shall be required of all Officers, Directors, Administrative Staff, Committee Chairpersons, consultants and any other persons directed by FYSA to perform duties that may require expenditures for the performance of those duties. 702.2 President, Secretary, Treasurer shall submit request for funding for cost that may be incurred in the performance of their duties to the Budget Committee, annually. 702.3 Registrar, Region Vice-Presidents, Vice-President of Recreation and Competition shall submit request for funding for costs that may be incurred in the performance of their duties for approval by the EC prior to submission to the Budget Committee. 702.4 DCs shall submit requests for funding for costs that may be incurred in the performance of their duties to their RVP, for review and comment prior to submission to the Budget Committee. 702.5 Administrative Staff shall submit an annual budget request separate and apart from any budget requested for the day-to-day operation of the Administrative Office to the Budget Committee. 702.6 Standing Committee Chairperson shall submit request for costs that may be incurred in the performance of their Committee to the Budget Committee. 702.7 Special Committees, Consultants and Special Project Coordinators shall request funding from the Budget Committee as deemed necessary. Initial authorization by the EC shall not exceed $1000.00 dollars. If additional funds are needed the Budget Committee must review and submit for approval by the EC. 800. ACCIDENTAL MEDICAL AND LIABILITY INSURANCE 801. ACCIDENTAL MEDICAL COVERAGE 801.1 Excess Participant Accident coverage is maintained by FYSA; offering coverage to include affiliates, registered players, registered coaches/volunteers, participating in FYSA sanctioned activities at the team, club, league and State levels including FYSA sanctioned tournaments and Cups. Page 73 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 801.2 Coverage is available to all affiliated members who have been properly registered as per Rules and Regulations. For youth players who also participate in the Florida State Soccer Association, players are not covered during FSSA competitions and/or activities. 801.3 Policy term shall be June 1 through May 31 annually. 801.4 Notice of claim and initial treatment shall be given by claimant within ninety (90) days of the injury. 802. LIABILITY COVERAGE 802.1 Comprehensive general liability coverage both for the State Association and Affiliates shall be maintained. 802.2 The named insured for the State Association coverage shall include its representatives, Officers, Directors, volunteers and staff as established by the BOD. 802.3 Affiliate coverage includes Affiliate Officers, Directors, volunteers, players, coaches, assistant coaches, referees and spectators. 802.4 Policy term shall be from September1 through August 31, annually unless changed by FYSA’s BOD. The policy may have a deductible for claims arising from spectators and for property damage. Note: Such provisions are subject to change on notice of the carrier. 802.5 Directors and Officers Liability: A separate Directors and officers liability policy, including Employment Practices Liability shall be maintained for FSYA BOD and its Affiliates. 802.6 Claim Procedures (Liability): Affiliates are to immediately notify the President of FYSA of any claims alleging negligent actions resulting in Bodily Injury or Property Damage. 803. GENERAL PROVISIONS 803.1 Public liability or the medical insurance contract shall not be amended or otherwise altered by the overall direction and information contained herein. The wording of the policy constitutes the only agreement and provision of coverage between the insured and the insurance companies. 803.2 Out of State travel requires approved State travel permits and roster on file at the State Office for the insurance to be valid outside of the State. 803.3 Additional Insured coverage can be supplied to owners or operators of game and practice facilities if they require proof of insurance or additional named insured certificates. This service shall be provided for a fee in the amount listed in Fees/Fines Structure (302). 804. CLAIM PROCEDURE (Participant Accident) 804.1 Initial contact to report an injury and to obtain the necessary notification and claim forms shall be with the club registrar or agent of record. Accidental claim forms must be obtained and completed. Claimant shall follow instructions for correctly completing the form. 804.2 Claims may be denied if the below listed procedures are not followed and in no case shall a claim be paid if the participant is not properly affiliated or registered to FYSA. 804.3 Primary carrier benefits must be depleted before FYSA coverage can be paid through these policies. Claimant shall be advised and notified that the coverage is secondary and subject to a deductible chosen Page 74 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year by the FYSA BOD if the claimant has no other insurance. This shall be acknowledged on the FYSA forms. 804.4 Processing of claims must be through the State Office. 900. TOURNAMENT AND TRAVEL 901. GENERAL PROVISIONS Tournament oversight shall be within the authority of FYSA and the Tournament and Travel Committee. Initial approvals shall be under the direction of the FYSA Tournament and Travel Committee. The Committee reserves the right of final approval over all tournament and travel applications. State approved applications requiring additional approvals shall be submitted to US Youth Soccer and/or USSF for final approval. Denial by either organization shall negate state approval. The following forms are required to be used by the tournaments sanctioned by FYSA. Modifications to the game report and supplemental form as to the addition of tournament logos and sponsors is acceptable. Context of forms cannot be changed. A. Official FYSA or USSF Game Report B. Official FYSA or USSF Supplemental Report C. Official USSF Game Report and Supplemental Report to be used for referee abuse and assault cases. Failure to use the forms listed in A, B and C above will result in a fine to the tournament of $100.00 per incorrect form used. This change will be effective as of January 1, 2010. 902. TOURNAMENT REQUIREMENTS A sanctioned tournament is any tournament having official approval from FYSA, other US Youth Soccer members, USSF and/or FIFA (international federation). All sanctioned tournaments will require that teams and coaches present the following: 1. Picture identification cards for players and coaches issued by the team’s Federation Organization Member. 2. Official Event Roster approved by the team’s Federation Organization Member. 3. Official Guest Player Form(s) approved by the team’s Federation Organization Member. 4. Official Permission to Travel Form(s), if applicable, approved by the team’s Federation Organization Member. 902.1 Application to host a tournament is required if the Affiliate invites teams from outside their region. Applications must be submitted including the following: US Youth Soccer Application to Host form, properly completed and signed by the affiliates agent of record. US Youth Soccer Tournament Hosting Agreement, properly completed Appropriate fees. See Fees/Fines Structure FYSA Rule 905. All required tournament fees and late charges shall be non-refundable. FYSA club responsibility form If foreign teams are invited or accepted, all requirements of 904.4 must additionally be complied with. A copy of the rules for the Tournament Affiliates or associated affiliates who have previously held within the last twelve (12) months a tournament without sanctions or fines shall have the bond requirement waived until such time as a sanction or fine is imposed. The bond requirement shall then be reinstated. Failure to comply may subject the affiliate to fines as outlined under section 905 Page 75 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 902.2 Tournament Hosting Application Deadlines are: 1. Within Region: received thirty (30) days prior to tournament by the State Office. 2. Within State: received sixty (60) days prior to tournament by the State Office. 3. Outside the State: received ninety (90) days prior to tournament by the State Office 4. Any request for modifications to approved tournament rules less than thirty (30) prior to the event will require an additional fee of 250.00. 5. Late fees may be assessed to cover additional cost to FYSA. The minimum late fee shall be 100.00. 902.3 The State Office shall process the application to the required State, Regional or National authority. Tournament acceptances and/or invitations may not be issued until all official approvals have been granted and notification of such has been received by the hosting affiliate. The State office shall notify the DC of the hosting affiliate as to the receipt and final approval of the application. 902.4 All FYSA Sanctioned Tournaments will have a currently certified referee assignor, responsible for all referee assignments. This will include but not limited to the following: All Sanctioned Tournaments, any and all State Cup Games, all levels of Regional Cup Games, Presidents Cup, DC Cup(s), Kohl’s American Cup, Division II Cup, and ODP games. 902.5 All Tournaments are encourages to have a coaches’ meeting prior to the beginning of competition to discuss schedule changes and local tournament rules. 902.6 International teams attending tournaments must supply, at credentials check-in, their National Federation permission to attend the tournament and/or other tournaments within the U.S. and proof of medical insurance coverage (refer to manual for procedures concerning medical coverage or the lack thereof). Passports are acceptable proof of age since most National Federations do not issue permanent player passes. 902.7 For all tournaments and games involving international teams (teams from outside the United States), the rules for the tournament or games must comply with the following substitution requirements: For matches involving players under 16 years of age, the number of substitutions allowed is as provided by the rules of the tournament or game. For all other matches, the number of substitutions is as agreed to prior to the match and the referee is informed prior to the match of that number. The number agreed to can be as provided in the rules of the tournament or game. 902.8 It shall be the policy of FYSA that any tournament must disclose with the application and invitation any and all requirements that must be met upon acceptance of the team by the tournament. This will include will but not be limited to the following: 1. Any player fees not included in the application fee, 2. Any requirements as to mandatory travel arrangements that must be arranged through the tournament, 3. Any requirements as to mandatory hotels in which teams must arrange lodging, and. 4. Any other requirements, such as parking fees, etc., that the hosting organization plans to impose at the tournament. Violation of the above may result in the revocation of the approval by FYSA of the Tournament. 902.9 No Tournament shall advertise in any fashion its tournament as approved, prior to receiving final approvals from FYSA, Regional, and National authorities as may be required, unless the wording “Pending Approval” is included. (Note---This wording must be of the same type and size as the predominate type in the advertisement.) 902.10 Any team that will not be permitted to play in the contracted age group shall have the option to withdraw and receive a full refund of all entry fees. All tournaments shall notify any participant Page 76 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year not less than fifteen (15) days prior to the beginning of the tournament if any age group advertised will not be offered. 902.11 Tournaments may only accept FYSA’s official Guest Player Form(s) per FYSA Rule 208 for players participating as guest players with FYSA and/or US Youth Soccer teams. No other forms are valid for guest player permission for FYSA sanctioned events. Organizations and Associations other than FYSA will provide their own guest player form or requirements for teams participating. No player will be granted permission to participate with a non-US Youth Soccer team utilizing his/her FYSA pass. Failure to use the official FYSA Guest Player Form(s) will result in a fine to the tournament of $100.00 per team that does not have the proper documentation. 902.12 Tournaments are required to accept only the official FYSA computer-generated Event Roster for FYSA teams participating in the tournament. If the team participating has guest players, the properly executed FYSA Guest Player Form(s) must be attached to the roster. Organizations and Associations other than FYSA will produce their own roster forms per their rules and requirements. Failure to obtain and use the official FYSA computer-generated Event Roster for FYSA events will result in a fine to the tournament of $100.00 per team for each incorrect roster. 902.13 TOURNAMENT REFUND POLICY Any tournament that fails to return/refund an entry fee per the time lines listed below will be subject to an assessment fine not to exceed ten (10) times the original entry fee. Any report of violation of the above will be referred to the Tournament and Travel Committee. Failure to pay the assessed fine could result in the hosting affiliate/associate affiliate being placed in NGS with FYSA. Future approval requests to host tournaments by the affiliate/associate affiliate could also be denied. Tournament entry fee returns/refunds as follows: A. Within five (5) days after notification that the team is not accepted by their application. B. Within five (5) days upon cancellation of the tournament. C. Within ten (10) days of withdrawal request of the application by a team prior to acceptance of that application by the tournament. 