Laporan Tahunan Trikomsel 2009
Laporan Tahunan Trikomsel 2009
Embracing The Future Menggapai Masa Depan 09 Laporan Tahunan Annual Report PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Daftar Isi Contents Profil Perusahaan Company Profile Tinjauan Usaha Business Review Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance 3 Tema : Menggapai Masa Depan Theme : Embracing the Future 32 Kegiatan Usaha Distribusi Distribution Channel 48 Prinsip Dasar Basic Principles 5 Sekilas Perseroan Company at a Glance 34 Kegiatan Usaha Ritel Retail Channel 48 Implementasi Implementation 7 Visi, Misi dan Kode Etik Perusahaan Vision, Mission and Corporate Code of Ethics 41 Anak Perusahaan Subsidiaries 49 Peraturan Perusahaan Company’s Rules 43 Pemasaran dan Hubungan dengan Pelanggan Marketing and Customer Relations 49 Pedoman Perilaku Code of Conduct 45 Sumber Daya Manusia Human Resources 50 Struktur Tata Kelola Perusahaan Corporate Governance Structure 8 Penghargaan 2009 Awards in 2009 9 Perjalanan Usaha Perseroan Company Milestones 11 Peristiwa Penting 2009 2009 Significant Events 13 Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights 15 Ikhtisar Saham Share Highlights 17 Laporan Presiden Komisaris Report from the President Commissioner 23 Laporan Presiden Direktur & CEO Report from the President Director & CEO PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Analisa dan Pembahasan Manajemen Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perusahaan Management Discussion and Analysis Corporate Social Responsibility Data Perusahaan Corporate Data 56 Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting Key Financial Highlights 66 Filoso CSR Philosophy of CSR 74 Informasi Perusahaan Corporate Information 61 Risiko Usaha Business Risk 67 Aktivitas CSR CSR Activities 75 Prol Manajemen Management Prole 72 Rencana ke Depan Future Planning 80 Lokasi OkeShop OkeShop Locations 85 Struktur Organisasi Organization Structure 86 Tanggung Jawab Atas Laporan Tahunan 2009 Responsibility for 2009 Annual Report Laporan Keuangan Lengkap Financial Report 88 Pernyataan Direksi terhadap Laporan Auditor Independen Statement of the Board of Directors on the Independent Auditor’s Report 89 Laporan Auditor Independen Independent Auditor’s Report Menggapai Masa Depan Tahun 2009 telah menjadi lembaran baru bagi PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. (Perseroan), yang bergerak di bidang distribusi dan perdagangan eceran produk dan jasa telekomunikasi, komputer dan multimedia termasuk telepon seluler, netbook, aksesoris, produk operator, jasa perbaikan serta produk dan jasa lainnya yang terkait dengan industri telekomunikasi dan multimedia. Momentum dilakukannya Initial Public Offering (IPO) menjadi titik awal Perseroan dalam mengimplementasikan nilai-nilai tata kelola perusahaan yang baik di setiap aktivitas bisnis Perseroan. Ke depan, berbekal sumber daya manusia dan permodalan yang kokoh, bersinergi dengan kekuatan strategi manajerial yang handal diharapkan mampu meningkatkan pertumbuhan protabilitas guna menunjang pertumbuhan berkesinambungan Perseroan. Sebagai warga korporat yang baik, Perseroan memiliki tanggung jawab untuk berkontribusi bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan melalui kinerja Perseroan yang solid dan memberi nilai tambah bagi Karyawan, mitra bisnis, komunitas, lingkungan dan bangsa. Masa depan yang lebih baik bukanlah sekedar impian, tetapi suatu pencapaian yang telah ada dalam genggaman. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 3 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Embracing the Future 2009 ushered in a new beginning for PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. ("the Company"). The Company is engaged in the distribution and sales of telecommunication products and services, computers and multimedia including mobile devices, netbooks, accessories, operator products, repair service and other activities related to the telecommunication and multimedia industry. The Initial Public Offering (IPO) became the starting point for the Company in implementing the value of good corporate governance in every facet of our business. By having capable human resources, strong capital and reliable managerial strategy, the Company is expected to improve prot growth to support the growth of the Company. As a good corporate citizen, the Company has the responsibility to contribute to the stakeholder through good performance that gives added value to employees, business partners, the community, the environment and the nation. A bright future is not just a dream, but one of the targeted achievements. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 4 Sekilas Perseroan Company at a Glance Sebagai perusahaan penyedia produk dan layanan telekomunikasi di Indonesia, PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. (Perseroan), didirikan di Jakarta pada tanggal 7 Oktober 1996 dengan nama PT Trikomsel Citrawahana. Pada tahun 2000 PT Trikomsel Citrawahana berubah nama menjadi PT Trikomsel Multimedia dan terakhir pada tahun 2007 menjadi PT Trikomsel Oke. Selain menyediakan berbagai pilihan produk dan layanan komunikasi seluler, Perseroan juga merupakan distributor untuk produk-produk operator ternama di Indonesia. Aktivitas usaha Perseroan dilakukan melalui jalur distribusi dan ritel dengan berlandaskan pada semangat terus menumbuhkan nilai kehidupan yang berkesinambungan. As a company that supplies telecommunication products and services in Indonesia, PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. “the Company“ was founded in Jakarta on 7 October 1996 under the name of PT Trikomsel Citrawahana. In 2000, the Company changed its name to PT Trikomsel Multimedia, and in 2007 to PT Trikomsel Oke. In addition to providing various mobile communication products and services, the Company also acts as a distributor for well-known operator products in Indonesia. Business activities of the Company are done through distribution and retail channels with the basis of fostering the value of life through continuous improvement. Di sisi kegiatan usaha distribusi, Perseroan bekerjasama dengan para peritel independen (dealer) yang memiliki satu atau beberapa gerai dalam jumlah yang relatif kecil. Hingga akhir Desember 2009, jumlah dealer dan pusat distribusi masing-masing sebanyak 11.814 dealer aktif dan 108 pusat distribusi. On the distribution channel, the Company is collaborating with independent dealers which have one or more outlets. Up to December 2009, the total number of dealers and points of distribution had reached 11,814 and 108, respectively. Perseroan memiliki jaringan ritel dengan cakupan yang luas meliputi seluruh wilayah Indonesia yang didukung dengan infrastruktur yang terus berkembang. Jaringan ritel tersebut direpresentasikan dalam bentuk gerai ritel dengan nama "OkeShop". The Company has a wide retail network that covers all areas in Indonesia that are supported with continuous infrastructure development. The retail network is represented in the form of retail outlets entitled “OkeShop”. Pada akhir 2009, jaringan gerai ritel OkeShop mencapai 766 gerai di 153 kota di seluruh Indonesia. Melalui jaringan gerai ritel OkeShop, Perseroan menjual berbagai jenis perangkat telekomunikasi seluler (telepon seluler) dan aksesorisnya dari berbagai produsen internasional, yakni Nokia, Sony Ericsson, iPhone dan BlackBerry. Selain itu, Perseroan juga menawarkan produk-produk operator seperti paket perdana kartu SIM prabayar dan voucher isi ulang dari berbagai operator ternama di Indonesia. At the end of 2009, OkeShop retail network had reached 766 outlets in 153 cities in Indonesia. Through OkeShop retail network, the Company sells a variety of mobile devices and accessories from various international producers such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, iPhone and BlackBerry. In addition the Company also offers operator products such as pre-paid SIM cards and reload vouchers from well-known Indonesian operators. Sejak 2007, Perseroan telah menjual layanan konten (mobile content) dari pihak ketiga atau Prinsipal yang meliputi nada dering, game dan aplikasi lain untuk menambah kepuasan Since 2007, the Company has sold mobile content from third parties or Principals that include ringtones, games, and other applications primarily to provide value added services to the TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 5 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 dan pengalaman pengguna telepon seluler sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup (lifestyle). Perseroan tidak membatasi penjualan pada segmen tertentu mengingat portofolio produk yang dipasarkan bervariasi dari segi harga, model dan merek. mobile device users where the experiences will be part of day to day lifestyle of the mobile device users. Sales were not limited to certain segments as the portfolio of the marketed products varied in price, brand, and design. Untuk memperluas jaringan distribusi, kenyamanan pelanggan dan jangkauan pasar yang lebih luas, Perseroan juga meluncurkan layanan penjualan telepon seluler secara online melalui Situs ini menjadi toko online pertama di Indonesia yang menawarkan alat telekomunikasi dengan pembayaran menggunakan kartu kredit. Memasuki kuartal ketiga 2009, Perseroan juga melakukan diversikasi produk dan layanan untuk mulai merambah pada pasar netbook melalui kerjasama dengan pemegang merek-merek internasional ternama. To expand the distribution network, customers’ convenience and market network, the Company launched an online sales service through This website has become the rst online shop in Indonesia to offer telecommunication products with credit card payment. In the third quarter of 2009, the Company also undertook some product and service diversication by penetrating the netbook market in collaboration with well-known international brands. Perseroan terus mengupayakan pertumbuhan yang diwujudnyatakan melalui tahapan baru yang telah dijalani Perseroan dengan menjadi perusahaan publik pada 14 April 2009. Prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik akan semakin intensif dilakukan oleh Perseroan demi komitmen mewujudkan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan bagi semua pemangku kepentingan. Nilai-nilai yang telah terbentuk dan mulai mengakar dalam budaya kerja perusahaan diharapkan turut mengokohkan prinsip tersebut demi mewujudkan perusahaan yang kokoh dalam hal keunggulan teknologi, keuangan dan manajemen. The Company keeps striving for growth which is reected as it entered a new stage to become a public listed company on 14 April 2009. The principle of good corporate governance have been practiced rigorously in order to promote and nurture continuous growth for the stakeholders. Values that have been developed and the work culture are both expected to be able to strengthen that principle in order to create a solid management, nancial and technological base for the Company. Aktivitas usaha Perseroan dilakukan melalui jalur distribusi dan ritel dengan berlandaskan pada semangat terus menumbuhkan nilai kehidupan yang berkesinambungan. Business activities of the Company are done through distribution and retail channels with the basis of fostering the value of life through continuous improvement. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 6 Visi, Misi, dan Kode Etik Perseroan Vision, Mission, and Company's Code of Ethics VISI Vision Memperkaya kualitas kehidupan melalui solusi multimedia. To enrich quality of life through multimedia solutions. Kode Etik Code of Ethics 1. Profesional Professionalism 2. Bertanggung Jawab Responsible 3. Setia Loyalty 4. Kualitas Quality MISI 5. Kreatif Creative Mission 6. Inovatif Innovative 7. Tepat Waktu Punctual 8. Sinergi Synergy 9. Perbaikan Tak Henti Continuous Improvement 10. Berkesinambungan Sustainability 11. Integritas Integrity 12. Layanan Jasa Terbaik Service Excellence Bertekad untuk menjadi terdepan sebagai penyedia solusi multimedia dengan meningkatkan nilai kehidupan dan kemakmuran kepada para Stakeholder (Pelanggan, Karyawan & Pemegang Saham) melalui Kegiatan Operasional dan Layanan Jasa terbaik. Committed to be the leading company in providing multimedia solutions by improving value and prosperity to Stakeholders (Customers, Employees & Shareholders) through Operational & Service Excellence. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 7 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Penghargaan 2009 Awards in 2009 1 Pada April 2009, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan dari Nokia Retail Excellence Award untuk kategori Best Service Activation di Nokia Store Mal Taman Anggrek, Jakarta. 2 Pada Mei 2009, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan Nokia Retail Excellence Award untuk kategori Best Service Activation di Nokia Store Pondok Indah, Jakarta. 3 Pada Juni 2009, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan Nokia Retail Excellence Award untuk kategori Best In-Store Display di Nokia Store Grand Indonesia, Jakarta. 4 Pada Juni 2009, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan Nokia Retail Excellence Award untuk kategori Best Store Sales Achievement untuk Nokia Store Botani Square, Bogor. 5 Pada Februari 2010, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan Best Distributor Sales Award untuk kategori Best Partnership Marketing 2009 in Asia Pacic Region oleh Sony Ericsson. 6 7 In April 2009, the Company received an award from Nokia titled Retail Excellence Award for Best Service Activation category for Nokia Store in Taman Anggrek Mall, Jakarta. In May 2009, the Company received the Nokia Retail Excellence Award for Best Service Activation category for Nokia Store in Pondok Indah, Jakarta In June 2009, the Company received the Nokia Retail Excellence Award for Best In-Store Display category for Nokia Store in Grand Indonesia, Jakarta. In June 2009, the Company received the Nokia Retail Excellence Award for Best Store Sales Achievement category award for Nokia Store in Botani Square, Bogor. In February 2009, the Company received the Best Distributor Sales Award from Sony Ericsson for Best Partnership Marketing 2009 in Asia Pacic Region. Pada tahun 2008 dan 2010, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan Superbrand Award 2008 - 2009 dan Superbrand Award 2010 - 2011 untuk brand OkeShop. In 2008 and 2010, the Company received the Superbrand Award 2008 - 2009 and the Superbrand Award 2010 - 2011 for OkeShop brand. Pada Januari 2010, Perseroan menerima Piagam Penghargaan dari Kantor Madya Pajak Jakarta Selatan karena telah menunaikan kewajiban pembayaran pajak Perseroan tahun 2009 dengan baik. In January 2010, the Company received the Tax Achievement Award from South Jakarta Tax Ofce as good compliance of the Company's tax payment in 2009. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 8 Perjalanan Usaha Perseroan Company Milestones 1996 1997-1998 2000 2004 Perseroan berdiri dengan nama PT Trikomsel Citrawahana dengan aktivitas bisnis menjadi distributor resmi Nokia di Indonesia. Menjadi distributor resmi Sony Ericsson sekaligus distributor untuk produkproduk operator terbesar dan mulai membangun showroom Nokia dan Sony Ericsson. Berganti nama menjadi PT Trikomsel Multimedia yang mengoperasikan 40 gerai ritel “Ponsel Direct”. Menangani dan mengelola 400 gerai dengan nama “OkeShop”sekaligus melakukan ekspansi jaringan distribusi ke pelanggan Korporat dan Perbankan Konsumer. The Company was established under the name of PT Trikomsel Citrawahana, as an Authorized Distributor of Nokia in Indonesia. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 9 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Appointed as an Authorized Distributor of Sony Ericsson and distributor of major operator products. Started to build showrooms for Nokia and Sony Ericsson. Company's name changed to PT Trikomsel Multimedia. 40 “Ponsel Direct” retail outlets in operation. Handling and operating 400 “OkeShop” outlets and at the same time expanding the distribution line to Corporate and Consumer Banking. 2005-2006 2007 2008 Menitikberatkan pada produktivitas dan infrastruktur dan meluncurkan program pembayaran melalui kartu kredit dengan menggunakan Electronic Data Capture (EDC) melalui jaringan GPRS serta mengelola 564 OkeShop. Berganti nama dari PT Trikomsel Multimedia menjadi PT Trikomsel Oke (TRIO) yang mengelola 707 OkeShop yang tersebar di 132 kota. Pada periode ini juga diluncurkan produk layanan konten dan layanan isi ulang pulsa melalui sistem elektronik dengan nama “Oke Plus” dan “Oke Reload”. Memperluas jaringan distribusi melalui dan call center serta memiliki lebih dari 800 OkeShop yang tersebar di 145 kota di Indonesia. Melakukan Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana (Initial Public Offering/ IPO) di Bursa Efek Indonesia dan tercatat sebagai perusahaan terbuka. Expanding distribution network through and call center. Also, at this point, the Company had owned more than 800 OkeShops in 145 cities in Indonesia. Initial Public Offering (IPO) in Indonesia Stock Exchange, therefore registered as a public company. Emphasising on infrastructure and productivity, launching a payment program using credit cards by Electronic Data Capture through GPRS network, and operating 564 OkeShop. Perseroan memperoleh fasilitas perbankan dari BCA sebesar Rp. 20 miliar dan 8 juta Dollar AS pada tanggal 10 Mei 2006. The Company received a banking facility from BCA for the amount of Rp. 20 million and 8 million US Dollars on 10 May 2006. Company's name changed from PT Trikomsel Multimedia to PT Trikomsel Oke (TRIO) and operated 707 OkeShops in 132 cities. During this period, mobile content and electronic voucher reload service were launched under the name of “Oke Plus" and "Oke Reload”. 2009 Pada tanggal 3 Juli 2008 Perseroan menandatangani perjanjian kredit sindikasi sebesar Rp. 480 miliar dan 27 juta Dollar AS dengan lima bank peserta sindikasi yaitu Citibank, BCA, BII, Bank Mandiri dan CIMB Niaga (dahulu Bank Lippo) dengan Citicorp International Limited sebagai Facility Agent dan BCA sebagai Security Agent. On 3 July 2008 the Company signed a syndicated credit agreement for the amount of Rp.480 billion and 27 million US Dollars with ve syndicated participants : Citibank, BCA, BII, Mandiri Bank and CIMB Niaga (formerly Lippo Bank). Citicorp International Limited acted as Facility Agent and BCA as Security Agent. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 10 Peristiwa Penting 2009 2009 Signicant Events Februari February 26 Februari 2009 Perseroan menyelenggarakan paparan publik (public expose) mengenai rencana IPO di bulan April. The Company held a public expose for its IPO in April. Maret March 5 Maret 2009 Perseroan mendapat kepercayaan dari PT ANZ Panin Bank (ANZ), berupa fasilitas pinjaman sebesar 20 juta Dollar AS. The Company was entrusted by PT ANZ Panin Bank (ANZ) with a fund totalling 20 million US Dollars. 12 Maret 2009 Perseroan mendapatkan fasilitas perbankan dari Standard Chartered Bank sebesar 10 juta Dollar AS. The Company received a banking facility from Standard Chartered Bank in the amount of 10 million US Dollars. September September 4 September 2009 Perseroan menjalin kerja sama dengan mig33, perusahaan berskala internasional yang memiliki jaringan komunitas seluler terbesar di dunia, dalam penjualan pulsa mig33 di gerai OkeShop. The Company collaborated with mig33, an international company that has the largest cellular community in the world, in selling mig33 vouchers in OkeShop outlets. 12 September 2009 Perseroan melakukan kunjungan ke Panti Asuhan pada saat bulan Puasa. The Company visited orphanages during fasting month. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 11 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 13 September 2009 Perseroan menyelenggarakan "Mudik Bareng" sebagai salah satu bentuk kegiatan CSR. The Company held “Mudik Bareng” as one of the CSR programs. April Juni Agustus April June August 14 April 2009 Perseroan menggelar penawaran umum saham perdana atau Initial Public Offering (IPO) dan memperoleh dana sebesar Rp.101,25 miliar serta menjadi perusahaan terbuka pertama yang bergerak dalam bidangnya. 2 Juni 2009 Perseroan ditunjuk oleh Acer sebagai Authorized Partner untuk penjualan netbook Acer dan Gateway. 8 Agustus 2009 Perseroan membagikan dividen tunai kepada pemegang saham sebesar 30,36 persen dari laba bersih selama 2008 yang setara dengan Rp.31,15 miliar setelah mencatatkan sahamnya kurang dari 4 (empat) bulan. The Company held Initial Public Offering (IPO), raising Rp.101.25 billion, and became the rst public company in Indonesia engaged in its eld. The Company was appointed by Acer as an Authorized Partner for the sale of Acer and Gateway netbooks. 11-13 Juni 2009 Rapat Kerja Kantor Cabang (Ritel). Company Retail Branch meeting. 26 Juni 2009 Perseroan menyelenggarakan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST). The Company held its Annual General Meeting of Shareholders. The Company distributed cash dividends to shareholders in the amount of Rp.31.15 billion equal to 30.36 percent of net prot in 2008 after registering it shares for less than 4 months. 11-12 Agustus 2009 Rapat Kerja Kantor (Distribusi) Cabang Company Dealer Branch meeting. November Desember November December 13 November 2009 Perseroan bekerja sama dengan Palang Merah Indonesia mengadakan Program Donor Darah. Blood donation program was held by the Company in collaboration with The Indonesian Red Cross. 16 November 2009 Perseroan mendapatkan fasilitas FX senilai 2 juta Dollar AS dari HSBC. The Company received FX facility in the amount of 2 million US Dollars from HSBC. 27 November 2009 Untuk memperingati Hari Raya Idul Adha Perseroan berpartisipasi dalam menyumbang hewan kurban untuk masyarakat sekitar. To celebrate Idul Adha, the Company participated in giving sacriced animals to the surrounding community. 1 Desember 2009 Canopus Finance Limited (Canopus) melakukan konversi Mandatory Exchangeable Bond (MEB) dengan 1.112.500.000 lembar saham Perseroan yang dimiliki PT Delta Sarana Pradana (DSP) dan menjadi Pemegang Saham Perseroan. Canopus Finance Limited (Canopus) executed a Mandatory Exchangeable Bond (MEB) conversion of 1.112.500.000 shares owned by PT Delta Sarana Pradana (DSP), thus becoming a shareholder. 4-6 Desember 2009 Rapat Kerja Kantor Cabang untuk membahas strategi pemasaran dan keuangan di 2010. Company Branch meeting to discuss marketing and nancial strategy in 2010. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 12 Ikhtisar Keuangan Financial Highlights Keterangan Dalam miliar Rupiah (In billion Rupiah) 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Neraca Konsolidasi Jumlah Aset Lancar Jumlah Aset Tidak Lancar Description Consolidated Balance Sheets 1,788 1,099 584 319 193 Total Current Assets Total Non-Current Assets 161 111 136 46 13 Jumlah Aset 1,949 1,210 720 365 206 Total Assets Jumlah Kewajiban Lancar 1,254 775 465 285 174 Total Current Liabilities 8 6 5 3 3 Total Non-Current Liabilities 1,261 782 470 289 176 Total Liabilities 687 429 251 76 30 Total Equity Pendapatan Bersih 5,452 5,340 3,420 2,518 1,474 Net Revenue Beban Pokok Pendapatan 4,899 4,901 3,130 2,348 1,414 Cost of Revenue Laba Kotor 553 439 290 171 60 Gross Prot Beban Usaha 294 233 136 97 55 Operating Expenses Laba Usaha 259 206 154 74 5 Income from Operations Beban Lain-lain - bersih (95) (59) (37) (6) (3) Other Charges-net Laba Sebelum Pajak 164 148 117 68 2 Income before Tax Laba Bersih 118 103 80 46 1 Net Income 28 46 78 45 1 Basic Earnings per Share (Rp.) 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Jumlah Kewajiban Tidak Lancar Jumlah Kewajiban Jumlah Ekuitas Laporan Laba Rugi Konsolidasi Laba Bersih per Saham Dasar (Rp.) Keterangan Consolidated Statements of Income Rasio Pertumbuhan Pendapatan Bersih Description Growth Ratio 2.10% 56.16% 35.79% 70.83% 40.15% Net Revenue Beban Pokok Pendapatan -0.05% 56.60% Laba Kotor 26.02% 51.43% 33.31% 66.04% 40.09% Cost of Revenue 69.86% 183.25% 41.43% Beban Usaha 26.61% Gross Prot 71.41% 39.68% 76.56% 48.04% Operating Expenses Laba Usaha 25.35% 33.86% 109.71% 1301.99% -3.69% Income from Operations Beban Lain-lain bersih 61.65% 56.72% 545.75% 75.45% 3923.17% Other Charges-net Laba Sebelum Pajak 10.98% 26.54% 72.47% 3379.53% -63.70% Income before Tax Laba Bersih 14.73% 27.55% 73.71% 3884.03% -68.84% Net Income Jumlah Aset 61.02% 68.00% 97.37% 77.17% 89.44% Total Assets Jumlah Kewajiban 61.38% 66.40% 62.57% 63.94% 115.91% Total Liabilities Jumlah Ekuitas 60.36% 71.00% 229.51% 155.46% 9.78% Total Equity 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Keterangan Rasio Keuangan Description Financial Ratio Aset Lancar/Kewajiban Lancar 1.43 1.42 1.26 1.12 1.11 Current Assets/Current Liabilities Jumlah Kewajiban/Jumlah Aset 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.79 0.86 Total Liabilities/Total Assets Jumlah Kewajiban/Jumlah Ekuitas 1.83 1.82 1.87 3.80 5.92 Total Liabilities/Total Equity Laba Kotor/Pendapatan Bersih 10.15% 8.22% 8.48% 6.78% 4.09% Gross Prot/Net Revenue Laba Usaha/Pendapatan Bersih 4.75% 3.87% 4.51% 2.92% 0.36% Income from Operations/Net Revenue Rasio Usaha Laba Bersih/Pendapatan Bersih Laba Usaha/Jumlah Aset Laba Bersih/Jumlah Aset Operational Ratio 2.16% 1.92% 2.35% 1.84% 0.08% Net Income/Net Revenue 13.28% 17.06% 21.41% 20.15% 2.55% Income from Operations/Total Assets 6.04% 8.48% 11.16% 12.68% 0.56% Net Income/Total Assets Laba Usaha/Jumlah Ekuitas 37.65% 48.17% 61.53% 96.68% 17.62% Income from Operations/Total Equity Laba Bersih/Jumlah Ekuitas 17.12% 23.93% 32.08% 60.85% 3.90% Net Income/Total Equity TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 13 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Pendapatan Bersih Net RevenueRevenue Pendapatan Bersih per Segmen Net Revenue by Segment Dalam miliar Rupiah (in billion Rupiah) Dalam miliar Rupiah (in billion Rupiah) 5.452 5.340 4500 4.080 5000 4000 3500 3.263 4000 3000 3.420 2500 3000 1.949 2000 1.636 1.718 2.518 1500 1.130 1.383 1.115 2000 1.316 1000 1.474 500 1000 355 100 2005 2006 2007 2008 2005 2009 128 66 5 4 2006 2007 Telepon Seluler Mobile Devices 56 2008 2009 Konten dan Lain-lain Content and Others Produk Operator Operator Products Jumlah Kewajiban dan Ekuitas Total Liabilities and Equity Laba Kotor, Laba Usaha, dan Laba Bersih Gross Prot, Income from Operations, and Net Income Dalam miliar Rupiah (in billion Rupiah) Dalam miliar Rupiah (in billion Rupiah) 1.261 1000 553 550 900 800 500 782 450 439 687 700 400 600 350 500 470 300 290 429 400 200 300 289 200 100 259 250 251 100 2006 Jumlah Ekuitas Total Equity 74 60 76 2005 154 150 176 30 50 2007 206 171 2008 2009 Jumlah Kewajiban Total Liabilities 1 5 2005 80 118 103 46 2006 2007 Laba Kotor Gross Prot 2008 2009 Laba Bersih Net Income Laba Usaha Operating Income PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 14 Ikhtisar Saham Share Highlights 250 240 230 220 210 200 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Harga Saham Share Price 2009 Periode Terendah Lowest Penutupan Highest 230 210 225 225 199 215 225 205 220 Tertinggi Period Kuartal 2 Closing 2nd Quarter Kuartal 3 3rd Quarter Kuartal 4 4th Quarter Komposisi Pemegang Saham Shareholder Composition Jumlah Lembar Saham Number of Shares 25,00% 2.772.610.000 PT Delta Sarana Pradana 1.112.500.000 Canopus Finance Limited 1,29% 10,11% 1,29% 450.000.000 TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 15 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Masyarakat Public 57.445.000 Kindarto Kohar 57.445.000 Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam 62,31% Berdasarkan Daftar Pemegang Saham Perusahaan per 31 Desember 2009 Based on List of Shareholders as per 31 December 2009 Daftar Pemegang Saham Kurang Dari 5% List of Shareholders Less Than 5% Kelompok Group Jumlah Lembar Saham Total Shares % % Perorangan Indonesia Indonesian Individuals 186.258.000 4,18 Yayasan Dana Pensiun Pension Funds 1.000.000 0,02 Perseroan Terbatas Limited Company 77.000 0,00 Perorangan Asing Foreign Individuals 100.000 0,00 Badan Usaha Asing Foreign Business Entity 377.455.000 8,48 Jumlah Total 564.890.000 12,68 Modal Disetor (saham) Kegiatan Korporasi Tanggal Distribusi Saham Baru (saham) Corporate Action Distribution Date Additional Listed Shares Total Accumulated Number of Shares Pre-IPO IPO 14 April 2009 - 4.450.000.000 - 450.000.000 Kinerja Saham Harga Nominal (Rp) Nominal Value (Rp) 100 100 2009 Share Performance Jumlah Saham Beredar 4.450.000.000 Number of Outstanding Shares Jumlah Rata-rata Tertimbang Saham Beredar Weighted - Average Number of Shares Outstanding 687.435 Nilai Buku (dalam Milyar Rupiah) Book Value (in Million Rupiah) Harga Tertinggi 230 Highest Share Price 199 Harga Terendah Lowest Share Price 220 Harga Penutupan Closing Share Price 28 Laba Bersih per Saham Dasar Basic Earnings per Share Rasio Harga terhadap Laba Bersih per Saham Dasar 7.86 Price Earning Ratio Riwayat Dividen Chronology of Dividend Tahun Buku Year Book 2008 Tanggal Pembayaran Date of Payment 7 Agustus 2009 Dividen per Saham (Rp) Dividend per Share (Rp) Total Dividen (Rp) Total Dividend (Rp) Dividen terhadap Laba Bersih Dividend Payout Ratio 7 30,36% PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 16 Tahun 2009 adalah tahapan dimana Perseroan memasuki era keterbukaan seiring dengan pelaksanaan Initial Public Offering (IPO). Kindarto Kohar Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner PTTRIKOMSEL TRIKOMSELOKE OKETbk. Tbk. 17 17 PT Laporan LaporanTahunan tahunan2009 2009 Year of 2009 has become a new era for the company in line with the implementation of Initial Public Offering (IPO). Laporan Presiden Komisaris Report from the President Commissioner Tahun 2009 adalah tahapan dimana Perseroan memasuki era keterbukaan seiring dengan pelaksanaan Initial Public Offering (IPO) pada April lalu. Perubahan menjadi suatu keniscayaan yang tidak bisa dihindari, bagi seluruh jajaran Perseroan hal ini menjadi energi yang menggerakkan kapabilitas untuk berkarya lebih baik. Perseroan berkomitmen penuh untuk mewujudkan prinsip tata kelola perusahaan dengan menjunjung tinggi asas transparansi, akuntabilitas, kemandirian dalam setiap aspek bisnis yang dijalankan. Prinsip berkelanjutan dalam bisnis juga menjadi panduan dalam menentukan strategi dan kebijakan Perseroan mengingat prospek bisnis telekomunikasi di Indonesia ke depan akan bertumbuh. We welcomed in a new era for the Company in 2009 with the successful implementation of the Company’s Initial Public Offering (IPO) in April. Unavoidably, change has become a necessity and is the main focus with which the capabilities of all sectors of the Company will improve and increase performance. However, the Company remains fully committed to maintaining good corporate governance by upholding transparency, accountability and independence in all business aspects. Sustainability in our business activities has also been a guide in determining the Company strategy and policy particularly in light of the continued growth of the telecommunications business in Indonesia. Berdasarkan data hasil penelitian Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika (sumber: situs Balitbang SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika) pada 25 Maret 2009 menyatakan bahwa jumlah pelanggan telepon seluler saat ini kurang lebih 96,41 juta pelanggan dengan tingkat penetrasi (teledensitas) telepon seluler sebesar 36,39%, dengan tingkat prosentase pertumbuhan pelanggan telepon seluler mencapai 28,26% per tahun. Dari fakta tersebut tentunya makin menumbuhkan harapan ke depan terhadap peluang bisnis penyediaan perangkat telekomunikasi termasuk telepon seluler dan layanan produknya yang masih terbuka lebar. According to research data from The Human Resources Research and Development Center in Communication and Information Technology Department (source: website of Balitbang SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika) issued on 25 March 2009, the total number of mobile device users had reached 96.41 million with a penetration level of 36.39% and a growth in mobile device users of 28.26% year on year. Based upon this data it is obvious that there is a very real business opportunity for growth in the robust telecommunications business, including mobile devices and services. Peluang tersebut dimanfaatkan melalui strategi ekspansi pasar Perseroan, yakni mengembangkan keberadaan jaringan bisnis distribusi dan ritel hingga ke pelosok tanah air. Dibutuhkan suatu langkah berani untuk mampu mengembangkan kapasitas serta jangkauan jaringan bisnis yang dimiliki. Maka tahun ini, penghargaan selayaknya diberikan kepada jajaran Direksi dan seluruh Karyawan Perseroan yang telah memberikan totalitas dalam komitmen mewujudkan upaya Perseroan menjadi yang terdepan dibidangnya. This business opportunity can only be explored by implementing a controlled market expansion strategy, including extending the business distribution network and increasing retail outlets to all cities in Indonesia. Courage is needed to expand the current Company capacity and network, therefore this year the Board of Directors and all Employees will have access to a remunerative award for their full commitment to elevating the Company to one of the leading telecommunications companies in Indonesia. Pada akhir 2009, Perseroan kembali menjadi distributor dan peritel terbesar dalam hal penyedia perangkat telekomunikasi dan multimedia dengan memiliki jaringan ritel sebesar 766 gerai OkeShop yang tersebar di 153 kota di Indonesia serta jaringan distribusi mencapai 11.814 dealer aktif atau peritel independen di seluruh Indonesia dan pusat distribusi sebanyak 108. By the end of 2009 the Company became the largest distributor and retailer in communication devices and multimedia. The Company now has 766 OkeShop outlets spread over 153 cities in Indonesia as well as 11,814 active dealers and 108 distribution centers. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 18 Meletakkan Landasan Kokoh Solid Foundation Babak baru pertumbuhan Perseroan telah berhasil dilalui pada April 2009 dimana Perseroan berhasil mencatatkan saham perdananya di Bursa Efek Indonesia sebagai perusahaan terbuka. Perseroan mulai lebih intensif menjalankan prinsipprinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik yang selama ini telah dilaksanakan sejak awal berdiri. The Company successfully opened a new chapter in its history in April 2009 with a listing on the Indonesian Stock Exchange. The Company immediately initiated good corporate governance principles and has continued to aggressively apply them since the establishment of the Company. Dalam hal penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik, Perseroan membentuk Komite Audit pada 14 Oktober 2009 yang diketuai Sdr. Suryatin Setiawan dengan anggotanya Sdr. Felix Kristani dan Sdri. Lely Kwik. Komite ini akan melaksanakan tugas-tugasnya sesuai dengan ketentuan hukum dan perundang-undangan pasar modal yang berlaku dan sebagaimana ditetapkan dalam Pedoman Pelaksanaan Kerja Komite Audit. In the application of good corporate governance an Audit Committee was established on 14 October 2009 with Mr. Suryatin Setiawan as the Chairman and Mr. Felix Kristani and Mrs. Lely Kwik as members. This committee will uphold the rules and execute duties according to the rules and regulations stated in the Audit Committee Guidelines. Sebagai perusahaan yang memegang komitmen bahwa bisnis yang dijalankan harus transparan dan memberi nilai tambah bagi semua pemangku kepentingan, maka Perseroan membangun landasan bisnis berdasar prinsip tersebut. Nilainilai yang telah terbentuk dan mulai mengakar dalam budaya kerja perusahaan diharapkan turut mengokohkan prinsip tersebut demi mewujudkan perusahaan yang kokoh dalam hal keunggulan teknologi, keuangan dan manajemen. As a company committed to conducting transparent business transactions and providing additional value to stakeholders, the Company will build the business in accordance with those principles. The original Company values and work culture are anticipated to strengthen those principles in order to build a solid base for the Company in terms of technology, management and nancial stability. Kontribusi untuk Pertumbuhan Berkelanjutan Contribution to Sustainable Growth Selain menjalankan praktik bisnis yang memberi nilai tambah bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan, Perseroan juga memiliki komitmen kuat untuk melakukan tanggung jawab sosial kepada karyawan, komunitas, lingkungan dan bangsa Indonesia. Dalam hal tata kelola perusahaan, Perseroan telah melakukan pembenahan infrastruktur untuk menunjang kinerja baik keuangan maupun non-keuangan. Pemberdayaan Sumber Daya Manusia (SDM) untuk membentuk manajemen tim kerja yang mendukung juga menjadi prioritas perbaikan manajerial. Besides running business practice that gives added value to all stakeholders, the Company also has a strong commitment to social responsibility vis-a-vis its employees, the community, the environment, and the nation. In good corporate governance, the Company has reconstructed the infrastructure to increase nancial and non-nancial performance. Human resource also takes part in forming a work team which becomes one of the priorities in managerial improvement. Adalah tekad Perseroan untuk berkontribusi bagi komunitas, lingkungan dan bangsa Indonesia, maka keberadaan Yayasan Oke Peduli Bangsa (YOPB) yang berada dibawah pengelolaan Perseroan juga turut mendorong komitmen tersebut. Berkontribusi dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan dan lingkungan menjadi misi yayasan tersebut demi mewujudkan Indonesia yang cerdas, adil, sehat, sejahtera, dan bermartabat. Contributions to the community, the environment and the nation determine the Company’s social contract standing and therefore the existence of the Oke Peduli Bangsa Foundation (YOPB), which makes Company contributions to the community. Contributions to educational, health and environment sectors have become the foundation’s mission in order to foster an intelligent, fair, healthy and wealthy community. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 19 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Ke depan pertumbuhan ekonomi diperkirakan sekitar 5% yang mana jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. In the future, economic growth is expected to be at the level of 5.0% which is far higher than the world’s expected economic growth. Menatap ke Depan Looking Ahead Menyongsong tahun depan adalah harapan baru yang akan menjadi semangat bagi Perseroan untuk memberikan kinerja baik keuangan maupun non-keuangan yang lebih prima. Aneka peluang dan kesempatan menanti Perseroan seiring dengan perbaikan internal dalam hal infrastruktur demi menjalankan praktik tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Going into 2010 we have renewed condence that good performances in both nancial and non-nancial sectors can be achieved. Various opportunities and some challenges await the Company in line with the internal reformation and restructuring required in order to continue to practice good corporate governance. Bagi kami, Karyawan adalah aset yang akan menyertai perjalanan perusahaan dalam meraih masa depan, maka komitmen untuk terus melakukan inovasi dan melahirkan ide-ide baru demi kemajuan perusahaan adalah yang terbaik bagi Perseroan. For us the Employees are the primary asset that will accompany the Company on the journey into the future. Therefore we will maintain our commitment to nurturing innovation and where applicable adopting new ideas which will enhance Company sustainability. Ke depan pertumbuhan ekonomi diperkirakan sekitar 5% yang mana jauh lebih tinggi dibandingkan pertumbuhan ekonomi dunia. In the future, economic growth is expected to be at the level of 5.0% which is far higher than the world’s expected economic growth. Dengan demikian perekonomian nasional akan menjadi landasan kuat bagi pertumbuhan bisnis. Perluasan penetrasi pasar telekomunikasi di wilayah regional juga siap disongsong oleh Perseroan ke depan, terutama melalui penetrasi pasar Asia melalui anak perusahaan Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. (TPL) yang berbasis di Singapura. Ekspansi pasar dan diversikasi produk akan lebih difokuskan tahun depan, tetapi tahun ini sudah mulai dikerjakan landasan awalnya. Ekspansi pasar Asia dan diversikasi produk dengan penjualan netbook yang keduanya mulai dirintis tahun ini telah menunjukkan hasil yang positif. The national economic condition will provide a strong base for business growth. In addition the Company plans in the future to expand market penetration in telecommunications in the Asian region via our subsidiary, Trikomsel Pte. Ltd (TPL) based in Singapore. Continued market expansion and product diversication will be the focus points in 2010 in line with efforts initiated in 2009. Positive results have already been shown from Asian market expansion and product diversication by selling netbooks. Jajaran Dewan Komisaris Perseroan dan saya pribadi tentunya sangat bangga bila komitmen untuk berkontribusi bagi seluruh pemangku kepentingan melalui tanggung jawab sosial dapat lebih ditingkatkan ke depan. Artinya dukungan terhadap peningkatan kesehatan, pendidikan dan kualitas lingkungan yang lebih baik di masa depan akan terus dilanjutkan di tahun yang akan datang. The Board of Commissioners and I will be very proud if the commitment to contributing to stakeholders through social responsibilities can be increased in the future. This will mean that support for better health and education and improvements in the environmental sector can be continued in years to come. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 20 Akhir kata, perkenankan saya mewakili Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan menyampaikan ucapan terima kasih kepada seluruh pihak yang telah memberi sumbangsih pada kinerja Perseroan di tahun ini. Melalui dukungan yang diberikan oleh jajaran Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Karyawan, Mitra Kerja dan Pemegang Saham, saya yakin Perseroan akan mampu mewujudkan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan disertai peningkatan nilai jangka panjang bagi Pemegang Saham. In conclusion, allow me on behalf of the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors to thank all parties that contributed to the good performance of the Company this year. Through the continued support of the Board of Commissioners, the Board of Directors, Employees, Business Partners and Shareholders, I am sure that the Company will be able to create sustainable growth accompanied by the increase of long-term value for the Shareholders. Jakarta, 31 December 2009 Kindarto Kohar Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 21 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 4 3 1 2 1 Kindarto Kohar Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner 2 Glenn T. Sugita Komisaris Commissioner 3 Christine Barki Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner 4 Suryatin Setiawan Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 22 Perseroan sebagai salah satu perusahaan penyedia produk dan layanan telekomunikasi masih bisa bertahan di tengah krisis dengan mencatat kenaikan laba usaha. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Presiden Direktur & CEO President Director & CEO TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 23 23 PT Laporan Tahunan tahunan 2009 The Company as one of suppliers of telecommunication products and services, is still able to survive in the middle of crisis with increase in operating income. Laporan Presiden Direktur Report from the President Director Bisnis penyedia perangkat telekomunikasi seperti telepon seluler di Indonesia makin menunjukkan persaingan yang dinamis. Meski di tengah situasi perekonomian nasional yang tidak menentu, Perseroan sebagai salah satu perusahaan penyedia produk dan layanan telekomunikasi masih bisa bertahan di tengah krisis dengan mencatat kenaikan laba bersih 14,7% yakni sebesar Rp 117,7 miliar pada tahun 2009 dibanding periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp 102,6 miliar. Realitas ini menunjukkan bahwa potensi pasar penyediaan perangkat telekomunikasi di Indonesia masih terbuka lebar. As we know, the mobile devices telecommunications business is highly competitive, and taking into consideration the recent economic instability, the Company as a telecommunications product and service provider managed to survive the crisis. The Company recorded an increase in net income of 14.7%, or Rp.117.7 billion in 2009 compared to the same period in the previous year (Rp.102.6 billion). In fact, at this moment the Company is more stable and is far better positioned to take advantage of future business opportunities, in what is effectively a wide open Indonesian telecommunications market, than it was in 2009. Ketersediaan ragam telepon seluler yang semakin bervariasi dengan harga yang terjangkau berdampak pada peningkatan pengguna di kota besar hingga ke kota-kota kecil Indonesia. Dengan tingkat prosentase pertumbuhan pelanggan telepon seluler mencapai 28,26% per tahun (sumber: situs Balitbang SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika), Perseroan melihat potensi tersebut sebagai kesempatan untuk terus memperluas ekspansi wilayah penyebaran jaringan distribusi demi ketersediaan perangkat telepon seluler hingga ke seluruh pelosok tanah air. With the increased availability of affordable mobile devices there has been a rapid increase in mobile device users from big cities and small cities throughout Indonesia. With the increase of mobile device users growth reach 28.26% year on year (source: website of Balitbang SDM Kementerian Komunikasi dan Informatika), the Company therefore has a view that there is a very real opportunity to expand the distribution network areas in order to make mobile devices available in all areas in Indonesia. Perseroan telah memulai lembaran baru sebagai perusahaan terbuka dengan mencatatkan saham perdananya (Initial Public Offering/IPO) di Bursa Efek Indonesia pada 14 April 2009. Bagi seluruh unit kerja Perseroan, pencapaian ini berarti langkah awal untuk memulai tahap baru penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Langkah ini juga diharapkan dapat meningkatkan nilai Perseroan bagi para Pemegang Saham dan meletakkan landasan yang kokoh untuk terus berkarya di tahun selanjutnya. The Company started a new chapter as a public listed company after launching its Initial Public Offering (IPO) on the Indonesian Stock Exchange on 14 April 2009. For all units within the Company this achievement marked the rst step in implementing good corporate governance. With the implementation of this initiative the Company hopes to be able to increase value to shareholders and provide a solid foundation for growth and performance in future years. Persepsi publik terhadap citra korporasi juga menuju ke arah positif mengingat pada saat IPO, Perseroan mengalami kelebihan permintaan lebih dari 9%. Kondisi ini menunjukkan hasil yang menggembirakan mengingat krisis keuangan global yang belum sepenuhnya pulih tetapi investor publik atau masyarakat masih menanamkan kepercayaannya pada pasar modal Indonesia, khususnya Perseroan. Positive public perception of the Company image and its future was substantiated when the Company encountered 9% oversubscription during the IPO. This situation indicated public condence even though many experts felt that the markets had yet to fully recover from the global nancial crisis. It also illustrated that there are some public investors that still have condence in the Indonesian capital market and specically in our Company. Menjelang IPO yaitu pada tanggal 5 Maret 2009 dan 12 Maret 2009, Perseroan mendapatkan kepercayaan dari dua bank berskala internasional PT ANZ Panin Bank dan Standard Chartered Bank melalui persetujuan fasilitas perbankan masing-masing sebesar 20 juta Dollar AS dan 10 juta Dollar AS. Before the IPO, on 5 March 2009 and 12 March 2009, the Company was entrusted with a loan of 20 million US Dollars provided by PT ANZ Panin Bank (ANZ) and a loan of 10 million US Dollars provided by Standard Chartered Bank. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 24 Seiring dengan IPO, kepercayaan lembaga nansial dalam memberikan dukungan nansial juga meningkat dimana hal ini dibuktikan dengan diberikannya fasilitas pinjaman dari HSBC melalui fasilitas FX senilai 2 juta Dollar AS yang ditandatangani pada tanggal 16 November 2009. Following the Company IPO, condence from other nancial institutions was established as they provided additional nancial support from HSBC to secure a FX facility for the amount of 2 million US Dollars and this was signed on 16 November 2009. Pada tanggal 1 Desember 2009, Canopus Finance Limited (Canopus) telah melakukan konversi Mandatory Exchangeable Bonds (MEB) dengan 1.112.500.000 lembar saham Perseroan yang dimiliki oleh PT Delta Sarana Pradana (DSP), atau sebanyak 25% dari modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh. Saat ini, DSP masih merupakan pemegang saham utama dengan kepemilikan 62,31%. Konversi saham ini dilaksanakan delapan bulan sejak pencatatan saham di Bursa Efek Indonesia (BEI). On 1 December 2009, Canopus Finance Limited (Canopus) executed a Mandatory Exchangeable Bonds (MEB) conversion with 1,112,500,000 shares owned by PT Delta Sarana Pradana (DSP), which is 25% of the total shares issued and fully paid. Currently, DSP remains the majority shareholder with 62.31% of the shares. The conversion was held eight months after the Company registered its shares on the Indonesian Stock Exchange (IDX). Pencapaian tersebut memberikan semangat bagi Perseroan untuk semakin meningkatkan kredibilitas dan dedikasi mengingat tuntutan publik terhadap Perseroan makin bertambah. Saat ini Perseroan terus mengembangkan komitmen untuk bertumbuh, berinovasi, berdedikasi dan berkontribusi demi keberlanjutan Perseroan. This achievement provides an additional boost to the Company as it attempts to improve its credibility and cement its dedication to consumers, bearing in mind that public demand is increasing. Currently, the Company maintains its commitment to growth, being innovative, and is dedicated to contributing to the sustainability of the Company. Komitmen untuk Tumbuh Berkesinambungan Commitment to Sustainability of Growth Pertumbuhan berkelanjutan menjadi komitmen yang diwujudkan Perseroan melalui pembenahan infrastuktur terkait kinerja keuangan dan non-keuangan Perseroan. Berpijak pada kesadaran sebagai warga korporat yang baik, Perseroan berupaya menerapkan prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dalam seluruh aspek aktivitas bisnisnya. Sustainability of growth has become our primary commitment and is evidenced by the Company’s improvement of infrastructure for both nancial and non-nancial systems. As a good corporate citizen, the Company is trying to apply the principles of good corporate governance in all aspects of the Company operations. Kinerja keuangan menunjukkan peningkatan pada sisi pendapatan bersih sebesar 2,1% dari Rp.5.340,3 miliar pada akhir 2008 menjadi Rp. 5.452,3 miliar pada akhir 2009. Selain itu laba bersih Perseroan naik 14,7% yakni sebesar Rp.117,7 miliar selama tahun 2009 dibanding periode yang sama tahun sebelumnya sebesar Rp.102,6 miliar. Hal ini menunjukkan kelanjutan tingkat pertumbuhan yang menggembirakan. There was an increase in nancial performance in terms of net revenue from Rp.5,340.3 billion at the end of 2008 to Rp.5,452.3 billion at the end of 2009, or 2.1%. In addition, Company’s net income increased by 14.7%, equating to Rp.117.7 billion in 2009, compared to Rp.102.6 billion in 2008. Therefore the Company results at the end of 2009 indicated positive growth. Pada akhir tahun 2009, jumlah gerai OkeShop menurun dibandingkan tahun 2008, yaitu dari 808 gerai menjadi 766 gerai yang tersebar di 153 kota seluruh Indonesia. Penurunan jumlah gerai ini disebabkan adanya proses relokasi beberapa gerai seiring dengan strategi Perseroan untuk lebih fokus pada gerai-gerai yang memberikan hasil usaha yang lebih maksimal dan efektif. Sedangkan jumlah saluran distribusi pada tahun 2008 sebesar 10.833 dealer aktif dan pusat distribusi berjumlah 108. Hingga Desember 2009 Perseroan memiliki 11.814 dealer aktif dan 108 pusat distribusi. At the end of 2009, the total number of OkeShop outlets decreased from 2008, from 808 outlets in 2008 down to 766 outlets in 2009. This drop was primarily due to relocation of some of the OkeShop outlets to more strategic areas in line with the Company’s strategy to focus on outlets that provide maximum and effective performance. There were 10,833 active dealers and 108 distribution centers in 2008. In December 2009, the Company had 11,814 active dealers and the number of distribution centers remained stable at 108. Mengenai pertumbuhan pemasaran, Perseroan juga menjajaki wilayah regional yakni melalui aktivitas bisnis anak usaha Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. (TPL) yang berbasis di Singapura untuk menjangkau pasar Asia. Terobosan untuk merambah pasar regional tersebut tentunya akan terus dikembangkan. With regards to market growth, the Company has expanded its business activities through its Singapore based subsidiary Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. (TPL). This was undertaken to more effectively penetrate Asian market. Breakthrough to capture the regional market keeps on being developed. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 25 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Pertumbuhan bagi korporasi tak hanya mencerminkan keberlanjutan usaha tetapi di sisi lain juga mampu mengupayakan kesinambungan aktivitas bisnis untuk kesejahteraan bersama. Tekad Perseroan untuk mewujudkan kesinambungan tersebut telah diwujudkan melalui nilai-nilai perusahaan yang terus berkembang hingga menjadi budaya kerja korporasi, sehingga semua karyawan dan komponen perusahaan menjadi tim yang solid untuk menyongsong kesuksesan bersama. Growth is not only indicated by Company performance but is also manifested in sustainable business activities and increased community welfare. The Company’s determination to achieve all aspects of sustainability has been characterized by the increase in the value of the Company and its corporate work culture. The latter has resulted in the formation of a solid employee and Company team with a common aim of achieving corporate success. Komitmen untuk Berinovasi Commitment to Innovation Di setiap lini usaha yang dijalankan, Perseroan terus mengupayakan untuk senantiasa melakukan inovasi pada tingkat layanan dan produk. Teknologi adalah jembatan mewujudkan sinergi antara inovasi dan kerja sama tim untuk memajukan kinerja Perseroan. Maka Perseroan meluncurkan konsep toko online melalui situs internet sebagai wujud dari sinergitas inovasi dan teknologi tersebut. Situs tersebut merupakan situs yang pertama di Indonesia yang melayani penjualan telepon seluler secara online. Layanan penjualan telepon seluler tersebut diluncurkan agar pelanggan dapat menggunakan sarana pembayaran dengan kartu kredit demi kenyamanan pelanggan dan sesuai dengan strategi pemasaran Perseroan untuk merambah pasar yang lebih luas. In every line of the business, the Company will always try to be innovative both from a service perspective as well as with regards to product rates. Technology is the bridge for creating synergy between innovation and team collaboration to improve work performance. Consequently the Company introduced a new concept in the creation of the www.oke. com on-line access point. The website is the rst website in Indonesia to sell mobile devices online. This online shop service was developed in order to facilitate and provide an efcient service to customers who wish to make payments using their credit cards. By implementing this service the Company also managed to expand its customer base as the marketing strategy secured a large number of target customers. Penerapan jalur distribusi terkini yang telah kami rintis selang beberapa tahun terakhir terus ditingkatkan kualitasnya baik dari segi layanan maupun produk yang ditawarkan. Kerjasama dengan berbagai pihak ketiga yang menguntungkan seperti perbankan, korporasi, operator dan distributor telepon seluler lainnya menjadi kunci utama keberhasilan Perseroan memberikan performa layanan yang lebih baik. The distribution line has been further developed in the last few years and will improve support in terms of both quality and product service. Collaboration with various third parties such as banking, corporations, operators and mobile devices distributors, has proved advantageous to the Company and will remain key to success in offering the best performance and service to our customers. Diversikasi produk dan layanan juga menjadi poin penting yang terus diupayakan oleh Perseroan yang mulai memasuki pasar komputer jinjing (netbook) tahun ini. Penjualan netbook dengan merek-merek internasional ternama seperti Acer dan Asus adalah jalan pembuka menuju arah yang lebih baik. Product diversication and service have become important focus points that have been continually emphasized by the Company and were realized with the start of the marketing of the netbook product this year. Sales of netbook with international brand such as Acer and Asus is one sure way to a better future. Komitmen untuk Berdedikasi Commitment to Dedication Perseroan berkomitmen untuk melaksanakan pembenahan infrastruktur sepanjang tahun 2009 untuk menerapkan prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dalam seluruh aspek aktivitas bisnisnya. Dedikasi, loyalitas dan kerja keras dari seluruh jajaran Perseroan telah dikerahkan untuk melakukan perbaikan sistem guna mendukung standarisasi prosedur operasi yang lebih prudent di semua lini usaha. Selain itu, terkait dibentuknya unit kerja Riset dan Pengembangan untuk melakukan inovasi dan pengamatan pasar sehingga strategi serta keputusan-keputusan usaha yang diambil sesuai dengan dinamika dan kebutuhan pasar. The Company is committed to reconstruct the infrastructure during 2009 to allow the application of the principles of good corporate governance in every aspect of the Company’s business activities. Dedication, loyalty, and hard work from all areas of the Company have been secured to construct a better system to support the standardization of operational procedure and ensure more prudence all lines of business. Apart from the latter a Research and Development division was also established to foster innovation and to observe the market and thereby assist in more accurate strategy and business decisions based on market demand and needs. Kami menyadari bahwa setiap usaha tak lepas dari faktor risiko dan kami juga telah menerapkan pengendalian risiko We are cognizant that every effort contains an element of risk and therefore we have also implemented risk control through PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 26 perusahaan melalui pembentukan unit kerja Manajemen Risiko dan unit kerja Audit Internal. Pada saat yang bersamaan unit kerja Audit Internal juga telah dibentuk di beberapa kota besar di Indonesia. Mengingat manajemen risiko adalah proses dan upaya yang berkesinambungan maka tim ini diperlukan untuk meningkatkan analisis manajemen risiko serta meminimalisasi kecurangan untuk memastikan bahwa potensi risiko-risiko yang utama dapat dikendalikan dan respon terhadap setiap risiko dapat dikelola. Dengan penanganan manajemen risiko yang telah dilakukan dengan pengawasan yang ketat terhadap risiko, Perseroan sejauh ini dapat mengelola risiko-risiko tersebut dengan baik. the establishment of Risk Management and Internal Audit units. In parallel Internal Audit units have been established in several of the larger cities in Indonesia. Knowing that risk management is a uid process and requires continuous effort, the team will be required to continually improve the risk management analysis and thereby minimize fraud. This effort will ensure that potential risks can be identied early, controlled and responses prepared efciently. By handling risk management with strict supervision the Company has so far been able to keep risks to a minimum. Komitmen untuk Berkontribusi Commitment to Contribution Keberadaan Perseroan juga tak lepas dari peran komunitas dan para pemangku kepentingan, maka sudah seharusnya Perseroan memiliki komitmen untuk memberikan yang terbaik. Kontribusi tak hanya berarti memberikan performa terbaik dari seluruh komponen perusahaan tetapi bagaimana memadukan sumber daya dan kapabilitas demi meningkatnya nilai-nilai bagi keberlanjutan perusahaan. The existence of the Company is dependent upon the support of the community and its stakeholders. Therefore, the Company has a commitment to achieve the best results possible. However, this contribution not only means performing at its peak in every area of the Company but also being able to combine its resources and capabilities in order to increase the value and sustainability of the Company. Dalam hal ini, karyawan sebagai komponen utama perusahaan menjadi modal untuk memperkokoh nilai-nilai bersama demi menunjang terbentuknya budaya perusahaan. Untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut, Perseroan telah melakukan peningkatan pelatihan dan pengembangan kapabilitas karyawan. Karena kesejahteraan karyawan berarti aset bagi Perseroan untuk bertumbuh bersama meningkatkan kinerja perusahaan. In the particular case of employees, being a main component of the Company, have become the asset to strengthen the value and help form the Company’s culture. Addressing this fact the Company has carried out employee training and is actively developing the capabilities of its employees. Employees’ welfare is a primary focus for the Company and one which enables the Company to continue to grow and improve Company performance. Selain itu, bertanggung jawab kepada lingkungan, komunitas dan bangsa juga menjadi perhatian Perseroan sebagai warga korporat yang baik. Kontribusi dalam bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, pemberdayaan masyarakat dan pelestarian lingkungan sekitar terus diupayakan sebagai bagian dari aktivitas Perseroan yang dicerminkan baik melalui Yayasan Oke Peduli Bangsa (YOPB) maupun serangkaian kegiatan sosial yang dilakukan oleh Perseroan sendiri. Besides being responsible to the environment, the Company has also been paying attention to community and nation as a good corporate citizen. Contribution in education, health, community empowerment, and environment conservation has to be done as a part of Company’s activity through Oke Peduli Bangsa Foundation (YOPB) or other social activities. Filoso "Giving Back to Communities" menjadi pijakan setiap aktivitas sosial dan kemasyarakatan yang dilaksanakan Perseroan. Dalam praktik kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), korporasi tidak hanya melakukan program pemberian bantuan hanya sebagai dalih kepedulian sosial, tetapi pelibatan masyarakat sekitar dalam perencanaan, pembangunan dan jalannya kegiatan korporasi menjadi suatu yang signikan. The philosophy of “Giving Back to the Community” has become a crucial step in all social activities carried out by the Company. In accordance with the practice of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), a corporation has not only launched a donation program to address social concerns but community involvement in planning, building and implementing corporate’s activities has become something signicant. Bagi Perseroan, keberhasilan adalah dimana keberlanjutan perusahaan dapat dirasakan oleh masyarakat di sekitarnya. Untuk itu berbagai program pengembangan masyarakat sepanjang tahun 2009 dilakukan oleh YOPB dan Perseroan di antaranya memberikan pelatihan kerja kepada masyarakat berupa pelatihan usaha salon dan menjahit serta pemberian pinjaman untuk modal usaha. In the Company’s opinion, the Company’s success and sustainability can also be measured by the impact on the surrounding community. Consequently certain programs were arranged by YOPB and the Company during 2009 that included provision of training in operating small businesses, e.g. salon and sewing also the provision of small business capital loans for new ventures. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 27 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Menuju Harapan Gemilang Towards a Brighter Future Ke depan, tantangan akan semakin menghadang ditambah dengan ketidakpastian kondisi keuangan global seiring dengan dampaknya yang masih dirasakan di penghujung tahun 2009. Hal ini tidak luput bagi Perseroan yang akan menghadapi tantangan yang sama, namun demikian manajemen Perseroan yakin dapat menghadapi tantangantantangan tersebut dengan komitmen dan dedikasi yang tinggi di seluruh jajaran Perseroan. In the future, there will be more challenges in addition to the unstable global nancial condition experienced in 2009. Although the Company may not be able to escape the effects of similar conditions, Management is condent that they will be able to respond to these challenges with a high level of dedication and commitment from all aspects of the Company. Untuk itu, kami terus memantapkan target dan pencapaian yang lebih baik ke depan. Target penjualan telepon seluler yang meningkat pada tahun 2010 adalah tantangan yang akan dihadapi selain menambah jaringan distribusi dan ritel dari pasar lokal hingga regional. Seiring dengan hal tersebut, kami juga mengembangkan budaya pelayanan di semua lini usaha dimana pelanggan adalah landasan setiap inovasi dan pengembangan teknologi maupun kebijakan strategis yang kami lakukan. Regardless of the current situation, the Company will always endeavor to set and achieve higher targets in the future. Two main focus areas and challenges in 2010 will be to increase sales of mobile devices and implementing a program to add more local and regional distributors and expand the retail network. In addition we also plan to expand and enhance the service culture on every aspect where the customers are the basis for innovation and tecnological development as well as the Company’s strategic policies. Bergerak dalam bisnis penyedia perangkat telekomunikasi terutama telepon seluler yang produknya masih diimpor dari negara lain juga melibatkan keterlibatan peran negara di dalamnya terkait regulasi kepabeanan. Kami selaku warga korporat yang baik akan memegang prinsip transparansi dan dapat dipercaya dengan menerapkan asas tata kelola perusahaan yang baik terutama menyangkut aktivitas bisnis yang menyangkut regulasi kepabeanan. Pihak Bea dan Cukai telah cukup profesional dan mendukung usaha dalam negeri, sehingga hal ini juga mendorong kami untuk dapat menerapkan prinsip transparansi terkait aktivitas kepabeanan. The Company acts as a distributor of telecommunication products, especially mobile devices, many of which must be imported from other countries. The Company always involves the Customs Regulation of Indonesia in all of its activities according to the customs regulations. As a good corporate citizen, we promote the transparency of transactions principle and can be trusted to implement the good corporate governance principle in all business dealings. The Customs Department has been professional in supporting our domestic business and, it is hoped will support us in implementing the transparency of transactions principle that involves Customs activities. Ketersediaan ragam telepon seluler yang semakin bervariasi dengan harga yang terjangkau mengakibatkan peningkatan pengguna baik di kota-kota besar maupun di kota-kota kecil lainnya. The availability of mobile devices at affordable price, has increased the number of users in both small and big cities. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 28 Akhir kata kami mengucapkan terima kasih kepada seluruh pemangku kepentingan atas dukungan serta komitmen yang tidak pernah surut bagi pertumbuhan Perseroan selama ini. Dengan peluang pertumbuhan yang berkesinambungan, Perseroan berharap dapat meningkatkan kualitas pelayanan bagi pelanggan, meningkatkan nilai ekuitas pemegang saham, memenuhi kewajiban tehadap karyawan dan bekerjasama untuk meraih peluang yang lebih besar dengan mitra usaha. In closing, we would like to thank all stakeholders for their continued support and commitment to the growth of the Company. With opportunity of sustained growth in 2010, the Company hopes to be able to improve service quality for customers, increase equity value for shareholders, fulll employee needs and cooperate to garner and secure more business opportunities. Selain itu, Perseroan juga terus mengembangkan keterlibatan masyarakat dalam berbagai kegiatan yang bermanfaat bagi peningkatan kesejahteraan. Harapan ke depan akan kami songsong dengan penuh keyakinan demi kemajuan bersama sebagai bagian dari bangsa Indonesia. Apart from the above the Company will continue to expand its involvement with community development utilizing various activities that will increase the overall welfare of the community. We aim to improve in all aspects of our business for the benet of all of the people involved and as part of Indonesian citizen. Jakarta, 31 December 2009 Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Presiden Direktur & CEO President Director & CEO TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 29 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 3 4 1 5 2 1 Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Presiden Direktur & CEO President Director & CEO 2 Djohan Sutanto Direktur Bisnis - Distribusi Director of Business - Distribution 3 Djoko Harijanto Direktur Teknologi Informasi dan Logistik Director of Information Technology and Logistics 4 Evy Soenarjo Direktur Layanan Korporasi dan Bisnis - Ritel Director of Corporate Services and Business - Retail 5 Ellianah Wati Setiady Direktur Bisnis - Distribusi Director of Business - Distribution PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 30 Tinjauan Usaha Business Review OKETbk. Tbk. PT TRIKOMSEL TRIKOMSEL OKE 31 PT Laporan Laporan Tahunan Tahunan 2009 2009 Tinjauan Usaha Business Review Perseroan telah berkomitmen menyediakan infrastruktur distribusi perangkat telekomunikasi di Indonesia sejak 1996. Sebagai perusahaan penyedia produk dan layanan telekomunikasi terdepan di Indonesia, Perseroan memiliki jaringan bisnis hampir di seluruh wilayah di Indonesia yang didukung kelengkapan layanan dan produk perangkat telekomunikasi seluler. Selain kelengkapan produk dan layanan, Perseroan juga memiliki jumlah dan tingkat persebaran gerai yang paling besar di antara para kompetitornya. The Company has been committed to providing distribution infrastructure for telecommunication devices in Indonesia since 1996. As a leading provider of telecommunication products and services in Indonesia, the Company has business networks in almost all areas that are supported with complete service and cellular telecommunications products. Besides providing a complete product line and services the Company also has the largest number of outlets among its competitors. Sejak awal berdiri, Perseroan telah memiliki aktivitas bisnis utama yakni kegiatan usaha distribusi dan ritel. Pada kegiatan usaha distribusi, Perseroan bekerjasama dengan para peritel independen (dealer) yang memiliki satu atau beberapa gerai dalam jumlah yang relatif kecil. Selain itu, kegiatan usaha distribusi juga melakukan penjualan telepon seluler kepada distributor dan pedagang eceran di negara-negara tetangga yang memiliki potensi pasar yang cukup besar. Since it was established, the Company’s main activities have been in the distribution and retail channels. On the distribution channel, the Company is in partnership with smaller dealers that have one or more outlets. The Company also sells mobile devices to distributors and retailers in large countries that have high market potential and has become a part of their distribution business activity. Sedangkan untuk kegiatan usaha ritel, Perseroan mengandalkan keberadaan gerai OkeShop. Melalui jaringan gerai ritel OkeShop, Perseroan menjual berbagai jenis produk perangkat telekomunikasi seluler (telepon seluler) dan aksesorisnya dari berbagai produsen internasional, seperti Nokia, Sony Ericsson, BlackBerry dan iPhone. Selain menjadi distributor produk telepon seluler, Perseroan juga menawarkan produk-produk operator jaringan seluler di Indonesia seperti paket perdana kartu SIM prabayar dan voucher isi ulang. Perseroan melalui OkeShop dan Showroom juga menyediakan layanan konten dan jasa purna jual. On the retail channel the Company relies on the existence of its OkeShop outlets. Through OkeShop retail outlets the Company sells various mobile devices and accessories from a large range of international producers such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, BlackBerry and iPhone. Besides being a producer of mobile device products, the Company also offers network operator products in Indonesia such as prepaid SIM cards and reload vouchers. Through the OkeShop outlets and Showrooms the Company also provides mobile content and after sales service. A. Kegiatan Usaha Distribusi A. Distribution Channel a. Telepon Seluler a. Mobile Devices Di sisi kegiatan usaha distribusi, Perseroan bertumpu pada dua aktivitas yakni sebagai distributor resmi perangkat telekomunikasi seluler (telepon seluler) terkemuka dan distributor untuk produk-produk operator di Indonesia. On the distribution channel side, the Company focuses on two activities as an ofcial distributor of mobile devices and as an operator products distributor in Indonesia. Perseroan melakukan penjualan berbagai jenis telepon seluler dari produsen-produsen besar seperti Nokia, Sony Ericsson dan BlackBerry melalui para peritel independen (dealer) yang memiliki satu atau beberapa gerai dalam jumlah yang relatif kecil. The Company is selling various mobile devices from large producers such as Nokia, Sony Ericsson, and BlackBerry through dealers that have one or more outlets. Perseroan telah menjadi distributor resmi telepon seluler Nokia dan Sony Ericsson masing-masing sejak tahun 1996 dan 1997. Selain itu, Perseroan juga menjadi distributor untuk produk-produk operator jasa telekomunikasi sejak 1997. The Company has been the ofcial mobile devices distributor for Nokia and Sony Ericsson since 1996 and 1997, respectively. In addition, the Company has also been a distributor for all telecommunications service operators since 1997. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2009, Perseroan memiliki 11.814 dealer aktif dan 108 pusat distribusi sedangkan tahun sebelumnya jumlah dealer aktif dan pusat distribusi masing-masing sebesar 10.833 dan 108. Jaringan distribusi dalam segmen telepon seluler merupakan kontributor utama terhadap pertumbuhan keseluruhan penjualan Perseroan. As of 31 December 2009, the Company had 11,814 active dealers and 108 distribution centers compared to 2008 where the total number of active dealers was 10,833 and distribution centers, 108. The distribution network from the mobile devices segment has become a major contributor to the growth of overall sales for the Company. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 32 Diagram Bisnis PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. Business Diagram PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. Trikomsel Oke 24% 76% Kegiatan Usaha Ritel Retail Channel Telepon Seluler Mobile Devices Produk Operator Operator Products 74% 21% Kegiatan Usaha Distribusi Distribution Channel Telepon Seluler Mobile Devices Produk P d k Operator O Operator Products 75% 25% Layanan Konten, Layanan Purna Jual dan lain-lain Mobile Content, After Sales Services & Others 5% Pertumbuhan Jumlah Pusat Distribusi Growth of Distribution Centers 108 110 Pertumbuhan Jumlah OkeShop Growth of OkeShop 108 808 100 800 86 90 700 80 70 600 60 500 50 40 766 707 42 400 32 300 30 20 200 10 100 2005 564 517 2006 2007 TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 33 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 2008 2009 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 Tinjauan Usaha Business Review b. Penjualan Luar Negeri b. Overseas Sales Dalam rangka mengembangkan basis pelanggan dan meningkatkan target penjualan, Perseroan juga melakukan penjualan telepon seluler kepada distributor dan pedagang eceran di negara-negara tetangga yang memiliki potensi pasar yang cukup besar melalui perusahaan yang berbasis di Singapura, yaitu Trikomsel Private Limited (TPL) yang diakuisisi pada bulan November 2009. Penjualan ke negaranegara tetangga tersebut telah menjadi salah satu alternatif atau metode yang efektif bagi Perseroan untuk meningkatkan besaran penjualannya (dijelaskan lebih lanjut di bagian "Anak Perusahaan"). Terobosan untuk merambah pasar regional tentunya akan terus dikembangkan. In order to develop our customer base and increase target sales the Company also sells mobile devices to distributors and retailers in neighboring countries with market potential, primarily via the Singapore based Trikomsel Private Limited (TPL) which was acquired in November 2009. Sales to neighboring countries have become an effective method for the Company to boost sales (explained in more detail in the “Subsidiaries” section). Penetration of the regional Asian market will be expanded. c. Pelanggan c. Customers Pelanggan kegiatan usaha distribusi Perseroan sebagian besar terdiri dari bisnis keluarga yang dapat digolongkan sebagai pasar peritel independen (dealer) untuk perangkat telekomunikasi seluler dan produk operator di Indonesia. Most customers of the Company’s distribution channel are from the family of businesses that can be grouped as independent retail marketers (dealers) for mobile devices and operator products in Indonesia. Peritel independen didenisikan sebagai pedagang eceran yang hanya memiliki satu atau beberapa gerai dalam jumlah yang relatif kecil, tidak seperti Perseroan yang masuk dalam kategori pedagang eceran besar. Sampai dengan akhir Desember 2009, jumlah peritel independen Perseroan mencapai 11.814. Dealers are specically dened as retailers who have one or more outlets, unlike what the Company would categorize as large retailers. Up to December 2009 the total number of dealers reached 11,814. d. Pemasaran d. Marketing Strategi utama pemasaran Perseroan untuk usaha distribusi adalah dengan mengandalkan jangkauan dan aktivitas dari tim pemasaran dan penjualan Perseroan. Menurut data per akhir Desember 2009, tim pemasaran Perseroan dilengkapi dengan 820 tenaga pemasaran yang mobile (sales canvasser) yang didedikasikan untuk kegiatan pemasaran dan penjualan dari kegiatan usaha distribusi Perseroan. Tim pemasaran dan penjualan tersebut ditugaskan untuk menghubungi para peritel independen baik melalui telepon maupun dengan kunjungan untuk memasarkan produk Perseroan dengan harga yang bersaing dan jalur distribusi yang esien. The Company’s main marketing strategy for the distribution sector is to rely on the network and activities undertaken by the marketing and sales team. According to data at the end of December 2009 the marketing teams were equipped with 820 sales canvassers dedicated to marketing activities and sales from the Company’s distribution businesses. The marketing and sales teams were assigned to contact the dealers by phone or face-to-face to market the Company’s products as competitively priced and an efcient distribution line. e. Produk Operator e. Operator Products Melalui pusat distribusi yang tersebar hampir di seluruh wilayah Indonesia, Perseroan mendistribusikan berbagai merek produk operator di Indonesia meliputi paket kartu SIM perdana prabayar, voucher isi ulang, voucher isi ulang elektronik, dan paket bundling. Perseroan juga menyediakan infrastruktur distribusi yang terus berkembang bagi operator dan produsen perangkat telekomunikasi seluler. Through the distribution centers that are spread over most areas in Indonesia, the Company distributes various operator product brands in Indonesia, including pre-paid SIM cards, reload vouchers, electric reload vouchers and bundling packages. The Company also provides distribution infrastructure, which is still expanding, for mobile devices producers and operators. B. Kegiatan Usaha Ritel B. Retail Channel Dalam menjalankan kegiatan usaha ritel, Perseroan melakukan penjualan melalui OkeShop dan Showroom. In running the retail channel, the Company has affected sales through the OkeShop outlets and Showrooms PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 34 Jaringan Distribusi Distribution Network a i g h g b c Keterangan Gambar : Remarks a b c d e f : Sumatera : Jabotabek : Jawa Barat West Java d e f : Jawa Tengah Central Java : Jawa Timur East Java : Bali & Nusa Tenggara g h i : Papua : Sulawesi : Kalimantan (per 31 Desember 2009) (as of 31 December 2009) Wilayah Jumlah OkeShop Jumlah Dealer Jumlah Sales Canvasers Area Total OkeShop Total Dealers Total Sales Canvassers Sumatera 138 2.109 147 Jabotabek 198 3.932 112 Jawa Barat West Java 89 873 109 Jawa Tengah Central Java 79 1.205 128 100 1.953 114 Kalimantan 57 650 86 Bali & Nusa Tenggara 43 441 49 4 0 0 58 651 75 766 11.814 820 Jawa Timur East Java Papua Sulawesi Jumlah Total TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 35 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 P Tinjauan Usaha Business Review OkeShop terdiri dari hyperstore, agship, lifestyle, midi shop dan kiosk yang pengkategoriannya didasarkan pada luas dan interior gerai. Melalui jaringan gerai ritel OkeShop, Perseroan menjual berbagai jenis perangkat telekomunikasi seluler dan aksesorisnya dari berbagai produsen internasional serta produk-produk operator jaringan seluler di Indonesia, seperti paket perdana kartu SIM prabayar dan voucher isi ulang. Selain itu, Perseroan juga menyediakan layanan konten dan layanan purna jual. Sedangkan Showroom terdiri dari Showroom Prinsipal yang hanya menjual produk dan aksesoris telepon seluler dari Prinsipal tertentu dan Showroom Operator yang hanya menjual produk-produk operator tertentu. which consist of hyper-store, agship, lifestyle, midi shop, and kiosk, categorized according to the outlet area and interior. Through the retail network of OkeShop outlets the Company sells various mobile devices and accessories from international producers and operator products in Indonesia, such as prepaid SIM card and reload vouchers. In addition, the Company also provides mobile content and after sales service. Showrooms consist of Principal showrooms that only sell mobile devices and accessories made by certain Principal and Operator Showrooms that only sell certain operator products. Perseroan telah menjadi peritel terbesar untuk produk komunikasi seluler berdasarkan skala dan jumlah kepemilikan gerai ritel. Dengan gerai-gerai ritel yang tersebar di daerah- The Company has become the largest provider of mobile communication products based on the number of retail outlets and scale. With retail outlets spread out over the high- Jumlah Penjualan Berdasarkan Kegiatan Usaha Sales by Channel (dalam jutaan Rupiah) (in Million Rupiah) Keterangan / Information 2008 2009 Perseroan / The Company Kegiatan Usaha Distribusi / Dealer Channel 3.628.886 3.406.398 Kegiatan Usaha Ritel / Retail Channel 1.293.472 1.927.776 529.981 6.146 5.452.339 5.340.320 Anak Perusahaan / Subsidiary Jumlah / Total PT PT TRIKOMSEL TRIKOMSEL OKE OKE Tbk. Tbk. Annual Annual Report Report 2009 2009 36 daerah yang memiliki tingkat kepadatan penduduk yang tinggi di Indonesia, Perseroan memperkuat posisinya untuk memanfaatkan pertumbuhan pasar telepon seluler yang masih terus berkembang. population areas of Indonesia, the Company is well placed to strengthen its position and take advantage of the growth in the use of mobile devices and the still expanding associated market. Kegiatan usaha ritel menghasilkan 24% dari total pendapatan usaha yang berakhir pada 31 Desember 2009: The retail channel generated 24% of total income for the nancial book ended on 31 December 2009. Tabel berikut ini memberikan gambaran jumlah gerai OkeShop dan Showroom pada 2009 dan 2008: The table below species the number of OkeShop outlets and Showrooms during 2008 and 2009 Tabel Jumlah OkeShop dan Showroom 2008 - 2009 Total OkeShops and Showrooms 2008 - 2009 Tahun Year Hyperstore Flagship Lifestyle MidiShop Kiosk Sub total Showrooms Jumlah Total 2008 1 6 3 425 304 739 69 808 2009 0 8 6 389 312 715 51 766 Jumlah gerai pada tahun 2009 menurun dibandingkan tahun 2008 disebabkan karena beberapa gerai sedang dalam proses relokasi seiring dengan strategi Perseroan untuk lebih fokus pada gerai-gerai yang memberikan hasil usaha yang lebih maksimal dan efektif. There was a decrease in the number of outlets in 2009 compared to year 2008 as some of the outlets were relocated in line with the Company’s strategy to focus on outlets that provide maximum and effective performance. a. Telepon Seluler a. Mobile Devices Perseroan melakukan penjualan berbagai jenis telepon seluler dari produsen-produsen besar seperti Nokia dan Sony Ericsson. Selain itu, OkeShop juga menjual telepon seluler merek lainnya seperti BlackBerry dan iPhone. The Company is currently selling various mobile devices from large producers such as Nokia and Sony Ericsson. In addition, the OkeShop outlets also sell other mobile device brands such as BlackBerry and iPhone. Perseroan menargetkan volume penjualan yang tinggi dari telepon seluler dengan menerapkan dua strategi yaitu memilih produk yang memiliki daya tarik dari segi desain, merek, kemudahan penggunaan dan harga yang kompetitif serta membidik segmen pasar sesuai dengan produk yang dijualnya. The Company is targeting higher sales volumes by applying a dual strategy. The rst strategy is to select attractive products in terms of design, brand, user-friendliness and competitive pricing. Secondly, the Company strategy will be to target the market segments based upon the product offered. b. Pemasaran b. Marketing Perseroan senantiasa berusaha untuk meningkatkan citra Perseroan melalui serangkaian kegiatan pemasaran dan komunikasi. Kegiatan tersebut meliputi penentuan lokasi OkeShop yang strategis, desain OkeShop yang menarik, serta melakukan kampanye pemasaran dan promosi yang intensif. Perseroan secara berkala melakukan promosi melalui iklan-iklan di media cetak lokal dan nasional. Program promosi melalui media cetak tersebut juga didukung dengan pemasangan iklan di stasiun radio dan televisi. Produk-produk Perseroan juga dipromosikan pada katalog-katalog belanja Carrefour, Giant, Hypermart dimana Perseroan memiliki gerai ritel di dalam pusat perbelanjaan tersebut (kiosk). Selain itu, Perseroan melalui OkeShop juga memasarkan produknya di Toko Buku Gramedia. The Company will make an effort to build the Company’s image through a wide range of marketing and communication activities. These activities will include selecting strategic locations for the OkeShop outlets, attractive OkeShop designs and also conducting marketing campaigns and intensive promotion. Occasionally the Company will launch promotions via advertisements in the printed media both local and national. These promotion programs will also be supported by advertising on radio and television. Simultaneously the products will also be promoted in supermarket catalogues, such as Carrefour, Giant, and Hypermart where the Company has retail kiosks. The Company, through OkeShop, also markets the products in Gramedia Book Shops. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 37 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Tinjauan Usaha Business Review Sebagai pengakuan atas keunggulan dan kesuksesan upaya pengembangan merek dan strategi pemasaran yang terintegrasi tersebut, Perseroan berhasil memperoleh beberapa pencapaian. Pada April 2009, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan dari Nokia Retail Excellence Award untuk kategori Best Service Activation di Nokia Store Mal Taman Anggrek, Jakarta Barat. Pada Mei 2009, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan dari Nokia Retail Excellence Award untuk kategori Best Service Activation di Nokia Store Pondok Indah, Jakarta Selatan. Pada Juni 2009, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan dari Nokia Retail Excellence Award untuk kategori Best In-store Display di Nokia Store Grand Indonesia, Jakarta Pusat. Pada Juni 2009, Perseroan menerima penganugerahan dari Nokia Retail Excellence Award untuk kategori Best Store Sales Achievement untuk Nokia Botani Square, Bogor. The Company has already realized some achievements in brand recognition and integrated marketing strategy. In April 2009, the Company received the Retail Excellence Award from Nokia for Best Service Activation category for Nokia Store in Taman Anggrek Mall, West Jakarta. In May 2009, the Company also received the Retail Excellence Award from Nokia for the store in Pondok Indah, South Jakarta, for Best Service Activation. One month later, in June 2009, the Company received another Retail Excellence Award from Nokia for the Best In-Store Display category for Nokia Store in Grand Mall Indonesia. During the same month, the Company received the Retail Excellence Award for Best Store Sales Achievement category for Nokia Store in Botani Square, Bogor. Untuk meningkatkan penjualan, Perseroan membentuk jalur distribusi modern (modern channel) melalui kerjasama dengan berbagai institusi keuangan, yang menawarkan pembiayaan bagi pelanggannya untuk membeli produk Perseroan melalui berbagai macam program. To increase the sales volume, the Company builds a modern distribution channel partnering with various nancial institutions to offer nancing programmes for customers who buy the Company’s products. b. Produk Operator b. Operator Products Dalam rangka diversikasi produk yang dijual, Perseroan juga menjual produk operator yang memiliki jaringan luas. Produk utama yang dijual adalah paket perdana kartu SIM prabayar, voucher isi ulang, voucher isi ulang elektronik, dan paket bundling. In order to diversify the sales of the product, the Company also sells operator products that have wide networks. Main products sold are the Prepaid Pack SIM cards, reload vouchers, electronic reload vouchers and bundling packages. Perseroan bekerja sama berdasarkan perjanjian kerjasama dengan sembilan perusahaan operator yang mencakup dua belas produk operator yakni : The company is also collaborating with nine operator companies that includes twelve operator products as follows: 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PT Indosat Tbk. untuk produk layanan Mentari, IM3, dan StarOne PT Indosat Mega Media untuk produk layanan Broom PT XL Axiata Tbk. untuk produk layanan XL PT Telekomunikasi Selular untuk produk layanan simPATI dan kartu As PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk. untuk produk layanan Esia PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. untuk produk layanan Flexi PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications untuk produk layanan 3 PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk. untuk produk layanan Fren PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler untuk produk layanan Axis 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. PT Indosat Tbk. for Mentari, IM3 and StarOne products and services PT Indosat Mega Media for Broom products and services PT XL Axiata Tbk. for XL products and services PT Telekomuniksi Seluar for simPATI and As products and services PT Bakrie Telecom Tbk for Esia products and services PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. for Flexi products and services PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications for “3” products and services PT Mobile-8 Telecom Tbk. for Fren products and services PT Natrindo Telepon Seluler for Axis products and services c. Layanan Konten c. Mobile Content Guna melengkapi kebutuhan pelanggan, Perseroan mulai memasarkan layanan konten kepada pelanggan sejak Agustus 2007 melalui teknologi bluetooth dan inframerah. Perseroan menyediakan layanan konten lokal yang ditujukan untuk memenuhi permintaan pasar di Indonesia dengan membeli dari para Prinsipal layanan konten domestik dan internasional, untuk kemudian dijual dengan merek dagang In order to meet the customer needs, the Company began to market mobile content to customers in August 2007 using Bluetooth and infrared technology. The Company provides local mobile content intended to meet the market demands in Indonesia. This is done by the buying of domestic and international contents from third parties or Principals, and then selling under the Oke Plus brand. The brand includes PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 38 Oke Plus. Merek ini mencakup portofolio yang berisi lebih dari 2.000 konten yang bisa dibeli mulai dari nada dering, animasi, wallpaper dan aplikasi permainan. a portfolio containing more than 2,000 contents that can be purchased such as ringtones, animation, wallpapers and game applications. d. Netbook d. Netbook Sejak kuartal ketiga 2009, Perseroan mulai memasarkan produk komputer (netbook) sebagai upaya untuk meningkatkan pelayanan kepada pelanggannya serta seiring dengan rencana Perseroan untuk senantiasa mencari dan memasarkan produk-produk lainnya di luar telepon seluler yang dapat memberikan marjin yang lebih tinggi. Since the third quarter of 2009, the Company started to market computer products (netbooks) as a way to improve service for customers in line with the Company’s plan to market other products that are able to bring higher prot margins outside mobile devices. Perseroan bekerjasama dengan produsen personal computer (PC) asal Amerika Serikat Acer Group untuk memasarkan produk netbook Acer dan netbook Gateway. Selain itu, Perseroan juga memasarkan produk netbook Eee PC buatan Asus. Produk-produk netbook Gateway dan Acer didistribusikan di gerai-gerai Okeshop sejak 29 Agustus 2009 sedangkan produk Asus didistribusikan sejak 20 November 2009. Ke depan, pemasaran produk komputer akan senantiasa ditingkatkan melalui kerjasama dengan Prinsipal komputer yang memiliki brand yang telah dikenal masyarakat luas karena kualitasnya. The Company is partnering with some of the world’s top netbook producers, personal computer (PC) producers from the USA and subsidiaries of the Acer Group, to sell Acer and Gateway notebooks. Additionally the Company also sells Eee PC netbooks made by Asus. Gateway and Acer netbook products are distributed via OkeShop outlets and have been available since 29 August 2009. The Asus products have been available since 20 November 2009. In the future, the marketing of computer products will be improved by partnering with third party computer companies that already have brand and quality recognition within the community Sedangkan pendapatan konsinyasi lainnya merupakan pendapatan yang berasal dari penjualan produk-produk konsinyasi berupa aksesoris seperti ash disk dan telepon seluler merek lainnya dimana Perseroan bukan merupakan distributor resmi. Other consignment income came from the sales of ancillary products such as ash disks and other branded mobile devices which the Company is not the ofcial distributor. e. Layanan Pasca Penjualan dan Aksesoris e. After Sales Service and Accessories Melalui showroom Prinsipal telepon seluler yang dimiliki dan dikelola oleh Perseroan yang menggunakan merek dagang Prinsipal tersebut, selain merek telepon seluler Prinsipal dimaksud Perseroan juga menjual aksesoris telepon seluler, seperti baterai, charger, kartu memori, hand-free, car kits dan sarung telepon seluler. Through third party mobile device showrooms operated by the Company, other than the third party mobile device brands, the Company also sells mobile device accessories such as batteries, chargers, memory cards, hands-free kits, car kits and mobile device pouches. PTTRIKOMSEL TRIKOMSELOKE OKETbk. Tbk. 39 PT 39 Laporan LaporanTahunan tahunan 2009 2009 Tinjauan Usaha Business Review Sejak tahun 2007, Perseroan telah menjual layanan konten dari pihak ketiga atau Prinsipal yang meliputi nada dering, game dan aplikasi lain untuk menambah kepuasan dan pengalaman pengguna telepon seluler serta dalam rangka menyesuaikan perkembangan pola pelanggan tentang telepon seluler sebagai bagian dari gaya hidup (lifestyle). Perseroan tidak membatasi penjualan pada segmen tertentu mengingat portfolio produk yang dipasarkan bervariasi dari segi harga, model dan merek. Since 2007, the Company has sold mobile content from third parties which include ringtones, games, or other applications designed to increase customer satisfaction and/or add to the user’s lifestyle experience. The Company did not limit sales to certain to segments as the products marketed vary in price, model and brand. B. Prospek Usaha B. Business Prospects Seiring dengan pertumbuhan bisnis telekomunikasi dan semakin ketatnya persaingan tarif antar operator maupun penyedia jasa layanan telekomunikasi di Indonesia, memberikan dampak pada makin murahnya tarif komunikasi bergerak (suara dan data) yang ditawarkan kepada pelanggan. Tarif yang lebih murah tersebut memberi kesempatan bagi pengguna jasa layanan telekomunikasi khususnya pelanggan menengah ke bawah untuk dapat menikmati jasa layanan telekomunikasi akan semakin terbuka lebar. With the rapid expansion of the telecommunications business and the ever tighter competition between operators and providers in Indonesia, the result has inevitably been the lowering of the cost of mobile communications to customers including cheaper rates. The outcome of cheaper rates is that there is now an opportunity for telecommunication service users, especially low-income users, to be able to afford and use the service. Coupled with the availability of affordably priced mobile devices the number of users in both small and large cities has increased at a staggering rate. Ketersediaan ragam telepon seluler yang semakin bervariasi dengan harga yang terjangkau mengakibatkan peningkatan pengguna baik di kota-kota besar maupun di kota-kota kecil lainnya. Berdasar Laporan dari International Telecommunication Union (ITU) awal Oktober 2009 mengungkap data menarik. ITU memperkirakan hingga akhir tahun 2009 akan ada 4,6 miliar nomor pengguna seluler di seluruh dunia. Jumlah pengguna seluler ini tumbuh pesat terutama di Indonesia mencapai 169,72 juta pelanggan berdasar data dari laporan keuangan operator semester I/2009 dan kompilasi data Bisnis Indonesia. According to a report from the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) it is estimated that there will be 4.6 billion mobile device users worldwide by the end of 2009. The increase in mobile device users was particularly dramatic in Indonesia where the number of users has reached 169.72 million according to a report from a nancial operator for the rst half of 2009 and data compiled by Business Indonesia. Pertumbuhan bisnis telekomunikasi dan teknologi informasi di Indonesia akan terus bertumbuh seiring dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi dan pemanfaatan atas teknologi dalam berbagai kebutuhan dalam menunjang kehidupan masyarakat sehingga secara langsung akan mempengaruhi daya beli masyarakat khususnya para pengguna jasa telekomunikasi. Growth of the telecommunication and information technology businesses in Indonesia will always grow in line with the growth of the economy and the use of the technology to support community needs. Therefore it could affect the buying power of the community especially for telecommunication service users. Dengan tingkat penetrasi penggunaan jasa telekomunikasi yang relatif masih rendah dan pertumbuhan ekonomi yang akan terus bertumbuh, hal ini menunjukan masih terdapat ruang yang cukup signikan bagi pasar telepon seluler di Indonesia. Perseroan sebagai salah satu pemain yang sudah dikenal dalam industri telekomunikasi Indonesia yang menyediakan berbagai pilihan produk dan layanan komunikasi seluler, dapat memanfaatkan kesempatan yang cukup signikan tersebut dalam meningkatkan pertumbuhan dan ekspansi bisnisnya. With the low penetration level of telecommunication users and the improving economic condition there is still room for improvement in the mobile device market in Indonesia. The Company is a well known player in the telecommunication business in Indonesia and supplies various products and services for mobile devices. Taking the latter into consideration we anticipate that the Company will be able to make use of its position to expand the business. Langkah-langkah yang telah diambil Perseroan untuk melaksanakan ekspansi bisnisnya adalah antara lain dengan: Steps taken by the Company to expand the business are: PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 40 1. Perluasan Jaringan Usaha 1. Expansion of Business Network Sampai dengan akhir Desember 2009, jumlah gerai retail mencapai 766 yang tersebar di 153 kota di seluruh Indonesia. Dari segi pertumbuhan jumlah gerai retail mengalami penurunan sebesar 5,2 persen dari tahun sebelumnya yang berjumlah 808 gerai. Hal ini disebabkan karena adanya beberapa gerai yang sedang dalam proses relokasi seiring dengan strategi Perseroan untuk lebih fokus pada geraigerai yang memberikan hasil usaha yang lebih maksimal dan efektif. Jumlah saluran distribusi pada tahun 2008 terdiri dari 10.833 dealer aktif dan 108 pusat distribusi. Hingga Desember 2009 Perseroan memiliki 11.814 dealer aktif dan 108 pusat distribusi. Melalui strategi pengembangan jaringan yang tepat, Perseroan berharap dapat memberi kontribusi lebih bagi peningkatan pendapatan. Selain itu, Perseroan juga turut berperan aktif dalam memasyarakatkan teknologi telekomunikasi (telepon seluler) ke seluruh pelosok tanah air yang berdampak pada kemajuan teknologi informasi ke depan. Up to December 2009 the total number of retail outlets was 766 spread over 153 cities in Indonesia. From the growth perspective the Company actually experience a 5.2% decrease as the number of outlets was 808 in 2008. The primary reason for this was that some outlets were relocated to more strategic locations and will therefore be able to boost prots once established. In 2008, for the distribution network there were 10,833 active dealers and 108 distribution centers. Meanwhile, up to December 2009 there were 11,814 active dealers and 108 distribution centers.Through an appropriate expansion strategy, the Company wishes to contribute more in terms of income and is actively contributing to promoting mobile device technology in Indonesia that can affect information technology development in the future. 