Transportation Committee Agenda Packet 2010-04
Transportation Committee Agenda Packet 2010-04
AGENDA Transportation Committee Wednesday, April 28, 2010 @ 12:00 PM 1. Call to order 2. Approval of Minutes • 3/24/10 3. Informational Items / Reports / Other Minutes / Updates • Monthly Departmental Budget Report 4. Resolutions • Bid - Purchase of (1 )one wheel loader with trade-in • Bid Letting - Reconstruction (at the Intersection of Princeville Jubilee Road & Legion Hall Road) 5. Miscellaneous 6. Adjournment Transportation Committee Meeting April 28, 2010 @12:00 pm Conference Room 402 Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Agenda 3/24/10 1 Minutes Monthly Departmental Budget Report Agenda Briefing Budget Report Bid - Purchase of (1 )one wheel loader with trade-in Agenda Briefing Bid Report Resolution Bid Letting - Reconstruction at the Intersection of Princeville Jubilee Road & Legion Hall Road Agenda Briefing Bid Letting Results Bid Letting Tab IDOT BLR 09110 Resolution 3 2 5 6 9 10 33 34 35 36 37 38 DRAFT MINUTES Transportation Committee March 24, 2010 @ 12:00 P.M. MEMBERS PRESENT: Phil Salzer - Vice Chairman; Carol Trumpe, Andrew Rand, Brad Harding - Board Members TELECONFERENCE: OTHERS PRESENT: Patricia Hidden Melinda Mannlein - State's Attorney; Tom McFarland County Engineer; Randy Brunner - County Finance; Meghan Turner - Peoria County Administration Vice-Chairman Salzer called the meeting to order at 12:00 p.m. A motion was made by Ms. Trumpe and seconded by Mr. Harding to allow Ms. Hidden to attend the meeting via teleconference. The motion was unanimous. Approval of Minutes A motion was made by Mr. Rand and seconded by Ms. Trumpe to approve the minutes of 2/24/10. Motion carried. Informational • Monthly Departmental Budget Report Mr. Brunner provided a routine summary of the monthly budget reports in its entirety. Ms. Hidden asked have there been any discussion regarding the MFT. Mr. McFarland said, no. Ms. Hidden said that that all Townships and Counties get a raise from the State. She said that gas prices are going to increase therefore, increasing the MFT may help offset the increase. Mr. McFarland said that the County and Township MFT's are set by state law. He said that the rates have to be changed by legislation. Mr. Bush explained that the Finance Legislative Committee is discussing bringing forward a legislative question to allow Counties in Illinois to impose their own local gas tax. He said that this would be discussed more over the summer in the Finance Legislative Committee. Mr. Salzer said that this was proposed by Mr. Sorrel a few months ago to increase the MFT. • Rural Transportation Survey Ms. Turner and Mr. Brunner summarized pages 8-16 in its entirety. Committee members and Staff briefly discussed the particulars of the survey. • Strategic Action Agenda No Comments Recorded & Transcribed by: Patricia Sims Transportation Cmte Mtng 3/24/2010 3 Resolution • Local Agency Agreement for Federal Participation Replace structure #072-3016 on Elmore Road A motion was made by Mr. Harding and seconded Mr. Rand by to approve the resolution. Mr. McFarland provided visuals of the structure. Committee members and Staff discussed briefly the particulars of the resolution. Motion carried. Committee members requested a bridge rating report for all Peoria County bridges. Review of Executive Session Minutes Ms. Mannlein recommended that all previously held minutes continue to be held as the need for secrecy still exists and destroy executive session tapes more than two years old. A motion was made by Mr. Rand and seconded by Mr. Harding to accept the State's Attorney recommendations. Motion carried. Adjournment Chairperson Salzer adjourned the meeting at 12:50 pm. Recorded & Transcribed by: Patricia Sims Transportation Cmte Mtng 3/24/2010 4 