NRL Reporter February 2010
NRL Reporter February 2010
Northern Rays LTD. P.O. Box 455 Itasca, Il. 60143 NRL Reporter February 2010 They Don’t Write Songs About Volvo’s! Northern Rays Ltd. (NRL) is a sanctioned club of the National Council of Corvette Clubs (NCCC). Its members are dedicated to the preservation and competition of the Chevrolet Corvette. Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month at 7:30 pm: Manzo’s Ristorante & Banquets 1571 S. Elmhurst Road Des Plaines, IL 847.593.2233 (Corner of Oakton and Route 83) Membership in NRL is based on an applicant meeting the following requirements: 1. Own a Corvette at the time of Application. 2. Be at least 18 years old. 3. Have attended three meetings 4. Assisted in one club activity. 5. Submitted the first year’s NRL/NCCC dues in the amount of: $75.00 Single/$110.00 Couple Member will receive the NRL and NCCC membership cards, an NRL decal, NCCC patch and an NRL club shirt. The Reporter is published monthly by Northern Rays Limited. The content of this publication is based on source material believed to be accurate at the time of publication. NRL holds no legal responsibility for correctness or completeness of materials submitted for publication. All inquiries concerning the Reporter Should be directed to the Publications Director. Advertising rates are listed on the back cover. All items being submitted for inclusion in the Reporter must be received by the Publications Director no later than the last Tuesday of the month. Address all club correspondence to Northern Rays Ltd., P.O. Box 455, Itasca, Illinois 60143. Northern Rays Ltd. Is registered in the State of Illinois as a not-for-profit organization. 2010 NRL OFFICERS PRESIDENT Patrick Lopardo………..........…………......630.740.9868 E-mail: [email protected] VICE PRESIDENT Ken Kranz …......………………………….…847.359.3319 SECRETARY Sue Lopardo…………………………..…630-250-8727 E-mail: [email protected] TREASURER Linda Fairlamb …………………………..630.941.8446 PUBLIC RELATIONS DIRECTOR Dan Maroney ……………………………..630.782.6186 E-mail: [email protected] COMPETTION DIRECTOR Linda Fairlamb ..…………………………630.941.8446 MEMBERSHIP DIRECTOR Dan Maroney ……………………………..630.782.6186 E-mail: [email protected] NCCC GOVERNOR Vern Fagerberg ………………………….630.307.9691 SERGEANT-AT-ARMS Russ Kunke ………………………………...847-274-9898 E-mail: [email protected] Rich Dunlap ………………………………...847-359-0393 PUBLICATIONS/WEBMASTER Pat Lopardo ………………………… 630.740.9868 E-mail: [email protected] 2010 Northern Rays Ltd. NRL Ltd From the Office of the President February 2010 Can you believe that it is already February? I am not saying that the winter is flying by, but at least we are moving in the right direction. Soon it will be Corvette weather and we will actually be able to take them out. This month we have the Valentine’s Day Dinner/Dance. I heard Mark is taking extra dance lessons to be ready. In March we have dinner at the Capri restaurant and there is also the MWR Awards Banquet which will be at the same place the 2011 Convention will be at. Our website has been updated with new pictures and the Reporters are posted under the Newsletter tab. We also have a facebook site that Dan Maroney created which lists our events and has a great photo section. Some of our previous members that have moved out of state have found us again. You can get to that site by going to and then do a search for Northern Rays Corvette Club. If you are not already on facebook you will have to sign up. It is a great way to connect will old friends and classmates. I am still looking for contributions to the Reporter. This month Bridget has given me some wonderful recipes to post. So if you want to be famous, email me a recipe, story, tech tip, photo or card trick and I will publish it. The NRL Reporter circulation has increased outside of our club as they are posted on our website for all to enjoy. Patrick Lopardo President Northern Rays LTD. Northern Rays Corvette Club General Membership Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Manzo’s pizza and salad was served at 7:00 p.m. and 7:40 p.m. our new President, Pat Lopardo called the meeting to order. The first meeting of 2010 was off to wonderful