902.14 The Hosting Affiliate is responsible to ensure that all required post tournament reports are timely and properly filed. All reports must be typed, computer generated or submitted online. (No handwritten reports will be accepted.) 1. Tournament red card summary report along with copies of the game and supplemental referee reports must be faxed, e-mailed or submitted online to the FYSA office within seventy-two (72) hours after completion of the event, inclusive of weekends. If the red card summary report is submitted online, then the game and supplemental referee reports must be faxed or emailed separately with a copy of the red card report. The report must be filed even if there are no red cards issued. 2. The post tournament report must be filed within fifteen (15) calendar days of completion of the event via fax, email or online submission. Said report is to include a statement from the tournament referee assignor explaining whether or not each tournament game was staffed by the appropriate number of certified referees based on the requirements per age category. If not, then the assignor is to identify now many games were not completely staffed and a reason for the lack of certified referees, if available. The tournament may be fined a per game fee for each game not fully staffed as defined under FYSA Rule 905.1. 3. All original game reports and team rosters must be maintained by the hosting organization for a period of not less than ninety (90) calendar days. 902.15 All fees and approved by the BOD are defined in FYSA Rules Section 905. Page 77 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 903. TRAVEL REQUIREMENTS 903.1 Travel requirements shall be established for affiliated teams that wish to compete in tournaments or other competitions outside their club/league, within their FYSA region, within the State of Florida, within US Youth Soccer Region III (“Region III”), outside of Region III but within the United States, or outside the United States (foreign travel). The necessary forms may be obtained from the club registrar and furnished to FYSA together with additional information and/or fees required per Rule 903.3, 903.4 and 903.5. Permission to travel shall be granted by FYSA for only those events sanctioned by US Youth Soccer or other National State Associations as defined by USSF. 903.2 Travel within the State of Florida requires no special application or approval. 903.3 Travel outside the State of Florida but within Region III shall require the following. Except for normal league play, notification must be sent for each event: 1. Copy of Region III Interstate Travel Notice form. 2. Copy of approved tournament application, hosting agreement, league information. 3. FYSA computer-generated roster with properly executed guest form(s) attached. 4. Appropriate fees, as required. 903.4 Travel outside of Region III but within the U.S. shall require the following submitted to FYSA: 1. US Youth Soccer Application to Travel form, properly completed and signed by the affiliate’s agent of record. 2. Copy of approved tournament application. 3. FYSA computer-generated roster with properly executed guest form(s) attached. 4. Affiliate letter signed by the "agent of record" granting permission for travel and accepting responsibility for the team’s conduct while traveling. 5. Appropriate fees, as required. 903.5 Travel to foreign countries shall require the following submitted to FYSA: 1. For travel outside the United States, approval is required by and therefore must be obtained from USSF. Denial by USSF shall negate State approval. Approval shall be granted only for properly sanctioned events. 2. US Youth Soccer Application to Travel and USSF travel forms properly completed and signed by the affiliate’s agent of record. 3. Copy of approved documentation from the hosting National Federation and pertinent information regarding the proposed matches. 4. FYSA computer-generated roster with properly executed guest form(s) attached. 5. Appropriate fees. See Fees/Fines Structure. 6. Notice of approval from USSF will be sent to the National Federation of the Country to which the team is traveling, to FYSA and to the traveling team. 903.6 While traveling outside of the State of Florida either nationally or internationally, all teams or players/coaches/volunteers must carry with them the following: 1. US Youth Soccer Player/Coach Pass for each player, guest player and team official listed on the roster and traveling with the team. 2. US Youth Soccer Application to Travel, officially approved if applicable. 3. FYSA computer-generated roster with properly executed guest form(s) attached. 4. Notarized medical releases forms, signed by parent/guardian authorizing emergency medical care (for all players under the age of 18). 903.7 Travel Application deadlines are: 1. Outside State and within Region III: Not less than 24 hours. 2. Outside Region III but within the United States: Thirty (30) days prior to tournament or match. Page 78 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Fifteen (15) to twenty (20) days, a late fee shall be assessed. Less than fifteen (15) days, travel may be denied and application not accepted by the Tournament and Travel Committee. 3. Internationally: Ninety (90) days prior to tournament or match. Forty (40) to eighty-nine (89) days, a late fee shall be assessed. Less than forty (40) days, travel may be denied and application not accepted by the Tournament and Travel Committee. 904. HOSTING TEAMS FOR EXHIBITION GAMES 904.1 Hosting teams either from outside the Region, outside the State, foreign, Senior, amateur or professional, for exhibition or games, may only be done following special guidelines as required by FYSA and USSF. 904.2 Hosting Teams: 1. Hosting teams from within Florida but outside the team’s home region shall require notification of the hosting team’s DC not less than 24 hours prior to the match. 2. Hosting teams from outside the State shall require using US Youth Soccer player passes and a roster verified by the National State Association of the traveling team being submitted to the DC. 3. Hosting teams from outside Florida but within Region III shall require notification of FYSA by fax or e-mail not less than 24 hours prior to the match. FYSA shall notify the appropriate DC. It shall be the responsibility of the hosting affiliate to ensure that the proper level of referees is assigned to the match. 4. Hosting teams from outside Region III (within the United States) shall require the following: a. US Youth Soccer Application to Host form properly completed and signed by the hosting affiliate’s agent of record. b. Approval by FYSA and payment of the appropriate fee. c. Club responsibility form on file with FYSA. d. A copy of the Tournament Rules. e. Appropriate fees as may be required. f. The hosting affiliate must notify the Area Director of Assignors to ensure that the proper level of game officials is assigned to any match. 5. Hosting foreign teams shall require the hosting team to use a FYSA verified rosters or computer generated roster, an FYSA or US Youth Soccer player pass and passports for visiting teams, and submitting the following to FYSA. (Note--Once Passports are verified a temporary roster may be generated) a. US Youth Soccer Application to Host a tournament or games form properly completed and signed by affiliate’s agent of record approved by FYSA. b. USSF application to host foreign teams properly completed and approved by USSF. c. USSF hosting agreement properly completed and signed by the affiliate’s agent of record approved by FYSA and USSF. d. Club responsibility form on file with FYSA. e. Copy of the rules of the competition for any variation from FIFA School Boy Rules. f. Signed copy of Ted Stevens Olympic and Amateur Sports Act. g. Appropriate fees as may be required. 904.3 International teams invited to play exhibition games must supply, before the games are played, to the DC, Federation documentation permitting the teams to travel within the U.S. and proof of medical insurance. 904.4 Youth teams may be permitted to compete against non-FYSA and/or US Youth Soccer teams subject to conditions as outlined below: 1. Teams not affiliated with USSF (e.g., high school teams, college teams, etc.): a. A request must be submitted to the FYSA office in writing and be accompanied with an official FYSA roster listing all players that will compete. Permission must be requested for each event. Page 79 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year b. The FYSA office will grant permission in writing, upon verification of the roster and as to proof of the proper assignment of game officials (game officials will be assigned at a level appropriate for the highest level team competing). c. The team requesting permission to play a non-affiliated team must provided written verification to the FYSA office prior to FYSA granting approval that the non-affiliated team has permission to play and is covered by insurance from the non-affiliate's sanctioning body. d. All paper work must be to the FYSA office not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the match or FYSA may deny permission. e. Failure to obtain permission may result in the team's administrative staff (coach, team manager, etc.) being suspended from all FYSA sanctioned events for at least thirty (30) calendar days. 2. Teams under direct sponsorship of USSF (e.g., National teams, academy teams, etc.): a. A request must be submitted to the FYSA office in writing and be accompanied by an official FYSA roster listing all players that will compete. Permission must be requested for each event. b. The FYSA office will grant permission in writing, upon verification of the roster and shall notify FSR of the event and request assistance with the proper assignment of game officials from the DRA, ARA or SYRA. c. The team requesting permission to play a team under the direct sponsorship and supervision of USSF must provided written verification to the FYSA office prior to FYSA granting approval that the USSF team has permission to play said game(s). d. All paper work must be to the FYSA office not less than seven (7) calendar days prior to the match or FYSA may deny permission. e. Failure to obtain permission may result in the team's administrative staff (coach, team manager, etc.) being suspended from all FYSA sanctioned events for at least thirty (30) calendar days. 3. Teams from other USSF affiliated organizations (e.g., US Club Soccer, USL, Y League, etc.): a. FYSA registered teams shall be permitted to compete against team from other USSF affiliated organizations, provided the competition is officiated by USSF registered referees and/or game officials and the other team is covered by insurance from their sanctioning organization. b. All FYSA benefits of membership shall be extended to FYSA players and coaches participating in such events. c. Failure to abide by the terms of this subsection shall negate any insurance claims arising from the competition. d. The FYSA registered team shall retain a copy of both official team rosters and submit the documentation upon request by FYSA staff/officials. e. This subsection shall not be construed to permit teams not affiliated with FYSA or US Youth Soccer to participate in leagues designated as competitive or non-US Youth Soccer sanctioned tournaments. 904.5 Hosting team’s application deadlines are: 1. Within Region III shall require notification of not less than 24 hours. 2. Outside State but within U.S. - thirty (30) days prior to match. Fifteen (15) to twenty-nine (29) days prior to match, a late fee shall be assessed. Less than fifteen (15) days, hosting may be denied and application not accepted by FYSA. 3. Internationally - ninety (90) days prior to match. Twenty (20) to eighty-nine (89) days prior to match, late fees shall be assessed. Less than twenty (20) days, hosting will be denied and application not accepted by the DC or FYSA. 905. TOURNAMENT AND TRAVEL FEE SECTION Tournament hosting Application Fee Within home region Within the State of Florida Page 80 of 118 $50.00 $150.00 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Within the United States Any Foreign Teams Tournament Bond as may be required $150.00 $250.00 $2,500.00 Tournament Hosting late fees (Teams outside of Florida) 90-150 days $100.00 60-90 days $200.00 30-60 days $500.00 less than 30 $1,000.00 Teams only from Florida less than 30 days $100.00 Amendments to Applications: Tournament Less than thirty (30) days before the event $100.00 $250.00 Tournament Web Advertising: Enhanced website advertisement Enhanced advertisement with logo Additional tournament listing done at same time $125.00 $175.00 $25.00/listing Application to travel: Out of State within the United States other than Region III More than 30 days 15-29 days Less than 15 days Within Region III less than 30 Days $10.00 $35.00 $100.00 $20.00 Foreign Travel More than 60 days 59-30 days less than 30 days $75.00 $150.00 $250.00 Game Hosting Fees/game (Fees listed are per game involving the visiting team) Teams, registered with US Youth Soccer, from within US Youth Soccer Region III, there shall be no fee with proper notification. Teams, registered with US Youth Soccer, from within the U.S. but outside Region III: 30 or more days prior to event $10.00/game Less than 30 days prior to event $25.00/game Foreign Teams: More than 90 days prior to event $50.00/game 89-30 days prior to event $100.00/game Less than 30 days prior to event $125.00/game Tournament and Travel fines: Failure to timely file or file red card reports Failure to timely file or file post tournament reports Failure to staff games with required number of certified referees Failure to follow FYSA min red card sanctions Page 81 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 $250.00 $500.00 The higher of $25.00 per game or the referee game fee for the unstaffed position(s) $1,000.00 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Failure to follow posted tournament rules Failure to follow refund policy Failure to maintain games report/rosters for 90 days $1,000.00 10 times entry fee $1,000.00 Hosting a tournament without proper permission: Teams from within Florida Teams from outside Florida within the USA Any Foreign Teams $500.