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Transportation MEETING DATE: April 28, 2009 LINE ITEM: N/A AMOUNT: N/A ISSUE: For INFORMATION: Monthly Departmental Budget Report BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: The April monthly departmental budget report covers revenue and expenditure activity for the period ending February 28, 2010. Accordingly, revenues and expenses should be approximately 17% of their budgeted levels on a prorated basis. New Communication: • The attached report and all Committee budget reports are available to county employees on the intranet. • Two additional reports are now available to all employees on the intranet. The first combines all the committee reports into a single report. The second itemizes each line for each fund and department. Revenues: • February County MFT revenues are down 22.9% compared with February 2009 for the fund. MFT revenues through February are down almost 13%, and no charges for services revenue has been recorded yet. • Township MFT Fund revenues are down $30,000 from February of 2009. Township MFT reimbursements are down 9% through February, and no charges for services revenue has been recorded yet. Expenditures: • February expenses across all funds were routine in nature. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: WORLD CLASS PUBLIC FACILITIES STAFF RECOMMENDATION: N/A COMMITTEE ACTION: INFORMATIONAL ITEM PREPARED BY: DEPARTMENT: Randy Brunner, Budget/Finance Analyst Finance 5 DATE: April 18, 2010 Peoria County, IL Monthly Departmental Budget Report for Transportation Committee 04/16/2010 04:23PM Prior FY: 09 Current FY: 10 Thru Period: 2 Account Group Title PYTD Amount Budget Year-to-Date Amount Available Balance YTD % of Budget PY % of Budget Fund-033 COUNTY HIGHWAY Department-033 COUNTY HIGHWAY Revenue Property taxes Charges for services Interest income Miscellaneous revenues 0 2,419,779 0 2,419,779 0% 0% 91,667 700,000 100,000 600,000 14% 10% 74 500 59 441 12% 1% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 91,740 3,120,279 100,059 3,020,220 3% 3% Expense Personnel expenses (438,687) (2,848,452) (401,537) (2,446,915) 14% 14% Contractual expenses 0 0 (800) 800 0% 0% Fund transfers out 0 (192,000) 0 (192,000) 0% 0% (438,687) (3,040,452) (402,337) (2,638,115) 13% 14% Fund-034 COUNTY BRIDGE Department-034 COUNTY BRIDGE Revenue Property taxes 0 1,613,186 0 1,613,186 0% 0% 50,089 42,000 0 42,000 0% 33% 154 2,000 110 1,890 6% 0% 50,243 1,657,186 110 1,657,076 0% 3% Personnel expenses (58,533) (345,768) (70,976) (274,792) 21% 13% Contractual expenses (74,621) (848,185) (7,015) (841,170) 1% 13% Capital outlay expenses 0 (579,667) 0 (579,667) 0% 0% Fund transfers out 0 (65,000) 0 (65,000) 0% 0% (133,154) (1,838,620) (77,991) (1,760,629) 4% 7% 447,692 2,821,176 389,798 2,431,378 14% 15% 57,319 2,797,392 0 2,797,392 0% 8% 902 2,000 144 1,856 7% 1% 505,913 5,620,568 389,942 5,230,626 7% 13% Charges for services Interest income Expense Fund-036 COUNTY MOTOR FUEL TAX Department-036 COUNTY MOTOR FUEL TAX Revenue Intergovernmental revenue Charges for services Interest income Expense Personnel expenses Commodities expenses Contractual expenses (24,211) (393,204) (21,536) (371,668) 5% 7% (265,770) (2,200,000) (450,880) (1,749,120) 20% 13% (73,761) (4,960,199) (9,652) (4,950,547) 0% 2% Report: D:\Posting Folder\Monthly Reports\Monthly Reports\apps\Monthly Budget Report-Trans Cmte.imr 6 Page 1 of 3 Peoria County, IL Monthly Departmental Budget Report for Transportation Committee 04/16/2010 04:23PM Prior FY: 09 Current FY: 10 Thru Period: 2 Account Group Title PYTD Amount Budget Year-to-Date Amount Available Balance YTD % of Budget PY % of Budget Fund-036 COUNTY MOTOR FUEL TAX Department-036 COUNTY MOTOR FUEL TAX Expense Capital outlay expenses 0 (364,366) 0 (364,366) 0% 0% (363,742) (7,917,769) (482,068) (7,435,701) 