start with 33 members and guests in attendance. President’s Report – Pat Lopardo Pat welcomed everyone to the meeting, a special welcome to our guest Lew. Pat also reviewed a number of upcoming events; Brunch at Port Edwards on the 17th of January; February 6th Valentines Dance at the Belvedere; March 6th dinner at the Capri. Sheila Fagerberg is working on a skybox event at the Schaumburg Flyers. Overall, there was a hum of excitement as the group considered the opportunities for 2010. Vice President’s Report – Ken Kranz Ken continued the review of upcoming events including our annual Bowling event other upcoming opportunities were briefly discussed: Joining and helping with 2011 Convention (Windy City Host Club) Bloomington Gold – NRL Tent and special Parking Food Drives in Spring and Fall Christmas in July Trip to Wickwood Inn in Saugatuck, MI Treasurer’s Report – Linda Fairlamb Linda was not able to attend the meeting. Competition Report – Linda Fairlamb Linda was not able to attend. It was noted that upcoming racing and rallye events are included in the Reporter. Public Relations Report – Dan Maroney The facebook site is active and potential new members are actively watching the site. Governor’s Report – Vern Fagerberg Vern checked the group’s interest in having a presentation on motor oil. There was a good deal of interest so this will be arranged for the March or April meeting (in time for spring car prep.) Vern also encouraged participating in NRL sponsored Rallyes and Autocross events. These are great income opportunities for the club. Sergeant at Arms Report – Rich Dunlap and Russ Kunke Thankfully, there were no Corvettes in the parking lot. Publications Report – Pat Lopardo Reporters were distributed. Call for articles, jokes, recipes or even tech tips. NRL will be participating in the Newsletter competition for 2010. Northern Rays Corvette Club General Membership Meeting Date: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 Membership Report – Dan Maroney Welcome to Lew. We hope he will be joining the club. Closing comments: Happy Birthday to Diana E.!; Mike J. had a gem of a car at the meeting – a ’76 Delta 88 Oldsmobile. Ads – Mark L. brought in three Ad renewals (Excellent!); everyone was reminded of how the Ad income helps the club. We now have 21 Ads. Keep that income coming! Meeting Break at 8:20 p.m. Excellent support for the Club tonight. Rich Dunlap coordinated the 50/50 raffle: $170 (with $85 for the winner) Linda Kunke collected for the general raffle: $188 The winners for 1/12/2010 Ed W. Won the 50/50 Terry W. Won the Box of Chicken Linda K. Won the Waterbottles and Starbucks gift cert. Sue L. Won the Panini maker Ken K. Won the Boy Scout Popcorn Mike J. Won the Vase The meeting adjourned at 8:33 p.m. Next Meeting Tuesday, February 9th Port Edwards Fun January 17, 2010 Our Thanks! to Nancy for Organizing a Wonderful day For us. Northern Rays Ltd. 2010 Planning Calendar Date Activity Key Contact Feb 26-27th Sat. Mar. 6th Sat., Mar. 13th Vern and Pat Dan M. Open to All Sue and Pat Bill and Ed Vern and Pat Linda F. Sep. 10-11th Tues., Oct. 12th Oct. TBD Nov 12-13th Nov. TBD Governors Meeting – St. Louis Dinner Event – Capri Restaurant Midwest Region Awards Banquet Food Drive - Northern Illinois Food Bank Wood Dale Bowl $32 per couple Governors Meeting – St. Louis 4 Rallyes in Milwaukee WI – Badger State Vettes & Northern Rays Ltd. Drive to Wickwood Inn, Saugatuck MI Bloomington Gold – Includes Saturday Road Tour (26th) Parade? Lazare Picnic NCCC Convention Week - Palm Beach, FL. ALMS, Elkhart Lake, WI 3 Low Speeds in Mattoon, IL– Northern Illinois, Northern Rays & Windy City Governor’s Meeting – St. Louis Food Drive – Northern Illinois Food Bank Fall Colors Run Governors Meeting – St. Louis Dinner Event Vern and Pat Sue and Pat Dan M. Vern and Pat Sue L. Dec. TBD Christmas Holiday Celebration Doris/Bridget/Di Tues., Apr 13th Sun., Apr 18th Apr. 30th – May 1st Sun., May 16th Weekend of June 5th June 24th – 27th July 4th July 17th July 24-30th August Sep., 4th – 5th (Sat and Sun) Note: Full Schedule of Midwest Region Schedule of Events include on back of this page Fun ideas still TBD: - Schaumburg