2. Pengembangan Lini Bisnis Netbook 2. Expansion of Netbook Business Line Perseroan mulai memasarkan produk komputer (netbook) dengan merek-merek terkenal seperti Acer, Gateway, dan Asus untuk memasuki pasar netbook (internet devices). Pasar netbook di Indonesia masih akan menunjukkan pertumbuhan yang cukup signikan, bahkan ke depan Perseroan akan meluncurkan netbook dengan merek sendiri. The Company started to market netbooks from well-known companies such as Acer, Gateway and Asus to enter netbook market. The netbook market in Indonesia is still showing signicant growth. Additionally, the Company is going to launch a netbook product with its own brand. 3. Pengoptimalan Teknologi Informasi 3. Optimization of Information Technology Teknologi informasi adalah poros utama aktivitas bisnis Perseroan. Mengusung konsep toko atau gerai menjadi bisnis utama yang terus bertumbuh, tetapi Perseroan selalu terbuka pada perubahan termasuk inovasi konsep toko online yang telah dimulai. Perseroan telah memperkenalkan situs internet yang memungkinkan pelanggan untuk mengakses informasi mengenai produk komunikasi seluler terbaru. Information technology is still the core business activity of the Company. Recently establishing shops or outlets has become the main area of business growth. However, the Company is always open to new innovative concepts and the introduction of the online shops has just been initiated. The Company introduced the website which enables customers to access information regarding new mobile device products on line. Pada penghujung tahun 2008, Perseroan telah berhasil mengembangkan situs tersebut dengan menawarkan sarana pembayaran online sehingga memungkinkan pelanggan untuk melakukan pembelian telepon seluler dan atau aksesoris yang dipilih secara online. Terobosan ini menjadikan situs Perseroan tersebut sebagai pelopor situs toko online yang pertama di Indonesia yang menawarkan produk telepon seluler. At the end of 2008 the Company was able to expand the website to include an online payment service. With this online payment service customers are able to buy mobile devices and accessories online. This breakthrough allowed the Company to be the rst Indonesian company to sell telecommunication products online. C. Anak Perusahaan C. C. Subsidiaries Untuk memperluas ekspansi usahanya, PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. mengakuisisi anak perusahaan yang dinamai Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. (TPL) untuk mengelola prospek bisnis distribusi perangkat telepon seluler di pasar regional. Berkedudukan To expand the business, PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. has acquired a subsidiary named Trikomsel Pte. Ltd (TPL). This subsidiary functions to source and operate business prospects for mobile device distribution in the regional Asian market. TPL TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 41 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Tinjauan Usaha Business Review di Singapura memungkinkan TPL memiliki jaringan bisnis yang luas, mengingat sebelumnya Perseroan memasarkan produknya melalui distributor lain. Maka diharapkan dengan berdirinya TPL dapat memberi nilai tambah bagi kinerja keseluruhan induk usahanya, terutama dalam lingkup pasar regional. is located in Singapore and has a wide business network. Before the establishment of TPL, the Company marketed its products through other distributors. With the establishment of TPL the Company hopes that it will provide added value and increase overall performance specically in the regional Asian market. a. Pendirian a. Establishment Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. (TPL) adalah perusahaan yang didirikan berdasar hukum Singapura, pada 28 April 2008, terdaftar dengan ID No.T08UF4263G. TPL terdaftar dengan No. 200808082C dan bergerak dalam bidang usaha perdagangan umum termasuk marketing dan distributor. Pengurusan Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. (TPL) is a company incorporated according to Singapore Law dated 28 April 2008, registered under ID No. T08UF4263G. TPL is registered under No. 200808082C and is a specialist in the general business sector as both a marketer and distributor. Susunan Pengurus TPL adalah sebagai berikut : The management structure of TPL is as stated below: Direksi : Direktur Direktur Direktur Direktur Board of Directors: Director : Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Director : Djohan Sutanto Director : Evy Soenarjo Director : Catherine Heng Chay Hua (resigned on 26 February 2010) : Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam : Djohan Sutanto : Evy Soenarjo : Catherine Heng Chay Hua (mengundurkan diri pada tanggal 26 Februari 2010) Sampai saat ini, Perseroan merupakan pemilik seluruh saham TPL yang telah ditempatkan dengan struktur permodalan sebagai berikut : Up until this point, PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. is the sole owner of TPL shares, which has the capital structure below: Tabel Jumlah Saham, Nilai Nominal dan Persentase Total Share, Nominal Value and Percentage (dalam Dollar AS) (in USD) Modal Ditempatkan dan Disetor Penuh Paid up Capital and Fully Paid PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. Jumlah Saham Jumlah Nilai Nominal Persentase Total Shares Total Nominal Value (%) 1.300.000 862.412 100 Tabel Jumlah Aset, Kewajiban dan Ekuitas Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. Total Assets, Liabilities and Equity of Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. (dalam Dollar AS) (in USD) Keterangan Information 31 Desember 2009 31 December 2009 Total Aset Total Assets 18.919.957 Total Kewajiban Total Liabilities 16.661.760 Total Ekuitas Total Equity 2.258.197 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 42 PEMASARAN DAN HUBUNGAN DENGAN PELANGGAN MARKETING AND CUSTOMER RELATIONS Perseroan telah dikenal dalam industri telekomunikasi Indonesia dalam menyediakan berbagai pilihan produk dan layanan komunikasi seluler. Karakteristik bisnis telekomunisasi yang dinamis menuntut Perseroan untuk meletakkan pijakan bisnis pada hubungan kemitraan dengan pelanggan yang saling menguntungkan kedua belah pihak untuk jangka panjang. Tujuan ini semakin diperkuat dengan arah bisnis Perseroan sebagai penyedia produk dan layanan telekomunikasi terlengkap. Untuk mewujudkan arah bisnis tersebut maka strategi pemasaran dan hubungan dengan pelanggan difokuskan untuk membangun loyalitas dan kepercayaan yang kuat dari pelanggan demi meningkatkan volume penjualan. The Company is well known in the telecommunications industry in Indonesia for providing various mobile communication products and services. The Company was required to exhibit good character in the communications business when starting in the business and set about forming good relationships with customers with a long term plan of achieving a win-win situation. This objective has been supported by the Company as the most complete product and telecommunication service provider. To maintain this relationship and keep the company business headed in the right direction, marketing strategies and relationships with customers need to be the main areas of focus. These are essential to continuing to build upon the existing strong customer loyalty and trust, where this will increase sales volume. Berikut ini adalah kegiatan-kegiatan yang dilaksanakan pada tahun 2009 yang bertujuan untuk memperluas pangsa pasar dan mempertahankan hubungan dengan para pelanggan: Here are some activities conducted in 2009 aimed at expanding the target markets and retaining relationships with existing customers; Melakukan perluasan jaringan ritel dan distribusi hingga 153 kota di Indonesia Expansion of retail and distribution area to 153 cities in Indonesia Perseroan perlu memperluas jaringan pemasaran baik melalui distribusi dan ritel (OkeShop). Hingga akhir Desember 2009 jaringan ritel dan distribusi Perseroan telah menjangkau hingga 153 kota di Indonesia, meningkat bila dibandingkan dengan tahun 2008 yaitu sebanyak 145 kota. The Company needs to expand the marketing network through distribution and retail shops (OkeShop). As of December 2009, the Company retail and distribution network reached 153 cities in Indonesia, an increase from 145 cities in 2008. Menyelenggarakan kegiatan promosi Organizing promotional activity Perseroan senantiasa berusaha untuk meningkatkan citra Perseroan melalui serangkaian kegiatan pemasaran dan komunikasi. Kegiatan tersebut meliputi penentuan lokasi OkeShop yang strategis, desain OkeShop yang menarik serta melakukan kampanye pemasaran dan promosi yang efektif. Perseroan secara berkala melakukan kegiatan promosi melalui media cetak dan mengadakan beberapa ajang promosi baik di outlet maupun di luar outlet. Salah satunya Perseroan mengadakan acara “Oke Bazaar” yang diselenggarakan beberapa kali sepanjang tahun 2009. Selain itu, kegiatan lainnya yang dilakukan adalah melalui program diskon dan cicilan yang bekerja sama dengan berbagai bank ternama di Indonesia, baik melalui pemasaran outlet maupun melalui program kartu kredit. The Company is always striving to boost the Company image through various marketing and communication activities. These activities have included nding strategic locations for the OkeShop outlets, ensuring good interior design for the outlets and carrying out effective campaigns and timely promotions. Occasionally the Company has conducted promotions via the printed media utilizing visual promotions both inside and outside the outlets. One such promotion the “Oke Bazaar” was held on several occasions during 2009. Other promotions and associated activities have included granting discounts and installment payments in partnership with well-known banks in Indonesia through outlets or credit card programs. Memberikan layanan yang bernilai tambah bagi pelanggan Providing additional service value to the customers Memberikan pelayanan prima adalah suatu hal yang seharusnya dilakukan bagi Perseroan, tetapi memberi pelayanan yang bernilai tambah adalah suatu hal yang perlu diupayakan. Berkaitan dengan hal tersebut, Perseroan bersama dengan mig33, perusahaan berskala internasional yang memiliki jaringan komunitas seluler terbesar di dunia, membangun kerja sama dalam hal distribusi voucher untuk TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 43 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Providing excellent service is mandatory for the Company but the Company also needs to make an effort to provide additional service value to customers. In this regard, together with mig33, an internationally recognized company which has the widest cellular network in the world, the Company developed a partnership to distribute their vouchers to Indonesian consumers. Customers are now able to download free mig33 products from their website. Also Tinjauan Usaha Business Review memberikan kemudahan bagi konsumen seluler di Indonesia, dimana pelanggan dapat melakukan download atas produk mig33 berupa konten-konten yang menarik melalui situs www. secara gratis dan melakukan pembelian pulsa di gerai ritel Perseroan “OkeShop” di manapun berada. customers are now able to buy recharge vouchers from all OkeShop retail outlets regardless of location. Pelatihan Karyawan guna peningkatan layanan pelanggan Training programs for employees to improve customer service Sebagai bentuk kepedulian Perseroan terhadap kualitas layanan pelanggan, Perseroan berusaha untuk memberikan pelatihan baik itu “Product Knowledge” maupun “Selling Skill” guna peningkatan pelayanan kepada pelanggan. Training ini berlangsung di seluruh cabang outlet OkeShop yang wajib diikuti oleh setiap karyawan tanpa terkecuali. As acknowledgment of the objective to provide better customer service the Company now provides Product Knowledge training and Selling Skill training to employees with a view to improving customer service. The training courses are performed in every OkeShop outlet and it is mandatory for all employees to undergo the training. Menyediakan forum pelanggan secara online sebagai perkembangan dari situs Providing a customer forum online to improve Perseroan memiliki forum pelanggan yang diberi nama Oke Answer yang merupakan bagian dari Di dalam forum ini pelanggan bisa secara langsung menuliskan pertanyaan, tanggapan maupun keluhan berkaitan dengan produk dan layanan OkeShop. The Company now has a customer forum entitled “Oke Answer” which is a part of the website. Using this forum a customer can ask questions, make suggestions or lodge a complaint about an OkeShop product and/or service. Menyediakan produk asuransi bekerjasama dengan Adira Insurance Providing product insurance in conjunction with Adira Insurance Selain Oke Answer, Perseroan juga memilki layanan OkeSure, yang merupakan produk asuransi kerjasama OkeShop dan Asuransi Adira Dinamika yang memberikan jaminan asuransi diluar jaminan garansi resmi untuk setiap telepon seluler yang dijual oleh OkeShop terhadap kemungkinan kerusakan sik akibat terjatuh dan terkena air akibat ketidaksengajaan pemilik. In addition to “Oke Answer” the Company also has an “OkeSure” service, which is an insurance product that is made available through a partnership between the OkeShop outlets and Adira Dinamika Insurance. This provides mobile device warranty, separate from the normal factory warranty, for every mobile device sold by OkeShop from possible accidental damage from falling and exposure to water. Strategi pemasaran dan hubungan dengan pelanggan difokuskan untuk membangun loyalitas dan kepercayaan yang kuat dari pelanggan demi meningkatkan volume penjualan. Comprehensive marketing strategy and good relationship with customers need to be strengthened to build solid loyalty and trust to increase sales. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 44 SUMBER DAYA MANUSIA HUMAN RESOURCES Perseroan mengetahui dan mengerti bahwa keberhasilannya sangat tergantung dari karyawan yang merupakan aset paling berharga. Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, Perseroan telah berhasil memperkenalkan berbagai ragam program retensi yang ditujukan kepada staf dan karyawan yang memiliki performa kerja yang baik seperti jenjang karir yang lebih baik dan transparan, meluncurkan berbagai ragam program pelatihan, perbaikan berkesinambungan dalam hal paket kompensasi. Selain itu, Perseroan juga memiliki sejumlah program sejenis guna menarik tenaga kerja baru yang handal untuk ditempatkan di luar kota-kota besar dan daerah terpencil dimana OkeShop berada. The Company knows and understands that success of the Company depends on its staff which are its most important asset. In the past few years, the Company had been able to introduce various retention programs for the staff and employees that displayed good work performance. Some examples include providing better and more transparant career path planning, the introduction of various training programs and more sustainable compensation packages. The Company also offers several similar programs to attract new employess in large population centers and the transfer of reliable employees to rural areas to manage OkeShop outlets. Manajemen menyadari pentingnya peran sumber daya manusia sebagai mitra utama dalam mendukung kelangsungan usaha Perseroan. Oleh karena itu, Perseroan selalu berupaya untuk meningkatkan kemampuan karyawan dan menciptakan lingkungan kerja yang baik terutama dalam situasi persaingan usaha yang semakin ketat. Management realises that human resources plays an important role as a main partner to support the sustainability of the Company. Therefore the Company has always tried to improve the employees’ skill sets and create and maintain a good working environment especially in light of the tight market due to business competititors. Demi meningkatkan produktivitas kerja, Perseroan memberikan kesempatan kepada karyawan untuk mendapat pendidikan dan pelatihan baik sebagai sarana penyegaran maupun To improve the productivity of the employees, the Company provides opportunities for better education and training as to recharge and to improve their knowledge and skills. As part Komposisi Sumber Daya Manusia PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk 2008-2009 Human Resource Composition of PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk 2008-2009 Berdasarkan Jenjang Manajemen According to Management Level 2008 2009 477 278 288 215 179 140 131 116 6 0,5% TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 45 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 5 12,5% 19,3% 42,7% 25% 0,7% 18.2% 24,9% 40,1% Staf Bisnis Business Staffs Direktur Director Supervisor Supervisor Asisten Manajer - Senior VP Assistant Manager - Senior VP Staf Pendukung (Non Bisnis) Supporting Staffs (Non Business) 16.1% Tinjauan Usaha Business Review sebagai tambahan pengetahuan dan keterampilan. Dalam pelaksanaannya, Perseroan mengikutsertakan karyawan dalam seminar, lokakarya atau kursus-kursus tertentu sesuai bidang tugasnya masing-masing baik di dalam maupun di luar negeri. of the typical program, the Company sends employees to seminars, workshops and training appropriate to their elds, either locally or in some cases internationally. Sampai dengan 31 Desember 2009, Perseroan memiliki 3.898 karyawan. Dari total jumlah karyawan tersebut, sebanyak 719 karyawan merupakan karyawan tetap dan sisanya sebanyak 3.179 karyawan merupakan karyawan kontrak. As of 31 December 2009 the total number of employees stood at 3,898. From this total number of employees there are 719 permanent employees and 3,179 contract employees. Berdasarkan Tingkat Pendidikan According to Educational Level 2008 2009 653 271 454 169 141 113 21 11 2 0,2% 15,1% 24,3% 58,5% 15.7% 1,9% SMP Junior High School Diploma Bachelor Degree SMU - STM Senior High School S1 Undergraduate 19.6% 63,1% 1.5% S2 Postgraduate Berdasarkan Tingkat Usia According to Age 2008 2009 569 424 383 282 75 6,7% 51% 38% 48 8 4,3% 1.1% 31 - 40 tahun years <25 tahun years >40 tahun years 25 - 30 tahun years 46 39.2% 53,3% 6.4% PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 46 Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance 47 PT PTTRIKOMSEL TRIKOMSELOKE OKETbk. Tbk. Laporan LaporanTahunan tahunan 2009 2009 Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. sebagai Perseroan terbuka yang menangani bidang bisnis yang dinamis, bertekad untuk memperkokoh kebijakan tata kelola perusahaan. Karena bagi Perseroan, aktivitas bisnis dan penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik itu saling menunjang satu sama lain. Keduanya menjadi nilai yang diupayakan mengakar dalam budaya perusahaan. As a public company engaged in dynamic business, the Company is determined to strengthen its corporate governance. For the Company, business activity and implementation of good corporate governance have to support each other. Both have become important values to the Company and are rooted in the culture of the Company. Perubahan kondisi sosial, politik dan ekonomi nasional, regional dan global tentunya juga berpengaruh pada kinerja Perseroan. Hal ini menjadi pendorong bagi Perseroan untuk semakin memantapkan prinsip-prinsip dasar tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Changes to social, political, and economic conditions nationally, regionally, and globally are also affecting the Company’s performance. These changes have encouraged the Company to further enhance basic principles of good corporate governance. Perseroan telah membuktikan bahwa krisis global yang melanda dunia termasuk Indonesia tahun lalu, tidak berdampak negatif terhadap kinerja Perseroan. Hal ini merupakan prestasi yang patut dicatat, dan merupakan dorongan bagi Perseroan untuk menerapkan prinsip dasar tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dan diimplementasikan di semua komponen Perseroan. The Company has proven that global crisis affecting the world including Indonesia last year did not affect the Company’s performance. This is an achievement that should be recorded, and encourage the Company to apply basic principles of good corporate governance and to implement them in all aspects. A. Prinsip Dasar A. Basic Principles Sebagai perusahaan publik, Perseroan menyadari pentingnya penerapan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik (Good Corporate Governance/ GCG) dalam lingkungan perseroan. Perseroan berkomitmen penuh untuk menerapkan standar tertinggi dalam pelaksanaan GCG. Ketentuan mengenai pelaksanaan GCG selain tercantum pada Pedoman Umum GCG Indonesia juga terdapat pada UU Perseroan Terbatas No. 40 tahun 2007. Bagi Perseroan, GCG bukan hanya merupakan rambu-rambu yang harus dipatuhi namun juga bagian dari budaya perusahaan serta salah satu penunjang untuk kemajuan bisnis yang berkelanjutan. As a public company, the Company realizes the importance of implementing good corporate governance (GCG) within the Company. The Company is fully committed to implementing the highest standards of GCG. Terms for the application of GCG are stated in the Indonesian GCG general guidelines as well as in the Company Limited’s law No. 40 year 2007. For the Company, GCG is not only a set of rules that need to be applied, but also part of the Company’s culture and one of the support pillars for the sustainability of the business. B. Implementasi B. Implementation Memahami pentingnya pelaksanaan GCG, maka Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan telah menjadikan GCG sebagai bagian dari pengelolaan Perseroan melalui penerapan suatu sistem yang mencerminkan prinsip-prinsip keterbukaan informasi, akuntabilitas, pertanggungjawaban, kemandirian, dan kesetaraan serta kewajaran. Penerapan prinsip-prinsip GCG mampu menciptakan keunggulan bagi Perseroan dalam menghadapi persaingan dunia ritel telekomunikasi dan multimedia yang semakin kompetitif dan memberi nilai tambah bagi para pemangku kepentingan. Given the importance of implementating GCG, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors have transformed GCG to be part of the Company’s management philosophy by enforcing the principles of information transparency, accountability, responsibility, independence, equality, and fairness. Implementation of GCG principles are able to create advantages for the Company in competing with other telecommunication and multimedia retailers and to give more value to the stakeholders. Penerapan kelima prinsip GCG tersebut dapat dilihat dari bidang kegiatan perseroan antara lain: Implementation of ve GCG principles can be seen from the Company’s activities, as follows: Keterbukaan Perseroan memberikan informasi yang seluas-luasnya kepada publik dan pemegang saham. Laporan Perseroan diterbitkan secara berkala dan tepat waktu, antara lain mencakup Laporan Keuangan Triwulan, Laporan Keuangan Semesteran, Laporan Keuangan Tahunan yang telah diaudit, Transparency The Company gives a wide range of information to the public and shareholders. The Company’s reports are publised on time, and some of them include Quarterly Financial Reports, Half-yearly Financial Report, Annual Financial Report, Annual Audited Financial Report, Annual Report, as well as other PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 48 49 Laporan Tahunan, serta informasi lain yang diberikan melalui paparan publik, media cetak, media elektronik, dan forum hubungan investor. information disseminated via public expose, newspapers, electronic media, and investors’ forum. Akuntabilitas Perseroan berusaha semaksimal mungkin untuk menjalankan sistem pengelolaan perusahaan yang mendukung kejelasan fungsi, pelaksanaan maupun pertanggungjawaban unit-unit kerja perusahaan. Langkah-langkah yang dilakukan untuk menegakkan prinsip akuntabilitas perusahaan antara lain pelaporan Direksi kepada Dewan Komisaris mengenai Rencana Anggaran Tahunan dan evaluasi bersama atas kinerja keuangan Perseroan, penyampaian laporan keuangan pada RUPS (Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham) tahunan, pembentukan Audit Internal serta penunjukan Audit Eksternal. Accountability The Company will try to maximise the effort to apply the Company’s management system that support the clarity of the functions, performance and also responsible for enterprise units. Some steps that are taken to uphold the principle of accountability of the Company such as reporting of Directors to Board of Commissionaires about Annual Budget and Financial Performace Evaluation of the Company, yearly nancial reporting to General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS), formation of Internal Audit, and also designation of External Audit. Pertanggungjawaban Perseroan senantiasa mengutamakan kepatuhan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan yang berlaku dan prinsip korporasi yang sehat. Perseroan melalui Yayasan Oke Peduli Bangsa (YOPB) terlibat langsung dalam program kegiatan Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) yang terpusat pada pengembangan bidang pendidikan, kesehatan dan sosial kemanusiaan yang memberi daya guna bagi komunitas dan masyarakat. Responsibility The Company always prioritizes compliance with the law and regulations and healthy corporate principles. Through Oke Peduli Bangsa Foundation (YOPB), the Company is directly involved with the Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs that focus on the development of the education sector, healthcare, and human social that better our communities and society at large. Independensi Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi Perseroan memiliki pendapat yang independen dalam setiap pengambilan keputusan, namun selain itu juga dimungkinkan untuk mendapatkan saran dari konsultan independen, atau dari komite-komite lainnya yang telah dibentuk. Independence The Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of the Company have their own independent opinions in any decision making, however, there remains room for suggestions from independent consultants or committees that have been established. Kewajaran dan Kesetaraanan Perseroan menerapkan perlakuan yang setara baik kepada publik, otoritas pasar modal komunitas pasar modal maupun para pemangku kepentingan. Hubungan dengan karyawan dijaga dengan memperhatikan hak dan kewajibannya secara adil dan wajar. Fairness and Equality The Company is applying equal treatment to the public, the capital market authorities, the capital market community, and stakeholders. The relationship between employees need to be maintained by considering rights and responsibilities fairly and equally. C. Peraturan Perusahaan C. Company’s Rules Secara umum peraturan perusahaan mengatur hak dan kewajiban karyawan dan perusahaan, serta ketentuan yang bertujuan membina hubungan serasi selaras, dan seimbang dalam usaha meningkatkan esiensi produktivitas dan prestasi kerja yang optimal. Generally, Company’s rules regulate the rights and obligations of the employees and the Company, as well as terms that aim to build harmonious and balanced relationships in increasing productivity efciency and optimal work performance. D. Pedoman Perilaku D. Code of Conduct Pedoman Perilaku ini sebagai dasar penerapan perilaku yang mengatur hubungan antara Karyawan dengan Perseroan, sesama karyawan, konsumen, pemasok, pemegang saham, pemerintah dan masyarakat. This code of conduct has become guidelines that manage the relationship between Employees and the Company, fellow empoyees, consumers, suppliers, shareholders, government, and society. Hubungan Karyawan dengan Perseroan Mengatur mengenai status kepegawaian, kerahasiaan karyawan, disiplin waktu kerja, penampilan dan cara Relationship between Employees and the Company Setting up the employment status, employees’ condentiality, dicipline in working time, appearance and dress code, PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2009 Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance berpakaian, bebas narkoba dan alkohol di tempat kerja, menghindari benturan kepentingan, investasi pribadi karyawan di Perseroan, penyampaian informasi kepada publik dan hubungan dengan media, kegiatan dan kontribusi politik dan keagamaan, penanganan dan pengamanan informasi, pelaporan informasi, perlindungan hak cipta karyawan, keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja, serta pelaporan atas potensi pelanggaran maupun yang telah terjadi. alcohol and narcotics-free, avoiding self-interest, employees’ personal investment in the Company, information deliverable to the public and media, politics and religious activity and contribution, handling and securing information, reporting information, copyright protection of employees, safety and health of employees, and also reporting of potential or current violations. Hubungan Sesama Karyawan Mengatur perlakuan dan pengambilan keputusan yang adil, lingkungan kerja yang kondusif dan kerjasama antar karyawan. Relationship between Employees Making sure that decision making is done fairly and equal treatment is afforded to every employee, condusive working environment, and team work between employees. Hubungan dengan Pihak Ketiga Mengatur penggunaan jasa pihak ketiga atau agen, perlakuan terhadap pemasok dan larangan penerimaan kompensasi (suap), serta kepatuhan pemasok terhadap Pedoman Perilaku. Relationship with Third Party Arranging third party service users or agency, treatment of distributors and prohibition of receiving any compensation, also obeying suppliers’ code of conduct. Hubungan dengan Pemegang Saham Mengatur perlindungan dan penggunaan yang tepat atas aset Perseroan, pembukuan dan laporan Perseroan. Relationship between shareholders Protecting and using Company’s assets in proper way, (bookkeeping) and Company reporting. Hubungan dengan Pemerintah Mengatur kepatuhan terhadap peraturan atau ketentuan terkait, serta pembayaran pajak dan retribusi. Relationship with Government Obeying related rules or terms, and also tax payment and retribution. Hubungan dengan Masyarakat Mengatur hubungan dengan masyarakat dalam hal kegiatan sosial kemanusiaan, pemberian donasi dan kegiatan CSR lainnya. Relationship with the Community Taking care of the relationship with the community by doing social work, giving donations, and launching other CSR programs. E. Struktur Tata Kelola Perusahaan E. Corporate Governance Structure Struktur dan kerangka kerja tata kelola perusahaan terdiri dari Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham, Dewan Komisaris, Direksi, Sekretaris Perusahaan, Audit Internal, dan Komite-Komite yang membantu Dewan Komisaris. Structure and framework of good corporate governance consists of General Meeting of Shareholder (GMS), Board of Commissioners, Board of Directors, Corporate Secretary, Internal Auditor, and other Committees that help the Board of Commissioners. 1. Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham (RUPS) 1. General Meeting of Shareholders (GMS) RUPS merupakan organ Perseroan yang memegang kekuasaan dan wewenang tertinggi. Kewenangan RUPS antara lain mengangkat dan memberhentikan anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, mengevaluasi kinerja Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi, menyetujui perubahan Anggaran Dasar, menyetujui laporan tahunan dan menetapkan bentuk dan jumlah remunerasi anggota Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi. GMS is the part of the Company that holds the highest power and authority. Some privileges that GMS possess are to recruit and terminate the contract of members of the Boards of Commissioners and the Board of Directors, evaluating the work performance of the Board of Directors and Board of Commissioners, approving the initial budget, agreeing to the annual report, and formulating remuneration packages for the Board of Commisioners and the Board of Directors. 2. Dewan Komisaris 2. Board of Commissioners Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Duty and Responsibility Dewan Komisaris bertangung jawab mengawasi manajemen operasional Perseroan yang dilaksanakan oleh Direksi, The Board of Commissioners is responsible for taking care of the operational management of the Company implemented PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 50 sesuai dengan ketentuan yang ditetapkan dalam Anggaran Dasar, Keputusan RUPS Perseroan, peraturan serta undangundang yang berlaku, serta memberikan nasihat kepada Direksi apabila diperlukan. by the Board of Directors according to the rules stated in the Article of Association, the Company’s GMS decision, rules and regulation in force, also giving advice to the Board of Directors when needed. Dewan Komisaris berperan penting dalam melaksanakan prinsip-prinsip GCG melalui fungsi pengawasan yang dilakukan. Melalui laporan Direksi dan Komite-komite, Dewan Komisaris memantau dan mengevaluasi pelaksanaan seluruh kebijakan strategis perseroan. The Board of Commissioners has an important role in implementing GCG principles through supervisory activities. Commissioners also observe and evaluate the Company’s strategic performance. Keanggotaan dan Periode Jabatan Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Positions and Structure Nama/Name Jabatan/Title Periode/Period Kindarto Kohar Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner 2008-2010 Glenn T. Sugita Komisaris Commissioner 2009-2010 Christine Barki Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner 2008-2010 Suryatin Setiawan Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner 2008-2010 3. Direksi 3. Board of Directors Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Duty and Responsibility Direksi bertanggung jawab atas pengelolaan Perseroan melalui pengelolaan risiko dan pelaksanaan GCG pada seluruh jenjang organisasi. Tanggung jawab Direksi juga mencakup penerapan struktur pengendalian internal pelaksanaan fungsi audit internal, dan pengambilan tindakan berdasarkan temuan-temuan Audit, menyusun strategi bisnis, termasuk rencana kerja dan anggaran serta pelaksanaan praktek akuntansi dan pembukuan sesuai ketentuan perusahaan publik. Selain itu Direksi juga mempertanggungjawabkan pelaksanaan tugasnya kepada pemegang saham melalui RUPS. The Board of Directors is responsible for the Company’s management through Risk Management and the implementation of GCG in every level of the organization. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors also include the application of an internal control structure, implementation of an internal audit function, and decision making for basic audit ndings, arranging business strategy, including work planning, budget, and also application of accounting practice and bookkeeping according to the terms of a public company. The Board of Directors is also responsible for implementation of their duty to shareholders through GMS. Nama-nama Direksi dan Periode Keanggotaan Board of Directors Structure and Membership Period 51 Nama/Name Jabatan/Title Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Presiden Direktur & CEO President Director & CEO 2008 – 2010 Djohan Sutanto Direktur Bisnis - Distribusi Director of Business - Distribution 2008 - 2010 Djoko Harijanto Direktur Teknologi Informasi dan Logistik Director of Information Technology and Logistics 2008 - 2010 Evy Soenarjo Direktur Layanan Korporasi dan Bisnis Ritel Director of Corporate Services and Business - Retail 2008 - 2010 Ellianah Wati Setiady Direktur Bisnis - Distribusi Director of Business - Distribution 2008 - 2010 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2009 Periode/Period Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance Agenda Rapat Direksi dan Daftar Kehadiaan Board of Directors Meeting and Attendance List 2009 Daftar Kehadiran Attendance List Frekuensi Frequency Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam 16 x Djohan Sutanto 16 x Djoko Harijanto 16 x Ellianah Wati Setiady 16 x Evy Soenarjo 16 x Agenda Rapat Gabungan BOD & BOC dan Frekuensi Kehadiran Joint Meeting Agenda of BOD & BOC and Attendance List Daftar Kehadiran BOC Attendance List of BOC Frekuensi Frequency Daftar Kehadiran BOD Attendance List of BOD Frekuensi Frequency Kindarto Kohar 3X Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam 4X Suryatin Setiawan 4X Djohan Sutanto 4X Christine Barki 3X Djoko Harijanto 4X Glenn T. Sugita 4X Ellianah Wati Setiady 4X Evy Soenarjo 4X Sekretaris Perusahaan PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. Corporate Secretary of PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk Sesuai dengan peraturan Bapepam-LK No. IX. I. 4 tentang Pembentukan Sekretaris Perusahaan, berdasarkan Surat Keputusan Direksi tertanggal 28 Januari 2008, Perseroan mengangkat Juliana Samudro sebagai Sekretaris Perusahaan. Sekretaris Perusahaan memiliki tugas dan fungsi untuk memastikan kepatuhan Perseroan pada ketentuan dan peraturan Pasar Modal, menyampaikan informasi yang relevan dan material, melakukan kegiatan hubungan investor, serta bertindak sebagai penghubung dengan otoritas Pasar Modal. Melalui berbagai kegiatan yang berhubungan dengan publik, Sekretaris Perusahaan turut menjaga citra Perseroan dan mewakili Direksi dalam setiap kegiatan eksternal, khususnya dengan investor, komunitas pasar modal dan para pemangku kepentingan. According to Bapepam-LK regulation No. IX. I. 4 regarding appointment of a company’s Corporate Secretary, based on the Board of Directors’ decree on 28 January 2008, the Company has appointed Juliana Samudro as Corporate Secretary. The Corporate Secretary has duties to ensure the Company complies with the rules and regulations of the capital markets, delivering relevant information, perform investor relations activities, and also serving as a liason to the capital markets’ authorities. Through public-related activities, the Corporate Secretary also looks after the Company image and represents the Board of Directors in every external activity, especially with the investors, capital market community, and stakeholders. Sebelum bergabung dengan Perseroan, Juliana Samudro bekerja di PT Bank UOB Buana (1996-2007) dengan jabatan terakhir sebagai Senior Vice President & Kepala Divisi Sekretariat Korporasi & Hubungan Investor. Sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Customer Service & Asisten Manajer Pengembangan & Pengawasan Produksi (Product Development & Quality Control) di Nylon Molding Corporation (1990-1993) dan Basic Elements Corporation (1994-1996) di Amerika Serikat. Memperoleh gelar sarjana dari California State University, Los Angeles, Amerika Serikat pada tahun 1994. Before joining the Company, Juliana Samudro worked for PT Bank UOB Buana (1996-2007) with her last position as Senior Vice President and Head of Corporate Secretary Division and Investor Relations. Prior to that, she worked as the Customer Service and Manager Assistant of Product Development and Quality Control in Nylon Molding Corporation (1990-1993) and Basic Elements Corporation (1994-1996) in the USA. She has a degree from California State University in Los Angeles, USA (1994). PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 52 2. Audit Internal 2. Internal Audit Kegiatan audit Perseroan dilakukan secara regular baik oleh auditor internal maupun auditor eksternal. Komite Audit bekerja berdasarkan kerangka kerja yang telah disetujui Komisaris, bertanggung jawab atas esiensi fungsi Audit Internal termasuk sumber daya dan opini yang diberikan. Melalui pendekatan berbasis risiko, sistematik dan disiplin, Audit Internal secara independen mengevaluasi efektivitas dari manajemen risiko, sistem pengendalian internal, kepatuhan terhadap peraturan dan proses tata kelola perusahaan. Saat ini Kepala Unit Audit Internal dijabat oleh Sdri. Meliana Kurniawan. The Company’s audit activities are performed regularly by internal or external auditors. The Audit Committee works according to the framework approved by the Board of Commissioners, responsible for the efciency of Internal Audit Function including human resource and given opinion. Through risk-based approaches, systematic, and discipline, Internal Audit evaluates effectivity of risk management, internal control system, compliance to rules and regulation, and also corporate governance of the Company independently. At this moment, Ms. Meliana Kurniawan is the appointed Head of the Internal Audit Unit. Audit Eksternal External Audit Audit eksternal merupakan fungsi pengawasan independen terhadap aspek keuangan Perseroan yang dilakukan oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja (Ernst & Young). Komite Audit akan meninjau Akuntan Publik yang ditunjuk untuk melakukan audit independen atas Laporan Keuangan Perseroan setiap tahunnya. RUPS memberikan kuasa kepada Direksi dengan persetujuan Komisaris, untuk menentukan Auditor independen yang akan melakukan audit Laporan Keuangan untuk tahun yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009. External audit is an independent function that supervise nancial aspect of the company done by Public Accounting Ofce Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja (Ernst & Young). Audit Committees would review the appointed Public Accountant to do the independent audit for Company’s Annual Financial Report. GMS gives authority to Directors, with the approval from Board of Commissioners, to appoint on independent Auditor who will write the nancial audit report for the business year ending on 31 December 2009. 