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 Hosting or playing against teams without permission Failure to properly notify FYSA for teams within Region III Out of Florida within United States Any Foreign Team $100.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 Traveling without Permission Out of Region within State of Florida Out of Florida within the United States Foreign Travel $500.00 $1,500.00 $2,500.00 1000. OLYMPIC DEVELOPMENT PROGRAM 1001. GENERAL PROVISIONS 1001.1 The main goal of the Florida Youth Soccer Association Olympic Development Program is to identify players for our men’s and women’s Youth National Teams. This selection process takes place through state, regional and national trials. 1001.2 Technical assistance in the form of a program description shall be published. The program description shall provide the procedures for participating in the Olympic Development Program, current fee schedule, time requirements, and any other directions necessary for participation in the program. 1001.3 The Director of Coaching and Player Development, in coordination with the Olympic Development Program Committee shall have oversight of the program and be responsible for developing the format, holding the trials and selecting the coaches for the program. 1001.3.1 An active club/league coach shall not coach, assist and/or advise in ODP in the same age group and gender in which they currently coach. 1001.4 Fees shall be required in order to finance the program which shall be in addition to the required registration fees for FYSA. Selected player may also be responsible for travel fees to trials, matches, and tournament, and for room and board while traveling. It may also be necessary to pay uniform fees if not sponsored. 1001.5 Trialist and selected player conduct shall be in keeping with the principles of good sportsmanship, and players shall commit no acts which may discredit themselves or FYSA. 1001.6 The program format requires the following: 1. A player may be identified in age group trials that are set up throughout the state or through the FYSA scouting program. 2. The number of players selected at the Region level shall be unlimited. The State pool in each age group will depend on the player pool. The number of teams identified will be determined by the size of the player pool. 3. Player registration with FYSA is required. Page 82 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 4. Pre-Registration for a trial is required for all players. 5. Advancing to State trials requires selection from the Regional trials, scouted by FYSA scouting program or previously identified to Region III Pool or National Pool unless granted exception from the Olympic Development Program Committee (see Rule 1001.7). 6. Required forms must be submitted by players to the State Office to advance to State level. 7. Expenses for travel, room, and food shall be incurred by the selected player unless specifically provided for by FYSA. 8. U.S. Citizenship is not a requirement to participate in ODP at the State level. 1001.7 Exceptions to trial participation shall be made for justifiable cause such as illness or other extenuating circumstances. A player requesting an exception shall submit a written request to attend State Trials with the proper documentation. 1001.8 Age groups are determined by the International age cutoff dates which change periodically and may not coincide with the US Youth Soccer cutoff dates. It is recommended that players enter in their age group and not in a higher group. 2000. COACHING DEVELOPMENT 2001. GENERAL PROVISIONS 2001.1 State level coaching development is designed to provide instruction in soccer coaching for any individual regardless of coaching or playing background. The philosophy is to expose the beginner or novice to coaching and teaching methods which are economical and efficient. This is achieved by the development of State level coaching courses. 2001.2 Procedures for hosting courses shall be published and posted on the FYSA website. The procedures shall provide the process for scheduling courses, course curriculum, current fee schedule, time requirements and any other directions necessary for obtaining a State-level coaching license. The hosting procedures shall be binding on all affiliates and/or participants. 2001.3 Program administration shall be overseen by the Vice President of Player and Coaching Development. The Director of Coaching and Player Development will be responsible for all correspondence between the Affiliate requesting the course and the State Office. He/she will assign Staff Coaches, insure proper forms are completed and submit necessary documents for coach's fees to be paid. 2001.4 State coaching courses will conform to curriculum developed by US Soccer Federation. Additional courses sand clinics may be developed by FYSA to meet the needs of its membership. 2001.5 The instructional staff shall be certified and administered by the Director of Coaching and Player Development. The staff shall be drawn from those coaches holding a National A, B, or National Youth License. Certification as an instructor is dependent upon the instructor's attending staff training sessions and demonstrating an ability to teach. 2001.6 National licensed coaches may instruct State levels as follows; however, exceptions may be made by permission of the Director of Coaching and Player Development: 1. A D, E or F Courses 2. B D, E or F Courses 3. C E or F Courses 4. National Youth License and C (or higher) Modules 2001.7 Fees shall be charged for all four levels of licenses as specified in the Coaching Manual to support the program and are due and payable upon application. The fee charged each participant for any particular Page 83 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year course shall be the same throughout the State, thus, people in outlying Districts are not penalized with extra travel expenses for the instructor. 3000. OFFICERS, DIRECTORS, STAFF 3001. OFFICERS 1. President 2. Vice President of Player/Coaching Development 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 3002. DIRECTORS 1. Registrar 2. Region Vice-Presidents (4) 3. Vice President of Administration and Communication 4. Vice President of Competition 5. DCs 3003. EC 1. President 2. Vice President of Player/Coaching Development 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Registrar 6. Region Vice-Presidents (4) 7. Vice President of Administration and Communication 8. Vice President of Competition 3004. BOD 1. President 2. Vice President of Player/Coaching Development 3. Secretary 4. Treasurer 5. Registrar 6. RVPs (4) 7. Vice President of Administration and Communication 8. Vice President of Competition 9. DCs (20) 10. Referee Liaison 11. Ex Officio Member(s) 3005. ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES 3006. STAFF 3006.1 Administrative employees and office staff shall be determined by the Personnel Committee subject to approval by the EC as to number of positions needed for the adequate performance of the State Office. Hiring and firing shall be recommended by the Personnel Committee and approved by the EC. 3006.2 A personnel manual shall be established by the EC in conjunction with the Personnel Committee describing administrative employees and office staff positions, including job description, pay scale, vacations, hiring/firing procedures and all other policies related to employment. This manual shall be kept in the State Office. Copies shall be given to the EC. Page 84 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 3007. DUTIES/RESPONSIBILITIES OF OFFICERS/ DIRECTORS 3007.1 ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICERS: The duties and responsibilities of the Administrative Officers, President, Vice President of Player/Coaching Development, Secretary and Treasurer, are enumerated within the Bylaws (4.1, 4.2, 4.3, and 4.4). 3007.2 REGISTRAR The Registrar shall: 1. Serve as voting member of the BOD and EC. 2. Implement all programs and services related to the registration transfer, and tracking of all players and affiliate members 3. Provide technical assistance related to inquires regarding all aspects of registration. 4. Work with the Secretary and Credentials Committee in determining votes available to Affiliates at the AGM. 5. Shall be an ad-hoc member (non-voting) of the Competition Committee. 6. Term of office shall be two (2) years, elected at the AGM on the odd year. 7. Chair the Registration Committee. 8. Perform specific duties as prescribed in the FYSA Rules. 3007.3 VICE PRESIDENT OF ADMINISTRATION AND COMMUNICATION The Vice President of Administration and Communication shall: 1. Serve as voting member of the BOD and EC. 2. The term of office shall be two (2) years, elected at the AGM on the even year 3. The Vice President of Administration shall have programmatic authority for the operation and management of the FYSA Web Site. 4. The Vice President of Administration and Communication shall have responsibility for the Tournament and Travel Committee and will serve on the committee, but may recommend to the President the chair of that committee. 5. The Vice President of Administration and Communication shall have programmatic authority for the operation and management of the Touchline Magazine, or any other publication of FYSA. Will serve on the Touchline committee but may recommend to the President the chair of that committee. 6. The Vice President of Administration and Communication will review the recommendations of the Tournament and Travel Committee and forward its recommendations to the EC for affirmation. 3007.4 VICE PRESIDENT OF COMPETITION The Vice President of Competition shall: 1. Serve as voting member of the BOD and EC. 2. Provide overall supervision of all programs and services for the development and implementation of policy and procedures for competitive soccer. 3. The term of office shall be two (2) years, elected at the AGM, on the "odd" year. 4. The Vice President shall have programmatic authority for the operation and management of the FYSA State Cup Program. May serve as the chair or can recommend to the President the chair of the of the state cup committee. 5. The Vice President of shall have programmatic authority for the operation and management of the Presidents Cup Program. Will be a member and can recommend to the President the chair of the president's cup committee. 6. Provide technical assistance to assure uniform application and implementation of FYSA Rules applicable to competitive programs. 7. Establish a budget to cover the operational costs to fulfill the duties of this office, including travel expenses, supplies, telephone, postage and other necessary costs. 8. Establish a working group to assist in the organization, management, policy and procedures development and other tasks. Page 85 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 9. Provide administrative oversight in cooperation with the Region VPs for the Premier League (Statewide competitive teams). 10. Delegate such duties as necessary to timely completion of all tasks. 3007. 5 REFEREE LIAISON The Referee Liaison shall: 1. Serve as a voting member of the BOD. 2. Serve as liaison between FYSA and the Florida State Referee Association (FSR). Attend meetings of FSR where matters of mutual interest are to be discussed. Overseeing all matters pertaining to FYSA and Referees. 3. Assist in the development of a reciprocal agreement between the two bodies. 4. The term of office shall be two (2) years, elected at the AGM, on the odd year. 5. Encourage and assist Affiliates in offering referee courses and re-certification. 6. Shall conduct or participate in hearings in conjunction with the FSR in cases of referee assault, referee misconduct, etc. in cases where such matters reach the State entry level. 7. Shall conduct hearings as per Rules 611 in such cases where the Referee association fails to act and then sanction or discipline if deemed necessary as per Rules 603. 8. Shall report all sanction/discipline action taken (including that of FSR) to the BOD, the State office and referee assignors to assure that such action is carried out. 9. Shall report all action of the State/National Referee Associations affecting FYSA, to the BOD and to any committee (Tournament, Rules, etc.) as necessary. 