6% 7% 164,023 907,270 149,177 758,093 16% 17% 15,000 200,000 0 200,000 0% 30% 204 500 12 488 2% 1% 179,227 1,107,770 149,189 958,581 13% 17% (44,947) (1,250,000) (74,492) (1,175,508) 6% 3% 0 0 0 0 0% 0% (44,947) (1,250,000) (74,492) (1,175,508) 6% 3% Property taxes 0 1,613,186 0 1,613,186 0% 0% Intergovernmental revenue 0 0 0 0 0% 0% 12,483 1,131,600 4,670 1,126,930 0% 1% Fund-037 TOWNSHIP MOTOR FUEL TAX Department-037 TOWNSHIP MOTOR FUEL TAX Revenue Intergovernmental revenue Charges for services Interest income Expense Commodities expenses Contractual expenses Fund-038 MATCHING TAX Department-038 MATCHING TAX Revenue Charges for services Interest income 190 2,500 111 2,389 4% 1% 12,673 2,747,286 4,781 2,742,505 0% 0% 0% Expense Personnel expenses Commodities expenses Contractual expenses 0 0 0 0 0% (133,108) (1,809,200) (183,242) (1,625,958) 10% 6% (89,757) (798,148) (100,157) (697,991) 13% 11% 0 (395,000) 0 (395,000) 0% 0% (222,864) (3,002,348) (283,399) (2,718,949) 9% 6% 0 463,000 0 463,000 0% 0% 0 463,000 0 463,000 0% 0% 0 (5,000) 0 (5,000) 0% 0% Capital outlay expenses Fund-087 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Department-087 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Revenue Intergovernmental revenue Expense Commodities expenses Report: D:\Posting Folder\Monthly Reports\Monthly Reports\apps\Monthly Budget Report-Trans Cmte.imr 7 Page 2 of 3 Peoria County, IL Monthly Departmental Budget Report for Transportation Committee 04/16/2010 04:23PM Prior FY: 09 Current FY: 10 Thru Period: 2 Account Group Title PYTD Amount Budget Year-to-Date Amount Available Balance YTD % of Budget PY % of Budget Fund-087 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Department-087 PUBLIC TRANSPORTATION Expense Contractual expenses 0 (458,000) (2,940) (455,060) 1% 0% 0 (463,000) (2,940) (460,060) 1% 0% Report: D:\Posting Folder\Monthly Reports\Monthly Reports\apps\Monthly Budget Report-Trans Cmte.imr 8 Page 3 of 3 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Transportation MEETING DATE: April 28, 2010 LINE ITEM: 038-2-038-5-561-55112 AMOUNT: $92,595.00 ISSUE: Purchase of one Wheel Loader with trade in. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: This item is included in the 2010 budget plan. Equipment replacement is according to schedule and operational review. Of the 6 invitations for bid, four bids were received; the 2010 Caterpillar 938H End Loader (3 1/2 Yard) meets all the specifications. The trade in is a 2001 John Deere 624H, 4 WD Loader (3 1/2 Yard) with 7139 hours of use. Altorfer , Inc. Birkey's Construction Martin Equipment McAllister Equipment Cat 938H Case 721E John Deere 624K Volvo L90F East Peoria, IL Galesburg, IL Goodfield, IL East Peoria, IL $ 92,595.00 $ 97,000.00 $ 118,988.00 $ 126,412.00 COUNTY BOARD GOALS: High Performing Public Organization World Class Public Facilities STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve resolution to purchase one (1) Wheel Loader with trade-in from Altorfer, Inc. COMMITTEE ACTION: PREPARED BY: Tom McFarland DEPARTMENT: Highway DATE: April 12, 2010 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD ) ) ) COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS Your Transportation Committee does hereby recommend the passage of the following Resolution: RE: Highway Department Equipment Bids RESOLUTION WHEREAS, the County Board included in the 2010 budget funding for equipment replacement at the Highway Department; and WHEREAS, bids were solicited and received for the purchase of one (1) Wheel Loader with trade-in; and WHEREAS, on March 19, 2010, the following bids were received for One (1) Wheel Loader with trade-in: Altorfer, Inc. Birkey's Construction Martin Equipment McAllister Equipment Cat 938H Case 721E John Deere 624K Volvo L90F East Peoria, IL Galesburg, IL Goodfield, IL East Peoria, IL $ 92,595.00 $ 97,000.00 $ 118,988.00 $ 126,412.00 WHEREAS, your Committee would recommend acceptance of the lowest responsible bid submitted by Altorfer, Inc. in the amount of $92,595.00 for one (1) Wheel Loader with trade-in. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria County, that the bid submitted by Altorfer, Inc. in the amount of $92,595.00 for one (1) Wheel Loader with trade-in is hereby accepted as the lowest responsible bid meeting the bid specifications of the County. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Treasurer is hereby authorized to issue a check from the Matching Tax Fund in payment for the equipment following installation. Respectfully submitted, Transportation Committee 33 AGENDA BRIEFING COMMITTEE: Transportation MEETING DATE: April 28, 2010 LINE ITEM: 036-2-036-5-514-55105 AMOUNT: $698,980.00 ISSUE: Bid letting for the reconstruction of the intersection of Princeville Jubilee Road (CH R40) and Legion Hall Road. BACKGROUND/DISCUSSION: Representative David Leitch secured $635,000.00 of Emergency Repair Program Funds for the reconstruction of this project. Eleven (11) sets of bid documents were sent out to prospective bidders. Four (4) bids were received: Stark Excavating, Inc. Fischer Excavating, Inc. N.E. Finch Co R. A. Cullinan , & Son Bloomington, IL Freeport, IL Peoria, IL Tremont, IL $ $ 698,980.00 847,328.40 $ 1,049,940.00 $ 1,116,633.83 Section 01-00053-06-FP. On Princeville Jubilee Road (CH R40) at the intersection of Princeville Jubilee Road and Legion Hall Road (TR 77) in Jubilee Township near the northeast corner of Section 14, T10N, R6E, 4PM. Due to poor sight distance at this intersection, there have been many accidents at this location. Princeville Jubilee is a heavily traveled road with many trucks and tractors. This project is consistent with the Department's Strategic Plan. This road is used everyday, has very high daily traffic levels and the intersection's current condition makes it a severe hazard and potential liability. Immediate rehabilitation is the most cost effective option and will ensure a long useful life of the road. IDOT funding in the form of Emergency Repair Program (ERP) has been secured. COUNTY BOARD GOALS: Safe & Healthy Community High Performing Public Organization World Class Public Facilities STAFF RECOMMENDATION: Approve the low bid of $ 698,980.00 to Stark Excavating, Inc. COMMITTEE ACTION: PREPARED BY: Tom McFarland DEPARTMENT: Highway DATE: April 13, 2010 34 BID LETTING RESULTS HIGHWAY DEPARTMENT PEORIA COUNTY SECTION 01-00053-06-FP PRINCEVILLE JUBILEE @ LEGION HALL ROAD DATE: 9:00 AM, APRIL, 13, 2010 Section 01-00053-06-FP LOW BID STARK EXCAVATING, INC. 698,980.00 No. 2 FISCHER EXCAVATING, INC. 847,328.40 No. 3 N.E. FINCH CO. 1,049,940.00 No. 4 R.A. CULLINAN & SON, INC 1,116,633.83 35 PEORIA COUNTY SECTION 01-00053-06-FP PRINCEVILLE JUBILEE ROAD @ LEGION HALL RD DATE: 9:00 AM, APRIL 13, 2010 ITEM Tree Removal (6-15 Unit Dia.) Earth Excavation Topsoil F&P, 4" Seeding, Class 2a Nitrogen Fertilizer Nutrients Phosphorus Fertilizer Nutrients Potassium Fertilizer Nutrients Mulch, Method 2 Erosion Control Blanket Temp. Eros. Control Seeding Temporary Ditch Checks Perimeter Erosion Barrier Agg. Base Crse, Type B, 11" Agg. Base Crse, Type B, 12" Agg. Surf. Crse, Type B Bit. Matls. (Prime Coat) Poly. Bit. Matls. (Prime Coat) HMA Binder Crse, Il-19.0, N50 Poly. Hma Bind. Crse, Il-19.0, N50 Poly. Hma Surf. Crse, Mix C, N50 Pavement Removal Agg. Shldrs, Type A, 6" Pipe Culvert Removal Pipe Culverts, Cl.C, Ty.1, 18" Pipe Culverts, Cl. D, Ty.1, 18" Pipe Culverts, Special, 18" Steel End Sections, 18" Woven Wire Fence, 4' Furn & Erect Row Markers Engineer's Field Office, Type B Traffic Control And Protection Short Term Pavement Marking Sign Panel, Type 1 Telescoping Steel Sign Support