3. Komite Audit 3. Audit Committee Dalam menjalankan tugasnya Dewan Komisaris dibantu oleh Komite Audit yang dibentuk pada 14 Oktober 2009. Selain untuk memenuhi ketentuan Bapepam-LK, pembentukan komite ini juga sebagai bentuk komitmen Perseroan untuk menerapkan tata kelola perusahaan yang baik dalam setiap aspek. Komite Audit ini bertugas melaporkan hasil kegiatannya kepada Dewan Komisaris. In carrying on the duties, the Board of Commissioners is assisted by the Audit Committee formed on 14 October 2009. Besides forming it to comply with Bapepam-LK regulation, forming this committee is to show the Company’s commitment to good corporate governance. This Audit Committee is in charge of reporting its activity to the Board of Commissioners. Susunan Komite Audit Audit Committee Structure 53 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2009 Jabatan/Posisi Position Nama Name Ketua Komite Audit Chairman Suryatin Setiawan Anggota Member Felix Kristani Anggota Member Lely Kwik Tata Kelola Perusahaan Good Corporate Governance Tugas dan Tanggung Jawab Duty and Responsibility Komite Audit bertanggung jawab memberikan rekomedasi kepada Dewan Komisaris atas laporan yang diberikan oleh Direksi, melakukan identikasi aspek-aspek yang memerlukan perhatian dari Dewan Komisaris serta melaksanakan tugastugas lainnya yang berkaitan dengan tugas-tugas Dewan Komisaris seperti diuraikan sebagai berikut : The Audit Committee is responsible for giving recommendations to the Board of Commissioners according to reports given by the Board of Directors, identifying aspects that need extra attention from the Board of Commissioners, and also executing other tasks related to the Board of Commissioners, such as: 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Melakukan penelaahan atas informasi keuangan yang akan dikeluarkan Perseroan seperti Laporan Keuangan, proyeksi, dan informasi keuangan lainnya. Menelaah independensi dan obyektitas Akuntan Publik. Melakukan penelaahan atas ketaatan Perseroan terhadap peraturan perundang-undangan di bidang Pasar Modal dan peraturan perundang-undangan lainnya yang berhubungan dengan kegiatan usaha Perseroan. Melakukan penelaahan atas kecukupan pemeriksaan yang dilakukan oleh Akuntan Publik untuk memastikan semua risiko yang penting telah dipertimbangkan. Melakukan penelaahan atas pelaksanaan pemeriksaan auditor internal. Melaporkan kepada Komisaris berbagai risiko yang dihadapi Perseroan dan pelaksanaan manajemen risiko oleh Direksi. Melakukan penelaahan dan melaporkan kepada Komisaris atas pengaduan yang berkaitan dengan Perseroan. Melakukan pemeriksaan terhadap dugaan adanya kesalahan dalam keputusan Rapat Direksi atau penyimpangan dalam pelaksanaan hasil keputusan Rapat Direksi. Pemeriksaan tersebut dapat dilakukan oleh Komite Audit atau Pihak Independen yang ditunjuk oleh Komite Audit atas biaya Perseroan. Menjaga kerahasiaan dokumen, data, dan informasi Perseroan. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Reviewing nancial information issued by the Company, including nancial reports, projections, and other nancial information. Reviewing the objectivity and independence of the Public Accountant. Reviewing the compliance of the Company to rules and regulations of the Capital Markets and other rules and regulation which relate to Company activities. Conducting a review on adequacy checks done by the Public Accountant to ensure importants risks have been considered. Reviewing the work of internal auditor. Reporting various risks faced by the Company to Commissioners and execution of risk management by the Directors. Reviewing and reporting complaints faced by the Company to the Commissioners. Evaluating indicative violations derive from Board of Director's Meeting or deviation in the implementation of Board of Director's decision. Evaluation may be carried out by the Audit Committee itself or by way of an appointment of the independent party(ies). Taking care of the condentiality of documents, data and the Company’s information. Wewenang Komite Audit Audit Committee Authority Komite Audit berwenang untuk mengakses catatan atau informasi tentang karyawan, dana, aset, serta sumber daya perusahaan lainnya yang berkaitan dengan pelaksanaan tugasnya. Dalam melaksanakan wewenangnya, Komite Audit wajib bekerja sama dengan pihak yang melaksanakan fungsi Internal Audit. The Audit Committee has the authorization to access reports and information about the employees, the budget, assets, and also Company resources that relate to implementation of their tasks. In managing their authorities, the Audit Committee needs to work together with other parties that implement Internal Audit functions. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 54 Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion & Analysis 5555 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Tahunan tahunan 2009 Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion & Analysis Ikhtisar Data Keuangan Penting Key Financial Highlights Tabel dibawah ini menggambarkan ikhtisar data keuangan penting Perseroan untuk tahun buku yang berakhir pada tanggal-tanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan 2008. Laporan Keuangan Perseroan yang berakhir pada tanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan 2008 diaudit oleh Kantor Akuntan Publik Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja. Seluruh Laporan Keuangan Perseroan yang telah diaudit dengan pendapat Wajar Tanpa Pengecualian. The table below highlights the Company’s key nancial data for the nancial years ending 31 December 2009 and 2008. The Company’s Financial Statements ending 31 December 2009 and 2008 have been audited by the Public Accountant Firm Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja with Unqualied Opinions. A. Pertumbuhan Pendapatan Bersih A. Net Revenue Growth Pendapatan bersih Perseroan untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tercatat sebesar Rp.5.452 miliar atau meningkat sebesar Rp.112,02 miliar atau setara dengan 2,1% dibandingkan pendapatan bersih tahun 2008 yang sebesar Rp.5.340 miliar. Peningkatan tersebut terutama disebabkan oleh meningkatnya penjualan telepon seluler di tahun 2009 sebesar Rp.816,81 miliar dibandingkan dengan hasil penjualan tahun 2008. The Company’s net revenue for the period ending 31 December 2009 was Rp.5,452 billion or an increase of Rp.112.02 billion (2.1%) compared to net revenue in 2008 of Rp Rp.5,340 billion. The increase was particularly owing to the mobile device sales in 2009, which has risen by Rp.816.81 billion compared to 2008 gures. Tabel Laporan Laba Rugi Perseroan The Company Income Statement (dalam jutaan Rupiah) (in million Rupiah) 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Pendapatan bersih Net Income 5.452.339 5.340.320 3.419.755 2.518.433 1.474.201 Beban Pokok Pendapatan Cost of Revenue 4.889.064 4.901.281 3.129.829 2.347.747 1.413.942 Laba Kotor Gross Prot 553.275 439.039 289.926 170.686 60.259 Beban usaha Operating Expenses 294.449 232.561 135.673 97.131 55.013 Laba usaha Income from Operations 258.826 206.478 154.253 73.555 5.247 Penghasilan (beban) Lain-Lain Bersih Other Income (Charges) net (94.685) (58.576) (37.375) (5.787) (3.299) Laba Bersih Net Income 117.688 102.582 80.426 46.299 1.162 28 46 78 45 1 Keterangan Description Laba Bersih Per Saham Basic Earning per Share B. Pertumbuhan Laba B. Prot Growth a. Laba Kotor a. Gross Prot Laba kotor Perseroan untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tercatat sebesar Rp.553,28 miliar atau meningkat sebesar Rp.114,24 miliar atau setara dengan 26,02 % dibandingkan dengan laba kotor di tahun 2008 yang sebesar Rp.439,04 miliar. Peningkatan ini disebabkan oleh peningkatan pendapatan bersih Perseroan dibandingkan pendapatan tahun 2008 dan disatu sisi beban pokok pendapatan mengalami penurunan. The Company’s gross prot for the period ending 31 December 2009 was Rp.553.28 billion or a surge of Rp 114.24 billion or 26.02% compared to gross prot in 2008, which was recorded at Rp 439.04 billion. The surge was attributed to the growth in the Company’s net revenue in 2008 and on another side the cost of revenue recorded a decline. b. Beban Usaha b. Operating Expenses Beban usaha Perseroan untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tercatat sebesar Rp.294,45 miliar atau meningkat sebesar Rp.61,89 miliar atau setara dengan 26,61% dibandingkan dengan beban usaha tahun 2008 yang sebesar Rp.232,56 miliar. Peningkatan ini terutama disebabkan oleh gaji tenaga kerja lepas, biaya sewa, biaya pemasaran dan iklan dan transportasi. The Company’s operating expenses for the period ending 31 December 2009 was Rp.294.45 billion or an increase of Rp 61.89 billion, reecting a rise of 26.61% compared to operating expenses in 2008 which stood at Rp. 232.56 billion. The contributing factors to the increase consisted of contract labour remuneration, rent, marketing and promotion and transport expenses. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 56 c. Laba (Rugi) Usaha c. Income from Operations Laba usaha Perseroan untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tercatat sebesar Rp.258,83 miliar atau meningkat sebesar Rp.52,35 miliar atau setara dengan 25,35% dibandingkan laba usaha tahun 2008 sebesar Rp.206,48 miliar. Peningkatan ini terutama disebabkan oleh meningkatnya laba kotor Perseroan seiring dengan meningkatnya pendapatan bersih dan menurunnya beban pokok pendapatan. The Company’s operating income for the period ending 31 December 2009 was Rp.258.83 billion or an increase of Rp 52.35 billion or 25.35% compared to the income from operations in 2008 which was Rp.206.48 billion. The increase was attributed to the rising gross prot that corresponded to higher net revenue and lower cost of revenue. d. Laba (Rugi) Bersih d. Net Income (Loss) Laba bersih Perseroan untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tercatat sebesar Rp.117,69 miliar atau meningkat sebesar Rp.15,11 miliar atau setara dengan 14,73% dibandingkan laba usaha tahun 2008 sebesar Rp.102,58 miliar. Peningkatan ini terutama disebabkan oleh meningkatnya marjin laba kotor menjadi 10,15 % dibandingkan dengan marjin laba kotor pada periode yang sama tahun lalu sebesar 8,22 %, dimana kontribusi terbesar kenaikan marjin laba kotor ini berasal dari kenaikan penjualan telepon seluler. The Company’s net income for the period ending 31 December 2009 was Rp.117.69 billion or an increase of Rp.15.11 billion or 14.73% from net income in 2008 (Rp.102.58 billion). This increase was mainly due to the growth in gross prot margin to 10.15% compared to 8.22 % during the same period last year, mainly derived from the increase in mobile devices sales. C. Pertumbuhan Jumlah Aset, Kewajiban Dan Ekuitas C. Growth in Total Assets, Loans and Equity a. Jumlah Aset a. Total Assets Jumlah aset Perseroan untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tercatat sebesar Rp.1.948,84 miliar atau meningkat sebesar Rp.738,51 miliar atau setara dengan 61,02% dibandingkan jumlah aset tahun 2008 sebesar Rp.1.210,32 miliar. Peningkatan ini terutama disebabkan oleh meningkatnya aset lancar berupa biaya dan pajak dibayar di muka dan uang muka sebesar Rp.528,88 miliar. The Company’s total assets for the period ending 31 December 2009 was Rp 1,948.84 billion or an increase of Rp.738.51 billion or 61.02% compared to the total assets in 2008 of Rp 1,210.32 billion. The increase was mainly attributed to the increase in current assets, namely prepaid expenses and taxes and advances at Rp.528.88 billion. b. Jumlah Kewajiban b. Total Liabilities Jumlah Kewajiban Perseroan untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tercatat sebesar Rp.1.261,40 miliar atau meningkat sebesar Rp.479,76 miliar atau setara The Company’s total liabilities for the period ending 31 December 2009 was Rp 1,261.40 billion, an increase of Rp.479.76 billion or 61.38% compared to total liabilities in Neraca Perseroan 2006 - 2009 The Company Balance Sheet 2006 - 2009 Keterangan Description 2009 2008 1.788.021 1.098.883 (dalam jutaan Rupiah) (in million Rupiah) 2007 2006 2005 ASET ASSETS Aset Lancar Current Assets Aset Tidak Lancar Non Current Assets Jumlah Aset Total Assets 584.160 319.284 193.145 160.815 111.440 136.280 45.741 12.890 1.948.836 1.210.323 720.440 365.025 206.035 1.253.534 775.185 465.090 285.445 173.697 7.867 6.457 4.652 3.499 2.556 1.261.401 781.642 469.742 288.944 176.253 KEWAJIBAN DAN EKUITAS Total Liabilities and Equity Kewajiban Lancar Current Liabilities Kewajiban Tidak Lancar Non Current Liabilities Jumlah Kewajiban Total Liabilities Jumlah Ekuitas Total Equity Jumlah Kewajiban dan Ekuitas Total Liabilities and Equity 57 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2009 687.435 428.681 250.698 76.081 29.782 1.948.836 1.210.323 720.440 365.025 206.035 Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion & Analysis dengan 61,38% dibandingkan jumlah kewajiban tahun 2008 sebesar Rp.781,64 miliar. Peningkatan ini terutama disebabkan oleh meningkatnya jumlah kewajiban lancar di tahun 2009 yaitu pada hutang bank sebesar Rp.318,18 miliar dan hutang usaha pihak ketiga sebesar Rp.162,03 miliar. 2008 that amounted to Rp.781.64 billion. The increase was particularly attributable to the rise in current liabilities in 2009, especially in the bank loans at Rp.318.18 billion and trade payables to third parties at Rp.162.03 billion. c. Ekuitas c. Equity Ekuitas Perseroan untuk periode yang berakhir tanggal 31 Desember 2009 tercatat sebesar Rp.687,43 miliar atau meningkat sebesar Rp.258,75 miliar atau setara dengan 60,36% dibandingkan Ekuitas tahun 2008 sebesar Rp.428,68 miliar. Peningkatan ini terutama disebabkan oleh adanya peningkatan modal disetor ke dalam Perseroan sebesar Rp.174,68 miliar melalui penawaran umum saham perdana dan tambahan modal dari Pemegang Saham Utama. The Company’s equity for the period ending 31 December 2009 was Rp.687.44 billion, growing by Rp.258.76 billion or 60.36% compared to equity in 2008 of Rp.428.68 billion. The increase was due to the increase in the issued and fully paid capital of Rp.174.68 billion raised from the Inital Public Offering and additional capital from the Main Shareholder. D. Rasio Keuangan D. Financial Ratios a. Likuiditas a. Liquidity Tingkat likuiditas mencerminkan kemampuan Perseroan dalam memenuhi kewajiban jangka pendek. Tingkat likuiditas diukur dengan membandingkan antara aset lancar dengan kewajiban lancar. Tingkat likuiditas Perseroan tahun 2009 adalah sebesar 1,43, mengalami kenaikan sebesar 0,7% dibandingkan tahun 2008. Peningkatan ini terutama dipengaruhi oleh kenaikan jumlah aset lancar di tahun 2009 sebesar 62,71%. The liquidity level is a reection of the Company’s ability to meet its short term liabilities. The liquidity level is measured by comparing current assets against current liabilities. The Company’s liquidity level in 2009 was 1.43, which improved by 0.7% compared to 2008. The rise was affected by the increase in current assets in 2009 by 62.71%. Tabel Rasio-Rasio Keuangan Penting Key Financial Ratios Table Keterangan Description 2009 2008 2007 2006 2005 Aset Lancar/Kewajiban Lancar Current Assets/Current Liabilities 1.43 1.42 1.26 1.12 1.11 Jumlah Kewajiban/Jumlah Aset Total Liabilities/Total Assets 0.65 0.65 0.65 0.79 0.86 Jumlah Kewajiban/Jumlah Ekuitas Total Liabilities/Total Equity 1.83 1.82 1.87 3.80 5.92 Laba Kotor/Pendapatan Bersih Gross Prot/Net Revenue 10.15% 8.22% 8.48% 6.78% 4.09% Laba Usaha/Pendapatan Bersih Income From Operations/Net Revenue 4.75% 3.87% 4.51% 2.92% 0.36% Laba Bersih/Pendapatan Bersih Net Income/Net Revenue 2.16% 1.92% 2.35% 1.84% 0.08% 2.55% Rasio-Rasio Keuangan Financial Ratios Rasio-Rasio Usaha Operational Ratios Laba Usaha/Jumlah Aset Income From Operations/Total Assets 13.28% 17.06% 21.41% 20.15% Laba Bersih/Jumlah Aset Net Income/Total Assets 6.04% 8.48% 11.16% 12.68% 0.56% Laba Usaha/Jumlah Ekuitas Income From Operations/Total Equity 37.65% 48.17% 61.53% 96.68% 17.62% Laba Bersih/Jumlah Ekuitas Net Income/Total Equity 17.12% 23.93% 32.08% 60.85% 3.90% b. Solvabilitas b. Solvency Solvabilitas Perseroan mencerminkan kemampuan Perseroan dalam memenuhi kewajiban jangka pendek dan jangka panjang. Solvabilitas Perseroan berdasarkan perbandingan antara jumlah kewajiban dengan jumlah aset tahun 2009 sebesar 0,65, atau sama dengan tahun 2008. Solvabilitas Perseroan berdasarkan perbandingan antara The Company’s solvency demonstrates the Company’s ability to meet both short and long term liabilities. The Company’s solvency, which is based on the comparision between the total liabilities and total assets, was 0.65 in 2009, remaining at the same level as in 2008. While, solvency based on the comparison between total liabilities with own capital in 2009 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 58 jumlah kewajiban dengan modal sendiri tahun 2009 sebesar 1,83 mengalami peningkatan sebesar 0,5% dibandingkan rasio tahun 2008 sebesar 1,82. Peningkatan ini terutama disebabkan oleh adanya peningkatan jumlah kewajiban pada tahun 2009 sebesar Rp. 479,76 miliar sedangkan peningkatan jumlah ekuitas pada tahun 2009 sebesar Rp. 258,75 miliar. was 1.83 or 0.5% higher compared to 1.82 in 2008. The increase was due to the increase in total liabilities amounted to Rp. 479.76 billion, while the increase in total equity amounted to Rp. 258.75 billion in 2009. c. Rentabilitas c. Protability Rentabilitas Perseroan mencerminkan kemampuan Perseroan dalam memperoleh laba bersih dengan menggunakan sumber daya Perseroan yang tersedia. Rentabilitas Perseroan berdasarkan perbandingan antara jumlah laba bersih terhadap pendapatan tahun 2009 sebesar 2,16% mengalami peningkatan dibandingkan tahun 2008 sebesar 1,92%. Rentabilitas Perseroan berdasarkan perbandingan antara jumlah laba bersih terhadap jumlah modal sendiri tahun 2009 sebesar 17,12% mengalami penurunan dibandingkan tahun 2008 sebesar 23,93%. The Company’s protability indicates the Company’s ability in earning net income through its available resources. Net income against revenue in 2009 was 2.16%, strengthening from 1.92% in 2008. Meanwhile, the protability based on the total net income against total own capital in 2009 was 17.12%, decreasing from 23.93% in 2008. Rentabilitas Perseroan berdasarkan perbandingan antara jumlah laba bersih terhadap jumlah aset tahun 2009 sebesar 6,04% mengalami penurunan dibandingkan tahun 2008 sebesar 8,48%. Another protability ratio, based on the comparison between net income and total assets in 2009 was 6.04%, lower than 8.48% achieved in 2008. E. Informasi Harga Saham E. Share Price Information Berikut adalah informasi harga saham Perseroan per bulan mulai dari bulan April 2009 (pertama kali dicatatkan di PT Bursa Efek Indonesia) sampai dengan bulan Desember 2009 berdasarkan harga tertinggi, harga terendah dan harga penutupan. The following is the Company’s monthly share prices information starting from April 2009 (initially listed at PT Bursa Efek Indonesia) to December 2009, based on the highest price, the lowest price and the closing price. Tabel Harga Saham Perseroan Tahun 2009 The Company's Share Price Table - Year 2009 Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sep Oct Nov Dec Tertinggi Highest 230 225 225 225 220 225 225 225 220 Terendah Lowest 215 215 210 225 205 199 215 210 205 Penutupan Closing 220 220 225 215 205 215 225 210 220 230 Tertinggi Terendah Penutup Highest Lowest Closing 225 220 215 210 205 200 195 190 185 r il pr A 59 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2009 M ay J e un J y ul be st A u ug S r ob O ct r be er em t ep em v No be em c De Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion & Analysis F. Laporan Penggunaan Dana IPO F. Report of the Use of IPO Proceeds Perseoran telah menggunakan Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana (IPO) sebesar Rp.91.728.364.321 dari total hasil bersih Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana sebesar Rp.95.992.584.389 sesuai dengan rencana penggunaan yang tercantum di dalam prospektus. Sisa Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana yang belum digunakan sebesar Rp. merupakan sisa alokasi untuk pengembangan infrastruktur Perseroan termasuk sistem informasi dan teknologi informasi melalui pengadaan sistem untuk menunjang kegiatan Perseroan dan pengembangan Sumber Daya Manusia termasuk penyelenggaraan pendidikan dan pelatihan bagi Karyawan Perseroan. The Company has used IPO Proceeds amounted to Rp.91,728,364,321 of the total net IPO Proceeds amounted to Rp.95,992,584,389 in accordance with the Usage Plan as set forth in the prospectus. The Proceeds balance amounted to Rp.4,264,220,068 is the remaining funds allocated for the development of the Company’s infrastructure including information system and information technology through system acquisition to support the Company’s activities and Human Resources development including the implementation of education and training for the Company’s employees. Seluruh Sisa Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana tersebut disimpan dalam Rekening Giro pada PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA) yang merupakan perusahaan tidak teraliasi, dengan tingkat bunga 2,00% p.a. The Proceeds balance is saved in the current account at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (BCA) which has no afliation with the Company, with 2.00% interest rate p.a. Realisasi Penggunaan Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana untuk periode yang berakhir 31 Desember 2009 IPO Proceeds Realization for the Period Ended 31 December 2009 No. No Keterangan Description Jumlah Amount 1. Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana IPO Proceeds 2. Biaya Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana IPO Costs 3. Penggunaan Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana Use of IPO Proceeds 4. Sisa Dana Hasil Penawaran Umum Saham Perdana IPO Proceeds Balance Rp. Rp.5.257.415.611 Rp.91.728.364.321 Rp. G. Kebijakan Dividen G. Dividend Policy Perseroan akan membayar dividen kas berdasarkan kinerja keuangan dan kondisi keuangan dalam jumlah yang setara dengan sebanyak-banyaknya 25% dari laba bersih setiap tahunnya jika pendapatan bersih setelah dipotong pajak pada tahun buku tersebut mencapai minimum Rp.150 miliar dan sebanyak-banyaknya 30% dari laba bersih jika pendapatan bersih setelah dipotong pajak pada tahun buku tersebut kurang dari Rp.150 miliar untuk memaksimalkan nilai pemegang saham dalam jangka panjang. The Company will pay the cash dividend based on nancial performance and nancial condition in an amount equivalent to as much as 25% from net income each year, if the net revenue after tax in the scal year reaches the minimum Rp.150 billion and at most 30% from net income if the net revenue after tax in the scal year is less than Rp.150 miliar to maximize the Shareholders’ value in the long term. Sesuai dengan keputusan Rapat Umum Pemegang Saham Tahunan (RUPST) Perseroan tanggal 26 Juni 2009 maka pada tanggal 7 Agustus 2009 Perseroan membagikan dividen tunai sebesar Rp.31,15 miliar atau 30,36% dari laba bersih Perseroan yang berasal dari tahun buku 2008. Dengan keputusan pembagian dividen ini para pemegang saham Perseroan memiliki hak untuk mendapatkan dividen Rp.7,per lembar saham. Pembagian dividen ini merupakan salah satu bentuk apresiasi Perseroan kepada Pemegang Saham. In accordance to the resolution of the Company’s Annual General Meeting of Shareholders (AGMS) on June 26, 2009 hence on August 7, 2009 the Company distributed cash dividends amounting to Rp.31.15 billion or 30.36% from the Company’s Net Income derived from scal year 2008. From this dividend resolution the Company Shareholders have the right to get Rp.7,- per share. This distribution is a form of appreciation of the Company to the Shareholders. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 60 RISIKO USAHA BUSINESS RISKS Menanamkan investasi pada suatu bisnis tak lepas dari faktor risiko yang dapat mempengaruhi keberlanjutan perusahaan termasuk tingkat protabilitas. Beragam faktor baik itu dari internal maupun eksternal dapat memberi dampak yang negatif bagi bisnis, keadaan keuangan, hasil usaha dan prospek Perseroan. Dalam kondisi tersebut di atas, calon investor mungkin mengalami kerugian atas seluruh atau sebagian investasi awalnya. In any business, investor will encounter risks that can affect the sustainability of the company including the protability. Various internal and external factors of the Company can negatively affect the business, nancial situation, business results, and also the Company’s prospects. In that case, potential investors might expect loss to some or all of the initial investment. Faktor-Faktor Risiko : Risk Factors: A. Berkaitan dengan Kondisi Sosial Politik dan Ekonomi Indonesia A. Related to the Sociopolitical and Economic Condition in Indonesia 1. Perubahan Ekonomi Dalam Negeri, Regional atau Global 1. Changes in Economic Conditions Internally, Regionally or Globally Krisis keuangan global yang sebagian dipicu oleh krisis subprime mortgage di Amerika Serikat telah menyebabkan runtuhnya beberapa lembaga keuangan besar di negara tersebut dan merambah menjadi krisis keuangan global. Krisis ini mengakibatkan kebangkrutan pada beberapa bank di Amerika dan Eropa, menurunnya indeks saham di berbagai bursa efek dan runtuhnya harga saham dan komoditas di seluruh dunia termasuk Indonesia. Dampak melemahnya ekonomi dunia telah mempengaruhi perekonomian nasional sehingga memperlambat pertumbuhan ekonomi, menurunnya tingkat konsumsi rumah tangga dan melemahnya investasi karena permintaan eksternal yang turun dan meningkatnya risiko akibat ketidakpastian ekonomi dunia. The global nancial crisis that was partly triggered by the subprime mortgage crisis in the USA caused big nancial institutions in the USA to collapse which resulted in the global nancial crisis. This crisis caused bank insolvencies in America and Europe, decreased stock exchange shares and also caused the collapse of share prices and commodities around the world including Indonesia. The effect on the weakening of the world’s economic condition affected the national economy by slowing down economic growth, decreasing household consumption, weakening investment as external demand decreased and increased risk was perceived due to the uncertainty of the world’s economic condition. Penurunan pertumbuhan ekonomi dapat menyebabkan dampak negatif terhadap kegiatan bisnis, kondisi keuangan dan hasil operasional dan prospek Perseroan. Pemerintah terus mengalami desit skal dalam jumlah besar dan hutang luar negeri yang tinggi. Tingkat inasi yang tinggi di Indonesia juga dapat menyebabkan berkurangnya jumlah pendapatan yang dibelanjakan oleh konsumen atau mengurangi daya beli konsumen untuk permintaan perangkat telekomunikasi, termasuk jasa Perseroan. The continued decrease of economic growth could have negative effects on business activities. This would also put strain on the Company’s nancial condition, operational performance and future prospects. The Government of Indonesia having to carry a large scal decit and maintain a high foreign debt level could cause high ination in Indonesia and this in turn could cause a reduction in income and affect the consumers spending power to satisfy their needs for telecommunication devices and other services provided by the Company. 2. 2. Fluktuasi Nilai Tukar Rupiah Fluktuasi nilai tukar Rupiah di luar kendali Perseroan, demikian pula dengan kebijakan Pemerintah dalam menangani masalah nilai tukar tersebut. Ketidakstabilan nilai tukar mata uang asing terhadap Rupiah dapat menurunkan tingkat penjualan dan berimbas pada keuangan Perseroan. Pasalnya, sebagian besar hasil penjualan Perseroan adalah dalam Rupiah sedangkan sebagian besar pengadaan telepon seluler dan perlengkapan lainnya dari pihak ketiga atau Prinsipal dalam mata uang asing terutama Dolar Amerika Serikat. 61 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2009 Fluctuation of Rupiah Exchange Rate Fluctuations in the exchange rate is beyond the Company’s control, as well as how the Government of Indonesia plans to tackle the exchange rate problem. The instability of the exchange rate value of foreign currencies versus the Indonesian Rupiah could reduce the selling rate and affect the Company’s nancial situation. Initially, most of the Company sales were made in Rupiah, however most of our mobile device supplies and other equipment were sourced from third parties who require payment in foreign currency, especially US dollar. Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion & Analysis 3. Risiko Bencana Alam 3. Natural Disaster Risk Posisi geogras Indonesia sebagai negara kepulauan memang diperkirakan rentan terhadap terjadinya bencana alam. Beberapa jenis bencana alam yang sering terjadi seperti gempa bumi, banjir dan lainnya, senantiasa menjadi ancaman di berbagai wilayah di Indonesia. Risiko ini dapat mempengaruhi kegiatan Perseroan di sekitar daerah bencana tersebut yang akan mempengaruhi penjualan Perseroan. Due to the geographic position of Indonesia many of the archipelago islands are vulnerable to natural disasters. Some natural disasters that often occur such as earthquakes, ooding and landslides have become threats to various areas in Indonesia. This risk could affect the Company’s operations in the affected areas impacting on the sales result. B. Risiko yang Berkaitan dengan Bisnis Perseroan B. Risks Related to Company Business 1. Terbatasnya Jumlah Prinsipal yang Handal 1. Limited numbers of Reliable Principals Dalam menjalankan bisnisnya, Perseroan bekerjasama dengan Prinsipal dalam hal penyediaan produk-produk yang dipasarkan dalam jumlah yang cukup besar. Padahal kerjasama tersebut berbentuk kontrak kerja dengan jangka waktu yang relatif singkat. Ada kemungkinan hubungan kerjasama tersebut dibatalkan secara sepihak oleh Prinsipal, dalam hal ini Perseroan berisiko untuk tidak mendapatkan produk yang akan ditawarkan oleh Prinsipal tersebut sehingga berdampak negatif pada tingkat penjualan dan pendapatan Perseroan. In running the business, the Company is working together with its Principal in supplying products to the market in large quantities. However, the partnership is premised short term contract. There is a possibility that the partnership could be canceled unilaterally by the Principal. In this case, the Company might face the risk of not receiving the product offered by the Principal, therefore causing a negative effect to the selling rate and therefore Company income. Hal lain yang berpotensi menimbulkan risiko terkait kerjasama dengan Prinsipal yakni bila produk-produk yang telah dibeli dari Prinsipal tidak diterima dengan baik di pasaran. Akibatnya mempengaruhi tingkat penjualan produk dan berdampak negatif terhadap arus kas Perseroan. The other potential risk when partnering with the Principal is when products purchased from the Principal are not well received by the market. As a result it would affect the selling rate of the product and also have a negative effect on the Company’s cash ow. 2. 2. Penentuan Strategi Berubah-ubah Distribusi Prinsipal yang Perubahan strategi distribusi dapat ditentukan Prinsipal secara sepihak, misalnya dengan menyalurkan langsung produknya melalui jalur distribusi yang dimiliki sendiri atau perubahan strategi lainnya yang dapat berdampak negatif terhadap Perseroan. Jika Prinsipal mengambil langkah Decisions of the Principal to Change Strategic Distribution Changes in strategic distribution could be initiated by the Principal himself, for example by supplying the product straight away through a distribution line that the Principal owns or changes in other strategies that could have negative effects on the Company. If the Principal takes any of those PTPT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual AnnualReport Report2009 2009 62 63 tersebut, Perseroan dapat kehilangan kesempatan untuk menjual produk dengan harga yang kompetitif. Mengingat Prinsipal memiliki kemampuan keuangan yang lebih baik, jalur distribusi dan kelebihan-kelebihan lainnya yang tidak dimiliki oleh Perseroan sehingga dapat berdampak negatif terhadap penjualan dan laba Perseroan. steps, the Company might lose the opportunity to sell the product at a competitive price. Knowing that the Principal is more capable nancially, has a better distribution line and possesses other advantages that the Company does not have, it might also have a negative impact to sales and prot of the Company. 3. 3. Persaingan yang Tinggi di Bidang Penyedia Produk dan Jasa Industri Telekomunikasi Increased Competition in the Provision of Products and Services in Telecommunications Industry Tingkat persaingan di bidang penyedia produk dan jasa industri telekomunikasi sangat tinggi. Terutama menyangkut semakin terbukanya kesempatan untuk berbisnis di industri telekomunikasi dan keterbukaan pasar di Indonesia yang memicu munculnya pelaku bisnis baru dengan struktur permodalan yang lebih kuat dan jangkauan bisnis lebih luas. Hal ini akan menimbulkan risiko apabila Perseroan terlambat mengantisipasi atau kalah dalam persaingan bisnis tersebut, sehingga hal ini berdampak negatif terhadap penjualan, laba bersih serta prospek usaha Perseroan. There is a very high level of competition in the provision of products and services in telecommunications industry. There are now more opportunities to do business in the telecommunications industry and the openness of the Indonesian market has resulted in the arrival of more competitors with better initial capital investment and wider business ranges. This may cause some risks if the Company fails to anticipate a problem, falls behind schedule or even loses business to a competitor thereby causing negative effects on sales, prot and Company prospects. 4. 4. Kualitas Produk Prinsipal yang Buruk Dapat Mempengaruhi Citra Perseroan Bad Product Quality Affecting Company’s Image Produk yang dibeli dari Prinsipal perlu diperhatikan kualitasnya karena kegiatan usaha dan citra Perseroan dapat terpengaruh secara negatif apabila kualitas produk yang dijual kurang baik. Bila produk yang ditawarkan kurang berkualitas maka mempengaruhi turunnya tingkat penjualan yang tentunya berdampak buruk terhadap arus kas dan perolehan prot Perseroan. Quality of products bought from the Principal need to be checked as per a normal business activity as the image of the Company could be negatively affected if the product’s quality is not up to standard. If the product offered is not up to standard, it will likely reduce the sales of the product and consequently have a negative impact on cash ow and eventually Company prots. 5. 5. Risiko atas Sewa Lokasi Gerai OkeShop Risk in Rent Location of OkeShop Outlets Biaya sewa gedung atau tanah lokasi gerai OkeShop cenderung mengalami kenaikan terutama yang terletak di pusat perbelanjaan atau lokasi strategis. Dengan adanya kecenderungan kenaikan tersebut, Perseroan memiliki risiko peningkatan biaya operasional dari waktu ke waktu. There is always the risk of an increase in rental fees for the buildings or land for OkeShop outlets, especially in the shopping malls or strategic areas. Along with the increase of rental costs the Company has an associated occasional risk of increased operational costs. Selain itu, hampir setiap gerai OkeShop juga tidak ada kepastian perpanjangan masa sewa lokasi yang sesuai dengan anggaran Perseroan, maka Perseroan harus siap untuk pindah ke lokasi lain yang mungkin kurang strategis dibandingkan dengan lokasi sebelumnya. Perpindahan lokasi ini dapat menimbulkan adanya investasi baru di lokasi pengganti serta munculnya risiko penurunan penjualan. Risiko atas sewa lokasi gerai ini dapat berdampak negatif berupa kenaikan biaya operasi, penurunan penjualan dan perolehan laba bersih Perseroan. Similarly almost every OkeShop outlet has no certainty of being able to obtain a lease extension for rented locations within the Company’s budget. Shifting location could in some cases require further investment in the new location with no guarantees that the risk of a decrease in product sales might also manifest itself. The rental location risk may cause negative effects such as increased operational costs, a decrease in sales and may affect the net prot gained by the Company. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Tahunan 2009 Analisa & Pembahasan Manajemen Management Discussion & Analysis 6. Kemampuan untuk Mengikuti Sistem Teknologi Informasi Terkini 6. Ability to take advantage of Advances in Information Technology System Development Teknologi informasi (TI) menjadi kebutuhan bagi Perseroan terutama karena bisnis utamanya sebagai penyedia produk dan jasa telekomunikasi. Sistem teknologi informasi yang handal dan kemampuan untuk selalu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan sistem informasi dapat berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan Perseroan dalam melakukan kegiatan operasi dan kontrol. Tidak mampu meningkatkan kapabilitas untuk mengembangkan teknologi informasi yang berdaya guna bagi Perseroan berdampak negatif pada bisnis dan perolehan laba Perseroan. Information Technology (IT) is essential to the Company, especially when our core business is product supply and telecommunication services. Therefore the Company must have a reliable information technology system with the ability to efciently and quickly upgrade the system with any new advances. The ability to take advantage of advances in IT systems could affect the ability of the Company’s operational and control activities. Being unable to quickly and efciently upgrade our information technology systems with the latest advances would obviously have a negative impact on the Company’s ability to operate and consequently inhibit prot gains. 7. 7. Ketersediaan Infrastruktur Penunjang Availability of Supporting Infrastructure Keberadaan gerai OkeShop yang sudah merambah hingga pelosok tanah air di 153 kota di Indonesia membutuhkan infrastruktur penunjang yang memadai untuk kegiatan operasional. Infrastruktur penunjang tersebut antara lain jaringan internet, listrik, telepon dan lain-lain. Gangguan terhadap infrastruktur penunjang ini dapat berdampak negatif terhadap penjualan dan layanan kepada pelanggan. Terutama bagi daerah-daerah di luar Pulau Jawa yang masih relatif kurang dalam hal ketersediaan infrastruktur penunjang tersebut. The existing OkeShop outlets that are located in 153 cities in Indonesia need supporting infrastructure to allow them to operate efciently. This supporting infrastructure includes internet connections, electricity, telephones, etc. Any interference to the supporting infrastructure would have a negative effect on product sales and customer service. This is especially true for areas outside of Java that have poor or unreliable supporting infrastructure. 8. 8. Pola Pembelian Konsumen yang Musiman Pola pembelian konsumen yang musiman juga berpengaruh terhadap kinerja keuangan Perseroan. Misalnya konsumen cenderung membeli produk-produk telekomunikasi pada saat hari libur atau hari raya, pengenalan produk baru oleh produsen, penjualan produk baru oleh pesaing yang tidak dijual oleh Perseroan, kondisi perekonomian dan ketersediaan produk dengan harga wajar. Pola pembelian konsumen yang musiman tersebut dapat berdampak negatif terhadap arus kas Perseroan. Seasonal Customers’ Purchasing Pattern Seasonal purchasing patterns of the customers can also affect the nancial performance of the Company. For example, consumers are more likely to buy telecommunication products on weekends or during the holiday seasons or when a new product is introduced to the market. However, their buying patterns may also be affected when there is a sale or discount on a new distinctive product sold by competitors, when economic conditions cause them to wait longer to upgrade or buy a new model and this may also be impacted by product availability and reasonable prices. Consumer’s buying patterns that are seasonal could have a negative effect on the Company’s cash ow. Kapabilitas untuk selalu mengikuti perkembangan teknologi dan sistem informasi dapat berpengaruh terhadap kemampuan Perseroan dalam melakukan kegiatan operasi dan kontrol. The capability to catch up with the technology advancement and information system could affect the ability of the Company in operational and controlling activities. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 64 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perseroan Corporate Social Responsibility PT TRIKOMSEL TRIKOMSEL OKE OKE Tbk. Tbk. 65 PT Laporan Laporan tahunan Tahunan 2009 2009 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perseroan Corporate Social Responsibility Filoso CSR Perseroan : Giving Back to Communities Philosophy of CSR : Giving Back to Communities Demi tercapainya cita bersama mewujudkan nilai kehidupan dalam kesejahteraan, maka kepentingan para pemangku kepentingan (stakeholder) yakni pelanggan, karyawan, mitra bisnis, pemegang saham, regulator, masyarakat dan lingkungan sekitar menjadi titik pijakan bisnis Perseroan. To achieve quality of life in society, address the needs of the stakeholders, staff, business partners, shareholders, regulators, people in the surrounding areas are the primary focus for an individual Company. Tujuan korporasi untuk menghasilkan prot semata tanpa mempedulikan kondisi masyarakat sekitar sudah tidak relevan diterapkan korporasi dalam menjalankan bisnisnya. Saat ini korporasi memegang prinsip pembangunan nilai berkelanjutan dengan menitikberatkan pada pemberdayaan masyarakat (community development). The concept for a company to create as much prot regardless of the impact on the surrounding people is irrelevant. Nowadays, a principal part of a company’s business activities are associated with ensuring a minimal amount of disruption to the surrounding areas and to provide assistance in community development. Seiring dengan tekad untuk pengembangan masyarakat, loso "Giving Back to Communities" menjadi loso Perseroan dalam setiap aktivitas yang membangun masyarakat dan berdaya guna bagi para pemangku kepentingan. Artinya prinsip untuk senantiasa memberi kualitas kehidupan yang lebih baik melalui nilai-nilai yang dibangun tetap menjadi landasan utama aktivitas CSR Perseroan. With this in mind the Company’s philosophy of “Giving Back to the Communities” has become the primary guideline for the Company business. Therefore the Company tends to focus on activities that will help build the surrounding communities and in many cases affect the stakeholders. Therefore the principle of providing a better quality of life through Company efforts will always be the rst action point in the Company’s CSR. Dalam praktiknya, korporasi tidak hanya melakukan program pemberian bantuan (charity) hanya sebagai dalih kepedulian sosial. Tetapi pelibatan masyarakat sekitar dalam perencanaan, pembangunan dan jalannya kegiatan korporasi menjadi suatu yang krusial. However, it should be noted that the Company does not carry out charity work just to for fulll a social responsibility, but more that the Company believes that helping the local communities grow also facilitates the Company to prepare, build and run future corporate programs. Aktivitas CSR Perseroan pun berpijak pada konsep pembangunan masyarakat yang berkelanjutan. Karena kesejahteraan masyarakat dan bangsa juga berarti keberhasilan Perseroan memberikan bagian terbaik yang dimiliki untuk sebuah kebersamaan. The CSR activity is based on the concept of continuously building the community. Because the serenity of communities and country means that the Company has achieved its goal of giving back the best it can to the community and by extension the nation. Demi memenuhi cita bersama membangun kehidupan yang lebih baik, Perseroan mendirikan yayasan nirlaba "Yayasan Oke Peduli Bangsa" (YOPB) pada tahun 2006. Sampai saat ini YOPB yang berdiri di bawah koordinasi Perseroan telah melakukan beragam aktivitas baik dalam bidang kemanusiaan, pendidikan, kesehatan dan pemberdayaan lingkungan hidup. To achieve the vision of building a better life, the Company established a non-prot foundation named “Yayasan Oke Peduli Bangsa” (YOPB) in 2006. To date YOPB has undertaken various activities, coordinated by the Company, which focus on humanitarian aid, education and health care. Berbagi dengan hati menjadi dasar bagi YOPB untuk membangun lingkungan sosial yang merangkul semua lapisan termasuk memiliki lebih dari 2.000 anak asuh yang tersebar di seluruh Indonesia. Dukungan berupa penyediaan fasilitas kesehatan dan pendidikan menjadi modal untuk melahirkan generasi baru yang optimis menatap masa depan. Sharing sincerely has become the basis for YOPB to build a social life embracing every layer of society including having more than 2,000 adopted children across Indonesia. Providing support for such causes as health care and educational facilities are activities that will help produce a new generation who can approach the future with a renewed optimism. Meski baru berumur kurang dari empat tahun, YOPB telah menorehkan jejak yang memberi pengaruh bagi individu maupun masyarakat yang telah disentuh oleh aktivitasnya dan terekam di situs Although the foundation has only been operating for less than four years, YOPB has provided the stepping stones to bring positive inuences to both individuals and communities. Those individuals and communities directly affected by the YOPB activities are recorded on the website PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 66 “Giving Back to Communities” menjadi loso Perseroan dalam membangun komunitas. “Giving Back to Communities” has become the philosophy of the Company in building the communities. Aktivitas CSR CSR Activities Yayasan Oke Peduli Bangsa Oke Peduli Bangsa Foundation Yayasan Oke Peduli Bangsa (YOPB) adalah sebuah organisasi nirlaba yang memiliki 3 (tiga) pilar utama dalam menjalankan misinya yakni bidang pendidikan, kesehatan, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat dimana visinya adalah menuju Indonesia yang cerdas, adil, sehat, sejahtera, dan bermartabat. Oke Peduli Bangsa foundation (YOPB) is a non-prot organization that has three main foundations for running the mission. These are education, health and quality of life and based on these YOPB has an overall vision which is to make Indonesians more intelligent, fairer, healthier, more prosperous and more valuable as assets. Sejak pembentukannya, YOPB telah memberikan komitmen sesuai dengan tujuan awal dalam hal memajukan kualitas pendidikan melalui pemberian beasiswa, dan perbaikan sarana sekolah; dalam hal peningkatan standar kesehatan melalui pembangunan Balai Pengobatan, pemberian obat secara berkala & pelayanan pengobatan gratis serta kegiatan solidaritas kemanusiaan untuk meringankan beban penderitaan rakyat (korban bencana alam, pembagian sembako, dan bakti sosial); dan dalam hal pemberdayaan masyarakat untuk meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat yang tidak mampu melalui pemberian pelatihan-pelatihan. Since the development, YOPB has upheld the goals set up at the beginning in improving the quality of education by giving scholarships, and repairing school facilities; in improving health standards by building health care centres, giving out medicine, and free health care service, and providing humanitarian activity to reduce the suffering of the people (natural disaster, giving out staple goods, and social work); and to improve the economic condition of the communities that could not afford through some trainings. Pendidikan Education Berdasarkan artikel yang dimuat di situs Kementerian Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak tanggal 13 Februari 2009, jumlah anak Indonesia yang tidak mampu menikmati pendidikan di seluruh jenjang pendidikan dalam empat tahun terakhir masih di atas satu juta siswa per tahun. Dari jumlah itu, sebagian besar (80 persen) adalah mereka yang masih duduk di jenjang pendidikan dasar (SD-SMP). According to an article published in the Ministry of Empowerment of Women and Child Protection website on 13 February 2009, the total number of children in Indonesia who did not have access to education at any level in the last four years was still more than one million children per year. Of that gure, the majority (80%) were primary and middle school age. T TRI TRIKOM TRIKOMSEL KO SEL OK KOM OKEE TTbk. bk. bk k. 67 PT Laporan 2009 Lap La apora orann Tahunan TTahu ahunan nan an 220 09 09 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perseroan Corporate Social Responsibility Tabel Rincian Aktivitas YOPB Tahun 2009 Table of YOPB Activities in 2009 No 1 Tanggal/Date 22 January 2009 Aktivitas YOPB/YOPB Activities Pemberian 325 paket sembako di Desa Belimbing, Tangerang. Giving out 325 packages of staple needs at Belimbing Village, Tangerang. 2 12 February 2009 Peresmian Balai Pengobatan Berjalan bekerjasama dengan RS Karitas, Sumba, dan bakti sosial serta penyuluhan kebersihan di desa Totok yang menangani 496 pasien. Ofcial opening of mobile health care centre with the cooperation of Karitas Hospital in Sumba Island and Social work as well as speaking engagement on basic cleaniness in Totok Village which served 496 patients. 