10. Develop a budget to cover the projected cost to fulfill the duties of this office. 11. Shall make such annual reports and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. 3007.6 RVP The RVP shall: 1. Serve as a voting member of the BOD and EC. 2. Provide oversight and supervision within a geographic area, supervise the Region's DC’s and be primarily responsible for State level Cups or tournaments conducted within their Region, as a member of the FYSA Cup Committee. 3. RVPs must permanently reside within the Region to which they represent. In the event the RVP moves or fails to live and resided in the Region, the EC shall immediately appoint a replacement to serve until the next AGM where a new election will occur. 4. Instruct, train and oversee DC’s to assure their understanding application of all FYSA Rules. 5. The term of office shall be two (2) years, elected at the AGM, elected at the regional level. Regional elections will be staggered as per FYSA Rules. 6. Establish a budget to cover the operational costs to fulfill duties of this office, including travel expenses, supplies, telephone, postage and other necessary costs. 7. Perform specific duties enumerated within the Rules of FYSA. 3007.7 DC The DC shall: 1. Serve as a voting member of the BOD. 2. Provide direct representation of FYSA at the local Affiliate level. 3. DCs must permanently reside within the district to which they represent. In the event the DC moves or fails to live and resided in the district the RVP shall immediately convene a new election to replace the DC. 4. Provide technical assistance, administrative guidance and oversight within the District. Insure that Club Representatives (registrars) are properly trained in the registration process. 5. The term of office shall be two (2) years, elected at the District level. District elections will be staggered as per FYSA Rules. 6. Establish a budget to cover the operational costs to fulfill the duties of this office, including travel expenses, supplies, telephone, postage and other necessary costs. Page 86 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 7. Perform specific duties enumerated within the FYSA Rules. 8. Appoint ADCs. 3007.8 ADC The ADC shall: 1. Assist the DC with specific assignments in support of the DC and FYSA policies. 2. Assume office immediately upon appointment by the DC. 3. The term of office shall be for one (1) year, ending at the AGM. 3008. BOD MEMBERS HOLDING OFFICE IN AFFILIATE ORGANIZATIONS 3008.1 BOD members cannot serve as an officer, director, or hold any office, except coach, with any soccer Affiliate. 3008.2 (1) BOD members may serve in office until next annual meeting of the Club/League. At that time, BOD member must step down or relinquish BOD position. In the interim, they shall not participate in any level of discipline, protest and appeal or other action involving that Affiliate. (2) Any FYSA BOD member who is elected to any position with any FYSA affiliate shall resign their BOD position within fourteen (14) days of election. 3008.3 Business relationships should not exist between this Association and its Directors, the officers of the Board, its staff or members of immediate families of any foregoing. In the instances where a business relationship exists between any of the foregoing, (a.) the facts and circumstances of each business relationship shall be disclosed annually to the Board: (b) the affected Director or Officer shall remove himself from any vote or use of his authority as a Director that could further any such business relationship. 3009. TERMS OF OFFICE 3009.1 OFFICERS TERM ELECTED 1. President Two (2) years (Not serving more than four (4) consecutive terms) 2. Vice President of Player/Coach Development Two (2) years (Not serving more than four (4) consecutive terms) 3. Secretary Two (2) years (Not serving more than four (4) consecutive terms) 4. Treasurer Two (2) years (Not serving more than four (4) consecutive terms) 3009.2 DIRECTORS 1. Registrar 2. VP Admin/Communication 3. V.P. Comp. 4. V.P. Region A, C B, D 5. D. C. 1, 3, 5, 7 2, 4, 6, 8 6. Referee Liaison Page 87 of 118 Even Years Odd Years Odd Years Even Years TERM ELECTED Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years Odd Years Even Years Odd Years Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years Two (2) years Odd Years Even Years Odd Years Even Years Odd Years As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 3010. REMOVAL FROM OFFICE 3010.1 Cause for removal from office of any Officer, Director, Staff Member, Administrator, Committee Member, or any person delegated to represent FYSA in any capacity shall include but not be limited to the following: 1. Actions contrary to the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws of FYSA. 2. Infractions as enumerated in Rule 505. 3. Unauthorized expenditure of funds. Authorized expenditures include only those that were approved by the BOD as part of the annual budget or approved by special request of the EC. 4. Unauthorized travel to any meeting or functions not previously approved by the BOD as part of the annual budget or by request to and approval from the EC, for which the traveler expects expense reimbursement in part of full. All parties traveling to the same meeting or function other than a Committee meeting must have prior approval to attend and be reimbursed for or otherwise have their expenses paid by FYSA. 5. Any unauthorized disclosure of registration information is in direct violation of FYSA Bylaws. 3010.2 Unexcused absence at meetings which are continued and excessive shall be cause for removal from office according to the following requirements and procedures. 3010.3 Administrative Officers, Vice Presidents or Registrar: 1. Two (2) consecutive BOD meetings. 2. Two (2) consecutive EC meetings. 3. By three-fourths (3/4) vote of the BOD. 4. Published agenda item fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting at which removal will be considered. 3010.4 Referee Liaison, Administrative Staff: 1. Two (2) consecutive BOD meetings. 2. By three-fourths (3/4) vote of the BOD. 3. Published agenda item fourteen (14) days in advance of the meeting at which removal will be considered. 3010.5 RVPs, DCs: 1. Two (2) consecutive BOD meetings. 2. Two (2) consecutive Executive Meetings. (Does not include DC’s) 3. Letter sent to Region Affiliates recommending they remove according to procedure and elect a replacement. 3011. REPLACEMENT OF OFFICERS, ETC. 3011.1 Due to resignation, removal, death, injury, etc., any Officer, Director, Staff Member, Administrator, Committee Members, or any person delegated to represent FYSA in any capacity shall be replaced as soon as possible and according to the following requirements and procedures. 3011.2 President, Secretary, Treasurer shall be replaced by the appointment of the EC, within thirty (30) days of the vacancy. Appointee shall serve until the next AGM, when an election will take place for the remainder/new term. 3011.3 Replacing remaining positions of BOD, except Region V.P.s and DC’s as listed in Rules 3011.1, shall be replaced by the EC within thirty (30) days. The replacement shall serve for the remainder of the unexpired term or the AGM, whichever is earlier. 3011.4 Replacing RVP’s and DC’s, the replacement must be elected by the Region or District where the vacancy Page 88 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year occurs. The election must be held within thirty (30) days from the date the vacancy occurs. If a Regional Vice President is being replaced, the President shall appoint any member of the EC to preside at a Regional meeting for the purpose of such a vote. If a District Commissioner is being replaced, the RVP shall preside at a District meeting for the purpose of such a vote. 3012. ADMINISTRATIVE EMPLOYEES (STAFF) 3012.1 Office Staff shall be determined as to positions, by the EC ratified by the BOD. They shall also be responsible for assignment of tasks and direction. No other Officer, Director or Affiliate shall assign tasks to the Office Staff. The Staff shall not accept or respond to special requests without prior approval of the EC. Specific job description shall be included in the Personnel Manual. 3012.2 Expenditure of funds is authorized by the EC to the Administrative Staff, including special expenses and limited contract/service agreements, supply purchases, equipment and travel expenses and day-to-day operation of the Administrative Office. These items shall be budgeted for in the annual budget. Expenditures over the budget require approval of the Budget Committee in concurrence with the EC. 4000. AMENDING THE ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS, RULES AND REGULATIONS 4001. ARTICLES OF INCORPORATION, BYLAWS AMENDMENTS Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws amendments may be submitted and changed in the same manner and procedures as the Rules and Regulations with the following exceptions: 1. Two thirds (2/3) majority vote of the general membership present at the AGM, required for passage. 2. Final decision on the acceptance or rejection of proposed amendments shall be that of the general membership present at the AGM. 4002. RULES AND REGULATIONS 4002.1 Rules and Regulations amendments may be submitted and changed in the same manner and procedures as the Articles of Incorporation and Bylaws with the following exceptions: 1. Majority vote of the general membership present at the AGM for passage. 2. Suspended or amended Rules between AGMs by the BOD, or EC ratified by the BOD must be ratified by the general membership at the following AGM. 3. Notification of suspension or amendment must be sent to all Affiliates when ratified by the BOD within fifteen (15) days of the action having been taken. 4002.2 Establishing a new policy shall follow the above requirements in order to enact between AGMs. 4002.3 Protest and appeal procedures may be invoked by any Affiliate as described in Rule 600 based on the opinion that it should only be acted upon at the AGM. 4003. SUBMISSION OF AMENDMENTS 4003.1 Submitting amendments to the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and/or Rules and Regulations shall be in writing to the Secretary of FYSA, by any Affiliate or its members. The document for which change is suggested shall be noted along with the article, section or sub-section and the proposed change. Proposed changes may be submitted anytime during the year but no later than ninety (90) days prior to the AGM. 4003.2 Review by the Rules and Revision Committee shall be the next step in the process. The Secretary shall turn over to the Committee all proposed changes once the proposals have been dated received. The Committee upon review may request clarification, intent and/or purpose of the change. Reviewed changes must be submitted to the Affiliates thirty (30) days prior to the AGM and all proposed changes Page 89 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year must be presented to the membership at the AGM. 4003.3 Upon acceptance of all proposed changes by the Rules and Revisions Committee and after review, the Committee will formally draft the change to assure its proper sequence, language and compatibility with other related sections. They shall then submit a formal draft to the AGM with comments of EC attached. 4003.4 Modifications to a proposed change may be drafted by the Committee if original proposal has merit but may conflict or be at variance with other sections of the Rules. The modifications, if acceptable to the author, shall be developed as in Rule 4003.3, above. 4003.5 Filing late, after the ninety (90) day deadline, the proposal may then be referred to the Rules and Revision Committee for consideration at their next regularly scheduled meeting except if called up by the BOD by a two-thirds (2/3)-majority vote. 5000. MEETINGS AND ELECTIONS 5001. GENERAL PROVISIONS 5001.1 "Robert’s Rules of Order" shall be the procedure for conducting all official meetings of FYSA with the exception of the rules for meetings contained herein. Any rules not covered herein shall be governed by Robert's Rules. 5001.2 Rules for the conduct of meetings shall only govern the method in which meetings are held and shall in no way govern, apply to or affect the established rules and regulations contained within the previous sections of the Rules of FYSA. 5001.3 Meeting preliminaries, which are the necessary preparations that must be accomplished prior to conducting a meeting, for the AGM, BOD and EC shall include the following: 1. Notice 2. Agenda 3. Quorum 4. Credentials 5001.4 Conducted by Chair, who is usually the President. The President may relinquish the chair to a specific person. Should the President be unable to attend the meeting, he/she shall appoint the Vice President of Player and Coaching Development to conduct the meeting in his/her absence. 5001.5 The agenda shall be followed in order unless the body agrees to suspend or postpone an agenda item by majority vote. 5001.6 Motions must be properly made, clearly stated, accurately recorded, seconded, debated and voted upon according to "Robert's Rules", as shall amending, tabling, etc. The chair may not make or second a motion and can only vote on a motion in order to break a tie. 5001.7 Debating motions at regular meetings can be restricted the same as for the AGM (see next section). 