Flyers Game – Sheila F. - Corvette Factory Tour – Bowling Green, KY – Ed W. - Christmas in July – Linda K. 2010 Events we have enjoyed: 1. Port Edwards Brunch Event – Nancy D. Beautiful day, 15 members attended 2. Valentines Dance – Supporting Knights of Columbus 8 club members attended 1/26/2010 Dan M. Pat L. TBD Mark Open to All Dan M. Linda and Vern 2010_MWR_Schedule_03-Jan-10.xls, Summary 2010 Midwest Region Schedule of Events Last Updated: 03-Jan-10 EVENT NCCC Meetings Regional Meeting Governors Meeting MWR Awards Banquet 1 Rallye 3 Rallyes 4 Concours 5 Low Speeds 5 Low Speeds NCCC Meetings Regional Meeting Governors Meeting 3 Rallyes 4 Rallyes 7 Low Speeds 6 Low Speeds 2 Rallyes 1 PC Concours 4 Low Speeds 7 Low Speeds 7 Low Speeds 4 Low Speeds 7 Rallyes 5 Low Speeds 6 Low Speeds 4 Low Speeds 4 Low Speeds 6 Low Speeds 4 Low Speeds NCCC Convention Week 1 PC Concours 7 Rallyes 1 PC Concours & 2 Concours 6 Low Speeds 4 Low Speeds 1 Concours & 1 PC Concours 6 Low Speeds 2 Rallyes 3 Low Speeds 3 Low Speeds NCCC Meetings Regional Meeting Governors Meeting MWRCS Cutoff Date 4 Rallyes 7 Low Speeds MWRCS MWRCS 7 Low Speeds NCCC Meetings Sanctioning Meeting Regional Meeting Governors Meeting DATE 26-Feb 27-Feb 28-Feb 13-Mar 27-Mar 11-Apr 18-Apr 24-Apr 25-Apr 30-Apr 1-May 1-May 15-May 16-May 29-May 30-May 6-Jun 6-Jun 6-Jun 12-Jun 13-Jun 19-Jun 26-Jun 3-Jul 4-Jul 10-Jul 11-Jul 17-Jul 18-Jul 24-Jul thru 30-Jul 7-Aug 8-Aug 14-Aug 21-Aug 22-Aug 22-Aug 28-Aug 29-Aug 4-Sep 5-Sep 10-Sep 11-Sep 11-Sep 12-Sep 18-Sep 26-Sep 2-Oct 3-Oct 16-Oct 12-Nov 13-Nov 13-Nov 13-Nov DAY LOCATION Friday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Saturday Tinley Park, IL Saturday Centralia, IL Sunday Milan, IL Sunday Tinley Park, IL Saturday Rantoul, IL Sunday Rantoul, IL Friday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Saturday Burnsville, MN Sunday Milwaukee, WI Saturday Mattoon, IL Sunday Mattoon, IL Sunday Crystal Lake, IL Sunday Hodgkins, IL Sunday Mt. Joy, IA Saturday Waukesha, WI Sunday Waukesha, WI Saturday South Bend, IN Saturday Woodbury, MN Saturday Rantoul, IL Sunday Rantoul, IL Saturday Waukesha, WI Sunday Waukesha, WI Saturday Quincy, IL Sunday Quincy, IL Saturday Palm Beach, FL thru Palm Beach, FL Friday Palm Beach, FL Saturday Machesney Park, IL Sunday West Salem, WI Saturday Crystal Lake, IL Saturday Wentzville, MO Sunday Wentzville, MO Sunday West Allis, WI Saturday Centralia, IL Saturday Crystal Lake, IL Saturday Mattoon, IL Sunday Mattoon, IL Friday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Sunday Saturday Burnsville, MN Sunday Galesburg, IL Saturday TBD Sunday TBD Saturday South Bend, IN Friday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Saturday St. Louis, MO Page 1 of 1 HOST CLUB NCCC Committee Meetings 7:00 p.m. Midwest Region Meeting 8:30 a.m. National Governors Meeting 1:00 p.m. MWR & Windy City Corvettes Little Egypt Corvette Club Midwest Corvettes Lakeside Corvettes Central Illinois Corvette Club & Corvette Cruisers Mid Illinois Corvette Club & Corvette Cruisers NCCC Committee Meetings 7:00 p.m. Midwest Region Meeting 8:30 a.m. National Governors Meeting 1:00 p.m. Minnesota Renegades Badger State Vettes & Northern Rays Ltd Windy City, Mid-Illinois, Chicago Corvette Club Windy City, Chicago Corvette Club Sunburst Corvette Club Windy City Corvettes Midwest Corvettes Wisconsin & Kettle Moraine Corvette Clubs Wisconsin & Kettle Moraine Corvette Clubs Windy City Corvettes & Lakeside Corvettes Corvettes of Minnesota Central Illinois Corvette Club & Corvette Cruisers Rolling Prairie & Central Illinois Corvette Clubs Badger State Vettes Northern Illinois Corvette Club Great River Corvette Club Great River Corvette Club & Rolling Prairie NCCC Convention NCCC Convention NCCC Convention Northern Illinois Corvette Club River City Corvettes Sunburst Corvette Club Route 66 Corvette Club & St. Louis Corvette Club Route 66 Corvette Club Badger State Vettes Little Egypt Corvette Club Sunburst Corvette Club Northern Illinois-Northern Rays-Windy City Northern Illinois-Northern Rays-Windy City NCCC Committee Meetings 7:00 p.m. Midwest Region Meeting 8:30 a.m. National Governors Meeting 1:00 p.m. MWRCS