3 26 February 2009 Bakti sosial di Serpong, Tangerang yang menangani 487 pasien. Social work in Serpong, Tangerang that served 487 patients. 4 3 March 2009 5 9-13 March 2009 6 25 March 2009 7 14 April 2009 Dimulainya pelatihan usaha salon dan menjahit gelombang II di Tangerang. Commence salon business training and sewing interval II in Tangerang. 8 29 April 2009 Pembagian 120 paket sembako di Dadap, Tangerang. Distribution of 120 packets of staple need goods in Dadap, Tangerang. 9 6-17 May 2009 Bakti sosial pengobatan gratis di Dobo, Kepulauan Aru, Maluku yang menangani 2.957 pasien. Social work providing free medical care in Dobo, Aru Island, Maluku which served 2.957 patient. 10 1 August 2009 Pemberian Ijazah pelatihan usaha salon dan menjahit gelombang II Salon business and sewing training certicates for interval II awarded. 11 17 August 2009 Acara 17 Agustus bersama anak-anak sekolah dasar di Cikarang bekerja sama dengan Universitas Presiden. Sponsored August 17 events with elementary school children in Cikarang in cooperation with the President University 12 23-29 August 2009 Bakti sosial di Kupang, Atambua, yang menangani 1.724 pasien. Social work in Kupang, Atambua, which served 1.724 patients. 13 26-29 August 2009 Operasi katarak di kota Weetebula, Nusa Tenggara Timur, yang menangani 164 pasien. Cataract operations in Weetebula, Nusa Tenggara Timur, which served 164 patients. 14 7-8 September 2009 Pemberian bantuan kemanusiaan untuk korban gempa di Tasikmalaya terdiri dari beras, selimut, makanan bayi, susu, ember, tenda dan lain-lain. Distribution of humanitarian goods for earthquake victims in Tasikmalaya consisting of rice, blankets, baby food, milk, buckets, tents, etc. 15 13 September 2009 Pemberian 2.000 paket sembako untuk masyarakat di lereng Gunung Merapi, Jawa Tengah. Giving 2.000 food packages to people on the slopes of Mount Merapi, Central Java. 16 1-3 October 2009 Pemberian bantuan kemanusiaan untuk korban gempa di Padang berupa tenda, genset, sembako dan pembukaan dapur umum. Relief for earthquake victims, distribution of tents, genset, opening of public kitchen, and staple needs . 17 5-8 October 2009 Pembukaan Balai Pengobatan baru di Merauke, Papua. Opening of Health Care Centre in Merauke, Papua. 18 14-23 October 2009 Bakti Sosial di Ruteng, Flores, di desa Cancar, Nunang dan Kuwu yang menangani 1.451 pasien Social work in Ruteng, Flores, Cancar village, Nunang and Kuwu which served 1.451 patients. 19 1-6 November 2009 Operasi katarak di Dobo, Kepulauan Aru, Maluku. Cataract operation in Dobo, Aru Island, Maluku. 20 24 November 2009 Dimulainya pelatihan usaha salon (64 orang) dan menjahit (24 orang) gelombang III serta pelatihan pijat reeksi gelombang I di Cengkareng. Commence salon business training (64 people) and sewing (24 people) interval III and reection massage training interval I in Cengkareng. 21 13 December 2009 Pemberian 1.000 paket sembako di Cilacap. Giving 1.000 food packages in Cilacap. Pemberian Ijazah pelatihan usaha salon gelombang I di Kapuk, Tangerang Salon business training certicates awarded at Kapuk, Tangerang Bakti sosial di Pegunungan Oklip, Jayapura. Social work in Oklip Mountain, Jayapura. Bakti sosial pinggir kali RW 01 Pegadungan yang menangani 300 pasien. Social work along riversides RW 01- Pegadungan which served around 300 patients. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 68 Dilihat secara persentase, jumlah total siswa yang putus sekolah dari SD atau SMP memang hanya berkisar 2 hingga 3 persen dari total jumlah siswa. Namun, persentase yang kecil tersebut menjadi besar jika dilihat angka sebenarnya. Jumlah anak putus sekolah SD setiap tahun rata-rata berjumlah 600.000 hingga 700.000 siswa. Sementara itu, jumlah mereka yang tidak menyelesaikan sekolahnya di SMP sekitar 150.000 sampai 200.000 orang. Based on percentages the number of students that discontinued their studies during primary or middle school was 2% to 3%. However, in reality these percentages are on the low side in relation to actual numbers. Total number of primary school children that discontinued their studies was between 600,000 and 700,000 and the numbers of middle school students who did not nish studies was between 150,000 and 200,000. Persoalan yang dihadapi dunia pendidikan saat ini adalah minimnya sarana dan akses pendidikan bagi masyarakat marjinal terutama di daerah terpencil dan pedalaman. Atas dasar kepedulian untuk meningkatkan kualitas dalam bidang pendidikan itulah, maka YOPB memiliki komitmen kuat yang diwujudkan dalam aneka aktivitas demi mencapai tujuan bersama yakni masyarakat Indonesia yang cerdas, terampil, dan bermartabat. The problem faced in education at this moment is the minimal number of facilities and educational access for the community, especially for those located in rural areas. Concerned about the quality of the education sector, YOPB has demonstrated strong commitment to a variety of activities for the achievement of building intelligent, skilled, and dignied Indonesian communities. Program yang sudah dijalankan YOPB adalah pemberian beasiswa bagi siswa-siswi akademi keperawatan dan guru karena kebutuhan tenaga medis sangat diperlukan terutama di daerah terpencil. Dalam bidang pendidikan, pemberian beasiswa difokuskan untuk daerah maupun propinsi yang secara geogras memiliki daerah pedalaman yang sulit dijangkau seperti: Nusa Tenggara Timur, Papua, Kalimantan Barat serta Kalimantan Timur dan beberapa daerah lain yang juga mendapatkan prioritas. YOPB programs that have already been executed include the distribution of scholarships for nursing students and teachers, as medical skills are urgently needed particularly in rural areas. In the education sector, scholarships tend to be focused on areas and provinces that are more geographically remote such as: Nusa Tenggara Timur, Papua, East and West Kalimantan, and other areas that have been deemed high priority. Bagi siswa SD, SMP, SMU dan SMK, sejak 2008 YOPB menyalurkan beasiswa melalui Sampoerna Foundation kepada anak-anak di beberapa daerah ataupun propinsi tertinggal di Indonesia. Alumni dari para penerima beasiswa khususnya mereka yang bersekolah di SMK bidang keguruan dan SMK bidang keperawatan diharuskan untuk kembali dan mengabdi ke daerah asalnya masing-masing untuk turut membantu meningkatkan kualitas pendidikan dan kesehatan. Since 2008, YOPB has provided scholarships through the Sampoerna Foundation for students in primary school, middle school, high school and upper high school in certain areas and provinces that were falling behind in their studies. The alumni of the scholarship recipients especially those who study in upper high school (SMK) in the teaching and nursing elds are required to return and serve their area and help to improve the quality of community education and health. Selain beasiswa, YOPB memberikan bantuan bagi pembangunan ataupun renovasi sarana dan prasarana pendidikan seperti gedung sekolah dan perlengkapannya. Tujuannya supaya proses belajar-mengajar dapat berjalan dengan baik sehingga diharapkan prestasi siswa dapat ditingkatkan. Apart from the scholarships, YOPB also provides nancial help for the renovating or building of educational facilities, such as school houses, and supply educational equipment. The main purpose of this support is to ensure that the teaching and studying processes run smoothly and properly so that the students can improve their grades. YOPB juga membangun gedung Sekolah Dasar dan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di pedalaman sekitar Kupang, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). Perseroan melalui YOPB membantu pembangunan gedung Sekolah Dasar Yaswari dan memberikan pelayanan kesehatan gratis di Desa Fatulunu - Kakoi, Kabupaten So´e, pedalaman Nusa Tenggara Timur. YOPB is building the primary school building and donating free health care for rural communities around Kupang and Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). The Company, through YOPB, has helped to develope Yaswari Primary school and is donating free health care in Fatulunu – Kakoi Village, So’e District, Nusa Tenggara Timur. Desa Fatulunu - Kakoi merupakan daerah yang terisolir dari kemajuan dengan tingkat pendapatan penduduk yang sangat rendah dan tidak ada akses pasokan listrik. Anak-anak di desa Fatulunu kesulitan untuk melanjutkan pendidikan setelah lulus dari Sekolah Dasar karena lokasi tempat tinggal yang terpencil dan kesulitan ekonomi. YOPB mengalokasikan Fatunulu – Kakoi Village is in an isolated area, under developed, with very low per capita income and has yet to have access to electricity. Children in Fatulunu village have great difculty in continuing their studies after nishing primary school due to their remote location and the prevalent economic factors. YOPB allocated a fund of Rp. 125 million for TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 69 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perseroan Corporate Social Responsibility dana sebesar Rp.125 juta untuk pembangunan gedung sekolah dan bersama donatur memberikan 200 set alat tulis kepada para siswa. the construction of a school building, and with the cooperation of donors, managed to issue 200 sets of stationary for the students. Selain di NTT, YOPB juga melakukan perbaikan gedunggedung sekolah seperti sekolah pemulung di Cilincing dan pembangunan sekolah di Kepulauan Nias. Besides NTT, YOPB also renovates existing school buildings, such as the school for scavengers in Cilincing and also a school building on Nias Island. Kesehatan Health Menurut data dari Laporan Tahunan 2007 United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Indonesia, lebih dari setengah jumlah populasi di Indonesia hidup dengan penghasilan di bawah 2 Dollar AS per hari (kurang dari Rp. 20.000,-) dan sekitar 7,5 persen hidup dengan penghasilan di bawah 1 Dollar AS per hari (kurang dari Rp. 10.000,-). Padahal tingkat kesejahteraan masyarakat sangat menentukan seberapa besar alokasi dana yang digunakan untuk kesehatan. According to the United Nations Development Program (UNDP) Annual Report 2007, more than half of the population of Indonesia live on an income of less than 2 US Dollars per day (less than Rp.20,000) and around 7.5% live on an income of less than 1 US Dollar per day (less than Rp.10,000). Community welfare level is a crucial factor in determining the health fund allocation. Kondisi minimnya alokasi dana untuk kesehatan atau bahkan ketiadaan dana menjadi gambaran kehidupan masyarakat dengan tingkat kesejahteraan yang rendah. Maka komitmen untuk mewujudkan prinsip "Keluarga Sehat, Keluarga Sejahtera" menjadi prioritas dalam aktivitas CSR karena kesehatan adalah modal untuk pembangunan keluarga Indonesia yang sehat, produktif, mandiri & sejahtera. The minimum condition for health fund allocation is where the level of community welfare is very low. Consequently the CSR’s rst priority is health, and its commitment to realizing the principle of “A healthy family is a prosperous family” is based on the belief that good health is the key to a productive, independent and prosperous family. Sejalan dengan program kesehatan tersebut, YOPB telah mendirikan Balai Pengobatan di beberapa daerah yang dapat dinikmati oleh masyarakat yang membutuhkan pelayanan kesehatan. Selain itu, secara berkala YOPB juga melakukan kegiatan pelayanan kesehatan berupa pengobatan gratis kepada masyarakat yang membutuhkan bantuan medis. In line with the health program, YOPB has built several health care centers in various locations that can be easily accessed by the community when they require health care services. Apart from these, as mentioned previously, YOPB also provides free medical treatment for needy communities on an ad hoc basis. Terdapat 8 (delapan) Balai Pengobatan yang didirikan YOPB di seluruh Indonesia, antara lain terletak di lokasi sebagai berikut : • Gombong (Jawa Tengah) • Palu (Sulawesi) • Kupang (NTT) • Lahat (Sumatera Selatan) • Sintang (Kalimantan Barat) • Tual (Maluku Tenggara) • Sumba (NTT) • Merauke (Papua) There are eight health care centers that have been built to date by YOPB around Indonesia in the following areas: YOPB juga berkeliling NTT untuk melaksanakan program pelayanan kesehatan gratis. Dalam program ini terdapat dua kegiatan yaitu Pengobatan Gratis dan Perbaikan Gizi. Sebanyak 4 (empat) dokter medis, 1 (satu) bidan, dan 10 (sepuluh) relawan tergabung dalam Pelayanan Kesehatan Gratis ini. YOPB menyiapkan 200 jenis variasi obat-obatan untuk berbagai jenis penyakit yang diderita masyarakat NTT, bantuan gizi untuk anak-anak, peralatan mandi dan cuci, juga pakaian layak pakai. YOPB juga memberikan masukan ke kepala desa mengenai cara untuk meningkatkan fasilitas kesehatan dan kesadaran masyarakat untuk menjaga kesehatan. YOPB is also touring Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT) to implement the free health care treatment program. In this program, there are two primary activities: distribution of free medical treatment and assistance on nutritional improvement. There are four medical doctors, one midwife and ten volunteers that are associated with the free health service. YOPB also provides 200 different varieties of medicines for various illnesses suffered by the NTT community, nutritional help for children, toiletries and laundry equipment and also good condition second hand clothing. YOPB also held training sessions with village heads and provided tips on how to improve health and how to increase community awareness of the importance of good health care regimens. • • • • • • • • Gombong (Central Java) Palu (Sulawesi) Kupang (NTT) Lahat (South Sumatera) Sintang (West Kalimantan) Tual (South East Maluku) Sumba (NTT) Merauke (Papua) PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 70 Selain itu, YOPB juga melakukan aktivitas bakti sosial di beberapa daerah, seperti pengobatan gratis, penyuluhan kesehatan, perbaikan gizi, operasi katarak, pembagian kacamata gratis kepada anak-anak sekolah, pengobatan gratis di kabupaten Asmat, Papua (distrik Agats dsk) berupa pelayanan kesehatan di 8 (delapan) desa. Kondisi geogras dan ekonomi yang serba buruk mengakibatkan masalah multidimensi dalam hal pendidikan, kesehatan, kebersihan, dan kesejahteraan. YOPB also conducted several initiatives in other locations, including providing free medical treatment, nutritional correction advice, cataract operations and distribution of free spectacles for students. Free medical treatment was provided in the Asmat district of Papua in a total of eight villages. Due to geographical location and poor economic conditions, multidimensional problems in education, health, cleanliness and overall wellbeing of the community were all evident in this location. Berikut ini kegiatan bakti sosial yang pernah dilakukan YOPB selama tahun 2009 : The following are the social activities carried out by YOPB during 2009: Kegiatan Bakti Sosial Social Service Activities • • • • • • • Bakti sosial operasi katarak kerjasama dengan Perdami (Persatuan Dokter Spesialis Mata Indonesia) Bakti sosial bencana alam seperti gempa, banjir, dll. Bakti sosial pengobatan gratis di daerah terpencil Bakti sosial perbaikan gizi balita Penyuluhan tentang kesehatan tingkat dasar di daerahdaerah Pemberian kacamata gratis pada anak-anak sekolah • • • • • Social service of facilitating cataract operations in conjunction with Perdami Relief for natural disaster victims as a result of earthquakes, oods, etc. Provision of free medical treatment in rural areas The improvement of and advice on nutrition for toddlers Basic health care awareness talks in rural areas Distribution of free spectacles for students YOPB juga mendirikan posko kesehatan "Oke Care" segera setelah terjadinya bencana alam di tempat-tempat terpencil di Indonesia. Pada September 2009, saat kejadian bencana gempa di Padang, Perseroan juga memberikan bantuan kepada para korban dan mendirikan posko sebagai bentuk pelayanan kesehatan. Bahkan memberikan bantuan bagi korban gempa yang juga kepala gerai OkeShop di salah satu pusat perbelanjaan di Padang. YOPB also established a health care post “Oke Care” right after natural disasters struck small areas in Indonesia. In September 2009 following the Padang earthquake the Company offered help to the victims and set up health care posts to dispense service in the required area. The Company also provided assistance to one of our OkeShop Head Store located in one of the Padang shopping malls. Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Community Empowerment Selain itu, YOPB juga bertekad memberikan modal bagi masyarakat sekitar untuk dapat mandiri dan meningkatkan kemampuan diri untuk menghasilkan sesuatu yang berdaya guna. Perseroan melalui YOPB memiliki tanggung jawab dalam rangka meningkatkan ekonomi masyarakat sekitar In addition to all its other activities YOPB is also determined to provide sufcient working capital for surrounding communities to help them become independent, self-sufcient and improve their skills so that they may begin to produce a marketable product. In conjunction with this the Company, through TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 71 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Tanggung Jawab Sosial Perseroan Corporate Social Responsibility yang tidak mampu dengan memberikan pelatihan. Pelatihan yang sudah berjalan berupa : YOPB, has an extremely important responsibility to improve the economic conditions of the surrounding communities by providing the required training. Training programs that have already been conducted are as follows: a. Usaha Salon YOPB memberikan pelatihan ketrampilan salon serta pemberian peralatan salon. a. Salon Business YOPB provides training on how to set up and run a salon and also provides salon equipment. b. Usaha Menjahit YOPB memberikan pelatihan ketrampilan menjahit baju dan pembuatan tas menggunakan bahan limbah rumah tangga. Selain itu,YOPB juga memberikan pinjaman untuk modal usaha. b. Small Sewing Business YOPB also provides training on how to set up and run a small sewing and bag production business using household waste and makes available start-up business loans. Kepedulian Lingkungan Sebagai warga korporat yang baik dan telah menanamkan semangat untuk melakukan pertumbuhan yang berkelanjutan di segala aktivitasnya, Perseroan melalui YOPB juga memegang komitmen untuk berkontribusi terhadap pelestarian lingkungan hidup. Beberapa program telah diimplementasikan untuk mewujudkan kelangsungan lingkungan hidup yang berkelanjutan. Environmental Awareness As a good corporate citizen with the ability to instill the spirit of cooperation, the Company, through YOPB, has a duty to rally communities to contribute to environmental preservation. Some of the programs that have been implemented to sustain the environment have included a program to plant 1,050 trees. Salah satu program yang telah dilakukan yakni aksi penghijauan melalui penanaman 1.050 pohon untuk mengantisipasi dampak pemanasan global seperti banjir, air laut pasang, penggundulan hutan, dan konversi lahan serta menciptakan kota Jakarta yang teduh. Program ini tidak lepas dari kerjasama dengan Pemprov DKI yang diharapkan akan berlanjut terus seiring dengan program penghijauan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia. Selain itu, juga dilakukan program pembagian ribuan pohon dan pelatihan pembuatan sumur biopori di berbagai daerah di Indonesia dengan tema "Oke Go Green". These were planted in anticipation of the increased effects of global warming such as ooding, rising tide waters, deforestation and land conversion as well as providing cool shaded areas in Jakarta city. This program was carried out in conjunction with the government of Jakarta city with the aim of continuing the program and eventually expanding it to cover the whole of Indonesia. In addition, the distribution of thousands of trees and training on how to drill and build water wells has been carried out in various locations across Indonesia using the theme “Oke Go Green”. Rencana Ke Depan Future Planning Sebagai bentuk komitmen besar Perseroan terhadap kepedulian lingkungan, maka program CSR akan terus menjadi prioritas baik melalui YOPB maupun melalui kegiatan internal Perseroan. Perseroan akan terus dan secara konsisten melaksanakan program CSR dengan tujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas hidup masyarakat Indonesia secara berkesinambungan serta berperan aktif dalam menciptakan lingkungan yang lestari. Aktivitas tersebut Perseroan wujud nyatakan dalam pemberian dukungan kepada YOPB baik dalam bentuk donasi maupun fasilitas yang diperlukan. Melalui aktivitas CSR yang telah dilakukan Perseroan berharap dapat memberikan kontribusi yang nyata terutama bagi masyarakat dan menjadi aset bangsa yang berkualitas. As a critical component of Company’s environmental awareness, the corporate social responsibility (CSR) program will always be our priority through Oke Peduli Bangsa Foundation (YOPB) and also via internal activities within the Company. The Company will be constantly running the CSR program with the consistent goals of improving the quality of life of the communities and striving to create a greener environment. This objective has been more than adequately exemplied by the support given to the YOPB in the way of donations and required facilities. To date the Company through its CSR program, has been able to contribute to communities and help them to realize their potential in becoming fully edged participants in the Indonesian economy. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 72 Data Perusahaan Corporate Data PTTRIKOMSEL TRIKOMSELOKE OKETbk. Tbk 73 PT Laporan LaporanTahunan tahunan2009 2009 Data Perusahaan Corporate Data Informasi Perseroan Company Information KANTOR OPERASIONAL Jl. Abdul Muis No. 24 - 26 Jakarta 10160 Telepon : (021) 3440220 Fax : (021) 34835085 Situs : OPERATIONS OFFICE Jl. Abdul Muis No. 24-26 Jakarta 10160 Telephone : (021) 3440220 Fax : (021) 34835085 Website : KEGIATAN USAHA UTAMA Distributor dan Pedagang Eceran Produk Telekomunikasi MAIN ACTIVITY Distributor and Retailer of Telecommunication Products AKUNTAN PUBLIK Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja (Ernst & Young) Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia Tower 2, Lantai 7 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53 Jakarta 12190 Telp : (021) 52895000 Fax : (021) 52894100 PUBLIC ACCOUNTANT Purwantono, Sarwoko & Sandjaja (Ernst & Young) Indonesian Stock Exchange Building Tower 2, 7th Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 - 53 Jakarta 12190 Telephone : (021) 52895000 Fax : (021) 52894100 BIRO ADMINISTRASI EFEK PT Sirca Datapro Perdana Wisma Sirca Jl. Johar No. 18 Jakarta 10340 Telp. : (021) 3900645, 3905920, 3140032 Fax : (021) 3900652, 3150845, 3900671 SHARE REGISTRAR BUREAU PT Sirca Datapro Perdana Wisma Sirca Jl. Johar No. 18 Jakarta 10340 Telp. : (021) 3900645, 3905920, 3140032 Fax : (021) 3900652, 3150845, 3900671 KONSULTAN HUKUM Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners Gedung Bursa Efek Indonesia, Tower II, Lt. 21 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 – 53 Jakarta 12190 Telp. : (021) 5155090/91/92/93 Fax : (021) 5154840/45/50/55 LEGAL CONSULTANT Hadiputranto, Hadinoto & Partners Indonesian Stock Exchange Building, Tower II, 21st Floor Jl. Jend. Sudirman Kav. 52 – 53 Jakarta 12190 Telp. : (021) 5155090/91/92/93 Fax : (021) 5154840/45/50/55 NOTARIS Fathiah Helmi Graha Irama Lt.6 Ruang C Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-1 Kav. 182 Kuningan Jakarta 12950 Telp. : (021) 52907304-6 Fax. : (021) 5261136 NOTARY Fathiah Helmi Graha Irama Lt.6 Ruang C Jl. HR Rasuna Said Blok X-1 Kav. 182 Kuningan Jakarta 12950 Telp. : (021) 52907304-6 Fax. : (021) 5261136 TANGGAL PENDIRIAN Tanggal 21 Agustus 1996 Akta Notaris Ny. Liliana Indrawati Tanuwidjaja, S.H. No. 11 ESTABLISHMENT DATE Date 21 August 1996 Notarial Ny. Liliana Indrawati Tanuwidjaja, S.H. No. 11 Penetapan Menteri Kehakiman Republik Indonesia No. C2-9342. HT.01.01 Th.96. Tanggal 7 Oktober 1996. Determination of Indonesian Justice Minister No. C2-9342.HT.01.01 Th. 96. Date 7 October 1996 DEWAN KOMISARIS Presiden Komisaris Komisaris Komisaris Independen Komisaris Independen : Kindarto Kohar : Glenn T. Sugita : Christine Barki : Suryatin Setiawan BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS President Commissioner : Kindarto Kohar Commissioner : Glenn T. Sugita Independent Commissioner : Christine Barki Independent Commissioner : Suryatin Setiawan DIREKSI Presiden Direktur Direktur Direktur Direktur Direktur Tidak Teraliasi : Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam : Djohan Sutanto : Djoko Harijanto : Evy Soenarjo : Ellianah Wati Setiady BOARD OF DIRECTORS President Director Director Director Director Director (Non-afliated) : Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam : Djohan Sutanto : Djoko Harijanto : Evy Soenarjo : Ellianah Wati Setiady STRUKTUR PERMODALAN Nilai Nominal Rp 100,Modal Dasar lembar saham Modal ditempatkan dan disetor penuh paska IPO 4.450.000.000 lembar saham CAPITAL STRUCTURE Nominal Value Rp 100,Authorized Capital shares Capital Stock Issued and Fully paid after IPO 4.450.000.000 shares SEKRETARIS PERUSAHAAN Juliana Samudro Jl. Abdul Muis No. 24-26 Jakarta 10160 No. telepon : (021) 34402220 Fax (021) 34835085 CORPORATE SECRETARY Juliana Samudro Jl. Abdul Muis No. 24-26 Jakarta 10160 Phone : (021) 34402220 Fax (021) 34835085 ANAK PERUSAHAAN Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. 64B Queen Street Singapore 188543 SUBSIDIARY Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. 64B Queen Street Singapore 188543 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 74 Profil Manajemen Management Prole Prol Dewan Komisaris Prole of the Board of Commissioners Kindarto Kohar Presiden Komisaris, 55 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia. Kindarto Kohar President Commissioner, 55 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Menjadi Komisaris Perseroan pada tahun 1 9 9 6 -2 0 0 5 , 2 007-2008 dan d i a n g k a t menjadi Presiden Komisaris sejak 2008. Me ru p akan Komisaris Utama PT Trias Sentosa Tbk. (2008sekarang) setelah sebelumnya menjabat sebagai Direktur (1985-1991) dan Direktur Utama (1991-2008) pada perusahaan yang sama, Komisaris Served as Commissioner of the Company from 1996-2005 and 2007-2008. Appointed as President Commissioner in 2008. He is the President Commissioner of PT Trias Sentosa Tbk. (2008–present) after previously serving as Director (19851991) and President Director (1991-2008), PT A. Schulman Plastics Commissioner (2008-present), joining PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana as General Manager (1983-1993), President Director (1993-1997) and Commisioner (1997- present), President Director of PT ALP Petro Industry (2005 – present). PT A. Schulman Plastics (2008-sekarang), bergabung dengan PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana sebagai General Manager (1983-1993), Presiden Direktur (1993-1997) dan Komisaris (1997-sekarang), Presiden Direktur PT ALP Petro Industry (2005sekarang). TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 75 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Engineering (Electrical) dari McGill University, Montreal, Canada tahun 1977. Received his Bachelor of Engineering (in Electrical Electrical) degree from McGill University, Montreal, Canada in 1977. Glenn T. Sugita Komisaris, 42 tahun, Indonesia. Glenn T. Sugita Commissioner, 42 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Warga Negara Diangkat menjadi Komisaris Perseroan pada tahun 2009. Merupakan Wakil Presiden Komisaris PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. sejak tahun 2006 sampai dengan saat ini. Selain itu, beliau juga menjabat sebagai Direktur Northstar Advisors Pte. Ltd. (2006-sekarang). Sebelumnya beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur PT Northstar Pacic (2003-2006) dan bekerja di PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities (2000-2003), PT Bahana Securities (1995-2000), dan AT&T Network Systems (1994-1995) Appointed as Company’s Commissioner in 2009. He is the Vice President Commissioner of PT Sumber Alfaria Trijaya Tbk. since 2006 until now. He also serves as Director of Northstar Advisors Pte. Ltd. (2006 – present), Previously, he was the Director of PT Northstar Pacic (2003-2006) and worked at PT PricewaterhouseCoopers Securities (2000-2003), PT Bahana Securities (1995-2000), and AT&T Network Systems (1994-1995). Memperoleh gelar Bachelor of Science dan Master of Science jurusan Electrical Engineering dari Tennessee Tech University, Amerika Serikat masingmasing pada tahun 1991 dan 1993. He received his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in Electrical Engineering from Tennessee Tech University, USA in 1991 and 1993 respectively. Data Perusahaan Corporate Data Christine Barki Komisaris Independen, 53 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia. Christine Barki Independent Commissioner, 53 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Diangkat menjadi Komisaris Perseroan pada tahun 2008. Merupakan Presiden Direktur PT Metropolitan Retailmart sejak tahun 1993-sekarang. Sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Finance Controller/ Audit Controller di salah satu hotel internasional di Amerika Serikat (1982-1985) dan di China/ Asia (1985-1993) Appointed as the Company’s Commissioner in 2008. She has been the President Director of PT Metropolitan Retailmart from 1993 until now. Prior to this, she worked as the Finance Controller/ Audit Controller at an international hotel in USA (1982-1985), and in China/Asia (1985-1993). Memperoleh gelar Master of Business Administration, jurusan Business Administration dari University of Oklahoma, Amerika Serikat tahun 1985 dan Honorary Doctor in Management dari University of California, Amerika Serikat tahun 2002. She has a Master Degree in Business Administration from the University of Oklahoma, USA (1985) and an Honorary Doctorate in Management from the University of California, USA (2002). Suryatin Setiawan Komisaris Independen, 55 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia Suryatin Setiawan Independent Commissioner, 55 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Diangkat sebagai Komisaris Perseroan pada tahun 2008. Sebelumnya bekerja sebagai enjiner dan sebagai General Manager Pengembangan Produk PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) (1980-1991), Staf Ahli Direktur Utama Perumtel bidang enjiniring dan teknologi (1991-1992), Kepala Pusat Perencanaan dan Pengembangan Teknologi Informasi PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (Telkom) (1992-1995), Kepala Divisi Riset Teknologi Telkom (1995-2000), Komisaris dan Komisaris Utama PT Telkomsel (20002002), Direktur Bisnis Layanan Jaringan Telkom (2002-2004) dan Director of Service Business Telkom (2004-2005). Appointed as Company’s Commissioner in 2008. Previously worked as engineer and General Manager of Product Development of PT Industri Telekomunikasi Indonesia (Persero) (1980-1991), Special Staff of President Director of Perumtel in engineering and technology sector (1991-1992), Chief of Planning and Development of Information Technology of PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (Telkom) (1992-1995), Head Division of Technology Research Telkom (1995-2000), Commissioner and President Commissioner of PT Telkomsel (2000-2002), Director of Network Service Business Telkom (2002-2004), and Director of Service Business Telkom (2004-2005). Memperoleh gelar Sarjana jurusan Elektro Teknik Telekomunikasi dari Institut Teknologi Bandung tahun 1980. He received his degree in Telecommunication Electrical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1980. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 76 Profil Direksi Profile of the Board of Directors TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 77 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Presiden Direktur & CEO, 47 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam President Director & CEO, 47 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Diangkat sebagai Presiden Direktur & CEO Perseroan pada tahun 2000. Bertanggung jawab penuh atas keputusan strategis Perseroan serta melakukan supervisi atas kegiatan operasional Perseroan, termasuk namun tidak terbatas pada kebijakan dan strategi penjualan dan pengembangan produk-produk baru. Sebelumnya Beliau memulai karir pada PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana dengan jabatan terakhir sebagai Direktur Komersial (1985-1997), Direktur PT ALP Petro Industry (1994-2005), Presiden Komisaris PT Triyakom (2004-sekarang). Appointed as President Director & CEO of the Company in 2000. Fully responsible for strategic decision and supervision of operational activities of the Company, including but not limited to policy and sales strategy and development of new products. Started his career at PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana with last role as Commercial Director (1985-1997), Director of PT ALP Petro Industry (1994-2005), President Commissioner of PT Triyakom (2004 – current). Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi jurusan Manajemen Perusahaan dari Universitas Surabaya tahun 1986. He received his Bachelor’s degree in Economics with major in Company Management from Surabaya University in 1986. Djohan Sutanto Direktur Bisnis - Distribusi, 37 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia. Djohan Sutanto Director of Business - Distribution, 37 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Diangkat sebagai Direktur Bisnis Distribusi pada tahun 2000. Bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan proses distribusi produk, mencakup penjualan kepada reseller. Sebelumnya bekerja sebagai Senior Marketing Manager PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana (1993-1998). Appointed as Director of Business – Distribution in 2000. Responsible for all product distribution process, including sales to resellers. Previously he worked as a Senior Marketing Manager at PT Panggung Electric Citrabuana (1993-1998). Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Ekonomi jurusan Manajemen padaUniversitasTarumanegara, Jakarta tahun 1994. He received his Bachelor's degree in Economics with major in Management from Tarumanegara University in 1994. Data Perusahaan Corporate Data Djoko Harijanto Direktur Teknologi Informasi dan Logistik, 46 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia. Djoko Harijanto Director of Information Technology and Logistics, 46 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Diangkat sebagai Direktur Teknologi Informasi dan Logistik Perseroan pada tahun 2000. Bertanggung jawab atas operasional sistem teknologi informasi dan logistik Perseroan. Sebelum bergabung, Beliau pernah menjabat sebagai Programmer PT Perindo Sistek Integra (1989-1990) dan Mainframe Engineer PT USI/IBM (1990-1995). Appointed as Director of Information Technology and Logistics of the Company in 2000. Responsible for operational system of information technology and logistics of the Company. Before joining the Company, he was a programmer at PT Perindo Sistek Integra (1989-1990) and Mainframe Engineer at PT USI/IBM (1990-1995). Memperoleh gelar Sarjana Teknik Elektro dari Institut Teknologi Bandung tahun 1989. He received his Bachelor's degree in Electrical Engineering from the Bandung Institute of Technology (ITB) in 1989. Evy Soenarjo Evy Soenarjo Director of Corporate Services and Business - Retail, 36 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Direktur Layanan Korporasi dan Bisnis - Retail, 36 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia. Diangkat sebagai Direktur Layanan Korporasi Perseroan pada tahun 2000 dan sejak Juli 2009 Beliau bertanggung jawab juga atas Bisnis - Ritel, meliputi pengembangan dan operasional gerai OkeShop di seluruh Indonesia. Sebelumnya bekerja sebagai F&A Manager di PT Tamindo Permaiglass (1995 - 1997). Appointed as Director of Corporate Services in 2000, and since July 2009 she is also responsible for BusinessRetail which consist of operational and development of OkeShop in Indonesia nationwide. Previously worked as F&A Manager at PT Tamindo Permaiglass (1995-1997). Memperoleh gelar sarjana di bidang Ekonomi Manajemen dari Universitas Kristen Satya Wacana, Jawa Tengah tahun 1995. She received her Bachelor's degree in Management Economics from the Christian University Satya Wacana, Central Java in 1995. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 78 Prol Direksi Prole of the Board of Directors Ellianah Wati Setiady Direktur Bisnis - Distribusi, 38 tahun, Warga Negara Indonesia. TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 79 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Ellianah Wati Setiady Director of Business - Distribution, 38 years old, Indonesian Citizen. Diangkat sebagai Direktur Bisnis Distribusi pada Juli 2009. Bertanggung jawab atas keseluruhan proses distribusi produk, mencakup penjualan kepada reseller. Sebelumnya Beliau menjabat sebagai Direktur Ritel Perseroan periode 2007-2009, Key Account PT Sealand Shipping Company (1993-1995), Assistant General Manager PT Selindo Utama (1995-1996). Appointed as Business - Distribution Director in July 2009. Responsible for all product distribution process including sales to resellers. Previously, she was the Retail Director (2007-2009), Key Account of PT Sealand Shipping Company (1993-1995), Assistant General Manager of PT Selindo Utama (1995-1996). Memperoleh gelar sarjana jurusan Business dari Arkansas State University, Amerika Serikat tahun 1991. She had a Bachelor's degree in Business from the Arkansas State University, USA (1991). Data Perusahaan Corporate Data Lokasi OkeShop OkeShop Locations BANDUNG Istana Plaza Lt. 1 C1 Jl. Buah Batu No. 173A Bandung Electronic Mall Lt. 3 H7-8 Bandung Electronic Center Lt. LG C19 ITC Kebon Kelapa Lt. 3 Blok A8 No. 4-5 Istana Plaza Lt. 2 No. D 10 Carrefour Paris Van Java Gramedia Merdeka Lt. Dasar Riau Junction Lt. 2 Dago Plaza Cihampelas Walk Lt. LG Unit L-26 Jl. Raya Kondang 6 Majalaya Bandung Indah Plaza Lt. GF L1/15 Rancaekek Km 21 No. 101 A Pasar Baru Lt. 5 No. C45 Jl. Raya Cipadung No. 527 Metro Trade Centre Lt. 1 A2-52 Giant Bandung Supermall Hypermart Bandung Indah Plaza Istana Plaza Lt. LG Blok E.9 Bandung Supermall Lt. 2 Bandung Electronic Center Lt. UG/D.22 Bandung Electronic Center Lt. Dasar Bandung Electronic Center Lt. 3 Bandung Trade Mall Lt. Dasar Jl. Prabudimuntur No. 18 Pertiwi Cimahi Jl. Raya Barat No. 563 Cihampelas Walk Lt. GF SG/18-20 Bandung Electronic Center Lt. UG Borma Toserba Jl. Cijerah 90 ITC Kopo Jl. Kopo No 599 Gramedia Istana Plaza Lt. 3 Unit TF-C1 Bandung Trade Centre Lt. LG CF-01 Giant Hyperpoint Lt. 2 Hypermart Metro Trade Center Yogya Pahlawan Carrefour Kiaracondong Carrefour Mollis Mall Lt. Basement Lucky Square Lt. LG A5/8 Bandung Electronic Center Lt. UG A03 LOG IN Store Jl. ABC 44-46 Braga Citiwalk F1.21FA Bandung Trade Centre Lt. GF PC-12 Gramedia Paris Van Java Istana Plaza Lt. GF Blok C/1A Swalayan 711 Sentra Kampus Bandung Supermall Lt. GF #A/077-079 Hero Suci Paris Van Java GL A06A Hyperpoint Pasteur Swalayan 711 Batununggal Indah Superindo Dago Superindo Rajawali Bandung Indah Plaza Lt. 3 Jl. R.E. Martadinata No. 20, Ciamis Jl. Mangunsarkoro No. 116, Cianjur Hypermart Mayoeld Mall, Cianjur Cikampek Mall Lt. Dasar, Cikampek Samudra Toserba, Cimahi Yogya Cimahi Cimahi Mall Lt. 1, Cimahi Giant Brigjen Katamso, Cirebon Yogya Grand Central, Cirebon Jl. Ciledug 117, Garut Jl. Cimanuk No. 302, Garut Yogya Garut Jl. Sudirman No. 70, Purwakarta Giant Plaza Purwakarta Lt. Dasar Mal Sadang Terminal Square, Purwakarta Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 5, Subang Jl. Jendral Ahmad Yani No. 14, Sukabumi Mayoeld Mall Blok L3A/2-3, Sukabumi Jatinangor Town Square Lt. 1, Sumedang Jl. Sukarjo 16, Tasikmalaya Gramedia Plaza Asia Lt. 1, Tasikmalaya Plaza Asia Lt. Dasar #36, Tasikmalaya Yogya Tasikmalaya Samudra Toserba Lt. 1, Tasikmalaya BANJARMASIN Hypermart Duta Mall Lt. 1 Jl. Uripan 11 Jl. Brigjen H. Hasan Baseri Blok B No. 2B Jl. A. Yani Km 2 No. 5 (Showroom) Jl. A. Yani Km 2 No. 5 Jl. A. Yani Km 2,2 No. 05, Banjar Timur Gramedia Veteran Duta Mall Lt. 4 Gramedia Duta Mall Lt. 3 Jl. Lambung Mangkurat 19 Jl. Ahmad Yani Km 37,5, Banjarbaru Jl. A. Yani Km 36, Martapura Mega Trade Center Lt. Dasar, Palangkaraya Jl. A. Yani No. 13, Palangkaraya BALIKPAPAN Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 1 Jl. A. Yani Km. 2 Komp. Ruko Bandar Block C No. 7/30 Balikpapan Trade Center GF-7 Jl. Soekarno Hatta Km 1 RB/02 Gramedia Balikpapan Plaza Jl. Jendral Sudirman No. 9 Balikpapan Superblok Lt. GF No. 35 Hero Mal Fantasi Hypermart Plaza Balikpapan Plaza Balikpapan Lt. 1 Balikpapan Superblock Grand Mall Tarakan Lt. Dasar Komp. Gusher Blok A No. 26, Tarakan Gramedia Grand Mall, Tarakan Komplek Nagoya Hill Superblock Gramedia Batam City Square Wartel Surya Baru Ruko Tiban Centre Centro Mega Mall Center Point Lt. 1 CIREBON Jl. Karanggetas No. 79 Pusat Grosir Cirebon Lt. 3 Blok 7-9 Carrefour Cipto Mangunkusumo Jl. Raya Plered No. 5 Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 56 Gramedia Grage Mall Lt. 2 dan 3 Grage Mall HP Center Grage Mall Lt. 2, Cirebon Surya Swalayan, Indramayu Jl. D.I. Panjaitan No. 22, Indamayu Jl. Siliwangi No. 216 E, Kuningan DENPASAR Jl. Padang Luwih, Dalung Tiara Grosir Jl. HOS Cokroaminoto No. 16 Gramedia Duta Plaza Carrefour Sunsetroad Udayana B3 Jl. Letda Made Putra Jl. Teuku Umar 94 Jl. Hang Tuah No. 50, Sanur Carrefour Imam Bonjol Jl. Gunung Agung No. 126 Jl. Hayam Wuruk 222 Jl. Teuku Umar No. 153A Carrefour Express Gunung Agung RTC Jl. Gatot Subroto 82 Jl. Soekarno Hatta 84, Bima Jl. Lettu Kanten 1, Bangli Karya Nirmala, Jimbaran Jl. Raya Jasri, Karang Asem Jl. PB Sudirman No. 30 X, Karang Asem Kompleks Ruko Oesapa, Kupang Jl. Sudirman 64 B, Kupang Flobamora Mall 15, Oebufu, Kupang Gramedia Sudirman, Kupang Gramedia Plaza Bali Galeria, Kuta Hypermart Mal Bali Galeria, Kuta Rumah Kita Discovery Mall Lt. 3, Kuta Supernova Tuban, Kuta Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 5, Negara Hardy's Danau Tamblingan, Sanur Cahaya Melati, Semarapura Jl. Puputan No. 108, Klungkung Jl. A. Yani 66, Singaraja Jl. Ngurah Rai 51, Singaraja Hardy's By Pass, Tabanan BATAM Plaza Top 100 No. 01-A Bandara Hang Nadim Komplek Graha Sulaiman Blok A. No. 3 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 80 JAKARTA Jl. Jend. Ahmad Yani No. 27B, Tabanan Carrefour Kelapa Gading Mal Emporium Pluit Lt. 2 Mall of Indonesia Lt. 2 Carrefour CBD Pluit Mega Mall Pluit Lt. 3/3-100 Emporium Pluit Lt. 2/2-30 Emporium Pluit Lt. 1/19 Pluit Junction Lt. 3 Unit 307-308 Jl. Boulevard Raya WB 2/2 Kelapa Gading Carrefour Cakung Carrefour Raden Inten Cibubur Junction Lt. 2 No. 55 Mal Cijantung Lt. 2 Giant Ujung Menteng (Kiosk) Plaza Cibubur Lt. 3/39 Gramedia Mal Cijantung Kramat Jati Plaza Lt. 2 S/153 Giant Ujung Menteng Tamini Square Lt. 2 SS1/18 Blok M Plaza Lt. 4 Carrefour Pasar Minggu Carrefour Ciputat Carrefour Blok M Square Gramedia D'Best Fatmawati Pacic Place Lt. 3 3-27 Pondok Indah Mall 2 Lt. 3 FX Mall Lt. 3 / 19 D'Best Fatmawati Lt. 4 SCBD Blok Silver 6-8 Pacic Place Lt. 3 No. 26 Pacic Place Lt. B1 23 Hypermart Pejaten Setiabuti One Lt. 1 B/217 Gramedia Grand Indonesia Grand Indonesia East Mall Lt. 3-43 Grand Indonesia East Mall Lt. 3-35 Hypermart Mega Glodok Kemayoran Golden Truly Lt. Dasar Grand Indonesia Puri Indah Mall Lt. 2 235 Mal Ciputra Lt. 1 Carrefour Daan Mogot Hypermart Paragon Puri Indah Mal Puri Indah Lt. Dasar Hypermart Daan Mogot Mall Mal Taman Anggrek Lt. 3 Carrefour A. Yani, Serang Mal Cinere Lt. 3 Carrefour Central Park Hypermart Mal Gajah Mada Menara Jamsostek Lt. 11 Gramedia Mal Artha Gading Mal Daan Mogot Lt. 1 Alfa Pasar Minggu Gramedia Matraman Jl. RS Fatmawati No. 40 Hero Cilandak TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 81 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Ratu Plaza Lt. 3 Atrium Senen Lt. 3 Blok C.05 Hypermart Mal KTC City Mall, Tangerang Blok M Square Lt. 3A No. 17 Mal KTC Lt. 2 Plaza Indonesia Lt. 4 E25 Gramedia Plaza Bintaro Jl. Pejaten Raya Lt. 2 Unit 2-15 Carrefour Mangga Dua Square Carrefour Taman Mini Carrefour ITC Kuningan Hypermart Cibubur Junction Cibubur Junction Lt. LG Gramedia Mal Puri Indah Carrefour Cempaka Mas Carrefour Express Sunter Hero Citra Garden Gramedia Mal Kelapa Gading Giant Plaza Semanggi Carrefour MT Haryono Carrefour Lebak Bulus Lt. 2 Carrefour Kramat Jati Gramedia Mal Taman Anggrek Carrefour Duta Merlin Lt. 2 Hypermart JACC Giant Wisma ASRI, Bekasi Cibubur Junction Lt. 2 No. 18C Gramedia Teras Kota Gramedia Sunter Mall Hero Gatot Subroto Lt. Dasar ITC Roxy Mas Lt. 1 No. 117 ITC Kuningan Lt. Semi Dasar Carrefour Cempaka Putih Jl. Abdul Muis 24 - 26 Gramedia Pondok Indah Mal Giant City Mall Mal Ciputra Lt. 1 Hero Lebak Bulus Carrefour Mal Puri Indah Giant Jati Asih Giant Plaza Kalibata ITC Fatmawati Lt. 3 Pondok Indah Mall Lt. 2 Gramedia Mal Ciputra Giant Lebak Bulus Carrefour Taman Palem Cengkareng Roxy Square Lt. Dasar Carrefour Permata Hijau Gramedia Mal Cinere Hero Taman Alfa Indah Connexxion Mal Kelapa Gading Mal Ambasador Lt. 2 Mal Kelapa Gading 3 Lt. LG #06 Gramedia Plaza Semanggi Mal Taman Anggrek Lt. 3 Pondok Indah Mall Lt. Dasar Plaza Semanggi Lt. 2 B No. 30-31 Plaza Kalibata Lt. Dasar Mal Artha Gading Lt. 1 Giant Lindeteves Gramedia Central Park Central Park Pusat Grosir Cililitan Lt. 3 No. 716 Giant Bintaro Hypermart Depok Town Square, Depok Carrefour Dewi Sartika, Depok Carrefour ITC Margonda Raya, Depok Gramedia Margonda Raya, Depok ITC Depok Lt. 3 Giant Margonda Raya, Depok Margo City Depok Mall Lt. LG 36, Depok ITC Depok Lt. 2 Depok Town Square Lt. 2 Simpang Raya Tirtayasa, Cilegon Ramayana Mall, Cilegon Hypermart Mayoeld, Cilegon Gramedia Pajajaran Ekalokasari Plaza Lt. 2, Bogor Gramedia Ekalokasari Plaza, Bogor Botani Square Lt. Dasar, Bogor Taman Yasmin Giant II, Bogor Giant City Center Mall, Bogor Hypermart Kedung Badak, Bogor Carrefour Cibinong, Bogor Giant Cimanggis, Bogor Gramedia Botani Square, Bogor Giant Taman Yasmin, Bogor Hypermart Sentul, Bogor Pusat Grosir Bogor Merdeka Lt. 2 Belanova Country Mall Lt. Dasar, Bogor Bogor Trade Mall Lt. 2 Jl. Raya Pajajaran No. 8D, Bogor Drive Thru Plaza Indah Bogor Giant Taman Yasmin, Bogor (Kiosk) Botani Square Lt. Dasar, Bogor ITC Cibinong Lt. 1, Bogor Bekasi Cyber Park Mall Lt. GF Carrefour Bekasi Square, Bekasi Giant Mitra 10, Cibubur Plaza Pondok Gede Lt. Dasar A/10, Bekasi Hypermart Mal Lippo Cikarang, Bekasi Carrefour Harapan Indah, Bekasi Giant A. Yani, Bekasi Carrefour Cikarang, Bekasi Giant Diponegoro, Tambun, Bekasi (Kiosk) Bekasi Square Lt. 1 / 169 Giant Pondok Gede, Bekasi Gramedia Mal Metropolitan, Bekasi Mal Lippo Cikarang Lt. 2, Bekasi Carrefour Blue Mall, Bekasi Hypermart Grand Mall, Bekasi Gramedia Plaza Pondok Gede II, Bekasi Bekasi Square Lt. LG No. 175 Hypermart Pondok Gede, Bekasi Mal Metropolitan 2 Lt. 3, Bekasi Giant Diponegoro, Tambun, Bekasi Hero Pamulang, Tangerang Plaza Cirendeu Lt. 2, Tangerang Giant Pamulang Square, Tangerang Data Perusahaan Corporate Data Metropolis Town Square Lt. Dasar, Tangerang Giant Serpong, Tangerang Carrefour Cikokol, Tangerang WTC Serpong Lt. Dasar, Tangerang ITC BSD D 9 01-02, Tangerang Carrefour Ciledug, Tangerang Gramedia Supermal Karawaci, Tangerang Hypermart Supermall Karawaci, Tangerang Carrefour Bintaro, Tangerang Hypermart WTC Serpong, Tangerang Carrefour ITC BSD, Tangerang Giant Ciledug, Tangerang Hypermart Metropolis Town Square, Tangerang Gramedia Gading Serpong, Tangerang CBD Ciledug Lt.1 / M06-07, Tangerang E-Center Supermal Karawaci, Tangerang Carrefour Pamulang, Tangerang Gramedia WTC Serpong, Tangerang Boulevard C1/1 BSD, Tangerang Alfa Bintaro, Tangerang E-Center Supermal Karawaci, Tangerang JAMBI Hypermart Sultan Toha JL. Hayam Wuruk No. 57 Jl. Gatot Subroto 145 Jl. Orang Kayo Hitam No. 08 Gramedia Sumantri Brojonegoro