5001.8 Debating motions at the AGM, in the interest of time and fairness, the chair may set a time limit for each speaker in advance of discussion on a particular agenda item. 5001.9 Voting on motions shall be conducted by the chair (except items 4 and 5 below) and by using one (1) or more of the following methods: 1. General acclamation. 2. Voice vote by "aye" and "nay". 3. Show of Hands. 4. Roll Call. 5. Secret Ballot. Page 90 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 5001.10 Calling meetings shall be the responsibility of the President, however, special called meetings may also be called in the following manner: 1. BOD - request in writing to the Secretary, by at least five (5) members of the Board. 2. EC - request in writing to the Secretary, by at least five (5) members of the Committee. 3. General Meetings of the Affiliates, request in writing to the Secretary, by at least twenty- five (25) Affiliate members. 5001.11 All other meetings called by RVPs, DCs, committees, etc., may be held on an informal basis with a report on the meeting presented at the next scheduled regular meeting. 5001.12 Proper conduct shall be expected of each member attending and each meeting shall be conducted properly without intent to circumvent the Rules. 5002. NOTICE OF MEETINGS 5002.1 Notice of regular meetings of the BOD and EC shall be in writing, fax or e-mail thirty (30) days in advance of the meeting date set. Written notice can include an annual calendar previously established, approved and published by the BOD. All members must always be notified. 5002.2 Notice of special called meetings of the BOD and EC shall be in writing, fax or e-mail fifteen (15) days in advance of the meeting date set. All members must always be notified and the purpose of the meeting must be stated in the notice. 5002.3 General Membership special called meetings shall be noticed in writing forty-five (45) days in advance of the meeting date set. All Affiliates must be notified. 5002.4 Telephonic meetings (conference calls) of the EC need not be noticed in writing, however, seven (7) days notice, if a regular meeting, shall be given by fax , phone or e-mail and all members must be contacted. Emergency conference calls need not be noticed seven (7) days in advance as long as all members are contacted and a quorum can be present. 5002.5 Notice of the AGM shall be in writing to all Affiliates ninety (90) days prior to the meeting date set with information as to time, place, agenda, etc. included with notice. Proposed rule changes, however shall be in writing to all Affiliates thirty (30) days prior to the AGM. 5003. AGENDAS 5003.1 A regular meeting proposed agenda shall be mailed to BOD members at least ten (10)days prior to the meeting date set, whether the meeting was scheduled in an annual calendar or called with a thirty (30) day notice. 5003.2 A special called meeting agenda shall include only the issue(s) for which the meeting is being may not be amended. called 5003.3 Amending a proposed agenda of a regular meeting shall be at the beginning of the meeting by a majority vote of the membership and shall then become the final agenda. 5003.4 Adoption of the final agenda shall take place at the beginning of the meeting by a majority vote of the members present. Upon adoption of the final agenda it may not be amended; however, items may be suspended or postponed for consideration at another time during the meeting or at another meeting. See Agenda format, Rule 5003.6. 5003.5 Agenda items to be presented as motions, whenever possible, should include the text of the motion. Members should not be confronted with unexpected decisions or be unprepared on important matters. Page 91 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 5003.6 Agenda format for BOD regular meetings shall be as follows: A. Call to Order B. Roll Call C. Adopt Agenda D. Guests E. Approve Previous Minutes F. Correspondence G. Treasurer's Report and Approval H. Committee Reports J. New Business 1. V.P. of Competition 1. etc. 2. V.P. of Recreation K. For the Good of the Game 3. - 6 Region V.P.s L. Adjournment 7. -etc. Standing Committees I. Old Business 1. etc. 5003.7 Agenda format for EC regular meetings shall be determined by the Committee at the beginning of the meeting. However, the agenda shall always include: 1. Call to Order 3. Adopt Agenda 2. Roll Call 4. Adjournment 5003.8 Agenda format for the AGM shall be as follows: 1. Registration _____ to _____ (dates, times) 2. Vendors ____ to ____ (dates, times) 3. Workshops ____ to ____ (dates, times) 4. BOD and/or Executive Meetings ____ to ____ 5. Banquet ____ to ____ (date, time) 6. General Session ____ to ____ (dates, time) A. Call to Order I. Old Business B. Credentials Report 1. etc. C. Guests J. New Business D. Approve Previous Minutes 1. etc. E. Correspondence K. Elections F. President's Report L. Proposed Rule Changes G. Treasurer's report and Approval M. Proposed Fee Changes H. Committee Reports: 1. V.P. of Competition 2. V.P. of Recreation 3. - 6. Region V.P.s 7. - etc. Standing Committees 7. For the Good of the Game 8. Adjournment 5003.9 RULES COMMITTEE CONDUCT AT THE AGM The rules committee spokesperson conducting the Rules and Bylaws changes at the AGM will conduct him/herself during the proposed new or changed rule or bylaw as follows: 1) Read the proposed new or changed rule or Bylaw. 2) Give the members of the AGM the opinion/or position of the rules committee. 3) Request the author of the proposed new or changed rules or Bylaws to speak on behalf of their proposal. 4) Prior to the beginning of the rules changes presentation (time limits may be imposed equally for all submitted rules changes). 5) If in the absence of the author, a designate by the author may speak for the author. 6) The committee spokesperson conducting the rules and Bylaws changes will then ask for anyone who wants to speak for or against the proposed new or changed rules or Bylaws to come forward and so speak. Debate shall be in the order of “against” and “for” until such time as there is no opposition to the last speaker. At this time the speaker shall allow one additional speaker speaking the position as the last. After this the question shall be “called.” Page 92 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 7) Under no circumstances shall the committee spokesperson conducting the meeting speak for or against any proposed new or changed rules or Bylaws after the general members have spoken and prior to the vote on such proposed new or changed rules or Bylaws. 8) The rules committee spokesperson shall not have the right to speak as a general member for or against a proposed new or changed rule or Bylaw, unless he relinquishes the chair during debate on this question. Once relinquished the chair shall not assume the chair until such time as the matter at hand has been resolved. If applicable the rules committee spokesperson may vote on any such proposed changes. 5004. QUORUM 5004.1 Determining and maintaining a quorum shall be defined in the Bylaw 7.2. 5004.2 Notice of intention to attend a meeting shall be given the State Office Staff. The Staff shall then give the list of those who have given such notice to the Secretary who shall determine if the quorum requirements have been met. If a quorum will not be met, the EC shall cancel the meeting and notify the membership. The meeting may or may not be rescheduled. 5005. CREDENTIALS 5005.1 The Credentials Committee shall be responsible for verifying credentials and maintaining all records of verification as established either by Roll Call or the Credentials Report. The Secretary shall report to the body the members present and eligible to vote. Only Affiliates “in good standing" shall be able to participate in all matters considered at the AGM. 5005.2 Voting on motions and elections as prescribed in Bylaw 8, Rule 5007 and Standing Committees C-40, when requiring a Roll Call vote or Credentials Report shall be conducted by the Committee. The Secretary shall report the results to the body and the Committee shall record and maintain the results. 5006. MINUTES OF MEETINGS 5006.1 Minutes shall be taken of every regular or special called meetings of the BOD, Executive Committee and AGM, by the Secretary or his/her designee. The minutes can be taken electronically, by hand or by shorthand at the convenience of the Secretary. 5006.2 Minutes shall be sent, typewritten, by the Secretary to the Affiliates for all AGM, BOD and EC meetings within thirty (30) days following the meeting. The Secretary shall sign all minutes. If someone other than the Secretary recorded the meeting, that person must be noted in the minutes. 5006.3 Minutes shall contain, adhering to the order of the agenda, the following: 1. Date, time and place of meeting. 2. Names of members present (except for the AGM, which shall instead include the Credentials Report). 3. Names of members absent (except for the AGM, which shall instead include the Credentials Report). 4. Names of guests and brief synopsis if they made presentation before the body. 5. Approval/disapproval/corrections of previous minutes. 6. Attach correspondence. 7. Treasurer's Report. 8. Committees reporting and not reporting with a brief synopsis of the report, and attaching any written material the Committee may have submitted. 9. Old Business in order as numbered on the agenda. If motions were made, see Rule 5007. 10. New Business in order as numbered on the agenda. If motions were made, see Rule 5007. 11. For the Good of the Game, briefly describing the items discussed. 12. Adjournment motion stating persons making and seconding, and the time of adjournment. Page 93 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 5007. RECORDING MOTIONS All motions must be recorded even if the motion died for lack of second or if the motion was tabled. Beside the text, being clearly and accurately stated, each recording of a motion must also contain: 1. Names of persons making and seconding the each motion. 2. Method of voting on the motion such as by acclamation, voice vote, show of hands, etc. 3. Outcome of motion, whether it was carried, defeated, tabled or died from a lack of a second. 4. BOD Roll Call or ballot votes shall include number of votes for, against and abstentions. 5. AGM ballot votes, as determined by the Credentials Committee shall include the number of voting for, against and number not voting. 6. Discussion pro and con can be briefly recorded. 7. Separate copies of items such as reports, forms, schedules, etc. having been acted upon, shall be attached and noted as attached. 5008. ELECTIONS 5008.1 Annual elections shall be held to fill positions in accordance with Bylaws 2.5, 3.1 and 8., also, in accordance with Rule 3008. 5008.2 DC elections shall be held within the district prior to the AGM and supervised by the RVP or his/her designee. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor even if a slate has been presented by a nominating committee. Eligibility requires the affiliate to be “in good standing” at the time of the election. Election by email shall be permitted under the supervision of the RVP and the FYSA Secretary, who shall approve the procedure. 5008.3 RVP elections shall be held at the AGM after all other elections have been conducted. The Credentials Committee shall conduct the election. Only those Affiliates within the Region who have been verified and are "in good standing" shall be eligible to vote for their Regional candidates. If a candidate is unopposed, voting need not be by secret ballot. Nominations shall be accepted from the floor. 5008.4 Eligibility shall include "in good standing" status. Eligibility shall be verified by the Credentials Committee as to status and number of available votes. 5008.5 Proxies shall be counted if they have been verified by the Credentials Committee prior to the deadline set to register proxies. All proxies must be submitted to the FYSA Secretary on an original form (found on the FYSA website), signed by the affiliate’s “agent of record” and notarized in accordance with Bylaws 8.5 and 8.6. If specifically directed on the proxy to vote a specific person to a particular position, proxy holder must cast votes as directed; otherwise, the person holding the proxy may vote as they choose. 5008.6 A nominating committee, having been previously approved by the BOD as recommended by the EC, shall present a slate of candidates to the Affiliates at registration. The President shall not select the nominating committee. The candidates must be nominated in the same manner from the floor. 5008.7 Nominations from the floor shall be accepted prior to the close of nominations. The maker of the nomination may speak for one (1) minute and the nomination must be seconded. The person seconding the nomination shall not speak. The person nominated can refuse the nomination. Nominations for that position shall then be closed by the Secretary hearing no further nominations. 5008.8 Candidates shall have five (5) minutes to speak on their behalf or have someone speak for them. The candidates shall speak in order, alphabetically by last name. Page 94 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 5008.9 Conducting elections shall be the responsibility of the Credentials Committee as chaired by the Secretary. Should the Secretary position be on the ballot, the Secretary shall temporarily step aside for that position election. The Committee shall choose a temporary chair and so notify the body. 5008.10 Method of voting shall be secret ballot with Credentials Committee supervising that eligible votes are being and have been cast. 5008.11 Ballots can be destroyed only after having been held by the Credentials Committee for a period of thirty (30) days. The Committee shall also keep the tallying receipts for the same period. 