Material Transfer Device Temporary Access (Private Entrance) Temporary Access (Road) Temporary Access (Field Entrance) Solar-Power Flash Beacon Assembly Construction Layout QTY UNIT 40.00 UNIT 37,334.00 Cu.Yd. 19,279.00 Sq.Yd. 5.00 Acre 450.00 Pound 450.00 Pound 450.00 Pound 4.80 Acre 2,557.00 Sq.Yd. 1,000.00 Pound 1,980.00 Foot 400.00 Foot 1,297.00 Sq.Yd. 4,422.00 Sq.Yd. 151.00 Ton 1,468.00 Gal. 418.00 Gal. 1,282.00 Ton 878.00 Ton 586.00 Ton 4,682.00 Sq.Yd. 3,374.00 Sq.Yd. 145.00 Foot 160.00 Foot 50.00 Foot 62.00 Foot 8.00 Each 2,041.00 Foot 16.00 Each 3.00 Cal.Mo 1.00 L. Sum 172.00 Foot 41.30 Sq.Ft. 100.00 Foot 513.00 Tons 1.00 Each 1.00 Each 1.00 Each 2.00 Each 1.00 L. Sum TOTALS NO.1 NO.2 NO.3 NO.4 STARK EXCAVATING INC. FISCHER EXCAVATING, INC. N. E. FINCH CO. R.A. CULLINAN & SON, INC. (BID BOND) (BID BOND) UNIT BID 25.00 4.35 1.65 730.00 1.05 1.05 1.05 520.00 1.50 2.10 9.00 2.75 11.90 12.20 45.00 4.20 5.30 90.00 97.00 105.00 4.50 8.30 9.00 34.50 30.00 200.00 400.00 5.70 140.00 1,500.00 7,800.00 1.00 25.50 18.25 7.00 1,400.00 2,200.00 1,600.00 2,350.00 9,000.00 UNIT COST BID 1,000.00 162,402.90 31,810.35 3,650.00 472.50 472.50 472.50 2,496.00 3,835.50 2,100.00 17,820.00 1,100.00 15,434.30 53,948.40 6,795.00 6,165.60 2,215.40 115,380.00 85,166.00 61,530.00 21,069.00 28,004.20 1,305.00 5,520.00 1,500.00 12,400.00 3,200.00 11,633.70 2,240.00 4,500.00 7,800.00 172.00 1,053.15 1,825.00 3,591.00 1,400.00 2,200.00 1,600.00 4,700.00 9,000.00 698,980.00 (LOW BID) 36 21.51 8.32 0.36 700.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 500.00 1.40 2.00 12.00 3.50 10.29 11.15 18.72 2.40 3.07 88.79 96.08 106.33 6.02 11.12 7.01 47.51 40.03 180.85 157.99 9.43 87.00 3,100.71 11,890.00 3.31 19.18 9.42 7.81 493.41 6,085.16 657.87 2,980.00 10,000.00 (BID BOND) UNIT COST 860.40 310,618.88 6,940.44 3,500.00 450.00 450.00 450.00 2,400.00 3,579.80 2,000.00 23,760.00 1,400.00 13,346.13 49,305.30 2,826.72 3,523.20 1,283.26 113,828.78 84,358.24 62,309.38 28,185.64 37,518.88 1,016.45 7,601.60 2,001.50 11,212.70 1,263.92 19,246.63 1,392.00 9,302.13 11,890.00 569.32 792.13 942.00 4,006.53 493.41 6,085.16 657.87 5,960.00 10,000.00 847,328.40 BID 22.50 10.95 2.00 735.00 1.05 1.05 1.05 525.00 1.50 2.10 12.50 3.65 16.15 15.50 33.20 4.90 6.20 91.35 105.00 120.75 3.40 11.55 9.35 40.50 22.65 172.50 150.00 12.00 100.00 2,415.00 14,170.25 2.10 20.15 10.00 7.35 4,490.00 24,000.00 3,600.00 3,129.00 10,000.00 (BID BOND) UNIT COST 900.00 408,807.30 38,558.00 3,675.00 472.50 472.50 472.50 2,520.00 3,835.50 2,100.00 24,750.00 1,460.00 20,946.55 68,541.00 5,013.20 7,193.20 2,591.60 117,110.70 92,190.00 70,759.50 15,918.80 38,969.70 1,355.75 6,480.00 1,132.50 10,695.00 1,200.00 24,492.00 1,600.00 7,245.00 14,170.25 361.20 832.20 1,000.00 3,770.55 4,490.00 24,000.00 3,600.00 6,258.00 10,000.00 1,049,940.00 BID 21.00 13.88 1.55 735.00 1.05 1.05 1.05 525.00 1.47 2.24 10.27 6.16 14.18 14.85 39.89 3.22 4.26 91.54 99.29 109.90 7.14 9.05 22.84 49.45 34.18 267.34 207.21 5.89 250.96 2,660.77 12,484.50 2.48 24.78 19.32 8.80 1,574.06 3,148.14 1,574.06 3,129.00 13,700.05 COST 840.00 518,195.92 29,882.45 3,675.00 472.50 472.50 472.50 2,520.00 3,758.79 2,240.00 20,334.60 2,464.00 18,391.46 65,666.70 6,023.39 4,726.96 1,780.68 117,354.28 87,176.62 64,401.40 33,429.48 30,534.70 3,311.80 7,912.00 1,709.00 16,575.08 1,657.68 12,021.49 4,015.36 7,982.31 12,484.50 426.56 1,023.41 1,932.00 4,514.40 1,574.06 3,148.14 1,574.06 6,258.00 13,700.05 1,116,633.83 Resolution for Improvement by County Under the Illinois Highway Code BE IT RESOLVED, by the County Board of Peoria following described County Highway(s) be improved under the Illinois Highway Code: County Highway(s) , beginning at a point near R40 County, Illinois, that the the intersection of Princeville Jubilee Road and Legion Hall Road and extending along said route(s) in