Trona Sudirman Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 37 Toserba B2 Jl. Abunjani No. 47 Anas Fashion Jl. Sentot Alibasyah Jl. Kol. Abunjani No. 24 Kantor Pos Besar Galeri Abadi Center WTC Sultan Thana 17 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 64, Bangko Wiltop Trade Center Lt. Dasar, Muaro Bungo Jl. Lintas Sumatra Km 1 No. 74, Sarolangun JEMBER Jl. Sultan Agung No. 48 Ruko Sampoerna Kav. 5 Matahari Johar Plaza Lt. 1 Jl. Gatot Subroto No. A6 Gramedia Trunojoyo Giant Basuki Rahmat, Banyuwangi Jl. Panglima Sudirman No. 192, Lumajang Giant Soekarno Hatta, Probolinggo KEDIRI Plaza Dhoho Lt. 01 Blok F01 - F02 UFO Jl. Joyoboyo No. 2 Jl. A. Yani No. 98, Jombang Jl. Panglima Sudirman 26 Carrefour S. Parman, Madiun Jl. Trunojoyo No. 12, Madiun Jl. Alon Alon Timur No. 1A, Ponorogo Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 14, Tulung Agung Mal Kartini Lt. 1 Blok IA - 01 Simpur Center Blok A - 45 Jl. Sudirman No. 43 B, Metro Komplek Pertokoan Sumur Bandung, Metro Jl. Sudirman No. 43 D, Metro Jl. Kusuma Bangsa No. 164, Kalianda Kalmart Jl. Kusuma Bangsa 198, Kalianda Millenium Lt. 2 No. E2, Natar Jl. A Yani, Pringsewu Chandra Bandar Jaya, Tanjung Karang Gramedia Raden Inten, Tanjung Karang Jl. Wolter Monginsidi No. 24A, Tanjung Karang Jl. Antasari No. 18 F, Tanjung Karang Hypermart Lampung Chandra Hayam Wuruk, Tanjung Karang Jl. Kartini No. 55, Tanjung Karang Mal Kartini Lt. Dasar Blok F7 MEDAN Plaza Medan Fair Lt. 4 Deli Plaza Lt. Dasar Sun Plaza LG B-19 Yuki Simpang Raya Swalayan Hypermart Grand Palladium Plaza Millenium ITC Medan Fair Lt. 4 No. 87 Carrefour Plaza Medan Fair Lt.2 Carrefour Citra Garden Padang Bulan Jl. Krakatau No. 5 D Hypermart Sun Plaza Gramedia Gajah Mada Mal Cambridge Millenium Plaza Lt. 2 No. 73-76 Gramedia Grand Palladium Ramayana Buana Palladium Plaza Lt. 2 Sun Plaza Lt. 3 Jl. Brigjen Katamso 41B Komplek Ruko Tata Graha A19 Jl. Merdeka No. 28, Lhoksumawe Jl. Perniagaan No. 8, Lhokseumawe Jl. A. Yani No. A/5, Langsa Jl. T. Iskandar Muda No. 5, Bireuen Hypermart Binjai Supermall Jl. Sudirman No. 77, Binjai Jl. Sudirman No. 67, Binjai Binjai Supermall Gramedia Binjai Supermall Jl. Merdeka No. 176, Pematang Siantar Siantar Plaza Lt. 2, Pematang Siantar Suzuya Plaza Lt. Dasar, Rantau Prapat Jl. Jamin Ginting No. 59, Tanjung Balai MANADO Gramedia Sam Ratulangi Coco Supermarket & Dept. Store Matahari Department Store Boulevard Center Hypermart Manado Town Square Manado Town Square Lt. Dasar Ruko Megamas LA1 No. 8 dan 9 Golden Swalayan Blok O No. 1-8 Jl. Sam Ratulangi 199B Jumbo Pasar Swalayan Manado Town Square Lt. 1 Jl. A Yani No. 273, Kota Mubagu Jl. A Yani No. 273, Kota Mubagu (Showroom) Supermarket Karsa Utama, Gorontalo MAKASSAR Mal Panakukang Lt. Dasar Makassar Town Square Lt. 1 A-02 Carrefour Pengayoman Mal Ratu Indah Lt. 3 Jl. Cendrawasih No. 204 B Mal Panakukang Lt. 2 Mal GTC Blok UH1 No. 6-8 Hero Mal Ratu Indah Carrefour MTC Karebosi Lt. Basement 1 Jl. Bulukunyi No. 2B Jl. Pasar Ikan No. 48 Mal Panakukang Lt. Dasar Carrefour Panakukang Kapasa Raya 16, Poros Daya Grapari Sucondo Jl. Gunung Latimojong No. 46 G Kompleks Bumi Tamalanrea Permai Blok M /7 Mal Panakukang Lt. 1 Makassar Trade Center Karebosi Lt. 2 Hypermart Mal GTC Carrefour Tamalanrea Jl. Veteran Utara No. 350 A Hypermart Panakukang Gramedia Mal Ratu Indah Gramedia Mal Panakukang Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 12, Majene Gramedia Rabam, Kendari Mal Mandonga D23, Kendari Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 55 / A2, Kendari Gramedia Sam Ratulangi, Jayapura Jl. Kelapa Dua No. 17, Entrop, Jayapura Regina Mall Lt. Dasar, Jayapura Sentani Mall Lt. Dasar, Jayapura Jl. Sam Ratulangi 1, Bulukumba Jl. Wahab Azasi No. 40, Mamuju Jl. Diponegoro No. 12, Palopo Jl. Kelapa No. 17, Palopo Jl. Basuki Rachmat No. 62 X, Palu Mall Tatura Lt. 3, Palu Jl. Bungoro Raya No. 92, Pangkajene Jl. Andi Makkasau No. 100, Pare-pare Jl. Sultan Hasanuddin No. 43, Pare-pare Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 30, Pinrang Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 168, Polewali Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 30, Raha Jl. Wolter Monginsidi, Raha PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 82 Jl. KH. Wahid Hasyim No. 5, Sungguminasa Jl. Beringin No. 33 / 8, Watampone Jl. Besse Kajuara No. 1, Watampone MALANG Mal Olympic Garden Lt. 2 No. 86 Gramedia Malang Town Square Lt. 1 Giant Mal Olympic Garden Jl. Kebon Agung No. 11 C Jl. Letjen S. Parman No. 56 Hypermart Malang Town Square Lt. Basement Jl. Arif Margono No. 62F Gramedia Basuki Rahmat Lavalette, Jl. WR Supratman Kav C-3 No 15 Ramayana Mal Alun-Alun Lt. 3 Adira Assurance, Graha Griya Mandiri Jl. Soekarno Hatta 34 B Malang Town Square Lt. Dasar Carrefour Citra Carrefour Belimbing MATARAM Jl. Panca Usaha 22 A Jl. KH Ahmad Dahlan No. 2A Jl. Sriwijaya No. 55 C Jl. Pejanggik No. 47 C Jl. Airlangga No. 53H Bandara Selaparang Jl. PB Sudirman Ruko Ali Blok II, Pancor Jl. PB Sudirman No. 81, Praya Jl. Masbagik No. 9, Selong PADANG Gramedia Damar Matahari Department Store Moh. Yamin Jl. Raya Siteba 10, Padang Jl. A. Yani 205, Sawahlunto Plaza Andalas Lt. 2 No. 93 Jl. Jambu Air No. 114, Bukit Tinggi Jl. Khatib Sulaeman 4, Bukit Tinggi PEKANBARU Mal Ciputra Seraya Lt. 3 Mal Pekanbaru Lt. 2 Blok C3 No. 1 Plaza Citra Lt. 1, Blok A1 / 57 Mal SKA Lt. 2 No. 9 Jl. Durian No. 21 D Hypermart Mal SKA Jl. Sudirman No. 89 Jl. Riau No. 124 Senapelan Plaza Lt. 3 Mal Pekanbaru Lt. 2 Gramedia Sudirman Gramedia Mal Pekanbaru Giant Metropolitan City Fajar Harapan Mandiri Kedai Kopi Kim Teng Jl. Lintas Timur No. 30, P. Kerinci Jl. Guntung No. 88, Indrapura TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 83 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Jl. Sudirman, Dumai Jl. M. Yamin No. 123, Bangkinang Jl. Sekolah No. 46 B, Rumbai PALEMBANG Gramedia Atmo Jl. Letkol Iskandar No. 1402 Mal Palembang Square Lt. 1 Baturaja 30 Hypermart Palembang Indah Mall Palembang Indah Mall Lt. 2 Carrefour Palembang Square Palembang Trade Center B2/23 Palembang Indah Mall Lt. 1 Jl. Mukhtar Prabu Mangku Negara No. 6 Jl. Wahibbudin Lingkaran 7 Gramedia Palembang Square Lingkar Luar Dempo 386 D Jl. M. Akip No. 234, Muara Enim Jl. Imam Bonjol, Mentok Jl. Yos Sudarso No. 01B, Lubuk Linggau Jl. Mayor Ruslan II No. 31, Lahat Jl. Mayor Ruslan III No. 18, Lahat Jl. Raya Pos Koba No. 10, Koba Jl. Suprapto No. 145, Bengkulu HPM Bengkulu Indah Mall Jl. S. Parman No. 58, Bengkulu Gramedia Bengkulu Mega Mall Bengkulu Mega Mal Lt. Dasar Bengkulu Indah Mall Lt. Dasar Jl. Jend. Sudirman 3, Belitung Gramedia Melintas, Pangkal Pinang Jl. Masjid Jamik No. 14, Pangkal Pinang Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 5, Pangkal Pinang Jl. Soekarno Hatta No. 281, Pangkal Pinang Jl. Hadin Efendy No. 310, Prabumulih Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 368, Prabumulih Jl. Sudirman 9, Prabumulih Ruko Permata Indah No. 09, Sungai Liat Jl. Muhidin 174, Sungai Liat Jl. Raya Baturaja, Tanjung Enim Jl. Sudirman No. 48. Toboali PONTIANAK Hypermart Mega Mall Gramedia Mega Mall Lt. 1 Harum Manis Pasar Swalayan Mega Mall A. Yani Lt. 2 Jl. Sultan Syarif Abdurachman No. 52 Mega Mall A. Yani Lt. 1 Mega Mall A. Yani Jl. Tanjung Pura No. 423B Jl. Pattimura No. 211B Jl. Diponegoro No. 64 Jl. Gajah Mada No. 25/251 Jl. A. Yani 6, Sampit Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 34, Sanggau Jl. Niaga No. 11, Singkawang Jl. MT Haryono No. D560, Sintang Jl. Prof. HM Noor No. 52, Tanjung PURWOKERTO Jl. Menteri Supeno No.10 Jl. Jend. Sudirman Ruko Ex-Kodim No. 23 Adira Jl. D.I. Panjaitan Gramedia Tamara Plaza Swalayan Indorisky Sokaraja Ruko ex-IAIN No. 6 Pasar Wage Swalayan Indorisky, Purbalingga Swalayan Harum, Purbalingga Rita Swalayan, Kebumen Jl. Gatot Subroto No. 24 B, Cilacap Rita Swalayan, Cilacap Jl. Pemuda No. 65 F, Banjarnegara SURABAYA Jl. Perak Timur No. 46 Mal Golden City Lt. UG Giant Mayjend Sungkono Jl. Polisi Istimewa 30 WTC Lt. Dasar No. 150 Tunjungan Plasa 2 Lt. 2 Giant Rajawali 57 Carrefour Dukuh Kupang Plaza Marina Lt. 3 Carrefour Kali Rungkut Jl. Mayjend Sungkono No. 39B Carrefour Ahmad Yani Carrefour ITC Pasar Atom HP Center 102 Gramedia Expo Basuki Rahmat Mal Galaxy Lt. 2 Carrefour Panjang Jiwo Jl. Cokroatmojo No. 70 HP Centre Surabaya Plaza Lt. 2 Jl. Kapas Krampung 67E Jl. Trunojoyo No. 134 C Hypermart Royal Plaza Raya Kutisari Utara 2 City Of Tomorrow Mall Lt. LG / LS. 17 No. 3 Jl. Bratang Gede 35 Carrefour Kalimas Gramedia Tunjungan Plaza 1 Lt. 4 Pakuwon Trade Center Lt. 1 Supermal Pakuwon Indah Lt. 1.095 Junction Mall Lt. 1 Jl. Polisi Istimewa No. 30 Maspion Square Lt. Dasar Blok G-37 Jl. Pumpungan II / 23 Mal Surabaya Town Square Tunjungan Plaza 4 Lt. 4 No. 41 Jl. Siwalan Kerto No. 141 Jl. Klampis Jaya Ruko 88 No. 27D Carrefour Mal Golden City Lt. 2 ITC Mega Grosir Lt. 2 Blok G6 No.7-8 Hero Supermarket Mulyosari Royal Plasa Lt. 1 No. 43-59 Gramedia Royal Plaza Lt. UG Blok E6/26 Gramedia Surabaya Plaza Giant A. Yani Hypermart Supermal Pakuwon Hypermart City of Tomorrow Data Perusahaan Corporate Data Carrefour BG Junction Mall Lt.2 Giant Diponegoro 227 Giant Pondok Chandra, Sidoarjo Graha Mutiara Delta Blok A No. 5, Sidoarjo Giant Hypermarket Sun City Plaza, Sidoarjo Sun City Plaza Lt. 2/B.36, Sidoarjo Ramayana Plaza Sidoarjo Lt. 3 No. 9 Jl. Ahmad Yani, Pandaan, Pasuruan Giant Mall Poncol, Pasuruan Jl. Purba No. 9, Pamekasan Jl. Diponegoro 13A, Pamekasan Jl. A. Yani No. 16, Pacitan Jl. Mojopahit No. 192 Istana Dinoyo, Malang Hypermart Pahlawan Ruko Permata Kav. 7, Lamongan Sri Ratu Kediri Mall Unit MF#22 Carrefour Hayam Wuruk, Jember Sutomo 121, Gresik Jl. Gajah Mada No. 23, Bojonegoro Jl. Trunojoyo 47, Bangkalan Jl. A. Yani 22, Bangil Jl. Basuki Rahmat No. 53, Tuban SAMARINDA Gramedia S. Parman Jl. Suprapto 93, Bontang Jl. Lambung Mangkurat Jl. Dr. Sutomo No. 66 HP Bhayangkara Jl. Imam Bonjol No.1 Ruko Cendrawasih Jl. A Yani Mal Lembuswana Lt. 2 Jl. Agus Salim 11 Jl. Bhayangkara No. 16, Bontang Plaza Bontang Lt. Dasar Jl. Sudirman No. 5, Tarakan SEMARANG Simpang Lima Plaza Gramedia Pandanaran Hypermart MT Haryono Jl. Sriwijaya No. 59E Carrefour DP Mall Lt. 1 Mal Ciputra Lt. Dasar Jl. Sriwijaya 63 Sri Ratu Jl. Pemuda No. 29-33 Giant Central City Siranda Swalayan Jl. Sukun Raya No. 12 A Ada Swalayan Lt. Dasar Sunindo Plaza DP Mall Lt. 2 A6 No. 3 & 3A Swalayan Aneka Jaya Mranggen Swalayan Aneka Jaya Pemuda Jl. Sukowati No. 19 B, Salatiga Jl. S. Parman No. 13, Purwodadi Jl. Letjend Suprapto No. 70 B, Purwodadi Dedy Jaya Supermarket, Pemalang Jl.Sultan Agung No. 167, Pekalongan Jl. Gajah Mada No. 92E, Pekalongan Sri Ratu Mega Centre, Pekalongan Kompleks Ruko Simpang Lima No. 5, Pati Ruko A. Yani Jl. Titsudono 5, Kudus Jl. Raya Timur No. 110, Kaliwungu Jl. Surabaya No. 57, Cepu Swalayan Laris, Ambarawa Jl. Jend. Sudirman 132A, Ambarawa Jl. Raya Soekarno Hatta No. 31, Ungaran Jl. Raya 174B, Weleri SOLO Solo Grand Mall Hypermart Solo Square Gramedia Slamet Riyadi Matahari Department Store Singosaren Jl. Gajahmada No. 34 B Carrefour A. Yani Lt. 1 Jl. Dr. Rajiman No. 159 Gramedia Solo Square Lt. 2 Solo Grand Mall Lt. 3 M01-03 A Solo Square LG No.19 Carrefour Solo Baru Komplek Ruko Manahan Blok B Hypermart Grand Mal Lt. Basement Jl. Ahmad Yani No. 106, Wonogiri Toserba Baru Lt. Dasar, Wonogiri TEGAL Jl. A Yani No. 201 Rita Supermall Lt. 2 Jl. AR Hakim 149 Pacic Mal Lt. LG Jl. Raya Banjaran Selatan No. 32 Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 84, Pemalang YOGYAKARTA Ramai Dept. Store Jl. Kaliurang Km 4,5 Carrefour Plaza Ambarukmo Jl. Gejayan Santren No. 40A Jl. Kaliurang Km 5,5 No. 68 Saphir Square Lt. UG Gramedia Sudirman Plaza Ambarukmo Lt. 2 Unit B2 Gramedia Malioboro Mall Lt. Basement Malioboro Mall Lt. 2 Gramedia Plaza Ambarukmo Lt. 2 Jl. Urip Sumoharjo No. 19 Carrefour Laksda Adisucipto, Sleman Jl. Tentara Pelajar No. 43A, Magelang Kompleks Green Plaza No. 11, Bantul PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 84 TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 85 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 Direktur Distribusi Distribution Director Kegiatan Usaha Distribusi Distribution Channel Kegiatan Usaha Ritel Retail Channel Non-Bisnis Non-Business Logistik Logistics Hukum Legal Sumber Daya Manusia Human Capital Teknologi Informasi Information Technology Direktur Di kt TI TI & Logistik IT & Logistics Director Akuntansi & Keuangan Accounting & Finance Direktur Di kt Layanan L Korporasi Corporate Services Director Presiden Direktur & CEO President Director & CEO Direksi Board of Directors Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Direktur Ritel Retail Director Bisnis Business Organization Structure Struktur Organisasi Analisa Bisnis Business Analyst Manajemen Risiko Risk Management Sekretaris Perusahaan Corporate Secretary Audit Internal Internal Audit Komite K it Audit A dit Audit Committee Tanggung Jawab Atas Laporan Tahunan 2009 Responsibility for the 2009 Annual Report Kami yang bertanda tangan di bawah ini, Dewan Komisaris dan Direksi PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. (Perseroan), dengan ini menyatakan laporan kinerja Perseroan selama tahun 2009 sebagaimana tercantum dalam Laporan Tahunan ini dan oleh karenanya bertanggung jawab penuh atas kebenaran isi yang termaktub di dalamnya. We, the Undersigned herewith, the Board of Commissioners and the Board of Directors of PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. (“the Company”), hereby fully acknowledge the performance of the Company during the 2009 nancial year as stated in the Company's 2009 Annual Report herewith and therefore are fully accountable for the accuracy of information declared herein. Pernyataan ini dibuat dengan sebenar-benarnya dalam rangka memenuhi ketentuan Anggaran Dasar Perseroan dan Peraturan Bapepam-LK No. X.K.6., Lampiran Keputusan Ketua Bapepam-LK No. Kep-134/BL/2006 tanggal 7 Desember 2006 mengenai kewajiban Penyampaian Laporan Tahunan bagi Emiten atau Perusahaan Publik. This Statement is made truthfully in accordance with the requirement of the Company's Articles of Association and Bapepam-LK Rule No. X.K.6., attachment to the Decision of Chairman of Bapepam-LK No. Kep-134/BL/2006 dated 7 December 2006 regarding the Obligation of Annual Report Submission for Issuer or Public Company. Dewan Komisaris Board of Commissioners Kindarto Kohar Presiden Komisaris President Commissioner Glenn T. Sugita Komisaris Commissioner Christine Barki Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner Suryatin Setiawan Komisaris Independen Independent Commissioner Direksii Board of Directors Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Presiden Direktur & CEO President Director & CEO Djoko Harijanto Direktur Director Djohan Sutanto Direktur Director Evy Soenarjo Direktur Director Ellianah Wati Setiady Direktur Tidak Teraliasi Non-Afliated Director PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Laporan Keuangan Konsolidasi Consolidated Financial Statements Untuk Tahun-tahun yang Berakhir pada Tanggal 31 Desember 2009 dan 2008 For the Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk Tbk. 87 PT 87 Laporan Tahunan tahunan 2009 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Annual Report 2009 88 TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. 89 PT Laporan Tahunan 2009 PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. and Subsidiaries Consolidated financial statements with independent auditors’ report years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 These financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS WITH INDEPENDENT AUDITORS’ REPORT YEARS ENDED DECEMBER 31, 2009 AND 2008 Table of Contents Page Independent Auditors’ Report Consolidated Balance Sheets …………………………………………………………………………………… 1-2 Consolidated Statements of Income…………………………………………………………………………….. 3 Consolidated Statements of Changes in Equity……………………………………………………………….. 4 Consolidated Statements of Cash Flows……………………………………………………………………… 5 Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements …………………………………………………………….. 6-51 **************************** These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah) Notes 2009 2008 ASSETS CURRENT ASSETS Cash and cash equivalents Trade receivables - third parties - net of allowance for doubtful accounts of Rp3,046,700,000 in 2009 Other receivables Related parties Third parties Inventories - net of allowance for decline in value of inventories of Rp3,265,933,888 in 2009 and Rp1,090,582,711 in 2008 Prepaid expenses and taxes and advances Related parties Third parties Other current assets - net 2e,5 84,920,933,611 212,095,722,588 2f,6,11 318,810,685,847 145,732,624,319 2g,23 7 17,551,233,643 11,745,467 10,221,067,262 2h, 7,11 2i,8 2g,23 573,407,605,820 467,010,907,210 6,118,807,564 786,338,058,020 873,295,833 179,030,305 263,402,499,702 229,125,000 1,788,020,620,338 1,098,882,721,853 2l,13f 2,090,272,370 714,611,629 2j,9 2e,2p,10 13d 41,474,723,672 45,244,377,497 72,005,612,442 32,980,781,490 44,862,485,584 32,882,088,562 160,814,985,981 111,439,967,265 1,948,835,606,319 1,210,322,689,118 TOTAL CURRENT ASSETS NON-CURRENT ASSETS Deferred tax assets - net Fixed assets - net of accumulated depreciation of Rp35,989,197,288 in 2009 and Rp25,543,903,361 in 2008 Other non-current assets - net Estimated claims for tax refund TOTAL NON-CURRENT ASSETS TOTAL ASSETS The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 1 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED BALANCE SHEETS (continued) December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah) Notes 2009 2008 LIABILITIES AND EQUITY CURRENT LIABILITIES Bank loans - third parties Trade payables Related parties Third parties Taxes payable Accrued expenses Current maturities of long-term debts - third parties Finance lease payables Consumer financing loan Other current liabilities Related parties Third parties 11 12 2g,23 1,014,186,709,125 696,007,495,797 1,094,710 206,629,383,765 6,433,798,909 15,539,032,745 865,833,198 44,599,266,581 6,985,426,346 15,692,820,919 296,005,602 696,750,352 274,744,362 1,538,650 10,446,217,779 51,023,715 10,011,659,226 1,253,533,781,285 775,185,020,496 7,866,018,123 817,800 5,839,824,711 - - 180,976,682 296,005,638 139,769,200 7,866,835,923 6,456,576,231 1,261,400,617,208 781,641,596,727 2b 25,010 - 17 2m 445,000,000,000 50,992,584,389 321,310,000,000 - 13a 2j,9 14 15 2g,23 TOTAL CURRENT LIABILITIES NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES Estimated liabilities for employees’ benefits Deferred tax liabilities Long-term debts - net of current maturities - third parties Finance lease payables Consumer financing loan Other non-current liabilities 2n,16 2l,13f 2j,9 14 TOTAL NON-CURRENT LIABILITIES TOTAL LIABILITIES MINORITY INTEREST IN NET ASSETS OF A CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY EQUITY Share capital - Rp100 par value per share Authorized - 12,000,000,000 shares in 2009 and 2008 Issued and fully paid - 4,450,000,000 shares in 2009 and 3,213,100,000 shares in 2008 Additional paid-in capital - net Difference in foreign currency translation of financial statements Retained earnings Appropriated Unappropriated 2b 17 TOTAL EQUITY TOTAL LIABILITIES AND EQUITY (3,085,179,432) 1,000,000,000 193,527,559,144 107,989,708,114 687,434,964,101 428,681,092,391 1,948,835,606,319 1,210,322,689,118 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 2 (618,615,723) These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF INCOME Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah) Notes NET REVENUE 2009 2008 2o,19 5,452,339,391,412 5,340,320,196,756 2g,2o,20,23 4,899,063,561,815 4,901,281,004,866 553,275,829,597 439,039,191,890 294,449,351,682 232,561,201,852 258,826,477,915 206,477,990,038 22 (97,175,273,149) (58,197,389,287) 2c,2d,11b,25p (19,970,194,554) 3,630,126,274 18,829,596,706 (3,451,764,510) 2,464,804,373 608,698,192 Other charges - net (94,685,744,723) (58,575,651,232) INCOME BEFORE CORPORATE INCOME TAX EXPENSE 164,140,733,192 147,902,338,806 (47,827,641,921) 1,374,759,769 (45,830,696,300) 510,471,788 Corporate income tax expense - net (46,452,882,152) (45,320,224,512) INCOME BEFORE MINORITY INTEREST IN NET EARNINGS OF A CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY 117,687,851,040 102,582,114,294 10 - 117,687,851,030 102,582,114,294 28 46 COST OF REVENUE GROSS PROFIT OPERATING EXPENSES 2g,2o,21,23 INCOME FROM OPERATIONS OTHER INCOME (CHARGES) Financing charges Loss on foreign exchange and swap cost - net Interest income Others - net CORPORATE INCOME TAX BENEFIT (EXPENSE) Current Deferred 2j,7,9 2l,13b 13g MINORITY INTEREST IN NET EARNINGS OF A CONSOLIDATED SUBSIDIARY 2b NET INCOME BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE 2q,18 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 3 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CHANGES IN EQUITY Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah) Notes Balance as of January 1, 2008 Issued and Fully Paid Share Capital Difference in Foreign Currency Translation of Financial Statements Deposit for Future Stock Subscription Additional Paid-in Capital Retained Earnings Appropriated Unappropriated Total Equity 20,000,000,000 - 94,190,000,000 - - 136,507,593,820 250,697,593,820 Distribution of stock dividends 17 - - - - - (83,555,000,000) (83,555,000,000) Distribution of cash dividends 17 - - - - - (47,545,000,000) (47,545,000,000) Additional capital contribution 17 218,738,250,000 - - - - 124,548,250,000 Capitalization of stock dividends 17 82,571,750,000 - - - - - 82,571,750,000 Difference in foreign currency translation of financial statements 2b - - - - - - - - - 102,582,114,294 102,582,114,294 321,310,000,000 - - - 107,989,708,114 428,681,092,391 Net income for 2008 Balance as of December 31, 2008 (94,190,000,000) (618,615,723) (618,615,723) (618,615,723) Additional capital contribution 17 78,690,000,000 - - - - - 78,690,000,000 Issuance of share capital 17 45,000,000,000 50,992,584,389 - - - - 95,992,584,389 Appropriation of retained earnings for general reserve 17 - - - - 1,000,000,000 (1,000,000,000) Distribution of cash dividends 17 - - - - - (31,150,000,000) Difference in foreign currency translation of financial statements 2b - - - - - - 445,000,000,000 50,992,584,389 - Net income for 2009 Balance as of December 31, 2009 (2,466,563,709) (3,085,179,432) The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 4 (31,150,000,000) - - (2,466,563,709) - 117,687,851,030 117,687,851,030 1,000,000,000 193,527,559,144 687,434,964,101 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES CONSOLIDATED STATEMENTS OF CASH FLOWS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah) Notes CASH FLOWS FROM OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash received from customers Cash paid to suppliers Cash paid to employees Payments of operating expenses 2009 2008 5,283,904,488,429 (5,382,983,094,740) (92,435,563,120) (256,897,670,737) 5,380,811,447,644 (5,391,268,207,153) (90,995,428,298) (94,250,810,323) Cash used in operations Payments of corporate income tax (448,411,840,168) (85,227,676,719) (195,702,998,130) (85,061,442,007) Net cash used in operating activities (533,639,516,887) (280,764,440,137) 3,630,126,274 600,200,000 (19,874,086,878) 2,464,804,373 292,901,055 (8,656,896,216) (15,643,760,604) (5,899,190,788) 1,109,698,154,623 (730,267,485,261) 78,690,000,000 (274,744,398) (99,702,293,805) (31,150,000,000) (877,727,034) 95,992,584,389 1,553,754,195,306 (1,305,301,523,075) 218,738,250,000 570,750,000 (47,088,280,772) (3,776,810,631) (946,027,042) - CASH FLOWS FROM INVESTING ACTIVITIES Interest income received Proceeds from sale of fixed assets Acquisitions of fixed assets 9 9 Net cash used in investing activities CASH FLOWS FROM FINANCING ACTIVITIES Proceeds from bank loans Payments of bank loans Increase in share capital Proceeds from consumer financing loan Payments of consumer financing loan Payments of financing charges Payments of dividends Payments of finance lease payables Issuance of share capital - net 17 17 17 Net cash provided by financing activities NET INCREASE (DECREASE) IN CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 422,108,488,514 415,950,553,786 (127,174,788,977) 129,286,922,861 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT BEGINNING OF YEAR 5 212,095,722,588 82,808,799,727 CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS AT END OF YEAR 5 84,920,933,611 212,095,722,588 2,466,563,709 214,093,589 618,615,723 - - 82,571,750,000 - 43,768,189,369 858,614,627 - 575,000,000 - 161,397,100 ACTIVITIES NOT AFFECTING CASH FLOWS Difference in foreign currency translation of financial statements of the Subsidiary Receivables from the sales of fixed assets Increase in share capital through capitalization of retained earnings Disposal of investment in PT Starone Mitra Telekomunikasi compensated against dividend declared to PT Delta Sarana Pradana Reclassification of inventories into fixed assets Addition of assets under finance lease through incurrence of finance lease payables Disposal of fixed assets through deduction of other current liabilities 17 The accompanying notes form an integral part of these consolidated financial statements. 5 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 1. GENERAL a. Establishment of the Company PT Trikomsel Oke Tbk. (the “Company”) was established in Indonesia based on Notarial Deed No. 11 dated August 21, 1996 of Mrs. Liliana Indrawati Tanuwidjaja, S.H. The Deed of Establishment was approved by the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. C2-9342.HT.01.01.Th.96 dated October 7, 1996, and was published in Supplement No. 9342 of the State Gazette No. 93 dated November 19, 1996. The Company’s Articles of Association has been amended several times, most recently by Notarial Deed No. 27 dated April 22, 2009 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., concerning the realization of number of shares issued on the initial offering. These changes in the Company’s Articles of Association were approved by the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. AHUAH.01.10-08860 dated June 29, 2009. In accordance with its Articles of Association, the scope of major activities of the Company comprises of trading and distribution of, among others, telecommunication devices, including cellular phones, accessories, spare parts, prepaid and post-paid reload vouchers; and services particularly related to the telecommunication and multimedia industry. The Company started its commercial operations on August 21, 1996. The Company’s registered office is located at Jalan Raya R.S. Fatmawati No. 40, Cipete Utara, Kebayoran Baru, Jakarta Selatan. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company operated 766 and 808 stores, respectively (unaudited). b. Public Offering of the Company’s Shares In accordance with the Effective Statement No. S-2475/BL/2009 dated March 31, 2009 from the Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency and Financial Institution (“BAPEPAM-LK”), the Company offered its 450,000,000 shares to the public with a par value of Rp100 per share through the Indonesia Stock Exchange at the offering price of Rp225 per share. On April 14, 2009, all the Company’s shares were registered in Indonesia Stock Exchange through its letter No. S-01871/BEI.PSJ/04-2009 dated April 7, 2009. c. Subsidiaries As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Subsidiaries of the Company with more than 50% direct ownership in the voting shares are as follows: Name of Subsidiaries Domicile Nature of Business Percentage of Ownership 2009 2008 100.00% 188,294,947,654 Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. Singapore Sales distribution of cellular phones November 25, 2008 100.00% PT Okeshop* Indonesia Trading of multimedia devices, computers, cellular phones, accessories and spareparts - 99.90% *) until December 31, 2009, PT Okeshop has not started its commercial operation. 6 Total Assets Before Elimination Start of Commercial Operations 2009 - 25,009,859 2008 26,026,763,073 - These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 1. GENERAL (continued) d. Boards of Commissioners, Directors and Employees The members of the Company’s boards of commissioners and directors are as follows: December 31, 2009: Board of Commissioners Kindarto Kohar - President Commissioner Glenn T Sugita - Commissioner Christine Barki - Independent Commissioner Suryatin Setiawan - Independent Commissioner Directors Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Djohan Sutanto Djoko Harijanto Evy Soenarjo Ellianah Wati Setiady - President Director - Director - Director - Director - Non-affiliated Director Directors Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Ellianah Wati Setiady Djohan Sutanto Djoko Harijanto Evy Soenarjo - President Director - Director - Director - Director - Director December 31, 2008: Board of Commissioners Kindarto Kohar - President Commissioner Christine Barki - Independent Commissioner Suryatin Setiawan - Independent Commissioner The composition of the Company’s audit committees as of December 31, 2009 is as follows: Chairman : Suryatin Setiawan Member : Felix Kristani Member : Lely Setyaningsih Kwik The Company’s corporate secretary as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 is Juliana Samudro. Salaries and other compensation benefits incurred for the Company’s commissioners and directors for the year ended December 31, 2009 amounted to Rp791,679,750 and Rp10,084,719,100, respectively. Salaries and other compensation benefits incurred for the Company’s commissioners and directors for the year ended December 31, 2008 amounted to Rp431,343,600 and Rp19,062,985,700, respectively. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company employed 752 and 1,110 permanent employees, respectively (unaudited). 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accounting and reporting policies adopted by the Company conform to generally accepted accounting principles and practices in Indonesia, which are the Statements of Financial Accounting Standards (SFAS) and the Capital Market and Financial Institution Supervisory Agency (BAPEPAMLK) regulations, in particular Rule No. VIII.G.7 Attachment of the Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency Decree No. KEP-06/PM/2000 dated March 13, 2000 regarding the “Guidelines of Financial Statements Presentation” and BAPEPAM Circular Letter No. SE-02/PM/2002 dated December 27, 2002 regarding the “Guidelines on Financial Statements Presentation and Disclosures for Issuers and Public Companies”. The financial statements of a Subsidiary based in Singapore are prepared in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Singapore. In preparing the consolidated financial statements, the Subsidiary’s financial statements are adjusted to comply with generally accepted accounting principles in Indonesia. 7 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) The following significant accounting policies were consistently applied in the preparation of the consolidated financial statements for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008: a. Basis of Preparation of the Financial Statements The consolidated financial statements, presented in Rupiah unless otherwise stated, are prepared on the accrual basis using historical cost concept, except for inventories which are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. The consolidated statements of cash flows, which are prepared using the direct method, present receipts and disbursements of cash and cash equivalents classified into operating, investing and financing activities. The reporting currency used in the consolidated financial statements is Rupiah. b. Principles of Consolidation The consolidated financial statements include the accounts of the Company and its Subsidiaries, which was directly owned by the Company, with more than 50% of voting shares. All the significant intercompany accounts and transactions are eliminated. In accordance with SFAS No. 11, “Translation of Financial Statements in Foreign Currencies”, for the purpose of consolidating the foreign Subsidiary and the related calculation of equity share in net earnings (losses), the financial statement accounts of such foreign Subsidiary are translated into Rupiah amount using middle rate as of balance sheet date for asset and liability accounts, historical rate for equity accounts and average middle rate during the year for profit and loss accounts. The resulting differences arising from the translation in foreign currency are presented as “Difference in Foreign Currency Translation of Financial Statements” under the Equity section in the consolidated balance sheets. The shares of the minority shareholders in the net assets of Subsidiary are reflected as “Minority Interests in Net Assets of A Consolidated Subsidiary” in the consolidated balance sheets. The losses applicable to the minority in a consolidated subsidiary may exceed the minority interest in the equity of the subsidiary. The excess, and any further losses applicable to the minority, are charged against the majority interest except to the extent that minority has a binding obligation to, and is able to, make good the losses. If the subsidiary subsequently reports profits, the majority interest is allocated all such profits until the minority’s share of losses previously absorbed by the majority has been recovered. c. Foreign Currency Transactions and Balances Transactions in foreign currencies are recorded in Rupiah at the rates of exchange prevailing on the date of the transactions. At balance sheet date, monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies are adjusted into Rupiah using Bank Indonesia’s middle rate at the last banking transaction date of the year. The resulting foreign exchange gains or losses are credited or charged to the consolidated statement of income for the year. 8 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) c. Foreign Currency Transactions and Balances (continued) As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, the exchange rates used are as follows: 2009 1 United States Dollar 1 Singapore Dollar 1 Hong Kong Dollar 1 Thailand Baht 1 Taiwan Dollar 2008 9,400 6,699 1,212 282 292 10,950 7,608 1,413 315 339 d. Derivative Instruments Every derivative instrument (including embedded derivatives) is recorded in the consolidated balance sheet as either an asset or liability as measured at fair value of each contract. Changes in derivative fair value are recognized in current earnings unless specific hedges allow derivative’s gains and losses to offset related results on the hedged item. An entity must formally document, designate and assess the effectiveness of transactions that meet hedge accounting. The Company’s and Subsidiaries’ derivative instruments are not designated as hedging instruments for accounting purposes. e. Time Deposit Time deposit with maturity of three (3) months or less at time of placement and not pledged as collateral, is presented as “Cash Equivalents”. Time deposit with maturity of more than three (3) months at the time of placement and pledged as collateral or restricted, is presented as part of “Other Non Current Assets - net - Restricted Deposit” in the consolidated balance sheets. f. Allowance for Doubtful Accounts The Company and Subsidiaries provide allowance for doubtful accounts based on a review on the probability of non-collection of accounts receivable at the end of the year. g. Transactions with Related Parties Transactions with certain parties, which have related party relationship, are recorded and disclosed in accordance with SFAS No. 7, “Related Party Disclosures”. All significant transactions with related parties are disclosed in the notes to the consolidated financial statements. h. Inventories Effective January 1, 2009, the Company and Subsidiaries have applied SFAS No. 14 (Revised 2008), “Inventories”, which supersedes SFAS No. 14 (1994), “Inventories”. The adoption of this revised SFAS did not result in a significant effect in the consolidated financial statements. Inventories are stated at the lower of cost or net realizable value. Net realizable value is the estimated selling price in the ordinary course of business less the settlement cost and estimated cost necessary to make the sale. Cost is determined using weighted-average method. Allowance for inventory obsolescence is provided based on the review of the physical conditions of the inventories at end of year. 9 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) i. Prepaid Expenses Prepaid expenses are charged to operations over the periods benefited using the straight-line method. j. Fixed Assets Direct Ownership Effective January 1, 2008, the Company has applied SFAS No. 16 (Revised 2007), “Fixed Assets”, which supersedes SFAS No. 16 (1994), “Fixed Assets and Other Assets”, and SFAS No. 17 (1994), “Accounting for Depreciation”, whereby the Company and Subsidiaries have chosen the cost model for their fixed assets measurement basis. Fixed assets are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation and impairment losses (if any). Such cost includes the cost of replacing part of the fixed assets when that cost is incurred, if the recognition criteria are met. Likewise, when a major repair is performed, its cost is recognized in the carrying amount of the fixed assets as a replacement if the recognition criteria are satisfied. All other repairs and maintenance costs that do not meet the recognition criteria are recognized in the consolidated statements of income as incurred. Depreciation is computed as follows: Type of Fixed Assets Building Office equipment Vehicle Method Estimated Useful Lives (Years) Rate Straight-line Double-declining Double-declining 20 4 and 8 8 5% 50% and 25% 25% An item of fixed assets is derecognized upon disposal or when no future economic benefits are expected from its use or disposal. Any gain or loss arising on derecognition of the asset (calculated as the difference between the net disposal proceeds and the carrying amount of the asset) is included in the consolidated statement of income in the year the asset is derecognized. The asset’s residual values, useful lives and methods of depreciation are reviewed, and adjusted prospectively if appropriate, at each financial year end. Leases Effective January 1, 2008, SFAS No. 30 (Revised 2007), “Leases”. Based on SFAS No. 30 (Revised 2007), the determination of whether an arrangement is, or contains a lease is based on the substance of the arrangement at inception date and whether the fulfillment of the arrangement is dependent on the use of a specific asset and the arrangement conveys a right to use the asset. Under this revised SFAS, leases that transfer substantially to the lessee all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the leased item are classified as finance leases. Moreover, leases which do not transfer substantially all the risks and rewards incidental to ownership of the leased item are classified as operating leases. 10 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) j. Fixed Assets (continued) Leases (continued) The Company as a lessee i) Based on SFAS No. 30 (Revised 2007), under a finance lease, the Company and Subsidiaries shall recognize assets and liabilities in its balance sheets at amounts equal to the fair value of the leased property or, if lower, the present value of the minimum lease payments, each determined at the inception of the lease. Minimum lease payments shall be apportioned between the finance charge and the reduction of the outstanding liability. The finance charge shall be allocated to each period during the lease term so as to produce a constant periodic rate of interest on the remaining balance of the liability. Contingent rents shall be charged as expenses in the periods in which they are incurred. Finance charges are reflected in profit and loss. Capitalised leased assets (presented under the account of fixed assets) are depreciated over the shorter of the estimated useful life of the assets and the lease term, if there is no reasonable certainty that the Company will obtain ownership by the end of the lease term. ii) Under an operating lease, the Company and Subsidiaries recognized lease payments as an expense on a straight-line basis over the lease term. k. Impairment of Assets Value The Company and Subsidiaries conduct a review to determine whenever events or changes in circumstances indicate that its carrying amount may not be fully recoverable at any reporting date. If such indication exists, the Company is required to determine the estimated recoverable amount of the assets and recognize the impairment in assets value as a loss in the consolidated statement of income for the year. l. Corporate Income Tax Current tax expense is provided based on the estimated taxable income for the year. Deferred tax assets and liabilities are recognized for temporary differences between the financial and the tax bases of assets and liabilities at each reporting date. Future tax benefits, such as the carry-forward of unused tax losses, are also recognized to the extent that realizations of such benefits are probable. Deferred tax is calculated at the tax rates that have been enacted or substantively enacted at the balance sheet date. Changes in the carrying amount of deferred tax assets and liabilities due to a change in tax rates is charged to current year operations, except to the extent that it relates to items previously charged or credited to equity. Amendments to tax obligations are recorded when an assessment is received or, if appealed against by the Company, when the result of the appeal is determined. m. Additional Paid-in Capital - net Additional paid-in capital - net represents the difference between the offering price on the Company’s initial public offering and the par value of shares, after deducting the costs related to the initial public offering. 11 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) n. Estimated Liabilities for Employees’ Benefits The Company recognizes an unfunded employee benefit liabilities in accordance with Labor Law No. 13 year 2003 dated March 25, 2003 (“the Law”) as accounted for under SFAS No. 24 (Revised 2004), “Employee Benefits”. . Under SFAS No. 24 (Revised 2004), the cost of providing employee benefit under the Law is determined using the Projected Unit Credit method. Actuarial gains and losses are recognized as income or expense when the net cumulative unrecognized actuarial gains and losses for each individual plan at the end of the previous reporting year exceeded 10% of the present value of the defined benefit obligation at that date. These gains or losses are recognized on a straight line basis over the expected average remaining working lives of the employees. Further, past service costs arising from the introduction of a defined benefit plan or changes in the benefit payable of an existing plan are required to be amortized over the period until the benefits concerned become vested. o. Revenue and Expense Recognition Revenue is recognized when the goods are delivered and their risks and rewards have been passed to the customers. Revenue from service warranty is recognized as earned. Revenues from consignment sales are recognized at the amounts of the sales of consignment goods to customers, while the related costs are recognized at the amounts due to consignors as part of revenues. Revenue from sales of reload vouchers are recognized at the time cash is received. Expenses are recognized when incurred (accrual basis). p. Deferred Charges - Borrowing Cost Significant costs incurred in obtaining long-term financing facility are deferred and presented as part of “Other Non-Current Assets - net - Deferred Charges, net - Syndication Borrowing Costs” account, which are amortized on a straight-line basis over the term of the related facility. If the Company shall be in default either due to technical default or non-payment of the principal and interest with the consequences of the loan to become immediately due and demandable the related deferred charges on borrowing cost shall be charged to the consolidated statement of income for the year. q. Basic Earnings per Share Basic earnings per share is computed by dividing net income for the year with the weightedaverage number of shares outstanding during the year. The weighted-average numbers of shares outstanding for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 were 4,157,010,137 shares and 2,252,116,717 shares, respectively (Note 18). r. Segment Information The Company’s and Subsidiaries’ segment information is presented based on business segments, as the primary segment, and distribution channel segments, as the secondary segment. Business segments provide products or services that are subject to risks and returns that are different from those of other business segments. Distribution channel segments are distinguishable components that are engaged in distributing products or services through particular distribution channels that are subject to risks and returns that are different from those of components distributing products or services through other distribution channel. 12 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES (continued) r. Segment Information (continued) The Company does not present information related to geographical segment because the Company’s management is of the opinion that the Company operates under an economic environment which is subject to the same risks and returns. s. Use of Estimates The preparation of consolidated financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimations and assumptions that effect amounts reported therein. Due to inherent uncertainty in making estimates, actual results reported in future periods may be based on amounts differ from those estimates. 3. ACQUISITION OF A SUBSIDIARY As of November 25, 2008, the Company acquired 100% share ownership in Trikomsel Pte. Ltd., a company based in Singapore, which is engaged in the sales distribution of cellullar phones, at its book value of SGD1 from Mr. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam, the Company’s President Director and shareholder. On the same date, the Company increased its investment in Trikomsel Pte. Ltd. by SGD1,299,999 with total investment to become SGD1,300,000. Further, to extend its networks and customer’s base, the Company entered into an agreement with Trikomsel Pte. Ltd., whereby Trikomsel Pte. Ltd is appointed by the Company to market cellular phones in overseas using formal distribution channels under license of the Company. 4. ESTABLISHMENT OF A SUBSIDIARY In accordance with a Notarial Deed dated October 1, 2009 of Lilik Kristiwati, S.H., the Company established PT Okeshop (OkeShop), which engaged in trading of multimedia devices, computers, cellular phones, accessories and spareparts. The establishment of OkeShop was approved by the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. AHU57725.AH.01.01.Tahun 2009 dated November 25, 2009. The share capital of Rp25,000,000 was subscribed by the Company and PT Delta Sarana Pradana (DSP) at Rp24,975,000 and Rp25,000, respectively, resulting in shares ownership of 99.90% and 0.10%, respectively. As of December 31, 2009, OkeShop has not yet started its commercial operations. On February 8, 2010 and March 17, 2010, the Company sent disclosure statements to the Chairman of the Capital Market Supervisory Agency regarding the establishment of OkeShop, a Subsidiary, stating that the Company is still studying the operational establishment of OkeShop. 13 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 5. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS 2009 Cash on hand Rupiah US dollar (US$720 in 2009 and US$310 in 2008) Taiwan Dollar (TWD11,617) Singapore dollar (SGD374 in 2009 and SGD2,186 in 2008) Thailand Baht (THB4,960) Hong Kong Dollar (HKD3) Cash in banks - third parties Rupiah PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. PT Bank Negara Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. Citibank N.A., Jakarta PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. PT Bank Mega Tbk. PT Bank Rakyat Indonesia (Persero) Tbk. PT Bank UOB Buana Standard Chartered Bank, Indonesia PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk. PT Bank ICB Bumiputera Tbk. PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk. PT ANZ Panin Bank PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. PT Bank Rabobank International Indonesia Singapore Dollar PT Bank UOB Buana (SGD35,801) Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore (SGD6,802 in 2009 and SGD3,693 in 2008) US Dollar PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (US$2,644,833 in 2009 and US$3,945,808 in 2008) Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore (US$1,274,218 in 2009 US$514,652 in 2008) Citibank N.A., Jakarta (US$751,790 in 2009 and US$1,349,738 in 2008) PT ANZ Panin Bank (US$73,272) Standard Chartered Bank, Indonesia (US$39,643) PT Bank UOB Buana (US$20,638 in 2009 and US$1,096,420 in 2008) 14 2008 4,294,734,337 22,932,399,215 6,766,026 3,438,284 3,394,500 - 2,501,821 1,398,918 3,030 16,632,001 - 4,308,842,416 22,952,425,716 14,517,568,921 12,710,908,772 4,926,748,865 898,794,784 601,530,969 496,954,515 254,698,176 212,680,122 130,607,331 51,212,701 40,803,544 39,849,562 13,940,195 7,754,282 886,706 25,177,624,237 16,141,106,707 8,516,568,037 4,045,778,491 1,974,674,406 116,361,053 1,481,346,797 437,391,982 6,732,471 460,679,123 11,345,752 - 34,904,939,445 58,369,609,056 239,818,460 - 45,565,560 27,762,192 285,384,020 27,762,192 24,861,426,534 43,206,594,535 11,977,649,012 5,635,436,225 7,066,828,162 688,760,748 14,779,632,853 - 372,644,388 - 193,992,970 12,005,797,467 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 5. CASH AND CASH EQUIVALENTS (continued) 2009 Cash in banks - third parties (continued) US Dollar (continued) PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. (US$19,797 in 2009 and US$28,689 in 2008) Merrill Lynch Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$7,912 in 2009 and US$4,991 in 2008) 186,094,902 314,141,266 74,371,014 54,651,778 45,421,767,730 75,996,254,124 - 54,749,671,500 - 54,749,671,500 84,920,933,611 212,095,722,588 Time deposit - third party US Dollar PT ANZ Panin Bank (US$4,999,970) Total cash and cash equivalents 2008 Time deposit placed in PT ANZ Panin Bank bears annual interest at 3.50% in 2008. 6. TRADE RECEIVABLES - THIRD PARTIES This account represents trade receivables from third parties as follows: 2009 Rupiah: Retailers - Jakarta - Other cities in Java - Outside Java PT Carrefour Indonesia PT Telesindo Shop PT Aka Lestarindo PT Access PT Sony Ericsson Indonesia PT Hero Supermarket Tbk. PT Parastar Echorindo PT Cipta Multi Usaha Perkasa PT Bank OCBC NISP Tbk. PT Nokia Indonesia Citibank N.A., Jakarta PT Bank InternasionaI Indonesia Tbk. PT Bank Permata Tbk. Others (below Rp1 billion each) US Dollar: Glory Access Trading Ltd., Hong Kong (US$918,481 in 2009 and SGD97,068 in 2008) Prime Net (S) Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$270,319) 15 2008 126,293,140,741 69,101,835,293 34,071,456,654 15,844,350,462 5,909,215,954 4,277,663,500 2,781,840,000 1,708,154,716 1,655,236,685 1,626,321,000 743,865,227 140,505,000 83,749,538 37,918,162,061 36,624,266,969 48,138,950,111 24,848,088,583 8,353,987,546 26,655,000 2,953,150,000 384,044,311 816,332,471 1,427,827,500 2,167,215,002 4,020,215,000 2,759,195,727 2,751,999,363 1,898,035,836 1,310,626,508 3,812,956,285 302,155,496,831 142,293,546,212 8,633,716,700 1,062,894,162 2,541,002,830 - These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 6. TRADE RECEIVABLES - THIRD PARTIES (continued) This account consists of trade receivables from third parties as follows: (continued) US Dollar: (continued) Nokia Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$179,526 in 2009 and US$183,670 in 2008) Fast Track Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$177,601) GSM City, Inc., United States (US$160,050) Pegasus Telecom Ltd., Hong Kong (US$120,600) Raduga Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$104,491) Remo Comm Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$93,812) Royal Tele Trading Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$40,179) Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden (US29,453 in 2009 and US$33,333 in 2008) Asia Pacific Mandiri Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$1,434) 2009 2008 1,687,544,400 2,011,186,500 1,669,452,126 - 1,504,470,000 - 1,133,640,000 - 982,213,990 - 881,835,150 - 377,677,900 - 276,858,200 364,997,445 13,477,720 - 19,701,889,016 3,439,078,107 Total trade receivables Allowance for doubtful accounts 321,857,385,847 (3,046,700,000) 145,732,624,319 - Trade receivables - net 318,810,685,847 145,732,624,319 All the outstanding trade receivables (except for trade receivables of the Subsidiary of Rp17,737,486,416 and Rp1,062,894,162 as of December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively) are pledged as collateral to bank loans obtained by the Company (Note 11). The aging analysis of the above trade receivables as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 is as follows: Percentage to Total Consolidated Trade Receivables 2009 2008 2009 2008 Current Overdue: 1-30 days 31-60 days 61-90 days 212,436,702,609 117,167,383,484 66.00 80.40 82,609,253,563 25,541,019,675 1,270,410,000 22,524,642,200 6,040,598,635 - 25.67 7.93 0.40 15.46 4.14 - Total 321,857,385,847 145,732,624,319 100.00 100.00 % % The movement of allowance for doubtful accounts is as follows: 2009 Beginning balance Provision during the year 3,046,700,000 Ending balance 3,046,700,000 16 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 6. TRADE RECEIVABLES - THIRD PARTIES (continued) Based on the review of the status of the individual receivable at the end of the year, the Company’s and Subsidiaries’ management is of the opinion that the allowance for doubtful accounts is adequate to cover possible losses from uncollectible accounts. 7. INVENTORIES 2009 2008 Cellular phones Starter packs and reload vouchers Accessories Netbook/laptop and modem Spareparts Inventories in-transit 512,063,247,652 40,085,604,637 3,683,708,154 2,615,166,772 734,636,253 17,491,176,240 393,933,399,442 56,047,956,473 6,920,517,888 62,398,036 7,063,818,082 4,073,400,000 Total inventories Allowance for decline in value of inventories 576,673,539,708 (3,265,933,888) 468,101,489,921 (1,090,582,711) Inventories - net 573,407,605,820 467,010,907,210 In September 2008, the Company has started to sell netbook/laptop at the Company’s retail outlets. The Company’s and Subsidiaries’ management believes that the allowance for decline in value of inventories as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 is adequate to cover possible losses from decline in value of inventories. All of the above inventories as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 (excluding inventories in-transit of Rp4,073,400,000 as of December 31, 2008) are pledged as collateral to bank loans obtained by the Company (Note 11). As of December 31, 2009, the Company’s inventories are covered by insurance against losses by fire, flood and other risks under blanket policies of US$400,000,000 (equivalent to Rp3,760,000,000,000) from PT Asuransi Allianz Utama Indonesia, a third party, which in the Company’s management’s opinion is adequate to cover the possible losses from such risks. In May 2008, the Company’s inventories in one of the forwarder’s warehouse with total cost of Rp13,543,342,965 as of May 31, 2008, were destroyed in a fire incident, with total sum insured of Rp15,000,000,000 (calculated based on sales price of the inventories). On August 8, 2008, the Company received the partial payment of Rp4,500,000,000, representing 30% of total sum insured, from the insurance company. As of December 31, 2008, the remaining cost of destroyed inventories of Rp9,043,342,965 is recognized as part of “Other Receivables - Third Parties” in the 2008 consolidated balance sheet. On July 3, 2009, the Company received the proceeds from insurance claim of Rp8,738,669,985 and the remaining claim receivable of Rp304,672,980 is recognized as part of “Other Charges” account. 17 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 8. PREPAID EXPENSES AND TAXES AND ADVANCES 2009 Prepaid Expenses and Taxes Third parties: Prepaid Value Added Tax Prepaid rent Prepaid fit out Prepaid insurance Others 2008 26,131,272,538 22,352,665,397 3,208,263,048 1,143,810,470 4,071,524,629 14,184,699,732 26,762,070,354 10,168,664,629 961,073,208 292,634,629 56,907,536,082 52,369,142,552 Related parties (Note 23): Prepaid fit out Prepaid rent - 159,030,305 20,000,000 Total related parties - 179,030,305 56,907,536,082 52,548,172,857 692,259,733,360 192,891,220,089 31,061,748,300 6,109,040,278 17,833,015,950 309,121,111 729,430,521,938 211,033,357,150 Related parties (Note 23): Purchase of inventories Others 6,057,455,407 61,352,157 - Total related parties 6,118,807,564 - Total advances 735,549,329,502 211,033,357,150 Total prepaid expenses and taxes and advances 792,456,865,584 263,581,530,007 Total third parties Total prepaid expenses and taxes Advances - Third Parties Third parties: Purchase of inventories (US$72,571,292 and Rp9,992,597,901 in 2009 and US$17,081,093 and Rp5,853,251,267 in 2008) Purchase of fixed assets (US$2,646,665 and Rp460,000,000 in 2009 and US$1,839,940 in 2008) Others Total third parties Prepaid fit out represents renovation and decoration costs for the Company’s retail outlets which is amortized over one (1) year. Amortization of fit out is recognized as part of “Operating Expenses” in the consolidated statements of income (Note 21). Advances for purchase of inventories represent advances provided to operators for vouchers and to Nokia Pte. Ltd., Singapore and Sony Ericsson Mobile Communication AB, Sweden for cellular phones. Advances for purchase of fixed assets mainly represent advances for purchases of office unit located in Equity Tower to PT Graha Sampoerna, a third party, with total purchase price of US$3,850,500 (Note 25n). 18 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 9. FIXED ASSETS December 31, 2009 Beginning Balance Additions Deductions Reclassifications Foreign Exchange Translation Adjustment Ending Balance 2009 Movements Acquisition Cost Direct Ownership Building Office Equipment Vehicles 3,221,982,451 48,804,595,113 3,925,556,978 17,508,086,878 2,366,000,000 358,381,894 - 1,997,550,309 (1,468,875) - 3,221,982,451 65,952,831,222 8,289,107,287 Sub-total 55,952,134,542 19,874,086,878 358,381,894 1,997,550,309 (1,468,875) 77,463,920,960 Assets under finance lease Vehicles 2,572,550,309 - 575,000,000 (1,997,550,309) 58,524,684,851 19,874,086,878 933,381,894 - (1,468,875) 77,463,920,960 Accumulated depreciation Direct Ownership Building 527,786,633 Office Equipment 21,855,435,633 Vehicles 2,277,327,896 161,099,122 9,431,163,833 755,098,937 143,700,492 - 1,125,964,976 (979,250) - 688,885,755 31,141,919,724 4,158,391,809 24,660,550,162 10,347,361,892 143,700,492 1,125,964,976 (979,250) 35,989,197,288 883,353,199 367,394,763 124,782,986 (1,125,964,976) Total accumulated depreciation 25,543,903,361 10,714,756,655 268,483,478 Net book value 32,980,781,490 Total acquisition cost Sub-total Assets under finance lease Vehicles - - - (979,250) 35,989,197,288 41,474,723,672 December 31, 2008 Beginning Balance Additions Deductions Ending Balance Reclassifications 2008 Movements Acquisition cost Direct ownership Building Office equipment Vehicles 3,669,833,451 40,134,191,460 1,724,844,388 8,687,360,843 828,150,000 447,851,000 16,957,190 - 1,372,562,590 3,221,982,451 48,804,595,113 3,925,556,978 Sub-total 45,528,869,299 9,515,510,843 464,808,190 1,372,562,590 55,952,134,542 3,370,112,899 575,000,000 - (1,372,562,590) 2,572,550,309 Total acquisition cost 48,898,982,198 10,090,510,843 464,808,190 - 58,524,684,851 Accumulated depreciation Direct ownership Building Office equipment Vehicles 396,544,240 13,695,454,695 1,029,912,869 181,625,630 8,162,942,385 263,190,158 50,383,237 2,961,447 - 984,224,869 527,786,633 21,855,435,633 2,277,327,896 Sub-total 15,121,911,804 8,607,758,173 53,344,684 984,224,869 24,660,550,162 1,359,247,840 508,330,228 - Total accumulated depreciation 16,481,159,644 9,116,088,401 53,344,684 Net book value 32,417,822,554 Assets under finance lease Vehicles Assets under finance lease Vehicles (984,224,869) - 883,353,199 25,543,903,361 32,980,781,490 19 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 9. FIXED ASSETS (continued) Depreciation charged to operations for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 amounted to Rp10,714,756,655 and Rp9,116,088,401, respectively (Note 21). The computation of gain on sale of fixed assets is as follows: 2009 Proceeds from sales Net book value Gain on sale of fixed assets 2008 600,200,000 (450,804,826) 454,298,155 (406,950,746) 149,395,174 47,347,409 Gain on sale of fixed assets is recognized as part of “Other Income (Charges) - Others - Net” account in the consolidated statements of income. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company’s vehicle of Rp750,000,000 is pledged as collaterals to consumer financing loan obtained from PT BCA Finance (Note 14) and covered by insurance against losses by fire, theft and other risks under blanket policies from PT Asuransi Jaya Proteksi, third party, with sum insured of Rp750,000,000 and Rp637,500,000 for the first year and second year, respectively. The Company’s building located at Mangga Dua Street is under “Usage Rights to Build” (“Hak Guna Bangunan” or “HGB”) for a term of twenty (20) years, will expire in 2029. The Company’s building at Palembang Square is under “Freehold Rights” (“Hak Milik”) with unlimited term. Based on assessment of the condition of the fixed assets, the Company’s management believes that there is no indication of impairment of assets’ value as of December 31, 2009. As of December 31, 2009, fixed assets are covered by insurance against losses by fire, flood and other risks under blanket policies of Rp23,763,000,000 from PT Asuransi AIU Indonesia, a third party, which in the Company’s management’s opinion are adequate to cover possible losses from such risks. The Company has entered into lease agreements for vehicles with PT Bumiputera-BOT Finance, PT Bank Jasa Jakarta and PT ORIX Indonesia Finance, third parties, with lease terms ranging from two (2) to three (3) years. As of December 31, 2008, the net book value of vehicles under finance lease is amounted to Rp1,689,197,110. The future minimum lease payments based on the above-mentioned lease agreements as of December 31, 2008 are as follows: 2008 Up to one year More than one year to five years 767,837,266 193,355,000 Total Less amount applicable to interest expense 961,192,266 (83,465,232) Present value of minimum lease payments Less current maturities 877,727,034 (696,750,352) Long-term portion 180,976,682 20 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 9. FIXED ASSETS (continued) As of December 31, 2009, the Company paid all its finance lease payables. Finance lease payables are secured by the leased assets. The lease agreements impose restriction to the Company on sale or transfer these leased assets. 10. OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS - NET This account consists of: 2009 Deferred charges - net Syndication borrowing costs Others Restricted time deposit: PT ANZ Panin Bank (US$1,200,000) UBS AG, Singapore (US$983,946 in 2009 and US$882,235 in 2008) Merrill Lynch Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$500,000 in 2009 and 2008) PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. Margin deposit PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (US$708,269) Rental and security deposit (US$15,280 and Rp3,704,205,881 in 2009 and Rp4,542,145,390 in 2008) Bank guarantee Others (US$9,025 in 2009 and US$3,393 in 2008) Total other non-current assets - net 2008 10,018,556,948 - 16,697,594,913 525,000,000 10,018,556,948 17,222,594,913 11,280,000,000 - 9,249,095,032 9,660,469,856 4,700,000,000 4,500,000,000 5,475,000,000 - - 7,755,545,550 5,411,887,415 84,838,102 4,542,145,390 169,581,015 37,148,860 45,244,377,497 44,862,485,584 Deferred charges - net - syndication borrowing costs represent costs incurred in obtaining syndicated bank loan, such as upfront fee, arrangement fee, security agency fee and other fees. Deferred charges are amortized over the term of syndicated bank loan which is three (3) years, except for the annual security agency fee which is amortized over one (1) year (Note 11c). The amortization of deferred charges of Rp8,586,213,799 and Rp3,568,643,982 in 2009 and 2008, respectively, is recognized as part of “Operating Expenses” in the consolidated statements of income (Note 21). Restricted time deposit placed at PT ANZ Panin Bank is used as margin deposit for usance of loan. Restricted time deposit placed in PT ANZ Panin Bank bears interest at 1.00% a year in 2009. Restricted time deposit placed by the Subsidiary at UBS AG, Singapore, is used as a bank guarantee to obtain Major Exporter Scheme status from the Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore (IRAS). Restricted time deposit placed by the Subsidiary at Merrill Lynch Pte. Ltd., Singapore, is used as a guarantee for stand-by letters of credit facilities for puchases of the inventories from Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden. Restricted time deposits placed at UBS AG, Singapore bear interest at 0.01% in 2009 and at Merrill Lynch Pte. Ltd., Singapore at 1.75% in 2009. 21 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 10. OTHER NON-CURRENT ASSETS - NET (continued) Restricted time deposit placed at PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. is used as guarantee to purchase inventories. Restricted time deposit placed at PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk. bears interest at 7% per annum. Margin deposit represents deposit placed at PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. in connection with the issuance of letters of credit facilities for purchases of inventories from Nokia Pte. Ltd., Singapore and Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden. 11. BANK LOANS - THIRD PARTIES 2009 Rupiah Syndicated bank loan Time loan revolving PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. Overdrafts PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. US Dollar: Syndicated bank loan (US$24,500,000 in 2009 and US$17,000,000 in 2008) Term loan PT ANZ Panin Bank (US$12,000,000) Import invoice financing Standard Chartered Bank, Indonesia (US$9,963,298) Non-cash loan usance payable PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (US$3,205,000) 2008 (c) 452,000,000,000 351,000,000,000 (d) 75,000,000,000 75,000,000,000 (d) 50,431,707,925 48,762,745,797 577,431,707,925 474,762,745,797 (c) 230,300,000,000 186,150,000,000 (b) 112,800,000,000 - (a) 93,655,001,200 - (d) - 35,094,750,000 436,755,001,200 221,244,750,000 1,014,186,709,125 696,007,495,797 Total bank loans Bank loans obtained by the Company are disclosed below: a. On March 12, 2009, the Company entered into a credit agreement with Standard Chartered Bank (“SCB”), whereby the Company obtained Import Invoice Financing facility with maximum credit limit of US$10,000,000, which is intended to finance its purchases of cellular phones from Nokia, Finland. This loan facility is denominated in Rupiah and US Dollar. The Company also obtained Foreign Exchange I facility, which is related to interest rate swap; and Foreign Exchange II facility, which is related to foreign exchange forward transaction. These loan facilities will mature on February 28, 2010 and automatically renewable for three (3) months, unless amended by SCB. On March 25, 2009, the Foreign Exchange I facility was canceled through an amended agreement. Furthermore on June 30, 2009, the Import Invoice Financing facility was amended to change the initial date of the facility from March 12, 2009 to become June 30, 2009. 22 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 11. BANK LOANS - THIRD PARTIES (continued) This agreement requires the Company to maintain certain financial ratios as follows: - EBITDA to interest payment ratio at the minimum of 200% Net debts to EBITDA ratio should not exceed 350% Debts to tangible net worth should not exceed 250% For the year ended December 31, 2009, the Company has met all the above financial ratios’ requirements. All of the above facilities are secured by the Company’s Nokia branded inventories and the Company’s receivables valued at US$10,000,000 each (Notes 6 and 7). b. On March 5, 2009 the Company entered into a credit agreement with PT ANZ Panin Bank (“ANZ”), which is legalized by Notary of Veronica Nataadmadja, S.H., No. 14/L/III/2009 on the same date, whereby the Company obtained a revolving working capital loan facility with a combined maximum credit limit of US$20,000,000 as follows: working capital with a maximum credit limit of US$20,000,000 and trade facility with a maximum credit limit of US$10,000,000. In addition, the Company obtained foreign exchange transaction facility with a maximum credit limit of US$3,000,000. These facilities are intended to finance the Company’s purchases of cellular phones and will mature on March 5, 2010. During 2009, the Company committed a forward transaction of US$5,000,000 which matured on November 19, 2009 (two (2) months forward transaction) at Rp9,355 per US$1. For this forward transaction, the Company recognized gain totaling to Rp575,000,000, which were presented as part of “Loss on Foreign Exchange and Swap Cost - net” account in the 2009 consolidated statement of income. This agreement requires the Company to maintain certain financial ratios as follows: - Current assets to current liabilities ratio at the minimum of 110% Net debts to EBITDA ratio should not exceed 350% Debts to equity ratio should not exceed 250% EBITDA to interest expenses ratio at the minimum of 200% Net worth at the minimum of Rp350,000,000,000 Receivables, inventories and prepayment of handsets inventory level must be 125% of the total debt outstanding For the year ended December 31, 2009, the Company has met all the above financial ratios’ requirements. All of the above facilities are secured by the Company’s inventories and receivables totaling to US$25,000,000 (Notes 6 and 7). This agreement also requires the Company to obtain prior written approval from the bank before entering into certain actions, such as follows: - Re-pledge the inventories and receivables which already used as collateral Merger and consolidation Sale, lease, transfer or disposal of assets, except for transactions carried-out in the ordinary course of the business Declare or pay dividends Obtain other loans Extension of loans 23 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 11. BANK LOANS - THIRD PARTIES (continued) In connection with the dividend payment for 2008 on August 7, 2009, the Company has obtained the waiver letter dated March 19, 2010 from ANZ. c. On July 3, 2008, the Company entered into a Revolving Facility Agreement from syndicated banks consisting of Citigroup Global Martkets Asia Ltd., PT Bank Central Asia Tbk., PT Bank Internasional Indonesia Tbk., PT Bank Mandiri (Persero) Tbk., and PT Bank CIMB Niaga Tbk. (formerly PT Bank Lippo Tbk.) (hereinafter referred as “the Banks”), with Citicorp International Limited as the facility agent and PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. as the security agent. The syndicated loan consists of Tranche A loan which is a Rupiah denominated facility with a maximum credit limit of Rp480,000,000,000 and Tranche B loan which is a US Dollar denominated facility with a maximum credit limit of US$27,000,000. These syndicated bank loans are payable after three (3) months from the date of loan drawdown and revolving until the end of the loan facilities term, which will mature in three (3) years and can be extended for another two (2) years. The agreement requires the Company to maintain certain financial ratios as follows: - Current assets to current liabilities ratio at the minimum of 110% Net debts to EBITDA ratio should not exceed 350% Debts to tangible net worth should not exceed 250% EBITDA to interest payment ratio at the minimum of 200% For the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company has met all the above financial ratios’ requirements. The agreement also requires the Company to obtain prior written approval from the Banks before entering into certain actions, such as follows: - Obtain new loan from or provide loan to other parties Provide any guarantee to other parties Establish or acquire subsidiaries at an amount above US$2,000,000 for one (1) Subsidiary or in total amount above US$10,000,000 On February 2, 2009, the Company informed the acquisition of Trikomsel Pte. Ltd., Singapore on November 25, 2008 (Note 3) to Citicorp International Limited, as the facility agent of the above syndicated bank loan. Interest expense charged amounting to Rp66,302,287,885 and Rp24,975,137,248 in 2009 and 2008, respectively, is presented as part of “Other Income (Charges) - Financing Charges” account in the consolidated statements of income. The above bank loans are pledged with certain current accounts maintained at the syndicated participating banks and the Company’s inventories with total value of 125% of total syndicated bank loan (Notes 5 and 7). d. The Company had credit agreements with PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. (“BCA”) as covered by Notarial Deeds No. 2 dated May 10, 2006 of Veronica Sandra Irawaty Purnady, S.H., and Amendment of Credit Agreement No. 14 dated December 8, 2006, whereby the Company obtained loan facilities from BCA, consisting of a local credit facility (credit statement), and Omnibus Sight Letters of Credit (“L/C”) and Trust Receipt (“T/R”) facilities or Usance Payable at Sight L/C (“UPAS”) with maximum credit limits of Rp50,000,000,000 and US$13,000,000, respectively. These facilities matured on May 10, 2007. 24 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 11. BANK LOANS - THIRD PARTIES (continued) In accordance with amended credit agreement with BCA as covered by Notarial Deed No. 30 dated August 24, 2007, of Veronica Sandra Irawaty Purnadi, S.H., the Company obtained loan facilities from BCA, including a local credit facility (credit statement) with a maximum credit limit of Rp50,000,000,000; L/C and T/R or UPAS facilities with maximum credit limit of US$13,000,000, Time Loan Revolving with a maximum credit limit of Rp100,000,000,000, and Bank Guarantee Line with a maximum credit limit of Rp1,000,000,000. These facilities required the Company to pay margin deposit at a minimum of 10% from outstanding L/C and T/R or UPAS facilities. In accordance with the amended credit agreement as covered by Notarial Deed No. 50 dated July 29, 2008 of Veronica Sandra Irawaty Purnadi, S.H., the maximum credit limits of L/C and T/R or UPAS was reduced from US$13,000,000 to become US$7,000,000 and for the Time Revolving Loan from Rp100,000,000,000 to become Rp75,000,000,000. In accordance with amended credit agreement as covered by Notarial Deed No. 01 dated August 6, 2009 of Veronica Sandra Irawaty Purnadi, S.H., BCA provided additional Forex Line facility with a maximum credit limit of US$6,000,000, cancelled the bank guarantee facility, reduce and amend the structure of L/C and T/R or UPAS facilities of US$7,000,000 into L/C and T/R or UPAS and Standby Letter of Credit (SBLC) of US$5,000,000. These facilities matured on May 10, 2008 and have been extended until May 10, 2010. The Company shall be bound by covenants, including maintenance of certain financial ratios as follows: Current assets to current liabilities ratio, minimum Net debts to EBITDA ratio, should not exceed Debts to tangible net worth, should not exceed EBITDA to interest payment ratio, minimum 110% 350% 250% 200% For the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company met all the above financial ratios’ requirements. The agreement requires the Company to obtain written approval from the bank before entering into certain transactions as follows: - Obtain new loan/credit Lend money to others (as long as not exceed 15% of equity) Perform transaction outside ordinary business practice Request for bankruptcy Invest, establish or open new business Sell or dispose non-moving or main assets Perform merger, consolidation, take over or liquidation Amend the institutional status, Article of Association, composition of directors, commisioners and shareholders Pay dividends above 45% of current year net income In connection with the above restrictive covenants, on March 12, 2008 and March 30, 2009, the Company received waiver letters from BCA for the amendment of its Articles of Association and distribution of dividends; and acquisition of Trikomsel Pte. Ltd., Singapore on November 25, 2008 (Note 3), respectively. In connection with the establishment of PT Okeshop, the Company obtained waiver letter dated March 25, 2010 from BCA. 25 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 11. BANK LOANS - THIRD PARTIES (continued) All the above bank loans are pledged with the Company’s receivables and inventories (Notes 6 and 7). The above bank loan facilities bear annual interest as follows: 2009 Rupiah Syndicated bank loan Time loan revolving PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. Overdrafts PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. US Dollar Syndicated bank loan Term loan PT ANZ Panin Bank Import invoice financing Standard Chartered Bank, Indonesia Non-cash loan usance payable PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. 2008 10.07%-15.00% 12.91%-15.00% 13.00% 10.00%-10.56% 13.00% 10.75%-13.50% 5.00%-8.50% 6.81%-8.04% 4.20%-5.70% - 4.00%-4.50% - - 4.19%-6.94% 12. TRADE PAYABLES 2009 2008 Related parties (Note 23): Rupiah PT Triyakom PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra) 1,094,710 - 930,638 864,902,560 Total related parties 1,094,710 865,833,198 53,624,846,539 24,907,359,254 149,368,301,120 2,652,885,860 540,197,790 4,073,400,000 - 360,207,812 6,357,570 66,626,448 11,884,142 2,648,054 1,316,000 470,000 - 10,424,646,431 - 5,187,503,326 153,004,537,226 19,691,907,327 Total third parties 206,629,383,765 44,599,266,581 Total trade payables 206,630,478,475 45,465,099,779 Third parties: Rupiah US Dollar Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden (US$15,890,245 in 2009 and US$372,000 in 2008) Sanmedia Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$282,222) PT ZTE Indonesia (US$57,468) PT Malifax Indonesia (US$38,320 in 2009 and US$581 in 2008) DHL Global Forwarding Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$7,088) Project Goth, Australia (US$1,264) Mol Access Portal Berhad, Malaysia (US$282) PT Natrindo Telepon Selular (US$140) PT Parastar Echorindo (US$50) GW Pte. Ltd., Singapore (US$952,023) Added Benefit Investment Ltd., Singapore (US$473,745) 26 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 12. TRADE PAYABLES (continued) This account mainly represents payables to suppliers for purchases of inventories. As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, trade payables - third parties - others in Rupiah amounting to Rp7,689,858,545 and Rp16,144,708,490, respectively, represent advances received from retailers in connection with their orders of goods from the Company. Based on the Company’s and Subsidiaries’ management, all trade payables as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 are payable within 90 days. 13. TAXATION a. Taxes payables: 2009 2008 Income taxes: Article 21 Article 23 Article 25 Subsidiary’s overseas income tax payable Goods and service tax 1,122,127,396 609,426,511 2,099,255,564 2,602,989,438 5,877,566,214 518,594,893 589,265,239 - Total taxes payable 6,433,798,909 6,985,426,346 b. Corporate income tax benefit (expense) per consolidated statements of income: 2009 2008 Corporate income tax expenses - current Company Subsidiary (45,514,887,600) (2,312,754,321) (45,830,696,300) - Consolidated corporate income tax expenses - current (47,827,641,921) (45,830,696,300) Corporate income tax benefit (expenses) - deferred Company Subsidiary 1,375,660,741 (900,972) 510,471,788 - Consolidated corporate income tax benefit - deferred 1,374,759,769 510,471,788 Corporate income tax expenses Company Subsidiary (44,139,226,859) (2,313,655,293) (45,320,224,512) - Corporate income tax expense - net (46,452,882,152) (45,320,224,512) 27 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 13. TAXATION (continued) c. Reconciliation between income before corporate income tax expense as shown in the consolidated statements of income, and the taxable income for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 is as follows: 2009 2008 Income before corporate income tax expense per consolidated statements of income 164,140,733,192 Subsidiary’s income before income tax expenses (16,438,250,626) Income before income tax expenses 147,702,482,566 Temporary differences Provision for doubtful accounts Provision for decline in value of inventories Estimated liabilities for employees’ benefits Accrued salary expenses Finance lease payables Gain on sale of fixed assets Depreciation of fixed assets Equity income in earnings of an associate company Permanent differences Representation and donation Non-deductible expenses Non-deductible interest expense Tax expenses Depreciation of fixed assets Interest income already subjected to final tax Rent income already subjected to final tax Taxable income 147,902,338,806 147,902,338,806 3,046,700,000 2,175,351,177 2,026,193,412 551,839,075 117,823,083 3,649,737 (2,000,583,367) - 1,090,582,711 1,717,165,407 2,572,160,925 (117,823,083) 2,653,994 (1,376,555,364) (2,128,534,363) 5,894,864,347 4,128,602,123 2,350,907,108 371,602,490 87,890,625 (3,475,623,704) (428,528,663) 1,283,599,598 3,292,708,709 341,172,394 973,200,855 23,437,500 (2,457,443,560) (291,342,662) 162,553,170,009 152,827,321,867 d. The computation of corporate income tax payable (claims for tax refund) is as follows: 2009 2008 Corporate income tax expense - current year Company Subsidiary 45,514,887,600 2,312,754,321 45,830,696,300 - Total income tax expenses per consolidated statements of income 47,827,641,921 45,830,696,300 Prepayments of income taxes The Company Article 22 Article 23 Article 25 82,656,866,441 213,749,322 1,767,795,717 72,786,307,126 5,926,477,736 Total 84,638,411,480 78,712,784,862 (39,123,523,880) (32,882,088,562) Estimated claims for tax refund Company Income tax payable Subsidiary 2,099,255,564 28 - These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 13. TAXATION (continued) 2009 Estimated claims for tax refund are as follows: The Company 2009 2008 Total 2008 (39,123,523,880) (32,882,088,562) (32,882,088,562) (72,005,612,442) (32,882,088,562) The 2008 taxable income was consistent with the Annual Corporate Income Tax Return (SPT) submitted by the Company to the Tax Office. There were differences between the recorded 2005 and 2006 taxable income with the SPTs submitted by the Company to the Tax Office. However, in May 2008, the Company made revisions to its 2005 and 2006 corporate income tax calculations, whereby the Company made additional payments totaling to Rp996,268,400 to the Tax Office. This amount is recognized as part of “Operating Expenses - Taxes and Legal” account in the 2008 consolidated statement of income. e. Reconciliation between income before corporate income tax expense multiplied by applying the applicable tax rates to the corporate income tax expense is as follows: 2009 2009 Income before corporate income tax expenses per consolidated statements of income Subsidiary’s income before income tax expenses 164,140,733,192 (16,438,250,626) 147,902,338,806 - The Company’s income before income tax expenses 147,702,482,566 147,902,338,806 41,356,695,118 44,353,201,382 Income tax expense based on prevailing tax rates Tax effects of permanent differences: Representation and donation Non-deductible expenses Non-deductible interest expense Tax expenses Depreciation of fixed assets Interest income already subjected to final tax Rent income already subjected to final tax Reduction on tax rate 1,650,562,017 1,156,008,595 658,253,990 104,048,697 24,609,375 (973,174,637) (119,988,026) 282,211,730 385,079,879 987,812,613 102,351,718 291,960,257 7,031,250 (737,233,068) (87,402,799) 17,423,280 Income tax expenses Company Subsidiary 44,139,226,859 2,313,655,293 45,320,224,512 - Consolidated corporate income tax expense 46,452,882,152 45,320,224,512 29 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 13. TAXATION (continued) f. The deferred tax effects of the temporary differences between the commercial and the tax bases on the Company’s assets and liabilities as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows: 2009 Deferred tax assets Estimated liabilities for employees’ benefits Allowance for decline in value of inventories Accrued salary expenses Allowance for doubtful accounts Deferred tax liabilities Fixed assets Finance lease payables Deferred tax assets - net 2008 1,966,504,531 816,483,472 781,000,000 761,675,000 1,459,956,178 305,363,159 720,205,059 - (2,235,390,633) - (1,744,352,378) (26,560,389) 2,090,272,370 Deferred tax liabilities - Subsidiary 714,611,629 (817,800) - Management believes that the deferred tax assets can be fully recovered through future taxable income. g. In September 2008, Law No. 7 Year 1983 regarding “Income Tax” has been revised for the fourth time with Law No. 36 Year 2008. The revised Law stipulates changes in corporate tax rate from a progressive tax rate to a single rate of 28% for fiscal year 2009 and 25% for fiscal year 2010 onwards. The Company recorded deduction of tax benefit as the impact of the changes in tax rates of Rp282,211,730 and Rp17,423,280 as part of “Corporate Income Tax Benefit (Expense) Deferred” account in the consolidated statements of income for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, respectively. 14. CONSUMER FINANCING LOAN In accordance with the Credit Agreement dated December 19, 2008 with PT BCA Finance, a third party, the Company obtained a loan facility amounting to Rp600,000,000 for 24 months with effective annual interest rate of 17%. This loan is secured by the Company’s vehicle with carrying amount of Rp750,000,000. The Company is required to insure the related vehicle over the term of the loan (Note 9). As of December 31, 2009 and 2008, the future minimum payment of the consumer financing loan under the above agreement was as follows: 2009 2008 Up to one year More than one year to five years 321,750,000 - 351,000,000 321,750,000 Total Less amount applicable to interest expense 321,750,000 (25,744,398) 672,750,000 (102,000,000) 296,005,602 (296,005,602) 570,750,000 (274,744,362) Present value of the consumer financing installment payments Less current maturities Long-term portion 30 296,005,638 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 15. OTHER CURRENT LIABILITIES This account consists of: 2009 2008 Related parties (Note 23): PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra) Mr. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam 1,538,650 - 51,023,715 Total related parties 1,538,650 51,023,715 10,422,613,909 4,478,835,123 - 5,529,750,000 23,603,870 3,074,103 Total third parties 10,446,217,779 10,011,659,226 Total other current liabilities 10,447,756,429 10,062,682,941 Third parties Rupiah US Dollar Glory Access Trading Ltd., Hong Kong (US$505,000) Others (SGD3,524 in 2009 and SGD409 in 2008) 16. ESTIMATED LIABILITIES FOR EMPLOYEES’ BENEFITS The Company provides employees’ benefits in accordance with Labor Law No. 13/2003 dated March 25, 2003 for employees at the retirement age of 55 years old. The benefits are unfunded. The estimated liabilities for employees’ benefits as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 were determined based on the actuarial valuations performed by PT Binaputera Jaya Hikmah, an independent actuary, in its reports dated March 25, 2010 and April 1, 2009, respectively, using the Projected Unit Credit method. The principal assumptions used in the valuations are as follows: 2009 Annual discount rate Annual salary increase rate Mortality rate Retirement age 10.70% 10.00% TMI II-99 55 years old 2008 12.00% 10.00% TMI II-99 55 years old The employees’ benefits expense recognized in the consolidated statements of income is as follows: 2009 2008 Current service cost Interest expense Amortization of actuarial loss 1,875,649,893 539,008,555 (39,982,406) 1,164,709,199 551,246,934 1,209,274 Employees’ benefits expense (Note 21) 2,374,676,042 1,717,165,407 31 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 16. ESTIMATED LIABILITIES FOR EMPLOYEES’ BENEFITS (continued) The details of estimated liabilities for employees’ benefits are as follows: 2009 Present value of benefit obligations Unrecognized actuarial gain (loss) Estimated liabilities for employees’ benefits 2008 8,997,555,963 (1,131,537,840) 4,491,737,959 1,348,086,752 7,866,018,123 5,839,824,711 Movements of the estimated liabilities for employees’ benefits December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows: during the 2009 years ended 2008 Beginning balance Provisions during the period Benefits payments during the year 5,839,824,711 2,374,676,042 (348,482,630) 4,122,659,304 1,717,165,407 - Ending balance 7,866,018,123 5,839,824,711 17. SHARE CAPITAL The details of the Company’s share ownerships as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows: 2009 Shareholders Number of shares issued and fully paid Percentage of ownership Share capital issued and fully paid PT Delta Sarana Pradana Canopus Finance Limited Kindarto Kohar Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Public (below 5% ownership each) 2,772,610,000 1,112,500,000 57,445,000 57,445,000 450,000,000 62.31% 25.00% 1.29% 1.29% 10.11% 277,261,000,000 111,250,000,000 5,744,500,000 5,744,500,000 45,000,000,000 Total 4,450,000,000 100.00% 445,000,000,000 2008 Shareholders Number of shares issued and fully paid Percentage of ownership Share capital issued and fully paid PT Delta Sarana Pradana Kindarto Kohar Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam 3,098,210,000 57,445,000 57,445,000 96.42% 1.79% 1.79% 309,821,000,000 5,744,500,000 5,744,500,000 Total 3,213,100,000 100.00% 321,310,000,000 32 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 17. SHARE CAPITAL (continued) In the Shareholders’ Extraordinary General Meeting held on December 28, 2007, the minutes of which were notarized under Notarial Deed No. 4 on the same date of Mrs. Liliana I. Tanuwidjaja, S.H., the shareholders resolved, among others, to increase the Company’s authorized share capital from Rp75,000,000,000 to Rp900,000,000,000 and the issued and fully paid share capital from Rp20,000,000,000 to Rp229,780,000,000. Those amendments of the Company’s Articles of Association were approved by the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. AHU-10700.AH.01.02.Tahun 2008 dated March 4, 2008. In relation with this increase, PT Delta Sarana Pradana has subscribed US$10,000,000 (equivalent to Rp94,190,000,000) as additional capital contribution recognized as “Deposits for Future Stock Subscription” in the Equity section of the 2007 balance sheet, pending approval from the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights on the increase of the Company’s share capital. In the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting held on March 13, 2008, the minutes of which were notarized under Notarial Deed No. 8 on the same date of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., the shareholders approved to distribute dividend of Rp131,100,000,000 (or Rp130,116,750,000 net of tax) for 2007 with details as follows: 1. Rp82,571,750,000 in the form of stock dividend to Kindarto Kohar, Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam and PT Delta Sarana Pradana amounting to Rp2,785,875,000, Rp2,785,875,000 and Rp77,000,000,000, respectively. 2. Rp47,545,000,000 in the form of cash dividend to PT Delta Sarana Pradana. In the Shareholders’ Extraordinary General Meeting held on March 13, 2008, the minutes of which were notarized under Notarial Deed No. 9 on the same date of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., the shareholders approved to ratify the increase in the issued and fully paid share capital of Rp209,780,000,000 as previously notarized by Notarial Deed No. 4 of Liliana Indrawati Tanuwidjaja, S.H. as mentioned above, through cash payment of Rp127,208,250,000 and dividend capitalization of Rp82,571,750,000 as also indicated above. In the Shareholders’ Extraordinary General Meeting held on April 4, 2008, the minutes of which were notarized under Notarial Deed No. 18 on the same date of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., the shareholders approved to make changes in the Company’s Articles of Association in relation to the increase in the issued and fully paid share capital as previously notarized by Notarial Deed No. 9 of the same notary. This amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association was approved by the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. AHU-24779.AH.01.02.TH 2008 dated May 13, 2008. In accordance with Notarial Deed No. 25 dated October 29, 2008 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., the shareholders approved to increase the Company’s authorized share capital from Rp900,000,000,000 to Rp1,200,000,000,000 and the issued and fully paid share capital from Rp229,780,000,000 to Rp321,310,000,000. The increase of issued and fully paid share capital amounting to Rp91,530,000,000 or 915,300,000 new shares was fully subscribed by PT Delta Sarana Pradana. This amendment of the Company’s Articles of Association was approved by the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. AHU-92568.AH.01.02.Tahun 2008 dated December 2, 2008. On August 29, 2008, the Company received the additional capital contribution from PT Delta Sarana Pradana amounting to Rp91,530,000,000. 33 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 17. SHARE CAPITAL (continued) In the Shareholders’ Extraordinary General Meeting held on February 11, 2009, the minutes of which were notarized under Notarial Deed No. 6 on the same date of Fathiah Helmi, S.H. and in the Resolution in Lieu of the Shareholders’ Extraordinary General Meeting dated February 24, 2009 as covered by Notarial Deed No. 20 dated February 26, 2009 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., the shareholders resolved, among others, the following: - Amend all of the Company’s articles of association in relation to become a public company. - Issue, at a maximum of 500,000,000 new shares, from its unissued shares to the public through initial public offering. - Increase the issued and fully paid share capital from Rp78,690,000,000 representing 786,900,000 shares which were fully subscribed by PT Delta Sarana Pradana on February 24, 2009, and accordingly, the Company’s issued and fully paid share capital to become Rp400,000,000,000 representing 4,000,000,000 shares. The above amendments were approved by the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. AHU-08209.AH.01.02.TH 2009 dated March 19, 2009. In accordance with the Subscription Mandatory Exchangable Bonds Agreement dated June 16, 2008 and with the agreement made between PT Delta Sarana Pradana, Kindarto Kohar (shareholder), Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam (shareholder) and Canopus Finance Limited (“Canopus”) dated February 28, 2009, the parties agreed the issuance of Mandatory Exchangable Bonds (“MEB”) by PT Delta Sarana Pradana to Canopus, a non-affiliated party of the Company and Shareholders, including PT Delta Sarana Pradana. According to the MEB agreement, Canopus has option to convert the MEB into the Company’s shares and to comply with other requirements agreed by Shareholders and Canopus. The MEB can also be converted into the Company’s shares owned by PT Delta Sarana Pradana, representing 25% interest in the Company’s issued and fully paid share capital after the public offering. On December 1, 2009, Canopus converted its MEB into 1,112,500,000 shares of the Company. In accordance with the Resolution in the Lieu of the Company’s Shareholders as covered by Notarial Deed No. 27 dated April 22, 2009 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., as approved by the Ministry of Laws and Human Rights of the Republic of Indonesia in its Decision Letter No. AHU-AH.01.10-08860 dated June 29, 2009, the shareholders resolved, among others, the following: - Authorize the board of commissioners to increase the Company’s issued and paid shares, after the Initial Public Offering and list the shares on the Indonesia Stock Exchange and the Company’s Shareholder; accordingly, the Company’s issued and fully paid share capital to become Rp445,000,000,000 representing 4,450,000,000 shares, through issuance of 450,000,000 shares in the public offering. - Amend the composition of the Company’s boards of commissioners and directors, which was effective from April 22, 2009 until the Shareholders’ General Meeting will be held in 2010, as follows: Commissioners Kindarto Kohar Christine Barki Suryatin Setiawan Glenn T. Sugita - President Commissioner Independent Commissioner Independent Commisisoner Commissioner Directors Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam Djohan Sutanto Djoko Harijanto Evy Soenarjo Ellianah Wati Setiady - President Director Director Director Director Non-affiliated Director In accordance with the Resolution in the Lieu of the Shareholders’ Annual General Meeting as covered by Notarial Deed No. 84 dated June 26, 2009 of Fathiah Helmi, S.H., the shareholders resolved the distribution of cash dividends of Rp31,150,000,000 from the 2008 net income and appropriation for general reserves of Rp1,000,000,000 from the 2009 net income. 