5008.12 Contesting an election of a particular position can be done by any one (1) of the opposing candidates who may then ask for a recount. An election need not be contested before close of business at the AGM, however, it must be contested in writing to the Secretary within the thirty (30) days the Credentials Committee is required to hold the ballots. 5008.13 An invalid election shall be re-held, if so determined by the EC after a recount by the Credentials Committee. If found to be invalid during the AGM, the election shall be re-held immediately. If found to be invalid after close of business at the AGM, a ballot containing the slate of candidates, as approved on the floor during the meeting, shall be sent to all Affiliates. The Affiliate shall vote, sign and have the ballot notarized and returned to the Secretary. All rules for a normal election concerning quorum, eligibility, verification, etc., shall then apply. The results shall be published to all Affiliates. 5008.14 A motion for election by acclamation may only be made if a candidate is unopposed. A motion may then be made to destroy the ballot, at the meeting, for the unopposed candidate only. Page 95 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year STANDING COMMITTEES TABLE OF CONTENTS C. C1. C20. C30. C40. C50. C70. C90. C100. C110. C120. C125. C140. C150. C160. C180. C190. Page 96 of 118 Standing Committees General Provisions C1.1 Standing Committees C1.2 Selecting Committee Members C1.3 Selecting a New Chairperson C1.4 President as Ex-officio/Resignation of Chairperson C1.5 Budget Approval C1.6 Scheduling Meetings C1.7 Authorization to Institute Policy C1.8 Removing/Replacing Members C1.9 Special (ad hoc) Committees C1.10 Conduct Audit Budget Player/Coaching Development Credentials Insurance Personnel Committee Competition Committee Protest and Appeals Recognition Other Than Hall of Fame Hall of Fame Registration Review and Discipline Rules and Revisions Tournament and Travel Information and Technology (IT) As of 09/28/2010 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 109 111 112 113 114 115 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C. STANDING COMMITTEES C1. GENERAL PROVISIONS C1.1 Standing Committees shall be as established and defined in the Bylaw 9. The Committee sections beginning on page III herein shall address each Standing Committee’s objectives, structure, duties/responsibilities. C1.2 Selecting Committee members shall be the responsibility of the Committee Chairperson as ratified by the BOD. The Committee Chair shall choose members volunteering or being recommended by BOD/Affiliate members. All volunteers and recommendations must be considered. The President shall designate the Chairperson of the Committee as ratified by the BOD. The Committee must be structured as defined within this section of the Rules. C1.3 Selecting a different Chairperson, shall be within the authority of the Committee should the approved Chair be unable to serve or not be performing his/her duties, except for those Committees chaired by elected officials. A different Chairperson cannot be selected until the Committee has met at least once. The new Chairperson shall be ratified by the EC. C1.4 President is an ex-officio member of all Committees but shall not vote on committee matters. However, the President shall supply committees with data and documentation as needed and shall monitor committees assuring they are performing their duties as required. In the event the Chairman resigns, the President, with the approval of the EC, shall appoint a new Chairperson. This appointment is to be ratified at the next BOD meeting. C1.5 Budget approval by the BOD for the Committee to meet and expend funds necessary for the performance of the Committee is required. Funds and meeting request beyond the approved budget cannot be expended until special requests have been submitted in to in writing and approved by the EC. C1.6 Scheduling approved meetings shall be verified with the State Office in order to make proper arrangements, to avoid conflicts with other business being conducted at the same time, in the same place and possibly coincide with other meetings. The State Office need not be notified it the meeting does not require arrangements by the Office. C1.7 Authorized to institute policy once a full written report is submitted to and approved by the BOD and/or EC. Committees shall render opinions when asked to do so. Policy recommendations shall be presented as follows: 1. Majority opinion shall be represented by the Chair on decisions, proposed policies and/or opinions decided by a majority vote of the Committee. A majority opinion shall be presented before any other opinion and shall be identified as the majority opinion and/or recommendation of the Committee. 2. Minority opinion shall be presented by the Chair if requested to do so by the portion of the Committee having an opinion or recommendation different from the majority vote. A minority opinion and/or recommendation may only be presented after the majority opinion and shall be identified as the minority opinion. C1.8 Removing and/or replacing Committee members is within the authority of the EC .Any or all members may be removed and replaced if it is evidenced they are failing to perform or improperly performing their duties and responsibilities. C1.9 Special (ad hoc) Committees can be established by the BOD, President and/or the EC for a single-issue purpose. A definite period of time must be established, when the Committee is established, for the completion of its task. A full written report must be issued by the ad-hoc Committee. Page 97 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C1.10 The conduct of meetings by Committees may be on an informal basis. Parliamentary procedures need not be observed. Minutes need not be taken, however, full detailed reports shall be compiled in accordance with the rules in this section. Page 98 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C20. AUDIT C20.1 OBJECTIVES The Audit Committee is responsible for assisting the BOD to fulfill its responsibilities of ensuring that financial reporting and internal controls are adequate and undertaken efficiently. Likewise the Audit Committee acts as the communication channel for the outside auditors to the Board as a whole. C20.2 STRUCTURE 1. Chair is appointed annually and should have some background in accounting and financial matters. 2. Shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at AGM. 3. Shall be comprised of not less than five (5) members, with at least one (1) member from each Region and including the chair. Regional members should have some background in accounting and financial matters. C20.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Assess the quality of accounting polices, the financial reporting process and internal controls. 2. Assess the effectiveness and evaluate the independence of the external auditors. 3. Assess the control environment, identify comprehensive risk, make sure polices and procedures to manage significant risk are carried out timely, monitor activities to assess controls over time and assess communications throughout the Association. 4. Establish the annual audit plan and approve requests for special projects or amendments to the audit plan and develop a budget to cover the projected costs for the completion of its task. 5. Review operational areas for their stewardship of resources and compliance with policies and procedures. 6. Investigate reported occurrences of financial irregularities and recommend controls to detect and prevent such occurrences 7. Review the external auditors management report issues and managements responses and make recommendations for necessary actions or policy modifications 8. Work in conjunction with the Budget Committee in developing the proposed budget for the AGM 9. Report to the BOD on its activities and recommendations annually or as may be required by the BOD Page 99 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C30. BUDGET C30.1 OBJECTIVES The Budget Committee is charged with the development of an annual long range budget, financial and investment planning, application for grants and funds and the modification, adjustment and review of the current budget. The Committee shall assure that all local, state and federal rules and regulations are met. As per Rule 701.2, an Annual Review by a CPA shall be authorized by the Budget Committee of all FYSA funds, which may be a full audit or some lesser accounting procedure. C30.2 STRUCTURE 1. Chair shall be the Treasurer of FYSA. 2. Except for the Chair, shall serve for one (1) year until the close of business at the AGM. 3. Shall be comprised of not less than five (5) members, one member selected from each region, and including the Chair. C30.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall receive and review all budget requests and submit to the EC for review. 2. Shall compile reviewed requests into an overall budget to be submitted by the Committee for membership approval at the AGM. 3. The Chair is authorized to receive requests for budget adjustments during the seasonal year. Such request, not to exceed five hundred ($500.) dollars or five percent (5%), may be approved be the Committee, ratified by the EC and reported to the BOD. 4. Shall submit the audit to the EC and reporting to the membership at the AGM. 5. Shall assist committees in projecting costs when developing new programs or procedures in order to develop their operational budget as per Rule 702.6. 6. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis with at least one (1) meeting in conjunction with the BOD. 7. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its task for the seasonal year. 8. Besides the annual budget, shall make such interim reports as required by the BOD. Page 100 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C40. PLAYER/COACHING DEVELOPMENT C40.1 OBJECTIVES The Player/Coaching Development Committee is charged with assisting the Vice President of Player and Coaching Development in the oversight and review of programs for the education and training of coaches and player development for FYSA. C40.2 STRUCTURE 1. Committee members shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at AGM. 2. The Committee shall be comprised of not less than four (4) members, with at least one (1) member from each Region. The chairperson of the committee will be the Vice President of Player and Coaching Development. C40.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall assist the Vice President of Player and Coaching Development, as needed, in the oversight of the programs for the education, training and advancement of players and coaches and the review of such programs. 2. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis, but at least once yearly (recommended AGM). 3. Director of Coaching and Player Development will develop, with the Vice President of Player and Coaching Development, a budget to cover the projected costs for the completion of the committee’s tasks for the seasonal year. 4. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 101 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C50. CREDENTIALS C50.1 OBJECTIVES The Credentials Committee is charged with determining the correct number of votes to which Affiliates, Officers, Directors and other such members are entitled to cast in accordance with FYSA Rules. They shall verify that all votes cast are by the rightful holder as an individual, valid assigned proxy, legally assigned representative or directed vote to the Secretary of FYSA. C50.2 STRUCTURE 1. The Chair shall be the Secretary, with the Registrar as advisor to the Committee. 2. Except for the Chair, shall serve for one (1) year, until the close of business at the AGM. 3. Shall be comprised of not less than four (4) members. C50.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall review current computerized listings of Affiliates' registered players, verifying correctness in order to establish their eligible votes. Confirmation must be supplied to the Affiliates in advance of the AGM as per Bylaw 8.2. 2. Shall hear and rule on disputed votes as per Bylaw 8.2. In all matters of dispute, the verified computer listings shall be the Committee's determining factor and shall be final. 3. Shall determine at the AGM, and other meetings if necessary, based on the verified membership in attendance, what constitutes a quorum, majority, two thirds (2/3) majority, etc., in order to conduct voting by membership legally and correctly. 4. Shall conduct elections and shall conduct other such voting procedures requiring ballot voting. 5. Shall work in cooperation with the State Office in establishing and maintaining Affiliate lists of legal representative (agents of record), Officers, Directors, Referee Assignors and coaches. 6. Shall work in cooperation with the Review and Discipline Committee in maintaining record of sanction and discipline. 7. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis, except that at least one (1) meeting is to be held annually in preparation for the AGM. 8. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its tasks for the seasonal year. 9. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 102 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C70. INSURANCE C70.1 OBJECTIVES The Insurance Committee is charged with soliciting bids from agencies that can provide accidental medical and liability coverage for members and participants of FYSA. They must determine FYSA's insurance needs and recommend agent and policy to BOD. C70.2 STRUCTURE 1. Shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at AGM. 2. Shall be comprised of not less than four (4) members. C70.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall establish a bid procedure, coordinate the receiving and dissemination of a minimum of two (2) bids annually and after thorough investigation of those bids, make a recommendation to the BOD. 2. Shall assure all policies include accidental medical and liability coverage for FYSA officers, BOD, players, team staff, affiliates' members, spectators, etc. 3. Shall obtain loss ratios and other pertinent statistics, including a record of claims from the carrier. This information along with submitted bids shall be sent to the BOD by June 1, annually. 4. Shall work in close cooperation with the Budget Committee in selecting policy choice. 5. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis, except that at least one (1) meeting shall be in conjunction with the BOD. 6. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its task for the seasonal year. 7. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 103 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C90. PERSONNEL COMMITTEE C90.1 OBJECTIVES The Personnel Committee is charged with developing and implementing personnel policies and procedures for all FYSA employees. It shall provide overall guidance of those policies and assure that procedures for staff evaluation, performance standards, promotions and guidance are followed. C90.2 STRUCTURE 1. The Chair shall be the Secretary of FYSA. 2. Shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at AGM (except Chair). 3. Shall be comprised of not less than four (4) members. It is recommended that at least one (1) member resides in the area of the State Office. The Treasurer shall be a member of this Committee. C90.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall publish and/or revise and maintain personnel manual to be kept in the State Office. 2. Shall establish policies and procedures for hiring and supervising the necessary staff for maintaining the State Office and FYSA programs and services. 3. Shall recommend to the EC all matters relating to the positions of Executive Director and Director of Coaching, as long as the positions have been included in the budget. 4. The Executive Director shall make recommendations to the Personnel Committee regarding the employment status of other office staff as well as matters relating to office expenses, policy and other items necessary for maintaining the office staff. 5. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis except that at least one (1) meeting yearly shall be in conjunction with the BOD. 6. Shall establish a budget, in conjunction with the Budget Committee, for all office operating costs. 7. Develop a budget to cover projected costs for completion of its task for the seasonal year. 8. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 104 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C100. C100.1 COMPETITION COMMITTEE OBJECTIVES The Competition Committee is charged with establishing and implementing requirements for the annual FYSA-sponsored competitions. The Committee shall direct and supervise the competition. C100.2 STRUCTURE 1. The Committee shall be the responsibility of the Vice President of Competition of FYSA. 2. The Committee shall have at least one member from each Region. 3. The Committee shall solicit the assistance of the RVP of the Host Region to serve on the committee. 4. Shall serve for one(1) year until the close of business at the AGM. C100.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall establish necessary rules and procedures for the tournament being certain to comply with the Rules section on Tournament and Travel. 2. Recommend to BOD, tournament site upon receiving and investigating all hosting requests from host region. 3. Shall be tournament organizers and directors. 4. Shall make all necessary post-tournament reports as required by Rules section on Tournaments and Travel. 5. Shall determine and recommend to the BOD entry fees to insure financial stability of the Cup, working in cooperation with the Budget Committee. 6. Shall work in close cooperation with the Tournaments and Travel and Registration Committees, and the State Office. 7. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis being certain to comply with BOD established deadlines and date requirements. 8. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its tasks for the seasonal year. 9. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 105 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C110. PROTEST AND APPEALS C110.1 OBJECTIVES The Protest and Appeals Committee is charges with hearing protests and appeals pertaining to FYSA Bylaws and Rules, and other rules, regulations and policies of affiliated organizations. All avenues of protests and appeals must be exhausted at all levels below this body before the Committee will consider hearing a protest or appeal. C110.2 STRUCTURE 1. Shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at AGM. NOTE: Except when a member(s) is involved in a protest or appeal which has not been resolved. 2. Shall be comprised of a minimum of eight (8) members, two (2) from each region, approved by the BOD. An appointed member may be temporarily reordered by the Chair should they be in any way involved in the protest or appeal being heard. C110. DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall keep current with policies/procedures USSF, US Youth Soccer and submitting such changes to the Rules Committee for correction to the FYSA Rules. 2. Shall provide the State Office the necessary reports to assure that imposed sanction/discipline is accurate, the offender is properly and clearly defined, and that records are up-dated or expunged if found in error or changed in appeal. 3. Shall meet to hear a protest or appeal which has been submitted to them or the Secretary. Also, on an “as needed" basis for conducting business of the Committee. 4. Provide an annual review to the Budget Committee related to costs for filing protests and appeals, suggesting maintaining or revising fees to compensate for the costs of hearing protests/appeals. 5. Shall meet to hear protest or appeal being certain to comply with time limits as required in Rules 604.3 and 604.5. 6. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its tasks for the seasonal year. 7. Shall make annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 106 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C120. RECOGNITION OTHER THAN HALL OF FAME C120.1 OBJECTIVES The Recognition Committee is charged with seeking and rewarding those individuals who have served and/or are serving the Florida youth Soccer Association by contributing unselfishly, show the type of dedication in their field that brings credit to themselves, the group they represent, our game and FYSA. The areas for selection are: 1. Region III Andy Stone Scholarship Award (once every 12 years) 2. Recreational Club of the Year 3. Volunteer of the Year 4. Parent of the Year 5. Pioneer Award 6. Friends of Soccer (regionally selected; maximum of 8 per year) 7. Young Female Referee of the Year 8. Young Male Referee of the Year 9. Girls Competitive Coach of the Year 10. Girls Recreational Coach of the Year 11. Boys Competitive Coach of the Year 12. Boys Recreational Coach of the Year 13. TOPSoccer Volunteer of the Year 14. TOPSoccer Buddy of the Year 15. TOPSoccer Coach of the Year 16. TOPSoccer Club of the Year 17. Any grants that may be established by FYSA C120.2 STRUCTURE AND TENURE 1. Shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at the AGM. 2. Shall be comprised of not less than four (4) members. 3. Shall include the FYSA Director of Coaching. C120.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall develop and up-date the selection criteria for each award and ensure that it is amply disseminated to the constituency. 2. Shall seek, by all available means, nominations for each award. Ensure that nominations have been received on due date and that they meet the published criteria. Select those qualified and forward their choices and recommendations to the BOD for disposition (approval or rejection). 3. Shall select not more than eight (8) persons for Friends of Soccer working in conjunction with the AGM host region submitting the nominations. 4. Shall aid the AGM Committee in planning the presentations and present the awards at the annual dinner/event scheduled to include the awards. 5. Shall work with the State Office in maintaining and up-dating all records of nominees and inductees so a permanent history of the awards is kept. Page 107 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 6. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis, except that at least one (1) meeting shall be in conjunction with the BOD. 7. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its tasks for the seasonal year. 8. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 108 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C125. HALL OF FAME (“HOF”) This is the highest recognition award honoring those who served FYSA. It shall have its own separate committee. It shall be appointed by the president, approved by the EC. It shall remain active for two years or until the president ceases to serve in that position, whichever is sooner. The committee and its members may be reappointed. C125.1 OBJECTIVE The Hall of Fame selection committee shall be responsible to review nominations received from constituents and recommend those eligible persons to the EC after ensuring that all existing criteria has been met without exception. C125.2 STRUCTURE AND TENURE 1. The HOF selection committee shall consist of no less than seven (7) members: one from each region, two current HOF members, and a member of the EC appointed by the President. 2. The chairman of the HOF committee shall be elected by its members. 3. Shall serve for one (1) year until the close of business at the AGM. C125.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. The HOF committee shall ensure that preparations have been made by the AGM committee to include the HOF presentation at the AGM. 2. It shall work with the FYSA office to ensure that all documents are maintained to ensure perpetual information is available. 3. Shall be prepared to report to the BOD, as to the number of recommendations received by region. 4. Develop a budget to ensure expenses, if any, are available and covered. 5. Request from the AGM committee a place to allow HOF members to gather during the AGM. C125.4 PRIVILEGES OF HALL OF FAME MEMBERS 1. HOF members have the right to attend all AGMs. 2. HOF members may be compensated for expenses at the AGM as directed by the BOD each year. 3. HOF members shall be entitled to vote as per Bylaw 8.4. C125.5 CRITERIA FOR SELECTION TO THE FYSA HALL OF FAME 1. Except as indicated below for players, have at least 15 years of high achievement and excellence in contributing to FYSA, as a volunteer, in one or more of the following categories. The contributions must have left a lasting positive effect on the purpose and goals of FYSA. Page 109 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year 2. Administrator. Must be an active member of FYSA BOD. Must have vacated that position at least three (3) years prior to selection. Must have demonstrated outstanding accomplishments and leadership making significant and lasting contributions not only locally but to the entire state. All service must have been voluntary. 3. Coach. Must have attained the 15 years as a FYSA coach serving youth programs throughout the state of Florida showing outstanding leadership and teaching ability. All service must have been voluntary. This nomination must be endorsed by the FYSA director or coaching. 4. Meritorious Service. This area is reserved for those non FYSA members who have demonstrated support to FYSA programs for an extended period of time such as journalists who see that FYSA activities are mentioned in the media. It is also open to those individuals who see that FYSA receives financial or other sponsorship for an extended period of time to ensure success in our programs. C125.6 PROCEDURE AND DEADLINE 1. Nominations along with attachments must reach the FYSA office not later than May 1 each year if the nomination is to be reviewed that current year. Any nomination reaching the FYSA office after May 1 or without the necessary documentation will not be reviewed that year. The nominations will be returned to sender for possible resubmission the following year. Postal dated mail will not be considered. 2. Nominations may come from any member of the FYSA administrative chain to include state, area, league, club or team. 3. Nominations must be typewritten on the official form and must contain, as an attachment, supportive documents where required. 