a(n) direction to a point near Southerly the intersection of Princeville Jubilee Road and Legion Hall Road , a distance of approximately BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the type of improvement shall be ; and, 1675 ft (0.32 Miles) reconstruct the Intersection to improve sight distance (Describe in general terms) and shall be designated as Section and, 01-00053-06-FP BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the improvement shall be constructed by contract ; and (Insert either “contract” or “the County through its officers, agents and employees”) BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that there is hereby appropriated the sum of dollars, Seven Hundred Ninety Eight Thousand Nine Hundred Eighty and 00/100 ( $798,980.00 ) from the County’s allotment of Motor Fuel Tax Funds for the construction of this improvement and, BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the Clerk is hereby directed to transmit two certified copies of this resolution to the district office of the Department of Transportation. Approved I, County Clerk in and for said County, Steve Sonnemaker in the State aforesaid, and keeper of the records and files thereof, as provided by statute, do hereby certify the foregoing to be a true, perfect and complete copy of a resolution adopted by the County Board of County, at its Peoria Date meeting held at regular Peoria on May 13, 2010 Date Department of Transportation IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand and affixed the seal of said County at my office in in said County, this day of A.D. Regional Engineer (SEAL) County Clerk Printed 4/20/2010 BLR 09110 (Rev. 11/06) 37 TO THE HONORABLE COUNTY BOARD ) ) ) COUNTY OF PEORIA, ILLINOIS Your Transportation Committee does hereby recommend the passage of the following Resolution: RE: Reconstruction of Princeville Jubilee Road CH R40 RESOLUTION WHEREAS, $635,000 of IDOT funding has been secured in the form of Emergency Repair Program Funds to reconstruct the portion of Princeville Jubilee Road (R40) designated as section 01-00053-06-FP; and WHEREAS, this project is consistent with the Transportation Department's strategic plan; and WHEREAS, bids were solicited for the roadway reconstruction on Princeville Jubilee Road (R40), designated as section 01-00053-06-FP; and WHEREAS, on April 13, 2010, the following bids were received for the roadway reconstruction on Princeville Jubilee Road (R40), designated as Section 01-00053-06-FP. Stark Excavating, Inc. Fischer Excavating, Inc. N.E. Finch Co R. A. Cullinan , & Son Bloomington, IL Freeport, IL Peoria, IL Tremont, IL $ 698,980.00 $ 847,328.40 $ 1,049,940.00 $ 1,116,633.83 WHEREAS, your committee would recommend accepting the lowest responsible bid made by Stark Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $698,980.00. NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED, by the Peoria County Board, that the bid of Stark Excavating, Inc. in the amount of $698,980.00, is herby accepted as the lowest responsible bid for the roadway reconstruction on Princeville Jubilee Road (R40), designated as section 01-00053-06FP. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the sum of $798,980.00 be appropriated from the Motor Fuel Tax Fund for construction and engineering expenses on CH R40 (Princeville Jubilee Road) to replace the existing roadway designated as Section 01-00053-06-FP. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED, that the County Administrator be authorized to sign the contract for the reconstruction work on Section 01-00053-06-FP and that the County Treasurer be authorized to issue checks from the County Motor Fuel Fund in payment of estimates, as said estimates become due. Respectfully submitted, Transportation Committee 38
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