Qualifying Cutoff Date Minnesota Renegades Glass Favorites Corvettes Midwest Regional Championship Series Midwest Regional Championship Series Land of Lincoln Corvettes NCCC Committee Meetings 7:00 p.m. MWR 2010 Sanctioning Meeting Midwest Region Meeting 8:30 a.m. National Governors Meeting 1:00 p.m. Northern Rays Recipe Corner (Because if we are not driving our Corvettes we are eating!) February 2010 This Month’s Recipes submitted by Bridget Lazare Shortbread Cookies 3 sticks softened butter (only butter) ¾ cup white sugar 3 cups flour Beat butter and sugar, then add flour. Spread into 10 x 15 or 11 x 17 jelly roll pan. If dough sticks to your fingers, put flour on your hand before spreading it into the pan. Sprinkle with sugar and mini chocolate chips. Bake at 300 degrees for approximately 40 minutes. Cut immediately into squares and then let cool, and enjoy! IRISH SODA BREAD 4 cups flour ¼ cup sugar 1 tsp salt 1 tsp baking powder 1 stick butter, softened 1-1/2 cups raisins 1-1/2 cup buttermilk 1 egg 1 tsp baking soda 1 tsp cream of tartar Mix and sift flour, sugar, salt, and baking powder. Cut in butter, then stir in raisins. Combine, buttermilk, egg, baking soda and cream of tartar together and pour into flour mixture. Butter or PAM a casserole dish and bake at 375 degrees for approx. 40 – 60 minutes. Cool on wire rack. Chatter about the Plant Some info regarding Corvette production heard through the grapevine. The plant was closed 28 out of the last 52 weeks. They expect to make 900 ZR1's this year vs 1250 last year (and maybe the last year for the ZR1 depending on what is built). The plant high employment was 7 years ago at 1200 employees. Last October was 350 and a month later they laid off 100 more. October hourly production was 12 Corvettes per hour, November till now is 7 Corvettes per hour, full production runs around 22 Corvettes per hour. It's will be interesting to see what will happen with the Corvette in the future? January 2010 Trivia Question - ANSWER In what Year was an AM-FM radio first offered in a Corvette ? Hint : The first Big Mac goes on sale in McDonalds costing $0.49. 1968 February 2010 Trivia Question In what Year did a CD Player first become available in a Corvette? Hint : the Cincinnati Reds won the World Series that year. February 2010 – Tech Tips By Pat Lopardo The Proper way to Jack up a Corvette (Especially true of a C4 or C5) When raising up a Corvette on a lift to do maintenance you need to be careful. If you treat your Corvette like an old pickup truck you will wreck it. This is especially true on the C4’s and C5’s as the body “rolls’ under the frame. On a C5 Corvette there are 4 cutouts in the fiberglass rocker panels that expose a hole in the frame. There are two on each side. They are meant for a tool called a jacking puck to go into them. You put 1 puck it to each hole so that when the lift touches it, the rocker panels won’t be damaged. Another great tip is to make sure the shop cracks open the doors, hood and trunk when it goes up on the lift. That way you won’t crack any body panels – this is especially true on C4’s. 1964 Corvette black 4 speed convertible under 40,000 miles - $40,000. See Harry Ehorn for more info. 2003 50th Anniversary Black Corvette Coupe Original Owner 17,000 Miles Automatic Black Interior Transparent Glass Top Fully Loaded Z51 Handling Premium Wheels 19"+ Extended Warranty Garage Kept Excellent Condition ASKING $28,000 or Best Offer 708-744-2852 Your Ad Here !!! For Sale Dual Quad Set‐up for Corvette The Manifold casting number is 3739653. The Manifold has no cracks and has never been welded or modified. It is in very good condition. The WCFB Carb Airhorn Numbers are 6-1299 The Throttle Body numbers are 0-049 The Base Plate numbers are 1-1387 Currently one of the Carbs is disassembled. I have all the components for it. I also have both rebuild kits for the Carbs as well.. Best Offer Contact Jeff at: [email protected] Please Patronize our Advertisers We are full-service public refrigerated warehousing solution, offering a state-of-the-art and strategically facility located in the US near Chicago ,IL . 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