4. Every member of the HOF committee shall be furnished by the FYSA office, via e-mail or other means, a copy of the nominations with the respective attachments, provided they were received by the office prior to the deadline date. Page 110 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C140. REGISTRATION C140.1 OBJECTIVES The Registration Committee is charged with establishing and implementing the policies and procedures necessary for the proper registration of all players and coaches wishing to participate in FYSA. It shall also supervise the proper affiliation of all members. C140.2 STRUCTURE 1. The Chair shall be the Registrar of FYSA. 2. Except for the chair, the Committee shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at the AGM. 3. Shall be comprised of not less than five-(5) members, with one (1) member selected from each region, and including the Chair. C140.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall establish all policies and procedures for registration of players and coaches, continuously updating. 2. Shall publish and update a registration manual for Affiliates and DCs describing registration procedures and shall publish/up-date required registration forms. 3. Shall recommend a necessary fee structure designed to maintain the financial needs of FYSA. Such fees to be approved, after review by the BOD, by the membership at the AGM as per Rule 301.2. 4. Shall work in close cooperation with the Rules Committee for proper up-dating of the Rules and with the Budget Committee in establishing fees. 5. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis, except that at least one (1) meeting annually shall be in conjunction with BOD. 6. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its tasks for the seasonal year. 7. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 111 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C150. REVIEW AND DISCIPLINE C150.1 OBJECTIVES The Review and Discipline Committee is charged with reviewing the actions of Affiliates and imposing or removing discipline if the review so determines. C150.2 STRUCTURE 1. Shall serve for one (1) year until the close of business at the AGM. 2. Shall be comprised of a minimum of three (3) members. Member(s) may be recalled by the Chair, should a conflict of interest arise. Members must be approved by the BOD. C150.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. It is the entry level for request, through the FYSA Secretary for Intervention by either Affiliate of an Officer of FYSA. 2. Advise the proper Region V.P. of their findings and discipline so that he/she may carry out and monitor the sanction/discipline the sanction/discipline imposed by the Committee. 3. Shall review game reports for ejections/sendoffs in Invitational Tournaments. May recommend additional sanctions by notifying appropriate DC. 4. Shall provide the State Office the necessary reports to assure that imposed sanction/discipline is accurate, the offender is properly and clearly defined, and that records are up-dated or expunged if found in error or changed on appeal. 5. Shall work in close cooperation with Rules and Revisions Committee. 6. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis to conduct its business. 7. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its task for the seasonal year. 8. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 112 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C160. RULES AND REVISIONS C160.1 OBJECTIVES The Rules and Revision Committee is charged with the development and revision of the rules of the Association. The Committee is charged with the responsibility of receiving recommendations pertaining to the change, modification, updating, deletion and correction of the Articles of Incorporation, Bylaws and Rules. The Committee will receive, initiate request and recommend proposals to the EC and the BOD for their action on all proposed amendments. The Committee shall render opinions concerning the interpretation of the Bylaws and Rules of FYSA, as directed to do so by the BOD. C160.2 STRUCTURE 1. Shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at the AGM. 2. Shall be comprised of not less than four-(4) members. C160.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Coordinate the receiving and dissemination of information on all existing rules, proposed changes and required update from USSF and US Youth Soccer. 2. Shall render opinions, verbally or written, at all meetings, or whenever requested by any Affiliate and/or Affiliate member, after contacting appropriate BOD members. 3. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis or as necessitated by the submission of proposed or requested amendments and at the direction of the BOD. 4. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its task for the seasonal year. 5. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 113 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C180. TOURNAMENT AND TRAVEL C180.1 OBJECTIVES The Tournament and Travel Committee is charged with establishing policies and procedures for Affiliates wishing to host tournaments and teams wishing to travel outside their region. To ensure that FYSA is in compliance with the US Youth Soccer Tournament and Travel Manual. C180.2 STRUCTURE 1. Shall serve for one (1) year until the close of business at the AGM. 2. Shall be comprised of not less than four (4) members. C180.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall assist DC and/or Club/team, if needed in their processing of the Tournament and travel application. Shall receive appeals from teams/clubs for applications rejected by the DC. 2. Shall up-date tournament and travel rules and procedures and establish timely response deadlines for approval. 3. The Tournament and Travel Committee will report any violation of either FYSA, US Youth Soccer, or USSF tournament and/or travel rules and will recommend fines and/or sanctions to the Vice President of Administration and Communication. Fines will be in accordance with the established schedule as passed by either the BOD or the EC now in effect or as approved at a later date. 4. Shall work in close cooperation with the Olympic Development and Coaching Committees, DCs, Region V.P.s and V.P.s of Recreation and Competition. 5. Shall meet on an "as needed" basis, except that at least one (1) meeting yearly shall be in conjunction with the BOD. 6. Develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its tasks for the seasonal year. 7. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the BOD. Page 114 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year C190 INFORMATION AND TECHNOLOGY (IT) COMMITTEE C190.1 OBJECTIVES The Information and Technology (IT) Committee shall review FYSA’s information, technology systems and computer equipment on a regular basis. The committee shall make recommendations to the FYSA EC as to hardware, software, networking, security software and any other matters that impact the flow of information within FYSA. C190.2 STRUCTURE 1. Shall serve for one (1) year until close of business at the AGM. 2. Shall be comprised of a minimum of eight (8) members, one member from each region and not already serving on the EC, and the following EC members who must serve, FYSA Secretary, FYSA VP of Administration and Communications, FYSA Treasurer and the FYSA Registrar. The four (4) regional members will be selected by the EC members of this committee. 3. The chair of this committee shall be recommended by the members of the IT Committee for approval by the EC of FYSA. C190.3 DUTIES AND RESPONSIBILITIES 1. Shall, in support of the EC, review FYSA information systems, hardware requirements, networking requirements, access to FYSA’s data and security enhancements to protect FYSA and its information from unauthorized users. 2. Shall develop a budget to cover the projected costs for completion of its tasks for the seasonal year including, but not limited to, seeking advice from experts in the IT field. 3. Shall meet on an “as needed” basis, but at least once yearly (recommended AGM) to establish its seasonal objectives. 4. Shall make such annual and/or interim reports as may be required by the EC/BOD. Page 115 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year GLOSSARY Administrative Officers The President, Vice President Player/Coaching Development, Secretary, and Treasurer. Agent One of three individuals within an affiliate named to conduct business for the affiliate with FYSA. Agent duties include, but are not limited to conducting business with the FYSA office, authorizing entry into FYSA-sponsored events, collecting credentials at the AGM, and requesting, in writing, affiliation changes. Agent of Record The primary contact with an affiliate; is one of three Agents who may conduct affiliate business with FYSA. Appeal A formal method of requesting a reversal of any decision or ruling made by an authority within FYSA. (Rule 605) Birth Verification Proper birth documentation for the player has been submitted by the affiliate to FYSA. District A geographical sub-division of the territory of a National State Association (FYSA). District Commissioner A member of the BOD. Provides direct representation at the Affiliate level; provides technical assistance; processes registration of players/coaches. Event Roster A roster produced by the FYSA online system. FIFA Federation International de Football Association, the worldwide governing body of the sport of soccer. FYSA Official Officers, Directors, Vice Presidents, Registrar, DCs, Administrators, Committee Members or anyone authorized to represent FYSA in any capacity. Guest Player A registered player participating in a competition for a team to which the player is not rostered. Frozen Roster Any roster that is frozen mandates that there can be no movements either off of or onto until either the team is eliminated from the specific competition or the completion of the competition under which the roster is frozen. Season ending injuries cannot be replaced once the roster is frozen. Any changes to the roster will result in the team being disqualified from the specific competition. Ineligible Player Any youth who is unregistered, suspended, overage, or not a rostered member of the teams competing. Involuntary Release The removal of a play from a team's roster at the request of team authorities. League A structured group of four (4) or more teams joined for the purposes of inter-team play under a common set of administrative and competitive rules. Page 116 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year National State Association An affiliated member of USSF representing all leagues, clubs, teams and players within the territory assigned to the National State Association by the USSF National Council. (FYSA is a National State Association.) Non-Player Coach, Assistant Coach, Manager, or any other person assisting the team; spectator Not In Good Standing (NGS) All rights and privileges of FYSA are removed. Official FYSA Roster The computer-generated roster from the FYSA secure site in printout form. Player A youth properly registered in accordance with the rules of USSF, US Youth Soccer the National State Association rules. Previously Rostered Player Any player who has been rostered to another team during the same seasonal year in any fashion and then transfers to any other team. Protest A formal method to question and request reversal of an event. Recreational League or Teams An intra-club league in which use of try-outs, invitations, recruiting or any like process to roster players selectively to any team on the basis of talent or ability is prohibited. Accepts any and all youths (subject to reasonable of registration); system of rostering players is employed for the purpose of creating a fair or balanced distribution of playing teams. Referee All currently registered USSF referees, linemen, 4th official or others duly appointed to assist in officiating in a match. Also, any non-registered person serving in an emergency capacity as a referee, a club linesman. Region One of the four (4) geographically sub-divisions of the National State Association. Registration The signing of an intent to play the sport of soccer and the paying of fees to become a member of US Youth Soccer and the National State Association. Rostering The assignment of a registered player to a team. Team Roster A list of registered players eligible to play for a team. Game Roster A list of players who will participate in a particular competition. Spectator Any individual observing a game. Suspension The temporary withdrawal of rights and privileges such as, but not limited to: the right to play, coach, referee, or otherwise administer or participate (directly or indirectly) in the game of affiliated soccer. Any person or group (team, club, league, board, etc.) that has been suspended with all rights and privileges withdrawn unless specifically stated otherwise by the suspending authority. Page 117 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year Team A recognized entity organized for the purpose of playing the sport of soccer. Transfer The removal of a player/coach from one team’s roster and the addition of the player to another team’s roster. Verified Proper birth documentation has been submitted. Voluntary Release The removal of a player from a team's roster at the request of the player. Page 118 of 118 As of 09/28/2010 2010-2011 Seasonal Year