34 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 18. BASIC EARNINGS PER SHARE The basic earnings per share computation is as follows: 2009 Net income Weighted average number of outstanding shares 2008 117,687,851,030 4,157,010,137 102,582,114,294 2,252,116,717 28 46 Basic earnings per share 19. NET REVENUE This account represents the income earned from third parties with details as follows: 2009 Owned by the Company: Sales of cellular phones Sales of reload vouchers Service Sales of content Sales of cellular phones outbound Others 2008 3,549,828,278,009 1,316,024,728,744 31,776,010,523 2,482,727 24,682,002,755 2,736,385,027,350 1,948,774,347,482 38,151,046,693 82,697,795,643 520,453,278,248 7,687,594,207 4,922,313,502,758 5,334,149,089,623 529,981,157,285 6,146,667,360 5,452,294,660,043 5,340,295,756,983 Consignment - net: Content Sales of cellular phones Others 6,478,378 6,275,455 31,977,536 17,113,620 7,326,153 Total 44,731,369 24,439,773 5,452,339,391,412 5,340,320,196,756 Owned by the Subsidiary: Sales of cellular phones Total Total net revenue There were no sales to a customer with cumulative amount exceeded 10% of the consolidated net revenue for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008. 20. COST OF REVENUE The details of cost of revenue are as follows: 2009 2008 Inventories at beginning of year Purchases - net 468,101,489,921 5,006,258,847,371 143,471,217,070 5,223,758,273,117 Inventories available for sale Inventories at end of year 5,474,360,337,292 (576,673,539,708) 5,367,229,490,187 (468,101,489,921) 35 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 20. COST OF REVENUE (continued) The details of cost of revenue are as follows: (continued) 2009 2008 Cost of goods sold Cost of cellular phones’ service warranty 4,897,686,797,584 1,376,764,231 4,899,128,000,266 2,153,004,600 Total cost of revenue 4,899,063,561,815 4,901,281,004,866 The details of suppliers with annual cumulative amount of purchases exceeded 10% of consolidated net purchases are as follows: 2009 2008 Nokia Pte. Ltd., Singapore Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. 2,817,919,682,237 767,118,648,618 359,773,548,340 2,136,362,772,133 664,024,892,603 653,466,385,370 Total 3,944,811,879,195 3,453,854,050,106 Percentage to Consolidated Net Purchases 2009 2008 Nokia Pte. Ltd., Singapore Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. 56.29% 15.32% 7.19% 40.90% 12.71% 12.51% Total 78.80% 66.12% The Company obtained various type of purchase discounts, determined by the suppliers. 21. OPERATING EXPENSES 2009 Salaries of outsourced employees Rent Salaries and employees’ benefits (Note 16) Transportation Marketing and advertising Amortization of fit out (Note 8) Depreciation (Note 9) Amortization of deferred charges (Note 10) Management fee Consultant fee Electricity and water Telecommunication Contribution and donation Provision for doubtful accounts Domestic travelling Taxes and legal 53,088,384,639 49,689,781,490 42,366,489,157 37,163,396,621 27,392,796,736 16,413,738,161 10,714,756,655 8,586,213,799 6,789,033,467 5,837,964,743 5,597,103,595 5,016,176,013 4,881,341,835 3,046,700,000 2,942,202,818 2,662,190,675 36 2008 46,265,693,919 39,132,533,385 49,019,060,711 13,739,769,707 23,723,465,056 11,832,846,420 9,116,088,401 3,568,643,982 6,709,762,185 5,837,704,405 5,661,384,071 5,526,077,713 1,161,113,700 1,587,938,979 2,626,757,504 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 21. OPERATING EXPENSES (continued) 2009 Insurance Provision for decline in value of inventories Office supplies Employees’ insurance Others (below Rp1 billion each) Total operating expenses 2008 2,552,498,379 2,175,351,177 2,053,269,859 1,052,924,803 4,427,037,060 1,509,476,217 1,090,582,711 2,127,554,937 851,636,932 1,473,110,917 294,449,351,682 232,561,201,852 22. FINANCING CHARGES 2009 2008 Interest expense on bank loans Bank administration expense Interest expense on finance lease payables 84,822,769,749 12,212,910,663 139,592,737 45,481,245,477 12,555,870,285 160,273,525 Total financing charges 97,175,273,149 58,197,389,287 23. BALANCES, TRANSACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH RELATED PARTIES The Company, in its regular conduct of business, engages in transactions with certain related parties, with details as follows: a. On November 14, 2008, the Company entered into a Cooperation Agreement of Delivery Services of Telecommunication Devices and Equipment with PT Alpha EMS, whereby PT Alpha EMS will provide storage and delivery services of the Company’s telecommunication devices in Indonesia. The term of this agreement is two (2) years from the date the agreement was signed subject for automatic renewal for another one (1) year, unless it is terminated by either party. For the year ended December 31, 2009, storage and delivery service expenses charged to the Company is amounted to Rp323,393,471 and the related outstanding advance payment as of December 31, 2009 amounted to Rp61,352,157. There were no related storage and delivery service expenses charged to the Company for the year ended December 31, 2008. b. On July 28, 2008, the Company entered into an agreement with PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra) to order reload vouchers, which amount will be determined on a timely basis according to the needs of each party. The term of this agreement is twelve (12) months from the date the agreement was signed subject for automatic renewal, unless agreed differently by both parties. For the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company’s purchases of reload vouchers are amounted to Rp311,953,110,392 and Rp250,946,900,311, respectively, and the related outstanding trade payables as of December 31, 2008 amounted to Rp864,902,560. As of December 31, 2009, the advance payment related to those transactions is amounted to Rp6,057,455,407. 37 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 23. BALANCES, TRANSACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued) c. On June 10, 2008, the Company entered into an agreement with PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra), whereby the Company appointed PT SkyBee as an outsourcing agent to provide manpower in Jawa, Bali, and other areas. The term of this agreement is twelve (12) months subject for automatic renewal for six (6) months. For the year ended December 31, 2009, the related management fee expenses is amounted to Rp379,315,696 and the outstanding payables as of December 31, 2009 is amounted to Rp1,538,650. There was no related management fee charged to the Company during the year ended December 31, 2008. The Company and PT SkyBee agreed not to extend the agreement since December 31, 2009. d. On March 1, 2008, the Company entered into a subscription agreement for Internet Protokol (IP)based telecommunication services with PT Mobicom Selularindo Gemilang. The subscription term is three (3) years from the date the agreement was signed subject for automatic renewal for another year, unless terminated by either party through written notification. There was no related telecommunication expenses charged to the Company for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008. e. On January 7, 2008, the Company entered into a download content cooperation agreement with PT Triyakom. The agreement has been effective from the date the agreement was signed until January 7, 2010 subject for automatic renewal for another year, unless terminated by either party through written notification one (1) month before renewal. For the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, the Company’s purchases of content are amounted to Rp164,073 and Rp1,828,522, respectively, and the related outstanding trade payables as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 amounted to Rp1,094,710 and Rp930,638, respectively. f. On January 2, 2008, the Company entered into a room and rack rental agreement to place equipment related to internet provider services with PT Sinergitama Komindo. The agreement expired on December 31, 2009 subject for automatic renewal for another year. Furthermore, on February 1, 2008, the Company entered into an agreement to subscribe internet services from PT Sinergitama Komindo. The term of this agreement is three (3) years from the date the agreement was signed subject for automatic renewal for another year, unless terminated by either party. Expenses related to both agreements charged to operations for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 amounted to Rp235,340,520 and Rp5,500,000, respectively, are presented as part of “Operating Expenses” in the consolidated statements of income. g. In 2008, the Company decorated (fitted out) its several outlets using the construction services from PT Deltakomindo Pratama. This agreement was effective from September 1, 2008 subject for automatic renewal unless terminated by either party. Prepaid fit out expenses as of December 31, 2008 amounted to Rp159,030,305. Amortization of fit out charged to operations for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 amounted to Rp178,993,907 and Rp30,452,614, respectively, presented as part of “Operating Expenses” in the consolidated statements of income. As of December 31, 2008, the outstanding other receivables from PT Deltakomindo Pratama for overpayment of construction services amounted to Rp11,745,467. h. The Company rented an outlet located at E-Centre Karawaci, Tangerang, under a rental agreement with PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra) from March 1, 2007 until March 1, 2008, extended until March 1, 2012. Prepaid rent as of December 31, 2008 amounted to Rp20,000,000. The related rental expenses charged to operations for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 amounted to Rp120,000,000 and Rp121,818,200, respectively, are presented as part of “Operating Expenses” in the consolidated statements of income. 38 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 23. BALANCES, TRANSACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued) i. In 2006, the Company entered into an agreement with PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra), whereby the Company appointed PT SkyBee to provide services on advertisement design relating to its marketing activities. The related marketing and advertising expenses charged to operations for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 amounted to Rp23,600,000 and Rp567,293,285, respectively, presented as part of “Operating Expenses” in the consolidated statements of income. The Company and PT SkyBee agreed not to extend the agreement since December 31, 2009. j. The Company rented an outlet located at Jalan Polisi Istimewa, Surabaya, under a rental agreement with Mr. Kindarto Kohar, the Company’s commissioner and shareholder, for a term from January 1, 2006 to December 31, 2016. The related rental expenses charged to the Company for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 amounted to Rp33,333,333 and Rp16,666,667, respectively, are presented as part of “Operating Expenses” in the consolidated statements of income. The details of the balances of receivables and payables arising from transactions with related parties as of December 31, 2009 and 2008 are as follows: Percentage to Consolidated Total Assets/Liabilities Total 2009 Current Assets Other receivables PT Deltakomindo Pratama 2008 2009 (%) 2008 (%) - 11,745,467 - 0.001 6,057,455,407 - 0.311 - 61,352,157 - 0.003 - - 159,030,305 - 0.013 - 20,000,000 - 0.002 Total prepaid expenses and taxes and advances 6,118,807,564 179,030,305 0.314 0.015 Total 6,118,807,564 190,775,772 0.314 0.016 Current Liabilities Trade payables PT Triyakom PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra) 1,094,710 930,638 0.000 0.000 - 864,902,560 - 0.111 Total trade payables 1,094,710 865,833,198 0,000 0,111 Other current liabilities PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra) Mr. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam 1,538,650 - 51,023,715 0.000 - 0.006 Total other current liabilities 1,538,650 51,023,715 0.000 0.006 Total 2,633,360 916,856,913 0.000 0.117 Prepaid expenses and taxes and advances Advance purchase of inventories PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra) Advance others PT Alpha EMS Prepaid fit out PT Deltakomindo Pratama Prepaid rent PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra) 39 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 23. BALANCES, TRANSACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued) The details of purchases and expenses arising from transactions with related parties for the years ended December 31, 2009 and 2008, are as follows: Percentage to Consolidated Total Revenue Total 2009 2008 2009 (%) 2008 (%) Purchase of reload vouchers Purchase of content 311,953,110,392 164,073 250,946,900,311 1,828,522 5.721 0.000 4.699 0.000 Total 311,953,274,465 250,948,728,833 5.721 4.699 Percentage to Consolidated Total Operating Expenses Total 2009 Management fee expenses Transportation expenses Telecommunication expenses Amortization of fit out expenses Rental expenses Marketing and advertising expenses Total 2008 2009 (%) 2008 (%) 379,315,696 323,393,471 235,340,520 178,993,907 153,333,333 23,600,000 5,500,000 30,452,614 138,484,867 567,293,285 0.129 0.110 0.080 0.060 0.052 0.008 0.002 0.013 0.060 0.244 1,293,976,927 741,730,766 0.439 0.319 The nature of the Company’s relationships and transactions with related parties is as follows: Related parties Nature of relationships Nature of transactions PT Mobicom Selularindo Gemilang Entity controlled by PT Delta Sarana Pradana Telecommunication services PT SkyBee (formerly PT Kreatip Komunikacitra Entity controlled by Mr. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam, the Company’s president director and shareholder, until October 16, 2009. Since October 16, 2009, PT SkyBee’s shareholder has affiliated relationship with one of the Company’s director Advertising design service, rent, outsourcing employees’ services and purchase of reload vouchers PT Sinergitama Komindo Entity controlled by Mr. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam, the Company’s president director and shareholder, until October 7, 2009. Since October 7, 2009, PT Sinergitama Komindo’s commissioner has affiliated relationship with one of the Company’s director Internet telecommunication services PT Deltakomindo Pratama Entity controlled by Mr. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam, the Company’s president director and shareholder, until December 1, 2009 Fit out services PT Triyakom Entity owned but not controlled by Mr. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam, the Company’s president director and shareholder Purchase of content 40 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 23. BALANCES, TRANSACTIONS AND RELATIONSHIPS WITH RELATED PARTIES (continued) The nature of the Company’s relationships and transactions with related parties is as follows: Related parties PT Alpha EMS Nature of relationships Entity indirectly controlled by Mr. Sugiono Wiyono Sugialam, the Company’s president director and shareholder Nature of transactions Storage services and delivery of telecommunication products 24. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES As of December 31, 2009, the Company and Subsidiaries have monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as follows: Foreign Currency Assets Hong Kong Dollar Cash Baht Thailand Cash Taiwan Dollar Cash Singapore Dollar Cash and cash equivalents Cash on hand Cash in banks PT Bank UOB Buana Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore US Dollar Cash and cash equivalents Cash on hand Cash in banks PT Bank Central Asia Tbk. Standard Chartered Bank, Singapore Citibank N.A., Jakarta PT ANZ Panin Bank Standard Chartered Bank, Indonesia PT Bank UOB Buana PT Bank Danamon Indonesia Tbk. Merrill Lynch Pte. Ltd., Singapore Trade receivables Glory Access Trading Ltd., Hong Kong Prime Net (S) Pte. Ltd., Singapore Nokia Pte. Ltd., Singapore Fast Track Pte. Ltd., Singapore GSM City, Inc., United States Pegasus Telecom Ltd., Hong Kong Raduga Pte. Ltd., Singapore Remo Comm Pte. Ltd., Singapore Royal Tele Trading Pte. Ltd., Singapore Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden Asia Pacific Mandiri Pte. Ltd., Singapore 41 Equivalent (Rp) 3 3,030 4,960 2,501,821 11,617 3,438,284 374 2,501,821 35,801 6,802 239,818,460 45,565,560 720 6,766,026 2,644,833 1,274,218 751,790 73,272 39,643 20,638 19,797 7,912 24,861,426,534 11,977,649,012 7,066,828,162 688,760,748 372,644,388 193,992,970 186,094,902 74,371,014 918,481 270,319 179,526 177,601 160,050 120,600 104,491 93,812 40,179 29,453 1,434 8,633,716,700 2,541,002,830 1,687,544,400 1,669,452,126 1,504,470,000 1,133,640,000 982,213,990 881,835,150 377,677,900 276,858,200 13,477,720 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 24. ASSETS AND LIABILITIES IN FOREIGN CURRENCIES (continued) As of December 31, 2009, the Company and Subsidiaries have monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies as follows: Foreign Currency Assets (continued) US Dollar Other non-current assets Restricted deposit PT ANZ Panin Bank UBS AG, Singapore Merrill Lynch Pte. Ltd., Singapore Rental and security deposit Others Equivalent (Rp) 1,200,000 983,946 500,000 15,280 9,025 11,280,000,000 9,249,095,032 4,700,000,000 1,707,681,534 84,838,102 Total assets 92,445,866,416 Liabilities Singapore Dollar Other current liabilities US Dollar Bank loans Syndicated bank loan PT ANZ Panin Bank Standard Chartered Bank, Indonesia Trade payables Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden Sanmedia Pte. Ltd., Singapore PT ZTE Indonesia PT Malifax Indonesia DHL Global Forwarding Pte. Ltd., Singapore Project Goth, Australia Mol Access Portal Berhad, Malaysia PT Natrindo Telepon Selular PT Parastar Echorindo 3,524 23,603,870 24,500,000 12,000,000 9,963,298 230,300,000,000 112,800,000,000 93,655,001,200 15,890,245 282,222 57,468 38,320 7,088 1,264 282 140 50 149,368,301,120 2,652,885,860 540,197,790 360,207,812 66,626,448 11,884,142 2,648,054 1,316,000 470,000 Total liabilities 589,783,142,296 NET LIABILITIES 497,377,275,880 If the net monetary liabilities in US Dollar, Singapore Dollar, Hong Kong Dollar, Taiwan Dollar and Baht Thailand as of December 31, 2009 are reflected into Rupiah using the Bank Indonesia’s middle rate as of March 26, 2010 (Rp9,136 per US$1, Rp6,497 per SGD1, Rp1,177 per HKD1, Rp286 per TWD1 dan Rp282 per THB1), the net monetary liabilities would have decreased by Rp12,446,057,182. 25. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS The Company has significant agreements and commitments with third parties as follows: a. On July 2, 2009, the Company entered into an agreement with PT Bonet Utama, whereby the Company purchased link internet service including the rental of server room and other supporting facilities. This agreement was effective from July 2, 2009 until the Company terminate the subscription. b. On June 2, 2009, the Company entered into an agreement with PT Acer Indonesia (“Acer”), whereby the Company appointed to market and sell Acer’s products in Indonesia. This agreement was effective from June 2, 2009 until June 2, 2010. 42 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 25. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (continued) c. On January 5, 2007, the Company was appointed by Brightpoint Singapore Pte. Ltd., as a distributor of HTC’s products in Indonesia. d. In Cooperative Agreement of Registration and Sales of PT Telekomunikasi Selular’s (“Telkomsel”) Products dated May 12, 2004, the Company was appointed as a national retailer to register and sell Telkomsel’s products to end users. This agreement has been amended several times and extended until December 1, 2012. e. On December 21, 2009, the Company signed a memorandum of understanding with PT Asuransi Adira Dinamika to determine and state their early understanding over cooperation plan to cover insurance of cellular phones and/or netbook sold to the Company’s customers. The term of the memorandum is six (6) months from the date the agreement was signed. f. The Company entered into cooperation agreements with PT Telekomunikasi Indonesia Tbk. (“Telkom”), whereby the Company was appointed as an authorized dealer to distribute Kartu Flexi Trendy in Regional Division III (West Java and Banten), Regional Division IV (Central Java and Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta) and Regional Division VII (Bali, Makassar, Pare-pare and Kendari) starting 2006; Regional Division VI (South Kalimantan, West Kalimantan and Southern, Center and Northern parts of East Kalimantan) starting 2007; Regional Division II (Jakarta) starting 2008 and Regional Division I (Medan) starting 2009. These agreements have been amended several times as follows: · On March 30, 2009, the Company signed the amendment and restatement of cooperation agreement, whereby the Company distributes and sells Flexy Trendy products in operational area of Regional Division VII for East Indonesia, Sulawesi-Maluku-Papua service areas and Bali-Mataram-Kupang service areas. The Company obtained a letter regarding the extension of the agreement until March 31, 2010. · On March 31, 2009, the Company signed the amendment and restatement with Telkom Regional Division III for West Java and Banten. The term of the amendment and restatement was ten (10) months from April 1, 2009 until January 31, 2010. The Company obtained a letter regarding the extension of the agreement until March 31, 2010. · On March 31, 2009, the Company signed the amendment and restatement with Telkom Regional Division VI for Kalimantan. The term of the amendment and restatement was ten (10) months from April 1, 2009 until January 31, 2010. The Company obtained a side letter regarding the extension of the agreement until March 31, 2010. · On March 31, 2009, the Company signed the amendment and restatement with Telkom Regional Division IV for Central Java and Jogjakarta. The term of the amendment and restatement was ten (10) months from April 1, 2009 until January 31, 2010. Until the date of the independent auditors’ report, the Company is still negotiating the extension of this agreement. · On March 7, 2010, the Company signed the first amendment with Telkom Regional Division I for Medan. The term of agreement was twelve (12) months from April 1, 2010 until March 31, 2011. 43 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 25. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (continued) g. On January 9, 2008, the Company entered into a cooperation agreement with Telkom, whereby the Company was appointed as a distributor of Telkom Flexi in the operational areas agreed by both parties. The term of this agreement is twenty five (25) months from January 9, 2008 until January 28, 2010. Until the date of the independent auditors’ report, the Company is still negotiating the extension of this agreement. On March 31, 2009, the Company signed the amended Cooperation Agreement Sales of Flexy Trendy Electronic Reload Vouchers with Telkom, whereby the Company was appointed to electronically distribute the Flexy Trendy products using the e-flexi system (FRG) in Regional Division I and V operational area. The amendment is effective from April 1, 2009 until March 31, 2010. On November 30, 2009, the Company signed a memorandum agreement with Telkom Division Flexi Area Commerce-3 for West Java and Banten to sell starter pack trendy, bundling terminal, modem CDMA-Flexi net and Flexi’s reload vouchers. The term of the cooperation is six (6) months from the date the agreement was signed. h. On March 18, 2004, the Company entered into an agreement with PT Excelcomindo Pratama Tbk. (“XL”), whereby the Company acquired XL’s retail assets and sell proXL products in the Company’s retail outlets. This agreement is valid for three (3) years from the date the agreement was signed and will be terminated upon written agreement of the parties. Based on the Subscription of Prepaid Pro-XL Agreement dated March 12, 2004, the Company is able to access GSM-XL services which includes current and future network coverages of Pro-XL SIM cards. This agreement is valid for twelve (12) months until XL will terminate this agreement or at the end of contract term. On January 25, 2007, the Company entered into an agreement with XL, whereby the Company was appointed to sell XL products through XL’s distribution channel. The agreement was amended on June 9, 2009. The term of this agreement is from January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2007, subject for review every three (3) months. This agreement can be extended by written agreement from both parties. From 2007 until 2009, the Company and XL signed XL Centre Outlet cooperation agreements for specific agreed areas. The agreements valid for five (5) years from the date agreements were signed subject for renewal upon written approval from both parties. In accordance with a cooperation agreement dated February 2, 2009 between the Company and XL, XL agreed to market its products through the Company’s distribution channel, Cluster JAKTIM03. This agreement is valid for twelve (12) months, from February 1, 2009 until January 31, 2010, subject for review every three (3) months by XL. In 2009, the Company and XL signed cooperation agreements for distribution of XL products through the Company’s distribution channels and outlets, based on specific areas determined by XL, such as in East Jakarta, Pekanbaru and Kupang. These agreements are valid for twelve (12) months from signing dates of agreements and automatically renewable for another twelve (12) months. i. In accordance with a cooperation agreement dated June 29, 2009 with PT Natrindo Telepon Selular (“AXIS”), the Company appointed as AXIS National Distributor. This agreement is effective for twelve (12) months from the date the agreement was signed. 44 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 25. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (continued) j. On April 23, 2009, the Company signed the first amendment of M Top-Up Cooperation Agreement dated May 18, 2007 with M Cashback Indonesia (MCI) to extend the term of agreement. This agreement is valid from the date the agreement was signed until terminated by either party. k. On September 28, 2005, the Company and PT Indosat Tbk. (“Indosat”) agreed to operate Pop Dealer Off Line, which is used as service centre and direct distribution of Indosat products. The term of this agreement is three (3) years from the date the agreement was signed. On June 30, 2009, the Company and Indosat terminated this agreement. On February 1, 2008, Indosat appointed the Company as its retail dealer to sell Indosat products. The sale was effective from February 1, 2008 until December 31, 2009. On January 28, 2010, the Company and Indosat signed the sales agreement for the period from January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2010. Based on agreements in 2006, the Company and Indosat agreed to operate Griya Indosat Off Line in Cijantung until April 6, 2009 and in Bangkinang, Kalimantan until May 1, 2009. In 2008 and 2009, the Company terminated the cooperation with Griya Indosat Off Line in Bangkinang, Kalimantan and Cijantung. l. In accordance with a cooperation agreement dated March 12, 2009 with PT Indosat Mega Media, the Company was appointed as dealer to sell IM2 and IM2 truff’s products through the Company’s outlets. This agreement valid from the date the agreement was signed for a term of one (1) year. m. On February 10, 2009, the Company entered into a Cooperation Agreement regarding Verification or Search of the Import Technic of Electronic Products with Sucifindo-Surveyor Indonesia Joint Operation, a third party. This agreement is valid for one (1) year from the date the agreement was signed subject for automatic renewal. n. On February 4, 2009, the Company entered into a Sales and Purchase Agreement of an office unit located in Equity Tower with PT Graha Sampoerna, a third party, at a purchase price of US$3,850,500 payable in 24 monthly installments. Based on this agreement, the Company should pay a down payment of US$1,084,895 and monthly installment of US$104,990 for the first three (3) months, US$103,900 for the next twenty (20) months and US$102,635 for the last month. This agreement was covered by Notarial Deed No. 4 on the same date of Mrs. Esther Mercia Sulaiman, S.H., whereby the hand-over of the unit will be in June 2010. o. On January 1, 2009, the Company entered into a consignment agreement with PT Alfa Retailindo Tbk (“Alfa”). The agreement stated that the Company will deliver the merchandise inventories on consignment basis to Alfa and Alfa will receive merchandise inventories based on the terms agreed in the contract. The agreement was effective from January 1, 2009 until December 31, 2009. This agreement is still valid and currently in negotiation for extension. p. In accordance with the Master Agreement dated October 25, 2007 between the Company and Citibank N.A., on October 10, 2008, the Company entered into a Foreign Exchange Forward Transactions totaling US$10,000,000, whereby the first US$5,000,000 was exercised on November 14, 2008 (1 month forward) at Rp9,980 per US$1, while the remaining US$5,000,000 was exercised on December 15, 2008 (2 months forward) at Rp10,040 per US$1. From these forward transactions, the Company recognized gains totaling Rp12,475,000,000, presented as part of “Loss on Foreign Exchange and Swap Cost - Net” account in the 2008 consolidated statement of income. In 2009, the Company did not have any forward transaction with Citibank N.A. 45 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 25. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (continued) q. In 2007, the Company and PT Bakrie Telecom (“Bakrie Tel”) entered into cooperation agreements for “Layanan Isi-Esia” to market and sell electronic reload vouchers in Bandung and Jakarta. The term of these agreements are one (1) from dates the agreements were signed subject for automatic renewal for another year. In 2007 and 2008, the Company and Bakrie Tel entered into Cooperation Agreements of Authorized Outlets for Marketing and Sales of CDMA Esia cards in Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Sulawesi and Kalimantan areas. These agreements are valid from the dates the agreement were signed subject for automatic renewal, unless terminated by either party in writing. On December 10, 2003, the Company and Bakrie Tel entered into Main Dealer of Marketing and Sales of CDMA Esia Cards Agreements and providing the CDMA telecommunication devices. This agreement was amended on September 10, 2007 to extend the term of agreement until December 31, 2007 and will be automatically extended for another year. On May 19, 2008, the Company and Bakrie Tel entered into cooperation agreement regarding the Operation of Gerai Mitra Esia, which is valid until May 27, 2010 subject to renewal through written agreement. In 2008, the Company and Bakrie Tel entered into a cooperation agreement for Mitra Dealer for Jadetabek. Bogor and Bandung areas for two (2) years each, from the date the agreement was signed subject for renewal through written agreement. The Company and Bakrie Tel also entered into cooperation agreement for electronic reload services for all Indonesia’s areas valid from August 1, 2008 subject for automatic renewal. r. The Company entered into cooperation agreements to market mobile contents, as follows: with PT Starmedia Mobile effective from November 15, 2007 subject for automatic renewal unless terminated by either party; with PT Informasi Teknologi Indonesia effective from June 7, 2007 until June 7, 2009 and did not extend; and with PT Media Nusantara Citra Tbk. effective from August 16, 2007 until August 15, 2008 and did not extend. s. On March 12, 2007, the Company entered into an agreement with PT Matahari Putra Prima Tbk. to distribute cellular phones on consignment basis in thirty-seven (37) Hypermart stores as stipulated in the agreement. Until the date of the independent auditors’ report, this agreement is still valid and currently negotiating for extension. t. On January 1, 2007, the Company entered into a consignment contract with PT Carrefour Indonesia (“Carrefour”). The agreement stated that the Company will deliver the merchandise inventories on consignment basis to Carrefour and Carrefour will receive the merchandise inventories based on the terms agreed in the contract. The term of this agreement is from January 1, 2007 until December 31, 2007 and had been extended until December 31, 2009. This agreement is still valid and is currently negotiating for extension. In accordance with a cooperation agreement dated March 1, 2007, the Company and Carrefour agreed to cooperate in selling Carrefour Isi Pulsa (Electronic Top-Up). The term of this agreement is from April 1, 2007 until April 1, 2009, subject for renewal for another year based on mutual agreement by the parties. 46 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 25. SIGNIFICANT AGREEMENTS AND COMMITMENTS (continued) u. On January 2, 2007, the Company entered into a rental agreement with PT Gramedia Asri Media (“Gramedia”), whereby Gramedia provides space for the Company to sell cellular phones and reload vouchers. The term of this agreement is from the date the agreement was signed until December 31, 2007 and had been extended until December 31, 2009. This agreement is still valid and is currently negotiating for extension. v. On September 25, 2006, the Company entered into an agreement with PT Hutchison CP Telecommunications (“Hutchison”), whereby the Company was appointed as a dealer for marketing and selling Hutchison products and providing customer registration services. The term of this agreement is from the date the agreement was signed until December 31, 2007. This agreement has amended several times and the latest was on December 11, 2008. The agreement has been extended until December 31, 2009. This agreement is still valid and is currently negotiating for extension. w. On August 15, 2008, the Company entered into purchase agreement with Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden (“Sony Ericsson”), whereby Sony Ericsson appointed the Company as its non-exclusive distributor of Sony Ericsson products in Indonesia. The term of this agreement is from the date the agreement was signed and will be terminated if agreed by both parties. x. On July 1, 2005, the Company entered into a global service agreement with Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications AB, Sweden (“Sony Ericsson”), whereby the Company offers post-sales services of Sony Ericsson’s products. This agreement expired on July 1, 2006 and is automatically renewable for another year, unless it is terminated by either party through a written agreement. y. On June 6, 2005, the Company entered into an agreement with Nokia Pte. Ltd. (“Nokia”), whereby the Company was appointed as a non-exclusive distributor for Nokia products in Indonesia. This agreement is valid from the date the agreement was signed until December 31, 2007. This agreement was extended through an Addendum Agreement No. 8 dated February 18, 2010 from January 1, 2010 until December 31, 2011. On August 1, 2007, the Company entered into an agreement with Nokia Pte. Ltd. regarding the cooperation of post-sale services for cellular phones. The term of the agreement is one (1) year until August 1, 2008 subject for automatic renewal for another one (1) year. Based on information letter dated September 10, 2009, Nokia Pte. Ltd. intended to terminate the cooperation with the Company starting on December 10, 2009. On September 15, 2009, the Company entered into an agreement with PT Sitcomindo regarding the sales of assets used in Nokia post-sale service for cellular phones at Rp10,619,476,000. The transfer of assets is valued by KJPP Stefanus Tonny Hardi & Partners based on its report dated August 28, 2009. z. On February 1, 2005, the Company entered into an agreement with PT Mobile-8 Telecom (“Mobile-8”), whereby the Company was appointed to sell and distribute Fren ereload/voucherless. This agreement is valid until February 1, 2010 and is currently negotiating for extension. aa. On November 16, 2009, the Company entered into agreement with The Hongkong and Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited (HSBC) to obtain a treasury facility of US$2,000,000. Until December 31, 2009, the Company has not yet used the facility. 47 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 26. SEGMENT INFORMATION In accordance with SFAS No. 5 (Revised 2000), “Segment Reporting”, the following segment information is prepared based on the information used by management in evaluating the performance of each business segment and in determining the allocation of resources. a. Primary Segment Information The Company and Subsidiaries primarily classify their business activities into three (3) major operating business segments, namely, cellular phones, reload vouchers, and content and others. Information concerning these primary business segments is as follows: 2009 Reload Vouchers Cellular Phones Net Revenue - Third Parties Segmented Result Content and Others Total 4,079,815,710,749 1,316,024,728,744 56,498,951,919 5,452,339,391,412 514,692,091,605 13,103,099,854 25,480,638,138 553,275,829,597 Unallocated Operating Expenses (294,449,351,682) Income from Operations Other Expenses - net 258,826,477,915 (94,685,744,723) Income Before Corporate Income Tax Expense Corporate Income Tax Expense - net Minority interest in net earnings of a consolidated subsidiary 164,140,733,192 (46,452,882,152) (10) Net Income 117,687,851,030 Total Segment Assets 1,948,835,606,319 Total Segment Liabilities 1,261,400,617,208 Depreciation and Amortization 35,714,708,615 Capital Expenditures 19,874,086,878 2008 Reload Vouchers Cellular Phones Net Revenue - Third Parties Segmented Result 3,263,002,086,578 326,199,553,476 Content and Others Total 1,948,774,347,482 128,543,762,696 5,340,320,196,756 53,605,859,646 59,233,778,768 439,039,191,890 Unallocated Operating Expenses (232,561,201,852) Income from Operations Other Expenses - net 206,477,990,038 (58,575,651,232) Income Before Corporate Income Tax Expense Corporate Income Tax Expense - net 147,902,338,806 (45,320,224,512) Net Income 102,582,114,294 Total Segment Assets 1,210,322,689,118 Total Segment Liabilities 781,641,596,727 Depreciation and Amortization 24,517,578,803 Capital Expenditures 10,090,510,843 48 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 26. SEGMENT INFORMATION (continued) b. Secondary Segment Information Information concerning the business segments by distribution channel is as follows: 2009 2008 Net Revenue Company: Retailers Own shop Subsidiary 3,628,885,796,344 1,293,472,437,783 529,981,157,285 3,406,397,911,984 1,927,775,617,412 6,146,667,360 Total 5,452,339,391,412 5,340,320,196,756 27. ECONOMIC CONDITIONS The operations of the Company and Subsidiaries may be affected by future economic conditions in Indonesia and global, that may contribute to the volatility in currency values and negatively impact economic growth. Economic improvements and sustained recovery are dependent upon several factors such as fiscal, monetary and other measures being undertaken by the Indonesia government and other parties, actions which are beyond the Company’s and Subsidiaries’ control. 28. NEW STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS Standards Issued but not yet Effective Accounting Standards issued by Indonesian Accounting Standards Board (“DSAK”) up to the date of completion of the Company’s financial statements but not yet effective are summarized below: Effective on or after January 1, 2010: a. PSAK 26 (Revised 2008) “Borrowing Costs” Prescribes for the borrowing costs that are directly attributable to the acquisition, construction or production of a qualifying asset form part of the cost of that asset. b. PSAK 50 (Revised 2006) “Financial Instruments: Presentation and Disclosures” Contains the requirements for the presentation of financial instruments and identifies the information that should be disclosed. c. PSAK 55 (Revised 2006) “Financial Instruments: Recognition and Measurement” Establishes the principles for recognizing and measuring financial assets, financial liabilities, and some contracts to buy or sell non-financial items. d. PPSAK 5 “Revocation of ISAK 6: Interpretation of Paragraphs 12 and 16 of PSAK 55 (1999) on Embedded Derivative Instruments in Foreign Currency” 49 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 28. NEW STATEMENTS OF FINANCIAL ACCOUNTING STANDARDS (continued) Effective on or after January 1, 2011: a. PSAK 1 (Revised 2009) “Presentation of Financial Statements” Prescribes the basis for presentation of general purpose financial statements to ensure comparability both with the entity's financial statements of previous periods and with the financial statements of other entities. b. PSAK 2 (Revised 2009) “Statement of Cash Flows” Requires the provision of information about the historical changes in cash and cash equivalents by means of a statement of cash flows which classifies cash flows during the period from operating, investing and financing activities. c. PSAK 4 (Revised 2009) “Consolidated and Separate Financial Statements” Shall be applied in the preparation and presentation of consolidated financial statements for a group of entities under the control of a parent and in accounting for investments in subsidiaries, jointly controlled entities and associates when separate financial statements are presented as additional information. d. PSAK 5 (Revised 2009) “Operating Segments” Segment information is disclosed to enable users of financial statements to evaluate the nature and financial effects of the business activities in which the entity engages and the economic environments in which it operates. e. PSAK 25 (Revised 2009) “Accounting Policies, Changes in Accounting Estimates and Errors” Prescribes the criteria for selecting and changing accounting policies, together with the accounting treatment and disclosure of changes in accounting policies, changes in accounting estimates and corrections of errors. f. PSAK 48 (Revised 2009) “Impairment of Assets” Prescribes the procedures applied to ensure that assets are carried at no more than their recoverable amount and if the assets are impaired, an impairment loss should be recognized. g. PSAK 57 (Revised 2009) “Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets” Aims to provide that appropriate recognition criteria and measurement bases are applied to provisions, contingent liabilities and contingent assets and to ensure that sufficient information is disclosed in the notes to enable users to understand the nature, timing and amount related to the information. h. ISAK 10 ““Customer Loyalty Programmes” Applies to customer loyalty award credits granted to customers as part of a sales transaction, and subject to meeting any further qualifying conditions, the customers can redeem in the future for free or discounted goods or services The Company and Subsidiaries are presently evaluating and have not determined the effects of these revised and new Standards, Interpretations and Standards Revocation on their consolidated financial statements. 50 These consolidated financial statements are originally issued in Indonesian language. PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. AND SUBSIDIARIES NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Years Ended December 31, 2009 and 2008 (Expressed in Rupiah Unless Otherwise Stated) 29. RECLASSIFICATIONS OF ACCOUNTS Certain accounts in the December 31, 2008 consolidated financial statements have been reclassified to conform with the presentation in the December 31, 2009 consolidated financial statements as follows: As Previously Reported Reclassifications As Reclassified Assets Current Assets Other current assets - net Prepaid expenses and taxes and advances third parties - estimated claims for tax refund 32,882,088,562 (32,882,088,562) - Non-Current Assets Other non-current assets - net - syndication borrowing cost Estimated claims for tax refund 16,926,719,913 - (229,125,000) 32,882,088,562 16,697,594,913 32,882,088,562 - 229,125,000 229,125,000 30. SUBSEQUENT EVENTS a. On January 11, 2010, the Company and Bakrie Tel entered into the Alternative Partner Channel Agreement for the distribution in national area for two (2) years from the signing date of the agreement subject for renewal upon written agreement. b. On February 12, 2010, the Company signed the amendment of syndicated bank loan agreement related to the Revolving Facility Agreement. Based on this amended agreement, the syndicated bank loan which consists of Tranche A loan which is a Rupiah denominated facility with a maximum credit limit of Rp480,000,000,000 and Tranche B loan which is a US Dollar denominated facility with a maximum credit limit of US$27,000,000 will be amended into Tranche A1 loan and Tranche A2 loan, Rupiah denominated facilities with maximum credit limits of Rp480,000,000,000 and Rp20,000,000,000, respectively, and Tranche B which is a US Dollar denominated facility with a maximum credit limit of US$25,000,000. c. On February 18, 2010, the Company signed the extension loan agreement with Standard Chartered Bank, Jakarta, to extend the term of import invoice financing and foreign exchange facilities from February 18, 2010 until November 30, 2010 and addition of import invoice financing II facility of US$10,000,000 with a maximum term of financing of three (3) months. All import invoice financing and foreign exchange facilities are pledged by Nokia branded inventories of US$10,000,000 and receivables of US$10,000,000. d. On February 23, 2010, the Company increased its ownership in PT Okeshop through acquiring additional 1,975,000 shares at Rp1,975,000,000;accordingly, the Company’s share ownership increased from 99.90% to become 99.99% 31. COMPLETION OF THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Company’s and Subsidiary’s management is responsible for the preparation of these consolidated financial statements that were completed on March 26, 2010. 51 PT TRIKOMSEL OKE Tbk. Jl. Abdul Muis No. 24-26 Jakarta 10160 Phone : (021) 3440220 Fax : (021) 34835085